Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 156

Yemen Press Reader 156: Saudis erpressten Jemen - UN-Rückzug: Reaktionen und Proteste - IS im Jemen -Jemens Zentralbank - Wie die Saudis Pakistan verwüsteten - Konfessionsstreit im Jemen -etc

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Saudis blackmailed UN - UN removes Saudis from blacklist: reactions and protests - IS in Yemen - Yemen's Central Bank - How the Saudis devastated Pakistan - Sectarianism in Yemen - and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1a Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Versagen der UNO / Most important: UN failure

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1a Am wichtigsten / Most important

9.6.2016 – Critical Threats (** B T)

Challenging the Yemeni State: ISIS in Aden and al Mukalla

The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) operates in Yemen in support of its global campaign to expand the Caliphate. Yemen is a key theater for the Salafi-jihadi movement because of its religious significance and location on the Arabian Peninsula. Al Qaeda has operated there since the early 1990s, using the country as a logistics and planning hub for international operations, establishing a base from which to attack the House of Saud, and setting conditions for the creation of a Muslim army.[1] ISIS seeks to compete directly with al Qaeda in Yemen, particularly al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), to suppress the Yemeni state, to expand the regional sectarian war, and to disrupt Saudi Arabia by both inspiring attacks within the country and threatening the Gulf nation from multiple sides.[2] It is actively challenging the reconstitution of the Yemeni state in southern Yemen, which also supports its narrative campaign to contest AQAP’s dominance over the Salafi-jihadi movement in Yemen – by Katherine Zimmerman, Jon Diamond

10.6.2016 – Reuters (**A E P)

How Yemen's wartime central bank keeps country afloat

As civil war engulfs Yemen, the central bank is so committed to staying neutral that it pays salaries of soldiers on both sides.

The bank distributes money to public-sector workers in both government and rebel-held areas, and guarantees payments for vital grain and flour imports.

Central banks play an important role in many economies but in Yemen, which has been plagued by a war for more than a year, it is keeping the country from financial collapse and the population from running out of food.

The Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) is based in the capital Sanaa, which isn't even controlled by the internationally recognized government.

The CBY represents the last bastion of the financial system in the impoverished country and is effectively running the economy, according to central bank officials, foreign diplomats and Yemeni political sources on both sides of the war.

Its independence is not just an institutional need; to safeguard imports and forestall a looming famine, international lenders and traders must have confidence in the bank's ability to manage Yemen's riyal currency and foreign exchange reserves free of political interference, said the sources. – by Noah Browning

3.6.2016 – Muftah (** B P)

Saudi Arabia Has Devastated Pakistan’s History of Religious Tolerance and Diversity

For the first few decades of its existence, Pakistan was largely tolerant of its religious minority groups.

Since the 1980s, however, a more stringent political Sunni-Islam, imported from Saudi Arabia, has come to replace Pakistan’s culturally tolerant version of the faith. The rise of this new form of Islam was a product of a political alliance between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that began in the 1970s. As a result of this relationship, Pakistan’s various religious and ethnic groups, particularly Christians and Shi’as, have been the victims of increasing attacks in the country.

By pouring money into Pakistan’s political and military leadership, Saudi Arabia hoped to brace itself for what it perceived to be a coming Shiite threat. In fact, Zia ul Haq, who was president of Pakistan between 1977 and 1988, as well as current Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, have received significant financial backing from Saudi Arabia. The Saudis also financed the growth of various groups, including Jamat ud Dawa, Sipe Sahaba, and the Pakistani Taliban, – which also received patronage from the Sharif and ul Haq families – that have grown increasingly hostile toward religious minorities over the last few decades.

These events marked the beginning of what has become a lasting relationship, threatening Pakistan’s diverse religious fabric – by Kamal Alam

Comment: The number of madrasas (“koran schools”) in Pakistan increased from 300 to 35.000 – mostly financed by Saudi Arabia and spreading the Wahabi form of Islam. The consequences can be seen in this country every day. Do you remember the report on the “Wahabisation” of Kosovo in NYT? This happens all over in the Muslim world (and the Non-Muslim world as well). Yemen is just one country stressed by this Saudi-financed “Wahabisation” as well, which since many decades is a main reason for sectarian strife in this country. And the main reason for the founding of the Houthi movement has been resistance against this “Wahabisation” – which, as can be seen in Pakistan and in Yemen, is destroying every Muslim society which it infects.

30.5.2016 – Sanaa center for Strategic Studies (** B P)

The politics driving Yemen’s rising sectarianism

The current armed conflict in Yemen began, essentially, as a domestic struggle for power between political and tribal factions. This reality ran contrary to the conventional narrative in the international news media that Yemen was another sectarian arena in the proxy war between the Middle East’s two great Sunni and Shia rivals, Saudi Arabia and Iran, respectively.

With the intensification of violence, however, and especially since the Saudi-led coalition began its military intervention in Yemen in March 2015, the rhetoric espoused by the warring parties has taken on an increasingly acerbic sectarian tone. This has become a key feature in the country’s collective discourse: sectarian slurs that were once the exclusive domain of extremist groups have become mainstreamed, and open appeals to sectarian solidarity have been expressed by prominent national voices.

The result has been the emergence of deep new fissures within a society that had previously been characterized by its profound religious tolerance. While these divisions have evolved largely as a result of the ongoing conflict, they will likely be one of its most destructive legacies, and thus a direct challenge to the establishment of an enduring peace after the conflict.

This paper will examine:

The rise of the Houthi movement in Yemen’s north and how, despite its Zaidi Shia roots, it framed its struggle as a populist resistance against injustice, and in-so-doing was able to garner a base of public support beyond the Zaidi sect. As the conflict has progressed, however, Houthi actions have taken on an increasingly sectarian edge, even while the group’s rhetoric has generally avoided such.

In response to Houthi military advances, how various rival groups – including traditionally secular parties – have employ bigotry-laden sectarian rhetoric against the Houthis, even as their core concern remains the maintenance and/or expansion of their political and military power. The central motivating factor for this change in language appears to be its short-term expedience in mobilizing soldiers and support, with little thought given to the lasting damage this inflammatory messaging may have on Yemeni society.

Steps to help mitigate sectarian strife in Yemen, including: local and international stakeholders refraining from inflammatory sectarian rhetoric; empowering moderate voices and disempowering extremist voices in the public domain; rescinding patronage appointments in government and the military based on sectarian affiliation – by Adam Baron and Farea Al-Muslimi

Comment: The Wahabite expansion and aggression against the Zaidi population and faith, which was the flash point of sectarianism in Yemen and the main reason for the origin of the Houthi movement is not even mentioned.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Versagen der UNO / Most important: UN failure

10.6.2016 – NDR (** A P)

Das moralische Dilemma des Ban Ki Moon

Dies ist die Geschichte von Schande und Ehre. Von Macht und Moral. Von Verbrechen und Verzweiflung. Dies ist die Geschichte von Saudi-Arabien und Ban Ki Moon. Eine Geschichte, die nicht gut ausgeht.

Das erste Opfer: die Kinder. Getötet, verstümmelt, als Soldaten rekrutiert. Zum Beispiel im Jemen-Krieg, dem vergessenen Krieg, in dem die saudi-arabisch angeführte Militärkoalition für 60 Prozent aller dort getöteten und verstümmelten Kinder verantwortlich ist.

Das zweite Opfer: die Vereinten Nationen.

Das dritte Opfer dieser Geschichte von Schande und Ehre: Ban Ki Moon.

Herr Ban ist ein ehrenwerter Mann. Herr Ban sollte gehen, weil er ein ehrenwerter Mann ist. Er sollte die Schande Saudi-Arabiens durch seinen Rücktritt komplettieren.

Und weil dies eine Geschichte von Schande und Ehre ist, eine Geschichte von Macht und Moral, kommen jetzt alle anderen 195 UN-Mitgliedsstaaten ins Spiel. Denn nicht ein Staats- oder Regierungschef, nicht ein Außenminister, nicht ein einziger UN-Botschafter eines Mitgliedslandes dieser Vereinten Nationen hatte den Mut, Herrn Ban beizustehen.

Die Liste der Schande müsste 196 UN-Mitgliedsstaaten lang sein

Niemand aber verteidigte die Liste der Schande, niemand Herrn Ban. Und die Moral dieser Geschichte von Schande und Ehre? Es gibt keine Moral mehr. Das ist die Moral – von Georg Schwarte,saudiarabien112.html

Kommentar: Danke!!!

10.6.2016 – Evangelisch (A P)

Saudi-Arabien: UN weisen Vorwurf der Käuflichkeit zurück

Nach Kritik am Umgang mit Saudi-Arabien haben sich die Vereinten Nationen gegen den Vorwurf der Käuflichkeit verwahrt. Geldzahlungen beeinflussten nicht das Verfassen von Berichten über Menschenrechte durch die Weltorganisation, betonte UN-Sprecher Ahmad Fawzi am Freitag in Genf.

Kommentar: Zu spät. Genau das ist aber passiert. Glaubwürdigkeit: Null.

9.6.2016 – Tagesschau (*A P)

UN-Generalsekretär Ban zu "Liste der Schande": "Erpressung durch Saudi-Arabien"

Im Streit um die UN-"Liste der Schande" sieht sich Generalsekretär Ban von Saudi-Arabien erpresst. Die Regierung und die weiterer Länder hätten gedroht, sämtliche Hilfsgelder für UN-Projekte zu streichen, sollte Riad auf der Liste bleiben.

Ban Ki Moon, der UN-Generalsekretär, verkündet Ungeheuerliches: Der UN-Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen fühlt sich erpresst, unter Druck gesetzt, bedroht: "Es ist nicht akzeptabel für UN-Mitgliedsstaaten übertriebenen Druck auszuüben", sagt er.

Es sei eine der "schmerzvollsten, schwierigsten Entscheidungen" seiner Amtszeit gewesen. Das Einknicken vor Saudi-Arabien. Aber der UN-Generalsekretär macht in diesen Minuten vor dem Saal des Sicherheitsrates auch öffentlich, warum er dem saudischen Druck nachgab. "Dem Schicksal von Millionen Kindern zuliebe", sagt er: "Ich akzeptiere die berechtigte Kritik. Der Eindruck war verheerend, aber ich musste eine Entscheidung treffen, um alle UN-Hilfsfonds und Hilfsorganisationen arbeitsfähig zu halten."

Einige Länder nämlich hätten, räumt Ban offen ein, mit der sehr realen Aussicht gedroht, die Finanzierung vieler UN-Hilfsprogramme zu beenden, sollte Saudi-Arabien und die von Riad geführte Militärkoalition im Jemen-Krieg weiter auf der "Liste der Schande" stehen. Kurz: Runter von der Liste oder keine Hilfsgelder mehr.

Eine Erpressung, der Ban nachgab. Nachgeben musste, sagt er jetzt: "Ich kann doch wegen der Liste nicht das ganze Haus abbrennen lassen. Ich bin Chef der Vereinten Nationen und ich muss doch an all die vielen Krisen denken, die wir lösen müssen."

Der saudische UN-Botschafter übrigens gibt sich völlig ahnungslos. Drohung. Einschüchterung? Nicht der Stil Saudi-Arabiens. Man habe Ban lediglich sehr entschieden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Fakten in dem UN-Bericht nicht stimmten, Saudi-Arabien ergo nicht auf die Liste gehöre. Nie habe Saudi-Arabien - einer der großen Geldgeber der UN - damit gedroht, die Finanzierung von UN-Projekten einzustellen.

Dass der UN-Generalsekretär genau das Minuten vorher öffentlich erklärte? "Allein seine Wahrnehmung", sagt der saudische UN-Botschafter Abdallah Al-Mouallimi ungerührt: "Wie der UN-Generalsekretär unsere Diskussion wahrgenommen hat, wie er sie interpretiert, das ist allein seine Angelegenheit." – von Georg Schwarte und NZZ: und auch kürzer: Tagesspiegel: und Sputnik News: und RT

9.6.2016 – Telepolis (** A P)

Softpower à la Saudi-Arabien: Die UN erpressen

Das Königreich wollte nicht weiter auf der UN-Liste der Staaten und Organisationen stehen, die für den Tod von Kindern in Konfliktzonen verantwortlich sind

Nach Informationen des US-Magazins Foreign Policy (FP) haben saudi-arabische Diplomaten, darunter auch der ranghöchste, Außenminister al-Jubeir, der Führung der UN klargemacht, dass man sämtliche Hebel in Bewegung setzten werde, falls die UN Saudi-Arabien nicht von einer rufschädigenden Liste streicht.

Die Information dazu kam laut Reporter Colum Lynch, gut vertraut und verbunden mit dem UN-Hauptquartier in New York, von Spitzenvertretern der Organisation. Ihnen sei von saudischen Vertretern erklärt worden, dass die "Programme zur humanitären Hilfe sowie zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus nicht weiter mit Hunderten Millionen Dollar aus saudischen Kassen unterstützt würden, wenn die Streichung nicht vorgenommen würde.

Zudem würde man den Einfluss auf andere arabische Regierungen geltend machen wie auch die Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit (OIC), um Beziehungen zur UN "abzubrechen". Die UN-Vertretung des Königreiches unternimmt derzeit Schadensbegrenzungsversuche, um den Vorwurf des FP-Artikels zu entkräften.

Erwähnt wurde […] auch, dass von Klerikern in Riad die Drohung kam, eine Fatwa gegen die UN zu erlassen, welche die Organisation als "anti-muslimisch" brandmarken würde, was darauf hinauslaufe würde, dass die Kontakte zwischen der UN und Mitgliedern der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit zu einem Stopp kämen.

Darüber hinaus sei das Büro von Ban Ki-moon mit Telefonaten von Außenministern der Golfkooperationsstaaten regelrecht bombardiert worden.

Ban Ki-moon reagiert wie verlangt. Er strich Saudi-Arabien von der Liste. Der offizielle Wortlaut. Der UN-Generalsekretär "akzeptierte einen Vorschlag von Saudi-Arabien, dass die UN und die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition im Jemen sich die Fälle und Zahlen, die im Text genannt werden, gemeinsam neu anschauen" – von Thomas Pany

Kommentar von Ludmilla Z: Wann werden Verbrechen Verbrechen genannt? Wie viele Dollars muss man der UN bezahlen? Auf kleinbürgerliche Verhältnisse herunter gebogen, kommt das einer "Polizeisteuer" oder "Schutzgelderpressung" gleich. Nur halt in großem Stil. Kein Grund zur Aufregung? Doch...

Kommentar von hgzi: Sag mir wer Dein Freund ist und ich sage Dir....wer Du bist. Schau Dir die Freunde des Imperiums an. Da siehst Du die realen westlichen Werte.

10.6.2016 – Frankfurter Rundschau (* A P)

Ban knickt vor Saudis ein „Ich musste die sehr reale Möglichkeit bedenken, dass Millionen anderer Kinder schwer leiden würden, wenn diese Nationen, wie sie mir zu verstehen gaben, ihre Zahlungen stoppen würden“, so begründete ein sichtlich geschockter Ban Ki Moon sein Nachgeben. „Wegen dieser Liste kann ich nicht das ganze Haus abbrennen lassen. Ich bin Chef der Vereinten Nationen und muss an all die vielen Krisen denken, die wir zu lösen haben.“ Man werde die tödlichen Vorfälle im Jemen mit den Saudis noch einmal durchgehen, ergänzte sein Sprecher und betonte, die UN stehe zu jedem Wort, zu allen Daten und zu allen Informationen in ihrem Text.

Die saudische Seite dagegen triumphierte und gab sich arglos. Man habe niemanden eingeschüchtert, versicherte UN-Botschafter Al-Mouallimi. „Das ist nicht unser Stil, das entspricht nicht unserer Kultur.“ Man habe Ban lediglich sehr entschieden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Fakten in dem UN-Bericht nicht stimmten und Saudi-Arabien nicht auf die schwarze Liste gehöre. Niemals habe sein Land gedroht, die Finanzierung von UN-Projekten einzustellen. Die öffentliche Rüge Ban Ki Moons wischte Al-Mouallimi kaltschnäuzig vom Tisch. Das sei einzig dessen Wahrnehmung, erklärte er. „Wie der UN-Generalsekretär unsere Diskussion wahrgenommen hat, wie er sie interpretiert, das ist allein seine Angelegenheit.“

Und so wirft der ungewöhnliche Vorgang ein weiteres Schlaglicht auf die neue rabiate saudische Außenpolitik, aber auch auf die verheerende Kriegsführung des Landes im Jemen. Daheim bejubelten Kommentatoren die forsche Gangart im UN-Hauptquartier. Die Welt verstehe nur die Logik der Gewalt, das habe Saudi-Arabien erfolgreich praktiziert. Nach diesem diplomatischen Sieg sollte die arabische Welt das Königreich künftig zu ihrem Sprecher küren, schrieb die Zeitung „Okaz“. „Denn endlich wurde das UN-Lügengewebe enttarnt.“

Das jedoch sehen internationale Menschenrechtsorganisationen völlig anders – von Martin Gehlen,1472596,34347766.html

8.6.2016 – Tagesschau (** A P)

UN streichen Saudi-Arabien nach Protest: Skandal um "Liste der Schande"

Auf der "Liste der Schande" führt die UN Staaten, Terrorgruppen und Armeen, die Kinder rekrutieren und töten. In der ersten Version für 2015 fand sich auch Saudi-Arabien. Für einen Tag. Nach einer Beschwerde strichen die UN das Land.

Saudi-Arabien nämlich hatte Druck gemacht. Schriftlich und mündlich bei Ban protestiert. Nach dem Motto: Wir wollen nicht auf einer Liste erscheinen, auf der auch Terrorgruppen wie der "Islamische Staat" oder Al Kaida stehen. Menschenrechtsgruppen aber schlagen jetzt Alarm: "Diese Entscheidung lässt Ban in einem sehr schlechten Licht erscheinen und untergräbt die Glaubwürdigkeit der 'Liste der Schande' sowie die des Generalsekretärs".

Akshaysa Kumar von Human Rights Watch spricht gegenüber dem ARD-Hörfunk in New York von einem beispiellosen Vorgang. Renzo Pomi von Amnesty International nennt es einen Fall, der die gesamte Glaubwürdigkeit der UN gefährde: "Es ist nicht nur ungeheuerlich, dass ein UN-Mitgliedsstaat Kinder und Zivilisten tötet, sondern dass er, wenn er dabei erwischt wird, auch noch durch diplomatischen Druck von der 'Liste der Schande' gestrichen wird."

Bans Sprecher sagt, auf Wunsch von Saudi-Arabien würden jetzt die Fakten erneut überprüft, die nachträgliche Änderung eines UN-Berichtes sei vorübergehend. Ausgang offen. Der saudische UN-Botschafter aber sagt etwas ganz anderes: Die Streichung seines Landes von der Liste sei "endgültig und bedingungslos".

"Es ist empörend", sagt Renzo Pomi von Amnesty International. Denn am Ende gehe es doch vor allem um das Wohlergehen der Kinder im Jemen. Als Vertreter von Amnesty International bei den Vereinten Nationen hofft er, dass die UN doch noch zur Vernunft kommen. "Denn wenn Ban bereit ist, Menschenrechte für andere Interessen zu opfern, muss man sich fragen, wie es um die Zukunft dieser Vereinten Nationen bestellt ist." – von Georg Schwarte =

8.6.2016 – Netzfrauen (** A P)

Empörend: Saudi Arabien übt Druck auf UN aus und verschwindet von „Liste der Schande „!

Saudi-Arabien stand auf der gerade veröffentlichten sogenannten „Liste der Schande 2015“. Die Liste zeigt die Namen von Ländern, Terrorgruppen und Armeen, die Kinder rekrutieren und töten. Wenige Stunden danach aber war Saudi-Arabien plötzlich von der Liste der Schande verschwunden. Saudi-Arabien hatte Druck gemacht. Schriftlich und mündlich bei Ban Ki-moon protestiert. Nach dem Motto: Wir wollen nicht auf einer Liste erscheinen, auf der auch Terrorgruppen wie der „Islamische Staat“ oder Al Kaida stehen.

Bans Sprecher sagt, auf Wunsch von Saudi-Arabien würden jetzt die Fakten erneut überprüft, die nachträgliche Änderung eines UN-Berichtes sei vorübergehend. Ausgang offen. Der saudische UN-Botschafter aber sagt etwas ganz anderes: Die Streichung seines Landes von der Liste sei „endgültig und bedingungslos“.

„Es ist empörend“, sagt Renzo Pomi von Amnesty International. Denn am Ende gehe es doch vor allem um das Wohlergehen der Kinder im Jemen. Als Vertreter von Amnesty International bei den Vereinten Nationen hofft er, dass die UN doch noch zur Vernunft kommen. „Denn wenn Ban bereit ist, Menschenrechte für andere Interessen zu opfern, muss man sich fragen, wie es um die Zukunft dieser Vereinten Nationen bestellt ist.“

Akshaysa Kumar von Human Rights Watch spricht gegenüber dem ARD-Hörfunk in New York von einem beispiellosen Vorgang. Renzo Pomi von Amnesty International nennt es einen Fall, der die gesamte Glaubwürdigkeit der UN gefährde: „Es ist nicht nur ungeheuerlich, dass ein UN-Mitgliedsstaat Kinder und Zivilisten tötet, sondern dass er, wenn er dabei erwischt wird, auch noch durch diplomatischen Druck von der ‚Liste der Schande‘ gestrichen wird.“

Es ist erschreckend, mit welcher Brutalität die in Saudi-Arabien regierende Familie ihre Macht durchsetzt – von Doro Schreier

8.6.2016 – RT (* A P)

Nach Druck aus Riad: UN streicht Saudi-Arabien aus "schwarzer Liste der Kindermörder" im Jemen

Die UN hat sich dem politischen Druck aus Riad gebeugt und das Land vorübergehend von einer schwarzen Liste für Kinderrechtsverletzer entfernt. Zuvor war vergangene Woche ein UN-Bericht veröffentlicht worden, der die Saudi-geführte Koalition für die Tötung von Hunderten Kindern im Jemen-Konflikt verantwortlich machte.

Riad verlangte am Montag, dass Saudi Arabien von der Liste gestrichen wird. Sie behaupten, dass die Zahlen in dem Jahresbericht des Generalsekretärs „stark übertrieben“ wären, da die Koalition „modernste Präzisionszielsysteme“ einsetze.

Nach dem Plädoyer von Saudi-Arabien, gab das Büro Ban Ki Moons an, dass die UN Riad so lange von der Liste entfernt, bis eine gemeinsame Überprüfung durch das internationale Gremium erfolgt ist. und deutschsprachig noch: und und

10.6.2016 – New York Times (* A P)

United Nations Chief Exposes Limits to His Authority by Citing Saudi Threat

The unusually frank admission by the secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, on Thursday that he had essentially been coerced into removing a Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen from an ignoble list of armies that kill and maim children was a rare window into the limits of his moral and political authority — and an object lesson for whoever succeeds Mr. Ban next year.

Mr. Ban is wrapping up his 10-year tenure, and world powers are beginning to bargain over who his successor will be and just how independent she or he ought to be.

Secretaries general have frequently faced intense political pressure from countries large and small, and Mr. Ban’s time in charge has been punctuated with a number of awkward compromises

[in detail] – by Somini Sengupta

Comment: Yes, this case has damaged Ban personally and the office of UN General secretary in general. And this is irreversible.

Interesting comments to the article at:

10.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (*A P)

Saudi backwardness getting increasingly revealed to world: Analyst

Press TV has interviewed Mark Weber, the director of the Institute for Historical Review, about Saudi Arabia’s pressure on the United Nations over the blacklisting of a Saudi-led military coalition for killing children in the Yemeni war.

Ban Ki-moon, deserves credit for making public some of these undue pressures that have been applied in an effort to insulate the kingdom from scrutiny and accountability for its policies.

In this regard, the Reuters news agency reported even that the United Nations has been facing what it calls bullying, threats and pressure by Saudi Arabia, amounting to what it termed a real blackmail.

More and more people are aware of this; and Ban Ki-moon’s remarks just made public what more and more people realize.

And we’re going to expect, I think, and have a right to expect within the months to come, there will be still more revelations and reports that will remind the world again and again of the bizarre and embarrassing character of Saudi society and its policies.

I think what Ban Ki-moon seems to be afraid of is that if Saudi Arabia was pushed into a corner, that Saudi clerics would issue a fatwa, which would have an embarrassing and important impact in many many other countries.

9.6.2016 – CNN (** A P)

How U.N.'s decision to drop Saudi from child-rights blacklist could backfire

The long-term effects of the decision, for the U.N. and Saudi Arabia, will likely come with other, unintended consequences.

The decision to list the Kingdom and then suspend its designation is terrible for the credibility of the U.N., especially given that the report had been in circulation since at least April. If the Saudis do win the argument and have themselves removed from the list permanently by arguing that the methodology was flawed, the U.N.'s ability to pressure others to improve protections for children in conflict will be irrevocably broken.

If Saudi Arabia can undermine the credibility of the U.N. reporting on such a crucial issue, then why should other countries pay attention to the norms they are meant to uphold? By caving in to Saudi pressure, Ban has hurt the U.N.'s ability to speak definitively on the protection of children in conflict, and undermined his own efforts to bring human rights into the mainstream -- a core tenet of his early platform as secretary-general.

That a U.N. member state has been able to so nakedly use its influence and financial firepower to influence reporting on such an important, issue signals that, for the UN and the international community, humanitarian law and the rights of children come second to political and financial expediency.

The suspension of the designation is hardly likely to convince anyone that the contents of the report are wrong; if anything, the opposite is true.

This move puts more pressure on Western governments -- the U.S., UK and France in particular -- to justify their close ties with, and defense of the reputation of, the Kingdom to voters. That is probably the exact opposite of what the Kingdom hoped to achieve – by Peter Salisbury =

9.6.2016 – UN News Centre (* A P)

Content of report on conflict-affected children 'will not change,' asserts Ban

Standing by his decision to remove the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen from his latest report on conflict-affected children, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today said it was one of the most 'painful and difficult decisions' he has ever had to make, and that it is 'unacceptable' for Member States to exert undue pressure as scrutiny is necessary part of the work of the UN.

Insisting that he stands by the report, the UN chief added that the Organization “will assess the complaints that have been made, but the content will not change.”

9.6.2016 – UN General Secretary (** A P)

Full Transcript of Secretary-General's Press Encounter

This was one of the most painful and difficult decisions I have had to make.

The report describes horrors no child should have to face.

At the same time, I also had to consider the very real prospect that millions of other children would suffer grievously if, as was suggested to me, countries would de-fund many UN programmes. Children already at risk in Palestine, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen and so many other places would fall further into despair.

It is unacceptable for Member States to exert undue pressure. Scrutiny is a natural and necessary part of the work of the United Nations.

I stand by the report. We will assess the complaints that have been made, but the content will not change.

I fully understand the criticism, but I would also like to make a larger point that speaks to many political challenges we face. When UN peacekeepers come under physical attack, they deserve strong backing by the Security Council.

When UN personnel are declared persona non grata simply for carrying out their jobs, they should be able to count on firm support from the Member States.

And when UN reports come under fire for raising difficult issues or documenting violations of law or human rights, Member States should defend the mechanisms and mandates that they themselves have established.

As the Secretariat carries forward the work that is entrusted to us, I count on Member States to work constructively and maintain their commitment to the cause of this Organization.

[and later again in the answers to questions]

Comment by Samuel Oakford: The thing is, because the Saudis at the UN are like a bull in a china shop, this plays out in public, letting Ban offer up more details...

Comment by Iona Craig: Saudi PR disaster

Comment by Jamila hanan: Remember this? #USA + #Israel set the precedent for #Saudi to blackmail the #UN child killers the lot of them

9.6.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

U.N. chief blasts Saudi pressure after Yemen coalition blacklisting

United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that Saudi Arabia had exerted "unacceptable" undue pressure on the world body after a U.N. report blacklisted a Saudi-led military coalition for killing children in Yemen.

Ban described the decision as one of his most painful and difficult and said millions of other children likely would suffer if funding for U.N. programs was cut off.

"Children already at risk in Palestine, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen and so many other places would fall further into despair," he told reporters. "It is unacceptable for member states to exert undue pressure."

Ban did not specifically say the Saudis had threatened to cut off funding.

Saudi U.N. ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi also reiterated his denials that Riyadh threatened Ban over the blacklist.

"It is not in our style, it is not in our genes, it is not in our culture to use threats and intimidation. We have the greatest respect for the United Nations institution," Mouallimi told reporters shortly after Ban spoke.

Ban took a veiled swipe at the[Security] council on Thursday. "When U.N. reports come under fire for raising difficult issues or documenting violations of law or human rights, member states should defend the mechanisms and mandates that they themselves have established," he said. – by Louis Charbonneau and Michelle Nichols = and by AP: and by AFP and by Aljazeera, taking the headline: Saudi denies UN claims over child rights blacklist: and many other reports: BBC: and CNN: and NYT: and The Independent: and Haaretz: and more

Comment by Shireen Al-Adeimi: Let me clarify: "Take us off your blacklist or we will cut funding" is a threat, not a 'clarification.'

Comment by Jamila Hanan: Saudis must be on the phone now blackmailing UN to clarify that threats were actually clarification

9.6.2016 – The Intercept (* A P)

U.N. Chief Admits He Removed Saudi Arabia From Child-Killer List Due to Extortion

Ban Ki-moon publicly acknowledged Thursday that he removed the Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen from a blacklist of child killers — 72 hours after it was published — due to a financial threat to defund United Nations programs.

The secretary-general didn’t name the source of the threat, but news reports have indicated it came directly from the Saudi government.

“It is unacceptable for member states to exert undue pressure,” the secretary-general said. “Scrutiny is a natural and necessary part of the work of the United Nations.”

Saudi Ambassador to the U.N. Abdallah al-Mouallimi, who held his own press conference afterward, offered his own back-handed confirmation of what happened. “We didn’t use threats,” he said, “but such listing will obviously have an impact on our relations with the U.N.” – by Alex Emmons and Zaid Jilani

9.6.2016 – Foreign Policy (** A P)

U.N. Chief Says He Went Soft on Saudi Arabia and Allies to Avoid Aid Cut

Ban Ki-moon says aid for millions of children from South Sudan to Yemen was put at risk by countries shielding Saudi Arabia and its military allies from human rights criticism.

Though he didn’t single out Saudi Arabia by name, Ban told reporters in a prepared statement that unnamed countries threatened to cut off financial support for vital U.N. programs if Saudi Arabia and its allies were not removed from the list.

U.N. officials said Ban received calls of protest from senior officials from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and other close Saudi allies who demanded the stigma be lifted.

Privately, U.N.-based officials said senior Saudi representatives, including Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, threatened to cut funding to such vital programs as those for displaced Palestinians and destitute Yemenis. They also said Riyadh raised the specter that other Arab nations, principally the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, would also follow suit, risking billions of dollars in humanitarian aid commitments.

In a Thursday morning press conference outside the U.N. Security Council, Ban also appeared deeply irritated by the move to shield Saudi Arabia and its allies, suggesting it was reckless to “burn down [the] whole house” of the United Nations over a relatively trivial dispute. “There are so many, so many much more serious issues,” he said.

“It is unacceptable for U.N. members to exert undue pressure,” Ban added.

Saudi Arabia’s U.N. ambassador, Abdallah al-Mouallimi, denied Riyadh ever threatened to cut funding or break relations with the United Nations.

“We cannot break relations with the United Nations. We are a founding member; this is our organization,” he told reporters shortly after Ban spoke. “We did say that such listing and such unfair treatment of Saudi Arabia and the coalition forces would obviously have an impact on relations with the United Nations. But we did not use threats or intimidation, and we did not talk about funding or anything else.”

“I agree with the secretary-general that undue pressure on the United Nations is unacceptable, and undue pressure was not exercised,” Mouallimi added. “We made our point clear; we made it firmly. We said this cannot be accepted.” – by Colum Lynch

Comment: Saudi Arabia’s U.N. ambassador’s denial: The Intercept (see above) speaks of “a back-handed confirmation”.

8.6.2016 – Human Rights Watch (** A P)

An Open Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The evidence of grave violations against children in Yemen by the Saudi-led Coalition is overwhelming.

Since the Secretary-General’s “list of shame” was first instituted in 2002, it has been an invaluable tool in efforts to curb violations against children in armed conflict.

Your decision to remove the Saudi-led Coalition from the list – even temporarily pending “review” – following protests by the Saudi government sets a damaging precedent and undermines the list’s credibility. It sends a message to parties to armed conflict that if they apply sufficient political pressure, they can manipulate their exclusion from the list and avoid scrutiny and accountability. Instead, your message should be that all parties to armed conflict—without exception-- are held to the same standard, and that the only route to de-listing is by ending violations against children.

If the Saudi-led Coalition wants to be removed from the list, it should stop killing and maiming children and bombing schools and hospitals in Yemen—the violations for which it was listed.

By capitulating to the demands of Saudi Arabia, you undermine your Human Rights Up Front initiative and taint your legacy as a proponent of human rights. We urge you to place the Saudi-led Coalition back on the list annexed to your report, and state publicly that your office is committed to an impartial list, based on evidence, not politics. Children whose lives are devastated by armed conflict deserve nothing less.

[signed by 34 Human Rights Organisations] = and report by Reuters:

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Relisted or not, damage already done - precedent proved that human rights negotiable if enough clout & money

7.6.2016 – Oxfam (A P)

UN appears to fail Yemen's child victims by bowing to political power

In response to reports that the UN has reviewed the participants of Yemen's conflict blacklisted in last week's UN report on Children and Conflict, Sajjad Mohamed Sajid, Oxfam's Country Director in Yemen, said:

"It appears that political power and diplomatic clout have been allowed to trump the UN's duty to expose those responsible for the killing and maiming of more than a thousand of Yemen's children. The decision to retract its findings is a moral failure and goes against everything the UN is meant to stand for.
"The killing of children in their homes, at schools and in hospitals should not be swept under the carpet. When the UN identifies crimes such as these it needs to act, regardless of who the perpetrators are."

8.6.2016 – The Guardian (* A P)

Saudi Arabia has been given a free pass to bomb schools and hospitals in Yemen

This sudden turnaround is hard to justify. The evidence that the Saudi-led coalition is bombing civilian areas in towns and cities in north Yemen is compelling.

However, despite the evidence, the Saudis appear to have been given a free pass. Unlike the usual suspects who feature on the secretary general’s annual report on children affected by armed conflict (pdf), the Saudis have powerful friends including the UK and the US – both permanent members of the security council.

They also have other points of influence at the UN based on their funding of key UN agencies, including Unicef (pdf) – the body responsible for promoting the adoption of the UN convention of the rights of the child.

The official UN position is that the listing was removed pending an investigation. I’m concerned this investigation could become a smokescreen to cover a retreating UN office, rather than a genuine attempt to hold Saudi Arabia to account.

The UN appears to be acting as a club for the rich and powerful, pointing the finger at rebel groups and obscure militia but covering up for the violations committed by its member states – by Rob Williams is CEO of War Child UK

8.6.2016 – The Antimedia (* A P)

UN Thinks Killing Children is Bad, Unless You’re Saudi Arabia

Comment: I just linked it for the headline; content similar to others.

8.6.2016 – Secular Talk (* A P)

Film: UN Removes Saudi Arabia From List Of Child Violators

8.6.2016 – The Telegraph (** A P)

UN chief faced 'blackmail' after blacklisting Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen

Muslim allies of Saudi Arabia piled pressure on UN chief Ban Ki-moon over the blacklisting of a Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen, with Riyadh threatening to cut Palestinian aid and funds to other UN programs, diplomatic sources said on Tuesday.

That removal prompted angry reactions from human rights groups, which accused Ban of caving in to pressure from powerful countries. and by CNN:

Comment: Relating mostly on the Reuters article listed in YPR 155. A broad overview of the diplomatic pressure on the UN.

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: From now on: No human rights, no democracy, no freedom not licensed by Wahabi Saudi regime & its new version of "UN"

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Listing Saudi won't stop it, but even the nothing more than ink on paper is justice beyond reach of #Yemen when poor

8.6.2016 – Muftah (* A P)

The UN’s decision to cave to political pressure is tragic, unacceptable, and hollows out the power of the blacklist.

The UN has chosen to abandon Yemen’s children.

What does it say when an organization, whose primary purpose is to maintain peace and security, abandons its duty to the most vulnerable in this world? What can we say to the children of Yemen whose rights have taken a backseat to political pandering?

8.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Film: UN under fire for removing KSA from child rights blacklist

8.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (not examined A P)

Film: The Debate – Saudi War on Yemen (June 8th)

In an unusual move, the UN first blacklists Saudi Arabia for the killing of children in Yemen, then it reverses its decision due to Saudi complaints. In this edition of the debate, we’ll be questioning this U.N. flip, which has given human rights groups plenty of reasons to condemn the UN, for its double standards and exception on Saudi Arabia. We’ll also try to find out how Saudi Arabia was able to get the UN to do that, unless it was with a little help of Saudi Arabia’s friends.

