Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 589 - Yemen War Mosaic 589

Yemen Press Reader 589: 23. Okt. 2019: Jürgen Todenhöfer über US-Kriege – Amnesty-Bericht: Luftangriffe, Streubomben – PR-Kampagnen der Emirate – Hodeidah: Vier UN-Kontrollpunkte ...

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... Südjemen: Weitere Kämpfe zwischen Regierung und Separatisten, noch kein Abkommen – und mehr

Oct. 23, 2019: Jürgen Todenhöfer on US wars (in German) – Amnesty report: Air raids, cluster bombs – Emirates’ PR campaigns (in German) – Hodeida: Four UN control points – Southern Yemen: More infighting between government and separatists, not yet any agreement – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Hodeidah: cp1; Südjemen / Southern Yemen: cp6

(** B K P)

Film von Jürgen Todenhöfer: Will Trump wirklich aus den Kriegen im Mittleren Osten aussteigen?

(** B K)



Since the beginning of the current conflict in Yemen in 2015, Amnesty International has documented violations and abuses by all parties to the conflict. However, on this occasion, I am writing to share with you a compilation of Amnesty International’s published work on the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition’s violations of international humanitarian law and of international human rights law in Yemen to date. The violations include disproportionate or otherwise indiscriminate attacks that have killed or injured civilians and destroyed or damaged civilian objects; and the use of banned weapons, such as cluster munitions.

The work we are presenting to you is based on investigations carried out both in person and remotely. Between February 2015 and September 2019, Amnesty International conducted eight field missions in the north and south of Yemen, covering Sana’a, Sa’da, Amran, Hajjah, Hodeidah, Ibb, Ta’iz, Dhale’, Lahj, Abyan and Aden. When conducting investigations, Amnesty International gathers information by interviewing survivors, victims, witnesses, medical and NGO personnel, journalists, lawyers and government officials on the ground, either in person or by telecommunication. Amnesty International investigates and corroborates the circumstances and impact of attacks by examining satellite imagery, medical reports, physical evidence (such as remnants from munitions used in attacks), and photos and videos with the original metadata where available. Images of weapon remnants are analysed by weapons experts, and images of the impact site are sent for ballistic analysis where possible. In over half of these cases, we were able to access the sites in question.

Since 2015, the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition has carried out scores of indiscriminate and disproportionate air strikes, hitting civilian objects on homes, schools, hospitals, markets, mosques, weddings, funerals and prisons. Amnesty International documented 42 Coalition air strikes that appear to have violated international humanitarian law, many of which could amount to war crimes. These have resulted in 518 civilian deaths and 433 civilians injured.

Our attached report begins with a recent concerning case documented by Amnesty International, in which the Coalition carried out an aerial attack on 28 June 2019, using a US-manufactured Raytheon Paveway laser-guided bomb that struck a residential home in village of Warzan in the governorate of Ta’iz. The double-tap air strike killed six civilians in what appeared to be an unlawful air strike. The six members of the al-Kindi family killed in the 28 June airstrike were: Abdelqawi Abdu Ahmed al-Kindi (aged 62), his wife Hayat Abdu Seif Mohamed (50), and their two sons - Ahmed Abdelqawi Abdu Ahmed al-Kindi (28), Hussein Abdelqawi Abdu Ahmed al-Kindi (12), and their two grandchildren - Hamza Abdelqawi Abdu Ahmed al-Kindi (9), Ayman Ali Abdelqawi Abdu Ahmed al-Kindi (6). Abdelqawi and his son Ahmed both worked as construction contractors. Witnesses told Amnesty International there were no fighters or military vehicles in the vicinity of the al-Kindi home at the time of the attack.

In another case documented by Amnesty, on 25 August 2017, a US-manufactured Raytheon Paveway laser-guided bomb struck civilian homes in Yemen’s largest city, Sana’a. A five-year old girl was the sole survivor in her family; she lost five siblings aged 2 to 10 and both her parents. We would welcome a chance to meet with you to discuss this and other cases in more depth and answer any questions.

The Coalition has also used cluster munitions, lethal explosive weapons banned under international law. When launched, cluster bombs release dozens – sometimes hundreds – of small “bomblets,” which often lie unexploded and can cause horrific injuries long after the initial attack. Amnesty International has documented the Coalition’s use of six different types of cluster munitions, including US, UK, Brazilian-manufactured models in Sana’a, Hajjah, Amran and Sa’da governorates.

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Full report:

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(** B P)

Sauberer US-Verbündeter trotz Folter – Emirate polieren erfolgreich ihr Image in Washington

Zurückzuführen ist dies auf eine massive Einflussmaschinerie der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in den USA, so ein aktueller Bericht des Center for International Policy (CIP).

Die in Washington ansässige Nichtregierungsorganisation ist der Frage nachgegangen, wie es sein kann, dass die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, anders als ihr Koalitionspartner Saudi-Arabien, trotz des Engagements im Jemenkrieg weitgehend als verlässlicher Verbündeter des Westens angesehen werden. Schließlich haben die Emirate, ebenso wie Saudi-Arabien, eine "abscheuliche Menschenrechtsbilanz" inklusive willkürlicher Festnahmen eigener Bürger sowie westlicher Wissenschaftler und sogar des Verschwindenlassens unliebsamer Kritiker. Wie haben die VAE dann ihren privilegierten Status beibehalten?

Laut der Studie des CIP ist dafür eine "riesige und ungemein einflussreiche" Lobbying- und PR-Kampagne der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in den Vereinigten Staaten ausschlaggebend.

Mit ihrer Transparenzinitiative (Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative) will die Organisation Aufschluss über die insgesamt "eine halbe Milliarde Dollar schwere ausländische Einflussindustrie geben, die jeden Tag daran arbeitet, die US-Außenpolitik zu gestalten".

Für den aktuellen Bericht hat sich das CIP alle Aktivitäten angesehen, die laut dem Registrierungsgesetz für Auslandsvertreter (Foreign Agents Registration Act, FARA) verzeichnet sind. FARA schreibt vor, dass Akteure, die in den USA politisch für ausländische Regierungen tätig sind, diese Tätigkeit beim Justizministerium registrieren und genehmigen lassen müssen.

Laut den Autoren nutzen nicht nur die Emiratis, sondern auch die Saudis PR-Kampagnen, um ihr Image zu verbessern.

Obwohl sich die Einflussnahme der Emiratis in vielerlei Hinsicht deutlich von der der Saudis unterscheidet, stützen sich beide stark auf ihre von der FARA registrierten Lobbying- und PR-Firmen, um ihr Image in den USA zu verbessern und ihre Vergehen so weit wie möglich aus dem öffentlichen Bewusstsein zu halten", schreiben die Autoren des Berichts.

Allein im vergangenen Jahr erhielten 20 US-Firmen von emiratischen Kunden 20 Millionen Dollar für ihre Arbeit. Die Einflusskampagne im Namen der Golfnation umfasste 3.168 "politische Aktivitäten", die Hälfte davon mit einem Fokus auf den zunehmend umstrittenen Krieg im Jemen.

So wurden offensichtliche Propagandakampagnen, "unverblümt pro-emiratische" Positionen mit eher lückenhafter Darstellung der Situation im Jemen, über die Netzwerke per E-Mail versendet. Darunter ein Artikel von Michael Knights, Senior Fellow am Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), in dem es um die "Befreiung" der Hafenstadt Hudaida im Jemen durch die VAE geht, vermeintlich aus humanitären Gründen. Dabei war es zu dem Zeitpunkt die saudisch geführte Koalition, die beschlossen hatte, die Warenströme am Hafen von Hudaida zu stoppen – eine absolut beschönigende Darstellung der Rolle der Emiratis im Hinblick auf die bitter benötigten Hilfsgüter im Jemen.

Neben derartigen E-Mails vor allem an Abgeordnete und Ausschüsse zielten die Kampagnen auf Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Denkfabriken sowie Medien und die Exekutive ab.

Original report in English:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (September 2019)

Since the second wave of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD)/cholera outbreak on 27 April 2017, the cumulative total of suspected cholera cases as of 30 September 2019 reached 2,091,442 with 3,656 associated deaths (case fatality rate [CFR] 0.17 per cent). Suspected cholera cases have increased since the start of 2019, with 320 out of 333 districts reporting suspected cases. Between January and September 2019, there have been 687,135 suspected cases and 898 associated deaths recorded (CFR 0.13 per cent). Thanks to the enormous efforts done by all the humanitarian partners to respond to this epidemic, the weekly number of deaths associated to AWD was divided by 3.6 between the week 14 that has recorded the highest number of cases in 2019 and the week 39 that corresponds to end of September. The average weekly case fatality rate is remained at a low level, around 0.08 per cent in average

(* B H)

World Health Organization: Outbreak update - Cholera in Yemen, 29 September 2019

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 16 625 suspected cases and 15 associated deaths during epidemiological week 39 (23 – 29 September) of 2019. Thirteen percent of cases were severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 1 September 2019 is 1 067 863, with 1418 associated deaths (CFR 0.13%). Children under five represent 25% of total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 305 of 333 districts in Yemen.

From week 8 in 2019, the trend of weekly reported suspected cholera cases started increasing and reached more than 29 500 cases by week 14. These were the maximum number of cases reported so far. The trend of suspected cases has been fluctuating over the past weeks. From week 37 to week 39 the trend of suspected cases has been decreasing at the country level.

The governorates reporting the highest number of suspected cases of cholera during 2019 were Al Hudaydah (104 169), Amanat Al Asimah (94 985), Sana’a (86 278), Hajjah (64 886), Dhamar (57 076), Ibb (62 905) and Amran (43 649).

(* B H)

World Health Organization: Yemen Conflict, Situation Report Issue No. 9, September 2019

As of 29 September 2019, there have been 696,537 suspected cholera cases and 913 associated deaths (CFR 0.13%). From Week (37) to Week (39) at country level, the trend of suspected cases is decreasing (-12 %)

Second round of Oral Cholera Vaccination campaign was conducted in the three districts of Sana’a city

Diphtheria vaccination was conducted in 186 districts of the 12 Northern Governorates targeting 5.7 million children 6 weeks to 15 years of age =

(* B H)

WHO says cholera has killed over 910 people in Yemen since January

The World Health Organization (WHO) says cholera has killed more than 910 people in war-torn Yemen since January and nearly 700,000 suspected cholera cases has been reported.

The UN agency on Monday said in a statement, cited by Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, that the water-borne bacterial infection had claimed the lives of 913 Yemenis from the beginning this year until the end of September.

It added that it had also received reports of 696,537 suspected cholera cases during the same period.

“Children under the age of five constitute 25.5 percent of the total suspected cases of cholera,”

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K pH P)

Sana’a Implements All Parts of Hodeidah Agreement

Member of the [Sanaa gov.] national team in the redeployment committee in Hodeidah Brigadier General Mohammad Al-Qadri said that Sana'a has implemented all parts of the agreement in the deployment of control points and now it is the turn of the United Nations.

Brigadier-General Qadri added that the United Nations has duties and tasks in deploying field liaison officers to the four agreed joint control points.

Al-Qadri pointed out that it was agreed to create a new joint control point in the City Max area in Hodeidah to be disembarked and installed tomorrow, adding that the agreement ensures the prevention of any movements of individuals, vehicles, fortifications and prevent the Surveillance by both parties.

He pointed out by saying that the United Nations has to carry out its responsibilities, recording any new violations after the deployment of these points from any party and the declaration of the party breaking the ceasefire and hold it fully responsibility before the world.

(A K P)

Anti-al Houthi media accused al Houthi forces of attacking a UN checkpoint in al Hudaydah port city in western Yemen on October 22. The UN installed four checkpoints in al Hudaydah on October 19 in an effort to enforce the 2018 UN-brokered Stockholm Agreement, which calls for the demilitarization of the port city.[1]

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

In Hodeidah, a civilian was injured with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in At-tohayta. […]

(* B H K)

World Food Programme: WFP brings vital humanitarian supplies to civilians trapped on Yemeni frontline

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has reached families trapped in Yemen’s Durayhimi City with much-needed humanitarian assistance. This is only the second time in over a year that WFP has been able to reach the town which lies about 20 kms south of the port city of Hodeidah.

While most of Durayhimi City’s residents have fled, some 200 civilians remain and are now highly vulnerable as fighting rages around them. There are no functioning health facilities and the shops are bare. Finding enough to eat is a struggle. With each passing day, the war takes more of a toll on those who remain behind.

Last week, WFP and sister UN agencies distributed a three-month supply of food, as well as nutrition supplements, water, medicine, and hygiene kits.

“When we arrived in Durayhimi City, many people were angry that it had taken us so long to get to there and those cries quickly turned to pleas for help,” said WFP Yemen Deputy Country Director Ally-Raza Qureshi who led the mission. “I agree with them - it’s totally unacceptable that these civilians lack safe passage out and that the humanitarian community finds it so difficult to reach them with relief supplies.”

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, October 21st, 2019

(* A K P)

Hodeidah: observers from both sides deployed to Red Sea city

A UN committee has put in place monitors to strengthen the ceasefire agreed in Sweden last year

The UN committee tasked with overseeing the ceasefire in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah has begun deploying monitors from both sides to the city, a military source in the joint pro-government forces confirmed to The National.

“The UN Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) monitoring the withdrawal of the warring forces in Hodeidah city in Yemen started on Saturday deploying monitors from both parties in the outskirts of the city to strengthen the ceasefire around the city and stop any violations,” the source told The National.

The deployment came after a meeting brought together the two warring sides on the border of their lines of control in the city, and the newly appointed observer of the UN mission monitoring the Hodeidah ceasefire, Indian Lieutenant General Abhijit Guha.

“The meeting succeeded in setting up the first monitoring point in the July 7 neighborhood in Al-Khamseen street eastern the city of Hodeidah,” Colonel Wathah Al-Dubaish, spokesperson of the joint forces in Hodeidah, told The National.

He confirmed that an officer from the joint forces and another from the Houthi rebels were deployed to form the first monitoring point in the city.

“The two officers will work collaboratively with the UN monitors who are deployed on the UN ship in the national waters to strengthen the ceasefire, through preventing infiltrations and stopping any attempts for trenching, and to report any reinforcements push from both parties,” the colonel said.

