Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 365 - Yemen War Mosaic 365

Yemen Press Reader 365: Huthis verfolgen Gegner: Verhaftungen und Morde; Verschlimmerung der Lage erwartet / Houthis pursuing their enemies, detaining and killing; situation expected to worsen

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten: Blockade / Most important: Blockade

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Nach Salehs Tod / Most important: After Saleh’s death

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensverhansdlungen / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp14 terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

(* A P)

#Houthis attacked the women’s peaceful demo & arrested 50 of them. “we still don’t know their whereabouts.” said the activist. referring to

(A P)

#Houthi militias are searching citizens' telephones in the streets and arrested some of them after reading contents. Yemenis are frightened and unable to leave their homes in fear of running into militias.


(A P)

#Houthi’s raided my cousin’s-friend’s house and took his phone to check his messages. They found that he was sending messages exposing houthi’s brutality and violence, guess what happened? They shoot him in his house. He died. #Yemen #Sanaa

Das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Die Huthis haben in Sanaa eine Verhaftungswelle gegen Anhänger von Saleh, Mitglieder seiner GPC-Partei und andere vermeintliche Gegner begonnen. Dabei wurde auch eine unbekannte Zahl von Menschen ermordet. Mehr in cp5

This just is the tip of the iceberg. In a large scale, the Houthis are committing detainments of Saleh supporters, members of his GPC party and other supposed foes. An unknown lot of people got murdered. More at cp5.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(*** B H K P)

Americans are morally responsible for America’s war on Yemen – a series on Yemen, part 1, 2, 3

Despite over two and a half years of war, the average American seems oblivious to the United States’ role in fueling the conflict in Yemen.

While the root of the conflict traces Yemen’s own ‘Arab Spring’ moment, the current humanitarian crisis is a direct result of the Saudi intervention in Yemen, which began in March 2015.

But has the American public also ignored its government’s involvement in Yemen’s destruction? Or do we simply not know about a war that is being carried out in our name?

US citizens can no longer stand by and watch as Yemeni children die of curable diseases like cholera.

Still, we must repudiate our government’s role in Yemen. If we do not act now, the moral consequences may be damning. We must urge our political leaders to stop supporting the Saudi-led coalition. We have a moral and legal obligation to extricate ourselves from aiding an ally that has continued to commit what may amount to several ongoing war crimes in Yemen.

“All those with influence over the Saudi-led coalition are complicit in Yemen’s suffering unless they do all they can to push them to lift the blockade.”

And of course the most innocent citizens, young children, are paying with their lives.

Oxfam’s Country Director in Yemen, Shane Stevenson, said, “The people of Yemen are already being starved to submission – unless the blockade is lifted quickly they will have their clean water taken away too.” For millions of Yemenis, it is already too late.

It is time for the international community to present a united challenge to Saudi Arabia’s disastrous campaign in Yemen. Americans have the most important role to play. We must speak out against the war and demand an end to our government’s involvement. Let us work together to end a famine we helped create.

the international community continues to watch in horror, its reaction anemic, its response stunted.

It is of the utmost importance now, if only in spirit, to confront the individuals and institutions responsible for the pain felt by the millions who have done nothing wrong.

The initial belligerents in the civil war were indigenous Yemenis.

But to lay the blame solely at the Houthis’ feet is at best disingenuous and at worst a miscarriage of justice. After their initial expansion, current Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman, who at the time was a newly-appointed Defense Minister, designated the Houthis an existential threat to Saudi Arabia. Bin Salman called on his allies, and his allies responded. Almost immediately bombs rained down on Yemen, and an inhumane blockade turned the country into a cage. Bin Salman insisted and continues to insist that the Houthis are an Iranian-backed Shi’i insurgency piercing through the heartlands of Arabia, and that their goal is to ultimately conquer the Middle East. But what the prince seems to overlook is the sheer inhumanity of what he believes that justifies.

Backing bin Salman, and supporting him through nearly three years of senseless violence, was the United States government. Even before the 2016 election the US government sided univocally with the Saudi government during its intervention in Yemen. This should not be surprising – the US tradition of imperialism is well-documented and even celebrated. What is disturbing, and what should be pointed out regularly and emphatically, is the profound hypocrisy of academics and liberals living in the United States who have overlooked the atrocities in Yemen for one indefensible reason or another.

Should the many conflicts in the Middle East ever end, and should peace ever return to the region for however short a period of time, it would be a final cruelty for the world to forget what happened in Yemen – by Shireen Al-Adeimi

(** B K P)

On Saleh’s death and the worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen

A conversation with Yemeni journalist Afrah Nasser

Mada Masr spoke to Yemeni journalist Afrah Nasser about Saleh’s death, the deteriorating humanitarian situation, and the dynamics of living outside Yemen and speaking and writing about what is happening there.

I’m very worried about how the Saudis will scale up their military operation. Right now the Houthis are targeting every presidential building Saleh used to have, because they want to take control of all institutions. I am expecting a major military operation to hit the whole of the north of Yemen, not just Sanaa. This is a new chapter, more bloody than what has already come. I mean, if the war has killed 10,000 people already, this will multiply that number in the coming, not only weeks, but days, hours.

Maybe the Saudis will try to invest in Saleh’s son, Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh. I mean, even the name will garner sympathy on the ground in Yemen. The Houthis have force, but they don’t have popularity among many people in Yemen. And this will be the defining clash, if they win through military force. We will see, nobody knows.

The next round totally depends on how Yemenis react — the politicians, President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, it’s really up to all of these actors in the south, whether state or non-state, and how they respond. The Saudis, the Emiratis, they can only give them the tools, but it’s up to them how they orchestrate a response against the Houthis. It will be a darker scenario. Who will lead the country? Now Saleh is gone, the state is gone, nobody is ruling.

(** B K P)

Yemen: a Western-sponsored Genocide

Almost three years have passed since Saudi Arabia announced it was intervening militarily, with its allies, in Yemen, to remove the Houthis (officially called Ansar Allah) from power after they had taken over the capital. Western analysts saw it as a bold move from recently-empowered (deputy) crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS), weapons manufacturers and their political representatives were delighted. But what had been predicted as a swift military operation has turned into a humiliating stalemate. Unable to impose its will by force, Saudi Arabia and its bold prince have resorted to war crimes and collective punishment, imposing a humanitarian catastrophe on the Yemeni people.

The lack of media interest makes it seem like a crisis unfolding in slow motion. But that is only because outrage and compassion are now meant to be weaponised when they can be useful in justifying imperialist interventions. For the Yemeni people the agony is real and there is no escaping it – by Ricardo Vaz = = =

My comment: A good overview, backgrounder.

(** B H K)

What it’s like to give birth in a war zone

As the war in Yemen intensifies and the world’s largest humanitarian crisis takes hold, SBS News meets one mother watching her country fall apart.

in UN Human Rights Council and Security Council sessions, the US and the UK, among others, have shielded Saudi Arabia from diplomatic pressure and criticism.

For their part, many Yemenis are also frustrated that the conflict remains only sporadically covered by Western media. Maali, watching from Jordan with her young son, says the lack of attention and action is painful.

“Not everybody’s going to care about Yemen,” she says.

“But it would be great to see more people speaking out about the atrocities that are happening and to help stop the carnage.”

[Overview on the Yemen situation, speaking with a Yemeni mother; with film, photos]

(** B H K P)

Yemen: Coalition Blockade Imperils Civilians

UN Should Sanction Senior Saudi Leaders

The Saudi-led coalition’s broad restrictions on aid and essential goods to Yemen’s civilian population are worsening the country’s humanitarian catastrophe, Human Rights Watch said today. Unless the coalition immediately stops blocking aid and commercial goods from reaching civilians in Houthi-controlled territory, the United Nations Security Council should impose travel bans and asset freezes on senior coalition leaders, including the Saudi crown prince and defense minister, Mohammed bin Salman.

The coalition has imposed a naval and air blockade on Yemen since the current conflict began in March 2015 that has severely restricted the flow of food, fuel, and medicine to civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law.

Individuals who willfully commit serious violations of international humanitarian law may be prosecuted for war crimes. This would include deliberately using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival and by impeding humanitarian aid.

(** B P)

What is next for Yemen's Houthis?

With Saleh out of the picture, the Houthis are "feeling favoured as the sole game player" in Sanaa, said Osamah al-Rawhani from the think tank Sanaa Center.

"The question is who they will make a partnership with," Rawhani told Al Jazeera.

The Houthis don't have any other political powers they can start an alliance with except for the tribes, he continued, who have always had shifting positions depending on where their interests lie.

"During the past three years the Houthis have built their own alliances," he said. "Some tribesmen have rebelled against their own people and allied with the Houthis."

Kinninmont said that a new alliance between the Houthis and Saleh loyalists is "absolutely possible" but at the same time, one of the biggest uncertainties.

(** B K P)

Is Saudi Arabia Destroying Yemen to Plunder It?

As Yemen enters a new era with the killing of longtime ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, professor and author Isa Blumi says financial motives help drive the Saudi-led war

our reaction first to how it happened that Saleh, who was allied with the Houthis pretty much since this conflict began, was killed by them? What happened here?

You just suggested that a reason Saudi Arabia launched the war in Yemen to begin with is because they were losing money on the low price of oil. How would attacking Yemen help them financially?

let me put to you the question posed by the subtitle of your book, Destroying Yemen: What Chaos in Arabia Tells Us About the World. What does the chaos in Yemen right now tell us about the world we're in, and where do you think the Yemeni conflict is going?

(** B P)

Muhammad bin Kushner, Jared bin Salman, Daffy Duck & Co

The same is with the two rich daddy's boys - Jared Kushner and Mohammed bin Salman - who are now so intertwined we get their names mixed up as they are committing war crimes in Yemen, throwing the Palestinian cause under the bus, reforming Islam Israeli-style, causingmayhem in Lebanon, and hope to begin bombing Iran and to invade with the last American soldier their petrodollars and AIPAC lobby can buy.
In this simile, we also have a loudmouth Yosemite Sam, to be sure, whose name is Thomas Friedman.

Imagine the intellectual bankruptcy, try to fathom the moral depravity, of considering what Mohammad bin Salman and Jared Kushner are doing in Saudi Arabia and beyond an "Arab Spring!"

Why would any self-respecting human being consider a palace coup in the Saudi royal family, led by a Zionist Arab prince, the highest achievement of the Arab Spring?

Mohammad bin Salman, Jared Kushner, Thomas Friedman, Saad Hariri, Donald Trump, Daffy Duck and company and all their nefarious machinations are now integral to a bad cartoon show we are forced to watch – by Hamid Dabash

(** B P)

Tom Friedman’s Paean to a Saudi Tyrant Ignites NYT Commets-Storm

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Nach Salehs Tod / Most important: After Saleh’s death

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A B K P)

Weiter Chaos und Tote im Jemen

Sanaas Einwohner erlebten Tage und Nächte des Horrors. Stundenlang bombardierten saudische Kampfflugzeuge die jemenitische Hauptstadt.

In den Straßen lieferten sich Bewaffnete heftige Gefechte.

„Nach ihrem Versuch, den Houthis den Teppich unter den Füßen wegzuziehen, müssen die Saudis nun entscheiden, ob sie verhandeln wollen in einem Klima von null Vertrauen, oder ob sie mit ihrer bisher weitgehend erfolglosen Militärkampagne weitermachen wollen“, schrieb Jemen-Experte Peter Salisbury.

Saudi-Arabiens Regierung dagegen äußerte die Hoffnung, das jemenitische Volk werde sich nun gegen die „terroristischen Houthi-Milizen“ erheben und ihre Heimat befreien.

(A P)

Reform [Islah] party official calls GPC members to rally behind government

(A P)

GPC party mourns death of its Secretary General Azooka

After their main leader the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the General People's Congress (GPC) mourned on Monday the party's secretary general who was killed together with Saleh by militants of the Houthi rebel militia.

(A P)

GPC leader blames Saleh's assassination on Iranian intelligence

Yaser al-Yamani said "the fingerprints of the Iranian intelligence in the assassination attempt," he said metaphorically.

My comment: For what happened to Saleh (whatever is the real story of how he was killed) no Iranian intelligence was needed at all. Conspiration theory.

(* A P)

1-#Yemen #Houthis officially announced confiscation of #Saleh money and properties. They said in a statement on Saba news agency they found an amount of money , gold and silver in the house of Saleh which would be transferred to central bank in Sana'a.

2-#Houthis said they are looking for any other money or belongings of #Saleh to confiscate, warning of holding those involved in hiding them accountable. They called for collaborating in returning " looted money " abroad to the central bank in Sana'a.

General People's Congress party of #Saleh vowed in its first statement aired via Yemen Today TV, which resumed broadcast tonight from #Cairo, to fight to hold guns & fight against #Houthis.

(* B K P)

In Yemen, Iran outsmarts Saudi Arabia again

The Saudis apparently had no plan to assist Saleh. After months of conspiracy, when the moment arrived the Saudis were powerless to help the Saleh loyalists. The message will not be lost on other potential dissidents. The bankruptcy of Saudi planning is breathtaking. Now the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is intensifying its bombing of Sanaa and the carnage is getting worse.

The Iranians are crowing about Saleh’s demise. They provide some assistance to the Yemeni rebels, but they are spending only a few million dollars a year on the war. Hezbollah also assists the Houthis, but its backing is also cheap. In contrast, the war costs Saudi Arabia at least $5-6 billion a month. It remains to be seen if the demise of the Saleh conspiracy will produce some new thinking in the royal palace – by Bruce Riedel

Comment by Marc Springer: Completely over plays Iran’s role. Speculation on Hizb’Allah and Iranian missile help, no real evidence, intelligence or proof on these claims. So Iran actually benefits even more because they put almost nothing in, yet get credit from writers like this for things they don’t do.

My comment to comment: Even if Riedel is 100 % right, the Iranian role is minor. A few millions against hundreds of billions the West sells to Saudis and UAE.

(* B K P)

Yemen: As Saleh falls, Iran will push forward

Although the Houthi rebels are finding themselves increasing politically and militarily alienated, the space has been opened for the Houthis to act as the dominant force opposing the Saudi-led coalition – that is if the forces loyal to Saleh continue down the road he opened on Saturday.
Whatever potential there was for the Houthis to establish total control of a legitimate state in Yemen in the immediate future, this has been kicked to the dirt. But the immediate future is not where Iran looks to. In a country as volatile as Yemen currently, no-one can predict tomorrow.
What is certain is that Iran is obliged to take a significant step forward in Yemen – by Joseph Colonna

(* B K P)

The Killing of Former President Saleh Could Worsen Yemen’s War

The dramatic collapse of the Huthi-Saleh alliance is likely to prolong Yemen’s war and the suffering of its people. After killing former President Saleh, the Huthis, viewed by their enemies in Riyadh as Iranian proxies, are firmly in control of the capital. Neither they, nor the Saudis, are in a mood for compromise.

At the political level, recent developments should confirm that the current military approach toward the Huthis is failing and that new thinking is needed – by April Longley Alley

(* B K P)

Saleh’s Luck, or Whatever Kept Him Alive, Finally Ran Out. What’s Next for Yemen?

By splitting with the Houthis days before his death and reaching out to Saudi Arabia to possibly bring an end to the brutal, nearly three-year war, Saleh will have salvaged his legacy for some in Yemen. Now that the Houthis are the sole rulers in Sanaa, there is reasonable concern that Saudi Arabia will intensify its military campaign against them.

One reason the Houthi rebels grew to such prominence was because Saleh had allowed for a more strict form of Sunni Islam supported by Saudi Arabia to spread in the Houthis’ traditional homeland.
Saleh had created too many enemies, which was his political downfall. His personal downfall may have been his hubris. In late 2011, just before Saleh relinquished power, there was much talk in Sanaa of him retiring to Ethiopia. Yet he chose to stay and fight, the traditional Saleh way, by stabbing his allies in the back. That strategy worked for a lot longer than anyone expected, but it couldn’t last forever – by Laura Kasinof

(* B K P)

No End in Sight for Yemen War, Analysts Say

The killing Monday of Yemen's former President Ali Abdullah Saleh by Iran-backed rebel Houthis, his uneasy allies-turned-foes, has plunged the war-torn country into further uncertainty and violence, prompting some of the fiercest fighting since the start of a multiparty conflict three years ago.

Said Salisbury, "With Saleh dead and his allied forces apparently crumbling in the face of a Houthi onslaught, the future of Yemen's conflict looks grim."

(* B K P)

The UK supported Saleh and every other Middle East tragedy

By considering Saleh an ally rather than the criminal he was the UK and the US helped fuel a cycle of impunity which encouraged him, rather than stopped him, ruining the country. With Saleh’s death Yemen – already the centre of a proxy war between Iran and Saudi – will become even more polarised, the Houthis stronger and the already dire humanitarian situation in the countrywill hit rock bottom.

(B K P)
Anhar Kochneva: ''The Houthis have made many new enemies in Yemen by Saleh’s murder''

The assassination of the former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, will turn into serious problems for the Houthis, believes Anhar Kochneva, a columnist for Realnoe Vremya from the Middle East.

Kochneva tells who Saleh was for the Yemenis and what is happening in the country beset with a civil war.
(* B K P)

Dialogue crucial if Yemeni order is to be restored

It is believed that Yemen now needs a person who represents the overwhelming majority of its citizens, regardless of their age and political affiliation, to save the country from further bloodshed.

With the death of Saleh, Yemen will be the new battleground of regional and international powers, turning the whole country into a fireball or a new frontier. – by Maria Dubovikova

My comment: From Saudi media, but this is not the Saudi tune.

(B K P)

Houthis may ultimately regret killing their old foe

The north of Yemen now seems to be bracing for a large-scale offensive by pro-government forces, backed by the Arab coalition.

The Houthi leadership may be in the process of finding out that Saleh’s clout, though diminished in the last couple of years, will outlast the man himself. Not only will they miss Saleh’s financial resources, but his assassination, coupled with the chaos unleashed by the Zaydi militants, could bend the key tribal factor in the north towards the pro-government camp – by Manuel Almeida

My comment: In Saudi media, but quite sound also.

(B K P)

Post-Saleh Scenarios in Yemen

The assassination of Ali Abdullah Saleh has driven the Saudi-Iran proxy war on to a different level, and there is no doubt that the Riyadh administration will intensify military operations in Yemen.

(* B K P)

World War 3: Expert warns Yemen war will affect the ENTIRE Middle East as war INTENSIFIES

YEMEN war will cause "a great deal of uncertainty" across the Middle East, a political expert has said amid World War 3 fears.

World War 3 fears have intensified over an escalating major conflict which could affect the whole of the Middle East.

Dr Simon Mabon, a professor of Middle Eastern politics at Lancaster University, said recent escalation in the Yemeni conflict between a Saudi Arabia-led coalition and Houthi rebels could impact the entire Middle East.

(* B K P)

For Saudis, a New Opportunity in Yemen War

The killing of the country’s ex-president at a Houthi checkpoint has shifted the dynamic of the conflict

The brutal killing of Yemen’s former president on Monday has shifted the dynamic of that country’s war, potentially giving neighboring Saudi Arabia and its allies an opportunity to regain the initiative.

The question now is whether Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and their Yemeni proxies will be able to mend fences with Ali Abdullah Saleh’s partisans—and whether those partisans could provide significant help against the pro-Iranian Houthi militias that control the capital, San’a, and much of northern Yemen (subscribers only)

(A P)

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince offers condolences to exiled son of slain Yemeni ex-leader in UAE

(* B P)

With Ali Abdullah Saleh’s death, Saudi Arabia is paying the price for betraying the Arab Spring

The death of Yemeni strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh shows that Saudi Arabia is paying for its betrayal of the Arab spring in Yemen in 2011.

So what comes next? Tragically, Saleh’s death is a signal that Riyadh’s policy in Yemen needs a complete overhaul — a sign that Saudi Arabia will likely miss – by Jamal Kashoggi

(* B K P)

What Are Yemen Experts Saying About Saleh’s Death?

Adam Baron

Waleed Alhariri: One of Saleh’s motivations over the course of the war was to create a space for his son Ahmed in any future political arrangement that came as a result of a negotiated end of the conflict. After Saleh’s death, this cause is unlikely to be championed by any of the remaining actors in the conflict. The recent event in Sana’a, that turned the tables against Saleh and his General People’s Congress (GPC) party, probably signal the end of the Saleh dynasty and the evisceration of the GPC, which Saleh had been cultivating for over 30 years.

Kristine Beckerle

Nadwa Al-Dawsari

(* B K P)

Dissecting the Saleh-Houthi alliance

The break-up of Saleh’s alliance with the Houthis is speeding up change in war-torn Yemen. Hossam Radman in Sanaa explores the landscape of interests and tensions that characterised the Houthi-Saleh alliance in Yemen

The fact is that it is difficult to understand the dynamics of the internal conflict in the Sanaa alliance if one approaches it from the perspective of Operation Storm of Resolve and its repercussions, as these have only enabled us to see the tip of the iceberg. To obtain a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between the Houthis and Saleh (and the factors that determine the dynamics in their relationship) we need to probe more closely into the two sides’ organisational structures, their ideological and political backgrounds, and their political and strategic approaches to the Yemeni Civil War.

(* B K P)

Yemen: Saleh’s Last Dance on the Heads of Snakes

Before, Saleh’s clan was divided. Some were fighting with Saleh, others with the Saudi led coalition and yet others with the Iranian backed Huthi militia.

Saleh’s murder changed that. It is bound to unite his clan again. His supporters, led now by his son, Ahmad, are joining their clan members fighting on the Saudi led coalition’s side. Together they will bring the war to the regions thus controlled by the Huthi militia and their tribal allies.

The real civil war might begin now. If the one raging since two years was not the real one, I dread thinking of the destruction that is yet to come.

(B K P)

After Saleh’s murder

Shocking and bloody events in Yemen Monday open a Pandora’s box on the region, writes

Current events in Yemen are forcing a change in the regional arena, most apparent in transformations made by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition on Yemen. Before his assassination Monday, former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh had broken his association with the Houthis and returned to his former allies, turning a new page with neighbouring countries.

(* B P)

Yemen’s uncertain future

The assassination of Ali Abdullah Saleh marks the end of an era in Yemen, and complicates whatever happens next

During the brief interval between hailing and mourning Saleh analysts scrambled to determine possible scenarios and unravel the political alignments in which he would play a central role. Not even the most pessimistic prognosis anticipated such a quick and gruesome end.

News of Saleh’s death shocked the majority of Yemenis. He had been a fixture of the political scene for as long as many could remember. Now people are gripped by conflicting feelings as they look back on an era marked by corruption and authoritarianism but which had brought a degree of stability.

(* B P)

Saleh's death kills hopes for a silver bullet in Yemen

The killing of ex-leader Ali Abdullah Saleh, days after his overtures to the Saudi-led coalition, has buried hopes for a breakthrough in Yemen's war, analysts say, and risks fuelling a standoff between Riyadh and Tehran.

"The future of Yemeni politics has changed completely -- Saleh was the foundation and now he's gone," Maged Almadhaji, Cairo-based director of the Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies, told AFP.

(* B P)

Death of Yemeni ex-dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh: Caught in no-man's land

For a week, Ali Abdullah Saleh, the former long-time ruler of Yemen fought against his erstwhile Houthi alliance partners for control of the capital Sanaa – then suddenly he was dead.

[Retelling the events]

Whatever happens, the residents of Sanaa should be braced for the worst. Reports of the night before the death of Saleh described it almost without exception as the worst of their lives so far. And this in a city that has been stricken by war and its humanitarian consequences for years.

(* B K P)

Why a Killing in Yemen Threatens to Escalate War

[Saleh’s] death came as Saudi Arabia appeared to be trying to tip Yemen’s civil war in its favor by splitting Saleh’s fighters from the Houthis, and could prompt an escalation of the Saudi-led bombing campaign. The rebels must regroup with reduced firepower, but they appear far from ready to give up. The future probably holds more misery for ordinary Yemenis already facing a humanitarian catastrophe.

(B K P)

Saleh’s Unjust End to an Unjust Rule

Saleh’s death should open a new era in which the United Nations Security Council, Gulf States, the United States, and EU countries that brokered his exit deal to begin positive engagement on Yemen. They should start by pressing the parties to the conflict to fully cooperate with a new UN expert groupthat will investigate abuses by all sides. Though it’s too late to prosecute Saleh, it’s not too late to hold others responsible to account.

(* B K P)

The Yemen Civil War Just Got Even Worse

Yemen desperately needed a way out of this conflict, which is brutalizing its people. Now, that hope has dissipated and the country is worse off than ever.

It’s hard to imagine the situation in Yemen getting worse, but it appears that’s exactly what has happened.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s new and dangerous post-Saleh power vacuum

Although the former president himself was to blame for many of Yemen’s plethora of ongoing problems, Saleh was in a position to offer hope for the country. Unfortunately for Yemen, his death further complicates the multidimensional conflict.

It is simply too early to tell how or to what extent Saleh’s death will impact Yemen’s civil war. The risk is that the ex-leader’s killing will elevate violence levels that are high even by Yemen’s standards – by Giorgio Cafiero

(* B K P)

Yemen’s Snake Charmer Is Dead

The horrible truth is that Libya after Qaddafi may seem like a paradise compared with what Yemen after Saleh is likely to be.

This, in turn, could fuel another murderous round of airstrikes by the Gulf coalition.

From Iran to Qatar to Yemen, the Saudi lack of foreign-policy vision is starting to have disastrous consequences. (B P)

Yemen After The Death Of Ali Abdullah Saleh: What Next? – Analysis

(B K P)

Yemen’s Saleh paid back for his misdeeds

(* B K P)

Fight or flight? Saleh loyalists slam 'fake' killing video

Yemeni government officials and loyalists to the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh believe the scenario surrounding his death was fabricated by Houthi rebels.

One of the theories on the unprecedented death of Saleh, which has been widely shared by top officials and members of his General People’s Congress party, suggests the former statesman was killed while battling Houthi rebels in his Sanaa home, not while fleeing the capital as is believed. and read comments by Marc Springer and Fuad Rajeh here: Rajeh: They attacked his house with all weapons and killed commanders who were defending him, his guards and then him. Try to watch the video again. That body of Saleh had been murdered on Sunday night not Monday noon. Anyway, the right and reliable sources have revealed Saleh had been killed in battles inside his residence.

(* B K P)

Yemen's Saleh: A political murder mystery

[There is an] avalanche of claims and counterclaims regarding the circumstances of his killing.

The regional news media is rife with speculation amid multiple theories of how and where Saleh was killed.

Nothing is definitive at this point, which is partly due to the complex nature of the civil war in Yemen and because of the shifting alignments and battle lines in the Arabian Peninsula country, where loyalties are often defined by the tribe and the place that one belongs to.

(* B P)

A farewell to Ali Abdullah Saleh

There is no denying it, Ali Abdullah Saleh has left a vacuum in Yemen and he will be missed.

A combination of the Godfather and George Carlin, he was corrupt, often ruthless, an autocrat with a fierce desire to hold on to power - but a charming host and an unpredictable interlocutor who never ceased to surprise and amuse – by Nabeel Khoury

and more articles:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* C B P)

Yemen: The North-South Divide

The ongoing war in Yemen and chronic humanitarian crisis are deeply rooted in the country’s turbulent history.

the political and sectarian divisions that dominate Yemen today - and which ultimately led to Saleh's death - go back hundreds of years.

Remark: Background of the Yemen problem.

(unrated B K P)

Film: Yemen Conflict: Interview with Oubai Shahbandar

TRT World Defence and Political Analyst Oubai Shabandar is talking about the killing of former Yemen president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

remark: Fot the interviewee:

(* B K P)


Peace and stability in Yemen is likely to succeed only when all major players and the five permanent United National Security Council members take honest and true measures to end the bloodshed in this poor country, which pays the bill of other countries’ rifts and disputes and has been transformed in a battlefield of their interests.

(B K P)

To sow in Yemen and reap in Jerusalem

The Houthis say they did not start the war, therefore, we can assume they will not stop the war. Hence, they were not happy about this attempt. However, they needed Saleh, who was an important actor in the transition phase, alive rather than dead.

( A P)

Saleh’s TV channel, #Yemen Today, broadcasting prez. Hadi’s speech. A real change! (photo)

(* B H K)

Film: The Take: Why is the world ignoring Yemen?

Sky News' Diplomatic Editor Dominic Waghorn describes the reality of the situation in Yemen.

(A P)

Yemen was the Elephant in the Room at the GCC Summit

The GCC Summit in Kuwait was unable to ignore the Elephant in the Room- the killing of Yemeni ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh at the hands of Houthi rebels because gunning him down assassinated also the Exit Strategy from the war and the quest to drive out Iran and its militias from Yemen, as envisaged by Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia.


Yemeni voices are being silenced across the country: WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook have all been blocked, both in Houthi-controlled Sana'a and UAE/coalition-controlled Aden. Only access is via VPN.

I'm told UAE websites are also blocked.

And Telegram blocked too, apparently...

and Saudi media tell the Houthis are responsible:

(A P)

Houthis limit social media access in Yemen

(B H K)

Yemen: Warring Parties Show New Level of Disregard for Suffering Civilians

MSF calls for the lifting of the blockade to alleviate the suffering of people in Yemen.

(B H K)

Mercy Corps Calls For Cease-Fire In Yemen To End Catastrophic Humanitarian Crisis

The global organization warns that even a short period of reduced humanitarian access will have dire consequences

(* B K P)

Judith Brown in the „Iranian missile“ case hints to a 2016 AQAP attack:

This is an old article but an important one. When a plane was shot down with a sophisticated missile the article points out that Al Qaeda took missiles that were already in Yemen and also weapons are sold by army officers on the the black arms market. So when Iran is accused of supplying weapons to the Houthis it is not necessarily so. Not that I support either iran or the Houthis or Islah or Saudi Arabia nor any other militia or army. I'm just pointing out that rhetoric used to justify hatred between Saudi and Iran - particularly associated with the supply of weapons - might not be true. Not that that helps those Yemenis starving to death right now.

Weapons can be supplied by 'cooperative army officers'.

Al-Qaeda 'shoots down Emirati jet with surface-to-air-missile' and also

(A P)

Ambassadors and military attaches of Arab coalition countries in support of legitimacy in Yemen hold 2nd meeting

The participants agreed to continue coordination among the coalition countries in the humanitarian, political and military fields until the legitimate government of Yemen controls all parts of the country.

(* B K)

Unconfirmed reports claiming coalition-backed Yemeni forces have launched a new ground offensive north of Mocha in a bid to take Hodeidah. Forces are allegedly on outskirts of Khokha, 75+ miles south of Hodeidah.

This would be a very big deal. Such an operation has long been seen as potentially catastrophic for civilians both in the area of fighting and those further cut off from humanitarian supplies as Hodeidah is Yemen' s largest port.

(* B K P)


the intervention in Yemen led by Saudis (which also includes a number of other nations and is supported by the United States) could be interpreted as a failure on all fronts. First and foremost, it is undoubtedly a humanitarian disaster. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia's military performance has been a disjointed, disappointing affair., a blow to the Saudis who have spent an enormous amount of money on the conflict without it resulting in a decisive geopolitical victory they desired.

(B P)

Reality hits the GCC

The absence of Gulf leaders and the formation of a Saudi-Emirati alliance have raised questions about the future of the Gulf Cooperation Council

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H P)

Film: Yemen: Coalition Blockade Imperils Civilians

The Saudi-led coalition’s broad restrictions on aid and essential goods to Yemen’s civilian population are worsening the country’s humanitarian catastrophe. Unless the coalition immediately stops blocking aid and commercial goods from reaching civilians in Houthi-controlled territory, the United Nations Security Council should impose travel bans and asset freezes on senior coalition leaders, including the Saudi crown prince and defense minister, Mohammed bin Salman.

(A H P)

White House says it believes Saudi Arabia will open Yemen port

The White House said on Thursday it believed that Saudi Arabia would allow a blocked port in Yemen to open after President Donald Trump urged Riyadh to lift a blockade to let humanitarian aid reach the Yemeni people.

My comment: Is this naiv or simply stupid? And do not forget that the US themselves take part in this blockade.

(B H P)

Trump springt den notleidenden Jemeniten bei

US-Präsident Trump hat Saudi-Arabien unmissverständlich aufgefordert, uneingeschränkte humanitäre Hilfslieferungen in den Jemen zuzulassen.

Die Menschen in dem Land bräuchten dringend Nahrung, Trinkwasser, Treibstoff und Arzneimittel. "Dies muss aus humanitären Gründen sofort passieren", heißt es in einer Stellungnahme des US-Präsidenten.

Auch "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" fordert Schutz für medizinische Einrichtungen. und auch

(* B H P)

Trump asks Saudi Arabia to allow immediate aid to Yemen

U.S. President Donald Trump called for Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to immediately allow humanitarian aid to reach the Yemeni people, suggesting Washington had run out patience with a Saudi-led blockade that has been condemned by relief organizations.

“I have directed officials in my administration to call the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to request that they completely allow food, fuel, water and medicine to reach the Yemeni people who desperately need it,” Trump said in a statement, without elaborating.

“This must be done for humanitarian reasons immediately,” and varying reports in the media, also with background information:

and WH statement:

My comment: The U.S. itself enforces the blockade on Yemen

(* B H P)

Saudi-led coalition cuts fuel supply to Yemen

Fuel shipments have not reached Yemen for over a month amid an uptick in fighting and international calls to ease the Saudi-blockade, Reuters reported.

The Saudi-led coalition has refused access ships from accessing the port of Hudaydah with “the coalition has repeatedly said their priority is food only”, a UN spokesperson from the inspection body, the Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM) told Reuters.

There are unconfirmed reports that the new Yemen national army will be confronting the Houthi group in Hudaydah and Mocha. It is unclear whether Saudi Arabia is coordinating the prevention of imports on Hudaydah with Yemen’s national army.

(* B H P)

Saudi-led blockade cuts fuel lifeline to Yemen

No fuel shipments have reached Yemen’s largest port for a month, a Reuters analysis of port and ship tracking data shows, as a Saudi Arabian-led blockade on the war-torn country tightens despite international calls for the siege to end.

The shortage means areas hardest hit by war, malnutrition and cholera lack functioning hospital generators, cooking fuel and water pumps. It also makes it harder to move food and medical aid around the country.

Residents of Hodeida say the shortage has pushed up the price of existing fuel.

Comment: All of these oil tankers have been cleared by UNVIM. They are not smuggling arms. The blockade has nothing to do with security; it is illegal collective punishment.

(* B H P)

Glimmer of hope" as food and fuel arrives in Yemen ports - NRC

A blockade of Yemen’s key ports appeared to have been broken on Wednesday.

“Today for the first time (there was) a little glimmer of hope... the first commercial goods have arrived in port, and the first ships that were let through this iron grip,” NRC chief Jan Egeland told Reuters.

Egeland said the first food and fuel had arrived in the key ports of Hodeidah and Saleef, but it remained a trickle compared to what was needed

(* B H P)

Saudi Arabia Should Lift Its Yemen Blockade

It's keeping desperately needed aid from millions of noncombatants.

Saudi Arabia has reacted to the killing of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen by intensifying its bombing campaign there. A more suitable response -- tactically, strategically and morally -- would be to lift its blockade preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to millions of suffering Yemenis.

(* B H P)

Yemen is already the world's largest humanitarian crisis - we cannot be complicit in the strangling of a nation

Forget the World Cup, Trump and Brexit. Yemen’s man-made starvation, silently taking hold in the midst of crossfire, will be the world’s biggest news story in 2018.

We could witness weekly the death of thousands of Yemenis from lack of food and medicine. People who have long been trapped under crossfire and air raids.

This famine is not caused by drought, blight or crop failure – by Jan Egeland =

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A H)

An Average Of 2-3 Deaths Per Day For Patients With Kidney Failure In Yemen And A Slow Death Of Patients

The mortality rate of kidney failure patients in Yemen has increased to 2-3 deaths per day due to the US-Saudi aggression and the siege imposed by the coalition and the prevention of drug entry.

A large number of kidney farmers in Yemen are suffering from slow death due to the lack of their own medicines, which are being held by the coalition forces in the Red Sea and in Djibouti with UN flag.

(* A H)

Yemen crisis: How you can help

How you can help those affected by the war in what is now the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

The following humanitarian organisations have established funds to help those in need:

(A H)

Yemen Situation Update (November 2017)

The closure on all air, sea and land entry points to Yemen imposed on 6 November affected the movement of humanitarian staff and cargo, including any transport facilitated by the Logistics Cluster.

(A H)

International Red Cross: Hospitals in Sana’a are struggling to cope with the massive increase in patients and few available supplies. Our team worked overnight to deliver 40,000 litres of fuel to Al Jumhouri & Al Kuwait hospitals to help keep life-saving services running (photos)

The recent violence in Sana’a brought to a stop the city’s already severely weakened infrastructure including water services. Last night, @ICRC_ye trucks delivered drinking water to 5’000 families in affected neighborhoods affected with Yemeni Red Crescent volunteers (photos)

(* A H)

UN evacuates staff as Yemen crisis worsens, threatens women, girls

The United Nations Population Fund has evacuated part of its team from Yemen, in another sign of the country’s worsening humanitarian crisis.

Eighty U.N. staff remain in the war-torn country, where three-fourths of the population require immediate assistance. Violence has flared this past week in Sana’a, including around the U.N. compound, placing aid workers on lockdown in their residences.

(* B H)

Jemen: "Hunderttausende Kleinkinder, die akut unterernährt sind"

Die humanitäre Situation im Jemen ist katastrophal. Ein Viertel der Bevölkerung droht zu verhungern. Zudem breitet sich eine Cholera-Epidemie aus. Wegen der schwierigen politischen Lage geht die Hilfe nur schleppend voran. Karl-Otto Zentel, Generalsekretär der Hilfsorganisation CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V., spricht im Interview über die Lage der Menschen und was für sie getan werden kann. und Bildergalerie:

(B H)

Film: Alaa Abdoon sent us this video titled “Is this going to be the last day of my life?” We are sharing it because it has strong messages about children in Yemen.

(B H)

Joint U.S.-Yemen project raises awareness of mental health in war-torn country

The joint venture outlines treatment options the international community and local nongovernmental organizations can put in practice to address the issue.

(B H)

Photos: This is why many houses in Sana'a and its environs have no food, no clothes, no blankets

(* B H)

Yemen: “There is food in the shops but no money to buy it”

As a daily worker, Fatima’s husband used to earn 1,500 YER (€5) a day. But he no longer finds work every day. “Because of the war, people have no money so they don’t give him jobs.” To pay back some of the money they borrowed, Fatima is considering selling the family’s two goats, which could bring in approximately 13,000 YER (€44).

“Because of the war, we can’t even afford to buy food anymore. There is food in the shops but no money to buy it.” According to her, a 10kg bag of wheat in her village used to cost 4,000 YER (€13) - now it costs 9,000 YER. =

(* A H)

Yemen: Intense fighting and blockade further reduces access to healthcare

A week of heavy violence, coupled with a crippling blockade preventing vital supplies into the country, shows new levels of disregard by warring parties for the civilian population, medical facilities and patients, says the international medical organization Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b

Mehr zu Verhaftungen / More on detentions: Zuerst, ganz am Angang / At first, on top

(A P)

Updated: The World Responds To Trump’s Jerusalem Decision

Yemen (Ansarullah)

Cousin of the Houthi leader and president of the Revolutionary Committee, Mohammad Ali al Houthi said the Trump regime’s decision is a “barbaric step,” of “aggressive disregard of international law, principles, and purposes of the so-called international legitimacy.”

(* A P)

The al Houthi movement is consolidating control in Sana’a city, northern Yemen.

Al Houthi forces reportedly placed thirteen members of Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC) party under house arrest on December 7, including Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf. The al Houthi movement also reportedly blocked major social networking sites and instant messaging apps in Sana’a on December 7. Al Houthi forces seized gold, weapons, and cash from Saleh’s home to deposit in the al Houthi-controlled Central Bank and to distribute to al Houthi forces.[4]

(* A P)

AFHR Condemns Crimes Committed by Houthis Rebels in Sana’a and Criticizes the International Silence Over Their Destructive Activities in Yemen Three Years On

The Arab Federation for Human Rights (AFHR) strongly condemns of the sharp escalation of crimes ad violence committed by the Houthis militias since the end of last week in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. They carried out assassinations and armed attacks that resulted in hundreds of deaths and injuries at a time when Yemeni people are experiencing one of the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world.

The AFHR equally demands that the Houthis be held accountable for the systematic crimes they have commit against Yemeni civilians, to refer the perpetrators to the International Criminal Court, to prosecute war criminals from the Houthis militias and to ensure that they do not go unpunished which will bring justice to the victims and promote international peace and security.

My comment / Remark: That would be no bad idea – if really all Human Rights violations and War Crimes committed in Yemen would be referred to the ICC – which had been demanded for a long time – including the Saudis and their coalition allies, as those western governments which had armed them.

(A P)

Film by Houthi Almasirah TV: Inside Tariq Saleh’s house

Remark: A lot of missiles had been stored there.

(* A P)

Fuad Rajeh: Human rights minister to CNN: Houthi militants killed 1.000 army commanders & GPC leaders loyal to former president in the past four days. Sanaa now: unannounced state of emergency & daily life parallized as Houthis are worryingly looking to the future after Saleh's killing.

My comment: This figure sounds fancy. Fuad Rajeh is a serious source on Yemen; here he himself cites a highly propagandistic source (Hadi government). There is no doubt anyway that the Houthis in the moment are committing heavy persecutions, detainments and killings at sanaa, targeting Saleh supporters and followers, GPC party members – and many others who just were at the wrong place at the wrong time. And while this is happening, Houthi propaganda joins those who spoil the internet with pussy cat videos:

(A )
Film: A small cat escaped from the bombing of the airliner alliance of the presidential palace in the capital Sanaa .

My comment: By Houthi Almasirah TV – somewhat odd when thinking what is happening there in the moment.

And other Houthi Almasirah TV films:

(A P)

Film: What if the plot of treason in Sanaa succeeds 07-12-2017

what if? Events accelerated in Sana'a and almost reached every house, but God's care and kindness. Here is a picture illustrating the tragedy of Sana'a and Sanaa would have been planned over 3 years carefully and meticulously tactics

(A P)

Film: How did the sedition leader of the treacherous militia end. The fall of the plot.

(A P)

Sana’a largest mosque no longer named after Saleh

The so-called Saleh Mosque, which is the largest mosque in Sana’a, has been officially renamed the People’s Mosque, reflecting not only a break with the past but also a restoration of the original function of the mosque, according to local authorities.

According to local sources, the People’s Mosque, which had reportedly previously been used almost exclusively for members of Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC) party, has now been opened for all to visit.

(* A P)

Houthis Deny Yemeni Ex-President's Burial Amid Ongoing Investigation

Houthi spokesperson Abdel Qudus al-Shahari has denied reports of a secret nighttime burial for deceased former ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was killed in fighting earlier this week as he attempted to flee the country's capital of Sanaa.

"His body is still in the morgue because the date of the funeral has yet to be determined," al-Shahari said.

(A P)

Yemen rebels mount show of strength in capital

Yemen's Huthi rebels mounted a show of strength in Sanaa on Thursday, holding a mass memorial ceremony for comrades killed in this month's battle for control of the capital.

Witnesses said clashes erupted again Thursday around the Sanaa residence of Tarek Saleh, a nephew of slain ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

(* A P)

Houthis are seeking to consolidate power in Sana'a. Local #Yemen news is reporting that Houthis have placed 13 Ministers from former President #Saleh's GPC Party & their families under house arrest, as well as more assassinations overnight.

(* A P)

Yemen Huthi rebel 'abuses' stir HRW concerns

Human Rights Watch said Thursday it was concerned that Yemen's Huthi rebels were carrying out "abusive practices" against former allies -- loyalists of slain ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh -- and civilians.

Beckerle said the actions of the Huthis fit a pattern -- documented by HRW since the group took over Sanaa in 2014 -- of arbitrary detentions and forcible disappearances against critical voices, notably activists and journalists.

"Troubling reports from Sanaa over the last few days indicate the Huthis are again engaging in these abusive practices," she said.

(* A P)

"Houthi militia carried out mass executions for the members of the General People's Congress (GPC) party, I am extremely sure of such information, if the Houthis deny this, I challenge them to accept an independent committee to carry out an investigation by honest Yemeni doctors to investigate the crime transparently," said Ali Al Bukhaity, a defector from the Houthi alliance.

"According to the information I have they executed 37 of the internees who were wounded. They took them out of the hospitals and executed them at once. They are going to bury the corpses in a confidential place to hide their crime."

(* A P)

Yemen: Campaign of Arrests, Executions Targets Pro-Saleh Officials

Houthi militias tightened their grip on Sana’a, Yemen, waging a campaign of attacks against leaders loyal to the late ex-president Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the General People's Congress party.
With complete obscurity, the campaign of arrests and assaults swept across Sana'a, Dhamar, Hajjah, Al Mahwit and Raymah governorates. The fate of dozens of military, civilian and tribal leaders remains unclear.
Sources report that the Iran-allied Houthis have already executed three top commanders of the Republican Guard.

Remark: From Saudi media, sounds real.

(* A P)

Sanaa: Reports that Houthi forces have arrested many mid-level GPC party leaders, as well as putting several members of the parliament under house arrest. Many suspect mass executions of those who supported Saleh lately. Fear and terror is in the air.

(A P)

PM calls UN Security Council to stop Houthi arrests of GPC members

In a statement to Saba, Ahmed bin-Daghr said the militias should bear responsibility for the detainees' safety. The militias arrested dozens members and killed others including the former head of the party and former head of state Ali Abdullah Saleh upon breaking a three years long anti-government alliance with them.

Remark: By Hadi government at Aden / Riyadh.

(* A K P)

President of the al Houthi Supreme Political Council Saleh al Samad expressed the al Houthi movement’s willingness to participate in initiatives leading to the cessation of Saudi-led coalition engagement in Yemen and a just political settlement during a televised address on December 5. [2]

(* B P)

Yemen’s Houthis ready to hand over Saleh’s body to family

Media reports claimed that the Houthi group are only prepared to hand over the body if only a small funeral is held, but this was denied by a member of the Houthi Political Bureau.

“There have been no statements regarding the refusal to hand over his body. This is a new issue. Maybe his relatives will ask for his body and it will be done. We have no conditions,” Halima Jahaf said.


(* B P)

Al-Houthi Puts Four Conditions to Deliver Saleh’s Corpse

The first condition was that the corpse will not be autopsied. In addition, time of the funeral is not to be declared and Saleh is to be buried without a public funeral and his funeral only includes his ken relatives. Al-Houthi’s fourth condition is that Saleh is not to be buried in Al-Saleh Mosque Yard according to Saleh’s last will and testimony.

(* A H K)

Heftige Kämpfe in Sanaa und die Blockade verschlimmern die Lage der Menschen

Während schwerer Straßenkämpfe und erneuter Luftangriffe saßen die Menschen in Sanaa tagelang in ihren Häusern fest. Verwundete konnten medizinische Einrichtungen nicht erreichen.

Teams von Ärzte ohne Grenzen konnten dennoch einige Krankenhäuser mit medizinischem Material unterstützen.

Die Kämpfe breiteten sich auch auf die Provinzen Hadscha, Amran und Ibb aus

(* A H K)

Yemen: Escalation of armed clashes and airstrikes in Sana’a City - Flash Update 2 | 7 December 2017

A tense calm has returned to parts of Sana’a, allowing some civilians to venture outside their residences to seek medical care and supplies. Others have decided to leave the city in search of safety, concerned over how the security situation may evolve. Some residents are still reluctant to leave their homes.

Humanitarian movements and operations in Sana’a have been limited. On 7 December, UN essential staff members reported to their offices. All roads connecting Sana’a city are open.

(* A K P)
Streets of Yemeni Capital Empty as Clashes Calm Down After Ex-President’s Death

The streets of Yemeni capital Sanaa are empty and the situation remains unclear in the wake of violent clashes in the city and subsequent death of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The fighting in Sanaa has caused "severe shortage in basic needs

Abeer Alaya, a student at the Lebanese International University in Yemen, said the situation in the capital was "too bad."

Repercussions of the crisis in Sanaa have been felt across the country.

(* A K P)

Clashes between Houthi and tribesmen in Dhamar leave 12 killed

Clashes between tribesmen and Houthi rebels killed 10 Houthi and two tribesmen in Dhamar on Sunday, local sources said.

More tribesmen joined the ranks of the government to fight the Houths

My comment: In the south of Sanaa, the support for the Houthis is thought to be weak, the Saleh supporters to be stronger. It is doubtful anyway they really would unite with “president” Hadi (in this pro-Hadi report: “government”). They hardly would accept hadi as president; saleh never had accepted Hadi but tried to get in direct contact with the Saudis.

(* A P)

Mohamed Al-Houthi: Al-Saleh Mosque Will Be Renamed to Al-Imam Al-Hussain

Al-Sabeen Square will be renamed to “The Martyr Leader” square and Al-Saleh Mosque will be renamed to “Al-Imam Al-Hussain” Mosque


Now, All main roads are open for people except those small streets around Saleh's relatives houses

(* A P)

Houthi group committing crimes against humanity to quell uprising

The Houthi violent religious group is committing varied and numerous atrocities that amount to crimes against humanity in their attempt to quell the uprising against them in the capital Sana'a and elsewhere, observers and activists said.

They have also been rounding up key GPC members to jails in Sana'a and arresting them and detonating their houses in Hajjah. They detonated the houses of two other oppositionists in their stronghold of Saada too, for the same reason – being members of GPC and supporters of the party's uprising against Houthis.

The group killed several GPC members in Hajjah and their relatives and bombed their houses, the Houthi's modus operandi in subjugating oppositionists. On Sunday they killed Akram al-Zorka and his son and mutilated their bodies. Then they blew up his house in downtown Hajjah.

My comment: Biased article by Islah Party media – but the fact that the Houthis commit these persecutions remains evident.

(A P)

Yemeni women protest for body of slain leader Saleh

Yemeni women held rare protests in Sanaa on Wednesday, demanding that the capital's rebel authorities hand over the body of slain ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The rebels dispersed the protest but video footage of the women fleeing the scene was posted on social media. and and (by Islah Party media)

and films:

(* A P)

Houthis Terrorizing Tribes, Tarek Saleh Killed

Houthi insurgents have resorted to terrorizing Yemeni tribes by threatening them of facing a fate similar to that of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was killed on Monday.
A number of tribal elders loyal to the General People’s Congress (GPC) party uncovered that Houthi militias ordered them to announce in writing their support to the rebels, or face the fate of Saleh.

Remark: By Saudi media, read with caution.

(A P)

Photo: The falafel restaurant is a bloc away from my house in Sanaa. The entire neighborhood is deserted

(A H)

Sana’a hospitals – operating with a skeleton staff & grappling with dwindling medical& fuel stocks– received an influx of wounded during the last days' violence. @ICRC_ye gave today war wounded kits to Al Jumhouri & Al Thawra hospitals, enough to treat 100 patients. (photos)

(* A K P)

Many innocents were killed or injured in this recent escalation in fighting in #Yemen. Many others were trapped for days. The suffering of #Yemenis is invisible to the world. Here is one testimony of a woman who was trapped with her #children for days (image)

(* A K P)

Rotes Kreuz: Mindestens 234 Tote bei Zusammenstößen im Jemen

Bewaffnete Zusammenstöße in Sanaa, Jemen, haben in den vergangenen vier Tagen 234 Menschen getötet, berichtete das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz am Dienstag. Robert Mardini, der regionale Leiter, der die humanitären Bemühungen überall führt der Nahe Osten, auf Twitter beschrieben die "schrecklichen menschlichen Kosten von den jüngsten Kämpfen" in Sanaa, der Hauptstadt des Landes.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces arrested AQAP officer Abu Salem al Walidi in Kawkab area, east of Mudiyah city, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on December 6. [5]

(A P)

Yemeni Government: Popular Uprising against Iranian-backed Al-Houthis Continues

The Yemeni government confirmed that the campaigns of assassinations, field executions and arrests of leaders and members of the General People's Congress Party as well as its military and security leadership by the Iranian-backed Al-Houthi coup militia will not be tolerated.
The government also vowed, during its meeting held in the interim capital Aden and chaired by the Yemeni Prime minister Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, to punish all the criminals and those responsible for those crimes and their supporters and financiers, indicating that Al-Houthi militia backed by Iran continued to storm the homes of residents and violate their sanctities and killed anyone who opposes the Iranian sectarian project in cold blood using fascist and brutal acts.

(A P)

Al-Waly: Our Top Priority is to Support National Unity and We Are Ready for Upcoming Rights

Dr. Abd Al-Nasser Al-Waly, chairman of the local leadership of the southern transitional council in Adan indicated that top priority now is to support national unity as partners in one country under all circumstances.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Sicherheitsrat besorgt über Lage im Jemen

Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen hat seine Besorgnis über die humanitäre Lage im Jemen bekundet und einen notwendigen Zugang für die Lieferung von menschenfreundlichen Hilfen in das Land gefordert.

Auch sollten die Konfliktparteien sich ohne Vorbedingungen wieder am politischen Prozess unter dem Dach der UNO zur Herstellung einer dauerhaften Waffenruhe beteiligen.

(A P)

By UN Yemen envoy. The GPC delegation is a key component of the peace negotiations. We regret the death of Secretary General Aref Al-Zouka, who has always shown a genuine national feeling for peace. We are concerned about other members of the delegation

Reports from Sana'a about stamping down a peaceful women's demonstration and detention of journalists and GPC members violate international and human rights laws

(A P)

Film: UNSC holds closed-door meeting on Yemen

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(B P)

Film: Saudi Arabia and Iran Square Off Over the Middle East

The new Saudi Arabian leadership’s aggressive approach to Iran is shifting the balance of power across the Middle East and is having huge repercussions for the region.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia should 'start producing prosperity instead of terrorists' - Iran FM to RT

It's time for Saudi Arabia to start producing "prosperity" rather than "terrorist organizations and dictators," Iran's foreign minister told RT. Javad Zarif went on to accuse Riyadh and the Saudi-led coalition of "basically destroying" Yemen.

Speaking to RT's Oksana Boyko on the Worlds Apart show, Zarif said that Iran's regional rival Saudi Arabia has a history of supporting extremist groups

(A K P)

Arabia, UAE military aggression root cause of Yemen’s afflictions

A senior Iranian expert on international relations said on Wednesday that Military aggression of the Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the major cause of Yemen’s current crisis and afflictions.

“The coalition between Ali Abdullah Saleh and Houthi’s [Ansarallah forces] was artificial,” said Hossein Mousvian, former Iranian diplomat and present visiting research scholar at Princeton University, US.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Identified as Buyer of Record-Breaking da Vinci

U.S. government intelligence and a Middle East art-world figure familiar with the purchase say Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman used a proxy to purchase the 500-year-old ‘Salvator Mundi’

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is leading an austerity drive at home, is the bidder who paid a record $450.3 million for a Leonardo da Vinci portrait of Jesus Christ, settling one of the art world’s biggest mysteries.

“The image of the crown prince spending that much money to buy a painting when he’s supposed to be leading an anticorruption drive is staggering,” said Bruce Riedel.

My comment: LOL, LOL, LOL. Well, he just had pressed a lot of money out of his relatives.

(A P)

Mystery Buyer of $450 Million ‘Salvator Mundi’ Was a Saudi Prince

He is a little-known Saudi prince from a remote branch of the royal family, with no history as a major art collector, and no publicly known source of great wealth. But the prince, Bader bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud, is the mystery buyer of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Salvator Mundi,” which fetched a record $450.3 million at auction last month, documents show.

(A P)

UAE, Saudi Arabia forming new group, separate from GCC

New 'joint cooperation committee' could undermine the established Gulf Cooperation Council as it deals with Qatar crisis

The Emirati ministry said the new “committee is assigned to cooperate and coordinate between the UAE and Saudi Arabia in all military, political, economic, trade and cultural fields, as well as others, in the interest of the two countries.”


(A P)

Strategy shift begins to yield results for Saudi Arabia and its allies

New dynamics in the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the UAE could make hoped for changes in the Middle East more possible and consequential than before

The policy direction in question has been clear for months. It involves a new drive in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to shape the future through unprecedented levels of coordination, combined with new and long-term strategies.

My comment: This is the propaganda on this subject.

(A P)

Saudi crown prince meets with US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia condemns Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel

The Saudi Royal Court issued a statement saying that the kingdom followed “with deep sorrow” Trump’s decision and warned of “dangerous consequences of moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem”.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is consolidating his power

Crackdown on corruption is a way for the kingdom to buy its own insurance policy.

The bottom line is that when big, autocratic countries launch anti-corruption drives, the target isn’t really corruption. The target is power, the aim is to control it, and the intent is to use that power to secure the regime and allow it to assert itself in the region – by Ted R. Bromund

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia's so-called corruption crackdown is likely an attempt to fill the kingdom's depleted coffers.

This plot is unlikely to succeed, though.

Many of the funds the Crown Prince is seeking to acquire are beyond his reach – by Ambrose Carey

Oh, yes:

(* A P)

Senior Saudi Pr ince Miteb Freed in $1 Billion Settlement Agreement

(* B P)

Hostile Takeover: How Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Reshaped the Kingdom

The recent upheavals by the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his son, Mohammad bin Salman (widely referred to as MbS) represent more than just a purge and consolidation of their power but, much more profoundly, an auto-coup. Their actions constitute a coup because, if successful, they will result in changing the “constitution” of Saudi Arabia, which is its fundamental political and governance system.

No doubt, the new regime and the old are both autocracies, but their fundamental mechanisms will have been changed, at least for the moment – by Gerald F. (“Jerry”) Hyman

(* B P)

Can a Moderate Saudi Arabia Reform the Arab World?

Under MbS, as Sigal Samuel suggests in her article in The Atlantic, Saudi Arabia is going to great lengths to present itself as “moderate”.

Taking into account Saudi Arabia’s disposition towards Wahhabism, some find it difficult to believe Saudi Arabia will succeed in returning to a more moderate country.

The Atlantic reports that early signs suggest that Saudi Arabia’s rebranding efforts are, indeed, working.

MbS could very well help in the region’s complex process of transition as it goes through a steady phase of reforms – by Lee Nave and Areej Elahi

My comment: Another report terlling the „Salman reformer“ narative – but at least in not such a primitive way as the reports linked at cp15 Propaganda.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B K P)

Yemen, the United States and Saudi Arabia

Why is the United States participating in the destruction and suffering of 10 million people in Yemen? Yemen has done nothing to the U.S.. There is no oil there and precious little in the way of other resources. The U.S. media provides almost no coverage of the Yemeni war. Over the last three years, it has rarely been addressed on any of the numerous talks shows that cover other mundane topics over and over and over.

What would be a decent thing for the United States to do now? My answer is this: get out of Yemen and stop supporting the Saudi efforts to destroy that country.

(A K P)



(B P)
Here’s How Both Obama and Trump Stoked the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

The United States should find a more effective way to deter Tehran and restrain Riyadh.

My comment: Advices for a better intereference – the US simply should not interfere at all. Period.

(* B P)

Trump, avoid the urge for US military intervention in Yemen

Despite these concerns about Iranian meddling in Yemen, it would be extremely unwise for the United States to take on any new military commitments in the region, given that America’s longest war — Afghanistan — remains unresolved, and by some measures is deteriorating; Iraq’s future remains uncertain, as do Kurdish ambitions for an autonomous state; and Syria remains embroiled in a civil war that will not end anytime soon, not to mention the ongoing geopolitical crisis with North Korea.

The Trump administration must recall past failures at at nation-building in the Middle East and avoid deeper military entanglements in Yemen.

(* A P)

U.S. energy chief says to start negotiations on nuclear pact with Riyadh

Saudi Arabia is interested in reaching a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with Washington, the U.S. government’s energy chief said on Wednesday, a step which would allow American companies to participate in the kingdom’s civil nuclear program.

My comment: Helping to spread nuclear technology in the Middle East would be totally odd; there would be no difference whether Iran or the Saudis would use this technology. Either let it be, or calm down in the case of Iran.

(* A P)

Trump calls for end to Saudi blockade in Yemen, following desperate international requests

The United States has been a major backer of the vicious years-long war.

The White House announcement reflects a troubling reality. Aid organizations and human rights advocates have lobbied lawmakers to take note of the growing crisis in Yemen for months now.

It was unclear on Thursday what impact Trump’s statement would have on Saudi efforts in Yemen. Lawmakers and aid organizations praised the move while lamenting its late timing.

(* A P)

Trump pressures Saudi Arabia on Yemen blockade

Critics of Trump praised the turnaround.

It wasn’t immediately clear what prompted Trump’s decision, which came the same day he announced the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israeli’s capital and move the U.S. Embassy there.

Some observers said they believed congressional criticism might have got through to the White House.

(* A P)

An Actual Shocker From Trump: He Just Directed Saudi Arabia to End the Yemen Blockade

The point is, ending the blockade is the right thing to do. Which, no sarcasm, makes it so surprising that Trump is doing it—this is the guy who was feted by the Saudis when he visited, and who used one of his first actions as president to okay a (disastrous) operation in Yemen.

The question is, why is he doing it?

(* A P)

Trump's Jerusalem Tit-For-Tat: Orders Saudis To ‘Immediately’ End Yemen Blockade

In a brief statement issued Wednesday afternoon, President Trump called on Saudi leadership to completely lift the years long Saudimilitary blockade on war-torn Yemen. The unexpected announcement came on the same day President Trump delivered an extremely controversial televised address wherein he gave official US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Though it's unclear exactly why the directive was suddenly issued after years of humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, it is likely connected with the widespread shock and condemnation from world leaders which immediately followed in the wake of Trump's speech formally recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. The Yemen directive was published by the Office of the Press Secretary only a matter of two hours later. = and on Jerusalem also

(A K P)

US Calls for Immediate Cease-fire in Yemen

The United States has joined the United Nations in urging all sides in Yemen to refrain from violence and restart political talks to end the civil war.

My comment: That’s the US who had furnished the greatest parts of the arms for this war and who had fueled it for nearly 3 years now.

(A P)

Why I Confronted Gerald Feierstein, a Key American Advocate for Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen

Feierstein denied lying to Congress, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B P)

Britain castigated over unfolding Yemen ‘catastrophe’

BRITAIN is “dangerously complicit” in an “almighty catastrophe of biblical proportions” unfolding in Yemen, the House of Commons was warned last week.

In his speech the next day, Mr Mitchell described Britain’s policy as “riddled with internal inconsistencies”.

(A P)

Statement on Yemen by Rt Hon Alistair Burt, MP

Minister of State for the Middle East calls for immediate restoration of commercial and humanitarian access to all areas of Yemen.

I am extremely concerned by the recent escalation of violence in Yemen which has led to further tragic deaths and stopped many others from getting lifesaving food, water and medicine. There is no military solution to the conflict and all sides must urgently de-escalate.

My comment: This statement is true, but it’s hypocritical. Britain ist he second largest arms supplier for this ear.

Comment: There is no military solution - so why Mr Burt are we selling weapons to attack Yemeni people ???

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Grüne beantragen Aktuelle Stunde zum Jemen

Unter dem Titel „Der Krieg und die sich zuspitzende humanitäre Lage im Jemen“ hat die Grüne Bundestagsfraktion eine Aktuelle Stunde beantragt. Hierzu erklärt Britta Haßelmann, Erste Parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin:

Wie vergangene Woche vom Europäischen Parlament erneut gefordert, muss die Bundesregierung alle Rüstungsexporte an die Kriegsparteien einstellen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

An Emboldened Iran Has Begun to Seek out the Geopolitical Spotlight

Iran’s role and aims in the Middle East—often described as expansionist—are more complicated than what typically appears on the surface.

Iran’s political elites are endorsing the assassination of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and signalling that Tehran’s expansionist aims in the region are widely supported across the Iranian political spectrum.

Second, Iran perceives itself as winning in the geopolitical conflict with its rival Saudi Arabia in four Arab countries

n a country like Yemen, Iran’s involvement was probably opportunistic.

It is far too early to know if Iran’s satisfaction with Saleh’s assassination in the long term will serve its interests in the Middle East.

(A P)

Iraqi Shiite leader calls on Saudi Arabia to abandon war in Yemen to fight Israel

(A P)

Iran evacuates diplomats from Yemen

Iran has evacuated its diplomats from the Yemeni capital of Sana’a and sent them to Oman, Russian news agency Sputnik reported. because of the increased security risks in Sana’a

(A P)

Canada ‘deeply concerned’ by fighting in Yemen, calls for humanitarian pause

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Wednesday Canada remains deeply concerned by the conflict in Yemen.

“Canada supports the call made by the United Nations for a humanitarian pause to allow civilians to leave their homes to seek assistance and protection,” Freeland said in a statement.

My comment: This statement is true, but it’s hypocritical. Canada’s government insisted in a $ 15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K P)
L'Arabie Saoudite à la France saison 2 : ODAS, toujours khalass ! (2/3)

Quand Ryad veut que la société ODAS soit liquidée, Paris fait de la résistance. La relation bilatérale en matière d'armement est en panne entre la France et l'Arabie Saoudite.

Comment: French media:
It is true that the orders from Saudi Arabia have been lower these past two years. But the years 2013-2014 were unusually high because Riyadh was preparing for the war in #Yemen

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) condemned U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and called on all Muslims to support the mujahideen with money and weapons to defend holy territory in a December 6 statement [1]


(A T)

US recognition of Jerusalem as #Israel's capital presents opportunity for #jihad. New #AlQaeda #Yemen statement reveals anger but also chance for #AQAP to exploit outrage to garner support.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Houthis Failing in Yemen Could Bring the Iranian Regime Down Too

The Iran-backed Houthis are quickly losing power in Yemen, as infighting between them and fellow rebel group the General People’s Congress (GPC) grows, and it is likely that they will take the Iranian Regime down with them.

(A P)

Houthi ‘abuses’ stir Human Rights Watch concerns

My comment: Saudi media citing Human Rights Watch, because now saudis’ foes are blamed, that is a bad joke.

(A P)

Yemeni Minister of Human Rights: Iran-Backed Militias Have Killed Thousands of People

My comment: Anti-Iranian website blaming the Houthis. Up to now, there exist no serious figures at all.

(A P)

Sanaa Resistance Council Urges Residents of Coup Zones to Show Resilience

The Supreme Council for the Resistance in Sanaa called on all the Yemeni people in the governorates, which are still under the influence of Houthi militias, to “unify ranks in support of the legitimate leadership, continue the uprising against militias and back the efforts and victories of the national army and popular resistance to eradicate this malignant Iranian cancer.”
In a statement, the Council said it highly valued the great popular uprising that broke out in most of the provinces controlled by the coup militias.

My comment: This is 100 % Saudi / Hadi government propaganda wording which hardly fits to the situation at the place: This council certainly is a Saudi / Hadi propaganda scam.

(A P)

War in Yemen and Geopolitical Standoff in the Middle East

The Houthis are becoming a force to be reckoned with. The situation in the Middle East is anything but simple. It is a powder keg waiting to explode, and a single spark will do the trick.

The rise of Iranian predominance in the region, with Hezbollah becoming a formidable force in the recent years, puts a stop to a plan of military escalation from the US and especially from Israel and Saudi Arabia. If a new large-scale open conflict starts in the region, the pro-Israeli block would suffer unacceptable losses even in case of the victory.

My comment: Seems to be anti-Saudi, anti-Israel propaganda, quite strange.

(A P)


The suffering of the people of Yemen will not be lessened if Saudi Arabia, Britain and our allies abandon us. The only solution is to return to the principles of the Arab Spring, the reinstatement of the constitution and the start of democratic politics. The first step must be peace talks. Saleh recognised that. Now the Houthis must too – by Dr. Yassin Saeed Noman Ahmed, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the U.K.

My comment: You must not like the Houthis at all to understand that this is odd propaganda. Those who in the moment refute any peace with the Houthis are the Saudi coalition and the Hadi government.

(A P)

Analysts: Yemen’s Saleh Lost His Life over Anti-Iran Stance

Former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh has paid his life for supporting an Arab positions and standing up against the Iran-styled state in Yemen, analysts said.
Analysts pointed out that the spark set off by Saleh before his assassination will not be put out by his death.

My comment: Is there anything Saudi anti-Iranian paranoia propaganda will not connect to Iran? Seems not:

(A P)

Perpetrators of crimes against humanity should be held accountable

While the international media is focusing on the Houthis’ assassination of Yemen’s former President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, this week, little or no attention has been given to whether or not Iran played a role.

if it were not for the Iranian regime’s financial support, military intelligence, training, logistical and advisory assistances, the Houthis would not have been empowered to such a level.

Finally, the Iranian regime and the Houthis share a dangerous ideology that we need to take seriously from now on.

My comment: LOL. Yes, they should be held accountable. The Saudis refused this for 2 years now (with Western help blocking an independent international investigation of all war crimes in Yemen). The Iranian support for the Houthis is small (as Bruce Riedel just again told, cp1b). And what about a “dangerous ideology”? The most dangerous ideology in the Middle East is Saudi Wahabism, which had contaminated Islam worldwide and which is the ideology of terrorism.

(A P)

The uprising Saleh called for will go on, GPC party says

"We are all obliged to work under the umbrella of the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi," said the statement. "We are also concerned in supporting the army and all forms of resistance" against the Iran-aligned militia.

My comment: This must be Hadis part of the GPC, loyal to him since he became president; certainly not the Saleh part of the GPC.

(A P)

Hadi condoles Yemeni people over Saleh's death

"I condole our nation on the death of those who martyred in the past days on the top of them the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh," said Hadi in a speech.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

President blesses GPC break of alliance with Houthis

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador: Houthis broke more than 80 deals since 2003

(A P)

Houthis execute ‘thousands’ in two days: UN’s Yemen envoy

My comment: The article is mostly serious (from agencies‘ material), the headline is a Saudi propaganda invention. “two thousand” are not mentioned at all in the text itself.

(A P)

Saleh’s killing puts teetering nation on the edge

The death of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh at the hands of Al Houthis was the topic that dominated headlines in the region’s newspapers

(A P)

Tehran Calls Yemeni Uprising Against It ‘Conspiracy’

Senior Iranian officials announced Tuesday their support for the killing of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh by the militia of pro-Iranian Houthi and described the Yemenis’ confrontation with the militias a "conspiracy.”

My comment: Trying to blame Iran for ist wording which so much resembles the Saudi one… And, even if the headline suggests, the Saleh rebellion was not against „it“ (what should mean Iran).

(A P)

A Saudi Arabia awakening

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) dramatic plans to bring Saudi Arabia into the 21st century. It is outlined in his Vision 2030 plan to wean the kingdom off oil by greatly diversifying the economy.

Fundamental to accomplishing his Vision 2030 plan is the elimination of as much corruption as possible in the kingdom. In the past weeks, MBS has not only purged and arrested members of the royal family, government officials, and businessmen, but he has also taken on the ultra-conservative clerics and curtailed their religious police force.

His opponents claim that this is nothing but a power grab. Not so.

My comment: Again, the US mainstream “Salman is a reformer” narrative.

And more of this, from the UK:
(A P)

Riyadh’s bars and gigs are buzzing with young women as Saudi Arabia embraces a fashion for change

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Seven members of the family of Saleh Ahmed Al-Edari were killed, including 3 children, and 5 others were injured result to an air strike on their home in the village of Edar in Nihm, #Sanaa. and film:

( A K PS)

Coalition intensive raids kill 12 Houthi, wound 17 others in Taiz

The Saudi-led Arab coalition aircraft have launched around 13 air raids on the Houthi sites in al Zahari and Yakhtel outskirts areas northern al Mocha city western Taiz province, southwestern Yemen, resulting in the killing of 12 gunmen and wounding 17 others

(A K PH)

Yesterday Saudi jets strike AlSabeen podium which was bombed more than once (photos)


Hadda Street this morning after the raids on the house of Saleh (photos)

(* A K PH)

Child killed, 13 citizens injured in US-Saudi air raid on Hajjah

A little girl was killed and 13 citizens were wounded due to an airstrike launched by US-Saudi aggression air force on Mabyan district of Hajjah province on Wednesday.
An official at the joint operations room told Saba that the aggression air force waged a raid on a citizen’s home in Shamsan area of Mayan district, killing an eight-years-old girl and injuring 13 civilians.
The airstrike destroyed the house and caused damages to the nearby houses, the official added. and photos

and film: =

(* A K PH)

Aggression kills six civilians in Sa'ada

Six civilians were killed on Tuesday in the US-Saudi aggression raid in the district of Munabeh district in Sa'ada province.
A local official told Saba that the hostile aggression targeted a civilians' car in al-Maqna'a area, killing the six civilians in an initial toll.

and film: =

and photos: stating also the names of 6 killed

(* A K)

Saudi air strikes on Yemen intensify, residents in capital stay indoors

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched dozens of raids on Houthi positions in Sanaa and nearby provinces, a day after Saleh’s son vowed to take revenge.

Yemen’s pro-Houthi Al Masirah television station said the coalition bombed Saleh’s residence and other houses of his family members which are now controlled by the Houthis. Air strikes also hit northern provinces including Taiz, Haja, Midi and Saada, it added. and also

(* A K PH)

More air raids reported on:

Dec. 6: Mocha, Taiz

Dec. 5: Hajjah

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PS)

Yemeni National Army advances in Saada

The Yemeni National Army has managed, over the past few hours, to make further advances in Saada supported by the Arab Coalition Air Force and captured leading positions in Al Boqaa

Remark: Hadi government army, operating from Saudi territory in Northern Yemen.

(* A K)

Saudi-Backed Fighters Capture Coastal Area in Yemen From Houthis

A Western-backed Saudi-led coalition scored its first major gains in Yemen since former President Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed on Monday when local fighters captured an area on the Red Sea coast from Houthi rebels, residents said on Thursday.

Local fighters loyal to Saleh, who was killed by the Iran-aligned Houthis after switching sides in the civil war, captured al-Khoukha district about 350 km (220 miles) south-west of the capital Sanaa after heavy fighting over Wednesday night which also involved coalition forces.

Residents said Saleh's killing spurred opposition to the Houthis and fighters known as the Southern Resistance, together with other local militia and backed by coalition advisers from the United Arab Emirates, launched attacks on al-Khoukha on Wednesday.

At least 25 people from both sides were killed in the fighting before Yemeni fighters captured the town of al-Khoukha and a small fishing port. = and also and

(* A K PS)

Government forces advance towards al Khocha district, groups of the Republican Guard join them

The government forces backed by the Arab coalition forces took control on Wednesday western Taiz province, and headed towards Al Khocha and Hays district southern al Hodeida province, western Yemen, a military source told Almasdaronline.

The government forces managed to defeat the Houthis northern Yakhtil district, and proceeded towards Al-Zahari area in parallel with their advance from al Ramah axis northern Al Mocha district towards al Khocha district. and by WAM and also and also with map

(* A H K)

Al Khokha, taken by the Coalition forces with Southern Resistance and Tihama Resistance forces today, is 115 kms from #Hodeidah.
The taking of Hodeidah would imply an even greater catastrophe in terms of lives lost, fierce fighting and would mean the definite closure of the port which represents, still, the only lifeline to Northern #Yemen (map)

and photos / films

The southern resistance and the national army extend control over the camp of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari

Resistance of the sons of Tihama joins the ranks of the forces involved in the liberation of Tihama

Video now: the national army and the Republican Guard and the southern resistance from inside the city of Al-Khoukhah province of Hodeidah

assisted by air raids:

(* A K PS)

Coalition intensive raids kill 12 Houthi, wound 17 others in Taiz

The Saudi-led Arab coalition aircraft have launched around 13 air raids on the Houthi sites in al Zahari and Yakhtel outskirts areas northern al Mocha city western Taiz province, southwestern Yemen, resulting in the killing of 12 gunmen and wounding 17 others

and the propaganda story:

(A K P)

Ben Brik: Media of Legitimacy Fabricates and the Truth is That the Southern Resistance and The Arab Ally Liberated Al-Khoukha

Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council, launched a bitter attack on media tool of the legitimacy government and described them as fabricators of lies. In a tweet on his official Tweeter account, Ben Brik indicated that victories of the west coast front are made by the southern resistance and the Arab Ally while the so-called legitimacy government tries to fake another story.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

UN award winner tackles clean energy and cholera in Yemen

A young engineer from Yemen hopes his UN prize-winning project to convert food waste into "green" energy will help reduce the staggering rate of cholera in his country.

Omer Badokhon is one of six winners of the Young Champions of the Earth prize presented by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and materials science company, Covestro.

(* B P)

Ignorance about Eurasia’s two Great Games imperils the West

The fact that intelligent analysis of the two unfolding Great Games in Eurasia — of which the blood-soaked Yemen civil war is a part — is so rare is itself a tragedy.

One of these is the politicization of a very old rivalry; the other is the much more recent collusion of two great Eurasian powers. Both of these phenomena are reshaping the Asian continent in ways that are already beginning to reshape geopolitics and economics across the world and making American and European imperialist power irrelevant.

The Yemen tragedy is a microcosm of the extremely complex drama playing out in the Middle East – by David Simmons

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-364 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-364: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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