Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 830b - Yemen War Mosaic 830b

Yemen Press Reader 830b: 10. November 2022: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 830, cp7 - cp19 / November 10, 2022: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 830, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 830, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 830, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp9b Beziehungen der USA zu Saudi-Arabien und den VAE / US-Saudi and UAE relations

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Yemen: Growing Uncertainty after the Ceasefire

There have been some credible achievements made in the country during the six months of the ceasefire. The truce brought the cross-border attacks to a halt.

During negotiations to extend it, trouble arose over the issue of the payment of salaries of government employees. The Houthis demanded that the government pay salaries of all the government employees as a pre-condition for the extension of the truce.3 While the government was willing to pay the salaries of its employees recruited before the Houthis captured Sanaa in 2014, it was hesitant to recognise thousands of people hired by the Houthis who worked for them in the new government.4 The UN, though surprised by the additional demand made by the Houthis regarding payment of salaries to all government employees, remains hopeful of bringing both parties to the negotiating table again.

Before the ceasefire agreement, several rounds of talks were held between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Baghdad mediated by Iraq.

The unfolding of events during the last six months of the ceasefire reiterates the fact that there is a severe lack of trust between the Yemeni government and the Houthis. Even though it agreed to a ceasefire, the Yemeni government cannot fundamentally accept the Houthis as a major player and cede any political space to them.

On the other hand, the Houthis are sceptical of any political move or negotiation that may weaken their current position, both politically and militarily. They also do not want to lose any popular support they have built up in the last eight years. The UN with support from Saudi Arabia, Oman and Jordan tried to bridge that gap by implementing the ceasefire to reach an acceptable way out of the current situation. But the non-renewal of the ceasefire now threatens instability.

The situation in the country since the end of the ceasefire remains tense.

(A P)

Al-Bukhaiti reveals reason for Sanaa’s rejection of Saudi calls for dialogue in Riyadh

Member of Ansarullah’s Political Bureau and governor of Dhamar province, Muhammad al-Bukhaiti, on Wednesday revealed reasons for Sanaa’s rejection of Saudi calls for dialogue in Riyadh.

“Sanaa’s rejection of Saudi Arabia’s repeated calls for dialogue in Riyadh stems from its conviction that it (Saudi Arabia) is not a mediator, but an enemy that seeks to impose what it sees as serving its interests and achieving its expansionist ambitions,” said Al-Bukhaiti in a tweet on Twitter.

Al-Bukhaiti referred that three years have passed since the “Riyadh Agreement”, and Saudi Arabia has not been able to implement it, even though it is among its allies.

He added: “If it is a failed mediator between its agents to this extent, how can we accept its mediation?”

(A P)

UN Envoy Asserts Need to Work Toward Political Process in Yemen

The Office of the Special Envoy of the Sec-Gen said Hans Grundberg concluded a visit to Riyadh, where he held constructive meetings with Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al Jaber and diplomats from the Security Council's permanent members.

The discussions focused on options to renew the truce and work toward a political process in Yemen as a matter of urgency.

The Yemeni government and the Presidential Leadership Council approved Grundberg's proposal to renew and expand the truce. However, the Iran-backed Houthis rejected the proposal, demanding more gains, which the Security Council described as "extremist demands."

Earlier, Grundberg visited Oman and met with officials and the Houthi militia spokesman, Mohammad Abdulsalam Felita, without revealing the results of his discussions.

Yemeni observers fear that the UN envoy's moves aim to extract new concessions from Yemen’s government and the Leadership Council, which recently decided to classify the Houthis as a terrorist group.

(A P)

UN meldet Todesopfer durch Beschuss und Scharfschützenfeuer im Jemen nach Ablauf der Waffenruhe

Das Büro des Hohen Kommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte hat am Freitag angeprangert, dass der Jemen seit dem Ende des Waffenstillstands zwischen der jemenitischen Regierung und den Huthi-Aufständischen erneut Schauplatz von Feindseligkeiten ist, die weniger als einen Monat nach dem Ende des Waffenstillstandsabkommens Opfer von Granatenbeschuss und Scharfschützenfeuer gefordert haben.

Der Sprecher des Hohen Kommissars, Jeremy Laurence, verwies insbesondere auf drei Bombenanschläge in der letzten Oktoberwoche auf von der jemenitischen Regierung kontrollierte Gebiete, bei denen ein Mann und ein Kind getötet und vier weitere Kinder verletzt wurden, von denen zwei ein Bein verloren.

Laurence wiederholte die Worte des Hochkommissars Volker Turk, der die jemenitische Regierung und die Aufständischen aufgefordert hat, einer Verlängerung der Waffenruhe zuzustimmen, um Verhandlungen aufzunehmen, die den Konflikt ein für alle Mal beenden sollen, der eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt seit sieben Jahren in die schlimmste humanitäre Katastrophe stürzt, die es derzeit auf dem Planeten gibt.

und auch

(A P)

Yemen: Attacks on civilians

Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Jeremy Laurence

The UN Human Rights Chief, Volker Türk, echoes the calls of the Secretary-General to extend the truce and to work toward a negotiated settlement to bring this protracted and terrible conflict to an end once and for all.

The outbreak of war over seven years ago plunged Yemen into an unparalleled humanitarian crisis.

We remind all parties to the conflict that they must strictly adhere to the principles of international humanitarian law in the conduct of military operations and to do their utmost to absolutely limit the impact of those military operations on civilians. Parties to the conflict have strict obligations to facilitate the access of humanitarian relief organisations to populations in need and to facilitate civilian access to humanitarian and life-saving services.

It is clearly evident that the suffering of the Yemeni people will continue until this conflict is brought to an end. We therefore reiterate the calls of the UN Secretary-General who has said it is time for Government forces and their allies, together with Ansar Allah forces and their international backers, to “choose peace for good”.

(A P)

Safety and security of Yemeni civilians at risk unless truce is extended, says human rights chief

Mr. Türk has echoed calls from the UN Secretary-General to extend the truce and to work towards a negotiated settlement to bring the conflict to an end once and for all.

The outbreak of war over seven years ago between a pro-Government, Saudi-led coalition, and Houthi rebels - together with their backers - plunged Yemen into an unparalleled humanitarian crisis.

The truce agreement had brought relative calm. There was a sharp reduction in civilian casualties, the flow of fuel deliveries to Hudaydah increased and Sanaa airport reopened after years of closure to commercial flights.

However, the truce expired at the beginning of October without the parties to the conflict reaching an agreement to extend it.

Since then, reports have been received of civilians being in grave danger. In the last week of October, UN rights office, OHCHROpens in new window, verified three incidents of shelling in Government-controlled territory that claimed the lives of a boy and a man, and wounded four boys, including two who required leg amputations.

Three incidents of sniper shootings attributed to Houthi, or Ansar Allah movement forces, injuring a boy, a woman and two men, have also been verified.

The UN rights chief said Friday that all parties to the conflict must strictly adhere to the principles of international humanitarian law in the conduct of military operations and do their utmost to limit the impact of fighting on civilians.

He reminded parties to the conflict that they have strict obligations to facilitate humanitarian access to populations in need and facilitate civilian access to humanitarian and life-saving services.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

US woman detained by Saudi officials after saying she has been trapped there since 2019

Carly Morris travelled to Saudi Arabia in 2019 so her young daughter could see the father of her ex-husband

A 34-year-old American woman has been detained in Saudi Arabia after she posted on Twitter that she and her young daughter had been lured to the kingdom and trapped there since 2019.

US officials on Tuesday confirmed to the Associated Press the detention of Morris, a native of California. Spokesman Ned Price said: “Our embassy in Riyadh is very engaged on this case, and they’re following the situation very closely.”

Morris was detained after being summoned to a public prosecutor’s office on Sunday in connection with an allegation that she was “destabilising public order”, according to an official document seen by the Guardian.

and also

(A P)

Saudi court sentences teenager to death over preparing iftar meal for political opponent: Rights group

An international human rights organization says a Saudi court has handed down a death sentence to a teenager on charges of providing Iftar, a meal served at the end of the day during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, to a political opponent wanted by the kingdom’s security apparatus.

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR), in a post published on its Twitter page on Sunday, identified the teenager as Ahmed Al Daghaam.


(A P)

Saudi officials to execute 8 teenagers from over trumped-up terror allegations, say activists

Human rights activists have warned that eight teenagers from Saudi Arabia’s Shia-​populated Qatif region in Eastern Province will soon be executed, as the House of Saud is adamantly pressing ahead with a heavy-handed crackdown led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman against dissidents and anti-regime activists.

The activists have mounted a campaign under the Arabic hashtag “Stop the Slaughter” to demand the abolition of death penalties handed down to minors.

They identified the defendants as Abdullah al-Howaiti, Abdullah al-Derazi, Ali al-Sabiti, Hasan Zaki al-Faraj, Jalal Al Labad, Mahdi al-Mohsen, Javad Qariris, and Yousef al-Manasif.

The activists pointed out that the General Prosecutor's Office has sentenced Manasif, and at least five others, including a teenager named Sajjad Al Yassin, to death for apostasy – abandoning their Muslim faith, according to trial documents.

They went on to note that these six people are under trial in Saudi Arabia's Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) since September 2019.,-say-activists

(A P)

Saudi Arabia: Further information: Human rights defender forcibly disappeared: Mohammed al-Qahtani

The Saudi Arabian authorities have denied human rights defender Mohammed al-Qahtani contact with, and not disclosed his whereabouts to, his family since 24 October. Mohammed al-Qahtani is the co-founder of the now disbanded Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA), formerly one of Saudi Arabia’s few independent human rights organizations, and is serving a 10-year prison sentence for his peaceful human rights work. His family suspects that the authorities are not allowing him to contact them for previously complaining about being assaulted by another prisoner in his ward in October 2022. Amnesty International urges the Saudi Arabian authorities to reveal Mohammed al-Qahtani’s whereabouts, allow him to contact his family and immediately and unconditionally release him.

(B P)

Rights organizations: Riyadh season to hide ugly face of Saudi regime

Human rights organizations have said that the launch of the activities of the “Riyadh season” for entertainment is an attempt to draw attention through online campaigns to hide the ugly face of the Saudi regime.

The human rights organizations shed light in a statement on the reality of human rights, especially prisoners of conscience, and the judicial stance towards the sensitive file.

“Sanad” organization said that these events coincide with the regime’s insistence in Saudi Arabia on arbitrary sentences for dozens of prisoners of conscience, including 12 death sentences.

The organization indicated in a statement that the number of detainees threatened with the death penalty amounts to about 40 detainees. It stressed that the reality of human rights has been constantly declining since Mohammed bin Salman assumed the position of Saudi Crown Prince.

In its statement, the organization warned that the situation is worsening, in light of arrests, repression, abuse and arbitrary sentences that the judiciary resorts to against innocent prisoners of conscience.

The organization indicated that the events aimed to cover up bin Salman’s failures and horrific crimes with the entertainment events and the Riyadh season to distract the world from the abuse that is being done against prisoners of conscience.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia's crackdown on critics continues despite 'reform drive'

A Human Rights Watch report revealed that Riyadh has continued to arrest critics since the killing of Khashoggi and amid a reform drive.

Saudi Arabia is continuing to arbitrarily detain activists, clerics and critics of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite the initial uproar over the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

A new Human Rights Watch report revealed that some 20 alleged critics of the crown prince have been this arrested in the kingdom year alone.
Thirty people have been detained since the killing of Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October last year, the rights group added.

Among those targeted in the crackdown are women's rights activists and their allies, including Khadijah al-Harbi, who was pregnant at the time of her detention, the report said.

Anas al-Mazrou, a lecturer at the King Saudi University was also detained in March for discussing the plight of women’s rights activists already detained in the kingdom.

The report also highlighted the kingdom's increased use of surveillance technology to hack the email and social media accounts of critics and dissidents across the world.

(* B P)

How Saudi Arabia Sees the World

MBS’s Vision of a New Nonaligned Movement

U.S. observers are right that Washington has made decisions irritating to the Saudis. But there is also a lack of understanding inside Washington about how Saudi Arabia formulates its economic and foreign policy. Put simply, Saudi Arabia, under the direction of MBS, is preparing for a global political economy that is markedly different from the one the Biden administration envisions. In its newly released National Security Strategy, the White House focused on how to win a managed competition with China and outlined a preference for dividing economic and political partnerships into two tracks: one with democracies and one with nondemocracies carried out through a framework of international institutions. Given the dearth of enthusiasm in the United States for international frameworks, membership in the second track will likely entail a downgrade for authoritarian states, and governments like Saudi Arabia have already noticed.

Although both Democrats and Republicans have been growing less supportive of the U.S.-Saudi bilateral partnership, U.S. foreign policy may not be the main reason that relations are fracturing. They are fracturing because of changes in Saudi Arabia’s own domestic and foreign policy. MBS doesn’t envision his country as a second-tier player in a bifurcated international system akin to the one that existed during the Cold War; he sees the emerging geopolitical order as malleable, made up of a set of interlocking parts, and he believes Riyadh has the right to work with a shifting constellation of partners to move markets and shape political outcomes. He believes that Saudi Arabia will have to vigorously protect its own economy as the world’s energy and oil demands fluctuate but that if it succeeds, no one can stop it from carving an independent path and pioneering a different kind of economic development. This vision is a 1970s dream Non-Aligned Movement, except the unifying feature is nationalist opportunism rather than a postcolonial awakening.

MBS may be right. The world is entering a period of energy insecurity, and hydrocarbons will consistently be in demand for at least the next 20 years, a situation that could give Saudi Arabia more power. The international system is becoming more fluid. Emerging market economies in general, and Saudi Arabia in particular, could develop a more substantive role in global affairs.

Saudi Arabia’s oil decisions aren’t driven by international affairs alone. Just as the Biden administration wanted the Saudis to move the OPEC+ production cuts away from the U.S. midterm elections (a request that now seems transactional and ill advised), Saudi oil policy is also driven by domestic calculations. MBS likes to set targets and then exceed them, including when it comes to OPEC+ decisions. His government had indicated that there would be a production cut in the range of one million to 1.5 million barrels per day. The eventual, higher target seemed almost tailored to showcase MBS’s power: an illustration to his people that, despite external pressure to keep production high, he could cut production to levels even below those that were expected.

The West’s uproar over the announcement of a two million barrel per day cut was unwarranted. For Saudi Arabia, of course, less power over oil means less power in general; oil is a key tool the country uses to influence international affairs and command global attention. Responding to these threats has therefore become a defining moment for Saudi Arabia’s young leadership and technocratic elite. By working with Russia and deprioritizing the United States, they hope to protect their country’s power over oil prices and, with it, their plans for and vision of the future.

It is unclear whether these elites will succeed. But it is clear that their country and the United States are preparing for two different global economies. One sees a more powerful role in international politics and trade for emerging markets. The other sees states taking something of an inward turn and focusing on its domestic energy independence, while emphasizing values-based engagement when interacting with the international system. Oil will continue to be a part of foreign policy for both countries. But they are certainly headed in different directions. Riyadh and Washington may soon find that they are more often competitors—in oil markets and models of economic development—than partners

(A P)

Democratic senator calls for probe of Saudi Arabia’s stake in Twitter after Musk takeover

Sen. Chris Murphy on Monday called for an immediate investigation into the national security implications of Saudi Arabia’s stake in Twitter after Elon Musk took over the social media company.

Murphy, D-Conn., who leads a key Foreign Relations subcommittee, sent a letter to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS, requesting a review of the financing of Musk’s $44 billion purchase of Twitter, some of it from members of the Saudi royal family and the kingdom of Qatar.

“The purpose of these reviews is clear: to protect the national security interests of the United States and American citizens,” Murphy wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who leads CFIUS.

and also

(A P)

Saad Al-Jabri Appealing to Renew His Case against Ben Salman in US Courts

Former Saudi security advisor Saad al-Jabri has appealed a case he brought against Mohammed bin Salman, who had previously accused him of being killer with infinite resources.

"Al-Jabri appealed the decision of the Washington court regarding the lack of jurisdiction of the American judiciary over the case against bin Salman," American media said.

