Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 450 - Yemen War Mosaic 450

Yemen Press Reader 450: 28. August 2018: Warum Amerikanern das Mitgefühl fehlt – Tote Kinder in US-Kriegen – Kronprinz Salmans Drohungen – Interview mit Mohammed Ali al-Huthi – Krebspatienten

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August 28, 2018: The Americans’ lack of compassion – Dead children in US wars – Crown Prince Salman’s threats – Interview with Mohammed Ali al-Huthi – Cancer patients in Yemen – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(*** B K P)

Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?

By John Tirman, January 6, 2012

This inattention to civilian deaths in America’s wars isn’t unique to Iraq. There’s little evidence that the American public gives much thought to the people who live in the nations where our military interventions take place.

Our lack of acknowledgment is less oversight than habit, a self-reflective reaction to the horrors of war and an American tradition that goes back decades.

However, when it comes to our wars overseas, concern for the victims is limited to U.S. troops.

The lack of concern about those who die in U.S. wars is also shown by these civilians’ absence, in large part, from our films, novels and documentaries. The entertainment industry portrays these wars rarely and almost always with a focus on Americans.

Today there is virtually no support for helping rebuild Iraq or Afghanistan — no campaigns by large charities, no open doors for Iraqi refugees. The U.S. response to so many dead, 5 million displaced and a devastated country is woefully dismissive.

Why the American silence on our wars’ main victims? Our self-image, based on what cultural historian Richard Slotkin calls “the frontier myth” — in which righteous violence is used to subdue or annihilate the savages of whatever land we’re trying to conquer — plays a large role. For hundreds of years, the frontier myth has been one of America’s sturdiest national narratives.

When the challenges from communism in Korea and Vietnam appeared, we called on these cultural tropes to understand the U.S. mission overseas. The same was true for Iraq and Afghanistan, with the news media and politicians frequently portraying Islamic terrorists as frontier savages. By framing each of these wars as a battle to civilize a lawless culture, we essentially typecast the local populations as theIndians of our North American conquest. As the foreign policy maven Robert D. Kaplanwrote on the Wall Street Journal op-ed page in 2004, “The red Indian metaphor is one with which a liberal policy nomenklatura may be uncomfortable, but Army and Marine field officers have embraced it because it captures perfectly the combat challenge of the early 21st century.”

Politicians tend to speak in broader terms, such as defending Western values, or simply refer to resistance fighters as terrorists, the 21st-century word for savages. Remember the military’s code name for the raid of Osama bin Laden’s compound? It was Geronimo.

The frontier myth is also steeped in racism, which is deeply embedded in American culture’s derogatory depictions of the enemy. Such belittling makes it all the easier to put these foreigners at risk of violence. President George W. Bush, to his credit, disavowed these wars as being against Islam, as has President Obama.

Perhaps the most compelling explanation for indifference, though, taps into our beliefs about right and wrong. More than 30 years ago, social psychologists developed the “just world” theory, which argues that humans naturally assume that the world should be orderly and rational. When that “just world” is disrupted, we tend to explain away the event as an aberration. For example, when encountering a beggar on the street, a common reaction is indifference or even anger, in the belief that no one should go hungry in America.

This explains much of our response to the violence in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. When the wars went badly and violence escalated, Americans tended to ignore or even blame the victims. The public dismissed the civilians because their high mortality rates, displacement and demolished cities were discordant with our understandings of the missions and the U.S. role in the world.

These attitudes have consequences. Perhaps the most important one — apart from the tensions created with the host governments, which have been quite vocal in protesting civilian casualties — is that indifference provides permission to our military and political leaders to pursue more interventions.

My comment: A very interesting article, showing that there will be no empathy at all in the US for Yemen also… – Fortunately, among the most serious critics of US wars and US imperialism there are many Americans, too… Thus, there is a better minority in the US as well, which must be encouraged and supported. – But the great majority’s attitude seems to give a green light to US wars and US imperialism, as the author is showing here.

And this again is a clear proof that there exists nothing like “Western values”, or, even worse, “Transatlantic values”. Such “values” always are emphasized in cases when we are manipulated to agree to a Western aggressive policy, to a close alliance to the US [elites’] foreign policy, imperialism and wars. But, think about it: There are just very few values today’s ordinary Europeans and US-American elites really share.

(** B K P)

Dead 'Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life

The elite of Wall Street's speculative investment banking must see profit and power for capital accumulation in reestablishing its former control over Yemen, perhaps the poorest nation in the world. Yemen is a nation with a strong cultural heritage and proud Islamic integrity. Perhaps if it was less so, many thousands of lives of children of Yemen would not have been taken and continue to be taken by USA through the bombing of its lackey Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The resiliency of the Yemeni under attack is fierce.

The Texans Had to Know Their Bombs Would Kill

The Texans who manufactured the big beautiful shiny 500 pound guided laser bomb must have only known that the bomb they were fashioning was most probably going to kill some people somewhere. It did not concern the Texans making the bomb who dies and where. The Texans leave who dies where and when up to someone else to decide. This seems to corroborate what Michael Moore says about killing having been in the craw or DNA of Americans for a couple hundred years.

In this case the bomb was made to sell along with tons of other WMD to Saudi Arabia in a ten billion dollar sale, which President Trump spoke very proudly of as giving employment to so many Americans. This writer asked himself, 'How many people do I know around the world, in Asia, Africa and Latin America, who would be willing to be employed making weapons of mass destruction that would probably kill children?' The reader, wherever he or she might be, might ask him or herself the same question. My answer was, "Nobody I know anywhere."

This bomb was made in Texas by Texans who, might well be feeling some shock about it, but as Michael Moore in his film Bowling At Columbine showed graphically, all America is involved in the WMD killing industry. Though it is no secret that these weapons are taking millions of lives, even millions of children lives, a vast and critical amount of Americans remain pleased with US military action around the globe, always preposterously described as 'protecting American freedoms.'

In the coming multi-polar world the absurdities, illogic and insanity that justifies US NATO UN genocide will no longer be successfully propagated. These outrageous fabrications just wont wash when exposed to the light of day by new major sources of information emanating from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

An archival research peoples historian activist would like to end his call for the world to speak out, with a review of American genocidal crimes against humanity's children, but first a odd question.

How Many Americans Does It Take to Slaughter a Third World Child? by Jay Janson Dissident Voice, April 9th, 2010

How much effort, by how many Americans, has gone into producing each child's violent death during undeclared wars in Third World nations? Some innocent child made poor and disadvantaged for its country's history of brutal colonial occupation and plunder by industrial powers that continue to exploit through neocolonialist financial oppression, killed by foreign invaders of American nationality.

The question might equally be asked regarding each dead Korean child or each Laotian, Vietnamese, Cambodian child, of each child who was killed in its own various Latin American or African country, and since 9/11, each Pakistani, Afghani, Iraqi, Somali, Libyan, South Sudanese, and Yemeni, child, all so precious and lovely while they were alive during the time allotted to them by destiny and the military necessities of Americans.

Below are seven multiple answers to the question -- how many Americans does it take to collaterally slaughter1 a child during an undeclared American war on some of each child's countrymen?

The reader will surly remember the greatest Holocaust in proportion amount taking of children's lives in Korea, Congo, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Central America and then the Middle East, all excused and forgotten in CIA-fed Western media.

The US began this horrendous journey in Korea.

Does not the entire population of the world accept Western domination to the point of allowing the mass murder of children by Americans and American led coalitions without calling for implementation of international law? Why does no one speak up? All delegates to the UN General Assembly Debate of 2015, heralded the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations, but no delegate even mentioned that 2015 was the same 60th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Principles of International Law being adopted into the UN Charter.

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark states that by Article Six of the US Constitution, The Nuremberg Principles of International Law are part of the law of the land, yet even nations under various forms of attack from the United States government never quote the Nuremberg Principles or the Convention on Genocide.

Where there is injustice over a long period of time, before there is a correction and justice served, people will have first begun to talk about the injustice, complain about it and desire justice, and when it becomes a topic of conversation at home within the family, among friends, in the cafes, in the market place, in the street, in the work place, in places of worship, in schools and institutions of higher learning throughout the world, a demand for justice will arise and a way will be found.

"Silence is Treason!" cried Rev. Martin Luther King after describing the death and degradation of the children of Vietnam by Americans in his New York City sermon 'Beyond Vietnam a Time to Break Silence,' given one year before King was shot in the head.

But Americans remained treasonously silent, tens of millions even supporting the killing in Vietnam and the bombings and invasions of other small countries that followed.

Some of us work to somehow make this killing millions of children come to be topic of conversation in the Third World, even just a few minutes earlier than otherwise, for the children's lives that will be saved – by Jay Janson

My comment: I think China hardly will become much better: A “non-confrontational, kind and loving sanity of Chinese civilization and socialism “ will ba an illusion.

You might think this author is too extreme? Might-be you also read these two articles (read them both):

Reactions to the death of Senator John McCain

A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

and this here also might not be missing here:

(** A K P)

Bin Salman threatens to target women and children in Yemen despite international criticism

Saudi Arabia’s Mohammad Bin Salman has threatened to target women and children in Yemen with the Saudi-led Arab coalition despite international criticism, Al-Khaleej Online has reported.

According to an “informed source”, who asked not to be named, the Crown Prince issued his threat during a meeting with the coalition’s military commanders following the massacre in Hodeida earlier this month.

“Do not care about international criticism,” Bin Salman is alleged to have told his officers, a reference to the international condemnation of military operations against civilians in Yemen, particularly raids that kill women and children. “We want to leave a big impact on the consciousness of Yemeni generations. We want their children, women and even their men to shiver whenever the name of Saudi Arabia is mentioned.”

Remark: – Relating on the article linked here:

My comment: Exactly this is how Saudi Arabia is leading this war. And the West deliberately supports this.

Comment: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has pledged to continue targeting civilians in Yemen. In other words, he is a proud war criminal. And yet, the US-Saudi alliance is unlikely to be affected. That's how broken we are as a nation.

(** A B K P)

"Die Welt muss die Koalition zwingen, ihre Angriffe auf Jemen einzustellen"

Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, de facto Präsident im Norden Jemens, fordert von den UN, sich nicht länger dem Druck Saudi-Arabiens und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten zu beugen.

Die Huthis sind nach seinen Worten bereit, die Kontrolle über den Hafen von Hodeidah an die UN zu übergeben, der für die Versorgung des Landes lebensnotwendig ist.

Die Aussichten auf einen baldigen Frieden aber hält er für gering.

Mohammed Ali Al-Huthi: Ich habe jüngst erst mit Martin Griffiths telefoniert. Die Gespräche können nur ein erster Schritt Richtung Frieden sein. Wir sind bereit zu jeder Diskussion. Wir haben nichts gegen Verhandlungen. Die Chancen auf Frieden aber hängen davon ab, ob die andere Seite den ernsthaften Willen dazu hat und mit ehrlichen Intentionen in diese Gespräche geht. Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate müssen diesen Willen haben, und ebenso die Amerikaner, Briten und Franzosen und alle anderen Staaten, die die Koalition unterstützen.

Die Welt muss sie zwingen, ihre Angriffe auf Jemen einzustellen.

Ich habe mit den Botschaftern der europäischen Staaten gesprochen, und sie haben mir auch diese Frage gestellt. Ich habe ihnen klargemacht, dass das jemenitische Volk nur über alte Waffen verfügt. Wir sind bereit, diese Waffen der Armee zu überlassen, obwohl es das jemenitische Militär ist, das gegen die Koalition kämpft. Seine Generäle sind auf unserer Seite. Was wir haben, sind Raketen, und die gehören der jemenitischen Armee. Auch diese Waffen können wieder in die Stützpunkte zurückgehen, wir haben sie nur versteckt, um sie vor den Luftangriffen zu schützen.

Wir fordern allerdings, dass auch die Waffen, die auf der anderen Seite an Terrorgruppen und Söldner geliefert werden, dann ebenfalls der Armee unterstellt werden. Wenn sie bereit sind, ihre Waffen abzugeben, werden wir unsere auch abgeben. Sie bekommen die meisten und modernsten Waffen geliefert. In den Reihen der Koalition kämpfen die gleichen Terroristen, die vor dem Krieg die jemenitische Armee attackiert haben – von Paul-Anton Krüger

(** B H)

Krank im Krieg - Krebspatienten im Jemen

Seit mehr als drei Jahren kämpft eine Militärallianz um Saudi-Arabien gegen die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen. Vor den Bombenangriffen sind auch Krankenhäuser nicht sicher. Wer jetzt noch schwer erkrankt, bekommt kaum Hilfe (Bilderserie)

Teure Behandlung

Khaled Ismael küsst die rechte Hand seiner Tocher Radhiya. Der 17-jährigen Krebskranken musste der linke Arm amputiert werden. Eine bessere Behandlung konnte sich der Vater nicht leisten, obwohl er verkaufte, was er konnte und sich sogar Geld lieh: "Der Krieg hat unser Leben zerstört. Wir konnten nicht ins Ausland gehen, darum wurde meine Tochter nicht gut genug behandelt."

(** B H)

Krebsbehandlung in dem vom Krieg gebeutelten Jemen bricht ein

(** B H)

Film: Yemen: Cancer patients struggle with basic treatment due to conflict

Cancer patients in the Yemen capital of Sanaa are suffering the most from war and the lack of resources to support their treatment, footage filmed Sunday shows.

The National Oncology Centre in Sanaa admits around 600 new cancer patients each month, but three years of war and the funding has dwindled with patients are struggling to receive proper care.

Doctor Anwar Al-Rajawi, Head of Oncology Department, said: "Here in the oncology unit, we suffer from the severe lack of chemotherapy [drugs]. If a child is diagnosed with a malignant tumour, we cannot provide the treatment in a timely manner. We cannot do anything due to the lack of drugs in the protocol."

One of the patients in the centre described the dire situation cancer patients in Yemen have to deal with: “I suffer from the lack of medicine and the difficult living situation these days. Everything is very expensive. We need the provision of necessary medicines immediately." Another patient mentioned the lack of basic medical supplies are missing. He called on “foreign organisations to help us and help this centre."

Around 35,000 people have cancer in Yemen with 11,000 cases diagnosed each year, according to The World Health Organization. =

(** B H)

Film: Yemen's cancer crisis amid war

It is becoming increasing difficult to get potentially life-saving treatment to 35,000 cancer patients in Yemen, with 11,000 new cases each year, as the ongoing conflict nears its four-year mark.

While the United Nations is warning of the potential of a third cholera outbreak in Yemen, the almost four-year-long war is taking its toll on cancerpatients.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that around 35,000 people have cancer in Yemen, with 11,000 new patients diagnosed each year. Many of them are children.

But in a place where the economy and the infrastructure have collapsed, it is difficult to get the life-saving treatment people so desperately need. =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

NASA Investment in Cholera Forecasts Helps Save Lives in Yemen

For the first time ever, measurements from NASA Earth-observing research satellites are being used to help combat a potential outbreak of life-threatening cholera. Humanitarian teams in Yemen are targeting areas identified by a NASA-supported project that precisely forecasts high-risk regions based on environmental conditions observed from space.

“By joining up international expertise with those working on the ground, we have for the very first time used these sophisticated predictions to help save lives and prevent needless suffering for thousands of Yemenis,” said Charlotte Watts, chief scientist with the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development.

Starting this spring, the British government and international aid groups in Yemen began using these new cholera forecasts to target their work in reducing cholera risk. That work includes promoting good hygiene to prevent the spread of the water-borne disease and distributing hygiene and cholera treatment kits. The results to date suggest the forecast model has the potential to fundamentally change how the international community addresses cholera.

The forecast tool analyzes a variety of NASA satellite observations, including precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Measurement mission, air and ocean temperatures from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites, as well as measurements of phytoplankton concentrations in nearby coastal ocean areas.

In 2017, the model achieved 92 percent accuracy in predicting the regions where cholera was most likely to occur and spread in Yemen that year, even identifying inland areas that are not usually susceptible to the disease but suffered outbreaks. The Yemen cholera outbreak was the world's worst in 2017, with more than 1.1 million suspected cases and more than 2,300 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

“The model has done an excellent job in Yemen detecting triggers of cholera outbreaks,” said Jutla, “but there is still a lot of work we need to do to have this forecast model give accurate predictions everywhere.” (with film and map)


(* B H)

Yemen cholera epidemic 'controlled' by computer predictions

Cholera cases in Yemen have been slashed by a new system that predicts where outbreaks will occur.

Last year, there were more than 50,000 new cases in just one week - this year, the numbers plummeted to about 2,500.

The system has enabled aid workers to focus efforts on prevention several weeks in advance of an outbreak - by monitoring rainfall.

It comes as the UN says it is concerned about a possible "third wave" of the epidemic.

The deployment of the technology has been coordinated by the UK's Department for International Development.

Prof Charlotte Watts, the department's chief scientific adviser, said that the system had helped aid workers bring a rampant epidemic under control.

"We have thousands of people around the world that died from cholera each year," he said.

"And I think this approach could really help put a dent into that figure.

"What this technology enables us to do is really home in to where we're going to get new outbreaks, and respond really effectively."

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* B K)


In the summer of 2005, I arrived in a Yemeni coastal port on a road trip that had brought us from the lofty tower-palaces of Sana’a, capital of Arabia Felix for the Romans, down to the Tihama plain on the Red Sea.

as a foreign girl, the fisherman were enthusiastic to show me everything

It is now 2018, and this otherwise obscure Red Sea port has cropped in intermittent articles which attempt to convey its apocalyptic scope on an unimaginable world stage. In this war, a calculated and intentional genocide of millions of Yemenis has been playing out for around four years. Hodeidah is the point of entry for Yemen’s capital Sana’a and the population-dense north of the country for all imported food (upon which Yemen has relied for decades), medicine, aid, and the infinity of things shipped into what had been a healthy market before being methodically targeted. At the behest of a deeply-unpopular president whose elected tenure has long since expired, a coalition of countries led by Saudi Arabia unleashed the gates of hell upon virtually every city, every province, every port, every airport, every market, every farm, every fishing boat, every water system, every school, every hospital, every major historical site, every museum; exceptions are few. Attacks on Al-Hodeidah have been carried out in spite of numerous warnings that to do so would be sealing the death letter of starvation for millions; bombs fell on its fish market and its hospital, and fresh news of strikes on civilian targets seems to never stop.

To be a fishermen in Hodeidah went from a laid-back life to a near-certain death sentence.

When I remember Hodeidah, I remember brightly colored boats, wide smiles, the abundance of all the Red Sea had to offer, but most of all their unbridled, enthusiastic generosity; they gave what they had to a stranger, and even now, that kindness of the ghosts of Hodeidah speaks for them.

(A K P)

Popular Protests Against US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Hodeidah and Al-Bayda:
In Hodeidah governorate, the people of Durayhimi district issued a statement denouncing the ongoing crimes of aggression against the Yemeni people (photo)

(A K pH)

7 raids launch on Hodeidah

Seven missiles fired when the US-Saudi aggression coalition hit Hodeidah province, a local official told Saba on Sunday.
The airstrikes hit al-Tohuitah district in the west of coast.

(A K pS)

Houthis prevent relief organizations from entering Dureihmi district

The Houthi militia have banned the UN aid agencies in Hodeidah from moving freely and delivering aid, local sources said.

The militia barred the entry of medical vehicles to Dureihmi district and are entrapping the civilians there using them as hostages while the army advances in that western province.

My comment: As claimed by anti-Houthi source. After air raids, the Saudi coalition had prevented ambulances from entering the site.

(A P)

Hodeidah.. Start-up of paying staff salaries in six liberated Directorates

In the western province of Hodeidah, the authorities began to pay employees in six liberated directorates.

The government news agency Saba quoted the first undersecretary of Hodeidah Governorate, who said that the salaries of the employees would be paid in directorates, namely, Khokha, Hees, Hook, Almina and Alhali, and that the salaries of the Tahita Directorate would be paid after the holiday of Eid al-Adha.

He also explained that it was agreed today with the Alkuraimi bank to start paying salaries for the June and July employees of the University of Hodeidah.

My comment: This is by a pro-Saudi coalition source. State employees had not been paid for more than 18 months now, due to the war and “president” Hadi’s central bank policy. Quickly doing this now in newly “liberated” areas, is a serious means to fix these regions which are still close to the front lines.

(A K pH)

Citizen injured, citizens' 2 car destroyed in 2 Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeida

A citizens was injured on Friday and two cars of citizens were destroyed while Two Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeida province, a security official told Saba.
The airstrikes targeted Durihimy district.

cp2 Allgemein / General

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(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K P)

U.S. Commander Urges More Transparency in Yemen Strike on School Bus

The top American air commander in the Middle East is urging the Saudi-led coalition of Arab nations to be more forthcoming about an investigation into an airstrike in northern Yemen earlier this month that struck a school bus, killing more than 40 children.

The comments by Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian reflected increasing exasperation by United States officials over the conflict that has spiraled into a humanitarian disaster.

“There’s a level of frustration we need to acknowledge,” General Harrigian said in a wide-ranging telephone interview last week. “They need to come out and say what occurred there.”

His comments were the latest, and bluntest, public critique of the Saudi-led air campaign against Houthi rebels that have been voiced by a growing number of senior American military, Pentagon and diplomatic officials seeking to distance the United States from the conflict — but who are facing increasing questions about American support for the air war with every errant strike.

General Harrigian is a former F-22 fighter pilot who is stepping down this week after two years commanding American air operations in the Middle East and Southwest Asia from his headquarters in Qatar. He has played a personal role in trying to persuade — and sometimes cajole — Saudi officials overseeing the air campaign to develop targeting procedures to avoid civilian casualties.

The general would not speculate how or why the school bus was struck, saying that was the focus of the ongoing investigation. “Clearly, we’re concerned about civilian casualties, and they know about our concern,” General Harrigian said, frustration edging his voice. “The key here is to take appropriate action.”

My comment: Might be he really believes what he tells. But what happened there already is well known. – “develop targeting procedures to avoid civilian casualties”: this imply is a propaganda stunt. Something like this simply does not exist. The US own warfare in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq clearly has shown this. – There is only one way out for the US.


(* A K P)

The ‘Sham Investigations’ of Saudi Coalition War Crimes in Yemen

The New York Times reports on growing frustration in the U.S. military with the Saudi coalition.

Any criticism of the Saudi coalition from our government is welcome, but this complaint misses the point. The coalition doesn’t just need to “say what occurred” in the August 9 Dahyan massacre that killed 40 schoolchildren and at least eleven others. We know what occurred, and we know who is responsible. What is needed is pressure to make the coalition stop their attacks on civilian targets, and the best way to do that is to cut off all military support that aids them in carrying out those attacks. Anything else amounts to dancing around the fact that the coalition is repeatedly and deliberately targeting and killing civilians in large numbers.

The problem with Saudi coalition investigations of their own war crimes isn’t that they are insufficiently transparent, but that they are all but certain to exonerate coalition forces of any wrongdoing. There needs to be an independent, international inquiry into this attack and into all war crimes committed by all parties in Yemen. The Saudi coalition, the U.S., Britain, and France have consistently opposed independent investigations because they know what these investigations will prove. The perpetrators want to cover up their crimes, and their accomplices have been helping them do just that.

Human Rights Watch analyzed the work of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) and found that it routinely vindicated coalition forces and whitewashed their crime.

We would expect abusive authoritarian regimes to conduct sham investigations into their own war crimes, so it comes as no surprise that this is what the coalition has been doing. The coalition has created a process designed to pay lip service to concerns about their attacks on civilians, but they have no intention of holding coalition forces accountable for crimes against civilians and they appear to have no interest in reducing the number of civilians that they kill. Demanding that they make their meaningless investigations more “transparent” is just another way of avoiding a clash with the Saudis and their allies over their outrageous behavior.

(* A B K P)

Saudi Arabia seeks no strong government formed in Yemen: Ansarullah

The spokesman for Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement says Saudi Arabia never wants a strong government to be formed in Yemen, but aspiring turn the war-hit country into a client state, as the Saudi-led military coalition continues with its ceaseless airstrikes against the impoverished nation.

“The one who has killed the Yemeni people for almost the past four years and allowed Saudi-led mercenaries and foreign forces to enter the country is not representing a true government,” said Mohammed Abdul-Salam in an interview with the You News outlet on Monday.

He apparently referred to the so-called government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, Yemen’s former president and a staunch ally of Riyadh, which is only recognized by member states of the Saudi-led military coalition and some Western states.

“The Yemeni people also harbor no hope in the United Nations since it cannot be effective under the strong influence of the United States and the UK, and hefty financial assistance that comes from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE),” Abdul-Salam further said.

Responding to the calls of disarmament of the Houthi Ansarullah movement, he said that the crisis in Yemen could not be settled by disarming the movement since huge amounts of weaponry and ammunition were being taken into Yemen on a daily basis by the invading coalition.

“We do not accept that the subject of weapons be reduced to us only,” he added, pointing out that there are large amounts of weapons in the hands of the al-Qaeda militant groups and other militant outfits.

He stressed that a political solution for defusing the current the years-old crisis in Yemen must be based on humanitarian and economic grounds in an attempt to heal to wounds of the Yemeni nation and to restore the country’s battered infrastructure.

My comment: This obviously is true.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia and Coalition Partners Must Apologize to Yemeni People

The Saudis, the Americans and their allied partners who have committed crimes and atrocities against humanity in Yemen are still stubbornly refusing to admit their wrongs.

Not only do the Saudi leaders refuse to admit their war crimes and sincerely apologize to Yemeni victims; they have all made every effort to cover up their atrocities in the poorest country in the Arab world. After three years, the Saudi regime has never faced up squarely to its war-waging and misery-inflicting policy. It has never conducted conscientious introspection and earnest reflection; nor has it made an official apology. Instead, it has on numerous occasions honored its culprits and commanders of war of aggression, who have caused terrible suffering to millions of besieged people in Yemen.

Now what they are doing is blatantly alter history and facts on the ground, seeking to depict the US-backed Saudi-led war of aggression as the “liberation of Yemen”, and attempting to reinterpret bloody massacres as “a self-defensive holy war”.

It is time for the international civil society to call on Saudi Arabia to acknowledge the truth without bias or distortion, to indulge in profound introspection, to make sincere apologies to its neighbor in the Arabian Peninsula region, and to unequivocally and irreversibly renounce militarism, which up to this day has affected millions of people across the war-torn nation and beyond.

The Saudis should also take concrete action to show their sincerity by following a path of peaceful development, promoting peace and reconciliation, and safeguarding regional peace and stability, not just in Yemen but in Iraq and Syria as well. They can and they should do in penitence and atonement to wash away memories of the sins and crimes committed by their forces and allies, and to prevent the spread of humanitarian suffering and disaster.

The US government is also expected to acknowledge the reality without bias or distortion, to indulge in profound introspection, to make sincere apologies to Yemen, and to unequivocally and irreversibly renounce war, which up to this day has killed many people. The US government should also take concrete action to show its sincerity by ending its support for the Saudi-led militarism and that means halting its weapons supplies too.

Last but not the least, the US government and other parties to this dirty conflict should also apologize to the people of Yemen for not having given them an opportunity to build a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious post-Hadi Yemen.

My comment: From Iran, but nevertheless this simply is true.

(B P)

“A senior al-Qaida leader was killed while fighting alongside the govt forces battling Shiite rebels.” This never ceases to amaze me. Shi’a is not even a label Yemenis have historically used to refer to Zaydis, let alone a rebel group that includes Sunnis

While I can understand why the majority of Arab media would falsely equate Houthis with Twelver Shi’a (stokes popular resentment of Shi‘i Iran), why do Western news outlets continue to push this patently false sectarian narrative?

The word “Shi’a” only entered popular Yemeni vernacular when Saudi/Qatari funded Islamists began using the term to smear political opponents shortly after mass protests broke out. It was used to discredit political dissent and its rooted in bigotry. Why are we legitimizing it?

Comment: imagine if we said Christian- controlled BBC or white Christian Reuters & so on.

My comment: This is Western propaganda wording which clearly shows Western media bias.

(B K P)

Shootings in the U.S.: this time in Florida. The Saudi-led coalition should intervene to protect the US people. And the United Arab Emirates, in particular, should build security belt forces in safe US cities and occupy US islands and seaports in support of the US authorities.

My comment: For Yemen, the West thinks this would be a “normal” scenario.

(* B K P)

US-backed Saudi air strikes massacre dozens of Yemeni children for second time in two weeks

[Broader overview article]

(* B K)

Der vergessene Krieg

Videokolumne von Paul-Anton Krüger

Für seine Reportage über Jemen ist unser SZ-Korrespondent ins Kriegsgebiet gereist. Er erzählt, wieso er ohne kugelsichere Weste unterwegs war und ein kleiner Junge ihn zutiefst beeindruckt hat.

Mein Kommentar: „Wir bekommen das wohl nicht so mit“: Ungewolltes Eingeständnis des eigenen Totalversagens. Um zu berichten, dazu sind die Medien da oder wären sie da, sonst brauchen wir sie nicht, die „Süddeutsche Zeitung“ eingeschlossen. Jetzt haben sie nach 1250 Tagen mal ihren Nahost-Korrespondenten hingeschickt. Da waren die alten Griechen schon wesentlich schneller.

(A B K)

@ICRC_ye is alarmed by the wave of breaches of international humanitarian law as witnessed by civilian loss of life in Sa’ada &Hodeida and as recently reported in Duraihami.

The disproportionate impact of hostilities on civilians is outright unacceptable and will continue to have a devastating impact long after the guns fall silent.

@ICRC_ye urges all parties to the conflict to ensure respect for their legal obligations under international humanitarian law, which entails:

Comment: I agree with this @ICRC_ye thread. Nonetheless, the reality of the Saudi war in Yemen continues to demonstrate a basic truth : Laws which are not enforced have no legal effect, and can be ignored with impunity.

(B K)

Film: Has anyone ever heard of journalists being chased and killed by F16s? A total of 180 journalists were killed by US-Saudi airstrikes in Yemen? More than 50 media places were destroyed. All details authenticated

(* A K P)

Less Than 24 Hours After Senate Rejected Effort to Curb Slaughter, 26 More Children Killed by US-Backed Bombing in Yemen

Less than a day after Republicans in the United States Senate rejected a chance this week “to slam on the brakes and stop [America’s] role in enabling the suffering in Yemen,” at least 26 more children were slaughtered by a US-backed Saudi-led bombing in the western part of the country.

Overview, and another overview:

(* B P)

'HRW, Amnesty need to do more to stop Saudi war on Yemen'

There is not enough “pressure” and “concrete action” by the international community to push Saudi Arabia to stop airstrikes against innocent civilians in Yemen, says a commentator.

Edward Corrigan, an international human rights lawyer, told Press TV on Saturday that international organizations like the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International needed to do more to help stop the Saudi war on Yemen.

"There is a dire need for concrete action and that would mean a resolution from the [UN] Security Council against Saudi bombardment of innocent civilians in Yemen," Corrigan urged.

The lawyer also called on US media to give attention to the Saudi airstrikes on Yemeni children as well as the mass starvation of the country's population.

“Unless the North American media in particular starts to cover this issue, we are not going to have groundswell support necessary to force the [US] Congress to take action,” he noted.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia really should listen to Human Rights Watch to improve its reputation

It is sometimes hard to see why the war in Syria gets so much coverage in Britain, while the war in Yemen is all but ignored; it feels like a niche topic restricted to hard-core Middle East watchers. In reality, though, events in Yemen strike at the heart of Britain’s relationship with the Middle East; indeed, of its loyalty verging on subservience to the interests of Saudi Arabia. The latter is one of the most powerful and newsworthy countries on earth, where the lifting of a driving ban makes global headlines, but the Royal Saudi Air Force bombing women and children in Yemen is rarely acknowledged.

Why this isn’t a bigger story in the media is mystifying. It may be that subconscious bias exists amongst editors who feel a strong loyalty to the British state whenever it is involved in military ventures. Many newsrooms are in denial or simply disinterested that Britain is occasionally on the side of the bombers who target mosques, schools and markets; that on occasion we mistakenly back the bad guys, rather than in a war like Syria, where we are backing the underdog rebels (although some of those rebels are really very bad too). Or in Iraq in 2003 where – whatever the faults in the logic behind the invasion — the invading troops clearly had the moral upper hand over Saddam Hussein.

Another possibility is that the rumour of a deal being struck between the Ministry of Defence in London and certain media outfits to limit coverage of the Yemen conflict, in return for “access” elsewhere on defence issues, is true. The details are hard to pin down, perhaps because the deal does not exist.

As Human Rights Watch’s latest report, released this week, clearly shows, the coalition has been deeply cynical with how it uses JIAT findings to its advantage. Not only does JIAT whitewashing adorn the pages of state-controlled media in Saudi Arabia — a re-assurance to residents that Riyadh is on the side of the angels — but criticism by the international community has often been offset by sudden releases of data.

For example, JIAT released incident results during a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in September 2017. The agenda included calls for an independent international commission to be set up to investigate alleged war crimes by the Saudi-led coalition. The Saudis then released JIAT results to argue against the need for the proposed new international mechanism.

In March 2018, as Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman made his way to the United Kingdom for meetings with the British government, another tranche of JIAT results were issued suddenly, in an attempt to spare the blushes in Westminster. Then, in June, JIAT sent out a flurry of new findings ahead of a controversial offensive to capture Hodeida, Yemen’s most important port, an assault in which Yemen’s desperate humanitarian situation looked set to be exacerbated.

The personnel involved may also have something to do with all of this.

Saudi Arabia has every right to defend its borders, but to carry on flying sorties in which there is clearly no distinction between civilians and Houthi fighters is not the way it should be done; it is murder. The government in Riyadh probably won’t take much notice, but if it chooses to read the latest Human Rights Watch report, carefully, and adopt even a handful of its conclusions, it would be a good start on the path to improving the Saudis’ reputation on the world stage – by Alastair Sloan

This work by Middle East Monitor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A P)

Saudi-Arabien beschlagnahmt Öltanker im Roten Meer

Die arabische Kriegskoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabien beschlagnahmte einen Öltanker, der in Richtung der jemenitischen Hafenstadt Al-Hudaida unterwegs war.

Dem Nachrichtendiest Al-Massira zufolge, habe eine unbekannte Quelle in Al-Hudaida behauptet, dass der Tanker für die Durchfahrt eine UNO-Genehmigung besaß.öltanker_im_roten_meer

(A P)

Saudi-Emirati forces banned a ship carrying oil derivatives from entering the Yemen port of Hodeida on the Red Sea. The ship (Baria, not sure of the spelling) was banned despite the fact that it had been searched and given clearance to enter the port and deliver the cargo.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, Save the Children, Education Cluster, Infographics:

Yemen: Education Cluster Humanitarian Response Dashboard (January - July 2018)

Yemen: Education Cluster Activities - Partners Mapping as of 30 July 2018

Yemen: Education Cluster Analysis Reached Activities January - July 2018

Yemen: Education Cluster Partners Achievement ( as of July 2018 )

Yemen: Education Cluster Gap Analysis (January - July 2018)

(B H)

#SMEPS launches 7 training courses for 140 coastal women in Abyan #Yemen. #YECRP aims to raising up women capacities to know-how palm fronds products, fishing-net maintenance...etc. Many thanks to @WorldBankMENA @UNDPYEMEN (photo)

(B H)

Fatimah overcame life’s #challenges and continued farming. Following her husband’s passing, she became the sole provider for her six children. She received a grant to improve her farm and #family #livelihood! She’s a #super farmer!

(A H) : Thank God. During the Eid, we were able to help 400 families with Eid Meat Feast . We also were able to help displaced families providing clothes in the center of Khairallah.with ur support we can do anything (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Die jemenitischen Zweitklass-Flüchtlinge

Hunderttausende flüchten vor dem Krieg in Jemen. In Europa nimmt man diese Menschen kaum zur Kenntnis. Die Jordanier helfen. Aber ihre Mittel sind begrenzt.

Die Jordanier helfen den 1,4 Millionen Syrern, die den apokalyptischen Krieg in ihrer Heimat geflohen sind, und sie helfen den Irakern, Somaliern und Sudanesen und vielen anderen, die hierhergekommen sind. Sie tun das nicht immer gern und oft nur unter heftigem Klagen. Aber sie tun es, so wie sie es einst mit den Palästinensern getan haben, die heute mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung ausmachen. Jordanien ist neben Libanon das Land der Flüchtlinge schlechthin. Zählt man zu den Syrern und andern Neuangekommenen die 1,8 Millionen Palästinenser hinzu, die bis heute kein Bürgerrecht haben, dann beherbergt das Land eine der grössten Flüchtlingspopulationen überhaupt.

Ein paar Vorurteile allerdings halten sich auch hier. Auch in Jordanien mag man die Flüchtlinge wenn überhaupt «echt», also arm, abgerissen und möglichst zu Fuss oder über Landwege hergekommen. Weitgereiste sind unbeliebt. Wo Schlepper, grosse Organisationen und Geld vermutet werden, versiegt die Empathie. Die Jemeniten leiden darunter, denn die meisten von ihnen sind tatsächlich auf verschlungenen Wegen hergereist. Der Landweg ist beschwerlich.

Über die Jordanier spricht Ali al-Muntaser freundlich, aber mit Distanz. Sie sind nett. Er schätzt sie und ist dankbar für ihre Hilfe. Aber die Wirtschaftslage ist angespannt, die Jordanier selber darben, und so kommt es zu Spannungen. Man beschuldigt ihn. Er stiehlt den Jordaniern die Arbeit, er hat ihnen die Frau gestohlen. Sie erkennen ihn an seinem Akzent und beleidigen ihn. Er sei kein «richtiger» Flüchtling, es gehe ihm zu gut, also solle er gehen. Und Ali lebt in einem permanenten Schwebezustand. Er hat Asyl beantragt, aber noch immer hat die Regierung nicht entschieden, ob sie ihm den Flüchtlingsstatus zuerkennen will.

Die Europäer kaufen sich frei

Den Europäern geht es sehr viel besser als den Jordaniern, aber sie wollen keine Flüchtlinge. Der Zustrom belastet ihre zarten Seelen, die Wirtschaftschancen werden selten erkannt, und die Rechtsparteien blühen auf im Sukkurs jener, die in Gegenden wohnen, in denen es am wenigsten Zugewanderte gibt. Sporadisch gerät man ob Bildern ertrunkener Kinder in Wallung, aber an der Grundeinstellung ändert das nichts. Der syrische Krieg ist furchtbar, aber die Flüchtlinge sollen bitte in den arabischen Ländern versorgt werden, da «gehören» sie hin, «geistig» und «kulturell» und so. Mit dieser Haltung müsste es eigentlich selbstverständlich sein, dass man den Ländern, denen man so generös Verantwortung überträgt, finanziell unter die Arme greift.

Bei allen Beschwernissen: So gut wie in Jordanien haben es die Flüchtlinge aus Jemen wohl kaum irgendwo. In Libanon sind die Verhältnisse ähnlich. Über die Zustände in Ländern wie Somalia oder dem Sudan kann man nur mutmassen – von Ulrich Schmid

(* B H)

Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding Syria and Iraq) (15 August 2018)

12,194 from Yemen

(* B H)

Film: War in Yemen: Eid Al-Adha a difficult time for Yemeni refugees

In Yemen, Eid Al-Adha is not a time for celebration; feeling forgotten and alone, it remains a fight for survival.

Millions of Muslims across the world have been wrapping up the celebrations for Eid Al-Adha.

A time to enjoy being with family - to bring local communities together.

But for thousands of refugees in Yemen, it’s a difficult time. =

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

The parliamentarian Sultan al-Same’i, who is also a member in the #Houthi so-called Supreme Political Council has confirmed that the group’s security supervisors are bandits & are looting the lands and properties of people in the city of #Taiz.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi twitter account.

(A P)

The parliamentarian Abdulrahman Mo’zib has confirmed that the #Houthi militia is detaining the relatives of the ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh in places with inhumane conditions, forcing them to watch the militia’s affiliated TV channels.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi twitter account.

(A P)

Al-Houthi is besieging a village in Dhamar after clashes with tribal gunmen

The al-Houthi militia, besieged a village in Jahran district, in the province of Dhamar, south of the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, after clashes with tribal gunmen.

Sources for "Almasdar online" said that the al-Houthi militia had launched an armed campaign to go down to the village of "Khirba", in Jahran District, Dhamar Province, on Saturday, to capture the "wanted" people.

Clashes broke out between the al-Houthi and two tribal gunmen, killing two Houthis and injuring eight others, including the deputy director of the Dhamar security.

According to the sources, the militia pushed reinforcements into the village of "Khirbah" and surrounded the village, in preparation for the incursion, at a time of tribal mediation to solve the problem. zzz


Photo: Yemeni capital Sanaa NOW Downtown nearby public garden with amusements for children. Eid holiday not over yet By the way, US-Saudi fighter jets never stop hovering or bombing or doing both! Just to scare,if not to kill, the kids. 2 airstrikes hit the airport 2 hours ago!

(A P)

The Government condemns the burning of the Ministry of Endowments Building by al-Houthi and promise to prosecute the looters of State property

The Yemeni government has condemned the destruction and burning of the building of the Ministry of Endowments by Houthis in Sanaa.

The government said in a statement issued Friday evening by the state news agency Saba that the burning of the archives came after the former al-Houthi rebel group had transferred most of the most important documents, drafts and manuscripts, and had encroached on the funds of the Endowments and State property.

The Government explained that the burning of the building came after the militia had, at previous times, disposed of the Endowments property, looted it and looted all documents in areas under its control.

The government has directed the Ministry of Endowments "to revoke all that has been done and to make use of the Endowments lands, whether by construction or any form of use to the authorities, companies or individuals, which it considers null and void, legally, constitutionally and legally, and that the decisions concerning the funds of the Endowments after 21 September 2014 do not It has a legal effect on the management of the Endowments and the public authority for land, space and physical planning.

The government also made an appeal to citizens that "any documents of ownership, leasing or use of Endowments property from land, real estate, etc., conducted in any way with the elements of the militia are null and non-binding on the government."


(A P)

Yemeni Government Condemns Houthis for Burning Awqaf Ministry Archive

A major fire had erupted at the Awqaf archive on Wednesday. It was likely caused by the Houthis to destroy documents on the Awqaf’s properties and allow the militias to seize these properties.

My comment: Thus, blaming the Houthis for the fire sounds rather speculative.

Remark: By a pro-Hadi government source. – “Government” here: Hadi government.

(A P)

Al-Houthi militias execute a young man in one of her prisons in the city of Rabe a month after he was kidnapped

The al-Houthi militia executed a young man abducted in a prison in the town of Rada’a, in Al-Baydha governorate (central Yemen).

In a statement to “Almasdar online a relative of the abductee “Jaber Yahya” 27 years old descending from “Alradhmah” – Ibb governorate, that Houthis informed them of the death of their relative in the first day of Eid Al Adha, and they said that his death was a month ago in one of Rada’a prisons.

He confirmed that al-Houthi had been shot close to death and accused him of attempting to flee the prison, noting that "Jaber" execution came one month after he was kidnapped from al-Houthi militia point at Abu Hashim, in Rada’a, when he was heading for the Marib Governorate where he was working.

Although four days had passed since his family had been informed of his death, the al-Houthi militia refrained from handing over the body to the victims ' relatives and continued to give them promises.

(A P)

Baha'is in #Yemen: suffering continues as spokesperson is saying Houthi media is inciting hatred against the Baha'i community.

(* B K P)

Yemen: $70 a Month for Houthi Recruits

Houthi militias are resorting to all possible means to recruit militants, whether young or old, for a mere $70 a month to remain engaged in their sectarian war that glorifies their leader.
There are dozens of heart breaking stories told by taxi drivers or people in public places describing the insane Houthi rule that contradicts ethics and traditions of the Yemeni society.
Asharq Al-Awsat spoke to a group of residents, who all preferred to remain anonymous, in several areas of Yemen about the situation and Houthi rule.
In Hajjah governorate, Mohammed H., a 42-year-old taxi driver, indicated that almost every family in the city has lost a member or two while fighting for the Houthis.
When asked about the number of deceased, Mohammed stated that he can’t give the toll, but assured that at least seven people have been killed from each of the villages of Ezlat Bani Moheb in Hajjah.
"The group exploited the unemployment rate among young people and initially pushed them to enroll in its sectarian teachings, hiding them in unknown places for periods ranging from one to two weeks," he said, adding that they are brainwashed.

My comment: All warring parties are looking for recruits – the UAE and the Saudis are able to pay better. – Blaming the Houthis is propaganda.

(* B P)

The Situation Of Baha'is In Yemen

The situation for Baha’is in Yemen is very complex largely as a result of the ongoing conflict and the humanitarian crisis it has caused. Yet, there is something about the treatment of the Baha’i community that makes it a distinctly different issue from the general crisis in Yemen. This is associated with the size of the Baha’i community in Yemen but also with the treatment of the community. The Baha’i population in Yemen constitutes a very small minority. It makes up just 1% of the non-Muslim population of Yemen. Despite the international legal framework which seeks to guarantee the rights of minority groups, the Baha’is minority rights remain unprotected. They are considered to be the most persecuted religious group in Yemen.

What are the challenges faced by the Baha’is in Yemen?


The wide-spread propaganda equates the Baha’i faith to a satanic movement, one that is at war with Islam. A similar narrative is used in Iran against the Baha’is. The rhetoric also resembles that used by Daesh to justify its attacks against the Yazidis prior to the start of its genocidal campaign against the Yazidis in Sinjar. The striking similarities should not be ignored.

Lack of fair trial or due process

The US State Department further identifies NGO reports concerning the increasing number of arrests of members if the Baha’i community. It confirms that approximately 30 such arrests were carried out in April 2017 alone. The charges that it reports include, for example, propagation of the Baha’i faith that is considered to be a satanic sect.

While the above-described acts against the Baha’i community in Yemen resemble the methods used by the Iranian government against the Baha’i community in Iran, it has to be emphasised that the situation in Yemen is more severe. This is closely related to the size of the Baha’i community in Yemen. That Baha’i community constitutes a very small minority group in Yemen.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Southern Flags Rise in Al-Makla Streets

Local leadership of the southern transitional council of Al-Makla launched a campaign to raise the southern flags on the exits and main streets of Al-Makla in addition to Hadhramaut Elites posts.
The campaign came in response to the visit of Yemeni Occupation Chief of Staff, Taher Al-Okaili, to the city as some accomplices try to satisfy their master and descend the flags from military posts.

Remark: Separatists showing: We are here! “Yemeni Occupation Chief of Staff”: President Hadi Yemeni army chief of staff.

(* B P)

Film: Unterwegs im Jemen. Machtkämpfe in Aden

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Saudi Arabien, Houthi, Al Quaida - verschiedene Staaten und Gruppierungen deren Ziele und Interessen im Jemen aufeinanderprallen. Unser Korrespondent für die arabischen Länder, Christoph Ehrhardt, war mit der Kamera vor Ort. =

(A P)

Film: Yemen reopens historic Cairo Castle in Taiz | Al JAzeera English

The Yemeni government has reopened the historic Cairo Castle in Taiz to visitors, just days after regaining control of the site from the UAE-backed Abu al-Abbas Brigades.

For the last four years, the castle has been used as a barracks.

(* A P)

He visited Abu Dhabi after his attack on the military college. Abu Al Yamamah returns to Aden

He returned to Aden from the United Arab Emirates, the commander of the so-called "First Brigade support and logistics ", Mounir Al Yafe’ae "Abu Alyamamah", accused of Attacking the military college in Aden.

Sources of "Almasdar Online" said that the Al Yafe’ae returned to Aden airport aboard an Emirati flight from Abu Dhabi, after a visit that lasted several days.

A soldier was killed and two others wounded in an attack on the ceremony organized by the Aden Military College to commemorate the graduation of a new batch of students from military, aviation and naval colleges in the Salah al-Din area, east of Aden, on August 18.

President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi brings to the courts both "Munir Al Yafe’ae " Abu al-Yamamah and "Abdul Nasir Al ba’awha" Abu Hammam, two personalities linked to the United Arab Emirates, who were accused of being involved in the attack on the military college.


(* A P)

Abu Al-Yamamah, one of UAE-backed commanders who attacked a military graduation ceremony last week killing a graduate & wounding 3 others, has returned to Aden. He came back from UAE. Hadi ordered to put him on trial, but here he is. As if UAE wanted to tell Hadi: dare you!

Remark: Look at Yemen War Mosaic 449, cp6.

(* A P)

Unknown attack a camp of the al-Hodeidah displaced north of the city of Aden, And no casualties

Unidentified gunmen attacked a camp of the western city of Hodeidah displaced early Sunday in the Rabat area, north of the southern city of Aden, the interim capital.

The gunmen attacked the camp inhabited by the displaced at dawn hours and set fire to a number of tents, and the attack did not result in the displacement of displaced persons, the Almasdar online correspondent said.

The attack was the third one targeting the camp, he added.

He noted that the attacks on the camp had forced dozens of displaced persons to leave for fear of repeated attacks, especially since some of the attacks had resulted in casualties.


(* A B P)

Among underreported stories #Yemen: attacks on IDPs in south where regionalism and hate campaigns, including northerners are not welcome, are increasing. On Saturday, 2 gunmen set fire to camp of Hodeidah IDPs in Lahj. Recently, IDPs were attacked, some with hand grenades in Aden

(A T)

Maj. Gen. Sanad al-Rahwah, commander of the 1st Presidential Protection Brigade, has survived an assassination attempt by IED that targeted his motorcade in the interim capital of #Aden. According to sources, al-Rahwah was unharmed despite damages inflicted on his car.

(* A P)

After hiding the decisions to appoint the relatives of the officials.. A broad demand for the Yemeni government to publish the Official Gazette

Activists and media students asked the Yemeni government to publish and make available The Official Gazette, which includes decisions on appointments to senior positions of the state.

More than 500 journalists, lawyers, legal and civil activists have signed a popular initiative called "Journalists and lawyers against corruption in the public service", a letter requesting the Ministry of Legal Affairs to publish and make available The Official Gazette from 2015 to date under the Official Gazette Act 1992.

The signatories to the letter from the popular initiative emphasized the need to publish it in the Official Gazette on laws and decisions on the decisions of the President of the Republic, the decisions of the Republic, the decisions of the President of the Supreme Council of the judiciary, the decisions of the President of the Council of Ministers, as well as the ministerial decisions Organizational, data and declarations: all other citizens must be informed.


(A P)

Corrupt Government of Yemen Invents New Diplomatic Positions to Employ Unemployed Sons of Ministers and Political Leaders

As part of the systematic corruption program of legitimacy government, Khaled Al-Yamani, minister of foreign affairs invented a new diplomatic position to employ the nephew of Mohamed Mansour Zamam, governor of Central Bank of Yemen.
Documents revealed that Anwar Zamam, nephew of Mohamed Mansour Zamam, governor of Central Bank of Yemen, was appointed in an invented diplomatic position titled as “assistant of commercial affairs attaché for customs affairs” in the embassy of Yemen in Cairo – Egypt.
This appointment document is part of corruption of employing relatives and close friends of Yemeni influential persons in governmental positions regardless their qualification or right in appointment.

(A P)

General Shallal: Our Security Achievements Can’t be Summed Up in Minutes and Those Are the Ones Targeting our Security

General Shallal Ali Shaia, security chief of Aden, named the parties trying to exhaust security efforts and disturb Aden security.
In an interview with Yasser Awad during the tv show “Yemen in a Week” on Abu Dhabi TV, general Shaia indicated that those who were defeated in the front lines of Senah front like Al-Houthis, Al-Qaeda and ISIS in addition to regional powers supporting them like Qatar and Iran are targeting Aden Security.

(A P)

Al-Ba Hasani: Our Second Military Zone is the Title of Our Honor and Rumors About Imposing Military Commanders or Troops from Outside Hadhramaut are Incorrect

Brigadier General Farag Salmeen Al-Ba Hasani, governor of Hadhramaut and commander of the Second Military Zone asserted that Hadhramaut Elites are the source of pride and honor in the second military zone as they created a new history for Hadhramaut and protected its sacred soil sacrificing their bloods and sole for the security and comfort of their fellow citizens.

My comment: Two articles by Southern separatists’ new agency, to demonstrate the separatists’ connection to security structures.

(A P T)

Following senior directives, commander of "Abu Al-Abbas Battalions" Colonel Adel Fare'a al-Makani has directed his forces to leave the city of #Taiz after handing over all state facilities and other buildings to the local authorities (document)

UAE-backed Salafi militia of Abu Al-Abbas says it's leaving #Taiz. Well, it seems good news. But who can guarantee it'll will really leave Taiz or it won't commit terrorist attacks in the city or any part of lawless #Yemen it's relocating to? UAE is still there and can use them!

and they show up at Aden again:

(* A P)

A group of Abu Al-Abbas militants has arrived in UAE-run Aden, coming from Taiz. UAE wants to tighten its grip on south #Yemen. I think some will rejoin AQAP in Abyan or Shabwa, if UAE doesn't need their services anymore. Or at least Abu Dhabi will create a terrorist Org for em

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Yemen Reportedly Asks Security Council to 'Stop Hizbullah Threat'

The internationally-recognized Yemeni government has asked the U.N. Security Council to “take the necessary measures to stop the threat of Lebanon's Hizbullah,” media reports said.

Yemen, Saudi Arabia and their Gulf allies accuse Hizbullah of offering support to Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels.


(A P)

Yemen Files Complaint at Security Council against ‘Hezbollah’

The Yemeni government filed a complaint to the United Nations Security Council against the Iran-backed Lebanese “Hezbollah” party over its meddling in its internal affairs, reported
It said that the Iran-backed Houthi militias were being ordered by “Hezbollah” to hinder the UN-sponsored Geneva talks set for September 6.
The complaint referred to a recent speech by “Hezbollah” chief Hassan Nasrallah on June 29 in which he announced that his party members hope to fight in Yemen alongside the Houthis.
The government urged the Security Council to investigate “Hezbollah’s” meddling in Yemen.

My comment: Looking at the Saudi aerial war, a “Hizbullah Threat” or “Hezbollah’s meddling“ really is absurd.

(* A K P)

UN Child Rights Committee presses Saudi Arabia to protect children in armed conflict

Saudi Arabia must respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child asserted following airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen on 9, 22 and 23 August 2018. The attack in Dahyan, Saada province in the north of the country, and three separate airstrikes last Wednesday and Thursday in the Hudaydah governorate, in western Yemen, killed at least 67 children and injured scores of others, according to UN sources.

Despite the outrage that followed the Saada attack children have been targeted in Hudaydah just two weeks later, Winter said. She emphasized that States parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which includes Saudi Arabia, have an obligation to prevent violations of international human rights law. They must also respect rules of international humanitarian law applicable to children in armed conflict and take all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict.

The Child Rights Committee reiterated its concluding observations following its consideration of Saudi Arabia in September 2016, in which it “(...) joins the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in calling upon the State party to respect and ensure respect for the prohibition on attacks against civilians and civilian objects, as well as for the core principles of precaution, distinction and proportionality, and to allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need .

Recalling the demand for an international, independent investigative body to examine allegations of violations of international humanitarian and international human rights law in Yemen further cited in the Committee’s concluding observations, Winter emphasized the need to ensure full accountability and encouraged Saudi Arabia to fully cooperate with the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia, Iran battle for influence in Pakistan

Saudi Arabia and Iran are beginning a competition for influence with the new government led by Imran Khan in Pakistan. Both have big stakes involved. The Saudi position is much weakened by the war in Yemen, which is unpopular in Pakistan.

Prime Minister Khan says he wants Pakistan to play a “positive and constructive role” between Saudi Arabia and Iran. He has spoken by phone with the leadership in both countries since his election and is expected to travel to both early in his term. He has expressed interest in reducing tensions between the two and lowering sectarian violence.

A Pakistani initiative to cool tensions between the Saudis and Iranians is a good thing for the region. The polarization of the region into hostile camps is causing immense humanitarian damage, most of all in Yemen – by Bruce Riedel

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Wer anders denkt, riskiert die Existenz

Der grenzenlose Machtanspruch des saudischen Kronprinzen gefährdet seine Reformagenda. Hinter der Fassade der Modernisierung verhindert er jede gesellschaftliche Dynamik.

Auf den ersten Blick haben die beiden Nachrichten der vergangenen Woche nichts miteinander zu tun. Da sagte Saudi-Arabien den seit zwei Jahren weltweit gehypten Börsengang seines Erdölgiganten Aramco ab und verschob ihn auf unbestimmte Zeit. Und da forderte die Staatsanwaltschaft erstmals in der Geschichte des Königreiches, eine gewaltlose Aktivistin zum Tode zu verurteilen. Israa al-Ghomgham hatte 2015 zusammen mit vier Mitangeklagten in der schiitischen Ostprovinz an Demonstrationen teilgenommen, diese gefilmt und ins Netz gestellt.

Auf den zweiten Blick allerdings sind das PR-Desaster von Aramco und die Enthauptungsdrohung gegen eine 29-jährige Bürgerrechtlerin zwei Indizien für dieselbe Krise. Die Vision 2030 wankt, der saudische Thronfolger Mohammed bin Salman ist dabei, mit seiner Megareform zu scheitern.

Denn mit dem Aramco-Desaster wird die zentrale Finanzquelle für den Umbau der ölsüchtigen Staatswirtschaft zur innovativen Privatökonomie über Nacht zur Fata Morgana. Gleichzeitig entlarvt das geforderte Todesurteil gegen die junge Schiitin die sozialen Lockerungen wie das Autofahren für Frauen, Kinobauten oder Konzertlizenzen als oberflächliche Politur.

Nach innen wie nach außen agiert Mohammed bin Salman immer rabiater und unberechenbarer. Die bizarren Boykottkampagnen gegen Schweden, Katar und Kanada und der vernichtende Krieg im Jemenzehren das internationale Ansehen des Königreiches auf. Ausländische Direktinvestitionen sind zu einem Rinnsal verkümmert, die Kapitalflucht aus dem Land schwillt zu einer Lawine, weil das Vertrauen in den Chefreformer aus Riad schwindet.

Eine gesellschaftliche Kultur, die politische Vielfalt erlaubt und offene Debatten zulässt, unterschiedliche Meinungen akzeptiert und konträre Standpunkte toleriert, steht für den jungen Kronprinzen nicht zur Debatte – von Martin Gehlen

(* A P)

Bin Salman's Advisors Propose Shifting War from Yemen to Lebanon

A Lebanese newspaper said Saudi officials and advisors and deputies of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have in a recent meeting asked him to replace the war on Yemen with a proxy war in Lebanon.

A secret diplomatic cable sent to influential parties in Lebanon disclosed the contents of a recent meeting in Riyadh, headed by bin Salman and attended by Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubair and Intelligence Chief Khaled al-Hamidan, the Arabic-language al-Akhbar reported on Monday.

During the meeting, the recent developments in Syria, including liberation of the Southern parts of the country by the army and Russia's cooperation with Damascus, as well as the results of the Yemen war went under discussion.

"Bin Salman's deputies proposed him to transfer the battle from Yemen to the internal scene in Lebanon. They said that after increasing economic pressures on Iran and Hezbollah to make them leave Syria, now it is good to transfer the battle from Yemen to Lebanon," al-Akhbar reported, implying that the offer included start of a proxy war on Lebanon.

The Lebanese paper declined to reveal further details of the meeting or the plan.

Saudi Arabia has a clear record of interference in Lebanon.

My comment: The force of evil: A typical rogue state, bringing war to everywhere.

(* B P)

A losing gambler: The raw truth about Mohammed bin Salman

The Saudi crown prince's grand designs are disappearing in the desert and with them the ambitious reform claims

The bubble is bursting. One by one, Mohammed bin Salman's grand designs are disappearing in the desert, and with them the ambitious claims he made to reform decades of corruption, diversify an oil dependent economy and emerge as Donald Trump's man in the Middle East.

Strip away the words and the hype, and you are left with a 32-year-old prince, an angry royal family hell-bent on revenge for the humiliations they have suffered at his hands, and a hugely oil-dependent economy which is trying to stem capital flight. That is not a recipe for stability, let alone reform.

The chaos factor

This week, the cornerstone of his designs, plans to list Saudi Aramco on the stock market and raise $100bn by selling off 5 per cent, crumbled.

The chaos factor which looms large in anything bin Salman puts his hand to is compounded by capital flight. Even before the prince shook down his cousins by locking them up in the Ritz-Carlton, $64bn in core capital left Saudi Arabia in 2017, up from $55bn the year before, according to the Institute of International Finance.

The corruption crackdown will not have staunched the haemorrhage. It may well have increased it.

The arrests and the internal repression are continuing.

But his arrest shows how vulnerable bin Salman feels he is.

Another project to portray bin Salman as a defender of women's rights, and the right to drive, is also disappearing. Amnesty launched a full-throated attack on the continued detention without charge of eight women and four men, a crackdown on human rights defenders which started shortly before the ban on women driving was lifted in June.

The decision to stop the training of Saudi doctors in Canada is another move which hits Saudi hospitals far harder than Canadian ones.

Across the border bin Salman’s chief sponsor, Donald Trump, is also in trouble. This affects the Saudi crown prince in two ways. Firstly, the insiders, through whom he used to get access to Trump, are peeling away.

But the bigger problem for bin Salman is Trump himself. Bin Salman placed a bet on Trump early on in the presidential campaign and backed it by placing arms contracts which are several multiples of the sum he now needs for his privatisation campaign.

To a prince in the ascendance, this is no problem. This is the way business has always been done in the Gulf. But to a prince whose projects are seen to be failing, who has sent foreign workers home, and who now has to turn the austerity tap back on again at home, Trump's declining fortunes and loss of authority are a big problem.

The truth about bin Salman is beginning to dawn. He is the guy who gambles and loses – by David Hearst

(* A P)

Execution by beheading: Saudi Arabia seeks 1st death penalty for female political activist

Human rights groups are fighting to save the first female political activist in Saudi Arabia to face the death penalty. Israa al-Ghomgham and five others were arrested during protests in 2015 and may face beheading.

Al-Ghomgham, 29, was arrested along with her husband, Moussa al-Hashem, in December 2015. They were jailed for helping to organize anti-government protests in the kingdom’s eastern province of Qatif. Human rights groups lobbying for al-Ghomgham’s release say that six activists engaged in the peaceful protest in December 2015 have been jailed ever since, following a raid on their home in the middle of the night.

Al-Ghomgham and five fellow protesters were arrested for offences calling for an end to anti-Shia government discrimination in the majority Sunni country, and calling for the release of political prisoners. The six have now been imprisoned for 32 months.

In a hearing at Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) earlier this month, public prosecutors accused the protesters of a string of charges including “participating in protests in the Qatif region,” “incitement to protest,” “chanting slogans hostile to the regime,” “attempting to inflame public opinion,” “filming protests and publishing on social media,” and “providing moral support to rioters.”Activists claim that al-Ghomgham was not given access to a lawyer during the trial.

In the August hearing, prosecutors recommended that al-Ghomgham and her five associates receive the death penalty. Human rights activists are now lobbying for the decision to be changed at an appeal in October. If that fails and the prosecutor’s death penalty recommendation stands, the ruling will be passed on to K

(A P)

Saudi Arabia silent on reports of Makkah Imam being detained

Saudi Arabia has yet to confirm or deny the reports of Sheikh Dr Saleh bin Mohammed Al Talib, Imam and Preacher of the Grand Holy Mosque in Makkah, being detained by authorities.

On Sunday, the social media advocacy group Prisoners of Conscience, which monitors and documents arrests of Saudi preachers and religious scholars, had stated that Sheikh Saleh was arrested after he delivered a sermon on the duty in Islam to speak out against evil in public.

According to Al Jazeera's report published on Wednesday, Arabic news website Khaleej Online reported that in his sermon, Sheikh Saleh "derided the mixing of unrelated men and women at concerts and other mixed entertainment events".

(* B P)

Don’t be deluded – our Saudi ‘partners’ are masters of repression

The persecution of activists at home and war in Yemen show talk of reform is a charade

Five Saudi activists face possible execution. Their crimes? “Participating in protests”, “chanting slogans hostile to the regime” and “filming protests and publishing on social media”.

The five, including women’s rights campaigner Israa al-Ghomgham, come from the Shia-majority Eastern Province. They have spent more than two years in prison. Now the prosecution has demanded their deaths.

Their plight reveals the vacuity of claims that Saudi Arabia is “liberalising”. The death in 2015 of King Abdullah and his replacement by Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has led to much gushing in the west about the new reforming regime and, in particular, about the “vision” of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, heir apparent and driving force behind the “modernisation” moves.

Yes, Salman has allowed women to drive, to run their own businesses and to attend sports events. Cinemas have opened and rock concerts been staged. But the king remains the absolute ruler of a kingdom that practises torture, beheads dissidents and exports a barbarous foreign policy, including prosecuting one of the most brutal wars of modern times in Yemen.

For all the paeans, what really attracts western commentators and leaders to Saudi Arabia is that the regime’s refusal to countenance any dissent has until now created a relatively stable state that is also pro-western. Precisely because the Saudi royal family is deeply reactionary, it has long been seen as a bulwark against “radicalism”, whether that of the Soviet Union, Iran or local democratic movements.

Since the Iranian revolution of 1979, there has developed a struggle between Riyadh and Teheran for supremacy in the Muslim world. Both are tyrannical theocratic regimes. Iran’s Islamic reaction is expressed through anti-western sentiment, while that of Saudi Arabia through support for western foreign policies. In the eyes of many western commentators, this makes Iran a fount of evil and Saudi Arabia a force for stability.

The viciousness of the Saudi regime is matched only by the cynicism of western leaders. The price is being paid by the children in that school bus and by the five activists facing possible beheading for peaceful protests; by the million of Yemenis on the verge of starvation and by thousands of Saudis imprisoned, flogged and executed for wanting basic rights. But what’s all that when set against the value of a “friendly” regime?

(A E P)

IMF Warns Saudi Arabia of Increasing Spending

The International Monetary Fund has warned Saudi Arabia to increase spending after rising oil prices and urged it to limit the cost of salaries. Saudi Arabia has recorded a budget deficit for the last four years in a row, totaling 260 billion dollars because of its military aggression on Yemen. In exchange for US protection Saudi Arabia is financing conflicts and buying positions in a number of countries in the region.

According to the AFP, the IMF said in a report that the increase in spending will expose the Kingdom's budget in the event of an unexpected drop in oil prices.

The report stressed "the importance of ensuring that spending remains at a sustainable level in various oil price conditions and the need to avoid fiscal policy that could lead to disruptions in economic activity."

Saudi Arabia's revenues rose 67 percent in the second quarter of 2018, mainly due to high oil revenues. In the same period, public sector spending rose by 34 percent, according to government statistics.

About half of government spending to pay public sector salaries, according to the International Monetary Fund, which said that "the workforce can gradually decline through natural attrition."

Saudi authorities informed the International Monetary Fund that the civil service was under review with the assistance of the World Bank.

My comment: “budget deficit for the last four years in a row, totaling 260 billion dollars because of its military aggression on Yemen “: The cost of Yemen war up to now, for Saudi Arabia, estimate: US$ 200 million a day, 1250 days now: US$ 250 billion.

(* B P)

Unrepented sins: How the message of the Hajj is lost on Saudi Arabia

The Saudi kings have betrayed the unique history and culture of the holy cities entrusted to their care

The Hajj, obligatory on the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims at least once in a lifetime, confers many advantages on its administrators. Through it the rulers of Saudi Arabia acquire prestige and legitimacy in the Islamic world and from their status as custodians of the holy places. In addition, the Hajj is a considerable source of revenue for Saudi Arabia, second only to the oil industry.

No one is certain of the exact amount the Hajj nets in, but an estimate from 2014 puts this revenue at $8.5bn for that year; others cite an average annual figure of between $12 and $20bn, taking into account the "Umrah", or lesser pilgrimage, that can take place at any time during the year.

In 2017 Arab News, quoting several economic experts, predicted total pilgrimage revenue for Saudi Arabia of $150bn by 2022. The large numbers of pilgrims has necessitated the construction of hotels, shopping malls, roads and other infrastructure, creating thousands of jobs.

Given these economic attractions, Saudi Arabia is unlikely to relinquish its ownership of the Hajj administration, even though it has no more right to it than any other Islamic state.

Proposals that Saudi Arabia's administration of the Hajj should be replaced by an international body of Islamic states’ representatives under the auspices of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation were put forward decades ago, but have never been acted on.

Whatever the case, Saudi Arabia remains in charge of the Hajj for the foreseeable future, if for no other reason than its ownership of the land where the two holy cities stand.

A spiritual event

Has this fortunate accident of history conferred a sense of spiritual enrichment on the Saudi rulers? Have they understood the true message of the Hajj that they administer? Though the Hajj involves a number of rituals, in its essence, it is a profoundly spiritual event.

In obedience to their joyless Wahhabi version of Islam, a version they have propagated to the detriment of every Islamic society it has reached, the Saudis have already demolished 90 percent of Mecca and Medina’s old quarters, mosques, tombs, shrines and historic houses.

All the homes and tombs of the Prophet’s family and the rightly guided caliphs have gone; the house of his first wife, Khadija, is now a public toilet, and that of his uncle, Hamza, demolished, though it had stood for nearly 1,400 years. The Prophet’s tomb was next on the list for destruction, but they were stopped after an international outcry.

Saudi sins

Mecca today is a soulless city of flashy skyscrapers, shopping malls, luxury hotels, built so high they dwarf the Kaaba, and a network of new roads. Neither city is protected by Unesco, and is at the mercy of the Saudi ruling family.

Far from the unity and harmony enjoined by the spirit of the Hajj, Saudi Arabia is deeply involved in war and conflict – by Ghada Karmi =

(* A P)

Tariq Khoury Calls to Stop Saudi Regime Controlling Hajj

Jordanian deputy, Tariq Khoury, called for forming a body of Muslim scholars to oversee the Hajj, so not to be lift for Saudi Arabia, and mixing it with its considerations and political interest.

He stressed the need to establish clear bases for granting Hajj visa, in a way that does not violate Islamic morals and values. Adding that they have to take into account the situation of Muslims, and to allocate part of the proceeds to enable the poor Muslims to perform Hajj without expensive costs.

The Jordanian deputy called for the necessity of investing this annual global event to raise awareness of the Muslims in the world. "Through expressing the true image of Islam that descends from Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and maximizing the role of jihad in order to liberate the homeland from the occupation."

Earlier, British human rights lawyers called on Saudi Arabia to stop politicizing the Hajj and inciting it into political disputes during a seminar held in the British Parliament under the title "Hajj and religious freedoms are under siege." Concluding that Saudi Arabia is using Hajj to blackmail states and preventing political opponents from Hajj.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp2

(A P)

US warns Saudi Arabia it may withdraw support over civilian casualties in Yemen

The Pentagon has issued a warning to Saudi Arabia that it is prepared to reduce military and intelligence support for its campaign against rebels in neighboring Yemen if the Saudis don't demonstrate they are attempting to limit civilian deaths in airstrikes following a strike on a school bus that killed 40 children earlier this month, CNN has learned.

Two officials directly familiar with the Pentagon's thinking tell CNN frustration is rising. Defense Secretary James Mattis and General Joseph Votel, head of US military operations in the Middle East, are particularly concerned that the US is supporting a Saudi-led campaign of airstrikes that have killed large numbers of civilians.

It is not clear if President Donald Trump, who views the Saudis as an essential ally, would agree to a reduction of support.

US officials have long said they are trying to advise the Saudis on improving coalition processes and procedures to limit civilian casualties in airstrikes.

But US military officials clearly believe the effort is not working.


My comment: “US warns…”, this is journalism to whitewash US complicity. Nothing will change, everybody knows.

The US is further whitewashing itself by further intellectual absurdities:

(* A P)

Can the US tell when its weapons are used in Yemen? It’s complicated

As airstrikes from Saudi and UAE planes continue to bombard Yemen, members of Congress and humanitarian advocates are becoming increasingly vocal with one question:

Can the U.S. tell when its assistance in planning an operation, or whether its weapons are being used, impacted specific strikes?

During a recent interview with Defense News, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian, the outgoing head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, acknowledged that the issue of tracking weapons needs to be addressed for lawmakers.

But he stressed that the complicated nature of these strikes means getting clarity on these issues will take time.

“As you peel the onion back, where is the U.S. involvement? I think that's what at the higher levels they're working through right now to try to sort that out in terms of how much, as you look into this, can we fully understand,” Harrigian said.

“Depending upon where you're talking about in the specifics of uncovering or discovering a target, to when a weapon is dropped, if you were to dig in, there's going to be some areas that it will be crystal clear where we're not involved at all,” Harrigian added.

“And like I said, it’s a Saudi operation, Saudi-led operation, and it’s their decision-making process that’s driving when they’re going to determine when a weapon’s delivered.”

(A P)

Peace Activists Block Boeing Weapons Facility with Bus to Protest War on Yemen

Peace activists in St. Charles, Missouri blocked the entrance to a weapons facility run by the arms manufacturer Boeing on Monday, August 27, in protest of the joint US-Saudi war on Yemen.

The anti-war demonstrators barricaded the street with a bus, on which they wrote “Boeing gains from Yemen’s pain.”

They used a bus as a symbol of Saudi Arabia’s August 9 bombing of a school bus in Yemen, in which at least 40 children and 11 adults were killed and another 79 civilians were wounded with a US-made bomb.

The Earth Defense Coalition said in a press release that the “action was done in solidarity with the people of Yemen as they are murdered by Saudi Arabia using weapons supplied by Boeing and other weapons manufacturers.”

The group noted that the St. Charles Boeing office manufactures “smart bomb” kits like those used by Saudi Arabia in Yemen (photos; film)

(A P)

A School Bus Is Blocking a Boeing Entrance in St. Charles to Protest Yemen Airstrike

The use of U.S.-made bombs in the ongoing conflict in Yemen brought activists in a painted school bus to a Boeing facility just outside St. Louis this morning — and the protesters came not with demands, but with a message for the people of Yemen.
"The action was done in solidarity with the people of Yemen as they are murdered by Saudi Arabia using weapons supplied by Boeing and other weapons manufacturers," the activists said in a statement posted to the Facebook page of the Earth Defense Coalition.
According to a coalition representative on the scene, police have already arrested one activist, Phillip Flag, who had locked his arms to the rear axle of the bus. A second activist, Ashton Howell, is apparently still inside the bus.
"Given the air strikes in Yemen against children on a school bus, we decided to use a bus in solidarity with them," Earth Defense member Amber DuVall tells RFT, referring to an August 9 airstrike that reportedly killed 50 people on a school trip.


thread, photos.

(* B K P)

US Leaders Aid And Abet War Crimes In Yemen

US leaders who provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition that bombed civilians in Yemen this August could be charged with aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes under customary international law, which is part of US law.

The 500-pound laser-guided MK 82 bomb, which the coalition dropped on August 9, killed 51 people, including 40 children. The bombing constituted a war crime.

According to customary international law, aiding and abetting a war crime requires three elements: 1) a person or entity committed a war crime; 2) another actor committed an act that had a substantial effect on the commission of the war crime; and 3) the other actor knew that the act would assist, or have a substantial likelihood of assisting, the commission of the war crime. All three of those elements were present in the August 9 bombing.

First, the coalition committed a war crime.

Second, US leaders provided the means to commit the war crime. The purchase of the bomb was part of an arms deal with Saudi Arabia that the US State Department sanctioned.

Third, the US military knew that supplying the bomb to the coalition was likely to result in the commission of a war crime. A similar bomb killed 155 people in a funeral hall in Yemen in October 2016.

The Saudi war on Yemen could not continue without support from the United States and the United Kingdom,according to Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution.

The US House of Representatives unanimously passed a non-binding resolution in November 2017, calling on the US military forces to withdraw from “unauthorized hostilities” in Yemen. It stated that US military aid to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen was not sanctioned by prior congressional authorizations. The resolution condemned the targeting of civilians and urged all parties to “increase efforts to adopt all necessary and appropriate measures to prevent civilian casualties and increase humanitarian access.”

On August 13, 2018, Trump signed the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which contains an allocation of $717 billion for the US military. In that legislation, Congress included several provisions to achieve accountability for US support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – by Marjorie Cohn =

(* B K P)

The U.S. Is Complicit in Saudi Coalition Massacres in Yemen

The U.N. confirmed that the attack that killed more than twenty Yemeni women and children last Thursday was carried out by the Saudi coalition.

There was never any doubt that the Saudi coalition carried out this attack, since they are the only ones that are capable of carrying out air attacks. It is good that U.N. officials are squarely assigning blame to the Saudi coalition, but it underscores how otherwise unaccountable the Saudis and their allies are. Even though everyone knows that the Saudi coalition is responsible for one massacre of civilians after another, none of the governments in the coalition pays the slightest price for involvement in this war. Because they are shielded by the U.S. and their other Western patrons, they are free to slaughter innocent Yemenis with impunity, and they know they can.

The U.S. has supported the Saudi coalition war on Yemen for more than three years with arms, refueling, and intelligence, but it is very rare to have visual evidence of that support. This video shows U.S. planes refueling coalition jets above Yemen

The U.S. government can pretend that it isn’t a party to this conflict, but the evidence clearly proves that it is. If the Saudi coalition didn’t have U.S. military assistance, it would not be able to continue its campaign in Yemen. Every day that the U.S. supports this war, it allows the Saudi coalition to wage war on people that have done nothing to us and pose no threat to us. The result of this despicable policy is thousands upon thousands of dead Yemeni civilians killed with weapons supplied by the U.S. from planes provided by the U.S. that have been refueled by the U.S. military. The U.S. bears responsibility for every massacre of Yemeni civilians because of its ongoing enabling of this war, and it will continue to be responsible for each one until Congress cuts off all support.– by Daniel Larison

(* A P T)

Back Gabbard bill to pressure Saudi Arabia on ties to Al Qaeda in Yemen

Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's bipartisan bill H.R. 608, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, would prohibit the use of U.S. funds to provide assistance to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra, that is, Al Qaeda), and to countries supporting those organizations. The bill would require the Director of National Intelligence to make a periodic determination of whether Saudi Arabia is supporting Al Qaeda and report to Congress about it. [1]

President Trump is threatening to escalate U.S. support for the catastrophic Saudi war against the Houthis in Yemen. To stop this war, we must undermine Republican support for it. The biggest political vulnerability of the Saudi war in Yemen for Republicans is the fact that the war is strengthening Al Qaeda. Thus, the Saudi war in Yemen is directly threatening the security of the U.S. homeland. [3] Moreover, Saudi forces have fought alongside Al Qaeda in Yemen against the Houthis, [4] and working with al Qaeda has been an integral part of Saudi strategy in Yemen. [5] Building support for Rep. Gabbard's bill will help us raise the issue of Saudi support for Al Qaeda, and that will help us undermine U.S. support for the catastrophic Saudi war in Yemen.

Urge your Representative to co-sponsor Rep. Gabbard's bill by signing our petition.

(* B K P)

US bombs are killing children in Yemen. Does anybody care?

The lack of outrage at the US’s key role in this humanitarian disaster raises troubling questions

If this sounds to you like I’m relating a story about how terrible the civil war in Yemen is, then you’d be correct, although – and let’s be honest here – the war in Yemen occupies almost none of our collective political attention today. Could it be that we don’t care all that much about this war because Yemenis are Muslim, brown, and poor, and we’ve already been droning them for years on end?

But this is also a story about the responsibility of the United States. A report by CNN indicates that the bomb used in the school bus airstrike was a 500-pound laser-guided MK 82 bomb, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, one of the largest US defense contractors. Having facilitated the sale to the Saudi-led coalition of the weapon used to kill these children, does the United States bear any responsibility for their deaths?

Undoubtedly. For one thing, these latest bombings are hardly the only times the Saudi-led coalition has killed civilians from the air.

The United States is certainly aware of how poorly the coalition is prosecuting the war. How can it not be?

This failed strategy was begun under the Obama administration, not under Trump.

Opposition to the US’s blank-check policy regarding this war has been growing not only among lawyers but also among lawmakers

With Trump, the situation is as you would expect.

Trump’s indifference to the suffering in Yemen is to be expected, But what about ours? Do the American people not realize that our bombs are killing innocent children in Yemen or do we just not care? The lack of public outrage – or even just attention – to what the US-backed Saudi-led coalition is doing with American support and American-made munitions indicates something disturbing. Despite the evidence that we have become more politically engaged since the 2016 election, we still have little to no interest in what is done in our name overseas.

There could be another, related explanation, as well. The circus show that is the Trump administration has, like a fireball in an air shaft, swallowed all the oxygen in the room. The administration’s endless scandals give us just the justification we need to focus almost exclusively on our domestic life and not on America’s meddling in rest of the world.

But if that’s the case, this is a dangerous state of affairs. A lot of bad things can happen when people aren’t looking. And our lack of attention to anything but our president or ourselves says a lot, not only about Donald Trump, but about us, too.

(* A K pH)

Video: US refuels Saudi warplanes amid Yemen carnage

As Saudi Arabia continues its deadly aerial assaults on Yemen, a video has surfaced in media that purportedly shows an American aircraft providing aerial refueling for Saudi warplanes.

Yemen’s War Media released a footage on Saturday which showed a giant military plane refueling two Saudi jets and said in its description that the tanker was American.

Press TV cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the footage and whether the tanker aircraft is American.

The footage emerged hot on the heels of two attacks by the coalition, which killed scores of civilians, mostly children.


(* A K pH)

Film: If you want to know HOW US has been killing Yemen humans for 4 years now. Just look at this video. It happened in daylight of August 23, 2018, When a US jet refueled 2 Saudi-Emirati jets to kill 26 kids & their 4 mothers! Always happens, 4 years = =

(A P)

Washington Criticizes Nasrallah Meeting with Huthis

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley criticized a meeting held between Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and a delegation from Yemen's Houthi rebels on August 19.

“This meeting between Hizbullah and Houthi leadership shows the nature of the regional terrorist threat,” Haley on Twitter.

“Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Yemen pose major dangers to peace and stability in the entire Middle East. The international community should be taking notice of this and be very concerned,” she added.

My comment: This is odd propaganda. The Middle East greatest terrorists are nor at Sanaa nor at Beirut.

(A P)

Win Without War: Shame on those Senators who let our involvement in this war continue. History will not be kind to you. 'Despite Effort by Sen. Chris Murphy, GOP Rejects Call to Curb US Funding for 'Slaughter of Yemeni Kids'

(A P)

Quakers: The U.S. must end its complicity in the Saudi-led onslaught in #Yemen. We're helping intensify the world's worst humanitarian crisis. The worst #Cholera outbreak in human history. It has to stop.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

How much more suffering must Yemenis take before the UK ends its arms sales?

If the bombing of a school bus full of Yemeni children isn’t enough to stop UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia, then what more would it take?

It is not just Saudi bombers that have shown a complete disregard for Yemen, it is also those that have armed and supported them. This includes Downing Street, with the UK government having licensed almost £5 billion worth of fighter jets and bombs since the intervention began.

Number 10’s attitude was summed up last year by the then Defence Minister, Michael Fallon, when he urged MPs to stop challenging the Saudi regime in case it impacted on arms sales. “Criticism of Saudi Arabia in this parliament is not helpful” he said, while stressing the need to sell a new batch of Eurofighter aircraft.

Over the last few days they have seen how badly the Saudi dictatorship takes any rebukes or criticism. Last week the Canadian Foreign Ministry published a series of Tweets that rightly condemned the arrest of women’s rights activists in Saudi Arabia.

In contrast, the official UK response to the extraordinary situation has been one of pathetic neutrality. “Canada and Saudi Arabia are both close partners of the UK, and we urge restraint during the current situation.”

The pitiful response has been totally consistent with the red-carpet treatment that was offered to the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, when he visited London in February. All stops were pulled out as he was given the major propaganda victory of lunch with the Queen and meetings in Downing Street.

It is also consistent with the shameful silence and complicity Downing Street has offered regarding the war in Yemen. At the time of writing, neither Downing Street not the Foreign and Commonwealth office has released any official statement regarding the school bus bombing.

By the UK government’s own admission it is aware of over 300 possible violations of international humanitarian law that have been carried out by Saudi forces in Yemen. If these 300 ‘incidents’ are not enough to stop the arms sales, then what more would it take? If the bombing of a school bus full of children isn’t enough to stop the arms sales, then what more would it take? – by Andrew Smith, CAAT.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A P)

Empörungsjournalismus mit Qualitätsprädikat: Zerrspiegel “Tagesschau”

ARD und ZDF nahmen den Zoff eines Kamerateams mit Dresdner Polizisten wichtiger als die Ermordung von 22 Kindern im Jemen

“Tagesschau”-Aufmacher (!) am 23. August: Ein angeblicher Eingriff sächsischer Polizisten in die Rundfunkfreiheit. Grund für den Sirenenalarm: Ein Mitarbeiter des sächsischen Landeskriminalamts, privatim Teilnehmer an einer “Pegida”-Demonstration gegen den Dresden-Besuch der Kanzlerin Merkel am 16. August, hatte sich pöbelnd dagegen verwahrt, danach von einem ZDF-Team gefilmt zu werden.

So wurde ein lokaler Zwischenfall zum Aufmacher in einer 20 Uhr-Tagesschau aufgeblasen, der Hauptausgabe der ARD-aktuell. In eitler Selbstüberhöhung – und unter Verzicht auf jedes vernünftige Maß. Denn am selben Tage hatten Jagdflugzeuge der transatlantisch-saudi-arabischen Koalition im Jemen einen Kleinbus angegriffen und 22 Flüchtlingskinder sowie vier Frauen in den Tod gebombt. (5) Darüber schwieg die Tagesschau.

Es war in diesem Monat bereits das dritte derartige Kriegsverbrechen der USA-geführten Westlichen Werte-Gemeinschaft WWG und ihrer saudischen Blutsäufer. Die Tagesschau aber hatte auch die beiden vorhergehenden verschwiegen. Sie unterschlägt ja eh die allermeisten Nachrichten über die furchtbaren Kriegsverbrechen der westlichen Allianz.

Der öffentlich-rechtliche Gesinnungsjournalismus zeigt immer wieder sein hässliches Gesicht.

Die Beschwerden eines ZDF-Kamerateams, das sich in Dresden von Polizisten vorübergehend an seiner Arbeit gehindert sah, hatten für ARD-aktuell am 23. August „relative Relevanz“, das Kriegsverbrechen an 22 Kindern und vier Frauen im Jemen nicht.

So sieht er aus, der deutsche öffentlich-rechtliche Qualitätsjournalismus.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A K P)

Transparence exigée pour les filières de RUAG

["In Switzerland, parliamentary committees have requested the Federal Council to shed light on the results of the sales of war equipment by the subsidiaries of the RUAG group"
RUAG has a subsidiary in Abu Dhabi, 'dedicated' to #Yemen]

Des commissions parlementaires veulent savoir si le groupe d'armement détenu par la Confédération obéit aux règles sur les exportations d'armes avec ses filiales à l'étranger.

La Confédération ne connaît pas les chiffres d'affaires réalisés par les quelque 50 succursales de l'entreprise d'armement RUAG à l'étranger. Ce que n'apprécient pas du tout les commissions de gestion du Conseil des Etats et du National. Elles ont du coup prié le Conseil fédéral de faire la lumière sur les résultats des ventes de matériel de guerre par les filiales du groupe, révèle La Liberté vendredi.
Pour les politiciens, Berne doit s'assurer que les principes de la politique extérieure de la Suisse soient respectés. En clair, ils veulent savoir si RUAG obéit aux règles sur les exportations d'armes. Comme celles de ne pas vendre des armes dans des pays en proie à la guerre civile.

(A P)

Canada appeals for German backing amid Saudi rights row

The foreign minister of Canada, which is embroiled in a diplomatic row with Saudi Arabia, called for German support on Monday in Ottawa’s campaign to promote human rights around the world.

The German government, trying to repair its own strained relationship with Riyadh, has been silent on the spat between Canada and Saudi Arabia, drawing criticism from some politicians and rights groups.

Chrystia Freeland, speaking at an annual gathering of German ambassadors in Berlin, did not specifically mention Saudi Arabia in her address. However, she touched indirectly on the row which was triggered by her tweet demanding the release of jailed human rights activists in the kingdom.

(B P)

Profiles in Persecution: Hassan Mushaima

Hassan Mushaima is a 70-year-old Bahraini citizen currently serving a life sentence in Jau Prison on political charges. He was sentenced for “attempting to overthrow the government” for his role in the pro-democracy protests in 2011. He remains in Jau Prison, where he has been subjected to ill treatment, including the continued denial of healthcare and restricted access to medication by the prison administration.

Hassan was previously the Secretary-General of the Haq Movement for Liberty and Democracy and Co-founder and former Vice President of al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, the largest political opposition group, which the government of Bahrain dissolved in 2016.

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K P)

Film: Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and now known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. The company received widespread notoriety in 2007, when a group of its employees were convicted of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square, Baghdad for which four guards were convicted in a U.S. court.
According to a Report That was run by New York Times back in November 2015, [8 months after the Saudi led aggression],
The #UnitedArabEmirates secretly dispatched hundreds of Colombian mercenaries to #Yemen
It was the first combat deployment for a foreign army that the Emirates had quietly built in the desert over a five year period beginning in 2010, according to several people currently or formerly involved with the project.
The program was once managed by Erik Prince, Founder of Blackwater Worldwide, but the people involved in the effort said that his role ended several years prior and that it had since been run by the Emirati military.
At that time, 450 Latin American troops — among them are also Panamanian, Salvadoran and Chilean soldiers — added to the chaotic stew of Sudanese and other African mercenaries and terrorist networks that are currently at war in the country.
Erik Prince now wants to privatize #US wars starting with #Afghanistan, this invites more chaos, bloodshed, and war crimes that are not considered to be committed under a flag.

Remark: Earlier reporting Yemen War Mosaic 449, cp13b.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Have you visited #Hadhrami #Heritage #Cultural #Center in #Seiyun, currently opened and exhibited some permanent #heritage #collection. Today I paid a visit. The aims of this center to document #Hadhrami #tangible & #intangible #heritage (photos9

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E H)

Photo: A school in Rehab, Do'an, #Hadhramaut goes solar! #Solar_power is the solution and future for Hadhramaut

(* A E)

Yemeni rial fell to a new record low against the US dollar on Monday, trading at 557. Meanwhile, our puppet government is just fucking around. Of course, the Saudi-led coalition is busy with relocation of militias or fueling wars among militias.

(* A E)

Yemeni rial is trading at 555 to the US dollar, down from 215 before the breakout of the war in late 2014.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* B T)

"Seite an Seite": US-gestützte Koalition kooperiert im Jemen mit Al-Kaida

Die von den USA unterstützte Kriegskoalition im Jemen und Al-Kaida haben einen gemeinsamen Feind: Die schiitischen Huthis. Zwar schreibt sich die Koalition auch den Kampf gegen Al-Kaida auf ihre Fahne, doch die Realität ist laut einer AP-Recherche eine ganz andere.

Vor Tagen gaben die Huthis die Tötung eines hochrangigen Al-Kaida-Kommandeurs im Jemen bekannt. Die schiitischen Huthis und die sunnitisch-wahhabitisch ausgerichtete Al-Kaida sind Erzfeinde, die sich seit Jahren erbittert bekämpfen.

Auch die von Saudi-Arabien geführte und von den USA unterstützte Koalition, die seit Anfang 2015 im Jemen Krieg gegen die Huthis führt, schreibt sich auf die Fahne, ebenso Al-Kaida zu bekämpfen. Viele Gebiete und Städte seien der im Jemen auch unter dem Label "AQAP" (Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) bekannten Terrorgruppe abgetrotzt worden, die unter anderem für das Attentat auf die Redaktion der Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo in Paris Anfang 2015 verantwortlich gemacht wird.

Doch viele dieser vermeintlichen Siege beruhten auf geheimen Abkommen, die es den Terroristen erlaubten, mitsamt Waffen und Ausrüstung die von ihnen zuvor kontrollierten Gebiete unbehelligt zu verlassen. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine Recherche der Nachrichtenagentur Associated Press (AP).

Laut dieser wurden auch viele Al-Qaida-Kämpfer in die Reihen der Koalition aufgenommen, um fortan Seite an Seite mit den US-gestützten Kräften den gemeinsamen Feind zu bekämpfen: Die Huthis, die in den Augen der Koalition Handlanger des Irans sind.

"Diese Kompromisse und Allianzen haben den Al-Qaida-Kämpfern Atempausen für ihre künftigen Kämpfe verschafft – mit dem Risiko, dass der gefährlichste Zweig des Terrornetzwerks gestärkt wird", heißt es in dem Artikel. "Angehörige des US-Militärs sind sich vollkommen bewusst, dass vieles von dem, was die USA im Jemen machen, AQAP nutzt, was zu einer großen Beunruhigung führt", zitiert AP Michael Horton von der Jamestown Foundation, die Terrororganisationen analysiert. Er führt weiter aus:

Die Unterstützung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VEA) und Saudi-Arabiens im Kampf gegen das, was die USA als iranischen Expansionismus betrachten, hat jedoch Vorrang vor dem Kampf gegen Al-Kaida, und sogar Vorrang gegenüber der Stabilisierung des Jemens.

Die auf Seiten der Koalition kämpfenden Milizen rekrutierten aktiv Al-Kaida-Mitglieder, weil diese als außergewöhnliche Kämpfer gelten, so der AP-Bericht. Zuweilen belegten diese auch führende Ränge.

Bemerkung: Das wurde schon früher berichtet. Hier noch einmal auf Deutsch zusammengefasst. Und hier ein neues Beispiel:

(* A T)

Yemen tribal leaders say senior al-Qaida leader killed

A senior al-Qaida leader was killed in fighting in Yemen's central province of Marib while fighting alongside Yemen's government forces battling Shiite rebels, officials and tribal leaders said Saturday.

Ghalib al-Zaidi's death came a week ago in an exchange of fire during clashes with the rebels, known as Houthis, in the Sirwah district of Marib, they told The Associated Press. The fighting over the area was supported by air cover from a Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen's internationally recognized government.

The officials and elders told the AP that al-Zaidi had dozens of al-Qaida operatives under his command and had taken part in several battles against the Houthis in the province. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

In 2017, Al-Zaidi was placed in the United Nation Security Council's Sanctions list as a Yemen-based individual "who acts for or on behalf of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula." The U.N. found him to be providing the Yemeni affiliate of the global terror network with weapons, funding, and recruits.

Al-Zaidi was also found to have helped AQAP to expand its control in parts of Marib. He had been the group's leader in the province since 2015.

A recent AP investigation found that Saudi-led coalition members through militias they back in Yemen had struck secrets deals with al-Qaida, paying some to leave key cities and towns and letting others retreat with weapons, equipment and wads of looted cash. Hundreds more were recruited to join the coalition itself because they are considered to be exceptional fighters. =

(* B T)

It’s Time to Stop Talking About Terrorists As If They’re Diabolical Geniuses

Even if Ibrahim al-Asiri is really dead, what does it mean for al-Qaeda and the threat it poses to America?

But if the intelligence is correct, if this time Asiri really is dead, what does it mean for al-Qaeda and the threat it poses to America? Will the loss of Asiri degrade al-Qaeda’s capabilities? Are we safer now in the sky than we were last year? In other words, was Ibrahim al-Asiri truly as clever as we have been led to believe, a man the former acting director of the CIA called “the most sophisticated terrorist bomb maker on the planet”? Or was he just one more terrorist who threatened the United States for a while before being killed and replaced by someone else?

But Asiri is not unique. He is simply the name we know. Indeed, after residing in Yemen for more than a decade, spending much of that time on the run from U.S. drones, it is almost certain that he has trained multiple aspiring bombmakers to eventually replace him.

That is the problem with personalizing the war against groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State: We inflate our enemies into larger-than-life villains who reflect our fears rather than their own capabilities. We did it with Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, and now we are doing it with Ibrahim al-Asiri. By talking about them as masterminds with irreplaceable skillsets, the United States projects the mistaken impression that if they could only be killed, the terrorist threat would be greatly reduced. Bin Laden and Awlaki are dead. Yet al-Qaeda lives on.

(A T)

Yemen tribal leaders say senior al-Qaida leader killed

A senior al-Qaida leader was killed in Yemen's central province of Marib while fighting alongside the government forces battling Shiite rebels, officials and tribal leaders said Saturday.

Ghalib al-Zaidi's death came a week ago in an exchange of fire during clashes with the rebels, known as Houthis, in the Sirwah district of Marib, they told The Associated Press. The fighting over the area was supported by air cover from a Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen's internationally recognized government.

The officials and elders told the AP that al-Zaidi had dozens of al-Qaida operatives under his command and had taken part in several battles against the Houthis in the province. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition accuses UN of bias in Yemen

The Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen on Monday accused the United Nations of "biased" reports on air strikes that allegedly killed dozens of children in rebel-held areas.

"The coalition is surprised by the ... biased positions of some reports," said coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki, adding that the information was "prejudiced" and based on "rebel stories".

My comment: This is odd propaganda. There can be no doubt at all against these reports, witnesses, films, photos. In generally, the UN is totally biased in favour of the Saudi coalition. Normally, the Saudi coalition when having committed another war crime never had been named. UN policy towards Yemen is based on a completely biased SC resolution (resolution 2216 from April 2015), which had been dictated by Saudi Arabia.

And even more crazy is this article here:

(A P)

Coalition criticises UN 'bias' reporting on civilian deaths

The Arab Coalition allied with Yemen's government on Monday criticised United Nations agencies for what is said was biased reports regarding a recent stirike that caused civilian deaths, in areas recently liberated from Houthi rebels.

"The coalition is surprised by the ... biased positions of some reports," coalition spokesman Col Turki Al Maliki said, adding that the information was "prejudiced" and based on "rebel stories".

Last Thursday, the coalition said the Houthi rebels had struck a recently liberated village in Al Durayhimi district of Hodeidah province with an Iranian-made ballistic missile, killing a child and injuring dozens of civilians.

The Emirates Red Crescent rushed aid to the village of Al Ghalifqa following the attack, the UAE news agency Wam reported.

Houthis have claimed that the attack was carried out by coalition forces.

Following the incident, several UN agencies reported on the 'airstrike' in the district. The coalition has denied carrying out an attack in the area.

The UN Security Council had called for an investigation into the strike in northern Yemen that UNICEF said killed 27 children.

"We all know that UN bodies are under pressure by the Houthi militias ... and these reports may have come in response to that pressure," Mr Maliki said during a press conference. "There is no war without collateral damage," he said.

and also

My comment: The Houthi shelling mentioned here which had killed a child had been a different incident which might not be mixed with the two Saudi coalition air raids which had killed 5 in a dwelling and 26 in a car. – “"We all know that UN bodies are under pressure by the Houthi militias” really is ridiculous, how the Houthis could pressure the UN? Otherwise, we have witnessed so often harsh Saudi pressure and blackmailing and threatening against the UN.

(A P)

Yemeni Minister: Houthis Continue to Seize Relief Trucks

Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Relief Committee Abdel Raqib Fatah called on UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande to intervene urgently and take the proper measures to allow the entry of medical teams to affected areas in Hodeidah.
He urged her to provide support and care for the population in the province and immediately release relief trucks that were seized by the Iran-backed Houthi militias in the provinces of Hodeidah, Ibb and Dhamar.
He called on her to condemn the militias clearly and explicitly and hold them fully responsible for obstructing the work of humanitarian organizations.
He demanded that solutions be reached to prevent the recurrence of these violations that are exacerbating the suffering of the people.
UN agencies and the Security Council must be presented with all the terrorist acts committed by the militias against relief and humanitarian work, he added to the Saba news agency.

(A P)

Hadi hails US-Yemeni cooperation to counter threats besetting Yemen and the region

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received the US ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller here on Sunday morning and discussed with him a range of issues of common concern. Hadi hailed the US support to Yemen and the US-Yemeni cooperation and coordination to counter the threats besetting Yemen and the region, through fighting terrorism and reversing the Iranian regime's interferences via the Houthi militia proxy that has devastated Yemen.

(A P)

KSRelief helps rehabilitate child soldiers in Yemen

The program aims to help the children return their normal lives

KSRelief plans to rehabilitate 2,000 children who were recruited by Houthis

(A P)

Change in Yemen driven by ordinary people determined to build a better future

While military operations are measured by the liberation of towns under Houthi control, the pace of change in Yemen is being driven by ordinary people.

Speaking to the Emirates News Agency, WAM, local Yemenis spoke of their relief at being free from Houthi oppression and of how the efforts of the legitimate Yemeni government and the Arab Coalition are helping to improve the situation in the country.

A resident in Aden told WAM, "I lived here in the time of the Houthis, during the war. There were snipers up in the mountains. It was a very dangerous situation."

The Head of Security at Aden International Airport said that while the security situation in Aden and other provinces is still not 100%, it is getting better.

These comments were echoed by a hotel manager in Aden, who said, "The situation is generally okay. Sometimes there are issues, but since we opened we haven’t had any. Customers are coming in and out without any concerns."

Across the country, life is returning to the most devastated areas, literally emerging from the rubble. =

(A P)

In a meeting with 2nd Mil. Zone Command, Chief of the Staff Maj. Gen. Taher al-Uqaili praises the stability & vicories achieved by #Hadhramaut province against terrorist groups, pointing out that sets a typical example for the other areas under terrorist Houthi militia control. (photos)

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K)

Air strikes target Houthis at Sanaa International Airport: Yemen National Military website

Heavy air strikes hit Houthi targets at Sanaa International Airport and Al Delmi air base north of the Yemeni capital, Yemen national military website said late Monday on its Telegram channel.

Houthi’s Al Masirah TV said earlier that the Saudi Arabia-led coalition attacked the airport and the air base with a series of air strikes.

Comment: #Reuters still writes '#Houthi targets' unaware of the nonsense.
Note: Al Delaimi air base has been bombed/inoperative since March 2015.
Note: #Sanaa airport serves only for occasional humanitarian flights as it has been bombed since March 2015 and a blockade imposed since August 2016


(* A K)

Airstrikes Pound Houthi Targets Near Sanaa Airport, Capital – Reports

Heavy airstrikes struck Houthi targets near the Sanaa International Airport and an airbase near Yemen's capital, the Yemeni national military website reported on Monday evening.

According to social media reports, more than 10 strikes were conducted against the al-Dailami air base in Sanaa. Houthi sources have indicated that the attack is in response to their drone attack on the Dubai airport, an incident which the United Arab Emirates denied on Monday ever happened.


(* A K)

Powerful air strikes are rocking Sanaa. Tonight bombing is really horrible. Thinking of my two kids. Remember two things: West gets angry only when Houthis strike Aramco, not when Saudis kill Yemeni children. Second, US and UK don't want their trade with Saudi Arabia to be hurt.

After at least 11 air-raids, sound of ambulances heard in #Sanaa*


We are in #Sana'a and Our houses are shaking due to the airstrikes targeting #Sanaa international airport right now.. what do you feel this one target your country . Stop the war in #Yemen we need peace

and just as a reminder: If you want to know how does #Sanaa airport looks like after #Saudi bombardment, just look at these photos.

(A K pH)

3 Citizens Injured by US-Saudi Aggression Airstrikes in Saada

Three citizens were injured, including two children, by US-Saudi Aggression strikes targeted a house, in Haidan west of Saada (photo)

(* A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, August 26, 2018

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, another wounded in Saudi airstrike on Hajjah

A citizen was killed and another injured in air raid launched by US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition war jets on Hajjah province on Sunday, a local official told Saba.
The airstrike hit a citizen’s house in Bakeel Almir district, killing a citizen and wounding another.

(A K pH)

On Saturday, three children were seriously injured by the US-Saudi aggression air raids on Al-Hafuz area of Haidan district, Sa’ada province.

Earlier, a woman was also killed by injuries sustained after a raid on the border district of Razih.

(* A K pH)

Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, August 25, 2018

(A K pH)

Saudi warplanes launches 6strikes, kills woman on Sadah

A woman was killed on Saturday by Saudi an airstrike on Razeh district of Sadah province , an official told Saba.

The Saudi warplanes aggression launched three strikes on Frd area in Kitaf district and Tow strikes on al-Dheiah area in Shada district of Sadah province.

(A K pH)

Citizen injured, citizens' 2 car destroyed in 2 Saudi-led airstrikes on Hodeida

A citizens was injured on Friday and two cars of citizens were destroyed while Two Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeida province, a security official told Saba.
The airstrikes targeted Durihimy district.

(A K pH)

3 citizens killed ,injured by Saudi missiles on Saada

Three civilians were killed and wounded on Friday when the US baked Saudi aggression launched air and missile strikes on several distracts in Saada province, a security official told Saba on Saturday.
The raid hit a citizen house on al-Thahr district, in which caused a citizen was killed and searching for victims is still under way.
The source added, the enemy also launched a raid on Yaslm area in Baqim distracts, causing a civilian was killed and the other was injured.

(A K pH)

Cluster Bomb Left Behind by US-Saudi Aggression in Sa’ada Kills 2 Children

Two children were killed on Friday after a cluster bomb left behind by the US-Saudi aggression in Sa’ada province.

A local source said that the child Adel Mana Abu Rasin and his brother Hussein were killed during they were shepherding in Al-Ghoul area of Kitaf border district, by the explosion of cluster bomb remnants of aggression.

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

August 27: Saada p.

August 26: Amran p. Hodeidah p. Saada p. Saada p.

August 25: Sanaa p. Hajjah p. Hajjah p. Hajjah p.

August 24: Saada p. Hajjah p.

(* A K pH)

Health Minister Reveals Final Toll of US-Saudi Aggression Airstrike in Hodiedah

Minister of Public Health, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil, revealed that the final toll of the Durihemi crime, which targeted displaced families in Hodeidah province, was 30 martyrs, including 20 children and 5 women.


(* A K P)

UN Country Team statement on the situation in Yemen, 24 August 2018

The UN family in Yemen deeply mourns the deaths of more than 30 civilians in Al Hudaydah

On 22 August, an airstrike struck a house in Ad Durayhimi district, south of Al Hudaydah city, killing four civilians and injuring two more. The next day, on 23 August, an airstrike killed 27 more civilians, including 22 children, four women and a driver, in Ad Durayhimi district. The women and children were reportedly fleeing fighting in Al-Kawei village when their vehicle was struck.

“Just two weeks ago, dozens of innocent children were killed near Sa’ada, and tens more injured,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen.

“And now this. What is happening in Yemen is unthinkable. It is time for everyone to wake up to the reality and human cost of this terrible war and to work together to bring hostilities to an end.”

“The UN family offers its deepest condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones,” said Ms. Grande, speaking on behalf of the all of the UN agencies providing assistance and support in Yemen. “These incidents must be independently and impartially investigated so we can all know the truth.”


(A K P)

Yemen: Foreign Ministry Accuses UNICEF Official of Bias

Yemen's foreign ministry confirmed on Saturday that Thursday's attack that killed and injured several civilians in Hodeidah’s al-Durayhimi district was the result of a rocket fired by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
The ministry said in a statement that it was surprised by tweets by UNICEF representative Meritxell Relano on Thursday in which she said “four women and all their 22 children and four other children” were killed in the attack.
The ministry was also shocked with statements by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock and the UNICEF executive manager, who blamed the attack on the Saudi-led Arab coalition that is backing the Yemeni government against the Houthis.
"Citing information and figures from Houthi-controlled sources, namely the Houthis' self-proclaimed 'Health Ministry', and basing accusations on them violates the principle of impartiality, which the UN and its organs follow," read the statement published by Yemen’s Saba news agency.
The ministry pointed out that the UNICEF representative drew her information from Houthi sources.
“The incident was the result of a rocket attack by the Houthi militias against Durayhimi and investigations are still going on to identify the number of victims,” explained the ministry statement.

My comment: This really is ridiculous junk propaganda. The Houthis’ shelling was a different incident which had killed one child and injured several persons. This propaganda tries to declare as irrelevant every evidence just because it is published by the Houthis, even if there are many witnesses and proofs. The most worthless “evidence” related to the aerial war is the one by the Saudi coalition sources.


(* A K pH)

Photos: Ibrahim & his grandson! Only survivors! Of US-Saudi massacre of August 23,2018 He lost 26 of grandchildren Their 4 mothers (wives of his sons)


film: Announcer: Did anyone visit you from your family? Child: My parents and my brothers in the village He did not know that all members of his family for (26) had been killed a second air strike.

Remark: Look at Yemen War Mosaic 449, cp1c.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* A K pH)

Samad 3 Yemeni drone wages airstrikes on Dubai Intentional airport

The army air force said in statement obtained by Saba on Monday that it launched a qualitative airstrike against Dubai International Airport with al-Samad 3 Yemeni drone.
The spokesman of the armed forces, Brigadier General Sharaf Ghaleb Luqman said that Samad 3 targeted Dubai airport, which led to the cessation of air traffic in the airport for some time.

"After the bombing of Dubai airport with a plane 3, all the strategic areas of the UAE are in the range of air force fire," he added.
The military spokesman renewed the call for investors and companies to leave the UAE.


(* A K pH)

The Yemeni Air Force carried out a qualitative drone strike on the international airport of #DubaiUsing the #Samad3 Drone

Dubai - DXB airport: flights delayed in conjunction with Yemeni forces launching a qualitative drone strike on the international airport of #Dubai Using the #Samad3 Drone (image9

Important Statistics and details on the arrival and departure of Emirate Airlines In #Dubaiinternational Airport over the past 24 hours (image)

Delayed Flights in #DXB increased to 72% which Mean, Maybe Caused Some Damages in Runways at the airport are destroyed by Airstrike Launched by #Yemeni Drone
( Sammad3 ) which led the Operations of the airport to Divert planes to others Runway that caused More Delay (image)


(* A K)

UAE denies report of Houthi drone attack on Dubai airport

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) denied reports on Monday that the Iranian-aligned Houthis in Yemen had attacked Dubai airport with a drone, and said operations were unaffected.

The UAE General Civil Aviation Authority “has denied Houthi media claims on the Dubai International Airport, affirming that the UAE air traffic operates business as usual,” the authority said in a statement by state news agency WAM.

My comment: The delays at Dubai airport clearly tell us that something must have happened there. – and almost at once, there started revenge against Sanaa airport:

(A K pS)

Army forces shoot down Houthi-guided drone in central Yemen

(A K pH)

A citizen was seriously wounded on Sunday by Saudi border guards in Al-Raqw area of Sa’ada province, Al-Masirah Net correspondent reported.

(A K pH)

In Hajja: A civilian was killed and three others were wounded, including two women, by artillery shells on their house in Haradh.

In Taiz: Two civilians were injured with mercenaries snipers in Salalah district.

(A K pH)

Saada prov.: the artillery of Saudi aggression targeted areas in Shada district of the same province, causing heavy damage of citizens properties.

(* A K pH)

Badr 1 Targets Saudi Army Camp in Najran

The Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees on Saturday night fired a ballistic missile, Badr 1, at a Saudi army camp in Bier Askar, in Najran.

On Sunday, the Rocket Force fired a ballistic missile, Badr 1, at a Saudi army recently constructed camp, in Jizan

(* A K pH)

Yemeni forces fire missiles at Saudi military bases in Jizan border region

Yemeni army forces, supported by allied fighters from Popular Committees, have launched two ballistic missiles, designed and manufactured domestically, at military bases in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern border region of Jizan in relation for the Riyadh regime’s devastating military aggression against their country.

A Yemeni military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that the short-range Zelzal-2 (Earthquake-2) missiles hit Mashal and Malhamah bases with great precision on Saturday.


(A K)

How many of the al-Houthi ballistic missiles have been intercepted by Saudi Arabia?

the "support for Legitimacy" Coalition Led by Saudi Arabia said Saturday night, that Saudi Arabia's air defenses have intercepted a ballistic missile fired by the al-Houthi group in Yemen towards the kingdom, bringing the total number of missiles intercepted to 181 missiles.

"At 7:00, 55 minutes ago, the air defense Forces of the Coalition monitored the launch of a ballistic missile by Iran's al-Houthi militia from inside Yemeni territory, from Amran Governorate towards the kingdom's territory," said the spokesman of the coalition, Col. Turki al-Maliki, quoted by the official SPA news agency.. "

My comment: The rest of the statement is anti-Houthi propaganda. The Houthis are objected they would target civilian targets (“was deliberately launched to target civilian and populated areas“), what definitely not is the case. If the Saudis would take serious their own propaganda, they at once must stop their air raids on Yemen. These air raids really are „was deliberately launched to target civilian and populated areas“, as can be seen nearly every day.

(A K pH)

Shelling of Saudi artillery, rocketry against Saada border areas leads to kill 2 civilian, injure 4

Two civilians were killed on Friday four others injured, when the Saudi artillery and rocketry shelled several border areas with the Saudi enemy of Saada province, a security official told Saba.
The Shelling of the artillery that targeted Waleba area of Dhaher district led to martyring of a civilian and injuring of two others, while the shelling of rocketry against Yasnem area of Bakim district caused the killing of a civilian and injuring other

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B P)

Your wedding night in prison. If you were a Yemeni groom and shooting in your wedding

It is fashionable in Yemen to fire shots in the air during weddings, which have traditionally been inherited decades ago in various regions of the Arab country, especially in the countryside.

But curiously, in the recent period, the police have put grooms in prison on their wedding night, due to the shooting of a live-in wedding procession.

Many Yemenis boast gunfire in the air when receiving guests, or during the wedding procession while going to the bride's house.

In many areas, parents, relatives and friends of the groom release shots in the air using Kalashnikov or pistols, sometimes through machine guns and grenades.

The continuation of this phenomenon is conducive to the significant proliferation of arms in the hands of civilians in Yemen.

However, this phenomenon began to lead grooms on their wedding night to a place that had never been taken into account, namely imprisonment.

On August 14 August, the police of Aden, the temporary capital of the south, announced that the security forces had imprisoned a groom.

It attributed the fact that participants at his wedding had fired heavily in the air while passing through the neighborhood and the streets, endangering the lives of bystanders and the population.

"This act is in vain with the provisions of the law, regulations, laws and recent decisions taken by the Aden Security Administration," it said.

(A P)

Hisham Al-Omeisy and his family have left Yemen

FREEDOM Loading... #PrisonBreakYemen

FREEDOM at 100% Enjoying this view with my kids now. To everyone who helped, the many unsung heroes I can not name, me & my family are forever thankful & indebted to you for getting us to safe shores. (photos, thread)


Yemen photos

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-449 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-449: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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