Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 234 - Yemen War Mosaic 234

Yemen Press Reader 234: Wikileaks: Yemen Files–Trump und Jemen–Neue Huthi/Saleh-Regierung–Kranke Kinder–Saudische Blockade fördert IS–Soziale Medien und Jemen–Care Jemen–Luftangriff, 16 Tote

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Wikileaks: Yemen Files – Trump and Yemen war – New Houthi/Saleh government – Parent of sick children in Yemen – Saudi blockade will stimulate IS and revenge on the West – Social media and Yemen – Care Yemen – Air raid kills 16 – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Jemen-Files / Most important: Yemen Files

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Trump und Jemenkrieg / Most important: Trump and the Yemen war

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Neue Regierung im Norden / Most important: New government in the north

cp1d Am wichtigsten: Anderes / Most important: Other

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Jemen-Files / Most important: Yemen Files

25.11.2016 – RT (** B K P)

Die USA haben den Jemen bereits vor Kriegsbeginn ausgerüstet – WikiLeaks

Die Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks hat über 500 Geheimdokumente der US-Botschaft im Jemen publik gemacht. „Die Jemen-Dateien bieten Beweise dafür, dass die USA die jemenitischen Kräfte in den Jahren der Kriegsvorbereitung ausgerüstet, ausgebildet und finanziert haben. Unter anderem weisen die Dokumente Lieferungen von verschiedenen Waffen, Flugzeugen, Schiffen, Fahrzeugen – sowie Vorschläge zum Seegrenzschutz und Lieferungen der biometrischen Systeme nach“, zitiert TASS deren Pressemeldung. und von Sputnik News: und von Newsfront:

Mein Kommentar: Wesentlich besser wird man wie üblich auf Englisch informiert. Diese drei Treffer hatte ich bei der Google-Suche unter dem Stichwort „Jemen“ auf der Suche nach deutschsprachigen Ergebnissen auf den ersten 12 Seiten. Das übliche Bild: der deutschsprachige „Mainstream“ kehrt unbequeme Themen (unbequem für die die Medien beherrschenden „Transatlantiker“ unter den Teppich – zumindest so lange es geht. Unter dem 25. November: Schweigen im Walde. Unter dem 26. November: Wieder: gar nichts!!! Unter dem 27. November: Die “Linke Zeitung”. Der Mainstream schweigt. 28. November: Jetzt kommt auch nichts mehr, jetzt ist die Geschichte ohnehin nicht mehr aktuell. Das Thema wurde „ausgesessen“. Noch eine letzte probe am 29. November, morgens: Eine Google-Suche nach Jemen Wikileaks – beide Begriffe einfach nebeneinander gestellt – mit den Einstellungen: „Seiten auf Deutsch“ und zeitliche Eingrenzung 25.–29. November. In den deutschsprachigen Mainstreammedien und Nachrichtenportalen (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz); Exakt 0,0.

27.11.2016 – Linke Zeitung (**B K P)

Wikileaks hat die Jemen-Dokumente herausgegeben, die Washingtons blutige Rolle demaskieren

Die sogenannten „Jemen-Papiere“ scheinen zu zeigen, wie die jemenitische Regierung militärisches Material erhielt von den USA, einschließlich Flugzeuge, Fahrzeuge und Schiffe. [Damit sind sicher die Lieferungen an die von den USA eingesetzte HADI-Regierung gemeint, die von den Houthis gestürzt wurde. D. Ü.]

Der Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange sagte, dass in dem wenig deokumentierten Konflikt „die Vereinigten Staaten die meisten Bomben lieferten und zutiefst in die Kriegführung selbst verwickelt sind“ (in einer Erklärung auf der Webseite der Organisation).

Die neueste Lieferung von 500 Dokumenten von Reports aus der US-Botschaft deckt die Zeit von Hillary Clinton und John Kerry als Außenminister von 2009 bis März 2015 ab, als der Konflikt ausbrach. Die Botschaft in der Hauptstadt Sana’a schloss schon einen Monat vorher.

Wikileaks sagte, dass der Krieg in Jemen vor allem strategisch ist, weil das Land an der wichtigen „engsten Stelle“ – dem Eingang zum Roten Meer – für den Ölhandel in den Nahen Osten liegt.

„Saudiarabien will einen Hafen in Jemen kontrollieren, um eine mögliche Sperrung seiner Öllieferungen vom Iran durch die Straße von Hormuz oder seine andere Lieferungen durch das Rote Meer zu verhindern“, heißt es in einer Erklärung.

Die neuen Enthüllungen werfen auch neues Licht darauf, was viele Experten und Menschenrechts-Aktivisten seit langem sagen: dass die Koalition Kriegsverbrechen begeht, indem sie US-fabrizierte Waffen einsetzt. Internationale Warnungen erklärten, dass die US mit Sicherheit angeklagt würde, Kriegsverbrechen in dem Konflikt zu begehen, indem sie logistische und Geheimdienst-Hilfe für die Koalition liefert.

Seit 2009 hat Obama 42 verschiedene Waffen-Deals mit den Saudis geschlossen für insgesamt 115 Mrd. Dollar, laut einem Report von dem Zentrum für Internationale Politik im September. Die USA bestätigte auch, dass sie zuvor weißen Phosphor, eine Napalm ähnliche Chemikalie, an die Saudis geliefert habe.

[Übersetzung des Telesur-Artikels s. unten] =

25.11.2016 – Wikileaks (*** B K P)

Today, Friday 25 November, WikiLeaks releases the Yemen Files. .

The Yemen Files are a collection of more than 500 documents from the United States embassy in Sana'a, Yemen. Comprising more than 200 emails and 300 PDFs, the collection details official documents and correspondence pertaining to the Office for Military Cooperation (OMC) located at the US embassy. The collection spans the period from 2009 until just before the war in Yemen broke out in earnest during March 2015. This time period covers both Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State (20092013) and the first two years of Secretary John Kerry’s tenure.

Julian Assange said: "The war in Yemen has produced 3.15 million internally displaced persons. Although the United States government has provided most of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself reportage on the war in English is conspicuously rare."

Yemen is of significant strategic interest as Yemen controls a narrow choke-point to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal through which 11% of the world's petroleum passes each day. In addition, Yemen borders Saudi Arabia (to the north) and Oman (to the east) and has access to the Arabian Sea, through which another 20% of the world's petroleum passes from the Strait of Hormuz (including the oil of Saudi Arabia and Iran). Saudi Arabia seeks to control a port in Yemen to avoid the potential constriction of its oil shipments by by Iran along the Strait of Hormuz or by countries which can control its other oil shipment path along the Red Sea.

The Yemen Files offer documentary evidence of the US arming, training and funding of Yemeni forces in the years building up to the war. The documents reveal, among other things, procurement of many different weapon types: aircraft, vessels, vehicles, proposals for maritime border security control and Yemeni procurement of US biometric systems.

A US presence remained in the country until February 2015, when the US closed its embassy due to the continuing unrest between different factions in the country. The war broke out a month later.

all documents:

all e-mails:

and here again: WikiLeaks' #Saudi Cables reveal the Kingdom's foreign media manipulation strategies:

and Clinton e-mails: and and

25.11.2016 – International Business Times (** B K P)

WikiLeaks releases 500 files allegedly showing US 'arming and funding' Yemeni forces

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: US government provided 'most of the bombs' for civil war.

The leak, the source of which remains unknown, spans 2009 to March 2015 – just prior to the war breaking out in Yemen. In a statement, WikiLeaks noted it covers both Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State (2009-2013) and the first two years of Secretary John Kerry's tenure.

Documents of interest, highlighted by WikiLeaks, appear to show Yemeni procurement of US aircraft, vehicles and biometric systems. "I look forward to building strong, fruitful, and mutually beneficial relations between our armed forces," said letters signed by US Colonel Randolph Rosin.

WikiLeaks said the files show evidence of the US "arming, training and funding" Yemeni forces in the years leading up to the war, which has claimed the livesof over 7,000 people and injured 35,000 more – the majority in air strikes from a coalition of forces led by Saudi Arabia.

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, said in a statement: "Although the United States government has provided most of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself, reportage on the war in English is conspicuously rare."

In 2010, a series of diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks – as reported by The Guardian – showed the president of Yemen at the time offered US military "unrestricted access" to conduct air strikes against terrorist targets aligned with al-Qaeda which it then claimed as its own work.

The release of The Yemen Files marks a move away from the US political system that WikiLeaks has been associated with in recent months. In a series of high-profile releases, it disclosed nearly 20,000 emails from a Democratic Party group and thousands of emails from the personal inbox of John Podesta, a close aide to Hillary Clinton – by Jason Murdock

Comment by Judith Brown: I have heard this before in relation to the deal on Soqatra where US wanted to have an air base. The were providing Yemen with weapons in order to soften politicians was what I heard. Of course they were also arming Saudi Arabia at the same time. But much of the Yemeni weapons has now been destroyed in the war by Saudi Arabia.

25.11.2016 – Telesur (* B K P)

WikiLeaks Drops Yemen Files, Unmasks Washington's Bloody Role

The so-called “Yemen Files” appears to show how the Yemeni government received military hardware from the U.S., including aircraft, vehicles and vessels, as well the Yemeni procurement of US biometric systems.

“Saudi Arabia seeks to control a port in Yemen to avoid the potential constriction of its oil shipments by Iran along the Straight of Homuz or by countries which can control its other oil shipment path along the Red Sea,” the statement read.

The new leak sheds further light on what many experts and human rights advocates argue: that the coalition is committing war crimes using U.S. made weapons.

Since 2009, Obama has made 42 separate weapons deals with the kingdom totaling US$115 billion, according to a report from the Center for International Policy in September. =

26.11.2016 – Americas Freedom Fighters (* A K P)

BREAKING: WikiLeaks STRIKES AGAIN And Sets Its Sights On NEW Scandal… This Is MASSIVE

So to sum this up, both Clinton and Kerry had vested interests in this “war-for-oil” scenario. So to sum this up, both Clinton and Kerry had vested interests in this “war-for-oil” scenario.

That’s a hell of a lot of money folks!

Stay tuned- there’s plenty more to come! (look at images: Document related to arms support)

25.11.2016 – RT (** B K P)

‘Shiny new toys’: WikiLeaks reveals US plan to give $147mn in military hardware to Yemen

A Department of Defense powerpoint presentation dated August 2010, which is revealed in the dump, lays out a detailed plan for equipping the Yemeni government with arms through the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program and other “security assistance programs”.

Several slides warn against becoming trapped in an expensive cycle where the Yemeni government keep buying and receiving “shiny new toys”, leading to mounting costs for the US.

The expense of buying these “shiny new toys” is one thing, but that initial outlay is then followed by increasing expenses on the training, maintenance and upgrades required to use them.

The goals outlined in the document were to make Yemen “a stable state where violent extremists cannot operate” and “to limit the regional impacts of terrorism, trafficking and piracy.”

The estimated total cost of the weapons to be supplied to the Yemeni government is $147 million. Some $99 million of that was earmarked for a “counterterrorism aviation support” package, $41 million was for the Yemeni Navy for “operations support and capacity building” and a further $7 million allocated for a “counterterrorism direct action force support”package.

The packages include a number of aircraft, patrol boats, weapons and support as well as on-site US training and assistance teams and even two English-language labs.

The document repeatedly notes the key risk of supplying Yemen with weapons is that the arms could potentially be used “for other purposes counter to US interests,” such as against Houthi rebels in northern Yemen, or secessionists in the south of the country.

It notes that “given the state of the Yemen economy” almost all of the money spent bolstering the Yemeni military is given in non-repayable loans from US government funds.

The documents says that between 2002 and 2008, the US gave the Yemeni government over $105m worth of weapons such as military trucks, machine guns, ammunition, armored personnel carriers and boats through non-repayable grants and donations.

The presentation discusses the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program which sends 20-25 Yemeni military students to various military schools in the US. The program is funded to the tune of about $1 million per year and is considered a very effective return on investment “for advancing US diplomatic or policy goals”. (with images)

24.11.2016 – Publico (* B K P)

EEUU utilizó a España para entrenar a altos mandos militares de Yemen

El Pentágono subvencionó la compra de un avión CN-235 para nutrir a las Fuerzas Aéreas yemeníes. El acuerdo con el fabricante contemplaba una instrucción en Sevilla que duró más de cuatro meses. El aparato acabó destruido poco después en un ataque de Arabia Saudí dentro de su brutal ofensiva, apoyada precisamente por Washington, contra Yemen.

Estados Unidos, en su papel autoproclamado de policía del mundo, ha llevado su guerra contra el terror a prácticamente todos los rincones del planeta. Centrado sobre todo en Oriente Próximo, ha utilizado multitud de países para afianzar su estrategia militar. Entre ellos está España. Sevilla fue en 2013 centro de un entrenamiento subvencionado y supervisado por el Pentágono para 28 miembros de las Fuerzas Aéreas de Yemen, según revela una nueva filtración de Wikileaks sobre la cooperación militar entre Washington y Saná, antes del comienzo de la actual guerra en el país de la Península Arábiga.

La Casa Blanca dio 38 millones de dólares (algo más de 34 millones de euros) a las autoridades yemeníes para que compraran un avión CN-235 a Airbus Military, con sede en la ciudad andaluza, y lo emplearan en operaciones antiterroristas. El acuerdo incluía, según los documentos filtrados a los que ha tenido acceso Público y tal y como ha confirmado a este diario el fabricante de aviones, una instrucción en suelo español para seis pilotos y 22 encargados de las tareas de mantenimiento del aparato, un carguero bimotor de ala alta.

26.11.2016 – Wikileaks Decrypted (* B K P)

US Sells $200 Million Worth of Weapons to Hadi Government in 2014

A year before the Yemeni Civil War broke out, the US supplied $218 million worth of weapons to the President of Yemen, Abrdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, in anticipation of upcoming unrest.

Although US support to the Saudi-led regime is well-known, this document displays US logistical support for the Yemeni president, whose crackdown on rebels has been condemned as a violation of the Laws of War by the international organisation Human Rights Watch, long before the Saudi Coalition was formed.

Whether this was merely down to a simple desire for profiteering from overseas war, of which the US has a long history, or a tactical attempt to purposefully suppress political dissidence in a strategically significant area for US interests in the petroleum industry, will no doubt be questioned by the UN Human Rights Commission when the war is being dissected over the coming months and years.

27.11.2016 – Wikileaks Decrypted (* B K P)

Airbus Supplied Aircraft to Genocidal Yemeni Government before Civil War

A subsidiary of the European Aerospace giant Airbus, EADS N.A, supplied aircraft to the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in Yemen. This administration has been judged as in violation of International Law by Amnesty International.

The procurement of $36 Million worth of aircraft took place in early 2012, when President Hadi was just taking office after winning an election in which he was the only candidate. This single candidate election occurred after the Gulf Cooperation Council, a political union of Arab monarchies, signed a agreement stating that the former despotic President Ali Abdullah Saleh would hand power to his successor in return for court immunity.

Despite the turbulence in Yemeni politics at this time, UK/US military export licences were signed in January 2012 which allowed Airbus to go ahead with the sale.

Wikileaks Link: PMR – TORP 0225 – Yemen Aircraft

29.12.2016 – Wikileaks Comments (* B P)

The significance of the Yemen Files and 1979 diplomatic cables

It's pretty clear from the Yemen files and Assange's focus on Clinton's ties to the Saudis that the point Wikileaks is trying to make is that the US elites meddling and profiteering in the Middle East helped create the current global jihad insurgency and the current migrant crisis. While not as on-the-face sensational as a global Satanic pedophile ring and other spin-off theories that have come from these leaks, being culpable for the rise of ISIS and the hordes of people displaced around the world at the moment is a pretty big (huge) deal.

They're basically showing us how the actions of the US throughout the last century have contributed to the large scale death and destruction we're seeing in the Middle East and lately Europe.

I understand that we all want Wikileaks to just drop a bombshell that is going to blow the lid off of some kind of mindblowing Illuminati style conspiracy, but at this point I think it's clear that wasn't what they were promising.

Unfortunately not enough people care or understand that much about the situation in the Middle East and a lot of Wikileaks usual supporters have been distracted with unsubstantiated rumors (that look a lot like the latest shill tactic to 'discredit' WL) that Assange is dead, so these leaks aren't yet properly recognized for their significance – by Freewayricky

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Trump und Jemenkrieg / Most important: Trump and the Yemen war

25.11.2016 – Sanaa Center (** B P)

Trump and the Yemen war

With America deeply enmeshed in Yemen’s multifaceted civil war, the policy choices of US President-elect Donald J. Trump will have major repercussions for Yemen and the wider Middle East. The question remains: what will Trump's policies be?

Obama’s record

Under the Obama administration, United States policy toward Yemen was largely driven by regional concerns and counter-terrorism initiatives, with the drone campaign targeting Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen today remaining among America’s most intense.

The unknowable Trump

US President-elect Donald J. Trump’s often contradictory and off-the-cuff pronouncements on foreign policy issues have led to bewildered speculation throughout the international community, with his potential Yemen policy amongst the fodder for confusion.

Yemen rarely factored into Trump’s comments on the presidential campaign trail.

Reaction in Yemen

Hawks and hardliners

Trump is apparently considering candidates from across the ideological spectrum for posts in his cabinet, with the most important, from a Yemeni point of view, being the secretaries of Defense and State.

In the case of State, potential nominees that have been discussed ranged from the firebrand John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN and an intellectual leader of the neoconservatives of George W. Bush administration, to Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), a noted military hawk and current chair of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, to the relative pragmatist and former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

In regards to Ambassador Bolton, he has advocated a more robust, direct American intervention in Yemen from his post at the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, casting – in rather simplistic terms – the Houthis as dangerous Iranian proxies.ix Similarly, Senator Corker has openly opposed moves in the senate to restrict arms sales to the the Saudi-led coalition, framing the military intervention in Yemen as necessary to prevent the spread of Iranian power.

It is possible that the general tenor the Trump cabinet and his administration’s foreign policy leanings have already been laid in the cabinet selections announced to date.

Trump himself, however, has frequently expressed avowedly anti-interventionist and isolationist sentiments.

Limited humanitarian concern

For Yemenis concerned about human rights issues, including the civilian cost of the Saudi aerial war, US drone strikes, and pre-war allegations of illegal detention of terrorism suspects, Trump offers little hope

Fading peace prospects

In the immediate term, the most likely consequence of Trump’s victory is a sharp decrease in the US role in diplomatic efforts in Yemen and, potentially, an intensification of the conflict on the ground

At the time of this writing, Trump’s Yemen policy and wider regional approach is effectively unknowable. Yemenis — similar to people across the region, and indeed, around the world — will have to wait and see how the fallout from the American election will land on their shores – by Adam Baron and Peter Salisbury

Comment by Judith Brown: This is a very interesting article in the Trump administration and Yemen by the amazing Sanaa Centre - although Trump is something of an enigma as who knows what he'll do with Yemen, as the article indicates.

28.11.2016 – Weekly Standard (* A P)

A Tale of Two Trumps

What will the new president's approach to Saudi Arabia be?

There seem to be at least two Donald Trumps on how to deal with Saudi Arabia, and it's difficult to know which one will trump the other in office.

Trump One said in 2015 that he's "not a big fan" of the Saudis. Trump Two gushed "I love Saudi Arabia" just a week later. Trump One suggested that Riyadh perpetrated 9/11 and calledit "the world's biggest funder of terrorism." Trump Two saidAmerica should let the Saudis get nuclear weapons. Moments later he also said the kingdom should not be allowed to get nukes.

If there's one central theme to Trump's message on Saudi Arabia, it's that the kingdom should do morein exchange for America keeping it safe. This is something that President Obama has also expressed. Just this year, Obama called out Gulf monarchs like the Saudis as "free riders" in the fight against terror.

Here are some key areas where the incoming Trump administration will soon have to make major decisions that determine the course of U.S. relations with the desert kingdom: Iran – Syria – The Islamic World – Saudi religious Incitement – JASTA – Energy Security and Trade – by David Andrew Weinberg, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

My comment: Yemen of course is overlooked.

27.11.2016 – The National Interest (** A P)

Why Yemen Will Be Donald Trump's Litmus Test

Will the president-elect buy into Saudi Arabia's and the neoconservatives' Iran-centric view of the conflict?

What President-elect Trump does—or doesn’t—do about the war in Yemen will tell us a great deal about what his foreign policy in the Middle East may look like. It will also tell us which set of advisors he is most inclined to listen to: pragmatists, like incoming National Security Advisor retired Lt. General Mike Flynn, who prioritize the fight against militant Salafism, or neoconservatives who see Iranian influence as the primary threat to regional stability.

During his campaign, Trump prioritized the need to fight militant Salafism, stating that he will work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to battle the Islamic State in Syria. Yet the president-elect has repeatedly described the nuclear agreement with Iran as “the worst deal ever negotiated.” This could well lead one to believe that a Trump administration will listen to neoconservatives. The same neoconservatives whose policies—like invading Iraq—have, more than anything else, empowered Iran. If neoconservatives like John Bolton exert influence on the president-elect, a focus on rolling back Iranian influence in the region will likely come at the expense of fighting militant Salafism.

With a pragmatic approach to the war in Yemen, the incoming Trump administration could achieve both aims. It could check Iranian influence by exerting real and sustained pressure on Saudi Arabia to end its largely futile campaign against the Houthis. While the evidence that Houthis are Iranian proxies is dubious, Iran can only be delighted by the fact that Saudi Arabia is mired in a costly war that it cannot win.

Restarting meaningful negotiations and addressing Yemen’s dire humanitarian crisis are both prerequisites for combating a resurgent AQAP.

The Trump administration’s response to the war in Yemen will be telling. Will the president-elect buy into Saudi Arabia’s and the neoconservatives’ Iran-centric view of the conflict? And if this is the case, will he continue to embrace policies and measures that enable Saudi Arabia to continue its increasingly brutal war? Or will he be more inclined to listen to advisors like Mike Flynn who view militant Salafism as the primary threat to regional stability? If this is the case, then ending the war and stabilizing Yemen should be high on the incoming president’s list – by Michael Horton, Senior Analyst for Arabian Affairs at the Jamestown Foundation

28.11.2016 – the American Conservative (* A P)

Flynn and the War on Yemen

Michael Horton sees the war on Yemen as a litmus test for the Trump administration [see article above].

I agree that Trump’s approach to the U.S.-backed war there will tell us something important about his foreign policy, but I’m not sure how Flynn qualifies as a “pragmatist” especially when it comes to Iran. Flynn claims to believe that the U.S. is engaged in a global war against “a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.” He and co-author Michael Ledeen go on to say that “Iran is the linchpin of the alliance, its centerpiece.” If we take Flynn to mean what he and Ledeen say here, how can we see him as a “pragmatist” in opposition to anti-Iranian hard-liners?

If we don’t take his book as a reliable source of his views, we still have Flynn’s own testimony before Congress in which he makes clear his hostility towards Iran and states his opinion that they are responsible for stoking the conflict in Yemen. Since Flynn exaggerates the threat from Iran and imagines a global Iran-centered “alliance” where none exists, it is unlikely that he accepts the reality that Iran’s role in Yemen has been and remains negligible.

I hope Trump ignores Flynn’s hard-line views on Iran and makes “calculated, pragmatic, and well-balanced” decisions on U.S. support for the war on Yemen and many other issues. Choosing Flynn for a top national security position strongly suggests that he won’t – by Daniel Larison

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Neue Regierung im Norden / Most important: New government in the north

29.11.2016 - Pars Today (* A P)

Oberster politischer Rat ordnet Bildung einer nationalen Rettungsregierung an

Laut dem jemenitischen Staatsfernsehen hat der Oberste politische Rat im Jemen am Montagabend die Bildung einer nationalen Rettungsregierung angeordnet.

Der Rat führte seinen Beschluss auf die widerspenstige und starrsinnige Haltung von Aggressoren und Söldnern bei einer Lösung der Krise, basierend auf nationaler Partnerschaft und Vermeidund des Blutvergießens und der Zerstörung des Landes, zurück.

Eine ranghohe jemenitische Quelle hatte zuvor dem Nachrichtensender al-Mayadeen gesagt, dass die nationale Rettungsregierung unter Führung von Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, dem ehemaligen Gouverneur von Aden, erwartungsgemäß in zwei Tagen in Sanaa gebildet werde. Laut dieser Quelle haben die Ansarullah-Bewegung und der allgemeine Volkskongress die Rettungsregierung in ihrer ursprünglichen Form bestätigt. Die Untersuchungen über die endgültige Form der Regierung dauere noch an.

Mein Kommentar: Das ist die einzige deutschsprachige Meldung, die mir bei der Google-Suche unterkam. Auch hier versagen die deutschsprachigen medien einmal mehr (siehe dazu auch cp1a). Warum, bleibt Spekulation. Nur ein bericht aud dem Iran! Und der wurde am 29. Nov. veröffentlicht, ist aber tatsächlich schon zwei Tage alt. Die neue regierung ist mittlerweile gebildet, wie man nur auf Englisch erfährt:

29.11.2016 – Saba News (* A P)

President issues decree to form National Salvation Government

President of the Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad late on Monday issued a decree No. 56 of 2016 to form the National Salvation Government and name its cabinet as following:

1-Abdul Aziz Saleh Bin Habtour as Prime Minister.
2-Hussein Abdullah Mkabuli as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.
3-Akram Abdullah Attaya as Deputy Prime Minister for Internal Affairs.
4-Major General, Jalal Ali al-Rowaishan as Deputy Prime Minister for Security Affairs.
5-Major General , Mohamed Nasser al-Atafi as Defense Minister.

[42 names]

29.11.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

President issues decree to appoint assistant commander of the army

29.11.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Yemen Announces New Government

Yemeni Ansarullah resistance movement and its allies in the country are forming a new "national salvation" cabinet.

Abdul Aziz Bin Habtoor, former governor of Aden Province is supposed to lead the new government, local media sources reported on Monday.

He is also tasked with dealing with the issue of Saudi Arabia's aggression on the country as well as the war-torn country's internal affairs.

The new government will replace the Supreme Political Council with 35 ministers and seven state ministers and three other deputy prime ministers.

Supreme Political Council was formed by the Ansarullah resistance movement and the party of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh earlier in the year.

The Ansarullah movement has stressed that the new body’s establishment will not hinder the UN-brokered peace talks, the last round of which ended in deadlock in August

28.11.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

Yemen's Houthis form government in setback to peace process

Yemen's armed Houthi movement and its political allies formed a new government on Monday, the Houthi-run state news agency Saba reported, in what appeared a blow to U.N.-backed efforts to end 20 months of war in the country.

Diplomats had hoped the Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa, would hold off on putting together a cabinet of their loyalists and instead form a unity government with their Yemeni foes, whom they pushed into Saudi exile.

The Houthis, who control territory with more than half of Yemen's population, previously said forming a government with their allies did not mean abandoning the U.N.-sponsored peace process.

"The meeting stressed that the government, which was formed amid the difficult conditions experienced by the country, is tasked with putting in order the internal situation and confronting the (Saudi) aggression," Saba reported.

"The Council noted that this comes amid the intransigence of the aggression and its (Yemeni) mercenaries to move within the framework of a national solution ... to spare the country further bloodshed and destruction."

Rajeh Badi, a spokesman for the exiled Hadi government, said the move showed "a disregard not just for the Yemeni people but also for the international community."

"Over a year and a half since the Houthi militia's coup, no one in the international community has recognized the entities they have formed," Badi added.

There was no immediate comment from the United Nations – by Noah Browning = and almost the same by Aljazeera:

My comment: The formation of this government seriously spoken is no backlash for the peace process (which in reality even does not exist anymore). It only would be if you take for granted that there should be an imbalance between the two main sides in this conflict, and that the Saudi-affiliated Hadi government should be the superior ruling force in Yemen. Such ideas are an obstacle to any peaceful solution, which in any case must lead to a withdrawal of both presidents and both governments of Yemen, to give place to a new transitional presi. Why the formation of this government should show” a disregard not just for the Yemeni people” stays one of the many secrets of Hadi government’s propaganda.

Comments by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Quite amusing how those saying creation of new gov't derails peace process were silent when gov't in exile rejected peace proposal.

When #Yemen gov in exile, rejected reconciliation gov & peace plan, now says Houthi/Saleh unilaterally creating gov't derails peace process.

29.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen national government members Posing now to memory pictures after taking constitutional oath b4 supreme ruling council in Sanaa (photo) and

29.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

3Yemeni leading women In the new government that Will focus on fighting US-backed Saudi invaders & Qaeda/ISIS (photos)

29.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemen gov 1st meeting on its program Next to Parliament for confidence Priorities:Military, security, political challenges. (Defeat Saudis)

28.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A P)

Major General Mohammed Al Atfi the new minister of defence " he was the commander of missiles forces" (photo)

28.11.2016 – Diwan (A P)

Houthi Rebels/GPC announce ‘National Unity Government’: names (v @entooneyavin) and commentary

[Tweets; names of ministers]

Comment by Judith Brown: The new government in Sanaa from Houthi-GPC ranks. Apparently those appointed are of the old guard with no new blood to drive Yemen forward.

29.11.2016 – Almanar (A P)

Yemen’s National Salvation Government Sworn in

Yemen’s National Salvation Government was sworn in on Tuesday in Sanaa after the supreme political council had approved the formation of the 42-member cabinet headed by Abdol Aziz bin Habtur.

Habtur stated that the cabinet will exert all the possible efforts to meet the Yemenis’ aspirations as the political council had stressed that the main mission of the new government is to organize the domestic conditions and to confront the Saudi aggression militarily, politically and economically.

29.11.2016 – TRT (not rated A P)

Film: Adam Barron on TRT on newly announced Houthi/Saleh government in #Yemen

29.11. 2016 – Voice of America (* A P)

Yemen Rebels and Allies Form Government, Deepening Rift

U.S. officials on Monday expressed disappointment with a move by Iran-supported rebels in Yemen to form a new "national salvation government" in that impoverished country.

"We are concerned by reports that the Houthi faction and the General Party Congress element aligned with former President [Ali Abdullah] Saleh have claimed to announce a new cabinet unilaterally, without an official foundation and without the support of the legitimate government of Yemen or the Yemeni peace process," State Department spokesman John Kirby told VOA. "This development contravenes the commitments provided by the Houthis and the GPC element to support the U.N.-facilitated peace process."

The Houthis' move, however, is "not conducive to achieving a lasting and comprehensive settlement to the conflict in Yemen, which will require political negotiation and consensus among all parties," Kirby added.

While the formation of the new government "is a blow to the U.N. process, it does not necessarily mean an end to negotiations over the future of Yemen. The Houthis understand that control of the capital and other key areas provides the group with an important bargaining chip," said Alexander Corbeil, lead analyst for the Ottawa-based SecDev think tank.

"The declaration is, in part, a response to Hadi's rejection of the agreement and meant to put more pressure on international, regional and local actors to bring about a solution to the crisis and thus, eventually, enhanced Houthi involvement in the country's political and security affairs," Corbeil told VOA News on Monday.

The decision by the Houthis and Saleh is "a natural step" in the wake of the failure of the Hadi government, despite its Saudi and U.N. support, according Sheila Carapico, professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond – by Steve Herman

29.11.2016 – AFP (A P)

Yemen president accuses rebels of dashing peace hopes

Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi accused Shiite rebels and their allies on Tuesday of dashing hopes for peace after they unveiled a new government in areas under their control.

Hadi said that Monday's formation by the Iran-backed rebels of a government of national salvation showed their determination to "spread chaos and destruction" and "destroys any chance of dialogue and peace".

Speaking through a spokesman from Yemen's second city Aden, the seat of his beleaguered government, Hadi called on the international community to "condemn this move and hold the militia responsible for the collapse of peace efforts."

Announcing their new government, the Huthi rebels said it was a response to Hadi's "stubbornness" in pursuing a deadly war against them with the support of a Saudi-led coalition since March last year.

My comment: “Hadi said that Monday's formation by the Iran-backed rebels of a government of national salvation showed their determination to "spread chaos and destruction" and "destroys any chance of dialogue and peace"” is rather odd, looking at “chaos and destruction” spread by Saudi bombings: Compared to that, forming of a new government is a rather harmless matter. But just Hadi is the center of the Hadi universe: That means, everything that could replace Hadi and make him superfluous, is the worst ever possible.

29.11.2016 – KUNA (A P)

KUNA : OIC condemns formation of nat'l Salvation Gov't in Yemen

My comment: The OIC is under great Saudi influence and declares what Saudi Arabia tells to declare.

My comment: No, if you not think that there should be any supremacy by one side of the conflict. Giving the Hadi government this advantage as the UN envoy does by such a statement, in reality will be an obstacle to peace.

29.11.2016 - Al Arabiya (A P)

Gulf states denounce Houthis forming cabinet

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Tuesday has denounced Iran-backed Houthi militias forming a government in Yemen led by Abdulaziz bin Habtour in what’s been viewed as a provocative move.

GCC’s Secretary General Abdulatif Al-Zayani said the Gulf states completely reject this step.

Zayani said this shows that the Houthis are not serious to enter any political talks, and are complicating UN’s envoy attempt to end conflict in Yemen.

My comment: Did you expect anything else?

29.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Film: Yemen's Houthis & allies form new government

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and its allies have formed a new government amid deadly air campaign by Saudi Arabia.
Local media say the national salvation government is tasked with administering the country’s internal affairs and confronting the Saudi aggression. It will replace the Supreme Political Council, a ruling body set up by the Houthis and the party of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in summer. The Ansarullah movement has already said that establishing a new government would not be a setback to the UN-brokered peace talks. Interviewy: Naseer al-Omari, Writer and Political Commentator

29.11.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

New Yemeni Government to Fully Comply With Constitution - Minister of Justice

The new Yemeni government will work hard on rebuilding the war-torn country and create a just society, based on the country's law and constitution, the new Yemeni Minister of Justice Ahmed Akabat told Sputnik on Tuesday.

The new justice minister added that the government was facing important tasks of restoring economy, welfare, infrastructure.
"The new government will work in full compliance with the law and the constitution of Yemen. My ministry will do its best to create a truly just society," Akabat said.

29.11.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

Yemen to Refrain From Violence Toward Hostile Foreign Nations – Minister

Yemen will not respond aggressively to the foreign nations interfering with the country's domestic affairs and hindering the peace process in the conflict-torn country, new Yemeni Minister of Justice Ahmed Akabat told Sputnik on Tuesday.

According to Akabat, the government has not been able to negotiate with all of the factions and armed groups in the country and one of the reasons for that is the meddling of foreign agents.
"As for the foreign affairs, Yemen's main problem is the intervention of foreign countries, but Yemen will not respond with hatred to them," Akabat said.

cp1d Am wichtigsten: Anderes / Most important: Other

28.11.2016 – The Talking of the Soul (** B H)

The impossible task of being the parent of a sick child in war-torn Yemen

A telephone chat with a friend, in Sanaa, turnt into this: a cry for help.

On Thursday Feb 2 2016 I met Mohamed Ahmed, father of two kids affected by cancer. He was looking for help. Mohamed briefed out his story: “I have come from my village in Taiz after people donated me the transportation fee to Sana’a´´.

The entire story of Mohamed Ahmed rotates around his children, Gaza and Mohamed:
“My six year old daughter Gaza has cancer in her tongue. It has been so since she was one. I visited many hospitals and doctors hoping to find a real medicine that would treat my daughter’s – most of the times -fatal condition but till now nothing has happened. Or changed . According to the National Oncology Center’s medical reports by Dr. Nabil Alhakeme in Sanaa “Gaza Mohamed’s soft tissue mass of the tongue shows xerodema pigmentosum with the first signs showing four years ago.’’

The Doctor confirmed the only solution would be an urgent surgical intervention, possibly with tongue transplant, but due to the war and the most complicated situation the country is facing, the doctors could not proceed.

I, hence, contacted Dr. Karim of Mona Relief Organisation and we worked on the travel’s preparations to bring Gaza out of Yemen. Passport, document, everything was ready. But not Sanaa airport: it was closed due to the Saudis’ blockade on Yemen. No flights allowed out of Yemen.

Gaza remained bedridden suffering the pains of hell until death took her from her parents. Her parents’ pain, though, did not end: it continues through their second child Mohamed, two years old , with the same cancer of his sister Gaza.

The siege forces Mohamed to wait for his turn after his sister.

People in Yemen face the worst humanitariancircumstances due to the Saudi-led coalition strangling embargo on Yemen.

It is a hard task to be a parent in Yemen: you know you are going to lose your child, either because of illness or under the bombs. The country remains closed, abandoned to its destiny.
We are trying to help at least the other two kids and save their lives. If anyone would like to help please contact us through the NGO’s social media websites:

Your Ability Organization for Development


27.11.2016 – IOL / Sunday Independent (** B K P T)

Shannon Ebrahim: Yemen blockade will hasten IS revenge on West

Starved of food and medical supplies, Yemenis may resort desperate to measures, including signing up with Islamic State

The imminent starvation of a large segment of Yemen’s population is something the world has quite easily turned a blind eye to. But in a world that is actually a global village, the suffering of those from one of the poorest countries in the world will come back to bite us all.

The Saudi naval blockade of Yemen’s coast has denied the poorest of the poor food, fuel, and medical supplies. The sea blockade has stopped shipments to most of Yemen’s ports. There is only so long the population can hold out until they resort to desperate measures, which might just be signing up to Islamic State to receive a salary as a way out of starvation. Already this type of shift towards extremism is taking place, as al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) is flourishing in Yemen’s ungoverned areas.

When ordinary Yemenis rummage through the wreckage of their homes and neighbourhoods, the bomb fragments they come across are inscribed “made in the USA”. Even the remnants of cluster munitions which have been banned in a 2008 treaty show their US origins.

Not only are the bombs devastating Yemen provided by the US, but the attacking planes are guided by US supplied target data, and refuelled mid-air by US tanker planes. The only explanation for this US support of the Saudi war effort that comes to mind is that they are trying to appease Saudi Arabia following the Iran nuclear deal which infuriated their Saudi allies no end.

The question now is whether as president Donald Trump will continue to allow the US to be the Saudis’ lackey, when there is little in the Yemeni campaign for Americans other than to spur the military-industrial complex.

The Yemen campaign actually goes against the political objectives of the US in the Middle East. If Trump’s fundamental goal is to ensure the crushing defeat of Islamic State then he will have to re-think US misadventurism in places like Yemen, which is creating more potential jihadis than Trump’s security forces are likely to kill in Syria.

If Trump makes good on his promise to change the rules on torture to enable US forces to deploy vicious torture tactics on America’s “enemies”, then the war against terrorism will last a lifetime. Trump’s very idea of torturing the families of militants will breed future generations in the Middle East whose goal it is to destroy America.

We ignore the decimation of Yemen and its people at our own peril – by Shannon Ebrahim

25.11.2016 – Diwan (** B K P)

How Social Media helps shape the narrative on Yemen’s conflict, and foments it!

For many around the world, social media has become an indispensable tool, connecting across time zones and languages with its instant translations. For the least adventurous of us, social media connects us from the comfort of our couch or local cafe to far away conflict zones. We read about, and now watch, conflicts through the eyes of those living the devastation of war and persecution. Yemen is one such place.

Social media platforms like Twitter become forums for conversations, some nasty, some informative and productive. Fora for debates, among ideological allies or opponents, we’ll call some trolls. New capabilities on Twitter, for example, allow for the random, nonscientific public opinion poll, very unscientific. These social media-based surveys have their advantages as well as disadvantages, for established media, bloggers and individuals deeply engaged on any particular topic. In launching a short (24hr) survey on a country like Yemen, the advantages are few, since the audience is already a small one at the global level. Short surveys in English language have many disadvantages, such the fact that majority of non-Arabic speakers in the US, the EU and Asia are casual observers of Middle East affairs, where Yemen features low in the list of priorities.

In Arabic, Twitter-based surveys tend to have a much wider reach.

The fact remains that social media has played a major role in shaping the narrative. To the point that many Saudi social media users engage audiences in platforms like Twitter to dismiss the conflict in its entirety, not just presence of Houthi and pro-Saleh elements within Saudi territory along the southern border with Yemen. Civilian casualties resulting from Coalition air strikes are often the target of pro-Coalition users, mostly to deny air strikes or outright deny civilian deaths from air strikes. Other groups of Twitter users focus more on the demonizing of actors.

As social media can help understand, through the direct access to ordinary people’s views on the conflict, any prospects for peace cannot possibly materialize without accepting a defined frame for the conflict, responsibilities and prospective roles for each actor involved. As the recent failed attempts to establish a ceasefire and attempts at drafting a plan forward have illustrated, the current approach used by mediators will continue to fail until parameters are defined and forced upon actors before reaching the negotiating table.

The most interesting issue is not the conflict among Yemeni actors, but rather the narrative adopted by Saudi Arabia in order to justify its new intervention in Yemen.

Unfortunately, today Saudi Arabia has often deviated from the most acceptable justification for its involvement in the conflict between President Hadi and the alliance of Houthi rebels and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Had the Saudi regime merely contained their narrative to the responsibility of securing the peaceful transition agreed in November 2011 when Saleh stepped down, many more people in Yemen and abroad would recognize such justification for the use of force.

As all major civil wars have proven, the sponsorship of an outside power is essential to the maintenance of the war effort, and its conclusion.

As opposed to the conflict in the 1960s, Saudi Arabia has no easy way out of the conflict today.

This time, Houthis and Saleh are fighting for their own survival and are willing to fight to the end. Were Iran involved, Saudi would have multiple opportunities to save face and move on.

Saudi Arabia stands unable to capitulate and with nearly zero ways to save face beyond total victory over the Houthi-Saleh alliance. The idea of ‘victory’ will surely include a PR campaign online to shape the narrative on the definition of victory.

Another of the negative consequences from the year and a half long conflict is the rise in anti-American sentiment fomented through social media. Many among the anti-Coalition elements on social media have in fact adopted the narrative that US aid to Saudi Arabia amounts to a declaration of war on Yemen itself.

Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter will remain vital to both observers and participants/victims throughout the conflict. It is also clear that each sphere will remain far apart from the other, as there is no attempt to reconcile opinions among Yemeni users, for example, creating an environment of reconciliation that can later pressure warring parties to engage constructive peace negotiations. The conflict that began as a regime rupture in 2011 has evolved to a full-fledged civil war, where entrenched political interests obstruct any possible solutions beyond the battle field. In addition, the scorn that grows between Yemenis based on party affiliation or region of origin, obstructs any possible role for ordinary Yemenis playing a role in the peace process. Civil society is completely absent from the process, and no international actor has been able to promote the inclusion of new actors in the peace process. Negotiations are contained to meetings between regime actors (GPC, Islah, JMP, and Houthis), excluding civil society and even southern groups. This serves to support the view of the conflict as a civil war, where peace can only arrive if a prescribed number of actors agree. It will be interesting to see if social media can play as big a role in peace making as it has in sustaining the conflict!!

hierzu auch:

29.11.2016 - Zeit Online (** B P)

Befreiungstechnologie oder Propagandainstrument?

Fake News, Politpöbelei, womöglich automatisiert: Plötzlich gelten soziale Medien als Gefahr für die liberale Demokratie. Im Arabischen Frühling klang das noch anders.

Unsere eigene Forschung zu Twitter-Debatten im arabischen Raum hat gezeigt, wie vielfältig und oft auch paradox soziale Medien auf politische und gesellschaftliche Prozesse einwirken. Der jeweils spezifische Effekt hängt stark vom lokalen Kontext einer Debatte und den Nutzernetzwerken ab, die sich in einer bestimmten Debatte engagieren.

Trotz seines transnationalen Charakters zerfällt Twitter in nationale Kommunikationsräume, und zwar nicht nur aufgrund von Sprach- und Dialektbarrieren. In den drei Debatten, die wir analysiert haben, waren Nationalstaaten mit der wichtigste Referenzpunkt.

Wenn Twitter transnationale Brücken baut, dann zwischen Gleichgesinnten.

Konflikte in der physischen Welt spiegeln sich nicht nur in den Onlinediskursen, sondern werden hier oft verstärkt. Das stark eingeschränkte Format von Twitter zwingt Nutzer, zugespitzte Aussagen zu machen.

Mit dem rapiden Wachstum von Twitter und dessen steigender Sichtbarkeit haben auch die Regierungsbemühungen stark zugenommen, digitale Freiheiten zu beschneiden und aktiv – nicht zuletzt mittels Bots – Propaganda zu betreiben.

Die Kehrseite der Sichtbarkeit von Twitter-Debatten sind Manipulationsversuche. In der saudischen Interventionsdebatte begannen ab April 2015 zwei Nutzer – die angaben, im jemenitischen Sanaa zu sitzen, und mehr als 100,000 Follower haben –, die arabische Debatte zu dominieren. Sie setzten über Twitter prosaudische Nachrichten ab und diffamierten den Gegner der Saudis, die Huthis, in Sanaa. Durch die große Anzahl von Followern, die zum großen Teil in den Golfstaaten saßen, konnten diese Accounts die Debatte stark beeinflussen. Gegen die Überzahl von Twitter-Nutzern aus den Golfstaaten hatte ein Pro-Huthi-Diskurs kaum eine Chance. Hinzu kommt, dass sich hinter einem Teil der saudischen Twitter-Accounts keine Menschen, sondern Bots verbargen, die über die Masse die Stimmung in eine bestimmte Richtung lenkten – von Mareike Transfeld und Isabelle Werenfels

2016 – Care Yemen (** B H)

’The war stole my vision, but not my dreams’

Before her physical injuries, 13-year-old Sarah had already met the pain of war in Yemen. Her father was killed, having been hit by a bomb on his way to work. He died a few days later. Her family then fled their hometown of Hajjah for her grandfather’s house in Sa’dah in northwest Yemen. The violence followed them. And one day it caught Sarah.

Hearing the loud whir of aircraft hovering, she had rushed to the window to see what was happening. Just then, a bomb dropped. And exploded. Sarah screamed as shrapnel instantly pierced her right eye. She panicked and screamed in agony, as her mom, Aziza, plucked the shards from Sarah’s eye in hopes it would relieve some of the pain.

“In that moment, I did not know what to do, or what would happen to my daughter,” said Aziza. “We needed to get her to the hospital, but imagine trying to do that as aircraft are hovering, bombs are falling and we have no car to transport her. For days, I just held her eye closed with a shirt until we were able to get her to the hospital.”

Aziza borrowed money from family and friends to pay for Sarah’s medical care. Three surgeries later, Sarah is on the road to recovery but it’s a long one. She needs another surgery, but Aziza doesn’t know how she will pay for it.

“More than anything I want my daughter to be healed,” she said, “to have her sight back. If I could give my own eyes to her, I would.”

Today, Sarah sits in the family room of their apartment in Amran, squinting her eyes in pain as the sunlight pours through the window of her family’s apartment. It’s been almost a year since shrapnel stole her vision in the right eye and damaged it in the left. Yet she still looks with hope toward the future.

In spite of everything, she is still in school, where she has always excelled, regularly ranking at the top of her class. And while the war has taken much from her, it hasn’t squashed her ambition.

“I want to be doctor one day, God willing,” she says, smiling – By Holly Frew, Emergency Communications Manager, CARE USA

Yemen: ‘It was raining rockets’

“It was 7 a.m. and I was having breakfast with my mother-in law and four of my daughters,” said Hammama, recounting what began as a seemingly ordinary day in Yemen. Only things are not ordinary in Yemen, and on that day, extraordinary events changed Hammama’s life forever. “We heard the aircraft hovering low overhead and airstrikes in the surrounding area, but that was a sound we had gotten used to. We didn’t think we would be a target. Then all of a sudden, we felt a violent explosion as a bomb hit part of our home. The entire house shook. Shattered glass sliced the leg of my 7-year-old daughter and the scalp of my teenage daughter. My husband, son and 10-year-old daughter were asleep in another room where the airstrike hit directly. They must have died instantly.

“We fled the house with only the clothes on our backs. It was raining rockets, but we continued to run. We ran with my injured daughters until we reached a hospital where we stayed for several days and now we are here in Amran, away from our village and our home. My husband was the sole provider for our family. Now we have nothing,” said Hammama, a war widow, tears flowing from her eyes.

This is a common story for families from Sa’dah, a district in Yemen near the Saudi Arabian border that over the past year has become a frontline for airstrikes and ground-fighting. Many families from Sa’dah have fled violence several times, depleting their life savings in a sometimes empty search for safety. People have lost their homes, their family members and their livelihoods. And now they are dependent on aid.

“We fled with much of our village to a nearby cave in the mountain for safety,” said Houda, who also is from Sa’dah. “Our home was destroyed, and the violence was so heavy we could only leave the cave to cook, so we decided to sell our goats to have enough money to get to a safer place. It cost 50,000 Yemeni rial (US$200) to reach Sana’a, where we stayed in a school for four months with other displaced families.”

Houda was pregnant when she fled. During the 150-mile journey to Sana’a, she began to bleed. With no access to medical care, she lost her baby.

In spite of such unspeakable pain and loss, people like Hammama and Houda kindle hope. They patch together the pieces of their lives the war has not ripped from them. And they are getting help to survive during this impossible time. CARE, for example, offers emergency cash assistance to families like Hammama’s and Houda’s so that they can buy food and pay rent for the temporary homes they have found.

“I’ve cried so many tears,” said Houda. “Sometimes I look at my children and I just cry. But I find my hope in God and I must go on for them. I just hope the war will finally stop. Life will be ok if the war stops.” – By Holly Frew, Emergency Communications Manager, CARE USA

Making art out of war in Yemen

Twenty-six-year-old Roqaia proudly shows one of the first pieces of stained glass she ever painted. It’s of a woman playing the violin.

“This is my favorite piece,” she said. “I painted it not long after the airstrikes started. This woman playing the violin symbolizes that in spite of war, we will play music and do art. We will live.”

Roqaia makes a living turning war into art. She roams the city gathering broken glass from windows shattered by bombs, and then transforms it into beautiful paintings – – By Holly Frew, Emergency Communications Manager, CARE USA

The economy — not just bombs — is killing Yemen

Ask anyone in Yemen, “How has your life been impacted by the war?” and instead of naming the violence from airstrikes, missiles or gunfire, the more common response might be, “Everything is so expensive now, and I can no longer find work to support my family.”

Aziza, a young mother of four from Sa’dah, delivered just such an answer. Her husband owned a farm that supported the family, but the war destroyed that — just as anti-aircraft missiles ripped away the top floor of their home as they huddled together on the bottom floor.

They were frightened by the airstrikes and missiles that rained down on their village. But it wasn’t just the sound of airstrikes that kept them up at night. It was the lack of income, too. They moved to Amran, which was safer, but her husband cannot find work.

Aziza separates coffee beans for a farmer, but he pays her only 300 Yemeni rial for every 10 kilos of beans. That’s only US$1.20.

“Sometimes I cry while I’m separating the coffee beans, because it’s not enough money for my family, but it’s all we have,” said Aziza.

This war is not just physically destroying Yemen. It’s also destroying Yemen’s economy.

Not only are jobs hard to find, but food and fuel shortages have caused prices to skyrocket.

“It now costs 2,000 rial (US$8) for one kilo of flour! It used to only be 400 (US$1.60),” said Ameenh. “It’s been a year since we have had gas for cooking. Now we have to go into the woods several times a week to collect firewood, and that takes up to five hours.”

But before the economy can even begin to recover, there must be peace and security. The peace talks in Yemen must resume for there to be any hope for its people to escape the tightening grip of poverty.

“My only wish for the future is for the war to stop and people to get their jobs back,” said Ameenh - – By Holly Frew, Emergency Communications Manager, CARE USA

“Building in Times when Others are Destroying”

Rehabilitating Steep Slopes for People living at Dahamisha and Hawaisha villages in Lahj

Three months before the project, a 22 years-old girl Majeeda Abdulghfar fell down on her way to school and died. Before that, two men and three women have died falling in the steep slopes. People still remember Ahlam, a pregnant woman who slipped on her way back from the clinic. Her baby girl, Bushra, was born disabled as her feet are twisted with problems in her backbone; she cannot stand up, neither grovel yet. She is the third sister of her siblings and the only disabled member of the family. Although treatment is possible, the family cannot afford the needed surgeries for their baby girl.

Such heartbroken stories of deaths and injuries of their loved ones you hear from people living at Dahamisha and Hawaisha villages in Lahj because of the steep slopes. The two villages are located in the borderline between Maqatirah district of Lahj and Al Shamayateen district of Taiz. Although they are relatively close to the main road that connects Taiz with Lahj, around 8 to 10 km far from the asphaltic road, they have to walk about 2 to 3 km in very steep mountainous slopes. These slopes are the only ways in and out for people in the two villages, no transportation means could reach the villages, even donkeys.

“Before rehabilitating these steep slopes by CARE Yemen, no transportation means would access the area even donkeys; everything used to be transported on the backs of men and the heads of women,” said Abdul Elah, the head of the Community Committee in the area.

Homepage of Care Yemen: . there you find a lot of more stories how Care is helping in Yemen

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

29.11.2016 – Informationsstelle Militarisierung (* B K P)

Audio: Jemen

Das LORA Magazin des freien Radios LORA München interviewte Jacqueline Andres von der Informationsstelle Militarisierung zum Krieg in Jemen für die Ausgabe vom 24. und 25.11.2016.

28.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (* A H P)

Yemeni Red Sea Ports Deny Blocking the Arrival of Relief Ships

The Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation denied the rumors and allegations addressed by some media regarding the obstruction of the World Food Program relief ships from arriving.

The corporation stated that the circulating rumors and allegations are not valid and aim for justifying the sea blockade imposed by the US-backed Saudi coalition on the Red Sea Ports Corporation.

Yemeni corporation also confirmed its partnership with the World Food Program to facilitate the arrival of relief ships and be able to deliver the aid to those in need; who would be in dire need of such assistance.

In addition, it expressed its discontent on the circulating false news, stressing that it reserves all its legal rights guaranteed by the law in prosecuting the promoters of these rumors and allegations. They have to seek news and information from the right sources, especially under the current situation experienced by Yemen as these false allegations have a bad influence, corporation stressed.

My comment: Saudi propaganda had claimed that the Houthis would block the arrival of relief ships.

28.11.2016 – Refined Right (* B K P)

The War in Yemen: Worse Than Syria, Backed by the US

The US’s proxy war in Yemen is just another point in a long line of joint missions with shady nations with less than stellar human rights records.

In President Obama’s Address to the Nation on Syria back in 2013, he had this to say about the calamities happening under Assad’s rule:

When dictators commit atrocities, they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures fade from memory. But these things happened. The facts cannot be denied. The question now is what the United States of America, and the international community, is prepared to do about it.

Three years later, these words still ring true, but not for Syria.

Thanks to the US and the UK, this Syria-level humanitarian crisis has been allowed to perpetuate. [in Yemen]

The sad reality is that the US has been an active participant in the Saudi-Yemen conflict. A combination of weapons sales, intelligence sharing, refueling bombers, and assisting in gathering targets to bombs has led several US officials to worry about legal blowback, according to Reuters.

The UK’s involvement in the Saudi-led Yemen conflict is equally as pervasive.

Both nations skirt the issue of their roles in the Yemen crisis. The US refuses to abate arms sales to Saudi Arabia, despite growing opposition in Congress to the involvement in Yemen. And whenever a civilian center gets bombed, both governments send out obligatory “concern” remarks, only to return back to perpetrating Saudi war crimes.

The UK went so far as to shut down an EU war crime investigation in Yemen. And prominent MPs blocked reports proving that British weapons were being used in Yemen war crimes.

That both countries refuse to acknowledge the war crimes being committed in Yemen isn’t surprising. They’re refusal to even discuss their role in Yemen’s civil war isn’t either. To the US and UK, the blame doesn’t rest on them. Yes, weddings have been bombed, but they’ve given the Saudis no-strike lists, intelligence, and support. It’s not their fault if the Saudi coalition doesn’t head their suggestions.

The problem with the excuses is that without the US and UK, the Saudi coalition would be dead in the water. But thanks to continued support, Saudi Arabia has been able to commit numerous deadly attacks against civilians.

The statistics on coalition airstrikes paints a clear picture of which targets are prioritized.

The Yemen Data Project has collected information on Saudi-coalition airstrikes, their locations, and whether they were civilian or military. The database lists over 8,600 separate airstrikes, each one involving multiple strikes and aircraft. The airstrikes are broken down into “unknown” with 1,882, “military” with 3,577, and “civilian” with 3,158.

The Saudis’ excuse continues to be that Houthis use civilian centers as weapon depos and headquarters.

An excuse continually used by western nations to justify civilian targeting.

The United States has helped enforce a naval blockade of Yemen. The blockade is designed to keep weapon shipments from Iran reaching the Houthis, but the biggest effect it’s had is creating a country wide famine. Saudi airstrikes on the ports, destroying large quantities of food, hasn’t helped either.

Despite US Department of Defense claims that all civilian deaths are taken “seriously,” and that they’ve asked the Saudis to investigate reports of civilian targeting, the atrocities continue.

Few Americans know what’s happening over in Yemen, much less that the US is involved there – by John-Pierre Maeli

My comment: A very good introduction to the US and UK involvement and the Saudi bombing campaign.

28.11.2016 – Al Monitor (* B E H K P)

Is Yemen falling into an abyss?

Constant fighting in Yemen is crushing its people with suffering that will change the shape of their society for many years to come.

With the stagnation in the process of ending hostilities and the lack of willingness of all warring parties to engage in a peace deal, the country is at risk of falling into an abyss. Yemen has been on the United Nations' List of Least Developed Countries in the world since the list's creation in 1971. Prolonging this devastating war threatens to keep Yemen in that position for a long time to come.

Saudi Arabia expected to make short work of its operation, but the fighting continues today.

Yemen entered this war as an extremely impoverished country with severe economic problems driven by decades of political chaos. Yet international organizations have worked toward establishing a sustainable humanitarian development process. All the successes of development policies in Yemen and economic reform that were introduced by the International Monetary Fund in 1996 following the civil war in 1994 have not only been dismantled during the current vicious war, but will also be difficult to restore and build on in any future postwar recovery plan.

After any destructive conflict comes a reconstruction phase; for this phase to succeed and establish a solid ground for sustainable peace, there is a crucial need for an adequate labor force. But the current humanitarian situation in Yemen draws a very bleak image of the country’s future, with its education and health sectors failing.

Yemen is unable to provide health care for a large share of the population.

Yemen's small labor force, estimated at 4.2 million people in 2013-2014, must sustain the country's 21 million people and carry the burden of reconstruction with a plan to integrate more and more people into the labor force by offering more jobs.

During the war, 1.8 million students were unable to go to school.

Yemeni universities have been open only intermittently during the conflict.

Many of the country’s best-educated millennials — the engine of Yemen’s future — have been steadily leaving the country in the past five years of political unrest to look for better opportunities elsewhere.

The road to recovery for Yemen is a long one, but it must start with a cessation of hostilities to begin to heal the devastating human cost of this war. Putting Yemen’s future first by providing better health care and working to regain the Yemeni brainpower that fled the country should be the No. 1 priority of its political elite before the damage becomes irreparable – by Amal Nasser

28.11.2016 – News USNI (* B K P)

Document: Report to Congress on Civil War in Yemen

Yemen: Civil War and Regional Intervention

The following is the Nov. 16, 2016 Congressional Research Service Report, Yemen: Civil War and Regional Intervention. =

Comment by Judith Brown: Interesting article on Yemen by US think tank. As always the role of Iran is exaggerated. The only evidence that is offered to support this contention is the intercepting of 5 boats with weapons in the seas around Yemen, plus a claim - unsubstantiated with no evidence offered - that weapons are entering Yemen via Oman. In fact all routes into Yemen are very controlled; weapons from Iran to the Houthi-Saleh alliance can only be in relatively small amounts and the main support of Iran for Yemen is in rhetoric. Before the Saudi strikes on 26th March 2015 the influence of Iran in Yemen was negligible; ironically hostilities have almost certainly increased any links rather than hindered them. There is also no note that the Yemen army sided with the Houthi-Saleh alliance and the role these have played in containing AQAP in the past - and information of Saudi's links with these organisations during the war. And nothing about the growth of other militias - Islah, Al Hirak, Sa'alik Brigades, nor about the employment of mercenaries by the Saudi coalition.

28.11.2016 – Oxford Analytica (not rated B K P)

Economic warfare in Yemen could boost piracy risk

Malnutrition is rising in the country, and there is a threat to Red Sea shipping


Central bank

Petroleum sector

Shipping threats

Outlook [subscribers only]

27.11.2016 – RBB (* B K)

Audio: Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Fast jeden Tag fallen im Jemen Bomben. Islamistische Gruppierungen terrorisieren die Menschen. Fast drei Millionen Menschen sind im eigenen Land auf der Flucht. Ein Konflikt, der nicht im Zentrum der Weltöffentlichkeit steht. 2014 haben Huthi-Rebellen die Hauptstadt Sanaa eingenommen. Saudi-Arabien führt einen Luftkrieg gegen die schiitischen Huthis mit Unterstützung der USA und europäischer Länder. Björn Blaschke berichtet für die ARD aus der Region.

Dass es sich bei den rund drei Millionen Binnen-Flüchtlingen im Jemen um "IDP's" handelt, um "Internal Displaced Persons", liegt zunächst an der geografischen Lage des Landes ganz im Süden der arabischen Halbinsel: es ist umgeben von Wasser oder von Ländern wie Omam oder Saudi Arabien, wo niemand hin will. Dasselbe gilt für die Länder Eritrea, Somalia oder Dschibuti auf der anderen Seite des Golfs von Aden.

Die Frage ist […], ob der Bürgerkrieg überhaupt auf nationaler Ebene zu lösen ist: Eigentlich geht das nur, wenn Saudi-Arabien und Iran akzeptieren, dass die jeweils andere Kraft auch Hegemonialmacht ist.

Der Krieg stärkt Al Qaida und den IS = =

Mein Kommentar: Einführung in den Jemenkrieg. Recht gut, aber der Krieg ist KEIN Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Iran. Und die Rolle der USA kommt zu kurz.

27.11.2016 – Star Online (* B K P)

Another war slips by our notice

Yemen has always been under the radar and perhaps that’s part of the reason the war in Yemen has been raging so quietly. In fact, I was going to call this particular article the hidden war until I realised while doing research that roughly half the articles I read about it were called just that!

Just look at the news reports in the last few days

The most important thing to note is that Yemen is facing a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions and not much is being done to stop it.

A brief study of Realpolitik and the sphere of influence will show us Yemen is being neglected. For better or worse, it’s being seen as part of the Saudi’s area of dominance and no one’s messing with that.

Sadly this is far from the first time Yemen has faced internal demons that threaten to tear it apart. When compared to the prosperity of other oil-rich countries on the Arabian peninsula, Yemen lags decades behind.

So how much longer is this going to go on? As long as weapons are provided, men will fight. As long as blockades are enforced, civilians will die. As long as silence is maintained, the quiet war will rage – by Martin Vengadesan

26.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Biased ICC ignoring war crimes of US allies: Commentator

Edward Corrigan, a human rights attorney, told Press TV’s Top 5 program that the United States and its allies are using the International Criminal Court (ICC) to go after independent politicians, while the Western front has not been prosecuted for its war crimes.

He criticized the double-standard attitude in the ICC on prosecuting war criminals, saying, “When the United States, Great Britain or their allies commit atrocities, these are just ‘collateral damage’ and they’re not intentional war crimes.”

“But when people who are easy targets or there are political reasons to target them like various strongmen in Africa, they will go after them and prosecute them at the highest levels in the international courts,” he added.

He described the targeting of the civilian population in Yemen as “collective punishment” and “a war crime” as far as international law in concerned.

Referring to the reason behind the Western powers’ support for the Saudi aggression against Yemen, he said, “The biggest problem is that Britain and the United States and a few other countries, including Germany and France, are making a lot of money by providing arms and equipment to the Saudis.”

26.11.2016 – Prensa Latina (A P)

Crisis in Yemen to be Main Topic at Persian Gulf Arab Summit

The war in Yemen and the possible political alternatives to solve it will be the main topic during the debates of the next regular summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), to be held in December in Bahrain, diplomatic sources announced today.

Analysts drew that conclusion by assessing the statement of the 141st session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member countries, which included a meeting with their Yemeni counterpart, Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi.
In this regard, they reaffirmed their support to the legitimacy in Yemen, alluding to the government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, exiled in Riyadh since he was expelled from Sanaa in September, 2014 after the Shi'ite uprising.

The preparatory meeting for the Manama summit endorsed the position of the Hadi government: its Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Civil Service Abdulaziz Jabbari declared in early November from Riyadh that it is 'unacceptable to conduct any conversation about the institution of the presidency.' The Yemeni government also confirmed its rejection to any dialogue.
Jabbari said that this issue can only be resolved 'through the ballot box and popular will', and then recalled that the head of state of his country is living in exile in Saudi Arabia due to that uprising.
According to diplomatic sources, it is expected that the GCC leaders will endorse that position and defend the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2216, the so-called Gulf Initiative.
This way they will completely reject Cheikh Ahmed's initiative and will demand from the insurgents to return the state institutions in their power, lay down their weapons and show respect for the will of the Yemeni people, who chose Hadi in the elections, Jabbari said.

My comment: “Jabbari said that this issue can only be resolved 'through the ballot box and popular will', and then recalled that the head of state of his country is living in exile in Saudi Arabia due to that uprising”: perfectly showing the hypocrisy of the whole GCCs argumentation. “The ballot box” seems to be a useful thing for Saudi Arabia and all the autocratic GCC states too.

25.11.2016 – LBC (* B K)

Film: [Iona Craig on Yemen]

Iona has lived in Yemen for many years and watched the country descend into war . She told Stig Abell about the shocking cruelty of a ‘double tap’ strike which she says are being used by the Saudi air force, who have intervened in Yemen.

A double tap strike is when a bomb is droped on a location, followed by another bomb in exactly the same location some minutes later.

The second strike targets emergency services and civilians who rush to help. “often the second strike kills more people than the initial one,” Craig told Stig.

The use of such tactics by an ally of the west is controversial as the same technique by the Russian’s in Syria has been widely condemned by the international community.

Watch as she talks about the shocking aftermath of the strikes on the shattered country.

27.11.2016 – Yemen Post (B K)

Taiz... DESTRUCTION: Over 2000 civilians killed in 1 #Yemen city alone in 19 months of Saudi airstrikes & Houthi clashes/rockets (photo)

24.11.2016 – Mohammed Al-Asaadi (B K)

Just see for yourself: the Camp St. in Taiz city before and after the war. All signs of life are eliminated. #Yemen #Peace before all! (photos)

27.11.2016 – Ben Norton (A P)

Media: The absolute monarch of the Western-backed extremist Saudi dictatorship was a "reformer"—but Fidel Castro was a "murderer" & "tyrant" and

27.11.2016 – Glen Greenwald (A P)

This is how the US media generally talks about savage dictators upon death who were US allies htt

My comment: The connection is this:

25.11.2016 – Max Abrahms (B P)

The worst cases of fake news don't come from fringe outlets but from mainstream ones when pundits line up offering the same misinformation.

Comment by Shireen Al-Adeimi: Nearly everything written about #Yemen downplays US involvement, falsely associates Iran w/ the war & casts it as civil or sectarian.

14.11.2016 – Zaid Ali (B K)

Prophet Shuaib Mosque in #Sanaa is a historic site that was bombed by coalition (photos)

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

29.11.2016 – Aljazeera (* A H)

Film: Civilians struggle to survive harsh winter in Yemen war

Millions of people in Yemen continue to flee the fighting between rebels and government forces of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. But as winter draws in, many are forced to build shelters from rubbish. Al Jazeera’s Rob Matheson reports.

29.11.2016 – Now This (* A H)

Film: Over a million children in Yemen are starving to death

28.11.2016 – WHO (* A H)

To date, 7001 suspected #cholera cases have been reported, of which 113 have tested positive for Vibrio cholerae in 14 governorates (photo)

My comment: More and more and more…

28.11.2016 – UNOCHA (A H)

Spiralling crisis has caused alarming #malnutrition levels among children in Daha'adh camp in Khamir in #Amran goveronerate.

My comment: For Amran, that’s news.

2016 – UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe (* B H)

Nothilfe Jemen: Bitte helfen Sie mit Ihrer Spende

Seit der Eskalation des Konfliktes im März 2015 leiden immer mehr Menschen unter der Gewalt im Jemen und fliehen vor Bomben und Gefechten. Bombardierungen haben große Teile der Infrastruktur zerstört. Tankstellen, Geschäfte und Banken sind geschlossen. Krankenhäuser sind völlig überfüllt. Die Preise für Lebensmittel haben sich verdoppelt, Treibstoffpreise schießen in die Höhe und die Stromversorgung ist so gut wie zusammengebrochen.

180.000 Menschen sind seither in die Nachbarländer geflohen. 2,2 Millionen Menschen suchen Schutz in anderen Landesteilen.

Die Menschen sind verzweifelt

Etwa 82 Prozent der Bevölkerung des Landes sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Darunter sind neben den Binnenvertriebenen und denjenigen, die in ihre zerstörten Dörfer und Städte zurückkehren konnten, auch 280.000 Flüchtlinge aus Somalia, die mit dem Nötigsten versorgt werden müssen. Aufgrund der schlechten Sicherheitslage ist es für die Hilfsorganisationen im Land äußerst schwierig die Notleidenden zu versorgen.

Um die Menschen im Jemen und den angrenzenden Zufluchtsländern mit dem Lebensnotwendigsten versorgen zu können, brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe!

Bitte spenden Sie!

28.11.2016 – SRF (* B H)

«Die Wasserversorgung funktioniert nur noch mit Lastwagen»

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen ist das Problem mit dreckigem Trinkwasser riesig. Ein Schweizer Biologe versucht zu helfen.

Jemen stehe kurz vor dem Kollaps, sagt die UNO. Besonders gross ist das Problem mit verschmutzen Trinkwasser. Der Schweizer Mikrobiologe Claudio Valsangiacomo von der Fachhochschule der italienischen Schweiz (SUPSI) versucht vor Ort zu helfen und eine Cholera-Seuche zu verhindern.

SRF News: Wie ist momentan die Situation bei der Trinkwasserversorgung?

Claudio Valsangiacomo: Die eigentliche Infrastruktur ist komplett zusammengebrochen. Die Wasserversorgung erfolgt inzwischen mit Tanklastwagen. Die haben ein Fassungsvermögen von 6000 bis 10‘000 Liter. Man sieht sie überall. Sie fahren: zu den Haushalte, den Schulen, den Gesundheitszentren.

Was können Sie tun, um die Situation zu verbessern?

Es ist absolut notwendig, dass das Wasser desinfiziert wird. Denn wir hatten Anfang Oktober die ersten Cholera-Fälle. Wir haben das momentan unter Kontrolle, aber die Seuche darf sich auf keinen Fall stärker ausbreiten.

Was machen Sie konkret?

Wir haben eine einfache Ausbildung für die Leute konzipiert, die jetzt mit den Tanklastwagen herumfahren. Das sind ja keine Fachkräfte. Mit unserer Schulung können sie lernen, wie man das Wasser richtig behandelt.

28.11.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Humanitarian Needs at a Glance, 28 November 2016

An estimated 18.8 million people in Yemen need some kind of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 10.3 million who are in acute need. Escalating conflict since March 2015 has created a vast protection crisis in which millions face risks to their safety and basic rights, and are struggling to survive. 2017 priority needs estimates are about 10 per cent lower than last year. This decrease reflects better data collection only, and can in no way be interpreted as an “improvement” in Yemen’s catastrophic humanitarian situation. and in full:

28.11.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

.@monareliefye received today 5000 dignity bags from .@iom_yemen to be distributed to IDPs and most needy families in #Yemen (photos)

28.11.2016 – London School of Economics (* B H P)

Gender should play a bigger role in humanitarian aid in Yemen

“We include women in all cash transfer activities, but this is not ‘gender work’. We all know that women give anything they receive to their male guardians.” So said one of the managers of a prominent humanitarian organisation in Yemen when discussing the role of women in aid distribution.

During emergency relief efforts, when the entire focus of national and international humanitarian organisations is on meeting people’s most basic needs – such as food, water and medicine, gender is not considered in terms of equality or justice, but only as a dimension of vulnerability. In such situations, women tend to be designated a more vulnerable group than men.

There is however a danger in only portraying women as helpless victims during emergency situations. Continuously treating them as passive recipients of aid over a long period of time will increase their dependency – and hence their vulnerability.

While it is clearly important to continue delivering aid to women in need, it is crucial to treat them as partners – not just victims – and to consider their agency and capacity for action. Women should be a part of humanitarian response in terms of what they can contribute, as well as in terms of vulnerability. Giving some focus to gender mainstreaming during emergencies is not as irrelevant as many people would think. Gender justice prepares the way for moving from immediate emergency relief to long-term development, and provides us with the tools to improve humanitarian assistance – by Ghaidaa Motahar

28.11.2016 – HPFHGGI / Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

Distribution of jackets continues in #Yemen but the numbers of people in need exceed what Yemeni can do.
Read the story, google translate.
It's the voices from the ground we are sharing.
Remember you cannot send packages to Yemen: the country is under air-land-sea blockade (photos9

27.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

Your Ability Organiz ‏@YourAbility_org, #Yemen-i NGO on the frontline to battle famine, disease and that apocalyptic feeling everyone feels when/if under the bombs, writes:
''While carrying out our survey for families, we found a lot of them don't have even food or medicine !! We think that we all should care about the Yemen' (photos) =

27.11.2016 – Daily Record (* B H K)

Oxfam pleads for peace in Yemen as civil war prompts fears of famine in 'perfect storm of suffering'

The charity focused on a port - crucial for the supply of aid - which has become a bloodsoaked battleground in the civil war

Families struggling to survive devastating airstrikes in Yemen are facing starvation, aid charities warned yesterday.

Oxfam said a “perfect storm of suffering” is engulfing the country as fighting cripples a key port, halting crucial shipments of food and fuel.

United Nations auditors revealed the number of merchant ships taking vital loads to the country, ravaged by a 20-month civil war, has fallen by half in just two months.

The dramatic reduction in shipping last month means fuel and food imports are a fraction of what the country needs to survive, prompting fears of widespread famine.

The collapse in imports yesterday prompted new calls for the UK Government to help broker peace.

Ministers have been accused of ignoring evidence that fighter planes and bombs sold to Saudi Arabia by Britain have been used against civilians.

Eight million people in the country are already suffering from malnutrition and more than 20million are short of food, amid claims that Saudi planes are deliberately targeting farms to starve rebel-held areas.

They have also blitzed docks at the major Red Sea port of Hodeida while imposing more red tape and bureaucracy to deter new shipments and delay the departure of ships already there.

The UN found only 81,496 tons of fuel reached Yemen in October compared with 456,803 tons in January. Experts believe the country needs 535,408 tons a month.

Aid charities fear grain importation companies are giving up on Yemen because of the logistical and financial difficulties.

Banking – along with other vital public services such as health care – has collapsed and import firms cannot reach their money. Meanwhile, some public sector workers have not been paid for months.

Oxfam say the threat of widespread famine is real and imminent.

A spokesman said: “The difficulty in importing food and fuel to Yemen because of what has become an effective blockade can only make an already desperate situation worse.

“Yemen is a country where 90 per cent of food is imported. If the importation of grain and other basics is halted, the consequences could not be clearer or more worrying. The country is enduring a perfect storm of suffering.”

Around 10,000 people have already died in the conflict, including at least 4000 civilians. Three million more have fled their homes.

Both sides have been accused of war crimes but Oxfam believe the UK Government have a moral duty to help forge peace after selling arms to Saudi Arabia that were later used in alleged war crimes against civilians – by Mark Aitken

Comment: Still, the aggression is called 'civil war'

27.11.2016 – UNCHR (A H)

Winter is coming across parts of #Yemen. To prepare for a dip in temperatures our winter assistance is being delivered to assist 210k people (photo)

26.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A H)

Film: Yemeni officials warn of worsening humanitarian situation

Yemeni officials warn that the health situation in the country is deteriorating due to Saudi Arabia’s deadly war. They say Riyadh's blockade on Yemen has left hospitals and medical facilities understaffed and without enough medicine to deal with the health crisis. Press TV’s Mohammad al-Attab reports.

26.11.2016 – Borgen Magazine (B H)

International Humanitarian Response in Yemen

My comment: An extremely superficial article. And again: the Yemen war is no civil war (since March 2015), the mentioned international players are those who are responsible for a great part of the crises.

25.11.2016 – MONA Relief (A H)

Mona Relief has stepped in to pay for Mr- Al Kibsi's wife's surgery, arrangements are already being made by @Fatikr to make it happen asap! and see background:

25.11.2016 – Judith Brown etc. (A H)

[Photos of children in war] and

25.11.2016 – IANS /WAM (A H)

Solar-powered water supply project commissioned in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority (ERC) commissioned a project for solar-powered water supply systems in the district of Hadramout in Yemen on Friday. A representative of the ERC said the project, built in the village of Al Aiq, entailed the procurement and installation of solar-powered water pumps to transport water from an existing well to a water tank that supplies fresh water to the residents. =

24.11.2016 – World Health Organization and others (* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Outbreak - Weekly Cholera/AWD Update As of 24 November 2016

As of 24 November 2016, 103 cases of cholera have been confirmed in 31 districts with 8 cases of deaths from cholera.

A total of 6121 of suspected cases are reported in 86 districts.

During the week 18 to 24 November 13 new confirmed cases and 1,295 suspected cases were reported.

Incidence rate is 3 cases per 10,000.

Case fatality rate (CFR) for the cholera associated deaths is 1.2 %,

WHO and partners established and supported 26 Cholera Treatment Centers in 24 districts. in full:

My comment: A steady increase.

23.11.2016 – UNICEF (A H)

Powerful and brilliant efforts in the textbook printing presses where nearly five million textbooks for 900 thousand students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades in all the provinces of # Yemen. UNICEF, with the support of the German government, provided the papers and inks with the expenses covered Batch printing presses for the resumption of work after a break by the economic and financial crisis in the country. UNICEF Representative Mr. Julien Harneis visited the presses today to follow up the progress of work (photos)

30.10.2016 – Oxfam (* A H)

Oxfam Yemen Situation Report #30, 30 October 2016 - Bi-weekly

Health authorities in Yemen confirmed a cholera outbreak on 6 October 2016, posing an increased health risk to the population especially children. The Ministry of Public Health and Population (MoPHP) announced that a total of 11 out of 25 suspected diarrhea cases have been confirmed as Cholera cases in the capital, Sana’a. As of 30 October 2016, a total of 1410 suspected cases of cholera, including 45 associated deaths have been reported. Laboratory confirmed cases of cholera have been reported from Taiz, Aden, Lahj, Al Hudaydah, Hajjah, Sana'a, Al Baida and Ibb governorates.(WHO, 30 Oct 2016) Economy and public sector‐ There are reports that some sections of the public sector have been paid; however, they have only received a proportion of previous month’s overdue payments. As a result, government services have slowed or come to a complete stop. The political rancor over the location of the Central Bank of Yemen (in either Aden or Sana’a) remains a highly contentious issue. As ERC Stephen O’Brien noted, Yemen is “one step away from famine”.

[Oxfam’s support province by province, topics: Community Engagement and Coordination, Food Security, Sanitation. and in full:

14.10.2016 – Weltspiegel (* B H)

Jemen: Mit dem Krieg kommt der Hunger (14.10.2012)

Im Februar rechnete das Welternährungsprogramm mit 1,2 Millionen Hungernden im Jemen. Wenige Monate später sollen bereits 4 Millionen Menschen im Jemen nicht mehr genügend zu Essen haben.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1c

27.11.2016 – The Kashmir Monitor (A P)

War on Yemen waged by US, Saudi Arabia: Ansarullah

Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement has accused the US, which has recently put forward a peace plan for the war-torn country, of leading the ongoing aggression against Yemen along with Saudi Arabia.
Ansarullah spokesman Mohammad Abdulsalam highlighted the negative role of Washington in the war on Yemen, saying the US is among the states that are involved in the aggression against the impoverished country rather than a mediator between the Yemeni forces and the Riyadh regime.
He further pointed to Washington-Riyadh relations and warned that the US is blackmailing Saudi Arabia and this practice will intensify in the future.
The war on Yemen is a US-Saudi one, with Yemen’s former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi having no role in the offensive, Abdulsalam said, stressing that history will prove this assertion.
The aggression was started in a bid to overcome the will of the Yemeni people, he added.

Elsewhere in his comments, the Ansarullah spokesman said that the movement had lost nothing by agreeing to the peace deal and will not negotiate with anybody before the first phase of the accord takes effect.

27.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Yemenis to reclaim entire homeland: Senior official

The head of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council warns Saudi Arabia and the United States that the country’s forces are determined to reclaim its soil, one step at a time.

Saleh Ali al-Sammad made the remarks in a Facebook post on Saturday, saying, sooner or later, Yemen will defeat all those who violate its sovereignty under whatever pretext.

Yemen will take back its soil from Al Saud and its American masters, he said.

Sammad was referring to the controversially close alliance between Riyadh and Washington, which has seen the latter generously arming the former during its unbridled bombing of Yemen and even lending advisory support to the bombardment.

My comment: Useless statement, other things are much more urgent than still more of war.

29.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A P)

Security Council Rejects the Request of Ali Abdullah Saleh

Kuwaiti newspaper said , UN Security Council rejected a formal request made by the former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to travel to Cuba to offer condolences on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro.

28.11.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Uno entscheidet über Teilnahme von Jemens Ex-Präsident an Castros Beerdigung

Der Ex-Präsident Jemens Ali Abdallah Saleh hat den UN-Sicherheitsrat um Erlaubnis gebeten, der Bestattung des kubanischen Revolutionsführers Fidel Castro beizuwohnen, wie die Agentur Reuters am Montag meldet.
Das Gesuch soll demnach von 15 Mitgliedern des Ausschusses für Jemen-Sanktionen beim UN-Sicherheitsrat gebilligt werden.

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hatte im Jahr 2014 neben Saleh auch die zwei schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen Abdallah al-Hakim und Abda al-Houthi auf die Sanktionsliste gesetzt. Sie werden beschuldigt, „den Frieden und die Stabilität im Jemen einer Gefahr ausgesetzt sowie den politischen Prozess behindert zu haben“.

Fidel Castro war am 25. November im Alter von 90 Jahren in Havanna gestorben. Der Leader der kubanischen Revolution soll am 4. Dezember in der Stadt Santiago de Cuba beerdigt werden.

27.11.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen's Saleh asks UN to allow him to travel to Cuba: statement

Yemen's powerful ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, a key ally of the country's dominant Houthi movement, has asked the United Nations Security Council to allow him to travel to Cuba to pay respects to former president Fidel Castro, according to a statement by his party.

The request by Saleh, who was toppled by mass protests in 2011, would need to be accepted by the 15-member U.N. Security Council Yemen sanctions committee which makes decisions by consensus.

"President Ali Abdullah Saleh ... has requested the United Nations Security Council to grant him permission to travel to the Republic of Cuba and to Fidel Castro's family on the passing of the great revolutionary icon of Cuba, the last of the twentieth century's heroes and the pioneer of the liberation movements who fought against imperialism and retrograde feudalism," said a statement on the Facebook page of Saleh's General People's Congress party.

28.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A P)

People of Zabid and Qati Districts Condemn US-Backed Saudi War Crimes

Protests continue condemning the war crimes committed in Hodeidah governorate recently in the districts of Zabid, Qati and Al Marawah. Yemenis organized two different protests today calling for a general mobilization to confront the US-backed Saudi coalition.

26.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K P)

Yemen women who lost sons or/and husbands Decrying the UN silence over US-backed Saudi war crimes. Today in the downtown, capital Sanaa (photos) and

27.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A P)

Ibb: Houthis kidnap civilians, including 10-year child

Local residents said that the Houthi militants and Saleh forces launched on Saturday a military campaign in Jibla district of Ibb governorate, central Yemen, and abducted four civilians.

The sources told Almasdaronline that the Houthi militants attacked Bood village in Rabadi area in order to arrest opponents to them.

The sources pointed out that among the detainees was a 10-year old child named Majeed Wazi' Abdul Hameed, who was kidnapped by the Houthis without giving any reasons.

26.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Pro-Houthi gunmen killed, others injured in Ibb Governorate

Two pro-Houthi gunmen were killed and another one injured by an unknown gunman on Friday in Ibb city, central of Yemen.

According to the Almasdaronline reporter, a gunman opened the fire on the security guards of Ashraf al Salahi, a pro-Houthi Shiekh, killing two members and injuring another one seriously.

26.11.2016 – New York Times (* B P)

Plight of Houthi Rebels Is Clear in Visit to Yemen’s Capital

Once a provincial militant movement in the mountains of northern Yemen, the Houthis surged to prominence after they seized control of the country’s northwest in 2014. Since then, they have pushed the national government into exile and set off a new Middle Eastern war in which they are in the cross hairs of an intensive bombardment campaign by Saudi Arabia and a coalition of Arab countries.

Now they are struggling to govern in the middle of a war that has ground to a destructive stalemate.

The Houthis’ control of such key territory has made them essential to international efforts to end the conflict, leaving policy makers and negotiators struggling to figure out what they want. And the group’s anti-American stance rankles Washington, which used to count on the Yemeni government as an ally against Al Qaeda and has aided Saudi Arabia in its military campaign against the rebels.

The Houthi movement – a strong fighting force but gave it few skilled politicians, intellectuals or technocrats — a weakness glaringly apparent during a recent visit by New York Times journalists in Sana.

Much of the Houthis’ administration relies on civil servants who chafe under their control and on followers of a former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has allied with them.

Further impeding their efforts at governance is the Saudi bombardment.

In interviews during a recent trip to Yemen, Houthi leaders and fighters described themselves as “revolutionaries” in the mold of Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas in Gaza, saying their aim was to cleanse the country of corrupt leaders they considered beholden to foreign powers. In describing their goals, they spouted beliefs that often clashed with their behavior.

April Longley Alley, a Yemen analyst with the International Crisis Group, said the Houthis’ surge out of the north to seize the capital had been opportunistic. Their objectives included gaining a decisive stake in national decision-making and in Yemen’s military and security apparatus.

What remains unclear, she said, is how the war has changed those goals.

“Now that they are in the capital, the question is how much of a stake do they think they can hold on to after this experience with governance,” she said.

When the internationally recognized Yemeni government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi fled Sana, much of the state bureaucracy remained. Since then, the Houthis have worked with followers of Mr. Saleh, the former president.

In many cases, the Houthis have installed their loyalists as overseers, giving militants with few qualifications authority over civil servants with significant experience.

Some Yemenis who have been living under Houthi rule said the Saudi intervention had unified diverse forces against a common enemy – by Ben Hubbard

Comment by Judith Brown: The problem with war is that all
Sides lose so much. Then because of their loses they can't negotiate a peace with compromise - they need to show they have won. And winning is elusive. So war goes on.

26.11.2016 – Yemen Updates (A E P)

A protest is called for by public servants demanding their salaries to feed their children- Sunday at formerly Sanaams change square.

Comment by Judith Brown: So sad and another man made disaster - Al Humam the competent manager of Yemen Central Bank sacked and the bank moved, and since then no salaries and Yemen's crisis becoming increased many times over.

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A T)

Explosives seized in Sanaa

Police and popular committees confiscated explosive materials in al-Jiraf district north of the capital Sanaa, a security official told Saba on Saturday.

26.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A P)

A Campaign for Clean Streets in Occasion of Prophet Mohamed’s Birthday

People of Al Rawdah town inaugurated a new campaign today to clean streets and neighborhoods in occasion of the upcoming prophet Mohamed’s birthday peace be upon him.

My comment: Wahabists refuse to remind the birthday of the prophet Mohammed.

24.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A T)

Ibb: dead body found in Radhmah district

A local source told Almasdaronline that the people of the Al Radhmar district have found a dead body of a young man of Jaraf Kalan village, adding that he was killed in mysterious circumstances and amid security chaos witnessed in Ibb governorate.

24.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Photos: Demonstration and Marching of Al Sabeen District

People, sheikhs and notables of Al Sabeen district have demonstrated and marched today Thursday in the capital Sana’a to declare general mobilization against the US-backed Saudi coalition.
During the demonstration, people and notables of Al Sabeen district stressed on the importance of taking revenge for the innocent lives killed by the Saudi regime and its criminal allies, confirming their duty of supplying battlefronts with men and money.

Moreover, a statement has been issued by Al Sabeen demonstration and marching indicating that they will prepare and train several fighters to join various fronts until victory is achieved.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

29.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A E P)

Gas tankers held due to "black market dealing" in Aljawf

The Governor of the northwestern Aljawf governorate, Maj. Gen. Ameen Al Okaimi, instructed on Monday the security and military checkpoints to hold the gas tankers of the Yemen Petroleum Company in Mareb at the entrances of Aljawf.

A source in the Governor's Office stated to Almasdaronline that the instructions to hold these tankers was because YPC has been dealing with the black market dealers, which helps in creating crisis in the oil and gas.

The source pointed that Aljawf local authorities have earlier asked YPC to stop dealing with the black market dealers, but the company did not respond.

28.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A P)

Battles Between Al Ahmer Mercenaries and Al Sair Tribes

According to sources, the gunmen seized four points towards the military Al abor region, where battles continue and have been killed and wounded a large number from the two parties .

The gunmen captivate a number of mercenaries , and allowed three of them to appear in a video and sent a message through them to the fugitive Hadi to negotiate with the Al Sair and implementation of their demands as a condition for their release. and another report in Arabic:

27.11.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Clashes in Aden, burning of tires, protests..I guess residents happy to see exiled president in his self declared temporary capital.

27.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A)

news about a plane crash near international airport #Aden

26.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A)

Iranian vessel Jehan1 disappear from Aden port. This is a welcome drink to Hadi. Mr legitimate president, Who really control Aden?

My comment: An Iranian vessel had landed at Aden? Hadi & Co. really seem to control nothing – not even at their “capital city”.

26.11.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen's exiled president visits civilians in Aden

Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi arrived in the southern city of Aden on Saturday from Saudi Arabia to address civilian grievances including complaints about deteriorating services and delays in paying salaries, army and security sources said. and Sputnik News:

My comment: Compare so similar earlier visits as This “president” does not dare to stay for longer in his “capital city” as there is no security and little support for him even there.

Comment by Judith Brown: Note: for a few days only. He has apparently been more popular in the south since moving the bank there - although it has impoverished people all over Yemen - but some southerners think the division of the bank will make it more likely that Yemen will end as two different countries.

26.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Hadi in Aden…Sources: He will Tackle Government Issues

Yemeni President Abdu Rabbo Mansur Hadi flew into Aden on Saturday coming from his base in the Saudi capital, Riyadh on a visit that would last a few days, according to an official at the Yemeni presidency.

The official said it is the President’s first trip to Aden since November 2015. Hadi is accompanied by a host of senior officials in his administration.

AFP reported that Hadi is expected to stay for a few days in the southern port city, which is still prey to frequent unrest – 18 months after his loyalists drove out Iran-backed rebels with the support of a Saudi-led coalition.

Hadi is set to meet with national, social and local security and military officials in Aden and its neighboring governorates.

The president would also inspect the situation in the governorate and work on solving several service-related issues at different living and security levels, according to the official Yemeni news agency SABA. = and by Al Araby

Comment: Remember Hadi is always the first one to leave.
He left Yemen and let down his own people.
Now he is back to 'tackle problems'.
We have yet to witness someone who has disappointed a nation as much as him.

Comment by Nadwa: #Yemen president Hadi is probably the first president in history who pays an "official visit" to his own country

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: The temporary president Hadi landed in temporary capital Aden for a temporary stay of one week..visit purpose temporarily unclear.

Comment by Hussam Al-Sanabani: FYI Hadi hire American bodyguards to provide security for his visit to Aden payed by public money. Wow, What a legitimate president?

25.11.2016 – Southern Hirak (* A T)

Bulletin South Yemen Counter Terrorism issue 5

25th November 2015

After recieving citizen reports, Aden Security Forces arrest six terrorists who attempted to assassinate a lawyer in Mansoura, Aden.
23rd November

Southern Yemeni security forces arrested AQAP militants in counterterrorism operations in Hadramawt governorate. Security forces arrested 11 AQAP militants following clashes in Ghayl Bawazir district. Ghayl Bawazir district is less than 50 km northeast of a former AQAP stronghold, al Mukalla city. The security forces tracked the AQAP militants who attacked a security checkpoint in Ras Huwayrah area, 100 km northwest of Ghayl Bawazir district, the previous day.

Security belt forces raided a home in Jaar Town, Abyan used by AQAP arresting two militants and seizing large amounts of weapons and explosives.

22nd November

Shabwa Governor Ahmed Lamlas and Security Chief Awad Al-Dahboul launch security plan to end deadly banditry on vital Al-Abr highway.

[going back to Nov., 8]

25.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K P)

Due to budget deficit, Saudi stoped Hadi mercenaries subsidization. It might lead 2 fight retraction or looting of public & private assets

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

29.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

G18 Calls on Yemen Factions to Return to Negotiations

Western diplomatic sources said that U.N. Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed has informed the ambassadors of the 18 countries, which have pledged support to a Gulf-sponsored initiative for Yemen, of his latest efforts to end the ongoing war in Yemen.

The sources, which spoke on condition of anonymity, told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that Ould Cheikh Ahmed has explained in detail the roadmap that he would propose to Yemen’s warring parties in the few coming hours and informed them of the outcome of the visit conducted by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to the region, and his meeting with a Houthi delegation in Muscat.

Ould Cheikh Ahmed met with the G18 Ambassadors in Riyadh on Monday, ahead of his expected visit to Aden, where he will meet with Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

They added that the envoy would meet with Hadi and would then visit Muscat to discuss the details of the roadmap with the Houthi delegation.

The sources noted that the G18 ambassadors have stressed their full support to the efforts deployed by the U.N. special envoy to end the ongoing crisis – by Abdul Hadi Habtoor

28.11.2016 – Anadolu (A P)

On the political front, meanwhile, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the UN’s special envoy for Yemen, met the ambassadors of 18 countries involved in Yemen’s peace process in Riyadh on Sunday with a view to hammering out a peace plan, according to a member of the government’s negotiating team.

The negotiator, who spoke to Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to media, said the 18 diplomats included ambassadors from permanent UN Security Council member states, the Gulf States, and Italy and Turkey, among others.

This week, the UN envoy plans to travel to the southern city of Aden, the Yemeni government’s provisional capital, where he plans to hold talks with Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who departed Riyadh on Saturday.

26.11.2016 – IRNA (A P)

UN-Sondergesandter für Jemen nimmt Verhandlungen mit Jemeniten wieder auf

Der UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, ist heute zu einem Treffen mit dem zurückgetretenen und nach Riad geflohenen jemenitischen Präsidenten, Mansur Hadi, in Riad eingetroffen.

Der UN-Gesandte soll mit Hadi über den Plan der Vereinten Nationen für den Frieden im Jemen sprechen. Er will dann nach Sanaa und der Hauptstadt Ummans Maskat weiter reisen, um sich mit Vertretern von Ansarullah-Bewegung sowie von Abdullah Saleh treffen.ür_jemen_nimmt_verhandlungen_mit_jemeniten_wieder_auf

Mein Kommentar: Und Hadi ist, wohl um ihn nicht zu treffen, nach Aden abgereist.

27.11.2016 – Al Arabiya (A P)

UN envoy resumes efforts to finalize Yemen peace bid

United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said on Saturday that he had held three meetings with the delegation of Houthi militias and forces loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh in Muscat to discuss the roadmap.
The meetings addressed security arrangements, ceasefire and activating the work of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee.
Ould Cheikh voiced the importance of preparing for a new round of talks, adding that he will head on Sunday to Riyadh then to Kuwait to discuss holding another round.
He also said he’s willing to visit Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi in Aden if it’s required to do so, adding that the Yemeni government has handed over a response regarding the roadmap.
Ould Cheikh added that the next round of negotiations must be short and must not exceed a week or ten days to sign a final agreement.
Meanwhile, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Mikhlafi said on Saturday that the UN envoy will arrive in Aden in the next two days to meet with Hadi who arrived to Aden on Saturday.
Mikhlafi, who heads the government’s negotiating delegation, said the government will submit its response on the roadmap to Ould Cheikh who proposed the peace bid.
The Yemeni government had been reluctant to accept the roadmap but it finally accepted it with reservations.

My comment: This simply will not work – and they can try a 100 times more – as long as the totally one-sides UN SC resolution 2216 is the base of all efforts and as long the US and the West still back Saudi Arabia.

27.11.2016 – Tasnim News (A P)

UN Yemen Envoy in New Bid for Peace

The UN envoy for Yemen has announced a new bid for peace talks between the former government and Houthis, after the latest ceasefire failed to end the 20-month conflict.

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said he was heading to Riyadh and Kuwait "to prepare for a new round" of talks, as he left Muscat late Saturday after discussions with representative of Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement, AFP reported.

The UN envoy said he found "a lot of seriousness" in talks with representatives of the Houthis from the party of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

He also said he had been in contact with US Secretary of State John Kerry who "sees a historic chance to achieve peace in Yemen".


27.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Film: UN envoy hopeful about new Yemen peace talks

The UN envoy for Yemen has expressed hope for reviving peace talks to end the 20-month conflict in the country.
Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed says he had positive talks in Muscat with representatives of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and their allies. Cheikh said he saw a lot of seriousness in the Yemeni sides. The envoy added that he will later hold talks with officials in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to prepare for a new round of peace talks. Interviewy: Joe Lauria, Independent Journalist and Author

24.–25.11.2016 – Judith Brown / Rafik Al-Akhali (A P)

Film: A view of who should take part in the peace talks (representatives of ALL Yemeni fighting units) and how to make peace talks inclusive, meaningful and fair to all.

cp7a Iran

28.11.2016 – Middle East Monitor (* A P)

Houthi leader slams Iranian Chief of Staff

A leader of Yemen’s Houthis and a member of the group’s delegation to the talks in Kuwait, Mehdi Mashat, on Sunday has slammed the Iranian Chief of Staff, Major General Mohammad Bagheri over remarks published Sunday about Iran’s desire to establish naval bases in Yemen and Syria.

“This creature should read the history of Yemen before he talks, because I am sure that if he knew that Yemen throughout history has been a cemetery for invaders, he would not have said a word”, Mashat said in a post on his official Facebook page.

referring to the following:

26.11.2016 – AP (A P)

Iran erwägt Marinebasen in Syrien und Jemen

Iran hat nach den Worten seines Stabschefs möglicherweise Interesse an der Errichtung von Marinestützpunkten in Syrien und dem Jemen, wie die halbamtliche Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim am Samstag berichtete. Eines Tages seien dort vielleicht Stützpunkte nötig, zitierte Tasnim General Mohammed Hossein Bagheri. Über weit entfernte Marinestützpunkte zu verfügen, sei «nicht weniger als Atomkraft. Es ist zehn Mal wichtiger und schafft Abschreckung».

27.11.2016 – RT (* A P)

Iran will Militärbasen in Syrien und Jemen bauen: "Sie sind zehnmal effektiver als Atombomben"

Iran erwägt, Marinebasen an den Küsten von Jemen und Syrien zu errichten. Das hat der iranische Generalstabschef bei einer Sitzung von hochrangigen Marinekommandeuren gesagt. Diese Maßnahme würde eine „große abschreckende Wirkung“ haben.

„Eines Tages brauchen wir möglicherweise Militärbasen an den Küsten von Jemen und Syrien. Dafür sind Infrastrukturen nach dem internationalen Seerecht von Nöten“, zitierte die halbstaatliche iranische Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim Generalmajor Hussein Bakiri.

Die abschreckende Wirkung von Marinestützpunkte im Ausland „könnte zehnmal effizienter sein als Atomwaffen“, behauptete der Generalstabschef. Er betonte, dass die militärische Strategie Irans darauf gerichtet sein sollte, potenzielle Feinde daran zu hindern, das iranische Gebiet anzugreifen. Die Feinde müssen gezwungen werden, ihre Kriegsschiffe von der iranischen Küste fernzuhalten. Irans Konflikte sollen fernab von der Heimat im Ausland ausgefochten werden.

26.11.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

Iran may seek naval bases in Yemen or Syria: chief of staff

Iran may seek to set up naval bases in Yemen or Syria in the future, the chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces said in remarks published on Sunday.

His comments, likely to be of concern to Shi'ite Iran's Sunni regional rival Saudi Arabia and its allies, raised the prospect of distant footholds perhaps being more valuable militarily to Tehran than nuclear technology.

"We need distant bases, and it may become possible one day to have bases on the shores of Yemen or Syria, or bases on islands or floating (bases)," said General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, quoted by the Shargh daily newspaper.

"Is having distant bases less than nuclear technology? I say it is worth dozens of times more," added Baqeri, who was speaking at a gathering of naval commanders.

In a rare rebuke for Iran, a Houthi official on Sunday criticized Baqeri's comments and urged Tehran to read about the history of failed attempts to occupy Yemen.

"Not one inch of Yemen's land or waters will be forfeited to any foreign party ... whether a friend or an enemy," said Saleh al-Samad, the Houthis' political council chief in a statement on Facebook. and by AP:

My comment: No need to pour gasoline on fire.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

29.11.2016 – Daily Mail (* B P T)

Guantanamo prisoner claims Saudi Arabia’s rehab program for terrorists is really a front for recruiting jihadists

Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi said rehab program at the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center is actually working to recruit jihadists

The Saudi centers in Riyadh and Jeddah include psychological counseling and religious clerics on hand to clarify ideology

Those enrolled are supposed to be reintegrated into society through activities like swimming, ping-pong, and art therapy

But al-Sharbi said 'underneath there is a hidden radicalization program'

An al Qaeda operative told a parole board at Guantanamo Bay that a Saudi reform program for terrorists is actually a front for recruiting jihadists, according to declassified documents.

Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi said the program at the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center, which was thought to have played a key role in Saudi Arabia's counter-terrorism strategy, is not what it appears to be.

Dozens of Guantanamo detainees, including Osama bin Laden's former bodyguard, have been sent through to the program as a condition of their release as President Obama hopes to close the prison before he leaves office.

The center, which includes activities like swimming, ping-pong, and art therapy, has been compared to a holiday resort, and those who complete the 12-step program are rewarded with young brides and new cars, the New York Post reported.

According to the Post, 134 Saudi detainees have been sent to the rehab centers in Riyadh and Jeddah.

The facilities are meant to help former jihadists integrate into society, with psychologists on hand to determine problematic social factors while religious officials are there to clarify ideologies, the New York Times reported.

Those who are sent to the center also have access to a PlayStation, gourmet meals, and private apartments for conjugal visits, the Post reported.

But Al-Sharbi told the parole board: 'You guys want to send me back to Saudi Arabia because you believe there is a de-radicalization program on the surface, true.

'You are 100 per cent right, there is a program, but make no mistake, underneath there is a hidden radicalization program.'


28.11.2016 – New York Post (* A P T)

Gitmo prisoner reveals that Saudi ‘terrorist rehab’ center is a scam

He explained that Riyadh is actively recruiting and training fighters to battle Iranian elements in neighboring Yemen and Syria. Saudi views Shiite-controlled Iran as a regional threat to its security.

“They’re launching more wars and the [United] States is backing off from the region,” he said. “They’re poking their nose here and here and there and they’re recruiting more jihadists, and they’ll tell you, ‘Okay, go fight in Yemen. Go fight in Syria.’ ”

Al-Sharbi said the Saudis also are “encouraging” former detainees “to fight their jihad in the States.”

“It’s not like a past history,” he said. “It’s increasing.”

A growing body of evidence backs up his claims. Last month, for example, a Wikileaked e-mail from Hillary Clinton revealed, citing US intelligence sources, that Saudi has provided “clandestine financial and logistic support to” ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups in the region.

Al-Sharbi said the kingdom is playing a double game.

“They will proudly tell you they will fight terrorism,” he said. “That means they will support it.”
Al-Sharbi told the Gitmo board he doesn’t want to enroll in the Saudi rehab program, because he would be used to “fight under the Saudi royal cloak.”

“This is in the cause of a king. This is not a true jihad,” he said. “And I’m not going to Saudi unless I am sure they’re not gonna be using me.”

The Saudi rehab ruse has carried a lot of weight with the Gitmo parole board – by Paul Sperry

29.11.2016 – Ali AlAhmed (A P)

#Saudi monarchy court sentences former extremist to 5years after converting to Shia Islam in prison

29.11.2016 – New York Times (* A P)

Sentenced to Be Crucified

Any day now, our Saudi Arabian allies may behead and crucify a young man named Ali al-Nimr.

His appeals following his court sentence for this grisly execution have been exhausted, so guards may lead Nimr to a public square and hack off his head with a sword as onlookers jeer. Then, following Saudi protocol for crucifixion, they would hang his body as a warning to others.

Nimr’s offense? He was arrested at age 17 for participating in anti-government protests. The government has said he attacked police officers and rioted, but the only known evidence is a confession apparently extracted under torture that left him a bloody mess.

“When I visited my son for the first time I didn’t recognize him,” his mother, Nusra al-Ahmed, told The Guardian. “I didn’t know whether this really was my son Ali or not.”

Nimr was recently moved to solitary confinement in preparation for execution. In Britain, where the sentence has received attention, the foreign secretary says he does “not expect” it to be carried out. But Nimr’s family fears execution could come any day – by Nicholas Kristof

25.11.2016 – Neftegaz (A E P)

Saudi Aramco's novel technology to help find new oil fields

Saudi Aramco's Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center - Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC), achieved the industry's first trillion cell reservoir simulation run recently, the company said in a statement on November 24, 2016.

Saudi Arabia, said it made a major advancement in its POWERS technology that will simulate oil migration problems in the Kingdom in a fraction of the time it once took and help discover new oil and gas fields.

It is the next evolutionary step for the company's parallel oil, gas and water enhanced reservoir simulator (POWERS) technology that advanced from mega-cell to giga-cell (GigaPOWERS achieved in 2010) and now to tera-cell simulation capability this year.

Since the giant reservoirs of Saudi Arabia are among the biggest in the world, the company requires extremely powerful modelling and simulation capability to understand the mysteries of the underground.

25.11.2016 – Nikkei Asian Review (A E P)

Young Saudi leader taps into Japan's fun business

Saudi Arabia's first indoor ski slope which opened in July and charges 120 riyal ($32) for admission, is a symbol of the reforms enacted by the country's powerful young leader, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Prince Mohammed has been encouraging people to take part in leisure activities by promoting amusement parks, games and anime, and he is hoping to tap into Japan's expertise in the business of fun.

Cabinet ministers of the two countries met on Oct. 9 to discuss a bilateral agreement to cooperate on Saudi reforms. It was the first of five meetings scheduled to delve into details of the deal.

Included at the Saudi's request is anime and games, areas that Riyadh is asking Japan to help train professionals in these forms of entertainment, such as mentoring producers.

The deal follows April's release of Vision 2030, a reform road map in which the deputy prince outlined his goals, including diversifying the country's economy and creating jobs for the young – by TAKESHI KUMON

My comment: Prince Salman: Bombing Yemen and promoting fun business. Might be, for him personally both is the same. – And I try to imagine Saudi women at an indoor ski slope. What about dresses; and remember women are not allowed to drive cars or bicycles.

24.11.2016 – Metro (A P)

Saudi court sentences two women to 20 lashes each for swearing on Whatsapp

A Saudi Arabian court has sentenced two women to 20 lashes each after they apparently used bad language on Whatsapp.

The pair, who were involved in an argument, were also sentenced to ten days in prison, according to Arabic newspaper Al Watan.

Judges in Jeddah ruled their messages contained ‘impermissible expressions’ after one of the women was reported for being ‘abusive’ – by Jimmy Nsubuga

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1b

28.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K P)

New US troops arrive in Yemen’s Aden: Footage

A report says more American military forces have arrived in Yemen’s port city of Aden to join the contingent of US troops allegedly fighting al-Qaeda militants in the country’s south.

On Sunday, Yemen’s al-Masirah television channel published footage showing American troops arriving in Aden.

The report further said the new batch is apparently linked to the US troops already deployed to al-Anad Airbase and other Yemeni areas, adding that the deployment is aimed at reinforcing the US forces claiming to be fighting al-Qaeda terrorists.

The TV report added the development reveals the true intention of the US-backed Saudi aggression against Yemen, which is to gain dominance over the Arabian Peninsula state and loot its wealth.

The deployment of US troops to Yemen, the report said, shows Washington is pursuing its own interests in the war-torn country and seeks to expand its military presence there (with film)

28.11.2016 – Junge Welt (A K P)

Schöner Drohnen

Die Verkäufe und Exporte der ferngelenkten Killermaschinen sollen auf Initiative der US-Regierung ab Frühjahr 2017 neu geregelt werden

Ausgerechnet die USA arbeiten an einer weltweiten Regelung für den Verkauf, den Transfer und den Einsatz bewaffneter Drohnen. Entsprechende Richtlinien für die eigene Exportpolitik hatte das US-Außenministerium bereits im Februar 2015 veröffentlicht. Im Oktober dieses Jahres folgte der Vorschlag einer internationalen Konvention für Hersteller und Exporteure von Kampfdrohnen. Bewaffnete oder bewaffnungsfähige Drohnen sollen demnach lediglich an ausgewählte Verbündete geliefert werden. Die Empfänger müssten bestätigen, die Drohnen im Rahmen bestehender internationaler Regelungen einzusetzen. Luftschläge dürften nur auf Basis von Recht und Gesetz erfolgen, etwa wenn die nationale Sicherheit gefährdet sei. Die Drohnen dürften nicht zur ungesetzlichen Überwachung der Bevölkerung aufsteigen. Drohnenpiloten sollten eine gute Ausbildung erhalten, um Verletzungen und Schäden zu minimieren.

Hinter den Kulissen warb die US-Regierung bereits seit Sommer 2014 für eine solche Regelung, befreundete Staaten wurden um Unterstützung gebeten – von Andrej Hunko, europapolitischer Sprecher der Linksfraktion im Bundestag

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

28.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K P)

#RSAF C-130H assigned to the 4th Sqn wearing the new gray livery parked at East Midlands Airport — by: Steve Blood (photo)

My comment: British-Saudi complicity in pictures.

24.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (* B E P)
The UK's role in cleaning dirty money from the Middle East

A new report suggests that between £36bn to £90bn of dirty money is being washed in the global financial hub of London

It is not a particularly gripping title - "Spring Cleaning: How unexplained wealth orders could have helped the UK’s role in laundering corrupt wealth from Arab Spring states" - but the report released 25 November by Transparency International UK packs quite a wallop once you get past that mouthful.

What the report shows unequivocally is that Britain could have and should have done more to ensure that corrupt leaders in Syria, Egypt and Libya and their families and hangers-on couldn’t hide their stolen billions in Britain.

It is all too easy. And it is facilitated by professionals who set up shell companies run out of overseas territories such as the British Virgin Islands to launder the booty; by banks and lawyers who do not ask enough questions; by estate agents who look the other way while selling top-end London properties.

Here’s what the National Crime Agency (NCA) in its own recently released report had to say about money laundering and why it is so easy to do in the UK: “Virtually all high-end money laundering schemes, and several cash-based ones, rely on professional enablers to facilitate this activity. The skills, knowledge and abilities of professionals in the financial and legal sectors allow highly complex structures to be created that move and store large amounts of criminal money and conceal ownership effectively.”

And the sums involved are truly eye-watering. The Transparency International report talks of amounts running anywhere from £36bn to £90bn of dirty money that is being washed in the global financial hub of London. Much of it is coming from the Middle East – by Bill Law

My comment: Another aspect of British interests in comforting Saudis and Gulf potentates, and in supporting them when they bomb other countries like Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

28.11.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Heckler & Koch to stop doing deals with non-NATO countries: DPA

German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch will no longer sign contracts to supply countries outside of NATO's influence because it has become too difficult to obtain government approval for such deals, news agency DPA reported on Monday.

The company, one of the world's best-known gunmakers, will in future only sell to countries that are democratic and free from corruption and that are members of NATO or NATO members' partners, DPA said, citing company sources.

It said this change in strategy would rule out deals with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Brazil, India or even NATO member Turkey.

Heckler & Koch did not respond to requests for comment.

Its HK416 assault rifle is said to have been used to kill Osama bin Laden and its G36 rifle is standard issue for armies across the globe.

However, German restrictions on arms exports to the Middle East have weighed on its business, contributing to a 90 percent collapse in operating earnings last year.

My comment: Finally.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

28.11.2016 – Jerusalem Post (A P)

Israel must seek Saudi Arabia’s friendship

While we expect a whole different world under president Trump, we must also accept that the rules in the Middle East have changed and that we need a strong and stable Saudi Arabia.

The first and main issue with the [JASTA] law is that undermining Saudi Arabia empowers Iran, and even those who claim Saudi Arabia is an Islamist state should ask themselves whether Iran is preferable.

Saudi Arabia has never been supportive of fundamentalist acts against Israel; yes, Saudi Arabia does support the Palestinian cause, with a passion, but all of its historical support has been in the form of humanitarian aid, building houses, offering Palestinians jobs in the kingdom – where two million Palestinians work without any restrictions – and even unconditional and open residency permits. At the same time, on not a single occasion have we heard of Saudi Arabia financially supporting Hamas or even the PLO . Moreover, Saudi Arabia bans all known Islamic terrorist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

What we may conclude from these facts is that Saudi Arabia actually cares for the Palestinians, and at the same time chooses not to disrupt the region – by Edy Cohen

My comment: Oh my goodness. What a wonderful friendship.

27.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (* B K)

Once they have defeated IS, Iraqi militias will not go away

They could be sent to Syria to fight for Assad, or to Yemen, ensuring that after IS is vanquished regional stability will remain a distant dream.

Option three sees them sent abroad to fight in sectarian conflicts in Syria and Yemen, which whilst it may be favourable to Iraqi stability in the short term, would likely have far-reachingconsequence for the rest of the region in the long term – by Gareth Browne

My comment: Keep away, please.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

28.11.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A K P)

Kuwait to buy new fleet of F-18 fighter jets from US

Government confirms $5bn agreement to deliver 28 advanced jets, in latest deal between US and Middle Eastern states

Kuwait will buy 28 F-18 Super Hornets to replace a fleet of earlier versions of the US fighter jets, a top official said on Monday.

The value of the deal is not expected to exceed $5bn, the KUNA state news agency reported the head of armament and procurement at Kuwait's defence ministry as saying.

Major General Lafi al-Azemi said the deal stipulates the supplier will buy the older Hornet fighter jets back from Kuwait.

The announcement was made a day after Israel said it was ordering 17 more US-made F-35 stealth fighter jets to take its fleet to 50 over next few years.

The US State Department this month said it has authorised the Kuwait deal, as well as the sale of 72 F-15 Strike Eagle jets to Kuwait's Gulf neighbour Qatar at an estimated value of $21bn.

In April, Kuwait signed a contract with Italy's Finmeccanica for the purchase of 28 Eurofighter Typhoons for under $8.5bn.

My comment: More bombing for Yemen, with US approval and the US making money with it.

26.11.2016 – The Jakarta Post (* A K)
Indonesia to maintain Saudi Arabian military aircraft

Starting in 2017, state-owned aircraft manufacture PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will maintain Saudi Arabian military helicopters and aircraft.

“We are still processing the contract,” Brig. Gen Jan Pieter Ate, the Defense Ministry’s director of the defense industry and technology, told The Jakarta Post on Friday.

Jan said DI was among defense companies in Indonesia ready to offer maintenance services for foreign military helicopters and airplanes.

“We have a good track record in cooperation with Airbus and the ability to produce aircraft for foreign countries,” he said – by Nani Afrida.

My comment: Money makes it: More support for bombing Yemen.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

29.11.2016 – Voltairenet (A K)

Saudi Arabien kann oder will nicht mehr ausländische Truppen bezahlen

Saudi Arabien informiert die Truppen von Präsident Hadi im Jemen - einschließlich Blackwater/Academi - sie müssten sich einen anderen Sponsor finden und hat aufgehört, sie zu bezahlen, sagt der iranische TV-Kanal Al-Alam in arabischer Sprache.

Diese Entscheidung könnte durch die Finanzkrise motiviert sein, die das Königreich erschüttert oder durch eine realistische Vision des Konflikts, die den Sieg der Opposition erkennt. Diese zweite Hypothese könnte eine Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen der Saud-Familie und den Vereinigten Staaten ermöglichen.

26.11.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Commander: Riyadh Recruits African Mercenaries

Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Hamzani told FNA on Saturday the Saudi army has recruited new mercenaries from African countries to help prevent the Yemeni forces' advances deep into Saudi Arabia.

"Saudi Arabia has sent hundreds of mercenaries as well as ISIL and al-Qaeda terrorists to Najran and Jizan provinces to fight the Yemeni forces," al-Hamzani said.

cp13c Flüchtlinge / Refugees

29.11.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* A H)

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

Despite conflict and rapidly deteriorating humanitarian conditions, more than 100,000 people have so far this year risked their lives on the high seas to reach Yemen from the Horn of Africa by boat. This underscores the need for urgent support in countries of origin and transit to discourage people from attempting this deadly crossing.

A total 105,971 people have made the journey as of mid-November, mainly across the Gulf of Aden, according to latest figures from UNHCR and partners. Most people came from Ethiopia and Somalia (88,667 and 17,293 respectively). This year’s crossings compare to 92,446 to Yemen recorded last year and just 25,898 in 2006, despite heightened conflict and insecurity in Yemen in the past two years.

Prolonged conflict and insecurity has also facilitated the proliferation of trafficking and extortion networks targeting new arrivals. Women and children are also at particular risk of sexual violence and trafficking. So far this year, at least 79 people attempting the crossing to Yemen have been reported dead or missing at sea

For new arrivals seeking international protection, access to asylum systems in Yemen is restricted and individuals may be unable to register their asylum applications or have their presence documented by the authorities in-the country.

Twenty months into the conflict, the situation in Yemen remains highly precarious, with new arrivals and locals alike facing risks of hardship, danger and death. The conflict has resulted in mass displacement of more than 3.1 million individuals, 2.1 million of whom still remain displaced. More than 80 per cent of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. All this makes Yemen ill-equipped to receive and host new refugees and migrants or those seeking to transit.

Because of this, in December, UNHCR intends to launch a regional information campaign in countries of origin and transit, including Ethiopia and Somalia, warning of the dangers and risks inherent in crossings to and arrival in Yemen.

UNHCR is appealing for more urgent regional support to address conditions prompting movements from countries of origin and to actively pursue solutions for refugees in Yemen. UNHCR’s operations in Yemen and the Horn of Africa remain critically underfunded. Despite massive humanitarian needs and ongoing displacement, UNHCR’s response to the situation in Yemen and neighbouring countries for 2016 remains only 44 per cent funded (US$75 million). = and by UN News Centre and reported by Aljazeera, with film (AFP) on Yemeni refugees at Djibouti:

29.11.2016 – World Bulletin (A H)

Horn of Africa migrants flock to Yemen despite conflict

As of mid-November, nearly 90,000 Ethiopians and over 17,000 Somalis had crossed the Gulf of Aden since January 1, according to the UN refugee agency.

More than 100,000 migrants from the Horn of Africa have flocked to Yemen this year despite a raging conflict in the country, the UN said Tuesday.

Some are hoping to ultimately reach the oil-rich Gulf states and find work, while others are pursuing an indirect route to Europe, UNHCR spokesman William Spindler told reporters in Geneva.

Many migrants "may be deceived or ill-informed about the severity of the conflict in Yemen," he added.

UNHCR said it had reports that upon arriving in Yemen migrants have faced physical and sexual abuse as well as torture and forced labour.

At least 79 people have also perished while attempting to cross the Gulf of Aden, the UN agency added.

Despite the continuing violence, migration into Yemen rose this year compared to 2015, when 92,000 people from the Horn of Africa made the boat crossing.

25.11.2016 – AFP (* A H)

Film: Yemen: IDPs struggle to cope with cold weather

Displaced families struggle to cope with the cold in IDP camps in Yemen. Tens of people in the Dharwan camp, in the outskirts of Sanaa, have fled airstrikes in northern Yemen and claim that they do not receive any help from Houthi rebels. UNHCR officials in Yemen say they need much more support in order to adequately assist displaced people in camps like Dharwan.

25.11.2016 – Arch. Rowan (A H)

[Photos of internally displaced people in Yemen]

cp13d Finanzen / Finances

27.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A E P)

Hadi & Saudi are steals #Yemen oil exports income transfered to AlAhli Saudi Bank. This was reasons behind shifting central bank HQ to Aden.

My comment: At least an interesting idea.

27.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A E P)

President Hadi: "financial resources crisis in Yemen to end soon"

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said on Sunday that the scarcity of financial resources crisis will end soon as the Yemeni authorities have taken a number of actions and efforts in this regard. Hadi's statement came during a meeting with the Central Bank of Yemen Board

Hadi pointed to the necessity under which the Central Bank was transferred to Aden, after the coup makers have exhausted its resources to fund their wars.

"Out of our national and humanitarian responsibilities towards our people we will bear the tampering and burden caused by the coup makers. We will collect the resources and pay the dues of the citizens and the public employee," said Hadi.

My comment: Transferring the Central Bank from Sanaa to Adens just had political reasons and proved to be an economical catastrophe (see various reports). And even now, compare the headline to what Hadi really has to say: He blames the Houthis. That has nothing to do with the subject of the Central Bank catastrophe.

25.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A E P)

In another meeting, the President has given instructions to the field committee members to ensure smooth payment of the military institution staff salaries in accordance with accurate bases and references.

The president also urged the committees to expedite completion of a database to be based on reality and field attendance of the staff, as well as making all arrangements in coordination with local authorities and field officers to pay the salaries of all staff at all areas and locations at the earliest possible.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / look at cp6

27.11.2016 – Vice News (unrated B T)

Film: Al-Qaeda is alive and thriving in Yemen: Terror Episode 1 [available not in all countries]

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi-sponsored terrorist al-Qaida executes 5 citizens in al-Jawf

Saudi-sponsored terrorist al-Qaeda organization executed five citizens, including a senior tribal leader in al-Jawf province on Saturday, an official told Saba.
The terrorists executed the citizens on accusation of spying.
Senior tribal Sheikh Hamad Hassan al-Awazei of Dihm powerful tribe, was among the victims.
The terrorist organization actives in the areas under control of Saudi-paid mercenaries. The terrorist group has been regularly carrying out executions and kidnappings against innocent citizens.

25.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen Qaeda veteran Mohammed Al Ahdal(Abu Asem) Was killed with silencer gun ThursdayNMareb eastYemen where US-backed Saudi invaders rule

25.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

US drones Killed2Qaeda/ISIS operatives in Al Baidha. Obama supported leader of these groups as a member of Yemen Riyadh-based gov. (photo)

25.11.2016 – Terror Monitor (A T)

Pro-#AQAP #INFOGRAPHIC Claims 13 Belt Forces Vehicles Destroyed (10 Land Cruisers,2 Armored,1 Ford) In & Around #Aden (photo)

24.11.2016 – Terror Monitor (A T)

#AlQaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (#AQAP) Releases Pictures Of Fighters Who Were Killed By #US Drone Strikes (photos) and and and

23.11.2016 – Human Guardians (* B T)

Human Guardians Warns State Sponsors of Global Terrorism:
End Support Now or Face Consumer Boycott

AMSTERDAM, Nov. 23, 2016 – The Human Guardians, a new international organization committed to stopping terrorism in all its forms, has sent an open letter to the leaders of Middle Eastern nations known to provide material support to regional terror groups. Those nations include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. The Human Guardians requests that each of these nations and their citizens end their financial and moral support of terrorism immediately – or face an international consumer boycott.

Terrorism cannot sustain itself without financial backing, yet moral support and the existence of safe havens are nearly as important. The nations addressed in the Human Guardians' open letters have provided all the necessary support for terror groups to operate unchecked. Several of these groups – Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and the Taliban – are familiar to citizens of the free world, but many others lurk in the shadows.

Most troublingly, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have given a black eye to the religion of Islam because the ruling tribes of these nations follow the heretical Wahhabi doctrine. This doctrine states that any non-Wahhabi can be killed with impunity, be they Sunni or Shia Muslims, Christians, Hindu or people of other faiths. Terrorist groups mercilessly execute the Wahhabi doctrine and create unrest throughout the Middle East and Horn of Africa. The terrorism employed by the Wahhabi nations serves their objective: To rule the Muslim world and control its oil and gas reserves. If that were to happen, their capacity to do evil would increase.

In its open letter, the Human Guardians makes the following specific requests:

Stop supporting armed rebels, jihadists and terrorists anywhere in the world.

Stop demanding regime change in Syria.

Withdraw from Yemen and stop any interference.

Pay damages to Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

Abandon the Wahhabi doctrine.

Fully respect all non-violent Muslim branches.

Consumers throughout the Western world have tremendous power to influence geopolitics via their purchase decisions. And, with a major holiday season approaching, that power is only amplified. Millions of people will be shopping for holiday gifts, and many will be traveling by plane, train or automobile to visit friends and family. Boycotting airlines based in the Persian Gulf states (Emirates, Qatar Air and Gulf Air, among others) would have a big impact on those nations' GDPs. Likewise, buying oil and gas products from companies that have relatively less investment and facilities in the Gulf region would be equally powerful in sending the message that terrorism cannot be tolerated in the 21st century.

cp15 Propaganda

29.11.2016 – The National AE (A P)

Disengagement from Yemen would carry a heavy burden

Not a month goes by without another statement by someone at odds with the participation of the coalition in the conflict in Yemen.

asking the question of what disengagement might look like.

The primary point that is difficult to dismiss is that the Arab coalition’s departure from Yemen could create a significant security vacuum.

Any withdrawal of the Arab coalition is likely to tip the scales in the balance of the pro-Houthi faction. Their opponents, Yemen’s government, will find it difficult to ensure a balance of power with the Houthis, again vital to any peace deal, and deal with the threat from Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula at the same time.

The sequence of events unleashed by any coalition withdrawal would potentially resemble a hybrid of Vietnam in 1975 and Iraq in 2011 to 2014.# An offensive strategically similar to the one launched by North Vietnam would be launched by pro-Houthi Yemen

First, the invasion would exacerbate Yemen’s dire humanitarian situation and create a new refugee crisis.

Critically, Aqap proved that it has developed the ability to take, hold and govern terrain as it showed in 2012 and 2015.

Arab coalition disengagement wouldn’t even necessarily guarantee stability for Saudi Arabia or the region.

The Houthis have targeted other states in the region since their inception as a movement, with them attacking Saudi Arabia’s Jabal Dukhan in 2009.

It is hard to imagine that they would stop doing so due to international pressure

More than 11,000 people have died so far in the conflict. – by Ahmed Al Attar, Assistant Director at The Delma Institute, an international affairs research house on West Asia and North African affairs

My comment: Of course, without the intervention of the Saudi coalition the Hadi government would fail. But that mainly would be due to lacking support in Yemen proper. NobodyThere is no reason why the Hadi government must be kept in office – even with the price of devastating the country. And: this matter is not up to the Saudis and Emirates, but to Yemenis alone. And: If you think of Vietnam, than think this story to its end: South Vietnam finally failed, even with many years of US support. – And: “More than 11,000 people have died so far in the conflict” is a bad joke. They died by what? Measles, malaria, traffic accidents? The greatest part of them “died” by Saudi coalition air raids, that means they were killed. - And: The contrary of "disengagement" is "engagement": A very nice word for bombing a country into ruins and invading its territory.

29.11.2016 – Therese Zrihen-Dvir (A P)

Iran and the Houthis of Yemen

Shiite revivalism and its challenge to Middle East order – by Joseph Puder

My comment: repeating and putting together all the oddest Saudi propaganda pieces.

28.11.2016 – Al Arabiya (A P)

Is Castro’s funeral Saleh’s last chance at escaping Yemen?

As soon as the news of Cuba’s former strongman Fidel Castro’s death was announced, Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh submitted a request from the United Nations Security Council to allow him to travel to Cuba “to pay respects”.

The United Nations Security Council in 2014 imposed targeted sanctions on Saleh for threatening peace and obstructing Yemen’s political process that subject him to a global travel ban and asset freeze.

The request by Saleh, who was ousted by a popular uprising against his rule in 2011, would need to be accepted by the 15-member UN Security Council Yemen sanctions committee which makes decisions by full consensus.

But Yemen observers are viewing his request as a last-ditch effort of escaping Yemen following massive losses of his forces and Houthi militias after coalition forces supporting the legitimate president of Yemen Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi in several areas.

Saleh was quoted as saying that his forces “have destroyed everything that was good in Yemen” recently, leading some to suggest the former president is losing confidence.

Tensions have been escalating between Saleh and Houthi militia leadership in recent weeks, with the former leader at odds with the interim Supreme Revolutionary Committee established by the Houthis.

My comment: Look at cp5 for this request by Saleh. This Al Arabiya article is nice propaganda. Any peace solution will include Saleh staying unharmed and going into exile into any country he wants and that takes him. A trip to Cuba certainly will not be his last chance to leave Yemen, any peace deal would be a quite better one. The heavy Houthi / Saleh losses and the tensions between Houthis and Saleh followers mainly is a matter of Saudi propaganda.

27.11.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A H P)

King Salman Relief Center Signs a $10 Million Fund to WFP

The Saudi-based King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre announced its official support and funding of the international World Food Programme’s efforts in Yemen, by providing a much needed $10 million fund upon royal directives ordered by King Salman Bin Abdulaziz.

Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, Advisor at the Royal Court and General Supervisor of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre signed the fund agreement in Italy’s Rome on Friday.

A majority of the WFP exertions backed by the fund in Yemen will be helping alleviate the suffering of civilians facing starvation in Al Hudaydah, Yemen’s fourth largest city. The deterioration of human conditions in Yemen is caused by the ongoing civil war and spurred by an insurgency looking to overturn constitutional authority in the country.

The insurgency is chiefly led by Iran-aligned Houthi militiamen and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists.
The agreement enclosed a food program focused reaching out to the ever-rising numbers of starved Yemenis in Al Hudaydah backed by a swooping endowment of $10 million. and by World Food Programme:

Comment by Judith Brown: This is less than half a dollar for one day for the 20 million Yemenis in desperate need. Meanwhile on the same day Saudi spect $200 million on bombs to destroy Yemen and kill people.

My comment: And keep in mind that this heavy famine had been caused by 1) Saudi blockade of Houthi-held Yemen 2) by Saudi air raids destroying the economy and hindering the fishermen in Hodeidah region to earn the livelihood for their families.

26.11.2016 – Asharq Al-awsat (A P)

98 Saudi Humanitarian Projects in Yemen

Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Rabeeah, Adviser at the Saudi Royal Court and General Supervisor of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRELIEF), said that the center has implemented about 98 main projects in Yemen with the collaboration of 73 partners.

At a press conference held in London on Thursday in the presence of Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, Saudi ambassador to the United Kingdom, Dr. al-Rabeeah said Saudi Arabia will continue to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people – children, women and refugees in neighboring countries.

Saudi Arabia “will continue to extend a helping hand to the Yemenis,” he added.

He pointed out the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques are clear in terms of exerting all efforts in support of relief and humanitarian works in various countries in the world through King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center.

My comment: By those bombing half the country into ruins, articles like this one are nothing else than a grotesque hypocrisy.

25.11.2016 – News of Bahrain (A P)

GCC countries unite to restore peace in Yemen

GCC countries will remain on their consistent and supportive position to protect the legitimacy of Yemen and for the restoration of peace

and security, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa.

The statement was made during a meeting held by Shaikh Khalid with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yemen, Dr Abdulmalik Al Mekhlafi to discuss the latest developments in Yemen.

Shaikh Khalid stated that the past period witnessed a serious and unprecedented development and encroachment by the coup militia in Yemen, with the launch of a ballistic missile toward Mecca.

He reiterated the condemnation of the despicable criminal act, stressing unity with Saudi Arabia in facing terrorism, and against anyone who tries to target religious holy places there.

My comment: Orwellian speech: Those who have interfered to bring more war to Yemen claim they “unite to restore peace in Yemen”. And the normal well-known propaganda to follow.

Comment: Those who have been attacking, slaughtering, massacring #Yemen say are committed to peace

24.11.2016 – Aden Press (A K P)

Hadi Calls on Army to Complete Freeing Taiz.

President Abdulrabo M Hadi today called from the Saudi capital Riadh , to the leaders of the National army forces to complete freeing Taiz governorate from the Huthi/Saleh militias .Official sources announced through social media ‘facebook ‘that President Hadi has given instructions to the army leaders to send military armoury and weapons to Taiz governorate to complete the task of liberating it.

22.11.2016 – Euractiv (A P)

US anti-terror legislation risks eroding international sovereignty

Anti-terrorism legislation in the United States risks undermining the sovereignty of other countries, despite opposition by the current president, legal experts and numerous international governments including the EU.

On 28 September, the US Congress enacted the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) in a bipartisan vote, in spite of vigorous protests from President Obama, US national security officials and experts, the EU and numerous foreign governments and business leaders. President Obama used his prerogative to veto the bill, but for the first time in his administration, Congress overrode the presidential veto.

The bill, originally conceived in the context of the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States, horrendous acts that our kingdom has firmly condemned on several occasions, opens the door to lawsuits against any country, and ultimately its personnel, and fails to foresee the unintended consequence: the undermining of the global legal order and international relations.

JASTA effectively strips other countries of their sovereign immunity in the US, exposing them to private lawsuits in American courtrooms. As such, the passing of JASTA is a global issue that should be of concern to each and every country due to its fundamental erosion of the basic principles of international law.

The direct results of the bill are already becoming clear. The controversial legislation will undoubtedly put a burden on bilateral relations between states as well as on the international order – by Abdulrahman S. Alahmed, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and head of his country’s mission to the EU.

My comment: JASTA gives relatives of 9711 victims the right to sue Saudi Arabia for it’s connection to the 9/11 terrorists. It sounds quite strange that Euractiv gives a stage to Saudi Arabia in this subject.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

29.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)

Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list): and also listed at

28.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list): and similar by Yamanyoon:

27.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

26.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

25.11.2016 – Legal Center (* A K PH)


Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance

Casualties and damage (full list):

26.11.2016 – Yemen Events Log (* A K)

Yemen Events Log 3

This is a publicly available events log to keep track of the latest coalition airstrikes on

civilians or civilian infrastructure in Yemen, plus any other significant reports or events

that are related. It is being updated daily a couple of dedicated independent activists who have

a concern for the people of Yemen and a desire to see the

end of this unfolding catastrophe. If you would like to help, please drop me a direct

message on Twitter. @jamilahanan

This log contains events from November 2016 onwards.​

Previous events can be found here:

August 2016 - October 2016:

November 2016

29.11.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Today #Saudi led coalition jets targeted several places in #Sadaa with 23 air strikes , also 3 air strikes targeted a gas station

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi warplanes launch raids on Blad al-Rous

US-Saudi aggression's warplanes waged air raid on Blad al-Rous overnight, a Security official said.
The strikes targeted, Naqil Yaslih mountainous road, causing large damage to the road that linking Sanaa province and Dhmar.
It was the latest in a series of air strikes targeting the road linking the capital with southern provinces in two days.

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression war jets launch 36 strikes on Hodaydah

Saudi aggression war jets waged 36 air strikes on several districts in al-Hodaydah province overnight, an official told Saba on Monday.
The strikes targeted Rase Aisa area, various areas in al-Salif district, and communication networks in al-Fazah area of al-Tahitah district, as well as other strikes struck Kamaran island.

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression fighter jets wage strike on Marib

27.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi American Raid Result in a Destroyed Civilian House in Manbah

Fighter jets of the US-backed Saudi coalition dropped today bombs on different regions in Saada governorate.

Saudi warplanes launched a series of air raids, including sound bombs, on the districts of Sahar, Saqain and Manbah, security source confirmed.

Moreover, the coalition’s raids bombarded Azlah Al Alsheikh region in Manbah disrict, leading to the complete destruction of a civilian house.

27.11.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Three workers killed by Saudi air raids at Mhakl, Hodeida =

27.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Film: Hudaydah among Yemen’s hardest-hit cities in Saudi war

Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for twenty months now. Yemen’s infrastructure and civilian areas have been the main targets of the Saudi bombardments. One of the cities hardest-hit in the war is Hudaydah in the west of the country.

27.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

More than 30 raids were made today by Saudi jets on Al Salif & Ras Essa in Hodydah. Those are ports for buckwheat & oil refinery

27.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

3 Saudi airstrikes on the road connecting #Dhamar to #Sanaa yesterday (photos from earlier raids)


27.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

16 civilians martyred in US-Saudi criminal air strikes on Hodayda port city

A total of 16 civilians, mostly women and children, were martyred when the US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched a series of air strikes on several districts of al-Hodayda port city overnight, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strikes targeted the civilians in the districts of Marawiah, Khokha and al-Durayhemi.
In Marawiah, 12 citizens, mostly women and children were killed when the air strikes targeted two families' houses in al-Katie area.
In Khokha, the air raids hit a family home that resulted in the death of a women and a girl, as well two others were wounded.
In al-Durayhemi, the air strikes killed two citizens in Koud Enabah area.
The air strikes also targeted telecommunications towers in Khokha and Marawiah.

26.11.2016 – AP (* A K)

Saudi-Led Airstrike Kills at Least 13 Civilians in Yemen

Yemeni security and medical officials say at least 13 civilians have been killed by an airstrike by the Saudi-led military coalition in a western port city.

The officials told The Associated Press on Monday that airstrikes hit two homes in rural areas northeast of?Hodeida, which is under control of the country's Shiite rebels. Among the victims are women and children, according to a medical official in al-Thawra hospital. The airstrikes, which took place on Saturday, also destroyed telecommunications towers – by Ahmed Al-Haj

26.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills a dozen civilians in Yemen's Hudaydah

At least a dozen people, including women and children, have been killed when Saudi fighter jets carried out an airstrike against a residential neighborhood in Yemen's western coastal province of Hudaydah.

Local sources told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the civilians lost their lives as Saudi warplanes struck two houses in the al-Marawi'ah district of the province, located 150 kilometers southwest of the capital, Sana'a, on Saturday evening.

The development came shortly after Saudi military aircraft struck a number of telecommunications towers in the area.

Separately, Saudi jets pounded a house in the al-Khawkhah district of the same Yemeni province, leaving a woman and a girl dead. Two people sustained injuries in the aerial attack.

Saudi fighter jets also launched four airstrikes against an area in the Dhubab district of the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta'izz, though no reports of possible casualties were immediately available.

Additionally, a boy was seriously wounded in a blast of a Saudi cluster bomb in the Bani Sa'd area of the al-Dhahir district, which lies in Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada.


26.11.2016 – Yemen Post (* A K)

Civilians KILLED: 16 dead (including 7 children) by Saudi airstrike attacks on family homes in #Yemen region Hodieda today (photo from this or earlier raid?)


26.11.2016 – Al Masirah TV (* A K PH)

Film: The crime of aggression targeting the Saudi American citizens in Alemrauah Hodeidah 11/26/2016 =

and more films:

and photos: =


26.11.2016 – Saudi Arabia War Crimes (* A K PH)

Hodeidah 12 martyrs and dozens wounded, most of them women and children, in a new massacre of the Saudi airline alliance on the Directorate of the herd area Alemrauah Hodeidah

A local source in Hodeidah Governorate announced today that the 12 dead and dozens wounded died as the result of a preliminary result of raids by the airline of Saudi aggression targeted two houses in the area herd Directorate Alemrauah in Hodeidah Governorate.

The source explained that the rescue and recovery of victims is still going on until the moment likely rise in the number of victims.

He was martyred four civilians, including a woman and a girl and wounding three others, earlier Saturday, in several raids by the airline of Saudi aggression on the Hodeidah governorate.

The source reported that "two civilians were martyred in the raid airline aggression targeted by grape code area Aldirihma Directorate in the governorate.

He cited a woman and a girl and two others were injured after another raid on the home of aggression citizen Coast Nectarine.

The raid caused Airline Saudi aggression targeted a house isolated landscape (more photos)

26.11.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

Saudi led Coalition air-raids targeted telecom towers in #Hodeidah

and what pro-Saudi propaganda makes of it:

28.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Coalition fighters intensify raids on western coasts, communication towers

Arab Coalition fighters intensified on Sunday evening the raids on several sites and camps of the coup makers in the western coast of Yemen.

A military source told Almasdaronline that the coalition fighters launched Sunday evening about 35 airstrike on Brigade 28 military camp, Issa Camp, air defense camp in Salif, and other Houthi and Saleh forces military sites in the coastal strip.

According to the source, the coalition fighter launched earlier on Sunday several raids targeting a number of communication towers spreading along the coastal strip.

The fighters also bombed Ras Isa Port north of Hodeidah city, according to the military source.

It is noteworthy that the Houthi and Saleh forces are widely spread along the coastal strip, and get smuggled weapons shipments through the sea.

My comment: “Communication towers” as military targets??? “get smuggled weapons shipments through the sea”: always claimed by Saudi propaganda, only in a very few cases certain and proved.

26.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Saudi AWACS is hovering above Sana'a accompany with jet fighter now, looking for assassination target.

27.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage raids on Dhamar

27.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets strike Doctors Syndicate in Ibb

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged two raids on
Ibb province overnight, targeting Yemen Physicians and Pharmacist Syndicate and other residential quarters, a Security official told Saba on Sunday.
The raids targeted the building of the Yemen Physicians and Pharmacist Syndicate in al-Mhmol area in al-Mashana district, causing huge damage to the building.
They also launched other raid on Shban area in Jblah district.

26.11.2016 – Saudi War Crimes (A K PH)

Photos buildings Doctors' Syndicate in Ibb province, after the bombing of the Saudi Air Aggression and film:


26.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Saudi jet fighter strike Hodydah, then distribute pamphlets "we are there for you and for your future" Hodydah people clean the city from Saudi leaflets (photo)

My comment: Crazy. Killing people and telling them "we are there for you and for your future".

26.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

A child has been reported to be injured today by the explosion of a cluster bomb, a remnant of the US-backed Saudi coalition’s dropped bombs on Bani Sad region, Dahir district, Saada governorate.

The international forbidden cluster bombs had also caused the injury of two children on the 16th of this November in Al Samik region, Razih district, Saada.

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

US-Saudi aggression warplanes cut off mountainous highway linking capital to south

US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched four raids on Bilad al-Rous district of Sanaa province, a security official told Saba on Saturday.
The raids hit the regular mountainous road of Nakil Yaslih in the district that linking the capital Sanaa with southern provinces, damaging and cutting off the road.

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression air forces waged strikes on Taiz

Saudi aggression air forces launched strikes on Taiz province overnight, an official told Saba on Saturday.
The strikes struck al-Rabiah area in western suburbs of city, Thubab area in Bab al-Mandab district and al-Mocha coastal city.
The strikes inflicted citizens` houses, private and public properties.

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Air raids by Saudi aggression on Dhamar

damage in a number of houses.
The planes also targeted by two raids the road connecting the provinces of Sanaa and Dhamar in the area of Nqil Yslah, which resulted in a traffic stop and cutoff the road between the capital Sanaa and Dhamar.

25.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Saudi jets targeted Naqil Yasleh. A mountain road linking Sana'a 2 southern provinces. Travellers are blocked in gloomy cold outdoors (photos) and

25.11.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

#Saudi jets targeted my village today Alkomaeem district -Alhada #Yemen The air strike hit a mountain next to a residential houses

25.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Again Saudi jets are striking Najran skirt. Civilians can heard & watched the clashes. Saudi media still insist it's in the borders

24.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

US-Backed Saudi Coalition Aims at Civilian Farms in Saada

Fighter jets of the US-backed Saudi coalition waged two raids yesterday targeting civilian farms in Al Hamazat region, Sahar district, Saada governorate.

The raids resulted in large material damage to the bombarded farms as pictures below indicate the targeting of Yemeni civilians and their properties by the US-backed Saudi coalition (photos)

23.–26.11.2016 – MbKS15 (A K PS)

King Fahd Air Base (Photo)

Back when the #RSAF 13th Sqn F-15C Eagles flew air-to-ground sorties loaded with CFTs & 2000lb bombs during Operation Desert Storm (film)

Pictures from King Fahd Air Base, Ta'if, the current home of the Royal #Saudi Air Force Typhoon fleet — by: Thaqafi and

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

29.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

A Saudi Mercenary Commander Killed in Abyan

29.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression missiles kills 4 citizens in Saada

Four citizens were killed, including three children by Saudi aggression missiles fired on al-Dhaher and Shada districts of Saada province, a security official told Saba on Tuesday.
The missiles also damaged citizens` houses and farms in Shada districts, as well public roads in al-Dhaher.

28.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Saudi Kofel Military Camp Targeted in Marib

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army destroys M1 Abrams tank and demolish Saudi military locations

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces destroy mercenaries’ two military vehicles in Nehm

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army kills mercenaries, wounds others in Shabwah

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires missiles on Saudi aggression gunboats in Taiz and

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Girl hurt, home destroyed in Saada in Saudi aggression rocketry shelling

A child was badly injured and a house destroyed in missile shelling by Saudi aggression army against Saada province, a security official told Saba on Monday.
The girl was critically injured during Saudi enemy shelling on Alna'awisha area of Haydan district.
The shelling also destroyed the house of a resident in Al Sheikh village of Munabih district. Furthermore, the shelling burned farms of the villagers in nearby.
Meanwhile, the Saudi barbaric aggression warplanes dropped sound bombs on the districts of Sihar, Sakeen and Munabih.

28.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries` artillery intensively fired on al-Hamadah and al-Hazam villages in al-Karamish district, Marib province, inflicting damage to citizens` houses and farms.

28.11.2016 – Almasdar News (A K PH)

VIDEO: Houthi fighters annihilate two Saudi armored vehicles in Yemen

28.11.2016 – Haberler (A K PS)

Govt Repels Houthi Attacks İn N. Yemen: Pro-Govt Source

Pro-government forces have repelled several attacks by the Shia Houthi group and their allies in Yemen's northern Al-Jawf province near the border with Saudi Arabia, according to a pro-government media source.

A number of Houthi fighters were killed in the fighting, the media center added, without providing exact numbers.

28.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

15 militants killed, Houthis appeal for reinforcement in Hajja

The Government Fifth Military Region Media Centre declared on Monday that 15 militants of the Houthi and Saleh forces were killed and 11 others injured in fighting with the coalition forces in Midi city, northwestern Yemen.

My comment: “Government” = Hadi government; “militants” = Houthis and allies.

28.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (* A K PS)

Child killed, others injured in landmine explosion, Houthis accused of planting 100 thousand mines

A child was killed and 4 other children injured on Monday in a landmine explosion in Alhaod village of Alselw district, south of Taiz governorate, a local source said.

The local source stated to Almasdaronline that the child Mohammed Abduljalil Moqbel was killed and four of his fellows were injured.

To this regard, the local residents accuse the Houthi and Saleh forces of planting landmines in the districts of Taiz governorate so as to hinder the advancement of the government forces. The Colonel Eng.

Taher Hameed, head of the military engineering section in Taiz, said to Almasderonline that the Houthis have planted around a hundred thousand landmines in Taiz since the outbreak of the war early last year.

The Colonel pointed out that the Houthi landmines explosions have led to the death of 37 persons, most of whom were children and women, and the injury of 170 others during the past six months.

The engineering teams of the government forces exert lots of efforts in clearing the mines from the eastern and western neighborhoods and Alselw front in Taiz governorate.

28.11.2016 – Martin Abuzayn (A K)

Huthi leader Ahmad al-Shami killed in Taiz, nephew of Huthi leader Zakariya al-Shami >Hard to verify such reports -indicates psyops campaign referring to

28.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

3Houthis killed in government forces attack in Lahj governorate

28.11.2016 – Anadolu (A K PS)

Govt repels Houthi attacks in N. Yemen: Pro-govt source

Pro-government forces have repelled several attacks by the Shia Houthi group and their allies in Yemen’s northern Al-Jawf province near the border with Saudi Arabia, according to a pro-government media source.

In a Monday statement, the Al-Jawf media center said Yemeni army forces had beaten off "fierce" Houthi attacks in different parts of Al-Jawf’s Masloub directorate.

According to the statement, the attacks targeted Al-Salan Camp in southern Masloub and other sites in western Masloub’s Al-Haija, Al-Oqda, Al- Ghurfa and Sadah areas.

A number of Houthi fighters were killed in the fighting, the media center added, without providing exact numbers.

The Houthis and allied forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, for their part, did not issue any immediate comments on the reported clashes.

One day earlier, at least 16 Houthi militants -- and three pro-government fighters -- were killed in clashes that erupted east of the southwestern city of Taiz, the media center reported on Sunday.

27.11.2016 – Living in Yemen (A H K)

#Saada #Yemen 2 Yemeni children seriously injured by a Saudi border shelling (photos)

27.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

The Yemeni Missile Force Hits Saudi Soldiers in Najran

27.11.2016 – Yamanyoon (A K PH)

Yemeni Missiles Pound Saudi Bin Laden’s Headquarters in Najran

27.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces fire ballistic missile on mercenaries in Nehm

27.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires ballistic missile on newly-established Saudi military base in Asir and

27.11.2016 – Xinhua (A K)

Saudi-led coalition says intercepts missile from Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition said it intercepted a missile fired from Yemen that targeted the border city of Khamis Mushait, Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

The coalition forces have destroyed the missile, it said. and

27.11.2016 – Albawaba (A K)

Over a dozen killed by fighting in war-ravaged Yemen

At least 14 people were killed Friday in a fresh round of fighting between government forces and Houthi rebels in Yemen's southwestern Taiz province.

Government forces thwarted a Houthi attack on a military post in eastern Taiz, killing 11 Houthis and injuring scores, the media center of the pro-government forces said in a statement.

"A pro-government fighter was killed and 11 others were injured in ensuing clashes," the statement said.

Meanwhile, two civilians were reportedly killed when Houthis shelled a residential neighborhood in central Taiz, the statement said.
There has been no comment from the Shia Houthi group regarding the claims.

27.11.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A K PS)

Scores of Houthi rebels killed in Yemen fighting

At least 50 Houthi rebels were killed in clashes and Saudi-led airstrikes in north-western Yemen on Saturday, according to the Yemeni army.

In a statement, the army said 22 rebels were killed in artillery shelling and clashes with government forces in Midi district in the northwestern Hajja province.

According to the statement, 12 rebels were also killed and 14 others injured when coalition forces struck a site where Houthi leaders and their allies were meeting in the same province.

A coalition airstrike targeted a farmland in Harad district in Hajjah, killing 16 rebels, the statement said.

The Yemeni army said the farmland was being used by Houthi rebels as a training site for their forces.

There has been no comment from the Shia Houthi group regarding the claims. and also

27.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Four Saudi soldiers and 20 Houthi rebels killed in fighting across Yemen-Saudi borders

26.11.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

in the As Silw district of Ta’izz Province, a girl and a boy were killed as pro-Saudi militiamen loyal to resigned Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi opened fire.

27.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Spokesman: government forces special mission kill Houthis in Dhali'

27.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Taiz: Two women killed by Houthis

He killed two women and wounded another civilian, Saturday, sniper fire and rocket-Huthi militants group and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, west of the city of Taiz, East As Silw District south of the province.

A local source told «Online Source», said the armed Houthi sniper toxicity happy future commander of the 24-year-old in a village east of Alahud As Silw District, in the latest incident of sniping and shelling of civilian homes in the area.

He added that the rebels bombed civilian targets in the eastern outskirts of Asalo area, and the valley and the Directorate of Razan Khadder.

In a related development, government forces repulsed an attack on the Houthis in the village of East Chiar Directorate.

In the city of Taiz province bearing the same name center, bombarding the Houthis in favor of the east and west of the city neighborhoods and forces, and it led to casualties among Almdnyinn.

He said human rights source told «Online Source», said Samra, Mohammed Ali al-Izzi, 65, was killed, and wounded her husband Ali Abdullah Kassim, 70, and Bilal Abdullah Ali 10 years due to a shell landed on their house in Casablanca neighborhood at Beir Basha west of Taiz.

My comment: A very bad translation form Arabic.

26.11.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Scores of Saudi Mercenaries Killed in Ta'iz Province in 4 Days

"The Yemeni forces attacked the gathering centers of the pro-Saudi militias in the Southern part of the city of Zobab in Ta'iz province and killed tens of terrorists," Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Houthi said.

"The pro-Saudi mercenaries targeted and destroyed people's houses in Ta'iz province after they sustained major defeats in tough battles with the Yemeni forces in al-Shabakeh and Qashabeh regions as well as al-Hamra village on the outskirts of the city of al-Waziyeh," al-Houthi added.

Meantime, battlefield sources said nearly 150 pro-Hadi militias and Saudi mercenaries have been killed in fierce clashes with the Yemeni forces in Ta'iz province.

Also, the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed Yemeni security commander as saying that over 60 Saudi mercenaries have been killed in clashes in Jahmalieh region of Ta'iz.

Meantime, a source, close to Qatiyat Battalions terrorist group which is under the command of Adnan Zariq in Ta'iz, said that at least 80 of their militants, including several senior commanders have been killed in clashes over past three days.

The source admitted that the Yemeni forces repelled the terrorist groups' attacks on strategic heights of al-Salsal and Ja'sheh in Saleh and blocked their penetration into al-Houban region.

Also, a Yemeni military source said the Eastern side of Ta'iz city frequently comes under attack by the Saudi-backed troops as it is the gate to al-Houban region in Northern Ta'iz where the Yemen army and popular forces have gathered.

"The Yemeni forces clashed with Saudi mercenaries in Saleh valley, and killed several of them despite the Saudi fighter jets air support for the militias," the source said.

Meantime, the Yemeni forces took control of the town of Saleh to the East of Ta'iz city and fortified their military positions around the town.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well this is exactly opposite to the reports from the other 'side' who earlier today reported 1 Saudi fighter and 11 Houthis had died in clashes in Taiz. Propaganda by both sides I guess. Just stop fighting.

26.11.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Commander: Yemeni Army Advances Towards Najran, Riyadh Recruits African Mercenaries

A senior military commander underlined that the Yemeni army and popular forces continue their advances in the Southern part of Saudi Arabia to lay siege on the city of Najran, and disclosed that the Riyadh government has hired new mercenaries from Africa.

"The Yemeni special forces have started advancing towards residential areas in the Southern part of Najran city and managed to kill eight Saudi mercenaries while attacking the strategic Abdel Aziz military base ," Senior Ansarullah Commander Ali al-Hamzani told FNA on Saturday.

He noted that the Saudi army has recruited new mercenaries from African countries to help prevent the Yemeni forces' advances deep into Saudi Arabia.

"Saudi Arabia has sent hundreds of mercenaries as well as ISIL and al-Qaeda terrorists to Najran and Jizan provinces to fight the Yemeni forces," al-Hamzani said.

On Thursday, the Yemeni forces captured a military base in Najran in their latest counterattack against the kingdom's military campaign in the impoverished Southern neighbor.

They stormed the newly-constructed Shatib base some 844 km South of the capital Riyadh on Thursday.

The Yemeni soldiers and their allies engaged in an exchange of gunfire with Saudi troops at the base, leaving scores of them dead or injured.

A number of Saudi soldiers reportedly left their assault rifles and mortar shells behind and fled the base.

Yemeni troops have been trying to purge strategic military positions overlooking the city of Najran of Saudi soldiers.

26.11.2016 – Mohammed Al Qadhi (A K)

Huge blasts rock eastern parts of #Taiz & fierce battles rage as #Houthis launch offensive to recapture posts they lost recently.

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army, popular forces repel mercenaries in al-Buqa

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army's artillery hit gathering of Saudi-paid mercenaries in Taiz

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army bombs Saudi 6 military vehicles, secures sites in Hajja

26.11.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Artillery targets mercenaries in Marib and

Army, popular forces kill mercenaries in Marib

25.11.2016 – Almasdar Online (A K PS)

Saudi Arabia suspends schools in Najran city due to Houthi bombing

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has suspended the study in the schools located in the centre of the residential neighborhoods in Najran city, near the Yemeni borders, due to the bombing launched on the city by the Houthi rebels and Saleh forces.

During the past few days, deaths and injuries were reported as a result of the artillery bombardment on the residential neighborhoods in the city.

25.11.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

This is HOW Yemeni snipers kill Saudi invaders s inside Najran south KSA. Yemenis all Yemen will keep defending their country till victory (photos)

25.11.2016 – Mohamed Al-Rumin (B K)

Pics showing huge destruction done by #Houthi #Saleh armed militia in Jahmalia area north of #Taiz city. #Yemen (photos)

Comment: At Taiz, all parties are shelling, the Saudi coalition is bombing by air aids, thus who actually destroyed the city?

25.11.2016 – Hussam Al-Sanabani (A K PH)

Films / Photos showing successes of Houthi / Saleh forces

25.11.2016 – Yemen Updates (A K)

A military campaign, backed by the Saudi-led coalition, on the way to Taiz to cleanse the city from Houthi/Saleh forces. #Yemen

Comment by Judith Brown: I thought they had been doing this since last May. What's news

25.11.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A K PS)

Yemen’s Houthis Fire 11 Missiles at Saudi Arabia

At least 11 missiles were fired from Yemen into the southern border village of Al-Tuwal in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi-owned news channel Al Arabiya has confirmed.

The attack comes after the Saudi-led coalition forces were attacking Iran-backed Houthi and Saleh militia targets across the border this afternoon near the Saudi border cities of Jazan and southern Dhahran. The Houthi and Saleh forces fired the missiles into Saudi Arabia in retaliation. =

My comment: There was no Houthi attack at Mecca.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

28.11.2016 – Vimeo

Film. YEMEN FACES von / by Khalid AzzAm Khalid AzzAn

27.11.2016 – New China TV (D)

Film: Yemen’s cycling team dreams of competing in international tournaments

About 20 members in a Yemeni cycling team dream of one day competing in international tournaments. . After decades of rule by former president Ali Mullah Hales, mass street protests forced his resignation. But the cycling team said they will continue despite the hardships, and they still have ambitions of representing Yemen in international competitions in the future.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-233: / Yemen War Mosaic 1-233: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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