(* B P)

Saudis in US targeted as kingdom cracks down on dissent

Over the last five years, Saudi surveillance, intimidation and pursuit of Saudis on U.S. soil have intensified as the kingdom steps up repression under its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to the FBI, rights groups and two years of interviews with Saudis living abroad. Some of those Saudis said FBI agents advised them not to go home.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington, responding to an inquiry by the AP, said, “The notion that the Saudi government — or any of its institutions — harasses its own citizens abroad is preposterous.”

But in the same month that Prince Abdullah’s sentence was lengthened, Saudi Arabia gave a 72-year-old Saudi-American, Saad al Madi, a virtual life sentence for tweets he had posted from his home in Florida. Al Madi was unexpectedly accused and imprisoned on a visit home to the kingdom. In sentencing al Madi, the kingdom split from a longstanding Saudi practice of sparing citizens of the U.S., its longtime military protector, from the worst of punishments.

Also in August, it gave a 34-year prison sentence to a 34-year-old Saudi student in Britain, Salma al Shehab, when she, too, visited the kingdom after tweeting about it.

All three sentences were imposed weeks after President Joe Biden set aside his past condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record to travel to the kingdom, despite criticism from lawmakers, rights groups and Saudi exiles.

Several authoritarian governments illicitly monitor and strike out against their citizens in the United States, often in violation of U.S. sovereignty, in what’s called transnational repression. Many of the cases the U.S. prosecutes involve rivals, particularly China.

But Saudi Arabia’s actions under Prince Mohammed stand out for their high-tech intensity, orchestration and, often, ferocity, and for coming from a strategic partner.

Freedom House, a research and advocacy group, says Saudi Arabia has targeted critics in 14 countries, including targeting coordinated and run from the United States. The aim is to spy on Saudis and intimidate them, or compel them to return to the kingdom, the group says.

“It’s disturbing, it’s terrifying, and it’s a major violation of protected speech,” Freedom House’s Nate Schenkkan said of the recent imprisonments of Western-based Saudis.

In its statement rejecting claims it targets critics abroad, the Saudi Embassy said: “On the contrary, our diplomatic missions abroad provide a broad array of services, including medical and legal assistance, to any citizen that requests assistance when traveling outside the kingdom.” The statement did not address the imprisonment of the Boston-based prince.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9, cp9b

(A P)

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Return from Travel to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

U.S. Special Envoy Tim Lenderking yesterday returned from travel to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, where he met with Emirati, Saudi, Yemeni, and other international senior officials, including representatives from P5 and other current and incoming UN Security Council Member States. These meetings highlighted the continued strong regional and international consensus around UN-led peace efforts and the urgent need for an inclusive Yemeni-led political process to durably resolve the conflict. Regional and international partners also condemned the recent Houthi attacks and threats against international maritime shipping.

My comment: The US miming “peace broker”.

(A P)

US Urges Houthis to Listen to Appeals for Peace in Yemen

Washington reiterated its call on the Iran-backed Houthi militias to choose peace and extend and expand the nationwide truce in Yemen.

US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking kicked off a visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on November 2 to support efforts to renew and expand the UN-mediated truce in Yemen.

“We remind the Houthis that the world is watching their actions and urge them to cooperate with the UN and listen to Yemeni appeals for peace,” said a State Department statement.

“The only path forward to ending eight years of destructive war is through a durable ceasefire and political settlement that allows Yemenis to determine the future of their country.”

My comment: The US miming “peace broker”.

(B P)

US Wants Arms Deals to Saudis Continue, No Policy Change Towards Yemen

US arms sales to Saudi Arabia have been unrestrained, regardless of their potential consequences.

However, the US government has recently claimed that certain weapons are being sold to Saudi Arabia to prevent human rights violations and protect US troops under threat from the Yemeni's Armed Forces to attack Saudi territory.

It is clear that US arms sales to Saudi Arabia create a moral hazard in Yemen. The more Washington sends, the more innocent civilians Saudi Arabia can kill. This creates a vicious cycle in which Washington becomes increasingly entangled in these human rights abuses.

Furthermore, public opinion is in favor of ending these sales. In a recent Eurasia Group Foundation poll, nearly 70% of Americans disagree with sending arms to Saudi Arabia, regardless of party. Thus, there are human rights, security, and domestic political reasons to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia until a permanent ceasefire is reached in Yemen.

Given President Joe Biden’s advisors, the lack of conversation around Yemen — specifically related to aid — is unsurprising. Beyond stating that the Biden administration wants to cooperate with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in general, Yemen is not mentioned whatsoever in the 2022 National Defense Strategy, either.

This all, unfortunately, reaffirms the reality that the Biden administration will not change its Yemen policy, even though doing so would improve US human rights policy.

(A P)

Sanaa expresses astonishment at America’s claim keenness to achieve peace in Yemen

The [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its astonishment at the claim of the United States of America of its keenness to achieve peace in Yemen, while it is the one behind the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, in a statement, that this allegation comes in the context of the USA’s attempt to cover up its position impeding to peace.

The ministry pointed out that Yemenis are besieged, starving and killed daily with weapons and with an American green light.

The statement pointed out that America does not want to stop the aggression, and this is evident through its statements and criticism of those who defend itself, and through its permanent bias towards war and its measures such as aggression, siege and occupation of Yemeni lands.

The ministry concluded its statement by emphasizing that the United States of America is trying to burn the stages in order to impede any sincere efforts to achieve sustainable peace.

and also

(A P)

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Travel to the UAE and Saudi Arabia

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking started travel to the UAE and Saudi Arabia on November 2 to support efforts to renew and expand the UN-mediated truce in Yemen. We remind the Houthis that the world is watching their actions and urge them to cooperate with the UN and listen to Yemeni appeals for peace. The only path forward to ending eight years of destructive war is through a durable ceasefire and political settlement that allows Yemenis to determine the future of their country.

My comment: The main supporter of this war miming peace broker.

(* B H K P)


Beyond preventing future hostilities, the United States owes Yemen tools to relieve their suffering.

If the Biden administration is serious about reducing hostilities in Yemen, the most obvious thing to do is to make it harder for Saudi Arabia to buy US weapons.

The argument for selling Saudi Arabia — a well-known abuser of human rights — more weapons is that such sales will provide the United States leverage in the bilateral relationship. But the Departments of State and Defense routinely fail to assess the civilian death toll of these weapons transfers, despite reports that the Saudi-led coalition used US weapons against civilians and civilian infrastructure in their war in Yemen.

US arms sales to Saudi Arabia have been unrestrained, regardless of their potential consequences.


Beyond preventing future hostilities, the United States owes Yemen tools to relieve their suffering. With over 17.6 million Yemenis needing food assistance — estimated to grow by over a million by December 2022 — and 16 million in critical need of water, sanitation, and hygiene assistance, Washington must follow its change in policy toward Yemen with an increase in aid. To this point, Congress has not allocated the US Agency for International Development (USAID) adequate funding to address this humanitarian crisis. Funding has dramatically increased as of late, with over $1 billion sent in fiscal year 2022. However, that number is still low compared to the billions of dollars worth of weapons the United States sold to Saudi Arabia and its partners during the same year.

Regardless of USAID’s pockets, Washington should help international organizations like the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the UN World Food Programme, and UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) provide nonfinancial forms of aid like emergency food aid, water aid, and medical aid — all three of which Yemen is in desperate need.


Given President Joe Biden’s advisors, the lack of conversation around Yemen — specifically related to aid — is unsurprising. Beyond stating that the Biden administration wants to cooperate with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in general, Yemen is not mentioned whatsoever in the 2022 National Defense Strategy, either. This all, unfortunately, reaffirms the reality that the Biden administration will not change its Yemen policy, even though doing so would improve US human rights policy.

(B P)


The US must end support for the Saudi-led intervention to advance peace, accountability, and the leadership of Yemeni women.

The truce in Yemen has collapsed: neither side fully met the conditions of the truce, and Houthi hardline demands created an impasse. The failed peace process has left the future uncertain for Yemeni communities facing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, significant aid cutbacks, and the lasting impacts of more than seven years of conflict. It’s painfully clear: the United States must confront its role in perpetuating this humanitarian crisis and deepening a war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

As a global feminist organization, MADRE works with on-the-ground Yemeni partners to meet the urgent needs of communities in this crisis. Our partners deliver aid, negotiate prisoner transfers, run peacebuilding and livelihood projects, and advocate for inclusive peace processes. But their work is constantly threatened by this war.

A truce is a temporary balm, not a sustainable solution to Yemen’s crisis.

A truce also cannot end or repair the harm caused by US complicity in Saudi war crimes. President Joe Biden promised to treat the Saudi regime as a pariah, but instead, he capitulated, fist-bumping the Saudi Crown Prince on his official visit earlier this year — a man responsible for the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the deaths of countless civilians in Yemen. We must put human rights and peace at the core of how the US sets policy priorities, but it’s not clear that the Biden administration has the political will to do so.

The next steps are clear: the United States must work with Yemeni civil society and humanitarian organizations to deliver aid, use diplomatic tools to extend the truce and work toward a comprehensive ceasefire and inclusive peace process. Yemeni women peacebuilders, including Muna Luqman, a 2022 finalist for the US Peace Institute Women Building Peace award, and Women Solidarity Network members, advocate for inclusive and locally-driven, gender-sensitive peacebuilding and possess vital expertise that effective US policy requires. The United States must also support and fund the work of Yemeni human rights defenders, especially women leaders, and ensure their inclusion in the peace process. And to build a foundation for diplomacy and accountability, Congress must pass the Yemen War Powers Resolution.


The War Powers Resolution will not only cut off US support for the Saudi-led coalition but will also help build pressure for an extended truce and effective diplomacy.

My comment: This has nothing to do with the reality of US politics.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp9

(A K P)

Iran warns Saudi Arabia 'strategic patience' may run out: report

Iranian Intelligence Minister Esmail Khatib said if Tehran 'decides to retaliate and punish, glass palaces will crumble and these countries will not experience stability anymore'.

(* B P)

Warning of ‘imminent’ Iranian attack in Saudi Arabia raises eyebrows

The Biden administration must be on guard against being manipulated by Riyadh to extract more US military support

The Saudi government has reportedly shared intelligence with the Biden administration that there are preparations underway for an “imminent” Iranian attack against their country.

According to The Wall Street Journal’s report on Tuesday, the U.S. and several other states in the region have raised the alert level of their militaries in response to this claim. For the record, Iranian officials have denied the substance of these reports.

The Saudi claims raise the specter of a new crisis with Iran and the escalation of regional tensions. The Biden administration must be on guard against being manipulated by the Saudis to extract more U.S. military support, and under no circumstances should it allow the U.S. to be drawn into a new Middle Eastern conflict.

A sudden security scare involving Iran is exactly what pro-Saudi hawks in the U.S. need to distract attention from the diverging interests of the United States and Saudi Arabia. It should go without saying that the Saudi claims should not be taken at face value. The Saudi government may be trying to tie the hands of its critics in Washington, and it may be trying to box in the Biden administration to stop them from slowing or halting military aid.

(A P)

Exclusive: Iran is seeking Russia’s help to bolster its nuclear program, US intel officials believe

Iran is seeking Russia’s help to bolster its nuclear program, US intelligence officials believe, as Tehran looks for a backup plan should a lasting nuclear deal with world powers fail to materialize.

The intelligence suggests that Iran has been asking Russia for help acquiring additional nuclear materials and with nuclear fuel fabrication, sources briefed on the matter said. The fuel could help Iran power its nuclear reactors and could potentially further shorten Iran’s so-called “breakout time” to create a nuclear weapon.

Experts emphasized to CNN, however, that the nuclear proliferation risk varies depending on which reactor the fuel is used for. And it is also not clear whether Russia has agreed to help – the Kremlin has long been outwardly opposed to Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon.

(A P)

„Wir werden den Iran befreien“, sagt Joe Biden

Bei dem Termin zur Unterstützung des demokratischen Repräsentantenhausabgeordneten Mike Levin erklärte er: „Macht euch keine Sorgen, wir werden den Iran befreien.“ Er fügte hinzu: „Sie werden sich ziemlich bald selbst befreien.“

(A P)

Biden vows to 'free Iran' in West Coast campaign speech

U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday vowed to "free" Iran, and said that demonstrators working against the country's government would soon succeed in freeing themselves.

"Don't worry, we're gonna free Iran. They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon," Biden said during a wide-ranging campaign speech in California, as dozens of demonstrators gathered outside holding banners supporting Iranian protesters.

Biden did not expand on his remarks or specify what additional actions he would take during the remarks at MiraCosta College near San Diego.

The White House's National Security Council did not immediately respond to a request for comment. =


(A P)

Tehran slams Biden for promising to ‘free Iran’

Tehran has slammed US President Joe Biden for his comments on freeing Iran, saying the United States has always been an occupier in its history and it can never be a liberator.

(A P)

Iran debunks Western media rhetoric about possible ‘attack’ on Saudi Arabia

Iran has categorically dismissed reports in Western media about a possible "attack" on Saudi Arabia, terming it a part of psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.

The spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry, Nasser Kan'ani, rejected a report published by the US-based daily Wall Street Journal about threats from Iran against Saudi Arabia. He said the report was biased and part of psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.

“Such biased news stories are cooked up by certain Western and Zionist outlets with an aim to poison the atmosphere against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and buck the current positive trends [of growing relations] with regional countries,” Kan'ani said in a statement on Wednesday evening.

(A P)

Iran offered its constructive views on JCPOA revival to US: FM

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says Iran is still prepared for conclusion of a good agreement on potential revival of the Islamic Republic's 2015 nuclear deal with world countries.

"The Islamic Republic is ready for conclusion of a good, strong, and durable agreement," the top diplomat told the European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell during a phone call on Wednesday.

Amir-Abdollahian said, "We have relayed our opinion to the American side through the European Union, with a constructive and forward-looking approach."

(A P)

US imposes new sanctions on oil smuggling network backing Iran’s Quds Force

The United States on Thursday issued sanctions against an international oil smuggling network it accused of supporting Hezbollah and Iran’s Quds Force, as Washington seeks to increase pressure on Tehran.
The US Treasury Department in a statement said it designated members of the network that facilitated oil trades and generated revenue for Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah and the Quds Force, an arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards that operates abroad, both of which are under US sanctions.

(A P)

New Iraqi PM hopes to continue fostering Iran-Saudi dialogue

Iraq’s new Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said Tuesday that he hopes to continue hosting talks in Iraq between regional arch-enemies Saudi Arabia and Iran during his tenure.

Speaking at his first press conference since his government received the parliament’s vote of confidence on Thursday, al-Sudani said his administration had received signs of interest in Iraq continuing to facilitate a dialogue between the two countries.

(* B P)

Geplatzte Atomgespräche - droht ein Krieg mit dem Iran?

Die Verhandlungen mit dem Iran über dessen Atomprogramm stocken. Washington erwägt eine militärische Option.

"Bereits seit rund zwei Monaten ziehen sich die Atomgespräche mit dem Iran ergebnislos dahin, weil sich insbesondere Washington und Teheran nicht auf einen Kompromiss einigen können. Nun sagte der Spezialgesandte der Biden-Administration für den Iran, Robert Malley, dass die Vereinigten Staaten “keine Zeit mehr verschwenden” würden, um das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran (JCPOA genannt) wiederzubeleben."

cp9b Beziehungen der USA zu Saudi-Arabien und den VAE / US-Saudi and UAE relations

Siehe / Look at cp9

(* B P)

Time to Reset Military Relations with Saudi Arabia

Let’s look at the balance sheet on US-Saudi relations.

Supporters of the partnership argue that Saudi Arabia offers US military access, is a major weapons buyer, shares hostility to Iran, is tolerant of Israel, and of course has all that oil.

On the negative side, it’s a serial human-rights violator, home to most of the 9-11 terrorists, purchaser of Russian oil that helps fund Putin’s war machine, war crimes candidate in its Yemen intervention, and unreliable partner when called upon for support.

