Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 225 - Yemen War Mosaic 225

Yemen Press Reader 225: Babys: Missbildungen–Taiz: Kriegsverbrechen–Gesundheitssystem zerstört–Cholera–Jemen in der Sackgasse–Frauen–Kinder in Aden–UN–Assange über Clinton–Thinktanks und Krieg

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Deformations of newborns – War crimes at Taiz – Damage of health system – Cholera Update – Yemen’s dead end – Women – Aden children speaking – UN – Assange about Clinton – Think tanks and war – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp13b Finanzen / Finances

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

6.11.2016 – Jennifer (** B H K)

Deformation of babies / Missbildungen bei Babys: Horrifying photos & videos have emerged from #Yemen. (photo)

Comments by dazed: this looks like depleted uranium at work. Is this correct?

there was an epidemic of very similar things in #Falujah shortly after the big US led invasion my gov still denies.

6.11.2016 – Mwatana Organisation (*** B H K)

Violations by Internal Armed Conflict Parties in Taiz May Amount to War Crimes

Mwatana Organization for Human Rights has declared that the parties to the conflict involved in the armed ground conflict in Taiz governorate south Yemen, have committed a list of appalling grave human rights violations. The violations resulted in hundreds of killed and injured civilians and damaging the lives of thousands of the city’s residents in a manner that is clear to be a violation of the International Humanitarian Law since fighting broke out late March 2015.

Radhya al-Mutawakel, chairperson of Mwatana Organization for Human Rights, says: “What the conflict sides are doing to the city of Taiz and its civilian residents presents grave violations of the International Humanitarian Law and may amount to war crimes.”

Al-Mutawakel emphasizes that the conflict sides must acknowledge their responsibility for all the crimes they have committed and that they must stop jeopardizing the lives of civilians for political or military gains on the account of the blood, the displacement and the damage of the lives of the innocent.

She adds: “The international community has to prove its credibility and seriousness in regards to standing by the side of civilians in Taiz in specific and in Yemen in general. The grave violations of the International Humanitarian Law in Taiz present one of the most critical reasons to establish an international independent mechanism to investigate the violations committed by all conflict sides. This is needed in order to preserve the rights of victims and guarantee justice for them as well as to end impunity policies.”

The report that Mwatana Organization has released documents scores of incidents where the International Humanitarian Law was violated by the conflict sides since the outbreak of clashes in Taiz in late March 2015.

The report titled: “Chapters from Hell” contains (177) incidents, investigated by Mwatana Organization, where the International Humanitarian Law was violated. These incidents provide a documentation of cases of hundreds of civilians who were killed and injured due to the armed ground conflict. Both sides of the conflict and their allies share responsibility for deploying and locating in the middle of civilian residential sites where attacks are launched from and on these sites. Consequently, thousands of civilians found themselves stuck in the middle of the two conflict sides where they face various violations.

Among the most apparent violations are those presented in killing, maiming, attacking medical staff and medical facilities, targeting schools and occupying them for military purposes and military recruitment of children in addition to Ansar Allah group forcing a suffocating blockade from time to time on the city to block entry of medical and humanitarian relief and aid. Similarly, the popular resistance assaulted relief organizations and humanitarian aid warehouses and carried out field executions.

The report reveals that Mwatana Organization for Human Rights has documented scores of serious violations that caused the killing of (217) civilians among whom are (87) children and (32) women. Furthermore, (479) civilians were injured including (189) children and (48) women between the period of March 2015 and April 2016.

The research Mwatana Organization did shows that Ansar Allah armed group (Houthis) and forces loyal to former president Saleh are responsible for the majority of indiscriminate and bloody attacks launched on residential areas that are under control of the popular resistance and forces loyal to president Hadi in the city of Taiz.

The report sheds light on a sample of incidents, which Mwatana Organization investigated, that involve (32) indiscriminate attacks and (22) shooting incidents where bullets and anti-aircraft ammunition were fired and resulted in killing (103) civilians among whom are (50) children and (14) women. As a result of these shootings, (229) civilians were injured including (98) children and (16) women in the period between April 2015 and March 2016.

These attacks and incidents reached civilian targets where people lead ordinary life activities at houses, markets, public streets, residential areas and vital facilities.

The documentation of incidents during the period covered by the report includes at least (425) interviews conducted by Mwatana Organization in Arabic with victims who survived, relatives of victims, eyewitnesses as well as humanitarian and medical staff. Mwatana’s investigative team has also collected around (55) field observations of cases where children were recruited and mobilized for military purposes.

The report includes (9) incidents where field executions were carried out by the popular resistance forces during varying periods. The executions took place in areas that the popular resistance restored militarily as they were previously controlled by Ansar Allah armed group and Saleh’s forces. Also, the report contains (4) incidents of assaults on relief organizations as well as robberies of humanitarian aid warehouses committed by the popular resistance.

The report “Chapters from Hell” includes (31) incidents of assaults and shelling on hospitals and medical facilities as well as robbery of hospitals property. These incidents resulted in killing (2) and injuring (7) others all of who are medical staff as well as recipients of medical treatment and their attendants and including one incident of kidnapping (2) medical workers.

The report also points to the documentation of (27) cases of children’s recruitment for military purposes that were carried out by Ansar Allah armed group (Houthis) and (28) cases carried out by the popular resistance.

The report observes that at least (24) schools were damaged due to either shelling or occupation for military purposes during the period of conflict in Taiz. Ansar Allah armed group (Houthis) occupied at least (7) schools while the popular resistance occupied at least (7) other schools. The two sides alternated in occupying at least (7) schools (which are currently occupied by the popular resistance). This makes the total number of schools that are currently occupied by the popular resistance (14). In addition, three schools were damaged as a result of attacks launched during the war.

An analysis of the remnants of weapons used in indiscriminate attacks is included in the report based on a geographic analysis of areas where the fighting sides are have control or are deployed within the city.

The report presents recommendations to the conflict sides as well as national, regional and international actors that must be considered in order to put an end to civilians falling as victims of the current conflict in Yemen.

The report strongly emphasizes the demand to establish an international independent mechanism to investigate all conflict sides’ violations in Yemen. and Executive Summary:

6.11.2016 – World Health Organisation (** A H)

Survey reveals extent of damage to Yemen's health system

More than half of all health facilities in Yemen are closed or partially functioning, and there are critical shortages in medical doctors in more than 40% of all districts, according to a new WHO health system survey.

Final findings from WHO’s Health Resources Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS*) in 16 out of Yemen's 22 governorates show that out of total 3507 surveyed health facilities, only 1579 (45%) are fully functional and accessible, 1343 (38%) are partially functional and 504 (17%) are non-functional. The survey also revealed that 274 health facilities are damaged as a result of the violence, including 69 facilities totally damaged and 205 facilities partially damaged.

There are no medical doctors in 49 out of 276 surveyed districts, and only 2 doctors or less in 42% of surveyed districts. The number of hospital beds available are 6.2 for every 10 000 population, below the international benchmark (at least 10 beds or more for every 10 000 population).

A full package of health care services is fully available in only in 37% of health facilities. Child health and nutrition services are available in 63% of health facilities, while communicable disease management is available in 43% of the surveyed facilities. Services for noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions are only fully available in 21% of health facilities.

These critical shortages in health services mean that more people are deprived of access to live-saving interventions. Mothers and their newborn babies lack essential antenatal care, skilled birth care and postpartum/postnatal interventions and immunization services. People suffering from acute or chronic conditions are forced to spend more on treatment or forgo treatment altogether. Absence of adequate communicable diseases management increases the risk of outbreaks such cholera, measles, malaria and other endemic diseases.

The ongoing conflict has affected almost all Yemen’s 22 governorates. More than 21 million people are in need of urgent health services, including 2.1 million people who have been internally displaced. As of 25 October 2016, more than 7070 people have been killed and over 36 818 injured, according to health facility-based data. and reported by Reuters: and see also and BBC

6.11.2016 – World Health Organisation (** A H)

Cholera update in Yemen, 6 November 2016

The Ministry of Public Health and Population has published updated figures for cholera cases in the country.

A total of 2733 suspected cases and 51 associated deaths have been reported in Ta’iz, Aden, Lahij, Al Hudaydah, Hajjah, Sana'a, Al Bayda, Dhamar and Ibb. 75 cholera cases have been laboratory-confirmed so far.

While acute watery diarrhoeal diseases are endemic in Yemen, the ongoing conflict has stretched the capacity of the national health systems. More than 7.6 million people are currently living in areas affected by the outbreak, as well as more than 3 million internally displaced persons.

WHO is working in coordination with Ministry of Public Health and Population, UNICEF and partner nongovernmental organizations on the ground to run a joint Health and WASH taskforce to provide an integrated response.

This includes support for eDEWs/surveillance, laboratory support, establishment of 21 cholera treatment centres in affected governorates, training on early detection and management of cases, provision of essential supplies such as IV fluids, diarrhoeal disease kits, oral rehydration solutions and water chlorination kits.

WHO is also supporting social mobilization and health education among citizens to raise their awareness of cholera and diarrhoeal diseases. and as infographic:

Comment: Figures are increasing...

6.11.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (** B P)

Yemen’s Dead End

The urgent need experienced primarily by Riyadh to end the conflict that is inflicting severe economic damage to the country and considerable damage to its image is pushing its allies, especially the USA, to firmly promote the initiative of the Yemen “quartet” that it sponsors.

What is the essence of the initiative? According to information in the media, it is proposed that the conflict be settled in five steps. At the first stage, Kerry and his allies in the “quartet” propose to create a government of national unity or partnership with the participation of all the interested parties. The second step: The Houthi supporters of Saleh surrender weapons to a third party (not specified). The third step is to guarantee security at the Saudi-Yemen border. Then, it is proposed to conduct presidential elections within a year. Finally, the provisions of Resolution 2216 of the UN Security Council should be implemented.

To be honest, the plan is rather utopian and under-elaborated (unless the media has distorted it). It has a number of gaps and provisions that do not satisfy both parties. Let us briefly consider them. To begin with, the first step proposed is to establish government of national unity, but there is no mention of security assurances for the Houthis and supporters of Saleh. Almost immediately after the government is established, they will have to surrender heavy weapons and remain one-to-one with the anti-Houthis coalition. In fact, the idea is that they will believe Riyadh’s word right after the strike on the Houthi leadership on October 8. Then the Houthis should stop attacks in the Saudi territory. This point does not quite satisfy Saudi Arabia (although it looks like they agree) who believe that the settlement plan should start with this, or these steps should be taken separately as a kind of prelude to the settlement.

However, the Houthis would like to exchange the cessation of the strikes by the Arab coalition on their territory for their discontinuation of invasions on the Saudi territory and attacks on them. This is a separate matter, in fact. There are many other disputable moments. Hence, the question arises. Does the USA really want to stop the war? Aside from the version that the media is distorting the actual situation, the US plan looks as if it should demonstrate US peacefulness and its leading role in resolving the Yemeni conflict, rather than actually creating a framework for a genuine political process. It was the USA that sold weapons and ammunition worth 20 billion dollars to Saudi Arabia in 2016, which were spent on the warfare. The Americans are the major source of information for Riyadh on the “Iran’s interference” in Yemen’s affairs, which has become an actual casus belli for Saudi Arabia, and not the ousting of A. Hadi from power.

Judging from media reports, the plan of Ould Cheikh Ahmed looks more prudent and well-balanced. First, it looks more deeply elaborated and detailed as it includes eight items with a different sequence, but they take into account the parties’ concerns to a greater degree.

It is clear that such a plan, though it has some disadvantages, may be used as a basis for the conflict settlement. However, the Houthis, incensed by the strike on Sanaa on October 8, met Ould Cheikh Ahmed more than coldly.

In addition, an unexpected “spoiler” (a term often used these days) was revealed by A. Hadi, who, it seemed, is under the control of Riyadh. In addition, an unexpected “spoiler” (a term often used these days) was revealed by A. Hadi, who, it seemed, is under the control of Riyadh. He presented a rock-solid position stating that he only recognized settlement options based on the peaceful initiative of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, the results of the national dialogue, and Resolution 22016 of the UN Security Council, which required the withdrawal of the Houthis from all major cities, and their surrender of weapons. In other words, he has refused the stage-by-stage and well-balanced approach to the implementation of international solutions proposed by the Special Representative of the UN General Secretary.

