Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 432 - Yemen War Mosaic 432

Yemen Press Reader 432: 10. Juli 2018: Hodeidah: Patt?; Schlimme humanitäre Lage – Journalismus im Jemen – Die USA, ein Imperium im Zerfall, das immer gewalttätiger wird – und mehr

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July 10, 2018: Hodeidah: Stalemate? Dire humanitarian situation – Journalism in Yemen – The US, an empire in decline, getting more and more violent – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B K P)

Exile, torture and death: The perils of being a Yemeni journalist

Press freedoms have deteriorated sharply since the start of the war, with all parties trying to silence critical voices.

As he was bundled into the back of a car and beaten by his captors, Yousif Aglan's screams quickly turned to silence as his thoughts shifted to the fate of his wife and young children.

With just a few dollars to his name, the budding journalist feared they'd have to resort to crippling debtors and loan sharks to pay-off his kidnappers and save him from the abuse that has afflicted so many of his colleagues.

"Working as a journalist comes with big risks," Aglan told Al Jazeera, shortly after he was released from a year of a captivity at a Houthi-run prison.

"Working as a journalist comes with big risks," Aglan told Al Jazeera, shortly after he was released from a year of a captivity at a Houthi-run prison.

"In Sanaa, no one dares write anti-Houthi pieces because they are known to kidnap and torture their opponents," he said.

"While government-held areas are relatively safer, the risks are still there due to partisan and political differences."

Yemeni journalists like Aglan have faced increasing threats on their lives since late 2014 when Houthi rebels seized the capital, Sanaa, and large swaths of the impoverished country.

Almost immediately after ousting the government, the armed group launched a crackdown on dissent, ransacking the offices of Suhail TV, Yemen Shebab TV, and Yemen Al Youm.

Saudi Arabia's intervention in the conflict some six months later, further worsened the media landscape, with both sides investing vast sums in their propaganda operations.

In an attempt to control the local and international narrative, the Houthis began detaining journalists without charge, while the Saudis launched an anti-Houthi propaganda channel in Riyadh and built an army of bots and spammers to push their agenda on social media, stifling reports which documented the killings of civilians.

"Journalists have been abducted, chased, and displaced," Aglan said.

"You'll now find them in Jordan, Cairo or Istanbul. Some have abandoned their jobs, resorting to other work. It's a tragic situation."

Mohammed al-Sabri, the head of Yemen's Media Union, said non-partisan writers and journalists who were willing to brave the front lines were paying "the ultimate price".

"Saudi air strikes have killed several journalists over the past three years," he told Al Jazeera.

"The raids have caused the total and partial destruction of over 200 TV and radio stations as well as newspaper headquarters." – by Faisal Edroos

(** B P)

The Coming Collapse

The Trump administration did not rise, prima facie, like Venus on a half shell from the sea. Donald Trump is the result of a long process of political, cultural and social decay. He is a product of our failed democracy. The longer we perpetuate the fiction that we live in a functioning democracy, that Trump and the political mutations around him are somehow an aberrant deviation that can be vanquished in the next election, the more we will hurtle toward tyranny. The problem is not Trump. It is a political system, dominated by corporate power and the mandarins of the two major political parties, in which we don’t count. We will wrest back political control by dismantling the corporate state, and this means massive and sustained civil disobedience.

The Democratic Party, which helped build our system of inverted totalitarianism, is once again held up by many on the left as the savior. Yet the party steadfastly refuses to address the social inequality that led to the election of Trump and the insurgency by Bernie Sanders. It is deaf, dumb and blind to the very real economic suffering that plagues over half the country.

It plays to the margins, especially in election seasons, refusing to address substantive political and social problems and instead focusing on narrow cultural issues like gay rights, abortion and gun control in our peculiar species of anti-politics.

This is a doomed tactic, but one that is understandable. The leadership of the party, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez, are creations of corporate America. In an open and democratic political process, one not dominated by party elites and corporate money, these people would not hold political power.

Trump has tapped into the hatred that huge segments of the American public have for a political and economic system that has betrayed them.

The press is one of the principal pillars of Trump’s despotism. It chatters endlessly like 18th-century courtiers at the court of Versailles about the foibles of the monarch while the peasants lack bread. It drones on and on and on about empty topics such as Russian meddling and a payoff to a porn actress that have nothing to do with the daily hell that, for many, defines life in America. It refuses to critique or investigate the abuses by corporate power, which has destroyed our democracy and economy and orchestrated the largest transfer of wealth upward in American history.

All this will soon be compounded by financial collapse.

This circular use of money to make and hoard money is what Karl Marx called “fictitious capital.” The steady increase in public debt, corporate debt, credit card debt and student loan debt will ultimately lead, as Nomi Prins writes, to “a tipping point—when money coming in to furnish that debt, or available to borrow, simply won’t cover the interest payments. Then debt bubbles will pop, beginning with higher yielding bonds.”

An economy reliant on debt for its growth causes our interest rate to jump to 28 percent when we are late on a credit card payment. It is why our wages are stagnant or have declined in real terms—if we earned a sustainable income we would not have to borrow money to survive.

As a foreign correspondent I covered collapsed societies, including the former Yugoslavia. It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion. All the harbingers of collapse are visible: crumbling infrastructure; chronic underemployment and unemployment; the indiscriminate use of lethal force by police; political paralysis and stagnation; an economy built on the scaffolding of debt; nihilistic mass shootings in schools, universities, workplaces, malls, concert venues and movie theaters; opioid overdoses that kill some 64,000 people a year; an epidemic of suicides; unsustainable military expansion; gambling as a desperate tool of economic development and government revenue; the capture of power by a tiny, corrupt clique; censorship; the physical diminishing of public institutions ranging from schools and libraries to courts and medical facilities; the incessant bombardment by electronic hallucinations to divert us from the depressing sight that has become America and keep us trapped in illusions. We suffer the usual pathologies of impending death. I would be happy to be wrong. But I have seen this before. I know the warning signs. All I can say is get ready – by Chris Hedges

My comment: This report has a lot to do with the Yemen war – it’s explaining more than you might think. US politics is directed by the interests oft he elite 1% – which requires keeping up a permanent growing neoliberal economy and society, guaranteeing a steadily grow of 1%‘s incomes from growing assets. For achieving and securing this, a permanent control of the 99% in the own country and on world resources is required, on an ever-growing level, as without growth the whole system (and thus the 1%‘s profits and rule) would collapse. – But as the resources are limited and resistance against exploitation and dominance is growing, the elite must strenghten its grip – inland against the 99 % and worldwide.

Yemen is just a little pawn in this game, in this fight for US elite’s dominance and profit. For the US, Saudi Arabia is more important. Yemen is just the little prey which is delivered to a more important ally as he desires it. And there is Iran, a psychopatically detested enemy (who also is this ally’s enemy) who is a target of the US; and, trapped in own propaganda, the US thinks it could target Irsan via Yemen.

Thus, the US never cared for any solution which would be the best for Yemen – Yemen will not be treated any other way than any other country in the „Third World“ is treated, when US (elite) interests tell otherwise.

We often read by benevolent US authors when writing on Yemen: The US should and could do this and this to help Yemen, to end the war, to stop human suffering. These authors of course are right: The US should do this, and it could, as it would have the means and the power to do so. But the US never will. These authors folow their ideal of America, as it should be, as they think it could be; but this ideal is far from reality. Far from a reality this article and those to follow are showing.

Therefor, the US-sponsored and US-supported slaughter and destruction of Yemen will continue until the economic and political profit the US elites can make from this will fall short of the costs. Or, if there would be a total change in the US. For being a real change and not just cosmetics, such a change necessarily would turn almost everything upside down: This would mean putting a straight end to the 1% elite’s supremacy, rule, its neoliberal ideology and its profits. In the best case, Americans trehmselves could achieve this; but, actually, they up to now almost did not make a single step into this direction.

(** B P)

(How) American Collapse is Becoming American Implosion

The Next Phase of Decline, and Why It’s Going to be (Much) Worse Than You Think

Collapse is what we know.

But this? This is very, very different. Camps. Kids. Hitler-esque communiqué. The wise men of the land suddenly heatedly arguing if Americans are really Nazis, in thought and habit now, or just Nazis in an action here and there. Mass protests being planned. A rising sense that this is not normal, not “who we are”, a sense of shock that “it” is happening here. And it’s all happening so fast, so quickly, one unbelievable event after the other, that there’s no time to think about it, process it, reflect on it.

And so there is an atmosphere of panic and despair, of confusion and bewilderment suddenly, isn’t there? It’s as if an invisible thread snapped, that was holding the country together, suddenly. And now nobody understand how we got here, what it means, or where we are going.

My friends, America is in a very different phase of decline, now. Implosion. American collapse has become American implosion. And like the word implies, “implosion” is a very different stage of decline than “collapse.

That is why everything feels different now. Collapse is a house of cards falling in slow motion, jacks and spades on the wind. It is almost luxurious. There is time to think, to ponder, to consider. But implosion is volcanic, eruptive, violent, sudden. It is like a heart attack. All that you want to do is run — before the lava reaches you. Where does it lead? What does it mean?

First, “implosion” means, as the word suggests, an explosive acceleration.

The second thing that implosion implies is a kind of self-consuming process. An implosion sustains itself, just like an explosion. But I want you to really understand this in dynamic terms, so I’m going to illustrate it with a little depth.

Predatory capitalism has long fuelled the American economy — the middle class hollowed out to make the rich richer. But they don’t have any money, savings, or income left to give. And yet the only thing that American economy was built to do was prey. So whom will it prey on now?

Do you see the problem? The machine was built to generate “growth” by taking things from people — their money, their time, their imagination, their courage, their empathy — and in return jacking up the price of the basics of life, healthcare, education, finance, to astronomical prices. Not exactly a fair trade to begin with. But people now have nothing left to give. They have been bled dry. So what happens now? What will the machine consume to keep itself going?

Well, whom can it prey on now? Maybe more camps will have to be built, and more kids put in them, and each one made a profit center. Maybe all those private prisons will have to be filled up with dissidents. Maybe all those tech companies will start reporting you as dangerous. Maybe all those TV shows you watch will be used to make a profile of whether or not you are a good citizen. It’s not a coincidence they built concentration camps in old Walmarts — it’s a perfect metaphor for an implosive economy.

The point is this. Profits have to propped up, by more and more violent and coercive means, because America’s economy isn’t really capable of producing much that is real or valuable anymore. Nobody in the world really wants to buy what America has to sell — guns, Facebook ads, and greed, to put simply. But America’s own broken middle class doesn’t have anything left to give now. So the ways that such a predatory economy can “grow” are few now: by imprisoning people for profit, by abusing them for profit, by expropriating their wealth, or by putting them to work. What are those ways, in particular?

So the third thing “implosion” implies is a violent, spectacular process.When a society is collapsing, it is run by plutocrats. But when a society is imploding, it is run by mafias and warlords. That is basically where America is, though maybe it wouldn’t like to admit it. What other kinds of people smile as kids are shot in schools? Mafias and warlords exact their tribute. It doesn’t matter who pays, or whether payment is made in gold, silver, or bodies — it only matters that the mafias are paid.

That is why predation is now taking on a very different tone now. It is going from the hidden, soft predation of crap jobs and raiding pension funds and shifting debt from bailed out hedge funds onto students — to something harder, something more lethal, whose teeth and claws are finally being revealed. So implosion means, in this second sense, that predatory institutions are ready to use hard force, real violence, to accomplish their means. They are ready to consume everything that is left now, with very real abuse and systematic human rights violations. Hence, the camps.

But the camps are just a beginning. For an economy which has no good way left to grow, which makes mostly nothing the world wants, and whose people are too poor to buy what the world makes, the endgame is clear. Such an economy is going to have start resorting to more and more spectacularly violent means of repression and subjugation, to alleviate fast-spreading poverty. So today’s camps, as terrible as they are, are only a starting point, not an end point.

What are they likely to be followed by?

By growing through hard predation, by dehumanizing and expropriating people, two purposes are accomplished for a stagnant economy. First, there are fewer people left to share the total social product — the “impure” have been exiled, imprisoned, or stripped of citizenship. So poverty bites less hard, because there is more to go around. But because the exiled and imprisoned have also had their wealth expropriated, there is a sudden gain for the “pure” who remain, too – by Umair Haque

(*** B P)

The Unipolar Moment and the Obama Era

September 21, 2009

In thinking about international affairs, it is useful to keep in mind several principles of considerable generality and import. The first is the maxim of Thucydides: the strong do as they wish, and the weak suffer as they must. It has an important corollary: every powerful state relies on specialists in apologetics, whose task is to show that what the strong do is noble and just, and if the weak suffer it is their fault. In the contemporary West, these specialists are called “intellectuals,” and with only marginal exceptions, they fulfill their assigned task with skill and self-righteousness, however outlandish the claims, a practice that traces back to the origins of recorded history.

A second leading theme was expressed by Adam Smith. He was referring to England, the greatest power of his day, but his observations generalize. Smith observed that “the principal architects” of policy in England are the “merchants and manufacturers.”

Today, the principal architects of policy are not “merchants and manufacturers,” but rather financial institutions and multinational corporations. A sophisticated current version of Smith’s maxim is the “investment theory of politics” developed by political economist Thomas Ferguson, which regards elections as occasions when groups of investors join together to control the state, by essentially buying the elections. It is a very good predictor of policy over a long period, as he has shown.

Elections in the US are extravaganzas that are largely run by the huge Public Relations industry, which developed a century ago in the freest countries in the world, England and the US, where popular struggles had gained enough freedom so that the public could not easily be controlled by force. The architects of policy therefore recognized that it would be necessary to control attitudes and opinions. Control of elections is one element of the task. The US is not a “guided democracy” like Iran, where candidates have to be approved by the ruling clerics. In free societies like the US, it is concentrations of private capital that approve candidates, and among those who pass through the filter, outcomes are almost always determined by campaign spending.

Political managers are well aware that on issues, the public often disagrees sharply with the architects of policy. Accordingly, electoral campaigns avoid issues in favor of slogans, oratorical flourishes, personalities, and gossip. Every year, the advertising industry gives an award for the best marketing campaign of the year.

While the bipartisan policies towards Cuba accord with the maxim of Thucydides, they conflict with Adam Smith’s principle, and hence give special insight into policy formation. For decades, the American population has favored normalization of relations with Cuba. Ignoring the will of the population is normal, but more interesting in this case is that powerful sectors of the business world also favor normalization: agribusiness, energy and pharmaceutical corporations, and others who commonly set the basic framework of policy. Their interests in this case are overridden by a principle of international affairs that does not receive proper recognition in the scholarly literature of international relations: what we may call “the Mafia principle.” The Godfather does not tolerate “successful defiance,” even from a small storekeeper who fails to pay protection money. It is too dangerous. It must therefore be stamped out, and brutally, so that others understand that disobedience is not an option. Successful defiance of the Master could be a “virus” that will “spread contagion,” to borrow Kissinger’s term when he was preparing the overthrow of the Allende government. That has been a leading doctrine of foreign policy for the US during the period of its global dominance, and of course has many predecessors. US policy towards Iran since 1979 is another current illustration, which I do not have time to review here.

It took time to realize the objectives laid out in the Monroe Doctrine, and they still face many impediments, but the goal is enduring and unchallenged. It took on even greater significance as the US became the dominant global power after World War II, displacing its British rival. The reasoning has been lucidly explained. For example, when Washington was preparing to overthrow the Allende government, the National Security Council observed that if the US could not control Latin America, it could not expect “to achieve a successful order elsewhere in the world”: that is, to impose its rule effectively over the world. Washington’s “credibility” would be undermined, as Henry Kissinger put it. Others too might turn to “successful defiance” if the Chilean “virus” was not destroyed before it could “spread contagion.” Therefore parliamentary democracy in Chile must go

While these three principles — the maxims of Thucydides and Smith and the Mafia principle — do not account for every foreign policy decision, they do cover quite a wide range, as does the corollary about the role of intellectuals. They are not the end of wisdom, but they are a good beginning.

Eisenhower’s National Security Council explained, the US must support harsh and brutal regimes and block democracy and development, even though this elicits a “campaign of hatred against us,” as President Eisenhower observed — 50 years before George W. Bush plaintively asked “why do they hate us,” deciding that it must be because they hate our freedom.

With regard to Latin America, post-World War II planners concluded that the primary threat to US interests is posed by “radical and nationalistic regimes [that] appeal to the masses of the population” and seek to satisfy the “popular demand for immediate improvement in the low living standards of the masses” and development for domestic needs. These tendencies conflict with the demand for “a political and economic climate conducive to private investment,” with adequate repatriation of profits and “protection of our raw materials.” A large part of subsequent history flows from these unchallenged conceptions.

In the special case of Mexico, a Latin America Strategy Development Workshop at the Pentagon in 1990 found that US-Mexico relations were “extraordinarily positive,” untroubled by stolen elections, state violence, torture, scandalous treatment of workers and peasants, and other minor details. Participants in the Workshop did, however, see one cloud on the horizon: the threat of “a `democracy opening’ in Mexico,” which, they feared, might bring “into office a government more interested in challenging the U.S. on economic and nationalist grounds.” The cure that was recommended was a US-Mexican treaty that would “lock Mexico in” to the neoliberal reforms of the 1980s, and would “tie the hands of the current and future governments” of Mexico with regard to economic policy. In brief, NAFTA, duly imposed by executive power, in opposition to the public will – by Noam Chomsky

and look at:

just from today:

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

(A K pS)

Film: The #Houthi militia are bombing the state facilities in the district of al-Tuhaita, south of #Hodeidah after fleeing their sites and positions there.

(* A K)

Houthi shelling kills eight Yemeni civilians in Hodeidah

Two children and a woman were among eight civilians killed by Houthi rebels shelling on Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Monday, Xinhua news agency reported.
'´The Houthis targeted residential areas in the government controlled district of Tuhyata,'´ the Ministry of Defence said in a statement that was posted online.
Several government controlled areas in Hodeidah came under indiscriminate Houthi shelling which forced many people to flee, residents told Xinhua when contacted by telephone.

(* A B K P)

Assault on port of Hodeidah resumes as US escalates Yemen intervention

At least 165 people were reportedly killed over the weekend as fierce fighting resumed south of the port city of Hodeidah, which serves as a lifeline for three-quarters of the population of Yemen, a country that depends upon imports for 90 percent of its food, fuel and medicine.

A force consisting of troops of the United Arab Emirates, Sudanese soldiers and Yemeni mercenaries, backed by Saudi air power, began an offensive to take the strategic Red Sea port last month.

Remark: Long overview article.

(B K P)


The Middle East’s other important war in Yemen has broad strategic significance after Iran threatened the world’s oil shipping.

In early July Iran threatened to harm oil exports around the world if it was threatened. The possibility of Iran’s threats to the Red Sea are now a serious issue. But it is a complex battle because freedom of navigation on the Red Sea is only part of the matrix. There is also a major humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The UN has called for the port of Hodeidah to be kept open even as the battle unfolds because of the need to keep supplies heading inland for civilians. UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths is also seeking to lead talks between the warring factions in Yemen.
The UAE’s strategic view of the battle for Hodeidah is bigger than just the port. The UAE has also been working in Somalia and Eritrea. On July 3 Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nayan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi, welcomed President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea during a visit to the UAE.

My comment: From Israel, quite a lot of subliminal propaganda mixed with information.

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition faces stalemate in Yemen's main port city

A Saudi-led coalition has made no major gains in its offensive to wrest control of Yemen’s Hodeidah port from the Iran-aligned Houthis, leaving it without the decisive increase in leverage it had sought against the group in U.N.-sponsored peace efforts.

The Arab states pledged a swift operation to take over Hodeidah’s air and sea ports, without entering the city center, seeking to minimize civilian casualties and avoid disruption of the port, a lifeline for millions in the impoverished state where 8.4 million are believed to be on the verge of starvation.

But they have made little progress in the campaign which Riyadh and Abu Dhabi say aims to cut off the Houthis’ main supply line and force the group to the negotiating table.

The coalition announced on June 20 that it had seized Hodeidah airport, but local military and aid sources told Reuters that neither side has complete control of the airport and its surrounding area, which spreads over 20 km (12 miles).

The situation illustrates the daunting challenge faced by the coalition in seeking to take control of Hodeidah port in the absence of a political solution.

(A K pH)

Yemeni drones hit Saudi communications systems

Yemeni drones have hit communications systems belonging to Saudi-led forces which have been attacking the country’s key port of Hudaydah, al-Masirah television network has reported.

"Drones belonging to the Yemen army and popular committees, in an important operation, attacked communications systems of the invading and occupying forces in the western coast of Hudaydah," the television said Sunday.

My comment: “hit Saudi communications systems“? The Saudis are little involved on the ground at Hodeidah.

(* A K P)

Soldiers of the Tuhami resistance are protesting at Khokha and cutting off the coastal road

A number of the Tuhami resistance have cut off the main coastal road, which connects the cities of Mocha and Hodeidah (the western part of the country), on Sunday to protest against the interruption of their salaries, said Almasdar online correspondent.

According to a source of resistance, the forces of the first brigade of resistance, led by Ahmed Ghanem, protested on the coastal road in the town of al-Khokha, south of Hodeidah Governorate, and prevented passage from the coastal road.

The coastal road is the only supply route for government forces from Ta'izz Province (south-west the country), north towards Hudaydah City, the center of the province with the same name, to regain control of the city and its strategic port.

The cities of Makha and Khokha are under the control of the government forces and the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

The source said that the government forces and coalition leadership did not pay the resistance salaries during the last May and June, while coalition forces sacked the commander of the First Brigade Ahmed Ghanem.

Protesters vowed to escalate their protests until their salaries were paid in the same manner as other government troops.

My comment: Mercenaries – this simply shows it.

(* A H K)

Locals in #Hodeidah say exodus is continuing as pro-Govt forces with support from coalition are poised to recapture more areas. Saddest news, however, is: families that can't flee are starving. Aid agencies can't reach em, as Saudi & UAE allege they're helping people in the city!

(* A H)

Film: While we were sleeping, suddenly heavy clashes started, bullets flew through house, therefore I took the kids & move out of the house we walked for long hours through sand & hot without food only two bottles of water ( 2 liters), Father from #Hodeidah west #Yemen tell his story

(A H)

@ICRC_ye currently distributing to #Hodeidah displaced across #Yemen Latest distributions in Sanaa assisting 1000 families. Needs are huge as the number of displaced continues to grow. (Photo)

(A K pS)

Film: Tens of tunnels have been discovered and cleared by the National Guard heroes of the Republican Guard Corps ... during the last few hours. In addition to the thousands of mines laid by the Houthi militias

(A K pS)

Yemen’s Houthi Militias Dig over 100 Trenches, Isolating Strategic Port City of Hodeidah

Yemeni activists and witnesses in Hodeidah counted more than 100 trenches dug up by Houthi militias under city's streets and entrances, along with dozens of earth mounds and cement blocks across neighborhoods.
Witnesses said that the Houthi trenches included neighborhoods south of the city and its main streets at each of the southern, eastern and western entrances, along with dirt and cement barriers where militias closed most of the roads leading to the port, in preparation to disrupt efforts for freeing the city.


(A K P)

Saudi-led aggressors defeated in Yemen’s west coast war: Houthi leader

Leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi highlighted recent military achievements of the Houthi forces against the Saudi-led coalition in the Arabian Peninsula country’s west coast region, saying the aggressors have been defeated.
“With the help of God, the Almighty, the noble men and heroes of our dear nation have entered the battle on the West Coast and are bravely confronting the aggressors,...” the Ansarullah chief said in a statement on Saturday.
“The Yemeni army and popular committees, as well as noble men in (Yemeni) tribes, are playing an effective role in destroying the equipment of the enemy that seeks to occupy the Yemeni West Coast,” he added.

My comment: Wishful thinking.

(A H K)

At least 35,000 people have been forced to flee their homes due to the fighting around the southern outskirts of #Hodeidah. 12k fmilies from #Hodeidah fled to Sanaa.

Remark: 121,000 had fled from Hodeidah province so far due to the UAE assault.

(A P)

Thousands in Hodeidah rally to protest coalition military aggression against western coast

Thousands of people in Hodeidah province on Saturday held a rally to protest the Saudi-UAE-led coalition's military aggression against the western coast.
The rally took place in al-Mansoura district.
The protesters stressed at the rally on the full readiness to send fighters to reinforce the Yemeni army to confront the foreign occupiers.
The protesters raised banners and flags showing the war crimes committed by the coalition in all over Yemen.

(A K pS)

Film: After fierce battles that resulted in Houthi causalities, al-Amaleqah Brigades' Forces, along with the National and Tehami Resistance Forces have liberated the main market of al-Tuhaita district, south of #Hodeidah from the grip of the #Houthi militia fighters.

Fierce ongoing clashes and confrontations between the Joint Resistance Forces and the #Houthi militia fighters in the western neighbourhoods of al-Tuhaita town of #Hodeidah, as the Joint Forces continue to advance amid mass escape of Houthis.

(A K pS)

Tahtika: Preliminary pictures of armored and men of the joint resistance from the center of the neighborhoods and streets of the city of # Tahita after clearing and still combing continues in the outskirts of the city (photos)

My comment: The UAE already had claimed they fully ocupied Tuhaita district (article below), but now this.


(A K pH)

Almasirah TV Undermines Aggression’s Misleading News, Visiting AlTuhayta in Hodiedah

Almasirah channel visited, on Sunday, Al-Tuhaita city center, which the US-Saudi aggression claims to control. This visit comes to defeat all misinformation and propaganda published by the media of the US-Saudi Aggression.

Almasirah showed the normal life practiced by people in the markets, roads and their activities in the central market of the city. Despite the great escalation launched by the aggression more than ten days ago, the city seems to go about its normal life.

(* A B K pS)

Newly-deployed UAE-trained Yemeni forces key to Hodeidah victory

New troops arrive in Hodeidah following failed UN attempt to persuade Houthis to withdraw unconditionally

Members of the Tihama Brigade are returning to Yemen after receiving military training by UAE forces in Assab, Eritrea.

"A large number of our fighters are on their way to join their colleagues in the joint forces," Colonel Mohammed Al Himyari of the Tihama Brigade told The National.

"They have been preparing for an offensive to storm the city of Hodeidah," he said. "I can confirm that our fighters are very enthusiastic to advance and take over the city, which is our own city not the Houthis' land."

According to Col Al Himyari, the Tihama Brigade's grasp of the city's layout is key to the success of the operation.

"Our fighters are mostly coming from the city and they know all the details inside the city, they know where the Houthis have planted the mines and they know where the Houthi fighters are deployed so they can avert the advancing troops," the colonel said.

On Friday, the Al Amalika Brigade recaptured Al Tahita directorate, south of Hodeidah, their media officer Aseel Al Sakladi told The National.

"Our forces stormed the centre of Al Tahita after a fierce battle with the Houthi militia," said Mr Al Sakladi, adding that 37 rebel fighters were killed by a coalition air strike and by members of Al Amalika.

The UAE state news agency WAM said dozens of Houthis had been captured during the battle, while those that fled had abandoned their weapons.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia bombs two schools in Yemen's At Tuhayat District

The Iranian-backed Houthi militia, yesterday, bombed two schools in At Tuhayat District in Yemen’s Hodeidah Governorate.

My comment: The rest of the article is odd propaganda.

(* B K)

Officials say fighting along Yemen's west coast kills 165

Yemeni officials say fighting between a Saudi-led coalition and the Shiite rebels along the country's west coast has killed more than 165 people from both sides.

The officials said Saturday the fighting has been concentrated over the past two days in the al-Tuhyta district, south of the key port city of Hodeida.

(* B H K)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Al Hudaydah Displacement/Response Update June 1 – July 5

In Al Hudyadah hub, the humanitarian actors have assessed and verified about 8,859 IDP families in nine districts. JAAHD (Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development) completed an assessment that covered 1,598 IDP families in Ad Durayhimi district. The results revealed that all the families assessed are in need for NFIs while 965 families are in need for EESKs (Enhanced Emergency Shelter Kits).

Another assessment completed by JAAHD in Al Marawi'ah district showed that 181 IDP families who settled in schools are in critical need for NFIs and EESKs.

In Ibb hub, it was reported that 728 IDP families displaced in Ibb and 558 families in Taizz. YWU (Yemen Women Union) completed the verification of 1,286 IDP families displaced in Ibb and north Taizz.

In Aden hub areas of coverage, some 738 IDP families have been displaced in the southern governorates of Yemen.

(* B H K)

World Health Organization: WHO Al Hudaydah Operation - Yemen: Situation Report #2, 24 - 30 June 2018

Hospital-based casualty data: Updated figures for Al-Hudaydah are from 13-29 June; these are hospital-based figures only. These are most likely significantly under-reported. WHO is working with the Health Cluster, and health facilities, to develop an improved mechanism for comprehensive reporting.

Continued movement of IDPs: IDPs fled from Al-Hudaydah to other locations within the governorate and neighboring governorates including Sana’a, Dhamar, Hajjah, Taizz, Aden and Ibb. The map below shows the location of IDP hosting sites in Amanat Al Asimah and Sana’a and nearby health facilities. UNOCHA are providing the details of IDP movements in Al-Hudaydah.

Damage to WASH systems: Repairs to the water supply pipes and sewage systems in Hudaydah City are ongoing to minimize the risk of waterborne diseases including. The district of Al-Hali, located in Hudaydah city, has the highest number of reported suspected cholera cases. Limitations in sanitary facilities in some IDP sites s are being reported, further increasing the risk of cholera transmission.

Threat to hospital buildings/structures: Two of Hudaydah city’s main public hospitals, Al Olofi and Al-Thawra, are at increased risk of damage if the fighting continued to progress towards the city. Electricity is unavailable in most areas of Hudaydah City, endangering operations of health facilities.

Limited access to provide and receive health care

(* B K P)

Peace Still Possible As Port City Braces For War

The newly appointed UN special envoy Martin Griffiths claims there may still be time to avoid catastrophe if management of the city is handed over to the UN. This opportunity presents itself due to the synchronicity of three factors. First, the Houthis have shown openness to the possibility of the port being handed over to a third party. Second, the Saudi coalition has expressed that they would prefer not to launch a battle in an urban centre. And finally, there is intense pressure from outside stakeholders and the international community to contain the humanitarian crisis.

The arrangement between the Saudi coalition and the Houthi de facto authorities in Hodeidah would be dependent on whether the parties can reach a compromise. An agreement would certainly spare the city further suffering. “We fear that as many as 250,000 people may lose everything – even their lives… Cutting off imports through Hodeidah for any length of time will put Yemen’s population at extreme, unjustifiable risk” said Yemen’s UN humanitarian coordinator. A peace deal would also avoid further unnecessary casualties, as Houthis tend to leave behind IEDs, mines, and booby-traps as they retreat. Optimistically, a UN presence in the city could give both sides the breathing space to step back from the brink and seek a non-violent solution for the good of the vast majority of Yemen’s population. Furthermore, if progress can be made here, belligerents and the international community may well move on to apply more far-reaching peace frameworks such as those promoted by organizations like the International Crisis Group.

Remark: And this had been rejected by the Saudi coalition insisting in an unconditional retreat of the Houthis.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B K P)

Yemen – A Crime Against Us All

A powerless United Nations can do nothing other than to help ease the pain of air strikes by caring for the wounded and the terrified refugees. The once proud mandate of restoring international peace and security has changed to maintaining at best that peace and security.

The struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran has created many geopolitical fault lines and Yemen is a fissure where the hot gases of hatred and distrust blow. The players that lurk behind in the shadows and the dust are too interested in the outcome going their way. It is a much bigger issue than a civil war in Yemen. It is a struggle for dominance. All sides are committing international crimes to achieve that dominance.

From secret detention centers and excessive bombing perpetrated by Saudi led or backed forces, the pattern of lawlessness continues unabated. Overlay blockades and the resulting famine, Yemen is a cesspool of atrocity.

Aiding and abetting this struggle for geopolitical dominance are various Western countries that are making a killing (pardon the pun) supplying arms to the parties to the conflict that defines Yemen today. They sell these arms with the full knowledge that the arms are used against combatants and noncombatants as well, a violation of international law. That is aiding and abetting international crimes, which makes those nations individually criminally liable for those war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Someday, but not now, there will be an accounting for the crimes perpetrated against the people of Yemen. When that time comes all parties, to include nations who sustain the conflict by selling arms to the combatants will have to account for their actions that have destroyed Yemen. Those crimes are crimes against us all – by David M. Crane

(* B H K P)

The Starving Children of Yemen

As Fore reminds us, a Yemeni child dies from preventable causes every ten minutes. That adds up to almost 50,000 dead children every year in a war that has dragged on for more than three years. These children are perishing because of starvation created by the Saudi coalition blockade and bombing campaign and from outbreaks of preventable disease that the blockade and bombing campaign have made much harder to combat. The blockade impedes delivery of essential food and medicine and makes them prohibitively expense for most people in a country whose economy has been devastated.

This humanitarian catastrophe was foreseeable and it was foreseen from the very start, but the Saudi coalition has persisted in purposefully strangling the civilian population for three years. It is an entirely man-made disaster, and the Saudi coalition and their Western backers are its chief authors. Millions more Yemeni lives are at risk, and even if things don’t get significantly worse many more thousands of Yemeni children will needlessly lose their lives because of the coalition blockade and bombing campaign. If conditions worsen because of the ongoing coalition offensive on Hodeidah, the loss of life will be in the hundreds of thousands and possibly in the millions – by Daniel Larison

(* B H K)

More than 800 child soldiers recruited in Yemen: UN

More than 800 children as young as 11 years of age were recruited to Yemen's devastating conflict in 2017 alone, the United Nations said on Tuesday.

The latest report of the UN secretary general on children and armed conflict verified 842 boys had been recruited by various parties in Yemen, where years of war have left thousands dead and pushed the country to the brink of famine.

Seventy-six children have been documented as used in active combat.

The rest were recruited to "guard checkpoints and government buildings, for patrolling, fetching water and bringing food and equipment to military positions," according to a statement released by the UN humanitarian affairs agency (OCHA).

The UN also verified the killing and maiming of 1,316 children last year alone, 51 percent of them in air strikes.

Remark: repeating an UN report which already had been presented earlier.

(B K P)

Sudanese Paper: US Putting Cap on Allies' Crimes in Yemen

A leading Sudanese newspaper warned that Washington is deviating the world public opinion from the crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen by using magnifying Iran, Europe, China and Latin America issues as decoys.

"The US wants to derail the public opinion from the crimes of its allies in Yemen, specially al-Hudaydeh, by stirring different crises in the world and conflicts with Iran, Europe, China and its neighbors in Latin America," the Arabic-language al-Sudan al-Youm wrote on Tuesday.

It added that the US threats to prevent Iran's oil sales and Tehran's firm response to them, the US economic war against Europe and China and the US officials' remarks on possible invasion of Venezuela are all aimed at putting a cap on the Saudi-led coalition's crimes in Yemen.

(A P)

I am so happy that the world comes together to save boys trapped in cave in #Thailand. But why they can't do it to save 2 million children from malnutrition in #Yemen? My country is forgotten, why is that? Are we human beings? Do we deserve to live in peace? My heart is broken.

What is really tragic about the weaponisation of mass starvation in #Yemen is fact that countries that shld be pressuring #SaudiArabia #UAE to stop slaughter i.e. #US #UK #France are backing them primarily to sell arms as we ignore this

(* A E P)

Yemen's new telecoms network promises to break Houthi internet siege

The southern port city of Aden awaits reliable internet and telecoms

Three years after Houthi rebels were driven out of Aden, life has gradually returned to normal in much of the southern Yemeni port city. But while ships fill the docks and the markets stock the goods, there is one area of life still controlled by the rebels.

The chronically slow internet and limited phone coverage is a result of Houthi control over Yemen's telecommunications infrastructure.

But Yemen's Minister for Telecommunications and Information Technology has a plan.

Last week Lutfi Bashareef announced the launch of a new network, Aden Net, which he hopes will end what he called a siege on telecoms in areas under government control.

The head of Aden’s Telecommunications authority Abdulbaset Al Faqih says the launch of Aden Net will allow the government to “pull the rug from under the Houthis feet”, effectively transferring control of Yemen’s telecommunications and internet network from Sanaa to Aden, where the internationally recognised government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi is currently based.

Aden authorities also hope the new network will deprive the Houthis of millions of dollars it accrues from taxation on telecoms operators under their control.

Mr Al Faqih said that the network, which is “fully backed by the UAE,” is a “crucial accomplishment, at a crucial time.”

Aden Net will go beyond just a network company, he hopes. “It’s a complete infrastructure for new a telecommunication service, it will be a gate for international telecommunications into Yemen.

Slow internet has been more than a mere inconvenience to Aden’s social media addicts. Businesses say they lose significant amounts of money due to poor connectivity.


(A P)

Reinstating internet will bring a semblance of normality to Yemen

Telecommunications are integral to modern life – and therefore to modern warfare, as the Houthis have shown

The Houthis tightened their grip on Yemeni internet after seizing Sanaa in 2015, snatching control of the two main mobile networks, Yemen Mobile and MTN, and taxing them heavily. In doing so they thwarted businesses and cut many ordinary Yemenis off from the outside world.

Last week, the Houthis went a step further, damaging major fibre optic cables and disrupting internet service to almost 80 per cent of the country. It is an ugly tactic of modern warfare – one that underlines the Iran-backed militia’s disdain for the Yemeni people.

Indeed, it was predictable: the regime in Tehran has responded to periodic mass protest by blocking telecommunications channels.

But in Yemen, at least, there is a change in the direction of travel. Last week, the country’s telecommunications minister, Lutfi Bashreef, announced the launch of a new UAE-backed network, Aden Net, this month, which will wrestle control of the internet from Houthi rebels and restore coverage to ordinary Yemenis.

It is an important and welcome step – one that will return some semblance of normality to a population under siege.

My comment: This is a lot of ptopaganda. The interruption of internet by the Houthis was accidently caused by digging ditches for defence in Hodeidah and had been repaired several hours later. – Certainly, once the new network is launched, the Hadi government and the UAE will use the internet as a means of warfare.

(B H K)

Film: Martin Weill : le Yémen, ce pays qui meurt en silence

On parle ce soir d'un pays dont presque personne ne parle, un pays où en ce moment un enfant meurt toutes les dix minutes : le Yémen. ici juste en dessous de l’Arabie saoudite. Depuis 4 ans une guerre civile divise le pays en deux. Le nord est contrôlé par les rebelles houtistes, soutenus par l’Iran, le sud =

(A P)

Film: Nasser Arrabyee: If Saudis were not committing war crimes in Yemen, would they prevent the French ambassador from visiting capital of Yemen , Sanaa this week ? Listen!

(A P)

Saudi Arabia prevented the French ambassador (to Yemen) from visiting Sanaa.

The French ambassador was supposed to meet in Sanaa with President Mahdi Al Mashat, and other officials from the gov and from political parties.

The ambassador of European Union was summoned and blamed for her visit to Sanaa and met with President Mashat and other officials. The EU ambassador had visited Sanaa last week.

(B K)

Land mines, planted madly and hysterical in many areas, especially the West Coast in Yemen, is a disaster present, the future (photos)

(* B P)

Gewalt im Jemen: Im ersten Halbjahr wurden mehrere Medienmitarbeiter getötet.

Im Jemen sind im ersten Halbjahr 8 Journalisten getötet und mehrere Rechtsverstöße gegen Journalisten registriert worden.

Die Beobachtungsstelle für Pressefreiheit, SEMC veröffentlichte einen Bericht über die Verstöße gegen Medienmitarbeiter im Jemen in der ersten Jahreshälfte. Demnach wurden 53 Rechtsverstöße registriert.

Darunter sei die Tötung von 8 Journalisten. Ferner wurden weitere Fälle wie Verletzung, Entführung, Gewalt, und Angriffe auf Medienzentren registriert.

Die meisten Rechtsverstöße seien von den Huthis verwirklicht worden. Es seien auch Verstöße von regierungsnahen Kräften und der von Saudi Arabien angeführten Koalition registriert worden.

(* B P)

Studies center says it recorded 53 violations against media in the first half of 2018

The Center for Studies and Economic Information said it recorded 53 violations against media freedoms in Yemen during the first half of 2018.

The Observatory of its media freedoms monitored those violations, which had been reported to media professionals and media organizations, which had varied from murder, injury, abduction, abuse, and threats to the targeting of media organizations.

According to a report by the media Freedom Observatory, there is a continuing decline in media freedoms in Yemen, where eight journalists killed during the first half, and in recent years Yemen has been included in the blacklist of violators of press freedom.

He pointed out that the violations he had documented varied between killing, wounding, abducting, torturing, stopping and burning media institutions, most notably the killing of eight journalists in Taiz, Al-Hudaydah and Al-Bayda, explaining that the al-Houthi coup militia has topped the list of violations against journalists by 27 cases of violation of total Recorded, as the militia still refuses to release 14 journalists, some of whom have been over three years old.

(* B H P)

The Yemenis trapped inside their country where we can not move from city to another without checkpoints harassment, also mostly every one of us is under threat of detention at any checkpoint you pass through, whether there is a good reason or not

if any one of citizens in Sana'a or in any place under Houthis authorities wants to travel outside #Yemen he must move to Aden or to places under legitimate authority to create a new passport which caused alot of trouble besides the heavy expenses

in Sana'a if you criticize hothies actions you will be under threat of detention, and the opposite if you critic Hadi government or Saudi coalition you will face threat of detention at any checkpoints, and if you criticize them all you will face a treason's accusations

thousands of prisoners in multiple jails in Sana'a Aden & Ma'rib most of them are citizens whom belong to a poor families got captured when they were traveling from city to another without fair judgment or good treatment

the merchants pay tax on the imports twice once for the legitimate government and the second for Sana'a government which cause increasing in basics life items prices to the double causing famine and poverty amid people

(B P T)

UAE ambassador to Washington, UAE money, US media and lies and propaganda about defeating Al-Qaeda in Yemen. Some US newspapers are picturing UAE as savior of Yemen and winner of war on Al-Qaeda. Seems Saudi Arabia and UAE have not only bought White House but also the US press.

(B K P)

The UAE is not restoring legitimacy and won't help Yemen have an efficient Govt. This Gulf state will do whatever it can to keep Yemen unstable until it takes control of our seaports or guarantees our seaports especially Aden port remain "partially or completely" out of service.

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen

(* B K P)

Blaming Iran for the Sufferings of Yemenis is Laughable

The new U.S. leadership is resorting to every ploys and lies to demonize Iran. The new project of Iranophobia has intensified since Pompeo confirmed as secretary of state in late April. He seems to be superseding in animosity against Iran in comparison to John Bolton, the national security advisor to Trump.

Pompeo’s degree of hatred toward Iran was fully laid bare during his speech at the Heritage Foundation on May 21 in Washington.

It is quite clear to the entire world that it is Saudi Arabia and the UAE – the United States’ close friends – which have created human tragedy in Yemen by strangulating and starving millions of people in the poor Arab country. Maybe it is the easiest way to blame Iran for what Washington’s friends have been doing.

How can Iran, even if it wanted, to help Yemeni rebels while the country is besieged by the Saudi-led alliance. Attempts to link the miseries of the Yemenis to Iran can never hide the crimes being committed by the Saudi-led coalition.

In addition to efforts to demonize Iran, Pompeo probably wants to facilitate and justify the sale of more arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Pompeo’s boss, Donald Trump, who has a covetous eye on the immense wealth of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, should be happy with the war on Yemen because he wants to sell more and more “beautiful” weapons to these two wealthy states in order to say that he is creating jobs in the United States.

However, Pompeo and other hawks in the U.S. cannot fool the public opinion about the realities of the Yemen war. The people around the world know that it was Saudi Arabia that started the war against Yemen in March 2015 and it is Saudi Arabia along with it coalition partners which erroneously think that they should pound Yemen until it surrenders.

If the U.S. had been really concerned about the sufferings of the Yemenis it would have put pressure on Saudi Arabia to end the war. The irony is that the U.S. itself is an accomplice in this tragedy. It not only sells arms to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners, it also shares intelligence with them and refuels their fighter jets in mid-air.

Pompeo also claimed that Iran’s support for Houthis has enabled Yemen to launch attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE. This statement shows the Saudi-led coalition, despite support by the U.S., has not only failed to defeat Yemenis it has also made them more resilient and stronger.

In the light of these facts vicious attempts by Pompeo to fault Iran for the human tragedy in Yemen are flawed, lamentable and also laughable.

(* B K P)

For Yemeni soldiers, from bullets to balm

Injured in the civil war with Houthi rebels, 63 soldiers and militia are in Delhi for urgent medical care

Hobbling along on his crutches along the corridor of VPS Rockland Hospital in the national capital, 19-year-old Mouthanna can barely contain his excitement at the thought of being fitted with a prosthetic limb.

The teenager is one of a group of 63 injured soldiers and pro-government militia fighters from Yemen who are in India for medical treatment as part of a humanitarian effort coordinated and financed by the United Arab Emirates and the Red Crescent. They are accompanied by 27 caregivers.

The war began when he was just 12. “When the Houthis arrived in Aden on bikes and pick-up trucks, we decided to fight them. But I was not a regular soldier, so I joined the army as a volunteer,” he said.

On February 14, 2017, he was in an armoured vehicle when a bomb under the road exploded. Mouthanna’s left leg was almost severed below the knee in the blast.

My comment: The UAE let “repair” their Yemeni mercenaries in India and Egypt; there it’s the cheapest. – And the story of an injured pro-Hadi child soldier not just the Houthis use them.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Film: Handicap International Deutschland

Im Jemen wurden in drei Jahren Krieg über 55.000 Menschen verletzt. Handicap International setzt sich für die Menschen vor Ort und gegen die Bombardierung der Zivilbevölkerung ein.

(* B H)

Film: @MSF runs Al Salam Hospital in #Khamer in #Yemen which receives numerous burned patients who are often children, victims of domestic accidents linked to poor living conditions. Elisabeth Braga, @MSF physiotherapist will tell us how physiotherapy is essential part of treatment.

(* B H)

This is what collapsing health, education, water and sanitation systems look like in Yemen

In Yemen, one child dies every 10 minutes from a preventable disease, and on a recent visit to the country, I saw first-hand what that meant.

Keeping babies alive in a country where nothing works any more is a real challenge: There are not enough respirators and not enough medicine. Health staff diligently report to work even though they have not received their salaries in two years. The malnutrition ward is packed. Parents have no money for health care and by the time they bring their sick babies in, it is often too late.

This is what a collapsing health system in a war zone looks like. It has the face of a mother who looks on, powerless, as her eight-month-old child, who has the weight of a newborn baby, fights for his life. It has the face of a father who has to choose between buying food for the whole family or buying medicine for his sick wife.

Yemen had some of the worst health indicators globally even before the current escalation of fighting. Stunting rates are among the highest in the world, at 47 per cent. 1 in 60 women runs the risk of dying from pregnancy-related complications. Under-five mortality is high, at 55 per 1,000 live births.

Three years into this conflict, more than half of the health facilities are non-functional due to damage or a lack of operating budget and staff. Half of the country’s children do not have clean water. An outbreak of cholera/acute watery diarrhea last year, the biggest on record, killed more than 400 children under the age of five. At least 80 per cent of the population live below the poverty line.

The whole public service sector in Yemen, not just health, has been left in tatters. Teachers have not been paid in months, forcing many to abandon their classrooms and find other sources of income. Up to 1,500 schools have been damaged due to airstrikes and shelling, or have been occupied by armed forces and displaced persons.

Sanitation workers too have been expected to come to work although they are not paid. Not doing so poses a serious risk in a country where cholera and famine are persistent risks.

