Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 675 - Yemen War Mosaic 675

Yemen Press Reader 675: 26. August 2020: Luftangriffe im Juli 2020 – Überschwemmungen: 300.000 verlieren alles – Noch einmal das Abkommen von Riad – Separatisten verlassen das Abkommen von Riad

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... Jemen-Politik der Türkei – und mehr

August 26, 2020: Air raids in July 2020 – 300.000 loose everything due to floods – The Riyadh agreement again – Separatists pull out of Riyadh agreement – Turkey’s Yemen policy – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

War, pestilence, famine and death in Yemen: How COVID-19 has made a humanitarian crisis worse

For a Middle Eastern nation already struggling with cholera and civil war, the pandemic is only the latest calamity – and a shortfall of international aid could make it hard to recover. Here's a primer

What happens when a country declared by the United Nations to be “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis” is struck by a pandemic?

Here’s a primer on the history behind the conflict, the parties involved and the pandemic’s role in the crisis.

(* B H)

Film: Here are 7 of the greatest threats facing the people of Yemen.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K)


Civilian Casualties in Saudi-led Air War Pass 18,500

Civilian casualties from Saudi-led coalition bombings doubled in July from the previous month after the single deadliest air raid in six months

Civilian casualties in the Saudi-led coalition's air war in Yemen passed 18,500 in July as air raids* continued the higher rate seen in the first half of 2020, ending three-years of declining bombing rates in the air campaign.
Civilian casualty numbers jumped in July by 92% month-on-month to 50 - the highest number of civilian casualties in a single month since February, and the second highest monthly rate in a year - adding to the month-on-month trebling of civilian casualties from May to June. The rising casualty numbers came despite air raid numbers falling by 20% from the two-year monthly high of 271 bombings in June,
Yemen Data Project recorded 215 air raids in July. Three air raids were responsible for the 50 civilian casualties in the month. At least 24 civilians were killed including 6 children and 2 women with a further 5 children and 2 women injured in a single air raid on 15 July. The bombing of a social gathering of women in the district of Al-Hazm in Al-Jawf governorate was one of the deadliest air raids for civilians so far this year, second only to an air raid in Al-Jawf in February that killed 35.
For the third consecutive month bombings were concentrated in the five governorates of Marib, Sa'ada, Al-Jawf, Hajja and Al-Bayda. Marib was the most heavily targeted, with a second consecutive month of high bombing rates in the governorate. The capital governorate of Amanat Al-Asimah saw the heaviest month of bombing in more than two years with 13 air raids recorded in Sana'a city including an air raid on a food storage facility.

In July, 13% of bombings hit civilian targets** 13% hit military targets. In 73% of air raids in July the target could not be identified. Of the 58 air raids where the target could be identified, 50% of bombings hit civilian sites. 50% of identifiable targets were military.

Of the 58 air raids where the target was identified in July 2020

15 hit residential areas, killing 11 civilians - all women and children - and injuring 8, of which 4 were women and children.

2 hit government compounds - both customs depots.

2 hit farms.

1 hit a social gathering, killing 24 civilians including 6 children, and injuring 7 including 5 children.

Marib continues to be the most heavily bombed governorate of 2020 with June and July seeing the highest rates of air raids so far this year. A quarter of all Saudi-led coalition air raids in 2020 targeted Marib. Majzar district in Marib has been the most heavily bombed district in the country so far this year with more than 50% of all bombings in Marib hitting Majzar. Sirwah was the second most heavily bombed district countrywide in July.

Sa'ada remains the most heavily bombed governorate in the air war. The western border district of Al-Dhaher was the most heavily bombed district of the governorate in July.
Over 48% of all air raids in the month targeted six districts: Majzar, Sirwah and Al-Adbiyah in Marib; Harad in Hajja, and Al-Hazm and Khab Wa Al-Sha'af districts in Al-Jawf governorate.

(** B H)

300.000 Menschen haben durch die katastrophalen Überschwemmungen im Jemen Unterkunft, Einkommen, Lebensmittelversorgung und persönliches Hab und Gut verloren

UNHCR arbeitet auf Hochtouren, um die durch die Wassermassen weiter verschärfte Not in dem Bürgerkriegsland zu lindern.

Geschätzte 300.000 Menschen haben im Jemen in den letzten drei Monaten durch sintflutartige Regenfälle und schwere Sturzfluten ihre Häuser, ihre Ernteerträge und Nutztiere sowie ihr persönliches Hab und Gut verloren. Unter den vom Wasser Vertriebenen sind zahlreiche Menschen, die zuvor bereits wegen des Konflikts im Jemen aus ihren Heimatgebieten fliehen mussten. Noch einmal müssen sie sich nun ein neues Leben und eine neue Gemeinschaft aufbauen.

Zu den am schwersten betroffenen Gebieten zählen Marib, Amran, Hajjah, Al Hudaydah, Taizz, Lahj, Aden und Abyan, wo die Überschwemmungen alleine in den letzten beiden Monaten mindestens 148 Personen das Leben gekostet haben. In Hababa führte der unerwartete und verhängnisvolle Bruch des Al-Roone-Staudamms zum unkontrollierten Abfluss von 250.000 Kubikmeter Wasser und zog Tausende Menschen in Einrichtungen für Binnenvertriebene in Al-Tahseen, Souq al-Lill und anderen Orten in Mitleidenschaft.

Viele der Binnenvertriebenen, die durch die Überflutungen nun erneut entwurzelt wurden, hatten bereits zuvor in bitterer Armut gelebt – oftmals in überfüllten, notdürftigen Unterkünften aus Lehm und Plastikfolie, die vom Wasser fortgespült oder schwer beschädigt wurden. Menschen sind nun gezwungen, in Moscheen, Schulen oder bei Verwandten unterzukommen. Manche müssen auch im Freien oder in verlassenen, teils einsturzgefährdeten Gebäuden hausen. Oder im Rest von dem, was von ihren beschädigten Häusern übriggeblieben ist.

Viele Jeminit*innen mussten bereits zuvor ums Überleben kämpfen, da es kaum Erwerbsmöglichkeiten gibt und sich etliche kaum eine tägliche Mahlzeit für ihre Familien leisten können. Verzweiflung und Hoffnungslosigkeit nehmen zu, während die weltweit schlimmste humanitäre Krise immer schrecklichere Formen annimmt.

UNHCR, das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk, ist tief besorgt darüber, dass die vertriebenen Gemeinschaften auch hinsichtlich der COVID-19-Pandemie extrem vulnerabel sind. Viele haben nicht die Möglichkeit, ausreichend Abstand zu halten und haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser, um sich die Hände zu waschen sowie zu weiteren Maßnahmen, um die Übertragung des Virus zu unterbinden. Die Gesundheitsinfrastruktur des Landes ist durch den jahrelangen Konflikt schwer beschädigt.

Tausende weitere könnten bald betroffen werden, da die Regenzeit anhalten dürfte und die Kapazitätsgrenzen vieler Staudämme zunehmend überstiegen werden. Viele Dämme sind in schlechtem Zustand, da ihre Instandhaltung in den letzten Jahren durch den Konflikt vernachlässigt wurde. Am Damm in Marib ist das Überlaufniveau erreicht. Es besteht die große Gefahr eines Dammbruchs, wenn weitere schwere Regenfälle das Staubecken noch weiter füllen. Ein solcher würde die bewässerten Gebiete flußabwärts, wo Tausende Binnenvertriebene Zuflucht gefunden haben, verwüsten und auch niedriger gelegene Teile der Stadt Marib zerstören.

UNHCR arbeitet auf Hochtouren, um Notunterkünfte und essentielle Güter wie Decken und Matratzen für Tausende Menschen zur Verfügung stellen

(** B H)

300,000 people lose homes, incomes, food supplies and belongings due to catastrophic flooding in Yemen

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Andrej Mahecic – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

An estimated 300,000 people in Yemen have lost their homes, crops, livestock and personal belongings in the last three months due to torrential rains and severe flash floods. Amongst the newly displaced are people were previously forced to flee their homes by the conflict. They are once again having to rebuild their lives and communities.

The most badly-hit areas include Marib, Amran, Hajjah, Al Hudaydah, Taizz, Lahj, Aden and Abyan governorates where floods have killed at least 148 people in the last two months alone. In Hababa, a sudden and catastrophic break of the Al-Roone dam led to the uncontrolled release of 250,000 cubic metres of water, affecting thousands of people in IDP sites in Al-Tahseen, Souq al-Lill and elsewhere.

Many of the internally displaced people (IDPs) displaced by the floods were already living in abject poverty, often in overcrowded, makeshift shelters made from plastic sheeting or mud which have been washed away or sustained significant damage. People are now being forced to shelter in mosques, schools or with relatives or live out in the open, in abandoned buildings, some of which are at risk of collapsing, or in whatever is left of their damaged homes.

Many were already struggling to survive, with little to no work opportunities and barely able to afford one meal for their families each day. Levels of desperation and despair are rising as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis plumbs to new depths.

UNHCR is deeply concerned that the displaced communities are extremely vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic, with many unable to practice social or physical distancing, access clean water for hand-washing or enact other measures to prevent transmission of the virus. The country’s health infrastructure is already badly damaged by years of conflict,

Thousands more may yet be impacted as the rainy season is expected to continue and the capacities of many dams, some of which are in poor condition due to neglect in recent years because of the conflict, are becoming increasingly overwhelmed. In Marib, the dam has reached the overflow level and is highly vulnerable to bursting if further extreme and extended rainfall overfills the reservoir. This would destroy the downstream irrigated area, where sites hosting thousands of people who have become internally displaced (IDPs) by the conflict are located, as well as the lower parts of Marib town.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is rushing to provide emergency shelter support and core relief items such as blankets and mattresses to thousands of people.

(** B P)

Can new mechanism advance stalled Riyadh Agreement in southern Yemen?

Neither the Riyadh Agreement nor the mechanism for accelerating it can fundamentally end the conflict in southern Yemen, but will rather help suspend it and control its rhythm, according to analysts.

However, a Yemeni government official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that the new mechanism does not address the political issues and finding a solution to the southern and Yemeni issue in general, given that “resolving these issues is linked to regional and international understandings.”

Meanwhile, several complications are impeding the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, in addition to its rejection by some southern forces, most notably what was stated by the Southern Movement's Supreme Council, which rejected Aug. 2 the agreement “altogether,” hinting at protests to defend the demand for separation and restoring the southern Yemeni state.

This could further complicate the chances of implementing the Riyadh Agreement, especially since Hassan Baoum, head of the Supreme Council of the Southern Movement who resides in the Sultanate of Oman, announced that he will return to southern Yemen soon to confront anything that comes in the way of establishing an independent southern state.

The undersecretary of the Yemeni Ministry of Information, Fayyad al-Noman, told Al-Monitor, “The STC’s rebellion in the southern governorates was one of the reasons for diverting the course of the real battle [against the Houthis]. This is why — since it agreed to the Riyadh Agreement in November 2019 — the Yemeni government has been seeking to unify the political, security and military decision in the governorates liberated from the Houthis, with the aim of devoting itself directly to the real battle against the Iran-backed Houthi group.”

He believes that “implementing the Riyadh Agreement has become an inevitable necessity for both parties, and the remaining period for its implementation according to the mechanism announced on July 29 will reveal the STC’s seriousness in implementing the security and military part of the agreement.”

Noman noted, “The implementation of the Riyadh Agreement was stalled in the past due to the STC’s failure to implement its obligations in the security and military file.”

On Aug. 14, Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed al-Jaber announced the first steps to implement the military part of the mechanism to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement between the legitimate government and the STC.

The Riyadh Agreement gives the Saudi-led coalition ample space to intervene in Yemen through the clause that stipulates “forming a committee under the supervision of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, tasked with monitoring, executing and implementing the provisions of this agreement and its appendices.” The committee is known as the Saudi Coordination and Liaison Team.

STC spokesman Nazar Haitham told Al-Monitor, “The Riyadh Agreement is a true embodiment of a clear-cut partnership between the STC and the legitimate government supported by the Arab coalition.”

Yemeni author and political researcher Abdel Nasser al-Muwadea told Al-Monitor, “This agreement has set Saudi Arabia as a guardian state over the southern regions, according to which it will supervise and manage the forces present there — be it the separatist forces or those of President [Abed Rabbo Mansour] Hadi. Saudi Arabia will also oversee the merger process and the formation of anti-terrorism forces, as well as it will determine the tasks of these forces and the areas of their deployment.”

Muwadea added, “The agreement reduces President Hadi's powers, as all appointment decisions he would issue would need Saudi Arabia's approval.”

The successive crises in southern Yemen between the legitimate government and the STC have weakened the relationship within the Saudi-UAE alliance since the Saudi-backed Yemeni government accuses the UAE of supporting and financing the STC, especially after the latter declared autonomous administration in southern Yemen in April. This is why it has become crucial for both Saudi Arabia and the UAE to speed up the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement. However, many observers do not believe that this agreement will fundamentally end the conflict, but rather work to suspend it and control its rhythm – by Ammar Al-Ashwal

but now:

(** A P)

Separatisten im Süden des Jemen setzen Friedensabkommen aus

Die Separatisten im Süden des Bürgerkriegslands Jemen haben Verhandlungen mit der international anerkannten Regierung ausgesetzt. Der sogenannte Südliche Übergangsrat (STC) warf den Regierungsanhängern am Mittwoch unter anderem vor, einen vereinbarten Waffenstillstand verletzt zu haben, wie es in einer an Saudi-Arabien gerichteten Erklärung heißt. Die Gespräche auszusetzen sei eine Reaktion auf das "unverantwortliche Verhalten" der Regierungsanhänger, twitterte STC-Vizepräsident Hani ben Brik. Die Separatisten begründeten ihren Schritt auch mit dem Zusammenbruch der öffentlichen Dienstleistungen und der Währung im Süden des Jemen.

(** A P)

Yemen southern separatists pull out of Riyadh agreement talks

Yemen’s southern separatists have suspended their participation in consultations on a power-sharing deal for the south, known as the “Riyadh agreement”, a Southern Transitional Council (STC) statement said on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia has been trying to implement the deal, first proposed in November, to end a conflict in the south between the separatists and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

STC’s vice-president Hani Ben Brik said on twitter that the suspension of negotiations by the STC was in protest at “irresponsible behaviour by parties” towards the Riyadh agreement and was necessary to push for full commitment to the agreement.

The STC gave several reasons for withdrawing, including the collapse of public services in the south and military escalation by government forces in Abyan province.

“We renew our full commitment to what was agreed upon without any violations,” he said.

and also

My comment: I am not surprised because the separatist militia would have been required to leave Aden.


(** A P)

STC Halts Paticipation at Riyadh Agreement Negotiations

The Southern Transitional Council suspends its participation in the consultations to implement the Riyadh Agreement
The Southern Transitional Council sent an official message to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the sponsor of the Riyadh Agreement.
The suspension decision was for the following reasons:
1. The continuation and increase of the pace of government's military escalation by its forces in Abyan Governorate and their failure to abide by the agreed-upon ceasefire agreement on June 22, 2020.
2. The government's continued support to the Al-Qaeda and ISIS who are amongst the government's troops in the war against Abyan Governorate.
3. Neglecting the families of the martyrs and not providing aid and treatment for the wounded who gave their lives and blood for the cause of the South and the Arab project.
4. Not paying the monthly pensions and salaries for several months, especially the military and security sectors and civil servants.
5. Forces affiliated with the Yemeni government continue to target civilians in Shabwa governorate, Hadramout Valley and Al-Mahrah as well as carrying out unlawful arrests, enforced disappearances and torture inside prisons.
6. The collapse of public services in the southern governorates and failure to find any real solutions to the lack of public services.
7. The continued collapse of the local currency and failure to provide cash liquidity in the southern governorates as well as inflation.

My comment: Many of the reasons told h3re are quite odd: 1) to put the full blame of the fighting to the other side; 3) and 4): Why the Hadi government should care and pay for hostile separatist militia fighting against this very government?, 5) objecting to the pro-Hadi militia what separatist militia also commit in regions under their control, 6) Since months now, the separatists rule and administer Aden. They cannot put the blame for failure on the Hadi government, 7) has many reasons, the policy of the Hadi government cannot solely be blamed for this. Remember the STC looted fresh printed banknotes.

And there is more odd separatist propaganda afterwards, look at cp6

(** B P)

Gulf Powers Fear Turkey’s Jockeying For ‘Soft Power’ In Yemen

A lot of it is paranoia and regional competition, but Ankara's ambitions there cannot be discounted.

Now there is growing talk about Turkey’s alleged involvement in Yemen. Yet as the situation on the ground remains murky, one must take certain allegations about Ankara’s purported role with a healthy degree of scepticism while also distinguishing between Turkish ‘soft-power’ and ‘hard-power’ in Yemen.

Several months ago, various news outlets, including ones linked to the Emirates, put out reports about Turkey’s influence in Yemen, focusing on Ankara’s ties to al-Islah, the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood.

In Ataq, Turkish intelligence operatives allegedly established and managed a training facility for 600 Muslim Brotherhood-linked militants with Qatari money, according to Atalayar, which claimed that this operation’s goal was to outmaneuver the Saudi-led coalition and give Turkey control over the Port of Balhaf and its strategic gas facility.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE appear to be taking this supposed Turkish threat in Yemen seriously.

Distinguishing Facts from Propaganda

Samuel Ramani, a doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, explained that “there is evidence of civil society and informal links between Ankara and the Islah movement, and the influence of Tawakkol Karman is often highlighted as a sign of this.” It is indisputable that al-Islah figures have been residing in Turkey and speaking from Istanbul to international audiences about the Yemeni conflict. Yet, according to Ramani, there is insufficient evidence to prove that Ankara is providing Yemeni Islamists with material support on the ground in Yemen. Indeed, no international organizations or neutral agencies have confirmed such activities.

Dr. Ali Bakeer, an Ankara-based analyst, asserted that these stories coming out of The Arab Weekly and other UAE-linked platforms are false and aimed at fabricating a “Turkish threat” in order to justify controversial Emirati actions in Yemen. The former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Gerald M. Feierstein agreed, stating that “fabricating a ‘Turkish threat’ is a dangerous ploy.”

At this juncture, Turkey’s main focuses in the Arab world are in Libya, Iraq, and Syria—not Yemen, which is far more peripheral to Ankara’s regional interests. At least for now, talk about Turkey’s ‘hard-power’ influence in Yemen is based on disinformation, false assumptions, and major leaps of logic. Yet that does not mean that Turkey has no interests or agenda in Yemen. As Ramani contends, Ankara’s efforts to “undermine the Saudi-UAE image in the region and also to be a provocateur” drive Turkey’s Yemen foreign policy.

Indeed, Turkish messages about Yemen, which are intended to reach both Yemenis and the world at large, rest on anti-Emirati narratives. Turkey presents itself as a Muslim power which is far more responsible and ethical than the UAE.

Based on these documented events, it is safe to reach at least two conclusions.

First, Turkey is determined to strengthen its ‘soft-power’ influence in Yemen, a Muslim country suffering from the worst humanitarian disasters in the world.

Second, Ankara has an interest in Yemen’s ports in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean—bodies of water where there are high levels of geopolitical competition between various powers, including Turkey.

Nonetheless, as Ramani maintains, there are not solid grounds for believing that the Turks will build a Red Sea base in southern Yemen given how much leverage Abu Dhabi possesses in this part of the country.

An important dynamic to keep an eye on regarding Ankara’s foreign policy vis-à-vis Yemen pertains to tensions between al-Islah and the Saudi government – by Giorgio Cafiero and Corrado Cok

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

8 new cases of coronavirus reported, 1,924 in total

(A H)

5 new cases of coronavirus reported, 1,916 in total

and also

(B H)

QRCS extends medical support to Al-Jomhouri Hospital in Taiz

As Coronavirus spread rates are rising in Yemen, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has gone on with supporting the local health professionals to protect their lives against the virus, thus ensuring that they would continue to serve the patients and do their medical job amid difficult humanitarian conditions suffered by the Yemeni people.

(* B H)

Film: Pandemie verschärft humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen

Schon vor der Coronavirus-Pandemie sind 80 Prozent der jemenitischen Bevölkerung auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Nun werden sauberes Wasser, Lebensmittel und Medikamente noch knapper. Die Menschen sind dem Virus nahezu schutzlos ausgeliefert.

(A H)


(A H)

4 new cases of coronavirus reported, 1,086 in total

(A H)

The return of deaths and infections of Corona virus in Hadramout governorate

(B H)

Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 22 August 2020

As of 22 August, the number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases in Yemen had reached 1,911 with 547 associated deaths and 1,068 recoveries. The highest number of confirmed cases continue to be reported in Hadramaut (858 cases, 268 deaths and 386 recoveries), though this may in part reflect the number of tests conducted in the governorate. The number of cases reported has slowed while indicators suggest that the virus continues to spread and the number of confirmed cases and deaths fall below actual numbers. The reasons for this include a lack of testing facilities and official reporting, and people delaying seeking treatment because of stigma, difficulty accessing treatment centres and the perceived risks of seeking care. The COVID-19 response continues to focus on testing, surveillance and case management, while procuring oxygen, personal protective equipment (PPE), and monitors are a priority.

(A H)

One new case of coronavirus reported, 1,907 in total

(A H)

After weeks without infections, Covid-19 hits Yemen's Aden anew

Covid-19 reported cases in Yemen have increased to 1,906, the country's internationally-recognized government said Friday, as 7 more infections were recorded in provinces under its control, after the pandemic lessened for weeks.

(* B H)

Film: Coronavirus: The doctors on Yemen's front lineClose

The UN has warned that its aid agencies don't have the resources they need to fight the looming threat of famine in Yemen as the country also struggles with a surge in suspected coronavirus deaths.

Five years of conflict have left the medical system devastated, and with very limited testing, the spread of Covid-19 is going unchecked. Nawal Al-Maghafi has been speaking to those on the front line of Yemen's pandemic crisis.

(B H)

COVID-19 Impact Assessment Report - Yemen, July 2020

The objective of this assessment was to review the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on beneficiaries targeted by NRC in Yemen. The assessment took a holistic approach to determine people’s knowledge, attitudes and perceptions relating to Covid-19, as well as to receive feedback from our targeted communities on the effectiveness of NRC’s Covid-19 interventions and any needs currently not being addressed. The findings will inform adaptations of ongoing programmes and the design of NRC’s Covid-19 response.

(* A H)

Yemen - Polio outbreak (WHO, UNICEF, Global Polio Eradication Initiative) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 August 2020)

A polio outbreak has been declared in Yemen following 15 reported cases of vaccine derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) in the first weeks of August 2020.

The cases were detected in different districts of Sa’ada Governorate, in the north-west of the country. Children aged from 8 months to 13 years are affected.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)


Latest Updates on Yemen, 21 August 2020

Ansar Allah liberated the areas of Aqaba Mahlal, Aba al-Jashish and Koleh Hazah from the control of the Saudi coalition. Currently, the conflict continues in Murad Mountain and Al-Ghabib (map)

(* B H)

At least 174 Yemenis killed by flash floods in the past week

An entire family has died and others have been reported missing after their cars were washed away by torrential rains and subsequent floods in the Yemeni city of Ibb, according to local sources.

According to the sources, torrential rains washed away a car carrying a family in the al-Salaba area of al-Al-Dhihar district of the city.



(* B H K P)

The Saudi Trail in Yemen’s Quandary

Saudi Arabia’s latest quest for a unilateral cease-fire in Yemen displays the kingdom’s ominous socio-economic crisis brought on by the pandemic and the drop in oil prices. The Houthis will certainly not go along with the cease-fire, given that the Saudi government has played the ceasefire card time and again, for momentary gains. Nonetheless, Yemen’s decline into a chaotic conflict with multiple civil wars amid a larger war has made it absolutely unprepared for a pandemic.

As Yemen continues to face major problems fuelled by the external intrusion, internal conflicts, and economic destruction against the backdrop of a humanitarian crisis, the country is exposed to massive geopolitical uncertainty.

Yemen’s decline into a tumultuous and multifaceted civil war is affected by deep-seated alliances and oppositions along ideological, tribal, and religious lines, and the subsequent violence has assisted the country’s descent into poverty and famine. Local and global state and non-state actors have played decisive roles in Yemen’s civil war.

Post the Operation Decisive Storm, anarchy spread beyond Yemen’s borders in two fairly minor, but important, migrant flows, further expanding the internal crisis. The geopolitical rift widened with Saudi Arabia and Iran funding opposing sides in the war, for stakes in southern Yemen; obscuring the chances of conflict resolution. There was no consensus among the nations involved, vis-à-vis whether the conflicting regions in Yemen should be united or disbanded into states. Nor was there any agreement over instilling a federal or confederal administration in Yemen. Further, Yemen’s petroleum assets amassed in the southern regions, became a potential point of contention in the conflict between the southern extremists and Yemenis as they struggled to protect the north-south integrity.

Without the authoritative blocs in Yemen moving towards mediation and negotiation, it has become tough to envision peace in Yemen. After almost five years into the Saudi initiated intervention in Yemen, the crisis is not singular to just Yemenis. The conflict has matured into a war between regional powers.

The external factors; including the western supremacies, Gulf Cooperation Council states, Iran, and Russia; have contributed to the state’s problems by deploying direct military interventions, funding, and aid for various allied and proxy groups to further their political agendas. This remains an obstacle in achieving a realistic peace strategy that could in-turn politically stabilize Yemen.

Yemen’s immediate future is ambiguous due to internal actors, the interests of other regional powers, and the agendas of the international community. The war in Yemen is escalating.

As per a UNHRC investigation, the US, along with Britain and France, are equally complicit in the war crimes happening in Yemen given the continued exports of weapons and intel assistance to the Saudis and their allies, especially the UAE. This subsequently enabled civilian casualties, violence, killings, and wrecked health facilities in Yemen. These countries must use their supremacy and resources to diminish the conflict, not incite it.

The American contribution in the Yemen war though is far more destructive than just trading weapons, intel, and training worth of billion dollars to UAE and Saudi Arabia which happen to be its biggest buyers. The US; for years, has turned a blind eye as its allies execute outrageous war crimes and then avoid accountability for incentivizing a massive humanitarian catastrophe.

(* B H P)

Film: Yemen's warring sides urged to prevent environmental disaster

A stricken oil tanker moored near the city of Hodeidah is slowly leaking more than a million barrels of oil.

The United Nations is urging the warring sides in Yemen to work together to prevent a potential environmental disaster.

A stricken oil tanker moored near the city of Hodeidah is slowly leaking more than a million barrels of oil. =

(A K P)

Senior GPC official criticises coalition mismanagement of situation in south Yemen

Assistant secretary general of the General People's Congress Party, Abu Baker Al-Qirbi, on Sunday criticised Saudi-led coalition's mismanagement of the situation in Yemeni regions which have been liberated from the Houthis since mid-2015.

The coalition's mismanagement of the situation in south Yemen and weakening a government which it is supposedly restoring have made the majority of the Yemeni people look at the coalition's military intervention as an aggression on their country and national sovereignty, he said in an article titled, Yemen crisis: a series of failures.

(* B H K)

Jemen: Kinder werden zur Zielscheibe

Die Vereinten Nationen machen vermehrt darauf aufmerksam, wie wichtig die finanzielle Unterstützung für die Menschen im Jemen ist. Zahlreiche UN-Programme zur Bekämpfung von Hunger und zahlreichen Epidemien (wie Cholera und Corona) sind auf Hilfsgelder angewiesen, die jedoch ausbleiben. Die Kürzungen der Mittel durch die Vereinigten Staaten und anderer Länder haben zu einem starken Rückgang der Nahrungsmittelhilfe geführt. Im April wurden die Lebensmittelrationen für mehr als acht Millionen Menschen im Nordjemen halbiert.

In der internationalen Geberkonferenz im Juni kamen nur 1,35 Milliarden US-Dollar zusammen. 2,41 Milliarden US-Dollar sind allerdings mindestens nötig, um die Hilfsprogramme bis zum Jahresende abzudecken. Wenn die notwendige finanzielle Unterstützung weiterhin ausbleiben sollte, werden in den kommenden Wochen Tausende von Menschen an den Folgen von Unterernährung und diverser Krankheiten sterben, berichtet die UNO. Rund die Hälfte der Hilfsprogramme im Jemen sind vom Geldmangel betroffen.

Die unabhängige jemenitische Menschenrechtsorganisation "Mwatana" und das in London ansässige "Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights" stellten fest, dass die kriegführenden Fraktionen des Landes allesamt für die Zerstörung von Schulen verantwortlich sind. Der vor wenigen Tagen veröffentlichte Bericht dokumentiert mehr als 380 Angriffe auf oder in unmittelbarer Nähe von Bildungseinrichtungen, die zwischen März 2015 und Dezember 2019 verübt worden sind.

Der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition werden 153 Luftangriffe zugeschrieben. Laut dem Bericht ist unklar, weshalb die Angriffe auf den Schulen verübt wurden, da in den meisten Fällen kein militärisches Ziel in der Nähe identifiziert werden konnte.

Allerdings: Die sogenannten "Huthi-Rebellen" benutzen in den meisten Fällen Schulen für ihre militärischen Machenschaften und lagern unter anderem auch hochexplosiven Sprengstoff in unmittelbarer Nähe. Für dieses rücksichtslose Verhalten müssen meist die Schüler und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer bezahlen. Einmal damit, dass die Kinder nicht die Ausbildung erhalten, die ihnen zusteht und die sie brauchen, und viel zu oft mit dem höchsten Preis, mit ihrem Leben.

(B K P)

We helped Yemen with training only: Iranian high-level official

The secretary of Iran’s Expediency Discernment Council, Mohsen Rezaee, has said about Yemen’s war and other regional issues in his interview with al-Alam TV.

Rezaee added that the Islamic Republic of Iran helped Yemen with training and humanitarian issues,

(* B K P)

Saudi aggression against Yemen: Report

The Saudi aggression against Yemen stems out from the desire of domination in the political and economic spheres of the Middle East this concluded the clamp down on what was known as the Arab Spring that began in 2011.

The war against Yemen is facilitated by Saudi economic expansionism, rulers reinforced their dominance in the region this includes strategic ports, chokepoints in the red sea and passage ways for ships thus eliminating any competition, benefiting Saudi, and its alliances for a greater chance of economic.

My remark: A Houthi view.

(* B K P)

What is happening in Yemen?

My family and friends are being subjected to the world’s worst ongoing humanitarian crises and this crises happens to be in Yemen. Not everyone hears much about the Saudi aggression against Yemen in the western or eastern media, except for the sketchy articles one finds here and there. However, there are enormous reports from the World Health Organisation, UNICEF, Save the Children and Chatham House, all of which have published endless reports and studies about the catastrophic situation in Yemen.

Yet this strategic location also makes Yemen vulnerable, as the neighbouring countries led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seek to expand their domination in the region through demobilising Yemen to obtain control.

An opportunity arose during the Arab Spring Revolt in February 2011, when the uprising demanded the resignation of late authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh after having ruled for 33 years. On the 27 February 2012, President Saleh was forced to relinquish the power to his deputy, Abdu Rabbo Mansoor Hadi, by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative. Although it was led to believe that this political transition will bring stability and prosperity to Yemen, which is one of the disadvantaged countries in the Middle East, it was clear that President Hadi was not equipped to rule a fractured society that had been fragmented by corrupted tribal Sheikhs and military and civil service personnel, many of whom were loyal to the former President.


This war could be depicted as a one-sided conflict, because the Houthi Shia movement has no access or presence in the air or on the sea, not to mention the support of western powers to the Saudi-Led War on Yemen, through large arms deals, especially with the US and UK, Canada, Germany, France, etc. Western help also comes in form of logistics and intelligence support by US and UK.

However, there is a double standard of power. When Saddam Hussain occupied Kuwait on 2 August 1990, the Western powers took a stand against Saddam Hussain and invaded Iraq. However, in contradiction, it’s clear that the Saudis and UAE are invading Yemen, killing civilians, destroying the Yemeni civilian infrastructure, and starving 14 million people. Yet this is acceptable to the Western powers as Yemeni blood is not equivalent, nor as precious to the profits made from Saudi investments and Arms deals.

My remark: A Houthi view.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A K P)

Saudische Koalition verhindert Entladen von Gütern für Jemen

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte arabische Koalition gegen den Jemen hat laut der jemenitischen Ölgesellschaft (YPC) mehr als ein Dutzend Tanker, die Energiederivate für das vom Krieg schwer getroffene Land transportieren, daran gehindert, die notwendigen Güter zu entladen, obwohl sie über die entsprechenden Genehmigungen verfügten.

Die jemenitische Ölgesellschaft teilte am Montag in einer Erklärung mit, dass derzeit 20 Schiffe vor der Küste des Jemen in verschiedenen Zeitspannen festgehalten werden, von denen 16 Tanker mit 400.979 Tonnen Benzin und Dieselkraftstoff beladen sind.

Die YPC kritisierte die Beschlagnahme der Schiffe als eklatante Verletzung aller humanitären Grundsätze und offensichtliche Verletzung der Menschenrechte.

(* B K P)

Oil Company Cannot Supply Vital Sectors with Over 12% of Their Oil Needs

Executive Director of the Oil Company, Eng. Ammar Al-Adrai, confirmed Monday that the company cannot supply the vital sectors with more than 12% of their oil needs.

Al-Adari added that:” there is a ship in Nashima port of Shabwa, which is under the control of the aggression, loading 950,000 barrels of crude oil, worth 35 billion Yemeni riyals, equals $ 50 million."

(* B K P)

YPC: US-Saudi Aggression Detains 20 Oil Ships

The forces of the US-Saudi aggression are still holding 20 oil vessels, including two ships loaded with diesel and two ships carrying domestic gas, despite being subject to the inspection mechanism and having obtained UN permits, Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) announced on Monday.

The company stated in a statement published on its Facebook page that the coalition of aggression continues to detain 16 oil ships with a total tonnage of 400,979 tons of gasoline and diesel.

“The coalition detains oil ships for varying periods, the maximum of which is for 147 days.”

and also

(* B K P)

YPC: Aggressive Coalition Continues Detaining 15 Oil Tankers of Gasoline, Diesel

Yemen Petroleum Company has affirmed again that the Aggressive Coalition continues detaining 15 oil tankers of gasoline and diesel.

In a statement, the company confirmed that the detained tankers are loaded by (371,025) tons of gasoline and diesel. It confirmed that they have been detained for 145 days, mentioning that some tankers had been detained previously for about five months.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Ten Kuwait-funded water wells go operational in Yemen -

(* B H)

COVID-19 in a Country at War: How YECRP Helps Yemenis Maintain Resilience and Prepare for Recovery

Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from COVID-19 in a country at war calls for a coordinated public health effort at local, national, and international levels to ensure swift, effective, and targeted actions. Guided by the latest evidence and focused on upholding human rights, UNDP has helped the world’s most vulnerable groups during past disease outbreaks and pandemics.

UNDP’s ongoing partnership with the World Bank through the USD $400 million YECRP – locally implemented by the Social Fund for Development (SFD) and the Public Works Project (PWP) – has been contributing to the revival of the Yemen economy and alleviating famine and food shortages since 2016. This has been possible through large-scale cash-for-work and wage employment projects, support to small businesses, and repairs to socio-economic infrastructure.

YECRP’s impact has been vast. Reaching 300 of Yemen’s 333 districts and working across all 22 governorates, nearly 400,000 Yemenis have been provided with work opportunities and cash to purchase food and provide a decent living for their families. An additional 5 million people have gained access to critical services such as water, food, health, education, and roads.

To enable a faster response to COVID-19, YECRP is strengthening social protection by extending the coverage of existing programmes including food aid, direct cash transfers, cash-for-work, and public work schemes. YECRP’s COVID-19 response is being implemented by SFD and PWP, in partnership with UNDP and in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

Supply Capacity

YECRP targets COVID-affected small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) with emergency financing, in-kind grants, grassroots awareness, hygiene kits, and is also facilitating mobile banking services. Specifically, Yemen’s Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service (SMEPS) has adapted its project scheme to provide immediate cash transfers to 8,645 farmers, fishers, and livestock breeders to cover the cost of seeds, fertilizers, and to sanitize equipment. Nearly 1000 participants have received cash transfers to guard against the impact of COVID-19, as well as technical assistance to maintain and improve their productivity in the face of this pandemic.

To support local food production for over 50,000 households, new sub-projects focus upon land rehabilitation, home gardens, and household-based water cisterns. Unskilled workers are recruited from the community and skilled workers are being brought in as needed from nearby villages and/or districts that are free of the virus. In addition, beneficiaries receive technical advice and education on COVID-19 through field consultants.

Cash Assistance

The fastest way to assist in an outbreak and corresponding lockdown is through massive multi-purpose, unconditional cash assistance. That is why YECRP plans to increase cash assistance to over 100,000 households that have children under age 5; pregnant or lactating mothers; an elderly family member; and/or a person with a disability.odeidah alone, over 47,300 vulnerable pregnant and lactating women with malnourished children received cash and monetary support (YER 60,000 or approximately USD 120) for three months. The remaining 53,000 in seven additional governorates (Abyan, AlMahweet, Amran, Hadhramout, Hajjah, Lahj, and Shabwa) women are being enrolled to receive their cash assistance by September 2020.

(* B H)

Yemen’s Triple Emergency

There is a strong humanitarian and security rationale to act to prevent the worst-case scenario. A failure to prevent an unparalleled humanitarian crisis in Yemen will likely result in increasingly powerful security problems and refugee flows. To prevent this from occurring, more international pressure is necessary to end the Saudi bombing campaign and invest in a humanitarian and development relief effort.

The coronavirus outbreak has shocked the country’s already fragile health-care system. As the International Rescue Committee reports, half of Yemen’s health facilities are no longer operational because of the conflict, and 18 percent of the country’s 333 districts have no doctors.

But many Yemenis lack access to medical facilities, and the pandemic has disrupted access to other essential resources.

The issue outside cities is particularly worrisome because of the lack of health care in rural areas, and security issues and poverty that can limit rural Yemenis’ ability to travel.

Rana Abdullah, also a health and nutrition program manager at ACF, noted that many Yemenis do not have access to testing, let alone treatment. “Abyan and neighboring areas lack testing facilities,” she said, adding that “those living in remote areas face significant difficulties in getting tested, because they have to travel long distances and incur the expenses.”

International efforts to prevent and contain the coronavirus outbreak remain limited.

The Saudi blockade of the country, which was implemented in 2017, continues to limit Yemenis’ access to life-saving humanitarian aid. Sarah Chauvin, who works for the humanitarian relief organization Medicines du Monde (MDM), said that prior to the outbreak the blockade had already driven up the price of thermometers to $50. Now, with the limited supply stretched further by the health crisis, they cost $600.

The situation in Yemen is dire, but if steps aren’t taken to halt the conflict and contain the spread of the coronavirus, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis will only worsen further. For that scenario to be avoided, a variety of states, institutions and humanitarian organizations will have to act collectively in pursuit of humanitarian and their own security interests.

(B H)

'I have a boxing bag in my basement, I punch it regularly' - Irish nurse in Yemen trying to cope with pandemic in humanitarian crisis

In April, Covid hit. Things were further complicated by the fact a high fever could be a symptom of any of the other diseases that are rife. However, Yemen didn't have the first-world luxury of being able to go into lockdown.

"If they don't go out, they don't eat. They live hand-to-mouth, so whatever they earn that day is what they spend on food that night," said Ms Patterson.

"And how can you tell people to wash their hands when they don't have any clean water, they don't have any soap? Or telling people to socially distance when they're crowded into houses or into tents in displaced areas?

"It's our humanity that makes us human, there's a clue right there in the word. And I hope that people in their current situations can spare a thought for those that are really in trouble."

(* B H)

Yemen Situation Report, 23 Aug 2020

Funding shortage closes life-saving programmes as humanitarian needs rise

COVID-19 strategy refreshed as COVID-19 continues to spread across Yemen

Fuel crisis is another shock to the humanitarian situation in northern governorates

Hopes of a UN assessment mission to avert a catastrophic oil spill from the Safer tanker falter

Air strikes causing civilian casualties double in the second quarter of 2020

A new Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) analysis released by the World Food Program (WFP), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 22 July, warns that economic shocks, conflict, floods, locusts and COVID-19 could reverse food security gains in Yemen. The report, which analyzes the situation of 7.9 million people in 133 districts in southern governorates, forecasts an alarming increase in the number of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and IPC Phase 4), from 2 million (25 per cent of the population) to 3.2 million (40 per cent of the population) in the next six months, even if existing levels of food assistance are maintained. This would reverse improvements made since the 2018/2019 IPC analysis, when more than half a million people moved below IPC Phase 3, primarily because of a huge scale-up of humanitarian food assistance.

“The IPC is telling us that Yemen is again on the brink of a major food security crisis,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen.

(B H)

RDP: Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (July 2020)




(* B H)

2019 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan - End of Year Report (June 2020)

In 2019, Yemen remained the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with 24 million people or 80 per cent of the population in need of some form of assistance. Humanitarian partners managed one of the fastest and largest scale-ups in recent UN history to address this crisis, making notable achievements and reaching an average of 13.7 million people each month, despite an increasingly difficult operating environment.

This report presents the achievements by the humanitarian community against the objectives and targets in the 2019 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP). It highlights progress made by clusters against the strategic objectives outlined in the YHRP and the impact of each cluster response, based on a standardized methodology. It also details response gaps and the evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen.

The report builds on monitoring information collected every month and an end-of-year analysis of humanitarian needs and priorities. Further information is available at: Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan and Response Monitoring Dashboard.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Yemen's displaced families most affected by heavy rains, floods

Months of heavy rains and floods in Yemen have badly affected thousands of displaced families across the country, worsening the already catastrophic humanitarian crisis driven by the years-long civil war.

In Dharawan camp for displaced people in the northern suburb of the Houthi-held capital Sanaa, the rains and floods have left hundreds of families in appalling conditions.

"We suffer a lot in these old and leaky tents amid this heavy rainfall season and many people have contracted diseases," Abdo Shooai Jawhar told Xinhua.

Jawhar, his wife and their eight children live in a small, dilapidated tent at the center of the displaced camp. They have no food or clean water, and they sleep on the bare ground, wrapping themselves with some tattered blankets.

There is no clinic or doctors in the camp and the families lack access to clean water, soap and sanitary toilets.

Each morning, many of the displaced families walk miles along the highway leading into the northern part of the capital Sanaa, where they beg on the streets for money, food and clean water for their children.

But the constant rains and floods besiege them and prevent them from moving and searching for some bread.

"We fled our home in the province of Saada due to the intensified bombardment... Now we are living here in very bad conditions and we have no income or job," Jawhar cried.

The displaced families, who have fled from several northern provinces, say that they are in dire need of food aid, clean water, medicine, hygiene materials, mattresses, blankets, clothes and new tents to protect them from the cold winter, summer heat and the rainy season.

(* B H)

Film: Hundreds of thousands displaced by Yemen floods

At least 130 people have died after torrential rains and flash floods battered parts of western Yemen in recent weeks.

Torrential rains and flash floods have battered parts of western Yemen in recent weeks, displacing 350,000 families from their homes.

At least 130 people have died.

The crisis has put more pressure on aid organisations that were already struggling to help millions of Yemenis facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. =

(A H)

Film: The camps of more than 350 households were affected by flooding in Abyan governorate, causing a humanitarian crisis as a result of the damage to food and properties

(B H)

Flow Monitoring Points | Migrant Arrivals and Yemeni Returns in July 2020

IOM estimates that 572 migrants entered Yemen in addition to 370 Yemeni returns from KSA 363 and 07 from Somalia during July 2020 bringing the number of migrants who have arrived in Yemen in 2020 to 32,189 and the number of Yemeni returnees from KSA to 13,417 and from Horn of Africa to 266.

(B H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 16 - 22 Aug 2020

From 01 January 2020 - 22 Aug 2020, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 20,119 Households or 120,714 Individuals have experienced displacement, at least once.

Between the 16th Aug 2020 and 22nd of Aug 2020, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 257 Households or 1,542 individuals displaced at least once, the highest number of displacements were seen in:

(*A H K)

Marib fighting displaces 1,580 Yemeni families to safer areas

Fierce fighting in the Yemeni northern governorate of Marib has forced 1,580 families to move from IDP camps to safer areas in the same governorate.
For several months, Houthi forces have been persistently pressing for control over the oil-rich governorate held by the Yemeni internationally-recognized government.
Some of these families are experiencing a second or third tragedy of displacement, the government-run executive unit for managing the IDP camps said, after the families had been hosted by Madghal district, northwest Marib.
The 1,580 families were forced out of Madghal IDP camps following the Houthi military operations in the district, the executive unit added in a recent report obtained by Debriefer.
Some of the families travelled on foot towards Sirwah, Marib city, valley and to closer areas within the district, leaving all their food and accommodation means, it said.


(A H P)

Ethiopia says working to return 1,200 nationals stranded in war-torn Yemen

Ethiopia is working with relevant regional and international stakeholders to return 1,200 nationals stranded in war-torn Yemen, foreign ministry spokesperson Dina Mufti said on Friday.


(A H P)

Ethiopia to Airlift 1, 380 Nationals from Yemen, Lebanon

Ethiopia will soon airlift 1380 Ethiopians from Yemen and Lebanon, its foreign minister said on Friday.

Officials are currently engaged in the process of verification and documentation of 1, 200 Ethiopians in a war-torn Yemen.

The remaining 180 Ethiopians are from Beirut

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis


Four people were killed in Houthi-controlled Ibb province as part of a cycle of tribal revengebetween the clans of Adighreer and al-Herdi.

(A P)

A Houthi militant raped a seven-year-old girl in Taiz, days after another militant raped a 13 year old boy.

(A P)

Army solider dies under torture in Houthis-run prison

One soldier who used to work for the national army in Marib, was tortured to death in a Houthis-run prison in Dhamar governorate.

Sources closed to the soldier’s family, Ahmed Mohammed Hussein Al-Sahaqi, said that leaders of the Houthis in Dawran Ans district of Dhamar contacted Al-Sahaqi when then was in Marib and convinced him to return home with promise granting him the general pardon.

However, days later of his return, Houthis militants in military vehicles stormed his house, arrested him and took him to one of their secret prisons in Dhamar city.

Al-Sahaqi was badly tortured and passed away following eight days-custody, according to the sources.

(A K P)

Yemeni Defence Minister: Yemen had never and will never allow occupation of our soil

Major General Nasser Al-Atifi vows to eradicate all invaders

(* B P)

In Yemen, Houthis Exploit Israel-UAE Agreement

The Israel-UAE normalization deal will drive the Houthis to intensify the permeation of their anti-Zionism ideologies in areas under their control, exploiting popular anger to attract more fighters to join the front lines in Yemen.

The Israel-UAE normalization deal will drive the Houthis to intensify the permeation of their anti-Zionism ideologies in areas under their control, exploiting popular anger to attract more fighters to join the front lines in Yemen.

Yemen’s Houthis will certainly make use of the deal in their media war. They will manipulate it as solid proof that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are not fighting in Yemen without the support of Israel. Previously, they had already accused Israel of engaging in Yemen’s war and this normalization of ties will make their statements more believable among their supporters than ever before.

Accordingly, this development will drive the Houthis to further propagate their anti-Zionism ideologies in areas under their control, and they will exploit the anger of people to attract more fighters to join the front lines in Yemen.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spokesperson of the Houthi group, said in a televised interview that the normalization pact is against Arabs and the entire Muslim Ummah. “This proves these countries such as the UAE, that wage aggression on Yemen and take part in several battles in the region, are serving Israel.”

The agreement, according to Abdulsalam, is also evidence of the Houthis’ “honorable stand” on Palestine. He said, “This proves the stance we are taking and the noble battle in which we are engaging. We express our stance against the occupying Zionist entity and sacrifice our souls as a price for the sake of God and this issue.”

The Houthis present themselves as defenders of Islam and staunch supporters of the Palestinian question. They claim that their fighting against their opponents in Yemen is part of their fight against America and Israel.

With this new normalization treaty between the UAE and Israel, the Houthi leadership will take pride in their stance and project themselves to Yemenis, particularly in the North, as genuine patriots and visionary leaders.

(A P)

Houthis permit cheating in exams

The Houthis continue systemic methods to damage the education in areas of their control.

The latest incident of this chain is the permission to students to cheat in secondary and primary certificate exams for receiving payoff form enrolled test-takers.

Close to half a million male and female students in the Houthis-held areas, began last week taking the tests for the secondary and primary school certificates.

My comment: There are lots of anti-Houthi propaganda stories spread by this pro-Islah party news site. What’s really fact or not who will know.

(A P)

Houthis fail to reinstate compulsory military service

Well-informed sources in Sana'a said that the Houthis have failed to reinstate the compulsory military service among school leavers after the matter was suspended during the past 20 years by former governments.

Sources quoted by the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper said that the Houthis still hold results of the past year’s exams with the aim of forcing the school leavers to implement the compulsory military service.

The sources indicated that the Houthis’ directives on the implementation of the compulsory military service were rejected by the pupils and their parents.

(A P)

Houthi-held Yemen: 152 suicide cases in first half of 2020

The rate of suicide acts has increased highly in Houthi-held parts of Yemen, sources in the theocratic militia and media outlets said.

The self-styled Interior Ministry of the militia in Sana'a said 152 people including 13 women and nine children took their lives in the first half of 2020. "Depression and poverty" are the prime causes according to independent media sources.

(A P)

Houthis sacked their self-styled Telecommunication Minister after accusing him that he had leaked the militia's confidential use of the country's telecommunication networks to spy on large number of officials from the legitimate government.

(A P)

Senior Houthi militant rapes 13-year-old boy in Taiz


(B P)

Stories of Houthi sexual abuse of children overwhelm Yemeni media

The Yemeni media today is replete with stories of sexual abuse of children by Shia theocratic extremists governing northwest Yemen.

Anaweenpost news website reported that Houthi warlords in Dhale'a, a warfront between north and south Yemen, have over the past few weeks married young girls below the age of 13 out of the will of the girls' families.

The young girl to be forcibly married reportedly tried to commit suicide more than one time over the past two weeks to end her suffering. The girl, by the name Suood, (pictured) was married by 65-year-old Yahya Musleh who is from far north Yemen but is temporarily serving as a Houthi military commander in the warfront area.

"So the Houthi terrorism in Dhale'a is not limited to rocket shelling, it also includes forcible marriages," Anaween post website remarked.

(A P)

Yemeni court issues death sentences for bin Salman, bin Zayed

A special criminal court in Hodeidah on Monday sentenced 16 men, including bin Zayed, Bin Salman, to death for espionage that led to the assassination of the Al-Samad, the head of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council in 2018, Yemen’s Saba news agency reported.

The list of the convicts also includes Yemen's former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, and Yemen's former prime minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr.

Al-Samad was killed in Saudi Arabia’s airstrike in the western province of Hodeidah on April 23, 2018. He had been elected President in the capital city Sanaa by the Supreme Political Council in late 2016.

and also

(A P)

Film: Staff of Al-Thawra Hospital Authority in Sana'a, shedding the dust of fear from their shoulders and taking out a mass demonstration to demand their rights

(A P)

Houthis hold a trial for Baha'i members, again, weeks after releasing & deporting 6 Baha'is.

(A P)

Houthi militia kidnap 13 villagers in central Yemen

The Houthis have kidnapped 13 people from the village of Sheryaf in the central Yemen province of Beidha on Saturday, on the account of their suspected opposition

(A P)

#Houthis have imposed further amendments to primary school curriculum glorifying their leaders and describing their political, military movement as a corrective revolution (images)

Houthis changed school curriculum to enforce their ideology. First lesson in Nationalism Education is on Imam Al-Hadi, the father of the Imamate that ruled parts of #Yemen for 1000 yrs until overthrown in 1962 (image)

(A P)

Houthis intimidate again cafes and wedding halls in Sana'a

The Houthis intimidated again during the past few days wedding halls and cafes in Sana'a citing claims of being places that permit mixing between males and females.

Local sources quoted the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper, said that the Houthis militants have implemented security surprise visits to cafes and parks to ban the mixing of the males and females.

The Houthis militants forced owners of cafes to write notes on front doors of their businesses that request no men and only families and women can go in.

Scores of cafes and restrooms in Sana'a were shut down during the security visits by the Houthis militants.

Owners of the closed businesses were told that they can resume their activities if they paid certain amounts of money as payoff and abode by the instructions on the mixing of the gender.

In this regard, the Houthis Supreme Political Ruling Council, has released directives to the local councils’ leaders in Sana’a that cafes are only open to women.


(A P)

Abductees mothers in Al-Hudaydah demand immediate release of their sons held at Central Security Base in Sana’a, mainly the sick ones

Abductees' Mothers Association in Al-Hudaydah demanded the immediate release of the abductees held at Central Security Base in Sana'a, which had been bombed by coalition air force, after transferring them from Al-Hudaydah prisons. The abductees themselves had been transferred from different prisons in Al-Hudaydah to Sana'a, then were forcibly disappeared and held at Central Security.

In today's rally, the association stated that they had monitored almost 60 abductees from Al-Hudaydah who are currently detained at Central Security Prison in Sana'a, and held Houthi armed group responsible for the lives and safety of all abductees and forcibly disappeared persons.

(B P)

The health of detainee Asma'a Al-Omeisi has deteriorated; she has been detained in prisons run by the #Houthi group since 2016, charged with cooperating with countries belonging to the coalition.

(A P)

Al Houthi movement leader Abdul Malik al Houthi delivered a speech on August 20 commemorating the Islamic New Year. Abdul Malik al Houthi praised Iraqi militias targeting the US military and their efforts to remove the US from Iraq. He also denounced the normalization of UAE-Israeli relations. Abdul Malik al Houthi previously delivered a speech in mid-May commemorating Quds Day, an Iranian-initiated annual holiday that expresses solidarity with Palestinians and hostility toward Israel.[2]

referring to

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Formal Relationship of Arab Regimes and Zionists Expansion of under the table Deals

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten. Der Versuch der Saudis, die Hadi-Regierung und die Separatisten zur Umsetzung des Abkommens von Riad zu zwingen, ist wohl zum Scheitern verurteilt.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control. The Saudi attempt to force the Hadi government and the separatists to implement the Riyadh agreement, seems to fail.

(A P)

Shatara: STC aligned with Southerners' goal, it was made for it

Since its formation, the compass needle of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is aligned with the Southerners' goal, the member of the STC Presidency, Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Mr. Lufti Shatara said in the early hours of Wednesday after the issuance of an important statement by the STC announcing the suspension of its participation in consultations on the implementation of the Riyadh agreement under the auspices of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Shatara wrote on his official Twitter account that "some interpreted the STC's flexibility as concession and its patience as backing out of the people's will and the sacrifices made by their martyrs."
He told the Southerners to have confidence that the STC was only made to be an honest bearer of a clear-cut cause and a unique strategic objective represented by the restoration of the State of South Arabia.

(* A P)

STC says Yemeni gov't escalated calls for Saudi intervention

Yemen's Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Monday accused the internationally-recognized government of escalating and trying to hinder the Riyadh Agreement application by arresting people and staging a rally against the council in Hadhramout.

The Emirati-backed STC is "watching with deep concern the suppression and terrorist acts committed by the so-called National Southern Alliance [NSA], which is an entity hatched by Muslim Brotherhood in Seyoun city," it said in a statement.

NSA "uses Yemeni army forces, which have occupied the city, to suppress and arrest southern youth for refusing and countering all the occupation plots and supporters.

"Backed by Muslim Brotherhood and occupation forces, the NSA's failure to falsify southern will – by mobilizing troops in plain to rally and support it, and bringing tens of buses full of supporters from outside southern lands – proves the failure of all projects circumventing our people's cause and demand for freedom and independence.

"These unjustified escalating moves, whether in Seyoun or in Shoqra of Abyan, are but attempts to hinder application of the Saudi-sponsored Riyadh Agreement inked with the Yemeni government," it added.


(A P)

Thousands of people have taken out to the streets of a new south Yemen province to voice support to the legitimate government and condemn the STC militia's illegal control on Aden. The demonstrators in the province of Hadhramout were responding to a call by the Southern Coalition, a pressure group that rejects the separatist and rebel trends of the STC. They held the demonstrations despite the STC separatist militia's disruption attempts and blockage of roads. Over the past two weeks all the provinces of south Yemen saw massive similar demonstrations against the STC and its foreign supporters.

and the separatists claim:

(A P)

STC rejects popular pro-government gathering in Hadhramaut

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has rejected a demonstration organised by the Southern National Coalition yesterday in the city of Seiyun in Hadhramaut Governorate to support the legitimate government and the federal state project.

Acting President of the STC, Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, described the demonstration as “an attempt to dismantle the social fabric of Hadhrami people and to falsify their demands, which would fail in the face of their will to restore the full sovereignty of the South, under the STC leadership.”

“The people of Hadhramaut reject all suspicious calls to sell themselves and the homeland to the mercenaries of unity,” he added on Twitter.

and there had been more rallies at Hadramaut:

(A P)

(A P)

Yemeni campaigners block Hadhramout streets to protest blackouts

Tens of Yemeni protestors on Tuesday blocked the main street of Mukalla city, the provincial capital of the eastern governorate of Hadhramout, in protest of repeated blackouts and bad basic services.

The demonstrators burnt used wheels and curbed traffic on the main road in Dis quarter, blaming the local authorities for mishandled services and deteriorated electricity, say eyewitnesses.

and also

(A P)

Thousands of public employees took to the streets of Taiz today demonstrating and demanding long unpaid salaries.

(A K P)

Islah continues its daily violations of Abyan ceasefire

My remark: As claimed by the separatists.

(A P)

The #journalist Yunus Abdel Salam recently revealed the physical and psychological torture he was subjected to by the forces of Transitional Council supported by #UAE and describes it as 'horrific'. He said he was deprived of food and water, treated hideously and was assaulted.


Police forces in Aden attacked by unknown attackers

Security chaos in Aden worsens

(* A P)

Abu Dhabi replaces Socotra Yemeni web, telecom system with UAE one

The United Arab Emirates has replaced the Yemeni internet and telecom networks in Socotra with Emirati ones, as part of efforts to control the Yemeni southern island and change its identity and culture, sources at local authorities said Tuesday.

The UAE completed connecting the island's internet with its own, the sources added in remarks to al-Araby al-Jadeed, after the Gulf state substituted the Yemeni with Emirati system.

Abu Dhabi is currently preparing the archipelago for telecom connection, by commissioning Emirati operators instead the Yemeni ones, the sources said.

According to the sources, the UAE is planning to ultimately stop the Yemeni internet and telecom systems' activities in Socotra.

My comment: More and more, Socotra is drawn into the UAE orbit.

(A K P)

STC forces clash with Salafist gunmen in Yemen Aden

Fierce clashes erupted in the Yemeni southern port city of Aden early on Monday, when forces of the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (SCT) and Salafist gunmen used medium and light arms against each other.

STC forces tried to storm into and arrest the Salafist Badr al-Muhsini, a senior officer in the Giant Brigades, but they were fended off by his Salafist bodyguards and supporters who arrived at the scene, according to other sources.
Mansoura is now encircled by tens of STC armored vehicles and patrols lest other Salafist groups enter the city, say locals.
The STC-controlled Aden security department said "emergency forces (EF) launched a security campaign to erect new interim checkpoints and deploy night patrols in order to maintain security and stability.


(A K P)

2 civilians killed in clashes between security forces, gunmen in Yemen's Aden: gov't source

(A K P)

Abyan hosts renewed clashes between Yemeni govt army STC

Violent but sporadic clashes renewed between the Yemeni official army and the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the southern governorate of Abyan

(A P)

Yemen Seyoun sees NA rally as STC tries to impose civil disobedience

Tens of activists on Monday arrived in Seyoun to participate in a rally in the second largest city in the Yemeni eastern governorate of Hadhramout.

The demonstration was called for by the National Alliance (NA) to 'reiterate support for the Yemeni federal State, legitimate government and President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi'.

(A P)

Brotherhood's militias open fire on protesters in Seiyun

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood's militias loyal to Yemen's government violently repressed a peaceful protest in Seiyun city in Wadi Hadramout on Monday.
The gunmen of the Brotherhood's militias used civilian vehicles to get closer to the location of the protests and deliberately aimed and shot in the direction of the angry demonstrators.

My remark: As claimed by the separatists. Of course, the “peaceful protest” mentioned here was a pro-separatist, anti-government rally.

(A P)

Vice President of STC in trouble due to open support for Zionism

Hani bin Brik likely to be removed from his position in separatist movement after large scale protest against Zionist ties

Media sources reported on Saturday that the leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden are moving towards the ousting of their Vice President Hani bin Brik.

The sources confirmed that prominent leaders in the STC demanded the dismissal of bin Brik, who had provoked widespread anger in the southern provinces because of his excessive support for UAE-Israeli relations.

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Human Rights Ministry Condemns the US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Taiz

Saturday, that an armed group committed the crime of killing the young man, Aseel Abdel Hakim Mahyoub Al-Jabzi, a “medical student”, and wrenching his body.

(A K P)

A civilian was killed and others injured as a result of clashes between members of the 35th Armored Brigade and others belonging to the #Taiz Military Axis in Al-Mafer district

(A P)

Major General Bin Brik sends a message to the people of Hadramout

Bin Brik said on “Twitter” by saying: Hadramout, the coast and valley, announced its clear and frank position, said its word, and conveyed its message to the whole world regarding the cause of the people of the South, which is the center of the south and its beating heart before, now and later.

My comment: This is how a lot of separatists’ propaganda looks like.

(A P)

Major General Bin Brik meets with Saudi coordination team to implement Riyadh Agreement

(A P)

Consultations to form new Yemen government "productive", says premier

Prime minister in Yemen's internationally recognised government, Maeen Abdulmalik, on Monday briefed the Parliament and the board of advisors to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi on the outcomes of his consultations with the political forces to form a new government.

The consultations were so productive, he said.

The political forces have agreed to priorities of joint work under the new government, with top priority to be given to restoring political stability and enabling the state institutions to operate from the interim capital Aden, he said

Abdulmalik is tasked with forming a power-sharing government with 50/50 representation from the north and the south in accordance with a Saudi-proposed mechanism. The mechanism was designed to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and accepted by the government and the southern transitional council in July


(A P)

Transitional Council spokesman reveals what was discussed in the Council’s delegation’s meeting with the Prime Minister

(A K P)

Spokesman of [separatists’] Abyan Axis: It’s only media victories for Muslim Brotherhood

(A K P)

Brotherhood militia bombed the Southern forces in Abyan with tanks

(A P)

Lawlessness deepens in Taiz as pro-Gov't militias continue to control army units.

(* A P)

Yemeni tribesmen prevent Saudi troops from reaching Shahin port

Armed tribesmen late on Saturday prevented Saudi troops from reaching the Yemeni port of Shahin at borders with Oman Sultanate, local sources in the eastern governorate of Mahara said.

Saudi troops left the Ghaidha international airport in Mahara, heading to Shahin land port, the Anadolu Agency (AA) quoted the sources as saying on condition of anonymity for security reasons.

Armed tribesmen, opposing the Saudi military presence in Mahara, stopped the troops before their arrival at the crossing and forced them to change their course to their camp in Hat district, also in Mahara, they added.

The Saudi forces headed for Shahin port on the pretext of delivering a thermal checkup device that would be installed in the port as part of counter-smuggling measures, according to the sources.

"The situations in the district have got strained after tribesmen refused the presence of Saudi occupation's forces" there, head of Shahin peaceful sit-in committee tweeted.

"Forces of the Saudi occupation came from Ghaidha airport en route to Shahin district, before they changed their course to the Saudi-Emirati coalition's camp in Hat," Hamid Za'abanout added.

Spokesman for the sit-in committee said the Saudi moves come as part of "occupying Yemeni ports and taking control of Mahara so that they can perpetually stay there.

"Smuggling used by Saudis as a pretext for their presence in Mahara did not convince the local or international community," Salem Balhaf added in remarks to the AA.

and also


(* A P)

Vigilant calm domains Mahara after Saudi troops, Yemeni tribes clashes

Calm domains Shahin, a district in the Yemeni eastern governorate of Mahara that saw late on Sunday limited clashes between Saudi troops and armed tribesmen.

Late on Saturday, Saudi troops left the Ghaidha international airport in Mahara, heading to Shahin land port, the Anadolu Agency (AA) quoted local official as saying on condition of anonymity for security reasons.

Armed tribesmen, opposing the Saudi military presence in Mahara, prevented the troops from reaching the Yemeni port at borders with Oman Sultanate, triggering Sunday confrontations in Hat, another district in Mahara, according to the official.

The clashes stopped, after leaving a Saudi armored vehicle damaged, he added, noting that no casualties were reported.

The Saudi troops retreated to a nearby site, some 40 kilometers away from Shahin crossing, the official said.

"Saudi occupation's forces tried anew to reach Shahin port," head of Shahin peaceful sit-in committee tweeted, but tribesmen prevented the troops that "opened fire.

(A P)

Yemenis are wondering why is the legitimate government not allowed to resume liquefying and exporting natural gas from Marib, although the country is dire conditions: The country's public employees are months behind with their pay and the state is cash-strapped. Source of the story: Aden Alghad news website.

The UAE is setting up new military camps in the archipelago of Socotra and exporting tons of Yemeni fish to Abu Dhabi. Source: Almotamar Press and other news websites.

(A P)

Brotherhood's militias receive senior terrorist leader in Abyan

My remark: As claimed by the separatists.

(* A P)

STC sets conditions to implement military, security part in Riyadh Agreement

The southern transitional council has set new conditions for withdrawing its forces from cities in south Yemen, including naming a new government first, activists close to leaders of the UAE-backed council said on Saturday.

The council will get four ministerial portfolios out of 12 portfolios for the south in the new government which will be formed with 50/50 representation from the north and the south.

Observers say the council's conditions represent more obstacles to implementing the Riyadh Agreement between the internationally recognised government and the council and finding a lasting peace solution.

(A K P)

Yemeni senior officer's son killed in Taiz infighting

while the separatists claim:

(A K P)

Brotherhood executes son of military leader in Taiz

(* A K P)

UAE recruiting children in occupied Yemen

UAE recruitment aimed specifically at minors in Socotra

The UAE is attracting children and teenagers under the age of 18 for suspicious purposes, local sources in Yemen reported on Monday.

The sources confirmed that the Socotra Training Center, which is funded by the Khalifa Foundation from the UAE, has published advertising posters inviting people under the age of 18 to join free training programs supervised by trainers from Ukraine, Italy and Sudan.

The calls were met with concern and fear from parents, amid warnings about the UAE’s intentions to recruit children with the aim of establishing armed militias loyal to them on the island.

This comes after the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council militias took control of Hadeboh, the capital of Socotra island, and expelled militants loyal to the Hadi administration in mid-June.

(* B P)

STC Gains Highlight the Need for a Succession Plan for President Hadi

Representatives from the Southern Transitional Council (STC) met with Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed in Riyadh on August 13 to discuss the creation of a new government that will form the basis of a power-sharing agreement. The formation of a new government aims to revive the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

President Hadi’s legitimacy as the country’s leader has been tenuous since the GCC initiative first led to his appointment in 2012, which eventually saw him controversially overrule the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference—one of the key catalysts of the ongoing war. These facts alone are enough to point to Hadi being unviable as Yemen’s president, but a string of political missteps since the war began, such as firing his well respected Vice President Khaled Bahah and the rise of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council, serve as further evidence that maintaining Hadi as the leader while attempting to wind down the war is entirely untenable. Equally as untenable is moving past Hadi to his controversial Vice President and Islah figurehead, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

Any legitimacy that Hadi has left comes primarily from outside of Yemen and with every gain made by the STC, the Hadi government’s legitimacy recedes. Adding the 74-year-old Hadi’s documented heart condition to the situation and the need for a succession plan becomes even more imperative. If the Saudi coalition and international community ever hope to facilitate a fruitful political settlement, they will likely need to take the risk of identifying Hadi’s successor or successors who can take the reins before the transition ever even begins.

(A P)

Yemeni new gov't hopefully expected before August ends

Formation of a new Yemeni cabinet will be declared within the next ten days before the end of this August, say optimistic sources familiar with talks on the new government, in application of the Riyadh Agreement.

The Saudi-brokered deal – between the Yemeni official government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) – provides for a 24-portfolio government to be equally shared by Yemen's south and north.

The technocrat government should be declared within one month, in accordance with the pact's accelerating mechanism reached late last July in Riyadh.

Yemen's political parties are exerting every effort to have the new cabinet successfully formed as scheduled, Asharq al-Awsat on Friday quoted a source "close to negotiations" as saying.

(A K P)

Yemeni pro-gov't troops infighting leaves two killed in Taiz

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-674 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-674: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose