Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 369 - Yemen War Mosaic 369

Yemen Press Reader 369: 1000 Tage saudischer Bombenkrieg-Zweite Huthi-Rakete auf Riad-Propaganda um Huthi-Raketen - Saudische Luftangriffe / 1000 days Saudi aerial war-2. Houthi rocket on Riyadh

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20. Dez. 2017: 1000 Tage saudischer Bombenkrieg im Yemen

Dec. 20, 2017: 1000 days of Saudi aerial war on Yemen

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Nikki Haleys Raketenshow / Nikki Haley’s missile show

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Vormarsch der Saudi-Koalition / Most important: Advance of Saudi coalition

cp1d Zweite Huthi-Rakete auf Riad / Second Houthi missile on Riyadh

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B P)

Kamel Al-Khodani, a reporter with the former president's party, the General People's Congress, said today that since the Houthi militants killed Saleh, they have:
-killed 1.200 GPC leaders & members
-arrested 3.000 GPC leaders & members
-been responsible for disappearance of 250 GPC leaders whose fate is still unknown
-taken over 50 GPC headquarters besides media outlets and Al-Saleh Foundation for Development
-bombed 35 residences of GPC leaders & looted 110 others

My comment: There certainly cannot be doubt at the facts, but at the figures.

(* A P)

Houthi militants killed prominent tribal leader Sheikh Dhaif Allah Mothana along with his brother and two of his sons as they were passing a Houthi checkpoint in Dhamar, according to local sources and witnesses in the area.
They said that the militants objected to the tribal leader’s hanging of a Saleh poster on the window of his car. The situation then escalated and the militants broke the glass and shot Sheikh Mothana and his relatives.


Dhamar city: Houthis kill sheikh Daifallah Muthana after a verbal fight over refusing to remove Saleh's picture from his car. Two if his guards got killed too (photos)

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K)


We are approaching 1000 days of Saudi-led coalition war & blockade on #Yemen

1000 days of shame on the world.

1000 days of horror
1000 days of bloodshed
1000 days of tears
1000 days of darkness
1000 days of sadness
1000 days of fear of the unknown (images)

(** B K)

Here’s Exactly What 1,000 Days of War Against Yemen Has Destroyed…

(*** B K)

Yemen Data Project

The first data collection project by the Yemen Data Project focuses on the aerial bombardments in Yemen from March 2015 to August 2016 [and now continued until Dec. 15, 2017] and includes detailed data on all air raids conducted by the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia, which also includes participation from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain. The military coalition is backed by the United States and the United Kingdom with the US providing intelligence and logistical support, and the US and UK also having their military personnel deployed in the Saudi command-and-control centre for coalition airstrikes.

The dataset lists the date of incident, geographical location, type of target, target category and sub-category, and, where known, time of day. Each incident indicates a stated number of air-raids, which in turn may comprise multiple airstrikes. It is not possible to generate an average number of airstrikes per air-raid as these vary greatly, from a couple of airstrikes up to several dozen per air-raid.

To download the full database click here

[The data is published in csv-format. Import it to Microsoft Office Excel, LibreOffice Calc or Google Spreadsheet to view it in a readerfriendly format.]

Comment: The proportion of strikes hitting military facilities is only 38%.


Wednesday 20th December 2017 marks 1,000 days of the Saudi-led air war in Yemen. This is a summary of @YemenData data from 26 March 2015 to 15 December 2017 (infographic)

The first half of December 2017 saw a notable shift in targeting with air raids on non-military targets double those recorded on military targets. From 1 to 15 December, in a total of 270 air raids, 46 air raids targeted military sites and 98 targeted non-military sites.

Data collated by @YemenData shows the Saudi-led coalition carried out an average of 474 air raids per month with a total of 15,489 air raids from 26 March 2015 to 15 December 2017. Nearly one third of all air raids (31%) targeted non-military sites: (infographic)

(** B K P)

It’s Time for the UN to Sanction Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince

Ripples of reform from Riyadh have been attracting positive press for the Saudis in Washington.

But, in celebrating these moves, many seem happy to gloss over the young prince’s more problematic track record.

The war in Yemen, and Prince Bin Salman’s prominent role in it as defense minister, fits poorly into a narrative of a visionary young reform-oriented leader.

Imposing targeted sanctions for the indiscriminate bombing and unlawful blockading of essential goods to Yemen’s civilian population is well within the U.N. Security Council’s mandate. The council passed a resolution back in 2015 that gave it the power to place travel bans and asset freezes on anyone responsible for obstructing the delivery of life-saving aid. It has the power to put sanctions on anyone violating the laws of war in Yemen. Coalition leaders, including Prince bin Salman, meet that threshold.

But so far, the United Nations has taken a lopsided approach to Yemen’s conflict. The Security Council imposed travel bans and asset freezes on Houthi leaders responsible for abuses and on their erstwhile ally Saleh. The United Nations has information that points to the need for similar individual sanctions on coalition members, including military leaders in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. But mostly because of the power of Saudi Arabia’s allies — the United States, France and the United Kingdom — the Security Council hasn’t acted. Despite the worsening humanitarian situation, it’s been six months since the council said anything on Yemen, emboldening the coalition on its destructive path.

Continuing to shield the Saudis will abandon millions of Yemenis to further death and misery. The Crown Prince shouldn’t be able to paper over abuses abroad with talk of reform at home – by Akshaya Kumar, HRW Deputy United Nations Director and as a reminder from Dec. 7, also by HRW: and nothing had happened of course.

(** B K P)

By Oxfam: Missiles and Food: Yemen’s man-made food security crisis

The current dramatic levels of food insecurity in Yemen and the threat of famine are the results of over two-and-a-half years of war, adding to the already high levels existing pre-war. Yet, this food crisis is entirely manmade. Yemen imports around 90% of its food. Inspection mechanisms, congestion at ports and a destroyed infrastructure are hurdles that have caused a rise in food prices. At the same time, the economic crisis, the decline of the private sector and the non-payment of salaries in the public sector, as well as the loss of livelihoods has left people without the means to purchase what is available in the market. Significant delays in food imports and marked up prices have increased the cost for food to the extent that it is out of reach for most of the population, even though food has been readily available in large quantities in the markets. Yet, the lack of the most basic financial means and high food prices have combined to create a real threat for 17.8 million of the 27 million population of Yemen.

In less than three years since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015, the number of people who are food insecure in Yemen has risen from 11 million to nearly 18 million. The recent obstruction of food imports on which Yemen is heavily dependent has further exacerbated the crisis, with the result that two-thirds of Yemen’s population do not know where their next meal is coming from. This is a deadly combination, especially for the most vulnerable in society, including women and children.

The recent blockade, which has cut off large parts of Yemen from commercial imports, including fuel and food, has made far worse the already dire circumstances under which most people in Yemen live. Without immediate action to comprehensively tackle the world’s largest food crisis, Yemen risks becoming one of the worst famines in 2018. and in full

(** B H K)

In Yemen, the markets have food, but children are starving to death

What does famine look like? It's a question one doesn't often ask because the answer seems obvious.

Famine looks like dusty fields parched from drought, distended bellies and emaciated frames, a bad harvest with no crops. Famine looks like aid workers saving lives by handing out Plumpy'nut, packages of fortified nutritional paste. Famine looks like a page from the history books, the type of crisis that the world left behind in the 20th century.

But in Yemen, famine isn't caused by a bad harvest or a drought -- it's caused by man.

Both sides are using food as a weapon of war, but the crisis is caused primarily by a brutal air, land and sea blockade imposed by a Saudi Arabia-led coalition.

What does come through is heavily taxed along the way, as it passes through territory controlled by different warring factions. Driving along, you pass markets flush with fresh fruit that no one can afford, while children starve a half mile down the road.

It is often called a silent war. But we found a country that is crying out for help as the world turns a deaf ear – by Clarissa Ward (photos, films) and film also at

(** B H K)

Between Life and Death in Yemen

But when we visited in the fall, most Yemenis were more occupied just with survival. In Sana’a, war has become everyday. Every morning, people emerge with empty containers to seek drinkable water. At night, angry crowds amass to rail at Saudi Arabia and the complicit silence of the international community. In front of the collapsed buildings of the capital, historic statues have been stained with red paint, in memory of the hundreds of civilians killed by the Saudi military coalition’s air raids. The children of Sana’a no longer go to school, but they are very well educated on fighter jets. They point at the sky to identify a Mig, like military veterans. Since the blockade was imposed, the airplanes have been prowling over Sana’a every night.

In Saada, a town near the Saudi border more than 500 kilometers north of Sana’a, most doctors remain at their posts—not out of duty, but out of ideology.

Islamist doctrine now holds sway over much of the local population. The Houthi militiamen succeeded in restoring order to this unstable border area, executing highway bandits and reconciling rival tribes. It offered a sense of security, but at the cost of freedom.

For Saada lives under a strict ideological regime. Ministry of Education officials have been replaced by Houthi freelancers. As a result in primary and secondary schools, the Koran is mainly taught. Women are kept cloistered in houses. When they are allowed outside, girls wear the burqa from the age of 12—”even earlier, if they look pretty,” says the headmistress of one of Saada’s four girls’ schools. “We went from Saudi Wahhabism to Houthi fundamentalism. In fact, we fell from one hole to another,” says a local reporter who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals. He says Houthis arrest and have assassinated political opponents here.

The Saudi-led coalition has declared the town a military zone and it has come under sustained attack.

Mosques, schools, public buildings—everything that might have been a training camp or weapons cache has been razed to the ground by the coalition. When we visited, Governor Mohammed Jaber Awad took local journalists on a tour of what remains of his city.

By Manon Quérouil-Bruneel, Photographs by Véronique de Viguerie

(** B H K)

Yemen: 1,000 days of war

Thousands of public service employees across Yemen have not been paid their salaries for more than a year and a half.

One thousand days of war in Yemen: thousands killed, tens of thousands wounded, and millions pushed towards famine.

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is entirely man-made, the result of three years of brutal violence and insidious tactics that continue to deprive millions of people of basic supplies and services.

Wednesday marks 1,000 days since the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia began bombing rebel forces who seized the capital, Sanaa, and other territory during a lightning-quick offensive (photos)

(* B H K)

Sieben Millionen Menschen im Jemen droht Hungersnot

Saudi-Arabien und seine Verbündeten blockieren weiterhin die wichtigsten Häfen im Norden des Landes

Im Jemen droht laut humanitären Helfern eine Hungersnot mit mehr als sieben Millionen Opfern. Nur ein Drittel der benötigten Nahrungsmittel erreiche die Menschen in den stark umkämpften Teilen des arabischen Landes, heißt es in einem Bericht des Hilfswerks Oxfam.

Oxfam appelliert an Großbritannien und die Vereinigten Staaten, die den andauernden Krieg lediglich kritisiert hätten

»Aushungern als Mittel des Krieges einzusetzen, widerspricht jeglicher Humanität und darf nicht länger geduldet werden.«

(** B H K)

Yemen being pushed ever closer to famine: 1,000 days of war and a crippling blockade is starving its people

Yemen is being pushed ever closer to famine after 1,000 days of a brutal war, exacerbated by a crippling blockade of its key northern ports which is starving its people of food, fuel and medicine Oxfam warned today.

Some 90 per cent of Yemen’s food has to be imported and since a Saudi-led coalition imposed a blockade of the country’s key northern ports more than a month ago, only over a third of the food its people need is coming in.

More than 7 million people are now at acute risk of famine.

“We are finally hearing concern about the pursuit of this war from those countries which have fuelled the destruction through their arms sales - including strong and uncompromising words from the UK and US. These words need to be turned into collective action. The UK, as the country responsible for action on Yemen on the UN Security Council, can make a difference. It needs to act decisively, use its unique position to bring collective action to end to the blockade, end the fighting and put Yemen on the road to peace. Failure to do so would be dereliction of its diplomatic duty.”

Over the past 1,000 days:

Around 80 per cent of all of Yemen’s imports flow through Al-Hudaydah and Saleef ports, and about two-thirds of Yemen’s population live in the areas directly served by these ports. These ports handled around 85 per cent of all wheat grain imports in 2016.

Background briefing on 1,000 days of war

Yemen’s crisis: 1,000 days of disaster Western governments will be complicit of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis if they do not act now, as 1,000 days of war continue to push the country towards an apocalyptic situation.

1000 days of war A worsening situation, month after month [long overview ] and reporting on this Oxfam statement:

(** B K P)

The starvation plan for Yemen

Presenting themselves as shocked bystanders to the growing famine in Yemen, the US and UK are in fact prime movers in a new strategy that will massively escalate it

Plagued by division and defeat, it seems that the protagonists of the war on Yemen - the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - have embarked on a new strategy: a major attack on Yemen's main port of Hodeidah. This new strategy, if not thwarted, will push Yemen into total devastation.

And thirdly, the war is undergoing a serious crisis of legitimacy. Aid agencies, usually doggedly silent on the political causes of the disasters they are supposed to ameliorate, have been uncharacteristically vocal, placing the blame for the country's famine - in which more than a quarter of the population are now starving - squarely on the blockade and its supporters.

To confront these problems, a new strategy has clearly been in the works. It appears to have been inaugurated by British Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

The first element of this strategy was for Britain and the US to pacify the NGO fraternity by distancing themselves from the blockade, as if it were somehow separate from the war in which they were so deeply involved.

The next aspect of the strategy became obvious before the Johnson and May meetings had even finished, as fighting broke out between the Houthis and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh on the same day.

Thus, within a week of the London and Riyadh meetings, the coalition's three seemingly intractable problems - the paralysing divisions between UAE and Saudi Arabia, the military stalemate, and the West's legitimacy crisis over the blockade - had all apparently been turned around.

This readjustment was and is intended to pave the way for a decisive new page in the war: an all-out attack on Hodeidah, as a prelude to the recapture of Sanaa itself.

This new strategy is now well underway.

This intensive activity in the space of just two weeks, bookended by high-level meetings of the 'quartet' on either side, is clearly coordinated. But what it heralds is truly horrifying. Presenting themselves as shocked bystanders to the growing famine in Yemen, the US and UK are in fact prime movers in a new strategy that will massively escalate it – by Dan Glazebrook =

(** B H K)

Film: Yemen: Rare 360 footage reveals devastating impact of war on civilians

December 19 marks 1,000 days since the conflict began

Yemen has now been embroiled in its bloody civil war since March 2015, and 19 December marks the 1000th day of the conflict.

The International Rescue Committee has produced an interactive 360-degree video showing the impact of the conflict on civilians.

The video shows people surviving in buildings where they say they are routinely under fire and living without food or basic amenities such as running water or electricity.

Comment: Short video showing mainly the problems caused by cholera and the way the blockade is affecting treatments.

(** B H)

Women Flee a Hellscape in Yemen. Here Are Their Lives Now

Those lucky enough to escape the nation’s brutal war are scrabbling to adapt — and setting themselves up in business.

“Anyone who’s tasted the pain there will try to flee,” Abdusaid said.

If they can. When Abdusaid got to the UN camp she found about 1,100 fellow Yemenis there, a tiny fraction of the 3 million who’ve been forced from their homes. The longer Yemen’s conflict goes on, and the deadlier it becomes, the harder it is to get out. It’s estimated that about 180,000 people have left the country, compared with perhaps 5 million from Syria, which has a similar population.

“This is how we feel — that the whole world is saying, ‘the Yemenis should stay in their country and die,”’ said Suha Basharen, a gender researcher in the capital, Sana’a.

Yemen is the Arab world’s poorest country. Although plenty of women worked before the war, cultural expectations were that men supported their households.

In recent years, though, men have been disappearing to the frontlines to fight. Tens of thousands have been killed or injured. Many more saw their incomes evaporate, as Yemen’s government stopped paying the salaries that about 30 percent of the population depended on.

“Who’s taking the burden of all this? It’s women,” Basharen said.

“Women have become the sole breadwinners of entire families,” said Mayada Saleh, who works at a non-governmental organization in Amman, Jordan — one of the few countries where Yemenis can get refugee status. “When the war started, women started to look for creative ideas to earn more money and to make ends meet.”

That’s a constant preoccupation at the Obock camp in Djibouti – By Nafeesa Syeed (with photos) =

(** B K P)

The Saudi and Emirati Conundrum After Saleh

Since the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are again trying to find a powerful figure in Yemen around whom they can both unite.

While the Emiratis see few other choices for Yemeni allies, the Saudis are willing to consider a greater range of actors. Islah, the Yemeni version of the Muslim Brotherhood, has the allegiance of capable fighters in the north and can draw on tribal support as the Saleh clan does. While the Emiratis maintain their neurotic opposition to Islah and to any manifestation of political Islam, the Saudis do not share this sentiment.

In addition to Ahmed Ali Saleh, Saudi Arabia is also still working with General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, Ali Abdullah Saleh’s former close military ally and currently Vice President to Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

The Saudis are therefore backing two rivals in the Yemeni fight: Ahmed Ali and Ali Mohsen.

In short, both Saudi and Emirati policies in Yemen remain self-contradictory, and the two countries also continue to diverge over means and objectives. For as long as a single Yemen is viable, however, the Saudis seem committed to it, while the UAE remains ambivalent. How Yemen will be “liberated,” by whom, and who will subsequently have authority are questions to which the two ostensible Gulf allies have seemingly not yet worked out the answers—for themselves let alone their declared alliance. – by Neil Partrick

(***B K P)

Who Wants War with Iran -- and Why?

With things going Trump's way, one must ask:
What was U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley doing last week at what looked like a prewar briefing at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in D.C.?

Though the rocket had Iranian markings, it was not launched from Iran, or by Iranians. Houthi rebels, for two years victims of a savage war waged by the Saudis — using U.S.-made planes, missiles, bombs and drones — say they fired it at the Riyadh airport in retaliation for what the Saudis have done to their people and country.
If so, it was a legitimate act of war.

As there is no evidence as to when the Houthis acquired the missile, or where, the question arises: What was Haley's motive in indicting Iran? Was this part of a new propaganda campaign to drum up support for America's next big Mideast war?
There are reasons to think so.
Haley went on: "It's hard to find a conflict or a terrorist group in the Middle East that does not have Iran's fingerprints all over it."
But Iran is Shiite, while al-Qaida, which brought down the twin towers, aided by 15 Saudi nationals, is Sunni. So, too, are ISIS, Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Shabab in Somalia and Islamic Jihad. Most Mideast terrorist groups are Sunni, not Shiite.
As for these Mideast "conflicts," which did Iran start?
We started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. NATO started the war in Libya. The U.S. helped trigger the horrific Syrian civil war by arming "rebels."

As for the "Shiite crescent," from Tehran to Bagdad to Damascus to Beirut, who created it?
Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq was Sunni dominated. It was the Americans who overthrew him and brought Shiite power to Baghdad.
In Syria, it was U.S.- and Sunni-backed "rebels," allied at times with al-Qaida, who drew Iran and the Shiite militias in to save Assad – By Patrick J. Buchanan

My comment: This simply hits the spot. If you just want to read one opinion on this case, read this one.

(** B K P)

Iran’s Role in Yemen Exaggerated, but Destructive

And while there is no doubt that the Houthis are the biggest threat to the idea of the republic in Yemen, that is not due to Iran’s role. Iran’s support to the Houthis in Yemen is very small compared to that of Iraq, Syria, or Lebanon. It’s not that Iran’s support isn’t a destructive force—it is—but it is not the main or only one. The weapons and business Houthis get via the black market from the Yemeni government, for example, are worth more than the funding they get from Iran.

But it’s important to note that the Saudi war didn’t make the relationship between the Houthis and Iran weaker. Rather, the war made the relationship more essential.

Not Ally or Proxy but Cheap Tool

There is indeed a direct relationship between the Houthis and Tehran: financial, media, and political support for the Houthis from Tehran. To a certain point, Tehran provides the Houthis with military training support, as well.

The limitations of any Iranian military support can also be attributed to the simpler fact that Yemen, which is saturated with arms and fighters (in addition to Saleh’s army and weapons arsenal, which has recently openly aligned itself with the Houthis), undermines the urgency for more foreign weapons or fighters.

While the Iranian support to Houthis is clearly limited, it is still essential for the Houthis because at this point, they do not have any other public ally.

To Iran, the Houthis have not, in fact been much of strategic allies, but they could rather be perceived as the least costly, yet the closest, middle finger that could be raised against Saudi Arabia from its own backyard.

More importantly, and despite the White House statement18 earlier this year that Houthis are Iran’s hands, it is important to realize that Iran’s role in Yemen is basically destructive, as everywhere in the region. However, the Houthis are also a destructive group, with and without Iran – by Farea Al-Muslimi

My comment: Whatever, the Saudi role looks much more destructive – whether in Yemen, in Syrian, in Lebanon, in Libya, in Afghanistan. And for Yemen, please show me a non-destructive faction.

(** B P)

US Plans Slash and Burn of Middle East to “Minimize” Iranian Influence

The US is attempting to sell to the public the next phase of its continued occupation and military operations across the Middle East. Predicated on claims of “rebuilding” Iraq and “fighting terrorists” in Syria, it is in actuality a plan to perpetuate for as long as possible the upheaval currently consuming the region in hopes of overextending and exhausting Iran – and by extension – Russia.

The United States in its pursuit of global hegemony has placed particular focus on encircling, containing, undermining, and if possible, overthrowing the socioeconomic and political order of Iran as a means to secure for itself primacy over the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Because of this emerging reality, US policy versus Tehran is shifting from attempting to justify a military confrontation it is no longer certain it can win, to a policy of containment and limited conflict similar to America’s maneuvering in Asia Pacific regarding Beijing.

A piece in The Nation Interest penned by Brookings policymakers titled, “A blueprint for minimizing Iran’s influence in the Middle East,” attempts to summarize America’s current plans regarding the containment or “minimization” of Iranian influence.

In essence, the actual US plan for Iraq is to organize and implement the next round of deadly sectarian fighting.

Regarding Syria, US plans to occupy and administer seized Syrian territory were reiterated – plans that have been openly pursued since outright US-backed regime change stalled in 2011.

The paper tips America’s hand, revealing that ongoing Western operations in Syria are aimed not at fighting and defeating ISIS or Al Qaeda, but using the presence of both groups as a pretext to prevent the Syrian government from restoring order to the country.

In other words, in regards to minimizing Iranian influence in Iraq and Syria, the US is determined to divide and destroy both nations and their people, plunder their resources, and maintain their collective territory as a breeding ground for sectarianism and extremism – by Tony Cartalucci

(** B K P)

Kirchen: Deutsche Rüstungsexporte befeuern Jemen-Konflikt

Der 21. Rüstungsexportbericht der Kirchen stellt fest: Die letzten vier Regierungsjahre haben die Rüstungskontrolle kaum vorangebracht. Im Gegenteil: Deutsche Patrouillenboote heizen den Jemen-Konflikt weiter mit an.

Verschärft die Bundesregierung die Flüchtlingskatastrophe im Jemen? Vertreter der christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland sind genau davon überzeugt. "Der Krieg im Jemen wird auch mit deutschen Waffen geführt", sagte der evangelische Vorsitzende der Gemeinsamen Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung (GKKE), Martin Dutzmann, am Montag in Berlin. Dutzmann kritisierte bei der Vorstellung des 21. Rüstungsexportberichts der Kirchen die Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien. Das Land sei zentrale Konfliktpartei im Jemen.

Trotzdem habe Saudi-Arabien von der Großen Koalition von CDU, CSU und SPD zwischen Januar 2014 und April 2017 Rüstungsexporte in Höhe von einer Milliarde Euro erhalten, sagte Dutzmann. Geliefert worden seien Patrouillenboote und Bauteile für Kampfflugzeuge. Beides sei in Kriegshandlungen zum Einsatz gekommen. Saudische Patrouillenboote hätten demnach Seehäfen blockiert und zivile Hilfslieferungen in den Jemen gestoppt. Zudem seien über Saudi-Arabien jemenitische Bodentruppen unterstützt worden. Weitere Rüstungsgeschäfte mit Ägypten und Katar hätten der Kriegsallianz Saudi-Arabiens weitere Waffen in die Hand gegeben. "Damit tragen Waffenexporte aus Deutschland direkt zur Flüchtlingskatastrophe bei", folgert der Kirchenvertreter Dutzmann.

An die Bundesregierung appelliert das Kirchenbündnis hinter dem Rüstungskontrollbericht, sämtliche Waffenexporte in die Krisenregion sofort einzustellen. Insbesondere Saudi-Arabien dürfe nicht weiter mit deutschen Waffen aufgerüstet werden

und weitere Artikel:öten-im-jemen.html

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** A H)

WHO Interactive Yemen Cholera Dashboard

993.306 cases, 2.226 deaths (Dec. 17)

[For looking backwards, you can filter by date, on the left]

(** A H)

WHO reports a rise in "Diphtheria" deaths to 35 cases and 300 affected

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday that Diphtheria deaths in Yemen had risen to 35 cases since the outbreak began weeks ago.

The International Organization of the United Nations said in a report that it registered 300 cases of suspected effected with the disease, and the deaths and infection of the epidemic was monitored in 15 Yemeni provinces, out of 23, and in 71 out of 333 district.

"The provinces of Ibb (central) and Hodeidah (West), recorded the majority of deaths and the epidemic, and nearly half of those who have been exposed to this disease, are in the category of children aged 5 to 15 years. and also

(* B H)

5 films by Oxfam: Cholera-based videos, filmed by Srooh Foundation for Social Development. This film was made based on a competition arranged and funded by Oxfam-Yemen allowing only 5 winners to tell a Cholera story in an innovative way.

We Are All Partners

Unknow Destiny

Cholera is Treated by Doctors not Opinions

It's Us or Cholera

The Cholera Seller

cp1b Nikki Haleys Raketenshow / Nikki Haley’s missile show

Siehe / Look at cp1; YPR 368, cp1b

(* A P)

Iran weist Vorwurf der Waffenlieferungen an Rebellen im Jemen entschieden zurück

Der Iran hat den Vorwurf der USA und Saudi-Arabiens, Waffen an die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen zu liefern, ausdrücklich zurückgewiesen. "Wir haben keinerlei Waffenverbindungen mit dem Jemen", sagte der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Bahram Ghasemi, am Mittwoch laut der Nachrichtenagentur Isna. "Der Vorwurf, dass Iran verschiedene Gruppen mit Waffen versorgt, wird zurückgewiesen." Die von den Rebellen verwendeten Waffen seien Hinterlassenschaften früherer Regierungen.

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Iran 'strongly denies' arming Yemen rebels

Tehran strongly denied on Wednesday that it had supplied weapons to Yemeni rebels which they used in attacks on its archfoe Saudi Arabia as alleged by both Riyadh and Washington.

"We have no arms link with Yemen," foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told the ISNA news agency, after Saudi Arabia said it had intercepted a rebel missile over Riyadh on Tuesday that it suggested was "Iranian-manufactured".

"The accusation that Iran gives weapons to various groups is rejected and we strongly deny it," he said.

"Yemen is in a blockade and such possibility does not exist anyway."

Weapons used by the rebels "to defend against violation and non-stop attacks" are leftovers of previous governments, Ghasemi said.

"There isn't even the possibility of sending humanitarian aid." and also

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US Trying to Discredit Iran With Yemen Charges

US political analyst said Washington’s claim alleging that the missiles fired at Saudi Arabia by Yemeni fighters had Iranian origin is in fact a “propaganda campaign”, which aims to destroy the credibility of Iran, particularly in the eyes of the American public.

“My feeling is that this is just a propaganda campaign and it fits in with [the US] desire to somehow undermine the nuclear deal and this sort of thing. So any chance they get, whether it’s true or not, to destroy the credibility of Iran they’re going to take it,” Lawrence Davidson told Radio Sputnik in a recent interview.

Asked about the reason behind the anti-Iranian outlook of the recent US administration of Donald Trump, Davidson pointed to the wealthy Zionist lobby in the US as the main body pushing such negativity against Iran.

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US Eyes Coalition to ‘Really Push Back Against Iran’

The Trump administration said it wants to create an anti-Iran alliance in the Middle East that could include Saudi Arabia and Israel

New US accusations against Iran of involvement in the war in Yemen demonstrate a determination by Washington to forge an international alliance against the Iranian government.

The United States faces an uphill challenge in trying to convince other members of the UN Security Council to take stronger measures against Iran.

Permanent council members China and Russia were also reluctant to increase pressure on Iran. US allies in Europe have argued that, while there should be talks with Iran about its missile programme and its behaviour in the region, the issue should be kept separate from the nuclear deal.

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CIA-Veteran: US-Säbelrasseln gegen Iran dient Israel und soll von humanitärem Leid im Jemen ablenken

Mit der Forderung, eine westliche Koalition gegen Iran aufzubauen, stellt sich die US-Gesandte bei den UN, Nikki Haley, hinter die Interessen Israels, so der ehemalige CIA-Offizier Ray McGovern im Gespräch mit RT. Zudem soll der Fokus weg vom Leid im Jemen.

Die US-Botschafterin bei der UNO folgt offenbar "der Art von Diskursen, die nicht nur aus Washington oder New York, sondern auch aus Tel Aviv stammen".

Der vermeintliche Beweis, den Haley bezüglich Irans angeblicher Verletzung der UN-Resolutionen geliefert hatte, verblasst im Vergleich zum Umfang der Verstöße, die sich Saudi-Arabien geliefert hätte.

"Es ist die Zeit, die Trommeln gegen den Iran zu schlagen - und die beste Sache, die sie finden konnten, sind einige Flugkörperteile", äußerte der ehemalige CIA-Offizier. McGovern räumte ein, dass sich die Huthis die Rakete tatsächlich aus dem Iran beschafft haben könnten, aber das werde von Haley „als Vorwand verwendet, um den Diskurs von der Tatsache abzulenken, dass eine Million Menschen im Jemen an Cholera erkrankt sind. 70 Prozent aller Jemeniten sind von internationalen Lebensmittellieferungen abhängig.“

Die Rakete könnte den Huthis zudem auch "vor Jahren" geliefert worden sein. Die Tatsache, dass sie am 4. November in der Nähe eines Flughafens in Riad landete, war für die Rebellen nur ein "glücklicher Zufall".

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Seven reasons to reject the accusations of supplying Yemenis with 'Iranian' missiles

"The point of this entire display is that only Iran makes this missile. They have not given it to anybody else," said Laura Seal, a Pentagon spokeswoman.
Seal said the US did not know when the missile had been exported from Iran, raising the possibility it was transferred to the Houthis before passage of the 2015 UN resolution that enshrined the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, including the US.

The missile in question is hardly a Qiam or any Iranian missile for the following reasons:

  1. "Qiam" ballistic missile
  2. Numbered evidence
  3. "Unique" Iranian design
    As mentioned above, Qiam is ultimately based on Soviet Scud missile, and other derivatives include Iranian Shahab-1 and Shahab-2, North Korean Hwasong-5, Hwasong-6 and Hwasong-9, Iraqi Al-Hussein, Al-Hijarah and Al-Abbas, and finally, Yemeni Burkan (Volcano) types.
  4. "Shahid Bagheri" marks
  5. Transfer in "small pieces"
    This claim comes from Adel al-Jubeir, who said "the missile had been smuggled into Yemen in parts and assembled there by the Iranian operatives." Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs thus believes the ballistic missiles are like Lego toys, they can be easily disassembled in the hundreds of little pieces, and then assembled with using some nice Persian manual. In the reality, rocket body construction is extremely sensitive and as a finished product it's transferred in stages.
  6. True origin of Yemeni missiles
  7. Similar Saudi claims

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US Tries to Discredit Iran With Accusations of Involvement in Yemen – Analyst

Radio Sputnik spoke with political analyst Lawrence Davidson about this issue. Professor Lawrence Davidson is the author of "Islamic Fundamentalism" and "Cultural Genocide". He is also an expert in US foreign relations with the Middle East.

“I think that the US with this particular government and this Congress is engaged in an effort to destroy the credibility of Iran particularly in terms of the American public’s view. My feeling is that this is just a propaganda campaign and it fits in with their desire to somehow undermine the nuclear deal and this sort of thing. So any chance they get, whether it’s true or not, to destroy the credibility of Iran they’re going to take it,” Lawrence Davidson told Sputnik.

Lawrence Davidson: I think the key here is the influence of Israel and the Zionist lobby . The Zionists both Christian and Jewish Zionists here in the US have an enormous leverage particularly in Congress and also with the political parties. So if you are going to try and maximize your political position here in the United States which takes a lot of money, you are going to play to those who give you the money and the Zionists both Christian and Jewish are very heavy donors.

Sputnik: How provocative are the accusations by Washington to the Iranian authorities now?

Lawrence Davidson: They are provocative obviously to the Iranians. It’s just propaganda. I mean no one is going to go to war with the Iranians. I think that there are some people who would like to do that but I don’t think that’s going to happen. It’s a lot of hot air and it hurts feelings, it hurts relations and it does no good.

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Iran calls Haley's missile claim 'ridiculous'

While most experts were skeptical of Haley’s claims, Iran was dismissive and answered back about US actions in Yemen.

Ali Akbar Velayati, foreign policy adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, joked at a Dec. 17 press conference, “I don’t know if this lady who is America’s representative at the UN is an international specialist or missile specialist.” He continued, “She showed something and said the Iranians had done it. This is just a claim and it shows that this individual does not have the minimum scientific information.”

Velayati added, “Like President Trump, they make baseless and ridiculous comments. The Islamic Republic under no conditions has given missiles to Yemen.”

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If Iran arms Yemen, Who arms Saudi to kill kids?

White wash, she was actually trying to White wash the US Crimes, the crime of arming Saudi Arabia which has enabled them to Kill not tens but thousands of innocent Yemeni Children, civilians and pushed them to largest crisis.

The US ambassador to UN, before making baseless allegations, should have a look on whom she is supporting, a terrorist regime that created ISIS.

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Iran Calls on US to Hand in Missile Parts Displayed by Haley

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said parts of a ballistic missile that US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley claimed Iran delivered to Houthis in Yemen should be put at Iran’s disposal for examination.

The Iranian defense ministry’s technical department is looking into Nikki Haley’s claim and her recent missile show at the UN, General Hatami said on Monday.

He added that Iran plans to lodge a complaint with the United Nations that part of the missile be delivered to Iran for examination.

"The enemies of the Islamic Republic can make whatever claim, but after the complaint is filed (by Iran), a part of the missile should be handed over to Iran so we can inspect it," Brigadier General Hatami said, adding that the complaint would be a transparency measure by Iran. and by Fox News:

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Iran to file complaint to UN against U.S. missile claim

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that Tehran will file a complaint to the UN against U.S. over claims that Iran has supplied missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen.

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Iran to File Complaint at UN against US over Houthi Missile Claims

The Raja New website, which is close to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, however reported that the missile Haley presented in her briefing was indeed a “Qiam” rocket that is manufactured by Iran.
It said however that it was launched towards Syria’s Deir al-Zour region on June 18 as part of a salvo of Revolutionary Guard rockets fired against ISIS positions in the area.
Guards spokesman Ramadan Sharif dismissed Haley’s claims as “silly”, alleging that Yemen had years ago obtained Chinese and North Korean technology to manufacture rockets.

Remark: By Saudi media.

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Iran's Top Security Official Mocks Haley's Nontechnical Missile Claim

"The US envoy's comments were a very weak and ridiculous show and they even lacked technical backup," Shamkhani told reporters in the Western city of Sanandaj on Monday.

He stressed that Haley failed to present corroborative proof to substantiate her allegations. The security official said Iran would never be shy of acknowledging support for nations if it embarks on doing so.

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How Nikki Haley’s Theatrics Help Washington Get Away with Murder in Yemen?

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley should realize that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

She needs to realize that what she asserts without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

This is particularly striking as Haley’s presentation to deceive the world was very light on specifics, and appeared to just echo Saudi Arabia’s own allegations of the missile being from Iran.

There’s is a simple reason why American politicians don’t mention that the unpopular war they support disproportionately benefits the Military-Industrial Complex - they want to get the policy passed without incurring the wrath of the public. Unfortunately, all reasonable accounts indicate that Ambassador Haley and other US officials are doing just that - they will not surrender their Iran idea when the evidence is against them.

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Iran: Haley's Remarks against Iran Aimed at Marginalizing New Intifada in Palestine

Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council (EC) Mohsen Rezayee underlined that US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley's allegations on supply of Iranian missiles to Yemen were raised to divert the public opinion from the Palestinian people's new Intifada after recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israeli capital by Washington.

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Iran summons Swiss envoy over U.S.' 'irresponsible' missile claim: Tasnim

Iran summoned the Swiss ambassador on Tuesday to condemn what it called an “irresponsible” claim by the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. that Tehran supplied a missile fired at Saudi Arabia from Yemen on Nov. 4, Iran’s Tasnim news agency reported.

The Swiss embassy represents U.S. interests in Tehran, where Washington has had no mission since 1980, when Iranian students took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

cp1c Vormarsch der saudischen Koalition / Advance of Saudi coalition

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Shiite Houthi control shrinks in Yemen after losing streak on ground

The Shiite Houthi group fighters are losing ground on daily basis in Yemen's western coast areas.

It comes amid expectations of recapturing the strategic port city of Hodeidah by the country's internationally-backed government forces in the next days.

The pro-Houthi fighters positioned across the country western coast areas are the main target of the Yemeni government forces, backed by the air force of Saudi-led Arab coalition.

The Saudi-backed Yemeni troops and the local fighters allied with the government have been making strides, kicking the Houthis from three districts of Hodeidah province during past ten days.

The forces loyal to the legitimate President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi defeated the Houthi rebels in the Khokha district and other two districts in Hodeidah, following a broad military offensive it launched in cooperation with the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

The operation resulted in clearing the entire main roads leading to Hodeidah and seizing a key military base from the Houthis in addition to seizing several government institutions there.

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Yemen PM: New alliance forming to fight Houthis

Yemen’s government is working to build a new military and political coalition to fight the Iranian-backed Houthi group, Sky News Arabia reported.

“There is no political or popular cover for the Iranian-backed Houthi militias,” Foreign Minister Abdul Malik Al-Mekhlafi said, adding that Yemeni forces are making progress in Shabwa governorate and west coast fronts.

The new alliance formation comes off the back of the Houthi group’s latest activity in Sana’a, following the killing of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

In a push to retake territory from the Houthi group, the national army of UN-backed President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has been joined by former loyal to the late Saleh.

In addition to Saleh forces, the army now also includes support from the UAE-backed forces, including the Southern Transitional Council’s forces. The Tihama tribe, located on the western coast of Yemen has also joined the fight against the Houthis in a bid to force the group back to the northern governorate of Saada and retake Hudaydah.

My comment: The “retake of Hodeidah” is feared to cause a humanitarian catastrophe.

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Photos: Houthi technicals and weapons captured by Tihama Resistance in Al-Khokha #Hodeidah.

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Landmines cleared from liberated areas in Hodeida

Yemeni government forces have arrested dozens of Iran-backed Al Houthi militants as explosive experts defuse thousands of landmines from recently-liberated areas in the province of Hodeida, a field commander on the Red Sea front told Gulf News on Monday.

Abu Zara’a Al Mouhrrami said that government forces paused their advances in the western province to allow explosive experts clear the area and soldiers to comb for Al Houthi militants who might still be hiding out in farms.

“We are capturing dozens of Al Houthis every day. We have found bombs and landmines plants hidden inside farms,” Al Mouhrrami said by telephone from the battlefield.

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Commander General of the West Coast Front: Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces Keep Advance After Controlling and Securing Al-Khoukha and its Paths

Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces kept advancing after fully controlling and securing the parameters of Al-Khoukha as security forces were deployed in the city streets and all paths leading to it. Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, commander general of the west coast front, indicated that Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces advanced to territories 6 km behind Al-Khoukha that became under full control last week. He added that the city was fully secured after military engineering squads managed to dismantle thousands of landmines implanted by Al-Houthi militias on the streets and inside residence areas. Securing the city helped the forces to advance and deploy. During deployment, the forces discovered an explosives workshop with huge amounts of landmines and explosive packs.

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Film: Yemen: The Yemeni Army Advancement In The West Coast Front (Exclusive Scenes).

The southern resistance and Yemeni army forces, supported by the Arab Coalition forces, continue to advance in the West Coast Front in Western Yemen, reaching the outskirts of Hays and Zabid, and their main objective is the province of Hodeidah and its strategic harbor. At the same time, the West Coast Front is witnessing fierce battles between several parties

cp1d Huthi-Rakete auf Riad / Houthi missile against Riyadh

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“Iran Has Nothing to Do with Yemen’s Missiles”

Iran has once again rejected claims that it is sending arms to Yemen, saying the weapons in Yemenis’ hands are the ones which have existed in garrisons since former governments were in power.

In a televised interview with Al-Alam News Network on Tuesday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said Tehran is not sending weapons to Yemen, whatsoever.

“We have no arms links with Yemen,” said the spokesman

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Latest Houthi missile 'bears hallmarks' of Iran arms attacks: U.S.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said a missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi group toward Saudi Arabia on Tuesday “bears all the hallmarks of previous attacks using Iranian-provided weapons” as she pushed the U.N. Security Council to act.

“We must all act cooperatively to expose the crimes of the Tehran regime and do whatever is needed to make sure they get the message. If we do not, then Iran will bring the world deeper into a broadening regional conflict,” Haley told the council.

Haley said she was exploring, with some council colleagues, several options for pressuring Iran to “adjust their behavior.” However, Haley is likely to struggle to convince some members, like veto powers Russia and China, that U.N. action is needed. and also, more background.

My comment: That was to be expected: The US use this latest attack for their anti-Iranian propaganda and pressure policy.

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Pentagon works to 'understand' missile strike on Saudi

The Pentagon said Tuesday it was working with Saudi Arabia to determine events surrounding the latest missile launch from Yemen, but it did not immediately point fingers at Iran.

"The Department of Defense is aware of recent reports that Yemen-based Huthi forces launched a ballistic missile into Saudi Arabia and that the Huthis have taken responsibility for this attack," the Pentagon said in a statement.

It added that the US was working closely with Saudi Arabia "to fully understand what took place and to ensure that our Saudi partners have the resources they need to defend their territory against indiscriminate attacks against civilian-inhabited areas." =

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Der Jemenkrieg erreicht das Herz von Saudi-Arabien

In den zwei Wochen seither sind bei Luftangriffen Saudi-Arabiens und seiner Verbündeten nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen mindestens 136 Zivilisten getötet worden. Die Toten sind das Ergebnis von Fehlern der Anti-Huthi-Koalition bei der Zielauswahl.

Die Raketen treffen jedoch das Selbstbewusstsein der Saudis: Denn sie zeigen, dass zweieinhalb Jahre nach Beginn des Jemenkriegs die militärische Stärke der Huthis ungebrochen ist. Für Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, die treibende Kraft hinter dem Feldzug, ist das eine Blamage. Er hatte seinen Landsleuten 2015 einen schnellen Triumph versprochen.

Möglich ist deshalb, dass die Huthis die Rakete selbst aus Beständen des jemenitischen Militärs herstellten, möglicherweise mithilfe iranischer Ausbilder. Doch eindeutige Beweise für iranische Waffenlieferungen sind Saudi-Arabien und seine Verbündeten bislang schuldig geblieben.

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Saudi-Arabien meldet Angriff auf Hauptstadt

In Saudi-Arabien ist eine Rakete abgefangen worden, die offenbar aus dem Jemen abgefeuert wurde. Ziel des Flugkörpers soll der Königspalast in Riad gewesen sein.

Die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen bestätigten den Angriff, und erklärten, das Ziel sei der Königspalast in der Hauptstadt Riad gewesen. Sie hätten eine ballistische Rakete gefeuert, teilte ein Sprecher der jemenitischen Rebellengruppe mit.

Saudi-arabische Militärs meldeten hingegen, der Angriff habe Wohngebiete im Süden Riads zum Ziel gehabt. Die saudi-arabische Luftwaffe flog daraufhin Vergeltungsangriffe gegen Stellungen der Huthi im Jemen

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Rakete nahe Riad abgefangen

Südlich der saudi-arabischen Hauptstadt Riad ist eine Rakete abgefangen worden. Es entstanden keine Schäden. Das ballistische Geschoss wurde offenbar im Jemen von Huthi-Rebellen abgefeuert und sollte angeblich den Königspalast treffen.

Jemenitische Huthi-Kämpfer haben offenbar versucht, das saudi-arabische Riad mit einer ballistischen Rakete zu treffen. Das Geschoss wurde nach Angaben des staatlichen saudischen Fernsehsenders in der Nähe der Hauptstadt abgefangen. Zeugen berichteten von Explosionen und einer Rauchwolke. Es entstanden keine Schäden.

Ein Huthi-Sprecher teilte mit, dass der königliche Palast in Riad getroffen werde sollte, wo gerade ein wichtiges Treffen stattgefunden habe. Die Rakete sei eine "Vulkan H-2" gewesen. Es ist aber sowohl unklar, ob die Rakete so zielgenau war, als auch, welche Bauart verwendet wurde.

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Saudi-Arabien meldet Raketenangriff auf Hauptstadt

Ein Korrespondent der Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete über eine laute Explosion gegen Mittag, kurz vor der Bekanntgabe des saudi-arabischen Haushaltsentwurfs für 2018. Üblicherweise gibt der König das Budget im Jamamah-Palast bekannt.

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Die Bundesregierung bewertete den neuen Angriff als "weitere militärische Eskalation durch die Huthi-Rebellen", die den Konflikt verschärfe. "Die Raketenangriffe auf Saudi-Arabien müssen endlich ein Ende nehmen", erklärte das Auswärtige Amt.

Mein Kommentar: Das ist lächerlich, wenn die Bundesregierung nicht ebenso alle saudischen Luftangriffe auf den Jemen verurteilt hat. Und das hat sie nicht.

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Houthi rebels fire missile at Riyadh after Saudi airstrikes kill 136 in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. largely blame Iran for the Houthi missiles, delegitimizing the Houthis' right to fight back.

experts have begun to question what rights, if any, the Houthis have to retaliate.

“Generally speaking, you have the right to defend yourself, by the international laws of war. If you you have someone firing at you, you have the right to fire back,” said Nabeel Khoury, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, who worked in the U.S. Foreign Service for 25 years.

He also noted that the laws call on parties to do their utmost to avoid hitting civilian areas, “and it’s been obvious the Saudis and the Arab coalition are using the best American-bought equipment to repeatedly hit civilian areas.”

“From the Houthi’s point of view…although they have the right to fire back, they are really foolish to do it. Because strategically, these rockets don’t change anything. It’s like poking a hive of bees or wasps. They’re all going to come flying out at you,” Khoury added. “All they are doing is poking…Haley and Saudi Arabia make a big deal out of it, but it doesn’t do anything. There hasn’t been one Saudi injured because of a couple of rockets that these guys have fired…the Houthis make lots of mistakes and this is one of them.”

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Saudis Down Yemen Rebel Missile Before It Strikes Palace

“You are hitting Sana’a and we are hitting Riyadh and Abu Dhabi,” rebel leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi said in a speech. “You are attacking the republican palace in Sana’a and our ballistic missiles reach al-Yamamah palace in Riyadh. You are targeting our vital installations and we will do that.” A separate Houthi statement said Saudi military and oil installations were also “within our missiles’ reach.”

Crispin Hawes, a managing director at Teneo Intelligence, a political risk consulting firm in London, predicted “a concerted effort by the Saudi government to push for action against Iran.”

“We have clearly entered a period where there is a direct threat to Saudi population centers, even with their air defense systems in place,”

My comment: Hypocrisy is to be seen in a lot of all these statements. For instance: ““We have clearly entered a period where there is a direct threat to Saudi population centers”: there is a daily threat (and of course much more than just a “threat” to Yemeni population centers since 1000 days). – And the Houthis are not Iran’s proxy in Yemen”.

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Saudi Air Defenses Shoot Down Missile Fired by Yemen's Houthis

American University of Beirut professor Hilal Khashan tells VOA he questions whether the ballistic missiles being used in the recent attacks were from Iran.

"The Iranians support the Houthis to the best of their ability, but the Houthis were able to seize the military arsenal of [former Yemeni President] Ali Abdallah Saleh, especially after the fall of Sanaa and the failure of his [recent] coup. They seized huge amounts of weapons that include SCUD missiles."

Khashan said he thinks it "likely that the Iranians may have upgraded the missiles," and that he believes the Houthis could have "up to 500 SCUD missiles in their arsenal." The Houthis have fired close to 100 ballistic missiles at Saudi territory during the past year, according to al-Arabiya.

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Saudi forces intercept Riyadh-bound Houthi missile

Houthi rebels said on Tuesday they had launched a ballistic missile targeting al-Yamama royal palace to mark 1,000 days since the coalition started its bombing campaign in Yemen.

"This is our answer to them and to the whole world," Abdulmalik al-Houthi, the rebels' leader, said in a televised address.

"The more crimes you perpetrate, the more tyrannical you are, you will meet nothing but more missiles."

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Saudi Arabia shoots down Houthi missile close to Riyadh

The Saudi-led coalition, reacting to Tuesday’s missile launch, said it was a sign of Iran’s continued support for Houthis, which it described as terrorists.

“This aggressive and arbitrary act by the armed Houthi Iranian group proves the continued involvement of the Iranian regime in supporting the Houthis [...] with the aim of threatening the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” said coalition spokesman Turki Al-Malki.

“The control of Iranian-made ballistic weapons by terrorist organisations, including the Houthi armed militia supported by Iran, is a threat to regional and international security, and the targeting of populated cities is contrary to international humanitarian law.”

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Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki on Tuesday again pointed the finger at Iran. “This aggressive and arbitrary act by the armed Houthi Iranian group proves the continued involvement of the Iranian regime in supporting the Houthis with qualitative capabilities,” he said, according to state-run Saudi Press Agency. The Saudi royal air defense forces spotted the launch of the missile from Yemen, he added.

The United Arab Emirates’ state minister for foreign affairs, Anwar Gargash, said on Twitter on Tuesday that “with every Iranian missile launched by the Houthi militia against civilian targets, it becomes clear that the storm is necessary.”

Crispin Hawes, a managing director at Teneo Intelligence, a political risk consulting firm in London, predicted “a concerted effort by the Saudi government to push for action against Iran.”

“We have clearly entered a period where there is a direct threat to Saudi population centers, even with their air defense systems in place,” Hawes said. This will have a “depressing impact on the local capital markets and on economic activity in general,” he added.

My comment: The Saudi reaction is odd. Nobody was harmed; such attacks – with many killed and a lot of destruction – the Saudis are committing daily in Yemen, since 1000 days. Taking 50 air rsaids a day, that would mean 50.000 air riads up to now.

And of course many others do the same. If they wanted to be taken serious, they should already have protested against Saudi air raids 50.000 times now:

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Houthi missile attack on Riyadh sparks global outrage

A number of countries and organizations have condemned the launch of a ballistic missile by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen aimed at Riyadh.

From 9 countries and OIC, see details.

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OIC condemns ballistic missile attack on Saudi Arabia

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Yemen condemns the targeting of the Houthi militia coup to Riyadh ballistic missile

The Republic of Yemen condemned strongly the Iranian-backed Houthi militia targeting the city of Riyadh with a ballistic missile today.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: This aggressive behavior of targeting Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles reflects the extent of the danger that this extremist group has become and the level to which Iranian influence has reached it.

My comment: Just once in the war, the Hadi government had condemned one of the ca. 50.000 Saudi air raids against Yemen.

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Bahrain condemns missile attack

The Kingdom of Bahrain yesterday strongly condemned the ballistic missile attack by the Houthi militia in Yemen.

“The cowardly attack confirms the negative and dangerous role played by Iran in supporting the militias in Yemen, which undermines efforts to reach a peaceful solution.

My comment: More hypocrisy of this kind. Nobody was harmed. Much more sound would be using all this words for Saudi air raids and the US support for them.

And the same must be said of

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Lebanon Condemns Houthi Missile On Riyadh As Inciting Existing Division

Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri strongly condemned Tuesday the firing of a ballistic missile at Saudi capital Riyadh by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels, saying it "exacerbates existing divisions and conflicts", China's Xinhua news agency reported.
"The repeated targeting of Saudi territory by missile attacks from Yemeni territory does not only threaten the security of the kingdom and the safety of its people but also exposes the region to serious dangers and exacerbates existing divisions and conflicts," Hariri said in a statement released by his media office. and also

and also of

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US Dep. of Defence: Condemning the Houthi Missile Strike Against Saudi Arabia

Press Statement, Heather Nauert, Department Spokesperson

The United States strongly condemns the reckless Houthi missile attack today on Riyadh. We remain deeply disturbed by aggressive Houthi actions supported by Iran’s provision of advanced weapons, which threaten regional security and prolong the Yemen conflict. The United States calls on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to stop arming and enabling the Houthis’ violent actions against Yemen’s neighbors, including Saudi Arabia.
A political solution is the only way to advance long-term stability in Yemen and end the suffering of the Yemeni people.

My comment: This is hypocrisy on a high level. The US did not “strongly condemn” the ca. 50.000 “reckless Saudi air attacks” on Yemen. – And the very first target of US propaganda and aggression is Iran.

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Statement of Group of Ambassadors to Yemen

The Group of Ambassadors to Yemen condemn the firing of a ballistic missile towards Riyadh by Houthi militia on December 19. This attack took place while the Ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives were in a meeting with President Hadi conducting a serious discussion on how to end the suffering of the Yemeni people caused by the conflict.

In that meeting the Ambassadors expressed support for the efforts of the UN Special Envoy to bring about a peaceful end to the conflict.

My comment: Which ambassadors? – And what does the meeting with pres. Hadi have to do with this missile attack? Rearly nothing.

Comment: This is the very hypocrisy! These 19 ambassadors are involved in the process of "helping" Yemen get out of its crisis. They never ever condemned Saudi killing & destroying Yemen for 3 years. Now, they condemn firing self-defense missile to Riyadh!

(A P)

Foreign Secretary condemns attempted missile strike on Riyadh

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

I am appalled by another attempted missile strike on Riyadh on 19 December. This is the second such shocking incident in six weeks, which yet again deliberately targeted a populated area.

I strongly condemn the Houthis for this attack, which they have claimed. Everyone will be outraged at the Houthi spokesman boast that they were targeting the Royal Palace.

I call upon all countries in the region to do what they can to implement UN Security Council Resolutions and prevent such attacks which are increasing regional tensions.

The United Kingdom remains committed to supporting Saudi Arabia as it faces regional crises and security threats. and also

My comment: Why attacking a royal palace should be worse than attacking a fisherman’s hut? The Saudi royals are responsible for Saudi air raids on Yemen, the fisherman for nothing. – Look at Johnson’s outrage: “This is the second such shocking incident in six weeks, which yet again deliberately targeted a populated area”: The Saudis daily commit such “shocking incidents”, they daily have “targeted a populated area”: and different to the Houthi missile, they really have hit and killed and destroyed. But, he even confrsses his bias, last paragraph quoted.

Comment: [He should have said Houthis] should have used UK made missiles to creat more UK jobs


(A K P)

Italy condemns Houthi ballistic missile aimed at Riyadh

“This terrorist act constitutes a threat to regional peace and stability and undermines the prospects for a negotiated and comprehensive solution to the crisis,” Italian Foreign Minister, Angelino Alvano, said in a statement.

My comment: “Terrorist act”? It’s an act of war, whether a war crime or not. But how could it be that ordinary soldiers in the filed could be a “military target” but the commanders-in-chief in their capital city palace would be not??? – And how the Italian government could decry this missile attack at Riyadh as “terrorist act” – but nor the 50.000 Saudi air raids at Yemen???

(* A K P)

Oman expresses 'regret' over missile attack on Riyadh

Oman's government has said that it 'regrets' the escalation of war in Yemen, after Saudi Arabia intercepted a missile over its capital city Riyadh.
"Oman expresses deep regret at the unjustified escalation of violence in Yemen, in particular the use of ballistic missiles on the capital, Riyadh," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in statement.
"At the same time, it hopes that intensive efforts and consultations are being made to reach political solutions to the problem of the war in Yemen.

My comment: Look at the different wording.

(** A K)

Saudi Arabia says it intercepts Houthi missile fired toward Riyadh, no reported damage

Saudi air defenses intercepted a ballistic missile fired towards the capital Riyadh on Tuesday but there were no reports of casualties, the Saudi-led coalition said, the latest in a series of attacks by an Iran-aligned group in Yemen.

A spokesman for the Houthi movement said a ballistic missile targeted the royal court at al-Yamama palace, where a meeting of Saudi leaders was under way.

There was no official word on this assertion, but a royal family member appeared to confirm the missile was aimed at a royal palace meeting.

The attack happened hours before Saudi Arabia was due to announce the country’s annual budget in a news conference expected to be attended by senior ministers.

Reuters witnesses described hearing a blast and said they saw smoke in the north-east of Riyadh.

(** A K)

Yemen's Houthi movement fired a ballistic missile towards the Saudi capital Riyadh targeting a meeting of Saudi leaders at a royal palace on Tuesday, its spokesman said.

Mohammed Abdussalam said on Twitter that a Volcano 2-H ballistic missile was fired towards al-Yamama royal palace.

Saudi air defences intercepted the missile, Saudi-owned channel al-Arabiya reported in a news flash quoting a Saudi-led military coalition.

(** A K)

A report on al-Masirah's website cited the Houthis' Missile Forces as announcing the launch of a Burkan-2 missile on Tuesday afternoon.

The missile targeted "a meeting of the leadership of the Saudi regime in al-Yamama Palace in Riyadh", it said.

The palace is the main headquarters of the king's office and the royal court.

Minutes later, Saudi state-run al-Ikhbariya TV said a missile had been intercepted south of the capital.

Videos and photos posted online showed smoke resulting from the interception.

(** A K)

Saudi Arabia intercepts Yemen rebel missile over Riyadh

Houthi rebels said the target was Yamamah palace, the official residence of King Salman and where he was scheduled to unveil the Saudi budget.

An AFP correspondent heard a loud explosion at 1050 GMT, shortly before the scheduled unveiling of the Saudi budget, which is usually announced from the Yamamah palace by the king.

"Ballistic missile intercepted over Riyadh," the Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen's Huthi rebels said in a statement.

Witnesses in the Saudi capital said they had heard an explosion and posted videos on social media showing a cloud of smoke in the air.

(* A K)

A loud explosion was heard in Riyadh and smoke was seen in the sky after the Saudi Patriot missile defense system intercepted the Iran-backed Houthi ballistic missile.

Shrapnel from the explosion was found in different neighborhoods of Riyadh, however no injuries or damages were reported.

(* A K P)

Missile attack on Saudi palace opens new chapter in conflict – Houthi rebels

Footage posted on snapchat and verified by RT Digital also shows the smoke cloud left behind following the attempted missile strike (films; Riyadh city map)

(* A K P)

Film by Almasirah TV: #Yemen-i missiles Unit released footage of ballistic missile launch into Al Yamamah palace in #Saudi capital #Riyadh = =

more reporting in the media:

(* A K)

I can confirm #Yemeni missile targeting #Saudi King palace was NOT intercepted. It did fall inside the massive AlYamamah palace.

My comment: Thus, “Patriot” would have failed once again.

(* A K)

Statement of Yemen missile forces confirmed that the Royal Palace of Yamamah was the target during a meeting of Saudi senior officials. More missile attacks are coming up on Saudi vital targets. (document)

(* A K)

Film: Arab Alliance announces the intercept of a ballistic missile south of the city of Riyadh!

Film: More footage of the #Saudi missile intercept over #Riyadh is being posted on social media

Theres a huge bang it literally shook the house, apparently a rocket was intercepted above Riyadh

Just now, a ballistic missile has been intercepted in south #Riyadh by the coalition (photos)

and maps:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B H K)

Yemen shows Guernica’s lessons went unlearned

In Yemen today, world powers have not yet learned the lesson from Guernica.

(* B K P)

Yemen: National Chaos, Local Order

Yemen has become a ‘chaos state’ – a nominal entity that exists largely as lines on a map and as a concept in newspaper reports and policymaker briefings.

Popular depictions of Yemen’s three-year-old civil war suggest a chaotic, fractured and polarized country in which the differences between key fighting groups on the ground, and by extension between their international backers, are intractable. Such depictions also reflect an assumption that conflict covers much of the country.

In fact, until the death of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in December 2017 – as this paper was being finalized – the conflict had mostly settled into a pragmatic, if economically destructive, stalemate.

Narratives of the war rarely acknowledge the relative stability of the borders between different areas of territorial control, the continuing flow of goods and people between these areas, or the political competition occurring within them. Nor do such narratives recognize the complexity of factors driving and sustaining hostilities, or the multiplicity of combatants and interests involved – by Peter Salisbury

(* A H K)

Girl, 13, left wheelchair-bound after airstrike calls for end to war in Yemen

13-year-old girl who suffered life-changing injuries in an airstrike on Yemen has called for help to “stop the war”.

The youngster was left wheelchair-bound after a blast wave knocked her down and seriously damaged her spine.

Noran, which is not her real name, is calling for help from the international community 1,000 days after a Saudi-led coalition began its bombing campaign against rebels in Yemen.

“I call on all the free people around the world to stop the war in Yemen for me and for all the other children in Yemen,” she said.

“It’s our right to learn, it’s our right to build a bright future. I don’t want more children to be injured like me, it is not fair. I don’t want them to be like me.”

(B H K)

Film, Doctors Without Borders: Yemen - a country in the grip of war, disease and hunger. Click to donate using Apple Pay or card, and help us deliver life-saving medical aid.

(* B K P)

Yemen: The Wanton Disregard for the Lives of Civilians Continues Unabated

There is a simple explanation for this particular incident and more: According to Human Rights Watch, the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen is committing war crimes, saying the raids intentionally kill civilians, including women and children.

This conclusion alone is enough to call on the UN Security Council to also launch an international investigation into the abuses at its next session. Last time, the UN said it had verified 5,144 civilian deaths in the war in Yemen, mainly from air raids by the Saudi-led coalition, while several independent organizations have confirmed the death toll now stands above 15,000; meaning that an international investigation is urgently needed.

(* B P)

Will Saudi Arabia Impose Ahmed Ali Saleh, son of a Dictator, as Ruler of Yemen?

With the ex-president gone, attention has switched to his eldest son. Now aged 45, and rarely photographed without his dictator-style dark glasses, Ahmed Ali has been described as a man with “zero popularity and charisma” who would not be recognised in Yemen’s streets unless with his motorcade. Regardless of that, there’s talk of him stepping into his father’s shoes. He seems to want to, and last week Saudi media quoted him as saying “I will lead the battle until the last Houthi is thrown out of Yemen.”

The Saudis and their main coalition allies, the Emiratis, also appear eager to befriend him now – by Brian Whitaker

(* B K P)

A war that no one can win

In any event, the situation on the ground is now so desperate that US policymakers might usefully consider a range of other options to help ease the crisis.

First, US policymakers could float the idea of a "freeze-for-freeze" offer in which the Saudis agree to cease air strikes inside Yemen in exchange for a Houthi agreement to stop any missile strikes outside Yemen's borders. Such an agreement could be a step toward facilitating commercial and humanitarian aid flows from ports of entry to remote areas in dire need of assistance, and offer considerable psychological relief to war weary Yemenis.

Second, given Yemen's urgent need for an infusion of commercial and medical supplies, it might be time to consider tapping Oman as an alternative hub for relief flights, especially if a comprehensive deal can't be reached soon for the use of the blockaded Hudaydah port, which is critical to the relief effort. Air shipments would allow at least some assistance to be delivered – by Michael P. Dempsey

My comment: Of course – all this could have been achieved since long. – The Houthis always had mad clear that their missile attacks are retaliation for Saudi air raids (now about 50.000 since 1.000 days), they also told this about their latest attack. – Downsizing the Houthis by “who make up less than 10% of Yemen's population” is odd. The author follows Saudi propaganda here; and this is as serious as stating: How much members does the Republican party have? “make up less than 1 % of the US population”??

(* B H K)

7 million on brink of starvation as Yemen marks 1,000 days of conflict

Remark. Overview.

(* B K P)

Saleh’s departure further radicalises Yemen conflict

One immediate result of Saleh’s assassination is that the Houthis (officially known as the Ansar Allah movement) now have even less incentive to compromise with their foes. This is in keeping with a consistent process of radicalisation which has seen the Houthis prioritise their ideological commitments over political pragmatism.

Whilst a radicalised Houthi movement entrenched in the north of the country is inimical to long-term stability in Yemen, the biggest immediate obstacle to peace is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) which continues to prosecute an unwinnable war in Yemen. Predictably, Saleh’s departure has intensified the conflict inasmuch as it has removed the KSA’s sole effective political pressure point on the Houthis.

But the real problem for Saudi Arabia is not so much that it cannot influence the Houthis’ strategic calculus, but that the Kingdom cannot even create and sustain a viable coalition against the Houthis. On top of that the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) deep involvement in the war makes conflict resolution even harder to achieve.

My comment: The Houthis certainly are not the only one’s who are “even less incentive to compromise”. Just look at the verbal radicalism of the Hadi government (look at cp 15)

(unrated B H K)

Film: Saudi war on Yemen destroys 3,000 schools and kills many students

(* B H K P)

Jürgen Todenhöfer im Jemen: Der vergessene Krieg

Todenhöfer als erster deutscher Journalist seit 1,5 Jahren im Jemen

Der Publizist und ehemalige CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete reist seit zwei Wochen durch den Jemen. Die Anblicke, die sich ihm bieten, schockieren den Publizisten: Vor Hunger aufgeblähte Babybäuche, todkranke Menschen und zerstörte Häuser. Wie so oft leiden die Ärmsten am meisten unter dem Stellvertreterkrieg, der zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien geführt wird.

Todenhöfer glaubt dennoch, dass der Krieg überwindbar ist: Er hat sich im Jemen sowohl mit der offiziellen Regierung als auch mit Rebellen getroffen und dabei grundsätzliche Friedensbereitschaft erlebt.

Im Video erfahren Sie, was Todenhöfer für eine angemessene Strategie zur Lösung des Konflikts hält (mit Film)


(* B H K)

Jürgen Todenhöfer: Die ‚gute‘ Nachricht:
Die Zahl der Cholera-Patienten in Sanaa und Umgebung ging in den letzten Wochen um zwei Drittel zurück. Auch die Zerstörungen der märchenhaften Alt-Stadt sind deutlich geringer, als ich erwartete.

Die schlechten Nachrichten:
Das Hunger-Problem verschärft sich weiter. Der 9 Monate alte Mohammed auf unserem Bild, den ich im ‚Al-Sabeen Hospital‘ fand, wiegt nur noch 4 Kilo. Seine Überlebens-Chancen: 30 Prozent.

Fast jede Nacht gibt es schwere Luftangriffe auf Sanaa.

PS: Ich erspare mir und Euch Schuldzuweisungen. Weil ich eine Lösung dieses tragischen Konflikts will. Aber erwähnen muss ich doch, dass der Wert der Waffenlieferungen der USA und Großbritanniens an Saudi-Arabien 10mal höher ist als der Wert ihrer Nothilfe für den Jemen. „Geschäftsmodell Krieg!“

(* B K P)

Syria and Yemen: A tale of two conflicts

Syria and Yemen present the horrible spectacle of countries destroyed and people killed in tens of thousands by US-supported Saudi Arabia, in the first named country indirectly through terrorists and in the second country through direct state terrorism by Riyadh, while the world watches in ominous silence without any concern for the human catastrophe, but time-to-time opportunistic propaganda in favour of the West and its protégés.

Now we have a factual analysis by Gavin O’Reilly, social activist from Dublin, Ireland, titled: Syria and Yemen: A tale of two conflicts” (Text, Audio)

(B K)


My comment: This figure is well known and seems to be correct. Total cost of the war for Saudi Arabia alone up to now: Ca. US $ 200 billion.

(* A K P)

Western leaders told to stop 'stoking the flames of war' in Yemen

Generals, politicians and celebrities say US, France and UK must use their UN security council seats to ease humanitarian crisis

More than 350 high-profile figures including six Nobel peace prize laureates, former military generals, politicians, diplomats and celebrities have marked the 1,000th day of the Yemen civil war by calling on leaders of France, the US and the UK to stop “stoking the flames of war” and instead use their seats on the UN security council to act as peace brokers.

The signatories to the statement, including Juliette Binoche, Charlotte Rampling and Peter Gabriel, as well as religious leaders and heads of most of the main UK aid agencies, claim Yemen is at a tipping point.

(* A H P)

350+ academics, politicians and celebrities slam west for enabling Saudi war against Yemen

Six Nobel peace prize laureates have joined more than 350 celebrities, public servants and academics in criticizing western leaders for “stoking the flames of war” in Yemen.

In a statement marking the 1,000th day of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, signatories of the #Yemencantwait petition called on the leaders of the US, France and the UK to urgently broker a ceasefire and put an end to the blockades which are preventing food and vital medical supplies from reaching desperate civilians. The statement further warned the West’s inaction will lead to the deaths of thousands of Yemeni children.


(* A H P)

After 1000 Days of War, Yemen Can’t Wait
A global call to President Trump, Prime Minister May, and President Macron

December 2017 marks 1000 days since the escalation of a war that has turned the Middle East’s poorest country into the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, leaving Yemen ravaged by preventable diseases and on the verge of a historic famine. Every ten minutes, a child dies from hunger or disease. Three-quarters of the population – 22 million people – need humanitarian assistance to survive.

The international community has failed to take the action needed to end this man-made catastrophe. Millions of Yemeni women, men and children feel abandoned by global leaders who seem to put profit and politics above human lives. Throughout 1000 days since the conflict escalated, quiet diplomacy has failed to curb violation after violation by the warring parties.

The US, UK, and France, as permanent members of the UN Security Council and major weapons suppliers to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, bear a special responsibility to use the full extent of their leverage to press their partners in the region to end the crisis.

379 Signatories

See the full list of signatories below.

Are you a public figure who wants to add your name to the statement? Click here.

(A K P)

Ansarullah Asks for Int'l Investigation on Saudi-Led Coalition's Blind Bombing of Yemen

President of Yemen's Revolutionary Committee Mohammad Ali al-Houthi called for an independent international inquiry over the Saudi-led coalition's blind pounding of civilian areas in Yemen.

"The Saudi coalition commits the biggest crimes against the Yemeni women and children and the elderly and bombing of Harib al-Qaramish region in Ma'arib province is the latest instance of the Saudi crimes," al-Houthi said on Sunday.

He blamed the UN for its indifference to the Saudi-led coalition's crimes against the Yemeni civilians.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s Search For A New Order – Analysis

It is difficult to understand deceased ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen’s calculations before he was killed by a Houthi sniper, and it even more difficult to predict accurately what is to come in Yemen after his death. We simply do not have enough credible information. Worse still, Saleh’s quick defeat by the Houthis—a social movement with a strong paramilitary core who prefer to refer to themselves as Ansar Allah (supporters of God)—shook most of the analytical frameworks that have been used to understand Yemen’s power configuration. The best we can do now is to try to re-frame our understanding of the key dynamics in Yemen in a way that enables us to make proper policy recommendations.

Saleh’s death will not likely influence the military situation in Yemen. His party, the General People’s Congress, has the largest popular base and exhorts much influence in Sanaa, but not any further.

His absence will, however, affect perceptions in ways that will have positive and negative effects on any future peace prospect – By Abdullah Hamidaddin

(* B K P)

Malaysia has no business entering the war in Yemen

I suspect that all these statistics, terrible as they are, hardly capture the reality of life in Yemen today. Whichever way you look at it, Yemen, already one of the poorest, least developed countries in the world, is being slowly but surely annihilated before our very eyes.

And yet, there is so little outrage.

While Saudi Arabia is the main architect of this savage war against Yemen, many others are complicit as well.

Western democracies talk much about liberty and justice but side with despots waging a brutal war on an entire nation. Containing Iran apparently justifies mass starvation and crimes against humanity.

Islamic nations, for their part, are quick to work themselves into a frenzy when Muslims in distant lands are persecuted, but keep silent when Muslims kill Muslims in their own backyard. They are very brave when it comes to confronting countries like Myanmar over the treatment of its Muslim minorities, but cowardly when it comes to standing up to one of their own. They rush to Istanbul to protest President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but quietly rely on American support to bomb Yemen’s ancient cities.

Malaysia, too, is apparently complicit in this unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. Our defence ministry insists that some military officers have been deployed to the region but only to assist in the evacuation of Malaysian nationals from Yemen.

Other reports, however, suggest that Malaysia is, in fact, part of the Saudi coalition and is working alongside personnel from the UAE, France, Britain and the US at Saudi joint headquarters in Riyadh to coordinate the air campaign against Yemen.

It’s time for Malaysia to break with the Saudis, condemn the criminal campaign against Yemen and demand an immediate halt to the bombing – by DENNIS IGNATIUS = =

My comment: It’s time – of course not just for Malaysia.

(* A P)

Arab Media: Abdullah Saleh's Son Turns Down Saudi, UAE Demands

Ahmad, the son of Yemen's executed former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, has rejected demands by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to take the political and military leadership of the National Congress, Arab media disclosed on Sunday.

"Ahmad has thanked the Saudis and the Emiratis for their trust but rejected their requests for picking up the political and military leadership of the National Congress," the Yemen-based Ma'arib Press news website reported, adding that the response has stunned the Saudi and UAE officials.

(unrated B P)

Film: International community accomplice in Saudi crimes in Yemen: Pundit

An academic believes the international community has failed the people of Yemen, adding that it is an “accomplice” in Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in the impoverished Arab country through its silence.

So that is why I believe they are as criminals as the Saudi leadership is,” Jamal Wakim, professor at the Lebanese International University, told Press TV in an interview on Sunday.

(* B H K P)

Yemen: a country ruined by all parties

Humanitarian situation worsening in years of war fuelled by Muslim powers over Middle East control, with no prospect for victories

Remark: Overview article, from Egypt.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(unrated B H P)

Film: Andrew Mitchell on Yemen: ‘Blockade must be lifted’

One voice among many is the former International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell.

My comment: Oner of the few serious voices on Yemen in British politics.

(* A H P)

Saudi-led coalition says to keep main Yemen port open for a month despite missile attack

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen has decided to keep Yemen’s main Hodeidah port open for a month, the coalition said on Wednesday, despite a ballistic missile attack by the Iran-aligned Houthis towards the Saudi capital Riyadh.

The coalition said that ships bringing in fuel and food supplies will also be allowed to enter for another 30 days while proposals made by the United Nations envoy to Yemen are implemented, it added.

The agency did not elaborate on the proposals, but the coalition had been demanding that a U.N. inspection regime agreed in 2015 be further tightened to prevent weapons from reaching the Houthis. and by UAE media

My comment: “Open”?? There still is the Saudi blockade, and only a few ships actually could dock at Hodeidah. “30 days”?? The Saudis still are blackmailing the UN for more heavy controls of access to Northern Yemen.

(* A H P)

Yemen being pushed ever closer to famine

1,000 days of war and a crippling blockade is starving its people

Yemen is being pushed ever closer to famine after 1,000 days of a brutal war, exacerbated by a crippling blockade of its key northern ports which is starving its people of food, fuel and medicine Oxfam warned today.

Mark Goldring, Oxfam GB Chief Executive, said:
"For 1,000 days, huge amounts of sophisticated modern weapons have pounded Yemen, and on top of that we are now witnessing a Medieval siege where mass starvation is being used as a weapon of war. Cutting off vital food, fuel and medicine to a population is never justified and should never be tolerated. It is a tactic that is devoid of any sense of decency, any sense of morality and any sense of humanity.

No fuel, essential for moving food and other vital goods around the country, has been allowed into the main ports since early November. The Ras Isa oil terminal, on Yemen's west coast, has been closed since March 2017 following instructions from the Saudi-led coalition.
Around 80 per cent of all of Yemen's imports flow through Al-Hudaydah and Saleef ports, and about two-thirds of Yemen's population live in the areas directly served by these ports. These ports handled around 85 per cent of all wheat grain imports in 2016.

At least six ships waiting to dock at the ports of Al-Hudaydah and Saleef port have turned back due to lengthy delays.

The international agency said there would be no realistic alternative to supply in sufficient quantity the vital amounts of food, fuel and medicines if Al-Hudaydah was put out of action.

(* A H P)

United States calls for delivery of U.N. aid shipments to Yemen

The United States is pressing for the delivery of World Food Program shipments to Yemen and the installation of new cranes at a key port amid a conflict in the nation that has killed or wounded more than 60,000 people, the State Department said on Monday.

John Sullivan, the U.S. deputy secretary of state, discussed Yemen with the leaders of international organizations on Friday and underscored that Washington was pressing for restoration of full humanitarian and commercial access to Yemen, the department said.

Sullivan told the leaders the United States was calling for “the delivery of World Food Program shipments that have not reached Hudaydah since late November, and the installation of new cranes at Hudaydah port,” it said in a statement.

My comment: This statement is right but it’s odd and hypocritical. The US themselves (and the US navy) had supported the Saudi blockade. – And it had been US ambassador to Yemen Tueller who had blocked the supply of the cranes.

(* A H P)

Deepening water crisis in Yemen amid severe fuel shortages

Fuel running out in water pumping stations serving over 3 million people, half of them are children

Recent restrictions on imports of fuel to Yemen have sparked critical shortages and price hikes across the country, severely impacting access to safe water and other vital services for children including health care and sanitation. The cuts are the latest challenge to containing Yemen’s acute watery diarrhea and cholera outbreak. Yemen has for decades struggled with extreme water scarcity.

The cost of diesel fuel has doubled in just over one month, jeopardizing the provision of water, particularly for the poorest families. Water pumping stations serving over 3 million people via public networks in 14 cities are quickly running out of fuel.

Prices of commercially trucked water – a main source for one fifth of Yemen’s population have skyrocketed. On average, they have doubled while in some locations they increased six-fold.

(* A H P)

Amount of petrol & diesel supplies allowed through Yemen’s main port Hodeida since Nov 26? Correct answer: Zero. No fuel paralyzes hospitals, relief & civilian life. Saudi-led coalition & Western powers must lift blockade.

(* A H P)

Millions of lives still at risk after 1,000 days of war in Yemen, warns CARE

Yemen risks sliding into famine and further disease outbreaks unless all the country’s ports are fully reopened, aid agency CARE has warned as the country marks 1,000 days since conflict began.

“The situation is appalling,” CARE’s Country Director in Yemen Johan Mooij said. “Today millions of Yemenis are facing multiple crises of war, hunger, disease outbreaks and recent blockades on fuel and commercial imports.”

Mr Mooij said while some land, sea and air ports had recently reopened, the country’s main ports remained closed to commercial imports. =

(* A H P)

United States calls for delivery of U.N. aid shipments to Yemen

The United States is pressing for the delivery of World Food Program shipments to Yemen and the installation of new cranes at a key port amid a conflict in the nation that has killed or wounded more than 60,000 people, the State Department said on Monday.

John Sullivan, the U.S. deputy secretary of state, discussed Yemen with the leaders of international organizations on Friday and underscored that Washington was pressing for restoration of full humanitarian and commercial access to Yemen, the department said.

Sullivan told the leaders the United States was calling for “the delivery of World Food Program shipments that have not reached Hudaydah since late November, and the installation of new cranes at Hudaydah port,” it said in a statement. and the Dep. of State staement:

(* A H P)

US Urges Renewed Food and Humanitarian Aid Deliveries for Yemen

The United States is urging the complete return of food and humanitarian aid deliveries to Yemen including construction of new cranes to unload ships at the port of Hudaydah.

Saudi Arabia imposed a blockade on Yemeni ports last month after Houthi rebels fired a suspected Iranian-made missile near the Riyadh airport.

The blockade is preventing aid from getting to those who are in desperate need, including fuel needed to run generators to power hospitals and water treatment plants.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said no humanitarian or commercial shipments have reached Hudaydah since late November.

My comment: This is true but hypocritical as the US itself always had supported this blockade and also had taken part in it.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: If Yemen was a village =

(* A H)

Turkish Red Crescent opens hospital in Yemen

Yemeni health minister thanks Turkey for supporting country

The Turkish Red Crescent opened a 50-bed hospital in Yemen's Aden city on Tuesday.

The hospital has an emergency unit, surgical theatre, anesthesia room and intensive care unit. and photos

(B H)

Taiz’s cancer hospital was destroyed in the fighting. So they had to move to what is essentially a set of converted apartments (photos)

(A H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (15-31 October 2017)

(* A H)

Yemen: 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview at a Glance

an estimated 22.2 million people in Yemen need some kind of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 11.3 million who are in acute need – an increase of one million people in acute need since November 2016.

(A H)

Infographic: Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) - Progress Summary [EN/AR]

The three-year joint programme “Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen” (ERRY) will be implemented by FAO, ILO, UNDP and WFP in four governorates: Hajjah, Hodeidah, Lahj and Abyan.

The overall objective of the programme is to enhance the resilience1 and self-reliance of crisis-affected rural communities through support to livelihoods stabilisation and recovery, local governance and improved access to sustainable energy. and in full

(A H)

Thousands in Taiz city headed to water points this week to refill buckets and jerrycans 170’000 individuals will continue to have clean water thanks to 96’000 liters of diesel donated by @ICRC_ye to Taiz city’s water authorities to work pumps (photo)

(* A H)

Yemen: Inter-Agency Joint Cash Study: Market Functionality and Community Perception of Cash Based Assistance, December 2017

The Cash and Market Working Group (CMWG) estimate that in 2016, financial assistance in the form of cash or vouchers was distributed across a total of 80 districts in 13 of Yemen’s 22 governorates. This includes 29 districts in which cash interventions from multiple sectors were being conducted simultaneously. Cash or voucher based assistance programmes were most common in the Food Security and Agriculture cluster, followed by Shelter, Protection, Health and Early Recovery.

As humanitarian actors sought to provide a flexible response to the dynamic context of the Yemen conflict, small scale Multi-Purpose Cash Grants emerged as a favourable option, enabling beneficiaries to adapt to the changing circumstances and to tailor their purchases to meet their specific needs. and full:

(A H)

As I'm still stuck in Jordan after participating in 2 conferences organized by @CFImedias & @ARIJNetwork. @monarelief's ground crew continuing its humanitarian work in #Yemen in projects funded by @Khalsa_Aid, @iom_yemen and Kuwaiti donors. Please applaude our team in Sanaa. (photos)

(* B H P)

Statement by humanitarian organizations in Yemen on allegations of corruption and bias in the provision of relief assistance, 17 December 2017

As humanitarian organizations working in Yemen we condemn in the strongest possible terms the allegations of corruption and bias in the provision of relief assistance that continue to be put forward by the parties to the conflict in Yemen without proper substantiation.

(A H)

Kuwaiti fund opens healthcare clinic at Yemeni airport

(A H)

#Yemen: As if being displaced was not enough. Yet another testimony of the #invisiblesuffering as a result of conflict (text in image9

(A H)

Funded by #ECHO, Oxfam organized the 4th round of cash transfers in Bani-Suraim district in #Amran benefiting 470 household to cover their basic food needs. (photo)

(A H)

Map: Yemen: # of People Who Received Services - 2017

Map: Yemen: Dignity Kits Distributed 2017

Yemen GBV-Subcluster Dashboard - Analysis of Indicator Data, Reporting Period: November 2017

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A H)

Yemen: Al Bayda, Al Jawf - IDP Hosting Site Baseline Assessment Comparative Overview, September - October 2017

The IDP Hosting Site Baseline Assessment aims to support targeting and response planning by humanitarian stakeholders, including authorities, UN agencies, local and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It provides a baseline of key multi-sectoral indicators across IDP hosting sites in 22 governorates, based on data collected through interviews with key informants in each site.

REACH supports the Shelter / NFI / CCCM Cluster in data analysis and output production. A core set of products created as a result of the data collection exercises includes:

Summary report - Overview of key indicators and comparative analysis of sites to identify those in most urgent need;

Site Profiles - Produced for each site with relevant sectoral information;

Site Maps - Maps showing site location and characteristics.


(* A H)

Yemen UNHCR Update, 11 - 18 December 2017

20.7 million people in need

2,014,026 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

89 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year

956,076 IDP returnees 1,015,375 recipients of CRIs since March 2015

280,539 refugees and asylum seekers


USD 114.6 M requested in 2017

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(B P)

So much for freedom of speech in Sanaa! This is all that is left of Yemen's journalism in Houthi era (photo) and a “before” pic:

My comment: Welcome to the club. Any difference to Aden; Riyadh; Abu Dhabi?

(B P)

Cartoon: The #Houthis kill their vehicle's driver (Saleh) . Cartoon by Rashad Alsamei

(A K P)

US main architect of Saudi military aggression on Yemen: Houthi

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has strongly condemned the ongoing Saudi Arabia’s devastating aerial bombardment campaign against his country, blaming the United States as the main architect of the atrocious military aggression.

The Ansarullah leader also decried the deafening silence of the United Nations and the international community vis-à-vis the Saudi crimes and atrocities in Yemen.

He also slammed the media cover-up by Western media outlets over the Saudi war on Yemen.

Houthi further noted that the most savage and reactionary regimes in the Middle East region are involved in the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen.

(A K P)

Yemenis rally in Sa'ada to mark 1000th day of Saudi war

Thousands of Yemenis have taken to the streets of the northwestern city of Sa’ada to mark the 1000th day since the Saudi regime and its allies launched a devastating war on the country.

The protesters condemned on Tuesday the deadly Saudi airstrikes, calling on Arab states to stop supporting the kingdom in its deadly aggression against Yemen.

(* B K P)

Who are the Houthis, and why are we at war with them?



The American invasion of Iraq in 2003 deeply radicalized the Houthi movement, like it did many other Arabs. It was a pivotal moment. The Houthis adopted the slogan: “God is great, death to the U.S., death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam,” in the wake of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The group also officially called itself Ansar Allah, or supporters of God. It was a turning point largely unrecognized outside Yemen, another unanticipated consequence of George Bush’s Iraq adventures.

Hezbollah, the Shiite movement in Lebanon which successfully expelled the Israeli army from the country, became a role model and mentor for the Houthis.


A major consequence of the war is to push the Houthis and Iran and Hezbollah closer together.

Tehran and the Houthis are playing with fire, of course. If a missile hits Riyadh, Jeddah, or Abu Dhabi and kills dozens or more, the pressure for retaliation against Iran will be significant. The Trump administration is poorly designed to provide cooling counsel – by Bruce Riedel

Comment: To be added: Ansarallah is the movement, Not everyone referred to as 'Houthi' comes from Saada or falls into the simplifying narrative of 'Zaydi Shiites'.

My comment: Nikki Haley’s propaganda show certainly was no “compelling evidence”; and I also doubt that Iran’s cost for the Yemen war would be “a few million dollars per month” – what for? Per year could hit it.

(A P)

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations postpones his visit to Yemen

has postponed its visit to Yemen to the beginning of January 2018, an official source at Ministry of Foreign said.

(A P)

President al-Samad meets the Acting Chairman of Tax Authority

"Taxes is the only source that supplies the public treasury currently, and the state is heavily depends on taxes to meet its obligations towards its employees and other obligations as well". Al-Samad said.

(A P)

President al-Samad meets the Judicial Council and the Public Prosecutor Office

"No one is above the law and preparations should be made for an educational media campaign aimed at all points, institutions and security facilities without exception. This entails forming a committee for this campaign from the Ministry of Information, Moral Guidance, Security Information and relevant parties." He [Samad] Added.

(A P)

Yemeni anti-aggression parties reject US ambassador's remarks

The Yemeni anti-aggression political parties’ bloc affirmed on Sunday its decisive rejection of the US ambassador’s statement on the recent events in the capital Sana’a and some provinces.

(A P)

President meets Parliament’s Speaker

President of the Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad met on Sunday with Speaker of the Parliament Yahya al-Raei, in presence of Local Administration Minister and Governors of Sana’a and Dhamar province.

(A P)

President meets head of ICRC mission in Yemen

The meeting discussed the activity and work of the ICRC in the country during the current stage and the support it provides in different areas, especially in the health sector and supporting the hospitals affected by the aggression and unjust blockade on Yemen since nearly three years.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A K P)

On the thousandth day of the war in #Yemen, President Hadi vows to continue pursuing a military solution to the conflict over a political resolution.

#Yemen President Hadi announced military operations will not stop until his forces retake the country from the Houthis and the only negotiations he will consider must be based on the al Houthi movement surrendering its arms and withdrawing from state institutions referring to

My comment: Back to Square One. This never was really different. Hadi always just claimed surrender of the Houthis.

(A P)

The Southern Transitional Council will "approve the bill needed to build the desired independent Southern state" during the first 303 member national assemble this Saturday in #Aden referring to

(A P)

Stun grenade was thrown on Al-Kathiri street in Mansoura #Aden around 3am this morning followed by sporadic gunfire.

(A P)

Preliminary Signs of Conflict inside the Reform Party Between Qatari- and Saudi- Muslim Brotherhoods

The reform party, the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, suffers from severe conflicts that appeared to the surface recently. Knowledgeable sources indicated that major conflicts appeared between the two wings of the party: Qatari wing and Saudi wing. he reform party, the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, suffers from severe conflicts that appeared to the surface recently. Knowledgeable sources indicated that major conflicts appeared between the two wings of the party: Qatari wing and Saudi wing.

(* A P)

Stop Numbing the Southern Will

Actually, the Arab Ally is running out of options after the death of Saleh and it seems that the Ally decided approach the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm, the Reform Party, and provided them a new chance to face Al-Houthi in Sanaa. This may be the last chance for military determination to eliminate the militias and return President Hady as a legitimate president in Sanaa.
But this sudden approach between the Arab Ally and Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen is not a mere meeting as represented in the media. The truth may lie in what is still unannounced. There may by agreements, conditions and promises that are usually are not revealed officially and remained as temporary secrets. This may be revealed later when the time comes for final results, negative or positive – by Dr. Nasser Thabet Sufian Al-Khabjy, Member of the Southern Transitional Council and Chairman of the Political Department

(A P)

Yemeni FM: We have Drawn Political Elites to Safe Areas

Yemen’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdul Malik al-Mekhlafi revealed that his government succeeded in attracting large numbers of political and party elites and bringing them to the cities controlled by the legitimate government.
Mekhlafi told Asharq Al-Awsat that these numbers would increase gradually over the next few days and the government was working to get them to liberated areas.
“These figures broke up their alliance with the Houthis, and realized that they could not live with them. They are trying to get out despite the intimidation attempts by the militias, which are sometimes resorting to kidnapping women, killing children and destroying homes,” he stated.

(* A P)

Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) President Aydarus al Zubaydi announced on December 16 that the STC will hold its first National Assembly meeting on December 23 in Aden city, southern Yemen. [3]

(A T)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces clashed with two suspected AQAP militants al Surrah town, Lawder district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on December 16. [4]

(A P)

Saudi-paid mercenaries kill civilian in Shabwa

The US-backed Saudi-paid aggression coalition mercenaries executed the citizen Hussein Ali al- Shuraimi in front of his family in Shabwa province, an official told Saba on Monday.

(A T)

Yemen: Al-Islah Party’s leader survives assassination

According to local sources, an explosive device was found in Al-Ahmadi’s car which was parked in front of his home in Marib. The sources added that the device exploded “moments before his usual departure.

(A P)

After allowing late #Yemen President Saleh’s family to enter #Aden city, southern security forces are preventing IDPs from central and northern Yemen from entering the city

(A T)

Explosion rocks Yemen’s Taiz city

No casualties have been reported as of yet and no has yet has claimed the blast

(A P)

Yemeni Government: International Understandings to Unite Yemen against Houthi Coupists

Yemen’s official government, based in the temporary capital Aden, confirmed undertaking internationally-backed negotiations and understandings with all Yemeni parties in order to align against militias ravaging the country.
It affirmed that it continues to hold an open-to-discussion policy when it comes to late ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh allies.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

US launches push at UN for action against Iran

The United States will in the coming days discuss several options for UN Security Council action against Iran such as sanctions for violating the arms embargo on Yemen, Ambassador Nikki Haley said Tuesday.

During a council meeting on Iran, Haley drew a list of possible measures that immediately drew strong reservations from Russia, which has friendly relations with Tehran.

The United States has accused Iran of arming rebels in Yemen, providing missiles that have been fired at Saudi Arabia, a key US ally.


(* A P)

Haley says “most damning report yet” shows evidence Iran is arming Yemeni rebels

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Tuesday that evidence is mounting that Iran is supplying arms to Yemen's Houthi rebels, in violation of the resolution that put the Iran nuclear deal into international law.

In the latest -- the fourth -- report on this issue, the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, warns that Iran may be defying a U.N. call to halt ballistic missile development even as it complies with the nuclear deal with six world powers and that the United Nations is investigating Iran's possible transfer of ballistic missiles to Houthi Shiite rebels in Yemen.

Haley told the Council, "This report makes the case that Iran is illegally transferring weapons." and also

My comment: The US propaganda sho is going on. Look at cp1b above.

(* A P)

In Yemen, Saudi Bomb Kills 10 Women in Maarib, Guterres Listed "Good Child Killers

Now on December 17, the Saudi Coalition's bombings have reportedly killed 10 women going to a funeral in Maarib. But it is doubtful the UN Security Council, much less the silenced Secretary General Antonio Guterres, will say anything. On December 14, Sweden's Ambassador Olof B. Skoog as chair of the Children and Armed Conflict committee took questions and Inner City Press asked about Antonio Guterres' decision to re-list the Saudi coalition as, in essence, a "Good Child Killer." Skoog acknowledged there is a debate about Guterres' move to an A and B list but was upbeat, that those who are listed try to improve. Really?

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(B P)

Every mention of the Saudi-Iranian rivalry should include the following asterisk: *Since 2013, Iran has repeatedly offered direct talks without preconditions and sought mediation from six different countries. Saudi has refused it all.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Saudi clansmen death squads murder another protester Salman AlFaraj today using German & Canadian arms (photo)

(A P)

Palestinian billionaire Masri back in Jordan after release in Saudi Arabia: family source

(A P)

Over 82,000 illegal expats nabbed

The "Nation Without Violators" campaign has netted as many as 82,852 violators of work and residency laws during the past 11 days, according to the latest statistical reports.
The number of those who violated the residency laws totaled 46,824; there were 15,569 border security infiltrators; and 20,459 labor law violators, according to latest statistics.
The report said 1,074 people were caught while trying to infiltrate into the Kingdom through the southern borders of whom about 80 percent were Yemenis, 18 percent Ethiopians and two percent belonged to other various nationalities.

(A P)

Security measures at residential compounds discriminate against Saudis

A number of new residential compounds for expatriates in Riyadh have implemented security measures that discriminate against Saudis.
Any Saudi man or woman who wears the national dress and wants to enter a residential compound for expatriates has to wait until the supervisor in charge permits them to enter. This is the case even if the individual has been invited by a resident.

(A P)

Palestinian billionaire Masri released by Saudis; says they 'gave him all respect'

Sabih al Masri, a Palestinian billionaire and Jordan’s most influential businessman, was released after several days of detention in Saudi Arabia, the latest in a series of events marking the worst crackdown on the rich and powerful in the country’s modern history.

(B P)

For a man who got his first job not even three years ago, Saudi crown prince (Mr. Anti-Corruption) has accumulated some fancy toys: Mansion: $300M Yacht: $500M Da Vinci: $450M (photos)

(nicht bewertet B P)

Der Kronprinz kann jetzt durchregieren

Kronprinz Bin Salman ist auch deshalb so beliebt, weil er erst 32 Jahre alt ist. In einem Land, das jahrzehntelang von Greisen regiert wurde, kommt dies einer Revolution gleich

Im Jemen führt seine Armee einen aussichtslosen Krieg und sein anti-iranischer Aktionismus in Katar und im Libanon erwies sich als wirkungslos. Auf dem internationalen Parkett wirkt der Kronprinz wie ein Papiertiger. Zu Hause jedoch ist er ein Held. Einer, der Saudi-Arabien aus der Ölabhängigkeit befreien und mit dem Reformprogramm Vision 2030 zu einem Singapur in der Wüste machen will. Vor allem entmachtet er die erzkonservativen Wahhabiten, die das Land jahrzehntelang im Griff hatten (nur im Abo)

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Salman's ill-advised ventures have weakened Saudi Arabia’s position in the world

Other states in the Middle East are coming to recognise that there are winners and losers, and have no wish to be on the losing side

The Crown Prince is focusing Saudi foreign policy on aggressive opposition to Iran and its regional allies, but the effect of his policies has been to increase Iranian influence.

What all these Saudi actions have in common is that they are based on a naïve presumption that “a best-case scenario” will inevitably be achieved. There is no “Plan B” and not much of a “Plan A”: Saudi Arabia is simply plugging into conflicts and confrontations it has no idea how to bring to an end.

But Saudi Arabia is learning that support from the White House these days brings fewer advantages than in the past.

It is Saudi Arabia – and not its rivals – that is becoming isolated. The political balance of power in the region changed to its disadvantage over the last two years.

(* B P)

Film: Brandgefährlich": Werner Ruf zur Politik Saudi-Arabiens im Nahen Osten

Professor Werner Ruf analysiert im Gespräch mit Redakteur Malte Daniljuk die neue Politik Saudi-Arabiens im Nahen Osten. Die Ölmonarchie verfolgt in den letzten Jahren eine aggressive Außenpolitik gegenüber dem Jemen, Katar und Libanon. Das neue Bündnis aus Israel und Saudi-Arabien droht mit seiner Politik gegen den Iran die Region weiter zu destabilisieren.

(A P)

Top Saudi singers celebrate the kingdom’s football team in a night to remember

In a night full of song and celebration in the Green Hall in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s most popular singers performed at a carnival, celebrating the Saudi Arabian national football team making it to the Russian World Cup.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia makes yet another historic decision; Saudi women to be allowed to drive motorcycles, trucks

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

CIA Says It Won't Confirm It Has Documents About Yemen Raid

US government lawyer says even just confirming or denying the CIA has records about January raid in Yemen would reveal intelligence secrets; raid resulted in deaths of US Navy SEAL from Illinois, Yemeni civilians.

The raid resulted in the death of a U.S. Navy sailor and Yemeni civilians. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in May seeking documents about the operation from the CIA and the departments of Defense, Justice and State.

Every agency except the CIA agreed to search for records, but the CIA has refused to confirm or deny that it has such records. The ACLU filed a motion in October asking a federal judge to order the CIA to produce documents related to the raid.

(A P)

Trump Nominee Concedes Saudi Siege of Yemen Could Be Violating U.S. Law

Sen. Todd Young lifts a hold on the president’s pick for the next State Department legal advisor, after extracting a promise to review Saudi Arabia’s actions in Yemen.


(A H P)

Saudi blockade of Yemen violates US law: Trump nominee

President Donald Trump’s nominee for the top legal adviser at the State Department has acknowledged that Saudi Arabia’s blockade of Yemen violates US and international law, according to a report.

In written statements to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before her confirmation Tuesday, Jennifer Newstead signaled a stricter interpretation of statutes that ban US foreign assistance to countries blocking or hindering the flow of humanitarian aid, the Foreign Policymagazine reported.

Newstead said warnings from international aid organizations “raise a substantial question” on whether the Saudi-led coalition has deliberately impeded the transport of aid to civilians in Yemen.

(A K P)

Face neocolonialism by saying ‘no’ to Yemen war

Western media dodges the truth about this war on purpose. The Washington Post, New York Times and even the Star Tribune have published stories that side-step the involvement of the United States in Yemen, mostly so they do not upset the people in power.

If the Washington Post writes an article singling out a U.S. senator for sponsoring the bombing campaign, that senator will decline every interview until their term is up. Instead of exercising true journalistic integrity, these institutions opt for the soft interview. The New York Times acted similarly during the lead-up to the Iraq War.

(A K P)

A letter to the editor

News media ignoring brutal Saudi war on civilians in Yemen

It is beyond shameful that neither your news department nor either editorial page has been willing to cover Saudi Arabia’s brutal war against civilians in Yemen, nor U.S. complicity in this long-running campaign of terror.

This is true even when a U.S. senator addresses the issue from the floor of the Senate. We’re never short on stories about celebrities and politicians feeling people up, but a U.S.-enabled war that kills hundreds of babies a week isn’t worth a mention. This has been going on a very long time.

Apparently criticizing U.S. foreign policy isn’t very lucrative. Thankfully, in today’s internet age, we have outlets, like The Intercept, to keep us informed on what our military and Senate are doing – by David N. Ryan

(A P)

Saudi king, CIA chief discuss regional developments in Riyadh

Saudi King Slaman bin Abdulaziz met with Mike Pompeo, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), at al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh on Monday and discussed bilateral relations and recent regional developments.

(* A P)

Bad Idea: A New Authorization for the Use of Military Force

Conscientious leaders on both sides of the aisle have called for the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) – the legislative authority underpinning U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and elsewhere – to be repealed and replaced. It’s easy to see why: the adversaries we’re fighting (such as ISIS and Boko Haram, which didn’t exist in 2001), the places we’re fighting, and even the objectives we’re pursuing can seem far-removed from the authority and intent of the original AUMF. As Senator Tim Kaine, a leading advocate for an updated AUMF, has stated, “We owe it to the American public to define the scope of the U.S. mission against terrorist organizations, including ISIS, and we owe it to our troops to show we’re behind them in their mission.” It’s hard to argue with Kaine’s sentiment; yet, in practice, legislating a new AUMF could actually harm both foreign policy and military operations.

(* B P)


the Kushner influence that has aligned the White House closely with Saudi Arabia at a time—not by coincidence—of unprecedented instability and tension in the Gulf region. That realignment can also be seen is the administration’s deepening involvement in the disastrous war in Yemen, with the White House now saying it will support Saudi plans to ‘escalate in order to de-escalate.’

Along with the ‘revisionist powers,’ the strategy rightfully focuses on ‘rogue states’ such as NorthKorea and Iran.

Regarding Iran, which the Trump administration sees as perhaps its greatest regional threat, the White House seeks to undo the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that froze Tehran’s nuclear program, while beating back what it and others perceive as a growing arc of Iranian interference in the Middle East.

(* B P)

Trump Botches It On Iran. Again.

Donald Trump does not have an Iran policy. This was clear on October 13, when his administration released its “Iran strategy fact sheet.” The most noteworthy thing about it was the complete absence of a strategy.

The NSS typically fleshes out the logic behind measures that an administration is adopting. Not this time. On Iran, Trump’s NSS is little more than a continuation of his “do the opposite of Obama” obsession. No greater insight is provided into what that will actually mean over the duration of his presidency – by Reza Marashi

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia's folly, Iran's smart diplomacy

Trump's diplomacy of tension signifies a significant turn for the worse in the region and a flash point for the escalation of existing rivalries, and having supported Saudi Arabia's folly, it will kneel down before Iran's smart diplomacy

Thus, some basic scenarios can be raised. First, all these events indicate the beginning of a cold war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Second, a policy of threats as the sword of Damocles over Iran's head to push it back to a pre-Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) atmosphere and to lessen Iran's influence in the region. Third, it is the beginning of a long-term policy regarding the Middle East, considering Trump's four-year term in office until 2020. Fourth,

Whichever scenario one picks, there is a single message: Saudi Arabia's folly, and the West and the U.S. moving closer to their decades-long ambitions for the Middle East. However, it stimulates Iran's smart diplomacy.

(* B P)

Trading Jerusalem for Iran

In doing so, the United States, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are navigating a minefield. Protests against Mr. Trump’s move have so far underplayed the link between the fight against Iran and apparent Saudi and UAE willingness to compromise on minimal Palestinian demands for peace that include East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

The link between Israeli-Palestinian peace making and Iran is likely to become undeniable when Mr. Trump next month must decide whether to uphold the 2015 international agreement with Iran that put severe restrictions on its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions – by James M. Dorsey

(A P)

Power: Trump wrong to continue supporting Saudi-led coalition in Yemen

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power ripped the Trump administration on Sunday for supporting the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, saying it has contributed to a humanitarian crisis.

"The US is right to press for action to stop Iranian smuggling to Houthi in Yemen war, but wrong (as were we in last admin) to keep supporting Saudi-led coalition as it kills civilians w/ impunity & blocks medicine/food/fuel supplies in face of looming famine," Power tweeted.

My comment: That’s somewhat odd as the Obama administration had backed the Saudi coalition as well.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

As Yemeni children starve, Britons must speak out: ‘Not in our name’

It is one of the greatest crimes on earth, so it is welcome that, today, 350 high-profile figures – Nobel peace prize laureates and celebrities among them – have signed a letter demanding the leaders of France, the US and the UK stop “stoking the flames of war”. The barbarous Saudi regime is being armed and supported by the west as it pummels Yemen.

The Tory government has offered a derisory £50m extra in aid for food and fuel supplies: like setting fire to a neighbour’s house, then slipping a tenner through the charred letterbox.

Our continued silence gives carte blanche for our government to maintain its sordid support for the Saudis’ onslaught against civilians and human rights.

(A H)

Sisters take the time to help others

Two kind-hearted girls from Leighton Buzzard have worked hard for months to raise money for children in Yemen. Asha, 10, and Jia, eight, Kirkpatrick were moved by the plight of the children of Yemen and decided to put their efforts into raising money for them.

My comment: Forget the whole hypocritical government and take kids instead:

(unrated A P)

Boris Johnson exclusive interview: Russia, Yemen, Brexit... beavers — leave it all to me

The foreign secretary is keen to show he is a serious politician who can solve diplomatic crises and save wildlife

My comment: Up to now, he solved no crisis at all, he just created or fueled them (Brexit, Yemen…)

(A P)

Penny Mordaunt: Extra UK aid to help stop “human tragedy” in Yemen and prevent risk of “catastrophic famine”

During a visit to a port in Djibouti, where UK aid is shipped to Yemen, Ms Mordaunt warns of the “human tragedy” of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

The UK is providing urgent new food and fuel supplies to help keep millions of Yemeni people alive as an escalation in fighting and restrictions on aid access threaten to push Yemen into a catastrophic famine, International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt announced today (Monday 18 December 2017).

During a visit to a port in Djibouti from where UK aid is shipped to Yemen, Ms Mordaunt warned of the “human tragedy” of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with over eleven million people needing help to survive. She pledged an extra £50 million that will help feed millions of people for one month and process more lifesaving food, which is absolutely vital as rapidly diminishing supplies mean there is currently only a few months of wheat and rice left in the country.

Ms Mordaunt also called for an immediate opening up of commercial and humanitarian access into Yemen during a visit to Saudi Arabia, and condemned the continued Houthi blockages in the north of the country.


(A H P)

Saudi Arabia told by UK minister to stop blocking Yemen aid

The international development secretary, Penny Mordaunt, commits aid to help tackle ‘the world’s worst humanitarian crisis’

Saudi Arabia has “no excuse” for blocking aid to Yemen, the international development secretary, Penny Mordaunt, said as she warned that “using starvation as a weapon” was a breach of humanitarian law.

The UK is set to provide an emergency £50m aid package to help feed millions of Yemeni people caught in what she called “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis”.

On a visit to Djibouti and Saudi Arabia, Mordaunt promised food vouchers for 3.4 million Yemenis for one month, 106,000 tonnes of grain, and fuel to keep hospitals running and pump clean water.

(A P)

Days before Christmas, the government finally makes a pledge that Britain can be proud of

What Mordaunt failed to mention, however, is that there’s ‘no excuse’ for her government’s continued arms exports to Saudi Arabia either. Especially not when, as she suggested herself, the country could be violating international law.

It is Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen, not just its blockade, that is causing devestation there. So if the government wants to help the Yemeni people, it must stop these sales. That would give Britain something to really be proud of.

My comment: This simply is perverse as the British government – which she belongs to – since 1000 days now fully has supported Saudi Arabia and its disastrous war and blockade on Yemen – while the British arms industry made many billions by arming the Saudis and thus by fueling this war. ''British arms companies have earned more than £6bn from their trade with Saudi Arabia during the war in #Yemen'' (The Independent, Sep 18, 2017). Thus, Mordaunt personally is responsible for the worst things such wars include: for maimed and starved children. But she gets a lot of positive reports in her country.

and more reporting with more background

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Weniger Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien

Die arabische Halbinsel bleibt ein wichtiger Abnehmer deutscher Waffen. Zwar genehmigte die Bundesregierung 2017 deutlich weniger Exporte nach Saudi-Arabien als im Vorjahr. Doch der Wert der Ausfuhren stieg für ein Nachbarland trotzdem.

Die deutschen Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien sind in diesem Jahr deutlich zurückgegangen. Angestiegen sind dagegen die Waffenexporte in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

Saudi-Arabien erhielt unter anderem 110 militärische Fahrzeuge vom Düsseldorfer Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Hizbullah Calls for War Cessation in Yemen, Urges Political Solution

Hizbullah on Wednesday denounced “Saudi Arabia's persistent battle” against the Huthi rebels in Yemen stressing the need for a cessation of war as it called for a rapid political solution.

In a statement issued as Yemen marks 1000 days of a Saudi-led coalition war against the Huthis, Hizbullah criticized “Saudi insistence to continue its war against Yemen,” stressing the need for a “comprehensive and rapid political solution.”

(A P)

#Russia's ambassador to #Yemen met with the secretary general of the Islah party.

(A P)

Film: Another disgusting video from #kuwait . An #Egyptian Christian is pressured to convert to #Islam on camera, then denies his conversation. Kuwait is the ignored extremist state

(* B P)

The United Arab Emirates has peaked - Emiratis must now dare to dissent

The United Arab Emirates recently celebrated its 44th birthday with the usual celebrations, performances and rallies. The country certainly has much to be proud of – since its founding in 1971, it has achieved a near-miraculous rise in virtually all human development indicators.

The United Arab Emirates has peaked. The social, political and economic model that initially worked for the UAE so well carries within it the seeds of its own demise. The model of a rentier state in which citizens are a tiny privileged minority is internally coherent, but dangerously unsustainable, and is moving towards an inevitable moment of reckoning. The coming years, I predict, will see this distressing reality become far more urgently manifest.

When the UAE was founded, it had a population of less than 300,000. Today, it is home to over 10 million – and 88% of those are non-citizens. Officially, these non-citizens are labelled "temporary migrant workers", but many are in fact life-long residents.

What's most alarming about this picture, though, is that it is not debated in the UAE at all – the most serious problem is that nobody is talking about the problem.

(* B P)

The Men Behind Man City: a documentary not coming soon to a cinema near you

Abu Dhabi also invests millions in Washington DC, much of it on the type of think-tanks that seem to think mostly about money. After successfully encouraging the neo-conservative analyst Michael Rubin to write an article questioning the credibility of Human Rights Watch research on torture in the UAE, Pearce could scarcely disguise his glee in the email he sent to Yousef Al-Otaiba.

Things aren’t much better on the home front. MBZ has few qualms about keeping his own subjects in line the old-fashioned way, and his thuggish state security apparatus do that to devastating effect, roaming the streets in custom-made 4x4s with shackles built-in to the frame. Anyone who tweets out of turn is toast. One of the people languishing in Abu Dhabi’s jails is the award-winning human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor.

And then there’s Yemen.

There’s more — there’s a lot more — but suffice it to say that while Abu Dhabi may not be the most abusive government in the world, they are easily the most abusive government running a football club.

Comment: A PR campaign started in the early 90s has made the world believe that the Emirates were modern, tolerant, peaceful, ahead of times, compassionate.
In #Yemen we know their true side. This (a must read), might make you understand what famous skylines actually hide

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A K P)

Qatar army announces the acquisition of the short-range ballistic missile system "SY-400" with range 400 km (photos)

(A K P)

Al-Thani family members hold first opposition meeting against Emir of Qatar


(A K P)

Hours ago: #Saudi CP MBS meets a group of #Qatar AlThani family to regime change (photo)

My comment: The Saudis promoting opposition within Qatar’s ruling family.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Deutschland: Siehe / Germany: Look at cp1 (in German)

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(A K P)

Adam Hasan Musa the nephew of the Sudanese Vice President was killed in Mocha. referring to

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

This huge museum was discovered inside a luxurious palace in Sanaa. The palace belongs to a former army general Mahdi Makwala, one of Saleh's generals arrested by Ansarallah ( Houthi). The pieces were shown by Al Masirah Tv, mouthpiece of Houthi. (photos) and film

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(** B T)

Perspectives on Terrorism

[Online Journal]

(A T)

Three AQAP suspects killed in US drone strike in #AlBayda province.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Fatah renews call to UN aid organizations to relocate to Aden

The Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Relief Aid Abduraqib Fatah has renewed his calls to the UN organizations to move from the Houthi-controlled Sana'a to the temporary capital Aden

My comment: Aden is not more secure than Sanaa. This relocation just would mean to make managing aid for Northern Yemen even more difficult – an effect the Hadi government certainly would appreciate.

(A P)

$10bn fund proposed for Yemen’s reconstruction

Consultations are underway to establish a $10 billion trust fund for reconstruction in strife-torn Yemen, especially in areas liberated by the Saudi-led coalition.
The proposal to establish the fund was made in response to a World Bank assessment report that estimated the cost of war damage in Yemen at more than $88 billion.
This was disclosed by Yemen’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Mohammed Al-Saadi on Monday. “The Yemeni government has already begun the reconstruction process in some liberated areas, including Aden,” Al-Saadi told Asharq Al-Aswat Arabic daily, a sister publication of Arab News.

My comment: Odd. Bomb first, pay later. The World Bank estimate needs to be doubled. And it’s $ 150bn the Saudis should pay. That’s even less than their cost of war (ca. $ 200bn) so far.

Comment by Judith Brown: And what will that do???? Repair a small part of one town maybe. It won't rebuild roads, schools, houses, hospitals, ports, airports, markets, silos, water plant, electricity plant, farms, and all the many other places that are destroyed throughout Yemen.

(A P)

Iran is risking war to test the Saudi crown prince

Iran is risking war with Saudi Arabia in order to assess the strategic philosophy of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

That's my read of Tuesday's missile attack by Yemen-based Houthi rebels targeting Riyadh. While the missile either crashed or was shot down over Riyadh, the Houthis say they were targeting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other top Saudi leaders in the strike.

I have a number of takeaways.

First, we should be confident that the missile employed was provided to the Houthis by Iran and that Iran directed its use in this attack.

Second, it seems clear that Iran is either seeking to test Mohammed bin Salman, or to kill him.

My comment: After the second Houthi missile attack on Riyadh, propaganda is roaring (look at cp1d). The worst up to now might-be is this one here.

(A P)

Arab Parliament denounces Houthi crimes in Yemen

President of the Arab Parliament Mishal bin Fahm al Salmi on Tuesday strongly denounced crimes committed by Houthi militants in Yemen against Yemeni MPs and leaders of the General People's Congress along with civilian

My comment: This “parliament” is a Saudi mouthpiece.

(A P)

ANALYSIS: Understanding Washington’s fast-evolving Iran policy

On the doorstep of US President Donald Trump’s first National Security Strategy speech, the administration launched an unprecedented campaign of pinpointing the crosshairs on the epicenter of all extremism causing havoc across the Middle East: Iran.

The Trump administration has made it clear that a wide array of destructive policies adopted by Tehran have become unacceptable, a clear indication of the end of Iran’s years of windblown successes, thanks mainly to eight years of the Obama’s unbridled appeasement policy and strategic mistakes of previous administrations.

Iran can also be described as the facilitator, and maybe even the godfather, of a slate of malign practices rendering suffering across the Arabian Peninsula, leading to the Levant and eastward to Central Asia.

Advocates of engagement vis-à-vis Iran are accusing the Trump administration of trailing the path of launching a war with Iran. Their intentions are far from preventing the US from entering a new war, but to protect Tehran from any strong measures

(A P)

Yemeni Child Recruits Undergoing Rehab Visit Marib’s Historic Dam

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center organized on Monday a recreational trip for children undergoing rehabilitation in Yemen’s Amran governorate.

(A P)

"Kuwait By Your Side" .. Two years of continuous aid for Yemen

(A P)


On December 17, forces loyal to Saudi-backed Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi claimed that over 1,175 fighters of the Houthis were killed by the Saudi-led coalition last week. Most of the Houthi fighters were killed during the clashes in the northern province of Saada, the western al-Hudaydah province and in the Yemeni capital Sana’a according to pro-Hadi forces.

My comment: I did not read this figure elsewhere. It sounds like propaganda anyway.

(A P)

Saudi-born Palestinian starts initiative to thank kingdom

Jawhara al-Shawish, a Palestinian woman born and brought up in the Kingdom, has launched an initiative called “Appreciate the Kingdom” to express the Palestinian people's love, loyalty and gratitude to Saudi Arabia for its unwavering support to their cause in all circumstances.

The Saudis have taken a firm stance and adopted several measures to help the Palestinians achieve their legitimate rights, she said.

Saudi Gazette interviewed Alshawish to talk about her initiative.

“The idea came to me when I heard some unfounded rumors spread by certain ignorant people about the stance of the Kingdom toward the Palestinian cause, especially after (US President Donald Trump›s) recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

US exposes Iranian hand in missile attack against Kingdom

Iran has repeatedly tried to deflect international criticism over its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries, including Yemen.
Iran’s military presence in Yemen is well known to Saudi Arabia and the Arab coalition it leads. In fact, the Kingdom recently revealed that Iran was the source of the missiles used by the Houthis to hit targets in Saudi Arabia, including the one that was shot down near the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh.

The Kingdom called on the international community to immediately implement the Security Council resolutions, and hold the Iranian regime to account for its aggressive and hostile actions. It reaffirmed the need to tighten the verification and inspection mechanism to prevent the smuggling of weapons to terrorist militias.

My comment: A saudi propaganda roundup on Iranian support for the Houthis.

(A P)

What if we eliminate Saudi Arabia, UAE from the map?

One method to evaluate the influence of a specific country is to delete it from the map and imagine the world without it. I will now eliminate two states, Saudi Arabia and the UAE which have a strong alliance and which play different roles on several fronts.

The first front is confronting extremism. If Saudi Arabia and the UAE do not exist, extremist powers will completely dominate the area as there are no regional powers that are capable of combating them or eliminating their project. It’s also certain that armed terrorist organizations will be more powerful compared with their current torn state. Universities will inevitably be controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliates.

(A P)

ANALYSIS: Debunking Iran’s claim of ‘advisory roles’ in Middle East wars

The two missiles fired at Mecca and Riyadh Airport in late July and early November bore the trademark of the Iranian ‘Shahid Bagheri Industries’ which is already on the sanctions list of the United Nations.

Now it is crystal clear what Jafari means by “advisory” role. IRGC’s role in Syria has been a mirror image of what the general means by “advisory role.” It is hardly news after almost seven years of civil war in Syria that IRGC’s external arm — the Quds Force — is involved up to its eyeballs in that conflict, which has left over 400,000 people dead and millions other homeless.

IRGC’s Quds Force chief, Maj. Gen.Qasem Soleimani has been frequently spotted on the fronts in Syria and Iraq. It is of course the first time that such a high ranking IRGC official openly has openly confirmed that Iran is involved in Yemen’s prolonged and destructive war, despite the fact that there have been many indications that Iran is directly aiding Houthis.

(A P)

Making the Case against Iranian Sanctions Busting in Yemen

Clear evidence exists of Iranian arms smuggling to the Houthis, but the United States and its allies must get better and faster at sharing intelligence with the UN if they expect to garner more international support for border controls and sanctions.

The United States and its allies should prioritize the use of diplomatic pressure, economic incentives, intelligence platforms, disclosure of intelligence, and military advisors alongside the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman to interdict the flow of Iranian arms into Oman and onward into Yemen. Focus should also be maintained on preventing smugglers' use of the southeastern Yemeni coastline in the al-Mahra governorate and elsewhere, including the remaining Houthi ports such as Hodeida. Maintaining the blockade will require a solution to the unintended constriction of humanitarian flows. As a result, Washington and its allies should work in concert to push the UN to administer Yemeni ports and deliver civilian supplies in order to avert a greater humanitarian crisis – by Michael Knights

My comment: Just taking the Nikki Haley claims for granted means making propaganda the base of all further conclusions – and of this whole article. – And the author seriously spoken pledges that the US should worsen the Yemeni crisis. On the author: . But there you only get half of the story, also look here:

(A P)

Saudis should know that “Iran is not Yemen”

Saudi media have published a short 3D-animated film depicting the Saudi military invading Iran and conquering its regional arch-rival.

The film has been mocked on social media as propaganda and a naive depiction of war. It shows Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman orchestrating a land invasion of Iran after a devastating aerial campaign.

The Saudi army then takes control of Tehran, where Iranian crowds wave Saudi flags and welcome the invading forces as heroes.

The short film has been widely mocked on Twitter.

“In the delusional world of Saudi Arabia, Saudis invade Iran, take over the country and are greeted as liberators by Iranians who hold MbS posters,” said one user.

(A P)

Al Houthi crackdown ‘undermines hopes of peace’

Al Houthi’s wide-ranging crackdown against the supporters of assassinated former president Ali Abdullah Saleh have greatly reduced hopes of peace and an end to more than three years of bloody conflict, Yemen’s foreign minister said.

In an interview with the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV, Abdul Malek Al Mekhlafi said his government and the international community have lost faith in the Al Houthi militia as an effective partner in peace, after its ruthless killing of Saleh and their subsequent mass attacks against his supporters. “We are facing a militia and a gang that has committed all crimes, including detaining women and destroying houses,” Al Mekhlafi said.

(A P)

Military solution has become necessary, says Yemen FM

Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi said on Saturday that "the military solution has become necessary" to resolve the standoff with the Houthi radical rebel fighters.

My comment: Now as it has been before: It’s the Hadi government who blocks peace efforts and peace negotiations.

(A P)

Recent Southern Victories … A Message to the Arab Ally

Recently, we witnessed actual glorious victories achieved by the heroes of the southern resistance on all fronts of honor against the Iranian invasion that carried destruction and death to northern and southern governorates. These victories will be memorized in the history of struggle against the dark forces that fight our will to freedom. History will remember the heroes of the southern resistance who defended their lands and way of life against any invader.

My comment: By Southern separatists’ news agency. “against the Iranian invasion”: Any Iranian soldier seen in Yemen? There are as many in Yemen as Mexican or Nepalese or Fiji soldiers.

(A P)

Thoughtful, caring Emirates Red Crescent: #Yemenneeds food, medicines, chlorine tablets, blood, clean water, seeds, solar panels, virtually everything. And they send us mortuary coolers. (photo)

My comment: Well, thanks to the UAE they really are in need of more mortuar coolers in Yemen now. And they need less food coolers of course.

(A P)

Yemen VP urges national unity against Houthis

For this VP, look at YPR 368, cp1. He is a disastrous figure and a long-time supporter of Al Qaida.

(A P)

Yemen calls on relief organizations to work from Aden

In light of international relief organizations arriving in Sanaa to evacuate their staff, Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Relief Committee, Abdul Raqeeb Fath, invited them to move to the city of Aden to run relief convoys for those in need in all governorates.

Fath said that the Houthis targeting the employees of these humanitarian and relief organizations, and interfering with their work is considered a blatant breach of international law.

My comment: „Yemen“ meaning here: The Hadi government. This “proposal” is nonsense propaganda, as they cannot do their work for Houthi-controlled northern Yemen from Aden.

(A P)

Saudi video shows kingdom's troops as 'liberators' of Tehran

Computer-generated video predicts cakewalk for Saudi army in war with Iran, but social media users mock content and production values

The video, presented with English dubbing, was viewed almost 750,000 times within four days of its publication on 14 December.

But others criticised the video as propaganda and Saudi aggression.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(*A K PH)

Saudi air raids, day by day

Dec. 15:

Dec. 16:

(* A K PH)

15 citizens killed in US-Saudi air strikes on Shabwah

A total of 15 citizens, including women and children were killed when the US-Saudi combat jets waged a strike on their house in Beihan district of Shabwah province, an official told Saba on Wednesday.

The strike hit the house in Abih area in the district.

(* A K PH)

Six children, three women killed in US-Saudi air strikes on Shabwah

Six children and three women were killed when Saudi-paid mercenaries waged an artillery shelling on their house in al-Wazaih district of Taiz province, an official told Saba on Wednesday.

The shelling hit the house in al-Shaubah village in the district

(A K PH)

The US-Saudi warplanes targeted today the capital of Sana'a with six raids.
A local source in the capital Sanaa told Saba that the warplanes launched three air raids on the building of the Members House of in the western sixtieth street.
The source said that the aviation targeted three other air raids food stores belonging to the merchant Haider Fahem in Al-Thawra district.

Breaking from Yemen: children screaming & running from their schools in panic. Now as US-Saudi jets bomb residential areas inside the capital Sanaa. The area hit now ( 10:30 am) is Hasaba, northern parts of the city. Bombings taking place in other places of the city. (photos)

(A K PH)

Wednesday morning: Sanaa under airstrikes

An airstrike just hit after 15 mins of hovering! Good morning Sanaa..

(* A K PH)

8 citizens killed in US-Saudi air strikes on Shabwah

Eight citizens were killed when the US-Saudi fighter jets waged a strike on their car in Beihan district of Shabwah province, an official told Saba on Tuesday.
The strike hit the car on the main road in Qarin area in the district.
Meanwhile, the US-Saudi combat jets launched 15 strikes on various areas in the districts of Beihan and Aqabah al-Qanda earlier.

(* A K)

Saudi-led air strikes kill 136 civilians in Yemen: U.N.

Air strikes by the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen have killed at least 136 civilians and non-combatants since December 6, U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville told a regular U.N. briefing on Tuesday. and full statement and

(* A K PH)

Hostile airstrike kills five, injures two in Shabwa

Five civilians were killed on Monday in a US-Saudi aggression warplanes raid on Wadi Khair area in the district of Baihan in Shabwa province.
A local official told Saba that the aggression warplanes hit a civilian's car on the main road in the district, killing the five and injuring two others.

(*A K PH)

Aggression kills five, injures 10 in Hodaida

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes on Monday hit al-Khukha district in Hodaida province, killing five civilians in an initial toll.
A local official told Saba that the hostile aggression hit al-Khukha, injuring others 10 civilians in an initial toll as well.

(* A K PH)

Saudi warplanes attack civilian target in Yemen, kill five civilians

Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said five people lost their lives and ten others sustained injuries on Monday evening, when Saudi fighter jets bombarded a residential building in the al-Tafsah area of al-Khawkhah district.

Saudi military aircraft also carried out two aerial attacks against civilian targets in the Mondabah area of Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa'ada.

Additionally, Saudi warplanes hit a vehicle in the Baqim district, and launched an airstrike in the al-Malahit area of al-Dhaher district.

There were, however, no immediate reports about the number of possible casualties and the extent of damage caused.

(A K PS)

Arab Ally Air Forces Launch Violent Raids on Coup Militias in Kehboub and the Militias Suffer Great Loses

Media center of the third brigade – determination – in Kehboub indicated that the Arab Ally air forces launched several air raids on coup militias and Al-Houthi militias suffered major loses in equipment with the destruction of mortar canon and B-10. Other air raids were launched on Al-Houthi militias and led to major human and equipment loses for the militias. The same source indicated that Al-Houthi militias transferred injured element to near hospital. Raids continued from Sunday evening till Monday morning.

(A K PS)

VIDEO: #Saudi-led Coalition releases footage of targeting #Houthi militias near the Kingdom's southern borders

(* A K PH)

Three citizens killed in Saudi airstrike on Taiz

Three citizens were killed when the US-Saudi fighter jets waged a strike on Mouza district of Taiz province over night, an official told Saba on Monday.
The strikes hit a school in al-Wajiz area in the district, killing three citizens.

(* A K)

US Drone kills family of three women, two children in al Bayda

A US drone launched on Friday several raids on a house, inhabited by a family of three women and two children, in Yekla district of Qayfat Rada'a in al Bayad province, local residents told Almasderonline.

All members of the family were killed immediately, and Almasderonline could not know the dead names.

My comment: They claim to fight terrorists and kill women and children.

(A K PH)

Film: The crime of aggression against civilians in the Directorate of Al Zaher in Saada 17-12-2017

The Saudi American Air Adnan has committed a crime against the family of Hajj "Yahya al-Qaisi" in Al-Zaher Directorate in Saada province, where two women were killed =

(* A K PS)

Al Jouf: Dozens of Houthis causalities by Arab coalition raids and battles

Dozens of Houthi gunmen were killed and wounded on Saturday in raids by the Saudi-led Arab coalition aircraft ,in Khab al Sha'af district in al Jouf province, northeastern Yemen, a field source said.

(A K PH)

Fresh Saudi airstrike leaves 3 more Yemeni civilians in western Ta’izz

The Saudi warplanes targeted a school in an area of the Mawza district on Sunday evening.

They added that the school manager, identified as Saad Qaed Oyoun, his son and brother were killed in the assault.

(A K PS)

Saudi-led raids kill 15 Houthis in southern Yemen

At least 15 Houthi rebels were killed in Saudi-led airstrikes in western Yemen on Sunday, according to a local medical source.

Several rebels were also injured in the attacks, which targeted Houthi positions south of Hodeidah province, the source said on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to media.

“Hospitals are full to bursting with scores of injured Houthis, who came from southern districts where fighting is flaring on,” the source told Anadolu Agency.

(* A K PH)

54 civilians killed, 19 wounded in US-Saudi airstrikes on Yemen's villages, markets

US-Saudi aggression coalition continued carriying out air strikes against civilians in the villages and markets across Yemen over the past few hours, killing at least 54 civilians, mostly women and children and wounding 19 others, officials said on Sunday.
The airstrikes targeted the civilians in the provinces of Saada, Hodeidah, Taiz, Jizan, Hajjah and Shabwah.

(* A K PH)

3 civilians killed, 3 injured in US-Saudi airstrikes on Hodeidah market

At least three citizens, including a woman, were killed on Saturday when US-Saudi aggression coalition airstrikes hit a popular market in Hays district of Hodeidah province, an official and medics told Saba.
Other three citizens, including two children, were wounded in the air attacks.

(* A K)

Luftangriff tötet zehn Frauen einer Hochzeitsprozession

Zehn Frauen seien bei ihrer Prozession zu dem Fest in der Provinz Maarib getötet worden, bestätigten auch Mitarbeiter von Gesundheitsbehörden.

Die Braut sei in der Gruppe gewesen; zunächst war nicht bekannt, ob sie verletzt wurde. Im ländlichen Jemen ist es Tradition, dass die Freundinnen und weibliche Verwandte die Braut zur Trauung begleiten, wo der Bräutigam auf sie wartet.

(** A K PH)

Saudis massacre ten women during wedding in Yemen

Saudi airstrike on a wedding ceremony in the northern Yemeni province of Ma’rib on Saturday has resulted in the death of twelve women, all of them civilians.

The air strike targeted a procession that took place after a wedding in the Qaramesh region of the province. Witnesses state that the bombing was specifically aimed at a group of women who were returning home from the celebrations. A dozen civilians perished in the attack.

“The aggressor committed a hideous crime by targeting ordinary women who were returning from a wedding,” a father who lost two daughters in the raid told Yemeni broadcaster al-Masirah.

[8 women, 2 girls, all killed while sitting in a car] and (“Several” women) and by Saba Net (10 women) and RT (10 women) and Reuters

The women's vehicle was struck by three Saudi-led coalition air raids late on Saturday.

Mohammad al-Sheab, head of the health bureau in Marib, told Al Jazeera that the victims were all from the Haysan family. He said the women were between 30 to 50 years old, without providing an age for the two girls.

Names: Kumri Seham Arzak Asrar Najeeba Hend Sumayah Anisah Lamia Safa, surname for all is Hasyan. The name of the place where 3 airstrikes hit.

Photos: (also: names of killed) (also: names of killed)

Film: =

(A K P)

Iran verurteilt Verbrechen Saudi-Arabiens im Jemen

Das iranische Außenministerium hat in einer Erklärung die jüngsten saudischen Luftangriffe auf Zivilisten in verschiedenen jemenitischen Städten, die Dutzende Tote und Verletzte hinterließen, scharf verurteilt. und auch

(A K P)

Iran strongly condemns Saudi killing of Yemeni women

(A K PH)

More air raids reported on:

Dec. 20: Amran prov. Saada prov.

Dec. 19: Jawf prov. Marib prov.

Dec. 18: Saada prov. Hajjah prov. Nehm Mozaa, Taiz prov. Hiss-Khokhah road, Hodeidah prov. Lahj prov. Taiz prov. Fish market, Hodeidah Hajjah prov. Saada prov. Marib prov.

Dec. 17: Sanaa prov. Hajjah prov. Lahj Prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1c, cp1d

(* B K PS)

Houthi rebels kill and injure 39 civilians in Taiz during November

The report detailed the casualties as follows: 20 civilians were killed among them 9 children and 3 women by rebel snipers and by the rebels rocket shelling attacks in the city of Taiz; 19 civilians were injured among them 14 children and 3 women.

(A K PH)

the Saudi artillery shelling targeted Al-Sheikh and Moqna'a areas of Ghamar and Monabah districts in Saada province, causing heavy damage to properties of the citizens

(A K PS)

Houthi militias strike villages of Beidha

Houthi rebel fighters bombarded villages in the province of Baydha on Saturday causing damages to houses and plantations

(* A K)


This map provides a general look at the military situation in Yemen on December 19, 2017. Saudi-backed forces are advancing along the western Yemeni coast towards the port city of Hudaydah.

My comment: I think the map is no more correct for the Bayhan-Usaylan front at the most eastern point of Houthi-held territory. The Hadi army had made greater gains there (see below).

(A K)

In Taiz, a Houthi militant sniped a mother of 4 children, the eldest is 11 yrs. She was the only supporter of her kids.

(A K PH)

Saudi-paid mercenaries target civilians' houses in Mareb

(* A K)

Photos: This morning in #Taiz, armed men cut roads that lead to Taiz university, yet students choose to walk to get to the university putting aside all types of possible threats! Look closely at these pics, say A LOT!

(A K PH)

Houthis obliterate Saudi convoy in northern Yemen: Video

(A K PS)

Yemen: 30 Houthis killed east of Sanaa

More than 30 Houthis were killed yesterday during clashes with the Yemeni army in Nham district, east of Sana’a, a military spokesman said.

Fighting on the Nham front continued yesterday with significant progress made by government forces, a statement by the military said. and also

(A K PS)

Yemen’s Houthis execute 30 fighters attempting to surrender near Saudi border

The Iran-allied Houthi militia in Yemen has executed more than 30 of its own militiamen in the district of Midi located near the Saudi border area of Jizan, local sources told Al Arabiya on Monday.

The militiamen were allegedly killed after they attempted to surrender themselves to the Yemeni army and the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

My comment: This already had been reported by Islah party’s Al Sawah. It sounds quite like propaganda.

(* A K)

Forces aligned with the internationally recognized Hadi government, backed by Saudi-led coalition warplanes, secured a route linking eastern Yemen to Sana’a on December 15. Hadi government forces took control of Bayhan city, Shabwah governorate after launching an offensive from the al Naqub area in Usaylan district on December 15. Hadi government forces continued to clear al Houthi positions and dismantle mines in Usaylan, Bayhan, and Ain districts in Shabwah on December 18.[2]

(* A K PS)

Photos, Films, more on Bayhan fighting etc. (Thread)

(A K PS)

Yemeni army captures 80 Houthis within two days in Shabwa

The Yemeni army captured 80 Houthi militiamen during battles that took place in the Bihan and Asilan districts over the past two days.

The two districts in the Shabwa governorate are considered the last of the Houthi strongholds southeast of the country.

(A K PS)

Thread with photos, films on Bayhan fighting

(A K PS)

Yemeni Army Finds an Explosives Lab for Houthi Coup Militias

Yemeni National army forces and popular resistance in Yemen have found an improvised explosive devices (IED) laboratory last night in Bayhan District of Shabwah Governorate.
Leader of Wadi Bayhan resistance Saleh Alharthi said that there is a mediation for the withdrawal of the beleaguered Al-Houthi's coup militias in Al- Safra District, assuring that they will be allowed to withdraw as war prisoners after they surrender their weapons.
The Yemeni National Army announced the complete liberation of Bayhan, Usaylan, and Al-'Ain districts, and assured that Shabwah Governorate is liberated except for small pockets being dealt with at the moment.

(A K PS)

High quality video of the Houthi IED factory in #Bayhan #Shabwa. and photos and another film

(A K PS)

Film: Mine clearance in #Bayhan by resistance forces led by Sheikh Saleh Alawi Al-Jahf Al-Harthi. #Shabwa #Yemen


Sketch maps left behind by Houthis show landmines planted in #Bayhan. #Shabwa (image)

(* A K PH)

Over 60 Saudi-Backed Militants Killed in Yemen's Shabwa

(* A K PS)

Bayhan and Usaylan liberated completely

The spokesman of Bayhan military front said that Bayhan and Usaylan districts had been completely liberated and that the remaining outposts of the Houthi militias are seized and combed.

(* A K PS)

More than 5,800 land mines planted by the #Houthi militia were removed from the recently liberated areas in Yatama front north of Al Jawf Governorate by the #Yemeni National Army (photos)

(A K PS)

Houthi landmine kills civilians, injures another in Aljawf

the two men were walking in a pedestrian pathway in al-Motoon district of Aljawf when one unknowingly stepped on the landmine before it blew up killing him and injuring the other,

(A K PS)

This man has lost 80 of his tribesmen to reach this hilltop and regain it from the Houthis. Sheikh Kohlan Al Harthi atop Hayd Bin Akeel, Bayhan (photo)

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B)

Threat of Piracy Heightened Off Somalia and Yemen

The increased threat of piracy off Somalia and Yemen since the Aris 13 hijacking in March is set to continue due to heightened insecurity in the High Risk Area.

Reports of pirate activity in the High Risk Area (HRA) region have increased by more than five times over the past 12 months, totaling 65 incidents, compared to the same period in 2015-2016. Reports of attempted hijackings sharply increased in the weeks after the hijacking of the Aris 13 bunkering tanker in March, and the rate of attempted attacks and suspicious activity has since remained elevated.

Most piracy incidents have occurred in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab el Mandeb strait where vessels are most concentrated


Photo: When beauty is simplified in a city like Daw'an, Hadramout! Place of a tasty Yemeni honey and more..


Film: Europa Universalis 4 / Jemen Folge 4 / Wir holen was uns gehört

Mein Kommentar: Was für Sch… ist das denn?

Und als ob das noch nicht reichen würde:



„Black Powder Red Earth“ (BPRE) ist Kult. Und die erste Serie war bereits vor einiger Zeit ageschlossen. Jetzt geht es weiter. Hat die erste Staffel im Irak gespielt, ist der neue Schauplatz der Yemen. Am Szenario hat ich wenig verändert. Privat Military Contractors (PMCs) übernehmen im Konflikt eine tragende Rolle: (Fotos)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-368 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-368: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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