Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 644b- Yemen War Mosaic 644b

Yemen Press Reader 644b: 21. April 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 644, cp7 - cp18 / April 21, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 644, cp7 - cp18

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 644, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 644, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Waffenstillstand und Friedensangebot / Most important: ceasefire and peace offer

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia said to resume talks with Iran-backed Houthis as truce falters

Saudi Arabia is said to have resumed indirect talks with Yemen’s Houthi movement to cement a faltering ceasefire, sources familiar with the discussions said, as the United Nations pushes for a de-escalation to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak.

The Iran-backed Houthis have yet to accept the nationwide truce prompted by the pandemic and fighting between the Houthi rebels and forces loyal to the exiled government has escalated. But UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths said he expected the two sides to formally agree on a ceasefire and economic and humanitarian measures in the “immediate future.”

Saudi and Houthi officials recently communicated as Riyadh strives to reach an understanding on a binding truce, two sources close to the discussions said.

“Saudi Arabia is very serious about ending the war but it will depend on how far they can go to appease the Houthis and build some trust,” said one of the sources.

The renewed push came after the coalition conducted air strikes on Houthi-controlled towns and villages, despite the ceasefire, to halt Houthi advances in al-Jawf in the north and towards Marib city,

“The prospect of the coronavirus spreading in Yemen offers a moment and indeed a humanitarian imperative to revive a political process,” April Longley Alley, deputy programme director for MENA at International Crisis Group said.

“But a ceasefire agreement alone may not be possible and certainly will not be durable absent a package of economic and humanitarian confidence-building measures and a plan to revive a political process.”

One of the sources said there are differences within the movement, with some Houthi officials wanting to accept the truce and others insisting the alliance should first end a sea and air blockade. The coalition says it aims to prevent arms smuggling by patrolling Yemen’s coast and controlling the airspace.

“I believe there is genuine interest on both sides to bring this conflict to an end, but they just don’t know how,” said Abdulghani Al-Iryani, senior researcher at the Sana’a Centre for Strategic Studies.

(A P)

Houthi-Sprecher: Kurzfristige Lösungen können Jemen keinen Frieden bringen

Mohammed Abdulsalam, ein Sprecher von Ansarullah, sagte am Donnerstag, der aktuelle UN-Vorschlag vernachlässige eine wichtige Forderung - die Aufhebung der Luft- und Seeblockade durch Saudi-Arabien, die die humanitäre Krise des Landes verschärft. Er lehnte zudem kurzfristige Lösungen ab und sagte, vor jeglichen ernsthaften Gesprächen müsse die Blockade aufgehoben werden.

Politische Experten glauben jedoch, dass die Partei, die den Krieg beenden muss, der Jemen ist, weil ihr Land von den Feinden zerstört wird. Doch in Wahrheit werden Saudi-Arabien und seine Verbündeten beschuldigt, den Waffenstillstand verletzt zu haben, obwohl Riad einseitig einen Waffenstillstand für zwei Wochen erklärt hatte.

Der Sprecher der jemenitischen Streitkräfte, Yahya Sarea, sagt, Riad habe seit der Ankündigung des Waffenstillstands zahlreiche Luftangriffe durchgeführt. Er warnte davor, dass als Reaktion auf eine solche Eskalation schmerzhaftere Angriffe geführt würden.

Analysten sagen, dass die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition trotz der Bemühungen der Ansarollah, das Friedensabkommen zu retten, die Vereinbarungen nie eingehalten hat.

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Minister of Information: Saudi concern for peace is fake

Dhaifallah al-Shami condemns UN Envoy's parroting of Saudi declarations

Minister of Information in the National Salvation Government, Dhaifallah al-Shami, jad said that “what the Saudi-led coalition aggression wants is to escalate militarily, and it seeks to mislead the international and Yemeni public opinion by claiming concern for peace.”

The move came during his call with Al -Masirah TV Channel on Friday.

Al-Shami confirmed that “the UN envoy intervenes to form a cover for the media of the aggression forces.”

He added that “the statements of the UN envoy are very close to the statements of the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition aggression coalition, and there is no longer a difference between the content of the two sides’ speech.”

(A P)

[Anti-Houthi] Campaigners slam Griffiths’ briefing on Yemen

The International Campaign for the Prisoners’ release in Yemen slammed on Saturday the recent briefing made by the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths.

“The briefing made by the UN Special Envoy to the UN Security Council was deficient, biased and unprofessional,” a statement by the campaigners said.

It explained that the briefing ignored speaking on the ongoing hostile acts by the Houthis militia where they launched several bombings against residential areas in several governorates.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Reactor Nears Completion, Bringing Prospect Of Saudi WMD – OpEd

Bloomberg reported last week that Saudi Arabia’s first nuclear reactor is nearing completion. It purchased the reactor from the Argentinian company, INVAP. But construction and installation of the plant has proven a huge payday for companies in several European countries and the U.S.

After the Obama administration hesitated to support the project, Trump offered full-throated support. One of the most attractive propositions in the deal for him was the lucrative contracts for U.S. businesses who participated.

The reactor is one of the crowning achievements of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (aka “the Headchopper”) in his plan to “modernize” and “reform” the Saudi Arabian economy and military. Part of his ambition has been to project his country’s power and interests in more muscular fashion in the region. One of the ways he did this was to invade Yemen and rain terror upon the Houthi regions of that country killing 100,000 Yemenis and starving even more with a crippling blockade.

Saudi Arabia’s chief regional rival has been Iran. The purpose of the reactor is to send a loud and clear message that Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be met step-for-step by MBS. If Iran gets nuclear weapons, the Crown Prince wants to be right behind.

(* B P)

Wird der Nahe Osten lange ruhig bleiben? Oder ist es die Stille vor dem nächsten Sturm?

In Saudi-Arabien könnte das Virus auch unvorhersehbare "Kissenschüsse" - überraschende Querschläger - auslösen.

Das saudi-arabische Elite-Spezialkrankenhaus King Feisal, in dem Mitglieder der königlichen Familie des Königreichs behandelt werden, soll sich in "hoher Alarmbereitschaft" befinden, da hochrangige Mitglieder des Al-Saud-Clans mit COVID-19 infiziert werden. Einem Bericht der New York Times zufolge wird angenommen, dass sich inzwischen bis zu 150 Mitglieder des Königshauses im Königreich mit dem Virus infiziert haben.

Der höchste Royal, der bisher infiziert wurde, ist Prinz Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz al Saud, der Gouverneur der Hauptstadt Riad, der in seinen 70er Jahren ist und daher einem erhöhten Risiko unterliegt. Noch schlimmer ist, dass er sich zum Zeitpunkt der Abfassung dieses Artikels auf der Intensivstation befinden soll.

Es wird vermutet, dass der 84-jährige König Salman bin Abdulaziz zusammen mit Kronprinz Mohamed Bin Salman und seinen Ministern auf einem Inselpalast in der Nähe der Stadt Jeddah am Roten Meer Zuflucht gefunden hat. Aber diese Bewegungen könnten sie, wenn sie weitergehen, in gefährlicher Weise von den nationalen Machtzentren isolieren.

Bin Salman befand sich bereits vor dem Ausbruch der Pandemie in einer untypisch gedämpften Stimmung, als sein Ölpreiskrieg gegen Russland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika katastrophal nach hinten losging. Seitdem ist er damit beschäftigt, die Brücken zu Moskau zu reparieren, und scheint kurz vor dem Abschluss einer Vereinbarung mit dem Kreml über die Verringerung der Ölproduktion zu stehen.

Der anhaltende Einbruch der weltweiten Ölpreise wird sich jedoch mit Sicherheit fortsetzen und möglicherweise noch verstärken. Russland befindet sich in einer soliden Position, um eine solche längerfristige Welle auszusitzen: Saudi-Arabien ist nicht in einer guten Position.

Sollte sich Bin Salman selbst mit dem Coronavirus anstecken, hat er sich mit seiner rücksichtslosen, kriegstreiberischen und verschwenderischen Politik so viele Feinde in der Gesellschaft gemacht, vom Königshaus bis hin zu Geschäftskreisen, dass jedes Anzeichen persönlicher Verwundbarkeit den Versuch starten könnte, ihn von der Macht zu vertreiben. Mit ziemlicher Sicherheit hat er bereits mindestens einen Attentatsversuch überlebt.

and English version:

(* B P)

Will Quiet Middle East Last? Or Is It Lull Before Next Storm?

In Saudi Arabia, the virus may also have unpredictable “cushion shot” – surprise ricochet – effects.

Saudi Arabia’s elite King Feisal Specialist Hospital, which treats members of the kingdom’s royal family, is said to be on “high alert” as senior members of the Al Saud clan become infected with COVID-19. As many as 150 royals in the kingdom are now believed to have contracted the virus, according to a report in the New York Times.

The highest royal to be infected so far is Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz al Saud the governor of the capital Riyadh who is in his 70s and therefore at increased risk. Worse yet, at the time of writing, he is said to be in intensive care.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz, aged 84 is believed to have taken refuge on an island palace near the city of Jeddah on the Red Sea along with Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman on the same coast with his ministers. But these moves , if extended, may isolate them dangerously from the national centers of power.

Bin Salman was already in an uncharacteristic subdued mood before the pandemic hit as his oil price war on Russia and the United States backfired disastrously. Since then, he has been busy mending bridges with Moscow and appears close to completing a deal on reducing oil production with the Kremlin.

However, the prolonged slump in global oil prices will certainly continue and may intensify. Russia is in a sound position to ride out such a longer-term wave: Saudi Arabia is not.

If on top of all this, Bin Salman himself should contract the coronavirus, he has made so many enemies across society from royal to business circles with his reckless, warmongering and spendthrift policies that any sign of personal vulnerability could launch an attempt to drive him from power. He has almost certainly survived at least one assassination attempt already.

(A P)

Film: #Saudi Monarchy crime against humanity should be condemned by all civilized people. #Saudi monarchy desecrated graves of protesters it shot dead #Qatif between 2011-2016. =

(A P)

Saudi Arabia suspends praying in the Two Holy Mosques for Ramadan: tweet

Saudi Arabia extended on Monday the suspension of praying in the Grand Mosque and Prophet’s Mosque during the fasting month of Ramadan to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques’ Affairs said on Twitter.

(A P)

Hamas calls on Saudi Arabia to release Palestinian prisoners

Ismail Haniyeh calls on Riyadh to be reasonable

The head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, has stated that the arrest of more than 60 Palestinians in Saudi Arabia is “an unfortunate matter.”

During an interview with Arab TV, Haniyeh stressed that “the historical relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was good and strong, but the truth is that the facts we are dealing with are unfortunate, painful and contradict all Arab norms towards the Palestinian issue.”

(A P)

Saudi Arabia: Prisoner of conscience in coma still detained during COVID-19 pandemic

The Saudi Arabian authorities must immediately release Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a prisoner of conscience who remains detained despite being in coma and in critical condition, Amnesty International said today.

Dr Abdullah al-Hamid, a prominent human rights campaigner serving an 11-year sentence for his peaceful activism, suffered a stroke on 9 April and is currently in a coma in the intensive care unit at al-Shumaisi Hospital in Riyadh.

“It is heartbreakingly cruel that Dr Abdullah al-Hamid remains in detention, even while in a coma,” said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Research Director.

(A P)

Saudi authorities arrest eight members of murdered activist’s family

Abdul Rahim al-Hawiti murdered by Saudi forces for protesting destruction of his home

Saudi authorities have arrested eight members of the family Abdul Rahim al-Hawiti, days after the Saudi civilian was killed for refusing to evacuate his home for the so-called “Neom project”, which was launched by the Saudi crown prince

The Prisoners of Conscience account has revealed the names of the eight detainees from al-Hawiti’s family.

Al-Hawiti had filmed a video footage the day before he was killed, saying that all local residents refused to leave the village and their homes to make space for the prince’s prestigious construction projects.

In the video he said that he expected to be killed, throwing a weapon next to him after being accused of terrorism by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

(* A P)

Saudi tribesman shot dead in protest over Crown Prince's $500bn megacity

Tribal activist dies in hail of bullets after predicting that he would be shot dead by Saudi authorities for protesting the project

Abdul-Rahim al-Howeiti glared into the camera as he made a chilling prediction.

“I won’t be surprised if they storm my house now, put guns in my home, then kill me and call me a terrorist,” he said, in a video protest against a Saudi Arabian ‘megacity’ that is due to be built on the site of his home.

Shortly after posting that video and refusing to abandon his house, the activist from the Howeitat tribe was killed in a hail of bullets by Saudi security forces.

Activists in the region reacted with fury to the news. Al-Howeiti was well-known for his bold, if eccentric, one-man campaign against the $500bn construction project, which is reportedly set to displace thousands in northwestern Saudi Arabia (paywalled)


(* A P)

Saudi forces kill man who refused to give up property: Activists

Abdul Rahim al-Hwaiti was allegedly shot dead after he refused to give up his property for a Red Sea mega-project.

Al-Hwaiti said in one video uploaded on YouTube that "anyone who refuses to leave the area would be arrested by government agents". He called the government's move "forced displacement".

"This is my home," he said, adding he would not move elsewhere in Saudi Arabia because he considers his tribal area his "own homeland" (with film)


cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(A K P)

Why Raytheon?

What does Raytheon do? Celebrate gender and racial diversity? Offer a helping hand to little girls? Feed the hungry? Promote a green economy? Spread scientific knowledge to our young?

There is no better practitioner of the American genius for papering over wanton destruction and mayhem with comforting illusion than the Raytheon Company, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts. But in the real world, Raytheon is an essential component of the largest war machine ever constructed. In the real world, Raytheon is emerging as one of the leading merchants of death of our time.

The Raytheon Anti-war Campaign seeks to expose this reality, highlight the human destruction that Raytheon weapons cause (especially in Yemen), mobilize against the atrocities perpetrated with Raytheon arms, and lay bare the ways in which the company wields power.

The campaign is being waged by a coalition of groups

Raytheon, one of President Trump’s favorite companies, is based right here in “liberal” Massachusetts and our “liberal” politicians proudly celebrate its presence. The immediate goal of the campaign is to use Raytheon’s critical support for the U.S./Saudi war against Yemen and the company’s extensive presence in Massachusetts to give visibility to, create controversy around, and mobilize opposition to that war. The message is, “The war in Yemen may seem far way, but one of the key players involved in that war just goes along its merry way here in Massachusetts, piling up profits it makes off that killing: Yemen is Massachusetts’ War. We have a responsibility to end it.” In the process, we educate the public about the destructive U.S./Saudi Alliance and Raytheon’s role in promoting and profiting from U.S. war policies.

(* B K P)

How Wars, Sanctions, and Militarism Made the Coronavirus Crisis Worse

As we take steps to control the virus, these devastating U.S. foreign policies need to be immediately reversed.

Governments around the world are offering a tragic lesson in how denial, incompetence, and inequity have exacerbated the unfolding coronavirus pandemic. That is just as true in the United States, where President Trump’s lies, denials, and half measures — as well as our woefully underprepared health system — are making the virus deadlier.

But there are also tremendously impactful foreign policy decisions that are magnifying the pandemic’s toll. As we take steps to resolve the crisis, reversing this damage is every bit as critical as other aspects of our response.

Wars. The various wars that the United States has carried since 2001 have set the stage for an incendiary spread of disease in countries around the world.

Consider Yemen, where an ongoing cholera epidemic that began in 2016 became the fastest growing disease outbreak in modern history. The crisis is directly related to the war that Saudi Arabia has been prosecuting there since 2015 with critical U.S. assistance.

The commitment to war has had consequences for this country too. Decades of rising military spending — we now spend 53 cents of every discretionary tax dollar on the military — have starved the U.S. of the resources to build a better public health system or take other preventative measures.

Sanctions and blockades. Every ten minutes, someone in Iran dies of COVID-19. The crisis is made far worse by the fact that U.S. sanctions have prevented the country from accessing medical supplies and critical materials for manufacturing medicines. Targeting a country’s medical industry for political purposes is always indefensible, but during a pandemic it’s unconscionably dangerous.

My comment: More evident than ever: The US is rogue state No. 1 on this planet.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A K P)

Iran increases range of naval missiles to 700km without foreign help: IRGC commander

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy says the country has increased the range of its naval missiles to 700 kilometers without any assistance from other countries.

“There was a time when the farthest range of our naval missiles did not exceed 45 km and even that was achieved with assistance from American military advisors,” Brigadier General Alireza Tangsiri said in an interview on Monday.

“However, we have developed subsurface and surface-to-surface missiles with a range of 700 kilometers, which have been totally made by domestic military elites,” he added.

(A K P)

Iran’s Military Power Deterring Attacks, Top General Says

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said the country has gained such great deterrent power that the enemies like the US and Israel do not dare to take military action against the Islamic Republic.

(A K P)

Iran urges foreign forces to leave after naval incident

Iran has told foreign forces, who maintain an illegitimate presence in the region, to leave it and avoid provoking the Islamic Republic's warning.

“As stated by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), we firstly call on the foreign forces, who are present in the region illegitimately, to end their presence here,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Monday.

“We want them to leave the region as soon as possible, whatever may be the motive for their presence here,” he said.

“Secondly, observe transit regulations and not compel our forces to issue warnings and reminders,” the spokesman said, addressing the foreign forces.

(* A K P)

Iraq submits request to purchase Russian S-400 system despite US threats

The Parliamentary Security and Defence Committee of Iraq submitted a detailed study requesting the purchase of Russian long-range, surface-to-air S-400 missile defence systems for the consideration of the country’s caretaker prime minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on 18 April.

Baghdad has been considering buying Russian S-400 missile systems as concerns mount that Washington might withdraw support for Iraq, the Wall Street Journal quoted Karim Elaiwi, a member of the Iraqi parliament’s Security and Defence Committee as saying in January 2020. =

(A P)

South Korea blocks test kits for Iran on Saudi-funded TV's request

Iran says South Korea has rejected a SWIFT payment request by Tehran for purchase of coronavirus testing kits over the US sanctions.

Iran's Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour late Saturday released a document that shows a Saudi-funded TV had asked a Korean bank to reject the request.

"As a result, the Korean bank rejected Iran's request and the kits were not delivered to Iran," he said.

According to the document, London-based Iran International television channel falsely claimed that the SWIFT request had been made by a software company which sought to export non-medical goods to Iran.

Jahanpour released a second document which shows South Korea's Mico BioMed, which develops and sells medical kits, had in fact presented the SWIFT request to the bank.

(A K P)

Iran unveils 'improved' radar air defense system

Iran unveiled on Saturday what authorities said was a locally upgraded radar system with a range of 400 km (250 miles) that could help defend against cruise and ballistic missiles and drones.


(A K P)

Continued US military presence on Iraqi soil amounts to occupation: Legislator

An Iraqi legislator has denounced the continued presence of US troops in Iraq as a “form of occupation,” calling on the Baghdad government to inform the parliament about the number of the US forces and their function.

(A P)

Zarif to Trump: Stop interfering in other nations’ affairs; mine especially

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has once again warned US President Donald Trump against interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in the age of the new coronavirus.

Zarif made the remarks in a Sunday posting on Twitter in an apparent reference to Trump's Saturday allegation that the US would be willing to send ventilators to Iran to help treat coronavirus patients.

“I have offered to help them (Iran) if they want. If they need ventilators, which they do, I would send them ventilators. We have thousands of excess ventilators. We have a stockpile of ventilators,” the US president said during the daily coronavirus status briefing.

In response to Trump's remarks, Zarif said, “Iran will be EXPORTING ventilators in a few months, @realdonaldtrump,” exhorting him to avoid interfering in other countries’ affairs.

My comment: Trump’s claim is ridiculous, he lies. The US itself is in urgent need of ventilators and blocks exports to other countries:,_as_Rihanna_makes_donation__?,_other_suppliers_engaged_%26%238211;_Health_Minister_

(* A K P)

Illegal presence of US terrorists source of insecurity in West Asia: IRGC

The Navy of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the main source of mischief and insecurity in the region is the illegal presence of US terrorist forces, reiterating the call for the full withdrawal of all American forces from the Persian Gulf and West Asia.

The IRGC Navy issued a statement on Sunday in response to recent claims by the US Navy that 11 Iranian ships repeatedly came close to American military vessels in “dangerous and harassing approaches” in the Persian Gulf.

“As has been said time and again, it is emphasized [once more] that the illegal presence of US terrorist regime is the [main] source and origin of mischief and insecurity in the region and the sole way to establish sustainable security in this region is the withdrawal of Americans from West Asia,” the statement read.


(A K P)

Iran’s Guard acknowledges encounter with US during a drill

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard acknowledged Sunday it had a tense encounter with U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf last week, but alleged without offering evidence that American forces sparked the incident.

The incident Wednesday saw the U.S. Navy release video of small Iranian fast boats coming close to American warships as they operated in the northern Persian Gulf near Kuwait, with U.S. Army Apache helicopters.

In the Guard’s telling, its forces were on a drill and faced “the unprofessional and provocative actions of the United States and their indifference to warnings.” It said the Americans later withdrew.

(* A K P)

US-Marine versucht 'gefährliche' Begegnung mit iranischen Booten hochzuspielen

Die US-Marine und die Küstenwache waren an "Operationen" im nördlichen Persischen Golf, d.h. in der Nähe der iranischen Hoheitsgewässer, beteiligt. Dies bedeutete unweigerlich, dass der Iran ihre Aktivitäten überwachte und dass die Marine diese Überwachung als "gefährliche und provokative Aktionen" betrachtete.

Die US-Schiffe und Hubschrauber sind in dem Gebiet im Einsatz, und die Marine veröffentlicht Fotos von viel kleineren iranischen Booten, die in die Nähe kommen. Die Fotos zeigen nicht, was die Boote da machen, sondern sie werden von der Navy als "unsicher" bezeichnet. Die Marine behauptet in einem Fall, dass sich ein Boot im Umkreis von 10 Metern befand, hat aber keine solchen Fotos gezeigt.

Die iranische Regierung gab keine Erklärungen zu den Schiffen oder Booten ab und scheint die Angelegenheit für keine große Sache gehalten zu haben, nur für die üblichen Spannungen im Golf, die so oft vorkommen.

Die Tatsache, dass die US-Marine versucht, die Sache zu übertreiben, stellt die übliche Reaktion der USA darauf dar, dass alles, was sie in der Nähe des Irans tun, irgendwie unter die Lupe genommen wird, einen Vorwand, um die Spannungen in einer Zeit zu schüren, in der die USA und der Iran oft kurz vor einem Krieg gestanden haben.

and English version:

(* A K P)

US Navy Tries to Hype ‘Dangerous’ Encounter With Iranian Boats

The US Navy and Coast Guard were engaged in “operations” in the northern Persian Gulf, which is to say near Iranian territorial waters. This meant, inevitably, that Iran was monitoring what they were doing, and that the Navy viewed that monitoring as “dangerous and provocative actions.”
The US ships and helicopters are operating in the area, and the Navy released photos of much smaller Iranian boats coming nearby. The photos do not show the boats doing anything, but are captioned as “unsafe” by the Navy. The Navy claims in one case a boat was within 10 yards, but did not show such photos.
The Iranian government issued no statements related to the ships or boats, and seem to consider the matter to have been no big deal, just the usual tensions in the Gulf that happen so often.
That the US Navy is trying to blow this out of proportion represents the standard US reaction to anything they do near Iran being even sort of scrutinized, an excuse to ratchet up tensions at a time when the US and Iran have often been close to war.

(* B K P)

Countering Iran in the Gray Zone

Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and especially since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iran has become highly proficient in using its surrogates and proxies across the Middle East as a tool to achieve its interests while avoiding direct conflict with the United States. Successive U.S. presidents have sought options for pushing back against this Iranian strategy but have struggled to find approaches that could deter Iran’s actions or degrade its capabilities. In most cases U.S. administrations have been hesitant to respond at all, for fear of starting a larger conflict. The recent killing of Qassim Soleimani represents the opposite problem, in which the United States and Iran came unnecessarily close to a much larger war.

In contrast, Israel’s “campaign between the wars” (the Hebrew acronym is mabam) against Iran and Iranian-backed groups in Syria has been one of the most successful military efforts to push back against Iran in the “gray zone.” Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, and especially since early 2017, Israel has conducted more than 200 airstrikes inside Syria against more than 1,000 targets linked to Iran and it’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force (IRGCQF), and against IRGC-QF backed groups such as the Lebanese Hezbollah. This campaign has slowed Iran’s military buildup in Syria while avoiding a broader regional conflagration that would have been damaging to Israel’s interests.1

This study examines Israel’s mabam campaign and asks what lessons the United States can draw and how they may be applied to future U.S. actions in gray zone conflicts, both against Iran and more broadly. The lessons include:

My comment: Whow. This really is a horrible report: The US claims to rule the world.

Comment by Sarah Lazare: Ilan Goldenberg, who was an advisor to the Warren campaign, is co-author of this awful report, which argues "American freedom of action to strike Iranian targets in the gray zone may be greater than previously assessed.

(* B K P)

US-Irak-Strategie: Keine Wahnsinnstheorie, nur Wahnsinn

Statt einer weiteren Eskalation, insbesondere einschließlich eines Angriffs auf den Iran, sollte unser nächster Schritt im Irak der vollständige und sofortige Rückzug der US-Streitkräfte sein. Generalleutnant Robert P. White, der Kommandeur, der dem Pentagon angeblich davon abgeraten haben soll, seine Pläne für einen neuen Irak-Feldzug zu verfolgen, hat mit seiner Warnung völlig Recht: ein solcher würde Tausende von amerikanischen Soldaten unnötigerweise in Gefahr bringen und begrenzte Ressourcen verschwenden.

Unser nächster Dreh- und Angelpunkt im Irak sollte nicht eine neue Front eröffnen, sondern alle alten schließen. Wir brauchen eine realistische Außenpolitik, bei der die Diplomatie an erster Stelle steht, und nicht ein rücksichtsloses Verlassen auf die militärische Einmischung in die politischen Angelegenheiten anderer Länder. Jetzt in dieser seltsamen Zeit der Pandemie müssen wir mehr denn je pragmatisch sein und den Frieden anstreben.

and English version:

(* B K P)

U.S. Iraq Strategy: No Madman Theory, Just Mad

Rather than further escalation, especially including an attack on Iran, our next step in Iraq ought to be complete and immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces. Lt. Gen. Robert P. White, the commander who reportedly advised the Pentagon against pursuing its plans for a new Iraqi campaign, is entirely right in his warning: It would unnecessarily put thousands of American troops in harm’s way and waste limited resources.

Our next pivot in Iraq should not open a new front but close all the old ones. We need a realistic, diplomacy-first foreign policy, not a reckless reliance on military meddling in other nations’ political affairs. Now more than ever, in this strange time of pandemic, we need to be pragmatic and pursue peace.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Zarif: Iran working with UN, Yemen to end war

A special representative from Iran is working and cooperating with the UN Organization and Yemen to end the war in this country, Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said.

(A P)

Turkey blocks Saudi and Emirati state news websites

The move comes after Saudi Arabia blocked several Turkish state media websites earlier this month.

(* B P)

Why Abu Dhabi is playing the Iran card

The commendable effort by the UAE to send much-needed medical aid to Iran amid the Covid-19 pandemic has surprised many who remember how belligerent Abu Dhabi’s rhetoric has been towards its northern neighbour.

The direct attacks on Saudi oil facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais last September, which were blamed on Iran, were met with deafening silence from Washington. It has dawned on Abu Dhabi and Riyadh that the containment of Iran can no longer be achieved by military means – at least not without the capabilities and political will of Washington.

Over the past year, Abu Dhabi’s Iran strategy has noticeably changed, maintaining a facade of buy-in to the US’s failing Iran strategy while actively pursuing a pivot towards the East to counterbalance its over-dependence on an increasingly clueless and disoriented White House leading a superpower in demise.

It is in this context that the UAE’s complex, and at times schizophrenic, relationship with Iran needs to be understood - a relationship that increasingly seems to follow the maxim of “if you can’t beat them, befriend them”.

The evolution of the UAE’s ambiguous Iran policy has accelerated with the growth of the domestic, regional and even global ambitions of Abu Dhabi’s ruling elite. The Arab Spring and the rise of an independent civil society with the potential to overthrow the ancien regimes reprioritised threats to regime security in the UAE’s capital.

Playing the role of a key interlocutor with the triple axis of Russia, China and Iran, Abu Dhabi hopes to exploit the Covid-19 crisis to get promoted in the great power game of a post-US world.

With growing ties to Putin’s deep state and China’s heart of power, Abu Dhabi’s support for Iran amid the coronavirus crisis is part of a new trajectory to pivot to the East as the US and Europe are forced by Covid-19 to surrender ever more hard and soft power globally.

cp12b Sudan

(A H)

Sudan reports 26 new covid-19 cases

Total of 92 infected and 12 confirmed dead due to corona virus strand

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K)

Hybrid combat vehicle Humvee fitted with BMP-1 73mm turret used by Houthi militia in Yemen

Houthi militia in Yemen continues to manufacture hybrid combat vehicles as an American-made HMMWV (Humvee) High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle fitted with a Soviet-made BMP-1 73mm turret mounted on the roof of the vehicle.

The original Soviet-made BMP-1 is based on a tracked armored vehicle chassis fitted with a one-man turret armed with a 73 mm Model 2A28 smoothbore, low-pressure, short-recoil gun which weighs 115 kg. Due to its technical characteristics and its weight, the turret of the BMP-1 can easily be integrated into a wheeled vehicle.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Photos: Ancient Yemeni architecture

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E P)

Yemen Government Debt to GDP 1999-2018 Data

My comment: What do such figures mean in war time, with two governments?

(* A E)

Trumps Öl-Boom droht ein jähes Ende

Unter Donald Trump wurden die USA zum größten Ölproduzenten der Welt. Ein historischer Preisschock beim Rohöl wird jetzt zur großen Gefahr für die US-Wirtschaft – eine Rettungsaktion schlug fehl.

Trump versprach, sein "großer Deal" werde Hunderttausende Jobs in der US-Energiebranche retten. Das "Wall Street Journal" attestierte Trump einen dringend nötigen außenpolitischen Erfolg und pries die "Kunst des Öl-Deals".

Eine gute Woche später sieht die Realität allerdings düsterer aus. Am Montag sorgte ein atemberaubender, noch nie zuvor eingetretener Kursverfall weltweit für Staunen. Der Preis US-Rohöl fiel und fiel, bis er weit ins Negative kippte. Minus 37 Dollar pro Barrel.

Heißt: Wer Rohöl aus den USA kaufen will, bekommt dafür auch noch Geld. Das Problem: Trumps Amerika sitzt auf so viel Öl herum, dass die Speicher überzulaufen drohen.

Die aberwitzige Entwicklung nahm nur ein bestimmtes Geschäft – die Optionen auf die US-Sorte WTI im Monat Mai – aber es wird als Symbol verstanden, welche Verwerfungen der globalen Öl-Industrie und der Weltwirtschaft noch drohen können.


(* B E P)

Hintergrundanalyse: Was es mit dem negativen Ölpreis auf sich hat

Die Zockerei mit Futures

Der Hauptgrund sind die Futures. Ölhändler kaufen Öl im Voraus, diese Verträge werden „Future“ genannt. Man sichert sich eine bestimmte Menge Öl zu einem bestimmten Datum zu einem bestimmten Preis. Sollte zu dem vereinbarten Zeitpunkt der tatsächliche Ölpreis vom im Future vereinbarten Ölpreis abweichen, dann steigt oder sinkt der Wert des Future.

Die Futures sind ein Instrument an den Finanzmärkten. Nur 7 Prozent der Futures werden von „echten“ Ölhändlern gehandelt, der Rest ist Teil des weltweiten Kasinos an den Börsen. Dabei wird Öl gehandelt, dass es nur auf dem Papier gibt und das auch niemand kaufen will. Es geht nur „Zockerei“. Der negative Ölpreis hat also wenig mit dem zu tun, was tatsächlich auf dem Ölmarkt vor sich geht.

Durch die Coronakrise sind auf den Ölmärkten Nachfrage und Preis eingebrochen und das schlug voll auf die Futures durch, was zu dieser Extremsituation geführt hat. Es wurde zwar nur Öl auf dem Papier gehandelt, das es gar nicht gibt und das auch niemand jemals kaufen wollte, aber es ging trotzdem um echtes Geld, das Leute für die Futures am Ende ihrer Laufzeit bezahlen oder bekommen müssen.

Die Mai-Futures wurden heute fällig, wer also vor Monaten oder Jahren einen solchen Future gekauft hat, müsste heute Öl zum vereinbarten Preis abliefern.

Die im Mai fälligen Futures, also die fällig werden Liefervereinbarungen, waren von einem wesentlich höheren Preis ausgegangen, als wir ihn nun haben. Die Lager sind voll und niemand braucht derzeit Öl (so merkwürdig es klingt). Dadurch konnte ein negativer Ölpreis entstehen.

(* A E)

Oil just hit $0 a barrel (infographic)

cartoon film:


(* A E)

Oil Costs Less Than Zero Now, but More Than $30 This Fall

Benchmark US oil prices crashed into negative territory for the first time in history as the evaporation of demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic leaves the world awash with oil and not enough storage capacity — meaning producers are paying buyers to take it off their hands.

West Texas Intermediate, the US marker, lost more than 250 per cent on Monday to trade as low as -$40.32 a barrel in a day of chaos in oil markets. Traders capitulated in the face of limited access to storage capacity across the US, including the country’s main delivery point of Cushing, Oklahoma.

The collapse will be a blow to US president Donald Trump, who has gone to great lengths to protect the oil sector, including backing moves by Opec and Russia to cut production and pledging support for the industry.

The shale sector has transformed the US into the world’s largest oil producer in the last decade, giving Mr Trump a foreign policy tool he has brandished as “US Energy Dominance”, but which now faces a rapid decline.

Negative prices are the latest indication of the depth of the crisis hitting the oil sector after lockdowns imposed in many of the world’s major economies have sent crude demand tumbling by as much as a third =

and also


(* B E)

Oil prices have fallen to less than zero – here’s why

A key international oil benchmark has plunged to minus $37.47 after demand to drop sharply because of the coronavirus pandemic

US oil prices plunged into negative territory for the first time ever on Monday, meaning producers are willing to pay buyers to take crude off their hands.

The price of America’s most closely watched oil benchmark crashed to as low as minus $37.63 a barrel, but how could this happen and, more importantly, why?

But it must be worth something, why would anyone pay money to take oil away?

While demand has fallen, supply has held up. Oil wells can’t simply be turned off and on like a tap. It costs money to shut down and more money to start them up again. So oil producers have a large incentive to keep production flowing, even if they are operating at a loss and, in extreme circumstances, actually paying people to take crude off their hands.

But, as a well matures, it becomes increasingly tricky – and therefore expensive – to apply the required pressure and extract oil. Starting up the process again, or drilling new wells, adds further cost.

Most importantly, once the oil is out of the ground it can’t simply be dumped outside of the well. It must be contained within infrastructure like pipelines, tankers, refineries and storage facilities. Because demand has dropped rapidly and production has come down much less, that infrastructure is filling up fast.

Offshore producers, or those near the sea, have the option of filling up oil tankers, which are mobile and have a large capacity, but inland producers like most oil companies in the US, do not have that option, meaning that the pipeline infrastructure and storage facilities are quickly becoming overwhelmed.

This explains to a large extent why there are such wide differences in price between the US oil prices, such as West Texas Intermediate, and other benchmarks like the Brent crude which is the most commonly tracked global price. Brent crude was trading at around $26 on Monday night as there is still capacity in which to store it.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A T)

Militärische Medien [der Sanaa-Regierung] zeigenen Szenen von Takfirid-Nestern von Al-Dschouf

Militärmedien verteilten heute Szenen der Nester von Takfiri-Gruppen in der Region Al-Khasf im Gouvernement Al-Dschouf, die von den Helden und Volkskomitees der Armee in der Operation "Sie wurden in unseren Griff genommen kontrolliert wurden.

In diesen Höhlen fanden die Armeehelden und die Volkskomitees explosive Gürtel, Granaten, Sprengstoffe, Dokumente und Karten, die sich auf die Bewegungen der Takfiris beziehen und wie sie versuchen, die Gesellschaft ins Visier zu nehmen.

Die Szenen zeigen geheime Gefängnisse für die Inhaftierung und Folter schutzbedürftiger Bürger.

Die Linse der Militärmedien dokumentierte auch Frauengefängnisse für die Takfiri Organisation, in denen die Entführer, einschließlich der gefangenen Samira Maresh, gefoltert wurden.

Die Szenen zeigten auch die Schule der Bausteine, die die Takfiri-Organisation als Ort nahm, um ihre Ideen zu vermitteln und die Gedanken einfacher Menschen mit destruktiven Gedanken zu füllen.

Die Helden der Armee und der Komitees fanden einen Teil des saudischen Geldes, das die Takfiris besaßen, was die Unterstützung des saudischen Regimes für diese extremistischen Gruppen bestätigt.

Mein Kommentar: Was die enge Verbindung zwischen Saudis, der Hadi-Regierung und Al Qaeda bestätigen würde.

(*A T)

Military Media Releases Scenes of Takfiri Groups’ Dens in Al-Jawf

The Military Media of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees releases special scenes of Takfiri groups’ dens in the Al-Khasf area, north of Al-Jawf governorate, as part of “Allah Overpowered them” operation.

The scenes show many books related to this takfiri organization, which in its entirety include atonement, killing, and slaughter on the roads that satisfy the American and the Israelis.

The fighters of the Army and Popular Committees in these dens found explosive belts, some shells, explosives, documents and maps related to the movements of the Takfiris, which explain how they seek to target society in every possible way.

The Military Media lens also documented secret prisons within a trench belonging to the Takfiri groups to imprison the vulnerable citizens and torture them with all types of torture. The Military Media lens also documented women's prisons for the Daesh organization in which the kidnapped were tortured, including the prisoner Samira Marsh.

The scenes also showed a school for girls that the terrorists took as a place to teach their dark thoughts with the destructive ideas that have a negative impact on the individual and society to access easily to the minds of simple people .

The heroes of the Army and Committees found some Saudi money that these Takfiris held and burned, which confirms that the Saudi regime is supporting these extremist groups.


My comment: This would disclose the tight connection between Al Qaeda, the Saudis and the Hadi government.

(A T)

#AQAP has released a nashid (anthem) celebrating heroes of Lahj, #Yemen. What's interesting It's more war song than religious chant The lament of martyrs & flattery of Lahji tribes also functions as incitement to fight. Lahj is a Southern Transitional Council heartland

(A T)

So-called #ISIS in #Yemen releases 3 photos of its alleged 15 April #sniper attack on Houthis in al-Zahra. Photos prove little, but reveal the sniper's rather distinctive taste in woolly hats.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemen’s two-week cease-fire expires this week … will anyone notice?

The two-week cease-fire declared by Saudi Arabia on April 9 is due to expire on April 23, not coincidentally the anticipated start of the holy month of Ramadan. The Saudis asserted at the outset that they were motivated by a desire to re-focus energies on combatting the threat of coronavirus in Yemen.

Despite the expressed Saudi aim of bringing about a respite in the fighting, with the possibility that the observance of the Ramadan month of fasting would see the period of quiet extended, there has been little change in the dynamics of the conflict, now in its sixth year. For their part, the Houthis did not respond constructively to the Saudi proposal, which they termed a “political and media maneuver.”

The lack of Houthi buy-in to the Saudi cease-fire proposal has not deterred UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths, who expressed optimism in his April 16 report to the UN Security Council that the coronavirus threat has galvanized movement toward renewed peace talks – by ex-US-ambassador to Yemen Gerald Feierstein

My comment: he once wrote better things. I label this article as propaganda, as both sides are responsible for this failure.

(A P)

Islamist Rebels in Yemen Troubleshoot COVID-19 Threat

The Mideast Beast, eager to learn what the Yemenite rebels from the country of unsurpassed medical and technical innovation would have to say, spoke to the Houthi’s shadow Minister of Innovation, Ziyyad Ziyaad Abu Ziyaad, on Sunday.

“Our best method is to kill in the interest of the rest,” Abu Ziyaad told The Mideast Beast. “There is no treatment, no quarantine, and no procedures that will do, only bullets.”

(A P)

Houthis, Muslim Brotherhood joining hands in Yemen

Islah Party, the Muslim Brotherhood branch in Yemen, works hard to enable the Iran-backed Houthi militia to control Yemen's southern provinces.
However, this plan is being foiled by the southern Yemeni resistance as well as by the Yemeni people.
The General Administration for Foreign Affairs in the Southern Transitional Council addressed the United Nations Security Council on April 17 about the dangers of the moves the Muslim Brotherhood's party takes in liberated cities in southern Yemen.
The Muslim Brotherhood, the administration said, tries to destabilize these cities and stoke tensions in them.
These moves, the administration said, threaten efforts for bringing peace to the southern Yemeni cities. They also threaten a ceasefire reached recently in these cities, the administration said in its letter to the Security Council.

My comment: More of southern separatist conspiracy theories.

(A P)

Western media: Too much bias makes blind

Apparently the Guardian's too much passion to cast the coalition's airstrikes in a negative light impaired the its rational in what credible picture to choose for the story. The picture displays muddy soil turned over in the middle of the road and skips intact buildings and infrastructure on the sides

And this picture and claim of damage is drawn on Houthi narrative of Coalition strike on the "city" in the previous day(s).

(A P)

Yemen: Covid19 Becomes A Weapon

The major weapon the Shia rebels had was Saudi fear of an Iran dominated Yemen.

The Saudis have many reasons to fear Iran. Historically the Iranians have always been more effective militarily and that factor is still present.

The Saudis have a bigger problem with the fact that the rebels are backed by Iran which continues to pay whatever it takes to smuggle in some weapons despite Saudi efforts to tighten the sea, air and ground blockade. Yemen is unique in that it is a nation with a disproportionate number of skilled smugglers, many of them willing to work for whoever will pay.

This new situation puts Saudi Arabia in a difficult position. Efforts to negotiate an end of the Yemen war proved unsuccessful as Iranian control over the Shia rebels could not be reduced. The Iranians are determined to maintain their presence in Yemen and on the Saudi border. From there the Iranians can continue to launch attacks on the Saudis

The Yemeni rebels continue getting some aid from Iran, but this must be smuggled in. Shia Iran also makes demands. So for over a year, the Shia rebels have been imposing more and more religious restrictions on people living under their control. This includes many Sunni tribes.

(A P)

War, disease, and the Holy Spirit at work in Yemen

Through a secure connection, Yemeni believers spoke with MNN about what God is doing in their country and how the global Body of Christ can support them. We’re including the full discussion below for you in a Q&A format.

(A P)

Qatar actively fuelling unrest in Yemen

Qatar keeps interfering in the affairs of Arab states, even as such a policy is costing the Qatari economy dearly.
Doha is now acting in sync with both al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to implement a dubious plan in Yemen.
According to the Yemeni news agency, Khabar, the Qatari intelligence was instrumental in hammering out an agreement recently between al-Qaeda and ISIS, on one hand, and the Iran-backed Houthi militia, on the other.
The agreement allowed the release of 33 members of the two terrorist organizations from a prison controlled by the Houthis in Yemeni capital Sana'a, in return for the suspension of attacks by the two organizations against Houthi positions in the northern Yemeni province of al-Bayda.
The agreement also commits the Houthis to suspending their advance toward al-Qifa, a district of al-Bayda and a stronghold of both al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The same agreement effects a truce between al-Qaeda and ISIS, especially after the two organizations tried to expand at the territorial expense of each other.

My comment: This is one of the conspiracy theories spread by the separatists.

(A P)

[Hadi] Gov’t official: Griffiths made no success

Deputy Minister of Information, Abdulbasit Al-Kaedi criticized on Sunday performance of the current UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths. Al-Kaedi said that Griffiths seeks only to remain in his post as he achieved nothing since his designation.

He indicated that Griffiths has even prevented the government from liberating Hodeida from the Houthis militia by introducing the Stockholm agreement that failed at ending the humanitarian crisis in Hodeida.

Al-Kaedi said that the Houthis will never respond to the peace efforts as they believe in “the divine rights for their leader for rule”, stressing that the demilitarization of the Houthis can not be done, but by force, as he says.

He added that the Houthis is “a “rented gun” for the regime in Iran, pointing out that they aim at harming Yemen and its neighbors.”

(A P)

Roaishan arrest reflects Houthi position at peace: Yemeni gov't

The Houthi arrest of the Yemeni former minister of culture discloses the group's real position at peace and its political and military persistent escalation, the Yemeni official government said Saturday, following calls for de-escalation and confidence-building steps.

My comment: This really is BS.

(A P)

Were this the act of pro-govt sniper, what would sooth western media's outcry?

"This looks like one of those iconic images of children under attack, such as of Mohammed al-Durrah and the Warsaw Ghetto boy," says Esam Saleh, a Yemeni human rights activist as he gazes into the photo of slain Saber al-Samadi in his laptop.

Al-Samadi, an 11-year-old-boy, was killed and his 9-yr old brother Mohammed was injured when a Houthi sniper on a hilltop shot them as they tried to climb a Manila tamarind tree to play and pick fruits near their house in the besieged city of Taiz on April7.

"It qualifies," quips Esam. "What prevents it from going viral is that the sniper is Houthi," he goes on.

"Were the kid killed by a pro-government sniper, what would sooth Reuters, the New York Times, the Foreign Policy, the Middle East Monitor, the Independent and the Antiwar news websites?!" he wonders.

Esam cites the outcries they make over unverified stories - of "child casualties by airstrikes"- authored by the Houthi Shia religious militants and attributed to the Arab Coalition.

"The CNN, Reuters, the BBC, and many more outlets took the Houthi word for it and made international headlines of them," he says.

(A P)

Will today's lie be tomorrow's story?

I am seeing a lie now, the seed for a story. A yellow news Yemeni website is narrating that a Yemeni man living abroad had been chattinhg with his mom by phone yesterday when an Arab Coalition strike hit her in her house in Sana'a turning her body into pieces.

The website gives no more details, no picture, no nothing. Just that seed for a story. Perhaps a big story in the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Middle East Monitor or the Antiwar. Who knows? Let's just search for "Yemen" in google news tomorrow Friday.

Lies regarding the civilian casualty incidents begin like a seed, then they are translated and passed by pro-Houthi lobby to the international press, translated, exaggerated and sensationalized and presented as eye-catching headlines to fabricate a Houthi victimhood cause and to twist the arms of the Yemeni legitimate government.

(A P)

Will the Houthis seize on the opportunity of the ceasefire?

There is fear that the Houthis will not be able to fathom the developments taking place in Yemen, the region and the world.

The recent announcement by the Arab coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen of a two-week unilateral ceasefire is not an ordinary event. Such a development indicates a regional and international desire for the ceasefire to turn into a lasting political settlement.

So are the Houthis really ready for a political settlement, or have they completely lost their bearing, just like their sponsor Iran

A political settlement is the goal pursued by the Arab coalition, but it is still out of reach. The goal is to help Yemen out of its long tragic situation, especially now that we don’t know how widespread the coronavirus pandemic is in the country.

All there is in Yemen right now are itinerant wars and terrible injustices. People in Sana’a and other areas under Houthi control have to endure the hegemony of the Houthis, who still have the gull to call themselves “God’s Followers” (Ansar Allah).

By agreeing to a unilateral ceasefire, just a few days following the five-year anniversary of the launch of Operation Determination Storm, the Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, showed great political maturity.

There are humanitarian motives for the ceasefire in addition to political ones.

Most important of all is that Yemen is reconciled with its Arab region and does not become an Iranian colony and a base for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the Arabian Peninsula.

Clearly, the Houthis do not abide by any agreement they sign. The evidence for this is abundant

Now, do the Houthis know that this ceasefire does not mean that they scored a victory of any kind? Do they know that it presumes their concern for the protection of all Yemenis from the devastating misfortunes likely to hit the entire country, within a region that already stands to be altered by the coronavirus pandemic and the sharp drop of oil and gas prices?

Their recent history does not inspire optimism.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda (The Emirates Red Crescent launches a campaign of cleanliness and mist spray)

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

April 20:

April 19:

April 18:

April 17:

April 16:

April 15:

April 14:

April 13:

April 12:

April 11:

April 10:

April 9:

April 8:

April 7:

April 6:

April 5.

April 4.

April 3:

April 2:

April 1:

March 31:

March 30:

March 29:

(A K pH)

Luftwaffe der Aggression fliegt 21 Luftangriffe auf verschiedene Gebiete in Marib an

(A K pH)

Aggression fighter jets wage 21 strikes on Marib

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 30 Luftangriffe auf Gebieten in Marib und Al-Dschouf

(A K pH)

Aerial Escalation of US-Saudi Aggression on Al-Jawf and Marib

(A K pH)

Saudis wage 36 airstrikes across Yemen

Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes have waged 36 airstrikes on several areas in Saada, Jawf and Ma’rib provinces during the past 24 hours, a security official said on Sunday.

(A K pH)

Arab coalition warplanes hit Houthis sites in 3 provinces

The warplanes of Saudi-led Arab coalition to support of the Yemeni internationally recognized government continued its air strikes on Ansar Allah group (Houthis) sites in the governorates of Saada, Al-Jawf, and Marib, north and north-east of Yemen.

and also

(A K pH)

5 Luftangriffe der Aggressionskoalition auf Saada

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 5 raids on Saada

(A K pH)

14 Luftangriffe der Aggressionskoalition auf verschiedene Gebiete in Marib

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

April 20: Marib p., Jawf p., Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(B K pS)

Site of Saudi MASAM demining project

(A K pS)

Film: Taiz: Colonel Abdul Basit Al-Bahr, the official spokesman for the Yemeni army in Taiz, southern Yemen, confirmed that the Iranian-backed Houthis are still stepping up their military operations against government forces

(A K pS)

Over 1,000 Houthis violations against ceasefire

The Saudi-led coalition that supports the legitimate government in Yemen said on Monday that it recorded over 1,000 violations to the truce by the Houthis rebels.

In a statement, the coalition confirmed that the Houthis violated the ceasefire 1,096 times since it began on 9 April.

(A K pS)

Mine Disposal Expert Killed in Taiz

(A K pH)

Saree: Streitkräfte [der Sanaa-Regierung] wehrt Vormarsch der Söldner in Al-Dhalea ab, schlägt Infiltrationsversuch in Dschisan fehl

Die Helden der Armee und der Volkskomitees haben heute den Vormarsch der Söldner in der Al-Dhalea-Provinz abgewehrt.

Brigadegeneral Sari bestätigte, dass der Feind erlitt schwere Verluste an Leben und Ausrüstung, und mehr als 52 Söldner wurden getötet und verletzt.

An den Fronten der Grenze sagte Brigadegeneral Saree, dass die Streitkräfte einen Infiltrationsversuch des Feindes vereitelt hätten durch die Armee und die Volkskomitees vor Qays Berg in Dschisan.

(A K)

Houthis: We repulsed large-scale assault from several tracks in al-Dhalea

The forces of the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) have repulsed a large-scale assault of Yemeni internationally recognized government forces in the al-Dhalea governorate in southern Yemen from severaltracks, according to the group's military spokesman, Yahya Saree.

“With the help and support of God, a large-scale assault was repulsed from several paths toward our forces’ positions in in Bab Ghalaq in Al-Dhalea, continued from the early hours of dawn until today, ”he tweeted.

He added: "The enemy suffered heavy losses in lives and equipment, and more than 52 people were killed and injured in its ranks."

This comes after government forces confirmed earlier Monday their control over several strategic sites, in the Qaataba District, in Al-Dhalea governorate.

(A K pH)

[Hadi] Gov't forces inflicts Houthis heavy casualties in Al-Jawf and Marib

A number of Ansar Allah group (Houthis) were killed and injured on Monday in clashes with Yemeni government forces in the Al-Jawf border region with Saudi Arabia, according to the Yemeni Ministry of Defense website, "26 September".

(A K pH)

Over 52 aggression mercenaries killed, wounded in Dhalea: [Sanaa gov.] Army Spokesman

Over 52 of the Saudi-led aggression coalition mercenaries were killed and wounded on Monday when the Yemeni army repulsed an attack in Dhalea province, according to Yemen's Army Spokesman.

The spokesman Yahya Sarie affirmed in a statement that the armed forces repulsed a several-lasted hours wide attack towards the army's positions in Bab Ghalaq.


(A K pS)

Southern forces impose full control over strategic areas in al-Dhale

My comment: As so often, the two stories do not fit together.

(A K pH)

New video footage from Bayda front

(A K pH)

New video footage from Najran front

Yemeni forces drive Saudi troops further back

(A K)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni official army retakes strategic sites in Dhalea

(A K pH)

#Marib update; significant progress can be seen as the Yemeni [Sanaa gov.] Army and Ansarallah have opened another front against Al-Islah just south of the Kofal base (map)

(* A K pH)

3 Zivilisten gemartert, ein vierter in Taiz verwundet

Die Quelle bestätigte, dass ein Kind, ein Mädchen und eine ältere Frau den Märtyrertod erlitten und ein Mann durch Artilleriegeschosse auf ihres Hauses durch Artillerie im Dorf Wadi Hanash im Bezirk Taiziyah in der Taiz-Provinz verletzt wurde.

Die Quelle wies darauf hin, dass besiedelte Dörfer in den Grenzbezirken Razeh und Munabbeh in der Saada-Provinz mit Artillerie und Raketen bombardiert wurden, während der Luftwaffenangriff einen Luftangriff auf das Allaf-Gebiet im Bezirk Sahar angeflogen hätte.

(A K pH)

Citizen Killed, Another Seriously Injured by Aggression Snipers in Taiz

One citizen was killed and another seriously injured, Monday, by snipers of the aggression mercenaries in the city of Taiz, while there were reports of casualties due to the attack by the forces of aggression on the homes of citizens in Al-Dhalae governorate.

Almasirah Net correspondent confirmed the death of a citizen and the injury of another, shot and killed by the mercenary snipers of the aggression in Al-Alba neighbourhood in Salh district of Taiz.

In Al-Dhalae, Almasirah correspondent reported that the mercenaries of the aggression bombed the homes of citizens in Qatabah district with heavy weapons, noting that there were reports of casualties.

A child, girl and an elderly woman were martyred and a man was injured, Sunday, as a result of the mercenaries of aggression bombardment of their house with artillery in Al-Taizia district.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army impedes militia attack attempts in Nihm

(A K pH)

Civil society organizations condemn targeting a woman in Taiz

The Civil society organizations condemned the crime committed by the mercenaries of aggression by sniping a woman in al-Salw district of Taiz province.

and also

(A K pH)

Sprecher der Streitkräfte [Sanaa-Regierung]: Army wehrt zwei Vormarschen in Marib und Al-Dschouf ab

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Army Thwarts Two Large-scale Creeping of Saudi-mercenaries in Marib, Al-Jawf

and also

(A K pS)

Coalition reports 114 Houthis anti-ceasefire violations

(A K pS)

Spokesperson for 30th Armored Brigade: Houthi militia committed 6 violations within 24 hours in Al-Dhalea

(A K pS)

Film: This is a Houthi mil. vehicle recaptured 2day by govt forces eastern Hazm.

(* A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Demining Teams: Raising 16 Rockets, More than 350 Shells and Mines from Aggression Remnants in Taiz

The demining teams in Taiz governorate have detected hundreds of rockets, mines, shells and unexploded ordnance that were thrown by the US-Saudi aggression in the governorate.

Colonel Yahya Al-Kindi, head of the mine team in the governorates of Taiz and Ibb, told Al-Masirah that the team had raised 16 rockets, more than 300 shells, and 50 individual mines, till Friday, from different areas of Taiz governorate.

Al-Kindi called on the citizens, especially the children, to stay away and be be aware of the remnants of missiles, bombs, mines and cluster bomb containers launched by the aggression forces because they contain toxic substances, indicating that they may explode by touching or shaking, or ringing and vibrations of mobile phones.

The demining team emphasized that the danger of ammunition, missiles and remnants of war extends to the post-war period, in addition to threatening the lives of civilians, ruining soil, it may seep into groundwater and contain toxic substances.


My comment: What about demining all those landmines which had been laid by the Sanaa government forces?

(* A K)

Yemen's Conflict Parties starting this week with remarkable activity ... fierce battles in 4 governorates

The parties to the conflict in Yemen began the first days of the week, with violent battles in 4 governorates, using various types of medium and heavy weapons, and with air intervention by Arab coalition fighters jets supporting the Yemeni internationally recognized government.

Clashes between government forces and the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) took place on Saturday, after a short pause, in Al-Bayda Governorate, central Yemen.

The government forces were able to repel the Houthi attack after violent confrontations that lasted for three hours, in the northern Qaniyah front, according to military sources

The sources confirmed the deaths and injuries among the two parties in today's confrontations.

The government forces had announced on Saturday killing and wounding a number of Houthi fighters in clashes in Marib Governorate.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* A )

Schockierende Aufnahmen zeigen Hochwasser, das die Straßen von Aden überflutet. Viele fürchten, dass die Regenzeit schwerwiegende Folgen für die Bemühungen zur Prävention von Krankheiten haben wird (Fotos)

(* A)

Now torrential rain has hit #Aden, with floods submerging houses and washing away cars and anything on their way. The districts of Tawahi and Crater have been most affected as locals say rain has been continuing for hours.



(* A)

Yemen: Flash Floods in northern governorates Flash Update No. 1 (As of 21 April 2020)

Heavy rains and flooding across northern governorates, including Marib, in mid-April led to casualties and damaged property and sites for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Sana’a City and districts in Sana’a Governorate have been badly affected, Storms also hit other governorates including Ibb, Hajjah and Marib. The National Meteorology Centre in Sana’a has forecasted more heavy rains, high winds and thunderstorms in the northern areas, with potential of further flooding, and advised people to avoid flood-prone areas and against using mobile phones during thunderstorms.
There is a risk that the rains will damage roads and agricultural land, hinder humanitarian activities and affect the movement of civilians and supplies. There is also an increased risk of waterborne diseases including cholera and malaria.

(* A)

At least seven dead, 85 injured in Yemen flash floods

At least seven people have been killed and 85 injured in flash flooding in Yemen this month, the UN said Tuesday,

“Heavy rains and flooding across northern governorates, including Marib, in mid-April led to casualties and damaged property and sites for internally displaced persons,” the UN humanitarian coordination agency OCHA said.
“Initial information indicated that seven people — five women and two children — were killed in the flooding and another 85 people were injured, including seven who were seriously injured and hospitalized.”
The Houthi-held capital Sanaa and districts in the same governorate “have been badly affected,” it added.
Storms also hit other provinces, including Ibb, Hajjah and Marib — which is the government’s last northern stronghold and currently the conflict’s “center of gravity.” =


Yemeni metrology center warns of unstable, severer climate

Yemen's climate is still unstable and will be yet severer in the coming 48 hours, the Yemeni metrology center said Saturday, warning of rock and mud slides and floods.

"Rainfalls are expected to continue, compounded with thunderstorms, in the coming 48 hours," the center added.


Film: a short clip of the recent and great Sanaa rains


Yemen's capital inundated by floodwaters

The clean up began in Yemen's rebel-held capital of Sanaa on Tuesday after floodwaters swept through parts of the city, overturning cars and damaging shops and market stalls.

Heavy rains began Monday evening and continued overnight, causing dangerously high levels in some areas, though there were no reports of casualties.

Sanaa, in the country's mountainous north, is prone to flashfloods.

(A H)

Three people died, two of whom women, and two others wounded when their house collapsed as a result of heavy rainfall in Marib province.

(* B H K)

Exponentielles Wachstum

Die Heuschreckenplage in Ostafrika wird schlimmer

Dennoch erstaunen die Zahlen von der anhaltenden Heuschreckenplage in Ostafrika. Nach der ersten Welle im Februar kommt nun eine zweite - und diese ist 20 Mal größer. Für Juni wird dann die dritte Welle erwartet, die dann 400 Mal größer sein könnte als im Februar. Das entspricht einer Verdoppelung alle zwei Wochen.

Schon die erste Welle im Februar galt als schwerste Heuschreckenplage seit 70 Jahren. Aktuell erstreckt sie sich von Ostafrika über die Arabische Halbinsel bis nach Iran und Pakistan. Besonders betroffen sind Kenia, Äthiopien und Somalia.

Die aktuelle Krise ist eine Folge des Jemen-Kriegs und mehrerer schwerer Stürme.

Zudem wurde die Bekämpfung der Heuschrecken durch den Krieg erschwert. Der Chef des jemenitischen Heuschreckenprogramms, Adel al-Shaibani, sitzt in der von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Hauptstadt Sana’a. Gegenüber der britischen Zeitung »The Guardian« sagte er: »Vor dem Krieg konnten wir ganz Jemen gut erreichen.« Doch das habe sich geändert. Trotz aller Anstrengungen seien einige Gebiete an der Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien außerhalb der Kon-trolle der Behörden geblieben. »Dort formten sich Heuschreckenschwärme und bewegten sich dann in andere Gebiete.« Ende vergangenen Jahres erreichten die Tiere, die bis zu 150 Kilometer pro Tag zurücklegen können, dann das Horn von Afrika. Zu dieser Zeit sorgte dann Zyklon »Pawan« in Somalia wiederum für optimale Brutbedingungen.


Photos: This is a piece of Heaven on Earth... This is #Ibb


Basement Cultural Foundation at Sanaa

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-644 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-644: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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