Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 676 - Yemen War Mosaic 676

Yemen Press Reader 676: 31. Aug. 2020: Interviews mit den Leitern von MONA Relief und Partner Relief – Corona und das Gesundheitswesen im Jemen – Das US State Department und Waffenverkäufe – uam

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Aug. 31, 2020: Interviewing the heads of MONA Relief and Partner Relief – Corona and the health system in Yemen – The US State Department and arms sales –and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

Audio: The Lawfare Podcast: Yemen's Ongoing Tragedy

Yemen is home to the most tragic circumstances imaginable right now—years upon years of war, environmental disasters and severe humanitarian plight, exacerbated by cholera, diphtheria and now COVID-19. To discuss the ongoing situation, David Priess sat down with Elisabeth Kendall, a senior research fellow in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Pembroke College, Oxford University, who has spent extensive time on the ground in Yemen, and Mick Mulroy, a former CIA officer and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, who is now a special adviser to UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths. They talked about the roots of the Yemeni war and its humanitarian toll, its evolution through conflict and COVID-19, and prospects for improved conditions.

(* B H)

Film: Hunger eats away at war-torn Yemen's children

When Yemeni child Ezz el-Din Ali Mohamed was born late last year in a village in northwestern Yemen, he weighed about 2.8 kilograms or 6.17 pounds. Now, the 9-month-old infant weighs the same, less than half the normal weight for his age.

At less than half the normal weight for an infant his age, nine-month-old Yemeni baby Ezz el-Din Ali Mohamed has wafer-thin skin and emaciated limbs.

"My son is a victim of the war which exhausted everyone," Ezz el-Din's mother Merzouga Ahmed says.

Her son's condition mirrors what the U.N. children's agency warned about last June, that millions of children in war-torn Yemen could be pushed to the brink of starvation as the coronavirus sweeps across the Arab world's poorest country.

More than 1 million women and 2 million children need treatment for acute malnutrition, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, said in June.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

Mona Relief Yemen CEO: ‘When the war ends, Yemenis will rebuild their country with their own hands’

Yemen’s economy and healthcare system have been devastated by five years of ongoing Saudi-led war, leaving the people of Yemen powerless and struggling to survive.

“The most harmful damage in this dirty war is the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, which are being launched everywhere in the country. As a civilian, I have seen countless residential areas being hit including bridges, hospitals, schools and roads all over the country,” expressed CEO of Mona Relief Yemen Fatik Al-Rodaini.

Since Saudi’s intervention in the war, nearly 20,500 air raids have been carried out in the country, according to data collected by the Yemen Data Project.

“A lot of people reading may not be happy that I’m saying this, but that is what I have seen,” explained Al-Rodaini. “My brother-in-law was killed by Saudi-led coalition rockets, and my neighbourhood was also targeted by the jets at the beginning of the war. I have seen many children losing their lives and the joy of living in peace.”

Founded by Al-Rodaini, Mona Relief is one of the few local, independent organisations that purchase food and supplies locally and delivers life-saving aid to displaced families, bypassing the blockade surrounding Yemen.

Al-Rodaini, the 43-year-old human rights activist, was born and raised in the capital of Sana’a. Having graduated in mass media, radio and TV from Sana’a University, Al-Rodaini had since been reporting live from Yemen until 2015, when the Saudi-led coalition launched the most relentless bombing campaign.

“Originally, I’m a journalist. I worked as the editor of the news website of late President Ali Abdullah Saleh at Yemen’s Saba News Agency. I hadn’t worked in humanitarian aid at all before, but in 2015, the situation became terrifying, it was disturbing,” he recounts.

“For that reason, I decided to turn my career from journalism to a humanitarian field to help my people in Yemen. On 23 May, 2015, we had our first distribution of 32 food baskets of diversified foodstuff for displaced families.”

“Since 2015, we have worked in more than 12 provinces in Yemen, distributed more than 50,000 food baskets to displaced and vulnerable families, orphans and widows, more than 8,000 school bags, 20,000 pieces of clothing and 15,000 blankets and other shelter material.”

Al-Rodaini points out that the coronavirus is not the first disease that has been ravaging Yemen: “We have other diseases all over the country, in addition to the healthcare system which is already non-functional and damaged. So, any measures taken will not be practical due the current condition of all Yemenis.”

“Also, all preventative measures being taken by the authorities here are limited and not that much compared to other countries, because the government cannot apply any measures due to the condition of Yemeni people who are depending on just minimal daily wages to live.”

Al-Rodaini added: “Just a month ago, people started to be aware of the coronavirus spreading among them, so they started to apply the basic international measures to be safe, such as social distancing, self-quarantine and wearing masks.”

Al-Rodaini also notes that the reality is that the war is more than partly funded and propelled by the US and the UK, by providing military and diplomatic support to the Saudi-led coalition.

“The British government and most of the Western countries are part of the crimes and murders of Yemeni people because they continued providing arms to Saudi Arabia that are killing innocent Yemeni people. Without the West’s arms, Saudi Arabia will not continue the war. Saudi money talks,” asserted Al-Rodaini.

Al-Rodaini noted: “We are not able to receive any kind of aid from abroad due to the blockade and siege on the country. For us as a local charity, it is very hard because the nearest seaport to us is Hodeidah seaport in western Yemen, but that is not operating except for UN agencies. Otherwise, we have another option to receive aid via Aden seaport in southern Yemen, and that will cost a lot of money to be spent on transportation and customs, which we don’t have.”

Al-Rodaini concludes: “This reflects the courage of Yemeni people. We’re not only rebuilding broken buildings here every day, we’re also rebuilding our humanity here to save ourselves from crushed spirits and damaged minds.”


(** B H)

NGO strives to help Yemenis outside the reach of foreign aid

"Children that are hungry should be helped everywhere," Steve Gumaer, founder and president of Partners Relief & Development, tells The Arab Weekly in wide-ranging interview.

Partners Relief & Development is an international organisation that provides humanitarian services and emergency relief in crisis areas in south-east Asia and the Middle East. Founded in 1997, the organisation works with displaced families and communities to design sustainable development initiatives that improve education and health services and provide a nurturing environment for children.

Partners’ founder and president Steve Gumaer remains involved in organisation operations, spending much of his time raising awareness about Partners’ work in the US and working and strategising with the development team.

In July 2020, Partners worked to provide 500 families in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a with food parcels in collaboration with its regional partner, Mona Relief. Each parcel contained enough non-perishable food goods to feed a family of 5-6 members for at least a month.

Gumaer spoke with The Arab Weekly about Partners’ humanitarian work in Yemen, including the challenges it encounters operating in the war-torn state.

SG: We have one very good partner on the ground who, when we are able to get resources to him, does an excellent job organising distributions.

We found a guy who runs an organisation called Mona Relief, Fatik Abudullah Al-Rodaini and we are open with our partnership. It is because of Fatik that we have the access that we do.

With what is happening now, and food insecurity multiplying because of infrastructure collapse, and multiple complications because of COVID-19 and cholera and all of the things these people are having to deal with, in addition to the war that surrounds them. We’ve upped our efforts to find means to get more support in and do larger scale distributions.We intend to massively increase our programme work

85% of our income comes from wealthy individuals and family foundations in the United States, with a small revenue stream in the UK…. Part of that is because of how donations work.

Government funding allows for further aggressive scale growth, thus helping more people. To obtain government funding is to also accept the diplomatic realities that’s a part of the funding. By taking government funds, you will have to receive permissions from local authorities that they say are needed, and can only help the people they say you can help. In regards to Partners, we choose to help suffering children indiscriminately. If they are deprived of food, education health care, our goal is to help no matter what. As such, we haven’t found a way to take government funds.

The hardest thing by far is deciding where to apply our resources and where not to. Yemen has been a case of limited access, and because of that we haven’t done as much as we would like to do for the children of Yemen. By far the hardest thing is leaving things undone that really need to be done, Children that are hungry should be helped everywhere, but with limited resources, we must be strategic in where we throw our weight. For me that’s frustrating and by far the hardest part of our process.

(** B H)

Covid's deadly toll on Yemen's medics: ITV News learns 105 have died so far

ITV News has learnt more than 100 healthcare workers are known to have died with Covid-19 in Yemen since the start of the pandemic, while the toll continues to rise.

105 lifesavers have lost their lives in a country with an already severely depleted healthcare system, international charity Medglobal has said. There are currently 10 doctors per 10,000 people.

The dead include doctors, nurses, infectious disease experts, medical directors, midwives and pharmacists.

ITV News gained access to one of Yemen's busiest hospitals, Al Sadaqa, in the southern city of Aden. Al Sadaqa is at critical point, like so many hospitals in the country.

According to the latest figures from MedGlobal and the World Health Organisation, there is a 29 per cent mortality rate in Yemen, which is more than five times higher than the global average of just under six per cent.

Millions in Yemen are said to be in dire need of health assistance, which explains why once contracted, Covid-19 allegedly kills one in four people here.

Al Sadaqa’s hospital manager, Dr Kifaya Al Jazei, spoke powerfully of their desperate situation. In tears, Dr Al Jazei told us nine of her colleagues have been killed already by Covid-19, while others have fled due to fears of the virus.

She also mentioned the lack of basic lifesaving equipment. For example, she said there is only one ventilator in a hospital which sometimes sees 20,000 patients monthly just in its emergency department. She has the same struggle with other necessary resources.

“We don’t have central X-ray machine,” Dr Al Jazei said.

“Whether Covid or not, patients need it, but we don’t have it. We only have an old one.”

Finally, she spoke about the many other diseases her team try to treat daily, from dengue fever, malaria, cholera and malnutrition. These conditions are not solely creating more work for medics, they are also weakening the Yemeni population and making them more prone to coronavirus.

As we filmed around Al Sadaqa, we saw evidence of its struggles: a rusty oxygen cylinder and gaunt, tiny children being treated.

Dr Al Jazei’s colleague, Dr Yasser Numan told us: “The country has been suffering from war for six years, and pandemics. This is affecting the health situation and health infrastructure. This country has no income to support hospitals and the number of international organisations helping decreased, especially after coronavirus.”

The charity president, Dr. Zaher Sahloul, told ITV News: "There was already a chronic shortage of medical professionals in Yemen, and when one medical professional dies in Yemen, the effect extends to the entire community they would serve.”

“With so many health workers who have died from Covid-19, we are certain that the actual prevalence and mortality of Covid-19 throughout Yemen is much higher than official reports are able to indicate.” (with several films)

(** B K P)

State Dept. Inspector General Report: A Troubling Message on Arms Sales

The U.S. State Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently released a report that, even in its redacted form, makes plain that the Trump administration circumvented U.S. law in multiple ways to carry out arms transfers to the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen. In doing so, the administration failed to fully and accurately assess the humanitarian impact of U.S. support, according to the report. That is a stunning revelation given the repeated, severe cases of civilian casualties resulting from Saudi-led Coalition operations over the past several years. Although an unredacted version of the report was leaked, a key annex remains classified so the full extent of how this administration’s actions transpired remains hidden from the public. However, what is clear is that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo undertook several steps to evade arms export controls to put lethal munitions into the hands of Coalition members, which human rights groups have alleged have committed war crimes against civilians. (See earlier coverage here). This article discusses the OIG’s findings with reference to what is at stake for the people of Yemen and the worrisome deterioration of U.S. arms control policy under the Trump administration.

Restrictions on U.S. Arms Sales to Protect Civilians

Although the United States is not ever listed as a formal member of the Saudi Coalition, its munitions have been instrumental in the Coalition’s operations and the harm to civilians they have caused. Given the magnitude of weapons (ranging from cluster munitions to laser-guided missiles), intelligence, expertise, and logistical support (including, at one point, mid-air refueling) being provided, and even not counting its airstrikes in the country aimed at al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS, one can query what threshold of involvement would have to be crossed for the United States to be officially considered a member of this Coalition — or, more precisely, a party to the armed conflict between the Saudi-led Coalition and the Houthis — notwithstanding that Washington is assisting from the sidelines. This question has been taken up here; this article focuses on the way in which the Trump administration has managed to avoid civilian protection elements of U.S. arms control measures in its sale of munitions to Saudi Arabia.

President Trump’s Erosion of These Protections

Across the board, the Trump administration has significantly weakened this export regime and these civilian-protection policies, in part to preserve U.S. dominance in the international arms market. The amended Conventional Arms Transfer Policy (National Security Presidential Memorandum 10, issued on April 19, 2018) contains similar references to taking into account the risk that the weapons transferred would be used to commit atrocity crimes. However, it now includes language that narrows the scope of end-user risks to prohibiting only arms transfers in cases in which the United States has actual knowledge its arms exports will be used in attacks “intentionally” directed against civilians. The addition of the word “intentionally” means that arms sales would only be prohibited under a circumstance in which officials have actual knowledge of plans for an intentional civilian massacre, which could exclude instances of U.S. arms being used in indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks when civilians are collateral damage. The use of disproportionate force, even absent an intent to harm civilians, constitutes a war crime under IHL.

Furthermore, the Trump administration recategorized several lethal articles on the USML as “commercial products” that will now be exported under the authority of the Department of Commerce, therefore no longer requiring end-user vetting from the State Department.

And, in April 2019, President Trump withdrew the U.S. signature from the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

These are clear examples of a deterioration in human rights considerations in the arms trade and US arms export policy but over the course of the Trump administration, we have witnessed a disintegration of civilian protections in policies governing U.S. operations as well.

For example, the Trump administration implemented retrograde policies on landmines and cluster munitions.

The State Department Inspector General’s Report on U.S. Breaches of These Policies

However watered-down and weakened, this network of laws and policies still expressly prohibits the State Department from approving the sale of arms — like the Mark 80 precision-guided missile (PGM) series — when officials have knowledge that the arms will be used deliberately against civilians. They also clearly grant Congress the right and authority to exercise oversight over, and to block, such transfers. Yet, in its most recent report on the subject, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) lays bare the fact that the State Department not only neglected its responsibility to consider human rights in approving arms transfers but also intentionally circumvented Congress’s attempt to block the $3.8 billion sale of PGMs to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The OIG reported that on May 23, 2019, Pompeo certified “an emergency existed” in the war in Yemen, referring vaguely to “recent Iranian aggression” in the Persian Gulf. Pompeo thus invoked emergency authorities put forth in Section 36 of the AECA to approve and “fast track” 22 arms transfer transactions — $8.1 billion in defense articles, mostly missiles and missile support systems — to Saudi-led Coalition forces

The OIG report reveals that, in addition to formally dismantling the civilian protection export controls, the Trump administration is also attempting to skirt what limitations remain in place by evading congressional review and placing lethal weapons in the hands of the Saudi coalition — all to the detriment of Yemeni civilians. Even in its redacted form, the report underlines a need for significant policy and legislative improvements, but to help experts strengthen laws and close loopholes in the arms export regime, this or the next administration should declassify and release the entire OIG report. In addition to reversing the harmful changes to the USML, CAT, anti-personnel landmines, and cluster munitions policies, lawmakers will also need to implement more robust measures to improve human rights standards in U.S. export laws.

This pressing need to enhance congressional oversight goes well beyond the obvious humanitarian imperatives, although these are legion. Yemen is a human-made humanitarian tragedy, teetering on the brink of mass famine. Besides these heart-rending considerations, there are legal concerns as well. Given that the United States has knowledge of, and has provided substantial assistance to, its client states’ operations in Yemen, continued provision of lethal munitions and other forms of assistance may actually entail legal liability on the part of the United States, U.S. officials implementing the Yemen policy, and even corporate actors producing the munitions being deployed. If these attacks are indeed war crimes, there are at least three legal grounds, according to Oona Hathaway, under which the United States “would potentially be legally responsible for violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Saudi coalition in Yemen.” First: U.S. actors could be liable under a complicity theory of responsibility. Second: the United States could be liable under principles of State responsibility. Third: the United States could be in breach of Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions, which obliges state parties to “ensure respect” for the treaty.

These are matters that a Biden-Harris administration, if not the current administration, would need to urgently take up in order to better align U.S. arms exports with the imperative of atrocities prevention and civilian protection. Dozens of former senior Obama administration officials now agree and have said so publicly in an open letter. Although the support for the Saudis started while he was Vice President, Joe Biden has already signaled during his presidential campaign that he plans to change course, stating bluntly: “It is past time to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen.” – by Diane Bernabei and Beth Van Schaack

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Covid-19 Yemen: 10 recoveries, 7 new cases, 1,953 in total

and also

(A H)

Yemen's gov't records 3 new COVID-19 cases, 1,946 in total

(A H)

Health Office: 100 deaths from Corona virus in Hadramout Valley

The Health Office added in a statement, that the death due to the virus has reached 100, after a new death was recorded

(A H)

Organisation in Oman sends medical aid to Yemen

(B H)

Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 29 August 2020

As of 29 August, the number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases in Yemen had reached 1,950 with 564 associated deaths and 1,115 recoveries. Over the past week, 39 new confirmed cases, 17 deaths and 47 recoveries were reported. The highest number of confirmed cases continue to be reported in Hadramaut (882 cases, 281 deaths and 425 recoveries), though this may in part reflect the number of tests conducted in the governorate. The number of cases reported has slowed while indicators suggest that the virus continues to spread and the number of confirmed cases and deaths fall below actual numbers. The reasons for this include a lack of testing facilities and official reporting, and people delaying seeking treatment because of stigma, difficulty accessing treatment centres and the perceived risks of seeking care. The COVID-19 response continues to focus on testing, surveillance and case management.

(B H)

IOM Yemen COVID-19 Response Update (8 - 22 August 2020)

COVID-19 is worsening the situation for vulnerable conflict-affected communities and migrants across Yemen. Insufficient testing, surveillance and supplies, as well as a deteriorating economic environment, are having dire consequences on the already weakened health and public systems. Indicators suggest that with continued interrupted humanitarian assistance, acute vulnerabilities will continue to rise, and the number of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity will increase to 3.2 million people in southern governorates alone. To support Yemen’s health system, focusing COVID-19 response efforts on enhancing testing, case management and surveillance capacity, and sustaining multi-sectoral humanitarian response efforts, remains a priority for IOM and humanitarian partners.

(B H)

Raising awareness of COVID-19: Success Story

Most Yemeni communities in remote areas do not have access to health care services even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The needs of the current COVID-19 pandemic have doubled and infection lev- els have increased within the most vulnerable community. Truth be told, the majority realizes that vulnerable people face many serious risks and serious consequences, but they cannot stay at home and watch their children starve to death. For that reason, BFD conducted several campaigns through Mass In- formation Campaigns (MIC) by the Community Volunteers at the IDP Hosting Sites to clarify how to protect themselves from the COVID-19 outbreak.

With generous support from Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), Building Foundation for Development (BFD), trained 11 volunteers to raise COVID-19 awareness, where they reached (286) households (HHs) through awareness sessions In Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov

(B H)

Local Women Are Gearing Up to Fight Against COVID-19

In Yemen’s Taiz Governate, women in the Shim'yatayn District play a key role in the fight against the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). With support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Yemen, and through our local partner the Social Fund for Development (SFD), women are making essential personal protective equipment (PPE) items like face masks and hospital gowns to help in the fight against the epidemic.

Under the joint programme, Supporting Resilient Livelihoods and Food Security in Yemen (ERRY II), the initiative was the idea of the local women who participate in the Sub-District Communities (SDCs). A self-initiative community plan that contributes to COVID-19 response, they aims to ramp up efforts to curb the spread of the virus in the district.

The project supports 120 women by conducting trainings and sharing vital information on creating PPE by using local sourced resources.

(A H)

3 new cases of coronavirus reported, 1,933 in total

(* B H)

Outbreak update – Cholera in Yemen, 02 August 2020

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 2146 suspected cases and one associated death during epidemiological week 31 ( 27 July to 2 August) of 2020 with 18% of the cases reported as severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January to 2 August 2020 is 167 278 with 48 associated deaths (CFR 0.03%). Children under five represent 24% of the total suspected cases during 2020. The outbreak has affected 22 of the 23 governorates and 296 of the 333 districts of Yemen.

Suspected cholera cases at the country level started to be increasingly reported from week eight of 2019 and the trend continued until week 14 when the number of cases reached more than 29 500, the highest number of cases reported so far. Less cases have been reported in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019 showing 70% reduction. Currently, the trend is considered as decreasing based on the average number of cases calculated between in the past 3 weeks (29 to 31).

(* B H)

Outbreak update – Cholera in Yemen, 19 July 2020

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 2872 suspected cases and no associated death during epidemiological week 29 (13 to 19 July) of 2020 with 16% of the cases reported as severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January to 19 July 2020 is 162 117 with 47 associated deaths (CFR 0.03%). Children under five represent 24% of the total suspected cases during 2020. The outbreak has affected 22 of the 23 governorates and 296 of the 333 districts of Yemen.

(B H)

Yemen: Dengue Fever Outbreak (DREF n° MDRYE008) - Operation update n° 3; 26 August 2020

Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

The DREF operation is further extraodinary extended by two months until 31 October 2020. Since the last extension granted, IFRC faced challenges with the financial institutions it is working with to transfer needed funds to YRCS for the implementation of the final activities outlined under Operations Update no.2. The exceptional extension and timeframe for this operation takes into consideration the needs of affected communities and their continued risk to dengue, as well as challenges faced in a country described as facing “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis”further compounded by the COVID-19 epidemic, and should not be viewed as precedent for future or other operations.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)


Latest Updates on Yemen, 29 August 2020 (Map Update)

(* B K P)

Yemen's Human Rights Committee documents 700 deaths over one year

The National Committee to Investigate Alleged Violations to Human Rights released on Sunday its 8th report on human rights abuses to the international humanitarian law and the human rights law.

The report covers abuses that occurred between first August 2019 to the end of July 2020.

It said that the committee managed to complete the investigation of 2,940 cases in various governorates. The investigated cases included 30 sorts of abuses to over 6,000 victims.

The committee members listened to around 15,000 witnesses, whistle-blowers and victims and verified their testimonies, according to the report.

It also reviewed over 14,000 documents and analyzed hundreds of pictures and videos related to the reported incidents.

The report indicated that the committee finished investigation of 712 civilians’ deaths among them 66 women and 122 children. It also documented injury of 935 others among them 113 women and 247 children across Yemen.

The committee members have also investigated 21 attacks on cultural and historical sites and other nine attacks against medical convoys and health facilities. The Houthis were on top list of abusers to the reported cases.

The report documented also recruitment of 126 children and 85 incidents of landmines used by the Iran-backed Houthis.

The report documented also 271 arbitrary displacement and the Houthis were blamed to 109 of those displacements.

The southern separation Security Belt Forces were blamed to 152 forcible displacements and other parties were blamed to ten incidents.

Chief of the committee, Judge Ahmed Al-Moflehi, said in a statement quoted by the state-run Saba News Agency that throughout the investigation, the committee applied a clear methodology and international standards of transparency, neutrality, objectivity and confidentiality.

My remark: By a pro-Hadi government, pro-Islah Party organization. They hardly will blame themselves and their Saudi overlord.

(A P)

Statement of Rasd Coalition on the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance, 30 August

On this international day, the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations, “Rasd Coalition”, reiterates its denunciation of this crime, which is a serious violation of human rights law, international humanitarian law, and is a crime against humanity, as stipulated in both the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 December 2006, that, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at any civilian population, a "forced disappearance" qualifies as a crime against humanity and, thus, is not subject to a statute of limitations. It gives victims' families the right to seek reparations, and to demand the truth about the disappearance of their loved ones.

We call on the legitimate Yemeni government, the Houthi militia and all security, military and paramilitary forces that loyal to the legitimate government or not under its control in all Yemeni governorates, to disclose the fate of the disappeared, release them, ensure their reparation, prosecute and ensure that the perpetrators will not enjoy impunity.

(* B K P)

For Peace and Justice in Yemen: An Interview with Tawakkol Karman

As fighting rages on in Yemen, Nobel Laureate, journalist, and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman continues to speak out against ongoing war crimes by the Saudi-UAE coalition, subjecting her to widespread smear campaigns and online abuse from the two Gulf monarchies.

Inside Arabia (IA): It’s been reported that the Houthis have recently stepped up cross-border missile and drone attacks on Saudi cities as well as military operations on the ground, and it appears Saudi Arabia has retaliated with air raids on civilian areas again. Where do you put the blame for these renewed airstrikes and do you think the UN will come up with a different conclusion as to whom to blame primarily for such strikes?

Tawakkol Karman (TK): Responsibility for the strikes targeting civilians is not up for discussion. The Saudi-Emirati coalition is criminally and morally responsible for them as war crimes with no statute of limitation. The recent bombing of civilians in Yemen’s Jawf province is among a series of crimes by Saudi and Emirati air forces, and the coalition has not conducted a fair and transparent investigation into any of them.

As for the UN envoy’s call for a transparent investigation into the recent crime, it will not change anything in the coalition’s arrogant behavior and its contempt for hundreds of innocent civilians who have lost their lives as a result of its indiscriminate airstrikes. The crimes by the Saudi-Emirati air forces will have no end, the truth will not be revealed, and justice will not be achieved unless an international inquiry is opened into all crimes including the targeting of civilians by this coalition.

The United Nations will be unable to reach a different conclusion on responsibility for such flagrant crimes. Its decisions may be influenced by the lobbies of the Security Council’s permanent members, who give priority to their interests with rich oil states such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, but not to the point of acquitting the Saudi-Emirati coalition of the crimes of bombing civilians.

IA: Some of these airstrikes came after the Saudi coalition was just removed from a UN blacklist that cited it for multiple violations of killing and maiming civilians with its airstrikes. Several children, one just a baby, were victims of this latest attack. What do you make of the delisting and the UN response to Saudi pressure? Do you still have faith in the United Nations being able to remain an impartial arbiter in the conflict?

TK: It is clear from your question that the United Nations and the international community’s position in general are affected by the pressures of oil-producing states like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. It looks like the United Nations is ready to encumber its international relations by being silent about Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s crimes against civilians in Yemen, shirking its responsibilities and duties defined in international laws relating to human rights and war crimes.

Removing Saudi Arabia from the United Nations blacklist was not on account of Riyadh stopping its crimes or demonstrating different conduct regarding its unfair war in Yemen, but, as I have mentioned, due to pressures and bargains by major countries that prefer their interests with Saudi Arabia to human rights.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the Houthis have dark records of targeting civilians, and the United Nations has never exercised any kind of influence to the extent that it makes a difference in this case or puts an end to the crimes targeting and besieging civilians.

TK: Saudi Arabia and the UAE have the same position in Yemen, there is no difference at all. They work together in the southern provinces, switching places with each other. The UAE maneuvers under the supervision of Saudi Arabia, playing the operational role in support of separatist militias, attacking the pro-government army, and contributing to expelling the internationally recognized government from Aden, while Saudi Arabia acts as a supervisor, facilitator, and fixer whenever something big happens such as the coup in Aden.

The political role of Saudi Arabia to legitimize the STC’s coup in southern Yemen is no less important than the UAE’s operational role. This week, Saudi Arabia forced President Hadi to name a prime minister who does nothing but fulfill the orders of the Saudi ambassador in Aden. They will form a government in partnership with the Separatist Transitional Council, which has expelled the government from Aden and serves as the Emirati policeman in Aden and Socotra.

Saudi Arabia seeks to divide Yemen, but it will fail to do so like in past years.

(* B E K)

Aggression causes huge economic losses

Yemen usually imports more than 90% of staple food. But a naval embargo imposed by the Saudi-led coalition, fighting around the Hadi government-controlled port of Aden and air strikes on the port of Hudaydah, have severely reduced imports since 2015.

A lack of fuel, coupled with insecurity and damage to markets and roads, have also prevented supplies from being distributed.

Basic commodity prices are on average 30 to 50% higher than before the war, while purchasing power has been substantially reduced because of dwindling livelihoods.

The restrictions on imports of fuel - essential for maintaining the water supply - combined with damage to pumps and sewage treatment facilities, also mean that 14.4 million people now lack access to safe drinking water or sanitation, including 8.2 million who are in acute need.

People have been forced to rely on untreated water supplies and unprotected wells, placing them at risk of life-threatening illnesses. An outbreak of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea was declared in October. As of March 2017, a total of 22,181 suspected cases of cholera and 103 associated deaths had been reported.

Agriculture use alone consumes 90% of Yemen’s water, so if agriculture can use water more efficiently there would be more water for urban consumption. And if water withdrawals are regulated and limited, aquifers will recharge at rates varying with local geology.

The vast majority of water in Yemen is a renewable natural resource whose source is the rain.

The cost from damage to infrastructure and economic losses in Yemen’s war is more than $14 billion so far, according to a confidential report seen by Reuters that highlights the effort needed to rebuild the country, where more than half the population is suffering from malnutrition.

“The conflict has so far resulted in damage costs (still partial and incomplete) of almost $7 billion and economic losses (in nominal terms) of over $7.3 billion in relation to production and service delivery,” said the May 6 joint report by the World Bank, United Nations, Islamic Development Bank and European Union.

(A H)

Films: Flash floods in Sanaa

Muhammad, a 13-year-old child of street vendor, Because of the torrents today in the capital, Sana'a, he cleaned the stream of torrents in the sidewalks, opened them and removed the waste from them

This driver has lost his family & was the only survivor after flooding in Ibb province caused by heavy rains swept away his car.

(? B K P)

Audio: MEI’s Gerald Feierstein and Mick Mulroy join host Alistair Taylor to discuss the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the country faces crises on multiple fronts, from the unchecked spread of COVID-19 and widespread hunger to renewed fighting and a lack of international funding. [Update: After this episode was recorded, Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council (STC) announced on Aug. 25 that it was withdrawing from Riyadh agreement talks.]

(A P)

A group of Yemeni scholars, activists, and journalists released a petition today calling for an urgent technical assessment and repair of the Safer tanker. See the full statement and signatures below.

(* B K P)

Israel errichtet zusammen mit VAE Geheimdienstbasen auf jemenitischer Insel

Israel wird in Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) auf einer jemenitischen Insel in einem strategischen Gebiet mit Blick auf die Bab al-Mandab-Straße nachrichtendienstliche Stützpunkte errichten, heißt es in einem neuen Bericht.

Unter Berufung auf eine Reihe von Quellen, darunter einige jemenitische, berichtete die französischsprachige Nachrichtenagentur JForum, dass das Regime von Tel Aviv plane, eine Reihe von Spionagebasen auf der fast 3.650 Quadratkilometer großen Insel Sokotra zu errichten.

Sokotra, rund 350 Kilometer südlich des Jemen im Indischen Ozean, ist der Name der größten Insel einer jemenitischen Inselgruppe, auf der noch einige kleinere Inseln unbewohnt sind.

Dem Bericht zufolge ist kürzlich eine Delegation israelischer und emiratischer Geheimdienstoffiziere auf der Insel Sokotra eingetroffen und hat verschiedene Standorte für die Einrichtung der geplanten Geheimdienstbasen untersucht.

Eine ungenannte hochrangige eritreische Quelle zitierte, dass Israel im Jahr 2016 begonnen habe, seine größte Basis zum Sammeln von Informationen auf dem Gipfel des Mount Ambassaira südlich von Asmara der Hauptstadt von Eritrea zu errichten.

Dem Bericht zufolge besteht der Zweck der Basis darin, die Streitkräfte einer von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition, die einen Krieg gegen den Jemen und die Terroristengruppe IS in der Region führt, elektronisch zu überwachen.

Es überwacht auch die Aktivitäten von Ansarullah-Kämpfern im Jemen und die iranischen Seebewegungen in der Region und analysiert den See- und Luftverkehr im südlichen Roten Meer.

(* B K P)

Israel, UAE to Build Intel Gathering Bases Near Yemen Following Normalization of Relations – Report

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have announced their intention to cooperate in creating intelligence-gathering bases on a Yemeni island in a strategic area that overlooks the Bab al-Mandad Strait, according to PressTV, citing JForum's report, itself based on unnamed sources.

The alleged base is set to be built on Socotra Island, the largest land mass in the Yemeni archipelago. A joint Israel-Emirati delegation reportedly arrived to the island "very recently" to examine possible locations for bases. Two sites were allegedly picked for a planned base: the Momi region in the east of the island for the Jamgua Centre and a location in the west for the Katanan Centre.

The purpose of the planned bases will be to collect intel across the Gulf, particularly from Bab al-Mandab and south of Yemen, along with the Gulf of Eden and the Horn of Africa.

The report also cited an unnamed high-ranking Eritrean source saying that Tel Aviv in 2016 began construction of its largest intel-gathering base on Mount Ambassaira in Eritrea, with a goal toward electronically monitoring forces of the Saudi-led military coalition waging a war against armed opposition factions in Yemen and the Daesh* terrorist group in the region.

It was noted in the report that Tel Aviv's surveillance centres monitor the actions of Houthi militants in Yemen and Iranian naval movements in the region, also examining sea and air traffic in the southern region of the Red Sea.

referring to

and also


cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A P)

Note to Correspondents: Statement by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen on the importance of making fuel available in Yemen

The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, is deeply concerned by the major fuel shortages in Ansar-Allah controlled areas, and calls on the parties to work urgently with his Office to reach a solution that guarantees Yemenis’ access to their basic needs of fuel and oil derivatives and the use of associated revenues to pay civil servant salaries.

“Fuel shortages have devastating and widespread humanitarian consequences for the civilian population. Life in Yemen is unforgiving enough without forcing Yemenis to struggle even harder for their everyday needs that are connected to fuel such as clean water, electricity and transportation. The flow of essential commercial imports, including of food, fuel and medical supplies, and their distribution to the civilian population across the country must be ensured,” said the Special Envoy.

“We have had detailed discussions with both Parties to reach a solution that guarantees meeting the critical and urgent priorities of ensuring Yemenis’ ability to receive the fuel and oil derivatives they need through the Hudaydah port, and the use of associated revenues to pay the salaries of public sector employees. I urge the Parties to engage constructively, urgently, in good faith and with no preconditions with the efforts of my Office in that regard,” Mr. Griffiths added.

The Office of the Special Envoy has consistently worked to support the Parties in finding agreements to ensure the continued and regular flow of commercial imports of fuel into Yemen through Hudaydah port and to put associated revenues toward paying the salaries of civil servants. In Stockholm, in December 2018, the Office of the Special Envoy facilitated talks between the Parties to reach the Hudaydah Agreement.

(B K P)

Houthis say fuel depletion Yemeni puts ports at closure risk

Functionality at the Yemeni western ports of Hodeida and Salif risks halt, the Houthi group said Wednesday, as fuel needed to operate machines is about to deplete.
The Yemeni Houthi-run Red Sea ports corporation expressed fears that it could not continue providing the services and receiving the relief and other humanitarian supplies needed by the Yemeni people due to the low stocks of diesel in the two ports.
The Saudi-led coalition is continuing its "arbitrary practices and detaining oil tankers though they were permitted to enter Hodeida port," it added in a statement.

(B K P)

YRSPC warns of humanitarian catastrophe on near run out of fuel

Yemen's Red Sea Ports Corporation (YRSPC) has warned of a humanitarian disaster if the operation at its ports is halted.

The YRSPC said in a statement, Saba got a copy of it, the diesel material needed to operate the equipment and machinery of Hodeidah and Salif ports will soon run out.

The statement condemned the continuation of the aggression coalition countries in its arbitrary and vicious practices in detaining oil derivatives ships despite obtaining licenses to enter the port of Hodeidah.

and also

(* B P)

Fuel shortage continues in Houthis-held areas

The fuel shortage in the Houthis-held areas, continues for the third month in a row amid the flourishing of the black market.

The fuel shortage led to soaring prices of all services including the medical service, the commercial electricity supply and drinkable water.

Vehicles line up before gas stations which are closed most of the time.

Employees of the Yemen Petroleum Company in Sana’a said that huge quantity of the fuel exists in the company’s tanks that covers six-month needs.

However, the Houthis officials instructed closure of gas stations to thrive the black market of the fuel, according to sources quoted by the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper.

my comment: The claims by this anti-Houthi news site sound like propaganda. Where “that huge quantity of the fuel … in the company’s tanks” really should come from?

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Die unerschütterliche Helferin

Die Ärztin Ashwaq Moharram betreibt mit ihrem Auto eine mobile Klinik im Jemen. Doch Medizin und Nahrung sind im Bürgerkriegsland kaum zu bekommen: Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit.

Als Ashwaq Moharram in Sanaa ankommt, landet sie mit ihrem 22 Jahre alten Auto direkt im Chaos; tags zuvor hagelte es wieder Bomben auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt. „Mitten in der Stadt“, sagt sie, „Bomben mitten in der Stadt.“
Alle paar Wochen, in unregelmäßigen Abständen, tritt die Ärztin Ashwaq Moharram den gefährlichen Weg von der Küstenstadt al-Hudeida nach Sanaa an, um Milch zu besorgen. Ob und wie viel sie bekommen wird, das weiß sie vorher nicht. Zumal der Krieg im Jemen wieder so aggressiv geführt werde wie zu Beginn der Kampfhandlungen vor fünf Jahren. Sie sagt: „Frieden ist sehr weit weg vom Jemen.“
In den vergangenen Jahren hat Moharram durchlebt, wie aus einem armen, aber atmenden Land ein hungerndes, zerschossenes, verzweifeltes Gebiet wurde.

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(B H)

Yemen - Sana’a Hub Snapshot (January - June 2020)

and also Aden, Hudaydah, Ibb, Saada

(B H)

Yemen: Access Constraints as of 27 August 2020

(B H)

Pakistani-Saudi healthcare platform launches service in Yemen

A joint Pakistan-Saudi Arabian telehealth online platform is set to launch in Yemen to provide urgent maternity and childcare services amid the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis, Arab News has reported. Educast was first launched in Pakistan and has successfully trained hundreds of Pakistani doctors in the field of telemedicine since last year. It is now to be expanded into war-torn Yemen, which suffers from one of the highest mortality rates in the world.

According to Educast CEO Abdullah Butt, “Our main focus in Yemen will be maternal, neonatal and child health. [The authorities in Yemen have] granted us permission to start the telehealth operations under the e-Doctor programme.” The installation and testing of relevant equipment has been completed, he added, and operations will be launched in the first week of September.

(A H)

Real time pictures @monarelief's team delivering now 250 food aid baskets to families affected badly by the heavy rainfall and floods in the capital Sana'a. Our project funded by Darul Atfaal charity in London and @monareliefye's fundraising campaign in Patero

(B H)

Folgen der Gewalt: Der dreijährige Rayan aus Jemen verlor seinen Arm bei Kämpfen um die Stadt Aden. Das Haus der Familie geriet unter Beschuss und Splitter von Geschossen trafen den Arm des Jungen. Mit Hilfe von UNICEF Jemen erhielt Rayan eine Prothese und hat gelernt, wie er sie bewegen kann (Foto)

(* B H)

Displaced Yemenis suffer as aid shortfall closes clinics

Ahmed Mansour and his colleagues worked eight months without pay in a health centre in a Yemeni displacement camp out of concern for their patients. But this month they closed its doors.

“Enough is enough now, we can’t go on,” said administrative worker Mansour, who financially supports his and his deceased brother’s family. His salary, while he was still paid, was around $180 a month.

Across Yemen health, sanitation and nutrition services that keep millions from starvation and disease are gradually closing amid an acute funding shortage for the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

The United Nations said last week 12 of its 38 major programmes have shut or scaled down, and between August and September 20 programmes face further reductions or closure.

In the Mahraba displacement camp in Hajjah province, resident Fatehia Jaber keeps going back to check if their local clinic, a tent printed with the logo of U.N. children agency UNICEF, has re-opened.

“My son is sick, short of breath ... We live in an unstable situation and want a working hospital,” Jaber said from her temporary home.

Yemen’s economy and health system has been devastated by five years of war. Many healthcare workers, and other public servants, have not been paid for up to three years.

Aid agencies try to keep critical services ticking over with small incentive payments to staff, but that leg of support is now crumbling as funds run dry.

In a snapshot of what is happening across Yemen, four clinics supported by UNICEF and other partners with around 119 staff in displacement camps in Hajjah, one of the poorest parts of Yemen, have temporarily closed.

“Support from humanitarian agencies for critical services like health and nutrition has been gradually reducing due to lack of funding,” UNICEF’s Yemen representative Sherin Varkey said.

UNICEF lacks 64% of its total humanitarian funding needs, Varkey said.

(B H)

Now, Aya has her Latrine in the School: Success Story

In Yemen, poor water and sanitation facilities are commonplace in hundreds of schools, making children vulnerable to diseases that hamper attendance and lead to higher drop-out rates. “One might think refurbishing school latrines or water faucets is a minor job with a minor impact, but believe me, it’s important and does contribute greatly to increase girls’ school attendance.”– Abdullah Al Rabi, Education office Manager in Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov.

The schools in Al Maton District like, Al Saleel School lacks WASH facilities and latrines, where students at these schools suffer from these matters. However, Building Foundation for Development (BFD), funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), constructed two latrines

(B H)

Getting Recovered after Malnutrition: Success Story

In many rural areas and villages in Yemen, the number of children with severe acute malnutrition is increasing dramatically and rapidly, which makes most civil society and international/ national organizations tend to work against this fatal disease. To reduce the malnutrition rate amongst the children and women, BFD deployed mobile medical teams in Khabb wa Asha`af district of Al Jawf governorate. They detected a 21-month-old boy, Mohammed in Al Areen village of Khab wa Asha'af district and found that he was suffering from acute malnutrition.

(B H)

Malnutrition & Chronic Diseases: Success Story

Malnutrition causes many chronic diseases that will affect children suffering from various types of malnutrition in the future. Children living in villages in Yemen and displaced children are most vulnerable to malnutrition and chronic diseases due to the simple nutritional and health status in which these children live.

A 5-year-old child, Salem Hadi is one of the children who receive support within the nutrition project implemented by BFD

(B H)

Mobile Team Efforts Towards Preventing Malnutrition: Success Story

Health and nutrition systems are getting worse in Yemen, the number of children with malnutrition diseases is increasing day by day. In Al Jawf governorate, Al Maton district, there are many cases of malnutrition, which were discovered by the mobile medical teams supported by BFD (Building for Development Foundation) and funded by YHF (Yemen Humanitarian Fund). Most of the cases that were discovered suffering from severe acute malnutrition and one of these cases is a child called Abdul Razzaq Ahmed Rassam, 11 months of age.

Saving Children's Lives from Malnutrition: Success Story

80% of the population in Yemen in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. Moreover, nearly two million children in Yemen are currently suffering from acute malnutrition, including 360,000 children under the age of five who are suffering from acute malnutrition, and they need immediate treatment to survive. Therefore, BFD (Building Foundation for Development) and other implementing partners are working to provide emergency response services to help the affected people feel better.

Due to the massive issues of transportation and the difficult condition, Fayzah parents could not able to go to hospitals seeking treatment and medicines.

(B H)

Malnutrition Treatment: Success Story

The escalation of the conflict in Yemen led to the emergence of many humanitarian issues, most of which are related to health and nutrition that had a negative role in society and its individuals. Particularly, Malnutrition cases are increasingly threatened amongst the children under the age of five (U5) and pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Al Hazm district of Al Jawf Governorate is one of the districts with a huge number of malnutrition cases. To help with the reduction of the morbidity and mortality among the children U5 and PLW, BFD supported by YHF is implemented the emergency response project in such affected areas.

A 10-month- old girl, Anoud Juraim, has been suffering from severe acute malnutrition with complications.

(B H)

Recovering from a Second-degree Burn: Success Story

One day, after coming back from school to a small mud house, a thirteen-yearold boy, (Bashar Saleh Hussein) was running and playing; suddenly he hit a water-boiling bowl on stoves and got a second-degree burn on his right arm and shoulder.

(B H)

Salma Got Recovered After a Traffic Accident: Success Story

However, the cooperation between local foundations and international society organizations with their health relief interventions and support have contributed greatly to mitigating the consequences and harms of these accidents.

An example happened in Al Hazm District, Al Jawf Gov, where a five-year-old girl, (Salma Hassan Abdullah), was hit by a car

(B H)

Happiness and Hope Are Brought Again: Success Story

Al Maton is one of Al Jawf’s districts whose health facilities have been destroyed or stopped working by the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Al Maton Health Center in Al Maton district is one of those health facilities which had been partially destroyed and stopped functioning. Many parts of the Health Center Building were damaged including windows, doors, and the main wall.

Responding to this tragic situation, Building Foundation for Development (BFD), funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), aimed to meet the urgent needs of the host communities and IDPs who forced to flee their homes and stay in hosting sites in Al Maton, Al Hazm, and Khab Wa Asha’af districts of Al Jawf governorate.

(* B H)

Air raids hit hospitals and water systems in Yemen with US-built weapons. Then COVID-19 arrived.

Yemenis are fleeing conflict and struggling to survive hunger, cholera, and COVID-19, while humanitarian funding is running out.

Over the last five years since the escalation of conflict in Yemen, conditions continue to deteriorate as airstrikes are on the rise and threats like COVID-19, cholera, and hunger grow. But, as the needs increase, resources to respond are severely lacking -- the UN recently announced they’d have to significantly scale back their response. And the US has suspended much of its aid to 80 percent of the population, all while continuing to fuel the conflict through arms sales to the Saudi and UAE-led coalition.

In addition to the ongoing conflict, and financial and public health crises, Yemen has seen severe flooding during the 2020 rainy season. An estimated 300,000 people in Yemen have lost their homes, crops, livestock, and personal belongings in the last three months due to torrential rains and severe flash floods, according to the UNHCR.

Weapons manufacturers in arms exporting countries like the United States have profited from the sale of billions of dollars’ worth of munitions to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners, despite clear evidence that they were using US-made bombs in violations of international humanitarian law.

The data on air strikes appears at a dire time for Yemen – and the response is under threat. The UN just warned that without more resources in the coming weeks, 50 percent of water and sanitation services will be cut, medicines and essential supplies for around half of the health facilities in the country will halt, support for schools will halt, among other vital aid.

And earlier in 2020, the United States announced it would suspend humanitarian assistance in northern Yemen due to security concerns. The suspension of these program activities is affecting international aid organizations and handcuffing their ability to deliver assistance to people in some of the worst-affected areas of the country. Oxfam joined five other international aid groups signing a letter to the US Agency for International Development’s Acting Administrator John Barsa requesting the agency immediately lift its aid suspension, citing the ongoing conflict, threat of coronavirus and increased child malnutrition, and the need for essential health, hygiene, and sanitation programing supported by USAID and recipients of US assistance.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Film (in Arabic): Yemen - The suffering of the displaced is exacerbated by the scarcity of aid and the silence of international organizations

The suffering of the displaced is exacerbated by the scarcity of aid and the silence of international organizations Displaced people in the Shaab camp in Aden governorate, southern Yemen, suffer from diseases and malnutrition, in addition to cutting off the aid they received from international organizations, they said. The displaced people of the Shaab camp lack the most basic rights, despite the legal status of the displaced in that they remain under the protection of their government even if this government is the cause of their displacement, and the suffering of the displaced is exacerbated amid the silence of the Yemeni government and organizations and with the prolongation of the war, their suffering increases.

(* B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 27 August 2020

UNHCR continues to provide support to persons affected by heavy rains and flash flooding, which displaced an estimated 300,000 persons during the last three months. Out of 1,600 families identified to have been affected by recent floods in Ibb, Taizz and Al Dhale’e governorate who require emergency shelter, basic household items and food, 550 families received basic household items and 350 received emergency shelter kits. UNHCR is continuing assessments to identify more families in need. Amongst the newly displaced are persons previously forced to flee their homes by the conflict, with many have lost their homes, crops, livestock and personal belongings due to the extreme weather.

During the reporting week, 750 IDP families displaced by ongoing conflict in the southern governorates were supported with bedding materials, cooking utensils and solar lamps by UNHCR’s Sub Office (SO) in Aden. In the first seven months of 2020, UNHCR SO Aden assisted 11,900 IDP families with basic household items and 1,800 with emergency shelter supplies. Country-wide, some 30,120 and 7,400 IDP families have been supported country-wide, respectively.

(B H)

An Elderly with Amputated Leg Struggles to Live: Success Story

Mohammed Al-Tuhami, a 63-year-elderly man who has a prosthetic leg, fled his hometown with his family, (a wife and 3 children). Mohammed and his family ended up in Al Qawasima Hosting Site, Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov. Luckily, he found a palm-leaf building (Ausha), where he works as a shepherd to earn his living. "I left my hometown looking for a better life, but as you see, I have got only this Ausha, which cannot protect me and my family from the heat of the sun, the cold of the nights, and the dusty windy weather,” Al-Tuhami stated.

(B H)

“Now, there's a devastating flood outside, and I desire this flood shall not come to my shelter again.": Success Story

Around 3,600 displaced families – over 25,000 people – were affected by floods and storms. Strong winds and heavy rains have caused massive destruction to thousands of shelters in displacement sites across Yemen. Some shelters were partly damaged while others were torn down to the ground. Displaced families, already forced to flee their homes due to the conflict, again were left without places to stay.

Hussain Mohammed Sharaf, a 56-year-old father of 7 children, fled aggravated conflict in At Tuhayta District, Al Hudaydah Governorate, to find safety in Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov. Hussain and his family have settled into such a shelter in Al Maton, where he used to live in a damaged shelter with his mother, wife, and seven children. “Living in a single room under a tree is worrying and not safe,” Hussain explained, sadly. “We cannot sleep safely or use the bathrooms freely. There are no blankets.” Besides, he continued fighting and enduring the cold weather and heavy rains with his family living in this shelter.

“The strong wind ripped apart shelters, followed by heavy rains and floods that swept away what was left. There was nothing more to fix, and the families along with their children lost everything. They were forced to sleep out in the cold.”

(B H)

Seeking Dignity in the Displacement: Success Story

" In favor of saving my little children's lives from the conflict's rage in Al Hazm District, I escaped to the unknown." Mohammed Hassan Al-Sharif said. He fled with his family having nothing where they left everything behind. The 46-year-old father has left his property to save his family from the fury of the rising conflict. Al-Sharif is a father of seven children, which made it hard to find them shelter.

Mohammed has fled to Al Maton District, Al Jwaf Gov, where he ended up at IDPs' hosting settlement site; yet, it was difficult for him to find a place to sleep in. So, all of the seven children shared the same blanket with their parents to warm themselves from the bitter cold of the nights in the street.

For that reason, Building Foundation for Development (BFD), funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), provided transitional shelter

(B H)

A Congenitally Paralyzed Living in an IDP Hosting Site: Success Story

Ahmed Al-Ghanemi, a 41-year-old who is a jobless congenitally paralyzed and IDP man with his wife and four children used to suffer a lot in his life since he lacked privacy in his cramped camp at an IDP hosting site in Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov.

“ I am paralyzed and cannot walk properly, if I want to buy groceries for my family, I go to the market in the early morning 6:00 a.m and come back at 7:00a.m; however, the market is 15 minutes away for a normal person to reach by walking”, Ahmed said. Moreover, he lived in a cramped camp with only one room with his family without blankets. That camp was not convenient enough to protect him and his family from the strong wind and very cold and hot weather. In cold weather, it was too difficult for his children to sleep well. They were crying all night. Miraculously, BFD staff reached to Ahmed’s hosting site for IDPs and started taking the necessary procedures to help him and his family

(B H)

Coordinating Relieves Suffering: Success Story

Living at an IDP Hosting Site instead of your own house is hard to accustom. A newly married couple, (Salah Moqbel and his Wife) have experienced a chronically tragic and traumatic condition of life while living in Al Mehzam Al Sharqi Hosting Site for IDPs in Al Hazm District of Al Jawf Gov. They were forced to flee their hometown (Nihm District) due to the conflict. What makes their lives even worst is a sudden fire that burned their small tent. That tent was made of wood and plastic which helped the burning accelerate briskly. Miraculously, no one was killed, and they got out of the tent with no physical injuries.

The common aim of BFD's CCCM sector is to improve the living conditions of displaced persons in humanitarian crises

(B H)

Rehabilitating Shelter Reunites Aqeel with his Family: Success Story

Saleh Aqeel, a 32-year-old married man has three children. He has fled from At Tuhayta District-Al Hudaydah Gov, due to the conflict, where he ended up at a hosting settlement site in Al Maton District-Al Jawf Gov. He lost his job and accommodation. Mr. Aqeel found shelter; still, it was ruined. "I lost my job, my house, and my father-in-law took my children and wife after we fled to Al Maton District-Al Jawf Gov due to the poor condition of my little shelter, I do not want to lose them, they are all that I have left,” Saleh Aqeel said.

Saleh's condition was miserable, and he did work hard all day long, thinking of his family. Days passed, yet what he has earned was not enough to rehabilitate his shelter. While BFD`s CCCM mobile team was in the area nominating beneficiaries for shelter assistance, they heard the story of which.

(B H)

Hameed's Journey: Success Story

It is difficult for an old man to look after his family in a plain situation; how can he looks after them in difficult ones. Hammed Faris is a 55-year–old married man, who is a father of three children. Before the rage of the conflict reached Nihm District, he used to have a good life with his family. The elderly had decided to flee to a safe territory since his family`s life is at risk.

During his journey to the Hosting Settlement Site for IDPs in Al Maton District, Al Jawf Gov, he encountered many hardships, where he could not secure a ride. Therefore, Hameed and his family had to walk kilometers on foot under the blazing sun. After a couple of hard hours, they found a car that took them to the Hosting Settlement Site for IDPs at a high price.

Now, they are safe, yet the tent, which is considered being their new home (Shelter), lacks many basic appliances.

(B H)

Till the Last Penny: Success Story

"We were looking for protection and stability," says a 40-year-old man, Hassan Al-Jamlouli, when you ask him why he fled the war in Nihm District with his moth- er, two wives, and eight children. He lived in prosperity and comfort until the conflict reached his hometown (Nihm) and destroyed his house. Thus, no roof protects them from the sun’s heat, and no walls protect them from the cold wind. They took the sky as a roof and earth as a carpet to lay on. In case Hassan could endure these challenges, his mother would not tolerate it; therefore, she suffered from a heart attack. Hassan kept looking for shelter for the family, as well as he took care of his sick elderly mother; thus, he sacrificed the rest of his possessions to treat her until the last penny.

(B H)

Helping IDP Students Reach Their Goals and Dreams: Success Story

Children are the key to Yemen's future, displaced children and their families in the north of Yemen face myriad barriers to achieve a qualitative primary education, due to the conflict raging and increase of poverty.

Al-Methaq School, that is located in ِAl Hazm District, Al Jawf Governorate is one of the schools that enrolled displaced children from affected areas, both inside and outside the governorate, where it has more than 1,100 students, 23% of them are IDPs. The current crisis and hardship of displaced families prevent most of the children to adhere to schools and obtain basic literacy, numeracy, and life skills keys to prepare them for a successful and productive adulthood. Unfortunately, the inability of poor families to provide basic educational kits and tools caused most boys and girls to drop out of the schools. “Humanitarian organizations like BFD and so on are working to build temporary classrooms and rehabilitate schools, train teachers and provide learning materials


(B H)

To Build a Better Future, Children Must Be Educated: Success Story

Nearly 2 million children in Yemen are out of school and those who are in school had to drop out for poor quality education in overcrowded classrooms. To help to address the urgent education needs faced by so many IDP children affected by the conflict in Al Hazm District - Al Jawf Gov. BFD (Building Foundation for Development) proposed a project called “Supporting Education” funded by YHF (Yemen Humanitarian Fund). The project aimed to make a significant and sustainable reduction of the number of out of school IDP children.


(B H)

A Smile Drawn on Children's Faces: Success Story

Unfortunately, due to the ensuing war occurring in Yemen, most of the country’s infrastructure, including schools, has taken significant damage. Many students across the country have lost their schools and educa- tion as a result of the ongoing issues. Al Jawf is one of the most affected gov- ernorates, which struggles to safely deliver education to children among other numerous crises.

Rabaa Al Adawiya School, that is located in Al Hazm District, Al Jawf Governor- ate, was partly damaged, in which BFD helped to steer into improved educa- tional conditions. Before BFD’s intervention, the school was in a tragic condi- tion, IDP students used to study in a rented shop near the school because there were not enough classrooms to accommodate them

(* B H)

Yemen - Flow Monitoring Points | Migrant Arrivals And Yemeni Returns _ January To June 2020

Between 1 January and 30 June 2020, IOM Yemen recorded 31,617 cross border migrants. Cross border migration was monitored through a network of 5 FMPs along the southern border of the country in Abyan, Hadramaut, Lahj, and Shabwah governorates.
The migrant arrivals to Yemen in the period between January and June 2020 decreased by 63%, compared to the same period in the last year 2019 due to COVID-19 related restriction they, also have caused tens of thousands of Ethiopian migrants to be stranded on their journeys. These migrants face increasing dangers throughout Yemen—a major transit country on the Horn of Africa-Arabian Gulf migration route to reach to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in search of economic opportunities.
The migrant caseload has been primarily Ethiopian (93%) and Somalis (7%), with 96% of those tracked heading for Saudi Arabia and 4% towards Yemen.
The migrants are predominantly male (72%), with 15% women and 10% boys and 3% girls also among the travelers.

and also

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis assemble to commemorate Battle of Karbala

Assembled crowds commemorating Ashura vow to continue fight for justice

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis in the capital Sana’a and a number of provinces have on Sunday morning staged mass rallies commemorating the Day of Ashura and the anniversary of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom.

Ten marches took place in the capital, with mass participations in several districts of Sana’a province.

During the events, speeches and poems were delivered that spoke about the revolution of Imam Hussain and the position of truth that he had taken in the face of tyrants and oppressors.


More films:


(A P)

Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi speaks on occasion of Ashura

Leader of the Revolution vows to continue resistance in the spirit of Imam Hussain

Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, the Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, has on Sunday denounced all forms of normalisation of relations with the Zionist entity, considering it to be a forbidden loyalty.

The Leader held a speech commemorating the holiday of Ashura and the anniversary of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom

Sayyid al-Houthi pointed out that the Yemeni people have decided to adhere to Islam in its authenticity, and the fruits of freedom, independence and dignity it brings.

He stressed that the Yemeni people refuse to surrender and be subservient to the tyranny represented by the US and Israel, and refuse to join the camp of hypocrisy represented by the Saudi and Emirati regimes.

Film: =

and comment by Islah Party:

(A P)

Houthis spend huge funds on false sectarian events amid humanitarian crisis

Well informed sources in Sana'a said that the Houthis allocated over YR one billion ($1.666 million) for spending on implementation of false religious events.

This volume of spending coincides with unprecedented spread of poverty, suspension of monthly payments to public servants and deteriorating public services in the Houthis-held areas.

The Houthis employed the 10th of Muhram (first month of Hijri calender) for devoting the theocracy theory on government that certain Hashemite family groups have a divine right to rule.

My comment: What is „false” and “sectarian” in religion?

(A P)

Businessmen of Ibb implement open strike

Several businessmen and owners of shops in the Houthis-held-Ibb governorate have been implementing an open strike for the third day in a row protesting illegal increase of the tax rate imposed by the Houthis officials.

The businessmen say that the Houthis-run Tax Office in Ibb imposes exorbitant taxes on the local businesses amid recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the circulation ban of the new banknotes of the Yemeni currency imposed by the Houthis.

They demanded that the rate of the tax remain the same of the past year with no increase.

(A P)

Gericht im Jemen führt Strafverfahren gegen Bahá’í trotz vorheriger Freilassung fort

In einer weiteren Gerichtsverhandlung am 22. August 2020 wurde das Strafverfahren gegen mehr als 20 Bahá’í in Sanaa fortgeführt. Die deutsche Bahá’í-Gemeinde prangert die Tatsache an, dass die religiös motivierten und unberechtigten Anklagen nicht fallen gelassen wurden und dass die Staatsanwaltschaft nun mehrere Bahá’í, die im vergangenen Monat von den Behörden freigelassen wurden, als „Flüchtige“ erklärt hat.

(A P)

Yemen: Houthis condemn Bahai members released from prison as 'fugitives'

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels accused members of the Bahai community, who they deported last month, of being “fugitives”, members of the community said on Sunday.

The rebels released six members of the Bahai faith from prison last month, where UN human rights experts said they had been held as prisoners of conscience because of their beliefs.

The Bahai International Community called for the members' assets to be returned, for all charges against them to be dropped and for Bahais to be allowed to live in Yemen without persecution.

None of these demands have been met.

A Houthi court in Sanaa has requested that five of the released members attend a hearing scheduled for September 18.

“The Bahai International Community condemns the Houthi rebels' failure to drop the malicious charges that are driven by religious motives against the Bahais who they released and deported out of the country,” the community said.

The Houthis said the members were “fleeing from justice”.

(A P)

SAM for Rights and Liberties: Surprised for Resuming #Bahai Trial after being Deported

#SAM ; #Houthis Militia Must Refrain from Manipulating Judiciary to Avenge Adversary

SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties called on the Houthis militia to refrain from manipulating judiciary to avenge people of different belief that Houthis, among the Baha'i Faith followers and all political opponents.

In a statement issued today, Thursday, August 27, 2020, SAM said that the Houthis militia should stop spreading hatred and discrimination against its opponents in the targeted community which is affected by its propaganda rhetoric.

SAM expressed surprise for Houthis manipulation to the judiciary in their areas of control, as a new session was held to try the Baha'is who were released on July 30, under mediation by the United Nations and they were deported, by a UN plane, out of the country as a condition for their release in a flagrant violation of their right to choose their place of residence, which is guaranteed by international conventions, yet the court held a new session to try them, and despite the fact that the process of releasing them and deport them was openly and reported by all the media, the judge ignored all this and asked the public prosecutor why they were absent from attending the session!

SAM said that she was surprised that the Houthis-run court continued to try the deported Baha'is and urging the prosecution to summon them, through their guarantors to 12th September session.

(A P)

Yemen calls on Britain to end supporting terrorism

Yemen's Deputy Foreign Minister called on the British people to put their government under pressure so that it will stop its policies of backing the terrorist groups, including ISIS and Al-Qaeda, in Yemen.

(A K P)

Film: Convoy of dead Houthi fighters killed recently in Marib

(B P)

[Hadi] Gov’t official: Houthis forcibly disappear over 3,500 people

Undersecretary of Justice, Faisl Al-Majidi said that the Houthis militants have been forcibly disappearing over 3,544 Yemeni citizens.

The Saudi-Al-Hadath affiliated news television channel quoted Al-Majidi as saying that documented cases of enforced disappeared people that were submitted to the UN Security Council reached 3,544 cases among them 72 children and 17 women.

He indicated that the real number might be bigger as some families do not report disappearances of their relatives.

My comment: I would not value this Hadi government propaganda figure at its weight in gold.

(A P)

Houthi militia executes young man in Al-Bayda

According to informed sources for September Net, armed groups in Al-Qurayshiya district executed abdullah Saleh Ze’awar after receiving him from one of the Houthi militia’s prisons.

(A P)

[fromSept. 19] Film: Civilians Kidnapped in Houthi-Controlled Al-Saleh City Detention Facility in Taiz

My remark: Still in detention:

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control.

(* A P)

STC aborts newborn gov't, further threatens Riyadh Agreement

Few hours are left for the deadline set under the Riyadh Agreement accelerating mechanism for the Yemeni new government to be formed, but no clear indications that the cabinet would be declared soon.

Military escalation and fierce confrontations between government troops and Emirati-backed STC forces recently erupted in the southern governorate of Abyan.

Resultantly, the STC on Tuesday suspended participation in ongoing negotiations with the Yemeni official government on the application of the Riyadh Agreement and its accelerating mechanism.

Yemeni public was disappointed by the STC decision, on which no comment has been released by Saudi officials.

On Thursday, STC chairman said they would neither let down gains achieved by southerners nor waiver their goals to restore and build the south state.

For observers, these remarks by Eidroos al-Zobaidi were a new declaration on abortion of the new government before its delivery, and a new pin to the Riyadh pact's coffin.

(A T)

Islah leader killed as new wave of assassinations hits Yemen's Aden

A leader in the Islah party was killed on Sunday in Yemen's interim capital of Aden, the first victim of what appears to be a new wave of political assassinations in the lawless city.

Awadh Fadak was gunned down in his car in the district of Al-Mansora by unidentified assailants who escaped before the police arrived at the crime scene, a security source said.

He died in hospital from his wounds, the source added.

and also

(A P)

Retired servicemen close coalition offices, Aden oil port

Yemeni retired servicemen on Sunday closed gates of the Arab coalition's headquarters and Aden oil port in the southern port city, calling for their salaries unpaid for months.

The army retirees shut the main gate of the Saudi-led coalition's head office in Bouraiqa district, west Aden, editor-in-chief of the government-run al-Jaish (Army) paper told the Anadolu Agency.

The protesters left the coalition HQ's rear gate open, Colonel Ali Mansour Miqrat added, "as a partial measure prior to whole closure, in a message to official authorities to react to their demands."

According to local sources, the servicemen also closed the oil terminal and denied access to trucks and goods, as part of pressing for payment of their 8-month salaries.

and also

(B P)

Photos: This is the situation of University students in #Aden with continuous electricity blackouts they had to go to the outdoors to study. It has been 5 years since Aden was called liberated yet zero investment in infrastructure has been made

(A P)

Yemen: Retired soldiers protest in Aden over pensions

Retired soldiers say their pensions have been withheld since January

(A P)

Source reveals causes of deterioration of electricity in Aden and calls to investigate with those involved

The source clarified that “there is a comparison that shows the extent to which a number of government and leased stations have disavowed the required energy according to the stations’ capabilities and according to the lease contracts between the owners of the leased energy and the Ministry of Electricity and the General Electricity Administration, and these facts can be inferred by checking the differences in the daily readings issued by the Department Control of electricity and the percentage of generation varied between the date of 1 to 19 August

(A P)

Important statement issued by the Security Belt [separatist militia] Command in Aden the capital

The Security Belt Command called on all citizens to communicate and report any wrong behavior or offensive action of the forces in the capital, Aden

The Security Belt Forces Command stressed that it will punish anyone who misbehaves in the name of the forces inside the capital and calls on citizens there to cooperate and report on that.

My comment: What a joke: This militia is feared for a lot of human rights violations.

(A P)

[Pro-separatist] Mass rally in Sayun rejecting the movements of Al-Eisi’s coalition

The city of Sayun, in the Hadramout Valley, witnessed a mass rally by motorbikes to express the rejection of anti-southern projects and the calls made by the so-called National Coalition (Al-Eisi Coalition) [anti-separatist].

This march comes as a condemnation and rejection of the movements of the suspected Brotherhood National Coalition (Al-Eisi Coalition) in Hadramout Valley

(A P)

[Pro-separatist] Youth of Hadramout raise the flags of the south on the peaks of the city of Sayun

(A P)

Al-Awlaki: Talking about unity is merely fighting and tampering with the south and a complete loss in the north

The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional, Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki, affirmed that Sana’a is no longer a real target for the Yemeni Brotherhood in the shadow of Houthi control over the entire joints of the north, indicating that the Brotherhood’s talk about the republic and unity is just tampering with the south and a loss for the north.

(A K P)

Yemeni president advisor warns of war in Abyan

Mobilization in Abyan by the internationally-recognized government and Southern Transitional Council (STC) cannot solve the crisis, advisor to the Yemeni president said Friday, warning against a war in the southern governorate.

"Disputes should be treated peacefully away from war," Ahmed Obaid Bin Daghr added on Twitter, following political tension between the government and STC triggered by differences on applying the Riyadh Agreement.

"Preparations for war in Abyan won't bring about a solution. No party will win; all of us will lose," former premier warned. "Instead of loss, let's win by means of peace.

"We must force ourselves to fulfill only what we agreed to," Bin Daghr added.

(A K P)

Infighting renews between Yemeni gov't, STC in Abyan

Early hours of Saturday saw renewed infighting between the Yemeni UN-recognized government troops and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in the southern governorate of Abyan.

Heavy weapons were used in shelling traded by both sides in Sheikh Salem and Taria areas east Zinjobar, the provincial capital of Abyan, local sources said.

(A P)

STC welcomes new governor of Aden

Aden governor holds 1st meeting, focusing on security

Lamlas Receives the Local Authority in Aden Governorate

Lamlas holds extended meeting on basic services in Aden

My comment: No reason to be astonished – Lamlas is a separatist leader, and they give him a stage.

(* A P)

Yemeni separatists say determined to restore south state

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) will neither let down gains achieved by southerners nor waiver their goals to restore and build the south state, the STC chairman siad Thursday.
"Parties affiliated to the Yemeni government try to abort the Riyadh Agreement," Eidroos al-Zobaidi added at meeting with the Djiboutian ambassador to Yemen, Dhia'aAddeen BaMakhrama.
The STC leader reiterated his determination to apply the Saudi-brokered deal with the official government, but "cause that led the STC to suspend its participation in talks on the pack need to be tackled.

My comment: Both goals 8a southern state and apply the Riyadh agreement) do not fit together.

(A P)

Senior military official: Hadramout supports federal Yemen

Commander of the First Military Command, General Saleh Tomais, said that Hadramout supports the legitimate government and the proposed federal system.

(A P)

Al-Wali: The flag of the south we have fought under its shadow since 94 and we are still fighting, and the world must accept us as we are.

My remark: More of separatist propaganda.

(* A K P)

Saudi efforts to press for Riyadh Agreement application

A Saudi committee started new moves on Wednesday to contain the recent obstruction to application of the Riyadh Agreement inked between the UN-recognized government and Southern Transitional Council (STC), government official said, one day after the Emirati-backed STC suspended its talks on applying the pact.
Led by the Saudi Ambassador Mohamed Al Jaber, the panel met with the Yemeni Parliament speaker Sultan al-Barakani, board of advisors to President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and STC representatives to address the latest developments and the reasons listed by the STC for its suspended talks, the official told al-Araby al-Jadeed.
Earlier on Wednesday, head of STC national association labeled the Saudi envoy's management of talks on the Riyadh pact as "fruitless".
Ambassador Al Jaber has "recklessly dealt with the southern issue," Gen Ahmed Saeed Bin Boraik added in interview with the International Sputnik. "He took a summer leave at time the STC delegation prepared for resuming the talks after Eid al-Adha and President Hadi headed for the US.
"Having felt deliberate recklessness from supervisors of the Riyadh pact's application, we decided to freeze our participation," the STC official said.


(* A P)

Saudi Arabia bows to demands of STC

Saudi Arabia seems to have bowed to demands of the southern transitional council and allowed the newly appointed governor for Aden, Ahmed Saleh Lamlas, to go back to Aden.
It is seeking to salvage the Riyadh Agreement after the council suspended its participation in consultations with the internationally recognised government to form a power-sharing government.
Lamlas was appointed by president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi after the government and the council accepted a mechanism presented by Saudi Arabia in July to accelerate the implementation of the agreement.
More recently, leaks revealed Saudi Arabia was preventing Lamlas from leaving it, pressuring the council to implement the military and security part of the mechanism first.
The leaks were confirmed by activists close to the council in the past days who said the council has put new conditions for pulling its forces out of main cities.
Upon his arrival in Aden on Wednesday, Lamlas said his top priority was to improve the basic services in the city.


(A P)

Aden’s new governor returns to city

Aden’s new governor, Ahmed Lamlas, has urged political parties and people in Yemen’s port city of Aden to set their differences aside and focus their efforts on helping him to revive state bodies and fix services in the city.

Shortly after arriving in Aden on Thursday, Lamlis told reporters that he would work as hard as he could to address the city’s thorny issues such as insecurity and crumbling services.

“We came to Aden to work with love and loyalty for our beloved capital, Aden. We have support from the Saudi reconstruction fund and the (Yemeni) government,” the governor said.

and also

and by UAE news site:


My comment: No wonder, he’s a separatist leader and returns to a separatist-leaded city.

(A P)

SCT official attacks Saudi envoy over reckless management of consultations with Yemeni government

Chairman of the national assembly of the southern transitional council, Ahmed Saeed bin Breik, on Thursday criticised Saudi ambassador to Yemen over his reckless management of the consultations with the internationally recognised government to form a power-sharing government and end violence in south Yemen.
In an interview with Sputnik, he did not rule out the formation of a caretaker government from the council and honorable people in south Yemen.
The ambassador Mohammed Al Jaber, who has been tasked with managing the consultations, has been reckless with his duty and the southern cause, bin Breik said.
He went on a summer vacation at a time when the council was preparing for the consultations after Eid Al-Adha and coinciding with a visit of president Abdurabbuh Mansur Hadi to the United States of America, he added.
"We express our rejection of handling this file this way. However, we have too many options".
"The STC rescinded self-rule of the south upon a request by the member states of Saudi-led coalition. But due to the recklessness of those tasked with managing the consultations, we have suspended our participation in the consultations because we respect our decisions and can't stand the suffering forever," he said.

(A K P)

Yemeni gov't army restores arms from UAE-backed forces in Taiz

The Yemeni official army on Wednesday restored weaponry from Emirati-backed forces in the southwestern governorate of Taiz.
"The military police-led security campaign recovered military equipment of the 35th armored brigade," Taiz military police said in a statement, after the ordnance "was seized by rebels in last weeks.
"The rebels abused the command vacuum in the 35th armored brigade and appropriated military machines and vehicles," it added.

(A P)

Yemen court continues trial of Houthi leader

Abdul Malik al-Houthi and 174 others are facing charges that include staging a coup against the government and colluding with Iran.

The Marib Military Court on Tuesday (August 25th) held its second hearing in the trial of Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi and 174 other Houthi leaders, with military court chief Aqeel Taj al-Din presiding.

Charges against the defendants in criminal case No. 4 of 2020 include communicating with Iran and staging a coup against the government.

They include forming a terrorist organisation (Ansarallah) with the help of Lebanese Hizbullah and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and establishing illegal relations with a foreign country, Iran, with the intent of harming Yemen's military, political, diplomatic and economic status.

They also include providing Iran with information on the national security of Yemen and Gulf countries in return for weapons.

The military prosecution called for the defendants to be tried in absentia as fugitives from justice, per the code of civil procedure, after their names were published in three consecutive issues of the September 26 newspaper.

My comment: Another “ghost” trial – a similar show is staged by the Houthi side.

(* A K P)

Yemeni gov't-STC Abyan fragile ceasefire fails, battles blaze

Fierce clashes between Yemen's UN-recognized government army and Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces on Wednesday continued in the southern governorate of Abyan.
The last hours saw escalated pace of military operations, with both parties shelling each other using heavy and medium artillery, after the STC on Tuesday suspended participation in negotiations on applying the Riyadh Agreement and its accelerating mechanism.


(* A K P)

UAE-backed Yemen group sends reinforcements to Abyan

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) yesterday sent military reinforcements to Abyan Governorate, which is witnessing an escalation in tensions after the council withdrew from negotiations in Riyadh.

The leadership of the STC’s 5th Brigade revealed that it has received orders to quickly reinforce the frontlines in Abyan and raise the combat readiness in all the southern borders following the military escalation with government forces.

The STC promised to continue its fight against the government forces, claiming that this decision was taken “after the Council adhered to all the required steps, which were met by intransigence from other side to the conflict; and therefore we will engage in an open war.”

and also


(A K P)

Photos: Southern army [separatist militia] sends military reinforcements to Abyan

The southern forces, represented by the fifth brigade, have sent today new military reinforcements consist of several types of heavy and medium weapons, in addition to military vehicles to back up the fronts in the governorate of Abyan.


(* A K P)

Fierce clashes between Gov't, STC forces in Yemen's Abyan

Fierce clashes broke out on Wednesday between the forces of the internationally recognised government and the southern transitional council in Abyan province in south Yemen, hours after the UAE-backed council suspended its participation in consultations with the government to implement the Riyadh Agreement.

The fighting is taking place in the areas of Al-Sheikh Salim, Shoqra and Al-Tariya, a tribal source told the New Arab, adding that explosions have been heard in downtown Zinjibar, the province's capital city.

It started in the areas of Al-Tariya and along the coastal strip at dawn following escalation by government forces which started to attack, Spokesperson for the council's forces, Mohammed Al-Naqib, said.

Our forces repelled the assault of the government forces and targeted their positions in Shoqra, Al-Tariya and coastal strip, inflicting heavy losses upon them, he added.


(A K P)

Military escalation hits southern Yemen as talks on peace deal suspended

Meanwhile, Mohammed Naqib, a spokesman of the STC's forces in Abyan, said in a statement released on his official Twitter account that "Abyan front is witnessing violent clashes..." and that their forces "fought back strongly against the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islah party forces."

The spokesman of the STC's forces indicated that their forces "are at the highest levels of combat vigilance and ready for all possibilities, including the comprehensive battle," which "will only be a decisive battle."

Yemen's government made no official comments about the escalation of the situation in Abyan or regarding the STC's decision of talks suspension.

But the recent escalation of fighting is threatening to collapse the mechanisms proposed by Saudi Arabia last month to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh power-sharing agreement signed between the two Yemeni warring rivals in November last year.


(* A K P)

Yemeni separatists suspend talks with gov’t, clashes resume

Fighting resumed in southern Yemen between Emirati-backed separatists and the internationally recognized government, officials said Wednesday. The renewed violence comes after the separatists suspended participation in talks to implement a Saudi-brokered peace deal.

The separatists’ announcement could thwart Saudi efforts to close a year-long rift amid a broader war against Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Government forces allegedly have killed more than 75 separatist fighters in the flashpoint province of Abyan since June 22, when the two sides agreed to a cease-fire after months of infighting, the STC said.

Hours after the announcement, fighting resumed overnight between the separatists and government forces in Abyan, where Saudi-led coalition deployed troops in June to observe the cease-fire, officials from both sides said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reporters.


(* A K P)

Emirati desire behind STC paused partaking in Riyadh talks: observers

The Yemeni legitimate government and Southern Transitional Council (STC) have traded blames for breaching the ceasefire in Abyan, amid fears that the Riyadh Agreement and its accelerating mechanism could come to nothing.

In the last two days, the southern governorate of Abyan saw military escalation between the two sides' forces, although a Saudi military committee arrived on 13 August in Aden to oversee arrangements for applying the military and security section of the Riyadh Agreement.

Spokesman for STC forces in Abyan on Tuesday accused the government forces of violating Abyan truce.

The "Islah Party militias are still shelling our military sites with different heavy and medium weapons," pushing STC artillery to bomb government troops' sites, Mohamed al-Naqib added in a tweet.

Later, the STC suspended participation in ongoing negotiations on the application of the Riyadh Agreement, a move seen by observers as a response to Emirati instructions and pressures.

The STC sent a letter to Saudi Arabia, the sponsor of the pact with the Yemeni official government, listing the reasons for its suspension.

But for observers, the STC's letter "came in response to Emirati desire, reflecting the dispute between the council's members."

The STC's citing the deteriorated services and unpaid salaries is "but an attempt to seek the affections of the southern public, after the Council realized that its publicity increasingly declined," observers told Debriefer.

Son of former president, Ali Salem al-Beedh, called on STC's leaders to withdraw from Riyadh negotiations.


(* A K P)

Emirati-pressed STC suspension of talks insults Riyadh: Yemeni official

By its suspension of participation in ongoing negotiations, on applying the Riyadh Agreement and its accelerating mechanism, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) deeply insults Saudi Arabia and evades the implementation of the pact's military section, said advisor to Yemen's information minister.

The STC seeks "only gains out of the Riyadh Agreement, and won't abide by application of all its terms," Mukhtar al-Rahabi added in a tweet, dubbing the Council as "mere militias that have no covenant or word .. and want to be legitimized."

The STC move "deeply insults Saudi Arabia and puts the pact's sponsor into a critical situation. While the legitimate government has made successive concessions, STC militias look for any pretexts to abort the deal."

By its suspension of talks, the STC wants to "evade application of the pact's military and security section," in addition to "other reasons relating to internal problems and conflict over posts.

"The Emirates pressed the STC to not hand arms or withdraw, as this means an end to the Emirati project in Yemen and to the STC's control of Aden," the Yemeni official claimed.


(A K P)

Hani Bin Boraik says STC paused participation indispensible

The Southern Transitional Council's (STC's) suspended participation in negotiations with the Yemeni official government on the application of the Riyadh Agreement is indispensible to "press for full commitment to the deal's accelerating mechanism," the UAE-backed STC vice-chairman tweeted on Wednesday.

The suspension of talks is a "serious stance at all the irresponsible actions by parties at the legitimate [government] that find the deal against their own interests," Hani Bin Boraik added.

The southern leader reiterated his STC's full compliance to the pact, as long as no violations are committed.

(* A K P)

Saudi forces take over key border post at Omani frontier

Saudi forces and mercenaries stormed Shihan border post

The Saudi occupation forces continue to terrorise the citizens of in Mahrah continuously, with the aim of subjecting them to the ongoing occupation.

Saudi occupation forces have invaded and stormed the Shihan border port, in the east of the province, local sources said on Wednesday.

The sources confirmed that Saudi armoured vehicles have completed their full control of Shihan port, bordering Oman.

Saudi forces failed to storm the port last Saturday evening, after tribesmen confronted the occupation forces and forced them into a retreat after clashes


(* A K P)

Saudi forces storm port in east Yemen

Saudi forces on Wednesday stormed Shahan port in Yemen's eastern province of Mahrah on the border with Oman, shortly after governor Mohammed Ali Yassir and tribal elders held a meeting and agreed to stop escalation in the province, a government official said.

Saudi apache helicopters were hovering at a low altitude above the port at the time, the official said.

Earlier this week, local tribes prevented Saudi forces from accessing the port. The Saudi forces alleged they had wanted to deliver advanced equipment for monitoring and combating smuggling operations through the port.

Meanwhile, observers argued that the insistence of Saudi Arabia to take control of this port is provoking Oman which has chilling relations with the Saudi kingdom.


(A K P)

Saudi Arabia Persists in Volitions, Seeks Control of New Areas in Mahra

The former deputy of Al-Mahra province, Sheikh Ali Al-Harizi, said today, Thursday, that the Saudi forces have exceeded in their violations and are seeking to control new areas by bringing military reinforcements to Mahra airport and its outlets.

Al-Hurayzi accused Saudi Arabia of forcing the citizens to a dire confrontation with its forces, pointing out that Saudi Arabia is trying to push the tribes into confrontations with it and with Hadi government forces in the province.

My remark: Earlier reporting Yemen War Mosaic 675, cp6.

(A P)

Governor of Aden [Lamlas, separatist leader] : We have great challenges ahead and we look forward to positive role for media accompanies efforts of local authority in developmental aspects.

(A P)

[Separatist leader] Bin Farid praising Hadramout: the front line of defense for the southern cause

The head of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Southern Transitional Council in Europe, Ahmed Omar bin Farid, praised on Friday, the [pro-separatist] rally that took place in Seiyun to denounce the Yemeni projects.

(A P)

Female relatives to detainees in Aden demand international committee probes fate of their disappeared relatives

Hundreds of female relatives to detainees staged a sit-in before the Judiciary Complex in Aden to demand fate disclosure of their detained family members who have been forcibly disappeared for over four years.

A statement by the participants of the sit-in said that legal procedures for their release must not be hindered and affirmed that sit-ins for release of their relatives will continue until all disappeared people set free.

The participants demanded formation of an international commission to investigate fate of their disappeared relatives.


(A P)

Mothers of abducted Yemenis call for clarity about abductees

Association demands immediate release of all arbitrarily detained prisoners in Aden

The Association of Mothers of Abductees has on Tuesday called for disclosing m the fate of 38 people who have been missing for four years, likely being held in secret prisons in the southern city of Aden.

The call came during a protest vigil carried out by the mothers of abductees on Tuesday, in front of the judicial compound in Aden.

(A P)

Yemen, Djibouti talk protection of Bab al-Mandab strait, Red Sea

Yemeni Prime Minister Ma’een Abdulmalik and Djibouti’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia Dhiya'addin Bamakhrama, spoke on Tuesday, expressing concerns over the looming environmental threat posed by the decaying Safer tanker.

And they expressed their concern over the lack of cooperation displayed by the Houthis, who have rejected the United Nations’ continued requests to be granted access to the ship and drain the cargo of oil.

(A P)

Yemen: UAE-backed militias in Aden kidnap Salafis in Aden

UAE-backed separatist militias in Yemen have arrested Salafi figures in the southern city of Aden, Arabi21 reported.

(B P)

Hani Al-Beidh, a UAE pawn to help subjugate Yemen's Hadramout

Hani Al-Beidh, son of former vice president of the republic of Yemen Ali Salim Al-Beidh, has come out to express support to the southern transitional council's call for separation of the south amid political unrest bearing the hallmarks of the UAE in the eastern province of Hadramout.
He is taking advantage of his origins from a province which is clinging to the legitimate president and government and a federal Yemen and rejecting bids to drag it into chaos and violence after other southern provinces.
Observers told Debriefer Al-Beidh's actions imply intentions of his family to come back to politics.
He is a pawn used by the UAE, some observers argued.
The UAE wants Al-Beidh to play a vital role and have influence in south Yemen, especially in Hadramout, which the Gulf state is seeking to subjugate, observers said.
The return to a political scene controlled by foreign players after a long time away appears to be a thoughtful move and comes within ambitions to control the wealth resources in south Yemen.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-675 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-675: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose