HIDDEN TRACK - Neue Räume zwischen Akustik und Assoziation

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Mit der Performance „Hidden Track“ eröffnet Bo Christian Larsson neue Räume zwischen Akustik und Assoziation. Vier Chöre bilden das Sprachrohr für bekannte Melodien aus den letzten 30 Jahren und lassen sie so in eine Art Wettstreit miteinander treten.

Der Zuschauer wird so gewissermaßen zum Schiedsrichter seiner selbst. Welcher Melodie folge ich, welche brennt sich ein, welche nimmt mich mit auf die Reise zu alten Erinnerungen?

Bo Christian Larsson war so gut, uns seine Assoziationen zu einigen der in der Performance verwendeten und einigen weiteren eingängigen Melodien zu nennen.
Im Folgenden kommt also unser schönes Assoziationsinterview:

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
The more people that inhabits the planet the lonelier the individual become.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding.
A stupid interpretation on life itself! Humans always want to be guided through the hard parts and slide upon the surface, when life seems ok!

And maybe we come back, to earth who can tell.
A great hallucination!

I’ve got a bad desire; oh I’m on fire.
A typical feeling of a human in denial put in great poetic words.

This museum full of ash once a tickle now a rash
A pretentious way of saying: DON’T TRY!

I’ve walked a thousand miles to slip this skin
Never ending story.

Why does it always rain on me?
This is the thought of a self-absorbed crybaby.

The drugs don’t work they just make you worse

Did I fall or was I pushed?
Do I only have good or also some bad friends?

Will you still love me tomorrow?
Hoping for the unconditional.

What was that moment for which we live?
One moment in time!

And all of the time you thought I was sad,
I was trying to remember your name.
Many sad people get mixed up with being happy, maybe it can be called: The clown syndrome.

Text & Interview: Ireen Kirsch

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