Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 799 - Yemen War Mosaic 799

Yemen Press Reader 799: 6. April 2022: Zweimonatiger Ramadan-Waffenstillstand im Jemen – Die Blockade der humanitären Hilfe im Jemen – Waffenhersteller für Kriegsverbrechen verantwortlich machen – Amerikas endloser Anti-Terror-Krieg im Jemen – und mehr

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April 6, 2022: Two-month Ramadan truce in Yemen – The blockade of humanitarian aid in Yemen – Holding weapons manufacturers responsible for war crimes – America’s endless counterterrorism war in Yemen – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Waffenstillstand / Most important: Truce

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(B H K P)

Film: Jemen: Der vergessene Krieg

Seit acht Jahren führen Saudi-Arabien und der Iran zusammen mit anderen Ländern einen Stellvertreterkrieg im Jemen. Die Vereinten Nationen sprechen von der aktuell größten menschengemachten Katastrophe der Welt - trotzdem findet der Krieg bei uns kaum Beachtung. Warum das so ist und worum es bei diesem Krieg geht, erfahrt ihr in diesem Video.

Mein Kommentar: Einfach erklärt, aber mit schweren Fehlern: Kein iranisch-suadischer Stellvertreterkrieg; Zaiditen sind keine Schiiten; Hadi wurde nicht von saleh ernannt; u.a.

(* B H K P)

Yemen's slide into political crisis and war

Following is a timeline of Yemen's slide into conflict.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H P)

As Houthis block humanitarian aid, a ceasefire alone won't prevent catastrophe in Yemen

UN funds for Yemen have fallen severely short, as Houthis continue to divert aid intended for civilians and profit from international assistance. The current ceasefire may be the first step in getting humanitarian aid to those in need.

While obstacles rooted in the war economy and the seizing of aid by Sana’a-based Houthi rebels to profit from international humanitarian organizations are likely the main hindrances, new challenge surfaced after the UN Security Council listed the Houthis as a terrorist group and the EU Parliament condemned Houthi crimes against Yemenis and Gulf states.

UN agencies and international organisations made their appeal to donors once again, transmitting the urgency to deliver aid to nearly twenty million Yemenis, but failed to assure governments their contributions would not fund Houthis.

Yet, Khaled al-Yamani, Yemen’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, is optimistic over potential aid to flow directly to projects in order to avoid Houthis weaponising humanitarian aid, or coercion of international organisations.

Houthi capture and profiteering

In 2019, UN agencies publicly denounced Houthi tactics and the impact of their obstruction of delivery of humanitarian aid across territory under their control. The UN suspended the delivery of aid in order to force Houthis to loosen their grip on the delivery process and improve transparency over distribution.

The process to consolidate a monopoly over State institutions and delivery of humanitarian aid delivery may have taken the Houthis a few years, but their profiteering began from day one. A major issue for UN agencies distributing millions of dollars in aid was the lack of transparency at the point of distribution.

Houthi control has evolved from the deployment of an elaborate network of supervisors to co-opting economic and civil society actors. Now controlling the entire supply chain from importers to transportation and warehouse companies, the Houthis have maximised profits from humanitarian aid in the absence of ordinary economic activity. This process also allows Houthis to financially support an extensive patronage network of civilian and tribal allies.

In 2019 alone, it is estimated that the Houthi movement diverted about $1.8 billion in humanitarian aid intended for civilians

Ultimately the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliate party al-Islah survived intact and now exerts control over the city as an ally of President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Similar to Houthis in northern areas, al-Islah has moved to monopolise distribution of aid, although utilising different methods.

Civilian and security forces allied with al-Islah control the flow of aid through their affiliates, who dominate the ranks within local and international organisations. For years, the party benefited from its partnership with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and placed loyalists as employees with the UN and NGOs based in Sana’a. This has allowed al-Islah to not only control the aid itself but also shape perspectives and priorities of organisations delivering humanitarian assistance.

Over the past three decades, al-Islah has also established its own extensive network of charity organisations, partially funded through international programs and donations from ally governments such as Qatar and Turkey.

Since 2015, the Houthis have imposed a siege on Taiz, which was a central issue during the Stockholm negotiations of December 2018. Thus far, diplomacy has failed to advance the lifting of the siege, as the crisis inside and around the city of Taiz continues.

Now, new hope has surfaced as the agreed ceasefire includes discussions to open roads into the besieged city.

As the UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg manoeuvres to secure a lasting ceasefire, humanitarian organisations must work to assure donors their funds will not fall further in hands of Houthis – by Fernando Carvajal

(** B K P)


Convicting weapons manufacturers as war criminals could help end the war in Yemen.

But despite the almost routine criminality of Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen, US-made weapons continue to flow, and US weapons manufacturers continue to profit off the death they help produce. Indeed, as Responsible Statecraft reported, Raytheon CEO and Chairman Greg Hayes appeared to “celebrate a potential war over Ukraine and Houthi drone attacks on the UAE as good indicators for future weapons sales” in a January 2022 earnings call.

While executives from other arms manufacturers made similar remarks during the earnings call, I mention Raytheon in particular because Raytheon-manufactured weapons have been used in Saudi mass-civilian casualty strikes with unnerving frequency.

There is a long history of convicting corporate actors as aiders and abettors in international criminal law dating back to the post-World War II trials.

… convicted on the theory that they supplied the means for the commission of the offense (the actus reus, or action) and that they “knew that the gas was to be used for the purpose of killing human beings” (the mens rea, or mental state).

The knowledge mens rea standard set by these cases — a defendant need only know that their aid would in some way contribute to the principal crime — was followed as well by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Criminal tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL). Under the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute — the only operating international criminal law instrument with potential applicability to the Yemen conflict — however, aiding and abetting liability only kicks in if a person renders aid with the purpose of facilitating the underlying crime.

This purpose requirement introduces a more stringent mens rea than the knowledge requirement of the post-World War II trials, and the element becomes even more difficult to prove in the case of corporate actors. Corporations have one underlying motivation: to make money. Thus, Hayes could reasonably and convincingly say that only the reason Raytheon rendered aid to Saudi Arabia was to turn a profit, and so what the Saudis do with it is their business. Such a strict interpretation of the Rome Statute would, however, seem to foreclose the possibility of ever convicting a corporate actor for aiding and abetting. Fortunately, “purpose” is not as restrictive as it seems.


In a 2008 article for the Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights, Professor Doug Cassel of Notre Dame Law School offers a novel and useful interpretation of the Rome Statute’s “purpose” requirement. He writes, “‘purpose’ in the ICC Statute need not mean the exclusive or even primary purpose. A secondary purpose, including one inferred from knowledge of the likely consequences, should suffice.” Cassel uses the Zyklon B case as an example..

We can add to this an even higher level of causal connection (a necessary relationship), one in which the criminal action (the secondary purpose) is the sole cause of the primary purpose’s success.

With respect to Raytheon’s criminal responsibility in Yemen, an isolated incident of its bombs being used to kill or harm civilians is one thing, a pattern is another. Saudi Arabia’s intervention has been marked by such widespread and publicly known criminality, largely facilitated by Raytheon munitions, that it would be unreasonable for Hayes to claim that he did not have the knowledge that arms sold to the Saudis would be used for a criminal purpose and that he did not act with a secondary purpose of facilitating the Saudis’ criminal bombing campaign. On top of that, as Hayes’ remarks at the investor call makes clear, war is good for business, and the Saudi war on Yemen is particularly good (by October 2018, sales to Saudi Arabia constituted 5% of total revenue for Raytheon for that year alone). This is as clear an illustration of the idea of secondary purpose as one could ask for: If Saudi Arabia were to cease its criminal intervention in Yemen, it would no longer buy so many bombs. What’s more, the destabilization caused by the criminal nature of the war only serves to draw it out, increasing both human misery and Raytheon’s profits in direct relationship.

Laying out the legal argument against Hayes, however, can lead to a denaturalization of arms sales — so routine and integral to the US global presence — and, in turn, help provide the language required for political pressure. Thus, while international criminal law may be a poor tool with respect to garnering a conviction here, it is not a conviction that should be the primary goal; it is an end to the war, and an end to impunity for those trafficking in death. And one step we can take to help curb the bombings and hasten Saudi Arabia’s exit from the conflict is to call those who deal arms to the Saudis by their proper name — that is, war criminals – by Jake Romme

(** B K P T)

America’s Endless Counterterrorism War in Yemen

Executive Summary

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the United States embarked upon multiple counterterrorism wars embedded within a larger frame of a global war on terror. More than two decades on, these wars seem endless. In particular, America’s war in Yemen against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and later, the fight against the Islamic State in Yemen has taken on an endless character. The United States has conducted counterterrorism strikes in Yemen for more than a decade.

Yet many continue to deny that “endless war” has meaning. Despite such denial, the United States’ war in Yemen has trapped it in a deteriorating situation that requires recognition and naming. The U.S. commitment to eliminating a terrorist threat that is already quite degraded exacerbates the larger crisis in Yemen, risks escalation, and militarizes American politics. Continuing the counterterrorism war while denying its endlessness and the unachievable character of the objective of defeating AQAP constrains American strategic thinking.

Some argue that the United States should abandon the binary of a decisive victory over or defeat at the hands of AQAP, and instead establish a framework of “sustainable counterterrorism” that includes open-ended military deployments, and constant monitoring tied to the use of air strikes to disrupt threats.

The binary of decisive victory or defeat is dangerous and part of how the war in Yemen became endless. However, the war’s history also reveals the dangers of adopting a framework of sustainable counterterrorism. Endlessness in Yemen has not been produced only by the adoption of unlimited objectives of defeating AQAP, but also by the failure to clearly specify and analyze the achievability of limited objectives that seek aims short of AQAP’s total defeat. Abandoning the mirage of defeating AQAP should not mean abandoning strategic thinking regarding ends short of decisive victory.

Rather than embracing endlessness under the name “sustainable counterterrorism” or chasing the mirage that the United States can defeat AQAP, the United States should build a full policy platform to end its endless wars. It is possible that there will be situations where the American people determine that military action is needed, but those decisions should be made with an eye to how such wars will end. Sustainable counterterrorism—insofar as it retains an open-ended state of war—prevents the strategic thinking that the project requires.

Key Findings

The American counterterrorism war in Yemen has taken on an endless character in which the United States pursues objectives it cannot achieve. Yet, at the same time, the United States is not at risk of decisively losing the war by being defeated or denied access to the battlefield.

The 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force ensures that the state of war persists even when strikes are paused.

The history of pausing and resuming strikes in Yemen warns against interpreting a prolonged pause as ending the war.

Unclear and shifting objectives contribute to the counterterrorism war’s endless character.

The war in Yemen was initially covert, preventing public evaluation of its justification and objectives.

The United States alternated between limited objectives of degrading or disrupting AQAP’s capabilities and unlimited objectives of destroying the group.

The United States rarely stated its limited objectives in measurable, positive terms. It instead presented objectives other than the destruction of AQAP as gerunds or processes without providing details regarding the conditions under which the objective would be achieved.

Substantial escalations and de-escalations in the pace of strikes have occurred without public explanation, making it difficult to evaluate the current state of the war and how tactics relate to strategic ends.

The decision to rhetorically commit to the unlimited objective of destroying AQAP contributed to the war’s endless character.

Unlimited objectives may not be coherent when it comes to movements and decentralized non-state organizations.

AQAP and jihadism more broadly on the Arabian Peninsula are characterized by a long history of activity, ties to elites and local politics, and decentralization that make their destruction or defeat difficult and likely impossible.

Socio-economic conditions in Yemen make it difficult to eliminate AQAP over the long term.

Yemen’s internationalized civil war means the kind of deployment necessary to eliminate AQAP would likely escalate regional conflicts.

Some limited objectives in Yemen may be achievable, but the United States has failed to analyze them in a way that would enable effective war termination planning.

The United States has demonstrated its ability to successfully kill key targets and to assist partners in denying AQAP territory. It has also arguably degraded AQAP’s external attack capabilities.

Maintaining the unlimited objective of destroying AQAP, even as pure rhetoric, obscures potential tradeoffs between limited objectives by presenting a mirage of a future in which the destruction of AQAP resolves all strategic tensions.

Beguiled by the unlimited objective, the United States has not fully assessed the potential that apparent successes regarding limited objectives may not be sustainable or are the result of factors other than U.S. military action.

The emerging framework of “sustainable counterterrorism” risks institutionalizing endless war rather than providing an exit. It tends to presume that unexpected events will improve conditions while underplaying the risk that they will result in sudden escalations.

Sustainable counterterrorism fails to address the hole in American doctrine and theory when it comes to strategic ends to war other than decisive victory or defeat. In eliding the question of ends, sustainable counterterrorism can maintain unlimited objectives but in a more hidden fashion.

Sustainable counterterrorism mirrors the logic of “mowing the grass,” replacing strategic thinking with a focus on tactics that are easily overwhelmed by shifts in systemic risk. This approach risks fueling preventive war logic.

Sustainable counterterrorism’s emphasis on enabling partners risks over-identifying with them and losing the ability to exert pressure for needed governance reforms.

AQAP’s threat to the United States is limited. The war has been conducted under conditions of extreme asymmetry of capabilities and violence.

AQAP has failed to mount a successful campaign of repeated attacks in the United States. Over almost two decades, al-Qaeda in Yemen has carried out and directed at most two attacks in the United States, killing three people.

Separated from the United States by oceans and about 8,000 miles, and unable to expand territory over the long term in Yemen itself, AQAP’s violence against the U.S. homeland is restricted to occasional raiding.

AQAP also struggles to target American forces in Yemen due to the United States’ use of drones and partner forces to remove American soldiers from the battlefield and insulate them from risk.

In contrast, the United States has killed more than 1,300 people in Yemen, demonstrating its ability to access the battlefield.

Despite these limitations, AQAP demonstrated an ability to conduct significant raids on the U.S. homeland, and in the absence of military action, there is a reasonable case it would have carried out a campaign of repeated attacks. As a result, the U.S. decision to wage war in Yemen was made in a starker strategic context, regarding homeland security, than the decision to wage war against ISIS.

The threat of AQAP and other foreign terrorist organization-directed attacks on the U.S. homeland has declined since the 2009-2012 period. Today, AQAP relies primarily upon its ability to inspire and advise potential attackers via the Internet. The degraded and decentralized threat raises doubts about the effectiveness and legitimacy of war as a response.

In order to end its endless war in Yemen, the United States must commit to clarifying its objectives while expanding transparency regarding the war AND abandon the objective of destroying AQAP or al-Qaeda more broadly.

A focus on clarifying the objectives and conduct of the war risks diverting needed critiques of whether the stated objectives are coherent and achievable to begin with.

An agenda that improves transparency without ensuring that U.S. objectives are achievable is likely to collapse over the long term.

Abandoning the unlimited objective of defeating AQAP without clarifying the United States’ other objectives risks generating an endless series of wars for shifting purposes.

To sustainably end its counterterrorism war, the United States should further develop its planning for war termination and expand its set of non-militarized tools for addressing the variety of crises in Yemen.

Continuing the state of war in Yemen is not low risk.

The U.S. strike on Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) personnel in Yemen in 2020 illustrates the potential for U.S. action to become intertwined with other conflicts and escalate.

Continuing an endless state of war warps American politics, setting the United States up as a dominating power over Yemenis and militarizing domestic American politics—even in the absence of ongoing strikes.

The counterterrorism war in Yemen holds severe risks for American democracy and the moral underpinnings of American warfare precisely because of the radical asymmetry between the violence the U.S. carries out or is capable of carrying out in Yemen, and the violence AQAP is capable of carrying out against Americans.

The United States should develop a full policy platform to end its endless counterterrorism war in Yemen. This should include: – by David Sterman

Film, Online event:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Waffenstillstand / Most important: Truce

cp1aa: Erklärung des Waffenstillstands / Proclamation of truth

(** A K P)

Kriegsparteien vereinbaren zweimonatige Feuerpause im Jemen

Mit dem Auftakt des Fastenmonats Ramadan soll im Jemen ab dem Wochenende eine zweimonatige Waffenruhe gelten. Wenn alle Parteien zustimmen, könnte sie verlängert werden.

Die Kriegsparteien im Jemen haben sich nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen auf eine zweimonatige Waffenruhe verständigt. Sie soll am Samstag beginnen, dem ersten Tag des islamischen Fastenmonats Ramadan, wie der UN-Sondergesandte Hans Grundberg in Jordanien mitteilte. Grundberg hatte sich zuvor mit beiden Parteien des Krieges getroffen. Er hoffe, dass die Waffenruhe nach zwei Monaten erneuert werde, sagte er. UN-Sprecher Farhan Haq teilte mit, die Konfliktparteien würden ab Samstag Offensiven aus der Luft, am Boden und über das Meer im Jemen und über dessen Grenzen hinweg einstellen.


(** A K P)

UNO: Kriegsparteien im Jemen einigen sich auf zweimonatige Waffenruhe

Die Kriegsparteien im Jemen haben sich nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen auf eine zweimonatige Waffenruhe verständigt. Diese beginne am Samstagabend um 19.00 Uhr Ortszeit, teilte der UN-Sondergesandte Hans Grundberg am Freitagabend mit. Bei Zustimmung aller Parteien könne sie auch verlängert werden. Der Beginn der Waffenruhe fällt mit dem Auftakt des islamischen Fastenmonats Ramadan zusammen.

(** A K P)

Head of [Sanaa gov.] national delegation welcomes announcement by UN Envoy of two-month truce / Full text of truce

Head of the national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, on Friday welcomed the announcement by the United Nations Envoy of Yemen of a two-month humanitarian truce under the auspices of the United Nations.

Under which military operations would cease and Sana'a International Airport would open for a number of flights, as well as the port of Hodeida for a number of ships during the two months of the truce.

Text of the United Nations two-month truce:

In recognition of the urgency needed to reduce the escalation of violence and to address humanitarian and economic needs, the parties will implement a two-month truce beginning on 2 April 2022 and ending on 2 June 2022, which can be extended. The objective of Truce is to provide an environment conducive to a peaceful settlement of the conflict. It is not intended to stop to allow any party to return its groups or resume military operations. The Truce will include the following elements:

  1. To cease all offensive ground, air, and sea military operations inside and outside Yemen and to freeze existing military positions on the ground.
  2. The entry into the ports of Hodeida of 18 oil derivatives vessels during the two months of the truce.
  3. There shall be two weekly commercial flights to and from Sana'a during the two months of truce to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
  4. Once the Truce enters into force, the Special Envoy will invite the parties to a meeting to agree to open roads in Taiz and other provinces to facilitate the movement of civilian men, women, and children, and their movements by taking advantage of the atmosphere set by the truce.
  5. To engage the parties with the Special Envoy on proposals on the next steps towards ending the war.

These arrangements are temporary in nature and do not represent a precedent.

Modalities and time frame set:

- The Truce will enter into force 24 hours after the Special Envoy's declaration of the truce.

- Within 24 hours, the parties are responsible for informing the forces under them of the cessation of all offensive military operations and the freezing of military positions on the ground.

- The parties will appoint liaison officers authorized to work with the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General to Yemen on all aspects of the truce, including military aspects, to support compliance with and respect for the truce. Although there will be no independent surveillance, the Office of the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen will provide support for the coordination requested by the parties to assist in the implementation of the truce.

- A truce may be extended with the consent of the parties.

and also

(** A K P)

Yemen’s warring parties agree two-month truce in major breakthrough

Yemen’s government will take steps to arrange for the release of prisoners, open Sanaa airport and release oil ships via the port of Hodeidah, the foreign minister said in a tweet on Friday in support of calls for a truce during the holy month of Ramadan.

The warring sides in Yemen’s seven-year conflict have for the first time in years agreed a nationwide truce, which would also allow fuel imports into Houthi-held areas and some flights operating from Sanaa airport, the U.N. envoy said on Friday.

The U.N.-brokered deal between a Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi group aligned with Iran is the most significant step yet towards ending a conflict that has killed tens of thousands and pushed millions into hunger. The last coordinated cessation of hostilities nationwide was during peace talks in 2016.

U.N. special envoy Hans Grundberg said the two-month truce would come into effect on Saturday at 7 p.m. local time (1600 GMT) and could be renewed with consent of the parties. Saturday marks the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“The aim of this Truce is to give Yemenis a necessary break from violence, relief from the humanitarian suffering and most importantly hope that an end to this conflict is possible,” Grundberg said in a statement, adding he would press for a permanent ceasefire.

Yemen’s economy and basic services including health have collapsed, leaving 80% of the population of around 30 million reliant on aid.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the truce “must be a first step to ending Yemen’s devastating war”, urging the parties to build on the opportunity to “resume an inclusive and comprehensive Yemeni political process”.

The deal stipulates halting offensive military operations, including cross-border attacks, and allowing fuel ships to enter Houthi-held Hodeidah port and commercial flights in and out of the airport in the capital, Sanaa, “to predetermined destinations in the region”.

Grundberg said the parties agreed to discuss opening roads in Taiz, effectively under siege, and other Yemeni regions.

The U.N and U.S. envoys had been trying since last year to engineer a permanent truce needed to revive stalled political negotiations. The Houthis wanted the coalition blockade lifted first, while the alliance sought a simultaneous deal.

The Yemeni government, which the Houthis ousted from Sanaa in late 2014, said earlier it would facilitate arrangements for release of prisoners, opening Sanaa airport and allowing fuel vessels into Hodeidah.

“We immediately announce the release of the first two fuel ships through Hodeidah port,” said Foreign Minister Ahmed Bin Mubarak.

Houthi chief negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam welcomed the truce. Another senior official, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, said its “credibility would be in implementation”.

A copy of the truce deal seen by Reuters, and reported by Houthi-run Al Masirah TV, said 18 fuel vessels would be given access during the truce period and two flights a week would be operated from Sanaa to Jordan and Egypt.

The Saudi-led coalition also welcomed on Friday the truce in Yemen saying it supports the U.N. efforts and arrangements to keep the deal, Saudi state TV reported. =

and also

Comments: The fuel into #Houthi-controlled areas will save lives. This cursed war has already cost - by the UN's latest count which is months old - the lives of 400,000 Yemenis, due to fighting, hunger and disease. An atrocious price

Two months of ceasefire, commercial flights to Sana’a, fuel through Hodeidah, road travel to Taiz- on paper, that is. Yemenis deserve this and so much more. Please let’s see it happen.

Mwatana for Human Rights welcomes the different parties' announcement of a truce, accompanied by a package of steps aimed at improving the humanitarian situation accross Yemen, and urges the parties to expand and expedite these steps for the benefit of all Yemenis.

This is big. Especially opening of Sana'a airport to commercial flights and allowing fuel ships to Hudaydah. Much needed and timely relief. Next step open roads in Taiz & other governorates, increase aid. I pray the parties follow through and truce holds. #Yemen needs a break.

(** A P)

Press statement by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg on a two-month truce

I would like to announce that the parties to the conflict have responded positively to a United Nations proposal for a two-month Truce which comes into effect tomorrow 2 April at 1900hrs. The parties accepted to halt all offensive military air, ground and maritime operations inside Yemen and across its borders; they also agreed for fuel ships to enter into Hudaydah ports and commercial flights to operate in and out of Sana’a airport to predetermined destinations in the region; they further agreed to meet under my auspices to open roads in Taiz and other governorates in Yemen. The Truce can be renewed beyond the two-month period with the consent of the parties.

I thank the parties for working with me and my office in good faith and making the necessary compromises to reach this agreement. The aim of this Truce is to give Yemenis a necessary break from violence, relief from the humanitarian suffering and most importantly hope that an end to this conflict is possible.

This agreement would not have been possible without international and regional support, which I am grateful for. For the successful implementation of this Truce and for moving to the next steps, it is critical that this support continues in a sustained and focused manner.

During these two months, I plan to intensify my work with the parties with the aim to reach a permanent ceasefire, address urgent economic and humanitarian measures and resume the political process.


(** A P)

UN welcomes announcement of two-month truce in Yemen

Mr. Guterres commended the sides for reaching the agreement, which begins at 19:00 on Saturday, local time, and coincides with the start of the holy month of Ramadan.

“Today must be the start of a better future for the people of Yemen,” he said, speaking in New York.

Mr. Guterres urged all parties “to make the necessary arrangements to support the successful implementation of the truce, and to operationalize cooperation mechanisms without delay.”

The truce had been announced earlier on Friday by UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg.

In a statement, he called on the parties to fully adhere to and respect the agreement, and to take all necessary steps towards its immediate implementation.

“This Truce is a first and long overdue step,” said Mr. Grundberg. “All Yemeni women, men and children that have suffered immensely through over seven years of war, expect nothing less than an end to this war. The parties must deliver nothing less.”

Under the truce, warring sides have accepted to halt all offensive military operations in Yemen and across its borders.

They have also agreed for fuel ships to enter into ports in the Hudaydah region, and for commercial flights to operate from the airport in the capital, Sana’a, to predetermined destinations in the region.

The parties have further agreed to meet under the auspices of the UN Special Envoy to open roads in Taiz and other governorates.

The UN chief said the truce, which has the possibility of renewal, opens the door to addressing the urgent humanitarian and economic needs in Yemen, and creates a genuine opportunity to restart the political process.

“A halt to the fighting, coupled with the entry of fuel ships, and the easing of restrictions on the movement of people and goods in, out and within the country, will contribute to building trust and creating a conducive environment to resume negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict,” he said.

Mr. Grundberg, the UN Envoy, said he plans to intensify his work with the parties during the two-month period, with the aim of reaching a permanent ceasefire, addressing urgent economic and humanitarian measures and resuming the political process.

and Guterres statement in full:

and UN Press briefing, film:


(* A P)


This truce, which has the possibility of renewal, coincides with the start of the holy month of Ramadan. It opens the door to addressing Yemen’s urgent humanitarian and economic needs and creates a genuine opportunity to restart Yemen’s political process.

This truce must be a first step to ending Yemen’s devastating war.

A halt to the fighting, coupled with the entry of fuel ships, and the easing of restrictions on the movement of people and goods in, out and within the country, will contribute to building trust and creating a conducive environment to resume negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

I urge the parties to build on this opportunity by cooperating in good faith and without preconditions with my Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg, in his efforts to resume an inclusive and comprehensive Yemeni political process. The ultimate aim must be a negotiated political settlement which addresses the legitimate concerns and aspirations of all Yemenis.

And I thank all regional and international actors, including the members of the Security Council, for their continued support to the United Nations’ efforts to secure this agreement. Regional and international support will remain critical for the successful implementation of the truce.


(A P)


The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, welcomes the positive reactions by all sides to the two-month truce reached in Yemen. He further stresses the importance of building on the agreement to restore some trust between the warring parties and resume a political process aimed at ending the conflict.

“The two-month truce started at 7 p.m. tonight. As of tonight, all offensive ground, aerial and naval military operations should cease,” Mr. Grundberg announced, “The success of this initiative will depend on the warring parties’ continued commitment to implementing the truce agreement with its accompanying humanitarian measures. I also hope the goodwill that we saw from all sides in public will translate into long-term de-escalation of inflammatory media rhetoric and hate speech.”

and also

(* A P)

The legitimacy [Hadi gov.] has no knowledge of what happened in Muscat between Sanaa and Riyadh, including the armistice that it did not know about until hours before the announcement. International news agencies said that the talks in the Omani capital, Muscat, between the two sides of Sanaa and the coalition, through UN envoy Hans Grundberg and international mediators, took place without their knowledge.

The agencies quoted sources within the legitimacy in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, as saying that the humanitarian truce that was announced was not known to anyone at all, and that the legitimacy officials did not know what happened until a few hours before the announcement of the UN envoy and chief negotiator.

he sources indicated that what was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the legitimate government in Riyadh, Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, was at the behest of the coalition and with direct guidance to prevent embarrassment that the pro-coalition government might fall into due to the exposure of its lack of knowledge and its exclusion from what happened in Muscat.

and also

(* A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Army announces commitment to military operation cessation

The armed forces announced on Saturday their commitment to the overall cessation of the military operations, as the humanitarian and military truce entered into force.

"With the entry into force of the humanitarian and military truce, we announce our commitment to the comprehensive cessation of the military operations as long as the other party continues to do so," the armed forces said in a statement to Saba.

and also =

(A K pS)

The Yemeni army which is defending Marib has responded to the Gulf ceasefire call and declared halt of military operations even though it is only repelling Houthi incessant military push attempts on Marib.

On the other hand, the aggressors, the Houthis, have not announced ceasefire on Marib frontlines and are until these moments on Saturday pressing ahead with their non-stopping bloody push attempt as care-freely as they want./Multiple websites (A theme synthesized from their arguments).

The latter cannot be true looking at the article before.

(* A K P)

Zweimonatige Waffenruhe im Jemen hat am Samstag begonnen

Die Huthi-Rebellen und die von Riad angeführte Militärkoalition betonen, sie einhalten zu wollen. Die USA, Deutschland und Österreich hoffen auf eine politische Lösung.

Im Jemen hat am Samstag eine zweimonatige Waffenruhe begonnen. "Ab heute Abend müssen alle offensiven Militäraktionen am Boden, in der Luft und auf See aufhören", erklärte der UN-Sondergesandte Hans Grundberg. Die Waffenruhe trat offiziell um 19.00 Uhr (Ortszeit, 18.00 Uhr MESZ) in Kraft.

"Der Erfolg dieser Initiative wird von der Bereitschaft der Konfliktparteien abhängen, die Waffenruhe einzuhalten und die geplanten humanitären Maßnahmen umzusetzen", sagte der Uno-Sondergesandte Grundberg. Auch die USA appellierten an die Konfliktparteien, die vereinbarte Kampfpause einzuhalten. Zudem müsse der "Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Waffenstillstand und einem inklusiven politischen Friedensprozess" geebnet werden, schrieb der US-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Tim Lenderking, auf Twitter.

und auch

(* A P)

Waffenruhe im Jemen: Vorsichtige Hoffnung auf Pause der Gewalt

Die Waffenruhe beginnt am selben Tag wie der für Muslime heilige Fastenmonat Ramadan.

Für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen besteht nach Vereinbarung einer zwei Monate langen Waffenruhe Hoffnung auf eine zumindest vorübergehende Pause der Gewalt. "Wir hoffen wirklich, dass dies der Beginn eines neuen Kapitels ist, das den Jemeniten eine Chance gibt, in Frieden auf eigenen Beinen zu stehen", teilte eine der wichtigsten Hilfsorganisationen im Jemen, die Norwegische Flüchtlingshilfe (NRC), am Samstag mit.

Nachdem in dem Bürgerkrieg Tausende Menschen getötet oder verstümmelt und Millionen ihrer Lebensgrundlage beraubt worden seien, bedeute die Vereinbarung eine "entscheidende Entwicklung".

Die Waffenruhe soll im Jemen am Samstagabend um 19.00 Uhr (Ortszeit, 18.00 Uhr MESZ) in Kraft treten und landesweit gelten.

US-Präsident Joe Biden sprach in einer Mitteilung von "wichtigen Schritten", diese seien aber nicht genug. Die Beteiligten müssten sich an die Waffenruhe halten, und es sei "unbedingt erforderlich, dass wir diesen Krieg beenden". Politische Kompromisse seien nötig, um eine "anhaltende Zukunft des Friedens" herbeizuführen. =

cp1ab: Reaktionen und Kommentare / Reactions and comments

(B P)

Film, Elisbath Kendall: The new 2-month #Yemen truce is a desperately needed reprieve for the Yemeni people. Here are some of my thoughts for Al Jazeera News.

(A P)

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen Truce Announcement

The members of the Security Council welcomed the 1 April call by UN Special Envoy [Hans] Grundberg for a two-month truce announcement on Yemen and the positive response from the parties. They underscored the opportunity a truce affords to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of Yemenis and improve regional stability. They urged the building of confidence through measures such as, but not limited to, the re-opening of Taiz road, and the regular flow of fuel deliveries, goods and flights, in accordance with the agreed truce.

The members of the Security Council called on all parties to seize the opportunity provided by the truce and work with the UN Special Envoy to make progress towards a comprehensive ceasefire and an inclusive political settlement.

(A P)

Film: Great that @RoKhanna used time with @SecDef at @HASCDemocrats hearing to ask about how US will react if the Saudis violate the ceasefire that was recently agreed in Yemen — specifically, whether DOD will continue to provide the spare parts that enable Saudi air strikes in Yemen.

(A H P)

Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen welcomes nationwide truce

If effectively implemented, the truce will go a long way in reducing violence, alleviating the suffering of people in Yemen, supporting socioeconomic conditions and enabling the humanitarian response. “We welcome this much-needed truce and urge all parties to adhere and respect it, as well as take all necessary measures to ensure its successful implementation,” said Mr. David Gressly, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “I welcome the commitment to allow fuel ships through Al Hodeidah ports. These ports are critical entry points for fuel, food and other essential commodities into Yemen. The resumption of some commercial flights into and out of Sana’a International Airport will be welcome news to many Yemenis, including those who have been waiting for an opportunity to seek medical treatment or education abroad and for families who hoped to reunite over Ramadan,” added Mr. Gressly.

(* B H P)

Yemenis breathe 'a collective sigh of relief' during UN-led truce, says aid worker

People in Yemen are feeling some much needed hope and relief as a new truce interrupts more than seven years of devastating war, says aid worker Renata Rendon.

Renata Rendon is the advocacy manager for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Yemen. Here is part of her conversation with As It Happens guest host Helen Mann.

Renata, how are people in Yemen responding to the news of this truce?

I think there was a collective sigh of relief and a sense of hopefulness among humanitarian aid workers and Yemeni communities alike.

Yemeni people are actually quite optimistic. We can see this not only in the streets, but also across social media, that there has been quite a positive response so far.

The truce was announced at the start of the holy month of Ramadan, so things have been quite peaceful.

Have things been peaceful since the agreement took effect over the weekend? Has it held?

So far, things have been quite peaceful. We have received some reports of skirmishes here and there, but I believe that the UN was prepared for this and I'm not aware of any significant breach of the truce to date. So, so far, so good — although we're just a few days into it, of course.

Should the ceasefire hold as agreed to, you have a two-month window to get help to as many people as you possibly can. What do you think groups like yours can accomplish in that period of time?

I think we can accomplish a lot.

Despite the many access challenges that we face, we already do have access and we do everything in our power to maintain access and to open up access to hard-to-reach communities.

We'll be continuing our hard work as usual, and also lobbying the international community to do everything in its power to support the parties to be successful in this truce.

(A K pH)

Saudi Arabia had to accept ceasefire in Yemen: Expert

An Iranian expert believes that if Saudi Arabia does not take the ceasefire in Yemen seriously and violates it, undoubtedly, we will see Ansarullah's actions against Riyadh.

(* B K P)

Waffenstillstand im Jemen: Ein Funken Hoffnung

Seit dem Wochenende herrscht Waffenstillstand im Jemen. Selbst wenn der halten sollte, hat das Land noch einen weiten Weg vor sich.

Die Geschichte der Waffenstillstandsversuche in diesem Krieg verheißt eigentlich nicht Gutes. Bereits zweimal – 2016 und 2018 – waren derartige Vereinbarungen kurz nach ihrer Ausrufung sofort gebrochen worden. Dass es diesmal anders sein könnte, hat vor allem zwei Gründe.

In den letzten Monaten haben die Huthi-Rebellen vermehrt mit Drohnen und Raketen Ziele tief im Staatsgebiet Saudi-Arabiens und der Emirate angegriffen, darunter Ölanlagen und Flughäfen. Damit haben sie den Krieg außerhalb der jemenitischen Landesgrenzen getragen und unter Beweis gestellt, wie verwundbar Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate sind, trotz des Erwerbs teurer Antiraketensysteme.

Aber auch die Huthis haben in den letzten Monaten die Grenzen ihrer militärischen Schlagkraft kennengelernt. Obwohl sie einen großen Teil ihrer Ressourcen eingesetzt haben, um Marib und damit die letzte strategisch wichtige Stadt im Norden des Landes zu belagern und zu erobern, ist ihnen dieser militärische Erfolg verwehrt geblieben.

Die politische Zukunft Jemens ist schwerer zu klären

Diese Kombination aus der empfundenen Verwundbarkeit Saudi-Arabiens und der Emirate und den militärischen Misserfolgen der Huthis innerhalb Jemens hat nun dazu geführt, dass beide Seiten gleichzeitig ein Interesse am Ende des Krieges haben.

Für die Zivilbevölkerung könnte diese Erkenntnis der Kriegsparteien nun endlich dazu führen, dass ihr Leid gemindert wird, vor allem wenn internationale Hilfsorganisationen nun auch Zugang zu den zuvor schwer umkämpften Gebieten bekommen und Flug- und Seehäfen wieder ohne Probleme zugänglich werden. Mehr als 80 Prozent der 30 Millionen Einwohner Jemens hängen von internationalen Hilfslieferungen ab.

Während ein längerer Waffenstillstand nun eine echte Chance hat, dürfte der nächste Schritt, die politische Zukunft Jemens auszuhandeln, ungleich schwieriger werden. Die Kriegsparteien sind zwar im Moment bereit, die Waffen schweigen zu lassen. Doch davon, sich langfristig die Macht zu teilen, sind sie noch meilenweit entfernt.!5843284/

siehe auch

(* B K P)

Yemenis between hope and despair after latest ceasefire

A fragile two-month truce brokered by the United Nations in war-torn Yemen has given people just a glimmer of hope as they continue to struggle for survival.

Many fear the latest ceasefire in the seven-year-old conflict, coinciding with the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, will only silence the guns temporarily.

Many people have been disappointed over and over again, with numerous previous ceasefires failing to hold for long and civilians almost always caught in the crossfire.

Salah argued that if the most pressing needs of the long-suffering people -- such as payment of wages amid soaring inflation -- are not met, then "what is the point?"

Hodeida resident Safa Mohammed, a 21-year-old interior design student, said that "I don't trust either side. This truce seems fragile."

After so much suffering, she said that "even those who are pessimistic hope that the truce will hold", with the warring parties refraining from new violence.

"We are tired, and we wish that they could feel what we are going through." =

(* B K P)

Hopes of Yemeni people for peace must be translated into reality

It is highly expected that a UN-brokered two-month truce in Yemen, that went into force on Saturday morning, would uphold so that the warring sides would begin to heal the wounds of seven years of absurd and senseless war.

The ceasefire is a giant step forward and a great opportunity.

Now that Yemeni people are eying on a permanent ceasefire and peace, it is not expedient to review that the tragedies and sufferings that the Yemeni people, especially children and women, have suffered. However, Saudi Arabia made a strategic miscalculation when it started a war against the Yemeni Ansarallah movement, also called Houthis, in March 2015 to restore the toppled government of Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Instead of launching war on its neighbor to return Mansour Hadi, a Saudi ally, to power, rulers in Riyadh should have mediated between the warring sides for a power-sharing government in Yemen.

Surely, Saudi Arabia would have been enjoying a better place today if it had mediated between the sides that were clashing for power in Yemen. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia was, and still may be, oblivious of the fact that it enjoyed a respectable place in the Arab world and the Muslim nations at large and entered the war in favor of one of factions.

It is quite clear that Yemen doesn’t just belong to the Houthis or other rival factions. Yemen belongs to all Yemenis, and all groups must be given a share in determining the fate of their country.

Regrettably, the United Arab Emirates and some other Arab states also joined Saudi Arabia in the war against the Houthis in Yemen. In later years, some of these countries withdrew their support for the war, but the UAE remained in the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen. As a country which has made miraculous economic progress within just a few decades, the UAE was not expected to be caught in such a quagmire and frighten investors.

However, let’s look to the future and use the mistakes of the past as a light to build on the future and establish peace in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia, which have been controlling Yemen’s seas and airspace, must strictly stick to the ceasefire. It must think of the post-war Yemen. The rulers in Riyadh, particularly MBS, are morally responsible for the sufferings of the Yemeni people all through these seven years.

Let’s pin hope that cool heads have prevailed in Riyadh and another mentality would rule Saudi Arabia once peace is established in Yemen.

Yemenis whose country has been ravaged by the seven-year war that has forced millions into hunger, poverty and homelessness want peace and respect to rights.

My remark: An Iranian viewpoint.

(B K P)

Analysis: Two-month Yemen Truce, reactions and outcomes

Saudi rulers have gone to great lengths to make peace with Yemen in recent years, especially since the Biden government took office, as they have experienced total failure to achieve their goals.

Looking at the outcomes of war, we can speak with confidence of Saudi Arabia policies in Yemen running into an impasse. Riyadh now sees itself failed, amid criticism by various human rights organizations buildingon it. This situation shows that sanctions and siege alone are not adequate for Saudi Arabia to win the war. Thus, the kingdom seeks a face-saving exit from the war but how this is possible is a matter of many questions.

Spending billions of dollars on various arms to deal a blow to Ansarullah and bring to knees the Yemeni people after seven years discloses a reality to all: The push to defeat the National Salvation Government (NSG) in Sana'a has gone nowhere. Therefore, the truce deal, either implemented and respected or violated by the Arab coalition, should be deemed a big victory for Ansarullah. In fact, the two-month ceasefire is a golden opportunity for a lasting peace. This ceasefire is an opportunity for the aggressors to recalculate their policy in order to establish a lasting and comprehensive peace in Yemen. It also established the [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army as the victor of the war. This is a point recently referred to by NGS [Sanaa gov.] Prime Minister Abdel-Aziz bin Habtour.

My remark: A pro-Houthi viewpoint.

(* B P)

The Ramadan Cease-Fire in Yemen

An agreement is likely still a long way off in Yemen, but at least some of the parties are starting to talk, listen, and, ever so slowly, compromise.

In 2018, during the Stockholm talks, the Houthis used a rushed process and poorly worded agreements to their advantage.

The current cease-fire, which includes a halting of all air and ground attacks in and from Yemen and the partial reopening of the airport in Sanaa, suffers from similar mistakes of analysis and flawed assumptions. For instance, the U.S. special envoy for Yemen, Timothy Lenderking, told Reuters that the cease-fire was, partly, a result of the Houthis setting aside the “notion of military victory.”

That seems, at best, overly optimistic diplomatic messaging. The Houthis have not put aside the idea of “military victory,” if for no other reason than they realize they can’t survive long term without Marib and its oil and gas resources. In many ways, this battle for Yemen’s limited resources helped spark the initial conflict when the Houthis realized that under Hadi’s 2014 federalism plan, which would have divided Yemen into six largely autonomous regions, they would be cut off from much of Yemen’s oil and gas revenue. The Houthis remember this, which is why they have been so focused on Marib in recent years.

Still, there are silver linings. For the first time, in a war in which all sides have maintained maximalist claims, there was some compromise. The Houthis wanted Sanaa’s airport opened unconditionally. They got twice weekly flights to Cairo and Amman and permission for fuel ships to enter Hodeidah. It’s not much, but it might be a start.

But even if the cease-fire collapses in the first week, it might have opened enough space for more modest achievements.

Saudi Arabia is currently hosting Gulf Cooperation Council talks on Yemen with a number of Yemeni parties. The GCC invited the Houthis, who proposed meeting outside of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, the two countries directly involved in the war in Yemen. When Saudi Arabia refused to move the talks, the Houthis declined the invitation. Still, there is an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Over the past few years the anti-Houthi coalition has broken down into rival camps that, at times, have been more interested in fighting one another than in combating the Houthis. Patching over some of these differences would go a long way to reconstituting a common front.

Perhaps it only means what has always been true in Yemen: Getting people in a room to speak with one another isn’t the hard part. What’s challenging is getting them to agree and then implement that agreement.

An agreement is likely still a long way off in Yemen, but at least some of the parties are starting to talk, listen, and, ever so slowly, compromise.

My comment: Biased anti-Houthi. Neither side in this war wanted / wants to finally achieve a military victory.

(A K pS)

Yemenis Welcome Truce, Worry about Houthis' Lack of Commitment

The announcement of a two-month truce in Yemen has been widely welcomed by the people and official circles in spite of concerns that the Iran-backed Houthi militias may not commit to it given their poor track record.

Politicians believe the consultations, which kicked off on Wednesday and will conclude on April 7, may pave the way to reviving consultations with the Houthis to end the conflict in Yemen. Political observers, however, were less optimistic and have expressed concern that the truce would be exploited by the Houthis to regroup militarily.

They fear the militias may take advantage of the ceasefire and halt in air strikes to move their forces and vehicles to the oil-rich Marib province and prop itself up there after suffering a string of defeats.

Yemeni journalist Waddah al-Jaleel remarked the Houthis had repeatedly rejected similar truces in the past because they didn't need them. They were confident at the time that they could win battles, especially in Marib.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that now that the Houthis are in the weaker position, the truce would help them regroup after their losses in recent month, especially in Marib.

(A P)

[Hadi] Yemeni gov't: Steady ceasefire key for continual truce

A steady ceasefire is the key factor for the UN-announced truce to keep on and for peace course to see a new opportunity, the Yemeni prime minister said on Sunday.
At meeting with the UK ambassador for Yemen in Riyadh, PM Maeen Abdulmalek underscored the need for an end to the "7-year-old blockade imposed by the Houthi militia on Taiz city."

(A P)

Yemen: [Anti-Houthi side] Reactions to the latest UN-brokered "truce" in the country

These are some of the reactions of Yemeni government officials and activists to the April 2 "truce" between the Yemeni army and the Shia Houthi militants.


(A K P)

As the ceasefire started, Houthis escalated their offensive to take Marib. If airstrikes r not resumed, Marib is at grave risk of falling into Houthis hands. This would make #Yemen conflict much more complicated, thwart chances to end the war,& undermine peace long term.

Opening Sanaa seaport is definitely a great achievement & must remain no matter what. So r suspension of airstrikes & cross border attacks. However, the risk of enacting when Houthis r mobilizing forces & escalating offensive to take Marib significantly outweighs the benefits.

In 2018, the Stockholm Agreement forced coalition & Yemeni forces to stop offensive to retake Hodeida port city from the Houthis. Meanwhile,Houthis exploited the opportunity & repositioned their forces making significant military gains in Nehm, Al-Jawf, Baydha, & Marib

Efforts to end the war r much appreciated. But it is important to learn from past mistakes & not allow frustration to blind our judgment. If @OSE_Yemen is unable to make Houthis comply, airstrikes must resume to stop the group from taking Marib & jeopordize peace longterm

My comment: ??????????

(B K pH)

Is US-Saudi Coalition Serious About Truce or Eludes to Avoid Yemeni Retaliatory Attacks?

Observers believe that the coalition is likely to violate the truce, as usual, through its mercenaries, and then claim that those violating the truce are rebel factions against Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

They questioned the coalition’s seriousness in adhering to the truce, explaining that the coalition was forced to enter into it to avoid Yemen’s attacks on oil installations in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Russian war in Ukraine and its consequences on the oil-gas crisis may also be the reason as Saudi Arabia and the UAE do not have a separate will and decisions outside the directions of Washington and London.

(* B H P)

Waffenruhe im Jemen: Nur ein erster Schritt

Im Jemen sterben mehr Menschen an den Folgen des Kriegs als bei den Gefechten. Die vereinbarte Waffenruhe ist eine Chance, die Not im Land zu lindern.

Teil der Waffenruhe soll zwar auch die Wiedereröffnung kritischer Infrastruktur sein: Mit Treibstoff beladene Schiffe sollen im Jemen andocken dürfen – bisher wurden sie meist von der Koalition abgefangen. Durch den Mangel an Treibstoff etwa für Generatoren sind auch Krankenhäuser nur eingeschränkt arbeitsfähig. Die Straßen, unter anderem zwischen der von den Huthis belagerten Stadt Taiz und dem Rest des Landes, sollen wieder geöffnet werden. Damit wären Hilfslieferungen endlich wieder einfacher möglich.

Hier tut sich schon das nächste Problem auf: Durch den Krieg in der Ukrai­ne sind die Weizen- und Speiseölpreise in die Höhe geschossen, das Nachsehen haben vor allem arme Länder. Die diesjährige UN-Geberkonferenz zum Jemen war ein Reinfall: Gerade die Hälfte des benötigten Geldes kam zusammen. Die meisten Menschen haben kein geregeltes Einkommen, das Land zählt zu den ärmsten der Welt. Selbst wenn die Straßen wieder frei sind – wer soll die auf ihnen transportierten Waren bezahlen?

Die Waffenruhe ist erster Schritt und Chance, nun eine dauerhafte Friedenslösung voranzutreiben. Ebenso wichtig ist jetzt aber auch, dem Jemen endlich mehr internationale Aufmerksamkeit zukommen zu lassen und Hilfe, um die Folgen der Kämpfe abzufedern. Mil­lio­nen Familien hungern. Jetzt ist Hilfe möglich.!5843140/

(* B P)

Cautious optimism hovers over new ceasefire in Yemen

If the Saudis were looking for a face-saving way to end its war against the Houthis, this latest cessation in hostilities may be it.

Previous ceasefires have broken down because neither side had adequate incentives to maintain them. The difference this time may be that the Houthis have demonstrated a consistent ability to damage Saudi energy infrastructure and the Saudis have concluded that even with additional U.S. provided Patriot anti-missile systems, the risk to their economy is too great. The UAE likely made a similar calculation after Houthi drones struck Abu Dhabi in mid-January, puncturing the Emirates’ carefully curated image of safety and stability. Even with guarantees of U.S. defense assistance, no existing anti-missile or anti-UAV system can eliminate the risk posed by missiles and drones.

The Biden administration should make clear to the Saudis that if they break the ceasefire, Washington will be forced to reconsider the military support it provides to Riyadh. Unfortunately, the United States lacks a working relationship with the Houthis and therefore has few means of pressuring them to maintain the ceasefire. However, the Saudis’ commitment to allow ships to enter the port of Hodeidah and planes to enter Sana’a airport would meet the Houthis’ demands for extending their ceasefire.

Additional pressure on the Saudis to adhere to the truce may come from the recent announcement from members of the U.S. Congress that they would reintroduce a War Powers Resolution to end U.S. support for Saudi military actions in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia has long maintained their interest in exiting the Yemen conflict, but insisted on finding a face-saving means of doing so. The Houthis’ unilateral ceasefire, followed by the Saudis’ ceasefire, now lengthened and affirmed by the UN, may have offered the Saudis a more dignified departure from the brutal seven-year war. Yet given previous failed truces, the durability of the agreement remains to be seen.

Main points:

(? B H P)

Yemen: Historic Ceasefire Will Facilitate Humanitarian Aid, but Will Not End War [paywalled]

(? B K P)

The Hurdles to the Latest Cease-Fire in Yemen

And unless the Houthis abandon their offensive or the Saudi-led coalition loses the city, it appears this truce will not hold permanently. Instead, the cease-fire is more likely to presage another round of fighting, which will include the potential escalation of the conflict beyond Yemen, as the Houthis may attempt to build leverage over the Saudis... [paywalled]

(* B K P)

News Analysis: Will Yemen's 1st all-around ceasefire in years last?

An audible sigh of relief could be heard across Yemen, the poorest Arab country, when the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg declared the ceasefire on April 1.

It is the first all-around ceasefire agreed by Yemen's warring parties in years, and has offered new hope for reducing violence and suffering in the brutal conflict, which caused "the biggest humanitarian crisis on earth," according to the UN.

According to Adel Al-Shujaa, a political science professor at Sanaa University, the ceasefire is an important step toward alleviating the suffering of Yemenis who have been subjected to nonstop shelling and armed clashes for the past seven years.

On Sunday, just several hours after the announcement of the ceasefire, the Yemeni riyal gained almost 13 percent, a rare uptick for the country's currency that has lost more than half of its value since the start of the war.

Money traders confirmed to Xinhua that the riyal climbed for the first time in months, reaching 1,070 riyals against 1 U.S. dollar in the government-controlled areas, compared to 1,260 riyals a week earlier.

"We hope the peace can last and our life can be normal again," said Mohammed Weshah, a Sanaa resident who has lost a family member to an airstrike back in 2017.

When the third month of 2022 started, hardly anyone would have predicted a ceasefire could be reached in Yemen at its end.

Fares Albeel, a Yemeni college professor and political commentator, told Xinhua that the ceasefire was rushed into effectivity, and the truce deal lacked powerful guarantees and observation teams on the ground to watch over the cessation of hostilities between the warring parties.

The ceasefire is possible because the Gulf countries are facing pressure from the international community as Yemen's humanitarian crisis has gone from bad to worse, said Albeel, adding that this does not mean that the Saudi-led coalition is happy to see a legitimatized Houthi presence in the country.

Al-Shujaa from Sanaa University also pointed to the fragility of the ceasefire as the reasons and regional players behind the country's years-long conflict are still in place.

"It seems that the regional powers are not currently convinced to put an end to Yemen's war," Al-Shujaa told Xinhua.

Al-Taher also expressed skepticism about achieving a lasting truce because both sides lack common ground on which to build peace, adding that there is widespread skepticism about the Houthi's sincerity in Aden, where the internationally recognized government is currently seated.

(* B K P)

Will the truce hold?

"The success of this initiative will depend on the warring parties' continued commitment to implementing the truce agreement with its accompanying humanitarian measures," said UN special envoy Hans Grundberg.

But analysts say the truce remains vulnerable.

It "tests the fragile trust between all the warring parties," said Basha, who however welcomed an initiative that coincided with the start of Ramadan.

Maged al-Madhaji, director of the Sanaa Centre for Strategic Studies, agreed.

"The truce is a rare chance for humanitarian relief and to ease the impact of the war on citizens," he said.

"I think it will hold during Ramadan because the Huthis need it. Extending it, however, will depend on political decisions that are not on the horizon."

The researcher Nagi said the truce could serve as a basis "for a solution... leading to a political settlement".

Madhaji was more cautious, citing previous failed bids in 2016 and 2018 to halt hostilities.

"The previous attempts indicate that truces in Yemen hold only if needed and do not provide a platform for real peace," he said. =

Schlechte deutsche Übersetzung:

(A P)

War-torn Yemen holds breath as Ramadan ceasefire begins

"This time I am optimistic. This truce is unlike all the previous ones," Asmaa Zayed, a college student who also works as a cashier in Hodeida, told AFP.

"The fact it comes with Ramadan gives us a lot of hope. This war started when I was 15 years old and turned all my dreams into nightmares."

"The success of this initiative will depend on the warring parties' continued commitment to implementing the truce agreement with its accompanying humanitarian measures," said the Swedish diplomat.

"I also hope the goodwill that we saw from all sides in public will translate into long-term de-escalation of inflammatory media rhetoric and hate speech."

The major question now is whether the truce will be observed.

The Norwegian Refugee Council hoped it would be "the start of a new chapter", while Save the Children said it offered a "much-needed respite from all the violence".

and also

(A P)

US special envoy says Yemen truce is first step towards peace

The two-month truce in Yemen is a "decisive moment" in the seven-year conflict and offers hope the warring parties and international community can bring a lasting peace to the devastated country, US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking said.

The UN-brokered truce between pro-government forces and the Houthi group aligned with Iran, which went into effect on Saturday evening, is a "first step" to a permanent ceasefire, Mr Lenderking said.

"If the international community and parties can work together this could be built into a lasting ceasefire and inclusive political process that ultimately gives shape to a new Yemen," the US diplomat said during an interview in the Jordanian capital Amman.

"We want to build on a decisive moment that helps Yemen turn the corner."

Mr Lenderking said the deal was a culmination of intensified US diplomacy and the Houthis' realisation there could be no outright military victory.

"The battlefield dynamics have changed, all of these things have combined to create what is a decisive moment," he said.

and also

My comment: “the deal was a culmination of intensified US diplomacy”??????????

(A K P)

Al-Bukhiti comments on two month UN-supervised truce

A senior leader in Ansarullah’s Political Bureau, Mohammed al-Bukhiti, has said that “the truce was reached only following Yemeni strikes in the Saudi depth.”

“This truce is an opportunity for the countries of Saudi-led aggression to be audited in order to reach a lasting and comprehensive peace in Yemen,” al-Bukhiti said in an interview with Al-Mayadeen TV.

“The truce was preceded by contacts between Sana’a and the Saudi-led coalition, through the United Nations, following the recent strikes on the Saudi depth,” he said, adding that “contacts are continuing, and the truce will be a valuable opportunity for a lasting peace.”

“It is not possible to bet on the allegiance of the countries of aggression and the awakening of their consciences,” al-Bukhiti said, stressing that “this time the truce is different, in light of the recent strikes.” =

(A K P)

Truce Does not Meet Yemeni People's Aspiration, Complete Lifting of Siege is Goal

"The truce does not meet the minimum requirements and demands of Yemeni people, and the goal is complete lifting of the siege and all measures that affect the lives of citizens," Member of the [Sanaa gov.] National Delegation, Abdulmalik Al-Ejri, said.

He added that only as a result of the intransigence that faced Yemeni people from the US-Saudi aggression in economic issues, the lack of fuel, and the approaching month of Ramadan, this temporary truce was reached. He also explained that the US-Saudi aggression focuses on the siege to stifle the Yemeni people after their military and political failure, so they resorted to economic war and starvation.

Al-Ejri said that this truce comes to alleviate the suffering of our people and pave the way for a comprehensive lifting of the siege and a final solution. He stressed that In this truce, allowing entry of fuel tankers evidence that US-Saudi aggression is behind economic suffering of Yemeni people, pointing US-Saudi aggression stopped the fuel tankers arbitrarily and without any justification, but they uesd for political pressure.

and also =

(B K P)

Will Saudi Regime Use Truce to Exit Yemen After Eight Years Aggression?

The US-Saudi aggression would not have accepted the two-months truce without the Siege-Breaking operations carried out by the Yemeni Armed Forces and the Popular Committees that targeted the Saudi depth. It finally realized that the persistence in its aggression and siege against Yemen will cost it dearly.

It became clear that the US-Saudi aggression did not agree to the humanitarian truce, with humanitarian motives. The operations of Siege-breaking, and the Yemeni forces moving from defense to attack, and the leaders of Ansarullah’s announcement about major military achievements that will surprise the aggressors in the future are the reasons for the truce. The Saudi regime may also use this truce as a ladder to descend from the tree of arrogance after eight years of aggression.

(A P)

Sanaa FM warns against violations of UN-proposed truce

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Sanaa warned on Sunday the Saudi-led coalition of continuing violations of the UN-proposed humanitarian truce in Yemen.

Al-Ezzi said on Twitter: “The coalition must respect its commitments in accordance with the declared armistice, why it is not logical to abide unilaterally by Sanaa and this is unacceptable.”

“The truce is a contract between two parties, and the commitment of each party depends on the commitment of its counterpart,” he added.

Al-Ezzi expressed his hope that the UN envoy would urge the coalition to exercise more discipline to achieve the truce.

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition welcomes the 2-month truce in Yemen - state TV

The Saudi-led coalition, which intervened in March 2015 against the Houthis, welcomed on Friday the U.N.-brokered truce in Yemen saying it supports the U.N. efforts and arrangements to keep the truce, Saudi state TV reported.

and Saudi coalition statement:

(A P)

STC Welcomes UN-Brokered Truce in Yemen

and also

(A P)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kingdom Welcomes Announcement by UN Special Envoy for Yemen to Start Truce Halting All Forms of Military Operations Inside Yemen and on Saudi-Yemeni Borders

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's welcome to the announcement made by the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Mr. Hans Grundberg to start a truce through which all forms of military operations inside Yemen and on the Saudi-Yemeni borders shall be halted.

The Kingdom affirms its welcome and support for the announcement made by the Yemeni government and the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen to accept the truce, appreciating the efforts exerted by the Special Envoy to announce it, which comes in the context of the Saudi initiative to put an end to the Yemeni crisis and reach a comprehensive political solution, announced in March 2021.

(A P)

The UAE welcomes the announcement of the truce in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates welcomed the announcement by Hans Grundberg, Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Yemen, to commence a truce and halt all forms of military operations in Yemen and on the Saudi-Yemeni borders.
In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), the UAE welcomed the announcement by the Yemeni government and the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, to accept the truce, stressing its support for all efforts made by the Special Envoy to enhance prospects for peace and stability in Yemen and the region.
The UAE underscored the crucial role played by the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in achieving stability and security for Yemen. Moreover, the UAE reiterated its commitment to stand by the brotherly Yemeni people and support their legitimate aspirations for development and prosperity, as part of its policy to support and achieve in its entirety the interests of the region’s peoples.

(A H P)

Yemen: Hopes that truce will give children much-needed respite from violence

Save the Children welcomes a two-month truce announced yesterday by parties to the conflict in Yemen, as a potential respite for children and their families suffering through the country's seven-year conflict

(A H P)

Statement from NGOs working in Yemen

NGOs working in Yemen welcome the recent announcement by the UN of a two-month truce across the country, as a chance to alleviate suffering and finally bring peace and security to the Yemeni people. Alongside the cessation of hostilities, the agreement makes provision for the reopening of Hodeida port to fuel ships and Sana’a airport for commercial flights.

“This is a very important development for millions of Yemenis whose country has been ravaged by war for over seven years,” said Erin Hutchinson, Yemen country director for the Norwegian Refugee Council. “We hope this truce will give a much-needed respite for civilians and lead to longer-term stability that would allow them to stand up on their feet again. We call on all parties to stick to their commitment and work for a resolution to this terrible conflict.” =


(A H P)

Civil Society Organizations in Yemen Support the Truce Agreement and Call for Serious Engagement in Negotiations for Comprehensive Solution to Address Economic Conditions

We, local civil society organizations signed below, welcome the announced truce agreement, under the auspices of the United Nations, between the parties to the conflict in Yemen, and encourage all parties to abide by it and take seriousness in engaging in political negotiations leading to a comprehensive political solution, a permanent end to all forms of violence and a sustainable peace agreement.

While we see the Truce as an important step, we appeal to all political forces and parties to the conflict to prove their seriousness in bringing lasting peace and stability to our country and ending the war that has turned people's lives into hell for more than 7 years.

We also call for lifting the blockade on cities, opening all roads and outlets, protecting all IDPs and facilitating their return to their homes throughout Yemen, as well as protecting non-Yemeni immigrants and facilitating their movement and access to basic services.

As we appreciate the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his team in Yemen, we reiterate our demands for involving civil society in peace consultations at all levels.

Reaching a lasting peace agreement in Yemen depends on economic recovery and optimized livelihoods for citizens. Experience has shown that the lack of provisions and mechanisms for economic stability in the period following its signing threatens the resurgence of war.

Since much of the ongoing conflict revolves around economic issues and control of resources, we in civil society organizations demand the following: =


(A H P)

Yemen: We hope the truce opens a new chapter of peace and stability

Statement by the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Yemen Country Director

(A P)

Iran begrüßt UNO-Friedensinitiative für Jemen

Das iranische Außenministerium hat die UN-Initiative im Jemen begrüßt, die Militäroperationen im Jemen für zwei Monate auszusetzen und den Verkehr von Schiffen mit Lebensmitteln und Treibstoff sowie die teilweise Wiedereröffnung des Flughafens Sanaa zu ermöglichen.

Der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Saeed Khatibzadeh, gab am Samstagmorgen eine Nachricht heraus, in der er die Hoffnung zum Ausdruck brachte, dass der Schritt ein Auftakt zu einer vollständigen Aufhebung der Blockade und einem dauerhaften Waffenstillstand sein könnte, um eine politische Lösung für die Krise im Jemen zu finden.

Khatibzadeh betonte die Haltung des Iran zur Unterstützung einer politischen und humanitären Lösung im Jemen

(A P)

Iran welcomes UN-brokered truce in Yemen, hopes for permanent end to war

Iran has welcomed a two-month ceasefire brokered by the United Nations between the Saudi-led invading coalition and Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance movement.

In a statement on Saturday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh expressed hope that the ceasefire could be a prelude to the complete lifting of the siege on Yemen and the establishment of a permanent truce in line with efforts aimed at finding a political solution to the crisis.

He further stressed Tehran’s support for a political and humanitarian solution to the Yemen conflict.

(A P)

Oman welcomes armistice between Yemen, Saudi-led coalition

and also

(A P)

Boris Johnson begrüßt zweimonatigen Waffenstillstand im Bürgerkrieg im Jemen

Herr Johnson twitterte: „Wir haben jetzt eine Gelegenheit, endlich Frieden zu sichern und das humanitäre Leid zu beenden – ich fordere alle Parteien auf, auf eine dauerhafte politische Lösung hinzuarbeiten.“

(A P)

UK PM Johnson says Yemen truce 'a window of opportunity' for peace

“We now have a window of opportunity to finally secure peace and end the humanitarian suffering – I urge all parties to work towards a lasting political solution,” he said on Twitter.


Comment: Any chance you could also use this "window of opportunity" to end UK arms sales that have played such a huge role in Yemen's suffering?


(A P)

UN-brokered truce in Yemen: FCDO statement

The UK welcomes the United Nation’s two-month truce announcement on Yemen.

(A P)

PresidentBiden Statement on UN-Mediated Truce inYemen

I welcome the announcement today of a two-month truce in the Yemen conflict. This initiative is a long-awaited reprieve for the Yemeni people. It entails a halt to all military activities by any party inside Yemen and across its borders, the entry of fuel ships into Hudaydah port, and the renewal of commercial flights to and from Saan’a to agreed destinations. These are important steps, but they are not enough. The ceasefire must be adhered to, and as I have said before, it is imperative that we end this war. After seven years of conflict, negotiators must undertake the hard and necessary work to reach political compromises that can bring about an enduring future of peace for all the people of Yemen. I am grateful for the leadership role of Saudi Arabia and Oman in bringing this initiative to fruition before the Holy Month of Ramadan. I am also grateful for the hard work of the Yemeni Government and the confidence they have placed in UN-led mediation. The United States of America will work to deter threats to our friends and partners as we continue to strive for de-escalation and peace throughout the region. I wish the people of Yemen a peaceful Ramadan, and assure them of our ongoing commitment to help end this terrible war.

Comment: #US @POTUS engages in #MassacreDenial in his statement on true #Yemen by praising the #Saudi invader that killed 400,000 #Yemeni kids. #Biden ignores mentioning #Yemeni victims, killed mostly with #American & #British bombs & arms. This is a disturbing statement @WHNSC to truce

(A P)

Film: Hussain al-Bukhaiti says the ceasefire proposed by the United Nations is aimed at protecting Saudi oil fields. [ Hussain al-Bukhaiti says the ceasefire proposed by the United Nations is aimed at protecting Saudi oil fields. =

cp1ac Positive Auswirkungen / Positive effects

(A E)

Oil prices fall after truce in Middle East conflict, petroleum reserve news

Oil prices fell at the start of Asian trade on Sunday, after the United Arab Emirates and the Iran-aligned Houthi group welcomed a truce that would halt military operations on the Saudi-Yemeni border, alleviating some concerns about potential supply issues.

The nationwide truce is the first for years in Yemen's seven-year conflict and will allow fuel imports into Houthi-held areas and some flights to operate from Sanaa airport, a United Nations envoy said on Friday.

"This was a threat to supply, and a ceasefire would reduce that threat to supply," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Price Futures Group


(* B E P)

Saudi-Houthi Truce In Yemen To Add To Downward Momentum On Oil

There are three key reasons why news that the Houthis in Yemen have signed a truce with Saudi Arabia is much more significant for crude oil prices than many people might think.

It eases market tensions over further attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

It augurs well for the signing of a new ‘nuclear deal’ with Iran.

It brings the prospect of the resumption of oil supplies from Yemen itself.

Although Saudi Arabia is not the number one crude oil producer or crude oil reserves holder in the world, the prospect of losing a significant part of its production for an extended period had lent support to oil prices since the attacks.

Second, in the medium term, the fact that the ceasefire deal is in reality not a deal just between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis of Yemen but rather also between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis’ principal sponsor – Iran – augurs well for the prospects of a new Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, ‘nuclear deal’) being announced soon.

Third, in the long term, Yemen itself was once a significant oil producer and plans have been in place for some time to resuscitate its crude oil production. Before 2015, when nearly all production in Yemen’s oil and natural gas fields was shut in, the country’s total petroleum and other liquids production averaged around 125,000 barrels per day, according to the EIA.

(A P)

Jemen: Mit Treibstoff beladene Schiffe erreichen Hafen von Hudaida

Im Rahmen der im Jemen vereinbarten Waffenruhe haben zwei Schiffe den Hafen von Hudaida erreicht und dringend benötigten Treibstoff in das Bürgerkriegsland gebracht. Das saudisch geführte Militärbündnis, das im Jemen gegen die Huthi-Rebellen kämpft, habe eines der Schiffe mehr als vier Wochen festgehalten, sagte der Sprecher der jemenitischen Erdölgesellschaft (YPC) am Montag. Die YPC wird von den Huthis kontrolliert. Das zweite Schiff sei zuvor drei Monate lang festgehalten worden. =

(A P)

Second fuel vessel since UN-mediated ceasefire arrives in Yemen's port of Hodeidah

The official spokesman of the Yemeni oil company Essam al-Mutawakel confirmed the arrival of the emergency gasoline ship “Caesar” which docked at the port of Hodeidah after being held for 32 days. Two emergency gasoline ships are still being held by the coalition forces, but are supposed to be released soon under the terms of the UN-mediated ceasefire agreement. =

My remark: But there still remain problems, look at cp2a.

(A P)

First fuel ship allowed in Yemen’s Hodeida as part of truce

A tanker carrying badly needed fuel arrived in Yemen’s blockaded port of Hodeida on Sunday, as a cease-fire meant to stop the fighting in the war-torn country for two months entered its first full day.

Essam al-Motwakel, spokesman for the Houthi-run oil corporation, said the Saudi-led coalition allowed the vessel — carrying mazut, a low-quality fuel oil — into the port at Hodeida. The port handles about 70% of Yemen’s commercial and humanitarian imports.

He called on U.N. envoy Hans Grundberg, to work with the coalition and accelerate the arrival of other vessels to ease a longtime fuel crisis in Houthi-held areas.

and also


(A K P)

Houthis say oil tanker arrives at Hodeida port

An oil tanker has arrived at the Yemeni western port of Hodeida, the Houthi-run Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) said Sunday, the first since the truce was announced.
'Splendor Safir' oil tanker, with fuel oil onboard, is now at Hodeida port's deck after being detained for 88 day by the Saudi-led coalition, the Sana'a-based YPC added in a statement.
This is one of four ships detained by the coalition, despite the fact that they had been given required clearance, while the other three are still detained, YPC spokesman said, without details on their arrival.
"We hope the UN envoy will accelerate the application of the declared truce and help send other tankers to Hodeida to ease fuel crisis," Isam al-Mutawakil added.

(A P)

Al-Shaif Confirms Readiness of Sana'a International Airport to Receive Flights

The Director General of Sana'a International Airport, Khaled Al-Shaif, confirmed, Tuesday, the readiness of Sana'a International Airport to receive the first commercial flights to and from the airport.

(A K P)

Civil Aviation Authority denies landing of first commercial plane at Sana'a Airport

(A H P)

Sanaa airport reveals direction of its civil flights

A director General of Sanaa International Airport revealed on Saturday the identity of the company authorized to transport civil flights under the truce’s agreement.

The director, Khaled Al-Shayef, confirmed on Twitter that Yemenia company, based in Sanaa, is the flag and national carrier airways of Yemen, and it operates the International Airport passenger flights to and from Sanaa, according to the agreement. =


(A P)

Yemen Airways declares date of launch of its first flights to and from Sanaa airport

Jabari declared that the company is waiting for its flight permits according to an approved working mechanism and within the framework of the humanitarian truce and the opening of Sanaa airport.

cp1ad Bruch des Waffenstillstands / Breaches of truce

(* A K P)

Yemeni fighting fronts see cautious calm as truce begins

The UN-declared truce in Yemen came into effect on Saturday evening, amid cautious observation if the two rivals would keep to.
During the first three hours after the deal's beginning time – which the UN set as 19:00, Saturday 2nd April – no breaches to the truce were reported, though the Houthi group reportedly kept on mobilizing in some Marib's flashpoints.

(A K P)

Konfliktparteien im Jemen werfen sich Verletzung von Waffenruhe vor

Drei Tage nach dem Inkrafttreten einer zweimonatigen Waffenruhe im Jemen haben sich die Konfliktparteien gegenseitig den Bruch der Vereinbarung vorgeworfen. Der jemenitische Aussenminister Ahmed bin Mubarak warf den Huthi-Rebellen am Dienstag «Verletzungen» der Waffenruhe vor. Er sprach im Online-Dienst Twitter von «Truppenmobilisierungen, Artilleriebeschuss und Drohnen-Angriffen». In den Medien der Huthi-Rebellen hiess es, die regierungstreuen Einheiten hätten am Sonntag und Montag die Vereinbarungen verletzt. =


(A K pH)

119 Mal hat die saudische Koalition den Waffenstillstand im Jemen verletzt

Nach Angaben des jemenitischen Al-Masira-Netzwerks griffen die Flugzeuge der saudischen Koalition die Stadt Hays an, und saudische Koalitionstruppen feuerten auch Raketen auf Gebiete in der Provinz al-Hudaidah ab.

(A K P)

Yemen warring parties trade charges of truce violations

Yemen's warring parties on Tuesday traded accusations of violating a ceasefire agreement, three days after the two-month truce went into effect.

Yemen's foreign minister, Ahmed Bin Mubarak, in a Twitter message accused the Houthi rebels of "breaches".

"The truce has been greatly welcomed, but it is threatened by Houthi's breaches including military deployments, mobilisation of troops & vehicles, artillery and drone strikes," he tweeted in English, without providing details.

While the insurgents did not directly respond to the claims, their media channels also reported alleged "breaches", but by pro-government troops, on Sunday and Monday.

and also

Mubarak tweet:


(* A K pH)

Aggression, mercenaries commit 137 violations in past 24 hours

The aggression and their mercenaries committed 137 violations of the humanitarian and military truce in the past 24 hours, a military official said on Tuesday.

The official added the aggression’s warplanes flew over Dhale' province and 34 armed reconnaissance aircraft flew over Marib, Hajjah, Sa'ada and Lahj provinces and beyond the borders.

The official indicated that the armed reconnaissance aircraft launched a raid on citizens' houses and the sites of the army and the popular committees in al-Waze'yah of Taiz province.

The official confirmed that the aggression mercenaries had created four combat fortifications and paved new roads in al-Balaq al-Sharq area and Harib area of Marib and Qataba district of Dhale'.

The official pointed out that 20 missile and artillery bombardments of the mercenaries were monitored on the sites of the army and the popular committees.

He said the mercenaries hit a military vehicle of the army and the popular committees in al-Kasara area in Marib with a guided missile, while artillery shelling targeted the army and committee sites in al-Balaq al-Sharqi in Serwah in Marib and al-Arim and al-Shorfa desert in Jawf province.

The official stated that the mercenaries of the aggression targeted the sites of the army and the popular committees in in al-Ahtoub front in Taiz and in Hayd Hanish in al-Had in Lahj province.

He said the Intense artillery shelling by the mercenaries also targeted the army and popular committee sites in Jizan and Najran regions.

The official confirmed that 75 breaches were recorded, with heavy shooting at citizens' homes and sites of the army and popular committees in Marib, Taiz, Hajjah, Al-Jawf, Sa'ada, Lahj, Dhale', Bayda and the border fronts.

and also


(A K pH)

Over 80 violations of truce recorded in Hodeida within 24 hours

and also


(* A K pH)

Aggression forces commit over 100 violations of armistice within 24 hours

The US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition forces and their mercenaries committed 101 violations of the humanitarian and military truce during the past 24 hours, a military official told Saba on Monday.

The violations were 27 sorties of armed reconnaissance aircrafts over the provinces of Marib, Hajjah, Sa'ada, Lahj and fronts beyond the borders, as well as 16 raids by the Apache and armed reconnaissance aircrafts on citizens' houses and the sites of the army and the popular committees in the eastern al-Balaq area in Marib province and al-Fakher area in Dhalea province and the site of Shamikh Qaban in Lahj province, the official explained.

He said that the aggression mercenaries created three combat fortifications in Al-Aqoz in Moris district of Dhalea province, Sharq Al-Sheikh area and east of Al-Sharqi hill in Jizan region.

An offensive operation of the aggression mercenaries was recorded on the sites of the army and the popular committees in Al-Akd in Marib province, according to the official.

Moreover, 23 missile and artillery bombardments of the aggression mercenaries were monitored on the sites of the army and the popular committees in Marib and Hajjah provinces as well as in Jaizan and Najran regions.

He confirmed that the aggression forces committed 41 violations with heavy shooting at citizens' properties and positions of the army and popular committees in the provinces of Hajjah, Lahj, and Dhalea, and on the fronts beyond the border.

and also


(A K pH)

Aggression violates Hodeida ceasefire truce 119 times

and also


(* A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen Army Accuses Houthis of Violating UN Truce in Marib, Taiz, Hodeidah

The Yemeni army accused the Iran-backed Houthi militias of violating the recently declared truce in the country, specifically in the Marib, Taiz and Hodeidah provinces.

Military spokesman Abdo Majali said the Houthis have not committed to the truce.

"As usual, the terrorist Houthi militias have met the truce with violations and reneging on pledges," he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

He revealed that the Houthis launched on Sunday several infiltration operations and attacks on the southern and northwestern fronts in Marib. The military succeeded in thwarting all these operations.

The militias also launched the occasional armed drone and fired artillery at military positions in Hodeidah and the eastern front in Taiz, said Majali.

The UN truce was violated just hours after it went into effect on Saturday, he added.

In spite of the violations, he stressed that the army and Saudi-led Arab coalition were so far committed to the ceasefire.

"The army has not carried out any offensive attack and has only defended itself from the Houthi attacks," he stressed.

Coalition jets have also not carried out any flights or targeted any Houthi position.

My comment: The claim that there had been no attacks from the Saudi coalition side obviously is void.


(A K pS)

Houthis are mobilising heavy weapons & armoured vehicles to serwah & Aljoobah. They r planning a major offensive to take the city. Please don’t look away & pretend that “peace” is already happening. It is NOT


(A K pS)

Houthis send tanks to frontline positions for first time

Yemen's Shia extremist Houthis have sent tanks close to the frontline positions of the Yemeni army in eastern Yemen's Marib for the first time since the Arab Coalition arranged a "truce" and suspended its airstrikes as of the weekend, informed sources say.

Battlefield sources said on the condition of anonymity, the Houthis deployed main battle tanks "for the first time in addition to armored vehicles and UAVs to Marib's southern frontlines while stepping up the near-constant ground push attempts onto the city."

(* A K)

Angriffe gehen trotz Waffenruhe im Jemen offenbar weiter

Das [saudische] Militärbündnis habe seit Beginn der Waffenruhe 34 Mal gegen die Vereinbarung verstoßen, berichtete Saba. Die Koalition habe Stellungen der Huthis in zwei Provinzen "intensiv bombardiert". Der saudische Fernsehsender "Al-Hadath" berichtete am Sonntag, die Huthis hätten in den zehn Stunden nach Beginn der Waffenruhe sechsmal in der Provinz Marib angegriffen.

(* A K)

Yemen army, Houthis exchange accusations of breaching truce

The Yemeni army and the Houthis yesterday accused each other of breaching the truce announced by the UN to cease all military activity in Yemen hours after it came into force.

The Yemeni army said that the Houthi group committed several violations of the two-month humanitarian truce announced by the UN for the second consecutive day.

Yesterday, the Arab coalition's media centre and the Al-Dhalea axis of the Yemeni army issued a joint statement in which they confirmed that the Houthi group had committed several violations of the ceasefire and bombed Yemeni army sites.

The media centre of the Al-Dhalea axis said that it had recorded about ten violations by the Houthi group since the announcement of the truce, in the form of shooting at army sites, drones bombing army sites in Al-Qishaa, in the Al-Thoukhab sector, north of Al-Dhalea, south of the capital, Sanaa.

The Saudi-led Arab coalition said that the Houthi group committed several violations of the ceasefire yesterday evening, in the Al-Barah axes, west of Taiz, and the Hays district, south of Hudaydah.

They noted that "the Houthi group fired 14.5-caliber machine guns at military sites in the Hays axis, and in the Al-Barah axis."

Amer Al-Homaiqani, a spokesman for the Al-Bayda resistance in Marib said that the battles between the Yemeni army and the Houthis are ongoing. "Battles have been ongoing for the past three hours between the National Army and the Houthis on the fronts south of Ma'rib," he wrote on Twitter.

The pro-Houthi Saba news agency said, quoting military sources in the group, that "the Yemeni army's reconnaissance aircraft violated the truce, and targeted one of the group's forces' positions in Al-Barh, Taiz with a missile."

It added, "The Yemeni army forces bombed the positions of the Houthi forces in Al-Hammad, Najran, with a Hauser shell and 4 tank shells."


(* A K pH)

Aggression commits159 violations in past 24 hours

The aggression forces committed 159 violations of the humanitarian and military truce in the past 24 hours, a military official said Sunday.

The official added the aggression's warplanes flew over Jawf and Amran provinces, and 62 armed reconnaissance aircraft flew over Taiz, Jawf, Hajjah, Sa'ada, Amran and Bayda provinces.

He pointed out that 5 violations of the Apache and armed reconnaissance aircraft were monitored, as the Apache aircraft launched a raid on the army and committee sites in al-Wajrah area in Najran, while the armed spy planes launched 8 raids on the homes of citizens and the sites of the army and the popular committees in al-Barah and al-Waze'yah areas in Taiz province, al-Fakher and Bab-Ghala areas in Dhale' province.

The official stated that the aggression mercenaries committed 36 artillery bombardments.

He said the aggression mercenaries also intensely targeted the sites of the army and the popular committees in Jizan and Najran with artillery shelling.

The official confirmed the aggression mercenaries carried out 52 violations with heavy artillery on the properties of citizens and the sites of the army and the popular committees in Hajjah, Sa'ada, Taiz, Lahj, Dhale' and Bayda provinces.

and also

and earlier reporting:


(A K pH)

Aggression violates Hodeida ceasefire 86 times

The aggression forces committed 86 violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeida province over the past 24 hours, a military official at the operations room to monitor the violations said Sunday.

and also


(* A K pS)

Violent fighting ongoing west fronts of #Marib between the Iran-backed Houthis and the govt forces.

Houthis today have breached the ceasefire west of #Marib for the 2nd time since ystrdy through drone attacks & mortar shells on govt forces, while they continue pushing more troops into Marib's fronts, a military source told me.


(* A K pS)

Ongoing Houthi breaches of the UN-brokered truce in Marib

The Houthi militia have been violating the UN-brokered truce from the moment of its entry into effect on Saturday evening in different frontlines in the country including Marib, Taiz and Hajjah.

The violations in Marib until this Sunday evening include:

Reinforcing the militia's positions with combat vehicles in eastern Albalaq mountain fronts. In addition to ferocious ground fighting in a bid to advance.

Artillery and Katyucha rocket shelling on the army's sites in Al-Akad.

Ground invasion attempts and unmanned drone attacks on the army's positions in Al-Ayref front and the western borders of Marib.

Ground invasion attempts in Raghwan district and Al-Samrah Valley.

and also

but then

(A K pS)

Cautious calm in Marib after several Houthi breaches of the truce/Almashehad Alkhaleeji


(A K pS)

UN brokered ceasefire: Houthis commit 20 breaches in Taiz in first six hours

Houthis have committed 20 breaches represented by more attacks on the besieged city of Taiz within the first six hours of the truce. The Houthis pressed ahead with their ever-continuing attempts to overrun the government-held city from the east, the west and the north. /Taiz Time and other websites.

(* A K P)

Waffenstillstand im Jemen nach wenigen Stunden gebrochen

Durch die Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung im Jemen ist zum ersten Mal seit langem dringend benötigter Treibstoff über den Hafen Hodeida geliefert worden. Das Waffenstillstandsabkommen, das am Samstagabend in Kraft trat, ermöglicht auch die Wiederaufnahme von Passagierflügen vom Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa. Sowohl Hodeida als auch Sanaa werden von den vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen gehalten.

Hezam al-Asad, Mitglied des Obersten Rats der Huthi-Rebellen: "Wir begrüßen diese Initiative des UN-Gesandten für einen Waffenstillstand. Wenn die anderen sich auch daran halten, halten wir uns auch daran. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition lässt jetzt wieder Treibstoff ins Land und öffnet den Flughafen. Daran sieht man, wer das humanitäre Leid hier verursacht hat, über das die Vereinten Nationen klagen."

Doch schon wenige Stunden nach Inkrafttreten des Waffenstillstands warfen sich beide Seite den Bruch der Vereinbarung vor. Eigentlich sollte er zwei Monate halten.

Die Huthi-Rebellen hätten Ziele in der umkämpften Provinz Marib angegriffen, teilte die jemenitische Armee mit. Die Huthi-nahe Nachrichtenagentur Saba berichtete unter Berufung auf Militärkreise, das von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärbündnis habe mehrfach Stellungen der Huthi angegriffen.

und auch


(* A K pH)

Saudische Truppen greifen Jemen an, nachdem zweimonatiger Waffenstillstand in Kraft getreten ist

Mindestens drei Zivilisten wurden getötet, nachdem saudische Grenztruppen ein Sperrfeuer aus Raketen und Artilleriegeschossen auf ein Wohngebiet in der nordwestlichen Provinz Sa'ada im Jemen abgefeuerten. Dies geschah einige Stunden nachdem die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition, die einen siebenjährigen Krieg gegen das Land führt, einem zweimonatigen Waffenstillstand zugestimmt hatte.

Laut einem Bericht des arabischsprachigen Fernsehsenders al-Masirah verloren die Opfer ihr Leben, als saudische Truppen den Bezirk Shada'a angriffen.

Darüber hinaus haben die Soldaten der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition und ihre Söldner in den letzten 24 Stunden 81 Mal ein Waffenstillstandsabkommen für die westliche Küstenprovinz Hudaydah gebrochen.

Unter Berufung auf einen ungenannten Rangträger berichtete al-Masirah TV, dass die Verstöße Spionageflüge über verschiedene Regionen, einschließlich der Stadtteile Hays und al-Jabaliya, 25 Fälle von Artilleriebeschuss und 66 Schießereien umfassten.

und auch

(* A K P)

Yemen's warring parties break ceasefire in matter of hours - report

A two-month truce took effect on Saturday evening.

The warring sides in Yemen's seven-year conflict reportedly have broken what was meant to be a two-month ceasefire just hours after it came into effect.

The Houthi Saba news agency reported that Saudi forces had launched shells at Jizan and Ma'rib early Sunday morning, breaching the UN-brokered ceasefire.

Meanwhile, Baraa Shiban, who works with the Reprieve NGO, claimed early Sunday morning that it was the Houthis who breached the ceasefire in Marib.


(* A K pH)

Saudi Troops Attack Yemen After Two-Month Truce Goes into Effect, Kill 3

At least three civilians have been killed after Saudi border forces launched a barrage of rockets and artillery rounds at a residential area in Yemen’s Northwestern province of Sa’ada, hours after the Saudi-led coalition, which has been waging a seven-year war on Yemen, agreed to a two-month truce.

According to a report published by the Arabic-language Al-Masirah television network, the victims lost their lives as Saudi troops struck the Shada'a district.

Furthermore, the Saudi-led military coalition's soldiers and their mercenaries have breached a truce deal for the Western coastal province of Hudaydah 81 times in the last 24 hours.

Citing an unnamed source in Yemen’s Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room, Al-Masirah TV reported that the violations included spying flights over various regions, including Hays and Al-Jabaliya neighborhoods, 25 counts of artillery shelling, and 66 shooting incidents.

and also


(* A K pH)

Coalition breaches UN-proposed armistice in Yemen 34 times

The Saudi-led coalition and its tools committed 34 violations of the armistice proposed by the United Nations in several Yemeni provinces during the past 24 hours.

A military source stated that the violations were represented in the flight of the coalition’s warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft over the airspace of the provinces of Marib, Jawf and Amran, Hajjah, Saada, Dhalea.

The properties of citizens and the sites of the army and the popular forces in Hajjah and Saada came under heavy fire from the coalition forces.

The source announced about 11 violation with missile and artillery attacks of the coalition forces on the sites of the army and the popular forces were recorded, as well as the coalition forces fired 3 Katyusha rockets targeting the sites of the army in Al-Ajasher of Jawf.

Additionally, the coalition forces also fired a number of tank shells at the sites of the army in Al-Malahiz area of Hajjah province, and areas of Al-Hutimai, Al-Amuod, Al-Batoul and Ramadiyat in Jizan.


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Houthis breaches U.N.-brokered truce on West Coast

The Iran-backed Houthi militias have committed 40 violations of the U.N.-mediated truce in two governorates only a few hours after it came into effect, the joint forces on the West Coast reported on Saturday.
In a statement, the joint forces said that the Houthi violations included the use of medium and heavy weapons, in addition to drones to target the liberated areas of al-Barah in west Taiz and Hays district in south Hodeidah.


(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni army media says the govt forces repulsed an attack by Houthis on military positions west of #Marib government. If true, this is the first violation of the 2-month truce in Marib since it came into effect at 7,00 last night.


(A K pH)

Coalition violates humanitarian truce in Hodeida

The coalition’s spy aircrafts carried out a strike on al-Jabaliya area, according to an official in the operation room to monitor the coalition’s violations.


(A K pH)

Saudi-led coalition commits first breach of armistice in Hajjah

Security sources in the province reported an intense flight of the coalition’s spy planes in the atmosphere of Al-Tina area, and intensive combing of the coalition forces on the west of Haradh district.


(A K P)

Military source: the aggression's [Saudi coal.] reconnaissance aircraft violated the armistice and targeted with a missile one of the army and committee sites in Al-Barah, #Taiz, flying in Al-Souh and Akwan in #Saada

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp1b – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-798 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-798: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose