Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 231 - Yemen War Mosaic 231

Yemen Press Reader 231: Präsident Hadi–Separatisten im Süden–Rückblick Oktober– Beendet US-Unterstützung für Saudis!–Samantha Power im Interview–Kriegslieder–Waffenstillstand gebrochen & zu Ende

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Eingebetteter MedieninhaltHadi’s presidency – Southern separatists–October review – End US support for Saudis! – Samantha Power interviewed – Yemen war songs – Ceasefire broken and ended – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Finanzen / Finances

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

21.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (** A P)

Yemen parliament: Hadi legitimacy ended on February 21, 2014. (On its session of Sunday Nov 20)

My comment: The parliament is the only legitimate political body having survived in Yemen from pre-2015 times. I think it is difficult to make such decisions backwards into something what is history now. Hadi was elected for a two-year term in 2012 and started his office on Feb., 27, 2012. Thus, his term lasted until Feb. 27, 2014. But in 2014, the National Dialog Conference – with the consent of ALL parties presented there – had prolonged his term for another year. With the consent of all, this should be considered legitimate. Anyway, even Hadi’s prolonged term definitely ENDED Feb. 27, 2015. Whatever Hadi has been after this date, just an old man or Saudi’s clown or whatever – president of Yemen, and even less a “legitimate” president he is no more since that date.

21.11.2016 – Gulf News (** B P)

Yemen war fails to inhibit southern ambitions

Since the north and south were unified in 2007, southerners have complained of marginalisation and the drain on their natural resources

October 14 was an important day for south Yemen separatists as thousands streamed into a large parade area in the southern city of Aden, the base of the internationally recognised government, to restate their long-held demand — to break off from the north and create their own state of South Yemen.

“We want to keep our cause alive and kicking,” Ali Bathouab, a senior figure in the Southern Movement and known as Herak, a loose term for separatists, told Gulf News.

Disgruntled southerners took to the streets of major south Yemen cities in 2007 to vent their anger over what they see as inequality and marginalisation by the northerners.

The southerners say that, after a civil war between south and north Yemen in 1994, the victorious northerners discharged thousands of military and civilian public servants and took control of the south’s oil wealth. Since then, the southerners have carried out routine demonstrations repeating their demands.

To them, “regaining” their former state would bring back jobs and would enable them to take charge of their wealth.

Almost a decade later, Bathouab thinks that ongoing peaceful protests have yielded fruit and they are edging closer to their goal. “Before this war [against Al Houthis], the Herak [separatists] had played a critical role in mobilising the southerners against the Al Houthi invasion,” Ahmad Bamoulem, another senior separatist figure from the province of Hadramout told Gulf News.

“The southerners are in charge of all of their provinces now,” he said, adding that they have come a long way since 2007.

Bathouab said that Al Houthi opposition to southern separatists’ demands for years gave them reason to join the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

Governors, army commanders, security chiefs and thousands of low-ranking soldiers are separatists through and through. So, what is now stopping them from unilaterally declaring their state?

Bathouab and Bamoulem, who represent hardline separatist outfits that call for immediate independence from the unified Yemen, say that they have to overcome some hurdles to reach their goal.

The first obstacle is the presence of thousands of northern army troops in parts of Hadramout and Mahra. The coalition did not bomb these forces as they threw their weight behind President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

“We cannot declare a state while some parts of the south are still under occupation,” Bamoulem said.

Months of fighting in the south have destroyed all government bodies and basic infrastructure.

Bathouab thinks that the southerners should first rebuild these institutions and “prove to the world that they have the ability to run their future state”.

Critics argue that deep-rooted divisions are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of the southern separatists.

Despite wanting independence, southerners have largely failed to overcome their differences or come together to form a unified political entity to speak on their behalf – by Saeed Al Batati

19.11.2016 – Sanaa Center (** A K P)

Yemen at the UN - October 2016 Review

[Review article: Events, developments, war crimes, tensions, new UN peace plan]


In October, the Houthi forces’ use of anti-ship missiles targeting vessels in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait led to a brief but direct intervention in the Yemeni conflict by the United States navy.

Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on a funeral gathering in Sana’a caused massive casualties and brought widespread international condemnation, however the US and United Kingdom continued to oppose an international investigation into war crimes in Yemen, and Saudi Arabia was re-elected to a second term on the UN Human Rights council.

Meanwhile, a new peace plan put forward by the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, while initially rejected by the opposing Yemeni sides in the conflict, appeared to gain new momentum toward the end of the month and early November, due to increasing international consensus around the plan and new US impetus to end the conflict before President Barack Obama leaves office in January 2016.

Renewed efforts to end the conflict

Despite setbacks in October, there continued to be potential for the UN Special Envoy's’ new peace plan, given that there appeared to be greater international agreement over its details than previously seen. While the United Arab Emirates has supported both of the peace plans, an important development in early November was that the Saudis were also expressing support for the new plan in closed-door meetings. Saudi Arabia and Oman had also reportedly agreed to cooperate in pressuring the opposing sides in the Yemeni conflict to accept the peace plan, with Saleh and the Houthis, following their rejection of the plan, then expressing conditional support for its framework.

A major breakthrough appeared to come in mid-November when US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition had agreed to a ceasefire and the framework for renewed peace negotiations. This move bypassed Hadi’s objections and appeared to be a new push by Washington to resolve the conflict before President Barack Obama leaves office in January 2017.

In brief

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) had, as of October 31, received 51% of the US$1.63 billion it has called for to implement its 2016 humanitarian response plan in Yemen.

In the month of October, 31 Vessels applied for clearance from the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM) – launched in May 2016 to speed the flow of commercial goods to Yemen through the Saudi-led coalition blockade. Forty-six certificates of clearance were issued and the average time to issue clearance was 43 hours. A total of 770,417 metric tons (mt) of cargo was offloaded through the UNVIM in October, consisting of 346,404 mt of food, 82,804 mt of fuel and 341,209 mt of general cargo.

Comment by Judith Brown: This is a truly great article coming out the the esteemed Sanaa Centre - the voice of young Yemeni intellectuals. It really summarises very well the recent developments in the peace negotiations. What is very true and well understood by all involved in peace negotiations is the block that Hadi has created and the foolishness of his actions - here it cites the movement of the Central Bank which had been doing such amazing work in preventing the collapse of Yemen - the only thing preventing it from becoming a truly failed state - but other examples include the sacking of his deputy Bahah - held in high esteem by many international actors - before the critical peace negotiations and replacing him with a very inflexible man. His inflexibility - designed by him to extend the war and hence his hold on the role of president- now has had the effect of excluding him from the peace, and in my view that can only do good. If you read one article on Yemen this month, make it this one.

18.11.2016 – UK Column News (** B K P)

Film: Mike Robinson discusses the Yemen conflict

with Vanessa Beeley and Hussain Bukhaiti, an independent journalist living in Sanaa.

19.11.2016 – Pars Today (** B K P)

End US support for Saudi Arabia’s barbaric war against Yemen

American policy analyst Doug Bandow thinks that with the change of guard in the White House following the defeat of the Democrats and election of Donald Trump the Republican, it is time to take stock of realities and change US policy in Yemen and the Middle East.

President Barak Obama developed a reputation for being reluctant to plunge into new Middle Eastern wars. What possessed him to decide to help kill Yemenis who had not threatened America? The US administration’s involvement appears to be an embarrassing response to Riyadh’s criticism of the Iran nuclear deal. Instead of dismissing the Saudi presumption that American policy should revolve around their desires, the US backed the aggressive war for regional influence. Secretary of State John Kerry said: “we’re not going to step away from our alliances and our friendships.” Does Kerry mean: Even with an essentially totalitarian state which has promoted illiberal, intolerant religious teaching and Islamic extremism, and whose citizens have contributed both money and people to terrorist attacks against America. America needs better allies and friends.

Riyadh then seemed unconcerned about stability and legitimacy, and instead backed the new president, Saleh’s old deputy Mansour Hadi. The latter had little domestic support, while Saleh performed a classic political pirouette and joined the Ansarallah against Hadi. Most of the Yemeni security forces defected to Saleh, and Hadi had to flee the capital of Sana’a to the golden embrace of the Saudi rulers. Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute noted that “there is good reason to doubt these so-called rebels pose a direct threat to Riyadh, outside the confines of Saudi paranoia.”

Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia chose war to reinstate Hadi. It apparently envisioned a quick campaign, but nearly two years later the war rages on, with the Ansarallah coalition governing most of the population. Occasionally the Yemenis also land a blow on Saudi territory. Secretary Kerry criticized attacks on Saudi Arabia, opining that Riyadh “has a right to be free from missiles being launched from Yemen.” He apparently forgot that the Yemeni-coalition was only retaliating for Riyadh’s aggression. Saudi Arabia claims it is following international law in backing the ousted government of Hadi. Yet it is doing the opposite in Syria – where it is actively supporting terrorists against the government of President Bashar al-Asad. And after having called on Riyadh to kill his countrymen Hadi retains little following in Yemen. The Saudis would have to leave an occupying force to keep him in power.

The administration cites promoting stability as the justification for US policy. For instance, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that Riyadh was “sending a strong message to the Ansarallah and their allies that they cannot overrun Yemen by force.” But Washington previously never much cared about who was battling whom for control of Yemen. Indeed, who rules matters little to anyone outside the country. Neither Ansarallah nor Saleh could or would challenge Saudi predominance or block Persian Gulf shipping. Yet Secretary Kerry declared that the US was “not going to stand by while the region is destabilized or while people engage in overt warfare across lines, international boundaries and other countries.” He has a career in stand-up comedy when he retires from State. Apparently he forgot America’s invasion of Iraq, which simultaneously violated international law and created regional chaos. US intervention in Libya had much the same effect. America still must worry about terrorism, and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) remains a dangerous force. Alas, the Saudi aggression has created a vacuum, freeing AQAP to grab more territory and plot more terrorist attacks. The Ansarallah had never attacked or even threatened America. Ansarallah did, however, fight al-Qaeda—that is, until the movement was forced to concentrate on the Saudis.

Saudi Arabia’s last resort has been to justify its murderous military campaign by pointing at Tehran. The Saudis call all Yemenis “Iran-supported” to camouflage Riyadh’s depredations. It is an equally deceitful claim. Iran might not be a friend of the US, but Saudi Arabia is less free politically and culturally, allows no religious liberty, and has done more than any other country to promote intolerance and underwrite terrorist groups which have attacked the US and the West. Exactly how Riyadh differs from Daesh, except in relative refinement of repression, is not obvious.

Anyway, the Saudis can hardly complain about Iran entering a war that Riyadh started. Particularly outrageous has been the dishonest neoconservative attempt to blame the alleged Ansarallah missile attacks on US ships on Tehran.

Better would be to simply stop supporting the war. Unfortunately, Washington cannot undo its past support. But the administration could say Riyadh is now on its own in prosecuting its jihad against fellow Muslims.

The administration has made a pact with the devil in backing the Saudi rulers’ war in Yemen. There was no threat to America, not the slightest justification for the US to back an oppressive dictatorship in its aggression against a poor neighbor. As a result of Washington’s support for Saudi ruthlessness, Yemen has suffered desperately.

Yet the Saudi rulers, secure in luxury at home, bomb on, aided by America. The administration’s response? Declare itself to be “deeply disturbed.”

The Yemen war could go on for years. President Obama should end America’s participation. If he doesn’t care about the loss of innocent life he should look to his legacy. And if that makes no difference, as one of his first acts President Donald Trump should withdraw US support. There is no justification for America to play bloody handmaiden to the Saudis in Yemen

My comment: A very sincere analysis of US policy on Yemen. This was published on an Iranian website – but these ideas are ascribed to a recommended US political writer.

19.11.2016 – The Nation (** A K P)

The Nation: Lisa Owen interviews Samantha Power

The US Ambassador to the UN tells The Nation the US is reviewing its involvement in the conflict in Yemen, but denies it is on a par with Russia’s actions in Syria.
Samantha Power says she can see how the makeup of the UN and the veto for the permanent five members of the Security Council could be seen as unfair, but she says the US will not give up any power.

In September the American ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, criticised Russia’s motives and called its involvement barbarism, rather than counter terrorism. I sat down with her in New York last week and asked her if she’s just as concerned now.
Samantha Power: Yes, absolutely. The sieges over so many of the populated areas in Syria persist, the air strikes persist, Aleppo has not received food since July 7 […]

Lisa Owen: Because I suppose the thing is that Russia would say that it's supporting a government there and that it has a mandate. They did not go in there unilaterally.
They would say that. They do say that, in fact, it turns out. I think the question is governments through history have been of various stripes. This is a government that has instituted a policy of systematic torture in its prisons. We have seen with the Caesar photos just what that brutality has wrought for innocents or vulnerables. It has used sarin gas, chlorine gas against its own people. It does not think twice about starving people to death as a means of ‘taking territory’. So I think the question that all of us have asked ourselves since the founding of the UN is — does sovereignty shield everything; can you do anything just because you are a sovereign state? And we answered in the wake of the Second World War resoundingly no. In fact, there are rules; there are limits. And this regime, sure, can invite whoever it wants in. It’s done so. It’s invited Iran in, Hezbollah, Russia. But that does not give you a free pass to murder people.

So in terms of Russia, then, how much responsibility does it need to take for the deaths of civilians?
It needs to take responsibility for backing a regime that slaughters civilians. And now, unfortunately in the last year, it needs to take responsibility for killing civilians itself.
So in saying that, do you see any difference between what Russia is doing there and the US role in supporting airstrikes in Yemen?
We are not involved in carrying out airstrikes in Yemen. Russia is systematically using bunker busters to target people who are in apartment buildings. We are helping Saudi Arabia, which has been bombed by Houthi rebels and in a manner that puts thousands, tens of thousands of people at risk. Even near the town of Mecca, which you can imagine if a missile hit Mecca what that would mean. So we believe that Saudi Arabia has an entitlement to defend itself. We also believe that the military course of action being pursued now by both the Houthi on the ground and by the coalition in the air is only going to produce heartache for the people of Yemen. And this is why Secretary Kerry is thoroughly around-the-clock invested in trying to bring about a political solution for Yemen.
You may not be dropping the bombs yourself, but you are selling weapons that are being used in the strikes.
Russia is systematically targeting civilian-inhabited neighbourhoods. There is no parity at all. And we are instituting a review also of all of our arrangements with those countries involved in the coalition, because we ourselves have condemned those strikes, for instance, the recent funeral strike. Russia has never… It cannot condemn itself, I guess, but it has never condemned the Syrian regime for gassing people, for torturing people, for bombarding people in civilian areas. There is no parallel.
But the death of civilians in Yemen are a consequence of air strikes using military weapon and with the assistance of intel that is provided by the United States. How comfortable are you with that?
I am very comfortable with our — the United States' — observance of international humanitarian law, with the care we take, when we target. We have lawyers at the elbow of every military commander making a decision. We are discerning. When we make mistakes, which we have, in war — we did in Kunduz in Afghanistan, and we have recently in Syria, hitting a Syrian army position when we were intending to hit ISIL — we come forward, we pay compensation, we try to figure out what we do wrong. There is no comparison.
Do you think you're exposed legally in Yemen? You say you have legal people at the elbow when these decisions are made.
We are not targeting in Yemen. You are mixing two fundamentally different things. We are not involved in carrying out airstrikes in Yemen. We are not part of the coalition in Yemen. We are supporting Saudi Arabia on its border with intelligence because it is being—
$1.3 billion worth of weapons last year to Saudi.
The United States actually does provide weapons to countries around the world. That is true. If you think that is the same as slaughtering civilians with your own hands, that is a very strange comparison.
So you think these situations are totally different? That they’re of no comparison?
We are not bombing.
You don't think there is any kind of moral obligation to you in terms of—?
You can ask the question 45,000 different ways. We are not bombing in Yemen. We believe that the war in Yemen must end. We are more invested than any single country in the world in actually trying to bring about a political solution. We believe that the Saudis, who have bombed from the air, need to take much greater precautions. We believe that their observance of international humanitarian law is not what it needs to be. We have sent lawyers to urge them to take a different approach. But, again, your line of questioning, while persistent, does not bring us to a different place. We are not bombing in Yemen in the way that Russia is bombing in Syria. And we are reviewing our assistance to see — are there things that we, in light of what is happening, in light of what the countries involved are continuing to pursue a military solution, do we need to do things differently, do we need to adjust?
What? Stop selling weapons or…?
We are doing a review, and we will see what the review produces.
Okay. You mentioned Kunduz, which is Afghanistan, but four hospitals bombed in Yemen in the last 17 months, including one incident in August where the majority of victims were children. Doctors without Borders has raised some serious concerns about that issue. How much collateral damage is the US prepared to tolerate?
We are not part of the coalition in Yemen. We are not bombing in Yemen. I think you might be misinformed. and part of interview in film:

Comment by Haykal Bafana: What a journalist! NZ reporter Lisa Owen rips apart @AmbassadorPower in interview on Yemen & Syria.

My comment: This is a really great interview – Lisa Owen grilling Samantha Power. Please read in full, it’s all splendid, I can cite here just a bit of it. The interview fully reveals the hypocrisy and double standard of Western policy. – Samantha Power on behalf of Yemen can do little more than hide behind an US proxy like Saudi Arabia. – Samantha Power tries to argue why the US are on the right side when interfering against the Assad government in Syria and why Russia is on the wrong side when supporting the Assad government: “This is a government that has instituted a policy of systematic torture in its prisons. We have seen with the Caesar photos just what that brutality has wrought for innocents or vulnerables. It has used sarin gas, chlorine gas against its own people. It does not think twice about starving people to death as a means of ‘taking territory’. So I think the question that all of us have asked ourselves since the founding of the UN is — does sovereignty shield everything; can you do anything just because you are a sovereign state? And we answered in the wake of the Second World War resoundingly no. In fact, there are rules; there are limits. And this regime, sure, can invite whoever it wants in. It’s done so. It’s invited Iran in, Hezbollah, Russia. But that does not give you a free pass to murder people.” Wonderful: What about Saudi Arabia, torture, suppression, beheading of political enemies, daily suppression of women… Why the US is supporting a criminal regime here when they claim they must change a criminal regime there? And what about Yemen’s president Hadi – he called the Saudis to support him against the Houthis. That’s in Hadi’s name that the Saudis have destroyed half the country and in his name they starve half the country to death – according to Samantha Power’s own words, the US should have “regime changed” Hadi already a long time ago. Why they did not?? Because the “limits” mentioned by Power just are claimed by the US against regimes which are no US allies and which are obstacles to US geopolitical interests. On the other side, all these “limits” are of no importance at all when US allies and regimes favorable to US geopolitical interests are concerned.

20.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (** B K P)

Rebel, rebel: The protest songs of Yemen's war

When conflict breaks out in any country, there is also a drumbeat to accompany the fighting on the ground. Yemen is no exception

When conflict breaks out in any country, there is also a cultural war, a drumbeat to accompany the fighting on the ground. Yemen is no exception, and much of this soft war has taken the form of revolutionary songs. The styles range from rock to more traditional forms such as "Zamel," a composition more reliant on lyrical poetry than instrumentation.

There are no numbers on how many songs have been released since the Yemen conflict escalated with the Saudi intervention in early 2015. But they drown out all other song types across the country, blaring from TV and radios on buses and cars.

When the Houthis took over the capital, Sanaa, in September 2014, they stormed all the radio and TV stations and ordered that they promote only Houthi songs and shows. Meanwhile, the government and anti-Houthi media fled to Saudi Arabia, where they started afresh.

There are now about a dozen TV channels across Yemen, each playing songs sympathetic to different sides, in addition to the public and private radio stations. Songs also reach an audience on CD as well as online, although internet connections can be patchy amid the conflict.

The Houthis, like their battlefield rivals, have their own set of songs. Singers are usually not targeted by rival sides, so long as they keep away from battle and do not enter areas controlled by the enemy.

"The purpose of the lyrics or songs is not to make the reputation of the singer,” said Abu Ayham, a Houthi lyricist, who goes by another name. “The purpose is to encourage heroes to withstand battle.”

The southern political activist, Awadh al-Shoaibi, said the songs of Khawaja give him a hope that independence will eventually come to the region.

"Singing is part of the war, and I cannot imagine any revolution without its own songs. That is why many of the cafeterias, buses and cars in Aden play the songs of the south," he told MEE.

For many Yemenis, the songs are vehicles of social convenience. The right tune can help a driver, for example, negotiate a checkpoint if the soldiers stopping them are on the same side as the singer – by Nasser al-Sakkaf =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Waffenstillstand / Most important: Ceasefire

Breaks of the ceasefire see cp16, cp17. There are quite different reports.

21.11.2016 – Reuters (* A K P)

Saudi-led forces say broken Yemen truce will not be renewed

An official from the Saudi-led coalition told Reuters that it would like the international community to deploy neutral observers on the ground to help monitor any future ceasefire.

"To help apply a future ceasefire, observers on the ground who can certify any truce is what the coalition is looking for, provided the legitimate Yemeni government agrees," he said, referring to Hadi's government.

The official said that the coalition had recorded 563 violations of the truce by the Houthis and their allies in Yemen's military inside the country during the weekend ceasefire, and 163 more across the border in Saudi Arabia.

Rajeh Badi, a spokesman for Yemen's exiled government, declined to comment on the proposed deployment of observers but said Houthi violations had made extending the truce meaningless.

A spokesman for Yemen's pro-Houthi military said in a statement that coalition and pro-Hadi forces had violated the truce 114 times and that its forces had "reserved the right to respond to violations and abuses of aggression" – by Mohammed Ghobari

My comment: Well, no bad idea, but how should this work? How many observers will be needed? And what about Saudi air raids against provincial towns and villages in the Houthi-held hinterland?

21.11.2016 – Yemen Post (A K P)

Peace GONE BAD: 45 Saudi airstrikes on #Yemen over 24 hrs & Houthi clashes in Taiz, Hajjah & Jawf as both sides breach #UN ceasefire.

21.11.2016 – Spiegel Online (* A K P)

Waffenruhe beendet, Angriffe fortgesetzt

Auch der sechste Anlauf bringt dem Jemen keinen dauerhaften Frieden: Eine Verlängerung der Waffenruhe ist gescheitert, der Krieg geht weiter.

Die zweitätige Waffenruhe vom Wochenende für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen wird nicht verlängert. Wegen zahlreicher Verstöße der schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen gegen die Feuerpause seien die Bedingungen für eine Erneuerung nicht erfüllt, sagte der Sprecher der von Saudi-Arabien geführten internationalen Koalition, Ahmed Asiri, dem arabischen Nachrichtenkanal al-Arabija.

Augenzeugen hatten zuvor berichtet, Jets der Koalition hätten noch vor dem Ende der Waffenruhe am Montag um 12.00 Uhr Ortszeit Stellungen der Huthis in der Hauptstadt Sanaa bombardiert. Attackiert worden sei ein Huthi-Stützpunkt im Osten der Stadt. Demnach waren heftige Explosionen zu hören und Rauchsäulen zu sehen. Angaben zu möglichen Opfern gab es zunächst nicht.

mein Kommentar: Wie üblich in westlichen Medien, kommt wieder einmal nur der Sprecher der saudischen Koalition zu Wort. Die gegnerische jemenitische Armee legt der saudischen Koalition 114 Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand zur Last.

21.11.2016 – AFP (A K P)

Waffenruhe im Jemen gescheitert

Im Jemen ist eine weitere Feuerpause gescheitert. Bereits vor dem Ende der 48-stündigen Waffenruhe flammten die Kämpfe zwischen Regierungstruppen und Rebellen wieder auf. In der Nacht zum Montag wurden rund um die umkämpfte Stadt Taes im Südwesten des Landes 15 Huthi-Rebellen und neun Kämpfer der Regierungstruppen getötet, wie von Militär und Rettungskräften verlautete. Auch mehrere Zivilisten starben.
Die Konfliktparteien gaben sich gegenseitig die Schuld am Scheitern der Feuerpause.;art154776,3292927

21.11.2016 – Judith Brown (* A K P)

Let's get it straight - there was no ceasefire. The Sanaa residents didn't have a brief moment of peace - contacts in Sanaa said the ceasefire did not happen 'it was a lie'. Even during the few hours without bombs the warplanes flew menacingly above, as usual, keeping everyone in fear. So although the Houthis blamed the Saudis, and the Saudis blamed the Houthis, neither really tried very hard. So a waste of time and a waste of hope. Poor Yemen.

21.11.2016 – Reuters (* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition says Yemen truce will not be renewed: TV

A two-day ceasefire after nearly two years of war in Yemen expired at midday (0900 GMT) on Monday and would not be renewed, a spokesman for a Saudi-led military coalition told al-Arabiya TV, with each side blaming the other for violations.

The 48-hour truce, announced unilaterally by the Saudi coalition on Friday, failed to halt fighting across the country between the Iran-aligned Houthis and Saudi-led forces, which intervened on the side of the exiled government in March 2015.

21.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A K P)

Yemen war: Ceasefire won't be renewed after repeated violations, say Saudis

15 rebels and 9 loyalist troops killed in clashes overnight near Taiz, hours before end of 48-hour ceasefire

The Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen's government against Houthi rebels said a 48-hour ceasefire ended at midday Monday hours before it was due to because of repeated "violations" in the city of Taiz.

"There is no respect (for the truce), only violations," coalition spokesman Major General Ahmed Assiri told AFP, adding that there were "no orders to extend the ceasefire."

"There have been more people killed in Taiz and more attacks with surface-to-surface missiles, so automatically the conditions are not there" for prolonging the truce, he said.

The ceasefire began on Saturday following an intervention by US Secretary of State John Kerry who met rebel representatives in Oman and urged the government of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi to sign up.

The coalition had said the truce could be renewed if the rebels abided by the deal and allowed aid deliveries to besieged cities.

Yemeni government forces and rebels were engaged in fierce fighting as a 48-hour ceasefire declared by the pro-government Arab coalition approached its end on Monday, military officials said.

