Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 781 - Yemen War Mosaic 781

Yemen Press Reader 781: 12. Jan. 2022: Die Menschenrechtslage im Jemen 2021 – Drei mögliche Szenarien für den Jemen-Krieg – Entlarvung der saudischen Erzählung über den Krieg im Jemen – Die jemenitische Jugend und der Friedensprozess – US-Bomben im Jemen-Krieg ...

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... Konfiszierung von Häusern und Land im Jemen – Die Rolle der VAE im Jemen – Konfrontation im Roten Meer – und mehr

Jan. 12, 2022: The situation of human rights in Yemen, 2021 Three possible Yemen War scenarios Deconstructing the Saudi narrative on the war in Yemen – Yemeni youth and the peace process US bombs used in the Yemen War Confications of houses and land in Yemen The UAE’s role in Yemen Confrontation in the Red Sea and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konfrontation im Roten Meer / Most important: Confrontation in the Red Sea

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(* B K)

List of all suburb's in Yemen with Latitude and Longitude

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

A New Year Added to the Age of Bloody Conflict: Press Briefing on the Situation of Human Rights in Yemen, 2021

Mwatana for Human Rights documented about 839 incidents of harm to civilians and civilian objects in Yemen in which more than 782 civilians were killed and injured between January 1 and December 31, 2021, Mwatana said today in its annual briefing on the human rights situation in Yemen.

Mwatana said that the scale of violations against civilians is increasing with each new year adding to the age of the war in Yemen. This disastrous situation did not come about as an arbitrary consequence of the war, but rather as a direct consequence of how warring parties ignore international humanitarian law and international standards governing armed conflicts, which is increasingly complicating Yemenis’ ability to survive. The warring parties have killed and wounded civilians, and exercised arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and torture, denial of humanitarian access, child recruitment, and occupied schools and hospitals, and attacked health and humanitarian personnel.

The parties to the conflict in Yemen- namely, the Iranian-backed Ansar Allah group (Houthis), the Saudi/UAE-led coalition, the forces of the internationally recognized government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and armed groups loyal to it, the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), and the UAE-backed Joint Forces on the Western Coast, and Saudi ground forces. – all, have committed incidents documented by Mwatana across of the country during 2021. Many of these violations may amount to war crimes and serious violations of international humanitarian law.

The vote to end the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) at the 48th session of the Human Rights Council in October 2021, represented a serious setback in Yemen’s overall accountability and redress efforts in an environment dominated by a climate of impunity. On December 2, 2021, Mwatana and more than 60 civil society organizations called upon the General Assembly to act expeditiously to “establish an investigative mechanism to collect and preserve evidence of serious violations of human rights and the laws of war in Yemen.” In a joint statement, the organizations said that “the international community cannot stand by and allow that vote to be the final word on accountability efforts for violations and war crimes in Yemen.”

Radhya Al-Mutawakel, the chairperson of Mwatana for Human Rights, said: “2021 was a witness to the failure of the international community for supporting accountability and redress efforts for victims in Yemen. It was obvious in the scandal surrounding the Human Rights Council’s decision to terminate the Group of Eminent Experts mandate on Yemen. Instead of giving the green light to the parties to the conflict to continue their violations, the UN General Assembly should establish an international criminal investigation mechanism to investigate serious human rights violations in Yemen.”

As Yemenis were racing against time to overcome the hardships of the war in 2021, hostilities have escalated and the scope of violence has expanded in the provinces of Marib, Shabwa, Al Hudeidah, Al Bayda, and Taiz, which led to the death of hundreds of civilians. The war has left hardships for the inhabitants of those areas, causing tens of thousands to flee, especially from Marib and Al Hodeidah. The escalating violence has also left widespread devastation on critical infrastructure, including hospitals and service facilities.

In early October 2021, Aden and its neighborhoods were the scene of many bloody events, which left civilians dead and wounded, including women and children. Acts of violence, including detonating explosive devices and car bombs, terrorizing the civilian population, and spreading a state of lawlessness and insecurity in the city, have worsened poor living conditions.

Escalation of Violence in Ma’rib

Since early 2021, the armed conflict in Marib province has intensified

Air Attacks

The Saudi/UAE-led coalition’s airstrikes continued to kill and wound civilians and destroy civilian objects Among them are a residential neighborhood, a service facility, farms, a water tank, warehouses, public roads, and civilian cars. In 2021, Mwatana documented at least 18 airstrikes. These airstrikes killed at least 17 civilians, including 7 children, and 2 women. At least 43 civilians were wounded, including 11 children and 8 women.

Ground Attacks

(** B P)

Drei Szenarien zum Jemen-Krieg: Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen, Nord-Süd-Konfrontation oder Spaltung?

Die Zukunft des Jemen-Konflikts wird sich rund 120 Kilometer östlich der Hauptstadt Sanaa, in der Provinzhauptstadt Marib, entscheiden. Seit Februar 2021 dauern dort die Kämpfe zwischen der jemenitischen Regierung, die von Saudi-Arabien unterstützt wird und international anerkannt ist, und der aus dem Norden des Landes stammenden Huthi-Bewegung an. Die Huthis sind militärisch im Vorteil, konnten Marib bisher aber noch nicht einnehmen. Denkbare Szenarien für den weiteren Konfliktverlauf sind Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen nach einer erfolgreichen Verteidigung der Pro­vinzhauptstadt, der Fall Maribs und die Verlagerung des Konflikts in die südlichen Landesteile sowie ein Sieg der Huthis als Ausgangspunkt für eine ausgehandelte Auf­teilung des Landes unter Beteiligung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) und des Iran. Deutschland und seine europäischen Partner sollten vor diesem Hintergrund Annäherungsversuche der Regionalmächte unterstützen und bereits jetzt mit den jemenitischen Konfliktparteien und der Zivilgesellschaft neue politische Perspektiven für die Zukunft des Landes diskutieren.

Der Verlust Maribs, der Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen erdölreichen Provinz, würde die jemenitische Regierung unter Übergangspräsident Abd Rabbu Mansur Hadi erheblich schwächen. Nach fast sieben Jahren Krieg ist Marib heute ihre mit Abstand wichtigste Hochburg. Trotz der Unterstützung durch die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition hat die Regierung die Kontrolle über bedeutende Teile des Staatsgebiets verloren. Besonders schwer wiegt dabei, dass es ihr seit Beginn des Konflikts nicht gelungen ist, die Hauptstadt Sanaa zurückzuerobern, die die Huthis im September 2014 eingenommen haben.

Um zwischen den Konfliktparteien zu vermitteln, wurde im August 2021 mit Hans Grundberg bereits der vierte Sondergesandte der Vereinten Nationen (VN) eingesetzt.

Die saudische Regierung hat zwar wiederholt signalisiert, dass sie einen Weg heraus aus dem Krieg sucht, ein Rückzug ohne Abkommen wäre aber eine politische Blamage und würde die innere Sicherheit Saudi-Arabiens weiter gefährden, da nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, dass die Huthis ihre Angriffe fortsetzen.

Das Versprechen von US-Präsident Joe Biden vom Februar 2021, durch eine diplomatische Offensive den Konflikt zu beenden, ist bislang nicht erfüllt worden. Die im März 2021 vom US-Sondergesandten Tim Lenderking und der saudischen Regierung unterbreiteten Verhandlungsangebote wurden von den Huthis abgelehnt.

Szenario 1: Verhandlungen zwischen den Huthis und der Hadi-Regierung

Szenario 2: Der Sieg der Huthis als Beginn einer neuen Nord-Süd-Konfrontation

Szenario 3: Maribs Fall und eine verhandelte Aufteilung des Landes


Das Eintreten des ersten Szenarios ist un­wahrscheinlich: Die Hadi-Regierung könnte die Stadt Marib zwar noch einige Monate halten, eine Verschiebung des militärischen Gleichgewichts zu ihren Gunsten ist aber schwer vorstellbar. Ob das dritte Szenario eintritt und eine Beendigung des Konflikts eingeleitet werden kann, hängt davon ab, ob die Regionalmächte Saudi-Arabien, die VAE und Iran eine konstruktive Rolle einnehmen. Denn eine stabile politische Ordnung kann im Jemen nur entstehen, wenn die Auswirkungen der regionalen Auseinandersetzungen auf die interne Konfliktdynamik minimiert werden und ein pragmatischer, zielgerichteter und inklusiver Dialog aufgenommen wird, in den neben den jemenitischen Streitparteien auch Frauen und die Zivilgesellschaft eingebunden sind. Deutschland und seine europäischen Partner sollten vor diesem Hintergrund weiter auf Saudi-Arabien und Iran einwirken, um eine Verhandlungslösung zwischen Riad und den Huthis zu ermöglichen. Dabei sollte ein enger Schulterschluss mit Oman gesucht werden, da Maskat zu beiden Län­dern gute Beziehungen unterhält.

Um langfristig einen inklusiven politischen Dialog im Jemen zu etablieren, sollten Deutschland und seine europäischen Partner bereits jetzt sowohl den Konfliktparteien als auch der jemenitischen Zivilgesellschaft dabei helfen, neue politische Visionen für einen oder mehrere jemenitische Staaten zu entwickeln. Eine breite Diskussion darüber, wie der Jemen politisch neu geordnet werden könnte, findet bislang nicht statt. Dies ist unbedingt erforderlich, damit Ideen über eine neue integrative politische Ordnung in Verhandlungen einfließen können. Die Netzwerke der Berghof Foundation (Berlin) und des Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (Genf) könnten hierfür genutzt werden. Ebenso wichtig wäre eine von Meinungsumfragen gestützte Debatte in den jemenitischen Medien über die Zukunft des Landes.

Soll der Frieden dauerhaft sein, ist besonders viel Arbeit auf der lokalen Ebene notwendig. Bereits jetzt liegt aufgrund der Fragmentierung des Nationalstaats viel Verantwortung auf den Provinzverwaltungen; diese Verantwortung wird nach einem Kollaps der Regierung noch zunehmen. Entsprechend sollte Deutschland im Rahmen der Stabilisierungs- und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Beziehungen zu Lokalverwaltungen unbedingt ausbauen, um diese bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen – von Mareike Transfeld

(** B E P)

Deconstructing the Saudi narrative on the war in Yemen

Recent economic growth in Sana’a raises questions about just who is the main driver of the humanitarian crisis.

Most U.S. journalists and government officials refer to the AA-led government in Sana’a as the “Houthi rebels” or the “Iran-backed Houthis,” and portray them as monopolizing control. In fact, the AA-led government reflects a coalition: the Supreme Political Council includes Ansar-Allah and the General People’s Council, which was the political party established by former President Saleh. Although some members of the GPC left the coalition, others remained.

Insisting on referring to the government in Sana’a as “Houthi rebels” obscures the role of other groups and conceals the presence of a real government in Sana’a.

During a recent visit to Yemen in early September, I observed several additional factors that the dominant media narrative on Yemen has overlooked. I spent two months visiting family and overseeing the work of the charity I run, the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation. The following trends demonstrate that the areas under the control of the AA-led government in Sana’a are attracting citizens and businesses due to their relative security. If Sana’a manages to win the war, it will likely be due to this kind of progress, rather than a military victory. Likewise, the relative weakness of the internationally recognized government (IRG) based in Riyadh, is due mainly to its inability to establish conditions for Yemenis to begin to rebuild their lives, despite the military backing of the Saudi-led coalition.

Rising population of Sana’a

Yet when I returned in 2021, multiple areas under the AA-led government had rebounded, including the cities that I visited: Dhamar, Ibb, and Sana’a. Especially in the capital, where I spent the most time, I witnessed a boom in construction. The once empty streets were now bustling with businesses.

Despite buildings springing up throughout the city, there is a housing crisis, with an inadequate supply of homes driving up prices.

More favorable exchange rate

The influx of people and businesses to Sana’a may be related to several factors. One likely cause is the stability of the Yemeni rial. In August of 2019, the government in Sana’a decided to ban the use of the new Yemeni currency printed by the IRG. This led to a divergence in exchange rates: by late 2021, a U.S. dollar was equivalent to 1700 YR in the IRG areas, compared to 600 YR in areas controlled by the government in Sana’a. Before the war, the exchange rate was about 214 Yemeni rials per dollar.

Another incentive for businesses to move to AA areas is to have access to a lower customs exchange rate.

Relative security

The relative safety of Sana’a, especially in contrast to Aden, may have also contributed to the revival of businesses. The conflict between the Southern Transitional Council (STC), or the Southern separatists, and the IRG has created ongoing instability.

Communication services

Harassment in Aden

Some members of the STC have targeted northern Yemenis in territory under their control, expelling them from Aden and other areas in several waves starting in 2018. Furthermore, many business owners from the north had their property burned or damaged. Even some businessmen from the south were harassed in Aden and relocated to Sana’a.

Shifting the narrative

These recent and underreported trends are significant, because they challenge the Saudi narrative that the “Houthi rebels” are driving the conflict, the humanitarian crisis, and general dysfunction in Yemen.

The Saudi bombardment and blockade drive the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.

The U.S. media continues to echo the Saudi narrative. While AA have committed abuses, the main causes of the humanitarian crisis and instability in Yemen are the Saudi airstrikes, the blockade, and the armed groups competing for power, many of which were established by the Saudis and the UAE – by Aisha Jumaan

(** B P)


Yemen is a youthful nation, with three-quarters of the population under the age of 30.1 Despite living in a site of active conflict, Yemeni youth have displayed a complex relationship with the war that defies typical characterizations of youth in conflict zones as either perpetrators or victims of violence. Just as they have the propensity towards violence under the conflict’s adverse conditions, young Yemeni women and men have taken active roles in leading efforts for peace and positive change. The resilience, pragmatism, and ingenuity they have demonstrated in responding to the war makes them pivotal actors in transforming the conflict environment and creating positive peace in their communities.

However, almost six years after the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250, which recognizes that “young people play an important and positive role in the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security”,2 young Yemeni peacebuilders remain largely excluded from formal peace processes. Together with the closing of political spaces where youth can engage in governance and participate in political processes, youth exclusion from the peace process leaves young Yemenis with little to no avenues to influence and participate in decision-making processes. This persistent exclusion of young people robs them of their right to take part in processes and decisions that affect their lives in the short and long term. It also misses the opportunity to harness the energies of young people in the promotion of peace at the same time that war leaders actively seek to recruit young people into their ranks. Yet, investing in young Yemenis, who will be entrusted to lead the country in the future, is paramount to break the cycles of violence and bring the country closer to sustainable and positive peace.

Currently, the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen (OSESGY) is paving the ground for a nationwide ceasefire.3 The aim of the ceasefire is to halt military hostilities on all fronts and create conducive conditions for the resumption of political talks between the conflict parties that would facilitate their agreement on key humanitarian and economic measures. The ceasefire process provides a unique opportunity for Yemeni youth to not only raise their voices but also be key players in the negotiations and implementation processes. However, as this research shows, there are a number of challenges that must be addressed first for young Yemenis to meaningfully contribute to the ceasefire process. This includes a lack of an overarching vision that could unify young Yemenis and help them mobilize for peace; a lack of information and knowledge regarding the ceasefire process, including its existence, purpose, and structure; and a lack of platforms and networks where young Yemenis can engage in constructive dialogue with each other and with key stakeholders on the ceasefire process. Addressing these challenges will require the engagement of Yemeni youth themselves, as well as support from international donors, OSESGY, and national and international civil society organizations.

As this research shows, engaging young Yemenis and supporting their role in peacebuilding cannot wait until after a comprehensive peace deal is signed, which is unlikely to occur soon. In fact, the UN-led peace process in Yemen has come to a halt since the 2018 Stockholm agreement, and hopes for a new nationwide ceasefire are met with numerous challenges, not least of which is the Houthis’ renewed attacks on Marib.4 Hence, engaging Yemeni youth in the ceasefire process should start now, with a focus on building their capacities to not only understand and engage with the ceasefire process but also to lead efforts for positive change in their communities. It is equally important for international donors and civil society organizations to create safe and constructive spaces for creativity, dialogue, and debate, where young Yemenis can express themselves and share their experiences and ideas on how to build peace in their communities.


As it currently stands, demands of young Yemenis whose lives are affected by its outcomes are excluded from Track I of the peace process. This is because the framework of the UN-led peace recognizes only two parties to the conflict, the internationally recognized government and the Houthis. Despite numerous calls to modify it, this set up continues to marginalize the voices of all other stakeholders, including but not limited to civil society actors, women, and youth.

As the research findings show, securing youth engagement through the parallel Track II process, which complements official Track I negotiations, has not been without its challenges. In fact, young people find themselves worse off than women’s groups in achieving a fair representation and meaningful engagement at Track II level. The absence of young people-led, youth-focused networks at Track II level has deprived young people of opportunities to bring their issues to the negotiation table, according to two participants in this research. One noted that when it comes to high-level meetings and conferences, youth problems are frequently paired with those of women, so much so that the agendas of both social groups have come to resemble one another despite the obvious distinctions between the issues facing both groups – by Hadil al-Mowafak

(** B K pH)

Mines Center: the aggression used a satellite-guided bomb to bombard residential neighborhoods in Sana'a

Executive Center for Mine Action has confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression coalition used a GBU-39 satellite-guided smart bomb.

GBU, also known by JDAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition, is directed by the satellite used to strike Aser area in Maeen district in the Capital Sana'a (on Sunday this week).

A report issued by the Center and the competent authorities after a field visit to the area indicated that the aggression's targeting of the Aser area led to the death of three citizens and caused material damage, including the complete and partial destruction of a mosque and homes and schools.

The report added citizens’ properties and cars were damaged, and a number of families were displaced from completely damaged homes in the Libyan neighborhood.

The report touched on information about the manufacturer of the bomb dropped by the aggression, which is Boeing, an American multinational company that manufactures aircraft, aerospace, and defense industries, and Woodward Inc., an American company that manufactures components for guidance and control systems for JDAM and SDB bombs.

It mentioned some of the places where this type of bomb was used and documented the use of JDAM bombs in Yemen during the period from March 29, 2015, to 2022, by targeting and bombing civilian objects with GBU-31 JDAM bomb.

Equestrian Club in Sana’a was targeted in March 2020, Asmaa School in Hodeida was hit in 2015, al-Khansa School in Bayda was targeted in 2015 and Mastaba Market in Hajjah was struck in 2016, Zaideyah Security Department in Hodeida was hit in 2016, the stables of the Equestrian Club -Sana’a was hit on 27 Nov. 2020 for the second time, al-Habari Company in Hodeida was targeted 2020 and a house Mohammed Juma'an in Noqm was hit in 2016.

The family of Mohammed al-Sanabani, Sanban's wedding was targeted by the aggression in 2015, the homes of a citizen in al-Subaha in Sana'a 2020 were targeted, and a mosque in Aser neighborhood in the Libyan city was hit on 02 Jan. 2022.

The report presented sales of JDAM bombs to Saudi Arabia, where 900 units were sold from Saudi Arabia between 2017 and 2018 during the aggression against Yemen in a deal that amounted to $123 million.

The report referred to the species exported to Saudi Arabia, namely:

(** B H P)

Fleeing Yemen's war? You might have your home confiscated

People in Taiz risk losing their land to either thugs or authorities claiming historical public ownership

It was around 11:30 am when Yemeni security forces arrived in their military vehicles with some workers and started to destroy the fence around Amin’s property in Taiz’s al-Shimayateen district.

Amin, who lives in Yemen’s Houthi rebel-controlled capital Sanaa, bought the land in 1987, and it was due to his absence, he was told, that the authorities in Taiz decided to confiscate it.

Taiz was at the centre of a protracted battle between the Houthis and the UN-recognised government and its allies from 2015 to 2018, until pro-government forces repelled the rebels from the city. Since then there has been a stalemate.

“When relatives in Taiz called me to tell me about what was happening, I couldn’t believe it. This is my land and it is far from conflict zones so I couldn’t understand what has happened,” he told Middle East Eye.

“I sent a relative to ask the security forces but they shouted at him, telling him that this is public land and they have already rented it to someone else.”

Following the seizure on 2 January, Amin sent a lawyer to speak with Taiz security forces. He found that his land was confiscated by the local office of the Yemeni government's Ministry of Endowments and Guidance, which is responsible for government properties, because he no longer lives in Taiz.

“I can’t face the authorities. I’ve heard that armed gangs loot lands but this is the first time I hear that authorities confiscate land owned by civilians because they are absent from Taiz.”

Amin has legal documents proving his ownership of the property but, he said, “documents cannot help me get my land back.

“Armed gangs are only workers of the officials and military leaders in Taiz and thugs can’t do anything without a green light from authorities,” he added.

“It is the authorities who confiscate people’s lands and divide it between military and political leaders.”

Amin is one of thousands whose properties have been confiscated by authorities in Taiz, a practice that started in Taiz city in 2016 and expanded to other areas of the province in 2021, especially in al-Shimayateen district.

But while Amin still has a house and other lands in Taiz, many no longer have homes in the southwestern province.

Confiscating homes

One of the properties confiscated by Taiz authorities is the home of a famous Yemeni writer, Jamal al-Sheri.

Sheri’s house, along with others in his neighbourhood, is now under the control of a pro-government military leader.

In 2020, Sheri said that the military leadership in Taiz refused to return his property under the pretext that it was located near a conflict zone, which the writer disputed, saying there were no frontlines nearby.

Sheri said that he had received threats from military leaders because of his demands to get his house back.

That same year, Mohammed Mahdi returned to Taiz from Saudi Arabia, where he was living at the time, to demand that his home, which had been seized by the military, be returned to him.

Mahdi spent six months fighting for his rights to ownership before he was killed near his home in late August. His death caused widespread anger in Taiz, with people accusing members of the 17th Infantry Brigade of being behind the killing, but the military denied involvement.

“I’d rather leave my home to the military leaders and authorities than sacrifice myself demanding it,” Marwan, a resident in Taiz city who refused to use his real name for security reasons, told MEE.

Following the government capture of Marwan’s neighbourhood from the Houthis in 2016, authorities seized his home after he had left Taiz to Ibb province. Upon his return, Marwan discovered that the military leaders who manage the province now control his property.

“My enemy is the authorities, so who is going to help me?” he said

(** B K P)

The UAE clock is ticking in Yemen

MbZ needed Yemen’s southern ports and waterways to underpin his ‘Maritime Empire’ and extend his security realm. But now the Yemeni resistance is set to blow a hole in those plans.

If a new strategy of targeting Emirati interests – instead of mainly Saudi ones – is taking shape in Yemen, these incidents are likely to have a ripple effect on the UAE’s role in both Yemen and the wider region.

Ambition and contest inside a house of glass

At the onset of the war on Yemen in 2015, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates divided their military-strategic roles in Yemen in accordance with country’s former partition lines of 1967–1990.

The ambitious Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MbZ), subsequently took full control of the UAE. He overhauled his predecessor’s visions and prepared the UAE for a post-oil era, in which the country would transform from a traditional Gulf oil-dependent country to one with a diversified economy.

Briefly, the UAE’s diversified economy rested on the construction of mega projects funded by oil revenues, such as ports and airports that turned the UAE into a regional, free trade zone hub for importing and exporting oil, jewelry, electronics and other goods. The economy of the UAE would be further boosted by foreign investments in tourism, air transport, and real estate.

In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, foreign investments as well as real estate sectors depreciated, and the UAE struggled to achieve full recovery until 2019. Then, as others in the Arabian Peninsula, the Emirati economy took another bashing from the effects of COVID-19 on its tourism industry and the subsequent instability of the global oil market.

These downturns increased the importance of ports and airports in MbZ’s grand scheme. Today, re-exports (non-petroleum) account for almost 50 percent of total exports, making maritime security an ultimate priority for UAE foreign policy.

Ultimately, the success of MbZ has been in transforming the UAE from an absolute realm of sand to an absolute realm of glass, and his fortunes can remain intact as long as those glass towers stand.

UAE officials claim that their role in the coalition is to support the ‘legal’ government of Hadi, who was overthrown by the Yemeni people in a popular uprising, and who subsequently sought protection in Riyadh.

Generally speaking, the UAE adamantly opposes any popular Islamic or resistance movements across the region, from the Polisario on the Atlantic Ocean to the Islamic Brotherhood on the Persian Gulf. The UAE has also periodically employed the hollow excuse of ‘restraining Iran’s influence’ to justify their aggressions in Yemen and elsewhere in the region.

However, the real reason for the conflict waged on Yemen by Saudi Arabia and the UAE has little to do with politics – and much more to do with the geography of South Yemen.

It’s all about geography…and location

Along the coastlines of Yemen are ports and islands overlooking the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Horn of Africa, and the Bab al-Mandab strait.

The foreign policy of the UAE today is determined mainly by maritime trading and security. Control of Yemen’s south will assist the UAE in maintaining its regional trading dominance and will secure the waterways and airports to avoid future vulnerabilities.

Maritime trading will be determined in the upcoming years by the Maritime Silk Road, which is part of China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Engineered to connect around 60 countries, the $4 trillion project will bolster the strategically-located Yemen as a vital hub of maritime trading, naturally diminishing the UAE’s location and role.

For the UAE, the three key sites in connection with maritime trading are the Aden governorate, Socotra Island, and Bab al-Mandab strait:

Finally, there is the Bab al-Mandab strait, which will be an essential part of the Maritime Silk Road. The strait connects the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, and is shared by three countries: Yemen, Djibouti, and Eritrea. Around 20,000 ships pass through the strait each year, and the total petroleum flows through Bab al-Mandab account for nine percent of global supply.

The UAE is currently in control of the Bab al-Mandab strait.

A colonial strategy that never tires

While the coalition may have ostensibly sought the unity of Yemen by re-establishing what they called the ‘legal’ Hadi government in Sanaa, the intent – at least by the UAE – was quite the opposite.

MbZ’s ambition within the coalition differs significantly from that of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS). Saudi Arabia sought mainly to dismantle Ansarallah, regain Yemen as its pawn, and eliminate any threats that might emerge from its southern border.

But the UAE saw in this war an opportunity to establish an oversized maritime role for itself by deploying the colonial principle of divide and conquer.

The Emiratis achieved their ‘self-styled maritime empire’ in Yemen with the aid of the Southern Movement, which came into existence in 2007. The Southern Movement was formed by tribes and groups seeking to divide Yemen along the old partition lines of 1967–1990.

The movement, however, would soon be restructured to match the aspirations of the UAE, and thus the formation of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) was announced in 2017.

Known for its brutality and ruthlessness, the STC was trained, equipped, and fully funded by the UAE. The council was established to provide the illusion of a governing authority, which could then bestow a semblance of “legitimacy” on the UAE’s unlawful actions in Yemen’s south. The STC even have their own ‘elected’ president in Aden, while Hadi has been holed up in Riyadh since 2015.

Through the STC, the UAE was able to seize both Aden and the island of Socotra. Without the formation of the STC, the UAE would have had absolutely no influence in Yemen.

The takeover of Bab Al Mandab strait, however, took a different route. The UAE established its dominance over the strait simply by building a military base on the tiny and uninhabited island of Perim (Mayyun).

Perim lies on the narrowest corridor of the strait at 26 km (16 miles) wide – and faces Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia to the west. Incidentally, the UAE has also built military bases and ports in both Eritrea (Assab port/base) and Somalia (Berbera port/base), whereas in Djibouti, the UAE established the port of Doraleh in a joint project with China.

With typical colonial-style flair, the UAE took on the ‘guardianship’ of the strait connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.

So how was all this achieved by a 50-year old emirate with a population of just over one million?

Certainly, none of this was possible without an American green light and the complete cluelessness of the Saudi crown prince.

Unlike his Saudi counterpart, MbZ is viewed in Washington (and London, for that matter) as a trustworthy ally who can achieve US foreign policy interests in the region without the public embarrassment associated with MbS.

Accordingly, the Bab al-Mandab strait fell neatly into a vital component of the Cold War 2.0 buildup between China and the US. The Arab ally that can control this essential strait will give the US leverage with which to jeopardize the Maritime Silk Road. Hence, its support for the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

MbZ also knew how to keep the UAE in the shadows by taking advantage – as he always does – of MbS’ inexperience and ignorance in matters related to geopolitics.

While the idea of a Saudi-led coalition and a regional show of force might have initially rung enticingly in the ears of MbS, today, after several costly years, many documented war crimes, and a shattered global reputation, the Saudi crown prince has essentially been cornered in defeat.

The road ahead for the UAE

Currently, the ongoing battles are in areas surrounding Sanaa province, specifically in Marib. After the Saudi militias are defeated, the next confrontations are likely to be in areas under the control of the UAE.

MbZ will shortly face two choices: First, to withdraw completely from Yemen and cease his support for the STC, thereby losing control over the southern waterways and ports and scuttling his oversized regional ambitions.

His second choice is to take the risk and face Ansarallah’s retaliation, which may result in attacks on facilities and military bases inside and outside the UAE. In this event, tourism and foreign investment sectors in the UAE would be adversely affected, and a new kind of war will commence.

MbZ has prepared for the second option, both militarily and politically. This year alone, the UAE has attempted to conceal multiple military deals related to air defense systems with various countries that include Russia, the US, Greece, Israel, and South Korea.

The UAE has also invested in manufacturing its own air defense system to counter the threat escalation triggered by its foreign policies.

On the political side, MbZ has recently managed to ease tensions with Iran and Turkey and has allowed China to build a port/base on the shores of the Persian Gulf. He has also struck unmatched cordial relations with Israel, and has – so far, unsuccessfully – tried to invest in an Israeli port that is, ironically, geared to be part of the Maritime Silk Road.

Perhaps, in his own mind, MbZ believes this may gain him more protection from the west and his neighbors, and bestow his maritime schemes with some legitimacy.

However, Mbz’s recent actions to strengthen the UAE’s defensive capabilities suggests that he expects his emirate to take direct hits from Ansarallah.

His friendly diplomatic overtures to neighboring countries is a tactical move on his part to ensure strong condemnation from the international community against any Ansarallah strikes on the UAE. How effective an international response might be as a result of a strike on the UAE remains to be seen.

The stakes are high for all parties. A

The Saudis are on their way out, leaving the UAE with little cover for their Yemeni project. The current US administration, despite continued arms injections into the war front, is publicly attempting to keep a careful distance.

An Emirati counter using western mercenaries and Israeli special forces, while possible, could delay an Ansarallah victory, but would also invite countless additional consequences. It may even, this time, entirely flip the Arab discourse – already highly critical of “normalization” with Israel – against Abu Dhabi and Gulf monarchies in general.

With Ansarallah attacks on Emirati interests in and around Yemen this past week, the spotlight is now suddenly – certainly uncomfortably – focused on a UAE that prefers its place in the shadows of conflict.

So will the UAE fully withdraw from Yemen, or will MbZ risk shattering the fragile glass towers of his realm? – by Karim Shahim = =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

12 coronavirus cases reported in three governorates

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of one coronavirus patient. No death has been recorded.

(A H)

COVID-19 Impfungen Jemen: vollständig geimpft (%) | 11.01.2022

(A H)

COVID-19 Jemen: 7-Tage-Inzidenz | 11.01.2022

(* B H)

ACAPS Thematic report: COVID-19: Current situation and reasons for vaccine hesitancy, 10 January 2021

Yemen has experienced three waves of COVID-19 infections. So far, there is no information on the Omicron variant in the country and whether this will spark a fourth wave. Official case numbers are low, with only 10,000 across the period of the pandemic (WHO accessed 02/01/2022), but the reality of the COVID-19 situation in Yemen remains unknown because of the country’s limited capacity to test and monitor the number of cases. Another reason is that in areas under the control of the de-facto authority (DFA) in the north of Yemen (also known as the Houthis), authorities deny the presence of COVID-19, and almost no testing for the virus is taking place.
Yemen’s northern governorates, where the Houthis are in control, are home to over 80% of the population – around 30 million people.
Vaccine rollout in Yemen is limited to only the southern governorates, where as at 2 December 2021, 4,774,000 vaccine doses have been allocated under the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiative. Only 2.6% of Yemenis have received their first COVID-19 vaccine dose (WHO dashboard accessed 3/1/2022; Reuters COVID-19 Tracker accessed 06/01/2021).
WHO defines vaccine hesitancy as the delay in the acceptance or the refusal of vaccines despite their availability. The term covers the refusal to get vaccinated, delaying vaccination, accepting vaccines but remaining uncertain about their use, or using certain vaccines but not others.

Full document:

(A H)

Corona-committee-monitors-19-cases-of-infection in Aden, Shabwah, Marib. No deaths, no recoveries.

(A H)

Seven COVID-19 cases reported, 10,159 in total

The committee also said in its statement that no recoveries nor deaths were recorded.

(A H)


(B H P)

COVID-19 Movement Restrictions: Yemen Mobility Restriction Dashboard #32 (31 December 2021)

HIGHLIGHTS (From 01 to 31 December 2021)

130 new cases – 35 new deaths | source: WHO

Updates on numbers of new cases in areas controlled by the De Facto Authorities (DFA) based in Sana’a are not available.

3,690 non-Yemeni migrants arrived at the Yemeni southern governorates of Lahj, Hadramowt and Shabwah, and 5,836 Yemeni returnees arrived in Yemen from Saudi Arabia (KSA). (Please see December FMR report for more details). IOM has begun a COVID-19 vaccination campaign for migrants stranded in Yemen, aiming to inoculate around 7,500 people at its Migrant Response Points in Aden and Ma’rib.

No IDP households (HH) reported COVID-19 as the reason of displacement.

(A H P)

Covid vaccination drive aims to protect migrants stuck in Yemen

An estimated 36,000 migrants have been stranded on their journeys across the troubled country because of coronavirus restrictions

Thousands of migrants trying to make their way through Yemen from the Horn of Africa are being vaccinated against Covid-19 by an international NGO.

The International Organisation for Migration (IMO) has resumed its inoculation campaign in the war-torn country, vaccinating the influx of people, who are predominantly from Ethiopia.

It aims to inoculate about 7,500 migrants who are scattered across southern and northern Yemen.

Avand Hasan, an IOM programme support officer, told The National the vaccination drive began at its centres in Aden and Marib on December 15.

Eighty migrants had been vaccinated as of 31 December.

The organisation is also supporting a Covid-19 vaccination campaign through its mobile medical teams, which are trying to reach people in 34 sites for internally displaced people.

The vaccines were received from Yemen's Ministry of Public Health, Mr Hasan said.

Vaccinating people in Yemen is more challenging than in any other country, Mr Hasan said, because of the compounding crises it faces. These include an economic downturn, continuous conflict and a collapsing health system.

“The challenges are even more substantial here to get the population inoculated,” he said

(* B H)

Film: Yemen- Nine Thousand Kids in Hajjah Governorate Face an Imminent Threat of Polio Infection

Amid appalling humanitarian conditions and unbreakable siege, 9 thousand kids are facing an imminent threat of getting infected with poliovirus in the Hajjah Governorate. The imminent catastrophe looms as numerous children haven’t yet received polio vaccines. In this respect, the director of the health office in the Hiran District, Hajjah Governorate, Tariq Miswak Heba said that children and pregnant mothers in the liberated areas of the northern Hajjah governorate suffer from a complete absence of basic healthcare. He added that 2450 babies along with 8900 kids under the age of 5 in the liberated areas haven't received any vaccines at all.

(* B H)

Cholera situation in Yemen, April 2021


In April 2021, the Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported a total 5120 suspected cholera cases including 3 related deaths from 19 governorates, with a case fatality ratio (CFR) of 0.06%.

The cumulative number of suspected cholera cases reported in Yemen from October 2016 to April 2021 is 2 538 677 including 3997 related deaths with a CFR of 0.16%. During the second wave of this outbreak that started on 27 April 2017, the total number of suspected cholera cases were 2 512 850 including 3868 related deaths with a CFR of 0.15%.

During 2021, a total of 151 stool specimens were tested. Out of these, 27 were laboratory confirmed for Vibrio cholerae. The results are pending for few of the samples.

The 5 governorates with the highest cumulative attack rate per 10 000 were Amran (1794.56), Sana'a (1742.76), Al Mahwit (1670.55), Al Bayda (1546.03) and Al Hudaydah (1184.17). The national attack rate is 892.11 per 10 000. The governorates with a high number of deaths are Hajjah (585), Ibb (515), Al Hudaydah (410) and Taizz (343).

(* B H)

Diphtheria resurgence in Sada'a-Yemen, 2017–2020


747 cases were met of WHO case definition. The annual peak of cases started during week 31 and weak 49. Males were slightly more than females (51% vs 49%) and about 35% of cases involved children aged 10 to < 15 years. The overall incidence of diphtheria and case fatality rate (CFR) were 69/ 100,000 and 6.4%, respectively. The highest CFR was among age groups under 5 years 11% (P < 0.001) and among females was 8%. Dysphagia and swollen lymph nodes were the predominant symptoms 98%, 92%, respectively. Based on the Vaccination status, the percentage of unvaccinated and unknown were 53% and 41% respectively, with CFR 11% among cases who received one dose. Furthermore, the most case were from Sahar 40% with case fatality rate 8% and the highest CFR was significantly higher among cases in border and ongoing conflict district (P < 0.05).


The findings highlight that diphtheria is still an ongoing cause of morbidity and mortality among under 5 children in Sada'a that is rising with the low diphtheria immunization coverage. Therefore, concomitant efforts should now focus on improving and monitoring routine immunization across all age groups and healthcare services, especially in borders and continuing conflict districts.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Konfrontation im Roten Meer / Most important: Confrontation in the Red Sea

(* B K P)

Analysis - Crippling response: Which Saudi ports are within Yemeni fire range?

The last week seizure of the UAE ship by Yemen's Ansarullah Movement off Yemen coast dealt a heavy blow to the sea dominance of the Saudi-led Arab coalition and marked a turning point in beginning of collapse of the inhumane several-year blockade on Yemen especially in the sea.

The blow incited the Arab alliance to resort to an array of ways to pressure the revolutionary Yemeni movement to release the vessel. The threat to strike Yemen's ports is among the most important threats made by the Saudis and Emiratis to force Sana'a to step back from its stances.

After the incident, the Saudis first tried to paint Sana'a's defensive and completely legitimate move an act of aggression and, as reported in their media, a kind of piracy, and downplay their defeat and Yemeni victory. The ploy, however, did not go anywhere following the display of confiscated arms on board the Emirati ship by Yemeni state television. Actually, by showing the Emirates arms on board the ship, the Yemenis prevented the Saudis from convincing the international community of Sana'a's threat to the international navigation. This has been the pretext used by the Arab aggression coalition and its Western allies to continue the inhumane siege of Yemen and even to prevent the delivery of humanitarian aids to the Yemenis suffering the gravest crisis caused by the war Saudi Arabia waged on them since 2015.

However, the Saudis have not given up their psychological warfare and propaganda against Sana'a, claiming that Ansarullah has used the ports as military bases and arms smuggling centers and their revenues to finance its operations. The accusations, many analysts agree, seems to have been made to justify future attacks on Yemeni ports on the east coast, especially the ports of Hudaidah and Mocha. In an attempt to justify the attacks on Yemeni ports, Turki al-Maliki, a spokesman for the Arab coalition, claimed that there was "evidence" that Ansarullah militarily used the ports of Hudaidah and Al-Salif.

The plan to strike the civil lifelines where humanitarian aids can enter Yemen to save lives of civilians who are struggling with famine and disease amid full destruction of the country's health infrastructure as a result of 7 years of unabated Saudi-Emirati bombardment comes as apparent victory is made by the Yemeni resistance forces.

The Yemeni side, however, strongly rejected the Saudi claims, with foreign minister of the Sana'a-based National Salvation Government saying these are all efforts justifying the attacks on Yemeni ports and lay bare to the world the "humiliating defeat of the Saudis."

Moreover, Yemen Ports Authority in a statement said: "The coalition must know that attacks on the ports of Hudaidah are a violation of human rights and all international protocols, including the Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols, under which attacks on vital facilities are a crime."

But the excuses of Saudi Arabia and its supporters to attack Yemeni ports and vital economic arteries of during the war are repeated as Ansarullah have already said they would accept international supervision for performance of Yemen ports. In October last year, Mohammad Abdul Salam, Ansarullah's chief negotiator, told Reuters news agency Sana'a was ready to cooperate with Djibouti-based United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) to move towards lifting the Saudi-imposed blockade.

Crippling response awaiting Saudi and Emirati ports

As Saudi and Emirati threats to ports of Yemen mount, Yemeni reciprocal strikes look undoubtedly possible.

It should be taken into consideration that in recent years reciprocal threats to the coalition's economic centers have increasingly become part of Sana'a military deterrence doctrine.

(* A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] FM warns of Saudi-led coalition’s threats with targeting Hodeida ports

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf has warned of the dangers of slander declared by the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition regarding the ports of Hodeida, which pave the way for targeting these civilian ports.

In the letter he addressed to the President of the UN Security Council for January, Norway’s Ambassador, Mona Juul, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the European Union, Sharaf said “Any ship entering the port of Hodeida obtains a prior permit from the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). Despite this, the US-Saudi aggression forces are detaining ships loaded with oil derivatives and domestic gas and preventing them from entering the port.”

He pointed out that this escalation is similar to the recent targeting of Sanaa International Airport, indicating that Saudi allegations that the ports of Hodeida were exploited for arms smuggling operations are nothing but a justification for a premeditated intention to destroy these ports, which are the main artery for entering 80 percent of the Yemeni people’s needs of food, fuel, and humanitarian aid. =

and also

(* A K P)

Saudische Koalition nutzt Filmmaterial aus Irak, um Jemeniten zu belasten und droht mit Angriffen

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition, die den Jemen seit 2015 angreift, hat Auszüge aus einem Dokumentarfilm über den Irak "gestohlen", um damit fälschlicherweise die jemenitischen Verteidigungskräfte der "Militarisierung" der wichtigsten Hafenstadt des Jemen zu beschuldigen, heißt es in einem Bericht.

Der Bericht des jemenitischen Fernsehsenders al-Masirah kam am Sonntag, einen Tag nachdem der Sprecher der Koalition, Turki al-Maliki, das Filmmaterial während einer Veranstaltung gezeigt hatte, was zu der Behauptung führte, die jemenitischen Streitkräfte würden den Hafen von al-Hudaydah nutzen, um Raketen zu lagern.

„Die Szenen, die al-Maliki behauptete, Raketen im Hafen von al-Hudaidah zu sein, wurden aus einem Dokumentarfilm namens ‚Severe Clear‘ extrahiert, der 2003 zu Beginn der amerikanischen Invasion im Irak gedreht wurde“, schrieb das Netzwerk.

Der Dokumentarfilm „präsentierte im Wesentlichen die Memoiren von Oberleutnant Mike Scotty sowie Videos, die er und seine Kollegen aus dem ersten Bataillon für die Marine gedreht haben“, fügte er hinzu. Das Netzwerk fand es außerdem „ironisch“, dass der Sprecher während der Präsentation behauptet haben solle, der genaue Standort der Raketen „kann nicht preisgegeben werden“.

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition hatte behauptet, dass jemenitische Streitkräfte die Häfen von Hudaydah und Salif als Militärstützpunkte nutzen, und drohte, dass die Häfen nun militärische Ziele seien. =

und auch

(* A K P)

Watch: Saudi-led coalition’s spokesman embroiled in a new scandal

Saudi-led coalition spokesman Brigadier General Turki al-Malki has been embroiled in a new scandal, claiming the existence of a missile manufacturing plant in the port of Hodeidah, reinforced by video footage claimed to be in the port of Hodeidah.

These allegations were quickly refuted by Sanaa, and put al-Maliki in an unenviable embarrassing position.

The scene presented by the coalition’s spokesman was taken from a movie named “Sever Clear” filmed in the beginning of the ‎USA invasion of Iraq.

“Scandal after another, the coalition spokesman reviewed what he claims as a missile site in Hodeidah port. However, the scenes were taken from a movie. He presents this scene to the public as an intelligence achievement, which the coalition wants to make up for its losses on the ground through artificial, fabricated and ridiculous intelligence media victories,” the head of the national delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam said in a tweet.


(* A K P)

Saudi-Led Coalition ‘Steals’ Iraq Doc Footage to Accuse Yemen Forces

The Saudi-led coalition attacking Yemen since 2015 has “stolen” excerpts from a documentary about Iraq to try to accuse Yemeni defense forces of “militarizing” Yemen’s key port city, according to a report.

The report by Al-Masirah television network came on Sunday, a day after the coalition’s Spokesman Turki Al-Maliki displayed the footage during an event, alleging that the Yemeni forces were using the Al-Hudaydah port to stockpile missiles.

“The scenes that Al-Maliki claimed were missiles in the port of Al-Hudaidah were extracted from a documentary film called ‘Severe Clear’, filmed in 2003 at the beginning of the American invasion of Iraq,” the network wrote.

The documentary essentially “presented the memoirs of First Lieutenant Mike Scotty in addition to videos that he and his colleagues from the first battalion filmed for the Marines”, it added.

The network further found it “ironic” that the spokesman had alleged during the presentation that the exact location of the missiles “cannot be disclosed".

and also


(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia mocked for using Iraq war footage as 'evidence' of Houthi missiles

Saudi Arabia has been ridiculed on social media after it emerged that the spokesperson for the Saudi-led coalition in the war against Yemen used footage from a documentary on the 2003 US invasion of Iraq to accuse Yemen's Houthi movement of stockpiling ballistic missiles.

Even Saudi citizens have taken to social media in response to Al-Maliki's claim. Saudi activist and sister of women's rights campaigner Loujain Al-Hathloul said, "I wonder how these people are in power – what a joke."


(* A K P)

A huge scandal! The spokesperson of the #Saudi&#UAE coalition used a scene from A movie called(Svere Clear) to support his claims that Houthis hide ballistic missiles in Hodeidah port. They are trying to justify the unjustifiable!


(* A K P)

Film: l-Maliki's fabricated conference... a resounding scandal for the coalition

Watch the truth of what came in the Maliki conference The video that was published by the spokesman of the coalition of aggression, "Ballistic missile assembly place" is an excerpt from a documentary film of the American invasion of #Iraq.

Film, Saudi claim:

Films, Saudi claim and The scene presented by al-Maliki is the same scene presented by the film at this time. 01:09:54:

The wholeFilm Severe Clear, go to 1:09:54:


Saad al-Jabri's son mocks the Maliki scandal The son of the advisor to the Saudi Crown Prince and the first intelligence man in the Kingdom, Dr. Khaled Al-Jabri @JabriMD, laughed at the scandal of the Saudi-Emirati coalition spokesman, here:

This kind of top-down military buffoonery is exactly why Saudi Arabia is stuck in a 7-year quagmire in Yemen. This war will never end when intel is fabricated from an Iraq invasion documentary. What’s next? Show clips from "Saving Private Ryan" and claim the war is won/over?

and learn more about Saudi successes in the Yemen War in these films: =


(A P)

Head of Sanaa Negotiating Delegation: Victims of coalition’s error margin are civilians

Head of the national negotiating delegation of Sanaa, Mohammed Abdulsalam, on Tuesday mocked the Saudi-led coalition spokesman, Turki Al-Maliki, who described his shameful scandal by fabricating video clips from films as “a margin of error.”

“It is laughable and pathetic at the same time, when the spokesman of the aggression admitted to his resounding scandal by fabricating clips of missile sites that do not exist except in films, and naming it a margin of error,” Abdulsalam said in a tweet, in reference to the video published during a press conference held by Al-Maliki on what he claimed was a workshop for the manufacture of ballistic missiles and drones in the port of Hodeida.

Abdulsalam added wondering “What a margin of error is that !? and its victims are civilians and is repeated every time as a natural result of brutal aggression that is the biggest mistake and the biggest sin committed with American support against our dear people.”


(A P)

Coalition Spokesman doubles down on scandal - claims it as "marginal error"

The Saudi-led coalition’s spokesman, Turki Al-Maliki, admitted on Tuesday that the video that was published of what he claimed was a workshop for the manufacture of ballistic missiles and drones in the port of Hodeidah is “fabricated and incorrect.”

“The video was passed in a wrong way, and it is part of the marginal error,” Al-Maliki said, in a press conference held in Ataq city of Shabwah province, eastern Yemen, in which he announced a new operation dubbed “Hurriyat Al-Yaman Al-Saeed”.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information in the Sana’a government, Nasr Al-Din Amer, commented on Al-Maliki’s statements in a tweet on Twitter, saying: “Do you deal with Yemenis to this extent of recklessness and filth?”

Amer added, “This margin of error was intended to destroy the last humanitarian port in Yemen, which is the port of Hodeidah,” stressing that had it not been for exposing al-Maliki, the rest of the port would have been targeted.

The coalition spokesman’s confessions drew widespread ridicule from the activists of social networking sites, describing his allegations as “impudent”, as a result of his relianc

Film: =


(A P)

Reports that #Saudi military spokesman General Turki AlMaliki will be removed following the disastrous #SevereClear fiasco that exposed #Saudi to war crimes charges. It also violated #American copyright laws

(A K P)

Efforts On To Free Indians On Board Ship Seized By Yemen Rebels: Centre

The foreign ministry said India has been closely monitoring developments following the seizure of the UAE-flagged ship Rwabee by the Houthis on January 2.

All seven Indian sailors on board a UAE-flagged cargo vessel that was seized by Houthis off the port of Hodeidah in Yemen are safe and the government is making all efforts to secure their early release, the external affairs ministry said on Tuesday.

(A K P)

UAE pushes UN on Houthi 'act of piracy' after ship hijacking

The UAE has formally complained to the UN Security Council about an “act of piracy” in which Yemen’s Houthi rebels hijacked a vessel with 11 crewmembers earlier this month, it was reported on Monday.

A letter from the UAE’s ambassador to the UN Lana Nusseibeh said the UAE-flagged Rawabi cargo vessel was carrying crewmembers from India, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philippines, AFP said.

"This act of piracy is contrary to fundamental provisions of international law," said the letter, which was dated January 9.

"It also poses a serious threat to the freedom and safety of navigation as well as international trade in the Red Sea, and to regional security and stability."

Ms Nusseibeh said the Rawabi was a "civilian cargo vessel" that was leased by a Saudi Arabian firm and was carrying equipment for a field hospital. It was transiting an international route, she added.

and also

Film: =

My comment: The BS propaganda claims about the vessel’s cargo still are upheld, contradicting all evidence.

(A K P)

Saudi-led coalition receives distress signal from oil tanker off Yemen's Hodeidah port- state TV

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen received a distress signal from an oil tanker after it had been subjected to "armed harassment" off Yemen's Hodeidah port, Saudi state TV reported on Wednesday, citing the coalition.


(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Deputy FM: If not for our restraint, Red Sea would be a conflict zone

The Deputy Foreign Minister in the National Salvation Government of Yemen, Hussein al-Ezzi, has on Thursday affirmed that the rumors by the Saudi-led coalition about an oil tanker allegedly being harassed near the Hodeidah coast are not true.

“Sana’a can only be credited with the safety of maritime navigation,” al-Ezzi said in a tweet.

“Had it not been for the restraint of Sana, the Red Sea would now be an arena of confrontations due to the aggressive approach and piracy practices of the coalition, including the detention of UN-licensed commercial ships,” the Deputy Foreign Minister added. =

(A K pH)

I think the best response the coalition of aggression makes after the brave and successful naval operation Allowing the passage of all ships carrying oil derivatives and the needs of the Yemeni people to Hodeidah and not seizing them Instead of hitting sand and fabricating Unless ... So what? [Photo, showing all the military equipment has been removed from the ship]


(A P)

Al-Ajri ridicules coalition’s claims about Hodeidah port

“The RAWABI ship was not carrying watermelons, but war equipment to be used against our country and in our waters, but the coalition’s claims about the port became silly Justifications, like Juha’s nail,” al-Ajri wrote in a Twitter post.

(* B K P)

Houthis intended vessel seizure to make up for setbacks in Yemen war

The Red Sea move coincided with other pro-Iranian actions on the anniversary of the killing of Qassem Soleimani.

The Houhis' seizure, this week, of a UAE-flagged vessel, the Rwabee, has set off alarm bells that the conflict could “wreak havoc” on oil and cargo shipping in the strategic Red Sea, analysts said.

“It is hard to pinpoint the exact cause for the Houthi seizure, and the group’s messaging has been a bit mixed,” Peter Salisbury, a Yemen specialist at the Crisis Group non-governmental organisation.

“But it is hard not to read it as a not-so-gentle reminder that they could wreak havoc on Saudi and Emirati shipping in the Red Sea if they so wished.”

The latest hijacking follows setbacks for the rebels with defeats in Shabwa governorate to the pro-government Giants Brigade, who are backed by the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates.

It also came on the second anniversary of the death of top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by a US drone strike near Baghdad airport.

On the same day, two major Israeli media outlets were hacked and two armed drones targeted a compound at Baghdad airport hosting personnel from the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State (ISIS) extremist group in Iraq.

But Mohammed al-Basha, senior Arabian peninsula analyst at Navanti Group, said the Rwabee’s capture looked like an “escalation” by the Houthi rebels.

“The seizure of the UAE-flagged vessel signals both a political and military escalation to the Saudi-led coalition,” he told AFP.

“Observers and policymakers have long feared that the war in Yemen could spill over into the Red Sea and destabilise vital shipping lanes.”

But for Maged al-Madhaji, director of the Sana'a Centre for Strategic Studies, the Rwabee was all shown from the rebels, who are not well versed in naval warfare.

The hijacking gives them “benefits of a political nature and raises their profile, rather than any real military gains”, he said.

“They don’t have a lot of experience at sea because they’re fundamentally mountain fighters,” added Madhaji.


(* A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Army unveils information of weapon transfer via Emirati ship "Rawabee"

The Armed Forces media on Saturday published scenes and documents revealing the process of transferring weapons and military equipment on the Emirati military cargo ship “Rawabee”, which was seized last week in the Yemeni territorial waters.

The scenes revealed the Saudi-led aggression coalition's transfer of military equipment and armored vehicles via the Emirati ship on November 04, 2021, as well as the transfer of weapons and boats on board the ship through the Yemeni territorial waters on November 21, 2021.

The documents included a map of the locations of the military shipment on November 21, 2021, on the “Rawabee” ship, as well as a report on its arrival to Socotra and its departure.

The photos also showed details of a coalition military shipments on the same Emirati ship on December 5 and 28 last year.

and also, with photos from last year. =


Snippet, last year:

Films, last year:

Photos, last year:


(A P)

Confirming my info that #UAE flagged military logistics ship seized by #Yemeni forces last week, carried lots of arms & was controlled by foreign mercenaries including #Americans who sailed it in the wrong direction due 2 new year’s intoxication. (photo)


(A K pH)

[Sanaa] Foreign Ministry: What the Coalition’s spokesman has presented about the ports of ‘Hodeidah and Ras Issa’ is only media fabrication

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its strong condemnation of the attempts to escalate military operations led by the Saudi government, through the vulgar and cheap methods that exposed the goals that were used in targeting Sanaa International Airport.

The source said, in a statement to “Saba” news agency, that the farcical attempts to justify the aggression coalition’s targeting of Yemeni ports are nothing more than a cheap cinematic move that shows the world the catastrophic failure that Saudi Arabia is experiencing in its war against the Yemeni people.

The source explained that what was presented by the spokesman of the aggression coalition Turki al-Maliki, yesterday afternoon, is a media fabrication that is poorly prepared and directed, not up to the level of the capabilities of the international intelligence services, and will undoubtedly be exposed by the satellites of many countries that monitor the sea and land movements in the areas of operations, which the spokesman claims to be in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.


(A K pS)

Coalition reveals identities of Houthis responsible for hijacking ship off Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition on Saturday revealed the names of ten Houthis who hijacked a UAE-flagged cargo ship off Yemen's western coast days ago.

They included Mansur Al-Sa'adi, the commander of the Houthi group's naval forces, who was sanctioned by the US last year.


(A K pS)

Houthi piracy of ships off Yemen coast was planned by Iran's IRGC: Arab Coalition

The Arab Coalition said on Saturday that the Iran-backed Houthis continue to violate international navigation in the Red Sea, stressing that the ships that were subjected to Houthi piracy attacks were planned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, presenting a set of evidence including photos and videos.

He said the Arab Coalition had reported 13 violations against commercial ships by Houthi militia from Hodeida, pointing to the destruction of dozens of mines planted by the militia in the Red Sea.

Meanwhile, the coalition reported that the militia planned to attack and hijack the Emirati-flagged Rawabi ship in international waters, adding that the ship was carrying aid for those affected by the cyclones on the island of Socotra.

The Arab Coalition said that the Houthis attacked the oil tanker Rabigh 3 in the south of the Red Sea, and targeted the Saudi oil tanker Abqaiq in the Red Sea as well.

Al-Maliki said the Houthi violations represent the Iranian threats to international navigation.

My comment: LOL. Look at the cargo this vessel transported this time and before. The Saudis are looking for a pretense to attack Hodeidah port to tighten their blockade on Northern Yemen even more.


(* B K P)

Yemen's Houthis claim they targeted UAE ship as 'warning' to Israel - analysis

In the past, the Houthis, who received weapons and support from Iran, have generally slammed Israel and put up antisemitic statements “cursing the Jews,” but haven’t attacked Israel.

Iranian media claimed an “exclusive interview with senior Yemeni official,” had revealed that the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen seized an “Emirati ship” as a “warning to Israel.”

This would be a major shift for the Houthis to actively seek to strike at ships linked to the UAE and also claim they are confronting Israel or sending a warning through actions.

In the past, the Houthis, who received weapons and support from Iran, have generally slammed Israel and put up antisemitic statements “cursing the Jews,” but haven’t attacked Israel.

Concerns about the Houthi threats to Israel go back years.

“According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, the seizure of the Emirati ship carrying military equipment in Yemeni waters by the Ansarullah [Houthi] movement is one of the most obvious developments in the Yemeni war in early 2022, which once again shifted the balance of power in favor of the Yemenis,” the Iranian media said.

Of interest, the report claims that “this operation has military dimensions for the aggressor coalition and a clear message to the Israeli enemy that any military action against Yemen means that Israeli naval vessels and bases where the regime trains mercenaries will be destroyed. And that the movements of the Zionist enemy in the Yemeni islands will not last long and will not go unanswered.”

This is a warning to Israel.

The Houthis now claim that the recent incident might lead to more operations. “The details of this response cannot be disclosed, due to the success of any future deterrent.”

Now the Houthis are also claiming that “any hostile military activity in Yemeni waters will be met with a direct response, and Yemeni waters will never be a scene for hostile movements, and the Yemeni [Houthi] navy is capable of carrying out such operations with God's help.”

The report clearly states that this means the Houthis are monitoring “hostile targets” and “merchant ships.”


(A K P)

Two Keralites aboard UAE ship hijacked off Yemen coast

According to Rahul Reghu, Akhil’s brother, he is also working in the same shipping company in UAE. The last call from Akhil to his native place was at 11pm on Sunday.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Yemen War Daily Map Updates

(* B C H K P)

Today, the English version of @KhuyutEN platform is released, run by professional journalists from inside Yemen. Khuyut covers various topics from all areas of Yemen.

(A K P)

No Military Solution to Saudi War Upon Yemen

[Iranian FM] Amir-Abdollahian expressed deep regret over continuation of the war imposed on the Yemeni people by Saudi Arabia, and stressed the need for an end to the country’s siege and war.
He agreed that the problems in Yemen should be settled through intra-Yemeni talks in order to guarantee the unity, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen, without any meddling by outside parties.
In view of these undeniable facts, it is now for the UN to earnestly strive for ending the crisis by condemning the Saudi aggression and supporting the people of Yemen, instead of merely saying that 24 million Yemenis are in dire need of humanitarian aid, including 10 million suffering from extreme levels of hunger.

(A K P)

Arabische Koalition startete Militäroperation zur Befreiung des Jemen

Es werde eine groß angelegte Militäroperation durchgeführt, “um die Sicherheit im Jemen wiederherzustellen”.

Die arabische Koalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens kündigte den Beginn einer groß angelegten Militäroperation an allen Fronten an, die darauf abzielt, einen Teil des jemenitischen Territoriums zu befreien, das von der jemenitischen Bewegung Ansar Allah (Houthis) kontrolliert wird. Dies teilte der offizielle Vertreter des Bündnisses, Oberst Turki al-Maliki, mit TASS.

„Wir starten eine Kampagne zur Befreiung des Jemen an allen Fronten und in alle Richtungen“, sagte er.

Der Koalitionssprecher fügte hinzu, dass die Militäroperation “zur Wiederherstellung der Sicherheit im Jemen” durchgeführt werde.

Er behauptet, dass die Anhänger von Ansar Allah “den Prozess der politischen Beilegung des Konflikts im Land untergraben und den Dialog verweigern”.

(A K P)

Arab Coalition launches 'Freedom of Happy Yemen' operation

Brig. Gen. Turki Al-Maliki, spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, announced the launch of “Freedom of Happy Yemen” operation here on Tuesday.
He said that this is not a military operation, but rather a development operation in order to take care of the Yemeni people. Al-Maliki arrived in Shabwa, the southeastern province of Yemen, after the province was completely liberated from the Houthi militia with the support of the Coalition.
During a joint press conference with Shabwa Governor Awad Al-Awlaki, Al-Maliki expressed his happiness over the liberation of the governorate. He thanked the Giants Brigades and the Army, in addition to the United Arab Emirates for the support they provided.
He also valued those moments, which he described as historic, as a result of the complete liberation of the province from the militias. He said that as the Yemenis liberated Shabwa, they could liberate all of the country if they unite.
The spokesman stressed the importance of carrying out humanitarian and relief work in the country, whether in the liberated Shabwa or Marib, where there are thousands of displaced people, who fled to escape Houthi atrocities.

He explained that the Coalition supported the operations of the army and is still supporting it in order to cleanse the country of these militias, and support the legitimate government, for the benefit of all Yemenis.


My comment: The 2022 BS propaganda festival is going to start.


(A P)

Saudi Cabinet reiterates keenness to achieve stability in Yemen

The Saudi Cabinet, chaired by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, reiterated, in its virtual meeting today, the Kingdom’s keenness on achieving security and stability in the Republic of Yemen and ending the human suffering of the Yemeni people, in addition to efforts being exerted by the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen in this regard.

The Saudi Cabinet reaffirmed that these efforts aim to neutralize the threat in the region and secure maritime traffic and global trade in light of the Iran-backed terrorist Houthi militia's ongoing violations of international humanitarian law and the laws regulating navigation.

My comment: And more of this, repeated again and again.

(* B K P)

Film: Press TV Saudi Continuing War on Yemen 2022 01 08

Saudi Arabia has upped the ante in the war on Yemen by conducting a new round of airstrikes against various areas across the war-wracked Arab country, as Riyadh and its regional allies press ahead with their devastating war and brutal siege against the Yemeni nation Discussion with Jim Kavanagh and Elijah J. Magnier

(A H)

Taiz is completely besieged after an accident closes its only road

A truck accident (due to constant drizzling) caused on Sunday afternoon a blockage to the only humanitarian passageway for the besieged [central Yemen] city of Taiz, the dangerous winding mountainous road of Hayjat Al-Abd. The blockage is continuing until this Monday/Multiple websites/

Parliamentarian Mohammed Al-Himyari: Hayjat Al-Abd, the only exit for besieged Taiz, is a road to death./Newsline website

(* B H K P)

New year brings no hope of resolution to Yemen conflict

The recent spike of violence in Yemen has killed the hopes of Yemenis for a better chance for peace as this year begins.

A political commentator in the Houthi-dominated Sanaa told Al-Monitor that the present scenario points to the two sides’ dependence on the battlefields, and a viable political settlement is still unlikely.

“When the Houthis started fighting the Yemeni government, they used to have fewer weapons than now. Now they have missiles and drones, and this means it is hard or impossible to defeat them overnight,” the commentator said, preferring to remain unnamed.

He believes that the rapid military solution is not feasible, and the political dialogue has made no headway over the last seven years. Therefore, as the war prolongs, the humanitarian crisis will worsen nationwide.

Abdulsalam Mohammed, the head of Abaad Studies & Research Center, said the Houthi seizure of the ship will spark a military escalation. It "is a serious matter, regardless of the type of the ship’s load or nationality. The incident will likely prompt a military escalation on the [Hodeida] coast based on international consent, and this may affect the coalition’s and the government’s obligations towards the Stockholm Agreement.”

Like politicians and military experts, civilians expect the turbulence not to wane this year.

(* B K)

Over 1,170 Yemeni civilians killed or wounded in 2021

403 civilians, including 30 women and 48 children, lost their lives in attacks, says National Commission of Inquiry

A total of 1,171 civilians in Yemen were either killed or wounded last year, a commission said Sunday.

The National Commission of Inquiry said in a statement that there was a significant increase in direct and indirect attacks against civilians in 2021.

It said 403 civilians, including 30 women and 48 children, lost their lives in such attacks during the period and 768 civilians were wounded, including 85 women and 167 children.

While noting that 296 civilians died due to the explosion of mines and explosive materials, the statement did not include further information on who was responsible for the attacks.

(* A K)

Inmitten des sich verschärfenden Konflikts im Jemen: Saudi-Arabien gehen Abwehrraketen aus

Saudi-Arabien könnten in einigen Monaten die Abfangraketen für sein in den USA hergestelltes Patriot-Luftverteidigungssystem ausgehen. Das berichtet die Financial Times unter Berufung auf einen hochrangigen US-Beamten. Diese Entwicklung veranlasste Riad, regionale Verbündete um Hilfe zur Auffüllung seiner Luftverteidigungssysteme zu bitten.

"Es ist eine dringende Situation", sagte der nicht namentlich genannte US-amerikanische Beamte und fügte hinzu, Washington unterstütze die Bemühungen, Raketen aus den Golfstaaten zu beschaffen, während die Huthi-Bewegung im Jemen ihre grenzüberschreitenden Angriffe auf das Königreich verstärkt.

"Es gibt andere Länder im Persischen Golf, von denen die Saudis Abwehrraketen geliefert bekommen können, und wir versuchen, daran zu arbeiten. Es könnte die schnellere Alternative (zu US-Waffenverkäufen) sein." Zwei Beamte, die über Gespräche zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dessen Nachbarn informiert waren, bestätigten gegenüber den Financial Times, dass Riad solche Anfragen gestellt habe.

Im September 2021 berichtete auch das Nachrichtenportal Breaking Defense, Saudi-Arabien soll Israel wegen der Möglichkeit zur Beschaffung israelischer Raketenabwehrsysteme kontaktiert haben.

Die Meldung kam zu einem Zeitpunkt, als die USA bereits begonnen hatten – nach dem chaotischen Abzug der US-Truppen aus Afghanistan –, ihr fortschrittlichstes Raketenabwehrsystem sowie Patriot-Batterien aus Saudi-Arabien abzuziehen

und auch

(* A K)

Saudi Arabia asked Gulf states to help replenish stockpile of Patriot missiles amid Houthi attacks: report

A report published by the Financial Times reveals that Saudi Arabia asked some of its neighbouring Gulf states to provide it with the air-defense systems amid increased attacks by Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia appealed to a number of Gulf states to help increase its stockpile of depleted stock of Patriot missiles in light of increased attacks by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, the Financial Times has reported on Sunday.

"This is an urgent issue. Riyadh may receive interceptor missiles from a number of Gulf countries, and we are working on it. This option may be faster than direct sales from the United States," the paper quoted an unidentified senior US official as saying.

The Patriot – its proper name the MIM-104 Patriot - is a US-made surface-to-air missile system. Saudi Arabia is one of Washington’s closest Middle East allies.

The same official was quoted as saying that Saudi Arabia’s missile stock could run out in “months” given the large number of attacks by the Houthi militia to the south in Yemen, which a Saudi-led coalition has been at war with since 2015.

Two people briefed on talks between Riyadh and its neighbouring states confirmed that the kingdom had made such requests.

"There is an interceptor shortage. Saudi Arabia has asked its friends for loans, but there are not many to be had," said one of the people.

and also

(* B K P)

Jemen wird zu Saudi-Arabiens Albtraum

Die Huthi bedrohen den Handel auf dem Roten Meer und stehen vor einem Sieg in der Schlacht von Marib. Es droht eine humanitäre Katastrophe.

Um sich eine wirtschaftliche Basis für einen eigenständig überlebensfähigen Staat zu sichern, benötigen die Huthi den Hafen von Hodeidah ebenso wie die Öl- und Gasfelder von Marib.

Auch mit einem Sieg der Huthi in Marib wäre der Konflikt nicht beendet. "Damit würde der Krieg lediglich in eine neue Phase eintreten", sagt Peter Salisbury, "auch würde sich international die Beurteilung ändern." Dann hätten die Huthi ihre Macht im Norden so weit gesichert, dass eine Lösung ohne sie nicht mehr möglich sein dürfte. Auch eine Wiedervereinigung des Staatsgebiets dürfte dann in weite Ferne rücken.

Ohne die Saudis, die sechs Milliarden Dollar pro Monat für den Krieg aufbringen, bräche die Anti-Huthi-Koalition vollends auseinander. Das Land wäre dann den Warlords überlassen, die Versorgung der Zivilbevölkerung kaum mehr möglich. Für Riad gibt es aber auch schon aus Eigeninteresse so schnell kein Entkommen ohne eine Friedens- oder zumindest eine langfristige Waffenstillstandsregelung.

Mein Kommentar: Dass die Huthis den Handel auf dem Roten Meer „bedrohen“, ist Quatsch, wenn sie ein Schiff eines Staates, mit dem sie sich im Krieg befinden, mit militärischer Ladung beschlagnahmen.

(? B K P)

Film: Can Yemen solve its problems in 2022?

(* B P)

Intense British moves to find a replacement for Hadi in the coming period

Informed Yemeni sources in Riyadh have revealed that diplomatic moves are increasing to exclude Hadi from Yemen’s political scene.

The sources said that the British ambassador to Yemen, Richard Oppenheim confirmed more than once during closed-door meetings in Riyadh, that London has become convinced of the need to transfer Hadi’s powers, due to the requirements of the next phase in Yemen.

The sources, quoting diplomatic sources in Riyadh saying that Britain is seeking to adopt a new draft resolution in the Security Council, instead of resolution 2216 to transfer Hadi’s powers, and lift sanctions on some figures.

According to the sources, the great rapprochement between the British Embassy and Hadi’s prime minister, Moeen Abdul Malik, indicates that the latter is the most prominent figure to succeed Hadi.

The sources added that Moeen Abdul Malik’s continued complaint of corruption of Hadi and his sons is now supported by the British ambassador and a number of permanent members of the Security Council, and that 2022 will not be without major changes at the head of the coalition authority in Yemen.

(* B H K P)

I’m the former foreign minister of Yemen. My country is starving and needs the international community’s help.

Actors on all sides have contributed to Yemen’s descent into crisis. The Houthis have regularly looted UN convoys carrying humanitarian relief and food aid is often sold in marketplaces for profit. The Saudi-led coalition’s blockade of the al-Hudaydah Port on the Red Sea and Sana’a International Airport in the capital have restricted vital channels for aid delivery. While Saudi Arabia has expressed its willingness to negotiate the reopening of these channels, the Houthis have insisted that the reopening is a prerequisite for negotiation, not an issue open for discussion.

To make matters worse, the economic collapse has coincided with waning international support for humanitarian operations in Yemen.

Options for the United Nations

Despite these realities, there remain options the UN can take to prevent the further collapse of the economy, stave off the onset of famine, and alleviate suffering in Yemen. First, the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen should lead international efforts to stabilize the Yemeni rial and address the issue of public sector payments.

The international community, particularly the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), should encourage the IMF to work with the IRG and Houthi authorities in Sana’a to formulate a joint response to the collapse of the monetary system. This should begin with forming an emergency panel of economic experts that includes officials from the two warring branches of the Central Bank of Yemen based in Aden and Sana’a to coordinate monetary policies. These cooperative measures may also aid in securing a new source of international funding as potential donors see greater potential for economic recovery.

The IMF’s endeavors should run parallel to a new set of World Bank projects designed to boost agricultural production, provide temporary cash for workers, rehabilitate service provisions in communities, and support fishermen.

Finally, the UN must also rethink its engagement with various parties to the Yemeni conflict. While all permanent UNSC members have expressed their support for a unified Yemen, they have failed to coordinate their outreach efforts in a meaningful way. Together, the UNSC members can adopt a more aggressive diplomatic campaign that will more quickly and effectively bring together representatives from across Yemen’s political spectrum and geographical divides.

These countries, alongside the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen, can then build on this cooperation to establish an international political conference on Yemen. This forum will not only place pressure on Iran to come to the negotiating table, but will also push the IRG’s nominal allies to address the crippling issue of corruption within state institutions.

The situation in Yemen cannot be permitted to continue on its current trajectory. Every day, purchasing power drops, services deteriorate further, and ordinary Yemenis sink further into crisis. The international community must act immediately to remedy these issues and change the country’s course from disaster to diplomacy – by Ambassador Khaled H. Alyemany, the former [Hadi gov.] Foreign Minister of Yemen.

(* B P)

Yemen’s Parallel War in Cyberspace

Persistent contact with fake news disrupts even stable societies—but in war zones, it can be lethal.

Yemen’s horrifying civil war is paralleled by a second conflict in the information space—in digital and traditional media and over control of the internet itself. Amid the world’s worst humanitarian crisis—one that has claimed as many as 377,000 lives and forced another 4 million to flee—is an infodemic of online misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and extremism that is undermining what little trust remains after seven years of conflict. These digital harms are not only slowing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, but by deepening antagonisms among Yemenis, they are also eroding prospects for a durable peaceful settlement.

(B K P)

War in Yemen Could Affect Gas Prices in America, Europe

Prices at American gas pumps could rise further as Iran, working through its Yemeni proxy, reignites tensions at one of the world’s most sensitive maritime passages.

How, though, can an escalation of a civil war in one of the world’s poorest countries relate to price hikes at American gas stations? A look at the map discloses some answers. Yemen is situated at the southernmost entrance to the Red Sea, where a 16-mile-wide strait, Bab el Mandeb (“Gate of Tears”), connects the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, shortening shipping routes to Europe and America from Asia and Africa.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

YPC staff hold UN responsible for deteriorating conditions in Yemen

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC)'s employees organized on Tuesday a protest sit-in in front of the office of the UN envoy in Sanaa to denounce the continued detention of fuel ships by the US-Saudi aggression coalition.

and also =

(* A K P)

YPC: Saudi-led coalition detains six fuel ships

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) confirmed on Friday that the US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression continues to detain six fuel ships carrying 144,667 tons of fuel for nearly five months.

In a statement, the YPC stated that the forces of aggression seized 6 fuel tankers, including one carrying domestic gas, and five other tankers carrying (135,179) tons of diesel and mazut.

It indicated that the detention period of these tankers amounted to “143” days, despite the fact that all of these tankers completed all examination and audit procedures through the mechanism of the Djibouti Verification and Inspection Mission (UNVIM) and obtained UN permits.

The statement noted, “the continuation of criminal piracy and its various catastrophic repercussions has not been matched by any serious and tangible move by the United Nations, as it is the international body concerned with facilitating the entry of imports of basic goods.” =

(A K P)

Yemen's Houthis accuse Saudi-led coalition of seizing fuel vessel

Yemen's Houthi today accused the Saudi-led coalition of seizing a fuel ship, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV said the Saudi-led coalition seized the Splendour Sapphire fuel ship despite having a UN license.

The broadcaster said the vessel was carrying over 24,000 tons of mazut, a heavy, low quality fuel oil, and was taken by the coalition to a Saudi port in the south-western Jazan province.

and also


(A K P)

Sanaa affirms coalition continues maritime piracy against oil ships

Spokesman for the Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) in Sanaa, Essam Al-Mutawakil, confirmed on Thursday that “the Saudi-led coalition force are continuing to imposed its maritime piracy operations on oil derivatives ships.

Al-Mutawakil said, in a news statement, that oil derivatives ships were granted the entry licenses to Yemen, but Saudi Arabia pirated and detained them, stressing that the fines for the detention of oil derivatives ships by the coalition exceeded four million and 500 thousand dollars.

He said, “We contacted international organizations and the United Nations, but we did not receive any response.”

The spokesman revealed the meetings with UN officials confirmed that the blockade on Yemen and the port of Hodeida is entirely an American decision.


(A K P)

#America is publicly implicated in the exercise of the blockade on #Yemen. The official spokesman for the Yemeni Oil Company in Sana'a, Issam Al-Mutawakel, revealed that America was directly and publicly involved in the siege on the Yemeni people. Al-Mutawakel confirmed in his tweet to him on the #Twitter platform today, Thursday: that the US military forces have acquired the sixth oil ship carrying a quantity of (9,487) tons of domestic gas, noting that all of those ships were inspected and obtained UN permits.

He said, "Despite its humanitarian nature and its obtaining entry permits to the port of #Hodeidah, piracy is taking place in international waters."

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Update - Issue 12 / December 2021

Hunger rises in Yemen as WFP forced to cut assistance, warns of impact

2021 in review

Needs persist along red sea while hostilities subside

Childbirth a matter of life and death for Yemen’s women and girls

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign for Migrants

Yemen Humanitarian Fund allocates US$50.6 million to assist people in acute need across Yemen

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned that it is running out of funds to continue to provide food assistance to 13 million people in Yemen. From January 2022, eight million will receive a reduced food ration, while five million at immediate risk of slipping into famine conditions will remain on a full ration. In 2021, 2.9 million people received reduced food assistance, while eight million were provided with full rations.

The reductions come at the worst possible time for families in Yemen who are dependent on food assistance to survive. In the last three months, inadequate food consumption – one measure of hunger tracked by WFP – has risen rapidly to affect half of all families as currency devaluation and hyperinflation drive the economy to near collapse. Food prices have more than doubled across much of Yemen in 2021. Meanwhile, fighting across multiple frontlines continues to force families to flee.

With food assistance reductions from January, families will receive barely half of their minimum daily food needs. Without new funding, more severe reductions will soon be unavoidable. This could see people cut from food assistance programmes completely. Malnutrition treatment and school feeding for children may also be reduced.

(A H)

UNDP Supports Yemen’s Fishery Communities to Rebuild Livelihoods and Local Economy

Today, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and its local partner, the Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF), delivered fishing boats and engines to fishers in Mukalla, Yemen. Generously funded by the Government of Japan, this effort is the first of a larger plan to deliver 100 fishing boats, 100 boat engines, 500 fishing nets and 500 GPS devices that will be evenly distributed between Aden and Mukalla. The second delivery of items is expected later this month in Aden.

Conflict has affected more than 70 per cent of small-scale fishers -- the backbone of the fisheries sector. Through the Rebuilding Livelihoods and Capacities of Conflict-Affected Small-Scale Fisheries Households in Aden and Hadramout (RELACC) project, the fishery production in Aden and Mukalla is being supported and revamped. The distribution of boats, engines, fishing nets, and GPS will assist small-scale fishers meet market demand and supply by improving their production and catch rates. Equipped with cooling storage for the fishers' catch, the boats will also help resolve the issue of cold storage at the production level.

In December 2021, UNDP and YLDF distributed 500 financial grants worth US$950 each -- 250 provided to fishers in both Aden and Mukalla -- to help fishery communities establish supporting fishing businesses. The grants were preceded by the project helping 1,000 Yemenis learn to fix fishing assets such as boats, boat engines, and fishing nets, as well as build their entrepreneurial skills to help them improve and sustain their livelihood opportunities.

(A H)

Education Cannot Wait announces us$1.7 million grant for first emergency response in Yemen

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today a new US$1.7 million First Emergency Response grant in Yemen.

The 18-month grant will be delivered by the Norwegian Refugee Council, reaching approximately 5,500 girls and boys impacted by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Education infrastructure in Yemen is in complete and total disrepair. More than 2,500 schools are reported destroyed, damaged, and/or utilized for non-educational purposes. Conflict and continued disruption of schooling across the country and the fragmentation of the education systems have had a profound impact on the learning and overall cognitive and emotional development of nearly all the 10.1 million school-age girls and boys in Yemen.

The ECW First Emergency Response funds support the reconstruction and repair of learning centres and water and sanitation facilities in locations in Ma'rib and the West coast areas of Yemen. The funds also provide immediate and sustained psycho-social support for children, ensure children have quality education materials, and enhance coordination to respond to this ongoing crisis.

(B H K)

Yemen - Access Constraints Map, 06 January 2022

(B H)

Yemen Cash and Voucher Assistance Snapshot (CVA) (January - September 2021)

Between January and September 2021,102 partners provided Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to a total of 6.84 million people in need across Yemen. Partners provided US$ 278.7 million in cash assistance to some 4.19 million beneficiaries and vouchers at a value of $177.8 million to 2.47 beneficiaries.

(B H)

Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative: December 2021 Situation Overview

The JMMI is a monthly survey of market systems. The basket of goods assessed includes 10 non-food items (NFIs), such as fuel, water, and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH and Food Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) as well as other food and non-food items. In addition to price monitoring, the JMMI includes indicators of market functionality, such as questions to infer the supply chain, vendors' constraints and ability to meet demands.

(B H)

Audio: Die humanitäre Lage ist katastrophal

Der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen scheint von der Welt vergessen zu sein. Dabei ist die Lage bedrohlich: Mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung ist auf Lebensmittelhilfe angewiesen, sagt Martin Frick, Leiter des Berliner Büros des UN-Welternährungsprogramms.

(A H)

Film: Fisherwomen in #Yemen do not have protection or tools at sea trying to provide for their families. This contribution by @MADREspeaks and @food4humanity supported 50 fisherwomen with equipment to support livelihood’s.

(A H)

I'm proud to saw the successful of the "#Anxiety Reduction & Promoting #resilience program in #Taiz schools. @Bridge2Sldrty started working on it last March 2021. Today was launched under the sponsorship of Taiz #University & the #education office of the province. (photos, film)

(B H)

Video: A child in Hajjah #Yemen #malnutrition #famine #YemenCantWait

The #rural Northern highlands, in #Saudi-bordering #Hajjah has been targeted directly by the Saudi coalition, leading to the destruction of the province infrastructure. Unfortunately, access to #food has become increasingly difficult for #families who were already #malnourished

(A H)

#Anxiety is one of the common psychological disorders of war #trauma among #children and adolescents in #Yemen. In October 2021, we implemented a training program for "Anxiety reduction and promoting #Resilience in children in Yemen.

(* B H)

UN suspends Yemen relief projects over funding shortages

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) yesterday announced the suspension of vital relief programmes in Yemen due to a lack of funding.

"Lack of funding is forcing aid agencies to cut or reduce some critical assistance programs, including food, nutrition, health and WASH," OCHA said on Twitter.

The UN organisation stressed that funding was "urgently needed to sustain life-saving interventions for millions who rely on humanitarian assistance." and

(B H)

Martha Myers: The Betrayed Doctor of Yemen

For many years, Martha Myers lived in Yemen as a doctor at a hospital in the city of Jiblah, touring remote villages to treat women and children, providing free vaccinations and treatments, in addition to training families in medical care.

Known all over Yemen, she gained great popularity, real love and appreciation by citizens and patients who used to come for treatment from distant cities. After nearly 25 years of hard work in Yemen, on a bright Christmas day, Martha heard a noise outside the hospital conference room. Before she knew what was happening, a gunman entered the room and shot her with two bullets. His angry face was the last thing she saw in this life.

The Baptist Hospital was established in Jiblah in 1968, and one of its first founders was American doctor James Young (1924-2019), who worked there for many years as a surgeon and general practitioner

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

IOM Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking - Yemen IDP Dashboard Reporting Period: 02 to 08 January 2022

During the reporting period, between 02 and 08 January 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 578 households (HH) (3,468 individuals) displaced at least once.
Conflict was the main reason for displacement, accounting for 98 per cent (569 HH) of the total, followed by economic reasons, accounting for two per cent (9 HH).

From 01 January to 08 January 2022, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 708 households (4,248 individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

(B H)

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Cumulative Report, Jan - Dec 2021

(B H)

DTM flow Monitoring Registry Dashboard: Non-Yemeni migrant arrivals and Yemeni returnees in December 2021

In December 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 3,690 migrants entered Yemen, compared to 3,622 migrants in November 2021. In addition, it is estimated that 5,836 Yemeni return from KSA during the month of December 2021, compared to 5,802 in November and 6,158 Yemenis in October 2021. During the period between 1 January and 31 December 2021, an estimated 27,693 migrants and 27,845 Yemenis arrived in Yemen.

The migrant caseload was 83 per cent Ethiopian and 17 per cent Somali. The migrants are predominantly male (71%), with (21%) women, six per cent boys, and two per cent girls also among the travelers.

Through December reporting period, 1,893 migrants arrived from Somalia and were recorded 1451 at Ber Ali, 222 at Eyn Bamabad, and 220 at Arqah flow monitoring points in Shabwah governorate. In Lahj governorate saw 1,797 migrants arrived from Djibouti were recorded 820 at Al Cawhah, 645 at Al Ghaseen, 275 at Ras Ashareef, and 57 at Al Aarah flow monitoring points.

(* B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, covering the period 28 December 2021 - 6 January 2022

New displacements were recorded in Al Jawf governorate following increased hostilities during the reporting period between the de facto authorities (DFA) and the internationally recognised government (IRG) and Saudi-led Coalition (SLC). Local organizations in Al Jawf warned of a wave of displacement in the north of the governorate after bombing targeted IDP sites. UNHCR and partners are responding to the needs of those newly displaced, estimated at over 1,100 families (some 6,600 individuals). Close to 1,000 families have received enhanced emergency shelter kits and some 700 core relief items. However, as more displacements may occur in the next days, the lack of stock currently represents a challenge to respond to the new influx, affecting the immediate response.

Ongoing distribution of core relief items (CRIs) in Marib governorate. During the reporting period, UNHCR and partners reached a total of 233 families (some 1,284 individuals) with CRIs. In 2021, more than 19,300 families were reached in Marib alone (representing some 110,000 individuals). Needs on the ground continue to expand as more than 4,500 families have been registered as in need of CRIs and shelter kits by the Shelter and NFI Cluster.

Pending final year-end figures, UNHCR distributed more than $72 M in cash assistance in 2021, reaching close to 1.4 million individuals. The majority of beneficiaries were internally displaced Yemenis who are four times more likely of experiencing hunger than general population. The primary modality of assistance was through multi-purpose cash assistance, followed by rental subsidies.

With UNHCR support, over 1,200 refugees, asylum-seekers and Yemeni nationals received healthcare support during the reporting period.

(A H)

UNCHR: Bringing light to displacement sites= protection. Once night falls, it can be dangerous for displaced people to do even the most mundane of activities like walking to the washroom or going to see family members. site is now safer for over 100 families in Sa'ada. (photo)

(B H)

Qatar Charity and UNHCR sign agreement to support internally displaced people in Yemen

Qatar Charity (QC) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, signed an agreement worth more than 1.8 million Qatari Riyals to support internally displaced people in Marib, Yemen.

Due to this contribution, UNHCR will provide urgent assistance to more than 2,000 internally displaced families (approximately 12,252 individuals), through the distribution of relief items which includes blankets, kitchen sets, and solar lamps.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)

10 Deceived [Defectors from anti-Houthi forces] of al-Khoba front returned Sana'a, including two leaders

The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs on Tuesday received 10 deceived persons, including the so-called commander of the artillery battalion in the 63rd Brigade in al-Khoba Front, Lt. Col. Thakwan Hassan Abdullah Jarban, and the staff of the so-called Commandos Brigade, Lt. Col. Walid Yahya Khalil Al-Ajiram, Those who returned to the homeland from the camps of aggression and mercenaries in the border areas, the western coast and Marib.

During the reception, the returnees valued the instructions of the Revolution Leader to pardon the captives and release them.

They called on the rest of their deceived colleagues to return to their families and villages.

(A K P)

Houthis senior leader Abu Ali al-Hakim in #Yemen’s northern Amran governorate today trying to convince tribes to mobiliz and send further fighters to #Shabwah and #Marib for fighting pro-govt forces. A tribal leader attended this meeting told me most tribal leaders ignored him and left the meeting. (photos) and

(A P)

Botschafter des Jemen: Haj Qassem und Abu Mahdi sind die Märtyrer-Kommandeure des Islam

Der jemenitische Botschafter im Iran erwähnte die Märtyrer von General Haj Qassem Soleimani, dem Kommandeur der Quds-Truppe der Islamischen Revolutionsgarden, und Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, dem stellvertretenden Kommandeur der irakischen Volksmobilisierung, als Märtyrer Kommandeure der islamischen Welt.

(B P)

Film: Houthis military spokesman Yahya Sarea’a is basically a Houthi religious extremist cleric.

(A P)

The Houthi militia offered to release 10 thousand government supporters from jails provided that they take up arms and fight on the militia's side/Al-Rashad Press website

(A P)

Houth military official exposes another who had bought two villas in Sana'a at a cost of YR 5 billion (USD 6,200,000) from illicit enrichment/Yemeni Sport

(A P)

Two civilians were killed and a third was injured as they were caught in crossfire between Houthi gunmen in [central Yemen's] Ibb /Yemeni Sport

(A P)

Sanaa receives delegation from tribes of Marib, Shabwa, Bayda

(A P)

Yemeni junior football team welcomed by Sana'a mass celebration for West Asia Cup victory

The Al-Thawra Sports City Stadium in the Yemeni capital Sana’a has on Wednesday hosted an official and popular celebration to welcome and honour the national junior football team, which was recently crowned with the West Asian Cup.

At the massive crowd event, members of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed al-Houthi, Jaber al-Wahbani and Ahmed al-Rahwi, praised the historic achievement of the national team.

They hailed the role of the technical and administrative bodies in preparing the players, stressing the need to preserve this team and harness what is available to enable the team to achieve more achievements in international sports events

and also and

It was the Sana’a government that honored the junior national team by holding the largest reception in the presence of the prime minister and a number of ministers and senior statesmen in Sana’a, photos:

Films: =

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control.

(A T)

SEF Commander Survives Assassination Bid in Shabwa

(A K P)


(A K P)

Defense Minister praises Saudi-led Coalition’s role in sustaining Yemeni military

(A T)

Son of STC’s head in Shabwa killed

(A P)

Pro-UAE militia kidnaps young man in Aden

(A K P)

Yemen, Saudi Arabia discuss ways to confront Houthis

Yemeni Defence Minister Muhammad Al-Maqdashi yesterday discussed efforts to confront the Houthis with the commander of the Saudi forces operating in support of Yemeni forces, Major General Yousef Al-Shahrani, the state-run SABA news agency reported.

(* A K P)

UAE transfers military leaders of STC to Al-Rayyan Airport in Hadramout

A number of military leaders loyal to the UAE to Al-Rayyan arrived at Al-Rayyan Airport in Mukalla city, the capital of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, local sources reported on Monday.

The sources confirmed that, during the past two days, military leaders and officers of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), most of them from Dhalea and Yafea areas, have been transferred to Al-Rayyan Airport, which the UAE has taken as a military base since 2016, to manage the emergency military situation in the Hadramout Valley districts.

According to the sources, one of the tasks of those officers is to train the recruits of the “Hadrami Elite” militia, hundreds of whom will be recruited in the coming days.

It is likely that the UAE is heading to manage the security chaos in the province through an operations room it established at Al-Rayyan Airport, the sources added.

A meeting of the executive committee of the so-called “General Hadramout meeting” – “Hadrami Uprising”, headed by Sheikh Hussein Al-Jabri, who is funded by the UAE, announced earlier today the start of the recruitment of 25,000 fighters from the province.


(* A K P)

UAE recruits 25,000 people from Hadramout

Sheikhs loyal to the UAE in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, approved during a meeting on Monday the recruitment of 25,000 fighters from the province.

A meeting of the executive committee of the so-called “General Hadramout meeting” – “Hadrami Uprising”, headed by Sheikh Hussein Al-Jabri, who is funded by the UAE, announced the start of recruitment procedures for “in favor of Hadramout”.

The committee media center confirmed in tweets on Twitter that the recruits would be trained to secure and control the security system in Hadramout valley.

The “Hadrami uprising” meeting considered that those to be recruited in the valley districts would represent the support of the “Hadrami Elite” militia in controlling the Hadramout coast, valley, and desert.

The meeting also approved the appointment of representatives and the formation of committees to screen and set criteria for the registration and acceptance of recruits.

Meanwhile, the “First Military Region” command loyal to the Islah Party directed the commanders of brigades and military units in Hadramout valley to raise combat readiness to confront the Emirati movements in the province.

My comment: Now the UAE and their STC puppets overtake Hadramauth, which still had been held by the Hadi government.

(A P)

Local official survives assassination attempt in Aden =

(A E P)

The Southern Transitional Council militia threaten the central bank's new governor over his decision to close money exchange businesses owned by people from Yafe'a and Dhale'a ( the regions where the militia's leaders mostly hail from) /Akhbar Taiz

(A P)

STC militias assault citizen from Taiz in Aden

(A P)

Violent clashes erupt among STC militias in Aden

Violent clashes erupted on Sunday among the UAE-funded “Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia, in the center of the city of Aden.

According to local eyewitnesses, the confrontations were due to the disputes between the STC militants from Dhalea and Yafa in an attempt to control a land in Kod Bayhan area in the Sheikh Othman area

(A P)

Pro-STC militia kidnap goalkeeper of Yemen national junior team in Lahj

(A T)

2 brothers of Amaliqa 3rd brigade commander killed with their guards in Shabwa

(A K P)

UAE sends officers, new weapons to Ataq airport

UAE sent on Sunday a number of UAE officers and new military weapons and equipment to Ataq city airport of Shabwa province, informed sources told Yemen Press Agency.

(* A K P)

Armed clashes continue in Shabwah as hundreds of Islah members are arrested in separatist crackdown

Violent clashes have broken out between the so-called Special Security Forces affiliated with the Islah Party (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) and members of the Emirati-funded Al-Amaliqa militia in Shabwah province.

According to local sources, the clashes erupted after a military post of the Special Forces intercept a military mechanism belonging to the Al-Amaliqa near the Balhaf gas facility in the coastal directorate of Radhum, leaving several dead and wounded.

Meanwhile, the UAE funded Shabwah Elite militia launched a campaign of arrests against hundreds of people loyal to Shabwa’sh’s former governor, the Islah-aligned Mohammed Saleh bin Adio.

Local sources said that Ali al-Jubwani, the head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) directed the Shabwah Elite to “cleanse the city of Ataq” from elements loyal to the former governor Mohamed Saleh bin Adio.

Moreover, security sources in Hadi government said on Sunday that the UAE-backed forces have arrested hundreds of Islah militants in the province.

The sources confirmed that Al-Amaliqa forces arrested more than 350 Hadi loyalists and Islah forces, most of them members of the Special Security Forces.

Shabwah security chief, Awad al-Dahbul, the main opponent of the Special Security Forces, said in a press statement that his forces had arrested dozens of people he described as “sleeper cell agents”. =

(A K P)

First plane lands at Ataq airport after 7 years of closure

A UAE military cargo plane landed at Ataq International Airport in Shabwa Governorate on Saturday.
The UAE plane was the first to land in Shabwa in seven years after securing the airport by the Shabwa Elite Forces in conjunction with the launch of the large-scale operation the Southern Storm to liberate the oil-rich province from the grip of the Houthi-Brotherhood militias.

My comment: main reason: To put the UAE’s grip onto the province.

(* A P)

Hadrami uprising besieges military camps in Hadramout

Armed groups affiliated with the Hadrami uprising began to impose on the camps of the Islah militants-run First Military Region in Wadi Hadramout.

Local sources indicated that “the armed groups are preparing to storm the first area, in light of the unprecedented tribal mobilization.

These moves came after the head of the Popular Escalation Committee in the uprising, sheikh Hassan Al-Jabri, officially announced today the start of forming camps to protect the province.

Several activists had revealed the presence of UAE military movements during the past few days towards the sites of Saudi-backed Islah militants, with the goal of ending the presence of Islah militants in Wadi Hadramout.


(* A P)

Hadhramaut tribal forces announce takeover of province

Head of the Popular Escalation Committee of the so-called Hadhramaut Uprising, Sheikh Hassan al-Jabri, has officially announced on Saturday the start of the formation of camps to protect Hadhramaut valley.

Sheikh Al-Jabri said “the first military region [a unit loyal to Saudi-led coalition] is leaving, and the valley will not be handed over to terrorism or any other party. The people of Hadhramaut have the ability to protect their land.”

Thousands of Hadhramaut residents gathered in Al-Rudoud camp in Hadhramaut Valley today, in response to the call of the head of the sub-committee to implement the outcomes of the so-called Harro meeting, Sheikh Hassan bin Saeed al-Jabri said. =

(A K P)

Coalition dispatches Sudanese, Egyptian forces to Hadramout

The Saudi-led coalition has pushed Sudanese and Egyptian forces to Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, in conjunction with the escalating tension between Hadi’s government authorities and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the province.

A ship carrying large military equipment and joint Sudanese-Egyptian forces has arrived at the port of Mukalla, in addition to another force of Al-Amaliqa currently being transported from Aden in preparation for deploying them in the oil plateau in the valley and desert of Hadramout, according to sources in Mukalla.

The ongoing mobilization by the coalition comes along with the STC inauguration of the second step of the “Hadrami uprising” with aim of controlling over Hadi government forces’ points in the first military region. =

(A P)

Militants assault two women in Aden


Huge explosion hits Shabwa

the explosion, which coincided with news of the arrival of new forces from the so-called “al-Amaliqa” brigade, backed by the UAE, to the city.

(A E)

Stifling crisis of oil derivatives hits Abyan

Local sources indicated that oil derivatives filling stations closed their doors before citizens’ cars, under the pretext of lack of oil, while the oil derivatives spread in the black market befor the local authority office in the city and on the road of Al-Badiah and Al-Koz areas.

(A K P)

Emirati-Israeli plane arrives in Socotra Island

The first Emirati-Israeli plane arrived on Thursday at Socotra island, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The sources affirmed that the plane arrived at Abd al-Kuri Island, which belongs to Socotra Island.

The sources stated the UAE announced the opening of the airport to its flights.

and also

while UAE-linked news site tells:

(A P)

UAE donates airplane to Abd Al Kuri of Socotra

The United Arab Emirates gave on Thursday a plane to the remote island of Abd Al Kuri of the Socotra archipelago.
The exceptional aircraft donation aims at removing the Island from its isolation, facilitating the air transportation of people between Abd Al Kori and Hadibu, the capital of the archipelago.

(A P)

Yemeni Presidential Guards officer's health deteriorates under torture in jail

Yemeni President Guards officer Col. Esam Salem Baamaroof's health is deteriorating due to abuse in a jail Aden, local sources and relatives of the man have said.

Baamaroof has reportedly been on hunger strike since 6 December 2021 and under torture since his arrest with thousands of military and civilian supporters of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi during the Southern Transitional Council militia's 2019 coup in Aden and later expansions at the expense of the government in south Yemen.

Sources have indicated that Baamaroof is being subject to regular club beating and to sessions of electrocution by the fascist militia who maintain a heavy-handed rule and disallow even the individual liberty of expressing support to the government in Aden.

Handling the job of journalistic writing dishonestly, western journalists and their imitators still refer to the city as "government-controlled."

(A P)

Protesters close all exchange shops in Aden

(A P)

STC militias kidnap academician in Lahj

(A P)

Gunman killed in armed clashes in Taiz

According to sources, the clashes erupted between Al-Aghbra tribe and members of Shuqaira points belonging to UAE-backed Tarik Saleh forces, which led to the death of a member of the tribe

(A P)

UAE-backed militants continue to plunder houses in Shabwah province

The UAE-backed Al-Amaliqa Brigades militants continued on Thursday, for the second day in a row, to carry out a campaign of raiding and looting of homes in Usaylan district in Shabwah province, eastern Yemen.

According to local sources, the Al-Amaliqa militants looted from citizens’ homes, gold, cars, personal weapons and all things have value they found.

The sources quoted one of the citizens as saying, “the Al-Amaliqa militants threaten to kill him if he insisted on preventing them from entering his house,” adding that the militants accused him and dozens of other residents of the area of Al-Naqoub ” of working for the Islah Party”, demanding them to take their families and leave the area as it is a “conflict zone”.


(A P)

“Al-Amaliqa” gunmen loot house of Special Forces commander in Shabwa

The UAE-backed “Al-Amaliqa Brigades” militants continued on Thursday, for the second day in a row, to carry out a campaign of raiding and looting the homes of Usailan district residents in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Local residents in Shabwa said that the Al-Amaliqa militants raided and stormed the house of Abdulrab Laakab, appointed by the “Hadi government” as commander of the Special Forces in Shabwa, and looted its contents.

(A K P)

Great reinforcements of coalition arrive to Mukalla

The media declared that a ship carrying dozens of vehicles and armored vehicles of coalition arrived at the port of Mukalla city.

(A P)

Yemeni journalist Hala Fuad Badhawi detained in Hadramout

Authorities in Hadramout, Yemen, should immediately and unconditionally release freelance journalist Hala Fuad Badhawi, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

On December 30, 2021, military intelligence forces in Hadramout province detained Badhawi in the provincial capital, Mokalla, according to reports by the privately owned Yemeni newspapers Al-Masdar and Al-Ayyam, and a Facebook post by the journalist.

(A P)

STC militia kidnap citizen from Abyan in Aden city

(A P)

STC militia re-arrest activist “Jamajem” in Hadramout

(A T)

Gunmen blown up oil pipeline in Shabwa

Unidentified gunmen blew up on Wednesday a crude oil pipeline in Mayfa’a district of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, in the second operation in two days, local sources reported.

Unidentified persons targeted with an explosive device, during the early hours of today the oil pipeline at kilometer 133 in Al-Malh area near Azzan city, according to the sources. =

(A P)

Southern activist reveals real reason for declaring state of emergency in Hadhramaut

Southern activist Salem al-Nahdi said that governor of Hadhramaut province in Hadi’s government, Faraj al-Bahsani’s declaration of a state of emergency was aimed at eliminating sit-ins taking place in the province, in which people demand the rights.

Al-Nahdi said in an interview with al-Mahriya TV that “Al-Bahsani” makes baseless arguments to justify the declared a State of Emergency, which aims to eliminate human rights sit-ins in Hadhramaut, the most recent of which was the sit-in of Al-Ayoun camp called by Sheikh Saleh bin Hariz al-Marri.

(A P)

Pro-coalition Hadramout authorities declare emergency state to face tribes uprising

The governor of Hadramout province in Hadi’s government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, Faraj al-Bahsani, declared a state of emergency in the province.

Al-Bahsani’s decision is coinciding with the insistence of the Hadramout valley tribes to continue the tribal sit-in in the ‘Al-Ayoun’ area until the looting of the province’s wealth is stopped. =

(A E)

Stifling crisis of oil derivatives hits Aden

Local sources indicated that oil derivatives filling stations closed their doors before citizens’ cars, while other stations raised the prices of oil derivatives.

They affirmed that cars swarmed along the streets to fill up fuel, what caused anger and great resentment among the civilians

(A T)

Pro-coalition commander survives assassination attempt in Dhalea

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-780 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-780: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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