Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 15

Jemen Nach großen Verlusten bei Marib bombardieren Saudis und Emirate aus Rache mit gesteigerter Brutalität. Die Propaganda von USA, Saudis u. der Emirate treibt bizarre Blüten

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5.9.2015 – Deutschlandfunk

"Eigentlich müssten die Europäer die USA in die Pflicht nehmen"

Für den Nahostexperten Michael Lüders steht fest: Vor allem die USA sind verantwortlich für die Krisen in der Region. Die Flüchtlingsbewegung sei die Quittung für die dortige Interventionspolitik. Washington habe keinen klaren Plan - und dem folgten Berlin und Brüssel. Vor allem mit Blick auf Ägypten könne das weitere Folgen haben.

Michael Lüders im Gespräch mit Christine Heuer

Washington könnte mehr Verantwortung übernehmen. Die Krisen in der Region sind maßgeblich mit verantwortet von der Interventionspolitik der USA, die allerdings die Europäer überwiegend mitgetragen haben. Natürlich tragen auch die arabischen Regime ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung für das, was jetzt geschieht, für diese massive Flüchtlingswelle, denn die arabischen Regime haben sich stets als unfähig erwiesen, konstruktive Politik zu betreiben und ihren Bevölkerungen eine Perspektive zu geben. Nur der Machterhalt interessiert sie, und die Mischung ergibt jetzt eine dramatische Flüchtlingsbewegung, die noch längst nicht ihren Höhepunkt erreicht hat. Eigentlich müssten die Europäer jetzt die Amerikaner in die Pflicht nehmen.

Es war ein großer Fehler, im Jahr 2011 um jeden Preis Baschar al-Assad stürzen zu wollen. Das geschah ja nicht aus humanitären Motiven, sondern mit Blick darauf, dass Baschar al-Assad der engste Verbündete des Irans im Nahen Osten ist, und über Syrien erfolgt der Waffennachschub für die Hisbollah, die Partei Gottes im Libanon. Also war das Kalkül des Westens, der USA, der Europäer, aber auch der Türkei und der Golfstaaten, Baschar al-Assad zu stürzen, sein Regime zu ersetzen durch ein prowestliches, sunnitisches Regime. Dieser Schuss ist, wenn ich das so sagen darf, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes nach hinten losgegangen.

Das Ergebnis ist die Situation, die wir jetzt haben: Staatszerfall, Anarchie und Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht.

Kommentar: Warum sollen – Obama, Saudi und Co. sei Dank – nicht demnächst auch ein paar Millionen Jemeniten nach Europa aufbrechen?

2.9.2015 – Relief Web

Satellite images show scale of destruction in Yemen

Satellite images released by UNDP show the recent destruction of markets, buildings, roads and bridges, as well as private homes and businesses, as a result of the ongoing fighting in Yemen.

The images were taken by the Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and show the scale of devastation the conflict has wrecked on the cities of Sana’a, Aden and Sa’ada.

A total of 839 buildings were either destroyed or damaged in Aden alone, marking a 30 percent increase since May 2015, with many impact craters located around the airport as well as near health facilities and markets.

The images not only illustrate the extent of damage in Sana’a, Aden and Sa’ada but also the urgent need to scale up reconstruction efforts in the country. As one part of its Yemen Resilience and Recovery Programme, UNDP is rebuilding livelihoods and aiming at supporting the clearing of mines and explosives, and at restoring essential services for communities such as waste management.

Humanitäre Lage

5.9.2015 – Truthout

UN Officials Warn of Dengue Outbreak in War-Torn Yemen

An outbreak of dengue fever in Yemen's most populated governorate has prompted urgent calls from the World Health Organisation (WHO) for a "humanitarian corridor" to facilitate the flow of medicines to over three million civilians trapped in the war-torn area

Just in Taiz province: To make matters worse, in the past two weeks alone the number of suspected dengue cases has nearly tripled from 145 cases in early August to nearly 421 by the month's end.


7.9.2015 – Der Standard / ORF

Golfemirat Katar schickt Bodentruppen in Jemen

Katar beteiligt sich einem TV-Bericht zufolge erstmals mit Bodentruppen am Kampf gegen die Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen. Zur Unterstützung der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärallianz habe das Emirat rund 1.000 Soldaten mit 200 gepanzerten Fahrzeugen und 30 Kampfhubschraubern entsandt, berichtete der arabische Sender Al-Jazeera am Montag.

Widersprüchliche Informationen gab es zum Auftrag der Truppen. Aus dem Verteidigungsministerium verlautete, es sei lediglich ein Einsatz in Saudi-Arabien zum Schutz der Grenze geplant. Aus Militärkreisen und von jemenitischen Behördenvertretern hieß es dagegen, Hintergrund seien Vorbereitungen für einen Vorstoß auf Houthi-Stellungen in der Hauptstadt Sanaa.

Der Zeitung "Al-Hayat" zufolge verstärkte zudem Saudi-Arabien seine Elite-Truppen im Jemen massiv. Dabei gehe es um letzte Vorbereitungen für eine Entscheidungsschlacht zur Eroberung Sanaas. =

7.9.2015 – Reuters

Qatar sends 1,000 ground troops to Yemen battle

Qatar has sent around 1,000 ground troops to Yemen, Doha-based Al Jazeera television said on Monday, their first reported involvement in a Saudi-backed offensive against the dominant Houthi group.

Military sources said Qatari forces were on their way to Yemen and preparing to join a new push on Houthi positions in the capital Sanaa - though they told Reuters the soldiers had not yet entered the Arabian Peninsula country.

Qatari pilots have joined months of Saudi-led air strikes on the Houthis, an Iran-allied group that seized Sanaa last year, advanced across the country and forced President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi into exile in March.

A Qatar-based defense source said the number of Qatari troops was less than 1,000. "They are as of now not deployed in Yemen but in Saudi Arabia to protect the border," the source added.

But a local Yemeni official in the oil-producing Marib province east of Sanaa said the Qatari contingent had "crossed al-Wadia border post" between Saudi Arabia and Yemen and were heading to Marib - where Hadi loyalists have been preparing for an offensive against Sanaa.

The Saudi-owned al-Hayat newspaper said on Monday that Saudi Arabia had also sent "huge reinforcements" of its elite forces, along with Qatari troops, to Marib.

"Final preparations are being made for a decisive battle, before moving on to liberate Sanaa," al-Hayat said.

7.9.2015 – Al Jazeera

Qatar deploys 1,000 ground troops to fight in Yemen

Qatar Armed Forces soldiers, backed by 200 armoured vehicles and 30 Apache helicopters, head to Yemen's Maareb province.

Around 1,000 soldiers from Qatar's Armed Forces have been deployed to Yemen, as part of the Arab coalition's fight against Houthi rebels, Al Jazeera has learned.

An Al Jazeera journalist, reporting from the Saudi-Yemen border, said the troops were backed by more than 200 armoured vehicles and 30 Apache combat helicopters.

The troops are now reportedly heading to Yemen's Maareb province, to join the Saudi-led coalition already fighting in the area.

Al Jazeera has also learned that more Qatari forces are expected, with the aim of securing the Jawf governorate. und school, restaurants and embassies

7.9.2015 – AFP

Yemen missile strike only boosts coalition resolve: analysts

The first heavy losses suffered by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen will only strengthen its resolve to neutralise the threat posed by Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels, analysts say. "Now there is a determination to be even more committed to the objective of stabilising Yemen," said security expert Mustafa Alani of the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center.

The military response by the coalition, which mounted its campaign in support of exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, was swift.

Warplanes have relentlessly pounded positions of the Huthi rebels and renegade troops loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

"Between deescalation and escalation, it is escalation that has been chosen" by the Saudis, said Francois Heisbourg, an adviser at the Paris-based Foundation for Strategic Research.

He said it would be a "significant failure" for the Saudis if the coalition were to back off now, adding that the kingdom's policy has been to "seek conflict with Iran through the proxy of Yemen".

According to Mathieu Guidere, Arab geopolitics expert at Toulouse University in France, the rebels "appear to have reached a point of no return.

"This will push the coalition to intensify its attacks and broaden its intervention."

The losses in Marib would spur the coalition to improve the security of its forces on the ground and provide better air cover, he added.

Alani argued that the Huthis themselves could not have fired the Tochka missile, saying they were not capable of using the weapon.

A unit from Yemen's elite Republican Guard, which remains loyal to Saleh, must have been behind the attack, he said – by Rene Slama

7.9.2015 – taz

Schwere Luftangriffe auf Sanaa

Als Antwort auf einen blutigen Raketenangriff schiitischer Rebellen im Jemen hat die arabische Militärkoalition mehrere Ziele in der von den Aufständischen kontrollierten Hauptstadt Sanaa bombardiert. Bei den Luftangriffen am Samstag und Sonntag wurden unter anderem der Präsidentenpalast, ein Waffenlager sowie Stellungen der Huthi-Rebellen und ihrer Verbündeten getroffen, wie Augenzeugen berichteten. Sie sprachen von den schwersten Angriffen seit Beginn der Luftoffensive der Koalition vor einem halben Jahr.

Sanaa war am Sonntag wie ausgestorben. Viele Geschäfte blieben geschlossen, im Stadtteil Hadda flüchteten Schüler mitten während eines Examens vor den Angriffen aus ihrer Schule. Auch unzählige andere Einwohner wurden von den Bombardierungen in die Flucht getrieben.

Nach Einschätzung von Experten wird die arabisch-sunnitische Koalition ihre Luftoffensive fortsetzen, bis die Huthi-Rebellen vollkommen besiegt sind. Verluste wie am Freitag dürften demnach ihre Entschlossenheit nur noch verstärken.!5230115/

7.9.2015 – RT

Saudi-Koalition schwört Rache für Verluste und verschärft Bombardements: „Wir werden den Jemen vom Abschaum befreien“

Die schweren Bombardierungen von Positionen der pro-iranischen Huthi gehen zeitlich mit der Beerdigung von 45 Soldaten der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate einher, die bei einem Raketenangriff durch die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen getötet wurden. Der Angriff, der zudem die Leben von zehn saudischen und fünf bahrainischen Soldaten forderte, ist der schwerste, der auf Truppen der Anti-Huthi-Koalition ausgeführt wurde, für die Emirate ist es gar der schwerste seiner modernen Militärgeschichte.

„Unsere Rache soll nicht lange auf sich warten lassen“, zitierten emiratische Medien den Kronprinzen von Abu Dhabi, Scheich Muhammed bin Zaid, warnend:

„Wir werden solange weitermachen, bis wir den Jemen vom Abschaum [Huthis] befreit haben.“

7.9.2015 – RT

Saudi coalition jets ‘purge Yemen of scum’ with intensive airstrikes

Delivering on a promise to quickly avenge their heaviest ever military loss, UAE jets have pounded Houthi positions in Yemen, hitting many civilians, in the “most violent” air raid since the Saudi-led bombardment campaign began six months ago.

The airstrikes in Yemen on Sunday were the heaviest since the Arab coalition intervened in the Yemeni conflict to reinstate power of their allied President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi who had been deposed by Houthi rebels.

The heavy air raids by the United Arab Emirates jets on Houthi positions in Yemen coincided with the funeral of the 45 UAE soldiers who were killed in Houthi rocket attack on Friday. The incident, in which 10 Saudis and five Bahrainis servicemen also lost their lives, became the deadliest day for the coalition forces, and UAE’s own military history.

“Our revenge shall not take long,” Emirati media quoted Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed as warning. “We will press ahead until we purge Yemen of the scum.”

7.9.2015 – ABC Net

Yemen conflict: Saudi-led jet strikes kill at least 20 people at wake, tribesmen say

Jets belonging to a Saudi-led coalition have killed at least 20 people at a wake in northern Yemen, local tribesmen say, as warplanes pounded Houthis and other forces behind a missile strike that had killed dozens of Gulf Arab soldiers.

The air strikes targeted troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, an ally of the Houthis, across the country and hit a Houthi base in what had been the al-Imam University, a religious school in northern Sana'a, locals said.

But residents said the deadliest strike was in al-Jouf province north of Sana'a, where warplanes hit a wake for a local who had been killed by Houthi gunfire, in what was apparently an accidental strike by the coalition.

7.9.2015 – Iran German Radio

30 Tote beim Angriff Saudi-Arabiens auf eine Trauerfeier im Jemen

Bei einem saudischen Luftangriff auf eine Trauerfeier in der jemenitischen Provinz al-Dschauf sind am Sonntag 30 Menschen getötet und 50 weitere verletzt worden. Alle Opfer waren Zivilisten

6.9.2015 – RT Arabic (Arabisch)

Our correspondent: about 80 dead and wounded in the raid on the consolation of the Alliance tent in northern Yemen

RT correspondent in Yemen said that 30 people were killed and more than 50 wounded an air raid carried out on Sunday, September 6 / September coalition aircraft on a funeral tent in al-Jawf province in northern Yemen.

Local sources said that the tent belonging to a tribe, "al-packs" in the border Aleetmh Directorate with Saudi Arabia, that killed and wounded dozens of civilians.

The sources added that rescue operations are still ongoing, stressing that all the victims were civilians.اليمن-التحالف-غارات-قتلى-الجوف-صنعاء-السعودية/

6.9.2015 – Vice News

Saudi-led Airstrikes Reportedly Hit a Wake and a Children’s Hospital in Yemen

At least 20 people were reported killed during a wake in northern Yemen after Saudi jets hit the area, local tribesmen told Reuters. The wake was reportedly for a man killed by Houthi rebels, and the strike was believed to be accidental.

Other targets included a university now used as a Houthi base in the Yemen's capital Sanaa, a major highway, and troops still loyal to the former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, an ally of the Houthis. Several buildings in the capital reportedly crumbled after being hit. One of the buildings affected by the strikes was the al-Sabeen Maternity and Children's Hospital, which reportedly asked for help from international aid organizations to evacuate patients. Two deaths were reported in Sanaa after the airstrikes.

Video posted on social media appeared to show people running and driving away on the highway into Sanaa as jet planes launched missiles at the road. Another video showed the attack on Iman University in Sanaa.

6.9.2015 – CBS News

Saudi coalition airstrikes on Yemen encampment injure 17

Airstrikes from a Saudi-led coalition destroyed a key rebel encampment Sunday in Yemen's capital, while also hitting a school, restaurants and embassies, witnesses and officials from both sides of the conflict said.

The strikes wounded 17 people, including school children taking final exams, medical officials said. The Saudi and Emirati embassies were damaged, witnesses and security officials said.

Kommentar: “Rebel encampment” = “school, restaurants and embassies” ??

6.9.2015 – The Telegraph

Yemen crisis: Gulf states increase attacks on Houthi rebels in Sana'a after massacre

Residents said the air strikes had targeted buildings in Sana’a previously seized by the Houthis and used as headquarters, including the Saudi and Emirati embassies.

"The Houthis and Saleh troops are taking headquarters in civilian buildings to use civilians as human shields,” said resident Abdul Rahman. "While we’ve heard the sound of the blasts continuing for three days, we don't know for sure what's going. The city is being dismembered."

The increased air strikes over Sana’a began on Saturday, killing at least 24 members of two families, according to local medical sources.

The attacks appeared to be a response to a Houthi attack on Friday on a base filled with troops loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Local doctors said on Sunday that a maternity and children's hospital that serves an estimated three million people had been damaged in the renewed bombing, with patients trapped inside. Photographs from inside the Al Sabeen Hospital showed shattered glass and equipment lying around incubators.

Yemen’s cash-strapped government [i.e. the Hadi exile “government”] is now under pressure from fighters who say they have defended their cities without pay. On Sunday, hundreds of pro-government security forces rallied in front of the governor's office in the port city of Aden, demanding unpaid wages.

The troops had defected from Saleh's Special Security Forces in March and helped push the rebels out of the city. The protesters said Yemen's minister of interior and Aden city officials have not fulfilled promises to compensate them for the risks they took and their continued service – by Magdy Samaan and Louisa Loveluck

Kommentar: Der Vorwurf der zivilen Schutzschilde ist oft bizarr. 1. Unter den derzeitigen Umständen ist jeder Luftschlag im Jemen völkerrechtswidrig, auch gegen bewaffnete Kräfte. 2. Die unterschwellig assoziierte Gleichsetzung Huthi = bewaffneter Kämpfer ist Unsinn und Propaganda. „Huthi“ sind genauso Vertreter einer politischen Richtung, Zaiditen, Leute aus dem Norden – man muss sich für diese Wortwahl nur die frühere Berichterstattung ansehen.

6.9.2015 – DPA

Hospital cleared, pupils flee exams as airstrikes hit Yemen's capital

A major government hospital was evacuated Sunday and schoolchildren fled their exam hall as the Saudi-led military coalition carried out its heaviest airstrikes yet on the Yemeni capital Sana'a. The raids, which started on Saturday, came in response to a missile strike the previous day that killed 60 coalition troops in the eastern province of Marib.

In the capital, Health Ministry and ambulance officials said the Sabaeen Hospital was shut down after suffering damage in an airstrike that hit a nearby military base. Its patients were transferred to other hospitals, the officials said.

Pupils taking exams in a school in the area meanwhile fled their exam hall after it was rocked by nearby explosions. Yemeni pupils are currently sitting their primary certificate exams.

Health Ministry officials said the civilian death toll in the airstrikes stood at 27 on Saturday night and was expected to rise. The capital has been rocked by dozens of airstrikes since Friday's missile strike in Marib, which took the lives of 45 Emirati soldiers as well as 10 Saudis and five Bahrainis – by Amal al-Yarisi and Pol O Gradaigh

6.9.2015 – ABC News

Yemen conflict: Powerful explosions shake Saana, witnesses say, as coalition air campaign presses ahead

Powerful explosions shake Sanaa, witnesses report, after the Saudi-led coalition vows to "purge Yemen of the scum" and continues its air campaign against rebels that control the capital.

The renewed commitment came after a rebel missile strike killed dozens of Gulf soldiers.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) pledged to quickly avenge the strike — its heaviest ever military loss — after 60 soldiers were killed, including 45 Emiratis, 10 Saudis and five Bahraini.

The UAE is part of the Arab coalition formed in March aimed at stopping the Iran-backed rebels from taking full control of Yemen and at restoring the rule of exiled president Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

The latest coalition raids pounded positions of the rebels and renegade troops loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was forced to resign in 2012 following a bloody uprising.

Coalition warplanes struck military bases on the Nahdain and Fajj Attan hills and the neighbouring presidential complex south of Sanaa, as well as a headquarters for special forces.

Also targeted were Houthi positions in the northern neighbourhoods of Sufan and Al-Nahda, forcing scores of residents to flee, the witnesses said.

Witnesses said Sunday's bombardment was one of the heaviest since the air campaign began.

"The first strike after dawn prayers shook our house," said Sadeq al-Juhayfi, a resident of Al-Haffa, south-east of Sanaa, where a military base was targeted.

Witnesses in the area said explosions were still heard around midday at the base, suggesting it housed an arms depot.

Meanwhile, normally bustling areas of the capital remained empty and shops were mostly shuttered.

Students taking exams at Abdulrazzaq al-Sanaani high school, in the Hadda neighbourhood, said they abandoned their tests and fled.

"We usually get hundreds of customers ... today, workers have ran away and there are no people in the street," said Kamal al-Majidi, a waiter at a restaurant in Hadda.

Kommentar: scum = Abschaum. Mit diesen Kommentaren zum Bombardement der Zivilbevölkerung der Hauptstadt Sanaa zeigen die VAR nun einmal, was die Bewohner von Sanaa für sie sind.

6.9.2015 – News 24 / Economic Times

New wave of air strikes shake Yemen capital
Powerful explosions shook the Yemeni capital today, witnesses said, after the Saudi-led coalition vowed to press its air war following a rebel missile strike that killed dozens of Gulf soldiersThe witnesses said the coalition warplanes pounded positions of the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels and bases of splinter troops loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The raids hit military bases on the Nahdain and Fajj Attan hills and the neighbouring presidential complex, sout .. =

6.9.2015 – ORF

Jemen: Offenbar schwere Luftangriffe auf Sanaa

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition hat heute schwere Luftangriffe auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt Sanaa geflogen. Augenzeugen zufolge griff die Koalition Stellungen der schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen und ihrer Verbündeten an, die dem ehemaligen jemenitischen Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue halten.

Die Angriffe sollen auf ein Hauptquartier der Sicherheitskräfte in Hadda im Süden von Sanaa sowie auf Huthi-Stellungen in nördlichen Stadtteilen gezielt haben. Laut Anrainern hatten die Angriffe im Norden der Stadt heftige Explosionen zur Folge und trieben Bewohner in die Flucht.

Laut Augenzeugen wurden auch Waffenlager in einem von Rebellen kontrollierten Viertel im Osten von Sanaa getroffen sowie der verwaiste Präsidentenpalast. Zudem habe die Luftwaffe Rebellenpositionen nahe den Botschaften von Saudi-Arabien und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und weitere nahe gelegene Rebellenstellungen angegriffen.

Kommentar: das wird im Westen so dargestellt, als würden Stellungen der Rebellen und des Militärs angegriffen, tatsächlich sieht es aber so aus:

5.9.2015 – Iran German Radio

27 Zivilisten bei saudischen Angriffen auf Jemen getötet

Kampfflugzeuge Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinten Arabischen Emirate, VAE, haben am Samstag verschiedene Ortschaften im Jemen bombardiert und den Tod von 27 Zivilisten verursacht.

Jemenitische Medien berichteten, dass die Kampfflugzeuge aus den Emiraten als Vergeltung für den schweren Verlust am Freitag, wo 45 Soldaten dieses Landes in der jemenitischen Region „Saleh“ getötet wurden, Ortschaften in der nordjemenitischen Provinz Saada sowie Gebieten in Marib, östlich von der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa, bombardierten. Beim Angriff der Kampfflugzeuge des Feindes auf das Wohngebiet „Schahran“ im Stadtteil Sabeen in Sanaa wurden mindestens 27 Personen, darunter Frauen und Kinder getötet. Der Fernsehsender al-Masirah-TV berichtete außerdem: Beim Angriff der saudischen Kampfflugzeuge auf das Wohnviertel „Al-Nehzat“ nahe der al-Iman-Universität wurden 8 Zivilisten getötet. siehe auch und und

5.9.2015 – Press TV Iran

Saudi cities to become legitimate targets for Yemeni troops: Army

The Saudi cities of Jeddah, Abha, and the capital Riyadh will turn into legitimate targets for the Yemeni forces in their retaliatory attacks against the kingdom, which is continuing military aggression against its impoverished southern neighbor, a spokesman for the Yemeni army says.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman made the remarks on Saturday, a day after attacks by Ansarullah fighters and their allied army units killed dozens of Saudi, Emirati, and Bahraini soldiers in Yemen’s Ma’rib province.

Kommentar: Wundern muss einen das nicht, sind doch die Saudis im Jemen einmarschiert. Ob diese Ziele realistisch sind, steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Man beachte stets die Terminologie: „Ye,eni troops“ sind in dieser iranischen, Huthi-freundlichen Quelle die Huthis und die mit ihnen verbündeten Teile der jemenitischen Armee, während in pro-saudischen Meldungen „jemenitische Truppen“ oder die „jemenitische Armee“ nur diejenigen sind, die auf saudischer Seite bzw. für ihre Marionette Hadi kämpfen.

5.9.2015 – NZZ

Saudi-Arabien mit Bodentruppen im Jemen

Saudi-Arabien hat erstmals öffentlich eingeräumt, dass es mit Bodentruppen im Nachbarland Jemen kämpft. Brigadegeneral Ahmed Asiri bestätigte am Samstag dem Sender Al Hadath, dass bei einem Raketenangriff der Huthi-Rebellen am Vortag nicht nur 45 Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ums Leben gekommen waren, sondern auch zehn saudische Soldaten.

Offiziell bekannt war bislang nur, dass Saudi-Arabien gemeinsam mit Verbündeten aus der Luft gegen die schiitischen Huthis kämpft, um dem gewählten Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi die Rückkehr an die Macht zu ermöglichen. Zudem bekennt sich der mächtige sunnitische Nachbarstaat dazu, jemenitische Soldaten auszubilden, Waffen zu liefern und militärischen Rat zu geben.

5.9.2015 – News of Yemen (Fotoserie)

Pics, destruction #Sanaa #YemenCrisis As #UAE & #Saudi retaliate&Mourn their dead

More than 20 civilians have been killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike on the capital Sanaa today. According to eyewitness in Haddah district, told news agencies : “The coalition fighter jet were flying over Sanaa in huge number that he never witnessed such a thing since the beginning of the war against Yemen”. He added that highly populated Haddah street and residential blocks were targeted and flattened”.

More air strikes took place on Alnahdah district and Al-Eimaan University which belong to Abdulmajeed Al-Zindani. Mr Al-Zindani is on EU and United States terrorist list and he fled Yemen towards Saudi Arabia weeks ago.

These fresh air strikes came as a retaliation for the huge lose coalition forces suffered yesterday in Saffer East Marib province. Yemeni army has launched a Tochka missile into Saffer area killing 45 UAE soldiers, 10 Saudis and 5 Bahraini soldiers. It’s still not clear how many Yemenis fighters killed in that attack. dazu auch mit Film

„Präsident“ Hadi

5.9.2015 – National Yemen auf Twitter

#President_Hadi arrives in #Abu_Dhabi to offer the deep sorrow on the loss of #45_ #Emirati_soldier in #Yemen.

Kommentar: Angesichts der Tausenden von toten Zivilisten durch die saudischen Luftangriffe ist dieser Mann so etwas von erbärmlich… Aber sein „Außenminister“ nicht weniger:

Politik der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate

7.9.2015 – The National UAE

Marib is symbolic of the fight to free Yemen

Kommentar: Interessant zu lesen, wie man am Golf so tickt. Ganz selbstverständlich wird mit dem Gegensatz Sunniten-Zaiditen argumentiert. Der saudisch-wahabitische Spaltpilz hat längst gewirkt.

5.9.2015 – The National UAE

UAE’s support of Yemen to remain unflinching

As war heroes’ bodies came home, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces told Yemen: ‘We are with you until the mission is accomplished’.

The president of Yemen, Abdrabu Mansur Hadi, visited Sheikh Mohammed in Abu Dhabi to pay his respects to the Emirati soldiers who gave their lives for his country. The UAE’s support, Mr Hadi said, “will remain etched in the minds and hearts of the people of Yemen”.

Sheikh Mohammed said this support would remain unflinching despite Friday’s loss of life. “Such events will not deter us from carrying out our fraternal and humanitarian duty towards our brothers, but will increase our resolve and strength to achieve our security and humanitarian objectives,” he said.

“Our Armed Forces’ heroes in the battlefield are more resolved and determined to liberate Yemen and flush out the scum … we will not hesitate … we are with you until the mission is accomplished. Yemen is not your country alone, but we share common history with you. We pray to Almighty Allah to bless our impending victory.”

Kommentar: Propgandalügen, dass sich die Balken biegen. Siehe zu folgenden Artikel. Die jämmerlichste Figur von allen: „Präsident“ Hadi.

3.9.2015 – The National UAE

UAE Friday Sermon: Let us show solidarity with Yemen

The week’s sermon will call upon Muslims to show sympathy and charity when looking at the problems Yemen faces.

It calls upon the faithful to do what they can in helping the Yemen: We Care pledge and to remember that Yemen has been looked upon favourably by the faithful since the days of Prophet Mohammed.

In the Hadith Invoking Allah for Rain, the Prophet mentioned Yemen in his pleas to Allah saying: “O Allah! Bless our Sham and our Yemen.”

The Prophet said: “There came the people of Yemen who are soft of hearts, tender in feelings: the belief is that of the Yemenites, the sagacity is that of the Yemenites and the summit of unbelief is towards the East.”

The sermon says that the relationship between the UAE and Yemen is that of love and a long history of connection and that it is the faithful’s duty to help Yemen in this time of need.

The sermon refers to a Hadith by the Prophet Mohammed, which indicates the way in which the faithful must help each other in times of need – by Naser Al Wasmi

Kommentar: Ihre “Liebe” zum Jemen und ihre „Hilfe“ für Glaubensbrüder drücken die VAR seit 5 Monaten dadurch aus, dass sie mithelfen, das Land in Schutt und Asche zu bomben. Apropos „Hilfe“ für Glaubensbrüder: Wieviele syrische Flüchtlinge haben die VAR bisher aufgenommen? Dazu siehe unter „Politik Saudi-Arabiens“. – Religion lässt sich zu vielem missbrauchen, auch zu Orwellscher politischer Propaganda, wie man an einem solchen Gebet sieht.

5.9.2015 – The National UAE

Yemen losses will bolster region’s determination

The Arab intervention in Yemen has reached a critical point. The loss of 45 Emirati, 10 Saudi and five Bahraini soldiers in rebel attacks only underscores how high the stakes have become. It will surely redouble the commitment to restore stability and political legitimacy to Yemen. But it’s essential that the Arab states proceed with clarity and caution as well as determination.

These casualties come in the context of a series of victories that have confounded critics. Yemeni government and allied Arab forces have rid most of the south of Houthi control. They are now moving towards the capital, Sanaa, in a pincer-like formation. Other key areas have also either been recovered or may well be soon. The essential outlines of a viable endgame scenario are starting to emerge.

One of the most important strategic aims of the coalition from the outset was surely to break the alliance between the Houthis and Yemeni forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. This is essential to politically isolate and militarily weaken the Houthis – by Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington

Kommentar: Übliche Propagandasprache, wenn von “to restore stability and political legitimacy to Yemen” die Rede ist. Interessant der letzte Absatz mit dem Hinweis auf eines der wichtigsten strategischen Ziele der „Koalition“. Danke, es ist schon nett zu wissen, wofür Tausende von Zivilisten umgebracht werden. Und der Herr Verfasser sitzt im Übrigen in den USA.

Politik der USA

7.9.2015 – Arab News

US backs Yemen action led by KSA

The US has reaffirmed its support for Saudi-led military action taken in Yemen, saying that the goal eventually is to achieve peace and stability in that country through a negotiated political solution.

The US also underscored its commitment to Saudi Arabia's security, while offering its condolences to the government and people on the deaths of 10 Saudi soldiers in Yemen on Friday.
“The US mission in Saudi Arabia expresses its deep regret for the loss of 10 Saudi soldiers in last Friday’s attack in Yemen,” said a statement released by the American Embassy here Sunday. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the fallen during this difficult time,” said the statement pledging support to the Kingdom.
The statement said that “our commitment to Saudi Arabia remains firm and we continue to urge all parties to seek a negotiated political solution to this conflict.”

The renewed US support comes following the joint statement of the summit talks between Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and US President Barack Obama in Washington on Friday.
Obama said the US shares King Salman's desire for an inclusive, functioning government in Yemen that can relieve that impoverished Arab country's humanitarian crisis. ––– by Ghanzanfar Ali Khan

Kommentar: Orwellscher Neusprech: Man bringt Krieg, Tod und Verderben und erklärt, man bringe „peace and stability“.

6.9.2015 – Common Dreams

Dozens of Civilians Reportedly Killed as US-Backed Saudi Coalition Pounds Yemen

Robert Naiman, Policy Director of Just Foreign Policy, spoke to the Real News Network to give his thoughts on the relationship between eh U.S. and Saudi Arabia, and said that selling arms is Washington's status quo and "is how we reward our friends."

The Real News Network's Sharmini Peries: Now Robert, at the heart of this visit is also a billion-dollar weapons deal, when Saudi Arabia is pounding the hell out of Yemen at the moment with those weapons. And this is a situation where one of the richest countries in the region is attacking the poorest country in the region. How does the U.S. justify this kind of arms sales to a nation that's doing this to Yemen?

Naiman: Well, I'm sorry to say that selling arms is so practiced in Washington as a normal currency of U.S. foreign policy that it's rarely controversial. It is considered sort of, this is a thing that we do. This is how we reward our friends, is we sell them U.S. weapon systems. And of course it doesn't hurt that the Pentagon-industrial complex profits handsomely from these relations. We saw it in the case of the military coup in Egypt, when supposedly, according to U.S. law, U.S. aid to the Egyptian government should have been cut off.

The Pentagon contractors screamed and cried [inaud] wait, those are our contract. That's our money. Don't you dare cut that off. So of course, the Pentagon contractors love it that the United States is selling more weapons to Saudi Arabia. And from the point of view of the Obama administration this is something very easy to give. We have the weapons. Nobody's going to--hardly anyone will complain if we sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia.

I don't think the conflict in Yemen is going to end by us blocking the U.S. government from selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. I think what's more likely, I hope, is that there will be political pressure on the administration to use its influence to push for diplomatic and political resolution – by Andrea Germanos

6.9.2015 – Global Research

As Yemen Assault Continues, US Announces Billion-Dollar Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia

The Pentagon is in the process of finalizing a $1 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia for the delivery of a cache of weapons, consisting primarily of missiles to arm the fleet of F-15 fighter jets it had previously purchased from the US.

While this latest weapons transfer, first reported by the New York Times, is being presented in the media as part of a bid by the administration of President Barack Obama to assuage the Saudi monarchy’s concerns over the US-Iran nuclear deal, it also facilitates the continuation and escalation of the bloody assault on Yemen that Saudi Arabia has been carrying out along with its allies since March.

The deal serves as a green light from the Obama administration for an escalation of the brutal military offensive against the Houthi militias that took control over much of Yemen’s western provinces earlier this year.

The US weapons transfer, which awaits almost certain approval by Congress, was announced as Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud made his first state visit to the United States since ascending to the throne in January.

The deal reported by the Times on Friday is only one of a number of pending arms sales to Saudi Arabia being negotiated by the Pentagon. In 2010 the Obama administration announced a $60 billion, 20-year agreement, the largest-ever US arms deal, which will provide Saudi Arabia with, among other things, 84 new F-15 fighter jets and 70 new Apache attack helicopters.

The Saudi government is currently in discussions with the Pentagon to purchase two frigates being built by Lockheed Martin for more than $1 billion. The US-supplied warships will serve as the cornerstone of the Royal Saudi navy’s upgrade of its eastern fleet. A deal worth $1.9 billion for 10 MH-60R Seahawk helicopters to shore up the Saudi navy’s antisubmarine capabilities is also expected to be signed before the end of the year.

The Pentagon approved a number of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia at the end of July, including a $5.4 billion deal for 600 Patriot Missiles and a $500 million deal for more than a million rounds of ammunition as well as land mines and hand grenades for the Saudi Arabian Army.

Supported by the United States, Saudi Arabia has undertaken a massive effort to upgrade and expand its military forces over the last ten years with military expenditures increasing 112 percent between 2005 and 2014. In 2014, the Saudi monarchy committed approximately $80.8 billion, a whopping 10.4 percent of the country’s GDP, to military expenditures – by Niles Williamson

5.9.2015 – Schattenblick

Golf-Araber erleiden schwere Verluste im Jemen-Krieg. Barack Obama und König Salman wollen den Jemen durch Krieg befrieden

5.9.2015 – Al Arabiya

Obama offers condolences to UAE over army deaths in Yemen

U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday expressed his “deep condolences” in a phone call to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme UAE Armed Forces Commander Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed al-Nahyan over the deaths of 45 UAE soldiers killed in Yemen the day before, the White House said in a statement.

“The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the people of the UAE and with the families of the fallen,” the White House statement added.

Kommentar: Heuchelei und Doppelmoral, wohin man schaut. Die tausende von getöteten Zivilisten als Opfer der saudi-amerikanischen Luftangriffe interessieren Obama nicht.

5.9.2015 – US Department of State

Secretary Kerry called Bahraini Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa today in order to extend our deep condolences for the deaths of the five Bahraini servicemen who were killed September 4, 2015 while engaged in the conflict in Yemen. The people of the United States share the grief of the Bahraini people at this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who passed.

Kommentar: Zu Tausenden von toten Zivilisten, die die eigenen Verbündeten – mit eigener Beteiligung – auf demselben Kriegsschauplatz ermorden, kein Wort.

4.9.2015 – White House

Remarks by President Obama and His Majesty King Salman bin Abd alAziz of Saudi Arabia Before Bilateral Meeting

Obama: Well, it’s a great pleasure to welcome His Majesty, King Salman, to the Oval Office. This is the latest of several meetings that I’ve had with His Majesty. And the fact that he has chosen to take this first visit to the United States is indicative of the longstanding friendship between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

This is obviously a challenging time in world affairs, particularly in the Middle East, and so we expect this to be a substantive conversation across a wide range of issues. We share a concern about Yemen and the need to restore a functioning government that is inclusive and that can relieve the humanitarian situation there.

We share concerns about the crisis in Syria, and we’ll have the opportunity to discuss how we can arrive at a political transition process within Syria that can finally end the horrific conflict there.

We continue to cooperate extremely closely in countering terrorist activity in the region and around the world.

Salman: I intended to make my first official visit to the United States as a symbol of the deep and strong relationship that we have with the United States that’s indeed historical relations that go back to the day when King Abd alAziz met with President Roosevelt in 1945.

Our relationship is beneficial not only to our two countries, but to the entire world and to our region.

Once again, Mr. President, I’m happy to come to a friendly country to meet a friend. And we want to work together for world peace. Our region must achieve stability, which is essential for the prosperity of its people. And in our country, thank God we are prosperous, but we want prosperity for the entire region. And we are willing to cooperate with you in order to achieve that.

Kommentar: Krude Propaganda im besten Orwellschen Sinn.

3.9.2015 – Foreign Policy

The Curse of the Obama Doctrine

Take each of the Middle East’s crises — they will all get worse before they get better.

The Middle East produces a picture of a deeply unsettling and dangerous tomorrow. It also reminds us that at a time of justifiable celebration in the White House over the Iran deal the president will likely leave behind a map of the region in which that victory is surrounded everywhere by defeats and setbacks whose negative consequences may only grow worse.

This grievous situation is not going to get better anytime soon. Do the exercise yourself. Project out five years from now: Is it likely Syria will have stabilized? Is it likely Iraq will have? Yemen? Will Libya? In recent weeks, I’ve posed these questions to various experts from the U.S. military and diplomatic community and from the countries within the region itself. Their response was always that in all these cases it’s more likely than not that turmoil will persist — not only for the next five years, but quite possibly for much, much longer than that.

The Middle East is in a period of protracted crisis and instability, and, as we have seen with each passing day, the collateral damage and knock-on effects grow worse.

As bad as all this portends for the Middle East, the current trajectory of these crises now is starting to pose more material and significant threats to the United States, our allies, and other major powers worldwide. I am not just talking about the spread of so-called foreign fighters or extremists returning home to places like Europe and North Africa, real as that likely lingering problem may be.

For example, Europe’s current refugee crisis is only going to get worse in this scenario. … Deteriorating conditions will help other potential bad actors, troublemakers, or rivals. Extremists looking to destabilize our allies in the Middle East will — and they will — seek new regions into which they can extend their influence, as they are already doing in Africa and Southeast Asia. – by David Rothkopf

3.9.2015 – Foreign Policy

Saudi Arabia’s King Comes Knocking

With the Iran deal done, King Salman is in Washington looking for reassurance — and warships.

Riyadh may be able to purchase reams of American armaments. A defense analyst at Guggenheim Partners, Roman Schweizer, predicted in a note to clients Wednesday that the visit could pave the way for Saudi Arabia to purchase sophisticated missile defense weaponry and more than $20 billion worth of U.S. frigates, patrol ships, drones, and maritime planes in an overhaul of its navy.

Although Obama administration officials declined to discuss details of the potential arms packages, they said Washington shared Riyadh’s worries about Iran’s “malign” activities in the region, a reference to Tehran’s support for proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and elsewhere.

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states have modern air forces and ground vehicles, but American officials said the United States wanted to help them with “maritime security” and building up their cyber, intelligence, and special forces capabilities. Such moves would be designed to boost the Gulf states’ abilities to counter unconventional threats from Iran’s proxies.

In a letter Wednesday to members of Congress, Secretary of State John Kerry pledged to expand already elaborate U.S. security assistance to Israel and Arab allies in the Persian Gulf as a counterweight to Iran’s “destabilizing activity in the region.” For Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies concerned about Iran, the United States was working “to strengthen our security cooperation with Gulf partners,” Kerry wrote, citing missile defense initiatives and other planned weapons sales – by Dan de Luce

Politik Saudi-Arabiens

6.9.2015 – Gulf News

Saudi Arabia signs three programmes with UN to help Yemen

Multi-million dollar executive programmes will provide support for thousands of Yemenis

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre has signed three executive programmes with the UN agencies.

The programmes came within Saudi Arabia’s response to the United Nations appeal for Yemen on April 17, 2015.

In a statement to Saudi Press Agency (SPA), King Salman Centre disclosed that the first programme is signed with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The agreement totals $1,743,000 with the first disbursement paid totaling $871,000.

The main scope of the collaboration is providing support for local farmers and food producers to ensure food security as well as providing financial support to encourage local production and aid in the harvesting processes in addition to providing psycho-social support to victims.

Kommentar: 1,7 Millionen Dollar! Ins Privatleben übertragen: Ich fackel dein Haus ab, töte deine Kinder, schlage dir die Nieren zu Brei, dann schenke ich dir 2 Euro und alle feiern mich als Wohltäter.

5.9.2015 – Zeit Online

Mangelnde Solidarität unter Arabern

Die Grenzen der reichen Golfstaaten sind für Flüchtlinge aus Syrien fest geschlossen. Das sorgt für Spott und Scham in den arabischen sozialen Medien

In Worten: Sechshunderteinundsechzig. So viele Flüchtlinge halten sich laut Statistik des UNHCR in Saudi-Arabien auf. Die Zahl stammt vom Dezember 2014. Neuere stehen nicht zur Verfügung, aber an dem Stand hat sich nicht viel geändert.

In Katar verzeichnen die UN 221 Flüchtlinge, in Kuwait 1.652. Das Gesamtergebnis unterm Strich: Die Grenzen der reichen Golfstaaten sind für Vertriebene und Verfolgte fest geschlossen. Auch und gerade für die arabischen "Brüder und Schwestern" aus Syrien, wo eben diese Golfstaaten den Bürgerkrieg durch Waffenlieferungen und Geld an islamistische Rebellen unterstützen.

Lange stieß dieser eklatante Widerspruch in den Golfländern niemandem auf. Doch seit auch auf Al Jazeera und Al-Arabija die dramatischen Bilder vom Mittelmeer, von ungarischen Grenzzäunen und deutschen Aufnahmezentren gezeigt werden, schwappt eine kleine Welle der Empörung und Scham durch arabische Social Media.

Die herrschende Meinung gab der kuwaitische Sicherheitsexperte Fahad Al-Shelaimi vor einigen Tagen in einem Fernsehinterview wieder. "Man kann nicht Menschen aus einer anderen Kultur, die auch noch schwer traumatisiert sind, herbringen", antwortete er auf die Frage, warum die Golfländer keine Flüchtlinge aufnehmen. Außerdem, so Al-Shelaimi, seien die Lebenshaltungskosten am Golf viel höher als in Aufnahmeländern wie Jordanien und dem Libanon. Folglich sei es sinnvoller, die Flüchtlinge blieben dort und würden vom Golf mit Spenden versorgt.

Doch die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen ist für die Herrscherhäuser ein Tabu. Nicht wegen ihrer "kulturellen Andersartigkeit", sondern wegen ihrer sprachlichen Verwandtschaft.

Als 2011 in Kairo, Tunis und Damaskus die arabischen Rebellionen losbrachen, hatten die Golfländer ihre Jugend vor allem durch Geldgeschenke ruhig gehalten. Und indem sie die islamistischen Strömungen dieser Protestbewegungen vor allem in Syrien zunächst mit Geld und später mit Waffen versorgten. Das hatte zum einen strategische Gründe: Riad, Doha und Kuwait City wollten und wollen den iranisch-schiitischen Einfluss zurückdrängen. Es diente und dient aber auch dazu, das innenpolitische Unruhepotenzial ablaufen zu lassen – vor allem nach Syrien. Nichts käme den Regierenden ungelegener, als einige Zehntausend syrische Flüchtlinge in ihren Ländern, die dank der gemeinsamen Sprache ihrer Wut über diese fehlgschlagene Politik Ausdruck verleihen könnten – von Andrea Böhm

4.9.2015 – Washington Post

The Arab world’s wealthiest nations are doing next to nothing for Syria’s refugees

As Amnesty International recently pointed out, the "six Gulf countries — Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain — have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees."

That's a shocking figure, given these countries' relative proximity to Syria, as well as the incredible resources at their disposal. As Sultan Sooud al-Qassemi, a Dubai-based political commentator, observes, these countries include some of the Arab world's largest military budgets, its highest standards of living, as well as a lengthy history — especially in the case of the United Arab Emirates — of welcoming immigrants from other Arab nations and turning them into citizens.

Moreover, these countries aren't totally innocent bystanders. To varying degrees, elements within Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the U.A.E. and Kuwait have invested in the Syrian conflict, playing a conspicuous role in funding and arming a constellation of rebel and Islamist factions fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Like European countries, Saudi Arabia and its neighbors also have fears over new arrivals taking jobs from citizens, and may also invoke concerns about security and terrorism. But the current gulf aid outlay for Syrian refugees, which amounts to collective donations under $1 billion (the United States has given four times that sum), seems short — and is made all the more galling when you consider the vast sums Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. poured into this year's war effort in Yemen, an intervention some consider a strategic blunder.

"The Gulf must realize that now is the time to change their policy regarding accepting refugees from the Syria crisis," writes the columnist Qassemi. "It is the moral, ethical and responsible step to take." – by Ishaan Tharoor

Kriegsverbrechen der Huthis

5.9.2015 – Human Rights Watch

Yemen: Houthis Used Landmines in Aden

Houthi forces apparently laid banned antipersonnel landmines in the Yemeni port of Aden before withdrawing from the city in July 2015. The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, may also be responsible for laying new antipersonnel mines in Abyan governorate, northwest of Aden.

Landmines and explosive remnants of war killed at least 11 people and wounded over 12 in Aden in August, according to Yemeni mine clearance officials and media reports. Two deminers were among those seriously wounded.

Yemeni mine action officials told Human Rights Watch that on July 11 they began emergency clearance of landmines and explosive remnants of war from several residential districts of Aden previously controlled by Houthi forces, including Khormaksar, Jaulaa, and Green City in the Dar Saad neighborhood, and Bir Ahmad and Amran in al-Buraika. They said that on their first day in Amran, clearance teams collected more than 140 mines. By August 12, the clearance teams had removed 91 antipersonnel mines of two types from Aden as well as 666 antivehicle mines, 316 improvised explosive devices, and various grenades, shells, and fuzes.

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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