Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 345 - Yemen War Mosaic 345

Yemen Press Reader 345: Alles aus Woche 39 Teil 1 (24. - 28 Sept. 2017) / All from week 39 Part 1 (Sept. 24 - 28)

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp4a Buthaina antführt / Buthaina kidnapped

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Hisham Al-Omeisy: He was Yemen's best "ambassador" to the world

(* A P)

#freehisham #FreeHishamAlomeisy If you speak Arabic please call these numbers , it's part of our global campaign 2 free @omeisy

Tribe of Twitter, those are the numbers of the justice committee in #Sanaa.. Plz tell them we need& want @omeisy out now.. "Be nice plz" (in image)

Yemen code is 00967..,

(* A P)

Yemen: three imprisoned journalists released

Prominent Yemeni journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb al-Jubeihi, jailed and sentenced to death last year by Houthi authorities, was released and pardoned on Sunday, 24 September.

Two other Yemeni journalists, Abed al-Mahziri and Kamel al-Khozani were released two days earlier after being arrested last week for criticising Houthi rule in western Yemen. The IFJ and its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) welcomed their release and demanded that all imprisoned journalists in Yemen be set free immediately.

(* A P)

Houthis just released another unlawfully detained prisoner: Nezar AlKhaled

referring to

The release of colleague Nizar al-Khalid shortly before

(* A P)

The #Yemen courts have called 4 access 2 Hisham & more & more leading voices in Yemen & across globe R2

My comment: This would be important. Hisham Omeisy’s detainment violates the personal rights given to individuals by the Yemeni constitution.

(* A P)

Ibb: Houthis kill civilian in front of his family

A local source told Almasdaronline that the Houthis-Saleh forces gunmen fired on Tuesday a barrage of bullets at the civilian Abdo Ahmed Khaled after breaking into his house in al Marayd village of Mothaikerah district in Ibb province central Yemen, killing him instantly in front of his wife and children.

The source added that a number of the victim female relatives tried to protect him, but they got assaulted and beaten with rifle butts by the Houthis gunmen.

The incident was a result of dispute over land ownership between the victim and one of the influential people in the village who asked the Houthis gunmen for help.

The Houthis justified the killing as the victim had resisted them. according to the source

My comment: This seems to be a Houthi way of communication.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A P)

Winchester University demands release of student Hisham Al-Omeisy captured by rebels in Yemen

WINCHESTER University has demanded the release of a postgraduate student being held in Yemen.

Hisham Al-Omeisy, has been detained by Houthi-Saleh forces since August 14, without the due process and protections afforded to him under Yemen’s own constitution, and international law, says the university.

The university said, in a stament today: "Mr Hisham Al-Omeisy is a conscientious and very well-respected member of the student community at the University of Winchester, and we are deeply worried about his safety. He is currently a student on our MA in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding, and this reflects his peaceful nature and character, and great desire to bring an end to the violent conflict which is afflicting Yemen.

"Our understanding is that Mr Al-Omeisy has merely peacefully exercised his right to freedom of expression through reporting how the fighting in Yemen affects the local population. He has bravely called on all sides of the violent conflict to stop abusing human rights.

"Mr Hisham Al-Omeisy is a prisoner of conscience, and we demand he be released immediately and unconditionally."

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B H)

Saving lives without salaries: Government health staff in Yemen

Yemen: Government health staff are saving lives without salaries in the war-torn country

Yemen’s health service is experiencing widespread and critical problems, in part because most public sector health workers received their last regular salary a year ago, international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) warned in a report released today. MSF is calling for financial support for government health staff without delay in order to avoid a further deterioration of life-saving medical services in Yemen.

MSF’s new report, Saving lives without salaries, is based on MSF’s experience in the country and includes the testimonies of MSF and Yemen Ministry of Public Health and Population (MoPHP) medical teams, patients and their families.

“People don’t understand that we don’t always have drugs; we need to use our own money to buy the medication”, says a nurse at Al-Khamees health centre in Hodeida Governorate “People shout at us ‘Why are you here?!’”

“The commitment we see every day from government staff is humbling”, says Melissa McRae, MSF’s Medical Coordinator in Yemen. “Working for a year without pay, many are doing whatever possible to keep health services running, however minimally, while wondering how to keep their families fed, clothed and safe. Others have had to seek alternative employment or charge patients for medical care that should be available for free.”

This is just part of the dire reality for health workers across the country; enduring the catastrophic effects of war, having seen loved ones die, working in health facilities that are often under attack. and full report: and film:

(** B H)

Film: Yemen: "Largest humanitarian crisis in the world" BBC Stories

It's the "largest humanitarian crisis in the world" says the UN. And Yemen's children are among those suffering the most. This is the story of three-year-old Alaa. *Warning: This film contains distressing images*

(** B P)

Wahrheitsliebe in Zeiten der Cholera: Jemen-Berichterstattung mangelhaft

Die New York Times schreibt London und Washington den Jemen-Krieg schön, die ARD ebenfalls

Lange wurde der Jemen-Krieg von den meisten westlichen Medien ignoriert, man war mit Syrien und der Ukraine beschäftigt. Jetzt ist das eigentlich nicht mehr möglich.

Doch scheinbar nur mühsam kommen unseren Qualitätsjournalisten Fakten über die militärischen Hintergründe der Katastrophe über die Lippen. Von einem Bürgerkrieg ist die Rede und von einer ominösen von Saudi-Arabien geführten Allianz, die dort militärisch eingreife, und von Iran, das man als Drahtzieher verdächtige. Die Verwicklungen der USA und Großbritanniens werden weniger erwähnt, wenn überhaupt unter "ferner liefen".

Auch die ARD praktiziert seit 2016 das wortreiche Verschweigen bzw. Abwiegeln der Verwicklung von USA und Großbritannien in den Jemenkrieg. Betont wird eine Konfrontation von Saudi-Arabien und Iran, dem vorgeworfen wird, dass es die Huthis unterstützt.

Dabei besteht augenscheinlich eine Tendenz abnehmenden Wahrheitsgehalts, wenn es um die Rolle der britischen und amerikanischen Nato-Verbündeten der Regierung Merkel geht.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A P)

This week, Yemenis look to the UK to help stop our suffering being ignored

this crisis is man-made, fuelled by political choices. Political action could end it. So while I cannot return to my country, I am walking the corridors of power – from London to Paris, Brussels, Netherlands, Germany, Geneva and the US – to tell the stories gathered by Mwatana.

I continue to raise the voices of victims because I remain optimistic that the story of Yemen can ultimately be one of peace.

To turn the page on this unimaginable suffering a peace process is desperately needed. Convincing parties back to the peace table starts with sending a clear message to parties to the conflict that they will be held to account for their abuses and violations against civilians.

At the UN Human Rights Council this week, the UK can send this signal by backing a resolution to establish an independent, international investigation into violations and abuses of international human rights law and international humanitarian law – by Radhya Almutawakel, Chairperson of Mwatana Organisation for Human Rights


(** A P)

UK to block UN probe into Yemen war after Saudi Arabia threatens to cut trade ties

Revelation comes ahead of UN resolution calling for a commission investigating war crimes in Yemen.

The UK government is set to turn its back on a United Nations investigation into human rights abuses committed in Yemen after Saudi Arabia threatened allies with economic retaliation, the UK's Middle East minister has said.

Alistair Burt, minister for Middle East and North Africa, told reporters that the UK government would not support the proposal for a UN probe into the conflict, but stressed that "finding a resolution for the conflict in Yemen was a high priority".

"Our view is that it is for the Coalition itself, in the first instance, to conduct such investigations

My comment: Disgusting. This is the same as always – and the same absurd and ridiculous as always. The suspect should examine his own case.

and, Sept. 28, in the evening:

(** A P)

France wants compromise on U.N. Yemen inquiry as Saudi pressure mounts

France is pushing for a compromise over a proposed resolution by the U.N. human rights body that would establish an international inquiry into atrocities in Yemen despite repeated opposition from Saudi Arabia, officials said on Thursday.

Diplomats said negotiations continued on Thursday to try to strike a consensus between the Dutch-led resolution and a rival Arab group resolution. France is not a voting member but has significant sway on the Geneva-based council.

The French statement appeared to echo Britain and the United States, which want to see consensus around a single resolution.

The second resolution makes no mention of an international investigation, but requests that the U.N. dispatch a team of three experts to "carry out a comprehensive assessment into all alleged violations" and exchange information with the national commission of enquiry.

"We believe that there is room to satisfy everybody," said a French diplomatic source, denying that Paris was seeking to weaken the text. Two diplomatic sources said the Dutch were under great pressure to back down.

My comment: Exactly that is it: France tries to weaken the text. It’s disgusting.

(** A B H)

Saudis Dispute Casualty Numbers in New UN Report on Children in War

Saudi Arabia is vehemently disputing a decision by the United Nations that it is to be named and shamed again for its violations of children’s rights in the Yemen war. The Saudis, who lead a regional bombing coalition against the Houthi opposition forces in Yemen, have tentatively landed in the annual report from the UN office on Children and Armed Conflict for 2016, according to several UN sources.

The report is to be released imminently, but the Saudi delegation based at the country’s mission to the UN is now arguing over the relevant data in the report, said a source with close knowledge of the situation.

My comment: This would be ridiculous. The numbers are even much higher than the report tells. And obviously there also should be included all children’s deaths due to the consequences of the Saudi blockade and the Saudi coalition’s destructions of medical institutions and infrastructure.

(** A P)

Six Reasons Why the US and Other States Should Support an Independent, International Inquiry on Yemen

This week, governments will vote at the United Nations on whether to create an international commission of inquiry on Yemen.

Some readers may be feeling a sense of déjà-vu about this UN vote: This is not the first time it has come before the Human Rights Council.

An independent UN commission of inquiry is urgently needed.

UN Commissions of Inquiry should only ever be part of a more comprehensive response to dire human rights emergencies, and always come with limitations.

This post sets out six specific reasons why the US and other states, especially those close to the Saudi coalition, should support—or at the very least, not obstruct—the establishment of an independent, international commission of inquiry into Yemen. They are:

(1) Establishment of an independent, international inquiry into Yemen would help states fulfill their legal obligations to investigate, and would be an important step toward holding perpetrators accountable and ensuring respect for international humanitarian law –By Radhya Almutawakel, Abdulrasheed Al-Faqih, Sarah Knuckey and Alex Moorehead


(** A P)

1. #HRC36 decides this wk if UN will (finally) create int'l impartial indpndt inquiry into all sides #Yemen abuses. Some reasons to do so – by Kristine Beckerle (thread) and following


(** A P)

[Dutch draft resolution under item 2 for the establishment of an international commission to investigate human rights violations in Yemen]

The Human Rights Council

Urges all parties to the armed conflict to take all the measures necessary to ensure effective, impartial and independent investigations into all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and alleged violations of international humanitarian law, in accordance with international standards, with a view to ending impunity

Link to download:


(** A P)

Current Status of Independent International Commission for Yemen

All of the European Union's member nations support the resolution to launch an Independent International Commission of Inquiry investigating violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen—except for the United Kingdom and France. The United States is also dead-set against this proposal, together with the Arab world (except Syria). At the Human Rights Commission in Geneva, a resolution has been put forward by The Netherlands together with Canada. Most of Ibero-America is also onboard, led by Mexico. China also supports it, as we know from other sources. African nations are generally not supporting the resolution.

There is a counter-resolution proposed by Egypt, which is supported by the United Kingdom, United States, and France. This resolution supports the prolongation for one year of the so-called "Independent National Commission of Inquiry" which is controlled by Saudi Arabia and its Yemeni puppet government.


(** A P)

AP Newsbreak: Saudis threaten fallout if Yemen probe passes

Saudi Arabia has threatened other countries over a proposed resolution at the U.N.'s main human rights body, saying if they send international, independent investigators to war-torn Yemen that could "negatively affect" trade and diplomatic ties with the wealthy kingdom, a Saudi letter obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press shows.

Two competing resolutions — one by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states and another by Canada and the Netherlands — have been proposed on how to best document the human rights violations in Yemen. The resolutions are shaping up as the main diplomatic showdown at the Human Rights Council session that ends Friday.

Comment: If Saudis did nothing wrong and Houthis are real criminals why Saudi reacting such like?


(** A P)

Saudi threatens nations who back Yemen probe

Saudi Arabia has in a letter seen by AFP on Tuesday threated economic retaliation against countries that vote for a UN resolution setting up an international probe into violations in Yemen.

The kingdom, accused of bombarding civilian targets like markets and hospitals, has so far succeeded in blocking an international probe.

Council members are weighing a Dutch/Canadian draft which calls for the international UN-backed probe -- known as a Commission of Inquiry -- and an Arab proposal supporting an extension of Yemen's domestic investigation.

"Adopting The Netherlands/Canadian draft resolution in the Human Rights Council may negatively affect the bilateral political economic relations with Saudi Arabia", a letter circulated by the kingdom and seen by AFP said.

My comment: This is a Déjà-vu.


(** A P)

Saudi Arabia Resists Independent Inquiry on Yemen Atrocities

Saudi Arabia and its allies are pushing back on a renewed effort to establish a United Nations-backed independent international panel to investigate human rights abuses in Yemen.

A draft resolution, proposed by a small bloc of Western countries, seeks to create a commission of inquiry, similar to one for the conflict in Syria

Saudi Arabia and its allies have objected, proposing instead that the United Nations send experts to help Yemen’s own human rights commission.

A vote is expected this week at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Saudi Arabia and its Western backers, including Britain and the United States, all belong to the 47-member body.By SOMINI SENGUPTA

Robust pressure from Saudi Arabia killed similar efforts two years ago and film by Press TV Iran:


(* A P)

The Latest Saudi Attempt to Conceal War Crimes in Yemen

The Saudis and their allies are desperate to block any investigation they don’t control, because they know as well as anyone that it will confirm that the coalition is responsible for many war crimes over the last two and a half years. The responsibility of coalition forces for indiscriminate and sometimes deliberate attacks on civilian targets is not really in dispute, but it is important that these things are verified by independent investigators.


(** A K P)

Yemenis Suffer "Silent Deaths" as Saudi Arabia Refuses Human Rights Probe in Deadly U.S.-Backed War

Amid growing calls for the creation of an independent probe into human rights violations in the U.S.-backed Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen, we speak with Radhya Al-Mutawakel, chairwoman of the Yemeni NGOMwatana Organization for Human Rights. She became the first representative of Yemeni civil society to brief the U.N. Security Council on the war in Yemen.

(** B H P)

Yemen: Coalition’s Blocking Aid, Fuel Endangers Civilians

The Saudi-led coalition’s restrictions on imports to Yemen have worsened the dire humanitarian situation of Yemeni civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The restrictions, in violation of international humanitarian law, have delayed and diverted fuel tankers, closed a critical port, and stopped life-saving goods for the population from entering seaports controlled by opposing Houthi-Saleh forces.

Houthi-Saleh forces, who control the capital, Sanaa, and much of the country, have also violated international legal obligations to facilitate humanitarian aid to civilians and significantly harmed the civilian population. They have blocked and confiscated aid, denied access to populations in need, and restricted the movement of ill civilians and aid workers. and a media report:

Comment: Hadi &co were in #Taiz today So explain to me @UN @HRW say that @UN aid convoy cant reach Taiz?They just have to take same roads as them referring to (photos)

This is what i am saying . @HRW accuse houthis to stop Aid to #Taiz despite Hadi and his convoy walking in the streets of #Taiz today

My comment: That's a very good question.

(** A P)

Yemen needs united nations, not the United Nations

As the UN Human Rights Council looks once again at launching an independent inquiry into war crimes in Yemen, I have one thing to say to the organisations pushing for it: good luck

Three years after our long war started – and my fourth trip to a UNHRC session – there is a growing sense of resentment and distrust among Yemenis towards the UN over its inaction in dealing with the crisis in our country.

The main cause of that distrust is the sense that the UN submits to whatever Saudi Arabia and its allies want to see - or not see - in Yemen – by Afrah Nasser

Comment: Good article by Afra Nasser. The United Nations has been totally discredited in its position and policies on Yemen. Guterres doesn't even seem to make the statements on concern and criticism that Ban made - and he was weak enough, making statements but never following them through. No wonder Yemeni people have lost faith in the UN.

(** B E K P)

A deal worth defending? The UK's arms trade and the war in Yemen

UK arms trade with Saudi Arabia worth less than 50p for taxpayers, but brings in more than £6bn to arms dealers at the price of millions of lives in Yemen.

Today we have released a new report revealing that the revenues to the UK arms manufactures creating weapons sold to Saudi Arabia is double previous estimates.

The pitiful tax income from UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia sits at an estimated £30 million from corporation tax receipts and equates to less than 50p per head of the UK population towards public services.

This stands in stark contrast to the huge salaries and bonuses of the fat cats in the arms trade who are profiteering from the deaths of innocent children.

The UK arms industry has earned revenues exceeding £6bn from its dealings with Saudi Arabia, during the Yemeni conflict, generating profits estimated at almost £600m for corporations including BAE Systems and Raytheon.

The tax revenue of 45 pence per head is dwarfed by the bonuses reaped by the ‘fat cats’ in the arms industries, who can earn as much as £3.5 million — £7.5 million in a year — this is enough to employ more than 320 life-saving paediatric nurses. and full report:

(** B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Nepotism Problem

[Yemen] intervention has been a catastrophe on almost every level. Even Riyadh’s rationale for getting involved, the supposed Houthi connection to Iran, is and always has been overblown. It’s little wonder then that MBS, who got the Saudis into Yemen in the first place, is now reportedly desperate to get out of it.

The effort to isolate and subjugate Qatar is yet another Saudi failure on MBS’s watch.

On human rights—this week’s welcome news about women drivers notwithstanding—the young monarch is not likely to take a more progressive position toward individual freedoms and protecting minorities. He’s already provided a preview, and it’s not pleasant:

Saudi Arabia is already intolerant of dissent and brutal with minorities it deems problematic. But on MBS’s watch that intolerance has reached new heights, and the country’s treatment of its Shia minority has approached a level of brutality that could be termed “religious cleansing.” If this is what life will look like under King Mohammad bin Salman, the Saudi people are in for a difficult ride – by Derek Davison

(*** B P)

Saudi Arabia: Official Hate Speech Targets Minorities

Incitement Leads to Discrimination Against Shia, Other Groups

Some Saudi state clerics and institutions incite hatred and discrimination against religious minorities, including the country’s Shia Muslim minority, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

The 62-page report, “‘They Are Not Our Brothers’: Hate Speech by Saudi Officials,” documents that Saudi Arabia has permitted government-appointed religious scholars and clerics to refer to religious minorities in derogatory terms or demonize them in official documents and religious rulings that influence government decision-making. In recent years, government clerics and others have used the internet and social media to demonize and incite hatred against Shia Muslims and others who do not conform to their views.

“Saudi Arabia has relentlessly promoted a reform narrative in recent years, yet it allows government-affiliated clerics and textbooks to openly demonize religious minorities such as Shia,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “This hate speech prolongs the systematic discrimination against the Shia minority and – at its worst – is employed by violent groups who attack them.”

Human Rights Watch found that the incitement, along with anti-Shia bias in the criminal justice system and the Education Ministry’s religion curriculum, is instrumental in enforcing discrimination against Saudi Shia citizens. Human Rights Watch recently documented derogatory references to other religious affiliations, including Judaism, Christianity, and Sufi Islam in the country’s religious education curriculum. and the full report: and short film:

and media reporting: and

(** B K P)

New tack for presenting data on Yemen and Somalia

The Bureau has decided to change how it presents its data on Yemen and Somalia to make our datasets more user-friendly.

Our database records all reported US counter-terrorism operations in the two countries, dating back to November 2001 in Yemen and January 2007 in Somalia. (general) (Yemen)

(** B K P)

Saudi-Arabiens Krieg im Jemen Riad treibt die Huthi-Rebellen und ihre Verbündeten immer weiter ins Lager Irans

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Intervention im Jemen tritt in eine neue Phase. Für die Führung in Riad ist sie die wichtigste Priorität in ihrem Kalten Krieg mit Iran. Die antiiranische Rhetorik des US-Präsidenten Trump hat die Saudis ermutigt, ihr militärisches Vorgehen fortzusetzen. Mehrmals hat Riad erklärt, dass es bereit ist, den seit März 2015 anhaltenden Waffengang gegen die Allianz aus Huthi-Rebellen und dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Salih samt seinen Anhängern noch lange fortzuführen. Dieses Bündnis hat aber fast den gesamten Norden des Jemen unter Kontrolle, so dass für Saudi-Arabien wenig Aussicht besteht, seine Ziele zu erreichen. Dabei sind die strategischen Folgen der Intervention für das Königreich schon heute gravierend, denn der Jemen ist erneut zum Rückzugsgebiet für Jihadisten wie al-Qaida geworden, die das Land selbst und die Nachbarstaaten bedrohen. Überdies verstärkt die humanitäre Katastrophe, die aus dem Konflikt und der Blockade des Nordens erwuchs, Ressentiments gegen- über Saudi-Arabien und seinen Verbündeten. Dadurch wird das saudisch-jemenitische Verhältnis auf Jahrzehnte belastet sein. Und schließlich könnte die saudische Militärintervention Iran erst in die Lage versetzen, einen Brückenkopf auf der Arabischen Halbinsel zu errichten, statt genau das zu verhindern – von Guido Steinberg

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-09-25)

738,719 cases, 2,118 deaths

(* A H)

Map: Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 26 September 2017)

and earlier dates (Selection):

(* A H)

Map: Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 26 September 2017)

and selection of earlier dates:

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W37 2017 (Sep 18 - Sep 24)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 24 September 2017 is 738,212 suspected cholera cases and 2,117 associated deaths (CFR 0.29%). 28,277 suspected cases and 16 associated deaths were reported in W38.

(* A H)

WHO: Zahl der Cholera-Toten im Jemen auf rund 2.110 gestiegen

Die Todesfälle wurden in 22 Provinzen registriert, berichtete die WHO am Sonntagabend. In diesem Zeitraum sind dem Bericht zufolge 725.400 Menschen im Jemen an Cholera erkrankt.

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-09-24)

731.750 cases, 2,115 deaths

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B K P)

Yemen: a war without end that can and must be stopped

As the seminar made abundantly and depressingly clear there is no end in sight for this dreadful war, because as one participant put it “all the various players believe they can win.”

There is too, as in any war, and particularly one that is stagnating as Yemen’s is on the frontlines, a lucrative black economy at work.

It will require a degree of maturity, an acceptance that some face may be lost but surely that is a small price for Mohammed bin Salman to pay. He, the most powerful Saudi royal since Ibn Saud, the kingdom’s founder, has it well within his grasp to stop this dreadful, devastating war of attrition currently being inflicted upon the Yemeni people.

(* B H P)

Yemen: Insufficient funding for World's largest humanitarian crisis

The West and its ally Saudi Arabia have created the world's worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen selling weapons and by indiscriminate bombing and shelling which has destroyed the country's infrastructures. Now relief efforts are hampered by insufficient funding. But hip hip hooray for the Saudis on allowing women behind the wheel.

(* B K P)

An American explains Yemen on Russian TV: it's 1776 all over again

Maupin is an anti-imperialist campaigner from Ohio who also appears regularly on the Iranian Press TV. His idiosyncratic view of the Yemen war – a strange jumble of facts, falsehoods and fantasies – was first broadcast last year but has recently started circulating again on the internet – by: Brian Whitaker referring to film: (April 2016)

(* B H P)

Film (Arabic): The Saudi-American aggression continues to prevent the arrival of relief vessels loaded with foodstuffs and oil derivatives to the port of Hodeidah.

(* A K P)

Jemens Hadi sieht für den laufenden Krieg nur eine militärische Lösung

Prophezeit, dass die Saudis das Land für ihn zurückerobern werden.

Der selbsternannte Präsident des Jemen, Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, meldete sich am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung zu Wort, indem er sagte, dass er nur eine militärische Lösung des laufenden Jemenkrieges sehe und sich vorstelle, dass Saudi-Arabien schließlich gewinnen wird.

Hadi behauptete, dass er den Schiiten die Hand zu Friedensgesprächen gereicht habe, aber abgelehnt wurde, was genau das Gegenteil von dem ist, was in jedem Bericht über den Friedensprozess im Jemen steht. Tatsächlich hieß es manchmal, dass die Saudis Hadi offen drängten, ein Abkommen zur Machtverteilung zu akzeptieren, was er ablehnte.

(A P)

Despite war, Yemenis mark Yemen's national day

Yemenis in a number of Yemeni cities marked the 55th anniversary of the national day, 26 September, in spite of the war which is ravaging the state.

Mass people gathered in the city of Taiz


(A P)

#Taiz people observe 55th anniversary of 26 Sep.revolution, despite their own woes, tragedies and disappointments with all parties (photo)

My comment: And there is severe fighting in the city…

(A P)

Some good #Yemen news! 25 teachers from #Mahra began training today in Oman for a new peace-building course. Thank you #Oman for the visas! (photos)

(* A E K P)

Aggression forces reject the United Nations statements and prevent the entry of tanker "Natalia 1" Hodeidah

Observatory News Agency: Special

An official source at the port of Hodeidah told the Observatory that the battleships of the alliance of aggression prevented the entry of the diesel ship allocated to electricity Hodeidah from entering the submersible to unload.

The source confirmed the existence of a permit to enter the tanker "Natalia 1" port of Hodeidah by the United Nations after being subjected to search by the forces of aggression, in Djibouti last Thursday evening (documents) and also

My comment: Saudi blockade is working.

(* B K P)

US-Saudi Alliance Fragments the Middle East

The consequences of US meddling and Saudi Wahhabism have decimated Iraq and pitted multiple Middle East groups against the other, says independent journalist Rania Khalek, parts 1 and 2

Woke Wahhabism. I don't think people understand. It's so insane. Wahhabism literally preaches like, supremacy. It's like the Middle East's version of white supremacy is Wahhabism. It's like these Al-Qaeda groups, these ISIS groups are the Middle East's version of the KKK and of these white nationalist groups you see in the U.S., and so if anything, these are kind of similar symptoms of something I see happening around the globe which is this sort of rise of fascism, but we always have to remember that in the Middle East, in the context of the Middle East and even beyond the Middle East, Wahhabism isn't rising naturally. Salafism isn't rising naturally. Saudi Arabia has spent a hundred billion dollars plus over the past several decades with the U.S.'s approval and participation supporting this ideology in Muslim communities around the world.

My comment: That’s the same at Yemen as well.

(* B H K)


(* B H K)

Film (Arabic): The Documentary film: Yemen - The Boundaries of War

A new BBC investigation is returning to Yemen to pursue a new deadly threat, a cholera epidemic where one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world

(* B P)

Yemen is between hammer of fascist coup and anvil of self-centered coalition, says Nobel laureate

Yemen has been between the hammer of an Iranian-backed sectarian fascist coup, which claims the divine right to rule the others, and the anvil of an Arab coalition that works only for its own interests, exploiting Yemen's vulnerability, said Nobel Peace laureate and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman – by Tawakkol Karman and in interview Norwegian TV:

My comment: You only understand Karman if you know that she is affiliated to Islah Party. For a long time, there hardly could have fit any piece of paper between her position and the Saudis and there bombing war. That seems to have changed now. What has stayed is the anti-Houthi propaganda rhetoric, which does not fit to reality: Neither they are Iranian-backed nor they are fascist. And their sectarianism is hardly more than a reaction to Saudi sectarianism which had pummeled Yemen for decades now.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A H)

UN: Yemen faces world’s largest humanitarian crisis

Yemen today is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis as nearly 70 percent of the population is in need of aid, the UN said on Thursday.

"7.3 million people are on the brink of famine," Kate Gilmore, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, told the 36th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

(A H)

Real time pix 450km far from Sanaa, @monareliefye's crew distributing now107food packs in alRaha area #Hajjeh funded by Kuwaiti donor #Yemen (photos)

@monareliefye's ground crew has just arrived in Hajjeh managing to deliver food aid to 107families n Kuhlan al-Sharaf area. (photos)

(A H)

"30" internally displaced families in Sana'a province have been helped with kits to prevent themselves from Cholera epidemic. (photos)

(A H)

Yemen: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - Sea Passenger Transport - September 2017

This document provides an overview of the logistics services made available through the Logistics Cluster, how humanitarian actors responding to the crisis in the Republic of Yemen may access these services, and the conditions under which these services are to be provided.

(A H)

US Agency for International Development: Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #16, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017

On September 21, USAID Administrator Mark Green announced approximately $575 million in new humanitarian funding to support emergency response activities in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen

(A H)

Number of children & families helped today with foods.Despite the lack of funds,we do best to feed people in #Yemen.

(* B H)

Film: Addressing the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

On September 22nd, IPI hosted the latest event in its series featuring United Nations Humanitarian Coordinators and other senior humanitarian leaders from the field, featuring Mr. Jamie McGoldrick, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, who focused primarily on the current humanitarian situation in Yemen.


(* B H)

At the UN, usual optimism swapped for hopelessness on Yemen

Jamie McGoldrick, the United Nation’s point person for humanitarian work in Yemen, is all out of hope.

Breaking from the customary can-do optimism and congratulatory back-patting common at the UN General Assembly, McGoldrick told a group of reporters point-blank on Sept. 20 that “there’s no hope on the horizon” for the country. “The prescription for the future is bleak—at the very best it’s bleak. It’s a disaster,” he said. “I think the humanitarian crisis is going to get much, much worse.”

(* B H)

Taiz: Water shortage aggravates children suffering

Since the beginning of the war in Taiz, the governmental project of pumping water directly to houses has been completely stopped, so that impacted on children. Amjad says: "We feel tired and exhausted, but we have no other choice, and the water we monthly buy is not enough.

After the partial siege lifting in the middle of last year, commercial water suppliers had the opportunity to supply water from al Dabab area, easing pressure on the supporters of al Sabil water.

Thus, Instead of providing water daily, now only in every three days, according to Farouk al Shumairi from al Modafer district, and sometimes once a week in some areas, according to Abdul Aziz Ahmed Hassan from al Moshiki neighborhood

(* A H)

Humanitarian Snapshot - Market prices and availability of basic commodities

(A H)

Norwegian’s Fourth Humanitarian Aid Flight with UNICEF Now on its Way for Yemen with Emergency Aid

Norwegian and its decade-long corporate social responsibility partner, UNICEF, departed with a Boeing 787-9 aircraft filled with emergency aid for children in need in Yemen this morning.

but that’s the Saudi blockade:

Stuck in Athen since yday due to problems w/ permit. Ready to depart w/in 2 hrs 2day referring to

Crew: "Awful". Any comments Saudi? Airspace available? Opening of Sana'a airport? Scandinavia Via Djibouti 2 #Yemen


(A H)

Over 27 tons of lifesaving medical supplies, destined to Yemen, reached Dijbouti tonight on the 1st flight of a new Norwegian Dreamliner (photos)

(A H)

Our first food distribution in Yemen

We were able to get urgent food packages to 317 families around Sana'a.

(A H)

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL aims to rehabilitate water points and deliver hygiene kits in a way to contain and prevent cholera epidemics as well as to raise risk awareness. Teams also distribute food stamps and cash to help the most needy to tackle the challenge of drinking water and food security.

(A H)

Yemen Imports Overview, August 2017

(* B H)

Film: CARE Yemen : The Impossible Choices for Yemeni Women

This video shows the impossible choices that Yemeni women and their families face as a result of the triple threat of conflict, famine and cholera: To feed or treat their children?

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Dangerous Crossings: Using music and social media to deter crossings to and through Yemen

UNHCR has launched a major campaign to raise awareness of the dangers faced by those crossing to and through Yemen. We particularly aim to reach young people in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti. Attheheartofthe campaign is the song and music video Dangerous Crossings. Produced by UNHCR, the video features prominent artists from the region who have great credibility with the target audiences. The lyrics were based on discussions with and suggestions from refugees themselves. It was launched in February 2017 and has by now reached 1.3 million views via Youtube and other social channels (watch at The music video was also shown at the 2017 Cannes film festival and was widely acclaimed. = (PDF)

(* B H)

Yemeni refugees in Somaliland find conditions even harder than at home

Refugees here struggle to feed their children and keep a roof over their head as they face drought and staggering unemployment

"If we could get back to Yemen, at least we would have our homes and somewhere to stay for free," Abu Yousuf says. "We would be able to get jobs because we can speak the language and we could survive. There is a future for us there, here we are starving and stuck."

(* B H)

UN: War forcing Yemen families to live in caves

“Yemeni families have been forced to live in caves, because of the escalating war in the country,” UN OCHA has warned.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Yemen said via its official Twitter account that more than ten per cent of Yemenis have been displaced as a result of the unrest in the country.

(A H)

Yemen UNHCR Weekly Update, 8 - 21 September 2017

20.7 million people in need

1,980,510 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)

84 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year

(A H)

Yemen IDP Response: Core Relief Items (CRIs), Shelter and Cash Assistance (1 January to 31 August 2017)

cp4a Buthaina entführt / Buthaina kidnapped

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia accused of kidnapping Buthaina Al Rimi in twisted “film making” plot

The war in Yemen has taken a fresh twist after extraordinary claims emerged that Saudi government agents infiltrated a humanitarian charity to kidnap the most high profile face of the Yemen conflict, Buthaina Al Rimi.

Mohammad Ali Houthi, President of the high commissioner the revolutionary Houthis, has exclusively confirmed to The London Economic that Al Rimi has been kidnapped from care after she became the face of an international appeal to end the war in Yeman.

On Monday Same Ahmed from the charity Sky Humanity Foundation called a press conference in which she stated a man called Fouad Thabet Al Mansouri contacted them in order to make a film about the massacre of Buthaina’s family in which 16 family members were killed and 16 injured including Buthaina herself, whose battered face went viral and caused a global outcry with Holland and Canada leading calls for an immediate investigation into war crimes in Yemen by the Saudi Coalition.

Remark: This is a overview written Sept. 27. The story in details (oldest reports on top etc.):

(A P)

Yemen court appointed grandmother of Buthaina (mother of her mother) as a legitimate guardian to take care of her (document) and

(* A P)

The Story About #Buthaina's Kidnapping

The greed of Buthaina's uncle was behind her being smuggled to Saudi Arabia.


"Yemeni Press": Buthaina al-Rimi disappeared from the capital Sanaa and there has been an interruption of communication with her relatives since last week.



Disgusting. Saudi don't shy from exploiting the child's innocence to show the killer in the form of an angel (photo)


#Saudi thinks taking pics of #buthaina smiling&stuffing her uncle with money will erase the fact that they killed her entire family (photos)

and more:

but the photos are fake, it is not Buthaina not the uncle: and and

But the uncle did not kidnap her at all, but:

(* A P)

Bothaina uncle trickd2go #Aden He wrote: Was forced2Hadi palace Forced2go #KSA We r kidnappd n #Riyadh #Saudi have our belonging Calls4help

Message frm Bothaian uncle sent to the world calling4help "We are kidnapped in #Riyad" #Saudi Full message n1st pic Bothaina story

(* A P)

Buthaina was kidnapped by 16 armored vehicles belongs to Hadi's son while recording a documentary ! Details .. (text, Arabic)

(* A P)


Buthaina uncle said (in his Facebook profile) he has been kidnapped with his family and Buthaina in Aden and forced to travel in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and he is asking for help . (photos)


This is the uncle’s facebook account, and here he had posted the photos crying for help: and this (in translation) is what he said:

(*A P)

There is a genuine danger on Buthaina's life in Saudi Arabia (look at text)

And update:

(* A P)

The updates on #Buthaina, unfortunately, seem to confirm the abduction.
Activist Soraya Tabbani has been following, with a team, the latest on the little girl who has become the emblem of an injust aggression. (text in images)

and Soraya’s tweets:

Latest on #Buthaina story text in images)

(* A P)

Yemeni coordinator Sama Ahmed kidnapped with Buthaina, & released&returned .Now telling the details of kidnapping in press conference (Arabic text in image, in English: In Soraya’s tweet above) and Arabic text also here:

(* A P)

Do you Remember Butheina? Saudi intelligence kidnapped her from Sana`a

Buthaina Muhammad Mansour al-Raimi, who becomes symbol of forgotten war in Yemen, has been kidnapped by Saudi-led alliance intelligent by an organization dubbed ” Sama” on Monday.

The head of Sama Humanity Foundation, Sama Ahmed, told the details of the kidnapping in press conference, saying ” there was a person named ” Fouad Thabet Al Mansouri” came to our foundation as a filmmaker to make a film for Butheinah .

” we went to Sanban, which two airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition killed at least 15 civilians and wounded 25 others in a wedding in 2015, to film her”, she added.

I went with them , first we visited her ruined house in the neighborhood of Atan, then decided to move to Sanban in Dhamar ,after that they asked to go on a tourist visit to adamt district ” she saying.

She added “in Demt city, Fouad asked to go in a visiting for his family near the place, but they have discovered that was an ambush, he brought them to the point of Saudi troops, reaching Buthainh and his family to Saudi armored vehicles.

“Two days later, I was transferred from Aden to Dhamar and continued my journey to Sana’a and informed the competent authorities,” said the head of Sama Foundation.

(* A P)

Film (Arabic): Important message from #Buthina's uncle from the Saudi capital Riyadh asking the world to release him & his family along with #Buthina

and what he is telling:

(*A P)

I appeal to the world to release me, my family and Buthaina.Send us back to #Yemen immediately.

Buthaina's case is a national issue, its not a single family issue.

Thousands of children in #Yemen lost their parents, families & homes. This issue can't be relinquished.

I did not come to Riyadh in my own free will, ask the bandit who stops us in the road, How did they treat us in Aden?

I don't know why some people question my credibility. I left the money, i refuses all the offers that was given to me here. I chose to return to my homeland.

It is true that Buthaina is being cared for here in a hospital in Riyadh and is being guarded

We have a good hospitality here. But I can not communicate with my family in Sana'a.

After my last posts, 5 guards were placed on my door. This may be my last publication. They may take my phone, which I use for Facebook only

We do not want all this, what we want is to stop the war on our country. God willing, I will return to #Yemen.

You don't need 2 insult me, Do you want 2 force me 2 stay in Riyadh? No. I swear 2 God I'll return, even if death is waiting 4 me in Sana'a

(* A P)

Kronologi Penculikan Bouthaina oleh Arab Saudi

[Chronology of Bouthaina’s Abduction by Saudi Arabia)

in Indonesian and translation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis


One of the most dangerous criminal elements after his arrest disguised as a woman

The security information revealed to the Ministry of the Interior, on Tuesday evening, the identity of one of the most serious criminal elements required of the aggression, who was arrested earlier in one of security points in the province Al_ Bayda.

