Aminata Toure wird erste Schwarze Deutsche im Landeskabinett

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In June, Aminata Toure became the first black member of a state government to be sworn in as Minister for Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality in Germany's northernmost state Schleswig-Holstein.

Toure, a Green and daughter of refugees from Mali, told German media that she saw her role as "special" given the numerous messages she had received from people who said her appointment "meant a lot to them".

Toure, 29, said she will also use the opportunity to fight for equality and against right-wing extremism.

These issues have shaped her since she was first elected to the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament in 2017.

It's not the first time Toure has scored a political first. In 2019 she was the first black and youngest politician in one of the 16 federal states to be elected deputy chairwoman of the state parliament.

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