Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 603 - Yemen War Mosaic 603

Yemen Press Reader 603: 3. Dez. 2019: IRC-Bericht: Der Krieg hat unsere Träume zerstört – Das schreckliche Erbe des Jemenkriegs – Behinderte im Jemenkrieg – Neue Untersuchung des Luftangriffs ..

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... Neue Untersuchung des Luftangriffs auf Gefängnis in Dhamar – Der Gewaltmarsch der Oromo – Europäische Waffen werden für Unterdrückung und Menschenrechtsverletzungen eingesetzt – und mehr

Dec. 3, 2019: IRC report: The war destroyed our dreams – The terrible legacy of the Yemen War – Living with disabilities in the Yemen War – New investigation of Dhamar prison air raid – The Oromo’s forced march (in German) – European Arms Used in Oppression and Human Rights Violations – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B K P)

Why is Yemen at War?

As November comes to an end, we look back at one our most-viewed videos this month - where Start Here breaks down why Yemen is at war.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

“The war destroyed our dreams:” Why the international community should invest in Yemen’s peace

The war in Yemen has turned the country into the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. A crisis that is man-made and predictable, and therefore one for which solutions are within reach. For nearly half a decade, the international community has held the country’s increasingly vulnerable population back from the brink of catastrophe with lifesaving humanitarian assistance. Aid saves lives, but to address the factors which continue to drive the suffering of Yemeni civilians demands an urgent acceleration of efforts to reduce violence and secure peace.

Recent developments in Yemen suggest a rare window of opportunity has opened. Localised ceasefire proposals, prisoner releases, newly invigorated diplomatic back-channels, and belated progress in implementing aspects of the Stockholm Agreement – the December 2018 deal that brought warring parties together for the first time in two years – are the first signs of life in what had been a stalled peace process. The November 2019 power sharing agreement between the Internationally Recognised Government (IRG) and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) offers hope that political divisions in the south can be remediated and the ground set for more inclusive peace talks. However, success is far from assured.

Yemen is now at a crossroads. International backers of the warring parties, including the UK, US and France have a choice. They can either use their significant diplomatic influence to build on recent developments and kick-start UNled negotiations, bringing all of Yemen’s political groups into inclusive nationwide peace talks; or watch as the country’s humanitarian needs grow exponentially, trapping Yemeni civilians in a cycle of aid dependence. The UN estimates 500,000 more Yemenis will die if fighting lasts until 2022, including 300,000 from hunger and/or lack of healthcare.

The cost of the failure to act is starkly illustrated by the food security status of the Yemeni population. Yemen is now home to the largest food insecure population in the world. Just one year ago, in December 2018, famine conditions were declared in parts of the country. Today, 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. 16 million people – half the population – are facing severe food shortagesii and living on the verge of famine. The cost of malnutrition will be counted for years to come with measurable impacts on the long term physical and mental development of children.iii Analysis also suggests that if conflict were to persist, disrupting port operations or cutting off food supply for a prolonged period of time.

IRC’s analysis shows that levels of child hunger (as represented by levels of Severe Acute Malnutrition – SAM) have declined at a rate of 8 percent between 2017 and 2019. Yet by merely maintaining this rate of decline it will take 20 years to return Yemen to pre-crisis levels of child hunger; levels already amongst the highest in the world.v IRC analysis further shows that if the war continues for another five years it will cost the international community as much as $29 billion in humanitarian funding.

Humanitarian aid can and has saved lives in Yemen, but to reverse these food security trends a cessation in hostilities is essential. 2018 may have been the deadliest year of Yemen’s war – but with robust diplomacy by the international community, 2019 could be the last.

This report argues that efforts to resolve the war in Yemen are at a vital inflection point. It demonstrates the catastrophic impact that failing to turn the positive signs for peace into actual commitments will have on Yemenis, using food insecurity and hunger as an illustration of the suffering faced on a daily basis by millions of civilians. It concludes with the following recommendations:


International supporters of the warring parties, including the UK, U.S. and France should use all diplomatic tools to incentivise and/or pressure the parties to launch an immediate nationwide ceasefire and return to inclusive, meaningful peace talks.

Permanent and elected members of the U.N. Security Council should be prepared to reinforce the efforts of the U.N. Special Envoy and use all opportunities to call for peace.

International donors should maintain pressure on the Ansar Allah (Houthi) authorities and the Internationally Recognised Government to lift all humanitarian access restrictions and ensure all air and seaports are open and fully functional.

In 2020 and moving forward, international donors including those from the Gulf, should maintain funding levels, deliver on their funding commitments in a timely manner, and continue to channel their contributions through the U.N. appeal.

The Internationally Recognised Government, Ansar Allah and international donors, should take steps to address Yemen’s economic collapse and support Yemen’s future recovery.

All warring parties, and the international community, should make a clear commitment to the protection of international law, and pursuing accountability for violations of it. =

and full report: =

and shorter reports in the media:

(** B H K P)

The Terrible Legacy Of The War On Yemen

The human cost of the war on Yemen is far higher than the significant loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Tens of millions have been made food insecure, and millions are on the brink of starvation. Millions of Yemeni children have already been stunted by the lack of food. They will be living with the effects of this war for the rest of their lives, and it will likely take the country decades to recover from these past five years of conflict. This has not been an accidental byproduct of war, but the result of policies adopted by the Saudi coalition and the Hadi government with the support of the U.S. and Britain.

Military intervention usually makes the conditions in the affected country worse, and the war on Yemen has done just that. The Saudi coalition intervened in a country that was already poor and had some food insecurity and drove it into the abyss. They did this ostensibly to “stabilize” the country, but the country is now more fragmented and unstable than ever. The coalition claimed to be combating Iranian influence, which was minimal at the beginning of the intervention, and they have succeeded in increasing that influence. The Saudis and their allies hoped to reimpose a puppet ruler on Yemen, and now they have made themselves enemies of most Yemenis for generations to come. There is now widespread malnutrition and starvation, raging epidemics of normally preventable diseases, and millions of people forced from their homes. Every problem in Yemen has been made worse by this intervention, and none has been solved. The war on Yemen is a perfect example of how military intervention makes everything worse, and we need to remember that for the next time that warmongers promise some quick, cheap, and easy war.

Our government’s indulgence of and support for this war has helped to create the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, wrecked an entire country, and devastated a generation of Yemenis. The U.S. must halt its support for the war, and it is also incumbent on our government to aid in Yemen’s recovery from the disaster that Washington helped to create – by Daniel Larison

My comment: This just is it.

(** B H)

Excluded: Living with disabilities in Yemen’s armed conflict

Yemen: War and exclusion leave millions of people with disabilities in the lurch

Amnesty International’s first report examining war’s impact on a range of people with disabilities

Scant support for at least 4.5 million Yemenis with disabilities

International donor community falling short in its response

Millions of people with disabilities in Yemen have not only endured years of armed conflict but are also among those most excluded amid what the United Nations has called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, Amnesty International said today.

Excluded: Living with disabilities in Yemen’s armed conflict is being published on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December). It follows six months of research, including visits to three southern Yemeni governorates and interviews with almost 100 people – documenting the experience of 53 women, men and children with a wide spectrum of disabilities.

“Yemen’s war has been characterized by unlawful bombings, displacement and a dearth of basic services, leaving many struggling to survive. The humanitarian response is overstretched, but people with disabilities – who are already among those most at risk in armed conflict – should not face even greater challenges in accessing essential aid,” said Rawya Rageh, Senior Crisis Advisor at Amnesty International.

“International donors, the United Nations, and humanitarian organizations working with the Yemeni authorities must do more to overcome the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from meeting even their most basic needs.”

Violence and forced displacement

People with disabilities experience compounded difficulties fleeing violence. Many told Amnesty International they undertook exhausting displacement journeys without wheelchairs, crutches or other assistive devices. Almost all of them depended on their families or friends. “The journey was torturous… I was transferred from bus to bus – in total four buses… My neighbour carried me,” said Migdad Ali Abdullah, an 18-year-old with limited mobility and difficulties in communicating, describing the 18-hour trip he took in early 2018 alongside his family from Hodeidah to a displaced persons camp in Lahj.

Some people with disabilities were left behind as their families fled because they were separated in the chaos, or because the trip was too difficult for the person with a disability to undertake.

Where people with disabilities could escape, the journey would often worsen their health condition or impairment. Some acquired a disability, at times because warring parties failed to give effective notice of attacks impacting civilians. A 92-year-old woman who already had limited mobility said she fell, breaking multiple bones, as she was trying to flee fighting in her village in Ta’iz.

In camps for the displaced, Amnesty International observed design flaws affecting people with disabilities. This includes the design of latrines, as well as the location of aid distribution points – both of which strip people with disabilities of their independence and dignity by forcing them to rely on their families or others. A 75-year-old man with limited mobility said he needs to have his sons take him to the latrine: “They drag me. They can’t carry me.”

Staggering needs going unmet

Yemen is a state party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and has laws designed to protect the country’s at least 4.5 million people – 15% of the population – who have disabilities, according to World Health Organization estimates. Reliable data is scarce, and given the impact of the ongoing conflict, some experts believe the actual number is higher.

Public health care and social welfare have been hard hit by Yemen’s war and economic collapse, resulting in a systematic failure to guarantee the rights of people with disabilities. Many rely on handouts or fend for themselves – with some forced into poverty to pay for basic supplies like medicines or adult diapers. One man with a disability was forced to beg along the highway.

Family members said they sold belongings or delayed rent and other crucial payments to prioritize costs associated with supporting a loved one with a disability.

Assistive devices are also in very short supply. People with disabilities who do have them told Amnesty International they are often not fit for purpose – for example, wheelchairs that are no match for the rugged terrain of displacement camps, or ill-fitting prosthetic devices. Southern Yemen has only one prosthetic centre, which has to send some types of prosthetics abroad for repairs.

Yemen’s repeated conflicts have brought on a mental health crisis, with a significant proportion of the population – including many children – severely traumatized. An average 25-year-old Yemeni has lived through 14 armed conflicts in their lifetime. Yet there is hardly any psychosocial support; there are only 40 psychiatrists in the entire country, most of them based in cities.

Need for better inclusion =

Full report:


Shorter reports in the media:

(** B K)

New investigation: Saudi-led coalition and Houthi fighters hunted down prisoners who survived initial blast

The Great Tomb: Coalition warplanes targeted survivors at community college-turned-prison with rockets while Houthis gunned down escapees

The Saudi-led coalition air force deliberately targeted prisoners who survived the bombing of a community college prison in Dhamar governorate in early September, while members of the Houthi group shot the fleeing prisoners, according to a new human rights report.

The Association of Mothers of Abductees said in the report, titled "The Great Tomb," that on the morning of September 1, 2019, coalition warplanes carried out seven airstrikes on the college in which Houthis were holding 182 abductees, and targeted an adjacent courtyard, where survivors had convened. The prisoners who survived the airstrikes were also pursued by Houthi gunmen, who sought to return the men to the detention facility.

The coalition worsened the crime when it targeted "survivors who escaped in the college square, killing many of those who survived the bombing of the prison building,” the report said, drawing on survivor testimonies of the events that day.

The report accused the Houthis of slowing down the removal of the rubble, "where a number of bodies remained to the seventh day.”

When the rights group's team visited Dhamar Hospital, they found a container with the remains of the victims and unidentified bodies. Dripping water and the smell of decomposing bodies indicated a lack of refrigeration for some time, the report said, adding that the remains of the victims had begun to decompose by the time family members recieved them.

The report said the Houthis had dealt inhumanly with the victims' families and detained some of them.

A week after the airstrikes, an official memorandum was submitted by the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs of the Houthi Group to the Attorney General, identifying the names of 142 dead and 42 wounded. That information was "not accurate,” the report said, noting that 137 abductees had died and 45 were wounded.

Overcrowding and unsanitary conditions at the community college, which the Houthis had converted into a secret prison, caused skin diseases and the deaths of many of the detainees, the report said.

The authors of the report expressed surprise that the coalition has not yet investigated the crimes, as stipulated in the rules of customary international humanitarian law, stressing the need for an investigation in accordance with international standards of human rights organizations.

The report stressed that the Houthis continue to kidnap their opponents, establish secret and unofficial prisons to hide the abductees and brutally torture them. Saudi-led coalition aircraft, meanwhile, have continued to target prisons and places of detention.

”Dozens of kidnapped victims have been killed without taking any real measures to prevent the recurrence of this crime, to compensate the victims and their families, and to hold the perpetrators accountable," the report said.

(** B H)

Film: Jemen: Der Gewaltmarsch der Oromo | ARTE Reportage

Die Volksgruppe der Oromo stellt ein gutes Drittel der Bevölkerung in Äthiopien, aber viele von ihnen leben in so bitterer Armut, dass sie bereits zu zehntausenden zu Gewaltmärschen von gut 2000 Kilometern aufgebrochen sind, um am Ende im reichen Saudi Arabien hoffentlich Arbeit und eine Zukunft zu finden. Dieser Weg ist eigentlich unpassierbar, wegen seiner Länge, der vielen Gefahren durch Plünderer und Menschenhändler, der Steinwüste in den Galafi-Bergen und der sengenden Sonne an der Grenze zu Dschibuti. Sie brechen auf mit kaum mehr als dem, was sie am Leib tragen können, sie hungern tagelang, der Durst zwingt sie immer wieder in die Knie.

Vom Hafen in Obock aus überqueren sie nachts und in völlig überfüllten Booten das Rote Meer, um schließlich am Strand des gefährlichsten Teils ihrer Reise zu landen, dem Jemen, einem Land mitten im Bürgerkrieg. Dort herrschen kriminelle Banden über die Routen der Migranten: Sie kidnappen viele Oromo und foltern sie so lange, bis die Angehörigen von zuhause ein Lösegeld überwiesen haben. Damit ruinieren sie auch noch das Leben der Familien in Äthiopien

Meine Bemerkung: Dieser Film wurde schon früher vorgestellt, hier jetzt dauerhaft auf youtube.

(** B K P)

Dangerous Goods: Tracing European Arms Used in Oppression and Human Rights Violations

European arms have played a significant role in almost every conflict across the globe. Since 2018, a Bellingcat collaboration has documented, using open source, how European countries and companies have breached their own, and international, laws dozens of times.

Through the EU Arms Project, a Bellingcat and Lighthouse Reports collaborative initiative, we have documented where European arms end up after their export licences have been granted.

Our most recent project, #SpanishArms, documents where Spain has approved export licences for arms sold to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Nicaragua, and how those arms have been used in the facilitation of oppression or human rights violations.

Spain’s arms industry is on the rise, indicated by their climb from €933 million Euro in 2007 to €4.3 billion Euro in 2017, lamenting it with the title of 7th place among the world’s top arms exporters between 2014 and 2018. We’ve looked at arms like this Spanish patrol boat seen below, operated by the Royal Moroccan Navy and geolocated to the port of Dakhla in occupied Western Sahara (more here).

Many of the countries we investigated have committed clear breaches of the EU Common Position. On our EU Arms website we have included our reports on breaches of the EU Common Position for transparency and accountability.

In doing so, the EU Arms Project has featured in the media, using open source and bringing into practical and accountable case studies to document breaches of the EU Common Position. For instance, in ARD (Germany), ARTE (France), Knack (Belgium) and Observatorio Diritti (Italy).

This week a number of cases from the most recent #SpanishArms report will be released. One of them is the conversion of the Airbus A330 for Saudi Arabia’s Air Force after the bombings in Yemen had started.

CASE STUDY: A330 MRTT – Royal Saudi Air Force

Saudi A330 MRTTs are refueling planes that allow for bomber jets to refuel mid-air. We were able to track at least one tanker crossing the border into Yemen, and collected evidence of them refueling Saudi jets.

The original A330 plane had a civilian configuration, and Spanish group Iberia carried out the conversion. We were able to geolocate the planes flying into La Munoza at an airport in Madrid, where an employee we found on LinkedIn provided that he had performed maintenance on the A330.

Spain’s economy ministry reported that in 2016 more than €101 million euro of spare parts for in-flight refueling aircrafts were exported to Saudi Arabia.

Both Iberia and Airbus confirmed checks and maintenance were done in Saudi Arabia, but did not want to specify the maintenance work conducted in Saudi Arabia or in Spain. The legally-binding Common Position prohibits maintenance of military equipment for countries that commit atrocities.


cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Over 18 million Yemenis in risk of malaria

WHO reveals alarming statistics

The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed on Sunday evening that 18 million Yemenis live in areas at risk of malaria, while 10.8 million live in high-risk areas.

“In 2018 and 2019, our efforts continued to strengthen malaria control interventions and avoid potential setbacks with the support of partners such as the World Bank and Kuwait.

In recent weeks, WHO has launched a spraying campaign to control mosquitoes carrying malaria and viral fevers in 59 districts across eight Yemeni provinces.

According to the organisation, the campaign aims to protect 1.5 million Yemenis and 265,763 homes through field teams of 2,052 workers.

(* A H)

West Nile Virus appears in Yemen

First entry of the virus claims afflicted in Taiz, as health situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate

A new virus has emerged among some residents of Taiz province, as health services deteriorate in Yemen, an official at the Ministry of Public Health and Population said on Saturday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, told Anadolu Agency that the West Nile virus has recently appeared in several areas in Taiz province, marking the virus’ first ever entry into Yemen.

He explained that the existence of the disease in Yemen was confirmed by the presence of a number of people infected with the disease, while receiving treatment in health centers in the city of Taiz. However, there are still no specific statistics on the number of infected people.

According to the World Health Organisation, the West Nile virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes, and can cause neurological disease.

However, about 80% of those infected do not have symptoms. Some have fever, headache, fatigue, physical aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes skin rashes and swollen lymph nodes.

and also

(* B H)

Film: New outbreak of dengue fever in Yemen

Once again Yemenis must fend for themselves, this time from a barely visible killer - mosquitoes that transmit the dengue virus through their bite. A new outbreak of dengue fever in war-torn Yemen was declared on Monday, with thousands of cases reported and several dozen deaths, reported the International Committee of the Red Cross. STORY-LINE: These patients are being treated for dengue at a Hodeida hospital - and they are not the only one. In recent weeks, the hospital has seen a large prevalence of dengue fever, a curable disease which causes fever, headaches and skin rashes, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Stretched for resources, patients here at the al-Thawra General Hospital must share beds to receive their treatment. Dr Mohammad Rassi, the head of the intensive care department, says this is due to a lack of resources including drugs, tests and x-rays. "Hospitals are under a lot of pressure because of many diseases. People are poor and they only have us," he explains.

(* B H)

Yemen: Reports of Dengue fever and malaria outbreaks November 25

At least 9970 cases of Dengue fever have been reported in Yemen as of Monday, November 25. More than 7970 cases of the dengue breakout have been reported in Taiz alone, and another 2000 in Hodeida. Another 3000 people have been infected with malaria in Hodeida as well. Around 50 people have died in late October and early November of dengue fever and malaria in Hodeida. Figures are likely to be much higher than those that have been reported.

Further spread of the disease is possible in the coming weeks.

(* B H)

The number of cases of dengue fever has increased to about 1,000 in #Hajjah governorate

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

Child Killed in Al Hudaydah, Saudi-Led Coalition Violations in Yemen Continue

Yemeni civilians were killed and injured in Saudi-Led Coalition bombing of al-Jah area in Al Hudaydah Governorate, in violation of the Stockholm agreement concluded last year.

(A K pH)

Aggression setzt Verstöße in Hodeidah fort und bombardiert der Grenzgebiete von Saada

(A K pH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries shell residential areas in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted Baet Al-Fakih district with 6 Katyusha missiles. The mercenaries launched a guided missile towards Al-Odain triangle in Hais district. A military bulldozer developed new fortifications noorthern Addurayhimi city.

(* B K pS)

Yemen: 217 civilians killed in port city despite truce

Hundreds of people in Al-Hudaydah have been killed in violations of UN-brokered ceasefire by Houthi rebels

More than 215 civilians have been killed and over 2,000 injured since a ceasefire came into effect late last year in Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Al-Hudaydah, a militia that fights for the Yemeni government announced Monday.

The press office of al-Weyat al-Amaliqa, or the Giants Brigades, said a total of 217 civilians -- mostly women and children -- had been killed in violations of the UN-brokered ceasefire by Houthi rebels since it began on Dec. 18, 2018.

It said 2,152 people were also injured, adding the deaths and injuries were caused by random attacks, mined areas and explosives planted on roads and farmlands.

It also blamed the UN for not being able to protect civilians from Houthi attacks despite a year passing since the ceasefire was declared.

My comment: This statement either omits all civilians killed and wounded by anti-Houthi forces, or simply ascribes all victims to the Houthis.

(A K pS)

Pro-Iran militia scales up its military operations in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggressionstruppen bombardieren weiterhin die Provinz Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis continue targeting residential areas in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Tawfiq Mohammed Abdullah Jalajel was injured by an individual mine planted by Houthi militia in his house in Al-Masna area east of Hodeidah city on the west coast of Yemen. A medical source said that the mine exploded while on his way home, (A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted 2 houses in Addurayhimi district with artillery shells. Yemeni Army foiled an infiltration attempt western Attohayta

(A K pH)

Film: Drihami between the siege hammer and the anvil of the bombing

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a child was killed and 4 of her brothers were injured with US-Saudi mercenaries' artillery shells targeted their house in Baet Al-Fakih district. The US-Saudi mercenaries targeted Ad-durayhimi district with 20 artillery shells and 5 on Kilo-16.

and also

(A K pS)

Houthi militia shells inhabited areas south of Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Pro-gov't forces foil Houthi attack in Yemen's Hodeidah: source

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B K P)


In Yemen, all parties to the armed conflict are responsible for the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law, some of which may amount to war crimes. Yet, most of the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian homes, markets, hospitals and schools are carried out by the military coalition (the “Coalition”) led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – two of the largest customers of the European arms industry.

The arms exports to Coalition members are a flagrant example of non-compliance with national and international arms export control laws. Despite many documented violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen, countries like Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK continue to export arms, components and spare parts as well as providing maintenance, training and support services to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The direct perpetrators of potential war crimes committed in Yemen – Coalition officials and military personnel – might not be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at this point in time. However, their suppliers – arms corporations and state officials in Europe – potentially bear criminal responsibility.

Under which circumstances may managers be liable under international criminal law (ICL) when exported arms are used for war crimes? How can government officials be held accountable for their role in armed conflicts? Is the ICC a forum to tackle the individual criminal liability for arms exports under the Rome Statute?

To discuss these questions, we invite you to a press conference. Speakers include

(* B K P)

Will Riyadh end its invasion into Yemen?

A way to take Riyadh out of Yemen quagmire

Saudi Arabia has been caught in the military, political and economic quagmire of the Yemen war. The war, which Mohammad bin Salman did not expect to last more than three years, has been raging for nearly five years and putting unbearable pressure on the Saudi economy. That is why Riyadh is looking for a way to take itself out of the trouble. Mahdi al-Mashat, chief of the Houthi political office, put forward the solution that the Saudis needed.

On September 20, al-Mashat announced a conditional ceasefire, calling on the coalition to halt the war and seize the opportunity of the ceasefire.

The Saudis slowly seized the opportunity to get out of the Yemen deadlock. In the meanwhile, Muscat became a place for two sides involved in the war to reach an agreement.

However, the best solution for Saudi Arabia and the UAE is to take a serious step to stop the war. The release of 200 Yemeni captives by Saudi Arabia and the arrival of 128 of them is a promising move by Riyadh, which, if continued, can prepare the ground for ending war and easing Yemenis’ pain.

(* B H K P)

For the first time in #Yemen history, UN programs budget is bigger than the entire state budget. The entire state means North and South, Houthi and government controlled areas. This is so alarming because there has been no nation that survived on aid

(* B K P)

Failure to end civil war in Yemen now could cost $29bn

NGO warns conflict may drag on for five years if current peace efforts fail

A failure to capture the present rare chance for peace in Yemen may potentially cost the international community $29bn (£22bn) in further humanitarian aid if the current civil war continues for another five years, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warns on Monday in a new report.

It is also likely to prolong Yemen’s inability to return to pre-crisis levels of hunger by 20 years just as famine conditions are improving.

The warnings are partly directed at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who are leading the fight against Houthi rebels as well as funding the bulk of humanitarian aid mainly going to UN agencies such as the World Food Programme (WFP).

David Miliband, president of the IRC and former foreign secretary, said: “Today’s grim predictions are an insight into the colossal cost of the age of impunity: where wars are fought with a complete disregard for civilian life and neglected by diplomats charged with ending the violence and holding

(* A K P)

Shocking Fact about Released Captives; Expatriates Deported and Systematically Tortured

Among the released captives by Saudi Arabia, there are expatriates deported and detained in the roads subjected to the aggression control, member of the Yemeni Shura Council and a member of the political bureau of Ansar Allah Muhammad al-Bukhiti said on Thursday evening.

“We received today at Sana’a airport a total of 128 of released prisoners, including deported expatriates and detainees on the roads subjected to the aggression control,” Al-Bukhiti said on his Twitter account. "What I did not expect is that all of them subjected to systematic torture by the Saudi authorities, which reveals the extent of their foolishness, despicable and ruthless, stripping themselves of all moral and religious values."

Al-Houthi urged the coalition of aggression to stop torturing the Yemeni prisoners it has detained and abide by international laws with respect to the captives’ rights.

The ICRC said the Yemen Red Crescent had transferred some of the released prisoners from Sana’a International Airport to a medical facility for check-ups. Some of the detainees had to be helped down the steps and put in wheelchairs upon leaving their planes. Hundreds of people had gathered outside the airport’s main gate to receive those released.

(B K P)

New Book: Global, Regional, and Local Dynamics in the Yemen Crisis

Offers the reader a rigorous, well-researched analysis of how and why the political crisis and war in Yemen occurred

This international relations study investigates the underlying causes of the Yemen crisis by analyzing the interactions of global, regional, and local actors. At all phases, GCC member states played a key role, from political negotiations amidst street protests in 2011 to formation of an international military coalition in 2015. Using a multi-actor model, the book shows that various actors, whether state or non-state, foreign or domestic, combined to create a disastrous armed conflict and humanitarian crisis. Yemen’s tragedy is often blamed on Saudi Arabia and its rivalry with Iran, which is usually defined in sectarian “Sunni-Shia” terms, yet the book presents a more complex picture of what happened due to involvement by many other foreign actors, such as the UAE, UN, UK, US, EU, Russia, China, Turkey, Oman, Qatar, and African states of the Red Sea and Horn of Africa.

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United For Yemen

We are defenders of human rights.

The people of Yemen are not starving they are being starved to death.

We demand an immediate ceasefire ‘now’!

Millions of Yemenis are on the brink of starvation. This is a man-made humanitarian crisis and the worst famine in the history of mankind. We who pay tax dollars of countries selling arms to ‘AL SAUD’ all have blood on our hands and are accomplices knowingly supporting war crimes and being complacent towards orchestrated Yemeni terrorism.


The people of this world will not tolerate your oppression and violations of fundamental human rights. To the people of Yemen, We stands with you and We will fight for your liberty.


My comment: It stays unclear who really is standing behind this site.

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

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Yemen in Focus: Sanaa airport opening 'too little, too late'

The Saudi-led coalition announced the long-anticipated opening of Sanaa's International Airport earlier this week, but the move has been dismissed as a mere partial opening that was far too late.

According to the Saudi-led coalition, the opening of the airport is designed to finally allow flights transferring those in urgent need of medical care abroad after more than three-years of airspace restrictions and thousands dead.

However, Yemenis across social media, many of whom have been displaced since the war and unable to return to visit family, slammed the "conditional" move which came too little, too late.

"How can we celebrate what's rightfully ours?! The sick in northern Yemen have endured unbearable suffering because of the closure of Sanaa airport. Good the airport will be open for them with WHO supervision but the airport should be open to all civilians, unconditionally," Yemeni researcher Afrah Nasser tweeted.

Yemeni journalist Nawal al-Maghafi responded to a tweet by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen which saw the official thank Saudi Arabia for its gesture in opening the airport.

"I have a lot of respect for the @OSE_Yemen ... but this is a complete joke. Why are you thanking the Saudis? Since August 2016 they have deprived Yemenis in the North the basic human right of being able to travel abroad for medical treatment at their OWN expense!" al-Maghafi tweeted.

"While opening the airport to medical patients will be a critical first step, the Saudi-led coalition must go one step further and open it up to commercial flights, which will bring in commercial and humanitarian goods and give Yemenis the freedom to travel overseas – something that in most countries is taken for granted," Aaron Brent, Yemen's country director for NGO Care said – by Sana Uqba

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Oil tanker arrives at Hodeidah port

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YPC: Die Koalition of Aggression hält immer noch fünf Ölschiffe

Die jemenitische Ölgesellschaft bestätigte, dass die Aggressionskoalition noch immer fünf mit Benzin und Diesel beladene Schiffe hält, obwohl sie die Einreisegenehmigung für den Hafen von Hodeidah erhalten haben.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Support 50 disabled children in Yemen.

by Kamaran Foundation for Development and Humanitarian works

In this project, 50 children with physically and mentally disabilities will be targeted in Hajjah Governorate /Yemen by providing them with transportation fees to go and return from the physical therapy center as well as providing food for them and their families and providing wages to receive physical therapy that enable them to continue their lives normally and practice their life activities such as education and play like other kids and to live better.

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@AukeLootsma @UNDPYemen at presentation ‘Assessing the impact of war in Yemen’ in #TheHague: if conflict continues approx 80% of children in #Yemen will be malnourished. ‘This conflict has to stop’ (infographic)

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International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies: Yemen: Floods - Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Update n° 001 DREF n° MDRYE007

Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

The current operation has gone through severe logistical and access constraints. Initially the operation was planned as stock replenishment. However, during the implementation period Yemen faced an escalation of the conflict in the South which impeded a smooth custom clearance and mobilization of goods from Aden to respective targeted locations for relief distributions. This situation was approached with a local procurement of items which had strong challenges on ensuring quality and availability as per our standards. Distributions will be now imminent according to YRCS verified beneficiary list. However, an extension of the operational implementation period is required to ensure proper security and logistic planning.

The present Operation Update plans an extended timeframe of one month to ensure the final implementation of household distributions in the targeted areas. Proposal is therefore to finalize the operation by 31st December 2019.

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UN Human Settlements Program: UN-Habitat supports workshop on recovery and reconstruction in Yemeni city of Aden

UN-Habitat is supporting the humanitarian and recovery response in Yemen by providing better urban information and analysis through the Rapid City and Neighbourhood Profiling project with the European Union

As part of this project, UN-Habitat and iMMAP organized a three-day joint analysis and recovery planning workshop for Aden at the UN-Habitat Yemen Programme office in Amman. This was to bring stakeholders together to better understand the situation in Aden, particularly in the area of housing, basic services, governance, heritage, economy, and population, and to develop strategic priorities for a recovery plan.

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WFP: $8bn in aid to Yemen annually

The World Food Program (WFP) provides nearly $8 billion worth of aid annually to about 12 million people in Yemen, a senior WFP official said yesterday.

WFP chief officer in Yemen Asif Ali Bhutto made the remarks during a meeting with the head of the Aden Free Zone during which they discussed the facilities provided by the zone and how they could serve the program’s activities; Anadolu Agency reported.

Deputy Director of Promotion and Marketing in Aden Free Zone Riyam Al-Marfadi quoted Bhutto as saying that the organisation manages and supervises 12 warehouses across the country that serve millions of people in need despite the unfavourable work conditions.

Al-Marfadi pointed out that the zone’s officials have expressed their readiness to help the WFP enhance its humanitarian activities in Yemen.

Comment: Imagine size of corruption by #WFP #Yemen. Its budget is double of Yemen government's budget before the war started in 2015.

My comment to comment: This seems quite probable. When the WFP has treached 12 million people, this would mean they spent $ 666 per person. Even if you must take into account the high cost of logistics, transports, bribery for Yemeni officials, and WFP personal, WFP certainly will not have delivered luxury food, but just basic one. A basic parcel to feed one family a month is just less than US$ 30. This means, the food which is spent to 100 % feed a person on a basic level is US$ 60 a year: And many of those 12 million people reached by WFP only will have received only a larger or smaller part of their annual food from WFP.

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Thread about #WHO in #Yemen: 1-Problems of physicians & nurses in DTCs in Sana'a, Dhamar, and Hajjah provinces: -2 months each year without receiving salaries. -Each year, @WHOYemen don't pay their salaries for 5 months, and deduct 2 months, &only give them salaries of 3 months.

Physicians & nurses can't ask @WHO for their salaries because they always say that they can't review cases from the previous year. -Sometimes they give them half of the salaries. 2-Problems of the DTCs: -#WHO is not providing electricity and water for Diarrhea Treatment Centres.

-Lack of antibiotics and IV infusions. Finally, I'm surprised why this exploitation of workers happens!

@WHOYemen must resolve these problems and send trusted people to hear the complaints of the physicians and nurses in DTCs in Sana'a, Dhamar, and Hajjah provinces.

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster, REACH Initiative: Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (October 2019)

The Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was launched by REACH in collaboration with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster and the Cash and Market Working Group (CMWG) to support humanitarian actors with the harmonization of price monitoring among all cash actors in Yemen. The JMMI incorporates information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed comprises eight non-food items (NFIs), including fuel, water and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) since September 2018. =

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The cost of living in Yemen has quadrupled

According to WFP reports, more than 40% of households have lost their primary source of income and are finding it increasingly difficult to purchase minimum food requirements, and that more than a third of households in Yemen have inadequate food consumption.

Nearly 16 million Yemenis, more than half of the country, are severely food insecure and more than 20 million need urgent action without humanitarian food assistance.

68 Yemenis work in agriculture or low-skilled workers in the informal sector, such jobs jobs declined due to lack of equipment and production costs, and government salaries were a major source of income for nearly a third of Yemeni workers before the Houthi militia overthrew the state in late 2014.

But military figures have improved better, and few government officials have been consistently paid salaries since 2015.

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People in Houthis-held areas sell their organs

Rampant poverty in the Houthis-held areas caused by large-scale corruption made people sell their organs and children for survival, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat Daily Newspaper reported.

The paper quoted local sources in Dhamar that people sell their organs such the kidney on auction.

Local sources said that a citizen in Dhamar sold his six-month child for USD1,500 to cover his household expenses including food, clothes and house rent.

My comment: by claiming “in Houthis-held areas”, this matter is misused for propaganda. In other parts of Yemen, there is not less poverty.

(B H)

MONA Relief: Film: Winter clothing, medicine and other supplies were delivered today to four handicapped boys in Sana'a by @monarelief. Our activity was funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo

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Film: Emergency reproductive health care saves lives in Yemen

Across Yemen, from an estimated 6 million women of child bearing age, 144,000 women are likely to experience complicated deliveries risking their lives and that of their babies requiring access to emergency reproductive health services. Most women cannot afford the transportation cost or hospital charges. At Al Kuwait Hospital in Sana'a, UNFPA with support from the Kingdom of Kuwait is supporting nearly 100 cesarean sections free of charge to save mother's lives and their babies.

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UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Organisations Monthly Presence 3W (September 2019)

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UN Children's Fund, Nutrition Cluster: Yemen: Nutrition Cluster Dashboard (January to October 2019)

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Solar Energy Offers Lifeline in Power-Starved Yemen

The severe power shortage has led some Yemenis to buy solar energy equipment to produce their own electricity.

Ebrahim al-Faqih recognized this need four years ago and started selling solar panels. The demand for solar equipment has continued to rise, leading more people to get into the business.

“Even people who used to work selling food moved to work in solar energy because of the high demand,” Faqih told the Reuters news agency. He runs a store in the capital Sanaa which sells solar water heaters and panels imported from India and China.

Solar energy systems are providing answers to people struggling to meet their personal power needs. The availability of electricity was already extremely limited in Yemen’s rural areas even before the conflict began.

In many areas, electricity is needed to provide one of life’s main necessities, water. Pumps are used to bring water to the surface for drinking and farming.

Dhamar’s water production had fallen to 30 percent of pre-war levels, said local water official Muhammad Ali al-Habshi. But production has now returned to 70 to 80 percent of levels before the war because of solar projects supported by international donors.

“People used to get water every 10-12 days,” Homadi said. “Now it is every three days...Solar energy was like a dream.”

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See how @WBG_IDA is working with local partners to help Yemenis restore critical urban services where the most conflict-related damage has occurred (photos)

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Audio: Krieg im Jemen: "Die Bevölkerung kann nicht mehr"

Seit über vier Jahren herrscht im Jemen Krieg. Millionen von Jemeniten leiden an Hunger, Epidemien und Bombenangriffen. Wafa´a Alsaidy, Koordinatorin von Ärzte der Welt, über die verheerende Situation in ihrem Land.

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Shame on @WFP for distributing an expired flour in #Yemen. (photo)


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World Food Programme: Some flour was recalled from Taiz earlier this month after our partner flagged concerns. It was tested and confirmed to be in good condition.

My comment: Looks like flour beetles. “good condition”?

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UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster, REACH Initiative: Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (October 2019)

The Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was launched by REACH in collaboration with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster and the Cash and Market Working Group (CMWG) to support humanitarian actors with the harmonization of price monitoring among all cash actors in Yemen. The JMMI incorporates information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed comprises eight non-food items (NFIs), including fuel, water and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) since September 2018. =

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (30 November 2019)

From Yemen: 14,770

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2019 Funding Update (as of 26 November 2019)

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The War in Yemen: Displaced Yemenis face aid crisis in desert areas

The UN says more than three million people have been displaced by the war in Yemen. Many of them have taken refuge in UN designated relief camps but for some families from the southwestern city of Taiz, that's not an option =

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DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements – Somalia (October 2019)

7,128 to Yemen

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 29 November 2019

Since mid-2019, intensified fighting, armed clashes and displacement have been continuously observed in various frontlines in the southern governorates of Taizz and Al Dhale’e. This year, close to 18,000 families fled their homes from the two governorates, which is more than one-quarter of the entire number of displacements identified in 2019. UNHCR has continued to provide life-saving assistance to families fleeing the frontlines that divide Taizz and Al Dhale’e.

UNHCR Sub Office Aden completed this year’s sixth distribution of cash assistance for a total of 5,099 households across southern governorates

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International Organization for Migration: Flow Monitoring Dashboard - Ethiopia (September 2019)

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International Organization for Migration: Regional Migrant Response Plan for Horn of Africa and Yemen: Quarterly Update – July to September 2019

Migration trends during 2019 along the Eastern Route between the Horn of Africa and Yemen have remained largely comparable to those of 2018, when approximately 160,000 migrants entered Yemen. Between January and September 2019, 107,781 migrants arrived in Yemen from the Horn of Africa. Nearly 90,000 migrants returned to Ethiopia and Somalia from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the same period. Based on trends observed since the beginning of the year, the number of vulnerable migrants in need of life-saving humanitarian and protection assistance from RMRP partners has been revised upward to 113,000, corresponding with a budget of USD 54 million for RMRP partners in 2019.

Migrants making the journey along the Eastern Route continue to face extreme risks

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Nearly 5,000 Somali refugees in Yemen returned to Somalia since 2017

UNHCR releases official figures on return program

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Sunday said that 4,940 Somali refugees have left Yemen and returned to Somalia since 2017.

UNHCR indicated, in a press release, that 131 Somali refugees have been evacuated from Yemen to Somalia as part of the “voluntary return” program for Somali refugees wishing to return to their homes.

“The last boat left the port of Aden on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 towards Somalia, carrying 131 Somali refugees,” UNHCR said.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B P)

Houthis plant intelligence cells to replace student unions at Yemen universities

The Houthis launched the so-called “University Students Forum,” a Houthi intelligence service inside Sana’a University. This was revealed by Yemeni sources at the university in press statements to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper on November 28.

This intelligence cell has recruited students and university staff to gather information about all university personnel, activities and events, and to report weekly to the Houthi Preventive Security Service (the highest intelligence agency of the Houthi militias).

Not only that, but the aim of this forum is to implement all the programs, objectives and agenda of the Houthis at the university, and to attract students to recruit them

and also

(A P)

Houthis launch new arbitrary arrests in Sana’a

The Houthis carried out a new arrest-campaign against suspected dissidents in the capital Sana’a, local sources said.

The Houthis militants stormed a number of houses, shops and mosques in several quarters of the capital Sana’a, the Saudi state-run Okaz Daily Newspaper quoted local sources.

The sources said that the Houthis gunmen arrested a number of vehicles’ owners on Taiz Street, Haddah Streets and Al-Zubairi street for hanging photos of the former president Ali Saleh on memory of his death

(A P)

Houthis militants seize Islamic Relief office in Dhamar

Houthis affiliated militants seized on Monday office of the Islamic Relief Organization in Dhamar and looted food aides, local sources said.

The sources said that the Houthis officials in Dhamar registered names of their leaders and affiliates in the Islamic Relief Organization’s food-rations list.

(A P)

Houthi militia breaks into citizens homes western Al-Dhale

Local sources told September Net that , the Houthi militia carried out a large-scale raid campaign to Bait AlSharji village, Al-Oud area, in Qataba district.

The sources explained that the militia broke into the homes of the citizens in the village, searched and tampered with homes contents, which caused panic among the residents.

(A P)

Parliament reviews Hodeidah residents' suffering due to epidemics

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Houthis impose tax on crops and livestock in Hodeida

The Houthis imposed new tax on agricultural crops and cattle in Hodeida, local sources and one government official said.

Walid Al-Qudaimi, undersecretary of Hodeida governorate, said that the rebels divided each neighborhood into ten quarters and assigned an intelligence officer in each quarter.

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Houthis detain Imam in Sana’a

A group of the Houthis’ gunmen stormed Al-Shawkani Mosque in the Ring Road Quarter of the capital Sana’a, detained Imam of the mosque and his brother and took them to an unknown detention site.

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Houthis clamp down on security in conjunction with anniversary of ex-President Saleh

The extraordinary presence of Houthi gunmen in the streets suggests that the group may fear popular revolt amid regional protests

Cities under Houthi control are witnessing unprecedented security, coinciding with the anniversary of December 2, 2017, when fighting broke out between military forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthi movement. The two groups forged a temporary alliance to seize control of Sanaa from the internationally recognized government in 2014.

The Houthis killed Saleh two years ago today after he called for a popular uprising against them. Saleh’s body has yet to be found.

Eyewitnesses in Sana’a liken the security developments to an undeclared state of emergency, which may signal that the Houthis fear popular revolt amid calls to celebrate the December 2 uprising.

Witnesses told Almasdar Online that three days ago the Houthis deployed fighters throughout the capital and its surrounding areas, noting an extraordinary presence of Houthi gunmen scattered throughout the streets in residential and non-residential neighborhoods. It is believed they are there to monitor the movements of citizens and regularly report security developments.

(A P)

Yemenis Outraged at Houthi Threats to Reduce Internet Usage

Yemeni activists have taken to social media to criticize a Houthi leader after he hinted that the militias might take a decision to reduce the use of internet services in Yemen.
A recorded video broadcast on Houthi media showed the group’s Telecommunications Minister, Musfer al-Nameer lashing out at Yemeni internet users for spending too much time on the net compared to users in other countries.
He said that Yemenis should use the internet only to send emails.
The announcement sparked outrage among Yemeni activists who accused the coup minister of “ignorance.”

My comment: The headline does not fit to the text.

(A K P)

Ministry of Interior: Security Services Reveal Dangerous US-Saudi Plots to Undermine Security in Sana’a

The Ministry of Interior reported, on Sunday, that the competent security services were able, after close monitoring and constant follow-up, to uncover a dangerous plot works for intelligence services in the countries of aggression after it failed to achieve any military progress on the ground. The Interior Ministry said in a statement, that Almasirah received a copy of it, that Saudi intelligence resorted to attempting to penetrate the internal front in an attempt to target community peace and strike security stability.

The Ministry added that the Saudi intelligence assigned the preparation of the sabotage operation to two cells and provided them with money and logistic support, taking advantage of the deteriorating economic situation, which is one of the tools of aggressive war and unjust siege.

and also

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Parliament to resume its sessions Sunday

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US doesn't want to end the war in Yemen

Political committee member of Ansarullah, Muhammad Al-Bakhit, has said the United States and the Zionist regime are putting obstacles in the way of mediation efforts to end the war in Yemen.

"The Saudi-led coalition has changed its position on the war against Yemen, but the US and the Zionist regime want the war to continue," Al-Bakhit said.

He went on to say that the change of stance of UAE and Saudi Arabia vis-a-vis stopping the Yemen war is crystal clear, though it hasn't been announced. He added: "It is the United States and the Israeli regime who are throwing hurdles in the way and don't want the war to end."

"Yemen will not be the back yard of any country," Al-Bakhit emphasized.'t_want_to_end_the_war_in_yemen

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President of the Supreme Political Council, President Mahdi al-Mashat, said in his speech on the occasion of the 52nd Independence Day, November 30, that the continuation of the war and the siege will lead to great risks that cannot be contained.

The President congratulated the Yemeni people on the occasion of the anniversary of the thirtieth of November glorious.

President al-Mashat said in his speech that “the sons of Yemen in the north and south recall on this day the struggles of the honorable faith who held on their shoulders the responsibility of liberation, restoration of the land and the making of history.”

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Human Rights Ministry Calls for Forming International Commission to Investigate Aggression Crimes Against Civilians

Ministry of Human Rights condemned the continued US-Saudi aggression in committing crimes against children, women and elderly in Yemen, calling for the establishment of an independent and impartial international commission to investigate all massacres, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the aggression countries.

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Rasd Coalition, the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights #Violations (YCMHRV), said it has documented 303 cases of #abduction committed by #Houthis against #women in different Yemeni provinces from September 2014 to May 2019.

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

(A P)

Brotherhood Arrest STC's Information Department Director

Local sources in Baihan- Shabwa governorate said that the Islah Brotherhood militias have arrested the head of the Information Department of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) Taha Hadir on Tuesday.

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Armed group storms Abyan hospital

Gunmen prevent life-saving medical procedure from being carried out

Gunmen have stormed Al Razi Hospital in Abyan, and prevented doctors from helping a wounded person, sources report.

According to a source, an armed group raided the al-Razi general hospital campus in Abyan, and prevented doctors from helping and saving the life of a wounded man.

The armed group surrounded al-Razi Hospital in order to prevent the injured person, whose health had worsened, from getting medical aid

The man was wounded in an armed clash in Al-Misimir area of Abyan.

(A T)

Series of assassinations plague Aden

At least three public killings in two days on Aden streets

The city of Aden has witnessed a bloody series of assassinations carried out by tools loyal to the Saudi-Emirati occupation.

Local sources reported that a construction material dealer was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on Monday afternoon.

On the same day, two unidentified gunmen assassinated a young man, Louay Abu Sara, in the same district.

On Sunday, unknown gunmen killed a security official in the southern port city of Aden

and also

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After running only one trip, UAE re-closes Al-Rayyan airport to commercial flights

The closure follows a re-opening ceremony last week attended by the UAE's ambassador to Yemen

A few days after Al-Rayyan International Airport in Mukalla officially re-opened and the Yemeni Civil Aviation Authority declared it ready to operate, United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces stationed there have re-closed the airport after just one flight.

With the exception of a Yemenia Airways flight that landed at Al-Rayyan last week from Cairo, Al-Rayyan has not hosted any commercial flights since its closure five years ago.

Located in Mukalla, the capital of Hadhramout governorate along Yemen’s southeast coast, Al-Rayyan is the largest airport in the area.

A source at Yemenia airlines’ Hadhramout office told Almasdar Online that the company has not yet obtained licenses from the Saudi-led coalition to operate commercial flights. Al-Rayyan intends to operate flights to Cairo, Jeddah and Socotra once the coalition permits.

The source did not explain why the permits were not issued

(A E P)

Yemen's Prime Minister discusses ways to break monopoly on oil derivative imports with Adeni leaders

The meeting comes amid a fuel crisis in Aden that has disrupted electricity supplies in recent days

The meeting reviewed a number of offers available for the purchase of oil, and urgent alternatives available to provide fuel for power plants, including reducing disruptions in electricity service, and pumping oil derivatives to stations for sale to citizens at reasonable prices

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Mahrah protesters vow increased resistance against occupation

Ahmad Balhaf denounces the treachery of those following the Saudi-led invaders

The spokesman of the peaceful sit-in protest committee in Mahrah, province Ahmed Balhaf, has said that the objectives of the Saudi war on Yemen have been unfolding day after another.

“The picture becomes clear day after day to reveal the goal of the Saudi-led war on Yemen nearly five years ago, which caused Yemen to reach the worst humanitarian crisis in the world according to reports of international organisations,” Balhaf said in a tweet on Sunday evening.

Balhaf commented on the meeting of Prime Minister in Hadi’s government with commander of the Saudi-UAE coalition, saying “What legitimacy have they, whose movements and decisions are being supervised by a Saudi soldier?”

He added that “Aden is subject to the soldier himself, and even those who claim to be the owners of a decision do not move an inch without his permission.”

The spokesman vowed that there will be a further continuation and expansion of the popular movement rejecting the Saudi presence in Mahrah and other Yemeni provinces, in order to thwart Saudi plans aimed at occupying Yemen.

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South Yemen separatists reject Riyadh Agreement, call for full independence of the South

Southern Transitional Council calls for international recognition of South Yemen

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has Sunday said that it is “no longer bound to implement the Riyadh agreement, especially after Hadi’s government renounced its obligations under the agreement.”

The STC stressed its determination to achieve the restoration of what it called the Southern State.

STC President Aidarous al-Zubaidi confirmed, during a meeting with a number of the council members in the occupied city of Aden, that the declaration of what he called the southern state “has become a reality today.” He called for an official recognition from the international and regional community of the separatist plan which he seeks to achieve.

Al-Zubaidi said that the transitional council is the “main carrier of the southern issue” and that its “goal is to restore the southern state with its full sovereignty,” referring to the territory of South Yemen, which was an independent country between 1967 and 1990.

He pointed out that the Riyadh agreement has “strengthened the southern issue and contributed to the world’s recognition of the transitional council as a representative of the people of the south.”

Observers considered that al-Zubaidi’s remarks are a dangerous indicator foreshadowing military confrontations in the southern provinces between the STC militias, backed by the UAE, and Saudi-backed Islah Party militias.


(* A P)

Report: South Yemen separatists reject Riyadh Agreement, resume call for independence

However, the UK spokesperson for the STC, Saleh Al-Noud, dismissed the reports, telling MEMO it is “certainly not the case. The STC still intends to honour the Riyadh Agreement”.

In addition to the report that internationally recognised Yemen President Hadi has backed away from the deal, southern Yemeni writer Wadah Bin Atayyh has accused his government of being behind the spate of assassinations in the contested port city of Aden. “100 days since the expulsion of Hadi’s government, we have not heard of any assassinations and days after they returned back, the assassinations returned to Aden,” Bin Atayyh wrote in a tweet yesterday referring to the STC’s seizure of the city in August, which had to be relinquished to the Hadi government as part of the troubled agreement.

(A P)

Photos: The South Celebrates UAE National Day in Aden

An outdoor festival was held in the capital Aden on Monday, to mark the 48th National Day of the United Arab Emirates.
Thousands of Southerners from Aden and other governorates congregated on the main street of al-Maalla to celebrate the UAE National Day and to express their recognition for the Emirati key role in liberating the southern governorates from the grip of the Iranian-backed Houthi putschist militias and terrorist groups.

My comment: These are supporters of UAE-backed separatists only. It’s really strange how far the separatists are going when bootlicking their UAE masters.

(A P)

Shatara: STC undertakes practical steps to shape southern future

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara said that the STC starts to undertake practical steps to draw up the future of the southern capital by fully sponsoring the first scientific conference at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science.

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New batch of Saudi forces arrive in Yemen's Aden

A new batch of Saudi Arabia's military forces backed by armored vehicles arrived on Monday in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, a security official told Xinhua.

"Saudi Arabia increased its presence in Aden by sending an additional batch of troops backed by armored vehicles to the southern city," the local source said on condition of anonymity.

He said that "the convoy of the Saudi forces that arrived from Shabwa province headed directly to the headquarters of the Arab coalition in Aden."

The new Saudi forces will be deployed later to help in stabilizing the situation and securing the state institutions in Aden alongside with the local Yemeni forces, he added.


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Saudi military reinforcements arrive to Shabwa en route to Aden

The troops and weapons are part of a Saudi military buildup aimed at implementing the Riyadh Agreement

Saudi Arabian troops and military supplies arrived Saturday evening in Shabwa governorate on their way to Yemen’s interim capital Aden, where the Kingdom is overseeing a power sharing deal.

Almasdar Online’s correspondent in Shabwa said that the military supplies included trailers loaded with armored vehicles and ammunition. One of the ammunition trailers exploded after it rolled over in the Naqbah area of Habban district

(A P)

Governor of oil-rich Shabwa investigates officials on corruption allegations

Three officials were accused of blackmailing and obstructing an investor during the construction of an oil factory

(A P)

Resolution to Yemen humanitarian crisis lies in addressing its root causes, says PM

Yemen’s Prime Minister Ma’een Abdulmalik said the viable resolution to the country’s humanitarian crisis “lies in addressing the root causes of it represented by the Houthi militia’s coup” of September 2014 and the war they waged afterward.

(A T)

Gunmen kill Yemeni security official in Aden

Unidentified gunmen killed a security official in Yemen's southern port city of Aden on Sunday, a government official told Xinhua.

"Two masked gunmen opened fire from silenced weapons and killed Salah Hujaili near his house in Aden's neighborhood of Mansourah," the local government source said

and also

(A P)

Power outages grow longer in Aden amid fuel crisis

The electricity cuts come as officials scramble to implement the Riyadh Agreement

Power outages in Aden have increased to four hours in the past two days, local authorities in the southern port city told Almasdar Online.

The amount of daily electricity available to residents has decreased over the past two days from four hours to two-and-a-half hours as the fuel crisis for the city's power plants worsens.

Residents in the city of Khormaksar, east of Aden, told Almasdar Online that the number of hours of available power has dropped again after nearly a month-and-a-half of stability in the service following months of escalating power outages last summer.


(A P)

Shabwah governor threatens to suspend oil production

The governor of Shabwah, Saleh Bin Adyo, threatened on Saturday oil production suspension if the government failed to solve the electricity outage in the governorate.

Bin Adyo gave a 48-hour deadline to the government to pay the outstanding money to the Agrico company that is contracted by the government to supply electricity to Shabwah.

Shabwah has been in electricity outage since last Tuesday due to the diesel shortage that forced the power supply company to cut off the service.

(A P)

Film: Historic Sira fortress opens its gates to visitors again

The historic Sira Fortress in Aden, southern Yemen, reopened to visitors after the 2015 closure due to the war in the country, and the authorities in Aden allowed the citizens to visit the fortress

(A P)

Security Belt Thwarts Terror Plot Against Aden

The Security Belt Forces foiled on Saturday a bid to smuggle a shipment of Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Dofas checkpoint between Aden and Abyan governorates.

My comment: The separatist militia “Security Belt” is still in power.

(A P)

Hadi vows to end Al Houthi coup

Yemeni leader calls peace ‘strategic option’, urges militia to observe pacts

Yemeni President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi has vowed to end a coup by Iran-allied Al Houthi militia that has plunged the impoverished country into a devastating war.

“Greater Yemen is our goal. The federal project is our project. Ending the coup and restoration of the state are our cause,” Hadi said in an address marking the 52nd anniversary of Yemen’s Independence Day. “For this, we will make more efforts and work to unify ranks, whatever the cost,” he added, according to Yemen’s official news agency Saba.

and also


(A P)

Yemen’s president renews calls for federalism to end war on anniversary of independent south

The proposal is latest in political overtures by Abdrabu Mansur Hadi aimed at finding common ground with Houthi militia

Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi said the solution to the country’s civil war lies in setting up a federal system of government.

In a speech to mark Yemen’s independence from British rule, Mr Hadi said a federal state would guarantee the rights of the warring parties once the fighting stops.

He said federalism was a main plank of the 2014 National Dialogue in Sanaa upended by the Houthi takeover of the capital soon after.

“We will continue to seek a peace that uproots the causes of the war and allows us to work together for a federal state guaranteeing [the rights of] everyone,” Mr Hadi said.

He did not give details but said Yemen would need to become a united country, with one army and a central authority that preserves the democratic gains of the 2011 uprising against Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country’s late strongman.

My comment: It’s the same speech? Nothing really new by Hadi: His special “federalism” had failed as he had tried to overreach his political enemies (Houthis) by his special shape of a federal state. Certainly federalism will be the only real solution for Yemen, but evidently, it will not be Hadi’s federalism.

(A P)

People in Yemen's Aden celebrate independence day

Scores of people gathered on Saturday to mark and celebrate the anniversary of the national independence day in Yemen's southern port city of Aden.

The public celebration was organized by the Aden-based Southern Transitional Council (STC) to mark the 52nd anniversary of the 129 years of occupation of the country's south by the British troops, which ended on November 30, 1967.


(A P)

STC Celebrates Independence Day

and also


(A P)

Photos: Street Carnival in Aden to Celebrate Independence Day

(A P)

Two branches of the Public Yemeni Bank inaugurated in Aden, Lahj

Minister of Finance Salim bin Boreik along with Chair of the board of directors of the Public Yemeni Bank Dr Mohammed Halboob inaugurated on Saturday the Arwa branch of the Public Yemeni Bank in the interim capital Aden.

(A P)

Islah female leading figure demands empowerment of Mahri women

(* A P)

Mahrah protest leader condemns Saudi attempts to take over ports near Oman border

Salem Balhaf denounced Riyadh's blatant misuse of once prosperous ports in eastern Yemen

Salem Balhaf, chairman of the media committee for the sit-in protests in Mahrah province, has confirmed that Saudi Arabia is seeking to control Yemen’s border ports with Oman.

During his televised remarks, Balhaf said that the Saudi ambitions in Mahrah province are not new, pointing out that for more than two years, Riyadh had been implementing its colonial projects in the province

Balhaf remarked that the Saudis began with taking over the airport and extending its military barracks towards the coasts after the governor volunteered to serve its agenda and its projects.

As for the outlets, they started to multiply by bringing in Saudi militias and soldiers through the Sarfit and Shehen border crossings.

Balhaf said that Saudi Arabia is using the reconstruction project as a cover to implement its ambitions at Yemen’s border ports with Oman.

(A P)

Photos: STC organizes art exhibition to mark Independence Day

(* A K P)

Marib security forces arrest outlaws seeking compensation for Saudi airstrike

Security and military units beat back the fighters and restored access to key highway

The Security Committee of Marib governorate said Friday that local forces had restored calm following clashes with "outlaw elements" who attacked security and military checkpoints and cut off travel between Marib and neighboring Hadhramout governorate to the east.

The committee said it arrested a number of militants, led by arms dealer Hadi Muthanna in Al-Arakin area of Al-Wadi district in Marib, and referred them to the competent authorities.

Using medium and heavy weapons, the gang looted and burned cars in an attempt to stop public movement and destabilize security, stability and development in Marib, according the statement. Several people were wounded and killed.

The gang blocked the “international line,” or main road linking Marib and Hadhramout to seek financial compensation for damaged industrial equipment, which the group accuses the Saudi-led coalition of targeting.


(* A K P)

Clashes between Hadi forces and independent militants hit Ma’rib

Forces of local arms dealer fight Saudi-backed troops

Clashes have erupted Wednesday night between Saudi-led coalition-backed forces and armed gunmen in the al-Erqain district northern Ma’rib province, after local mediation efforts failed.

Local sources said that clashes erupted again along the international line after the failure of mediation efforts between Islah party forces and the gunmen of the famous arms dealer Hadi Muthanna, on the back of the latter’s claim for financial compensation.

While the sources said that the clashes killed five people and wounded 15 others, a military source in the third military zone reported that three soldiers were killed and eight others were wounded, including civilians

(A K P)

Yemen: Seizure Of UAE Arms Shipment Aimed At Spreading Chaos In Aden

A checkpoint belonging to the government security forces in Shabwa province in southeast Yemen has seized a UAE arms shipment aimed at spreading chaos in government-controlled areas in the interim capital Aden.

Yemeni sources revealed that the UAE forces were aiming through the process of passing and transporting these weapons to cause chaos and riots in areas under the control of the legitimate government, as well as planning to target official government institutions and the practice of assassinations against officers in the government army.

In detail, the sources said that government security forces stopped a convoy of Emirati forces carrying thermal rockets and sniper rifles that emerged from a camp run by the UAE on the coast of the Gulf of Aden.

She added that the convoy came out of the coastal Balhaf camp towards the camp of science, northeast of the city of Ataq.

(B P)

Yemen’s Brotherhood seeking to undermine Riyadh agreement

Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood has been trying hard to undermine an agreement signed in Riyadh on November 5 between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council. The Brotherhood’s political arm Al-Islah Party has sought all means to broil the Riyadh agreement.

Yemeni media sources said a campaign led by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Al-Islah (Reform) Party to undermine the Riyadh agreement. The parry’s members within the Yemeni legitimate government have created obstacles to foil, the agreement and perpetrated a number of hostilities against the Yemeni southerners in some governorates.

Saleh Abu Awzal, editor-in-chief of the Yemeni daily newspaper Al-Youm Al-Thamen, said the Arab coalition is fully aware of the Brotherhood’s efforts to undermine the Riyadh agreement.

“The Yemeni security authorities foiled planned terrorist operations in Aden,” Abu Awzal told THE REFERENCE.

My comment: This is a claim by a pro-separatist source.

(A P)

Saudis ban Yemenia Airways from using Hadhramaut airport

Despite nominal reopening of Al-Rayyan International Airport, Saudi occupation bans even Hadi government-owned company from parking

Saudi-led forces have prevented a plane belonging to Yemenia Airways from parking at Al-Rayyan International Airport in Mukalla, after the airport was opened on Thursday.

The coalition forced the Yemenia plane to leave and stay at foreign airports. As a result, the company has had to pay a large fee for the airports in which the planes are staying at.

and also

(* B P)

Southern Yemen Wants Independence—but at What Cost?

Editor's Note: A power-sharing agreement signed Nov. 5 between the government of Yemeni President Abd Rabboh Mansour Hadi and the Southern Transitional Council marks an end to their current split while advancing the separatist southern group's ambitions of national political legitimacy. However, as this assessment originally published Sept. 19 points out, while the deal may paper over the rifts between the forces cooperating in the fight against Houthi rebels, the country's underlying northern-southern divisions will likely surface again.

Article: Bolstered by years of military, economic and political support by the United Arab Emirates, the STC now has the opportunity to build up shadow institutions and governing capabilities in Aden that will bring the group closer to achieving its ultimate goal: restoring an independent South Yemen. But doing so will mean drawing resources from the Saudi-led coalition's broader fights against Houthi rebels and jihadist groups — and potentially inviting backlash from other southerners seeking to stake their claim to the war-torn country's future.

With control of Aden, the STC's advantage over the Yemeni government has never been bigger. But the group still faces significant roadblocks in pursuing its long-sought aspiration of restoring South Yemen. For one, international diplomacy on Yemen is still centered largely on the Hadi-Houthi conflict.—-what-cost-99832 = (from Nov. 5):

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A K P)

Oman expresses confidence in settling Yemen crisis

Oman has expressed confidence in witnessing positive developments in Yemen and hopes that this would lead to an end to the current crisis in the war-torn country, according to Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In an interview with Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, Bin Alawi said:

''Oman understands the views of both sides and agrees with Saudi Arabia on the importance of the maintaining the security and the stability in Yemen and to defend and maintain its national security.''

''Regarding the situation in Yemen, all parties agree that it is time to resolve this conflict and end violence and destruction. There is a real opportunity to work on confidence building measures through setting differences and thinking of the common interest.''

(A P)

Leiter der nationalen Delegation [Sanaa-Regierung] erörtert mit Griffiths Aussichten für eine Runde politischer Konsultationen

Der Leiter der nationalen Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, traf heute in der omanischen Hauptstadt Maskat mit dem Sonderbeauftragten des UN-Generalsekretärs für den Jemen, Martin Griffiths, zusammen.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia and Houthis hold secret peace talks on Yemen

Secret talks between Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Houthi movement appear to be making progress. Prisoners were released, medical patients have been evacuated and the number of attacks are down significantly.

The talks

The Saudis have admitted there are "indirect, behind-the-scenes talks' with the Houthis, who control much of North Yemen and have the support of Iran. Oman that borders on Yemen has been brokering the talks. Early suggestions have been that the deal might be somewhat the same as the deal with southern separatists

However, the deal with Saudis the UAE and separatists has upset the Hadi government does which does not like sharing power with the separatists. In the past, the Hadi government, that has the support of Saudi Arabia, has rejected any deal in which the Houthis get anything. In the Hadi view it is simply the legitimate government and the Houthis have no claim to any power.

New deal will be between Saudis and Houthis with no Hadi government involvement

The Saudis are interested in stopping attacks on its own soil by the Houthis. A Houthi source in Sanaa told Middle East Eye that the current talks are not part of the Stockholm agreement.'

The Hadi government is opting to still demand unconditional, indefinite rule over the whole of Yemen. However, the Saudis may be anxious for a deal with the Houthis that could involve some sort of power-sharing elements as well.

(* B P)

Losing Its Grip on Gulf, Saudi Arabia Is Desperate for Political Win

Trump's indecision and a wary Congress impel Riyadh to appeasement with neighboring Qatar, which has been under a Saudi-led blockade since 2017

The Gulf arena, in which Saudi Arabia had ruled high-handedly, is beginning to look like Swiss cheese. From the Saudi perspective, not only has Qatar become a hostile country, but Oman and Kuwait didn’t join the boycott on Qatar while the United Arab Emirates, Saudis’ ally and strategic partner, decided to abandon the Yemeni front and massage its relations with Iran.

Shift of balance in Yemen

The Yemeni front could be the next site of a Saudi diplomatic effort, which if successful would enable bin Salman to claim at least one diplomatic achievement.

The transfer of full control of the southern part of Yemen to Saudi patronage is the result of the UAE’s withdrawal from Yemen that also included military disengagement from the Transitional Council militias they had funded.

According to Al Jazeera, the direct contact between Khaled bin Salman and the Houthi Supreme Council began in September. Shortly after the attack on the Saudi oil complexes, bin Salman suggested to Houthi leader Mahdi al-Mashat the establishment of two committees – a political committee and a military committee – for direct discussions of a long-term truce and an outline for a diplomatic solution. The Houthis accepted the proposal and dispatched their Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Azzi to Oman on a United Nations ship. From there he flew to Amman, the capital of Jordan, where the meeting was held.

The talks are far from having achieved an agreement, in part because the Houthis are demanding that the truce be limited in time, while Saudi Arabia wants an open-ended truce. And as for the connection with Iran, the Houthis are in no hurry to adopt the Saudi demand, both because of the funding and aid they are receiving from Iran. And because they don’t believe and don’t trust that Saudi Arabia will be able to ensure them full partnership in governance and suitable funding, the issues that brought about their rebellion against the Yemeni government in the first place.

The question that interests Washington, Saudi Arabia and Israel is whether an agreement with the Houthis could reduce or even bring about a break in their relations with Iran, and to what extent Iran is able to thwart any future agreement that would make Yemen a Saudi vassal state. Though Iran has recognized the Houthi administration as an independent regime, and has agreed to grant official status to the Houthis’ ambassador in

However, the Houthis want more. They are expecting full partnership in government and a suitable portion of the revenues from the oil, most of which is located in the southern part of the country. It is likely that if a peace agreement is signed and is accompanied by a generous Saudi funding package, Iran’s status will shrink and change from being a strategic partner of the Houthis to being merely their friend.

As for Saudi Arabia, the decision to open the diplomatic channel, which has reduced the military activity on the ground, is recognition – belated but correct – of the limitations of its power. Yemen is now becoming bin Salman’s most important diplomatic test, through which he hopes to make his way back to Washington – by Zvi Bar’el

My comment: From Israel. Interesting, but the author is fixed on Iran.

(* B P)

Saudi-Houthi talks raise hopes and sideline Yemen's government

Negotiations between Riyadh and the Yemeni rebels are said to be centred on Saudi interests in stopping attacks on its territory rather than an end to the conflict

Though the United Nations-led scheme has apparently foundered, separate talks between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia have Yemenis wondering whether some sort of peace may in fact be on the table.

The absence of the Yemeni government in this equation, however, has many asking if the talks will bring the broader war to a close, or simply shield Riyadh from the effects of the conflict it is embroiled in.

Over the past two months, Saudi Arabia has reportedly held secret talks with the Houthis, followed by the release of hundreds of prisoners from both sides.

Riyadh has admitted having an “open channel” with the Yemeni movement to negotiate an end to the conflict

Both the Houthis and Hadi government say the communication between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis is aimed at ending the latter’s attacks on the kingdom.

A Houthi source in Sanaa told Middle East Eye that the current talks are not part of the Stockholm agreement.

“There have been talks between Saudi Arabia and AnsarAllah [the Houthis] in Oman over opening Sanaa airport and lifting the blockade on Yemen,” the Houthi source said.

“Hadi’s government, however, was not involved in the talks because Saudi Arabia looks out for its own interests and does not care about mercenaries.”

The source added that the Saudis resorted to this step after the detention of three of their brigades on the Saudi border in August, and the Houthi drone attacks on oil facilities in September.

“Saudi Arabia is pursuing a truce to protect its land and its people,” he said.

Yemeni government ‘not involved’

Yemen’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdulaziz Gubari said earlier this month that his government was not aware of the ongoing talks between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia.

He warned Saudi Arabia not to sign any agreement that would keep Sanaa and other provinces under the control of the Houthis.

Saudis ‘prioritise their land’

Mohammed Ali, a journalist and commentator from Taiz, said Saudi Arabia is not willing to allow Houthis to target its economy and territory.

“Saudi Arabia prioritises the safety of its citizens and economy over all other issues, and it is natural to see it holding talks with Houthis to protect its lands,” he told MEE.

“The Saudis succeeded in stopping the Houthi attacks and that was a big achievement for them.”

Ali said Saudi Arabia does not discuss any solution with the “weak” Yemeni government. It only deals with the Houthis, who have the capacity to threaten it.

“The Yemeni government and Hadi are only

Ali believes Riyadh is doing its best for the security of Saudis, while the Yemeni government has not taken any steps to avert the suffering of Yemenis as a result of the war.

“I hope to see Yemenis inside Yemen holding talks with the Houthis and reaching reconciliation internally. Solutions will come from within Yemen, not from another country.”

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Miteab, the brother of #Saudi @KingSalman who died yesterday was a big land thief who in one incident stole 18 million SQ meters as shown by @HamzahAlkinani. @USAinKSA should revoke monarchists US visa’s per US laws.

referring to

(A P)

A group rape & murder of two high school sisters in #Saudi Jizan southern province by relatives of Saudi officials tests the fake Saudi “justice system” the victim Bushes Mohjeb was raped & burnt alive. Her young sister raped. Stories like this are many.

referring to

(A P)

A Twitter account says to be of LGBT rights organization states that it received #Saudi official approval Nov 22nd to operate in the country. If true, This is the 1st rights organization in the country. Human rights orgs are not permitted

referring to

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Salman has learned nothing

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman once touted grandiose plans to float shares of the state oil company on the London or New York stock exchange and raise $100 billion. This week, as the sale of shares in Saudi Aramco conclude, the results look more modest. Only about $25 billionin shares will be sold, almost entirely to Saudi and Persian Gulf investors. International institutions have mostly shunned the offering, which is being staged not in New York or London but on the local Tadawul exchange.

The massive downsizing of the crown prince's ambitions is a direct result of plummeting international confidence in his regime since the murder last year of exiled journalist and Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi. Yet MBS, as the reckless ruler is known, appears to have learned nothing from his criminal blunders. Indeed, even as the government was working to drum up sales of Aramco shares last month, it embarked on yet another roundup of writers and journalists.

The regime's repression, which far exceeds that practiced by previous Saudi governments, is wrecking MBS's plans to modernize and diversify the economy. Instead, Saudi Arabia is slowly going bankrupt: Its fiscal deficit this year is more than twice the amount it is raising from the Aramco share sale. Yet MBS shows no sign of changing course.

By excusing the murder of Khashoggi, President Donald Trump encouraged Mohammed bin Salman to believe he could indulge in brutality and still attract the Western investment needed to rescue the Saudi economy. The past month's events point to a different outcome: a regime in which intolerance and international isolation are feeding on each other – by Editorial Board =

(A E P)

Oil rises for a second day as Saudi Arabia pushes supply cut

Oil prices rose for a second day on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia, the de facto OPEC leader and the world’s biggest oil exporter, is pushing producers to deepen a supply cut agreement when suppliers meet this week, potentially lowering supply in 2020.

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia wants OPEC+ to deepen oil cuts due to Aramco IPO

OPEC and its allies plan to deepen oil cuts and have the deal in place so it runs at least until June 2020 as Saudi Arabia wants to deliver a positive surprise to the market before the listing of Saudi Aramco, two sources familiar with the talks said.

(A E P)

Saudi exchange to limit Aramco index weighting with cap

Saudi Arabia’s Tadawul has introduced an equity index .TASI cap of 15% which is set to address concerns over the weighting oil giant Saudi Aramco will have when it lists on the exchange.

State-owned oil firm Aramco is expected to list 1.5% of its shares this month in a deal which could raise more than $25 billion and top the record initial public offering (IPO) of Chinese retailer Alibaba on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014

(A P)

A new book [in Arabic] “Saudi Arabia: The Kingdom of Silence & Enslavement” by a member of the #Saudi Monarchy, a true human being who sided with the people & truth over family

(A P)

#Qatif: The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh issued preliminary death sentences against 5 more detainees upon extracting their confessions under torture & isolating them in solitary confinement, causing them to suffer from illnesses, mental health deterioration (infographic)

(A P)

Saudi Arabia releases 11 people questioned over foreign ties: official

Saudi Arabian authorities have released 11 citizens who were detained for several days last month for questioning over suspected links to foreign entities, a Saudi official told Reuters.

(* A P)

G20-Präsidentschaft Saudirabiens beginnt

Saudiarabien übernimmt die G20-Präsidentschaft von Japan. Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman wird damit Gastgeber des nächsten G20-Gipfels, der 2020 in Riad stattfinden soll. Wegen der schlechten Menschenrechtslage in dem autoritär regierten Land ist die Präsidentschaft höchst umstritten.

Der nächste G20-Gipfel soll am 21. und 22. November 2020 in der saudischen Hauptstadt Riad stattfinden. Es ist das erste Gipfeltreffen der G20-Gruppe in der arabischen Welt. Gastgeber wird dann Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman sein


(* A P)

Saudi-Arabien übernimmt G20-Präsidentschaft

Autoritärer Wüstenstaat will sich für Frauen und das Klima einsetzen

Amnesty International forderte die anderen 19 Mitglieder der G20 dazu auf, während der saudischen Präsidentschaft die Menschenrechtslage dort klar anzusprechen. „Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20 dürfen die schreckliche Menschenrechtsbilanz nicht weiter wegen lukrativer Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ignorieren“, sagte der Amnesty-Regionaldirektor Heba Morayef.

Auch die Opposition in Deutschland erwartet von der Bundesregierung Druck auf Saudi-Arabien.

und auch

(A E P)

Saudi Aramco IPO oversubscribed so far, but not by big margin

Saudi Aramco’s initial public offering (IPO) was on course to be oversubscribed but not by a huge margin, according to figures released so far by the lead manager before a Dec. 4 close for institutional investors to submit offers.

Bids received by Friday from institutional and retail investors totaled $44.3 billion, lead manager Samba Capital said, about 1.7 times the value Saudi Arabia aims to raise from selling a 1.5% stake in the state-owned oil giant.

cp9 USA

(* B P)

Tulsi Gabbard: Wake Up And Smell Our $6.4 Trillion Wars

Meanwhile, her fellow Democrats appear abysmally unconcerned about the human and financial toll.

The Democratic establishment is increasingly irritated. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, long-shot candidate for president, is attacking her own party for promoting the “deeply destructive” policy of “regime change wars.” Gabbard has even called Hillary Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party.”

Senator Chris Murphy complained: “It’s a little hard to figure out what itch she’s trying to scratch in the Democratic Party right now.” Some conservatives seem equally confused. The Washington Examiner’s Eddie Scarry asked: “where is Tulsi distinguishing herself when it really matters?”

What has Washington achieved after years of combat? Even the capitals of its client states are unsafe. The State Department warns travelers to Iraq that kidnapping is a risk and urges businessmen to hire private security. In Kabul, embassy officials now travel to the airport via helicopter rather than car.

Tulsi Gabbard is talking about what really matters. The bipartisan War Party has done its best to wreck America and plenty of other nations too. Gabbard is courageously challenging the Democrats in this coalition, who have become complicit in Washington’s criminal wars – by Doug Bandow

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

Oman FM Calls from Tehran for Regional Conference to Discuss Gulf Security

Oman's Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah stressed on Monday that the circumstances in the Gulf region necessitate dialogue and mutual understandings between all regional countries.

“The situation in the region requires dialogue and understanding. Holding a general and comprehensive conference with the participation of all relevant countries can be helpful in that regard,” he said from Tehran where he met with Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif and with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani.

“Achieving sustainable security in the region needs reaching a consensus and understanding among all the neighboring countries in order to eliminate misunderstandings,” the Omani minister stressed after meeting with Shamkhani.

(A P)

Trump says Iran is killing thousands for protesting

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Iran was killing thousands of people for protesting and urged the world to take more notice.

My comment: The ca. 208 stated by Amnesty International ( would be horrible enough. “Thousands”: a typical Trump.

(A P)

Iran setzt weiter auf Entspannung mit Saudi-Arabien

Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani will trotz erneuter Kritik an der Regionalpolitik Saudi-Arabiens weiter an seinem Versöhnungskurs festhalten.

„Die Politik der Saudis in Syrien, Irak und Libanon hat nichts gebracht“, sagte Ruhani am Dienstag. Das gelte auch für den von den Saudis geführten Krieg in Jemen.

Trotz der Differenzen habe der Iran aber „keine Probleme“ damit, die Beziehung zu verbessern, wenn es der Sicherung des Friedens in der Region diene, so der Präsident bei einem Treffen mit Omans Außenminister Jussuf bin Alawi in Teheran.

Der Iran will mit seinem Plan „Koalition der Hoffnung“ für Frieden im Persischen Golf und in der Straße von Hormus sorgen. Dieser könne aber nur durch eine Zusammenarbeit der regionalen Staaten gewährleistet werden, betonte Ruhani erneut.

(A P)

Europe, US not willing to end war in Yemen, seeking to sell their weapons: President Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not have any problems to resume ties with Saudi Arabia.

“From Iran’s points of view, there is no problem in developing ties with neighbors and resuming relations with Saudi Arabia as all countries require to stay together in order to create peace and stability in the region,” said Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday in a meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Yousef Bin Alawi in Tehran.

Rouhani noted that Iran and Saudi Arabia need to leave aside their past and look ahead to solve regional problems through cooperation.

The Iranian president stated that Iran’s Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) is aimed at bringing regional countries together to secure stability.

and also

(A P)

Israeli delegation will arrive at the White House today for talks on possible non agressiosn pacts between Israel and the Gulf states, Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz tells @GLZRadio

(A P)

EU should start a minimal human duty: Zarif

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a post on his Twitter page demanded Europeans to stay away from arrogant threats or hollow paper promises.

"Instead of arrogant threats or hollow paper promises, E3/EU—and future INSTEX shareholder Sweden—should start with something very simple; a minimal human duty".

(* A P)

Oman’s: ‘We are ready to launch dialogue between Gulf States and Iran’

Oman’s Foreign Minister Yousuf bin Alawi met in Tehran on Monday evening with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani after holding talks with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif.

According to a statement issued by Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Shamkhani said that Washington’s efforts to build a naval alliance in the Gulf States were failing. He added: “the only alliances, which can be permanent, i.e. provide security and solve problems, are those maintained apart from the interference and influence of external powers.”

On his part, according to the statement of the Iranian National Security Council, Bin Alawi, Omani foreign minister, expressed during the meeting a sense of content about the “continuous talks between the two countries on various regional and international issues,” saying that the tension in the region “will not be in the interest of any of the Gulf countries,” while calling all the parties to avoid increasing the tension in all the possible ways.

and also

(A P)

Saudis all but admit attack on Iran embassy in Iraq

[ Editor’s Note: Saudi Arabia put its foot in its mouth today, compliments of its ambassador to Egypt, demonstrating that not only are the Saudis hopeless with their military forces on the ground in Yemen, but their diplomatic corps follows right behind.

Ambassador Nuqali’s charges of Iran being behind all the street protests in Iraq seem to be a knock-off of Mr. Pompeo’s tactic of making claims and threatening a military response, but leaving out the evidence.]

A day after rioters set fire to Iran’s consulate in the Iraqi city of Najaf, a high-ranking Saudi diplomat has threatened the Islamic Republic with “worse.”

On Wednesday night, a group of rioters used peaceful protests against government corruption and poor public services as a cover and stormed into the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic mission in Najaf, setting it ablaze.

Saudi Ambassador to Egypt Osama bin Ahmed Nuqali said Thursday that the incident was a direct result of Iran’s regional policies and that Tehran should wait for more such attacks.

Hailing what he described as brotherly ties between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the envoy said Riyadh was ready to help “rescue” Baghdad and “rid it” of Tehran’s influence.

(A P)

Trump, Netanyahu Discuss Iran in Phone Call Following U.S. Military Visits to Israel

In recent weeks, several high-ranking U.S. military officials either visited Israel or met with their counterparts in the Israeli military.

(A P)

Iran ready to react if EU triggers dispute mechanism

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says Iran is ready to react if the Europeans use a "snapback mechanism" in the nuclear accord to reinstate sanctions on Tehran.

Larijani issued the warning on Sunday after French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian raised the possibility of triggering the dispute mechanism.

"If the the European states use the mechanism, Iran will also revise some of its commitments to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)," he said.

(A P)

Iran: US Should Understand Policy of Extreme Pressure on Iran is not Right

Iranian Parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, said that Iran has always had the political will for solving issues with the United States, saying that no dead-end exists in this regard. According to IRNA agency, Larijani said on Sunday, at a news conference, that Iran has not closed the door to Washington, but the key is that the Americans must understand that their method has not worked in the past.

In response to the US media CBS reporter's question over the existence of any practical solution for breaking the dead-end between Iran and the US, Larijani said that "there has always been a political will for solving such issues and there is no dead-end. The main point is that they have to understand that the maximum pressure policy is a failed method which should be altered."

(* A P)

Iran Navy Starts Mass Production of Jask Cruise Missile, Unveils other Military Projects

Iran’s Navy has announced the mass production of the indigenously-designed and submarine-launched “Jask” cruise missile along with unveiling a handful of other military projects and technological achievements.

Navy chief Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi announced the mass production of the Jask missile while visiting a Navy exhibition showcasing a number of the force’s recent achievements on Saturday.

Khanzadi said all of the force’s submarines will be equipped with the weapon and that the missile’s current range will be improved “substantially” in the future.

(* A P)

American VPN Company Urges Trump to Ramp up US Cyber War on Iran

An American VPN research and advisory company has urged US President Donald Trump to ratchet up the country’s acts of sabotage targeting cyberworld activity by various Iranian entities.

Earlier this week, CEO Michael Gargiulo wrote a letter to Trump, advising that Washington eliminate all global Internet access and service to all “.ir domains,” which number over 1.3 million, the company said in a press release. The letter was also addressed to the US Treasury Department, and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

The domains’ services serve as handy and indispensible means of assistance to every Iranian, taking care of a whole host of their everyday needs, ranging from cutting the red tape to online shopping and entertainment.

The move, the US company’s 26-year-old CEO claimed, had to be taken in response to “the most extreme censorship measures in Iranian history.”

He was referring to the Islamic Republic’s recently limiting access to the Internet for security reasons after riots broke out in several cities across the country over gasoline price hikes.

During the melee, the riotous elements, dozens of whom were later found to be in the service of foreign interests, including that of the US, would resort to extensive violence, setting fire to, looting, or destroying various public facilities, including banks, gas stations, and department stores.

Tehran says a group of “saboteurs” were using online services like navigation and maps to coordinate their activities in large cities across the country.

Mobile and Wi-Fi Internet access has, however, been restored countrywide.

(A P)

Iran views IAEA inspector's possession of suspicious material as 'industrial sabotage'

Iran’s nuclear chief says Tehran regards an incident involving an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspector carrying "suspicious" material during a visit of an Iranian nuclear facility last month as an act of "industrial sabotage."

In an interview with the Young Journalists Club (YJC) news agency published on Saturday, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said inspectors are checked upon their entrance to Iranian nuclear plants in a procedure that is routine across the world.

It was during this procedure that one of the IAEA's inspectors was found in possession of "suspicious material," Salehi said, adding her responses to questions about the material, however, "were not convincing and acceptable."

(* B P)

World bodies must break silence on US economic sanctions: Iran's health minister

International organizations should not remain silent about Washington's cruel economic sanctions that also target Iran's food and medicine, an Iranian minister has said, warning of the adverse consequences of the bans.

"The brave Iranian people are being victimized by plots and economic sanctions that have been imposed by the US administration," Iran's Minister of Health and Medical Education Saeed Namaki said in a letter to Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday, Presstv Reported.

Iranians, he added, have been the target of the severe restrictions that have badly affected imports of food, medicine and medical equipment.

The Iranian minister said Washington claims such sanctions do not include medicine, medical equipment and food, and they are meant to suspend exchanges in international banking systems. However, he argued, the behavior that the White House has adopted only goes in line with its efforts to intentionally stop imports of essential goods for the needy.

The health minister emphasized that major obstacles put by the US in the way of Iran's import of medicine and medical equipment have had a negative impact on the treatment of many Iranian patients.

(A P)

Ayatollah Khamenei blasts Americans for unauthorized trips to regional states

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, says US leaders’ unauthorized trips to regional countries insult the freedom and independence of nations.

“Americans come [to the region] and enter a country like Iraq without any permission, do not visit the country’s government, do not go to the country’s capital; they have bases there, and just go to their own base,” Ayatollah Khamenei's official website tweeted.

“This means they officially insult the freedom of nations and the independence of nation,” the tweet added.

(* B P)

Atomabkommen mit Iran: Das russische Außenministerium über bevorstehende Konsulationen

Das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran ist seit drei Wochen weitgehend aus den deutschen Medien verschwunden, dabei wird es im Dezember bei UNO und im Rahmen der Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens zu Treffen kommen, die weitere, unschöne Weichenstellungen einleiten könnten.

Ich habe am 14. November über den Stand der Dinge und die unberechtigten Vorwürfe des Westens gegen den Iran berichtet. Zur Erinnerung: Die USA haben das Atomabkommen 2018 gebrochen und die EU weigert sich seit dem, ihre übernommenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen. Sie hätte laut Abkommen den Handel und den Zahlungsverkehr mit dem Iran aufrecht erhalten und sogar garantieren müssen. Das tut sie jedoch aus Gehorsam gegenüber den USA nicht, auch wenn europäische Politiker vor der Presse stets beschwören, das Abkommen retten zu wollen. Die Details zu dem Atomabkommen finden Sie hier.

Der Iran hat nach dem Vertragsbruch der USA das Recht, Teile des Abkommen – oder sogar das gesamte Abkommen – auszusetzen. So steht es in Artikel 26 des Abkommens.

Das hat er nicht getan, aber er fordert die EU immer wieder auf, endlich ihren vertraglichen Pflichten nachzukommen. Sie tut jedoch das Gegenteil, der deutsche Außenminister Heiko Maas hat Anfang November sogar mit europäischen Sanktionen gedroht. Daher dürften die Konsultationen der Vertragsstaaten, die Turnusgemäß im Dezember stattfinden, sehr interessant und kontrovers werden.

Das russische Außenministerium hat über den aktuellen Stand und über die bevorstehenden Konsultationen berichtet. Ich habe die Erklärung des russischen Außenministeriums übersetzt.

„Seit die USA im Mai 2018 ihren Rückzug aus dem „Atomabkommen“ bekannt gegeben haben, waren die Zeiten nicht leicht. Die demonstrative Nichteinhaltung der Resolution 2231 des UN-Sicherheitsrates durch Washington stellt eine ernsthafte Herausforderung für das gesamte System der internationalen Beziehungen dar, die auf der zentralen Rolle der Vereinten Nationen und ihres Sicherheitsrats beruhen. Dies in Verbindung mit der mangelnden Bereitschaft der europäischen Länder, Bedingungen für den Iran zu schaffen, um Handels- und wirtschaftliche Vorteile aus der Teilnahme am „Atomabkommen“ zu erlangen, ist die Ursache für die Herausforderungen, vor denen das JCPOA steht.

Es überrascht nicht, dass viele Kollegen in westlichen Ländern nicht laut darüber sprechen und es vorziehen, hinter den Kulissen im Flüsterton darüber zu reden und versuchen, die Aufmerksamkeit der internationalen Gemeinschaft auf die Tatsache zu lenken, dass der Iran seine Verpflichtungen aus dem JCPOA aussetzt. Gleichzeitig erinnert sich niemand daran, dass das JCPOA auf einem sorgfältig kalibrierten Interessenausgleich und dem Grundsatz der Gegenseitigkeit beruht, die insbesondere durch illegale Handlungen der Vereinigten Staaten untergraben wurden, was in ihrem Rückzug aus dem „Deal“ gegen die Regeln des Abkommens gipfelte.

Diejenigen, die den Iran – wir haben die Veröffentlichungen und offiziellen Erklärungen einer Reihe von Ländern gesehen – für seine nuklearen Aktivitäten ständig kritisieren, wollen sich hartnäckig nicht an so wichtige Nuancen erinnern, wie an die „Kleinigkeit“, dass Teheran seinen Verpflichtungen gegenüber der IAEO in vollem Umfang nachkommt. Die „unbequeme“ Wahrheit ist aus unserer Sicht, dass der Iran der transparenteste Staat der IAEO bleibt und alle seine nuklearen Aktivitäten unter der ständigen Kontrolle der IAEO durchgeführt werden.

(* B P)

Vor dem Krieg?

Am Golf gehen die USA und Iran auf einen gefährlichen Konfliktkurs. Entspannung ist nicht in Sicht.

Der Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern jedenfalls hat die gesamte Golfregion erfasst, Jemen und den Irak eingeschlossen, und wirkt sich auch darüber hinaus aus, in Syrien und Libanon etwa. Keine der beiden Seiten will einen Krieg, doch direkte Verhandlungen zwischen den Kontrahenten erscheinen inzwischen wieder unwahrscheinlich. Es bleibt die Gefahr einer ungewollten Eskalation, das Risiko, dass eine Provokation zu viel die gesamte Region in einen Strudel reißt, einen Flächenbrand ungekannten Ausmaßes auslöst.

Mein Kommentar: Übersichtsartikel mit anti-iranischer Schlagseite. Iran hat bisher nicht gegen das Atomabkommen verstossen; das sieht vielmehr ausdrücklich vor, dass Iran nicht mehr an die Regelungen des Abkommens gebunden ist, wenn andere Vertragspartner dagegen verstoßen 8was die USA ja getan haben).

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Film: Brexit Election? What About Yemen...

What’s the worst things that the British state’s doing right now? It isn't Brexit. The worst is climate change, the second one is Yemen.

(* A K P)

General election 2019: What impact on UK security and intelligence?

Would a change of government alter the UK's security and intelligence relationships?

The UK has a number of close security, defence and intelligence-sharing partnerships in the Middle East, which could well be revised under a change of government.

Saudi Arabia - a clear divergence

This is arguably the area of clearest divergence between the two major parties when it comes to Britain's partnerships in the Middle East. A change of government could, potentially, mean a complete handbrake turn in relations.

Arms sales aren't UK's biggest export to Saudi, so what is?

Closely intertwined with Saudi Arabia are Britain's links with neighbouring Gulf Arab states, notably Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The current UK policy is a continuation of the decades-long British approach, adopted by successive Labour and Conservative governments, of pursuing defence and trade deals with the Gulf Arab states while holding off on all but the mildest of public rebukes for their shortcomings on human rights.

Today, Labour in opposition takes a different approach, publicly accusing Saudi Arabia of violating international humanitarian law in Yemen and calling for a halt to arms sales, pending a full investigation.

(A P)

UK Labour leader Corbyn would stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Sunday he would stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen if he wins an election this month.

“Labour will stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen and work to end the war there, not actively support it as the Conservative government has done,”

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A K P)

German court annuls de facto armored vehicles export ban to Saudi Arabia

A German court on Tuesday annulled a de facto export ban that had prevented arms manufacturer Rheinmetall from exporting armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia, saying German authorities had not followed correct procedures.

In November last year, Germany imposed a ban on future arms sales to Saudi Arabia and temporarily halted deliveries of previously approved kit after Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in Riyadh’s diplomatic mission in Istanbul.

But the court ruled that authorities had failed to follow proper procedures in revoking a previously issued license allowing the sale of 110 vehicles to Saudi Arabia, 20 of which had already been sent by the end of last October.

A legal source said the company in question was Rheinmetall.

The court said the manner in which the export license had been revoked indicated that authorities were trying to avoid being forced to pay compensation. The German government can appeal the ruling.

My comment: ??????????????????????

(* A K P)

German weapons for Saudi-Arabia

The German government's ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia seems not to be watertight. An investigation has revealed that a German supplier of patrol boats is continuing to work with the Saudi military.

My comment: it’s a scandal in the scandal that this supplier will receive Euro 200 million by the German state as compensation for the ban on arms sales.

(* A K P)

Der Staat geht ins Risiko

Waffenexport an Saudis auf Eis. Bund plant für Peene-Werft Schadenersatz

Auf der Peene-Werft im vorpommerschen Wolgast liegen Patrouillenboote, die nicht an den im Jemen Krieg führenden Staat Saudi-Arabien ausgeliefert werden dürfen. Für das Tochterunternehmen des Werftkonzerns Lürssen ist das eine schwierige Situation. Nun soll es anscheinend Hilfen aus dem Bundeshaushalt geben. Für die Werft sollen im Etat nach Angaben aus der Unionsfraktion 200 Millionen Euro für Schadenersatz eingestellt werden. Das erklärte der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Fraktion, Eckhardt Rehberg.

(A P)

Local teenager’s fight against the war in Yemen -Toby Saiban, Wilson's School

Local teenager’s fight against the war in Yemen: Jamal Elaheebocus, a student at Wilson’s School, has been campaigning for the last six months to raise awareness for the war in Yemen and highlight the immense human suffering that it has caused and continues to cause. =

(A P)

Bartsch: Boykott des G20-Gipfels in Saudi-Arabien erwägen

Linksfraktionschef Dietmar Bartsch hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel aufgefordert, nur bei einem Ende des Jemen-Kriegs am nächsten G20-Gipfel in Saudi-Arabien teilzunehmen. Deutschland und die anderen EU-Staaten in der Gruppe führender Wirtschaftsmächte müssten der saudischen Führung klar machen: "Der grausame Krieg im Jemen muss enden. Ansonsten gibt es einen europäischen Boykott der G20-Präsidentschaft Saudi-Arabiens", sagte Bartsch der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. =

(A K P)

Bundesregierung genehmigt mehr Kleinwaffenexporte
Die Bundesregierung hat in diesem Jahr in deutlich größerem Umfang Exporte von Klein- und Leichtwaffen genehmigt als 2018. Allein bis Mitte November wurden Ausfuhren von Kleinwaffen im Gesamtwert von 59,62 Millionen Euro genehmigt. Das ist ein Anstieg von 53 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr mit knapp 39 Millionen Euro. Die in diesem Jahr genehmigten Leichtwaffenexporte hatten demnach einen Gesamtwert von 42,46 Millionen Euro. Das sind 40 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Das geht aus der Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Schriftliche Frage der LINKE-Abgeordneten Sevim Dagdelen hervor.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A K P)

Schweiz: Nationalrat stellt sich auf die Seite von Pilatus

Pilatus soll weiterhin in Saudi-Arabien und in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten Flugzeuge warten dürfen. Das will der Nationalrat. Er hat am Dienstag eine Motion angenommen, die eine andere Interpretation des Söldnergesetzes verlangt.

Sie vertritt die Auffassung, dass die Verwaltung das Gesetz nicht richtig interpretiert. Der Bundesrat soll dieser Interpretation umgehend Einhalt gebieten, sodass Dienstleistungen an exportierten Gütern vorerst weiterhin erlaubt sind.

Das soll gelten, bis entweder das Bundesverwaltungsgericht den Fall Pilatus beurteilt hat oder das Parlament über eine Anpassung des sogenannten Söldnergesetzes entschieden hat.

mein Kommentar: Im Zweifelsfall immer zugunsten der Profite der eigenen Firmen.

Und auch

(A P)

Bahrain Court Gives Life Sentence to Five Anti-regime Activists

A court in Bahrain has sentenced five anti-regime activists to life imprisonment and handed down jail term to another dissident as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy campaigners in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

(B P)

Authorities in Bahrain must #ReleaseAbassAbdAli . This is a reprisal against the brother of British-Bahraini activist Moosa Abd Ali who the Bahraini Embassy attempted to kill. Abass was taken just a few days after Moosa's complaint was lodged against Bahrain's UK embassy staff.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Film: According to commentator they are a #Bahrain-i and a #Qatar-i relatives that ran into each other in the stadium. Reminds me of videos of South and North Korean families being united. The GCC crisis took its toll on families the most.

(* B P)

Losing Its Grip on Gulf, Saudi Arabia Is Desperate for Political Win

Trump's indecision and a wary Congress impel Riyadh to appeasement with neighboring Qatar, which has been under a Saudi-led blockade since 2017

History, seemingly of minor significance, was made this week when the Saudi national soccer team landed in Doha, Qatar's capital, to participate in the Arabian Gulf Cup. A short while earlier, the Saudi envoy to Kuwait, Sultan bin Sa’ad al-Saud, declared that “sports might repair what politics has ruined.”

Truth be told, the match is not the most important event in this championship but rather the fact that Saudi Arabia, which since 2017 has imposed a boycott and a full blockade on Qatar, is taking part in the tournament.

(* B P)

Taken to Brink by Trump, Gulf States Are Backpedaling on Iran

An expanded soccer tournament, a direct flight, clandestine meetings and a pledge to release prisoners of war; diplomacy is breaking out as Gulf Arab nations back away from a Donald Trump-inspired confrontation with Iran. And the signs are everywhere.

Last week, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain played their first games of the 2019 Arabian Gulf Cup in Qatar after a last-minute decision to take part -- an apparent breakthrough in a 30-month feud that saw them halt trade and flights over Qatar’s links with Iran and support for Islamist groups.

(A P)

Gulf Cup: Qatar, UAE to face-off for semi-final spot

Winners of Group A match between regional rivals to advance to semi-final stage of 24th Arabian Gulf Cup in Doha.

(* A P)

Gulf Cup kicks off in Qatar amid talk of 'football diplomacy' with Saudi-led bloc

The tournament is being viewed as a way of helping mend ties between the Gulf nations but the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar continues.

The first game of the Gulf Cup kicks-off in Doha on Tuesday afternoon, with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain taking part in the football tournament despite their ongoing blockade of Qatar.
Hosts Qatar play Iraq in the opening game of the tournament on Tuesday with the second Group A match between UAE and Yemen taking place later in the evening.

The biennial competition looked under threat when the UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia - plus Egypt - launched a blockade on Qatar in June 2017, cutting off land, sea and air routes to the country.

It is believed that the siege of Qatar has been due to Doha's independent foreign policy and media outlets. There is also said to be lingering resentment from some Gulf states over Qatar's hosting of the 2022 World Cup.

In what some commentators believe is a sign the embargo could be eased soon, the three Gulf states agreed to take part in this year's tournament in Qatar, effectively breaking the blockade on Doha.

The UAE team took a circuitous route to Qatar via Kuwait to avoid flying straight to Doha, but the Saudi team flew directly to Qatar.
Coverage of the Gulf Cup has been low-key in Emirati and Saudi media, while some outlets have chosen to ignore it.

Analysts have dubbed the move an act of "football diplomacy" and could be a small but significant step towards diplomatic relations being re-established between the Gulf states.


(B P)

Saudi Arabia Is Thirsty for Political Wins. Soccer Might Give It the Break It Seeks

Trump's indecision and a wary Congress impel Riyadh to appeasement with neighboring Qatar, which has been under a Saudi-led blockade since 2017

History, seemingly of minor significance, was made this week when the Saudi national soccer team landed in Doha, Qatar's capital, to participate in the Arabian Gulf Cup. A short while earlier, the Saudi envoy to Kuwait, Sultan bin Sa’ad al-Saud, declared that “sports might repair what politics has ruined.”

cp12b Sudan

(* A P)

Sudan overturns moral policing law, disbands ex-ruling party

Sudan’s transitional government announced on Friday that it has overturned a moral policing law and moved to dissolve the country’s former ruling party, fulfilling two major demands from the country’s pro-democracy protesters.

Rights groups say the Public Order Act targets women and is a holdover from the three-decade rule of toppled autocrat Omar al-Bashir.

“This law is notorious for being used as a tool of exploitation, humiliation & violation of rights,” Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok tweeted in reference to the overturned law. “I pay tribute to the women and youth of my country who have endured the atrocities that resulted from the implementation of this law.”

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

Siehe / Look at cp11, cp12

(* A K P)

UAE’s Military Push Likely to Anger Western Arms Suppliers

The United Arab Emirates has reportedly launched a program to build military weapons on its own, in a move likely to frustrate the country's traditional arms suppliers.

The UAE has established a government-owned conglomerate to spearhead development of advanced weapons for its military, Reuters reported.

The new entity, known as EDGE, will take more than 25 state-owned companies under its umbrella, employing a combined workforce of approximately 12,000 with annual revenues topping $5 billion, it said.

Those ambitions were put on display at Dubai Airshow in Dubai last month

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

Premierministers Amt [Sanaa] verurteilt die systematische Plünderung der Ruinen von Aden und seiner historischen Stätten

Eine offizielle Quelle im Amt des Premierministers, Dr. Abdulaziz Saleh bin Habtoor, verurteilte die systematische Plünderung archäologischer und historischer Stätten, Gebäude und öffentlicher Grundstücke in der Provinz Aden.

Die Quelle sagte in einer Erklärung an die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba), dass die Plünderung dieser Stätten, Gebäude und des Eigentums der Universität von Aden ein neuer Verdammungsbeweis gegen die sogenannten Sicherheitsgürtel-Milizbehörden [Separatisten-Miliz] sei, der immer seine moralische und ethische Zersetzung und seine völlige Trennung von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft bestätige.

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Prime Minister condemns looting and destruction of Yemen’s cultural heritage by invaders

Attacks against Yemeni culture yet another crime against Yemen, statement says

An official source at Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor’s office has on Sunday condemned the systematic looting of archaeological and historical sites, buildings and public properties in Aden province.

“The looting of those sites, buildings and property of the University of Aden is a new condemning evidence against the so-called Security Belt militia authority,” the source said in a statement to Yemeni news agency Saba.

The source denounced the encouraging role of the Saudi-UAE occupation authority in instructing its agents and mercenaries to further destroy Yemeni national identity, spread chaos and commit crimes against Aden’s monuments and public property.

(A P)

Houthi militia deliberately aims ruining cultural heritage, says al-Asbahi

Yemen Ambassador to Morocco Az-addin al-Asbahi slated Iran-allied Houthi militia for intentionally targeting Yemen’s cultural heritage and antiquities.

My comment: LOL. The Houthis’ destructions will be peanuts compared to Saudi coalition air raids.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s Stolen Antiquities by UAE Make Fortune for Thieves History

In a serious development of the UAE's colonial role in Yemen, a US archaeologist revealed that the UAE has stolen Yemeni antiquities and smuggled them to sell to some countries, including America. Alexander Nagel confirmed that there are more than one million pieces are stolen periodically.

The researcher added that a number of archaeologists traded the role of researchers, scholars and prospectors in order to implement the theft scheme for a history talking about Yemen, they worked to smuggle a number of antiquities to America and have museums containing pieces of millions of dollars and one of them has a fortune of $ 34 million.

Alexander Nagel revealed that antiquities were smuggled from Yemen through countries such as the UAE and Israel before they arrived in the United States, confirming the involvement of many explorers, academics and diplomats in the smuggling of antiquities from Yemen.

Nagel based his presentation on several pieces, documents, some publications in Musnadiy inscriptions page, and the researcher Abdullah Mohsen, who published on his page on July 4, 2018 about one of those pieces and said that it is a piece of antiquities that prevent the capital of the State of Qataban was donated with a number of token Friendship to Sir Charles Johnston, by Saleh Hussein al-Hubaily, son of Amir Bayhan.

The UAE at the Louvre-Abu Dhabi exhibits stolen and smuggled artefacts from Egypt, Iraq and Syria, part of which was sold to Abu Dhabi by gangs smuggling antiquities related to some terrorist groups in an expression of their rulers' humiliation, vileness and involvement in illegal practices.

and also

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E)

Feature: Yemenis harvest coffee amid war challenges

In one of the verdant highland villages of Haraaz area, about 100 km west of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, farmers have begun to harvest coffee crop, amid tough challenges they face due to the raging war.

"We mainly rely on the rainy season to irrigate coffee plants since the war broke out more than four years ago, which cut electricity and triggered severe fuel shortage," farmer Mohsen Al-Hamassi told Xinhua at his coffee farm in al-Hutib village east of Haraaz.

"Fuel prices on the black market have tripled, making it difficult for many farmers to run their own irrigation water pumps, and the solar energy to run the water pumps is very expensive," he said, adding that only some can afford buying solar energy system.

The Yemeni coffee is highly sought after in the international markets due to its well-known high quality and delicious taste, but the prolonged conflict and all-out blockade have prevented farmers from increasing the production and exporting their crop abroad.

However, despite these challenges, the farmers have been trying to keep the tempo of coffee agriculture and production.

(* B K pH)

Under the US-Saudi Aggression, $3.3 Billion Civil Aviation and Meteorology Losses till Mid-2019

The preliminary estimates, the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority said that the material losses of the civil aviation sector and the meteorology resulted by US-Saudi aggression targeting of the civil aviation infrastructure and meteorology, until the end of the year 2019, amounted to $3.3 billion dollars.

The General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology explained, according to Ansarullah website, that the direct losses of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and meteorology in the infrastructure of facilities and technical equipment at airports and other sectors of the Authority are estimated at $1.65 Billion. Losses in sectors directly related to civil aviation such as travel, air cargo, automated booking systems and franchisees amounted to $559 million.

The loss of revenues was due to the cessation of most air and non-air activities at airports and its sectors estimated at $160 million. The losses of the Authority from the expected revenues of projects stopped due to aggression estimated at $90 million. Estimated losses of Yemenia Airways were at $650 million. The estimated losses for Al-Saeedah Airline are at $86 million.

The estimated losses caused by the aggression targeting two civilian cargo aircraft IL-76 of the Yemeni government are estimated at $105 million. Raed Talib pointed out that about 80% of the employment of the air transport sector for their jobs as a result of the aggression.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemeni artists pay tribute to Emirati martyrs with portrait collection

Among those honoured is Lt Abdulaziz Al Kaabi, the first Emirati soldier to die in Yemen

Yemeni artists paid tribute to Emirati soldiers who died liberating their towns and cities in a show of gratitude for National Day.

Graffiti murals covered the walls of a district of Aden portraying the faces of UAE servicemen to give their lives since 2015.

Summer Baobaid, 29, an architect and her sister Shada Baobaid, 27, a graphic designer, said the faces and names have found a place in the consciousness of Aden's people.

One portrays First Lieutenant Abdulaziz Al Kaabi, the first Emirati to die in Yemen in July 2015.

“They died to grant us life and peace,” Summer told The National as she painted Al Kaabi's portrait in the Mualla neighbourhood of Aden.

(B P)

Iran’s Transnational Terrorist Networks

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers terrorism an effective tool for promoting its foreign policy. Accordingly, in the forty years since the Islamic revolution, Tehran has diligently established and nurtured a comprehensive array of transnational terror networks. Through this array, Tehran aims to advance its aspiration for regional hegemony and deter its enemies, primarily the US, from advancing a military option against it. This study will analyze Iran’s terrorist array, its ideological background, and the dominance of IRGC Quds Forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah. The study also maps the terrorist alliances that Tehran has established and their deployment in the Middle East and in the international arena.

There is a strong basis for stating that Iran is the world leader in sponsoring terrorism, as defined by the current US administration.

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA and G20 Presidency

Okaz newspaper said in its editorial that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud stressed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is optimistic and seeks to build a vital environment for the G20 to come up with initiatives and outputs that fulfill the hopes of the peoples of the world. The paper cited the statement made by HRH the Crown Prince that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during its presidency of G20, will continue the work to promote global consensus, and to achieve tangible achievements, as well as seize opportunities to meet the challenges of the future.

(A P)

UAE-Saudi Relations Strong Despite Yemen

Relations between the UAE and Saudi Arabia are cemented in a long history of mutual understanding and shared vision. This week’s visit of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman further consolidates the brotherly ties between the leadership of both countries and strengthens cross-border exchange.

The spirit of a shared common history is clearly reflected in the Saudi-Emirati Coordination Council’s vision, where the national strategies of both countries — Saudi Vision 2030 and UAE Vision 2021 — are aligned.

Our unique model of cooperation is looked upon with great admiration as our bond reflects the vision and determination of our founding fathers. This solid foundation has brought our ancestors together through a shared history, language and traditions. Keeping these relations strong was a priority for Sheikh Zayed, who continuously worked with Saudi Arabia to support and bolster the two countries’ relations.

(A P)

Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Dec. 1:

Nov. 30:

Nov. 29:

Nov. 27:

Nov. 26:

Nov. 25:

(A K pH)

Statement of condemnation and disapproval

We condemn and disapprove the aggression of the countries of aggression and their mercenaries by direct strikes on the port of Ras Isa despite the continued blockade on it and prevent the entry of oil vessels since mid-2017 and causing economic damage as a result of the halt and its negative repercussions on the economic and vital side.

and also

More Saudi coalition air raids:

Nov. 30: Amran p.

Nov. 29: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Two women injured in Saudi artillery attack on Saada

(A K pH)

3 Citizens Wounded by Saudi Shelling on Sa’adah

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, A man, his wife and another woman were injured with Saudi missiles and artillery shells which targeted populated villages in Razih border district.

(A K pS)

KSrelief Project "Masam" Dismantles 1611 Mines in 3rd Week of November

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's project for clearing mines (Masam) in Yemen demined 1611 mines during the third week of November 2019, including 12 antipersonnel mines, 492 anti-tanks, 1092 unexploded ordnance and 15 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, 107,006 landmines have been dismantled

(A K pH)

Jemenitische Luftverteidigung in Hiran gegen Aufklärungskampfflugzeuge in Hadscha

Der Sprecher der Streitkräfte, Brigadier Yahya Seree, teilte der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) mit, dass die Luftverteidigung in der Lage war, ein in China hergestelltes Aufklärungsflugzeug des Typs (Wing Loong) im Hayran-Distrikt abzuschießen, während es Feindseligkeiten geführt hat.

(A K pH)

Army shoots down aggression reconnaissance aircraft in Hajjah

Yemeni's army air defenses shot down a Chinese-made reconnaissance aircraft of the Saudi-led aggression coalition, CAIG Wing Loong, in Hiran district of Hajjah province, Yemen's Army Spokesman said in a statement in late on Saturday evening.




(A K)

Houthi Rebels Say 2nd Aircraft Shot Down Over Yemen in 2 Days – Spokesman

Houthi Rebels said they have shot down an unmanned drone over northern Yemen just a day after claiming to bring down a Saudi Apache helicopter, Yahya Sarea, the group's military spokesman, said on Saturday.

"Yemeni air defences were able to shoot down a Chinese-made Wing Loong fighter reconnaissance aircraft in the Hiran district of Hajjah province this evening during hostilities", Sarea said in a post in Twitter.

Sarea added that the operation was caught on tape and that footage will be published shortly.

(A K pH)

In Taiz, a child was killed with an artillery shell launched by US-Saudi mercenaries in Khudair district.

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Munabbih and Razih districts.

(A K pS)

An eighteen-year girl lost her leg to Houthi-laid landmine in Al Dalea

(A K)

Saudischer Militärhubschrauber offenbar abgeschossen

Die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben nach eigenen Angaben einen saudischen Militärhubschrauber mit einer Rakete abgeschossen. Beide Insassen sollen ums Leben gekommen sein.

(A K)

Yemen's Houthis say they shot down Saudi helicopter, pilots killed: spokesman

“A Saudi Apache helicopter was shot down by a surface-to-air missile... and its two pilots were killed as it was completely burned,” the group’s military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, said in a Twitter post.

Film: = = = =

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A P)

Old video of public execution of rape convict in Yemen shared as Dubai

(A H)

Gabriela Hearst to Donate 100 Percent of Proceeds to Help Children in Yemen

From December 2 to 9, luxury women’s fashion designer Gabriela Hearst will donate all net proceeds from her flagship and online stores to Save the Children, a nonprofit organization that supports relief efforts in Yemen.


First artistic commercial exhibition to express Aden streets

The first commercial art exhibition entitled (02) was held in Aden governorate in southern Yemen by Dar Roshan for modern Art and sponsored by the Saudi Program for Development and Reconstruction of Yemen, and the exhibition included more than 120 picture that expresses the life of Aden streets, old buildings and the historical sites in an artistic way that inspires the creative youth to create modern art that shows the heritage of this city and its beauty to the world.


Coast Guard brings home fishermen who fled Yemen

The Indian Coast Guard escorted a Yemeni vessel with nine Indian fishermen who fled following alleged inhuman treatment from their sponsor, to the Customs jetty at Fort Kochi around 1.15 pm on Friday.

Though petrified, the fishermen were more than cooperative and in need of help, they said. The fishermen had their passports with multiple entries stamped on them. They were also found to be in possession of mobile phones while the navigational aide supported by UAE-based satellite operator was in switched off mode.

According to the Coast Guard, some of them had not contacted their families in over a year. They had planned their escape and stocked food and fuel in the vessel before setting off on November 19.

and also


(A H P)

We didn''t hope to see home: Yemen-returned fisherman

"It was a journey that began almost 10 days back from Yemen and we never even in our wildest dreams felt that we would be able to reach here, but we did and I have decided, to never again go for fishing, which has been my profession," said Nissar.

Nissar said that it was in December last year that he reached Dubai where he met some people who got him the job of a fisherman in Oman.

"After sailing for a few days, we were told that we have reached our destination and it was after two days, we realised that we were in Yemen only and not Oman. From then our travails began and it was a nightmare," said Nissar.

"We did our job catching fish on boats travelling into the sea. But, our boss never paid us on time and several times we had verbal duels with him. Finally, we decided we won''t work. We never had money and had to go without food for days together. Then, we reported the matter to the police and our employer agreed to pay us, and we went back to work." added Nissar.

He said things, however, remained the same and finally nine of us gathered the moral strength and courage to undertake what could be a journey to our death in the seas. =

(A P)

Dubai-based Indian businessman missing in Yemen reunited with family

Keralite Suresh Kumar Krishna Pillai, 59, flew to Mumbai from the port city of Aden

A Dubai-based Indian businessman held captive in Yemen has been reunited with his family after nearly five months.

Keralite Suresh Kumar Krishna Pillai, 59, flew to Mumbai from the port city of Aden on late Friday afternoon shortly after being released from an Al Houthi prison in war-torn Sana’a following the intervention of Indian authorities.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-602 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-602: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose