Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 655b- Yemen War Mosaic 655b

Yemen Press Reader 655b: 31. Mai 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 655, cp3 - cp18 / May 31, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 655, cp3 - cp18

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 655, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 655, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Nationales Erbe / National heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Entwicklungen einer Wasserkrise zur Wasserkatastrophe gefährden Entwicklungen im Jemen

Im September 2019, den Letzen aktuellen Höhepunkt des Krieges, hatten 17.8 Millionen Jemeniten (63% der Bevölkerung) eingeschränkten oder keinen sicheren Zugang zu Trinkwasser(USAID). Zudem zählt der Jemen zu den am wenigsten vorbereiteten und am stärksten betroffenen Ländern des Klimawandels. Es ist offensichtlich, dass der Jemen sich aktuell in einer Wasserkrise befindet, und sollten keine tiefgreifenden Änderungen und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen stattfinden, droht das Land langfristig in ein durch Wassermangelverschärftes Chaos zu versinken. Hauptursachen der Wasserkrise sind v.a. das Missmanagement im landwirtschaftlichen und politischen Sektor, das den Raubbau der knappen Grundwasserspeicher seit Jahren befördert und weder den Anbau wasser-intensiven und berauschenden Droge noch das Bevölkerungswachstum eindämmen. Zweitens führen die klimatischen Veränderungen zu einem Anstieg der Temperaturen, zunehmenden Schwankungen im Niederschlag und einem Anstieg des Meeresspiegels. Der Bürgerkrieg hat letztendlich diese Wasserkrise in eine hydrologische Katastrophe transformiert, indem Wasser zum militärischen Ziel aller beteiligten Parteien wurde und weitreichende hydrologische Infrastrukturen zerstört wurden. Für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung ist auch das Engagement internationaler Akteure gefragt. So sollte die Bundesregierung in Zusammenarbeit mitregionalen Partnern die aktuellen Annäherungsversuche zwischen Huthis und der Regierung ausschöpfen, um die zukünftige Wasserversorgung des Jemens im Rahmen der UN-Verhandlungen verstärkt zu thematisieren, Wasser als Verhandlungsinstrument zur Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit anwenden, lokale Initiativen finanziell, mit Experten und auf technischer Ebene unterstützen und regionale Partner für den Wiederaufbau der Infrastruktur zusammenbringen.

Die Wurzeln der Wasserkrise sind somit einerseits landwirtschaftlichem und politischem Missmanagement und zugleich klimatischen Veränderungen geschuldet, doch das heutige katastrophale Ausmaß geht verstärkt auf die Rolle von Wasser im jemenitischen Bürgerkrieg zurück. Die Situation eskalierte, als Wasser zunehmend zum militärischen Mittel und Ziel wurde und dadurch zahlreiche zivile Wasserinfrastrukturen seit 2015 vielerorts zerstört wurden.

Der bestehende Wasserstress erleichtert eine Instrumentalisierung durch Konfliktparteien, um eigene politische oder militärische Vorteile zu erlangen, sodass alle militärischen Akteuren Wasser entweder gezielt blockieren oder Wassersysteme angreifen von Alexander Reiffenstuel

(B H)

Donors demand unified management to fight COVID-19 in Yemen

Donors demand a unified management to fight COVID-19 in Yemen as a condition to pledge funds for the war-torn country, senior political sources said Saturday.
Donor countries will associate their donations to that management, to make sure that no obstacles would be imposed by the Houthis before UN and other aid agencies working in areas controlled by the group, the Emirati al-Bayan paper quoted the sources as saying.
The donors will insist on the UN Secretary-General's call for immediate cessation of fighting and focus on the fight against COVID-19, the sources added.

(B H)

RDP Livelihood Success Story 2020 Yemen: Empowering People And Enhancing Lives

Unfortunately, poor road conditions in Khayran Al Muharraq district have left many vulnerable people deprived from getting the basic human needs as the road is a lifeline and a key factor in delivering services and improving the delivery of humanitarian interventions to those in need. Extreme flooding as well threatens to sweep their agricultural lands and IDPs’ camps.

“It was tragic that women were having babies on the roads. The cost of transporting goods from the market to this area was rather expensive, so goods were either carried on our shoulders or by donkeys,” Ali Abdu Hussein said, one of the beneficiaries.

Clearly, the difficulty of bumpy roads and lack of work opportunities are two main problems that concern the Yemeni rural population in general, and people of Gharbi Al-Khamisayn sub district in Khayran Al Muharraq district, Hajjah Governorate in particular.

By the generosity and continuous support of Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), Relief and Development Peer Foundation (RDP) has therefore implemented the integrated emergency response project to respond to the needs and improve the living conditions of most vulnerable households through livelihood and water, sanitation and hygiene interventions in Khayran Al Muharraq district of Hajjah Governorate.

(A H)

WFP cargo plane arrives at Sana'a International Airport

(B H P)

Houthis accuse UN organizations of exploiting Yemen's position to raise funds

The Houthi group (Ansar Allah) Friday night accused the United Nations organizations operating in Yemen of "exploiting the catastrophic humanitarian situation to make money."

The spokesman for the Ministry of Public Health and Population in the Houthi salvation government, Yusef al-Hadiri, said that the treatment of international organizations in Yemen did not rise to the level of the crisis faced by the health sector in the country, according to Houthi-run "Al Masirah" TV.

He added that "UN organizations are working to characterize the humanitarian situation as catastrophic in Yemen to make money."

Al-Hadiri accused these organizations of "not carrying out their responsibilities on the ground."

(B H)

A life-changing experience

In a home village packed with a multitude of mud huts, a poor man struggles against the prolonged hardships of life. For ages, he lives with his children in a wooden hut which is threatened by floodwaters. What's more tragic is that two of his children are severely malnourished as a result of lacking food as well as environmental pollutants.

The only source of income is what he earns from working with sellers by carrying goods with daily wages. Sadly, working as a carrier couldn't meet the basic needs of his family. His life changed dramatically the moment he participated in cash-for-work program funded by YHF, becoming a skilled labor with many work opportunities ahead of him.

(A H)

World Health Organization sends 31 tons of aid to Yemen

Health ministry said it received 16 tons of medicine, supplies; Houthi group indicates 15 tons received in Sanaa

(* B H)

UN brauchen mehr als zwei Milliarden Dollar für Jemen-Hilfe

Die Vereinten Nationen bitten internationale Geber um großzügige Zahlungen für die humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen. Die UN und ihre Partnerorganisationen bräuchten für die kommenden sieben Monate 2,4 Milliarden US-Dollar (2,16 Milliarden Euro) für Kauf und Verteilung von Lebensmitteln, Medikamenten und anderen Gütern, teilte ein Sprecher des UN-Büros zur Koordinierung humanitärer Hilfe am Freitag in Genf mit. =

(B H)

CARE zur Jemen Geberkonferenz: "Ein Land im Würgegriff von Hunger, Krieg und Covid-19" / Bundesregierung muss sich für verlässliche finanzielle Hilfen einsetzen

Am kommenden Dienstag (2. Juni) findet virtuell die Geberkonferenz für den Jemen statt. Zu diesem Anlass fordert die internationale Hilfsorganisation CARE die deutsche Bundesregierung dazu auf, ein klares Signal dafür zu setzen, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft die notleidenden Menschen im Jemen nicht alleine lässt. Dafür müssen die Hilfsleistungen mindestens in gleicher Höhe beibehalten werden. Angesichts der aktuellen Covid-19-Pandemie sollten zudem zusätzliche Gelder für den Kampf gegen den Virus bereitgestellt werden.

(* B H)

U.N. seeks $2.4 billion for Yemen, warns aid operation nearly broke

U.N. agencies trying to help the millions at risk from the conflict in Yemen are nearly broke, U.N. aid chief Mark Lowcock said on Thursday, announcing a drive to raise some $2.4 billion next week to pay for the world biggest aid operation.

Around 80% of Yemen’s population - 24 million people - need aid. The country has been mired in conflict since the Iran-allied Houthi group ousted Yemen’s government from the capital Sanaa in 2014. A Saudi-led military coalition intervened in 2015 in a bid to restore the government.

The United Nations and Saudi Arabia are hosting a virtual pledging conference for Yemen on Tuesday.

“There’s no way to describe this situation other than alarming,” Lowcock said. “Is the world ready simply to watch Yemen fall off the cliff?”

“There are tens of millions of people whose lives are now at risk unless we get, not just pledges, but the money,” he said.

Lowcock said the United Nations received $3.2 billion last year for Yemen, but so far in 2020 it has only received $474 million. Saudi Arabia pledged $525 million nearly two months ago and Lowcock said he hoped Riyadh would pay soon.

“Most of the U.N. agencies are just a few weeks away from being broke. We’ve never had so little money for the Yemen aid operation ... this late in the year,” he said. “Last year it was well-funded essentially because the countries of the region stepped up and we’re hoping that’s going to happen this time.”

Lowcock said that of the $2.4 billion needed to fund the aid operation for the rest of the year, $180 million was to combat the outbreak of the coronavirus in Yemen, which the United Nations said was spreading rapidly.

(* B H)

Jemen: Eine dreifache Katastrophe nimmt ihren Lauf

Die UNICEF-Generaldirektorin Henrietta Fore warnt, dass in kaum einem Land wie dem Jemen die Coronakrise zu einer humanitären Katastrophe führen wird - und macht darauf aufmerksam, dass die Hälfte der Menschen, die humanitäre Hilfe brauchen, Kinder sind. Die Hilfsorganisation CARE Deutschland appelliert angesichts der kommenden Geberkonferenz insbesondere dafür, die Hilfsleistungen für den Jemen für die Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie auszubauen.

80 Prozent der jemenitischen Bevölkerung (24,1 Millionen Menschen) sind derzeit auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, die Hälfte von ihnen Kinder. Eine halbe Million Minderjähriger leidet derzeit unter akuter Unterernährung und bräuchte dementsprechende medizinische Behandlung, während rund 3.500 Minderjährige in dem Konflikt als Kindersoldaten missbraucht werden und 8.600 getötet oder verletzt wurden, hält das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen in seiner Aussendung von diesem Freitag fest.

Während der Schulbesuch der Kinder schon vor dem Konflikt stark beeinträchtigt war, ist dieser nun mit dem Ausbruch der COVID-19-Pandemie vollständig zum Erliegen gekommen, warnt UNICEF. Die Hilfe, die die Organisation bereits jetzt leiste, sei unter diesen Umständen jedoch nicht ausreichend: „Wir brauchen mehr Hilfe“, so das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen.

(* B H)

Remarks by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore at joint press briefing on the humanitarian situation in Yemen

“COVID-19 is a crisis in nearly every country, but very few countries face a more terrifying impact than Yemen.

“Violence and instability are a daily reality in Yemen. Schools and hospitals have come under attack. Food and water systems are barely functional. The economy is in free-fall.

“Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Yemen was a country on the brink of catastrophe. Chronic under-development and five years of war have led to a massive humanitarian disaster.

“More than 12 million children across Yemen need humanitarian assistance.

“Nearly half a million children require treatment for severe acute malnutrition and could die if they do not receive urgent care.

“More than 8,600 children have either been killed or injured since the beginning of the conflict five years ago.

“3,500 children have been recruited into the conflict, according to UN verified data.

“Before COVID- 2 million children were out of school. Now because of the pandemic, schools have been closed around the country, leaving an additional 5 million children out of school. And we know that in countries blighted by poverty and conflict, the longer children are out of school, the less likely they are to return.

“Cholera and diarrhea remain an ever-present threat because children and families don’t have clean water, proper sanitation systems and hygiene supplies.

“Millions of people do not have access to handwashing facilities or cannot practice physical distancing – both of which are essential to stopping the spread of diseases.

“Airports and seaports are closed which makes it extremely difficult to bring lifesaving supplies into the country.

“With COVID-19 spreading across the country, Yemen is now facing a triple catastrophe of conflict, coronavirus and cratering economy.

“And as always, it is children who suffer first and suffer most.

“Although routine immunization continues, the pandemic has put immunization campaigns on hold.

“We are confronting a crisis on top of a crisis – a pandemic on top of a brutal conflict – but we remain steadfast in our commitment to stay and deliver for the children of Yemen.

“But in pushing back against COVID-19, we must also continue to respond to the other essential needs of children – treating those who are severely malnourished, delivering vaccines, protecting them from violence and exploitation, and making sure they don’t miss out on their education.

“But we need more help.

(* B H)

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service delivery during conflict in Yemen: a case study


Armed conflict, food insecurity, epidemic cholera, economic decline and deterioration of essential public services present overwhelming challenges to population health and well-being in Yemen. Although the majority of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance and civil servants in many areas have not received salaries since 2016, many healthcare providers continue to work, and families continue to need and seek care.


This case study examines how reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services have been delivered since 2015, and identifies factors influencing implementation of these services in three governorates of Yemen.


Humanitarian response efforts focus on maintaining basic services at functioning facilities, and deploying mobile clinics, outreach teams and community health volunteer networks to address urgent needs where access is possible. Attention to specific aspects of RMNCAH+N varies slightly by location, with differences driven by priorities of government authorities, levels of violence, humanitarian access and availability of qualified human resources. Health services for women and children are generally considered to be a priority; however, cholera control and treatment of acute malnutrition are given precedence over other services along the continuum of care. Although health workers display notable resilience working in difficult conditions, challenges resulting from insecurity, limited functionality of health facilities, and challenges in importation and distribution of supplies limit the availability and quality of services.


Challenges to providing quality RMNCAH+N services in Yemen are formidable, given the nature and scale of humanitarian needs, lack of access due to insecurity, politicization of aid, weak health system capacity, costs of care seeking, and an ongoing cholera epidemic.

(* B H)

Statement on Yemen by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, 28 May 2020

We are increasingly alarmed about the situation in Yemen.

In spite of the efforts of local health workers and international agencies, the health system is buckling further under the additional strain of COVID-19.

The conflict in Yemen has a disproportionate impact on women and children. Yemen is already one of the worst places on earth to be a woman or a child. After five years of conflict, more than 12 million children and 6 million women of childbearing age need some kind of humanitarian assistance. Their health, nutrition, safety and education are already at risk as systems collapse from the fighting. More than a million pregnant women are malnourished. As COVID-19 spreads throughout Yemen, their futures will be at even greater risk.

These outcomes are almost certainly a result of the conflict. More than five years of war have devastated Yemen’s health infrastructure, subjected Yemenis to repeated disease outbreaks and malnutrition, and substantially increased vulnerabilities. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of the conflict, with close to 100,000 Yemenis having been forced to flee their home since the beginning of the year.

The situation of vulnerable people like displaced people, more than half of them women and 27 percent of whom are below age 18, migrants and refugees, is particularly concerning as they traditionally face barriers when accessing health care while living in harsh conditions. Most of the 3.6 million displaced live in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, making both physical distancing and regular handwashing impossible. They are also often blamed for disease outbreaks like COVID-19 and cholera. Yemen remains the world's fourth largest internal displacement crisis due to conflict.

Humanitarian agencies are doing everything we can to help. Our response provides protection and support that prioritizes the most vulnerable. This includes older people, people with disabilities, and women and girls. Our COVID-19 strategy focuses on rapidly scaling up the proven public health measures against COVID-19 (early detection and testing, isolation and treatment of cases, tracing of contacts); actively promoting personal hygiene and physical distancing; mobilizing life-saving supplies and equipment; and maintaining essential health and humanitarian services.

But more needs to be done across all areas of intervention. =

and also

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan Extension, June - December 2020

The current Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen is being extended to cover the period from June through the end of December 2020.

(* B H)

Yemen: Humanitarians seeking $2.41 billion to keep aid flowing amid COVID-19 pandemic

The heads of 17 organizations representing the international humanitarian community issued a statement on Thursday, saying “we are running out of time” to keep operations in the war-torn country functioning through the end of the year.

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has been driven by more than five years of fighting between government troops, supported by international allies, and Ansar Allah rebels, also known as Houthis.

The UN continues to work on bringing the warring sides to reach a lasting peace.

The aid partners hope a virtual pledging conference next Tuesday will shore up financial support for their operations, which reach 10 million people each month.

Through donor funding in recent years, they have prevented widespread famine and rolled back the largest cholera outbreak in history, while also assisting families uprooted by the fighting.

“Tragically, we do not have enough money to continue this work”, they said.

“Of 41 major UN programmes in Yemen, more than 30 will close in the next few weeks if we cannot secure additional funds. This means many more people will die.”

Amidst the mounting challenges, the UN and its humanitarian partners continue to provide protection and support that prioritizes the most vulnerable citizens in Yemen.

(A H)

Media Advisory - Pledging event for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

WHO: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Nations

WHAT: High-level, virtual pledging event for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

WHEN: 2 June 2020 at 9 a.m. ET / 3 p.m. CET / 4 p.m. Riyadh**. **A question and answer session for media is scheduled at 1.10 p.m. ET / 7.10 p.m. CET / 8.10 p.m. Riyadh.

WHERE: Virtual event co-hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh and the UN Headquarters in New York. The event is webcast on and

International donors and aid organizations will convene virtually on 2 June to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and announce pledges to address the dire needs in the country.

Twenty-four million people – 80 per cent of the population – need aid and protection in Yemen. The humanitarian operation assists more than 10 million people every month. However, without additional funds, life-saving programmes will soon be forced to reduce or close in the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

The event is co-hosted by His Highness Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator. UN Secretary-General António Guterres will address the opening.

My comment: The fox keeping the geese.

(* B H)

Yemen’s First Responders Are Women Peace Builders

Since 2015 Food4Humanity Foundation, one of Yemen’s first women-led Civil Society Organization (CSO) non-profits, has engaged Yemeni women volunteers to work in areas most affected by poverty, famine, lack of humanitarian aid while also promoting civic values, charitable and responsible citizenship.

It has provided aid to over 17,000 Yemeni’s, while its programs, campaigns and assistance to hospitals on cholera awareness and other vital assistance have reached another 30,000 Yemeni’s in 5 governorates distressed by the long war now entering its sixth year.

Muna Luqman, Executive Director of Food4Humanity Foundation, has worked as a social worker in Sanaa with ADRA, focusing on health care, infrastructure development, including water projects and landmine clearance, and Save the Children. Three years after the war started, Luqman moved to Taiz, on the Red Sea, to work with the private global corporation HSA Group, and later as an advisor to the business savvy regional governor helped galvanize socio-political projects and youth activism.

The UK-educated peace builder is also the co-founder of the Women Solidarity Network (the largest network in Yemen), a member of Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) and the 2019 recipient of the International Young Women’s Peace and Human Rights Award from Democracy Today, for “outstanding work in raising women’s visibility in peace building and gender responsive policy.”

(B H)

Care warnt vor Zusammenbruch des Gesundheitssystems im Jemen durch Corona und Bürgerkrieg

Die Hilfsorganisation Care warnt vor einem Zusammenbruch des Gesundheitssystems im krisengeplagten Jemen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie. Die Situation sei vor allem im Süden des Landes rund um die Stadt Aden "dramatisch", erklärte Care-Länderdirektor Aaron Brent am Mittwoch bei einer Videokonferenz. Dort seien beispielsweise schon viele Kliniken geschlossen worden.

(* B H)

Food crisis likely to worsen in the Middle East and North Africa as COVID-19 continues

“Governments and partners across the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) are working around the clock to protect communities from the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). While these efforts are saving many lives, they are having a critical impact on food supply chains and the availability, access and affordability of better varieties of safe and nutritious foods. Vulnerable families are struggling to secure household income and bringing food to their table.

“Countries in the region already facing food crisis are hit hardest by the pandemic. The pandemic has further exacerbated challenges in Afghanistan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen in the quantity, frequency and diversity of the food children and families consume.

(B H)

Between 23 - 26 May, heavy rains have caused flooding in Al Dhaale governorate affecting some 4,000 individuals in 17 IDP sites. DG ECHO partners have been able to provide assistance thanks to pre-existing flood response mechanism and through the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) of IFRC. In April, heavy rains and flash floods already affected over 150,000 people among whom 64,000 IDPs.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Film: The Risks Migrants Face in Yemen

Migrants from the Horn of Africa travelling to the Arabian Gulf are vulnerable at every step of their journey and often face abuse and exploitation. COVID-19 has worsened these risks, particularly for migrants stranded in Yemen

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 29 May 2020

UNHCR and partners assisted close to 800 families displaced by conflict in Abyan and Al Dhale’e governorates.
UNHCR and partners distributed core relief items to over 450 newly displaced families (nearly 2,700 persons) in Zanjibar and Khanfar, and close to 350 families newly displaced by conflict in Al Dhale’e.

In this respect, UNHCR has nearly exhausted all its resources and will not be able to provide emergency assistance to families displaced by the conflict after June. UNHCR urgently needs funds to continue to provide emergency shelter and household kits to newly displaced families. If funds are not received, 281,000 highly vulnerable displaced people will be forced to live in open sites with exposure to harsh weather conditions and with no personal safety.

The UNHCR-led Protection, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, and Shelter and Non-Food Items clusters released the tri-cluster COVID-19 Response plan for 2020. The strategy aims to support preventive measures and activities to reduce transmission, including community isolation spaces, distribution of hygiene items, hand washing stations, and cash assistance for some 730,000 IDPs living in hosting sites across the country.

(* A H)

UNHCR: No funds to support 25,000 families in Yemen

A spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday that 25,000 families in Yemen will no longer receive aid as of next month due to lack of funding.

UNHCR Global Spokesperson, Shabia Mantoo, stressed the need to stop the war in Yemen, noting that lack of funding would stop the humanitarian programs in the war-torn country which is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

She called for international cooperation to help Yemenis protect themselves.

(B H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 17 - 23 May 2020

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Mohammed Qaid died in prisons run by the #Houthi group under mysterious circumstances in #Ibb. Qaid's family refused to receive his body, demanded investigation& holding the district security manager—responsible for his detentionm—to be held responsible.

(* B P)

Yemen Keeps Religious Minority Members Locked Up

Houthis Detain Baha’is Despite Release Order

Houthi authorities in Yemen continue to detain several members of the Baha’i religious minority group despite a senior Houthi leader having ordered their release in March. The detainees are being held solely because of their religion and include the Baha’i community leader, Hamad Kamal Haydara, who was arrested in 2013 and sentenced to death in 2018.

The March 25 public statement by Mahdi al-Mashat, president of the Houthi-run Supreme Political Council, did not specify the number of the detainees to be released. However, several sources told Human Rights Watch that the release order included Haydara and at least five other people. The Houthi armed group has controlled the capital, Sanaa, and much of Yemen’s northwest since September 2014.

The Yemeni Initiative to Defend Baha’is (YIDB), the only Baha’i group in Yemen, said in a recent statement that unidentified Houthi officials have blocked al-Mashat’s order from being carried out. The group alleges that the Houthi-controlled Specialized Criminal Court in Sanaa has demanded conditions – including collateral payments known as “commercial guarantees” – to carry out the release. But even after the YIDB submitted these guarantees, the court did not free the Baha’i detainees.

Several United Nations human rights experts, including the special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, and human rights groups have denounced the delay and called for the detainees’ immediate release.

(A H P)

YSMO refuses entry of flour shipment unfit for human consumption

Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO) on Thursday refused to allow the entry of a ship loaded with flour shipment that is not fit for human consumption.

The organization said in a press release that the ship, which was prevented from entry, contains a quantity of 76,000 bags of wheat flour violating the approved standards.

The press release indicated that the examination process showed that there were insects and live larvae in the product.

The organization confirmed that it will not allow the entry of any shipments or goods that violate the approved standard specifications into the Yemeni markets through the sea ports and the land ports of the provinces.

(A P)

Photo: @WHOYemen armed emergency ambulance roaming streets in the city of #Ibb driven by #Houthi militants #Yemen this is unacceptable #COVID19

(A H P)

Abductees’ Mothers Association: Two Suspected COVID-19 Infections inside Houthi-run Prison

Abductees’ Mothers Association said it has been informed of two abductees being suspected to contract coronavirus inside the Houthi-run Central Security Prison in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a.

The association asserted the two abductees are in critical health conditions, expressing concerns and fears for the safety of all the abductees being held in the rebel-held facility.

“Abductees’ mothers have been living in grim worries and fears for the lives and safety of their abducted and forcibly disappeared sons who have illegally and unfairly spent more than four years at prisons,” it said in a statement.

and also

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Joint forces deny their participation in Abyan' battles southern Yemen

The joint forces of the legitimate Yemeni government in the Western Coast have Saturday categorically denied their participation in the confrontations between the government forces and the transitional council (STC) in the Abyan governorate, south of the country.

The joint forces said in a statement broadcast by the media center of the giants brigades affiliated in their formations that they did not participate in those events that take place in the south of the country out of their national responsibility and sensing the "gravity of the stage that requires everyone to work to bridge the rift."

It stressed its distance from any side alignment that might harm the unity of the goal of liberating all of Yemen's soil.

The joint forces accused unnamed parties of "fishing in troubled waters" by making statements alleging their participation in the recent events in Abyan.

Governmental leaders accused the joint forces of participating in the confrontations between them and the Emirati-backed STC in the areas east of the city of Zonjobar, the center of Abyan governorate.

(A P)

STC rebels torture photojournalist in Lahj

Gunmen of the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) released on Friday Assel Swaid, a photojournalist following one-month detention and torture at one of their military camps in Lahj governorate.

Swaid’s brother said that forces of the 5th Supporting Brigade of the STC released his brother with several marks of brutal torture on his body.

He added that the STC militants handed his brother to the family in Alwahet city of Lahj following extensive follow-up with the STC leaders.

Presently, the photojournalist’s health is in critical condition due to severe injuries he sustained from the torture in custody.


(* B P)

Can Saudi Arabia fix Yemen’s anti-Houthi coalition?

Following the breakdown of the Riyadh agreement, and renewed fighting in April, Saudi Arabia hosted the STC president to discuss the situation, but it remains doubtful the Gulf state can offer an easy solution if the war with the Houthis is not settled first.

President of Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council (STC) Aidarous al-Zubaidi arrived in Riyadh May 19 to address the latest apparent impasse with the government of exiled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

The STC initially said the trip was scheduled to last three days. On May 26, an STC official told Al-Monitor the talks had reached day eight.

The visit is the STC’s first since last year’s Riyadh agreement broke down, with each side blaming the other.

With war-weary Saudi Arabia eyeing a delicate exit to the war and the United Arab Emirates likely to remain deferential to Riyadh's coalition leadership, observers are left wondering how the Saudis will be able to patch up the broken coalition yet again.

The recent fighting underscores that the STC’s deeper grievances will not soon be remedied by another quick fix in Riyadh. “From the moment the Riyadh agreement was signed, it was clear that implementation of the deal was going to be problematic,” said Hannah Porter.

Experts say the situation has left the STC with two options if it wants to secure its future in Yemen: It can seize control of the country’s south — which it has so far failed to do — or continue to vie for a seat at UN-led peace talks through a political agreement with Hadi.

“The STC is not just going to dissolve the Riyadh agreement, because they would lose their chance at participating in peace talks,” said Elana DeLozier.

“That’s why they likely will not give up their weapons unless a deal to include them in the government is faithfully implemented with Hadi,” DeLozier told Al-Monitor by phone. Although the Saudis can bring the Yemeni president to the table, there is no indication they can force him to compromise, she has argued.

At least publicly, Hadi remains defiant. The recent offensive in Abyan was aimed directly at the STC’s already limited leverage in the south.

For all the challenges, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appears to have few other options. Saudi Arabia cannot simply exit the war unilaterally without risking further Houthi consolidation, potentially leaving the Iran-linked Zaidi Shiite rebels in control of a state armed with ballistic missiles on Saudi’s southern border. Meanwhile, the Houthis stand to benefit from each subsequent day of coalition infighting.

Furthermore, if the STC is left out of future UN-led talks between the Hadi government and the Houthis, it could potentially act as a spoiler to a peace settlement, DeLozier said.

No matter how the current meetings in Riyadh turn out, some of the STC’s grievances against Hadi’s government will almost certainly endure – by Jared Szuba

(A P)

[Separatist] STC engages in IMPORTANT talks with Saudi Arabia

The team of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) headed by the president of the Council, Aidroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi and the the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are engaged in important talks on the situation in the South.

(A K P)

STC senior leader calls for renewed battle against Muslim Brotherhood

Hani bin Brik wants "southern resistance" against Islah Party

Hani bin Brik, vice president of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, has called for opening new fronts to attack the Islah Party, this thwarting recent Saudi reconciliation efforts to stop confrontations between STC militias and Hadi and al-Islah forces in Abyan province.

“Forming a southern resistance in the Hadhramaut Valley is the safest solution to resist terrorists and defeating them in the valley,” Hani Bin Brik said in a message posted on his Twitter account on Wednesday.

The call for forming a “southern resistance” is done to “keep all official institutions safe and free from penetration by the Muslim Brotherhood,” he added, noting this “does not require decisions or permission from any other party.”

Observers deemed Bin Brik’s remarks as clear declaration of intent to continue the battles to root out Islah from all Yemeni provinces that are still under occupation.

(A P)

General People's Congress leader: ‘UAE seeks to cancel legitimacy in favour of coup in Sanaa, Aden’

Leader of the General People’s Congress Adel Al-Shuja revealed that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is attempting to annul legitimacy, tear Yemen apart and weaken the national army to serve the separatists in Sanaa and Aden, represented by the Houthi movement and the pro-Emirati Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Al-Shuja, an academic at Sanaa University and a leader of the General People’s Congress, stated in an article that he posted on Facebook that the UAE is seeking to eliminate legitimacy to set the right atmosphere for the coupists in the north and south.

He added: “The ordinary Yemeni citizen realised that the UAE is working to tear Yemen apart the moment he saw how the Emiratis attempted to occupy Socotra, instead of heading to Sanaa.”

Al-Shuja stressed that the UAE’s participation in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy has helped the Emirati authorities to incite many to repel the legitimacy, rather than to support and work to reform it, expanding the partnership in its framework.

My remark: There exist several branches of GPC, ex-president Saleh’s party. This is the pro-Hadi government branch; the Hadi government is labeled by its own claim as “legitimacy”.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia considers STC proposal to restart Riyadh Agreement

Saudi officials are pressuring the government to implement the Riyadh Agreement's political annex in exchange for assurances that the military annex will soon follow

Hadi’s government argues that the implementation of the political annex before the military annex will give the STC the legitimacy to maintain its current military and security operations outside the control of the Ministry of Defense and the Interior Ministry, the source said. The STC, for its part, fears that the government will gain the upper hand if the military annex is carried out first and that could imperil implementation of the political annex.

(A T)

Hadhramaut official dead under mysterious circumstances

Conflicting reports on Dr. Riyadh Aljariri's sudden death

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in the Hadi government, Dr. Riyadh Aljariri, has been killed under mysterious circumstances in the occupied Hadhramaut province, media outlets reported.

The media quoted local sources as saying that Dr. Aljariri “died as a result of the torrential rain in Hadhramaut province. His car was washed away and he drowned in the torrent.”

The security forces in Hadhramaut did not comment on the incident until Thursday.

Other sources however stated that Dr. Aljariri was killed by gunmen and his car was transported while he was inside, with his body being thrown into the water to hide the crime.

and without background

(A T)

Roadside bomb explodes in Aden

One person injured in apparent attempted assassination of Saudi-backed military officer

(A K P)

Southern resistance targets Islah militants in Abyan

A number of Islah militants, Yemen's Muslim Brotherhood miltari wing, were killed and injured in two separate attacks launched by the members of the southern resistance in the district of al-Mahfed in the eastern parts of Abyan governorate on Thursday.
Local sources told the press that the attacks targeted the Government complex in the heart of al-Mahfed city and a gathering of Islah militants in al-Khadara area in the same district

(A T)

Man killed by unknown gunmen in Wadi Hadramout


Yemeni ship reappears with passengers, crew well

Having been missed ten days ago while in Hadhramout-Socotra voyage, the Yemeni ship was found, the internationally-recognized government said Thursday, with the 20 people onboard, including women and children, are in good health.

(A P)

Yemeni gov't forms panel to investigate security officer killing

Local authorities in the Yemeni eastern governorate of Hadhramout on Friday announced the formation of a committee to investigate in the killing of a security officer and 4 bodyguards in explosive device last Tuesday.

(A P)

Yemen President vows to punish Shibam security commander killers

Killing the security commander of Shibam, in the eastern governorate of Hadhramout, is a "terrorist act that won't pass without punishment," the Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi said Thursday.

(* A P)

Tribes of Hadhramaut give Yemeni gov't 4 days deadline and threaten to escalate

Yemeni tribes in the eastern province of Hadhramaut gave the local security and military authorities four days deadline to uncover the perpetrators of assassinations that targeted a number of their members, threatening to escalate against the government.

This comes two days after the killing of the security director of the Shibam district in the governorate, Saleh Ali Jaber and 4 of his companions by detonation of an explosive device.

The "Yafe'" tribes of the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert, in a statement, held the local authority and security services in the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert and the Saudi-led Arab coalition responsible for what happened to the tribesmen.

The statement gave "the authorities 4 days deadline to announce" the parties behind these assassinations of the tribesmen, or bear any escalation by the tribes, "without further details.

The tribes called for "changing and restructuring the security and military services in the valley and desert in the governorate, and referring them to investigation and holding the negligent ones accountable for their apparent and failed failure," the statement reads, demanding "tribal people working for the local, judicial, security and military authorities to suspend their work for a week to pressure the government and the authorities to address these files."

The director of security of the Shibam district and four of his companions were killed on Tuesday, by the explosion of an explosive device that targeted a military pick-up of Shibam district, located in Hadhramout governorate, in eastern Yemen.

Wadi Hadhramaut is under the security control of the first military zone, which southern activists accuse of belonging to the "Islah" party, the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.

(A P)

Tariq Saleh’s forces detain six Giants Brigades’ fighters

Saleh’s National Resistance Forces made the arrests to secure the release of its own soldiers detained by the Giants Brigades. Tribesmen from Lahj have since tried to negotiate a prisoner swap between the UAE-backed forces.

The source said that the six soldiers, who belong to the Al-Aghbari tribe of Subbayha in Lahj governorate, are still being held in Al-Mocha at one of the military sites led by Saleh.

Saleh’s forces arrested four members of the same tribe two weeks ago in the nearby town of Al-Khokha. Their whereabouts remain unknown and no reason was issued for their arrest, the source said, adding that Saleh’s forces have refused any tribal or military mediation.

The relatives of the four tribesmen arrested two weeks ago then abducted four of Saleh’s soldiers, hoping to trade them.

(A T)

Hadhrami security chief assassinated

Saleh Bin Ali Jaber, security chief for Hadhramout governorate’s Shibam district, was supervising the implementation of a COVID-19 curfew when an explosive device blew up his car.

(A T)

PM orders investigation into terror assassination of security officials

Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik has ordered security authorities to investigate into the assassination of a number of his escorts by a suspected terror attack in eastern Yemen’s Hadhramout on Tuesday.

(A T)

Senior military official survives bomb blast in Aden

According to the initial information, the blast was caused by a bomb planted in the midsize Nissan car of the Finance manager of the 4th Military Region, Colonel Mohammed Ismail Al-Dhali.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Emergency Relief Coordinator: KSA the Largest Donor to Yemen Response Plan

Mark Lowcock, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator affirmed here today that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the biggest donor to Yemen Response Plan, as it provided the plan with over $750 million last year and pledged to accord, in early April, another $500 million this year.

My comment: Praising blood money is sparking blood on you, too.

(* B P)

Could COVID-19 help push peace forward in Yemen?

Meanwhile, local politicians have neither acknowledged the enormity of this challenge nor suspended their internal disputes even for a brief moment, in order to collaborate and fight against this urgent public health challenge.

While leaders have failed to unify against COVID-19, however, Yemenis activists are working to transform this public health crisis into an opportunity for a ceasefire to be imposed.

The Women Solidarity Network, of which I am a member, issued a joined statement with eight other women’s groups on April 15, calling for a ceasefire and demanding that authorities from all political sides collaborate with civil society organizations to prepare for COVID-19 by creating quarantine areas, testing systems and training. Particularly at risk are internally displaced persons (IDP) and poor people.

COVID-19 has forced millions across the world to take their activities online. Perhaps this shift could present an opportunity to better facilitate the peace process in Yemen, by removing many of the usual logistical obstacles related to travel, v

Moving Yemen peace talks online could allow leaders to dedicate more time to discussions that include stakeholders from around the world in different time zones.

Holding peace talks online would also allow essential stakeholders who are usually excluded from traditional peace talks—such as women and civil society groups—to participate.

(* A P)

Upcoming agreement between Yemeni gov't and Houthis, UAE newspaper

The UAE newspaper, Al Bayan, said Wednesday that the United Nations envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths due announce a cease-fire agreement between the Yemeni internationally recognized government and the Houthi group (Ansar Allah) and the formation of a higher team in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) to manage the COVID-19 crisis during the next few days.

The newspaper added, citing Yemeni sources, that Griffith had received encouraging answers from Houthi representatives about his revised ceasefire plan.

"The debate is now centered on political details, which means the possibility of reaching a comprehensive agreement within the next few days.", Al Bayan said.

According to the sources, on condition of anonymity, the UN envoy and his assistants are conducting lengthy discussions with Houthi representatives in the details of the entire plan of the agreement, noting that the terms of the plan were agreed to with the exception of simple details that are still discussed and expected to be completed within days, in the event that it does not retract the Houthis for the agreement.

The sources said that the Houthi group uses the Coronavirus paper to blackmail the Saudi-led Arab coalition and the international community by refusing to reveal the numbers of the injured and the dead, and links any information in this regard to the agreement it discussed with the international envoy, and seeks through it to achieve part of its goals.

My comment: Really???

(B H P)

Yemen's humanitarian workers face 400 violence acts: UN

Humanitarian workers in Yemen suffered some 400 violence acts in 2019, the UN Secretary-General said Wednesday.
The world today salutes more than one million men and women served as peacekeepers around the globe, Antonio Guterres added in his speech to a UN Security Council debate on the international peacekeeping day.
The UN chief thanked 95,000 civilians, policemen and servicemen currently deployed throughout the world.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

#Saudi government newspaper confirms that #Saudi women are not allowed to marry themselves without a “male master” approving the marriage. Just in case you were told there is a #MBS revolution by some pre-paid pandets

referring to

(* A P)

Withdrawal of recommendations for unifying the rules of divorce, divorce, annulment, and the announcement of judicial posts

The Shura court rejects the recommendation to marry the woman herself without the guardian’s permission

The Judicial Committee rejected the recommendation in the Shura Council member Iqbal Dirandari demanding that the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, take the necessary legal measures to amend the pleading system and related regulations, including the right of an adult adult woman to contract her marriage by herself or to delegate others Without requiring the permission of a guardian, and the committee apologized for its acceptance of its frank clashes with the legal texts that consider the presence of the guardian in marriage as a condition of his conditions, as the custom is a source of legislation, and Saudi society knew the guardian's presence in marriage is a necessity, because of its support for engagement and strengthening The families' ties that reflect on society more interdependence and love.

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia's PIF gets $40 billion from foreign reserves to fund overseas investments

Saudi Arabia transferred a total of 150 billion riyals ($40 billion) from central bank foreign reserves to fund investments by sovereign wealth fund PIF in March and April, the finance minister said on Friday.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia confirms virtual donors conference for Yemen with U.N.

Saudi Arabia confirmed it will host a virtual donors conference next week for Yemen together with the United Nations which said the conflict-riven nation risked being overwhelmed by the coronavirus.

and also

My comment: A Saudi PR show.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia arrests woman who 'insulted' Mohammed bin Salman, say rights groups

Amani Alzain was target of Twitter campaign after she apparently referred to crown prince as 'father of the saw'

Rights groups have voiced concerns for the safety of a Saudi woman who was reportedly arrested after she "insulted" Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) on social media.

Amani Alzain, a 40-year-old Jeddah resident, was targeted by government loyalists in a social media campaign after she apparently referred to MBS as "Abu Munshar", meaning "father of the saw", while on a live video chat with Egyptian activist Wael Ghonim late last year.

The crown prince became known as "Abu Munshar" after the killing and dismemberment of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by government agents at the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul.

(* B K P)

As a global economic crisis wreaks havoc on Saudi Arabia, the kingdom should reduce military spending

A perfect storm of difficulties has gripped Saudi Arabia. Some, such as the pandemic and the crash in global demand for oil, are outside its control.

The kingdom needs to undertake significant changes in its policies, beginning with a drastic cut in military spending. The next U.S. administration should push the Saudis in the direction of downsizing an expensive military that provides very little bang for their bucks.

The king has responded by tripling value-added taxes, cutting subsidies, and imposing austerity measures — all of which hurt the poor disproportionately. The prospects for social unrest are high, especially when the curfews are lifted.

Amidst all this, the quagmire in Yemen has not gone away

The virus is out of control in Yemen.

In March, MBS had his predecessor Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and his uncle Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz arrested. Detaining members of the royal family is highly unusual in Saudi Arabia.

The arrests suggest that MBS is worried that elements of the family want to see him deposed.

The pandemic and the oil price crash will doom the crown prince’s ambitious effort to reform the Saudi economy by 2030 and to build a new city, NEOM, in the northwest of the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia has ranked among the top five for largest national military expenditures, worldwide, for years.

The Trump administration has encouraged Saudi arms sales, and it has consistently exaggerated how much it is selling to the Saudis.

The next administration should cut off military assistance to Saudi Arabia until it ceases all military operations in Yemen and withdraws its forces from any Yemeni territory. Only a clear acknowledgment that the Saudis are leaving will convince the Houthis to call off their attacks. We should encourage the Saudis, Emiratis, and others to pay for the humanitarian catastrophe they created (although they are unlikely to follow through on pledges to do so).

But the next administration should do more. It should also sponsor a global and regional effort to reduce military spending in the region – by Bruce Riedel

My comment: Unfortunately, this is illusion. The US never will do that – as it’s the US arms industry’s profit at stake.


6 Saudis killed in shooting near Yemen border

Six Saudis have been killed during shooting in Assir, a volatile region south west of the country close to the Yemeni border. Three others were also injured and taken to hospital. State run news agency SPA reported today that Saudi police in the province are investigating the incident but provided no information concerning the attacker.

The incident is said to have been sparked by a dispute between two families, according to local reports. The victims are in their 30s and 40s. Weapons used in the shooting have been seized by police and arrests are being made. Police officials have given no indication if the shooting was terrorism-related.

and also

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* A P)

Khashoggi’s family may have pardoned killers under Saudi pressure: Saudi scholar

A Saudi scholar says the family of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi may have forgiven his killers under “pressure and intimidation” from the Riyadh regime.

Abdullah Alaoudh, a Saudi academic at Georgetown University in Washington DC, and himself the son of a Saudi dissident, wrote in an article on The Washington Post that Khashoggi’s family, who said they pardoned the journalist’s killers, were “no different than any Saudi family that faces tremendous pressure and intimidation from the Saudi government.”

Pointing to several cases similar to what happened to Khashoggi, the Saudi scholar said, “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of cases in which families are used as hostages to intimidate activists and writers abroad.”

Alaoudh made the comment after Salah Khashoggi, the son of the slain Saudi dissident journalist, announced in a tweet on Friday that he had pardoned the killers of his father.

(* B P)

Khashoggi’s fiancée is right to reject his family’s pardon for his killers

Over the past couple of weeks Saudi Arabia has upped the ante with regard to retaliation against the family members of political dissenters in the Kingdom. Former senior official Saad Al-Jabri’s children and other members of his family, for example, have been amongst the victims.

According to reports, the Saudi security agents have confiscated computer equipment belonging to Al-Jabri’s family. Moreover, his son Omar, 21, and daughter Sarah, 20, were apparently “kidnapped” 10 days after Prince Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz and Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef were detained. Al-Jabri’s brother was also detained earlier this month.

Al-Jabri’s family has not been the only one targeted by the Saudi government. Riyadh has also applied pressure, albeit utilising a different approach, on the family of Jamal Khashoggi.

[Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi’s finacée’s] Her uncompromising stance is in marked contrast to that of Khashoggi’s family in Saudi Arabia. A statement posted last Friday by Salah Khashoggi on behalf of the family pardoned his father’s murderers. Cengiz has rejected such a pardon.

Pardoning the murderers is a smack in the face for those who are working tirelessly to find out exactly what happened to the journalist, and why. The people involved are now themselves at risk from a brutal regime which, clearly, will not hesitate to take action to stop them in any way that it can. Many of the Muslims amongst them have sacrificed any chance they might have had of performing pilgrimage in the Holy Cities in Saudi Arabia as long as Bin Salman is the de facto ruler of the Kingdom. Justice for Khashoggi has become too personal for too many people to be forgiven by a few; it is no longer strictly a family affair. That is why the journalist’s fiancée has rejected the pardon issued by his son, who should respect her position.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9a

(A P)

Aid to Yemen/Trump Above the Law?

Ralph talks toHassan El-Tayyab, from the Friends Committee on National Legislation, about how the US urgently needs to resume food and medical aid to Yemen in order to avert an even more serious humanitarian tragedy. And James Zirin, author of “Donald Trump in 3,500 Lawsuits” comes back to update us on the status of Trump’s legal issues, and why they are taking so long to resolve.

“The U.S. has been directly involved in the destruction of Yemen’s healthcare system. And it’s unconscionable for us to back away now and not give them the support they need. And not work to end our military support for the war.” (Hassan El-Tayyab, lead lobbyist for the Friends Committee on National Legislation)

(* B K P)

Who are the “Wrong Hands” in Yemen?

Politics makes strange bedfellows. Some of them want to kill us.

Take Abu Abbas (as Henny Youngman used to say: “Please.”). Abu Abbas (a nom de guerre for one Adil Abduh Fari al-Dabhani) is the founder and leader of the Abu Abbas brigade, a militia fighting on the government side in Yemen.

Abbas and his eponymous militia are unintended beneficiaries of Pentagon largesse. According to CNN, the Abu Abbas brigade possesses armored tactical military vehicles manufactured by US company Oshkosh Defense. We know this because the Abu Abbas brigade openly paraded the American-made vehicles through the streets of the Yemeni city of Taiz in 2015. Apparently, President Donald Trump isn’t the only one who loves a military parade.

There are two things you should know about Abu Abbas. First, the Abu Abbas brigade isn’t supposed to have the vehicles. The US sold the vehicles to the UAE which violated the sales agreement by transferring them to a third party, the Abu Abbas brigade, without the authorization of the US.

Second, Abu Abbas is affiliated with Al-Qaeda. The Trump Administration placed sanctions on Abu Abbas in 2017, calling him a fundraiser for Al-Qaeda who, in addition, “served with” ISIS. The Washington Post calls Abbas “a powerful Yemeni warlord.”

To recap, the UAE, a nominal US ally, illegally transferred military hardware to a militia affiliated with a major US enemy. Al-Qaeda, you’ll recall, kills Americans. And still does.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which have been making war on Yemen since 2015, routinely transfer US arms to extremist militias involved in the fighting. To its shame, the US has been supporting the Saudi-led coalition with arms sales, intelligence sharing, and targeting assistance since 2015.

CNN told the Department of Defense that US weapons were winding up in the hands of extremist militias. DoD said the matter was already being looked into. Great news! The DoD has cleared the UAE of wrongdoing, according to sources in the executive branch and on both sides of the aisle in Congress. So I guess we have nothing to worry about.

Either that, or the US doesn’t care that American weapons are winding up in the hands of US enemies just so long as the US gets to sell more and more arms. The Trump Administration doesn’t care how. If selling arms requires circumventing Congress, Trump is cool with that. So is Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo.

Going further back, on September 12, 2018, Secretary Pompeo falsely certified that the Saudis and the UAE were “undertaking demonstrable actions to reduce the risk of harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure” in Yemen. Hogwash.

Even if US arms were not being transferred to extremist militias, arming the Saudis and UAE is bad enough – by Charles Pierson

(* B K P T)

America’s Saudi Partnership Is Now Killing Americans

The U.S.-Saudi relationship has been badly weakened over the last few years, and it seems as if there are new reasons for ending that relationship every week. Saudi war crimes in Yemen and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi served to turn much of Washington against the kingdom, and their reckless foreign policy has given even some of their regular supporters cause for alarm. The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has done a remarkable job of burning his bridges with even the most reliable pro-Saudi hawks in Washington.

Part of the assistance that the U.S. provided to the Saudi coalition over the last five years has been the training of their pilots. This was done ostensibly to improve the pilots’ targeting, but in practice it has just put our government’s stamp of approval on a bombing campaign that has killed thousands of civilians through indiscriminate attacks on villages and cities across that devastated country. It now turns out that the training program also exposed the U.S. to infiltration by a terrorist who somehow managed to become an officer in the Royal Saudi Air Force. If the Saudis vet their own pilots this badly and allow someone in league with an Al Qaeda affiliate to serve in their military for years, what possible value can they have as a security partner?

For the last five years, the U.S. has aided and abetted Saudi Arabia and its allies in the destruction of Yemen. That has involved providing the Saudi coalition with weapons that it uses to kill civilians, and it has also meant selling them weapons that they hand off to terrorists and other criminals. Saudi coalition forces have not only made tacit alliances with local Al Qaeda members, but have recruited and armed them as well. None of this has been a secret. This was reported in July 2015

There have been reports about Saudi coalition cooperation with local Al Qaeda members since the earliest months of the war, but it has changed nothing in U.S. policy.

The Saudi government and its U.S. boosters sometimes defend the relationship by emphasizing its importance for counter-terrorism, but the same government and its allies are responsible for fueling a war that has greatly strengthened AQAP and the Saudi coalition has funneled weapons and money to designated terrorists in Yemen.

The Saudi Embassy asserts that the kingdom has an “unbreakable commitment” to combat these groups, but they have been breaking that commitment on a daily basis for the last five years at least.

This hasn’t stopped the Trump administration from pulling out all the stops to keep the arms flowing to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

U.S. training of Saudi military officers brought a jihadist into our country. That jihadist then killed three American sailors and wounded eight others at one of our naval bases. That happened because the U.S. was providing training that the Saudis would then use to attack Yemen as part of their indefensible war there, and that bombing campaign is made possible by the U.S. assistance and weapons that our government provides them. This is the noxious U.S.-Saudi relationship in microcosm: we train and supply their military to wage a horrible war that increases the threat to the U.S., and that ends up killing Americans on American soil.

Saudi Arabia has never been a U.S. ally, and we are getting regular reminders that we shouldn’t want them as a client, either – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

Trump Administration Seeks to Sell More Arms to Saudi Arabia

Proposed deal would also allow Raytheon to expand its manufacture of weapons in Saudi Arabia

The Trump administration is planning to sell nearly $500 million in precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, drawing renewed objections from senior Democratic lawmakers who question the timing and justification for the deal.

Preliminary notification of the latest sale was sent to senior members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in mid-January, congressional aides said. A more formal notice is expected soon (paywalled)

(* B K P)

Trump Administration Preps New Weapons Sale To Saudi Arabia

Congress has rejected weapons sales to the Saudis. The now-fired State Department inspector general was looking into them. Team Trump is going for a sequel anyway.

When State Department inspector general Steve Linick was abruptly fired, one of the inquiries he was conducting concerned a massive, highly controversial weapons sale to Saudi Arabia. Now the Trump administration is preparing to sell Riyadh even more weapons, The Daily Beast has learned.

Two individuals familiar with the situation, including one with direct knowledge, said the Trump administration is drafting another request for a significantly smaller package of arms that includes precision-guided munitions similar to those Secretary of State Mike Pompeo approved in a highly contentious $8 billion sale in 2019.

Congress voted to condemn that sale, and is likely to strongly push back against a new one, too. The proposed sale comes less than two weeks after President Donald Trump fired Linick.

The prospective sale also demonstrates the entrenchment of the Trump administration’s bond with Saudi Arabia, right as Riyadh’s punishing war in Yemen and the grisly murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has severely eroded Congress’ trust in the Saudis.

According to those sources, Saudi representatives have been pushing for a second arms deal for months now. That effort intensified in April when, in the midst of an already tanking U.S. economy as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump grew angry with the Saudi government over its oil-price war with Russia. According to a Reuters report, this included Trump teasing a threat to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the U.S. may pull troops from the kingdom, if the price war were to continue.

In the top echelons of the West Wing, these sources said, Trump lieutenants who’ve advocated for further arms shipments to Saudi Arabia have included Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a close ally of the crown prince, and Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade adviser and one of the White House’s more prominent China hawks.

(B P)


INTRODUCING HIMSELF DURING a primary debate for a New York congressional district that covers parts of the Bronx and Westchester, left-wing insurgent Jamaal Bowman cut right to the issue that’s at the center of his challenge to Rep. Eliot Engel: reliance on campaign contributions from corporate interests and the defense industry. “He’s taken more money from weapons manufacturers than 144 Republicans in the House,” said Bowman during the debate that took place on Zoom and was aired by News 12 New York on Tuesday. “He’s completely funded by corporate PACs and big donors.”

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

US-Drohungen unterbrechen Treibstofflieferungen des Iran an Venezuela

USA warnen andere Länder davor, Treibstofflieferungen zu unterstützen

Nach mehreren Tagen mit Benzinlieferungen aus dem Iran nach Venezuela hat die Trump Administration den Prozess durch ihre jüngsten Drohungen, die einzelnen Schiffe für den Transport des Benzins zu sanktionieren, für "unterbrochen" erklärt. Die letzten Lieferungen wurden nicht mehr durchgeführt.

Das Problem liegt darin, dass die Schiffe in griechischem Besitz sind, und Bankensanktionen für sie problematisch sein könnten. Es ist interessant, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika diesen Weg nicht früher eingeschlagen haben, nachdem sie sich die ganze Woche über die Transporte beschwerten, aber der größte Teil des Benzins wurde bereits geliefert.

Während des größten Teils der Woche deuteten die USA an, dass sie etwas Aggressiveres unternehmen würden, und sprachen von der Entsendung von Schiffen in die Karibik. Bislang haben die US-Schiffe nichts unternommen.

Darüber hinaus hat der US-Beauftragte Elliott Abrams eine neue Erklärung herausgegeben, in der er alle Nationen der Welt warnt, dass es eine "sehr gefährliche Transaktion ist, dem Iran zu ermöglichen, Benzin an Venezuela zu verkaufen". Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika hatten bereits ein chinesisches Unternehmen wegen des Vorwurfs sanktioniert, es würde einer Fluggesellschaft helfen, die am Goldtransport in den Iran beteiligt ist.

(* A P)

US Threats Disrupt Iran’s Fuel Deliveries to Venezuela

US warns other countries not to aid fuel shipments

After several days of gasoline deliveries from Iran to Venezuela, the Trump Administration has declared the process “disrupted” by their latest threats to sanction the individual boats for carrying the gasoline. The final deliveries have ultimately not happened.
The issue is that the ships are Greek-owned, and banking sanctions could be problematic for them. It is interesting that the US did not take this tack sooner, as they were complaining about the shipments all week, but most of the gasoline was already delivered.
For most of the week, the US indicated they were going to do something more aggressive, and emphasized sending ships into the Caribbean. So far, the US ships haven’t done anything.
On top of that, the US envoy Elliott Abrams has issued a new statement warning all nations in the world that allowing Iran to sell gasoline to Venezuela is a “very dangerous transaction to assist.” The US had already sanctioned a Chinese company over allegations they were helping an airline involved in transporting gold to Iran.

(A P)

US State Department uses convoluted logic regarding Iran: Analyst

The US State Department uses convoluted logic when it deals with Iran’s nuclear issues, blaming Tehran after it was Washington that canceled the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an American writer and former professor says.

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just removed the final waivers to countries who were still doing business with Iran, under the JCPOA, which the Trump administration revoked,” said E Michael Jones, the current editor of Culture Wars magazine.

“This is going to eliminate the last ability to have some type of economic exchange,” he told Press TV in an interview on Saturday.

Pompeo made the announcement on Wednesday amid Washington’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iranians.

(* B P)

USA wollen iranischen Atomdeal killen

Washington will nun unterbinden, dass die Europäer, Russland und China ihre Verpflichtungen unter dem Atomabkommen mit dem Iran umsetzen. Dabei haben sie auch Peking im Visier

Das war es dann wohl mit dem iranischen Atomdeal, oft Wiener Abkommen genannt, weil es im Sommer 2015 in der österreichischen Hauptstadt, wo es auch verhandelt worden war, finalisiert wurde. US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo hat am Mittwoch bekanntgegeben, dass die das Atomabkommen betreffenden "Waiver" in sechzig Tagen auslaufen. Mit diesen "Ausnahmen" wurden jene Firmen und Länder von US-Sanktionsdrohungen befreit, die mit dem Iran bei der Umsetzung des JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), wie der Atomdeal offiziell heißt, zusammenarbeiten.

Vom neuen amerikanischen Schritt betroffen sind europäische, russische und chinesische Unternehmen. Sie haben nun zwei Monate Zeit, ihre Aktivitäten im Iran einzustellen – wobei man davon ausgehen kann, dass hinter den Kulissen weiter hart verhandelt wird.

Die Folgen eines völligen Zusammenbrechens des JCPOA sind ungewiss. Nicht nur der Iran ist ja Verpflichtungen unter dem Atomdeal eingegangen, sondern auch die anderen Partner. Das sind nach dem US-Austritt die sogenannten E3/EU (EU, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland) sowie Russland und China.

Der Iran hat immer weniger davon, den Atomdeal selbst einzuhalten. Allerdings drohen die Europäer ihrerseits mit Maßnahmen, sollte er weitere Schritte setzen, ihn zu verlassen.

(* A P)

Europeans criticize US move to revoke Iran sanction waivers

The western European parties to the landmark nuclear deal with Iran on Saturday criticized a U.S. decision to end nearly all of the last vestiges of sanctions relief provided under the 2015 pact.

The U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the deal with Iran in 2018, leaving the others involved — France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia — struggling to keep it alive.

With the re-imposition of American sanctions, however, Iran’s economy has been struggling, and it has been violating the restrictions of the pact in order to try to pressure the other nations to do more to help it economically.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo raised the stakes on Wednesday, saying he would revoke all but one of the sanctions waivers covering civil nuclear cooperation. The waivers had allowed Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities without drawing American penalties.

In a joint statement, the foreign ministries of Germany, France and Britain said they “deeply regret the U.S. decision.”

“These projects, endorsed by U.N. Security Council resolution 2231, serve the nonproliferation interests of all and provide the international community with assurances of the exclusively peaceful and safe nature of Iranian nuclear activities,” they said.

My comment: LOL. Language of Western agencies is revealing: “The waivers had allowed Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work“: How it can be that the US could have the right to “allow” (and therefor also: to forbid) any non-US companies to work on a third country’s affairs?? This is odd bullshit. The US claims it rules the world, and Western media simply take this for granted. And the Europeans just “regret” it. More softy-softy hardly can be imagined. European candy-asses.

(A P)

Iran decries US police murder of black Americans, crackdown on protests

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has strongly denounces rampant bloodshed of African-Americans in the United States and the country’s suppression of the protests that have followed the recent grisly murder of a black man by a white police officer in Minneapolis.

(A P)

Venezuela dankt dem Iran für den Treibstoffversand

Der venezolanische Präsident Nicolas Maduro dankte dem Iran am Wochenende, als sich der erste von fünf von Teheran mit Treibstoff gesendeten Tankern einem der Häfen des Landes näherte und sagte, er werde nicht vor den Vereinigten Staaten “knien”.

“Venezuela und der Iran wollen beide Frieden”, sagte Maduro in einer staatlichen Fernsehansprache. “Wir haben das Recht, frei zu handeln.”

(A P)

Americans should know that Persian Gulf is not American lake: Former US diplomat

Michael Springmann, former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia, made the remakrs in an interview with Press TV on Friday while commenting on a statement by a senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) who has censured the United States for conducting military drills in the Persian Gulf, saying the era of US military presence in the region is coming to an end.

(A P)

Fourth Iranian tanker docks at Venezuelan port, U.S. slams 'distraction'

The Venezuelan navy said it escorted a fourth tanker bringing Iranian fuel through its waters on Thursday, while the United States called the shipments to the gasoline-starved country a distraction from problems facing President Nicolas Maduro.

(A P)

Iran says it will continue nuclear work despite US sanctions

Iran said Friday its experts would continue nuclear development activities, despite sanctions imposed earlier this week on their fellow scientists by the United States.

State TV cited a statement from the country’s nuclear department saying the U.S. decision to impose sanctions on two Iranian nuclear scientists indicate continuation of a “hostile” attitude. It said the sanctions would make them “determined to continue their nonstop efforts more than before.”

The statement said the sanctions violate international law.

(A P)

Iran Foreign Ministry: Time for Intl. Community to Stop US War Machines

Iran says it is high time the international community stood up to Washington’s historical warmongering policy, commenting on the Memorial Day in the US that remembers America’s wartime fatalities.

“Time to stand against US violence, warmongering, as remembering millions of lost lives,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry tweeted on Tuesday, a day after the United States commemorated the occasion, which is marked annually on the last Monday of May.

(A P)

US clamps down on waivers tied to Iran’s nuclear cooperation

The Trump administration announced Wednesday it is ending nearly all of the last vestiges of U.S. sanctions relief provided under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he would revoke all but one of sanctions waivers covering civil nuclear cooperation. The waivers had allowed Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities without drawing American penalties.

“The Iranian regime has continued its nuclear brinkmanship by expanding proliferation sensitive activities,” Pompeo said in a statement that pointed out that Iran has admitted to activities that are in violation of the deal.

My comment: The US claims to rule the world.

(* B P)


Iranische Tankschiffe befanden sich 2200 km von den US-Küsten entfernt, als die unter iranischer Flagge fahrende “Fortune” in venezolanische Gewässer einlief und das US-Embargo und die Drohungen der USA herausforderte. Die Islamische Republik sandte klare und laute Botschaften in alle Richtungen.

Die erste Botschaft wurde an die US-Regierung gesandt, nachdem die arabischen Staats- und Regierungschefs der Golfregion eine direkte Botschaft an die iranische Führung übermittelt hatten: “Washington ist entschlossen, die iranischen Tanker, die nach Venezuela fahren, zu stoppen”. Der Iran antwortete auf alle erhaltenen Botschaften, dass “seine fünf Tanker nach Venezuela fahren werden, und wenn einer dieser Tanker abgefangen wird, werde der Iran in der Straße von Hormuz reagieren, im Golf von Oman oder wo immer er es für angebracht hält “.

“Diese fünf Tanker – die Clavel, Fortune, Petunia, Forest und Faxon – sind erst der Anfang der Lieferungen nach Venezuelas. Der Iran hat das Recht, jeden seiner Tanker an jeden Ort der Welt zu schicken, und jedes Abfangen durch die USA wird als ein Akt der Piraterie betrachtet und eine direkte Reaktion auslösen”, sagte ein iranischer Entscheidungsträger, der der US-Regierung die iranische Reaktion durch Nachrichtenübermittler enthüllte.

(* A K P)

So schwach ist der 'Maximale Druck'

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika strangulieren sowohl Venezuela als auch den Iran bereits durch Wirtschaftskriege, so dass die Vorstellung, die USA würden gegen die beiden Länder "Vergeltung" üben, wenn diese versuchen, miteinander Handel zu treiben, bizarr ist. Zwei Länder, gegen die unsere Regierung grausame und unnötige Sanktionen verhängt hat, haben einen begrenzten Weg der Zusammenarbeit gefunden, um einige der schlimmsten Auswirkungen des Wirtschaftskrieges abzuwehren, aber irgendwie wird dies in der Nachrichtenberichterstattung als eine Übertretung angesehen, die nach Bestrafung und "Vergeltung" verlangt. Die verzerrte und falsche Annahme, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika das Recht haben, all dies zu tun, wird einfach als selbstverständlich hingenommen. Den USA steht hier eine Reihe von anderen Optionen zur Verfügung, als andere Länder anzugreifen, weil sie Handel treiben, aber da es sich hierbei nicht um Strafen oder militärisches Vorgehen handelt, werden sie behandelt, als ob es sie nicht gäbe. Es ist kein Wunder, dass unsere Außenpolitik immer zugunsten von "Taten" ausgerichtet ist, wenn selbst angeblich direkte Nachrichtenmeldungen eine kleine Öllieferung in ein verarmtes Land als etwas darstellen, das eine Reaktion der USA erfordert.

In der Nachrichtenberichterstattung der letzten Woche gab es weitere lächerliche Überreaktionen auf die Handvoll iranischer Tanker, die in Richtung Venezuela unterwegs waren. Am komischsten war vielleicht die Behauptung des Wall Street Journal, dass der Handel des Iran mit Venezuela eine Herausforderung für die Monroe-Doktrin darstelle.

Es ist vorhersehbar, dass zwei Länder, die die USA in die Unterwerfung zu strangulieren versuchen, versuchen würden, zusammenzuarbeiten, vor allem wenn der Iran aufgrund von Pandemiebeschränkungen nicht so leicht mit seinen Nachbarn Handel treiben kann.

Als wolle er die Absurdität der venezolanischen und iranischen Politik der Regierung unterstreichen, erklärte kürzlich ein Vertreter der Regierung, dass die USA die "fortgesetzte Einmischung des Iran in venezolanische Angelegenheiten" nicht tolerieren würden. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika arbeiten daran, die venezolanische Regierung zu stürzen und durch eine andere zu ersetzen, aber wir sollen glauben, dass einige wenige iranische Tanker, die Venezuela haben will, eine "Einmischung" in seine Angelegenheiten darstellen. Die Propagandisten der Regierung werden entweder sehr faul, oder sie haben begonnen, ihren eigenen Fantasien Glauben zu schenken. Nichts könnte den Bankrott und die Schwäche der Politik der US-Regierung gegenüber Venezuela und dem Iran besser veranschaulichen als ihr öffentliches Händeringen über ein paar Transporte zwischen zwei Staaten, die keine Bedrohung für uns darstellen – von Daniel Larison

(* A K P)

The Weakness of ‘Maximum Pressure’

An Iranian tanker delivered some gasoline to Venezuela this week, and this is how the report in The New York Times framed the event:

Venezuela needs gasoline and has gold. Iran has oil but needs cash. Both Venezuela and Iran are eager to punch back at the Trump administration. And the U.S. government, distracted by the coronavirus pandemic and having already issued harsh sanctions, is left with few retaliatory options beyond military intervention [bold mine-DL].

The US is already strangling both Venezuela and Iran through economic warfare, so the idea that the US would be “retaliating” against the two countries when they seek to trade with each other is bizarre. Two countries that our government has targeted with cruel and unnecessary sanctions have found a limited way to cooperate in an effort to stave off some of the worst effects of economic war, but somehow in the news reporting this is taken as a transgression that calls for punishment and “retaliation.” The warped and false assumption that the US has the right to do any of this is simply taken for granted. The US has any number of options available here that don’t involve attacking other countries for engaging in commerce, but because they aren’t punitive and militarized they are treated as if they don’t exist.

There have been other ludicrous overreactions to the handful of Iranian tankers heading towards Venezuela in the news reporting in the last week. The most comical may have been the Wall Street Journal’s claim that Iran’s trade with Venezuela represents a challenge to the Monroe Doctrine.

The WSJ article misrepresents the Monroe Doctrine and it also fuels the absurd notion that commerce between two much weaker states poses some kind of threat to the US The Monroe Doctrine did not say that other states could not trade with other countries in this hemisphere, and it wasn’t a rejection of other states having normal or even close diplomatic relations with them.

It is predictable that two countries that the US is trying to strangle into submission would seek to work together.

As if to highlight the absurdity of the administration’s Venezuela and Iran policies, an administration official recently declared that the US would not tolerate Iran’s “continued meddling in Venezuelan affairs.” The US is working to depose the Venezuelan government and replace it with another, but we’re supposed to believe that a few Iranian tankers that Venezuela wants constitute “meddling” in their affairs – by Daniel Larison

(A K P)

US-Militär hält Schiessübungen im Persischen Golf ab

Nachdem die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vor kurzem vor einer Konfrontation im Persischen Golf gewarnt hatten, führen sie in dem Gebiet jetzt Trainingseinsätze mit Scharfschützenhubschraubern und Amphibiengruppen durch. Beamte werteten dies als eine Chance, die "überwältigende Feuerkraft" der US-Waffen zu demonstrieren.

(A K P)

US Military Holds Live-Fire Drills in Persian Gulf

Following recent US warnings of confrontation in the Persian Gulf, the US is now holding live-fire training operations in the area, involving helicopter gunships and amphibious groups. Officials touted it as a chance to demonstrate the “awesome firepower” of US weapons.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Schweiz: Bundesrat setzt neue Ausnahmen zu Jemen-Sanktionen um

Der Bundesrat hat am 27. Mai 2020 die Sanktionen gegenüber Jemen punktuell angepasst. Damit ermöglicht er die Umsetzung der vom Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen in Resolution 2511 (2020) neu geschaffenen Ausnahmen, insbesondere für humanitäre Zwecke. Die Änderung tritt am 15. Juni 2020 in Kraft.

Die Verordnung über Massnahmen gegenüber Jemen sieht die Sperrung von Vermögenswerten, Reiserestriktionen sowie ein Rüstungsgüterembargo vor. Diese Massnahmen gelten aktuell gegenüber den in der Verordnung namentlich aufgeführten fünf natürlichen Personen. Mit der beschlossenen Verordnungsänderung können Ausnahmen von den Zwangsmassnahmen, für welche eine Bewilligung des zuständigen Komitees des UNO-Sicherheitsrats gemäss Resolution 2511 (2020) vorliegt, auch gestützt auf Schweizer Recht bewilligt werden. Damit soll insbesondere die Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen und anderer humanitärer Organisationen im Jemen erleichtert werden.

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

Sudan summons Ethiopia’s envoy over cross-border attack

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9

(* B K P)

Dispatch: The Dutch arm exports to human rights violators

The Netherlands entered the top-10 of global arms export in the 2013-2017 period according to the Trends in international arms transfers by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

During the 2011 pro-democracy movement Dutch armored vehicles had been identified by the anti-war group, Stop Wapenhandel, as being employed by Bahraini police forces against the peaceful pro-democracy protestors.

Exported arms to Bahrain are not only at risk of being used against civilians to contribute to the internal repression by the state, but also by the Bahraini armed forces in the Yemen civil war.

In 2016, the Netherlands voted to ban weapons exports to Saudi Arabia, due to its strict connection with human rights violations and its involvement in the war in Yemen. The Dutch parliament acknowledged the mass executions and the bombing campaign perpetrated by the Saudi government in Yemen. Later on, in 2018, the Dutch government extended the arms export freeze to also include UAE and Egypt. The government extended the export freeze to detach itself from any direct involvement in sponsoring the war in Yemen and any other country that perpetuates violation of human rights. “There will be no arms exports from the Netherlands to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE unless it is proven that they will not be used in the Yemen war” said Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Minister Sigrid Kaag.

Yet despite the government’s official suspension of Dutch arms sale to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt it was revealed in 2019 that Dutch banks were still investing in arms companies that supply weapons to these state actors. Banks such as ING, ABN AMRO and Van Lanschot Kempen had invested approximately 640 million euros into businesses that had been supporting the arms industry in countries involved in the Yemen war. The most recent data show that nine of ten biggest Dutch pension funds invest in the manufacture of arms supplied to countries that violate human rights. In 2019, the Fair Pension Guide reported that pension funds such as ABP, PFZW and PME invested together more than €927 milion in countries that perpetuate human rights violations.

Find The Table of Controversial Arms Trade HERE

The government defended its lack of actions concerning the bank pension fund scandal, arguing that it lacks the competence to prevent Dutch banks from investing in such companies as it can only issue and suspend export licenses. It shifted the blame on to the banks themselves

In this scenario, the Netherlands has been profiteering from the sales of arms to the perpetrators of human rights violations and the belligerents of the war in Yemen. Despite its transparency of arms exports and the suspension of trade with Saudi Arabia, the Dutch bank and pension funds system kept financing the conflicts.

(A K P)

U.S. State Department clears $1.4 billion sale of Patriot air and missile system to Kuwait

The U.S. State Department has approved a possible $1.425 billion sale of Patriot air and missile defense system components and upgrades to Kuwait, the Pentagon said on Thursday after notifying Congress of the certification.

The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said the State Department had approved the sale of 84 interceptor missiles called the Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancements (MSEs) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $800 million.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(A K P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen minister warns of Houthi recruitment of African refugees

Information Minister Muammar Al-Iryani warned on Wednesday against the escalation of the Houthi militia's recruitment of African refugees and illegal immigrants to fight in the war that threatens the security and stability of Yemen and the region.
The Minister of Information stated that confessions of Somali refugees who were recruited by the Houthi militia after they were captured by the Yemeni army reveal the way the militia recruits African refugees by threatening and torturing them.
The Houthis using African migrants to carry out logistical and espionage activities, and force them to fight alongside them and smuggling contraband, the minister said.
Al-Iryani said the Houthi militia’s exploitation of refugees and illegal immigrants from the Horn of Africa in military actions against the national army is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

and also

My comment: Stay calm, pal. Much more mercenaries are recruited by your Saudi overlords.

cp13c Nationales Erbe / National heritage

(* B P)

Saudi forces exterminating sea turtle population in Socotra

Occupation forces engage in campaign of mass environmental destruction

Saudi occupation forces are carrying out a large-scale operation to exterminate sea turtles on the Yemeni island of Socotra, southern Yemeni media reported on Friday.

Saudi forces stationed on the islands of the Socotra archipelago are offering money in exchange for killing sea turtles, in addition to engaging in illegal fishing operations, the Socotra Post quoted local sources as saying.

According to the sources, the employees of the environmental protection offices have been unable to perform their duty for the past 3 years, due to the practices of the Saudi forces. All work of environmental awareness, guidance and protection is completely suspended.

Residents on the Island have called on the international community, the United Nations, international organisations and UNESCO, to protect the natural life of the Socotra archipelago, which is one of the most unique natural heritage sites in the world.

Photo of Socotra's Dragon trees:.

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

Yemen's bus industry latest coronavirus casualty

The land transport union warned that the industry is "dying” amid the COVID-19 outbreak, as evidenced by the closure of a prominent national bus company last week

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

So many interesting details in #AQAP's marathon statement of 5/11 on the (main) rift in #Yemen's #alQaeda. e.g. It's surprising that rebel jihadi Abu Umar al-Nahdi would automatically (& only) use the Christian date in his handwritten notes. AQ always gives the Islamic date first

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Largest Donor to Humanitarian Response Plans in Yemen

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen and General Supervisor of the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen Mohammad bin Saeed Al-Jaber, affirmed that Saudi Arabia is the largest donor to the humanitarian response plans, either to the United Nations in Yemen or directly to Yemen.
In a press statement to the Saudi Press Agency, Al-Jaber considered the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia organizing, in partnership with the United Nations, the Donors Conference for Yemen 2020, next Tuesday as a continuation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's support to the Yemeni people during the past decades.
He said, "In light of the poor humanitarian conditions as a result of the coup of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia and the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus pandemic in the world, Saudi Arabia will contribute $ 500 million to the UN Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen, including $ 25 million to combat the Coronavirus."

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Is the Largest Donor to Yemen, KSrelief Chief Says

Advisor to the Royal Court and Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah confirmed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest donor to the humanitarian plans in Yemen and its response to the first donor conference for Yemen in 2015 is only evidence of that.
He pointed out that the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people constitute a priority for the Kingdom, praising the deep and common historical, religious, economic and social relationships between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

My comment: The largest donor of death, destruction and despair.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Is the Largest Donor to Yemen, KSrelief Chief Says 2 Riyadh

Moreover, the advisor to the Royal Court and KSrelief Supervisor General Dr. Al Rabeeah also expressed his wishes for peace in Yemen, stressing that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working hard to help find a political solution in accordance with the three references represented in the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanism, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and the relevant Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution 2216, asserting the Kingdom's concern for the interest of the Yemeni people and its security and stability.
He explained that the Kingdom has supported all initiatives for a cease-fire and requested all Yemeni parties to come to the negotiating table to reach a lasting solution, commending its support for international initiatives to reach a permanent solution that leads to stability and development in Yemen.
"Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is keen that Yemen achieves peace, security and prosperity to support the stability of the region as a whole within the Arab and Gulf system." Dr. Al Rabeeah said.

My comment: LOL. This conference is a Saudi PR show. The “three references” would cement the Hadi government’s superiority – Saudi Arabia simply achieving all its goals just by a Houthi surrender. Why they should do this?


(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Minister Hails Saudi Supportive Stances Towards his Country, Condemns Iran

Yemen's Information Minister Muammar Al-Iryani expressed his deep appreciation of and thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense for their directives to virtually organize Donors' Conference for Yemen 2020 on next Tuesday, in partnership with the United Nations.
In remarks to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), Al-Iryani said that the organization of conference is a translation of the stances of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in support of Yemen.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Army’s Chief of Staff: Houthi militia is the only enemy for Yemenis

Yemen’s Army Chief of Staff Commander of the Joint Operations Maj. Gen. Saghir bin Aziz said on Friday that all the members of the national army are my sons, and the only enemy we have are Houthis.

His remarks came during the funeral of his son, Captain Fahad Saghir bin Aziz, his nephew AbdulKarim Ali Hammoud bin Aziz, and their companions who were martyred in the treacherous targeting by the Iran-backed Houthi militia last Tuesday.

He also confirmed that the army is capable of eliminating all small projects and extending the state’s influence over the entire homeland under the leadership of President Hadi.

(A P)

A #cartoon depicting #Houthis' denial of #COVID19 cases and deaths in northern #Yemen.

(A P)

Infested Yemen: Shia extremists leave cities for dead, maintain perennial war against others

As coronavirus is hitting hard in Yemen, the Shia extremist Houthis ruling large swaths of northwestern Yemen are leaving some infested cities for dead while maintaining perennial military attempts to wrest control of the oppositionist others.

(A P)

Houthis aggression against humanitarian agencies flayed

As the international community is preparing to participate in a virtual High-Level Pledging Event for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen co-hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Nations, the Houthi militia continues its aggressive actions against humanitarian operations and agencies.
A statement from the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations said, the Houthi militia must remove all impediments imposed on humanitarian activities in areas under their control as these actions blatantly affect the important work of the humanitarian agencies such as WFP in relieving the suffering of Yemeni people.
Saudi Arabia strongly condemns such actions and calls for an immediate end to arbitrary movement delays, detentions, harassment, obstructions and interference in aid operations

My comment: By Saudi Arabia, this is odd.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen Info Minister says Houthis handle covid-19 plague the Iranian style

(A P)

Am Antisemitismus des iranischen Regimes ist nicht zu zweifeln

Obwohl Irans Außenminister Javad Zarif und der Oberste Führer Ayatollah Khamenei Behauptungen zurückweisen, dass ihre Ansichten antisemitisch seien, haben sie zunehmend ihre jemenitischen Verbündeten, die Houthis der Ansar-Allah-Bewegung, in den Vordergrund gerückt, deren Slogan „Verflucht seien die Juden“ lautet.

Der Iran begann in den Jahren 2016 und 2017, die Houthis als Stellvertreter gegen Saudi-Arabien zu nutzen und ermutigte sie, Drohnen und ballistische Raketen einzusetzen, um Riad anzugreifen. (…)
Irans Ziel ist es, alle seine Verbündeten zusammenzuschweißen.

Die Houthis – die jetzt direkt unter iranischer Flagge stehen und mit deren Führer sich die offizielle Propaganda des Iran schmückt – sagen offen: „Verflucht seien die Juden“. Sie sagen nicht: „Verfluch sei der Zionismus“, sondern beziehen sich explizit auf alle Juden. Dies zeigt, dass hinter der Scharade der iranischen Behauptung, sich lediglich gegen den „Zionismus“ zu stellen, eine antisemitische Agenda a

and English version:

(A P)

Iran is increasingly promoting antisemitic Houthi leader from Yemen

Iran’s role in Yemen gives it the ability to project power into the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Although Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei reject claims that their views are antisemitic, they have increasingly been highlighting their Yemenite Houthi allies of the Ansar Allah movement, whose slogan is “curse the Jews.”

Iran began to see the Houthis as a proxy force against Saudi Arabia in 2016 and 2017, and encouraged them to use drones and ballistic missiles to strike at Riyadh. The Houthis complied, and in 2019 their drones were hitting Saudi cities weekly

IRAN'S GOAL is to knit all its allies together. The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gives its blessing to the iconography of Iran’s role, with the IRGC symbol of a fist clutching a rifle spreading around the Middle East like mushrooms popping up from the land.

Now on Iran’s Quds Day this year, the regime in Tehran sought to give the Houthis even more credit and exposure.

However, the Houthis – who are now under the Iranian banner and whose leader adorns Iran’s official propaganda – openly say “curse the Jews.”

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 18 Luftangriffe auf Nadschran, Asir und Saada an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 18 raids on Najran, Asir, Saada

(A K pH)

50 Luftangriffe der Aggressionsluftwaffe auf fünf Provinzen

(A K pH)

Aggressionluftwaffe fliegt 5 Luftangriffe auf Saada an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 5 raids on Saada

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 21 Luftangriffe auf verschiedenen Gebieten in Marib und Al-Dschouf an

(A K pH)

Aggression warplanes launch 21 raids on Jawf, Marib

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, May 29th, 2020

(A K pH)

Saree: 286 Luftangriffe innerhalb einer Woche

(A K pH)

Brigadier Yahya Sare’e: 286 Airstrikes Launched by Aggression in A Week

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes target Houthi reinforcement in Al-Baydha

Military field sources reported that the Arab Coalition the airstrikes hit a number of pro-Iran fighters and military vehicles while on their way to the battle fronts in Qaniya.

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 3 Luftangriffe auf Hadschah an

(A K pH)

3 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hajjah

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe fliegt 5 Luftangriffe auf Qania in Al-Bayda an

(A K pH)

Aggression air forces hit Bayda

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Thursday, May 28th, 2020

(A K pH)

22 Luftangriffe auf 4 Provinzen

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Targets Various Governorates by 32 Airstrikes

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeugen fliegen 7 Luftangriffe auf Al-Dhaher in Saada an

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition aircraft wage 7 raids on Saada

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeugen fliegen 4 Luftangriffe auf Kutaf von Saada an

(A K pH)

4 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Kutaf district in Saada

(A K pH)

Aggressionsluftwaffe bombardierte Qaniyah in Al-Bayda

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeuge fliegen 6 Luftangriffe auf Marib an

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes hit Houthi weapon depots in Saada

According to the Dubai-based Al Bayan newspaper, the Coalition air raids destroyed Houthi weapon depots and a location used by the pro-Iran militia for jamming communications in Kitaf district of Saada governorate.
The same source added that a number of Houthis were killed in the operation, in addition to inflicting heavy material losses on them.

(A K pH)

22 Luftangriffe auf Marib und Saada

(A K pH)

Aggression air forces hit Marib

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

A massive blast shakes the province of Marib. Locals say Sahn Al Jen Military Base was hit by a ballistic missile.

(A K pS)

Houthi Indiscriminate Shelling Kills One Child, Wounds Three in Al Dhalea

Indiscriminate shelling fired by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels killed on Saturday one child and wounded three others in the southern province of Al Dhalea, located about 136 kilometers to the north of Aden, Yemen’s interim capital.

The girl and the three other children were playing on a farm located in Qataba district when a mortar shell launched by the Houthi militia landed on the farm, Alsahwa News reported.

(A K pS)

The air defense in #Marib province said a drone launched by the Iran-aligned #Houthis was downed today, noting it is the second drone to be intercepted in two weeks.

(A K pS)

Masam, the #Saudi Project for Mine Clearance in #Yemen: 316# #Houthi-laid #landmines, explosive devices, and ordnance were removed during Eid holiday, bringing the total number of cleared mines to 167303.

(A K pS)

Fierce clashes erupt between [Hadi] Govt forces and Houthi militias in Al Jawf

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army defeats Houthi attack in Al-Jawf, liberates positions from militia attack began

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army repels Houthi attacks & militia suffers heavy losses

(A K pH)

Saree: 20 Offensivoperationen innerhalb einer Woche

(A K pH)

Brigadier Yahya Sare’e: Over 20 Operation by Aggression in A Week

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army repels Houthi attack in Nihm front

(A K)

Saudisches MilitärbündnisDrohnen der Huthi abgefangen

Meine Bemerkung: Kampf- oder Spionagedrohne?

(A K pS)

The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Joint Coalition Forces Intercepts and Destroys Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Launched by the Terrorist Iran-backed Houthi Militia Toward the Kingdom

Statement by the Official Spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen COL Turki Al-Malki: “Coalition forces have successfully intercepted and destroyed today, Wednesday, UAVs launched by the terrorist Iran-backed Houthi militia toward civilian objects in (Najran).

My comment: And the “normal” Saudi propaganda claims added.

(A K pS)

Houthi killing, destruction strengthen [Hadi gov.] Yemeni army determination: CoS

The more the Houthi group kills and destructs, the stronger the Yemeni army's determination is to end the "Houthi-Iranian priesthood", the Yemeni chief of staff said Wednesday.
General Saghir Bin Aziz's remarks come hours after his son and 7 bodyguards were killed in Houthi shelling on the Marib-based Sahn al-Gen military camp that hosted a meeting for Yemeni official army's leaders.
The chief of staff survived the missile strike that killed his son, his nephew and six soldiers on Wednesday, local media sources reported.
The camp was targeted following a meeting led by the Yemeni defense minister, Mohamed al-Maqdashi, and chief of staff Bin Aziz, sources said.


(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Gov’t official condemns Houthis’ attacks against Marib

The Minister of Information, Muamar Al-Eryani deplored on Wednesday constants attacks by the Houthis that target residential areas of Marib.

referring to

My comment: Soldiers are a civilian target??

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Tropischer Sturm sorgt für Überschwemmungen im Süden Omans

Das Tief zieht in den kommenden Tagen langsam Westwärts quer über den Jemen hinweg. Nach aktullem Stand könnten die Reste des Tiefs sogar noch das Rote Meer erreichen! Besonders im Südwesten des Oman sind in Summe gebietsweise mehr als 300 Liter pro Quadratmeter zu erwarten! Zum Vergleich: Der durchschnittliche Jahresniederschlag von Salalah liegt bei etwa 130 Liter pro Quadratmeter.

(* A H P)

Yemeni gov't begins evacuating stranded abroad Thursday

The internationally recognized Yemeni government will begin today, Thursday, the first evacuation flights of its citizens stranded abroad due to the new Corona virus "Covid-19", from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Supreme National Committee for Emergencies to Face Covid-19 in Yemen said at its meeting on Wednesday evening headed by Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik, "This comes after the approval of the evacuation protocol for those stranded abroad, which includes the executive procedures and time plans to schedule their return to the interior, and organizing them according to health and precautionary controls and procedures. Selected ".

The committee added that "the first stage of evacuating the stranded includes Egypt, Jordan and India according to procedures that start examining travelers before travel and the priority of seniority in reservations and those who traveled for temporary purposes for treatment and others," according to the Aden-based Yemeni news agency "Saba".


(A H P)

151 Yemeni passengers stranded abroad return home

The first flight carrying 151 Yemeni passengers were trapped abroad due to coronavirus arrived on Thursday at Sayoon international airport coming from the Jordanian capital Amman, Saba news agency reported.
The arrivals were subjected to the precautionary measures stipulated in the protocol of repatriation

and also


Photo: This amazing mud fortress was built 400 years ago. It is located in Seiyun, Hadramout. Enjoy the details!

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-654 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-654: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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