Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 649b- Yemen War Mosaic 649b

Yemen Press Reader 649b: 8. Mai 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 649, cp5 - cp18 / May 8, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 649, cp5 - cp18

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 649, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 649, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Waffenstillstand und Friedensangebot / Most important: ceasefire and peace offer

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

NGO: Houthis throw COVID-19 cases in prisons

The Yemeni Media Professionals Organization, a local NGO that advocates for rights of the media workers in Yemen, said on Tuesday that it has obtained information that the Houthis threw some COVID-19 cases into prisons.

Some of the imprisoned COVID-19 cases were thrown in a prison where the detained journalists are being detained, according to the organization.

It condemned the Houthis’ action which threatens citizens’ health and the detained journalists’ safety.

(A P)

Poetess speaks about her torture in Houthis’ prisons

Berdis Al-Sayaghi, a Yemeni poetess and activist narrated details of atrocities being committed by the Houthis militants in female-detention centers.

In an interview with the Al-Arabya Net, Al-Sayaghi said that the Houthis use female militants known as Zaynabyat to torture Yemeni female detainees.

These female militants cut hair of the female inmates and exercise physical and psychological assaults against them.

When the Houthis launched their coup in Sana’a, Al-Sayaghi was managing a relief organization and writing anti-Houthis poetry.

Yet, her writings landed her in trouble with the Houthis who started pursuing her in her quarter of Maeen district of the capital Sana’a.

Following a two-year pursuit, the Houthis eventually arrested her husband and took him to an unknown location. Her husband was forcibly disappeared for eight months and no one knew where he was being detained.

Later, the Houthis officials told Al-Sayaghi that her husband died in detention and this drove her to intensify her verbal dissidence.

(A P)

House of Representatives to UN: US-Saudi Aggression Supports Opening of Yemeni Airports to Spread Coronavirus

In a letter addressed to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Speaker of the House of Representatives Yahya Ali Al-Raei affirmed that the coalition of aggression led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE supports the opening of Yemeni airports, especially the airports of Aden, Sayun and Al Rayyan.

“The coalition of aggression is seeking to open Yemeni airports not with a view to lifting the blockade but rather to encourage and push travelers, especially those suspected of having corona in an attempt to spread it among Yemenis, what confirms that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have continued to launch a multi-form criminal aggression since 2015 on Yemen,” Al-Raei said.

(* A P)

"Principled" agreement in Yemen's Bayda postpones due confrontation between tribes, Houthi fighters

Debriefer news Agency has informed from local sources in Al Bayda that the mediation committee between Ansar Allah group (Houthis) and Al Bayda tribes reached a "principled agreement" on Monday evening that included a number of points that Sheikh Yasser Al-Awadi and Sheikh Al-Asabeh demanded, the most important of which was the extradition of those accused of killing Jihad Al-Asbahi. The removal of some of the group's supervisors.

A source close to the Houthi group told "Debriefer" that his group seeks to contain the situation with "tribes of Al-Asabeh" in order not to open a strong front in Al-Bayda governorate in central Yemen and postpone any "current" confrontation with the conference leader and prominent tribal sheikh, Yasser Al-Awadi.

The [Hadi gov.] Yemeni official armed forces will support the tribes in the central governorate of Bayda, official chief of staff said Monday, after massive tension had erupted between the tribes and Houthi fighters.


(A P)

Tariq praises Oadhi, Houthis call for Qaeda militants extradition

Commander of the Yemeni 'Guards of the Republic' forces [UAE_backed anti-Houthi militia] praised the "noble" stance adopted by his party's comrade, Yasser al-Oadhi, regarding the killing of a woman in the central governorate of Baydha.
Sheikh al-Oadhi has "recorded another position of chivalry and honesty while defending a Yemeni free woman who was unjustly killed at home," Tariq Saleh added on Twitter.
Last week, Houthi gunmen killed Jihad al-Asbahi in a district of Baydha, leading to a grave crisis between the tribes there and the Houthi group that said she was killed by mistake.
"As he was loyal to all the national issues.. Sheikh al-Oadhi is still honest to his tribe's people," Tariq said. "We support him and all the tribes rejecting submission" to Houthis.
For his part, Houthi deputy foreign minister called on al-Oadhi to "not harbor al-Qaeda militants and urgently extradite killers of the six martyrs" who were killed in the area.
The family of Jihad "has the full right to resort to justice and bring legal action against those whom they accuse of killing her. We expect Yasser to urgently extradite killers of the six martyrs," Hussein al-Ezzi added on Twitter.
The Houthi group last week carried out a massive security campaign in al-Taffa district of Baydha in pursuit of "Daesh militants", including Hussein al-Asbahi (Jihad's father in law) who fled a raid into his house leaving the woman killed.
Jihad al-Asbahi was shot dead by Houthi gunmen, after they were unable to arrest her father in law, according to local sources.

Remark by Nadwa Dawsari: But Bayda resentment of the Houthis is also rooted in history. Houthis r an extension of the Hashemite dynasty (the Imamate) that ruled #Yemen for hundreds of years. The Imams carried horrendous massacres against Bayda tribes in the past. Houthis have no support base in Bayda

My remark: Earlier reporting on this conflict in Yemen War Mosaic 648, cp5.

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi: Yemen will never accept foreign control

Senior Yemeni leader speaks on fundamental wrongs of invaders and their mercenaries

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has on Tuesday once again declared that the Yemeni state form desired by Yemenis is one free from outside control.

“The country that the people want is a country that does not accept to be managed by the outside or by influential people with a remote control,” al-Houthi said on Tuesday.

He considered that the problem of the coalition and its loyalists, who are residing in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, “lies in seeking to impose external guardianship on Yemen.”

Concluding his message, al-Houthi called on the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to align with the independence of Yemen and its decision and full sovereignty instead, saying: “What they have done until now is sufficient.”

(B P)

UN Accuses Houthis of Using All-Female Militia to Suppress Opposition

International experts working the Yemeni file at the UN Security Council accused Houthis of brutally oppressing opponents in northern Yemen and exploiting the all-female militia known as Zaynabiyat to target women and homes of Yemenis.

The UN recently published a final report prepared by the Panel of Experts on Yemen in accordance with Resolution 2456 of 2019, which was submitted to the Sanctions Committee established by the Security Council under Resolution 2140 of 2014.

The report stated that the Houthis continued to consolidate their political and military control, as their forces embarked on a brutal suppression of the tribal and political opposition.

It also referenced the Houthi use of the all-female militia, Zaynabiyat, to search women, raid homes, and indoctrinate Yemenis.

The Zaynabiyat faction is also responsible for running women prison facilities under Houthi control.

Documented violations committed by Zaynabiyat militiawomen included the arbitrary arrest and detention of women, looting, sexual assault, beatings, torture, and facilitation of rape in secret detention centers.

My comment: By a Saudi news site. This is just “old news”. It’s cherrypicking from the UN report (look at cp1).

(A K P)

Houthis force community leaders in Sana’a to recruit new fighters

The Houthis forced community leaders of the capital Sana’a to recruit new fighters and send them to fight for the Houthis’ side.

Each community leader must recruit four new fighters from each quarter according to the Houthis officials’ instruction publicized by the Mayor’s Office of the capital Sana’a.

The publicized letter said that the recruitment began last Sunday 3 May 2020 following intensification of the fighting.


(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni minister warns of forced war recruitment operations in Houthi areas

Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar Al-Iryani warned against the escalation of the forced recruitment of civilians by the Houthi militia in areas under the militia’s control due to the continuous loses of its fighters on the frontlines

(A K P)

Jemenitischer Botschafter [der Sanaa-Regierung] : Saudi-Arabien hat keine ernsthaften Absichten für Ausstieg aus Jemenkrieg

Der jemenitische Botschafter in Teheran erklärte, dass Saudi-Arabien keine ernsthaften Absichten habe aus dem Jemenkrieg abzuziehen und sagte: "Wenn die Verantwortlichen von Riad ein Ende des Krieges wollten würden sie sich an den Verhandlungstisch setzen und einen Waffenstillstand aushandeln und einhalten."

(A P)

Houthi group released the journalist Abdul Hafez al-Samadi after her was abducted and detained for 10 months in prisons run by Houthis in Sana'a.

#HumanRights reports revealed that al-Samadi was subjected to severe torture.Although, his heath deteriorated&he suffered from colon diseases, high blood pressure, shortness of breath,&a tumor in his back, Houthi group refused to provide him with health care in the prison

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B P)

A New Layer of Disorder Emerges in Southern Yemen (paywalled)

(* B K P)

„Es wird weiter gekämpft"

Der Südjemen droht mit Abspaltung. Marie-Christine Heinze erklärt, was das für den Friedensprozess bedeutet.

MCH: Der Süd-Übergangsrat behauptet, die Interessen aller Südjemeniten zu vertreten, was allerdings fraglich ist, da er selbsternannt und nicht gewählt ist und auch nicht überall im Südjemen die gleiche Unterstützung hat. Die international anerkannte Regierung behauptet natürlich, die Interessen aller Jemeniten und Jemenitinnen zu vertreten, auch wenn sie derzeit weder die Hauptstadt Sana’a noch die temporäre Hauptstadt Aden betreten kann und damit de facto eine Exilregierung ist.

Hat der Rat ausländische Unterstützer?
Ja, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Sie sind es auch, die nun am ehesten den Süd-Übergangsrat zum Einlenken gegenüber der international anerkannten Regierung bewegen können. Die Emirate haben ihre eigenen Interessen im Südjemen.

Will der Rat eine Abspaltung des Südjemen vom Jemen?
Langfristig ja, aber man weiß, dass dies ohne internationale Unterstützung und Anerkennung schwierig ist, und daran fehlt es. Daher haben sie jetzt lediglich eine Selbstverwaltung ausgerufen und nicht die Unabhängigkeit.

Warum verliert der Rat da an Unterstüzung?
Zum einen zahlen die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate seit Ende 2019 keine Gehälter mehr für den Süd-Übergangsrat und auch von Seiten der international anerkannten Regierung fließen entgegen dem Abkommen von Riad keine Gehälter. Der Rat hat Sorge, dass die eigenen Kämpfer zu besser zahlenden Verbänden überwechseln könnten. Darüber hinaus hat sich die Lage für die Bevölkerung von Aden in den letzten Wochen stark verschlimmert

Ist der von Saudi-Arabien vermittelte Frieden zwischen dem Süd-Übergangsrat und der Regierung Hadi nun gescheitert?
Zuerst einmal ja.

(A P)

Shatara warns against protests with subversive agendas in Aden

Some affiliates within Yemen's legitimacy [Hadi government supporters] are preparing to stage a protest in Crater city next Saturday, ostensibly under the cover of the suffering of Aden's people, but is in fact it will be for the purpose of offending the Southern Transitional Council that troubled their head with the announcement of the self-administration of the South on 25 April 2020, the member of the STC Presidency, Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Mr. Lufti Shatara warned on his official Twitter account in the early hours of Friday.

My comment: Democracy, separatist style.

(A T)

Roadside bomb kills two southern soldiers in Abyan

My remark: Separatist fighters. Others would have nit have been labeled “soldiers”.

(A T)

Abu Hammam Survives Assassination Attempt in Aden

Chairman of the Southern Resistance Council, Abdel Nasser Ba'oa (Abu Hammam) survived an assassination attempt on Thursday night in Aden.
Security sources said that unknown persons opened heavy fire using automatic rifles at Abu Hammam's car

(* A P)

Major General bin Brik chairs joint meeting of Self-Administration Committee and Economic Team of the Council

The Chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council, Chairman of the Self-Administration Committee of the South, Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, chaired on Tuesday, in Aden the capital, a joint meeting f the Self-Administration Committee and the Transitional Council’s economic team.

The meeting stood before a group of issues and files on its agenda, the most important of which are the recommendations of the economic team presented to the committee, for the services file, and the mechanisms of monitoring and supervising the follow up of the implementation of Self-Administration.

The meeting discussed the recommendations of the Transitional Council’s economic team on the urgent procedures and measures for the financial and economic policy, and the mechanisms for collecting resources and revenues, and the spending process to meet services obligations and community requirements in light of the reality of Self-Administration announced by the Transitional Council, and approved a set of decisions and assignments directed to the relevant competent authorities.

For the file of services, mainly the files of electricity and water, Dr. Abdel Nasser Al-Wali reviewed a report that included an explanation of the efforts that were made to restore the electrical system with its full generation capacity

The meeting discussed the draft plan and mechanism for the process of monitoring, supervision, and follow-up of government institutions and facilities, which will be assigned to specialized teams of competencies and administrative and union personalities known for integrity to follow up and ensure the implementation of self-administration in the capital Aden and its districts, and the rest of the southern governorates, in which the meeting approved the referral of this project to the Legal Committee for review, formulation and return for approval and implementation.

The meeting decided to open the door for the possibility of increasing the members of the economic team and the use of economic and accounting cadres and competencies to facilitate the team’s work and benefit from the experiences and specializations in the economic, financial and banking sectors.

My comment: Now the separatists proceed the takeover of the state.

(A P)

General Union of Banks stresses all its unions to adhere to the decision of self-administration of the Southern Transitional Council

(*A P)

STC forces government to hand over $1 billion Yemen riyals

Other government institutions are preparing to hand over revenue to the STC, as part of the council’s move toward self-administration in Aden and surrounding governorates

A number of governmental institutions in the interim capital of Aden are planning to hand over their revenue to the Southern Transitional Council (STC), according to sources with knowledge of the matter in the government-controlled branches of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Yemen and other institutions. The development comes one day after the STC received over $1 billion Yemeni riyals (about $1.54 million*) in customs revenue, according to the Finance Ministry source not authorized to speak to the press.

Officials at the Port of Aden, Port of Zeit (oil) and the local tax authority have started accounting for the financial revenue and plan to deliver the funds to the STC through special accounts opened by the Finance Ministry office in Aden, according to the sources. The customs department is also preparing to handover more revenue, the sources said.

The STC has indicated that it may take strong measures against those who refuse to hand over government revenues in Aden. Sources said that STC-affiliated officials in these institutions have been tasked with monitoring the delivery of financial revenues and to report any resistance from within.

The collection of revenue is part of the council’s implementation of self-administration

(A K P)

[Hadi gov.] Interior ministry calls for more security alert in Socotra

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Ahmed Al-Maisry called on Wednesday for more security alert in Socotra to foil any plot of munity by the Aden-based separatists in the island.


(* A K P)

Yemen separatists reinforce Socotra despite truce

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen has sent military reinforcements to the Socotra archipelago in the Arabian Sea, despite a de-escalation agreement with the internationally-recognised government supported by Saudi Arabia, Anadolu has reported.

An unnamed local official said that the STC reinforcements headed to the headquarters of the Yemen army’s 1st Marine Brigade which had defected from the government and declared its allegiance to the STC in February.

According to the official, the reinforcements could be the first step in a possible attack on the city of Hadibo, the provisional capital of Socotra, especially after the failure of the two previous attacks by the STC.


(* A K P)

Saudi withdraws its troops from Yemen’s Socotra

Saudi Arabia has abruptly withdrawn its forces from the Yemeni island of Socotra just two days after taking control of the local authority’s headquarters in the capital Hadibu, which had itself been under attack from UAE-backed militia aligned with the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC).

STC reinforcements from the southern mainland provinces of Dhalea and Abyan are continuing to make their way to Socotra despite the uneasy truce between the factions. Local sources believe the Saudi withdrawal will leave Socotra residents to fight against the STC, who will likely succeed in consolidating more control over the island, adding further weight to claims by some observers that the UAE is seeking to annex the strategically located archipelago.

(* A K P)

Yemen: Saudi forces abandon security points in Socotra

Decision to withdraw made abruptly, according to local authority

Saudi Arabian forces have withdrawn from security points in Socotra Island’s provincial center of Hadibu as part of a de-escalation agreement signed with the United Arab Emirates-backed Southern Transition Council (STC), a source told Anadolu Agency on Thursday.

The decision to withdraw was made abruptly, according to the local authority, who asked not to be named.

The takeover process began simultaneously with the withdrawal of armed militias of the STC and Yemeni government forces from positions following clashes.

and also

(A P)

Musawa released after 2 days of abduction by Islah

(A P)

STC denounces abduction of journalists in Islah-held regions

The Islah party, Yemen's Muslim Brotherhood wing within the legitimate government, continues its arrests, crackdown on the Southerners in regions under its control, in particular in Shabwa province where a number of southern officials, journalists, political activists and senior tribal figures have recently been arrested.

(A P)

Film: The Giants Brigade [UAE-backed militia] Command continues to provide support and assistance to those affected by the flood disaster in the Crater in the capital, Aden

and more:

(A K P)

Gov't official says UAE agitates riot in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates stands behind the unprecedented riot and aggression on Yemen, the war-torn country's envoy to Jordan said Wednesday, days after the Abu Dhabi-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) had announced emergency and self-government in south.
"The unrest in Socotra and Aden is funded by an Arab country which Yemenis have respected and trusted until recent time, and many of them named their sons after its former President" Zaiyd, Ali al-Amrani added on Twitter.
"This country has now chosen a hostile course against Yemen; a doomed course that is unprecedented in interrelations between Arab countries," the Yemeni diplomat said.

(* A K P)

Yemen Interior Minister: ‘Saudi Arabia's silence on events in Socotra and Aden is proof of complicity’

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Ahmed Al-Misri announced that the statements issued by the Yemeni presidency and the government regarding the Southern Transitional Council’s (STC) autonomous self-administration are not enough, considering that Riyadh’s silence on current events in Socotra and Aden is proof of complicity.

Al-Misri told Al-Jazeera that the guarantor of the Riyadh agreement is Saudi Arabia, which makes the Saudi authorities responsible for identifying the party that is hindering the peace track.

He noted that before the month of Ramadan, Saudi Arabia asked President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to postpone the army’s entry to Aden from Shuqrah in the Abyan governorate, adding that President Hadi made a mistake when he agreed to delay the army’s entry to Aden in response to Saudi Arabia’s request.

Al-Misri also indicated that the self-management project has been designed, announced and managed from Abu Dhabi.

The Yemeni official indicated that the Emiratis disrupted the social fabric in Socotra and created conflict within the community, confirming that the Arab coalition recruited a group of officers in Socotra using Emirati funds to take over the island’s military division.

He also pointed out that the south fell into a circle of ambitions, most notably those of the Arab coalition, in the sense of being able to secure a standing on the ground.

Local sources told Al-Jazeera that government forces in the Yemeni province of Socotra managed to expel gunmen affiliated with the Emirati-backed STC from the headquarters of the local authority after storming it and raising the flag of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen on the main gate of the building.

The sources conveyed that pro-STC protesters denounced the death of a soldier who was allegedly killed in confrontations with the government forces during an operation to prevent the STC fighters from breaking into Hadiboh city. The demonstrators noted also that the government forces attempted instead to attack the local authority building and raise the flag of People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.

(* B P)

Yemen’s Southern Separatists Backing Off From Self-Rule Declaration

Long-time Yemen watcher, analyst Helen Lackner, says southern separatists likely will walk back their threat to reopen another dangerous front in the impoverished country’s five-year civil war. The threat, condemned by their financial backer, the United Arab Emirates, is expected to flounder given a lack of support. Meanwhile, the country already is ravaged by hunger and cholera, and now is fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

The United Arab Emirates announced April 25 it does not support a decision by the Southern Transitional Council

“Is the UAE continuing to pay? The main complaint of the STC, and that’s their main reason having made their declaration, is that their people are not being paid," Lackner said. "The military and security guys not being paid are pretty likely to change sides. I think the reason the STC made that decision and publicize was partly to improve their image, because their image had suffered considerably as a result of their inaction in connection with floods and the coronavirus.”

Lackner says the STC miscalculated when making their self-rule declaration.

“They were shocked at the negative response they’ve had everywhere, not only internationally," Lackner said. "Everybody has been saying for years: We want a united Yemen, we don’t want separation. The future has to be discussed within the international framework. The U.N., EU said the same thing. But I think they expected a different response internally. What’s happened is that all the other governorates immediately rejected it.”

Lackner added that the STC was in danger militarily of being cut off between Aden and the small hinterland it holds, which also may figure into its stepping back from its declaration.

(A P)

Southern Yemeni journalist launches attack against STC

Growing dissatisfaction amongst Southern Yemenis wth UAE-backed mercenaries

A prominent Southern Yemeni journalist has launched a verbal attack against the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), accusing it of carrying out Abu Dhabi’s agenda in southern Yemen.

“The STC did not emerge from the peaceful Southern Movement that was launched in 2007, and it is not an extension of it as its supporters are trying to pretend,” journalist Shafie al-A’abd said in a tweet.

He added that the STC is in essence, in the nature of its origins and its objectives, only an Emirati tool that Abu Dhabi uses to implement its geopolitical agenda.

(* B P)

Instability in Southern Yemen Exposes Rift Between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi

In late April, Emirati-supported separatists in southern Yemen declared self-administration, demonstrating further strains in the Saudi Coalition and a growing divergence of interests between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

The actions of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) stem in part from ongoing delays in the implementation of a unilateral cease-fire, announced by Saudi Arabia in early April.

Even if recent developments do not signal a more formal break in the alliance between Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what they do suggest is that Abu Dhabi seems unwilling to trust Riyadh in achieving foreign and security policy objectives on the former’s behalf.

The timing was interesting considering that within the same 48-hour time period, Emirati-backed Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar dissolved the parliament declaring himself the ruler of Libya, a move effectively ending the 2015 Skhirat Agreement.

Even if recent developments do not signal a more formal break in the alliance between Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what they do suggest is that Abu Dhabi seems unwilling to trust Riyadh in achieving foreign and security policy objectives on the former’s behalf. This means that the UAE is likely to assert further independence and pursue its own narrowly defined goals, even if that means increased friction with the Kingdom as both countries seek to navigate conflicts in Yemen and Libya while attempting to portray a unified front against growing Iranian regional influence. Under successive administrations, first President Obama and now President Trump, the United States has been content to defer to its allies in the Middle East. In turn, this has encouraged them—particularly Saudi Arabia and the UAE—to carve up client-state fiefdoms and extend patronage networks as a form of proxy warfare, thus prolonging civil wars in the region and contributing to further instability throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

(* A P)

Yemen’s STC leader says moving forward with self-rule declaration

President of the Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, Aidroos Al-Zubaidi, stressed that the council is moving forward with implementing its self-rule decision.

Speaking on the third anniversary of the founding of the movement, Al-Zubaidi pledged to control the state institutions and implement self-rule measures, which he announced last week.

The STC is keen to “come out with gains from every stage … until ensuring full protection for the south”, he said in a statement from his home in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi.

Al-Zubaidi justified the STC’s decision as being the result of the stalled implementation of the Riyadh Agreement concluded with the Yemeni government under Saudi sponsorship in November last year.

He explained that the STC forces will fight a battle to control all state institutions and resources, calling on “the liberation and independence forces” to participate actively in the battle.

(A P)

Hadhramout governor calls protests over electricity outages ‘riots’ and threatens arrest

For several days, protesters have been blocking a number of main streets in multiple Hadhramout districts, denouncing the daily power outages that have reached longer than 12 hours

(A P)

Anchor at Sky News Arabiya mocks Al Jazeera’s response to the Transitional council decision

(A P)

Al-Zaatar writes about the reasons for declaring self-administration for the south

Saudi political analyst Khaled Al-Za’tar said on Sunday that the Southern Transitional Council’s decision to declare self-administration for the south came after the deprivation of patience in the southerners towards the actions of the legitimate government.

(A P)

New information reveal corruption in Aden

Aden governor stole 300 million riyals from city budget

Local authorities in Aden have revealed confirmed information about Aden governor Ahmed Salem in having seized 300 million riyals from the local authority’s budget for 2019, according to official sources .

The sources explained that Salemin spent the amount remaining from the local authority’s account in last year’s budget, without referring to the administrative body of the local council in the province.

They pointed out that Salemin exceeded the law of the local authority and its executive regulations, which require the approval of the administrative body of the local council.

The Hadi-appointed governor withdrew and disbursed the money without providing any information indicating where and how it was spent, according to the sources.

The sources stressed that the lack of control caused by the absence of the state has opened the door wide for Hadi officials to loot and steal public money.

My comment: This has been spread by southern separatists, which are today’s “local authorities”. But it’s well known that Hadi government representatives have been totally corrupt forever.

(A H P)

Film: Strenuous efforts to lead the giants brigades [UAE-backed militia] in lifting citizens out of the catastrophic conditions caused by the torrential rain in the capital, Aden

(A P)

STC leader accuses Yemeni gov't of hindering Riyadh pact application

Chairman of the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) accused the Yemeni internationally-recognized government of impeding the Riyadh Agreement application, which made the STC declare self-rule of the south.

Path for peace is "unpaved and the South's voice is no longer hidden," Eidroos al-Zobaidi added in a speech to southerners. "The southern people will alone decide their political fate."

"The Riyadh Agreement aimed at boosting the regional security and stability, and unifying the coalition-backed efforts in the face of Iranian expansionism.

"But this has not pleased the Yemeni government – led by Muslim Brothren – and influential war lords, even if they showed otherwise.

"The STC has exerted great efforts to help apply the Riyadh pact

My comment: Neither side ever really thought to implement it. The STC never admitted to cede the power it had occupied at Aden.

(A P)

Yemeni presidential advisor warns of Aden disaster

Advisor to the Yemeni President on Tuesday warned against disastrous situation lived by the southern port city of Aden, calling the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to tackle the crisis or give way for the official government to rescue the Yemeni interim capital.
"There is an essential matter that should be addressed frankly; maneuver cannot be adopted," Ahmed Obaid Bin Daghr, also former premier, added on Twitter.
The STC "should either tackle the catastrophic social and health situations in Aden – where you [the STC] have the power after the legitimate authority was forced out – or give way for the government to save the city and people. Lives of people have priority over any interest, whatsoever its significance is.

(A K P)

Four STC forces wounded in grenade attack

Unknown assailant attacks separatists in Lahj

(A K P)

Socotran authorities accuse STC of attacking government headquarters

Socotra authorities issued a statement Tuesday accusing forces loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) of attempting to storm the governorate’s headquarters, days after a military battle on the island between STC-backed forces and Yemeni government forces.

The guards of the building thwarted the attack, according to the statement.

"This act is a clear violation [of] the STC's earlier commitment to return the looted equipment of the 1st Marine Brigade... and commit to law and order.”


(* A K P)

Yemen: Saudi-backed forces retake Socotra’s capital as military reinforcements arrive

Saudi-backed forces fighting on behalf of the UN-recognised Yemeni government yesterday retook the headquarters of the local authority on the island of Socotra, hours after it had been seized by fighters affiliated with the UAE-supported Southern Transitional Council (STC).

According to Sputnik Arabic, the STC carried out an operation to take the capital Hadibu and attacked the government compound building, raising the South Yemen flag over it. However it was removed and replaced with the official Yemen flag once Saudi-backed forces clashed with the gunmen and recovered the building.

It was also reported that new Saudi military reinforcements and supplies arrived in Socotra on Monday evening. According to the Houthi-aligned Uprising Today, there are also reports that Turkish warships landed on the island hours later, as both Riyadh and Ankara offer support to the Islah Party, which is supporting the Saudi coalition’s efforts in the country. This came a day after the STC’s official spokesperson Salem Al-Awlaqi warned of possible Turkish intervention noting that their largest military base is located on the nearby Somali coast.

In a statement issued to the local newspaper Socotra Post, the island’s authorities referred to the STC’s attack as “an attempt to drag the province into violence and spread chaos and vandalism”. Socotra’s Governor Ramzi Mahrous also stated in a televised interview that the people of the archipelago will not allow anyone to attack them.

(* A K P)

Saudi-led Militants Start Takeover of Yemen’s Socotra after Fierce Infighting

Saudi Arabian-backed militants loyal to Yemen's former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi have started to take control of Socotra Island’s provincial capital of Hadibo after fierce fighting with UAE-supported mercenaries.

Socotra governor’s information secretary Muhammad Abdullah al-Socotri told Anadolu Agency that the takeover process began on Saturday, adding that it came as part of an agreement reached on Friday to end infighting on the island.

According to the report, the process began simultaneously with the withdrawal of armed units of the so-called Southern Transitional Council (STC), which is backed by the UAE, from positions they seized after intense clashes.

(A K P)

Local authority in Socotra calls on Saudi forces to stop STC chaos in province

The leadership of the local authority in the governorate of Socotra, "southern Yemen", called Tuesday evening, the Saudi forces to stop the attempt of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) "to plunge the Socotra community into fighting and conflict."

According to media sources, the local authority in Socotra said that "the STC attempts to drag the governorate into chaos and riots will be faced by the army."

(A K P)


New Saudi reinforcements arrive on Socotra

Saudi Arabia vying for control over Yemeni island of Socotra

Saudi military reinforcements arrived Monday evening in the province of the Socotra Island.

Ahmed Balhaf, the head of external communication for Mahrah’s sit-in protests, has confirmed that a Saudi plane carrying military reinforcements and heavy weapons arrived in Socotra .

Balhaf said the arrival of Saudi reinforcements “gives a clear picture of the meaning of the points of the recent agreement in the island’s capital, Hadebo, which Saudi Arabia sponsored between Hadi and the UAE-backed Southern transitional Council (STC).”

He deemed the terms of the agreement as a “mere circumvention to find an entrance to legalise Saudi Arabia’s occupation of the island.”


(* A K P)

New report claim Turkish forces have invaded Yemen

Turkey reportedly illegally landed on Socotra to support Islah mercenaries

A senior military commander of Saudi-led coalition forces has on Monday revealed a Turkish military landing in Socotra province, southern Yemen, hours after a landing of Saudi forces on the island had taken place.

Nasser Qais, commander of the so-called “1st Marine Brigade” that defected from the Saudi-led Hadi puppet government forces to the southern Yemeni separatist side, said that Turkish warships have started appearing around Socotra island, noting that they landed “Muslim Brotherhood elements” and Turkish officers off the coast of the island and transported them on fishing boats.

This came a day after the official spokesman for the so-called Southern Transitional Council (STC), Salem al-Awlaqi, warned of a possible Turkish intervention, after monitoring movements in Ankara’s largest military base on the Somali coast near the island.

Qais’ announcement coincide with the sailing of a Saudi warship carrying hundreds of soldiers and vehicles towards the island, in a reinforcement of the Saudi forces that transported dozens of soldiers and vehicles to the island during the past hours via three military flights.

In the same context, the Saudi forces in Hadibu city, the capital of the island, began a wide recruitment process.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey both support the Islah Party, which fights against both the National Salvation Government in Sana’a and the southern Yemeni separatists.

My comment: This would be a totally new development in Yemen.

(A K P)

Situation is still tense on Yemen's #Socotra. Today forces loyal to president Hadi retook the local government's compound hours after it had been stormed & occupied by STC fighters. Well, Saudi Arabia can't guarantee peace in this archipelago as long as UAE is involved in Yemen.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Can Kuwaiti Mediation and Omani Facilitation Support Ending Yemen’s War?

Both Kuwait and Oman have a track record of engaging in mediation and facilitation in Yemen

For its part, Oman has engaged heavily in recent years in passing messages and facilitating backchannel talks between the various parties to the conflict, including domestic Yemeni actors and foreign officials from states closely involved in the broader dimensions of the war, including the United States and Iran.

The challenge going forward for Kuwait, Oman or any other regional or international party is to identify practical ways to support deescalatory measures and bridge the gaps between the maximalist positions that have undermined previous talks. For an eventual political process to be feasible, and not to suffer the fate of the Kuwaiti mediation in 2016, painstaking and incremental preparatory work will be required to explore which compromises are possible and around what issues, temper expectations so that all sides can build confidence in each other, and agree on parameters for peace negotiations to reduce the risk of subsequent grandstanding and point-scoring.

Kuwait and Oman are well-placed to perform much of the groundwork for an eventual negotiated settlement to end the war in Yemen. They are generally regarded by all sides as sufficiently credible, trustworthy and relatively untainted by too close an association with any one side in the conflict. Their perceived impartiality, coupled with the fact that Kuwaiti and Omani officials are rooted in the political culture of the region, means that Kuwait and Oman may better be able to push the warring parties to overcome years of accumulated distrust that has hampered the UN’s attempts to sustain and support the political track in Yemen – by Christian Coates Ulrichsen

(A P)

UN-Yemen envoy discusses with STC lull, humanitarian efforts

The Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Wednesday discussed, with the UN special envoy for Yemen, efforts aimed at pushing political process to solve the crisis and tackling the humanitarian situation in the country amid COVID-19 outbreak.
The on-video meeting comes as part of the ongoing talks, between the STC and Martin Griffiths' office.

and also

(A P)

UN pushes for Yemen cease-fire as virus cases rise

Envoys of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to Yemen have renewed their calls for an immediate cease-fire in the country after an alarming surge in the number of coronavirus cases.

Following a virtual meeting with [Hadi gov.] Yemen’s Foreign Minister, Mohammed Al-Hadrami, and a spokesperson for the Iran-backed Houthis, Mohammed Abdul Salam, the ambassadors urged both parties to “engage positively” with UN proposals to end hostilities and allow the country’s fragile health system to fight the virus outbreak.

“We told both parties that the best defense against COVID-19 is a permanent cease-fire and a resumption of political dialogue,” Michael Aron, the British ambassador to Yemen, said in an online post on Tuesday.

“We urged both parties to engage constructively with the UN texts with a view to adopting the joint declaration and attending the proposed crisis meeting.”

(A P)

Nationale Delegation [der Sanaa-Regierung] erörtert mit Botschaftern der ständigen Mitglieder humanitäre Fragen im Jemen

Die nationale Delegation unter der Leitung von Mohammed Abdulsalam diskutierte heute mit den Botschaftern der ständigen Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates über Videotechnologie und humanitäre Fragen im Jemen angesichts der anhaltenden Aggression und Aggression.

Die nationale Delegation erwähnte in Anwesenheit des Delegationsmitglieds Abdul-Malik Al-Ajri, dass der Waffenstillstand nicht stattgefunden habe, dass die saudische Initiative nicht real oder ernst sei, dass der Beschuss und die Luftangriffen fortgesetzt würden und dass die Belagerung an verschiedenen Fronten nicht aufhörte und die Belagerung häufiger wurde.

Die nationale Delegation prüfte mit den Botschaftern auch die Fragen, die in Bezug auf die politische Vision noch umstritten sind, sowie die Bemerkungen der Delegation zu dem vom UN-Gesandten für den Waffenstillstand vorgelegten Projekt.

Die nationale Delegation bekräftigte die Bereitschaft, Frieden zu schaffen

(A P)

Houthi spokesman: We showed UNSC envoys our pursuit after peace

Ambassadors of the five permanent member states to Yemen on Tuesday discussed, with Houthi senior negotiator, a set of issues in the war-torn country.
"We held a broad discussion on Yemen's humanitarian and political issues" with the five envoys, Mohamed Abdul Salam tweeted.
"We proved our quest for peace and [highlighted] our initiatives, the last of which was the political vision preceded by the presidential initiative.
"We warmed to constant talks with the UN special envoy in order to stop the war and lift the blockade," the Houthi official added.
At the on-video meeting, the Chinese Ambassador Kang Yong called for a nationwide ceasefire in Yemen and for concentrated efforts in the face of COVID-19, as the "Yemeni people cannot bear further suffering."

and by Saba:

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi Arabia forms police unit to enforce coronavirus curbs on social gatherings: state news agency

Saudi Arabia has formed a police unit to monitor violations of rules banning gatherings of more than five people imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the state news agency SPA said on Thursday.

(* B P)

Saudi royal family's $1.4 trillion wealth and lavish spending

As well as maintaining opulent lifestyles, the Saudi monarchy has been pumping its extensive wealth into fuelling the Middle East's wars.

Saudi Arabia's ruling royal family has a net worth of about $1.4 trillion, which is 16 times more than that of the British royal family.

The ruling monarchy draws most of its income from vast oil reserves that were founded 75 years ago, changing the country's fortune and making the House of Saud the richest family on earth.

According to the House of Saud, the wealth of $1.4 trillion belongs to nearly 15,000 royal family members who live in lavish palaces. State-owned oil company, Saudi Aramco, which is among the world’s most valuable and profitable companies, constitutes the backbone of the sprawling royal family's fortune

The family is renowned for maintaining an enviable lifestyle, which has come under severe criticism on several occasions for being wastefully extravagant and full of pomposity. With the controversial elevation of Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) to the position of crown prince, the past few years have been rocky for the family. MBS arrested several of his family members, including his first cousins, in what appears to be a power struggle playing out along the margins of cruelty and cajolery mirroring the fictional book and TV series Game of Thrones.

But the culture of extravagant and reckless spending thrives amidst the politics of ambition and vengeance. From spending hundreds of millions on lavish luxuries such as superyachts and private jets to fuelling wars in the Middle East, here's a glimpse of the ruling family’s life.

(A P)

Saudi TV shows spark uproar over promotion of Israel

Critics demand Saudi-owned channel cancel Ramadan series that praises Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.

Two Saudi television series airing during the holy month of Ramadan have caused an uproar in the Arab world as critics accuse the network of trying to change attitudes of animosity towards Israel.

The Dubai-based MBC network has also received criticism for trying to cast the Palestinians in a negative light on the programmes, critics say.

(* B P)

Film (in Arabic): Al-Jazeera Investigations - detainees in the Saudi Dhahban prison

The documentary film, produced by Al-Jazeera, "Detainees in Dhahban Prison" (3/5/2020), revealed the human, human and social rights of Saudi women, especially activists, who were arrested without concrete charges or based on the e-crime law. The film refuted - as stated by Saudi activists and activists - the accusations directed against them by the Saudi government, and an explanation of the methods of torture used against them.

The team was able to reach Yomna Desai, the former detainee in Saudi Arabia, who was an eyewitness to what happened in Dhahban prison, where the Saudi detainees are held, and many of them met and talked to them, and also provided prison details by drawing, as well as daily life, mutual stories, and the cells that were held There are detention facilities.

Comment by Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW: Excellent @AJENews documentary on detention of women activists in #Saudi

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia, Hit With Oil Collapse and Coronavirus, Tosses Lifelines

Film; article for subscribers only

(* A E P)

Covid-19: Companies in Saudi Arabia can reduce salaries by 40%

After six months with reduced salaries, employee contracts can be terminated

Companies in Saudi Arabia can now reduce salaries by 40 percent and terminate contracts as a result of the conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to local media reports.

According to the Al Sharq Awsat, the decision was part of a document issued by the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, which noted that salaries can be reduced for a period of 6 months, in accordance with the hours of work complete.

After six months, employee contracts can be terminated.

The ministry’s decision includes a provision noting that companies can cut wages if the employees benefit from government assistance, such as those that that help with wages or exemptions from various government fees.

(A P)

Jailed Saudi princess fears coronavirus risk in prison

A year after landing in jail without charge, her mercy plea unanswered by Saudi rulers and in fear of a coronavirus outbreak behind bars, a prominent princess did the unthinkable -- and went public.

The family's fears have been further amplified by concerns over a possible outbreak of the novel coronavirus inside Al-Ha'ir.

Allowed one weekly telephone call before the tweets, Suhoud told her family that prison authorities had sounded the alarm that coronavirus cases had been detected inside the facility.

A prison employee separately confirmed to the family that there were a handful of COVID-19 cases in Al-Ha'ir, the sources said.

Authorities in Saudi Arabia, which has reported more than 25,000 coronavirus infections so far, did not respond to a request for comment.

(A P)

HRC: Kingdom's regulations guarantee legitimate freedoms of citizens and expatriates to practice their religions

My comment: Christians? Jews? Hindus?

(A P)

Saudi cabinet affirms Palestinian cause will remain 'central issue' for Arabs and Muslims: SPA

(A E P)

Largest @Toyota dealership in #Saudi slashes salaries & paid vacation time. Please do not mine my level. This time its the oven. Not sure if y’all remember the water heater.

(A P)

Rumors of Prince @Alwaleed_Talal 's will to buy Olympique de Marseille football club. Historically and culturally Qatari-owned Paris Saint-Germain's main opponent. Would raise less controversy than the Newcastle buyout.

referring to

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(A P)

Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Yemen

On May 16, 2012, by Executive Order 13611, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of certain former members of the Government of Yemen and others that threaten Yemen’s peace, security, and stability. These actions include obstructing the political process in Yemen and blocking implementation of the agreement of November 23, 2011, between the Government of Yemen and those in opposition to it, which provided for a peaceful transition of power that meets the legitimate demands and aspirations of the Yemeni people.

The actions and policies of certain former members of the Government of Yemen and others in threatening Yemen’s peace, security, and stability continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on May 16, 2012, to deal with that threat must continue in effect beyond May 16, 2020. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13611.

My comment: We again and again only can be surprised what the US claims they have the right to care for. US “national emergency” because of Yemen. Odd.

(A P)

American officials: Washington supports Hadi, Yemen’s unity

Senior American officials said on Wednesday that their country supports Yemen’s unity and President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi.

This was voiced by senior US officials at a press briefing on humanitarian assistance to Yemen.

Such statements coincide with declaration of self-rule of south Yemen by the Aden-based separatists known as the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Timothy Lenderking, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Arabian Gulf Affairs, who attended the briefing said that all parties in Yemen must support the legitimate government.

He added that the Al-Riyadh agreement represents the sole

My comment: Just keep in mind that the US is a warring party in Yemen.

(* A P)

Trump legt Veto gegen Kongress-Resolution zu Iran ein

US-Präsident Donald Trump will etwaige Militäraktionen gegen den Iran weiterhin nicht von einer Zustimmung durch das Parlament abhängig machen.

Trump legte sein Veto gegen eine Resolution des Kongresses ein, die ihn an einem eigenmächtigen militärischen Vorgehen gegen den Iran hindern sollte. Der Republikaner teilte mit: «Das war eine sehr beleidigende Resolution, die von den Demokraten als Teil einer Strategie eingebracht wurde, um die Wahlen am 3. November zu gewinnen, indem die Republikanische Partei gespalten wird.» In den USA stehen am 3. November Präsidentschafts- und Kongresswahlen an.

Trump kritisierte, Republikaner, die für die Resolution gestimmt hatten, hätten den Demokraten in die Hände gespielt. Der von Trumps Republikanern dominierte Senat hatte die Resolution im Februar verabschiedet - sie sollte Trump zu einer Einbeziehung des Parlaments bei Militäraktionen gegen den Iran zwingen.,-trump-legt-veto-gegen-kongress-resolution-zu-iran-ein-_arid,591907.html

(* A P)

Trump vetoes bill to curtail his Iran war-making authority

President Donald Trump on Wednesday vetoed a congressional resolution to block military action against Iran amid a new spike in tensions in the Middle East.

Trump's rejection of legislative efforts to limit his war powers comes just weeks after Iranian vessels harassed U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf and the president threatened retaliation against Iranian ships.

The Senate is scheduled to vote Thursday on whether to override Trump's veto.

The war powers resolution was passed in March, but wasn’t formally sent to the White House until just this week because Congress has been out of session due to the coronavirus. It was the first Iran-related measure to reach Trump's desk after months of false starts on legislation that would require Congress to sign off on military action against Iran.

(* A H P)

Verlogenes Geschenk

Nach Streichung der Mittel für humanitäre Unterstützung im Jemen stellt Washington 225 Millionen US-Dollar Nothilfe zur Verfügung

(* A H P)

U.S. announces $225 million in emergency aid to Yemen

The United States on Wednesday announced it will provide $225 million in emergency aid to Yemen to support food programs, and called on the Houthis to do more to allow aid operations to operate “independently and neutrally”.

U.S. Secretary of Mike Pompeo told a news conference that the funding Washington is committing will go to the U.N. World Food Program’s (WFP) emergency food operation in southern Yemen, as well as its reduced operation in northern Yemen.

The WFP said it was going to halve the aid it gives to people in parts of Yemen controlled by the Houthi movement from mid-April after donors cut funding over concerns the Houthis are hindering aid deliveries.

In a conference call with reporters, USAID and U.S. State Department officials said while there has been some limited progress in aid operations recently, Houthis still needed to do more for funding to return.

The steps included “concrete actions to remove impediments including approvals, or travel permits to deliver aid, on partner agreements halting interference in the selection of beneficiaries and allowing agencies to operate independently and neutrally on the basis of need,” said Richard Albright, a deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. State Department.

“Certain barriers have been beginning to move, but it’s been much more in the theoretical and talking stage and we haven’t seen a lot of action,” said Matt Nims, deputy director of USAID’s Office of Food for Peace.

and USAID announcement:

My comment: As it is obvious, the US is using humanitarian aid as a political weapon against enemies of US geopolitical interests.

(A P)

US sanctions dual Iranian-Iraqi national over smuggling weapons to Houthis

The US Treasury Department imposed early this month sanctions on dual Iranian and Iraqi national of the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) for involvement in weapons smuggling to the Houthis militia in Yemen.

The US Ambassador to Yemen, Christopher Henzel said on Monday that his country sanctioned Amir Dianat, an agent of the IRGC-QF and his Taif Mining Services for weapons smuggling to the Houthis which violates sanctions and money laundering laws.

“This is yet another example of Iran’s destructive influence in Yemen,” said Henzel.

My comment: The US mocking any other country’s “destructive influence” in Yemen is really odd.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A K P)

USA ziehen Teil ihrer Patriot-Raketen aus Saudi-Arabien ab

Die USA ziehen vier ihrer Batterien von Patriot-Flugabwehrraketen aus Saudi-Arabien ab. Die Stationierung der Batterien sei von vornherein nur als vorübergehende Maßnahme geplant gewesen, sagte am Donnerstag ein Vertreter des Pentagon. Mit den Flugabwehrraketen ziehen auch 300 US-Soldaten aus Saudi-Arabien ab.

Zwei der Raketen waren im Oktober als Reaktion auf Raketenangriffe auf zwei saudi-arabische Ölanlagen entsandt worden. =,-USA-ziehen-Teil-ihrer-Patriot-Raketen-aus-Saudi-Arabien-ab-_arid,724801.html

(* A K P)

U.S. to Remove Patriot Missile Batteries From Saudi Arabia

Removing missiles, other measures mark end of recent military buildup to counter Iran, officials say

The U.S. is removing Patriot antimissile systems from Saudi Arabia and is considering reductions to other military capabilities—marking the end, for now, of a large-scale military buildup to counter Iran, according to U.S. officials.

The U.S. is removing two Patriot missile batteries from Saudi Arabia and two others from the Middle East, along with dozens of military personnel who were deployed to the region following a series of attacks on the Saudi oil facilities last year, according to several U.S. officials (paywalled)

(A P)

US in no position to comment on Iran nuclear deal: Foreign Ministry

On the anniversary of the US’ unilateral departure from the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and major world powers, the Iranian Foreign Ministry says Washington has through its withdrawal forfeited all rights to address the issues concerning the landmark deal.

(A H P)

Russia's Lavrov: US’ ‘illegal’ sanctions hamper Iran’s fight against coronavirus pandemic

Russia has voiced “complete solidarity” with Iran in the face of the United States’ illegal and inhumane sanctions, which have targeted the Islamic Republic notwithstanding Tehran’s ongoing uphill battle against the new coronavirus outbreak.

(A K P)

Iraqi territory won’t be used as launching ground against others: Al-Kadhimi

Iraq’s new Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi says his country would never allow outsiders to use the Arab country’s territory for any act of aggression against others.

Kadhimi made the remarks while addressing a parliamentary session on Wednesday, when lawmakers approved his government and ended months of political deadlock.

(A P)

US to grant Iraq gas waiver in show of support for new PM

The U.S. plans to grant Iraq a 120-day sanctions waiver enabling the country to import Iranian gas and electricity to meet its power needs, the State Department said, hours after a new prime minister was sworn in early Thursday.

The exemption would be the longest period of time in months granted to Iraq to prove it is making progress in becoming less reliant on Iranian imports, a key condition of receiving the waiver.

The waiver would indicate a show of support after the inauguration of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi

My comment: Does nobody realize how odd this is? State A claims to have the right to “grant” (or not to) to state B whether it can make business with state C or not. This is taking American exceptionalism as a matter of natural law.

(A P)

UAE calls for de-escalation in region to focus on coronavirus recovery

Asked during a webinar organised by Beirut Institute Summit whether there was concern that Iran may provoke a confrontation in the region, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said: “We need to really concentrate on de-escalation.”

“The region, like all regions in the world, is going to be financially and politically weaker. We would be wise to think about our development models, about de-escalation and to try some problem-solving,” Gargash said.

(A E P)

Leader: Robust production can fight off sanctions, other economic viruses

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says an economy made robust through enhanced production can fend for itself and counter various intrusive elements such as sanctions that can harm an economy like a virus can hurt the human body.

(A K P)

Iraqi military says 3 rockets strike near Baghdad airport

Three Katyusha rockets struck near the military sector of the Baghdad airport early on Wednesday but caused no casualties, the Iraqi military said.

The attack came hours ahead of an extraordinary parliament session that will vote on the proposed government of the latest prime minister-designate, Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

The session is the first to be held since Iraq imposed a nationwide curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Ahead of the Wednesday evening session, parliament seats were arranged according to social distancing rules, to create more space between lawmakers. All members of parliament will have to wear masks and gloves and will be briefly checked before entering the chamber.

After weeks of negotiations and changes to his ministerial lineup in an effort to appease political blocs, al-Kadhimi’s Cabinet is believed to have a chance at passing.

(A P)

Lawmaker: Iraq Will Purchase Russian Missile System If US Does not Provide Modern Armaments

A senior Iraqi lawmaker says his country will buy long-range surface-to-air S-300 or S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia in a bid to update its own defense infrastructure in case Washington does not help Baghdad in getting modern armaments.

(A P)

US must remove sanctions if it truly seeks to help Iran in virus fight: Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani has lashed out at the United States for intensifying its illegal sanctions against the Iranian nation at a time when the country is fighting a deadly coronavirus outbreak, saying Washington should first lift the bans to prove its sincerity in offering help to the Islamic Republic in the battle

(A P)

Iran’s president says an end to UN arms embargo is a ‘right’

The Iranian president said Wednesday that lifting a U.N. arms embargo on Tehran would be an “obvious right” and added a veiled warning of unspecified steps Iran could take if the embargo is extended, as the United States wants.

Hassan Rouhani’s remarks were in response to a push by the U.S., which last month circulated a draft U.N. resolution that would indefinitely extend the embargo set to expire in October. Such a move is almost certain to spark opposition from Russia, which has made no secret of its desire to resume conventional weapons sales to Tehran.

(A P)

US forfeited any right to seek renewal of UN arms embargo on Iran: European diplomats

European diplomats say by withdrawing from a nuclear agreement with Iran, the US forfeited any right to demand an extension to a United Nations arms embargo against the Islamic Republic that the deal has mandated to expire later this year.

Bloomberg News cited the officials as making the remarks on condition of anonymity in a feature that it ran on Tuesday.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A H P)

'What's the point of staying?': Gulf faces expatriate exodus

The expatriate exodus is expected to be larger than after the 2008-2009 financial crisis and the 2014-2015 plunge in prices for oil, the region’s main export, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said, without giving figures.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly Asians, have registered for repatriation, according to figures from embassies and authorities in the region, which has seen COVID-19 spread among low-income foreign workers in overcrowded living quarters.

Pakistan and India have started evacuating citizens from the Gulf. Egypt has begun repatriation flights from Kuwait, where security forces quelled a riot by Egyptians at a shelter housing residency violators this week.

In the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar the numbers leaving “could be very significant”, said Ryszard Cholewinski, ILO’s senior migration specialist for Arab states.


High-rise tower catches fire in United Arab Emirates


cp12b Sudan

(* A P)

Clashes between Arabs, non-Arabs in Sudan province kill 30

Tribal clashes between Arabs and non-Arabs in Sudan’s South Darfur province left at least 30 people dead and a dozen wounded, authorities said Wednesday.

(A P)

Sudan appoints its first ambassador to the US in 25 years

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

The U.S. Risks Losing the Drone-War Arms Race

Until relatively recently, the United States was the world’s sole drone superpower, deploying Predators and Reapers to stalk terrorists across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. That’s no longer the case. In Libya over the last few months, a conflict that pits the Turkish-backed government in Tripoli against U.A.E.-backed forces has seen drones deployed by both sides. Iran unveiled an army of new drones fitted with anti-tank missiles in April, and China is exporting drones to traditional U.S. allies in the Middle East. Yet Washington is reticent to export its own drone technology and has watched as American drones were downed in Yemen, the Persian Gulf, and Libya. What went wrong?

In recent years countries such as China, Turkey, Iran, and Russia have made rapid progress in building their own drones. Of greater concern is that China, Iran, and Turkey are also exporting armed drones.

My comment: A very US-centered point of view. What would be evil if really "The U.S. Risks Losing the Drone-War Arms Race"?

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* A)

Saudi raids destroy Yemen World Heritage sites

Three ancient buildings collapsed in the Yemeni capital Sanaa after their foundations were weakened by the Saudi coalition air strikes on the city, officials said.

The structures, which had been inscribed on the World Heritage List by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have repeatedly come under threat as a result of the five-year war between the Saudi-led Arab coalition and the Houthi group.

Heavy rains which caused flooding further eroded the buildings’ foundations causing them to collapse, officials explained, adding that the owners were killed as a result.

“First, the rockets shook the Old City’s homes, and then the rain did, too,” said Abdullah Al-Hadrami, a resident of the Old City of Sanaa.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E P)

[Aden branch] CBY governor: Houthis, Coronavirus to worsen the economic crisis

Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY), Ahmed Al-Fadhli said on Wednesday that the spread of the coronavirus and continuation of the Houthis’ insurgency will deepen failure of Yemeni economy.

In a phone conversation with the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper, Al-Fadhli said that the drop of the global oil price will bring major negative impacts on the Yemeni economy.

He said that the budget of 2021 will be the worst in history of Yemen if existing conditions did not change in the next few months.

Oil revenues represent the sole source of income for the legitimate government.

Yet, slump of the oil price has imbalanced resources and spending.

At present, the oil extraction cost equals the sale value in the global markets, according to Al-Fadhli.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has postponed outstanding debt installments on Yemen for six months despite Yemen’s request for a two-year extension, he said.

He indicated that the Houthis’ ban of circulation of the newly printed notes in Sana’a, had aggravated devaluation of the national currency in Aden.

The action led to the emergence of two different exchange prices for the Yemeni Rial (YR), one in the government-held areas and the other in Houthis-controlled territory.

(* B E H)

Yemeni official: COVID-19 to cause worst economic crisis

Yemen will face hard economic chapter that could be the worst if COVID-19 continues to spread, the official government-appointed governor of the [Aden branch] Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) said Wednesday.
"The Yemeni economy will experience critical phase, amid depreciated prices of oil at global markets," Dr. Ahmed al-Fadhli added in remarks to Asharq Al-awsat.
This "will have grave complications, as the gap between revenues and expenditures will widen, affecting the 2021 budget that will be the worst in Yemen's history unless the situations improves in the few coming months," he warned.

(* B E H)

Microfinance in Yemen: An Overview of Challenges and Opportunities

In 1997 microfinance was introduced to Yemen. The government, supported by international donor states, viewed it as a strategic tool to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment by expanding financial services to small and micro entrepreneurs to increase their share of the national economy. However, persistent challenges facing the microfinance industry have stunted its development, reach within the population and overall socioeconomic impact. More recently, the institutions, businesses and individuals involved have also faced challenges associated with the ongoing civil war and regional military intervention.

Structurally, the microfinance industry in Yemen can be separated into two distinct institutional groupings: the formal sector, composed of microfinance banks; and the informal sector, made up of microfinance institutions (MFIs). The primary difference is that microfinance banks are regulated by the central bank and permitted to finance their activities by mobilizing public savings and deposits. MFIs operate outside the central bank’s governance and are thus almost wholly reliant on external donor funds and programs channeled to them through the Social Fund for Development (SFD), a semi-autonomous public institution with the primary mandates of poverty reduction and job creation.

The formally regulated microfinance industry, given its stronger institutional framework and governance, has garnered a relatively more advantageous environment to develop capacities and strategies to react to local demand, making it more resilient to shocks and adverse events, such as the ongoing conflict. Meanwhile, the informal sector’s dependence on international donor funding – which comes with these foreign organizations’ implementation requirements – has left MFIs with reduced say over the programs they implement and the populations and markets targeted, thereby hindering MFIs’ ability to pursue consistent strategies and specialization. This, in turn, has limited their competitive position, overall impact and organizational development.

This paper explores the historic development of the industry and its players, as well as the impacts of the ongoing conflict. It then makes recommendations in four areas — capacity building, financing, program design and research — to help create a more conducive operating environment for microfinance overall. This would better place the industry to achieve its socioeconomic aims in the near term and contribute to Yemen’s recovery post conflict – by Moneef al-Shaibani

(A E)

Al-Amal Microfinance Bank gewinnt den Global Finance Innovators Award

Die Al-Amal Microfinance Bank gewann in ihrer achten Sitzung in der Kategorie Islamic Finance den zweiten Platz bei der jährlichen Auszeichnung von Global Finance (Innovators 2020).

Der stellvertretende Direktor der Bank, Ghamdan Aoun, sagte der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba), dass diese Auszeichnung die Finanzinnovation der Welt fördert, indem sie die innovativsten Finanztechnologieinstitutionen in verschiedenen Sektoren auswählt, darunter Cash Management, Unternehmensfinanzierung, islamische Finanzen, Zahlungen und Handelsfinanzierung.

(* B E K P)

No respite in Yemen

The oil price collapse dims hope of an energy sector revival, while civil war grinds on

Yemen was never a major oil exporter, but the regeneration of its energy sector is regarded as a key element in the country’s gradual return to something approaching normal life. Oil production fell from 316,000bl/d in 2008 to 153,000bl/d in 2014, a year before the outbreak of war. It then dropped away completely as international oil companies left, before reviving to around 60,000bl/d in 2019. The war also caused the closure of Yemen’s LNG plant at Balhaf. The 6.7mn t/yr Total-operated facility is undamaged and could be restarted once the fighting ends and the supply of gas feedstock from Block 18 in the Marib basin resumes.

Getting to a point where oil and LNG exports might restart is proving difficult.

“Lower oil prices make little difference to the course of the Yemen war,” says Andrew Whitley, a long-time Middle East analyst and former UN official.

“The trend lines were already set before the latest collapse in prices. The Houthis remain confident they can make further gains in Marib governorate before entering into UN-sponsored peace talks from a position of strength.”

But it may alter Yemeni dynamics in one crucial way—namely, Saudi Arabia’s role in the conflict. In Whitley’s view, “low oil prices add to the pressure on the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, to be able to deliver on his domestic reforms and meet the government payroll monthly bill”.

Faced with those pressures, MbS may have to accept that his Yemeni adventurism is not going to give him any win that distracts from domestic challenges. A face-saving way of withdrawing from a conflict that is burning a hole in the kingdom’s purse and damaging its international reputation may be a better option.

A permanent ceasefire in Yemen would both enable oil and gas to flow again—and allow measures to avert a potential environmental disaster. Since the start of the war the oil tanker Safer, loaded with crude, has been moored off Ras Isa port, north of Hodeidah on the Red Sea.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) media foundation, al Malahem, released a religious lecture on Ramadan on April 26. An AQAP religious official gave a speech extolling the virtues of fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and the month’s significance as a period of “conquests” in Islamic history, urging AQAP fighters to “invade the enemies of Allah.” AQAP previously released a statement on May 2 condemning India’s December 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act.[1]

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

How Yemen's Houthis Differ From Shia Militias in Dealing With Covid-19

Despite the introduction of some preventive measures, Yemen’s Houthi insurgents are not focused on the fight against the COVID-19 infection, but rather on fighting on multiple Yemeni battlefields. This strategy is definitely different from that of Iran-backed Shia militias in Iraq and Lebanon, who are trying instead to rebrand themselves as guardians of public health.

On several occasions, the Houthis politicised the health emergency, blaming the United States and Saudi Arabia for spreading the virus in the country: politicisation accompanies disinformation. For instance, in a televised speech, the leader of the movement, Abdel Malek Al Houthi, described the pandemic as an American “biological warfare” plot.

Despite exploiting the pandemic as a tool of domestic propaganda, the northern Yemeni insurgents are not interested in gaining popular legitimacy, in their administered areas, depicting themselves as health defenders. Conversely, the Houthis state – in public declarations as well as in online posts – that living in the front line is safer from virus than living in civilian contexts. Moreover, the Houthis stress that dying as “martyrs” on the battlefield is faster and less painful if compared with passing away as a consequence of pneumonia.

My comment: She had written rally good things. This is a piece of propaganda.

(A P)

Man-made evil, not natural disasters, break nations

Of late, the Southern Transitional Council has been declaring coup and backing off and re-declaring self-rule and backing off again. Of course all the back-offs are lip service since the separatist organization is in control of Aden militarily and are not ready to concede an inch back to the government. Despite the several deals made to undo the coup, they have not allowed the government to regain control of anything since the first coup they mounted in January 2018.

The Yemenis under the rule of the militias are suffering and the Yemenis in the government-held middle are suffering too.

The war is most likely to continue for ever, as the division of the country. The nearly 3.7 million internally displaced are most likely to spend the rest of their lives displaced.

My comment: Islah Party propaganda.

(A P)

Qatar paid $30 mm to Karman to distort Arab coalition's image

The Yemeni news portal "Aden al-Hadath" announced that Tawakkol Kerman received $30 million from Qatar as the first payment for the establishment of "Belqis Canal" and "Yemen-Youth" as part of the Doha strategy against the Arab coalition.
The aim is to influence public opinion, to raise awareness and to defend terrorism." Tawakul is working on these plans what Aden Al-Hadath quoted from Yemeni sources, namely the legal and propaganda that supports terrorism, which Tawakkl leads, after the creation of a number of "human rights organizations" that work thanks to Qatar's national financial and logistical support.

My comment: As claimed by a southern separatist news site. Karman, affiliated to Islah party, is hostile to the separatists, and became very critical of the Saudi / UAE coalition. Well, the separatists are paid by the UAE – so even if this story is true, how could they mock Karman for being paid by Qatar?

(A P)

Terrorist alliance to sabotage Yemen

Immediately upon the start of the ceasefire announced by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, the Brotherhood has begun trying to bring together elements of other terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda to launch terrorist operations in the country suffering from security, political and social instability.
The Brotherhood’s recent moves and its offering to merge with other terrorist organizations was revealed by several tweets from the Yemeni Islah Party, the political arm of the Brotherhood in Yemen, and came specifically after the return of Brotherhood leader Abdul Rahman al-Sharif to Yemen on Tuesday, April 28, accompanied by his wife.

Terrorist organizations such as the Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and ISIS have called for the idea of integrating due to the announcement of the Saudi-led international coalition that the ceasefire was taking effect on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan, in addition to the military victories that the coalition had achieved on the ground during recently.
According to the Yemeni newspaper Almashhad Alyemeni, the return of the Brotherhood leaders to Yemen came after a coordination campaign with the Iranian-supported Houthi leaders, but no intention to carry out terrorist operations was clearly announced.

My comment: Separatist propaganda, blaming their foes to conspire with terrorists.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

May 4:

May 3:

(A K pH)

Saree: Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt im Laufe des Monats mehr als 810 Luftangriffe an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition launched more than 810 raids within month: Army Spokesman

(A K pH)

In Sana'a, US-Saudi aggression launched 4 raids on Khawlan Al-Tyal district.

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt drei Luftangriffe auf Aseer an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition warplanes wage 3 raids on Asir

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 5 Luftangriffe auf Al-Dschouf an

(A K pH)

aggression coalition warplanes wage 5 airstrikes on Jawf

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 3 Luftangriffe auf Serwah in Marib an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 3 raids on Marib

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 6 Luftangriffe auf verschiedenen Gebieten von Marib und Nehm an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 6 airstrikes on Marib, Nehim

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeuge fliegen 4 Luftangriffe auf Dschisan

(A K pH)

4 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Jizan

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

May 6: marib p., Sanaa p., Jizan

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Coalition: Houthis commit 80 new violations to the ceasefire

(A K pS)

Houthi militia continues attacks on army positions in Al-Byda, Al-Dhale and Lahj

(A K pS)

Forces aligned with the internationally recognized Yemeni government of Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi reportedly repelled attempted al Houthi militant advances east of al Hazm, the capital of al Jawf governorate in northern Yemen on May 7. Hadi government forces reported inflicting al Houthi casualties on the Khusha and Jaffar fronts east of al Hazm in early May. The al Houthi movement seized al Hazm from Saudi-backed Hadi government forces on March 1.[1]

(A K)

Senior rebel commander killed in Yemen amid fierce battles

A senior Yemeni rebel commander was killed Thursday, the Shiite rebels announced as fierce battles with government forces intensified along the front lines in the country's central provinces.

The slain rebels' special forces commander, Mohamed Abdel Karim al-Hamran, enjoyed close ties to the top Houthi leader, Abdul Malek al-Houthi. He was the most high-ranking commander killed this year, part of an elite brigade trained by militants from the Lebanese group Hezbollah.

and also

and Houthi memory film:

(* A K pH)

Four Civilians Killed in Saudi-battleships Bombardment on Hajjah

At least four civilians have been killed and another sustained injuries when battleships of the US-Saudi aggression targeted Yemen’s north-western province of Hajjah.

Almasirah Net correspondent in Hajjah reported that the battleships of the coalition of aggression on Thursday bombed Al-Jurr area in Abs district.

“Four citizens, including one child, were martyred and another child was injured as a result of the shelling of the aggression forces in Al-Jur area,” he added.

and also

(A K pH)

Zivilist gemartert durch saudischen Bombenanschlag auf Saada

Ein Zivilist wurde heute durch einen saudischen Raketen- und Artillerie-Beschuss an der Razeh Grenzbezirk in der Saada Provinz gemartert.

(A K pH)

Citizen Killed by Saudi Bombing on Populated Villages, Sa’adah

A citizen was killed by a Saudi bombing on border villages in Sa’adah governorate on Thursday.

Almasirah Net correspondent reported that Saudi rocketry and artillery shelling targeted populated villages in the border district of Razih, causing the death of a citizen.

(A K pH)

In Taiz, a civilian was killed, his wife and 5 others of his family were injured by targeting his car with gunshots in Al-Ma'afer district.

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Communications: 2 Engineers Killed, Wounded in Detonation of Explosive Device Planted by Saudi-mercenaries in Al-Baidha

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology announced, Wednesday, the death of an engineer and the injury of another as a result of the detonation of an explosive device planted by Takfirists, terrorist groups, in Al-Baidha governorate.

“We have received the news of the death of Engineer Ali Al-Masraj and the injury of his colleague following an explosion in Al-Baidha,” the Minister of Communications Engineer Mosfer Al-Numair said.

Al-Numair explained that the Saudi-mercenaries detonated an explosive device in the communications vehicle, indicating that the targeted car was carrying the engineers to repair a cable in the governorate.

(A K pS)

Southern Forces Foil Houthi Attack in Al-Dhale

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army fails Houth infiltration attempt in Nihm & militia inflicted heavy losses

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army repels Houthi militia attack in Al-Bayda


(A K pH)

Film: [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni forces advance in Bayda

(A K pS)

Coalition: Houthi violations of cease-fire in Yemen rise to 2399

My comment: While the Saudis themselves do not care for their own “ceasefire” scam.

(A K pS)

The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: The terrorist Houthi militia has launched today (Tuesday) two ballistic missiles from (Sana’a) governorate using civilian objects as launching sites as missiles fell short in (Amran) and (Sadah) governorates

“The terrorist, Iran-backed Houthi militia launched two ballistic missiles this morning (Tuesday 05 May 2020) from (Sana’a) governorate using civilian objects as launching sites, the first missile fell short after (121) kilometers in (Amran), while the other fell short after (148) kilometers in (Sadah) governorate.

The Houthi militia continues to violate the International Humanitarian Law by launching ballistic missiles that fall indiscriminately on civilians and densely populated civilian areas

My comment: Report filled up with the usual propaganda claims and wording: “using civilian objects as launching sites”: a pretense for new upcoming air raids against Sanaa; “Houthi militia”: if launching missiles is “terrorism”, keep in mind that Saudi air raids are as well and that there had been a lot more of Saudi air raids; “The Houthi militia continues to violate the International Humanitarian Law by launching ballistic missiles that fall indiscriminately on civilians and densely populated civilian areas”: LOL when taking into account Saudi air raids.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B K)

Der Krieg und die Heuschrecken

Ostafrika, Iran und die Arabische Halbinsel kämpfen mit der größten Heuschrecken-Plage seit Jahrzehnten. Was wie eine Naturkatastrophe wirkt, hat seinen Ursprung im Jemen-Krieg (Bezahlschranke)

(A P)

Diese Menschen sitzen in Facebooks neuem „obersten Gericht“

Tawakkol Karman

Die Journalistin, Menschenschrechtsaktivistin und Politikerin ist eines der prominentesten Gesichter der Protestbewegung im Jemen. Für ihr Engagement erhielt sie 2011 den Friedensnobelpreis.

(A P)

Tawakkol Karman new member Facebook's oversight board

Reuters news agency repored that Facebook Inc’s (FB.O) new content oversight board will include a former prime minister, a Yemeni activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman and several constitutional law experts and rights advocates among its first 20 members, the company announced on Wednesday.

The independent board, which some have dubbed Facebook’s “Supreme Court,” will be able to overturn decisions by the company and Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on whether individual pieces of content should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook has long faced criticism for high-profile content moderation issues. They range from temporarily removing a famous Vietnam-era war photo of a naked girl fleeing a napalm attack, to failing to combat hate speech in Myanmar against the Rohingya and other Muslims.

The oversight board will focus on a small slice of challenging content issues including hate speech and harassment and people’s safety.

My comment: Censorship is going to be developed.

(* A)

Film: The suffering of rural residents in Saada governorate due to torrential rain


A 9 year-old child was swept away by the flood, leading to her death, in Ibb governorate.

(* B P)

Safeguarding the Red Sea amid the coronavirus: Preventing the spill of the FSO SAFER

At the same time, the pandemic has diverted global attention away from other matters of concern. One of these is the Floating Storage and Offloading Vessel (FSO) SAFER, a converted oil tanker moored four miles off the coast of Ras Isa, Yemen, in the Red Sea and continuing to degrade after years of neglect. If no action is taken, the SAFER will spill as much as 1.14 million barrels of Marib Light crude into the water. Much of the world’s activity may be on hold, but the ongoing corrosion on the SAFER is not taking a break to wait out the pandemic.

In the best-case scenario of a million-barrel spill, up to 75 percent of the oil on board, which has been sitting untended since 2015, would evaporate within a couple of days. In other words, the best-case scenario is a spill the size of the Exxon Valdez disaster. While such a spill involving a light crude oil would be hard to address under normal circumstances, the limited capacity caused by the COVID-19 restrictions means that the impact would be all but impossible to mitigate. Prior work has been done to game out the disaster, and recent efforts have produced more insights. But the main conclusion remains inescapable: without timely action, a key region of the world may well face an environmental and humanitarian disaster that could easily have been averted—one that could now arrive with singularly destructive timing and inaugurate decades of hardship on top of already dire circumstances.

The Key Question:

The question then becomes: given this precarious situation that had presented a nearly intractable problem before the pandemic, what can be done now to safeguard the Red Sea and avert a crisis that will further diminish food security, marine biodiversity, regional stability, and global commerce? There are multiple issues to tackle in answering this question, but three stand out: political, commercial, and technical.


It is a truism of history that widespread disaster can sometimes create unexpected openings for resolution and renewal. Such could be the case with the SAFER in the time of COVID-19. In the midst of a global crisis, key stakeholders in the Red Sea region and beyond can find a way to resolve a regional crisis.

My comment: The political implications are odd. Iran has nothing to do with this problem. The Hadi government and the Sanaa governments are at odds which side might Profit from the sale of the crude on SAFER. The Hadi government claims the profit, as it claims to be the only “legitimate” government, the Sanaa government claims the profit as SAFER is on its territory.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-648 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-648: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

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