The monitors are due to be deployed at four points on the eastern and southern outskirts of the city for the first phase of its implementation. If this takes place successfully, then the second stage will be implemented, he said. That will entail monitors being deployed to the southern Hodeidah districts of Al Duraihimi, Haiys and Al Tuhaiyta.

“After deploying monitors from the two warring parties all over the clashes zones in and around the city and in the southern districts, the UN monitors will then take part in the monitoring process, they will join the local m

“After deploying monitors from the two warring parties all over the clashes zones in and around the city and in the southern districts, the UN monitors will then take part in the monitoring process, they will join the local monitors on the ground to lead the new phase of the ceasefire,” Col Al-Dubaish added.


(A K P)

Hodeidah. The Houthis prevent the UN team from disembarking from the ship and move to deploy the observation post in Al-Saleh

Houthi militias prevented the UN team headed by "Abjihit Joha", on Sunday morning, from leaving their headquarters in the ship anchored at sea and prevented them from moving and reaching the meeting point to complete the deployment of liaison officers on the lines of contact east of the city of Hodeida in western Yemen.

A field source told "Al-Masdar Online" that the Houthi militias deployed, Sunday morning, in front of the UN ship anchored in the Red Sea, and restricted the movement of the UN team, and prevented them from moving to the meeting point to deploy liaison officers at the second observation point in the city of Al-Saleh in implementation for the agreement between the two parties.

My remark: As claimed by a pro-Hadi government news site. The Houthis seem to have lifted this blockade somewhat later.


(* A K P)

UN mission in Yemen's Hodeidah builds control points to monitor cease-fire

A UN cease-fire monitoring mission in Yemen's Hodeidah on Sunday began establishing control points to monitor a truce between Yemeni warring parties, a security source in the city said.

The temporary control points would be set up on four front lines in the east and south of the city to prevent escalation between the government forces and the Houthi rebels, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

The control points would be manned by liaison officers from both warring parties in accordance with a UN-sponsored cease-fire agreement reached in Stockholm in December 2018.

Abhijit Guha, the newly-appointed head of the UN monitoring mission, who arrived in Hodeidah last week, oversees the progress.

and also


(A K P)

Joint Team stabilize second point to monitor ceasefire in "Hodeidah"

The Joint Liaison Officers Team between the Joint Forces and Houthi militias was able to activate and stabilize the second checkpoint monitoring the ceasefire in Al-Hodeidah, western Yemen.


(A K P)

Yemen Redeployment Committee Sets up 3rd Observation Point In Hodeidah to Reinforce Truce

The Yemeni team at the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) in Hodeidah asserted Monday that a ceasefire was reinforced in the city after the establishment of three joint observation points between the legitimate government and Iran-backed Houthi militias, allowing the UN to redeploy its members and observe the truce from all sides in the coming phase.

and also

and film:


(A K P)

Yemen Redeployment Committee Sets Up 4th Observation Point in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pS)

An officer killed, two liaison officers wounded by Houthi snipers east of Hodeidah

(A K pH)


The security source said that the aggression forces continued to violate peace agreement, targeting the area of al-Jah in Beit al-Faqih artillery shells, which led to the burning of the home of a citizen.

The source added that the aggression forces targeted different areas in Kilo 16, west and south of Al-Balakma village east of Al-Tuhita city with artillery shells and machine guns.

(A K pH)

Oct. 20: In Hodeidah, US-Saudi aggression targeted eastern At-tohayta district with artillery shells and machineguns.

(A K pH)

Film: Aggressive forces and traitors target relief materials in the besieged city of Duraimi

(A K pS)

Hodeidah. Truck driver killed and his assistant injured by bomb blast in Tahita

A truck driver was killed and his companion was injured Sunday morning when an explosive device from the remnants of Houthi militias exploded in the Tahita district in southern Hodeidah province in western Yemen.

and also


(A K pS)

Houthi Militias Plant IED's in Residential Areas

One person was killed and another wounded when an explosive device planted by Houthi terrorist militias, exploded on al-Faza road in Tahita directorate in southern Hodeida.
A local source said that an explosive device which the Houthi militias planted in Al-Faza road blew up a vehicle which belonged to a resident. The explosion killed Omar Hammoud Ghaleb and seriously injured Ismail Ali Ben Ali.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B H K P)

Vergessener Krieg im Jemen: Momente der Hoffnung

Seit 2015 ist im Jemen Krieg. Durch Waffen, Hunger, Krankheiten und mangelnde ärztliche Versorgung starben laut UN rund 230.000 Menschen. Nun scheint es „Momente der Hoffnung für eine Deeskalation“ zu geben, sagt Jemen-Expertin Mareike Transfeld.

Sieben Monate als deutsche Hebamme in Taiz

Dorothea Müller kommt aus Dresden und arbeitete sieben Monate als Hebamme im Jemen. Dort betreute sie Frauen, Schwangere und Kleinkinder in einem der letzten funktionierenden Krankenhäuser in der Stadt Taiz, das von Ärzte ohne Grenzen betrieben wird

„Man hat die Frauen in einem kurzen Zeitrahmen betreut. Es ist schwer, wenn man sie in Anführungszeichen gerettet hat und nach zwei, drei Tagen sagen muss: Jetzt darfst Du nach Hause gehen und da auch schon Trauer in den Augen sieht. Und Verzweiflung. Weil die eben in ein Zuhause geht, das vielleicht aus Plastikplanen besteht oder aus einem Bretterverschlag oder direkt an der Front liegt. Und sie nicht wissen, ist man das nächste Opfer des Krieges? Und wie versorgt man die Kinder? Und jetzt ist da ein Neugeborenes. Auch auf meiner Seite war da viel Verzweiflung. Aber man kann nicht alles retten, man hat es nicht in der Hand – das Grundproblem ist der Krieg.“

Jemen-Expertin sieht Momente der Hoffnung

Die Konflikte innerhalb dieser Parteien werden noch lange anhalten, prophezeit Mareike Transfeld.

„Aber eine Möglichkeit ist eine Deeskalierung der Gewalt. Das kann nur geschehen, wenn sich regionale und internationale Akteure anders verhalten. Es ist schwer zu sagen, ob ein Ende in Sicht ist. Aber es gibt immer wieder Momente der Hoffnung (mit Audio)

Mein Kommentar: Mit allgemeinem Überblick. Die Aussagen zu den Houthis und zu den auswärtigen Akteuren sind von Propaganda gefärbt. Bei den Huthis fehlt die Vorgeschichte, die erklären würde, wie es zu dieser Bewegung kam, völlig: „Die Gruppe „Ansar Allah“ formierte sich im bergigen Norden in den späten 90er-Jahren, als eine politische und bewaffnete Revival-Bewegung der Zaiditen,“ erklärt gar nichts. Stattdessen werden sie in der Kapitelüberschrift als „intolerante Rebellen“ hervorgehoben. Das ist kein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, „tolerant“ ist im Jemen keine einzige beteiligte Gruppierung. Unter den auswärtigen Mächten wird er Iran als erste genannt. Für die Saudis fehlt völlig die Vorgeschichte und die dauerhafte Einmischung der Saudis im Land. Der Beginn ihres Bombenkrieges wird quasi gerechtfertigt mit: „Im Frühjahr 2015 hatten die Saudis schließlich genug“. Und von den USA heißt es: „Auch wenn Amerika kein Hauptakteur im Jemen ist“: Das ist eine der Haut-Lebenslügen des „Westens“, wie sie die Medien immer wieder propagieren. „Es sind gar nicht unsere Kriege.“ Doch, sind sie, die USA sind einer der Hauptakteure im Jemen, wenn es ums „Strippenziehen“ im Hintergrund geht, sogar DER Hauptakteur.

(A K P)


The Association of Yemen’s Scholars said, on Monday, that the crime of torture of prisoners to death is an evidence of the criminal behavior of Daesh.

The association of Yemen’s Scholars stressed in a statement that the crime should be a driver for all free people to move towards the fronts of fighting to liberate Yemen from these criminal gangs and obscurantist forces

My comment: This claim by the Houthi side is falling back on them: The Houthis are great torturers themselves.

(* B H K)

Yemen: Protection Cluster Update (september 2019)

Al-Hudaydah continues to see the highest civilian casualty count, with 133 out of 418 civilian casualties reported during July and August 2019 in Yemen. Of these, 97 were as a result of shellfire, as hostilities persist in proximity to the civilian population

Hajja observed the highest civilian casualty toll on account of airstrikes (incident in Dhamar not included in date range), seeing 30 of 38 civilian casualties caused by airstrikes across Yemen during August 2019.

The recent surge in hostilities in Aden during August 2019 drove a high civilian casualty rate. During July and August 2019, 65 civilian casualties were reported in Aden, of whom 54 were during August

Another hotspot in the country remains at the border areas with Saudi Arabia, with the Sa’ada border districts continuing to see a high rate of hostilities on a weekly basis. 61 civilian casualties were reported in Sa’ada during July and August 2019, 48 of whom were on account of shellfire.

Children were reportedly most harmed as a direct result of by armed violence in Al-Hudaydah (46 child casualties), Sa’ada (23) and Taiz (16).

Active conflict in Al-Dhale also continued to take a toll on civilians during July and August 2019, largely concentrated in Qa’atabah district. The governorate saw 30 civilian casualties during the two months.

Across the country, shellfire caused the highest number of civilian casualties, 224 out of 418 civilian casualties, of whom 97 were reported in Al-Hudaydah and 48 in Sa’ada

(B H K P)

India suspends treatment of wounded Saudi militants

India has suspended a grant to treat 29 wounded militants of the Saudi-led coalition that was promised more than two months ago, after the Hadi government-in-exile stopped the funds for their treatment. This was reported by pro-coalition media on Sunday.

According to media sources, wounded militants from the southern Yemeni provinces who are being treated in Bangalore, are under threaten of being expelled after their treatment grant was stopped by coalition countries.

(* B K P)

How Yemen is a Pawn in the Great Power Game

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have shared regional foreign policy concerns with Iran, Qatar, Egypt, Libya, Sudan and elsewhere. Yet they have faced divisions over their ambitions in Yemen by supporting rival factions, which have further sabotaged the country’s stability.

Abu Dhabi’s ambitions became more apparent after the STC launched a coup in Aden on August 10

Ultimately, the UAE seeks an independent southern state to control the country’s strategic southern ports, including Aden, to significantly boost its maritime trade across the Indian Ocean and beyond.

Abu Dhabi perceives Hadi as an obstacle to these ambitions

Despite backing different actors in Yemen, both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have so far managed these divisions, given their vocal support for a unification deal. The rivalry is more between their proxy factions, rather than the two Gulf Cooperation Council states themselves.

Saudi Arabia needs the UAE’s alliance to legitimize its intervention, while Abu Dhabi’s campaign has only been possible under the guise of joining Riyadh’s coalition.

They had previously secured such compromises in Yemen.

Saudi and Emirati interference in the country has freedom to continue due to the significant international support for their cause, particularly vast weapons sales from the United States, United Kingdom and France.

This has clearly undermined peace efforts, as analysts such as Marieke Brandt argue that the Houthis largely mobilized due to grievances such as outside interference in Yemen and corruption. Therefore, tensions between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia/the Hadi government have not been fully dealt with.

Should a peace deal between the Hadi government and the STC hold, it could still face challenges as the STC retains pro-southern independence wishes. Hadi and the UAE still have enmity, with Hadi previously calling Abu Dhabi an “occupying power”, after the UAE’s attempts to undermine his leadership. Furthermore, despite the UAE withdrawing some military forces on June 28, this was diplomatic cover to continue its covert support for southern factions, which it has not yet renounced. Such actions could sabotage future peace efforts.

While the UAE backs the STC, other southern secessionist movements exist including those seeking governorate autonomy. Some oppose Emirati and Saudi influence in the country. Along with the UAE’s desire to secure its crucial alliance with Riyadh, this could further hinder Abu Dhabi’s ambitions in southern Yemen – by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey

(A K P)

Zarif: Teheran unterstützt jegliche Initiative zur Beendigung des Jemen-Krieges

Der iranische Außenminister erklärte, dass Teheran jegliche umsetzbare Initiative für die Beendigung des Jemen-Krieges begrüße und hob hervor: "Die IR Iran ist immer an der Seite des jemenitischen Volkes."

(A K P)

[Separatist] Security Belt releases child soldiers recruited by Houthis

The Security Belt Forces released a number of children who were captured after being forced to fight with the Iran-backed Houthi putschist militia on al-Dhale fronts.

During a child soldiers' release ceremony, the commander of the Security Belt Forces in al-Dhale province, Colonel Ahmed Qaid said that the release also included those who renounced their support for the pro-Iran sectarian militants.

(* A E P)

Griffiths submits "temporary" initiative to collect revenues from Hodeidah port and pay salaries to employees

Informed sources revealed that the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, has submitted an interim initiative related to the collection of revenues from the port of Hodeidah and its transfer to pay the salaries of the employees.

The initiative, the text of which is published by Al-Masdar online, consists of five items relating to technical and administrative arrangements for revenue collection and the payment of staff salaries.

The temporary initiative stipulated that for two months customs and taxes on oil imports from Hodeidah ports would be provided to a special account established for this purpose at the Central Bank of Hodeidah.

According to the initiative, the UN will have a supervisory role on the account in cooperation with the Central Bank of Hodeidah to ensure the transparency of the process.

The United Nations will call for an urgent technical meeting to reach an agreement that would allow the revenue component of the Hodeidah Agreement to be implemented and lead to the payment of all salaries of civil servants, according to the Ministry of Civil Service database 2014.

These procedures will also be introduced immediately after they are agreed upon.

After agreeing to pay the salaries of the employees, the United Nations will call on the international community to assist the Yemeni government to cover the funding gap for the salary bill as much as possible.

Al-Masdar online publishes the text of the initiative presented by the UN envoy:

My comment: This sounds reasonable. All sides must be interested in paying the state employees.

(A K P)

[Sanaa government] Prisoners Affairs Committee: Blood of 3 Tortured War Prisoners Will Not Be Wasted

Head of the Committee for War Prisoners Affairs, Abdul Qader Al-Murtada, said that the blood of the 3 war prisoners who were tortured in the prisons of mercenaries of aggression in Marib will not go to waste. "This is the fourth crime, the same way as the various governorates, committed by the mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression," he said.

My comment: Unfortunately, the Houthi side itself is not better at all.

(A K P)

Abdulsalam: Aggression Ignores Its Captured, Killed and Army Commanders Good at Fleeing

In a comment on the statement of the [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman this afternoon, which revealed scenes of the first stage of Victory from Allah military operation, the head of the [Sanaa gov.] national delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, denounced the way the Saudi enemy army deals with its recruits and using them as human shields.

(* B H K P)

Rights Radar: The siege of Taiz is a war crime and collective punishment and the Houthis must lift it

Human Rights Radar organization has called for the lifting of the five-year siege imposed by Houthi militias on residents of Taiz.

Rights Radar Organization for Human Rights has called for putting an end to the Houthi siege on Taiz, in the center of Yemen, as the people have been suffering for nearly five years as a result of this severe siege on the city from the eastern side (Al-Hawban), in addition to the northern and western sides.

The people in Taiz have suffered so much from this severe siege and the closure of the main outlets by the militants of Ansar Allah movement (the Houthi group). As a result, the residents of Taiz are forced to take bumpy and narrow roads that endanger their lives and cause accidents, in addition to searches, extortion, harassment, and sometimes abduction and arrest in the Houthi checkpoints.

Before this siege, reaching Taiz downtown took only a few minutes and cost 100 Yemeni riyals, but now it takes more than 6 hours and costs about 5,000 riyals to reach the outskirts of the city only. Due to the closure of the outlets and roads leading to Taiz, the Houthi siege has caused the high prices of goods and the high cost of transport and communications. It also has caused damage to various sectors and services and affected all the aspects of life in the city.

(* B K pH P)

What Only Way To End The War In Yemen?

There is only one expeditious way for Saudi Arabia to end this war, and that is to stop its military campaign.

The United States, Britain and other Western powers continue to assist the coalition with intelligence, logistical support and sales of billions of dollars in weaponry, much of it being used in the conflict in Yemen, the Middle East’s poorest nation.

U.N. Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths remains optimistic that peace in Yemen is possible despite setbacks in mediation efforts.

Mr Griffiths might have been too eager to place his trust in the government Hadi, but he is not to blame for the continuation of this crisis.

All sides should be committed to finding a solution, to alleviate the extreme suffering in Yemen.

Beneath the bluster, all sides know that a political solution is the only option moving forward. The bloodshed and turmoil in Yemen will continue until that point is reached.

Griffiths says a political solution to end this catastrophic war must be found soon.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)


The Yemeni Oil Company announced on Sunday, ending all aspects of the supply crisis, where the company has provided large quantities of gasoline and landing all the trains that arrived in a row and direct supervision of the distribution by the leadership of the oil company.


(A K P)

YPC Appreciates National Delegation Efforts Resulting in Release of Some Oil Tankers

Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) appreciated the efforts of the [Sanaa gov.] National Delegation and the [Sanaa] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which resulted in the arrival of some oil tankers, which were detained by the US-Saudi aggression.

The company drew in a statement that 102 fuel stations would operate in the capital Sana’a as of Sunday morning, along with all the company’s stations in the capital and the provinces.

The company mobilized its efforts on Saturday evening to end the manifestations of oil derivatives crisis, and worked to operate 41 fuel stations at their full operational capacity in the capital Sanaa.

(A K P)

YPC New Oil Ship Arrives In Hodeidah Port

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) announced on Saturday the arrival of a ship carrying 20,004 tons of gasoline and 9,985 tons of diesel in Hodeidah port after being held by Saudi-led aggression coalition for 24 days.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (September 2019)

Between January and September 2019, 215,578 children under five (67 per cent of annual target) with severe acute malnutrition (SAM), received treatment through fixed and mobile outpatient therapeutic programmes (OTPs).

In September, more than 600,000 people, including host communities and internally displaced persons, accessed safe drinking water through the operation and maintenance of the water supply systems.

32,292 people including 27,537 children in 16 governorates received psychosocial support through a network of fixed and mobile child friendly spaces to help them overcome the immediate and limit long-term consequences of their exposure to violence.

(B H)

Norway at top, Yemen at bottom of rankings for women's quality of life

At the bottom were Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Iraq, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Mali and Libya.

Saudi Arabia persisted in having the most extensive legal discrimination against women, followed by Yemen, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates and Syria.

(* B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Fund 2018-2019 Annual Monitoring Report

During the period under review, Yemen continued to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, driven by conflict, economic collapse and the continuous breakdown of public institutions and services. Seventy-five per cent of the entire population,

22.2 million people required some form of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 11.3 million who were in acute need – an increase of more than one million people in acute need since June 2017. The escalation of the conflict since March 2015 had dramatically aggravated protection risks for millions.

The Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) is the largest Country-Based Pooled Fund (CBPF) in the world. It makes funding directly available to humanitarian partners operating in Yemen so they can deliver timely and effective life-saving assistance to those who need it most. Donor contributions are unearmarked and allocated to eligible partners through an inclusive and transparent process in support of priorities set out in the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP). In 2018, 26 generous donors contributed a record-breaking $208.7m.

Between January 2018 and July 2019, the YHF has supported 187 projects amounting to $302m.
This monitoring report provides an overview of YHF monitoring functions and analysis of projects monitored since 2018 and until July 2019.

(* B H K P)

15 million Yemenis see water supplies cut amid fuel crisis

15 million people in Yemen have had their water supplies severely cut, putting them at risk of deadly diseases like cholera because of a fuel crisis, analysis by aid agencies, including Oxfam, has shown.

11 million people relying on water supplied by piped networks and four million people who depend on water trucked in by private companies have had to drastically reduce their daily consumption since fuel prices soared in September. In three major cities, Ibb, Dhamar and Al Mahwit, home to around 400,000 people, central water systems have been forced to shut down completely.

Oxfam has had to cut trucked water to thousands of people because of the increase in fuel prices. Piped water systems installed by Oxfam, which supply a quarter of a million people, are running at around 50 per cent capacity.

Access to clean water is a matter of life and death in Yemen, particularly for the more than seven million people already weakened by malnourishment, as water borne diseases are rife. The country has experienced one of the worst cholera outbreaks in recent history. Since April 2017, there have been over two million suspected cases of cholera and over 3700 deaths.

The current fuel crisis is the latest example of the warring parties using the economy as a weapon of war.

Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Yemen Country Director said: “This fuel crisis is affecting every area of people’s lives but none more crucial than the lack of clean water. For millions of Yemenis already struggling to survive hunger and disease, clean water is a lifeline that is now being cut.

“This weaponisation of the Yemeni economy is yet another cruelty inflicted on the people of Yemen who have been forced to endure four years of conflict.

(B H)

US Agency for International Development: Yemen: Food Assistance Fact Sheet - September 30, 2019

USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) enables UN and nongovernmental organization partners to provide emergency food assistance—including U.S.-sourced wheat, beans, and vegetable oil, as well as food vouchers redeemable for food baskets in local markets— to Yemen’s most vulnerable families.

FFP contributions in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 included more than $534 million to the UN World Food Program (WFP). WFP aims to reach approximately 12 million severely food-insecure Yemenis monthly with in-kind food assistance and food vouchers.

FFP also partners with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization to coordinate international organizations responding to food insecurity in Yemen

(* B H)

Factors associated with healthcare workers willingness to participate in disasters: A cross-sectional study in Sana'a, Yemen

Willingness to participate in disasters is usually overlooked and not addressed in disaster preparedness training courses to ensure health service coverage. This will lead to issues during the disaster's response. This study, therefore, aims to assess healthcare workers willingness to participate in biological and natural disasters, and to identify its associated factors.

This is a cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 1093 healthcare workers. The data were analysed using multiple logistic regression with significance level p<0.05. Ethical clearance and consent of the participants were duly obtained.

In three public hospitals that provide tertiary-level healthcare in Sana'a City, Yemen.

There were 692 nurses and doctors (response rate 63.3%) completed the questionnaires.

Almost half of the participants 55.1% were nurses and 44.9% were doctors. The study found that self-efficacy was associated with willingness to participate in disaster response for any type of disasters (OR 1.319, 95% CI 1.197 to 1.453), natural disasters (OR 1.143, 95% CI 1.069 to 1.221) and influenza pandemic (OR 1.114, 95% CI 1.050 to 1.182). The results further show that willingness is associated with healthcare workers being young, male and having higher educational qualifications.

Self-efficacy has been found to be an important factor associated with willingness. Improving self-efficacy through training in disaster preparedness may increase willingness of healthcare workers to participate in a disaster.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Somalia: Refugee returnees to Somalia (as of 30 September 2019)

From Yemen: 4,554

(* A H)

Film: A large number of Al-Tina village's people displaced by Houthi shelling in Hajjah

A large number of people from Al-Tina village in the Hajjah Governorate north eastern Yemen, displaced as a result of heavy Houthi shelling that targeted their villages and residential areas in Hajjah governorate, and a number of displaced people mentioned that most of the families left their homes and didn’t take anything with it from their properties, adding to that the children and the elders faced a huge hardships in long-distance displacement on foot in mined areas after the Houthis cut off the main roads.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 18 October 2019

The fifth cash distribution has commenced, targeting a total of 25,183 IDPs, IDP returnees and vulnerable host community families across Yemen.

Between April and September 2019, 154 civilian cases—70 per cent of them men and boys— have been supported with life-saving medical assistance through the ‘Victims Assistance Project

During the reporting period, UNHCR and the Immigration Passport Naturalization Authority (IPNA) of the Government of Yemen (GoY) registered and issued documentation to 438 refugees and asylum-seekers at four reception centres in the south

My comment: This sounds like a drop on a hot stone.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (15 October 2019)

From Yemen: 14,730

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(B P)

Houthis shut down private schools due to “co-education”

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels have closed a number of private schools under the pretext of co-education.

Yemeni activist claim that the Houthis close schools in order to recruit more children and send them to battlefields.

My remark: As claimed by a pro-Islah Party news site.

(A P)

Sana’a Airport plans future

Even though being closed by the invaders, airport authority plans modernisation of the airport

A meeting was held on Sunday at Sana’a International Airport, chaired by Head of the General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology, Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rahman Abdul Qadir, discussing the mechanism of developing and modernizing the airport in the next phase in line with modern developments in the field of civil aviation.

The meeting reviewed the technical and professional aspects being applicable at the airport and the mechanisms to develop it.

(A K P)

International Community has a Real Opportunity to Pick up Yemeni Initiative

Yemeni Ambassador to Tehran, Ibrahim Al-Dailami, stressed that the international community has a real chance to pick up and build on the Yemeni initiative presented by President Mahdi Al-Mashat. "The Iranian side emphasizes the political solution and the Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue without interference,"

(* B P)

Baha’i community fears deportations as Yemen sentence looms

The Baha’i community voiced fear Monday that a court under Yemen’s Houthi rebels could order the mass expulsion of members of the faith.
The community said that an appeals court in Yemen’s capital Sanaa, which is controlled by the insurgents, is expected to rule Tuesday on a death sentence handed down on religious grounds to Hamed bin Haydara, a Baha’i detained since 2013.
Citing statements by the prosecutor, the Baha’i International Community said it feared the judge would not only uphold the execution but order the deportation of Baha’is from Yemen.
“By such a ruling, he would target and threaten an entire religious community in Yemen — which wishes for nothing more than to contribute to its nation’s progress,” Diane Ala’i, a representative of the community to the United Nations, said in a statement.
She warned Baha’is could face “statelessness and expulsion, confiscation of assets and threat of extermination in the country.” =


(* B P)

Imminent ruling in Yemen could expand sentence against entire religious community

On Tuesday, 22 October 2019, an appeals court in Sana’a, Yemen is expected to pronounce its ruling to uphold a verdict issued in January 2018 to dissolve Baha’i institutions and to execute a member of the Baha’i community, Mr. Hamed bin Haydara, who has been detained in Sana’a for over five years. Based on the prosecutor’s statements at the previous hearing on 1 October 2019, the Baha’i International Community is extremely concerned that the court is being pressured to reject Mr. Haydara’s appeal and to uphold the decision to execute him and to also expand the mandate of the case by ordering the deportation of the entire Bahá’í community of Yemen. The prosecutor has further called for the confiscation of assets belonging to the Baha’i National Assembly and Mr. Haydara.

Such a judgement would represent a further grave injustice to Yemeni society which has experienced devastating loss and suffering during the ongoing civil war. A

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Ambassador Al-Dailami Appreciates Iraq’s Efforts to Find Political Solution, Stop Saudi-led Aggression on Yemen

Yemeni Ambassador to Iran Ibrahim Al-Dailami discussed on Sunday with Iraqi Ambassador in Tehran Dr. Saeed Qandil the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries. In the meeting, they touched on aspects related to enhancing cooperation frameworks to serve the common interests of both countries in light of developments in the region.

(A P)

Foreign Minister Warns Coalition Forces, New Political Variables Should be Understood

Foreign Minister, Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, warned against the alliance's exploitation of the economic situation with its various components, including preventing the entry of oil derivatives, as this will affect confidence building measures. During the meeting, today, with the Acting Director of the Office of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General in Sana'a, Ayman Makki, he called on the coalition countries, pro-aggression government to recognize, understand the field variables, political and diplomatic, reflecting the mind and the serious orientation towards ending the military aggression and lifting the comprehensive siege to reach an honorable and sustainable policy settlement.

(* A P)

Top Ansarullah officials comment on release of 2011 palace bombing suspects

Release of certain suspects not part of foreseen plan, officials claim

Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Izzi and member of the national diplomatic delegation. Abdul-Malik Al-Ajri have commented on the recent release of a group of prisoners suspected of bombing the Yemeni presidential palace.

“The release of these prisoners was not the result of the decision of any political component, but rather a violation committed by an official body belonging to the government, which is undoubtedly the subject of our displeasure,” Hussein al-Izzi said.

For his part, Abdul-Malik al-Ajri pointed out that the Supreme Judicial Council” “has directed to investigate the arrest of the accused in the bombing of the presidential pace, and to hold those involved accountable.”

“As far as I know, the the head of the Supreme Council is following up with the leadership of the General People’s Congress in Sana’a, in order to take appropriate measures to contain the situation,” he said.


(* A P)

Sanaa Congress party announces boycott of Houthis in protest against release of five February revolution youth

The General People's Congress (GPC), allied with the Houthis in Sanaa, announced Sunday that it was boycotting all the work of the so-called Supreme Political Council, which it brings together with the Houthis, the internationally unrecognized government, the House of Representatives and the Shura Council.

This came during a meeting of the general committee of the party in Sanaa, chaired by Sadiq Amin Aburas, according to the party's website.

The committee expressed its strong condemnation of "the sudden release of the accused associated with the Yemeni Reform Rally for the crime of bombing the Mosque of The Presidential House."

The committee added that the case "is a terrorist case pending before the judiciary and the accused have nothing to do with prisoners of war".

and also

My remark: The Houthis had released these 5 people in a prisoner swap with the Hadi government.


(A P)

After suspension of the partnership. Houthi newspaper attacks Congress Party in Sana'a and describes them as reserve mercenaries

A newspaper affiliated with the Houthi militia attacked the General People's Congress in Sanaa on Monday, a day after the party suspended its partnership with the Houthis in the various political entities that bring them together.

Al-Hawiah newspaper published a picture of the leaders of the Congress Party, the militia's most prominent ally, and wrote next to the photo " Reserve Mercenaries ".

The newspaper said that "the lust for power controlling the heirs of the Saleh conference will not bring them back to power, and the option of returning on the back of the tanks of Saudi Arabia and the UAE has fallen."

"The Sana'a members need to understand that they are completely exposed and uncovered, and those abroad will not give them protection, but want to push them to the guillotine as a sacrifice for the next settlement," it said.

(A P)

Houthis impose radio guidance that turns schools into sectarian incubators and recruitment camps

The media officer of the Yemeni Teachers' Union warned that the Houthis will continue to destroy the education sector in a way that "transforms schools into Iranian incubators and Husseiniyas that teach sectarianism and mobilize young people to the front lines of the fighting."

Al-Yanaei explained in an interview with "Al-Masdar Online" that the latest steps of Houthi tampering with the education sector were the generalization of several Notebooks "books" under the name of "school radio guide", which included four axes: the axis of cultural topics, the axis of national events, the axis of religious events, and the axis of aggression on Yemen and its effects.

The imposition of a daily paragraph on the school radio under the name "From the words of the wise leadership" chosen from the speeches of the group's leader Abdul Malik and his brother Hussein al-Houthi's notebooks.

(A P)

PM, FM Discuss Developments In Relationship With UNSC

Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor on Saturday discussed with Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf the latest developments in Yemen’s relations with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

(A P)

Security Releases 39 Coalition Collaborators In Ibb

(A P)

Parliament Discusses Draft Law On Security Personnel Legal Protection

The Parliament in its meeting chaired by Speaker Yahya Ali al-Ra’i on Saturday started the discussion of the supplementary report on a draft law on the legal protection of security personnel.

In its report, the Joint Committee noted to placing controls and restrictions that include balancing between citizens’ rights and those of security personnel in light of the observations of the parliament members.

My comment: Houthis should stop their “Who has a gun is the one who rules” way of rule.

(* A P)

Houthi executions

On the ground in Yemen this week, at least 17 members of the Houthi movement were reportedly executed by the rebel group in Dhalea', according to local reports.

The fighters allegedly refused to carry out orders during battles in the southern province, Yemen's internationally-recognised army said on its platform September Net.

Witnesses said the executed militants were locals of Ibb and Dhamar, central Yemen, where the rebel movement has in recent days increased its recruitment of citizens following a heavy blow to its ranks, the army website suggested.

The rebels have yet to announce the number of fighters killed in battles across Dhalea', but the movement have nonetheless issued considerable statements this week.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A K P)

Anadolu: UAE withdraws troops from coalition headquarters in Aden

The UAE has withdrawn all its weapons and military equipment from the Arab coalition headquarters in Al-Buraiqa, west of Aden, in the presence of Saudi and Emirati officers and some southern resistance leaders, Anadolu agency quoted a military source as saying.

"The UAE has emptied all related items, including communication devices and some heavy equipment used for civilian purposes, such as ambulances and vehicles used to build roads," the source added.

According to the same source, Saudi forces will oversee the headquarters of the Arab coalition, which is a large military base, as well as a base of apache and air surveillance weapons.

According to the agency, the UAE has completed the supervision of the security and military file in Aden, which it has carried out since the liberation of the city from Houthi militias, on July 17, 2015, the same source said.

The withdrawal follows the deployment of Saudi forces since last week in a number of strategic locations in Aden

(A P)

Military spokesman: Saudi forces prevented General Shalal Shay’a from entering the coalition headquarters west of Aden

Saudi forces have prevented the said Director of Aden Security, Maj. Gen. Shalal Ali Shay’a, from entering the headquarters of the Arab Coalition forces in al-Buraiqa district west of the southern city Aden, in a move that is expected to deepen the dispute between Riyadh and the movement's factions backed by Abu Dhabi, the official military spokesman said.

(A P)

Al-Jaadi warns of Houthi-Saleh scenario in the South

My comment: Separatists’ conspiracy theory propaganda.

(A P)

The Curriculum Regulation Committee in the STC began its work

Mr Fadel Al-Jaadi delivered a speech in which he reviewed the curriculum, in which he said, 2The curriculum is the foundation of the future of the South".
Al-Jaadi added: "If you want to rehabilitate the society, you must pay attention to educational and establish a southern educational curriculum away from politics," he said.
"We need to create a new modern curriculum that will keep pace with the present and the future that the southerners want to pursue" he added.
Dr Mona Bashraheel revised the functions of the Committee and the points on the agenda. She touched on historical fallacies in the curriculum and the possible measures to halt teaching certain subjects which their content do not reflect the appropriate line of history, culture and identity of the South.

My comment: The separatists play government, caring for school curricula – and changing them according to their propaganda (It’s absolutely the same than what they object to the Houthis).

And how a pro-Hadi government site tells it:
(A P)

In the footsteps of the Houthis. "Transitional": Forming a committee to modify the curriculum and remove what has to do with the South Yemen

On Tuesday, the southern transitional council launched what it called the "Curriculum Regulation Department", with the aim of reviewing and modifying the curriculum, in line with the council's directives.

The move follows the measures previously adopted by the Houthis, which they made changes in the curriculum in line with the group's ideology and ideas in Sana'a.

(* B P)

Film, Elisabeth Kendall: What has been happening on #Socotra? Do the #UAE & #Saudi seek different outcomes in #Yemen? Here's a 1-minute clip from a short investigative documentary (The Fight Over Socotra) by @ARIJNetwork

and full documentary (in Arabic):

(* B P)

UAE stole unique trees from Yemen’s Socora island (video)

Protected dragon's blood trees pictures in Dubai after being stolen from Yemen

Yemeni activists have circulated on social media websites pictures and video footage showing the rare perennial trees native only to Socotra island, being displayed in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This confirms previous reports that the UAE forces have stolen these trees during its occupation of the island.

A widely-circulated video shows an Emirati man boasting one of these rare trees after he placed it at the entrance of his house for decoration, confirming that it originated in Socotra, Yemen.

In early 2018, the UAE stole the rare and protected trees from the Yemeni island of Socotra, in addition to large quantities of coral reef stones, rare birds and others.

Observers of events in Yemen described the theft as being done under the guise of “restoring legitimacy”, while the country’s monuments and resources are looted and its islands are occupied.

(* A P)

Yemen in Focus: UAE wants its $100 million Aden power station back

The United Arab Emirates has requested that Yemen returns parts it was gifted to launch a 120-megawatt power station in Aden at a total cost of US $100 million, a document revealed.

The UAE, which has established a presence in the southern provinces during the near-five-year war, requested parts from the Al-Haswa power station in the temporary capital to be returned to the Gulf state, just days after an agreement between Saudi-Emirati allies in the south handed the reins to Saudi Arabia.

"Please cooperate with the Al-Faisal company to smoothly facilitate the removal of the parts related to the turbine station belonging to the United Arab Emirates," the official letter, dated October 20, 2019, says.

Last year, the UAE announced the establishment of the station, powered by one of the world's largest engine, which it said would meet local energy needs, as per the Gulf state's programme in the war-torn country.

But as expected, the move to retrieve the vital parts at the Al-Haswa power station was both condemned and mocked by Yemenis.

"The UAE has asked Yemen to return a gift it presented to Yemen. Next they will ask to scratch off all its paint off the walls," one Twitter user said.

"When will they return what they took from us in Socotra?" another user asked.

This week, the UAE's Red Crescent also announced plans to leave Yemen's de-facto capital Aden.

The foundation on Sunday hosted a ceremony at its headquarters to honour local staff ahead of its departure, local Yemen Monitor confirmed.

"The departure of the Emirates Crescent Authority from Aden and neighbouring governances will leave a huge void in hospitals, health centres and well affect those injured by war as well as hundreds of other humanitarian cases," Yasser Yafaei, a journalist with the foundation said.

(A P)

Association of Mothers of Abductees: 15 detainees begin hunger strike in 'Bir Ahmed' prison

According to the association of the mothers of the abductees, 15 detainees in The Bir Ahmed prison in Aden province began an open hunger strike to protest their continued detention.

"Our children detained in Bir Ahmed prison announced an open hunger strike to protest their continued detention after receiving release orders," the association said in a statement.

and also

(A P)

Taiz University threatens full strike in protest against Saudi occupation

Islah mercenary attacks threaten students and staff of university

Staff in Taiz University has threatened to conduct a full-time strike in all faculties and departments of the university.

The university’s staff members held a vigil on Sunday denouncing constant attacks by al-Islah militias, which are constantly breaking into the campus.

(* B K P)

Film (Arabic): Waiting for the announcement of the Jeddah agreement between the legitimate government and the Transitional Council

Analysts predicted that the terms of the agreement between the Southern Transitional Council and the legitimate Yemeni government will be officially announced in Jeddah in the coming days due to obstacles and difficulties on both sides. It is noteworthy that the provinces of Aden, Abyan and Shabwa in southern Yemen have recently witnessed battles between the NTC forces and government forces, which ended with the control of the transitional forces of the interim capital Aden and Abyan, while the Yemeni government forces took control of Shabwa province, which led Saudi Arabia to call on both sides of the conflict to dialogue and agree on all political and security aspects in Jeddah.

(A K P)

Al-Jaadi: Yemen's Government Targets Jeddah Dialogue

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Fadl al-Jaadi said that the government of the Yemeni legitimacy and its tools target Jeddah dialogue which was called for by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, congregating the STC delegation and Yemen’s government officials in order to end the crisis and solve the southern issue.

Al-Jaadi wrote on his official Twitter account that "Yemen's government started targeting Jeddah dialogue by transmitting information leaks through the Qatar-owned media outlet of Al-Jazeera TV channel, followed by the return of some ministers to Hadramout and continuous military build-up."

"The findings and the escalation and provocation involved will not impel us to react for the sake of the value of dialogue and in appreciation for Saudi Arabia's efforts."

My comment: The strife in the South will be ended by this “Jeddah dialogue”? It will not.


(A K P)

The STC Warns of the Legitimacy's attempts to Foil the Jeddah Dialogue

The Council's Presidency confirmed that it adheres to its national principles and strategic partnership with the Arab coalition countries led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It stressed the need to direct the various military formations of the Yemeni government towards the Houthi militias.
The meeting stressed the STC’s responsibility to administrate the southern liberated governorates and it rejected the Brotherhood's attempts to disturb security and stability in these areas.
The Presidency of the STC warned of the danger of the military escalation carried out by the leaders of the legitimacy, and its active efforts to change the situation in some areas of the valley and coast of Hadhramout. The STC warned that those attempts thwart the Jeddah Dialogue.

My comment: The separatists claim they will keep the regions they actually hold. Any “Jeddah dialogue” outcome will be a dead-born child.

(A T)

Local sources said a civilian was shot by anonymous armed men in the interim capital of #Aden.

(A T)

Three injured following powerful explosion in Aden

At least three people were injured early Tuesday morning, in a powerful blast that intended to target a military vehicle of the Security Built forces in al-Sheikh Othman district in Aden.
The explosion was heard kilometres away and caused fear and panic among the people, local sources and residents said.

(* A K P)

Southern resistance attacks Islah-held locations in Shabwa

The members of the southern resistance launched mortar attacks on the Islah-held locations in al-Sa'id district of Shabwa, local sources told the press.

The same sources said that the attack was carried out in the area of al-Dhala'a on Sunday night, a few hours after a well-executed ambush set by the resistance against Muslim Brotherhood-linked gatherings in al-Arm area.

According to locals a number of Islah's militants were killed and injured in the two separate attacks.

My comment: Anything like a “Jeddah agreement”? Certainly not.


Hadramout, [Hadi gov.] National Army seizes 500 kgs of Hashish bound for Houthi rebels

(A T)

Renewal of assassinations in Aden

Unidentified gunmen assassinated on Saturday a man in the port city of Aden, which is controlled by UAE-backed separation rebels.

Local sources affirmed that the gunmen managed to escape.

This incident is considered the second assassination within one week

(A P)

UAE Red Crescent begins action to stop its activities in southern Yemen provinces as UAE forces withdraw

The UAE Red Crescent has begun to scale back its activities in southern Yemen's provinces in preparation for a shutdown in the southern interim capital city Aden in the coming period as UAE forces withdraw.

An informed source told "Al-Masdar Online" that the UAE organization working in the relief field in the cities of the south of Yemen and the west coast began procedures to withdraw some of its technical equipment for the past two days where it has been for the past five years, and has closed an office in the city It has accelerated the payment of its staff salaries in order to complement the departure arrangements.

(A E P)

PM stresses need to prepare for resuming oil exports from Marib

to boost to the national economy and, by extension, the life of the people.

and also

My comment: Who really will profit from this? The Houthis claim the Hadi government is looting the oil fields.

(A E P)

Shabwa Governor, foreign companies discuss resumption of oil preproduction

Shabwa Governor Mohammed bin Eidyo held on Saturday a meeting with representatives of foreign oil companies working in Shabwa, discussing the resumption of oil production.

The meeting held in Cairo also touched on the resumption of Marib gas from the export port in Belhaf of Shabwa.

(A P)

Civilian home in Aden attacked and demolished by mercenaries

STC commander wanting the land likely cause of sudden violent outburst

UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council Militias have demolished a civilian’s house in the southern port city of Aden, local sources reported on Sunday.

According to the Local sources, STC militias belonging to a leader in Lahj, demolished the house of civilian Mohammed Ahmed Korda, after expelling his family from the house which is located in Mansoura district.

It is reported that an officer of the STC purchased land near Kara’s residence in 2017, and is now claiming ownership of the Yemeni civilian’s property as well.

(B H K P)

Amnesty International calls for action against pedophilia in Saudi-held Taiz

Rape of minors huge problem in Saudi-occupied city

Amnesty International has on Sunday called for the suspects in cases of pedophilia to be brought to justice in a fair trial, especially in Taiz province.

The organization held the coalition-backed security authorities in Taiz responsible for failing to protect the families of children who were raped. It called for thorough investigations and zero tolerance for these crimes and for full protection of the families of children from retaliation when they press charges.

(A P)

FM appreciates Oman’s stances in support of legitimate government

Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadrami deeply appreciated the Sultanate of Oman supportive positions in supporting the legitimate Yemeni government represented by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Al-Hadrami’s statement came as he met on Saturday with Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Yemen Dr Ahmed bin Hillal al-Bossa’idi.

My comment: Oman tries to keep a neutral position.

(* A K P)

Saudis dismiss security director of Aden mercenaries

Saudi crackdown on Emirati assets increases

Saudi Arabia has dismissed the so-called security director of the occupied Aden province, Shalal Shayea, southern sources told Yemen Press Agency on Saturday. Shayea was known as a UAE asset in the occupation of the southern port city.

The sources said that Saudi forces sent a letter, warning Shayea not to leave his house, and not to engage in any official political activity.

Following their entry into Aden province, the Saudi forces backed by Sudanese mercenaries, have started the process of liquidating the tools and symbols belonging to the UAE and its allied militias in Aden.

(A P)

Dozens of civilians complained that they are unable to obtain passports. The pictures showed dozens of women and children queuing till late at night near the Immigration and Passports Department in Marib governorate, preferring to wait in the streets because hotels are expensive (photo)

(A K P)

Islah forces attack Taiz hospital

Saudi-backed forces break into hospital, kill one patient

Gunmen believed to be affiliated with the Islah Party (Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) have broken into Al-Thawra General Hospital in Taiz province, killed a wounded man and injured a member of the nursing staff at the hospital, local sources reported.

According to local sources, violent clashes broke out hours earlier, between two unidentified gunmen in Wadi al-Madam area, Taiz city, resulting in injuries, some of whom were taken to Al-Thawra General Hospital.

The sources added that after one of the injured, Helmi al-Sharabi, was taken to Al-Thawra Hospital, the gunmen followed him to the hospital, where they broke into the emergency department.

They killed the wounded man and injured a nurse, one of the sources said.

(* A K P)

4 soldiers killed in armed confrontation in southern Yemen

About four Yemeni soldiers were killed and eight others injured on Monday during an armed confrontation in the southern province of Abyan, a military official told Xinhua.

According to the local military official, who asked to remain anonymous, pro-government Yemeni forces clashed with security units of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Mudiyah district in the eastern part of Abyan.

"The pro-government Yemeni forces attempted to establish a checkpoint in Mudiyah but the STC security units intervened and prevented any military presence of the government there," he said.

The armed confrontation between the two warring sides lasted hours, he added.

Around seven soldiers of the pro-government forces were captured by the STC security units following the armed confrontation, according to local residents.

Senior social and tribal figures started exerting efforts through mediation in an attempt to contain and calm the situation in Abyan.

(* A K P)

Infighting worsens in Abyan province

Saudi-backed forces establish outposts while separatist militias reinforce their positions

Saudi-backed forces based in Lawdar District have established new military outposts in some areas adjacent to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias’ positions in Abyan province, local sources reported on Saturday.

On the other hand, sources said that the STC command in Ahawr directorate has accredited 230 personnel to join the Security Belt forces, indicating that the STC promised these elements to increase financial and military support in the conflict.

Earlier in the day, at least two militants were killed and others wounded in clashes broke out in the same province. The clashes erupted among armed groups from the Saudi-backed forces in the qat market at Shakrah city.

Earlier, Hadi’s forces waged an attack on a military checkpoint of the southern Transitional Council in Zinjibar district in the same province, using light and medium arms.

Both the Southern Transitional Council militias and Hadi loyalists have been pushing more of their forces to Abyan since the beginning of August, in order to control the province.


(* A K P)

Wounded in clashes between army forces and security belt in Mudia, southeast of Abyan

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that several solders wounded and injured in armed clashes between army forces and units of the security belt in Mudia district, southeast of Abyan province in the south of the country, on Monday noon.

The source said that armed confrontations using artillery and mid weapons broke out between army forces and factions of the security belt near the building of the Court of Mudia, which is under the control of the security belt east of the city.

The source said that the army forces advanced towards the building of the Court of Mudia to extract it from the control of the security belt forces, but the UAE-backed forces responded to the attack, which led to the continuation of the confrontations until the moment of writing the news .


(* A K P)

[Separatist militia] "Security belt" takes control of Mudia after clashes with government forces left 6 wounded, including a leader

UAE-backed security forces backed by tribal gunmen on Monday took control of the center of the Mudia district in the south-east of the country's southern province of Abyan after fierce fighting with the internationally recognized government's special security forces.

The special security forces, led by Lt. Col. Mohammed al-Awaban, were withdrawn to a former security belt camp in the Akd area of the Lauder district in northeastern Zanzibar

and how the separatists tell it:

(A P)

Yemen: Socotra officials to seize illegally built UAE property

According to security sources on the Yemeni island of Socotra, Ramzi Mahrous the governor of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government is to reclaim property taken or built by the UAE forces.

Faiz Tahis, the newly appointed police chief under President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, explained that the UAE representative Khlafan Al-Marzoui has occupied 150,000 square metres of state land on the island.

Local reports also indicate that the UAE has built the island’s largest fish factory, in addition to a supermarket and villa complex within the historic citadel – all without obtaining official sanctioning.

and by a Houthi news site, labeling Faiz Tahis “newly appointed commander of the Islah militia on the Island”:

(* A P)

Hadi administration set to move base of operations to Hadhramaut

Interior Minister of Saudi-backed administration arrives in Seiyun as part of redeployment

The so-called Interior Minister of Hadi’s government-in-exile operating from Saudi Arabia, Ahmed al-Miasri, has on Saturday ordered the recruitment of 3,000 soldiers from Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen, after the withdrawal of UAE forces from the area.

Al-Miasri’s decision came after his arrival in Seiyun city, and came adjacent to a declaration of war against the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s militias in the city.

Last week, political sources said that Hadi’s government had officially announced that it had moved from its third capital, Shabwah, to in Seiyun province.


(* A P)

The forces of the first region of Hadhramaut receive the camps and points of the alliance in Thamud and Ramah from the UAE forces

Troops from the first military zone in Hadhramaut on Saturday received the points and camps of the Arab alliance in the directorates of "Ramah" and "Thamud" from the United Arab Emirates.

A local source told Al-Masdar online, that the UAE forces handed over all their military positions at the Thamud and Ramah directorates in Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen, and the security points of the first military zone command.

The sources added that a Saudi military committee and leaders of the first military region in Hadhramaut al-Wadi and Sahara, took over from the UAE forces their positions.

The source pointed out that one of the most prominent sites delivered today is the main base of the Emirate known as Camp Khalidiya in the directorate of "Remah", as well as the rest of the military positions where they were stationed.


(A K P)

The Southern Ressistance in Hadramaut Valley Reject Al-Mesari and Saleh al-Jabwani

The southern resistance in Hadramaut Valley issued an important statement regarding the movements of the First Military Region Forces and rejected the arrival of Ahmed Al-Mesari and Saleh al-Jabwani.
The statement also said that the southern resistance in Hadramaut valley followed the dangerous provocations of the northern forces who occupy Hadramaut valley. The latest is the attempt to advance in the line of Ramath. The southern movement considers it a provocation.
The same statement said, ‘While the people of Hadramaut Valley are waiting for the Arab coalition to help them deport those forces in the valley, who provide a fertile environment for terrorist groups within the camps of the first region, they are surprised by aims to expand them'.

My comment: Local separatists blame the Hadi government and Hadi government forces. Any “Jeddah agreement” between Hadi government and separatists will not work on the ground.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(B P)

Solving Yemen’s intractable war

How a negotiator could play a key role in the UN’s plan for solving the crisis in Yemen

For too long Yemen has been placed in the “intractable problems” category, that graveyard of international relations where the problem just seems to have no resolution and the international community stops making anything more than surface-level efforts.

But the human toll inside Yemen ought to be impossible for us to turn a blind eye to. The war has surely touched every Yemeni child and family.

Martin Griffiths, the United Nations special envoy for Yemen, wrote eloquently about his seven steps to bring peace to Yemen.

There is no arguing with the Griffiths plan. It is comprehensive and has an optimism that the country so dearly needs and a willingness to have high expectations, both inside and outside the country. It’s admirable and we should all be supporting it.

I would add that an eighth element is needed. Griffiths sets the framework, but, within that, an extra ingredient is needed to move the process along.

Often, a player is needed who can bring sides together, allow conversations to happen and allow the all-important compromise to be made. In Lebanon, we saw the unthinkable happen.

(A E P)

[Sanaa gov.] Supreme Economic Committee: UN has not Fulfilled Its Duty to Control the Salary Account

The Supreme Economic Committee renewed the call for the United Nations to accelerate the implementation of its obligations in the economic aspect of the Stockholm agreement, and above all to do its duty to control the salary account, and to commit the international community and the other party to cover the deficit gap. In a statement issued today, the Committee affirmed the full readiness to disclose monthly and absolute transparency of income deposited in the salary account.

and also

(* A K P)

Mohammed al-Houthi warns that chances for peace are running out

Continued Saudi attacks render peace initiative's success ever more unlikely

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has recorded the first direct official expression of impatience with the reluctance of the Saudi-led coalition to respond to the initiative of Council President Mahdi al-Mashat for peace, which has been on the table for nearly a month.

Al-Houthi spoke for the first time about a deadline for a duration of initiative’ launch, recalling his assertion that the initiative is “indivisible”, referring to a Saudi offer to stop coalition air strikes on only four cities, including the capital Sana’a.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Saudi-Kronprinz will sich ManUnited krallen!

Paukenschlag in der englischen Premier League: Rekordmeister Manchester United könnte schon in Bälde einen neuen Eigentümer haben - nämlich den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman! In finanzieller Hinsicht wäre ein Engagement des 34-Jährigen, der wohl irgendwann in den kommenden Jahren seinem Vater, König Salman, auf dem Thron von Saudi Arabien nachfolgen wird, zweifellos ein Gewinn für die „Red Devils“, doch der Ruf von „MbS“ ist nicht gerade der Allerbeste …

Und nun soll Manchester United zur nächsten Baustelle des mächtigen Saudi-Prinzen werden. Denn wie „Sun“ und „Mirror“ berichten, könnten demnächst 3,5 Milliarden Euro aus der prall gefüllten Brieftasche von „Mbs“ in Richtung der bisher bei Manchester United den Ton angebenden Glazer-Familie wandern.

und auch

(B P)

"Mohammed bin Salman hat viele Feinde"

Saudi-Arabien ist wegen des US-Rückzugs aus dem Nahen Osten in Panik. Experte Bernard Haykel über die Krise in Syrien, ihre Folgen für Europa - und einen mysteriösen Mord im Umfeld des saudischen Königs.

Haykel: MbS ist es in kurzer Zeit gelungen, die Macht der religiösen Fundamentalisten zu brechen und tiefgreifende gesellschaftliche Veränderungen einzuleiten. Das ist eine große Leistung. Sein Ziel, die saudi-arabische Wirtschaft zu diversifizieren und vom Öl unabhängiger zu machen, ist dagegen weniger erfolgreich. Auch seine außenpolitische Bilanz ist bisher nicht sonderlich rühmlich.

MbS wollte im Jemen den Einfluss Irans stoppen und die Houthi-Rebellen zurückschlagen. Auch beabsichtigte er, das Emirat Katar zu disziplinieren und die Herrscherfamilie in Doha von ihrer Kooperation mit den Muslimbrüdern und Iran abzubringen. Beides ist gescheitert. Mit den jüngsten Angriffen auf die Ölfabriken zeigte Iran, dass man jederzeit in der Lage ist, die globale Ölversorgung zu unterbrechen. Für Riad war dieses Ereignis ein traumatischer Schock, ähnlich wie für den Westen die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 in New York. MbS erfährt hier gerade die Grenzen seiner Macht.

Mein Kommentar: Ein schwaches Interview mit Prof. Haykel, zu dem es heißt: „Haykel hat den umstrittenen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman regelmässig getroffen und tauschte mit ihm WhatsApp-Nachrichten.“.

(A E P)

Saudi Aramco delays planned IPO

Saudi Aramco has delayed the planned launch of its initial public offering in hopes that pending third-quarter results will bolster investor confidence in the world’s largest oil firm, two sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Aramco had been expected to announce plans next week to float a 1% to 2% stake on the kingdom’s Tadawul market, in what would have been one of the largest ever public offerings, worth upwards of $20 billion.

However, after a Sept. 14 attack on its Abqaiq and Khurais plants temporarily knocked out half its crude output, the world’s top exporter wants to reassure investors by first presenting results covering the period.

(A P)

60 junge Saudis sammeln Erfahrung in Konfliktstabilisierung und -management

Der saudische Botschafter im Jemen Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, Chef des saudischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramms für den Jemen (SDRPY), sagte heute, dass in Zusammenarbeit mit den Amerikanern mehr als 60 junge Fachkräfte aus verschiedenen Ministerien des Königreichs zum Thema Konfliktstabilisierung und -eindämmung geschult wurden. Ziel der Schulungsinitiative ist es, Fachkräfte auf die praktische Arbeit bei der Lösung komplexer und festgefahrener Streitthemen in Konfliktgebieten vorzubereiten und die Entwicklung des Jemen zu fördern. =

Mein Kommentar: Das hört sich wie ein schlechter Witz an.

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: Qualification of more than 60 Saudis in field of stability and containment of conflicts during the second stability workshop

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen and Supervisor-General of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen, Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jaber has affirmed that the Saudi-American cooperation has resulted in the qualification of more than 60 young professionals from various ministries in the Kingdom in the field of stability and containment of conflicts, to contribute to the development of Yemen.

My comment: This sounds like a joke.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

'I wouldn't be in the same room as MBS'

Hatice Cengiz, Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman and others discussed the brazen killing of Riyadh critic Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on the second day of TRT World Forum 2019.

When Cengiz was asked about what she would say to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman if he was in front of her, she said she would not want to be in the same room with him. MBS, as he is popularly known, owes an explanation not only to her but the whole world, Cengiz, who is Turkish, said

Yemeni activist Tawakkol Karman also emphasised that those who are responsible for Khashoggi's killing are also responsible for the war in Yemen.

"As a Yemeni, I know they could commit this kind of crime. They are not fools to make it inside their consulate because it means they committed a crime inside their house but also they are committing the same crime in my country (Yemen)."

"The same crime, the same regime which killed Jamal Khashoggi and dismembered his body," the Nobel Peace Prize winner said.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9a

(* A E P)

Five U.S. officials including Kushner, Mnuchin to attend Saudi financial conference: sources

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and presidential adviser Jared Kushner will lead Washington’s delegation to an annual financial conference in Saudi Arabia, government sources said on Tuesday.

The conference comes a year after U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, prompting a global outcry.

State Department Iran adviser Brian Hook and Kushner adviser Avi Berkowitz plan to join Mnuchin and Kusher at the Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh, a senior administration official told Reuters.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who is due to step down on Dec. 1, will also attend, a second government source said.

Perry has held a series of private talks with Saudi officials, including former energy minister Khalid al-Falih, on the use of U.S. technology to build civilian nuclear power plants in the kingdom.

(* B P)

Liberal Circus in Washington Ignores Trump’s True Scandals To Advance Trump-Russia Non-Scandal

Time Magazine mapped out Trump’s business dealings around the globe earlier this year, but the liberal circus in Washington only focuses on one: Russia.

Saudi Arabia

Trump registered eight new businesses in Saudi Arabia during his presidential campaign.

If Trump’s business dealings with Saudi Arabia and its deplorable record on human rights are not enough to turn liberal stomachs, then surely signs of Trump’s growing diplomatic and economic rapprochement between our two countries will.

Trump’s Imperialism: Bombing Yemen, Syria, & Afghanistan

Trump’s imperialism goes virtually unnoticed in the midst of mainstream Russophobia and the liberal media’s continuous attempts to revive the Cold War. Since inauguration, Trump has increased drone strikes by 432%, bombed Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan, and escalated tensions with North Korea.

Not only does the Trump-Russia non-scandal obscure the Democratic Party’s covert support for neorealist foreign policy and imperialism, it shields the Democratic Party from criticism and absolves them of their various crimes.

Trump-Russia only confirms liberal abandonment of reason for partisanship.

(* B K P)

Securing US Interests Through US Military Build-up in Saudi Arabia

That national interests determine foreign relations is the received norm and has been operating, especially under Western hegemony, forever.

the recent US withdrawal from Northeast Syria is anything but self-interest. That reports suggesting American troops are still in the oil rich areas east of the Euphrates signals this unequivocally.

Fulfilling its position as guarantor of Saudi’s security then becomes an imperative of paramount importance when the Saudi war with Yemen is at its most threatening to Riyadh. There is much talk that the kingdom is doomed. Defeating the Houthis then is very much a US interest. American boots are stomping the sands of Saudi Arabia. The acquiescence of the Pentagon to Trump’s troop withdrawal from Syria and increasing the number of US troops in Saudi Arabia by 1,800 and military hardware bespeaks an underlying urgency that is creating a consensus in the Trump Administration. The last time Trump announced a withdrawal in Syria his Defence Secretary resigned. That consensus is to defeat the Houthis. An escalation of the war on Yemen then is very likely.

The main purpose of the escalation would be to safeguard the Saudi position and consequently secure US interests in the most important oil-exporting region of the world – by Askiah Adam

(A P)

Jemenitische Expats aus der Region Detroit vermeiden Gefängnisstrafen, weil sie Millionen von Dollar in ihre Heimat geschickt haben

Mehrere jemenitische Expats in der Region Detroit, die sich schuldig bekannt haben, Millionen von Dollar illegal in ihr vom Krieg zerrissenes Heimatland überwiesen zu haben, werden nicht ins Gefängnis gebracht – nachdem der Richter laut einem Bericht vom Sonntag die Forderung nach "Mitgefühl" geäußert hatte.

Einer nach dem anderen lehnte es der US-Bezirksrichter Avern Cohn ab, sie ins Gefängnis zu schicken, obwohl die Männer es versäumt hatten, ihre Aktivitäten als Geldtransferunternehmen zu registrieren.

(A P)

Detroit-area men who sent millions to Yemen spared prison

A group of Detroit-area men opened bank accounts to move millions of dollars to Yemen, their war-torn native country. Their crime: They didn't register as a money transfer business.

Their luck: They drew a sympathetic judge.

One by one, U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn declined to send them to prison, despite guidelines that call for a few years or more behind bars. He noted that Yemen's financial system is a mess and its residents desperately need help. Defense lawyers have praised the judge for educating himself about the poorest country in the Arab world and understanding cultural traditions.

"Only people without compassion" would object to the light sentences, the 95-year-old judge told The Associated Press. =

(* B K P)

Trump's Withdrawal From Forever War Is Just Another ConOn October 16, the U.S. Congress snatched the low-hanging political fruit of Trump’s muddled policy with a rare bipartisan vote of 354-60 to condemn the U.S. redeployment as a betrayal of the Kurds, a weakening of America’s credibility, a lifeline to ISIS, and a political gift to Russia, China and Iran.

But this is the same Congress that never mustered the integrity to debate or vote on the fateful decision to send U.S. troops into harm’s way in Syria in the first place. This vote still fails to fulfill Congress’s constitutional duty to decide whether U.S. troops should be risking their lives in illegal military operations in Syria, what they are supposed to be doing there or for how long. Members of Congress from both parties remain united in their shameful abdication of their constitutional authority over America’s illegal wars.

Trump’s latest promises to “bring the troops home” were immediately exposed as empty rhetoric by a Pentagon press release on October 11, announcing that the Trump administration has actually increased its deployments of troops to the greater Middle East by 14,000 since May.

Even as Donald Trump rails against the military-industrial complex that “likes war” and sometimes sounds sincere in his desire to end these wars, he keeps hiring arms industry executives to run his foreign and military policy.

Trump boasts about being the best weapons salesman of all

And yet withdrawal from endless wars is one Trump campaign promise that Americans across the political spectrum hoped he would really fulfill. Tragically, like “drain the swamp” and other applause lines, Trump’s promises to end the “crazy, endless wars” have proven to be just another cynical ploy by this supremely cynical politician and con man.

Sober reflection leads us to conclude that Trump’s endless promises will not end the endless wars he has been waging and escalating, nor prevent the new ones he has threatened against North Korea, Venezuela and Iran – by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Axis of Resistance to Gain Upper Hand in Regional Equations: Velayati

Ali Akbar Velayati, an international adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, highlighted the growing power of the Axis of Resistance and said the Resistance countries will have an upper hand in the balance of power in the Middle East.

My remark: The Iranian view.

(* A K P)

US to ask NATO to pay more to protect Saudi Arabia from Iran

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Tuesday that he will urge allies later this week to contribute more to the defense of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region to counter threats from Iran.

The plan is part of a broader U.S. campaign to get NATO allies to take on more responsibility for security in the Gulf, including pleas for nations to send ships, aircraft and air defense systems to the region.

The U.S. has already agreed to send three Patriot missile batteries, dozens of fighter jets and other aircraft to Saudi Arabia. And as Esper got a look at one of the Patriot batteries Tuesday at Prince Sultan Air Base, he said Saudi Arabia will "help underwrite" some U.S. costs for the additional aid, which includes about 3,000 American troops.

Standing in front of the battery in the scorching Saudi desert, Esper told reporters traveling with him that he's already had some conversations with counterparts from France, Britain and Germany. "One of my objectives going into Brussels later this week, is to build on those conversations," he said.

The U.S. has dispatched about 14,000 more U.S. troops into the region since May, beefing up efforts to defend the kingdom in the wake of suspected Iranian missile and drone attacks on oil facilities last month.

Asked if taking money for the deployment makes the U.S. a mercenary force, Esper said no because the U.S. is not doing it for the money, but to deter Iran. =

My comment: Why the NATO countries should pay for this? It has nothing to do with the NATO at all. Or did Saudi Arabia join in the meantime??

(A K P)

US, allies kick off major maritime exercise across Middle East

The United States has officially kicked off the International Maritime Exercise 2019 (IMX 19), which involves 50 nations and will be held in the Persian Gulf and other strategic waters of the Middle East region.

This year’s exercises, which began on Monday and are “hosted” by the US Naval Forces Central Command and the Navy's Fifth Fleet, will be the largest IMX held to date, according to Vice Admiral Jim Malloy, who commands both forces.

“This year’s iteration is the largest yet, expanding in size and geography; including all essential elements of maritime security operations,” said Malloy. “We’ve grown participation by about twenty nations, are covering an unprecedented amount of ground in the region, and our multinational team is taking part in more training scenarios than ever before.”

This year’s IMX is the sixth of its kind and involves four main phases: staff training, table-top and classroom exercises, fleet training exercise (FTX), and force redeployment.

(B P)

Iranian Hacking Group Targeted Satellite Industry Nerds

Law enforcement found hackers from a well-known group of cybervandals trying to trick satellite trackers into installing malware

Iranian hackers breached computers of the American satellite technology industry with help from a fake website and an unsuspecting college professor.

Court documents obtained by The Daily Beast show that the FBI believes Iranian hackers going by the nicknames MRSCO and N3O may have been involved in the attempted breaches. The hackers, members of a long-running Iranian hacker collective known as the “Iranian Dark Coders Team,” have become known for defacing websites with pro-Iranian and Hezbollah propaganda, hacking gas-station pump terminals online, and attacking an Israeli credit-card company over the past seven years.

(* B P)

Russia’s balanced diplomacy in Middle East on rise as US policy crashes

The high respect afforded to Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit this week to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates speaks of a new geopolitical reality in the region. Both countries are traditional US allies, but it is Russia that appears to be the one held in more regard.

Russia’s pragmatic policy of “talking with everyone” sees it maintaining good relations with a host of nations, notwithstanding that several of these nations are among themselves either estranged or implacable enemies. Putin is hosted by the Saudi and Emirati monarchs despite the fact that Moscow has a growing alliance with Iran.

Moscow’s policy demonstrated in the Middle East is an extension of its wider international outlook of supporting multilateralism and mutual cooperation with all nations.

Essentially, the profoundly unethical and criminal policies that promote US unilateral power become impossible to conceal, despite the massive systematic help of deceitful Western corporate media which function to sanitize and obscure the crimes underpinning US would-be dominance. Eventually, even supposed allies of the rogue superpower begin to become unnerved and anxious from the boundless perfidy.

Over decades, the US has plied billions of dollars of weapons into Saudi Arabia, as with other countries across the Middle East. But paradoxically, those countries are today even more insecure and leery of Washington’s strategic intentions.

Since the US wars launched on Afghanistan and Iraq over the past two decades, the Middle East has become ever-more unstable and volatile. That is because American foreign policy is conducted on the basis of dominance which by definition involves aggression and military occupation.

America’s military doctrine is driven by confrontation, selling weapons to other countries as part of its policy of projecting power, which is in itself aggressive. Thus, the world under the sway of US power will always be prone to tensions, conflicts, war, and killing, because the bottomline is America’s warmongering corporate capitalism needs all that mayhem to make a financial killing.

That is why Russia is growing in stature as a leading power, especially in the Middle East – by Finian Cunningham

(* B P)

Al-Jubeir: Iran is responsible for the attack on Aramco and there is no mediation with it

[Saudi] Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Cabinet Member Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir denied the existence of mediation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran to ease tensions. He said that it is the responsibility of the Iranian regime to change its behavior and show good intentions rather than words.
In a lecture at the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (Chatham House) in London today, Al-Jubeir accused Iran of being behind the sabotage attack on two Aramco oil facilities last month, pointing out that "Iran does not respect the sovereignty of states or international law."

He also praised the strong international position taken by most European countries and the United States towards Iran, stressing that Iranian actions have become a threat to the interests and security of countries in the region.

My comment: The Saudis seem to want war, not peace. And he just is slapping Pakistan into the face:

(* B P)

Pakistan hopes to ease hostility between Iran, Saudis

Acting as a facilitator, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan recently paid a visit to Tehran and then Riyadh to try to defuse soaring tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Since the Sept. 14 cruise missile and drone attacks on Saudi Aramco oil installations, relations between the two close allies of Pakistan have been headed for a complete breakdown. Avoiding a war in the Gulf is Pakistan’s primary goal, especially since an Oct. 11 attack on the Iranian vessel Sabiti could become a trigger.

Khan’s arrival in Tehran just two days after the latter incident indicates the urgency of the matter. After meeting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Khan said at a news conference alongside Rouhani, "We recognize that it is a complex issue, but we feel it can be resolved through dialogue. What should never happen is a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran because this will not just affect this whole region — two brotherly countries will be affected — this will cause poverty in the world. Oil prices will go up.”

The premier also offered to host talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Islamabad, as a neutral venue. Apparently, it was Pakistan's own initiative to act as a middleman, but the visit has yielded some encouraging results. Both Khan and Rouhani agreed that the war in Yemen has to end.

Two days later, Khan arrived in Riyadh, and comprehensive discussions were held with the Saudi hierarchy, which said it appreciated the Pakistani prime minister’s efforts for peace and de-escalation of tensions. According to the Saudi government's statement, they discussed the “latest developments in the region and a number of issues of common interest.” A press release from Khan’s office provided more details, saying the Saudi side agreed to move the process forward, continue consultations and remain engaged.

This made it appear as if Khan’s peace initiative ended with some indications of a breakthrough.

First, the initial objective has been achieved, as both Saudi Arabia and Iran are willing to negotiate. Riyadh’s willingness to de-escalate tensions with Tehran is a positive sign, even though finding common ground between them could still prove to be a hurdle.

Second, at least for the time being, the chances of an imminent war in the Gulf are greatly reduced. With this effort, Pakistan has forestalled the dangerous escalation threatening to engulf the entire region.

Third, according to Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who spoke to the press after he returned from both trips Oct. 16, a mechanism for continued engagement between both parties is also in the pipeline, while a cease-fire in Yemen is being discussed. Even though the sides have disclosed no set dates for further negotiations, this is a hopeful beginning and an immediate crisis may have been contained.

Realistically, any Saudi-Iran talks are bound to hit a roadblock again unless the United States is brought into the picture. Having initiated an improved level of communication between Riyadh and Tehran, Khan may have gained enough trust with Iranian leaders to persuade them to negotiate with Washington – by Sabena Siddiqui

(* B P)

Kashmir is driving Pakistan’s mediation efforts between Tehran and Riya

For decades South Asia shielded Tehran from crippling sanctions. It may be that South Asia will now save the region from a war between Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

If any of Iran’s neighbors is to bring Tehran and Riyadh together, it likely must be a non-Arab one: Turkey, India or Pakistan.

It is possible that Khan is expecting Tehran to be more critical of India regarding Kashmir in return for his efforts to de-escalate the increasingly dangerous confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. However, Iran’s religious leaders have already issued their harshest statements to date on that issue. It is unlikely that they will go further and risk damaging relations with a key economic partner over Kashmir.

Perhaps it is a desire for greater cooperation on border security between Iran-Pakistan that motivates Khan.

The issue of Yemen could be a factor behind Khan’s mediation initiative since Pakistan has indirectly been impacted by the Yemen war. Even though retired Pakistani General Raheel Sharif has been appointed commander of the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT)—a partnership involving over forty countries that was created in 2015 and is headquartered in Saudi Arabia—Pakistan refused to send ground troops to participate in the kingdom’s ill-conceived Yemen intervention. Interestingly, Khan and his Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) party opposed both Pakistani participation in the Yemen war and General Sharif’s appointment to lead IMAFT. So Khan’s motives must be beyond Yemen.

Bringing Iran and Saudi Arabia closer could boost Pakistan’s—and Khan’s—image as a player on the international stage.

If Khan could successfully mediate this conflict, or even just help reduce Saudi-Iranian tensions, it would be a major accomplishment for Pakistani foreign policy that could boost Khan both domestically and abroad.

(A P)

FATF’s anti-Iran decision totally political: Zarif

Referring to FATF’s recent warning to Iran, Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif told reporters on Monday that the decision of the global watchdog is totally political and Iran disagrees with it.

"The Islamic Republic considers anti-money-laundering policies as a necessity and a target in its domestic regulations,” he noted, stressing that FATF has made a political decision against Iran.

My comment: For FATF:, “FATF was formed by the 1989 G7 Summit in Paris“.

(A P)

Iran FM: I’m ready to visit Saudi Arabia to settle differences

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says he is ready to visit Saudi Arabia to help reduce tensions between Riyadh and Tehran if suitable conditions existed.

Iran's top diplomat made the remarks while answering a question posed by Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news agency on the sidelines of a conference held in Tehran on Monday themed “Unilateralism and International Law.”

“If suitable conditions are provided, I would be ready to travel to Riyadh to settle differences” between the two countries, Zarif was quoted by ISNA as saying.

"Tehran welcomes any initiative that aims to ease tensions in the region and will cooperate [with other parties] to end Yemen’s war," he added.

(* B P)

The Middle East’s Dangerous New Hegemonic Confrontation

Although Yemen's Houthi rebels have claimed credit for the sophisticated nighttime strike on Saudi oil facilities last month, the attack was almost certainly launched by Iran. By giving Iran no other option but to demonstrate its military prowess, US President Donald Trump has exposed himself and his Saudi allies as paper tigers.

Saudi Arabia, after all, has been humiliated in the eyes of the world and exposed as a loud-mouthed paper tiger. In addition to the undeniable failure of Saudi counterintelligence to detect or avert the attack is the equally obvious fact that Saudi Arabia will lose the war in Yemen sooner or later. At that point, its hegemonic aspirations will become an even greater source of derision.

And so, in the final analysis, responsibility for the attack on Saudi Arabia almost certainly lies with Qassem Suleimani, the general who commands the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ foreign operations unit.

Trump’s foreign-policy dilettantism – his use of militant bombast to mask his lack of plausible options and strategy– seems to have played a crucial role in bringing about the current situation.

Were Israel to be attacked with the same precision and sophistication as the strike on Saudi Arabia, the Middle East would be plunged into war on a scale beyond anything it has experienced so far. Sadly (but happily for Russian President Vladimir Putin), that is the reality of a world in which the US has abandoned any pretense of global leadership – by Joschka Fischer, German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005 =

My comment: Joschka Fischer had morphed into an US imperialism propagandist related to the Democrats’ interventionist faction (he is on good terms with Madelaine Albright). Thus, there is a bulk of propaganda here. – No, the Yemen war is NO Saudi-Iranian proxy war. Blaming Iran and / or the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for the attack on Saudi Aramco is as speculative as blaming Israel for it.

(A P)

Pentagon chief arrives in Riyadh as Iran tensions simmer and Russia makes moves

U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday, his first trip to the key Middle East ally since taking the job this summer, as tensions simmer between Washington and Tehran, and Russia seeks to increase its regional influence.


(A P)

Deputy Defense Minister meets US Secretary of Defense

Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Deputy Defense Minister, today met with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper during his visit to Riyadh.

(A P)

Iran's nuclear industry 100% indigenized: AEOI official

A high-ranking official at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country's nuclear activities have been entirely indigenized and the Islamic Republic has become self-sufficient in designing and manufacturing different types of centrifuge machines.

(* A P)

UAE releases $700 million in frozen Iranian funds ‘in return for security’

The United Arab Emirates has released $700 million of Iran's frozen money," a member of the Islamic Republic's parliament told the state-run ICANA news agency on Sunday.

Lawmaker Akbar Torki told the news agency that the funds had been released amid improving 'currency relations' between the two states.
“UAE's currency relations with Iran have improved and some Iranian exchange offices in Dubai have resumed activity,” Torki was quoted as saying.

"Emiratis have also understood that Western countries and Saudi Arabia cannot provide the country with security in current circumstances," he added.
Toirki also suggested that the release of the funds was in exchange for security cooperation or assistance from Iran.

(B K P)

Film: The Saudi Attacks and U.S. Engagement in the Region

AGSIW Board Members F. Gregory Gause, III and Bernard Haykel discuss the September 14 attacks on Saudi oil facilities and the future of U.S. engagement in the Middle East.

Comment by Ali AlAhmed: #UAE backed @GulfStatesInst engages in anti-native voices behavior by holding an all white panel on #SaudiArabia. Also both panelists are connected to Saudi Monarchy funding

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Local councillors call on government to stop arms exports from Brighton factory

Brighton arms company EDO MBM has come under intense criticism after a UN report revealed that it manufactured weapons components used in a 2016 Saudi attack on Yemen that ‘violated international humanitarian law’. And now, 33 Brighton and Hove councillors, along with local Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, have written to defence secretary Ben Wallace.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp13a

(A P)

Film: Wieso gilt türkische Invasion in Syrien als völkerrechtswidrig – nicht aber Saudi-Invasion im Jemen?

Außenminister Heiko Maas bezeichnete die türkische Invasion in Syrien erstmals explizit als völkerrechtswidrig. RT wollte auf der Bundespressekonferenz wissen (ab Minute 11:15), wieso die aktuelle türkische Operation als Völkerrechtsbruch gewertet wird, nicht aber die saudische im Jemen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B E H P)

Dubai's Expo 2020 is being built by firms with a track record of rights abuses

Business and Human Rights Resource Centre says billions of dollars given to companies with links to UAE government

Several construction firms that have failed to disclose how they are protecting migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates have been contracted by the Emirati government to build infrastructure for the Expo 2020 in Dubai, according to an advocacy group.

Analysis by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC) showed that these companies were given 62 building projects worth billions of dollars by the Emiratis.

Expo 2020 will be the first international fair of its kind to be held in the Middle East.

Key construction groups that have been given contracts for the mega fair and are accused of abusing migrant workers include the Al-Arif group and Saudi-owned Bin Laden group.

Among the claims levied against the construction companies are confiscation of passports, late payment of wages, unsafe working conditions and workers being forced to live in poor conditions.

Analysis by the BHRRC also shows that since January 2018, 66 percent of the new projects, which are worth $25.3 bn, were awarded by UAE government-linked clients to companies owned or partially run by the Emiratis.

With Expo 2020 set to launch in a year's time, the BHRRC fears Dubai's failure to vet particular construction groups will lead to further abuses of migrant workers, prompting calls on the UAE to take responsibility and act against human rights violations.

(* B P)

Putin auf Staatsbesuch in Saudi-Arabien – Worüber die deutschen Medien nicht berichtet haben

Ich habe die Berichte des russischen Fernsehens über Putins Staatsbesuche in Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Emiraten übersetzt, weil in Deutschland darüber nichts in den Medien zu hören war.

Es geht um die wichtigsten Themen für unsere Länder, für den Nahen Osten und den ganzen Planeten. Ein einfacher Vergleich: Amerika läuft mit der Idee durch die Gegend, eine „arabische NATO“ zu schaffen, um auch weiterhin im Nahen Osten Kriege zu provozieren und seine Waffen dort für diese Kriege verkaufen, damit, wie im Falle der bestehenden NATO, der neue Block auch zu einem Werkzeug für die US-Kriegspolitik werden würde. Russland bietet dagegen eine andere Idee an: eine friedliche Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in der Region am Persischen Golf zu schaffen, auch mit einer Einladung an die Vereinigten Staaten und China. Es wäre eine Plattform, um Lösungen zu finden und gegenseitige Interessen zu berücksichtigen. Noch ist nicht jeder dazu bereit, aber spüren Sie den Unterschied in den Ansätzen?

Auf jeden Fall ist Russlands Politik in der Region transparent, verständlich, ohne doppelten Boden und wirklich aufrichtig.

(A P)

Film: Anti-corruption protests grow in Beirut as Prime Minister Hariri weighs his options...

and more.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Rheinmetall – Gegenwind für ein Rüstungsunternehmen

Seit geraumer Zeit rückt Rheinmetall vermehrt in den Fokus zahlreicher friedenspolitischer Kampagnen – und zwar nicht nur in der BRD, sondern auch in der Schweiz und in Italien.

Rheinmetall ist das größte in Deutschland ansässige Rüstungsunternehmen und steht an 26. Stelle der größten Rüstungsunternehmen weltweit.[1] An 117 auf allen Kontinenten verteilten Standorten arbeiten insgesamt rund 12.000 in der Automobil- und weitere 11.000 in der Defence-Sparte des Unternehmens.[2] Die Rüstungssparte befindet sich in einem stetigen Ausbau und die Gewinnspanne steigt: Bereits 2017 übertraf die Rüstungssparte mit einem Umsatz von 3,036 Milliarden Euro den der Automobilsparte (2,86 Milliarden Euro).

Tatsächlich baut Rheinmetall seit geraumer Zeit an der Internationalisierung seiner Produktion durch Tochter- und Gemeinschaftsgesellschaften, um Exportrichtlinien besser umgehen zu können und gleichzeitig durch ein weites Logistiknetzwerk internationale Kunden besser bedienen zu können.

Insgesamt hat der Konzern Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM), ein Joint Venture von Rheinmetall und der südafrikanischen Denel Ltd, bereits 39 Munitionsfabriken geliefert. Die Bundesregierung fühlt sich nicht zuständig, obwohl RDM zu 51% Rheinmetall gehört.

Zu diesen Fabriken zählt eine im Jahr 2008 im Emirat Abu Dhabi errichtete Munitionsanlage. Die nun Burkan Munition Systems genannte Anlage erhält bis heute technische Unterstützung von Rheinmetall Waffe Munition Italia S.p.A. und RDM.[15] Im Jahr 2016 erhielt Saudi Arabien vom RDM ebenfalls eine Munitionsabfüllanlage

In Jemen wird nicht nur die Munition aus den drei genannten Munitionsabfüllanlagen verwendet, sondern auch aus Sardinien. Dort stellt das Tochterunternehmen RWM Italia S.p.A Gefechtsköpfe und elektronische Zündsysteme her, die auch an Saudi Arabien geliefert werden.[16] Abgesehen davon erhielt Saudi Arabien von der Rheinmetall-Tocher Nico Pyrotechnik Blend- und Knallgranaten und von der österreichischen RWM-Arges GmbH hochexplosive Splittergranaten, die 2014 zur blutigen Niederschlagung von Protesten gegen das Könighaus in Al Awamija eingesetzt wurden.[17]

In Jemen wird nicht nur die Munition aus den drei genannten Munitionsabfüllanlagen verwendet, sondern auch aus Sardinien. Dort stellt das Tochterunternehmen RWM Italia S.p.A Gefechtsköpfe und elektronische Zündsysteme her, die auch an Saudi Arabien geliefert werden.[16] Abgesehen davon erhielt Saudi Arabien von der Rheinmetall-Tocher Nico Pyrotechnik Blend- und Knallgranaten und von der österreichischen RWM-Arges GmbH hochexplosive Splittergranaten, die 2014 zur blutigen Niederschlagung von Protesten gegen das Könighaus in Al Awamija eingesetzt wurden.[17]

Seit Jahren erfährt Rheinmetall Gegenwind von Kriegsgegner_innen.

und hierzu auch, nach unten scrollen

Ein Blick auf den Chart des Rüstungskonzerns Rheinmetall zeigt, wer von der Spannungs- und Kriegspolitik am meisten profitiert. (Grafik)

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Yemen’s Architectural Gems Under Threat as War Rages On

This article focuses on the capital Sanaa as an example of Yemeni architecture, which is under threat from the civil war, now in its fourth year.

The architecture of Sanaa

Sanaa is among the largest ancient cities that still exists. It has been classified as one of the most distinctive capitals thanks to its unique architectural character.

Today, many of Yemen’s historical and archaeological treasures, including those in Sanaa, are under threat from the ongoing war. Saudi air strikes hit the Old City at least twice in 2015 and 2018, killing several people and destroying many buildings.

Other sites, like the 1,200-year-old al-Hadi Mosque and the pre-Islamic walled city of Baraqish, both in northern Yemen, and the coastal city of Zabid, lost an important number of their historical landmarks. The National Museum in Dhamar, containing some 12,500 artefacts, was completely destroyed.

UNESCO, which has gone to considerable lengths since the early 1980s to preserve the Old City, condemned the strikes on what it described as ‘one of the world’s oldest jewels’ of Islamic culture.

“This heritage bears the soul of the Yemeni people; it is a symbol of a millennial history of knowledge and it belongs to all humankind,” said UNESCO head Irina Bokova. She called on all parties involved in the conflict to refrain from targeting the country’s unique cultural heritage and using heritage sites for military purposes, and said she was “profoundly distressed” by the damage.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#ISIS #Yemen releases photos of booty seized after repelling an #AQAP raid in Qayfa Analysis -This looks like a local dispute tied to global #jihad brands, not an epic battle world heavyweights -This year, 71% of ISIS-Y ops targeted AQAP, 21% Houthis, only 8% #UAE-backed forces (photo)

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen has just released the 3rd & final film in its "Demolishing #Espionage" series. In fact it's AQAP's 5th #spy film since 1/2018. Like others in this series, it's slicker, more professional & longer (77 minutes) than #AQAP's usual videos.

(A T)

Short answer to why the #ISIS #Yemen video threatening #STC looks fake -Not released via formal ISIS wires -Lacks usual insignias -ISIS-Y doesn't use this style of song or sole flag backdrop The audio is real. Someone stuck an ISIS flag on it (ISIS itself warned of fakes 9/29)

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

America Needs to Choose Sides: Saudi Arabia or Iran

US Senator Bernie Sanders failed to mention that the "catastrophic war" to which he was referring was initiated solely by the Iranian regime, which encouraged and enabled Houthi terrorists to overthrow the internationally recognized government of Yemen.

A key danger to the US also lies in its relinquishing the maritime chokepoint, Bab el-Mandeb, through which -- along with the Strait of Hormuz -- approximately one-third of the world's oil production passes every day. Iran's ability to disrupt or interdict this daily movement of oil would give Tehran enormous leverage over the global economy.

Given this reality, it is inexplicable for Congress to advocate a policy based on tying the hands of Saudi Arabia, an ally, while giving free rein to Iran, which has been a sworn enemy of the US for decades. In addition, Saudi Arabia, unlike Iran, is not on any glide-path to producing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to deliver them – by Dr. Peter Huessy is President of GeoStrategic Analysis

My comment: Sledgehammer propaganda. Don’t be astonished: For Gatestone Institue:

(A P)

Kingdom urges international community, United Nations to fulfill obligations to establish zone free of weapons of mass destruction in Middle East

The Kingdom stressed that the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East is a collective responsibility at the international level.

My comment: No Middle East country is buying more weapons than Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Iran finalizes its regional corridor of control

Everything Tehran touches dies. Iranian leaders repeatedly trumpet their dominance over four Arab capitals: Damascus, Sanaa, Baghdad and Beirut. Yet civil wars in Yemen and Syria, already hell on earth, have recently increased in ferocity. Iraq and Lebanon are again gripped by paroxysms of rioting and violence, as protesters express fury at chronic corruption and Iranian meddling. Having endured 40 years of the Islamic regime, ordinary Iranians find their lives perhaps even more unbearable.

Those who warn about creeping Iranian regional dominance are written off as alarmists. Yet with depressing regularity, predictions prove true. Tehran’s aspirations to extend its corridor of regional dominance through eastern Syria had until now been thwarted. However, thanks to Trump’s allowance of the Turkish invasion and his drawdown of US forces, Quds Force’s Qassim Soleimani can finish what he started.

(A P)

Gulf states need a seat at Iran talks table

the European leaders appear to be repeating the same mistakes that occurred during the negotiations with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s administration between 2013 and 2015.

To clarify, when the leaders of the UN Security Council’s five permanent member states sat around the table to hammer out the nuclear agreement, there was a major shortcoming; not one representative from a Gulf state was present at the table. It was therefore not entirely unsurprising that the final agreement, rather than limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions, failed to stabilize regional security, and resulted in an increased flow of funds to violent Iranian proxies and greater regional tensions.

Listening to the concerns of the Gulf states and regional powers is crucial. For those living in the major cities of the Gulf, one of the primary concerns is Tehran’s ability to wage indirect war via its network of well funded proxies.

My comment: The Gulf States did not want a Nuclear Deal, but a general reckoninh against Iran. If there really should be a long-term general solution, the Gulf States themselves must be willing to accept Iran as a partner state.

(A P)

Yemeni Foreign Minister Affirms that Stability in Yemen is Linked to Confronting Iranian Project

(A P)

„Sanktioniert den Iran doch endlich!“

WELT: Königliche Hoheit, was muss geschehen, um die anhaltende Krise am Golf in den Griff zu bekommen?

Prinz Turki Bin Faisal Al-Saud: Als die Iraner die freie Schifffahrt im Golf von Hormus angriffen, sah die internationale Gemeinschaft tatenlos zu. Die Angriffe auf Saudi-Arabiens Ölanlagen waren zugleich ein Angriff auf die ganze Welt. Für dieses Problem braucht es eine gemeinsame, umfassende Antwort. Einen weltweiten Konsens. Bedenken Sie, was die Iraner 2009 an den Verhandlungstisch gebracht hat: Die Vereinten Nationen hatten sehr harte Sanktionen gegen den Iran verhängt. Genau das brauchen wir jetzt wieder. Und wir sollten militärische Sanktionen nicht ausschließen.

WELT: Aber für beides gibt es heute keinen Konsens.

Prinz Turki: Wissen Sie, die Iraner sind sehr gewiefte Verhandler.

(A P)

Rights Report Says Houthis Displaced 142 Families in 3 Yemeni Regions in 10 Days

A Yemeni human rights group and 13 other organizations accused the Iran-backed Houthi militias of committing 514 violations against Yemenis in less than 10 days.
These violations included 51 accounts of murder.
In a press release, the Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms said it had “documented the abuses in provinces and cities under the control of the militia.”

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Oct. 21:

Oct. 20:

Oct. 19:

Oct. 18:

Oct. 17:

Oct. 16:

(A K pH)

In Last 12 Hours, US-Saudi Aggression Launched over 30 Raids

Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier Yahya Sare'e, on Monday said that US-Saudi forces launched more than 30 raids on a number of governorates in the last 12 hours.

Sare'e stated in a tweet that most of these raids concentrated on Hajjah and Sa'ada governorates, killing and injuring a number of civilians.

(* A K)

Saudischer Kampfjet löscht Familie im Nordjemen aus

Bei einem Luftschlag der Saudi-Emirate-Koalition wurden am Montag fünf Zivilisten in einem Minivan getötet, darunter zwei Kinder und eine Schwangere.

Gestern bombardierte ein saudischer Kampfjet im Jemen einen Minivan und tötete alle fünf Insassen der Alazi-Familie, wie eine Quelle im jemenitischen Gesundheitsministerium gegenüber JusticeNow! erklärt. Bei dem Angriff wurden der Fahrer Yehia Ghaleb Alazi, seine Frau, ihre zwei kleinen Kinder sowie eine weitere Frau der Alazi-Familie getötet, so Dr. Yousef Alhadri, der Sprecher des Gesundheitsministeriums, gegenüber dem Autor. Mehrere Passanten seien verletzt worden.

Eine der getöteten Frauen sei schwanger gewesen. Der Angriff ereignete sich im Kitaf-Direktorat im Nordwesten des Jemen im Sa’da-Gouvernement.

„Überall waren Leichenteile verstreut“, heißt es in einem Statement des jemenitischen Gesundheitsministeriums =

(* A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Targets Family in Sa’ada, Killing 5

The US-Saudi aggression on Monday targeted a citizen's car, killing 5 people, including women and children, preliminary toll listed a child and a pregnant woman in Kotaf. (photo)

Child and pregnant woman amongst victims of Saudi bombing on Saada

Death toll expected to rise further

“The bodies were identified: Yahya Ghaleb Ahsan Faris Al-Izzi (45 years old), his son Mohammed (14 years old) and his grandson Yahya Hamza (4 years old) and Samah Mansour Ahmad Ahsan Faris Al-Izzi (25 years old),” the director stated. (Photos)

and also



(A K pH)

A Citizen Killed in Airstrike by US-Saudi Aggression, Sa’ada

A citizen was killed in a raid by the US-Saudi aggression on Razih district in Sa'ada province.

and the same raid by an anti-Houthi news site:

(* A K pS)

Sa'da. A Civilian and 7 Houthi gunmen killed in Razeh by an air strike

One civilian and seven Houthi gunmen were killed Monday in a coalition fighter strike in Razeh district of Sa'da province in the far north of Yemen.

Al-Masdar online correspondent said that a fighter of the Saudi-led coalition launched a raid on a vehicle killing seven gunmen they were travelling in in the area of "Al-Qal’a" as they passed the line leading to the front of the "Al-Azhoor" where the Houthi militias are stationed.

According to the reporter, the second raid killed a civilian who rushed to the scene to try to help those injured in the first raid.

(A K pS)

Coalition fighter jets hit houthi positions in Hajjah

(A K pH)

Kampfflugzeuge der saudisch geführten Kriegskoalition greifen den Jemen massiv an

Der Sprecher der jemenitischen Streitkräfte Yahya Saree gab am Sonntagabend bekant, dass Kampfflugzeuge der saudisch geführten Kriegskoalition in den letzten 48 Stunden über 50-mal verschiedene Gebiete im Jemen bombardiert haben.

(A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: Over 50 Raids Targeted Civilians Farms in Last 48 hours

The spokesman said that the raids were concentrated on Sa'ada and Hajjah governorates, targeted civilians' properties and farms.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, a woman was injured and a number of livestock were killed in a raid by the US-Saudi aggression on Razih district. The aggression also launched 2 raids on Majz district.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Oct. 22: and Saada p., Asir

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih district, destroying civilians' cars and properties.

(A K pS)

Three-year-old girl shot dead by Houthi snipers in Taiz

Houthi militia shot and killed three-year-old girl while playing outside her house in the Yemen’s central province of Taiz on Tuesday.

Local sources told “September Net” a little girl named Loloa Majid was shot dead by snipers of the Iran-backed Houthi militia while she was playing with a number of children next her house, in the west of the province.

The rebel snipers gunned down the child from their positions in the mountains overlooking the victim’s village, Tabshaa (photo) (photo)


(A K pS)

Father and son injured by Houthi laid-mine blast in al-Dhale (photo)

(A K pS)

Southern forces detect Houthi spy drone in al-Dhale

(A K pH)

Capturing Group of Sudanese Mercenaries Fighting with the Saudi-led Aggression, in Hajjah (photo)

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Military commander confirms to "Al-Masdar Online" the restoration of most of the positions lost by the army in Al-Malaheedh

A military commander in the al- Malaheedh axis confirmed the recapture of most of the positions they lost after a surprise attack and a bypass by the Houthis on army positions on Sunday evening.


(A K pS)

Houthis retake areas in 'Al-Malaheedh in Sa'ada and government forces retreat toward Saudi border

On Sunday evening, Al-Houthi militias took control of a number of areas in the Al- Malaheedh directorate in Sa'da governorate in northern Yemen.

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that al-Houthi militias carried out a large-scale attack and a bypass operation in al- Malaheedh area of al-Zahir directorate, enabling them to advance and control areas that were under the control of military brigades loyal to the legitimate government.

According to the source, this operation resulted in the collapse of the brigades of the Al- Malaheedh axis, which operate directly under the supervision of the Coalition (Saudi Forces).

(B K pS)

Yemen’s Houthis Accused of Randomly Planting Landmines

Yemeni military officials accused on Sunday Houthi militias of randomly planting landmines and explosive devices along streets, houses and farms from where the rebels have been expelled, adding to the misery of people, including children, women and the elderly.
Landmines and explosives threaten the lives of millions of Yemenis and have killed and injured hundreds of them.
Reports of humanitarian organizations suggest that Yemen has become one of the largest landmine battlefields in the world since World War II.

(A K pS)

96694 Hohthi-laid Mines Cleared Since 2018: MASAM

MASAM, the Saudi Project for Landmines Clearance in Yemen, has announced it had cleared as many as 2482 Houthi-laid mines and unexploded ordnance in five provinces during the third week of October.

Director-General of the Saudi mine clearance project Osama-Al-Kosaibi said their mine disposal squads managed to remove 683 anti-tank landmines, 13 anti-personnel mines, 1683 unexploded ordnance, and 103 explosive devices in the provinces of Shabwa, Marib, Al jawf, and Lahj during the second week of October.

“Our demining teams have cleared 5260 mines since the beginning of this month, adding up to a total of 96649 explosives that have been extracted since June 2018,” Al Kosaibi said.

and also

(A K pH)

Saada p.: In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages on Razih district.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Aus einem Land vor unserer Zei

Auf Kuba, Samoa, in Australien und Papua-Neuguinea habe sie fotografiert, erzählt die heute 81-Jährige, Paris, Porto, Lissabon. Zweimal reiste sie zudem in den Jemen, 1989 und 1992. In der Galerie Noir Blanche zeigt die Düsseldorfer Fotografin nun ihre Aufnahmen aus dieser Zeit

(A H P)

Film: Taiz University holds a ceremony to honor marginalized category of creative and graduates

The Office of Student Affairs at the University of Taiz organized a ceremony in honor of the talented, creative and graduated students from the marginalized category or what they call themselves "the descendants of Bilal bin Rabah,", Vice President of Taiz University for Student Affairs, Riad Al-Oqab, pointed that the university's interest in enabling the descendants of Bilal bin Rabah to continue their educational career, so that they can be active members of society

(* B)

Film. Dragon Blood - A Photographer's Journey to Socotra, Yemen


Photo: Hawf in Almahra governorate


Film: Meet Amr, the 8-year-old Yemeni water seller who has gone viral all over Arabic media for his singing voice

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-588 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-588: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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