Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 459 - Yemen War Mosaic 459

Yemen Press Reader 459: 19. Sept. 2018: Weitere Million Kinder vom Hunger bedroht – Djibouti als Waffenumschlagplatz, Huthis exportieren Waffen nach Afrika – Der amerikanische Krieg im Jemen ...

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... Wie der militärisch-industrielle Komplex der USA von endlosen Kriegen profitiert – Saudi-Kriegsschiff greift Fischerboote an, 18 Tote – Kämpfe in Hodeidah – und mehr

Sept. 19, 2018: A further one million children at risk of famine – Djibouti as trafficking hub for weapons, Houthis exporting weapons to Africa – The American War in Yemen – US bombs used in Yemen – How the US Military-Industrial Complex Profits from Endless War – Saudi warship attacks fisher boats, 18 killed – Fighting at Hodeidah – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah/ Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp9 USA

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

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(** B H K)

Save the Children: Yemen: A further one million children at risk of famine as food and fuel prices soar across the country

Any disruption to food and fuel supplies coming through Hodeidah port could cause starvation on an unprecedented scale, warns Save the Children

An additional one million severely food insecure children in Yemen risk falling into famine as families struggle to afford basic food and transport to health facilities for treatment. This brings the total number of children in Yemen at risk of famine to 5.2 million. Already, more than two-thirds (64.5 per cent) of Yemen’s population don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

As Hodeidah experiences renewed fighting there is a real risk its port – a vital lifeline for goods and aid for 80 per cent of Yemen’s population – could be damaged or temporarily closed, reducing the supply of available of food and fuel as well as driving up prices even further. This would put the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in immediate danger while pushing millions more into famine. The United Nations has warned that failure to keep food, fuel and aid flowing into Yemen, particularly through Hodeidah, could result in one of the worst hunger crises in living history.

A depreciating currency and collapsing economy are pushing communities to the brink of starvation.

Food prices are up by an average of 68 per cent since 2015. The Yemeni Rial (YER) has depreciated nearly 180 per cent in the same period. It now costs 600 YER to buy one US dollar, up from 215 YER when the conflict escalated more than three years ago. The price of fuel commodities like petrol, diesel and cooking gas has increased by 25 per cent between November last year and September 2018. The price of food has doubled in some parts of the country in just a matter of days.

Though there are food supplies in the marketplace for now, families are unable to afford even the most basic items like bread, milk or eggs, making an already precarious situation even worse. Our teams have heard that some households are being forced to make impossible choices like deciding to take a malnourished baby to hospital at the expense of feeding the rest of the family.

Dr *Ali, Save the Children’s Nutrition Adviser in Amran, Yemen, said:

“I’ve noticed people’s deteriorating financial situation as it’s very common that parents don’t bring their children to health facilities to get treatment, simply because they can’t afford the transport costs. People haven’t received salaries for years and they don’t have another source of income, so they simply don’t have the money to get their children to hospital.”

A recent UN survey of 2,098 respondents across Yemen confirms the extent of the problem. An alarming 98 per cent of households said food was their primary expenditure. Equally alarming, 93 per cent named high commodity prices as their primary challenge, including food and fuel, while 72 per cent of households said they’re cutting down on food consumption to cope with a lack of income.

Nutrition surveys conducted during the first half of 2018 confirm alarming rates of malnutrition. In Hodeidah for example, home to Yemen’s largest commercial port and the primary gateway for food and fuel to the rest of the country, one in every twenty children under five years is suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Half of all children in Yemen are stunted.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO of Save the Children International, said:

“The nutrition crisis in Yemen has serious implications. Millions of children don’t know when or if their next meal will come. In one hospital I visited in north Yemen, the babies were too weak to cry, their bodies exhausted by hunger. This could be any hospital in Yemen.

Severely malnourished children are 12 times more likely to die from preventable diseases like pneumonia, measles, cholera or diphtheria. Children who are stunted suffer physical and often irreversible long-term cognitive damage. It’s essential that children get the food they need to survive and thrive.”

What happens in Hodeidah has a direct impact on children and families right across Yemen. Even the smallest disruption to food, fuel and aid supplies through its vital port could mean death for hundreds of thousands of malnourished children unable to get the food they need to stay alive. It could drive up the price of fuel – and as a result transport – to such an extent that families can’t even afford to take their sick children to hospital.

“This war risks killing an entire generation of Yemen’s children who face multiple threats, from bombs to hunger to preventable diseases like cholera. All parties must agree a political solution to this conflict and give children hope of a brighter future. Let the immense suffering of children in Yemen end.”

The brutal conflict in Yemen means communities across the country face huge barriers that prevent them from seeking care for their sick and undernourished children, including financial obstacles. The root causes of chronic and acute malnutrition and the factors leading to it are complex. But the current conflict creates conditions where malnutrition can take hold, exacerbated by poverty, lack of access to aid and low socioeconomic status. Women and girls and boys suffer disproportionately.

[Following: Case Studies and Explanatory notes]

and by agencies: =

(** B K P)

East Africa: Djibouti Emerges As Arms Trafficking Hub for Horn of Africa

The small strategically located state acts as a transit location for weapons trafficking between Yemen and northern Somalia through the AMISOM mission among others actors in the trade.

The findings are the result of an investigation carried out by EXX Africa (specialist intelligence company that delivers forecasts on African political and economic risk to businesses) in illegal weapons trade on the Horn of Africa.

In its research, the results of which are contained in the report titled The Arms Trade In The Horn Of Africa (The report has been partially published on EXX Africa website behind a paywall and is available upon request) the UK based company states that many Djibouti -based companies engaged in the country's thriving marine sector have been implicated in the illegal weapons trade.

Djibouti is only 32 kilometers away from Yemen and shares borders with Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somaliland and Somalia.

The country also hosts a number of foreign military bases - France has its largest African military base there, the US military base there caters for some four thousand troops and can act as a launch pad for operations in Yemen and Somalia, while Japan, Italy, Germany and China also have a military presence in Djibouti.

According to EXX Africa's executive director, Robert Besseling, most of the weapons appear to be coming from Houthi controlled territory in Yemen - the Khokha district of Hodeidah province - shipped in the direction of Djiboutian ports from where they are passed to armed groups in northern Somalia supported by the government in Djibouti.

Besseling added that his team uncovered evidence of some of these weapons reaching armed groups in Sudan, South Sudan and Ethiopia. However, he said he has no evidence that Djibouti is directly arming the Al-Shabab terrorist organisation.

(** B K P)

Rajan Menon, The American War in Yemen

As that CNN map suggests, of all the wars underway from which the U.S. weapons companies are profiting, none may be bleaker right now than the Saudi war in Yemen.

Today, TomDispatch regularRajan Menon considers that local Armageddon and the grim role the U.S. military (and those arms makers) continue to play in it. Talk about -- to resurrect a phrase from a long-gone era -- “merchants of death"! Those five giant arms makers give the phrase new meaning in our time.

Yemen’s Descent into Hell
A Saudi-American War of Terror

It’s the war from hell, the savage one that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with seven other Middle Eastern and North African states, have been waging in Yemen since March 2015, with fulsome support from the Pentagon and American weapons galore. It’s got everything. Dead children in the dozens, a never-ending air campaign that pays scant heed to civilians, famine, cholera, you name it. No wonder it’s facing mounting criticism in Congress and from human rights groups. Still, ever since President Donald Trump (like Barack Obama before him) embraced the Saudi-led coalition as this country’s righteous knight errant in the Middle East, the fight against impoverished Yemen’s Houthi rebels -- who have, in turn, been typecast as Iran’s cats-paw -- has only grown fiercer. Meanwhile, the al-Qaeda affiliate there continues to expand.

For years now, a relentless Saudi air campaign (quite literally fueled by the U.S. military) has hit endless civilian targets, using American smart bombs and missiles, without a peep of protest or complaint from Washington.

Saudi Arabia and its partners have accused the Houthis, the rebels with whom they have been in such a deadly struggle, of also attacking Yemeni civilians, a charge Human Rights Watch has validated. Yet such a they-do-it-too defense hardly excuses the relentless bombing of non-military sites by a coalition that has overwhelming superiority in firepower. Houthi crimes pale by comparison.

And when it comes to the destruction of civilian lives and livelihoods, believe it or not, that may be the least of it. Take the naval blockade of the country by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that cut the number of ships docking in the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeida from 129 between January and August 2014 to 21 in the same months of 2017. The result: far less food and medicine entered the country, creating a disaster for Yemenis.

The blockade also contributed to a cholera epidemic, which the shortage of medicines only exacerbated.

The prime contributors to the epidemic: drinking water contaminated by rotting garbage (uncollected because of the war), devastated sewage systems, and water filtration plants that stopped running due to lack of fuel -- all the result of the horrendous bombing campaign.

Wartime economic blockades starve and sicken civilians and soldiers alike and so amount to a war crime. The Saudi-Emirati claim that the blockade’s sole purpose is to stanch the flow of Iranian arms to the Houthis is nonsense, nor can it be considered a legitimate act of self-defense, even though it was instituted after the Houthis fired ballistic missiles at the airport in the Saudi capital and the residence of that country’s monarch. (Both were shot down by Saudi air defenses and were clear responses to coalition airstrikes on Houthi-held territory that killed 136 civilians.) By the standards of international humanitarian law or simply common sense, choking off Yemen’s imports was a disproportionate response, and clairvoyance wasn’t required to foresee the calamitous consequences to follow.

True to form, President Trump’s U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley, echoed Saudi charges that the Houthi missiles were Iranian-supplied Qiam-1s and condemned that country’s interference in Yemen. Given the scale of destruction by a foreign coalition using armaments and technical assistance provided by the United States (and Britain), her comments, in less grim circumstances, would have been laughable.

The Roots of War

Yemen’s progression to its present state of perdition began as the Arab Spring’s gales swept through the Middle East in 2011

Meanwhile, regular American drone strikes against AQAP angered many Yemenis. In their eyes, not only did the attacks violate Yemen’s sovereignty, they intermittently killed civilians. Hadi’s praise for the drone campaign only discredited him further. AQAP’s power continued to grow, resentment in southern Yemen rose, and criminal gangs and warlords began to operate with impunity in its cities, highlighting the Hadi government’s ineffectuality. Neoliberal economic reforms only further enriched a clutch of families that had long controlled much of Yemen’s wealth, while the economic plight of most Yemenis worsened radically.

It was a formula for disaster and when Hadi proposed a plan to create a federal system for Yemen, the Houthis were infuriated. New boundaries would, among other things, have cut their homeland off from the Red Sea coast. So they gave up on his government and girded for battle.

The American Role

The commonplace rendition of the war in Yemen pits a U.S.-backed Saudi coalition against the Houthis, cast as agents of Iran and evidence of its increasing influence in the Middle East. Combatting terrorism and countering Iran became the basis for Washington’s support of the Saudi-led war. Predictably, as this cartoonish portrayal of a complicated civil war gained ground in the mainstream American media and among Beltway pundits (as well, of course, as in the Pentagon and White House), inconvenient facts were shunted aside.

Still, all these years and all those dead later, it’s worth considering some of those facts. There are, for instance, significant differences between the Houthis' Zaydi variant of Shia Islam and the Twelver Shiism dominant in Iran -- and some similarities between Zaydis and Sunnis -- which makes the ubiquitous claims about a Iran-Houthi faith-based pact shaky. Moreover, Iran did not jump into the fray during the violent 2004-2010 clashes between Saleh and the Houthis and did not have longstanding ties to them either. In addition, contrary to the prevailing view in Washington, Iran is unlikely to be their main source of weaponry and support. Sheer distance and the Saudi coalition’s naval blockade have made it next to impossible for Iran to supply arms to the Houthis in the volume alleged. Besides, having pillaged various military bases during their march toward Aden, the Houthis do not lack for weaponry. Iran’s influence in Yemen has undoubtedly increased since 2015, but reducing the intricacies of that country’s internal crisis to Iranian meddling and a Tehran-led Shiite bloc expanding from Syria to the Arabian Peninsula amounts to, at best, a massive oversimplification.

The obsession of Trump and his key advisers with Iran (a remarkable number of them are Iranophobes) and The Donald’s obsession with plugging American arms makers and hawking their wares helps explain their embrace of the House of Saud and continuing support for its never-ending assault on Yemen.

One thing is obvious: U.S. policy in Yemen won’t achieve its declared goals of defeating terrorism and rolling back Iran.

In Yemen, the United States backs a grim military intervention for which -- unless you are a weapons company -- it is hard to find any justification, practical or moral. Unfortunately, it is even harder to imagine President Trump or the Pentagon reaching such a conclusion and changing course – by Rajan Menon = = = = =

Comment: The article has a number of good points and research behind them, yet, the period 2011 (uprising) - beginning of the war is very one-sided.

(** B K)

Made in America

Shrapnel found in Yemen ties US bombs to string of civilian deaths over course of bloody civil war

Last month, a CNN investigation found remnants of a US-made bomb at the scene of an airstrike that left dozens of schoolboys dead. Now, an independent Yemen-based human rights group called Mwatana has given CNN exclusive access to a trove of documents that show fragments of US-manufactured bombs at the scene of a string of other incidents since 2015, when the civil war began. In each of those cases, civilians were either killed or put at risk.

Mwatana, which documents violations by all parties in Yemen’s conflict, used its network of trained field researchers to photograph evidence at the scene of strikes. The group consulted weapons experts to identify the weapons used from serial numbers found on the fragments. Mwatana was recognized last month with an award by US body Human Rights First.

While CNN was not on the ground, we have made our own checks using image metadata and publicly available government websites linking each of these incidents to a US manufacturer. An internationally renowned weapons expert also analyzed each image for CNN.

The incidents give a snapshot of US involvement in Yemen’s conflict through its support for the Saudi-led coalition that is battling a Houthi-led rebel insurgency. The United States says it does not make targeting decisions for the coalition. But it does support its operations through billions of dollars in arms sales, the refueling of Saudi combat aircraft and some sharing of intelligence.

Mwatana’s chairwoman, Radhya al-Mutawakel, told CNN that the US bore a “legal and moral responsibility for selling weapons to the Saudi-led coalition” that are worsening the conflict in Yemen

[full details of cases of US bombs used in several air raids in Yemen; with photos] - By Nima Elbagir, Salma Abdelaziz, and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

film: and excerpt:

and in short by The Hill:

and on the Mwatana website:

(** B K)

US Weapons Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Yemen

Mwatana is an independent, Yemen-based organization dedicated to the defense and promotion of human rights. Mwatana researchers have conducted field investigations of Coalition airstrikes on civilians in seven governorates “Sanaa, Aden, Taizz, Ibb, Hajjah, Al Hudaydah and Abyan”, including interviews with victims, eyewitnesses, and paramedics. After analyzing photographs of weapons remnants found on-site taken by Mwatana team, arms experts have concluded that weapons used in at least 15 of these attacks were US-made. In addition, in the case of the August 9 bus incident, Mwatana identified remnants of a US-made laser-guided bomb unit of the Paveway II-GBU-12 type used in the attack.

Mwatana contends that no military target could have justified bombing a bus loaded with children and urgently calls for an impartial investigation into the incident.

Mwatana believes that by exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the rest of the Arab Coalition, the United States government puts itself at risk of complicity in unlawful attacks by the coalition, particularly as US-made weapons have been discovered at the site of some of these attacks where dozens of civilians have been killed. Mwatana calls on the US to immediately cease arms sales to these countries.

Mwatana urges the US government to abide by the principles of international law, including those set out in the Arms Trade Treaty. The United States must also promptly accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, and abide by the internationally accepted ban on the use of such weapons.

Mwatana Organization for Human Rights calls on the United States to respect human rights and cease selling weapons to violators. Mwatana also calls on the Saudi/UAE-led Arab Coalition to immediately stop targeting civilians and civilian objects.


(** B K P)

Merchants of Death: How the Military-Industrial Complex Profits from Endless War

A look into how the military-industrial complex fuels endless war for corporate profits. CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin discusses her new report on the five largest US weapons manufacturers and their arms deals with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt.

For a century, peace activists have referred to weapons manufacturers as merchants of death. Even Pope Francis has repeated this phrase in the past several years. In 2016, the Pope warned against, quote, “The Industry of Death, the greed that harms us all, the desire to have more money.” The Pope continued, quote: “War is waged in order to defend money. That is why some people don’t want peace; they make more money from war.”

In the United States we refer to this industry of death as the military-industrial complex. And a new report by the peace group CODEPINK details how arms companies profit from death and destruction. This new report is titled “War Profiteers: the U.S. War Machine and the Arming of Repressive Regimes.”

Today we’re joined by the report’s co-author Medea Benjamin to discuss the contemporary military-industrial complex.

BEN NORTON: So can you tell us more about this report, which you co-authored with Nicolas [J. S.] Davies? This report focuses on the five largest U.S. arms manufacturers. That’s Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and General Dynamics. And specifically, you look at their arms deals with three repressive regimes in Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: Yes, this campaign is part of a larger campaign called Divest From the War Machine. And just as the environmental community has been having great success in getting money out of the fossil fuel industry. So we are now trying to get cities, universities, faith-based institutions, individuals to divest from the weapons industries. And that is a coalition of about 70 different groups, and we wrote this report to be used as a tool for that campaign, to show how the big five weapons companies are involved in selling weapons to some of the most repressive regimes in the world. Sometimes it’s like Saudi Arabia, where the Saudis are actually buying those weapons from us; and sometimes, as in the case of Israel and Egypt, it’s where our tax dollars are going to the weapons industries, then being funneled into those countries to be used for repressive attacks against either their own people or neighboring countries. So that’s why we did this report.

BEN NORTON: And let’s talk about some of the specific companies you looked at. Lockheed Martin, another U.S. arms manufacturer, it’s the biggest arms producer in the entire world. Boeing is the second largest, and Raytheon is the third. Just talk about these companies specifically, and maybe some of the deals they’ve done with Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt.

MEDEA BENJAMIN: Well, Saudi Arabia is the largest one, and you can see how they have benefited, like the other companies have done, from the Trump administration, which doesn’t shy away from touting its its close ties to the industry. So Lockheed Martin two years ago had revenues of $35 billion, already huge last year, its revenues shot up to $61 billion. A lot of that is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. And in fact, in the recent bombing of the school bus that left 44 children dead. It was a Lockheed Martin bomb that was used in that attack. I was just outside of Dallas, Texas in Grand Prairie, Texas, where that bomb was made, where we brought a letter to the Lockheed Martin officials asking for a meeting with the community to talk about this, just as we are pushing now for people all over the country to go to Lockheed Martin factories to protest.

This is one example in the sales to Saudi Arabia.

So it’s important to understand that while we were selling to countries that violate international law, it is also a violation of our own domestic law, which says we can’t sell to countries where war crimes are being committed.

And when you look at the fact that every single congressional district in this country has some kind of piece of a weapon being manufactured there, both as a way to push the Congressional official to say, well, this is about jobs, but also as a way to bribe those officials. About 55 percent of the lobby money coming from the weapons industry is going to Republicans; 45 percent is going to Democrats. So it is certainly bipartisan. And given the examples that you gave, we could give a lot more to show the revolving door where there are high-level people from these companies that are actually not only supporting the wars, but cheerleaders for the wars, helped manufacture the excuses to go to war, as they did in the case of Iraq.

And unfortunately, I think down the road we’ll find out examples of how they are creating the animosity with Iran right now that might take us down that road. When the CEO of Boeing was asked about how he felt with the new sanctions that the Trump administration imposed nixing a $20 billion deal that he was negotiating with Iran, he basically said, we’ll make more money from the conflict. And when you look at the stocks of these companies you see every time there is an uptick in the war there is an uptick in their profits.

We certainly saw during the Obama years the way that the administration understood that the Americans were unhappy seeing body bags come home of U.S. soldiers who had died in Afghanistan and Iraq. And as he had promised that he was going to wind down the wars, it moved into a different kind of warmaking. And it’s not only the use of drone warfare special operations, but it’s also using proxy wars. And it is also interesting how President Obama really boasted about the enormous weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. You would think there would be more sensitivity to selling weapons to one of the most repressive regimes in the world would not be something that Obama would want to herald. But indeed he did. And then when Trump came in, his first voyage overseas was to Saudi Arabia. and film:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Infographics: Yemen: War in the Time of Cholera

The fighting has discouraged reconstruction efforts, leaving much of the population at risk of disease.

(* A H)

Third wave of #cholera outbreak: two adults and seven children have died from cholera in the past few days.

The figures have been confirmed by Y. Hadiri, spokesman for the Health Ministry in #Sanaa

Since April 2017, over 2300 have died of cholera and over a million have been infected.

To record, #Yemen's outbreak is the biggest ever recorded in history

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(** A K pH)

18 fishers killed in Saudi aggression warships shelling on Hodiedah

A total of 18 Yemeni fishers were killed and another survived on Tuesday when Saudi-led coalition warships targeted their boats in the coastal city of Hodeidah, a security official Saba.
The strikes hit the boats beside the sea in al-Khukhah district.
Since 26, 2015, the coalition has targeted more than 200 fishermen and infected heavy losses in Yemen's fisheries sector estimated of more than $5 billion.


(** A K pH)

18 fishermen were killed by #Saudi #UAE strikes of the coast of Al Khawkhah S #Hodeidah #Hodeida W #Yemen Nafea'a Khadim was the lone survivor Al Khawkhah has a known fishing port & is under coalition control Coalition is turning entire west coast 2 a military zone

My comment: Actions like this one are the real threat to international shipping in the Red Sea.


(** A K)

Eighteen fishermen killed off Yemen's Red Sea coast

A frigate attacked a fishing boat off Yemen’s Red Sea port of al-Khoukha, killing 18 fishermen on Tuesday, relatives said. The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi group denied reports that it had carried out the attack.

Members of the fishermen’s families told Reuters only one person survived when a warship attacked the boat.

The Saudi-led coalition denied attacking the boat and said an unknown vessel opened fire on the fishermen, killing 17.

“The command of the coalition forces assures that what some media reported about the coalition’s navy targeting fishing boats off al-Khoukha port is baseless,” the coalition spokesman, Colonel Turki al-Malki, said in a statement.

He accused the Houthis of carrying out similar attacks in the past.


(A K)

Here a list of 18 fishemen who killed today in an attack by Saudi warship in al-Kadha area of al-Khukha in western #Yemen Last week Saudi airstrikes hit fishermen's boat kill8ng scores (image)

My comment: A frigate and more Saudi lies again. An “unknown vessel”?? “the Houthis of carrying out similar attacks in the past”. The Houthis do not have frigates, nor vessels. It’s just small drone speed boats they are using for their attacks. And they never had attacked fisher boats in the past. While the Saudis did, in many cases up to now. – Remarkable: This attack happened ca. 90 km south of Hodeidah, in territories which had been occupied by UAE-supported militia already a longer time ago. – This attack is just the newest in a pattern.


(** A K P)

A Saudi Coalition Massacre of Yemeni Fishermen

The Saudi coalition maintains a naval and air blockade of Yemen, and it enforces the former with Saudi and Emirati naval vessels. Whenever there is an attack on civilians at sea by ship or from the air, it is certain that coalition forces are responsible for it for the simple reason that they are the only ones capable of launching such attacks. This latest attack on Yemeni fishermen is consistent with previous attacks on fishing boats and fish markets, and it fits into the systematic campaign of targeting Yemen’s sources of food production. The coalition blockade starves Yemenis of basic necessities, and then when some of them seek to make a living and gather food to sell at sea they are murdered by coalition forces. The killing of these fishermen is unfortunately all too common in this war, because coalition forces have no regard for the lives of Yemeni civilians and know that they can act with impunity.

We all understand by now that Saudi coalition denials are completely worthless. They always deny that they launched the attacks that only their forces could carry out. They grudgingly acknowledge responsibility for their massacres only when there is intense international scrutiny of their actions, and even then they won’t admit that they did anything wrong. Needless to say, military forces that blow up peaceful fishermen at sea are not making the slightest effort to reduce harm to civilians. This is just the latest attack that exposes the Trump administration’s certification of coalition behavior as a lie. On the contrary, there is daily more evidence that coalition forces deliberately target civilians on the assumption that their governments and their Western patrons will do nothing about it. – by Daniel Larison


(A K P)

NSG spokesman denounces Saudi aggression battleships' attack on Yemeni fishers in Hodeidah

Spokesman of the National Salvation Government(NSG), Information Minister Abdel Salam Jaber, strongly condemned on Tuesday the missile attack of the Saudi aggression battleships on the Yemeni fishers in Hodeidah.
In a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency, condemned the ongoing war crimes and violations committed by the Saudi-led coalition against citizens.
In earlier day, the coalition warships waged missile attack on fishing boats in Khukhah district of the province and killed 18 fishers.

(A K pH)

2 Citizens Killed by US-Saudi Aggression Strikes in Hodeidah

Two civilians were killed and a bulldozer, belonged to them, was destroyed on Tuesday by US-Saudi aggression air raid in Duraihmi district, in Hodeidah.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition strikes navy school in Yemen's Hodeidah: al-Masirah TV

A Saudi-led coalition struck a navy school in Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah, the Houthis’ al-Masirah TV said late on Monday.

(A K pS)

Yemeni official: Houthis target food stores to stop liberation of Hodeida

Deputy Minister of Information Abdul-Basit al-Kaedi has said that the Houthis target food stores with mortars in Hodeida in an attempt to force the Yemeni army to stop the liberation of Hodeida.

He referred to a stamen of A Houthi senior leader, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, in which he said 12 hours before the target of the stores that the Arab Coalition will bomb them. Al-Kaedi asserted that the Houthis have hidden agendas to target the food stores.

My comment: The Houthi side had claimed the food stored had been targeted by Saudi coalition air raids and shelling. – As the Saudi coalition UAE-backed forces try to proceed to the Kilo 16 area and to occupy it to cut of the Houthis from the East, they had relentlessly raided and shelled the area. Thus, it sounds rather probable that they really hit any ware houses there than gthe conspiration theory which is told in this report here.


(A K)

Yemen rebels accuse Saudi, allies of targeting food warehouses

Yemen's Huthi rebels accused the government and its Saudi-led allies on Tuesday ofdeliberately targeting food warehouses in Hodeida as they resumed an offensive on the rebel-held port city after an 11-week pause.

"International food supply warehouses were targeted in Hodeida (late on Monday), a clear sign that there is a plan by the United States, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and their allies to make warehouses and densely populated neighbourhoods legitimate targets of their terrorist operations," the head of the rebels' Supreme Revolutionary Council, Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, said.

There was no immediate confirmation that any aid warehouses had been hit from the World Food Programme or other UN agencies battling the threat of famine hanging over millions of Yemenis.

WFP spokesman Herve Verhoosel declined to comment on the Huthi statement.

(A K)

Massive explosions rocking the city of #Hodeidah in western #Yemen now, following the declaration by Saudi led coalition of the start of a 3-direction military operation to free the city.

(* A K)

Renewed battle for Yemen's Hodeida sparks humanitarian crisis fears

Saudi-backed government forces in Yemen launched a series of attacks on rebel-held Hodeida, military officials said Tuesday, raising fears of a humanitarian crisis as an 11-week pause in the battle for the port city ended.

The Huthi rebels accused the government and its Saudi-led allies of deliberately targeting food warehouses on Monday night, as the coalition said it had resumed a "military operation to liberate Hodeida and its port".

Pro-government forces and medical sources in Hodeida province told AFP that 40 Huthis had been killed around the port city since Monday night.

Residents in and around the city, home to 600,000 people, reported hearing explosions throughout Monday night.

The Huthis accused the coalition of targeting food supply warehouses in the raids, claiming the international community was complicit in the attacks.

(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition begins large scale operation to liberate Hodeidah, says Commander of Red Sea Coast

The Arab Coalition has launched a large-scale, multi-pronged operation towards the areas under the Houthi militias' control to liberate the city of Hodeidah, after reinforcing troops at Kilo 16 and cutting the besieged rebels' key Sana'a-Hodeidah supply lines, Brigadier Ali Al Tunaiji, Commander of the Arab Coalition taskforce in Yemen's Red Sea Coast, told Emirates News Agency (WAM).

"The Saudi-led Arab Coalition forces continue military operations in Yemen's Red Sea Coast, in cooperation with the Joint Yemeni Resistance forces through surprising strategic military plans that were unexpected by the collapsing militias whose positions are falling one by one, leading the militia forces to flee the battlefield, leaving behind their weapons, equipment and dead fighters, with Coalition forces taking control of strategic areas in Hodeidah front and cutting the rebels' supply lines," Brigadier Al Tunaiji stated.

He added that the military operation, launched by the Arab Coalition and Joint Yemeni Resistance forces, enabled them to control Kilo 7 and Kilo 10 areas, while reinforcing troops in Kilo 16 and cutting the key Sana'a-Hodeidha supply line for the rebels.

and also

My comment: And the Saudi/UAE side had claimed they already had occupied Kilo 16 area last week!

(A K)

The #Houthi militia gunmen have killed a 47-year-old #teacher Mohammed Ahmed Habait while he was passing by one of the areas controlled by the militia, south of the town of Hays, which is located south of the port city of #Hodeidah with no mentioned reason (photo)

(A K pH)

Sources reveal details about the dead Emirati officer on the coast front

Military sources confirmed the deaths of dozens of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Monday, including an officer and soldiers from UAE, in clashes with the Yemeni army forces on the West Coast Front.

The sources pointed out that special forces of the Yemeni army forces carried out a sudden attack on military positions and concentrations in which their enemy forces were stationed, north of the Directorate of Direhmi, in which they killed and wounded a large number of the coalition, including an officer of Mexican origin, along with others of African nationalities.

According to the sources, the UAE officer who was killed, previously worked for Blackwater, before being recruited and contracted by the UAE army

(* A K pH)

Local Yemeni media reports said on Monday that at least four people were killed after Saudi warplanes launched an aerial assault against the kilometer 10 area of the western coastal province of Hudaydah.

(A K pH)

Civilian Killed by US-Saudi Aggression Raids in Hodeidah

A civilian was killed on Monday by injuries sustained by the US-Saudi aggression raids on Kilo 16area in Al Hali district, south of Hodeidah.

The US-Saudi aggression launched a series of raids on Kilo 16 area

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* B H K)

Film: Jemen: Die größte humanitäre Katastrophe | Weltspiegel

Die Friedensgespräche in Genf sind erneut gescheitert. Leid und Elend im Jemen werden nicht gestoppt. Die Leidtragenden dieses gnadenlosen Krieges sind Zivilisten, vor allem Kinder.