Fifteen rebels and nine loyalist troops were killed in clashes overnight in and around the flashpoint southwestern city, military and medical sources said.

Four civilians were killed and 11 others wounded in rebel bombing of loyalist-held neighbourhoods, the sources said.

Early on Monday, forces loyal to President Hadi attacked Houthi rebels and their allies on the western outskirts of Taiz, military officials said.

The offensive, coming hours before the midday local time end of the ceasefire, targeted an air defence base, the officials said, while witnesses reported loud explosions.

Four of the Houthi casualties were killed in an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting the rebels since March 2015, when Houthi rebels expanded their control and forced Hadi into exile.

Coalition warplanes have also hit rebel positions in Nahm, north of rebel-held capital Sanaa, and in the Houthi's heartland in Saada province, witnesses said.

Warplanes from the coalition also conducted numerous sorties over Sanaa early Monday.

Elsewhere, pro-Hadi forces said they repelled a rebel attack on their positions in Sarwah, in Marib province, east of the capital.

My comment: Horror as usual…

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Saudi declares end of the ceasefire that never was. Explains rabid airstrikes since morning to drive point home.

20.11.2016 – AFP (* A K)

Jemen: Feuerpause erst am zweiten Tag weitgehend eingehalten

Am Samstag noch schwere Kämpfe in mehreren Regionen – Am Sonntag aber deutlicher Rückgang der Gewalt

Die für das Wochenende vereinbarte Waffenruhe zwischen Regierungstruppen und Rebellen im Jemen ist erst am zweiten Tag weitgehend eingehalten worden. Es habe am Sonntag nur noch ganz sporadische Kämpfe gegeben, berichtete ein Militärvertreter. Zuvor war am Samstag auch Stunden nach Inkrafttreten der 48-stündigen Feuerpause am Mittag vor allem um die Stadt Taes heftig gekämpft worden.

Unklar blieb zunächst, ob die Waffenruhe über Montagmittag hinaus verlängert wird. Nach mehreren erfolglosen Vermittlungsversuchen war am Samstag um 12.00 Uhr Ortszeit (10.00 Uhr MEZ) ein Waffenstillstand in Kraft getreten, der zumindest 48 Stunden halten sollte. Die inzwischen sechste Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung für das Land wurde von der arabischen Militärkoalition verkündet, die die Regierungstruppen im Kampf gegen die Aufständischen mit Luftangriffen unterstützt.

Die Militärallianz erklärte sich laut einer von der saudi-arabischen Nachrichtenagentur SPA veröffentlichten Erklärung zu einer Verlängerung der Feuerpause über Montagmittag hinaus bereit, wenn auch die Houthi-Rebellen die Waffen schweigen lassen und Hilfslieferungen in belagerte Städte wie Taes erlauben. Auch die Houthi-Rebellen erklärten sich zur Einhaltung des Waffenstillstands bereit.

US-Außenminister John Kerry hatte am vergangenen Montag im Oman mit Rebellenvertretern gesprochen und anschließend einen Waffenstillstandsplan präsentiert. Die Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi lehnte den Plan, wonach die Waffenruhe bereits am Donnerstag beginnen sollte, zunächst ab. Wie aus Regierungskreisen verlautete, beugte sie sich aber schließlich dem "internationalen Druck".Dass die Allianz den zweitägigen Waffenstillstand akzeptierte, geschah nach ihren Angaben auf Bitten von Hadi.

Allerdings ließen die anhaltenden Kämpfe um Taes im Südwesten des Landes am Samstag zunächst an der Wirksamkeit der vereinbarten Feuerpause zweifeln. Die arabische Militärkoalition warf den Rebellen 180 Verstöße in den ersten zehn Stunden der Waffenruhe vor.

Am Sonntag ging die Gewalt deutlich zurück: Auf die von den Houthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Hauptstadt Sanaa gab es keine Luftangriffe der arabischen Militärkoalition, wie ein Korrespondent der Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete. Auch in Taes war es deutlich ruhiger als am Vortag, wie aus Militärkreisen verlautete. =;art154776,3292593

Mein Kommentar: Die Rolle von „Präsident“ Hadi ist undurchsichtig und wurde mehrmals kommentiert. Beide Seiten haben den Waffenstillstand gebrochen, die saudischen Verlautbarungen sind das übliche blame game. Es gab eine große Zahl saudischer Luftangriffe in verschiedenen Landesteilen. Westliche Medien kehren das gerne unter den Teppich, in extremer Verkürzung hier:

20.11.2016 – Stol (A K)

Waffenruhe im Jemen steht auf der Kippe

Die Waffenruhe im Jemen steht auf der Kippe. Die Houthi-Rebellen griffen am Sonntag den Süden Saudi-Arabiens mit Katjuscha-Raketen an.

Die Attacke habe einem Militärstützpunkt in der Provinz Najran gegolten, erklärte die Gruppe. Es handle es sich um Vergeltung, weil Saudi-Arabien mehrere jemenitische Dörfer an der Grenze beschossen habe.

20.11.2016 – Reuters (* A K)

Rockets into Saudi Arabia, reported air strikes in Yemen strain truce

Yemen's dominant Houthi movement launched Katyusha rockets into Saudi Arabia on Sunday and residents reported Saudi-led air strikes in a Yemeni border province in exchanges that threatened to derail a 48-hour truce.

The Houthis said the rocket salvo targeting a military base in the kingdom's southern Najran province was launched in response to Saudi shelling on Yemeni border villages.

There was no immediate response from the coalition to the Houthi assertion.

Separately, residents in the far northern Yemeni province of Hajja reported Saudi-led air strikes in the Hiran district.

A spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. But General Ahmed al-Asseri told U.S. news network CNN's Arabic service that the Houthi violations were too frequent to be counted, and suggested that the truce would not be renewed.

"The Arab coalition has heeded a request by the Yemeni government and the international community and declared a truce, but any truce without monitoring on the ground is useless because we are facing an armed militia," he said according to CNN.

My comment: “A spokesman” is coalition spokesman Asiri. – There are lots of Saudi violations of the ceasefire (see above and my comment on this). – The last sentence cited here is a good joke. That sounds whether the Saudis and the pro-Hadi fighters would not be armed, thus the Houthis because of being armed would be a special danger.

20.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (A K P)

Violence puts Yemen ceasefire extension in doubt

Sporadic fighting shook parts of Yemen Sunday as the Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-backed rebels warned that a fragile US-brokered ceasefire would not be extended unless violations ended.

Aid agencies have pleaded for unhindered humanitarian access in Yemen to allow the delivery of life-saving supplies to civilians reeling from a conflict that has left thousands dead.

The 48-hour ceasefire began on Saturday following an intervention by US Secretary of State John Kerry, who met Houthi rebel representatives in Oman and urged President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi's government to sign up.

A military official said there were "limited exchanges of fire" in the flashpoint southwestern city of Taiz, where heavy fighting in recent days has left dozens dead.

The rebels fired mortar rounds at a military hospital in the city's east, setting its dialysis unit on fire, a medical source said.

Rebel rocket fire wounded six civilians, including four children, in the centre of Taiz on Sunday evening, according to military and medical sources.

An AFP correspondent in Sanaa said there had been no coalition air strikes in the rebel-held capital since the 48-hour truce took effect.

But the coalition's air defences destroyed three ballistic missiles fired by the rebels at dawn at Marib province, east of Sanaa, a military official said.

Coalition jets responded by bombing rebel positions in the area, the source said.

In Midi, in the northwest, fighting killed four rebels and three soldiers, a military official said. and at The National UAE:

My comment: The numerous Saudi air raids at various sites in Yemen (apart from Sana) are not mentioned at all. See cp16.

20.11.2016 – Aljazeera (* A K P)

Saudi Arabia denies Arab coalition violated Yemen truce

Air strikes on Houthi rebel positions in capital Sanaa were a response to truce violations, coalition spokesman says.

Saudi Arabia has denied that the Arab coalition it spearheads violated a 48-hour ceasefire by launching air strikes against the Houthi rebels in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.

Major-General Ahmed Asseri, the coalition spokesman, told Al Jazeera on Sunday from Riyadh the air raids were a response to violations by the Houthi rebels who control most of Yemen.

"We told them that if they move their troops on the ground, if they try to gain position, there will be a response. This is what we are doing," Asseri said.

"There are people on the ground we have to protect. We have the Yemeni national army, we have the population in the area."

My comment: That is openly admitting that the Saudi coalition is breaking the ceasefire. A reaction on any break of ceasefire by the enemy only can be repelling him at the place where he had attacked, but never an own attack at quite another place. And exactly that is what Asiri says the coalition did. Second point: Just moving around troops on one’s own territory is no breach of ceasefire; the Saudis absolutely have no right a) to violate air space over Houthi-controlled territory for controlling the Houthis, b) hinder them from moving on own territory. A) and b) are by themselves violations of a ceasefire. “There are people on the ground we have to protect” – no, the Saudis are no policemen in Yemen. Ceasefire is ceasefire, thus you have to keep away from that. They have to keep the ceasefire the same way all must do.

Comment by Judith Brown: Hmmmm....friends in Sanaa say that the ceasefire was a lie, nothing has changed. So I can only say that I think there are a few strange variation of truth coming out of the Saudi press office.

21.11.2016 – Saba Net (* A K PH)

Army spokesman: Saudi aggression fighter jets, mercenaries commit 114 ceasefire breaches

Army spokesman Brig. Gen. Sharaf Luqman said on Monday that the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition fighter jets and their mercenaries have committed 114 ceasefire breaches, which have been monitored and documented in several Yemeni provinces.
The Saudi-led alliance, in addition to launching a series of air strikes across Yemen in clear violation to the ceasefire, the coalition also dropped internationally prohibited cluster weapons during the two-day truce.
The breaches, Luqman said, also made through Saudi artillery and missile intensively shelling on the border districts and villages. The Saudi, in the same time, mobilized their mercenaries to the front lines.
Luqman counted out load the violations of the ceasefire committed by the Saudi aggression as 30 breaches in Taiz, 24 breaches in Marib, 16 breaches in al-Jawf, 10 breaches in al-Baidha, 8 breaches in al-Dhalee, 7 breaches in Shabwah, 8 breaches in Hajja, 9 breaches in Saada, one breach in Sanaa and other one breach in Ibb province.
In addition, Luqman said, the aggression attempts to advance through their paid mercenaries to the Red Sea coastal city of Medi were covered by heavy flying and air strikes of their fighter jets.
Luqman affirmed that "the army and popular forces will reserve all rights to respond to any breaches and violations by the enemies against our citizens, vital facilities and infrastructure services."
If the alliance of aggression continues breaching the truce, Luqman said it will threaten the peace negotiations and Muscat`s principles agreement. and reported one day earlier already by

My comment: From Sanaa. The pro-Houthi, anti-Saudi part of the Yemeni army. And always the same game: The Saudis objections against the Houthi/Saleh side of ceasefire violations are widely published world-wide, the figures given by the other side do not interest anybody.

20.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudi Arabia always violates truces in Yemen: Activist

Saudi fighter jets have carried out fresh air raids against Yemen in violation of a 48-hour ceasefire declared by Riyadh on Saturday noon.

Massoud Shadjareh, head of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, says whenever there has been a truce in Yemen, Saudi Arabia has violated it by its continuous bombardment and use of military force against civilians.

“Unfortunately the history of what has been happening in Yemen testifies to the fact that every time the Saudis announce that they are going to go along with some sort of ceasefire and give peace a chance, really that has not lasted many hours,” the activist told Press TV.

20.11.2016 – The Peninsula Online (A K PS)

Houthi rebels violate Yemen truce: Saudi-led coalition

The Saudi-led coalition has accused Houthi rebels of violating a two-day ceasefire that came into effect on Saturday in war-torn Yemen.
Coalition spokesman Maj. Gen. Ahmed Asiri told the Doha-based Al-Jazeera channel that 180 breaches of the truce had been registered since the ceasefire came into force at 12:00 noon in Yemen's timing (09:00 GMT) on Saturday.
The spokesman said Houthi rebels had fired a missile into southern Saudi Arabia on Saturday, but declined to give details about casualties or whether the missile had been intercepted.
Asiri, however, said the Saudi-led coalition would abide by the two-day ceasefire.
“We will counter any Houthi attempt to change the military situation on the ground,” he said. and see also this Saudi media:


20.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Arab coalition: 30 Houthi breaches on Saudi borders, 155 inside Yemen

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition spokesman said on Saturday that the Houthi and Saleh militants have made more than 30 violations to the ceasefire on the Saudi borders, and 155 violations inside Yemen.

In a statement to Al Hadath TV channel,the Arab Coalition Spokesman stated that most violations were committed in Taiz city, southwestern Yemen, and the militia also tried to launch ballistic missiles on Marib city, east of the capital Sana'a.

My comment: The same game as during every “ceasefire”. Assiri speaking – who hardly tells the truth. He is a special artist when handling figures. Both sides seem to break the ceasefire at Taiz, not just one side (see cp17). And for Saudi breaches of ceasefire by air raids, see cp16. The lists published by Legal Center for Nov. 19 and 20 are quite long.

Comment by Ahmad Ali: the Saudi spox is talking abt the Houthis who didnt respect the "truce" right now, meanwhile I am hearing the jets hovering ,wt a liar

20.11.2016 – US Department of State (A P)

Press Statement, John Kerry, Secretary of State, Washington, DC, November 20, 2016

On the Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen

I welcome public announcements by all sides to commit to a renewable Cessation of Hostilities that began on Saturday for an initial period of 48 hours. I call on all sides to adhere to these commitments, which would allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid and could help create the conditions for advancing the peace talks.

As before, the United States stands ready to assist the Yemeni people and strongly supports the continuing efforts of UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to restart by the end of this month negotiations towards a comprehensive agreement, using the UN Roadmap as a basis for talks between the parties.

We are mindful that reaching a durable and lasting settlement to this conflict requires compromise and concessions, and we encourage all parties to seek that compromise with a focus on the good of their country and a better future for the Yemeni people.

My comment: By the greatest arms supplier of this war, this sounds like hypocrisy.

19.11.2016 – UN Children's Fund (A H)

UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake Statement on ceasefire agreement in Yemen

The ceasefire announced in Yemen offers new hope in a situation that is increasingly catastrophic for children.

“Eighteen months of conflict have led to the deaths of well over 1,000 children and left millions more without access to basic care, and at risk of imminent death. As food and water supplies dwindle, 1.5 million children are suffering from acute malnutrition. A rapid increase in cholera and measles cases is putting the lives of thousands more at risk.

“For some time now we have been constrained in our efforts to reach these children with therapeutic food and medical supplies.

“We urge all parties to the ceasefire to allow unhindered humanitarian access for the delivery of life-saving supplies and services to all children in need. It cannot be in anyone’s interest to endanger the future of Yemen -- its children.” =

19.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K P)

The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said the naval and air "blockade", however, would remain in place and surveillance jets would continue to fly over Yemen.

The announcement followed a request for a ceasefire by Yemen's resigned president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi -- himself based in Riyadh -- to Saudi King Salman, a Saudi statement said.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman, a spokesman for Yemeni forces, confirmed that they would abide by the ceasefire if the other side observes it.

My comment: “surveillance jets would continue to fly over Yemen”: Surveilling what? Saudi Arabia claims a role it cannot have in this conflict – the role of a policeman. Saudi Arabia is warring party in this war, and nothing more.

19.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army spokesman reaffirms commitment to ceasefire

The army spokesman Sharaf Luqman reaffirmed on Saturday the commitment to the ceasefire in line of Oman's principle agreement, providing the other side should obey by the agreed truce.
"According to the principle agreement struck in the Omani Capital, we affirm our commitment to cease fire if the other side obeyed by the truce and halt all military actions," the spokesman told Saba.

Comment: Part of the army fighting alongside with the Houthis against pro-Saudi forces.

19.11.2016 – Spiegel Online (* A K P)

Zweitägige Waffenruhe im Jemen tritt in Kraft

Wenigstens zwei Tage lang sollen die Kämpfe im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen ruhen. Darauf hatten sich Regierung und Huthi-Rebellen geeinigt. Nun ist die Feuerpause in Kraft getreten - doch es gibt einzelne Gefechte.

Es ist bereits der sechste Versuch, die Gewalt im Jemen durch eine Waffenruhe einzudämmen: In dem Bürgerkriegsland hat am Samstagmittag (Ortszeit) eine zweitägige Feuerpause begonnen. Zunächst wurde von verschiedenen Fronten eine vorsichtige Mäßigung der Gewalt beobachtet. Ein Kommandeur der Regierung beschuldigte die Huthi-Rebellen jedoch, Wohngebiete in der Stadt Tais im Süden des Landes zu beschießen. Trotz dieses Bruchs werde man sich aber weiterhin an die Feuerpause halten.

Ein Befehlshaber der Huthi-Rebellen teilte gleichzeitig mit, dass die Einhaltung der Vereinbarung durch seine Truppen davon abhänge, inwiefern die andere Seite auf Gewalt verzichte. Falls die 48-stündige Waffenruhe funktioniert, haben sich die Parteien eine Verlängerung vorbehalten.

19.11.2016 – Die Presse (* A K P)

Kämpfe im Jemen dauern trotz Feuerpause an

Nach monatelangen erfolglosen Vermittlungsversuchen war im Jemen am Samstag ein Waffenstillstand in Kraft getreten, der eigentlich zumindest 48 Stunden halten sollte.

Trotz einer neuen Feuerpause haben sich Regierungstruppen und Rebellen im Jemen am Samstag heftige Kämpfe um die Stadt Taes geliefert. Die Gefechte hätten auch mehrere Stunden nach Beginn der Waffenruhe noch angedauert, hieß es aus Militärkreisen. Auch aus anderen Regionen seien Kämpfe gemeldet worden. Die zunächst von der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition verkündete Feuerpause wurde wenig später von den gegen die Regierung kämpfenden Houthi-Rebellen bestätigt.

Die Feuerpause begann am Samstag um 12.00 Uhr Ortszeit (10.00 Uhr MEZ).

[weitere Hintergrundinformationen]

19.11.2016 – dpa (A K)

Der arabische Nachrichtenkanal Al-Arabija berichtete unter Berufung auf einen Korrespondenten, dass der Beschuss in Tais ein Todesopfer forderte, weitere Menschen wurden verletzt. Noch am Freitag hatte die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen von heftigen Kämpfen in Tais berichtet. – Nahrung und Wasser sind knapp: Waffenruhe im Jemen bislang weitgehend eingehalten

Mein Kommentar: Zu den Kämpfen in Taiz cp17. Beide Seiten brechen dort den Waffenstillstand.

19.11.2016 – Reuters (* A K P)

A 48-hour truce aimed at ending Yemen's civil war came under pressure on Saturday as residents said fighting was still going on in parts of the country.

The ceasefire declared by the Saudi-led military coalition trying to restore a Saudi-backed government raised hopes of an end to a 20-month conflict that has drawn in regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia and left Yemen on the verge of famine.

It appeared largely to be holding on Saturday but was strained by gun battles in the key western city of Taiz, and by air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition reported by residents in villages east of the capital Sanaa.

A Saudi general accused the Houthis, the Shi'ite militia that controls Sanaa, of launching a ballistic missile, in violation of the ceasefire.

Yemen's Saudi-backed government, led by President Abd Rabbu Mansour al-Hadi, and the Iranian-aligned Houthis blamed each other for the fighting in mountainous Taiz, where thousands of civilians are trapped and many have been wounded. Government forces this week made advances on Taiz, threatening to break a year-long Houthi siege.

A coalition statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency said the truce had started at noon (4.00 a.m. ET) and could be extended if the Houthis showed commitment to it and allowed aid into areas such as Taiz.

The Houthis had said on Wednesday they were ready to stop fighting and join a national unity government.

Saturday's ceasefire was announced after diplomacy by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, but Hadi's camp said that, although its Gulf allies had been consulted, his government had been sidelined.

The coalition has not said whether it accepts a U.N.-brokered peace plan, which would give the rebels a share of power.

The coalition said in its statement that any "military movements" by Houthi forces would be "addressed by the coalition", and that controls imposed on Yemen's ports and airports to stop arms getting to the enemy will remain in place – By Mohamed Ghobari

My comment: “The coalition said in its statement that any "military movements" by Houthi forces would be "addressed by the coalition": Moving military on own territory cannot be a break of ceasefire; the Saudis once again claim a role they do not have – the role of a policeman superior to the other side of war. A breach of ceasefire would be shooting at the enemy or advancing into the territory held by the enemy, i. e. trying to change the front line – but nothing at all that what the enemy is doing in his own rear.

19.11.2016 – AFP (* A K P)

Heavy fighting in Yemen despite new ceasefire

Yemen rebels and loyalist forces battled Saturday around third city Taez even as a 48-hour ceasefire announced by a Saudi-led coalition fighting the insurgents began following US pressure.

A few hours after the ceasefire took effect at midday (0900 GMT), fighting still raged around the flashpoint southwestern city,where violence has killed dozens this week, despite clashes subsiding on several fronts.

Clashes were heaviest in the town of Salo southeast of Taez, military sources said, reporting casualties on both sides.

Inside Taez itself, rebel rocket fire into a residential district killed three civilians and wounded two, military and medical sources said.

Four rebels and two loyalists were also killed in or near Taez, military sources added.

Near the Saudi border further north, two ballistic missiles fired by the rebels hit the coastal area of Midi killing two pro-government soldiers and wounding four, a military commander said.

Intermittent fighting was also reported in Nahm near the capital Sanaa, in Shabwa in the south and Sarwah to the east.

My comment: Western agencies and media: No word about many Saudi air raids (see cp16).

19.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A K P)

Yemen truce takes effect after week of US pressure

The pro-government Saudi-led coalition declares it may extend the ceasefire if Houthi rebels hold fire and allow aid to loyalist enclaves

A Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran-backed rebels in Yemen declared a ceasefire from midday Saturday, after the beleaguered government finally agreed to a US peace push.

The government, which has deep reservations about a UN peace blueprint it believes undermines its authority, had previously rejected a ceasefire plan announced by US Secretary of State John Kerry after talks with the Houthi rebels earlier this week.

It has come under huge pressure to back down in the face of an international outcry over the mounting civilian death toll from 20 months of conflict.

The announcement of the ceasefire came not from the government but from the coalition which intervened to prop up the government in March last year.

"It has been decided to begin a 48-hour ceasefire from 12:00 noon Yemen time (0900 GMT) on Saturday," a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency said.

It added that the truce could be extended if the rebels hold fire and allow aid deliveries to besieged loyalist enclaves.

19.11.2016 – UN News Centre (* A K P)

Yemen: UN envoy announces resumption of cessation of hostilities

Announcing the resumption of a comprehensive of hostilities in the war-torn Gulf nation, the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has called on all parties to ensure that it leads to a permanent and lasting end to the conflict.

According to a statement issued today, Special Envoy Cheikh Ahmed received assurances from all Yemeni parties of their recommitment to the Terms and Conditions of the Cessation of Hostilities of 10 April 2016.

The cessation will re-enter into force at 12:00 Yemen time (GMT+3) today (19 November), for an initial period of 48 hours and that it will be “renewed automatically if respected.”

In the statement, Mr. Cheikh Ahmed “welcomed the restoration of the cessation of hostilities, which is necessary to avoid further bloodshed and destruction and should allow for the expanded delivery of humanitarian assistance.”

The Special Envoy also welcomed the commitments he received from both sides to reactivate the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and to deploy its members to Dhahran Al Janoub. The DCC members will work alongside UN experts who have already deployed to restart the DCC's work in support of the cessation of hostilities.

Further in the statement, Mr. Cheikh Ahmed reminded all Yemeni parties that the Terms and Conditions of the cessation of hostilities included an obligation to allow free and unhindered access for humanitarian supplies and personnel to all parts of Yemen, in addition to a full and comprehensive halt to military activities of any kind.

cp2 Allgemein / General

20.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (* B P)

The World against a Yemeni Revolution, Parts 1 and 2

Two main influential attempts to make a difference are the reasons behind the major changes in Yemen. It all began with the Yemeni revolution in 2011, followed by the Houthis or “Ansarullah” influence over Yemen leading to the Saudi American aggression on Yemen.

First, the Yemeni revolution first began in January 2011, influenced by the Arab Spring protests such as the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings.

On 21 of February of the year 2012, Yemen encounters a new representative or president after 33 years of Saleh’s ruling. A presidential election was held with Hadi being the only one nominated; unopposed. The oath of office had been taken by Hadi on the 25th of February, 2012. On the same day, Saleh came back to attend the inauguration of Hadi. After months of protests since it all began in January, the protesters did achieve their goal of ending Saleh’s 33 year ruling period. However, many were not convinced that the revolution has stopped at this point. Their main aims of the demonstrations were not fulfilled, except for one which is getting rid of Saleh. The government was still the same, corruption was still wide spread, no major effects on economic conditions and the unemployment high rate remains. To sum up, the 2011 revolution achieved success, but not yet completely.

The second major attempt by Yemenis to make a difference in the suffering they have to encounter on daily basis is by the Houthi or “Ansarullah” movement. Ansarullah first originated in the governorate of Saada, northern Yemen. It was founded by Hussien Badreddin Al-Houthi in 2004 and one of its goals was to overthrow the corrupted government and the president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The formation of the movement is a result of foreign intervention such as the Saudi ideologies influence over Yemen as well as the western dominance in Yemen. “Supporters of God” aka Ansarullah, also participated in the 2011 Yemeni revolution and the National Dialogue Conference. In the NDC, they rejected the provision of dividing Yemen into six provinces because it would split Yemen into poor and wealthy regions in addition to the fact that it will weaken Yemen. They withdrew from the NDC after the assassination of their representative in the NDC.