Peace is the only way Yemen can inch its way towards recovery. It is the only way children can help build their futures and the future of their communities. It is the only way forward – by Henrietta H. Fore, UNICEF Executive Director

(A H)

Red Cross appoints new head of mission in Yemen

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Tuesday appointed a new head of mission in Yemen, as it continues to suspend its activities in the country, praising life-saving aid.

"Johannes Brauer, head of the ICRC mission in Yemen, has been appointed as the successor to Francón Morelon," said Adnan Hizam, spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen, in a telephone statement to Anadolu Agency.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 12 June - 9 July 2018 | Issue 20

During the reporting period, the Protection Cluster published its latest report on the impact of the conflict on civilians, showing that from December 2017 to May 2018, 844 incidents of armed violence with civilian impact were recorded in Al Hudaydah, Sa’ada, Sana’a and Marib governorates. The recorded incidents resulted in 1,828 civilian casualties, of which 26 per cent were women and children.
More than half a million households experienced restricted access to basic services including health and education, and more than 50,000 experienced restricted access to food and water as infrastructure was targeted by violence. Sa’ada Governorate experienced the greatest civilian impact, with more incidents than all other governorates combined.

(A H)

IAEA to contribute to establishing cancer treatment centers in Yemen

The International Atomic Energy Agency will continue to proviing technical support to Yemen in the areas of training and rehabilitation, and in establishing cancer treatment centers in the interim capital Aden under the supervision of the Yemeni government, said the official of the Asia-Pacific sector at the IAEA Najat Mokhtar.

(A H) delivers 150 food aid baskets to IDPs from Hodeidah to the capital Sana'a has delivered today 150 food aid baskets to IDPs fled from Hodeidah in western Yemen due to ongoing fighting there.
Our project was funded by our donors in Republic of Ireland and monarelief's online fundraising campaign.
Please donate to help more families in Yemen. (photos)

(A H)

Bonyan Foundation distributes 1200 food baskets in Hodeidah

Bonyan Development Foundation distributed on Monday 1200 food baskets in Moneera district of Hodeidah province.

Remark: Bonyan is Houthi-affiliated.

(B H)

Red Cross denies resuming activities in Yemen

The ICRC spokesman in Sana'a denied that the Committee had resumed its activities in Yemen, and confirmed that its activities were still pending, except for life-saving activities.

"The Commission has resumed its work only in the field of life-saving activities in the field of surgery, health and water, and its activities on the West Coast come within those life-saving activities». The spokesman Adnan Hezam said in a video statement.

The Commission is providing surgical and therapeutic materials to major hospitals and health centres, as well as supporting local provide drinking water to the population, Hezam added "as an urgent and humane response, the Commission also distributed relief and nutritional material to the displaced in Hodeidah."

He expressed the hope that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) would resume its work in Yemen in a full and secure manner and that this would be the case if it received the necessary security guarantees.

(* B H)

European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations: ECHO Factsheet – Yemen – July 2018

Yemen remains the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. The country has been devastated by a war between forces loyal to the internationally-recognised government and those allied to the Houthi rebel movement.

Millions of Yemenis are affected by a triple man-made tragedy: the brutal armed conflict, a looming famine and the world's largest ever single-year cholera outbreak. Civilians are facing serious risks to their safety, well-being and basic rights. All parties to the conflict have repeatedly violated International Humanitarian Law and houses, bridges and other critical infrastructure have been destroyed or damaged. Reports of grave violations against women and children have increased. Despite the massive scale of humanitarian needs - Yemen is classified by the UN as a Level 3 emergency - the country remains a neglected crisis, both financially and politically.

The government is no longer able to deliver basic services to people in need, including basic healthcare, nutrition services, water and electricity supply, and social safety net services. The humanitarian situation is rapidly deteriorating as a result of spiralling violence between the warring parties and access restrictions.

Since the beginning of the conflict in 2015, the EU has allocated €233.7 million in humanitarian aid to the Yemen crisis. The latest addition of €37 million in life-saving assistance to the Yemeni population was announced by Commissioner Christos Stylianides at the April 2018 pledging conference in Geneva.

(A H)

Kuwait begins delivery of humanitarian pledges for Yemen

My comment: Kuwait is member of the Saudi coalition and Kuwaiti fighter jets are bombing Yemen.

(B H)

#UNICEF in #Yemen child protection across #Hodeidah in June: ~43K children in conflict-affected areas received psycho-social support; +18K children/community members received knowledge on protecting themselves against injury/death by landmines/war remnants.

(* A H)

UNICEF: We managed to save lives of 16,289 severely malnourished children in the 1st half of 2018 in #Hodeidah, despite constraints and escalation of conflict. We are working non-stop to save more.

(A H)

WHO has constructed a new medical oxygen filling station in Al-Thawra Hospital in #Hudaydah to fill the gap in oxygen supplies in 3 hospitals (Al-Thawra, Al-Olofi and Al-Salakhana). (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* A H K)

Film. People fleeing Yemen war face sky-high rents

There appears to be little hope of an end to the fighting in Yemen. Hundreds of families fled the port city of Hudaida for the capital Sanaa recently. But they now face another problem: sky-high rents. =

(A H)

Streit vor Lokal: 35-Jähriger verstorben

Der 35-Jährige Asylwerber aus dem Jemen hatte den Club in den Stadtbahnbögen mit Freunden besucht und geriet mit einem anderen Gast in Streit. Ein Security-Mann brachte ihn daraufhin aus dem Lokal. Zeugen sagten später aus, der Türsteher habe den Mann gestoßen, worauf dieser gestürzt und mit dem Hinterkopf aufgeschlagen sei. Trotz der blutenden Kopfwunde fuhr er allein nach Hause.

Rund zehn Stunden später fand ein Mitbewohner den 35-Jährigen in seiner Wohnung in der Kaiserstraße. Er lag bewusstlos auf dem Boden

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Guidance on community centers (July 2018)

“In situations of forced displacement, the ties which hold a community together are often severely weakened or broken. Open and regular interaction between individuals and groups, their shared values and interests, and their means of minimizing disparities and avoiding marginalization, may need to be supported to regenerate during displacement… Community centers are safe and public places where women, men, boys and girls of diverse backgrounds can meet for social events, recreation, education and livelihood programmes, information exchange, and other purposes. They are established with the main objective of empowering [displaced, conflict-affected] and host communities and providing them with a forum to promote their participation in decisions that affect their lives.”

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report with UNHCR (30-June-2018)

[11,427 from Yemen]

(A H)

Kuwait Provides USD 10 Million to UN Migration Agency for Operations in Yemen

My comment: Not actively drawing people from their homes would be much better.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Update Dangerous Crossings: Using music and testimonies to highlight the risks of crossing to Yemen, June 2018

In early 2017, UNHCR launched the Dangerous Crossings campaign to spread awareness among the tens of thousands of refugees and migrants who risk their lives crossing the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea from the Horn of Africa to war-stricken Yemen.

With the help of prominent musicians from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Egypt, UNHCR produced the Dangerous Crossings song to help raise awareness and break the business model of people trafficking and smuggling.

Each unique video testimonial will feature TV stations based in different regions in Ethiopia every week, for a period of 14 weeks.

Radio spots of the testimonials will target networks based in regional capitals and local communities, accompanied by the staggered launch of new recordings of songs linked to Dangerous Crossings in 4 languages across the Horn of Africa.

Print media advisories will be issued to complement TV and radio spots, providing information on the campaign and survivor testimonials, leading to lively and engaging panel discussions and talk shows.

(A H)

YRCS launches aid distribution to Hodeidah displaced in Hajjah

The Yemen Red Crescent Society (YRCS) branch in Hajjah province launched on Saturday an aid distribution of food and shelter for 220 displaced families from Hodeidah province.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Sub-National Structure (as of July 2018)

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen UNHCR Update, 1- 30 June 2018

While displacement of families is ongoing, UNHCR and its partners are working together to reach a verifiable figure of displacement. The protection of civilians is being increasingly threatened in Al Hudaydah by indiscriminate attacks by the warring factions. According to the latest UNHCR-led Protection Cluster Civilian Impact Monitoring Report, almost 50 per cent of civilian casualties in Al Hudaydah to date have occurred when people were in their own homes or farms, and 25 per cent when they were on the road, many of them trying to access services or find routes to safety.

The six-month report also highlighted that a total of 844 incidents caused over 1,800 civilian casualties, 26 per cent of which were women and children. Furthermore, 85 per cent of the incidents resulted in psychosocial trauma implications for the people affected. U

(B H)

UNHCR Yemen Fact Sheet, June 2018

Despite increasing hostilities and access challenges, UNHCR provided life-saving assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons during the first half of 2018.

An estimated 112,000 individuals have been newly displaced since December 2017, with an increase in protection and shelter needs of IDP families fleeing frontline hostilities.

UNHCR-assisted return for Somali refugees in Yemen to Somalia continued in 2018 bringing the total number of Somalis voluntarily returning to over 2,000 persons.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

President: When victory is achieved, ambitions of development will be realized

President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, on Tuesday said that when the victory is achieved against the aggression forces, the Yemeni people's ambitions in the development field or other fields would be realized.

During his meeting in Sanaa with the parliamentary bloc of Dhamar province, the president stressed that Yemen is "a country rich in its wealth and rich in its youth and cadres."

"We need only that our bad neighbors stop their evil deeds against us, and then with good intentions we will achieve what we aspire to," he added.

(A P)

2 mass rallies in Jawf to denounce kidnapping of woman

Women in Marashi and Anan districts of Jawf province held two protest rallies on Monday condemning the crime of kidnapping a woman by Saudi-backed militiamen and hiding her from her family.

(A K P)

2 of aggression collaborators express their remorse for treason acts

The security services arrested a number of Saudi-paid mercenaries, who were entrusted with monitoring and reporting the aggression by the movements of the Yemen army and the popular committees and security men, a security official told Saba News Agency on Tuesday.

One of the collaborators , a 65-year-old, revealed that the mercenaries used to exploit some older people and use them to obtain information.

The official pointed out that the collaborator, who was arrested, admitted that he worked with mercenaries of aggression, and was providing them with information through a man from the Islah Party, which in his turn raising information to the mercenaries in Marib.

According to the collaborator confessions, he received nothing from the mercenaries except false promises to get money and weapons, pointing out that the leaders of mercenaries exploit the deceived people to get personal gain in return for the destruction of Yemen.

(A P)

Parliament listens to part of report on anti-terrorism bill

The Parliament listened in its session on Monday chaired by Speaker of the Parliament, Yahya al-Raie, to a part of a report on the anti-terrorism bill.
The report, which was prepared by a joint parliamentary committee, pointed to the importance of the anti-terrorism bill as terrorism is a global phenomenon that many countries suffer from.

(A K P)

The #Houthi militia de facto authority has directed the concerned local authorities in the capital #Sanaa, which is under their control, to provide vast piece of land to be used as #graveyard for their killed fighters. (photo)

(A P)

Al-Houthi kidnaps a journalist from his home in Dhamar, south of the capital Sana'a

On Saturday, the al-Houthi militia kidnapped a journalist from his home in the city of Dhamar, south of the Yemeni capital Sanaa.

Houthis militia kidnapped the journalist, Iyad al-Wasmani, in front of his home in the city of Dhamar on Saturday evening, sources told the Almasdar online.

The sources said that the Houthi gunmen assaulted the journalist and his brother before abducting him to an unknown destination.

(A K P)

Posters of the [anti-Houthi] Republican Guard deployed in the walls of the capital Sanaa (photos)

(A K P)

Police arrest 2 spies of Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa

(A P)

Yemen opposition political parties (Joint Meeting Parties) declared today in Sanaa their support For Houthi top leader,Abdul Malik,who called for continuation of fighting the Saudi-UAE invaders & occupiers After UAE had refused a UN peace process.

(A P)

CEO of Yemen Org for Combating Human Trafficking, Nabil Fadhil, whose son was killed by Houthis on June 18th said today: director of Sanaa criminal investigation dept, Abu Sakr, threatened to imprison him & that killers won't be handed over, as he's seeking justice for slain son.

(A P)

President: Law and order must be applied to all without exception

President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, on Sunday stressed the need to apply the law and order to all without exception.
"The Parliament members represent the social and political facade of the country in this exceptional circumstance," the president said in a speech he delivered during the parliament's session.
The president addressed the parliament members saying, "You have to teach those who sold themselves to the aggression what does the nationalism mean?"
He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the speaker and members of the parliament for their steadfastness in the face of the aggression. (photo)

(A P)

#Houthi militia gunmen have stopped a car in Manakhah district-west of the capital #Sanaa- as it was carrying #women and #children and in route towards the capital. The women were subject to investigation and banned from completing their drive, and the driver was abducted.

(A P)

2 collaborators of aggression coalition arrested in Bayda

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

National Dialogue outcomes provide for economic autonomy of Aden, says Al-Roayni

Minister of State for the Implementation of the Outcomes of the National Dialogue, Yasser Al-Roayni said that the dialogue outcomes nationally agreed on and issued in 2014 provide for the autonomy of the city of Aden as an economic hub under the umbrella of the federal republic.

My comment: This is as far from Today’s realitiy than the Roman Empire would be for Europe.

(* A P)

With Attendance of President Al-Zubaidi, the First Round of the Southern National Assembly Launched and Ben Brik Delivers a Speech

The first round of the southern national assembly was launched in Coral Hotel – Aden on Sunday July 8th, 2018. The launch was attended by general Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council and members of its leaders. General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the national assembly, delivered a speech during the launch. SMA News is publishing the speech.

Ben Brik: The southern transitional council is the result of two decades of struggle. It is the fruit of our southern people’s glorious sacrifices to get rid of all types of domination, unjust and dependence. It is our way to achieve our independence and establish our national federal sovereign state on our national soil. Therefore, we assert that the council is not limited to specific political parties or struggle components. Instead, it will always be and inclusive political body for all those who believe in independence of the south.

We will always be with our southern people against any conspiracies that target the diminish of our goals or deny our people of their simplest rights and services and continue the policy of impoverishment and hunger against our people. Therefore, we resent and reject all practices initiated this government imposed on us and its manipulative acts against the security of the liberated southern governorates in addition to denying our people of electricity, water, salaries and dignified life. We assert that that our people’s patience will not be for long. We warn this crippled government and its supporters of Muslim Brotherhood against provocative acts towards our people and their trials to pull us back to the situations before 2015 war.

(* A P)

In his Speech During the Launch of the First Round of the Southern National Assembly, President of the Southern Transitional Council says: “We decided to restore our southern state from its hijackers. We sacrificed for this decision and still sacrifice till today”.

We all decided to restore our southern state from its hijackers. We sacrificed a lot for this decision and without doubt, one of the fruits of these sacrifices is the presence of this elite group of our southern citizens as representatives of our people who express their hopes, goals and expectations.

Today, you are sending a message to the whole world that you are able to establish the bases for a democratic regimen and that you have a true intention for restoring the constitutional organizations of the state. Through you, our southern people managed to victor the future, restore his dream and move on towards retrieving his political rights and establishing his state’s organizations in a balanced manner under a democratic umbrella. The southern people proved their peacefulness, strength and glory when they decided to enforce their national will regardless the difficulties they face in every corner. We are all going on our national project that aims to independence and establish our modern southern state. We will never allow any one to hinder us under any circumstances.

During the previous period, we witnessed several events and experienced the details of several issues, the first of which was the file of Ahmed Ben Daghar’s government that practiced systematic torture against our people to subdue citizens, break their will and force them to accept a political fate against their desires and expectations. That government tortured us with services, salaries, impoverishment and denial. They even used force against peaceful demonstrators who mobilized to demand their rights. This led the southern resistance troops to defend people’s lives as this is their role and they resume it again if anyone thinks of threatening the lives of our people.

(* A P)

Vice Chairman of Media Department of the Southern Transitional Council to “Sputnik”: “Proceedings of the Southern Parliament’s Round Represent a Major Step in Organizational Construction of Political Sovereign Authorities in the Upcoming Southern State”.

said: ” Proceedings of the Southern Parliament’s Round Represent a Major Step in Organizational Construction of Political Sovereign Authorities in the Upcoming Southern State”. He indicated that the first round was delayed because the critical issues and files to be discussed as these files are closely related to the present and future of the south.