And there’s the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi on orders from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Joe Biden is the latest US president to be hoodwinked by the Saudis. He entered office seemingly determined to recalibrate the US-Saudi relationship. The Khashoggi murder and the humanitarian disaster in Yemen were getting a bad press and faced rising anger in liberal quarters of Congress.

Biden vowed the Saudis would “pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah they are.” Yet by the time Biden made his first trip to the Middle East in July, he was backtracking.

Terminating the Military Partnership

But remember this: MBS never promised Biden that the Saudis would increase oil production—a major goal of Biden’s trip. The trip was a win for MBS, who gave up nothing in return for American renewal of a partnership that has resulted in billions of dollars in US military aid to Saudi Arabia, as well as over $100 billion in weapons sales contracts.

In short, the US military relationship with Saudi Arabia, now under scrutiny in Congress, is a classic case of MAGIC’s (the military-academic-governmental-industrial-complex) influence on Middle East policy. Fact is, military ties are the only basis for relations; the Saudi regime has made clear that Russia and China are equally important partners.

One Congressional critic said “what galls many of us in Congress is the ingratitude.”

Galling? How about this for gall? MBS recently asked the US for help when his intelligence reported an Iranian threat of attack. But beyond gall is our own gullibility in accepting Saudi excuses and lies.

Ending military ties with the MBS regime is long overdue.

(* B P)

Biden’s ‘consequences’ for Saudi Arabia are reaping quiet results

Riyadh’s decision to cut OPEC oil production was met with fury in Washington. But the White House is taking its time on meting out any public punishment.

Despite its furious reaction to Saudi Arabia’s decision last month to cut oil production in the face of global shortages, and threats of retaliation, the Biden administration is looking for signs that the tight, decades-long security relationship between Washington and Riyadh can be salvaged.

Those ties, and a commitment to help protect its strategic partners — particularly against Iran — are an integral part of U.S. defenses in the Middle East. When recent intelligence reports warned of imminent Iranian ballistic missile and drone attacks on targets in Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Central Command launched warplanes based in the Persian Gulf region toward Iran as part of an overall elevated alert status of U.S. and Saudi forces.

Many lawmakers, some of whom have long advocated cutting ties with the Saudis, reacted with even greater umbrage, calling for the immediate withdrawal of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in the kingdom and a stop to all arms sales, among other punitive measures.

But the White House, as it considers how to make good on Biden’s “consequences” pledge and despite its ongoing anger, has become uneasy over the reaction its sharp response has provoked at home. Rather than moving quickly to respond, it is playing for time, looking for ways to bring the Saudis back in line while preserving strong bilateral security ties.

“Are we rupturing the relationship? No,” said a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity about what has become a sensitive political and diplomatic situation. “We had a fundamental disagreement on the state of the oil market and the global economy, and we are reviewing what transpired.”

“But we have important interests at stake in this relationship,” the official said.

Oil, and Saudi Arabia’s influence on the global market, is second only to U.S. strategic interests in the Persian Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

CAAT: Solidarity with Yemen

This January we are taking the government to court to demand an end to UK complicity in the war on Yemen. We will be hosting a series of actions and events in the coming months for you to get involved in. Join us in taking a stand against UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia and stand in solidarity with Yemen!

The war in Yemen has been raging on for almost 8 years, and has led to an estimated 377,000 deaths through direct and indirect causes, according to the UN.The UK has supplied billions of pounds worth of fighter jets, bombs and missiles to the Saudi-led coalition for use in Yemen. At least 8,983 civilians have been killed in attacks by the coalition, which has targeted homes and farms, schools and hospitals, weddings and funerals.

Arms sales in these circumstances are prohibited by UK rules, which say they should not be allowed where there is a “clear risk” that a weapon “might” be used in a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law.

Yet the UK government continues to promote and protect weapons sales, despite the devastating human cost. In total, CAAT estimates that the UK has supplied arms worth over £23 billion to Saudi Arabia since the war in Yemen began.

(* B P)

Rishi Sunak and the UK’s desire to project power in the Middle East

Currently, Sunak’s outlook on foreign policy seems almost identical to that of his predecessor Liz Truss, while echoing Britain’s post-Brexit position under the banner of “Global Britain.”

The mantra of “Global Britain” is important for understanding the UK’s present ambitions in the world. Its stated aims are to enhance Britain’s diplomatic and international trade ties and improve defense and technological capabilities while upholding an international rules-based order.

As for the Middle East, Britain seeks to strengthen ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council, including seeking a free-trade agreement. A UK-GCC FTA would be the first such agreement between the bloc and any European power.

That Britain wants to pen an FTA (Free Trade Agreement) shows how relevant the Gulf is to Britain’s ambitions on the world stage, as a trade deal also intends to strengthen Britain’s global trade routes in the Indo-Pacific.

Second, Britain had opened naval bases in Bahrain and Oman in 2018 and 2019 respectively. And in November 2021, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced that Britain would move its military base in Canada to Oman by 2023, effectively enabling British forces to be deployed closer to theaters of actions near its adversaries Iran and Russia.

Arms sales are a key part of Britain’s ties to the Gulf. It is the second biggest supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, behind the United States. Given that the Biden administration has recently threatened to end weapons sales to Riyadh and after it ended “relevant” arms sales to the country in February 2021 over the Yemen war, and with Russia and China strengthening their own clout in the Gulf, there is certainly more competition for arms contracts from Western governments in this regard.

So far, Britain also has a diplomatic advantage. Unlike the United States and the European Union, Britain has avoided raising human rights concerns within the GCC states. Even if Biden’s threats to end weapons sales to Saudi Arabia are just that, Riyadh and the UAE could see a more reliable partner in Britain.

In the meantime, Sunak will be able to pursue other proactive stances in the Middle East, such as continuing Britain’s isolation of Iran.

Overall, London sees securing an FTA with the GCC while also strengthening trade ties with Israel as necessary for strengthening British foreign policy clout in the Middle East and abroad in a post-Brexit world.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Mit Lügen die Aufenthaltserlaubnis ergaunert

Mit falschen Angaben hatte sich ein Mann aus dem Jemen eine Aufenthaltsbewilligung erschlichen und Sozialleistungen kassiert. Dafür musste er sich am Mittwoch vor dem Landesgericht Feldkirch verantworten.

(A P)

UAE Blackmailing Female Activist, Prisoner in Exchange for Release

Human rights center exposed the extortion by the Emirati authorities of a female detainee in her prisons in exchange for promises to release her and then disavow it.

(A P)

Film: Pope Francis highlights “forgotten war” in Yemen during visit to Bahrain

(A E)

Emirates earns record-breaking $1.2B half-year profit

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

Al-Burhan affirms Sudan support to Legitimacy [Aden gov.] in Yemen

President of the Sovereignty Council (TSC), Gen. Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan has stressed depth and eternity of relations between Sudan and Yemen.

This came while he was receiving at his residence in Algiers, President of the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen, Rashad Mohamed Al-Uleimi.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9, cp9b

(* B K P)

Publico: Documenting Photos of 40 Ships in Italian Port Carrying Weapons to Saudi Arabia

The Spanish newspaper, "Publico", revealed pictures of Saudi ships docked in the Italian port of Genoa, carrying war helicopters, such as the helicopters used by the Saudi Air Force since 2015, in its war against Yemen, in which it had committed many war crimes against innocent civilians.

The newspaper said that pictures obtained by stevedoring workers from the Italian port of Genoa show combat helicopters inside two ships that previously stopped in the Spanish ports of Cadiz and Sagunto in June 2021 and August of this year.

International law prohibits the transit of arms if they could be used for war crimes such as those committed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

The newspaper confirmed that the Saudi death ships landed in Spain loaded with the same type of combat helicopters that they used in their attacks against Yemen.

They did so with the relevant legal licenses from the Spanish government, however, this crossing constitutes a violation of the Arms Trade Treaty.

The newspaper stated that the port of Genoa is one of the most important ports on the European route carried out by the ships of the Bahri Shipping Company, which is responsible for transporting weapons. However, the other European naval station used today by the Saudi dictatorship is Sagunto.

