Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 373 - Yemen War Mosaic 373

Yemen Press Reader 373: 4. Jan. 2018: Politische Lösung nicht in Sicht - Saudi-Blockade bleibt - Saudische Luftangriffe intensiviert, viele Opfer - Heftige Kämpfe - UAE bauen Einfluss aus

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Jan. 4, 2018: No political solution - Saudi blockade continues - Saudi air raids intensified, many victims - heavy fighting - Emirates increase their influence

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Huthi-Raketen / Houthi missiles

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Zuerst: Verschleppte der Huthis / At first: Houthi detainees

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A P)

Yemen's Houthis release ex-president Saleh’s spokesman

Houthi rebels on Wednesday released the spokesman of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was abducted in December.

Houthis also released al-Sufi’s son, Muataz, who was abducted along with his father.

The source pointed out that tribal mediation was behind the release of al-Sufi, without giving further details.

(* A P)

Yemen: Huthis must quash death sentence of Baha'i prisoner of conscience

Responding to the news that Huthi authorities sentenced 52-year-old Yemeni prisoner of conscience Hamid Haydara to death for allegedly collaborating with Israel and forging official documents, Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Research and Advocacy Director said:

“The Huthi authorities must immediately quash the death sentence against Hamid Haydara. He is a prisoner of conscience who has been tried on account of his conscientiously held beliefs and peaceful activities as a member of the Baha’i community.

“This sentence is the result of a fundamentally flawed process, including trumped up charges, an unfair trial and credible allegations that Hamid Haydara was tortured and ill-treated in custody. It is also part of a wider crackdown on critics, journalists, human rights defenders and members of the Baha’i community that is causing entire families to live in fear for their safety and the safety of their loved ones.

(* A P)

Woke up today to the news that Houthi-run SCC in #Sanaa sentenced Baha'i adhered Hamed Haydara to death. An absurd sentence after an absurd case marred by absurd rights violations. Thread below.

Houthis should immediately nullify sentence, release Haydara, and cease all persecution of the Baha'i community.

Since 2014, @hrw has documented the Houthis arbitrarily detaining, disappearing and abusing members of the Baha'i community, forcing some to flee #Yemen entirely.

From the start, Haydara's case has been marred. Held for years before this ruling. Prevented from attending court sessions. Charges related to his faith. Beaten, electrically shocked and mistreated.

and also linkling to articles from 2017, 2017:

and also:

(A P)

The Houthi militia arrested Yahya Zaher a senior pro-Saleh official in Sana'a on Sunday. # Source: Several media.

The Houthi militants arrested Ibrahim Abdullah a bodyguard of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and two of his brothers and injured one of his children in Sana'a on Sunday. # Source: Yemen Press news website.

(* A P)

The Houthi radical rebel militia has tortured Ahmed al-Ghazali an engineering student from the University of Sciences and Technology in Sana'a. He and his wife were abducted by the militiamen two weeks ago near the university's hostel. Without any charges against him, the militia has reportedly tortured him in several ways including by stubbing out lightened cigars on his body. #Source: Social media and news websites. (photos)

Remark: From anti-Houthi biased website of Islah Party news media.

(A P)

HR abuse investigators survey Houthi victims in Taiz

The National Committee for Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses has surveyed individuals and whole villages and areas in Yemen's central province of Taiz to collect their testimonies about the abuses they have suffered at the hands of Houthi rebel militiamen.

Then the investigators met with mothers of Taizi activists abducted by the Houthis and held incommunicado in the militia's jails in the capital Sana'a or any other province. The investigators discussed the list of the abductees' names as per their Committee's own list.

Remark: From anti-Houthi biased Islah Party media site. This “National Committee” had been installed by the Hadi government for two main reasons: 1) prevent the UN to install an independent international investigation of war crimes in Yemen; 2) publishing anti-Houthi reports (and propaganda). – As of course the Houthis actually do violate human rights, they will find enough even letting propaganda side.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K P)

Jemen ohne Aussicht auf Frieden

Der Kampf um das Erbe des erschossenen Präsidenten hat den Konflikt noch komplizierter gemacht und das Kriegsende noch weiter in die Ferne gerückt.

Bis zu seiner Erschiessung mussten die Huthis die Herrschaft über Sanaa mit den Anhängern des früheren Präsidenten teilen. Nun sehen sie sich als alleinige Herren über die ganze Hauptstadt und über die am dichtesten bewohnten Gebiete Jemens. Auf die Gefolgsleute und militärischen Anhänger des früheren Präsidenten machen sie Jagd. Zwischen tausend und dreitausend von ihnen sollen sie festgenommen haben. Unter ihnen sind zahlreiche Politiker aus der nun zusammengebrochenen Partei Ali Abdullah Salehs, die während 33 Jahren die Staatspartei Jemens war.

Auch die militärische Führung jener Teile der jemenitischen Armee, die zu dem nun erschossenen Ex-Präsidenten hielt, sass in Sanaa. Sie ist ebenfalls Ziel der Abrechnung geworden. Wer von diesem bisher an der Macht beteiligten Kern von Politikern und Offizieren fliehen konnte, ist geflohen.

Unmittelbar nach der Erschiessung des früheren Präsidenten gab al-Hadi seinem Vizepräsidenten den Befehl, vom Osten her zum Angriff auf Sanaa vorzugehen.

Man muss in Rechnung stellen, dass es gegenwärtig für die Gegner der Huthis sehr wichtig ist, Erfolge aufzuweisen oder mindestens zu melden, weil dies jene Teile der jemenitischen Streitkräfte beeinflussen kann, die bisher zu Ali Saleh Abdullah hielten und die nun führerlos im Krieg stehen.

Die verwaisten Armee-Einheiten müssen sich entschliessen, auf welcher Seite sie weiterkämpfen wollen.

Die gegenwärtig führerlosen Armeeteile haben auch eine dritte Möglichkeit. Sie können sich dem bei ihnen beliebten Sohn des Ex-Präsidenten anschliessen. Dies ist der General Ahmed Ali Saleh Abdullah, der bis 2012 die Präsidialgarde kommandierte

Im Gefolge des Allianzwechsels und des Todes des bisherigen Ex-Präsidenten ist eine zweite Front reaktiviert worden. Es geht um den im vergangenen Sommer begonnenen, aber dann ebenfalls festgefahrenen Vormarsch aus dem Süden des Landes der Rotmeer-Küste entlang auf den Hafen Hodeida

Den Saudis und den Gefolgsleuten al-Hadis scheint es nun gelungen zu sein, eine Versöhnung zwischen Islah und den VAE einzuleiten.

Auch der dritte Arm des Krieges gegen die Huthis wurde intensiviert. Dies ist der Bombenkrieg.

Die Hungerwaffe der Saudis

In Wirklichkeit geht es nicht nur um die angeblichen Waffen, sondern auch – wenn nicht vor allem – darum, die jemenitische Bevölkerung gegen die Huthi-Herrschaft aufzubringen, die gegenwärtig alleine für die Verwaltung und das Wohl oder Wehe der grössten Teile der jemenitischen Bevölkerung zuständig ist. Dieser geht es sehr schlecht – von Arnold Hottinger

(** B K P)

Is a Political Solution Still Possible in Yemen?

With the passing of Saleh, the ultimate pragmatist with longstanding political and diplomatic ties both locally and internationally, an opportunity has passed with him. In a post-Saleh Yemen, the question remains: is a political solution still feasible?
The most serious issue with the negotiation effort is its absence for more than a year. Days before his death, Saleh presented himself as a negotiator, expressing his readiness for talks with Saudi Arabia. Had he survived, those talks would have materialized through the UN framework, UNSC resolution 2216, which called on Saleh to change his destabilizing action, facilitate disarmament of the Houthis, and return to the National Dialogue Conference’s outcomes.

With the apparent lack of urgency in reinventing the political solution, on-the-ground fighting has only escalated and new emerging alliances appear to herald further military escalation. Despite its necessity, discussion about a new political solution to the conflict seems premature. Not only has the increased appetite for military competition undermined the prospects for a negotiated solution, but so does the Saudi-led coalition’s flawed tactical approach that aims to unify Yemen’s local factions against the Houthis.

Operating on a winner-take-all mentality, the Houthis’ lack of sophistication and nuance has consequently undermined local tribal diplomacy in resolving domestic conflicts. With little regard for even local negotiations, the chances they might engage with international negotiators in good faith appear unlikely.
On the opposing side, a key member in the Saudi-led coalition has taken advantage of the new normal. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken stepsto realign itself with an old enemy, the Islah political party (a Yemeni version of the Muslim Brotherhood), in the fight against Houthis.

Given the current configuration, the conflict in Yemen will not likely end in a formal negotiated settlement through the same existing UN framework born out of the National Dialogue and previous UN resolutions. The nearly four years of civil war and Saudi-led military intervention have exacerbated unresolved animosities between Yemen’s different factions.

A tougher international approach to finding a political solution in Yemen could nevertheless still help avert even greater tragedy in Yemen. There is both a moral and strategic interest in stabilizing Yemen – by Afrah Nasser

(** B H K)

Sleepless in Yemen: Living in fear of Saudi air strikes

This article was based on audio diaries used for a The Debrief podcast episode, Sleepless in Yemen, which was made in collaboration with Save the Children.

The hum of warplanes over Sanaa's sky is almost constant, stalking Anas Shahari's thoughts as he tries to maintain his daily routine in the face of Yemen's war.

It is not the murmur of jet engines flying thousands of feet above him that keep the 30-year-old awake at night, but rather the fear of a more consuming sound - that of an explosion.

"We've had enough," he tells Al Jazeera. "We've had experiences where the aeroplanes kill our loved ones. We just pray that we're not the next."

"Markets are busy, restaurants are busy; you can see that business is going [on]," he says. "It's unfortunate that after a few hours, these streets will be dead again."

Life under the threat of bombardment is about much more than avoiding explosions and death. A coalition blockade of rebel-held territory makes essentials, such as fuel and food, harder and harder to come by.

Despite the difficult circumstances, normal life - or at least some semblance of it - continues for many.

(** B P)

U.S. Politicians Can Afford To Grow A Spine On Saudi Arabia

Five Democrats helped save an arms deal with the kingdom pushed by President Trump. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Despite incessant criticism of the U.S. role in the Yemen war, a change in Washington policy sometimes seems impossible. But it doesn’t have to be. The sheer horror of the Saudi-UAE intervention, which has killed thousands of civilians with its airstrikes and left millions more diseased and hungry because of assaults on infrastructure and shipping routes, has galvanized politicians and rights groups across Western countries that count as those Arab governments’ most important foreign friends. The U.S. could play catch up.

Yes, politicians from Republican-leaning states can afford to defy the military-industrial complex.

No, American arms deals are not guaranteed jobs programs. Research shows that the taxpayer dollars sustaining the defense industry could create more and better-paying jobs if invested in other sectors.

In 2018, Democrats and interested Republicans have the energy, the contemporary examples and the constitutional ability to reshape an American system that supplies more than 30 percent of global arms exports .

There remains reason to doubt that countries like Sweden and the U.K. ― which are deeply committed to defense sales ― will overnight stop aiding campaigns like those in Yemen.

Foreign inspiration has yet to strike U.S lawmakers.

Bill Hartung, a researcher at the Center for International Policy, said he plans to continue his work that disputes the claim of arms deals bringing jobs. “The bottom line is that the jobs issue is far less important than Trump, the Pentagon, or the arms manufacturers would have us believe,” he wrote in a recent email.

The activism continues, and its advocates say it is already delivering. Khanna noted that U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres recently took time to speak with him about efforts to draw attention to Yemen in Congress, and that Trump himself has begun criticizing the humanitarian effects of the Saudi-UAE campaign – by
Akbar Shahid Ahmed

(** B P)

UAE Embrace of Islah Marks Major Shift in Yemen

It is the United Arab Emirates, Qatar’s neighbor, that has taken the role of the small Gulf state operating in far-flung destinations, exerting influence far outstripping its small geographical size. Nowhere is the UAE’s military-led strategy more apparent than in Yemen.

Another enduring strategic concern, particularly for the UAE, is the regionwide proliferation of religiously inspired extremist groups. The UAE has long been a leading member of regional and international coalitions against extremist groups.

While there is widespread international agreement on the need to counter AQAP, the UAE has long insisted that groups like Islah, with established links to the wider Muslim Brotherhood, are also beyond the pale. In Yemen, this led to repeated conflict with Saudi Arabia over whether Islah-aligned forces could be embraced..

Consequently, it was surprising to see the UAE’s de facto leader, Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sitting alongside the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and senior members of Yemen’s Islah Party, Mohammed Abdullah al-Yidoumi and Abdulwahab al-Anisi, in mid-December. This signals a profound change in UAE strategy in Yemen.

The UAE secured from Islah its disengagement from the wider Muslim Brotherhood movement, paving the way for the establishment of a pragmatic alliance without compromising core Emirati policy objectives.

Strategically, this means that the Houthis become yet more politically isolated. Islah has been a significant power broker in the past and enjoys support in both the north and south.

For its part, the coalition gains a potentially significant political partner with real domestic support in Yemen. Operationally, it means that new gains are feasible in critical central regions of Yemen.

There is an abundant realization in Emirati circles of the critical importance of winning the peace. The Emiratis are developing and employing their own counterinsurgency programs, training and equipping local Yemeni forces in the south, and investing significant sums in reconstruction efforts.

But there are profound obstacles, one of which is being allied to the United States.

Indeed, if these setbacks are not to have enduring consequences, the UAE and the coalition need to not only engage with a herculean Marshall Plan-like reconstruction effort, but change tactics to embed pragmatic, long-term perspectives in decision making, avoiding measures that play into the hands of extremists, and make the Houthis – a deeply brutal actor in the war – appear less culpable for the suffering in Yemen – by David B. Roberts

(** B P)

UAE arranges its influence in Yemen’s Hadhramout Province

The United Arab Emirates, as a member of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition fighting in Yemen, has intensified its moves in the eastern province of Hadhramout to arrange the future of its influence in the largest and richest oil-producing area of the country.

The UAE took advantage of its part in the formation of the so-called Hadramiyah Elite Forces, which liberated Mukalla from Al-Qaeda control in April 2016, in cementing its influence in the province. It controls its ports and has established detention centres for hundreds of detainees who are affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Bin Zayed’s guidance at the opening of the airport showed the extent of the UAE interventions in the sovereign decisions of the Yemeni government. The announcement of the re-opening of the airport was made in Abu Dhabi, not Aden, and by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and not the Yemeni Prime Minister.

UAE violations

Abu Dhabi appeared to be trying to escape international pressure following human rights violations in areas under its influence in southern and eastern Yemen, especially the establishment of 18 secret prisons in liberated provinces, notably Aden and Mukalla. These have witnessed brutal torture, according to an investigation published by Associated Press last June.

UAE influence

The tribal presence on the sidelines of the governor’s visit to the UAE suggests that Abu Dhabi is keen to consolidate its influence in Hadhramout in the future by taking advantage of the established social connections. What’s more, the UAE is seeking to control the Hadhramout Valley, despite the fact that its 18 directorates are outside UAE influence.

The group of forces and leaders affiliated to the UAE, and the parties which support the control of the Hadramiyah Elite Forces over the entire Hadhramout Province were involved in a kind of cold war with the remaining Yemeni army forces which belong to northern and southern provinces; they refuse to surrender their positions and are thus subject to incitement and threats – by Hind Al-Kadimi

(** B P)

Saudi Arabia’s New Foreign Policy Is Not Without Risk

Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is solidifying his position and changes to the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia. His main objective is the forceful consolidation of the Arab camp against Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. Key decisions of Saudi foreign policy—the military intervention in Yemen, imposition of a blockade on Qatar, and pressure on the Lebanese government—have proven counterproductive. The continuation of this ill-advised policy is neither conducive towards the stability of the Middle East, nor to the Saudi posture and ability to form alliances.

The decisions of 32-year-old Prince Muhammad bin Salman, formally the deputy prime minister and minister of defence, are dictated on the one hand by the necessity to consolidate support from the Saudi elite and the public for his eventual reign as king and, on the other, the need to implement fundamental reforms.

Foreign Policy as a Function of Internal Affairs

Saudi Arabia is at a turning point in its history. Its economic and social policies require radical reconstruction of the country to at least retain the current development level.

The needed reforms are so profound and their social effects so unpredictable that before they are fully introduced and felt, the new Saudi rulers want to strengthen the country’s international position and, more broadly, change the power relations in the Middle East.

Changes in Saudi Foreign Policy

The priority of the changes in Saudi foreign policy is the attempt to weaken Iran and its influence through force and by strengthening Saudi Arabia as a regional “superpower” and the consolidation of the Saudi alliance with other Arab States and Israel. This goal was to be achieved by increased Saudi activity in the war in Yemen, as well as its actions toward Qatar and Lebanon.

Three Perils of the New Saudi Policy

First, even though Saudi Arabia is formally a European and American ally in the fight against terrorism, they perceive threats in the Middle East differently

Second, key decisions and initiatives Prince Muhammad bin Salman have failed.

Third, internal Saudi challenges require daring decisions, yet commensurate with the means at the leaders’ disposal. Saudi Arabia’s new foreign policy aspirations transgress these means. If failures in its internal and international policies merge, the destabilisation of the country, mass protests, or even a palace revolution, not unknown in Saudi history, cannot be ruled out.

(** B P)

The Iranian Revolution and Sunni Political Islam

This memo tries to reassess the impact of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 on Sunni Islamic movements outside of Iran.[1] The Iranian Revolution had, in some form or another, an impact on all movements across the globe that were using Islamic frames of reference for political activism.[2] Best-known is the case of transnational Shii networks that, after 1979, often became tied to some faction or another in Iran.

From Enthusiasm to gradual Disenchantment: The waning appeal of the Iranian Revolution amongst Sunni Islamists

Containing Iran: The United States’ and its Sunni Allies’ Reactions to the Iranian Revolution

Sunni-dominated countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt, in conjunction with the United States,[13] soon reacted to the revolution by trying to “contain” Iran. Throughout the 1980s, the Middle East and Central Asia saw a combined anti-Iranian and anti-communist war, at times covert and at times overt. In this grand scheme, the Iran-Iraq War was the major anti-Iranian war, while the Afghan jihad was supposed to bleed the Soviet Union, while also containing the Iranian revolution on its Eastern flank. Crucially, however, both efforts relied on similar tactics and often on the same local partners, most of whom were Sunni Muslims.


The story of revolutionary Iran’s relations with its neighbors, as well as with Sunni Islamic movements, is crucial for an understanding of the rise of sectarian politics in the region. The rivalry between Iran and countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq (pre-2003), and the shift of many Sunni Islamic movements from an ecumenical vision of pan-Islamic revolution to one of anti-Shii polemics, has allowed the language of sectarianism and Sunni-Shii polarization to become a key feature of Middle Eastern politics post-1979. That many Sunni Islamic movements went from being supporters of the Iranian revolution to becoming critics of it, was a key, if as yet understudied, factor in this broader development. In other words, it was Iran’s export of the revolution and the almost simultaneous deployment of anti-Shiism as containment that sowed the seeds for the sectarianization of politics in the Middle East and Central Asia – by Toby Matthiesen, University of Oxford

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** A H)

Film: Yemen: Children hit by diphtheria outbreak

Despite being almost eradicated worldwide, diphtheria is returning to Yemen as a result of the country's civil war.

The BBC's Nawal Al-Maghafi travelled to the remote village of Beit al Haboob, where more than 40 people have contracted the disease. =

(* A H)

Infographics: Cholera situation in Yemen, November 2017

During the month of November 2017, the Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported a total 73,086 cholera cases including 33 associated deaths

In November 2017, a steady and continuous decline in the number of reported cases has been observed

(* B H)

Satellites predict a cholera outbreak weeks in advance

Orbiting satellites can warn us of bad weather and help us navigate to that new taco joint. Scientists are also using data satellites to solve a worldwide problem: predicting cholera outbreaks.

At the American Geophysical Union annual meeting in December, Jutla presented the group’s prediction model of cholera for Yemen. The team used a handful of satellites to monitor temperatures, water storage, precipitation and land around the country. By processing that information in algorithms they developed, the team predicted areas most at risk for an outbreak over the upcoming month.

Weeks later an epidemic occurred that closely resembled what the model had predicted

The team is cautious about broadcasting disease forecasts, not wanting to create public panic. =

cp1b Huthi-Raketen / Houthi missiles

(* B P)

The US Is Blatantly Telling Lies as It Tries to Turn the World Against Iran

It’s no secret that the Trump administration has a strong distaste for Iran. Iran is one of the only issues on which the U.S. president has remained relatively consistent. Trump berated the country both before and after taking office.

However, Trump’s anti-Iran strategy goes against the better judgment of even the most anti-Iranian advisors in his staff who don’t want to see the U.S. isolated on the world stage. Fortunately for Trump, however, he is not alone in his bid to isolate and demonize Iran at all costs.

However, even as Haley opened her mouth, many commentators could already identify a number of issues with her speech.

Those who have been paying attention to this conflict have been well aware that the U.S. has had little material evidence to link Yemen’s Houthis to Iranian arms suppliers.

The issues here go much deeper than nonsensical hypocrisy. According to Ritter, the entire debacle has shown that if Saudi Arabia cannot contain the Houthi’s missile capabilities, it cannot possibly hope to take on Iran, which possesses a significantly more advanced military than the Houthis do on their own.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(A P)

Lord, have mercy on us.

Miss Sana'a, a young woman, Hanan Gober, announced that she will marry the first army and popular resistance fighter to enter Sanaa (photo) referring to

(A P)

[Islah Party = ] Reform dismisses Houthi allegations of communications with its leaders

A source in Yemen Congregation for Reform has dismissed claims of Houthi leaders that the rebel militia is having communications with the Reform party's leaders and grassroots.

(B H K)

Atrocity Alert No. 86, 3 January 2018: Yemen, Afghanistan and South Sudan

Yemen’s New Year Begins With Deadly Airstrikes

As 2018 begins, Yemen remains the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.

(* B H K)

Film: Fishermen among Yemeni groups badly affected by Saudi war

Fishermen are among groups whose livelihoods have been badly affected by the Saudi war on Yemen. Local officials in the coastal city of Hudaydah say their fishing industry has seen a four-billion-dollar loss due to the war. This comes as the majority of people in Hudaydah rely on fishing to make a living. Reports

(B H K)

NATO official: America is a partner in the Saudi massacres in Yemen

A senior NATO official said the United States is a partner in Saudi Arabia's massacres in Yemen, saying it is time for the United States to radically reconsider its policy toward Yemen.

"The horrific images of hungry children in Yemen bring to mind the Ethiopian famine of 1984, which finally sheds light on what was considered the worst humanitarian disaster in the world," said Daniel Spicard, former US ambassador and senior NATO official in an article published by the Washington-based American Washington Inquirer. "He said.

"The cause of suffering in Yemen is the Saudi-led coalition, which, with financial support from the United States, launched a indiscriminate bombing campaign that destroyed public infrastructure and killed thousands of civilians. The misery caused by the chaos on the ground led to a cholera epidemic, Million people. "

(A K P)

Yemen War Map, Jan. 3, 2018

(* B P)

Caught in Conflict, Internet Users in Yemen Face Blocking, Shutdowns and Slow Speed

These blockages occurred at the hands of the Houthis, who hold control of the capital, Sana'a, and have taken control of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Ministry controls Yemen's DNS servers and the country's sole internet service provider, YemenNet.

Six days later, on 13 December, YemenNet lifted the ban on social media platforms and messaging apps, though internet speed continued to be significantly slower than normal.

Yemen already has the lowest internet speed in the world according to Akamai, a US-based content delivery network and cloud services provider.

Currently, the internationally-recognized Hadi government, which is based in the Governorate of Aden, is seeking to separate the areas it controls by establishing DNS servers in Aden and connecting the province through an international submarine cable. If successful, this measure could end the Houthis’ monopoly over the telecommunication sector.

(* B P)

The Race to the Red Sea: Key Agendas, High Stakes

The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important trading routes that provides nations with a vital link to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Everything from oil, food, and naval vessels pass through it, and countries including Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, and Sudan all border the Red Sea. But in recent years, several states have increased their presence in the Red Sea with the latest being Turkey.

The main priority for the countries that border the Red Sea is to stop the conflict in Yemen, which is the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe, and the best way to resolve it is to pave a political path forward for the Middle East’s poorest country.

Many global powers have a keen interest in the Red Sea because of its geo-strategic importance, oil shipping routes, and it gives major players stakes in major issues across the Middle East.

The duck that is at the head of the row to make the Red Sea one of the safest places in the world for international cooperation is the conflict in Yemen.

(* B H K P)

Film: 2018 Look ahead: Yemenis hope war to end this year

Yemenis hope that in 2018 they will be able to overcome all the difficulties they suffered in 2017.

In the latest in our series looking ahead to 2018, we report on what lies ahead for Yemen.

(* B H K P)

Der Jemen stirbt und die Welt schweigt – Menschenrechte sind auch Widerstandsrechte

Die größte humanitäre Krise unsere Tage spielt sich seit drei Jahren im Jemen ab. Alle zehn Minuten stirbt dort ein Kind an Hunger oder vermeidbaren Krankheiten, Tausende sind der größten Cholera-Epidemie der letzten Jahrzehnte zum Opfer gefallen. Die Infrastruktur ist fast gänzlich zerstört oder zum Erliegen gekommen. Eine verbrecherische, von Saudi-Arabien verhängte umfassende Blockade hat dazu geführt, dass mittlerweile 7 Millionen Menschen im Jemen akut vom Hungertod bedroht sind. Fast drei Millionen Menschen sind aus Angst um ihr Leben auf der Flucht im eigenen Land. Ein Verlassen des Landes ist kaum möglich.

Das alles sind Folgen eines völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieges, der hauptsächlich die Zivilbevölkerung trifft und der darauf ausgerichtet ist, das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Jemenitischen Bevölkerung im Keime zu ersticken.

Doch aus den Mündern der Regierungen des „Westens“ ist nur ein Schweigen zu vernehmen.

Das Schweigen hat einen Grund. Denn Die Menschen im Jemen sind nicht nur Opfer der saudischen Herrscherfamilie, der weder Menschenleben noch Menschenrechte etwas wert sind, sondern auch Opfer der deutschen Politik. Mithilfe deutscher Patrouillenboote wird die verbrecherische Vollblockade des Jemens aufrechterhalten. Alleine in den letzten zehn Jahren haben deutsche Bundesregierungen Waffen und Kriegsgerät im Wert von fast 3,5 Milliarden Euro an die saudische Diktatur exportiert – von Žaklin Nastić, Landessprecherin DIE LINKE Hamburg und Mitglied im deutschen Bundestag.

(* B H K)

Film: Want to know what is going on in #Yemen? Watch this very touching account from our talented, hard-working and passionate colleague @HindAMA2 from @CARE_Yemen.

(B K P)
The UAE boycott campaign has collected 200,000 signatures to end the war in Yemen

An international campaign to collect 200,000 signatures to end the war in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) International Campaign on Monday announced its success in collecting more than 200,000 signatures around the world calling for an end to the war in Yemen led by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

In a press statement, the campaign said it had begun collecting signatures since early November 2017. The petition included the need to hold those responsible for war crimes against civilians, including UAE leaders, accountable.

The signing was distributed to more than 110 countries around the world, with the highest percentages being from the United States, Germany, France, South Africa, Australia, Morocco, Brazil, Pakistan and various countries.

The petition called for an end to the war on Yemen immediately and an end to the siege imposed on the country several weeks ago, resulting in a famine that began to reap the lives of innocent people in different Yemeni cities.

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Bisher 10.000 Zivilisten im Jemen-Krieg getötet

Das jemenitische Gesundheitsministerium gab heute bekannt, dass seit Beginn der Angriffe der arabischen Koalition auf den Jemen bisher 10.363 Menschen, davon 2.206 Kinder und 1.574 Frauen getötet worden seien. Die Zahl der Verletzten betrage 21.233, darunter 3025 Kinder und 2508 Frauen, zudem sind 2050 Zivilisten seit den Angriffen querschnittsgelähmt.

Mein Kommentar: Diese Zahlen sind viel zu niedrig. Schon vor einem Jahr sprachen selbst Teile der UN von über 10.000 Toten.

(* B K)

Yemen says Saudi war has killed, wounded 35,000 people

The Yemeni Ministry of Health says the Saudi-led military coalition has either killed or wounded some 35,000 people of Yemen during the ongoing war Riyadh imposed on the impoverished nation almost three years ago.

In a report read out in a press conference in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a on Tuesday, the ministry said that the appalling number of casualties occurred in just 1,000 days since the Saudi regime began its military aggression against the Yemeni people in March 2015.

The report added that nearly all of Yemen’s provinces sustained losses in the war with the northwestern province of Sa'ada, the west-central province of Sana’a and the western province of Hajjah suffering the most in a descending order. and also

My comment: Even these figures seem to be too low.

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Watch the full story in #Yemen

AHMED JAHAF: Art is resistance | graphic designer & artist who inspired his artwork by the war

(* B K P)

Saudi Military Campaign in Yemen A ‘Failure’, Should Be Stopped: US Prof.

A Middle East expert specializing in Yemeni affairs said the Saudi regime, underestimating the capabilities of Yemen’s military and Houthi fighters, has failed to achieve any of its declared objectives in the war-torn country.

the Saudi campaign is a failure. The Saudis miscalculated badly. They underestimated the capabilities of the Yemeni military and Houthi militias, and they overestimated their own capabilities,” Professor Charles Schmitz told Tasnim.

He added, “The American and British arms sales represent political backing for the Saudi campaign in Yemen, and that is irresponsible at best. The Saudi campaign in Yemen is senseless and should be stopped.”

Following is the full text of the interview.

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Audio: Episode 72 – Angela Keaton on the crisis in Yemen and antiwar strategies

We argue that there is nothing more important than fighting to end wars. We brought Angela Keaton to talk about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Angela Keaton is the executive director of and a board member of The Libertarian Institute.

(B K P)

Why the War in Yemen must End?

The war is Yemen, which now perhaps counts as one of the forgotten conflicts of the word and which has exacted countless victims, must end. The path our route to the conflict’s end lies in Saudi Arabia, which must introspect and instead of bellicosity, pave the way for diplomacy.

(* B P)

Saleh’s death and its repercussions for Yemen

The demise of Yemen's former president has clearly changed the situation on the ground. But are the Houthi forces now more exposed or more entrenched than ever?

Will the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh lead to a cooling of Yemen's civil war or launch a new round of conflict? And if the conflict continues, will the coalition forces find themselves closer to achieving military victory?

Finding answers to these questions requires knowledge of the latest developments regarding the Houthis and the balance of power inside Sanaa in recent months.

It is a big mistake to view former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his supporters – both within the Congress Party and the army – as fixed elements, from the seizure of Sanaa in September 2014 until now.

Over that three-year period, the balance of power changed, and Saleh became the weaker party in his relationship with the Houthis. Indeed, he became more of a hostage in the hands of the Houthis, who captured all his sources of power.

Those evaluations that point to the likelihood of a big war between the Houthis and the Congress Party, along with wide-scale tribal confrontations in Sanaa, fail to take into account the whole picture. In particular, they fail to consider how the Houthis finished off Saleh’s power base in the regular army, the special forces and the Republican Guard.

(* B H K P)

Saudi allies face pressure to address famine in Yemen

Western powers profit from kingdom’s offensive while 20 million Yemenis require aid

Although international pressure has compelled Riyadh to permit the entry of fuel and food, there needs to an uninterrupted flow of supplies through Hodeida port, which formerly handled 70 per cent of goods for a country 90 per cent dependent on imports.

In addition to starvation, Yemenis face malaria, dengue fever, diphtheria, and cholera

The conflict is, in fact, a particularly brutal episode in a centuries-old feud between Saudi desert tribesmen and Yemeni heirs of an ancient civilisation. Recent military defeats by Houthi fighters, based in the north of Yemen, have prompted the Saudis to launch their campaign against the entire country.

The US, Britain and France became parties to the Saudi-led campaign during its first weeks by deploying officers to the Saudi air force command centre where they have access to lists of targets. According to MS&T magazine, French pilots “flew reconnaissance missions over Houthi positions for the benefit of the Saudi client and kept on training its fighter pilots”.

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Film: Saudi Arabia seeking to squeeze Houthis by pounding Yemen's civilians, Analyst says

In an interview with Press TV, Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars Online Magazine, said that by targeting the civilian population, the Saudis seek to force the Houthi fighters to give up resistance.

“I think when the Saudis bought the American weapons, they bought the American tactics as well," Jones said, adding that the American strategy is to terrorize civilian populations in order to force the governments to make concessions.

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Millions at the Brink: The World’s Responsibility in Yemen

The primary issue at hand is the way the coalition has been fighting. The conflict has been particularly cruel for the civilians caught in the crossfire, and there is evidence that the Saudi-led forces have violated international law.

As stated in the ICISS report: “State sovereignty implies responsibility, and the primary responsibility for the protection of its people lies with the state itself.”

With the facts laid out, it is clear that the state of Yemen has failed to protect its population, and that the sovereignty of the state is compromised. Instead of being able to protect its citizens, the country has delegated control to the Saudi military — somewhat involuntarily — in order to restore power.

By being delegated the power to fight the Houthis on Yemen’s behalf, the Saudi government and their coalition have assumed the responsibilities that come with maintaining a sovereign state. Unfortunately, the way in which the Saudi-led coalition has gone about fighting the rebels does not appear to resemble justified intervention, but instead seems to be a clear and flagrant violation of international and human rights law. By taking control and abusing it in a violent, sectarian way, the Saudi-led coalition’s war can now only be considered as an unnecessary, unilateral, illegal military action.

Invoking the Responsibility to Protect, sanctions passed by the United Nations Security Council could immediately punish the Saudi-led coalition states for their recklessness in the region, providing them with proper incentive to follow international law when fighting their war.

Unfortunately, whether it be due to hesitation, lack of political will, or lack of backbone, the international community has failed to follow the doctrine of the Responsibility to Protect multiple times – Dermot O'Halloran

My comment: It’s the question whether the “Responsibility to Protect” was a Western tool for getting the opportunity to intervent in countries where this would fit to Western geopolitical interests (for instance: regime change in Syria), but being of no interest at all when the atrocities happening somewhere had been done by the West itself and its allies.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

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Film: Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen keeps deteriorating the humanitarian situation in the already impoverished nation. The kingdom’s recent measures to tighten the blockade on Hudaydah has particularly caused dire conditions in the port city. Our correspondent Mohammed Al-Attab has visited some of the residents and IDPs in Hudaydah and has sent us this report.

(A H P)

Saudi-led coalition denies blocking aid to Yemen

The Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen has denied blocking aid and basic supplies from entering, following a Reuters story detailing how Yemen is struggling to cope with a new outbreak of the bacterial disease diphtheria.

“The Coalition categorically denies blocking any aid or vital provisions from reaching the Yemeni people, and asserts that these claims lack any viable evidence,” a coalition spokesman said in an emailed statement.

The spokesman blamed the Houthis for holding up humanitarian supplies, hurting the supply of medical assistance and interrupting vaccination campaigns by international aid groups.

My comment: That’s propaganda against reality.

(* B H P)

Film: Press TV in Yemen’s Hudaydah where Saudis promised to lift siege

World’s worst humanitarian crisis deepens as Saudi siege of Yemen continues. On December 10, Saudi Arabia announced it will reopen Yemen’s port of Hudaydah under mounting international pressure. The port city has been closed since early November when Yemenis fired a ballistic missile towards the Saudi capital Riyadh. PressTV’s team has traveled to the seaport to see if much-needed aid is arriving in as Riyadh claims.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(A H)

Children in my country #Yemen are soo happy even if they are living in a very bad situation ever due to the ongoing conflict in the country. Pic taken by @monarelief during winter clothing delivery in Sanaa (photos)

@monarelief's ground crew to distribute food aid baskets to 60 vulnerable families and IDPs in Dhamar province in southern Sanaa in a project funded by our brothers and sisters in #Kuwait. (photos)

(* B H)

BBC: Audio: Crisis Conversations Podcast | Episode 1: Yemen

For more than two years, Yemen has been mired in conflict - a conflict that has brought the country to its knees and resulted in the worst cholera outbreak of modern times. In this first episode of Crisis Conversations, we speak with three expert guests from across the British Red Cross about what is happening in Yemen, and how the movement is helping.

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SAMAID: Keeping Hope Alive in Yemen

Restoring Hope for Yemen and its people through funding projects.

As friends and believers in Yemen, we aim to provide access to creative community building opportunities, to extinguish the potential for extremism and radicalism that can occur in such circumstances and environments before such a movement has a chance to create a foothold.

The time to act in positive manner is now. We know what has happened in Levant and the slippery slope that lead matters into a point of seemingly no return. We can’t just stand by and wait for the same fate to befall our Muslim neighbors to the south- brothers and sisters of Yemen.

One way to combat violence is to create positive and accessible avenues of opportunities and give people outlets that provide hope and boost their spirits, all things considered.

How You Can Help

This is not a "one-off" endeavor. We aim for positive socio-economic development in Yemen. Thus, our program covers 3 month (and more funds, extends the program or enables us to provide more funding to those with ideas, energy, and positive outlook for their families, brothers, nation). Your contribution will largely fund projects created in a number of Yemen’s largest cities, Taiz, Sana'a, Al Hudaydah, Sa'dah and Hajjah!/ and on Samaid:!/

(B H)

Map: Yemen: A Growing Humanitarian Crisis - Access Constraints

(A H)

Real time picture Salam guys, @monarelief starts today its 2018 relief program with delivering food aid baskets to the Jewish minority in the capital Sanaa.

(B H)

Photo: This child worker, who sleeps on street when he can't earn 2.000 rials for his father a day, exemplifies Yemen's story. What does he work? He collects empty water bottles & boxes & sells them. Sometimes he cleans houses

(* A H)

FAO Yemen Situation Report - December 2017

17.8 million people are food insecure, compared to 17 million in the first quarter of the year. A staggering 8.4 million of whom are at risk of famine, 24 percent more than mentioned in the March IPC.

Despite monumental challenges, FAO programmes and activities reached 763 000 Yemenis in 2017, providing range of services from restocking animals and massive vaccination of livestock to providing basis food assistance, equipment and training to address immediate food insecurity and malnutrition. and in full

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* A H)

Film: Yemen - Hundreds Of Civilians Continue To Flee To Aden As Fighting Intensifies.

Hundreds of displaced people arrived in the southern Yemeni province of Aden from the provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz and Sanaa to escape the fighting between the Houthis and the Yemeni forces. The displaced people live in difficult humanitarian conditions amid a shortage of food and shelter. Dozens of displaced people called on the Yemeni government and local and international organizations to provide them with basic needs and pay attention to the human suffering they are experiencing.

(* B H)

18 refugees, 18 countries – and their hopes for 2018

Taqiah Ali Mansour, 45

From: Taiz, Yemen, To: Khamer IDP camp, Sanaa, Yemen

I hope to go back to my home in my village. I hope someone will help me to rebuild my home from scratch, and I hope that the war will be over in 2018 because we are devastated.

I hope I will be able to see my family again. They live in Taiz city where my husband was killed while he was walking home. My health has deteriorated. I have not received any medical care. I am really sad now because the war has ravaged my home and my life.

I hope that Saudi Arabia will end its bombardment and siege. Also I hope that Houthis and Hadi-backed forces will stop fighting and let us live in peace.

(* B H)

UNHCR Somalia: Response to Yemen situation 1 - 31 November 2017

Number of new arrivals 246 new arrivals from Yemen

New enrolments 20 students enrolled in school

Subsistence allowance 1,171 households (4,212 persons) received subsistence allowance

Access to heath 751 persons provided with health care assistance

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Ethiopians deported en masse by Saudi Arabia allege abuses

Undocumented Ethiopian migrants who are being forcibly deported from Saudi Arabia by the thousands in a new crackdown say they were mistreated by authorities while detained.

In interviews with the Associated Press upon their arrival home, the returnees described beatings, theft and stays in dirty prison camps. Their accounts brought to light one of the world’s busiest and most dangerous migrant routes but one that remains overlooked amid the larger rush toward Europe.

More than 111,500 migrants landed on Yemen’s shores last year, up from around 100,000 the year before, according to the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat. Those who make it to Saudi Arabia often find employment as domestic workers and farm workers, sending money to support families back home.

Saudi Arabia’s latest wave of deportations began Nov. 11 after several months of warnings by the government. =

(B H)

RMMS Mixed Migration Monthly Summary: East Africa and Yemen (November 2017)

Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) summary for November 2017 covering mixed migration events, trends and data for Djibouti, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia/Somaliland and Yemen.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* B P)

A climate of fear and silence emerges in Yemen after killing of former dictator

A month after killing Yemen’s former president, the Shiite rebels in charge of much of northern Yemen are consolidating their grip, targeting anyone they suspect of opposing their rule.

The rebels, known as Houthis and widely believed to be aligned with Iran, have multiplied their checkpoints around the capital, residents say. Fighters are searching people’s cellphones for images of former leader Ali Abdullah Salehand for any social-media or chat-group posts that either commemorate Saleh or are critical of the Houthis.

Hundreds of people have been arrested, including journalists deemed sympathetic to Saleh and officials in his political party, the General Peoples Congress, according to party leaders and political analysts. Some loyalists have been executed or assassinated. Houthi militias are continuing to raid the houses of Saleh’s relatives and other supporters – by Ali Al-Mujahed =

(A P)

Seven new GPC leaders make it to govt-held Marib in past days

Seven new political and military leaders from the GPC party in the have escaped the rebels' crackdown in Yemen's north and made it to the government-held eastern city of Marib in the past few days, an official source in Marib told the media.

The source said that "there is a specialized committee that receives the GPC's fugitive military and political leaders in Marib."

(A P)

Yemeni sources: Nephew of slain ex-president alive

Tribal sources in the Yemeni province of Marib have told Al Jazeera that Tareq Abdullah Saleh, the commander of the Presidential Guard and nephew of late ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, is still alive - contrary to earlier reports of his demise.

They confirmed that Tareq Abdullah Saleh left the capital, Sanaa, to Marib on December 7 with several of his aides, three days after the killing of his uncle by Houthi rebels.

(A P)

Dhayf-Allah Al-Shami a member of the Houthis' de facto governing authority in north Yemen the Political Council said in a tweet: "Yemen is seeing the biggest campaign in history to cleanse traitors." The militant was referring to the campaign against oppositionists mainly GPC members in this present time.

(A P)

The Houthi militia is imposing on members of Yemen's marginalized community "Akhdam" in Ibb province to join their fight against the government, Yemen Voice news website learnt from local sources.

(A P)

Houthis have begun a new campaign to confiscate the properties of businessmen loyal to the slain Ali Abdullah Saleh. Al-Yemen al-Youm

My comment: All this by Al Sahwa, a website of the Islah party, which is strictly anti-Houthi. It seems Islah starts an anti-Houthi propaganda campaign.

(A P)

When his first son was killed, He sent his second son, when this was killed, This Yemeni elderly man went himself to fight US-Saudi invaders.He was also killed. The 3 of them died for Yemen, for dignity&freedom. They're from my neighborhood in Sanaa. All Yemenis like them (image)

(A P)

President, FM discuss mechanism of diplomatic work

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President meets heads of judicial, security institutions

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Tribal meeting in Dhamar protests against Saudi aggression

(A P)

Yemen calls for int'l investigation into Saudi war crimes

Yemen on Tuesday called for establishing an independent and impartial international commission to investigate into war crimes committed by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition in Yemen since March 2015, the Ministry of Human Rights said in a statement obtained by Saba.

(A P)

Schools of Mahwait protest against Saudi war crimes

Thousands of student in Hufash district's schools in Yemen's Mahwait province organized on Tuesday a protest rally to mark 1000 days of US-Saudi aggression coalition war against Yemeni civilians.

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I'm aware of the deluge of claims, rumors & media reports. But I have seen nothing to confirm – or even indicate clearly – that General Tareq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, his brother Col Muhammad Saleh and/or General Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh now support the #Saudi war on #Yemen.

What I do see rather clearly is deadly internal GPC party politics, which led to the killing of ex #Yemen president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Houthis, wittingly or otherwise, were used as the tools for this plot, but its genesis appears to be internal to the GPC.

(A P)

Saleh's stepbrother escapes Houthi-held Sanaa

The stepbrother of Yemen’s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived in Maareb on Tuesday morning after escaping from the Houthi rebels in the capital, Sanaa.

Maj Gen Ali Saleh Al Ahmer, former commander of the Yemeni Republican Guard, escaped to join the forces battling to restore the internationally recognised government of president Abdrabu Mansur Hadi.

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Yemen’s General People’s Congress Caught between Houthi Violence and Ending their Alliance

“A group within the party, led by speaker Yehya al-Rai, is trying to obtain guarantees from the Houthis that the Congress would retain the greatest possible independence away from internal meddling in exchange for maintaining the alliance against the legitimate government forces and Arab coalition,” revealed the sources.
Another group includes prominent leaderships, lawmakers and tribal leaders, whose allegiance is close to that of the legitimate government. They are however refraining from expressing their true stances because they fear Houthi reprisals, they said.

Yemeni political researcher Thabet al-Ahmedi said that the Congress is still living in the shock caused by Saleh’s murder.

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Ansarullah movement: Saudi Arabia, UAE failed to divide Yemenis

Bukhaiti said Ansarullah was trying to establish communication with other Yemeni political groupings, adding the movement was holding meetings with officials from Yemen's General People's Congress and al-Islah political parties.
He said Saudi Arabia and the UAE had approached a number of officials with the parties, but had not succeeded in their goal to sow division in the ranks of the allied groups. =

(A P)

Newly-appointed governors sworn in

Newly-appointed deputies of Prime Minister, ministers sworn in

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The al Houthi movement appointed 32 new ministers, governors, and advisors on January 1. The al Houthi movement began executing, replacing, and indicting government officials previously loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh after his death on December 4.[3]

(A P)

Yemen President Samad made a reshuffle for his government which include: New director for his office 3 ministers media finance Oil. 4 governors Aden Abyan Mahweet Socatra 17 deputy ministers/governors, Universities, others service authorities.

Remark: Including governors of provinces which are 0 % under the Houthi government’s rule.

(A P)

Sons of Sanaa protest against Saudi war crimes

Thousands of sons of Jahaneh districts of Sanaa province organized a protest rally on Monday to denounce Saudi war crimes on the Yemeni people.

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Clashes erupt between Houthis and tribesmen in Sana'a

The rebel militia tried to storm al-Hattab an area in Hamdan district north of the capital city to appoint an extremist preacher for one of the mosques but the locals refused and tensions started.

The militia abducted scores of local chieftains and ordinary people sparking tensions and clashes with heavy artillery. and newest

Remark: From anti-Houthi biased Islah Party media site.

(* A P)

HR abuse investigators survey Houthi victims in Taiz

The National Committee for Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses has surveyed individuals and whole villages and areas in Yemen's central province of Taiz to collect their testimonies about the abuses they have suffered at the hands of Houthi rebel militiamen.

Remark: From anti-Houthi biased Islah Party media site. This “National Committee” had been installed by the Hadi government for two main reasons: 1) prevent the UN to install an independent international investigation of war crimes in Yemen; 2) publishing anti-Houthi reports (and propaganda). – As of course the Houthis actually do violate human rights, they will find enough even letting propaganda side. From the sam source:

(* A P)

More than 1500 Houthi abuses in al-Shaqab in 2 years: HRITC reports

The Houthis have committed 1500 human rights abuses in al-Shaqab in Saber al-Mawadem district in Yemen's central province of Taiz over the past two years.

In a report issued on Sunday, the Taiz-based Human Rights Information and Training Center (HRITC) said that the religious rebel militia's abuses ranged from shelling towns with various projectiles to murder, abduction, tortures and imposing blockades and masses displacements.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Film: Yemen - A Campaign To Combat The Spread Of Weapons In Aden

Under the slogan "Security and Safety to Combat the Carrying of Arms," ​​a number of Social and media activists organized a campaign for security and safety in the exhibition area in Khor Maksar of ​​Aden governorate, with the aim of combating the phenomenon of the spread of arms and against those who use it in events and weddings that lead to the killing of dozens of innocent people.

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Film: Yemen - The People Of Aden Hope For An Improvement In Their Situation In 2018

At the beginning of the new year, the people of the temporary capital Aden did not wish for anything but the improvement in their living situation and the end of the crises in their city represented by oil derivatives, electricity, unpaid salaries and security crises.

(A P)

MP Headquarters in Etqu – Shabwa, Under Siege, To Protest Appointing a Northern Commander

Appointed MP Commander in Shabwa Escapes in Fear to Mareb

(A P)

The Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) appointed members of local STC leadership councils in Aden, Abyan, al Dhaleh, Socotra, and Lahij governorates on December 31 and January 1. The STC is an Emirati-backed governing body that rivals the internationally recognized Hadi government in southern Yemen. [4]


Abduh al-Janadi a pro-Saleh official in former rebel alliance between slain Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthi violent religious militia has survived an assassination attempt in al-Howban in Taiz.

(A P)

Reform party official condemns separatists' UAE criticism

In a statement to the party official said that belittling the Gulf state's played role in the Arab Coalition is surprising and "a failure to acknowledge the favor that the brotherly UAE has done and are still doing for Yemen wholly and Aden in particular."

(A P)

New Governor of east #Yemen's #Mahra, Rajih Bakrayt, landed in al-Ghayda today on a rare visit from #Saudi. Northern desert tribes made their presence felt. Some welcomed him but he's not universally popular - he was shot outside al-Ghayda in 2014 (photos)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

On #Yemen, Inner City Press just asked UN spokesman why Ismael Ould Cheikh Ahmed is not even scheduled to brief UNSC this morning, as Hadi says no more talks with Houthis. @Kazakh_Mission said Yemen now on 2-month schedule for UNSC. (photos)

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Hadi rules out ending Yemen crisis through talks

Yemen’s president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi has said the current intensive military operations by his forces, backed by the Saudi-led coalition, would put an end to the Al Houthi coup, ruling out any possibility of engaging in peace talks with the militia.

Hadi’s remark comes as his forces, supported by military advisers from the Saudi-led coalition on the ground, have made key victories in Hodeida, Jawf, Lahj, and Sana’a Nehim.


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Getting rid of rogue Houthi gangs is the only option: Hadi

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has said that getting rid of rogue Houthi gangs is the only option for building a new federal Yemen.

President Hadi called for continuing the victory over rogue and pro-Iranian Houthi gangs that have betrayed the homeland and the Yemeni people in favour of Iran's foreign agenda.

My comment: “President” Hadi making it clear that he rejects any peaceful solution and just wants endless war until a final victory. But looking back, we must concede that it never had been different – Hadi rally never wanted peace, always claimed surrender of his enemies.

(B P)

Pakistan wants peaceful resolution of Yemen conflict: Nasser Janjua

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Macron urges dialogue with Iran, rebukes U.S., Israel for bellicose comments

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday said it was important to maintain dialogue with Iran, warning that the tone of comments adopted by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia toward Tehran was virtually a path to war.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Daily: MBC, Al-Arabiya Fully Controlled by Saudi Crown Prince

The Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported that the MBC and al-Arabiya are now being managed by Turki al-Dakhil, a journalist affiliated to bin Salman, and his deputy Nasser bin Hizzam.

The daily added that there is concern that the foreign journalists working for the MBC will be fired and replaced with the Saudi nationals.

Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that Walid al-Ibrahim, the MBC owner, has fully given over the MBC and many other properties to the Saudi officials in return for his freedom while he was kept in Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh along with other Saudi princes.

(* B P)

Au royaume de Mohammed ben Salmane, les Saoudiens verront vraiment ce qu’est le despotisme

Tout le monde sait que la guerre du Yémen, déclarée quelques mois après l’ascension du roi Salmane, était un projet personnel du jeune prince. Cependant, les motifs de cette guerre étaient difficiles à ignorer.

Une fois que le mouvement houthi Ansar Allah eut renversé ce que nombre de Yéménites considéraient comme un gouvernement légitime, et pris le contrôle de la capitale, Sanaa, l’Arabie saoudite s’est inquiétée que son immédiate arrière-cour ne se transforme en sphère d’influence iranienne.

Pourtant, ben Salmane a mené la guerre avec précipitation et court-termisme, sans y être préparé ni même capable d’en assumer les conséquences.

Il ne fait aucun doute que dans son imagination, cette guerre – ainsi que ce qu’elle impliquerait lors d’une confrontation plus large avec l’Iran – contribuerait à légitimer l’affirmation de son leadership et promouvoir sa vision du royaume, sans rencontrer d’opposition significative.

Le prince héritier a ourdi un stratagème soudain, rapide et choquant pour réaffirmer le contrôle de l’État – sans prendre en considération l’importance de la tribu, l’autorité des érudits, la position de la maison al-Saoud, la contribution des financiers, les affaires et du commerce, ni prendre en compte le rôle joué par ces centres de pouvoir dans la représentation de larges pans de la société.

Si ben Salmane réalise son projet, le royaume verra vraiment à quoi ressemble le despotisme. Dans le royaume de ben Salmane, l’État traitera les Saoudiens non pas selon leur appartenance à tel ou tel centre social de pouvoir ou d’une communauté particulière, mais simplement en tant qu’individus.

Pourtant, voici la différence entre la nouvelle Arabie saoudite et les autres États modernes : elle refusera à la majorité des citoyens saoudiens le droit d’exprimer leur volonté par le biais d’institutions représentatives.

Autrement dit, le souverain du nouveau royaume incarnera l’État, et les citoyens perdront le peu de droit à la parole dont ils pouvaient se prévaloir, qu’elle soit traditionnelle ou modern – by Basheer Nafi

(A P)

It only took three weeks to confirm #Saudi clansmen have arrested leading columnist Saleh AlSheehi for his crtisim of economic conditions. @ArabiaFdn says that is progress & better than North Korea. Do you agree?

(A P)

There has been a rare backlash by #Saudis on Twitter against price hikes and the introduction of VAT. The hashtag (Our salary does not meet our needs 2) have been used about 110k times in 10 hours.

(B P)

Corruption, schmorruption, previously detained former #Saudi finance minister Ibrahim al-Assaf was seen attending the kingdom's weekly cabinet meeting on Tue, according to a photograph published by the official SPA news agency. referring to

(* A P)

U.N. rights experts decry repression in Saudi Arabia, seek releases

United Nations human rights experts called on Saudi Arabia on Tuesday to end “repression” of rights activists and release dozens detained since September for peacefully exercising their civil and political rights.

More than 60 prominent clerics, writers, journalists, academics and activists are reported to have been detained in a wave of arrests since September, they said in a joint statement.

The crackdown on dissent has been denounced by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, but strong criticism by the U.N. of the oil giant is rare.

(B P)

Film: Report about French prostitution rings catering for wealthy #Saudi Royals; Convicted prostitute says “They come to Europe & do everything they can do, in one night spending 20/30,000 dollars on girls & young boys, in hotels & yachts”

(A P)

Saudi Arabia pressures Canada over calls to end Yemen war

Saudi Arabia is reported to have imposed a great deal of pressure on the Canadian Embassy in Riyadh over Canada’s campaign to end the war in Yemen, a source close to the embassy has revealed. The pressure, it is said, includes unspecified “threats”.

According to Al-Khaleej Online, the informed source said that Canada is currently leading an international campaign to force Saudi Arabia to stop its war on Yemen

Canada is said to have issued several humanitarian appeals to many countries.

(* A E P)

Saudi, UAE introduce VAT in first for Gulf

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates introduced value-added tax from Monday, a first for the Gulf which has long prided itself on its tax-free, cradle-to-grave welfare system.

Saudi Arabia compounded the New Year blow for motorists with an unannounced hike of up to 127 percent in petrol prices with immediate effect from midnight.

They are the latest in a series of measures introduced by Gulf oil producers over the past two years to boost revenues and cut spending as a persistent slump in world prices has led to ballooning budget deficits.

The five percent sales tax applies to most goods and services and analysts project that the two governments could raise as much as $21 billion in 2018, equivalent to 2.0 percent of GDP.

(B P)

Independent: Bin Salmans Politik zerstört Sicherheit und Stabilität der Region

Laut der britischen Zeitung "The Independent" hat die Strategie des saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammad Bin Salman nicht nur für ihn keine Errungenschaften gebracht, sondern die Sicherheit und Stabilität in der Region (Westasien), vor allem im Jemen, weiter verschlechtert.

Diese Zeitung schrieb ferner, die USA und der Westen generell verhielten sich gegenüber Saudi-Arabien, wie einer Regionalmacht im Mittleren Osten, weil sie darauf angewiesen sind, ihre Waffen an ihre Verbündeten Staaten am Persischen Golf zu verkaufen.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia's Troubling Actions in Yemen

What began as a response to Iranian-backed terrorists has become more of a humanitarian crisis.

Why is the United States government continuing to support the Saudi monarchy with military resources when it is becoming clearer every day that the House of Saud is indiscriminately killing civilians in Yemen? It’s a question more and more Americans are beginning to ask as evidence continues to mount that the Saudi government is creating a humanitarian crisis in the Arabian peninsula.

While many U.S. citizens are aware of American military operations in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, most are unaware of the large conflict involving U.S. personnel in Yemen.

If Capitol Hill and President Trump fail to show leadership on this important issue, it will only reinforce the narrative in the Arab world that the United States is more interested in facilitating killing rather than peacemaking.

Remark: Critics even by a conservative, “patriot” voice.

(* B P)

Geleaktes Memo der US-Regierung: Menschenrechte sind lediglich eine außenpolitische Waffe

Ein diplomatischer Top-Berater des Außenministers der USA, Rex Tillerson, fertigte für diesen eine kurze Anleitung über den Umgang mit dem Thema Menschenrechte in der US-Außenpolitik an. Darin steht, was wir alle schon wussten, nun aber auch als offizielles Statement vorliegt: Die Menschenrechtsthematik setzen die USA lediglich als billigen außenpolitischen Trick gegen ihre erklärten Feinde ein und Verbündete wie beispielsweise Saudi-Arabien haben nichts zu befürchten.

Das kurze Memo des US-Außenministeriums (State Department) vom Mai 2017 gelangte einige Monate später an die Öffentlichkeit und wurde von dem Magazin Politico veröffentlicht, welches natürlich auch einen Artikel zu dem Thema herausbrachte: „Leaked memo schooled Tillerson on human rights“ (19.12.2017).

Auf Deutsch übersetzt lautet der letzte Absatz des Schriftstücks zur US-Menschenrechtspolitik in etwa wie folgt: „Eine nützliche Richtlinie für eine realistische und erfolgreiche Außenpolitik ist, dass Verbündete anders – und besser – als Gegner behandelt werden sollten. Anderfalls haben wir am Ende mehr Gegner und weniger Verbündete. Es gibt ein klassisches Dilemma der Balance zwischen Idealen und Interessen in Bezug auf unsere Verbündeten. In Bezug auf unsere Konkurrenten gibt es hier ein wesentlich geringeres Dilemma. Wir haben nicht vor, Amerikas Gegner in Übersee zu stärken; wir wollen Druck auf sie ausüben, mit ihnen in Wettstreit treten und sie ausmanövrieren. Aus diesem Grund sollten wir Menschenrechte als ein wichtiges Problem in Bezug auf die US-Beziehungen zu China, Russland, Nord Korea und Iran betrachten. Und das nicht nur wegen moralischer Bedenken bezüglich der Praktiken in diesen Ländern. Sondern auch, weil das Druck ausüben auf diese Regime durch Menschenrechte ein Weg ist, diesen Kosten aufzubürden, Gegendruck anzuwenden und strategisch die Initiative von ihnen zurückzuerobern.“.

(* B P)

Leaked memo schooled Tillerson on human rights
A tutorial from policy aide Brian Hook followed the secretary of state’s controversial remarks about balancing U.S. values and interests.
Three months into his tenure as secretary of state, Rex Tillerson alarmed veteran diplomats with remarks that sounded like a potential shift in American foreign policy: The U.S., he said, should be careful not to let values like human rights create „obstacles“ to the pursuit of its interests.
The comment, at a gathering of State Department employees, provoked an outcry among former U.S. officials and human rights activists who feared America was abandoning a vital mission. Two weeks later, a top Tillerson adviser wrote up a short tutorial, in the form of a confidential memo to his boss, recapping “the debate over how far to emphasize human rights, democracy promotion, and liberal values in American foreign policy.”
The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
“Allies should be treated differently—and better—than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,” argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook. and fill memo

(* B K P)

Manipulating Public Perception & Covering up US Horrible #Warcrime(s)

  • US SAYS: we are preventing civilian casualties. FACT IS: the US (& UK) has been a primary partner & director of the genocide war on Yemen for 1,013 continuous days
  • US SAYS: we are held to high standards when it comes to preventing civilian fatalities. FACT IS: they are covering up the horrible, unprecedented targeting of civilians ever since they started this military op in March 2015! The US is involved from day 1 (& long before that when all this was planned and announced from #WashingtonDC).
  • US SAYS: it is a tragedy every time a civilian dies. FACT IS: the US can no more the latest series of #massacres, thus, putting their human disguise to fool the public. Over 3 years, tens of thousands of civilians died, mostly women and children, as a result of coalition direct merciless raids.
  • US SAYS: the comments came after two separate airstrikes. FACT IS: they acknowledge the civilian casualties to absorb global rage against their warcrimes that have leaked to main stream media but they also do not tell people that their warcrimes are CONTINUOUS ON DAILY basis up to this moment. They give the false impression they are doing something about it while the fact they only thing they do is more and more atrocities, the very same thing they have been doing for 1,013 days. Ohh yes there is a small difference, the level of inhumanity and number of civilian casualties have been increasing lately significantly.

(* B P)

The master diplomat Donald Trump at work, tweeting:

Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food & for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!

The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their “pockets.” The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!

The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!

My comment: Openly calling for regime change in Iran and insulting Pakistan. And just blaming his predecessor, and blind when looking at the own country. In the US, the greatest part of surplus goes into the pockets of the 0,1 % elite, the number of those having “little food” is increasing heavily.


My comment to comment: Forgotten: Ukraine.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works! and article on this

Comment: Media: millennials share everything on social media and it's going to kill us all The President, age 71: Hello fellow Tweeters should I launch the nukes


(* B P)

Glenn Greenwald on Iran Protests: Trump Tweets “Time for Change” While Backing Dictators

At least 22 people are dead and hundreds have been arrested, as Iranian authorities move to quell the largest anti-government protests since 2009. President Donald Trump responded to the protests on Monday in one of his first tweets of the new year, writing ”TIME FORCHANGE!” “This is the same president who, not more than three months ago, announced a ban on Iranians from coming to the United States,” says Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Glenn Greenwald. “He’s somebody who has aligned with the world’s worst, most savage dictators.”

„Lots of Western commentators who are posturing about being concerned about human rights in Iran are people in think tanks funded by other dictatorships and repressive tyrants in the same region. So I think we ought to be extremely skeptical when it comes to people like Donald Trump or people in Washington think tanks pretending that they’re wanting to intervene in Iran out of concern for human rights or for the welfare of the Iranian people. I think when it comes to foreign policy, the best thing we can hope for is that the United States stays out of what is a matter of political dispute inside Iran.“

and also look at

And the US is stepping up for “regime change” in Iran (reminder: ), using (among other) the Houthi connection story for it:

(* A P)

Their Foreign Policy

Tehran's adventures abroad have triggered anger at home. Here's how American foreign policy can step up.

Remark: On the author, look at .

(* B K P)

Mattis and the War on Yemen

Secretary Mattis stated last week that the U.S. would try to reduce the number of civilians killed by coalition bombing, but this is hard to take seriously when coalition forces frequently appear to bomb civilian areas on purpose. The problem with coalition attacks is not just that they can be imprecise, but that they are also often striking where no legitimate military targets are to be found. Put simply, coalition bombing kills so many civilians in Yemen because the bombs are being deliberately dropped on civilian targets.

they have blatant disregard for civilian lives in Yemen, and no amount of training provided by the U.S. is going to change that.

Mattis’ emphasis on U.S. training of coalition pilots also distracts from the real problem with ongoing U.S. involvement in the war. If the U.S. is providing refueling, arms, and intelligence to the coalition so that they can conduct this war, and our government continues to do this without reservation, then it is making these attacks on civilians possible. The quickest and best way for our government to reduce the number of Yemeni civilians killed by the coalition is to withhold all U.S. military assistance from the coalition. The fact that this isn’t entertained as a possibility tells us everything we need to know about how serious the administration is when it comes to reducing the number of civilians that the Saudis and their allies kill in Yemen – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

Film: Elisabeth Kendall on al-Jazeera re. US Defense Secretary (30 Dec 2017)

Regarding US Defense Sec Mattis' comments on Saudi airstrikes in Yemen: Clearly a call to end the war (not just improve targeting) would have been better. But what of broader US interests, the humanitarian crisis, counter-terrorism agenda & international context?

(B P)

Trump's Justice Department Calls Anti-Iran Bill Unconstitutional

An anti-Iran bill passed in the House this month with the support of the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is unconstitutional, according to a Justice Department memo obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The determination is a setback for legislation Republicans hope will expose Democrats as soft on Iran and curry favor with pro-Israel donors. It also underscores the increasingly elaborate attempts by Iran hawks to toughen US policy toward Tehran under President Donald Trump.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B H)

83-jährige Aichacherin hilft Menschen im Jemen

Der vergessene Krieg wird der Bürgerkrieg im Jemen oft genannt. Für Aenne Rappel nur schwer zu ertragen. Seit sie auf einer Urlaubsreise die erbärmlichen Zustände in einer Klinik erlebt hat, hilft sie den Menschen in dem bitterarmen Land.

Schon seit Jahren schafft die Aichacherin Aenne Rappel Verbandsmaterial in den Jemen. Auf Wunsch der Scheichs hat sie ein Krankenhaus aufgebaut. Vieles, was sie dafür gebraucht hat, hat sie von deutschen Krankenhäusern bekommen. "Wir haben sieben Container runter gebracht: Mit allem, was man eben braucht im Krankenhaus, mit Schränken, mit Infusionsständern, mit Rollstühlen, mit allem möglichen."

Aenne Rappel hofft inständig, dass zumindest eine Feuerpause erreicht wird, so dass sie die gesammelten Hilfsgüter wieder ins Land schaffen kann. Demnächst fährt die 83-Jährige nach Ingolstadt. Dort kann sie die Geräte einer HNO-Praxis übernehmen. Sie macht weiter, solange sie kann.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

UAE: Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

The story behind UN report on UAE violation in Libya

Observers consider the United Nations report on the UAE providing weapons to the forces of General Khalifa Haftar in Libya as a significant prove that UAE is interfering in the Libyan matter.

The United Nations sanctions committee confirmed, in its annual report, that Emirate involvement in violating the arms embargo against Libya, stating that the UAE provided Haftar with military equipment to back him in the civil war.

(* B P T)

The @UN Security Council held an emergency session regarding #UAE 's funding of terrorism in Somalia. Release from #Geneva shows concern over UAE bribing of other extremists groups to raise coup in #Somalia and destabilizing the Horn of Africa on a larger scale (document)

(* B P)

The UAE is determined to punish Tunisians for the sin of democracy

The UAE has become a danger to itself and to the entire Arab region due to abhorrent policies pursued by its rulers

The recent move by the UAE to ban all Tunisian women, without exception, from travelling on Emirates Airlines was only the latest in a consistent policy the country has single-mindedlypursued towards Tunisia since the successful overthrow of the Ben Ali regime in January 2011.

Needless to say, this absurd decision is a huge insult to Tunisian women and a violation of the dignity of the Tunisian people as a whole.

The implicit message sent by this decision is that every Tunisian woman is a suspected criminal and that Emirates Airlines is doing Tunisian women and men a favour if they allow them to board their planes.

All the signs indicate that the UAE has become openly hostile to Tunisia.

What angered the Emiratis was that the Tunisian revolution sent a message of hope to the Arab street that change was possible through civil and peaceful protest. It stripped away the thin facade of omnipotence portrayed by Arab tyrannical regimes and laid bare their fundamental fragility.

(A P)

Sulaiman Binjassem, sentenced to 7 years in prison for 2011 protest in #Kuwait, is going on hunger strike tomorrow. His full letter here:

(* B P)

Yemen War And Russia’s Dual Game – OpEd

What is important is that Russia was neutral in the Yemen crisis. The first sign of Russia’s neutral position appeared when the UNSC issued Resolution 2216 on the Yemeni crisis, which was passed by “by 14 affirmative votes to none against, with one abstention (Russian Federation)”.

Vitaly Churkin said that the resolution was “not fully in line with the requirements which were put forth into the international community conditioned by the crisis in this country”. Instead, Russia avoided interfering in the conflict and preferred to observe events in Yemen from the outside

Russian policy on Yemen is based on dual impartiality. When Saudi Arabia started to bomb Yemeni Houthis, Russia condemned the Saudi airstrikes, but Moscow did not move its embassy from Sanaa.

The other reason is Iranian influence in the Middle East.

Moreover, Russia knows that Saudi Arabia could fuel Russian extremist groups.

The important issue is that Russia can play a mediating role between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia to ending the unnecessary and inconclusive war on Yemen – by Sayyad Sadri Alibabalu

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K)

Film: Les massacres saoudiens au Yémen: Made in USA

Video with types of US bombs used on #Yemen (in French)

(* B K P)

Rwm Italia, ora la produzione potrebbe andare in Arabia Saudita

Potrebbe presto essere trasferita in Arabia Saudita la produzione di bombe aeree ML82, ML83 e MK84 della Rwm Italia attualmente prodotte nello stabilimento di Domusnovas in Sardegna per le forniture all’aeronautica militare saudita. È massimo il riserbo a Domusnovas e a Ghedi (Brescia)

Italy has been under the spotlight for the controversial production and shipments of RWM ITALIA'S bombs used in #Yemen: ML82, ML83, MK84. Now the production could move to Saudi Arabia

(* B K P)

Serviva il NY Times per sapere che vendiamo bombe ai sauditi?

Lo “scoop” del New York Times sulle bombe italiane vendute all’Arabia Saudita per bombardare lo Yemen è una notizia che in realtà circola da tempo ma per mesi è rimasta sotto traccia senza la dovuta attenzione. E nonostante il clamore anche questa volta nessuna ha dato le spiegazioni che meriterebbe.

(* A K P)

Norwegen setzt Waffenlieferungen an Emirate aus

Aufgrund der Jemen-Krise will Norwegen seine Waffenexporte an die Emirate aussetzen. Dies gab die Verteidigungsministerin am Mittwoch bekannt. Die bisherigen Lieferungen haben einen Wert von mehreren Millionen Euro.

Norwegen hat aus Sorge um die humanitäre Lage im Jemen seine Waffen- und Munitionsexporte an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate ausgesetzt.

Norwegen liefere den Emiraten seit 2010 Waffen und Munition

(* A K P)

Oslo setzt Rüstungsexporte an Emirate aus – Grund: Beteiligung an Jemen-Krieg

Die Entwicklung des bewaffneten Konflikts im Jemen im Herbst 2017 sei ernst gewesen, erklärte heute das norwegische Außenministerium. Deswegen werde Norwegen seine Rüstungsexporte an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate wegen deren Beteiligung am Jemen-Krieg aussetzen.

Oslo bezeichnete die am 19. Dezember beschlossene Aussetzung der Waffen- und Munitionsexporte als vorbeugende Maßnahme. Sie bedeute nicht, dass norwegische Rüstungsgüter im Jemen zum Einsatz gekommen seien.

Die norwegischen Rüstungsverkäufe an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate erreichten 2016 einen Umfang von 79 Millionen Kronen (etwa acht Millionen Euro zum derzeitigen Umrechnungskurs) – fast eine Verdoppelung gegenüber dem Vorjahr. An Saudi-Arabien verkauft Norwegen nach Angaben der Regierung in Oslo keine Waffen.

(* A K P)

Norway suspends arms sales to UAE over Yemen war

Norway has suspended exports of weapons and ammunition to the United Arab Emirates over concerns they could be used in the war in Yemen, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

While there is currently no evidence that Norwegian-made ammunition has been used in Yemen, there was a rising risk related to the UAE’s military involvement there, the ministry said.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(A K P)

Sudan will continue military participation in anti-Houthi campaign: al-Bashir

President Omer al-Bashir confirmed that the Sudanese army would continue to take part in the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

In a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Sudan’s Independence, al-Bashir reiterated the participation of the Sudanese troops in support of legitimacy in Yemen and to crash the rebels who also threaten the security of the Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia.

Sudan’s "participation was imposed by our religious values and our moral heritage in the fight against terrorism and aggression," said the Sudanese president before to add "We will continue this participation until it achieves its noble goals". and also

Comment: It is not a matter of sharing the same values as the Coalition: Sudan’s "participation was imposed by those who supported the lifting of the sanctions against Sudan (KSA, UAE, KWI, etc)

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Photos: The Historical town of Zabid - Hudaida Governorate.

This city is dated back to the 8th century AD, and classified by the UNESCO as one of the endangered World Heritage Sites in the year 2000.

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E P)

Yemen Announces First Budget Since Beginning of War

The internationally recognised Yemeni government has announced it is preparing its first budget since the country’s civil war began in 2014.

Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Dajar said during a meeting in the government of President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi’s Aden stronghold that the 2018 budget would be superior to that seen four years ago despite “all the difficult conditions the country is going through”, according to Saudi Press Agency.

The 2014 budget raised state spending by about 4 per cent to YER2.88 trillion, worth around $13.4bn at the time, with estimated revenue standing at YER2.20 trillion and a projected deficit of YER679bn.

Comment: Is there even a single function of governance that Hadi's 'Yemen government' actually does?

(B E)

The Personal Income Tax Rate in Yemen stands at 15 percent. Personal Income Tax Rate in Yemen averaged 17.69 percent from 2004 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 20 percent in 2005 and a record low of 15 percent in 2011.

In Yemen, the Personal Income Tax Rate is a tax collected from individuals and is imposed on different sources of income like labour, pensions, interest and dividends

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AQAP militants reportedly attacked #Houthi forces in Jamjim area of al Zahir, al Bayda governorate, central #Yemen

(* B T)

2017: A record year for US counterterrorism strikes

The United States launched a record number of airstrikes in Yemen and Somalia in 2017, and more importantly has reinitiated the targeting of terrorists in Pakistan and Libya. The pattern of operations in 2017 in what the Obama administration used to call areas “outside of active hostilities” (or active war zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria) indicated that the US will continue the reinvigorated air campaign in these theaters in the coming years.

The increased targeting of jihadists in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya provides proof that the Obama administration strategy to defeat terrorist groups in these countries with airpower and limited support to local governments has failed.

The Trump administration’s beefed up counterterrorism operations is most apparent in Yemen and Somalia. In 2017, the United States launched 35 airstrikes in Somalia and more than 120 strikes in Yemen. The total number of strikes conducted in Yemen were more than the previous four years combined.

While the targeting of al Qaeda’s branches in Somalia and Yemen has greatly expanded, a new threat has emerged over the past year: the rival Islamic State. =

(A T)

US drone strikes killed two #AQAP militants in #Qayfa region of #Bayda on Jan 02. Pro-#AlQaeda channels published laments for Jarrah Al-Salmi and Abu Mohammed Al-Ibbi aka Safwan Al-Boani.

(A T)

Some Yemeni news sources are reporting a drone strike targeted #AQAP militants in the Dhi Kalib area of al Bayda governorate, central #Yemen. Has not been picked up by many Yemeni news sources, however.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Hadi says Houthis stabbed the nation's back

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition: Houthis a constant threat to Yemeni people

Houthi militias are a constant threat to the Yemeni people, and “have been in contact with the Iranian regime since 1994,” Col. Turki Al-Maliki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, said Wednesday.
At a press conference in Riyadh, he showed through videos that the coalition continues to accurately target the Houthis and their arsenal of weapons, and avoid civilians.
The Houthis are hiding ballistic missiles in deep caves in the Sanaa mountain of Nahdain, and coalition forces are monitoring the area round-the-clock, he added. and

My comment: Saudi air raids are no “threat to Yemeni people?” – Showing these films of precisely hitting military targets does not make all the targeted civilian targets undone. The US already showd shuch films in the first Iqaq war of 1990 – proffing nothing at all by this.

(A P)

Families now tend to assign shopping and outdoor chores to their female members in Bajel and other parts of the Red Sea port province of Hodeidah. This is caused by concerns about the abduction of boys by the Houthi reel militia. Once the militia abducts a boy he will be sent for brief compulsory training and then to the battlefield against the government or his family will have to sell their livestock and everything they have to pay a ransom for releasing him.

(A P)

Houthis re-teach teachers to be holy warriors

The Houthi rebel militia is trying to re-educate everyone within their areas of their control to become holy warriors, from soldiers and school boys and girls to teachers.

Sources in Maeen district of the capital Sana'a said that the Shiit radical militia has now imposed on teachers of private schools to attend sectarian re-education centers, sources told al-Meena news website.

(A P)

Riyadh Plays Host to Ambassadors, Military Attachés of Countries of Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy, in Yemen

During the meeting, they reviewed developments at the Yemeni arena and the existing efforts of the Coalition to Support of Legitimacy, in Yemen, on political, military and humanitarian tracks, including coordination and consultation efforts, with the international actors.
In this regard, the participants expressed strong condemnation of the continuation of Iranian-backed Houthi militias killings, intimidation of the safe and the liquidation of Yemeni politicians randomly, in Sanaa.
They also condemned the continuation of the Houthi militias siege of cities, recruitment of children, violations of international humanitarian law, threatening the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by firing ballistic missiles targeting its cities.
The ambassadors of the coalition countries renewed condemnation of Iran's continuing interference.

My comment: As if there would be no Saudi coalition air strikes. LOL.

Comment: One of those self-praising moments in which bombing, sieging, arming, bribing, dividing, threatening are considered legitimate tools

(A P)

Yemeni Vice President: Iranian Intervention Undermines Peace Consultations

Yemeni Vice President Lieutenant General Ali Mohsen Saleh said that the Iranian intervention in his country has undermined many previous peace rounds in which the legitimate government was one of its key parties under the auspices of the United Nations represented by the envoy of its Secretary General to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh

My comment: LOL. Up to now, there is just a Saudi & allies intervention. Well, might-be Mohsen knows more than others and the Iranian intervention is to come soon. – Iran did not have anything to do with any of the failed Yemen peace negotiations.

(A P)

Houthi militants have out-of-real-world protection against airstrikes

The desperate attempt of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi to keep militiamen on in the years-long suicidal and fearless "Jihad" against the government has led him to invent an out-of-real-world formula for protection against the Arab Coalition's airstrikes.

In a recent speech the rebel leader said "if we want to reduce the number of fighters who get martyred or wounded by air strikes, we have to inform the faithful combatants to make 100 Tasbiha (god glorification mantra)."

The Houthi ideology takes root in a perverted version of Zaydi Shiit Islam which believes in holy war to kill anyone who comes in their leader's way to have an unrivaled mastership and sovereign rule by the virtue of him being "a descendant of prophet Mohammed". =

Comment: With Islah media attacks like these still rampant in #Yemen, I doubt the recent shy Houthi-Islah courtship has any chance of working out. Too wide a gulf separates them, in this world and the next.

(A P)

Houthi militias rule in favor of executing Baha’i detainee

My comment: Yes, the article is right. But it’s odd that the Saudi, themselves one of world’s greatest executers and the worlds greatest oppressor of other religions, lament about their enemies’ death sentences. And, more: When this man had been arrested four years ago and had been held in jail since; who had been president of Yemen at that time? Saudi puppet Hadi was.

(A P)

#Saudi Wahhabia is excited over protest rallies in Iran, while no one in Saudi has the right or even dare to come in streets for protest! (image)

(A P)

UAE aid to Yemen hits Dh9.4b from April 2015 to November 2017: Report

Development drive focuses six sectors in areas destroyed by Al Houthi militia

My comment: And again, the benefactor propaganda story, by those who bombed the country and its infrastructure into ruins.

(A P)

Yemeni FM: ‘We wish Iranian protesters success in achieving freedom’

Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi said on Tuesday that the Iranian uprising reflects the need of the Iranian people to live in peace and prosperity among the peoples of the region away from the "crazy dreams of the mullahs' regime in exporting revolutions, devastation and destruction to the region".

Al-Mekhlafi stressed that what the mullahs spend on their hegemonic ambitions has directly affected the Iranians and their lives, reducing their standards of living.

My comment: This is a joke. The report is from Saudi Al Arabiya, the photo is showing protesters in the street, it seems the police is firing teargas. Imagine the same in Saudi Arabia; the editor of Al Arabiya certainly would dislike this very much. – And the Yemeni minister is longing for “regime change” in Iran – his president’s own regime having been “regime changed” at Sanaa in September 20124. So what.

(A P)

Who are the Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers leading Houthis in Yemen?

The Iranian Crime Research Institute revealed on Monday the names of four military commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who are working alongside Houthi militias in Yemen.

They confirmed that the Iranian Defense Ministry has also sent munitions experts in early 2017 to Yemen.

A report by the US-based Iranian Institute considered that: “Three of Iran's top Revolutionary Guards’ commanders were sent to Yemen. They are Col. Ridaa Bassini, Com. Ali al-Rajabi and Maj. Gen. Mohammad Niazi. The three are military experts and are now in Yemen”.

The institute, which tracks Iranian officials alleged to have committed war crimes and human rights abuses, said the mission was to lead the Houthis and their military operations.

My comment: Just google “Iranian Crime Research Institute” and look at what you find. It’s just this one article, on three websites. Nice try.

(A P)

Former Yemeni president's final encore in deadly dance

Ali Abdullah Saleh's knack for shifting alliances kept the septuagenarian in power of a convoluted socio-political environment for almost half his life, it also left him short on forces willing to join in anything more than a marriage of convenience.

But with Saleh out of the picture, the focus is now on forcing the Houthis to surrender.

Saleh’s abandonment of the Houthis appeared to be a move towards negotiating peace. It is more likely that it was another twist in his machinations to take back the power he only ever relinquished under duress, for peace was not a language Saleh understood. But even this show of willingness to negotiate could have brought the war to an end. Now that he is gone, there is no need to wait for him.

It is ironic that in his last manoeuvring, Saleh might have achieved an end to the war for which he carried much blame.

My comment: By Emirati media, showing again that the Saudi coalition refutes peace, claims Houthis’ surrender.

(A P)

What can Trump do about Yemen? Support freedom inside Iran.

Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State of Iran are locked in a proxy war in Yemen, and there can be no doubt where America’s interests lie.

While United Nations officials and even the State Department have deplored the civilian casualties and have urged the Saudi-backed coalition to open up ports for humanitarian supplies, the real focus must remain on Iran’s unprovoked and cynical aggression.

Yemen shares the Arabian peninsula with the Saudi Kingdom, just as the United States shares North America with Canada and Mexico.

Imagine for an instant if a hostile regional power were to stir up a civil war in Mexico or Canada, with the ultimate aim of destabilizing the U.S.?

If the United States it to get really serious about Iran, we need to hit them in their soft underbelly at home, where they suffer from an ongoing freedom deficit – by Kenneth R. Timmerman was the 2012 Republican Congressional nominee for MD-8 and is the author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary & Obama Blamed for Benghazi, published by Post Hill Press.

My comment: Calling for regime change in Iran; for a regime change imposed from outside by the US (meaning a civil war in Iran); or even for an US war against iran if this would not succeed. Lamenting an Iranian “unprovoked and cynical aggression.” In Yemen, while Saudi Arabia bombs and blocks the country for 1016 days now, while Iran just plays the role of cheerleading the Houthis.

(A P)

Trump Is Right: Terrorism and Iran Are the Middle East’s Major Problems

The Trump administration’s new strategic doctrine potentially represents a Copernican revolution in US thinking about the Middle East.

If recent events — and indeed the entire seven decade-long period of the Arab war on Israel — has made one thing clear, it is that the lack of a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs is manifestly not the core of the Middle East’s turbulence, violence and bloodshed.

Just to think of the Middle East’s current conflict zones — Syria, Iraq, Yemen, not to mention other, low-level simmering conflicts and flash points — is to be reminded of the utter irrelevance to them of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.

Put simply, if Israel didn’t exist, the same problems between and within these Arab countries — and countries we haven’t mentioned — would be proceeding unhindered.

My comment: if the Israel-Palestine problem no more should be one of the two main Middle East problems Nr. 1, Iran in any case also will not. The main problems would be terrorism (and it’s base, Saudi Wahabism) and US interference all over the region, from Libya to Afghanistan.

(A P)

WAM visits Yemen, observes suffering of Yemeni people

The Emirates News Agency, WAM, has witnessed the suffering of the Yemeni people and the relief, services and humanitarian activities of the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC), during its visit to Yemen.
WAM observed the actions of the Houthis militias prior to their consecutive defeats, in the mountains, plains and valleys, by the soldiers of the Arab Coalition. The real tragedy committed by the militias was against the children of Yemen, who paid the price of murder, destruction, displacement and loss, even while the militias were recruiting them to fight in the war.
“Naji,” a child from Mocha in Yemen, said, “Since the coup, living conditions have been tough, as the militias were determined to make us hungry and scared.” He also pointed out that life totally stopped due to the siege. The militias kidnapped and terrorised children, and sent them to training camps.
“Yehia,” a child from Al Khokha city, talked about the siege on the city where he lives with his family, and noted that after its liberation by the Arab Coalition Forces, the situation had changed, while highlighting that he was waiting for mines to be cleared so he could overcome his fears.

My comment: Odd propaganda from a planet where there did not and do not happen any air raids and blockade and all suffering can be attributed to those who had ruled on the ground.

(A P)

Arab Coalition countries will remain in hearts of Yemeni people: Hadi

Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, President of Yemen, has praised the role of the Arab Coalition in supporting the legitimacy in Yemen, by achieving victories over the Iranian-backed Houthis militias.

This came during a phone call with Chief of General Staff of Yemen, Major General Dr. Taher Al-Aqili, the Yemen News Agency has reported.

My comment: “Arab Coalition countries will remain in hearts of Yemeni people”: The 1012 days of bombing will guarantee for this. For sure.

(A P)

Yemen's president orders military chief to push for Sanaa

The Yemeni army chief of staff Major General Tahir Al Aqaili said the army is ready to advance towards the rebel-held capital, Sanaa, after recent victories in a renewed military offensive.

The officer announced the pledge on Yemeni official news agency, SEBA, after receiving a call from the internationally-recognised government of President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi, urging him on to rid Yemen of the Iranian-backed rebels.

My comment: Exactly the same words as already one, two, almost three years ago…

Comment: For the past hundreds of days, the taking of #Sanaa has been an 'imminent' matter. Instead of calling for more blood, why not call for immediate peace talks?

(A P)

ANALYSIS: US adds teeth to strategy for countering Iranian menace

As usual, the Iranian regime is in the spotlight for its intolerable behavior in the region. Make no mistake, Iran and its revolutionary guards (the IRGC) think they have it all figured out. After having secured a grip in Iraq and Syria, thanks to Mr. Obama’s hands off policy toward Iran, it is now ready to gain its stronghold in Yemen.

Missile after missile is being fired into Saudi Arabia, bearing clear IRGC markings on them. Although, the US and its allies are frustrated with the theocratic regime in Iran, there is still some ground to cover before a consistent policy to resolve the thorny issue threatening the Middle East and beyond is set in motion.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K PH)

All Saudi-coalition air raids day by day:

Jan. 2:

Jan. 1:

Dec. 31:

Dec. 30:

Dec. 29:

Dec. 28:

Dec. 27:

(* B K)

Yemen: one third of air raids hit civilian areas

Nearly one third of air raids in Yemen carried out by a Saudi-led coalition dropping smart bombs made in Scotland have hit non-military sites, according to a new report.

Thousands of hospitals, schools, farms, buses, markets and homes across Yemen have been hit by warplanes known to use Paveway IV missiles.

The new figures revealed the scale of the carnage as Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen’s war passed the 1000 day mark.

The Yemen Data Project – a not for profit organisation – said that from 26th March 2015 to 15th December 2017 there were 15,489 air raids with 31 percent targeting civilian sites.

Some of the missiles were produced by US arms giant Raytheon which has a factory in Glenrothes making laser guided systems for bombs.

The new report prompted condemnation of UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia and calls for an urgent ceasefire to help Yemen’s civilian population which is suffering a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

The Yemen Data Project has been collecting data on the aerial war since day one on 26 March 2015.

Its latest report said that from 26 March 2015 to 15 December 2017, the Saudi-led coalition has carried out a total of 15,489 raids – an average of 474 per month.

The report said: “Nearly one third of all air raids (31%) targeted non-military sites. These included 386 air raids targeted farms; 183 air raids targeted market places: 102 air raids targeted water and electricity sites: 62 air raids targeted food storage sites.”

(* A K PH)

US-Saudi aggression kills, injures 18 civilians in Hodaida

At least 18 civilians were killed or injured in hostile US-Saudi airstrikes on Tuesday in Zabeed district in Hodaida province.
A local official said that the US-Saudi aggression warplanes targeted a restaurant in the district of Zabeed, killing nine civilians and injuring nine others.

(A K PH)

Film: Citizen Ali Daghl victim of the crime of aggression in Baqam Saada 03-01-2018

Ali Mohammed Daghfil a new victim of the criminality of the Saudi regime, where he was martyred by a raid on his bulldozer while working at a water barrier in Yasnem district of Baqam district in Saada province =

(A K PH)

Photos: Sanaa under airstrikes 12.20, 12.25 PM
These airstrikes add to the three airstrikes on the capital.
The aggression warplane launched one strike on Attan mountain and other two on civilian’s house in Attan area.

(* A K PH)

Report: 10 Yemeni civilians killed in 12 Saudi airstrikes in 24 hours

(* A K PH)

Over 23 Yemeni civilians killed, 10 wounded in 27 airstrikes

At least 23 Yemeni civilians were killed and ten others wounded when the US-backed Saudi aggression coalition warplanes launched 27 strikes which targeted five Yemeni provinces over the past 24 hours

(* A K PH)

10 civilians killed in Saada

Ten civilians were killed on Tuesday when the US-backed Saudi aggression coalition warplanes hit strikes on several areas of Saada province, an official told Saba.
Seven civilians were killed in an airstrike which targeted a car on the main road of Aiash area in Munabah border district, and anther one was killed in an air raid on a bulldozer in Yasnam area of Baqem destrict.
Furthermore, the aggression warplane launched a strike in the early morning on a main road in Aal-Amaar of Safraa district, which leds to the death of two civilians.

(* A K PH)

Film / Photos: The crime of aggression in the Directorate of Menaba in Saada 02-01-2018

Seven martyrs and two wounded passengers of the victims of the air raids of the American Saudi aggression while returning from work on a car carrying them in the area of Ayash Directorate of Manba in the province of Saada


Film: =

(A K PH)

2 civilians were killed in another strike on a road in Al Amaar area in #Saada (photos)

Yesterday ,#Saudi air strikes targeted a bridge in Alsafra area #Saada #Yemen and killed 2 people (photos)

film: =

(A K PH)

Film: The aggression targeting the cars of citizens in Hodeidah 02-01-2018

As usual, the aggression continues in its daily bloody series in the targeting of Hodeidah and its sons, where the Saudi Arabian air aggression targeting citizens cars leaving martyrs and wounded @ Hona_Almasirah =

(* A K)

Mindestens 23 Tote durch Luftangriff und Brand

Im Jemen sollen durch einen Luftangriff der saudi-arabisch geführten Militär-Koalition mindestens 23 Menschen getötet worden sein.

Wie Augenzeugen und Sicherheitskräfte weiter berichteten, wurden außerdem acht Menschen in der Hafenstadt Hodeida. Durch den Luftangriff sei eine Tankstelle getroffen worden und in Brand geraten. Das Feuer habe sich auf einem benachbarten Markt ausgebreitet. I

Mein Kommentar: man beachte, welche Bedeutung ein Luftangriff mit 23 Toten für deutsche Medien hat. Eine 3-Satz-Meldung, in der man noch nicht einmal Zeit für korrektes Deutsch hat. Welche deutschen Medien haben sonst noch berichtet? Keine. Auf Deutsch (ebenso kurz) haben noch Sputnik und TRT berichtet.

(* A K)

Luftangriff im Jemen fordert 20 Menschenleben

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte arabische Koalition hat einen Luftangriff auf eine Tankstelle in der jemenitischen Stadt al-Hudaida geflogen.

Die Tankstelle lag in der Nähe eines Marktes. Bei dem Angriff kamen mindestens 20 Zivilisten ums Leben, acht weitere Personen wurden verletzt. Such- und Rettungsarbeiten wurden bereits eingeleitet. Jedoch wird mit einem Anstieg bei der Zahl der Todesopfer befürchtet. und auch

(* A K PH)

Film: Yemen's west coast worst affected by Saudi war

At least 20 civilians have been killed in the latest airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition warplanes in Western Yemen. This is the second wave of attacks in Yemen in two days. The intensity of the air raids and the increasing number of casualties have prompted Yemeni officials to declare the area as the worst hit part of the country. Mohamed al-Attab reports.

(* A K PH)

Update 1: Casualties from Saudi airstrikes on Hodeidah's market, gas station rise to 30

At least thirty civilians were Killed and injured on Monday in an initial toll when US-Saudi aggression warplanes repeatedly hit a popular market and nearby gas station in Al-Jarahi district of Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba.
More than twenty civilians were killed so far, while dozens wounded in the three airstrikes.
Medics in Hodeidah hospitals have received tens of seriously injured from the air attacks, saying the numbers of deaths are more likely to increase as the rescue teams still searching for possible survivors from under the rubble.

Aggression warplanes hit gas station in Hodeidah

The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Monday carried out three raids on Jerahi distrect of Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The airstrikes targeted Gas station next to public market, and there were reports of casualties

29 killed:

Remark: A Saudi air strike hit cars near a market and restaurant in Jarahi district just two days before:

photos: referring to

films: and full size (Ruptly) =

(* A K PH)

Suspected Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Yemen kill 23

Yemeni witnesses and security officials say Saudi-led coalition airstrikes have killed at least 23 people in the port city of Hodeida.

They say Monday's strikes also wounded eight others. The blaze erupted in a market after a strike targeted a nearby petrol station in el-Garrahi district, they said.

(A K PH)

Three citizens killed in US-Saudi air strike on Hodeidah

Three civilians were killed on Monday when the Saudi fighter jets waged a strike on Jabr Ras district of Hodeidah province, an official told Saba.
The warplanes hit the main road in the district, killing three citizens

(* A K PH)


(* A K PH)

Film: The crime of aggression against fishermen in the Directorate of Midi 31-12-2017

A new crime committed by the aggression on the last day of the bloody year against civilians, where fishermen were targeted in the area of Al-Jadhah Midi Directorate in the province of Hajjah leaving four martyrs and ten wounded =

this seems to be the same as

(A K PH)

3 civilians killed and 5 injured in Saudi airstrikes on Hajjah

Three civilians were killed and five others wounded on Sunday evening when the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplane launched airstrikes on Hajjah province, an official told Saba.
The airstrikes targeted civilians’ houses in Shaghderah district

(* A K PH)

41 US-Saudi airstrikes kill 33 civilians in Yemen

The US- backed Saudi aggression coalition warplanes have intensified attacks on Yemen over the past few hours, waging at least 41 air strikes that killed 33 civilians and wounded dozens, officials told Saba on Sunday.
Six children and three women were killed and two injured during 15 raids on a farm in al-Khokha district in Hodidah province.
Twenty citizens

(A K PH)

Citizen killed in airstrike on his motorbike in Marib

A citizen was killed in a Saudi aggressive air raid targeted his motorbike in Al al-Zaydi village of Serwah district in Marib province

(* A K PH)

Report: Over 34 Yemeni civilians killed,2 injured in 36+ airstrikes in 24 hours

At least 38 civilians were killed and other two were wounded in over 36 airstrike launched by US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on several Yemeni provinces over the past 24 hours

(* A K PH)

Four citizens killed in US-Saudi air strikes on Amran

Four citizens were killed in a US-Saudi strike on Ghulat Ajib area of Amran province, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strike hit the citizens in the main road in the area.

(A K PH)

US-Saudi fighter jets injure two citizens in Hodeidah

Two citizens were injured when US-Saudi fighter jets waged a strike on al-Tahitah district of Hodeidah province, an official told Saba on Sunday.
The strike hit a farm of the citizens, injured two citizens.

(* A K PH)

Photos: US-Saudi war criminals killed 7 Yemeni civilians 2day N Sanaa Najeeb Sharif, Was driving his truck laden with sand His aide Ibrahim Mashary beside him. Both making their living by transporting building appliances. Ahmed Zudi was driving his cab, with 5 passengers onboard.

More air raids recorded on:

Jan. 3: Jarrahi, Hodeida prov. Nehm Hodeidah prov. Asir, Hajran (Saudi Arabia) Saada prov. Jawf prov. Sanaa city

Jan. 2: Hajjah prov.

Jan. 1: Nehm Marib prov. Saada prov. Saada prov.

Dec. 31: Saada prov. Asir Hajjah prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K)

Pakistani national dies in Yemen rebel attack on Saudi Arabia

(B K PS)

Photo: Houthi fighters’ cemetery, child fighters among them

Photo: dead Houthi fighters brought to cemetery

Photo: dead Houthi child fighter

(A K PH)

Saada prov.: residents’ houses and farms was shelled by Saudi missiles and artillery shells in Shada border district, causing Material losses.

(* A K)

Yemen's pro-gov't forces repel Houthi attack in western coast areas

Yemen's pro-government forces repelled Wednesday an attack by the Shiite Houthi fighters in the western coast areas in Hodeidah province, killing at least 16 attackers, a military official told Xinhua.

Scores of well-armed Houthi fighters at noon attacked the positions held by government forces near Hodeidah province, sparking an intense fighting in the area, the source said on condition of anonymity.

According to the source the warplanes of the Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened and provided support for the government forces on-ground by carrying out heavy aerial bombardment against the Houthi positions and armored vehicles.

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition says has cut Houthi supply line: report

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen killed dozens of Houthi fighters and cut one of their main supply routes on Wednesday, United Arab Emirates state news agency WAM reported.

The offensive, northwest of Yemen’s third largest city of Taiz, could be a major advance for the Western-backed coalition forces in nearly three years of civil war.

It would consolidate gains made last month at al-Khoukha on the Red Sea where pro-government forces.

WAM said local Yemeni fighters, backed by UAE troops, raided Houthi strongholds between al-Khoukha and the town of Heys, about 25 km (15 miles) to the east to try to secure Red Sea areas captured last month.

“Emirati armed forces members and Yemeni resistance fighters managed to cut supply lines for the Houthi coup militias between Hodeidah and Taiz south of Heys city,” WAM said, citing an Emirati army source.

It said that dozens of Houthi fighters were killed. and this is the WAM report, very short:

(B K PH)

Yemeni army, allies killed nearly 400 Saudi soldiers, 894 mercenaries in 2017: Report

The Yemeni Joint Operations Command announced in a statement on Wednesday that Yemeni forces shot and killed 399 soldiers in the kingdom’s southwestern border regions, and fatally shot 894 Saudi mercenaries across Yemen in 2017, Yemen’s official news agency SABA reported.

The statement added that Yemeni soldiers and their allies also destroyed eight M1 Abrams main battle tanks, 196 armored vehicles, 31 tanks and 1,337 military vehicles during the mentioned period.

(B K PS)

Map: The Hadi government reportedly deployed the 1st and 3rd brigades from Aden toward al Bayda governorate, central #Yemen, according to local news sources. The units will attempt to enter al Bayda from the south through Abyan governorate.

(B K PH)

Film: #Yemeni ballistic missiles statistic shows that king Khalid air base in Khamis Mushait is the most attacked target by the #Yemeni missiles in Saudi.

(* A K PH)

Army shoots down 29 aircraft, destroys 1,569 vehicles, eight naval pieces in 2017

Remark: Houthi success stories.

(A K PH)

Houthi forces inflict heavy casualties on Saudi-backed forces in northern Yemen

The Houthi forces killed scores of Saudi-backed fighters inside the Al-Jawf Governorate of northern Yemen, yesterday, the Yemeni group’s official media wing report.

According to the Houthi forces, their fighters foiled a large attack launched by the Saudi-backed Hadi loyalists in the Al-Khalifeen area of Al-Jawf on Monday (photos)

(A K PS)

Abdullah Jolmoud martyred clearing Houthi land mines in Al-Khokha #Hodeidah. He played a major role in mine clearance operations on the west coast protecting civilians in liberated areas. (photos)

(A K PS)

Yemen's military engineers have dismantled three landmine fields the Iran-aligned Houthi militants planted along its western coast. #Source: Several media

(A K PS)

A man was severely wounded and his car was damaged by a Houthi planted landmine in Shabwah in eastern Yemen on Sunday. #Source: Al-Manara news website.

(A K PS)

Images of the bodies of the militias of the Iranian Houthi site Ras Oqba Malih Directorate of Nita in the province of Albaidah

The images of the dead were young teenagers of the age sent by criminal militias to the front lines

(* A K)

VIDEO: Houthi Forces Capture U.S. Navy Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Off Yemen

In the video posted online by local media on Monday, four men described as members of the “Houthi Navy” in dive gear are surrounding what appears to be a REMUS 600 UUV with the name “Smokey” printed on the body. According to the AMN News web posting, the Houthis discovered the UUV within the past week somewhere off the coast of Yemen.

The UUV, branded with the logos from manufacturer Hydroid and parent company Kongsberg, was a passive system being operated by the Navy as part of a meteorological study, a U.S. defense official told USNI News on Tuesday.

The video claimed the craft was operated by the Saudi coalition, which has been fighting the Houthi Yemeni separatist group since 2015.

U.S. Navy officials in Washington and at U.S. 5th Fleet would neither confirm whether if the REMUS 600 belonged to the service nor provide details about any unmanned underwater vehicle missions in the region when asked by USNI News.

(A K PH)

Yemeni naval forces seize Saudi autonomous underwater vehicle

Yemeni naval forces, supported by allied fighters from Houthi Ansarullah movement, have managed to seize a Saudi autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in Yemen's territorial waters.

Brigadier Aziz Rashed, deputy military spokesman for the Yemeni army allied with Ansarullah, told the Arabic service of Russia's Sputnik news agency on Monday that the AUV was remote controlled, and had detailed pictures of its operation zone. and more details and photos and film

(A K PH)


Yemen’s Maritime and coastal defense forces on Sunday seized a drone vessel in Yemeni territorial waters.

Military source who asked not to be named told «YemenPress » that the naval forces and coastal defense were able today to control the spying drone vessel that belongs to ‘the invaders’ of Saudi-led coalition in the territorial waters of Yemen. (photo)

(A K)

#SaudiArabia acquired a REMUS 100 from the company back in 2012. Unclear who owned the REMUS 600 al Houthi forces captured off of #Yemen's western coast.

Or was it an US drone?

(A K)

Houthi rebels claim capture of U.S. underwater drone off Yemeni coast

Rebel leaders say the drone, developed by Norwegian-based defense firm Kongsberg with the assistance of the Office of Naval Research, was part of Washington’s continued military support to the Saudi-led coalition battling the Houthi forces in the country.

“As part of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Fastlane initiative in 2011, 5th Fleet began receiving accelerated deliveries of Mk-18 [underwater drones] … meeting the urgent need for mine-hunting capabilities in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility,” according to U.S. Navy officials.

(* A K)


On December 30, forces loyal to Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi captured al-Yatiymah area in Khabb wa Sha’af district of the northern province of al-Jawf, according to the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV.

The media outlet said that pro-Hadi fighters captured 59 fighters of the Houthis and killed many others during their advance in Khabb wa Sha’af.

Meanwhile, in western Yemen, the Houthis conducted a series of hit and run attacks against several positions of pro-Hadi forces and the Saudi-led coalition north of the coastal town of Yakhtul in the province of Taiz, according to the Yemeni al-Masirah TV.

During the attacks, the Houthis destroyed several vehicles and fortifications of the Saudi-led coalitions with ATGMs, rocket-propelled grenades and IEDs.

(A K PS)

Yemen - Life Return Gradually To Beihan And Usaylan

Film: After the liberation of Beihan and Usaylan district in Shabwa province, in southeastern Yemen, life began to gradually return to the liberated areas as the engineering teams of the Yemeni army continue to cleanse and dismantle large quantities of mines and explosive devices of various shapes and sizes implanted by the Houthis which endangers the lives of citizens.

(A K PS)

The Houthi militia fired a rocket on the mosque of a camp belonging to the Yemeni army's " Third Arabhood Brigade" killing and injuring scores of soldiers and inflicting huge damage in the mosque and neighboring facilities. #Source:Masader website.

(A K PS)

Dismantling Landmines Implanted by Al-Houthi Militias in Al-Khoukha – West of Yemen

Military engineering squads of the southern forces on Al-Khoukha front managed to dismantle three landmine fields implanted by Al-Houthi militias in several places of the recently liberated Al-Khoukha directorate, on Saturday. In Heis and Al-Khoukha, the Tehamy Resistance and southern forces dismantled hundreds of explosives and sea mines after liberating the territories of Al-Houthi control. In addition, the forces destroyed an explosives lab belonging to Al-Houthi militias

(A K PS)

Yemen: Government forces take 52 Houthis hostage

Government forces take control of some areas in northern Jawf and southern Lahij provinces

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Yemen, 21,801 photos

Yemen Old Man, 518 photos


Coffee Shop Entrepreneur Shows Customers Yemen Is About More Than War

A traditional pot of Yemeni coffee, mixed with cardamom and ginger, is served with a Yemeni sweet honey bread at a new Yemeni coffee shop in Dearborn, Mich. Owner Ibrahim Alhasbani sees himself as part entrepreneur, part cultural ambassador for his home country.


Film (2012): The Land Of Dreams - Yemen Wonders

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-372 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-372: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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