Saleh said: “This round responds to all campaigns that targeted the council and doubted its ability to construct organizations of the southern states as the council and all honorable persons of the south assumed the responsibility to restore this state”.

He added: “This round will discuss historic documents that will determine the future of the south in addition to discussing the challenges of the current stage and how to face them”.

(A P)

In His Speech During the Launch of SWAT Teams Program for Shabwa Elites Troops in Al-Haf Camp, Sheikh Saleh Ben Farid Al-Awlaky Appreciates High Spirit of Troops and the Active Emirati Role

(A P)

The government news agency Saba site returns to work after closing for hours

The Government news agency Saba website returned to work again after closing for hours last night.

According to Almasdar online sources, the technical support staff at the agency's site closed the site after the Ministry of Information of the Yemeni government had stalled to pay their financial dues.

The staff had resorted to the closure of the site, pressuring the Minister of information to pay their salaries.

However, the agency's official website came into operation in the past few hours, after the two sides reached an amicable solution.

and 5 killed, 8 injured here.

(* A P)

The official #Yemen government/Hadi government state-run news website Saba is down. A couple Yemeni journalists have reported it is because the government hasn't been paying its bill. referring to

(A P)

Hadi receives UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has stressed on the depth of Emirati-Yemeni brotherly relations based on the unity of positions and the shared destiny.
He made the remarks as he received the UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Ebrahim Al Hashimy and the UAE Ambassador Salim Al-Ghafli. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr.

My comment: the next clash between the Hadi government and the UAE will come.

(* B P)

Yemeni Minister of Transport: we have no security control over Aden airport

Yemeni government Minister of Transport Saleh al-Jabwani said on Sunday that his government had no security control over the airport of Aden City, the temporary capital (southern country).

"We have no control over the airport," al-Jabwani said in press statements after meeting with airport authorities and labor leaders. In terms of security, it is controlled by the Aden security forces--I think--and the security of Aden follows a non-government destination, they are known. "

The Minister refers to the forces of the security belt forces allied to UAE, which has fully established control of the city of Aden except for the "Maashiq” residence of the Yemeni president and his government, following the confrontations between them and the government forces, on the end of last January.

There are major problems at the airport on this side, the minister said.

My comment: Southern Yemen and the capital city Aden are in the grip of the UAE – and they try to establish a constant control and rule.

(* A P)

Yemen Demands Emirates Shut Down Prisons Where Abuses Rife

Yemen's interior minister on Monday demanded the United Arab Emirates shut down or hand over secret prisons that The Associated Press reported are under the control of the Emiratis and its allied militias. At least 80 detainees have been freed from the facilities in recent weeks since an AP investigation detailed sexual abuse and torture at the sites.

It was the first time Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maysari has gone public with the demand in talks with an Emirati official, seeming to contradict the UAE's repeated denials that it has authority over any prisons in Yemen.

The AP first reported in an investigation last year that the UAE and its allied militias were running a network of secret detention facilities around southern Yemen, beyond the control of the government of Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. = =

Comment: Welcome to #Yemen Interior Minister: Demands shut down of all UAE secret prisons outside Yemeni government control Deputy Interior Minister: No evidence of secret prisons outside Yemeni government control

My comment: Oups… and his deputy tells the exact opposite to his chef:

(A P)

Yemen denies the existence of any secret prisons

All prisons in Aden and the other liberated governorates, are under the control of the Yemeni prison authority that are supervised by the judiciary

Denying the existence of secret prisons and the allegations of torture, Deputy interior minister of Yemen, Major General Ali Nasser Lakhsha has invited journalists and TV stations visit jails to see the conditions for themselves.

Major General Lakhsha said during a visit to Bier Ahmed prison in Aden that "there is no truth in what some media outlets have reported that there exists secret prisons inside the prison of Bir Ahmad or in Al Rayyan Airport in Hadramout.”

He said: “All prisons in Aden and the other liberated governorates, are under the control of the Yemeni prison authority that are supervised by the judiciary. The role of the coalition countries does not exceed financial and logistic support as we are in need of it.”

Major General Laksha has called on families with missing members to report to Aden police department, so that the authorities could help locate them. and

(A P)

Despite the deaths of detainees under torture. Deputy Minister of Interior denies the existence of secret prisons

The deputy interior Minister of the Government of Ben Dagger attacked the media, who said they were promoting news of a secret presence in some southern governorates, notably Hadramawt and Aden.

Deputy Interior Minister Brigadier General Ali Nasser LAkhsaa said that all the existing prisons are under the Ministry and there is no health for secret prisons either in Aden or Hadramawt.

This came during a visit to the prison of Bir Ahmed in Aden by Deputy Interior Minister on Sunday.

My comment: This definitely is a blatent lie, there are lots of detailed reports.


(A P)

Interior Ministry in internationally recognized government of Yemen said on Sunday "there are no secret prisons in regions liberated from Houthis"-- meaning there are no UAE-run prisons & UAE officers haven't tortured Yemeni innocents. This stupid government is so scared of UAE!!

(* A P)

Yemen: Protests intensify against Saudi-led coalition

From Socotra to Al-Mahrah, crises are still affecting the Arab Coalition in Yemen, specifically Saudi Arabia and the UAE, against the backdrop of peaceful sit-ins and demonstrations demanding Saudi Arabia to leave the latter.

There have been angry protests in eastern Yemen governorates against the Arab Coalition. Some residents of the city of Al-Mahrah announced to the Saudi-led Arab Coalition they will hold open sit-ins until the demands of the sovereignty of government institutions and the local authority in Al-Mahrah are met.

On Friday, the Preparatory Committee for the peaceful sit-ins of residents of Al-Mahrah said in a statement they will escalate their activities in order to stress national sovereignty. In addition, the protests have been joined by members of the Kilshat Al-Mehri tribe and Al-Sayar tribe.

Afri said during his speech before the crowd that “the sit-in is holding on to its objectives and the six demands that have been submitted to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for a peaceful sit-in and to achieve stability in Al-Mahrah Governorate. The residents of Al-Mahrah will fight against any person or entity that plots to harm the governorate, the republic, order and public security.

Earlier, four military aircrafts arrived at Al-Ghaydah airport in Al-Mahrah Governorate, where Saudi forces are stationed.

The Deputy Governor of Al-Mahrah Governorate, Sheikh Ali Salem Al-Harizi, had said before that the UAE and Saudi forces’ presence in the governorate is an occupation.

Yemeni human rights activist Abdul Aziz Al-Ereikan told Masr Al-Arabia that the Arab Coalition has started its mission in Yemen three years ago. “We thought it aimed at saving Yemenis from Al-Houthi and his rebel group. However, few years later, it turned out that the Coalition has been trying to impose its influence at any cost.” =

(* A P)

Reports from Mahrah #Yemen: Saudi Arabia has deployed more forces & equipment including choppers & anti-riot vehicles as locals are continuing protests against what they call "Saudi-UAE occupation" of city. Locals say Saudi & UAE forces have turned ports into military barracks.

(* A P)

First Round of National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council

General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the national assembly, exerts much effort in preparing the launch of the first round of the national assembly. This round is the first after the establishment meeting. According to rules and regulations, it is held every 6 months. Ben Brik and his companions are working day and night on the arrangements: procedures, documents, safety and reception of guests and finally, reaching positive outcomes that serve the southern people’s right in restoring the free sovereign southern state on 1990 borders. They work in all directions and with all different parties to fulfill the following tasks:
1. Restoration of the state requires a clear vision about the state we desire. What we desire is a free sovereign federal southern state on 1990 borders.
2. Ruling regimen will be federal and democratic to grant the rights for all with fair participation in fortunes and authority according to real, constitutionally granted, national agreement. Constitution and laws will be decided on by the people.
3. National Flag, Slogan and Anthem will be decided on according to national agreement by any way chosen by the people while the constitution will be the final word after being agreed on by the people.
4. National reconciliation and social justice will be major axes for discussion
5. National dialogue and social participation will be other axes for discussion as top priority for leadership and members.

(A C P)

July 7th … The Darkest Day in the South

July 7th, is the darkest day in the southern national history and in memory of every southern. This is the day when the south was invaded in an unjust war that lasted for 73 days, during which all southern people lived under fire of canons and military air crafts of Sanaa’s regiment (Arab Republic of Yemen). A dirty war where all brutal means, religious opinions and misleading rumors were used for agitation and for killing southern citizens.

My comment: A separatist viewpoint. Referring to the 1994 war.

(A P)

UAE Red Crescent Supports Cultural Projects in Aden

By Southern separatists’ news agency. More and more the separatists show propaganda for their UAE backers / masters.

(* A P)

Yemenis in Mahra province far east,protesting against US-backed Saudi-Emirati invaders and occupiers, for the 4th day Saudi-Emirati military presence is occupation,says deputy governor despite the fact he has been appointed by Saudi-backed government referring to film:

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Schwedischer Ministerpräsident: Das Töten von Kindern im Jemen muss gestoppt werden

Der schwedische Ministerpräsident, der zu denjenigen gehört, die den Export militärischer Ausrüstungen an Saudi-Arabien, wegen der saudischen Angriffen auf den Jemen, reduzieren wollen, sagte: "Das Töten von Kindern im Jemen muss gestoppt werden."

Stefan Löfven, der am Montag zur Teilnahme an der UN-Sicherheitsratssitzung zum Thema "Die heutige Unterstützung für Kinder verhindert morgen Konflikte" nach New York gekommen ist, sagte dies vor Reportern auf die Frage über die Angriffe der arabischen Koalition unter Anführung Saudi-Arabiens und die Tötung von Kindern in diesem Land.

Schweden hat derzeit den periodischen Vorsitz im UN-Sicherheitsrat und Löfven kündigte eine Resolution für die Unterstützung von Kindern in bewaffneten Konflikten an.

Das Töten von Kindern, sie für militärische Zwecke zu gebrauchen, sexuelle Gewalt, Entführungen, die Verweigerung des Zugangs zu Gesundheitsvorsorge und Bildung sowie Kinder obdachlos zu machen, verstoße gegen das Völkerrecht und diejenigen, die die internationen Rechte verletzten, müssten sich dafür verantworten.

(A P)

Yemeni negotiators to meet U.N. ahead of possible talks with Houthis

Yemeni government negotiators will meet with deputy U.N. envoy to Yemen Maeen Sharim by mid-July, an official told Reuters on Tuesday, in a sign that peace talks with the Iran-aligned Houthis could resume soon.

The gathering in Riyadh aims “to crystallize the discussion topics before going to direct talks with the Houthis”, the official said.

U.N. Yemen envoy Martin Griffiths said last month he hoped to get the warring parties to the negotiating table in the next few weeks to end fighting in the port city of Hodeidah, a lifeline for Yemen.

(* A P)

UN envoy arrives in Aden to meet Yemen's president over peace efforts

The United Nations special envoy for Yemen arrived Tuesday in the southern port city of Aden to discuss ongoing peace efforts with President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

In his second trip to Aden, Martin Griffiths will meet with President Hadi and his government officials in an attempt to prevent an all-out assault on the crucial port city of Hodeidah.

A government official told Xinhua that the Griffiths will brief Hadi "on his latest peace efforts and the results of his meetings with Houthi leaders in Sanaa."

The UN envoy is exerting hard efforts to avoid military escalation in Hodeidah, trying to bring Yemeni rivals back to the negotiation table instead of military confrontation.


(* A P)

UN envoy meets Yemen president in push for truce

The UN envoy for Yemen met with the country's embattled president Tuesday in another round of talks aimed at brokering a truce between the government and rebels.

President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi discussed "the prospect of peace" with the UN's Martin Griffiths, the state-run Saba news agency reported.

The internationally-recognised Hadi government is allied with a Saudi-led military coalition in a war against Yemen's Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels.

Griffiths told state media that he and the president had discussed the possible resumption of political negotiations between Yemen's government and rebels.

He also floated the idea of "prisoners being released and exchanged", following press reports of secret prisons in Yemen where inmates have been subject to torture.

The Yemeni government has announced it would be investigating prisons in areas under its control.

(B P)

It would be a betrayal of the people of #Yemen for any party, faction or militia to agree to any UN peace talks framework that treats this conflict as an "intra-Yemeni civil war", instead of the regional international war involving Saudi Arabia & the UAE that it plainly is

Yemenis have endured over 3 years of $25,000 per month UN envoys to #Yemen spinning the senseless spiel that this is an "intra-Yemeni civil war". Peace is not possible as long as this preposterous pretense persists.

(A P)

HR Minister calls for pressure on Houthis to get out of historical Zabid

Human Rights Minister Mohamed Askar called on the United Nations and its envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, to pressure the Houthi militia to withdraw from the historic city of Zabid, south of the province of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

"We call upon the United Nations and its UN envoy to pressure the Houthi militia to get them out of the city of Zabid, in order to preserve its historic features," Askar said in a tweeted today.

My comment: The Saudi-backed Hadi government minister. A never ending game, now it’s not just Hodeidah. What a Houthi withdrawal from Zabid would have to do with “preserve its historic features”?? This tries to put the blame from those who assault a city to those who defend it, as in the case of Hodeidah.

(A P)

Griffiths start a visit to Riyad and head tomorrow to Aden to meet Hadi

The United Nations special envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffith, began a visit to the Saudi capital - Riyadh Sunday for talks with Saudi officials on the Yemeni crisis, a source in the UN envoy's office said.

The Anadolu news agency quoted the source as saying that Griffiths ' visit to Riyadh could last one day and will go to the Aden on Monday to meet the Yemeni president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, and head of government Ahmed Ben Dagger.

(A P)

UN envoy: Constructive meetings in Jeddah. I appreciate continued Saudi support of my efforts and the prospects for resuming intra-Yemeni negotiations to reach a political settlement for the conflict in #Yemen

My comment: “Constructive meetings” with the Saudis???? I doubt.

(A P)

Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, on Saturday said both Gulf states, which led a US-backed military coalition, are using the United Nations and its UN envoy as an umbrella to seize control the port city of Hodeidah through baseless justifications.

My comment: Simply this is it.


(A P)

Saudi-Led Coalition Rejected UN Envoy Proposal : Sayyed Abdulmalik Alhuthi

AbdulMalik Al-Houthi said on Saturday that the Saudi coalition rejected the proposals of UN envoy “Martin Griffiths” on the port of Al-Hodeidah, calling on the Yemenis to continue reinforcements the west coast to face the military escalation there, threatening the coalition to face a tougher confrontation than before and the only thing waits for them is the biggest defeat ever.

According to the statement. He said : “it has been clearly demonstrated after its rejection of the initiative of the UN envoy, which fully exposes its false and unjust pretexts that seeks in patronage and supervision of American and British to fulfill Zionist, American desires and hopes for the Red Sea”
Al-Houthi called on Yemenis and tribes to continue the rally to the coastal front, pointing out that “In return for the continuation of the enemy in the escalation and his quest to bring more mercenaries, hypocrites, criminals and cheap traitors.


(A P)

Film. Saudi Arabia secretly rejected UN initiative to end Yemen war

(A P)

Griffiths Meets with Hadi Monday at Start of New Tour

Martin Griffiths, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Yemen, is to return to the region in a tour that promotes his two initiatives on the city of Hodeida and a comprehensive solution in Yemen, after briefing the Security Council and receiving international support.
Griffiths, who started his mission in March, will meet with Yemen's President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi in Riyadh on Monday to discuss the developments on his Hodeida initiative to limit tension and avoid military escalation, informed sources said.
Another western source affirmed that the envoy received signs from Houthi insurgents that they will study his proposal.

The western source added that the envoy hopes to persuade both parties to accept the arrangements made by the UN to resolve the problem of Hodeida. The envoy will then seek to hold official peace talks on a comprehensive settlement.

Griffiths is expected next to travel to Sanaa to meet the Houthis and seek a solution on Hodeida.

My comment: By Saudi media. Of course, some propaganda must be included.

