Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 672b- Yemen War Mosaic 672b

Yemen Press Reader 672b: 11. August 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 672, cp5 - cp19 / August 11, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 672, cp5 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 672, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 672, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Saudischer Luftangriff tötet 20 Zivilisten / Most important: Saudi air raid kills 20 civilians

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Überschwemmungen / Most important: Flash floods

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis disallow lawyer to detained journalists attend hearing sessions

The lawyer of the detained journalists, Abdulmajid Sabra said on Sunday that the Houthis have disallowed him to be present during hearing sessions.

In a post he wrote on his Facebook page, Sabra said that the Houthis reject defense of the detained journalists who have been in custody in Sana’a for five years.

(A P)

Yemen’s Houthis kidnap banking officials in Sanaa

Yemen’s Houthi group has kidnapped two officials of the Saba Islamic Bank and forced them to sign financial orders under duress.

“Gunmen affiliated to the Sanaa-based Houthi group kidnapped Mohammad Al-Baidani and Mohammad Al-Qadi while they were working as assistants to the general manager at the Saba Islamic Bank in the Dhamar governorate,” local Al-Masdar Online quoted a source at the bank as saying.

and also

(A P)

Yemen: Al-Houthi Group Must Reveal The Fate Of Woman Kidnapped Two Years Ago

The Genève-based Euro-Med Monitor has called on Al-Houthi group to reveal the fate of a Yemeni woman who has been kidnapped for more than two years, which constitutes a gross violation of the international humanitarian law.

In a press release, the Euro-Med Monitor said Ms. Khaleda Mohammad Al-Asbahi, 57 years old, was kidnapped in 11th May, 2018 in one of Sana'a streets in an area controlled by Al-Houthi on her way back home from the hospital alongside her grandson.

(A P)

Official Slams UAE for Building Synagogue while Displacing Millions of Yemenis

The chairman of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee condemned the United Arab Emirates for building a synagogue for Jews while forcing millions of people in Yemen out of their homes.

By building a synagogue in the UAE, the Emirati officials are attempting to portray a humane image of themselves, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said.

“The UAE is failing to recall that with its participation in the aggressive Saudi-led coalition, it has caused displacement and diseases among millions of people in Yemen,” he added.

and also

and what the Jerusalem Post makes of this:

(* B P)

The lesser of two evils: Yemen’s Bahais from prison into exile

Shortly after their release, six members of the Bahai community in Yemen were sent into exile, in a stark example of the political climate in this war-ravaged country.

While the Houthi release of the Baha'i members seems like a good deed, deporting them out of Yemen points to the oppressive atmosphere the country is undergoing. The war has not only starved people to death, but also has taken a heavy toll on their freedom of expression and faith. The recent exile of the Baha'i faith members is a stark example of the insecure freedom climate in this war-ravaged country.

In the eyes of the Houthis, freeing the Baha'is is a praiseworthy step and a noble act.

The release has not been applauded by everyone.

Though the Baha'i International Community (BIC) appreciated the release of the six members, it remains “gravely concerned.”

Diane Alai, a BIC representative, said in a statement, “As Yemen’s search for durable, societal peace continues, Baha’is must be able — like all Yemenis — to practice their faith safely and freely, in keeping with the universal principles of freedom of religion or belief. This is not possible until the charges are lifted.”

Political observers have criticized the deportation of the Baha'is calling it “inhumane.”

(A P)

The family of Mohammed Al-Sanwi who has been forcibly disappeared for six years by the #Houthi group appeals for his fate be disclosed and for him to be released; he is the only provider for eight children. (photo)

(A P)

Intelligence Authority: There Is a New Phase of Yemeni Intelligence Work

(A K P)

Abdulhafedh al-Taheri, a fighter from Baydha captured by Houthis who then gouged his eyes, amputated his ears, nose, tongue & lips before burning his body and then send it to his family. I won’t share the photos of the body after because they r so disturbing.

and more details, photos

(A P)

Houthis carry out new arbitrary arrests in Al-Baida

Local sources said that the Houthis militants arrested scores of citizens from their homes and workplaces and took them to private prisons.

The sources said that these new arbitrary arrests came on the background of accusations raised by citizens against the Houthis on the murder of two young men; Ali Mohamed Baleed and Akram Mohamed Al-Jarw.

The sources said that the murder crime is intended to seed hatred among the people of the district.

(A P)

Sana’a Human Rights Office condemns Houthi militia for death of two hostages

The Sana’a branch office of the [Hadi gov.] Human Rights Ministry has condemned Houthis over the death of two hostages the theocratic militia holds in the city’s jails.

(A P)

Yemen celebrates Day of Wilayah

Commemoration of appointment of Imam Ali as successor to Prophet Mohammad attracts large crowds

Official spokesman of the Ansarullah movement, Mohammed Abdulsalam, has commented on the annual anniversary of the “Day of Wilayah”, in which the Prophet Mohammed selected Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor.

and a lot of films was published, only a few here:

and the comment of the Hadi government:


(B P)

Iran-backed Houthis push Baha’is out of Yemen

Tehran authorities accuse the Baha’i community of apostasy and prohibit their activities under the pretext that they are spies working for Israel.

The Baha’i community risks totally disappearing from Yemen, as it is specifically targeted with persecution by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

Things are getting worse for this minority as Iran-backed Houthis, which control the capital Sana’a and other regions, are forcing an increasing number of Baha’i community members into exile.

Yemeni human rights activists have expressed fear that the crackdown on Baha’is will increase in the future, ultimately leading to the deportation of all members of their community from their own country.

For some Yemeni experts, the Houthis’ release of several Baha’is is a tactical ploy aimed simply at securing political gains.

(A H P)

Houthis form emergency committees to address floods

(A P)

Houthi militant slaughters elderly man, news agency reported

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten. Der Versuch der Saudis, die Hadi-Regierung und die Separatisten zur Umsetzung des Abkommens von Riad zu zwingen, ist wohl zum Scheitern verurteilt.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control. The Saudi attempt to force the Hadi government and the separatists to implement the Riyadh agreement, seems to fail.

(* B P)

STC Abandons Self-Rule in South Yemen: Lasting Solution or Conflict Deferment?

Though the recent rapprochement between the Yemeni government and the STC is an encouraging development, its success hinges on Saudi Arabia’s determination to sway the two sides into committing to the peace agreement.

The Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) have begun a new political chapter, seeming to accept one another. They agreed in late July to the Saudi-proposed implementation of the power-sharing agreement which they signed in November 2019 in Riyadh.

The two sides arrived at this stage of understanding through Saudi Arabia’s assistance, ushering in a new phase in Yemen’s south, which has been hit by fierce intermittent clashes since August 2019 when the separatists took over Aden.

Though the recent rapprochement between the two sides is an encouraging development, its success hinges on Saudi Arabia’s determination to sway the Yemeni government and the STC into a strong commitment to the peace agreement.

Yet, without holding accountable any party that obstructs the deal’s implementation, tensions, mistrust, and diverging agendas are likely to continue to plague South Yemen.

On its face, the separatists’ consent to take part in the government does not mean the group has ultimately abandoned its secessionist agenda. The Council’s rhetoric has not changed much and they see the renunciation of self-rule as a tactical step, even as they maintain their keenness to establish a southern independent state.

Moreover, the UAE will likely not stop exploiting the STC and will continue using it to fulfill its agenda in Yemen. The Emirates has been backing the Council since its inception in 2017 and the two have been working jointly to undermine the presence of the UN-recognized government in the south. After the formation of the new government in which the separatists will participate, it is not certain whether the Emirates will abandon the pursuit of its interests in southern Yemen, particularly in coastal areas and Socotra island.

The UAE is focusing on Yemen’s south for two main reasons. First, it is eager to have unchallenged control of Yemen’s coastal lines and strategic islands. Second, it believes that the Islah Party is in control of the UN-recognized Yemeni government and it does not want it to have any influence in Yemen.

While the Yemen Foreign Ministry celebrated the abolition of the STC’s self-rule declaration, deeming it the road to a sustainable solution, some say the separatists have made gains and consolidated their political weight locally, regionally, and internationally.

The agreement can open a window to peace in South Yemen if the two sides abide by it and put aside their weapons, hate speech, and accusations. One grave concern is that the peace deal may work to defer the conflict only, and not to weed out the root of the dispute.

(A P)

Water Cuts Ignite Massive Protests and Road Blockages, in Aden, Hadramaut

Popular anger is increasing in the occupied areas due to frequent drinking water cuts. The residents for more than a month had no running water, it had pushed them in "Crater" to block the main road in front of the Water Corporation, burn tires and obstructing traffic. They are demanding the firing of the director of the Water Corporation, Fathi Alawi Al-Saqqaf, and the director of the Directorate of Sira, Khalid Sido.

(* B P)

Will Reviving the Riyadh Agreement Quell Conflict in South Yemen?

A rigorous dialogue process will be necessary for the Riyadh Agreement to make a real, lasting difference.

Since it was agreed upon, the Riyadh Agreement has never been successfully implemented.

Although the Riyadh Agreement is not perfect, the Saudi push for the parties to recommit to its principles has helped stimulate some confidence-building measures between both sides. On July 29, the STC rescinded its self-administration decision following assurances from the Saudi deputy defense minister, Khalid bin Salman, that the Hadi government will commit to re-forming the Cabinet with equal representation from the North and the South.

Despite the positive environment and renewed commitments to the Riyadh Agreement from both sides, broad compliance with the deal remains uncertain because of the lack of national buy-in, especially from the STC’s political adversaries in the South and Northern communities, who fear that any deal with the STC further empowers the group and brings it “undeserved legitimacy.”

Most Yemenis who support a unified state fear that acknowledging the STC as a legitimate political entity will weaken the unity government.

STC adversaries often reduce the group to a mere proxy of the United Arab Emirates, which continues to fund and support some of its political operations, but this doesn’t address the popular support the STC has in its communities. The Hadi government and loyalists continue to disregard protests in the Southern region in support of the STC and overplay those in support of Hadi. Much of this propaganda affects the prospects of genuine implementation of any agreement. Moreover, discounting the STC does not bode well for Yemen because it deepens political marginalization.

Given the military role that STC-allied forces play in confronting the Houthis, the Saudis opted for a realistic approach toward the Southern crisis by pushing both the Hadi government and the STC to end armed confrontations against each other, introducing minimal conditions of security and political order that would allow both sides to cooperate.

While these measures toward implementing the Riyadh Agreement represent notable progress, it is not yet clear if they will help in mending the rifts between the two sides in the long term or stop parties from both camps from undermining the agreement. A more transparent discussion on the militarization of the South and responsibility to protect it, as well as a rigorous dialogue process that would trickle down to the local level, away from political parties’ agendas and regional ambitions, is needed for the Riyadh Agreement to make a real, lasting difference and prevent the fragmentation of the country by Fatima Abo Alasrar

(A K P)

Islah continues its violations, brings more reinforcements in Abyan

The pro-government Muslim Brotherhood's militias (Islah Party) continued on Monday, their heavy shelling on the positions of the southern forces in Abyan governorate in flagrant defiance of the ceasefire called for by the Arab Coalition and the efforts exerted by Saudi Arabia to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

My remark: As claimed by the STC separatists.

(A P)

Yemen backs Iranian arms embargo extension

The internationally recognized government of Yemen has demanded the UN to extend the arms embargo on Iran, saying that Iranian arms have fueled the conflict in the country.

Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar Al-Aryani said war-torn Yemen and other Arab countries have borne the brunt of Iranian expansionism through proxy conflicts.

(* A K P)

Hundreds of passengers stranded as clashes cut off Taiz road

Clashes broke out between military police backed by forces loyal to the Islah party and armed groups believed to be loyal to the security chief of the Jabal Habashi district in Taiz province in southwest Yemen on Sunday.
Local sources said the clashes have cut off the highway linking the town of Al-Turbah with the city of Taiz, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded.
The violence started after a security campaign was launched to hunt down armed outlaws in the areas of Al-Birayn and Mafraq Yafrus in the district, a military source told Debriefer, adding that the two areas are controlled by the 35th armoured brigade.

(A K P)

Brotherhood's militias target southern positions in Abyan

As part of their continuous escalation to bring down the Riyadh Agreement singed between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council, the pro-government Muslim Brotherhood's militias (Islah Party) shelled on Sunday morning the locations under the control of the southern armed forces in Abyan province.
The spokesman for the Abyan axis, Captain Muhammad al-Naqib said that the terrorist Brotherhood's militias stepped up their hostile activities against the ceasefire agreement on the fronts of Abyan

My remark: As claimed by the separatists.

(A P)

Islah of Hadramout: Attempts to destabilize Yemen will fail

(A P)

Abductee tortured to death in Shabwa

Yeslam Ali bin Abdulmani was received as a dead body at the hospital of Azan in Mifa'a district after having been abducted by the gunmen of the Islah militia, the Yemeni arm of Muslim Brotherhood.

(A K T)

Yemeni military leader survives attempted assassination in Taiz

(* A P)

Yemeni gov't, STC resume political negotiations next week

The Saudi capital is expected next week to host resumed political negotiations between the Yemeni internationally-recognized government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), amid reported difficulties continuing to face the formation of new government.
The Riyadh Agreement application's accelerating mechanism was declared to end obstructions to pact during the last nine months, leading to growing tensions in southern governorates, member of the Emirati-STC presidency said Friday.
"There should be efforts to prevent any attempts to undermine the pact, and to foil any regional interferences risking Arab national security," Ali al-Kathiri added in press releases.
Duties of the new government, expected to be formed within a month, "should focus on unifying the collective efforts in the face of the Houthi militias and terrorist groups, seeking for stability in liberated provinces, and securing the services.
"If it gets busy with wrangling, the government will grossly fail," he argued.

(*B P)

Riyadh Agreement anxiously watched as passing bottleneck

One week after its accelerating mechanism was approved by the Yemeni UN-recognized government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the Riyadh Agreement's application is anxiously expected by Yemenis.
While the first step of its political section was taken – by delegating Maeen Abdulmalek to form a 24-seat government equally shared by south and north of Yemen, and appointing Aden governor and police director – the military and security section will likely pose the most problematic stage in the deal's implementation.
This stage will serve as a real trial to know how the pact's sponsors and two parties are serious in making peace in the war-torn country.
Abdul Hakim al-Silwi, a Yemeni political analyst, sees little chances for a tangible progress to be made in applying the pact's military section, given the obvious indicators on the ground.
The STC and Emirati backers "are seeking to boost their gains achieved in the last two years by spreading full influence in all southern provinces and taking sole control there," Silwi told Debriefer.
"Therefore, the Emirati-backed STC's abandoning a part or all of these gains and accepting a real partnership with the legitimate government are just illusions Saudi Arabia is maliciously trying to market.
"Undoubtedly there is a conspiracy plotted by the Arab coalition's two partners (KSA and UAE) against the President Hadi's legitimacy, by creating parallel legitimacies and legitimizing the separatist STC through this deal.
"While the government will be pressed to implement its commitments, the STC will be given green light and room enough to move and further its seizure over more lands," he said citing recent developments in Socotra where the government lost control.

(A P)

Yet again, Yemeni prisoner tortured to death by Saudi forces

The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs has on Thursday condemned the torture of prisoner Abdullah Ahsan Naji al-Juraidi by Saudi-led coalition’s mercenaries in Ma’rib province. Al-Juraidi, who is from Sana’a province, died as a result of the horrifying tortured he was subjected to by his Saudi jailers.

(* A K P)

Clashes renew between government, STC forces in south Yemen

Clashes renewed on Thursday between forces of the internationally recognised government and the UAE-backed southern transitional council in Yemen's southern province of Abyan.
The two sides exchanged fire from heavy weapons in east of Zinjibar, the capital city of Abyan, local sources told Debriefer, adding that the clashes were heard in towns near the fronts of Al-Sheikh Salim and Al-Tariyah.
The violence came a week after the two sides agreed to a Saudi-proposed mechanism to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement

and as claimed by the separatists:

(* A K P)

UAE arms shipment arrives in Socotra

Despite claims of cooperation, Emirati-backed separatists continue to reinforce on the island

An Emirati arms shipment has arrived in the port of the occupied Socotra island, local sources reported on Monday.

The sources indicated that militias of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have tightened their control over the island’s port and airport, in preparation for the unloading of a shipment of weapons that arrived at the port.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(*A P)

UN envoy discusses ceasefire proposal with Yemeni government

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, arrived in Riyadh on Monday to discuss a ceasefire proposal with the Yemeni government in exile led by Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, Anadolu has reported. This is his second visit since last month to discuss the proposal, which has already been rejected.

A UN source told Anadolu that Griffiths will concentrate his efforts on persuading the Yemeni government to accept the ceasefire. The government rejected the proposal in July because “it does not respect its sovereignty and responsibility,” a spokesperson said.

A comprehensive ceasefire and political discussions as soon as possible have been proposed in order to end the six-year-old war in Yemen.

The Houthis refused to meet with Griffith a few weeks ago. They protested against the increasing Saudi air strikes on Sanaa and other areas in Yemen.

(A P)

Griffiths discusses in Riyadh amendments to Yemen solution draft

The UN special envoy for Yemen will visit Riyadh next week to discuss with the Yemeni official government recent amendments to his plan on the comprehensive solution, the UK ambassador to Yemen said Thursday.

(A P)

Al-Mortadha Calls for Implementation of Recent Agreement on War Prisoners

The head of the National Prisoners' Affairs Committee, Abdulqader Al-Mortadha, said today, Monday, that the Amman's Agreement on Prisoners is still suspended so far due to refusal of the Islah Party in Marib to implement the agreement.

"We hope that the efforts exerted in pushing them to commit to implementation will bear fruit. The humanitarian file, the prisoners and their families from the two parties are the most affected by this disruption and delay", Al-Mortadha added on his Twitter account.

(* A P)

Yemeni gov't, Houthi resume negotiations on prisoner swap

The Yemeni official government and Houthi group are in talks on prisoner exchange deal, a senior official from the International Committee of Red Cross told AFP.
22 prisoners from both sides were exchanged under a local swap in the southwestern governorate of Taiz, the ICRC said.
"We are very hopeful it might take place in a few days or weeks from now," ICRC Yemen mission head told AFP, without specifying the timing or the number of prisoners to be released.
"The ICRC would be ready of course to implement that logistically," Franz Rawkhnschtine added.

while the Hadi government uses this topic for more propaganda:

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia halts oil supply to Pakistan as rift widens over Kashmir

(* B E)

Saudi Aramco half-year profits plunge 50% from virus impact

Saudi Aramco’s net income plunged by 50% in the first half of the year, according to figures published Sunday, offering a revealing glimpse into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on one of the world’s biggest oil producers.

Profits for the first six months of the year plunged to $23.2 billion, half of last year’s $46.9 billion for the same time period.

(* B P)

Revealed: Saudi's MBS pushed Russia to intervene in Syria conflict, despite supporting opposition

Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salman reportedly encouraged Russian President Vladimir Putin to militarily intervene in the Syrian conflict, official documents related to a former Saudi intelligence chief have claimed.

According to the lawsuit filed to US courts by former Saudi intelligence chief Saad Al-Jabri against the crown prince, Al-Jabri participated in two official meetings with the former CIA Director John Brennan in 2015.

In one of those meetings around the month of July, the pair discussed Bin Salman’s recent communication with Putin and Brennan, raising concerns of his alleged encouragement of Russia to intervene in Syria. When Al-Jabri reported back and relayed Brennan’s message to the crown prince, he reportedly “responded with fury” at the topic.

The ground-breaking revelation was detailed in the same lawsuit in which it was revealed that the crown prince had sent a Saudi hit team to Canada, where Al-Jabri lives in exile, in order to assassinate him. The hit team, made up of Bin Salman’s personal group of Saudi mercenaries, named the ‘Tiger Squad’, were detected and intercepted by airport border security while trying to enter the Canadian city of Toronto in mid-October 2018.

That attempted mission was hardly two weeks after the exiled Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s reported encouragement of Russia’s ongoing military intervention in the Syrian conflict in 2015 marks a prominent turn in the kingdom’s foreign policy initiative within the war-torn country

(* B E P)

The End of Saudi Arabia’s Ambitions

MBS Must Cut His Losses to Avert Catastrophe

for Saudi Arabia’s 34-year-old crown prince and de facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman—whose sensational ambition and ruthless methods have made him known to millions worldwide by his initials, MBS—the pandemic has been especially catastrophic.

In April 2016, MBS unveiled what he called “Vision 2030,”

The pandemic has upended those plans. New coronavirus infections in the kingdom have surged in recent weeks, and confirmed cases now exceed 280,000—more, by far, than have been recorded in any other Arab country.

An ambitious leader never lets a crisis go to waste, and MBS is nothing if not ambitious. During the early days of the pandemic, he increased the kingdom’s value-added tax from five percent to 15 percent, and the government earmarked $1 billion in stimulus payments to Saudi businesses struggling with the economic downturn. MBS directed his sovereign wealth fund to shop for bargains on global stock markets. He even went nose to nose with Russian President Vladimir Putin on oil prices.

MBS can still pare down his budget, but doing so will mean abandoning, or vastly scaling down, two of his personal projects. When the Saudi military intervention in Yemen began in 2015, MBS, then (as now) defense minister, was the face of the operation. But it soon became clear that the fight in Yemen would last years, not months, and the crown prince let others take the public lead. Now the fighting continues, with no reasonable chance for the Saudis to defeat the Houthis.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia has built yellowcake uranium processing plant: WSJ

Remote desert plant was built with China's aid, paper quotes Western officials as saying, raising proliferation worries.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with help from China, has built a facility for the extraction of uranium yellowcake, a potential precursor to fuel for a nuclear reactor, in a remote desert location near the small city of Al Ula, the Wall Street Journal newspaper reported citing Western officials with knowledge of the site.

The facility, which has not been publicly acknowledged, has raised concern among United States and allied officials that the kingdom's nascent nuclear programme is moving ahead, and Riyadh is keeping open an option to develop nuclear weapons, according to the report.

Disclosure of the yellowcake processing facility is likely to elevate concern in the US Congress about Saudi nuclear ambitions and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's 2018 pledge that "if Iran developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible."

(* B P)

Washington Post: Saudi Arabia Is Led by Ruthless Tyrant

The Washington Post wrote in its editorial under the title "Crown Prince of the Saudi Death Squads," that Al-Jabri's lawsuit filed in Washington, DC, against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bears suspicious resemblance to Khashoggi's assassination. The editorial continued that the Khashoggi case is a case of deception and murder with impunity.

The body of Khashoggi, who was killed in his country's consulate in Istanbul at the hands of elements close to Mohammed bin Salman, was not found, noting that the new chapter that is coming now is chilling out of the alleged Saudi treachery, Who must be reminded once again that the kingdom is led by a ruthless tyrant.

The Washington Post concluded that if the testimonies of Alabri's case are proven, they summarize that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is led by a crown prince who heads death squads, and continues to evade accountability for the murder.

However, a lawsuit filed Thursday alleges that about the same day the Saudi Crown Prince made the “flat denial,” a second Saudi hit squad traveled to Canada. This time, the target was Saad Aljabri, a former top Saudi intelligence official who had worked closely with U.S. officials on counterterrorism in the past. The crown prince apparently wanted to silence him, too. The lawsuit, brought by Mr. Aljabri, contains unproven allegations, but they have eerie parallels to Khashoggi’s assassination.

and also

(*A P)

Federal suit filed against Saudi crown prince by ex-official

A former top Saudi counterterrorism official has filed a federal lawsuit in the United States against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, alleging the royal tried to trap and kill him in the U.S. and Canada.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, by Saad Aljabri is the latest effort by the former intelligence official to try and bring about international and public pressure on the crown prince, following years of silence in exile abroad.

Aljabri’s lawsuit claims the crown prince has detained two of his children in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to force him back to the kingdom because of the sensitive information he knows regarding the inner workings of the royal court and kingdom’s leadership. It also alleges that the prince’s efforts to kill him continue to this day.

(* B P)

(from 2015) The domestic sources of Saudi foreign policy: Islamists and the state in the wake of the Arab Uprisings

Saudi Arabia’s fragmented Islamist field has displayed a diversity of responses to the coup in Egypt, the conflict in Syria, and the Saudi-led war in Yemen. While a group of younger Saudi Islamists and intellectuals have embraced elements of democracy, the war in Syria, the authoritarian political system, and domestic sectarian tendencies have rallied support for the ISIS model of violent political change.

cp9 USA

Siehe / look at cp9a

(* A P)

U.S. State Dept. says IG found U.S. arms sales to Saudi did not break law: official

A final report by the office of the State Department Acting Inspector General found Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s emergency certification on arms sales to Gulf Arab states including Saudi Arabia last year did not break the law, a senior department official said on Monday.

The official’s comments - made before the report was made public - came after President Donald Trump abruptly fired then-Inspector General Steve Linick, who was looking into Pompeo’s certification, in May. Linick was succeeded by Stephen Akard, who resigned from his post last week after recusing himself from the arms sales investigation.

The final report was completed by Akard’s deputy, Diana Shaw.

Linick was the fourth government inspector general ousted by the Republican president in recent months, raising concern among Democrats and some of his fellow Republicans in Congress about curtailment of oversight.

In a statement, Representative Eliot Engel, the Democratic chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said he was concerned that the State Department had discussed the report before it was released.

“The people briefing the press were the subjects of the IG’s probe, not the report’s authors. This obvious pre-spin of the findings reeks of an attempt to distract and mislead,” Engel said.

(* B P)

Give Up on Proxy Wars in the Middle East

The United States has the opportunity to reshape its alliances and bolster lasting stability in the region—but only by ending a failed approach.

While it has worn various titles over the years, such as “by, with, and through,” the approach is more or less the same: Empower local actors—via support from U.S. special operations forces, training, arms transfers, intelligence sharing, and so forth—to fight the wars that Americans cannot or don’t want to fight themselves. In the Middle East, it has meant arming proxy actors in some places, such as Syria, and empowering security partners to do so or intervene directly in others, such as Yemen and Libya.

But these proxy wars have not accomplished U.S. strategic goals—in some cases, they have even done the opposite. Advocates who criticize U.S. policy in the broader Middle East region have tended to focus on “ending endless wars.” This is a critical step, but U.S. policy must go beyond ending these wars. The proxy approach to Middle East conflicts has failed. It’s time to focus on a new strategy centered on major investments in development and diplomacy

This will help ensure that wars do not simply start up again in a revised form and pull the United States back in.

(* B P)

Television news ignores U.S. aid cuts to Yemen and its impact on efforts to contain coronavirus

As Yemen faces the loss of three-quarters of humanitarian programs due to U.S. aid cuts, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and Fox News have completely failed to cover the crisis.

While Yemen has struggled to contain the novel coronavirus amid a years-long humanitarian crisis, the Trump administration has withdrawn critical aid that has led to drastic cuts in aid programs in the country and made the situation worse. The move comes after years of U.S. involvement in Yemen backing a Saudi-led coalition that has targeted civilians and infrastructure sites. The violent conflict has left millions displaced and at risk of famine in what the United Nations labels the world’s most dire humanitarian crisis.

Still, cable and broadcast news media have largely failed at covering the ramifications of United States’ foreign policy in Yemen. In March, when President Donald Trump moved to cut critical aid from the country, humanitarian groups warned of the potential for the coronavirus to have a detrimental impact in the region. When the coronavirus pandemic began to hit Yemen in April, it was reported that dozens of U.N. programs intended to assist the country were likely to be shut down due to the U.S. aid cuts. In June, the U.N. warned that financial aid was needed in the region to deter the shuttering of 31 out of 41 humanitarian aid programs.

But CNN and Fox News, along with CBS, NBC, and ABC’s nightly news programs, all failed to cover the aid cuts and their subsequent impact on the efforts to contain the coronavirus in Yemen. MSNBC’s coverage, though still minimal, included a thorough report that detailed efforts in Yemen to contain the coronavirus amid the United States’ humanitarian aid cuts.

(* A K P)

U.S. senators want to block drone sales to Saudis

Republican and Democratic senators introduced legislation on Thursday that would block international sales of American-made drones to countries that are not close U.S. allies, mentioning Saudi Arabia in particular.

Reuters broke the news in June that President Donald Trump’s administration planned to reinterpret the Missile Technology Control Regime, a Cold Wars arms agreement between 35 nations, with the goal of allowing U.S. defense contractors to sell more drones to an array of nations.

Republican Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul, Democratic Senators Chris Murphy and Chris Coons, and Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, introduced the measure.

(A P)

Trump’s Iran envoy quits administration as US pushes embargo

The Trump administration’s top envoy for Iran is stepping down just as the United States tries to moves ahead with a major diplomatic effort that would extend a U.N. arms embargo against Tehran in the face of widespread international opposition.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

Iran nuclear deal at risk as U.N. council prepares to vote on arms embargo

The U.N. Security Council is preparing to vote this week on a U.S. proposal to extend an arms embargo on Iran, a move that some diplomats say is bound to fail and put the fate of a nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers further at risk.

A last-minute attempt by Britain, France and Germany to broker a compromise with Russia and China on an arms embargo extension appeared unsuccessful so far, diplomats said. Russia and China, allies of Iran, have long-signaled opposition to the U.S. measure.

A Chinese diplomat at the United Nations, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that “extending the arms embargo on Iran in whatever form lacks legal basis and will undermine efforts to preserve” the nuclear deal, adding that there is “no chance” the U.S. text will be adopted.


(* A P)

Document of the Week: U.S. Pushes Doomed Iran Resolution at U.N.

Trump’s Iran gambit is sweeping, punitive, and has little chance of success.

A day after the United States’ Iran envoy, Brian Hook, announced his resignation, throwing Washington’s Iran policy into disarray, the Trump administration plans to forge ahead with a doomed diplomatic campaign to adopt a U.N. resolution that seeks to extend a U.N. arms embargo on Iran scheduled to expire in October.

The draft resolution—which has not been made public yet and which we are posting here as our Document of the Week—is a classic piece of Trumpian diplomacy. It is bold, aiming to impose sweeping legal obligations on countries to confront and seize vessels carrying Iranian cargo. It is punitive, looking to subject multiple Iranian individuals and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, to an asset freeze and travel ban. And it is expected to secure little, if any, support from key Europeans allies, who feel the initiative would undercut the terms of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which pledged to lift the embargo if Iran agreed to a series of verifiable steps to limit its nuclear program.


(* A P)

‘Zero Chance’ for US Resolution on Iran Arms Ban as UNSC Readies for Vote

As the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) prepares for a vote on a resolution proposed by the US to extend an arms ban on Iran, experts and diplomats at the UN say there is “zero chance” for the draft to pass despite Washington’s attempts to rally support for the push.

The embargo is slated to expire in October under a 2015 UNSC-endorsed nuclear deal between Iran and six world states — Russia, China, Germany, Britain, France and the US.

Washington is, however, seeking to keep the arms ban in place through a UNSC resolution, threatening that it would use a provision in the agreement to trigger a return of all UN sanctions on Iran if the UN body fails to extend the embargo. Ironically Washington abandoned the deal in 2018.

(A P)

Iran urges IAEA to probe ‘non-transparent’ Saudi nuclear program

Iran’s permanent representative to Vienna-based international organizations has called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to investigate Saudi Arabia’s “secret” nuclear activities, warning that the international community will not tolerate any “deviation” from a peaceful nuclear program.

(A P)

Iran Asks UN to Hold US Accountable for Plane Interception

Iran urged the United Nations to hold the US accountable for the interception of an Iranian passenger plane by two American fighter jets in the skies over Syria last month, which it called an “unlawful” and an “adventuristic act.”

(* A P)

6 Gulf Arab countries back extending UN arms embargo on Iran

A six-nation bloc of Gulf Arab nations torn apart by internal strife endorsed on Sunday an extension of a United Nations arms embargo on Iran, just two months before it is set to expire.

The Gulf Cooperation Council said it sent a letter to the U.N. Security Council backing an extension of an arms embargo that’s kept Iran from purchasing foreign-made weapons like fighter jets, tanks and warships.


(A P)

Iran slams Persian Gulf Cooperation Council's call for extension of arms embargo's_call_for_extension_of_arms_embargo

(*B P)

Bereit zum Showdown

Die USA wollen das Waffenembargo gegen Teheran drastisch verschärfen. Europäische Diplomaten sprechen von einer "reinen Propaganda-Aktion".

Im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen steht eine beispiellose Konfrontation zwischen den USA auf der einen Seite sowie Europa, Russland und China auf der anderen Seite bevor. Bereits in der kommenden Woche wird es aller Wahrscheinlichkeit zum Showdown über das Atomabkommen mit Iran kommen - mit schwer absehbaren, aber in jedem Fall gravierenden Folgen für die Handlungsfähigkeit des ohnehin durch den Streit der Vetomächte geschwächten Gremiums und das gesamte System der UN-Sanktionen. Hintergrund des Streits ist das Auslaufen des Waffenembargos gegen Iran, das die USA um jeden Preis verhindern wollen.

(* A P)

US pushes for UN Security Council vote to extend expiring Iran arms embargo

The Trump administration will seek a U.N. Security Council vote next week on a resolution to extend a 13-year-old arms embargo that expires in October -- while warning that the U.S. will go ahead unilaterally if the resolution fails.

"We have an objective to extend the arms embargo," Brian Hook, special envoy for Iran, told reporters in a press call Thursday morning. "That can be done the easy way or it can be done the hard way, but it’s going to be extended."

The U.S. has been lobbying for months to get an extension of the Iran arms embargo, which expires in October as one of the conditions of the 2015 Obama-era Iran nuclear deal -- formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA).

(* A P)

UN Set For Showdown Over US Iran Arms Embargo Push

The UN Security Council is set next week to roundly reject a US resolution to extend an Iranian arms embargo, diplomats say, setting up a lengthy showdown with repercussions for the Iran nuclear deal.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Wednesday that the United States would put forward its long-awaited resolution despite ardent opposition from Russia and China.

But UN diplomats say opposition to the resolution's current form is so widespread that Washington is unlikely even to secure the nine votes required to force Moscow and Beijing to wield their vetoes.

"The resolution takes a maximalist position on Iran," one diplomat told AFP.

Another said the draft "goes beyond the current provisions" of the ban on conventional weapons sales to Iran that ends on October 18.

The embargo is due to expire under the terms of a resolution that blessed the Iran nuclear deal, signed in July 2015 and officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

(A P)

US ambassador says Iran is world No. 1 sponsor of terrorism

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations called Iran “the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism” on Thursday and warned Russia and China that they will become “co-sponsors” if they block a resolution to extend the U.N. arms embargo on Iran.

Ambassador Kelly Craft said the United States hopes Russia and China “will not be co-sponsors of the number one state that sponsors terrorism” and “will see the importance of peace in the Middle East.”

But she said the partnership between Russia and China, not only on backing Iran, is very clear: “They’re just going to be promoting chaos, conflict and mayhem outside their borders, so we have to just corner them.”

My comment: LOL. „world No. 1 sponsor of terrorism“ obviously since decades is the US. In place no. 2: Saudi Arabia. – „promoting chaos, conflict and mayhem outside their borders,“ is the US.

(*A P)

Pompeo: US to call UN vote on Iran arms embargo extension

The Trump administration will press ahead with efforts to extend a United Nations arms embargo on Iran despite widespread opposition to such a move at the world body, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday. The decision sets the stage for a potential crisis at the U.N. Security Council amid rising tensions in the Middle East.

Pompeo said the United States would call for a Security Council vote next week on a U.S.-drafted resolution to extend the embargo that is due to expire in October. The resolution is widely expected to fail, as the other members of the Security Council have signaled their opposition.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A H)

Ilford student running 10km for Yemen famine in honour of late grandmother

(A P)

London hosts rally calling for stopped arms sales to Saudis, Emiratis

(A P)

Petition: Broker a ceasefire for all sides in Yemen to carry out humanitarian aid

As Yemenis who are privileged to be British citizens, we want our Government to put pressure on all military groups in Yemen, including the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition forces, to halt attacks on Yemen; to allow humanitarian aid to be carried out. We want all groups to put down their weapons.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Yemeni emigrants organize a sit-in demanding Houthis to allow access to Safer tanker

(* B K P)

»Eine viel zu laxe Regulierung macht es möglich«

Münchener Konzern MTU liefert Triebwerkskomponenten für viele im Jemen-Krieg eingesetzte Kampfjets. Ein Gespräch mit Barbara Happe

Anlässlich der Hauptversammlung des Münchener Rüstungslieferanten MTU Aero Engines vergangene Woche kritisierte auch Ihre Organisation den Dax-Konzern dafür, Technik für neue Kampfjets der Jemen-Kriegspartei Kuwait produziert zu haben. Das macht der Konzern seit Jahren. Weshalb melden Sie jetzt Protest an?

Uns ist klar, dass von MTU ständig Zulieferungen für die Rüstungsproduktion stattfinden. Wir waren in den vergangenen Jahren schon bei den Hauptversammlungen, um diese unverantwortlichen Geschäfte des Konzerns anzuprangern. Anlässlich der aktuellen Versammlung am 5. August, die wegen der Coronapandemie virtuell stattfand, haben wir uns erneut zu Wort gemeldet. Der Konzern liefert Triebwerkskomponenten für viele im Jemen-Krieg eingesetzte Kampfjets. Aktuell geht es um 28 »Eurofighter«, von denen die ersten in diesem Jahr an Kuwait geliefert werden sollen. Das Land gehört der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Kriegskoalition an, die seit fünf Jahren den Jemen in Schutt und Asche bombt. Kuwait soll noch dieses Jahr die ersten »Eurofighter« erhalten. Würden MTU und andere Rüstungskonzerne nicht zuliefern, könnte dieser Luftkrieg vermutlich so nicht geführt werden.


(A K P)

MTU: Münchener Technik für Bombenkrieg im Jemen

Zur heutigen Hauptversammlung des Münchener Rüstungslieferanten MTU Aero Engines kritisieren urgewald und das Berliner Informationszentrum für Transatlantische Sicherheit (BITS) das mangelnde humanitäre Verantwortungsbewusstsein des DAX-Konzerns. MTU ist ein wichtiger Lieferant von Triebwerkskomponenten für Kampfjets wie den Eurofighter, die die Kriegsparteien im seit fünf Jahren andauernden Jemenkrieg einsetzen.

BITS-Direktor Otfried Nassauer kommentiert:
"Der Krieg im Jemen wird ganz überwiegend mit Kampfflugzeugen geführt, in denen Triebwerkskomponenten von MTU verbaut sind. Dazu gehören Tornados, Eurofighter, F18 Hornet, F15 Strike Eagle und viele Modelle der F16 Fighting Falcon. Kaum einer der benutzten Kampfjets könnte seine tödliche Fracht auf Ziele im Jemen abwerfen, wenn die Komponenten des Münchener Konzerns nicht wären. Überspitzt gesagt: Ohne MTU wäre der Bombenkrieg wahrscheinlich ausgefallen.“

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Arabische Renaissance mit Atomkraft und Weltall

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate durchlaufen einen Wandlungsprozess - weg vom Öl, hin zu anderen Technologien. Mit einer Mars-Mission und eigenem Atomkraftwerk wollen sie sich als Mittelmacht positionieren.

Die technischen Leistungen spiegelten das neue Selbstverständnis des Landes, sagt Cinzia Bianco, die am "European Council for Foreign Relations" zur politischen Entwicklung der Arabischen Halbinsel forscht.

Die VAE wollten mit ihren Nuklear- und Weltraumprogrammen zeigen, dass auch kleine Staaten in der Lage sind großem Maßstab zu denken und zu wachsen, so Bianco. "Sie wollen eine Art Statement abgeben - an die arabischen Länder ebenso wie an die gesamte Weltöffentlichkeit."

Atom- und Raumfahrtprogramm haben für die VAE hohe Symbolkraft. Man will damit an lange vergangene Glanzleistungen der islamischen Zivilisation anknüpfen: "Diese neue technische Phase bezieht ihre Inspiration aus der Vergangenheit, als die Araber in allen Bereichen der Wissenschaft führend waren und Pionierarbeit für die frühen Theorien des Weltraums, der Physik und der Astronomie leisteten", heißt es etwa in einem Statement des "Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research" (ECSSR).

Nun läute man eine neue Zukunft der arabischen Welt ein, "in der grenzenloser Ehrgeiz und Entschlossenheit, gepaart mit Zusammenarbeit und Toleranz, der Menschheit erneut zugutekommen wird".

Damit streben die VAE nicht nur eine gesamt-arabische Renaissance unter eigener Führung an. Zugleich entspringe das atomare Engagement auch der Sorge um eine langfristig gesicherte Energieversorgung, sagt Sara Bazoobandi vom "Arab Gulf States Institute" in Washington, die derzeit als assoziierte Forscherin am Hamburger GIGA-Institut tätig ist.

Die Emirate bereiteten sich seit Jahren auf die Zeit nach dem Ende der fossilen Energiequellen vor.

Der Ehrgeiz der VAE beschränkte sich jedoch nicht auf die arabische Welt, sagt Cinzia Bianco. Er richtete sich auch an die globale Öffentlichkeit. Nur eine Handvoll Länder wie die USA, China, Russland und Indien - ebenso die EU - leisten sich bisher Mars-Missionen, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate spielen hier also als Junior in einer Liga der Großen mit.

(* B P)

Oman “open to all Yemenis”, Foreign Minister says

Sultanate of Oman will continue to play key mediating role, minister says

Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Oman’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that his country’s borders are open to all Yemenis leaving and returning home.

He stressed that the “Sultanate stands with the Yemeni people, helps them in a neutral way and seeks solutions to the crisis.”

“Our borders are open to all Yemenis who go to other countries and come from abroad to Yemen, and this is an opening for a meeting between northern and southern Yemenis,” he confirmed.

“The Yemenis are our brothers and neighbours and we are seeking with them and others to resolve the differences. We will be able to look at the past and look to the future,” Bin Alawi said, pointing out that the Yemeni crisis is “somewhat complex, but if Yemenis talk for the future, they will overcome this problem.”

On the secret of Oman’s diplomacy remaining in agreement with all parties, the official said that his country’s diplomacy “has some clarity with everyone, and does not like to embarrass other countries or be embarrassed.”

and also

(A E)

Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways posts $758M in half-year losses

(* B P)

Egypt helps unify Yemen rivals behind Riyadh deal

The new deal to end the dispute between the Saudi-backed Yemeni government and southern separatists supported by the United Arab Emirates was facilitated by Egyptian diplomacy.

Tarek Fahmy, a professor of political science at Cairo University, told Al-Monitor that Egypt has been closely following developments in Yemen. He said since the outbreak of the Yemeni conflict, Egypt has pursued a policy of not involving itself in any direct negotiations unless Egyptian interests are threatened.

According to Fahmy, all parties to the Yemeni conflict, whether the Gulf, the Yemeni government, southern separatists or Houthi rebels, see Egypt as a credible mediator. “Egypt has been holding direct and indirect contacts with all parties involved in the Yemeni crisis.”

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* A P)

Trump rejected Saudi proposal to invade Qatar: report

Saudi Arabia proposed a plan to US President Donald Trump to invade Qatar in 2017, a new report has revealed.

According to Foreign Policy, Saudi King Salman spoke to Trump on June 6, 2017, suggesting a ground invasion of Qatar.

Trump strongly rejected the Saudi proposal, and soon after he asked Kuwait to mediate tensions within the GCC states.

and also

cp12b Sudan

(*A H)

U.N. says tens of thousands affected by floods in Sudan

Seasonal torrential rains have wreaked havoc on houses and infrastructure across Sudan, affecting more than 50,000 people, the United Nations said.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Labour opposes the arms trade

Trade unionists, workers, and peace activists unite against humanitarian crisis

Though the lead role played by Saudi Arabia on the ground in this intervention is often emphasized, a number of Western countries are actively complicit, including the U.S., the U.K., and Canada. “We’re part of the problem in that sense,” Al-Adeimi says. “We’re not innocent bystanders. All of these countries have blood on their hands.”

In Canada’s case, complicity with the Saudi regime happens most prominently through supplying Saudi Arabia with military equipment. In 2014, the Canadian government, under then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper, signed a deal to sell them approximately $15 billion of light armoured vehicles (LAVs). After the deal was approved the next year, by the newly elected Liberals under Justin Trudeau, Canada became the second biggest arms exporter to the Middle East. The LAVs were to be manufactured by General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada (GDLS) in London, Ontario.

As soon as this deal became public knowledge, human rights organizations in Canada started to campaign against it.

Black reached out to other trade unionists and to peace activists that he knew and in mid-2019, they released an open letter aimed at the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and its president, Hassan Yussuff, calling on them
“to demand Prime Minister Trudeau immediately cancel the Government of Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia” and “to declare military goods destined for Saudi Arabia as ‘hot cargo’ and use its considerable resources to coordinate labour movement opposition to this arms deal.”

Black agrees that “there’s no way that you can ask workers to support a cause like this … if you cannot first guarantee that workers are going to not lose their livelihoods.” So, from the very start, the goal of Labour Against the Arms Trade has been not just an end to the deal but “conversion”—that is, intervention by the government to shift the GDLS plant, and eventually other factories in Canada, away from making arms and towards making other things.

“Those same skills … could be put to use and applied to the production of socially useful products like renewable energy sources,” Black said.

(B K P)

Saudi-led coalition concludes secret deals with al-Qaeda in Yemen: Report

Foreign Policy magazine called on the United States administration to change its destabilizing behavior in the region by ending a failed approach.

The magazine acknowledged that the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen had concluded secret deals with al-Qaeda takfiri militants, stressing that the American weapons sold to Saudi Arabia and the UAE were delivered to the takfiri groups (al-Qaeda)

and also

(A K P)

Das belgische Gericht setzt den Waffenexport nach Saudi-Arabien aus

Belgiens höchstes Verwaltungsgericht hat am Freitag die Waffenausfuhrlizenzen nach Saudi-Arabien ausgesetzt.

Der Staatsrat beschloss, die Entscheidung des wallonischen Ministerpräsidenten, mehreren belgischen Unternehmen Lizenzen für den Export von Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien zu erteilen, durch einen Notstand auszusetzen.

Elio di Rupo, der Ministerpräsident der südlichen Region des Landes, erteilte zwei in Wallonien ansässigen Rüstungsunternehmen, FN Herstal und CMI Defense, die Genehmigung, Anfang Juli Waffen an die Nationalgarde und die Royal Guard von Saud Arabia zu verkaufen.

(A K P)

Belgium suspends arms sales to Saudi National Guard as well

After Wallonia region ended weapons sales to Saudi army and air force, National Guard now also blacklisted

(B K P)

Milizen in Kriegsgebieten handeln mit Schweizer Waffen

Händler im Irak, im Jemen, in Syrien und Libyen verkaufen Kriegsmaterial aus der Schweiz. Das zeigen Fotos aus Online-Schwarzmärkten, die dem SonntagsBlick vorliegen.


cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Siehe / Look at cp1


Film: Die Gemeinde prüft den Schaden in der historischen Stadt Saada

(* A)

Überschwemmung gefährdet Altstadt von Sanaa

Durch die Überschwemmungen in Jemen sind die berühmten braun-weißen Turmbauten aus Lehmziegeln in der Hauptstadt Sanaa gefährdet. Die Häuser in der Altstadt sind teilweise mehrere hundert Jahre alt und gehören zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Über hundert Gebäude seien teilweise oder vollständig eingestürzt, teilte die Denkmalschutz-Behörde mit. Mit Hilfe der UNESCO werde versucht, die restlichen Bauten zu retten, sagte ein Sprecher.


Old Sanaa City buildings collapse in heavy rains

Four buildings in the Old Sanaa City have collapsed in heavy rains which have been lashing Yemen's capital for weeks. The city was put on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1986.
Two of the four buildings were too old and empty when they collapsed west of the Grand Mosque, the Houthi-run Saba news agency said on Thursday, adding that they were four-story and two-story buildings.
One of the other two in the quarter of Salah Al-Din collapsed partially, the agency said.
Director of the city, Ahmed Al-Samat, said the local authorities evacuated the two buildings in the quarter of Broum after cracks had appeared in them.


Floods destroy house of iconic poet Abdullah Al-Baradouni in downtown Yemen capital

In the heart of Yemen's capital Sanaa settled great poet and intellectual Abdullah Al-Baradouni a long time ago. His house had been waiting for an official order to be turned into a national museum in honour of the poet.
Floods triggered by heavy rains that have been lashing Sanaa and other Yemeni provinces for two weeks shamelessly destroyed it on Friday.

and also


Film: Houses in Old City of Sana'a, (a UNESCO World Heritage site), are falling apart due to heavy rains. What will be next in 2020?

More films:



Film: Another heritage site in #Yemen is being destroyed due to the floods. This old mosque ages 600 years in an old city of Hababah area. =

(* C)

Rätsel um „kopierte“ Steinzeit-Projektile gelöst

Warum sind sich tausende Jahre alte Steinspitzen aus Arabien und Nordamerika so ähnlich?

Verblüffende Übereinstimmung: In Südarabien haben Archäologen 8.000 Jahre alte Steinspitzen entdeckt, die Steinzeit-Projektilen aus Nordamerika überraschend ähneln – beide wurden mit der gleichen Technik hergestellt. Gab es damals womöglich eine Verbindung zwischen diesen Kulturen? Nähere Analysen sprechen nun dagegen. Demnach gibt es subtile Unterschiede, die auf eine unabhängige Parallelentwicklung dieser „Fluting“-Technik hindeuten.


Native American stone tool technology unearthed in Yemen, Oman

Archaeologists recently discovered 8,000-year-old stone fluted points on the Arabian Peninsula, the same technology developed by Native Americans 13,000 years ago, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One.
When the stone tools were first unearthed, researchers suspected there was something familiar about them. Scientists took note of the flute-like grooves texturing the sides of the stone points.
The tools examined for the study were found in Manayzah in Yemen and Ad-Dahariz in Oman, researchers said. =


(* C)

In ancient Arabia, some tools were created to show off skills

People living in southern Arabia some 8,000 years ago created intricate stone weapons that were not just useful, but designed to “show off” their tool-making skills, a new study suggests.

Researchers from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), The Ohio State University and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History excavated and examined projectile points – such as spearheads and arrowheads – created during the Neolithic period in what is now Yemen and Oman.

They found that the Arabians independently invented a process to create projectile points – called fluting – that was first used by people living in North America thousands of years earlier.

But there was one key difference between fluting as it was used in North America and the way it was used in Arabia, said Joy McCorriston, co-author of the study and professor of anthropology at Ohio State.

In North America, fluting was used just to make the arrowhead or spearhead more functional. But in Arabia, people also used it to demonstrate their technical skills.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E)

Rebuilding Rural Life and Rain-fed Agriculture in Yemen: Documentation and Policy Change

in collaboration with Sana'a University

This project aims to document the social and ecological impact of macro-economic and technological policies in a major food-producing region of north-west Yemen; the mountain highlands and the lowland Tihama plains.

(* B E P)

Yemen Monthly Economic Update June 2020

The country’s socio-economic conditions are deteriorating, affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, downsizing of humanitarian operations, and currency volatility. Severe fuel shortages in the northern governorates jeopardize COVID-19 responses and delivery of humanitarian assistance.

In June, a severe fuel shortage hit Yemen’s northern governorates, including Sana’a, disrupting COVID19 responses and humanitarian operations. The suffocating fuel crisis has affected all aspects of life, threatening access to food, hospital operations, water supplies, which are fuel-dependent and crucial to suppress the virus transmission and to save lives. Reportedly, black market operators are selling fuel products at significantly high prices, sometimes three times or more than the official price. The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) in Sana’a attributed the supply shortage to the detention of fuel vessels, despite being inspected and cleared to enter the Hodeidah Port by the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). Before entering the port, vessels have to receive a final approval from the Government, which ensures importers’ compliance with fuel import regulations (Decrees 49 and 75).
According to the YPC, as of June 30, 22 ships carrying 500 thousand metric tons of imported fuel products (about 1.5 months consumption needs), already cleared by the UNVIM, were awaiting the Government’s approval to discharge.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Yemen: Ansar Allah operations against ISIS and al-Qaeda in northern al-Baydha

Ansar Allah and allied tribes have launched operations against the positions of ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists in the districts of al-Qurayshiyah and the Walad Rabi’, located in the northwestern of al-Baydha province.

Al-Zahra, Al-Sharia, Al-Khabza and Jabal Al-Alib areas in the western part of Al-Qifa area were liberated during the operation today.

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) killed an al Houthi militant in Rada’a district in central Yemen’s al Bayda governorate on August 6, according to pro-al Qaeda media. AQAP militants also allegedly killed an STC-aligned soldier in southern Yemen’s Abyan governorate that same day. AQAP claimed attacking al Houthi militants in al Bayda governorate in early April.[1]

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

In brief: Why continue to dialogue with theoretic militia?

Yemenis all along know the Houthis is a theocratic militia that came into being to pursue a dynastical reign granted to them as "a divine right" in their scriptures.

The Houthis have sacrificed tens of thousands of Yemenis on the altar of their dynastical ambitions. And every year they celebrate the Wilaya Day which commemorates, according to their beliefs, prophet Mohammed's appointment of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb and his offspring (such as Houthis) as a ruling family.

(A P)

When the more moderate ancestors of Houthis were in power!

It is funny how the United Nations pushes for peace between the government and the Houthi terrorists! On the hope that "all parties join forces against Al-Qaeda", whose terror in Yemen had awlays beeen of a lesser degree. No beheadings. And most of all Al-Qaeda controls no territories in Yemen anymore."

(A P)

Cartoon: #Houthi militia & #Peace

(A P)

An American expert: Turkey is "destitute" and Qatar funds its activities in Yemen

The American expert specializing in national security, Yemeni and Turkish affairs and radical groups, Irina Zuckerman, confirmed that the operations and movements taking place in Al-Hujaria in the Taiz governorate in central Yemen are directly related to the Turkish / Qatari move against Saudi Arabia.

In an exclusive interview with Newsyemen, Tsukerman said that Turkey and Qatar are part of the "Islamic Quartet" that aims to abolish the anti-terrorism quartet led by Riyadh.

Of course, the challenge of Saudi influence and investment in the region is through political, ideological, religious and military investment, and humanitarian and economic means.

She explained: "This is exactly what the Turkish / Qatari axis is doing in Taiz, as they work to train fighters who can pose a military challenge, form a secret intelligence relationship, spread ideological extremism, and in general present themselves as leaders in the region and a superpower that creates a caliphate, while visualizing Saudi Arabia is viewed as incompetent and serving narrow, self-serving goals that cannot lead to any greatness or strength for Yemen. "

(A P)

Houthis responsible for catastrophic damage caused by floods, Yemen Gov't says

Information minister in the internationally recognised government of Yemen, Muammar Al-Eryani, on Saturday held the Houthi Group responsible for catastrophic damage of the floods triggered by heavy rains in regions under control of the group.
The Houthis are ignoring deaths of people, road cut-offs, damage to dams in Sanaa, Ibb and Amran and the cars and livestock swept away by rains and floods, he wrote on Twitter.
Losses people are suffering are a natural result of collapsing infrastructure in Houthi-controlled regions, he said, elaborating that the group has not rehabilitated and maintained dams, bridges and roads since it seized the capital Sanaa in September 2014.

(A P)

Yemen takes steps to recover looted artefacts

Yemeni authorities are working with foreign governments to prevent the sale of looted antiquities smuggled out of the country by the Houthis.

The Yemeni government has been working to recover looted antiquities that were smuggled out of the country by the Iran-backed Houthis (Ansarallah) and to prevent them from being sold on the international market, officials said.

The Ministry of Culture has reached out to countries where stolen Yemeni antiquities are being sold and traded, in the hope of entering into agreements with these countries, said Minister of Culture Marwan Damaj.

Yemeni antiquities have been "excavated, looted and vandalised by the Houthis", he told Al-Mashareq, accusing the militia of destroying ancient sites in order to "obliterate Yemen's diverse cultural heritage".

(A P)

The Layers and Limits of Diplomacy With Iran

While the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia is important for de-escalating some tensions in the region, is not the decisive conflict involving Iran in the region.

We agree that the right path for the United States is to pursue nuclear and regional diplomacy. These diplomatic efforts should try to defuse tensions and provide forums for dialogue among the major regional players, like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, and Egypt. Israel too should be encouraged back on the path toward negotiation with the Palestinians, and if that is successful, with the wider Arab and Muslim world.

But it is important that any policy prescriptions be based on a clear-eyed analysis of Middle East regional dynamics and of the likely constraints that will be imposed on the next presidential administration, whether that be under Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

As suggested above, talks between the United States and Iran are of paramount importance. It is critical that Washington balance its pressure posture toward Iran with active diplomacy that provides a credible pathway to change Iranian behavior. The next administration can and should re-engage with the JCPOA as the best avenue to handle the nuclear challenge while addressing its limitations related to duration and sunset clauses. Important, too, is robust diplomacy—which means strong pressure, combined with diplomatic engagement—on the matters of Iran’s missile program and its direct and proxy deployments throughout the region.

My comment: A typical US mainstream view: The US as ruler of the world.

(A P)

The UAE is a tool in the service of the US and Israel

What sort of country is the UAE, the group of several small emirates that has not yet completed its fifth decade? Is it driven by self-ambition and expansionism? Or is the UAE being manipulated to serve the interests of others? Where does its force and influence come from which enables it to move north, south, east and west?

It doesn’t actually take much to see that the UAE authorities are not actually in control; that they are being used by others. The UAE, in fact, is a state that has dedicated its resources to serve foreign agendas. As Turkey’s Minister of Defence Kulusi Akar said recently, it is just a pawn that is being exploited remotely by several countries to serve their political and military ambitions. Who are these parties, he asked rhetorically; on whose behalf is the UAE acting?

Akar is aware, of course, that the UAE is a tool in the hands of the Zionists to move whenever and wherever they want. It is, therefore, an arm of the Zionist colonial entity, Israel. In this sense, too, we can deduce that the small Gulf State is working for the US and its colonial projects in the region at the expense of the Arab world from which it has separated itself.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni minister attributes Lebanon blast to Iran-exported chaos to region

The Iranian regime has exported chaos to the Arab region, the Yemeni information minister tweeted on Wednesday, citing the ruins experienced by Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and other Arab countries where Tehran's arms spread.
"The ordeal lived by our nation since coup of Houthi militias, which have spread death and destruction, is not separated from the disorder, ruins and blues exported by the Iranian regime to countries in the region. Lebanon's condition is not far off" from all this, Moammar al-Eryani added.
"Once the Iranian regime has presence in it, a country will suffer ruin and destruction,"

and also

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

(A K pS)

Houthi militiamen killed in air strikes in Al-Bayda

A number of Iranian-backed Houthi militiamen were killed Monday in air strikes by coalition fighters in the central province of Al-Bayda.

and also

(A K pH)

Cluster Bomb Kills, Injures 4 Children in Marib

Two children were killed and two others were injured on Friday evening, when a cluster bomb of Saudi-led aggression remaining in Marib province exploded, in Harib Al-Qarameesh district of Marib Governorate.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Marib Bayda various p. various p. Al Bayda p. Jawf p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(B K)

Film: Mansour Ahmad.. Landmines are a real tragedy in #Yemen

(A K pS)

Farmer injured by Houthi laid-mine in al-Dhale

(A K pS)

Two marginalized (dark-skinned) children have been killed and their bodies were dismembered into pieces as they stepped on a Houthi-laid landmine in Ghubeira village in Bani Hammad district Yemen's central province of Taiz.

(* A K)

3 Ethiopian migrants killed in Yemen crossfire

At least three Ethiopian migrants were killed on Sunday after they were caught in crossfire of clashes between the Yemeni warring parties in the central province of Marib, a government security source told Xinhua.


(* A K pH)

3 African migrants killed by artillery shelling of Saudi-led mercenaries in Marib

and also

(A K pH)

Saudi Missiles and Shells Kill A Civilian, Sa’adah

(* A K pS)

Houthi gunmen have killed two men including a child and injured a third in a fire shooting on a wedding party in A-Ashaab village in Jabal Habashi district of the central Yemeni province of Taiz.

A woman was killed and her young daughter was injured in the explosion of a Houthi landmine in Aljawf province.

(A K pS)

The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Joint Coalition Forces Intercept, shoot down bomb-laden UAV launched by terrorist, Iran-backed Houthi militia from (Hodeida) governorate

“Joint Coalition Forces intercepted and shot down a bomb-laden Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) launched toward the Kingdom this morning.
The terrorist Houthi militia continues to breach the (Stockholm) Agreement and the Hodeida ceasefire, and use Hodeida governorate as a ballistic missile and bomb-laden UAV and USV launch site, which represents a credible threat for regional and international security, and undermines the political efforts for a successful implementation of the (Stockholm) Agreement.

My comment: It seems the Saudis look for a pretense to bomb Hodeidah province.

(A K pS)

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pH)

Daily violations: Aug.10 Aug. 9 Aug. 8 and Aug. 7

(A K pH)

Civilian killed, 11 injured in aggression forces shelling in Hodeidah

A civilian has been killed in Saudi-led aggression coalition forces' shelling on al-Jah al-Ala area in Bait al-Faqih district in Hodeidah province, a security official said on Tuesday.

The security official added that the aggression coalition forces also injured 11, including six children in two artillery shells on the area.

and also

(A K pH)

Woman killed in aggression forces shelling in Hodeidah

and also

(* B K pS)

Military statistics revealed that 44 civilians were killed or injured by the #Houthi group during the last two months in Hodeidah governorate.

(A K pS)

Houthis killed by their own landmines in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Tahama Org. condemns murder of child in Hodeidah

murder of a 12-year-old disabled child, Ma'atouq, in the besieged district of al-in Hodeidah province.

(A K pS)

Little girl badly injured by explosive remnant in Hodeidah


cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(A P)

Saudi airline forces 250 Yemen passengers to disembark at Djibouti Airport

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Al-Saif Aviation (a private Saudi company) forced 250 Yemenis to disembark at Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport instead of taking them to Seiyun Airport in Yemen.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-671 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-671: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose