Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 401 - Yemen War Mosaic 401

Yemen Press Reader 401: 6.4.2018: Jemen auf dem Weg ins Desaster? – Jemenkrieg-Timeline – Menschliches Schicksal beim Luftangriff auf Hodeidah – Prinz Salmans Weltsicht – Und mehr

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April 6, 2018: Yemen on the path to disaster? (German) – Yemen War timeline – Human fate in the Hodeidah raid – the world according to Prince Salman – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

Erste beide Artikel unter cp1 / The first two articles in cp1

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K P)

Jemen auf dem Weg ins Desaster?

Am 26. März 2018 fängt das vierte Kriegsjahr in Jemen an. Seither hat die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärkoalition mehr als 16.000 Luftschläge durchgeführt und mittlerweile erreichte eine von den Houthis abgefeuerte Rakete die saudische Hauptstadt Riad und forderte ein Todesopfer. Zudem zeichnet sich eine mögliche von den VAE gestützte Abspaltung des Südjemen von Nordjemen ab, die erst seit 1990 gemeinsam den aktuellen Staat Jemen bilden.

Die schlimmste humanitäre Situation der letzten 50 Jahre

Die Lage ist weiterhin katastrophal

Die katastrophale Lebensmittelversorgung hat zahlreiche Gründe: Seit März 2015 verhängte die Koalition eine Land-, See- und Luftblockade gegen den Jemen, welche auch die Lieferung humanitärer und kommerzieller Güter unterbindet. Dies ist besonders gravierend für ein Land, das bereits vor dem Krieg 90% seiner Nahrungsmittel importierte. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass durch die Luftschläge mehr als 57 Fabriken zerstört wurden – darunter auch Produktionsorte der bereits unzureichenden Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Der Krieg und der Hunger treiben immer mehr Minderjährige in die bezahlten Reihen der unterschiedlichen bewaffneten Gruppierungen, wo sie mittlerweile ein Drittel der Kämpfer_innen stellen.

Verschärfen wird sich die Lage voraussichtlich in den kommenden Monaten, nachdem das saudische Königshaus siebzehn Berufsverbote für nicht-saudische Staatsangehörige ausgesprochen hat, um den lokalen Arbeitsmarkt mit Saudis zu füllen. Betroffen sind davon auch rund 2 Mio. Jemenit_innen, die nun sukzessive in den Jemen zurückkehren müssen.

Brüchige Bündnisse

Die Lesart, es handele sich bei den bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen um einen Stellvertreterkrieg Saudi Arabiens gegen den Iran und somit um eine zwischen Sunnis und Shia verlaufende Konfliktlinie greift bei Weitem zu kurz. Besonders deutlich wird dies bei Betrachtung der aktuellen Bündnisse und Partnerschaften, die weiterhin wenig stabil und vielmehr als Zweckbündnisse denn als politische Zusammenschlüsse langer Haltbarkeit einzuordnen sind.

Eine weitere Bruchlinie zeichne sich nach Meinungen einiger Analyst_innen wie z.B. Eleonora Ardemagni vom Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rom zwischen den Verbündeten Saudi Arabien und den VAE ab, deren Interessen in Jemen sich diametral gegenüberzustehen scheinen.

Bevorstehende Abspaltung Südjemens?

Zwar erfolgt nun nicht zwangsläufig eine Abspaltung Südjemens, aber die stetige Bewaffnung, Ausbildung und Finanzierung von Milizen in Südjemen durch die VAE ändert das Machtgefüge langfristig und lässt die noch bei den Massenprotesten gegen die korrupte Regierung Saleh im Jahr 2011 realistische Möglichkeit von Demokratisierungsprozessen in weite Ferne rücken.

Doch gemeinsame Nenner?

Obwohl Saudi Arabien und die VAE unterschiedliche Akteure vor Ort unterstützen, lassen die offiziellen Reaktionen des Kronprinzen und de facto König Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) Zweifel an einem möglichen Bruch aufkommen.

Ziele Saudi Arabiens und der VAE

Betrachtet man nicht die unterschiedlichen lokalen Akteure, sondern die aktuelle politische und wirtschaftliche Lage Saudi Arabiens und der VAE, zeichnen sich zahlreiche gemeinsame Ziele dieser beiden Staaten ab. Offiziell wollen das saudische Könighaus und die VAE den Iran aus dem Jemen drängen.

Beide erhofften sich vermutlich durch den Krieg und den erwarteten schnellen Erfolg von den innenpolitischen Problemen ablenken zu können.

Abgesehen vom Interesse an einer effizienten Unterbindung demokratisierender Prozesse, teilen Saudi Arabien und die VAE auch geostrategische und wirtschaftliche Sorgen.


Fest steht, so lange Saudi Arabien und VAE versuchen, parallele Sicherheits- und Regierungsstrukturen zu schaffen, über die sie Kontrolle ausüben wollen, wird sich die Situation in Jemen verschärfen. Das ist der gleiche Ansatz, den Saudi Arabien seit Jahrzehnten u.a. in Jemen verfolgt hat und der dort zu einer florierenden Korruption und zahlreichen sozialen und politischen Problemen geführt hat. Laut Tawakkol Kerman braucht es wieder etwas wie den arabischen Frühling, der die verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen und Gesellschaftsklassen Jemens dazu brachte, gemeinsam über die Zukunft des Staates nachzudenken. Immerhin sind die Hintergründe sowohl des Konfliktes mit den Ansar Allah als auch die Unzufriedenheit der Südbewegung und des STC die unter Saleh andauernde wirtschaftliche und politische Marginalisierung, die durch gemeinsame Aushandlungsprozesse behoben werden könnten. Doch weder die von Saudi Arabien und den VAE angeführte Militärkoalition, noch die zahlreichen Staatsoberhäupter der EU und die US-amerikanische Regierung wären erfreut über die Entwicklung von demokratisierenden Prozessen an einer der strategisch wichtigsten Meerengen ihrer Handels- und Militärlogistik.

(** B H K P)

Yemen: A timeline of more than three years of war

(** A H K)


The US-Saudi Coalition carried out a horrific massacre in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, killing 17 civilians, including seven children.

According to local sources, coalition’s warplanes raided a house inhabited by displaced people from other provinces, which led to the destruction, killing 14 members of one family, Mostly women and children, as well as other 12 wounded.

“Details embody the magnitude of the suffering from the ground and the location of the massacre.”

The Yemeni citizen (Ali Yahya Ali) lost ten members of his family his wife, eight children, his wife and his son’s wife, while his second wife is still in serious condition.

He and his son survived (for their concern and searching for gas) on a street relatively close to the scene,” the sound of the shelling looked towards the compound and the idea of bombing the place that housed my family was expelled” Ali said.

The father Ali narration of what happened and when he said the names of the victims and their ages, he was barely drawing his voice from the depths of his heart,there were no tears in his eyes,he seemed to have dried up completely and would not cry again, while all around him stared at him for fear of him and compassion.

Neighbors of Father Ali who survived the bombing were trying to explain their attempts to rescue people, and some were telling him that he had lost some of his children in the bombing to ease his suffering.

“The suffering of the displacement of Ali’s family was over but did not end happily, and ended with the end of the family itself”

We also saw one of the neighbors, Mahmoud Hassan, and he said that his wife and two children were missing, he mentioned the names and ages of his missing family, Mayar-5 Y.O., and Mariah-2 and a half Y.O. ,and that he had only found his 7-year-old daughter.

He also was so horrified and looking for his wife, while i was wondering he could be the husband of the killed pregnant woman , but I begged his question and moved away enough and asked one of the workers in the hospital asked about the status of his wife,Is he the father of the six month killed embryo with his mother, while the father burst into tears and knew indirectly the answer.

The place is filled with sadness between the site of the massacre of the coalition and the hospital there are tears and hope can not be interrupted.

Abdulmalek is a three-year-old child who has both parents in a different hospital, both of them are trying to believe their relatives’ lie that Abdulmalek is still alive and laying in intensive care.

His mother has not been able to talk much, then when i talked with the father i failed in a miserable attempts to reassure his father about his family, when I told him I met your wife, and your sons and all of them are fine, he directly asked what about Abdulmaek, then i said he was in intensive care but his memory or sense seemed to tell him something else so he repeated his question 3 times until I lost my ability to answer and stopped the question.

Remark: The humanitarian suffering after the great air raid at Hodeidah (report, photos, films: YPR 400, cp16).

(** B P)

The world according to Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi society’s incompatibility with Western social values and, more recently, the stagnating and increasingly bloody military campaign in Yemen requires duchessing of the American public, which in turn requires a media campaign.

With this in mind, it is worth looking at a few things we learnt/relearnt from Salman’s interviews about the Saudi view of current domestic and regional issues.

There was hyperbole aplenty.

On the decision to initiate the now three-year-old, stagnated Yemen war:

We don’t want to come here (the US), as Saudi Arabia, and be asked these questions. We want to be asked about the economy, our partnerships, investment in America and Saudi Arabia. We don’t want to spend our lives arguing about Yemen.

On the issue of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia:

There is no Wahhabism. We don’t believe we have Wahhabism.

This is instructive for no other reason than the fact it reflects Saudi Arabia’s penchant for denialism.

On the issue of different values systems between Saudi Arabia and the West:

We don’t share values. But I also believe that different states in the United States don’t share values. There are different values between California and Texas. So how come you want us to share your values 100% when you are not sharing values?

Trying to equate the difference in values between Sacramento and Austin with that between Washington and Riyadh is both bold and nonsensical.

For all their limitations, lenghthy interviews like these do allow us to form opinions about their subjects. This one reinforced what we already knew: Muhammad bin Salman is highly ambitious, faces a complex society he seeks to change before it alters the monarchy, and has pretty firm views regarding Saudi Arabia’s role in the region.

The problem for Salman is that, while his dynamism and decisiveness serves him well within the kingdom, ensuring he controls the levers of influence and power to neuter his opponents, in the mountains and deserts of Yemen, and amid the architectural wonders of Iran, his writ carries no weight.

Because of Saudi Arabia’s insularity and particularism, foreign policy has long been its weakness, and there doesn’t appear to be many indications that this is likely to change under the Crown Prince.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A P)

Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 4 April 2018)

(* A )

Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 4 April 2018)

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B H K)

Film: Rotes Kreuz-Chef zu RT: Keine großen Migrationsströme aus dem Jemen – deshalb wenig Medieninteresse

Während der Moskauer Konferenz für Internationale Sicherheit (MCIS) hat sich der Präsident des Internationalen Komitees des Roten Kreuzes, Peter Maurer, zur humanitären Situation im Jemen und in Syrien geäußert. Dabei verdiente der Jemen hinsichtlich der humanitären Lage eigentlich genauso viel Aufmerksamkeit wie Syrien oder der Irak. Dass dort jedoch die vertriebene Bevölkerung hauptsächlich im Land selbst verbleibe, sei womöglich einer der Gründe für das geringe Interesse der internationalen und europäischen Presse.

und dazu:


This graph only shows Google search interest, but it demonstrates how Syria gets exponentially more attention than Yemen.

3 years of US-Saudi war on Yemen created the worst humanitarian crisis on Earth—but because the corporate media has barely covered it there's little interest

(B K P)

Film: Saudi General "Al-Qahtani" says #Yemen capital #Sanaa can't remain safe for 3years,He expressed his displeasure the absence of explosive devices & Bandits,He confirms that the so-called legitimate army loyal to Saudi/UAE aggression capable of carrying out these special operations

(* B K P)

The Conflict in Yemen: Time for a New Approach

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted a public event on the challenges that the humanitarian situation in Yemen presents to the world. The keynote address from President and CEO of the IRC David Miliband is below.

Often described as a tragedy, the conflict is in fact more notable for its crimes. The conflict is emblematic of some of the darkest aspects of modern warfare:

The parties to the conflict spurn the laws of war. According to the Yemen Data Project, at least 4,500 airstrikes have hit gas, electric, transportation and other essential infrastructures, including 68 strikes on health clinics and hospitals and 342 on educational buildings.

It is a conflict in which parties and battle lines are fragmenting, realigning and radicalizing at an alarming rate, with the danger that the country does the same thing. Peter Salisbury, who is on our panel today, has identified five separate conflicts occurring simultaneously in Yemen. ISIS alone reportedly has 7 separate sub groups operating in Yemen.

It is a conflict in which the handwringing of the UN Security Council, and others, is at best ignored and at worst a cover for further inhumanity. 22.2 million people – 79% of the entire population, including nearly every child in the country – are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The conflicts now affecting the country run from local to regional to global.

The flow of arms, and the war economy, are themselves fueling the fighting, with the most vulnerable dragooned into service as child soldiers.

The dominant military power, the Saudi-led coalition, has been promising for a long time to “finish off” what it sees as a ragtag army of opponents, but has in the process boxed itself off from a political settlement that is ever more necessary.

And the war is sufficiently complex and far away to be off the radar of most governments, politicians and media.

There is one other thing we know about modern wars: they are more numerous and more long lasting than their predecessors.

(* B K P)

7 Questions for Mohammed bin Salman

Prominent Western interviews with Mohammed bin Salman have been seriously lacking in hard, pointed questions, so here are a few that future interviewers might consider using or adapting.

1) The blockade of Yemen imposed by your government and its allies is primarily responsible for creating what the U.N. has called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with more than eight million people on the brink of famine and millions more suffering from malnutrition. You have claimed that your government wants to help the people of Yemen, so why is it purposefully starving millions of them to death?

5) The Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen is now over three years old. The stated goals of the coalition were to expel the Houthis from Sanaa and reinstall former President Hadi. Former President Hadi has virtually no support in Yemen now, and the Houthis seem as entrenched and intransigent as ever. At what point will your government admit that the coalition’s war effort has failed?

6) The journalist Iona Craig reported last year that coalition planes have conducted systematic, deliberate attacks on Yemen’s food production and distribution. Why are your government and its allies waging war on Yemeni farmers and fishermen?

7) You have talked about promoting a “moderate Islam open to the world and all religions,” but what can that possibly mean in practice when other religions are still outlawed in your country and sectarian hatred is promoted as a matter of government policy? – by Daniel Larison

(* B P)

Another Softball Interview with Mohammed bin Salman

Mohammed bin Salman may be foolish enough to believe his own propaganda, but more likely he thinks that this is what will get the attention of ignorant Western hawks. If MbS genuinely believes that Hitler is not as bad as Khamenei because the former was supposedly less ambitious in his goals of conquest, he is far stupider than anyone suspected. Whether he really thinks this or not, it is worth noting that he must think Western governments are stupid enough to take this claim seriously because he keeps repeating it and things like it.

Goldberg asked one question about the war on Yemen, which I suppose is better than nothing. However, there was no pushback or follow-up when Mohammed bin Salman gave his evasive and dishonest answer. Among other things, the crown prince said this:

Our campaign is focused on helping the legitimate government and bringing stability. Saudi Arabia is trying to help the people of Yemen.

Everything in these statements is false or misleading. The prince refers to the “legitimate” government, but that government has no influence in Yemen and the nominal president is hated equally in both the north and south.

As he does in virtually all Western interviews, the crown prince gets to hold forth at length with his self-serving statements and rarely meets any challenge. On Yemen, he was not challenged on the blockade or the famine that it is causing. Notably, the words famine, starvation, and blockade never appear in the interview at any point. No doubt he would come up with some lame excuse if he were pressed on this issue, but he still needs to be confronted about it.

Later in his answer, the crown prince whines that he has to answer one very tame question about Yemen:

I’m sure that MbS would prefer that his interviewers treat him even more obsequiously than they already do, but if he doesn’t want to be asked about the war on Yemen he would do well to stop waging it – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

Jemen: Alle 10 Minuten ein Kind an Hunger oder vermeidbaren Krankheiten – Im Gespräch mit Ali Al-Dailami

Im Jemen findet aktuell eine der größten Katastrophen des Jahrzehnts statt, doch die Welt interessiert sich kaum für diesen Konflikt. Auf der Freiheitsliebe haben wir uns dagegen ausführlich der Berichterstattung über den Krieg gewidmet. Ali Al-Dailami, Mitglied im Parteivorstand der Linken und aus dem Jemen geflüchtet, sprach über die Situation im Jemen.

Ali Al-Dailami: Für die USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien, die in diesen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg involviert sind, hat der Jemen vor allem eine geostrategische Bedeutung. Ihr Interesse gilt insbesondere der Kontrolle der Meerenge, die das Rote Meer und den Golf von Aden verbindet. Ein beträchtlicher Teil des weltweiten Transports von Rohstoffen, an erster Stelle Erdöl, verläuft durch eben diese Meerenge. Seit über einem Jahrzehnt erfolgen die US-geführten Drohnenmorde von deutschem Boden, namentlich aus Ramstein. Auf der Luftwaffenbasis befindet sich die zentrale Satelliten-Relais-Station, die die Piloten in den USA mit den Drohnen in Einsatzgebieten u.a. im Jemen verbindet. Folge der Drohnenangriffe sind viele Getötete, darunter vor allem Zivilisten.
Die Bundesregierung macht sich aber nicht nur indirekt durch ihre Duldung der Machenschaften in Ramstein, sondern auch direkt mitschuldig an dem Sterben im Jemen.

Der regionalen Kriegsallianz gegen den Jemen, angeführt von der saudischen Diktatur, geht es nebst den geostrategischen Interessen auch um den Erhalt des Einflusses im Jemen. Seit dem Sturz des zaiditischen Imamats im Jemen im Jahre 1962 bestimmte das saudische Königshaus die jemenitische Politik. Hinzu kommt, dass der Jemen als Armenhaus der arabischen Welt auch ökonomisch am Tropf der Saudis hing.
Die Paranoia vor einem Erstarken der Schiiten, die seit Jahrzehnten die sunnitischen Königshäuser, allen voran das Saudische, erfasst hat, spielt ebenso eine Rolle. So verwundert es auch nicht, dass das saudische Königshaus in den letzten Jahrzehnten versuchte, den wahhabitischen Islam im Jemen durchzusetzen. Der zaiditisch geprägte Norden des Jemen mit seinem Bergland wurde systematisch benachteiligt. Radikale sunnitische Kräfte, vor allem von Saudi-Arabien finanziert und von der jemenitischen Regierung toleriert, bedrängten die Zaiditen in ihrem Stammland in der Provinz Sa´da.

Der völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg der Saudis hat auch innenpolitische Gründe. Der Thronfolger des saudischen Königs, Mohammad bin Salman, der sich für diesen Krieg verantwortlich zeigt, soll so im inner-saudischen Machtkampf gestärkt werden. Er ist ein Vertreter einer interventionistischen Außenpolitik und sieht sich in Konkurrenz zum Iran um die regionale Vormachtstellung – von Julius Jamal

(* B H K P)

Saudi Arabia given STARK WARNING over war in Yemen by 'FURIOUS' international community

PRESSURE is growing on Saudi Arabia over the war in Yemen, with the international community giving the country a stark warning over their actions in the conflict zone, it has been reported.

My comment: Overview article on ca. the last week, but the headline is wrong and misleading. A correct headline would read: “Saudi Arabia given CARTE BLANCHE over war in Yemen by 'WHITEWASHING' international community.

(* B H K P)

War In Syria And Yemen Prove We No Longer Care About Protecting Kids

The gradual erosion of public consciousness for our common duty to protect children seems to have made the world numb to egregious violations.

A few milestones this month: seven years of war on children in Syria; three years of war on children in Yemen. Who marks those milestones? Who cares?

The gradual erosion of public consciousness for our common duty to protect children seems to have made the world numb to egregious violations. What's worse, we seem to be blind to the fact that the world of the future will be populated with humans — nearly 1 in 5 children who live in conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa today — who have first-hand experience of an international system that doesn't protect its most vulnerable members and allows those who attack children to continue to profit from these acts.

The wars in Syria and Yemen are the acceleration of this loss of common consciousness. The lack of public outrage on a large scale today, when children are being attacked and when it is impossible to claim ignorance of what's taking place, is a bleak indicator. The lack of effective political action is even worse.

The wars in Syria and Yemen are only examples where the very basic principle of protection of children is being disregarded every minute of every day – by Geert Cappelaere, the UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

(B P)

After years of uncritically using the phase "Iran-backed Houthis," the NY Times is finally putting scare quotes around the US/Saudi government talking point

The NY Times finally appears to be responding to criticism and is reporting more responsibly. This headline for once acknowledges that the Houthi attack was *in response to a Saudi massacre of civilians*—an airstrike that killed 14 Yemenis, including kids

(* B P)

Yemen: IFJ call for action amid ongoing crisis

The IFJ has called for urgent action to address the ongoing crisis facing Yemeni journalists.

Shocking new figures – published by IFJ-affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate – show that there were 60 violations of journalists and media rights in just the first quarter of 2018.

According to the YJS “violent attacks against journalists and journalism have reached a ferocious level - raiding institutions, burning press houses, assaulting journalists and robbing their houses and belongings”.

The violations exposed by the report include the killings of Basheer Aqlan and Mukhtar Al-Yafi’i in Taaz and Aden and 29 kidnaps, arrests and detentions - which make up 48% of all the abuses documented.

12 journalists remain in captivity having been kidnapped by the Houthis and face terrible detention conditions in the political security prison in Sanaa and are being denied their right to receive medical treatment. Another journalist was kidnapped by Al-Qaeda.

The YJS also reported 13 assaults, four cases of threats to kill or harm a journalist, three journalists facing investigation or trial, four cases of confiscation of property and belongings of a journalist or media company, two cases of preventing coverage and two cases of blocking websites and social media.

The government has committed 42 of the total violations (70%) while the Houthis committed 15 violations (25%). Two cases were committed by unknown parties (3%) and the Arab Coalition was responsible in one case (2%)

(* B K P)

Film: Joy Gordon, The United Nations Security Council and Economic Sanctions: The political construction of knowledge and normative interpretation. Loyola University Chicago, United States. Conference presentation "Measures and categories in the production of knowledge about rural transformation in the Arab World", at the American University of Beirut, September 18, 2016

Comment by Judith Brown: Well this is quite amazing. In her speech (which was two years ago) Joy Gordon states that that when the Panel of Experts tries to get Saudi Arabia to comply with its obligations, Saudi Arabia stated that they were acting under the request of the Yemen government, and therefore their axe did not fall within the Panel's mandate. In other words, they have agreed that the UN has not sanctioned action 'by all means'. When you look at Resolution 2216, the section that mentions 'all means' in fact is linked to the request of the Yemen government, and no part of the demands of the resolution call for war. So folks does this mean that the war on Yemen is ILLEGAL!!!!????????

My comment to comment: Yes, it simply is. Because of the fact that Hadi government’s term ended on Feb. 25, 2015 and the president simply could not just continue playing this role. And whether a “international community” just also did consider this crucial point or did not, also does not matter. Starting a war to support a government which is no more in charge but simply still pretends to do so, simply is an illegal war.

(* A B H K P)

The Irony Of A $930 Million Donation To Help Yemen

The U.N. has received one of the biggest donations for relief in aid history: $930 million to its Yemen Humanitarian Fund, which provides food, health care and other vital services for the conflict-ridden nation.

But there's an ethical concern. It's coming from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, two countries that have helped fuel Yemen's conflict.

"It's good news, but ironic that it's coming from big warring parties," says Paul Spiegel, a former senior official at the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and a professor at Johns Hopkins University. "If they had given peace, [Yemen] wouldn't need their billion dollars."

Some in the aid sector welcome the money.

It's for these reasons that some aid workers in Yemen say the U.N. should not accept the money.

Nathanael Chouraqui is a lead Middle East researcher at Iguacu, a nonprofit that conducts research to profile charities in countries like Yemen. He has been speaking with local charity representatives about the donation.

Yahya Nasser, who works at a relief organization in Yemen, told Chouraqui, "We should not accept this money ... It's just an attempt to cover the crimes they are committing in Yemen."

In her interview with Chouraqui, Amal Wahish, executive manager at Capable Youth Foundation, a small NGO in Sanaa, Yemen's capital, agrees.

"This money should be rejected," she told Chouraqui. "It makes Saudi Arabia stronger — gives them a good image to the international community — and allows them to continue their work in Yemen."

"The U.N. should make bigger efforts to stop the conflict," she adds.

My comment: It’s really senseless to quote a person from a Saudi lobby tank (“think tank”) and even not putting this straight: On the Arabia Foundation, read =

(A H K P)

Film. Protest im Jemen: ein junge jemenitische Frau wurde von einem Söldner vergewaltigt

(* A K)

UAE Soldiers Threaten Yemeni Woman Into Denying Rape

As the war started in Yemen 2015 with the Saudi-led coalition’s military intervention, it became increasingly clear Sudanese soldiers (the Janjaweed) were targeting women and girls as a war tactic: “rape was a weapon of war.”

Last week, a Sudanese soldier from the Janjaweed forces (which are part of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen) beat up and raped a Yemeni woman. These Sudanese forces have a well-documented history of using rape as a weapon of war.

The Janjaweed has a shameful history of raping women of Darfur in Sudan’s southern region. Women young and old in Darfur harbor many stories of rape by The Janjaweed soldiers. In fact, Sudanese soldiers (the Janjaweed) in the Tabit town north of Darfur raped 221 women in less than two days. These horrifying acts took place in the streets and in front of their loved ones as part of a mass rape which could constitute a crime against humanity, according to a lengthy Human Rights Watch (HRW) report.

Fatima says the story didn’t end here. After the story spread throughout the village, Emirati soldiers took her and her family to the camp leadership office. Here, she was forced via threats to confirm on paper that the rape never happened.

Continued War Crimes Against the Yemeni People

The same forces remain internationally approved to practice their sadism against the Yemeni people under the cover and protection from allies in the Saudi-led coalition such as the Emiratis forces. Darfur was the focus of international condemnation for the Sudanese government’s role in alleged abuses against humanity by their notorious militia (the Janjaweed). Now, the same abuses are committed again by the same notorious forces. The only difference this time is that the Saudi-led coalition is considered an ally of the West, backed by international powers, and working under the UN umbrella.

What happened to Fatima is not a singular incident but rather an example of the variety of war crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemenis. As long as the world decides to turn a blind eye to these war crimes, the suffering of the Yemeni people will continue and the failure of the international law will shamefully be aggravated.


(* A K P)

Yemeni woman's alleged rape by mercenary stirs anger against coalition

Yemenis from all sides demand investigation and punishment, while government and Saudi-led coalition stall official inquiry

The lack of official follow-up into the alleged rape of a Yemeni woman by a Sudanese mercenary fighter has led to widespread popular anger at the Hadi government and Saudi-led coalition.

The incident, which happened last Thursday, has united all sides in Yemen against the UN-recognised and Saudi-backed government of exiled president Abd Rabbuh Hadi, as authorities have failed to formerly investigate the reported rape.

Ramadhana - whose last name is not known - a mother in an impoverished family in Hodeidah province, says she was raped by a Sudanese mercenary,

"Then he hit me in the face and dragged me to an area nearby, next to some trees, where he raped me. This was 4pm on Thursday.”

After the incident, some women took Ramadhana to see a doctor, who examined her and confirmed that she had been raped, she said.

But then Emirati forces intervened, bringing her to the military camp where the alleged assailant was stationed, and forced her to fingerprint a document confirming that she had in fact not been raped. The Emirati forces heard of the alleged rape after Ramadhana told the local sheikh and others about the incident.

"When I entered the camp, I recognised the Sudanese fighter,” she told Masmari, “but the Emirati forces threatened me, and said that they would take me to the Emirates if I did not fingerprint that the Sudanese had not raped me.”

Her husband had at this point joined her, she said, but the Emirati forces took him out of the room before threatening her and forcing her to fingerprint the document.

News of the incident soon spread, and has become a rare unifying issue for local residents. While Hodeidah residents – and indeed all Yemenis – may differ on various issues, most seem united in anger towards the Hadi government and Saudi-led coalition on this issue, due to the lack of official investigation.

News of the incident soon spread, and has become a rare unifying issue for local residents. While Hodeidah residents – and indeed all Yemenis – may differ on various issues, most seem united in anger towards the Hadi government and Saudi-led coalition on this issue, due to the lack of official investigation.

Before news of Ramadhana’s alleged rape, rumours had already been circulating that Sudanese fighters allied to the Saudi-led coalition had been raping women along the western coast, in areas won back from Houthi controls.

But residents had not been keen to speak out, as rape is seen as a source of shame.

Ramadhana, however, when speaking out, has encouraged the Sanaa-based Human Rights Ministry and politicians to confirm that her rape was not the first such case.

The Houthi-run Human Rights Ministry’s office in al-Hodeidah province on Sunday issued a release saying that local staff had confirmed the rape of the woman in al-Khawkha, demanding an international committee investigate the matter and punish the criminal.

(* B H K)

Yemen's hidden threat: mines

Unexploded weapons continue to affect civilians in Yemen

Even in areas long liberated from Houthi rebels in Southern Yemen, landmines continue to affect hundreds of civilians.

This year, more than 8,600 people have been injured and more than 2,000 killed worldwide by landmines and other explosives left behind by as a legacy of conflict.

In Yemen, the buried explosives were planted by Houthis in a random manner as part of a slash-and-burn retreat typical of rebel groups, pro-government forces say.

"The Houthis' goal is to kill whoever is against them," the former director of the Yemeni mines action centre, Maj Gen Ali Al Kadri, told The National.

"They don't have any concern about the lives of innocent people. Everybody is an enemy in their eyes."

Between 2015 and 2016, more than 6,500 landmines were deactivated by the mines action centre.

Human Rights Watch has said Houthi forces used landmines in at least six provinces since a Saudi-led coalition intervened in Yemen in March 2015.

UAE Armed Forces have cleared more than 20,000 landmines across Yemen since they became involved in the conflict.

Despite the thousands of hours and resources spent in demining operations, hundreds have fallen victim.

Remark: By Emirati media.

(* A K P)

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Houthi Commercial Maritime Attack

The United States is very concerned about the Houthis’ latest attempt to escalate the war in Yemen, this time by attacking a commercial vessel while it transited one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, the Bab al-Mandab, in international waters. A significant portion of global trade moves through the Bab al-Mandab every day, including key energy and food supplies. In January, the Houthis publicly threatened to attack international commercial maritime traffic in the Red Sea, and launched this attack near the vital port of Hudaydah. Yesterday’s attack coincides with the UN’s High-Level Pledging Event in Geneva, where the Saudi-led Coalition’s contributed $930 million. In contrast, the Iranian regime continues to perpetuate the conflict and provide destabilizing weapons to the Houthis. We call on the Houthis to cease further escalation and demonstrate their commitment to a peace process by engaging in constructive dialogue.

My comment: What a biased propaganda in this statement. The Saudi coalition air raid at Hodeidah which preceded this attack is not mentioned at all. To the White House, the killing of 16 civilians by an US ally is no “escalation” of war. – And the bombing Saudis are described as humanitarian benefactors here, while anti-Iranian propaganda of course cannot miss. – And the Saudis are not called for nothing.

(* A K P)

U.S. urges Houthis to cease escalation in Yemen after tanker attack

The United States called on Houthis on Wednesday to stop escalating the conflict in Yemen and demonstrate a commitment to dialogue, a day after an attack on a Saudi oil tanker by the Iran-allied group.

and overview article on this attack: and also (typically US-biased)

and with this headline, the story gets clearer:

(* A K P)

Yemen civil war: White House urges calm after rebels retaliate for Saudi air strike that killed six children

The US has warned Yemen’s Houthi rebels to avoid seeking revenge and risking an escalation in the conflict after six children and 16 people overall were killed in a Saudi coalition air strike.

and Saudi media correctly state:

(* A K P)

White House Condemns Houthis Twice in a Week

The United States accused the Iranian regime for prolonging the conflict in Yemen by supplying Houthis with destabilizing weapons. For the second time in a week, the White House issued a statement on Wednesday expressing its deep concerns about Houthis’ attempts to escalate the war by attacking a Saudi oil tanker.

My comment: Yes, and the two horrible Saudi air raids which preceded these Houthi attacks do not bother the White House at all.

(* K P)

Hodeidah: The strategic port at the center of Yemen’s war

Saudi Arabia and the UAE may be preparing to attack Yemen's vital port

Over the last fortnight, it appears the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is closer than ever to launching an assault on the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah. A mysterious fire and a recent attack on Saudi naval forces have brought renewed attention to the port. Hodeidah is home to Yemen’s only maritime container terminal and is the country’s fourth largest city.

The U.N. has repeatedly condemned any military action against Hodeidah. Last year Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov issued a veiled threat against Saudi military action against the port.

“There are also worrying rumors about an assault on Hodeidah and then a move on (the capital) Sana’a,” he told a U.N. conference. “This is something we cannot allow to happen.”

Since then the coalition has focused on a land campaign to close the noose around the port, but that may soon change.

Saudi Arabia and its main partner, the United Arab Emirates, believe that seizing Hodeidah will put both military and economic pressure on the Houthi rebels to reenter peace talks. They also hope it will increase maritime security in the region and reduce the Houthis’ ability to obtain the sort of weapons used in their attacks on Saudi Arabia.

My comment: Average article; quite US-centered mainstream view.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A P)

U.N. quietly steps up inspection of aid ships to Yemen

The United Nations is beefing up its inspections of ships bringing humanitarian aid to Yemen to ensure that no military items are being smuggled and to speed delivery of desperately-needed relief supplies, U.N. and Saudi officials say.

Under an arms embargo imposed by the U.N. Security Council, monitors from the U.N. Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) are based in ports in Djibouti, Dubai, Jeddah and Salalah to observe screening of cargo destined for Yemen.

“We met with the UNVIM director and his team in Riyadh and we agreed on improved and enhanced capability,” Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed S. Al-Jabir told reporters in Geneva on Wednesday.

He said UNVIM would increase its inspectors to 10 from four and its monitors to 16 from six and would also improve its technology to inspect ships.

The team supporting the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande confirmed to Reuters on Thursday those steps taken to increase the number of monitors and inspectors and the use of scanning equipment.

Comment: Ridiculous both because it would be not from #Hodeidah that arms are entering #Yemen (where everything is available) and because now the UN and Saudi officials make joint statements. Yemenis, in the meantime, are dying

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(B H)

Important message from Adel Hashem, Director of Human Needs Development - HND NGO:

'Alhamdulillah, just arrived Sana'a after a long trip of two days to Sadam school which is located in Dhamar, a Yemeni governorate far away from Sana'a with about 250 km.

Happy because we at Human Needs Development - HND safely returned the office but TOO sad to let you know that about "450" students in this school have been suffering with no classrooms, chairs and WASH needs.

Moreover, teachers there were doing teaching duties despite they haven't been paid salaries since over a year ago. (photos)

(A H)

The State of Qatar, represented by Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) pledged $20 mn in financial support to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people.

(* B H K)

Over 300 people, including women and children are reportedly the victims of the anti-personnel #landmines in #Taiz province. #Yemenis will pay the price of this cruel form of war crimes for a long time (photo)

(* A H P)

  1. April. 2018 – Geberkonferenz: Hilfe für Jemen wird deutlich erhöht

Beii einer Geberkonferenz in Genf sind die Hilfen für den Jemen um zwei Milliarden US-Dollar erhöht worden. „Diese Zusagen für die Millionen Notleidenden im Jemen sind ein beeindruckender Erfolg der internationalen Solidarität für die kriegsmüde Bevölkerung des Landes“, sagte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres. Allerdings fügte er hinzu, dass die Hilfen alleine den Konflikt nicht lösen würden. Mehr als alles andere brauche man einen ernsthaften politischen Prozess der zu einer politischen Lösung des Konflikts führe.
Der UN-Generalsekretär wies weiter darauf hin, dass Lösungen immer politische seien und auch für den Jemen eine solche Grundlage dafür sei, dass in Zukunft keine Geberkonferenzen mehr abgehalten werden müssten.


(A H P)

EU: Lage im Jemen wird jedes Jahr schlimmer

Laut dem EU-Kommissar für humanitäre Hilfe und Krisenmanagement hat sich die humanitäre Lage im Jemen im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr (2017) verschlimmert.

Die Europäische Union wird weitere 107,5 Mio. Euro an humanitärer Hilfe für die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung im Jemen bereitstellen. Dies gab der für humanitäre Hilfe zuständige EU-Kommissar Christos Stylianides am Dienstag bei einer Geberkonferenz in Genf bekannt.

Die Zahl der auf humanitäre Hilfen angewiesenen Jemeniten habe sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr erhöht, fügte er hinzu

Mein Kommentar: Blutgeld: Und ein großer Teil der EU-Staaten liefert weiter Waffen an die saudis und die Emirate…

(* B H)

Geberkonferenz: Geld allein reicht nicht

Zur Geber-Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen diesen Dienstag in Genf erklärt Mercedes Tatay, medizinische Geschäftsführerin von Ärzte ohne Grenzen:

„Geld allein reicht nicht, um der gewaltigen Not im Jemen zu begegnen. Die finanziellen Zusagen der Geberländer heute in Genf sind zweifellos dringend notwendig, aber sie müssen durch viel entschiedeneres Handeln vor Ort ergänzt werden. Nach allem, was unsere Patienten und unsere 1.900 Mitarbeiter im Jemen uns berichten, erreicht die bestehende humanitäre Hilfe bei weitem nicht alle Menschen in Not. Gründe dafür sind die Kämpfe, die bestimmte Teile des Landes von Hilfe abschneiden, sowie administrative Hürden, die es humanitären Helfern mit ihren Hilfsgütern erschweren, die Gebiete mit den größten Bedürfnissen zu erreichen. Mancherorts ist es gar nicht möglich, Hilfe zu leisten. Doch sogar in verhältnismäßig leicht erreichbaren abgelegenen Gebieten braucht es dringend mehr humanitäre Akteure, um die Not dort zu lindern.


(* B H)

Audio: Jemen: "Humanitäre Hilfe ist oft ein politisches Mittel"

Mit fast zwei Milliarden Dollar möchte die UN das Elend im Jemen mildern. Doch Geld allein reiche nicht, meint Jana Brandt von "Ärzte ohne Grenzen". Man brauche mehr Akteure vor Ort, Zugang zu blockierten Gebieten und neutrale humanitäre Hilfe.


(A H P)

Audio: Zwei Milliarden für den Jemen

Am 3. April haben in Genf 40 Staaten und Organisationen erneut Hilfsgelder für die Menschen im Jemen zugesagt - diesmal rund zwei Milliarden Dollar.

Bemerkung: Mehr zur Geberkonferenz in YPR 400, cp3.

(A P)

“International Solidarity” at Yemen Donor Conference

Comment: Solidarity while virtually all those who can are arming members of the Coalition? Or are silent?

My comment: More on this conference YPR 400, cp3. There have been many strange headlines to reports on this event.

(B H)

Yemen Became The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis

In early April 2018, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres reported that the Yemen crisis had become the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Approximately three quarters (equivalent to over 22 million) of Yemen’s population were in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection. Of this 22 million, 11.3 million are children. Nearly every child in Yemen is affected by the crisis.


(A H)

Japan supports UNFPA to protect women and girls in Yemen

(* A H P)

Yemen - Food Assistance Fact Sheet, updated April 3, 2018

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) has contributed $201 million to date to support UN partners in Yemen, including the UN World Food Program (WFP). WFP targets approximately 7 million severely food-insecure individuals with in-kind food assistance and food vouchers across 20 of Yemen’s 22 governorates.

Since the beginning of FY 2017, FFP has supported UN and other non-governmental organization (NGO) implementing partners with more than $550 million in emergency food assistance, including the provision of U.S.-sourced wheat, peas and vegetable oil, locally- and regionally-procured food and food vouchers to Yemen’s most vulnerable populations.

My comment: Blood money.

(* B H)

Number of people committing suicide is increasing in #Yemen. They are killing themselves because war has taken everything from them including jobs, savings & hope. Many prefer to kill themselves because they are no longer able to support their families. Who can stop war in Yemen?

(A H)

Heartwarming update from Humanity Giving Organization HUGO registred NGO in #Sanaa.
'We started our food distribution program targeting 20 families. Each package provides food for one month to a family of 5. They are not just numbers they are 60 children, mothers and fathers that can feed they loved ones for some time' (photos)

(A H)

An NGO helps war affected children heal by entertaining them

(* B H)

Reflections on My Birthday: 21 March 2018

But my trip to a camp for displaced people in Amran, a northern governorate in Yemen, today was different. Our local partner Yemen Association for Reproductive Health (YARH) invited me and my colleagues to visit their mobile reproductive health team in a camp where families escaping the conflict from different places in Yemen are now living in tents. The effects of a harsh winter are still evident in the tired faces of the people who are moving around the many tents. More than 4000 people live here and most of them are children. When I go to the mobile clinic, which is also in a tent, the space is divided in two parts: the left part functions as a maternity ward and the right part is the counseling and family planning section. But the tent is filled with women and their children and there is barely any space for the doctor and the midwife to move around or speak with patients. Their capacity is to help 60 patients per day and considering the team consists of only four people and they cover 20 health points across the governorate I am deeply impressed with what they are able to accomplish.

However, even though the very important work YARH is doing to help women give safely birth to their babies, once these babies enter this world, they still do not have a high chance of survival – by: Jolien Veldwijk, Assistant Country Director of Programs, CARE Yemen

(* B H)

The beautiful side of Yemen: the cup is still half-full

Many families that used to be separated across the country are living in one city now. In the neighborhoods of Sana’a, you feel that the diversity of the society is being championed after the war has damaged people’s lives and filled their hearts with hatred. In one residential building, you will see dishes of desserts coming out from an apartment going to another one. Friends who belong to different Islamic sects are having their Iftar together during Ramadan. Colleagues who have different political views are still working for the same goals while accepting each other’s opinions. Although the war undoubtedly has a negative psychological impact on each and every person, we can find a wide segment of the society trying to keep the beauty of having their hearts united.

“Where is the bomb?”

Imagine yourself hearing the sound of bombs coming from different places around you; there is no electricity to turn on the television and it’s too late to call people and ask what is happening. This is what the situation of Yemenis used to be like during the first months of the war, and, from here, the idea of “Where is the bomb?” was developed by a group of social media users – by Abdulhakim Al-Ansi

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Situation Update, March 2018

(B H)

United Nations Population Fund: Yemen GBV-Subcluster Dashboard - Analysis of Indicator Data, Reporting Period: February 2018

Yemen GBV-Subcluster Dashboard - Analysis of Indicator Data, Reporting Period: January 2018

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* A H)

Update Dangerous Crossings: Using music and testimonies to highlight the risks of crossing to Yemen

In 2017, UNHCR launched the Dangerous Crossings campaign to spread awareness among refugees and migrants about the dangers of travelling to war-stricken Yemen across the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Yemen has been ravaged by war since 2015 and is today the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. Despite this, every year tens of thousands of people cross the sea from the Horn of Africa to Yemen, risking their lives at the hands of unscrupulous smugglers. Most of them decide to go to Yemen in the hope of being able to continue to the Gulf States or Europe.
With the help of prominent musicians from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Egypt, UNHCR produced the Dangerous Crossings song to convey this message.

(A H)

Yemen UNHCR Update – Yemen critical requirements, 1 April 2018


22.2 million
people in need
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
89 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year
956,076 IDP returnees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis Torture Teacher To Death

An education professional died of brutal torture inside the prisons of the Houthi militias in the province of Hajjah, northwestern Yemen.

Human rights sources said that “the Houthi rebels have brought back the dead body of the education professional Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Alan, to his family with signs of brutal torture in his dead body.

Alan was brought back to his family after two months of being kidnapped by the rebel group, who took him from one of the popular markets in the area.


Houthi vehicle runs over four women, kills one of them

A Houthi vehicle has run over four women killing one of them and injuring the others in the central Yemen city of Dhamar.

(A P)

36 months being abducted, Qahtan's family writes to UN push Houthis releasing him

On the third anniversary of his abduction, the family of the Politian Mohammed Qahtan demanded from the UN to ask the Houthis releasing him, as his abduction is a violation to international and local laws.

In the letter to the Envoy Secretary-General Of The United Nations ''Recalling the paragraph (f) of the UN Resolution 2216 which refers to safely release all political prisoners ,and all individuals under house arrest or arbitrarily detained, , And because the head of our family, the peaceful struggler and the well-known politician Mohammed Qahtan, has been detained for 36 months by the Houthi militias who turned the above mentioned 24 hours detention maximum, as the Constitution's provides, to 36 months of force disappearance; we have not received any information about our father, All these things are evidence that the Houthi militias flout the local and international legitimacy."

(A P)

The #Houthis are imposing further taxes on owners of #gas and electricity stations in the province of #Hodeidah

(A K P)

Yemen Prime Minister Bin Habtoor, calling for more taking more care of those wounded in the war. The event was held in Sanaa April 4th, 2018, by the Establishment of wound. (photos)

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Yemeni political parties' joint statement concerning the rise of assassinations

Yemen's political parties issued a statement on 2018-04-03 concerning the increasing incidents of assassinating clerics, political activists, security officers and leaders of the former popular resistance force that backed the government drive the Houthi rebels out of south Yemen in 2015.

(* B P)

Fear grips Yemen’s Aden as deadly attacks target clerics

A spate of deadly drive-by shootings targeting Muslim clerics and preachers has sparked panic and fear in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, prompting some imams to quit and abandon their mosques while dozens have fled the country.

The killings have also brought attention to a rivalry that has emerged in Aden as yet another layer to Yemen’s complex civil war.

In several instances, UAE-trained militiamen, some operating under the umbrella of the Southern Transitional Council — which many see as a secessionist force fighting for an independent Southern Yemen — have engaged in deadly clashes with Hadi’s forces. The UAE has also been linked to secret prisons where terror suspects are tortured and held without trial, a charge the Emiratis deny.

The Gulf Arab state also holds deep enmity toward Hadi’s top ally in the south, the Muslim Brotherhood branch in Yemen, known as the Islah party.

Many of the slain clerics belonged to the Islah party. In most cases, they were shot by gunmen while leaving their mosques after Friday prayers, or outside their homes.

A tally by The Associated Press shows that at least 25 clerics, preachers, and religious scholars have been gunned down since 2016 in Aden and the southern provinces, with over 15 killed in the past six months alone.

The slayings have stoked anger against the UAE in Aden. R = =

(A P)

Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) President Aydarus Qasim al Zubaidi returned to Aden city after a two-month stay in the UAE on April 3. Al Zubaidi traveled to the UAE on February 3 to discuss issues of southern autonomy with Emirati officials. UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths postponed a visit to Aden city scheduled for April 5 due to security concerns.[3]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

The 'Liberated South' of KSA and UAE cannot guarantee the UN Special Envoy to #Yemen safety

The new UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, postponed his visit to #Aden and #Mukalla for security and logistical reasons

(A P)

Inner City Press asked UNSG @AntonioGuterres' spokesman, on #Yemen, why Guterres didn't mention #Saudi bombs killing civilians when he took the check from Crown Prince MBS. It seems Guterres says it in private (or only with UN in-house "media" present)

(A P)

#UN noon briefing

(A P)

On #Yemen Inner City Press just asked Amb Karen Pierce of the UK, UN Security Council "pen holder," about the Saudi airstrike that killed 12 civilians, 7 of them children. She replied she hasn't seen that news but that #SaudiArabia complies with int'l law. #Orwell

(A P)

Saudi Arabia calls on Security Council to condemn Iranian Al-Houthi Attack on Saudi oil tanker

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn the Iranian Al-Houthi attack on a Saudi oil tanker yesterday in the international waters west of the port of Al-Hudaidah and to hold Al-Houthi militias and their Iranian sponsors accountable for their unlimited crimes against international law.
In a letter addressed by its Permanent Mission to United Nations, the Kingdom called upon the Security Council to take all possible measures to ensure the speedy and comprehensive implementation of Security Council resolutions 2216 and 2231 to prevent the escalation of Al-Houthi attacks, which increased regional tensions and the risks of wider regional confrontation.

My comment: Well, they would better condemn the last Saudi air raid at Hodeidah which killed at least 14 people.

(A P)

Film: UN Secretary-General António Guterres granted an interview to FRANCE 24 on the sidelines of a donor conference in Geneva to raise funds for war-torn Yemen. The UN chief discussed the conflict there, as well as the situations in Syria and the Gaza Strip, plus the current Cold War climate between Moscow and the West.

Guterres hailed "a remarkable success for international solidarity with Yemen". He stressed that the priority now is to guarantee full humanitarian access and find a political solution to the conflict, adding that he has discussed the issue with rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran. Guterres told FRANCE 24 that "peace is possible" in Yemen, but "there are still many obstacles to be overcome" in order to succeed.

(A H P)

Films related to UN pledging event for Yemen

Mark Lowcock (OCHA), Opening Session - High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen

3 Apr 2018 - Statement by Mr.Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

1st Meeting, High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen

3 Apr 2018 - Segment 1: Opening Session of the Event
Segment 2: Statements/ Announcement of Pledges by Participating Delegates

3 Apr 2018 - Segment 3: Statements / Announcement of Pledges by Participating Delegates
Segment 4: Closing Session of the Conference

remark: More reporting YPR 400, cp3.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9

(* B P)

The Saudi Crown Prince Thinks He Can Transform the Middle East. Should We Believe Him?

the entire point of his sojourn: to sell skeptical Americans on his audacious, risky plan to modernize Saudi Arabia and reassert its primacy in the Middle East. Over the course of three years since his father became king, bin Salman has ruthlessly consolidated control over the kingdom’s economic and security power centers. He has introduced modest liberalization and sharply escalated a proxy war with Iran across the region, creating a humanitarian crisis in neighboring Yemen. And he proposes to wean the kingdom off oil exports and diversify its economy for a post-petroleum future.

If it works, bin Salman’s putative revolution could transform one of world’s most retrograde autocracies from exporter of oil and terrorist ideology into a force for global progress.

“He really is trying to project a certain image, and he’s worked on it extremely hard,” says Saab. It is more than enough to give hope to those who want to see the possibility of positive disruption in the Middle East. Says the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Miller: “I guarantee you that people who this man has sat down with are asking themselves: What’s new in the Middle East? Two words: Saudi Arabia.” – by Karl Vick

My comment: A very long article, quite enthusiastic and praising, some just superficial minor criticism: a well-to-read propaganda piece. On the author:

(A P)

#Saudi sectarian forces assault #Arab Shia city #Awamya & open fire. unknown number of civilian victims.

Remark: Saudi forces already had destroyed great parts of this town in 2017.

(* B P)

Moderating Islam: Saudi Prince Mohammed walks on shaky ground

Yet, Prince Mohammed’s top-down approach to countering religious militancy rests on shaky ground. It involves a combination of rewriting history rather than owning up to responsibility, imposition of his will on an ultra-conservative Sunni Muslim establishment whose change of heart in publicly backing him lacks credibility, and suppression of religious and secular voices who link religious and social change to political reform. Prince Mohammed has traced Saudi Arabia’s embrace of ultra-conservatism to 1979, the year that a popular revolt toppled the Shah and replaced Iran’s monarchy with an Islamic republic and Saudi zealots took control of the Great Mosque in the holy city of Mecca. While there is no doubt that the kingdom responded to the two events by enhancing the power of the kingdom’s already prevalent ultra-conservative religious establishment, Prince Mohammed appears to brush aside Saudi history.

The power of the establishment and the dominance of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia dates to 1744when Mohammed bin Saud, the founder of the Al Saud dynasty, concluded a power sharing agreement with Islamic scholar Mohammed bin Abd al-Wahhab that lent Bin Saud the religious legitimacy he needed to unify and control Arabia’s warring tribes.

Similarly, Saudi global propagation of Sunni Muslim ultra-conservatism significantly accelerated in the wake of the events of 1979 but predates them by almost two decades.

Prince Mohammed’s assertion that Saudi Arabia propagated ultra-conservatism as part of countering communism during the Cold War is not inaccurate but ignores the fact that Saudi Arabia felt threatened by Arab nationalism, not simply because countries like Egypt and Syria aligned themselves with the Soviet Union, but also because they questioned the legitimacy of monarchs. Aligning Saudi Arabia with the West, moreover, ensured that the United States had a greater stake in the survival of the Al Sauds

“Strangling moderate independent Islamic discourse may succeed in silencing democratic voices within Islam in Saudi Arabia, but it will also create a vacuum for the less moderate discourse that the state has shown it tolerates,” said Abdullah Alaoudh, a post-doctoral fellow in Islamic Law and Civilization and the son of Salman al-Odah, a Saudi scholar imprisoned since September for calling for social as well as political reform – by James M. Dorsey

(A P)

While #Saudi strongman #MBS burns millions per/day on luxury cars & lodging in #US, poverty-stricken Makkah villages witness an epidemic of scabies, up 1000 infected referring to


Film: Worldwide reformer #Saudi Crown prince has spent over $50 million so far just on hotels & cars in the #US. Watch how Saudi schools in Makkah are swimming in sewage as there is no sewage network in most of the country due to monarchy theft

(* B P)

Saudi Crown Prince Admits to Mainstream Media That Saudis ‘Financed Terrorist Groups’

The Saudi crown prince is admitting that "there are people from Saudi Arabia who financed terrorist groups," days after a judge ruled that the families of 9/11 victims can move forward with their lawsuit against the kingdom.

In a recent interview with The Atlantic, Prince Mohammed bin Salman was asked to comment on his country’s role in providing material support to terrorists. Salman denied any notion the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia funded terrorist groups.

“When it comes to financing extremist groups, I challenge anyone if he can bring any evidence that the Saudi government financed terrorist groups,” he said.

But in a surprising admission to what the families of 9/11 victims have alleged in federal court, Salman issued a stunning revelation:

However, Salman also said funding terrorists is still against the law in Saudi Arabia. “This is against Saudi law,” he said. “We have a lot of people in jail now, not only for financing terrorist groups but even for supporting them.”

(B P)

Saudi Arabia's Neom megacity: desert destination or futuristic flop?

Can Saudi Arabia's planned megacity Neom function as an economically successful hub in the desert

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's plans for a megacity called Neom are a thing of science fiction books and movies.

Built from scratch, it is envisioned to be a highest-tech urban living space, an innovative business hub, and an independent economic zone, all rolled into one.
More than twice the size of neighbouring Qatar, it is to have more robots than humans - some of them talking, a fully autonomous transportation, hydroponic farms, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing, bio-tech, media and airlines. It is also planned to be completely solar-powered.
Prince Mohammed pictures a megacity filled with skyscrapers, five-star hotels, and robots to free humans from repetitive labour and filled with excellent economic opportunities.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia's first new cinema in decades to open April 18

Saudi Arabia’s first cinema in more than 35 years will open on April 18 in Riyadh, the capital, the authorities said on Wednesday after agreeing with AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC.N) to open up to 40 theatres over the next five years.

My comment: Give them brad and games. When bread is getting less, games must get more.

(* A E P)

Saudi anti-corruption sweep will reach low-level cases: official

Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor said on Tuesday that the government campaign against corruption, which targeted the business and political elite last year, would work its way through lower-level offences.

“The campaign is ongoing as long as there is even a simple case (of corruption) ... and it will not end until (all) corruption cases are finished,” prosecutor Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb told state television.

cp9 USA

(A P)

Yemeni Activists Protest Against Saudi Crown Prince In East Palo Alto

(A K P)

Flights grounded at U.S. military base in Africa crucial to anti-terror fight

The Djibouti government has put a temporary hold on U.S. military flights.

The U.S. has about 4,000 troops stationed at Camp Lemonnier, which serves as a base for U.S. operations against jihadis in Somalia and Yemen. Djibouti is on the Horn of Africa across the Gulf of Aden from southwestern Yemen.

During this flight suspension U.S. military aircraft cannot operate from either the commercial airport or from the U.S. military base.

(* A E P)

US, Saudi CEOs Sign $20B Deals in NYC as Protesters Condemn Catastrophic War on Yemen

Top corporate executives from the United States and Saudi Arabia met in New York City to sign tens of billions of dollars worth of deals.

Meanwhile, protesters outside the opulent event called for an end to the joint U.S.-Saudi war on Yemen, which has fueled the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni civilians and unleashed the largest humanitarian catastrophe on Earth.

More than 200 capitalists joined Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for a lavish dinner at the second annual Saudi-US CEO Forum, on Tuesday, March 27.

Officials from some of the world's most powerful corporations, including tech giant Google, military contractor Raytheon, and mega-bank JP Morgan, signed 36 agreements totaling more than $20 billion. And more deals are on their way.

Saudi oil giant Aramco alone made deals worth more than $10 billion with 14 U.S. companies.

The event featured top Saudi regime officials and the CEOs of Pepsi, National Geographic, and Dow Chemical.

The corporate media had a significant presence as well. Panels were moderated by the editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal and prominent journalists from CNBC and Bloomberg. and film

(A P)

White House postpones planned Trump summit with Gulf leaders: sources

The Trump administration is postponing until September a summit with Gulf Arab leaders that had been planned for this spring amid an ongoing dispute between Qatar and other U.S. allies in the region, according to five U.S. officials.

(A P)

Checking out his investment: Saudi Crown Prince is given a private tour of Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic port after pumping £762m into the tycoon's space companies

Mohammed Bin Salman, who is on a tour of the United States, was in California

He visited Richard Branson at the entrepreneur's Virgin Galactic base in Mojave

Virgin Galactic announced last summer that Saudi Arabia was investing £760m

Comment: Breathtaking hypocrisy as human rights advocate Richard Branson gives a guided tour of the Virgin Galactic port to the human rights abusing Saudi crown prince known as the Butcher of Yemen

(* B K P)

It’s on Us to Stop the War in Yemen

American taxpayers are helping to fight someone else’s war in Yemen, and the blood is on our hands.

We’re helping fight someone else’s war in Yemen — and the blood is on our hands.

These aren’t empty statistics. They’re crimes, which we’re enabling.

American weapons — including American bombs — are helping to wage the war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is a close U.S. ally in the Middle East, so many American lawmakers have turned a blind eye to American involvement in this humanitarian crisis of epic proportions.

Yemen’s fate hangs in the balance as the world watches heart-wrenching scenes of hospitals being bombed and stick-thin children crying because they’re hungry.

Most Americans can’t even point out Yemen on a map, but that hasn’t stopped us before. It’s not even our war, but that hasn’t stopped us before either.

We’re helping our allies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE create the most horrific humanitarian crisis on earth.

It’s time to end our participation in this carnage. The United States supplies a significant portion of the money, intelligence, weapons, and logistical support that fuels the Saudi-led bombing campaign. If we withdraw that support, we could potentially force our allies to abandon the war entirely.

As taxpayers, we’re complicit if we stay silent. Our lawmakers have the power to end this humanitarian crisis, and they must act before it’s too late.

For too many people, it already is.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Martin Luther King Jr: bending the elbow of justice

On the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, Joe Ware speaks to Christians inspired by his call to action

“The most peculiar thing about attempting to disarm multi-million-pound death machines is that at no point did it seem that odd,” Mr Woodhouse reflects.

He lists the conventional approaches already pursued in an attempt to stop the Typhoon jets from ending up in the hands of the Saudi government.


Halesowen and Dudley Yemeni association to open new £1m community centre

(A P)

Yemen missile attacks can't derail push for peace: British ambassador

With $1 billion in aid pledged by Saudi Arabia and UAE and a new UN envoy at work, British ambassador hopeful of Yemen breakthrough

“Missiles aimed at Riyadh – and shorter range attacks on Jizan – and the attacks on the Red Sea are all demonstrating by the Houthis ‘we’re here, we’re not going anywhere, we have backers, we can get weapons,” Mr Aron, a former ambassador in Kuwait, Iraq, Libya and Sudan observed. “We see [also] the issue around the provenance of the missiles, which according to an independent panel of experts come from Iran and we would certainly agree with that, as a demonstration of Iranian interference.

“There is a whole element around the role of Iran which has grown significantly over the last 10 years in Yemen. Its part of a broader Iranian regional effort – Yemen is not a strategic interest of Iran – it’s a means of getting at the Saudis.”

My comment: Britain is a warring party in the Yemen war, as this twisted statement shows again.

(B P)

A future world needs to be able to hold these men accountable for their contribution to war crimes, and crimes against humanity, in Yemen. (Aron is UK ambassador to Yemen). (iamge)

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Tübinger Bundestagsabgeordnete fordert Waffenexportstopp

Hänsel wirft Bundesregierung vor, für Katastrophe im Jemen verantwortlich zu sein

Die Tübinger Bundestagsabgeordnete der Linken Heike Hänsel wirft der Bundesregierung vor, durch fortgesetzte Rüstungsexporte mitverantwortlich für die humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen zu sein.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A P)

Saudi crown prince eyes 'new partnership' with France

Mohammed bin Salman will meet President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday with talks to focus on renewable energy, digital economy

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will pay an official visit next week to France, expected to focus on investment but also the war in Yemen, French officials confirmed Thursday.

The 32-year-old de-facto Saudi leader is expected to arrive Sunday for a two-day official visit starting Monday

On Tuesday, he will have dinner with President Emmanuel Macron to discuss "a new strategic partnership", with a particular focus on investment in renewable energy and the digital economy, Macron's office said.

"We want a new kind of cooperation, less focused on one-off contracts and more on forward-looking investments, namely in the digital economy and renewable energy, with a shared vision," the presidency added in a statement.

The two leaders will also discuss Middle East conflicts, including the war in Yemen

(* B K P)

I dati confermano il forte impulso dei governi #Renzi e #Gentiloni all'export di #armamenti e #armi diretti, anche nel 2017, sopratutto ai paesi del #Medioriente (#Qatar). Infatti il "76% di autorizzazioni è a paesi UE-Nato" ma "tolti i grandi contratti verso i paesi del Golfo"! (document in image)

Although three EU Parliament resolutions call for an embargo on arms sales to Saudi Arabia, in 2017 the Gov. of #Gentiloni (#Italy) authorized the export of € 52 million of #arms and #weapons and did not suspend the order of € 411 mln of bombs to the Saudis to bombard #Yemen

(* A K P)

Rights groups pressure Macron ahead of Saudi prince visit to France

Ten rights groups urged French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday to use a visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to press him to end a blockade of Yemeni ports and work for a diplomatic solution to the conflict there.

Pressure is mounting on Macron to scale back military support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are leading the coalition fighting the Iran-aligned Houthi group that controls most of northern Yemen and the capital Sanaa.

“The bombing of civilians in Yemen must stop and we call on all sides in the conflict to stop them immediately,” Anne Hery of Handicap International said.

“Ahead of the visit of Crown Prince Mohammed, President Macron has a choice: protect civilians or sell weapons.” and also

(A P)

Breaking: American journalist working in #American congress funded @alhurranews has been arrested by #UAE @MohamedBinZayed dictatorship

I’ve been arrested at #Dubai International Airport. No cause for the move more than I have a cause pending at #AbuDhabi courts.

(A P)

Just landed in #Bahrain with Danish MP @lars_aslan in attempt to see jailed human rights activist, founder of @GulfCentre4HR & Danish citizen Abdulhadi Al Khawaja. Airport police unsure what to do with us

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

A Saudi project to isolate Qatar by digging a sea channel for container & passenger ships into the Saudi Arabia. Width 200 m, depth 20 m and 60 Km length. 2 ports will be built on the canal, resorts, hotels & private beaches. The eastern side of the canal will be a military zone. (map)

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* A K P)

US approves $1.3bn arms sale to Saudi including howitzers

The US government announced on Thursday its approval of a $1.3 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia providing a full howitzer artillery system, which according to experts would be deployed in the border region with Yemen.

The state department issued its authorisation of the howitzer structure sales to Saudi Arabia, and notified Congress late on Thursday. Congress will now have 30 days to review it, but its approval is not required for the sale to go through.

According to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the sale was requested by Riyadh and includes: 180 units of the 155mm M109A5/A6 medium self-propelled howitzer structures for conversion; 177 155mm M109A6 Paladin medium self-propelled howitzer systems; three fire support combined arms tactical trainers static training devices; 180 M2 HB 50 cal machine guns; and eight advanced field artillery tactical data systems. It also covers support, maintenance, engineering and testing of the system.

Nicholas Heras, a defence fellow at the Center for New American Security, told The National that “these types of artillery pieces are most useful for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.”


(* A K P)

US Defense Security Cooperation Agency: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – 155mm M109A6 Paladin Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer System

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Saudi Arabia of 155mm M109A5/A6 Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer structures for conversion to M109A6 Paladin Howitzer systems for an estimated cost of $1.31 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of an important partner which has been and continues to be a leading contributor of political stability and economic progress in the Middle East. This sale will increase the Royal Saudi Land Force's (RSLF) interoperability with U.S. forces and conveys U.S. commitment to Saudi Arabia's security and armed forces modernization.

My comment: And the absurd paragraph quoted above is added to every sale.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp2

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E K)

Yemeni government: national economy has been devastated by three years of conflict. Losses are estimated at $100 billion.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

AQAP militants attacked al Houthi forces with an improvised explosive device (IED) near Jabal Jamida in al Zub area, al Qurayshiyah district, al Bayda governorate, central Yemen on April 2.[3]

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen's formal wire finally claims the brutal attack on #UAE-supported forces in Hadramawt 28 March. Details imply some knowledge: #AQAP claims 10 killed, 4 injured, 1 vehicle burnt, 1 captured + DShK & BK guns, 8 kalashnikovs & RPGs seized. No mention of decapitation (image)

(* B T)

Film: Saudi Arabia's calling out the West for basically creating modern terrorism. Let that sink in.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemeni army makes great advances in Nahm province

My comment: Nahm is a directorate, not a province. And: some weeks ago, the Saudi coalition had claimed they had occupied the whole of Nahm. Question: What “great advances” they should make there now?

(A P)

Peace in Yemen Is Not an Option With Iran in Control

Many are calling for a quick, peaceful, resolution to the Yemeni Civil war, which should indicate that they are willing to work on a political solution, but the problem is that so far all we’ve heard is rhetoric.

Following the Houthi takeover, it became obvious to Gulf states that Iran was pulling the strings in Yemen and that the mullahs were seeking to incorporate the country into its Shiite Crescent.

Iran is so invested in Yemen that it now features daily in the declarations of Iranian diplomatic, military and security sources. It is clear that they are using the Houthis in their proxy war against Saudi Arabia and its allies.

Iran recently made clear that it will not be letting go of Yemen and will continue until the Iranian empire is built

My comment: Absurd anti-Iranian propaganda by an anti-Iranian website. “Peace in Yemen Is Not an Option”, let it sink.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s bravery in confronting problems

There is great significance in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to the US that goes beyond the close political relations between Riyadh and Washington as well as the military and economic agreements. It relates to changes sweeping through Saudi Arabia, which have picked up pace since King Salman bin Abdulaziz became ruler in 2015.

Through his press interviews, speeches and political stances, Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been altering the stereotypical image of Saudi Arabia in the foreign media, which usually presents the country as medieval state that possesses a lot of wealth and exports terrorists around the world!

The modern response of Saudi Arabia, particularly when dealing with Western media is not based on hostility and rejection, but is based on the concept of dialogue and correcting the latter’s misconceptions.

Saudi Arabia is not ashamed of admitting its past mistakes and admits there have been hard-line voices promoting hatred and takfir. However the crown prince has stated clearly: “We will eliminate extremists now and immediately.” These “terrorists” would not have a place in the new Saudi Arabia, because it is a country that respects differences and diversity and renounces violence.

My comment: propaganda, as takfirism / Wahabism is a main part of Saudi DNA.

(A P)

Will Yemen's Houthis Stop Fighting in Exchange for a Political Victory?

There are two questions that remain amidst this push for peace. First, are the Houthis seeking a permanent political settlement? Secondly, if the Houthis are seeking a settlement, then will Iran agree to it?

While the Houthis and their Iranian allies are sending mixed signals, it is clear that, over the past three months, the Houthis have suffered a series of political, economic and military setbacks that have weakened their position. Yemen could provide a test case to gauge Iran’s willingness to negotiate in good faith.

All that being said, supposing the Houthis are seeking an end to the conflict, would Iran allow them to negotiate in good faith?

Iranian support, in the form of guns, missiles, rockets, supplies, money, and training, is essential to the Houthis’ war effort

My comment: This is a 100 % “bullshit” article totally moving within the limits of the author’s own propaganda setting, thus telling nothing on Yemen at all. Who is the author? Here: .What is this “Arabia Foundation”? Here: Well, it is 100 % Saudi lobbying.

(A P)

Colonel Al-Malki: Ballistic missile firing sites by Al-Houthi militia detected 2 Riyadh

Colonel Al-Malki commended the systematic and continuous humanitarian work being carried out inside Yemeni territories through the comprehensive humanitarian assistance plan, stressing that the coalition forces are working to secure this plan, in order to ensure the achievement of its objectives in full, by facilitating the entry of aid from all Yemeni ports, benefiting more than two million Yemenis from the flow of aid and raw materials.
The Colonel also welcomed the international condemnation of the attempt to target the navigation by Al-Houthis and in this context he spoke of the number of incidents of firing of ballistic missiles and the successful interception operations of them by Saudi forces, stressing that the Iranian-backed Al-Houthi militia continues with determination to threaten international shipping in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandab strait.

(A P)

Yemen min. urges Houthis to hand Hodeidah port to int'l teams

Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Relief Committee Abdelraqib Fatah urged the international community to press Houthi militia to hand in all airports and ports to the legitimate government.
In statements aired by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Wednesday, Fatah said the Al-Hodeidah port should be run by international teams.

My comment: Just claiming partial surrender – what for? And: There is no “legitimate government” in Yemen. – Oh, the hadi government just follows its Saudi puppet masters:
(A P)

Saudi Arabia calls for Hodeidah port to be managed by international observers

Saudi Arabia’s permanent mission to the UN sent a letter to the UN’s Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, and the President of the Security Council calling for the need for Yemen’s Hodeidah port to be placed under international supervision.

They also called for the reprimanding of the Houthi militia and Iran for violating international laws. They called on the UN to take the necessary measures to implement Security Council resolutions 2216 and 2231, stressing that the coalition will continue to secure international navigation in Bab al-Mandab and the Red Sea.

(A P)

Iran's Support to Houthi Air Defenses in Yemen

In addition to preventing the entry of smuggled Iranian air-defense systems, Washington should work with the Saudi-led coalition to blunt the impact of evolving Houthi SAM tactics.

According to the Gulf coalition and the internationally recognized Yemeni government, Iran has been violating the UN arms embargo by trying to provide Houthi rebels with advanced surface-to-air missile systems. The smuggling of Iranian-built Sayyad-2C SAMs and passive flight-tracking equipment could worsen the air-defense threat to U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, jeopardizing efforts to hammer out a peace settlement in the process.


When the rebels took Sana in September 2014 and other parts of the country in March 2015, they seized most of the government's inventory of ex-Soviet SAMs and associated radars, including SA-2s, SA-3s, SA-6s, SA-9s, and man-portable air-defense systems. But these weapons never posed a serious threat to coalition aircraft. First, many of them were obsolete and in need of repair. Second, the coalition destroyed many fixed air-defense sites, radars, and rebel-operated interceptor aircraft by mid-April 2015. Third, the rebels converted many of the surviving SA-2 missiles into short-range, surface-to-surface ballistic missiles called the Qaher-1 and 2 (aka "Conqueror").

As a result, the air-defense environment in Yemen has been largely benign. Reported losses in 2015 were minimal:


The coalition also claims that Iran has sent new missile systems into Yemen, displaying captured shipments as evidence


Coalition support to the Yemeni government is highly dependent on maintaining a permissive air-defense environment. Moreover, the Houthis will not return to the negotiating table in good faith if they believe that their missile systems can force the coalition to reduce its pressure on Hodeida, Sana, and other key battlefronts.

Accordingly, the United States should expand its defensive support to coalition forces – by Michael Knights

My comment: The Iran story again and again, also warming up these (mostly dubious) few shipments of low-tech arms from the last years. To the author, the idea the Houthis could have a somewhat working air defence to prevent bombing Yemeni cities just is horrible. Free bombing for the Saudi coalition please! Also be aware that he labels Hodeidah and Sanaa, the cities bombed by the coalition’s air forces, “key battlefronts”!! And his advice: Even more US support to the Saudi coalition – instead of: Simply press for an end of the war.

On the author: Who is the author?: . And where he belongs to: . One more of these ugly warmongering neocon think lobby tanks.

(A P)

Al Houthis’ belligerence must be curbed

Attack on Saudi tanker is worrying as it poses a threat to vessels on international maritime route

The incident, however, underscores a series of points that need to be remembered if an agreement is to be reached to return that troubled land to peace and stability.

When President Hadi was overthrown three years ago, Al Houthi rebels responsible were but a lightly armed clan with political aspirations.

Now, they are a terrorist force with the capability of launching concerted missile attacks against the cities and centres of population in Saudi Arabia. They have also garnered the evil means to mine the international waterway of the Bab Al Mandab Strait and to pose a threat to vessels passaging the international maritime route to the Suez Canal, as Tuesday’s attack confirms.

This is a force that has no compunction in targeting humanitarian vessels plying those international waters — a passageway that can never be allowed to fall under the influence of Al Houthi’s masters and armourers. And the only way that Al Houthis could ever achieve the capability of mining seaways and firing missiles is with the technology, training and logistical support from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

My comment: The same again and again. The Houthis claimed to have attacked a warship. What ever, of course Iran must be blamed.

(A P)

Hadramout Governor to Asharq Al-Awsat: Iran, Qatar behind Claims over Secret Jails in Yemen

Governor of Yemen's Hadramout region Major General Faraj Salmeen al-Bahsani refuted allegations that secret prisons were set up in his province, saying that such claims are employed for political purposes.
He told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Iran and Qatar are promoting these allegations.”
He stressed that rights groups had visited Hadramout and seen firsthand the conditions at official prisons.
“We have very advanced facilities … and the groups hailed the services they offer,” he added while on a visit to the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Comment: The man who says 800 Al Qaeda terrorists were killed by his forces in 24 hours.

Comment: Hilarious: Saudi regime propaganda outlet Asharq Al-Awsat is blaming Iran and Qatar for well-documented reports on the torture chambers run by the UAE in Yemen (and backed by the US). The US blames everything on Russia. Saudi/UAE blame everything on Iran.

and read the AP report on these prisons:

My comment: Well, it’s just the problem that rights groups had reported about these prisons. But even this subject is misused for anti-Iranian, anti-Qatar propaganda.

(A P)

More Saudi, UAE “We are humanitarian benefactors” propaganda

and of course the AP report praising the coalition is willingly adopted, adding the clear headline

Saudi, UAE praised for pledging $1 billion aid to Yemen

and, even worse:

(A P)

UAE, Saudi Arabia thanked for Yemen contribution

Ueli Maurer, Vice President of the Federal Council of Switzerland, thanked the UAE and Saudi Arabia for their financial contribution to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan during his speech at the High-level Pledging Conference for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, held in Geneva on Tuesday.

“The commitment of nearly a billion dollars by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is an important contribution to the Humanitarian Response Plan”

My comment: It’s awful to see world’s leading humanitarians getting mouthpieces for war criminals.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

April 3:

(A K pH)

Film: Targeting the Saudi - American aggression to the Directorate of Muzaz in Saada Governorate and Saba recorsing

(A K pS)

Coalition aircrafts attack Houthi sites in al Hodeida province

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition aircrafts launched a number of air raids on military positions of the Houthi militants in the western city of al Hodeida province on Wednesday, witnesses said.

Almasdaronline reporter quoted witnesses saying that the air raids targeted the city airport and air defense camp, in the southern neighborhood of the city.

He added that the air strikes targeted a warehouse located between the coastal defense camp and the town of Albidhani residential in Kilo 7 region.

My comment: Everything simply is declared a “military position”, “Houthi”, and, well, let’s bomb it.

(A K pS)

#RSAF Typhoon jets assigned to the 2nd FW flying A/G missions over Yemen in support of Operation #RestoreHope (photos)

#Saudi Air Force F-15S Strike Eagle from the 6th Sqn '#Tigers' loaded with AGM-65 Maverick missiles under wings during a combat mission. (photos)

(* B K pH)


Since the March 2015 Saudi invasion of Yemen, Saudi-coalition airstrikes have killed a preposterous number of civilian bystanders, and repeatedly hit places like schools and hospitals across the country. While the Saudis are forever downplaying such incidents, the reality of the Saudi air war is becoming increasingly apparent. It is a war not against the Houthi movement, but against Yemen’s population and economy.

Indeed, as much attention as blowing up a hospital gets, in many cases the more harmful strikes are against places like food processors and basic industries, whose destruction exacerbates chronic food shortages in the nation and ensures that any post-war reconstruction will be arduously slow.

Whether it’s a potato chip factory or a poultry farm, anything large enough to be visible is a target, and many owners say they believe that they were bombed simply because they remained in business during the invasion, and that the Saudis see everything that’s operating as a war target.

(A K pH)

Eight aggression airstrikes hit Sana'a International Airport

(A K pH)

8 #Saudi #UAE strikes on #Sanaa #Yemen international airport image emerged of what appears to be surface to air missiles fired at coalition jets (photos)

Film: #Sanaa, tonight, was the target of 5 air-raids in its southern part

other film:

Just heard three big explosions in the capital Sana'a and war jets are still hovering over the skies of Sana'a not far from my house. Explosions are near the mountain near al-Musbahi roundabout.

(* A K pH)

civilians killed, injured in Saudi airstrikes on Sadaa province

At least 7 citizens were killed and wounded in Saudi-led coalition’s airstrikes on separate districts in Sadaa province with a Saudi artillery and missile, a security official told Saba on Wednesday.
Saudi-led airstrike hit a citizen's house in al-Dosha area in Monbh district , killing two women and wounding four others.

(* A K pH)

Film: Press TV visits Yemen IDP camp bombarded by Saudi Arabia

Saudi warplanes have pounded an IDP camp in the western province of Hudaydah, killing 16 civilians mostly women and children. The United Nations has called it one of the deadliest attacks on minors since the beginning of the war in Yemen. Mohammed al-Attab has visited the bombarded camp and filed a report.

Remark: Earlier reporting: YPR 400, cp16.

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

April 5: Hodeidah p.

April 4: Hodeidah p. Saada p. Amran p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K)

Saudi-led alliance turns focus on north Yemen rebel zone

The battle for the Yemeni province of Saada is heating up, military leaders said Thursday, as a Saudi-led alliance turns its focus on the rebel bastion used to fire missiles at the kingdom.

Hundreds of soldiers from Saudi Arabia and Sudan, both allied with the government in its war against the rebels, have arrived in the north to reinforce Yemen’s troops deployed around Saada, Yemeni military officials said.

Prime Minister Ahmed Ben Dagher hailed the operation as “the end of Iran’s confessional plans for Yemen, executed by its Houthi allies.”

(A K)

Saudi-Arabien fing Rakete aus dem Jemen ab

Die Luftabwehr Saudi-Arabiens hat nach Militärangaben erneut eine von Rebellen aus dem Jemen abgefeuerte Rakete abgefangen. Ein Militärsprecher sagte am Donnerstag, das Geschoss sei am späten Mittwochabend auf die Stadt Dschisan im Südwesten Saudi-Arabiens abgefeuert und dann zerstört worden. Verletzte oder Schäden gebe es nicht. Die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen erklärten über ihren Fernsehsender Al Masirah, Ziel sei ein Lager des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Aramco gewesen.

(A K pS)

Colonel Al-Malki: Ballistic missile firing sites by Al-Houthi militia detected

The spokesman for the coalition forces in support of legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki Al-Malki announced that the coalition forces have enabled to detect the sites of the launchers used by Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia for firing the ballistic missiles, recently intercepted and destroyed by the Saudi Royal Air Defense forces while targeting a number of cities and governorates of the Kingdom, indicating that these sites were in Saada and North Amran.

He revealed during a press conference held today evening in Riyadh that the coalition forces today targeting factories in Al-Hudaidah being used by the terrorist militia to manufacture booby-trapped boats that threaten the movement of maritime navigation in the Red Sea, pointing out that this terrorist militia turned the port of Al-Hudaidah into a weapons store.

(A K pS)

Using artillery and other heavy weapons, the #Houthis have shelled al-Ajrdi village in the central province of al-Bayda. The shelling resulted in the serious injury of a #woman and the destruction of four houses. (photos)

(A K pS)

The #Houthis have failed to launch a #ballistic missile from Arhab district , north of #Sanaa, towards the oil-rich #Marib province, according to witnesses. The missle fell down after it was lunched but caused no dameges. (photo)

(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis say they launched missile at Saudi Aramco storage tanks

Yemen’s armed Houthi movement launched a missile at storage tanks belonging to oil giant Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Jizan province on Wednesday, said Yemeni state news agency Saba, which is controlled by the group.

Saudi air defences shot down a missile in the skies above the province, the kingdom’s official TV channel Ekhbariya reported minutes before the Yemeni claim.


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Saudi-led coalition says missile intercepted near Yemen border

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday that Saudi Arabia’s air defense had intercepted a missile that the armed Houthi movement said it fired at storage tanks belonging to Saudi Aramco oil company.

Debris fell on residential areas when the missile, launched towards the southwestern Saudi Arabian port of Jizan, was destroyed around 2130 (1830 GMT) but there were no reported casualties or damage, coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki said.

Aramco said on Twitter that all its facilities in Jizan were safe and operating normally.


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Saudi Aramco says Jizan facilities safe after missile attack

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Saudi Arabia expects no oil supply impact from Houthi tanker attack

An attack on a Saudi tanker by Yemen’s Houthi would not hit oil supplies, Saudi energy minister said on Wednesday, after the Iran-allied group said it had targeted a warship in response to an air strike that killed civilians.

My comment: Look at YPR 400, cp17. – Certainly there will be no effect. This statement just was made to demonstrate that this should be seen as a heavy incident.


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Factbox: Yemen conflict risks spilling over into global oil sector

Tensions are starting to simmer across Middle East oil and shipping sectors, including a key global shipping lane, after Yemeni Shi'ite Houthi militants launched a failed attack on a Saudi VLCC.

Three years on and seemingly stuck in stalemate, the conflict in Yemen retains the potential to escalate drastically, with the Saudi oil tanker VLCC Abqaiq, carrying 2 million barrels of crude to Egypt's Ain Sukhna, coming under fire on Tuesday.

This incident even prompted the energy minister of the world's largest crude oil exporter to make a statement reassuring the market of no supply disruptions.

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Saudi missile and artillery shelling targeted Monbh, Razih, Baqim districts, Saada province.

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Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-400 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-400: oder / or

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(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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