(* B H K P)

Film: David Miliband described Yemen as the 'world's largest humanitarian crisis' during his visit to Sanaa

(B K P)

Film: #HRC39 | ARWA | #YEMEN does not need another report a year from now detailing more horrific crimes. #YEMEN needs accountability NOW! Waiting longer will allow impunity to reign, crimes to continue & accountability to be evaded. Do what is right! Do what is just!

Tweet übersetzen

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Fund: A lifeline in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

The Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) continues to provide a lifeline to millions of Yemenis trapped in the worst humanitarian crisis. “The human cost and the humanitarian impact of this conflict is unjustifiable,” said UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Lise Grande, in a recent statement, stressing that three-quarters of the population remain in dire need of assistance.

Since January 2018, the YHF has received $122 million from 22 generous donors. This has allowed national and international partners to scale up their life-saving and life-sustaining activities.

Through its First Standard Allocation, the Fund has allocated US$90 million to respond to the needs identified in the re-prioritized Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and to provide life-saving assistance to people in newly accessible areas and areas facing severe access constraints. In support of the critical role that national front-line partners play in the operation, a dedicated window for national NGOs is being established for this round.

Between June and July, the Fund had already allocated $97.3 million to scale up nutrition and health services, cash assistance, emergency reproductive health services and de-mining activities in Al Hudaydah Governorate, which was heavily hit by recent airstrikes.

(A P)

Rights Organizations Demand Release of Yemeni Girl, Buthaina Al-Rimi, Kidnapped by Saudi Regime

The Legal Center for Rights and Development called on the United Nations and human rights organizations to press for the release of Yemeni girl Buthaina al-Raimi who was kidnapped by the Saudi regime.

The Center held a press conference in the presence of the relatives of the girl Buthaina, which became famous worldwide after the killing of all her family by the US-Saudi Aggression strike targeted Otan area west of the capital Sana'a. The center also presented the latest developments in the case of kidnapping Buthaina.

(* B K P)

Geopolitics Alert Editor Randi Nord at UNHRC: US Facilitates War Crimes in Yemen [VIDEO]

Geopolitics Alert founder and editor, Randi Nord, participated in two side panels about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen at the United Nations Human Rights Council 39th session during its first week.

“Since its inception, the United States has tried to portray itself as a defender of human rights both at home and globally. But, for well over three years, the children of Yemen have had to experience first-hand the worst oppression the US has to offer.

The US declaration of independence reads that all humans everywhere have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” However, Washington’s very own involvement in Yemen eliminates these so-called inalienable rights for millions of Yemeni children — many of whom have never experienced a life without daily threats of airstrikes on their homes as well as ground violence, starvation, disease, and uncertain futures.

These figures are without even mentioning the countless attacks on schools, airports, seaports, and other institutions children rely on for life. In fact, the targeting of spaces where children are most likely to be present, such as in the home or at school, have resulted in about 4.5 million children not attending school according to OCHA.

Rather than acting as a passive observer, this evidence makes it clear that the United States is complicit in these horrendous attacks on Yemen’s children and continues to act without impunity.” and film:

(A P)

Yemenia Airways Planes Prevented of Stay at Aden Airport

Documents leaked on social media revealed that Yemenia Airways has begged the Saudi-led coalition to allow its planes to stay overnight at Aden International Airport, southern of Yemen.

The Two documents contained a request from Yemenia Airways, to the command of the Saudi-led coalition in the Aden airport to allow its planes to stay overnight at the airport, due to the high costs of boarding at foreign airports, which amounting to $ 20,000.

The second document included a request from the same command at the Aden airport to allow aircraft’s maintenance at the airport, because of the high cost of maintenance outside the country and at other airports, reached to approximately $ 100,000.

The Yemenia Airways has not been allowed to operate its flights only after taking official permission from the Saudi-led coalition leadership based on conditions set by the coalition.

One of these conditions stated that the Yemenia Airways should set a specific time for landing and departure, and send lists of names of the departures and arrivals before passengers arrive to the airport. ”

and document:

(* A K P)

Hrant Dink Award Ceremony: Radya el-Mutawakel's Speech

Yemen is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. However, we should always add to this sentence, that is not a natural crisis. It is a man-made crisis, a crisis caused by conflict.

As the conflict enters its fourth year in Yemen, horrible violations and war crimes have been committed against civilians and civilian objects. Unlawful airstrikes, blockade, indiscriminate shelling, arbitrary detention, forced disappearance, torture, attacking schools and hospitals, landmines, child recruitment, and much more.

If you are now asking who exactly committed these violations in Yemen, I will answer, who didn't?

It is the Saudi and Emirati led coalition and forces and armed groups loyal to it, Houthi and ex-president Saleh armed groups, government of president Hadi and forces and armed groups loyal to it. Also, countries like, the US, the UK and France who are fueling the war by selling weapons to some countries which are involved in serious violations in Yemen, particularly, Saudi Arabia and Untied Arab Emirates. whenever you hear about war in Yemen and all parties to the conflict, you should always remember that there are no heroes, there are only criminals and victims.

In spite of all of this, hope is always there, and peace in Yemen is always possible. It is the desire of most Yemeni ordinary people whom until now refuse to be part of the conflict. They are still civilians and have a huge desire to live.

Those people are our strength in Mwatana. We work hard because we believe that they deserve better life and they deserve justice. It is not easy to be an independent Human rights NGO in a middle of armed groups and your neighbor is Saudi Arabia. However, it is more difficult not to do anything for civilians in such situation.

We choose Human Rights to be our road toward accountability, justice and peace. Documenting violations, providing legal assistance, and doing lots of advocacy seems like digging the wall in a middle of a horrible war. However, we feel that our honest work can shake the wall of war and one day it will collapse. Peace will come one day and Mwatana will keep working for a society where justice and full access to rights is guaranteed to everyone.

(* B P)

“But what about Yemen?”

You won’t do anything, because deep down, you couldn’t give less of a damn about Yemen. Or almost anything else in this lowly world.

One thing escapes your indifference, though—the Criminal himself. If his identity suits you, we can name him without fearing to become the victims to your mythomaniac retribution. Otherwise, why be embarrassed by the truth? Let’s argue and deny. Transform affirmations into negations and vice versa. (…) Spread antonyms of occurrences as much as you can so that the occurrences themselves are removed from discourse. As you are not completely clueless, you must realise that occurrences which are unarticulated and unemployed will hardly find a listening ear in these troubled times.Homeless and shelterless, they will slowly languish carrying away the truth which burns your eyes so much.

It’s rather despicable to use some corpses to bury others. And quite daring to oppose the martyrdom of Yemeni children to the plight of Syria’s.

So don’t come telling supporters of the Syrian cause “but what about Yemen?” To serve yourself of Yemen—in the same way as some of your predecessors and many of your contemporaries have used Palestine—to whitewash Assad… I have to acknowledge that you certainly have a far-reaching capacity to be abject. It’s rather despicable to use some corpses to bury others. And quite daring to oppose the martyrdom of Yemeni children to the plight of Syria’s.

We could retort to your filthy campism, by saying that yes, indeed, many speak out about certain subjects more than about others. Yet, contrary to yourself, they do not deny neither the suffering of entire populations, nor the richness or multiplicity of local social dynamics.

(* B K P)

Film: US hindering any tangible UN action on Saudi war crimes in Yemen: Analyst

A political analyst casts doubt on the prospects of UN peace efforts on Yemen, saying the US will work to obstruct any tangible action by the world body to end Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in the Arabian Peninsula country.

Lawrence Davidson, professor at the West Chester University, told Press TV that the Saudi-led coalition of aggressors is committing “slow genocide” against the Yemeni people, while the US keeps impeding any UN action on the situation.

The United Nations faces “resistance” from the US and its European allies in support of the invaders, he added.

“It is a really difficult situation, and one can imagine that it would be easier for the UN if the United States just got out of that organization and simply did not have anything to do with it, and that would in any case liberate the UN,” Davidson said.

The commentator further pointed to a rise in deadly Saudi air raids against Yemen, which coincided with the arrival in Sana’a of UN envoy Martin Griffiths for talks.

“The intensification of the air attacks just as he (Griffiths) arrives is in fact an attack not only on Yemen but on the UN,” he said.

“What the Saudis are saying -- much like the Israelis who seem to be their local allies now – is that there’s nothing the UN can do that we will obey,” he added.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H)

Film: The human impact of the #Saudi/#UAE blockade of #Yemen is dire. Ashwaq from Yemen spoke on how it disproportionately effects women & Engline from Germany spoke on the effect on children. #Cholera was mentioned by all, a preventable disease killing more that bombs do directly.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: Food aid not reaching families that need it most in Yemen

In a hidden pocket of northern Yemen, families with starving children have nothing to eat but the leaves of a local vine, boiled into a sour, acidic green paste. International food aid isn't reaching the families that need it most, even as parents and children waste away. In Mashrada village, one mother bathed her emaciated seven-month-old girl, Zahra, in a metal pan. The village is in Aslam district. Zahra was taken once before to a local health clinic and treated for severe malnourishment, but she's still dwindling away, her ribs and bones protruding.

Remark: The longer video to the AP report, here on Youtube.

(* B H)


Photographer Alex Potter provides a rare glimpse inside Yemen’s crippled healthcare system.

Government hospitals in every region are overcrowded and understaffed, many hospital staffs haven’t been paid in years, and chronic diseases like kidney failure, cancer, and long-term issues related to malnutrition take up the large burden of cases. The cholera season this year was not as severe, there have still been 115 confirmed deaths among 100,000 reported cases; and since a Saudi-led airstrike demolished an MSF cholera treatment facility in the northern town of Abs in Hajjah province, the risk remains high.

According to the most recent Food Security Update from Famine Early Warning Systems, nearly the entire country is in Crisis or Emergency mode and is expected to remain there for the foreseeable future, even with heavy humanitarian aid intervention.

Twenty-two million Yemenis rely on some sort of humanitarian aid—that’s over 80% of the population (photos)

(* B H)

Danish Refugee Council: The humanitarian situation in Yemen deteriorates every hour

With current fighting and constant changing front lines, more people are being displaced every day – and more than 20 million people in Yemen are in need of aid. The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is assisting newly displaced with among other things food assistance and access to clean water.

The port city of Hodeidah in Yemen has for the last months been subject to heavy fighting with severe consequences for the civilian population and large displacement. According to the UN, nearly 470,000 people have fled Hodeidah Governorate since early June – in a country where millions already are displaced and 75 percent of the populations are dependent on humanitarian aid.

“The front line around Hodeidah changes constantly. We've met displaced persons who've fled fighting close to the front line. They now live in makeshift tent sites, unfinished buildings and collective shelters. Often more families share one room or building. The needs are huge – and that is one of the reasons why DRC is scaling up in Yemen,” says DRC Head of Emergency, Christian Gad – who spent the last week in Yemen.

The sheer numbers speak for themselves. More than 22 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, 17.8 million are food insecure and 8.4 million don't know where to get their next meal from. During 2018, DRC has scaled up emergency capacity to respond to what the UN has labelled as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

“The situation in Yemen comprises all one can imagine in a humanitarian catastrophe. IDPs, returnees, food scarcity, diseases such as cholera and ongoing fighting. It's a lot to balance and we do everything we can to save lives and scale up the emergency operation. But people in Yemen are fighting everyday against hunger, cholera and targeted airstrikes. I've never seen such suffering on such a huge scale,” says DRC Country Director, Audrey Crawford.

Many places and many civilians in Yemen have been hit by airstrikes, including schools and hospitals, causing great fear and not least serious damage for the civilian population. It means that thousands of civilians, among those thousands of children have been killed and injured due to these target airstrikes.

DRC works across Yemen on both sides of the front line, covering 19 out of Yemen's 22 governorates

(B H)

World Food Programme: Yemen - Humanitarian Imports Overview, August 2018

WFP food imports in mt

The chart represents WFP food imports for its programmes in Yemen, and includes food commodities imported through commercial vessels as well as chartered vessels for humanitarian cargo.

facilitated by the Logistics Cluster The Logistics Cluster facilitates the transport of passengers and special cargo via sea on-board the WFP-chartered vessels VOS Apollo and VOS Theia. VOS Apollo operates a weekly rotation between Djibouti and Aden, whereas VOS Theia travels on average three times a month between Djibouti and Hodeidah. Both vessels can be used as staff evacuation means.

Due to administrative issues, VOS Apollo voyage 117 and VOS Theia voyage 13 were cancelled. All sea operations (cargo and passengers) were suspended until further notice

The Logistics Cluster facilitates combined chartered airlifts from Djibouti to Sana’a, on a frequency contingent upon needs and funding.

(A H)

Salem Bahr, a Yemeni singer from western port city of Hodeidah known as "waves musician", has died from hunger, activists say. (photo)

(* A E H)

Happenning in the #Yemen-I capital of Sana'a right now. No gas No petrol No diesel Almost all gas stations are closed. Prices of fuel oil in the black markets hiked by 100 per cent or much more.

Big queues of vehicles at one of petrol filling stations in Sana'a, where people have to wait for long hours just to fill up their vehicles. This ugly war has rendered millions of Yemenis too busy chasing their most basic needs. (photo)

(* B H K)

Harrowing screams of boy, 12, whenever he hears a plane after entire family wiped out in Yemen airstrike

Little Yasser is one of thousands of youngsters displaced in a deadly conflict - every time a plane passes, he screams: "The monster has come"

Little Yasser was just 12 years old when his family was wiped out by an airstrike.

Living in war-torn Yemen, the youngster hid in terror as bombs fell from the sky, leaving dead bodies - including those of his parents and three siblings - strewn in their wake.

Orphaned and traumatised, he narrowly survived the bombing. But whenever he hears a plane now, he runs for cover and screams: "The monster has come."

Yasser is one of thousands of youngsters displaced in a conflict which last year killed and maimed 1,316 children, according to the United Nations (UN).

A scathing report by charity War Child says Britain must take responsibility for the atrocities, as it is arming the perpetrators.

Describing the horrifying attack which killed his mother, father, two brothers and sister at a camp in northern Yemen, Yasser said: "The first rocket fell on the hospital gate.

"The sound was terrifying. I saw the bodies of people.

"Even my father was killed. I was afraid so I ran away to the mountain."

A relative who now cares for the little boy said: "Yasser used to be such an active and smart child who loved to play.

"Now Yasser is often panicked and fearful. As soon as he hears the sound of planes overhead he runs and screams 'the monster has come'."

Half of the children killed and injured in Yemen last year were reportedly casualties of airstrikes - with 370 killed in strikes by the Saudi-led coalition.

(* B H)

Film: Children eat leaves in a bid to avoid starvation in war-torn Yemen

The video shows Al-Mashrada village inhabitants in the Aslam region of northern Yemen boiling leaves in a desperate bid to live with humanitarian food aid failing to reach them.

Zahra, a seven-month-old, has already been treated for severe malnourishment. If not treated soon she will die, according to the Aslam health centre chief.

Her parents cannot afford to bring her to the doctor again.

Around 17 children attend the village clinic per week due to malnutrition.

However, without financial support or means to pay for medical care, untreated children face death.

Poor infrastructure and a lack of supplies plague medical staff in Aslam. The hospital staff use torches at night with the centre lacking electricity, oxygen tanks and paediatricians.

Remark: The full AP report had been linked earlier, it is here:

(B H)

UN Children's Fund: Yemen Nutrition Cluster Advocacy Strategy 2018-2020

The Nutrition Cluster in Yemen aims to contribute to the reduction of the risk of excessive mortality and morbidity by improving the nutritional status of emergency affected populations ensuring an appropriate response that is predictable, timely, effective and at scale. The primary purpose of the Nutrition Cluster is to support and strengthen a coordinated multi-sectoral approach in nutrition in emergencies, including strategic planning, situation analysis and response.

Advocacy is among the Cluster Core Functions to support the achievement of its nutrition objectives in Yemen.

The Yemen Nutrition Cluster Advocacy Strategy focuses on technical/operational advocacy at ministerial level for the implementation and scaling up of nutrition interventions to support the Cluster mission objectives.

(B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 5 (August 2018)


RDP reached 32,819 beneficiaries disaggregated 11,753 men, 13,809 women, 3,139 boys and 4,118 girls through integrated package of Health, Nutrition, WASH and Food Security Interventions in August, 2018.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Film: the suffering of displaced people from the Directorate of Hiran, Hajjah Governorate 18-09-2018 (in Arabic)

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: Shelter/NFI/CCCM Monthly Dashboard for August 2018

(B H)

Infographic by UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: IDPs Hosting Sites (as of September 2018)

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding Syria and Iraq) (15 September 2018)

12,531 from Yemen

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(B P)

Nabil Al-Osaidi presents the stories of a number of journalists imprisoned by the Houthis for more than 3 years & are now facing terrorism charges in front of a special court (thread)

(A P)

Two mercenaries arrested in Mahweet

The security services in Mahweet province arrested two mercenaries have mobilized and recruited people to fight in ranks of the aggression, a security official told Saba on Tuesday.
The investigation proved that the two arrested mercenaries had committed the crime of helping the enemy in its war against the Yemeni people, the official said.

(A P)

Houthis kill merchant in Dhamar because of his dealings with the new government currency

A merchant in Dhamar province, central Yemen, was shot dead on Saturday by militants of the Houthi militia over his trade in the new government currency.

The legitimate government has issued a new currency of several categories over the past months, at a time when the Houthi militia has circulated not to be traded in its areas of control.

A local source told the Almasdar online, that Houthi gunmen clashed with a merchant named "Nemari " before they shot him on the lower Maghreb Line street in Dhamar City.

The source explained that the Houthis asked the merchant, who sells iron and wood, to deliver them “Four million and seven hundred and fifty Thousand Riyals", from the new national currency recently printed, issued by the legitimate government.

He noted that after the killing of the Nemari merchant, the militiamen threw his body in the center of his shop, looted the entire money and left the area.

A group of Houthi gunmen raided a number of shops in Dhamar province and confiscated large volumes of the new edition, valued at millions ... and also

(A P)

A Houthis gunman shot Fawzi, street ice vendor in Hodeidah, in the head because he refused to give him his ice bag. That ice was probably the only thing that this young man rely on to make a living or rather to not die starving.

(* B H P)

Guerre au Yémen : « Seule la diaspora permet aux habitants de survivre »

[It is the Yemeni diaspora that keeps the country alive.
A diaspora mainly established in the United States and Saudi Arabia. In the latter country, they are 2.5 million #Yemen-is.
The money coming from the outside offers oxygen to the population. Except that Saudi Arabia has just adopted a restrictive migrant law, which has the effect of sending many Yemenis home. But these people come back to Sanaa full of rancor against the Saudi kingdom]

Après l'échec des négociations à Genève, Bachir Al-Mohallal, à la tête de l'ONG Pulse for social justice, s'alarme de la situation au Yémen.

Le Point : Quelle est la situation des infrastructures à Sanaa ?

Bachir Al-Mohallal : Cela dépend des quartiers. Dans certains endroits, il n'y a plus d'accès à l'eau, et l'approvisionnement est assuré par camion. L'électricité est défaillante ou absente partout. Le seul moyen est de se procurer un panneau solaire chinois pour 100 ou 200 dollars. Cela permet d'avoir un peu de lumière, mais pas de faire fonctionner un frigo. Si on relativise, on peut se dire qu'il n'y a jamais eu dans le pays un service public capable de fournir de l'électricité, même avant la guerre. Le conflit a simplement aggravé les choses.

Trouve-t-on suffisamment de nourriture ?

Il n'y a pas vraiment de pénurie alimentaire, même si la situation est plus compliquée à la ville qu'à la campagne, où il est toujours possible de cultiver un bout de terre. En revanche, le prix des denrées a doublé en raison de la chute de la monnaie. Même chose pour le carburant, dont les tarifs ont triplé.

Comment survivent les habitants ?

C'est la diaspora yéménite qui permet de maintenir le pays en vie. Une diaspora principalement établie aux États-Unis et en Arabie saoudite. Dans ce dernier pays, ils sont 2,5 millions. L'argent venu de l'extérieur offre de l'oxygène à la population. Sauf que l'Arabie saoudite vient d'adopter une loi restrictive sur les migrants, qui a pour effet de renvoyer chez eux beaucoup de Yéménites. Or ces gens reviennent à Sanaa pleins de rancœur contre le royaume saoud, et certains rejoignent les combattants Houthis qui les rémunèrent 100 dollars par mois.

Comment se comportent les Houthis à Sanaa ?

Il y a deux choses que la population porte à leur crédit : d'abord, la sécurité. La ville est à nouveau sûre. Même les cellules d'Al-Qaïda en ont été chassées. Ensuite, la restauration d'un semblant d'État.

(* A P)

Rights group hits out at Houthi prosecutions of Baha'i in Yemen

Since taking control of Sanaa, Iran-backed rebels have singled out this religious minority for persecution

Rights groups have spoken out after a Yemen court under Houthi control began prosecuting 24 Baha’i, accusing them of atheism and of spying for Israel and the United States.

The Specialised Criminal Court in the capital Sanaa began proceedings on Saturday against members of the religious minority, including nine women, said Abdullah Al Oulofy, the spokesman for the community in Yemen.

The group, which originated in Iran in the 19th century, advocates universal peace and acceptance of all religions as manifestations of one God. Although there are an estimated six million Baha’i worldwide, there are thought to be only 2,000 in Yemen.

Since the Houthis took control of Yemen’s capital in 2014, the rebel group – which follows a branch of Shia Islam – has systematically persecuted the minority.

(* A P)

Baseless charges in Yemen signal intensified persecution

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi authorities have, in a court hearing Saturday, targeted some 20 Baha’is with a string of baseless charges. This action comes at a time when the leader of the Houthis has incited the population to violence against Baha’is and other religious minorities.

These absurd charges—which include espionage and apostasy—have been primarily leveled against individuals who hold administrative roles in the Baha’i community, but extend to other Yemeni Baha’is including a teenage girl.

Saturday's hearing began with only the judge, the prosecutor, and other court officials present; neither the Baha’is being charged nor their lawyers were informed of the announcement. The next hearing is scheduled for 29 September in Sana'a, to which the judge has summoned those absent from the first court session.

“These charges are extremely alarming and mark a severe intensification of pressure at a time when the Baha’i community is already being threatened and the general humanitarian crisis in the country requires urgent attention,” said Bani Dugal, Principal Representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations.

“We have every reason to be concerned about the safety of the Baha’i community in Yemen. We urge the international community to call upon the authorities in Sana'a to immediately drop these absurd, false, and baseless accusations against these innocent individuals, who have been maliciously charged simply because they have been practicing their Faith.”

The religiously motivated accusations by Houthi authorities in Yemen’s capital city, Sana’a, at Saturday’s court hearing come amid a systematic effort to oppress Yemeni Baha’is, including through hate speech, arrests, imprisonment, and a death sentence.


(* A P)

Yemen: 24 Baha’i people, including a child, facing possible death penalty

Responding to news that 24 Yemenis from the Baha’i faith - including eight women and a child – are facing charges that could result in death sentences by the Huthi-controlled Specialized Criminal Court in Sana’a, Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Research, said:

“Once again, we are seeing trumped up charges and flagrantly unfair proceedings used to persecute Yemeni Baha’is for their faith. And it is particularly abhorrent that some of these men and women could face the death penalty for their conscientiously held beliefs and peaceful activities.

“The group, which includes a teenage girl, were charged with various serious offences including espionage for foreign states, some of which can carry the death penalty. The Huthi authorities should drop these bogus charges, release those who are arbitrarily detained and end their abuse of the justice system to punish freedom of belief and persecute political critics, journalists, activists, Baha’is and other minorities.”

Since 2015, Amnesty International has documented a number of incidents in which members of the Baha’i community in Yemen were detained by the Huthi authorities. At the moment, six Baha’is are detained by the Huthis in Yemen, including some who have been subjected to enforced disappearances, torture and incommunicado detention.


(* A P)

Members of Yemen's Bahai minority could face death penalty

Members of Yemen's Bahai faith, who have been jailed by rebels in Sanaa, face charges that carry the death penalty, Amnesty International said on Tuesday.
Twenty-four members of the Bahai religious minority - including eight women, and a child - are being held by Houthi rebels, charged with spying for a foreign power, according to the human rights group.
The charges carry the death sentence, which the human rights group rejected as "bogus" and an "abuse of the justice system".
"We are seeing trumped up charges and flagrantly unfair proceedings used to persecute Yemeni Bahais for their faith," said Lynn Maalouf, head of Middle East research at Amnesty.

"It is particularly abhorrent that some of these men and women could face the death penalty for their conscientiously held beliefs and peaceful activities."
Yemen's Bahai community, along with other minorities, have faced persecution from the Houthis, who took control of the capital Sanaa in 2014.
"The Houthi authorities should drop these bogus charges, release those who are arbitrarily detained and end their abuse of the justice system to punish freedom of belief and persecute political critics, journalists, activists, Bahais and other minorities," Maalouf added.


(* A P)

On Saturday, #Huthis started trying 24 Baha'is in the Specialized Criminal Court in #Sanaa - including 8 women & a child - on charges of spying for Israel, #UK and #US and proselytizing, with some charges carrying the #death penalty under #Yemen-i law

These charges are concerning - based on previous patterns of prosecution by #Huthis - as it seems like they have been brought against members of #Bahai community primarily because of their conscientiously held beliefs and their peaceful activities in #Yemen

on this, see also (former reports)

seems to be this:

(A P)

Interior ministry arrests UAE-backed Spies network

The ministry of Interior on Saturday announced that it arrested a spies network related to the Unites Arab Emirates (UAE).
The ministry said in a statement obtained by Saba that the network was involved in monitoring and sending the GPS's coordination's and information's on the embassies and governmental installations to the US-backed Saudi-led coalition forces.
" The Yemeni Security media will publish soon a footage on the networks' spies' confessions," the statement read.


(A P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels say 'UAE spy ring' dismantled

The rebel-run SABA news agency made the announcement of the arrests on Monday, citing a statement from the group's interior ministry.

The statement said the espionage network had direct ties to the UAE's secret service and was involved in providing GPS coordinates and information on government institutions and security forces.

"Yemeni security media will soon publish footage of the spies' confessions," the statement added. Yemen's Houthi rebels have been criticised for using torture against suspected opponents.

Remark: First reporting Yemen War Mosaic 458, cp5. This coincides with anti-Bahai measures.

(A P)

Protest in Ibb calls on the international community to rescue abductees in al-Houthi prisons

A protest by the kidnapped mothers in Ibb province on Sunday called on the international community to rescue their kidnapped children in the Houthi militia.

A statement issued by the vigil appealed to the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the members of the Human Rights Council to work to rescue their abducted, arbitrarily detained and forcibly hidden children in the militia's prisons.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Tour Al-Baha Starts Uprising Against the Government

Tour Al-Baha, one of the biggest directorates of Lahj, started a public uprising with hundreds of angry protesters marching main streets and yelling with anti-government slogans in protest against high prices, poor services and deterioration of Yemeni Riyal. These protests came in response to the call of the Southern Transitional Council to escalate against corruption of the so-called legitimacy government.

(A P)

The Muslim Brotherhood militia in Taiz shoots the governor guards And besieged them after the governor revealed that they stole more than 300 million to treat the wounded in #Taiz.

(A H P)

Yemeni students stuck in border with Oman

Yemeni students stuck in the Shehen port city of the border between Yemen and Oman for more than two weeks appealed to the Omani and Yemeni authorities to intervene urgently and grant them a visa to cross the Omani territory and complete their trips to the scholarship countries to complete their studies.

The student Hamdi Mjamal , one of those trapped in the port, said that the students suffered from difficult humanitarian conditions after they lost contact with the competent authorities in the Sultanate of Oman, in total absence Yemeni authorities.

Hamza Salem bafyadh confirmed that students stuck in the port are "suffering", pointing out that Yemeni officials neglect them and do not carry out their duties.

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed to repel Emirati-backed forces in Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, in a September 17 statement. Al Hizam Rapid Intervention Forces raided an AQAP position in Mudia district, northeastern Abyan governorate on September 16. Local military sources confirmed that two al Hizam soldiers died and three others were injured in the clashes.[3]

#AlQaeda in #Yemen claims it killed & injured an unspecified number of #UAE-backed Security Belt forces today in a 3-hour battle in Mudiya, Abyan, seizing a vehicle & guns. It's #AQAP's 1st formal claim of a clash with UAE-backed forces for 3 weeks.

(* A P)

Popular Protest Held in Al-Mahra to Demand Departure of Saudi Aggression Forces

Popular protest was held in Al-Mahra on Monday to demand the departure of the Saudi aggression forces from the governorate. The participants raised Yemeni flags and slogans against the Saudi forces.

Saudi forces have been deployed in several facilities for months, including land and sea ports in the governorate, sparking public outcry.

Observers say that Saudi Arabia aims through the military presence in Al-Mahra to establish an oil port on the Arabian Sea.


(* A P)

Huge protest/sit-in being reported in Yemen's eastern province of al-Mahrah, with residents (waving Yemeni and Mehri flags) demanding Saudi forces leave immediately.

referring to

The site of the "skilled post" on pictures showing hundreds of demonstrators, gathered in the courtyard of the sit-in against Saudi Arabia. The images showed a lot of political and social figures returning to the sit-in in the area of ​​Mesila, two months after the sit-in was suspended.

A local source confirmed to the "skilled Post" that the people of the province of skilled tribes, segments and social components and political parties, heading to the area of ​​Mesila to participate in the anti-sit-in against the presence of Saudi forces on Monday evening. The Skirmish Committee announced earlier on Sunday that it was ready to lift the suspension of peaceful sit-in after the expiration of the deadline set in the agreement with the Saudi side and the local authority.

One of the most outstanding demands was the violation of national sovereignty, the lifting of exceptional restrictions on trade and the end of militias' presence in the province.

(* A P)

Ben Brik: “The Triad of Death and Enemies of the South and Arab Nation are Iranian Tide, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood”

Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council indicated that fact on the ground in the west coast assert that the southern people are major partners and effective power with the Arab Coalition. In his political statement to “Yemen in a Week” on Abd Dhabi TV, Ben Brik indicated that the council is not participating with any troops in Al-Hodeida and fighting troops there are southern giants brigade negating that the council formed any type of military forces or militias.
Ben Brik praised sacrifices of southern troops in the west coast in their fight against Al-Houthi militias. He asserted that there is no conflict about the legitimacy of president Hady but Muslim Brotherhood try to cripple the relation with him. He added that troops fighting in the west coast were formed in Aden and then went to the west coast. He also demanded to enlist these troops. He explained that southern and northern troops fight side by side in the west coast against Al-Houthis under direct commandership of the Arab Coalition. He also indicated that the southern transitional council doesn’t have any military forces and accused other parties that they try to present the council as having militias. Ben Brik indicated that Aidarous Al-Zubaidi is the commander general of all southern resistance.
Ben Brik indicated that the Arab Coalition will determine who will receive Al-Hodeida and warned against the missy behaviors of Muslim Brotherhood in the legitimacy government. He warned Muslim Brotherhood from interfering in Al-Hodeida after liberation indicating that the Reform party is a terrorist group that should be expelled. He also confirmed that the council will not turn into a political party as it only leads the transitional stage.

My comment: This is southern separatists’ world view.

(A P)

Massive Public Uprising in Rudfan in Response to Calls of the Southern Transitional Council and in Denouncement of Practices of Corrupt Government

Rudfan in Lahj witnessed a massive march and public uprising against the corruption of legitimacy government. Protesters denounced the hunger, impoverishment, oppression and humiliation policies practiced the the government against the southern people. The uprising came in response to the calls of the southern transitional council and the escalation commission.

Protesters also denounced all negotiations that exclude the southern power in control on the ground as such negotiations target overcoming the southern will.

Protesters asserted their intention of continuing protests and revolutionary escalation till all goals of the southern revolution are achieved. They demanded the dismissal of the Muslim Brotherhood legitimacy government that led to poor living conditions, high prices and lack of services.

Protesters also thanked the Arab Coalition countries, headed by Saudi Arabia and UAE, for their support of the southern people against Al-Houthi/Yemeni invasion.

(A T)

SWAT Teams Ambushed in Modia – Abian

Asecurity source indicated that SWAT Teams were ambushed by terrorists in Lehmar, east of Modia – Abian while inspecting Wadi Amoumra as part of the security operation launched by the Security Belt Troops against Al-Qaeda. The source indicated that military sets of SWAT Teams were under heavy fire from different directions of the valley that is heavily covered with trees. This led to the killing of “Salem Rasheed Mohsen Al-Husaini” and “Yasser Mohamed Husain Amshaki” while “Ahmed Ali Mashal”, Abu Bakr Awad Mohsen”, “Ali Ahmed Saleh Al-Haji” and “Salem Awad Salem” were injured.

(A T)

For the Second Day, Security Belt Troops in Abian Continue Its Campaign Against Terrorist Groups in Al-Mahfed

My comment: A bulk of reports like this one: Southern separatists propagate their UAE-backed militia as anti-terrorist fighters.

(A T)

Anti-Terrorism Units of Lahj Break into ISIS Media Center

(A T)

Security Belt of Abian Attacks Al-Qaeda Dens in Modia and Loder and Finds Rockets, explosives, cars and explosive Belts

(A T)

Backup and Support Troops Exhaust Three Terrorist Attacks in Five Days in Aden

(A T)

Al-Ba Hasani: Security and Military Systems Exhausted a Terrorist Plan for Disturbing Security in Several Directorates in Hadhramaut

(A T)

Lahj Security Exhausts a Terrorist Attack with a Car Bomb Targeting a Post in Aden

(A P)

Exiled Hadi’s govt plans to sell Yemen’s Embassy building in Moscow

Informed sources said that some staff of the Yemeni Embassy in Moscow and their brokers, headed by Ambassador Al-Wahishi are currently working to abandon the Yemeni Embassy building in Moscow in exchange for a (bribe).

The source reported that it exceeds $2 million planned to be shared among the beneficiaries who will give up the Yemeni Embassy building for Saudi Arabia.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A H P)

US-Saudi Aggression Prevents Medical Air Bridge for Yemeni Patients

The US-Saudi aggression alliance has blocked the flights of the Medical Air Bridge for patients signed by the Ministry of Health with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator. First flights were scheduled for Tuesday.

This comes after the international organizations pledged to transfer patients suffering from the siege of the suffocating aggression, most of them with chronic diseases through Sanaa airport.

The Ministry of Health said that after the arrival of many patients from the remote provinces, international organizations postponed flights justified that the coalition of aggression rejected it.


(* A H P)

Agencies said today coalition is delaying a humanitarian medical air bridge to evacuate critically ill patients via Sanaa airport for treatment outside Yemen, says spokesman for Sanaa health ministry. It was scheduled to start on 18th Sep under a Houthi-UN deal signed on Saturday

(* A P)

Saudi-led coalition attacks human rights organisations instead of respecting them

A report issued by the United Nations panel of experts tasked with investigating the human rights violations in Yemen has been well received by the international democratic forces and human rights organisations.

It was also widely acclaimed by the international media outlets for its accurate evidence and well-documented testimonies of the abuses committed by all parties involved in the conflict in Yemen, including torture, enforced disappearances, the denial of humanitarian aid, recruiting children, the discriminate targeting of civilians, destruction of infrastructure, schools and hospitals, etc.

Meanwhile, some Gulf governments, mainly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, tried to undermine the Chairman Mr Kamel Jendoubi and defame him to question the content of the report. Thirty international, regional, and Arab human rights organisations have sympathised with Mr Kamel Jendoubi, who is trusted by the UN and whose report to the UN Secretary-General was characterised by integrity, argumentation and fact-finding.

These organisations issued a statement condemning the slander the report’s author was subjected . The statement noted the following:

(* A P)

Minister: Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Houthis “a resounding fall"

Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani has described the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Houthi militia and the UN humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, Liz Grande, to create a medical airlift/"a serious development and a resounding fall."

"The signing of a memorandum for the so-called establishment of a medical air bridge is a dangerous development, a resounding fall that reveals the level of support provided by the Coordinator to Houthis, in flagrant defiance of all international laws and resolutions related to the Yemeni crisis," al- Eryani said on his Twitter account.

"The Houthi militias, having failed to smuggle Hezbollah experts and Iran, and their leadership abroad, by pressuring the government, the Arab coalition and the international community, and by swapping them for their delegation's orientation to the Geneva 3 consultations, the Humanitarian Coordinator signs an agreement with them that includes trips, During which these characters are smuggled under critical case claims. "

"Does the humanitarian coordinator in Yemen offer the Houthi militia a reward for thwarting peace consultations and causing them to prolong the crisis?" he asked.

He added the signing of the Memorandum "contradicts the resolutions of the Security Council, in particular, resolution 2216, which clearly describes the crisis between a constitutional government and a coup d'état,".

My comment: This refers to the memorandum, reports in Yemen War Mosaic 458, cp7. Read this again and let it sink. A Yemeni minister requires: No better medical treatment for Yemenis!!


(* A P)

Yemeni Government Accuses UN Coordination Office of 'Violating International Norms'

"Yemeni Minister of Information Muammar al-Iryani said that the international community had considered the militias as coupists against the country’s legitimacy. “This is what was stated in Resolution 2216, which clearly described the crisis as between a constitutional government and coupists,” he stated, questioning the objectives of the United Nations with this recent MOU, which contravenes international diplomatic and legal norms.
In remarks to Asharq Al-Awsat, Iryani said that the memorandum was “an alternative means to save terrorists, Houthi leaders, and experts who were used by the Houthis under the pretext of critical situations.”
He stressed that the Yemeni government would not hesitate under any circumstances to carry out its duties to protect the interests of the Yemeni people and adopt the appropriate measures.

My comment: All his biased political reasoning would not have to do anything with such a medical air bridge anyway.


(* A P)

UN-Houthi deal on air bridge angers Yemen government

Yemen's government has said it will not recognise an agreement between Houthi rebels and the UN to send critically ill civilians abroad for treatment, which was reached without its knowledge.

Officials in Yemen are concerned that fighters from Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah are fighting alongside the rebels and could use the flights to smuggle its fighters and allied rebels out of the country under a medical guise.

“We were surprised when we heard this development; the health ministry has been negotiating this subject with the United Nations for months," said Hamza Al Kamali, deputy minister for youth affairs and a member of the government team that travelled to Geneva for UN-mediated peace talks this month.

"We will not accept this deal or authorise it," Mr Al Kamali said. "The only way we will accept it is if an agreement is made between the legitimate government of Yemen and the United Nations."

There are fears that the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels are seeking legitimacy through negotiations with the UN, despite emerging after illegally taking control of the Yemeni capital Sanaa and several other population centres.

The UN said its humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande, signed an agreement in the rebel-held capital Sanaa on Saturday to transfer "critically ill patients, by chartered air flight, to a medical facility that is equipped to manage such cases".

The agreement covers 12 medical conditions and includes patients suffering from leukaemia, early stage tumours, cervical cancer and thyroid cancer, and those who need radiotherapy, and bone marrow and kidney transplants, said Dr Nevio Zagaria, the World Health Organisation representative in Yemen.

The WHO said an independent international company would review the medical records of patients to ensure they are eligible, without specifying where they would be sent for treatment. It said the humanitarian air bridge would operate for a trial period of six months.

My comment: This is by Emirati news site. – The memorandum clearly states which patients should be treated by this air lift. People needing “suffering from leukaemia, early stage tumours, cervical cancer and thyroid cancer, and those who need radiotherapy, and bone marrow and kidney transplants” hardly are Houthi fighters and Hezbollah members. What is told by the Hadi government simply is bullshit. – Might be the real reason is that the Hadi government – as it’s just them who would represent “legitimacy” – claims that the UN might not sign any treaties with the Sanaa Houthi government. This is odd anyway as it’s the Houthi government who is ruling at Sanaa and who would be in control of Sanaa airport. – The UN already is biased in favour of the Hadi government – but for the Hadi government, it is never enough. Whether people get medical treatment or not, whether people must die or not, this does not care the hadi government at all, as it seems.

(A P)

UN Envoy Martin Griffith: Constructive meetings in Sana’a with Ansarullah leadership, GPC & negotiating delegation. Made progress on ways to resume consultations and Confidence Building Measures, including release of prisoners, economic situation and re-opening of Sana'a airport. Off to Riyadh tomorrow

(A P)

Yemenis demand peace, security, stability: Ansarullah leader

Yemeni Ansarullah leader Abdul Malek Badr al-Din al-Houthi said that the Yemeni people seek peace, security and stability in their country, in Sana'a during a meeting with the UN Special Representative for Yemen on Monday.
Mohammed Abdul Salam, the head of the Ansarullah national delagation, posted on his personal page on one of the social networks the news of the meeting of the leader of the Ansarullah movement in Sana'a with Martin Griffiths.
In this meeting, the two sides spoke on providing conditions for future talks, as well as the plight of the Yemeni people under the economic blockade of the Saudi's coalition.
Abdul Salam added that the leader of the Ansarullah movement in the meeting emphasized that 'our efforts are in favor of the peace, security and stability that the Yemeni people are demanding'.
Abdul Malek al-Houthi said in the meeting with the UN special envoy for Yemen that the Yemeni people are defending dignity, sovereignty and independence of their country.


(A P)

Al-Houthi spokesperson: Griffith meets Abdulmalik al-Houthi to discuss ways to prepare future consultations

The UN envoy to Yemen met on Monday with the leader of the al-Houthi group, as part of his visit to the militia-controlled capital of Sana'a.

Abdul Malik al-Houthi, leader of the group, met with UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths, said al-Houthi armed group spokesperson Mohamed Abdel Salam on his Facebook page.

He explained that the meeting "discussed ways to prepare for the holding of future consultations, the restrictions and economic measures suffered by the Yemeni people, and the consequent critical humanitarian situation as a result of the unjust actions of the forces of aggression, systematically and deliberately targeting the lives and daily living of citizens."

He pointed out that the leader of his group “affirmed our concern for peace, security and stability as a constant choice for the Yemeni people as it defends their dignity, sovereignty and independence."

(A P)

President Discusses with Griffith Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

President Mehdi Al-Mashat met on Monday with the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Martin Griffiths and his accompanying delegation.

They discussed during the meeting the humanitarian situation in Yemen as a result of the escalation of the US-Saudi aggression in Hodeidah province.

The meeting also discussed aspects related to the stalling of the Geneva consultations as well as the arrangements for holding an upcoming round of consultations to resume the political process and bring peace to Yemen.

(A P)

National Delegation Expresses Dissatisfaction with US-Saudi Aggression’s Obstruction of Geneva Consultations

The National Delegation met, on Sunday, the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffith, in Sana'a. During the meeting, members of the National Delegation expressed their dissatisfaction with the inability of the delegation to attend the Geneva consultations. The National Delegation blames the the US-Saudi aggression for obstructing the efforts of the United Nations to achieve peace.

The aggression prevented any safe means of transportation to ensure the safety of the delegation and ensure its travel and return to the homeland without any delay or procrastination as it has happened previously. The members of the national delegation stressed openness to consultations and confidence-building aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people.

(A P)

GPCP meets UN envoy to Yemen

Secretary-General of the General People’s Congress Party (GPCP) Sadiq Amin Abu Ras, met in Sanaa on Monday with the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.

At the meeting, the officials discussed a number of proposals concerning Geneva consultations and military escalation and the economic siege imposed by the Saudi-led coalition on the Yemeni people.

Abu Ras called on the UN envoy to presser the coalition states to open Sanaa international airport and ports as a confidence building step and a ground for peace process.

Remark: On Griffith’s visit to Sanaa Yemen War Mosaic 458, cp7. – This is the Sanaa pro-Houthi section of the GPC party.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Crisis in Yemen: America must end its weapons deliveries to Saudi Arabia

The Trump administration has once again decided to throw its weight behind the Saudi-Emirati war effort in Yemen that has contributed to creating one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world today.

Required by the recently-passed McCain National Defense Authorization Act, the certification is merely a bureaucratic gambit that is no real obstacle for the administration. But while hardly anyone doubted that the certification would be granted, it does not absolve the United States from the responsibility of helping to perpetuate the Yemen war.

The Trump administration continues to supply weapons to the Gulf duo, share intelligence, and refuel Saudi-led coalition aircraft during operations. It has thus come under heavy criticism in Congress and the media, especially when such operations betray a wanton disregard for civilian life.

What has caused criticism by American opponents of the US' indirect role is the scale of the attacks and the apparent disregard for the simplest laws of war. And that is in addition to the original opposition to the war in the first place.

Another source of criticism for the administration's stance comes from the media. The Editorial Boards of The Washington Post and The New York Times have penned scathing condemnations.

The Trump administration would thus do well to send a multipurpose message about its association with the Saudi-led coalition and role in Yemen.

This message should contain an unequivocal repudiation of the war crimes committed in Yemen, both by America's friends and allies, and by the Houthis. It also should end weapons deliveries to Saudi Arabia and its coalition.

Perhaps the best the United States can do is offer to use American diplomacy to help UN envoy Martin Griffiths chart and negotiate a peaceful resolution to the Yemeni crisis that began in 2014.

It has become patently obvious that the Saudi-led coalition's intervention in Yemen has only brought death and calamity.
Given the US' good relations with the kingdom, the United States can be the necessary agent for all actors to awaken from this nightmare in Yemen – by Imad K. Harb, director of Research and Analysis at Arab Center Washington DC

(* A P)

U.S. Tones Down Plans for Confrontation with Iran at the United Nations

United States Backs Off Plans for Trump to Chair UN Security Council Meeting on Iran

The Trump administration has reconsidered plans for President Donald Trump to chair a meeting of the U.N. Security Council focused on Iran later this month. As Mark Leon Goldberg explained for the blog UN Dispatch, “This is all made possible by a quirk of the calendar. The United States holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council this month… This means the United States has the opportunity to preside over a meeting of the Security Council on a topic of its choosing at a time when other foreign leaders are in town.” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced on September 4 that the United States would use its scheduling prerogative to convene a meeting “to address Iran’s violations of international law and the general instability Iran sows throughout the entire Middle East region” on September 26, the day after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly.

In the two weeks since, the administration has reconsidered the focus on Iran. TheWashington Post reported on Monday that the meeting will instead be a discussion of the issues of “nonproliferation, constitutionalism and sovereignty.” While the topic of Iran might still be broached, the broader subject circumvents a UN rule that would have allowed Iranian officials to attend the meeting and respond to criticisms as a “party to a dispute under consideration,” the Post notes.

(* B K P)

Grading the Pompeo Certification on Yemen War and Civilian Protection: Time for Serious Reconsideration

Last week, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo provided certification to Congress that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are undertaking “demonstrable actions to reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure” in Yemen.

Even the seven-page memorandum accompanying the certification states, “The Administration recognizes that civilian casualties have occurred at rates that are far too high in the Saudi-led Coalition’s campaign in Yemen.”

There are four specific actions listed in the memo: (1) use of a No Strike List (NSL), (2) a change to Rules of Engagement (ROE), (3) formation of the Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT), and (3) the Saudi government’s commitment to paying for a course on the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) and targeting practices. Since these are the four actions pointed to as justification for the certification decision with regard to civilian protection, it is critical to examine each of them in more detail. I speak to these from the perspective of a subject matter expert in civilian casualties as well as my role in the State Department until May 2017, both advising the Saudi-led Coalition regarding how to reduce civilian casualties and participating in interagency discussions on the conduct of the Yemen campaign.

These, then, are the factors that the US government has relied upon for its certification: a Coalition that set up a NSL that exists but is not used in some of the most consequential operations; modest changes in Rules of Engagement early in the campaign; creation of a body that has been insufficient in itself to drive operational improvements; and the Saudis’ commitment to pay for a training course that provides material already provided to the coalition earlier in the campaign with no apparent improvements. The Pompeo memo states “recent civilian casualty incidents indicate insufficient implementation of reforms and targeting practices.” Considering that three of the four actions occurred more than two years ago, and the fourth action is merely a repeat of earlier training that did not seem to help, this begs the question: if the US government is not happy with the outcome, then does relying on actions shown over time to be ineffective make sense? While it seems late to have a serious conversation about alternatives so late in the campaign, late is better than never. Given that working with partners seems to be the new American way of war, this is a conversation we need to start having more often – by Larry Lewis

My comment: Critics from “within the system”. Thus, it is quite soft.

Larry Lewis really might have been fully convinced that he could improve the unimprovable and do any good. But from the very first day on, this had been a wrong illusion. By working with JIAT, he had been participating in justifying a process which was nothing more than a deflection from a real independent investigation, which would have been the only way to really held violators accountable and to improve of even stop warfare. Might-be nobody should blame him for this – what he did was the order he had received, he not been ordered to stop the war. Might-be Lewis had been the only one in the US and in Saudi Arabia who really took this order – to achieve a real investigation and to improve warfare – seriously. Lewis’ good will seems to have been exploited as a fig leaf and he necessarily failed. Thus, in my eyes he is a tragic figure, having something of Don Quixote. An article on Larry Lewios here:

(* A P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Trump an 'imperialist' who believes in 'perpetual war': Analyst

The imperialist ruling class in the United States is pushing to keep the country in a state of “perpetual war” to maximize its profits, and President Donald Trump’s support for the Saudi aggression in Yemen is part of that policy, says an American writer and political analyst.

“Trump’s continued support for the king of Saudi Arabia despite these obvious and atrocious ongoing war crimes in Yemen; it’s just yet another indication that he is an imperialist, a warrior like any other US president,” Daniel Patrick Welch told Press TV on Monday.

“Because Trump is part of the billionaire class and understands those values, he is probably going to go along with that unless he gets his back up in a personal sense,” he noted.

Patrick Welch said there is "no real anti-war impulse" in the United States to stop the war machine. “The system is based on perpetual war.”

“There is no movement, there is nothing pressuring anyone in any side to be against war in general,” he stressed.

“The so-called resistance -- of which now some internal high-ranking official pretends to be a member – is actually even more warmongering that Trump’s regime,” the analyst said.

Some Democrats in the House of Representatives are introducing a resolution that aims to end the Trump administration’s support for the Saudi war in Yemen. However, foreign policy experts say the initiative is likely just a symbolic political move ahead of the midterm elections.

(* A K P)

‘You Are Fueling This War, So Stop Fueling This War’

CNN has followed up its reporting on the Aug. 9 school bus massacre with an extensive investigation together with the human rights group Mwatana. They have confirmed the use of U.S.-made weapons in multiple attacks across Yemen.

The CNN-Mwatana report confirms what everyone following this war has known for years. American-made weapons are used by the Saudi coalition in their frequent attacks on civilian targets, and the coalition’s use of these weapons implicates the U.S. in the war crimes committed with them. Mwatana is a respected, independent human rights organization that has been working on behalf of Yemeni civilians while their political leaders have abused and failed them, and its findings should be taken seriously as evidence of the crimes being committed against Yemeni civilians with our government’s support. When confronted with the evidence of the repeated use of American-made weapons in the slaughter of innocent Yemenis, we have to demand an end to all military assistance and arms sales to the Saudis and their allies.

This report should remind us that the U.S. bears responsibility for how the weapons it sells abroad are used.

When weapons are sold to the Saudis and other coalition governments, these sales are always rationalized as important contributions to other states’ ability to defend themselves. In this case, we know that the Saudi coalition isn’t using these weapons for the purpose of defense, but rather to pummel and destroy a neighboring country that posed no threat to them. Furthermore, we know that the arms we sell them are likely to be used in the commission of war crimes. In addition to ending U.S. involvement in the war, members of Congress should block all future arms sales to any government involved in the war on Yemen. These clients can’t be trusted to use these weapons responsibly, and they shouldn’t be permitted to acquire any more – by Daniel Larison

(* A P)

Congress Needs to Force an End to U.S. Involvement in the War on Yemen

The Washington Post criticizes the Trump administration’s dishonest certification of Saudi coalition conduct in Yemen:

Members of Congress will soon have their chance to challenge the administration on Yemen. A group of House Democrats is organizing another effort to end U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen under the War Powers Resolution.

The Trump administration has made it clear that it isn’t going to stop its support for this war on its own. Members of Congress have to assume that administration officials will continue lying to them to keep the U.S. involved in the wrecking and starving of Yemen. Conditioning U.S. support on supposed improvements in Saudi coalition behavior is a dead end. The administration has proven that it will lie on behalf of the Saudis and Emiratis, and we have to assume it will do so each time a new certification deadline comes up. Congress has to force the administration to withdraw from this war, and a war powers challenge is the best available way to do that.

(* A P)

Dems seek ways to block Trump support for Saudi-led coalition in Yemen

Democrats frustrated over the Trump administration’s support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen’s bloody civil war are plotting moves to curtail or cut off U.S. military support for the Saudi-led coalition.

A group of House Democrats is planning to introduce a resolution under the War Powers Act that would withdraw U.S. forces from the war.

By invoking the War Powers Act, the resolution becomes “privileged,” meaning Democrats could force a vote on it.
“The Saudis deliberately bombed a bus full of children. There is only one moral answer, and that is to end our support for their intervention in Yemen,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), who is leading the House effort, said on Twitter this week. “If this executive will not do it, then Congress must pass a War Powers Resolution.”

Frustration rose this week with the administration after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certified that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are taking steps to end the war, alleviate Yemen’s humanitarian crisis and protect civilians.

(* A P)

Top Dems Claim Concern Over Yemen War—Why Aren’t They Backing a Measure To End It?

Some of the most influential Democrats in the House are refusing to throw their early support behind a new push to end U.S. participation in the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

Despite claiming concern over U.S.-backed atrocities in Yemen, some of the most influential Democrats in the U.S. House are refusing to publicly endorse the latest political effort to end the U.S. role in the Saudi-led war. That effort would attempt to put a stop to American participation in the devastating military intervention by invoking the War Powers Resolution.

Announced September 6, the resolution—expected to be formally introduced in the coming days—will aim “to withdraw U.S. Armed Forces from unconstitutional hostilities alongside Saudi Arabia in Yemen,” according to a statement from Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.).

The office of Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is declining to formally endorse the effort at this time.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), number two in the House’s Democratic leadership, hedged at the question of whether he would endorse the legislation.

Yet, lawmakers’ declarations of outrage do nothing to shut down U.S. involvement in the war, which began in March 2015 under former President Barack Obama without a congressional debate or vote.

Mazzen Mohammed, a resident of Yemen’s northern province of Al-Jawf, told In These Times he is skeptical of U.S. lawmakers' real motives for refusing to end the war, noting that if weapons sales cease, the United States “will lose money.” He argued that stopping the war would help the United States to “avoid criminal prosecution in the future” and “restore some of its human values.”

The office of Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the most powerful Democrat in the House, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

(A P)

Human rights activists arranging a campaign to stop war on #Yemen, Saudi siege& #SaveYemen, in New York in front of UN Security Council, ppl of #Yemen will never gorget like these actions, in return UN must act immediately 2 stop that madness we live in this devastated country (photos)

Film: It is about time, some one had the courage to break the Saudi/UAE MEDIA blackout of their US supported aggression and warcrimes in #Yemen. Thank you Inside Arabia

Film: The campaign for #SaveYemen is a hit in #NewYorkCity to stop the #war that is happening and save #Humanity.

(* B P)

The Middle East according to Trump: Seven things we learned from Woodward's 'Fear'

Bob Woodward made his name exposing Watergate - can he do similar with his book about Trump and his relationship with the Middle East?

As with anything inflammatory and Trump-related, Fear: Trump in the White House, Bob Woodward’s new book about the president, is causing a stir.

Woodward, the Washington Post journalist who made his name by revealing the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974, has spoken at length to many of the major players in the Trump White House – but not Trump himself.

The result is a predictably incendiary picture of life inside the most chaotic American administration of modern times - or at least since Watergate.

Not a man known to – in the words of Joan Didion – “exert cognitive energy on what he is told”, Woodward is a journalist who spools what he hears from powerful people straight onto the page.

The First Daughter - and Jared's MBS bromance

Kushner, meanwhile, develops a bromance with Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman who, Woodward writes, he identifies as the man to court in the Gulf before even the young prince's ascent to power.

But, Woodward reports, the CIA disagrees with Kushner, saying that the “real solid guy was the current crown prince, Mohammed bin Nayef”. So much for that.

But Woodward writes, with more than a little credulity – channelling Kushner, perhaps - of MBS:

The son of the Saudi king, MBS was also the defense minister, a key position and launching pad for influence in the Kingdom. MBS had vision, energy. He was charming and spoke of bold, modernizing reforms.

It is Kushner who pushes for Trump’s first presidential trip to be to Riyadh in 2017. And it is Kushner who believes more than anyone in the Israeli-Gulf axis that is coming, more and more, to dominate the Middle East.

The impression the book's passages on the Middle East leaves is that it is Kushner who has more power than anyone when it comes to America and the region.

(* B P T)

The Guantanamo Docket

Citizens of Yemen

One hundred and fifteen citizens of Yemen have been held at Guantánamo, more than any other country except Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. The detainees include Ramzi Bin al Shibh and Walid Bin Attash. At least 98 have been transferred.

Comment: Post 9/11. A brief reminder

115 citizens of #Yemen have been held at #Guantánamo, more than any other country except #Afghanistan and #SaudiArabia.

While the #US considers the '#ICC dead' (International Criminal Court)', Yemenis will never receive any justice.

Not the families of those who died in detention.

Or those who continue to be held with no charges.

Or those relocated to third countries but with no access to their homeland.

In the first link below, names, case, destiny of each Yemeni detainee in the infamous prison

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* A K P)

Mit Waffenexporten befördern wir Frieden und Menschenrechte!
Warum liefert Deutschland Waffen an Diktaturen und Kriegstreiber, wie zB Saudi-Arabien? Der Bundeswirtschaftsminister erklärt es euch: “Wir wollen mit unserer Außenpolitik und die Waffenexportpolitik ist da ein wichtiges Element, wir wollen damit Frieden, Stabilität und Menschenrechte befördern”, so Peter Altmaier, der zuständig für deutsche Rüstungsexporte an die Welt ist. Man könne nicht so einfach nicht mehr zB an Saudi-Arabien Rüstung liefern. Denn das Problem sei: Wenn Deutschland nicht mehr liefert, würden die Lücken von anderen Ländern gefüllt werden, erklärt Altmaier.
Solange also andere Länder mit Waffen an Diktaturen Geld verdienen, muss Deutschland das auch machen.
Ausschnitt aus der BürgerPresseKonferenz vom 26. August 2018 vollständig

(* B K P)

Waffenexporte: Bundesregierung kontrolliert Endverbleib kaum
Bislang haben gerade einmal drei Kontrollen über den Endverbleib von Waffen, die exportiert wurden, stattgefunden: in Indien, in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und – das ist neu – in Südkorea. Das geht aus einer aktuellen Antwort der Bundesregierung (PDF) auf eine Kleine Anfrage von Sevim Dagdelen hervor. Die Antwort der Bundesregierung zeigt auch, dass beim zuständigen Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) gerade einmal zwei Planstellen geschaffen worden sind, um die Kontrollen vor Ort durchführen zu können. Bei den Kontrollen in Indien, in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und in Südkorea hat es eine Prüfung nach dem “Vier-Augen-Prinzip” gegeben, heißt es in der Antwort der Bundesregierung. Demnach war auch jeweils eine Person der Auslandsvertretung anwesend.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A K P)

Jemen-Krieg: Italien will Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien überprüfen

Die italienische Verteidigungsministerin Elisabetta Trenta hat sich für eine Überprüfung der Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien ausgesprochen. Grund dafür ist der Militäreinsatz des Königreichs im Jemen-Krieg, wie Trenta am Montag auf Facebook deutlich machte: «Angesichts der Bilder dessen, was seit Jahren im Jemen passiert, kann ich nicht schweigen.»

Auf die Frage, ob eine mögliche Revision von Verträgen Auswirkungen auf Rheinmetall haben würden, sagte ein Sprecher der Ministerin, dass noch nichts entschieden sei. Derzeit gehe es darum, zu überprüfen, ob eine Verletzung der Rüstungsexportrichtlinien vorliege. Diese untersagen in Italien - wie in Deutschland - unter anderem Waffenlieferungen in Konfliktgebiete.
Trenta forderte bei der Waffenexport-Aufsicht UAMA, die beim Außenministerium angesiedelt ist, einen Bericht über die Ausfuhr von Bomben oder anderen Waffen von Italien nach Saudi-Arabien an.

(A K P)

Amnesty International fordert Spanien auf, sich nicht zum Kompliz der Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen zu machen

Amnesty International fordert Spanien auf, seine Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi Arabien einzustellen. Andernfalls mache es sich zum Komplizen der Kriegsverbrechen, für die die Saudi-geführte Koalition im Jemen verantwortlich ist.

Die spanische Regierung will am morgigen Mittwoch über den Verkauf von 400 Bomben an Saudiarabien entscheiden. Seit Anfang September hat sie gegensätzliche Ankündigungen dazu gemacht. Nach der Tötung von 40 Kindern in einem bombardierten Schulbus im Jemen hatte die spanische Regierung Anfang September angekündigt, sie werde den Verkauf der Bomben an Saudiarabien stornieren. Rund eine Woche später jedoch entschied sie sich um und meinte, man müsse den Exportvertrag einhalten.

Am morgigen Mittwoch nun will die spanische Regierung eine endgültige Entscheidung über alle Verträge treffen, die die vorige konservative Regierung mit Saudiarabien abgeschlossen hat. In den vergangenen drei Jahre exportierte Spanien Waffen im Wert von rund einer Milliarde Euro nach Saudiarabien und genehmigte weitere Exportlizenzen dahin in Wert von rund 1,2 Milliarde Euro.

Die spanische Regierung könnte bestehende Exportlizenzen stornieren und neue Exportlizenzen auf Eis legen. Das wünscht sich die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International. Jede andere Entscheidung würde klar bedeuten, dass die spanische Regierung mehr Wert auf seine finanziellen Interessen als auf das Leben der jemenitischen Bevölkerung legt.

(* A K P)

Spain PM defends sending weapons to Saudis after U-turn

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said his government risked "creating the image that it was revising its entire relationship" with Saudi Arabia if it did not deliver the weapons.

Spain's prime minister on Sunday defended his government's controversial decision to go ahead with the delivery of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia, saying it was needed to preserve good ties with the Gulf state.

Cancellation of the deal would jeopardise a much larger order for five Corvette warships worth 1.8 billion euros, to be built by Spain's Navantia shipyard in the southern region of Andalusia, with thousands of jobs at stake.

Workers in the region, a stronghold of the ruling Socialist Party, had staged demonstrations pressing for the deal to go ahead.

Asked about the policy reversal during an interview with private television La Sexta, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said his government risked "creating the image that it was revising its entire relationship" with Saudi Arabia if it did not deliver the weapons.

"The situation was very complicated. The dilemma the government faced was breaking its commercial, economic and political ties with Saudi Arabia, with the impact this could have in some areas of the country, such as the Bay of Cadiz, or carry out a contract signed by the previous government," he added.

My comment: Does he rally not realize what a Jumping Jack he is, and what a Jumping Jack he is goung to make his country? – Well, now Spain fully participates in killing Yemenis: By bombs from the air, and by starving them by a naval blockade.

(* B P)

Star Turn: How Abu Dhabi is playing Saudi Arabia

Abu Dhabi is the political and military heart of the UAE.

Mohammed bin Salman, 25 years the junior of Mohammed bin Zayed, has a close working partnership with the older man. Together they launched the war in Yemen in March of 2015 in response to an offensive by Houthi rebels that threatened to overrun the South Yemeni port city of Aden.

Now with the launching of the Saudi-Emirati Coordination Council, the two crown princes have signalled that the GCC is no longer a relevant or useful vehicle to advance their interests. Or as MbZ put it, using his twitter account: “our alliance with KSA is a strategic choice that increases our strength and provides both countries with a promising future.”

Both men share with Donald Trump and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a deep animosity towards Iran.

As Adam Entous, writing in the New Yorker magazine, notes MbZ has for many years quietly but assiduously pursued links with the Israelis.

The election of Trump gave him an unexpected opportunity to further his efforts to build an alliance of the willing against Iran.

As Entous recounts, the purpose of the meeting was to confirm that the Abu Dhabi crown prince and his young Saudi friend were ready, willing and able to do their part to challenge Iran. He writes “M.B.Z. wanted Trump’s advisers to know that he and his counterpart in Saudi Arabia, M.B.S., were committed to working with the new Administration to roll back Iran’s influence. Participants in the meeting said that M.B.Z.’s message—that Iran was the problem, not Israel—coincided with Netanyahu’s view.”

Enforcing Trump’s sanction plans to the full degree that the Americans are currently demanding would have a seriously negative impact on Dubai’s economy.

Equally Dubai’s reputation as an open and tolerant business hub not concerned with foreign military adventures has suffered reputational damage as the conflict in Yemen grinds on. Even so, the Dubai emir Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum has had little choice but to go along with Abu Dhabi’s war in Yemen. It is abundantly clear that MbZ, the deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces is calling the shots in the country’s muscular and aggressive foreign policy initiatives.

As part of that initiative, in the past three years, the UAE has opened three military bases in the Horn of Africa

Indeed, the UAE entered the Yemen war with a clear strategy of securing Aden while supporting a secessionist movement that would see the rebirth of South Yemen as a nation that would fall within the Emirati sphere of influence.

Far less clear is the end game for the Saudis.

Unlike the Emiratis who have committed ground forces in the south, the Saudis, due largely to the poor quality of their army, have settled for a bombing campaign that has pulverized the country. It is they, not the Emiratis, who are receiving international condemnation even though the UAE has carried out numerous and well-documented human rights violations in those areas of Yemen under their control.

It is a measure of how well the Abu Dhabi crown prince has gauged his colleague: a young man in a hurry with a very big ego who loves playing centre stage. On the other hand, MbZ much prefers to work assiduously behind the scenes. In granting Mohammed bin Salman the stage, he has cleverly avoided most of the international criticism that has found its way to the doorstep of the Saudi crown prince.

As the UAE continues to grow its footprint in Yemen and the Horn of Africa, MbS risks being outflanked while he wrestles with domestic economic challenges at home.

For now, MbZ is happy to play the director allowing his young star the limelight.

One wonders if there will come a moment when MbS reflects that in the most significant of those joint projects – Yemen, the Qatar feud, Palestine and the Horn of Africa – it is he who is paying the higher price and he who is being played. What then for the quantum leap? – by Bill Law

(* A K P)

Spain: Government must stop authorising arms exports to Saudi Arabia or risk complicity in war crimes

States that are still supplying arms to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition risk going down in history as being complicit in war crimes in Yemen, Amnesty International said today, as the Spanish government prepares to make a major decision on whether to suspend the transfer of arms and military equipment to Saudi Arabia.

“Campaigners barely had time to welcome the news that Spain was cancelling a major arms shipment to Saudi Arabia before the government began backpedaling to appease its wealthy customer. After more than three years of devastating civil war in Yemen, thousands of dead civilians and an ever-growing list of apparent war crimes, there is no possible excuse for Spain, or any other country, to continue to arm the Saudi Arabia-led coalition,” said Steve Cockburn, Deputy Director of Global Issues at Amnesty International.

“We are urging the Spanish government to take a stand on Wednesday and suspend arms transfers to Saudi Arabia and other members of the coalition for use in Yemen. Any other course of action will send an unmistakable message that the Spanish government cares more about protecting its financial interests than protecting the lives of Yemeni civilians.”

Spain’s own law on arms exports prohibits arms transfers when there is reasonable suspicion that they could be used in human rights violations.

Under the Geneva Conventions, Spain is also required to respect and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, including by refraining from supplying arms used to violate the Conventions.

(A P)

Film: ADHRB’s Oral Intervention about Arbitrary the recent decision of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Bahrain, it includes the decision on @NabeelRajab

(* B P)

From July 2018: The politics of ports in the Horn: War, peace and Red Sea rivalries

Ports in the Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden are suddenly in the spotlight.

And just 25km across the Bab al-Mandab straits, the war in Yemen has given nearby African ports new geostrategic significance; the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been using its base in Eritrea’s port of Assab to besiege and bomb Yemen’s crucial port of Hodeida since mid-June

These developments beg three key questions. Firstly, why are countries in the Horn of Africa developing so many new ports? Secondly, who will finance these projects? And finally, how do control of ports in the Horn relate to the war in Yemen?

Why so many new ports?

The first question is the most straightforward. The Horn needs improved ports and infrastructure to handle the current pace of Ethiopia’s economic growth

Djibouti’s ambitious “Vision 2035” blueprint for national development sees its harbours as a hub for Asian transhipments, servicing the entire region.

What are the UAE’s plans for Yemen and the Horn?

The fact that the UAE’s involvement in Berbera has enabled it to set up a naval base there leads us to our third question: how is competition over new container and cargo ports linked to the war in Yemen?

This is the most difficult to answer, but it is clear that as the UAE’s prosecution of the war against the Houthis has intensified, so has their engagement in the Horn of Africa. Since 2015, the UAE has massed military and naval hardware alongside covert training and detention facilities in the Eritrean port of Assab. Its armed forces are also now present in Berbera in Somaliland (as well as on Socotra island and Yemen’s southern coast).

Is the war in Yemen also the reason that UAE authorities now appear to be investing energetically in diplomatic overtures to both Ethiopia and Eritrea? In May, Prime Minister Abiy visited the UAE. In June, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi (MBZ) returned the favour. During this visit, the UAE’s de factoruler announced a $1 billion emergency loan to ease Ethiopia’s acute forex shortage and promised further foreign direct investment.

There are also recent hints from Saudi Arabia and UAE suggesting they may back Ethio-Eritrean rapprochement with substantial funds.

Does the UAE have a concerted plan in the Horn of Africa? Does it foresee that its military lease of Assab could be transferred to DP World once Yemen’s Houthis have been bombarded or starved into submission?

It is too early to tell, but what is clear is that the ports in the Horn of Africa are proving to be of increasing interest to rival Arab and Chinese investors and that the politics of ports have become central in shaping political alliances and enmities across the region.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp11, cp12

(* B K P)

Investigation: Finnish-made Patrias, some with Russian heavy weapons, deployed in Yemen battle zone

An investigation by News Now Finland has uncovered the first video evidence that Patria vehicles used by Emirati forces, some fitted with Russian heavy weapons, have been deployed to western Yemen where much of the fiercest fighting has taken place in recent months.

Finnish-made Patria vehicles fitted with Russian weapons have been deployed to parts of Yemen where the United Nations says scores of civilians have been killed in the ongoing war.

Despite warnings from aid agencies and the UN for more than a year that the Yemen war had created the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, Finnish ministries twice approved the export of spare parts for Patria vehicles during 2018, in January and July, even as civilian casualties mounted.

An investigation by News Now Finland has uncovered the first video evidence that Patria vehicles used by Emirati forces, some fitted with heavy weapons, have been deployed to western Yemen where much of the fiercest fighting has taken place in recent months.

The Sky News Arabia crew probably didn’t have to wait long before the convoy came into focus, and they even managed to put a drone camera up to get aerial shots.

As the convoy drives towards the reporter, the video shows a column of Emerati military vehicles, sourced from at least five different countries, driving through a small checkpoint with a Yemen flag.

In the lead is what looks like an Oshkosh Light All Terrain Vehicle, likely armed with a Russian-built Kornet anti-tank missile system.

Next come three French-built Leclerc main battle tanks. The United Arab Emirates is the only export customer.

Then, an American-built mine-resistant MRAP; followed by two South African-built G6 Rhino vehicles armed with 155mm self propelled Howitzers. There’s also a British-built MRAP variant known as a Caiman which seems to be in use as a medical truck.

But it’s the first clear video of Finnish-made Patria AMVs – armoured modular vehicles – that will raise eyebrows in Helsinki.

Previously, only one still picture had emerged of a Patria in the area. It showed a light weapons configuration, and no information to say where exactly it was deployed.

News Now Finland’s investigation found two separate pieces of video from different news sources showing the Patria convoy heading towards Hudaydah in what the official Emirates news service calls a “surprise attack”.

(? B K P)

Ventes d’armes, l’Europe en plein cas de conscience

[With the war in #Yemen, the debate over arms sales to countries at war is swelling in Europe between governments and NGOs. A case of conscience]

Avec la guerre au Yémen, le débat sur les ventes d’armes à des pays en guerre enfle en Europe entre les gouvernements et les ONG (subscribers only)

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(** A B E P)

«The coalition » escalates economic war: retaliatory measures to cut off the Yemenis’ last resources

The capital Sana’a, along with the provinces under the control of the Government of Salvation, is experiencing a severe shortage of fuel and food as a result of the recent measures taken by the government of Riyadh under the direction of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition , aiming at cutting off the remaining economic resources of Yemenis and using the catastrophic effects of that to blackmail «AnsarAllah», part of the Yemeni army forces.

Days after the declaration of the leader of «Ansarallah» movement , Abdul Malik al-Houthi, an initiative to neutralize the Yemeni economy, which asked to provide the delivery of all the revenues of the country to the Central Bank, to be able to pay salaries of the country’s employees, to provide the basic materials, and maintain the stability of the currency, the coalition’s response came through escalating the economic war, fueling a crisis in oil derivatives and pushing the exchange rate towards further deterioration. This was accompanied by a renewed attempt to rob the rest of the public revenues of the country, whether by targeting taxes and customs through diverting ships and oil tankers from the port of Hodeidah to the ports under the control of the UAE in the south or by cutting the sea cable ,connecting Yemen to Djibouti ,after robbing the new submarine cable and turning it into a private company in Aden as an attempt to rise threat of targeting the port of Hodeidah, the only port under the control of the Salvation Government in Sana’a, which receives most of the country’s imports and relief aid.

During the military escalation witnessed by Hodeidah since a week, the coalition directed the government of the fugitive former Yemeni President, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, to provide a cover for the navy forces of the «coalition» to prevent the entry of all imports to Yemeni ports, specifically to the port of Hodeidah, so that it can evade any further consequences, whereas this is what actually happened. The government of Hadi has asked to print hundreds of billions without a cover to push the Yemeni riyal to further deterioration, as it surpassed the 600 riyals to the dollar during the past few days, after the precautionary measures taken by the Salvation government, such as preventing using the printed currency without the cover of the categories of 500 and 1000 riyals in the provinces under its control, which contributed to stop the deterioration of the exchange rate last week.

As a result , under the pretext of maintaining the stability of the currency, Hadi government took a series of measures under which it approved the closure of all non-official routes of foreign imports,on which Sana’a relied for two years, since the Central Bank’s functions stopped to cover the imports with dollars after moving it to Aden, to meet the needs of the local market with products and goods from overseas markets, which the Salvation Government described as “hostile”, considering that it did not result in economic solutions but rather increased the suffering of the Yemenis and limited their chances of living a decent life. It also stressed that linking the imports to the bank’s branch in Aden without any guarantees for suppliers calls for the intervention of the United Nations to stop “a new plot that targets the Yemeni people,”

On the other hand, the economic committee formed by the government of Hadi justified the disastrous measures as seeking to cover the country’s import bill through withdrawing from the Saudi deposit, but it can not withdraw from the deposit because it isn’t under the management of the “centeral of Aden”, which led to the cessation of flow of Imports to Yemeni ports since a few days , causing a supply crisis in fuel and food in the local market . According to economic sources in the private sector, spoke to the “news”, the suppliers of food, medicine and fuel have received warnings from the government of Hadi of the consequences of continued importing through channels other than the Central Bank of punitive measures against them.

film by AlMasirah, in Arabic:

My comment: A pro-Houthi view on the economic problems of Yemen, unheard up to now. The article alo refers to the measures which are announced in the following article. – Keep in mind that there are two Central banks in Yemen: The central bank at Sanaa and the new-founded Aden Central bank which had been installed by the Hadi government.

(A E P)

Economic Commission approves closure of accounts of government institutions in commercial banks

On Monday, the Economic Commission approved the closure of accounts of government and public agencies, institutions, and funds in all commercial banks.

The Economic Commission, chaired by Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Obaid Bin Dagher, held a meeting to discuss economic developments in the country and take a number of actions.

According to Saba news agency, the Committee has approved the closure of the accounts of government agencies and institutions to the central bank of Yemen in Aden only in accordance with the law, and to determine the size of the balances of those entities in foreign currency at home and abroad and compare them with the cash flow plan for their needs of those currencies and identify Surplus at least in the medium term.

The meeting also recognized that the central bank would use these surplus foreign exchange balances to cover the demand for the dollar for the import of petroleum derivatives, to serve to relieve the pressure on the dollar and to prevent the devaluation of the local currency in the short term.

(A E)

Yemeni rial is trading at 620 to US dollar, lowest-ever level since republic of Yemen was established in 1962. It traded at 485 to dollar in July and at 215 before war broke out in late 2014. #Yemen: deepening economic crisis, escalating war, and Int'l complicity and failure.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp6

(* B T)

Al Qaeda in Yemen is Down But Not Out

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen, has been on a roller coaster of fortune over the past few years of the Yemen conflict. A heavy drone campaign against the group, as well as their territorial losses, has taken away the gains the group made in the early years of the war.

But this shouldn’t be taken to mean that the AQAP threat is on the wane. How much of a threat AQAP presents in future depends on how Yemen will emerge from its horrific war, and how much help it is given recovering.

In 2016, Emirati-backed local forces retook Hadramawt, and AQAP fled. The Al Qaeda view of the story is that it was a “strategic retreat” to avoid the loss of civilian life. But it is hard to spin the story as good news for AQAP, since the group has lost a great deal of power along with its territory.

It is such conditions of despair and resentment amid chaos that led to AQAP’s rise. The terror group may be on a downturn now. But if the Yemeni population continue to be brutalized and impoverished throughout the war, conditions for a resurgence will be ripe. And this is especially so if the country is left in devastation after the war.

The countries that have had a hand in the destruction of Yemen must take responsibility to help repair it when the war is over. If they do not, then a fight that was made in the name of their own security could very well come back

My comment: This article contains an overview of AQAP’s history in Yemen, but is giving the misleading impression that AQAP would have been weakened by US drones and UAE actions.

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen's latest claim makes it seem piecemeal - Claims it shot 1 Houthi & injured another at 11am in Mukayras, al-Bayda' (its 1st formally claimed act against Houthis in a week). But informal #AQAP wires claim mujahidin blew up Houthi vehicle in same area 5 days ago

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Arab Coalition Says UN Concerns over Hodeidah Are Baseless

Arab coalition forces, backing the freely elected government, reaffirmed that United Nations concerns expressed in Yemen over the ongoing military operations to liberate Hodeidah were baseless and that current campaigns were proceeding according to international law.
Speaking during his weekly press conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh, coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki assured that all Yemeni relief outlets and ports are fully operational at the current time.
“Military operations in Yemen are proceeding according to international law,” he added.
He pointed out that Saudi-led Arab coalition forces are allowing all ships scheduled to dock in Yemeni ports, whether in government-controlled or areas held by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
“These fears are not true, and if there are concerns, they should surround the fact that Houthi militias have obstructed the arrival of relief to cities.”

(A P)

Yemeni Coalition Highlights Houthi Violations of Human

Executive Chairperson of the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations Mutaher Al-Buthaije highlighted during a seminar held at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva the status of human rights within the framework of the 39th session of Human Rights Council.

During the seminar, he pointed to the Houthi human rights violations in Yemen in accordance with a report issued by the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations (more details)

My comment: This and the following by Saudi Press Agency. The “Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations” is a pro-Saudi coalition propaganda scam.


(A P)

Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations Calls on UN to Intervene to Protect Yemeni Children from Military Recruitment

The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations reviewed violations by Houthi militia in recruiting children in Yemen.
In a speech to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva today, the coalition said that most of UN reports, such as UNICEF and other local human rights organizations, have confirmed that the proportion of child soldiers fighting in the side of Houthis constitutes half of the militia fighters, in violations of children rights in safety and education.
The Coalition warned of the physical and psychological abuse of thousands of children through the military recruitment. =

My comment: Regarding children, this is the main objective of the Saudi coalition side against the Houthis. Also when it is true that the majority of child soldiers in Yemen is recruited by the Houthis, actually Saudi-backed, UAE-backed militia do as well.

(A P)

UAE Urges Security Council to Act 'Immediately', End Iran's Weapons Supply to Houthis

The United Arab Emirates told the UN Security Council on Friday that the liberation of Yemen’s key port city of Hodeidah from the Houthi militia is critical to re-engage them in UN-backed peace talks.

It called on the international community to put pressure on Houthis "immediately" in order to cut off the supply of arms provided by Iran to them "in direct violation of Security Council resolutions 2216 and 2231."

“Iran provides Houthis with some of the most sophisticated weaponry and know-how ever obtained by a non-state actor,” the UAE said in a letter addressed to the Security Council and UN Security General Antonio Guterres.

This weaponry includes “ballistic missiles, guided anti-ship missiles and kamikaze aerial drones along with hundreds of thousands of landmines and improvised explosive devices that are devastating Yemeni civilians across the country,” the letter of which Asharq Al-Awsat has received a copy added.

My comment: Using old propaganda for creating new one, using it for pressing the UN in this case.

(A P)

Exclusive - Houthis Issue 100,000 Fake IDs for their Members in Yemen's Hodeidah

The Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen’s Hoadeidah have issued 100,000 fake identification cards to their members since they seized control of the province in 2014, a Yemeni official revealed.
First Undersecretary of Hodeidah Walid al-Qudaimi said that the militias have deliberately issued ID cards with fake names for their members in order for them to occupy positions in government institutions.
He explained to Asharq Al-Awsat that ever since the Houthis took over public institutions in Hodeidah, including its civil affairs and passports administration, they began bringing in residents from other regions, such as Saada, Hajjah and Amran, in order to alter the province’s demographics.
The militias then started issuing ID cards for their members, claiming that they were born in Hodeidah, so that they could act as sleeper cells to later carry out terrorist operations when the province is liberated, he went on to say.
He stressed that the legitimate government was prepared to address this thorny file through a team specialized in civilian and passport affairs.

My comment: if it were 1000, 2000 – well, this could have been. 100,000: this is an odd propaganda story.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1c

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Sept. 17:

Sept. 16:

(A K pH)

2 Citizens Killed by US-Saudi Aggression Strikes in Hodeidah

Two civilians were killed and a bulldozer, belonged to them, was destroyed on Tuesday by US-Saudi aggression air raid in Duraihmi district, in Hodeidah.

(* A K pH)

Aggression coalition’s air raids continue on provinces

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition strikes navy school in Yemen's Hodeidah: al-Masirah TV

A Saudi-led coalition struck a navy school in Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah, the Houthis’ al-Masirah TV said late on Monday.

(* A K pH)

Local Yemeni media reports said on Monday that at least four people were killed after Saudi warplanes launched an aerial assault against the kilometer 10 area of the western coastal province of Hudaydah.

(A K pH)

Civilian Killed by US-Saudi Aggression Raids in Hodeidah

A civilian was killed on Monday by injuries sustained by the US-Saudi aggression raids on Kilo 16area in Al Hali district, south of Hodeidah.

The US-Saudi aggression launched a series of raids on Kilo 16 area

(A K pS)

Air Raids Attack Houthi Militia Camp in North of Yemen

Fighters of the Arab coalition for Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen launched today air strikes against a camp of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Hajjah Governorate, Yemen, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of militia elements..
A Military sources said in a statement to "September Net" of the Yemeni Ministry of Defense that the air raids attacked a training camp of the Houthi militias in the south of Abs District in Yemen.

(A K pH)

Film: Targeting the aggression for food aid in Sa'ada Governorate 17-09-2018

(A K pH)

Film: Targeting the aggression of civilian houses in the Directorate of the al-Zahir 17-09-2018

(A K pH)

Film: the aggression intensifies the targeting of farms and cars citizens in the province of Saada 16-09-2018

(* A K pH)

11 civilians killed, others injured in Bayda

Eleven civilians were killed and other were injured among them women and children f when the US-Saudi aggression fighter jets waged an air raid on a citizen' house in Baydah province, a security official told Saba on Monday.

The airstrike hit a citizen' house in Horan area of Radman district.

The military targets of the #US - #Saudi - #UAECoalition:
Nadi Mohammed Al-Ajda'a and his 3 children killed with other 4 by an airstrike yesterday in #AlBaydha (photo)

photos: (stating 22 killed, this is not proofed by other sources)


(* A K)

7 civilians killed in Yemen air strike: official

At least seven civilians have been killed in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, an official and rebel media reported Monday.

The strike hit a house in the Huran district of central Yemen's Bayda province on Sunday, leaving one man, four women and two children dead, an official said.

Rebel-run news agency Saba put the number of deaths at 11.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the house had not been the intended target.

My comment: What an “official”??

(A K P)

Yemen: IFJ condemns Saudi-led coalition bombing of radio station

Saudi-led coalition airstrike targeted a radio station in Yemeni western province of Hudaydah killing at least four people on Sunday 16 September, according to local media and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Yemeni affiliate in condemning this brutal attack and demanding the coalition to stop targeting media organisations.

film, aftermath of this raid:


(A K P)

Saudi airstrike hits Yemeni radio station

The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition's airstrike on a Yemeni radio station yesterday. The airstrike against the Ansar Allah-controlled Al-Maraweah Radio Broadcasting Center, located in Al-Maraweah District in Hodeida Governorate, killed three employees as well as a civilian in the vicinity of the building.

(A K)

Film: 'Why were they killed?': Saudi-UAE attack hits children in Yemen

At least two children were killed in raids on Saada province as UN special envoy arrives in Sanaa for peace talks.

It was what everyone dreaded - two dead children.

After sifting through a home turned to rubble, rescue workers finally found the bodies of three-year-old Nabil and new-born baby girl Sumood.

"These were civilians, they were little kids," said one of the rescuers, as their bodies lay strewn next to him on a rock.

"What was their guilt, why were they killed?" said another, who managed to rescue other members of their family after the devastating attack.

Local news channel Saada News reported that the children were from an internally displaced family who had recently relocated to Marran after their home was previously destroyed.

Remark: The raid already had been reported in Yemen War Mosaic 458, cp16.

(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition investigates Yemen airstrike following CNN report

The Saudi-led coalition fighting a war against Houthi rebels in Yemen said it will investigate an airstrike that killed two children last week after CNN provided evidence of the incident.

Coalition spokesman Turki al-Malki told CNN in a statement that it will refer the bombing in the northern province of Saada on September 13 to the Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT) due to the "probability of collateral damage and civilian casualties during the targeting of a gathering of Houthi militias."

On Tuesday CNN aired a report showing that an airstrike which hit a displaced Yemeni family's home killed two young siblings -- a three-month-old baby girl named Somood Hasan Shoay Al-Dahery and three-year-old boy Nabil Hasan Shoay Al-Dahery -- in Saada last week.

The footage captures the sound of the plane, the smoke rising from the strike, and the sight of the family's neighbors digging the bodies of the two children out from under the rubble.

The family had fled from Wadi Layya village in Al-Daher district on the border with Saudi Arabia into Haidan district in Saada governorate where the airstrike happened.

My comment: These Saudi “ivestigations” are a propaganda scam.

(* A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Sept. 18: Saada p.

Sept. 17: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K pH)

Ballistic Missile, Badr1 Hits Recently Constructed Saudi Military Camp in Aseer

The Rocketry Force of the Army and Popular Committees on Tuesday fired a ballistic missile, Badr 1, at recently constructed Saudi military camp, in Aseer.

(A K)

Hadi government forces advanced against al Houthi forces in Maran village in Sa’ada governorate, northern Yemen, according to Saudi and Emirati news reports. Maran is the hometown of al Houthi movement leader Abdel Malik al Houthi.[4]

(A K pS)

Three civilians and a child were injured in a bomb attack targeting a village in al-Dale’a

Three citizens and a child were injured on Monday in the indiscriminate shelling of the Houthi militia in the Murais district of al- Dale’a province, South Yemen.

Local residents told al-Masdar online that the Houthi militia stationed at Jabal Nassah fired a number of shells at Wadi al-Jdas village in Murais district of the province.

They pointed out that the shelling caused damage to a number of houses and farms, and injured both "Ali Muthanna al-Turki, Saleh Ali al-Turki, and the child Amna Ali al-Turki and a fourth citizen" with various wounds transferred to a hospital in the province.

(A K pH)

Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted residential areas in Baqim, Razih and Shida districts.

(A K pH)

Artillery, rocketry Saudi shelling kills 2 citizens in Saada

Two civilians were killed on Sunday in border district of Shada of Saada province when the Saudi artillery and rocketry shelled their district causing heavy damages among citizens' houses, a security official told Saba.
Other similar shelling targeted Monabih border district.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A P)

To @facebook, posts about a blowjob and a woman surrounded by a dozen schlongs do not go against "Facebook Community Standards for nudity & sexual activity". But a photo of a skeleton-thin Yemeni girl who just died of starvation is a no-no (images9

Ya @facebook : What the flying fugg is your problem? My post on a Yemeni kid who died of hunger in #Yemen due to the #Saudi war is against your "Community Standards" for "nudity & sexual activity"? She STARVED to death, for God's sake.

(* A D)

Yemen: One Film Director Uses Cinema to Renew Hope

Yemeni film director, Amr Gamal, is reviving film and renewing hope in the City of Aden, in Yemen, a country engulfed in a devastating war.

Since the mid-August premiere of 10 Days Before The Wedding, Aden residents have been rushing to the box office to purchase tickets by the dozen. This locally-produced film is the first Yemeni film to be produced since the beginning of the civil war in 2014, and the first to be released in Yemeni theatres in a decade.

With the backdrop of the war, which has caused the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis, the movie focuses on the different ways that war impacts people’s lives. The film depicts social problems such as displacement, homelessness, hunger, and hatred, and highlights the dire economic situation of the country.

Jafar has referred to Gamal as “an artist who has a project and a special vision, not just a person who has the resources or the opportunity to finance his own works.” Under extraordinarily stressful conditions and faced with “negative propaganda,” Yemeni director Amr Gamal, along with team of 120 people, managed to wrap up filming and production in six months. Gamal said in a press interview that “the production of the movie cost about 15 million riyals (approximately 30,000 USD), which is a small budget taking into account the current security and political situation of the country.” He went on to say: “We tried to challenge all those circumstances and we went to the streets to shoot. We had great concerns because of the continuing news about the deteriorating security in Aden, which is why we have stopped providing theater performances in Aden, and we have stopped filming dramas for the same reason,” he added.

Remark: Earlier reporting: Yemen War Mosaic 458, cp18.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-458 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-458: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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