Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 834b - Yemen War Mosaic 834b

Yemen Press Reader 834b: 18. Dezember 2022: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 834, cp7 - cp19 / December 18, 2022: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 834, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 834, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 834, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

UN Envoy says efforts continue to renew truce in Yemen

In his Remarks on the 5th Feminist Summit in Aden, Grundberg said "We are working relentlessly to renew and expand the truce and identify options for a pathway to a more comprehensive settlement of the conflict."
He explained that he is in constant contact with all sides to urgently find solutions that put Yemen on a path toward a just and sustainable peace.

(A H P)

Celebrating IVD 2022 in Yemen: Together, we bring hope to our communities

UN Volunteers celebrating International Volunteer Day in Sana'a, Yemen, were joined by UNV Executive Coordinator, Toily Kurbanov, and UNV Regional Manager for the Arab States, Christian Hainzl, on 5 December 2022.

(A P)

Member of Ansarullah directs important call to coalition regarding armistice

In a series of tweets on “Twitter”, Al-Qahoum said that “the equations are changing and the reality is different”, calling on the coalition not to bet on the time factor and the misleading movements of the envoys.

Al-Qahoum stressed that “meeting the Yemeni people demands is the only guarantee for the return of the armistice.”

(B P)

Film: After Friday's attack on a #UN convoy in south #Yemen, what are the prospects for peace? My 2-minute take

(A P)

UN envoy applauds human rights defenders in Yemen

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Saudi Arabia is Most Censored on Internet Quelling Dissenting Voices

International human rights center confirmed that Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that exercises strict censorship on the Internet and social media, whether through blocking or punishing with imprisonment and fines, with the aim of quelling dissenting voices.

"The Saudi authorities are detaining in its prisons a large number of intellectuals, scholars, journalists and human rights activists, as well as a number of prominent human rights activists," the center said in a statement.

The center pointed out that a Saudi court recently sentenced activist Salma Al-Shihab to 34 years in prison, on charges of “providing aid to those who seek to disturb public order and spread false news,” which is the longest prison sentence against any activist in the country.

(A P)

Saudi arrests hundreds of suspected drug smugglers

(B P)

Kick it like Katar: Die großen Pläne der Saudis

Das große Saudiarabien nimmt sich das kleine Katar zum Vorbild und verfolgt verstärkt eine Soft-Power-Strategie. Die Krönung wäre der Zuschlag für die Fußball-WM 2030 [nur im Abo]

(B K P)

Saudi Arabia Allocates More Money for Arms Deals, Experts: What about Feasibility!

Saudi Arabia approved raising the arms purchase budget to 78.4 billion dollars during the next year 2023. Observers said that Saudi Arabia is trying to compensate for a military and political failure by allocating more money for its military budget, especially in light of the setback that Riyadh is facing in its war on Yemen.

Observers believe that raising the Saudi military budget is no more than a public relations campaign to entice the international community not to deal with the Kingdom of Al Saud as a pariah member of the international family.

Although Saudi Arabia is the world's largest arms purchaser, according to the annual reports of the Stockholm Institute of Peace, the Saudi military arsenal has not been able to make Saudi Arabia a weight relative to the size of its weapons.

(B P)

The Saudis are "hedging their bets" internationally by deepening ties with Russia, China and others, says

@sarahleah1 Whitson. "The only thing they really want the United States for is for military protection." (film)

(A P)

Saudi forces committed heinous crime against Yemeni young man in Jizan

Saudi border guards committed a new murder against a young Yemeni man in the Jizan border region Last Monday =

(* B P)

Warum "The Line" verspiegelt ist: Neue Details zur Sci-Fi-Stadt

Bis 2030 sollen im saudi-arabischen Megaprojekt "The Line" bereits eine Million Menschen eingezogen sein.

"Saudi-Arabiens 500 Milliarden Dollar teures Mega-Stadtprojekt "The Line" ist bekanntlich bereits angelaufen. Das 500 Meter hohe und 170 Kilometer lange Bauwerk ist ein Lebenstraum des Projektleiters Giles Pendleton. Er ist überzeugt, dass aus "The Line" ein Erfolg wird, gibt er gegenüber dem Medium Arabian Business an.

Verspiegelte Wände aus gutem Grund. (...)

"Wir hätten gerne, dass bis 2030 in etwa eine Million Menschen in der Stadt wohnen", sagt Pendleton. Bis dahin müssen aber noch einige Immobilien gebaut werden. Bei "The Line" soll daher eine künstliche Intelligenz bei der Zusammensetzung der modularen Bauteile helfen. Diese werden massenhaft vorgefertigt und müssen vor Ort nur mehr verbaut werden."

Kommentar: Die Fans freuen sich schon auf Künstliche Intelligenz und die Digitalisierung bzw. Überwachung …

cp9 USA

(* B K P)

Yemen: End American Complicity

The Biden Administration and members of the intelligence community have endorsed an important principle: a state is responsible for the crimes it enables others to commit. Applying this standard to those designated as enemies is quite common, but powerful states always reserve a different set of standards for themselves. Any morally serious person will endorse the precept of universality, and insist upon applying the same criteria to ourselves that we do to others.

If one were to establish the goal of reducing the amount of violence in the world, the simplest way to begin would be to eliminate one’s own contribution to it; the withdrawal of American involvement in criminal acts would mitigate much of the savagery. The Biden administration is responsible for directly facilitating crimes in Yemen that greatly exceed anything Iran is accused of. The Administration has the opportunity to enact the principles they’ve enunciated, and it doesn’t require sanctions or other coercive measures, they merely need to stop participating in the Yemeni war.

(A P)

Ex-Twitter worker gets 3-1/2-year U.S. prison term for spying for Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Ansarullah: USA spielen im Jemen „gefährliches Spiel“ und bestehen auf Aggression

Jemens Volkswiderstandsbewegung Ansarullah hat vor der Militärpräsenz der Vereinigten Staaten im Land gewarnt und erklärt, Washington spiele ein „gefährliches Spiel“, da es darauf bestehe, eine Politik der Aggression zu verfolgen und den nationalen Friedensprozess zu behindern.

Ali al-Qahoum, ein Mitglied des Politbüros von Ansarullah, äußerte sich am Dienstagabend in einem exklusiven Interview mit dem libanesischen Fernsehsender al-Mayadeen.

„Die Präsenz von US-Truppen im Bab al-Mandab und vor der Küste des Jemen stellt eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für die Seeschifffahrt dar“, sagte er und fügte hinzu, dass dies Washingtons aggressive Politik gegenüber dem verarmten Land weiter beweise.

Er fuhr fort, dass Saudi-Arabiens Krieg und Blockade gegen den Jemen in den letzten acht Jahren vollständig von den USA koordiniert worden seien, und bemerkte, dass „Riad nichts anderes als ein Werkzeug in den Händen Washingtons ist, um seine Aggressionspolitik unter Beteiligung von Israel, Großbritannien und Frankreich durchzuführen."

Der Ansarullah-Verantwortliche bemerkte weiter, dass „die Tendenzen der USA und Großbritanniens, den Konflikt am Laufen zu halten und ein weiteres Embargo gegen den Jemen zu verhängen, größte nationale Verantwortung für die Stärkung der Standhaftigkeit erfordern“.

„Wenn die Amerikaner auf Aggression und Blockade bestehen, wird die Reaktion auf eine Weise erfolgen, die die erforderliche Wirkung und ausreichenden Druck auf den Aggressor erzielt, wer immer es auch sein mag“, fügte er hinzu.

(A P)

US Administration Insists on Continuing Aggression against Yemen, Peace Slogans Fake

A member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah, Abdulwahhab Al-Mahbashi, confirmed that the American administration has taken the slogan of peace in Yemen as a way to continue the aggression against Yemen through continuous support for the forces of aggression.

Al-Mahbashi said, in a statement to Almasirah, that America insists on continuing the aggression and siege by rejecting a draft resolution to stop Saudi Arabia's support for its aggression against Yemen.

He added that the US administration presented itself as a dove of peace in the past elections and that it wanted to stop the aggression, but today it has shown that it wants to continue the war and identifies with the crimes of Saudi Arabia.

He pointed out that the Biden administration is lying to the American people and the world, and today it stands in the way of any attempt to stop the aggression against Yemen.

and also

(* B P)

Das Ende der US-Dominanz am Persischen Golf (II)

Deutsche Regierungsberater diagnostizieren einen dramatischen Einflussverlust des Westens auf der Arabischen Halbinsel. Mit Blick auf den dortigen Besuch des chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping in der vergangenen Woche konstatiert Markus Kaim, Nahostexperte der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): „Wir sehen zum wiederholten Male, dass die USA sich aus Regionen zurückziehen und ein Vakuum hinterlassen, das von anderen gefüllt wird“. Xi hatte Chinas Beziehungen zu Saudi-Arabien auf ein neues Niveau zu heben versucht und zudem Gipfeltreffen mit dem Golf-Kooperationsrat und diversen anderen arabischen Staaten abgehalten. Im Gespräch ist, Erdöl künftig häufiger in chinesischen Yuan zu handeln; außerdem wird der chinesische Konzern Huawei, den die Vereinigten Staaten mit aller Macht bekämpfen, seinen Einfluss auf der Arabischen Halbinsel weiter stärken. Xi spricht von einer „neuen Ära“ in den Beziehungen zwischen China und der Arabischen Welt; die alte US-Dominanz auf der Arabischen Halbinsel scheint gebrochen. Dies schwächt auch die Stellung Deutschlands im Mittleren Osten, die zuletzt durch den Streit um die Fußball-WM in Qatar Risse erhalten hat.

(A P)

Sanders zieht Jemen-Resolution zurück und schwört, weiter mit dem Weißen Haus zu sprechen

Bernie Sanders kehrte den Kurs um und ließ nicht über eine Resolution abstimmen, die die US-Unterstützung für den von Saudi-Arabien geführten Krieg im Jemen ausschließt.


(A P)

Libertarian Party verurteilt Bernie Sanders wegen Fallenlassens der Jemen-Resolution


(A P)

"Amerikas Komplizenschaft mit saudischem Krieg im Jemen beenden" US-Veteranen fordern Ende der US Unterstützung für Riads "katastrophale Militärkampange"


Veteranengruppe unterstützt gesetzgeberische Maßnahmen zur Beendigung der US-Unterstützung für den Krieg unter saudischer Führung im Jemen

(* B P)


U.S. officials are trying to preserve a truce that has reduced violence and created the possibility for a negotiated settlement to the war.

After years of backing a disastrous, Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen, the United States is shifting its approach to the war, supporting a UN-brokered truce that has resulted in the most significant reduction of violence since the war began.

Bowing to the reality that the opposition Houthi movement now controls 80 percent of the population of Yemen and has acquired the means to launch missiles deep into Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, U.S. officials have been focusing on the truce as a means of achieving a ceasefire and ending the war.

The truce “has brought a period of unprecedented calm in Yemen, saving thousands of lives and bringing tangible relief for countless Yemenis,” President Joe Biden said in a statement in August.

For years, the United States has played a major role in the war in Yemen. Operating largely from behind the scenes, the U.S. military has quietly empowered a Saudi-led military coalition to conduct a devastating war against Houthi rebels, who seized control of the capital city of Sanaa in 2014.

For the United States, the war has been a moral and strategic failure. Not only has the United States enabled the Saudi-led military coalition to commit war crimes, but it has steadily lost influence throughout Yemen and the broader Middle East.

At a congressional hearing last week, U.S. officials lamented the current state of affairs in Yemen, as they reviewed the grim consequences of the war.

U.S. Special Envoy Timothy Lenderking reviewed the extent of Houthi advances, noting that their military forces number in the hundreds of thousands. A significant development, he continued, is that the Houthis have formed closer relations with Iran.

It remains unclear whether the Biden administration has been using the truce to buy time for the Saudi-led coalition or establish a foundation for ending the war. Reportedly, the administration has been reconsidering its ban on sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia. Its sense of betrayal by the Saudi regime over an alleged deal on oil production may stall future cooperation, however.

Congressional opposition to more U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia may tie the administration’s hands. Congress could invoke the War Powers Resolution to end U.S. involvement in the war, leaving the Saudi regime with no option but maintaining the truce and working toward a negotiated settlement.

“As we look forward, we want to get back into the truce,” Lenderking insisted at last week’s hearing. “There are important back-channel conversations that are happening between the parties that are helpful to this process. But… we are not there yet.” = =

(* B P)

Joe Biden Can’t Quit the Saudi “Pariahs”

Despite his campaign pledges, the president has continued to back Saudi Arabia and its murderous de facto ruler.

Two years into Biden’s presidency, it is crystal clear that the Saudis have nothing significant to fear from the U.S. government. From a historical perspective, that is not in the least shocking. For decades, Democratic and Republican administrations have propped up the Saudi monarchy, lathering it with weapons sales and intelligence sharing, all while normalizing the draconian, antidemocratic grip on power held by the monarchy.

It is, at times, tempting to imagine what would happen if Biden were to use even a modest fraction of the weight of American power in confronting Saudi Arabia that it has brought to bear on Russia. But doing so would be an exercise in fantasy. As president, Biden has greenlighted a series of U.S. weapons purchases by the Saudis.

The White House campaign this week to stop the Yemen resolution is taking place against the backdrop of the Biden administration intervening in a lawsuit against MBS for Khashoggi’s murder.


(* B P)

White House Defends Support for Saudis in Yemen War

The White House on Friday defended its decision to block a war powers resolution in the Senate that would have ended U.S. support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, saying it would have impeded delicate diplomatic talks.

“We want to see that peace enduring and we want to see it sustainable. And so that's what we're talking about when we talk about the importance of making sure our diplomacy can succeed,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said in an interview with VOA.

U.S. support for a U.N.-brokered truce and peace talks has “achieved a measure of success,” Kirby said. “We want to make sure we can lock that in and keep that going forward.”

My comment: This is an odd explanation.


(B P)

Biden, Like Trump Before Him, Derails Effort to End U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen

Shireen Al-Adeimi, a Yemeni American assistant professor at Michigan State University and a nonresident fellow at the Quincy Institute, says many Democrats who decried U.S. support for the Saudi coalition when it was seen as “Trump’s war” have now fallen silent despite the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. “The situation on the ground is so volatile that this War Powers Resolution is absolutely essential,” says Al-Adeimi.

Al-Adeimi: So, really, this is a culmination of years of trying to work with the administration to end their war in Yemen, support for the war in Yemen. As you recall, President Biden was very adamant about ending U.S. involvement when he took office, except that he didn’t really fulfill this promise and his obligation to end the war. Since the Biden administration took office, they’ve been kind of operating under the assumption that whatever support they’re providing the Saudis is defensive and not offensive, but they never really clarified to Congress what this means.

Film: =


(* B P)

The Biden Administration Killed Bernie’s Bid to End the Yemen War

Despite its lofty rhetoric about sovereignty and human rights, the Biden administration has been working overtime to kill a congressional attempt from Bernie Sanders to end US support for the Saudi war on Yemen.

Joe Biden’s White House began whipping behind the scenes to kill the measure, telling lawmakers that its passage would jeopardize what it cast as the administration’s successful diplomatic efforts in the conflict, and threatening to veto whatever passed, according to talking points first reported by the Intercept and shared with Jacobin. Senator Alex Padilla, a California Democrat, quickly came out as a “no” vote, with his counterpart, Senator Dianne Feinstein, another Democrat, soon following suit. Late on Tuesday, Sanders withdrew the resolution, saying he would instead work with the White House to negotiate new language that everyone could agree on, and promising to reintroduce it if he and the administration couldn’t come to an acceptable agreement.

Though Sanders put on a brave front, casting the decision as his willing choice to work with the White House for a happy compromise, reporting from Capitol Hill appears to tell a different story. Several sources told Politico that it soon turned out Sanders didn’t, in fact, have the votes he thought he had to pass the measure, meaning he likely chose to withdraw it rather than risk a defeat that would foreclose on any future action.


(* B P)

The Yemen Yes-Men Ride Again

Every time Congress rattles its war powers saber against continuing US support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen, presidents simultaneously threaten to veto such resolutions, and pretend they’re just about ready to end that support, if only Congress will back off. And it does.

Meanwhile, the war rolls merrily along, with the United Nations estimating more than 377,000 dead as of the end of last year, including the starvation deaths of 85,000 children between 2015 and 2018 alone.

Why? Because despite Joe Biden’s campaign pledge to treat Saudi Arabia’s regime as a “pariah” over everything from its involvement with the 9/11 hijackers to the murder of exiled journalist Jamal Khashoggi, he remains as convinced as his predecessors that the US desperately needs the support and approval of Saudi terror kingpin … er, “Crown Prince” … Mohammed bin Salman.

Instead of the “pariah” treatment, MbS gets visits, fist bumps, and pleas to increase oil production so American consumers don’t have to pick up the tab for – and Biden doesn’t get the blame for – the price effects of US sanctions on Russian oil.

And US sanctions on Iranian oil.

And US sanctions on Venezuelan oil.


(* B P)

US senator pulls vote for Yemen war powers bill after White House opposition

Senator Bernie Sanders said he will raise vote again if unable to come up with strong measure

US Senator Bernie Sanders has scrapped plans to put his resolution to end US support for the war in Yemen to a vote, saying on Tuesday evening that he would work with the White House on a compromise after the Biden administration signalled opposition to the resolution.

However, the senator said that if the sides are not able to come up with a strong measure, he would again place his resolution to a vote.

"I'm not going to ask for a vote tonight," Sanders said on the Senate floor. "I look forward to working with the administration who is opposed to this resolution and see if we can come up with something that is strong and effective. If we do not, I will be back."

Sanders' resolution would have put a definitive end to US support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen by ending "sharing intelligence for the purpose of enabling offensive coalition strikes" and also ending "logistical support for offensive coalition strikes", including providing maintenance and spare parts for Saudi fighter jets.

The measure was meant to send a clear signal to the Biden administration about where Congress stands on its views of the US-Saudi relationship.

"We must fundamentally reassess our relationship with the murderous regime of Saudi Arabia. We can and we must begin to do that by ending our support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen," Sanders said.

But early on Tuesday, the White House had begun to privately circulate talking points including that President Joe Biden's aides would recommend a veto if the bill passed and that the administration was "strongly opposed" to it, according to a report by The Intercept.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged the administration's approach when pressed during a news conference.

"We're in touch with members of Congress on this. Thanks to our diplomacy which remains ongoing and delicate, the violence over nine months has effectively stopped," she said.

"The situation is still fragile and our diplomatic efforts are ongoing and we want to make sure this is not affected and the people of Yemen do not suffer."

and also



(* A B P)

White House pushes to derail Sanders measure cutting Saudi support

Biden’s aides threatened a recommended veto of the resolution, which is backed by many Democrats

The White House has mobilized to derail a Senate resolution that would end U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, creating an unusual rift among Democratic allies and forcing the bill’s sponsor to pull the bill before a scheduled vote earlier this week.

Biden aides say the president is opposing the resolution for different reasons than Trump did. The current version of Sanders’s measure differs from the previous versions, particularly in defining intelligence-sharing and support operations as “hostilities.” That could have dire consequences for U.S. operations globally, some congressional aides say, including in such hot spots as Ukraine.

“It really has made us nervous,” said one senior Democratic aide, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The changes “could have real ramifications for our support for Ukraine right now, or our support for Israel,” the aide said. “This is the first time that the Congress is being asked to vote on defining hostility as intelligence-sharing, and it’s dangerous.”


(* B P)

Sanders Caves to White House on Yemen War Powers Resolution

Did Bernie conclude that he didn’t have the votes for the WPR to pass? Bernie’s WPR did not attract a single Republican co-sponsor, not even antiwar libertarian Rand Paul (R-KY). The Intercept said that “advocates believed they had five to eight Republicans lined up to vote yes, but that sounds wildly overoptimistic.

Or doesn’t Sanders want to buck the president? The White House lobbied hard against the WPR. I thought of the politician who Theodore Roosevelt had described as having “the spine of a chocolate éclair.”

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft said that withdrawing the WPR “may embolden the many members of Washington’s foreign policy elite who would like to ensure that the president’s capability to unilaterally wage war remains unchallenged by Congress’s constitutional prerogative over matters of war and peace.”

Another negative consequence of withdrawing the resolution is that it allows the Administration to stall. Attempting to craft a fresh WPR with “mutually acceptable” language is a recipe for endless negotiations.


(* A P)

Delayed war powers vote risks further suffering in Yemen

After White House pressure, Sen. Bernie Sanders withdrew his resolution aimed at ending US complicity in the Saudi-led conflict.

On Tuesday evening, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) withdrew his war powers resolution to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition’s brutal war in Yemen in return for a promise from the Biden administration to work with him on ending U.S. involvement in the conflict.

The resolution faced stiff opposition from the administration, which mounted a vigorous lobbying effort against the measure’s passage. If passed, the resolution would have impeded the Saudis’ ability to re-initiate airstrikes on Yemen by banning any future U.S. support for aggression by the Saudi-led coalition. The Saudi-led coalition launched its war on Yemen in 2015; the conflict has killed almost 400,000 civilians and left 23 million in desperate need of humanitarian aid.

In a speech on the Senate floor announcing the measure’s withdrawal, Sanders reported that his office had received a commitment from the Biden administration to work with Sanders to “craft language that would be mutually acceptable” in order to “end the war in Yemen.” Absent such agreement, “I assure the members we will be back with a resolution in the very near future” to end U.S. complicity in the brutal and bloody war, Sanders pledged.

The withdrawal of the measure — which received broad, bipartisan support from more than 100 organizations, including the Quincy Institute — is a victory for the Biden administration, which tried to whip up opposition to the resolution

and also


(* A B P)

Biden Kills Senate Resolution to End Yemen War

It’s hard to think of a word to describe all this besides “evil.” If intervening to ensure the continued mass starvation of children and mass military slaughter of civilians is not evil, then nothing is evil, says Caitlin Johnstone.

But even if the White House really wants to engage with Congress on the issue, or if Sanders chooses to reintroduce the resolution, the plan will take time, which Yemenis don’t have. There has been a cessation in violence in Yemen, with no Saudi airstrikes since March, but there has been a recent uptick in fighting on the ground.”

It’s probably also worth noting that this administration has been consistently lying about its intentions to end this war, with Biden campaigning on the promise to bring peace to Yemen and make a “pariah” of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, then turning around and keeping the war going while greeting the crown prince with a friendly fist bump ahead of a meeting where the two leaders coordinated their governments’ continued intimacy.

So now we’re looking at a best-case scenario where either (A) the worst mass atrocity on earth continues for a much longer time than it would have if Sanders’ bill had passed, or (B) we get a watered-down version of the resolution. And of course, there’s also the scenario in which neither of these things happen and the slaughter continues completely unabated.


(A P)

Much has changed since Bernie’s last Yemen resolution push

The Senate is expected to vote on another resolution to end U.S. military involvement in Yemen in about three hours, but the enthusiasm is much more muted for this go around than it was three years ago.

That’s partly because the level of U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led coalition has already tapered off significantly. Under former President DONALD TRUMP, the American military, for a time, helped refuel Saudi warplanes and identify targets. Now, under President JOE BIDEN, the U.S. is focused on “defensive” assistance and providing intel to the coalition, so it doesn’t kill civilians while targeting Houthi rebels and al-Qaida terrorists.

The Yemen War Powers Resolution, introduced by Sen. BERNIE SANDERS (I-Vt.) and supported by key Democrats and Republicans, aims to restrict nearly all U.S. involvement in the conflict’s “hostilities.”

and also


(A P)

Film: @ChrisMurphyCT says he’ll be voting in favor of Bernie Sanders’ Yemen war powers resolution: “The Saudis have not shown a level of seriousness about ending this war...and the United States needs to just clear out.”



(A P)

White House Press Secretary declines to comment on whether President Biden would veto Bernie Sanders’ Yemen war powers resolution following reporting by @ryangrim that the White House is urging Senators to vote against it


(A P)

The White House is whipping against Bernie Sanders Yemen war powers resolution, urging a no vote this evening, sources involved tell me


(A P)

Isaac Evans-Frantz: Sanders must stay strong on Yemen War Powers Resolution

Bernie’s forward movement with this bill is critical. And it was everyday Vermonters who helped make this happen.

In 2022, activists held multiple rallies from Brattleboro to Burlington, wrote letters to the editor, held public events, and appeared on radio shows, urging Bernie to introduce a new Yemen War Powers Resolution. I participated too.

Why are activists so focused on a Yemen War Powers Resolution? Unconstitutional U.S. participation in the war in Yemen has caused tremendous harm. And the resolution is the best legislative option for cutting the military support the Saudi dictatorship needs to continue its blockade of Yemen.

In light of the recent U.S. failure to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal murder in 2018, the Yemen War Powers Resolution offers Congress a means for Saudi accountability. And grassroots organizations are going to push for the resolution.


(A P)


Sanders pledged to work with the Biden administration on compromise language, and bring the resolution back to the floor if talks failed.

THE WHITE HOUSE and Sen. Bernie Sanders clashed Tuesday in the run-up to a Senate vote on the war powers resolution, put forward by the Vermont independent, banning U.S. support for Saudi-led offensive operations in its war on Yemen. By the evening, Sanders had agreed to withdraw his resolution, saying on the Senate floor he would enter negotiations with the White House on compromise language.

“I’m not going to ask for a vote tonight,” Sanders concluded. “I look forward to working with the administration who is opposed to this resolution and see if we can come up with something that is strong and effective. If we do not, I will be back.”

If it had happened, the vote may have been close, as advocates believed they had five to eight Republicans lined up to vote yes. But getting back, as Sanders said, will be a challenge, as Democrats lose control of the House of Representatives in early January. A growing block of House Republicans have become resistant to U.S. military adventures overseas, but current House Republican leadership has been opposed to curtailing U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

On Tuesday morning, the White House privately circulated talking points making the case against the resolution, saying President Joe Biden’s aides would recommend a veto if it passed and that the administration was “strongly opposed” to it.

My comment: What an endless game. US congress only produces hot air only since many years.


(A P)

Many Biden officials previously supported Yemen War Powers resolution

The White House is lobbying Senators to vote against the measure, but most of the president’s top aides backed it in the Trump era.

This morning, the Intercept’s Ryan Grim reported that the Biden administration is urging Senators to vote against the Yemen War Powers resolution that the Senate is expected to vote on later this evening. According to Grim, “The White House is arguing that a vote in favor is unnecessary because, despite the lapse of the ceasefire, significant hostilities have not yet resumed, and the vote will complicate diplomacy.” Grim later reported on Twitter that White House staff would urge the president to veto the bill if it does pass.

The bill would restrict U.S. involvement in hostilities in Yemen and reassert Congress’s warmaking authority. The bill has the support of members on both sides of the aisle, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), and, reportedly, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)

But Grim’s reports demonstrate a pronounced shift among Biden officials as key members of the administratio

(A P)

A Saudi dissident sued Twitter for a 2nd time, saying spies at the firm hacked his account and leaked his contacts' names to the kingdom

Two Saudi nationals who worked at Twitter from 2013 to 2016 are accused of spying for the kingdom.

They are accused of hacking the account of dissident Ali al-Ahmed and exposing his sources.

Al-Ahmed sued Twitter for damages in California this week. He sued the firm in New York last year.

(A P)

Konflikt im Jemen: Der Blick geht nach Washington

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat ist machtlos. Aber der Demokrat Bernie Sanders will mit einer Resolution im Senat die Reduzierung der US-Militärhilfe erreichen.

Dort will Senator Bernie Sanders in dieser Woche dem Senat die sogenannte Yemen War Powers Resolution zur Abstimmung vorlegen. Falls diese eine Mehrheit findet, könnte das zu einer drastischen Reduzierung der US-Unterstützung für die saudische Militäroperation führen.

Sowohl die Huthis als auch ihre Widersacher dürften dieser Sitzung in Washington daher mehr Bedeutung beimessen als dem Treffen des UN-Sicherheitsrats am Dienstag in New York.

(A P)


We’re getting word that the Senate could vote THIS WEEK on a War Powers Resolution to bring an end to all U.S. support for the horrific humanitarian tragedy caused by the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment! Please sign and send this petition to your senators urging them to cosponsor the War Powers Resolution to end US support for the war in Yemen!

(B P)

Time to Choose Peace Over Fighting in Yemen

The United States remains deeply concerned that the Houthis have failed to set negotiations on a path to a more durable peace and have instead taken actions that undermine peace efforts and threaten to plunge Yemenis into another pointless cycle of violence and suffering.

My comment: US hypocrisy in a nutshell.

(* B P)

'War Is Over, If You Want It': US Can End Its Complicity in Horrendous Yemen War Today

Over 400,000 Yemenis have perished since the war broke out in 2014, making it the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe, according to the United Nations

The title of the measure, "A joint resolution directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress,"

makes its intent clear. Congress, which the Constitution explicitly gives powers over matters of war, has never approved US participation in the war in Yemen.

While the emphasis needs to be on ending the suffering of Yemenis, symbolized by the slogan Yemen Can't Wait, political crosswinds could play an unpredictable role in any upcoming Congressional votes. The House of Representatives could schedule a vote soon after a successful Senate vote. House Joint Resolution 87, introduced by Oregon's Peter DeFazio, has 118 cosponsors, including ten Republicans.

Saudi Arabia's terrible human rights record and its hideous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as well as thumbing its nose at President Biden last summer when he embarrassingly beseeched it for help in lowering oil prices (who didn't cringe at Biden's fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman?) are surely negative factors. However, the Saudi lobby is very powerful in Washington and beyond, and its influence on Congress should not be underestimated.

(A P)

Rhode Island residents […] pledging his support for the Yemen #WarPowers Resolution to stand up to Saudi Arabia. Vote could happen as early as Tuesday. Silence = complicity. (text in image)

(B P)

US Can End Its Complicity in Horrendous Yemen War Today

Over 400,000 Yemenis have perished since the war broke out in 2014, making it the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe, according to the United Nations.

We will soon see if Democrats are ready to essentially rebuke their president on this issue. Partisan loyalty cannot be allowed to override the suffering of the people of Yemen. Biden has had plenty of time to shut this war down, and has failed to do so. Congress must act, and is on solid ground in terms of its Constitutional authority.

(A P)

Stop arming Saudis

The United States must be a beacon of hope for peace. But we can’t do that if we are providing military aid to the Saudi Arabia led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen’s civil war.

(A P)

Tell Congress: Stop the Saudi War on Yemen!

(* B P)

A Yemen War Resolution Will Be A Moment of Truth for Biden

According to The Intercept, Bernie Sanders plans to introduce a War Powers Resolution that would eradicate the remaining military support that the U.S. provides the Saudi military, as Riyadh prosecutes a war against Yemen now in its eighth year. FOREVER WARS sources in the anti-Yemen War coalition were a bit surprised to hear that Sanders was planning to introduce the resolution in this lame-duck congressional session, as the Saudis have yet to return to airstrikes after a ceasefire expired in October. But my sources were encouraged by Sanders' stated confidence, to Intercept reporters Daniel Boguslaw and Ryan Grim, that he has the votes for passage.

While the measure is limited to Yemen, it carries a tacit question about whether Biden's stand against unprovoked aggression by stronger states against their weaker neighbors extends beyond Ukraine, particularly when it's the U.S.' allies—in this case, those whose bloodshed is well known to Biden—conducting the aggression.

It's been a rough few months, to say the least, for Biden and Saudi Arabia.

Biden and other officials who seemed furious over the oil-production cut in October soon said that they would bide their time before delivering any of the consequences they hadthreatened. Congressional critics of the Saudis made noises about stopping weapons sales and removing U.S. troops from the country.

Into this dynamic steps Sanders and his War Powers Resolution. One option for the White House would be to let the resolution pass and rebuke an aspect of the U.S.-Saudi partnership that Biden already considers to be outside the national interest. It would make good on the White House's "consequences" line.

But no one FOREVER WARS interviewed expects the White House to back the resolution. Their assessment is that Biden has decided that his only choice is to work with MBS given Ukraine. Accordingly,they expect Biden to oppose and, if necessary, veto a resolution that the congressional Democratic Party supported when Donald Trump was president.

(B P)

Bernie Sanders’s Yemen War Powers Resolution Could Help End the Monstrous War

If the Biden administration truly wants to continue its military support for the Saudi-led coalition, it will probably concoct an equally absurd legal argument resolution to do so.

Whether Biden chooses to abide by the resolution’s terms or flout them will probably depend on the broader US-Saudi relationship — which has shifted in the Saudis’ favor lately.

Nevertheless, passing Sanders’s resolution — and pressuring Biden not to weasel out — is a vital step toward peace in Yemen. If Biden concedes, it would be a tremendous victory for ordinary Yemenis. And then perhaps progressives could turn to bludgeoning a key pillar of the US empire-making project: the president’s near-unilateral ability to make war.


(A P)



(A P)

Film: Isaac Evans-Frantz Questions Ned Price on Saudi Arabia at International LGBTQ Leaders Conference

On December 3, 2022, during the Victory Institute’s International LGBTQ Leaders Conference closing panel, Isaac Evans-Frantz asked Ned Price, one of the panelists and the spokesperson for the State Department, how he, as a fellow gay man, justifies upholding the US–Saudi alliance. Saudi Arabia is well known for its policies that punish homosexuality with death, violate women’s rights, and starve children in Yemen. and

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Iran unveils home-made electrostatic particle accelerator

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has unveiled a first home-made electrostatic particle accelerator that could help boost manufacturing procedures in the country.

(A P)

AEOI spox: Iran's uranium enrichment officially reaches 60% purity level

The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country's enrichment of uranium has officially reached the purity level of 60 percent in accordance with a December 2020 parliamentary law seeking to accelerate the development of the Iranian nuclear program.

Behrouz Kamalvandi made the remarks in a meeting with a number of Iranian lawmakers on Saturday, referring to the law – dubbed the Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions, which is aimed at countering sanctions and promoting the country’s peaceful nuclear program.

He said the parliamentary law has "provided good conditions for the country and today our [uranium] enrichment has officially reached 60% in accordance with this law.”

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

UK lawmakers urge govt. to explain about-face on Saudi torture comments

A number of British lawmakers have urged the government to explain to the parliament why a Foreign Office minister’s claim about Saudi Arabia’s torture of a death row inmate was struck from the parliamentary record.

MPs raised their concerns on Thursday while addressing an International Human Rights Day debate, questioning whether the measure was adopted due to reported Saudi pressures for the alteration.

David Rutley, Foreign Office minister for the Americas and the Caribbean, told lawmakers last week that 57-year-old Jordanian Hussein Abo al-Kheir had “clearly” been tortured.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H)

Die Sprache ist so fremd wie der Schnee

Die Familie Saleh ist aus dem Jemen geflüchtet. Während der Vater immerhin gut Englisch kann, verstehen die Töchter in der Schule gar nichts. Ein Kurs ist bereits organisiert - aber ohne Hilfe viel zu teuer.

Ein neues Leben anfangen - es ist der größte Wunsch von Mr. Saleh. So möchte er in der Zeitung genannt werden, ohne Vornamen. Doch wann fängt ein neues Leben eigentlich an? Und wann hört das Überleben auf? Saleh und seine Familie kommen aus dem Jemen. Sechs Jahre lang waren sie auf der Flucht, haben um ihr Leben gefürchtet. Jetzt wohnen er und seine Frau mit den sechs Kindern in der Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Gräfelfing, die Familie hat Asyl erhalten. Zwei Zimmer stehen ihnen dort zur Verfügung, sie schlafen jeweils zu viert in einem, in der Wohnküche gibt es einen Tisch. Es ist eng, die Kinder streiten auch, sagt der Vater. Um draußen zu spielen ist es viel zu kalt, die Kinder kennen niemanden, sie sprechen die Sprache nicht. Aber sie sind zusammen und in Sicherheit.

(B K P)

Wer wie Habeck, Scholz und Baerbock Kampfjets für Saudi-Arabien ausrüstet, ist mitverantwortlich für die 11.000 im Jemen-Krieg verletzten und getöteten Kinder

Das Morden im Jemen ist ohne Waffen aus NATO-Staaten nicht möglich

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Film: Thank you to the European Union for giving me the space to talk about what is happening in #Yemen of the violation of civil society, especially the decision implemented by the religious group that rules the capital and most of northern Yemen (Houthis), which took away women's right to movement, and the fear that this is the beginning of upcoming decisions that take away more rights.

(A P)

NL & EU colleagues traveled this week by road from #Aden to[Aden gov. section of] #Taiz to dialogue with the governor, civil society, Taiz reconciliation committee, Taiz local mediators, youth committees and political parties. This was the first diplomatic delegation from Embassies since the war. (photos, films)

(A P)

Yemen: [The European] Council approves conclusions

Today, the Council approved the following conclusions on Yemen restating the EU's extreme concern about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the country, where over 70% of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance, and over half of the population is facing acute food insecurity.

In the conclusions the EU reaffirms its principled commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen, and its full support to the UN peace efforts and United Nations Special Envoy Hans Grundberg in his mediation efforts. The EU urges the Houthis to abandon maximalist positions and engage constructively with the UNSE Grundberg. The Council also stresses the utmost importance of reinstating and further extending the truce.

My comment: Hypocrisy by an US puppy and main arms supplier to this war.


(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Foreign Ministry: EU's description of Sana'a's amoral

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yemen on Tuesday commented on the statement issued by the European Union (EU).
"While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the statement's affirmation of the sovereignty and independence of Yemen and the unity and territorial integrity of its lands, it denounces and condemns all the lies and fallacies contained in the EU statement regarding the issue of peace in Yemen," the Ministry said in a statement.
It believed that the European Union's description of Sana'a's demands as extremist is a horrific moral and ethical fall that would harm the European Union's hoped-for role in the issue of peace.
"It is a foolish description that does not help build trust and does not indicate any credibility in supporting the peace option."

and also and


(A P)

[Aden] Government welcomes European Union statement

The government welcomed the statement issued by the Council of the European Union at the level of foreign ministers, which includes the Union’s commitment toward Yemen’s unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, and its full support for the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, and the unity of the Presidential Council, and peace efforts and a comprehensive settlement led by the United Nations in Yemen.

(A P)

Xi meets chairman of presidential leadership council of Yemen


(A P)

China affirms its willing to assist reconstruction in Yemen

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

[Aden gov.] Defense Minister arrives in Sudan on an official visit to promote military collaboration

and also

(A E P)

Sudan strikes deal with UAE firms for $6 billion port

Sudan’s military government signed a $6 billion preliminary agreement with two firms from the United Arab Emirates Tuesday to construct a new port on the Red Sea coast, Sudanese state media said.

According to the SUNA news agency, Abu Dhabi Ports Group and Invictus Investment will build and manage the new port of Abu Amama, about 200 kilometers (about 124 miles) north of Sudan’s only other port, Port Sudan.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B E K P)

Iran and China Loom Large in Saudi Arabia’s “Game of Drones”

Driven by its desire for economic gain and the threat posed by Iran, Saudi Arabia has relied heavily on China to develop its domestic drone program—much to Washington’s chagrin.

A vital consideration when examining the 2019 Houthi drone attack against Saudi Arabia is that Tehran almost certainly approved the strike. It is also likely that Iran provided the intelligence and technology to carry it out.

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 has largely driven the nation’s interest in developing its drone industry. As the project focuses heavily on technology to bring about economic expansion and diversification, it is logical for Riyadh to prioritize the development of systems that will protect the kingdom from strategic threats throughout the region. The Saudi government ultimately aims to become a competitor to the UAE in terms of drones and technology. In particular, the Saudi Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) is developing plans for a heavy-lift drone. According to Walid Abu Khaled, CEO of the Saudi Military Industries Company, the country is working to produce its own drone models. Abu Khaled added that the Kingdom hopes to divert half of its total military spending to domestic production, including drone manufacturing, by 2030.

Indeed, in March 2022, the military authorities of Saudi Arabia announced that the country would implement a ten-year military localization program that would see the Kingdom almost immediately begin domestic drone production. According to the Saudi authorities, the localization project of drones are advanced with the coordination of the General Directorate of Military Industries of Saudi Arabia and the participation of the Saudi defense technology corporation. The “ASEF” drone is the first example of Saudi Arabia’s unmanned aircraft, which was unveiled by the General Directorate of Military Industries in 2019 at the Dubai International Aviation Exhibition. The Saudi General Directorate of Military Industries announced that it had signed a contract to build a UAV called Hares Al-Ajwa [Sky Guard]. All of these efforts further Saudi Arabia’s goals of localizing the production of unmanned aircraft systems and establishing itself as a driver of technological innovation in this space.

Chinese Drones Fill Riyadh’s Security Vacuum

In March 2017, after Saudi King Salman visited Beijing, the two countries announced their desire to boost bilateral trade. During the visit, China agreed to start manufacturing drones in Saudi Arabia as part of contracts worth $65 billion. Last March, during an aerospace exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi advanced electronic and communication systems company Aerial Solutions signed a contract with a Chinese defense firm to design and manufacture military drones in the Kingdom. This investment agreement also included the development program of vertical flight aircraft, anti-drone defense systems, and spare helicopter parts. Riyadh has also expressed interest in buying China’s modern LY-70 missile defense system.

In 2017, China’s Xinhua news agency announced the country’s biggest arms export deal; Beijing would supply 300 Wing Loong II drones to Saudi Arabia via the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group. The Saudi Air Force unveiled the drones for the first time at King Khaled air base, in the city of Khamis Mushit. The Wing Loong II is 36 feet (11 meters) long and 13.5 feet (4.1 meters) tall, has two wings with a span of 67 foot (20.5 meters), and can carry 1060 pounds (480 kg) of cargo and various weapons at high altitudes. The Chinese drone can carry out long-distance combat missions relying on satellite communication. It is used to conduct surveillance and precision air strike. It is important to recognize that the drones used by Saudi Arabia before purchasing the Wing Loong II were less efficient. The enhanced capabilities of the Wing Loong II platform will enable Riyadh to better protect its energy infrastructure.

To address the consequences of increasing Saudi-Chinese alignment, Washington should review its foreign policy towards Saudi Arabia and the Middle East as a whole. Considering the objectives of Riyadh and Beijing, the United States should expect China’s presence in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf more generally to increase in the coming years.

(A K P)

Teheran: Amerika, Großbritannien und Frankreich haben der Aggressionskoalition gegen den Jemen tödliche Waffen geliefert

Das iranische Außenministerium gab bekannt, dass Teheran, während es an die rechtlichen und verbindlichen Verpflichtungen der Regierungen von Amerika, Großbritannien und Frankreich im Rahmen des Waffenhandelsabkommens erinnert, bestätigt, dass die oben genannten Regierungen der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Aggressionskoalition absichtlich tödliche Waffen zur Verfügung gestellt haben Der Jemen soll benutzt werden, um das jemenitische Volk zu töten.

(* B K P)

How did the Houthis arm themselves?

For several years, the Houthi rebellion has managed to face a coalition led by Saudi Arabia. Despite the military capability differential and the depletion of stocks of missiles captured from the government, the rebellion still has a strike capability and an air defense system.

In this war, the Houthis can count on the support of Iran; it is marginal at the start of the war but grows in importance as the conflict evolves.

Although from a different branch of Shiism, the Houthis too have received Iranian support. It is made possible by 190 and 400 units of the Al-Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards. According to some sources, the Iranian officer responsible for supporting Ansar Allah is Abdolreza Shahlaei, a veteran of aid campaigns for anti-American militias in the region. He had been targeted by an American drone strike in January 2020, just like Qasseim Soleimani, but he would have survived. Iran is the only major supporter of the rebel group and the country would seek in this way to occupy its Saudi enemy on its southern flank, by dragging it into a long, perilous and extremely costly conflict.

The air and anti-aircraft assets of the Houthis are an important component of this conflict, they are the group's most important combat capability, as they allow them to strike their major enemy, Saudi Arabia, at home and challenge their greatest advantage, air superiority. They acquire these systems in two ways: through smuggling and by creating locally. The rebels regularly announce the development of domestic technologies (missiles, drones, etc.), but it has been proven that in the majority of cases, the projects are fueled by transfers of technologies and materials from Iran.

Anti-aircraft means

At the start of the war, many units of the Yemeni army joined the camp of the Houthis, and among them, some anti-aircraft defense regiments. The rebel group then acquired many obsolete or questionable Soviet systems, in particular SA-2s, SA-3s, SA-6s and SA-9s. Part of these systems and the majority of the anti-aircraft defense sites in rebel territory will be destroyed as soon as the intervention of the Arab coalition begins during the bombardments. Ansar Allah nevertheless uses a “local” system called Fatir-1 which it presents as an improvement of the SA-6, which would have allowed the destruction of two American MQ9 Reaper drones.

Faced with a lack of means, the group is forced to improvise; he then converts Soviet AA-11 and AA-10 air-to-air missiles into SOL-AIR projectiles, which they place in the back of pick-ups (technicals). The Houthis claim to have destroyed a Saudi F-16 in February 2017 and damaged coalition F-15s with this technique.

The Arab coalition also intercepted pieces of Sayyad-2C missiles (Iranian surface-to-air missile) en route to the rebels; it is therefore extremely likely that they are in possession of this weapon.

Cruise missiles and ballistic missiles

Since the start of the war (attack on the Safer base on September 4, 2015) and until recently (January 18, 2020 attack in Marib), the Houthis have used surface-to-surface missiles to strike the coalition in depth .

At the start of the war, the Houthis seized stocks from the Yemeni army. They then take possession of Tochka-U missiles as well as many missiles of the Soviet SCUD family: SCUD B, the North Korean copy of the latter the Hwasong 5 and Hwasong 6 (copy of the SCUD C).

This family of systems will experience local improvements that will give Borkan 1 and 2. The separatists are also converting V-750 missiles from the SA-2 anti-aircraft system into surface-to-surface missiles called Qaher 1 and 2 which are not very precise. All stocks of these systems now appear to be exhausted.

Artisan gunsmiths in the Arabian Peninsula also make more conventional artillery systems, including unguided rockets mounted on pick-ups (Badr-1, Badr-1P, Badr-F) which are made from aluminum tubes. steel from the oil industry.

With the gradual disappearance of strike means from Yemeni arsenals, the Houthis have turned to Iran for supplies.

(* B K P)

In Picture: Devastating weapon that Riyadh used to kill Yemenis

Activists have published a picture of the internationally-banned American bombs, which America supplied to the Saudi-led coalition and used by Riyadh in its aggression against Yemen.

It is the “gbu” bombs, which weighs a ton and a half, and the coalition aircraft dropped them on a number of Yemeni provinces, including Saada, Sanaa and Hajjah province.

The coalition warplanes targeted the equestrian club with the same bombs in Sanaa, which resulted in the birth of 5 congenital deformed fetal horses, and these bombs hit Mastaba market in Hajjah.

The bombs of GBU_31 (JDAM) type also were dropped on the neighborhoods of Nuqm area in Sanaa, Al-Honud neighborhood in Hodeida, and the Yemeni International Company for Food Industries in Al-Salif port. This bomb is considered the most dangerous after the nuclear bomb.

The JDAM bombs are directed by satellites and by the inertial navigation system and they are American-made and carry a warhead that weighs 945 tons.

The Executive Center for Mine Action revealed that the bomb used by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition to bomb the Hodeida Electricity Corporation is an American satellite-guided bomb of JDAM type, which is internationally banned because it contains uranium.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Photo: This magnificent bronze ibex, exhibited for a time in Fontainebleau, comes from #Yemen. Former representation associated with the God Almaqah of the kingdom of #Saba, it comes from the #looting of antiquities and is part of the collection of a family member of the Emir of #Qatar.

(A C P)

Project to rehabilitate nature reserves in Yemen aims to mitigate effects of war

The project aims to create climate-friendly jobs in the reserves and support farmers and fishermen amid the ongoing conflict.

Yemen's government has pledged to rehabilitate three nature reserves in early 2023, in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), protecting the environment while creating jobs.

The project aims to rehabilitate three nature reserves which have suffered from neglect as a result of the war: the Atma reserve in Dhamar province; Hawf, in al-Mahra province; and a reserve on the Socotra archipelago.

The project also aims to create job opportunities for local residents in these areas and mitigate the impact of the eight-year conflict

(A C P)

Implementation of "Heritage for Yemen's Generations" project launched-PNT

Petra National Trust (PNT) kicked off implementing "Heritage for Yemen's Generations" project, aimed at introducing Yemeni school students to their country's ancient civilizations, spreading related awareness, preserving heritage and transferring its treasures from one generation to another, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.



Eine Konferenz präsentiert neue Erkenntnisse über Alt-Südarabien, wie etwa modernste Verfahren zum Studium antiker Texte.

(* C)

In ancient Yemen, a booming economy sparked cultures rivaling the Greeks and Romans

A newly-opened Smithsonian exhibit holds 2,000-year-old artifacts revealing a civilization in its golden age, with an incense trade that spanned the known world from Rome to India

A new exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, seeks to correct this historical prejudice.

The first century BCE to the second century CE was a golden age for Yemen, thanks to the incense cultivated in this historic region of the Arabian Peninsula. Through land and maritime trade routes, the luxurious scents reached distant sections of the known world — including Rome to the west and India to the east. In Yemen itself, riches from the trade sparked a booming economy and stunning art.


Film: Historic Town of Zabid - Yemen

(A C)

Rehabilitation of #Aden’s Big Ben just started. Aden’s Big Ben dates from 1890. It is one of the city's much-loved landmarks - a British, colonial-era clock tower dubbed Big Ben apparently modelled on its #London counterpart. (photo)

(C P)

Film: The moment of the detonation of the house of Sheikh Saleh bin Farid al-Awlaki, Shabwa Governorate, on 05/30/2015 Responsable Party : group Houthi

(* C)

Green Spaces in Sana’a Old City – Yemenbetween Past to Present

Abstract: The presence of nature was evident in the citiesand villages of Yemen - a country located on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula - with a varied topography between mountains, plains, deserts, and islands. Formerly Yemen was given many names. For example, the Greeks and Romans called it "Arabia Felix'', while Arab historians called it "green Yemen” due to its fertility, greenness, and picturesque nature. Ancient Yemeni settled in good geographical areas with suitable natural conditions and practised agriculture. Despite the rugged terrain of the mountainous heights, he built agricultural terraces on the mountains and found irrigation systems, so he dug wells and built dams such as the Ma’arib dam.

As a result, settlements appeared that were not separated from nature but united or merged with it. The local architecture appeared integrated with the land, harmonious with the green spaces that permeate and surround it, which form a distinctive image in all its cities and towns, described by its visitors as a “total garden”.Sana'a old city is a vivid and extraordinary example of a traditional human settlement. A city at the foot of Nuqum mountain, founded by Shem, son of Noah, and inhabited for more than 2500 years.This paper deals with the state of the green spaces in Sana'a old city from past to present. The importance of these spaces in the city's fabric, its types, characteristics, roles, and sustainability concepts that can be deduced.

(C P)

Wikipedia: Repräsentative Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der Menschheit

Jemen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

2003/2008 – Der Gesang von Sanaa, aufgeführt bei Sufi-Zeremonien [299]

2019 – Das Wissen, die Traditionen und Bräuche rund um die Dattelpalme (gemeinsam mit Ägypten, Bahrain, Irak, Jordanien, Kuwait, Marokko, Mauretanien, Oman, Palästina, Saudi-Arabien, Sudan, Tunesien und Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) [300]

2021 – Arabische Kalligrafie (gemeinsam mit Algerien, Ägypten, Bahrain, Irak, Jordanien, Kuwait, Libanon, Mauretanien, Marokko, Oman, Palästinensische Gebiete, Saudi-Arabien, Sudan, Tunesien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) [301]

(A P)

Smuggling Attempt of Yemeni Artifacts to US Foiled

The US authorities said 75 stolen Yemeni artifacts were seized during an attempt to smuggle them to the US.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A E P)

Sanaa condemns coalition’s escalation in raising taxes, restrictions on Hodeida port

Chief of the Customs Authority in Sanaa, Yousef Zabara, on Sunday condemned the Saudi-led coalition’s escalating steps to raise taxes on basic commodities and its threatening with more restrictions on the port of Hodeida.

Zabara confirmed in a press statement that the imposition of more taxes falls within the context of tightening the economic war against the Yemeni people by the coalition.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AlQaeda has claimed scores of roadside bombs since early Sept when it began Arrows of Truth campaign vs #UAE-backed forces in south #Yemen. But blames recent bombs in Wadi Ubayda on 3rd party attempt to sour #AQAP relations with tribes. Statement style is new but via formal wire

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

25 Days to Aden, new book release

25 Days to Aden of the British-born and American writer, Dr Michael Knights, published on 2nd December 2022 is a wonderful narration of the story of the resilience of Aden city and its popular resistance backed by the Arab Coalition against the Iran's plans in the region.
25 Days to Aden is the story of how in a week in 2015 the Gulf States pulled together a ten-nation coalition and the biggest military operation they ever launched unilaterally. It is an amazing account of Arab militaries doing what America would not, preventing Iran from taking a foothold on the Arabian Peninsula.
The risks for global security were huge: Iran already overshadowed one of the world's greatest maritime straits, at Hormuz, and now it sought to dominate the southern approaches to the Suez Canal as well.
Aden had to hold out against the Houthis. The Gulf States were used to America stepping up at such moments, but the White House was partway through negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran. No help would come from Washington. Instead, for the first time, the Gulf States acted alone.
Told by an expert communicator on the region, it is a unique story. If the US is truly a global empire in decline, then the story may hold important pointers for a future of warfare driven by emergent powers in the gap left by the withdrawal of American influence.
Michael Knights has written a fast-paced, thoroughly readable account of the opening days of the war in Aden.

(A P)

Congress missed an opportunity to ask the right questions on Yemen

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa and Global Counterterrorism recently held a hearing on the situation in Yemen, a chance to ask the right questions about what the U.S. is doing to advance its interests in the region.

Here are the questions that Congress should have asked of Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking and USAID’s Sarah Charles:

What is the prospect that a Yemeni-led political process today results in a settlement that protects U.S. interests in Yemen? U.S. policy is to support and enhance the UN-led effort to negotiate a resolution to the war in Yemen. It’s clear that the ceasefire provided much-needed relief to Yemenis across the country and that Yemenis want an end to the conflict. But the balance of power on the ground favors the Houthis, whose interests diverge from U.S. interests in Yemen

My comment: Typical US-centered propaganda. In Yemen, the interests of Yemenis must be on top, the interests of others – whether the US, Uruduay or Uzbekistan should not play any role.

(A P)

Opinion: The end of the truce in Yemen: what are the next scenarios?

Attempts to extend the truce in Yemen failed because "the Houthis currently have the upper hand over the legitimate government and the coalition’s shaky military situation," writes Monif Aldarwish in this commentary for He adds that the current relative calm in Yemen "is not due to the parties' need for rest; they have rested enough during the truce. It is instead due to the Houthis' association with Iran's foreign policy, which is itself currently proceeding cautiously due to its domestic environment. This association with Iran is what would determine the criteria and timing of the next escalation."

Why did the truce end without an extension?

The Houthis rejected the plan of UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, to extend the truce. The most important reason for the Houthis’ rejection of the truce is because their ideological goals carry prejudices about what is happening in the local and regional political space; they are also emboldened by an imbalance in the military situation. Furthermore, one of the Houthis' most important demands - which many political observers consider impossible especially at this early stage of the negotiations and was rejected by the legitimate Yemeni government - was the payment of all salaries of retirees and current employees in the military and civilian corps in the areas under their control, as well as the opening of all ports and airports for all humanitarian and commercial purposes.

The truce has failed because the Houthis currently have the upper hand over the legitimate government and the coalition’s shaky military situation

(A P)

Cartoon: #Houthis & The Political Solution in #YemenCantWait

(A P)

A few quick points about the upcoming War Powers Resolution vote in the Senate, which seeks to end US military support to Saudi Arabia related to the Yemen conflict without congressional authorization

But the timing, the opportune from the US political side, is awful because of the message it sends. The Houthis, not the Saudis, are the obstacle currently. This move against the Saudis will further embolden them, which is not in the best interest of Yemenis.

(A P)

Ending US Support to the Saudi-led Coalition Will Not End the War in Yemen

In May, Congress introduced a war powers resolution that aims to end the war in Yemen by blocking US support to the Saudi-led coalition. This resolution, which Sen. Bernie Sanders may bring to a vote this week, will not change Saudi behavior in Yemen nor end the war in Yemen, though it will negatively affect the US-Saudi relationship. The resolution’s supporters argue it will “pressure” the Saudis into renewing Yemen’s truce. Instead, the reality is that this resolution, or any effort focused on punishing or pressuring Saudi Arabia, will fail to make a significant difference in Yemen’s trajectory. Such a resolution may even be counterproductive by emboldening the Houthi movement and incentivizing it to resume violence, ending Yemen’s fragile calm.

(A P)

Sanders Resolution on Yemen Would Strengthen Iran, Russia, and China

‘If the United States inflicts this kind of self-inflicted wound on our Middle East strategy, Iran will celebrate. Russia will pop champagne. China will enjoy more oxygen to expand its own creeping regional influence, as well. And America’s allies and partners will be left questioning our resolve and partnership, and wondering if it wouldn’t be the safer bet to turn toward Beijing instead.'

“Events from Europe to Asia to the Middle East continue to demonstrate on a daily basis why American global strength and leadership are essential for protecting our homeland, our core interests, and our allies and partners.

“But unfortunately, Senator Sanders of Vermont has drafted a resolution that would pull America back from global leadership in a clumsy and deeply counterproductive way.

(A P)

Yemen Urges West to Exert More Pressure on Houthis

Yemeni officials have taken note of western statements that appeared to have taken a stiffer tone with the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

Yemeni political researcher Al-Baraa Shiban told Asharq Al-Awsat that the US, France and Britain need to “seriously” deal with Yemen’s demand to reclaim its state from the Houthis.

They must do so by stopping the flow of funds and arms to the militias so that they can no longer fuel their war machine, he remarked.

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Fast keine Luftangriffe seit Beginn des Waffenstillstands.

Almost no air raids since the beginning of the truce.

(A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling, day by day

Oct. 13:

Oct. 12:

Oct. 11:

Oct. 10:

Oct. 9:

Oct. 8:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Nach dem Ende des Waffenstillstands nehmen die Kämpfe etwas zu, aber beide Seiten halten sich immer noch weitgehend daran und wollen die Lage nicht eskalieren. Beide Seiten werfen sich Verstöße vor.

After the end of the ceasefire, fighting has somewhat increased, but both sides are still largely in compliance and do not want to escalate the situation. Both sides accuse each other of violations.

(B K pS)

Film: Yemeni children of Taiz are prey to Houthi snipers

Houthi bullets are increasingly targeting residents, especially children, causing a state of panic among Yemenis who became victims of the daily Houthi snipping. The child Muhammad Ammar is one of many casualties whom Houthi snipers targeted twice, the last of which was two days ago in Taiz. Many children are being denied an education due to the constant bombing of schools in the war-torn country

(A K pH)

Two citizens killed by explosion of projectile of aggression remnants in Sa'ada

in the Akwan area of Sa'ada province.
A local source in the governorate told SABA that two citizens were killed by the explosion of projectile of a remnants of aggression in one of the reefs benefiting the people to graze livestock and bring firewood.

and also

(A K pH)

Saudi bombardments hit Saada

The Saudi-led coalition on Friday launched intensive bombardments on several border districts in Yemen’s Northern Province of Saada, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

The Saudi rockets and artillery shells hit several residential areas of Razih and Shada border districts, leaving damages to the citizens’ properties

and also

(B K pS)

Yemeni Report Accuses Houthis of Committing 2,660 Health Sector Violations in Marib

A recent Yemen human rights report accused the Houthis of committing more than 2,660 violations against the health sector in the Marib governorate. The report covered the period from 2015 until the end of last November.

Released by Marib’s human rights office on Thursday, the report exposed 2,668 violations committed by Houthis that included bombing, killing, and looting.

The report documents the bombing of 134 health facilities with missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones.

Some of the healthcare facilities were targeted more than once, especially in the districts of Al-Madinah, Harib and Sirwah.

(A K pS)

Southern Forces Repulse Houthi Attack North Abyan

(A K pH)

Child Killed in Explosion of US-Saudi Remnant in Marib

and also

while the other sides blames a Houthi-laid landmine:

(A K)

A new Houthi video reportedly shows a Houthi journalist interviewing Houthi fighters carrying an RPG-7 pattern RPG Launcher w/ a PG-7V round, Chinese Type-56-1s, an AKM, an Iranian KLF, an Iranian KLT, & other AK variants somewhere near the frontlines in Al-Jawf (photos)

(A K pS)

Southern Forces Repulse Houthi Attack North Abyan

(A K)

Houthi drone attack kills 2 children in NW Yemen

Yemen's Houthi rebel group launched a drone attack against a village in the country's northwestern province of Hajjah on Monday, killing two children, a security official told Xinhua.

"Drones of the Houthi rebel militia targeted a residential village in Hayran district of Hajjah, leaving two children killed and several others injured," the local security official said on condition of anonymity.

and, mentioning only one killed child: and and


(A K P)

[Aden] Yemeni Govt Condemns Houthi Bombing of School in Hajjah

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles 999 Mines within a Week in Yemen

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Project (Masam) for clearing in Yemen, dismantled, during the first week of December 2022, a total of 999 mines planted by the Houthi militia across Yemen, including 7 anti-personnel mines, 108 anti-tank mines, 882 unexploded ordnance and 2 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 376,200 mines have been dismantled.

(A K)

Taiz sees two Houthi attacks on army sites

(A K)

Yemeni GB forces down offensive drone in Marib

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pH)

89 violations committed by aggression forces in Hodeida within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

58 violations committed by aggression forces in Hodeida within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Mine Action Center Destroys Large Amount of Remnants of US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

The Executive Center for Mine Action destroyed more than 9,700 military of remnants of the US-Saudi aggression that were discovered and collected by field teams operating in Hodeidah.

The destruction included mines and warheads from the remnants of the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries that were discovered in areas south of Hodeidah during the past months.

The Director of Monitoring and Follow-up at the Executive Centre, Abdulghani al-Dailami, explained that the destruction process included cluster bombs and mines that contaminated the outskirts of Hodeidah city and the southern districts, indicating that the center is carrying out its humanitarian duty with the minimum available capabilities.

For his part, the media official at the center, Abdullah Sha'eb, called on international and humanitarian organizations to support the center in bringing in the necessary devices and equipment to carry out its duty to clear the areas contaminated with the remnants of the aggression from mines, cluster bombs and other explosives.

and also =

My remark: This looks like Houthi-laid land mines.

(* A K pS)

Three civilians killed in mine blast in Yemen's Hodeidah

At least three civilians were killed and a child was seriously injured by a landmine in the Yemeni province of Hodeidah on Friday, the country’s information minister said.

The mine had been planted by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in a village in the Hays district, Information Minister Moammar Al Eryani said on Twitter.

and also

(A K P)

UNMHA Deputy Head of Mission holds dialogue with women community leaders

(B K P)

Film: Learn more about UNMHA's work in less than 4mins

Head of Mission Michael Beary and Deputy Vivian van de Perre explain UNMHA's work in Hudaydah.

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 45 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 24 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

46 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 31 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 37 violations in Hodeida in 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

81 violations committed by aggression forces in Hodeida within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

19 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

and also

cp19 Sonstiges / Other


Aden celebrates Morocco victory over Portugal




#Yemenis in #Marib and #Taiz celebrating #Morocco's win against #Portugal (photos)




#Marib this moment. #MoroccoVsFrance (photos)


Film: Jemen: Ein Freizeitpark im Krisengebiet

(* B P)

New Book: Yemen in the Shadow of Transition

Pursuing Justice Amid War

By Stacey Philbrick Yadav


Responding to a diplomatic stalemate and a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, Yemen’s civil actors work every day to build peace in fragmented local communities across the country. This book shows how their efforts relate to longstanding justice demands in Yemeni society, and details three decades of alternating elite indifference toward, or strategic engagement with, questions of justice.

Exploring the transformative impact of the 2011 uprising and Yemenis’ substantive wrestling with questions of justice in the years that followed, leading Yemen scholar Stacey Philbrick Yadav shows how the transitional process was ultimately overtaken by war, and explains why features of the transitional framework nevertheless remain a central reference point for civil actors engaged in peacebuilding today. In the absence of a negotiated settlement, everyday peacebuilding has become a new site for justice work, as an arena in which civil actors enjoy agency and social recognition. Drawing on seventeen years of field research and interviews with civil actors, Yadav positions Yemen’s non-combatants not–or not only–as victims of conflict, but as political agents imagining and enacting the justice they wish to see.

First pages:

(B H)

Film: Yemeni young man fights unemployment with popular Zurbian dish


Soqotri rare vulture appears in one of UAE exhibitions

and also


Welcome To Socotra

In Sokotra gibt es atemberaubende Landschaften und aufregende Kultur. Unsere Reiseroute soll Sie inspirieren, egal ob Sie das Beste aus einer klassischen einwöchigen Reise machen oder im Rahmen eines längeren, maßgeschneiderten Abenteuers mehr entdecken möchten. Unsere Touren sind kleine Abenteuertourengruppen.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-833 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-833: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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