Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 826 - Yemen War Mosaic 826

Yemen Press Reader 826: 11. Okt. 2022: Jemen 2021/22: Krieg und Frieden – Die aktuelle Lage im Jemen – US-Waffenverkäufe und zivile Verluste – Klimawandel, Umweltzerstörung und Konflikte im Jemen – Jemens historisches Erbe durch Krieg gefährdet – Mehr Kämpfe ...

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... Mehr Kämpfe nach Ende des Waffenstillstands – und mehr

October 11, 2022: Yemen in 2021/22: Conflict and peace – The situation in Yemen now (in German) – US arms sales and civilian harm – Climate change, environmental destruction, and conflict in Yemen – Yemen’s historical heritage endangered by the war – Some more fighting after truce expired – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(* B H)

Film: Step inside one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises

Seven years of conflict has dramatically changed everyday life in Yemen.

Today, over twenty million people need humanitarian assistance and some four million have fled their homes. The death toll from Yemen’s war as of the end of 2021 was projected to be 377,000 people, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Nearly 70 per cent of those killed are said to be children under the age of five.

The lives of displaced people have gone from bad to worse.

“Poverty and hunger are the sole companions for displaced people over the past seven long years,”describes Abbas Mohammed, a 30 year-year-old displaced father.

The city and residential landscapes have changed due to the conflict, too. Some of the once-busiest areas in in south-west Yemen’s Taiz city are now almost empty. Many houses were damaged while residents fled to look for shelter in safe places.

At the same time, a desert in Lahj governorate where previously no-one lived due to harsh conditions is now full of thousands of displaced people who have sought safety. People live in tents exposed to the elements and lack basic services.

Main roads are now conflict zones and Yemenis resort to travelling along unsafe, bumpy mountains paths.

Step inside – explore Yemen’s reality today.

(** B H K P)

Yemen in 2021/22: Conflict and peace

Yemen is now in the seventh year of its high-level conflict. In November 2021, the UN Development Programme estimated that up to 377,000 people have been killed through direct and indirect means. Around 20.7 million are in need of humanitarian assistance and 4 million have been displaced. The World Food Programme has described it as the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

The conflict has its origins in 2011, when President Ali Abdullah Saleh was forced to resign following popular protests. Following an UN-backed transition negotiated by the Gulf Cooperation Council, President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi took power in 2012. Despite attempts to negotiate a new political settlement, conflict broke out in 2014 and the capital, Sana’a, was captured by Houthi rebels. The following year, a Saudi-led coalition intervened in support of the internationally recognised Hadi Government.

This briefing provides a summary of key events in the conflict, recent attacks against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, concerns for human rights, and ongoing peace negotiations. This includes the April 2022 ceasefire, which expired in October, and Hadi handing power to a presidential council.

Document in full:

(* B H K P)

Yemen’s Tragedy: War, Stalemate, and Suffering

Yemen’s internal divisions and a Saudi-led military intervention have spawned an intractable political, military, and humanitarian crisis.


Yemen, a small country on the Arabian Peninsula, has become the site of grievous civilian suffering amid an intractable civil war. Many analysts say the fighting, now seven years old, has turned into a proxy war: Iran-backed Houthi rebels, who overthrew the Yemeni government, are pitted against a multinational coalition led by Saudi Arabia. The involvement of other combatants, including militant Islamist groups and separatists backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has complicated the picture.

The conflict has displaced more than one million people and given rise to cholera outbreaks, medicine shortages, and threats of famine. However, after years of fruitless talks, Yemen’s warring parties have held to a monthslong cease-fire that has reignited hopes for a political solution to the conflict.

What are Yemen’s divisions?

What caused the current crisis?

Who are the parties involved?

What is the role of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula?

What has the humanitarian impact been?

What are the prospects for a solution to the crisis?

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Audio: Jemen: Die Waffen schweigen nicht

Die Waffenruhe im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg ist ausgelaufen.
Gast: Dr. Elham Manea, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Zürich.
Moderation: Xaver Forthuber.

Die Vereinten Nationen haben den Konflikt mit geschätzt rund 380.000 Toten als derzeit "schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt" bezeichnet.
Wer sind die Konfliktparteien und die internationalen Akteur:innen? Gibt es eine Aussicht auf Frieden oder wenigstens eine dauerhafte Waffenruhe? Und wie lebt die Zivilbevölkerung inmitten von Kriegsgefahr, Machtmissbrauch und Hungersnot?
Die jemenitisch-schweizerische Politologin Elham Manea, Privatdozentin am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Zürich, analysiert die Lage im Jemen zu Gast bei Xaver Forthuber.

(** B K P)

Audio: Made in the USA: Arms sales and Civilian Harm

On April 22, 2018, planes belonging to the Saudi- and Emirati-led Coalition dropped a bomb on a wedding celebration in Al-Raqa village, in Yemen. The attack killed 21 civilians, including eleven children, and injured 97 people. And it did so using a bomb that was made and sold in the United States. In this episode, we explore the US arms trade system and policies that made this, and so many incidents like it, possible. Guests:

Ali Jameel (Accountability and Redress Director, Mwatana for Human Rights) Tony Wilson (Founder & Director, Security Force Monitor at Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute) Joyce Sohyun Lee (Visual Forensics Video Reporter, The Washington Post) This podcast is brought to you by CIVIC and PAX. This episode was written by Annie Shiel with assistance from Marc Garlasco, Tate Musinahama, Ari Tolany, John Ramming Chappell, Selma van Oostwaard, Erin Bijl, and Frank Slijper.This episode included a clip from Al Jazeera. =

(** B H P)

Risking the Future: Climate Change, Environmental Destruction, and Conflict in Yemen

Climate change, combined with extensive environmental destruction caused by nearly a decade of conflict, threatens to exacerbate existing tensions in Yemen. The conflict has contributed to the decimation of critical resources, such as water and agricultural land, and led to the loss of livelihoods and forced displacement. All these factors have the potential to lead to new conflicts in Yemen, warns Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) in its new report, “Risking the Future: Climate Change, Environmental Destruction, and Conflict in Yemen.”

“Even if the conflict in Yemen were to end today, Yemenis will have to prepare for another battle: the fight against climate change,” says Niku Jafarnia, a CIVIC researcher and author of the report. “We found that resource-based conflicts in Yemen will increase in the coming years as water and land continue to be depleted. The country will bear the environmental scars of warfare in its soil and water sources for decades to come.”

CIVIC spoke with communities and individuals across Yemen – primarily in Aden, Marib, and Taiz – to understand the impacts that climate change and the conflict have had on their livelihoods, access to resources, and inter- and intra-community relations. The research concluded that the combined effects of climate change and environmental degradation caused by warfare are threatening Yemenis’ rights to life, food, and water. When faced with a lack of natural resources and livelihoods, people in Yemen are often forced to move and tensions may erupt between the displaced and host communities, leading to local disputes and conflicts.

Muna Luqman, founder of Food4Humanity, a women-led civil society organization in Yemen, said, “Families are running away from the conflict … then they end up fighting with the host communities over the limited water sources.”

However, this is not a new issue in Yemen. As early as 2010, access to water and land were described as a leading cause of conflict. This is likely to worsen as warring parties have directly attacked food and water infrastructure and threatened farmland and water sources by placing landmines on and near these critical resources.

Women, children, and displaced persons are more vulnerable to climate change, resources scarcity, and related risks. Women and girls who are primarily responsible for fetching water must walk long distances to retrieve it and are at increased risk of stepping on landmines. =

(** B C H K)

Ancient caravan kingdoms are threatened in Yemen’s civil war

Their storied legacy—including temples built by the queen of Sheba—is entwined with the fate of modern Yemenis.

Yemen’s current war runs parallel to, and in some places directly over, the treasures of its past. Its ancient kingdoms—Saba, Qataban, Main, Hadramawt, Himyar, Awsan—are the genesis of the Arabian Peninsula’s civilization. From feats of hydraulic engineering to meticulous inscriptions, this history tells of a merchant people and a sophisticated, settled civilization far removed from the long-held stereotypes of desert-wandering Arabs dominant in 19th- and 20th-century Western popular culture and its depictions of the region.

All sides have shown little regard for the 30 million civilians at their mercy, and the threats to Yemenis and the dangers to their heritage go hand in hand.

Museums have been leveled by air strikes; hundreds of distinctive, centuries-old, multigenerational family homes destroyed; pre-Islamic temples bombed; and Sufi religious shrines razed by militants.

In the face of the devastation, a small but dedicated network of Yemeni historians, archaeologists, and others passionate about the country’s past are pursuing their own quietly determined mission to preserve Yemen’s antiquities—ancestral artifacts that are locked in the nation’s museums, hidden in warehouses, and still buried safely beneath the sand. Mindful of the priorities of their fellow citizens and the millions of people displaced by the conflict, they focus their endeavors on future preservation for present-day Yemenis who have a more pressing concern: survival in the midst of war.

Well before the latest war, Yemen’s royal temples were targets of looters and of voracious foreign archaeologists who assumed ownership of any finds. Arguably the most famous—to some, infamous—of the latter was Wendell Phillips, an American who excavated several sites in southern Arabia from 1950 to 1952.

“Time fell asleep here, and the husks of ancient civilizations were buried in deep sand, preserved like flowers between the leaves of a book,” Phillips wrote in his 1955 book, Qataban and Sheba, about his first visit to Yemen. “The land looked forbidding, but it was rich with the spoils of time, and I wanted to unearth some of those riches, digging down through sand and centuries to a glorious past.”

The past 15 years of archaeological neglect, however, has also been a blessing for the exposed antiquities of Marib’s sanctuaries: In the Awwam Temple, more than six feet of sand has reburied critical areas of the sacred precinct. “It’s better that everything is under the ground. The sand is safety,” ruefully concludes Sadeq al Salwi, the Marib director for the General Organization of Antiquities and Museums (GOAM), a Yemeni government agency – by Iona Craig (with photos)

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(B K P)

My [Report] for @Le Figaro in #Yemen on this war which never really stopped, even during the truce (finished at the beginning of the month). On the front lines, the soldiers tell me about Houthi sniper fire, their drones and mortars. The wear and tear of a forgotten war [part of text in image]

(A P)

Fisheries Condemns Kidnapping of Fishermen by Eritrean Authorities

The [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Fisheries condemned, Sunday, the Eritrean authorities' continued violation of Yemen's sovereignty and kidnapping fishermen after looting their boats.

"The Eritrean authorities kidnapped six fishermen from Al-Sabaliyah in Al-Hawk District, Al-Hodeidah Governorate

and also

(B H P)

Hungerkatastrophe befürchtet

Die Vereinten Nationen sprechen beim Krieg im Jemen von der derzeit größten humanitären Krise der Welt. Und mit dem Ende der Waffenruhe dürfte sich die Situation im Jemen weiter verschlimmern – das steht fest für Jens Heibach, Jemen-Experte am Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien in Hamburg. „Betroffen sind vor allem die Menschen, die in den von den Rebellen gehaltenen Gebieten leben“, sagte Heibach dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.

Aber auch die Rettung des von Havarie bedrohten jemenitischen Öltankers FSO Safer, der seit Jahren mit Millionen Litern Öl an Bord im Roten Meer verrostet, könnte ausgebremst werden – und schwere ökologische Folgen nach sich ziehen. „Wenn die FSO Safer in der nun kommenden stürmischen Herbst- und Winterzeit auseinanderbrechen sollte, wird sich die humanitäre Situation vor allem der Menschen im Nordjemen noch einmal drastisch verschlechtern“, so Heibach.

Dass die Verhandlungen zur Verlängerung der Waffenruhe scheiterte, liege, nach Einschätzung Heibachs, vor allem an den Huthi. Denn die Rebellen seien überzeugt, nun militärisch an Boden gewinnen zu können.

(A P)

The dangerous repercussion of the failure of renewed truce in Yemen

The failure in reviving the nuclear deal with Iran and the recent ongoing waves of instability in Iran will definitely impact the region. The Gulf countries, mainly KSA and UAE might anew become the targets of Houthi’s rockets , which in its turn will affect dramatically the prices of energy at a very critical moment with the whole sector of global energy going through difficult times.

These developments support the intention of the Houthis to maximise strategic advantages precisely amid talks over the extension of the ceasefire.

The failure to save the truce in Yemen will add more complexity to the whole scene in the Middle East, and will turn the country into a location of ferocious proxy war due to the to the difficult regional situation and the impacts of global politics on this region specifically. Any potential reconciliatory approach should focus on launching “Parallel political reconciliation tracks” all the way from Iran to its vicinity, from Iraq to Lebanon and from Syria to Yemen given all the binding factors and common interrelated challenges.

(* B P)

End of Yemen’s truce leaves civilians afraid dark days are back

The truce lasted for six months and expired on October 2, with efforts to renew it unsuccessful so far.

Yemenis have had years to get used to the political and economic crises that have rocked their lives, even before the outbreak of the war in the country in 2014.

So, when it became apparent earlier this week that the United Nations-brokered six-month truce that had significantly reduced hostilities on the country’s front lines would not immediately be renewed, residents of Sanaa, the country’s rebel-held capital, immediately resorted to tried and trusted coping mechanisms.

Petrol stations were full; fuel supplies may be stable, but Yemenis have learned the hard way that they have to be prepared.

The six months of relative calm allowed some Yemenis to dream of a better future.

While there has been no major uptick in violence since the truce expired, the Houthi rebels have threatened to attack oil companies operating in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Yemen. Houthi military spokesman, Yahya Saree, said the group was ready for another round of fighting.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni government is adamant that fighting is the only way to defeat the Houthis.

For now, some of the main gains of the truce, such as the increase in fuel shipments to Hodeidah, and flights to Sanaa International Airport resuming, have held.

But that does not mean that civilians in Sanaa are not worried that heavy fighting, and the Saudi air attacks that used to hit their city, might return.

“The Houthis are confident in their military abilities, and demanded tough conditions for the truce to be extended,” Saleh, the minibus driver, said. “They want to win militarily. But what we hope for is for weapons to be fully silenced in Yemen.”

(B P)

Audio: Schwierige Berichterstattung über den Jemen

Der Krieg im Jemen geht ins achte Jahr. Immer noch gilt die Lage im Jemen als schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt. Die Berichterstattung über den Konflikt ist schwierig, weil es Journalisten nur selten gelingt, in den Jemen zu reisen. ARD-Korrespondentin Anna Osius erklärt, wie sie an ihre Informationen kommt.

(B P)

The [Aden] government offered to cover the gap between deposited revenues from ports in Hodaida by the Houthis and the payroll total for 2014 list of employees in areas under the Houthis control. This was the offer since Stockholm. The only change was depositing to commercial bank.

Key delegate for #AnsarAllah #Houthi truce talks @alejri77 hints that "they" want to "only" pay salaries for 300,000 employees meanwhile the 2014 civil servant list included 1.2 million [not sure what is the correct math but salaries remains an issue]

My comment: How many people had been made public employees by the Houthis, how many of them are Houthi supporters only working for the Houthi agenda?

(A P)

OIC Calls on Houthis to Engage in Yemen Peace Process

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation said on Tuesday the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen will be held completely responsible for the economic and humanitarian repercussions of their rejection of the United Nations’ envoy to propose and extend the nationwide truce.

My remark: OIC is a Saudi mouthpiece.

(A P)

Ansarollah threats are serious: Expert

Mosadeq Mosadeqpoor said in an exclusive interview with ILNA that the Yemen case is more complicated than in the past and Ansarullah even gave specific warnings about the opening of new conflict fronts inside Yemen.

One of the reasons for Ansarullah's opposition to the ceasefire in Yemen is the non-payment of the monthly salaries of the country's employees, which has been delayed for about six months, he said.

He noted that in the meantime, Saudi Arabia is trying not to let the monthly salaries of the soldiers be paid, so that it can harm the war and move the situation forward in its favor, adding that these two little issues caused Ansarollah not to accept the ceasefire.

The fact is that economic sanctions against the people of Yemen are getting deeper day by day and because of that Ansarollah seeks to retaliate, he said.

Ansarollah’s threats against Saudi Arabia and the UAE are serious and undoubtedly these threats will aim at the economic structures of these two countries, he added.

(* B P)

Why did Yemen's truce fall apart?

A member of the political bureau of the Ansarallah movement, Muhammad al-Bukhaiti, has told the media that Yemen will not be accepting "a permanent or long truce while the U.S. and Saudi Arabian aggression and siege" continues.

Muhammad al-Bukhaiti has pointed out that Sanaa "has undergone major development in the field of naval missiles, which will have an active role in resolving the battle in the event that the siege is not lifted."

Sanaa accuses foreign companies of using the siege on Yemen to plunder the country’s natural resources making it extremely difficult for the government to pay the salaries of civil servants.

This is one of the main reasons that the extension of truce has failed with Yemen citing the disastrous humanitarian effect on Yemeni families already living in poverty. The demand from Yemen is clear. The siege must be lifted and the natural resources of the country must be left to the people of Yemen to pay the salaries.

The spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, has called on investors in Saudi Arabia and the UAE to “transfer their investments to another country,” stressing that “investment in the UAE and Saudi Arabia is full of risks” for them.

In a social media post, Saree said, "My brother investor, in order for us not to lose more, you must transfer your investment from an aggressor country to another, as investing in it is fraught with risks, such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia," adding that "the opportunity is there."

Al-Bukhaiti added that "the countries of aggression are preventing ships from entering Yemen by force of arms," stressing that the Yemeni forces "will respond with a similar measure."

Al-Bukhaiti explained that "the demands of the Yemeni people are just," highlighting that "if they are not met, then striking the depths of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is within our rights."

He called for an increase in the number of flights (leaving and entering the country) as well as their destinations, the opening of the country’s ports and the payment of salaries, saying that "the continuation of the siege means the continuation of the war because the aggression prevents the entry of ships to Yemen."

Speaking about the UN attempt to extend the truce, al-Bukhaiti indicated that Sanaa "cannot accept a permanent or long-term truce amid the continuation of the aggression and siege," repeating that Yemen will be forced to strike Saudi and Emirati oil installations once more if the humanitarian demands are not met.

Touching on the United States’ role in the war on Yemen, the member of the political bureau insists that "America is unwilling to stop the war because the continuation of the war between Arab and Islamic countries works in its favor," adding that "the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and America know our seriousness in the necessity of achieving our demands."

Al-Bukhaiti added that "prolonging the war on Yemen is in the interests of both the U.S. and the Israelis, and that is why Washington is pushing for its continuation." The Ansarallah movement official has also revealed that "the UAE decided at a certain stage to stop its participation in the siege of Yemen, but it was subjected to pressure from the United States and Israel."

(B P)

As Truce Collapses, Devastated Yemen Braces for Fresh Fighting

But now with the ceasefire over and both sides blaming the other for its breakdown, Yemen faces another round of violence – with the civilian population no doubt again bearing the highest cost.

In fact, the Yemen director for the Oxfam charity told Al Jazeera, “Millions will now be at risk if air strikes, ground shelling, and missile attacks resume.” [overview article]

(* B P)

Warum wir Russland nicht mit Saudi-Arabien vergleichen dürfen – aber sollten!

Auf die russische Invasion folgen historische Sanktionen und Rekord-Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine. Saudi-Arabien wird für seinen Krieg im Jemen, Terrorfinanzierung und Journalistenmord belohnt. Warum der Vergleich tabu, aber lehrreich ist.

Die Frage, die jedem förmlich auf der Zunge liegen müsste, ist: Was ist derart anders am Verhalten von z.B. Saudi-Arabien, dass nichts dergleichen in solchen Fällen auch nur angedacht werden kann? Warum wird bei Saudi-Arabien weggeschaut, obwohl die repressive Öl-Monarchie seit vielen Jahren ein anderes Land bombardiert und eine der schlimmsten humanitären Katastrophen seit Jahrzehnten ausgelöst hat, weltweit Terror züchtet und unterstützt, sehr wahrscheinlich in die Anschläge von 9/11 involviert gewesen ist und einen kritischen saudischen Journalisten, der für die Washington Post arbeitete, in Istanbul ermorden ließ? Warum wird das repressive und brutale Regime trotzdem weiter vom Westen, insbesondere den USA und Deutschland, hofiert und belohnt?

Solche Fragen werden in der breiten medialen Öffentlichkeit nicht diskutiert und mit dem Verweis auf pragmatische Realpolitik schnell beiseite gelegt. Es mag daran liegen, dass die Antwort darauf die "wertebasierte Außenpolitik" des Westens unter Führung der USA in Frage stellen könnte. Denn Werte basieren nun einmal auf universellen Prinzipien, also auf dem Grundsatz, Gleiches gleich zu behandeln.

Es gäbe also reichlich Gründe, Saudi-Arabien unter Druck zu setzen, Transparenz und Aufklärung einzufordern und die Monarchie zu einem Umlenken bezüglich ihrer kriminellen Aktivitäten zu bewegen. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall.

In den ersten drei Jahren, in denen Saudi-Arabien und seine Verbündeten im Jemen Krieg führten, hat allein die deutsche Bundesregierung, von den USA ganz zu schweigen, Ausfuhrgenehmigungen für Waffen an die Staaten der Golfallianz (darunter neben Saudi-Arabien unter anderem Katar, Ägypten, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Kuweit und Marokko) von über 4,6 Milliarden Euro genehmigt.

Sicherlich sollten in jedem Einzelfall die Reaktionen auf Verbrechen von Staaten sorgfältig abgewogen werden, auch in Hinsicht auf die Folgen. Das gilt für Russland, das gilt für Saudi-Arabien. Wenn ähnlich gelagerte Fälle aber derart entgegengesetzte Antworten des Westens nach sich ziehen – einmal kompromissloses Bestrafen bis zum bitteren, nuklearen Showdown, das andere Mal opportunistisches Belohnen des Aggressors –, dann liegt das nicht an unterschiedlichen Sachlagen, die abgewogen werden müssten, sondern an der Abwesenheit eines wertebasierten Maßstabs in internationalen Beziehungen an sich – die der Westen aber wie eine rote Krawatte vor sich herträgt.

Darum sind Vergleiche wie zwischen dem Verhalten von Russland und Saudi-Arabien nicht nur statthaft, sondern notwendig und wichtig. Sie zwingen uns, auf Fairness im außenpolitischen Handeln und gleiche Standards zu insistieren, um nicht das ganze Wertesystem zur Farce werden zu lassen – mit allen gefährlichen Konsequenzen, die das in sich birgt.

(* B H P)

Ende der Waffenruhe im Jemen: „Menschen, die jetzt hungern, werden verhungern“

Die Vereinten Nationen (UN) sprechen beim Krieg im Jemen von der derzeit größten humanitären Krise der Welt. Und mit dem Ende der Waffenruhe dürfte sich die Situation im Jemen weiter verschlimmern – das steht fest für Jens Heibach, Jemen-Experte am Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien in Hamburg. „Betroffen sind vor allem die Menschen, die in den von den Rebellen gehaltenen Gebieten leben“, sagte Heibach dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND).

Aber auch die Rettung des von Havarie bedrohten jemenitischen Öltankers „FSO Safer“, der seit Jahren mit Millionen Litern Öl an Bord im Roten Meer verrostet, könnte ausgebremst werden – und schwere ökologische Folgen nach sich ziehen.

Wie es nun mit den Zivilisten weitergeht, das könne sich Michalski kaum vorstellen. „Menschen, die jetzt hungern, werden verhungern“, sagte der Direktor. Denn auch schon vor der Waffenruhe erreichten Hilfslieferungen die Menschen nicht immer oder nur schwer.

Laut dem Amt der Vereinten Nationen für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten waren im März dieses Jahres über 23 Millionen Jemeniten Hunger, Krankheiten und anderen lebensbedrohlichen Risiken ausgesetzt. Bis zum Ende des Jahres könnten laut dem Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) 19 Millionen Menschen im Jemen an Hunger leiden.

(* B H P)

Yemenis tremble as cease-fire extension fails

With the truce expired in Yemen, a return to full-blown war has horrified humanitarian organizations and Yemeni civilians alike.

The failure to extend a truce has thrown millions of Yemenis into a state of anxiety and confusion over the last three days, deeply concerning humanitarian organizations and Yemeni civilians.

(* B P)

The End of the Truce in Yemen: A Leap Into the Void?

The MED This Week newsletter provides expert analysis and informed insights upon the most significant developments within the MENA region, bringing together unique opinions on the topic and reliable foresight on possible future scenarios. Today, we turn the spotlight on Yemen, where the expiry of a six-month ceasefire threatens to rekindle the war and aggravate the condition of millions of people.

In the absence of a deal, the importance is placed upon keeping all channels open

Whilst intense international and regional diplomatic efforts continue, the lack of a renewal to the ceasefire represents a significant setback to peace efforts in Yemen, let alone the establishment of a permanent ceasefire. In the absence of such a deal, the importance is placed upon keeping all channels open and the parties involved talking - even if containing escalation may be all that can be achieved at this point.

In some regards, the conflict continues to have a life of its own that defies the efforts of international peacemakers; the potential collapse of the truce ultimately underlines the limits of even such united strategic diplomacy. Moving forward will mean understanding the often-intersecting set of self-interests governing different parties - in addition to accepting the constraints of what can be done in an increasingly intractable conflict.

Adam Baron, Advisor, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Ansar Allah wants to play the lion’s share

“The Houthis’ strategic objective is to broker a deal with Saudi Arabia that allows them complete control, excluding other Yemeni parties, of North Yemeni territories or the parts under their control. In pursuit of this objective, they will do what is necessary to nudge the Saudis back into direct negotiations. They will probably keep issuing threats targeting Saudi Arabian tourism and oil installations. If that doesn’t work, they will launch their missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia when it will hurt most - presumably, in the first half of November, as the expected spike in tourism triggered by the World Cup approaches. Saudi Arabia has mounted a campaign to attract international tourists who will travel to nearby Doha for the games that start on November the 20th. That is the time when Saudi Arabia will be at its most vulnerable.”

Abdulghani Al-Iryani, Senior Researcher, Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies

Riyadh’s problems in Yemen: No end in sight

“The failed extension of the national truce in Yemen would have three negative implications for Saudi Arabia, related to national security, strategy and politics. On national security, the Houthis have already threatened to resume missile and drone attacks against Saudi and Emirati oil fields and infrastructure, comprised of targets in the Red Sea. This would further increase the international oil price – not so bad for Riyadh – but to the detriment of Saudi border security. At a strategic level, the Houthis would likely renew the military offensive against the Marib governorate and its energy fields, or possibly even against Hodeida city, openly violating the Stockholm agreement. Finally, there’s a strictly political issue. The collapse of the national truce would greatly weaken the already divided and fragile Presidential Leadership Council, a Saudi-backed initiative established to re-energise the anti-Houthi front”.

Eleonora Ardemagni, Associate Research Fellow, ISPI

(* B H P)

Yemen: Strife-torn country once again at the mercy of regional foes Iran and Saudi Arabia

With the end of a truce on October 2, the Yemeni population is facing more hardship as the two warring factions, backed by Iran and Saudi Arabia respectively, pick up where they left off.

After a six-month cease-fire, Yemen's warring factions, the Iran-backed Shiite Houthi group and the Saudi-backed internationally recognized Sunni government, are nominally back at war.

This takes the conflict, which has has been named the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe by the UN, into its eighth year.

Preferred option: Exit strategy

However, given that the war in Yemen is now in its eighth year with no sign of a military resolution, it doesn't really come as a surprise that the Saudi Kingdom has become less willing to continue fighting against the Iran-backed Houthis, Adnan Tabatabai, CEO of the Bonn-based think tank CARPO, told DW.

"Saudi Arabia has an increased desire to end the war in Yemen as soon as possible for security and economic reasons," he said.

In terms of security policy, it has been impossible to neutralize the security threat from northern Yemen through military operations against the Houthis since 2015, Tabatabai added.

Moreover, the ongoing war in Yemen also has a negative economic effect for the ambitious Sunni powerhouse.

"The war generates high costs and, moreover, undermines the international appeal of ambitious megaprojects such as Neom [a Saudi city being built in northwestern Saudi Arabia — the ed.] which leads to reluctant international investments," Tabatabai said, and added that "this results in a willingness in Riyadh to consult with Iran."

However, the current unrest in Iran, which followed the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, and has led to global pressure on the regime, "increases the unpredictability of the peace process in Yemen because Houthis' and Iran have mutual interests in the pursuit of this war," MEI analyst Alasrar said.

(B P)

Media Stories from Afar: Journalism in Belarus and Yemen

What Ahmed shared is the exact summary of journalism in Yemen. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported that the Yemeni government has harassed and detained journalists. To survive in a country beset by financial and humanitarian crises, for many journalists, the only viable option is exile. But because of that, being away from Yemen makes it difficult for journalists to report on the issues happening in Yemen. Despite so, journalists still continue to advocate for the journalists in their home country.

(A P)

US-Saudi Aggression Controlling Revenue, Obligated to Provide State Employees Salaries

Member of [Sanaa gov.] national delegation, Abdulmalik Al-Ejri, confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression and mercenaries are obligated to supply employee entitlements in all governorates, as they control oil and gas resources.

He pointed out that the salaries disbursement, even before the US-Saudi aggression, was dependent on Oil and Gas revenues.

It should be noted that the US-Saudi aggression is still evading the implementation of humanitarian and legal entitlements, including the salaries of employees, which made Sana'a refuse to extend the UN-Sponsored truce that ended on the second of October.

and also


(A P)

Oil, Gas Revenues Looted by Saudi-mercenaries Enough to Pay Salaries

The [Sanaa gov.] Undersecretary of Ministry of Finance, Ahmed Hajar, confirmed that the oil and gas revenues, which are plundered by the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries, cover the salaries in all governorates and with a surplus of about 10%.

He explained that the total salaries of state employees, including the occupied territories, amount to about 94 billion riyals per month (1 trillion and 128 million riyals annually).

He considered that the continuation of the US-Saudi aggression in refusing to pay salaries, despite not bearing any costs, aims only to create popular suffering.

The Undersecretary of Ministry of Civil Service, Yahya Al-Amir, pointed out the importance of a guarantor and continuous mechanism for the payment of salaries.

(B K P)

Film: War in Yemen. Is Peace On The Horizon?

A story of divided Yemen and the interference of Middle Eastern countries. Are more peaceful times coming for a country facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis?

(A P)

Hopes of reviving and expanding the expired UN-brokered truce increase Yemen Airways has published its schedule of daily flights for tomorrow that included a flight from Yemen's Sanaa to Amman (image)

This is the first flight without an agreement that is going to be a good sign for Yemen from UAE and Saudi Arabia that they are ready to neutralize humanitarian files and never connect them to military files.

(B P)

“War is good for the Houthi movement,” said Gregory D. Johnsen, a nonresident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. “In the event that the war were to end, or the Saudis or the Emiratis were to fully withdraw from Yemen, the Houthis would lose the rally around the flag effect.”

(* A B P)

Ende von sechs Monaten Waffenruhe

Die Verlängerung des Waffenstillstands im Jemen ist gescheitert. Regierung und Huthi-Rebellen stehen vor einer neuen Kriegsrunde.

Vor dem Stichtag 2. Oktober schlug Grundberg eine Verlängerung um diesmal sechs Monate vor sowie eine deutliche Ausweitung der humanitären Maßnahmen: „Bezahlung von Gehältern und Renten im öffentlichen Dienst, Öffnung bestimmter Straßen in Ta'iz und anderen Gouvernements, zusätzliche Ziele für Flüge von und nach Sana'a, ungehinderter Zugang für Tanker zum Hafen von Hodeidah“ listete er auf, außerdem den Beginn förmlicher Friedensgespräche.

Während Teile des Regierungslagers Teile dieses Vorschlags akzeptiert haben sollen, sind andere Teile auf Ablehnung gestoßen – insbesondere, dass Staatsbedienstete auch im Huthi-Gebiet Geld bekommen. Die Huthi-Rebellen wiederum wollten nur zustimmen, wenn die Regierung sich zu Direktgesprächen mit ihnen verpflichtet.

Die Regierung warf am Samstag den Huthis Blockadehaltung vor und sagte, sie selbst habe „viele Zugeständnisse“ gemacht. Die Huthi-Rebellen wiederum sagten, die Gespräche seien in einer „Sackgasse“ gelandet und man werde sich nicht von „falschen Versprechungen täuschen lassen“.

Grundberg, der seine Reisediplomatie fortsetzen will, lobte in seiner Erklärung diplomatisch das „konstruktive Engagement auf Führungsebene auf beiden Seiten“. Doch manche Beobachter fürchten, dass auf beiden Seiten die Lust auf eine neue Kriegsrunde gewachsen ist.!5886033/

(* B H P)

Failure to extend Yemen ceasefire leaves millions at risk, say charities

International organisations cite 60% fall in civilian casualties over six months, but critics say benefits of truce have been exaggerated

Nadwa al-Dawsari, a Yemeni analyst, said the benefits of a truce had been exaggerated by international organisations, as the Houthi rebels had refused to reopen roads needed to reach people most in need.

“Technically, the truce should improve humanitarian conditions, but in reality it didn’t. Whatever little signs of improvement, like the Sana’a airport [resuming flights], there are no signs this is part of a greater commitment, from the Houthis in particular, to make this truce actually work,” she said.

“The overoptimism about the truce is quite misleading, people talking from wishful thinking. In reality, every truce has been an opportunity, including this one, to mobilise and recruit fighters.”

Mareike Transfeld, co-founder of the Yemen Policy Center thinktank, said the truce meant some parts of the population could live without fear of violence and that oil prices stabilised because of the increased flow through Hodeidah. But humanitarian conditions did not improve significantly because of the road closures and lack of funding.

“The hope would have been that a real commitment [to the truce] would have translated to more improvements, such as the opening of roads in Taiz, which could have improved the humanitarian situation in the city. Unfortunately, the negotiations did not lead to an agreement and the Houthis used them as leverage to get other concessions,” said Transfeld.

My comment: Nadwa al-Dawsari simply omitts the neglicance of commitments by the anti-Houthi side. And, I disgree also in this point: Just “to live without fear of violence” does “improve humanitarian conditions” by itself.

(B P)

What Saudi-led coalition countries want from war in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have found the appropriate opportunity to realize what were in the past wishes they wanted to achieve in Yemen.

Those wishes have become within reach, after a war that has now entered its eighth year, during which the infrastructure was destroyed.

The US-backed coalition countries sought hard to tear the country apart and create weak entities through which they could control the country, its wealth and capabilities.

As “the Loose money teaches theft”, the coalition countries have turned the southern and eastern Yemeni provinces, which contain huge wealth of oil, gas, gold and other minerals into a land where there is no national sovereignty.

For this purpose, local militias of herds of mercenaries were established, working with the coalition states, with what can be described as daily wages. These militias have neither patriotism nor conscience, and they only seek money, and this matter has become clear to everyone at home and abroad.

Many names of militias and elites have no national cause other than protecting the new colonizers and companies that have been brought in to loot Yemeni wealth and antiquities and control the islands, ports and coastal cities of strategic importance.

The southern and eastern provinces have become a free land for all the thieves and colonial companies that have been entrusted by the mercenaries with the task of stealing the deposits of the Yemeni land, which is rich in multiple mineral resources.

My remark: A Houthi view.

(* B P)

Tenth Periodic Report of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights: 1/7/2021-31/7/2022

The Republican Decree No. 140 of 2012 and its amendments on the establishment of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights provides for the mandate to the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights to investigate all allegations of human rights violations by all parties in Yemen. The present report presents the findings of the monitoring, documentation and investigation work carried out by the Commission from 1/7/2021 to 30/7/2022. The release of the report comes as part of the Commission’s keenness to inform the local and international public community about the findings of the Commission during the reporting period.

To identify the parties responsible for the violations, the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights has adopted a clear methodology on the basis of the internationally recognized investigations standards used by similar commissions in accordance with the principles of “objectivity, transparency, and impartiality” stipulated in the Republican Decree on the establishment of the Commission. The Commission monitors, documents and investigates violations in accordance with the provisions of national legislations.

The National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations to Human Rights (NCIAVHR) announced the completion of the monitoring and documenting of (3,609) incidents of violations suffered by victims by all parties, without exception, in all Yemeni governorates during the period from July 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022.

In a press conference held this morning in the interim capital, Aden, to launch its tenth report, the Commission said that the total number of victims who fell as a result of these violations amounted to (5,151) victims.

The National Commission explained that its field teams, during the monitoring, documentation and investigation processes, listened to (9,897) witnesses, whistleblowers and victims, examined (9,379) documents, and reviewed hundreds of photos and videos.

In the press conference, the Commission reviewed (30) types of violations addressed in this report. The Commission also confirmed the application of various mechanisms to ensure the quality of the investigations that aim to verifying the facts and identifying accountable parties under the national and international laws applied to each incident, In order to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable and the victims received redress.

The Commission indicated that during the period covered by the 10th report, the Commission field researchers carried out many investigation activities, most notably the field visits to the governorates and regions that witness the incidents of human rights violations. Such visits were to the areas of Karsh and Al -Sharijah in the Qubaita district of Lahj governorate, the district of Muqbana in Taiz governorate, the districts of Shabwa, Harib in Marib governorate, and the districts of Hayes and Al-Jarhi in Al -Hodeidah governorate.

The Commission teams also carried out dozens of field visits to prisons and central detention centers in the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Taiz, Shabwa and Marib, and other visits to the criminal investigation departments in the governorates and the police departments in the districts.

The tenth report documented the monitoring and investigation of (905) killing and injuries for civilians, in which (1,293) victims were killed, the total civilian dead reached (432), including (72) children and (32) women, while the total wounded reached (861) civilian wounded, including (194) children and (105) women.

The report demonstrated the Houthi group’s accountability for (240) killings and (655) injuries, while (151) people were killed and (134) wounded by the airstrikes of the Arab coalition aircraft and governmental combat actions.

The report said that (235) incidents of killing and (714) incidents of injury attributed to the Houthi group, while (151) killings and (123) injuries were caused by the airstrikes of the Arab coalition aircraft and governmental combat actions, while all parties bear joint responsibility of (14) dead and (17) wounded.

The periodic report monitored (171) cases of planning anti-personnel mines, killing (62) individuals, including (8) children and (2) women, in addition to the injury of (176) individuals, including (39) children and (6) women, confirming that the Houthi group is alone in committing this type of violation.

The Commission in its report also monitored (114) incidents of alleged children’s recruitment, (106) incidents of which were committed by the Houthi group, while (8) incidents were committed by the government and the affiliated parties.

The Commission documented (21) incidents of alleged assaults and destruction of cultural, historical and religious objects, (20) of which were proven to be committed by the Houthi group, and (1) incident committed by the government National Army forces.

The Commission indicated that during the period covered by the report, it managed to monitor, document and investigate (17) allegations of targeting medical objects, (13) incidents of which were attributed to the Houthi group, and (4) allegations were committed by the National Army forces of the legitimate government.

The results of the investigations of international human rights law showed (97) incidents of alleged extrajudicial killing, (42) incidents of which were proven to be committed by the Houthi group, and (23) incidents were proven to be committed by the army forces and the security authorities of the government.

Investigations also showed the monitoring and documentation of (859) incidents of alleged arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearance, the Houthi group was held accountable for (665) incidents, and (166) incidents were the responsibility of government forces and its security agencies.

The new report of the Commission revealed that it monitored (25) incidents of alleged torture and inhuman and degrading treatment. The Houthi group was responsible of (20) incidents, while the army forces and the government’s security agencies were proven to commit (5) incidents.

The report monitored (36) incidents of allegation to detonate homes solely by the Houthi group.
The tenth report recorded the completion of the investigation into (18) incidents of assaults on freedom to opinion and expression, (13) incidents of which proven to be committed by the Houthi group, while (5) incidents were committed by the army forces and the security authorities of the government.

The Commission’s teams also documented (3) incidents of violations by the USA drones killing (8) civilians, including (1) child and (2) women.

The report made general recommendations to all parties to the conflict, and directed a number of special recommendations for both the Houthi group, the leadership of the Arab coalition, the Yemeni government and the international community.

From 2016 to late July 2022, the Commission released ten periodic reports on its activities in monitoring, documenting and investigating the allegations of human rights violations in all Yemeni governorates committed by all parties to the conflict.

Full report:

If the link does not work, try via

My remark: By Aden gov., anti-Houthi.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A P)

Aggression Coalition detains diesel ship: YPC

The spokesman of the Petroleum company Issam al-Mutawakel told SABA on Monday that the aggression coalition detained the diesel vessel "Pericles" after being delayed in Djibouti for inspection and obtaining entry permits by the United Nations Verification and Inspection Commission.

and also

(A P)

YPC: aggression seizes diesel ship

YPC spokesman Essam al-Mutawakil said the US-led aggression coalition detained the diesel ship "Soprano Serene" although it has been inspected in Djibouti and cleared by the UN.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Rebuilding people's lives in Yemen through mental health support

In Yemen, the long years of war, which have resulted in the destruction of homes, loss of lives, displacement of thousands, and deterioration of economic and living conditions, have taken a toll on people's mental health.

"People also struggle with family issues and traumas. The conflict and lack of access to mental health services leaves a significant impact on the patients who already suffered from chronic mental health disorders before the onset of the war," says Muaadh Abdul-Ghani Al-Samawi, MSF mental health supervisor in Hajjah, Yemen.

Our teams provide a holistic mental health programme at the Al-Gomhouri hospital in Hajjah city, northwest Yemen, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The programme includes psychological care, psychiatric treatment for severe mental health disorders, and psycho-education group sessions.

“We receive patients suffering from various mental health disorders, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe, such as anxiety, depressive episodes, post-traumatic stress disorder, and behavioural problems, and we provide them with psychosocial care," says Aura Ramírez, MSF mental health activity manager.

“However, most patients arrive with severe conditions such as major depression, psychosis and bipolar disorder, that require psychiatric treatment in addition to psychological care. These cases amount to 70 to 80 per cent of our patients.”

Most people with mental health issues in Yemen often seek support and treatment at a late stage when their symptoms already impacting their and their families' lives. This can be attributed to many factors.

“Many patients don’t recognise the early symptoms and only become aware of them at a later stage. This is largely due to the lack of awareness of mental health disorders,” says Al-Samawi.

“Some associate mental issues with jinn and sorcery and resort to other traditional means before seeking support at the clinic. Linking mental illness to madness and stigmatisation also further discourages the patients and their families from seeking help,” he says.

The MSF mental health clinic in Hajjah receives about 400 patients per month. Men amount to around 70 per cent of the patients, which indicates challenges facing women in accessing mental health services, some of which might be related to social and family restrictions.

Women need the support of their husbands or families to receive treatment.

(B H)

Heart breaking. #Suicide rates have increased dramatically among #young generation in #Yemen


(A H)

A man in his thirties committed suicide by hanging – tying a noose to a roof of one high-rise building in Sana'a and tightening the other end of the noose around his neck and jumping./Crater Sky


(B H)

Grappling with Malnutrition - RDP Success Story - Oct, 2022

Based on raised prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under five and the presence of aggravating factors such as poor food security in the general population and raised mortality (severity of a crisis), RDP in collaboration with WFP, has been delivering nutritional supplements to hundreds of thousands of children under five scattered across 4 governorates. RDP’s community nutrition volunteers, who are working in that area, were doing door-to-door MUAC screening for all children under five for the purpose of either referring them to the nearest health facilities for SAM or MAM treatment or to provide them with preventive nutritional supplements under the blanket supplementary feeding program, RDP supporting in the district.

RDP’s community nutrition volunteers, who are working in that area, were doing door-to-door MUAC screening for all children under five for the purpose of either referring them to the nearest health facilities for SAM or MAM treatment or to provide them with preventive nutritional supplements under the blanket supplementary feeding program, RDP supporting in the district.

(B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Update - Issue 9/ September 2022

Underfunding jeopardizes viability of life-saving response programmes

Displaced people in dire living conditions; funding gaps impact service provision

YHF and CERF champions localization of humanitarian aid

Floods devastate already fragile Yemen, leaving almost 74,000 households with needs

(* B H)

ICRC in Yemen: Semmi-Annual Activity Report 2022

The ICRC's priority in Yemen remains to protect and assist victims of the conflict and reinforce support to essential systems. In 2022, the ICRC, in partnership with the YRCS, continues to focus on four main sectors: Health, Economic Security, Water and Protection, in addition to other humanitarian activities aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people.

From January to June 2022, the ICRC provided logistic, technical, and financial support to 58 health facilities, benefiting more than one million people in different parts of the country. The ICRC provided more than 110,000 services to people with disabilities in six ICRC-supported physical rehabilitation centers (PRCs) in six governorates. The ICRC has also run projects to improve economic security, supporting more than 300,000 people with food rations, essential household items, unconditional cash assistance, livelihood cash grants and vouchers, and livestock vaccination.

Access to clean water is a key issue for millions of Yemenis. In the first half of 2022, the ICRC provided more than 670,000 people with access to safe water.

As the conflict continues, the number of people in need of protection continues to grow.

(A H)

Working with local authorities, @UNDP built an additional 15 doctor rooms in Al Lohoom area in #Aden. Now, over 6540 & 8750 Yemenis will have better access to critical & affordable healthcare services. Thanks to funding from @EUinYemen & efforts of @PWPYEMEN (photos)

(A H)

Project to mitigate droughts and water shortages launched in Yemen

From droughts and water shortages to depletion of clean water, Yemen is experiencing grave climate change impacts. Seeking to mitigatethis impact, UN-Habitat, in cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Environment, are to assess climate change vulnerability and strengthen national capacities, focusing on the Tuban Delta through a Green Climate Fund (GCF) project.

The project targets the Tuban delta, located in southern Yemen and facing challenges due to the growing water shortages caused by climate change impacting the rarea’s agricultural economy.

“With the second GCF project in Yemen, we seek to study the impact of climate change on the Tuban delta, due to the growing challenges posed by water scarcity and drought, which leads to desertification and loss of agricultural land,” Wael Al-Ashab, Head of UN-Habitat Yemen office, said.

The project aims to identify climate adaptation needs to determine priorities that will be used to formulate a concrete climate adaptation project to increase climate resilience in the Tuban delta

(A H)

Thousands Benefit from UNDP’s New Solar-Powered Water Desalination Plant

Last week, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched a solar-powered desalination plant that will provide vital access to clean water to 20,000 people in the Burr area of Seiyun. The ceremony was attended by Yemeni officials from the Ministry of Water and Environment, UNDP representatives, and local authorities from Hadramout.

As Yemen is one of the most water scarce countries in the world, access to clean drinking water is limited in most communities and – where available – is prohibitively costly. With critical water infrastructure including dams, reservoirs, and freshwater pipes destroyed in the protracted seven-year conflict, the situation has been greatly exacerbated.

Despite the distance to the coastline, Burr’s well water is brackish and households must pay increasingly unaffordable fees for drinking and cooking water trucked in from distant areas. A 2021 UNDP assessment found that Burr households pay between 5,0001 – 8,0002 Yemeni Riyals (approximately US$ 5 – US$ 9) monthly for clean drinking water – a cost out of reach for the average Yemeni.

With a capacity of producing 18 – 20 cubic meters of potable water an hour, the desalination plant is powered on solar energy and works by cleaning the brackish water through a series of processes that include filters, screens, and chlorine. Yemenis in the area will pay a small monthly fee of YER 2,000 (approximately US$ 2) that covers the operational cost to the government-run General Authority of Rural Water Project (GARWAP) for access to the water.

“Using solar powered desalination technology is one way to counter the water scarcity in Yemen in a sustainable way,” says Auke Lootsma UNDP’s Resident Representative in Yemen. “The project will help supply fresh, potable water to over 20,000 people in the area.”

(B H)

Yemen: Health Cluster Achievements (August 2022)

(* B H)

In an empty kitchen, Yemeni family struggles with hunger

United Nations says 60% of Yemenis lack food

Truce brought respite but hunger grows

Many people are at breaking point, WFP official says

International aid meets only half Yemen's needs

In a bare kitchen in her house in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, Umm Zakaria al-Sharaabi prepares for a daily challenge - creating a meal out of virtually nothing to feed the 18 people in her extended family.

"Today we have yet to make lunch," she says, gesturing at an empty stove. In the corner, a bag of bread and a few containers of spices are the only scraps of food to hand. "Every day is like this... We have nothing in the kitchen, we have nothing."

Eight years of conflict, which started when Houthi rebels seized Sanaa and then expanded as a Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes against them, have devastated the economy and left millions of people across Yemen struggling to feed themselves.

A truce agreed in April offered some respite but the United Nations says the number of families who lack adequate food has continued to grow since then. The truce expired on Monday without agreement on another extension.

Umm Zakaria's mother-in-law Umm Hani, who shares their home in central Sanaa, says before the war they lived modestly but well on her husband's salary from his job at the education ministry and money she earned as a maid.

"Our situation was okay. I used to work for a family continuously and my son... worked and his brother too."

"Nowadays, I swear, we can't afford flour," Umm Hani says. "Look at the kitchen and everywhere. Even flour, simply flour, we don't have it. And we don't have rice..." = =

(B H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Response Snapshot (August 2022)

The humanitarian crisis, primarily driven by continued conflict and an economic collapse, has been exacerbated by critical funding gaps, global inflation and access challenges. The knock-on effects of the war in Ukraine, which have worsened global food shortages, have impacted many households in Yemen as prices of food become unaffordable for vulnerable families. By the end of August the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), seeking $4.27 billion to assist 17.9 million people, was only 42.4 per cent funded, forcing aid organizations to reduce or close critical assistance programmes.

However, aid agencies continued to provide life-saving assistance. In the first eight months of 2022,184 humanitarian organizations continued to deliver aid to an average of 10.6 million people per month.

(B H)

Yemen: Organization Monthly Presence August 2022

In August 2022, 129 organizations implemented activities outlined in the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan in all Yemen’s districts. In 332 districts, 9 UN agencies were active, while 44 international NGOs in 219 districts and 76 national NGOs in 299 districts.

The Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) has the largest number of organizations, with 51 active in 198 districts. The Protection Cluster had 43 organizations active in 242 districts. Other clusters, which have a large number of organizations, included the Health Cluster with 42 organizations in 320 districts, the The Nutrition Cluster with 34 organizations in 328 districts, Education Cluster with 26 organizations in 68 districts, and the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster with 25 organizations in 125 districts,

(B H)

Yemen: 2022 Public Dashboards and Tools

The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 is seeking $4.27 billion. More than 170 humanitarian organizations deliver aid to an average of 11.61 million people per month. The Information Management and Assessments working group and partners have several platforms to track the various types of data and information to support the entire response process.

(B H)

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Monthly Report, September 2022

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Quarterly Report, July - Sept 2022

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Cumulative Report, Jan - Sept 2022

(B H)

Die Home - Die in the Frontline

The UNFPA through BFD strives to safe the source of humanity (Mothers and Newborns).The lifesaving service that Bahjah had taken in the health facility reduces maternal mortality and morbidi- ty; yet the ignorance of many midwives in villages of the high-risks of home childbirth raise the challenge of decreasing maternal mortality; therefore, for ensuring that high-risk women are birthing children in equipped facilities and because we care to better care for mothers delivering newborns, BFD continuously conduct awareness sessions through the health workers in the health facilities or by the medical mobile teams on the risks of the unsafe childbirths outside an equipped health facility and the complica- tions accompanied with.

(B H)

Harib Al Qaramish Story

“Prior the reoperating of Harib Al Qaramish Hospi- tal, pregnant women with serious complications had to travel kilometers to reach a HF that could deal with their conditions, yet now, they can have safe motherhood and safe childbirth at the hospi- tal.” A midwife reveled.

Yet by mid of June BFD funded by the UNFPA has begun the EmONC project intervention at Harib Al-Qaramish Hospital in the Harib Al-Qaramish district, Ma`rib governorate. Before operating the HF, BFD conducted a monitoring and assessment need field visits to the HF.

Then a rapid rehabilitation and maintenance work has been done where the project has maintained and rehabilitated the building of the HF and its medical equipment. In addition, it maintained its solar power system.

(B H)

Millions of Yemeni children lives a worst humanitarian disaster in world due to unjust war & siege since 8Yrs. UN does not have a full solution or peace, or at least a fair truce guarantee their human rights. Yo can help by support our humanitarian work

(B H)

Agrometeorological Early Warning Bulletin (1 - 10 October 2022)

Integration of agrometeorological early warning systems into policy and decision-making processes is an important element in Yemen as climate change causes diverse hazards such as severe floods, droughts, dust storms, and extremely hot temperatures, all following one another in a short period of time. Focus on risk reduction and climate change adaptation based on evidence-based information need to be at the centre of policy processes in the country in order to protect vulnerable communities from climate-related hazards.

Pests: Reports indicate sighting of adult solitarious Desert Locusts (DL) in Al Jawf (Al Hazm), and ongoing small-scale breeding across the interior parts of th

(B H)

Yemen: Sanaa Floods - Operation Update Report n° 1

Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

The Yemen Red Crescent Society (YRCS) has continued responding to the flood-affected communities in 16 affected governorates during August and September 2022, with support from IFRC, ICRC, NorCross and QRCS and has assisted more than 6,900 households from the start of the response. However, substantial response gaps remain high

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Yemen: Flood Snapshot (as of 30 September 2022)

The period between June and August was characterized by heavy rain and widespread flooding across Yemen, destroying property and livelihoods, including damage to critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and in some areas, loss of lives. Partners reported that 72 people were killed. According to Agrometeorological Update by FAO, reported from 1-31 Aug, over 80 per cent of Yemen would experience heavy rainfall, with large portions inundated as floods swept through the country. Yemen experienced a cumulative amount of about 2,500 mm, which was 45 percent higher than the rainfall experienced in August 2021. Humanitarian partners verified that 73,854 families were affected across the country. Most of those affected live in displaced sites and settlements where shelters, livelihoods, and water sources were damaged. This resulted in a dire humanitarian situation for the affected families amid limited funding.

(A H)

QRCS, OCHA provide shelter aid for poor Yemenis

The representation office of Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) in Yemen has distributed shelter aid to 3,180 displaced and affected families.

(B H)

Difficulties Generated Hope

BFD through the RH and GBV projects funded by the UNFPA seeks to heal what the conflict has ruined. It seeks to protect the humanity left in IDPs Camps through support- ing 4 medical mobile teams backed up with with psychiat- rics in Ma`rib governorate.

Over the past few months, the current conflict has intensified in some of Ma'rib governorate districts, in a war that resulted in the death of many and the displacement of thousands of people to Ma`rib city. Most of these internally displaced persons suffer from deep psychological trauma, especially children and women. The Trauma is hunting IDPs souls and minds. The conflict escalates and intensifies as the days go by causing continuous waves of displacement, which is increasing the burden to these medical mobile teams; thus, more aid is needed to support the medical mobile teams, who struggle and persist providing health and mental services to thousands of IDPs in too crowded camps. The aid provided to those hopeless and helpless IDPs is the shiny window of dignity, peace, and decent life.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

A bigoted Houthi militant kills his father and brother and then gets killed by his youngest brother in [central Yemen's] Beidha province, it was reported today. Brainwashed Houthi militants killing near relatives is increasingly becoming a common crime in the Houthi militia's areas of control./Multiple websites.

A young man named Bashar Al-Baadani was killed by Houthi terrorists manning a checkpoint in Taiz today as he was coming back home from outside the country. /Taiz Time

(A K P)

Ansarullah member: “Israeli defense systems will not protect UAE”

Member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah, Ali Al-Qahoum, on Monday said that the Israeli defenses purchased by the UAE would not protect it in the event that the aggression and siege on Yemen continued.

(A T)

Seven soldiers killed by roadside bomb in Abyan

Seven soldiers of the Security Belt Forces were killed and two others were seriously injured on Sunday, in a roadside bomb explosion in Moudiya district of Abyan governorate.
Local media and military sources said that the blast was caused by two explosive devices planted on a road near Wadi Awamran of Moudiya in the southeast of Abyan and they exploded during the passing of the military vehicles of the Security Belt Forces.
Later the same day, Ansar al-Shariya, a terror group affiliated to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed responsibility for the attack against the Security Belt Forces in Moudiya district.

Just reporting four killed:

(A P)

Revolution Leader calls on Western countries, societies to liberate themselves from Zionism, stop insulting prophets

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi on Saturday called on Western countries and societies and their leaders to desist from insulting Allah, his prophets and the last of his messengers Mohammed (peace be upon him).
Sayyed Abdulmalik also called in his speech today on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday 1444 AH, to stop being hostile to the prophets and the Book of Allah, the Noble Qur’an, burning the Qur’an and fighting Allah's blessed teachings, and to stop their satanic efforts to fight morals and values and spread vices to spoil peoples.
"I invite them to reflect on their reality and the evils and terrible social and psychological problems that may have resulted in all fields," he said, warning them of what Allah warned against in His Holy Book through His prophets and messengers of dire consequences and divine punishments in this world and the hereafter.
The Revolution Leader called on the leaders and societies of the West to be freed from Jewish Zionism, which had taken control of them, misled them, corrupted them, and tightened its control over them completely and enslaved them to a terrible extent.
Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized Yemen's principled Quranic stance towards the issues of the Islamic nation

and also =

Film: =

(A P)

Yemenis celebrate Prophet’s birthday with millionis festivals (with photos)

Mass women's rally in Sana'a on Birthday of Prophet Muhammad

Millions of Yemenis Celebrate Birthday of Prophet Muhammad in Sana'a

and also

Mass festival in Sa'ada to celebrate holy Prophet birth

and also

The People Of Dhamar Governorate Gather To Renew The Covenant And Loyalty To God, His Messenger, And The Flags Of Guidance

Massive celebration in Jawf on anniversary of Prophet's birth

Marib... Mass Celebration in al-Jouba Square of Prophet's Birth

A Mass Celebration In Sirwah, Marib, On The Occasion Of The Prophet’s Birthday (with photos)

The Women’s Authority In The City Of Hodeidah Celebrates The Birthday Of The Prophet (with photos)

Millions of Yemenis gather to celebrate birthday of Prophet Muhammad (with photos) =

President Al-Mashat thanks Yemeni people for major attendance in Prophet's birthday anniversary celebration

and also

Hodeida.. Nautical Canoes Display to commemorate Prophet's Birth

Women's crowds flocked to Al-Thawra Sports City Square in Capital Sana'a

Mass crowds begin to flock to areas celebrating Prophet's birth in capital, provinces

and also

Crowds flocked from Sana 'a province to participate in celebration of Prophet's birth

Houthis force the population in Sana'a to paint their bodies and cars green, a trick inspired from their [pre-1962] Imamite theocratic ancestors to tell apart loyalist subjects from non-loyalists./Almeethaq News



My comment: I quoted all these links to demonstrate what a crazy thing the Houthis made out of the prophet’s birthday. This no more has anything to do with religion.

(A P)

Yemen vows to retaliate against those supporting the Saudi-led invasion

Yemen’s Minister of Defence, Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Atifi, issued a strong warning to the regional powers supporting countries of the Saudi-led coalition in its war on Yemen, vowing to bomb very sensitive targets.

“The armed forces will manage a confrontation with a tactical and strategic dimension, and will not hesitate for a moment to bomb very sensitive and important targets, which they have placed in the bank of their upcoming and specific goals that they are under the line of fire, not only in the depth of Saudi and Emirati and their vital military and economic facilities, but also the arm of the strategic deterrence force of Yemen can reach much further,” Major General Al-Atifi said.

(A P)

Yemen prepares for mass celebrations of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday

The Yemeni capital Sanaa and 14 other provinces have been witnessing official preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), which is annually commemorated on the 12th day of the Islamic month of Rabi al-Awwal, which this year coincides with the Gregorian date of 8 October.

A total of 21 town squares are set to host the unprecedented celebration that will take place on Saturday.

The organizing committees have completed preparations of dozens of major squares in the capital Sanaa and 14 governorates to receive millions of people who will come to take part in celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

On Thursday, The organizing committee of events called on the Yemeni people to a large gatherings and get out on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the religious anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday.

Earlier, the Leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, stressed the importance of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday for changing the reality of the nation and reviving its values.

In his speech that he delivered on the occasion of the inauguration events of the Prophet’s birthday for the year 1444 AH, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi stressed that the mass presence in this great religious occasion would send a message of warning to the enemies of the prophet that this nation boosts its connection with the Great Prophet. =

Film; al-Houthi speech:

Photos, fireworks:

(A P)

Public Prosecution released 6,134 prisoners on occasion of Prophet's birthday

The Public Prosecution Office in the Capital Sana'a and the provinces released 6 thousand and 134 prisoners, in implementation of the directives of the Revolution Leader and the Head of the Supreme Political Council, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday for the year 1444 AH.

(A P)

President Al-Mashat lays foundation stone for "Al-Nabi Al-Akram" Hospital for Kidney Diseases

President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat on Sunday laid the foundation stone for the "Al-Nabi Al-Akram" Specialized Hospital for Kidney Diseases in the capital, Sana'a.
The hospital aims to provide health and medical services to the poor and needy who suffer from kidney diseases, renal failure and urinary tract.
During laying the foundation stone, President Al-Mashat expressed his thanks for the efforts of everyone who contributed to the preparation of this project, which is considered the best in terms of the idea and the humanitarian service that it will provide to the poor and needy, and in terms of its coincidence with the great religious occasion, which is the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday (peace be upon him).

(A P)

Yemen: Militias Reopen Iranian Hospital That Was Used as Spy Center

The Iranian-backed Houthi militias reopened an Iranian hospital in Sanaa, 13 years after closing it and using it as a center for spying and promoting extremism.

The militias changed the hospital's name and allocated more than 3.5 billion riyals to equip it. The move is considered one of the group's largest corruption projects.

According to the militias’ media, Head of the Houthi ruling council Mahdi al-Mashat laid the foundation stone for the hospital, which will specialize in urology.

They said the process was funded by the zakat revenues which the militias collected by force from people in areas they run, noting that they doubled the amounts several times throughout the years.

In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, medical sources said the hospital will be one of the business projects run by the militias through the so-called Zakat Authority.

The militias plan to set fees similar to those applicable in private hospitals in return for medical services, especially after limiting the services of public hospitals to its militants and leaders.

(A P)

the Houthi militia imposes royalties on the owners of artesian wells in Ibb

the Houthi leader, "Abdul Karim al-Farah" and appointed by the militia as general manager of the Radmah district, imposed large financial levies on the owners of wells in the "Al-Ajlab" area and other areas in the Radmah district, under the pretext of supporting the militia's activities and activities on the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday.

The Houthi leader imposed a minimum amount of one hundred thousand riyals on each well, while the owners have so far refused to hand it over and submitted a complaint to the security authorities in the district and under the control of the militia, to demand an end to the levies imposed on them, but their complaint has not been responded to.

(A P)

Ansarullah: Jemen wird Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien angreifen, wenn Aggression fortgesetzt wird

In einem Interview mit dem libanesischen Fernsehsender al-Mayadeen am Mittwoch sagte Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, ein Mitglied des Politbüros von Ansarullah, dass das jemenitische Volk berechtigte Forderungen habe, und warnte davor, dass die jemenitischen Streitkräfte „die Fähigkeit haben die Ölanlagen von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten anzugreifen wenn diese Forderungen nicht erfüllt werden."

(A P)

Defense Minister: We renew warning to forces supporting aggression, we will not hesitate to bomb very sensitive targets

Defense Minister Major General Muhammad Nasser al-Atifi affirmed that the aggression forces, during the previous truces, reorganized the conditions of their internal political, military tools and expanded the spread of foreign military bases in the eastern gate and vital economic areas.

Where oil and gas sources, sea and air ports are located in the occupied Yemeni provinces to loot and drain the wealth of the Yemeni people.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Defense Minister indicated that the deployment comes within the framework of a hostile plan that includes keeping the Yemen Republic in a state of no peace and no war and the continuation of the suffocating siege in a way that achieves the intentions of the aggression forces and increases the living of the Yemeni people suffering.

and also

(A P)

Film: #Houthi spokesperson thanks #Iran for "sharing expertise in manufacturing missiles & drones."

(A P)

Al-Houthi criticizes EU’s statement regarding Sanaa’s demands

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has reacted to the European Union (EU)’s statements regarding Sana’a government’s demands of paying salaries of the state employees in order to extend the truce in Yemen.

“The statements of the European Union and others are absurd and only legitimated the international criminality, ” Mohammed al-Houthi said in a tweet on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

He added: “Paying of salaries and lifting of the siege are legitimate rights and their rejection are double and organized terrorism. It is condemned.” =

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi calls for correcting curricula in universities

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, on Wednesday called for correcting the curricula in Arab and Islamic universities.

“We must have a real and conscious view and correct the curricula, as the curricula of many Arab and Islamic universities do not follow the fixed and correct Mohammedian way,” Al-Houthi explained

(A P)

Prophet’s birthday – an important event in Houthi-hold territory. Films:

(A E P)

Economic Committee Warns Companies Involved in Looting Yemen’s Wealth of Consequences of Non-compliance to Its Decisions

Yemen’s Supreme Economic Committee clarified that the final correspondences have been edited and sent to all local and foreign oil companies, oil service companies, in addition to shipping companies.

“The letters included obligating these companies to immediately stop all actions related to the looting of Yemen's sovereign wealth,” the Supreme Economic Committee said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

The Committee said that it continued to send final letters to companies and entities involved in the looting of sovereign wealth to stop the looting activities. That is in accordance with the deadline set, in implementation of the directives of President Mahdi Al-Mashat.

The Supreme Economic Committee reiterated that these correspondences came as a legal procedure based on the Yemeni constitution and laws in force.

(A P)

Film: This is how Houthis treated with a husband who was trying to put a jasmine flower necklace around neck of his wife at her graduation ceremony in Sana'a.

(A P)

Film: Dozens of supporters of al-Hasan al-Tehami went to Saada governorate to ask Houthis for the release of their leader al-Tehami, but the Houthis threw them all in prison.

(A P)

Houthis have banned woman from swimming and closed down female gyms across Sana’a

(A P)

Attorney General orders release of 585 prisoners in Hodeida

The Attorney general, Judge Dr. Muhammad Al-Dailami, on Tuesday ordered the release of 585 prisoners in the central reformatory and pretrial detention centers in Hodeida province, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday.

(A P)

Sanaa forces’ spokesman calls investors in Saudi Arabia, UAE to leave

Spokesman for the armed forces in Sanaa, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sarie, on Tuesday evening called on investors in the Saudi-led coalition countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to seize the opportunity to leave from the two countries.

Sarie said in a tweet on Twitter Tuesday evening, addressing the investors “Brother, investor, in order to ensure that you do not lose more, you must transfer your investment from an aggressor country to another, because investing in it is fraught with risks, such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia.. As the opportunity is still available to leave.”

and also

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp6 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-825 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-825: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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