It reported that despite the repression of the port authorities, Genoese workers were able to photograph the interior of Saudi ships on several occasions during their work in that sea port, which allowed them to discover the war materials they were transporting in their warehouses. The newspaper was also able to verify, and some of these were captured Pictures inside the naval ships that had previously stopped in Spain.

It reported that the Bahri Hofuf ship is one of those ships.

(* B K P)

Arms Transfer And SALW Controls In Middle East And North Africa: Challenges And State Of Play – Analysis

Building on previous SIPRI work, this topical backgrounder provides an overview of the state of conventional arms transfer controls and small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls in MENA countries. It also explores how these controls could be strengthened in order to help to address security challenges and build confidence in the region. It is part of a current SIPRI project that is mapping arms transfer and SALW control-related assistance in MENA and updating SIPRI’s database of Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)-relevant cooperation and assistance activities. A related commentary, on the role of international assistance in strengthening arms transfer and SALW controls in MENA, will be published soon.

Arms diversion in MENA

Arms diversion refers to the appropriation or rerouting of conventional military materiel contrary to national or international law, including towards illicit markets, leading to a potential change of ownership or control. This can happen at any point in the transfer chain, including after the materiel has come into the possession of the authorized end user. MENA faces several different types of diversion, described below.

Available information suggests that there are gaps and weaknesses in all MENA states’ national arms transfer and SALW control frameworks. Nevertheless, there appears to be some interest in the UNPOA, given the high level of participation in the Biennial Meetings of States (BMS). Eighteen of the 20 MENA states were represented at BMS7 in 2021, and 16 attended BMS8 in 2022, and they showed engagement by making multiple statements at both these meetings. Bahrain, Libya, Israel, Türkiye and the UAE have also signed the ATT, and Türkiye has repeatedly indicated its intention to eventually ratify the treaty.

Arms transfer and SALW control systems cannot address all of the challenges identified in this topical backgrounder, such as diversion after state collapse and illicit arms transfers in violation of arms embargoes. However, they can contribute to closing some of the gaps that enable weapons to reach illicit markets.

(A P)

Film: We need to tax the windfall profits of Energy Companies - We also need a windfall tax on weapons manufacturers - Even before Ukraine War, European Arms Industry were making a fortune destroying lives in #Yemen - Why do we allow them make crazy profits off the misery of others...?

(B K P)

US Targets Smugglers Supplying Islamic State in Somalia

The U.S. Treasury Department Tuesday announced sanctions against eight individuals and one company all involved in the yearslong effort to smuggle millions of dollars of weapons between Yemen and Somalia.

The new sanctions, though, focus on smugglers and terror leaders said to be enmeshed in IS-Somalia, despite current or past ties to al-Shabab, links to al-Qaida’s affiliate in Yemen or links to Iran.

Another sanctioned smuggler, Mahad Isse Aden, is alleged to have transferred almost $800,000 to arms suppliers in Yemen between 2015 and 2020.

U.N. member state intelligence published earlier this year suggests the so-called al-Karrar office based in Somalia serves as a key financial hub for IS, moving money from Yemen to Afghanistan to help buy weapons and pay the salaries of IS fighters in Somalia, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B C P)

Sale of Possibly Looted Yemeni Objects Raises Red Flags

A Yemeni researcher alleges that dozens of unlabeled artifacts originating from Yemen are slated for sale at a British auction house.

A Yemeni researcher alleges that dozens of unlabeled artifacts originating from Yemen are slated for sale at a British auction house later this month, reflecting the Saudi-led trafficking of “blood antiquities” to international markets.

On social media, independent archaeologist Abdullah Mohsen posted that the London-based TimeLine Auctions will sell more than 6,000 ancient artifacts from around the world, including 101 from Egypt and more than 40 gold, silver, and copper alloy pieces allegedly looted from Yemeni museums and cultural heritage sites. Mohsen noted that dealers from France, Britain, Japan, and Israel contributed to the online auction, which will be held from November 29 to December 3.

The auction house did not respond to Hyperallergic’s multiple requests for comment.

Mohsen identified a copper-alloy camel with complex inscriptions on one side dating from the second or third century CE as well as another copper-alloy “camel rider” statue from the first or second century CE. Both pieces are listed as “South Arabian” on the TimeLine website and were acquired by French collectors in the 1980s. To identify other gold and silver pieces for sale, Mohsen compared the TimeLine listings with matching Yemeni antiquities held in the British Museum from the collection of the late Royal Navy officer Nicholas Wright, among others. He claims that TimeLine’s refusal to label the artifacts as Yemeni calls for “both sadness and sarcasm at the same time.”

“As usual, this auction company writes the name of the country to which the gold monuments belong such as Persia, Iraq, and Egypt — except Yemen,” Mohsen wrote. “[TimeLine] often classifies these under the general name ‘Western Asiatic Gold,’ and Yemen is one of the most prominent countries in this geographical range.”

Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art Curator Antonietta Catanzariti, who studies online auctions across the Middle East and recently curated the exhibition Ancient Yemen: Incense, Art, and Trade, refers to TimeLine as a “usual suspect” in the traffic of looted art. She told Hyperallergic that it took only a few clicks to identify the Yemeni pieces.

(A C P)

SDRPY Inaugurates Project to Renovate Seiyun Palace in Hadramout in Partnership with UNESCO

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Price Monitoring Tool: October 2022

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Remittances Tracker (October 2022)

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 56: YER Exchange Rate Volatility October Week 2 & Week 3

Key findings:

The IRG vs DFA exchange rate variation currently stands at a 584 YER difference.

The exchange rate in the IRG areas is continuing to depreciate after a small appreciation in April 2022. While the exchange rate in DFA areas is appreciating from 600 in spring 2022 to 562 in October 2022. This has been consistent and shown little fluctuation over the previous months.

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 55: YER Exchange Rate Volatility September Week 4 & October Week 1

(B E)

Film: Economic situation collapse threatens the gold sector in Yemen

Yemeni people struggle with high gold prices amid poor living conditions and economic deterioration. Gold dealers in the Yemeni city of Aden complained about the lack of citizens’ desire to buy gold, especially those who are about to get married and those who are thrifty enthusiasts.

(A E)

Calvalley Petroleum Co. announced on 30 October that is has suspended operations at Yemen's Block 9 #Hadramawt due to force majeure - Unverified letter attached circulating widely on social media (letter in Arabic)


(A E)

PetroMasila stops oil production, gives employees open leave

Major oil companies operating in Yemen have halted operations in Yemen’s eastern Hadramout governorate after the Sana’a government launched warning strike to prevent looting of Yemeni crude oil, following the Saudi-led coalition’s refusal to pay employees’ salaries from Yemen’s oil and gas revenues.

Masila Petroleum Exploration and Production Company (PetroMasila) has stopped exploration and production in Sector 9 and asked contracting companies to leave their sites, as a result of the suspension of crude oil exports, Southern media reported, citing sources.

According to the sources, the company had closed its offices and given its employees indefinite leave.

(B E)

Yemen Price Bulletin, October 2022

Wheat flour is the staple food for most households in Yemen; sorghum and rice are most often consumed as a substitute.Households are heavily dependent on imported wheat suppliesreaching the regional trading centers of Sana’a City, Al HudaydahCity, and Aden City—critical markets that supply other urban andrural districts. Aden City, located in a trade deficit zone, is thereference market for the southern region and the largest wholesalemarket with significant storage capacity. Al Hudaydah is animportant assembly, wholesale, and retail market in the mostpopulous region in the country where most households aredependent on markets for staple foods. Sana’a City serves as awholesale and retail market for households in northern and centralYemen, and Sayoun serves as a reference market of the east.
Wheat grain and flour prices are susceptible to the exchange rate ofthe Yemeni Rial (YER) and US Dollar (USD). There are currently twoexchange rates split by monetary governance between the Sana’abased authorities (SBA) and the internationally recognized government (IRG). YER currency valuation has fluctuatedin recent years due to foreign intervention in monetary policy.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

'The UN is an accomplice to Houthis in landmines and in killing and injuring thousands of Yemenis'

Several rights organizations have accused the United Nations and its agencies in Yemen of supporting the terrorist Shiit Houthis with planting landmines and killing and injuring thousands of civilians in the country.

The National Organization for Defense of Rights and Freedoms, Shahed Organization, Yemen Rights Organization, My Freedom, and Eye Organization documented in a report unveiled on Monday 15 financial grants the UNDP, UNMAHA and other agencies offered to the Shiit terror group under humanitarian banners including landmine removal!

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Largest Donor to Humanitarian Effort in Yemen

Saudi Arabia has been Yemen's largest donor since the beginning of the war launched by the Houthi militia, with 30 percent of the total aid provided to the country, according to data issued by the Yemeni government and the United Nations.

(A P)

With 'no illusion' about Iran's role, US calls on Tehran to support Yemen process

"The United States is under no illusions about Iran’s destabilising actions throughout the region," a US State Department spokesman told The Arab Weekly.

While saying Washington has "no illusions" about Iran's destabilising role in the region, a US State department spokesman called on Iran to support an "inclusive political process" in Yemen.

Asked if Tehran could play a spoiler role to block international efforts aimed at extending the truce and reaching a political settlement in the Yemen conflict, a US State Department spokesman told The Arab Weekly: "The United States is under no illusions about Iran’s destabilising actions throughout the region."

"If Iran wants to show it can be a responsible actor, now is the time for it to play a constructive role in Yemen by supporting a comprehensive, inclusive political process for the sake of the people of Yemen," added the spokesman.

My comment: This is BS propaganda, no other country is “destabilising” the Middle East more than the US itself does.

(A P)

Yemeni Book Documents Houthi Violations Against Minorities

A Yemeni Council on Minority Affairs issued a book documenting the Houthi violations against religious minorities in Yemen since 2015.

The book reviewed the history of religious minorities, coexistence among Yemeni social components before the militias invaded the capital, and the subsequent events that pushed top minority figures to flee the country or move to areas under government control.

The authors stated that the goal is to introduce the violations against these groups and document them at humanitarian agencies seeking to change policies that could improve their standards of living and security.

It indicated that ethnic cleansing and religious elimination were introduced to Yemen by Houthis because it is a racist group based on discrimination.

The book reviews the grave violations and purges practiced against minorities, especially Yemenis of African origins, and Jewish, Christian and Bahai communities.

According to the book, since the outbreak of the war, the marginalized people in the areas under Houthi control have been threatened, beaten, and pushed into battlefronts.

The minorities' death toll reached 368, including 102 children.

(A P)

US State Dep.: #Yemen has had the longest period of relative calm since the war began over eight years ago in part because of strong diplomatic efforts between the United States and our partners - including Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Saudi-Arabien warnt USA vor iranischen Angriffen

Das saudische Königshaus geht davon aus, dass der Iran in Kürze Ziele in Saudi-Arabien und der Region Irakisch-Kurdistan angreifen könnte.

Laut einem Bericht des Wall Street Journals hat Saudi-Arabien die USA kürzlich vor einem bevorstehenden Angriff des Irans auf Ziele im Golfkönigreich selbst sowie in der Hauptstadt der Autonomen Region Kurdistan Erbil im Irak gewarnt. Dem Bericht zufolge haben das US-Militär und andere Streitkräfte im Nahen Osten als Reaktion auf die Benachrichtigung ihre Alarmstufe erhöht.

Das Weiße Haus in Washington erklärte, die USA seien beunruhigt über die möglichen Angriffe und bereit, darauf zu reagieren

(A P)

Saudi Arabia, U.S. on High Alert After Warning of Imminent Iranian Attack

Saudis said Tehran wants to distract from local protests, and the National Security Council said the U.S. is prepared to respond


(A P)

Officials: Saudis tell US that Iran may attack the kingdom

Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with American officials that suggests Iran could be preparing for an imminent attack on the kingdom, three U.S. officials said Tuesday.

The heightened concerns about a potential attack on Saudi Arabia come as the Biden administration is criticizing Tehran for its crackdown on widespread protests and condemning it for sending hundreds of drones — as well as technical support — to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine.

“We are concerned about the threat picture, and we remain in constant contact through military and intelligence channels with the Saudis,” the National Security Council said in a statement. “We will not hesitate to act in the defense of our interests and partners in the region.”

Remark by Ali AlAhmed: #WallStreetJournal is giving cover for #Saudi #MBS planned mass executions of protesters & activists by running this fake story. This story also proves #Biden admin is on good terms with #MBS

(A P)

Houthis’ Organic Links With IRGC And Hezbollah Revealed – OpEd

Some have argued that the Houthis’ relationship with Iran is not that of a proxy, but regardless of the label the authors argue that theirs is “a strong, deep-rooted alliance that is underpinned by tight ideological affinity and geopolitical alignment.” Close enough, especially if you consider the direct links between the Houthis and Hezbollah, which does not deny its proxy links with Iran and the IRGC.

The authors also argue that even if a key Houthi supporter of close relations with Iran and Hezbollah, such as Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, were to disappear from the scene, there is now a “broad-based set of leaders whose whole ideological and political upbringing will predispose them to continue this beneficial and warm relationship.”

This timely study should make it easy to make the necessary decisions to list the Houthis as a terrorist group. In January of this year, the UN Security Council condemned “in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attacks in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on 17 January 2022, as well as in other sites in Saudi Arabia, that were claimed and committed by the Houthis.” In February, UNSC Resolution 2624 described the Houthis as a “terrorist group.” This resolution was adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, making it binding on all nations. It is thus surprising that some countries and international organizations still find it difficult or inconvenient to act on this information and the UNSC mandate to take proper action against the Houthis

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Nach dem Ende des Waffenstillstands nehmen die Kämpfe etwas zu, aber beide Seiten halten sich immer noch weitgehend daran und wollen die Lage nicht eskalieren. Beide Seiten werfen sich Verstöße vor.

After the end of the ceasefire, fighting has somewhat increased, but both sides are still largely in compliance and do not want to escalate the situation. Both sides accuse each other of violations.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Target Houses of Citizens in Al-Baidha'a

and also

(A K pH)

Armed Forces Thwarts US-Saudi Attempt to Loot Crude Oil from Qena Port, Shabwa

Yemeni Armed Forces thwarted an attempt to loot crude oil from the port of Qena in Shabwa Governorate, used by the US-Saudi aggression for smuggling.

“The Armed Forces operation prevented an oil ship that was in the port from looting and smuggling oil, after sending several warning messages,” the Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e said in his Twitter account early Thursday.

The Armed Forces reiterated their commitment to protecting the sovereign national wealth as one of the rights of the Yemeni people.

The Armed Forces also emphasized the protection of the rights of Yemenis, especially the salaries of state employees in all Yemeni regions.

In late October, Yemen's Armed Forces announced in a military statement the implementation of a warning drone strike to prevent an oil ship that was trying to loot crude oil through the port of Dabba in Hadramout Governorate.
Brigadier Sare'e explained that the warning message came to prevent the continuous looting of oil wealth and not to allocate it to serve the people in paying salaries and services.
He pointed out that the message was after addressing the ship operators and informing them of the decision based on the Yemen laws in force and international laws. He pointed out that the ship was dealt "with cautionary measures through which the Yemeni Armed Forces were keen to preserve the safety and security of Yemen's infrastructure and the security of the ship and its crew."

and also =


(A K)


On November 9, an unidentified suicide drone attacked al-Qna oil port on the coast of the central Yemeni province of Shabwah.

The drone targeted a tanker that was docked at the port. Local officials in Shabwah said that the attack didn’t result in any casualties or material losses. The officials blamed the drone attack on the Houthis (Ansar Allah). However, the group is yet to officially claim responsibility for the attack.

and also

My remark: Meanwhile the Houthi side officially claimed responsibility (see report above).


(A K pS)

Yemeni forces down Houthi drones attempting to target Shabwa and Marib

Yemeni forces on Wednesday downed a Houthi drone that attempted to target the port of Qena in Shabwa, according to local media.

The drone launched by the Iran-backed Houthi militia attempted to target an oil tanker while unloading its cargo at the port located in the district of Rudhoum in the Shabwa governorate, the local website Newsyemen reported.

The report also said that the tanker was carrying thousands of tons of diesel, adding that it successfully unloaded them after the drone was downed.

Separately on Wednesday, Yemeni forces also downed a Houthi drone in the Marib governorate, the Yemen News Agency (SABA) reported.

The armed drone was launched toward a camp for the internally-displaced and was shot down before reaching its target.

(A K pS)

#Marib special security forces says downed a Houthi explosives-laden drone today western Marib city. (photos)

(A K)

Armed Forces Media Center in Marib: Houthis targeted the arms depot in the third military region in Marib.


(A K pS)

Film: Al-Houthi militia commits a tragic crime by artillery shelling on a populated village west of Taiz

(A K)

Recent fighting with [Aden gov.] national army leaves seven Houthis killed

(* A K pS)

4 IDPs killed, 8 wounded in a strike in Yemen’s Marib

Four Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), from the same family, were killed and another eight wounded Monday night in a strike, believed to be launched by the Houthis, in Al Jufaina Camp, in Marib city.

Marib’s health office said in a statement that the General Hospital received four dead IDPs and eight were wounded, including a child, following drone attacks on several sites in the city of Marib.

According to local sources, the Houthis launched missile and drone attacks targeting several sites in the city of Marib, one reportedly hit a weapons depot of the 3rd Military Region.

and also


(A K pS)

Dozens of Houthi missiles rain down on Marib now, families killed and injured in their homes

Scores of Houthi ballistic and Katyucha missiles have been raining down on the city of Marib this evening and at least three families have been killed and injured, local sources say.


(A K pS)

Two Houthi drones shot down since yesterday in #Marib and Al-Jawf, according to #Yemeni Army media. (photos)

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles 1,119 Mines within a Week in Yemen

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Project (Masam) for clearing in Yemen, dismantled, during the first week of November 2022, a total of 1,119 mines planted by the Houthi militia across Yemen, including six anti-personnel mines, 286 anti-tank mines, 816 unexploded ordnance and 11 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 371,236 mines have been dismantled.

(A K pS)

15-year-old Ali Awadh was wounded and one of his legs was amputated in an explosion of a Houthi-laid landmine in Al Bayday province. In Taiz, Waheeda Mohammed Alwan, in her 40s, is also reported to fall victim to a landmine in Tho Bab district, west of the 8-year-besieged city.

and also

(A K pS)

Houthi terrorists bombed on Saturday a bridge in Lahj governorate to complete the encirclement of the largely besieged Taiz city./Multiple websites

(B K pH)

YEMAC: ERW caused 643 civilian casualties as of 2022

The Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) have caused 643 civilian casualties, 219 of which were killed and 424 injured, since the beginning of 2022, the Yemen Executive Mine Action Centre (YEMAC) stated on Sunday.
Statistics showed that 197 children were among the victims, including 43 killed, most of them in Hodeida province, according to a statement issued by YEMAC.
ERW are explosive weapons (bombs, shells, grenades, land mines, cluster munition, and other munitions) that did not explode when they were employed and still pose a risk of detonation, sometimes many decades after they were used or discarded.

and also

Film (in Arabic):

My remark: These figures obviously include the victims of landmines laid by the Houthis.


(A P)

US UK prepare for new escalation in Yemen: Houthis

The United States and United Kingdom are preparing for a new round of escalation in Yemen, member of the Houthi politburo said Sunday, as US military delegations arrived this week in the war-torn country.
America has direct military presence in Yemen and its troops inflow to Hadhramout, Ali al-Qahoom added in remarks to al-Myadeen TV. "This week a US military team visited Dhaba oil terminal.
"Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates loot Yemen's resources with American-British engineering," he said.

(A K pH)

Citizen injured due to coalition’s bombing at Taiz

(A K pS)

Shia terrorists injure five civilians including children in besieged Taiz city

(A K pS)

Woman killed, others injured in Houthi shelling of Taiz

(A E K)

Spot Report: Houthi Targets Yemen’s Dhabah Oil Terminal in Ash Shihr by Robert Uniacke

Alarm bells were sent ringing for a renewed escalation in the Yemeni conflict on Friday when the governor of Yemen’s eastern Hadramawt governorate Mabkhout bin Madi announced that Houthi UAVs had targeted the Dhabah Oil Terminal in the Port of Ash Shihr. At the time, the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker NISSOS KEA was in port, with locals reporting explosions as air defenses engaged the UAVs. However, shortly after the incident, NISSOS KEA was reported to have safely left Dhabah.

Nonetheless, the attack marks possibly the most significant escalation in the Yemeni conflict since the six month truce expired on 02 October 2022.

Nonetheless, the attack marks possibly the most significant escalation in the Yemeni conflict since the six month truce expired on 02 October 2022. As the truce wound down, top Houthi officials overtly threatened to “deal with” foreign companies perceived to be “looting Yemen’s sovereign wealth,” warning foreign entities operating in areas the Houthis see as “occupied” by the Saudi-led coalition not to “extract even a barrel of oil for export.” In the Dhabah attack, the Houthis sent a message that they are willing and able to follow through on these threats; indeed, when Yahya Sare’e, the Houthi military spokesperson, officially claimed the group’s responsibility for the operation, he described it as a “warning shot.”

But in a broader sense, the attack likely also intended to undermine the internationally recognized government (IRG)’s economic outlook. Amid high global oil prices, rising hydrocarbon revenues have propped up the government’s ailing fiscal position, all as energy crises prompt increasing international interest in revitalizing the Yemeni energy sector. As foreign energy companies demand political stability and security to restart oil and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) operation in Yemen, the attack is a clear blow to IRG efforts to make any case for investment.

The incident may more immediately impact the trajectory of the conflict.

(A K)



(A K pS)

Houthi drone attack foiled in Shabwa

and also

(A K pH)

UAE-backed separatist continue attacks on Yemeni villages at Taiz-Lahj border

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias continued on Wednesday to bomb the inhabited villages in the border areas between Taiz and Lahj provinces, in southern Yemen.

Local sources said that the STC’s militia bombed, from its positions in the “Al-Dawari” mountains, the homes of citizens in the village of “Hamalah” in the Karish district, north of Lahj province

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles 958 Mines within a Week in Yemen

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Project (Masam) for clearing in Yemen, dismantled, during the fourth week of October 2022, a total of 958 mines planted by the Houthi militia across Yemen, including 8 anti-personnel mines, 284 anti-tank mines, 662 unexploded ordnance and 4 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 370,117 mines have been dismantled.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Target House of Citizens in Al-Silw District

(A K pH)

2 civilians killed, injured in Marib

A citizen was killed and another was injured today, on Tuesday, when a cluster bomb exploded from American-Saudi aggression remnants in Al-Mahajiza area in Serwah district of Marib.

and also

(A K)

Yemen: Boy killed in shelling in Taiz as child deaths rise post truce

A three-year-old boy and his father died and four other children left injured following a shelling attack on a residential street in Yemen at the weekend, increasing war-related child deaths to 11 in October after the end of a UN-led truce, Save the Children said.

The boy died in hospital on Monday morning and his two-year-old cousin lost his leg after a shell hit their home in Taiz on Sunday afternoon. Three other children were walking back from school when a second shell hit an alley. Two of the children lost legs while the third child was in a critical condition due to shrapnel in his abdomen, leg and hand.

The number of war-related child deaths in Yemen has jumped to 11 in October from zero in September following the ending of a six-month truce on Oct. 2.

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 30 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

73 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 61 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 54 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 51 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

52 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 67 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 2 injured in landmine blast in Hodeida

A citizen was killed on Wednesday and two others injured due to a blast of landmine left behind by US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s troops in Hodeida province.

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 101 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

(A K pH)

2 citizens killed due to landmine blast in Hodeida

cp19 Sonstiges / Other




Desert Locust situation update 7 November 2022

Low numbers of solitarious adults and a few hoppers were seen in parts of Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Sudan, and Yemen.

During the forecast, locust numbers will appear and increase slightly in the Red Sea coast of Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and maybe southeast Egypt and the coast of northwestern Somalia.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-829 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-829: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose