Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 730b- Yemen War Mosaic 730b

Yemen Press Reader 730b: 27. März 2021: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 730, cp2 - cp8a / March 27, 2021: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 730, cp2 - cp8a

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 730, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 730, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1, Teil 3 / In Italics: Look in part 1, part 3

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Schlacht um Marib / Theater of War: Marib battle

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Daily Yemen War Map Updates

March 25:

March 24:

March 23:

(* B H K)

Film: Six years of conflict and suffering in Yemen

(* B H K)

Podcast: Jemen: sechs Jahre Krieg und kaum Hoffnung | Weltspiegel-Podcast

Was bedeutet das für die Menschen, wie sieht ihr Alltag aus, wo ist die Not am schlimmsten und wie ist die aktuelle Situation vor Ort? Darüber sprechen wir mit ARD-Korrespondent Alexander Stenzel in Kairo, mit der Politikwissenschaftlerin Mareike Transfeld und mit dem Arzt Marwan Abdulgafor. Er lebt in Deutschland und hat eine App für den Jemen entwickelt, die den Menschen Vorort Orientierung und erste Hilfe bei medizinischen Fragen geben kann.

(* B H K)

Film: 6 Jahre Krieg im Jemen: Ein jugendlicher Architekt der Hoffnung

(? B K P)

Film: Yemeni journalist Naseh Shaker evaluated the ongoing war and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. #Yemen #YemenCantWait #aNews #TheEdge


(* B K)

Aggression Coalition Violates Rights Torturing Over 8,100 Prisoners

[Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Human Rights confirmed that the aggression deliberately starved civilians, explaining that 16.2 million people suffer from food insecurity.

In a press conference, the Ministry released its sixth official report, entitled "The aggression against Yemen is war crimes and international complicity.

It pointed out that aggression deprived more than 1.25 million employees of their salaries, while the poverty rate rose to 85% and the unemployment rate to over 65%.

The ministry indicated that the aggression launched tens of thousands of military attacks killing and injuring 43,582 citizens, including 7,999 children and 5,184 women. The aggression also caused the displacement of four million and 509 thousand and 328 citizens.

Regarding commercial establishments, factories, production and agriculture, it explained that the aggression targeted 13,742 fields, warehouses and agricultural sites, noting that 441,605 livestock and over 30 Arab horses were killed and 41,610 beehives were burned as a result of the bombing of the aggression.

The Ministry of Human Rights stated that the aggression destroyed 523 health facilities and burned 92 ambulances, making more than 19.7 million people in need of health care.

It destroyed thousands of educational establishments, depriving 4,435,409 students to continue their education.

and also

My comment: The Sanaa government should not blame anyone else for torture: the Sanaa government is champion in this field itself.

(B H K P)

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the #Saudi coalition’s intervention in #Yemen. After 6 years of war: 1-The coalition hasn't succeeded in achieving any of its goals, most notably the restoration of Hadi government after the Houthis control of Sanaa in 2014

10-#US,#UK and other western countries arms have destroyed 90 % of Yemeni infrastructure. 11-I think that the solution is to support Yemeni internal dialogue and that the #US and all western countries should support this dialogue and stop refueling this war.

12-The most important step before the negotiations is to stop the aerial bombing, open Sanaa airport, and the port of Hodeidah, end Taiz siege&stop the escalation towards Marib by the Houthis. because. 13-losure of Sanaa airport &Hodeidah port effects civilians, not the Houthis.

14-Yemen depends on aid to feed its 29 million people, but with aid funding greatly reduced in 2021, especially due to the consequences of the Coronavirus, many relief programs have stopped operating in #Yemen.

15-Without lifting the blockade and facilitating equal negotiation between the Yemeni parties, without recognizing the political and social rights of all components, and without withdrawing everything that could be called a foreign presence' .. the war will continue.

20-Finally, We want all of the violence to stop and the international community must work effectively to end this crisis. It is time for Saudi to stop its military operations, it is time for the whole parties in #Yemen to sit down at the negotiation table &discuss peace process.

(*B H K P)

Zoom Conference: Six Years Since Operation Decisive Storm on Yemen: What Has Been Achieved?

Join the Sana'a Center and Newlines Institute for a discussion on the sixth anniversary of the Saudi-led coalition military campaign in Yemen and the way forward for the UN-led effort and U.S. policy to end the conflict. This event is part of a series of events and research between the Sana'a Center and the Newlines Institute focused on Yemen and the regional and international effects of the Yemen conflict.

Yemen's experience with a centralized state is recent; Yemenis can have multiple identities in one; pipe dream to defeat the Houthis on the international arena after military failure; when do the Houthis realize win enough?

(* B H K P)

Zoom Conference: Yemeni Alliance Committee war live.

Yemen is our war. The Obama White House and Saudi Arabia initiated this war on March 26, 2015. The Trump White House escalated support for the Saudis. It is up to the Biden White House to end it – to end it now – and provide relief aid to Yemen’s population now experiencing the world’s greatest man made humanitarian crisis on earth. Yemenis are not our enemy. It is time to take our boot off their necks, let them have their country back, and let their children live.

This March marks six years since the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the U.S. intervened into Yemen’s civil war.

Join us for a LIVE Webinar on March 26th at 4pmPT/7pmET with a range of speakers: activists, researchers and elected officials-where we will go over why the war continues, what is the impact and what folks can do to be part of the anti-war movement – and create real change!

(* B H K P)

„Humanitäre Katastrophe“: Ein weichgespülter Begriff für Krieg

Oft ist von einer „humanitären Katastrophe“ die Rede, wenn es doch um Krieg, Gewalt und Vertreibung geht. So werde die Verantwortung von Politik verschleiert, sagt Ulrike von Pilar, Gründungspräsidentin von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Deutschland.

Katastrophe statt Krieg – mit welchem Begriff kann die deutsche Öffentlichkeit leichter umgehen?

von Pilar: Na ja, mit dem Wort ‚humanitäre Katastrophe‘ natürlich. Seit 30 Jahren kämpfe ich dagegen an, dass so viel Schindluder mit dem Wort ‚humanitär‘ getrieben wird, weil ‚humanitär‘ einfach schöner klingt. Wenn man das direkt übersetzen würde, müsste man sagen: eine ‚menschliche Katastrophe‘. Das ist schon mal ein Widerspruch in sich, das gibt es nicht.

Was gemeint ist, ist eine Katastrophe in den Lebensbedingungen der Menschen in diesen Kriegszonen. Es geht um Zugang zu Wasser, Nahrung, medizinischer Basisversorgung und Schutz. Was dieser Ausdruck verschleiert, ist, dass es ja eigentlich um Krieg, Gewalt und Vertreibung geht. Und dieses ‚humanitär‘ da drin spült das Ganze weich, und es bekommt so etwas Schicksalhaftes, wie eine Naturkatastrophe. Da kann ja keiner wirklich was dafür, da kann keiner was dran ändern. Und es suggeriert, und das ist auch gefährlich für Leute wie Ärzte ohne Grenzen, dass humanitäre Hilfe die angemessene Reaktion ist – und das ist es natürlich nicht.

Mit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges hat eigentlich dieser inflationäre Gebrauch des Wortes ‚humanitär‘ begonnen. Es gab nämlich mit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges erstmalig die Hoffnung und die Möglichkeit eventuell, in Konflikten zum Schutze der Menschen und Menschenrechte einzugreifen. Und das erste Ereignis war die Kurdenvertreibung im Nordirak. Die UN-Resolution 688 hat damals den Begriff der ‚humanitären Intervention‘, das muss man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen, geprägt – und meinte damit eine Militärintervention. Das war sozusagen der erste Sündenfall.

Ich denke, wir müssten uns wieder mal klarmachen, was genau humanitäre Hilfe kann und was nicht. Wir können in vielen Krisensituationen versuchen, Leben zu retten, aber wir können die Gründe für diese katastrophalen Notsituationen ja nicht beseitigen. Man müsste also eigentlich dazu kommen, solche Situationen ‚humanitäre Notlage‘ oder eine ‚katastrophale Lage der Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung‘ … Sie sehen, es wird sprachlich komplizierter, es wird nicht so griffig.

Aber ich glaube, dass man wieder dazu kommen muss, zu verstehen, dass gewaltsame Konflikte humanitäre Notsituationen und Notlagen der Bevölkerung produzieren – siehe die Bombardierung von Krankenhäusern – und dass humanitäre Hilfe keine angemessene Antwort auf diese Situation ist. Aber wir sind alle bequem geworden, das Wort humanitäre Krise hat sich überall eingeschlichen. Ich finde es furchtbar, weil es tatsächlich eine unzulässige Verschleierung der wirklichen Situation darstellt.

(* B H K P)

Sechs Jahre Tod und Zerstörung

Statt weniger Wochen dauert der Krieg nun schon sechs Jahre - und selbst in Riad ist man mittlerweile zur Erkenntnis gelangt, dass die Schlacht nicht mehr zu gewinnen ist. Mohammed bin Salman, der trotz der Fehlkalkulation 2017 zum Kronprinzen aufstieg, sieht sich nun zu Kompromissen gezwungen.

Der Krieg im Nachbarland hat Mohammed bin Salman nicht nur Dutzende Milliarden Dollar für Kriegsgerät gekostet - sondern zusammen mit dem Mord am Publizisten Kashoggi auch seine Reputation. Selbst wenn das Königreich schließlich versuchte, die Not im Nachbarland mit Hilfsprogrammen abzufedern, ist die Bilanz des Krieges verheerend: 250 000 Jemeniten starben an Kriegsfolgen, vier der 28,5 Millionen Einwohner wurden vertrieben. Vier von fünf sind auf Hilfe angewiesen, Millionen hungern.

Sechs Jahre nach Beginn des Einsatzes lernt Mohammed bin Salman gerade eine harte Lektion, die schon viele vermeintlich überlegene Feldherren lernen mussten: Es ist immer einfacher, eine Intervention zu beginnen, als sie geordnet zu Ende zu bringen. =

(* B P)

SAM: any initiative to resolve the Yemen crisis that does not proceed from the legal track and bringing justice to the victims is not going to succeed

SAM said it was disappointed that the international community and States taking initiatives to resolve the conflict in Yemen have repeatedly ignored the human rights and legal path. Affirming that any attempt by States to resolve the conflict in Yemen must be based on respect for the rights of Yemeni citizens and the prosecution of offenders.

In a brief press release, the organization said that it had closely followed Saudi Arabia's announcement of its ceasefire initiative in Yemen and had begun to develop solutions to end the years-long conflict, at the same time, however, it regrets that the latter initiative came in the context of an extended series of initiatives that develop political solutions to resolve the ongoing conflict, ignoring the impact of those years on Yemeni civilians of unjustified violations and wholesale attacks that have had, and continue to have, effects to this day.

SAM stressed that any initiative that does not follow the rights and legal path is an attempt to circumvent the rights of millions of Yemenis and to flout the attacks on life and physical integrity to which they have been subjected, which were ended through direct killings , indiscriminate shelling, arbitrary detention, torture, forced displacement, recruitment of children, abuse of women and destruction of civilian objects and installations.

SAM noted that most of the initiatives put forward by States, including the initiative put forward by Saudi Arabia to propose political solutions, omit the rights and legal course to resolve the conflict in Yemen, noting that these intermediaries, including Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, are involved in serious and directly or indirectly condemned practices and violations against Yemenis ,these include the sale of weapons to the parties to the conflict, the involvement of civilians in the Saudi border conflict, the establishment by the United Arab Emirates of secret prisons that have witnessed the torture and murder of thousands of Yemenis over the past years, as well as the coup d'état against the legitimate Government in Aden.

SAM has revealed that it is working with activists and rights organizations to form a rights conglomerate to press for the rights and legal course of any initiative to resolve the crisis in Yemen by communicating with a number of human rights and international organizations. At the same time, it emphasizes the need for States to take into account the fundamental rights of the Yemeni people that have been violated and to stress the need for offenders to be brought before the judiciary and thus to proceed to the order of the Yemeni home by calling for inclusive dialogue and ensuring the establishment of a democratic system that meets the ambition and aspirations of the Yemeni people.,10,A,c,1,74,77,4175,html

and thread:

(B H K)

Famine, secession and bloodshed: Six years of war in Yemen

Ultimately, Saudi Arabia failed. The Houthis are stronger and more equipped than ever and six years of war has allowed the rebels to become seasoned fighters. Now, the Houthis are able to launch missiles at Saudi cities and can cause serious disruption to Aramco oil facilities.
Saudi Arabia's aim to restore President Hadi's government to power has not been achieved.
The Saudi war on Yemen has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis and emboldened the Houthis to carry out their own series of human rights violations.

Continued fighting, mass displacement of people, crippling fuel shortages and rising food prices have all contributed to the dire situation.
Six years of war has killed 120,000 civilians in Yemen and the destruction of civilian infrastructure has left people without food, healthcare and other life necessities, as the sceptres of famine and war continue to haunt the country.

(* B H K)

Film: Panel Discussion "6 Years War in Yemen"

Introduction Statement by Skye Fitzgerald Discussion with Radhya Almutawakel, Mwatana for Human Rights – Co-founder & Chairperson, Nominee for the Nobel Peace Price 2021 Willow Rook, Action Against Hunger – Deputy Country Director Yemen Ambassador Ekkehard Brose, Federal Academy for Security Policy moderated by Andrea Steinke, Centre for Humanitarian Action – Research Fellow

(* B H K)

Yemen – 6th Anniversary of the conflict, Food Insecurity, COVID-19 (DG ECHO, DG ECHO partners, media)(ECHO Daily Flash of 26 March 2021)

(* B K P)

Wie der Konflikt im Jemen zum Vielfrontenkrieg wurde

Vor sechs Jahren begann Saudi-Arabien einen Krieg im Jemen, der immer noch andauert. Das Ziel, Iran zurückzudrängen, haben die Saudis bis heute nicht erreicht. Stattdessen ist die Lage immer unübersichtlicher geworden.

Nun, sechs Jahre später, ist der Krieg immer noch nicht beendet. Zehntausende Zivilisten sind durch die rücksichtslose Kriegsführung aller Beteiligten ums Leben gekommen, viele Menschen hungern, die Infrastruktur des Landes ist kaputt. Die Huthi haben ihre Macht gefestigt und bedrohen Saudi-Arabien mit immer dreisteren Raketen- und Drohnenangriffen. In ihren Gebieten herrschen sie gnadenlos und pressen die Menschen mit Steuern und Abgaben aus, während sie humanitäre Hilfsgüter für sich abzweigen. Die Huthi-Gegner wiederum sind heillos zerstritten.

Der Konflikt im Jemen hat lokale Ursachen, von denen manche Jahrzehnte zurückgehen. Aber inzwischen ist er zu einem Vielfrontenkrieg mutiert. Saudi-Arabien und die USA sind zwei von vielen Ländern, die im Jemen-Krieg eine Rolle spielen. Auch Iran, die VAE oder Katar nutzen den Konflikt im ärmsten arabischen Land, um Rivalitäten auszutragen.

Saudi-Arabien mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten

Am verschlungensten sind die Manöver der VAE. Sie waren in Bezug auf Bodentruppen bis 2019 stärker im Jemen präsent als ihre saudi-arabischen Alliierten. Zusammen mit lokalen Verbündeten übernahmen sie die Kontrolle der Küstengebiete und Seehäfen. Dies passte in ein größeres Bild: Vom Roten Meer bis zum Horn von Afrika weitet der Winzling vom Golf seine Kontrolle über maritime Handelsrouten und Häfen aus.

Doch angesichts der anhaltend chaotischen Lage im Jemen stellte sich mit der Zeit die Kosten-Nutzen-Frage: Gefallene emiratische Soldaten, die Bedrohung durch verbesserte militärische Kapazitäten der Huthi und Kratzer am Hochglanz-Image der VAE waren der Preis für die Intervention. 2019 begannen die VAE, ihre Truppen samt Ausrüstung aus dem Jemen abzuziehen. Sie verkündeten, ihre Strategie sei nun »Frieden zuerst«.

Trotzdem bleiben die VAE im Jemen präsent, vor allem durch lokale Truppen und Milizen, die sie aufgebaut haben – insgesamt sind es rund 90.000 Mann. Die bekannteste Gruppierung ist der Southern Transitional Council (STC), der für eine Sezession des Südjemen kämpft

Doch die VAE wären vermutlich gar nicht so böse, fiele Marib an die Huthi. Die Region ist eine Hochburg der Islah-Partei, einer Art jemenitischen Version der Muslimbrüder. Und die Muslimbrüder sind für die VAE ein Todfeind, den sie in der ganzen Region bekämpfen.

Die Bekämpfung der Muslimbrüder erklärt auch die nächste Rivalität, die im Jemen ausgetragen wird: Die VAE gegen den Golfstaat Katar. Das winzige Emirat unterstützt seit Jahren die Muslimbrüder und deren Ableger in der Region.

(B P)

Hoffnung auf einen Deal

Aktuell spitzt sich der Konflikt, in dem eine Viertelmillion Menschen durch Kriegshandlungen oder deren Folgen gestorben sind, einerseits zu, andererseits wachsen die Hoffnungen auf eine Verhandlungslösung.

Saudi-Arabien seinerseits scheint zunehmend bereit, sich mit einem Machtarrangement im Jemen abzufinden, in dem die vom Iran unterstützten Huthis eine Rolle spielen. Für den andauernden Krieg hat Riad nicht nur die Rückendeckung der USA verloren; auch unter den arabischen Verbündeten bröckelt die Unterstützung.!5757307/

(* B P)

Is Biden seriously using the Saudis to bring democracy to Yemen?

As Houthi forces advance on Yemen's resource rich Marib, the northern stronghold of the last remaining Saudi-backed forces, the Saudis have suddenly presented an already failed proposal for a ceasefire. So why is the Biden administration not pressuring Saudi Arabia to end the war as promised, and only criticising its opponents?

(* B P)

Abductees’ Mothers: Mothers Day; bless locked up in prisons and buried in graves

On Mother’s Day, Abductees’ Mothers Association extends its respect and appreciation to the mothers of all abductees and arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons.

For five years, they have been struggling in an endless journey. Despite all challenges and obstacles, mothers have held on to their fighting spirit in all circumstances.

One can search the various events around the globe, and notice the exceptional efforts of many mothers who had great roles in times of conflicts and wars. Those mothers have been considered a symbol of liberty.

Today, we opt to present the efforts of the mothers of abductees and arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons in Yemen in order to held them high in the history of the nation and its heroes. In Sana’a, Aden, Alhudayda, Taiz, Ibb, Hajja, and Marib, mothers have held 253 peaceful protesting rallies despite the dangers of bombing, mines, poverty, and starvation.

They struggle with their lives without their abducted and forcibly disappeared sons. Their houses have been stormed, and they have been threatened and physically assaulted while their sons have been unlawfully snatched away from them. Since then, mother started their journey of searching for their sons and moving among prisons for years.

Yet, after finding their sons, they are not allowed to touch or hold them. Moreover, visits can be stopped based on the wardens’ mood, who usually interrogate mothers and punish abductees to emotionally hurt their mothers.

Many mothers have passed away while their wishes of releasing their sons could have been easily fulfilled, if only intentions were true and law was practiced. May their souls rest in peace, and may their patience and efforts be awarded in the hereafter.

(* B H K)


About daily life in Sana’a under bombing. After 6 years living under raids, under shelling, under siege, it has become a normal thing for Yemeni citizens, for me, for adults in general. Hearing the sound of aircraft, hearing the sound of air raids became normal for us, we only worry about children when they hear these sounds, we fear how these sounds will affect the children even if it seems to be coming from an area far away. As for us adults, it became very, very ordinary. Sometimes, when a few days pass by and we do not hear the sound of the planes, we are surprised and find it strange. Imagine the situation, more than 6 years, if a day passes without hearing the sound of an air raid, then we hear the sound of planes flying over.

The way of life for the Yemeni citizen has become very, very difficult. Especially now, for example, few week for month of Ramadan, with prices in the markets very high because of the blockade, because of the shortages in oil and its derivatives, especially in the past few days, there is a crisis of oil. Gas makes it to the neighbourhoods but there is always long lines and distribution is restricted, I need to have a card to get gas. It means that I get one gas cylinder only once every period with these cards distributed to the neighbourhoods. Life has become very difficult. We spend all our time looking for basic life necessities. We spend hours searching for either oil, electricity, solar energy, gas, any way to provide for our basic necessities, a life that is difficult in Sana’a, in rural areas it is even more difficult.

All of these shortages are caused by the blockade.

My message to the world :

I want the people to know that what’s happening in Yemen is not the forgotten war, it’s the dirty war. Yemen itself never destroyed anything as Saudi-led invasion of Yemen did with U.S. and U.K. support. There is no reason that any nation has the right to destroy my country, whatever happened. The only need is peace; we need to live our own life as other humans do.

I believe that not only the Saudi-led coalition is bombing us, but also the U.S., the U.K, France, Germany and other countries are partners of the war crimes because they (are still) selling arms to Saudi and U.A.E., they support the blockade and keep silent about what is happening in Yemen.

So please speak loudly to stop this war and lift the blockade. We need you to send our voices to your government to stop the war and stop arming Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

(B K P)

The Six-Year Epic Failure: Riyadh’s Crusade On Yemen

Six years of war have passed in Yemen, in which massive amounts of funds were “invested” by Riyadh to fight a war that it still can’t even go near winning. =

(B P)

From Sisi to Houthi: The art of flirting with coups

It was clear to those with insight and a degree of foresight that when this happened more than seven years ago Al-Sisi and Al-Houthi were the two sides of the counter-revolution coin that was popular in those days. There is no difference between them; if I were to call them Abdul-Malik Al-Sisi and Abdel Fattah Al-Houthi, it would not be too far from the truth. Hence, it is surprising that we are hearing groans about the Houthi attack against the outcomes of the Yemeni revolution from those who helped Sisi burn the nascent democracy created by the revolution in Egypt.

After events of the past eight years, and in light of the situations that arose during this time, it seems that what is happening is a figment of our imagination.

(*B H K P)

Film: Yemen Enters 7th Year of U.S.-Backed, Saudi-Led War That Caused the World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

Journalist Iona Craig, who heads up the Yemen Data Project, says there have been almost 23,000 air raids since the war began in 2015. “We’re still seeing mass civilian casualty events,” says Craig. “We’re still seeing a large number of airstrikes on residential areas and, of course, on civilian infrastructure, which has been absolutely decimated over the last six years of the conflict.”

(B K P)

Film: The country with the highest number of child soldiers. Want to know about the human rights reality in Yemen? Watch the new episode of Humedia's countries human rights reports series produced in cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor!

(* B K P)

Yemen and the myopia of US and Western imperial allies

Aggression against Yemen is "an imperialist war by an autocratic kingdom against an impoverished people fighting for liberation," says Prof. Colin S. Cavell.

Mehr News Agency has conducted an interview with Colin S. Cavell, a full professor of political science at Bluefield State College, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen.

Here is the full text of the interview:

For observers still unsure of whether Yemen or Saudi Arabia deserves your support or condemnation, consider the following:

1) The U.S. is acting to disrupt the May 2021 presidential election in Syria;
2) The U.S. is acting to disrupt the Iranian presidential election in June 2021;
3) The U.S. is heavily involved in attempting to influence and/or disrupt the next parliamentary elections in Iraq, currently schedule for October 2021;
4) Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy ruled by the unelected Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salmon [MbS] who launched the imperialist war against Yemen in March of 2015 and who is notorious for his order to kill and cut up with a bone saw dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018, amongst other numerous crimes.

In short, this is an imperialist war by an autocratic kingdom against an impoverished people fighting for liberation. The Saudis want to maintain their decades-long hegemony over Yemen as a raison d'être for their continued support by the USA and the UK in order to safeguard western oil tankers and their 21 million barrels per day traversing the Strait of Hormuz, and retain control of the Kamarān archipelago, the Ḥanīsh Islands, and Perim Island in the Red Sea, and Socotra and The Brothers islands in the Arabian Sea. If indeed Iran has any say in subsequent Yemeni politics, it is logical to conclude that democratic elections will be recommended as part of the governmental structure and that any pretension towards monarchy will be absolutely deemed out of the question.

The Saudi coalition of the U.S., the U.K., Israel, et al. are concerned not only with the continued military victories on the ground by the Yemeni liberation army but, as well, by the lackluster fighting on the part of their Saudi ally. Wiser analysts amongst this western imperial coalition, however, recognize that Saudi soldiers are largely mercenaries whose only incentive to fight is their paycheck, for the average Saudi soldier is quite conscious of the fact that the regime they are fighting for is as corrupt as the Arabian desert is wide and that their monarchical rulers are MINOs (Muslims In Name Only). Alternatively, the Yemenis are fighting for their lives, for liberation, and for freedom, and no amount of imperial weaponry will be able to dissuade them from continuing their struggle. =

(* B P)

Tawakkol Karman: “The world needs the courage of young people”

Raphael Korber-Hoffman speaks to human rights activist Tawakkol Karman about the struggle for democracy in the Middle East so far, and what is yet to come

A convincing optimist, Karman spoke to me about the powerful role she believes young people can play in reshaping the world through embracing human rights and democratic values. She told me that young people have always been the focus of her activism, such as when she organised student rallies in 2011 against the Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. “The world needs the courage of those people, the young people. The world needs [young people’s] energy. The world needs their soul and their kindness because those young people don’t carry all the mistakes that the oldest carry.” Recalling the events of the Arab Spring, Karman notes how “the ones who have toppled the regimes of dictatorships [are] the young people. Because they knew their role and they knew their duty and they decided to carry their responsibility for their kids, for … all coming generations.” Connecting the role of the youth to saving the climate, Karman also spoke of her admiration for climate change activists, saying she “believes that they will succeed in their battle.”

Tawakkol also recalled the difficulties not just of being a protestor in pre-2011 Yemen, but of being a female one. She argues that “women also have these challenges twice, as journalists and citizens that suffer from tyranny, and women that suffer from bad traditions and bad customs, and those bad traditions and customs also produced by the dictators. The dictators don’t want women to be involved in public life.” Having toppled the dictatorship in Yemen, she adds “we took these rights as women first, and as a citizen next … we guaranteed the woman’s right as a constitutional right.”

(A P)

Yemen Nobel laureate calls on warring parties to end fighting

Yemeni human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Tawakkol Karman, has called on Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Houthi group to end their dispute and find common grounds for peace.

"Any action that leads to peace is welcomed," Karman wrote on Twitter, adding: "Saudi ceasefire proposal can be a launchpad for greater engagement."

"#Saudi & #UAE must end their blockade and occupation of all airports &ports in #Yemen, #Houthis must lift the blockade in Taiz &end their bloody offensive in Marib," she added.

(* B H K pH)

[Sanaa] Ministry of Health: 17,097 Citizens Killed By US-Saudi Aggression During Six Years

Ministry of Public Health and Population announced on Tuesday that the number of civilian martyrs as a result of direct bombing of the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen has reached 17,097, including 3,821 children, 2,892 women, in addition to more than 27,000 wounded.

The Ministry of Health stated in a statement that the coalition of aggression destroyed 523 health facilities completely and partially, and bombed 100 ambulances. It noted that 50% of health facilities are out of readiness as a result of 6 years of bombing and siege.

It explained that the blockade imposed on Yemen for 6 years caused an increase in the death rate of children under five to 300 children per day. Furthermore, 8,000 women die annually, 1.8 million women suffer from malnutrition and another million from complications from the blockade.

The Ministry indicated that more than 2.6 million children under the age of five suffer from acute malnutrition and 500 thousand children's lives are threatened by severe malnutrition due to the blockade.

It pointed out that in the governorates that were targeted with forbidden weapons, hospitals recorded high percentages of births with deformities.

More than 3 thousand children with heart defects, 500 suffering from terminal liver failure and 2,000 others in need of a cornea transplant are unable to travel for treatment due to the aggression's closure of Sana’a airport.

The Ministry of Health indicated that more than 72,000 people have tumors, while the coalition of aggression is preventing the entry of devices and drugs necessary to treat them, such as a thermometer and a radiotherapy device.

It indicated that during 6 years of aggression and siege, epidemics increased and epidemics that disappeared long ago returned.

and also

(* B H K pH)

Entesaf Org: Over 13,000 women & children are victims in six year of aggression

Entesaf Organisation for Rights of Women and Children has announced the number of children and women who are victims of the US-Saudi aggression exceeded 13,131 martyrs and wounded during six years.

In a statement, Saba got a copy of it, the organisation stated the number of dead women and children reached 6,198 martyrs, including 2, 397 women and 3, 801 children.

The statement made clear the number of wounded reached 6,933, including 2,806 women and 4,127 children. The statement stated 200 children are born every day and are sentenced to death if hospitals and medical centers are completely cut off due to the shortages of fuel which threatens hospital nurseries to be closed.

Yemen also loses 100,000 newborns due to the blockade at a rate of six children every two hours. It pointed to the effects of the aggression’s detention of oil derivative ships on the health sector, indicating the scarcity of fuel threatens to stop more than 1500 hospitals and health centers while 400 blood banks and laboratories also threatens the lives of thousands of patients with death.

The statement mentioned the lives of more than 5, 200 patients with kidney failure are threatened with death due to the severe shortage of oil derivatives designated for 15 dialysis centers in a number of provinces while nearly 200,000 diabetics need insulin that needs adequate cooling.

It pointed out about 600,000 premature babies need nurseries to survive, more than 300 Yemeni children die every day, and more than 3 million children suffer from malnutrition, more than 400,000 of whom are severely malnourished. According to the statement, 1,200,000 women suffer from malnutrition, half of whom are pregnant, and more than 8,000 women die every year due to the blockade.

It also indicated the closure of Sana'a International Airport caused the death of more than 80,000 patients who were in urgent need of treatment abroad, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health.

Organization's president Somaya al-Taifi held the aggression coalition led by the United States of America and Saudi Arabia responsible for all crimes and violations against innocent civilians, especially women and children, over a period of six years.

(* B P)

The unstoppable Yemen War?

The rejection of US ceasefire proposals by the Houthi Movement in Yemen makes it likely that the US initiative for ending the war will fragment into partial measures that cannot be implemented

The Ansarullah (Houthi) Movement in Yemen rejected a ceasefire proposal made by US Envoy to Yemen Timothy Lenderking during a meeting with Houthi representatives in Oman on 4 March.

Neither side disclosed the substance of the US initiative, which came after Lenderking’s visit to Saudi Arabia where he met with officials of the legitimate Yemeni government, leaders of the Arab Coalition that backs it and UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths.

However, subsequent statements by Houthi officials indicated that the proposal echoed Saudi positions and did not depart from the framework of proposals that Griffiths had made in his previous mediating rounds.

The only conclusion observers have drawn from these developments is that all sides though speaking of ending the war in Yemen are in fact doing nothing to bring it about. A diplomatic solution is also moving further out of reach because they are bent on winning an elusive round of combat that will definitively tilt the balance of forces in their favour.

Contrary to the expectations of some, the US decision to withdraw its support for the coalition has not had a strategic impact on the war. Moreover, Washington might be forced to reassess its position.

Under the administration of US President Joe Biden, Washington has downgraded its handling of the Houthi threat to Saudi Arabia to a question of border security and, accordingly, has agreed to strengthen the country’s southern defences in the framework of the US commitment to protect the Kingdom.

However, this formula is well-suited to the Houthis, who are keen to exclude Riyadh from Yemen’s domestic scene so that they can have the dominant say on the areas under their control as they assert their sectarian plans. It is in this context that Houthi leader Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi’s statement that the militia would stop targeting Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia stops its aerial bombardments, ceases its support for the Yemeni army, and lifts its blockade on the Sanaa Airport and Hodeida Seaport needs to be understood.

After the Houthis rejected the US ceasefire initiative, which aimed to facilitate the flow of humanitarian relief and create a climate conducive to negotiations, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that his country would now double down on its efforts to promote a ceasefire.

The scenario that appears to have the greatest prospect of playing out is that the US initiative for halting the war in Yemen will lose steam and degenerate into something akin to the UN’s Stockholm 2018 initiative. This was broken down into partial measures that local stakeholders could accept in theory but were never induced to implement in practice.

It looks as if the Americans are still unable to grasp one of the most basic lessons of the Yemen War: don’t give anything away for nothing. They struck the Houthis from the terrorist list on the grounds that putting them on the list had prevented the arrival of humanitarian aid to its intended recipients. But in return the Houthis escalated the war, and, as the state department has confirmed, they diverted the aid (especially oil derivatives) for their own use.

The militia took advantage of the US concern for delivering humanitarian aid and found ways to intercept it and channel it to their military needs or to some form of black-market profiteering.

My comment: From Egypt, with a great merely propagandistic section dealing with Iran.

(* B P)

Biden’s Peacemaking Bid in Yemen Faces Hard Truths

This is the splintered state of Yemen as the Biden Administration opts to take on the role of peacemaker and extricate Saudi Arabia from its “forever war” in the making, just as Biden seeks to disengage the United States from its own such engagement in Afghanistan. Ironically, if Biden’s mission were miraculously to succeed, the outcome might well be the same: U.S.-backed governments in both countries stand a good chance of collapsing, with the Houthis remaining in control of an independent North Yemen and the Taliban of most of Afghanistan.

To have any chance for ending the Yemeni civil war, Biden will have to abandon the demands adopted at the start of the war under pro-Saudi Resolution 2216 and probably also give up the United Nations’ “strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen.” The Saudis seem to have already realized this. They still refer officially to Resolution 2216 as the basis for a peace agreement but have shifted their focus to securing a demilitarized zone along their 800-mile border with Yemen and an end to the Houthi barrage of missiles and drones.

Facing the reality of two Yemens

What price the Saudis will have to pay to obtain even these limited goals remains to be seen. They will need to decide whether to abandon the Hadi government’s claim to represent all of Yemen and will probably have to accept a re-divided country.

Their losses will likely not stop there. The Hadi-STC coalition government that the Saudis brokered late last year hardly exists even in the South. The partners’ separate military forces have already clashed repeatedly, even in Aden, its “temporary” capital. According to the STC’s chief representative in the United States, Abdulsalam Mused, the government has not paid its soldiers for the past nine months or been able to keep the lights on in Aden.

The Saudi dilemma also includes whether to continue supporting the largely fictitious Hadi government or accept the secessionist-minded STC as the new rulers of a reconstituted South Yemen. According to Mused, the Saudis have not made up their minds yet on the issue. They would probably have to abandon the tens of thousands of tribesmen they have mobilized, financed, and armed to fight the Houthis or face another intra-Yemeni civil war, this time between pro-Hadi and pro-STC tribal militias.

A good number of pro-Hadi tribesmen are presently engaged in the defense of Marib city and the larger governorate by the same name.

Officials in the Biden administration have been pressing the Houthis to accept a cease-fire and come to the negotiating table. They “have to demonstrate their willingness to engage in a political process,” said State Department spokesman Ned Price. “They need to quit, simply stop attacking and start negotiating.” The Houthis have given their answer: no negotiations until the Saudis end their blockade of Houthi-controlled ports and airports first.

At this point, no serious negotiations seem in the offing until the Houthis succeed or fail in capturing Marib city. If they fail, the chances for a cease-fire followed by a compromise solution become somewhat brighter—one based on a federation or confederation holding the North and South loosely together. If they succeed, however, Biden faces the prospect of overseeing the rebirth of two separate Yemens – by Davod Ottaway

(A P)

Saudi envoy discusses Yemen peace initiative with his UN counterparts

Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN, Abdullah Al-Mouallimi, met his counterparts from a number of UN Security Council member states on Thursday to discuss the Kingdom’s latest initiative to end the crisis in Yemen.

(A K P)

U.S., UK, Germany and France discuss peace initiatives for Yemen

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and foreign ministers of Britain, Germany and France met on Tuesday to discuss peace initiatives for Yemen, British foreign minister Dominic Raab said.

“From pushing for peace in Yemen to preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power, Britain, U.S., France, Germany stand together as force for good,” Raab said in a tweet

(* B K pH)

Rights Center Reveals Yemen's Casualties As Result of US-Saudi Aggression for Six Years

Eye of Humanity Center (Ain al-Insiyah Center) for Human Rights and Development revealed on Tuesday a shocking statistic about the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people and their capabilities within six years of war.

The rights center announced in its statistics that the number of martyrs and wounded as a result of direct bombardment by the aggression reached 43,593 martyrs and wounded. It explained that the number of killed civilians reached 17,097, including 3,821 children, 2,394 women, and 10,882 men, while the number of wounded reached 27,496, including 4,183 children and 2,815 women.

In the field of infrastructure, the independent human rights organization stated that the aggression's warplanes targeted 15 airports, 16 ports, 4764 roads and bridges, 307 stations and electricity generators, 551 networks and communication stations, and 2228 tanks and drinking water.

Regarding the economic establishments, the aggression’s bombardment led to the destruction and damage of 395 factories, 292 fuel tankers, 11,387 commercial establishments and 416 chicken and livestock farms.

The statistic showed that the aggression deliberately destroyed 7495 transport vehicles, 464 fishing boats, 904 food stores, 394 fuel stations, 680 markets and 815 food trucks.

In the service structures, Eye of Humanity Center explained that the aggression has targeted, within 6 years, 571,190 homes, 178 university facilities, 1,413 mosques, 367 tourist facilities, 390 hospitals and health facilities.

The US-Saudi aggression also targeted 1,102 schools and educational facilities, 7,191 agricultural fields, 143 sports facilities, 247 archaeological sites and 48 media facilities.

and also

(* B P)

Jamal bin Omar exposes the Islah party and confirms the failure of the kingdom's storm and what happened two days before the war

The former UN envoy, Jamal bin Omar, narrated on (Al-Jazeera Channel) incidents in which the parties that ended in the embrace of the aggression are responsible for what happened in Yemen ... indicating that he opposed the Saudi military intervention and that the kingdom’s storm had failed miserably ..!

Jamal bin Omar also recounted facts, some of which are subject to discussion .. Rather, Al-Jazeera TV tried to falsify those facts that condemn the Islah party and reveal it as a party that sought to monopolize power and prevent the participation of Ansar Allah, even if two seats, in a government after the national dialogue ..

Jamal bin Omar confirmed that two days before the Decisive Storm, he agreed with the Saudi leadership that the solution in Yemen was peaceful and indicated that he would inform it of the results of the dialogues between the Yemeni components, but he was surprised by the air strikes on Sana'a.

And bin Omar put the points on the letters, where Saudi Arabia carried the aggression and its consequences, and revealed the parties that hindered and hindered any political solutions.

He indicated that the regions [Hadi’s biased plans of federalization by creating 6 Yemeni regions] were trying to place Ansar Allah in a region without a sea outlet and without wealth, and that there are political parties - referring to the Islah Party - that refused to involve Ansar Allah in a joint government after the peace agreement.

He stressed that what was happening in Yemen was an internal matter and that he was opposed to foreign intervention in Yemen militarily, and that the Saudi intervention in Yemen had failed miserably and did not solve the crisis until now.

Film (in Arabic):

(* B H P)

[from 2018]: Why Are We Allowing Yemen to Starve?

The Op-Ed is about the recent crisis in Yemen with the potential for "mass starvation" there in 2018 and the history of the ongoing Yemeni civil war since 2015. *** Some have dubbed the Yemeni civil war “the forgotten war.” It seems more intentionally ignored. It is a humanitarian crisis on a mass scale. According to recent reports by United Nations officials as many as 14 million Yemenis are on the verge of dying from starvation. Save th Children, an international humanitarian organization, issued a report documenting some 84,700 children under five years old have starved to death since the US started “helping” Saudi Arabia wage the war in 2015.

(* B C P)

Violence and the (trans)formation of the state in the Yemen Arab Republic 1962-1970

Did the civil war in North Yemen during the 1960s ‘make’ the new Yemeni state? If it did, how did it do so, and what was the nature of the state it made? To answer these questions, the thesis draws on hitherto untapped Egyptian and German archival material. It develops a model of the specific and contingent processes linking practices of civil war to state formation outcomes and uses the model to trace the processes whereby war (trans)formed the state. The thesis reveals dynamics of state formation that have been hitherto neglected or misunderstood during this decisive episode of Yemen’s history. Wartime violence and the practices associated with its mobilisation, administration, and financing shifted the political settlement of the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR). The prominence of tribal leaders during the 1980s and 1990s and the concomitant tribalisation of the military and militarisation of the tribes are shown to be outcomes of the civil war. Similarly, the investigation reveals a dramatic and largely untold fiscal transformation of the YAR during the 1960s, which meant that government income came to rely primarily on external donors. Finally, the war, or rather the practices associated with it, altered the very idea of political order in North Yemen between 1962 and 1970. Spurred by competition for public support, elite discourses converged around the rhetorical commonplaces of modernity, development and the people. Although fragmentary and contradictory, these new commonplaces all privileged the central state as an actor and addressee of claims. In addition to these insights into the specific legacies of the civil war, the thesis uses points of disagreement and slippage between the model and the rarely studied case of Yemen to problematise and suggest additions to the literatures on civil war, state building, and state formation.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B K P)

Lift the Blockade on Yemen Now

Yemen is desperately short of fuel oil that it needs to power electrical generators in hospitals and to transport food and medicine once they reach Yemen from the outside world.

Fourteen tankers laden with fuel for Yemen are being detained by Saudi Arabia off the Saudi coast. Not a single fuel ship has been allowed to dock at Hodeidah since December. The once bustling port has become in Elbagir’s words, a “ghost town.”

The coalition detains ships for periods up to 100 days. Some ships are never allowed into Yemen. Sometimes the coalition releases a ship only after extorting a bribe. Arabian Rights Watch Association, Airstrikes & Blockades on Ports, ¶4 (n.d.).

Blockade and Ceasefire

It does not take 100 days to search a ship for weapons, particularly ships which have already been cleared by the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen (UNVIM). The coalition has instituted the blockade as part of a deliberate strategy to use starvation as a weapon of war against Yemen’s population. Historically, Yemen has imported 80% of its food. Kamel Jendoubi, Chair of the UN Group of Experts on Yemen, reported to the Security Council in December that “Civilians in Yemen are not starving; they’re being starved by the parties to the conflict.”

The Houthis have said that they will not agree to a ceasefire until the coalition blockade is lifted. Early in March, President Joe Biden’s special envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking presented the Houthis with what Lenderking describes as a “sound plan” for a ceasefire. Lenderking is coy as to the contents of the plan, but from media reports it does not seem that the proposal includes lifting the blockade. Unsurprisingly, the Houthis have not responded to the US proposal.

The blockade needs to be lifted at once, with or without a ceasefire. There is no telling how long it will take to achieve a ceasefire. While it works to reach a ceasefire, the Biden Administration must condemn the blockade and pressure the Saudis and Emiratis to lift it at once.

(A K P)

First fuel ship this year docks in Hodeidah as Saudi-led coalition relaxes blockade

A tanker carrying oil docked at Hodeidah port in Yemen on Thursday -- the first such ship to berth this year in the country's Houthi-controlled north, where fuel is desperately needed to distribute food and to keep the country's hospitals from shuttering.

The arrival of the ship, the Gabon-registered Thuruya, follows a UN announcement on Wednesday that the internationally recognized government of Yemen -- supported by Saudi Arabia and its military -- had agreed to allow four ships carrying fuel to unload at Hodeidah. It was not clear if the relaxation was temporary or a permanent change.

A CNN investigation earlier this month revealed that Saudi warships were preventing all oil tankers from docking at the port, including 14 vessels that had gained approval from a United Nations clearance mechanism to berth.

(* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition lets four fuel ships dock at Yemen's Hodeidah port: sources

The Saudi-led coalition has allowed four fuel ships to dock at Yemen’s Red Sea port of Hodeidah, two sources familiar with the matter said, after the Houthi group said it would only agree to a ceasefire proposal if an air and sea blockade were lifted.

Four vessels, including two carrying a total of 45,000 tonnes of gas oil, a ship loaded with 5,000 tonnes of liquefied petroleum gas and a fourth tanker with 22,700 tonnes of fuel oil have received clearance from the coalition, the sources said.

As of Wednesday morning, the four vessels had not yet begun moving towards Hodeidah port, which is controlled by the Iran-aligned Houthi group battling the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

The deputy transport minister of Yemen’s Saudi-backed government, Nasser Sharif, said on Twitter that a number of oil ships had been allowed to the port of Hodeidah to ease the humanitarian situation. He did not give further details.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Houthi chief negotiator, said: “The provision of fuel, food, medical and basic goods is a humanitarian and legal right for the Yemeni people. We do not accept any military or political conditions for receiving them.”


(A K P)

YPC denies aggression media allegations about entry of fuel ships

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) denied on Wednesday the arrival of any fuel ship at Hodeida port so far, confirming that the US-Saudi-led aggression coalition is still holding 14 ships.

"All ships are still being held by the aggression coalition until now, and what is being promoted by the aggression coalition mercenaries' media outlets on releasing the fuel ships are just rumors," said Essam Al-Mutawakel, official spokesman for the company.

Such allegations aimed at misleading public opinion and covering up the aggression coalition's crimes and the maritime piracy it practices through the detention of ships of oil derivatives, he added.

Al-Mutawakel confirmed that when any oil ship arrives, it will be officially announced by the company.

and also

(A K P)

Due To Saudi-led Aggression Sana'a Int. Airport Targeting, Closure Cost over $3.65 Billion

The director of Sana'a International Airport, Khaled Al-Shayef, revealed losses resulting from direct bombing as well as the economic impact due to closure. He told Almasirah, Tuesday, that losses amount to 3.65 billion dollars.

and also


(B H K)

Sana’a Airport Director: Over 400,000 Patients Unable to Travel for Treatment

More than 400,000 patients with incurable diseases are unable to travel for treatment, the Director General of Sana’a International Airport Khaled Al-Shayef said on Wednesday..

Speaking to Al-Masirah television, Al-Shayef explained that thousands of civilians wounded as a result of the US-Saudi aggression's raids are threatened with permanent disability. These patients are not traveling for treatment due to the aggression's closure of Sana'a International Airport, he added.

Sana’a airport has been closed to flights since August 9, 2016 by the Saudi-led aggression. In the six years since, thousands of people may have died prematurely because they were unable to travel abroad for treatment.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Sechs Jahre Konflikt im Jemen: Fast 700.000 Menschen werden in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich aus ihrer Heimat fliehen

Nun da die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt in ihr siebtes Jahr geht, könnten nach Prognosen der Vereinten Nationen bis Ende 2021 weitere 672.000 Menschen vertrieben werden, wenn das derzeitige Ausmaß der Gewalt anhält. In diesem Jahr wurden bereits 834 Häuser der Zivilbevölkerung von Waffengewalt getroffen.

"Die Jemeniten haben sechs Jahre lang leere Versprechen von führenden Politikern aus aller Welt vertragen müssen, von denen viele die Flammen dieses Krieges weiter anfachen. Es muss jetzt entschieden gehandelt werden, um den unerbittlichen Countdown hin zu einer vollkommen vermeidbaren Hungersnot zu stoppen", sagte Jan Egeland, Generalsekretär des Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). "Die Jemeniten brauchen drei Dinge, um diesem Albtraum ein Ende zu setzen: einen Waffenstillstand zur Verhinderung der Hungersnot, eine Verdoppelung der Hilfsgelder und die Wiederaufnahme der Friedensgespräche."

Sechs Jahre Krieg haben verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Menschen, die Wirtschaft und die Entwicklung im Jemen. Sie haben die Entwicklung des Landes um 21 Jahre zurückgeworfen und eine Generation ihrer Zukunft beraubt. Wenn der Konflikt weitergeht, müssen die Jemeniten, die bereits jetzt mit einer extremen humanitären Krise konfrontiert sind, mit einer weiteren Verschlechterung ihrer Situation rechnen.

Während das Land in das siebte Konfliktjahr eintritt, warnt NRC, dass der Jemen wieder in einen ausgewachsenen Krieg abgleiten könnte. Das Aufflammen des Konflikts in Marib, Hodeidah, Taiz und Hajjah führt zu Vertreibungen, massenhaften Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung und fortgesetzten Angriffen auf Häuser, Bauernhöfe, Krankenhäuser und Schulen.

(* B H)

Photos: Six stories for six years of Yemen’s deadly war

To mark the sixth anniversary of the crisis, Save the Children are releasing portraits of children caught up in the grisly conflict

The set of images, captured by photographer Anna Pantelia, tell the stories of loss and sadness, but also children’s resilience and determination to rebuild their lives. Accompanying each portrait is a description of the trauma of losing loved ones, physical injuries from explosives and having to flee their homes because of the fighting.

Violence and bloodshed remain an almost daily occurrence in the country

Currently, over 11.3 million children rely on aid, and it is predicted that over two million children could suffer from severe malnutrition this year. Almost 400,000 of these children under five are at risk of severe acute malnutrition and at heightened risk of death.

(* B H)


The war in Yemen intensified in 2020, leaving more than 80% of Yemenis living below the poverty line and at least 20 million people in need of humanitarian assistance to survive. The world's worst humanitarian crisis has denied millions of people access to employment, adequate medical care, food and clean water.

Yemen's economy has experienced a further dramatic slowdown in recent months. The country is 90% dependent on imports of wheat and other basic food items, while the value of Yemeni Rial has fallen by 250% from its pre-conflict value. Even when available in the markets, food, water, and basic necessities are unaffordable for many families, who have to pay prices 140% higher than before the war.

International donors have contributed just 10% of the $3.85 billion needed for humanitarian operations in Yemen in 2021. Reductions in international aid due to budgetary cuts will make the humanitarian situation for Yemenis even more dire. To break the vicious cycle of conflict and hunger in Yemen, Action Against Hunger calls for new humanitarian financing from donor nations, facilitated imports of essential goods, and greater respect for international humanitarian law by the parties to the conflict.

Action Against Hunger, which has operated in Yemen since 2012, implements activities in some of the hardest-hit areas, including Hodeidah, Abyan, Lahj, and Taiz, where more than one in five children suffer from acute malnutrition. In these areas, Action Against Hunger provided lifesaving treatment to 41% more acutely malnourished children in the second half of 2020 compared to earlier in the year, an indication of growing needs.

(B H)

Film: While men wage wars and waltz leisurely towards & away from peace deals & ceasefire agreements, women bear the burnt of war, as shown in this video from Taiz, #Yemen. Peace concerns these local women more than elites n politicians, yet they remain excluded from peace negotiations

(A H)

Al-Thawra Hospital in Yemen's #Taiz province has shut been down due to fuel shortages, local reports said on Friday.

(* B E H)

Over 100% price increase in staple food contributes to dire humanitarian need as Yemen enters 7th year of war, says IRC

As food prices rise in Yemen, recent data from IRC surveys and various analyses show concerning coping strategies adopted by Yemenis:

66% reported they had to reduce the number of meals eaten

74% rely on less preferred and less expensive foods

71% had to borrow food or request help from friends and relatives

68% had to limit portion their food size at mealtime

57% had to restrict consumption by adult in order for small children to eat

Three in five Yemenis surveyed by the IRC could not afford basic items and some are resorting to child labor and child marriage to ease expenses

Over half the population in Yemen is going hungry, and acute cases of malnutrition for children under 5 is at the highest ever recorded

Six years from the escalation of the conflict in Yemen, a new analysis by the International Rescue Committee shows how huge increases in food prices over the last four years are driving need in the world’s largest humanitarian crisis and leading to widespread negative coping strategies. The indirect consequences of the conflict are seen in economic hardship, health and malnutrition. Over half the population in Yemen is going hungry, and acute cases of malnutrition for children under 5 is at the highest ever recorded. Of the over 20.7 million people in need in Yemen, over 3 million people are identified by experts to be in “catastrophic need”; indicating a total collapse of living standards, exhaustion of last resort coping strategies and an alarmingly high number of deaths.

Key Yemeni household staples have seen a more than doubling of prices, including a 133% price rise in wheat flour, 96% price rise in vegetable oil and a 164% price rise in rice from February 2016 to October 2020.

A number of factors explain these soaring prices: economic warfare by all parties including bureaucratic barriers to the import and movement of food, fuel and medicines; currency manipulation and depreciation that undermine purchasing power; and a history of attacks on the means of food production, storage and distribution. Air and sea port closures are severely constraining imports and contributing to rising prices.

The impact on Yemenis is catastrophic: three in five Yemenis surveyed by the IRC could not afford basic items and some are resorting to child labor and child marriage to ease expenses. IRC teams are seeing widespread negative coping mechanisms including families having to reduce the number of daily meals, the amount of food consumed, or eating only nutrient-deficient foods such as bread and tea.

Numerous testimonies from IRC clients attest to the way in which rising food prices have contributed to rates of malnutrition in the country. Taqwa Hasan Ali, a client of the IRC’s EU supported mobile health and nutrition programming in Al-Dhale’e, told IRC that rising prices contributed to his 5-year old daughter experiencing malnutrition. “The rising prices meant our financial situation became very bad,” said Mohammed. “We were not even able to visit the hospital or buy medicine because it is so expensive.”

In a REACH price monitoring report, contributed to by the International Rescue Committee, almost a third of surveyed vendors reported disruptions in supply chains with over 89% and 70% reported damaged roads and electricity as constraining their ability to conduct business

Tamuna Sabadze, IRC Yemen Country Director, said

“The situation for ordinary Yemenis is disastrous. Food prices are rising and wages are stagnant, while conflict restricts livelihoods and COVID has reduced remittances from abroad. Over 3 million people are identified to be in catastrophic need in Yemen, many of whom are resorting to negative coping strategies to survive. We cannot wait for wide-spread famine to be declared in the country; by then, it would already be too late.”

David Miliband, CEO and President of IRC, said

“At the six year mark of its civil war, Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe. It is a political emergency as well as a humanitarian emergency. Now is the time for a dual approach: funding to prevent famine and save lives, and diplomacy to end the war.

The aid cuts announced by the British government are the opposite of what is needed: the Humanitarian Response Plan needs more funding not less.

(* B H)

Jemen: Die Unterernährung von Kindern wächst, während die Finanzmittel für Hilfe in der größten humanitären Krise der Welt gekürzt werden

"Nach sechs Jahren Konflikt wird der Jemen nicht vergessen - er wird ignoriert"

Die Zahl der unterernährten Kinder, die in von Islamic Relief unterstützten Ernährungszentren im Jemen aufgenommen werden, hat sich in den letzten drei Monaten fast verdoppelt, weil die internationalen Regierungen wichtige humanitäre Mittel kürzen - die Krise im Jemen eskaliert. In den Ernährungszentren ist auch die Zahl der unterernährten schwangeren Frauen und jungen Mütter, die Hilfe suchen, um 80 Prozent gestiegen.

Nach sechs Jahren des Konflikts ist mehr als die Hälfte der jemenitischen Bevölkerung mit schwerer Nahrungsmittelknappheit konfrontiert. Islamic Relief unterstützt landesweit 151 Gesundheits- und Ernährungszentren und verteilt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) Lebensmittelpakete an über zwei Millionen Menschen. Aufgrund von Finanzierungskürzungen musste das WFP die Menge und Häufigkeit dieser Pakete im vergangenen Jahr um die Hälfte reduzieren - seitdem ist die Unterernährung sprunghaft angestiegen.

(* B H)

Yemen: Surge in child malnutrition as funding for world’s largest humanitarian crisis falls short

The number of malnourished children admitted to nutrition centres supported by Islamic Relief in Yemen has almost doubled in the past three months, as the crisis escalates as international governments cut vital humanitarian funding. The centres have also seen an 80 per cent increase in malnourished pregnant women and new mothers seeking help.

After six years of conflict, more than half of Yemen's population is facing severe food shortages. Islamic Relief supports 151 health and nutrition centres across the country, and -- in partnership with the UN World Food Programme (WFP) -- distributes food parcels to over two million people. However, due to funding cuts WFP had to reduce the quantity and frequency of these parcels by half last year and malnutrition has skyrocketed since then.

Dr Asmahan Albadany, Islamic Relief's Nutrition Project Coordinator in Hodeidah, says

Islamic Relief staff warn the situation is even worse in remote rural areas. One in five districts in Yemen have no doctors at all and crippling fuel shortages mean many families cannot travel for medical assistance. Desperate poverty means that parents increasingly have to make painful choices about which children get food or medicine.


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Islamic Relief: Yemen: Supporting 13 million people amidst a humanitarian crisis

Today, with 24.1 million people across Yemen in need of humanitarian aid, there are more people in Yemen in need of humanitarian assistance than in any other country in the world.

Islamic Relief, which began working in Yemen in 1998, has continued providing vital assistance throughout the conflict.

Thanks to your support, we have been a lifeline for families facing conflict, famine and disease.

So far, we have supported 13 million people, but today the humanitarian needs in the country are graver than ever.

The humanitarian situation in Yemen is dire: 80% of the population do not know where their next meal is coming from.

75% of the population urgently need healthcare, unemployment is rife and 12 million children are considered vulnerable.

Islamic Relief works with communities to provide them with food, clean water, accommodation and essential medical care, as well as supporting vulnerable children.

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Jemen nach sechs Jahren Krieg: Riesiger Hilfsbedarf in einem verwüsteten Land

Das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) ist vor Ort, um den Menschen zu helfen und eine Perspektive zu bieten.

"Die Hilfe des UNHCR vor Ort ist für viele Menschen die letzte Lebensader geworden. Solange Frieden nicht greifbar ist, geht es darum, das Überleben der Menschen im Jemen zu sichern", fordert der Peter Ruhenstroth-Bauer, Geschäftsführer der UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe, dem nationalen Partner des UNHCR.

Zwei von drei Jemeniten sind für ihr tägliches Überleben auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen - und sie brauchen fast alles: von einem Dach über dem Kopf bis zu Bargeld, um Lebensmittel oder Medikamente zu kaufen. Der UNHCR steht an vorderster Front bei der Soforthilfe für Familien, die durch den Konflikt alles verloren haben. Besonders betroffen sind die vier Millionen Binnenflüchtlinge. Die meisten von ihnen sind in Teilen des Landes untergebracht, in denen akute Nahrungsmittelknappheit herrscht. Gleichzeitig ist es aufgrund der wachsenden Unsicherheit und der anhaltenden Kämpfe schwierig, die Notleidenden mit Hilfsgütern zu versorgen. Doch auch die Bedingungen in den Nachbarländern sind so aussichtslos, dass über 220.000 Flüchtlinge - die meisten aus Somalia - wiederum im Jemen Schutz suchen.

Die hygienischen Bedingungen, unter denen die Binnenvertriebenen und Flüchtlinge im Jemen leben, sind prekär. Das Gesundheitssystem im Land ist aufgrund des jahrelangen Konfliktes zusammengebrochen, sodass eine ausreichende medizinische Versorgung der Bevölkerung bei einer Ausbreitung von Krankheiten kaum möglich ist

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Film von Aktion Deutschland Hilft: Wie hilft unser Bündnis im Jemen?

In diesem Video erfährst du mehr über die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt und wie unser Bündnis den Familien vor Ort hilft.

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Traumatized by airstrike, Abdullah was frightened by doctors

Abdullah was playing outside with his friends, when an airstrike blasted his village in Yemen. After doctors amputated his leg, Humanity & Inclusion helped Abdullah stand tall again.

Confined to the hospital for almost a month, Abdullah struggled with the grief of losing his cousin. He worried he would never play, walk or run again.

Traumatized, Abdullah was afraid of the doctors who came to see him. He screamed whenever physical therapists tried to do rehabilitation exercises with him. He was completely lost. Everything frightened him.

Humanity & Inclusion’s team took the time to reassure him and build his confidence. The team gave him psychological support and rehabilitation care. He went from using a wheelchair to crutches.

Then, the team fitted him with a below-the-knee prosthetic leg, and conducted rehabilitation sessions to help strengthen his muscles and teach him to walk again. The team also taught Abdullah and one of his brothers how to maintain and clean the artificial limb.

Abdullah is now walking with the help of his new leg. He will receive new prosthetics as he grows.

Humanity & Inclusion has provided more than 35,000 crutches, walkers, wheelchairs and other mobility aids to people in Yemen. More than 500 people have been fitted with prosthetics and orthotics through Humanity & Inclusion's collaboration with the Sana'a Physical Therapy and Prosthesis Center.

In additional to physical rehabilitation, nearly 23,000 people have received psychological support from Humanity & Inclusion. More than 800 Yemeni health workers have been trained in early trauma response. Support Yemenis with disabilities affected by the ongoing conflict.

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An average of six women killed every week in Yemen as a result of the ongoing conflict

CARE Yemen staff quotes:

“After six years of continuous war the scale of destruction in Yemen is enormous. Aid organisations like CARE are working desperately to fill in the gaps and provide life-saving assistance to families without alternatives for survival, but this is just not sustainable, especially with the lack of funding from international donors. It is widely recognised that an inclusive peace process is the only answer for Yemen, yet still year after year no progress is made and civilians continue to die, with six women per week killed by the conflict in 2020. Yemenis deserve every effort to be made towards peace – this sixth anniversary of the war is a reminder to everyone.” – Aaron Brent, Country Director

“We are coming into yet another year of a prolonged conflict that has had its heavy toll on education, millions of school-age boys and girls are deprived adequate and equitable access to education. This conflict must come to an end.” – Lina Alsafi, Youth Empowerment Coordinator

“As a mother – and like every mother in Yemen – I feel terror with every airstrike, especially when my kids are in school. My heart is broken to see the suffering of displaced people, particularly women and children. Civilians all over Yemen have nothing to do with this conflict but we are paying the price.” – Suha Basharen, Gender Specialist

First hand stories of death and injury from Yemen’s war:

Safia Mohammed is a mother of five. She is from Sa’ada governorate in northern Yemen. Before the war, life was peaceful and normal for Safia’s family. Her husband worked as a driver and she used to take care of the routine chores such as cooking, cleaning, and fetching water. After the conflict escalated, armed clashes near her home forced her and her family to flee to neighbouring Al Jawf governorate, where they had to start a new life of challenges and difficulties.

“Life became unbearable, yet we had to adapt to it and start all over again,” she says. “One day, an extraordinary event changed my life forever. I sent my son to buy a sack of wheat from the district market. While we were waiting for him, a group of people came to my home carrying different parts of his body. He had stepped on a landmine.”

This is a common story for families who have had to flee violence several times

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As more than one million pregnant women face malnutrition in Yemen, UNFPA Executive Director appeals for peace and increased support

The Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, called for peace in Yemen and urgent funding for women’s health and protection as she concluded a three-day visit to the country, where starvation and famine threaten millions of people’s lives, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Yemeni women and adolescent girls are bearing the brunt of six long years of grinding conflict, made unimaginably worse by Covid-19 and now the threat of famine,” said Dr. Natalia Kanem. “The situation is catastrophic.”

More than half of the 20 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Yemen are women and girls.

“I am deeply concerned about the safety and reproductive health of women and girls in Yemen," Kanem said. "More than one million pregnant women are at risk of acute malnutrition; this number could double if we do not take urgent action.”

In Aden, Kanem visited a hospital and saw the toll that this conflict is taking. Every two hours, a woman dies from complications of pregnancy in the country. For pregnant women, severe malnutrition makes the process of giving birth even more life threatening. Many women cannot get to hospitals for the care they need due to lack of transport and long distances. Only 20 percent of functional health facilities provide maternal and child health services.

“I've been in many maternity wards, and they are usually a place of joy. But in Yemen, I witnessed the devastation of malnutrition and hunger, with newborn babies on feeding tubes and mothers weakened by fear and exhaustion,” said the UNFPA Chief.

and also


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Motherhood on the brink: Pregnant women in Yemen under famine and violence

Childbirth can be harrowing in even the best of times but the cascade of humanitarian crises in Yemen have made the journey to motherhood more dangerous than ever. The country’s long-running conflict has depleted the health system. Currently only half of all health facilities are functioning.

The pandemic has only aggravated things, with roughly 15 per cent of the health system shifted to deal with COVID-19 cases. Only 20 per cent of functioning health facilities are providing maternal and child health services.

Today, a woman in Yemen dies during childbirth every two hours, almost always from preventable causes. And now, the threat of famine looms.

“The situation is catastrophic,” said UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem during her recent three-day visit to the country.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are especially vulnerable during food insecurity. Currently 1.2 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished, and these numbers could double if humanitarian funding does not materialize.

Malnutrition puts both women in childbirth and newborn babies at serious risk.

“I've been in many maternity wards, and they are usually a place of joy. But in Yemen, I witnessed the devastation of malnutrition and hunger, with newborn babies on feeding tubes and mothers weakened by fear and exhaustion,” Dr. Kanem noted. “It is heartbreaking to see fellow members of the human family in such dire conditions."

Violence at home

Women’s and girls’ vulnerability to violence has greatly escalated under the country’s crisis.
During Dr. Kanem’s visit, she spoke to women at a UNFPA-supported shelter.

“I spoke to young girls and pregnant women who had to flee for their lives and seek protection at UNFPA sites, which are among the very few safe spaces for women and girls,” Dr. Kanem said.

UNFPA is supporting eight such shelters and 51 women’s and girls’ safe spaces. Last year, UNFPA provided more than half of all health facilities in Yemen with essential life-saving medicines and reached more than 1.2 million women and girls with reproductive health services.

But much more support is needed.

“The women and girls of Yemen deserve peace. For too long, they have been caught up in a conflict that is not of their making,” Dr. Kanem urged. “The world must act now.”

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When we spoke to Mubarak recently, he told us his story.

"When I graduated from high school in 2013 I wanted to study economics and politics, but my dream was to become the Prime Minister." He eventually made it to university to study, but when the war started in 2015, the unrest escalated and the university had to close. “I felt so disappointed and it wasn’t safe staying in Sana’a anymore. So I went back to my hometown."

In Taiz, his elder brother died in an explosion. “This incident was a very big shock for me, as I looked up to him as my father.” Later, Mubarak was caught in crossfire. He lost his eye. And at the same time, his second brother died in an explosion in Taiz.

Mubarak was then in a second explosion where he lost one of his legs. “That moment, I realised that all my dreams fell apart. I wouldn’t be able to move around freely let alone become the Prime Minister. I would face many other obstacles in my daily life... I was trying to help my family and others, now I was the one who needed help.”

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Film: Half of the Yemeni People don't have the luxury of clean water. That's over 15 million people! This #WorldWaterDay, take 30 seconds to learn how #Yemen, one of the world worst conflict-affected countries, is getting along with this shocking figure.

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Jemen: Wie viel ist ein Menschenleben wert?
Das Bündnis "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" fordert mehr Unterstützung von der internationalen Gemeinschaft

Nach sechs Jahren Krieg ist die Lage im Jemen weiterhin besorgniserregend: Mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen - rund zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung - sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Mit den wiederaufgenommenen Kämpfen um die Wüstenstadt Marib, die Zufluchtsort für Hunderttausende Binnenflüchtlinge ist, droht sich die humanitäre Situation weiter zu verschlechtern. Doch die internationale Gemeinschaft lässt die Menschen im Stich: Bei der Geberkonferenz der Vereinten Nationen Anfang März kam weniger als die Hälfte der benötigten Hilfsgelder von 3,85 Milliarden Dollar zusammen.

Humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen ist unterfinanziert

"Betrachtet man das Ergebnis der Geberkonferenz, entsteht der Eindruck, dass ein Menschenleben im Jemen nichts wert ist - für viele Tausende Kinder, Frauen und Männer kommt es einem Todesurteil gleich", sagt Manuela Roßbach, geschäftsführende Vorständin des Nothilfebündnisses "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". "Bis zu einer politischen Lösung des Konflikts ist es noch ein langer Weg. Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss sich daher solidarisch zeigen - Überleben darf keine Frage des Geldes sein!", fordert Roßbach.

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CARE: Sechs Jahre Krieg im Jemen sind sechs Jahre zu viel

Am kommenden Freitag, den 26. März, jährt sich der Krieg im Jemen zum sechsten Mal. 250.000 Menschen sind bereits ums Leben gekommen. 20 Millionen Menschen sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Die Wirtschaft im Jemen liegt am Boden und noch nie litten so viele Kinder an Unterernährung. Zudem wurden vier Millionen Menschen innerhalb des Landes vertrieben und mussten alles hinter sich lassen. Zwei Drittel der Vertriebenen sind Frauen und Kinder.

Aaron Brent, CARE-Länderdirektor im Jemen:
„Nach sechs Jahren Krieg ist das Ausmaß der Zerstörung im Jemen enorm. Hilfsorganisationen wie CARE arbeiten unermüdlich daran, die Lücken zu schließen und verzweifelte Familien mit lebensrettender Hilfe zu unterstützen. Doch wir können nur notdürftig Löcher stopfen, zudem nimmt die Finanzierung durch internationale Geber ab. Die einzige Lösung kann nur ein integrativer Friedensprozess sein, für den sich jetzt alle internationalen Akteure mit Nachdruck einsetzen müssen.“

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In Jemen hat ein enormer Anstieg der Lebensmittelpreise in den letzten vier Jahren die ohnehin größte humanitäre Krise der Welt weiter verschärft. Dies verdeutlicht eine Befragung von fast 4300 Haushalten (26.863 Personen) durch IRC.

In Jemen hat ein enormer Anstieg der Lebensmittelpreise in den letzten vier Jahren die ohnehin größte humanitäre Krise der Welt weiter verschärft. Dies verdeutlicht eine Befragung von fast 4300 Haushalten (26.863 Personen) durch IRC.

Drei von fünf der Befragten gaben an, sich keine Grundnahrungsmittel leisten zu können.

Einige Familien berichteten, dass sie ihre Kinder zur Arbeit schicken oder verheiraten müssen, um sie zu versorgen.

66 Prozent gaben an, dass sie die Anzahl der Mahlzeiten in ihrem Haushalt reduziert haben.

74 Prozent ernähren sich nun von weniger beliebten oder erschwinglicheren Lebensmitteln.

71 Prozent gaben an, dass sie zur Versorgung ihrer Familie Freund*innen und Verwandte um Hilfe bitten mussten.

57 Prozent gaben an, dass die Erwachsenen in der Familie weniger essen, um genug Nahrungsmittel für die Kinder zu haben.

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Mehrheit der Menschen im Jemen hat kein Geld für Essen

Seit sechs Jahren tobt im Jemen ein Bürgerkrieg. Die humanitäre Lage ist desaströs. Einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung fehlt es auch an Grundnahrungsmitteln.

Sechs Jahre nach Beginn des Bürgerkriegs im Jemen hat ein Großteil der Menschen nicht mehr genügend Geld für den Essenseinkauf. 60 Prozent der Bevölkerung können sich keine Grundnahrungsmittel mehr leisten, wie aus einer Umfrage des International Rescue Committees (IRC) hervorgeht.

Rund drei Viertel der knapp 27.000 Befragten hat die Anzahl ihrer Mahlzeiten reduziert - ein Großteil, um ausreichend Essen für die eigenen Kinder zu haben.

Grund sei ein enormer Preisanstieg, den nach IRC-Angaben auch die Konfliktparteien mit ihrer Kriegsführung verursachen. So griffen sie etwa Lebensmittellager an und behinderten den Import von Nahrung. Die UN warnen schon länger vor einer Hungersnot im Jemen. =;art143114,4465620

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A Yemeni woman improves lives and changes minds

Iman Hadi, an entrepreneur from Yemen’s rural north, is no stranger to the great poverty and misery that plagues much of the country’s remote villages where basic services are almost non-existent. But she felt a sense of responsibility and decided to do something about it. “I realized to what extent people in my area, women in particular, are suffering so I decided to go beyond social and cultural barriers and take action,” she says.

Iman leads a group of 10 women who installed a solar power plant to provide clean, energy for residents in Abss, which is in Hajjah Governorate. “The high cost of diesel-generated power has deprived many poor families of electricity access. But now, the solar power plant provides affordable energy for 43 households so far,” says Iman. “I can say with confidence, we could alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people and ease the economic burden.”

Recently, Iman’s groundbreaking work was recognized abroad when she was announced as one of the world’s 100 most influential women.

The list, compiled by the BBC, includes Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, actor Michelle Yeoh and climate activist Jane Fonda.

“Being featured in the BBC list of 100 Most Influential Women for 2020 gives great pride to me, my business partners, and Yemen as a whole,” Iman says.

When she first heard the news, she was taken aback. “I was in Sana’a accompanying a family member on a hospital visit. I got a call I was so surprised!” she says. “Four days later, I returned home and my family welcomed me warmly. They prepared a cake and congratulated me. Even my brothers, who were vehement opponents to the idea of me running a solar power plant, hugged me tightly.”

Since she started her business two years ago, with the support of UNDP and the European Union, the number of customers has increased from 25 to 43 and her net profit has reached about US $2,070, a significant sum in rural Yemen.

“We have purchased five additional batteries to meet increasing demand and are currently working on expanding the plant to employ more women and extend electricity to more families,” Iman says. “In the near future, I plan to establish another solar power plant in one of the neighbouring areas where 47 families need power. In the long run, I dream to launch a large solar power plant to extend solar services for all 3,060 households in the Al-Ghadi area.”

Iman is also aware that situation for many Yemenis is not easy.

Iman is delighted that the men in the village, who were once against women working outside the home, today offer support and encouragement. And she is determined to continue to inspire Yemeni women to seize to equal opportunities in all areas of life.

“Do not stand where you fail. Strive with determination and confidence, and your dreams will come true.”

and also, with film:

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Handicap International: 6 Jahre Krieg im Jemen: das Land durch endlosen Krieg verwüstet

Der seit 6 Jahren andauernde Krieg im Jemen hat die grösste humanitäre Krise der Welt verursacht. Das Ausmass der Zerstörung der Infrastruktur durch massiven Bomben- und Granatenbeschuss in bewohnten Gebieten sowie die Kontamination durch Sprengkörper sind enorme Herausforderungen, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Seit 2015 vor Ort, fordert Handicap International die Staaten auf, Massnahmen gegen die verheerenden Langzeitfolgen des Einsatzes von Sprengstoffwaffen in bewohnten Gebieten zu ergreifen. Sie müssen den Entwurf des internationalen Abkommens unterstützen, der derzeit verhandelt wird.

Rund 233’000 Menschen sind an den direkten oder indirekten Folgen des Konflikts gestorben. Sie sind Opfer der Bombardierungen und des Mangels an medizinischer Versorgung, Trinkwasser und Nahrung. Sanitäre Anlagen, Wasserversorgungssysteme und Strassen wurden durch die Bombardierungen weitgehend zerstört. Mehr als 20’000 Zivilist*innen sollen seit 2015 direkte Opfer der Kampfhandlungen geworden sein.

Im Jahr 2020 verschärfte sich der Konflikt. Ende Oktober gab es 47 Frontlinien, im Januar waren es noch 33. In den letzten Wochen kam es in Marib zu schweren Kämpfen, die Tausende von Menschen zur Flucht in überfüllte Lagern zwangen, in denen es an allem fehlt: Unterkünften, Schutz, Nahrung, Wasser, sanitären Einrichtungen und Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung.

Wir sind in neun Gesundheitszentren in den Gouvernements Sanaa, Amanat al Asima, Hajjah, Aden Lahj und Taiz vertreten und nimmt Patient*innen aus dem ganzen Land auf. Seit Beginn der Projekte im Jahr 2015 wurden mindestens 30’000 Menschen behandelt. Mehr als 3'000 von ihnen (Stand Dez. 2019) wurden Opfer von Sprengstoffwaffen.

Wir stellen einen signifikanten und noch nie dagewesenen Anteil an Opfern von Landminen und explosiven Kriegsresten fest: 850 Opfer (Stand Dez. 2019) wurden in fünf Jahren von HI betreut.

35’000 Krücken, Rollatoren oder Rollstühle wurden zur Verfügung gestellt und fast 23’000 Menschen haben psychologische Unterstützung erhalten. Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Physiotherapie- und Prothesenzentrum in Sanaa haben wir 520 Menschen mit Prothesen und Orthesen ausgestattet. Mehr als 800 jemenitische Mitarbeitende des Gesundheitswesens in Sanaa und anderen Gouvernements wurden in der Trauma-Frühversorgung geschult. =

und auch

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Sechs Jahre Krieg im Jemen - Ein Interview mit Susanna Krüger (Vorstandsvorsitzende der Hilfsorganisation „Save the Children“)

Die größte humanitäre Krise der Welt – so nennen die Vereinten Nationen den Krieg im Jemen. Zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung braucht Hilfe zum Überleben, aber die internationale Gemeinschaft stellt nicht genügend Geld dafür zur Verfügung. Besonders leiden die Kinder.

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Houthi health ministry says has not received international support during wartime

The Public Health and Population Ministry in the Houthi government said on Tuesday it has not received any support from international bodies during the years of war.

We have made field visits to medical facilities in regions under our control and submitted reports about damages and needs of the health sector to international bodies but we have not received responses yet, the Public Health and Population Minister Taha Al-Mutawakil said in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Debriefer.

The healthcare sector has been most affected by aggression and blockade, he said, adding that the ministry has been depending on itself and national resources to keep medical facilities operational.

It has adopted a plan to save the sector through directing available resources towards necessary needs and engaging the private sector in developing it, he said.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

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Die stillen Kriege der Jemenitinnen

Für ein besseres Leben flohen Fatima, Dalilia, Yusra und ihre Familien nach Jordanien. Doch auch hier geht der Kampf weiter.

Heute lebt Fatima in relativer Sicherheit im jordanischen Amman. Der Krieg im Jemen tobt schon seit 2015 mit internationaler Beteiligung. „Der vergessene Krieg“, nennen ihn westliche Medien. Ein stiller Krieg, dem keine knallenden Schlagzeilen gewidmet werden.

Die Narben auf Fatimas Körper aber sind ein sichtbares Zeichen für die Opfer, die dieser Konflikt die jemenitischen Bevölkerung gekostet hat. Im Jahr 2017, als Fatimas Haus nach ihren Angaben bombardiert wurde, erlebte der Jemen eine drastische Zunahme an Luftangriffen

Jedoch bedarf es nicht unbedingt der Bomben oder Granaten, um Menschen zu töten. Deutlich geräuschloser ist der Tod durch Unterernährung und vermeidbare Krankheiten. UN-Agenturen zufolge könnten im Jemen dieses Jahr mindestens 400.000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren verhungern

Der Jemen liegt an der südlichen Spitze der Arabischen Halbinsel. Jemenitische Geflüchtete erreichen Europa seltener als die Opfer anderer Konflikte, denn ihre Fluchtrouten verlaufen entweder über die Wüste quer durch Saudi-Arabien oder übers Meer nach Dschibuti. Beide Wege sind extrem gefährlich, und wer es wagt, bleibt oft Tausende Kilometer vor Europas Toren hängen.

Knapp 5.000 jemenitische Geflüchtete lebten 2019 in Dschibuti, einem Land mit weniger als einer Million Einwohner. In Deutschland wohnten nach Auskunft des Statistischen Bundesamts Ende 2019 etwa 3.000 Schutzsuchende aus dem Jemen, 2020 sind laut Bundesamt für Migration 480 weitere Asylanträge gestellt worden. Gleichzeitig wurden laut UNHCR mehr als 3,6 Millionen Jemeniten seit Beginn des Konflikts bis März 2020 aus ihren Häusern vertrieben, mittlerweile ist ihre Zahl auf 4 Millionen gestiegen.

Viele Jemeniten müssen schwarz arbeiten

Aber auch für die, die es in ein anderes Land geschafft haben, sind die Probleme nicht zu Ende.

Doch es ist nicht nur die Krankheit, die sie plagt: „Momentan arbeitet niemand in unserem Haus. In den vergangenen Monaten konnten wir die Miete nicht bezahlen. Einige Bekannte helfen uns. Aber mein Mann hat langsam genug von dieser Situation. Er wollte eine Arbeitserlaubnis beantragen, doch die Behörde stellte ihn vor die Wahl: entweder die Arbeitserlaubnis oder den Geflüchtetenstatus. Also hat er aufs Arbeiten verzichtet.“ Der Geflüchtetenstatus schützt in der Regel vor Abschiebung und erleichtert den Zugang zu humanitärer Hilfe.

Fatima ist eine von vielen jemenitischen Geflüchteten, die diese Erfahrung sammelten. Weder das jordanische Arbeits- noch das Innenministerium haben die Anfrage nach einer Stellungnahme dazu bislang beantwortet. Lilly Carlisle, UNHCR-Sprecherin in Jordanien, bestätigt, dass jemenitische Geflüchtete in Jordanien so wie auch nichtsyrische (und nichtpalästinensische) Geflüchtete keine Arbeitserlaubnis erhalten würden.

Nicht selten kämpfen Frauen im Jemen an mehreren Fronten und in mehreren Kriegen. Einige dieser Konflikte entwickeln sich geräuschlos, hinter den Hauswänden. So erzählt Fatima, dass ihre 17-jährige Schwester, die ebenfalls in Amman lebt, kürzlich von ihren Eltern mit einem 55-jährigen, schon mehrfach verheirateten Mann verlobt wurde. „Sie will das nicht, aber sie hat keine Wahl“, sagt sie.

Geflüchtete Familien befinden sich in finanzieller Not

Das Geld, das Yusra bekommt, sichert ihr Überleben und das ihres Kindes, reicht jedoch nicht aus, um die Miete für die Wohnung zu bezahlen. 200 Dinar für zwei Schlaf- und ein Wohnzimmer zusätzlich zu Bad und Küche, die sie sich mit anderen 12 Frauen und Kindern teilt.

Wählen zwischen Arbeitserlaubnis oder Geflüchtetenstatus

Eine von ihnen ist Dalila*, die vor fast sechs Jahren aus dem Jemen floh. Als sie in Jordanien ankam, dachte sie, das Schlimmste hinter sich gelassen zu haben. Die damals 25-Jährige aus Ibb hatte ihre Heimatstadt verlassen, um in Sanaa, der Hauptstadt des Jemen, zu arbeiten: zuerst als Sozialarbeiterin für die UNO, dann als Supervisorin in einer Bank. Ein guter Job, erinnert sie sich, in einer Bank mit mehr als einem Dutzend Filialen. Doch dann brach der Krieg aus und nahm ihren Vater.

„Die Huthis kamen zum Haus meines Vaters und wollten die Frauen mitnehmen [als Rekrutinnen, Anm. d. Red.], aber mein Vater wollte es nicht. So entführten sie ihn. Zehn Tage lang war er weg. Am elften Tag kam ein Freund zu unserem Haus und sagte, dass er ermordet worden war. Am selben Tag bin ich aus dem Land geflohen.“

Dalila begann, auf Tagesbasis schwarz zu arbeiten: Putzen, Babysitting. Doch dann kam das Coronavirus. Und mit ihm, mit dem harten Lockdown und den Abstandsregeln, verschwanden auf einmal die Jobmöglichkeiten. „Alles ist mittlerweile zur Herausforderung geworden: das Gesetz, die Gebühren, die finanzielle Lage“, sagt sie. Jemenitische Geflüchtete müssen 1,5 Dinar pro Tag, etwa 1,75 Euro, bezahlen, wenn ihre Aufenthaltsgenehmigung abgelaufen ist, wie sie erzählt. „Syrer müssen das nicht“, fügt sie hinzu.

Syrische Geflüchtete haben in Jordanien teilweise einen anderen Zugang zu Dienstleistungen als die anderen Gruppen, das bestätigen Hilfsorganisationen. Was offenbar dazu beiträgt, dass sich Jemeniten wie Dalila manchmal schlechter behandelt fühlen.

Eine Situation, die schwer auf Dalila lastet. „Wir sind verheiratet, können aber nicht zusammenleben“, sagt sie. In ihrer Stimme schwingt Verbitterung mit. Beide seien arbeitslos. Ein neues Zuhause zu finden, komme also nicht infrage. Auch in der jordanischen Gesellschaft seien Dalila und ihre Mitbewohnerinnen kaum integriert, wie sie erzählt. „In der Straße, wo wir früher gewohnt haben, haben uns manche jungen Männer beleidigt, nachtsüber bei uns an der Tür geklopft. Meistens bleiben wir jetzt unter uns.

Ob USA oder Kanada – die Frauen wollen weiterziehen

Die Flucht nach Jordanien, sie ist für Fatima, Yusra oder Dalila wohl noch nicht abgeschlossen. Denn alle Jemenitinnen eint der Wunsch, weiterzufahren. Fatima sagt, sie wolle in die USA. Ein fernes Land, in dem der Einfluss des eigenen Familienclans nicht mehr so stark sein wird. „Ich möchte meine Schwester mitnehmen, sodass sie ihr Leben leben kann, reisen, arbeiten. Dort werden sie uns nicht erreichen können.“ – von Sirena Bilanceri!5757310/

(A H)

Malaysian groups launch Yemen aid campaign

Campaign aims to raise $1.1M to assist 22,000 displaced people in war-ravaged Yemen, says Malaysian Relief Agency

(B H)

UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2020 Funding Update (as of 24 March 2021)

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 25 March 2021


20.7 million people in need

Over 4 million internally displaced

Over 80 per cent have been displaced for more than a year

20,496 individuals (3,416 families) newly displaced in 2021

Children and women represent up to 79 per cent of the total IDP population

138,174 refugees

11,290 asylum-seekers

IDP Response

Clashes between parties to the conflict continue to trigger new displacements across Yemen, with fighting currently being observed in Marib, Hajjah, Taizz and Hudaydah governorates. UNHCR continues to provide shelter kits and core relief items to those most affected by the ongoing hostilities. During the reporting period, some 7,600 individuals in various governorates received core relief items and emergency shelter kits including mattresses, blankets, and jerry cans.

(B H)

Jemen: Riesiger Hilfsbedarf in einem verwüsteten Land

Der Dauerkonflikt im Jemen hat das Land in die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt geführt: 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung - mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen - sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Vier Millionen Jemenit*innen sind innerhalb des Landes auf der Flucht, mehr als die Hälfte von ihnen sind von einer Hungersnot bedroht. Viele Menschen haben keinen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser. Lebenswichtige Basisgüter, Unterkünfte oder eine medizinische Grundversorgung sind kaum vorhanden. Das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) ist vor Ort, um den Menschen zu helfen und eine Perspektive zu bieten.

(B H)

„Niemand ist sicher, bis alle sicher sind“

Der Chef des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen dringt auf stärkere humanitäre Hilfe.

Herr Beuze, wie würden Sie die Situation vor Ort charakterisieren?

BEUZE: Äußerst besorgniserregend – die Kombination aus sechs Jahren Konflikt mit Flucht und Vertreibung, extremer Armut, dem Risiko einer Hungersnot sowie der zweiten Welle von COVID-19 haben zwei Drittel der Jemeniten so verwundbar gemacht, dass sie zum Überleben auf unsere humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen sind.

Saudi-Arabien und die USA waren stets die großzügigsten Geber für die humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen. Aber wenn mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen auf Hilfe angewiesen sind, um zu überleben, wenn eine von acht Familien vertrieben wurde und wenn fünf Millionen am Rande einer Hungersnot stehen, übersteigt der Bedarf die den humanitären Partnern zur Verfügung gestellten Mittel. Nur ein gerechter und dauerhafter Frieden wird es uns ermöglichen, mehr zu tun, als auf die unmittelbaren Bedürfnisse zu reagieren. In der Zwischenzeit brauchen wir mehr finanzielle Unterstützung, denn die Hilfe von UNHCR im Jemen ist nur zu 21 Prozent finanziert.

Unsere wichtigste Hilfsmaßnahmen sind Bargeld, das direkt an die am meisten gefährdeten Familien verteilt wird, Bausätze für Unterkünfte für diejenigen, die ihr Zuhause im Konflikt verloren haben, und Schutzmaßnahmen wie psychologische Erste Hilfe für traumatisierte Menschen. Unsere Hilfe richtet sich an die am stärksten gefährdeten Familien.

(* B H)

Regional Migrant Response Plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen; 2021 - 2024


The regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa and Yemen 2021 – 2024 is a migrant-focused humanitarian and development response strategy for vulnerable migrants from the Horn of Africa, specifically Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia, moving to and from Yemen. It provides an essential strategic framework to ensure a whole-of-society, wholeof-route and whole-of-government approach to addressing migrants’ protection needs, risks and vulnerabilities. The MRP 2021 – 2024 is the result of an intra-regional field-driven strategic planning process, bringing together 23 appealing organizations, in consultation with host governments and authorities, United Nations agencies, civil society organizations (CSO), international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as migrants and host communities. It complements affected countries’ efforts and the work of humanitarian and development actors throughout the region in supporting safe migration, providing lifesaving assistance and services, improving protection and promoting sustainable reintegration and community stabilization. MRP provides a coherent and consistent response framework to the needs of migrants and their host communities within the Horn of Africa/Yemen region.

There is an increase in the number of partners appealing for funding under this plan to respond to the migration crisis along the Eastern Route shows that the plight of migrants and affected communities in the Horn of Africa and Yemen is increasingly recognized by governments and the international community. The increase is in line with a rise in the affected and targeted populations as the number of migrants and host community members along the Eastern Route needing assistance continues to grow.

The plan provides an overview of the strategic framework and priority themes that underpin the regional and country level responses. It seeks to respond to the main challenges that need to be addressed over the next four years

(A P)

Houthi leader Hussein al-Azi says it's not true that there is a million IDPs in Marib, but only 30,000-40,000 IDPs according to figures issued by int'l orgs. Houthis never get tired of lying. Actually, lying is part of their daily lives.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Yemeni forces' strength much more than 6 yrs ago: official

Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, has said that today's strength of Yemeni Resistance forces is far greater than 6 years ago when the Saudi-led coalition began its aggression.

"Today, the strength of the Resistance forces of the country is far more than six years ago," Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, according to Yemeni al-Maseera TV website.

He added that today's power of Yemeni Resistance is not comparable to the year when the Saudi war started in 2015 and it has grown much stronger.

(A P)

Mass crowds flock to squares of celebrating National Resilience Day

The mass crowds continued on Friday afternoon to flock to the squares of celebration of the National Day of Resilience in the capital, Sana'a, and other provinces.

In the capital Sana'a, hundreds of citizens from the capital's districts flocked to the airport road square carrying the banners and signs and chanting slogans confirming the continuation of steadfastness in the seventh year in the face of the US-Saudi aggression.

The entrances to the Capital were crowded with crowds of citizens coming from Sana'a province to celebrate the passage of six years of steadfastness in the face of aggression.

and also



Houthis organise demonstrations on war anniversary

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, on Friday organised mass demonstrations in several Yemeni cities on what it calls the Day of National Steadfastness which falls on the anniversary of a Saudi-led military campaign.

In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Debriefer, demonstrators said the member states of the Saudi-led coalition should end their aggression and blockade on Yemen and that they are for real peace which can guarantee the sovereignty and unity of the country.

They held the international community and the coalition responsible for the continued aggression and maritime piracy and holding of fuel ships.


(A P)

Ansarullah Spokesman: Iran Not Interfering in Yemen’s Internal Affairs

The Spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah movement said despite Saudi Arabia’s claims, Tehran does not interfere in Yemen’s internal affairs and that missiles fired by Yemeni forces at Saudi targets operate on fuel produced inside the war-torn country.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam made the remarks in a Thursday interview with Al-Mayadeen television network when asked about frequent allegations by the Riyadh regime that Tehran’s interference is a reason for the prolongation of the war in Yemen.

“Iran does not interfere in Yemen’s affairs in any way, but it is them (the so-called Saudi-led coalition) that connect solution [of the Yemeni crisis] to Iran’s interference and let the West interfere in their decisions,” the Yemeni official stated.

He added that reports prepared by Americans themselves show that Yemeni missiles’ fuel is produced in the country.

(* B K)

Shadowy drone programme gives Yemen rebels regional reach

The "Made in Yemen" UAVs have become a complex arsenal that the rebels, famed for their infantry skills in Yemen's rugged mountains, are steadily turning into an air force.

Here is a look at the types of drones in Huthi hands and the threats they pose:

- Homegrown? -

Saudi Arabia and the United States have long accused Iran of supplying the Huthis with weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

However, the rebels possess an array of military equipment, including tanks and Scud missiles bought from the Soviet Union in the 1970s, that they acquired from Yemeni army depots after taking control of the capital Sanaa in 2014.

As for the UAVs, the rebels say they manufacture them domestically, although analysts say they contain smuggled Iranian components.

According to a report by the Missile Defense Project of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), components are smuggled from neighbouring Oman into Yemen's nominally government-held Mahra province, and then by small boat along the coast.

A UN report in 2019 confirmed that the Huthis "retained access to the critical components, such as engines and guidance systems, from abroad."

In September that year, Saudi energy giant Aramco's Abqaiq processing plant and Khurais oilfield were hit by air strikes, halving the kingdom's crude output. The rebels claimed the attack, but Riyadh and Washington accused Iran of carrying it out.

- Attack, surveillance -

The most advanced Huthi drone is the Samad-3 which can be fitted with 18 kilogrammes of explosives and has a range of 1,500 kilometres (930 miles) and a top speed of 250 km/hour, according to rebel media sources and analysts.

Next are the Qasef-1 and Qasef-2, which have a range of 150 km and can carry a payload of 30 kg of explosives.

Other UAVs include reconnaissance drones with shorter ranges -- including the Rased (35 km), Hudhhud (30 km), and Raqib (15 km). =

(A P)

Malicious goal of US-British-Israeli triangle in Yemen failed

Leader of Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah Movement Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi said that malicious goal of the United States, Britain and Zionist regime' triangle doomed to failure after years of aggression against Yemen.

Speaking on the occasion of 7th anniversary of Saudi-led coalition against Yemen entitled “National Day of Resistance and Perseverance” in a live televised speech on Thursday, he said, “We thank God Almighty for giving us the strength to resist the aggressors during all these years. Undoubtedly, without God's approval, we would not have been able to resist the aggressors with this level of facilities."

The Saudi coalition invaded Yemen six years ago in the middle of the night on March 26, 2015, he said, adding, “The Saudi-led coalition has committed crimes against the Yemeni people on its agenda. Their first crime was committed against the residents of Sana’a.”

The Saudis themselves acknowledged the invasion of Yemen. The Saudis claimed responsibility for their military invasion of Yemen from inside the United States. This action identified the aggressor as well as its supporter, he stated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, leader of the Ansarullah movement pointed to foreign support for Saudi Arabia in its invasion of Yemen and stated that the United States and Britain provided the most support during the Saudi coalition's invasion of Yemen.

Abdul Malik al-Houthi stressed that before the military invasion of Yemen began, Israel incited others to commit military aggression against the Yemeni people and their revolution. Netanyahu was at the forefront of inciting others to invade Yemen.

In fact, it was the triangle of the United States, Britain and Israel that chose Saudi Arabia as the aggressor to Yemen. The UAE also had an aggression mission alongside Saudi Arabia. The triangle of the United States, Britain and Israel chose Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to avoid the costs and consequences of the Yemeni war.

In all cases in the region, the dependence of the UAE and Saudi Arabia on the United States of America is quite clear. The same dependence was shown in Yemen, and we see what they are doing on behalf of Washington., Yemen’s Ansarullah leader added.

and more

and also

Whole speech:


(A P)

Three Houthi senior militants were killed in Taiz on Monday in an internal dispute in the aftermath of the militia’s losses to the army/Several websites.

If we take the past as a precedent, Houthis will use the Saudi ceasefire initiative to prepare themselves and attack [Yemen and Saudi Arabia] again./Yemen Media

(A P)

We are starving; Abductees cry from Political Security Prison in Sanaa.

We Abductees’ Mothers Association made an urgent call to save the lives of 114 civilian abductees, 48 of who are sick, who have been held at Political Security Prison in Sana’a for more than 5 years.

In their rally by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana’a, mothers said that their sons had been subjected to systematic starvation by Houthi armed group. (photos)

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A E)

Mukallah: Al Rayyan Airport to resume operations

and also

(A P)

Yemeni Government: Houthis Escalation against Civilian Objects in Saudi Arabia Demonstrates Iranian Control over Houthi

The Yemeni Government affirmed that the Iran-backed Houthi militia escalation of terrorist attacks on civilians and civilian objects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after days of announcing the Saudi initiative, affirms its real stance towards peace and demonstrates the Iranian control over the Houthi militia.
Yemeni Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Moammar Al-Eryani said that the terrorist attacks against civilian objects and vital facilities, the last of which was the foiled attempt to target Jazan and Najran universities and Jazan’s petroleum products distribution terminal, represent serious threat to civilians' lives and the security of energy as well as the world economy supplies.

and also

(A T)

Defence Minister in Hadi puppet government survives assassination attempt

(A T)

Military vehicle blast kills one soldier, injures three in Yemen's Taiz

and also

(* A P)

Tariq troops declare political council in Mocha

Yemen's national resistance on Thursday declared the establishment of a political body chaired by General Tariq Mohamed Abdullah Saleh, commander of the Guards of the Republic and nephew of late president, Saleh.
The "Tehama National Council" was declared at a party in the Red Sea port city of Mocha (a district of the southwestern governorate of Taiz) where the Emirati-backed National Resistance Forces are positioned.
The declaration comes following intense negotiations aimed to revive the peaceful transition on the basis of election results, while maintaining armed struggle, the Council said in its first statement, seen by Debriefer.
The Council is a "genuine elongation to sacrifices made by former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh,.. and all the martyrs. It will do its duties to maintain national principles" and to help win "our people's decisive battle," the statement read.
The new entity called on all the Yemeni political components to adopt "political movement that would rehabilitate the national identity and maintain the republican system," accusing the Houthi group of destroying the multiplicity.
It also all parties to unite efforts and fronts towards Sana'a and to hold dialogue in order to draw future features, showing preparedness to organize these "efforts to restore the State and liberate Sana'a."


Comment: Curious about the impacts this may have on the Yemen “peace process” & attempts to hold negotiations. While Tariq Saleh & his supporters already have influence on the ground, this may be a step towards asserting a bigger role in UN/international-facilitated talks (similar to STC)

(* A P)

STC continues to destabilize Yemen in the shadow of the Houthi war

As if the Houthi devastating war in Yemen’s north is not enough, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is working to destabilize the remaining government-held towns in the country’s south.

The UAE-created militia staged riots in Lahj, north of Aden, on Monday (22 March) to overthrow the province’s governor Ahmed Al Turki and other officials loyal to Yemen’s legitimate President Abd. R.M Hadi. The militants attacked shopkeepers of northern origin and forced the closure of key businesses demanding payment of special taxes to their militia.

Tribal supports of the government from al-Saby’ha clan staged an oppositionist gathering and prevented the local coup.

In the middle of this month, the STC militants had launched anti-government riots in the eastern city of Sayoon and stormed the presidential palace in the southern city of Aden the following day, ending the symbolic presence of the government in the UAE-occupied temporary capital city.

Reports say the militia are currently receiving modern Emirati military shipments in Socotra to consolidate the control of their sponsor, the UAE, on the occupied islands.

My comment: Islah Party balmes the STC, as the STC had blamed Islah Party.

(* A K P)

UAE lands more military forces in Mahrah province

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) occupation forces have on Tuesday carried out a military landing on the coast of Mahrah province in eastern Yemen , local sources said.

According to local sources, an Emirati battleship landed dozens of vehicles and hundreds of soldiers at the port of Nishtun, which is jointly controlled by Saudi, US and British forces.

The operation comes within the framework of preparation for a military maneuver led by the United States of America, with the participation of Western and Asian countries off the coast of eastern Yemen.

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia began arrangements to evacuate Hadi’s military camps in the province and sending forces to Ma’rib.

Observers believe that there is coordination between Saudi Arabia and the UAE regarding military movements in the province.

Saudi Arabia is possibly seeking to turn the province into a corridor for exporting petroleum to the world through the Arabian Sea


(A P)

Protesters block roads in Hadramout over poor services

Dozens of people set tyres on fire to block roads in Mefa Hajar of Hadramout province in protest against rapid rise in food and fuel prices, unpaid salaries and pensions and significant deterioration of basic services, including electricity.
The protesters cut off al-Mukalla-Aden road demanding lasting and sustainable solutions to their problems, in particular the lack of power supply for more than a year.
The people in Hadramout and in all the southern governorates, including Aden suffer from the deterioration of services and continuous power cuts.

(A P)

Heavy protests against Saudi-led puppet government break out in Hadhramaut

The city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadhramaut province, has witnessed an angry demonstration over the deterioration of community services and the high cost of living.

The protesters gathered in the Hajar Mayfa’a” area, west of the city of Mukalla, blocking a main road and torching tires.

The angry protesters demanded that the Hadi puppet government improves community services and develops serious solutions to curb the rise in food prices.

They held the coalition and Hadi government responsible for the economic deterioration and the collapse of the Yemeni currency.

The protesters also accused the province governor, Faraj Salmeen Al-Bahsani, of corruption and plundering millions of the province’s revenues.

(A K P)

Khasroof renews demands for equipping Yemen’s army with heavy weapons

The retired Yemeni army general Mohsen Khasroof has renewed his call for equipping the Yemeni army with heavy weapons to face the modernly armed Houthi militia.

Khasroof, who in July 2019 was sacked from the position as the chief of the Yemeni army’s Morale Guidance Department for criticizing the lack of armament, renewed - in an interview with Yemen Shabab TV channel on Monday- his old but familiar criticism of the Coalition’s policy against the armament of the Yemeni army. He said “Our major problem is that the Arab Coalition does not afford any heavy weapons to the army.”

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b, cp2

(A P)

UN Envoy Griffiths is on a visit to #Oman. During his visit, he will continue pursuing his mediation efforts with the goal of securing a nationwide ceasefire, opening Sana’a airport, allowing fuel&other commodities into #Yemen through Hudaydah ports&resuming the political process.

Griffiths met today in Muscat with @abdusalamsalah. They discussed the urgency to agree on opening Sana'a airport & easing restrictions on Hudaydah ports, entering a nationwide ceasefire & resuming the political dialogue under a UN framework to pave the way for sustainable peace.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

#Saudi govt warns it will punish those seeking help online. Saudi has a high rate of people asking for financial aid due to decades of economic hardship & expanding poverty.

referring to

(A P)

Attorney Sultan Al-Anzi: Statutory penalties for those seeking to pay bills on Twitter, even if the need proves Beggars on Twitter do not differ from those who beg in front of mosques and therefore will be held accountable according to the anti-begging system And if his need is proven, there are specialized bodies that take care of him, whether they are charitable societies or specialized civil societies

(A P)

#Saudi court controlled by security agency @ce_pss_en sentences Naseema AlSadah, a leading women rights activist to 5 years in prison. Her son is a #US resident.

(A P)

Disturbing news from #Saudi of the disappearance of #Watan the daughter of Saleh AlSheehi, a popular journalist who died in mysterious circumstances after he was released from #Saudi prisons last year.

Watan’s account was deleted & here whereabouts remain unknown but such things are usually are carried out by AbdulAziz AlHoairini the head of


(A P)

Top Saudi official issued death threat against UN's Khashoggi investigator

Senior official twice threatened to have Agnès Callamard ‘taken care of’ in meeting with UN colleagues in Geneva in January 2020

A senior Saudi official issued what was perceived to be a death threat against the independent United Nations investigator, Agnès Callamard, after her investigation into the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In an interview with the Guardian, the outgoing special rapporteur for extrajudicial killings said that a UN colleague alerted her in January 2020 that a senior Saudi official had twice threatened in a meeting with other senior UN officials in Geneva that month to have Callamard “taken care of” if she was not reined in by the UN.

Asked how the comment was perceived by her Geneva-based colleagues, Callamard said: “A death threat. That was how it was understood.”


(B P)

The #Saudi official that threatened #UN human rights official @AgnesCallamard was welcomed to @StateDept last year under @SecPompeo. Birds of feathers fly together.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* A P)

US Congress’s Foreign Affairs Committee approved a bill to punish Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Khashoggi murder: US lawmakers advance bills that would punish Saudi Arabia

The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved legislation to impose a visa ban on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

US lawmakers have advanced two bills that would punish Saudi Arabia over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, signalling bipartisan support for holding the kingdom and its Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman accountable for the killing.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the measures as part of a broader bipartisan legislative package on Thursday.

The first piece of legislation, introduced by Democratic Congressman Tom Malinowski earlier this month, would impose visa bans on Saudi officials involved in the Khashoggi assassination, including the crown prince, known as MBS.

The second would suspend arms sales to the kingdom for 120 days and require a review and potential closure of Saudi diplomatic facilities if they are proven to be involved in harassing or spying on dissidents in the US. The bill is led by Gerry Connolly, a Democrat who represents the northern Virginia district where Khashoggi resided.

Connolly's bill received the support of Michael McCaul, the top Republican on the committee, after ensuring that it would not prohibit the kingdom from buying defensive weapons.

Approval from the foreign policy panel paves the way for the bills to be adopted by the House of Representatives. The legislation then would have to pass in the Senate before making it to the president's desk.

Marcus Montgomery, a fellow at the Arab Center Washington DC who tracks congressional affairs, said advancing the bills is a "step in the right direction" for seeking accountability from Saudi Arabia.

"It's good news for both bills. The fact that they got through the committee signals that they have administration support. They have at least some bipartisan support," Montgomery said. "And I would imagine that they'll probably be scheduled for the full floor vote in the next week or two maybe."

Montgomery noted that Malinowski, a former State Department official and an outspoken critic of Riyadh, is a mainstream voice in the Democratic Party.

"He understands the executive branch's approach to bills like this, so I would imagine that he already had administrative support for it in the first place."


(* A P)

Lawmakers advance legislation to go further than Biden administration in punishing Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi murder

A House committee on Thursday two bills taking aim at Saudi Arabia in the wake of last month's intelligence report implicating the country's crown prince in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi following widespread criticism that the Biden administration didn't punish the kingdom harshly enough.

Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia -- where Khashoggi was living when he was killed -- introduced the Saudi Dissidents Protection Act with the support of Republican Rep. Michael McCaul from Texas, raising the prospects for legislation that a Democratic aide described as "a significant and punitive rebuke of Saudi's behavior."

"That would the first bipartisan action that Congress has taken on really putting some punitive measures on Saudi Arabia," the aide said.

"Jamal Khashoggi was my constituent. His brutal murder must not be forgotten, and there has to be justice. This bill will be a vehicle for moving us toward eventual justice," Connolly said Thursday.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday approved the legislation via voice vote as part of a bipartisan package, paving the way for it to be taken up by the full House.

and also


(A P)

Ilhan Omar wants MBS sanctioned under Magnitsky Act

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minn.) has proposed an amendment that could expose Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman’s private businesses to sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Act.

Omar’s amendment would strengthen the Khashoggi Accountability Act, currently up for consideration by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, to include potential economic penalties on Saudi officials.

In response, Omar and Rep. Tom Malinowski (D–N.J.) proposed bills that would force the administration to move against the crown prince.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee chose last week to move forward with Malinowski’s Khashoggi Accountability Act, which imposes a travel ban but not economic penalties on Saudi officials mentioned in the U.S. intelligence report on Khashoggi’s murder.

Omar’s amendment to that bill would require the U.S. State Department to issue a report within six months all private organizations and businesses owned in whole or in part by those officials, including MBS.

The State Department would have to certify whether those organizations played a role in Khashoggi’s murder or “any other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights,” and whether those organizations are subject to sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

(A P)

The UN in Geneva is confirming the @guardian story yesterday regarding the threat against @AgnesCallamard. A spokesperson has said: "We confirm that the details in the Guardian story about the threat aimed at Agnes Callamard are accurate.

while he denies:

(A P)

Photos: #Saudi man posts photo of General Ahmed Assiri traveling to #UAE. Assiri was sanctioned by #Biden admin for killing #JamalKhashoggi .


(A P)

Dear @USAinKSA please rescind #US visa this #Saudi official who threatened #UN official @AgnesCallamard. It is the law. Thank you.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp9 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-729 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-729: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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