Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 341 - Yemen War Mosaic 341

Yemen Press Reader 341: Alles aus Woche 35 (27. Aug. - 3. Sept. 2017 / All from week 35 (Aug. 27 - Sept. 3)

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Ihre Freitag-Redaktion

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

In eigener Sache / On own behalf

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

In eigener Sache / On own behalf

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eigentlich hatte ich mir vorgenommen und das auch so angekündigt, meine „Jemenkrieg-Mosaike“ so lange auszusetzen, bis die Huthis im Jemen den am 14. August von ihnen verschleppten Blogger Hisham-Al-Omeisy wieder freigelassen haben. Das ist bis heute nicht geschehen.

Dennoch möchte ich meine „Jemenkrieg-Mosaike“ nun wieder aufnehmen. Ich war in dieser Sache fest davon überzeugt, dass die Huthis auf das relativ große Medienecho und die vielen eindeutigen Reaktionen in den sozialen Medien (aus dem Jemen wie international) hin einsehen müssten, dass sie sich mit dieser Verhaftung nur selbst geschadet haben. Ehrlich gesagt, ich habe schlichtweg die Dummheit und die politische Unfähigkeit der Huthis krass unterschätzt.

Die Ereignisse im und um den Jemen gehen freilich weiter. Unter anderem geht es wieder einmal um eine internationale unabhängige Untersuchung der Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen – und die Saudis, hier politisch unter Druck geraten, haben nun eine ganz neue (und reichlich groteske) Propagandavariante entdeckt. Wegen der Dauer-Dummheit anderer auf Dauer hier nicht mehr zu berichten, wäre aber sicher nicht im Sinn der Sache – und wohl auch nicht im Sinne derer, die nun im Jemen selbst zum Schweigen verurteilt worden sind. Ich werde jetzt also wieder weitermachen.

Allerdings: Der Fall von Hisham Al-Omeisy wird dabei besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Und er ist ja leider kein Einzelfall. Meine besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird darüber hinaus auch den Berichten in anderen Fällen von willkürlichen Verhaftungen durch die Huthis gelten.

Und ich werde es mir auch nicht verkneifen, in der nächsten Zeit einen Artikel mit dem Thema: „Die politische Dummheit der Huthis“ (oder ähnlich) zu veröffentlichen.

Actually, I had planned and announced to stop my “Yemen war mosaic” until the Houthis in Yemen finally would have released the blogger Hisham-Al-Omeisy, whom they had kidnapped and detained on August 14th. This did not happen up to now.

Nevertheless, I would like to resume my “Yemen war mosaics” now. In the matter of Omeisy, I had been firmly convinced that the Houthis would be aware of the relatively large media echo and the many clear reactions in the social media (from Yemen as well as internationally), and that they would understand that with this arrest they just had harmed themselves. To be honest, I simply had underestimated the Houthis’ stupidity and their inability in politics.

But of course the events in and around Yemen are going on. Among other things, there are new and clear demands for an international independent investigation of the war crimes in Yemen – and the Saudis, under political pressure, therefore have now discovered a new (and absolutely grotesque) propaganda variant. Stopping to report from Yemen on the long term because of one party’s long-term stupidity, certainly would not be adequate to what is happening in Yemen – and probably also would not be in accordance with the wishes of those who now have been condemned to silence in Yemen itself. Therefore, I will continue now.

However, I furthermore will pay special attention to the case of Hisham Al-Omeisy. And unfortunately his case is not a single one. Thus, my special attention will also be given to the reports in other cases of arbitrary arrests by the Huthis.

And soon I also will publish an article on the subject of “The political stupidity of the Houthis” (or similar).

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H)

Angels of Yemen: The work of MONA Relief Org

Fatik Al-Rodaini (@fatikr) is the founder of MONA Relief Yemen (@monareliefye), a non-profit organization that has been serving the needs of Yemeni people on the ground by providing food and medical aid. The non-profit was named after a charitable donor named Mona who got the organization off the ground.

This interview, I will talk to Fatik about how MONA Relief provides much needed support to people in Yemen; as well as ways those of us outside of Yemen can help to stop this crisis. and for donations:

(** B H)

One-man NGO tries to save starving kids in Yemen

A 24-year-old Yemeni man has put his English fluency, social media savvy and a passion for photography to good use. By doing what he's good at, Ahmad Algohbary has been saving young victims of Yemen's devastating famine.

(** B H K)

Helpdesk Report: Conflict and gender dynamics in Yemen

What is the understanding of, and evidence base related to, the impact of the current conflict on gender dynamics in Yemen? and full report

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A K)

Young Yemeni girl who lost her entire family in an airstrike becomes symbol to stop civil war

A young girl who was the sole survivor of her family, after an airstrike that killed eight of her relatives, has inspired a campaign calling for the end of the war in Yemen. and by BBC:

My comment: A Saudi air strike and a civil war? ­ More articles: End of cp16.

(** A H)

Yemen Crisis – Maningitis: a new plague for Yemen

The suspected bacterial meningitis cases continue to be monitored. From 01 January to 06 August 2017 (Epidemiological week 31), a total of 2,467 clinically diagnosed cases including 37 related deaths (Case fatality ratio- 1.5%) were reported through the Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) in Yemen.

(** B K P)

The Way Forward in Yemen

In the coastal city of Hodeidah, the most catastrophic elements of Yemen’s civil war present themselves: death, deterioration, and disaster.

The extensive, under-the-radar support the United States provides to the Saudi-led coalition indicates that U.S. interests in Yemen are deeper than combatting extremism.

To a large extent, Iran and Saudi Arabia are using Yemen as an avenue to assert their respective dominance in the Middle East, but it is an oversimplification to characterize the Yemeni conflict as merely a proxy war.

Misunderstandings on the part of the United Nations and the international community have led to the continued failure of peace initiatives in Yemen – by Amanda Wasserman

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A B H K P)

The Photos the U.S. and Saudi Arabia Don’t Want You to See

We’re complicit in the war crimes committed in Yemen by the Saudi-led military coalition. =


(** A B H K P)

Disgraceful U.S. Support for the War on Yemen Must End

We need more columns and reports like Kristof’s to defeat that effort, and then perhaps there will start to be some significant pressure on the administration to put a stop to the disgraceful policy of enabling the Saudis and their allies in their crimes.

(** B P)

How Media Obscure US/Saudi Responsibility for Killing Yemeni Civilians

Major Western media outlets have, however, obscured the responsibility Saudi Arabia, and its US and European supporters, bear for launching these airstrikes.

There are no other parties presently bombing Yemen, so media cannot feign ignorance as to who is responsible for the attacks. But reports on the bloody US/Saudi coalition airstrikes were nonetheless rife with ambiguous and downright misleading language – by Ben Norton =

(** B P)

The Saudi Trillions - By Malise Ruthven

(** B P)

Diplomatic Underground: The Sordid Double Life of Washington’s Most Powerful Ambassador

THE WOMEN WERE brought into the Abu Dhabi apartment in abayas. “Pick who you want,” the men were told, and she would be theirs until noon the next day.

(** B H K)

More than 257k Civilians killed by Saudi Aggression and Siege on Yemen, Says Human Rights Ministry

the number of those who died as a result of the aggression and the siege are 247 thousand citizens due to lack of medicines and the spread of epidemics and malnutrition and kidney failure.


(** B H K)

247,000 Yemenis have died because of Saudi blockade& starvation over 28 months,said minister of human rights Alia Faisal

(** C)

Worum es beim Konflikt im Jemen geht – Teil I

[Geschichte bis 2011]

Worum es beim Konflikt im Jemen geht – Teil II

(**B P)

Are Yemeni rebels imploding?

Saudi Arabia is hoping the Yemeni rebel alliance is fracturing, which could open the door for the Saudi alliance to escape the quagmire Riyadh is stuck in. It's a long shot, and not a viable strategy for Washington.

During the last 2½ years of the new civil war, Saleh and the Houthis have been wary partners. Saleh has quietly tried to keep his options open, using his son Ahmed, who travels often to Abu Dhabi.

For months, the simmering divisions within the rebellion were kept under the surface but sufficiently restive to give the Saudis and their allies — including some in US President Donald Trump's team — hope that the rebels will fight each other.

So a war within the rebel camp has a potential for dividing the kingdom's enemies.

Thoughtful Saudis are deeply skeptical about Saleh, doubting that he will really be prepared to support the restoration of Hadi's government.

The urgent necessity is an unconditional cease-fire supervised by the UN. The blockade should be lifted – by Bruce Riedel

(** A P)

Die Huthis, diese „Operettenpartner“

Saudi-Arabien könnte den jemenitischen Präsidenten fallen lassen. Der abgesetzte frühere Präsident wittert Chancen für ein Comeback - auf Kosten der Huthis.

Sowohl die Huthis wie auch der Ex-Präsident wissen, dass sie den Krieg gegen die Saudis verlieren werden, wenn sie sich gegenseitig bekriegen.

Aus diesem Grund wird der Ex-Präsident mit den Huthis wohl erst dann endgültig brechen, wenn er von Riad die verbindliche Zusage erhält, dass nach dem Krieg er, und nicht al-Hadi, der neue Machthaber sein wird - von Arnold Hottinger

(** A P)

Yemen war: Why Houthis and Saleh forces are trading insults and bullets

Residents in Sanaa fear further violence between Houthis and forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh after fighting left four dead


(** A P)

Who benefits from a Houthi-Saleh divorce?

The troubled Houthi-Saleh alliance has faltered in the last two weeks, but is the prospect of a Saudi-led takeover in Sanaa enough to preserve their partnership?

(** B P)

What the UAE fears most: Democracy

The Emiratis can intervene in the region's conflicts, install dictators, and arrange coups. They can apply maximum force. They will never, however, govern with consent – by David Hearst

(** B H P)

Women in Aden: A Beautiful Past, A Forsaken Present, and A Promising Future

(**B H K)

When going to school can be deadly

In Yemen's war-torn classrooms, books and pencils are being replaced by mortars and automatic weapons.

Almost two dozen schools throughout the impoverished country have now been occupied by armed groups, and another 1500 have been either partially or totally destroyed by the relentless fighting.

For children caught in the middle of this conflict, even going to school can prove deadly, with 222 attacks on schools over the last two years ( with photos)

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

(* A H)

Saudi confirms 5 cholera cases in border city with Yemen

Comment: But nobody will bomb them, siege them, destroy ports and airports, famine them. Nobody will stop medicines to enter the country.

(** A H)


An outbreak of cholera has spiked dramatically in several areas of Yemen, including its largest governorate of Hodeidah, Save the Children is warning. =

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update 2017-08-30

591,100 cases, 2,035 deaths

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 29 August 2017)

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update 2017-08-29

585,527 cases, 2,033 deaths

(* A H)

'Unsung heroes' winning Yemen cholera battle: UNICEF

The cholera epidemic that has ravaged war-torn Yemen has been declining for the past two months because of an unprecedented response by "unsung local heroes", the United Nations said Tuesday.

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W34 2017 (Aug 21-Aug 27)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 28 August 2017 is 580,206 cases and 2,028 deaths (CFR 0.35%). In W34, 30,648 cases and 14 deaths were reported.

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update 2017-08-28

580,827 cases, 2,028 deaths

(* A H)

UNICEF: Cholera-Verbreitung im Jemen verlangsamt sich um ein Drittel

(* A H)

Spread of acute watery diarrhoea and suspected cholera slows in Yemen amid unprecedented response efforts from unsung local heroes

(A H)

World Bank Mobilizes US$200 Million to Combat Cholera in Yemen

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update 2017-08-27

575,249 infected, 2,025 deaths

(* A H)

Spread of acute watery diarrhoea and suspected cholera slows in Yemen amid unprecedented response efforts from unsung local heroes

(* B H)

America is Helping Cholera Spread in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and America are still hurting Yemen, and the man-made crisis there only continues to grow.

(* A H)

Yemen: 'World's worst cholera outbreak' mapped

(* A H)

Upsurge in Yemen Cholera Deaths amid Saudi Bombardments, Blockade

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H K P)

'We call it the forgotten war,' says Yemeni immigrant

Wyle Baoween hopes to raise awareness as humanitarian crisis grows.

A divided family, long refugee status procedures, a father buried because he could not get any medical help. A story from a family from Yemen (with audio)

(B H K)

The Holocaust in Yemen

There is a Holocaust in Yemen, does anyone care?

Children are being slaughtered by bombs from the air

Their parents are being killed and their homes destroyed

Are world “leaders” guilty and of sympathy devoid? – poem by Stephen J. Gray

(* B H K)


Yemen is being destroyed by a man-made humanitarian crisis.

The people of Yemen are under siege. The clearest way to save the people of Yemen, stop cholera from spreading, and protect the few resources they have left, is to stop the war.

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen facing ‘worst humanitarian crisis in the world’

(* B K P)

The war on Yemen is about capitalism, not sectarianism

In the first essay in our three-part #StopDSEI series, Tom Anderson reviews the roots of the crisis in Yemen, where the civilian population has been enduring a brutal bombing campaign by a Saudi-led coalition, supported by the UK, since 2015.

One way to show solidarity with the people of Yemen is to join the campaign against the DSEI arms fair, the world’s largest arms fair; which is set to take place in East London’s Docklands in September 2017. =

and part 2

(* B K P)

Saudi’s bombing campaign is destroying my country, Yemen, and Britain is helping them do it

In the second essay in our three-part #StopDSEI series, Safa Al-Shamy gives her perspective on the motivations for the Saudi attack on her country, Yemen, the humanitarian crisis it has caused, and the UK's role in supporting it.

(* B H K)

Instead of helping Yemen's kids, we bloody our hands

Canadians have been spurred by pictures of children in other tragedies. But in Yemen’s war, we are arming the Saudis.

Dramatic photos of these children finally became public this week — and have gone viral around the world on social media — in spite of sweeping Saudi efforts to block media coverage.

As Canadians, we should stare at these pictures and be ashamed.

(* B H K)

Humanitäre Lage im Jemen: "Es ist ein menschengemachtes Desaster"

Man müsse nicht nur die Verletzten in Folge der Bombardierungen behandeln, sondern auch versuchen, den Ausbruch der Cholera im Jemen zu begrenzen, sagte Tankred Stöbe von Ärzte ohne Grenzen im Dlf und

(B P)

Here's a graph from @BenParker140 of online media coverage mentioning #Yemen from 2/16. Arabic top line, peaked when airstrikes began.

(* B K P)

Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s Deadly War That Sees No End

The kingdom and its allies are, therefore, breeding violence to further destabilize the country and remain the context of direct and indirect interventions alive. =

(* B H P)

There’s a disaster much worse than Texas. But no one talks about it

There’s not much interest even in pressuring London and Washington to stop arming the Saudi regime that is responsible for the country’s torment, despite the warnings that Yemen risks becoming the next Syria.

(* B K P)

The United States And Britain Must Claim Part-Ownership Of Yemeni Strife

Both countries have lent their support to forces that have destabilized the region and violated human rights.

The victims of these crimes, their families and friends clearly see Saudi, American and British duplicity for what it is and they will never forget.

(* B K P)

U.S. Support for the Appalling War on Yemen Continues

referring to

(* B K P)

The stain of Yemen: U.S. support in Saudi war remains appalling

(* B P)

Emirati Ambassador: Qatar Is a Destructive Force in the Region

Yousef al-Otaiba on the Gulf crisis and the future of the Middle East

"No efforts" from Trump admin to pressure coalition towards Yemen solution.

When asked re: Sanaa airport closure and its impact on humanitarian situation, civilians, Amb Otaiba says, well, Houthis control Hodeida.

(* B K P)

The new UAE project in Yemen is outside the coalition structure

(* A K P)

Al Houthi-Saleh forces reportedly target UAE with ballistic missile; al Houthi forces reportedly place former Yemeni president Saleh under house arrest; Saudi-led coalition airstrike kills civilians west of Sana’a city; Yemen prime minister directs central bank to pay military salaries amid protests

(* B K P)

The War on Yemen and Eritrea

Dana Rohrabacher is feeding the Trump administration’s Iran obsession with unfounded claims.

(* A K P T)

Al Houthi movement and GPC officials call for easing of tensions; Hadi government forces reinvigorate offensive on Sa’ada governorate; al Houthi-Saleh forces claim to launch ballistic missile targeting Saudi security headquarters in southern Saudi Arabia; AQAP militants attack al Houthi-Saleh forces in al Bayda governorate, central Yemen; militants attack multiple security officers in southern and eastern Yemen

(unrated B H K)

Film: What You Aren't Being Told About Yemen

(* B K)

Film: The Debate - Saudi War on Yemen

(* A K P T)

Al Houthi and Saleh supporters clash in Sana’a city; U.S. helicopter crashes off coast of Yemen; al Houthi-Saleh shells kill civilians in Taiz city, central Yemen; AQAP attacks Houthis in al Bayda governorate, central Yemen

(* B H K)

The Saudi-Led Coalition’s ‘Weaponization of Disease’

The vast majority of deaths from Yemen’s cholera epidemic occur in rebel-held areas on account of the attacks by the Saudi-led coalition on health centers and infrastructure and because of the coalition blockade.

(* B K P)

The Man-Made Catastrophe in Yemen: Made Possible By the U.S. and U.K.

(* B K P)

Ending the Shameful War on Yemen

(* B H K P)

Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe and Saudi ‘Aid’

The Saudis are trying to distract attention from their crimes in Yemen by talking up the aid they have provided.

The Saudis are doing this because they are eager to avoid having the coalition included on the U.N. blacklist of forces that harm children, and this is part of their larger propaganda effort to deflect criticism for the many war crimes that coalition forces have committed in their indiscriminate bombing campaign.

(* A K P)

Ahead of U.N.’s Child Rights Blacklist, Saudis Stress Their Aid to Yemen

Comment: UN bears same responsibilities as Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries involved in the slaughter of Yemenis.
No aid, no charity work will ever cancel everyone's foot print on the daily death and pain of Yemen

(* B K P)

Human Rights Groups Sound Alarm on Increasing Trend of Airstrikes Against Yemeni Civilians

(* B H K P)

Jemen wird belagert und ausgehungert

Die Saudis führen Krieg gegen jemenitische Rebellen und verursachen so ein humanitäres Desaster. Das Interesse im Westen an der Katastrophe ist gering - auch, weil Europa kaum mit Flüchtlingen aus dem Land rechnen muss.

(* A K P)

Kommentar: Saudi-Arabien, das abgründige Königreich

Der Krieg im Jemen ist aus dem Fokus geraten. Nun führt UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres am Golf Gespräche zur Lösung der Krise. Mehr Druck auf Saudi-Arabien ist nötig - nicht nur wegen Jemenündige-königreich/a-40259621

and English version:

Opinion: Saudi Arabia, the inscrutable kingdom

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is leading talks in the Gulf to try to resolve the crisis in Yemen. More pressure must be put on Saudi Arabia

(unrated B K P)

Film: ARD Reportage: Was von Kriegen übrig bleibt - Irak, Syrien, Jemen - HQ Doku

(unrated B H K P)

Film. The Truth About Yemen - With Vanessa Beeley

The misery inflicted on the Yemeni people by two years of US-backed Saudi warfare is almost unimaginable. Western press are either silent or they promote pro-war propaganda. Why is Washington selling Saudi Arabia the weapons to commit genocide on the Yemeni people? We get the real news from investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley in today's Liberty Report

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: 1 of 4 #Yemenis lack food & over half a million cases of #cholera reported in #Yemen.

(* B H)

Ärzte ohne Grenzen: Dramatische Lage im Jemen

Die Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen beklagt eine zunehmend dramatische Lage der Zivilbevölkerung im Jemen.

(* A H)

Yemen Red Crescent founder dies after being denied treatment

Leading doctor Abdullah Alkhamesi, 76, becomes latest victim of collapse in healthcare as conflict continues and also and

(A H)

Meat of sacrifice was distributed today by @monareliefye's team in Sanaa. Our project was funded by our donors in Kuwait (photos)

(A H)

We in @HndOrgYE are doing our best to save lives in #Yemen. Despite the Eid occasion, we helped "50" families in #Sanaa with meat.Thx donors (photos)

(A H)

Yemen Conflict - ETC Situation Report #18 (Reporting Period: 01/07/17 to 31/08/17)

(* B H)

Yemen Food Security Outlook Update, August 2017

Large populations in Yemen continue to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity, the latter of which is associated with increased acute malnutrition and an increased risk of excess mortality. In a worst-case scenario, significant declines in commercial imports below requirement levels and conflict that cuts populations off from trade and humanitarian assistance for an extended period could drive food security outcomes in line with Famine (IPC Phase 5).

(* B H)

Feminism at the Frontline: Addressing Women’s Multidimensional Insecurity in Yemen and Libya

The peaceful uprisings that sparkled in 2011 in Libya and Yemen transformed into violent armed conflicts, characterized by internal insecurity and severe proliferation of arms. This transformation significantly limited the space for women and restricted their involvement in the peace processes, despite them constituting forces for revolutionary change at the beginning of the uprisings.

WILPF and partners in Yemen and Libya worked together to identify, analyse, and address the multidimensional insecurities women are forced to confront. and full report

(B H)

Action Medeor macht auf die Katastrophen im Südsudan und Jemen aufmerksam (mit Film)

(A H)

Poverty leads Yemen boy to commit suicide and photo and also

Yemeni boy hangs himself after impoverished family 'failed to provide new Eid clothes'

(A H)

Yemen: Organizations 3W Operational Presence (as of 31 July 2017)

(* A H)

Film: Marwan is starving. He's one of the 460,000 children in Yemen suffering from severe malnourishment.

(A H)

Yemen: Combined Impact of Cholera and Malnutrition (24 Aug 2017)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (July 2017)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* A H)

Yemen UNHCR Flash Update, 4 - 17 August 2017

20.7 million people in need [Source: OCHA 31 April 2017]

1,980,510 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Yemeni Partners Reach Deal to Defuse Tensions, Continue Resistance

The news reports from Yemen suggest that the accord has been obtained following a meeting gathering together Saleh al-Sammad, the president of the revolutionary Supreme Political Council of Yemen, and a delegation from the GPC led by Aref al-Zouka, the secretary general of the party, Al Waght reported.

(* A P)

Former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC) party held an emergency meeting on August 31. .[1]

(* A P)

Yemen's Saleh makes first appearance since Huthi clash

(* A P)

Yemen ex-president seeks arrest of aide's killers

Former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh has demanded the arrest of gunmen from the Houthi group suspected of killing one of his top associates last week.

(A P)

Yemen: Saleh Claims ‘Sedition’ as Coup Ranks Descend into Armed Conflict

Remark: By Saudi media.

(A P)

"Mothers of abductees" condemns intensive assault on relatives in central prison in Sanaa

(B K P)

Who is “Abu Harb”? The martyr leader who dedicated his whole life for the homeland

(A K P)

New security forces graduating in the Yemen most Saudi war stricken province of Saada north, yesterday Tuesday, August 29, 2017. (photos)

(A P)

Al-Sammad meets with elders and wise men of Yemen in the presidential palace in Sanaa

(* B P)

Die Zweckehe der jemenitischen Rebellen ist in der Krise

Die Huthi-Rebellen und Ex-Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh machten gemeinsame Sache. Nun driften sie auseinander

(A P)

Lawyer of Yemen’s Saleh attacked by Houthis despite truce and

(* A P)


(* A P)

Yemen rebel allies agree truce following Sanaa clashes

Houthi and pro-Saleh Yemeni rebels have agreed to ease tensions following the outbreak of violence between the two factions in the capital Sanaa.

(* A P)

Yemen allies agree to end tensions after deadly clash: officials

(* A P)

Security situation is back to normal in Sanaa, after Yemen President Samad sponsored deal for unifying anti-Saudi efforts btw Houthi&Saleh

This Yemen picture eased all tensions.All senior officials of Houthi& Saleh with president Samad after long meetings came out with1stand

(* A P)

Tense truce returns to Yemen capital after deadly clash

An uneasy calm returned to the Yemeni capital on Monday as talks were underway between ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh's forces and Shiite Huthi rebels following unprecedented violence between the two allies.

(A P)

Saleh escapes to area of birthplace

My comment: By Islah Party media, doubtful, sounds like propaganda.

(* A P)


Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has not left his Sanaa home for nearly a week, fueling speculation that his rebel allies have effectively placed him under house arrest, officials said Tuesday.

(* A P)

Houthis prevent Yemen’s ex-president from leaving Sanaa amidst high tension

(* A P)

Houthis place Saleh under house arrest in Yemen, reports say

Sources from the General Congress Party said Houthi rebels surrounded Mr Saleh’s residence and established a checkpoint in an attempt to find other members of his General People's Congress party

(* A P)

Bündnis der Aufständischen bröckelt

Der Streit zwischen Huthi-Kämpfern und Anhängern des gestürzten Langzeitpräsidenten Saleh eskaliert.

(A P)

42 zivile Organisationen fordern Untersuchungen über Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Jemenüber_menschenrechtsverletzungen_im_jemen

(A P)

Houthis kidnap, torture GPC leader's son

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Some government employees in #Taiz started open strike in protest to delay of salaries payment for over 10 months (photo)

(A P)

Film: Yemen - Yemenis perform Eid Al-Adha prayers despite the difficult situation

(A P)

Internationally-recognized President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi thanks Saudi Arabia in Eid speech. He stressed the importance of ensuring that Yemen does not fall into the hands of Iran [1]

(A P)

Southern Transition Council President Aydarus al Zubaidi remarks on the southern situation [2]

(A H P)

Yemen Stabilisation Programme launches its first phase of the Project “Restoration of livelihoods of affected populations” funded by Government of Japan

(A P)

Ministry of Interior begins paying security sector salaries after Russia delivers currency to Aden [3]

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims 3 Grad rockets fired 1.30am at Security Belt Rapid Reaction Force Abyan barracks =34th op vs Abyan SB this year #AQAP

(A P)

Film: Aden,The suffering of citizens from the fuel shortage crisis is worsening, car queues do not end in what so called the liberated city

(* A P)

'UAE bans' Yemen president from entering Aden

The Yemeni President did not board his flight because "there were specific instructions from the UAE government banning from entering his home-city Aden," sources have said.

(A P)

Yemen Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghir directed the Yemeni Central Bank to pay military and security salaries starting on August 31. Yemeni troops and security personnel barricaded roads in Adenand al Daleh governorates to protest months of unpaid salaries between August 28 and 30.

(B P)

The UAE occupation in the south from military control to administrative control

(A P)

Reports of violent explosions followed by gunfire close to Shabwa Elite Force position in 'Ataq city this afternoon

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(B P)

Why is the United Nations failing to help Yemen?

It is therefore clear and unequivocal that the United Nations is not as interested in the matter of the United Nations and its Union as it is for the funding it receives from the leaders of nations.

(* B P)

Local actors hold key to de-escalation in Yemen

Engagement with power brokers in Marib, Mukalla, Taiz and Aden is key to avoid mistakes of Sanaa-centric post-2011 transitional process.

(A P)

Yemeni Government Awaits UN Special Envoy’s Response on Hodeidah Plan

The Yemeni government is still waiting for the response of UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to the proposals it has made concerning Hodeidah, mechanism of supplying its port revenues to the Central Bank and the payment of salaries.

My comment: The „Central Bank“ mentioned here is the Hadi government's separtist new Central Bank. - The Hadi government's „proposal“ simply is: „We want the money“.


(* B P)

UAE activist close to ruling family says that Saudi puppet Hadi embezzled 850 billion YR that was salaries of public servants.

(* B P)

UN Hardly Seen as Critical of Saudi Regime’s Bloody Fiasco in Yemen: Int’l Lawyer

(A H P)

UN Secretary-General advisor inspects damage to Hodeidah port

(* A K P)

Urgent Need for Independent International Inquiry on Yemen

Joint NGO letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council

(* A K P)

UN: Create International Inquiry into Yemen Abuses

57 Groups Urge Human Rights Council to Act and article by The Guardian:

(* A H P)

UN chief calls for reopening of Yemen port, airport

(* A H P)

U.N.'s Guterres sees no pressure from Yemen coalition on child rights report

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia Denies Receiving Official Reports from UN on Yemeni Children

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Rohani fordert Ende der saudi-arabischen Unterstützung für Terroristen

(A P)

Rouhani urges Saudi Arabia to quit "interference" in Yemen

(A P)

Iran's Rouhani says Saudi Arabia should stop backing terrorists in Yemen: TV

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B E P)

Saudi Economy Faces Uncertain Future Due to Yemen War: Report =

(* B P)

Hadsch ohne Hoffnung

Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka könnte eine einzigartige Plattform der Versöhnung sein. Doch wie alles wird der Glaube in der arabischen Welt für die Macht instrumentalisiert.

(* B P)

Wenn ihr starker Arm es will

Saudi-Arabiens zukünftiger König muss die Wirtschaft des Landes umbauen. Dafür braucht er die Frauen (im Abo)

(* B P)

Des Kronprinzen neue Kleider

Im vergangenen Juni haben Bahrain, Ägypten, Libyen, die Malediven, Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und der Jemen die diplomatischen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zu Katar abgebrochen. Diese Golfkrise wird auf die eine oder andere Weise zu einem Ende kommen. Aber ob dieses Ende Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), dem Hauptverantwortlichen für ihren Ausbruch, helfen wird, ist fraglich.

(A P)

Saudi govt have just arrested Abbas Al Manasef. He is disabled, having a serious hearing impairment. No more details yet #AwamiaSiege

(B P)

Saudi-Arabien im Begriff seine Außenpolitik zu ändern

Mein Kommentar: Das glaube ich nicht.


Muslimische Hadsch hat begonnen - Zwei Millionen Pilger

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia Should Deliver Promised Reforms for Women

Mid-July Deadline Passes Without Word on Guardianship System

Saudi women have lobbied for an end to systematic discrimination against themfor many years – could this long wait be nearing an end?

(* B P)

Shia Insurrection in Saudi Arabia; The Battle for Awamiya

(A P)

Awamiya – Wenn Saudi-Arabiens Despotie Krieg gegen die eigene Bevölkerung führt, schweigt die deutsche Lügenpresse


Before Islam: When Saudi Arabia Was a Jewish Kingdom
The discovery of the oldest-known pre-Islamic Arabic writing in Saudi Arabia, from ca. 470 CE, evidently caused some consternation, given its Christian and Jewish context.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K)

Missing U.S. Army soldier in Yemen crash declared dead

(A K)

Soldier killed in Black Hawk crash off Yemen was decorated member of Night Stalkers

(A P)

US Muslims Fear Donald Trump’s Travel Ban will Prevent them Returning from Hajj

Some 16,000 Muslims from the United States are in Saudi Arabia this week to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, one of Islam’s most sacred experiences. If the Hajj is performed with sincere intentions, Muslims believe it can wipe away past sins, purify the soul and alleviate worldly stresses. =

(B K P)

US Use UAE Air Base for Spy Planes

According to some estimates, the number of American troops stationed at the Dhafra air base is 5,000 US troops. There is also a large US warship in the port of Jebel Ali.

(* B K P)

Congress Should Do Its Job, and Get Us Out of Yemen’s Civil War

American support for the Saudi-led coalition is getting us nowhere good.

The solution here is a political division and peace, where Yemen’s Sunnis and Hadi keep the land adjacent to the Gulf of Aden, including the all-important Mandeb Strait, while the Houthis keep the northwest of the country bordering the Red Sea. The first step in this direction is ending our assistance to the Saudis’ indiscriminate bombing campaign.

(* B K P)

Film: NYT Purposefully Misinforms America About Yemen Crisis

(* B K P)

The American War in Yemen

Continued support for the war is both a geopolitical loss and a humanitarian stain for the U.S.

(B K)

Jemen: Absturz Spezial Einheiten

Das US-Militär unterhält einen Militärstützpunkt für seine Spezialkräfte unweit der jemenitischen Küstenstadt Mukalla

(A K P)

US lauds Saudi pilots in military exercise

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A H P)

Britain must seize the initiative on YemenUK diplomats at the UN have a chance to ease the humanitarian crisis caused by the devastating civil war in Yemen, says Keith Vaz

My comment: Britain simply must keep out of Yemen, British interference is co-responsible for the humanitarian disaster in Yemen.

(* A P)

London is about to host a roll call of the world's most vile regimes. We must protest

In two weeks’ time, thousands of high-powered businessmen and women will pour into the Excel Centre in East London. While there, they will be joined by representatives and delegates from all over the world for four days of networking and deals. and see also

(B P)

Stop Arming Saudi

(* A K P)

Revealed: Britain sells ex-RAF aircraft to Bahrain and other human rights abusers

The government is under fire for the sale of ex-Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft to Bahrain, amid fears the planes could be used to support the deadly Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A P)

Mercedes-Benz under fire for supplying Saudi military with armoured vehicle in Awamiyah siege

Three-year-old boy was allegedly shot from a vehicle equipped with a Mercedes-Benz engine.

Mercedes-Benz has been accused by a human rights group of supplying the Saudi military with mechanical parts for tanks and other military vehicles used to attack their own civilians in Awamiyah, a Shia-majority town in eastern Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Programmbeschwerde: ARD verschweigt erneute saudische Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen

(A H)

Ali Hassan Al-Gamrah arbeitet als Arzt in der LEA

Der „Brückenbauer“ aus dem Jemen ist mit einem Arbeitsvisum nach Deutschland gekommen,-Ali-Hassan-Al-Gamrah-arbeitet-als-Arzt-in-der-LEA-_arid,10726369_toid,290.html

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

RSAF @SaudiHawks88 Aerobatic Team stops in Greece on the way to #Sanicole Airshow in Belgium (photo)

My comment: Belgium giving killers a stage. Disgusting.

(* B K P)

Tiny African country becomes playground for world super powers

[Djibouti], A TINY, barren African country has become a playground for world powers who are paying big bucks to use the nation as a key military base.

(* B P)

UAE Strategic Power Projection in Somaliland

Comment: The United Arab Emirates, polished by decades of PR activities, exposed.
Their role in
#Yemen is equal to that of Saudi Arabia. Not all that glitters is gold

(B P)

A Qatari citizen's two years of abuse and false imprisonment by the UAE

(* A H)

This good-hearted Omani is planning third aid trip to Yemen and and film:

My comment: A hero of our time.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

#Saudi King uses Eid to show #Qatari dissident Abdullah AlThani next to Wahhabi Mufti

(A P)

Qatar says no sign Arab states willing to negotiate over boycott

(* B P)

Emirati Ambassador: Qatar Is a Destructive Force in the Region

Yousef al-Otaiba on the Gulf crisis and the future of the Middle East

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A P)


Norge eksporterer forsvarsmateriell og strategiske varer til flere av landene som kriger og står bak bombing av sykehus og skoler i Jemen. Millioner av barn lider som følge av den brutale krigføringen.

[In Norwegian, asking Norway to stop the arms transfer to Saudi Arabia, petition]

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

(* A K P)

Bashir is Re-Enforcing Sudanese Forces in Suspicious Deal with Saudi Arabia

A new batch of Sudanese troops arrives in Aden, opening the door again to question the numbers of Sudanese forces participating in the aggression and areas of deployment.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Yemeni al Qaeda leader calls for attacks in support of Myanmar’s Rohingya and and and

Comment: This is just not needed.
Yemen will be bombed/droned mercilessly, Rohingya will be seen as supported by AQ.
Civilians will continue to perish in a river of blood.

(A T)

#IslamicState in #Yemen issues new photoset of idealized life during Eid, *allegedly* in Qayfa area of al-Bayda'... Anyone else unconvinced? (photos)

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen claims 2 IED ops at 18.50 last night vs Security Directorate guard & central jail guard, both in Rada' city, al-Bayda'

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen claims another attack vs #UAE-supported Security Belt Forces in Abyan: #AQAP op vs checkpoint in Zinjibar city 10pm Thurs

(A T)

New #jihad nashid/anthem from #AlQaeda in #Yemen shows solidarity with Taliban in #Afghanistan. Odd BeeGees-like harmony at 3.28mins!

(* B T)

350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists

(A T)

AQAP claims it killed 5 Houthis, destroyed artillery & seized ammo during Houthi assault in Dhi Na'im area of al-Bayda' 6-11am today and also

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Al Saud are killing innocents in #Yemen, earn billions from pilgrims and are not ashamed to use the Hajj for Saudi political propaganda (referring to film)

(A P)

Yemeni PM: Govt. Working Diligently to Free Houthi-Captured Prisoners

My comment: For the Houthi detainees, he is right. But I label this as propaganda as the Hadi government and the Saudi coalition have their own prisoners.

(A P)

Yemen minister says fate of country’s last 50 Jews unknown

Moammer al-Iryani says Houthi rebels, who control capital Sana'a, are engaged in ethnic cleansing which includes seeking to rid Yemen of all Jews

(A P)

King Salman affirms resolve to safeguard Kingdom’s security and stability

(A P)

Yemen’s Hadi says his country ‘won’t be used as tool to harm Saudi Arabia’

(A P)

This sordid alliance in Yemen was bound to fail

(A P)

file:///C:/Users/DIETRI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/03/clip_image001.gifSaleh-Al Houthi rift proves rebels cannot be trusted

(A P)

Al-Mekhlafi Describes Saleh-Houthi Partnership as ‘Snake Passion’

(A P)

Yemen govt calls for international help against Houthis

Shia militia group continues to target civilians in Taiz province, Yemen's Saudi-backed government claims

My comment: What about international help against the Saudi coalition targeting civilians by air raids?

(A P)

Government human rights committee calls on conflict parties spare civilians’ live

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen since 26 Aug 2017

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(Sept. 2, not Sept. 3)

(A K PH)

Two citizens killed in Saudi airstrikes on Marib

The strikes hit the main road in Habab valley area in the district, killing the two citizens and burning their car

(A K PH)

The warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition maintained their constant bombardment on Yemen even on the Muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(*A K)

3 civilians killed in Saudi-led airstrike in NW Yemen

Two women and a child were killed and six others wounded when a Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit a family's home in Yemen's northwestern province of Hajjah early on Sunday, a local security official said.

The targeted house in Washahah district is few meters away from a security checkpoint run by Shiite Houthi rebels.


(* A K PH)

Death Toll of Fresh Saudi War Crime Rises to Three Killed, Five Wounded

The number of deaths and injuries have risen due to two air strikes conducted by the Saudi-led coalition on Yemen, new toll indicates the death of three civilians and the injury of another five today. The coalition hit a civilian house based in the District of Wash-ha in Hajjah.

Remark: Names of 3 killed and 6 injured:


(A K PH)

Film: A woman injured by the bombing of the air Saudi aggression house in Muhidah Baqam Directorate in Saada 31 - 08 – 2017

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K)

13 killed in Saudi strike on Yemen checkpoint -- Houthi officials

At least 13 people were killed and one seriously injured Wednesday when a Saudi airstrike hit a security checkpoint near Yemen's capital, Sanaa, causing an oil tanker to explode, rebel officials said.

(* A K PH)

Saudi aggression airstrike targets oil truck, kills 5 civilians near Yemen's capital


Air strike on Houthi checkpoint 'kills at least seven'

Fighter jets bomb checkpoint near Sanaa, causing a car with five victims to careen into a petrol station and explode. and also and also

and photos:

Film of attack:

Film by Ruptly:

Film by Yemen Today:

Film by Almasirah TV: =

(A K PH)

[More Air raids at Saba net]

Sept. 3

Sept. 2

Aug. 30

Aug. 29


(A K PH)

Bereaved Yemenis seek revenge from Saudi Arabia

The relatives of the Yemeni civilians killed in a recent Saudi-led airstrike have laid their loved ones to rest, vowing to mobilize and take revenge from the Saudi-led coalition waging war on their country

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K)

Heartbreaking photo of Yemeni girl who lost family in air strike triggers anti-war backlash

#ISpeakforButhaina: Picture of Yemeni girl goes viral

Buthaina Mansour was the sole survivor of a bombing in Sanaa that killed her entire family. An image of her trying to open her eyes despite her injuries has gone viral on social media as a symbol of solidarity with the people in the war-torn country.

One-eyed unity with injured Yemeni girl

People in Yemen are sharing photos on social media of themselves with one eye closed in solidarity with a young girl injured and orphaned in an air strike.

Little girl with swollen eyes has become a symbol of Yemen's devastating conflict and also

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PS)

Arab Coalition Destroys Ballistic Missile Launchpad in Yemen’s Hajjah Governorate

(A K PH)

10 Saudi Mercenaries Killed in Yemeni Forces’ Fresh Attacks and also (14 killed)

(* A K)

Yemeni Long-Range Ballistic Missile Hits Abu Dhabi

My comment: Not confirmed by other reports.

(A K)

Child killed, three injured by landmine explosion in Marib

(* A K)

Houthis kill 3 civilians, wound 7 in Taiz

4 civilians reported dead in Taiz after a shell launched by the Houthis landed on a restaurant. and as used in propaganda

(* A K)

Yemen's pro-government forces storm Houthi-held city

Pro-government forces storm coastal Midi city as clashes erupt between allies opposed to them: Saleh and Houthi militia and by pro-Hadi media and and film and from the other side

(A K PS)

RSLF uses the MV-10 unmanned demining vehicle in the ongoing operations at Midi

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* C)

The missing children: Yemenites who found their way to L.A. carry family wounds from Israel’s past

(B H P)

YouthMobile: Yemeni youth build mobile apps to support peace, humanitarian response

(A H)

Despite Yemen War Devastation Toll for Children, a Yemeni Man Organises First Ever TED Talk for Kids

(B P)

Blasphemy laws on the books in one-third of nations - study

(* A)

Flooding kills 18 people in southern Yemen: officials


Because of the siege of Huthi on # Taiz forced people to cross a road in the course of torrential rains and killed more than 10 people because of rain

In the road of the link between Taiz and # Aden (photos)


The only route into besieged Taiz that I took while reporting for @irinnews in Jan. Rains turned it into a death trap killing 18 yesterday and also

(* A )
Heavy rains trigger deadly floods in Yemen

At least 15 people killed and several missing in Ibb and Taiz provinces after intense downpours cause flash flooding.


Torrential rains, floods kill 10 in southern Yemen and also and photos

(B D)


(B P)

Empowering Yemeni women journalists in Mukalla

(B P)

#Pain_of_Qamarias by artist @HaifaSubay in #Silent_victims campaign Dedication to families of #detainees #enforced_disappeared Aug30

This is #Yemen. In the midst of war, you can still find beauty and art. A new campaign 'Silent Victims' launched by artist Haifa Subay.

Another brilliant mural by Artist @HaifaSubay who recently launched an artistic campaign 'Silent Victims' in #Yemen.

Mural by the artist "Khawla Almekhlafe" in #silent_victims campaign, to discuss the issues of children and women

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-340/1 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-340/1: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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