Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 580 - Yemen War Mosaic 580

Yemen Press Reader 580: 27. Sept. 2019: Saudi-Arabien akzeptiert begrenzten Waffenstillstand – UNDP-Bericht über Jemen – Neustart für saudisch-emiratische Partnerschaft? –Heimliche Unterstützung

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... Heimliche Unterstützung der Briten für die Saudis – Spannungen am Golf: Krieg der Worte und Propaganda, Drohungen gegen Iran – und mehr

Sep. 27, 2019: Saudi Arabia accepts limited ceasefire – UNDP report on Yemen – Saudi-UAE partnership rebooted? – Britain’s secret support for Saudis – Tensions at the Gulf: War of words and propaganda, threats against Iran – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c1 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Deutsch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: German

cp1c2 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Englisch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B K P)

Yemen’s who’s who – The road map of a conflict

Cutting across tribal, political and religious lines Yemen’s conflict is as protracted that it has been structurally fluid in its ever-evolving alliances – which alliances, whether local or regional have at time, ran counterintuitive to parties’ interests.

Yemen is a complicated socio-political beast; to reduce the war to a single upset would be to ignore the plethora of agendas currently being played out within its borders. While Yemen’s future remains murky … and one might add, tentative at best, it will also determine much of the region’s future through the formation of a new geopolitical order.

Following is an exhaustive list of all main local and regional actors.


Born initially as a knee-jerk reaction to what was perceived (1990s) as an encroachment against North Yemen religious independence by the Muslim Brotherhood (a member of Al Islah and Yemen’s strongest opposition block to the ruling party: Al Motamar/General People’s Congress), the Houthis, organised under the leadership of first Hussein Badreddin Al Houthi, and then his son: Abdel Malek Al Houthi fought several war against Sana’a central government starting 2004.

Once a small opposition movement, the Houthi movement has become a major player, both nationally and regionally by the weight of the alliances it managed to broker to support its ideology – a mixture of Islamic revivalism, nationalism and republicanism



A member of the GPC and former Saleh’s loyalist, Hadi broke rank in 2012 to form his own sub-faction.

In a bid to secure a base in Yemen proper, Hadi chose to align himself to the Southern Separatist Movement in Aden in 2015 in view of fighting off the Houthi-led Resistance movement.


Also called the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, Al Islah was President Saleh’s only ever tangible political opposition. Backed in large by Saudi Arabia, Al Islah remains as eclectic in its make-up as it is in the formulation of its political thought. An umbrella for several religious and tribal factions, Al Islah has often been compared to the palatable face of Yemen’s own brand of pan-Islamism. Al Islah accounts within its ranks members of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as well-known radical Islamic with ties to Al Qaeda: Sheikh Abdel Majid Al Zindani for example.

The main face of Al Islah, Al Ahmar brothers are Yemen’s biggest contenders to power. The family is the head of the Hashid tribal confederation, the most powerful of Yemen’s two tribal confederations. The other being the Bakil.

Made strong by Saudi Arabia’s financial support over the decades Al Ahmar brothers have acted a buffer to Saleh’s otherwise uncontested hold over Yemen. If this tentative political ‘balance’ served Riyadh for great many years, the clan’s propensity to lean on Islamists for socio-political relevance proved in fact counter-productive. To some extent, if to put mildly, Al Islah has offered a convenient cover for members of both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda in Yemen so that it could better offset President Saleh’s ability to rule over a united nation.

Today Al Islah is one of the strongest opponents of the Houthis, and some of Hadi’s most staunchest allies.



cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** A K P)

Ölpreise geben nach Bericht über Waffenstillstand im Jemen deutlich nach

Die Ölpreise sind am Freitagmittag binnen kürzester Zeit um mehr als einen Dollar gefallen.

Auslöser für den Kursrutsch war ein Bericht des Wall Street Journals über einen Waffenstillstand im Jemen. Saudi-Arabien soll in vier Gebieten einem Waffenstillstand zugestimmt haben.

Sollte eine Einigung tatsächlich zustande kommen, könne man sich auf Wachstum und Nachfragesorgen konzentrieren, sagte Ole Hansen, Leiter der Abteilung Rohstoffstrategie bei der Saxo Bank der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg.

Mein Kommentar: Der Westen hat offenbar vor allem seine Ölversorgung im Kopf und sonst eigentlich wenig.

(** A K P)

Saudi Arabia agrees to a limited cease-fire in Yemen

Saudi Arabia has agreed to a limited cease-fire in several areas of Yemen including the capital Sana’a, which is controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group, a Yemeni government official said, as part of efforts to broker an end to the four-year-old war.

Saudi officials could not immediately be reached for comment. The Yemeni official declined to give further details but the news follows the announcement by Houthi rebels last week of a unilateral halt to drone and missile attacks on the oil-exporting kingdom.

Oil fell after Friday’s news, first reported by Dow Jones, that a partial cease-fire was in place

A Yemeni diplomat who has links to different parties of the conflict said there are serious ongoing discussions about the duration and scope of the cease-fire and whether it will cover all territories or just the capital. The discussions are being mediated by Western countries, he said, adding this might be a first step toward either a total ceasefire or a complete halt to airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition.


(** A K P)

Saudi Arabia Agrees to Partial Cease-Fire in War-Shattered Yemen

Kingdom’s decision follows surprise move by Yemen’s Houthi rebels to declare a unilateral cease-fire days after claiming an attack on Saudi oil industry

Saudi Arabia has moved to impose a partial cease-fire in Yemen, say people familiar with the plans, as Riyadh and the Houthi militants the kingdom is fighting try to bring an end to the four-year war that has become a front line in the broader regional clash with Iran. (paywalled)


(** A E K P)

Oil Tumbles On Report Saudis Agree To Partial Ceasefire With Yemen

With the price of oil still on edge over the duration of Saudi Aramco repairs and speculation over how long until Saudi oil output is fully restored, moments ago Brent tumbled after a WSJ report that Saudi Arabia - which is hoping to come to market with the Aramco IPO in the coming weeks - is seeking to impose a partial cease-fire in Yemen, as Riyadh and the Houthi militants the kingdom is fighting try to bring an end to the four-year war that has become a front line in the broader regional clash with Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s surprise decision to de-escalate a long-running war follows a just as surprising move by Houthi forces to declare a unilateral cease-fire in Yemen last week

An end to the war - if sustained - would certainly be a major breakthrough for peace in the region. Yemen’s war has become a political and military morass for Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the country’s de facto ruler and original architect of the war plans. The war has eroded support for his country in Washington, where bipartisan opposition to the conflict has solidified.

The Houthis’ unilateral cease-fire last week has raised hopes in Riyadh and Washington that the Yemeni fighters might be willing to distance themselves from Tehran. The U.S. has accused Iran of providing the Houthis with missiles, drones and training they have used to target Saudi Arabia for years. Iran has dismissed the claims, but Tehran has moved to deepen its ties with the Houthi forces.

In response to the Houthi move, Riyadh has agreed to a limited cease-fire in four areas, including San’a, the Yemeni capital Houthi forces have controlled since 2014.

If the mutual cease-fire in these areas takes hold, the Saudis would look to broaden the truce to other parts of Yemen, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Of course, chances are the deal collapses quickly: the new cease-fire faces steep odds, as similar arrangements have crumbled before the WSJ notes. Both sides continue to carry out attacks, including a Saudi airstrike north of San’a on Tuesday that killed several civilians. The internal Houthi divisions could undermine the peace efforts, as they have in the past.

and also

My comment: The Houthis should accept this and declare which 4 Saudi regions they will exclude from their aerial attacks. As Mecca and Medina never had been targets, which four would this be?

(** B H K)

Prolonged conflict would make Yemen the poorest country in the world, UNDP study says

Yemen will become the poorest country in the world if its conflict goes on through 2022, a new report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) projects.

Since 2014, war has driven poverty in Yemen from 47 percent of the population to a projected 75 percent by the end of 2019. If fighting continues through 2022, Yemen will rank as the poorest country in the world, with 79 percent of the population living under the poverty line and 65 percent classified as extremely poor, the report, Assessing the Impact of War in Yemen on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), says.

The report, released Thursday and produced for UNDP by the Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver, says that in the absence of conflict Yemen could have made progress toward achieving the SDGs, the global anti-poverty framework agreed in 2015 with a target date of 2030. But more than four years of fighting has set back human development by 21 years—and Yemen would be unlikely to achieve any of the SDGs even if the war were to stop today.

“The war has already made Yemen the largest humanitarian disaster in the world, and now threatens to make its population the poorest in the world,” said UNDP Administrator, Achim Steiner. “UNDP’s work with support from international partners and as part of the UN’s overall engagement - is focused on helping Yemenis keep institutions and businesses running to ensure they have the solid footing needed to recover when peace returns.”

Using cutting-edge data modeling and open-source information, the report finds that Yemen’s war will have more than tripled the proportion of the population living in extreme poverty if fighting persists. It will skyrocket from 19 percent of the population in 2014 to a projected 65 percent in 2022.

The intensity of poverty has also surged, with Yemen projected by 2022 to have the largest poverty gap—the distance between average income and the poverty line—in the world.

The surge in poverty across Yemen is driven by factors attributed to war, including a breakdown of the economy that has seen US$89 billion in lost economic activity since 2015.

The conflict has disrupted markets and institutions and destroyed social and economic infrastructure, while inequalities have sharply increased. Gross domestic product per capita has plummeted from US$3,577 to US$1,950, a level not seen in Yemen since before 1960. Yemen is now ranked as the world’s second most unequal in the world in terms of income, surging past 100 other countries in inequality levels in the last five years.

The report, launched at a United Nations General Assembly side event co-hosted by Germany and UNDP, also identifies spikes in malnutrition across Yemen. Twenty-five percent of the population was malnourished in 2014, but the report estimates that this figure is now closer to 36 percent and could reach nearly 50 per cent if fighting continues through 2022. By the end of 2019, caloric intake per person will have fallen by 20 per cent from 2014 levels.

The report contains especially dire projections if the war continues for the next decade. If fighting continues through 2030, 78 percent of Yemenis will live in extreme poverty, 95 percent will be malnourished, and 84 percent of children will be stunted.

UNDP released the report as United Nations agencies, NGOs, and international partners are seeking to expand urgent humanitarian and development work across Yemen to save lives, meet humanitarian needs, and support resilience in the country, and as UN-backed peace talks continue.

“This report is a reminder that Yemen cannot afford to wait. We must act now,” Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, said.

and full report:

(** B K P)

Saudi Arabia and the UAE Reboot their Partnership in Yemen

Beyond overcoming poor optics, both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are genuinely interested in maintaining their alliance, as their foreign policy agendas are closely intertwined. In Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are committed to containing the Houthis and are using this common threat to reboot their security partnership.

In southern Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have become increasingly concerned the Houthis could profit from the emergence of a new front in the ongoing war.

Saudi Arabia’s decision to deploy new troops to southern Yemen and the UAE’s alleged transfer of combat vehicles to SBF in Aden suggests both sides are still trying to achieve tactical military victories. Yet the continued stalemate on the ground is forcing Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to assess their diplomatic options.

Saudi Arabia seeks to extricate itself from a military intervention that has severely damaged its international reputation. At the same time, the UAE aims to institutionalize its hegemony over southern Yemen. Senior officials from both countries — the Saudi Deputy Minister of Defense Khalid bin Salman and UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash

have thus publicly supported a political solution to the war in Yemen. As Saudi Arabia and the UAE work around their disagreements on Yemen without sacrificing their vital interests, pro-government commentators and experts in both countries are assessing the merits of a federal solution and whether it would secure the legitimacy of Yemen’s UN-recognized government while granting southern Yemen greater autonomy.

Saudi official statements insist that Yemen’s reunification under President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi’s leadership is the only acceptable outcome. However, the Yemeni government’s consistent inability to consolidate territorial gains could force Riyadh to soften its position. In light of frequent Houthi drone strikes, Saudi Arabia’s increased deployment of military resources to southern Yemen underscores the difficulties of sustaining a simultaneous two-front war against the Houthis and the STC. In Saudi state-aligned media outlets, the acceptability of accommodating the STC’s demands is hotly debated.

Hardline voices like Saudi- American Public Affairs Committee (SAPRACA) President Salman al-Ansari have decried the rise of south Yemeni separatism as a consequence of the UAE’s narrow-minded assault on the Muslim Brotherhood. Meanwhile, moderate perspectives contend that a compromise is only possible if the STC rescinds the use of force and pursues the establishment of a south Yemeni state through diplomatic channels. The prediction that south Yemeni independence could trigger a domino effect of secessions on regional lines is widely accepted in Riyadh. As such, Saudi Arabia likely views a federal solution as the furthest it is willing to go in order to find common ground with the UAE and extricate itself from Yemen.

While the UAE views the creation of a south Yemeni client state as a valuable power projection lever in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa, the feasibility of this objective is unclear.

While a de-escalation of tensions between the Yemeni government and STC remains elusive, Saudi Arabia and the UAE could try to prevent the outbreak of a full-fledged intra-regional civil war. Doing so would dispel speculation about an intra-alliance rift, prevent the Houthis from exploiting violence in southern Yemen, and ratify a peace settlement that accommodates both countries’ interests – by Samuel Ramani

(** B K P)

Britain’s secret Saudi military support programme

The UK’s Ministry of Defence has mistakenly admitted for the first time the cost of a secret multibillion-pound programme it manages for the Saudi Arabian royal family’s de facto protection force, which is also active in the devastating war in Yemen.

It can also be revealed that this programme, which is embedded in the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) but paid for by the Saudi regime, employs ten times more people than the British government publicly admits, raising questions about ministers misleading the parliament in Westminster.

The Saudi Arabia National Guard Communications Project (known as Sangcom) has operated since 1978, when the British government signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the authorities in Riyadh. The project provides military communications equipment to the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) but the MOU, which is itself secret, stipulates complete secrecy on the budget.

In July this year, however, the MOD advertised for the position of a Sangcom project manager based in Riyadh. The job was open only to male applicants and the advert stated: “The UK MOD SANGCOM Project Team is responsible for the delivery of a £2bn programme to modernise the Saudi Arabian National Guard’s communications network.”

This is the MOD’s first public acknowledgement of the size of Sangcom’s budget in its 40-year history and such a casual mistake is likely to infuriate its Saudi counterparts. As recently as March 2019, Labour MP Catherine West asked a parliamentary question about the programme’s budget and was told that it is “confidential to the two governments”.

It is understood that this £2-billion budget runs for 10 years and was agreed in February 2010. This new phase of the Sangcom project is 15 times larger than the previous agreement, worth £124-million and signed in 2004.

The MOD spends £1.4-billion per year on its own IT and telecommunications systems.

An MOD spokesperson told us: “Information in this job advert was uploaded in error and it was subsequently taken down,” adding, “the budget is confidential to the two governments.”

But, in a further sign of unusually lax information management, the job advert, while being taken down on some sites after the MOD was alerted, is still available on the internet. In addition, Sangcom’s financial controller states on the social network LinkedIn that he is “responsible for a budget of circa £1.6B”.

Also known as the White Army, the Saudi Arabian National Guard comprises about 130,000 troops and acts as an internal security force separate from the regular Saudi army. Drawn from tribes loyal to the ruling Saud clan, the SANG’s essential task is to protect the royal family from a coup.
The Sangcom project, alongside Britain’s long-standing military training of the SANG, clearly implicates the UK in the defence of the House of Saud, along with the US, which is also training and arming it.

The SANG has also been involved in the Saudi-led war in Yemen

In April 2015, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman ordered the SANG to join the Yemen campaign, which until then had been the preserve of the Saudi air force and the regular army. In 2018, a classified French intelligence report noted that two SANG brigades — about 25,000 men — were deployed along the border with Yemen. Major General Frank Muth of the US military also revealed that a SANG brigade, returning from fighting at the border with Yemen, had 19 of its light armoured vehicles “shot up pretty badly”.

Earlier this year, another US military official, Colonel Kevin Lambert, manager of the US’s own SANG modernisation programme, confirmed that the SANG was “executing combat operations in the Yemen conflict”.

The UK’s support for the SANG is another aspect of its involvement in the Yemen war, which continues even after the government lost a court case concluding that weapons sales to Saudi Arabia were unlawful – By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(B H)

Amid Tightened US-Saudi Aggression Blockade Cholera Making a Come Back

The cases of diarrhea and vomiting for a number of citizens in Lahj governorate increased. Sources revealed that Ibn Khaldoun Hospital received the first case of cholera, a child and who was hospitalized.

Citizens of the area are suffering from a lack of drinking water and are still waiting to draw supporters, especially as they are threatened with an outbreak of cholera.

(* B H)

World Health Organization: Outbreak update – Cholera in Yemen, 1 September 2019

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 18,546 suspected cases and 10 associated deaths during epidemiological week 35 (20 August- 1 September) of 2019. Ten percent of cases were severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 1 September 2019 is 991674, with 1350 associated deaths (CFR 0.14%). Children under five represent 25 % of total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 305 of 333 districts in Yemen.

From week 8 in 2019, the trend of weekly reported suspected cholera cases started increasing and reached to more than 29500 cases in week 14. These were the maximum number of cases reported so far.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A P K pS)

Yemeni Government Holds Houthi Militias Reesponsible for Stalled Implementation of Stockholm Agreement

The Yemeni government has blamed the Iranian-backed Houthi militia for the stalled implementation of the Stockholm Agreement reached in consultations hosted by Sweden at the end of last year 2018.
Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadrami said the continued intransigence of Houthi militias in implementing the Agreement was the main obstacle to the political settlement process.

(A K P)

Houthi Militias Prevent WFP from Bringing Aid to Besieged Civilians in Southern Hodeidah

The Iranian-backed Houthi militia prevented the World Food Organization from bringing food aid to the besieged civilians in the city of Duraimi, south of Hodeidah Governorate.
Yemeni military sources said that the ban came after it was agreed with the government forces and the Houthi militia in cooperation with the organization to bring humanitarian aid to the people besieged in the city.
According to the sources, the Houthi militia failed to implement the agreement and refused to open the road or remove the mines from the passage of aid.


My comment: By Saudi Press Agency. While Duraimi is beleaguered and blocked by the anti-Houthi forces.

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi invaders and mercenaries targeted, with machine guns, farms and different areas in Kilo-16 and in Hais district.

The forces of aggression shelled with artillery shells and machine guns Al-Jah area in Beit Al-Faqih district. Meanwhile, they targeted with light and medium machine guns Maliked village in At-Tohayta district.

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a child was injured when US-Saudi machine-guns targeted At-tohayta district. A military bulldozer of the aggression forces has established a fortification in Kilo 16. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted 90-Street with medium machine-guns and artillery. US-Saudi aggression targeted with a missile in one of the buildings in Kilo-16.

cp1c1 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Deutsch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: German

(* B K P)

„Blamierte Patriots“: Wie das russische Fernsehen über die Angriffe auf Saudi-Arabien berichtet

Es gibt 88 Trägersysteme auf der saudischen Seite des Golfes gegenüber dem Iran. Es ist ein leistungsfähiges System. Das Radarfeld ist ein mehrschichtiges Feld. Kontrollierte Zoneninstallationen überlappen einander mehrfach. Wenn wir über die Systeme selbst sprechen, dann sind 36 von ihnen vom Typ „PAC-2“, ein gutes System, und 52 sind vom Typ „PAC-3“, das heißt, die Mehrheit sind die modernste Modifikation. Aber das ist noch nicht alles.

Im Moment gibt es drei amerikanische Zerstörer im Persischen Golf, „Nitze“, „Gonzalez“ und „Bainbridge“. Jeder ist mit dem neuesten automatisierten Raketenabwehrsystem, Aegis, ausgestattet. Dies ist die Schutzmauer gegen den Iran, die auf dem Weg zu den Küsten Saudi-Arabiens errichtet wurde. Da kommt keine Fliege durch. Und dann erzählt Pompeo uns, dass die Apparate aus dem Iran gestartet wurden und keiner auf dem Weg abgeschossen wurde. Niemand hat auch nur gezuckt. Und uns wird von Riad dieser Schrott gezeigt, der angeblich unbemerkt diese Schutzmauer überwunden hat.

Das führt uns zu einem interessanten, logischen Rätsel. Entweder sind die ganzen teuren US-Flug- und -raketenabwehrsysteme Müll und die offiziellen technischen Charakteristika entsprechen nicht der Realität, oder der Angriff kam von woanders her, von den Huthis. Von Süden. Wie Sie sehen können, ist die Verteidigung dort schwächer. Die Saudis sagen, dass 18 Drohnen und sieben Marschflugkörper aus dem Iran abgefeuert wurden. Wenn dem so ist, ist es eine Schande, eine Demütigung für die Vereinigten Staaten.

Putin hat kurz vor seinem Besuchs in Riad im Oktober den Saudis angeboten, russische S-400-Systeme von uns zu kaufen, bevor es zu spät ist.

Es ist klar, dass das Angebot um Längen besser ist. Unser System schützt auch gegen Drohnen.

(* B K P)

Iran-Konflikt: Merkel zeigt einmal mehr, dass sie eine Marionette der USA ist

Heute hat sich Merkel einmal mehr als reine US-Marionette geoutet, als sie sich den Vorwürfen der USA angeschlossen hat, der Iran stecke hinter dem Angriff auf die saudische Raffinerie. Beweise gibt es nämlich keine, wie sie auch selbst einräumte

Nach dem Angriff auf die saudische Raffinerie vom 14. September waren die USA schnell mit der Schuldzuweisung gegen den Iran bei der Hand. Die USA haben danach auch neue Sanktionen eingeführt und versuchen nun, die iranische Nationalbank komplett vom weltweiten Geldmarkt abzuschneiden, was de facto bedeutet, dass der Iran nicht einmal mehr Medikamente kaufen kann. Aber das durch ihre Sanktionen Kranke und Kinder sterben, hat die USA ja noch nie gestört, schließlich haben alleine die westlichen Sanktionen gegen den Irak nach US-Angaben 500.000 Kinder getötet und auch in Venezuela und Syrien sterben Menschen sinnlos, weil der Westen sogar den Import von Medikamenten verweigert.

Am Dienstag haben sich Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien nun den Vorwürfen der USA angeschlossen, dabei gibt es immer noch keinerlei Beweise dafür. Wer genau liest, sieht zwar eine Feinheit, aber die macht es nicht wirklich besser. In der gemeinsamen Erklärung heißt es:

„Uns ist klar, dass der Iran die Verantwortung für diesen Angriff trägt. Es gibt keine andere plausible Erklärung. Wir unterstützen laufende Untersuchungen, um weitere Details zu ermitteln.“

Wer genau liest, stellt fest, dass der Iran nicht direkt beschuldigt wird, die Angriffe durchgeführt zu haben, sondern „nur“ behauptet wird, der Iran habe etwas damit zu tun, weil er zum Beispiel die Huthis in ihrem Kampf gegen den völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg Saudi-Arabiens gegen den Jemen unterstützt. Aber auch für eine irgendwie geartete Verantwortung des Iran gibt es keine Beweise, wie man auch lesen kann. „Es gibt keine andere plausible Erklärung“ heißt es in der Erklärung. Das war auch schon das „Argument“ von US-Außenminister Pompeo. Nur ist das eben kein Beleg und erst recht keine Grundlage für eine so schwerwiegende Anschuldigung.

(* B K P)

Film: Nach Drohnen-Angriffen - Reise in das Herz Saudi-Arabiens

Nach dem Drohnenangriff auf ihre Ölanlagen lädt die saudische Regierung Journalisten aus aller Welt zu einer Pressefahrt ein. Eindrücke von einer Reise in das Herz Saudi-Arabiens.

Vor der Kamera darf uns niemand ein Interview geben, wir können nur Bilder von den Trümmern machen. Manche Teile scheinen extra für uns hingelegt, wir werden zu abgezäunten angeschossenen Stahlrohren geführt, dürfen hier unsere Aufsager machen.

Die Saudis sind nervös, treiben uns zur Eile an. Wir werden schnell weiter gescheucht. Nächster Halt Abkaik. Hier wird das saudische Öl veredelt. Die größte Raffinerie der Welt verarbeitet zwei Drittel des saudischen Exports. Die Angriffe waren präzise und unbemerkt. Die Drohnen konnten buchstäblich unter dem Radar der Raketenabwehr fliegen. Wohl auch deshalb will uns hier niemand etwas sagen. Peinlich, dass das in einem hochgerüsteten Land passiert.

Letzter Stop: die Lagertanks. Von hier wird das Öl in die Welt verschifft. Die Schäden sind immens, es gibt mehrere metergroße Einschusslöcher. Der Leutnant von der saudischen Armee raunt mir zu, ich solle mir mal die Himmelsrichtung der Einschusslöcher ansehen. Die Angriffe seien klar aus dem Norden gekommen. Also aus dem Iran. Vor der Kamera will er mir das nicht sagen.

Warum zeigen die Saudis ihre Verwundbarkeit so offen? Auf einer Pressekonferenz präsentieren sie angebliche Beweise für die Schuld Irans. Teile von Drohnen und Marschflugkörpern aus iranischer Herstellung. Will Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman den Partner USA zu einem Waffengang bewegen? Er weiß, dass Saudi-Arabien allein dem Iran militärisch unterlegen ist.

Wir sind beim saudischen Staatsfernsehen verabredet.

Bedoor Ahmed moderiert drei Mal die Woche die Presseschau. Für sie waren die Angriffe auf Aramco ein Akt des Terrors, der die Gesellschaft aber stärken wird. Niemand hier werde kapitulieren, sagt sie selbstbewusst – von Isabelle Tümena

cp1c2 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Englisch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: English

(* A K P)

Rouhani: Europeans Admit They Didn’t Know Who Attacked Saudi Oil Refineries

Rouhani said he warned the Europeans against the consequences of raising such baseless allegations. “Do you understand the meaning of the accusation? It means chaos and fanning the flames of sedition and fire in the region,” the president asked the Europeans, he said on Friday.

“They did not have any answer. I said I’ll be waiting in Tehran to receive your evidence,” he added.

(A K P)

Iran President Hassan Rouhani tells ABC News' David Muir there's 'no...proof' Iran is behind Saudi oil attacks

In an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called U.S. allegations that Iran was behind a recent attack on Saudi oil facilities "unfounded," and said the attack actually originated in Yemen.

"This attack was originated in Yemen, in truth. That's the truth of the matter," Rouhani told the "World News Tonight" anchor during an interview on Wednesday. "If the Yemeni conflict does not come to an end, much more severe attacks will be witnessed — emanating from Yemen."

(A E P)

Oil prices fall as supply risk premium fades, demand outlook drags

Oil prices fell on Friday, erasing more of the gains realized after the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, as the rapid return of production capacity from the world’s top exporter squashed risk premiums.

(* B P)

John Kiriakou: The Saudi Military Commit Crimes against Humanity but the American Media Doesn't Care

Slava Zilber: As a former CIA analyst, what can you say about the US assessment that blames Iran for the attack?

John Kiriakou: We haven't seen the official US intelligence response, but we have seen the Saudi analysis, which is deeply flawed. First, there has been no serious evidence that the attack on Aramco facilities came from Iran. The scorch patterns from the rockets do not tell a tale. The Saudis argue that the attack came from the North Northwest. That's irrelevant. Drones can be made to fly to a target from literally any direction. Even Saudi language doesn't make any sense. "The attacks were unquestionably sponsored by Iran," for example. What does that mean? He didn't say that the Iranians launched the attacks. So far, then, we can't trust anything we're hearing in the media, at least not definitively.

How are such assessments produced?

Assessments are normally written by the CIA's senior analyst on a given topic, coordinated with all other analysts in the building who have a stake in the analysis, coordinated with CIA leadership, and then sent to the White House.

(* A P)

Turkey's Erdogan urges caution over blaming Iran for Saudi attack: Fox News

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan urged caution over blaming Iran for a Sept. 14 attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, adding that it would not be right to place the entire burden on the Islamic Republic.

“I don’t think it would be the right thing to blame Iran,” Erdogan said in an interview with Fox News broadcast on Wednesday, adding that the attacks came from several parts of Yemen.

“If we just place the entire burden on Iran, it won’t be the right way to go. Because the evidence available does not necessarily point to that fact,” (A E K)

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia energy minister says post-attack ethane output recovering

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia consults allies on oil attack, awaits result of investigation: official

Saudi Arabia is in consultation “with friends and allies about the next steps to take” after a Sept. 14 attack on its oil facilities, but is waiting for the findings of an investigation, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir told reporters on Wednesday.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)


(* B K P)

On Khashoggi Killing and Yemen, Saudis Cannot Avoid Fresh Scrutiny

An attempt by Saudi Arabia to halt an investigation into human rights abuses in Yemen went down to defeat on Thursday, as news broke that the kingdom’s crown prince said in an upcoming documentary that he bears “all the responsibility” for the killing of the writer Jamal Khashoggi, but denied prior knowledge of the plot.

The twin developments showed that despite backing from the United States under President Trump and Saudi attempts to build international support in an escalating conflict with Iran, the kingdom’s human rights record — and, in particular, the conduct of its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman — remains under harsh scrutiny on multiple fronts.

A group of experts, assigned by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has documented atrocities committed by both sides in Yemen’s civil war, and in particular the shattering impact on civilians of airstrikes and other abuses by the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels. The investigators, barred from entering Yemen, have interviewed hundreds of victims and witnesses, and examined an array of other evidence.

Saudi Arabia sought to cut short the investigation, but on Thursday the nations on the Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva, voted 22 to 12 to reject the Saudi effort, with 13 other countries not voting.

That setback came after the release of a preview of a “Frontline” documentary that addresses the 2018 killing and dismemberment of Mr. Khashoggi at a time when Saudi Arabia hopes memories of the case, and the outrage it provoked, are fading. =

(* A K P)

Leave Yemen or face crippling attacks on your country: Ansarallah to UAE

Yemen’s pro-government Houthi Ansarullah movement has warned the United Arab Emirates to leave the war-wracked country or face "crippling attacks" on "their own soil".

Abdul Wahab al-Mahbashi, an Ansarullah member in Yemen's Supreme Political Council, warned the UAE that Yemeni forces will wage destructive attacks on the Persian Gulf country if it continues taking part in the Saudi war on Yemen.

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, another Supreme Political Council member, called for the UAE to "quit escalating tensions", noting that "the opportunity given to Abu Dhabi is limited."

Al-Bukhaiti urged the Emirati forces to withdraw from "the country's western coast and its southern provinces".

He added that the UAE is seeking to gain influence in Tai'zz Province.

"A number of Emirati mercenaries have left for Tai'zz from the A'sab base in Eritrea in a bid to obtain military advances following completion of their training," he said.

Al-Bukhaiti said that any escalation on behalf of enemy forces will be met with an "extensive" response from Yemen

(* B K P)

The war in Yemen is a homegrown affair

Many international commentators continue to present the war in Yemen through the lens of Saudi Arabian intervention or sectarian conflict. This narrative has even influenced the US Congress, where some members have passed legislation that rests on the assumption that the war is between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia, rather than against their fellow Yemenis. While the Saudis have intervened in the conflict and the Houthis have often played the sectarian card, neither narrative accurately reflects the current conflict between the Houthis and the UN-recognized government of Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi.

Instead, the latest war is a continuation of the six domestic conflicts fought between the Houthis and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s regime between 2004-2010.

The Houthis exploited this alienation, which was not merely sectarian – many Zaydi Shiites rejected their message as anachronistic and anti-democratic, while many Sunnis shared their non-sectarian resentments.

The Houthis capitalized on frustrations with the dysfunctional Hadi government and a weak economy to sweep into Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, in September, 2014.

The international community, frustrated by the humanitarian catastrophe the conflict has inflicted, continues to focus on the role of outside actors. But Yemen’s problems can only be resolved internally, as the Yemenis themselves tried to accomplish in 2011 and in the 2013-2014 National Dialogue Conference. The true origins of the conflict must be recognized - the political disenfranchisement and socio-economic marginalization that have afflicted the country for decades – if the international community is to play a positive role in supporting a sustainable end to the 60-year conflict – by Gerald Feierstein, the United States Ambassador to Yemen under President Barack Obama from September 2010 to October 2013. From 2013 until his retirement, Amb. Feierstein was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. =

My comment: Feierstein had more and more sided with the Saudi side in the last time. This article is better again, although it’s republished in a Saudi news site here. – But here, I mostly disagree with the headline: The Yemen conflict started as homegrown, but Saudi interference had played a great role from its very beginning. Just think of the Saudis financing an supporting the installation of a Wahabism propaganda center at Dhammaj, Northern Yemen, in the 1980ies, which caused unrest among Zaidis and which was the main reason for the creation of the Houthi movement. And at least on March 25, 2015, when the Saudis started their mombing campaign, the Yemen conflict morphed from a civil war into an international conflict.

(* A K P)

Report Israeli and British planes take direct part in bombing Yemen

Exhausted from war, Saudis rely on direct intervention by imperialist powers

The Saudis and Emiratis have reached an unprecedented state of exhaustion in their war on Yemen, prompting them to seek help and direct intervention from the real sponsors in the war on Yemen.

Yemen Press Agency has obtained exclusive information that the crimes committed during the past two days in the governorates of Hodeidah, Amran and Dhalea were carried out by Israeli and British warplanes.

Informed military sources in the southern provinces revealed to “Yemen Press Agency” that Israel and Britain participated actively to support the coalition of aggression against Yemen through air raids on the provinces of Hodeidah, Amran and Dhalea, which killed dozens of civilian casualties.

The sources added that the warplanes of the Zionist entity and Britain launched from the British Royal Air Base in the Bahraini capital Manama and were refueled by air through American fuel planes launched from the American warships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab.

My remark: As claimed by a pro-Houthi news site.

(A P)

KSA at Human Rights Council : Military operations of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen is committed to international law

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today thanked the High Commissioner for Human Rights for her positive report on Yemen under item 10, stressing the importance of supporting national investigative mechanisms through the intensification of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to support the Yemeni National Commission of Inquiry, which subsequently issues reports on allegations raised regarding violations and any approach to dealing with Yemen must be accompanied by the consent of the state concerned, Yemen.

The Head of the Humanitarian Affairs Section of the Kingdom's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, Fahd bin Mohammed bin Monekhir, said in a speech to the Human Rights Council, "The Coalition for Restoring Legitimacy in Yemen is fully committed to its military operations in accordance with the rules of the international humanitarian law and international human rights law. It is also committed to conduct the necessary investigation into any incidents where allegations of violations or irregularities arise during military operations and to prosecute those found guilty of any violations."

My comment: LOLOLOLOL.

(B K P)

Paul Vallely: End this pointless civil war in Yemen

PERHAPS the most extraordinary fact about the audacious drone attack on the heart of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry was that no one saw it coming. Four months ago, the Yemeni rebels, who have claimed responsibility for crippling half the output of the world’s top oil exporter, gave a warning. It came in the form of drone attacks on Saudi oil-pumping stations and a pipeline. But no one thought that they had the capability — or the sheer audacity — to hit the Arab kingdom’s biggest oil-processing centre more than 400 miles from the Yemeni border.

Yet, should we be surprised?

Common sense should have prevailed in this conflict long ago. It has not — and continues not to do so.

The time has come for Britain to take some responsibility in this situation. The usual argument against doing so is that our defence industry relies on arms exports to the Saudis. But the reality, according to a new report by the Center for International Policy think tank in Washington, is that Riyadh has become so dependent on American, British, and French arms that it would find it difficult to switch overnight to suppliers such as Russia or China.

(* B K P)

Meanwhile, global leaders are rushing to condemn strikes on oil facility "in the strongest of terms". Not condoning Houthi strikes, just saying the politics of selective rage stinks. Far more outcry when oil targeted than when a child's life is taken ..and thousands were.

Graphics contents The drone attacks on Saudi Aramco facilities sparked regional & international condemnation. While killing innocent people in #Yemen, inc children & women by Saudi led coalition strikes for more than 4 years is something normal, & doesn't deserve to be condemned.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A E P)

Tanker Loaded Of Oil Derivatives Arrives At Hodeidah Port

(A E P)

Film: Look at our lives because of the siege and unfair war. Hundreds of cars wait in front of each gas station, Because of the lack of oil derivatives.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Krieg im Jemen: Zwei Millionen Kinder erhalten keine Schulbildung

Zwei Millionen Kinder im Jemen werden nach Angaben des Uno-Kinderhilfswerks (Unicef) wegen des Bürgerkriegs derzeit am Schulbesuch gehindert. Rund ein Viertel von ihnen geht bereits seit der Eskalation des Konflikts im März 2015 nicht mehr in die Schule.

Weiteren 3,7 Millionen Kindern droht eine mangelnde Bildung, weil ihre Lehrer seit zwei Jahren nicht bezahlt wurden, wie Unicef am Mittwoch weiter mitteilte.

Schulbildung weitgehend unmöglich

Der seit Jahren andauernde Konflikt habe das schon vorher fragile Schulsystem in dem Land weitgehend zerstört, erklärte Unicef-Vertreterin Sara Beysolow Nyanti anlässlich des offiziellen Schulbeginns im Jemen. Jede fünfte Schule sei nicht mehr benutzbar.

«Gewalt, Vertreibung und Angriffe hindern viele Kinder am Schulbesuch», erklärte Beysolow Nyanti weiter. Andere Schüler, die noch Unterricht hätten, litten unter der schlechten Qualität, da die Lehrer seit Jahren kein Gehalt mehr erhielten. Die Kinder aber, die gar nicht mehr zur Schule gingen, seien der Gefahr ausgesetzt, als Soldaten zwangsrekrutiert oder zur Arbeit sowie zu Ehen gezwungen zu werden.

Lehrer erhalten kein Gehalt

Im vergangenen Jahr unterstützte Unicef nach eigenen Angaben mehr als 127'400 Lehrer und andere Mitarbeiter von Schulen mit Finanzspritzen, um deren Lebensgrundlage zu sichern. Mehr als 1300 Schulen wurden seit 2015 von dem Hilfswerk wieder instand gesetzt. Unicef forderte ein Ende der Angriffe auf Schulen sowie eine Lösung für das Problem der ausstehenden Lehrergehälter.

(* B H)

As school year starts in Yemen, 2 million children are out of school and another 3.7 million are at risk of dropping out

As the new school year starts amid continuing violence in Yemen, 2 million children are out of school, including almost half a million who dropped out since the conflict escalated in March 2015. The education of another 3.7 million children now hangs in the balance as teachers’ salaries have not been paid in over two years.

“Conflict, underdevelopment and poverty have deprived millions of children in Yemen of their right to education – and of their hope for a brighter future. Violence, displacement and attacks on schools are preventing many children from accessing school. With teacher salaries going unpaid for over two years, education quality is also at stake,” said Sara Beysolow Nyanti, UNICEF Representative in Yemen.

The current conflict in Yemen spiralled more than four years ago and has devastated the country’s already fragile education system. One in five schools in Yemen can no longer be used as a direct result of the conflict.

“Thirty years since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified, it is unacceptable that education and other fundamental child rights are out of reach for children in Yemen all because of man-made factors,” said Nyanti.

When children are not in school, they face countless risks of exploitation, abuse and other rights violations.

“Children out of school face increased risks of all forms of exploitation including being forced to join the fighting, child labour and early marriage. They lose the opportunity to develop and grow in a caring and stimulating environment, ultimately becoming trapped in a life of poverty and hardship,” added Nyanti.

Together with partners, UNICEF is working around the clock so that children can realize their right to education.

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Monthly Overview August 2019

(B H)

USAID Announces $14.46 Million Project to Strengthen the Health system in Yemen and Improve Health Outcomes

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced the award of a $14.46 million project to strengthen the health system and reduce maternal, neonatal, and child mortality in Yemen.

The three-year Yemen Systems, Health and Resilience Project (SHARP) will improve access to reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health services through a multifaceted approach.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Shelter Cluster: Yemen: Shelter Cluster Dashboard - August 2019

Shelter Cluster Coordination Structure (as of September 2019)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Internally displaced people in #Hodeida governorate suffer the closure of 15 schools located in the line of the military conflicts.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Yemen: Eryani Accuses Houthis of Recruiting 23k Children

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani said that the Houthi militia recruited more than 23,000 children, according to the latest statistics.
The exploitation of children under 18 years of age by Houthis is the bloodiest and most tragic among this militia's crimes. Dozens of international reports tackled how the Houthis dragged the children by force from their houses to brainwashed and trained them before bringing them back in coffins, he added.

(A P)

Houthi militia abducted head of Democratic Monitoring Center Abdulwahab Alsharafi after they stormed his house and assaulted him in front of his family.

(* B P)

Attorney General Calls on UN to Play Its Role Towards US-Saudi Aggression Crimes in Yemen

Attorney General Judge Nabil Al-Azani stressed the need for the United Nations to play its role in respect of the crimes committed by the countries of aggression, work to lift the siege on Yemen and open Sanaa International Airport

Judge Al-Azani explained that the infrastructure of public prosecutions was targeted, its headquarters was bombed in Amran, Hajjah, Taiz, Sa’adah, Dhamar and Ibb, which are frequently frequented by citizens from parties to litigation and those working in the justice system.

“Although the decision to move the Central Bank from Sana'a established an international obligation to pay the salaries of judges and state employees in various regions of Yemen, which is well known by the United Nations as a mediator in this commitment, it turned to pressure on prosecutors and judges to prevent them from working, threatening to cut their salaries if they continue to perform their judicial duties,” he said. “Indeed, the benefits of more than 162 workers in the Public Prosecutor's Office have been severed in order to void the prosecutions of their members and force people to resort to personal revenge.”

Al-Azani stressed that many prosecutors were affected by the interruption of their salaries, others continued to work under difficult circumstances or surrendered to suffering and preferred to turn to another work, some others lost their lives on the way to receive their salary from Aden or died in oppression, seeing their children do not have the sustenance of their day.

He pointed out that after the failure of pressure on members of the prosecution in the case of salaries, they were threatened to target their homes by aerial aggression if they continue to work, and that what actually happened, where the homes of many judges and prosecutors were targeted.

(A P)

370 Saudi-Led Recruits Come Back To Dhamar

370 recruits fighting with Saudi-led aggression coalition came back to Dhamr province, a security official said .

In cooperation with the Yemeni security forces and tribes, a tribal meeting organized in Dhawran district to receive the recruits.

The recruits had fought alongside with the coalition in various fronts over four years.

The move came as part of a general amnesty decision announced by the head of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat.

(A P)

President Mahdi al-Mashat speaks on anniversary of 1962 revolution

President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat said that the Saudi-led invaders’ response to the initiative he announced last week “was not responsible or encouraging.”

“We advise ourselves and our adversaries to move towards peace and to pick up these positive signs,” President al-Mashat said in a televised speech he delivered on the eve of the 57th anniversary of the September 26 Revolution of 1962.

President al-Mashat referred that the September 26 Revolution had confirmed that nothing is more dangerous to revolutions than external and foreign interventions.

“The thieves and villains, imposed by the outside on the 26 September Revolution and the people, had sold the Revolution and the Republic, and trampled on the principles and sacrifices of the people,” he said.

(A P)

Houthis in Dhamar warn activists against holding any events commemorating the September Revolution

(* B P)

2015: The Rise of the Houthi

Through examining the Houthi movement of Yemen using the social movement theory analysis approach I will investigate the identity, beliefs, and background of the Houthi’s of Yemen as a social movement. This approach will provide the opportunity to apply historical analysis to see into the roots of the Yemeni Houthi movement and the historical factors that lead to the group’s creation and popularity and offer perspective on the probable direction of a Houthi lead Yemeni government in the future. Beginning with the formation of an armed movement ten years ago this Shia group has been fighting government forces in the north of Yemen and the recent occupation of the Yemeni capital Sana by this group undoubtedly reshapes the power structure in Yemen or the foreseeable future. The rebels capitalized on widespread disillusionment with the previous government of Yemen that was viewed by the majority of the populous as ineffective and corrupt. The Houthi's have solidified their position of power following government violence against protesters leading to many deaths and strengthening support for the rebels. The recent flight of President Hadi in the face of Houthi advances and the launching of a Saudi lead air campaign targeting the Houthis has further complicated the situation in Yemen. The question I will explore further is the long-term viability of the group as a social movement and as a political power when considering identify, beliefs, and background of the group as a whole and the different regional and tribal factions that form the Houthi movement.

The rise of the Houthi as an Islamic social movement is representative of the larger regional movement of Shia Revivalism and represents the legitimate desires ofa group of people to live under a government of their creation that is in line with their values and beliefs. While America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia will always be affected and largely influenced by the Kingdom’s seemingly endless supply of oil, it is necessary to view the Houthis as a legitimate popular movement and look to address the causes of their grievances and the US role in the region. The easy trap to fall into when gaining a preliminary understanding of the Saudi-Houthi conflict is to view the conflict as strictly a sectarian conflict between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, however, this is a gross oversimplification of a complex and long standing conflict – by Doug Nechodom

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(B P)

Marem accused of corruption, stealing from government

Yemen’s ambassador in Egypt, Mohamed Marem, was accused of corruption and “stealing” government scholarships of Yemeni students to give to “his friends’” children, Yemeni media reported.

(* B K P)

Allied and adversarial map overlaps. Where does Saudi Arabia and meet and they split in south of Yemen? (Special report)

Now, the continued push by both sides in the conflict at the seam zones between them could re-divide the map of influence and control in the cities of southern Yemen and prove the gains of both sides, but in the general case it seems that the military build-up that comes in conjunction with the faltering of the indirect Jeddah dialogue, a catalyst for renewed engagement in Abyan and Aden.

But a quick tour of the nature of the UAE's movement indicates the latter's intention to continue supporting its southern allies in order to stabilize its presence in the port of Aden and near Bab al-Mandab Strait until the last breath, but the question that seeks an answer in the events in southern Yemen relates to how the Saudi position can be read. In the case of the crisis between the internationally recognized government and the Southern Transitional Council. - Why did the UAE step up in Aden and how did Riyadh accept it? So far, nearly a month and a half after the UAE air strike targeting units of government forces at Al-Alam point (12 km east of Aden), there is still talk in Yemeni circles about whether the air strike was coordinated bilaterally between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to stabilize the barter process in the Influence that began from Shabwa, or was it one of the de facto steps that Abu Dhabi used to maintain its influence in Aden.

Saudi strategy in Yemen is taking a cautious character in Yemen's internal affairs, but in most of Yemen's internal disputes it stands out as an intermediary, as has become clear so far, including two Saudi statements, one of which is shared with the UAE

The hypothesis is directed towards what could be considered a preventive step taken by the United Arab Emirates to maintain its presence in Aden after the government began efforts to strengthen its presence in Aden with Saudi support and build local forces supported by Saudi Arabia in the provinces of southern Yemen.

While the second trend of conflict represents a conflict between forces that have staged a coup against a legitimate government internationally recognized, which puts the coalition ahead of the government in great embarrassment to the international community and in a difficult position in the face of large bases of Yemenis supporting unity in both north and south, although there are no strong reactions of the government or the local and tribal forces loyal to it have taken it so far in the face of the expulsion of the government from Aden, but if the conflict is renewed and this leads to the defeat of the government forces, the pressure will increase on Saudi Arabia, especially from neighboring Yemeni provinces, where any loss of the government could change the alliances of some Tribesmen., which may spur wider movement sway in other regions, would serve the Houthis directly and strike at the interests of both Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

(A K P)

Islah paramilitary forces prepare to storm Ahwar amid military and tribal warning

Tensions have been rising in Ahwar district of Abyan governorate due to military preparations of the Islah-linked-forces to storm the city.
Security Belt officials said that Muslim Brotherhood's paramilitary forces had arrived in Belhabla area in the eastern side of Ahwar in order to advance towards the city in spite of the warning of the Security Belt forces and tribal chiefs in the region.

(A P)

Al-Hadhrami discusses with U.S. official support for UAE insurgency in southern Yemen and bombing the Yemeni army

Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami, along with a senior US State Department official, reviewed the rebel sway led by the Transitional Council with the support and funding of the United Arab Emirates and the recent attack by warplanes on army forces in Abyan and Aden.

(A P)

Concert and speech in Taiz to mark 57th anniversary of the 26 September Revolution

The city of Taiz on Thursday witnessed an official and public ceremony to mark the 57th anniversary of the blessed September 26th revolution.

The ceremony, which was held in Jamal Street in the center of Taiz, witnessed a number of youth performances, national songs, and words expressing official and popular positions celebrating the 57th anniversary of the Revolution of September 26, 1962.


(A P)

Human Rights on Top of STC Priorities

As the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council concludes this week, representatives of the Southern Transitional Council in Geneva reiterate their commitment to ensuring human rights, rule of law, and accountability across South Yemen, as well as to urgently secure a credible political solution for the Yemeni crisis. Speaking following a delegation visit which included high-level meetings with Member States, UN Agencies, and NGOs, STC representatives said:

My comment: Propaganda for an international audience. Look how reality looks like:

(* A P)

Separatists engage in abduction and summary executions

Harrowing footage shows crimes of UAE-backed mercenaries in southern Yemen

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s militias have abducted 12 youths from the southern Yemeni province of Aden and took them to an unknown destination, sources reported on Thursday.

Most of the abductees belong to the provinces of Abyan and Shabwah, while the militia members belong to Dhalea province and Yafa’ district, the sources added.

This comes in the framework of the campaigns launched by the Southern Transitional Council’s militias since the control of the city of Aden last August.

Media websites in the occupied provinces published a video showing transitional militias carrying out executions in the region.

Activists circulated horrific videos showing citizens from Aden, Abyan and northern provinces being executed by the separatist militias, often without any clear reason

(A P)

STC teams repair damage caused by torrential rain in Aden

My comment: How separatists like to present themselves.

(A P)

Severe Security Breach in Azzan – Shabwa as Shabwa Elites Leaves

Citizens of Azzan – Shabwa live under horror due to severe security breach and terrorist acts in addition to robbery by gangs from outside Shabwa and African migrants. In addition, drug dealing and weapon carrying reappeared again after Shabwa Elites Forces left the city.
During the past period, Shabwa Elites managed to secure the city from all criminal and terrorist acts

My comment: Separatist propaganda describes separatist militia as those keeping law and order – the article above tells a different story.

(A P)

Al-Ahmar Troops in Hadhramaut Valley Break into STC Headquarters and Robe Humanitarian Aids of 280 Poor Families

My comment: Separatists blame Hadi government forces instead.

(A P)

Hadramout valley undersecretary confirms adherence to federal state option and values president's call to keep the province out of conflict

Hadhramaut County Undersecretary for The Directorates of The Hadhramaut Valley and Desert Issam Habrish Al-Kathiri confirmed on Thursday that the people of Hadhramaut Valley stood with the federal state project in six provinces.

Al- Kathiri said in a statement to the Information and Public Relations Office in Hadhramaut Valley and desert that the president's stand with Hadhramaut province achieved a large part of its rights after its demands remained unmet for years.

He praised the president's call, yesterday, in his speech that the public tranquility in the province should be preserved and kept away from conflict and chaos and not to allow those who want to drag the peaceful province into chaos and direct the government to work to meet all the just demands of the people of Hadhramaut.

(* A K P)

Local sources: more than a thousand fighters from the UAE mercenaries arrived in the province of Mokha after receiving training at the UAE military base in Eritrea

Film: Al-Mayadeen publishes special scenes for the arrival of new UAE reinforcements Copy it with tribute to the Air Force's path and rocket power

(A P)

Ro’a Center for Studies Holds a Workshop of “Mechanisms of Fostering Southern Identity”

My comment: This means separatist propaganda.

(A P)

STC Continues Rising the Southern Flag and Singing the Southern National Anthem in All Adani Schools

(A P)

Local Leadership of Al-Mualla Continues the Southern Flag Campaign in Schools

My comment: A demonstration of separatist propaganda, in Hadramaut province. Look at the photos: It’s not just the southern flag, it’s the UAE flag as well.

(A P)

Separatists loot power cables from Aden hotel

STC militias notorious for plundering civilian targets

Gunmen of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council on Tuesday looted high-voltage cables from a power transformer plant inside Sheraton Hotel, which is as a military position of the council militia, in Gold Mohur area of Aden’s Tawahi district.

According to sources, the incident caused power cuts in the area for hours, while technical teams are seeking solutions to restore the current.

Ministry of Electricity in Hadi’s government condemned the sabotage act on its Facebook page, but it did not mention the transitional council.

(A P)

Local source: al-Bhsani is on a medical journey. President Hadi warns of efforts to drag Hadhramaut to conflict and chaos

A source in the Hadhramaut Province Authority said that Governor Faraj al-Bahsani is receiving treatment abroad after suffering from a health condition.

Hadhramaut governor's visit to Abu Dhabi came days after he announced a halt to crude oil exports to pressure the government to meet its commitments to the province, raising fears that protests would be exploited by the UAE in its confrontation with the legitimate government.

In the same vein, President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Wednesday warned the sons of Hadhramaut from efforts to drag Hadramout to conflict and chaos.

In a special message to Hadramout’s children in his speech marking the 57th anniversary of the glorious September Revolution, the President called on those who want to drag this province into conflict, saying: Keep your province away of chaos.

(A P)

Government forces light September torch from the high mountains of Nehm east of Sana'a

Nehm Mountains, on the outskirts of the capital Sana'a, witnessed this evening the torch of the 57th anniversary of the September 26th revolution.

The torch was lit by the commander of the 7th Military Region, Major General Mohsen al-Khabbi, in the upper Mountains of Nehm, with the participation of symbolic units of the 7th Military Region Command.

(A P)

Marib.. Torch light ceremony and carnival events to mark the anniversary of the 26th of September Revolution

(* A P)

Yemeni gov't designates Ataq city new interim capital

Since 2014, President Hadi's government ejected form two capitals Sanaa and Aden

Yemen's internationally-recognized government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi has shifted the seat of power temporarily, to the city of Ataq in the country's southern Shabwah province.

"The government will temporarily run its work from Ataq [Shabwah's provincial capital] until the liberation of Aden and Sanaa," Yemen's Minister of Transport, Saleh al- Gabwani, informed on Twitter.

Hadi-led government has shifted the capital now second time. Earlier, in January 2015, the capital was shifted to southern port city of Aden, after Iran-backed Houthi rebels laid seize on the presidential palace in Sanaa, the original seat of power.

The minister did not disclose further details, but said Ataq’s city airport, has been designated as an international terminal.

My comment: LOL. Keep in mind, the „seat of power“ is Riyadh. For Ataq, look here: My proposal for Hadi government 2020 capital city is here:

(A P)

#Yemen military in Marib continues to defy court orders & Governor's instructions to release journalist Hazez Mutair. Mutair has been held unlawfully held for over a month now without charge. Rumours he was arrested because of religious views expressed on facebook !

Mutair has just been released. Thanks to human rights activists, lawyers, civil society, and the justice system that put an end to his arbitrary detention

(A P)

Called to stand behind the federal state project. President pledges to meet Hadramout's demands and talks about rebellion and attempts to thwart Saudi efforts

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has renewed his call to all Yemeni people to stand by the federal system (approved by the National Dialogue Conference) that guarantees good governance, just power and wealth sharing and equal representation to all Yemeni people.

Our project is clear and firm, the project of the national consensus chosen by all Yemeni people's categories in the dialogue conference held in 2013 and is based on the state sovereignty, independence, freedom, justice and equal citizenship's principles, said president in his address to the people on the Eve of the 57th Ceremony of the 26th of September Revolution.


(A P)

Hadi Calls on Yemenis to Support the Federal State

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi renewed his call on the Yemeni people to stand with the project of the federal state, which he said would promote diversity, good governance, a fair distribution of wealth and power and a just representation of all people.
In a speech reported by the Yemeni official news agency, Hadi addressed the Yemeni people on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the September 26 revolution, saying: “Our project is clearly defined and firm. It is the project of national consensus chosen by the Yemeni people in all its components at the Dialogue Conference, based on the sovereignty, independence and freedom of the State and the values of justice, freedom and equal citizenship.”
“The battle for state-building will not stop,”

My comment: Well, a federal state will be the only chance for a peaceful Yemen. But not the federal state as it’s promoted by Hadi, by which he tried to outwit the Houthis.

(A K P)

Tens of Southern POWs Start Hunger Strike Inside Prisons of Muslim Brotherhood Militias in Shabwa

Thirty-three southern POWS from Rudfan, Yagiea and Al-Dhala’a, who are imprisoned in prisons of Muslim Brotherhood militias in Shabwa, started an open hunger strike in protest for their captivity and the provocative acts of the militias against them.

(A K P)

Southern resistance kills Islah militants in Shabwa

A number of Islah militants were killed and injured in an ambush set by the southern resistance in Markha district, north Shabwa province.

(* A P)

Al-Ba Hasani assertes to Demonstrators of Al-Makla that No Force Can Stop Hadhramaut nor Overcome its Legitimate Demands

General Farag Salmeen Al-Ba Hasani, governor of Hadhramaut and commander of the second military zone, asserted that Hadhramaut today can never be stopped by any security nor military force from demanding its legitimate rights and demands. During the massive demonstration of Al-Makla, Al-Ba Hasani said: “Hadhramaut is presenting a model of peaceful democratic protest”. He also asserted that due to this lineup no force can stop the legitimate demands of Hadhramaut. H

My comment: Revolting against his own government.


(* A P)

Al-Makla Supports Brave Decisions of Local Authorities as Reflections of Hadhramaut Consensus

Hundreds of thousands of Hadhramaut citizens, representing all sectors of Hadhramaut and the whole political spectrum including party leaders, tribal leaders, syndicates NGOs and public figures, mobilized in Al-Makla in support for the decisions of local authorities that came in harmony with Hadhramaut public opinion, especially the decision of halting oil pumping till the government responds to Hadhramaut rights.

Sheikh Salem Al-Saadi vice head of escalation committee recited the final statement of the demonstration indicating that demonstrators fully support the local authority under governor Farag Salmeen Al-Ba Hasani in his historic decision of halting oil exports till the government and the central bank respond to Hadhramaut demands in full. He added that demonstrators will protect their local authority and will denounce any try to harm any of them.

My remark: Southern separatists‘ flags only in the crowd.

(A P)

UAE-backed Yemeni security forces arrested the media secretary for President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s Defense Minister in Mukalla port city in Hadramawt governorate in eastern Yemen on September 24. Local UAE-backed forces accused him of leading a terror cell that targets Saudi-led coalition forces.[2]

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

Yemen: Joint communique signed at UN General Assembly

A communique has been signed by the permanent five members of the UNSC plus Germany, Kuwait and Sweden underlining support for the UN-led Yemen peace process.

The Group underlines its full support for the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, and calls on the Government of Yemen and the Houthis to engage constructively and continuously with him.

The Group emphasises the need for de-escalation and efforts by all parties to ensure that the conflict in Yemen is not further drawn into growing regional tensions. In this regard, the Group condemns in the strongest terms the increased intensity of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia.

The Group reiterates the need to increase the pace and scale of the humanitarian response.

Following the recent developments in the south of Yemen, the Group urges the invited parties to engage in the dialogue led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to preserve Yemen’s territorial integrity.

The Group reiterates its commitment to the Yemeni peace process and the relevant Security Council Resolutions, including UN Security Council Resolution 2216, the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism, and the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference.

The Stockholm Agreement remains an important element of the Yemen peace process and should be implemented

My comment: This statement is much blab la by the greatest furnishers of arms which conflated the war for years now. And it’s hopelessly biased: “the Group condemns in the strongest terms the increased intensity of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia.” As there is a war and as these attacks evidently are retaliatory – why one side should be refused to hit back? Why by no single word the Saudi coalition air raids against Yemen are not even mentioned (not to speak of condemning them), although these air raids are much more horrible than the Houthis’ retaliatory attacks? And what about the Sep. 14 attacks against Saudi oil installations? Are they included here, does this mean, that’s now accepted that the Houthis had committed them? If not, which Houthi attacks really would have been worth to “condemn in the strongest terms”, compared to Saudi coalition air raids they keep quiet about?

Clinging to “the relevant Security Council Resolutions, including UN Security Council Resolution 2216, the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism, and the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference” means parroting the hadi government’s claims. These Hadi’s “three references” are outdated for more than four years now; the war and what has happened since had made them obsolete. These petrified 2012/14 relics just could serve to extend Hadi’s government up to Judgment Day. They are one of the most effective blockades for reaching any peaceful agreement in Yemen.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni foreign minister discusses peace opportunities with UN envoy

Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammad Al-Hadrami discussed on Thursday with United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy Martin Griffiths the chances for peace in his country.

Al-Hadrami reiterated the Yemeni government’s keenness to achieve peace based on the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions related to Yemen.

My comment: Nothing new. He refers to the resolutions which fix the Hadi government’s “legitimacy”.

(A H K P)

UN Human Rights Council Condemns Houthi Violations

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution condemning the abuses committed by the Houthi militia in its widespread recruitment and use of children, arbitrary arrests and detentions, denial of humanitarian access, and attacks on civilians.

(A H K P)

Film: ADHRB at HRC42 Raised Concerns over the Lack of Clean Water and Sanitation Facilities in Yemen due to Saudi and Emirati Aggression

During the 42nd Human Rights Council Session under Item 3 Interactive Dialogue (ID) on the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral statement on how Saudi and Emirati aggression in Yemen is affecting the provision of clean drinking water and sanitation services. There are currently more than 19.3 million Yemenis without access to such facilities in the country.

(* A P)

UN Security Council steps up debate on Yemen’s future

Hopes that momentum is building for revival of 2018 Stockholm Agreement

Meetings at the UN General Assembly sought to reinvigorate the talks on Yemen’s future and the path to ending a conflict that has raged since 2015.

In addition to contacts between the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, a new broader-based contact format has been launched.

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition, including the UAE, has repeatedly called for a political solution to the war, and expressed frustration at the rebels’ breaches of the pact reached in Sweden.

A breakfast meeting hosted by Britain, Sweden and Kuwait convened all five permanent members of the UN, and Germany.

They assembled to give momentum to efforts by Martin Griffiths, the UN Secretary General’s envoy on Yemen, to revive the Stockholm Agreement that was signed last year.

On Thursday, Mr Griffiths also met Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the head of the Arab League, for a briefing on his “ongoing efforts to reduce violence, revive the political process and support opportunities for peace in Yemen”.

(* A P)

The UN Human Rights Council yesterday voted in favour of extending an investigation into war crimes committed in Yemen.

This follows a group of experts on Yemen reporting earlier this month on evidence of serious violations by all sides in the conflict. They were mandated to carry out a comprehensive investigation into the allegations of abuses of human rights by the Council in December 2017.

The resolution seeking to renew the group’s investigations for a year faced opposition by anti-Houthi coalition leader Saudi Arabia who initiated a military intervention in the country in 2015.

Several other states were notable in opposing the resolution such as Saudi allies, Egypt and Bahrain. Pakistan, in agreement with arch-rival India, was among the countries who cast a negative vote.

Saudi envoy to the UN in Geneva, Abdulaziz Alwasil, accused the investigators of publishing “non-credible, unfounded information which hadn’t even been verified.”

Also noteworthy were all African states on the Council who either voted “No” or abstained. Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia’s effort to block the vote ultimately failed, with 22 countries voting in favour of the extension and 12 voting against.

and also

My comment: The British ambassador claimed. “Iran’s role in the violation of human rights in this conflict, their support for the Houthi rebels, is something that should not be ignored,” is a bad joke: The Saudi coalition is responsible for 67 % of war victims in Yemen, according to the panel the ambassador had praised here. And British support for Yemen’s greatest slaughterer is much, much larger than Iran’s support to the second in slaughter. If you want to make maths of it, Britain’s guilt will be somewhat as 20 times heavier than Irans.


(*A P)

#HRC42 renews the mandate of the group of eminent experts on #Yemen with a strengthened mandate. Victims of all parties to the conflict are looking for justice and perpetrators must be held accountable (infographic, showing votes)


"SAM" welcomes the decision to extend the experts of the Human Rights Council in Yemen

The Rights and Freedoms Organization of The Sam welcomed the Human Rights Council's decision to extend the work of Yemen’s leading panel of experts.


(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Minister Rejects UN Group of Experts’ Extension

Yemeni Human Rights Minister Mohamad Askar has relayed his country’s rejection to extending the term of the UN’s Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Askar said there were Western parties looking to expand the role of the group, but they are doing so by holding various meetings with a number of international representatives supporting human rights of Yemenis.

Askar accuses the Group of being biased and says it has failed on several accounts to report on atrocities committed by the Houthi militias.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Film: Yemen: Saudi Arabia and UN Humanitarian Affairs chief – Press Conference (25 Sept 2019)

Press Conference by Adel Al-Jubeir, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, on humanitarian assistance to Yemen.

My comment: Disgusting, Mr. Lowcock.

(A K P)

Statement by the Special Envoy for Yemen, 25 September 2019

The Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths is saddened by the recent military activity that claimed once again the lives of scores of civilians, including children. “This is yet another heartbreaking event. ” Mr. Griffiths said.

The Special Envoy calls on all parties to seize the opportunity that lies ahead and to commit to it. “I urge all to take tangible and quick steps to reduce the violence, respect international humanitarian law and allow for a conducive environment for Yemen to return to a political process without delay.”

My comment: “Saddened”: Who will care? 16 human being not even worth to condemn it or to name the perpetrators.

(A K P)

Film: Intervention of the Arabian Rights Watch Association (ARWA) before the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A E P)

Aramco Resort to Sovereign Funds of Other Countries After Yemeni Drones Attack

Aramco is trying to attract sovereign wealth funds to a number of countries to achieve its first $ 2 trillion offering, more than ten days after Yemen's attack on oil refineries in the eastern Abqaiq kingdom. Saudi Aramco has approached Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Singapore’s GIC and other sovereign wealth funds to invest in the domestic leg of the oil giant’s listing at it seeks to achieve a $2 trillion valuation, sources said.

(A P)

Saudi crown prince bars princes from foreign travels: Paper

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has banned dissident princes with questionable loyalties from travelling abroad and restricted their access to financial services, an Arabic media report says.

The London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi, citing sources, reported on Thursday that the new measures restrict mobility to dissident princes, including the right to obtain a passport and travel abroad without certain guarantees or a special permission of bin Salman, the de facto ruler of the kingdom.

(A E P)

Saudi-Arabien: ein Urlaubsland? "Ich sehe es als PR-Stunt"

Saudi-Arabien will in Zukunft Visa an Touristen aus dem Westen vergeben und so zum Urlaubsland werden.

Der Grund: Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman will sein Land wirtschaftlich weniger vom Erdöl abhängig machen.

Saudi-Arabien öffnet sich für den Tourismus. Über die Beweggründe, was sich für die Menschen im Land ändert und wie die Chancen für Saudi-Arabien stehen, wirklich ein beliebtes Urlaubsziel zu werden, hat Christian Erll mit Ala Al-Hamarneh gesprochen. Er forscht zum Arabischen Raum bei der Max-Weber Stiftung.

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia opens to tourists with investment appeal and no abaya rule

Saudi Arabia threw open its doors to foreign tourists on Friday, launching a new visa regime for 49 countries and appealing to foreign companies to invest in a sector it hopes will contribute 10% of gross domestic product by 2030.

Tourism chief Ahmed al-Khateeb told Reuters in an interview ahead of the official announcement that abayas will not be mandatory for women tourists but modest dress is, including at public beaches.

He indicated that alcohol remains banned: “We will have enough tourists to come to Saudi Arabia to enjoy other things.”

(* B P)

More harrowing numbers from the #Saudi kingdom of terror: 39 tortured #Qatif'i detainees are facing the executioner's sword. The sentences of 5 detainees (incl. those arrested as minors) are now unappealable, and may be carried out in upcoming mass executions! (photos)

(A P)

Königreich Saudi-Arabien löst Hilfszusage an UN ein, will Not im Jemen lindern: Botschafter Al Jabir

(A P)

Kingdom announces completion of payment of its pledge announced this year at donors' conference for Yemen at United Nations worth $ 500 million

My comment: Wait and see.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* A B P)

Exclusive: Mohammed bin Salman Speaks About His Role in Khashoggi’s Murder For the First Time

Now, in a newly published conversation with FRONTLINE correspondent Martin Smith, the Saudi leader speaks out for the first time about his role in Khashoggi’s murder — telling Smith that the killing happened on his watch.

“It happened under my watch,” the Saudi leader told Smith. “I get all the responsibility, because it happened under my watch.”

But he insists that it was without his knowledge.

The exchange is recounted in The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, FRONTLINE’s upcoming season premiere, which examines the Saudi leader’s rise, his rule, and his ties to the events surrounding Khashoggi’s murder.

Weeks after Khashoggi’s death in October 2018, Prince Mohammed called the killing “heinous” and promised that it would be investigated. All the while, his government maintained that the leader had no knowledge of the “rogue operation.” Two months later, in December 2018, Smith tracked down the crown prince at an electric car race outside Riyadh. Smith pressed Prince Mohammed on how the murder could have happened without him knowing about it.

“We have 20 million people. We have 3 million government employees,” Prince Mohammed responded.

“And they can take one of your planes?” Smith asked, referring to the 15-person team said to have been behind Khashoggi’s death and dismemberment that flew in and out of Istanbul on jets owned by the Saudi government.

“I have officials, ministers to follow things, and they’re responsible, they have the authority to do that,” Prince Mohammed said.

The Saudi royal’s comments to Smith, who has been covering the Middle East for FRONTLINE for nearly two decades, are just one facet of new reporting featured in The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The documentary, which airs on the eve of the one-year anniversary of Khashoggi’s death, also includes never-before-seen FRONTLINE interview footage with Khashoggi that sheds new light on his transformation from a supporter of MBS to his critic.

and also

cp9 USA

(* B K P)

Congress: Respect Jamal Khashoggi’s legacy by ending support for the Saudi war in Yemen

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi specifically cited the murder of Khashoggi as the reason not to provide Saudi Arabia more support.

Pelosi was far from alone. Only 13% of Americans support using military force against Iran to defend the Saudis, and 25% think America should withdraw entirely from the region. Saudi Arabia has long had problems with getting popular support in America, especially since 9/11, but its approval rating is the lowest ever.

Robert Jordan, our ambassador to Saudi Arabia after 9/11, has eloquently called on Congress to cut off military aid and logistics to Saudi Arabia to account for Khashoggi’s “brutal murder” and the gruesome war in Yemen.

The future of the relationship is in doubt. America doesn’t need Saudi oil as it used to. The American people are rightly sick of endless wars in the Middle East. Donald Trump is an aberration who has no apparent respect for human rights.

The United States cannot bring Khashoggi’s killers to justice, including the crown prince. Nor can we materially influence the kingdom’s human rights record, although we should try. But we can influence and stop the war in Yemen by turning off the flow of spare parts, munitions, and expertise to the Royal Saudi Air Force, which is wholly dependent on American logistics for its American-built aircraft – by Bruce Riedel

(? B P)

With Chips Down, Saudi Arabia Finds Little Goodwill in the U.S.

Kingdom’s image has been battered by war in Yemen, Khashoggi killing and continued skirmishing over Sept. 11 terrorist attacks (paywalled)

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

Ende der Sanktionen für Gespräche? Trump widerspricht Ruhani

Hat Donald Trump dem Iran angeboten, alle Sanktionen aufzuheben, wenn Teheran direkte Gespräche aufnimmt? Das behauptet Irans Präsident Hassan Ruhani. Trump dementiert.

Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat nach seiner Rückkehr von der UN-Vollversammlung von einem angeblichen Angebot der USA zur Aufhebung von Sanktionen berichtet. US-Präsident Donald Trump reagierte prompt und bestritt, dass es ein solches Angebot gegeben habe.

Ruhani ließ auf seiner offiziellen Internetseite mitteilen, die USA hätten im Gegenzug für Gespräche mit der Teheraner Führung ein Ende sämtlicher Sanktionen in Aussicht gestellt. Trump schrieb daraufhin auf Twitter: "Der Iran wollte, dass ich die gegen ihn verhängten Sanktionen aufhebe, damit es ein Treffen gibt. Ich sagte, natürlich, nein."

Ruhani: Vorstoß nicht in einer akzeptablen Art

In der Erklärung Ruhanis heißt es weiter, die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson und der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron seien in New York anwesend gewesen und hätten darauf gedrungen, dass ein Treffen stattfindet. "Und Amerika sagt, ich hebe die Sanktionen auf", teilte Ruhani mit. Die Art der Strafmaßnahmen, die beendet werden sollten, habe zur Debatte gestanden. "Und sie haben eindeutig gesagt, wir heben alle Sanktionen auf."

Allerdings sei dieser Vorstoß nicht in einer akzeptablen Art erfolgt, kritisierte Ruhani. Angesichts der geltenden Strafmaßnahmen und "der vergifteten Atmosphäre des maximalen Drucks" könne niemand den Ausgang von Verhandlungen vorhersagen.

(* B P)

Analysis: After UN visit, Iran faces diminishing choices

But the limits of Iran’s ability to go it alone were on display at the United Nations this week as it engaged in a flurry of diplomatic outreach amid increasingly crippling isolation by U.S. sanctions that are eating into its economy and its ability to sell its oil.

For months, the European nations that signed Iran’s nuclear accord have been trying — unsuccessfully — to find ways around U.S. sanctions that were imposed after President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the agreement last year. Trump argues the deal, completed under the Obama administration, fell far short of the curbs needed to block Tehran’s regional ambitions.

Addressing world leaders Wednesday, President Hassan Rouhani pointed a clear way toward easing tensions and resuming negotiations: “Stop the sanctions.”

Away from the podium this week, Iran has been engaging in nothing short of a public relations blitz with America’s biggest news outlets. Rouhani met with leaders of media organizations including The Associated Press and gave an interview to Fox News, where Trump and his Iran policies enjoy vehement support.

The Tehran government’s fraught history with the U.S. has essentially locked it out of the global financial system, making it difficult to find partners, allies and countries willing or even able to do business with it.

Rouhani accused the U.S. of engaging in “merciless economic terrorism” against his country, saying America had resorted to “international piracy by misusing the international banking system” to pressure Iran.

As Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers unravels under the weight of Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign, previously unimaginable alliances are emerging between Gulf Arab states and Israel, united by what they see as a common threat.

My comment: And see how this report is spilled by propaganda: “Across the Middle East, Iran’s reach is consequential in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, where proxy wars have taken on a sectarian tone that pits Iran-supported Shiites against Saudi-backed Sunnis.”

(* B P)

Trump’s Iran Policy Is a Failure

Blame U.S. blunders for the worsening crisis in the region.

The strikes represent a surprising and ill-conceived escalation by Iran, just as U.S. President Donald Trump appeared be on the brink of offering concessions as an incentive to return to direct negotiations with the United States. But they also represent a massive, self-inflicted policy failure by the Trump administration, which triggered the crisis in the first place and has since worsened it (paywalled)

(* A P)

Iran Confirms Impounded UK Oil Tanker Left for Intl. Waters

The British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero, which had been impounded in Iran’s Bandar Abbas port for two months over violation of international maritime law, has finally set sail and is leaving Iranian waters for Dubai, an Iranian organization and the ship owner confirmed Friday.

The Ports and Maritime Organization in southern Hormozgan Province said in a statement that the tanker left Bandar Abbas at 9 am, Friday, and started its move toward the international corridor of marine traffic in the Persian Gulf.

“The captain and crew members of the ship have given official and written commitments that they will have no further claims,” the Organization said, adding that despite the release of the tanker, its case is still open at Iranian courts, which will continue dealing with its offenses.

(* B K P)

America’s Gray-Zone Offensive Against Iran Could Turn Into War

Getting into a fight may not be wise, but some sort of military clash between the United States and Iran appears increasingly likely. If fight we must, let’s at least stride—not stumble—onto the battleground.

Suppose the Trump administration opts to proceed. Not to sound sympathetic with an antagonist, but a little empathy seldom goes amiss. If Tehran’s conduct seems mysterious or unduly bellicose, it’s because from the Iranian standpoint a kind of limited war has been raging for some time. Or, if you prefer, you might call it an American “gray-zone” campaign that strikes at Iranian economic and warmaking capacity. Not cruise missiles but lost export revenues have impoverished the Islamic Republic’s standing in the region.

Suppose the confrontation cascades from the gray zone into the black-and-white realm of armed conflict. How would it unfold?

Let’s ask the late, great Admiral J. C. Wylie. During the late 1960s Wylie published a winsome book that hits on a basic way of classifying military strategies: the disparity between “sequential” and “cumulative” operations.

Wylie, then, casts doubt on the prospects for a swift, neat, decisive outcome in the Gulf. Clausewitz would probably agree. He depicts wartime statecraft as the art of stacking the deck in your favor—and implies that you seldom give yourself better than about a 60/40 chance, no matter how adroitly you manage your cards.

War in the Persian Gulf looks like a good entanglement to forego. But if fight we must, let’s at least stride—not stumble—onto the battleground – by James Holmes

My comment: What’s this, really?

(* A K P)

USA schicken 200 Soldaten und Patriot-Raketen nach Saudi-Arabien

Nach den Angriffen auf saudische Ölanlagen hat US-Präsident Donald Trump dem Iran nun ein deutliches Signal geschickt: Die USA stationieren 200 Soldaten und Patriot-Raketen in Saudi-Arabien. Damit werde der Schutz von wichtiger "militärischer und ziviler Infrastruktur" in dem Königreich verstärkt, sagte am Donnerstag ein Pentagon-Sprecher.

Hintergrund ist der Angriff auf wichtige Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien vor einer Woche. Die vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen hatten sich zu der Tat bekannt. Die USA und Saudi-Arabien hingegen sehen den Iran als Urheber des Angriffs. Teheran streitet dies ab.

und auch

(* A K P)

Pentagon to send radar, Patriot missiles to bolster Saudi defenses

The Pentagon said on Thursday it plans to send four radar systems, a battery of Patriot missiles and about 200 support personnel to bolster Saudi Arabia’s defenses after the largest-ever attack on the kingdom’s oil facilities this month.

The Pentagon’s statement added details to the Pentagon’s announcement on Friday about U.S. plans to deploy more forces to Saudi Arabia after the Sept. 14 attack

and also

(A P)

Film: Rohani zum Jemen: Wenn Deutschland dort Frieden will, sollte es keine Waffen an Saudis liefern

Der Iran hat kein Problem, mit den Vereinigten Staaten zu verhandeln, aber nur, "wenn Amerika den maximalen Druck und die Sanktionen vom Tisch nimmt", sagte der iranische Präsident Hassan Rohani am Donnerstag während einer Pressekonferenz am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung in New York. Rohani betonte, dass die Sanktionen zur Spaltung der Iraner verhängt wurden und dadurch "die zuvor bestehende Distanz zwischen dem iranischen und dem amerikanischen Volk vergrößert wurde." Er forderte die westlichen Nationen Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und die USA zudem auf, Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate während ihres Konflikts im Jemen nicht mehr mit Waffen zu versorgen, sondern sie aufzufordern, "die Hände einander zu reichen und dem Kriegsbrand, der die Region heimsucht, ein Ende zu setzen."

(A P)

Iran erhöht im Atomstreit Druck auf Europäer

Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien seien unfähig, den Atomdeal mit dem Iran am Leben zu halten, sagt der iranische Präsident Ruhani. Nach seinem Treffen mit Kanzlerin Merkel droht er nun den Europäern.

Irans Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat im Streit über die Rettung des historischen Atomabkommens den Druck auf die europäischen Vertragspartner erhöht.

"Leider zeigen die europäischen Staaten Unfähigkeit oder mangelnde Bereitschaft, wenn es um konkrete Aktionen geht", sagte Ruhani am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Für den Fall, dass sie nicht zu ihren Versprechen stünden, stellte er "weitere Schritte" weg von den Vereinbarungen des mühsam ausgehandelten Abkommens von 2015 in Aussicht. =

Mein Kommentar: Die Wortwahl ist Propaganda. Es ist recht simpel: Die EU hat bislang ihre Vertragsverpflichtungen nicht eingehalten.

(A P)

Iran’s Rouhani backs moving UN out of New York to a ‘better’ country

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday that his country's delegation would vote for the United Nations headquarters to be moved out of New York if given the chance, in the latest sign of escalating tensions with the United States on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly (with film)

(A E P)

Erdogan says Turkey will continue oil, natural gas trade with Iran: NTV

(A P)

Europeans committed to US bans, should no longer be trusted: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran should no longer put its trust in the Europeans as they fulfilled none of their 11 commitments under a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran following Washington's withdrawal.

“Contrary to their promises, the Europeans remained committed to the American sanctions [against Iran] in practice and took no action” to honor their obligations under the deal, officially named the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Ayatollah Khamenei added.

(A P)

UK must stop mischief in region, selling arms to aggressors: Iran's Foreign Ministry

Iran has slammed Britain for turning a blind eye to its destructive role in the Saudi-led war on Yemen, urging London to stop selling arms to aggressors instead of accusing others.

“Instead of launching a smear campaign against others, Britain needs to stop making mischief in the region, selling arms to [the Saudi-led coalition of] aggressors [operating] in Yemen and participating in what the UN has approved as crimes against humanity,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in a statement on Thursday.

(A P)


The Unites States has imposed new sanctions on Chinese firms and individuals over violation the US illegal sanctions on Iran.

The US Treasury Department announced Wednesday that five Chinese nationals and six entities, including two Cosco Shipping Corporation subsidiaries, were targeted in the new measure.

"And we are telling China, and all nations: know that we will sanction every violation," claimed hawkish Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a conference on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. "The more Iran lashes out the greater our pressure will and should be… That path forward begins now with two new actions."

(* B P)

Learning to Say “No” To Saudi Arabia on Iran and Yemen

There are at least three reasons why a coherent Saudi strategy will not materialize. First, Riyadh lacks the geostrategic and military capacity to tackle the security challenges Iran poses. In fact, under MbS’s guidance, Saudi security policy has consisted of improvised actions whose disastrous results in Yemen have prompted buyer’s remorse in Washington and Abu Dhabi as well. Second, Saudi Arabia has hitched its own security to a US administration that has pursued a totally incoherent Iran policy. Riyadh pushed for Trump’s decision to reimpose sanctions on Iran, thus effectively launching an economic war on the Islamic Republic. But that very war pushed Tehran to adopt a strategy of military escalation for which the White House has no obvious military remedy. Third, the only way for the White House to address this dangerous situation is to balance the reasonable, if limited, military steps it is now taking to reassure the Saudis with a robust, multilateral diplomacy—one that keeps open the prospects for negotiations on multiple fronts.

If Yemen’s scenario of disaster has many villains, one of them surely is the Saudi leaders who got stuck in a quagmire without an exit strategy. Reports suggest that as far back as May 2017, MbS told former American officials that he wanted “out” of Yemen. Yet one month later he joined the UAE and Bahrain in boycotting Qatar, thus telegraphing Riyadh’s allergy to diplomacy.

Saying No to Saudi Arabia

While the prospects for US-Iran diplomacy are dim, American interests will not be served by continuing to echo the Saudi line. In fact, the conditions that impelled Iran to escalate militarily in the Gulf not only remain, but with European-Iranian talks making limited progress, the IRGC and/or its regional allies have an incentive to launch strikes at Saudi or even US interests. Thus, the current precarious status quo will not hold – by Daniel Brumberg, Non-resident Senior Fellow at Arab Center Washington DC.

My comment: Yes, the US must say “No” to Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, this is one of the typical US thinktank products, taking for granted that the whole word has to be subjected to US interests – Whatever this really is – and the US should play the leading role on the planet.

(* A P)

Hassan Rouhani refuses US nuclear talks until sanctions removed

The Gulf region is "on the edge of collapse", Iran's president warned on Wednesday, while calling American officials criminals for imposing "merciless economic terrorism" on his nation of 83 million people.

President Hassan Rouhani made the comments at the UN General Assembly amid soaring tensions with the United States after an attack on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities that several countries blamed on Iran. Tehran denies any involvement.

"We shall not tolerate the provocative intervention of foreigners. We shall respond decisively and strongly to any sort of transgression and violation of our security and territorial integrity," Rouhani told the annual gathering of world leaders.

Warning "a single blunder can fuel a big fire", Iran's president accused the US of "international piracy" as it applies a maximum-pressure campaign aiming to choke off the country's oil exports - its main economic lifeline. Rouhani called American sanctions on his nation "the harshest in history".

"The Iranian nation will never ever forget and forgive these crimes and these criminals," he said, describing sanctions as the "silent killing of a great nation ... particularly women and children".

(* A P)

Read Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly

Iran’s leaders sow chaos, death, and destruction. They do not respect their neighbors or borders, or the sovereign rights of nations. Instead, Iran’s leaders plunder the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond.

The Iranian people are rightly outraged that their leaders have embezzled billions of dollars from Iran’s treasury, seized valuable portions of the economy, and looted the people’s religious endowments, all to line their own pockets and send their proxies to wage war. Not good.

Iran’s neighbors have paid a heavy toll for the region’s [regime’s] agenda of aggression and expansion. That is why so many countries in the Middle East strongly supported my decision to withdraw the United States from the horrible 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal and re-impose nuclear sanctions.

The Iran deal was a windfall for Iran’s leaders. In the years since the deal was reached, Iran’s military budget grew nearly 40 percent. The dictatorship used the funds to build nuclear-capable missiles, increase internal repression, finance terrorism, and fund havoc and slaughter in Syria and Yemen.

The United States has launched a campaign of economic pressure to deny the regime the funds it needs to advance its bloody agenda. Last month, we began re-imposing hard-hitting nuclear sanctions that had been lifted under the Iran deal. Additional sanctions will resume November 5th, and more will follow. And we’re working with countries that import Iranian crude oil to cut their purchases substantially.

We cannot allow the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the planet’s most dangerous weapons. We cannot allow a regime that chants “Death to America,” and that threatens Israel with annihilation, to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on Earth. Just can’t do it.

We ask all nations to isolate Iran’s regime as long as its aggression continues. And we ask all nations to support Iran’s people as they struggle to reclaim their religious and righteous destiny.

My comment: If it’s not warmongering, it’s crisimongering at least.

(A P)

Pompeo addresses anti-Iran summit associated with terror groups, blames Iran for terrorism

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has addressed a gathering of notorious anti-Iran terrorist and separatist groups in a bid to urge action against Iranian "aggression."

Speaking at the United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) 2019 summit in New York on Wednesday, Pompeo called on world countries to stand with the US alongside Israel, announcing new sanctions against Iran and blaming Tehran for backing "terrorist groups".

The summit, which was being held on the sidelines of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, is reported to be dominated by terrorist groups such as the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).

(A P)

Turkey's Erdogan says nuclear power should either be free for all or banned

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said nuclear power should either be free for all states or banned completely, and warned that the “inequality” between states who have nuclear power and who do not undermines global balances.

(A K P)

Saudi crown prince spoke with U.S. Secretary of Defense on troop deployment: state news agency

(B K P)

The Real Reason Trump Won’t Attack Iran

Starting a war to protect oil markets will only backfire.

If the Trump administration decides to retaliate militarily for these attacks, the ensuing confrontation would likely to be labeled another U.S. oil war in the Middle East.

This would be a serious mischaracterization, however. In this case, oil interests are far more likely to prevent war than provoke it (paywalled)

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Truss admits UK breached court order banning arm sales to Saudis again

Trade secretary admits ‘it is possible more cases will come to light’

The international trade secretary, Liz Truss, admitted that the UK had again breached a court order banning the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia for fear they could be used in the conflict in Yemen.

Responding to an urgent question in the Commons in the wake of two other violations, Truss told MPs: “We have identified one further licence that has been granted in breach of the undertaking given to the court of appeal.”

Ministers had agreed in June to stop all arms sales to Saudi Arabia as the weapons could be used in the war in Yemen, after a landmark court ruling that the sales could be in breach of international humanitarian law.

Despite that commitment, an emergency review by Truss’s department discovered last week that civil servants had authorised a contract to repair equipment used by Saudi land forces to detect improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Truss offered “an unreserved apology” for the breach,

Opposition MPs reacted to the admission with incredulity. Keith Vaz, a Labour backbencher, said: “The apology is welcome but the narrative is shameful … Last week a bomb fell on a mosque and on a family eating their dinner. What do they put on the death certificates? Is it death by administrative error?”

Barry Gardiner, the shadow trade secretary, said: “The government did know, they just didn’t tell the secretary of state’s department. Which department knew? Which minister did not tell the secretary of state?”

The SNP called for Truss to resign or be sacked

and also

Comment: it is quite astounding to see violations of a court order being blamed on misunderstanding the Saudi coalition/what different forces are doing given how heavily government defence was centered on their excellent understanding of those forces and their actions

how can the government continue to claim their assessment of how UK arms may be used by the Saudis is so well informed, when they are now admitting so many licensing errors in just a few months and such poor understanding of what is happening on the ground


(A K P)

Film: Well done my @theSNP colleague @ChrisLawSNP for challenging the UK government on weapon sales to Saudi Arabia. Today was the 8th time I have spoken on this since 2016, leaving me to conclude the Tories will always turn a blind eye to their own rules if there is money to be made

Film: The UK Government is under huge pressure over Saudi arms sales. I was delighted to lead for

@theSNP following @ChrisLawSNP's brilliant urgent question.

(A K P)

Lawyers call for Government to suspend all existing arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Lawyers from Leigh Day, representing Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), have called on the UK Government to end all extant licences for arms exports to Saudi Arabia and to refuse all future licences following war crime allegations.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A H P)

Humanitarian aid to Yemen increased

Germany is increasing its humanitarian aid for Yemen by 10 million euros (11 million dollars), its Foreign Ministry announced Thursday on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

This will take the German government's assistance for the war-torn country to a total of 130 million euros this year.

(A H P)

Auswärtiges Amt zur Lage in Jemen - Aufstockung der humanitären Hilfe

Die humanitäre Lage in Jemen ist weiterhin katastrophal. Der VN-Hilfsplan für Jemen ist darüber hinaus erst zu 49% finanziert. Aufgrund dieser bisher unzureichenden Finanzierung hat die Bundesregierung entschieden, weitere 10 Mio. Euro für humanitäre Hilfe in Jemen bereitzustellen. Damit stellt Deutschland dieses Jahr 130 Mio. Euro für humanitäre Hilfe in Jemen zur Verfügung.
Die Lage in Jemen hat sich auch neun Monate nach dem Stockholmer Abkommen nicht wesentlich verbessert. Klar ist, dass es nur eine politische Lösung geben kann.

(* B K P)

Tödlicher Handel

Im Jemen wird Krieg gegen Kinder mit Waffen aus Deutschland geführt. Exklusivabdruck aus „Die Profiteure des Terrors“. Teil 2/2.

Die Richtlinien für Rüstungsexporte verbieten Waffenlieferungen in Krisenregionen. So weit die offizielle Lesart. Die Logik des Kapitalismus legt jedoch das genaue Gegenteil nahe: Die profitabelsten Märkte für die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie liegen in Konfliktregionen und Schwellenländern, wo die Freiheitsrechte am geringsten sind und die Gewalt am größten. Erklärte Feinde wie der Islamische Staat sind insofern die besten Freunde der Rüstungsindustrie. Allenthalben wird zwar über die Islamistenarmee geschimpft. Waffenlieferungen und sogenannte strategische Partnerschaften wie jene mit Saudi-Arabien haben aber bis jetzt nur wenig dazu beigetragen, das Problem an der Wurzel zu lösen. Der Autor deckt in seinem neuen Buch auf, wer die wahren Profiteure an diesen Konflikten sind.

Um sich unabhängig zu machen von den Beschlüssen des geheim tagenden Gremiums, gehen die großen deutschen Rüstungskonzerne allerdings längst neue Wege: Nicht zuletzt die Produktionsanlagen im Ausland bieten Möglichkeiten, die Exportbeschränkungen zu umgehen, die das dem Wirtschaftsministerium unterstellte Bundesamt für Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) deutschen Firmen auferlegt. Rheinmetall ist dabei Vorreiter, nicht nur mit der Bombenfabrik seiner Tochter RWM Italia auf Sardinien.

Denn Wachstumspotenzial wittert Papperger vor allem dort, wo autoritäre Staatschefs viel Geld in Rüstung investieren und Menschenrechte kaum eine Rolle spielen, so wie in Saudi-Arabien, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten oder Kuwait. Das kleine Emirat am Persischen Golf erhält 2017 ein Dutzend ABC-Spürpanzer vom Typ Fuchs. „Dieser wichtige Auftrag ist ein überaus hoher Vertrauensbeweis eines arabischen Landes gegenüber Rheinmetall als führendem Heerestechnik-Unternehmen in Europa“, feierte Pietro Borgo, Mitglied des Vorstands von Rheinmetall Defence, den Deal (27).

Auch das Joint Venture der Unternehmenssparte Rheinmetall Waffe Munition mit der südafrikanischen Rüstungsschmiede Denel folgt dem Muster, wichtige Produktionsanlagen außerhalb Deutschlands anzusiedeln. Rheinmetall Denel Munition lautet der Betreiber einer von der staatlichen saudischen Military Industries Corporation (MIC) gebauten Fertigungsanlage für Artilleriemunition in Al-Kharj südlich von Riad. Und der sei „durch sein einzigartiges Technologie-Know-how in der Artillerie, bei Mörser- und Infanteriesystemen“ einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller bei der Entwicklung und Produktion von Munition im Groß- und Mittelkaliber, wie es auf der Unternehmensseite heißt (28). Zwar hält Rheinmetall einen Mehrheitsanteil von 51 Prozent an dem Betrieb, doch durch die Auslagerung greifen die deutschen Ausfuhrkontrollbestimmungen nicht.

Dass Munition aus dieser Produktion im Jemen-Krieg zum Einsatz kommt, ist Teil des Geschäftsmodells — und für van Aken ein Vorgehen, das er als „absoluten Wahnsinn“ bezeichnet. Die Bundesregierung müsse genau prüfen, ob der mögliche Technologietransfer des Konzerns nicht doch einer Genehmigung durch den Bundessicherheitsrat bedurft hätte. „Rheinmetall bereichert sich gerade an den Toten im Jemen“, stellte er unmissverständlich klar – von Markus Bickel

(A K P)

Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU) zum Brexit & den Angriff auf saudische Ölanlagen

Die Einschätzung auf deutscher Seite ist, dass die Hutis, also die Rebellen im Jemen, nicht in der Lage sind einen solchen Angriff vorzunehmen und es gibt Kräfte in der Region die das können und das ist eben der Iran […]", so Jürgen Hardt (CDU, Außenpolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion) zu den Angriffen auf die Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien. (ab 5:50)

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A E P)

Fitch Warns on $23 Billion of Dubai Inc. Debt Held by Banks

A “significant portion” of $23 billion in loans made to Dubai government-related companies maturing at the end of 2021 may need to be restructured -- again, according to Fitch Ratings Ltd.

Banks in the United Arab Emirates -- still suffering the fallout of Dubai’s 2010 property crisis -- are at risk once again due to falling home prices and non-performing loans, the ratings agency said in a report on Tuesday.

Property prices in Dubai, the country’s tourist and financial services hub, have fallen 27% since a five-year peak in October 2014

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Film: Katar: Millionen für Europas Islam
Ein Whistleblower spielte zwei französischen Journalisten Tausende von vertraulichen Dokumenten der NGO Qatar Charity zu. Sie enthüllen ein Programm zur Stärkung der Einflussnahme des politischen Islam in ganz Europa mit der Finanzierung von 140 Moscheebauten, Kulturzentren und Schulen, die alle mit der Muslimbruderschaft zusammenhängen. Recherche über eine hermetische Institution.

Doch die Behörden in der Hauptstadt Doha bestreiten jegliche religiöse Aktivität im Westen. Das Filmteam wollte es genauer wissen und recherchierte über das Programm.

Anmerkung CG: Journalistisches Highlight über politischen Islam. Auf wikipedia steht hierzu noch: “Im September 2019 wurde ein Finanzierungsprogramm des Staates Katar bekannt […] nach Recherchen der ARD reichen die Verbindungen der Muslimbruderschaft bis in die Spitze des Staates Katar und die Herrscherfamilie Al-Thani hinein.” Interessante Stelle zu Deutschland ab Minute 50. Hörenswert auch das Fazit bei 1h27Min. Allerdings sollte “der Wertewesten” auch vor der eigenen Tür kehren. Beispielsweise zur Ermordung von Gaddafi (1h16Min.) sollte man noch Informationen, wie sie auf den NachDenkSeiten erschienen sind, ergänzen u.a. von John Pilger, Malte Rauch, Max Blumenthal, Daniele Ganser, Albrecht Müller und Marco Wenzel.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10

(* A K P)


Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has issued a letter demanding that President Donald Trump's administration explain a recent report suggesting Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates transferred U.S. weapons to Al-Qaeda.

Warren's letter came in response to an investigation by CNN, which uncovered reports earlier this month that Saudi Arabia and its ally, the UAE, have taken weapons provided by the U.S. and given them to fighters linked to the Sunni Muslim militant group Al-Qaeda and other organizations as part of a secret, shared initiative to defeat Zaidi Shiite Muslim rebels known as Ansar Allah or the Houthis in Yemen. The document was addressed to Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

(* B K P)

Yemen: US-made bomb used in deadly air strike on civilians

A precision-guided munition made in the USA was used in a Saudi and Emirati-led air strike carried out on 28 June of this year, on a residential home in Ta’iz governorate, Yemen, killing six civilians – including three children, Amnesty International said today.

The laser-guided bomb, manufactured by US company Raytheon and used in the attack, is the latest evidence that the USA is supplying weapons that are being used by the Saudi and Emirati-led coalition in attacks amounting to serious violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen.

Amnesty International spoke to two family members and two local residents, including two witnesses to the attack. The organization also analysed satellite imagery and photo and video materials of the aftermath of the attack to corroborate the witness reports.

Among the six civilians killed in the attack, which took place in Warzan village in the directorate of Khadir, were a 52-year-old woman and three children, aged 12, nine and six.

One family member told Amnesty International: “We buried them the same day because they had turned into severed limbs. There were no corpses left to examine. The flesh of this person was mixed with that person. They were wrapped up [with blankets] and taken away.”

and also

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E)

Yemen: Economy-wide Impact of Conflict and Alternative Scenarios for Recovery

Economy-wide analyses of the Yemeni economy suggests that the accumulated economic losses caused by the ongoing conflict in Yemen amount to nearly one and a half times Yemen’s pre-conflict GDP. One effect of this economic collapse is that the share of Yemen’s population living below the poverty line is estimated to have reached 77 percent in 2018. Even when the conflict ends, Yemen’s GDP is projected to stay well below its 2014 levels for many years to come if any conflict resolution scenario is not accompanied by extraordinary external financial and other development support by Yemen’s partners. Under the Recovery-LowAid scenario examined using the DCGE model of the Yemeni economy, Yemen’s economy is projected to again reach the GDP level of 2014 by 2025, but poverty levels are likely to remain very high. This high poverty will pose risks to societal healing and to the formation of a new social contract post-conflict. Only under the Recovery-HighAid scenario, if accompanied by substantial improvements in absorptive capacity, will Yemen’s GDP reach the economic and poverty levels that it would have reached in 2025 without the conflict having arisen (the hypothetical Base model scenario). Under such a HighAid scenario, poverty levels will reach pre-conflict levels by 2025. To reach such a positive outcome, aside from the core work of conflict resolution, criticalmassive efforts will also be needed in the years to come to replace and upgrade the capital stock, rebuild economic institutions, and restore economic networks.

Overview of the economic impact of the conflict in Yemen

In addition to the unprecedented humanitarian crisis and the creation of space for militant groups, the conflict in Yemen is also taking a heavy toll on the economy. According to estimates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF 2018), the Yemeni economy may have contracted by about 40 percent between end-2014 and 2018. Sector-specific information on physical damages from the World Bank’s Yemen Dynamic Needs Assessment (World Bank 2018) suggests that damage was worst in the housing sector, where 33 percent of housing units have been either partially damaged or completely destroyed. The education, health, transport, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sectors have also been severely affected, with overall damage ranging from 27 percent (transport) to 31 percent (WASH). The power and ICT sectors have been somewhat less affected, with estimated damage levels of 13 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

The destruction of physical infrastructure, the loss of productive factors, and damaged economic networks and supply chains have severely reduced incentives to pursue productive activities (Moyer et al. 2019). Hydrocarbon exports have been substantially reduced throughout the conflict period, which has resulted in a severe shortage of foreign exchange and restricted imports of food, fuel, and other goods. Private consumption has been hard hit by the economic decline, foremost through increased food prices, delayed public-sector salary payments (the civil service employs 25 percent of the workforce), and soaring unemployment. In addition, almost all investment has been either halted or withdrawn. As a result of this economic and social decline, the World Bank estimates that the poverty headcount in Yemen may have increased to now stand between 71 and 78 percent (World Bank 2017)

and full document:

(A E P)

SFDA lifts ban on Yemen's pomegranate import

Saudi Food And Drug Authority (SFDA) announced that the ban on fresh pomegranate from Republic of Yemen is lifted after the SFDA's requirements are met, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp13a

(A T)

3 new claims from #AQAP #Yemen this week: Mortars at #ISIS Monday; 1 ISIS shot by sniper & 2 IEDs at Houthis Tuesday What's interesting: All 21 op claims for Sept are small-scale & in al-Bayda' 18 targeted ISIS, 3 Houthis (2 since prisoner swap) None targeted #UAE-backed forces

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Front and center at the entrance of the #UNGA building without a hint of irony: the “King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre” It lists Yemen, a country which Saudi keeps under medieval style siege and has bombed since 2015, as a recipient of the Kingdom’s aid program

The UN says the Saudi-led war in Yemen has created the worst humanitarian catastrophe currently in the world, the most dire since WWII Yet it allows Saudi Arabia to promote its “Development & Reconstruction Program” for Yemen at the entrance of the 74th UN General Assembly

One panel exhibited by Saudi Arabia at the #UNGA entrance touts the Kingdom’s support for Yemen’s agriculture & fishing sector No mention of Saudi Arabia’s targeted killing of Yemeni fishermen throughout the war (fotos, film)

(A P)

KSA in United Nations: Iranian regime Is A Rogue And Terrorist Regime

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has stressed that the recent hostilities and attacks on its oil facilities exposed the nature of the Iranian regime to the whole world, noting that the world is facing a rogue and terrorist regime, threatening international peace and security, energy security and the global economy.

My comment: If Iran is, Saudi Arabia is twice.

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador: UN Pledge Completion Reflects Kingdom's Keenness to Relieve Suffering in Yemen

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir affirmed Saudi Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdulaziz Al-Assaf’s announcement in connection with the 2019 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) donor conferences, which are taking place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting this week.

The announcement, on completion of the Kingdom’s $500 million pledge earlier this year, is motivated by Saudi Arabia’s commitment and concern to do all it can to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, the Saudi envoy said. This included, but was not limited to, improving the humanitarian situation by supporting the UN in rendering assistance through its relief workers.

(A P)

26 September Revolution… A Brand New Dawn for Yemenis

This anniversary coincides with the Army’s victories achieved on the different battlefronts to defeat the Houthi rebel militia, which seek to turn Yemen into an evil focus to threat neighboring countries in implementation of Iran’s subversive ambitions.

(A P)

Hadrami Says Yemen Won’t Yield to Iran’s Expansion Plot

Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadrami has asserted that Yemen went to the UN headquarters in New York carrying a message of peace against Iranian plots.
In an audio addressing world leaders and the international community on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings, Hadrami stated that Yemen is unfortunately suffering.
However, he stressed that all foreign agendas will be thwarted. The Yemenis love peace, have solid roots in history and are the pride of Arabs but they have been suffering for five years because of a Houthi-endorsed Iranian plot.
He said the people will not yield to the Iranian expansion plot.

(A P)

At SDRPY Exhibition in New York, International Recognition for Saudi Development Efforts in Yemen

This week the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) is holding a special exhibition on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York to introduce the program and its development efforts in Yemen.

(A P)

Iran Has Spent More Than $16 Billion on Terrorism in Recent Years

Windfalls from Obama nuclear deal have lined militant regime's pockets

Iran has spent more than $16 billion during the past several years to fund militant terrorists across the Middle East, cash that was repatriated to the Islamic Republic under the terms of the landmark nuclear deal, according to new disclosures from the Trump administration.

As Iran's economy teeters on the brink of collapse under the tough sanctions regime imposed by the Trump administration, the Islamic Republic's authoritarian leadership has spent its limited cash reserves to bolster terror groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as militant terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

The Trump administration is taking a range of steps to thwart what it describes as Iran's expansionist foreign policy that seeks to establish hardline governments across the region.

Hook, in one of the first public accounts of Iran's expenditures on terrorism since it entered the nuclear deal, conservatively estimated that Tehran has spent at least $16 billion to support regional terror organizations. The nuclear deal inked with the Obama administration was estimated to provide Iran with as much as $100 billion in cash windfalls.

(A P)

The Prospects for Advancing US-Saudi Defense Alliance in the Shadow of the ARAMCO Attacks

The Iran Way or the Highway

While deliberating, the White House has faced an increasing pressure from the increasing number of isolationists among the President's base, libertarian elements on both the left on the right, and anti-war factions supported by Iranian lobbyists and left-leaning organizations not to take any military action or take any steps that would increase the likelihood of the US being drawn into war. The false dichotomy of "no response" to Iranian aggression in the Middle East, which has grown substantially since the administration has canceled oil waivers f or its top trade partners and designated the IRGC as a terrorist organization, or "a total nuclear holocaust" has plagued the administration, and before that had been used as an argument in favor of US entry into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ("JCPOA" or "the nuclear deal".)

Indeed, the same actors who have pushed for the nuclear deal, including the unregistered Iranian lobby group NIAC, and its founder and former Executive Director Dr. Trita Parsi, have been vocal in making the dubious claim that even limited military strikes to undermine Iranian capabilities would bring US into a full military confrontation and costs untold amount of money and many American lives.

My comment: Open, unhidden warmongering.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen’s Army lights Torch of 26 September Revolution near theocrats-held Sana’a

Yemen will be celebrating tomorrow the 57th anniversary of the 26 September Revolution against theocratic Mutawkilite kingdom, which ended in the declaration of the Republic.

This evening the Yemeni army lit the Torch of the Revolution in Nehm Mountains east of the capital Sana’a that, since a coup in September 2014, has been under the control of Houthis – descendants of the theocrats against whom the earlier republicans revolted.

The range of Nehm Mountains is a frontline where the Yemeni army stands ready to take capital city (photo)

Another Photo:

(A P)

UAE provides fuel for electricity in Aden

(B K P)

May 2018: The Embassy of Yemen, Washington DC: Reviving the Peace Process in Yemen

It has been more than three years since the coup of September2014 that resulted in the take-over of the capital city of Sanaa. And despite the Government’s sincere efforts and the inter-national community’s backing and support for the United Nations-led peace process, a political settlement to end the war has yet to be reached

(B K P)

Nov. 2017: Splitting a home into two How Iran and Saudi Arabia influence Yemen’s territorial conflict against unification.

The ongoing rebellion in Yemen caused by two opposing parties the Houthis, rebel group and supported by Iranian government who fund their equipment use for waging war against Saudi-led coalition which is under alliance of President Hadi. Conflicting situation started after few more years of being united. The main goal of Iran is to preserve Shi’a throughout the Arab Community, while Saudi Arabia been a Shiite community.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Sep. 24:

(* A K pH)

In Defiance of Sana’a’s Peace Initiative, 200 Airstrikes in Past Few Days

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman, Yahya Saree, stated that US-Saudi aggression launched more than 35 airstrikes on a number of governorates during the past hours. He said that the air strikes targeted civilians' properties and farms, mostly in Sa'ada governorate.

Sare'e announced on Wednesday the toll of the US-Saudi raids, since the announcement of the initiative of President Mahdi Al-Mashat on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 21 revolution, reached163 air strikes have resulted in dozens of martyrs and injured and caused great destruction in the property and farms of citizens.

President Mahdi Al-Mashat said yesterday in a speech marking the 57th anniversary of the glorious September 26th revolution that "the other party's engagement with the initiative announced last week has not been responsible or encouraging so far."

(A K pH)

A lone survivor, millions of calls for retaliation

A lone survivor. Perhaps she is not yet in her fourth year. She was recovered alive from under the rubble of her family’s house, which she left, surviving “an act of criminality” that was carried out by expensive warplanes which conducted the raid in order to accomplish this destruction. What a stunning victory! (photo)

(A K pH)


During the past 12 hours, the US-Saudi aggression launched more than 36 airstrikes on Saada, Hajjah, and Nehm district in Sana’a province.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Three Citizens killed, Injured in Saudi-mercenaries’ Shelling on Sa’adah

A woman was killed and two others citizens were injured on Friday by Saudi-mercenaries’ shelling in Adh Dhahir border district, Sa’adah province.

(A K pH)

Citizen Martyrdom By Bullets Of Saudi Border Guards In Sadaa

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Project MASAM Removes 876 Landmines in 3rd Week of September 2019

(* B K pH)

Review: Yemen's 8 indigenous drones that changed military equations

The Yemeni army and its Houthi allies have successfully changed the military equation in a brutal Saudi war by at least eight military drones which they have manufactured domestically.

Yemen's Arabic-language Ansarullah news portal on Thursday published a report on game-changing military achievements of the Yemeni army in designing and manufacturing missiles and military drones.

According to the report, Yemen currently possesses 11 missile systems, some of which are completely indigenous and some others upgraded versions of Russian ones.

One of these missiles is Quds-1 winged missile, which is capable of traveling as far as 1,700 kilometers, it added.

The report also briefly reviewed eight combat and surveillance drones the Yemeni army has produced during the war, saying the aircraft have changed the military equation, particularly through cross-border attacks on the kingdom.

(A K pS)

Shooting down of a “Drone” aircraft that tried to target a military parade in Hadhramaut

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, a civilian was killed with Saudi border guards gunshots in Shida district. US-Saudi aggression launched raids on Kitaf district and a raid on Razih district.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-579 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-579: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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