(A P)

Surrender yourselves Saudis! Under this slogan,new trained fighters headed today to battlefronts against US-backed Saudi invaders (photos)

(* A)

East Texas oil worker abducted in Yemen

oil worker Danny Lavone Burch, 63, reportedly was taken from his car on a busy street in the Yemeni capital.

Burch had left home Saturday morning to take their sons to a sports club but didn't return. Police later told her witnesses said Burch had been stopped by five armed men in civilian clothes who took him away. and more:,116513 and also American Oil Worker Is Kidnapped in Yemen - The New York Times

My comment: It seems that it had been fake news ascribing this kidnapping to the Houthis, as Reuters had reported: And IBT, although giving more details, and blamed the Houthis, but not even got the victims’s name right:

(* A P)

Yemeni Interior Ministry Condemn the American Engineer’s Kidnapping

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that this cowardly criminal act is a heinous act and it is outside the law

(*A P)

Yemen Houthis say U.S. citizen kidnapped by unknown gunmen

Yemen’s Houthi forces denied detaining a U.S. citizen and said he had been kidnapped by unknown gunmen in the capital Sanaa, a statement from the movement said.

(A P)

Al Houthi-Saleh Supreme Political Council president threatens to increase attacks on Saudi Arabia and UAE [1]

(A P)

Saleh says he ‘does not recognize’ UN resolution on Yemen

Ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh has repeatedly rebuffed UN resolutions regarding Yemen, saying he does not recognize UN resolution 2216.

Saleh said in a speech on Monday evening that he also does not recognize the outcome of the national dialogue, which divided Yemen into territories, as well as his rejection of the Gulf initiative. and by a pro-Houthi/Saleh media:

My comment: When he is right, he is right.

(A P)

FM reveals expected visit of int'l officials to Yemen

(A K P)

Huge Convoys to Support Fronts in Various Provinces in The Third Anniversary of 21 September revolution

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Islah party rules out reaching deal with Houthis

(A P)

Yemen’s public prosecutor visits Al Mansoura prison

Concern about conditions in the prison has prompted oversight from Yemeni officials

Ali Ahmed Al Aa'wash, Yemen’s public prosecutor, visited on Wednesday the central prison in Aden also known as Al Mansoura, directing a faster pace for investigations and prosecution and urging respect for the prisoners’ rights.

(A P)

Aden Governor rules out resignation

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Saudi Threats, US Silence Block UN Probe of Civilian Deaths in Yemen - HRW

Human Rights Watch names threats from Saudi Arabia to punish members of the UN Human Rights Council that vote for an independent probe of civilian casualties in Yemen, as well as silence by the United States, United Kingdom and France on the issue, as key obstacles to a proposed international investigation.

(* A P)

UK accused of blocking UN inquiry into alleged war crimes in Yemen

Rights groups say UK is putting arms sales to Saudi Arabia before investigations into civilian deaths from coalition bombings

The UK is set to block an attempt to establish an independent international inquiry into the war in Yemen, prompting dismay among rights groups.

Canada and Holland are hoping to garner broad support for their proposal that the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva establish an inquiry to examine civilian deaths in Yemen

(* A P)

Joint oral statement by Save the Children and 41 organizations

Urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and its impact on the most vulnerable populations
A call for establishing an international, independent investigative mechanism

(* A P)

UN Rights Body: Stand With Yemeni Civilians, Launch International Investigation

Item 10 General Debate on High Commissioner’s report on Yemen

For the third consecutive year, the High Commissioner has appealed to this Council to do what it should have done long ago: create the independent, international inquiry into violations and abuses in Yemen that is so desperately needed.

The arguments in favour of an international inquiry are the same as they were last year, and the year before. The only difference is that the civilian death toll is higher, the humanitarian catastrophe worse.

(* A P)

UNHRC to vote for international commission of inquiry against human rights violations in Yemen tomorrow

A draft resolution (A/HRC/36/L.4) sponsored by Belgium, Canada, Ireland, Luxembourg and Netherlands on the situation of human rights in Yemen circulated at the ongoing 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council calling for the establishment of an international commission of inquiry for a period of one year, renewable as authorized by the HRC goes for voting and adoption tomorrow.

As per the proposed resolution, the commission of inquiry, composed of three members, will monitor and report on the situation of human rights, and to carry out comprehensive investigations into all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict in Yemen since September 2014 including to identify those responsible to ensure justice.

(A P)

Secret Report about the War on Yemen

The American newspaper “The Atlantic” issued a decoumented report saying that they are letters between the SaudiForeign Minister , Adel Al-Jubeir ,to the President of the Royal and Special Court ,the Secretary General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, entitled with the necessary steps to confront Netherlands which aims to open an independent investigation about the human rights situation in Yemen in Human Rights Council in Geneva and also

Remark: Nothing could be found at “The Atlantic” website.

(* A P)

Yémen: « Il est de la responsabilité française de tout mettre en œuvre pour mettre un terme à ce conflit »

Un projet de résolution est en discussion à l’ONU afin d’enquêter sur les violations des droits de l’homme au Yémen. Dans une tribune au « Monde », Camille Blanc (Amnesty international) appelle la France à cesser d’empêcher l’adoption de ce texte et à voter en sa faveur.

(A P)

What it will take to make peace in Yemen

it is essential to step back, look at the bigger picture and clarify some crucial points before attempting to present any solutions to this protracted conflict.

First, Yemen is not Syria

Second, the conflict in Yemen is NOT sectarian in nature — at least not yet.

My comment: In the beginning it sounds somewhat serious – but this article ends as a blame game against the Houthis and Saleh side by the Hadi government’s ambassador to the US. – Thus, this article could be labeled as propaganda. But, anyway, it is quite remarkable that the ambassador definitely contradicts his own president who had told that the conflict would be not political and that there only could be a military solution (look at cp15).

(* A P)

UN’s Top Human Rights Body Should Establish Yemen Inquiry

Global Action Needed to Deter Future Abuses and War Crimes

States parties to the conflict are obligated to credibly investigate alleged abuses by their forces. For more than two years, they have failed to do so.

UN member countries in Geneva have a chance to change course this week, to stand up and support efforts at the UN Human Rights Council to create an independent, international inquiry into abuses by all sides in Yemen.

Comment: So very true. But will the UN do ANYTHING constructive to help Yemeni people and force an end this appalling state of affairs ?

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Spokesman: S. Arabia's Alleged Willingness to Improve Ties with Iran Only Proved through Leaving Yemen War

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said Saudi Arabia should take positive steps and end the war in Yemen if it is willing to resume ties with Iran.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

(B P)

Mujtahid: Saudi’s 2030 Vision Coordinated by Washington, Tel Aviv

On his Twitter account, Mujtahid quoted a US advisor, who takes part in Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030 project, as saying that the change is coming, Al Manar reported.

This change requires Crown Prince Mohamamd Bin Salman’s monopolization of power on the political level, secularizing the kingdom on the social level, and selling Aramco firm on the economical level, Mujtahid said, citing the US advisor.

(B P)

Film: These #Wahhabi clerics destroys musical instruments while chanting "Allahu Akbar"
#Wahhabism real men don't play music or dance.. Real men only behead kufar and blow themselves up in the name of Allah.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Eases Restrictions on Messaging Apps, But WhatsApp and Viber Are Still Blocked

After more than four years of heavy censorship, Saudi Arabia has eased restrictions on the use of internet-based call and messaging (VoIP) applications.

(* A P)

Fahrverbot in Saudi-Arabien fällt – inmitten einer Repressionswelle

Laut Dekret werden die Frauen in Saudi-Arabien ab Juni 2018 selbst chauffieren dürfen – So lange dauert es, bis das Regelwerk steht –

(* A P)

Warum saudische Frauen bald Auto fahren dürfen

Analyse. Das saudiarabische Königshaus will durch innenpolitische Reformen international punkten, um Rückendeckung für seine regionale Hardliner-Strategie gegenüber dem Iran, Katar und dem Jemen zu erhalten.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia to allow women to obtain driving licences

King Salman ordered the reform in a royal decree delivered on Tuesday night, requesting that drivers’ licences be issued to women who wanted them

Women in Saudi Arabia have been granted the right to drive, overturning a cornerstone of Saudi conservatism that had been a cause célèbre for activists demanding reforms in the fundamentalist kingdom. King Salman ordered the reform in a royal decree delivered on Tuesday night, requesting that drivers’ licences be issued to women who wanted them.


Saudi Arabia sheds an ignoble distinction

IT MAY BE true that Saudi Arabia’s decision to allow women to drive is a bid to divert the world’s attention from the country’s other human rights abuses and its war in neighboring Yemen. There might well be reason to be cautious about how the change will be implemented. And there is no question that Saudi women continue to suffer other restrictions in this conservative religious kingdom. None of those caveats, though, should detract from the significance of a decision that frees women from an obstacle in their daily lives – by Editorial Board

My comment: However, the time for this measure was very well selected: On Sept. 28, the UN Humanitarian Rights Council decides on a international investigation of war crimes in Yemen – and the Saudis try to prevent this by all means.

Comment: The decree did not address the issue of whether Saudi women will need the permission of a male "guardian" to obtain a driver's license.

Comment: The #Saudi lifting of ban on women driving reminds us that not a single EU country or #US denounced the ban or pushed to lift it.

Applauding #Saudi Monarchy for lifting its ban on women is like appluding a kidnapper 4 releasing his hostages

After #Saudi Monarchy lifted ban on driving, this must be said. 100s of 1000s died due to the ban. Many who needed urgent medical couldn't –

Couldn't make to the hospital in time. I lost 2 cousins & 1 one this way. They died coz wife couldn't drive

Comment: Remember this #Saudi historian: women can be raped when car breaks down. Women who drive, don't care if they're raped.
Now Saudi Women can drive. Maybe senile king of Saudi cares no more about women being raped? (Film)

To shot down #Saudi Monarchy claims that society was against driving, this #Yemeni women drove in 1955 referring to

#Saudi Monarchy is trying Mohamed AlOtaibi for advocating women driving referring to

Leaked docs show late #Saudi King Abdullah was against women driving even of golf carts in a hospital referring to

.@KingSalman imprisoned videographer Saleh AlAzzaz 7 years for taping women driving in Nov 1990 ewferring to

Comment: Yes finally they can drive but still they need guardian permission to leave home!!

Comment: While Saudi women just got conditional rights to drive, Yemeni women have been flying airplanes since 1994 & ruling nation since 1000s of yrs ago (photo)


(B P)

Film: Conservative Saudis Discuss Women Driving

These Saudi misogynists must be freaking out that women might be able to drive in 2018.


(* A P)

Saudi Arabia lifting the driving ban is little more than a glitzy distraction from its continued geopolitical problems

King Salman signs the decree; but the world knows that the Crown Prince is behind all this, just as he was behind the ambitious new economic plan to move away from the world’s oil ‘greed’, which has even now been watered down by Saudi officials, its ambitions extended in time or abandoned altogether

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a media-savvy man, and he has just pressed the button he knew would make headlines – by Robert Fisk


(A P)

Minister of Culture: Historic decree to allow women to drive was welcomed by everyone


(* A P)

Saudi women driving ban lifted: Euphoria and sarcasm

Riyadh's decision to overturn a ban on women driving in the kingdom spurs euphoria and sarcasm on social media.


(* A P)

This might be the real motive behind Saudi Arabia’s decision to let women drive

Some believe the gesture was meant to draw attention from a growing crisis in Yemen. Others claim a victory for Saudi feminists is being ignored.

As Saudi Arabia welcomes praise from human rights advocates over a decision to finally let women in the country drive, Saudi officials are simultaneously issuing threats over a proposed U.N. probe in Yemen.

(* B H P)

Seven Things Saudi Women Still Can’t Do, Despite Driving Ban Lift

(* B P)

Film: Saudi Arabia: A Regime Declining?

Saudi Arabia - A Regime Declining? Is the Saudi regime in decline? Is war, nepotism, fiscal deficit, Oil and regional instability pointing at a country transitioning or a regime fighting for survival?

(A P)

Saudi Arabia accidentally prints textbook showing Yoda sitting next to the king

The Saudi government is scrambling to withdraw a history textbook that accidentally included a doctored photograph of King Faisal sitting next to the little green Star Wars character. (photo)


(A P)

‘Fired, you are’: Saudi official sacked over image of Yoda near King Faisal in textbook

cp9 USA

(* B P)

The Cost of Empire

Americans must challenge Trump's policies in North Korea and Yemen that stem from imperial priorities.

When our government threatens whole nations with annihilation, or participates in massive cruelty and collective punishment in far-away places, it is important to at least try to understand why this happens. While these crimes are illegal (even Trump's threats against North Korea are prohibited by the U.N. charter) and nothing could justify them, our political leaders and policy analysts nonetheless fill the mass media with rationales that often win at least tacit support from many people who should know better.

The same imperial priorities that prevent a negotiated solution with North Korea appear to be a major reason for U.S. participation in the war and atrocities in Yemen. In this case it is part of Washington's strategic alliance with the Saudi dictatorship, which has recently been subjected to increasing criticism for its support for terrorist groups, including ISIS.

Trump has contributed to this mass awakening by personally embodying and spewing out so many of the hateful wrongs that need to be righted. No need to thank him for that – he has made the world a more dangerous place – but we must seize the moment – by Mark Weisbrod

(* A P)

Lawmakers Demand U.S. Withdrawal From Saudi-led War in Yemen

Bipartisan bill proposes halting military assistance to air war in Yemen unless Congress votes on U.S. role.


(* A P)

House Bill Would End U.S. Role in War on Yemen

Four House members are sponsoring a bill that would end U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

The U.S. role in supporting the war should receive much more scrutiny than it has, and this bill provides members of Congress with the opportunity to debate the indefensible policy that has implicated the U.S. in the crimes of the Saudis and their allies.


(A P)


(A P)

The Awkward Moment When The State Department "Celebrates" Saudi Women Being Allowed To Drive

Well that was awkward: the State Department's celebration party was over fast. It's like those embarrassing moments when parents catch themselves excessively gushing with praise over a horribly ill-behaved and out of control child that actually manages to sit still for a brief moment, or happens to do one minuscule task correctly.

Remark: Look at cp8.

(* A P)

Vorbild statt Interventionismus
Bernie Sanders fordert zu einer neuen Außenpolitik auf
Letzte Woche hielt Senator Bernie Sanders, der Herausforderer Hillary Clintons in den letzten Präsidentschaftsvorwahlen der Demokratischen Partei.

Sanders‘ Rede (die der Zeitschrift The Nation nach eine seiner besten überhaupt war), richtete sich oberflächlich betrachtet gegen die Außenpolitik des amtierenden republikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump – das „eigentliche Ziel“ waren der Washington Post nach aber die Demokraten, denen der lange unabhängige Senator nur wenig indirekt zu einer Abkehr vom Interventionismus riet, dem das Establishment der Partei spätestens seit dem Kosovokrieg folgt.

Remark: English reporting: YPR 344.

(* B P)

Did Saudi Arabia Pay A PR Firm $1 Million For 55 Tweets?

Saudi Arabia’s long-standing public relations campaign in the U.S. has sought to oppose the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, paint neighboring Qatar as a funder of terrorism, and generally portray the kingdom in as positive a light as possible. One such effort by the Saudi Embassy is the website Arabia Now, which highlights Saudi Arabia’s efforts in counter-terrorism, women’s empowerment, innovation and green technology. An International Business Times review of filings with the Departments of Justice shows that D.C. communications consulting firm Targeted Victory was paid over $1 million to write 55 tweets and create advertising campaigns on behalf of Arabia Now’s associated Twitter account.

(* B K P)

The Saudis--our friends and partners in war crime

The Obama and Trump administrations have accepted Saudi claims that Iran is a major arms supplier for the Houthis. However, as award-winning investigative journalist Gareth Porter points out , the Houthis received Iranian guided missiles only after the Saudis began their bombing campaign, "to allow the Houthis to have some means of retaliation."

Given the Trump administration's mounting hostility to Iran, there seems to be no end in sight for the proxy war in Yemen.

The Saudi-American alliance is bizarre. Saudi Arabia vies with North Korea as one of the worst countries in the world--the antithesis of the values and ideals we claim to hold. It is a theocratic police state with no separation between government and the extreme Wahhabist version of Islam it imposes on its citizens. =

Comment: This compares with the holocaust. With deaths from starvation and cholera approaching and most Yemenis trapped in an open prison, dispossessed of their right to work, dispossessed of their assets by destruction with bombs, dispossessed of their land in Soqatra, it is a nightmare that few in the world can imagine. And courageous Yemenis carry on, managing somehow.

(A P)

Film: ICYMI, I took to the House floor to speak about how U.S-fueled airstrikes in Yemen are contributing to the humanitarian crisis – byRep. Ro Khanna

(A P)

State Dept: American Citizen May Have Gone Missing In Yemen

The State Department official says the U.S. urges all Americans living in Yemen to leave as soon as they safely can.

Remark: More at “At first”.

(* A P)

US Congress Can Help Curb Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

Coalition’s Empty Promises Should Prompt Suspension of Arms Sales

This week, the US Congress has a chance to change the course of the conflict.

Congress should make clear the US is no longer willing to be complicit in Saudi war crimes.

Comment: Another HRW story. The truth is that Amnesty and HRW have been active inside Yemen and not biased to one side, but their accounts are not taken as seriously as in Syria where they openly seem to follow the line of world powers. That says something about human rights organisations as well as the insidious power of USA and its Western allies. Sadly.

(* A P)

OPINION: Trump veers off course into misguided confrontation with Iran

From U.S. President Donald Trump vowing impending annihilation for North Korea and its “Rocket Man,” to Iran’s military recently threatening Israel with Armageddon if it makes the “tiniest mistake,” the harshness of the rhetoric is getting positively biblical.

Regarding President Trump’s speech at the UN, much of the media focus has been on his threat to North Korea. Somewhat overlooked in the mix was America’s increased belligerence toward the much stronger and more influential nation of Iran.

Trump’s remarks echoed a David-Frum-esque “Axis of Evil” message through the halls of world diplomacy and even hinted at walking away from the Iran nuclear deal.

(* A P)

US-Regierung verkündet Einreisesperren für sieben Länder

Reisende aus dem Tschad, dem Iran, aus Nordkorea, Syrien, Venezuela und dem Jemen dürfen künftig nicht mehr oder zumindest deutlich restriktiver in die USA einreisen und siehe auch

(* A P)

New Trump travel ban targets Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen

The Department of Homeland Security had recommended the president sign off on new, more targeted restrictions on foreign nationals from countries it says refuse to share information with the U.S. or haven’t taken necessary security precautions.

(* A P)

The travel ban is back. It’s permanent. It hits a number of America’s counterterror partners. And its rationale is—at least partially—an official secret.

(* A P)

Can We Stop Calling It a 'Muslim Ban' Now?

The list of restricted nations never included some of the largest Muslim countries. Now it includes North Korea and Venezuela.

(* A P)

Sudan getting dropped from the travel ban comes as the UAE has been lobbying hard for them in DC in exchange for mercenary support in Yemen

(A P)

Trump can’t explain why he removed Sudan from his travel ban

A word salad for the ages.

“Well, the people — yeah, the people allowed — certain countries — but we can add countries very easily and we can take countries away,” Trump said.

(* A P)

The countries added to Trump’s immigration ban don’t have very much terrorism

The new policy prompted at least one generally agreed-upon reaction: Why those countries?

Chad, North Korea and Venezuela are ranked 93rd, 195th and 56th respectively.

Looking at the cumulative number of incidents since 1970, Iraq is still in the lead. Chad, North Korea and Venezuela are ranked 93rd, 195th and 56th respectively.

That the administration added countries to the list that aren’t predominantly Muslim is probably intentional, given how often Trump’s comments about a Muslim ban were used to reject the proposal in court. The New York Times’s Maggie Haberman reported that the White House thinks the new list helps them avoid that perception. and read also

(* B K P)

How Obama’s Drones Rulebook Enabled Trump

In Trump’s New Drone Strike Policy: What’s Any Different? Why It Matters,Luke Hartigastutely flags some – but not all – of the key dangers in the Trump administration’s reported plan to rescind many, if not most, rules for US lethal operations against terrorism suspects outside conventional warzones. What Hartig largely ignores is how flaws in the existing targeted killing policy, crafted under President Barack Obama, helped pave the way for President Donald Trump to kill more civilians.

(* A K P)

Trump Looking To Expand Drone Strikes ‘Outside Conventional Warzones’

Rights group outraged as reports say president considering policy changes to expand CIA authority on attacks and raids.

US PresidentDonald Trump is seeking to loosen some Obama-era limits on drone attacks and ground raids outside conventional warzones US media reports have said.

The New York Times, citing unnamed officials, reported on Thursday that Trump’s top national security advisers have proposed relaxing two rules from the administration of Barack Obama, the former US president.

(* A P)

‘Blank Check to Kill With Impunity': Trump to Quietly Scrap Drone Restrictions

Human rights groups argue the move could led to an upsurge in civilian casualties, which are already soaring under Trump

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Corbyn slams Saudi war in Yemen, Israeli oppression

Labour leader makes the remarks while addressing the UK opposition party's conference in Brighton.

Britain's opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to pursue a foreign policy that will not fuel conflicts but solve them if elected, while criticising Saudi Arabia for its "cruel" war in Yemen and urging Myanmar to end the violence against the Rohingya.

(* A K P)

Stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia, now

Campaign Against Arms Trade is taking legal action against the UK Government to stop the arms sales.

But we need your support to increase the pressure on the government to act. Please sign the petition:

Comment: I am heartbroken at the total destruction of lives that is happening in Yemen. So few people in the western side of the country have escaped from advancing poverty. Even people who previously had property, businesses, education, now find they are reduced to struggling to find necessities of life. Some join militias or the army just so that they can feed their families, although they hate war. This happens only because the West is supporting an autocratic (and some say despotic) monarchy to act with impunity in the destruction of Yemen, and tell lies and twist facts in order to be able to continue to deceive their own populations about what they are dong. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION.

(A E P)

Britain's Biggest Exporter Of Arms To Saudi Arabia Is Advertising At The Labour Conference

An agency that placed a BAE Systems video in the conference centre foyer told BuzzFeed News that all advertisements had been signed off by the Labour party.

A video advertisement for BAE Systems, the British defence and aerospace giant, which sells billions of pounds worth of high-tech weapons to Saudi Arabia, has been displayed on a loop for at least three days.

The presence of the advertisement surprised anti-arms campaigners, given Jeremy Corbyn's outspoken opposition to the sale of weapons to foreign countries. In Labour's campaign manifesto, the party promised to immediately suspend arms sales by UK companies to Saudi Arabia that might be used in the conflict in Yemen.

(* A P)

Labour slams UK ‘hypocrisy’ with Saudi, Bahrain

UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s “utter silence” in the face of human rights abuses by countries like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain illustrates her “hypocrisy,” says a Labour Member of Parliament.
Speaking at Labour Party’s national conference in Brighton, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry criticized the ruling Conservative government for turning a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s deadly war against Yemen, and selling Riyadh new weapons that would be used against Yemeni civilians. and

(* A K P)

British officials harbour doubts about Saudi-led investigations into alleged war crimes in Yemen

Internal emails obtained by MEMO show that British diplomats appear to be nervous about the quality of the investigation being carried out by the Saudi-led coalition into alleged war crimes by its forces in Yemen. The news comes as NGOs claim that Britain is set to obstruct an attempt to launch an independent investigation this Thursday at the UN about the allegations.

(* A P)

'Trump’s secret Yemen war': UK role in US counter-terrorism causes unease

As new figures point to doubling of covert US airstrikes in Yemen, MPs and human rights groups voice concerns over British involvement

The rise, combined with Trump’s rollback of Obama-era safeguards, has sparked renewed concern from MPs and human rights groups over the UK’s role in US counter-terrorism operations, in Yemen and other countries with which Britain is not at war.

Comment: Our role in this disgusting war is shocking and embarrassing to those of us who care for Yemen and Yemeni people.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B P)

Fluchtursachen schaffen: Jemen

Was veranlasst deutsche Interessen, das – bisher – kaum öffentlich zu beachten?

(* B K P)

„Deutsche Waffen, deutsches Geld, morden mit in aller Welt“

Die Verantwortung Deutschlands für die Toten weltweit.

Oft denke ich, wir müssten die jetzt gerade so leidenden und verzweifelten Menschen im Jemen da rausholen, evakuieren. Jene, denen wir fast voyeuristisch beim Sterben zusehen. WAS TUN WIR?

Es ist eine Tatsache, keine bloße Meinung: Wir schicken die Waffen zum Beispiel nach Saudi-Arabien, mit denen dann die jemenitische Zivilbevölkerung ermordet wird. Wir wissen doch Bescheid! – von Marianne Bäumler

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A D)

VP, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince launch AED 500 mn Mars Science City at UAE Government Annual Meetings

The AED 500 million-City will cover 1.9 million square feet, making it the largest space stimulation city ever built and will provide a viable and realistic model to simulate living on the surface of Mars.

(* B E P)

Qatar: Take Urgent Action to Protect Construction Workers

Qatari authorities should adopt and enforce adequate restrictions on outdoor work to protect the lives of migrant construction workers who are at risk from working in the country’s intense heat and humidity, Human Rights Watch said today. and report from Iran

(* B K P)

Libyan rights groups accuse UAE of war crimes

Groups say hundreds of civilians killed in air strikes by UAE and forces loyal to a UAE-allied renegade general.

Human rights groups in Libya have accused the United Arab Emirates of committing war crimes in the country, including killing hundreds of civilians.

The rights groups said on Tuesday that the UAE committed these crimes through direct air strikes on Libya and by the renegade general Khalifa Haftar.

The findings of alleged crimes were presented on Tuesday at a conference for human rights on the sidelines of a Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

My comment: I did not know that… What the hell the UAE has to do in Libya?? All this sounds very much the same as in Yemen…

(A P)

N.Y.U. in Abu Dhabi: A Sectarian Bargain

Emirati officials did not give N.Y.U. a reason for denying my application. They rarely do. It is usually easy for American citizens to get a work visa for the U.A.E.

Why was I denied?

I am also a Shiite Muslim born in Lebanon.

(A P)

Bahraini Rights Critic Imprisoned for Yemen Tweets

While Saudi Arabia Fights Yemen War Crimes Investigation

in Bahrain –Saudi Arabia’s neighbor and part of the coalition bombing Yemen – a court on Wednesday postponed the trial of the country’s preeminent human rights defender, Nabeel Rajab. This was at least the 16th delay. Rajab has been in jail since June 2016 and faces up to 18 years in prisonfor speech crimes, in his case tweets and media comments critical of his government.


(A P)

Bahrain: Nabeel Rajab’s Trial for Tweeting on Yemen Postponed Again

(A P)

Bahraini Forces Continue Purging Diraz of Ashura Displays

Manama has tightened the siege on the village where the country’s highest religious authority, Sheikh Isa Qassim, remains under house arrest.

(A P)

RSAF @SaudiHawks88 aircrafts draw the Kingdom's national emblem, a palm tree with crossed swords, at #Malta Airshow (photos)

RSAF @SaudiHawks88 team display at #Malta Airshow (photos)

My comment: Europe giving a stage for killers.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Boycott of Qatar will last 'as long as it takes,' says Bahrain's foreign minister, but there may be legal action in the works

"It's up to Doha... we have nothing to lose." Bahrain is watching "rogue power" Iran closely too: "We're ready to counter any subversive activity."

Remark: By Emirati media.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe cp1 / Look at cp1

(A K P)

6-ship of #Saudi Air Force F-15SA have departed today from St. Louis on delivery to the Kingdom (photo)

That makes the total of F-15SAs delivered to #RSAF 24 aircrafts (over the past 10 months), 22 of which are new-builds & 2 are rebuilds.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K)

412 Sudanese soldiers killed in Yemen, official confirms

A Sudanese army official confirms the death of 412 soldiers fighting in Yemen, Sputnik Arabic has reported.

Lieutenant General Mohammed Hamdan Hamidati confirmed the deaths and source: (in translation:

and what pro-Hadi propaganda makes of it:

(A P)

Sudanese official: 13 soldiers killed in war of Yemen

My comment: The other 399 seem to have been killed by a meteor or a virus??

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Hadi government Central Bank begins salary payments in Taiz after governor resigns [2]


(A P)

Taiz governor appointed by Hadi announced his resignation because of disagreement over salaries

The governor of the province of Taiz Ali Al-moamari that appointed by Hadi on Tuesday resigned from office because of the “intransigence” of the Central Bank of Aden in the payment of salaries of its employees.


(A E P)

Yemeni Government Solves Salary Issue in Taiz

The Yemeni government has succeeded in solving the problem of unpaid salaries of Taiz civil servants and the Ministry of Finance confirmed that the payrolls will be sent out on Wednesday.

Deputy Finance Minister Mansour al-Butani stated that the workers in the public sector in Taiz would receive their paychecks after all procedures had been executed.

My comment: As the Hadi government tells. Wait and see. What about the rest of the country?

(A E P)

Hadi Accuses Coup Militias of Taking Over 70% of Yemeni Revenue

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi said coup militias control about 70 percent of the war-torn country’s national income resources, such as taxes and revenues of companies and public factories and yet demand the government to pay salaries of state employees in the provinces under their control.

My comment: The Houthis control more than 70 % of the population – but Hadi’s separatist new Central Bank has been internationally recognized and thus controls the currency. – Well, that is what is needed for paying salaries, and it all goes to Hadi’s new Central Bank:

(A E P)

Russia sends Yemeni bank notes to south Yemen

Russia is creating Yemeni bank notes, RT Arabic reported yesterday, to pay the salaries of officials in the country.

The bank notes were printed in Moscow, dispatched yesterday and are heading for Aden International Airport.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#alQaeda #Yemen claims it ambushed Houthi vehicle in al-Tayyab, al-Bayda' =1st al-Bayda' op in 11 days. Most #AQAP ops currently in Abyan

(A T)

Emirati-backed al Hizam forces raid AQAP safehouse in Lawder district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen [3]

(A T)

Leading al-Qaida member killed during anti-terror operation in S. Yemen

A leading al-Qaida militant was killed during an anti-terror military operation by Yemen's armed forces in the southern province of Lahj on Wednesday, a security official told Xinhua.

Newly-recruited troops backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) raided the house of Ahmed Abdul-Nabi, a leading member of the Yemen-based al-Qaida branch, in a surprise operation, the local security source said on condition of anonymity.

(A T)

#AQAP #Yemen releases sermon18 in Batarfi series (photo)

(A T)

Emirati-backed forces raid AQAP strongholds in southern Yemen[3]

(A T)

Reported U.S. airstrike targets AQAP militants in al Bayda governorate, central Yemen [4]

(A T)

Suspected AQAP militants attack security forces in Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen[5]

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi Human Rights Delegation Chief: Houthis Violated International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights

Saudi Arabia confirmed on Thursday that operations led by the Arab coalition in Yemen began in 2015 upon the request of its legitimate government when it faced an illicit armed coup obstructing the process of peaceful political transition, said the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).#

In his speech before the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Fahd bin Obaidullah Al-Mutairi, Head of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Department at the Saudi delegation to the United Nations, stressed that the coalition’s operations aim at restoring the legitimate government in Yemen internationally recognized by the Security Council through resolution no. 2216.

My comment: LOL. It’s Saudi Arabia who tries to block an international independent investigation on Yemen – what do you think why? – And the Houthis’ targeting of Saudi territory just began 10 weeks AFTER the Saudi aerial war on Yemen.(A P)

Women driving license a victory for Saudi society

The government intervened during the era of King Saud to ensure girls’ right to education and the day finally arrived when King Salman lifted the driving ban. The decision marked a victory for women and thus put this phase behind us. We can now devote ourselves to what is more important.

My comment: if the government takes a U-turn, media follow.

(A P)

Hadi: We are about to Regain the Three Authorities

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi said that the legitimate power was about to restore the state’s three main authorities.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Hadi noted that since his arrival in Aden, he has sought to activate and protect the constitutional institutions, mainly the presidency, “and then we worked to restore the government.”

My comment: LOL. He not even controls his own capital city.

(A P)

Scrapping the ban on women driving shows Mohammed bin Salman is something new

The young Saudi Crown Prince's PR coup proves political calculation in the country has changed

Comment: A PR distraction two days before UN vote on Saudi atrocities in Yemen. – Look at cp8.

(A P)

Houthis Honor Coup Anniversary, Overlook National ‘September 26 Revolution’

Insurgency militias in Yemen overlooked celebrations commemorating the 55th anniversary of the ‘September 26 Revolution,’ which laid the foundations to the unified Yemen.

Remark: Look at and and

(A P)

Iranian commander killed in Saadah

My comment: No more information about this “Iranian commander” is given. Did they take his passport? This sounds like propaganda.

(A P)

Yemen official: 55% of health facilities bombed, looted by rebels

Houthi militias and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh have destroyed and looted more than 55 percent of health facilities in Yemen since September 2014, a Yemeni official said on Tuesday.

My comment: These 55 % were destroyed in the war – the greatest part by Saudi coalition air raids. And Saudi propaganda wants to ascribe this to the Houthis.

(A P)

Hadi Accuses Putschists of Misappropriating Yemen’s Authentic Revolution

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi accused coupists of not only overturning against the outcomes of national dialogue, but also of expropriating sovereign resources and advocating tyranny.

“The coup process not only overturned the national consensus represented by the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, eliminated a healthy political environment and threatened the democratic margin, but also went so far as to confiscate the first Yemeni revolution–the republic system instated– and worked on replacing it by theocracy, tyranny and enslavement,” said Hadi.

My comment: LOL. That’s great: Objecting to others they would work to install “theocracy, tyranny and enslavement,” when he himself is a Saudi puppet.

(A P)

Yemeni Authorities Say Houthi, Saleh Dodge Serious Efforts for Brokering Peace

The Yemeni government on Monday accused Iran-backed Houthis group and other coup allies backing ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh of dodging and wasting time during previous consultations aimed at resolving the escalating crisis ravaging the country.

Accusations were reiterated at a Geneva seminar held by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmalik Al-Makhlafi.

(A P)

Yemeni government: 11,700 people killed, 27 thousand injured due to Houthis war

The Yemeni Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar said on Monday that the war launched by the Houthis-Salih forces have resulted in the killing of 11,746 people, including 695 women and 1239 children, and the injuring of 28,392, including 3999 women and 3,601 children.

My comment: These figures come very close to the official figures of all civilian victims of the war. And even the UN’s conservative estimate ascribes 60 % of them to Saudi coalition air raids. And the hadi government ascribes them to “the war launched by the Houthis-Salih forces. Whow!!!

(A P)

Investigation committee registers 17000 human rights violations

The National Committee for Investigation Claims of Human Rights Violations has revealed it registered 1 7,000 violations which fall into 20 different categories of abuses across Yemen.

My comment: This is a Hadi government propaganda body and event.

(A P)

Yemeni Insurgents Accused of Raising Prices of Liquefied Gas

The manipulation of liquefied natural gas prices by Houthi rebels has led to a drastic rise in the prices of gas canisters, 60 percent of which are sent to areas under insurgent control.

This has led the prices to rise more than 400 percent from 1,200 Yemeni riyals ($4.8) to 5,000 riyals ($20).

My comment: That’s because the supply from the Hadi government’s part of Yemen had been stopped.

(A P)

Tawakkol Karman, un ejemplo de lucha en yemen

La premio Nobel de la Paz pronunciará una conferencia el día 28 en la Casa Encendida sobre la libertad de expresión y los derechos humanos en su país

(A P)

Yemen war: Standoff over Hodeidah port hampering aid efforts

A plan to hand over the Houthi-held port to neutral oversight has been blocked by the alliance between the Shiite rebels and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemeni president Abdrabu Mansur Hadi said

Efforts to relieve the hunger and disease blighting Yemen are being hampered by a standoff over opening new ports as an alternative to Hodeidah, which is controlled by the Houthi rebels, the UN General Assembly gathering has heard.

My comment: Just stop war and blockade instead of making propaganda.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 24 Sep – 27 Sep 2017

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K PH)

Breaking-Yemen: US-backed Saudi war criminals bombed a popular market in Hajja & killing&injuring civilians shopping.

(A K PH)

Two citizens injured in Saudi air strike on Hodeida

(* A K PH)

Jemen: 255 Luftangriffe durch Saudi-Arabien in nur 3 Tagen

More Saudi air raids reported:

Sept. 28:

Sept. 27:

Sept. 25:

(A K PH)

Film: The scenes documented here show a number of families after coalition aircraft bombed their houses and properties in the Salou district of the Yemeni province of Taiz.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)

Saudi troops shelled Shada district in Sa’ada, killing and injuring dozens of people

(B K)

The Statistics of the Ballistic Missiles that Hit the King Khaled Air Base in Asir

Remark: As claimed by the Houthi / Saleh side.

(A P)

A Fresh War Crime Committed by Saudi-Paid fighters Leaves a Child Killed in Taiz

On Monday evening, a child was killed by a rocket fired by the Saudi-paid soldiers on a civilian’s house in the district of Saper al-Moadem.

(* B K)

Taiz torment: No surgeon for Yemeni children wounded by rebel shells

'I will never forget the sound of those children crying and their mothers screaming in desperation,' says father of girl hit by Houthi shells

"Houthi shelling and landmines kill children, and the pro-Hadi government does nothing to help the victims. Both are guilty of killing Taiz children,” said Sohaibi

(A K PH)

Film: The aggression targeted the highway between the directorates of Saada 24-09-2017

Seven raids targeted the bridges on the road adjacent to many populated villages along the main road linking the directorates of Mzaz, Baqam, Qatabir and Munba, north of Saada province =

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* D )

Poetic Justice?

New groups are co-opting Yemen's poetic tradition to strengthen their political messaging.

Poetry’s political legitimacy stems mainly from its traditional use in tribal mediation—a long history in the territory now known as modern Yemen. Especially now in the face of civil conflict, the country suffers from a corrupt and unreliable justice system, which has caused the population to rely increasingly on these local mediation processes. Verse used in them is linked to the political in Yemeni daily life: many see the judicial and political systems in Yemeni tribal territories as intertwined. Due to Yemen’s long poetic tradition, certain types and uses of poetry have been established as inherently Yemeni.

As Yemen’s civil war drags on and the fault lines between government forces and the Houthi rebels (among many other groups with political aims) deepen each day, poetry becomes a stronger tool for groups vying for authority in the eyes of the population. and excerpt:

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-344 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-344: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Photos of Saudi coalition air raids at Hajjah and Saada provinces, Sept. 18-22:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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