Finally, the protesters made the decision of attain their demands by force. They got involved in clashes with some Yemeni forces protecting the presidential palace. President Hadi was in the palace during the fight, but he was not harmed. On 20 January in 2015, Ansarullah seized the presidential palace in the capital Sana’a, overthrowing the Saudi-backed government. Hadi as well as all the other ministers announced their retirement and Hadi was kept under custody in the presidential palace. During that time, Ansarullah announced that they wanted the formation of the new government to involve every segment of the Yemeni society to create a government of all and for all. They began a National Dialogue with the representative of each party participating. Ansarullah announced its Revolutionary Committee on the 6th of February, but the dialogue was not interrupted. Furthermore, Hadi attempted to escape the palace and traveled to the coastal authority governorate of Aden, declaring his presidency excluding any elections from there and that the new temporary Yemeni capital is Aden.

In conclusion, the people of Yemen have sacrificed their safety and security for an independent Yemen. Until today, the Saudi American aggression has not been stopped from committing massacres and genocides against innocent civilians. The usage of international forbidden weapons is considered “appropriate” in Yemen. Humanitarian laws did not prevent the Saudi American aggression brutality and inhumanity. This war is what the world charges Yemen for liberty – by: Malak Ali Almakhadi

My comment: An overview article, from the 2011 revolution against Saleh to the Yemen war.

20.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* B K P)

US, Arab allies fear independent Yemen: Commentator

Press TV has asked author and Middle East expert Saeb Shaath to shed more light on Riyadh’s true intentions in continuing the war against its southern neighbor.

Shaath blamed the Saudi forces for not holding the truce, saying that by violating the ceasefire, Riyadh is seeking to force Ansarullah fighters to yield ground and surrender, because any bilateral truce would entail financial compensations for Saudi officials due to the vast destruction they have inflicted on the poor country.

That is why, Shaath argued, the Saudi officials were enraged by the direct peace talks between the Houthis and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Muscat.

“The Saudis, their puppet (Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh) Mansur Hadi and his forces do their best to sabotage any ceasefire or any road which would lead to a peaceful settlement in the future. The Saudis [intend to] impose a total surrender on Yemen or at least achieve a huge military victory before Trump takes power as the US president,” the analyst argued.

He also noted that the West and its regional Arab allies are striving to impede the Yemenis' path towards forming an independent government, because in that case, the strategic land would be out of their control.

“They want to see Yemen in the sphere of influence of the United States of America and its puppet, the Saudis. They don't want to see the Houthi movement and Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh get together and rule. An independent sovereign state doesn't listen to the wishes of the Western powers who [want to] control huge reserves of oil and international waterways,” Shaath underscored.

“They only want to bring puppets like Hadi who can rule this country and make sure it's submissive to the Saudis and subjected to the domination of the United States of America. Here is the double standards of the Western powers.

My comment: You might be skeptical because this is an Iranian media. But in this case the opinion is just largely true – and it is something we already know for long.

20.11.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A H K)

On #ChildrensDay recruitment of #ChildSoldiers widespread in #Yemen and all warring factions guilty of it. (see image)

My comment: The same for both sides of this war.

20.11.2016 – Fars News (A K P)

Original Copy: Saudis and Israelis Follow Same Military Patterns, Conducts

The ongoing Saudi-led war on Yemen is relatively similar to the Israeli wars against Gaza. This includes their military tactics as well as their focus on civilian targets, blockade and ceasefire.

Just like their Israeli counterparts, the Saudis say neither Saudi nor international laws are broken in aerial attacks that deliberately lead to civilian deaths in places like schools, markets and hospitals. They say no criminal charges would be made or disciplinary action taken against those involved in airstrikes that cause a direct and harmful effect on the entire civilian population - a policy that has spurred worldwide condemnation.
Aside from these, Saudi Arabia and Israel share a set of behaviors in international arena as well. They both claim they are defending themselves and their airstrikes are aimed at “lawful” targets. They allege that resistance fighters and commanders are "Iranian agents" hiding in residential neighbourhoods, and that efforts have been made to limit collateral damage.
Other common cases include forming a bogus international coalition, targeting the regional Resistance Axis represented by Iran, drawing support and complicity of world’s organizations and powers, dismissing international norms besides imposing economic blockades and military siege. They also implement the corporate media power to launch a psychological warfare to fulfill their objectives – even when there is a cessation of hostilities.

My comment: Iranian point of view. I think the author too much wants to parallelize Israel and Saudis. This will be a quite similar behavior by forces oppressing a population, occupying other territories, bombing and destroying – let it be Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US, Myanmar or whomever.

20.11.2016 – Xinhua (* B K P)

News Analysis: Bumpy road ahead to reconcile Yemen warring sides

Observers argued that the US role toward Yemen is based on commitment to back the US biggest ally in the region, Saudi Arabia. Both countries are now seeking any peace deal before US president Barack Obama leaves office.

Moreover, they are facing mounting pressure and criticism over the war and its tragic consequences including the catastrophic humanitarian crisis and that is why they appear confused and showing self-contradiction, observers said.

Yaseen Al-Tamimi, a political writer and analyst, said the US role is actually complicating things.

"The US is talking about a greater role by the Houthis in Yemen in the future and that comes within its suspicious and chaotic policy designed to empower or rather bring 'sectarian' minorities to power," he said.

"Such role exposes self-contradiction of the US which apparently supports the legitimate government. Moreover, the Houthi-Saleh alliance is taking advantage of the US efforts to deepen their coup and then set tough conditions most of which will not serve peace in the end," he added.

In the context of the US role toward the situation in Yemen, observers said the new US administration under the president-elect Donald Trump is expected to play a different role in Yemen.

Hassan Al-Wareeth, a political writer and analyst, said the republicans' foreign policy is different from the democrats', usually featuring direct interventions including military action.

"If it continues, the cost of the Saudi-led war on Yemen will be much higher after Trump takes office. Saudi Arabia has suffered huge economic losses because of its involvement in the wars in Syria, Yemen and maybe other countries and will not accept to lose further," Al-Wareeth said.

"And that's why Saudi Arabia backed the Muscat talks between Kerry and Houthis as a groundwork for a peace deal," he added.

The government and the General People's Congress GPC, the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh's party which allied with the Houthis, did not attend the Muscat talks.

Adil Al-Shuja'a, a politics professor at Sanaa University, said there are attempts to divide the Houthi-Saleh alliance. "The Houthis will accept any deal with Saudi Arabia and through the US. The GPC won't. The US seems to be taking advantage of this key difference between the Houthis and Saleh," Al-Shuja'a elaborated.

"Saudi Arabia and the US think that breaking up the Houthi-Saleh alliance will help serve peace their own way. But actually they are wrong. The GPC won't make any concessions after the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen which is backed by the US," he added.

Objectively, all developments say there will be no peace in Yemen, not any soon.

It is not impossible but rather we need great and sincere efforts to bring the factions around one table and then unite positions of foreign players, observers said.

Fuad Alsalahi, a professor of political sociology at Sanaa University, said the Yemeni factions have nothing in common and their attitudes are not logical – by Fuad Rajeh

Comment by Judith Brown: A very interesting article with lots of background to the warring parties ambitions in Yemen - which are very difficult to reconcile. The road to peace is indeed going to be bumpy as all people have lost so much - including Saudi Arabia. Indeed the only winners are al Qaeda, and Western arms dealers and their government counterparts.

27.5.2015 – Avax News (* B H K)

Photos: Daily Life in Yemen

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

21.11.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

Infographic: Yemen operation: Facilitation of logistics services to the humanitarian community, January - October 2016 and =

21.11.2016 – Gulf Today (A H P)

UAE sends relief to Lahij in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, sent a convoy carrying 1,400 food parcels to Al Musaymir District in Lahij Governorate to ease the suffering the Yemeni people during the current crisis.
Sending the aid convoy is part of the UAE's continuous efforts to improve the humanitarian condition, security and stability in Yemen, ravaged by the war sparked by the rebels, the ERC said.
Meanwhile, Governor of Lahij Waddah Al Halimi took the delivery of a truck donated by the UAE humanitarian agency for the governorate.
He thanked the government and the people of the UAE for helping the liberated governorates in Southern Yemen, including Lahij.
Abdullah Al Radfani, relief co-ordinator in Lahij, noted that the governorate needs more relief convoys as its employees have not received their salaries for the past three months and the residents of Al-Karsh and other border areas have been displaced due to the conflicts.

My comment: propagating its effort of relief is part of the Emirati propaganda related to Yemen. Of course, this must be mixed with political statements and blaming the Houthis for the war, which is rather odd.

19.–21.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

In a5-day campaign of food distribilution in Hodeidah @monarelief has targeted 1500 ppl of the most needy families in 5 area there (photos)

.@monarelief carried out 5 projects of food distribution in Zabid, Hayes, Al-Jarahi, al-Turibah& Bait al-Araei areas of Hodeidah (photos)

In Zabid city of Hodeidah @monarelief distributed food aid funded by @Khalsa_Aid & dignity bags funded by @iom_yemen #Yemen @monareliefye (photos)

11.2016 – Aljazeera (* A H)

"The situation in #Yemen is absolutely appalling. The figures don't give a sense of the suffering you see here." [Julien Harneis from UNICEF interviewed]

19.11.2016 – Gulf Times (A H)

Sheikh Thani bin Abdullah Foundation for Humanitarian Services (RAF) has carried out three relief projects for people trapped in the Yemeni city Taiz. In a press statement yesterday, RAF said that the projects included the distribution of about 2,000 ration baskets, 600 drinking water tankers and 5,000 cooking gas cylinders for affected families in different areas of the city. It added that the ration baskets reached 1,951 families, equivalent to 13,651 people, and drinking water was provided to 118,611 households, equivalent to 831,211 people, while 2,877 families (21,139 people) received gas cylinders.

My comment: “RAF” has nothing to do with Royal Air Force!

11.11.2016 – Global Citizen (* B H)

Meet 6 Child Brides Who Stood Up for What's Right

1. Nujood Ali

Nujood Ali was only 9 years old when she pulled out of school and married to an older man in her native Yemen. And though the man promised her father that he would not have sex with her until a year after she got her period, Ali was instead immediately subjected to physical and sexual abuse. One day at the age of 10, fled her home, hailed a cab to a courthouse in Yemen, and told the judge she wanted a divorce, according to CNN.

Ali was granted a divorce, and her tale of courage earned her worldwide recognition, including as one of Glamour’s Women of the Year honorees in 2008 -- it was there that she met Hillary Clinton -- and published a memoir. But two years later, CNN ran a follow-up story reporting that Ali had not been faring so well since her divorce, that she was not back in school, and was living at home, broke. Her father had squandered the money from her book sales.

“Do you recall Noori Ali(?)” Hillary Clinton wrote in an email she sent while serving as Secretary of State that was released by Wikileaks last month. “...There was a CNN story last few days about how unhappy she is, still living at home, not attending school and quite angry that her life is not better. Is there any way we can help her? Could we get her to the US for counselling and education?”

In 2011, Clinton visited Ali during a trip to Yemen, and later said that she once again enrolled in school, according to The Revelist – By Colleen Curry

8.3.2016 – Doctors Without Borders Yemen (* A H)

On the occasion of the International Women's Day, #MSF would like to take the opportunity to thank its devoted medical teams and all support staff for the great work they have been doing during the war. MSF reaffirms its will to continue giving access to quality healthcare even in difficult conditions (photos) =

31.10.2016 – World Food Programme (* A H)

Yemen: Snapshot on Shipping, Food and Fuel Imports, October 2016

[prices see cp 13c]

In Yemen, food and fuel commodities continue to be sporadically available across the country. Both fuel and food imports are lower than the needs, and prices are considerably higher than in pre-crisis period. Significant delays are also still experienced in all major ports in the country, mostly due to reduced operational capacity and damaged infrastructure.

Monthly food imports and price fluctuation

In October, the national average cost of the minimum food basket remained much higher than in the pre-crisis period (24% increase).

Supply and availability of basic commodities in October were mostly similar to the ones reported in September with some exceptions in few governorates where the situation has further deteriorated. Despite the low level of imports in the past several months, improvements have been reported in the availability of essential commodities in local markets.

Status of ships at ports per month

During the month of October, the number of vessels berthing at Yemeni ports increased, from 37 in September to 51 in October (this number includes vessels that had been at anchorage since previous months).This can be attributed to the end of the extended period of public holidays in the region.

However, UNVIM reports a significant decrease in the number of new vessels applying for clearance to enter Yemen in October; this decrease has mainly affected fuel and bulk cargo, while general and containerised cargo has seen no major decline. There could be several potential reasons for this decline in imports of fuel and bulk cargo, including seasonal variations in cargo imports, as well as the recent relocation of the Central Bank of Yemen from Sana’a to Aden, and to issues linked to the new procedures for issuing letters of credit to commercial traders.

Monthly fuel imports vs fuel needs

October saw a significant increase of fuel imports, with 211,188 mt imported to Aden, Al Hudaydah and Ras Issa, compared to 109,764 mt in September; however, this only covers 39% of the monthly fuel needs, estimated at 544,00 mt. Prices of fuel commodities largely remained unchanged between September and October, but still continued to be significantly higher in October than in pre-crisis period. The national average prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas were 23%, 26% and 72%, respectively, higher during the reporting period than those in the pre-crisis period.

Average delays in entering ports

Due to limited infrastructure, delays are still experienced in the ports of Aden, Al Hudaydah and Saleef. The number of days corresponds to the average time that vessels spend at anchorage, waiting for berth permit. In October, the longest delays at anchorage remain at Saleef port, with vessels waiting for berth an average of 53 days. Delays at the port can be attributed to the very limited infrastructure with a two-berth capacity only, which impede rapid offloading times. and in full: =

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

20.11.2016 – AP (A H P)

Rebellen verhindern Hilfslieferungen in belagerte Stadt

Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen blockieren nach Angaben von Sicherheitskräften Hilfslieferungen in die seit einem Jahr von ihnen belagerte Stadt Tais. 18 Lastwagen des Welternährungsprogramms seien am Sonntag am Verlassen der Stadt Ibb nördlich von Tais gehindert worden, hiess es aus jemenitischen Sicherheitskreisen. Der Versuch, Hilfsgüter nach Tais zu bringen, erfolgte während einer am Samstag von Saudiarabien und seinen Verbündeten ausgerufenen 48-stündigen Waffenruhe.

20.11.2016 – AP (A H P)

Yemen Rebels Prevent Food Aid From Reaching Besieged City

Yemeni security officials say Houthi rebels are blocking humanitarian aid to the besieged western city of Taiz.

The officials say 18 trucks from the World Food Program were prevented from leaving the city of Ibb, north of Taiz, on Sunday. Taiz has been besieged by Houthi rebels and allied forces for the past year.

The attempt to deliver aid to Taiz came during a 48-hour truce announced on Saturday by the Saudi-led coalition, which is backing the internationally-recognized government against the Houthis.

The WFP did not immediately respond to a request for comment – by Ahmed Al-Haj =

20.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Houthis authorities kidnap Arab residents in Hodeidah

The Houthi militias have kidnapped Arab residents mid last week and put them in prison in Hodeida city, western Yemen.

According to Almasdar online reporter, the Houthi militias, which controls Hodeida city, have waged on Monday a kidnapping campaign against Arab residents from different nationalities, including Egyptians working in barber shops, and transfered them to the Castle, which was turned into a prison.

The reporter added that the kidnapping campaign was carried out without giving any reasons for it, except some gunmen ado about resident visas expiry.

However, the reporter pointed out that these Arab residents were saying in Yemen officially since several years, and also have work permits from the competent authority.

20.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K P)

Film: Yemen remembers victims of Saudi funeral hall massacre

Yemenis have held a memorial service for 140 people who were killed in a Saudi airstrike on a funeral last month. This comes amid Saudi Arabia’s continued attacks on its southern neighbor. Press TV’s Mohammad al-Attab reports from Sana’a.

Comment by Judith Brown: Memorial. There were many important persons present at this funeral who were committed to peace - a military leader held in high regard by all sides who could have lead a united army, the mayor of Sanaa who has helped to keep Sanaa emergency services functioning, so many died for no benefit.

20.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K P)

Yemen armed tribesmen Keep supporting army with fighters To defeat US-backed Saudi invaders. ( Jaham tribemsen, Jawf,Saudi border, Nov 20 (photo)

19.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Yemen tribes declare voluntary mobilization to front lines

Yemen tribes declared on Saturday voluntary mobilization to front lines to reinforcement the national army and popular forces in confronting US-Saudi aggression coalition war and their mercenaries.
The tribes are in Bait al-Faqeih district of Hodeidah province, Maqbanh and Mocha, al-Wazeih, Mawzaa,Thaubab districts of Taiz province.
Also Dhu Husain tribes in Khabu and al-Sha'af district of al-Jawf governorate.
The tribes also rose a lot of money to support the national troops and fighters of the national army and popular forces.

19.11.2016 – The Virginian Pilot (A P)

Death in Yemen: A nightmare ordeal, a haunting end

John Hamen and Mark McAlister stepped off a United Nations flight in Yemen’s capital last October with a simple goal: safely make it to the local Sheraton.

The Middle Eastern nation was embroiled in a civil war. The United States had evacuated its embassy personnel months earlier, and Iran-backed Houthi rebels had been systematically detaining U.S. citizens ever since American ally Saudi Arabia launched an air campaign against them earlier in the year.

It was the first trip to Yemen for Hamen, a 45-year-old Army veteran and father of seven from Chesapeake. McAlister, a then-57-year-old Tennessean, had been there twice before.

What happened in the next weeks and months haunts McAlister and the Hamen family to this day. They recently detailed their shared ordeal in interviews for the first time.

The State Department contractors were to meet a hotel manager named Yousef at the airport, pick up their travel visas and pass through security. But a hotel worker gave their stamped passports to a man in a doorway. He saw they were Americans and refused to let them pass – by Brock Vergakis =

My comment: What happened to two Americans who came to Sanaa in Oct. 2015. They really were not that harmless as this story makes to believe. The case was reported earlier on several occasions.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

20.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Two soldiers killed, others injured by explosive device in Abyan

Yet, no party has claimed responsibility for the attack, although the accusations may be directed towards the extremists elements of al-Qaida, which is active in the southern governorates.

18.11.2016 – Southern [Separatist] Movement (Hirak) (* C P)

Film: Yemen Conflict What happened? It's time you knew the TRUTH! Watch 2 months before North #Yemen coup invaded #SouthYemen How it all started

Southern Movement: Al-Jazeera Newsreport Jan 2015. 2 months before war

Since 2007 the Southern Movement has held regular peaceful rallies demanding the North Yemen government to deal with South Yemen occupation & forced unity. Calls have been met with brutal force & war

Comment by Judith Brown: This is posted by a sympathiser with the Southern movement. It's a one sided perspective but one that needs to be understood in order to know what us going on.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

20.11.2016 – New York Times (* B K P)

How the Iranian Saudi Proxy Struggle Tore Apart the Middle East

Behind much of the Middle East’s chaos — the wars in Syria and Yemen, the political upheaval in Iraq and Lebanon and Bahrain — there is another conflict.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are waging a struggle for dominance that has turned much of the Middle East into their battlefield. Rather than fighting directly, they wield and in that way worsen the region’s direst problems: dictatorship, militia violence and religious extremism.

The history of their rivalry tracks — and helps to explain — the Middle East’s disintegration, particularly the Sunni-Shiite sectarianism both powers have found useful to cultivate. It is a story in which the United States has been a supporting but constant player, most recently by backing the Saudi war in Yemen, which kills hundreds of civilians. These dynamics, scholars warn, point toward a future of civil wars, divided societies and unstable governments.

F. Gregory Gause III, an international relations scholar at Texas A & M University, struggled to name another region that had been torn apart in this way. Central Africa could be similar, he suggested, referring to the two decades of interrelated wars and genocides that, driven by meddling regional powers, killed five million. But in the Middle East, it is just getting started.

2003-04: The Iraqi vacuum opens

The 2003 American-led invasion, by toppling an Iraqi government that had been hostile to both Saudi Arabia and Iran, upended the region’s power balance.

“The problem for the Saudis is that their natural allies in Iraq,” Dr. Gause said, referring to Sunni groups that were increasingly turning to jihadism, “wanted to kill them.”

This was the first sign that Saudi Arabia’s strategy for containing Iran, by fostering sectarianism and aligning itself with the region’s Sunni majority, had backfired. As Sunni governments collapsed and Sunni militias turned to jihadism, Riyadh would be left with few reliable proxies.

As their competition in Iraq heated up, Saudi Arabia and Iran sought to counterbalance each other through another weak state: Lebanon.

2011-14: The implosion

When the Arab Spring toppled governments across the Middle East, many of them Saudi allies, Riyadh feared that Iran would again fill the vacuums. So it rushed to close them, at times with force. It promised billions in aid to Jordan, Yemen, Egypt and others, often urging those governments to crack down.

2015-16: ‘What is wrong with you people?’

The United States has struggled to restore the region’s balance.

President Obama has urged Iran and Saudi Arabia “to find an effective way to share the neighborhood and institute some sort of cold peace,” he told The Atlantic.

But Dr. Lynch called this plan for “a self-regulating equilibrium” between the Mideast powers “far-fetched.”

Then came Yemen. A rebel group with loose ties to Iran ousted the Saudi-backed president, deepening Riyadh’s fears. Saudi Arabia launched a bombing campaign that inflicted horror on civilians but accomplished little else.

The assault receives heavy American support, though the United States has few interests in Yemen other than counterterrorism and sometimes criticizes the campaign. In exchange, Riyadh acquiesced to the Iran deal and began to follow Washington’s lead on Syria. But the underlying proxy war remained.

A future of ‘failed and failing’ states

Asked when the Iran-Saudi struggle might cool, Mr. Pollack said he doubted that it would: “Where we’re headed with the Middle East is the current trend extrapolated, with more failed and failing governments.”

In Yemen, this is already “reorganizing Yemeni society along sectarian lines and rearranging people’s relationships to one another on a non-nationalist basis,” Farea al-Muslimi, an analyst, wrote in a Carnegie Endowment paper, which cited similar trends across the region.

Continued crises will risk sucking in the United States again,

Mentioning both the president-elect and Hillary Clinton, Dr. Gause said he doubted that any administration could reset the Middle East’s power struggles.

“I do not think that the fundamental problem of the region,” he said, “is something that either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton could do that much about.” – by Max Fisher

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

19.11.2016 – Arab News (A E P)

France to help Saudi Arabia develop tourism

Saudi Arabia and France are working in tandem on the development of tourism in the Kingdom. The two countries have agreed to cooperate more in imparting training to Saudi youth and explore areas for Saudi-French joint teams to engage in archaeological excavations.

The new French ambassador in Riyadh, François Gouyette, met Prince Sultan bin Salman, president of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTNH) here and reviewed cooperation between the two friendly countries, an SCTNH official said Friday – by Rashid Hassan

My comment: LOL. Especially women will appreciate making holiday under Saudi conditions. Start by picking up the rented car at the airport and driving to the hotel, continue walking Riyadh in the dress you had put on at Paris in the morning. And the special pleasure (as in the Emirates) is like this: and this . Happy vacation.

cp9 USA

Siehe / See cp1, cp13a

20.11.2016 – The Intercept (* B K P)

A New Documentary Explores the Devastating Effects of Drone Warfare on Victims and Whistleblowers

The Uruzgan drone strike and the events surrounding it form much of the basis of “National Bird,” an extraordinary new documentary about the U.S. drone program. The film, which opened Friday in Los Angeles, profiles the lives of former drone operators, as well as victims of the program, including the survivors of the Uruzgan attack. In doing so, it provides a rare glimpse into the lives of those affected by the U.S. military’s covert global assassination program, as well as the consequences facing those who speak out about it.

“We wanted to make film on the drone war and the people directly impacted: those operating the program and those impacted in countries where drone strikes are being carried out,” said Sonia Kennebeck, the producer and director of National Bird. “We took many risks to make this film, because we felt there is a real need for transparency in these programs.”

The film profiles three Americans who took part in the drone program but later experienced a crisis of conscience.

And during the making of the film, a drone operator named Daniel, a former NSA operative at Fort Meade, has his house raided by the FBI and is informed that he is under investigation for speaking out about the program.

The Obama administration has been notorious for using that law to prosecute individuals speaking out about the covert warfare programs. Indeed, more individuals have been prosecuted under the Espionage Act by Obama than under all previous administrations combined. This crackdown makes the acts of whistleblowing documented in “National Bird” even more courageous.

“I can say the drone program is wrong because I don’t know how many people I’ve killed,” Heather, a drone operator now suffering from PTSD, says in the film.

As the Obama administration prepares to hand-off its vast, opaque institutions of surveillance and covert warfare to Donald Trump, many have begun to worry anew about these powers – by Murtaza Hussain

19.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K P)

Photos: #RSAF F-15SA 12-1016 passing over the Rainbow Canyon, California — by: Yoshio Yamagishi

My comment: Saudi fighter jets training in the US: one more sign of US-Saudi complicity.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

20.11.2016 – Edmund Fitton Brown, British Ambassador to Yemen (A P)

Human Rights Watch remind us about systematic Houthi brutality. Their shelling of civilian areas shows a particular contempt for human life.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: Joke.

My comment: Hanan is right. HRW in its last report accused Houthis of detaining people, not of shelling (what of course they do). Not thinking of Saudi air raids while speaking the way Fitton Brown does just sounds crazy. Anyway, this man shows how much Britain is a warring party in this war – and totally inadequate to claim the role of peace broker. Uruguay could do that or Switzerland or Armenia or others – Britain is just a joke.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

15.11.2016 – AP (A K P)

Film: Sudan pledges support for Yemen

Sudanese government representatives have pledged their support for the Yemeni government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
Yemen's vice president is in Khartoum on a three day official visit.

My comment: What a nice ally is this.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

21.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K)

During the last 8 months of 2016, BAE Systems has delivered 12 Hawk T-165 trainers to the #RSAF

21.11.2016 – Sputnik News (* A E P)

72 US-Kampfjets für kleines Katar: Milliardendeal mit Zwang?

Die USA haben angekündigt, Katar 72 Jagdflugzeuge des Typs F-15 zu verkaufen. Wozu braucht der Golfstaat, der etwa nur doppelt so groß ist wie Zypern, so viele Kampfjets aus den 1970ern? Ein iranischer Experte ist überzeugt: Der 21,1 Milliarden US-Dollar schwere Deal wird dem Emirat schlicht aufgehalst.

Der geplante Deal „stützt die Außenpolitik und die nationale Sicherheit der USA, erhöht die Sicherheit des Freundesstaates“, erklärte die US Defense Security Cooperation Agency. Nach ihrer Darstellung sollen die Flugzeuge das Potenzial Katars „gegen aktuelle und zukünftige Gegner zu Lande und in der Luft“ erhöhen.
Katar kaufe die Kampfjets nicht freiwillig, sondern folge einem „Diktat“ aus Washington, urteilt der iranische Politikexperte und Chef der arabischsprachigen Zeitung „Al Vafagh”, Mosib Na’imi. „Die Amerikaner ‚machen‘ immer selber solche Aufträge, wenn sie Geld brauchen“, so der Experte im Sputnik-Gespräch. Katar sei nicht der Erste, der solcher Aufträge aufgehalst bekomme. „In der Vergangenheit hat es bereits mit Saudi-Arabien solche Deals im Wert von zwölf bis 30 Milliarden US-Dollar gegeben.“
Es seien die Amerikaner, die dem kleinen Golfstaat den Milliardenauftrag „aufdrängen“ und der Weltöffentlichkeit werde das so vorgestellt, als hätte Katar die Maschinen bestellt, so Na’imi.
Der Experte verwies auch auf die Militärintervention einer von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärallianz im Jemen, zu der auch Katar gehört.

17.11.2016 – US Defense Security Agency (* A K P)

The Government of Kuwait – F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aircraft with Support

Transmittal No:16-21

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Kuwait for F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aircraft with support, equipment, and training. The estimated cost is $10.1 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on November 17, 2016.

The Government of Kuwait has requested to purchase thirty-two (32) F/A-18E aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) F/A-18F aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) spare F414-GE-400 engines and twenty-four (24) engine modules; forty-one (41) AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars; forty-four (44) M61A2 20mm Gun Systems; forty-five (45) AN/ALR-67(V)3 Radar Warning Receivers; two hundred and forty (240) LAU-127E/A Guided Missile Launchers; forty-five (45) AN/ALE-47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser Systems; twelve (12) AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Advanced Targeting Pods; forty-eight (48) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS); forty-five (45) AN/ALQ-214 Radio Frequency Counter-Measures Systems; forty-five (45) AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoys; forty-eight (48) Link-16 Systems; eight (8) Conformal Fuel Tanks; and fourteen (14) AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR Systems. Also included in the sale are ARC-210 radio (aircraft); Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems; AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG); Launchers (LAU- 115D/A, LAU-116B/A, LAU-l 18A); Command Launch Computer (CLC) for Air to Ground Missile 88 (AGM-88); ANAV/MAGR GPS Navigation; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); aircraft spares; Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE); support equipment; aircrew/maintenance training; contractor engineering technical service; logistics technical services; engineering technical services; other technical assistance; contractor logistics support; flight test services; storage and preservation; aircraft ferry; Repair of Repairable (RoR); support systems and associated logistics; training aides and devices; spares; technical data Engineering Change Proposals; avionics software support; software; technical publications; engineering and program support; U.S. Government and contractor engineering; technical and logistic support services. The estimated total program cost is $10.1 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a Major Non-NATO Ally that has been, and continues to be, an important force for political and economic progress in the Middle East. Kuwait is a strategic partner in maintaining stability in the region. The acquisition of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft will allow for greater interoperability with U.S. forces, providing benefits for training and possible future coalition operations in support of shared regional security objectives.

The proposed sale of the F/A- l8E/F Super Hornet aircraft will improve Kuwait's capability to meet current and future warfare threats. Kuwait will use the enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland defense.

My comment: New aircraft for bombing Yemen. The explanation is always the same (by Copy and Paste), it is disgusting like always.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

20.11.2016 – Alex (* A K P)

pro-Hadi forces being trained by Sudanese soldiers in Aden,yemen,Almost every pro-Hadi recruit wearing the same color Fly Emirates t-shirt (photo)

My comment: Sudanese soldiers fighting for Saudi Arabia. These Hadi fighters wearing “Fly Emirates” will be labeled as “Yemeni army” by Saudi / Hadi propaganda? That’s just another militia.

cp13c Finanzen / Finances

31.10.2016 – World Food Programme (* A E H)

Yemen Monthly Market Watch October 2016

Prices of food and fuel commodities largely kept their stabilizing trend in October, but continued to be significantly higher than the pre-crisis levels.

The cost of the minimum food basket has slightly increased in October compared to that in September and was 24% higher than the pre-crisis level.

Consumers reportedly changed their buying behavior as many of them purchasing small quantities and requesting traders for buying on credits due to lack of money caused by absence of salaries and loss of income resulted from disruption of their livelihoods. Consequently, despite purportedly better supply of goods through informal cross-border overland imports during the past few months, consumers’ reduced demand for commodities led to lower/stable prices.

According to Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) methodology, in October 2016, normal situation prevailed for wheat flour, vegetable oil and red beans while sugar continued on a crisis status. The ALPS indicator for the cost of the minimum food basket remained at normal level. = and in full: =

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

2016 – ZDF (** B T)

Ansar al Scharia Der Islamische Staat im Jemen

[Die Doku wurde hier noch einmal eingestellt]

cp15 Propaganda

21.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen’s Initiative Being Tested

As I predicted, the initiative proposed by the U.N. Special Envoy, Ismail Ould Sheikh, for ending the conflict in Yemen, which was approved by all parties, had its first test of 48-hours ceasefire.

Despite criticism from major parties in the legitimate government, I still believe it is a good initiative. But, I doubt it will be successful, and not because President Hadi’s supporters condemned it, but because the insurgency will thwart it.

Regarding Hadi’s position as a head of state, it is a temporary two-year term pending elections. From the coup’s onset, former president Ali Abdallah Saleh and Houthis bargained to exclude Hadi from the political scene, but all sides held onto him as a symbol of the legitimacy. The new initiative keeps him as president.

The two-year war in Yemen was very tough on everyone. Yemen was rescued from the insurgency’s full control. Hadn’t it been for the military intervention, the country would have fallen under Iranian influence and would have turned into an arena for long-lasting tribal and regional conflicts.

Legitimacy was maintained, despite no longer having any presence in Yemen. It was transferred to Saudi Arabia and gained international diplomatic support. A huge war was waged for its sake where over half of the Yemeni territories were liberated and legitimacy was restored.

They were part of the government before the coup. Accepting the initiative means handing over their heavy weapons, emptying the cities and engaging with a government under Hadi’s rule, which implies they lost weapons’ bet.

Those who are against Saleh supporters and Houthis’ participation in decision-making and consider it a betrayal of their sacrifices are wrong. There is never a pledge to deny opponents participation in the political process, and this was never the goal of the war.

The aim is the return of the legitimate government, which they were part of. They paid a heavy price for their coup, and so did the Yemeni people.

The aim of the war is to achieve peace and not eliminate one another. Let’s hope this initiative is successful so that blood shedding ends and stability is restored to Yemen – by Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is the general manager of Al-Arabiya television =

My comment: Let us call this a sort of more moderate propaganda. The author still propagates UN Special Envoy Ould Sheihk’s peace plan. He repeats quite a lot of well known odd Saudi propaganda here. But what is remarkable: 1) A Saudi source stating that Hadis terms lasted just two years – what is right, even if it was prolonged for another year; his argument for keeping Hadi is weak in itself: “but all sides held onto him as a symbol of the legitimacy”. 2) The author – even though he asks the Houthis to capitulate (what for?) – he pleads for a joint rule including the Houthis; that’s what “president” hadi is permanently rejecting.

20.11.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Yemen thanks Saudi Arabia and UAE for helping lift Taiz siege

Yemeni Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh Al-Ahmar has expressed appreciation to the Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates for helping lift the siege of Taiz.

He extended his appreciation during a call to Maj. Gen. Khaled Fadhel, commander of the alliance in the province, while meeting in the Saudi capital with Taiz Gov. Ali Maamari on Thursday.

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSRelief), under General Supervisor Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, played an important role in the efforts to help the inhabitants as it distributed food baskets through the humanitarian relief coalition in Taiz.

The distribution came as part of the executive programs offered by KSRelief under the directives of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and under the supervision of Al-Rabeeah, who is also adviser at the royal court.

The Yemeni vice president said that the Kingdom and the UAE provided logistical support in lifting the siege of Taiz city that ended the suffering of the inhabitants.

Quoted by the official Yemeni news agency, he stressed the need to continue determined efforts for unity and working to rid the province of rebels and subject them to state authorities and legitimacy.

The Yemeni vice president emphasized that the political leadership of the legitimate government under President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi “pays attention to liberating the province as a top priority because of its great importance to the rest of the provinces.” – by Rodolfo C. Estimo jr.

Comment by Judith Brown: The question is a who is acting legitimately and who isn't ? And is the siege of Taiz over?

My comment: And the question is who beleaguers whom? The Houthis might beleaguer Taiz – but the Saudis beleaguer 2/3 of Yemeni population.

19.11.2016 – Daily News Egypt (A P)

Egypt supports political dialogue in Yemen, warns of infiltration by militants

Egypt participated on Thursday in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)’s Foreign Ministers Council in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. During the meeting, Egypt reaffirmed its support for political dialogue in Yemen and warned of infiltration from armed rebels across the country.

The assistant foreign minister for international institutions and organisations, Hesham Badr, headed the Egyptian delegation in the OIC. According to a statement issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Badr condemned the ballistic missile fired towards Mecca in October, reportedly by Houthi rebels in Yemen, adding that it is deemed as an attack on the peace and security of the Islamic world.

Badr demanded the implementation of security measures to hinder similar attacks in the future. He also stressed Egypt’s support for the legitimate government and president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, in Yemen and its support for a political settlement and dialogue in order to curb the militants and further insurgency – by Toqa Ezzidin

My comment: Egypt fully following Saudi propaganda – a propaganda of sectarian strife the Saudis had brought into OIC.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

21.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression fighter jets launch strike on Jawf

Saudi aggression war jets waged a strike on Khabu and al-Sha`af district of al-Jawf province overnight, an official told Saba on Monday.
The strikes hit al-Akabah area, as Saudi–paid mercenaries` artillery shelled the same district.
The official said that the strikes was the latest breaching to Oman`s principles agreement of ceasefire.

21.11.2016 – Children of Yemen (* A K)

Another MASSACRE: 15 civilians killed (12 children) by Saudi airstrike attack on family cars in #Yemen region Jawf.

My comment: Not yet another report found; the photo is from an earlier air raid in Saada province.

21.11.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A K)

#Saudi jet fighters streaking repeatedly very low over #Yemen capital Sanaa now. No military objective : Riyadh wants to terrify civilians.

21.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war launch air raid on capital Sanaa in further breach to ceasefire

S-backed Saudi aggression fighter jets on Monday morning waged a strike on the capital Sanaa, an official told Saba.
The strike targeted 40th Street in Sawan quarter of Azal district in east of the capital, causing damage to citizens` houses, private and public properties.
The airstrike was the latest in a series of breaches to Oman's principles agreement of ceasefire, the official added.

21.11.2016 – Xinhua (A K)

Saudi-led warplanes strike military base in Yemen's capital

Fighter jets from Saudi-led coalition struck a military base in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Monday morning, residents said, hours before the end of the 48-hour ceasefire brokered by the U.S. and agreed by the coalition and Houthis.

The strike hit the Military Engineering Base in Sawan quarter east of the capital, about 500 meters east of the U.S. embassy.

21.11.2016 – Sanaa in the morning (A K)

Saudi airstrikes in Sana'a now. Huge explosion just ripped through city. You friggin scumbag punks, I just dropped my kids at school.

Breaking: 9:10am very huge explosion, #Saudi jets hit #Sanaa noqom mountain, I heard school frightened boys screaming loudly!!

20.–21.11.2016 – Hassan Al-Haifi (A K)

Loud explosion over 20 minutes ago Planes still hovering. Given, there is a truce in effect, what justify hitting Sana'a City and vicinity?

20.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list)

20.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Raids Aggression on Mercenaries in Medi Desert

Large number of mercenaries and hypocrites of the Saudi aggression are killing by the airstrike aggression , which targeted gatherings northern Medi desert , in Hajjah province.

My comment: Saudi aircraft bombing pro-Hadi-fighters: “friendly fire”.

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi war jets airstrikes breach Oman`s principles of ceasefire

US-Saudi aggression war jets and their mercenaries continued on Sunday breaching Oman`s principles agreement of ceasefire on several Yemeni provinces, military officials told Saba.
In the capital Sanaa, the Saudi aggression fighter jets intensively flew over the capital for hours as they launched five air strikes on Dhubab and Rijam areas of Bani Hushaish district on the northeast outskirts of the capital.
The air raids occurred overnight, hours after the truce went into effect.

In Hajja province, the warplanes launched a strike on al-Mazarak area in Haradh district, as the mercenaries launched attempts to infiltrate towards Medi coastal city and its desert. Their attempts were foiled.
In Saada governorate, Saudi artillery and missile forces hit border districts, including Razeh district.
Meanwhile the Saudi war jets kept flying over the province for hours, targeting the farms and residents houses. Dozens of farms were burned and tens of hoses were totally flattened into ground.

In Marib province, the war jets waged a series of strikes on farms and houses of villagers in Wadi al-Rabaiah valley in Serwah district as their mercenaries indiscriminately shelled the whole area.

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression warplanes target citizen car in Saada

A citizen was injured in an air strike by the Saudi aggression warplanes on his car in a regular road in Hidan district of Saada governorate overnight, a security official told Saba on Sunday.
The raid caused critical injuries to the driver while his car was totally devastated.
The enemy planes, meanwhile, continued flying over all districts of the province and kept destroying the residents' houses. and photos:

20.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudis target Yemen in flagrant violation of truce

Saudi fighter jets have carried out more air raids against Yemen in violation of a ceasefire declared by Riyadh itself in the war-torn country.

Yemen’s al-Masirah television reported that the Saudi warplanes targeted the Sirwah district of Ma’rib Province and bombarded three bridges in the Silw neighborhood of Ta’izz Province late on Saturday.

Earlier on the day, similar Saudi strikes were carried out in the provinces of Hudaydah, Sa’ada and Sana’a.

The Saudi jets also mistakenly targeted Riyadh-backed forces loyal to Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi in the Midi district of the northwestern Hajjah Province, killing a large number of them.

20.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

Photos: US-backed Saudi war criminals Jets keep dropping cluster bombs every day on Yemen. Now on Hassam&Malahed areas of Saada.

20.11.2016 – Xinhua (A K)

Residents in the capital Sanaa reported coalition fighter jets flying over the city hours after the 48-hour ceasefire went into effect at noon local time.

19.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

My comment: This does not sound like “ceasefire” at all. The Saudis just keep on bombing. Keep in mind:

17.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

A soldier might open fire during ceasefire, that is normal but not an air strike! Saudi do not respect truce in bani Hushish east of Sana'a

19.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Fresh Saudi bombardment violates Yemen truce

Saudi Arabia's warplanes have conducted fresh airstrikes against Yemen, violating a 48-hour ceasefire which the kingdom announced earlier.

Yemen's al-Masirah television said Saudi jets bombarded a district in the southwestern province of Ta'izz several times.

Similar attacks were carried out in the Salif district of Hudaydah Province, the Maran neighborhood of Sa’ada Province and the Bani Hushaysh district of Sana’a Province, the report said.

19.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Dozens of homes damaged in hysterical air raids by U.S.-Saudi warplanes on Taiz

U.S.-Saudi warplanes comes back early Saturday morning to launch hysterical raids on Taiz governorate, targeting residential neighborhoods in east of the city.
A local official told Saba that the warplanes from the US-backed Saudi aggression coalition launched five raids on the neighborhood of Sala Alskani in an attempt to support the advance of Saudi-American aggression mercenaries, but the raids led to the destruction of dozens of homes partially and totally.
The aggression fighter jets also waged a series of strikes on Softil residential quarter, causing large damage to resident's' houses and public establishments, as well as spread panic among citizens.

19.11.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Saudi fighter jets criss crossing Sana'a sky now making everyone nervous bcz contrary to logic, airstrikes common during "ceasefires"

Heads up, Saudi fighter jets cruising Sana'a sky now. All the birds in my garden just hightailed it. Thanks for ruining tranquility.

19.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the edge (A K PH)

Confirmed / breach of ceasefire by Saudis: -3 raids on Almazrak area #Hajjah province - 7 raids on Asselw area #Taiz

19.11.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Saudi airstrikes in Hajja & Jawf just 2hrs into alleged ceasefire commencing. Saudi says THIS kind of ceasefire renewable in 48hrs!

20.11.2016 – Yemen Today TV (* A K PH)

Film: new footage from Sanaa funeral attack, Oct. 8

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

21.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Military Source: Repelled Saudi Attempt to Advance Towards Medi Desert

21.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Zelzal 2 Missile Hits Saudi Mercenaries in Nihm

21.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Missile Force Pounds Saudi Military Sites in Najran

21.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

A Large Number of Saudi Soldiers Killed and Wounded in Najran

21.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

More Than a 100 Dead and Wounded Saudi Mercenaries in Taiz

21.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi mercenaries continue breaching ceasefire, targeting houses , farms

US-Saudi aggression mercenaries continued on Monday targeting the houses and farms of citizens in Hareb Algramesh district of Marib province in a further breach to the Muscat principles agreement of ceasefire, an official told Saba.
The mercenaries fired artillery on homes and farms of the citizens in Alhsm Village, causing heavily damage.

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi war jets airstrikes breach Oman`s principles of ceasefire

Meanwhile, the Saudi-paid mercenaries launched several attempts of advances towards locations of the national army and popular forces in the district of Nehm northeast of the capital. The mercenaries' attempts were repelled.

In Saada governorate, Saudi artillery and missile forces hit border districts, including Razeh district.

In Taiz province, Saudi-paid mercenaries carried out several attacks on civilian targets and waged infiltration attempts on al-Salu and Haijah al-Abd areas.
In Lahj province, the US-backed Saudi-founded mercenaries shelled using various weapons on the mountain chain ranging from Kahbub area. Many houses and farms were damaged .

20.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Ain Al Thawrain Camp Targeted in Assir

20.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Mercenary Groupings Targeted in Jawf

20.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Gunboat of Saudi Aggression near the Coast of Mokha

Yemeni military source said , they had been monitoring the movements of gunboats belonging to the Saudi attack near ot Mokha coast and the Al Gaded and Dhubab area in the Taiz province.

The military forces of the popular Committees on standby to cope with any forces trying to disembark or incursions into Yemeni territory.

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires ballistic missile on military base in Jizan

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces repel mercenaries in Nehm

20.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army repels mercenaries in Red Sea Medi city for 7 time

The army and popular forces repelled mercenaries` infiltration for seven time in two days towards the Red Sea city of Medi of Hajja province, a military official told Saba on Sunday.
The mercenaries’ attacks came under heavy air and sea cover from the Saudi warplanes and warships.
The barbaric attacks clearly breach the Oman’s principles agreement of ceasefire.

20.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Civilians, including a child, injured in Houthi bombing in Al Baidha governorate

Hours after the beginning of the declared truce, civilians, including a child, were injured by bombing launched by Houthi and Saleh forces on Saturday on residential houses in Al Baidha governorate.

A local source in Al Baidha stated to Almasdaronline that the Houthis stationing at Arqob military site in Al Somaah district have fired five mortar shells on Safraa area, in which civilians were injured but not deaths were reported.

The source noted that the Houthi bombing comes while the area is witnessing a cautious quite time, "as if the Houthis are deliberately breaking the ceasefire."

In this context, the Houthis militants also launched a similar random bombing on civilian houses in Dhi Naem district resulting in the injury of the child Riad Alhumaighani.

20.11.2016 – Xinhua (A K)

Reports of firing ballistic missile, airstrikes amid Yemen-Coalition fragile cease-fire

Yemen's dominant Shiite Houthis said Saturday that they fired a ballistic missile into Saudi military base in retaliatory attack over airstrikes from Saudi-led coalition despite cease-fire that went into effect hours earlier.

"The Rocketry Unit of the army and popular forces fired a ballistic missile deep into the Saudi military base, Almosim inside the Saudi border city of Jizan," the Houthi-controlled state Saba news agency reported, citing an unnamed military official as saying.

"The missile attack came in response to cease-fire breaches carried out by the Saudi-led coalition through a series of airstrikes on the capital Sanaa and neighboring cities, as well as the coalition troops' attempts to advance into the central province of Marib and the Red Sea port city of Medi in northwestern province of Hajja," the official said.

"This escalation by the coalition was clear violation to the truce deal that struck in the Omani capital Muscat," the official added.

Meanwhile, residents in the southern city of Taiz reported non-stop battles between Houthi fighters backed by forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and their foes of coalition-backed internationally recognized government of exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

20.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

In retaliation for the Saudi attacks, the Yemeni army and forces of the Houthi Ansarullah movement fired a ballistic missile at a Saudi military base in the kingdom’s southwestern region of Najran.

Saudi ground forces claim that they had averted three other missile attacks allegedly fired from Yemen over the past few hours.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni army foiled an attempt by Saudi mercenaries to advance in the Midi district of the northwestern Hajjah Province.

My comment: That does not sound like ceasefire.

19.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army artillery hit gathering, sites of mercenaries in Medi desert

For fighting in Taiz, see Mwatana report (, already linked in YPR earlier, and comment by Judith Brown:

19.11.2016 – Judith Brown (* B K)

This report from Taiz entitled 'Chapters from Hell' I posted last week but in case you didn't get chance to read it then, here it is again. This report is about the situation in Taiz, where arguably the militias and their supporters are maybe the most polarised in Yemen, and also in their ranks are media savvy and educated Yemenis who tell their own version of 'truth'. Saudi Arabia has also picked on this, and constantly blames the current famine in Yemen on the siege of Taiz - which in truth is difficult but some goods do get in over the mountains from the south, and although living on the front line is simply horrendous, the humanitarian situation is not as bad as Hajjar, Hodeida and Saada - that does not mean it is good either. But this report clearly points out - its common sense really - that when two sides are fighting a brutal no-holds barred war against each other in a populated area, civilians are caught up in it and they are killed, maimed, dispossessed, and terrorised. Both sides are responsible; a war cannot be fought by one side only.

19.11.2016 – Mohammed al-Qadhi (A K)

Huge blasts rock #Taiz& clashes continue as 3 civilians killed in shelling at residential areas since truce went into effect.

After the huge blasts rocking the city during the past few hours and shelling that left at least 3 deaths among civilians, battles are going now in the eastern parts of #Taiz. No sign of any #truce here

19.11.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K PH)

Another #Syria in #Taiz city -Aljahmlia district #Yemen #Saudi should stop destroying houses and killing ppl (photos)

19.11.2016 – Abdulkader Alguneid (A K PS)

Saleh/Houthi forces still shell liberated areas south of #Taiz Rep Palace. Pics are flowing in Social Media

Pic. for feverish shelling of #Taiz eastern neighborhoods by Saleh Family RGs and Houthi militia

Comment by Judith Brown: Here we have a typical polarised viewpoint - forgetting that brutal ground wars cannot be fought by one side alone. All sides in this disgusting war are committing war crimes. IF YOU DON'T WANT WAR STOP FIGHTING -ALL OF YOU – NOW

And so it should be clear that BOTH sides are shelling at Taiz, even if pro-Hadi / pro-saudi propaganda wants to tell you only the Houthis do:

19. –20.11.2016 – Hussam Almolaiki (A K)

Hundreds of civilians in Alhoban area which is controlled by Houthis , sometimes the resistance shells killed them

My comment: “Resistance” = fighters affiliated to Islah Party, fighting against Houthis.

11:40 am , A Houthi shell targeting Alaskari hospital in #Taiz city , even hospitals? SHAME

19.11.2016 – Suhfnet–Buyemen (A K PS)

Video: The house at Taiz where the photographer Abad Zubairi was killed by a mine zhe Houthi/Saleh forces had left behind]

19.11.2016 – Abdelkader Alguneid (A K PS)

#Landmines implanted by Houthi/Saleh in houses, streets, roads, hills and villages of ##Taiz city and countryside is a major risk

19.11.2016 – Nadwa (A K PS)

At least 150 landmines extracted over past few days from villages where houthis were pushed out from in Selw, Taiz. #Yemen

17.11.2016 – Mohammed al-Qadhi (* A K)

Film: My TV report today on the massive damage in Aljahmaliah zone as ferocious hostilities continue east of #Taiz and film:

Photos: Shocked by the scale of damage at Aljahmalia zone , east #Taiz, demonstrating the atrocity of war in the city.

Film: A TV report on the plight of civilians living in constant fear under mercy of snipers & crossfire areas in #Taiz

19.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army foils mercenaries' infiltration in Taiz

in al-Jahmalaih area on Friday

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

21.11.2016 – International federation of Journalists (A K)

Yemen: Eighth media worker killed in 2016

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), in mourning the death of cameraman Awaab al Zubayrei.

Al Zubayrei was killed on 18 November following a mine explosion in the city of Taiz, southern Yemen.

The cameraman, who was working for Taiz News Network, was killed during clashes while covering the destruction houses in the Askary neighborhood.

“The YJS condemns the continuous targeting of Yemeni journalists covering the war and urges all journalists to follow safety protocols when they are working in the field,” said the union in a statement, while urging media owners to provide safety equipment for frontline media staff.

Since the start of ongoing war between the Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition, the safety of the journalists has decreased in the region. According to the latest IFJ figures, eight journalists and media workers have been killed in Yemen this year.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-230: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-230: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

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