Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 492 - Yemen War Mosaic 492

Yemen Press Reader 492: 18. Dezember 2018: Human Rights Watch: Jemen-Bericht – Stimmen aus dem Jemen – Jemen zerbricht – Abkommen über Gefangenenaustausch – Saudis greifen Fischerboote an ...

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... Saudischer Luftangriff auf Wasserbohrer in 2016 – Wenn Saudi-Arabien kein US-Verbündeter wäre – Waffenlieferanten der Saudis – Hodeidah: Waffenstillstand ab Dienstag um Mitternacht, vorher heftige Kämpfe und Luftangriffe, nachher weitere Kämpfe – und mehr

Dec. 18, 2018: Human Rights Watch: Report on Yemen – Yemeni voices – The fragmentation of Yemen – Prisoner swap agreement – Saudis attacking fishing boats – Saudi air raid at water drill in 2016 – If Saudi Arabia would not be an US ally – Saudis’ arms suppliers – Hodeidah: truce since Tuesday midnight, heavy fighting and air raids before, some fighting afterwards – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K)

Film: Jemen: Der vergessene Krieg

Seit 2014 herrscht Krieg im Jemen - die Truppen von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi kämpfen gegen die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen. Die Bevölkerung leidet und hungert. Die UNO bezeichnet die Situation im Jemen als schlimmste humanitäre Katastrophe …

Mein Kommentar: Was hier nicht gesagt wird: Dass so lange so wenig über den Jemenkrieg berichtet wurde, hat vor allem auch damit zu tun, dass die schlimmsten Kriegsverbrecher, die Saudis und ihre Verbündeten in den Emiraten, Verbündete der USA und damit des ganzen Westens sind… Alle Mainstreammedien sind stramm „transatlantisch“ ausgerichtet, in ihrer Berichterstattung über außenpolitische Themen sind sie, soweit es die Außenpolitik der USA und die US-Interessen berührt, in erster Linie Propagandaschleudern…

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

Human Rights Watch Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Yemen


Since Yemen’s last Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the situation in the country has dramatically worsened, severely impeding the government’s ability to implement the recommendations Yemen accepted in 2014.

The conflict continues, exacerbating what the UN now describes as the world’s largest and worst humanitarian crisis. The conflict has taken a terrible toll on Yemeni civilians, including frequent violations of the laws of war and human rights abuses by the warring parties, including the Yemeni government. The discussion below focuses on some of the groups most affected by the conflict and the steps the Yemeni government should take to minimize the harm suffered.

Need for Accountability and Redress

In 2014, Yemen accepted recommendations to ratify the Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the International Criminal Court, and core human rights treaties. The conflict has increased the urgency for Yemen to ratify the Rome Statute, but the government has yet to do so.

The Saudi-led coalition, which is operating in Yemen with the consent of the Yemeni government and whom Yemeni government forces fight alongside, has carried out scores of apparently unlawful attacks on markets, homes, schools, and hospitals, killing and wounding thousands of civilians. The coalition has restricted humanitarian aid and access to Yemen and used cluster munitions, which are widely banned weapons. Since March 2015, Human Rights Watch has documented 88 apparently unlawful attacks by the coalition, some of which may amount for war crimes, that killed over 1,000 civilians. The UN and other rights groups have documented dozens of other apparently unlawful attacks.

The Houthi armed group, which continues to control large parts of the country, including Sanaa, has laid antipersonnel landmines, indiscriminately shelled Yemeni cities with a particularly acute impact on Yemen’s third largest city, Taizz, and blocked aid and access. Many of the warring parties, most notably the Houthis, have deployed child soldiers. The Houthis have carried out repeated violations of the laws of war, some of which may amount to war crimes.

Ratifying the Rome Statue would be an important step to ensuring accountability for war crimes by those fighting in Yemen. To date, none of the states parties to the conflict have carried out credible investigations into their forces’ abuses, nor held individuals responsible for war crimes. Coalition promises to establish a redress mechanism have yet to be implemented.

Forced Disappearances and Other Mistreatment in Custody

Journalists and Rights Activists


Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants, and Internally Displaced People

Abuses against Children

(** B H K)

Why Are Yemeni Voices Absent from Debate Over Saudi-Led Conflict?

While both houses of Congress debated the continued role in the Saud-led war in Yemen, Professor Shireen Al-Adeimi, an assistant professor at Michigan State University, called out to Yemenis living through the conflict to provide their voices, largely absent in the US conversation.

Her call resonated with over 900 Yemenis, who left messages detailing their experiences, fears and hopes, in what has become the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

Professor Al-Adeimi translated one hundred of the messages into English, for a piece called, "100 Yemenis Speak Out Against the US-Saudi War," for In These Times.

Click on the 'Listen' button above to hear this segment.

(** B H K P)

The Ongoing Fragmentation of Yemen

There are hopes that a cease-fire could end the fighting in Yemen's civil war. But a visit to the front near Hodeida shows that even if the violence stops, it will be difficult to keep the country together.

For months, the mercenary army belonging to the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has besieged the city, which is still home to around a half-million inhabitants.

According to statements made by the coalition, the aim of the battle for Hodeida is to restore power to the internationally recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

But during our visit close to the front in early December, that wish becomes as indistinct as a desert mirage. Nobody talks about the government here and the government has no troops. Nor do you see any soldiers from the United Arab Emirates.

Colorful Mixture

Dozens of men are camped in the shadows of the buildings, militia fighters who are paid, supplied and commanded by the UAE. They are modern mercenaries in wrap-around skirts, known as foutas, and flip-flops, while some sport a colorful mixture of camouflage items from the bazaar and still others don knee-length coats. The gas station belongs to the men of al-Amalika, or Giants Brigade, but the "bearded" would seem more appropriate. The Salafist group is a catchment for all zealots fighting with religious fervor against the Shiite Houthis, whom they consider to be apostates.

The Tihama Resistance, a local militia, is fighting its way toward Hodeida. But it's the men with the Tareq Group, followers of a nephew of ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who come closest to having what you might call an army. They are not, however, particularly welcome at the front since they have already changed sides twice. Finally, there are the Sudanese soldiers dozing off in the blue-tiled skeleton of a house. The coalition has hired them to supervise the militias.

What is currently taking place in Yemen can hardly be described as a fight between a government and insurgents. That would require a functioning state with an army and an internationally recognized government. But none of that exists any longer.

Exile President Hadi can't even fly to Aden without obtaining Saudi Arabia's permission. He's little more than a fig leaf for the proxy war Saudi Arabia and the UAE are waging on Yemeni soil against their archenemy Iran, which backs the Houthi rebels.

The two Gulf monarchies are more interested in using Yemen for their own purposes than protecting the country's sovereign stability. And nowhere is that more evident than on the front lines. None of the militia fighters here have an interest in ending this war: It puts food on their tables and guarantees them a salary. Had it been interested in strengthening the state's legitimacy, the coalition could have rebuilt the Yemeni army. Instead, they have deployed mercenaries who are independent of Yemeni control. The chaos on the ground is precisely what they were seeking. – by Christoph Reuter (text) and Daniel Etter (photos)

(** A P)



This is a humanitarian issue and it shall not be subject to any political scores or other matters and the perspective of parties shall be to reunite the bereaved families, as it is endorsed in Islam.

Recognizing the importance of urgently addressing the issue in accordance with the legal processes and provisions, particularly, the conventions, principles and norms of international humanitarian law, human rights and relevant laws of the Republic of Yemen and relevant United Nations resolutions,

This agreement was executed under the auspices and the supervision of the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, the sponsor and guarantor for this agreement. The International Committee of the Red Cross shall also oversee and facilitate the exchange process and the technical procedures related to this agreement.

The involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross aims to ensure respect for fundamental humanitarian principles and procedures that facilitate the release, or transfer or repatriation of all persons who were deprived of their liberty during the events in Yemen. Therefore, the safety of the staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross shall be ensured during this process and all necessary facilities shall be provided to them so that the International Committee of the Red Cross can play its intermediary and neutral role to facilitate the implementation of the agreement.

To demonstrate goodwill and to promote the peace process, the Yemeni parties and the Arab Coalition Representative (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") agreed to conduct a comprehensive and complete exchange of all prisoners, detainees, missing persons, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, and those under house arrest, in accordance with the following principles:

First, the parties agreed to release all prisoners, detainees, missing persons, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, and those under house arrest, held in relation to the events in Yemen, without any exceptions or conditions, for the purpose of resolving this fully and definitively.

Second, each party shall hand over all prisoners, detainees, missing persons, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, and those under house arrest, held in relation to the events in Yemen, by all Yemeni parties or the Arab Coalition, whether they are Yemeni or from the coalition countries, including (Faisal Rajab - Mohammed Qahtan - Mahmoud Subaihi - Nasser Mansour Hadi).

Third, no party shall have the right to refrain from extraditing any person who was arrested, detained, or captured for any reason in relation to the events, and all parties shall be obliged to comply with that.

Fourth, all parties are obliged not to exclude any person who was imprisoned, arrested, detained, or captured for any reason in relation to the events.

Fifth, in the event that any prisoners, detainees, missing persons, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, and those under house arrest, or those arrested and detained in relation to the events in Yemen, were found not released after the exchange process, all parties are obliged to release them immediately and unconditionally.

Implementation Mechanism:

1: Each Party shall hand over to the other Party the lists of their prisoners, detainees, kidnapped persons, or any person arrested in relation to the events, within one week from the date of signature of this agreement. All lists shall be exchanged through the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen

8: It was agreed to carry out the exchange process of all prisoners, detainees, missing persons, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, and those under house arrest, by both parties, at the same time in Al-Jawf governorate, to ensure a smooth functioning of the process.

9: A technical working group shall be established with the participation of the parties, the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, and the International Committee of the Red Cross to focus exclusively on the logistical and technical aspects of the exchange.

10: A committee from the two parties shall be formed and it shall commence its task upon signing this agreement, to recover and exchange bodies from all fronts and areas and the two parties shall facilitate the work of the committee, secure it, and cooperate with it.

(*** B H K)

In Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen, No Refuge on Land or Sea

Outrage over civilian deaths in Yemen has focused on airstrikes. But at sea, the Saudi-led coalition is suspected of attacking many fishing boats, killing dozens of people.

The first sign of trouble was the helicopter that hovered over the small Yemeni fishing trawler as it cut across the Red Sea. Then a warship appeared, its guns pointed at the boat.

Bullets thumped into the water around the boat, the Afaq, then rippled through its flimsy wooden hull. One fishermen was shot in the eye, another in the head. The engine caught fire. Crew members leapt overboard, including Bashar Qasim, 11.

Moments earlier, the boy had been hauling nets from the stern. Now, he paddled for his life amid the flaming debris and floating corpses, with survivors clinging to empty water drums. As the Afaq sank, he said, the warship stopped firing.

“It circled several times, watching us, to make sure the boat had sunk,” Bashar said. “Then it was gone.”

The stinging criticism of Saudi Arabia’s role in Yemen’s grinding conflict has, for the most part, focused on the air war.

But the Yemen war is also unfolding at sea, with even less accountability than on land. There, too, civilians are dying in droves.

The Afaq was one of at least six Yemeni fishing boats hit by warships, helicopters and a fighter jet after leaving the coalition-controlled port of Khokha in the southern Red Sea over six weeks in August and September.

In interviews, survivors provided harrowing accounts of their ordeal: an attack helicopter that passed overhead six times, spraying them with bullets; fishermen jumping from flaming boats into flaming waters; survivors drifting in the water for days on end, watching helplessly as friends and brothers slipped under the waves.

Of the 86 fishermen on the six boats, 50 died.

Maritime experts, a former United States Navy officer, United Nations investigators and several Yemeni officials said there was little doubt that the Saudi-led coalition was responsible for some if not all of the violence against fishermen.

Saudi and Emirati naval boats dominate the Red Sea waters where the shootings and bombings took place. Five involved attack helicopters, which the Houthis do not have. In one instance, Saudi officials made cash payments of nearly $500,000 to the families of fishermen killed in an attack.

In another, coalition sailors detained 12 survivors and held them for three months in a Saudi prison, where the fishermen said they were interrogated and tortured. Eight of those detainees were recently released after receiving a payment of $1,300 each from their Saudi captors.

The attacks spiked over the summer as the coalition stepped up its assault on the key, Houthi-controlled port of Hudaydah. Coalition warships pummeled Houthi positions with naval barrages. The Houthis retaliated by launching speedboats rigged with explosives to hit Saudi oil tankers.

One such strike in late July caused Saudi Arabia to temporarily halt oil shipments through the Red Sea. A week later, on Aug. 1, the first of the six fishing boats set out from the coalition-controlled port of Khokha.

The Qaiser, a 40-foot wooden trawler, carried a fishing permit issued a day earlier by the local authorities, which are financed and supported by the coalition. About five hours into its journey, a helicopter circled overhead, followed by a warplane, which dropped a bomb on the boat.

Nine of the 11 crew members were killed instantly. Ahmed Buhairi, 35, was flung into the water. “The fire was like a circle and I was in the middle of it,” he said, lifting his clothes to show extensive burns to his limbs and torso.

The other survivor, Faiz Abdullah, 24, swam around looking for survivors. “All I found was a headless body,” he said.

More attacks followed in quick succession.

On Aug. 14, the Afaq, with 11-year-old Bashar Qasim on board, was sunk – by Daclan Welsh (with photos)

My comment: It’s the Saudis who endanger shipping in the Red Sea.

(** B K)

From Arizona to Yemen: How Bombs Built by Raytheon in Tucson Killed 31 Civilians in Yemeni Village

A remarkable piece in this week’s New York Times Magazine traces how bombs built by Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona, made its way into the Saudi arsenal and then were dropped on Yemeni villages. The article centers on what happened in the remote village of Arhab when U.S.-backed Saudi warplanes carried out a series of bombings on September 10, 2016. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 31 civilians were killed, three of them children; 42 people were injured. We speak to journalist Jeffrey Stern.

JS: So this was a district with a few villages. People had come together to build a well for themselves. This was a little bit into the blockade. It was a little bit into the food shortage. And frankly, they needed more water, and they needed their crops to grow more. It’s a very dry area. It’s a volcanic area in northern Yemen. And so people had pooled their resources to try to dig a well. And that’s pretty expensive. These are mostly subsistence farmers, so it was not easy to come up with this kind of capital, but they pulled their resources, and they built a well.

And on the day that the — actually, on the day that the well — that the drill struck water, the planes came. And first it was early in the morning, and a bomb fell and killed about six people and injured more. And then, about five or six hours later, once people had gathered to look for loved ones, to help, to just see what was going on, the planes came back, and they stayed for several hours chasing people down and dropping bombs on them.

There was a man who owned a small — he was a small business owner, really. He owned a drill rig. And he was known as a pretty charitable man who would often forgive debts because often people couldn’t afford to pay for a well. And you could dig and not find anything, and it still costs tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. He was killed. There was a judge, a young judge, who had been working in traffic court, actually, who was essentially burned alive.

There were also a lot of people who survived. And one of the things that we were able to do, the magazine was able to make space for, is to describe what it’s like to try to get treatment for these incredibly traumatic injuries in an incredibly poor country that also is suffering from a blockade. So, fairly basic medical supplies are just unavailable. So, you know, even the people that survived had incredibly tough roads to recovery. And frankly, some of them will never recover. Even those who will remain alive now can’t farm. They can’t use their bodies. It’s hard to get — it’s hard to get prosthetics. It’s hard to get treatment. So, the effect of these bombs, that are designed to create massive — to create casualties in as wide an area as possible, on people who are really unable to get fairly basic medical care, it’s really devastating. =


(** B P)

Imagine If Saudi Arabia Was Not a US Ally

If Saudi Arabia were not an ally of the United States, this matter would be treated very, very differently.

In May of last year, then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was given a memo by his assistant, virulent Iran hawk Brian Hook:

“In the case of US allies such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines, the Administration is fully justified in emphasizing good relations for a variety of important reasons, including counter-terrorism, and in honestly facing up to the difficult tradeoffs with regard to human rights,” Hook wrote. “One useful guideline for a realistic and successful foreign policy is that allies should be treated differently — and better — than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies. The classic dilemma of balancing ideals and interests is with regard to America’s allies. In relation to our competitors, there is far less of a dilemma. We do not look to bolster America’s adversaries overseas; we look to pressure, compete with, and outmaneuver them. For this reason, we should consider human rights as an important issue in regard to US relations with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. And this is not only because of moral concern for practices inside those countries. It is also because pressing those regimes on human rights is one way to impose costs, apply counter-pressure, and regain the initiative from them strategically.”

And indeed this is exactly the sort of behavior we see from the US government, not just from its official branches like the State Department but from its unofficial ones as well, including the mainstream media.

If Saudi Arabia existed in the “enemies” column instead of the “allies”, we’d have been seeing constant mass media coverage of its butchery in Yemen for almost four years now.

That’s seriously it. That one stupid, silly shift from the “allies” column to the “enemies” column would make the difference between night and day in the western world’s response to the slaughter in Yemen. The Saudi royals would be vilified, and that vilification would be used to manufacture support for sanctions and strategies to shove the KSA off the world stage. CIA covert ops would be implemented to sow discord, and starvation sanctions would target Saudi civilians to help stoke the flames of discontent. Regime change would take place via invasion or staged coup, and then a puppet regime would be installed which would quietly make the shift to selling all Saudi oil in US dollars.

And in the meantime, God help Trump if he was stupid enough to stay cozied up with the Saudis, because guess what? There’s a lot more evidence for Saudi collusion than there is for Russia collusion. The all-you-can-eat nothingburger of Russiagate would have been replaced by far more concrete and straightforward stories about direct financial ties to the Saudi government, an emissary for a Saudi prince who wanted to help Trump win the 2016 election, and remarks by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is “in his pocket”. Trump’s creepy glowing orb picture alone would have mainstream Saudi-gate conspiracy theorists in intractable hysterics.

Of course none of this would ever have had a chance to happen, because if Saudi Arabia were not a US ally, it would have been invaded and forcibly regime changed immediately after 9/11.

But Saudi Arabia is a US ally, and a very close one indeed

The struggle to dominate the Middle East remains one of the foremost priorities of elite power in this world, and they’re going to do everything they can not to let a few piles of dead children interfere with an important alliance. The butchery in Yemen is the single worst thing that is happening in the world today, and because of the power dynamics that are at play, we’re going to need a whole lot more than a feel-good Senate vote to heal it. It’s a step. We must keep stepping – by Caitlin JOHNSTONE = =

My comment: This is a perfect description of US (and generally Western) foreign policy.

(** B E K P)

AFP graphic on the the biggest suppliers of arms to Saudi Arabia, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

My comment: Figure of war victims is false (at least 6 times higher)

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Local authorities announced 100 suspected cases of dengue fever in Alhawta district a month ago

cp1b1 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Deutsch/ Most important: Hodeidah battle: German

(* A K P)

Kämpfe in Hafenstadt Houdaida gehen weiter

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hat die Waffenruhe für die strategisch wichtige Hafenstadt Houdaida begonnen. Sie trat um Mitternacht Ortszeit (Montag, 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit) in Kraft. Die Nachrichtenagentur AFP meldete allerdings, trotz der vereinbarten Waffenruhe werde weiter gekämpft. Die Gefechte im Osten der Stadt dauerten an, wie ein Regierungsvertreter gegenüber AFP sagte. Die Berichte ließen sich allerdings nicht von unabhängiger Seite überprüfen. Eine knappe Stunden nach offiziellem Beginn der Feuerpause hieß es aber beim Sender Al-Arabiya, dass inzwischen „gespannte Ruhe“ herrsche.

(* A K P)

Waffenruhe im Jemen in Kraft getreten

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hat die Waffenruhe für die strategisch wichtige Hafenstadt Hudaida begonnen. In einem nächsten Schritt soll ein Komitee zusammentreten, das unter UN-Vorsitz den Abzug der Truppen beider Seiten koordiniert. Innerhalb von drei Wochen sollen sich diese aus Hudaida zurückziehen. Allerdings wurden nach Medienberichten umgehend Vorwürfe laut, das Inkrafttreten der Feuerpause sei missachtet worden.,-waffenruhe-im-jemen-in-kraft-getreten-_arid,1792718.html

und auch

(A K P)

Waffenruhe im Jemen soll am Dienstag starten

Die vereinbarte Waffenruhe für den strategisch wichtigen Hafen Hudaida im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen soll am Dienstag in Kraft treten. Anschließend soll ein Komitee seine Arbeit aufnehmen, das den Abzug der Truppen beider Seiten koordiniert, hieß es aus UN-Kreisen.

und auch

(* A K P)

Neue Kämpfe im Jemen nähren Zweifel an Einigung der Konfliktparteien

Mindestens 29 Kämpfer, darunter 22 Houthi-Rebellen, seien in der Nacht auf Sonntag bei Zusammenstößen und Luftangriffen in der Provinz Hodeidah getötet worden, verlautete aus Kreisen der jemenitischen Regierungstruppen. Von unabhängiger Seite konnte dies zunächst nicht bestätigt werden. Ein Bewohner Hodeidahs sprach in einem Telefonat von "heftigen" Kämpfen. Kampfjets seien die gesamte Nacht zu hören gewesen. Auch am Sonntag dauerten die Gefechte nach Angaben von Einwohnern an. Der Houthi-Fernsehsender Al-Masirah berichtete ebenfalls über anhaltende Kämpfe und Luftangriffe der von Riad angeführten Militärallianz in und rund um Hodeidah. Am Sonntag hieß es von der Uno, dass die Waffenruhe ab Dienstag wirksam sein soll. Zwar stehe in der Vereinbarung, dass die Waffen sofort schweigen sollen. Es sei aber normal, dass es bis zu 72 Stunden dauere, bis eine solche Absprache auf allen Kommandoebenen angekommen sei, erläuterte ein Uno-Vertreter. "Wir erwarten, dass der Waffenstillstand ab Dienstag in Kraft tritt." =

(* A K P)

Neue Kämpfe in Hudaida: Jemen-Vermittler fordert Einhaltung der vereinbarten Waffenruhe

Im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg einigten sich Rebellen und die Regierung auf eine Waffenruhe für die Hafenstadt Hudaida. Doch die Kämpfe um die strategisch wichtige Stadt sind wieder aufgeflammt.

Die nach mehreren Tagen am Donnerstag in Schweden ausgehandelte Waffenruhefür den jemenitischen Hafenort Hudaida ist brüchig. Die Gegend um die jemenitische Stadt sei von Luftanschlägen und schweren Kämpfen erschüttert worden, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf Einwohner und regierungstreue Kräfte.

Der UN-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths forderte Regierungstruppen und Rebellen zur sofortigen Einhaltung der vereinbarten Waffenruhe auf. "Der Sondergesandte erwartet von den beiden Parteien, dass sie ihre Verpflichtungen gemäß dem Text und Geist des Stockholm-Abkommens respektieren", teilte Griffiths am Sonntag über Twitter mit.

(* A K)

Kämpfe im Jemen gehen trotz Waffenruhe weiter

Ungeachtet der vereinbarten Waffenruhe ist die Gegend um die jemenitische Hafenstadt Hudaida nach Angaben von Einwohnern und regierungstreuen Kräften von Luftanschlägen und schweren Kämpfen erschüttert worden. Mindestens 29 Kämpfer, darunter 22 Huthi-Rebellen, seien in der vergangenen Nacht bei Zusammenstößen und Luftangriffen am Stadtrand von Hudaida getötet worden, hieß es aus Kreisen der jemenitischen Regierungstruppen. Von unabhängiger Seite konnte dies bisher nicht bestätigt werden.

Ein Bewohner Hodeidas sprach von "heftigen" Kämpfen. Kampfjets seien die gesamte Nacht zu hören gewesen

und auch

Film: =

cp1b2 Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah: Englisch / Most important: Hodeidah battle: English

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K)

Fragile Hodeidah truce takes effect, sporadic fighting reported

According to Yemeni officials and residents, intense fighting erupted in the final hours before the ceasefire took effect at midnight local time (21:00 GMT), with artillery shelling and heavy machine gun fire shaking districts in the south and east of the key city.

The clashes between pro-government forces and Houthi rebels appeared to have subsided in the early hours of Tuesday as the truce was implemented. Yet, the intermittent sound of machine guns was reportedly still heard in parts of the city, a lifeline for millions of Yemenis on the brink of starvation. A pro-government official told AFP news agency that sporadic clashes were ongoing in the east of the city

"Of course, this just shows the deep-seated suspicion between the two groups and how dicey the whole situation in Hodeidah is."

Comment: Clashes broke out inside and on outskirts of Hodeidah. Middlemen trying to salvage ceasefire but parties more interested in blaming each other for violating it. Will inevitably de escalate, but this sucks, moment/spirit gone.

(* A K)

'Clashes in Yemen's Hodeida' as ceasefire comes into force

Clashes erupted Tuesday morning in Yemen just minutes after a ceasefire deal took effect in the country's flashpoint port city of Hodeida, a pro-government official said.

The official told AFP that sporadic clashes in the east of the Red Sea city -- whose port serves as a crucial gateway for humanitarian aid -- are ongoing despite a truce deal that was to be implemented at midnight local time (2100 GMT).

(* A K pS)

Yemen government says clashes erupt in Hodeidah in truce violation

Clashes erupted Tuesday morning in Yemen just minutes after a ceasefire deal took effect in the country’s flashpoint port city of Hodeidah, a pro-government official told Agence France Presse.

Shortly before the agreement was to take effect on Tuesday, Yemen’s internationally-recognised government called on its forces to “cease fire in Hodeidah province and Hodeidah city”, according to a copy of a statement received by AFP.

The Houthi rebels also said they would commit to the agreement.

A UN official, who requested anonymity, told AFP that the delay to the halt in hostilities was necessary for “operational reasons”.

An official in the Saudi-led coalition confirmed the timing to AFP, adding that details on implementing the truce deal “were not clear at the beginning”.

The coalition “has no intention of violating the agreement... unless the Houthis violate and dishonour it,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

(* A K)

Clashes Erupt in Al Hudaydah Minutes After Ceasefire Took Effect – Reports

A ceasefire between the Yemeni government forces and the Houthi movement in the port city of Al Hudaydah officially came into force at midnight on Tuesday, Arab media reported, citing UN sources.

Meanwhile, a pro-government official told AFP that sporadic clashes have erupted minutes after a ceasefire deal took effect in the country's port city of Al Hudaydah.

Moreover, the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya broadcaster reported that the Houthis have started shelling the government forces. “Houthi militants have derailed the ceasefire once it was enforced,” a representative of the city’s administration told the broadcaster.

According to the broadcaster, the shelling is targeting the government forces’ positions in the south and east of the city.

(* A K)

UN-backed cease-fire goes into effect in Yemen's Hodeidah

The cease-fire agreement reached between the the Yemeni government and Houthi rebels during the UN-sponsored peace talks in Sweden went into effect at midnight local time (2100 GMT) on Monday.

The Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC), the joint committee in charge of implementing the Hodeidah agreement, is expected to start its work swiftly to translate the momentum built up in Sweden into achievements on the ground, the statement said.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam, spokesman of the Houthi group, reaffirmed Houthis' "commitment to Stockholm's accord and the cease-fire in Hodeidah."

Meanwhile, sources told Xinhua that the Saudi-backed Yemeni government has issued direct orders to commanders of the Fourth Regional Military Command and the forces in Hodeidah to stop the fighting and adhere to the cease-fire deal.

and also

(A K pH)

6 Citizens injured in Saudi-led mercenaries' shelling on western coast

Six citizens including a child were injured on Monday in shelling of US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s on Hodeidah province

(A K pS)

On the day before the implementation of Sweden ceasefire agreement, #Houthi militias step up their operations in the streets of #Hodeidah, spreading their gunmen & transporting dozens of containers to the city center and other areas according to eyewitnesses. via @baseem_aljenani

(A K pH)

4 Civilians Injured in Hodeidah in Continued Violation of Stockholm Agreement by US-Saudi Aggression

Four civilians were injured, including a child, by US-Saudi mercenaries bombing of residential neighborhoods in Alhali district in Hodeidah.

(A K pH)

Hodeidah local authority condemns aggression escalation in western coast

The local authority of Hodeidah province on Monday condemned the continual escalation by Saudi-led aggression coalition forces in the western coast during and after the peace consultations recently held in Sweden.

(* A K)

Yemen's war: Clashes continue in Hodeidah ahead of ceasefire

Clashes have continued in Yemen's flashpoint city of Hodeidah for a third day, despite a UN-brokered ceasefire that is expected to go into effect at midnight local time (21:00 GMT) on Monday.

Residents reported intermittent bouts of violence in the city's southern neighbourhoods on Monday, with gunfire and missiles being exchanged overnight between pro-government forces and Houthis rebels.

"Although the violence stopped this morning, it broke out again," Kamal Abdul Ghani, a local resident, told the Associated Press news agency.

The pro-Houthi Al-Masirah television network reported that government forces had targeted the city's southern neighbourhoods, with four people, including a child, reportedly injured in the attack.


(* A K)

Yemen: Clashes break out in Hudaydah for third time since ceasefire deal

A military source in the government forces said that “fierce fighting broke out between the two sides using heavy artillery as well as light and medium weapons south of the city,” noting that “the fighting lasted for about three hours, then stopped, then broke out again”.

The source, who preferred not to be named, said that Houthis “are launching mortar shells against government positions which are still committed to an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in accordance with the agreement reached in Sweden.”

Local residents said the fighting continues while the sound of explosions can be heard in the city’s southern and eastern neighbourhoods.

A resident said Houthi fighters are building more fortifications and digging more tunnels increasing residents’ fears that the city may witness another round of heavy fighting.

(* B K P)

Aid Will Move Slowly From Yemen Port Ceasefire — If It Lasts

NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro talks to reporter Jane Ferguson about the situation in Yemen, where a ceasefire in a key port city is off to a shaky start.

At the moment, when you're in the city center, it does have a certain degree of normalcy to it. I can see ordinary food markets going on. Yesterday, I saw some children leaving a school - same this morning. So, you know, there are cars out. People are out and about. There's a strange kind of normalcy to life here at the moment.

But in the evening, at nighttime, after dark, that's whenever - you start to hear the fighting in the distance. It's not so much the battles and the exchange of fire at the moment. But last night, there were numerous thuds that sounded like airstrikes in the distance from the city center. And at one stage, those were as frequent as one every six to eight seconds. That went on for several hours. So people really are not too optimistic for the long-term future. But right now they're trying to take advantage of something of a lull.

This city port is the most important in the entire country. This is where at least 80 percent of the foodstuffs come in to the north of Yemen. It's a port - imports food that people need. But it's become inefficient. Effectively, it's already been damaged by the fighting over the years. The roads are damaged on the way back up to Sana'a and other areas of the north.

So when food even makes it in on trucks, it is slow - very slow at getting up there. I came down through those roads to get here, and you'll see bridges destroyed. You'll see holes in the road where there have been airstrikes. It's very slow progress. I came here many years ago. Whenever - that journey used to take much less time.

(* A K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Saudi-led coalition totally disregards ceasefire in Yemen: Political commentator

Political commentator Hussein al-Bukhaiti says the Saudi-led coalition and its Western allies have totally disregarded the UN-brokered ceasefire in Yemen.

(* A K P)

Hodeidah looking for peace between “Cammaert” and “Abu Kharfasha”

Hodeidah city is waiting for the arrival of United Nations troops to follow up and oversee the implementation of Hodeidah part of the agreement that emerged from the Yemeni peace consultations in Sweden.

According to the agreement between the Yemeni authorities, the United Nations will oversee the port city of Hodeidah and will monitor the withdrawal of all parties from the city and a comprehensive and immediate cease-fire.

In an effort to reassure the parties to the conflict in Yemen and demonstrate the seriousness of the United Nations in implementing what was reached, UN envoy Griffith, accompanied the Dutch general to Sweden's consultations, but to accompany him to Stockholm and give him an opportunity to meet with the two delegations confirms that the decision to entrust UN forces to oversee the port and city of Hodeidah was made before the consultation, and its announcement as one of the outcomes of the consultations was merely a formality of a pre-consultation UN plan.

According to the Australian Institute of Political and Strategic studies, Patrick Cammaert born in the Dutch city of Alkmaar in 1950 was a commander of the United Nations forces in Congo and served as Military Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General.

(* A B K P)

Everything you need to know about the Hodeidah ceasefire

UN-brokered truce is expected to start at midnight on Monday, but fighting is threatening to derail the historic deal

(* A K P)

UN Yemen mission to rush to Hodeidah to oversee ceasefire

Monitors will speed to pivotal port city amid anxiety over fragility of surprise truce

Griffiths said the retired Dutch major general Patrick Cammaert had agreed to lead the monitoring component of the agreement, which took effect on Thursday when the deal was published.

He said Cammaert could arrive in the region within days. “Being present in the field soon is an essential part of the confidence that needs to go with the implementation of this agreement,” Griffiths said.

Similarly, details about the security force to run the city after the mutual troop withdrawals are unclear, but western diplomats are hoping the two rivals will set up a joint force. Plans for the transfer of maps showing the location of mines, IEDs, and booby traps may also prove a stumbling block.

(* A K P)

Joint Committee to Monitor Troops' Withdrawal From Hodeidah - Russian Envoy

A special committee, comprised of the Yemeni government, Houthi movement, and the United Nations representatives, will be created to control the withdrawal of Houthi militants and government troops from the Yemeni port city of Al Hodeidah, Russian Ambassador to Yemen Vladimir Dedushkin told Sputnik on Friday.

Dwelling on the results of the one-week UN-mediated talks on Yemen crisis settlement in Sweden, the diplomat said that the withdrawal of troops from the port city envisaged the creation of some 0.6 mile-wide buffer zone in the first week, with the full withdrawal slated to finalize in 45 days.

(A K pH)

The US-Saudi Aggression continues on Sunday to launch raids on various Yemeni provinces and regions, killing and injuring a number of civilians and damaging private and public properties.

In Hodiedah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted civilians' houses in Ad-durayhimi district with over 50 artillery shells, injuring a civilian. US-Saudi mercenaries also targeted civilians' farms in Al-Jah district. The US-Saudi aggression launched 7 raids on Ad-durayhimi district and two raids on the city.

(A K pH)

2 saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

The air strikes hit north of Aisi area in Hodeidah city

(A K pH)

Citizen wounded in saudi-led mercenaries' shelling on Hodeidah

The artillery bombardment hit civilians’ homes in Durayhmi distric

(* A K)

Despite ceasefire in Yemen, clashes continue in port city of Hodeidah

Just three days after a ceasefire agreement was reached, clashes continued Sunday in Yemen's strategic port city of Hodeidah between Houthi rebels and pro-government forces backed by the Saudi-led coalition.

Both sides blamed the other for the clashes in statements made to CNN.

The Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV said the Saudi-led coalition conducted 7 airstrikes and shelled the province more than 50 times on Sunday. Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said the coalition conducted 12 airstrikes in Hodeidah on Saturday, according to Houthi-run Saba news agency.

Moammar Al-Eryani, the minister of information for the Saudi-backed and internationally recognized government, blamed the Houthi rebels for launching intermittent attacks, saying pro-government forces were only defending their positions in Hodeidah.

Hamid Assem, a member of the Houthi negotiation delegation, told CNN the Saudi-led coalition is still trying to capture the rebel-held port city but the rebels are fending them off.

Both Assem and Al-Eryani were optimistic that the violence could subside when the UN deploys monitors to the ports in Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa in accordance with the ceasefire agreement.

(* A K P)

Truce in Yemen's Hodeida starts Tuesday: UN source

The UN-brokered agreement to halt fighting in Yemen's Hodeida and its surroundings starts on Tuesday, a United Nations official told AFPon Monday, after renewed clashes in the flashpoint city over the weekend.

When asked if the ceasefire in Hodeida province starts midnight Monday, the UN official, who requested anonymity, said: "it is true".

The announcement of the ceasefire date follows Yemen's warring sides clinching a deal in Sweden on Thursday, under which an "immediate ceasefire" was to be implemented in Hodeida.

The UN source said the delay until 9pm GMT on Monday was necessary for "operational reasons".

(* A K P)

Yemen warring parties say port city ceasefire starts on Tuesday

A ceasefire agreed between Yemen’s warring parties in Hodeidah will begin on Dec. 18, sources from both sides and the United Nations said on Sunday, to try to avert more bloodshed in a port city vital for food and aid supplies.

Residents have reported continued skirmishes, mostly at night, on the outskirts of Hodeidah, where thousands of coalition-backed Yemeni troops have massed.

Yahya Sarea, a senior official of the Houthi armed forces, told reporters in Sanaa the ceasefire was set to start on Tuesday.

“We hope they will be true to their words, otherwise we are ready to respond,” he added.

A source in the Saudi-backed government confirmed the date and said it was officially communicated to both parties in a letter from special Yemen envoy Martin Griffiths.

“While the Hodeidah agreement states an immediate start of the ceasefire, it is normal that it takes 48-72 hours to be communicated at the operational level,” a U.N. source said. “We expect the ceasefire to be implemented starting Tuesday.”

and also

Comments: They are saying a ceasefire in Hodeidah starts Tuesday, though Stockholm Agreement, reached on 13 Dec, stated: "an immediate ceasefire shall enter into force in the city of Hodeidah, the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa and the governorate upon signature of this agreement"!

So the UN now says the #Yemen war's HodeIdah port city ceasefire begin on Tuesday. We all hope so. But what time on Tuesday, exactly? Is it Yemen time or GMT time? Did Saudi & UAE agree? Were they asked, even? What are the actual steps? Will UN monitors arrive by Tuesday?

(B K P)

Yemen’s fragile ceasefire

The fragile peace agreement on Hodaidah requires from the international community to put more pressures on the Saudi led coalition and the Yemeni warring parties to respect the agreement and encourage to build on the progress they have made in Oslo last week.

(* A K pH)

Heavy clashes as Saudi push in Hudaydah repelled

Residents were hoping that the ceasefire reached in Sweden Thursday would provide them a respite after months of clashes which have seen a push by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to seize Hudaydah thwarted.

But heavy clashes broke out on the outskirts of Hudaydah overnight following fresh attempts by Saudi and Emirati troops and their mercenaries to advance into the city amid aerial bombings.

A military source loyal to Yemen's former Saudi-backed regime told AFP that least 29 fighters, including 22 Houthis, had been killed on Saturday night.

He also claimed that seven Houthi fighters had been taken captive during an attack by pro-Saudi militants in Hudaydah Province's Durayhimi district.

A Hudaydah resident said the fresh fighting was "fierce" and that the sounds of fighter jets, operated by Saudi Arabia and its allies, could be heard throughout the night until Sunday morning.

and by AFP: (interesting: “following fresh attempts by Saudi and Emirati troops and their mercenaries to advance into the city amid aerial bombings” missing here).

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* B H P)

Peace effort in war-torn Yemen looks shaky as fighting flares up in key city

Millions of people in this war-torn nation are on the brink of starving to death. But a deal, which already looks shaky, could save their lives.

[Overview, with film]

(* B H K P)

Yemen remains on the precipice of a large-scale famine

The UN and U.S. Senate weigh in, but will their actions be enough to bring peace?

There was no real agreement in Sweden. Inside Yemen, there is bewilderment about what is going on. Haykal Bafana, a lawyer who lives in Sanaa—Yemen’s capital—told me, “It remains unclear to me what the actual terms of the ceasefire agreement are, or even whether an agreement was mutually agreed.” Griffiths told the Security Council much the same, but with language that indicated hope. The agreement does not end the fighting, he said.

Hisham al-Omeisy, the prominent Yemen-based political analyst, told me that both Saudi Arabia and the UAE “are trigger-happy at this point, but neither wants to be blamed for foiling agreements that came through immense international pressure.” There is a massive “global wave of public discontent,” al-Omeisy said. “Hudaydah will be the real litmus test for success of the process.”


Saudi Arabia and the UAE still have a lot of money.

In March, the Saudis and Emiratis gave nearly US$1 billion to the UN, with the architect of the Saudi-Emirati war—Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—standing with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Geneva, smiling as the check was handed over.

The Saudis and the Emiratis bomb Yemen and then they help to fund the relief.

There is very little room for maneuver in the UN system to be critical of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

(* B H K)

Film: A Mother Killed by Houthis' Shell while Praying

Hayel lost a wife and a son while his two daughters Rahma and Rasayel are a painful reminder of the brutality of the Houthis.

(*B K P)

Sore Loser Loses Again: Saudis Strike Hodeida Regardless of Ceasefire Agreement

The agreement is intended to get all combatants from both sides out of the city in 21 days. There is still plenty of time to accomplish that. The presence of UN monitors will hopefully reduce violence in the area. The problem, however, is the Saudis. They think they can get away with carrying out a few more airstrikes in Hodeida. They also think they won’t be held to account. Far from it:

A- After the war, the Saudi-led coalition members should be and must be held to account.

B- The worst sectarian agitator in the Middle East is still desperate to highlight the sectarian aspects of the war, including Iran’s involvement, but this is overblown.

D- There is a genuine interest on the part of Ansarullah resistance movement and other Yemeni forces to end the conflict. Yet the US, the UK and Saudi Arabia, as well as their proxy forces – including ISIL and AQAP – have other things in mind.

F- The costly war was doomed from day one.

At any rate, there is no legal basis for the new Saudi escalation in Hodeida, and this dirty policy has to stop. Under the fundamental rule of international law, Saudi Arabia and its partners have no right to attack Hodeida.

Remark: From Iran.

(* B K)

Film: Lazy attitude in media towards Yemen crisis': 6x more casualties than previously thought

A new report by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, claims the number of Yemenis killed since 2016 has reached 60,000. That figure's six times greater than the normally-cited 10,000 dead. Andrea Carboni, one of the researchers behind the report, feels the crisis in Yemen has gone largely under-reported despite its huge scale.

(A P)

Nicholas Kristof: People are telling me that @Facebook blocked posts of this starving girl from Yemen that ran with my column a few days ago. Others have this experience? To me this is ridiculous: The obscenity is not the photo but the starvation that arises from our policies.

Comments: The American public are actively blocked from knowing about the wars in Yemen. Now that you know that, you should understand why. The American public had no clue about nazis for almost a year of the Nazis putting people into concentration camps. This is called empire rule.

If we aren't allowed to view such "obscenities," how can we ever do anything about them? Criminal censorship

Final verdict on the @nytimes photo w/ @NickKristof's story about Yemen is @Facebook removed both the initial post and another post including this Twitter thread. The thread was removed immediately, without possibility for review. Ridiculous censorship of photojournalism.

@NickKristof Update: It appears the original @nytimes post was just restored, but the notification said it still violates @facebook standards (working out kinks?). Twitter thread post & 1 other still down. Seems like things are moving.

(B K P)

The Irish Times view on Yemen: Hoping for a breakthrough

With 14m facing famine, agreed ceasefire offers hope for UN-sponsored talks in Sweden

Above all, the war is driven by the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman who intervened decisively when it started in 2015 and since then has overseen widening assaults on civilians, markets, hospitals and humanitarian agencies.

The sheer scale of the casualties and destruction was obscured by the international support flowing to him as the Saudi heir-apparent. Courageous and dedicated work by international NGOs and UN organisations counteracted that.

(* B K P)

Audio: @Dr_E_Kendall tell the story of #Yemen through three objects - I’m biased but I found this absolutely fascinating - starts at 8 minutes in:

(* B H K P)

How US-Saudi War Turned Yemen into the Biggest Crisis on Earth

Medea Benjamin discusses the US-Saudi war on Yemen and attempts by peace activists and Congress to stop the conflict.

MB: I mean, it has been said by Senator Chris Murphy, for example, that were it not for the U.S. support, the Saudis would never have been able to launch this bombing campaign, much less keep it going for over three years. And he has said explicitly the blood of the Yemeni people is on our hands. So the U.S. has been deeply involved. Let’s start out with selling the weapons to the Saudis, selling planes to the Saudis, maintaining those weapons and planes, giving the logistical support, helping with the targeting. And then refueling the planes in the air so that they didn’t have to come down and could just keep bombing for a greater amount of time. So on all of these levels.

But I think there’s another level, which is diplomatic cover. And that’s such an important one, because you brought up this segment talking about it wasn’t in the news very much. I think a lot of that is the diplomatic cover that the U.S. was giving to this war. So it was happening out there. It was the Saudis who were our allies, our friends. It was couched in this we’ve got to contain Iran, and the Houthis are with Iran. And even because it was so difficult for journalists to get inside for a long time, we didn’t see the pictures of the fighting, or the pictures of the starvation that the bombing and the war had led to.

So for all too long it was a hidden war. And then really, it is quite recently that the American people have learned more about this. And of course it’s with the murder of Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, that it has really started to peel the layers away from the war itself and the U.S. alliance with the Saudis. and film:

(* B K)

Short Film: Children in war

(* B K P)

EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Interviews Yemen’s Ministry of Health Spokesperson, Dr Youself Al-Haderi

Dr Yousef Al-Haderi: Since the first revolution in Yemen on 26 September 1962, these great powers in the world have managed to contain the Yemeni people politically, intellectually and economically so they did not fight us as they have during this ugly war. They enslaved us and ruled us through their puppet presidents.

Yemen’s geographical location, the third best in the world, and Yemen’s rich resources, oil, gas, rock, agricultural and fishing abundance and diversity of landscape should make Yemen one of the world’s wealthiest countries but this has not happened because of this policy of “making us poor to keep us under control”.

The movement that originated in norther Yemen, Saada, called Ansar Allah or as western media like to say, the Houthis, rose out of the poorest societies and it identified the root cause of Yemen’s poverty – the American system and that is why they adopted the slogan “death to the American regime. Their revolution which succeeded on 21st September 2014 then provoked American agents in the region, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to try to persuade the new government in Yemen, represented by Ansar Allah,to continue the mercenary path of dependence upon the U.S that had been taken by former presidents in Yemen. The Ansar Allah movement and leadership rejected this move completely.

When the global powers, represented by the American, British and Saudi regimes saw that the Ansar Allah movement was able to eradicate all the terrorist entities in Yemen, such as Al Qaeda, which previous Yemeni regimes had been unable to achieve, they sensed the threat that the Ansar Allah movement represented for their colonial projects which had been supported by the deliberate planting of these terrorist groups and they launched the aggression against Yemen on 26th March 2015.

The Saudi-led “Operation Decisive Storm” was launched by the former Saudi Ambassador to Washington (current Saudi Foreign Minister) Adil Al-Jubair from inside the White House.

Today, we are nearing the end of the fourth year of this aggression, which has been mobilised by all the most powerful countries of this world, all the resources of this world and all the armies of this world using all the weapons at their disposal.

There is no hope in the current peace conversation, and the reason is that the other side did not come to dialogue with us, but sent their mercenaries who not have the ability to make decisions. They do not even have the right to return to their country while they claim they “liberated” which translates as an occupation. When we have American, Saudi Arabian and the UAE government representatives at the same table with Ansar Allah, we will be able to say there is hope. =

My comment: A long interview, Houthi view of events. – Why he laments on UAE torture prisons while not taking into account the Houthi ones?

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition issues permits to convoys entering Yemen

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(B H)

With over 42000 greenhouses in #Saada #Yemen you can bet that farmers carry a lot of knowledge. We are learning from them that in the winter they grow cucumbers and and tomatoes together because cucumbers protect tomatoes against the cold resulting in massive productivity gains! (photo)

My comment: And the Saudis will bomb all this?

(B H)

SFD Yemen: Finally, paving the road of the village of Najd one of the 300 initiatives carried out by the people of the Directorate of Zalmahbor # Omran # Yemen and with the support of the Fund. A wonderful picture of the return of the originality of our people to the history of collective cooperation and exploitation of its resources and the realization of its interests even in the worst circumstances (photo)

(B H)

SFD Yemen: Al - Mughrabi Village Initiative

Construction of three semesters and the renovation of three other classes at the elementary and secondary school of Mohammed

Within the Empowerment Program, funding from the European Union through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is a project to strengthen resilience in the rural areas of Yemen (photo9

(A H)

We are proud to announce the first ever 24/7 ambulance service in Hodeidah, #Yemen, funded by @YemenAid_US and executed by Nahdat Shabaab, free of charge! At @YemenAid_US, we took into consideration of our 911 services in the US and implemented same idea in #Yemen!

(* B H)

Infographic: Yemen: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Snapshot (December 2018 - January 2019)

(* B H)

Film: Time running out for starving children in Yemen ahead of ceasefire

CBS News has seen the desperation firsthand. Having fled from Saudi airstrikes and vicious fighting, people in remote northern Yemen are now up against another killer: malnutrition.

Inside one tent, a woman named Fatima was frozen with grief and shock. Nurse Makia Mehdi explains her baby starved to death just last week.

A teenager named Sara is also deeply traumatized. In 2015, Saudi warplanes bombed another camp in the area and 43 people died. Sara saw it all and hasn't said a word since.

Makia guessed that 15,000 people in this district alone are marooned in misery and utterly broke. The cruel paradox is that a few miles away on the main road, there's plenty of food the desperate can't dream of buying.

In this rugged landscape, the Aslam Clinic is a beacon of hope. Inside, Makia was coaxing 25 malnourished babies back from the brink. Assam is 2 years old and weighs half of what he should. But he won't eat the high-nutrition paste Makia offers him, because he can't keep it down.


(* B H)

Yemen ceasefire will come too late to help many starving children

Assam is two years old, and he's so malnourished that he weighs just half what he should. Nurse Makia Ahmed Mehdi tries to feed him nutrition-packed paste, but he doesn't want it.

Why would he refuse food?

"He's vomiting," Mehdi explains to Palmer. He's so sick from malnutrition that his fragile body won't even keep the nutrients he needs down.

Mehdi says the little boy's muscles are so wasted that he can no longer walk.

There are 25 malnourished children, and their mothers, in the Aslam clinic. But many more never make it to the small outpost of mercy in Yemen's rugged northwest.

This is dry farming country, but venture off the main road and you see clusters of makeshift tents everywhere. At least 15,000 people have fled to the area after fighting and Saudi airstrikes destroyed their homes and their lives.

Nurse Mehdi introduces Palmer and her team to the people of al Guda camp, who crowd around the rare Western faces to show us their desperation. They're so short of food that they boil leaves to eat, even though it gives the children diarrhea.

They want to know why help isn't coming. (with film)

(* B H)

WHO enhances access to basic health care in Yemen

Around 50% of hospitals and health facilities in Yemen are either not working or functioning partially. People in many areas have to travel long distances in order to access basic health care.

To enhance access to health care for people who would otherwise have to travel hundreds of kilometres to receive treatment WHO and health partners support the Minimum Service Package (MSP) which focuses on eight priority health care services, targeting health facilities at the district level.

The MSP touches the lives of over 6.5 million Yemenis. It supports an estimated 125 health facilities and more than 2600 health care workers across the country. As MSP continues to expand, the hope is that more men, women and children will be treated.

Economic collapse, poverty and a lack of services have left a great many people vulnerable. They must struggle to survive, often in communities that have little awareness of health and preventive practices.

MSP provides essential services in health centres, covering nutrition, noncommunicable diseases and environmental health, trauma care, childcare, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. It aims to provide access to health care at all levels, targeting priority health needs and recalibrating an unbalanced health system.

(B H)

Yemen ICRC Activities: September - October 2018

In September and October, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) gradually resumed its regular pace of activities across Yemen: relief work but also support to healthcare facilities and water corporations. The situation in the country is desperate and we are advocating for a political solution to put an end to the immense humanitarian suffering and allow aid to reach all those in need.

(* B H)

Film: Tiniest victims of Yemen’s civil war are found in the malnutrition ward of the Sana’a hospital

The malnutrition ward of the Sana’a hospital is a haven for the tiniest victims of Yemen’s civil war — babies and their mothers.

(* B H)

This holiday feed a ‘silent guest’ from Yemen

During the holidays we can’t ignore the starvation taking place in war-torn Yemen. The U.N. World Food Program says 20 million Yemenis are in desperate need of food aid.

We can do something about it like we did after World War II when Americans fed “silent guests” during the holidays.

The “silent guest” plan ran from Thanksgiving through Christmas of 1947-48 to collect donations for hungry Europeans. It was a nationwide program started by activist Iris Gabriel, who got all the governors to endorse her charitable idea.

By feeding a “silent guest” from Yemen, you can save lives and also bring attention to this crisis. Yemenis are dying every day from starvation. We can do something about it and give Yemenis a holiday miracle: Food, peace and hope.

You can donate to help Yemen at:

Save the Children Yemen Fund:

World Food Program Yemen Fund:

Catholic Relief Services Yemen Fund:


Mercy Corps:

CARE Yemen Fund:

(A H)

@monarelief to distribute 600 food baskets in Aslam area of Hajjah based on funds by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign,our partners in Poland @SzkolydlaPokoju &Muslims n Ireland. Last month we delivered 1000+ food baskets n Hajjah,Hodeidah&Mahweet (photos)

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2018 - Funding Status (as of 12 December 2018)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Yemen UNHCR Operational Update, 14 December 2018

UNHCR has observed an increase in the size of sites hosting internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to the arrival of newly displaced families, fleeing from fighting in Al Hudaydah and other front lines. In Sa’ada Governorate, in the north, more than 700 IDP families in need of emergency shelter and relief items were identified in the districts of As Safra, Sahar and Sa’adah. UNHCR recently identified 1,750 IDPs who had fled fighting in Al Hudaydah.

(A H P)

Yemenis detained in Algeria appeal to government and organizations to intervene for release

A number of Yemeni citizens have appealed to international organizations, the Yemeni presidency, and the Foreign Ministry to intervene to release them after they have been detained for more than 80 days in an Algerian Red Crescent prison near the Mauritanian border.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(B P)

Yemenis: Houthis continue recruiting children

Correspondent of Alsahwa, Amal Ahmed, has interviewed Yemenis from different governorates, asking them about child recruitment.

The interviewees affirmed that the Houthis take students from schools, and bring them back to their families as corpses.

Mustafa al-Mualami, from Dhamar governorate, said that Houthis took his son from school, without his knowledge, and after several days of his disappearance, Mustafa was told that his son was killed.

Remark: By an anti-Houthi (Islah Party) news site.

(A P)

Houthi militia has launched a large-scale kidnap and raid campaign in Wesab Alali district in Dhamar governorate.

Remark: By an anti-Houthi site, without further information.

(* A P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels pin hopes for peace on the U.S. government

The foreign minister of the Houthi rebel government in northern Yemen tells CBS News he's confident the ceasefire meant to take effect on Tuesday will hold, because the alternative, a merciless continuation of the country's civil war, is too awful to bear.

"We have come to the last chapter of this war, and the people are fed up. That's it. We have to come to peace, by hook or crook," he told CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer at his office in Sanaa.

Palmer asked Sharaf what he and his administration are doing to alleviate the suffering.

"As a Yemeni government, we are doing our best in trying to hold the state as it is. As institutions. But we cannot do anything. We have no cash, no oil to export, we have nothing to lift the burden."

Palmer in interrupts him to point out that global aid agencies do want to help, but many say the Houthi regime is getting in the way, putting up bureaucratic hurdles and blocking aid shipments from getting into ports under the rebels' control.

"Number one, there are some elements who are not really obeying instructions," Sharaf says. "We are trying to correct this."

The foreign minister is talking about certain rogue armed groups which have been blocking aid distribution. But aid groups struggling to address what the U.N. has called the single biggest humanitarian disaster on the planet blame Houthi politicians for all kinds of interference, including not issuing visas to their staff (with film)

(A P)

YPC distributes 232 camions loaded with domestic gas in capital Sanaa

The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) distributed on Sunday 232 camions carrying domestic gas to be distributed on the neighborhoods in the capital Sanaa.

(A P)

Talal Abdo Al-Maghrbi from Ibb province was killed by a #Houthi gunman in a checkpoint of the militia in the main road linking Hays to Al-Barh in the province of #Taiz. The Houthis wanted to take his Qat, which he sells to feed his family, but he refused and they killed him.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A P)

Supreme Commandership of the Southern Resistance Warns Against Providing Evacuees to Aden with IDs

Southern resistance warned Civil Affairs employees in Aden against providing Yemeni evacuees to the south with IDs.

The southern resistance greets you. Referring to the above mentioned topic, we got information about providing evacuees to Aden from northern governorates with IDS identifying their residence as Aden. This is illegal as we are at war and those are evacuees who will return to their territories after the war. Such acts will change the demographic pattern of Aden and are considered as aggression against Adani citizens who were born and lived there. This will also affect all health care, academic, military and civilian facilities.

My comment: Southern separatists threatening Aden authorities: Northeners out!!!

(A P)

When dancing become a crime, “Hip Hop” dancers in threatened with imprisonment in Hadramawt

The security forces in Al-Mukalla city, the capital of Hadramawt have arrested last week a group of youths while practicing the "Hip Hop" dance at Khor al-Mukalla in the center of the city, which sparked a wide controversy in the Hadhrami community and social media between supporters and opponents of this action by the Security authorities.

While the supporters of the dance were considering it to be a personal and legal freedom, the opposing considered it as a Western art and an outsider to the conservative Hadramawt community and restriction of citizens in public places.

(A P)

Mothers of the detainees close the gate of the police camp in Mukalla

The mothers of the detainees at the central prison in al-Mukalla city on Sunday closed the police camp gate for the second time in a week following the authorities ' insistence to prevent them from visiting their detained relatives.

The mothers of the detainees asked to visit their detained children to check on them after security forces have stormed the prison and beaten the detainees with batons and live bullets to force them to break the hunger strike a few days ago.

(A P)

Ministers of Defense, Planning, and Justice sworn in

On Sunday, Gen.Mohammed Al-Maqdashi was sworn in as Minister of Defence, Najib al-Oog for planning and international cooperation, and Ali Haitham al-Ghareeb, appointed Minister of Justice, before President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, in the Saudi capital (photo)

My comment: At Riyadh!! Well-fitting symbol: Below a Saudi coat of arms.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Rettet die Rimbo-Einigung!

Ein gebrochener Waffenstillstand ist schlechter als kein Waffenstillstand, denn er zerstört Vertrauen. Trotz neuer Kämpfe wäre Resignation jetzt falsch.

Meinen es die jemenitischen Kriegsparteien ernst?

Die jüngsten Kämpfe in Hudaida lassen daran zweifeln.

Jetzt resigniert aufzugeben wäre aber falsch. Die Einigung von Rimbo ist keine schlechte. Sie geht über eine Absichtserklärung hinaus

Doch indem die Einigung die umkämpften Importhäfen von Hudaida in den Mittelpunkt stellt, fokussiert sie auf das Leid der von Hilfsgütern abhängigen Zivilbevölkerung. Fortschritte in Hudaida könnten der Anfang eines Friedensprozess für das ganze Land sein.

Um Rimbo zu retten, müssen die vorgesehenen UN-Beobachter nun so schnell wie möglich nach Hudaida reisen. Eine Resolution des Sicherheitsrats würde der UN-Initiative Gewicht verleihen.!5556612/

(* A P)

Keine Ruhe für Jemen

Waffenstillstand in Hodeida vielfach gebrochen. UN-Diplomat fordert »robuste Überwachung«

Der am vergangenen Donnerstag vereinbarte sofortige Waffenstillstand in der jemenitischen Hafenstadt Hodeida hat nicht gehalten. Damit könnten auch die übrigen Vereinbarungen, die in der vorigen Woche bei den von der UNO vermittelten Gesprächen in Schweden erreicht wurden, gefährdet sein.

Für die Verletzungen der Waffenruhe, die zumindest bis Sonntag andauerten, machen sich die Beteiligten gegenseitig verantwortlich. Ein Sprecher der mit Ansarollah verbündeten jemenitischen Streitkräfte teilte am Sonnabend mit, dass die saudische Luftwaffe innerhalb der letzten 24 Stunden 21 Angriffe auf Hodeida geflogen habe. Das Regime in Riad hat die Verhandlungen im Kongresszentrum Johannesberg bei Stockholm zwar offiziell unterstützt, ist aber an den Vereinbarungen und insbesondere an dem Waffenstillstand in der Hafenstadt nicht beteiligt.

Der UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Martin Griffiths, informierte den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen am Freitag über die Gesprächsergebnisse. Diese bleiben etwas hinter den Meldungen der internationalen Medien vom Donnerstag zurück, scheinen aber dennoch einen großen Fortschritt zur Beendigung des seit vier Jahren geführten Krieges darzustellen.

Der Sicherheitsrat wird voraussichtlich in den nächsten Tagen über einen britischen Resolutionsentwurf beraten. Sie soll den Vereinbarungen von Schloss Johannesberg ihre Zustimmung erteilen und vielleicht auch schon das »robuste Mandat« für die Überwachung der Häfen enthalten.

(* B P)

The strange scene inside the Yemen peace talks in Sweden

This round of negotiations started off much more positively compared with past attempts.

We saw representatives of the two sides shaking hands in front of our very own eyes in Rimbo, and it was a touching moment for many in attendance in the halls, including me. Yet I realize it’s not proof that the war and bloodshed will stop. Yemenis shake hands, then fight.

There’s chatter about the necessity of dialogue between the two foreign powers responsible for the war in Yemen — Iran and Saudi Arabia. As Saudi Arabia keeps repeating that Iran supports the Houthis who were responsible for the coup, and, in turn, the war, there should there be direct talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Why should children in a school bus or people celebrating a wedding suffer as a result of these two countries refusing to meet?

Many activists and journalists who may disagree with my reasoning fear that achieving peace right now stands to expand the influence of the Houthis and strengthen their grip on Yemen.

I agree that the Houthis do not represent the civil state I dream about, but does the solution lie in the perpetuation of war? Will war truly weaken the Houthis or other warring factions in Yemen? Will there be a winner? The answer to both is no. The way I see it, the longer the war, the more powerful the ideological groups become and the more complicated the situation becomes in Yemen. The collapse of institutions might need decades to restore; think of education and beautiful societal values that wither away every day due to war.

Saudi Arabia has the power to stop the war in Yemen. On the Houthis' end, they must prove they desire peace and participation with others, as one of their leaders said in a Post essay. They must also prove their good intentions by beginning to apply what has been agreed upon in Sweden – by Hind Aleryani

(* A P)

U.N. Security Council considers action to back Yemen deal on Hodeidah

The U.N. Security Council is considering a draft resolution that asks U.N. chief António Guterres to submit proposals by the end of the month on how to monitor a ceasefire agreed by Yemen’s warring parties for the key port city of Hodeidah, diplomats said on Monday.

Britain circulated the draft resolution to back the deal to the 15-member Security Council on Monday. It was not clear when it would be put to a vote. A resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the United States, France, Britain, China or Russia to pass.

The draft, seen by Reuters, asks Guterres to submit proposals on “how the United Nations will support the Stockholm Agreement as requested by the parties, including, but not limited to, monitoring operations for the ceasefire and mutual redeployment of forces from the city of Hodeidah and the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa.”

It also wants to know how the United Nations will play a leading role in supporting Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation in the management of, and inspections at, the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa and how the United Nations will strengthen its presence in those areas.

(* B P)

Yemen: Reasons For (Cautious) Optimism

For those who have been horrified by the humanitarian catastrophe that has been Yemen’s civil war, last week brought two welcome and long-overdue developments that could signify that this conflict is turning a corner. However, neither can be considered definitive. Indeed, only one promises to have any immediate impact on the war, and how much of an impact it will have still very much remains to be seen.

The results in Rimbo were undoubtedly positive, but there is a wide gulf between agreeing in principle on peace efforts and actually implementing those agreements. Until those prisoners have been exchanged there remains the possibility that their release will be called off by either side. Sanaa’s airport may reopen, but it can always be shut down again. The humanitarian corridor being opened into Taiz can be shut. And until the combatants have physically withdrawn their fighters from Hudaydah, the potential for violence remains.

The war, in other words, continues despite these promising developments. The International Crisis Group’s Peter Salisbury told Al Jazeera that the agreement “is welcome news and a step in the right direction but the hard part starts now … Turning this agreement into a reality on the ground will be a slog and a lot could go wrong.

Likewise, if the agreements reached in Rimbo really do come to fruition, they could be vital confidence-building measures in a sustained Yemeni peace process. But there’s a long way to go before those agreements can be considered truly successful – by Derek Davison

(* B P)

Yemen’s Ansarullah Emerges Stronger from Talks: Expert

Alwaght has talked to the Saadullah Zarei, an international affairs expert, asking him to give a clear picture of what the intra-Yemeni agreement will mean.

Commenting on the achievements of the deal for the Yemeni groups, Mr Zarei told that the most important part of the deal, which is a great achievement for Ansarullah, is the Saudi coalition and its loyalists on the ground agreeing to halt their attacks on Hudaydah port city, though the coalition fighter jets kept violating it over the past two days. He added that the truce, in fact, gave the Ansarullah defense of the port city in the face of the Arab forces international legitimacy. This, he continued, will boost the movement’s position on the ground.

Hudaydah agreement exhibits Saudi, UAE setback

Riyadh and Abu Dhabi had to accept the Stockholm agreement

Ansarullah place in future Yemen developments secured

(* B P)

Observers fear Hodeidah deal may not lead to end of Yemen's war

Mutual trust remains the critical factor as fighting in port city delays implementation of ceasefire

“The people who can stop the war are not necessarily the people who can build peace,” a UN official told The National.

However, the UN believes that those who can take the first steps towards peace are the ones who are running the war, the official said.

“With any peace process that works you need to get to a moment where the two sides must stop insulting each other and start working with each other — that’s not easy to get to,” the UN official said.

Cinzia Bianco, a senior analyst at Gulf State Analytics, said the Hodeidah deal is seen as a crucial step towards a diplomatic solution in Yemen.

“It is the first opportunity in a long time for all sides to show goodwill and start building some trust. Without a minimum degree of mutual confidence, a political solution to the conflict could never materialise,” Ms Bianco told The National.

(A P)

UN urges Yemen parties to honour deal

UN special envoy Martin Griffiths on Sunday urged Yemen’s warring parties to respect a ceasefire accord struck at peace talks in Sweden after deadly clashes in the port city of Hodeidah.
“The special envoy expects the two parties to respect their obligations as per the text and spirit of the Stockholm Agreement and to engage in the immediate implementation of its provisions,” Griffiths tweeted.
He said the UN was working with Yemen’s Saudi-backed government and Iran-aligned Houthi rebels to ensure the accord on Hodeidah reached in Sweden on Thursday were “implemented timely and properly.”

(A P)

Head Of National Delegation: We Confirm Our Commitment of Stockholm Agreement

The head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, renewed, Monday evening, the commitment toward the Stockholm agreement, announced by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and considered the announcement of a cessation of military operations in Hodeidah and the truce in Taiz.
"We handed over the names of our three representatives to the United Nations Coordination Committee," Abdulsalam said on his Facebook page

Remark: Houthi delegation.

(* A P)

CBS News asked the Houthi Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf about the ceasefire both parties agreed to in key areas.

When will your fighters start to pull out?

"Until now it is just the concept that some kind of withdrawal should take place," Sharaf responded.

Are we talking days weeks or months?

"I think we are talking about weeks," he said.

And that's just the first step toward a lasting peace that's at least months away. (with film on humanitarian crisis)

(* A P)

And who, exactly, in Yemen has agreed to what the UN says has been agreed? The Houthi interpretation of the Hodeidah ceasefire deal is vastly different on fundamental points from what the UN claims. (text in image, Arabic)

(A P)

Houthis are in the detail

They will look for some loopholes, and split hairs on them and trip the agreement.

We already hear they are interpreting it to their liking.

The militia's spokesman Mohamed Abdusaam posted on social media on Friday his vision of the deal, it was manipulated 180 degree to the extremis militia's favor.

(A P)

UN warns Yemen could face 'much worse' in 2019

UN chief Antonio Guterres warned Sunday that "much worse" lay in store for Yemen in 2019 unless its warring parties strike a peace deal and head off a humanitarian crisis.

(A K P)

UN humanitarian chief calls for immediate truce in Yemen

Ceasefire reached in Sweden needs to be quickly 'translated into a real change on the ground' as fighting rages on.

The UN-brokered truce between Yemen's pro-government forces and Houthi rebels in the Red Sea city of Hodeidah "really needs to come into operation straight away", the United Nations humanitarian chief told Al Jazeera.

Mark Lowcock, UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, on Sunday told the network's flagship interview show, Talk to Al Jazeera, the ceasefire reached in Sweden on Thursday should quickly be "translated into a real change on the ground".

(A P)

Yemen demands UN takes tough stance with Houthis on Stockholm agreement

Foreign minister warns rebels will exploit Hodeidah in letter to United Nations envoy Martin Griffiths

Yemen’s foreign minister Khalid Al Yamani urged the UN on Sunday to ensure that Houthi rebels respect a ceasefire accord struck at peace talks in Sweden, amid deadly clashes in the port city of Hodeidah.

“We urge you to be tough when dealing with the Houthis to ensure their commitment to the agreement in Sweden, which includes a ceasefire and the full withdrawal of their militias from Hodeidah’s three ports and city,” Mr Al Yamani said in a letter, seen by The National, addressing the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.

My comment: Idiot. What does he want? The UN must equally “take tough stance” with both sides, or the whole matter will fail. This is evident.


(A P)

Yemen FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Houthis Must Withdraw from Hodeidah in 4 Days

Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani told Asharq Al-Awsat that the agreement stipulates that the Iran-backed Houthi militias must withdraw from Hodeidah and al-Salif ports within four days of its implementation.

and also

My comment: Idiot. BOTH sides must withdraw. And, “within 4 days” is this man’s invention. The Stockholm agreement tells: “The redeployment from the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa and critical parts of the city associated with the humanitarian facilities shall be the first phase and it shall be completed within two weeks after the cease-fire enters into force. The full mutual redeployment of all forces from the city of Hodeidah and the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa shall be completed within a maximum period of 21 days after the cease-fire enters into force.” (

(* A B P)

EXPLAINER-Is Yemen finally on the road to peace?

Griffiths said when the deal was announced on Thursday that troop withdrawal from the port should begin “within days” and later from the city. International monitors would be deployed and all armed forces would pull back completely within 21 days.

The UAE has massed thousands of Yemeni forces — drawn from southern separatists, local units from the Red Sea coastal plain and a battalion led by a nephew of late former president Ali Abdullah Saleh — on the outskirts of Hodeidah.

A U.N.-chaired committee including both sides would oversee withdrawal of forces.

A second round of talks is due to be held in January on a framework for negotiations and transitional governing body.

The Houthis, who have no traction in the south, want a meaningful role in Yemen’s government and to rebuild their stronghold of Saada in the north of the country, analysts said.

“Moving forward, the inclusion of key factions that have so far been excluded from the process will be key,” said Adam Baron of the European Council for Foreign Relations.

(* A K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Saudi-led coalition not abiding by Hudaydah ceasefire: Activist

The latest airstrikes on Yemen’s port city of Hudaydah show that the military coalition led by the regime in Riyadh overlooks a ceasefire deal brokered by the United Nations, says an activist.

“Even though that Ansarullah the Houthis and Yemeni army have agreed that they will withdraw from some key areas in Hudaydah like the main port just because the Saudi-led coalition used the existence of Ansarullah the Houthis there as a reason why the humanitarian aid is not reaching Yemen and this was all lie because the blockade is the one that is not allowing ships to dock in Hudaydah port and the Saudi-led coalition has conducted three strikes in Hudaydah city,” Hussein al-Bukhaiti told Press TV in an interview on Sunday.

(A K P)

Sweden agreement shows military aggression on Yemen ended

Hamid Rizq, a Yemeni journalist and analyst based in Lebanon pointing to the recent agreement of the parties involved in Yemen in Sweden said that the agreement showed that military aggression had reached its end and the aggressors did not achieve their goals.

The Yemeni analyst, however, believes that it cannot be said with certainty the agreement will reach a positive outcome and must see how far the invading sides (Saudi Arabia and the UAE)adhere to their obligations.

(A K P)


(B P)

Film, Summer Nasser: Was a guest at Al-Jazeera English discussing Yemen’s new Sweden agreements and the peace process moving forward.

(B P)

Film: All the positivity and high hopes for #Yemen's agreement that was reached in Sweden are overly exaggerated. The devil is in the details.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Delusions, strategic mistake led Saudis to invade Yemen: Iran

Iran says Saudi Arabia’s decision to invade Yemen is the result of the Riyadh regime’s “delusions” about its military power and the “strategic mistake” it made by undermining Yemeni people’s ability to defend themselves.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

[Car race in Saudi Arabia, posing killers (photos)]

(* B P)

A human-rights commission reporting to Saudi King Salman is investigating the alleged torture of detained women’s rights activists, including accusations of waterboarding and electrocution, according to government officials and other people familiar with the activists’ situation.

A top aide to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saud al-Qahtani, allegedly oversaw some aspects of the torture and threatened at least one jailed woman with rape and death, according to testimony before the commission, those officials and others said.

One activist told the commission that security officials electrocuted her hands. “My fingers resembled barbecued meat, swollen and blue,” the woman told Saudi investigators, according to a person familiar with her statement.

The alleged treatment of the activists, along with the killing of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul, are part of what critics of the Saudi government say is a broad effort to quash dissent and limit freedom of speech.

The Saudi government has dismissed the allegations as “wild claims” and denied security officials tortured the detained activists, many of whom were men and women campaigning for women’s right to drive. Saudi government representatives didn’t respond to a request for comment for this article.

(* A P)

Riad weist „Einmischung“ des amerikanischen Senats zurück

Saudi-Arabien hat eine symbolische Entscheidung des amerikanischen Senats zur Einstellung der amerikanischen Hilfe für die von Riad geführte Militäroperation im Jemen kategorisch zurückgewiesen. Die Entscheidung des Senats beruhe auf „gehaltlosen Behauptungen und Vorwürfen“, teilte das saudische Außenministerium in der Nacht zum Montag mit. Zudem beinhalte das Vorgehen des amerikanischen Senats eine „eklatante Einmischung in die Innenpolitik des Königreichs“, zitierte die Agentur SPA weiter aus der Mitteilung. = =

Bemerkung: Es geht tatsächlich um die beiden Senatsresolutionen:

(* A P)

Saudi-Arabien kritisiert US-Senat scharf

Saudi-Arabien hat zwei Resolutionen des US-Senats zum Fall Khashoggi und zum Militäreinsatz im Jemen scharf zurückgewiesen. Das saudiarabische Aussenministerium erklärte, die Resolutionen würden auf «falschen Behauptungen» basieren und eine «Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten» darstellen.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia rejects U.S. Senate position on Khashoggi: statement

Saudi Arabia early on Monday rejected “the position expressed recently by the United States Senate”, saying that the Jamal Khashoggi murder is a crime that does not reflect the policy of the kingdom, a statement by Saudi’s foreign ministry said.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia rejects the position expressed recently by the United States Senate, which was based upon unsubstantiated claims and allegations, and contained blatant interferences in the Kingdom’s internal affairs, undermining the Kingdom’s regional and international role”, the statement carried by Saudi Press Agency said.

“The Kingdom has previously asserted that the murder of Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi is a deplorable crime that does not reflect the Kingdom’s policy nor its institutions and reaffirms its rejection of any attempts to take the case out of the path of justice in the Kingdom.”

The statement also added “the Kingdom hopes that it is not drawn into domestic political debates in the United States of America, to avoid any ramifications on the ties between the two countries that could have significant negative impacts on this important strategic relationship.”

and also (with some more background)

and this is the statement in full:

(* A P)

Statement by an official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia rejects the position expressed recently by the United States Senate, which was based upon unsubstantiated claims and allegations, and contained blatant interferences in the Kingdom’s internal affairs, undermining the Kingdom’s regional and international role.
While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to continue to further develop its relations with the United States of America, the Kingdom also expresses its concern regarding the positions that were expressed by members of an esteemed legislative body of an allied and friendly government, a government that the Kingdom, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince, holds at the highest regard, and with whom the Kingdom maintains deep strategic, political, economic, and security ties that were built over several decades to serve the interests of both countries and peoples.
The Kingdom categorically rejects any interference in its internal affairs, any and all accusations, in any manner, that disrespect its leadership, represented by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosque and the Crown Prince, and any attempts to undermine its sovereignty or diminish its stature.
The Kingdom also emphasizes that such a position will not affect its leading role in the region, in the Arab and Muslim worlds, and internationally. The Kingdom has and will continue to fulfill its pivotal role in the Arab and Muslim Worlds, as it holds a special place for Muslims around the world. Such a status has made the Kingdom a pillar of stability in the Middle East and the world, and a cornerstone for the efforts to achieve peace and security regionally and globally.
The Kingdom also enjoys a leading role in supporting the stability of international energy markets through maintaining a balance that serves both producers and consumers.
The contributions made by the Kingdom to the international efforts to counter terrorism, in the areas of military, security, countering finance, and combating terrorist ideology, have made a great impact in the demise of terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Al-Qaida and others, saving many innocent lives around the world. These contributions included the formation and leadership of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, and the effective participation in the US-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. The Kingdom has also steadfastly stood by the United States of America in confronting Iran’s malign activities, which it spreads through its allies and proxies to destabilize the region.
At the same time, the Kingdom continues its efforts towards achieving a political solution, by the Yemeni parties, to the situation in Yemen based on UNSC resolution 2216, the GCC initiative and its implementation mechanism, and the outcomes of the Comprehensive Yemeni National Dialogue, including the efforts by the United Nations Special Envoy that led, with the support of the Kingdom, to the agreements that were announced recently in Sweden. The Kingdom considers the humanitarian situation in Yemen a priority and it provides, through the King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aid and Relief, significant aid to the Yemeni people in all areas of Yemen. The Kingdom cooperates with relevant international organizations and bodies to deliver aid to people in need.
The Kingdom has previously asserted that the murder of Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi is a deplorable crime that does not reflect the Kingdom’s policy nor its institutions. Accordingly, the Kingdom reaffirms its rejection of any attempts to take the case out of the path of justice in the Kingdom.
The Kingdom is keen on preserving its relations with the United States of America, and will continue to work towards improving these ties in all areas. The Kingdom appreciates the prudent position taken by the United States Government and its institutions regarding the recent developments, as it realizes that this position by the US Senate sends the wrong messages to all those who want to cause a rift in Saudi-US relationship. The Kingdom hopes that it is not drawn into domestic political debates in the United States of America, to avoid any ramifications on the ties between the two countries that could have significant negative impacts on this important strategic relationship.

My comment: A wonderful piece of propaganda – giving a deep insight into Saudi self-confidence.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

Siehe / Look at cp8.

(* B P)

How do you scream in Arabic?

Why did Trump, Bolton and Mattis refuse to listen to the tape of Jamal Khashoggi's murder? Because of Arabic?

That was much clearer now. We now learned the late Jamal Khashoggi was screaming in Arabic when he was being strangled by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's henchmen. We can therefore also surmise from Mr Trump and Mr Bolton's remarks, that the butchers attending to him were also sawing him in Arabic - and in fact, to paraphrase Senator Lindsey Graham's words, even the saw was smoking in Arabic. That makes a lot of sense now.

Soon after Bolton, US Defense Secretary James Mattis also said he had declined to listen to the tape because he too "cannot understand that language". He curiously would say the name of the language in which the scream was screamed and the victim was murdered.

Still, their dodging of the Khashoggi tape got me thinking: How do you scream in Arabic?

(A P)

UN calls for 'credible' probe into Khashoggi murder

Antonio Guterres says it is 'essential to have credible investigation and to have punishment of those that were guilty'.

(A P)

Turkey slams EU leaders for ignoring Khashoggi’s death

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

6 Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Next War

Only Americans can stop their country from participating in strategically misguided, irresponsible, and immoral adventures.

The Yemen civil war will not be the last strategically misguided, irresponsible, or immoral war in which the United States is an active participant. Before Trump and his successors authorize the next (initially) limited intervention or full-scale war, here are a half-dozen questions for citizens to consider:

First, are there national interests at stake that are best achieved through the use of combat arms, and which are worth the costs and consequences? Admittedly, “national interests” is a subjective rationale, often deployed without context to defend any war.

Second, what, if any, is the domestic and international legal justification?

My comment: This still is a hawhish article. What really is “national interests”? – Do Americans really think they have the right to achieve their “national interests” allover this planet – as these “national interests” will collide with other “national interests”, and a compromise must be found, or the US simply must realize that it better gives in? What about the US interest to exploit the resources of Russia? War??

(* B P)

Audio: More Blaming Russia For Dissent—Plus, Yemeni Blood On Paul Ryan's Hands

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola discuss more examples of Western liberals and centrists blaming Russia for dissent.

Finally, the hosts talk about the successful Yemen war powers resolution vote in the Senate and how Paul Ryan served the war industry by ensuring the House could not hold a similar vote.

(* B P)

Yemen: Reasons For (Cautious) Optimism

The Senate vote did send a powerful signal that Congress has lost patience with the brutality of the Saudi war effort and perhaps, in the wake of Khashoggi’s murder, with the U.S.-Saudi alliance in general. But it did not materially impact the Saudi war effort or U.S. support for that effort. In order for the War Powers resolution to take effect, it would need to pass the House of Representatives and be signed by President Donald Trump.

In fairness, it’s difficult to imagine any president signing a resolution that threatens to restore some of Congress’s traditional war-making powers at the expense of the presidency. And while the only impact Thursday’s vote will have will be symbolic one, if Congress were to make that vote the opening salvo in an effort to finally rein in the “imperial presidency,” its symbolism could be quite important – by Derek Davison

(A P)

#MBS was so shocked to see that the #USSenate unanimously voted against him. So he sent his twitter bots to drum up conspiracy theories about how the Democratic Party is backed by the Muslim brotherhood. All this to generate a divide & to gain Republicans.

(* B P)

Film: The Senate's Vote on Yemen: Four Reasons It Matters in the Long-Term

The Senate last week passed a resolution to end U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explains the long-term significance of the Senate's vote.

(B P)

Another View: With vote to leave Yemen, Senate exerts moral authority

Unfortunately, U.S. ties with oil-rich Saudi Arabia keep the House – and Donald Trump – from taking action.

Alas, entanglements with an oil-rich kingdom that happens to be the chief enemy of our enemy – that’s Iran – are easier to bemoan than to break.

Which is why the U.S. House will sit on its hands, at least for now. And the president will not budge.

(B P)

The US Senate's role in the killing of Yemeni children

During the Yemeni war, the Democratic senators (who are now opposing to this war) said nothing against the killing of Yemeni children, but directly and indirectly supported it many times.

Finally, we should say that the current opposition of American senators to the Yemeni war is not due to their "peaceful mentality" or because they believe war is a bad thing! It is, however, the result of the heavy costs that they had to pay for their ally's failure in Yemen. This process continues until the war is stopped in Yemen.

The opposition of Democratic and Republican senators to Trump's support for bin Salman is due to the intensification of opposition and hatred of bin Salman among the people all over the world, and among the American citizens. However, we shouldn't ignore the fact that American senators aren't basically opposed to war and bloodshed in the West Asian region and the Muslim world, but have been one of the main causes of these crimes over the past few years. And this same rule applies to Yemen's war.

Remark: From Iran.

(* B P)

Senate Vote to End Yemen War Critical

Stopping U.S. participation in this brutal war is by itself a wise and correct move, even if it comes years too late.
The Senate vote is also about much more than just Yemen.

It is about the decades of presidential assaults on the Constitution in matters of war. President Trump is only the latest to ignore Art. I, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution, which grants war power exclusively to Congress.

Yes, it was President Barack Obama who initially dragged the U.S. illegally into the Yemen war, but President Trump has only escalated it. And to this point Congress has been totally asleep.

Fortunately that all changed last week with the Senate vote.

Americans should be ashamed and outraged that their government is so beholden to a foreign power — in this case Saudi Arabia — that it would actively participate in a brutal war of aggression.

Participating in this war against one of the world’s poorest countries is far from upholding "American values."

We should applaud and support the coalition in the Senate that voted to end the war. They should know how much we appreciate their efforts – by Ron Paul = =

(* A K P)


Responding to the passage in the United States Senate today of a Joint Resolution Supporting a Diplomatic Solution in Yemen and Condemning the Murder of Jamal Khashoggi, Philippe Nassif, Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International USA stated:

“Today’s vote is a step in the right direction, but a timely, credible, and transparent UN investigation into the killing of Jamal Khashoggi is the most comprehensive way for his family, and the world, to receive the full truth about what happened to him, and those responsible, however high their rank or status, to be held to account.”

In addition to calls for a UN investigation, Amnesty International is calling for the Saudi Arabian government to be held to account for its relentless repression of human rights in the country.

In Yemen, Amnesty International strengthens its calls for the US and the international community to support UN efforts to end gross violations by all parties to the conflict and ensure justice and reparation for victims.

“The US can no longer be a party to the human misery and suffering in Yemen

(A H P)

Trump travel ban keeps Yemeni mother from seeing dying 2-year-old in Oakland

(* B K P)

This photo should open your eyes to America's sins in Yemen [Editorial]

If the gruesome bone-saw murder of Jamal Khashoggi opened America’s eyes to Saudi cruelty, the tiny bones of Amal Hussain should make us face our own.

Those barely alive bones - arms thin as violin bows, ribs still as silent strings - are draped in skin no thicker than silk. Only the profile of her face - the roundness of her cheek, the trickle of her reddish hair -- reminds us that Amal is a little girl. That she once smiled - “always,” her mom said. Amal is, for the moment captured in the photograph, alive -- though her resigned eyes whisper not for long.

The 7-year-old Yemeni girl, photographed in October by The New York Times’ Tyler Hicks, is an image of suffering that may border on profane to the coddled American eye. We may reflexively avert our eyes. But we Americans must look at what our support of the Saudi-led war in Yemen has wrought.

Amal’s distant brown eyes are forever closed. Her death is not in vain, though, if she has opened your eyes to the truth.

Tell your Congress member to stop funding the war that killed her.

(A K P)

Tracking south of Yemen US Air Force Special Ops C146 Wolfhound 11-3031 MAGMA12 (map)

(B P)

US Senate Votes on Yemen as Brutal Proxy War Rages On

Notably, the resolution also contained the following exceptions:

“[…] except United States Armed Forces engaged in operations directed at al Qaeda or associated forces”

“Nothing in this joint resolution shall be construed to influence or disrupt any military operations and cooperation with Israel.”

These two exceptions in particular call into the question the true intent of the public vote. Will anything really change? Why now?

(* B P)

Neither U.S. Senators nor Trump’s Team Is Lying About Khashoggi’s Killing

But the White House’s spin tactics are not doing it any favors.

Who’s telling the truth? Perhaps all of them. The two cabinet secretaries deployed carefully scripted talking points in service of the policy on which President Donald Trump had already decided—an approach dedicated to maintaining the status quo with Saudi Arabia at all costs. Mattis and Pompeo may not have lied—they just didn’t tell the whole truth.

The senators who accused the crown prince of complicity were outraged by his behavior and seeming expectation of impunity, and by the Trump administration’s willful blindness to the ugly facts and failed attempt to prevent the CIA director from briefing.

Both versions may be accurate. Intelligence judgments are rarely completely definitive: They are based on an array of information, some of which is subject to interpretation.

(A P)

Paul Ryan’s disgraceful last act: Providing cover for Trump

It is merely an excuse to say that too many of Ryan’s members feared Trump’s popularity in their districts, and particularly among their primary electorates, for him to control his caucus. This week’s shameful Yemen vote shows that he could have maneuvered the rules structure to defy Trump without forcing a confrontation. As is exemplary of his entire tenure atop this do-nothing House, he just never wanted to.

(A P)

Paul Ryan Fueling Saudi War in Yemen, Undermining Congress

Background: Paul Ryan used a similar maneuver last month. See Institute for Public Accuracy news release: “Paul Ryan Tries to Keep Saudi Attack on Yemen Going.” Vox reported at the time: “The War Powers Act of 1973 allows for declaring a special privilege, essentially letting the matter come to a vote, and congressional parliamentarians said Khanna’s resolution met those requirements, a Democratic source said.”

(A P)

Film: Senator Blumenthal on Yemen War

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) spoke on the floor about the pending resolution to end U.S. military assistance in Yemen. He described the humanitarian crisis in Yemen as the result of a “Saudi-led attack on Yemen” and called for the Saudi government to be held accountable.

(* B P)

Does the U.S. Have the Wrong Middle East Strategy?

We at Foreign Affairs have recently published a number of pieces dealing with U.S. policy in the Middle East. To complement these articles, we decided to ask a broad pool of experts for their take. As with previous surveys, we approached dozens of authorities with deep specialized expertise relevant to the question at hand, together with a few leading generalists in the field. Participants were asked to state whether they agreed or disagreed with a proposition and to rate their confidence level in their opinion; the answers from those who responded are below.

(B P)

Why has California’s Jim Costa voted twice against limiting US involvement in Yemen?

(A P)

Film, Rep. Ro Khanna: The war in Yemen is an American issue

(* B P)

Stop Bowing to Riyadh

American presidents still think they need to cozy up to Saudi Arabia. Here are five reasons they’re wrong.

Pundits like to declare Saudi Arabian oil, military might and supposedly cooperative foreign policy essential to a strong U.S. presence in the region. And they justify maintaining close Washington-Riyadh ties by claiming that the Saudi king is a reform-minded ally in the Middle East. But as Obama visits Saudi Arabia for a second time, it’s time to set the record straight. After all, America’s growing distance from the Saudi monarchy might not be such a bad thing.

Myth 1: The U.S.-Saudi relationship is all about oil.

Myth 2: The United States needs Saudi Arabia more than Saudi Arabia needs the United States.

Myth 3: Saudi Arabia promotes stability and supports U.S. interests in the Middle East

Myth 4: The Saudi monarch is forward-thinking.

The Saudi state media empire, one of the most sophisticated in the world, has heavily promoted the idea that the Saudi king is a forward-thinking reformer.

Myth 5: The Saudi monarchy is stable and sustainable.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B P)

How Britain profits from Yemen’s pain

What’s the point of giving aid if we also supply the guns and bombs?

Earlier this year, the UK government announced a £170 million aid package to Yemen, to address this growing humanitarian catastrophe. Sounds quite a lot of money, I suppose. But there is something more than a little ridiculous about the UK giving aid to Yemen, when so many of the bombs and weapons that have destroyed it have originated in our country.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia spends a whopping $69.4 billion a year on its military – that is $12,000 per household. This sucks in the ever-eager arms dealers from all over the world, including from Britain. And we sell more weapons to the Saudis than to anyone else.

(A P)

Jeremy Corbyn backs former Archbishop of Canterbury’s crucial Christmas message

A former Archbishop of Canterbury has sent a crucial message to the UK government in time for Christmas this year. It calls for an end of the UK’s “direct complicity” in the war in Yemen.

Alongside Labour, the SNP, Lib Dems, Greens and Plaid Cymru have all called for a suspension of arms sales to Saudi Arabia. And Jeremy Corbyn was keen to share Williams’ words with his Twitter followers.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Kirchen: Berlin trägt zu "humanitärer Katastrophe" bei

Beim Thema Rüstungspolitik gehen die Kirchen mit der Bundesregierung hart ins Gericht. Berlin trage zu einer "humanitären Katastrophe" bei. Es geht vor allem um den Krieg im Jemen.

Die beiden großen Kirchen in Deutschland haben die Rüstungsexportpolitik der Bundesregierung scharf kritisiert und eine Kehrtwende gefordert - dabei beziehen sie vor allem auf die Exporte auf die Arabische Halbinsel und den Krieg im Jemen. Mit den Lieferungen an Saudi-Arabien verschärfe Deutschland die katastrophale Lage im Jemen. Das erklärten die katholischen und evangelischen Kirchenvertreter in Berlin bei der Vorstellung des diesjährigen Rüstungsexportberichts der Gemeinsamen Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung (GKKE).

"Mehr noch: Sie fördert auch den Bruch des Völkerrechts", erweiterte der Leiter des Kommissariats der katholischen Bischöfe in Berlin, Prälat Karl Jüsten, die Vorwürfe. Die Bilanz der Großen Koalition in der Rüstungsexportpolitik sei "ernüchternd". Entgegen aller Ankündigungen sei nicht zu erkennen, dass die schwarz-rote Koalition dem Ernst der Lage gerecht werde.

Für Wirbel hatte gesorgt, dass der Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall Saudi-Arabien jüngsten Medienberichten zufolge aber offensichtlich weiter mit Munition beliefert - und zwar über Tochterfirmen in Italien und Südafrika. Der evangelische Vorsitzende der Gemeinsamen Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung, Prälat Martin Dutzmann, verurteilte die Geschäftspraxis von Rheinmetall "aufs Schärfste". Die Bundesregierung müsse bestehende Regelungslücken im Ausfuhrrecht schließen.

(* B K P)

German arms export policy condemned by church organization

A German church organization representing both the Catholic and Protestant church has condemned the government's arms exports as criticism mounts of Angela Merkel's policies, despite a recent promise to stop exports to Saudi Arabia.

"Contrary to all its statements, we cannot see that the government has recognized the seriousness of arms export policy questions," the Berlin-based Joint Conference Church and Development (GKKE) said in a statement on Monday, which was issued along with the organization's 2018 arms export report.

"The tightening of arms export guidelines promised for 2018 are nowhere in sight."

Karl Jüsten, Catholic prelate and co-chairman of the GKKE board, condemned the exports to belligerents in the Yemen war, especially Saudi Arabia. These sales meant that Germany carried co-responsibility for the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemenand the violations of international law.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A P)

Canada mulls canceling Saudi arms deal over Yemen, Khashoggi murder

Canada is looking into ways to cancel a giant 2014 weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday, as criticism mounts over the kingdom's role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Riyadh-led war in Yemen.

Trudeau had earlier said that it would be "extremely difficult" to withdraw from the contract, signed by the previous conservative administration, "without Canadians paying exorbitant penalties."

But as evidence emerged of direct Saudi involvement in Khashoggi's murder on October 2, Canada in late November announced sanctions against 17 Saudi nationals linked to killing.

"The murder of a journalist is absolutely unacceptable and that's why Canada from the very beginning had been demanding answers and solutions on that," Trudeau said Sunday in an interview with CTV.

and also

My comment: The snail is moving forward. For years, Trudeau had refused to cancel this sale. Ten thousands of killed Yemenis did not change his mind. One dead journalist (might-be) does. Great?


(* A K P)

General Dynamics warns Canada: Canceling Saudi deal would cost billions

General Dynamics Corp (GD.N) on Monday put pressure on Ottawa over the sale of armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia, warning that the federal government would incur “billions of dollars of liability” by unilaterally scrapping the deal.

The remarks by the Canadian unit of General Dynamics - which one defense expert called unusual - reflect increasing tensions over a $13 billion agreement that is becoming politically awkward for the Liberal government.

“Were Canada to unilaterally terminate the contract, Canada would incur billions of dollars of liability to General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada,” the company said in a statement.

“Terminating the contract would have a significant negative impact on our highly skilled employees, our supply chain across Canada, and the Canadian defense sector broadly,” the statement added.

My comment: Actually neoliberal states are ruled by companies, not by governments.

(A P)

Iran lauds global awareness to Yemen disaster

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi has praised global awareness about the calamities of the Saudi-led war on Yemen, expressing hope that it would help end the war in the country.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10, cp11, cp12

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E P)

War-ridden Yemen's other frontline -- the central bank

Yemen is afflicted by what diplomats call a famine of jobs and salaries, with the central bank -- headquartered in the government's de facto capital Aden -- torn between the two warring parties.

Running the economy from a building pocked with bullet holes in the southern port city, the bank is scrambling to revive a currency that has lost two-thirds of its value since 2015, exacerbating joblessness and leaving millions unable to afford basic food staples.

The government moved the bank's headquarters from the capital in 2016 following suspicion that the rebels were plundering its reserves to finance their war effort. The rebels deny the claim.

The relocation practically left the country with two parallel centres of fiscal policy dealing in one currency.

Yemen's rivals reached a truce accord last week, but conspicuously absent was an agreement on economic cooperation as the Huthis rejected government calls for the Aden central bank to handle public sector salary payments on both sides, a diplomat who attended the talks told AFP.

The central bank is now "arguably the most dangerous frontline in the Yemen war", said Wesam Qaid, executive director at Yemen's Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service.

Soaring Inflation -

Yemen's economy has contracted by 50 percent since the escalation of conflict in 2015 and inflation is projected at over 40 percent this year, according to the World Bank.

My comment: This is what this article does not take into account: Even during the war, the Sanaa-based Central bank still kept neutrality and worked quite well, up to the moment when – for political reasons – “president” Hadi decided to establish a new central Bank at Aden (this not was a “relocation”!!). This new bank had nothing to work with, while the Sanaa central bank was paralysed. – When Hadi’s Central bank director now tells: “"We are asking the rebels to leave the banking sector alone," this should not be left uncommented. Otherwise, AFP functions as mouthpiece for a failed policy.

cp15 Propaganda

(A H P)

Saudi Arabia continues humanitarian operations in Yemen

(A P)

Saudi Development Program delivers books and supplies to 150 schools in eastern Yemen

(A P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels face a choice of military or political power

Insurgents promised a place in government if they give up arms and Iran affiliations

Yemen’s internationally recognised government vows to include the Houthis in country’s political future if they disarm and cut ties with Iran, with a ceasefire in Hodeidah from Tuesday providing the first test of the rebels' intentions.

"The Houthis will be a part of Yemen’s political framework," Foreign Minister Khalid Al Yamani told The National following the conclusion of peace negotiations in Sweden last week.

"We will live together under one roof, even though we may have political or religious differences, but Yemen is for all."

However, the rebels must give up their heavy weaponry and cut ties with Iran and its proxies before the government considers including them in the cabinet, Mr Al Yamani said.

My comment: This is propaganda. Houthis’ arms and military forces in not the only problem – there is a plenty of militia fighting in Yemen. Without disarming ALL militia (for those fighting against the Houthis, nothing will change.

(A P)

All bets are off

There are solid reports that Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Yemeni conflict are more than amenable to a political compromise. The rest lies in the hands of Tehran, which is behind the proxy war on the side of the Houthis and has yet to demonstrate that the fighting in Yemen is a losing war for it as well.

(A P)

Arab Coalition Welcomes Sweden Agreement on Yemen’s Hodeidah

The Saudi-led Arab coalition welcomed on Monday the agreement reached last week between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias on the port city of Hodeidah.

The agreement was sponsored by the United Nations through the efforts of the Saudi leadership and coalition states, alliance spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki told a press conference in Riyadh.
He highlighted the efforts of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Prime Minister of Defense, in pushing for reaching the agreement between the two warring parties in Yemen.

My comment: Arsonists claiming to be firefighters.

(A P)

True. My frustration comes from the fact that Western orgs & “experts” hijacked the #Yemen debate. They don’t make an effort to get the perspective of Yemenis outside Sana’a. They also dismiss many of us who challenge their Saudi-centric/ Sana’a focused take on the conflict

You are right. This has been promted by northern elitists who are well connected and speak English. Sanaa elite have been lobbying westerners to pay into this centric/signal narrative and views -for many reasons- including the purpose to ensure fund.

Most of them r children of northern elite who made tons of money under Saleh & Imams before him. That is how they afforded education in the best universities in world. That is why they want the status quo we suffered from for 100s of yrs to stay.That s why they promote Houthi PR

My comment: Objecting “they promote Houthi PR” to Western media is rather ridiculous.

(A H P)

Saudi Arabia Main Supporter for Humanitarian Aid to Yemen - KSRelief Supervisor

Sputnik talked to Abdullah Rabeeah, the supervisor general of the humanitarian aid and relief centre of Saudi Arabian King Salman (KSRelief), about humanitarian aid to Yemen, Syrian conflict and KSrelief projects West Bank and Gaza.

Abdullah Rabeeah:Well, let me just answer this question by going back to Saudi Arabia's history with Yemen. For the past four decades, Saudi Arabia has been the main supporter for both development and humanitarian aid to Yemen, investing billions of dollars in economic support and development funding. In spite of the major challenges that face Yemen, there is hardly a city in the country that Saudi Arabia has not contributed in — be it a hospital, a school, a highway or any other important contribution to help the Yemeni people.

(B P)

US Senate resolution on Yemen could hamper progress

In the Yemeni context, liberal and democratic values would mean that the US and other countries would try to change the civil-war conditions by addressing the sense of injustice and alienation that underwrite the North-South division and developing mechanisms to institute leadership that can gain the trust of people cutting across geographical and societal divisions. However, acute famine conditions must now be addressed on a priority basis.

By preventing the executive branch from sending arms and supplies to the theater of war, the US Congress does not necessarily create positive conditions for peace. Congress has exercised, more often than not, moral control over the executive’s excesses, but American exceptionalism in real terms in these contexts would be judged in terms of the US contribution to long-term socio-economic reconstruction and state-building exercises.

My comment: The author (from India!) seems to promote American exceptionalism.

(A P)

Hodeidah deal could lead to a comprehensive settlement in Yemen

The deal was concluded not because the Houthis seek to spare bloodshed and end the war, but due to the increasing political and military pressure imposed on them by the Yemeni government backed by the Arab Coalition.

It is also clear that the deal would not have been concluded without the US, whose continued pressure on Iran politically and economically is in the interest of Yemen and its stability. This will ultimately lead to the region being purged of Iran-backed militias.

All eyes will now be on the Houthis to see whether they commit to the new agreement or violate it as they did the preceding ones.

(A P)

Sweden agreement emphasizes Saudi, Arab coalition efforts to reach peace in Yemen

The Arab coalition fighting to support the legitimate Yemeni government said on Monday that the Sweden agreement emphasizes the efforts of Saudi Arabia and the coalition to reach peace in the war-torn country.

Speaking at a weekly press conference in Riyadh, Col. Turki Al-Maliki said military pressure from the coalition led the Iranian-backed Houthis to come to the negotiating table.

(A P)

Frances Townsend: #Yemen #Marib Governor providing food, medical & rehabilitation services with help of Coalition Forces #SaudiArabia to 3M+ internally displaced refugees says he could not do it without coalition support & stresses need for US to support coalition

(A P)

Yemen and the Stockholm Window

Yemenis - regardless of the political side to which they belong - have no right to close the window that was opened thanks to the “Stockholm Agreement”. The risk of losing the opportunity to regain peace will only deepen the losses and increase the dangers that threaten Yemen and its citizens.

The second reason is the clear support of the “Arab alliance” for a political solution in Yemen according to the references previously adopted. This was evident when both Guterres and Griffiths thanked Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his personal involvement in facilitating an agreement in Sweden.
The third reason is that some Houthis feel that the Iranian support will only prolong the war launched by their coup, and that military balances on the ground will not be in their favor, as the situation around Hodeidah and elsewhere has shown.

My comment: Saudi website, a mix of reasonable ideas and propaganda.

(A P)

Yemen's PM: Sweden's consultations proved govt seriousness about peace

Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik affirmed that the consultations between the government and Houthis in Stockholm proved the government's seriousness about peace.

"We have reacted fully positively out of our sense of historic and national responsibility towards our people, but the other side (Houthis), they don't bother about the suffering and humanitarian disaster caused by their coup," he said

My comment: Everybody knows how much the Hadi government cared for saving Yemen from further Saudi air raids. LOL.

(A P)

Yemen: Houthis Try to Gloss over their Hodeidah Loss

The Iran-backed Houthi militias have been attempting since their delegation’s return from the Sweden peace consultations to gloss over their losses in the coastal Hodeidah province.
The Houthis attempted to portray the deal as a political victory against the legitimate government, while in fact they were covering for their losses when they agreed to withdraw from Hodeidah ports and pave the way for UN supervision.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day

Dec. 16:

Dec. 15:

(A K pH)

The death of a citizen after the explosion of a cluster bomb in the Directorate of Tahita, Hodeidah p.

A local source confirmed that one of the citizens died of his wounds following the explosion of a cluster bomb near his home in the Directorate of Tahita and was hospitalized, and doctors described a serious injury were unable to save him from the effects of shrapnel, which divided the body and his head.

Doctors said hospitals were unable to receive serious cases of poor hospital capacity.

earlier recording:

(A K pH)

New War Crimes of Aggression: 2 Children Killed, Their Father Injured on US-Saudi Raids in Al-Baidha

Two children were killed and their father was injured Sunday in two raids of the US-Saudi aerial aggression in Al-Baidha province.

According to Al-Masirah Net reporter, the US-Saudi aerial aggression targeted a truck in Al-Sawadyah district, killing the two children and injuring their father.

The aircraft of the Saudi aggression alliance launched an air strike on a truck belonging to Abdullah al-Wahbi as it passed through the freedom zone in Al-Wahabiya in the Directorate of Sawadiyah in the province of Al-Baidah, killing two of his sons and wounding him seriously and destroying the truck. (photos)


(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Dec. 16/17: Various

Dec. 16: Jawf p. Dhamar p. Saada p. Hodeidah p.

Dec. 15: Mahwit p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(* B K pS)

About 13,000 landmines cleared from areas of western coast

Masam Project has stated that more than 13,000 landmines were cleared from the western coast which connecting between Hodeda and Taiz during the few days.

About 16,000 sea mines have been rooted up and destroyed in Hajjah coasts last month, the Media Center of the Fifth Military Region stated.

The center said that these sea mines were planted by the Houthis in the coasts of Midi, Abas and the international territorial water, pointing out that military experts of the Arab Coalition ruined them.

(A K pS)

Zainb Jameel, 5 yrs killed today by #Houthis Sniper in Alsarmein - saber mountain, #Taiz and her brother injured too (photos)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-491 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-491: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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