Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 682 - Yemen War Mosaic 682

Yemen Press Reader 682: 26. Sept. 2020: 900 Luftangriffe und Granaten auf Farmen im Jemen – Jemens Katastrophe und drohende Hungersnot – Diejenigen, die Jemen zerstört haben, müssen ...

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... Diejenigen, die den Jemen zerstört haben, müssen strafrechtlich verfolgt werden – Huthi-Offensive in Marib – Dokumente über US-Einmischung in den Jemen – Westliche Medienpropaganda über Syrien – Westliche Kriegspropaganda – und mehr

Sep. 26, 2020: 900 air strikes and shells hit farms in Yemen – Yemen at the brink, looming famine – Those who destroyed Yemen must be prosecuted – Houthi offensive in Marib – Documents disclosing US interference in Yemen – Western media propaganda about Syria – Western war propaganda (in German) – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(B H K P)

War in Yemen: The biggest humanitarian crisis to be seen currently

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

Jemen: über 900 Luftangriffe und Bombenangriffe auf Farmen in drei Jahren

Die von den USA unterstützte von den Saudis geführte Koalition bombardiert regelmäßig zivile Ziele

Farmen im Jemen wurden in weniger als drei Jahren mindestens 918 Mal von Luftangriffen und Artilleriebeschuss getroffen. Seit Januar 2018 hat das Civilian Impact Monitoring Project 348 Luftangriffe auf Bauernhöfe im Jemen und 570 Fälle von Bombardierungen von Farmen im Jemen registriert.

Der Bericht wurde am Donnerstag vom Norwegischen Flüchtlingsrat (NRC) veröffentlicht. Die Organisation befragte jemenitische Zivilisten vor Ort, die diese Angriffe überlebt haben. Mehrere Bauern berichteten dem NRC, dass sie von ihrem Land geflohen seien, weil Luftangriffe ihre Bauernhöfe zerstört oder Bodenkämpfe das Gebiet erreicht hatten.

„Die Gewalt, die mehr als 900 Farmen verschlungen hat, ist Teil einer strategischen Vorgangsweise, in deren Rahmen der sinnlose Krieg die Fähigkeit des Jemen, sich zu ernähren, erschüttert. Fischerboote wurden versenkt, Märkte dezimiert und Getreidemühlen zerstört. Dies schneidet die Lebensadern von Millionen Menschen ab“, sagte Jan Egeland, der Generalsekretär des NRC.

Der Bericht weist keine Schuld für die Angriffe zu. Während die Houthis für einen Teil des Beschusses verantwortlich sein könnten, verfügt nur eine Seite über echte Luftstreitkräfte und hat in der Vergangenheit zivile Infrastruktur ins Visier genommen: die von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika unterstützte, von den Saudis geführte Koalition.

Seit die Koalition im Jemen interveniert hat, um Präsident Hadi 2015 wieder einzusetzen, hat sie eine brutale Luftkampagne geführt. Die Luftangriffe haben Farmen, Fischerboote, Marktplätze, Krankenhäuser, Schulen und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen getroffen. Zu den Bombenangriffen kommt noch eine Blockade des Landes mit strengen Importkontrollen hinzu.

Diese Belagerungstaktiken haben zu einer schweren Nahrungsmittelknappheit geführt, so dass mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung auf Hilfe angewiesen ist. Die gezielte Ausrichtung auf die Abwasser- und Wasserinfrastruktur hat auch den größten Choleraausbruch in der modernen Geschichte verursacht. Das Land hat auch Mühe, das Coronavirus einzudämmen, da die Bevölkerung keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser und medizinischer Grundversorgung hat.

Da ein so großer Teil der Bevölkerung auf Hilfe angewiesen ist, könnten die durch die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Coronavirus und weltweite Betriebsschließungen verursachten Einschnitte zu einer verheerenden Hungersnot führen. Die UNO musste in diesem Jahr die medizinische Hilfe und die Verteilung von Nahrungsmitteln im Jemen erheblich kürzen und bittet die Welt um mehr Geld – von Dave DeCamp

and English version (better look at t report below):

(** B H K)

NRC: Yemen: 900 airstrikes and shells hit farms in less than three years

Yemeni farms have been hit at least 918 times by airstrikes and shelling in less than three years, further exacerbating Yemen’s severe food crisis. The country is rapidly facing a new famine as millions are left without enough to eat.

Data collected by the Civilian Impact Monitoring Project (CIMP) in Yemen shows a total of 348 airstrikes and 570 cases of shelling affecting farms since January 2018, which is an average of almost one incident a day. Interviews with civilians on the ground by the Norwegian Refugee Council document the loss of lives and property and how this is driving farmers off land they have farmed for generations. Food-producing fields are left barren.

“The violence that has engulfed more than 900 farms is part of a larger pattern where the senseless war is shattering Yemen’s ability to feed itself. Fishing boats have been sunk, markets decimated, and flour mills destroyed. This cuts off lifelines for millions. Farmers who could provide lifesaving food have been bombed, shelled and killed while planting in their fields. The Yemenis are not falling into starvation. They are pushed into the abyss by men with guns and power,” said Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

The attacks are happening as the country is at risk of famine if urgent action is not taken.

Addressing an event this week featuring senior members of the World Food Program, the United Nations and the governments of many countries involved in Yemen’s war, Egeland gave concrete steps for ending the food crisis. “The military and political authorities in Saana and Aden, and UN Member States who have provided support for this conflict – the US, UK, France, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, as well as Iran on the other side – must push for an immediate ceasefire. Gulf countries, and Western donors must restore their funding to last year’s levels, so that the slashed aid response can be scaled back up.”

(** B H)

Konflikt und Wirtschaftskrise: Jemen steht am Abgrund

Der Jemen befindet sich an einem Wendepunkt: Konflikt und der wirtschaftliche Abschwung treiben das Land an den Rand einer Hungersnot und drohen, die in den letzten Jahren durch humanitäre Hilfe erzielten Fortschritte zunichte zu machen, warnt heute das UN World Food Programme (WFP).

Der Konflikt ist entlang mehr als 40 Fronten eskaliert, die Kosten für Grundnahrungsmittel sind höher als je zuvor und die Währung hat allein dieses Jahr 25 Prozent ihres Wertes verloren – und damit 70 Prozent im Vergleich zu vor dem Krieg eingebüßt. Da die Devisenreserven des Landes gegen null tendieren, könnte der Jemen seine Fähigkeit verlieren, Nahrungsmittel zu importieren, wodurch weiteren Millionen Menschen Hunger droht.

„Der Jemen ist eine menschengemachte Krise und es gibt eine menschengemachte Lösung. Wir brauchen Zugang, Finanzierung und letztlich Frieden“, sagte WFP-Exekutivdirektor David Beasley. „2018 haben wir den Jemen vor einer Hungersnot bewahrt. Das können wir wieder tun, wenn wir die Mittel und den Zugang erhalten.“

Die Bedingungen im Jemen sind noch schlechter als während des bisherigen Tiefpunkts 2018. Über 20 Millionen Menschen im Jemen können sich nicht ausreichend ernähren, 13 Millionen sind täglich auf die Ernährungshilfe von WFP angewiesen. Weitere drei Millionen Menschen sind dem Risiko einer Verschlimmerung des Hungers ausgesetzt, weil das Coronavirus unkontrolliert über das Land hinwegfegt.

In den letzten sechs Monaten haben Familien in den von den Behörden von Sanaa kontrollierten Gebieten nur jeden zweiten Monat Nahrungsmittelhilfe erhalten, weil WFP seine begrenzten Ressourcen staffeln musste, um eine vollständige Unterbrechung der Hilfe zu vermeiden. Darunter leiden Millionen von Bedürftigen: Innerhalb von nur drei Monaten stieg der Anteil der Menschen, die zu wenig zu essen hatten, WFP-Daten zufolge von 28 auf 43 Prozent.

Der Jemen ist eine der komplexesten Hilfsoperationen der Welt und zahlreiche Hürden untergraben die humanitäre Hilfe. Jeden Tag werden WFP-Lastwagen mit Nahrungsmitteln durch bürokratische Verzögerungen aufgehalten. Außerdem wurde bis heute noch keine einzige Person biometrisch für die Ernährungshilfe in den Gebieten registriert, die den in Sanaa ansässigen Behörden unterstehen.

Unterdessen haben politische Auseinandersetzungen um Treibstoffimporte nach Hodeidah zu einer lähmenden Treibstoffknappheit geführt. Das wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Lieferung von Nahrungsmitteln aus, sondern auch auf die humanitäre Unterstützung für Krankenhäuser und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen. Zudem wurde der Flughafen von Sanaa inzwischen geschlossen, wodurch Hilfskräfte im Jemen festsitzen oder nicht einreisen können.

„Das muss alles aufhören, wenn die humanitäre Gemeinschaft die jemenitische Bevölkerung vor einer Hungersnot bewahren soll“, sagte Beasley. „Außerdem muss die internationale Gemeinschaft humanitäre Hilfe so großzügig wie in den vergangenen Jahren finanzieren, damit wir dem Jemen helfen können, über den Berg zu kommen.“

WFP bat 2020 um 2,5 Milliarden US-Dollar, um die 2019 erzielten Fortschritte im Kampf gegen den Hunger zu erhalten. Etwa die Hälfte davon wurde WFP für seine Hilfe in diesem Jahr zur Verfügung gestellt

and English version:

(** B H)

Yemen teeters on the brink as conflict and economic crises grind on

Yemen is at a tipping point as conflict and economic woes drag the country to the brink of famine and risk cancelling out the gains made through humanitarian action in the past few years, the United Nations World Food Programme warns today.

Conflict has escalated across more than 40 frontlines, the cost of basic foods is higher than ever before and the currency has lost 25 percent of its value in 2020 alone – 70 percent compared to its pre-war value. As the country’s foreign currency reserves tick towards zero Yemen’s ability to import food could also disappear, threatening more hunger for millions.

“Yemen is a man-made crisis and there is a man-made solution. We need access, funding and eventually peace,” said WFP Executive Director David Beasley. “In 2018, we pulled Yemen back from the brink. We can do that again, if we have the funds and the access.”

Conditions in Yemen have deteriorated beyond the point reached in 2018. Over 20 million people in Yemen are food insecure with 13 million requiring WFP food assistance to meet their daily needs. Another three million people are at risk of worsening hunger as Coronavirus sweeps unchecked across Yemen.

For the last six months, families in areas controlled by the Sana’a authorities have only received food assistance on alternate months as WFP has tried to stretch its limited resources and avoid full breaks in assistance. But this has made life harder for millions: in just three months people with inadequate food consumption in these areas increased from 28 to 43 percent, according to WFP data.

Yemen is one of the most complex operating environments in the world and the challenges undermine the humanitarian response. Every day, WFP food trucks are tied up in bureaucratic delays. Not one person has yet been registered biometrically for food assistance in areas under the Sana’a based authorities.

Meanwhile, a political tussle over fuel imports into Hodeidah has led to crippling fuel shortages. This has impacted delivery of food as well as humanitarian support for hospitals and water treatment plants. Sana’a airport has now been closed stranding aid workers inside and outside Yemen.

“This all has to stop if the humanitarian community is to save the Yemeni people from famine,” said Beasley. “We also need the international community to continue to fund humanitarian operations as generously as past years so we can help Yemen turn the corner.”

In 2020, WFP asked for $2.5 billion to build on the food security gains made in 2019. Around half has been made available for WFP’s response this year, including a recent US$138 million contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Urgent funding requirements for the next six months amount to more than US$500 million – with US$150 million needed through the end of the year alone. Further cuts to food assistance are expected in the last quarter if additional funding is not received.

(** B H)

Famine Emerges as U.N. Theme, Crystallized by Yemen Disaster

The coronavirus scourge is a prevailing theme at this yr’s United Nations General Assembly, forcing the gathering to be performed largely on-line. But the pandemic can also be fueling one other disaster preoccupying the group and humanitarian teams: the robust prospect of famine in a number of the world’s most destitute locations.

Nowhere is famine extra probably than in Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest nation, ravaged by struggle for practically six years between the Houthi rebels and a Saudi-led military coalition defending a weak authorities that exerts little or no management over most Yemeni territory.

A Yemen famine was averted in 2018, helped partly by an infusion of emergency help and strain on the Saudis to ease a blockade. But the struggle has since widened, and U.N. officers say entry to many areas, notably within the Houthi-controlled north, is blocked.

Combined with donor fatigue, a collapse within the worth of Yemen’s foreign money, a gas scarcity and the coronavirus, which can be spreading unchecked in the country, famine is once more “definitely knocking on the door — it’s looming,” mentioned David Beasley, government director of the World Food Program, the anti-hunger arm of the United Nations.

In an interview, Mr. Beasley mentioned he wanted $500 million within the subsequent six months, simply to offer meals to Yemenis at half the same old ration charge. Moreover, he mentioned, “even if we get the money, we still may have famine” due to delays and obstacles to supply.

Roughly 80 p.c of the nation’s 30 million folks require meals help, but the United Nations is within the place of getting to chop help when it’s wanted greater than ever.

“Yemen is absolutely without a doubt our greatest problem area in the world,” Mr. Beasley mentioned. “What’s happening is deplorable, disgraceful.”

Houthi leaders have balked, Mr. Beasley mentioned, at his company’s insistence of assurances that its meals help is reaching the meant recipients and never diverted or offered for revenue. Those assurances embody a biometrics identification system, which Mr. Beasley mentioned the Houthis had not allowed regardless of their earlier commitment.

Mr. Beasley and different high help officers emphasised their alarm on Wednesday at a particular General Assembly session centered on Yemen and meals insecurity. Aaron Brent, the Yemen nation director for the worldwide anti-poverty group CARE, mentioned the assembly “confirmed what we as humanitarians already knew — that the situation in Yemen is significantly and visibly worsening.” =

(** B K P)

Imagine Trump or Biden in Church Praying for Yemeni Children Facing Starvation and US Missiles

Thousands of precious Yemeni children are being starved to death, dying of cholera, or being blown to bits by US made and managed missiles. Can Americans glued to their TV sets, straining to understand what is happening to their country, imagine Trump or Biden in church praying for Yemeni children facing starvation and US missiles?

No, corporate media has reported President Trump as wanting to continue the lucrative sale of billions of dollars of sophisticated US weaponry to the Saudis and continue American military personnel assisting their raining down upon targets in Yemen, the poorest nation in the world. The President vetoed a bipartisan resolution of Congress calling for an end to American military involvement in Saudi Arabia’s civil war in Yemen.

As to Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden, he called for an end to U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen, but only after the entire Senate Democratic caucus and several Republicans had passed a resolution spearheaded by his opponent candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders calling for the U.S. to pull its backing from the Saudi military campaign in Yemen. In March of 2015, Biden, then Vice-President, backed the initial Saudi led military attack in Yemen when Yemen’s corrupt, Saudi-allied president was overthrown.

This 2015 begun crime against humanity in Yemen was officiated by President Barak Obama. As to the possibility of finding Obama in church praying for the dear Yemeni surviving children facing starvation and US missiles, the reader might view the video on Youtube of Obama professing his having Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.

Previously, your author wrote, When you bombed these brothers and sisters of mine, you bombed me,’ says Jesus in Matthew chapter 25, (paraphrased of course). Obama, as presidents before him, followed the instructions of his promoters, the ruling investors, and disregarding the teaching and warnings of his ‘personal savior,’ gave to the rich at home, bombed abroad to be able to take from the poor everywhere, and lied that this is necessary and good.

The many bloody and thieving wars ordered by President Obama should make people recall how Obama as a candidate for president ran as a peace candidate, and so be cautioned not to be fooled with the present promising of both this years candidates to end America’s forever wars. Recently, President Trump allegedly called the Vietnam War “a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker.”

With all President Trump’s macabre and bizarre use of US military, including assassination and deadly sanctions, and the corporate media’s consistent war promoting, the world is prone to forget how candidate Trump was the most dramatic American denouncer of US wars in history.

Candidate Trump, with wars promoting media either ridiculing him or making a blatant over the top show of frightened opposition, maintained among other things that the five trillion dollars spent on wars for regime change in the Middle East should have been spent in the US rebuilding its infrastructure; that NATO is obsolete; that the US should seek friendship with China and Russia

But once Trump was elected, just imagine how powerful war industry deep pockets brought about the reality of their control over him. Trump, once in office, immediately ordered military action in Yemen.

On Sundays, in how many churches throughout the USA could one find Americans praying for Yemeni children dying in a war American military are actively participating in while US weapons manufacturing corporations make a fortune in profits? The question is rhetorical.

In March 2019, one headline read: “How To Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death?.” The news that one’s compatriots have brought death to 85,000 darling Yemeni children being hard to stomach, the author wonders how other Americans feel or manage not to feel

How to stomach the American public’s indifference to the death of millions of precious children caused by their sons and daughters in uniform having criminally invaded someone else’s beloved country. I know there are Americans who feel as bad about this as I do. – by Jay Janson

(** B K P)

Those Who Destroyed Yemen Must Be Prosecuted For War Crimes

That includes prominent American officials. Punishing the perpetrators is the only way to restore our credibility.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recently announced that it was providing $204 million in aid for the impoverished and war-ravaged country of Yemen. That sounds generous, but it’s the Saudi royals themselves who are responsible for most of the death, destruction, starvation, and disease in Yemen, in which 80 percent of the population, some 24 million, need outside assistance.

If Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wanted to help the Yemeni people, he would simply end the war.

But he won’t, at least in part because the Trump administration is underwriting the Saudi government’s murderous campaign. Why is the president forcing Americans to assist the Saudi royals, who respect no political or religious liberty and kidnap, imprison, and murder their critics? President Donald Trump appears to be almost bewitched by the licentious and corrupt Saudis.

Washington sold Saudi Arabia planes and munitions used to kill thousands of Yemeni civilians. American personnel serviced and refueled the same planes, as well as providing intelligence to assist in targeting Saudi strikes. That makes U.S. officials complicit in war crimes committed day in and day out for more than five years.

This is not the conclusion of a group of radical activists or Marxist professors. Rather it comes from the State Department.

The administration’s willingness to enthusiastically aid and abet the slaughter of innocent people to enhance the profits of the fabled merchants of death is a moral outrage.

The Yemeni Houthis are guilty of criminal conduct, including indiscriminate artillery and mortar strikes. However, their cruelty pales in comparison to that of the much better armed Coalition.

It is bad enough that perpetrators of these barbarities are routinely feted by the White House. It’s far worse that American officials in both the Obama and Trump administrations are directly complicit in these war crimes. The perpetrators should all be prosecuted. Best would be in individual national courts, as the U.S. should have done with Bush administration officials who tortured prisoners. Doing so would have helped atone for Washington’s atrocious behavior and regain global credibility.

Another option would be the International Criminal Court. However, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Yemen all reject the ICC’s jurisdiction; Iran and the UAE have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute. In contrast, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom, also cited by the experts group, have accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction. Their officials could be charged. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to sanction any members of its staff who investigated U.S. personnel but so far has made no similar effort to cover up related crimes by other nations. In any case, the panel could share the results of its investigation with any country courageous enough to prosecute.

As a last resort, other nations could assert universal jurisdiction over war crimes suspects. Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain all have brought or could bring charges of that sort. Given Washington’s sanctions on Germany’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas project with Russia, Berlin’s prosecution of Trump administration officials for aiding war crimes in Yemen would seem particularly appropriate.

Admittedly, such extraterritoriality is far from ideal, but so long as America did not extradite its citizens—which is unlikely politically—the primary impact would be to sully reputations and discourage international travel. Although minimal penalties, they would still highlight Washington’s criminal responsibility. The target should be civilian policymakers rather than uniformed personnel carrying out the former’s instructions—perversely pitched in the U.S. as helping to reduce casualties.

The war in Yemen is an embarrassment to America, an act of blatant aggression by brutal dictatorships that pretend to be close U.S. allies. Sharing responsibility for this crime are former President Barack Obama and perhaps former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Saudi/Emirati aggression against Yemen is almost one continuous war crime. The perpetrators should be prosecuted. The time for immunity is over. The time for imposing responsibility is now – by Doug Bandow

(** B K P)

Houthi Offensive in Marib Represents Dual Threat to Yemeni Government

The oil-rich governorate of Marib has increasingly become the focal point of the war in Yemen as the Houthis’ determination to take control of the strategic governorate has intensified over the past several months. Marib is the last remaining stronghold in the north for Yemen’s internationally recognized government and is a key strategic territory not only due to its oil fields, but also because it could set the stage for the Houthis to eventually move into key southern governorates.

The Houthis’ military offensive in Marib has coincided with other critical developments that have undermined the Yemeni government and Saudi Arabia’s ability to control any outcomes in Yemen. Among the most critical developments, which also has serious implications for the battle for Marib, was the Southern Transitional Council’s withdrawal from the troubled Riyadh Agreement.

Beyond air superiority, the Saudi coalition and Yemeni government have few advantages in their fight against the Houthis in Marib. Persistent turmoil and uncertainty has plagued the pro-government ranks, which is largely an incoherent, cobbled together fighting force from different regions and governorates and with disparate political motivations, hindering the government’s ability to dictate strategic and operational priorities.

The pro-government coalition’s limitations only magnify the fact that the battle for Marib will, in all likelihood, be won or lost not through sheer military force, but through either the Houthi or the government’s ability to gain support, or acquiescence, from the governorate’s key tribes, particularly the powerful Murad tribe. The Saudi coalition has steadily poured money into the governorate and, early on in the war, the tribes of Marib put up a stiff resistance to the Houthi’s incursions. That same resistance, however, is not guaranteed in perpetuity and history has shown that the tribes of Marib have deftly shifted their alliances to ensure their survival or for their own enrichment.

Another key challenge beyond the Houthis superior maneuverability and the issue of galvanizing tribal support in Marib is the government’s hesitance to redeploy forces from critical, resource-rich southern locations—notably Bayhan and Ataq in Shabwa and Sayoun in Hadramawt—for fear the STC will exploit the situation to make gains that would further erode the government’s power. In addition to Marib, these southern locations represent the government’s primary power bases as well as nearly all of the country’s oil production.

With the Houthis marching on Marib and the STC withdrawing from the Riyadh agreement, the Yemeni government and Saudi coalition is facing one of its greatest dilemmas since the war began. Preventing the STC from gaining additional ground has left pro-government forces less flexible for more than a year while the government’s legitimacy was further eroded. The prospect of losing critical economic assets in southern governorates to STC control will prevent those pro-government forces from being used to shore up the frontlines in Marib – by Brian M. Perkins

(** B P)

Yemen Publishes Documents Disclosing US Interference in Arab Country

A Yemeni television network published a number of classified and top-secret documents from the United States’ diplomatic mission in the Arab country, which reveal Washington's interference in the internal affairs of the Arab country since many years ago.

The US embassy’s documents were publicized by the al-Masirah television network before the September 21 Revolution – the 2014 popular uprising that toppled the Saudi-backed government of former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, and included directives from previous American Ambassador Gerald M. Feierstein to the Presidency on transfer of the so-called “anti-terrorism units” from the Ministry of Interior to Defense Ministry.

The leaks also exposed US directives on limiting the role of the units to security forces guarding the Yemeni land and maritime borders.

Furthermore, the US embassy’s documents ordered that presidential decrees be issued immediately for the appointment of a number of military commanders in various ranks, including a new commander for the Yemeni special operations forces, his deputy, and the deputy chief of the General Staff.

Separately, the documents issued by Yemen’s National Security Bureau (NSB) at the time revealed the US’ leading role in and its close supervision over destruction of Yemeni air defense systems, chiefly Strela short-range and surface-to-air missile system (SAMs).

The files disclosed that the American side had directed its activities towards serving the interests of the US national security, with complete disregard for Yemen’s interests.

Earlier this year, a Yemeni security source said the United States had destroyed the country’s air defense missiles during the reign of slain Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, over allegations that the weapons would fall into al-Qaeda hands in case the then Yemeni administration was toppled.

The unnamed source told Yemen’s official Saba news agency on February 27 that an American delegation, which was comprised of Program Manager in the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) with the Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Dennis F.

Hadrick, liaison officer Santo Polizzi, technical expert Niels Talbot, Deputy Director of Programs in the Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism at the US Department of State, Laurie Freeman, and the military attaché at the US embassy in Sana’a, held meetings with Yemeni Ministry of Defense officials at the time to pressure them to hand over the missiles in preparation for their complete destruction. Their demands were initially turned down though.

The source added that Brigadier Ammar Mohammad Abdullah Saleh, a nephew of Saleh and then deputy director of the National Security Bureau, was then tasked with persuading Yemeni military officials to agree to the surrender and annihilation of the air defense missiles in exchange for hefty sums of money.

This document, issued previously by the United States’ diplomatic mission in Yemen and published by the Yemeni Arabic-language al-Masirah television network on September 24, 2020, purports to prove that Washington secretly interfered in the Yemeni internal affairs.

(** B K P)

Geheimdienste und Medien: Neue Dokumente enthüllen die massive Propagandaoperation des Westens gegen Syrien

Dokumente offenbaren, wie westliche Geheimdienste internationale Medien benutzt haben, um eine irreführende Medienberichterstattung über die Lage in Syrien zu erzeugen. Praktisch jeder Aspekt der so genannten “syrischen Opposition” sei von Public-Relations-Firmen „kultiviert und vermarktet“ worden, heißt es in den Dokumenten, deren Echtheit noch bestätigt werden muss. Wir veröffentlichen hier einen Artikel des italienischen Mediums „L’Antidiplomatico“.

In einem Artikel auf der Website von „Grayzone“ wurden Dokumente veröffentlicht, die eine groß angelegte Propaganda von Auftragnehmern westlicher Regierungen und Medien gegen die syrische Regierung enthüllen.[*]

Der Autor Ben Norton erklärt, dass die durchgesickerten Dokumente zeigen, wie Auftragnehmer der britischen Regierung eine fortschrittliche Propaganda-Infrastruktur entwickelt haben, um die Unterstützung der so genannten “politischen und bewaffneten Opposition” Syriens im Westen anzuregen.

Praktisch jeder Aspekt der so genannten “syrischen Opposition” wurde demnach von Public-Relations-Firmen, die von westlichen Regierungen unterstützt werden, kultiviert und vermarktet, von ihren politischen Erzählungen bis zu ihrer Marke, von dem, was sie sagten, bis zu dem Ort, wo sie es sagten.

Die durchgesickerten Akten enthüllen, wie westliche Geheimdienstzentren die Medien genutzt haben, indem sie sorgfältig eine Berichterstattung in englischer und arabischer Sprache über den Krieg in Syrien erstellten, um einen stetigen Strom so genannter “Pro-Oppositions-Berichterstattung” zu erzeugen.

US-amerikanische und europäische Auftragnehmer hätten “syrische Oppositionsführer” auf allen Ebenen geschult und beraten, diese Unternehmen hätten auch Interviews für so genannte “syrische Oppositionsführer” auf Mainstream-Kanälen wie der BBC und Channel 4 in Großbritannien organisiert.

Mehr als die Hälfte der Personen, die von Al Jazeera in Syrien eingesetzt werden, seien im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Programms der US-Regierung und des Vereinigten Königreichs mit dem Namen “Basma” ausgebildet worden, das Hunderte von terroristischen Medienaktivisten hervorgebracht habe.

Die PR-Firmen westlicher Regierungen beeinflussten demnach nicht nur die Art und Weise, wie die Medien über Syrien berichteten, sondern produzierten, wie aus den durchgesickerten Dokumenten hervorgehe, ihre eigenen Pseudo-Nachrichten-Propagandageschichten, die von den großen Fernsehsendern im Nahen Osten, darunter BBC Arabic, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya und Orient TV, ausgestrahlt wurden.

Diese von Großbritannien finanzierten Unternehmen haben demnach als Vollzeit-PR für terroristische Organisationen fungiert. Ein Vertragspartner, genannt InCoStrat, behauptete, in ständigem Kontakt mit einem Netzwerk von über 1.600 internationalen Journalisten und “Beeinflussern” zu stehen, und nutzte diese, um Diskussionspunkte für “die Opposition” zu fördern.

Ein weiterer Auftragnehmer der westlichen Regierung, die ARK, hat eine Strategie entwickelt, um terroristische Organisationen in Syrien “umzubenennen” und ihr Image “aufzuweichen”. Die ARK rühmte sich, Propaganda für “die Opposition” zu liefern, die “fast täglich” in den großen arabischsprachigen Fernsehsendern ausgestrahlt wurde.

Praktisch alle großen westlichen Konzernmedien seien durch die von der britischen Regierung finanzierte Desinformationskampagne beeinflusst worden, die in den durchgesickerten Dokumenten aufgedeckt wurde, von der New York Times bis zur Washington Post, von CNN bis zum The Guardian, von der BBC bis zu Buzzfeed.

Die Akten bestätigen Berichte von Journalisten, darunter Max Blumenthal von The Grayzone, über die Rolle der ARK, des Auftragnehmers der US-UK-Regierung, bei der Bekanntmachung der “Weißhelme” in den westlichen Medien. Die ARK verwaltete demnach die sozialen Medienkonten der Weißhelme und trug dazu bei, die vom Westen finanzierte Gruppe zu einer wichtigen Propagandawaffe der so genannten syrischen Opposition zu machen.

Bei den Dokumenten handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Material, das unter der Schirmherrschaft des britischen Außen- und Commonwealth-Amtes erstellt wurde. Die Dokumente zeigen nicht nur die Rolle auf, die diese westlichen Geheimdienstakteure bei der Gestaltung der Medienberichterstattung spielen, sondern beleuchten auch das Programm der britischen Regierung zur Ausbildung und Bewaffnung terroristischer Gruppen in Syrien.

Andere Materialien zeigen, wie die Regierungen in London und im Westen zusammengearbeitet haben, um eine neue Polizei in vom Terrorismus kontrollierten Gebieten aufzubauen. Einige der Auftragnehmer der britischen Regierung, deren Aktivitäten in diesen Dokumenten aufgedeckt werden, waren vor Ort, um Jabhat al-Nusra, eine syrische Mitgliedsorganisation von al-Qaida, und ihre fanatischen Ableger zu unterstützen.

Anmerkung der NachDenkSeiten:

Laut Ben Norton war das Magazin „Grayzone“ nicht in der Lage, die Echtheit der Dokumente unabhängig zu überprüfen. Der Inhalt decke sich jedoch mit der Berichterstattung über westliche Destabilisierungs- und Propagandaoperationen in Syrien und mit Reportagen etwa von Max Blumenthal.

Die Dokumente wurden laut Norton von einer Gruppe beschafft, die sich selbst Anonymous nennt. Die nicht identifizierten Informanten sagten, sie wollten “kriminelle Aktivitäten des britischen FCO und der Geheimdienste aufdecken” und erklärten: “Wir erklären dem britischen Neokolonialismus den Krieg!“

Bei den durchgesickerten Dokumenten handele es sich hauptsächlich um Material, das unter der Schirmherrschaft des britischen Außen- und Commonwealth-Amtes erstellt wurde. Alle in den Akten genannten Firmen seien von der britischen Regierung unter Vertrag genommen worden, aber viele führten auch “Multi-Geber-Projekte” durch, die von den Regierungen der Vereinigten Staaten und anderer westeuropäischer Länder finanziert worden seien.

und etwas ausführlicher:


(** B K P)

Syrien: Kriegspropaganda im 21. Jahrhundert

Leaks aus dem britischen Außenministerium bestätigen Vorwürfe über ein systematisches Weißwaschen der bewaffneten islamistischen Milizen als moderate Opposition

Das Label "moderate Opposition" oder "Rebellen" als Sammelname für die Milizen, die mit Waffengewalt in Syrien einen islamischen Staat herbeiführen wollten, hat sich lange gehalten. Erst seit einigen Monaten taucht in deutschen, englischen oder französischen Berichten der Begriff "islamistisch" oder "dschihadistisch" öfter auf, wenn es um diese Gruppierungen geht.

Dass sich der Blick auf die Verhältnisse auf dem syrischen Terrain erst mit einer derartigen Verzögerung verändert hat, hat mehrere Gründe; einer davon ist die professionelle und weitreichende Medien-PR-Arbeit zugunsten der militanten Gotteskrieger gegen die syrischen Regierung. Wie schnell die Medienabteilungen der islamistischen, salafistischen und dschihadistischen Milizen arbeiteten, war in Journalistenkreisen kein Geheimnis. Über Mail oder Whats-App-Kontakte wurde sehr rasch auf Ereignisse und Konfliktstoffe in Medienberichten reagiert. Die Milizen sind gut vernetzt.

Anfang September wurde eine große Menge an Dokumenten veröffentlicht, die auf eine Medien-PR-Arbeit für die bewaffnete islamistische Opposition in Syrien deuten, deren Strategie und Ausmaß eine riesige Dimension haben. Sie ist ein Exempel für Kriegspropaganda am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts. Finanziert wurde sie von Regierungen Großbritanniens, den USA, europäischen Staaten und der EU, wie aus den Papieren hervorgeht.

Es handelt sich vermutlich um 200 bis 300 Leaks "mit empfindlichem Inhalt" aus dem britischen Außenministerium (FCDO), wie Middle East Eye berichtet. Über die Hacker wird noch gerätselt. Dazu stellt sich die Frage, wie es möglich war, in die Computer des Foreign Office einzudringen.

Zahlreiche Kostproben der geleakten Dokumente sind hier und hier veröffentlicht. Bislang haben sich nur der US-Journalist Ben Norton für The Grayzone und der französische Journalist Maxime Choix für Deep-News-Media die Mühe gemacht, das Material in längeren Berichten auszuwerten.

Ob die Dokumente authentisch sind, ist nicht belegt, aber wenig spricht dagegen. Das britische Außenministerium gibt dazu keinen Kommentar ab.

Es ist dies allerdings nicht die erste Veröffentlichung, die die Finanzierung von Medienarbeit durch die britische und US-amerikanische Regierung betrifft, um die Aktivitäten der bewaffneten Opposition in einem guten Licht zu präsentieren ( Propaganda: Syrische Bürgerjournalisten als militärisch-politische Schnittstelle). Dafür dass die britische Regierung mit Kommunikationsberatungsunternehmen in Sachen Syrien zusammengearbeitet hat, gibt es offizielle Belege.

Die in den Dokumenten aufgeführten Vertragspartner der britischen Regierung sind bekannt. Einer der Partner, die InCoStrat (Innovative Communications & Strategies) hatte schon 2016 gegenüber dem Guardian bestätigt, dass man Medien- und Kommunikationsunterstützung für die moderate syrische Opposition liefere. Die andere große Agentur ARK ist seit den Anfängen der syrischen Opposition "beraterisch" tätig, wie sie in einer Analyse-Broschüre von 2016 (Stichwort "Understanding the Syrian conflict") berichtet.

Die Vertragspartner der britischen Regierung - teilweise sind sie auch Vertragspartner der USA, in manchen Feldern sind auch die EU oder Dänemark laut Papieren mit von der Partie; wo es um die Weißhelme geht, kann man auch eine Beteiligung Frankreichs vermuten - haben Ausbildung, Gerätschaften, Geld für Journalisten bereitgestellt, die die syrische, arabische und internationale Öffentlichkeit mit Berichten, Filmen und Rundfunkbeiträgen versorgten, um das Bild der politischen Opposition, der "Freien Syrischen Armee" und darin eingeschlossen auch radikale, dschihadistische, al-Qaida-nahe Milizen, so gut wie möglich darzustellen.

Die geleakten Dokumenten zeigen, dass auch al-Nusra-Vertreter Gesprächspartner der von den PR-Agenturen angeworbenen, ausgebildeten und bezahlten "Bürgerjournalisten" waren, die ihr Material dann an Medien weitergaben. Nun ist reden mit extremen Gruppen das eine, das andere ist, deren Aktivitäten und Ziele systematisch und geplant zu verharmlosen - was dazu beitrug, den Krieg zu verlängern.

Besondere PR-Pflege kam den Weißhelmen zugute. Das wird niemand überraschen, der die professionell inszenierten Clips und Pressestatements der "Helfer" gesehen und sich gewundert hat, wie Personen mit enger Verbindung zu Hardcore-Milizen im Elysée-Palast feierliche Auftritte bekommen.

Überraschend ist, wie weit sich die PR-Strategie erstreckt.

Interessant ist auch, dass sich die PR-Macher damit rühmen, "Guerilla-Taktiken" in ihre Kommunikation aufgenommen zu haben. "Ereignisse schaffen, die zum Medienereignis werden", heißt das Stichwort dazu. Als Beispiel wird genannt, dass man während der Belagerung von Homs Personen mit T-Shirts in die TV-Bilder brachte, die Assad als Erschaffer des IS darstellten. Dieser Mythos hält sich bis heute – von Thomas Pany

(** B K P)

Leaked docs expose massive Syria propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors and media

Western government-funded intelligence cutouts trained Syrian opposition leaders, planted stories in media outlets from BBC to Al Jazeera, and ran a cadre of journalists. A trove of leaked documents exposes the propaganda network.

Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria’s political and armed opposition.

Virtually every aspect of the Syrian opposition was cultivated and marketed by Western government-backed public relations firms, from their political narratives to their branding, from what they said to where they said it.

The leaked files reveal how Western intelligence cutouts played the media like a fiddle, carefully crafting English- and Arabic-language media coverage of the war on Syria to churn out a constant stream of pro-opposition coverage.

US and European contractors trained and advised Syrian opposition leaders at all levels, from young media activists to the heads of the parallel government-in-exile. These firms also organized interviews for Syrian opposition leaders on mainstream outlets such as BBC and the UK’s Channel 4.

More than half of the stringers used by Al Jazeera in Syria were trained in a joint US-UK government program called Basma, which produced hundreds of Syrian opposition media activists.

Western government PR firms not only influenced the way the media covered Syria, but as the leaked documents reveal, they produced their own propagandistic pseudo-news for broadcast on major TV networks in the Middle East, including BBC Arabic, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and Orient TV.

These UK-funded firms functioned as full-time PR flacks for the extremist-dominated Syrian armed opposition. One contractor, called InCoStrat, said it was in constant contact with a network of more than 1,600 international journalists and “influencers,” and used them to push pro-opposition talking points.

Another Western government contractor, ARK, crafted a strategy to “re-brand” Syria’s Salafi-jihadist armed opposition by “softening its image.” ARK boasted that it provided opposition propaganda that “aired almost every day on” major Arabic-language TV networks.

Virtually every major Western corporate media outlet was influenced by the UK government-funded disinformation campaign exposed in the trove of leaked documents, from the New York Times to the Washington Post, CNN to The Guardian, the BBC to Buzzfeed.

The files confirm reporting by journalists including The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal on the role of ARK, the US-UK government contractor, in popularizing the White Helmets in Western media. ARK ran the social media accounts of the White Helmets, and helped turn the Western-funded group into a key propaganda weapon of the Syrian opposition.

The leaked documents consist mainly of material produced under the auspices of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. All of the firms named in the files were contracted by the British government, but many also were running “multi-donor projects” that received funding from the governments of the United States and other Western European countries.

In addition to demonstrating the role these Western intelligence cutouts played in shaping media coverage, the documents shine light on the British government program to train and arm rebel groups in Syria.

Other materials show how London and Western governments worked together to build a new police force in opposition-controlled areas.

Many of these Western-backed opposition groups in Syria were extremist Salafi-jihadists. Some of the UK government contractors whose activities are exposed in these leaked documents were in effect supporting Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra and its fanatical offshoots.

The documents were obtained by a group calling itself Anonymous, and were published under a series of files entitled, “Op. HMG [Her Majesty’s Government] Trojan Horse: From Integrity Initiative To Covert Ops Around The Globe. Part 1: Taming Syria.” The unidentified leakers said they aim to “expose criminal activity of the UK’s FCO and secret services,” stating, “We declare war on the British neocolonialism!”

The Grayzone was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the documents. However, the contents tracked closely with reporting on Western destabilization and propaganda operations in Syria by this outlet and many others.

40 percent of ARK’s Syria project team were Syrian citizens, and another 25 percent were Turkish. The firm said its Syria team staff had “extensive experience managing programmes and conducting research funded by many different governmental clients in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, the Palestinian Territories, Iraq and other conflict-affected states.” – by Ben Norton

and a part of it, with more illustrations:

My comment: Be aware that exactly this not only happened and happens in the case of syria. There will be no difference in the case of other topics of great Western geopolitical interest, i. e. Russia, the Middle East, China, the neoliberal capitalist world order, and, off course, Western warfare and warmongering:

(** B P)

30 Jahre „Brutkastenlüge“: Imperialer Machtanspruch und demokratische Öffentlichkeit

Wie gelingt es Regierungen demokratischer Staaten, Kriege zu führen, die von den Bevölkerungen abgelehnt werden? Die 1990 im Vorfeld des Irak-Kriegs aufgetischte „Brutkastenlüge“ steht exemplarisch dafür, wie Regierungen versuchen, Kriege gegen den Willen der Bürger zu legitimieren. Der Mechanismus hat Tradition.

Ohne Zustimmung der Öffentlichkeit tun sich auch US-amerikanische Regierungen schwer, Krieg in einem Drittstaat zu führen. Also tut sie gut daran, mittels propagandistischer Maßnahmen für die gewünschte öffentliche Meinung zu sorgen.

Die sogenannte „Brutkastenlüge“ ist seither der Vergesslichkeit der Menschen überlassen worden. Denn sie führt direkt ins Zentrum einer Problematik, über welche man in den USA und in der NATO diskret hinwegsieht: in das Spannungsverhältnis von demokratischer Öffentlichkeit und imperialen Ansprüchen. Sie ist ein besonders krasses Beispiel dafür, wie im Sicherheitsrat der UNO mit dem Gewaltverzichtsgebot umgesprungen wird. Während die Menschen sich dagegen verwahren, „der Krieg sei der Vater aller Dinge“ (Heraklit, 500 v. Chr.), so ist er für den „militärisch-industriellen Komplex“ (Eisenhower) der Vater aller Geschäfte. Er ist unverzichtbar.

Die Geschichte von Nayirah steht exemplarisch dafür, wie Regierungen Krieg legitimieren, obwohl die Menschen ihn ablehnen, die die Regierungen wählen. Der Mechanismus hat Tradition.

Die Nachkriegszeit mit dem Kalten Krieg, den Stellvertreterkonflikten und dem immer enthemmteren Turbokapitalismus trug eine gesteigerte Amoralität in die Kriegsanlasslüge. Richtungsweisend war 1954 der Putsch in Guatemala.

Das Muster bewährte sich. Nach der kubanischen Revolution durch Fidel Castro 1959 legte eine Expertenkommission unter dem Vorsitz von General Lemnitzer, dem obersten Generalstabschef, Präsident Kennedy eine Reihe von Vorschlägen vor, wie die öffentliche Meinung manipuliert werden könnte, damit eine militärische Intervention der USA in Kuba durchführbar würde. Das Papier mit dem Namen „Operation Northwoods“, das 40 Jahre unter Verschluss blieb, aber heute im “National Security Archive” der Universität Washington einsehbar ist, enthält u.a. folgende Ideen: Zerstörung einer US-amerikanischen Militärbasis mit anschließender Beschuldigung der kubanischen Armee, Abschuss eines US-Militärjets durch Flugzeuge vom Typ eines russischen Kampffliegers, fingierte Terroraktion mittels Versenkens eines Schiffs mit Exilkubanern, Abschuss einer zivilen Chartermaschine durch ein kubanisches Flugzeug. Kennedy war besonnen genug, die Aktion abzulehnen und sämtliche Vorschläge zurückzuweisen. Aber schon zwei Jahre danach hatte Präsident Johnson keine Skrupel, mit dem frei erfundenen Tonkin-Zwischenfall – angeblicher Beschuss des US-Zerstörers Maddox im Golf von Tonkin – die Zustimmung des Kongresses einzuholen, um die Bombardierungen Nordvietnams zu legitimieren.

Seit der Revolution im Iran 1979 ist der Mittlere Osten in den Fokus der US-amerikanischen Außenpolitik gerückt. Nach dem Zusammenbruch des Regimes von Schah Reza Pahlavi und dem (illegalen) Kriegseintritt der Sowjetunion in Afghanistan gingen die USA in die Offensive. Präsident Jimmy Carter verkündete der Welt:

„Jeder Versuch einer anderen Macht, Kontrolle über den Persischen Golf zu gewinnen, wird von uns als Angriff auf die Lebensinteressen der USA angesehen. Ein solcher Angriff wird mit allen erforderlichen Mitteln, einschließlich militärischer Gewalt, zurückgeschlagen werden.“

Seither gebärden sich die USA so, wie wenn die Carter-Doktrin Usurpation in Recht verwandelt hätte.

Der Zerfall einer Nation beginnt mit dem Zerfall ihrer moralischen Werte; es erging dem Imperium Romanum nicht anders als heute den USA. Dass sie unter US-Präsident Donald Trump (anscheinend) ihrem Untergang entgegentaumeln, ist ein Prozess, der längst vor dem Egomanen im Weißen Haus begonnen hat. Der Sündenfall war, dass sich eine Demokratie vollständig den Interessen des „militärisch-industriellen Komplexes“ unterordnete (heute müsste man wohl sagen: den Interessen des „militärisch-digitalen Komplexes“). Die wirtschaftliche Elite der USA widersetzt sich heute Trump nur halbherzig, weil sie sich selbst jahrzehntelang hat korrumpieren lassen. Uns Europäern kann nur helfen, in der Politik, der Wirtschaft und der Publizistik einen eigenen Weg zu finden. Das „alte Europa“ müsste endlich den Mut finden, sich von all den aufgetischten Lügen zu distanzieren, anstatt sie einfach abzunicken von Reinhard Straumann

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

No new Covid-19 cases reported on Friday


Film: Yemen has one of the world's highest fatality rates for COVID-19. In the last few months, over 1 in 4 people who've tested positive died. What it's like to live with this threat?

(A H)

1 new case of coronavirus reported in Hadramout

(* B H)

Film: Jemen leidet besonders unter Corona-Krise

(B H)

Medical source: the numbers of people infected by dengue fever and Chikungunya virus are increasing, especially children in #Hodeidah governorate, amid the collapse of the health system.

(B H P)

Yemen- Houthi Militias Deprive Hajjah Governorate’s Children from Having Polio vaccine

Hajjah Governorate’ children are deprived of polio vaccine as clashes between government forces and Houthis are heating up. More than 4000 family lives under the internationally recognized government, which suffer dire humanitarian conditions due to the Houthis’ siege and the constant refugee’s movement. Houthis blocked the entry of polio vaccines along with other important humanitarian aid

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(*A K)


(* B P)

[Sanaa gov.] Prime Minister: US Influenced Former Regime Decision to Normalize with Israeli Enemy

The Prime Minister Dr. said that "before the September 21st revolution, many state officials got their daily tasks assigned by foreign embassies." He told Almasirah on the sixth anniversary of the September 21 revolution that "the September 21 revolution is a Yemeni popular revolution for all the Yemeni people, and that reality has proven the falsehood of the aggression’s claims that the September 21 revolution is a sectarian revolution, and today there is equal opportunities for all citizens."

He pointed out that some of the teams participating in the National Dialogue in 2013 were managed from outside the halls, and were directly affiliated with foreign embassies.

Prime Minister, Bin Habtoor, revealed that the leaders of the parties to the dialogue were meeting in Abed Rabbo's house, but they were not allowed to meet without the presence of Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, Hamid Al-Ahmar and the US ambassador.

Bin Habtoor said, “I refused the aggression’s request to lead what they called the“ resistance ”in Aden, and all those who carried weapons at the time were from Al Qaeda and ISIS."

The prime minister added, "The presence of Abd Rabbo benefits Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, as he agrees with everything they want, and is silent about the presence of some Zionist military personnel in Mayon and Socotra," noting that the Americans seek to divide Yemen.

(B H P)

[Sanaa gov.] Human Rights condemns rape, murder crimes against children in Taiz

The Human Rights Office in Taiz province has condemned the crimes of rape and murder against children in the occupied areas of Taiz province.

In a statement Saba obtained a copy of it, the office expressed its grave concern about the high rate of crimes in the occupied Taiz areas, which evolved into the rape and murder of children, and the threat to assassinating their relatives if they spoke about them.

(B K P)

Implementation of technical assistance provided to the National Commission of Inquiry to investigate allegations of violations and abuses committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen - Report of the UN High Commissioner

The present report provides an overview of the technical assistance and capacitybuilding that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights provided between March 2016 and August 2020 to the National Commission of Inquiry to investigate allegations of violations and abuses committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen.

The report describes the difficulties the National Commission has been facing in implementing its mandate. It concludes with a set of recommendations, calling upon all stakeholders to implement the recommendations made in the previous reports of the High Commissioner and of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts to the Human Rights Council.

(* B H K P)

Last stand in Yemen as battle for oil-rich province rages

Hadi Ahmed wearily sets up a tent in Yemen's Marib province, after fleeing fighting yet again in the government's last northern stronghold which is under intense pressure from Huthi rebels.

The Iran-backed fighters have long held the capital Sanaa which lies just 120 kilometres (75 miles) away and are mounting a fierce campaign to take the oil-rich province.

If they are successful, it would spell disaster for the government and also for the hundreds of thousands of displaced people sheltering in desolate camps who would have to run for their lives once again.

Battles between the two sides have intensified in recent weeks and now threaten the camps, including Suweida north of Marib city where Hadi, his wife and their seven children arrived in August.

They share a plot of land just one square kilometre with 700 other families, and have tried to make their metal-framed tent a home as best they can, setting up a fridge that they hope to connect to a generator.

"Until this moment, we have fled five times," the 46-year-old told AFP as his children sat close to their meagre belongings while he fixed up their latest dwelling.

"We arrived at this camp where there are no basic necessities for survival."

Hadi said they were forced to flee their home in Nihm, north of Sanaa, as the conflict approached.

"Every time we fled... I tried to reassure them that we're going to settle down," he said. "We leave a lot behind every time because we are unable to carry our things."

Until early 2020, Marib city was spared the worst of the conflict, due to its strategic importance with its rich oil and gas reserves, and also because of its location near the border of regional power Saudi Arabia.

Government military sources say the Huthis are inching closer to the city and tightening the noose from three sides as well as sending hundreds of fighters into battle.

Maged Al-Madhaji, of the Sanaa Centre for Strategic Studies, said the conflict "constitutes the highest rate of fighting in Yemen in terms of number of battles".

What is happening now is a "war of attrition", he said.

As in other parts of the war-torn country, where tens of thousands of people have been killed and some 3.3 million people displaced, it is the civilians paying the highest price.

(* B H P)

Panel of experts: Vulnerable groups continue facing discrimination in Yemen

The United Nations (UN) Panel of Experts said that vulnerable groups in Yemen including Muhamasheen (marginalized group), displaced people, people with special needs and religious minorities continue face constant discrimination.

The experts said that risk of exploitation and physical abuse to such vulnerable groups is exacerbated by the dire economic situation.

In a report that will be presented in the upcoming week to the UN Human Rights Council, the experts expressed their deep concern that parties to the conflict continued to target human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers and activists to repress dissent and curtail criticism.

The experts said that they received reports of the numerous obstacles endured by persons with disabilities in accessing health services and assistive devices, humanitarian aid, education and employment opportunities. Older people are also particularly vulnerable.

“Religious minorities continue to face particular barriers to the enjoyment of their rights. For protection reasons, the Group is not able to publicly report on all of the violations experienced by these groups,” the report read.

(* A P)

Film: Oil tanker off Yemen coast threatens to break apart

A tanker stranded off the coast of Yemen for more than five years may soon break apart, causing one of the largest oil spills in living memory, experts warn. But the vessel is being used as a bargaining chip in Yemen's ongoing war.


(* A P)

Saudis warn U.N. of oil spot in shipping lane near decaying Yemen tanker

Saudi Arabia warned the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday that an “oil spot” had been seen in a shipping transit area 31 miles (50 km) west of a decaying tanker that is threatening to spill 1.1 million barrels of crude oil off the coast of Yemen.

The Safer tanker has been stranded off Yemen’s Red Sea oil terminal of Ras Issa for more than five years. The United Nations has warned that the Safer could spill four times as much oil as the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off Alaska.

In a letter to the 15-member body, reviewed by Reuters, Saudi Arabia’s U.N. Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi wrote that experts had observed that “a pipeline attached to the vessel is suspected to have been separated from the stabilizers holding it to the bottom and is now floating on the surface of the sea.”

The United Nations has been waiting for formal authorization from Yemen’s Houthi movement to send a mission to the Safer tanker to conduct a technical assessment and whatever initial repairs might be feasible.

(* B K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Human Rights Reveals Shocking Numbers of Civilian Victims During 2000 Days

Ministry of Human Rights revealed Wednesday shocking numbers of the civilian victims as a result of the US-Saudi aggression during 2000 days.

The Ministry of Human Rights held a press conference in the capital, Sana'a, confirming that the aggression has killed 16,771 civilians and injured 26,359 others, explaining that 5,345 of the killed are women.

The report indicated that the aggression killed 3,747 children and injured over 4 thousand others during the 2000 days.

It pointed to the displacement of more than 4 million and 147 thousand Yemenis as a result of the bombing that targeted all Yemeni lands.

and also

(A K P)

Coalition deviates from objective in Yemen because of UAE ambitions, [Hadi gov.] Yemeni official

Saudi-led coalition has failed to achieve its objective in Yemen which is to end the Houthi coup and restore the legitimate government because of UAE ambitions, a senior Yemeni official said on Wednesday.
The United Arab Emirates is a member state in the coalition which has been fighting the Houthis in support of the internationally recognised government since March 2015.
Deputy information minister in the government, Mohammed Qaysan, told the Anadolu news agency the coalition, especially Saudi brothers, have sacrificed a lot but agendas and ambitions of some countries participating in it has made it deviate from its stated goal.
"This dangerous deviation will serve the Houthis for long and prolong the crisis in Yemen," he said, according to the agency.
The Yemeni government should sit with Saudi Arabia and talk transparently about the reasons for prolonging the war and deviation from the coalition's objectives, he added.
"There should be an evaluation of the operations during the past years and new military strategies and the policy should be changed to guarantee the return of the government to the country to run the files of war and development".

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Over Y.R 27 billion fines for detaining oil ships in six months: Official

The Executive Director of the Yemeni Oil Company (YPC) Eng. Ammar Al-Adhruee has confirmed that the fines incurred by the Yemeni people due to the continued detention of oil derivative ships for six months have exceeded Y.R 27 billion.

During a protest stand entitled "Together to break the unjust siege" by the company’s employees on Friday in front of the United Nations office in Sanaa,” al-Adhruee said that 19 ships are still being held by the aggression coalition as their period of detention ranged between 6 and 4 months.


(A K P)

YPC: Within Two Months, No Liter Allowed to Enter Hodeidah Port

Al- Adrai clarified that within two months, no liter was allowed to enter the port of Hodeidah, as the last entry of the oil was on August 2. He pointed out that the fees of the seized tankers exceeded forty-four million dollars, equivalent to more than twenty-seven billion riyals.

Al- Adrai mentioned that 70% of the Yemen Petroleum Company’s stations, and more than 3,500 oil derivative tankers have stopped, pointing to the losses of these stations exceed three billion riyals during the past four months.

(* A H K)

Arab coalition denies Yemen access to vital medicines: Houthis

The Houthi group on Thursday accused the Saudi-led coalition of denying Yemen access to medicines for chronological diseases.
The first thing the Arab coalition did in Yemen was targeting the health and medical sector by imposing blockade, closing Sana'a airport and preventing medicines' entry, Houthi minister for health said.
Pharmaceutical researches, which have begun at the level of universities and health ministry, should be promoted in order to produce medicines, Taha al-Mutawakil added in speech to a ceremony on the world pharmacist day in Sana'a City.
"Medicines produced in Yemen don't cover 10 percent of the country's actual demand," he said, while the other 90 percent is imported.
Yemenis have been paying the costs of a war over power in the Arab poorest country, where oil shortages have yet furthered the people's sufferings, particularly in Houthi-held northern areas.
Sana'a health ministry has warned against the oil shortage's impact on health facilities' functionality.

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Distress Call to Avoid Closure of Largest Hospital in Al-Jawf, Due to Lack of Fuel

The Public Health Office in Al-Jawf, Tuesday, issued a distress call to avoid the closure of its largest hospital and the only oxygen station in the governorate due to the depletion of oil products.

A statement by the Al-Jawf Health Office stated: “dueto the Saudi-led aggression, which has prevented oil derivatives from reaching the country for more than 4 months, health organizations can't fulfill their pledges, including providing oil derivatives to Al-Hazm Hospital and the only oxygen plant in the governorate from August until today.

The statement warned that stopping the oxygen plant from operating will threaten the lives of thousands of patients.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Film: Humanitarian crisis in Yemen worsens amid civil war and COVID-19

As Yemen's long-running civil war continues, the country's humanitarian crisis is deepening. The United Nations is warning that critical supplies continue to be cut or held back.

(* B H)

Jetzt nicht wegschauen: Konflikt, Wirtschaftskrise und Coronavirus treiben den Jemen an den Rand einer Hungersnot

Da die Bedarfe immer weiter steigen, fordert WFP dringend finanzielle Unterstützung und ungehinderten Zugang für humanitäre Hilfe

Arafat schiebt eine Schubkarre durch die Straßen von Sanaa, zurück in das Zimmer, das er sich mit seiner Frau und ihren vier Kindern teilt. Der 37-Jährige war früher Lagerarbeiter in der Hafenstadt Hodeidah am Roten Meer und musste in die Hauptstadt fliehen, als dort der Konflikt ausbrach und er seinen Arbeitsplatz verlor.

Obwohl er sich mit Gelegenheitsarbeiten durchschlägt, reicht sein Einkommen bei weitem nicht für seine sechsköpfige Familie. Die Nahrungsmittel, die er von einer Verteilung des UN World Food Programmes (WFP) nach Hause rollt — Mehl, getrocknete Bohnen, Öl, Zucker und Salz — sind, was die Familie vor dem Hunger bewahrt. Aber wie viele andere im Jemen erhält Arafat jetzt statt monatlich nur mehr jeden zweiten Monat Hilfe.

Wie Arafat steht der gesamte Jemen kurz vor dem Abgrund. Der Konflikt brodelt so stark wie nie: Entlang 40 verschiedener Fronten wird gekämpft, zahlreiche Menschen werden getötet, Tausende vertrieben. Noch dazu steht die Wirtschaft am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Beides zusammen bedeutet, dass das Land ernsthaft Gefahr läuft, wieder dorthin zurückgeworfen zu werden, wo es 2018 stand: Kurz vor einer Hungersnot.

Heute ist die Situation sogar noch schlimmer. Der Wert der Landeswährung Riyal hat den niedrigsten Stand aller Zeiten erreicht und die Devisenreserven sind fast erschöpft. Das bedeutet, dass lebenswichtige Nahrungsmittelimporte bald unmöglich werden. Die Lebensmittelpreise sind in die Höhe geschossen. Sie sind jetzt 140 Prozent höher als vor dem Krieg — wobei die Preise für Grundnahrungsmittel wie Pflanzenöl und Hülsenfrüchte allein in den letzten acht Monaten um fast 50 Prozent gestiegen sind. Infolgedessen können sich immer mehr Menschen nicht mehr genug zu essen leisten. Teile des Landes sind nur sehr schwer zugänglich, da sich die Fronten ständig verschieben und humanitäre Organisationen Mühe haben, die Bedürftigsten zu erreichen.

Gleichzeitig musste WFP die Ernährungshilfe in Teilen des Landes wegen massiver Finanzierungslücken kürzen. Weitere Kürzungen werden bald unvermeidlich sein.

Ohne das nahrhafte Essen, das sie für ein gesundes Wachstum benötigen, sind Kinder am schlimmsten von der sich verschärfenden humanitären Krise betroffen. Arafats zwei Jungen und zwei Mädchen sind keine Ausnahme: Bei Sultan, seinem Jüngsten, wurde schwere akute Mangelernährung diagnostiziert.

Wie Arafats Familie können sich zwei Drittel der 30 Millionen Einwohner des Jemen nicht ausreichend ernähren — sie leiden Hunger.

„Die Bedarfe im Jemen sind aufgrund eines giftigen Cocktails aus Konflikt, Wirtschaftskrise und Coronavirus größer als je zuvor. Doch die Unterstützung für humanitäre Hilfe im Land geht zurück“, sagt Laurent Bukera, WFP-Landesdirektor im Jemen. Um die Ernährungshilfe im Land aufrechtzuerhalten, benötigt WFP durchschnittlich 200 Millionen US-Dollar pro Monat. Die Kürzungen in der Hilfe wurden vorgenommen, da der Hilfseinsatz nur knapp die Hälfte der Mittel erhalten hat, die im Jahr 2020 benötigt werden.

„Wir tun mit der Unterstützung, die wir erhalten haben, alles, was wir können. Aber das ist nicht genug. Wir können nicht tatenlos zusehen, wie Menschen in die Katastrophe schlittern“, sagt Bukera und fordert finanzielle Unterstützung sowie politische Anstrengungen, um humanitären Organisationen im ganzen Land sicheren und ungehinderten Zugang zu gewährleisten.

(B H)

Milchbauern spenden für Jemen

Der Milchfarmer Mike Magan aus dem irischen Longford, ehemaliger Vorsitzender von Lakeland Dairies, hat die Spendeninitiative “Gemeinsam für den Jemen” ins Leben gerufen, um Geld für das vom Krieg zerrüttete Land zu sammeln. Ziel der Initiative ist es, den Wert der Milch von einer Kuh für einen Tag von jedem Bauern in Irland zu sammeln, um irisches VMP für die Hungerhilfe des Roten Kreuzes zu kaufen.

(B H)

Woman dignity saved - Success Story

The people who are impoverished always pay the price of conflicts. This article tells the story of Fatima in Khairan district. “I was feeling safe and going to latrine every time without exposing my life to danger”, Fatima said, describing her situation before she was displaced to Khairan. The escalation of conflict has caused concern for the poor and marginalized women who have paid the price of war, that they have no part in, but deeply affected by due to where they live... The escalated clashes have threatened their lives with danger that forced them to flee their families to Khiran district for safety, with hundreds of other families.

However, their lives faced new risks and dangers, in crowded conditions, with scarce latrines. This created a catastrophic tragedy when the marginalized women are forced to resist their need of urine until night to do it in the open.

(* B H)

Yemen: accusations fly over lack of access to medicine

Yemen’s Houthi-aligned government yesterday accused the Saudi-led coalition of denying the country access to vital medicine. According to Dr Taha Al-Mutawakil, the Minister of Health in the National Salvation Government (NSG), one of the first things the Arab coalition did was to target the health and medical infrastructure by imposing blockades, closing Sanaa airport and preventing medicines from entering Yemen.

However, yesterday the exiled President of the UN-recognised Yemeni government, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, accused the NSG of impeding the flow of humanitarian aid following a warning made by UN humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock last week. Lowcock said that “the spectre of famine” has returned to the war-torn country and for the first time singled out Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait for not giving anything to this year’s $3.4 billion humanitarian appeal.

(B H)

Yemen Access constraints map

(* B H)

From Berlin to Yemen: Sauberes TRINKWASSER gegen CHOLERA und COVID-19

Der Botschafter des Jemen wird gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaftssenatorin von Berlin, Ramona Pop, und Vertretern der GIZ in unserem Werk in Marienfelde vier Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen für den Jemen in Empfang nehmen und aus Berlin verabschieden.
Boreal Light wird zusammen mit den NGOs The Zahra Trust und Help Yemen Germany vier solarbetriebene Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen mit einer Produktionskapazität von bis zu 50.000 Litern hygienischem Trinkwasser pro Tag in den Jemen liefern.
Unsere innovativen Anlagen, die in Berlin-Marienfelde hergestellt werden, eignen sich perfekt für die rauen Bedingungen in Jemen. Das für Länder wie Jemen maßgeschneiderte Konzept hinter den Anlagen heißt Easineering - High Tech made easy:
All unsere Anlagen sind so gebaut, dass…
alle Wartungsarbeiten mit einer Zange und einem Schraubenzieher durchgeführt werden können
alle Teile problemlos ausgetauscht werden können, da Bauteile nicht gelötet, geschweißt oder genietet werden
Ersatzteile einfach beschafft werden können, da Standardteile verbaut werden, die in jedem Baumarkt der Welt beschafft werden können
sie ausgesprochen robust und langlebig sind, da nur Qualitätsbauteile Made in Germany oder Made in Europe verbaut werden
Unsere Anlagen werden ausschließlich mit Solarstrom betrieben – so ist ihr Betrieb sehr kostengünstig und CO2-neutral.

(* B H)

Global health diplomacy: a solution to meet the needs of disabled people in Yemen

People with disabilities (PWD) are one of the most vulnerable groups in society during armed conflicts. According to the statistics, four million persons with disability live in Yemen. Lack of access and the use of rehabilitation services make PWD unable to retrieve their social and economic roles, which would have substantial negative impacts both on their families and community. The conflict escalation, an increase in the number the of displaced, COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in non-communicable diseases, and the exacerbation of poverty and malnutrition have rapidly enhanced the population at risk of disability in Yemen. Accordingly, effective and comprehensive approaches such as global health diplomacy (GHD) should be considered to meet the emerged needs. GHD seeks to address the common challenges in the global health system by involving all key stakeholders and establishing negotiations and diplomatic dialogue among official actors. Given the presence of various regional and international actors in Yemen and the examples of the successful use of GHD under conflict and post-conflict conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the use of diplomacy is crucial to respond to the needs of PWD in this war-torn country appropriately.

In response, several international organizations such as Humanity and Inclusion (also known as Handicap International) have initiated various programs to strengthen the rehabilitation services in Yemen [10].

Despite all the efforts, the conflict escalation in recent years, the increase in the number of displaced residents [14], the COVID-19 pandemic, increases in non-communicable diseases such as Neonatal Congenital Anomalies [15], and the exacerbation of poverty and malnutrition [16] have rapidly enhanced the population at risk of disability in Yemen. Accordingly, it is necessary to respond effectively to the needs of PWD in this war-torn country by adopting effective international policies and tools such as global health diplomacy (GHD). GHD seeks to address the common challenges in the global health system by involving all key stakeholders and establishing negotiations and diplomatic dialogues among the official actors [17]

(B H)

Daily Noon Briefing Highlights: Afghanistan – Yemen

Yemen: Increasing risk of famine

The UN remains concerned about the increased risk of famine in Yemen, as the lack of funding is crippling humanitarian operations in the country. Fifteen of the UN’s 41 major programmes have already been reduced or shut down and 30 more will close or reduce services in the coming weeks unless additional funding is received.

Comment: #Yemen: Increasing risk of famine and guess what: the #UN expresses concern copy and paste for years in a row

(B H)

Guidance Note - On Monitoring of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) September 2020

The Cash and Markets Working Group Yemen formulated multiple ‘task oriented’ technical working groups for special activities identified by the CMWG members. The Technical Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation (TWG M&E) was tasked to perform the following two priority activities to support the MPCA programmes in Yemen:

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Fund January-June 2020 Monitoring Report

This report outlines details of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) monitoring activities from January to June 2020, analyses monitoring results and provides a summary of key recommendations shared with partners. The report builds on two earlier YHF monitoring reports covering January 2018 to June 2019 and July to December 2019.

Despite access challenges, COVID-19-related travel restrictions and other constraints, the YHF conducted 62 monitoring visits, meeting all its monitoring requirements for this period. However, the YHF changed the modality of many monitoring missions from the OCHA Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU) staff visits to monitoring by Third Party Monitoring (TPM) providers.

The results of the monitoring conducted between January and June 2020 indicated that while 61 per cent of projects monitored demonstrated good performance, 34 per cent underperformed but this was justified by the operational context, and 5 per cent underperformed and this was not justified by the context. The YHF took necessary follow-up actions on the monitoring results to ensure the most efficient and effective project delivery possible.

The YHF reached 8,158 people through remote call Beneficiary Verification Surveys (BVS). The surveys were conducted by trained data collectors according to structured questionnaires. The respondents were randomly selected from distribution lists and constituted a representative sample of project beneficiaries. Out of the 8,158 beneficiaries interviewed, 97 per cent expressed satisfaction with the services they received.

As part of its commitment to increase Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), the YHF launched a Beneficiary Feedback and Complaints Mechanism (BFCM) in February 2020. The mechanism allows beneficiaries to directly call or send a text message to a dedicated toll-free phone number and provide complaints or feedback regarding YHF-funded projects. Between February and June 2020, feedback was received from 674 beneficiaries on 28 YHF-funded projects. The Fund shared the feedback received with Implementing Partners (IPs) and tracked the actions taken by partners until complaints were resolved. Most complaints received related to minor dissatisfaction with the assistance provided.

Some of the key challenges for YHF monitoring in 2020 included travel restrictions; continued bureaucratic impediments, such as the need for prolonged negotiations with national and sub-national authorities to secure travel permits for TPM contractors; inadequate technical skills demonstrated by some TPM monitors; some poor quality TPM reports; and some YHF partners being slow to provide support for monitoring visits.

and report in full:

(* B H)

Finding Light Amid Yemen's Darkest Times

Across Yemen, restoring access to critical services – such as electricity – is desperately needed to improve health services and basic living conditions.

Throughout the country, the provision of public services, such as electricity, have come to a virtual standstill. Long-lasting power outages have crippled development efforts, wreaking havoc on other critical services such as education, water and sanitation, and healthcare.

Today, with only 10 per cent of the country connected to the public electricity grid, a large majority of the population is deprived of reliable access to electricity.

In an effort to relieve the ongoing crisis, UNOPS partnered with the World Bank to restore access to critical urban services in selected cities across Yemen. Restoring key services – including energy, water and sanitation, transportation and waste management – is critical to improving health, basic living conditions and local economic activity.

The two organizations are working with local implementing partners to provide off-grid solar electricity solutions for schools, hospitals, streets and households.

“This [solar] project offered a radical solution to our electricity crisis, allowing us to offer quality services to women, as now the hospital is operational 24 hours,” said Dr. Chafih. “We can also perform major and regular cesarean sections.”

In addition to working with three local implementing partners, UNOPS is engaging with local authorities, institutions and communities to facilitate local ownership and promote sustainability. Citizens, especially women, have a voice in identifying projects. Decisions on the most pressing needs are made at the community level.

By restoring critical services while simultaneously rebuilding local capacity, up to 1.4 million Yemenis are expected to benefit from improved services and living conditions (photos)

(* B H)

UN-Hilfsprogrammen im Jemen droht wegen Geldnot das Aus

Trotz der schweren humanitären Krise im Jemen droht vielen UN-Hilfsprogrammen in dem Bürgerkriegsland aus Geldnot das Aus. 15 der wichtigsten humanitären UN-Programme seien bereits reduziert oder eingestellt worden, warnten die Vereinten Nationen am Mittwoch. Weitere 30 Programme würden in den kommenden Wochen folgen, sollte es kein zusätzliches Geld geben. Die UN appellierte an die Geldgeber, sich mit den Jemeniten solidarisch zu zeigen.

«Das ist eine unmögliche Situation», sagte die Nothilfe-Koordinatorin für den Jemen, Lise Grande. Der Jemen erlebe die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt. Trotzdem fehlten die benötigten Mittel, um die leidenden Menschen zu retten, die ohne Hilfe sterben würden.

Bereits zwischen April und August waren die Hilfsorganisationen nach UN-Angaben unter anderem gezwungen, die Verteilung von Nahrungsmitteln zu reduzieren. In diesem Jahr sei von den Geldgebern gerade einmal rund ein Drittel der 3,2 Milliarden Dollar (rund 2,7 Milliarden Euro) eingegangen, die gebraucht würden. =

und auch

(* B H)

UN calls for end to blockade on Yemen

The UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen (OCHA) on Wednesday called on warring parties to lift blockade and minimize war impacts on local communities in the country, where "lack of funding cripples humanitarian operations."
Fifteen of the UN 41 major programmes in hard-hit Yemen have already been reduced or shut down and 30 more will be in coming weeks unless additional funding is received, OCHA added in a statement.
Between April and August, agencies have been forced to reduce food distributions, cut health services in more than 300 facilities and halt specialized services for hundreds of thousands of traumatized and highly vulnerable women and girls, the statement read.
"The consequences of under-funding are immediate, enormous and devastating," the UN Humanitarian Coordinator said.
"Nearly every humanitarian worker has had to tell a hungry family or someone who is ill that we can't help them because we don't have funding," Lise Grande added.
"Donors have been incredibly generous during the war, providing billions of dollars to support people who have nowhere to go and no one else to turn to. But this year, we are falling short, way short, of what we need," she said.
"We ask that donors stand in solidarity with the people of Yemen, dig deep and continue to provide the resources we need," the UN official said.
"We need authorities to put in place the conditions that allow humanitarians to deliver aid in accordance with universal humanitarian principles. We need parties to the conflict to lift the blockade and do everything possible to minimize the impact of the war on families and communities," she added.

and also

(* B H)

Lack of funding cripples humanitarian operations in Yemen

Fifteen of the United Nations’ 41 major humanitarian programmes in hardhit Yemen have already been reduced or shut down and 30 more will be in coming weeks unless additional funding is received.

“It’s an impossible situation,” said Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “This is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world yet we don’t have the resources we need to save the people who are suffering and will die if we don’t help.”

“The consequences of under-funding are immediate, enormous and devastating,” said Ms. Grande. “Nearly every humanitarian worker has had to tell a hungry family or someone who is ill that we can’t help them because we don’t have funding,” said Ms. Grande.

Between April and August, agencies have been forced to reduce food distributions, cut health services in more than 300 facilities and halt specialized services for hundreds of thousands of traumatized and highly vulnerable women and girls.

“Donors have been incredibly generous during the war, providing billions of dollars to support people who have nowhere to go and no one else to turn to,” said Ms. Grande. “But this year, we are falling short, way short, of what we need.”

Only USD $1 billion of the $3.2 billion needed has been received this year.

“We can overcome this crisis if everyone contributes,” said Ms. Grande. “Everyone has a role.”

“We need authorities to put in place the conditions that allow humanitarians to deliver aid in accordance with universal humanitarian principles. We need parties to the conflict to lift the blockade and do everything possible to minimize the impact of the war on families and communities.

(A H)

Iran, Sweden study avenues to send food, medical aid to yemen

Iranian Foreign Minister's Senior Assistant for Special Political Affairs and Sweden's Special Envoy for Yemen held an online meeting and explored possible avenues for disptaching food and medicine to Yemeni people.

and also

(* B H)

ICRC: Millions struggle to put food on the table and must choose between food or medicine

Statement to Virtual High-Level Side Event during the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, convened by the European Commission and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden

After what you have heard today and in recent weeks on the unfolding calamity in Yemen, you might think the lives of Yemeni's could not be getting any worse. But, yes, they can, and frankly, if drastic action is not taken soon it will be a disaster.

Violence is intensifying. This means more misery for people, many of whom already lack access to basic services. People are forced to flee their homes and abandon their belongings. Women and children are going against the local cultural practices and entering the workforce to support their families. The devastating floods add even more to this mountain of burdens.

On the ground, my colleagues are witnessing a tragic situation spiral. We hear from families that live in their cars because they can no longer afford to pay their rent, or patients who only take half of their prescribed medicine because there isn't enough available or they simply cannot afford it.

Millions struggle to put food on the table and they must choose between food or medicine. They cannot have both.

Most medical facilities are non-functional. The few medical and food convoys able to arrive are routinely delayed and obstructed.

This is the situation for the 24 million people – 80% of Yemeni's population: they are reliant on aid. And the situation is moving from bad to unimaginable.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Thousands of African Migrants Return from Yemen, Assisted by IOM in Djibouti

More than 2,000 African migrants who have arrived from Yemen over the last three weeks are being assisted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in Djibouti, Horn of Africa.

The migrants from Ethiopia and Somalia including children as young as eight-years-old, returned to Djibouti after failing to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to COVID-19 movement restrictions, border closures, and extreme danger along this migratory route.

They arrived hungry, tired and in need of medical assistance after making the treacherous boat journey back across the Gulf of Aden, and then walking to the town of Obock through the Djiboutian desert where temperatures reach 40C.

Many were forced to pay smugglers who often abandon them in the desert without food and water. Several of the migrants said they witnessed others die along the way due to dehydration.

IOM has helped and treated hundreds of migrants along the way over the last few months.

IOM Djibouti and the Government of Djibouti are providing emergency medical care, food, water, tents, counselling, and COVID-19 awareness and prevention since mobility restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 stranded thousands of migrants in Yemen leading to mass returns to Djibouti, a major country of transit for migrants in the region.

An additional 1,239 Ethiopian migrants have been stranded for months across Djibouti, unable to reach Yemen or return home. A quarantine site established by the authorities with the support of IOM and other partners have been set up to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading among themselves and their communities.

(B H)

The International Organization for Migration says 80% of the new IDPs have not found a place in Marib due to crowdedness of the government-held city. Source: Yemen Monitor website.

(A H)

Film by MONA Relief: Construction of 100 tents - funded by Partners and Karmagawa. Full video of our ongoing process. Construction is carried out by @monarelief's team in Hajjah governorate in northern #Yemen and the project is funded by our friends from Partners and Karmagawa.

(* B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 24 September 2020

The ongoing conflict in Marib continues to trigger displacements in Marib City and the surrounding districts. According to the Government of Yemen (GoY)’s Executive Unit, close to 5,000 families have recently become displaced and are being accommodated across several IDP hosting sites. UNHCR and partner Society for Human Solidarity (SHS) distributed tents for families and assisted some 450 newly displaced individuals, while UNHCR led training for partner staff on the ground to conduct needs assessments among households.

The results of the assessment will be used to inform UNHCR’s response, including cash assistance, psychosocial, legal support, child protection and specialised services to survivors of gender-based violence, and people with specific needs.

UNHCR has assessed some 55,850 families so far in 2020, with a total of 42,070 IDP families provided with emergency shelter and basic household items by August this year. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), some 23,519 families have been displaced by conflict, natural disasters and others factors in 2020, with 45 per cent of those in Marib governorate.

So far this year, an estimated 62,500 families have been affected by heavy rains and floods across multiple governorates. Out of those, 53,000 families were identified as being in need of support

(* B H)

From diplomat to dinghy: why people are risking the Channel in small boats

A blinded politician, a woman who was gang-raped, and a young man whose kidney was stolen tell how they had no choice

Dr Yahya al-Rewi 60, from Yemen, has gone from diplomat to dinghy: he was president of his government’s national information centre, part of the interior ministry.

“Before all the problems started I travelled from country to country by plane using my diplomatic passport. When I arrived at airports I didn’t have to queue as I was taken through the special gate for diplomats. At that time all the doors were open for me. Now they are closed. I had no choice but to cross the Channel to the UK in a dinghy to try to reach safety.”

He wept as he told how he was forced to flee Yemen because of the conflict there, arriving in Switzerland in April 2019 on his diplomatic passport, and claiming asylum.

While there he was attacked and blinded in one eye, he believes by political opponents because he had previously spoken out against corruption in Yemen. “After that attack my life was in constant danger in Switzerland. I travelled by train to France on 10 July 2020 and spent four days in Calais

He is listed as a governor at the UN body the Economic and Social Commission for western Asia Technology Center, and is an expert in informatics.

“I don’t care about money. All I want is to live in peace,” he said. “It is because there is no fair system for refugees in Europe that we are forced to move from country to country.”

A male asylum seeker in his early 20s from Yemen, who fled persecution by Houthis in his home country in 2017, was twice deported back there before reaching Libya. However, in Libya he was kidnapped by an organ trafficking gang, who took him to an “underground surgery” where organs were removed for sale, and where one of his kidneys was cut out.

Despite his surgery, he travelled via Morocco, Spain and France to the UK, arriving on a small boat in June. He has received hospital treatment and says: “I am very traumatised. I am suffering a lot of mental stress. If I say too much about the traffickers who stole my kidney I am frightened they will track me down and punish me again.”

(B H)

Yemen Fact Sheet: Cash assistance in the time of COVID-19, August 2020

Displaced communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Refugees and IDPs are among the first victims of COVID-19’s socio-economic consequences as (a) the economy slows down, (b) greater restrictions of movement limit opportunities to find livelihoods, (c) discrimination due to their status as ‘on the move’, and (d) limited purchase power to buy hygiene items and access medical treatment. So far in August, UNHCR’s cash programme supported more than 505,000 refugee and IDPs with their daily needs, such as rent, food, medicine clothes and hygiene materials. Direct financial support through cash empowers the families including women and people with disabilities as dignified economic entities, to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, maintain acceptable health and hygiene conditions and a more balanced food intake, contributing to better immunity against diseases.

UNHCR expanded its cash programme beneficiary criteria especially to those affected by COVID-19 through ongoing assessments and included more vulnerable IDPs and refugee families as possible as a response to their growing needs.

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Ethiopian migrants chased and shot at in the Gulf: ‘Just let them die. Their lives are worthless’

In Yemen, Houthi militias have used the corona crisis to violently chase out Ethiopian migrants across the border with Saudi Arabia. There they have been shot at by the Saudi border control. Now, more than five months later, hundreds of Ethiopians migrants are still being held in Saudi detention centres in dire circumstances.

‘These people have corona. Their lives are worthless. Let them die and don’t say anything about what happened to them’, is what an Ethiopian health care worker heard the Houthi militia man say.

The health care worker, a doctor who works in a local hospital in the north of Yemen, was instructed not to tend the wounded who had been brought in. An Ethiopian himself, he recognised their language when they begged for water. They had survived the attack directed on their camp, but were given no medical care, they died of their wounds, like pariahs. This was the statement the devastated care worker made to Human Rights Watch.

In April, dozens, perhaps hundreds of migrants supposedly died due to attacks by Houthi militias. Afterwords others supposedly died at the hands of Saudi border guards. This news circulated for some time amongst the Ethiopian diaspora.

Hundreds of migrants reportedly remain imprisoned in detention centres, where they suffer from deprivation. With the help of relatives and friends their cries for help have made it to the outside world.

The hundreds of migrants currently being held seem not to be able to count on any assistance from their own Ethiopian regime. The political crisis in their own country appears to be complicating their repatriation attempts.

Human Rights Watch and several organisations within the Ethiopian diaspora are calling on the international community to intervene.

(B H)

Film: In each time I paid a visit to IDPs camp I disappointed because there is more than 3 million displaced people in #Yemen are living in a very bad condition after being forced to leave everything behind looking just for safe places to live in due to the ongoing war in the country.


(B H)

Film: It is not fair to leave our children in my country #Yemen living in the situation of deprivation and deficiency as the whole world is watching silently. Our children dying either from bombing or hunger. Footage taken by @monarelief today in Hajjah governorate in northern #Yemen

(B H)

Film: Displacement followed by displacement…50 households out in the open

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

President AlMashat: Yemen’s Seat in the UN Is Vacant, Whoever Sits on It Represents Only Himself

President Mahdi Al-Mashat said, in a speech on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of the 26th of September revolution, that this period was sufficient and more to place Yemen in the ranks of the rich, powerful and advanced countries if someone were to protect the September 26 revolution.

He emphasized that the pretenders of the September 26 revolution deliberately stifled its principles, embalmed its goals and opened the door for others to interfere in its affairs from the first day.

He explained that nothing kills the spirit of revolutions like falling into the trap of dependency, and this is what we must remember in every immortal memory and at every turn in the history of our great people.
President AlMashat said that Yemen's seat in the United Nations is vacant, whoever sits on it represents only himself, expelled by the Yemeni People

He stated that the international community knows that “Al-Qaeda and ISIS” are an integral part of the Saudi-promoted government, calling on the United Nations to rationally pick its position, guaranteeing respect, dignity, sovereignty and interests of the Yemeni People

and also

(A P)

Rival Houthi factions are engaging in armed clashes in central Yemen’s Ibb province in a disagreement over dividing local revenues. Source: Multiple news websites including Nabdh Ashare’a.

(A P)

A Houthi self-styled court in Sana’a sentenced former Minister of Information Mrs. Nadiya Abdulaziz Alsaqqaf to death for “harming the independence of Yemen”. Nadiya is outside Yemen. Source: Multiple news websites.

(A K P)

The Houthi militia are threatening families in several parts of Yemen that they would be severely punished and regarded as supporters of the Arab Coalition and government’s “aggression” should they fail to force their children who deserted the militia’s warfronts to come back. Scores of child soldiers fled the Houthi warfronts in Marib and Aljawf in the past few days as government forces defending Marib repel massive Houthi fighters. Source: Multiple news websites including Al-Ra’ai Press.

(A P)

If they have disputes with Iran, Saudis should confront it: Houthis

Saudi Arabia should confront Iran directly away from Yemen, member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council said Wednesday, in comments on King Salman's speech to the UN General Assembly blaming Iran for Houthi attacks on Saudi lands.
"If he has scores with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Saudi king may confront it, if he wants," Mohamed Ali al-Houthi added in a tweet.
King Salman needs to know that the Houthis are "fighting the US that combats them with its weapons from Saudi Arabia," he said.

(* A P)

[Hadi] Gov’t condemns Houthis’ shutdown of 428 schools in Al-Jaw

The Education Office in Al-Jawf, condemned the shutdown of 428 schools throughout the province by the Houthis group.

Some of the closed schools were changed into barracks, according to the government.

In a statement about the issue, the education office said that the shutdown of schools had led to 52,000 students out of schools in time these facilities were supposed to be open for the new school year.

The office held the Houthis accountable to the shutdown of schools.

(A P)

Yemen rebels mark 2,000 days of 'resistance' with stacks of cash

Huthi rebels marked 2,000 days of "resistance" against the Saudi-led coalition in war-torn Yemen on Thursday with a display of stacks of cash, food and other donations presented to their fighters.

In a country that the United Nations says is teetering on the edge of famine, piles of food donated by tribesmen were loaded on trucks and displayed at Sanaa's Al-Sabeen Square.

In the middle of the square was a multi-layered pyramid of Yemeni riyals, closely guarded by armed fighters, and another set of stacks on the ground spelling out "2000".

Other banknotes were arranged to spell out September 21, the date on which the Huthis seized control of the capital.


My comment: This is obscene. A photomontage:

(A P)

Foreign Ministry condemns Washington's statement about Sanaa airport, affirms aggression is behind airport's closur

An official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned what was stated in the press release issued by the US State Department against the backdrop of the US Deputy Secretary of State Steve Biegun's call to Sanaa government to withdraw from closing Sanaa International Airport before UN flights.

The official said in a statement Saba that the US State Department's statement ignored that the Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition backed by the US administration, adding "It is the aggression that closed Sanaa International Airport before the Yemeni people and all commercial and civil flights since August 2016".

The airport's closure has killed tens of thousands of patients, hindered stranded students overseas, and obstructed returnees outside Yemen and others, he said.

He pointed out that the US statement ignored the closure of Sanaa international airport before United Nations flights as a natural and direct result of the shortage of oil derivatives needed for the airport due to the continued detention of oil vessels by the aggression coalition.

(A P)

PM stresses importance of WFP's humanitarian activity in confronting famine in Yemen

The Prime Minister, during his meeting in Sanaa with WFP Yemen Deputy Country Director Ali 'Ziaei', expressed the appreciation of the government and its various institutions for the humanitarian work that the program carries out towards the targeted citizens at the level of Yemen.

(* A P)

Houthis say they won't accept Hadi return to Sana'a

The Houthis will not accept the Yemeni internationally-recognized President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi to return to the capital Sana'a under any political settlement, member of the group's Supreme Political Council said Tuesday.
The return of Hadi along with the "criminals" to Sana'a is impossible and rejected by most of the Yemeni people, Mohamed Ali al-Houthi added in a speech to an official ceremony in Sana'a.
"I don't think the Yemeni people will accept them... We're with a popular referendum; if they accept their return, alright."
The Houthi official called on the group-controlled parliament and government to dissolve all the Yemeni political parties that supported the legitimate government and the Arab coalition.
He also called on his government to make an urgent decision boycotting the Emirati and Bahraini products, because of the normalization deals the two GCC states recently inked with Israel.

(* B P)

Rights Radar: More than 20000 detainess held in Houhi-run prisons

Rights Radar, a civil society organization for Human Rights, said it has obtained information that over 23,400 people have been held captive since 2014 in the prisons of the parties to the conflict in Yemen, the vast majority in Houthi-run prisons.

“According to information obtained by Rights Radar, more than 23,400 people were abducted during the period from 2014 to mid-2020, including 1020 people who were abducted in areas that were under the control of the Transitional Council in the southern governorates during the period from 2014 and mid-2020 and the rest number of them was abducted in the areas controlled by the Houthis,” the NGO organization said.

The Netherlands-based organization said its field monitors network documented at least 55 cases of death under torture in prisons under the control of the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

“The Houthi prison officials left them facing death in prisons without trying to save their lives although they were able to do so. It was terrible that they were deliberately left to face slow death because of health complications,” Rights Radar said, citing witnesses from relatives of some of the victims.

According to Rights Radar, there are “173 detainees in the Houthi prisons suffering from chronic diseases, including 57 detainees in the capital Sana’a, 45 detainees in Al-Hodeida Governorate, 23 detainees in Hajjah Governorate, 21 detainees in Taiz Governorate, 10 detainees in Ibb Governorate, 10 detainees in Aden Governorate, and 5 detainees in Dhamar Governorate and 2 detainees in Ma’rib Governorate. All of them were deprived of their natural right to get treatment

(* B P)

Two rights groups say Houthis tortured detainees to death

Sadiq Ahmed Yahiya al-Ghawi (37) who was abducted by Houthis, died after torture in prison, abductee mothers league (AML) said in a statement, adding that 8 members of his family were disappeared, and still unaccounted for.
"Al-Ghawi and his relatives were disappeared until 16 September, when information leaked to his family that he was in the Military Police Hospital's morgue in Sana'a City," the statement read.
The family found marks of torture on their son's body and of strangling rope on his neck, so they refused to receive the body until his death's causes and the fate of other relatives are unveiled, it added.
AML said they have information that 82 abductees in Houthi jails were tortured to death during 2015 to 2020.
According to separate statement issued by SAM organization for rights and freedoms, Ghawi died on 26 June at a Houthi prison in Sana'a and Mohamed Abdullah Muhsin died on 31 August at another Houthi jail in Hajjah.

and also

(A P)

Ansarullah Spokesman: Israel Won’t Engage in Any Regional Confrontation as Long as Saudi Arabia, UAE Fight on Its Behalf

The spokesman for Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement denounced Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over submission to Israel, saying the regime will not engage in any military confrontation in the Middle East as long as Riyadh and Abu Dhabi act as its proxies and wage wars on its behalf.

“As long as the Saudi and UAE regimes fight on behalf of the Zionist regime and spend millions of dollars in its stead, the latter will not engage in any war in the region,” Mohammad Abdul-Salam said in an exclusive interview with London-based and Arabic-language Nabaa television news network on Tuesday evening.

(A P)

Ansarollah: Saudi-Arabien und VAE kämpfen im Namen Israels

Der Sprecher der Ansarollah-Bewegung Mohammed Abdul-Salam sagte am Dienstag in einem Exklusiv-Interview mit dem in London ansässigen arabischsprachigen Sender Nabaa TV, dass das israelische Regime keine militärische Konfrontation im Nahen Osten führen werde, solange Riad und Abu Dhabi als seine Stellvertreter Kriege in seinem Namen führen.

"Solange das saudische und das VAE-Regime im Namen des zionistischen Regimes kämpfen und statt ihm Millionen Dollar ausgeben, wird es selbst keinen Krieg in der Region führen", sagte Abdul-Salam weiter.

Er merkte an, dass die USA zusammen mit Saudi-Arabien und den VAE beschlossen hätten, eine verheerende Militärkampagne gegen den Jemen zu führen, nachdem sie erkannt hatten, dass dieses Land seine Unabhängigkeit erhalten wollte.

"Wäre die Revolution vom 21. September (der Volksaufstand von 2014, bei dem die von Saudi-Arabien unterstützte Regierung des damaligen jemenitischen Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi gestürzt wurde) nicht ausgebrochen, hätten die Amerikaner den Jemen in eine Lage versetzt, die Beziehungen zu Israel zu normalisieren", so Abdul-Salam weiter.

(A P)

21st September revolution, its independence and sovereignty connotations a reason for war on Yemen, say Houthis

-Spokesperson for the Houthi Group, Mohammed Abdulsalam, on Wednesday said the Americans and the Saudi and UAE regimes launched their war on Yemen because they knew that Yemen was heading towards its independence.
In a statement to the Nabaa TV, he said: "The Americans realised they would not be able to control the leadership and ride the waves of the 21st September revolution. Then the war on Yemen was a US option".
"In response, we chose to consolidate our revolution with blood and today it is stronger".
The group ousted the government of internationally recognised president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and seized the capital Sanaa on 21st September 2014. It has since been controlling the northern regions and large swaths of the west and northeast, where the majority of the country's population lives.
It is talking about its takeover as a revolutionary event that has made a new history in Yemen which used to be dependent on the US and Saudi regimes.
At the beginning of the aggression, Yemen was not capable of determining the coordinates of a specific position and producing a single drone or missile, he said. "But our people absorbed the shock of the aggression and today they have the rocket, air and drone forces that have a lot of capabilities".
Before the 21st September revolution, there were 1.120 marines at the US embassy in Sanaa who had a special ward at Sanaa airport and controlled the Al-Anad military base in south Yemen, he said.
If the revolution had not happened, the Americans would have made Yemen normalise relations with Israel, he said.

and also

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre Medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control.

(A K P)

Yemen's STC presents Riyadh deal-based plans to redeploy its troops in Abyan, Aden

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) has fully presented all the plans needed to apply the Riyadh Agreement accelerating mechanism, together with plans for disengaging and redeploying its troops in Abyan and Aden, the UAE-backed STC department for foreign affairs said late on Friday.
All the negotiations on applying the Riyadh pact are taking place through high-level channels under Saudi-Emirati sponsorship, the department added in a statement.
The department expressed deep concern at the "irresponsible remarks frequently issued by some of the Yemeni caretaker government's members," who "violate their stated tasks.
"They persistently try to shuffle cards in order to foil the Arab coalition's efforts .. aimed at uniting the political and military ranks in the face of Houthi and terrorist groups."

and also

My comment: I do not believe. This is propaganda smoke.

(A P)

Yemen’s president addresses nation on revolution anniversary

Hadi also praised national revolutionists who stood up in the face of the oppressive monarchs

The Yemen leader said the Houthi

(A P)

Yemen: Thousands celebrate 26 September Revolution national holiday in Taizz

Thousands of people took to the streets of the Yemeni city of Taizz on Saturday, to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the 26 September Revolution, a national holiday commemorating the beginning of the 1962-1970 North Yemen Civil War which saw the country become a republic (with film)


(A P)

Film: People Celebrate 58th Anniversary Of September 26th Revolution.

Today, Saturday, the city of Taiz witnessed a popular carnival, amidst a large crowd of people to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the 26th September Revolution. The ceremony included artistic and rhetorical performances, in which several youths, popular and political characters participated, embodying the epics of the revolution and the role of the city of Taiz in it

Photos: #Taiz celebrates the 58th anniversary of September 26 Revolution, the birth of the Republic of Yemen, that put an end to decades of tyranny and Injustice of the Imamate rule in north #Yemen.

Film, Photos from Marib:


Tribal leader killed in clashes over vendetta in Shabwa

(A P)

STC is preventing Aden police chief from assuming duties, government

Yemen's government has accused the southern transitional council of obstructing the implementation of a mechanism which was proposed by Saudi Arabia in July to accelerate the Riyadh agreement.
The agreement was signed by the two sides in November.
The council is preventing the newly appointed police chief of Aden from assuming his duties, foreign minister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami said at a meeting with British chargé d'affaires Simon Smart in the Saudi capital Riyadh.
Internationally recognised president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi appointed a new governor and police chief for the interim capital Aden after the mechanism was accepted by the two sides in July.

(A P)

The government says it has honored its part of the Riyadh Agreement, calling on the UAE-backed STC militia to keep up its end of the bargain. Source: Yemen Talk website.

(A K P)

Three terrorist attacks foiled in Abyan

The southern armed forces managed on Thursday, to thwart three terrorist attacks launched by the Islah party's militias, the Yemeni arm of Muslim Brotherhood organization within Yemen's legitimacy, military official told the press.

My comment: by the southern separatists. They label their enemies of Islah Party militia (which are supporting the Hadi government) as “terrorist”.

(A P)

Hadhramout confirms full support for Riyadh Agreement

(A P)

@BelqeesTV held the governor of #Hadhramout the responsible for the harassment of Belqees TV correspondent Mohammed Al-Yazidi and his attempted abduction by an armed group under the order of the governor.

(A K P)

Government troops in Shabwah besieged on Wednesday Balhaf Liquefied Natural Gas Plant which the UAE forces use as a military base and deny the government its use. The government forces wanted to prevent suspicious activities by UAE forces aimed at destabilizing the government-held province. The facility has been occupied by the UAE forces for years which denies Yemen badly needed revenues. Source: Multiple news websites

(* A P)

Yemen deputy speaker calls Saudi, Emiratis to leave Yemen

The Yemeni Parliament deputy speaker on Wednesday called on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to hand the State's institutions and leave Yemen.
The Kingdom and UAE have not worked on confronting the Iranian project, Abdul Aziz Jobari said at interview with Al-Jazeera, as "meetings between Emirati and Iranian officials unveil the absence of will to oppose Iran in Yemen."
Yemen will stabilize "only if the inventions are positive, but not in the Emirati and Saudi manner."
The Yemeni MP criticized the Saudis for dealing with Yemeni officials "as subordinates, who should only carry out decisions made by the Saudi ambassador to Yemen," Mohamed Al Jaber. "They should deal with the Yemeni people and officials respectfully."
The Kingdom has exerted pressures on President Hadi to appoint Saudi-selected prime minister and ministers, Jobari claimed. "Riyadh and Abu Dhabi intend to dominate Yemen's political decision, and to be regional powers at the expense of the Yemeni people."
Asked about the Riyadh Agreement, the Yemeni legislator said "it hasn't been and won't be implemented."
He warned that some Emirati advisors "speak negatively about Yemen, and some call for separation."
In several occasions, Jobari said Saudi Arabia and UAE stand stumbling block to Yemenis' reaching an accord, and control Yemen's political decision for their own purposes beyond their declared war against Houthis.


(* A P)

Jabbari: ‘Saudi Arabia and UAE want to control Yemen’s political decisions’

Saudi’s envoy to Yemen appoints ministers in the war-torn country and “treats Yemenis as subordinates”, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Abdul Aziz Jabbari has said.

“The Saudi ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Bin Saeed Al-Jaber, is the one who appoints ministers and officials in the country and treats Yemenis as subordinates,” the minister told Al Jazeera, adding: “Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates imposed officials and ministers on the government’’, urging both parties to “treat the Yemeni people and officials with respect.”

He added that “Saudi Arabia and the UAE did not attempt to face the Iranian influence in Yemen,” stressing that “Yemen will achieve stability only through positive initiatives to solve the conflict, unlike those carried out by the UAE and Saudi Arabia.”

Jabbari continued: “The Saudis and Emiratis want to become regional forces at the expense of the Yemeni people,” noting that “they both aim at controlling political decision-making in Yemen.”

The Yemeni official called on Saudi Arabia and the UAE to hand over state institutions to Yemenis and leave the country.

(A P)

Sep. 24: Carnival and preparation underway in #Marib for the 58th anniversary celebration of 26th September Revolution ,1962, the day after tomorrow, photos

(* B K P)


This series maps the activity of little-known military brigades and armed groups proliferating throughout the conflict in Yemen. Mapping these actors has become relevant for understanding future trajectories of violence in Yemen as some of them have developed significant combat capabilities with shifting allegiances.

As the conflict in Yemen continues into its sixth year, the role of the Support and Reinforcement Brigades (SRB) has evolved. The SRB is a pro-Southern Transitional Council (STC) force that traditionally operated as support units for Security Belt Forces (SBF) in Aden and Lahij governorates, but has since taken a more combat-orientated role. Colloquially, and in media sources, SRB and SBF are referred to interchangeably (Chatham House, 27 March 2018). However, the SRB actually seems to exist as a separate entity from the SBF, though likely under its supervision. This is evidenced by the fact that there are five different SRB brigades, commanded by five different generals, which are not geographically bound. This is different from the chain of command of the SBF, which seems to be organized geographically.

That the SRB and SBF are separate entities is evidenced by the fact that the SRB and SBF in Lahij have two different commanders. The SRB is deployed to Lahij (Radfan) under Brigadier General Mukhtar Al Nubi, commander of the 5th Brigade of the SRB (Crater Sky, 01 September 2018; Crater Sky 09 March 2020). Meanwhile, the incumbent SBF commander in Lahij is Jalal ar Rubai (Crater Sky 09 March 2020). Through a flexible common operations room, the two forces seem to coordinate their activities in the area with each other, with the SBF retaining the de facto command.

The SRB was initially established by decree by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in March 2016 under the command of the Ministry of Defense as part of the Hadi 4th military zone (Aden Time, 5 October 2016).1

The SBF and the SRB are, at time of this writing, often referred to by Yemeni media sources interchangeably, with a higher mention of the SBF. The SRB is colloquially understood to be the same as the SBF — acting as ‘support units’ as outlined above. In the same vein, articles frequently only mention “Southern Transitional Council (STC)-forces.” As the STC is not a fighting force, per se, but the political organization of a rebel group, its military objectives are pursued by different forces, including the SBF, the SRB, and the Asifah Brigade, among other forces. The SBF is the most active force in most clashes, which is why ACLED default-codes the SBF for generic media-mentions of “Southern Transitional Council-forces.” Incidents involving the SRB are thus under-represented in the ACLED dataset due to this reporting bias.

The development of the SRB from auxiliary units into ones capable of handling sustained frontline duty across different governorates will be closely monitored. While they are often referred to interchangeably with the SBF, and therefore difficult to adequately track, the structure of the SRB indicates they are indeed a unique fighting force, albeit intimately interlinked with the geographically bound SBF. It remains to be seen if the recent deployment to the frontlines in Abyan and Lahij represents a new direction for the SRB — especially in the context of its replacement by the Asifah Brigade as the security force in Aden — or if it is a signal of pro-STC fighting forces being stretched thin fighting the internationally recognized Hadi government and Houthi forces.

(* B K P)

Errichten Israel und VAE Militärbasis auf jemenitischer Inselgruppe Sokotra?

Eine Delegation israelischer und emiratischer Offiziere soll die jemenitische Insel Sokotra besucht haben, um mehrere Standorte für die Einrichtung von Geheimdienstbasen zu untersuchen. Es wurde berichtet, dass die Emirate mit dem Bau von zwei Militärlagern auf der Insel begonnen hätten.

Nun machen Gerüchte die Runde, dass Israel und die VAE diese Inselgruppe als militärischen Vorposten gegen den Iran nach ihrem jüngst "historischen Friedensabkommen" ausrichten wollten. Es gab allerdings schon in der Vergangenheit ein geheimes Zusammenwirken zwischen den VAE und Israel auf militärischem Gebiet. Dies ging so weit, dass beispielsweise die Emirate ein Verbindungsbüro auf Zypern gegründet hatten, das es israelischen Söldnern erlaubte, für die Emiratis tätig zu werden.

Es wurde berichtet, dass Israel und die VAE einen Stützpunkt für die Sammlung militärischer Geheimdienste auf der jemenitischen Insel Sokotra errichten würden. Die meisten Öl- und Erdgasexporte aus dem Persischen Golf, die den Sueskanal durchqueren, passieren sowohl die Meerenge von Bab el-Mandeb als auch die Straße von Hormus. Die Inselgruppe ist ein Küstenweg zwischen dem Horn von Afrika und dem Nahen Osten, der das Rote Meer mit dem Golf von Aden und dem Arabischen Meer verbindet.

Berichten zufolge besuchte eine Delegation israelischer und emiratischer Offiziere die Insel kürzlich und untersuchte mehrere Standorte für die Einrichtung der geplanten Geheimdienstbasen. Eine jemenitische politische Partei behauptete, die Emirate hätten mit dem Bau von zwei Militärlagern auf der jemenitischen Insel Sokotra begonnen, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu.

(* A P)

Yemen: UAE-backed forces disperse demonstrators with live ammunition

Emirate-backed Yemeni forces on Sunday fired shots to disperse angry protesters who demonstrated against the deterioration of public services in the eastern governorate of Hadhramaut.

Eyewitnesses told the Anadolu Agency that “angry demonstrators blocked the main streets in the city of Al-Mukalla, in the centre of the governorate, and set tyres on fire to protest against the deterioration of public services, mainly the power cuts.”

The witnesses stated that the protests coincided with the massive deployment of the UAE-backed Hadrami Elite Forces.

The sources explained that the Hadrami Elite Forces fired live ammunition to disperse the protesters, who threw stones to defend themselves.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-681 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-681: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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