Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 780 - Yemen War Mosaic 780

Yemen Press Reader 780: 5. Jan. 2022: Timothy Lenderking und Rolle der USA im Jemen – Kampf gegen Inhaftierung und Geheimgefängnisse im Südjemen – Selbstironie zur Versöhnung mit alltäglichem Horror – Huthis beschlagnahmen Militärfrachtschiff der Emirate – u. mehr

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Jan. 5, 2022: Timothy Lenderking and the US role in Yemen – Fighting against detainment and secret prisons in Southern Yemen – Making peace with everyday horror by self-mockery – Houthis seize UAE-flagged military cargo ship – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Huthis beschlagnahmen Militärfrachtschiff unter der Flagge der Emirate / Most important: Houthis seize UAE-flagged military cargo ship

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(B H K)

Film: A glimpse of 2021 for #Yemen in one video. Conflict and displacement continue to put a heavy burden on Yemeni families. The number of people in need gets higher while assistance is limited because of the lack of funding.

(* B H K P)

The Guardian view on Yemen: the forgotten war

Years of brutal conflict have brought misery to an already impoverished country. There is no end in sight

By the end of this year, the United Nations warned recently, 377,000 Yemenis will have died from seven devastating years of war – in many cases killed by indirect causes such as hunger; in others, by airstrikes or missile bombardments. Seventy per cent of the fatalities are thought to be children under five.

As 2021 began, there were hopes that Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House might bring progress towards peace.

Saudi Arabia, which expected a quick win, has little to show for the billions that it has poured into this war. Though its ally, the UAE, withdrew most troops two years ago, Riyadh is still in search of an exit.

With borders and airspace sealed, the world has largely been able to ignore the war’s impact on Yemen’s civilians. But the conflict must not be allowed to slip down the agenda again. Its grim and entrenched nature is not cause to give up on diplomacy, but all the more reason to renew the determined efforts required if Yemenis are to have a real future.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

O Lenderking, the Lies You Bring: a Look at Biden’s Special Envoy for Yemen

On December 16, Lenderking appeared on public radio’s The World. Lenderking told World host Carol Hills, presumably with a straight face, that one of the Biden Administration’s “first principles” for ending the war “is to get outside actors out of the conflict.”

Good idea. Let’s start with the US. Since 2015, when a Saudi-led coalition of Arab states intervened in Yemen to restore President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi who the Houthis had overthrown the year before, the US has provided the Saudi coalition with intelligence, targeting assistance, arms sales, and (until November 2018) in-flight refueling of coalition warplanes.

US assistance to the coalition has decreased since President Biden’s February 4 announcement, but Pentagon-authorized private contractors still service Saudi warplanes and the US continues to supply spare parts for Saudi aircraft. Bruce Riedel, a former CIA analyst now at the Brookings Institution says that without US spare parts Royal Saudi Air Force warplanes would be “grounded.”

Between December and March 2021 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not allow a single oil tanker to dock at Hodeidah, Yemen’s principal port which at that time was controlled by the Houthis. CNN reported that a “vessel tracking app” showed fourteen oil tankers detained off the Saudi coast.

Lenderking denied that the tankers were being detained.

The blockade is a major part of a deliberate Saudi strategy of starving Yemen into submission.

Blaming Iran, Whitewashing Saudi Arabia

Peace activists accuse Lenderking of bias toward the Saudi Royals (Spencer Ackerman, “Biden Official Is Toeing the Saudi Line, Activists Say,” Daily Beast, Apr. 14, 2021).

A Democratic congressional staffer who works on Middle East issues told the Daily Beast that it was “baffling that Lenderking, who both publicly celebrated U.S. support for the Saudi war and opposed the attempt by Congress to reassert its constitutional authorities, would be put in charge of negotiating a peaceful settlement for Yemen.”

Actually, it’s not baffling at all. Lenderking’s mission is to achieve peace without pissing off the Saudis and while blaming the Houthis and Iran for the war and the attendant humanitarian crisis.

With that aim, Lenderking told World host Carol Hills that “the key factor that really plays the most detrimental influence, I think, in our view, is Iran” (emphasis added). Iran didn’t invade Yemen; Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates did.

Even the blockade which is conducted by the Royal Saudi Navy and enforced by coalition warplanes, is Iran’s fault. CNN reported

Asked during a December 21, 2017 press briefing whether the blockade and Saudi bombing make the Saudis “responsible at all for the humanitarian crisis on the ground in Yemen?”, Lenderking replied that there’s “a lot of blame to go around.”

During his World interview, Lenderking scolded Iran for “continu[ing] to try to smuggle weapons into Yemen in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.” Somehow, Lenderking didn’t think to mention the billions of dollars’ worth of deadly weapons the US sells Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Iran does supply the Houthis with training, missiles, and armed drones. Iran, however, is much less involved in Yemen than the Saudi-led coalition. Bruce Riedel, a former CIA analyst now at the Brookings Institution, says that the war costs the Saudis “billions of dollars, if not tens of billions, a year.” One scholar estimates that Saudi Arabia has spent $100 billion on the war in Yemen. Whereas supplying the Houthis, Riedel says, costs Iran “a pittance. Maybe $20 million at most a year.” Supporting the Houthis is a relatively low-cost means for Iran to harass and bankrupt its Saudi adversary.

Yemen Can’t Wait

Hassan El-Tayyab, Legislative Director for Middle East Policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, has stated that Biden could have ended—and should have ended—US assistance to the Saudi coalition on Day One of his administration through an executive order.

Instead, Biden has placed all his chips on negotiating a permanent ceasefire in Yemen. Negotiations have deadlocked, however, since the Houthis will not agree to a ceasefire until the coalition lifts the blockade and the coalition will not lift the blockade until the Houthis agree to a ceasefire.

Blockade and ceasefire must be delinked. The Saudis must lift the blockade now, with or without a ceasefire. The US can pressure Saudi Arabia to lift the blockade by freezing arms sales.

Fifty-six per cent of Americans want to cut off assistance to the Saudi coalition. The task now is to find a way to make Congress listen – by Charles Pierson

(** B P)


Huda Al-Sarari was forced into exile after her work documenting human rights abuses by U.S.-backed Emirati forces garnered global attention.

YEMENI ATTORNEY Huda Al-Sarari had been representing women in domestic abuse and gender-based violence cases for years, when around 2015 she began fielding a different cry for help.

As a civil conflict in Yemen turned to a proxy war between regional powers, women would call Al-Sarari in the middle of the night to tell her that their homes had just been raided and their husbands, brothers, and sons taken away by force. Others would reach out to her after having spent days searching for their loved ones at prisons and police stations, and pleading with officials who told them they had no involvement in the men’s detention or knowledge of their whereabouts.

“These families were saying, ‘Help us, our sons were kidnapped,’” Al-Sarari told The Intercept in an interview. “I couldn’t hear about these violations and crimes and do nothing.”

The disappearances started shortly after Saudi Arabia launched an aerial and ground intervention in Yemen that was backed by the United States and involved other regional powers, like the United Arab Emirates. During the campaign, the UAE, a key ally in the U.S.-led war on Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, took control of vast swaths of Yemen’s south. As the number of the forcibly disappeared in and near the city of Aden grew in the hundreds, reports began to circulate that the men had been detained, beaten, and often tortured by informal Yemeni security forces trained and armed by the UAE.

Al-Sarari, along with a group of other attorneys and activists, began quietly investigating the reports. Their meticulous documentation effort culminated in a database that at one point included the names of more than 10,000 men and boys, most of whom were detained outside the domain of the state’s judicial system. It helped expose a network of secret prisons run by the UAE with the knowledge and at times direct involvement of U.S. forces.

The work of Al-Sarari and her colleagues was central to groundbreaking reports published by the Associated Press and Human Rights Watch in 2017. The revelations about the coalition’s abuses in southern Yemen renewed scrutiny of foreign powers’ involvement in the country’s civil conflict, as well as of the human rights abuses that continue to be carried out by U.S. allies in the name of counterterrorism. The documentation efforts contributed to the release of more than 260 detainees in the months following the reports’ publication, and could provide essential evidence as a growing number of international actors call for accountability for the widespread violations committed by all parties to Yemen’s conflict. More than 1,000 people remain detained to this day, Al-Sarari said, and more than 40 are unaccounted for, their fate and whereabouts unknown.

The identities of many of the people who documented the abuses are not publicly known, due to their fear of retaliation in Yemen. But Al-Sarari appeared in media interviews and was publicly recognized for her involvement. That recognition put a target on her back. She faced a relentless defamation campaign, as well as threats and intimidation attempts, and was implored by her family to stop speaking out. “They blamed me, saying, ‘If you’re not afraid for yourself, fear for your children, fear for your reputation,’” she said.

Four years later, Al-Sarari’s work continues to have a profound impact on her life. Al-Sarari fled Yemen in 2019 months after her teenage son was killed, in what she believes to be retaliation for her work. She is now hiding in a country she asked The Intercept not to name. From there, she continues to field calls from people back home, mostly mothers, and to investigate reports of abuses.

Even from exile, she prefers to talk about ongoing human rights violations in Yemen rather than about how much exposing them has cost her – by Alice Speri

(** B H K)


As Yemen enters its seventh year of war, humour in the form of self-mockery is emerging and thriving amidst the sustained state of horror. People grappling with the prolonged state of ruin and war are offering themselves as objects of mockery to connect and reconcile through shared lived experiences by laughing together at it. This is not only a modality designed for a fleeting catharsis but also a form of solidary mechanism in the face of everyday horrors inscribed in public memory. These attempts at self-mockery have the potential to become instruments to repatch a society together where war has torn apart most forms of sociality. In this research debrief, I examine a song that addresses the morbid daily horror posed by the paucity of cooking gas in the country through the device of sarcasm.


What I explore here is a modality of peacemaking engaging with one’s brutal reality by laughing at it not only by way of seeking relief but also, ultimately, to signify a shared daily ordeal that can unite society. Peacemaking here does not refer to the refashioning of a subjectivity that conforms to the status quo. To make peace with daily war horror through laughter is rather a necessary move to be able to make sense of it, dwell and reflect on it, deconstruct it, and critique it; therefore, allowing the society to reconcile with itself. It connotes a form of peacemaking that does not conform to liberal peace; a form of peace that can only be initiated by Yemenis who have the capacity to deploy shared memory and cultural repertoire to regenerate sociality. It can be effective because it is staged at the margins, in hiding from authorities’ gaze, and therefore cannot be co-opted by institutionalised top–down liberal peacebuilding schemes. The laughter can escape appropriation because “laughter is an illusion since there are always only endlessly proliferating forms of laughter… that has a historically and culturally variable and instable significance”.5 What I am alluding to is the offering of self as an object of mockery and the collective laughter such an offering provokes. Laughter might sound alien when thinking about societies where wars have imposed economic, social, and political alienations, and social wreckage.

Many have attested to a darker side of laughter by looking into the ways comedy and tragedy, laughter and horror, mirth and violence are binary pairs that do not undermine one another but cohabit. In Freud’s pleasure principle, laughter has cathartic properties often geared towards dissolving anxiety and nervousness. Whilst a Freudian interpretation of laughter might seem to focus on its psychological cathartic effect, sociologists have examined the complex social, political, and cultural relations to which laughter insinuates. As Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin puts it, “Certain essential aspects of the world are accessible only to laughter”.6 Laughter does not only represent a society but also analyses it, critiques it, and reshapes the deviant. It unveils the tension and paradox that exist within a society. As Konrad Lorenz once stated, laughter is an instrument of inclusion, channelled to dissolve differences, yet it can be an instrument of exclusion that effectively erects boundaries around the aberrant, the immoral, and the corrupt.7 Through laughter, the taboo is confronted and the villain is exposed. And “for the joke to ‘work’ requires both shared knowledge and sentiment”.8 They draw attention to a shared identity and collective belonging to community.9 Importantly, it assures shared experience, allowing society to unite in laughter.


The US-backed coalition’s war against Houthis, and ultimately against Yemen, to restore the government of President Hadi has been, so far, successful in destroying Yemen’s economy and social fabric. The ongoing conflict between the warring parties has deteriorated the entire economy, imposed economic sanctions, increased the budget deficit, and devalued the Yemeni riyal (YR). Most civil servants have lost their income. Severe shortages of everyday life essentials have become the norm. The lack of cooking gas has become an aspect of daily aggravating encounters ordinary Yemenis experience because of war. Cooking gas cylinders have disappeared from their previous avenues of shops or hawkers, only to appear in abundance in the black market, where one cylinder can be purchased for 13,500 YR (US$12.00) against the actual value which is 500 YR (US$0.50). Many families have resorted to using firewood because they can neither find gas nor afford black market prices. While the war has played a significant role in this gas crisis, many also blame the rampant corruption of authorities and lack of regulations.10 Cooking gas is essential for small businesses (restaurants, food vendors operating from homes, minibuses, etc.) that emerged and operate at the margins of the collapsed economy.

The severe lack of gas has turned ordinary daily life into a nightmare, squeezing life and hope yet again out of these margins. In response to this daily ordeal brought about by war and political corruption, Anwar al-Sharafi and his band resorted to satirical songs as a way to make sense of, and speak back to, the daily horror the war brought about. The song “Ayn al-Ghaz?” (Where is the cooking gas?) questions authorities about the disappearance of gas from normal markets and its availability in black markets, while singing about the everyday horrors that culminate as a result. The clip’s music is borrowed from the children’s song ‘Baby Shark’ that went viral worldwide and became a rallying cray against government corruption in Lebanon.

What this song and many other art works signify is that Yemen has traditional and cultural wealth, rich histories, and shared memories on which Yemenis draw to deploy reconciliation amidst Yemen’s fractured social realities. International and regional powers need to take their hands off of Yemen because most of the ingredients prescribed by them, to seemingly restore peace, have effectively led to conflict and strain rather than reconciliation. Until then, ordinary Yemenis will continue to birth and rebirth new avenues through which a reconciled Yemen may eventually emerge – by Kamilia Al-Eriani

Film, Song “Where is the cooking gas?”:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

COVID-19 Jemen: 7-Tage-Inzidenz | 04.01.2022

(A H)

Five COVID-19 Cases Reported in Shabwa, Aden

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of two coronavirus patients in Aden. No death has been recorded.

(A H)

Eight new COVID-19 cases reported, 10,138 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 12 coronavirus patients. No death has been recorded.

(B H)

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among indigenous people in Yemen: An incipient crisis


There are many reasons that push Yemenis not to take the Corona vaccine, as the deteriorating health and living reality as a result of the war and the destruction that afflicted the country created a state of ignorance and backwardness and prevented the arrival of awareness and education campaigns regarding the importance, effectiveness and safety of taking the vaccine, all of which put the Yemeni people in a state of hesitation, fear and Ignorance about the risks of not taking the vaccine.

(A H)

Significant decrease in Corona deaths in Yemen

The committee concerned with combating the Corona virus in Yemen said on Friday that the number of deaths from the Corona virus decreased significantly during the past week, with the approach of the third wave of the epidemic continuing for the fifth month in the country to recede.
The committee said in a statement that it recorded 17 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 during the last week of the year and two deaths related to the virus in the governorates of Ma’rib and Shabwa, while no deaths were recorded for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic in the governorates of Aden and Hadramout, which are the two main epicenters of the epidemic. Compared to 17 injuries and eight deaths in the previous week.

(A H)


(A H)

Two new COVID-19 cases reported, 10,125 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of one coronavirus patient in Hadramout. No death has been recorded.

(* A H P)

Houthis call for int'l support to counter deadly pandemics

Houthi health authorities have released new warnings that diphtheria and measles epidemics awfully spread in Yemen during the past years.
Official reports indicate an awful upsurge in the number of infections and deaths caused by some fatal pandemics, particularly diphtheria and measles, in the last three years, Houthi-appointed deputy minister of health said.
Since 2018, 500 cases – out of over 8,000 diphtheria registered infections – died of the disease, and more than 9,000 measles infections were registered in the same period, Mohamed al-Mansour added.
The Sana'a-based health ministry recorded more than 200,000 dung fever cases, including 500 deaths in that period, he said, warning against a recurrence of such pandemics that the country was about to get rid of before the war outbreak.
The Houthi official called on all international agencies to keep on supporting Yemen's deteriorating health sector and to focus on enhancing the preparedness in the face of such epidemics.
According to previous reports, polio spread again in Yemen nearly 15 years after the official authorities announced the country free of the disease.
The Iranian-backed Houthi group often denies people access to vaccinations against pandemics in areas under its control, Sa'ada in particular.
For the Houthi officials, these granted vaccines come as part of American-Western conspiracy against Yemen.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Huthis beschlagnahmen Militärfrachtschiff unter der Flagge der Emirate / Most important: Houthis seize UAE-flagged military cargo ship

(** A K)

Huthi-Bewegung beschlagnahmt saudisches Militär-Frachtschiff vor Küste des Jemen

Die von Iran unterstützte Ansarullah-Bewegung (Huthi-Milizen) setzte in der Nacht zum Montag vor der Küste des Jemen ein Frachtschiff fest. Die unter der Flagge der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate fahrende "Rawabi" war auf dem Weg von der Insel Sokotra zur saudischen Küstenstadt Dschisan.

Laut einem Huthi-Sprecher, der von einer "erfolgreichen und beispiellosen" Beschlagnahme sprach, handelt es sich um ein militärisches Frachtschiff. Das Schiff sei "ohne Genehmigung in jemenitische Gewässer eingedrungen" und habe "feindliche Handlungen" begangen, erklärte ein Sprecher auf Twitter.

Die Militärkoalition, die unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens im bettelarmen Jemen seit Jahren gegen Jemeniten kämpft, warf den Huthis die Entführung des Schiffes im Roten Meer vor. Die Koalition teilte dagegen mit, das Schiff habe medizinische Güter geladen und sei auf dem Rückweg von einem Einsatz zum Bau eines Feldkrankenhauses auf Sokotra gewesen. Saudi-Arabien forderte die Huthis mittlerweile auf, "das Schiff sofort freizugeben". Andernfalls würden "die Koalitionskräfte alle notwendigen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um gegen diese Verletzung vorzugehen".

und auch

(** A K)

Saudi-Arabien wirft Huthis Entführung von Schiff für Hilfslieferungen vor

Die Militärkoalition, die unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens im Jemen gegen die Huthi-Rebellen kämpft, hat diesen die Entführung eines Schiffs im Roten Meer vorgeworfen. Die »Rawabi«, die unter Flagge der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate fährt, sei am Sonntagabend »gekapert und entführt« worden, sagte ein Sprecher der Koalition am Montag. Das Schiff sei auf dem Rückweg von der jemenitischen Inselgruppe Sokotra gewesen, wohin es medizinisches Material geliefert habe.

Die Huthi-Rebellen bestätigten die Festsetzung des Schiffes, das jedoch »militärisches Material« transportiert habe. Das Schiff sei »ohne Genehmigung in jemenitische Gewässer eingedrungen« und habe »feindliche Handlungen« begangen, erklärte ein Sprecher auf Twitter.

»Die Terrormiliz der Huthis trägt die volle Verantwortung für diesen kriminellen Akt der Piraterie«, erklärte der Sprecher der Militärkoalition. Er forderte die Huthis auf, »das Schiff sofort freizugeben«. Andernfalls würden »die Koalitionskräfte alle notwendigen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um gegen diese Verletzung vorzugehen«.

Schauen Sie sich selbst an, was dieses Schiff geladen hat:


and also

Filme: =

(** A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni forces capture Emirati military cargo ship

The Yemeni Armed Forces reported on Monday that they had seized an Emirati cargo ship carrying military equipment entering Yemeni waters without any license.

The Armed Forces indicated in a statement that the ship was “carrying out hostile acts targeting the security and stability of the Yemeni people.”

In the statement, the Yemeni army spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e released the the full details of the operation.

“For the first time, the Yemeni Navy forces succeeded in carrying out a military operation seizing an Emirati military cargo ship while it was engaging in hostile activities at sea,” Yahya Sare’e explained.

“The hostile ship carried military equipment, including mechanisms, devices, and other equipment used in the aggression against the Yemeni people,” he said.

” The Emirati ship had been monitored for weeks by the naval forces, and it has carried out several hostile acts and engaged in hostile activities in Yemeni territorial waters. Following a careful monitoring of the ship’s activity, directives were issued to seize it as a part of the legitimate defence of our country and people. The ship was transported to the port of Al-Salif in Hodeidah,” he explained.

The army spokesman added that the naval forces, within the framework of their defense tasks for the Yemeni territorial waters, were and still are monitoring all the hostile activities of the warships of the Saudi-led coalition (with films)

(* A K pH)

Sanaa broadcasts scenes of military equipment on board of UAE ship (photos)

and more Houthi side comments: = and = and

(** A K)

Houthis seize 'hostile' vessel off Yemen that Saudis say carried medical equipment

The Iran-aligned Houthi movement that controls northern Yemen hijacked a United Arab Emirates-flagged cargo vessel which it said was engaged in "hostile acts" but which the Saudis said was carrying hospital equipment.

The ship was heading to the Saudi port of Jizan, just north of Yemen, from the Yemeni Red Sea island of Socotra when it was attacked just before midnight on Sunday, Saudi state news agency SPA reported, quoting coalition spokesman Brigadier General Turki al-Malki.

The cargo ship was hijacked off the western Yemeni port of Hodeidah, the coalition said.

The Houthis' military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, confirmed seizure of the vessel which he said was carrying military equipment and engaged in "hostile acts targeting the security and stability of the Yemeni people". He added that the crew, "of different nationalities", were still on board.

In a press briefing broadcast on the group's Masirah TV, Sarea shared photos and videos that he said they were of the seized ship showing armoured vehicles, weapons and ammunition. He added the vessel had been taken to the Houthi-controlled port of Salif, north of Hodeidah.

SPA said the vessel was carrying equipment from a shuttered field hospital.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said late on Sunday it had received reports of an attack on a vessel near Yemen's port of Ras Isa, which lies slightly north of Hodeidah, and an investigation was under way. = =

(** A K)

Yemen’s Houthis seize UAE-flagged ship carrying 'military supplies' off Socotra

The Saudi-led coalition claims the ship was carrying medical supplies for a field hospital on the Yemeni island of Socotra

The Yemeni Houthi movement has seized an Emirati-flagged cargo ship it said was engaged in "hostile acts" but which Saudi Arabia said was carrying hospital equipment.

Saudi Brigadier General Turki al-Malki said that the ship named Rawabi was travelling from Yemen's Socotra island, off the country's south coast, and heading to the Saudi port of Jizan, when the Houthis attacked it at midnight on Monday.

Malki added that the ship was carrying medical supplies after finishing a mission to set up a field hospital on the island.

"The boat named Rawabi, bearing the flag of the United Arab Emirates, was pirated and kidnapped at 23:57 (2057 GMT) Sunday while off Hodeidah province," he said.

"The Houthi militia must immediately release the ship, otherwise the coalition forces shall take all necessary measures and procedures to deal with this violation, including the use of force," Malki said in a statement cited by the official Saudi Press Agency.

The Rawabi was returning to the Saudi city of Jazan carrying medical supplies after finishing a mission to set up a field hospital on the island, Malki said.

But Houthi military spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the vessel was carrying military equipment and said the ship was engaged in "hostile acts targeting the security and stability of Yemeni people".

Saree added that the crew of "different nationalities" were still on board and the ship had entered Yemeni waters without permission.

and also

(* A K)

Houthi accused of hijacking UAE ship. UPDATE Photos

Saudi Arabia reported the hijack of UAE-flagged landing craft RWABEE by Yemeni Houthi rebels:
The ship was heading to the Saudi port of Jizan, just north of Yemen, from the Yemeni Red Sea island of Socotra when it was attacked just before midnight on Sunday, Saudi state news agency SPA reported. SPA said the ship was carrying medical equipment.
Houthi promptly responded by accusing the Saudis in hostile acts, and said it was an Emirati military cargo ship, carrying military equipment, and illegally entering Yemeni waters.

and also

More photos:

Films: =

My comment: This looks like military equipment… The Saudi claims look ridiculous.

(A K pH)

Photo: The most dangerous thing that the Sana'a forces obtained from the equipment is the Humvee M1035A2, which is a modern dual satellite communication unit with a limit of 20 megabytes per second. It grants secure and direct communication with constants such as command and control centers and granting the powers of communication and directing to moving objects such as drones and others!!

and also

(* A K P)

Yemeni rebels claim seized UAE ship was transporting weapons

sources speaking to Saudi-controlled news outlets claimed the military vehicles and rifles displayed by the Iranian-backed Houthi forces at a televised press conference were “planted”.

That is despite markings on some of the equipment denoting it as belonging to the Saudi-led coalition of forces fighting the Houthis, formally known as Ansarullah.


(A K P)

The fishing boat that hijacked Rawabi

The pampered Shiit sectarian militia showed footage of armored vehicles and other military supplies on board the ship, prompting coalition sources to say that the militia uploaded them into the vessel that had carried only a medical cargo meant to be shipped to the Saudi Jazan port. The Saudi-led coalition's narrative came across as so credible in Yemen especially among social media users who discounted the motive of a New Year's gift. Weapon cargoes arrive at Aden seaport where the STC proxy recieves them and hands them off to Houthis according to schedule by mistake. The United States, too, at times loses valuable military assets to Yemen's Shia without intention.

My comment: How ridiculous is this? How the Houthis should have “planted” the military equipment there? Might-be the five divers who seized the ship held it in hands when they entered the ship?

(A K)

This is #Hollywood material. It turns out that these 5 #Yemeni patriots captured the #UAE military logistics ship. Why did @business call it hijacking? It’s war.

referring to (photo)

(* A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of the Coalition: Piracy and Armed Hijacking of Cargo Ship “RWABEE” by Terrorist Houthi Militia off the Coasts of Al-Hudaydah Governorate

Statement by the Official Spokesperson of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Brigadier General Turki Al-Malki:
“At (23:57) on Sunday (02 January 2022), the Cargo Ship (RWABEE) sailing under the flag of the United Arab Emirates was targeted through piracy and hijacking while sailing off the coast of Al-Hudaydah Governorate.
(RWABEE) was conducting a maritime mission from the Island of (Socotra) to (Jazan) Port. It was carrying medical field equipment, that were used to operate the Saudi Field Hospital in the Island. The Field Hospital has concluded its mission following the establishment of a hospital on the Island.
The ship’s field hospital equipment cargo includes: (ambulances, medical equipment, communication devices, tents, a field kitchen, field laundry units and technical and security support equipment).
This act of Piracy by the terrorist Houthi militia is a credible threat that highlights the danger of the terrorist Houthi militia on the freedom of navigation and international trade in the South Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandab Strait.
The terrorist Houthi militia will bear full responsibility as a result of its criminal act of Piracy against the ship, which violates the customary International Humanitarian Law, the San Remo Manual on Armed Conflicts at Sea and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The militia must promptly release the ship, or the Coalition Forces will undertake all necessary measures and procedures to handle this violation, including the use of force if necessary.”

(* A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of Coalition: Initiation of Any Act of Piracy, Kidnapping or Hijacking From Any Port Will Render That Port A Legitimate Military Target

This act of piracy and hijacking was executed from Hodeida Port through interception of the commercial ship in international waterways, which is a blatant violation of the International Humanitarian Law and relevant Laws of the sea; considering that that the (RWABEE) is a commercial cargo ship that was carrying medical field equipment, that were used to operate the Saudi Field Hospital in the Island of (Socotra) following the completion of its humanitarian mission which was providing healthcare and medical services to thousands of Yemenis on the Island.

This serious, criminal act contradicts the provisions and the underlying spirit of the (Stockholm Agreement) of 2018, specifically the second article of the commitments and the second provision of the Agreement regarding the city of Hodeida and Ports of Hodeida, Ras Isa and Saleef, as well as the continued violations of the terrorist Houthi militia which has exceeded (30,527) deliberate violations.
The terrorist, Iran-backed Houthi militia must promptly release the commercial cargo ship (RWABEE) with all its humanitarian, non-combatant cargo intact. Should the militia fail to comply, all ports that launch and harbor these acts of piracy, hijacking and armed robbery, and those pirates who perpetrate them will render said ports legitimate military targets in accordance with the customary International Humanitarian Law and relevant Laws of the Sea.”

My comment: A direct threat to attack Hodeidah harbour and city – and still against any evidence the ridiculous claim “t hat the (RWABEE) is a commercial cargo ship that was carrying medical field equipment”.

(B K P)

International law expert: Presence of UAE’s ship in Yemeni waters is illegal

President of the European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR), Mahmoud Refaat, said on Monday that “the presence of the Emirati ship in Yemen’s territorial waters is illegal.”

“If it is proven that the ship is military, the crime will be grave,” Refaat added in a tweet on Twitter, considering that the Sanaa government’s holding of a ship flying the UAE flag is “unprecedented act.”

(A K pS)

Region reacts with outrage to Houthi hijacking of UAE ship off Yemen

The reported hijacking of a UAE cargo ship off the coast of Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthi militia drew widespread condemnation across the region on Monday.
The Saudi-led Arab coalition said the ship was seized shortly before midnight on Sunday near the port city of Hodeidah. Coalition spokesman Brig. Gen. Turki Al-Maliki said the ship, the Rawabi, was on a naval mission from the Yemeni island of Socotra to the Saudi port of Jazan, carrying equipment that had been used for a Saudi field hospital on the island.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned the hijacking, describing the attack as a criminal act that obstructs the freedom of maritime and commercial navigation.

and Saudi puppet orgs:

My comment: LOL. Look at the photos.

and the Hadi government:

(A K P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] condemns the piracy and hijacking of the Emirati cargo ship by the Houthi militias

Yemen strongly condemned the piracy and hijacking by the Houthi militia of a civil Emirati-flagged ship laden with equipment for the Saudi field hospital, off the Yemeni governorate of Hodeidah.
The Yemeni Ministry of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs said in a statement published by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) today, "The piracy operation by the Houthi militia represents a serious violation of international security and stability, and the security and safety of global navigation, and a disregard for all principles of international humanitarian law, particularly the San Remo Guide on International Law in and Armed Conflicts at Sea and United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The statement added: "This violation requires the international community to stand up to its responsibilities towards these irresponsible terrorist behaviors by the Houthi militias, as this represents a further evidence of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia's danger to the safety of freedom of maritime navigation and global trade in the Bab al-Mandab strait and the southern Red Sea."

and Saudi allies:

(A P)

Arab states condemn Houthis' seizure of UAE-flagged ship

A number of Arab states and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) yesterday condemned the seizure of a UAE-flagged cargo ship heading to the Saudi port of Jizan by Yemen's Houthis.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the "Houthi militia's hijacking of the UAE-flagged cargo", adding that "such terrorist operations pose a real threat to freedom of navigation" and calling for the "immediate release of the ship".

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Jordan and Bahrain also condemned "in the strongest terms" the ship's exposure to "piracy and hijacking".

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of the internationally recognised Yemeni government, Maeen Abdul-Malik, described the incident as "piracy, hijacking and a serious threat to international navigation".

and the US:

(A P)

US State Dep.: Houthis’ Ship Seizure Threatens International Trade and Security

The United States condemns the Houthis’ January 2 seizure of a UAE-flagged merchant vessel off the coast of Hudaydah, Yemen. These actions interfere with freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and threaten international trade and regional security.

These Houthi actions come at a time when all parties should be de-escalating and returning to inclusive political talks. We urge the Houthis to immediately release the ship and crew unharmed and to cease all violence that sets back the political process to end the war in Yemen.

My comment: Showing again the US as a warring party in the Yemen War,

(* B K pH)

The invisible hand of UAE in Yemen

Mohammed Abdulsalam, spokesman for the Ansarullah movement, said the images expected to be broadcast will muzzle the aggression and its “fake media.”

“The qualitative and unprecedented operation of the Yemeni naval forces plunged the countries of aggression into a state of confusion by issuing successive and contradictory statements. The images that will be broadcast later on the military ship will restrain the countries of aggression and silence its fake media,” Abdulsalam said.

He also confirmed that the seizure was a successful and unprecedented operation. “The successful and unprecedented operation comes as part of confronting the aggression and the siege,” he pointed out.

It is the first time that a transgressive ship has been seized while carrying out hostile acts in Yemeni waters since the beginning of the U.S.-Saudi aggression, according to Al-Masirah, a Yemeni news television.

The news channel said the Yemeni navy had previously destroyed several ships and frigates operated by the U.S.-Saudi aggression while carrying out hostile acts against the Yemeni people.

the Armed Forces of Yemen warned Saudi Arabia against targeting the seized ship as it would put the lives of the crew in danger.

The seizure came against a backdrop of renewed Saudi push to escalate its aerial bombardment of Yemen.

In addition, Saudi Arabia deployed a UAE-backed militia called the Giants Brigades from Yemen’s western coast to the Shabwa governorate. The militia started an offensive against the Yemeni forces in the governorate as soon as it set foot in Shabwa. They now plan to further advance in the governorate with direct aerial support from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The UAE, although pretending to be out of the Yemen war, keeps playing a pivotal role in support of Saudi Arabia in the war in Yemen. The recent developments in Shabwa were the latest indicator of the Emirati involvement. In that context, the Yemeni forces’ seizure of the transgressive Emirati ship may correlate with the UAE’s renewed interest in Shabwa.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Yemen War Daily Map Updates

(* B H K)

Jemen-Krieg ohne Ende in Sicht

Seit Jahren wird der Jemen von einem bewaffneten Konflikt zerrissen. Er spielt an der schmalen Küstenebene, in Städten und Dörfern, in rauen Bergen und Wüstenplateaus. Staat und Wirtschaft sind weitgehend kollabiert, Millionen Familien halten sich nur noch mit dem Essen, Medizin und Bargeldzahlungen von Hilfsorganisationen über Wasser. Trotz Hungerkrise muss nun aber das Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) Lebensmittelrationen für Notleidende im Land kürzen. Dem WFP fehlt Geld.

Durch den Krieg kamen dem Analyseprojekt ACLED zufolge mehr als 145.000 Menschen ums Leben. Zählt man auch indirekte Kriegsfolgen dazu, sind es laut UN eher doppelt so viele Todesopfer.

Ein Ende des Leids ist 2022 nicht in Sicht - im Gegenteil.

Chancen auf eine politische Lösung sinken

"Die Eskalation der letzten Wochen gehört zu den schlimmsten, die wir im Jemen seit Jahren erlebt haben", warnte kürzlich der UN-Vermittler für den Jemen, Hans Grundberg. "Die Bedrohung für das Leben von Zivilisten nimmt zu." Die anhaltenden Kämpfe um Marib untergraben Grundberg zufolge auch die Chancen auf eine politische Lösung des Konflikts. "2021 endet tragisch für die Jemeniten."

Für Familien wie die von Salih al-Asudi ist es ein Dauerlauf um das eigene Überleben im Zyklus immer neuer Vertreibungen. Er und seine 14-köpfige Familie haben seit 2015 in drei Flüchtlingscamps gelebt

Jeder weitere Monat Krieg vor der eigenen Haustür wird für Riad einer zu viel. Die Huthis greifen Saudi-Arabien aus dem südlichen Nachbarland inzwischen oft wöchentlich mit Raketen, Marschflugkörpern und Drohnen an, und dem Königreich geht bei der Verteidigung offenbar die Munition aus. Es habe Verbündete in den USA, am Golf und in Europa daher um Nachschub gebeten.

Die Jemeniten versuchen unterdessen, trotz der Gewalt irgendwie ihr Leben zu leben. =

(B K P)

Analysis: What’s behind blind Saudi bombardment of Yemeni cities?

Taking revenge of the defeat on the civilians
Undoubtedly, Ansarullah's military successes in recent months on various fronts in the fight against the Arab coalition and its mercenaries have played an important role in angering the Saudis, motovating Riyadh to carry out insane and brutal reactions targeting the civilians by blind bombing of the cities.
Oil-rich Ma'rib is now under full encirclment of Ansarullah and the coalition forces and their mercenary allies are to accept a big defeat in the war that can make more difficult the war conditions for them, despite Saudi tricks ranging from showing favor in political initiatives and negotiations to full use of military force to check the resistant movement's progress on the battleground.
Meanwhile, Ansarullah's military victories in the provinces of Al-Jawf, Hijjah, and the west coast have added to the failure of the Saudi coalition and the failure of its political and military plans for the future. In particular, the complete liberation of Al-Jawf, which seems to have been fully achieved by recent military operations, will deal a fatal blow to the coalition body as any group dominating Al-Jawf controls the current battle in Yemen, especially in the five vital provinces of Amran in the west, Sana'a in the southwest, Ma'rib in the south, Hadhrahmaut in the east, and Sa'ada in the north of Al-Jawf.

(B K P)

Yemen Braces for Another Year of Devastating War

As Yemen’s civil conflict grinds on, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis will deepen and a political settlement will become harder to reach over the next year, driving a cycle of instability that will keep the war-torn country a geopolitical proxy theater. The civil war in Yemen recently entered its seventh year, creating what the United Nations and other international organizations now see as the deadliest humanitarian crisis in the world. And it’s a crisis that still has no clear end in sight, as cyclical warfare patterns and evenly-matched military actors on either side continuously push the conflict further away from a political settlement or cease-fire.

Persistent Houthi drone and missile attacks against Saudi territory stoke a cycle of military escalation that makes it difficult for the warring sides to back down. These attacks — which pose a threat to Saudi Arabia, as well as Yemeni government forces and civilians — are becoming more frequent. Saudi Arabia and the Saudi-led Yemeni government coalition always respond to such Houthi attacks with retaliatory airstrikes and boosted ground offensives. Houthi capability improvements and their seemingly endless arsenal of projectiles — some sourced from Iran, others from internal stockpiles and workshops — means that Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni government will likely continue to respond militarily to Houthi strikes, continuing a tit-for-tat cycle of violence and destruction.

Key frontlines remain deadlocked despite intense fighting, making each side reticent to withdraw. Fighting remains heavy along the front lines in the central provinces of Shabwa and Marib, as well as the coastal area of Hudaydah.

The prolonged war has exacerbated the civil conflict’s initial drivers, making them harder to resolve.

Given these factors, Yemen’s warring parties are unlikely to reach a political settlement in 2022. The ongoing conflict will, in turn, keep Yemen as a key geopolitical proxy theater for Saudi Arabia, Iran and other external actors with interests in the region. Yemen’s deepening instability is one of the factors currently pushing Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to consider rapprochement with Iran. =

(* B K P)

Death of Iranian Envoy to Yemen Has No Impact on War

The death of Hassan Irloo, the Iranian envoy to Yemen, does not imply that the war in Yemen will end anytime soon. In fact, Saudi Arabia’s continued airstrikes and Houthi retaliation squelch any prospects for peace.

The connection between Irloo’s presence in Sanaa and Houthi military operations is not very strong. Over the last seven years, the Houthis have behaved like a state at the military level. They have developed their missile capabilities and managed to mobilize thousands of fighters, indicating that their organization and management will persist, and their incursions will not abruptly cease, particularly in the oil-rich Marib.

Undisputedly, the group receives military support from Iran, but is not wholly dependent on the Islamic Republic. The Houthi leadership strives to devise military schemes to deal with their rivals and hinder their opponents. Given the group’s war experience and its ideology to brainwash their fighters, violence is set to drag on.

Furthermore, the stronger the destruction to civilian infrastructure like airports, hospitals, and roads, the better the opportunity for the Houthis to attract fighters from areas under their control. Angered by these bombings, people in Houthi-run areas have joined the battleground to support Houthi combatants. As the violence expands, peace efforts will continue to weaken.

Third, the passing of Irloo has increased the hostility between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Tehran argued that the delay in moving Irloo from Sanaa led to his death, blaming Saudi Arabia for its slow cooperation.

(* B K P)

Experts predict emergence of political challenges in Yemen in 2022

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Ali al-Dahab, a Yemeni researcher and military affairs analyst, predicted that his country will witness more military operations in 2022 causing more complications to the current situation.

He said that military operations may "stop at the borders between the northern and southern governorates, generating a new conflict between the northern and southern parts of the country".

"This may push the local warring actors to re-shape their alliances according to the new facts on the ground", he said.

He said that in the new situation the legitimate government in Yemen may seek lesser dependence on the Saudi Arabia-led coalition and may rethink to focus on seeking a local solution.

Predicting the emergence of a political challenge in 2022, Dahab said the existence of any political vacuum inside the internationally recognised government will further complicate the seven-year-old war in Yemen.

"A shift in the international positions towards the conflict in Yemen may occur during the year 2022, including the amendment of UN Security Council Resolution 2216, or issuing a new resolution," he said. =

(B P)

The National Commission of Inquiry – NCIAVHR [Hadi gov. linked organisation]


A national mechanism for monitoring and investigating allegations of human rights violations committed on the territory of the Republic of Yemen by all parties established by the Republican Resolution No. (140) for 2012 and its amendments, based on the texts of the Gulf Initiative and its executive mechanism, and Security Council Resolution No. 2051 of 2012 and Resolution No. “2140” for 2014 and other related Human Rights Council resolutions.

Our Vision

Protect and Promote Human Rights to Ensure Stability and Security in the Republic of Yemen

Our Mission

Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Republic of Yemen

Our Goals

Ensure Justice, Redress for Victims, Individual and Collective Reparation

(? B H P)

Die Unerschrockenen

Seit mehr als sechs Jahren herrscht Krieg im Jemen, Not und Zerstörung sind groß. Aber es gibt auch Hoffnung – wie die mutigen Frauen, die als Mediatorinnen zwischen den verfeindeten Parteien auftreten [nur im Abo]

(B H K P)

New Year’s Wishes

For many Yemenis, it is a new year of descent into vagrancy, displacement, detention, disappearance, torture in the dungeons of warring parties; killing and injury; cutting off roads and highways and other forms of banditry; poverty, deprivation, and suffering; rising prices and profiteering from people’s needs and livelihoods.

Here, celebration remains subject to the impulses of conflicting parties and their regional and international abettors, and they alone have the real opportunity to make peace and restore the joy that has been stolen from them for nearly eight years. All this must stop now for the Yemenis to re-engage in normal life, to exchange greetings and joy with each other, and to enjoy the security and stability which have left their world forever.

On this occasion, Mwatana for Human Rights renews its commitment to stand with all victims of this conflict against all perpetrators and will endeavor with all its energy and effort to advance justice and create a space for accountability and redress.

(B K)

Der Drohnenfaktor in Äthiopien und im Jemen

Drohnen haben sich binnen weniger Jahre zu einem bevorzugten Kampfmittel insbesondere in Konflikten der zweiten und der dritten Welt entwickelt; sie spielen inzwischen entscheidende Rollen auf den Gefechtsfeldern dieser unruhigen Welt.

… nimmt allem Anschein nach auch im seit sechs Jahren tobenden Konflikt im Jemen der Einsatz von Kampf- und Aufklärungsdrohnen zu. In diesem Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien setzen die Huthis immer wieder Drohnen ein und attackieren beispielsweise saudische Flughäfen. Die Verteidigung gegen Raketen- und Drohnenangriffe aus dem Jemen bereitet dabei selbst den potenziell weit überlegenen Saudis zunehmende Schwierigkeiten.

Drohnen haben sich daher binnen weniger Jahre zu einem bevorzugten Kampfmittel insbesondere in Konflikten der zweiten und der dritten Welt entwickelt, sie spielen inzwischen entscheidende Rollen auf den Gefechtsfeldern dieser unruhigen Welt.

(B K P)

Film: Yemen-Yemenis Hope to Stop War in Their Country as New Year Begins

The hopes of Yemenis varied, especially in the liberated [Hadi-ruled] governorates, for the new year 2022, but most hopes focused on bringing the war to an end and brining about peace to the country. Also, many wished that the economic deterioration would be addressed, and that the prices of oil derivatives and foodstuffs would be reduced, not to mention stopping the deterioration of the local currency that was reflected negatively on the Yemenis’ difficult lives. Yemenis also hope, at the beginning of the new year, to enjoy security and stability, in addition to bringing about a great economic renaissance to catch up with neighboring countries.

(B K P)

Hopes for peace in Yemen fade as the new year begins

A new year of war is taking shape in Yemen, with peace elusive amid rising violence.

With UN-led peace attempts having faltered so far, military power seems to be the only choice left for the coalition. The barrage of airstrikes in Yemen indicates the coalition's frustration with diplomatic efforts in Yemen.

With the Houthis being hard to persuade and negotiate with, the conflict in Yemen is set to escalate, and 2022 will not be calmer.

The war has created a hellish situation in Yemen, and Saudi Arabia has not been entirely safe from its consequences.

Notwithstanding the coalition's harsh rhetoric and ferocious aerial operations, the Houthis’ defiant tone has not altered.

A political researcher in Sanaa, who wished to remain anonymous, told The New Arab that the coalition airstrikes would not intimidate the Houthis, and they can capitalise on the destruction these air raids cause to mobilise more fighters.

Dashela argued that geopolitical conflicts in Yemen and foreign intervention had created an uncontrollable situation, with the fate of the country hard to predict.

The recent escalation of aerial bombardments has brought back horrible memories among the population in the capital Sanaa, and the new year seems like it will hold further challenges.

Mohammed does not expect a tranquil and peaceful year as 2022 begins.

My comment: Trying to explain that the situation is mainly the Houthis’ fault; this is pro-Saudi propaganda.

(* B P)

Why has Yemen Become so Dangerous for Journalists?

Four journalists were killed in 2021, while others are still being detained, or have left the country out of fear for their lives. Although the press played a notable role during what was known as the “youth revolution” in 2011, the press now often serves political interests rather than provide unbiased coverage of the country.

In fact, the large number of political players and parties to the conflict in Yemen plays an important role in complicating the work of journalists working within the country. Media polarization makes it extremely difficult to provide a free and fair press. This dire situation makes it difficult to find the perpetrators of the killings of journalists and makes impunity the norm.

In southern Yemen, where journalism was once thriving, many journalists and media professionals still remember those old days, which had made Aden a leading city for journalists in the Arab world. From the nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century, dozens of printing presses and newspapers flourished in Aden, and many male and female journalists became well known, who played a major role in raising cultural and political awareness in the country.

(B H K)

Film: The Guardian-Sicht auf den Jemen: der vergessene Krieg

Jahrelange brutale Konflikte haben einem bereits verarmten Land Elend gebracht. Ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht

Ende dieses Jahres warnten die Vereinten Nationen vor kurzem, 377.000 Jemeniten werden gestorben sein aus sieben verheerenden Kriegsjahren – in vielen Fällen durch indirekte Ursachen wie Hunger getötet; in anderen durch Luftangriffe oder Raketenbeschuss. 70 Prozent der Todesopfer sollen Kinder unter fünf Jahren sein.

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2021 gab es Hoffnungen, dass Joe Bidens Ankunft im Weißen Haus Fortschritte in Richtung Frieden bringen könnte.

(B H K)

Film: Jemen: Hälfte der Bevölkerung leidet unter Hunger = =

(B K P)

Saudi Arabia launches a -final?- offensive on Yemen

But seven years of war and a huge investment in military hardware, which have made Arabia the world’s sixth-largest arms spender, have not achieved the main objective, which MBS had put at the time at no more than a few weeks. Worse still, the Yemen war imbroglio has become a major theatre of confrontation with Iran.

A detailed geopolitical analysis by the Elcano Royal Institute (RIE) states that ‘the current political map of Yemen is further than ever from a viable and sovereign state, with Ansar Allah holding almost complete control over the north of the country, while the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur al-Hadi, from crisis to crisis, grapples with the secessionist aspirations of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and attempts to integrate it into its alliance with the Islah party (a loosely structured Islamist organisation with a historical relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood)”.

A definitive all-or-nothing gamble

The failure of MBS’s predictions to conclude the conflict in those few weeks and the multiplication of all kinds of incidents, skirmishes and attacks by the Houthis on Saudi installations and interests seem to have led Riyadh to the conclusion that it is necessary to strike a definitive blow instead of indefinitely prolonging a lethal but apparently low-intensity war, and above all, one in which there is no short-term outcome in sight if it continues with this strategy that is barren of results.

(B K P)

Ansarullah: Saudi-Led Military Aggression on Yemen in Final Stage

A senior member of Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance movement announced Yemeni army troops and fighters from allied Popular Committees have made notable achievements in their battle against Saudi-led coalition forces and their mercenaries, and that the Yemeni retaliatory military operations will continue until the entire Yemeni territories are liberated.

Speaking in a Clubhouse interview with Lebanon’s Arabic-language Al-Mayadeen television news network on Tuesday, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti said the Saudi-led war on Yemen was now in its final stage, and that it was by no means in the best interests of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to prolong the military aggression.

He added that Saudi-led coalition forces and their mercenaries are on the verge of defeat in Yemen’s Western coastal province of Hudaydah, stating that the troops have withdrawn from most of their locations there and taken away their ammunition.

(* B H K)

Former boy scouts bring dead Yemenis to their final destination

Volunteers managed to retrieve around 2,000 bodies in Yemen since 2016

As political efforts to solve the 7-year conflict in Yemen remain deadlocked, a former boy scout and his small team are busy extracting bodies of the dead from the battlefield to bring relief to their families.

Hadi Jumaan, 35, the director of Humanitarian Mediators for Rights and Development Foundation (HMRDF), said he has been working in extracting hundreds of dead bodies from the war fronts in Yemen since 2016.

“We act as a humanitarian mediator to bring the warring parties closer by reclaiming the dead bodies from fighting fronts and hand them over to their families or to the relevant authorities,” he told Anadolu Agency.

Jumaan said his team has managed to retrieve approximately 2,000 dead bodies since 2016.

“In Marib alone, the group successfully took out about 225 corpses since January 2021,” he added.

His team also works to search for missing persons, mediate the exchange of prisoners, and facilitate the release of detainees.

Jumaan said his team has facilitated the release of more than 300 prisoners and the freeing of hundreds of detainees since 2016.

“I started working in this field voluntarily in August 2015 with a group of former boy scouts. It all started when one of my friends asked me to retrieve the bodies of his brothers from battlefronts near my city,” he said.

“After contacting some military leaders and social figures in the area, I got them to agree to get the bodies out, along with other corpses as well.”

Later on, the calls from desperate families to remove their relatives’ bodies from battlefronts “never stopped”, and the team headed by Jumaan managed to establish its own NGO in 2016.

The former scout is trying to cover the expenses from the money he gets from online donations as he succeeded to collect $ 2,150 out of his $ 5,000 target.

Although the team works with close coordination with the warring parties, it still faces a lot of risks while retrieving corpses from battlefields.

“I was imprisoned more than eight times because I was suspected to work as a spy for both parties of the conflict,” Jumaan said.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Film: She once dreamt about opening a private clinic where healthcare is most needed. Dr. Lubna stands today in front of her healthcare center in AlOyoun #Hadramout ready to treat hundreds of patients.


(B H)

Outside the Walls: Bringing Homecare to Yemenis in Need

Supporting 2,000 health facilities and their outreach activities to provide the essential support to thousands of children and families in different parts of Yemen

For years, Manal Bin Salman, 30-year-old housewife, had struggled to reach the Taribah Medical Centre, in Sayun Gov, Yemen to help her son get his routine vaccinations. Even the closest healthcare facility to their home in Taribah village in Sayun, the distance and the cost of transportation remained out of her reach, and, in turn, her son remained vulnerable.

UNICEF intervened – with funding from the World Bank through the Emergency Health and Nutrition Project (EHNP), to not only provide the Centre with medicines and vaccines, but to build the capacity of care teams to deliver essential services to vulnerable populations, including mobile health teams.

(B H)

Yemen WASH Cluster - Humanitarian Dashboard (January - November 2021)

(B H)

Film: Inequity and conflict in Yemen: interview with UN's David Gressly

Two-thirds are hungry, and half don’t know where their next meal will come from.

Life is very hard in Yemen, UN Resident Coordinator David Gressly tells Ian Bremmer. Most infrastructure is destroyed, few can access clean water or health care, and many Yemenis are afraid to go outside because of landmines.

Meanwhile, 1.2 civil servants continue to show up to work, with little or no pay. If they stayed home, the state would cease to exist. The UN is asking for $3.6 billion simply to feed Yemenis and keep the lights on through 2022, but is now still short $1.6 billion. Gressly says that means many Yemenis will go hungry next year.

(A H)

I feel sad, tired, Today, I received this boy's photo, He has a large tumor on his face. Urgently needs treatment in Sana'a. We do our best to help him, if you want help, please #donate via…

What will the world say to this boy & other yemeni children (photo)

(A H)

Japan Renews Support to Improve Life-Saving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Yemen

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) welcomes a US$ 1.2 million contribution from the Government of Japan to establish a new project, Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Support for Crisis Affected Communities in Hadramout.

(B H)

Film: WFP Yemen crisis Appeal

(B H)

My heart broken daily to see this suffering in my country, This suffering daily for Yemeni people, Most families are looking for water. War & siege caused this humanitarian catastrophe. video by @ghalebalsudmy today 1/1/2022

(A H)

Office of the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen: Statement on communications equipment for Sana'a international airport

The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, David Gressly, made the following statement today:

Sana'a international airport is critical for aid operations in the north of Yemen.

Although closed to regular civilian flights since 2016, the United Nations and other humanitarian actors rely on the airport to fly in aid workers and supplies that help deliver life-saving assistance to millions of people every month.

Closure of the airport to humanitarian flights severely undermines aid operations, and I remain deeply concerned about any further disruptions

(B H)

Conclusion of mobile clinic project for primary health care for IDPs in Lahj Governorate

HUMAN ACCESS in Lahj Governorate, in partnership with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Yemen office, and the supervision of the Public Health and Population office in the governorate, concluded the mobile clinic project designed for providing primary health care services for the displaced in the camps of Al-Shawkani, Al-Mishqafa, Al-Baitarah, Al-Jarad, Utaira, and Al-Anad.

(B H)

Help Four Yemeni kids survive cancer

Abeer 7, Aminah 10, Mohamed 9 and Naser 12 haven’t gone outside or played with other children outside the family since 2015. That was the year their village in the north of Yemen was carpet-bombed by military airplanes in the 2015 war that left hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, maimed, or on the brink of starvation.

For Mohamed, the conflict exacted a cruel price. Shortly after the bombing, all four kids developed invasive malignant tumors that disfigured their faces, leaving them with crusted, bleeding bubbles all over their faces. And while the cancer continues to threaten their long-term survival, their disfigured faces also mean they can’t go to school, play with other kids or have even a tiny sliver of normalcy in their young lives.

Their father - who is their only caretaker - moved the children to Sanaa where they had at least a hope of receiving whatever limited treatment options exist in a war-ravaged country. But 7 years of war have left Yemen with painfully little to offer to young patients like Abeer, Amniah, Mohamed and Naser, even as these options are available in other countries.


(A H)

UNICEF plane with polio vaccines arrives in Sana'a

A cargo plane belonging to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has on Wednesday arrived at Sana’a International Airport, carrying vaccines for children under the age of ten.

The Director of Vaccines Department in the Immunisation Program, Taha al-Aqari, said that the shipment contains 476,250 vials of the TPV vaccine against polio, meant for children under ten years of age. =

and also

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

IOM Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking - Yemen IDP Dashboard Reporting Period: 25 December 2021 to 01 January 2022

During the reporting period, between 26 December 2021 and 01 January 2022,
IOM Yemen DTM tracked 466 households (2,796 individuals) displaced at least once. Conflict was the main reason for displacement, accounting for 94 per cent (439 HH) of the total, followed by economic reasons, accounting for six per cent (27 HH).
From 01 January 2021 to 01 January 2022, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 26,227 households (HH) (157,362 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.
Some 170 HH displaced in the previous reporting period, which covered 19 December - 25 December 2021, in the governorates of Taiz (141 HH), Aden (14 HH), Al Hodeidah (12 HH) and Al Maharah (3 HH), were only identified in the current period and so, this figure has been added to the cumulative displacement total recorded from the beginning of the year.

(A H)

QRCS launches new shelter project for IDPs in Yemen

Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has launched a shelter project in the Al-Hudaydah and Raymah Governorates of Yemen, to provide adequate and safe shelter for 280 displaced, returnee, and most vulnerable families over three months, at a total cost of $436,500.

(A H)

Germany grants US$15.6 million to support displaced and host communities in Yemen

The Government of Germany through KfW Development Bank has granted US$15.6 million to UNICEF in support of multi-sectoral interventions to address vulnerabilities of conflict-affected displaced and host communities in Yemen. These interventions, benefiting at least one million people, including over 300,000 children, aim to improve access to water and sanitation services, to create child-friendly and gender-equitable learning spaces and to provide psychosocial support for conflict-affected children and life skills training for conflict-affected adolescents.

(* A H)

Three children killed, five injured in Yemen refugee camp fire

Three children were killed and five others seriously injured after a fire broke out at the Al-Jufainah refugee camp in Yemen's northeastern province of Marib on Friday, the Executive Unit of IDPs said.

The victims were all from a single family, six children and their parents, it said.


(* B H)

IOM Yemen: Situation Report November 2021

Yemen, in the month of November, experienced several significant developments that changed conflict dynamics, further weakened the economy and exacerbated the needs of displaced, migrants and conflict affected populations in the country.

The situation in Ma’rib took an even more devastating turn in November, and IOM ramped up efforts to call for increased support to people in Yemen’s most conflict affected governorate. Since September 2021, the continued shifts in frontlines led to increased displacement, with many being displaced multiple times. In November alone, as frontlines moved closer towards Ma’rib City, IOM estimates that over 16,000 were displaced. Among those who fled, the majority (57%) went to safer areas in Ma’rib Al Wadi and (43%) in Ma’rib city. Also, among the most vulnerable are an estimated 3,500 migrants stranded in the governorate, who are more prone to various forms of abuse and exploitation, and have limited to no access to services.

The majority of displaced individuals live in severely overcrowded sites, with up to 40 persons sharing a single tent or using their remaining financial resources to rent Aug Sep Oct Nov temporary living spaces. IOM continued to provide essential assistance across 65 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and migrant hosting sites, providing critical health services, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance, shelter, household items, protection and cash to support affected households to address their basic needs. In addition to WASH services provided at current IOM support sites, IOM will support the newly established IDP site in Ma’rib Al Wadi with water points, distribution of safe water and hygiene items. However, as current resources are insufficient to meet the growing needs of newly displaced individuals, IOM continues to advocate for more funding to provide urgent humanitarian assistance.

On the West Coast, an uptick in conflict and significant changes in frontlines resulted in over 1,000 households being displaced from Al Khukhah and Al Makha districts.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A K P)

Houthis launch a military campaign against rivals in Hawth of Amran governorate/Multiple websites

(A K P)

Houthi militants are luring the marginalized people (of African origin) to fight on their side in return for granting them Yemeni citizenship/Yemen Voice

(A P)

Mass ceremony held in Sana'a to commemorate martyrs Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

An official and popular event was held in Sana’a on Monday to mark the second martyrdom anniversary of the former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps Quds Force, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, and Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and their companions.

The Prime Minister of the National Salvation Government, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, said in a speech during the event that “Yemen is part of the Axis of Resistance in the face of the Zionist-American project and their tools.” 0


(A P)

Houthis stormed, looted, and seized house/villa of Yemeni businessman Mohammed al-Haifi. Now he & his family r homeless. They have also kidnapped his son for a month now. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

and al-Haifi:

(* B P)

200 detainees have died from systemic torture in prisons run by Houthi militia in past 7 years, Eradah Organisation against Torture and Forced Disappearance revealed. Houthis are detaining thousands of innocents in military camps and using them as human shields, it said.

(A P)

Houthi militants killed [black and of African ancestry] man Bassam Ali Ismeel and wounded two others from the marginalized Yemeni class in Same'a area of [central Yemen's] Taiz province on Thursday over their refusal to join the militia's warfronts against the government, the director of the National Union for Promoting the Most Impoverished./Newsline

(A P)

The Houthi militia heightens surveillance on its senior members sacking many of them and banning others from using smart phones/Almashehad Alyemeni

(A E)

Photo: There is no crisis of oil derivatives in the capital, Sana’a, and things are reassuring. Citizens must return to their homes instead of getting tired and waiting in long queues in front of stations and causing a real crisis…

(A E P)

Large commercial investment project opened in Sanaa

The Al-Shalal Commercial Complex, one of the largest commercial investment projects, was opened on Saturday in the capital Sanaa.

At the opening, Member of the Supreme Political Council, Ahmed Al-Rahwi, called on investors and businessmen in the private sector to continue economic activity by taking advantage of all opportunities, privileges and investment components to contribute to economic development.

He considered the opening of this commercial and marketing project a qualitative addition to the investment projects achieved by investors in the private sector, confirming the support and encouragement of the state and the government for such projects.

and also

(A P)

The Houthi militia introduce the story and picture of one of their child militants (killed in the battle with the government) in school curricula, amidst warnings of a catastrophic brainwashing impact on the schoolchildren in the regions of the militia's control/Newsline

(A P)

Yemeni Foreign Minister calls on UN to finally take up responsibility in letter to Security Council

The Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hisham Sharaf, has called on Wednesday on the UN Security Council for holding the Saudi government and its arms suppliers accountable in accordance with international law.

This came in a letter sent by the Foreign Minister to the President of the Security Council for the month of December 2021, Ambassador Abdo Abadi, and the members of the Council including the five permanent members, to clarify and expose the falseness of the allegations contained in the Saudi letter to the Council on December 28.

The Minister urged the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security, including the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf region, and “taking a number of basic steps that will pave the way for peace, foremost of which is stopping the continuous Saudi threats and its daily indiscriminate bombing of civilian objects in Yemen on allegations that they are legitimate military targets.”

Sharaf explained that “Riyadh tried to appear before the world as the victim, in order to gain the sympathy of the international community and lament over violations of international law. It is as if the international community, all international media and international organisations have no idea or knowledge that Riyadh is leading a military coalition that includes more than 17 countries, and has been waging an absurd war and imposed a comprehensive siege on the Republic of Yemen since March 26 2015, which led to the worst man-made humanitarian disaster in modern times.”

(A P)

Young girl raped by Shiit militant dies after giving birth

A young girl previously raped by Shiit Houthi militant gave birth and died in ambiguous circumstances after spending sometime in a Houthi detention facility in western Yemen on 25 December, local sources have said.

(A P)

Members of the Yemeni Parliament discussed on Tuesday the seriousness of the health and living conditions of citizens and the effects of the continued intransigence of the US-Zionist-Saudi-Emirati hegemony forces to commit more crimes against the Yemeni people.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control.

(A P)

Hadhramout governor declares emergency state in #Hadhramout. This comes among popular uprising in Hadhramout against the pillaging of Hadhramout’s natural resources.

(A T)

Gunmen bombed a crude oil pipleline in Hiban area of Shabwa (Yemen's east) on Monday, the first attack of its kind in the new year/ Almashehad Alkhaleeji, Yeni Yemen, and other websites

(A T)

Man killed by gunmen in Abyan

(A T)

Woman killed by unknown gunmen fires in Lahj

(A T)

Military commander loyal to Islah assassinated in Shabwa

(A T)

Commander in Amaliqa troops escapes assassination attempt in Shabwa

and also

(A K P)

Islah militias arrest number of STC in Shabwa

(A K P)

UAE constructs military airstrip on Yemeni ‘Abdul Kori’ Island

UAE’s forces have completed the construction of a special helipad for helicopters on the Yemeni island of ‘Abdul Kori’, informed sources on the Socotra Island said on Tuesday.

The sources said that the Emirati forces established a new seaport and cape on the island for military purposes.

The UAE forces unload military materials and equipment through the seaport and then transport them to military sites and installations, the sources explained.

(A K P)

Pro-UAE troops force Islah militants to evacuate security points in Shabwah

As part of precautionary security measures taken by pro-UAE militias, Islah militants have been forced to leave all military posts in Yemen’s Shabwah province.

Activists from Shabwah province said that the “special forces” of the Islah Party evacuated all security points in the coasts and directorates of Shabwah province, following directives issued by the Saudi-led coalition .

The move comes in the context of a series of measures taken by UAE-backed forces against al-Islah militants after the Giants militia entered Shabwah province early last week.

(* A K P)

UAE-backed forces continue to dismantle Islah Party powerbase in eastern Yemen

Over the past few hours, Saudi-led coalition forces have continued to strip the Islah Party, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood that has been allied to the Saudis since the beginning of the invasion in 2015, of its military influence.

The latest action taken against Islah was enabling the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias to take control over the third directorate in Shabwah province, eastern Yemen.

According to local sources, the UAE-backed Shabwah Elite militia known as the “Shabwah Defence Force”, took control of the district of Jardan north of the city of Ataq, thus taking charge of protecting the oil supply lines between production fields and the export port.

The sources confirmed that the militia Shabwah Defence Force seized the weapons stores in the Jardan camp following directives issued by the commander of UAE forces in Shabwah, Saleh Majran al-Ameri.

The coalition toppled Islah-affiliated governor Bin Adio in mid-December, and appointed a new UAE-backed governor named Awad al-Awlaki. =

(A P)

Third minor dies under brutal torture in Islah prisons in Marib

A kidnapped young man died on Monday under torture in one of Islah party’s prisons in Marib province, north of Yemen.

Local media mentioned that the youth Ibrahim Haylan died as a result of the continuous torture of him by Islah elements inside the Political Security Prison.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia brings hundreds of elements for training by British forces in Mahra

Saudi Arabia brought hundreds of local elements for training in Mahra province, east of Yemen, local sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources affirmed that the elements brought by Saudi Arabia from Al-Dhalea, Yafa and Abyan were trained by British forces in Al-Ghaidha airport.

(A P)

Gunmen kidnap journalist in Yemen's Taiz

Unidentified gunmen yesterday kidnapped a journalist from his office in Yemen's southwestern city of Taiz, which falls under the authority of the internationally recognised Yemeni government.

(A P)

YJS calls for media activist release in Hadhramout

The Yemeni Journalist Syndicate (YJS) on Friday called on Hadhramout local authorities to release a media she-activist detained in the eastern governorate over press writings.
The YJS "received a report on the arrest of Hala BaDhawi on Thursday in the Hadhramout-based intelligence bureau over her writings," the YJS said in a statement.

(A E)

Stifling crisis of oil derivatives hits Aden

Eyewitnesses indicated that oil derivatives filling stations closed their doors before citizens’ cars, amid a sharp rise in the prices of oil derivatives in the black market.

(A P)

Special security forces declare state of emergency in Hadhramaut

Special security forces in Seiyun have declared a state of emergency in Hadhramaut province.

Media sources reported on Sunday that “central security” demanded an end to arbitrary acts by the director of security.

“The director of security of Hadhramaut valley and desert, Hassan al-Eidros, suspended the special security forces’ dues food, fuel and salaries in all the districts, the media sources added.

They accused the director of security of raising passport, personal cards and car demarcation fees.

(* B K P)

Report: UAE Establishing Second Military Airport on Yemen’s Strategic Socotra Island

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is reportedly constructing its second military airport, with the help of a team of foreign military experts, on the strategic island of Socotra.

Yemeni military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Yemen News Portal website that the experts have started geological mapping in the coastal town of Hadibu.

The sources stated the UAE’s construction of a new military airport on the Socotra island is in line with the Persian Gulf state’s efforts to expand the activities of Emirati intelligence agencies and institutions in the area.

Back in mid-September last year, Yemen News Agency, citing local sources, reported that the Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates had signed a contract with the Tel Aviv regime in order to create an intelligence center for the Israeli air force at Socotra Airport.


(* B K P)

Israeli-Emirati moves to establish military runway in Socotra launched

The Israeli Navy has set out to establish an independent military runway on the UAE forces-held island of Socotra of Yemen.

Local sources said that a number of geological survey experts arrived at Hadibo Airport on an Emirati plane for the purpose of studying the establishment of a military runway for the Israeli Navy on the island.

The sources affirmed that the Israeli-Emirati moves to establish the airport in Socotra comes as part of joint military arrangements in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, as part of the Israeli project to control maritime navigation routes from the southern entrance to the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba.

According to the sources, the establishment of the military runway would guarantee the arrival of Israeli enemy officers and experts independently away from the civilian airport, using for naval and air combat exercises, under the pretext of confronting Iranian dangers in the Indian Ocean.

(A P)

In Abu Dhabi, Yemen PM Seeks Support for his Government

Yemen's Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik arrived Friday in Abu Dhabi to seek support for his government and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

and also

(A K P)

[Governor] Al-Awqali declares curfew in three districts of Shabwa


(* A K P)

42 militants killed in violent clashes in Shabwa

About 42 militants were killed and 89 others wounded in violent clashes erupted on Saturday in Osaylan area of Shabwa province, east of Yemen, local sources.

The sources said that clashes broke out between the coalition militants and Balharith tribes,
The confrontations erupted between Amaliqa militia, Giant, backed by the UAE and the gunmen of Balharith tribes, which rejected the coalition’s control of the oil fields in Osaylan.

The source stated that clashes did not erupt between Sanaa forces and the coalition militias, as a result of an agreement concluded by the sheikhs of the Balharith tribes with the Sanaa forces, which stipulated not to enter the district center.


(* A K P)

UAE-backed militia storms Ataq city

The militants of the so-called Shabwa Defense Force, backed UAE, stormed on Saturday the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province.

According to sources, the militants raised took the flag of separation instead of the national flag in the governmental institutions of the city.

The sources added that the gunmen opened heavy fire in the center of Ataq, rejoicing in their control of the city and the removal of national flags from the city.

Activists on social media circulated videos that show removing the national flags from the streets of Ataq and replacing them with the separation flags.

and reports by a separatist news site:


(* A K P)

Shabwani elite forces prepare to take control of Ataq

The southern politician Adel Al-Hasani confirmed that the UAE occupation forces are making arrangements to hand over the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwah province in southern Yemen, to the Shabwani elite affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) .

Adel al-Hasani said in a tweet that a crowd of elite Shabwani and gunmen from Dhalea includes 400 military pickup vehicles in Balhaf and the line between Shabwah and Mukalla, preparing to take over security tasks in the city of Ataq instead of the special security forces of the “Islah” party.

Al-Hasani predicted that the UAE-backed militia would turn to Ataq to fight the Islah’s Ataq and Security Axis special forces, accused of liquidating and torturing dozens of members of the Shabwani elite since the party took control of Ataq in August 2019. =

(A K P)

Islah militants evacuate special forces camp after coalition’s threats to bomb it in Shabwah

The special security forces, the military arm of Islah party, evacuated their main camps in Shabwah on Saturday after Saudi-led coalition threats to bomb it.

According to local sources, a mediation led by the 21st Brigade succeeded in forcing the Islah special forces to leave the so-called “Al-Shuhada” camp in the center of Ataq city, in preparation for his extradition to the giants forces.

In the past few days, the Giants have managed to take control of important camps, most notably Ataq airport.

The moves are part of arrangements to re-hand over the security file at Shabwah’s administrative centre to pro-UAE factions as part of post-sacking arrangements for former governor Mohammed Ben Adio.

and before:

(A K P)

UAE threatens with bombing “Special Forces”, “21st Brigade” in Shabwa

The UAE-funded “Shabwani Elite” forces on Saturday evacuated the “Special Forces” camp in Ataq city, the capital of Shabwa province, by force of arms.

Media sources confirmed that the UAE threatened to bomb the “special forces” members after the refusal of the leader in Islah Party, Abd Rabbo Laka’ab, to evacuate the camp and hand it over to the Shabwani Elite affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

(A P)

Coalition sends field hospital after declaring emergency state in Ataq

(A P)

Military force loyal to Islah detains head of STC in Shabwa

(A P)

Wide anger in Shabwa due to power cut

(A P)

Saleh calls on Yemeni elites in exile to come back home

The commander of the Guards of Republic Brigades Brig. Gen. Tariq Saleh has called on Yemeni military, political and social elites and journalists living in exile to come back to Yemen and participate in the battle against the forces of darkness and backwardness.

The brigades are part of pro-government military units that have been formed and equipped by the Saudi-led coalition. These forces are stationed in the Western Coast and include the Giant Bridges and the Tihamah Resistance.

(A P)

Violent clashes break out in Aden province

Violent clashes broke out on Thursday between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council and other militants in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden.

Local sources said clashes broke out on Al-Khamseen Street .


(A P)

One militant injured due to clashes in Aden

(A P)

Female activist kidnapped in Mukalla

A female activist was kidnapped on Thursday by UAE-backed militia in the city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout province, east of Yemen.

The human rights activist Hala Fouad Badawi affirmed on her Facebook post that armed elements took her to the headquarters of the coalition intelligence in the city, and confiscated her bag and personal phone.

She attributed the kidnap to her posts a publication titled talking about the corruption of the director of education in Hadramout.

(A T)

One killed, another injured in armed attack in Abyan

A citizen was killed on Thursday and another injured in an armed attack in Abyan province, south of Yemen, local sources said.

The sources mentioned that unknown gunmen riding a motorcycle attacked the civilians with bullets

(A P)

Amaliqah gunmen’s commander kidnapped in Ataq

The sources said that unidentified gunmen kidnapped one of the commander of the “Second Giants Brigade”, Brigadier Hamdi Shukri.

UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias accused Saudi-backed Islah militants of being behind the operation

(A P)

Hadhramaut protests aim to shut down Saudi theft of regional petroleum

Hundreds of tribesmen in Hadhramaut Governorate, eastern Yemen, have begun arriving in the Dabba area, which contains the most important oil export ports, as part of efforts to stop the looting of the governorate’s petroleum.

Activists on social media showed pictures of hundreds of vehicles arriving in the Al-Ain area near the Al-Dabba oil port.

Publicband tribal figures in Hadhramaut had earlier called for the people of the province, who have been suffering from high prices and the collapse of Yemeni currency, to shut down the oil port in the province.

The call coincided with the arrival of an oil tanker in preparation for the export of a new shipment to the countries of the coalition.


(A P)

Tribes surround most important oil ports in Hadramout

Tribes from Hadramout province besieged on Thursday Al-Dabba area which includes the most important oil port in the province.

Activists published pohtos on social media for hundreds of vehicles as they arrive successively to Al-Ain area that is close to the oil port of Dabba.

Previously, tribal and social figures called on the people of the province to close the oil port.

(A K P)

Security checkpoint intercepts illicit arms shipment north of Aden

A security checkpoint intercepted an illicit arms shipment north of Aden city while en route to the Houthi militia on Tuesday, it has been reported.

(A P)

Yemeni CBY governor arrives Aden for first time

The new governor of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) arrived in the southern port city of Aden on Monday, three weeks after his appointment.

(A K P)

Saudi-led coalition seeks to open new fronts in Shabwa

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition forces are heading to escalate by opening new fronts in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Local sources in Shabwa told the “Yemen Press Agency” that the coalition forces issued directives to the so-called “Al-Amaliqa” forces on Wednesday to leave Ataq city towards the districts that fell last month, in the hands of the Salvation Government forces.

The sources confirmed that the Al-Amaliqa forces, which were brought from the western coast, and forces affiliated with Saudi Arabia, coming from Mahra two days ago to the city of Ataq, moved tonight from the city towards the frontlines in the districts of Bayhan, Usailan and Markha Al-Olayya.

It is worth noting that Shabwa witnessed yesterday, Tuesday, armed confrontations between the Al-Amaliqa forces loyal to the UAE and the armed militias of the Islah Party in several areas of the oil-rich province.


(* A K P)

Yemen: Pro-UAE forces take over Shabwah after president sacks governor

Al-Amaliqa Brigade deployed from western coast after Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi removes governor who had battled Emirati influence

The fate of Yemen's Shabwah governorate has been an ongoing source of conflict between fighters backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and pro-government forces since the appointment of Mohammed Saleh bin Adyo as governor in November 2018.

After taking up the position, bin Adyo led several battles against the UAE-backed forces in Shabwah, eventually recapturing most of the coastal province, which lies to to the east of Aden, by August 2019.

Only the Balhaf seaport remained under the control of the Emiratis, a situation that enraged local Yemeni authorities, who were eager to see the port once again exporting gas in a bid to jump-start the economy.

In September, bin Adyo accused the UAE-backed forces of hijacking Balhaf and called on Abu Dhabi to withdraw from the port.

Taking advantage of the dispute, in the same month Houthi rebels took over the Bayhan and Ain districts of Shabwah, where they also hold the district of Osailan.

Tensions between bin Adyo and the UAE-backed forces came to an abrupt head on Saturday when Yemen's President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi sacked bin Adyo and appointed a pro-UAE governor, Awadh al-Awlaqi, in his place.

Despite anger from bin Adyo's supporters, there was nothing they could do about the change, and bin Adyo has now left Yemen.

On Monday, the UAE-backed Al-Amaliqa Brigade, which had been fighting in the provinces of Taiz and Hodeidah on the western coast, left the Al-Khawkhah district of Hodeidah to support Awlaqi.

Before Awlaqi's appointment, the brigade and other UAE-backed forces had not dared to enter Shabwah with bin Adyo in control.

However, the 27 December takeover was peaceful, with high ranking military leaders, including some who had worked with bin Adyo, receiving the brigade with their military vehicles when they arrived in Shabwah that evening.

Following the deployment, the UAE-backed forces are now in control of most of the province.

The port of Balhaf, which saw the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant in 2006, has been under UAE control since 2016, a year after the country first intervened in Yemen.

In taking the port, bin Adyo had accused the Emiratis of hijacking one of the country's key assets and using it to foment "rebellion".

Justifying their intervention on Monday, the website of the Al-Amaliqa Brigade said the fighters had travelled to Shabwah to liberate those districts under the control of the Houthis.

"Our colleagues moved to Shabwah as reinforcements to the forces there to liberate Shabwah from the Houthi militia and not for any other reason," a fighter with the Al-Amaliqa Brigade on the western coast told Middle East Eye.

"They received directions from the leadership to support the fighters in Shabwah as it is now a priority for the leadership."

Films: Dozens of armored vehicles, cannons, personnel carriers, military vehicles, 18 incendiary and rapid-fire submachine guns that fire 200 rounds within one minute, and a weapon consisting of rockets carrying heads stuffed with chemicals, all of which arrived in Shabwa today =

(A P)

Islah forces attack journalists in Shabwah

Gunmen of the Special Forces affiliated with the Islah Party and loyal to the Saudi-led coalition have on Tuesday assaulted three media correspondents in the city of Ataq, the capital of Shabwah province in eastern Yemen.

Activists on social media confirmed that the gunmen attacked journalists Jamal Shniter, Saleh Saeed al-Dawil, and Mohammed Ali Pasha, while they were covering the operations of the Al-Amaliqa Brigades in Ataq city. The troops reportedly confiscated the cameras and media equipment and devices that were in their possession.

(A P)

New UAE-backed "governor of Shabwah" arrives in province

The governor of Shabwah, Awadh al-Wazir al-Awlaki, who was appointed by the Saudi-backed exiled Haid government, had arrived on Wednesday at Ataq Airport in the province.

Local sources affirmed that the Saudi-led coalition transferred the governor on a Saudi military plane to the Airport, after UAE-backed Al-Amaliqa Brigade militias took control of the city during the past two days.

The sources indicated that the Emirati Joint Operations commander, Saleh bin Mujran al-Amiri, arrived on Tuesday in Ataq in order to appoint Al-Awlaki as the new governor of Shabwah, after his forces took control of the military and security sites.

(A P)

UAE-backed forces shut down mobile phone company headquarters in Aden

UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias closed on Tuesday the headquarters of the mobile phone company Sabafon in Aden city, south of Yemen.

According to media outlets, the STC gunmen stormed the company building in al-Mualla district and forced its employees to leave before closing the building.

(A P)

STC-affiliated security belt in #Aden destroyed yesterday about 50 bottles of beer by pouring them into street.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A H P)

UN urges Yemen govt to allow new equipment for Sanaa airport

Yemen's internationally recognised government has been asked to allow communications equipment to be sent to Sanaa's airport, which is under the control of rebel Houthis.

The United Nations has called on Yemen's internationally recognised government to allow the entry of communications equipment to the airport in the rebel-held capital Sanaa.

"Closure of the airport to humanitarian flights severely undermines aid operations," the UN humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, David Gressly, said in a statement on Friday.

"I remain deeply concerned about any further disruptions."

Gressly welcomed the airport's reopening, but said communications equipment there had been found to be faulty.

"The Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority (CAMA) in Sanaa deems the equipment obsolete," he said.

According to Gressly, "UN humanitarian flight crews have reported at least 10 instances in which they were unable to contact the air control tower... or had unclear communications".

In order to rectify "a potentially dangerous situation", he urged Yemen's government to allow the import of new equipment.

He said the Saudi-led coalition "has not authorised the transfer, despite several requests from the United Nations, citing the need for Government of Yemen approval".

"The equipment is needed to ensure the safe use of Sanaa airport for humanitarian flights and, by extension, the continuation of the aid operation in Yemen," Gressly said.

and also

My comment: It’s against international law that this should depend on the Saudi coalition and / or the Hadi government.

(B P)

Al-Murtadha: Saudi Arabia failed 80 prisoner exchanges in 2021

Abdul Qadir al-Murtadha, chairman of the [Sanaa gov.] National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, said that it has been expected that 2021 would see the biggest achievement in the prisoners’ file despite making all concessions to the obstruction of Saudi-led aggression.

He pointed out that Saudi Arabia has full control over the prisoners file, stressing that the mercenaries have no decision except with the approval of Saudi officers and many exchange deals have failed because of Saudi Arabia.

“The aim of Saudi Intransigence is that it wants to have a deal involving all its officers and soldiers and we told them we are ready to release everyone, but they want to release the Saudis without releasing our prisoners,” Abdul Qadir al-Murtadha told Al-Masirah TV on Friday. =

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp8 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-779 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-779: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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