It is clear that this position held by the parties and especially by A.Hadi (the tail has started wagging the dog!) is leading the settlement process into a deadlock. There’s no time to be lost though. The humanitarian situation in Yemen is deteriorating, while further military operations are leading to increased numbers of victims and suffering among the civilian population. The USA and its allies that have taken the initiative to regulate the conflict should prove that they are truly committed to peace, and not just playing behind-the-scenes games in order to prolong the conflict and make military and political gains from it – by Pogos Anastasov

6.11.2016 – Southern Hirak (** B H K)

Film: "They were shooting & sniping us... They sniped a child"

Kids of #SouthYemen remember North #Yemen coup, war & indiscriminate killing

Comment by Judith Brown: For those who doubt that the Houthi militias were and are aggressive and brutal - indeed war is like that and there is no other way to win - there is no such thing as a gentlemanly armed conflict and the Geneva Conventions are an unreachable aim - no-one even tries to keep to them but what each 'side' does is tries to spread propaganda to make out they are keeping to the rules of war and their enemy isn't. These children's voices describe the period of the Houthi attack on Aden. Since the civil war of 1994 the old South Yemen has felt that it was occupied by northerners - and extremist Sunni militias many from the north were used by Saleh to defeat the south at that time. The re-entry of northern militias in 2015 was never going to be taken lightly and the Houthies met with determined armed resistance - which they countered with brutality. The Saudi led coalition was up and running - and bombing indiscriminately- by 26th March - it is impossible to get a complex coalition and active support from USA and U.K. in a week - this has been planned for some time and it is my own view that Hadi fled to Aden and stated he was setting my up a government as a ploy in order to attract the Houthi militias to Aden and out if their comfort zone. The voices of these children describe the horrors of that time in their own words. But in the end the only way to peace is to sit down with people you hate and make painful concessions. That has to happen whether Yemen stays as one country or whether it splits into two or more entities. A war between nieghbours has the same potential to kill destroy and polarise as a civil war.

3.11.2016 – Oxfam (** B H)

From the ground up: How Yemen’s women and girls survive

This blog introduces a study carried out by Oxfam, CARE and GenCap, to better understand how women, men, girls and boys survive in Yemen, a country torn apart by conflict.

To better understand what it is to survive as women, men, girls and boys in a country torn apart by conflict, Oxfam in conjunction and CARE and GenCap, engaged in a study entitled 'From the ground up' to better understand the impact of conflict on gender relations in Yemen. Our team spoke with people in areas with the most severe needs including Aden, Taiz, Hajjah and Abyan governorates. The study engaged over 500 households in both rural and urban settings at a time when 2.7 million people were forced from their homes in search of safety.

Now over 3.1 million people have been forced to flee the continued airstrikes and ground fighting.

The burden of displacement often rests on women's shoulders. Estimates suggest that almost one in three households is headed by a woman in areas of mass displacement. Our research team spoke with women who have lost everything and who have no means by which to provide for their children.

When women leave such camps in search of opportunities to provide for their children they often confront the threat of abuse or exploitation. Women spoke of their fear that the war would continue and how they and their families would survive.

Transformative change to pre-existing gender relations is often driven by new economic realities in conflict, which force women to take up new responsibilities. Driven by necessity, women face a series of barriers to their effective participation in the workforce including, exclusion, lack of mobility and a lack of positive self-perception.

Our study found that the conflict is changing many social norms with women increasingly controlling the use of limited household resources, in addition to seeking out and engaging in livelihood opportunities. The powerlessness of unemployment often drives domestic conflict but, as our research found, it also creates a new found appreciation of the work done by women to maintain the household – by Soman Moodley, Humanitarian Policy Advisor at Oxfam, Zorica Skakun, Gender Coordinator at Oxfam

3.11.2016 – Inner City Press (** A P)

On Yemen, UN Roadmap “For Kerry's Legacy,” Saudi Tells ICP Hudaydah Was Military Target

The Saudi led coalition bombed the funeral of the father of Yemen interior minister Jalal al-Roweishan in Sana'a on October 8, the same day the UN Security Council met about airstrikes in Syria.

Inner City Press asked Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the UN Abdallah Yahya A. Al-Mouallimi to confirm it was an Saudi strike and explain it. He said, "I am not aware of it." Vine video here.

Inner City Press asked him more questions on November 3, video here. He said investigations are proceeding, and money being offered.

After Saudi Arabia was re-elected to the UN Human Rights Council on October 28, with the votes of 152 of the 193 member states, the Saudi-led Coalition's bombing of Yemen picked up pace, including killing detainees in Al Hudaydah.

On November 3 Abdallah Yahya A. Al-Mouallimi told Inner City Press this was an entirely military target. Detainees? Video here.

Much has been said about the Yemen draft resolution being worked on by the penholder the UK, without circulation to the 15 Security Council members. On November 1 UK Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told the Press about the draft; at 5 pm Council president for November Fode Seck of Senegal also referred to it.

A draft was obtained by Inner City Press and was exclusively published on November 1, see below: it does not condemn the airstrikes but demands a cessation of hostilities, and for the envoy to report back in 15 days. AP gave credit to Inner City Press on November 2.

Now Inner City Press can exclusively report that “UN” envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed's roadmap is in fact a product of the US State Department, and that IOCA only belatedly presented it to a lower level administrator in the Yemeni / Hadi foreign minister. The envoy has been criticized and, we're told, is about to be cut off by the Houthi side. And while Saudi Arabia's Ambassador answered Inner City Press diplomatically on November, it seems the Saudis are no fans of this roadmap either. “It was all about Kerry's legacy,” as one source put it to Inner City Press – By Matthew Russell Lee

5.11.2016 – RT (** B K P)

Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT)

Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of Clinton emails released by WikiLeaks this year.

JA: There’s an early 2014 email from Hillary Clinton, not so long after she left the State Department, to her campaign manager John Podesta that states ISIL is funded by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Now this is the most significant email in the whole collection, and perhaps because Saudi and Qatari money is spread all over the Clinton Foundation. Even the U.S. government agrees that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIL, or ISIS. But the dodge has always been that, well it’s just some rogue Princes, using their cut of the oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves.

But that email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that have been funding ISIS.

JP: The Saudis, the Qataris, the Moroccans, the Bahrainis, particularly the Saudis and the Qataris, are giving all this money to the Clinton Foundation while Hilary Clinton is Secretary of State and the State Department is approving massive arms sales, particularly to Saudi Arabia.

JA: Under Hillary Clinton, the world’s largest ever arms deal was made with Saudi Arabia, [worth] more than $80 billion. In fact, during her tenure as Secretary of State, total arms exports from the United States in terms of the dollar value, doubled.

JP: Of course the consequence of that is that the notorious terrorist group called ISIl or ISIS is created largely with money from the very people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation.

JA: Yes.

JP:That's extraordinary.

JA: Libya, more than anyone else’s war, was Hillary Clinton’s war. Barak Obama initially opposed it. Who was the person championing it? Hillary Clinton. That’s documented throughout her emails. She had put her favoured agent, Sidney Blumenthal, on to that; there’s more than 1700 emails out of the thirty three thousand Hillary Clinton emails that we've published, just about Libya. It’s not that Libya has cheap oil. She perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state -- something that she would use in her run-up to the general election for President. and film:

4.11.2016 – RT (** B P)

Film. Assange über die geheime Welt der US-Regierung

Im exklusiven Interview mit Star-Journalist John Pilger spricht Julian Assange über die Finanzierung des IS durch Saudi-Arabien und Katar. Aber das große Geld beherrscht auch die Regierung Obama. Besonders die Clinton-Stiftung sei ein Hort systematischer Korruption.

3.11.2016 – WOZ / The Nation (** A P)

Mit Thinktanks in den lukrativen Krieg

Mit einer neuen US-Präsidentin will das Politestablishment Washingtons wieder in den Krieg ziehen

In Washington ist der Krieg in erster Linie ein gewinnbringender Schwindel. Wie sonst könnte man erklären, dass die sogenannte überparteiliche Aussenpolitikelite in den vergangenen fünfzehn Jahren Kriege im Irak und in Libyen sowie Interventionen in Syrien und im Jemen förderte, obwohl damit die letzte Vertrauenswürdigkeit der USA verspielt wurde – während im Hintergrund ein Geldregen auf die militärischen Auftragnehmer niederprasselte? Washingtons «Tanks» tragen zu Recht den Namen von gepanzerten Kriegsfahrzeugen.

Laut der «Washington Post» empfiehlt nun diese aussenpolitische Elite der nächsten US-Präsidentin, weniger Zurückhaltung walten zu lassen als Barack Obama. Diese «liberalen Falken» drängten schon den noch amtierenden Präsidenten zu einer «humanitären Intervention», sprich zu einem Krieg, als die USA mit Nato-Alliierten 2011 in Libyen eingriffen.

Acht Jahre zuvor stützten die Thinktanks die Irakinvasion.

Die einzigen Gewinner waren Waffenhändler, Ölfirmen und Dschihadisten.

Das sich liberal nennende Center for American Progress fordert nun die Bombardierung Syriens. Gemäss einer Recherche von «The Nation» hat dieser Thinktank Zuwendungen durch die militärischen Auftragnehmer Lockheed Martin und Boeing bekommen.

Die gemäss Eigenbeschreibung «unabhängige» Brookings Institution hat zig Millionen Dollar von ausländischen Regierungen erhalten, insbesondere von Katar.

Die US-amerikanische Bevölkerung hat längst genug vom Krieg. Aber es gibt derzeit eine konzertierte Bemühung, um unser Land mittels Angstmacherei, Propaganda und Lügen auf eine gefährliche Konfrontation vorzubereiten: auf einen Krieg in Syrien als Gegner Russlands. Die Dämonisierung Russlands dient der Wiederbelebung Kalter Krieger, die versuchen, aus dem Mülleimer der Geschichte zu klettern, indem sie das Gespenst einer russischen Weltherrschaft heraufbeschwören.

Jetzt, da die diesjährige Präsidentschaftswahl auf ihr Ende zugeht, kommen Washingtons IdeologInnen auf den gleichen überparteilichen Konsens zurück, der die USA seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 immer wieder in neue Kriege geführt hat und der die Welt zu einem deutlich gefährlicheren Ort gemacht hat.

Das Politestablishment lässt sich dabei von Washingtons Thinktanks decken. Diese bieten ein politisches Sicherheitsnetz, einen fiktiven analytischen Rahmen, eine moralische Begründung für die Intervention.

Jeder Bericht, der von irgendeinem vermeintlichen Thinktank kommt und einen Krieg befürwortet, sollte von einer Liste der Sponsoren und Spenderinnen dieser Institution sowie der Lobbyverbindungen der AutorInnen begleitet sein – von Dennis Kucinich, von 1997 bis 2013 Abgeordneter für die Demokratische Partei im Repräsentantenhaus aus „The Nation“

7.11.2016 – Huffington Post (** B H)

Jemen ist nur ein hoffnungsloser Ort, solange die Welt wegschaut

Während die Welt ihren Blick auf die USA und die dort bevorstehende Präsidentschaftswahl richtet, geht ein Land unter: Jemen

Seit mehr als eineinhalb Jahren tobt der Krieg zwischen schiitischen Houthi-Rebellen und sunnitischen Regierungstruppen

Maia Baldauf, eine Helferin der humanitären Organisation “Merc Corps” berichtet von den katastrophalen Umständen im Krisen-Land

Ich arbeite für “Mercy Corps“, eine globale Entwicklungshilfsorganisation. Und jeder in Sanaa, Jemens Hauptstadt, kann sich an das halbe Dutzend Luftangriffe letzte Nacht erinnern, die die Erde zum Beben und Fensterscheiben zum Zittern brachten. Seit Monaten ist das ein gewohntes Szenario bei unserem Haus im Süden der Stadt.

Unsere Teams im Außeneinsatz berichten, dass Eltern Mahlzeiten auslassen, um mit ihren hungernden Kindern Essen zu teilen. Durchfall tritt häufig auf und das medizinische Personal spricht davon, dass Cholera im Land ausgebrochen sei. Noch dazu lassen die heftigen Überschwemmungen vor wenigen Monaten, eine Wirtschaft, die kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch steht, und die mehreren fehlgeschlagene Friedensgespräch die Situation im Jemen ausweglos erscheinen.

Seitdem wir 2010 unser Programm in dem Land gestartet haben, hat unser Team bei “Mercy Corps“ hart daran gearbeitet, so viele Notstände wie möglich zu beheben. Seit Anbeginn des Konflikts haben wir Essensgutscheine, Küchenutensilien, Hygienepakete, Decken und Matratzen an Zehntausende von Menschen verteilt.

Wir haben sowohl dabei geholfen, sanitäre Anlagen in Schulen und Gesundheitszentren zu sanieren, als auch Wasser in städtische Gebiete zu transportieren, die von der regulären Wasserversorgung abgeschnitten sind. Wir haben mehr als einer Millionen Menschen, die unter diesem Krieg leiden, geholfen.

Es reicht einfach nicht. Das Ausmaß des Konfliktes ist nicht abschätzbar.

Und doch gab es in dieser verheerenden Krise Lichtblicke, die uns das Beste der Menschheit vor Augen geführt haben. Einen dieser Momente haben wir kürzlich in einem kleinen Dorf nahe der Berge von Sanaas mächtigem Hochland erlebt.

Es war eine schwierige Entscheidung, unsere Arbeit in diesem bestimmten Dorf im Haymah Dakhilyah Gebiet zu beginnen. Als letztes Jahr die Luftangriffe in Sanaa und den angrenzenden Gebieten begannen, flohen viele Familien in Dörfer wie dieses außerhalb der Hauptstadt.

Wir haben von diesem einen Dorf erfahren, nachdem bereits ganze Wellen an vertriebenen Menschen – auf der verzweifelten Suche nach Hilfe - dort angekommen sind. Doch das Dorf stand bereits vor einem eigenen, fest verwurzelten, innerem Konflikt über die Frage: Wer hat ein Anrecht auf den Grundbesitz? Die Anführer des Dorfes erzählten uns, dass sich die Gemeinde nicht mehr versammelt hat, aus Angst, es könnte in bewaffneten Aufständen enden. Wir haben hinterfragt, wie sicher es ist, dort zu arbeiten.

Wir gingen.

Jemen ist eine komplexe Gegenüberstellung von Leid, Konflikt, Stärke und Versöhnung – selbst in Zeiten des Krieges. Ich habe mich an vielen Gesprächen beteiligt, bei denen Themen nahtlos ineinander übergingen: Das massiv vorherrschende Hungersproblem, der mangelnden Zugang zu Wasser, die schockierenden Zahlen zur Unterernährung, die rücksichtslosen Bombenangriffe, die frustrierend ungewisse Aussicht auf ein Ende des Krieges, die unendliche Wärme der Menschen des Jemen, seine hinreißende Architektur und Landschaft und seine reichhaltige und vielfältige Kultur – von Maria Baldauf

[English version already presented in YPR 224, link: ]

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

7.11.2016 – Huffington Post (* B H K)

Yemen’s Man-Made Famine

Yemen’s food problems have been compounded, if not caused in part, by the brutal civil war which has ravaged the country’s basic infrastructure, crippled its previously barely functional healthcare services and blocked vital sea and air passages for imports. Collectively, these factors have resulted in the country facing a man-made famine, which is incomparable to any other catastrophe to take place on the Arabian Peninsula in modern times.

Underlying the conflict is the complete shutdown of airport and seaports in the country by the Saudi Coalition which has acted as a major catalyst in Yemen’s man-made famine. The blockage has prevented imports of basic supplies at a time when the country depends on imports for approximately 90% of its food. The remaining 10% which comes from inside of the country has been significantly hampered by the Coalition which has bombed over 357 different agricultural sites inside of the country . This is particularly stark considering that only 2.8% of Yemen’s total land is cultivated for food.

However, even more pressing is the international blockade of money transfers and the collapse of the domestic banking system in Yemen, which has meant the tradition life-line afforded to Yemenis by money transfers from the large diaspora community outside of the country, is no longer operational. Together, these factors culminating in a strategic assault on the Yemeni people has changed the social fabric of the country, whereby more than 80% of Yemenis now rely on aid to survivewith illness and malnutrition is now widespread among all demographic groups.

Yemenis across the economic spectrum face the full brunt of the war in both physical and economic terms.

The victory being the annulation of the Iranian-allied Houthi rebels and the return of Yemen firmly into the Saudi (Sunni) sphere of control, no matter the human consequences. Saudi Arabia has proven that it will go to virtually any length to prevent the establishment of a proxy-Iranian, Shia state on its southern border.

A key concern is that the Saudis are unable to separate the Houthis from civilians and in the process, are destroying the essential infrastructure for Yemen’s reconstruction post-conflict.

The last set of peace negotiations in Kuwait failed because the Saudis (represented through Hadi) had no real impetus for peaceful negotiation, favouring all out military dominance over a Yemen with some Houthi representation in its ruling establishment – by Omar Mashjari

7.11.2016 – Fars News (B K)

Millions on Verge of Starvation in Yemen

“The humanitarian situation in Yemen is heartbreaking,” Tasnim Nazeer, an award-winning UK-based journalist said.

“They are facing the worst humanitarian crisis and with the ban on medicine, equipment, food and water, it is spiraling out of control on a daily basis,” she added.

Tasnim Nazeer is a journalist, author and UN Universal Peace Federation Ambassador for Peace.

There are many who are questioning the real reasons for the invasion of Yemen by Saudi Arabia and I truly believe that only Allah knows the truth and the motives behind such actions. However the Houthis are known to have repeatedly pledged to topple the Saudi throne and openly shown their dislike towards the US. I don’t agree with the Houthis’ statements against Saudi Arabia, but truly, what is the real need for this violence? The US definitely would want to get rid of them but why should they launch an attack on one of the poorest nations in the Arab world? It is unacceptable to deliberately block humanitarian assistance to innocent civilians, there are children in Yemen who have been orphaned due to their parents being killed in this war and there are parents who have lost their children due to the war. What was their crime? They are innocent. They should leave innocent civilians to live their life and should be helping to rehabilitate and restore. Going as far as blocking humanitarian assistance is beyond my comprehension.

My Comment: Nothing new in this interview.

6.11.2016 – Muscat Daily (* A H P)

Oman receives injured Yemenis, helps secure release of American detained in Yemen

An official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Sunday that in response to the Royal Order of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to continue providing support to citizens of Yemen, the sultanate received a new batch of wounded Yemenis for treatment. A special Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) aircraft brought the wounded from Sanaa to Muscat.

In implementation of the Royal Directive of His Majesty the Sultan, after a request by the US government to secure the release of its citizens in custody in Yemen, Oman after coordinating with the concerned authorities in Sanaa, secured the release of an American on Sunday.

The American arrived in Oman in the same special flight operated by RAFO, in preparation for his return to the US.


7.11.2016 – AFP (A H P)

American held in Yemen freed, evacuated to Oman: official

An American citizen held in Yemen was released Sunday and evacuated from rebel-controlled Sanaa to Muscat along with Yemenis wounded in the country's conflict, the sultanate's foreign ministry said.

Identified by the US State Department, Wallead Yusuf Pitts Luqman was transported onboard an Omani military aircraft after his release was secured "following a request by the US government (to Oman) to continue helping in (releasing) its citizens held in Yemen," the ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency ONA.

It said he was set free following "coordination with concerned parties in Sanaa," in an apparent reference to Houthi rebels.

US Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his "deepest gratitude and appreciation" to the government of Oman "for their leadership and assistance in securing Mr Luqman's safe return."

"We also recognise this positive gesture by the Houthis," Kerry said. "We will be relentless in our efforts to secure the release of Americans unjustly detained overseas.

"We continue to call for the release of individuals unjustly held in Yemen."

Last month, Muscat secured the release of two other Americans who were held in Sanaa.

6.11.2016 – The Guardian (* A K P)

The Guardian view on Yemen: stop helping the killing

British arms sales are fuelling a cruel and pointless war. If we can’t stop the conflict, we should at least stop enabling it

It is becoming harder to turn a blind eye to the suffering in Yemen, though plenty of people in London and Washington are trying.

Some argue that this western involvement is moderating Saudi behaviour. That argument, never convincing, looks thinner by the day. The former business secretary Vince Cable has now told the Guardian that he was misled when he signed export licences for British-made missiles on the proviso that the UK would have oversight of potential targets, since the Ministry of Defence has said it has no military personnel in the “targeting chain”, and has denied ever offering Mr Cable such assurances. The inadequacy of any influence that Britain and the US have obtained in exchange for arms should be evident from the civilian death toll, repeated attacks on schools and hospitals, and growing evidence of the use of cluster bombs.

Meanwhile, the conflict makes it easier for perpetrators of rights abuses elsewhere to brush aside criticism as sheer hypocrisy, and creates new opportunities for jihadists – surely not in British or American interests.

Riyadh has now invested so much political credibility in this conflict that it cannot easily walk away. The international community needs to help it find a way out – and up the pressure to make sure it takes it.

The UK, which has licensed £3.3bn worth of salessince the Yemen conflict began, boasts of increasing aid by £37m. The pledge would be laughable if it was not so shameful. By August, the damage caused by war already stood at an estimated $14bn. The aid will go only a short way to repairing that – and no sum can restore lost limbs or revive the dead.

Such contradictions are fuelling calls by both US and UK politicians for a halt to arms sales and support. Beside the overwhelming moral case is the legal one: arms cannot be sold where there is a clear risk that they will be used in breach of international humanitarian law. There can now be little doubt that that is the case.

Each day of delay means more stunted children, more maimings, more homes destroyed, more lives torn apart, more deaths by starvation or bombardment. There is no time to lose. Britain and the US should halt arms sales now – Editorial

6.11.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Both sides occupy schools for military use. Currently, resistance occupies majority of Taiz schools (14/21)

6.11.2016 – Infosperber (* B K)

Neben den Schlagzeilen: Krieg der verbrannten Erde

Die von den USA unterstützte saudische Koalition greife zur «Strategie der verbrannten Erde», berichtet Robert Fisk, seit vierzig Jahren Korrespondent im Mittleren Osten. Es gebe immer stärkere Beweise, dass «systematisch die Lebensgrundlagen zerstört werden, welche die Bevölkerung nach dem Krieg zum Überleben braucht».

Wissenschaftler ausserhalb Jemens seien zum Schluss gekommen, dass die Saudis gezielt «die Zerstörung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion» beabsichtigen. Der «Independent» zitiert Martha Mundy, längjährige Professorin an der London School of Economics, die vom Libanon aus statistische Daten aus Jemen auswertet. Ihr Fazit: «Die Saudis zerstören gezielt die landwirtschaftliche Infrastruktur, um die Zivilgesellschaft zu zerstören.»

Ein Bericht des Ministeriums für Landwirtschaft und Bewässerung zeige, dass sich unter 357 erfassten Bombenzielen in den 20 Provinzen Jemens auch «Bauernhöfe, Tiere, Wasserinfrastruktur, Lebensmittellager und -läden, landwirtschaftliche Finanzinstitute, Märkte und Lebensmitteltransporte» befinden. Da nur 2,8 Prozent der Fläche von Jemen landwirtschaftlich genutzt werden, müssten die Angriffe «sehr gezielt» gewesen sein, «um so kleine Flächen zu treffen».

Robert Fisk stellt fest, dass über den Krieg in Jemen im Vergleich zu den Kriegen in Irak und Syrien im Westen nur wenig informiert wird und erinnert daran, dass in Jemen bereits über 10'000 Menschen umgekommen sind, 4000 davon Zivilisten.

Mein Kommentar: Diese Zahlen sind zu niedrig; selbst Teile der UNO gehen von über 10.000 toten Zivilisten aus. Keinesfalls ist das Verhältnis 60:40.

5.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A E H K)

the productivity in the agricultural sector has fell by 50% in Yemen due to the war

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

7.11.2016 – International Red Cross (B H)

Thousands of Yemenis are forced to use steep mountain roads that take hrs to cross because regular roads are destroyed, cut off or dangerous (photo)

Comment by Judith Brown: This is particularly true in Taiz where the citizens of Taiz are subject to a Houthi-Saleh siege. But the roads to many cities, towns and villages - perhaps most - are destroyed and especially bridges. That makes the use if vehicles impossible and there is a limit in the numbers of donkeys and cameos because they had been replaced by motor vehicles in the last few decades. So now Yemenis are doing what they are perhaps the best nationals in the world at doing - just coping.

7.11.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (A H)

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of MSF’s Mother and Child Hospital in #Taiz. Over 44 000 patients seen at the out-patient department (photo)

7.11.2016 – Der Standard (A H)

UNO: Konflikt im Jemen tötete bereits mehr als 7.000 Menschen

Im Konflikt im Jemen sind nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen bereits mehr als 7.000 Menschen getötet worden. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) nannte am Montag die Zahl von 7.070 Todesopfern. Zudem seien 36.818 Menschen verletzt worden. 2,1 Millionen Menschen seien im eigenen Land auf der Flucht.

Der UN-Gesandte für den Jemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, appellierte am Montag an die Koalition, die den jemenitischen Luftraum kontrolliert, diesen für Zivilflugzeuge zu öffnen. So könnten die Flugzeuge den Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa ansteuern und Verletzte abtransportieren. "Die Menschen sterben", sagte Ould Cheikh Ahmed auf dem von den Rebellen kontrollierten Flughafen von Sanaa über die Lage im Jemen. "Die Infrastruktur bricht zusammen, die Wirtschaft steht am Rande des Abgrunds." Nach Angaben der WHO sind mittlerweile mehr als die Hälfte der Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Jemen geschlossen oder nur eingeschränkt in Betrieb. Ould Cheikh Ahmed warnte angesichts von mehr als 2240 Cholera-Verdachtsfällen vor einer "sehr gefährlichen" Situation.

Mein Kommentar: Die Zahl von 7000 Toten ist fern von der Realität. Mit den Opfern der Folge der saudischen Blockade müssen wir mindestens mal 10 nehmen, eher noch deutlich mehr. Warum die WHO diese niedrige Zahl verbreitet, ist nicht nachvollziehbar.

7.11.2016 – AFP (A H)

Yemen war death toll surpasses 7,000: WHO

Yemen's 20-month-old war has left more than 7,000 people dead and nearly 37,000 wounded, the World Health Organisation announced in its latest toll update.

As of October 25, "more than 7,070 people have been killed and over 36,818 injured, according to health facility-based data," the WHO said in a statement late Sunday. and by Aljazeera

My comment: This figure hardly covers even 10 % of those really killed in this war, as I stated several times before. And look here:

Comment by Judith Brown: This report by WHO sounds like a flash back to last year. The UN total death toll due to conflict is way over 10,000 and the displaced 3.5 million. I'm not sure why these agencies offer differing statistics. In any case the death toll of 11,000 is probably under-recorded as the majority Yemenis no longer have access to the medical facilities that record body counts due to war damage - and when bodies are in bits and obviously dead most are just buried - except in places like Taiz, where locals assiduously collect casualty figures. And the death toll from starvation and dying from lack of medical care and treatment are not included in these statistics of war - but they have undoubtedly died because of war.

Comment by Dr. Karim: Yemen war death toll surpasses 7,000: WHO ... I am wondering where they got the numbers from? A Cereal Box Perhaps?

My comment to comment: I think by playing dice also would be an option.

7.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A H)

Film: Yemeni doctors set up camp to help Hudaydah patients

Yemeni doctors have organized a free camp in the city of Hudaydah to give medical assistance to the poor and patients. Our correspondent Mohammed al-Attab has visited the camp and filed this report.

11.2016 – UNICEF (*B H)


Im Jemen sind Kinder tagtäglich in Gefahr: Ein Junge in Al Mahjar bei Sanaa hält den Teil einer auf sein Viertel abgefeuerten Rakete in der Hand. Statt zur Schule zu gehen und zu lernen, werden Kinder bei den anhaltenden Kämpfen getötet, verletzt oder als Soldaten an die Front geschickt. Unzählige Familien sind auf der Flucht.

Der Krieg im Jemen verschärft die ohnehin schwierige Lage der Kinder in einem der ärmsten Länder der Region. Die Gesundheitsversorgung ist durch die Kämpfe vielerorts zusammengebrochen. Es fehlt an Medikamenten, an Lebensmitteln und an sauberem Trinkwasser. UNICEF leistet humanitäre Hilfe und fordert endlich eine Lösung des Konflikts – damit die Kinder im Jemen gesund und sicher groß werden können. und and film No child should have to risk their life to go to school: Khalid's story:

6.11.2016 – UNICEF Yemen (A H)

UNICEF continues to disinfect water points & raise awareness in communities to control cholera outbreak and prevent deaths in #Taiz.

Comment by Judith Brown: More work on what Yemenis are doing to sort out their problems despite their terrible problems. UNICEF might be assisting and providing money but almost all of the workforce for international organisations are from Yemen.

6.11.2016 – Qatar Red Crescent Society (A H)

QRCS Covers Treatment for 64,000 Patients in Taiz

Doha: Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has recently completed the second phase of its project to support the Al-Thawra Modern General Hospital's Surgical Emergency Center in Taiz, Yemen, with funding from Qatar Fund for Development (QFD).
The second phase had been extended from 1 August to 16 October 2016, with a view to receiving more victims of the current war across the country.
In partnership with Yemen Medical Charitable Society – Taiz and the Al-Thawra Modern General Hospital, QRCS's Mission in Yemen treated 64,606 cases (48,913 male and 15,693 female), including 63,914 cases that received dressing, inpatient, radiology, lab, and outpatient services. The remaining 692 patients underwent major, medium, and minor surgeries.
Also, the project hired 167 medical, assistant, nurse, and administrative staff of various specialties, such as general surgery, cardiovascular surgery, facial surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, and eye surgery. =

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

5.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini and others (** A H)

[More photos from Hodeidah region showing starvation and diseases]

Majed, 21-month-old child, suffered from severe malnutrition, one of many

Via @VOAnews: malnourished boy sits on a bed at for treatment Sanaa, #Yemen, 30-Oct-2016

When im talking about the poverty in Hodeidah n western #Yemen that means 10000s of families living in the same situation.Pix in al-Khawkha

New rare diseases has been found in #Tuhayat due to the US-Saudi terror siege

5.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

Thanks God. We could help needy families in Hodeidah. 800 families have received food aid from .@monareliefye during Sep&Oct. (photo) and

6.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A H)

Film: Attacks on Yemen’s western coasts destroying people livelihood

Yemen’s western coastal areas have become virtually deserted due to Saudi and US airstrikes. The bombardments have greatly affected the livelihood of people working in tourism and fishery there. Press TV’s correspondent Muhammad al-Attab has visited Hudaydah and filed this report about the humanitarian situation in the Red Sea port city.

5.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A H)

Film: Yemen’s Hudaydah suffering from dire humanitarian situation

Yemeni officials have warned of a dire humanitarian crisis in Hudaydah due to Saudi Arabia’s blockade on the port city. They say the Saudi aggression has left people with little access to proper medical care as well as basic commodities. Press TV’s Mohammed al-Attab reports from Hudaydah.

11.2016 – Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (* A H)

Jemen: Nothilfe im Krisengebiet

Seit Beginn der Kämpfe im Jemen vor etwa 2 Jahren hat sich die Lage im Land dramatisch verschlechtert, die Zivilbevölkerung des ohnehin schon sehr armen Landes leidet. Das DRK unterstützt den Jemenitischen Roten Halbmond bei der Trinkwasserversorgung und der Lieferung von Nahrungsmitteln, Medikamenten und anderen Hilfsgütern. Auch helfen wir mangelernährten Kindern und werdenden Müttern und unterstützen medizinische Einrichtungen.

Tod, Flucht und Mangelernährung: Die Situation im Überblick

Über 3 Millionen Menschen sind in ihrem Land auf der Flucht, d.h. jeder zehnte Jemenit musste sein Zuhause verlassen.

Bis dato wurden 6.787 Todesfälle und 33.857 Verletzte durch Kampfhandlungen registriert, die Dunkelzahl wird wesentlich höher eingeschätzt. Über 900 der Todesopfer waren Kinder.

1,8 Millionen Kinder sind durch Unterernährung bedroht.

21,2 Millionen Menschen, also über 80% der Bevölkerung, sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen.

Die Kindersterblichkeit ist um ca. 23 Prozent gestiegen.

14,1 Millionen Jemeniten, haben keinen Zugang zu medizinischer Grundversorgung mehr.

Derzeit sind laut Schätzungen von UNICEF etwa 1.600 Schulen geschlossen, über 1.000 Schulen wurden im Krieg beschädigt, 184 werden offiziell als Notunterkünfte für vertriebene Familien genutzt. Somit können etwa 387.000 Mädchen und Jungen derzeit nicht zur Schule gehen.

Zwei Millionen schwangere Frauen und junge Mütter und ihre Kinder sind mangelernährt.

Wasser, Nahrung und Hygienepakete helfen beim Überleben

Unterstützung von mangelernährten Kindern und ihren Müttern

Psycho-soziale Unterstützung für Frauen und Kinder

Das Projekt

Region: Taiz, Hajjah, Shabwah und Sana´a
Projektvolumen: 2,300 000 Euro
Finanzierung: Auswärtiges Amt, Spenden
Partner: Jemenitischer Roter Halbmond (YRCS)

Helfen Sie mit! Jede kleine Spende hilft den notleidenden Menschen dieser Welt!

Jetzt spenden!

15.10.2016 – Oxfam (* A H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #29, 15 October 2016 - Bi-weekly

The World Health Organization warns that Yemen is facing the threat of a cholera epidemic. WHO is urgently appealing for $22.35 million to prevent the deadly disease from spreading throughout the country. The World Health Organization reports 340 suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea. It says 18 of the cases are confirmed to be cholera. WHO Spokeswoman Fadela Chaib says fortunately, none of the sick have died. No Salaries: Govt. employees remain without salaries entering the fourth month now. In a related note, there is an increasing fear that the current situation will lead to an increase in crime rate

[overview: Oxfam working in Yemen]

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

7.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemeni women Outcrying today at UN Sanaa office. Stop US-backed Saudi war crimes against us Stop starving us stop blockading us.

6.11.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

U.S. citizen held in Yemen for more than 18 months freed

A U.S. citizen who was detained for more than a year and a half by the Houthi faction in Yemen has been released, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday.

Wallead Yusuf Pitts Luqman was freed with assistance from Oman, Kerry said in a statement, adding that he and his aides had been focused on the case since Luqman was detained.

"We also recognize this positive gesture by the Houthis," Kerry said – by Warren Strobel

A senior State Department official said Kerry was personally involved in securing Luqman's release, working closely with Omani officials and meeting with Luqman's family a few weeks ago to update them on his efforts. and by International Business Times:

6.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen tribesmen Keep boiling &sending 1000s Of fighters daily2take revenge from US-backed Saudi war criminals(Nov 5 Wesab Southwest Sanaa) (photos)

6.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen House of Representatives Highly salutes Jeremy Corbyn for standing against UK-US-backed Saudi war crimes. referring to (Arabic)

5.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (* A P)

Report accuses Houthis of committing 83 violations against civilians in Ibb Governorate last month

A human rights report accused the militants of the Houthi group and the forces loyal to former president Saleh of committing 83 violations against civilians in Ibb Governorate, central Yemen, during the month of October 2016.

The report, which is conducted by the Popular Resistance Media Centre of Ibb Governorate, stated that the Houthi militants have exercised several violations against civilians, including murder, kidnapping, assault, robbery, extortion, robberies and taking over land properties.

The report added that the Houthis abducted 45 civilians, and opened direct fire on the 15 persons, including three men, 7 women and 5 children.

5.11.2016 – Xinhua (A H P)

Yemen women in Sanaa stage protest against ongoing war

Yemen women hold banners showing people suffering from malnutrition during a protest against the ongoing war, demanding the United Nations to stop the conflict in Yemen, outside the hotel hosting the UN special envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, in Sanaa, Yemen

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Clashes between Saudi-paid mercenaries in Taiz

A number of Saudi mercenaries were killed and injured in clashes erupted between them in Taiz province, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The clashes erupted following disputes between the mercenaries themselves over taking money from citizens by force in a popular market.

6.11.2016 – Terror Monitor (A T)

#AQAP Releases Picture Of Suicide Bomber Abu Jandal al-Adani, Who Carried Out Attack On Security Forces In #Mukalla.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / See cp1

6.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Saudi-British Agreement Puts London’s Yemen Draft Resolution on Hold

Saudi-led talks recently conducted with the UK have helped postpone the adoption of a British draft resolution on a Yemeni settlement a few days after London had sent the plan to U.N. Security Council members for discussion.

A joint Arab-Gulf diplomatic effort led by Saudi Arabia has ended up convincing Britain to refrain from immediately presenting the draft resolution to the Security Council, Saudi Ambassador to the U.N. Abdullah bin Yahya al-Mouallimi said.

The ambassador told Asharq Al-Awsat on Sunday that “there is a continuous and joint agreement with Britain concerning the draft resolution, and whether there is a need for it or not.”

Matthew Moody, the spokesman for the UK Mission to the U.N., also told the newspaper: “We do not have a deadline for presenting the draft resolution to the Security Council.”

He said that Britain would continue discussing the draft with its partners in detail.

Al-Mouallimi said the UK draft resolution includes an unnecessary text, in addition to having a wrong timing. According to the Saudi diplomat, the British text is also risky because it might lead to undesirable results that do not support sustainable peace – by Jordan Dakamseh

My comment: As UN Security Council resolution 2216 from April 2015 was totally one-sided (actually greatly dictated by Saudi Arabia and promoted by the US), a new resolution is urgently needed, if there really should be any hope for peace. – Now the UK had a new draft, the text of which seems to be unknown so far. As the British government is one of the heaviest supports of Saudi Arabia, real neutrality hardly could be expected from any British draft (Let us prefer any other from a real neutral UNSC member; most are affiliated to the US, anyway. What about Uruguay?) – Anyway, it is interesting that Britain really discusses its draft with Saudi Arabia and clearly shows that it can be influenced by the Saudis, that the British will give way to Saudi influence and interference until the new draft will be fully convenient to Saudi interests. Thus, the new British draft will become hardly better than the former resolution 2216; might be the wording will be somewhat different. In my opinion, it is really scandalous that the UK again is playing the Saudi game. – We only can puzzle about what Al-Mouallimi refers to when saying that “the UK draft resolution includes an unnecessary text”, what a text this could be. It must be a text which the Saudis dislike – and just wait, the British will take out everything the Saudis do not like. And thus, everything will stay as bad as it is now.

6.11.2016 – Kuwait News Agency (A P)

Politics, diplomacy sole means to solve regional crisis - O'Brien

UN Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief O’Brien interviewed by KUNA

6.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Hadi: "Ould Cheikh" roadmap carries fragmented and tricky Solutions

Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi said on Sunday that the legitimate authorities is standing before a milestone, referring to either accepting or rejecting the roadmap recently put forward by the UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh as to resolve the crisis in Yemen.

It is worth mentioning that the Un envoy roadmap has secured a place for the Houthis and Saleh forces in the future of the country, in spite of their coup against the legitimate authorities, and their unfair wars against the Yemenis in many cities and governorates around the country.

In a meeting with his advisors, the Vice President Ali Mohsen, and the Prime Minister Ahmed Ben Dugger, Hadi said that the solution roadmap in Yemen that was put forward by the UN envoy carries the seeds of an upcoming war, and carries Yemen's crises years forward.

President Hadi added that the roadmap contains fragmented and tricky solutions, according to Yemen News Agency "Saba".

"The experience the Yemenis had to go through because of the conflicts and war waged by the coup forces supported by Iran the Yemeni people is a confirmation of the extent of coordination and the exchange of roles between these forces and the terrorist groups," said Hadi referring to al Qaeda and "ISIS".

Hadi also said that Iran and the Houthis have backed up al-Qaeda to control Hadramout, Abyan and Al-Hota cities.

He also pointed out that the Yemeni government has already warned of Iran's ambitions in the region, which is seeking to destabilize the security of the region and the international navigation by controlling, through its tools in the country, the Straits of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandab.

My comment: Hadi clearly admits that he rejects that “secured a place for the Houthis and Saleh forces in the future of the country” – thus showing that he rejects any peace deal (which would give a place in the future of Yemen to all groups) and that he claims sole rule for just himself and his cronies. And he claims a connection between the Houthis and Al Qaida and IS, where do not exist any hints for. On the contrary, among Hadi’s men there are people closely tied to Al Qaida. – And bashing Iran also cannot be omitted. The rest what stays to say says:

Comment by Judith Brown: This idiot hasn't improved. Still puts his short term political power in front of the survival of his people.

My comment to comment: That’s exactly how it is.

6.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Al-Mikhlafi: Ould Cheikh roadmap not to make peace, but more civil war

In a meeting with the Turkish Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs on Saturday in Jeddah, the Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdul Malik Al-Mikhlafi said that the roadmap, put forward by the special envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh to resolve the situation in Yemen, will not make peace, but will increase the conflicts and civil war, according to Saba News Agency.

Al-Mikhlafi said that Ould Cheikh’s roadmap did not comply with the UN Security Council Resolution 2216 issued under Chapter VII nor with the GCC Initiative or with the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference in which the various forces in Yemen took part.

“Any solution that recognizes the coup or rewards the militia that brought war to the Yemeni people will not succeed nor will it be acceptable in any way,” added Almikhlafi.

Almikhlafi stressed the government's keenness to have a lasting peace in Yemen, which have to be based on the three NDC political references.

Comment: And again, a representative of the Hadi government declares the refusal of Ould Cheikh’s peace plan – with quite odd arguments, I had commented in YPR 224, cp7.

5.11.2016 – Hussam Al Sanabani (A P)

Useless UN Envoy 2 Yemen will leave tomorrow while #Yemen still under blockade, suffering from famine & lack of antidotes

Comment by Judith Brown: Well in many ways I have to agree with these words - he is useless. But that us because the will of the world community is to thwart any possibility of compromise.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

6.11.2016 – Al Monitor (* B P)

Saudi Arabia losing ground to Iran

Saudi Arabia is losing influence throughout the Fertile Crescent to its rival Iran. While Riyadh's position versus Tehran has been in decline for some time, the trend is accelerating. Saudi setbacks are partly due to factors outside its control, but also due to inherent weaknesses in Saudi capacities.

Saudi influence in the region has been on the decline for a number of reasons, and the kingdom has now suffered another setback in Lebanon with the election of President Michel Aoun, an ally of Hezbollah.

Riyadh traditionally has relied on financial support to project power. With the fall in oil prices, that is harder to draw on. Saudi Arabia canceled a multibillion-dollar military aid project for Lebanon in part to save money. The rivalry is costing both Riyadh and Tehran a fortune, but there is no end in sight.

Iran will not become the hegemonic power in the region. It faces many enemies and constraints. Iraqi, Syrian and Lebanese Shiites do not want an Iranian overlord. But Iran is increasingly the most influential player in the Fertile Crescent at the expense of Saudi Arabia – by Bruce Riedel

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

7.11.2016 – Jennifer (A P)

Innocent youth #MohammedAlSheiukh was beheaded by #SaudiTerrorists (#KSA). His "crime?" He participated in a peaceful demonstration. #Qatif (photo)

7.11.2016 – Albawaba (A E P)

Elaf Group concluded tours to key countries in a move to promote Saudi tourism

The Elaf Group, a SEDCO holding company, and a leading provider of travel, tourism and hospitality services, recently concluded its strategic series of marketing tours in key countries across the continents to promote the rich culture and most popular tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia. The marketing tour had designated stop overs in Istanbul, Turkey, Cairo, Egypt. Casablanca, Morocco, and Makassar, Indonesia.

The marketing tours showcased the company’s active efforts to promote attractive tourism packages to a wider network and further cultivate the country’s thriving tourism sector in support of the Saudi Vision 2030’s objectives to increase the number of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims to 30 million by 2030. During their visit, the company highlighted their business services and offers.

Ziyad Bin Mahfouz, CEO of Elaf Group, said: “These marketing tours were developed to help promote the wide range of religious sights and rich cultural tradition of Saudi Arabia. Tourism plays a vital role in the country’s national economy and we have always been committed towards implementing business strategies that reflect the kingdom’s long- term goals. Thus, these visits across key countries showcased attractive offers and world-class service that will entice potential visitors to the country.”

6.11.2016 – Defense One (A E P)

Saudi Arabia: A Kingdom Coming Undone

As Riyadh embarks on a rocky journey to economic diversification, the U.S. should offer help — but not unconditionally.

Though some find reason for optimism in Saudi Arabia’s National Transformation Plan, the roadmap to economic diversification released earlier this year, there is little realistic prospect for a smooth transition. The very push toward reform, while noble and necessary, could propel Saudi Arabia toward political instability. Recognizing this, the United States should encourage Riyadh by offering high-level coordination and technical expertise but not unconditional support even as the Kingdom struggles.

Far from “a revolution here disguised as economic reform,” as some have called it, the situation is more simply described as a series of choices, ranging from risky to dangerous, that are being forced upon the Saudi government by a lack of planning when the Kingdom was flush with cash, a social contract underwritten by welfare spending, and a foolish faith that high oil prices would persist.

Saudi Arabia is embarking on its economic transformation under two principal budgetary burdens: demographic change and collapsed oil prices – by Sagatom Saha

My comment: Really a quite worthless article – and Yemen is not even mentioned when there is spoken of conditions the US should ask for supporting Saudi Arabia. Thus, the author just thinks an aggressive foreign policy and bombing a neighbouring country should not be of interest.

6.11.2016 – Saudi Gazette (* A H)

Why do young women run away from home?

THE Ministry of Labor and Social Development reported that 1,750 young women ran away from home in 2015 and that 67 percent of them were non-Saudi. This shows that this issue has not yet preoccupied the public’s mind. Most of the runaways were either teenagers or young women who were abused by family members.

Jeddah and Makkah accounted for 82 percent of runaway cases followed by Riyadh and the Eastern Province. Most of the young women who ran away in Makkah, Jeddah, Riyadh and the Eastern Province suffered some kind of domestic violence or grew up in broken homes. Some of them went astray because of families falling apart.

I have interviewed dozens of teenagers who have suffered domestic abuse and have found some common motives that drove them to run away. Examples include forced marriages or the refusal of parents to let their daughters marry the men they chose.

Moreover, emotional emptiness and family disintegration drive young women to run away. Usually, such women try to meet young men and flirt with them over the phone to satisfy their inner needs as females. One important reason behind this problem is bad company and influence. I discovered that most of the women I met complained that their parents never paid enough attention to them or took care of them. On the contrary, their parents were cruel and negligent.

These problems are solvable – by Modi Al-Zahrani

My comment: Yes, this problem is solvable. If this society says farewell to Wahabism.

5.11.2016 – Almasdar News (A H P)

Saudi Arabia to behead disabled man who peacefully protested

23 year old Munir al-Adam has been sentenced to death for alleged “attacks on police” during protests in the predominately Shi'ite Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia in late 2011.

Al-Adam is partly blind and was already partially deaf at the time when the Saudi forces arrested him, however, he is now fully deaf in one ear because of police brutality while in custody.

Al-Adam's family say his confession to any crime was extracted under torture.

“Munir Adam’s appalling case illustrates how the Saudi authorities are all too happy to subject the most vulnerable people to the swordsman’s blade – including juveniles and people with disabilities,” said Reprieve's Death Penalty Team Director Maya Foa.

“Like so many others, Munir was arrested for allegedly attending protests, and tortured into a ‘confession’ – he was beaten so badly that he lost his hearing. It’s a scandal that Munir now faces beheading on the basis of a bogus statement that he has since recanted,” she added.

Saudi Arabia has recently been re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

5.11.2016 – Ala’a Shehabi

Saudi authorities confiscated all the books in @Rawi_Cafe in Riyadh yesterday without warning or reason. BOOKS (images)

cp9 USA

5.11.2016 – Huffington Post (A P)

Here’s What Happened To The Yemeni Child Bride Hillary Clinton Wanted To Help

Nujood Ali thinks Clinton will end the Obama-backed war currently devastating her country.

Clinton wanted to know more about Ali and her lawyer. She had her team reach out. Then she went over to their hotel for an hour-long chat.

“I loved her instantly,” Ali told HuffPost in a Friday interview. “But I don’t have her phone number or email … can you connect me with Hillary?”

Eight years after that meeting, observers from Teen Vogue to Daily Kos toutClinton’s emails about Ali as evidence of the deep compassion they say she doesn’t get enough credit for. One message in particular has been shared widely on social media: a note that Clinton privately sent an aide nine months after her meeting with Ali, asking about ways to help the Yemeni girl further.

But the facts about Ali’s life since she met Clinton complicate this feel-good story. They don’t expose any Clinton malice or wrongdoing. But Yemen, where Ali still lives, is now in the midst of a bloody civil war in which Clinton’s ally, President Barack Obama, is playing a controversial, violent role. And Ali’s experience there since her days of international celebrity shows how good intentions often shrivel in the face of class barriers, social pressures and the tangles of U.S. foreign policy ― as well as how fraught it is to use moments in non-Western lives to score Western political points.

Clinton’s team remained in touch with Nasser because of the secretary’s interest in ending child marriage, the lawyer said, but Clinton was likely unaware of the specific developments in Ali’s case.

Comment: In the meantime US provides intelligence to bomb her country. Pathetic, false compassion

Comment by Judith Brown: Here's the story of the Yemeni child bride which was made into a film. The child bride met Hillary Clinton who seemed interested in her case. But the pressures of celebrity and the pressures in her village for her to raise money because of it made life too difficult - she dropped out of school, married, and now aged 19 she is the mother of two and has tuberculosis - her treatment now has ceased because of the war which it seems Clinton is going to support - which will no doubt end in Najood's early death. The war has put back the movement for education of girls for decades. Sadly.

5.11.2016 – Cynic (B P)

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal second largest stake holder in FOX NEWS report that shit.or at least acknowledge it

2.11.2016 – Center for Strategic and International Studies (* B P)

The Real Challenges of Security Cooperation with Our Arab Partners for the Next Administration

The next Administration faces serious problems and issues in its security cooperation with its Arab allies that cannot be papered over with reassuring rhetoric. Some problems are all too obvious results of the rise of ISIS; the legacy of the U.S. invasion of Iraq; and the problems in the fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Other problems, however, are less obvious, but equally or more important.

A new report by the Burke Chair addresses these problems, and is available on the CSIS website at

One such problem is the need for effective cooperation in the civil dimension. This need is largely ignored or downplayed in the current focus on war and counterterrorism, but is as important as any aspect of cooperation in the military and counterterrorism dimensions.

Events since the beginning of the Arab Spring have shown with brutal clarity that there can be no security without stability. Military and security solutions are only half the solution to bring an end to terrorism, extremism, insurgency, and conflict.

So far, however, all of the civil forces that have shaped the Arab Spring and regional upheavals and violence— failed governance, corruption, failed secularism and the resulting rise of extremism, breakdowns in the rule of law, poor economic development and gross overreliance on the state sector, unfair distribution of income, hyperurbanization and population migration, massive pressure from population growth, and poor youth employment—remain key problems.

The combined impact of extremism and civil war in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya are all cases in point. All of the forces that create civil instability and sources of internal anger and conflict have grown far worse since the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2011 – by Anthony H. Cordesman and full study

31.10.2016 – Countercurrents (* B P)

US Allies Saudi Arabia And Qatar Fund And Equip ISIS, It’s Not An Election Issue

Wikileaks’ released emails prove Hillary knew US close allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding/equipping ISIS while Americans were also being murdered by ISIS, show her pretending Saudis and others were not from the beginning part of US conspiracy to create a fanatical Islamic state in order to destroy Syria and the Shiite government in Iraq. Why this is NOT AN ELECTION ISSUE

Independent media, even various British newspapers, have for years, with plenty of documentation, reported ISIS and related terrorist groups being a USA creation meant to destroy Syria and the Shiiti in Iraq and wherever else they are.[3] Years before, Gen. Wesley Clark told independent media of the Pentagon plan to take out seven Middle East nations in the coming years. Former French Foreign Minister exposed the war against Syria as having been planned two years before so called “The Arab Spring” (that was in reality revolution in poor Arab nations against US banks owned governments in Tunisia, and dirt poor Egypt and Yemen).[4]

It is nothing short of despicable acting as accessory to murderous crimes that the ‘peace’ and ‘anti-imperialist’ industry more than just tacitly goes along with the genocidal destruction and recolonization of the Middle East and Africa, including the devastation of three prosperous independent oil rich nations, Iraq, Libya and Syria, under the usual capitalist scam of ‘civil wars’ and sectarian violence created by the West and backed up by lies reporting CIA assets like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Democracy Now.

For US investment in regime changes in the Middle East and Africa, millions of children, women and men continue to be slaughtered, maimed, made refugees, their homes destroyed during bombings and invasions by US and allied military, always justified as necessary interventions in what are labeled civil wars, civil wars, which have been brought about through covert violence or overt actions initiated by Americans since WWII in Asia, in Latin America and even in some parts of Europe.

Actually, the Wikileaks’ recently released emails not only prove Hillary Clinton other US officials knew Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding and equipping ISIS while Obama, State Dept., Army Generals and media told Americans that US was fighting ISIS, but show her and her corespondents pretending among themselves that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were not from the beginning part of the US conspiracy to arrange the very creation of this fanatical Islamic state in order to destroy Syria and the Shiite government in Iraq.

As noted in the title of this article, prosecutable crimes by the US government, no matter how obvious and well documented, have not been a serious issue in the election of 2016. Media manipulation of what shall constitute issues is the norm unless spontaneous anger arises within the nation.

Most honest historians believe America’s best known dissident intellectual, Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus of MIT, who has said over and over again, that all the US presidents after FDR would have been hanged if tried under the same Nuremberg Principles of International Law Nazi leaders were tried under.

In a multipolar world, the infantile absurdities, illogic and insanity that justify US NATO UN genocide will no longer be successfully propagated. As economic power shifts Eastward and Southward, outrageous fears and fabrications put out by a monolithic cartel of CNN ABC CBS NBC FOX PBS with collaborating BBC and European telecasters, just wont wash when exposed to the light of day by new major sources of information computing out of Asia, Africa and Latin America telecasting with that same satellite reach the West alone still enjoys at present – by Jay Janson

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

7.11.2016 – Saferworld (D)

Young filmmakers document experiences of Yemeni diaspora in Liverpool

As part of a participatory video project a group of youths from Liverpool’s Yemeni community set out to produce a film that would record the experiences, thoughts and memories of Yemen’s diaspora, and bring attention to the destructive war taking place

“How would I describe Yemen in one word? In the past, I always associated it with ‘pride’. The word I’d use to describe Yemen now is probably ‘sadness’.”

Comment by Judith Brown: This is an interesting story from UK. Liverpool has one of the longest settled Yemeni, Arab and Muslim communities in U.K. and they have been very active in the cultural life of Liverpool, for example, holding a cultural festival every year. Now film makers from Liverpool are planning a film of the Yemeni diaspora which I think can only help other British people to understand Yemeni issues. Congratulation to those who thought of this project.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

5.11.2016 – Trade Arabia (A E)

Thyssenkrupp wins award for Madinah airport work

Thyssenkrupp, one of the world's leading elevator companies, has been presented with the “2016 Project of the Year” award for its innovative iwalk moving walks installed at Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Film: 6.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A H P)

Bahraini cleric Sheikh Ali Salman to be retried

The retrial of Bahraini Shia opposition cleric Sheikh Ali Salman is set to be held on the sixth of November.
Bahrain’s Cassation Court, also known as the Supreme Court of Appeal, is to rehear the case against the former head of the now-dissolved al-Wefaq Islamic Society, the country’s main opposition group. He has been sentenced to nine years behind bars in a series of previous trials. In the meantime, Amnesty International has demanded that the cleric be released and his conviction overturned. The prominent rights group has also called on Manama to respect the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Bahrain’s heavy-handed crackdown on peaceful rallies has left scores of people dead and hundreds injured.

Earlier reporting was in YPR 224, cp12.

cp13a Flüchtlinge / Refugees

6.11.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (A H)

A young boy smiles to the camera in an internal displaced people camp in #Amran, #Yemen. Photo by Malak Shaher/MSF

Comment by Judith Brown: A photograph of the displaced in Yemen. It makes me cross when there is so much emphasis on supporting the displaced in Mosul but the displaced in Yemen have to struggle on their own.

6.11.2016 – International Organization for Migration (* A H)

IOM Yemen Press Release on the 11 Report for the Task Force on Population Movement

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), released on 02 November 2016 the 11th Report for Task Force on Population Movement (TFPM). According to the 11th Report of the TFPM, a technical working group of the Yemen Protection Cluster jointly led by UNHCR and IOM, there are currently 2,179,278 internally displaced persons (IDPs) who remain in a situation of conflict driven displacement; the majority, 51%, are displaced in Hajjah, Taizz, and Sana’a. A further 20,334 individuals remain in displacement owing to natural events. The TFPM has identified 1,010,016 returnees; the majority, 68%, have returned to Aden, Amanat Al Asimah and Taizz. The dynamics of displacement in Yemen continue to shift, with new displacement continuing to occur in areas of prolonged and escalating hostilities, while simultaneously the emergence of return pockets have been observed.

The report goes on to highlight the continuing human suffering of the people displaced by the conflict: food (66%), WASH (11%) and Shelter/Housing (7%) were among the top reported needs. Currently, an identified total of 2,199,612 individuals are in a situation of displacement owing to conflict and natural disasters with a further 1,065,570 individuals identified to have returned to their neighborhood. As a result, 11.9% of the Yemeni population of 27,431,707 individuals have been directly affected by displacement.

31.10.2016 – UNCHR (* A H)

Somalia: Humanitarian Situation Snapshot - Yemen Crisis (as of 31 October 2016)

More than two years of fighting and violence in Yemen made living conditions in the country difficult any many people decided to flee. In October arrivals from Yemen remains low however, due to volatile and unpredictable situation in Yemen, Somalia is still receiving new arrivals from Yemen.The security situation in September further deteriorated as airstrikes intensified all over the country. Armed conflicts also resumed/intensified in Marib and Taizz further spreading to neighboring Al Jawf and Ibb governorates. Since last year 2015, 30,202 people made the journey across the gulf of Adan and the Arabian sea to Somalia of which 3,667 persons arrived until end of September 2016 to Bossaso, Berbera, Mogadishu, and other ports within (2,362 Somali national returnees, 1,260 Yemenis and 45 from other nationalities) arrived in 2016

UNHCR in collaboration with local authorities and implementing partners provides response for all the new arrivals in several sectors: protection, education, food, health and nutrition, livelihoods, shelter and NFIs, WASH and in logistic and transport. UNHCR set as a priorities the availability of safe and dignified movement options from Yemen to Somalia; registration, reception and onward transportation assistance; providing emergency humanitarian assistance; provide protection and basis assistance for asylum seekers and refugees; strengthen capacity of local authorities; to improve capacity of persons of concern to become self-reliant and to achieve durable solution for persons of concern in Somalia.

Funding Update
In the 2016 UNHCR working on the Yemen response seek US$ 39.9 milion to assist people in need of critical humanitarian aid across the country

Somali Returnees from Yemen
In 2015, Yemen hosted approximately 246,000 registered refugees. The majority of them ( 95%) were ethnic Somalis. Somalia is receiving boat people arriving to the sea-port in Berbera, Bossaso and other ports, where among war refugees there are many ethnic Somalis from different regions of Somalia. In the self-declared states of Somaliland Somalis undergo the process of verification of their nationality by the clan elders, while those who have no grounds to claim such nationality are regarded as third country nationals by the authorities. and in full:

15.10.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

33,742 Arrivals from Yemen since 27 March 2015, at the early onset of the crisis

7,733 Yemenis registered in Somalia since 27 March 2015 (including Somalis with dual Yemeni-Somali citizenship)

21,442 Arrivals registered at Reception Centres in Berbera, Bossaso and Mogadishu since 27 March 2015

53% Registered arrivals expressing intention to return to Mogadishu

10,325 Somali returnees provided with onward transportation assistance since 27 March 2015

USD 39.3 million Requested for the Somalia Response Plan for Yemen Situation (January-December 2016) and in full:

14.10.2016 – The New Yorker (* A H)


The desert plain between the Gulf of Aden and the Mabla Mountains, in northern Djibouti, is a rutted landscape of ochre sand and rocks, dotted with gnarled acacia trees. In summer, it is swept by dust storms with wind speeds as high as forty miles an hour, known as the khamsin, and temperatures can top a hundred and twenty degrees. Here, in a refugee camp called Markazi, near the town of Obock, around a thousand Yemenis, who fled civil war in their country, are housed in a cluster of tents and white huts, surrounded by a chain-link fence. There used to be more than three thousand, but many have left, renting rooms in Djibouti City, if they can afford them, or returning to Yemen, preferring the uncertainty of a war zone to the heat of the camp.

In late May, by the medical tents at the center of Markazi, I spoke to an elderly man wearing a striped shirt and a pink fedora. He was smiling broadly. “I invite you to come and see my museum,” he said to me, in English, introducing himself as Abdillahi Bashraheel.

The common assumption is that many Yemeni refugees in the Horn of Africa are simply waiting for the war to end, and that they will go back to their home country. But many people I met in Djibouti said they were looking to resettle in the United States or in Europe. This was especially true of Adenis like Bashraheel and Abdeshakur, who tend to speak better English than people from the north and to be more pessimistic about the chances for lasting peace in Yemen. When I visited in May, the U.N. staff in Obock told me they had spoken to several people about their wish to resettle, but sentiments in many of the countries they wish to go to will make this a difficult process.

Kelly told me that he could envision Yemenis being resettled in the U.S. from Djibouti, because refugees, mainly Somalis, had been resettled from the other camps in the country. Still, he said, of the Yemeni refugees, “only a very small percentage of refugees in those camps will be resettled in the U.S. or elsewhere.” The rest of the world could learn from Djibouti, Kelly said, adding that its officials deserve “a lot of praise” for their response to the Yemen crisis. “Djibouti is one of the poorest countries in the world,” he continued. “Over the past year, thirty-five thousand evacuees from Yemen have come here. It is roughly equivalent to the U.S. taking in thirteen million refugees. That’s not going to happen. Not in this political climate.” – by Jay Janson

Comment by Judith Brown: Wow this is interesting and really worth a read - it shows the optimism and resourcefulness of refugees and Yemenis. Djibouti has accepted 35,000 Yemeni refugees - as the article says equivalent of 13 million in USA or about 2 million in UK. It makes me cross when I hear people from UK accusing the Arab states of not taking refugees. Although the wealthier Arab states such as Saudi and UAE have not been so welcoming. Saudi says it has taken refugees but what it actually did was register migrant workers from Yemen who had lived in Saudi Arabia for many years. A year or so back I saw a video of Saudi troops firing on desperate asylum seekers on its southwest border.

cp13b Finanzen / Finances

6.11.2016 - Mohammed Basha (* A E P)

The SWIFT [BIC] code for 's Central Bank has been officially transfered from Sana'a to Aden.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well it's really transferred to Aden now. And not paying salaries to ordinary Yemenis since Hadi had his hands on it.

My comment: International institutions, as always, backing the Hadi government, even in the case of measures which clearly contradict Yemeni laws and have a devastating effect on the economy and the people of the country. Disgusting.

5.11.2016 – Aljazeera (* A E H)

Film: Government workers go unpaid as Yemen war rages

The fighting in Yemen has led to chronic shortages of food, medicine and money. Public servants in Sanaa haven't been paid for the past two months. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Jamjoom reports.

5.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A E H)

The Saudi aggression collapsed the rate of the income per capita and the middle class from 9million to less than 1m

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

7.11.2016 – Elizabeth Kendall (A T)

#AQAP hands out 6 page tract warning #Yemen men not to join police/army. Shows harder line: can kill police without giving option to repent (images)

6.11.2016 – Salon (* A P T)

Leaked Hillary Clinton emails show U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported ISIS

Emails released by WikiLeaks add to the growing body of evidence that Gulf regimes have backed the Islamic State

Another newly released email, from January 2016, includes an excerpt from a private October 2013 speech in which Clinton acknowledged that “the Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years.”

In that same speech, Clinton noted that she wanted to pursue “a more robust, covert action trying to vet, identify, train and arm cadres of rebels” in Syria, that would have fought both the government of President Bashar al-Assad and “the Al-Qaeda-related jihadist groups that have, unfortunately, been attracted to Syria.”

She added however, “That’s been complicated by the fact that the Saudis and others are shipping large amounts of weapons — and pretty indiscriminately — not at all targeted toward the people that we think would be the more moderate, least likely, to cause problems in the future.”

In a June 2013 speech to Goldman Sachs, an excerpt of which is also included in that January 2016 message, Clinton emphasized that “the Saudis in particular are not necessarily the stablest regimes that you can find on the planet.”

These emails are part of a trove released this week by transparency organization WikiLeaks. T

In August 2014, Clinton — who had stopped serving as secretary of state the year before — sent Podesta a list of notes on Syria, Iraq and U.S. policy in the Middle East, in an email titled “Here’s what I mentioned.”

Responding to the strategy outlined in the notes, Podesta said, “I think we are headed down this path in Iraq.” But “Syria elements are vexing,” he added.

“Agree but there may be opportunities as the Iraqi piece improves,” Clinton wrote back.

The message also reveals that the U.S. saw the rise of the genocidal Islamic State as an opportunity. “With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle East,” the document says, adding, “The most important factor in this matter is to make use of intelligence resources and Special Operations troops in an aggressive manner.”

This August 2014 email is by no means the first time Saudi Arabia and Qatar, close U.S. allies, have been accused of supporting ISIS and other extremist groups.

The August 2014 Clinton email indirectly acknowledged that much of the Syrian opposition is dominated by extremist forces, although it still called for the U.S. to support putative “moderate” rebel groups – by Ben Norton

Comment by Dr. Jull Stein: If Saudi Arabia funded 9/11 and ISIS too, why does Obama protect them, Clinton arm them, & Podesta lobby for them?

5.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Islah leader in Taiz and local authority official in Shabwa escape assassination attempts

Yemen Islah Party leader escaped today an assassination attempt by an explosive device planted by unknown assailants outside his home in Sharaab District, northern Taiz Governorate, central Yemen.

A local source told Almasdaronline that Abduljabbar Abdul Salam Alhamidi, Islah Party leader, was slightly injured in the bomb blast while his security guard was seriously injured.

In a similar context, a local authority official was wounded and his security guard was killed today in an attack by unknown assailants on his car in Ataq City in Shabwa Governorate, southeastern Yemen, a local source told Almasdaronline.

The source told Almasdaronline that gunmen intercepted the car of the Director General of Rural Electricity of Shabwa Governorate, Mr. Alaji, in the centre of the governorate and showered his car with fire injuring him and killing one of his security guards.

cp15 Propaganda

8.11.2016 – Arab News (A P)

'Brutal' Houthis blocking urgent aid distribution in Yemen: Al-Asiri

Houthi militias have held up 34 humanitarian aid ships carrying medical and urgent assistance for more than 186 days, said Maj. Gen. Ahmed Al-Asiri, spokesman of the Arab Coalition Forces.
Houthis, who are controlling the ports, are denying entry to these ships to deliver aid, he added.
“There are currently no UN representatives in Al-Hudaida Port — which is the largest and under the control of the Houthis — to ensure the delivery of aid and medical products, and to monitor their distribution,” said Al-Asiri, adding that the aid has been held in the port for the past six months, unable to reach those in need.
Abdul Raqeeb Fatah, the Yemeni minister of local administration and president of the supreme committee of relief, accused Houthis and militias of ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh of willfully starving the Yemeni people by detaining the 34 ships carrying relief, humanitarian and medical aid provided by GCC countries. He said that Houthi militias prevented these ships from entering seaports of Al-Hudaydah and Al-Saleef.
In a statement to the Yemeni Press Agency, he said that the Yemeni people have been deprived of 496,000 tons of foodstuff, 146,000 tons of oil and 275,000 tons of iron and cement.

7.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s Putschists Withheld 34 Aid Ships from Reaching Ravaged Civilians

Yemen’s Chairman of the Higher Humanitarian Relief Commission Board Abdulrraqib Fateh held the Houthi-led putsch responsible for a dire famine striking Yemenis today.

Mr. Fateh revealed that both Houthi militiamen and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists have unjustly seized 34 aid shipments that were scheduled to deliver sustenance and medical relief to the people of Yemen.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)-sent cargoes were arranged to make port and unload at the port of Hodeidah, the Fourth-largest city in Yemen.

Iran-aligned militants had seized all ships and withheld the delivery of humanitarian relief to Yemen’s war-victims and impoverished.

Over 496,000 tons of food, 146,000 tons of oil byproducts and at least 275,000 tons of construction items for infrastructure (cement, gravel, steel, etc..) are in cargoes withheld by insurgency gunmen, Mr.Fateh told Yemen’s state news agency, Saba.

Comment by Judith Brown: WHAT!!!!!!! Just don't believe this folks, it really is five star propaganda. Lots of international reports have shown the real situation in northern Yemen and Hodeida an the effects of the Saudi led embargo. I guess that KSA Is trying to deflect internal criticisms with this ludicrous story. Of course the Houthis do try to control the distribution of goods so that they can charge a 'tax' to help pay for the war. But Saudi Arabia is also withholding salaries of its foreign workers and lowering salaries of its Saudi nationals to pay for war. War is expensive and neither side can afford it but they carry on with their killing and destruction anyway. And Yemeni people are getting more and more desperate about their situation and their future.

My comment: Take this comment as mine as well. - One more remark: The Asharq Al-Awsat article is the earlier one. See who spread this propaganda first. The ominous “Higher Humanitarian Relief Commission” seems to be just a new created propaganda fake. In Google, there is no match for this commission between Mach 1, 2015 and Nov. 8, 2016 (one match dated Aug. 26, 2015 also leading to the AA article linked here). The same to “Abdulrraqib Fateh“. Of course, Asiri cannot miss when crazy propaganda is told. This “The Houthis block themselves” story reminds Ukrainian propaganda from 2014/2015, when the Ukrainian army and militia relentlessly shelled the cities hold by Eastern Ukrainian separatists. And Ukrainian propaganda (among other stories) told the separatists themselves would shell their own cities. All this is just odd.

3.11.2016 – Inner City Press (* A K P)

Film: On Yemen, ICP asks Saudi Ambassador About Hudaydah & Sana'a Bombings, Hadi To Cede Power; Analysis

On November 3, Inner City Press asked Saudi Ambassador Abdallah Y. Al-Mouallimi about the Saudi-led (US refueled) Coalition's bombings of Hudaydah and before that, Sana'a, and for Saudi Arabia's view if Hadi should or could cede power, answers here. Before this Periscope, Inner City Press asked him about the draft UNSC resolution which Inner City Press first published; he said it is still being negotiated.

Cpmment by Judith Brown: Well he isn't too forthcoming about Hadi nor investigations into civilian deaths in Yemen.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes devastate family park near capital Sanaa

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged hysterical air raids on civilian targets overnight, devastating a civilian park in al-Hima al-Kharijiya district of Sanaa province, an official told Saba on Monday.

The strikes destroyed the family park.

My comment: Oh what a strange military target.

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets burn Marib farms

US-backed Saudi aggression fighter planes waged two strikes on Serwah district of Marib governorate overnight, an official told Saba on Monday.
The strikes targeted residents' fruit farms in Habab valley, burning them to the ground.

My comment: And one times more, the Saudi coalition deliberately targets the food supply to starve out the population.

7.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

6.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets launch strike on Marib

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets kill 2 civilians in Nehm

At least two citizens were killed and three injured in air strikes by US-backed Saudi aggression fighter jets when targeted their car on the public road in Nehm district of Sanaa province overnight, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes, meanwhile, hit Maswarah area in the same district, causing bad destruction to citizens` houses.

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression drops cluster bombs on Saada

US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes launched a series of raids on Saada governorate using cluster bombs overnight, local official told Saba on Sunday.
The planes threw two cluster bombs on Althaban area in Bakim district, also targeted with another raid Alhajla area in Razih district.
Also, the aggression hit Alhasam zone in Shada district and Alsahlain in Al Salim three times for each, the official said, adding that other strikes struck al-Buqa crossing point and other more seven strikes bombed Alatfeen area in Kutaf district.

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi air aggression destroys 3 oil stations in Saada

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged a series of strikes on three oil stations in Saada governorate over the past 24 hours, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
A strike targeted an oil station in Al Aqqab area in Sahar district.
The other strike hit the oil station at in Nasrin area of Kutaf district. The third strike struck the oil station in Razih district

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression launch 11strikes on Nehm, Bani Matar

Saudi aggression war jets waged 11 strikes on Nehm and Bani Matar districts in Sanaa province, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes targeted several areas in Nehm district and the others targeted Prophet Shuaib Mount in Bani Matar district, causing damage in citizens` houses and private and public properties

6.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition Fighters intensify airstrikes on Houthi sites in Saada

A local source in Saada Governorate, stronghold of Houthis far northern Yemen, said that the Arab coalition fighters launched several raids on the sites of Houthi militants and Saleh's forces in Saada on Saturday.

The source stated to Almasdaronline that four airstrikes hit military camp for the Houthis in Alhashwah District, adjacent to Aljawf Governorate, northeastern Yemen, pointing out that some Houthis were killed and others were injured in the airstrikes, but no specific figure was reported.

On the other side, the Houthis and Saleh's forces, accuse, though their media, the Coalition of bombing Saada with cluster bombs.

Saba News Agency of the Houthis said that "the aggression fighters threw two clusters bombs on Althaban area of Baqim District," and launched other air raids on other parts of Saada.

5.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch raids on Jizan

5.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

U.S.-Saudi warplanes launch raid on capital Sanaa

US-Saudi aggression's warplanes waged air raid against the capital Sanaa, an official said.
The strike targeted al- Hafa area in al-Sabeen district south of the capital, causing large damage to citizens' houses, public and private properties

5.11.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Saudi air raid at Bakeel al Meer district, Hajjah province =

5.11.2016 – Yemen Today TV (A K PH)

Film: Saudi air aggression bombing bridge, Aloahjr in Mahaweet 05-11 - 2016

5.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

Saudi aggression air raid targeted the public road between Hajjah and Amran in Kmala District Directorate Kahlah Afar (photo)

5.11.2016 – Yemen Today (A K)

Another WAR CRIME: Saudi cluster bombs (intl banned) attack #Yemen region Saada today & 10s explosions near village civilian homes (the photo probably from earlier raid)

6.11.2016 – Labib Muflhi (A K)

[Photos of Tihama region, destructions by Saudi air raids and fishermen; that’s the region where starvation is on top. The exact place is Au Trif] = and

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Both sides claim successes. What’s fact and what’s fiction, who really knows?

7.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Saudi-led coalition air-defense intercepts ballistic missile Houthis launched on Mareb

The Saudi-led coalition air-defense systems in Mareb, east of Capital Sana’a, intercepted on Sunday a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi militants and forces loyal to the former president Saleh.

A military source in Mareb City told Almasdaronline that the Houthi rebels fired a missile towards targets in the city, but the air-defense systems shot it down in the desert without causing any casualties.

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills 6, injures 9 mercenaries in Shabwah

A total of six Saudi-paid aggression mercenaries were killed and nine others wounded when the national army and popular forces secured several of military sites in Usylan district of Shabwah province, a military official told Saba on Monday.
The operation took places on Sunday when the army and popular forces recaptured and secured the sites in Ban Lahjan and al-Khazan sites after fierce clashes that eventually defeated the enemy.
Six were killed and nine wounded.
Meanwhile, the aggression fighter jets launched five strikes on the same sites and the district following the operation, in a botched attempt to encourage their mercenaries.

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army's artillery targets gatherings of Riyadh's mercenaries in Taiz

The army's artillery targeted gatherings of Saudi aggression mercenaries in Taiz province, a military official told Saba on Monday .
They targeted gatherings of mercenaries in al-Silw district and Thoaban area

and from the other side, same place, opposite report:

7.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Yemen: Coup Militias Make Up for Losses by Targeting Civilians

Yemen’s national army forces have been able to sustain the pace of progress against coup militias in Taiz and south of Sana’a. Fierce clashes have been ongoing at each of the Hifan and Assilw districts, both located south of Yemen’s third largest city, Taiz.

The army and popular forces repelled mercenaries’ attempt to advance toward al-Dhaif Mountain in Taiz province, a military official said.

The operation took place when the coup gunmen carried out attacks in order to infiltrate toward the army and popular forces’ sites, killing dozens of the mercenaries and wounding others, as well as destroying several of their vehicles, the official added.

Army troops secured strategic advances after valiantly surmounting intense clashes accompanied with random bombardment that led to grave losses in human civilians and public property.

Ground sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that coup militants have also recorded great losses both in personnel and artillery amid the heavy fighting.

After standing great losses, Houthi militiamen stormed a school, shooting, and breaking into classes taking in four instructors and a student hostage.

At least 28 Houthi combatants and six former president Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists were killed in the clashes as the rebel forces mount fresh attacks to control new territories in the densely populated city.

Iran-backed Houthis, who have firmly controlled the city’s outskirts for more than a year, could not advance into the city’s center despite heavy shelling and siege.

In a statement that he made to Asharq Al-Awsat, a Yemeni army source on the Hifan front said that “Yemeni army forces were able to make significant progress on the Al-Ahkoum front in Hifan … after fierce battles. This matter has made the Houthi militias and those loyal to Saleh respond by bombing villages”.

My comment: Both sides totally different…

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills, wounds mercenaries in Lahj

A number of mercenaries were killed and others injured by the army and popular forces in Lahj province, a military official told Saba on Monday.
The forces` artillery units hit groups of the US-Saudi-paid mercenaries in south of Khbub area, killing dozens of the mercenaries, wounding others and destroying troops' equipment.

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills, injures mercenaries in Baidha

Many of US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others injured when the army and popular forces targeted their military vehicle in Mukiras district of al-Baidha province, a military official told Saba on Monday.

Meanwhile, the artillery units of the army fired shells on groups of the mercenaries in Akabat Thrah area in the same district, killing and injuring dozens.

7.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army attacks mercenaries in Zahra of Baidha

The army and popular forces launched fierce attacks on US-backed Saudi-paid aggression mercenaries in al-Zahra district of al-Baidha governorate on Monday, a military official told Saba.
The attacks were carried out by the army and popular forces' rocketry units, killing and injured tens of the enemies.

7.11.2016 – Alwaght (A K PH)

Yemeni Forces Capture Two Saudi Military Bases

Yemeni forces supported by the forces of Ansarullah resistance movement attacked two Saudi military bases and took control over them in the Kingdom’s southern border region.

Two Saudi military bases were attacked in the Asir region near Saudi southern borders and a military vehicle was destroyed, an unnamed Yemeni source said on Sunday. and by Saba Net now also:

6.11.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Yemeni Popular Forces Vow to Fire More Missiles at Saudi Arabia

The Yemeni popular forces vowed to hit the Saudi military positions with more missiles if the kingdom continues to strike the civilian population.

"Ansarullah has a warehouse full of missiles which can continue hitting the targets inside Saudi Arabia until the end of war with the Riyadh government," Ansarullah officials said.

Meantime, Yemeni Army Spokesman Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman also threatened Saudi Arabia with an increasing number of missile strikes.

Comment: Air raids do not bring peace – as missiles don’t.

6.11.2016 – Anadolu (A K)

44 killed in Yemen violence

At least 44 people have been killed in a new wave of deadly clashes between Houthi rebels and pro-government forces across war-torn Yemen.

Battles broke out on Saturday in Nahm district, east of Sanaa, in which 19 Houthi militants were killed and scores injured, pro-government commander Abdullah al-Shandaqi said in a statement posted on his Facebook page.

“Three government forces were killed in the violence,” he said.

According to al-Shanqadi, pro-government forces have managed to capture the Mobdia village and Bani Bariq mountains from Houthi rebels during the confrontations.

Eleven Houthis and allied forces were also killed on Saturday and 17 others injured in clashes with government forces in the southwestern Taiz province.

Six pro-government fighters were also injured in the violence, according to a statement by the pro-government forces.

In a related development, four civilians were killed and ten others injured in a Houthi shelling of western Taiz on Saturday.

Meanwhile, seven Houthi militants were killed in an attack by government forces on their vehicle in the southern al-Bayda’ province – By Murad al-Arifi, Tawfiq Ali and Ali Owaida


6.11.2016 – Al Araby (A K)

Yemen's peace plan in jeopardy as new clashes erupt

At least 20 fighters were killed in a round of fresh clashes across Yemen on Sunday, military officials said.

Among those killed were 14 Houthi rebels and six fighters loyal to the internationally-recognised government.
Among the dead was loyalist General Yehia al-Khayati who died at a Saudi hospital after suffering injuries during clashes in a town close to the kingdom's border with Yemen.

Further south on the outskirts of the oil-rich Usailan district of Shabwa province, rebel forces attacked loyalist positions sparking clashes that killed 12 insurgents and five pro-government soldiers, another military source said.

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular committees blow up hostile depot in Jizan

The army and popular committees launched on Sunday artillery shelling against a depot in Jizan.
A military source told Saba that the army and popular committees targeted a depot setting it to fire.
It also pointed out that the army and popular committees opened fire at Saudi military groupings for Saudi soldiers in Sh’ib Al-Tha’ib location in Jizan causing direct casualties.

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army bombs mercenaries` vehicle in al-Buqa

The army and popular forces bombed a Saudi-paid mercenaries` military vehicle in al-Buqa crossing point

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army bombs mercenaries` military vehicle in Taiz

The army and popular forces bombed US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries` vehicle in Taiz province, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
The military vehicle was destroyed when it attempted to advance toward the army and popular forces` site in al-Tabah behind al-Shabakah military site

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army hits mercenaries in Lahj

The army and popular forces` artillery units hit US-backed Saudi- paid mercenaries` gathering in east Kahbub area in Lahj province, a military official told Saba on Sunday.
The shelling killed dozens of the enemy troops and injured others

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills mercenaries, bombing military armored vehicle in Jawf

A number of the US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others wounded in shelling by the army and popular forces in al-Jawf province, a military official told Saba on Sunday.
An armored vehicle belonging to the enemy also bombed in al-Salan military camp in al-Ghail district.
Following the operation, the national army and popular forces secured Salan military camp and several other sites that overlooks the camp in the same district

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

The mercenaries` missile and artillery forces shelled citizens` houses and farms in al-Matar quarter, al-Hajlan area and Habab valley in Sewah district, Marib province.

6.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Government 82 Infantry Brigade commander killed in confrontations against Houthis in Midi

Commander of the 82 Infantry Brigade, which follows the 5th Military Region, was killed on Sunday in confrontations against the Houthi rebels and Saleh forces in the vicinity of Medi City of Hajja Governorate, northwestern Yemen.

A military source told "Almasdaronline" that Brigadier General Saleh Al Khayati, Commander of the 82 Infantry Brigade, was killed and others injured by Houthis attack on military sites belonging to Brigade 82 in the outskirts of Midi City.

It is worth mentioning that the areas surrounding Medi and Haradh cities of Hajja Governorate witness daily confrontations between Yemeni government forces backed by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition fighters on the one hand, and the Houthi militants and Saleh forces on the other hand.


6.11.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Yemen: Pro-Hadi General Killed in Bomb Blast Near Saudi Border

A senior commander of the militias loyal to the former fugitive President Mansour Hadi was killed when a bomb exploded near Yemen's border with Saudi Arabia.

"General Saleh al-Khayati, commander of Battalion 82 of the pro-Hadi forces was killed in a bomb blast near the Yemeni border city of Harad," a local source said.

General al-Khayati's death came as heavy clashes are underway between the Yemeni army and pro-Saudi forces in Midi desert and Harad city.

Comment: What’s now, was he killed in clashes or by a bomb?

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Mercenaries kill 3 citizens in Taiz

Saudi-paid mercenaries killed three citizens, including two children, and injuring others when they fired artillery shells on the city of Taiz, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The shells targeted Salah quarter in the city, killing the three citizens, including the two children. The shelling injured dozens of other residents and destroyed many houses

and see here, both sides charge each other:

6.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Two children killed, woman wounded in Houthis bombing in Taiz

Two children were killed and a woman was injured on Saturday evening when a mortar shell fired by Houthis and Saleh's forces fell on Hadhran neighborhood west of Taiz city, central Yemen.

The source pointed out that the Houthi militants and Saleh forces are going on bombing the villages in the southern and western parts of Taiz City from their positions at Hadhran and Alrubaie areas.

At the same time, the National Army forces fended off an attack for the Houthis on Alnabegh Mount in Makbana District, western Taiz.

In addition, a field source told Almasderonline that the Popular Resistance and the National Army forces forced the Houthi militants to retreat after fierce fighting in which four Houthis were killed and two others were wounded.

6.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army foils mercenaries` advance in Nehm

Dozens of US-backed Saudi-paid mercenaries were killed and others wounded in Nehm district of Sanaa province when the army and popular forces foiled their attempt to advance early on Sunday, a military official told Saba.
The operation took places when the mercenaries attempted to advance towards Bani Bariq area and Harim Mount in the same district.

and the other side, claiming exactly the opposite:

5.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Spokesman: 19 Houthis killed in Nehm, government forces takes over new sites

Spokesman of the Popular Resistance in Nihm District eastern the Capital Sana'a stated today that 19 militants from the Houhtis and Saleh's forces were killed in confrontations against the Popular Resistance and the National Army.

"Three members of the government forces were killed in the same confrontations, in which the fighters of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition took part," wrote the spokesman Abdullah Alshandaqi in a facebook post.

Alshandaqi added that government forces seized control of Almabdaah village and Bani Bareq mountains, and destroyed armored while the Houthis retreated after incurring huge losses.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

7.11.2016 – Pennenergy (A)

Dulas delivers solar fridges to Yemen, Sierra Leone, Nigeria

Dulas, a leading British solar refrigeration manufacturer and renewable energy specialist has won a contract to supply a combined total of 345 VC200 Solar Direct Drive fridges, used to safely store vaccines, to agencies working in Yemen, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

The deal demonstrates the success of the company’s latest solar refrigerator technology and large-scale logistical capabilities, and represents a significant expansion of the firm’s partnerships with the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF, and the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria.

Storing vaccines and blood samples at the correct temperature in remote regions, or any area where access to electricity may be sporadic or the climate extremely hot, is an on-going challenge for health programmes. Likewise, difficulties in the transport of vaccines to remote or isolated areas can similarly hinder relief agencies’ ability to carry out immunisation projects.

Dulas’ recently designed Solar Direct Drive Vaccine Refrigerators, developed with funding from a joint EU and Welsh Government R&D project, use the sun’s energy to keep vaccines cool.

2015 – International Labour Organisation (B E H)

Yemen Return Migrants Survey

The Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of Yemen and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have the pleasure to present the results of the Migrants Return Survey in Yemen. The survey was carried out in 2014 by the CSO with technical assistance of ILO and financial assistance by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The survey generated representative information about the background and employment profile and the future plans of the Yemeni migrants forcibly returned from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over 2013/2014.

The survey also provides information on migration patterns, working conditions and remuneration while abroad, skills acquisition, and employment prospects after return to Yemen. The survey

was administered in four governorates with a sample size of 2,414 households.

The migrants return survey in Yemen has been carried out to study the phenomenon of Yemeni migrants forced to return from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) after the Nitaqat programme was approved in March 2013. The survey was conducted by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of Yemen with technical and financial assistance from International Labour Organization (ILO).

The main objective of this survey is to gain insights into the profile of Yemeni migrants that were forcibly returned from KSA, how they migrated, what they experienced abroad, and what their employment prospects are back home. These insights in turn are hoped to contribute to evidence-based employment and migration policies in Yemen.

The total number of interviewed households was 2,414, located in four governorates: Taiz, Hajjah, Al-Hodeidah and Al-Mahweit.The main results of the migrants return survey are summarized in the selected indicators presented below.

My comment: Pre-war…

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-224: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-224: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und /

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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