(A P)

Yemeni FM Urges Houthis to ‘Seriously’ Consider UN Proposals

Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani urged the Iran-backed Houthi militias to seriously consider the peace proposals presented to them by United Nations special envoy Martin Griffiths regarding the Hodeidah province.
He told the German news agency dpa that these proposals “could be the last.”
He lamented that Griffiths’ negotiations with the Houthis have not yielded any serious proposal despite all of the envoy’s optimism.
“Despite their violation of all vows and agreements, we are still extending our hands to peace” with the Houthis, Yamani added.

My comment. Which UN proposals? There just is the Saudi coalition (UAE) demand that the Houthis must unconditionally withdraw. This has nothing to do with any UN proposal.

Thus, this sounds quite reasonable:
(* A P)

Ansarullah Blasts Saudi-Led Coalition for Troubling UN Mission

Ansarullah movement revealed on Saturday that the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen has been troubling the mission of UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths.

"The Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, is blocking Martin Griffiths' mission in Yemen," Head of the Supreme Committee of Yemen Revolution Mohammad Ali al-Houthi was quoted as saying by the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channel.

He underlined that no solution but pressuring the Saudi-led coalition leaders and its allies can resolve the crisis in Yemen politically.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B E P)

Expatriate Workers Are Leaving Saudi Arabia in Droves

Saudi unemployment rate increases to 12.9% in first quarter

Creating jobs for Saudis is a key target for the government

Saudi Arabia’s expatriate workers are leaving the kingdom by the thousands, and the exodus may not yet be over.

As companies struggle with slower business and authorities impose more fees on foreigners, the biggest Arab economy is losing some of its allure to expats who once flocked to a country awash with petrodollars.

The number of foreign workers declined by 6 percent to 10.2 million in the first three months of 2018 compared with a year ago, taking the cumulative drop over the five past quarters to about 700,000, according to official data released this month. The losses in the first quarter were in sectors including construction -- usually dominated by low-cost laborers -- as well as trade and manufacturing.

But the data also show unemployment among Saudi nationals rising slightly to 12.9 percent, underscoring the struggle to create jobs as the economy slowly recovers from the worst economic slowdown since the financial crisis in 2009.

(A P)

Saudi bid to protect pre-Islamic sites upends religious dictates

Saudi Arabia is preserving pre-Islamic heritage sites, like a date palm oasis from the Stone Age, in a break with the austere strain of Sunni Islam that has dominated the country for decades, as the reclusive kingdom tries to open up.

Wahhabism, the ultra-conservative branch of Islam that emerged in Saudi Arabia some 250 years ago, regards the veneration of objects, especially those predating the Prophet Mohammed’s life in the 7th century, as tantamount to idolatry, and has advocated their neglect or outright destruction.

But under reforms pushed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has vowed to promote a more moderate form of Islam and loosened strict social rules like a ban on women driving, the kingdom has allocated $1 billion to preserve its heritage.

My comment: Whatever, this looks like an idolatry ptopaganda article to praise prince Salman as “reformer”.

(A E P)

Saudi Arabian Airlines in Boeing 777X order talks: sources

Saudi Arabian Airlines is exploring a potential order for Boeing (BA.N) 777X widebody jets, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

(* B P)

Why Saudi Arabia's powerful crown prince still needs his father

A year after King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud made his son Mohammed bin Salman crown prince, the 32-year-old remains dependent on his father’s legitimacy and credentials to be the heir apparent. Prince Mohammed has polarized the House of Saud more than any figure in more than half a century.

Numerous sources have now confirmed that another senior prince has been under detention since last fall’s wave of arrests of senior officials from the royal family and other prominent families in the kingdom. Most of those arrested were never charged with any crimes and were released only after paying extortion money.

Prince Turki bin Abdullah is the seventh son of the late King Abdullah. No charges have been filed, and he has been denied access to legal counseling.

Turki’s detention is producing tension in the family. The king’s half brothers, Ahmed and Muqrin, have privately urged for the release of Turki. They were rebuffed, which is very unusual in the House of Saud. Turki is the most senior royal still in prison.

The Ministry of the Interior and the Saudi Arabian National Guard are the two most powerful security institutions in the kingdom. Indeed, they have no rivals. Both are the critical power brokers in the capital and the holy cities. They control the guns that matter in Saudi Arabia. Among the others still under detention is a prominent member of the bin Laden family and Prince Mohammed's former economic adviser.

The only precedent for such a family struggle in the modern history of the kingdom was in the 1950s and 1960s.

Today the family is divided deeply. As long as King Salman is on the throne, the chance of an inside-the-family coup is unlikely. Salman has legitimacy. He is also not brain dead or incapacitated. He is more involved and important than the Western media suggests. He gives his son “air cover,” as one senior official told me. If he lives another decade, a lot may change. If he died tonight, all bets are off.

Assassination is also a possibility.

The crown prince’s signature foreign policy initiative is the war in Yemen – by Bruce Riedel

(* A P)

Hundreds stranded after Saudi ban on 4x4 vehicles entering Yemen

Yemeni residents of Saudi Arabia attempting to cross into the war-torn country via the only border opening with the kingdom have been left stranded after Saudi authorities banned 4x4 vehicles from entering Yemen, sources told The New Arab.
Travellers heading into Yemen via the al-Wadi'a border crossing have been left stranded at the crossing since Thursday, when Saudi authorities issued the sudden and unusual announcement.

"Most of those left stranded went back to Sharourah. All the hotels there are fully booked," she told The New Arab, referring to the Saudi border town.
"Those who can't afford to do so are staying at the border with no food, no water, nothing. It's heartbreaking," she added.

No reason was given by Saudi authorities for the ban but the embassy statement said it would enquire on how long the decision is due to be implemented.

My comment: What a crazy bullying is this? – The next time, it might be new cars, or all Toyota cars; or red ones…


(A P)

Saudi authorities begin to allow entrance of “4X4 vehicles " to Yemen except for "two types"

The Saudi Arabian authorities have begun to allow the departure of four-wheel-drive vehicles from Saudi Arabia and have travelled to Yemen after days of prevention.

The Director-General of the Land “Al Wadeeah” port in Hadramawt Mutlaq Al Saiaari said that the four-wheel-drive cars from the Saudi side were allowed to leave for Yemen, which holds their official documents (the name of the resident driver in person).

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Islah chairman, US ambassador discuss Yemen developments

The chairman of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Islah) party Mohammed al-Yadoomi and the US ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller discussed in Riyadh on Monday the latest developments in Yemen including in the western coastline city of Hodeidah and the humanitarian crisis triggered by the Houthi militia's coup d'état.

My comment: Tueller is a fierce Saudi backer; he had played a disastrous role in Yemen; a horrible figure who has much more influence as a normal “Ambassador” would have:

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A E P)

China will die arabischen Staaten im Nahen Osten mit Krediten und Finanzhilfen im Gesamtwert von über 20 Milliarden Dollar unterstützen.

Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung sei der Schlüssel zur Lösung vieler Sicherheitsprobleme in der Krisenregion, sagte Präsident Xi Jinping am Dienstag bei einem Treffen mit Vertretern von 21 arabischen Staaten in Peking. Die Kredite von rund 20 Milliarden Dollar seien für die Umsetzung eines Plans zum Wiederaufbau von Wirtschaft und Industrie vorgesehen, der auch Zusammenarbeit in allen Energiebereichen einschließlich der Atom- und erneuerbaren Energien umfasse, sagte Xi. Zusätzlich zu den Krediten sagte er den Palästinensergebieten Aufbauhilfe von rund 15 Millionen Dollar zu. Mit insgesamt 91 Millionen Dollar würden Jordanien, Syrien, der Libanon und Jemen unterstützt.

(* A K P)

Saudi, French defense chiefs sign agreement on protecting classified data

Riyadh and Paris have signed a military agreement on protecting classified information amid criticisms of France’s support for the Saudi regime’s bloody war against impoverished Yemen.

The agreement was signed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and French Defense Minister Florence Parly in the Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Monday.

Bin Salman, who also serves as the Saudi defense minister, and Parly reviewed areas of bilateral cooperation, especially military ties, as well as regional developments.

The French defense chief’s visit to Saudi Arabia follows a trip in April by bin Salman to Paris, where the two countries signed 20 major economic deals worth $18 billion.

Growing Paris-Riyadh military ties come amid international outcry over the Saudi-led deadly military aggression against Yemen =

My comment: Shame.

(A K P)

Iran-backed Iraqi militia declares support for Houthis

Katab Sayyed Al Shuhada says it is ready to fight alongside Yemeni rebels

The head of an Iran-backed militia in Iraq has declared support for Houthi rebels in Yemen, strengthening Tehran's influence in the region.

Abu Walaa Al Walai, leader of the Katab Sayyed Al Shuhada, said his forces were ready to fight alongside the Houthis and were awaiting orders from the leader of the Iran-backed rebels, Adul Malik Al Houthi.

The brigades are a part of the Iraqi paramilitary forces known as the Popular Mobilisation Units (PMUs) that include the Badr Organisation and Katab Hezbollah as well as several others that were largely armed, funded and trained by Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) to fight against ISIS in Iraq.

and also

(A K P)

UAE extends compulsory military service to 16 months

The United Arab Emirates has extended compulsory military service for Emirati men from 12 to 16 months, state news agency WAM reported, amid a three-year involvement in Yemen’s war.

The UAE introduced mandatory military service in 2014 for Emirati men. It kept participation for women, who can serve only for nine months, optional and requiring approval of their legal guardians.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B E K P)

3.7 million jobs have been created on killing civilians in #Yemen. You sell arms to #Saudi to build #US economy on the killing of innocents. You are starving millions in my country Yemen. You do not care about the bad outcomes of your dirty arms trade.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia Emerges as Largest Importers of Arms From Western Balkans

Saudi Arabia topped the list of countries importing arms, ammunition and equipment from the Western Balkans in 2016, according to a report prepared at the request of the United Nations.

Weapons sales from the Western Balkans to Saudi Arabia in 2016 amounted to 118 million euros from a total of 500 million euros ($ 585.30 million) during the period, making the kingdom the largest single buyer in the region.

Weapons producers and governments in the region, which comprises Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania, are boosting arms production and exports of surplus stocks to improve their struggling economies.

(* B K P)

Arab media: Saudis using Israeli weapons in Yemen

Some sources close to Intelligence Committee of the US Congress said that the Saudi-led coalition has used Israeli-made weaponry in the war on Yemen.

The Zionist regime of Israel has equipped Saudi forces with prohibited missiles and Riyadh has used them to bomb provinces that are under control of Houthis, the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity told Khaleej Online.
They added that the Saudis follow numerous goals in using them, among which are testing the missiles, assessing their destructive power, and their influence on human body.
The sources said that the Saudis have lyingly announced that the weapons were US-made to avoid the consequences of the news.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* A)

Mit Augenmaß. Meisterwerke der Architektur im Jemen
13.07.2018 bis 14.10.2018

Architektur gehört zu den spektakulärsten kulturellen Errungenschaften des Jemen. Lange vor dem sagenhaften Reich der Königin von Saba entwickelte sich im Einklang mit den landschaftlichen Gegebenheiten und klimatischen Herausforderungen eine atemberaubende Vielfalt traditioneller Baustile. Ihre Markenzeichen sind mächtige Festungen, Turmhäuser und auf Bergspitzen gelegene Dörfer, verbunden durch schwindelerregende Pfade. Ausgeklügelte Kanalsysteme versorgen die steilen Terrassenfelder an den Gebirgshängen mit Wasser. Generationen von hochspezialisierten Maurern, Tischlern und anderen Handwerkern errichten mit ausgeklügelten Techniken und lokal verfügbaren Materialien einzigartige Bauensembles. Allein „mit Augenmaß“ gebaut rufen ihre Dimensionen und perfekten Proportionen bis heute Staunen und Bewunderung hervor. Für den Baumeister sind es „buildings that fill my eye“.

Die Ausstellung zeigt Beispiele dieses beeindruckenden Kulturerbes. Zugleich weist sie auf die Bedrohung durch den seit 2015 im Land anhaltenden Bürgerkrieg hin. Neben der menschlichen Tragödie sind herausragende archäologische Fundstätten, Museen und historische Monumente betroffen. Die drei UNESCO Weltkulturerbestätten des Jemen, die Altstädte von Shibam, Sana’a und Zabid, sind heute als bedroht eingestuft, zahlreiche andere Orte sind schwer beschädigt. Jenseits der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung und ohne den Schutz der internationalen Gemeinschaft geht dieses Kulturerbe unwiederbringlich verloren. (Mit Photos)

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E P)

The Yemeni Riyal is collapsing again, and the new bank governor is failing to find solutions

The price of Yemeni Riyal on Monday collapsed in front of foreign currency, according to bankers in the capital Sanaa and Aden city, the temporary capital of the southern part of the country, in identical talks with the Almasdar online.

The dollar again rose about 15 riyals, while the price of the Saudi Riyal rose by about 5 riyals, as the central bank failed to develop any solutions to the collapse of the local currency and failed to return letters of credits for to commodities.

Bankers said the price of the dollar had risen over the past two days to nearly 500 riyals, up by about 3% of the previous price of 485, which was a huge burden on Yemenis, causing the price to rise sharply.

The price of the Saudi Riyal rose from SR 128 to 132.

This comes despite the Saudi Arabian depository, which the bank said it had received, estimated at two billion dollars, which was one of the reasons why it kept the riyal from collapsing again.

To date, the new bank administration, led by Finance Minister Mohamed Mansour Zamam, has failed to develop any solutions to face the collapse of the local currency, and the new Governor's activities were limited to overseas travels, the bank's Media center says they are working meetings.

My comment: Many facts are contributing to this – one of them is “president” Hadi’s foundation of a new Central bank just for political reasons.


(A E P)

Yemen currency's renewed fall: US dollar is buying 500 rials, up from 370 rials before Govt floated national currency in August 2017, and from 215 rials before the war. You remember reports abt a $2 billion Saudi deposit into Central Bank of Yemen to help stabilise our currency?!

(* B E K)

GDP per capita in Yemen

2013: 1,344; 2014: 1,164; 2015: 937; 2016: 761.

and more

(A E P)

#Yemen: Recent issues of new, much smaller-sized 1000 & 500 Yemeni riyal notes by the Aden-based Yemen Central Bank, with issues of new 50, 100 & 250 riyal notes on the way. Tons of old-issue Yemeni riyal notes hoarded by certain quarters may be about to become banana money.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Summer beach reading sorted. All 40 lectures by #alQaeda in #Yemen leader Qasim al-Raymi on Harthimi's medieval war treatise are now transcribed into one handy 218-page volume. #AQAP originally drip-fed us these crushingly dull but occasionally significant ramblings over 3 months (image)

(A T)

Following heavy losses since 2017 to #drone strikes, #AQAP in #Yemen has become much more security conscious. But its new Al-Badr Media will need to do better than today's warning against mobile phone use (document)

(A T)

A short threat on AQAP, Yemen, and the US based on this good and in-depth article by @raghavanWaPo here:[see YR 431, cp1]

The article does a good job of showing that there are two wars happening simultaneously in Yemen: the war against AQAP and ISIS and the war against the Houthis.

The Shabwani Elite Forces are taking part in both wars - the US, despite its assistance to the coalition, says it is only taking part in one of the wars: the war against AQAP and ISIS.

Another thing to point out is that, under Pres. Trump, the US has relaxed targeting rules in Yemen in three governorates, declaring them "active areas of hostilities," which may, at least partially, account for the jump in drone strikes from '16 to '17

AQAP took al-Mukalla in early 2015 and withdrew in the face of a UAE-backed support in early 2016. AQAP hasn't done much to hold or administer territory since.

AQAP looks weaker than it has at any point in recent memory - scholars like @Dr_E_Kendall have tracked the groups media output and shown how there are more cracks in messaging and message now than there has been in the past.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia calls on UN Security Council to condemn children's recruitment by Houthi militias in Yemen

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has confirmed that the recruitment of children by Iranian backed Houthi militias in Yemen and involving them in battlefields are a blatant disregard of international laws and humanitarian norms, calling on the UN Security Council to condemn these actions and those who support these militias that seek to promote their sectarian agenda and darkness thought .
This came in the Kingdom's address at the Security Council on the open debate on "Children and Armed Conflict", delivered by the permanent representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Mouallimi.
He said, "We appreciate your initiative of submitting resolution No. 2427 on a comprehensive framework for the protection of children from the impact of the military conflict and we hope that the resolution will support the work of the Child Protection Group in armed conflict. We would have hoped that the resolution called on the United Nations system for children and armed conflict to investigate the accuracy of its figures and statistics and not to rely on unreliable or unilateral sources. We would also hope that the resolution includes the call to the Children's Unit and armed conflict to check accuracy in collecting data and facts and not rely on non-trusted sources."

My comment: The killer No. 1 of Yemeni children claiming to condemn the children killer No. 3… that’s quite ridiculous; even more ridiculous when he complains the UN’s figures would be “inaccurate”: they are, the reality is even much worse for the Saudi side. And thus, this is a through ball for Iran: Iran Urges Halt to Child-Killing by Israel, Saudi Arabia in Palestine, Yemen:


(A P)

UAE reaffirms commitment to protect children in armed conflict

The coalition in Yemen has established a Child Protection Unit

The Arab Coalition in Yemen takes its responsibility to protect civilians, particularly children, very seriously, said the UAE ambassador to the UN.

“The coalition has sustained efforts and will continue to do more to minimise the impact on children because we believe deeply that every innocent child killed or injured in the conflict is a loss to many,” said Lana Nusseibeh at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict, on Monday.

“The coalition closely co-ordinates with all UN agencies and NGOs on the ground to ensure the protection of children, and this will continue.”

In co-ordination with Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, the coalition has established a Child Protection Unit.

Ms Nusseibeh said that continuous efforts to strengthen the protection of children have yielded some positive results, including the re-integration of Yemeni children who were recruited by the Houthi militia into their communities.

“While we work to protect children in Yemen, the Houthis continue to terrorise the population and we condemn their complete disregard for children and their violation of international humanitarian law,” she said.

My comment: This seems tob e a larger propaganda effort… Yemeni children killer No. 2 claims to care for Yemeni children by establishing „a Child Protection Unit“ and blaming Yemeni children killer No. 3. Just stop bombing and raiding and starving children – this would be much better.

(A P)

Human rights minister: Houthis looting relief aid in Hodeidah

Arab coalition is granting thousands of aid vessels permission to dock in Hodeidah

Yemen’s minister of human rights said the Houthi rebels in the key port city of Hodeidah were looting relief aid to support their military operations.

Dr Mohammed Askar said on Monday in a televised interview that the Arab coalition fighting on behalf of the internationally-recognised government of Yemen was granting thousands of vessels permission to dock and unload imports in Hodeidah’s port.

“The [coalition’s] operations did not affect the lives of residents or cause a crisis in the city, but it is the Houthi militia that is responsible for creating such a crisis because it loots relief supplies and stores it to be used for its own military purposes,” said Dr Askar.

He said that pro-government forces and the alliance are determined to recapture the city from the Iran-backed group.

“The international community seems to be helpless in persuading the Houthi militia to hand over the cities and return the arms it stole from Yemeni army depots back to the state,” said Dr Askar. “So the only option in this case is a military one.”

My comment: „Human rights minister: Houthis looting relief aid in Hodeidah

„: This is repeated again and again simply to justify the assault against Hodeidah. – „Arab coalition is granting thousands of aid vessels permission to dock in Hodeidah“: is ridiculous when taking into account the Saudi blockade. Large figures not always do better, otherwhise I suggest to claim: „Arab coalition is granting millions of aid vessels permission to dock in Hodeidah“. – „“The [coalition’s] operations did not affect the lives of residents or cause a crisis in the city, but it is the Houthi militia that is responsible for creating such a crisis“ is putting facts upside down. It’s always those who assault a city who are to blame for what happens – and quite a lot already had happened to Hodeidah and ist residents. – „return the arms it stole from Yemeni army depots back to the state“: The Houthis have formed a government and they simply represent the „state“ in Northern Yemen – the same as the after-February 2014 Ukrainian governments did, or the governments of other states where a „regime change“ has occured – thus this claim is void.

(A P)

Yemen’s war explained

Saudi Arabia is determined to send Iran a message that its regional meddling will no longer be tolerated

For more than three years, an excruciating war has been going on in Yemen to curtail the influence of the Iranian-supported Al Houthi militia, which has stubborn ambitions to spread its control over the country.

The Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, which is spearheading the war against Al Houthis, is determined to not let this happen.

It believes that curbing Al Houthis militarily is necessary to pressure them into political negotiations.

Until then, the war will continue to rage, analysts said.

“If the Saudi-led coalition didn’t launch the Operation Decisive Storm in Yemen, Al Houthis would have controlled all of Yemen (by now),” said Mohammad Izz Al Arab, an analyst and researcher specialising in Yemen and Arab affairs at Al Ahram Strategic Studies Center.

“The aim of the war (against Al Houthis) is to curtail their influence—not uproot them,” he told Gulf News.

My comment: An Emirati propaganda roundup. – Some remarks. This is the sub-headline. “Saudi Arabia is determined to send Iran a message that its regional meddling will no longer be tolerated”, i.e. this is the main goal of this war. That’s the main reason to destroy a neighbouring country to the ground, the second is: ““The aim of the war (against Al Houthis) is to curtail their influence”. Just think Russia would act this way in Ukraine or the US in Canada, what would you think?? – And: “It believes that curbing Al Houthis militarily is necessary to pressure them into political negotiations.” This is incorrect. It really means: “It believes that curbing Al Houthis militarily is necessary to pressure them into political negotiations in which they cannot do anything else than accept all our preconditions”. That’s quite different.

(A P)

Blutgeld für den Iran

300 Millionen Euro in Bar will die iranische Regierung aus Deutschland nach Teheran fliegen. (Mehr lesen Sie hier) Die deutsche Finanzaufsicht soll dieses Begehr nun „prüfen“. Fragt sich, was es da zu prüfen gibt? Im Grunde ist die Sache eindeutig, und sie stinkt zum Himmel.

Der Iran braucht nämlich jede Menge harte Währung in Bar, um seine außenpolitischen Abenteuer in Syrien, im Jemen und Libanon sowie im Irak zu finanzieren. In Kriegs- und Krisengebieten gilt nämlich schon immer: Nur Bares – am besten in kleinen Scheinen – ist Wahres.

Die Bundesregierung muss deshalb diesen Transfer unterbinden. Ansonsten leistet sie einen unverzeihlichen Beitrag zur Destabilisierung des Vorderen Orients,1,4164178343.html

Mein Kommentar: Das Ansuchen auf 300 Millionen in bar ist in der tat sonderbar. Was der Autor freilich hier zusammenphatasiert, ist dumme Propaganda. Dazu passt auch die Bildunterschrift zu einem Foto eines verhungernden Kindes aus dem Jemen: „Unterernährtes Kind im Jemen: In dem arabischen Land finanziert der Iran den Aufstand schiitischer Milizen.“ Da passt schon gar nichts.

(A P)

Col. Al-Maliki: We have evidence confirming the presence of foreign military experts training the Houthi militias and providing them with integrated military communication system

The official spokesman of the Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen Col. Turki Al-Maliki confirmed that the Coalition Forces have evidence of the presence of foreign military experts training the Iran-military-backed Houthi militias and providing them with integrated military communication system, noting the involvement of terrorist Hezbollah organization in this matter, citing its contribution to operating different sites of command and control in Saada province, Yemen, five of which, located on Mashtab, Maran, Razeh, Al-Maglag and Al-Noua'a mountains, were destroyed by the Coalition Forces.

and here still more:

The Lebanese “Hezbollah” group, which is also backed by Iran, is involved in these operations, he added during a press conference in Riyadh.
There is enough evidence that proves that the Iranian regime is providing the Houthis with weapons that are being smuggled through Beirut’s southern suburbs to Syria and then to Iran’s Bandar Abbas port city, he revealed.
“‘Hezbollah’ is the Houthis’ greatest arms supplier,” he added.
Moreover, Maliki cited the party’s role in operating different command and control positions in the Saada province. Five of these positions, located in Mashtab, Maran, Razeh, Al-Maglag and Al-Noua'a mountains, have been destroyed by the coalition forces.

My comment: Propaganda stories like this one show up from time to time. More details: None. Any evidence, proof: None. – Hezbollah as “Houthis’ greatest arms supplier“, by „providing the Houthis with weapons that are being smuggled through Beirut’s southern suburbs to Syria and then to Iran’s Bandar Abbas port city“: This is really odd.

(A P)

KSRelief Criticizes UN Organizations for Ignoring Houthi Violations

Some UN organizations do not dare to denounce Houthi abuses because they fear that their work inside Yemen will be affected, officials at the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) charged.

My comment: This is quite ridiculous when looking at the Saudi violations, and in fact this claim against UN organizatoons is untrue.

(A P)

The Arab coalition says he has issued new permits to eight ships heading to Yemeni coasts

My comment: Propaganda tries to draw the picture of the Saudis allowing a continuous flow of imports, while Saudi blockade still is in effect and has caused a severe shrink of imports.

(A P)

Yemeni Politician: Hodeidah is the Saudis Graveyard

Sondos al-Assaad has conducted an exclusive interview to the U.S. Journal with Abd-al Wahhab al-Mahbashi; member of the Yemeni Huthi Resistance of Annsarullah. Al-Mahbashi has expressed, “The Saudi-led hostile coalition blatantly violates human rights and the resistance will continue in Hodeidah and all over Yemen.

Mahbashi: Regarding the situation in the western coast, the Yemeni army and the popular committees have been able to immensely defeat the UAE and the Saudi forces. Besides, phenomenal victories are maintained in several spots against the coalition’s mercenaries, despite the unlimited support by the western countries.

We address the free people, the elite and the activist around the world not to trust the mainstream fabrication, who aim at polished the new-phase of capitalist colonialism. The Western and Arabs influential mainstream media are promoting false agendas and lies on the Yemeni war. Review the history of Yemen, the sole Arab country, known to be the invaders’ graveyard, which throughout history no one colonial empire have been able to occupy.

Consequently, this imposed war must immediately and unconditionally be halted, else all the participating arrogant proxies would soon or after defeated, smashed and cursed by God and the coming generations.

(A P)

UAE medics save 3-year old Yemeni girl

A four hour operation carried out by the UAE Advanced Surgical team has saved the life of a three-year old Yemeni girl who was seriously injured by a mortar shell fired by the Houthi militia.

The child, Sumaiya, was at her family home in the At Tuhayat District of Hodeidah when it was hit by the shell, suffering serious injuries to the abdomen and intestines.

(A P)

KSRelief: Saudi Arabia Provided $13 Bn to Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s extensive relief efforts in Yemen are made possible by generous directives from the Kingdom’s leadership indicating that all possible aid and relief should be provided to the Yemeni people until the humanitarian crisis in their country has ended, stated Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) Abdullah al-Rabeeah.

My comment: All this cannot whitewash Saudi war crimes and had been started to deflect from these war crimea.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Tops Donor States to UNYHRP in Yemen 2018

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia tops Donor Stater to the United Nations Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (UNYHRP) in Yemen 2018 by donating $530.4 million out of a total $1.54 billion. Saudi Arabia, as well, tops Donor States outside the UNYHRP 2018 by providing $196 million out of $466.4 million. The total of funding to Yemen is $2,101.3 million, as reported by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

My comment: A nice deflection from the fact of „Saudi Arabia Tops Killer States in Yemen“.

(A P)

Houthi Militia Recruited Over 23,000 Children: Senior Official

The Houthi militia has forced more than two million Yemeni children into exploitative labour and recruited over 23,000 of them this year in a manner that violates international law and conventions for protection of children, according to government senior official.

Quoted by the official Yemeni News Agency, the minister said that the militias deprived 4.5 million children from education, including 1.6 million who could not receive education after Al Houthis destroyed, either fully or partially, 23,000 schools in Yemen and used 1,500 schools as prisons or military barracks.

My comment: Exaggerated figures, ascribing all the destructions caused by Saudi coalition air raids tot he Houthis, and all the negative humanitarian effects of the war („forced more than two million Yemeni children into exploitative labour“) to the Houthis as well.

(A P)

Houthi militia ‘using children as human shields’

Houthi militias’ looting more than 500 relief shipments, stopping the arrival of 65 ships loaded with relief items

Saudi Arabia's KSRelief has sent specialized medical teams to Hodeidah

In an exclusive interview with Arab News on his return from Geneva on Saturday, Al-Moallem said the Yemeni minister highlighted that the Houthi militias’ violations of international law, including denying children humanitarian assistance, looting more than 500 relief shipments, stopping the arrival of 65 ships loaded with relief items, destroying more than 180 hospitals and medical facilities, and detaining 489 children at checkpoints and coercing them to join the fighting..

My comment: Quite a nice propaganda mix.

(A P)

Houthi militia free G Muse ship after holding it hostage for 62 days

The Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi militia in Yemen announced on Saturday that the Houthis had freed the G Muse ship that it had been holding captive for the last 62 days at the port of Hodeidah.
The coalition added that there are currently four ships docked in the port of Hodeidah waiting to unload their cargo, while four others are waiting to enter the port.

My comment: One more bullet oft he permanent propaganda fire: „Whay we must expell the Houthis from Hodeida“ and „We keep the flow of ships to Hoedidah open and the supply to Yemen running“. The one does not make sense (since you would not accept the propaganda melody „We are the good guys, the others are the bad ones, so simple things can be“), the othr simply is a lie.

(A P)

UN peace efforts must be wary of Yemeni discontent

Since 2011, all UN delegates to Yemen have expressed initial optimism for peace and dialogue and praised the capacity of Yemenis for negotiations, but have eventually become frustrated. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed worked to get all parties to an agreement, only for the Houthis to withdraw at the last minute. The Houthis also conspired with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh against the 2013 UN-backed National Dialogue Process and overthrew Hadi’s government, essentially igniting the war.

Part of the reason externally led negotiation processes in Yemen continually fail is that informal local tribal mediation methods are replaced with international mechanisms that tribal powers in Yemen consider meaningless. This has made breaking UN pacts and processes more likely, especially by the Houthi militia, who view formal negotiations as a political tactic rather than an actual process. The Houthis meet foreign dignitaries and envoys, discuss agreements and plans, and participate in dialogues not because they are keen on a peaceful and democratic political process, but because it serves their agenda to be involved and informed.

Additionally, the Houthis engagement in agreements is consistently self-serving; they often join negotiations facilitated by international actors for the sole purpose of demonstrating to their followers a false image of international backing and legitimacy.

The UN should continue pushing all Yemeni parties to negotiate, but it must be careful not to boost the position of the already weakened Houthi militia by giving it international legitimacy and ignoring its violations on the ground. The Houthi militia has lost the popularity and power it had when it overthrew the government in 2014, and is now at an all-time low. Almost all Yemeni parties now vehemently oppose them.

For the UN negotiation process to succeed, it should pressure the Houthis to relinquish their control over Yemeni cities, and focus primarily on reconciliation.

My comment: The UN is requested to be even more biased in favour of the Saudi coalition than it already is, is required not to manage a real peace process, but to achieve a de facto capitulation of the Houthis . – Many Yemenis might dislike the Houthis but nevertheless support them – because they fight against those who destroy the country by air raids, want to occupy it and already did, want to make Yemen a vassal state.

(A P)

Yemen's Ambassador to Cuba Confirms Iran's Continued Interference, in his Country Affairs, Destabilizing the Region

Yemen Ambassador to Cuba Mohammad Saleh Nasher confirmed that Iran continues to interfere in the internal affairs of his country and destabilize the region by providing the Houthi militias with weapons.

My comments: Hadi government’s Yemeni diplomats worldwide as mouthpieces for saudi propaganda, in the Saudi propaganda war against Iran. – And also to spread the propaganda story „Why we must be masters of Hodeidah“:

(A P)

Restoration of Seaport Hodeida Aims, at Protecting Regional, International Security from Iran-backed Pro-Coup Houthis -Yemeni Ambassador to Morocco Says

Restoration of the city and port of Hodeida aims at protection of regional security and to end of the threat to the international waterway, in the Red Sea, where the forces of the Iranian-backed Houthi militias have threatened international security, Yemen's ambassador to Morocco Ezzeddin al-Asbahi said. Following a meeting here today with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mohamed Ali Lazk, he added that the return of Hodeida and its ports to the legitimacy, would strengthen stability in Yemen and limits the smuggling of Iranian weapons to the Houthi pro-coup militias.

(A P)

Saudi coalition aims to achieve Zionist goals controlling Red Sea: Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi

Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, on Saturday said Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are seeking to pave the way for Zionism to completely control the Red Sea.

My comment: This a piece of Houthi propaganda. But the following paragraph is simply true.

(A P)

Yemen's Houthi Want to Talk—but Coalition Forces Shouldn't Be Fooled

The Saudi-led coalition is winning the war . . . so far.

Despite apocalyptic predictions by some, the initial stages of the coalition operation led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to force out Iranian-backed Shiite Houthi rebels from Yemen have gone well.

The pressure has forced Houthi rebels to fall back and suggest a diplomatic solution. On its face, the Houthi proposal can appear enticing, but scratching below the surface reveals a plan that would perpetuate the crisis that has enveloped Yemen for more than three years.

The mounting pressure on the Houthis has unsurprisingly led to hints that rebel forces would be willing to cede control of the port to the United Nations, but only if they retain control of the city. But the goal of military operations must be to restore a system of stable governance to Yemen, and the Houthi proposal has several fundamental weaknesses which make it unworkable and unworthy of American or international support.

Adopting the Houthis proposal would force Hodeida’s citizens—who are not Houthis—to remain under Houthi occupation. Moreover, refugees who have fled this domination would have little reason to return to their homes.

The proposal would allow the Houthis to maintain an ability to choke off aid from within the city’s urban architecture. Approximately 70% of Yemen’s humanitarian aid and fuel supplies enters via the port. Given the Houthi’s repeated failures to live up to past agreements, it would be unwise to accept any assurances concerning such an important port.

But most importantly, such a compromise will not change the Houthis situation sufficiently to compel the group to support a political settlement. Besides, a compromise would weaken the hand of the legitimate Yemeni government at any negotiations – by Norman T. Roule, Former National Intelligence Manager for Iran, ODNI. Norman T. Roule served for 34-years in the Central Intelligence Agency, managing numerous programs relating to Iran and the Middle East.

My comment: This is quite a bad piece of propaganda, just taking for granted that the Saudis and their allies are the „good guys“, Iran is „malign“, etc.

(A P)

Houthi militia bombs two schools in Y emen's At Tuhayat District

The Iranian-backed Houthi militia, yesterday, bombed two schools in At Tuhayat District in Yemen’s Hodeidah Governorate.

The attack follows three years of Houthi militia targeting of schools, hospitals and government buildings. According to the Yemeni Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, there are over 4.5 million Yemeni children who have been deprived by the Houthi militia of access to education, including 1.6 million in the last two years. To date, the Houthi militia is responsible for the destruction of 2,372 schools, and the use of more than 1,500 other educational facilities as prisons and military barrack.

This latest attack on two schools continues the Houthi militia's clear violation of human rights and international laws that criminalise the targeting of civilians and civilian-populated areas. Houthis have also used civilians, including children as human shields.

My comment: Ascribing all damages caused by Saudi coalition air raids to the Houthi is simply odd propaganda.

(A P)

UAE: Withdrawal of Houthis Accelerates Political Process

UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan stressed the importance of Houthis' withdrawal from Yemeni territories to accelerate the political process, noting that the UAE had joined the Arab Coalition based on the request of Yemen’s legitimate government.
In an interview with Russia’s Sputnik, the minister welcomed the efforts exerted by Martin Griffiths, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Yemen, to find a political solution in the country.
Houthi militias should make a full withdrawal from the territories they seized illegally in line with UN Resolution 2216 in order to speed up a solution, said the minister.
“The Yemeni people consider Houthis occupying forces. They have breached the international human rights law by recruiting child soldiers and planting explosives and landmines randomly in the residential areas, and by using civilians as human shields,” he told Sputnik.

My comment: Odd propaganda. Why the Houthis‘ withdrawal – not just from Hodeidah, but from almost the whole of Yemen should facilitate any political process stays a mystery of propaganda. A withdrawal just would facilitate a Saudi / UAE victory, which, according tot he saudi coalition, could be the only real purpose of any political process. „“The Yemeni people consider Houthis occupying forces“ is quite odd when being told by an UAE minister when UAE forces have occupied great parts of Southern Yemen.

(A H P)

More Saudi / UAE „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

July, 9:

July, 8:

July, 7:

July, 6:

July, 5:

July, 4:

(* A K)

Film, graphic: Coalition aircraft kills 70 and injures 150 Emirati separatist guerrillas from the UAE ... to accuse Yemen of flying their flag before they die.

and see also .

(* B K pH)

The Outcome Of The Crimes Of The Saudi-US Aggression On Yemen In June 2018

In a outcome of the crimes of the aggression in June 2018, 105 people killed including 33 children and 168 injured including 51 children.

(* A K pH)

4 civilians killed in Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeidah

Four civilians were killed and seven injured on Tuesday in an initial toll of Saudi-led airstrikes which waged on Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba News Agency.

The airstrikes targeted two cars in Zabid district, the official said.

The warplanes prevented teams ambulance of access to wounded people

or even more victims:

(* A K)

Six civilians killed and another wounded by Coalition airstrike South Hodeidah

Six civilians were killed Tuesday in a car bombing in the Beit al-Faidah district of Hodeidah province, western Yemen, by air strikes by fighters of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition.

Eyewitnesses told the Almasdar online that an air raid on a four-wheel-drive 4x4 vehicle in Beit Faqih was returning from Al jarahi market at the south, killing six civilians and injuring another.

The victims were returning from the Aljarahi market, he added.

He noted that the parents had buried three of the identified dead, who belonged to Beit al-Faqih Directorate, while the seventh survivor had been taken to the Al-Tihama hospital at the directorate.

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in coalition-led airstrike on Hodeidah

A civilian was killed when the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition on Tuesday waged an airstrike on Hodeidah province, a security official told Saba News Agency.
The airstrike targeted a car, loaded with sheep, killing its driver in Zabid district

(A K pH)

Saudi airstrike kills 2 civilians in Saada

Saudi-led airstrikes on Sade province on Tuesday killed two civilians and injured a chilled and a woman, a security official told Saba.
The airstrike hit a citizen's house in al-Lahr area in Baqim district.

(* A K pH)

Aggression airstrike kills four civilians in Saada

Four civilians were killed and injured others, including a child and a woman on Tuesday when the Saudi-led coalition waged an airstrike on Baqim district in Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The warplane waged an airstrike on a citizen's house on al-Qahr area in Baqim district, killing two citizens and injured a child and a woman

(A K pH)

Aggression airstrikes destroyed house, damage of public, private property

A citizen house was destroyed and public and private property were damaged in a US Saudi-led coalition airstrikes and missile and artillery shells on a number of provinces in the past 24 hours.

(A K pH)

Aggression warplane launches strike on Saada

The air strike targeted Lail market at the entrance to the province

Saudi-led aggression airstrike hits Saada

The airstrike targeted civilians’ village in Ghalaf area of Sehar district

(A K pH)

3 Saudi-led airstrikes destroys communications network, home in Saada

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression warplanes on Monday destroyed a communications network and a civilian’s home in Saada province, a security official told Saba News Agency.
The warplanes launched two strikes on the communications network in Wadi area of Kutaf district, said the official.
Furthermore, a Saudi-led airstrike destroyed a civilian’s home in Bani-Ma’en area of Razih district


(A K pH)

Yemen court! Stopped holding sessions by US-backed Saudi war planes! Now, 11: 00 am in Dhammar court, judges & people walked out in panic, and even stampede, When Saudi jets came hovering over the building! Countless gov offices already hit while full of people!! (photo9

(* A K pH)

10 civilians killed, injured in Saudi-led airstrike in Taiz

At least 10 civilians, mostly children, were killed and injured when the Saudi-led coalition aggression warplane on Sunday launched a strike on Taiz province, a security official told Saba News Agency.
The airstrike targeted a civilian’s farm in Shaab-Dakhil of Khudair district area

and also reported by anti-Houthi news site:



(A K pS)

Arab Coalition destroy Houthi communication system

The Arab Coalition forces announced on Saturday that they had destroyed an integrated military communications system operated by the Houthi militia in the districts of Haidan and Razeh in Sa'ada governorate.

The Arab coalition said that the system included advanced technologies installed with assistance from foreign experts. The forces stressed that they will not allow the Houthi terrorist organization to obtain quality capabilities and advanced technologies. and film:

My comment: Bombing northern Yemen to the Stone Age?

(A K)

A cluster bomb injured this child today in #Baqem area #Saada. it exploded while he was playing. (photos)

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Launches 76 Airstrikes and Rocket Attacks Targeting Residential Areas

The US-Saudi aggression launched 76 raids on a number of areas, while residential areas in the directorates of Sa'ada border governorate were hit by Saudi rocketry and artillery bombs during the past 48 hours.

(A K pS)

Hezbollah Rocket experts killed in Arab Coalition strikes in Saada

A number of rocket experts from the Lebanese terrorist Hezbollah organization were killed and others were wounded by an air strike launched by the Arab Coalition fighters in Saada province.

Al-Arabiya television quoted military sources as saying that "one of the elements of Hezbollah, named Kayan Ashtar, was killed with other non-Yemeni rocket experts in a raid by the Coalition which is supporting the Yemeni internationally recognized government in the face of the Iran-backed Houthi putschists.

The sources confirmed that the raid targeted a military vehicle carrying military experts in the area of Aqab al-Zaher, and resulted in the destruction of the vehicle and killed all those on board

My comment: Baseless claims of this type, without any proof, are spread from time to time.

(A K pS)

37 Houthi militants killed in Saudi air strikes

Saudi-led Arab Coalition launched major air strikes killing 37 fighters from Iran-backed Houthi group in an operation aimed at controlling the centre of Al Tahita district in Yemen.

It was done in co-ordination with the Giants Brigades, part of the joint Yemeni Resistance Forces, reported state news agency Wam.

(* A K pH)

Name & age of women&children killed by #Saudi #UAE strikes on a women wedding in #Saada north #Yemen on 3rd July

Maalty family Rahmah 2yrs Rawdah 3 Monaa 7 Fatima 6

Tamshalah family Kifayah 3 Raddaad 4

Jubraan family Wadaah 3 Sultan 7 Jameel 8 Sameera Augby 30 Amirah Haiaan 3

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K pH)

Yemen Army fires ballistic missile to Jizan

Rocketry force of the army and popular committees fired on Tuesday a ballistic missile toward southern Saudi border province of Jizan, Defense ministry said in a statement obtained by Saba Press Agency.
The missile, Bader-1, targeted Jizan Economic City, read the statement.

(* A K)

Saudi Arabia says it intercepts Houthi missile launched at Jizan

Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces intercepted a missile launched toward the kingdom’s southwestern Jizan region by Yemen’s armed Houthi movement, state media said on Tuesday.

The Houthi-run al-Masirah TV said earlier that a Badr 1 missile had targeted Jizan Economic City, where Saudi Aramco is building a 400,000-barrel-per-day refinery that is expected to become fully operational in 2019.

(A K pH)

Civilian killed in Saudi ground attacks in Saada

A civilian was killed by the fires of the Saudi border guards in Saada province, a security official told Saba News Agency.

The civilian was killed in Shada border district, added the official.
Meanwhile, artillery and missile shells were fired toward residential areas of Razih border district, causing heavy damage to civilians’ properties

(A K pS)

Yemen forces make significant advances in Saada province

Yemeni government forces, backed by the Arab Coalition, have made significant advances in the east of Saada province.

The forces have taken full control of key mountain ranges in the Kataf directorate, a military source said, according to the state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Remark: As claimed by Saudi coalition.

(B K pS)

Military sources says 341 Houthi fighters killed in past 72 hours

Military sources have confirmed the continued progress of the Yemeni army, on all fronts, during the past three days, pointing out that the rebel militia had suffered heavy losses.

Al-Arabiya news website quoted these sources as indicating that 341 fighters from the Houthi militia have been killed in the last 72 hours.

Remark: As claimed by Saudi coalition.

(B K pH)

Infographic Detailing of US-Saudi Aggression Losses During June

The Media Center of Ansarullah published statistics on the losses of the US-Saudi aggression forces and the most prominent operations of the Army and Popular Committees during June. These operations ranged from firing ballistic missiles, destruction of land and sea equipment, sniping operations, offensive operations and drones air raids.

My comment: As claimed by th Houthi movement. For June, when the UAE and their mercenaries advanced to Hodeidah.

(A K pH)

Commander: Yemeni missiles to hit all Saudi, Emirati vital sites

A commander of the Yemeni army warned the Saudi-led coalition against the increase of its attacks on civilians in the Arabian Peninsula country and said in that case, Yemen’s army will target all of the Saudi and Emirati vital sites with ballistic missiles.“We declare to the aggressors’ coalition against Yemen that any moves by their forces are within reach of our (missiles) and we have a close watch on them,” Brigadier General Abed bin Mohammed al-Thawar said. =

(* B K pH)

Report: Yemen Army targets 146 gathering of Saudi troops, destroys 508 of their vehicles

The Yemen army and popular committees targeted 146 gatherings of Saudi troops and destroyed 508 of their modern military vehicles in several fronts during this year, a military official told Saba News Agency on Sunday.
In Yemen’s western coast, engineering unit of the army and committees destroyed 212 military vehicles with their crews, including 160 newly equipped vehicles, 42 American Oshkosh (M-ATV) anti-Mines with their crews, four armored vehicles, two minesweepers and four military bulldozers, during the past weeks.
In the fronts of Nehm, Jawf and Sarawah, the engineering unit destroyed 128 modern military vehicles with their crews, and in border fronts, 103 different military vehicles were damaged, with their crews and equipment.
The military engineering unit also targeted 34 different military vehicles in the central region and destroyed 23 military vehicles with crews in the first sector of the eastern region.
The official confirmed that the military engineering unit carried out qualitative and tactical operations against 146 of enemy’s gatherings on different fronts, including 68 gatherings in the central region, causing direct casualties in according to information and intelligence coordinates that eliminated large numbers of enemy forces.

Remark: As claimed by Houthi government news site.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

Rezension: Intisars Auto

Die Graphic Novel gibt - soweit ich das beurteilen kann - einen guten Einblick in das Leben der Frauen im Jemen. Beschrieben wird der Alltag einer jungen, unverheirateten Frau der Oberschicht - vermutlich lebt Intisar schon anders als verheiratete Frauen oder Frauen der Unterschicht. Die beschriebene Vorherrschaft der Männer dürften aber alle Frauen im Jemen erleben - und sie war mir so vorher nicht bekannt.


Dear friends, Today I have chosen fantastic and amazing pictures for two places in #Yemen the richest country of history in the Middle East.


Photos: From my home province #Shabwa. The coast of Bir Ali.

(* B E H)

Yemen's epic coffee revival: From war to hipster New York cafes

A San Francisco native rekindled cultivation in Yemen and did not let a war come between him and his American dream.

Five years ago, Mokhtar Alkhanshali was a grassroots activist with a law career mapped out, working as a doorman in San Francisco to pay the bills.

But his life changed when he saw a statue outside a cafe of an Arab man holding a cup of coffee.

After researching coffee's links to Yemen, his ancestral homeland, he set off to find the perfect beans and resurrect coffee cultivation in the Arab country.

It was 2013, two years before the start of the war.

He spent years finding some of the world's best beans, travelling across more than 30 of Yemen's coffee plantations and helping to train farmers.

It was not an easy journey; coffee cultivation - which had been a key trade - had declined over the centuries as Yemeni farmers switched to growing khat, a more profitable flowering plant containing an addictive stimulant.

But in late March 2015, on the day before his flight back to the US, things were about to get worse.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-431 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-431: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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