7.6.2016 – PRI – (** A P)

UN blacklisted Saudi coalition for killing children in Yemen — then abruptly changed its mind

Now, the UN flip-flop is giving human rights groups whiplash, drawing accusations of political manipulation at the UN and raising new questions about whether the international community is giving Saudi Arabia and its allies a pass when it comes to the coalition's devastating intervention in Yemen's civil war.

The UN's annual blacklist includes parties that "recruit or use children, kill or maim children, commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children, or engage in attacks on schools and/or hospitals, or abduct children in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council."

Landing on that list puts you in some pretty rough company. This year's includes non-state actors like ISIS, al-Shabab and the Taliban, as well as government forces in Syria, Yemen and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Saudi Arabia found itself listed among that crew because of its role in Yemen's multisided civil war, where the kingdom is battling forces loyal to former Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Houthi rebels aligned with Saudi's main regional rival, Iran – by Timothy McGrath

8.6.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Foreign Minister lauds UN decision to delete the Coalition for Defense of Legitimacy in Yemen from the report on children and military conflicts

Minister Al-Jubeir expressed hope to verify in the future of the accuracy of information before it is published, stressing at the same time the keenness of the Coalition for the Defense of legitimacy in Yemen on achieving security and stability in Yemen, fighting against terrorist organizations including al-Qaeda, and implementing Security Council resolution No 2116, along with its keenness on the safety of civilians including children. and see also the Saudi ambassador at the UN (film)

Comment: A dull propaganda worth to be labeled at cp15.

And here the UN report itself showing what was the reason for all this…

2.6.2016 – UN (** B K)

Children and armed conflict. Report of the Secretary-General


164. The conflict in Yemen escalated significantly following the takeover of Sana’a by the Houthis in September 2014 and the beginning of air strikes by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia on 26 March 2015. Intensive aerial bombardment was followed by ground fighting, taking a devastating toll on the civilian population. Grave violations against children increased dramatically as a result of the escalating conflict. [following on Yemen 165–175].

Annex I: List of parties that recruit or use children, kill or maim children, commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children, or engage in attacks on schools and/or hospitals, or abduct children in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council

Parties in Yemen

1. Houthis/Ansar Allah a,b,d

2. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula/Ansar al-Sharia a

3. Government forces, including the Yemeni Armed Forces, the First Armoured Division, the Military Police, the special security forces and Republican Guards a

4. Pro-Government militias, including the Salafists and Popular Committees a

5. Saudi Arabia-led coalition b,d

The parties underlined have been in the annexes for at least five years and are therefore considered persistent perpetrators.

a Parties that recruit and use children.

b Parties that kill and maim children.

c Parties that commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children.

d Parties that engage in attacks on schools and/or hospitals. =

Just remember:

22.12.2015 – Human Rights Watch (A P)

Dispatches: Special UN Treatment for Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen?

cp2 Allgemein / General

10.6.2016 – Voice of America (B K)

Airstrikes Cause Two-Thirds of Civilian Casualties in Yemen

The U.N. human rights office has released its latest figures on civilian casualties in Yemen, showing more than 3,500 people have been killed and nearly 6,300 wounded since Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign against the Houthi rebels began in March of last year.

Comment: Not to be forgotten in the scandal of Saudi-UN strife.

9.6.2016 – Haaretz (* B K)

[Saudi whistleblower Mujtahid: Saudi failure in Yemen]

The blogger known as Mujtahid, who has become a fount of information about the Saudi government’s inner workings, published a document earlier this month, purportedly written by a senior Saudi officer, which detailed the military failures in Yemen. The document said that even though the Saudis command the Arab coalition, not everyone obeys its orders — and especially not UAE soldiers, who are the principal ground troops. Moreover, morale is low, training is inadequate and intelligence is insufficient to prepare an effective target bank; the airstrikes began before any ground troops were mobilized; Yemenite tribes that were lavishly paid to join the fighting haven’t kept their promises; and coalition casualties are much higher than reported – by Zvi Bar’el

Comment: I did not find another report on this very interesting matter.

8.6.2016 – The Independent (*B K)

Global Peace Index: Yemen suffers worst drop on peacefulness in 2016

Yemen has been named as the country which suffered the sharpest fall in peacefulness in the last year, according to the 2016 Global Peace Index.

The country’s civil war has escalated into a regional conflict, due to the intervention of Saudi Arabia and a coalition of Gulf States.

The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), which produces the index, said Yemen was the “standout example” of a breakdown of peace in the Middle East that has seen the world as a whole become a more dangerous place in 2016 than at any point in the past decade – by Adam Withnall

8.6.2016 – Euronews (B K)

Wer beliefert die Kriegsparteien im Jemen mit Waffen?

Im Krieg im Jemen ist eine Unzahl von Waffen im Einsatz. Wir sprachen mit einem Spezialisten für Waffenexporte und Rüstungsausgaben, Pieter D. Wezeman vom Stockholmer Institut für Friedensforschung SIPRI, über deren Herkunft.

euronews: “Menschenrechtsorganisationen wie Amnesty International oder Human Rights Watch beschuldigen beide Seiten, Kriegsverbrechen begangen zu haben.”

Pieter D. Wezeman, SIPRI: “Das ist korrekt. Und wirft Fragen auf, inwieweit die Saudis und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate die Hightech-Ausrüstung, über die sie verfügen, auch wirklich handhaben können. Denn im Prinzip sollte man mit solchen Hightech-Sensoren oder Hightech-Bomben einen Krieg derart führen können, dass man wirklich nur militärische Ziele zu treffen versucht, in diesem Fall bewaffnete Huthis zum Beispiel. In der Realität aber waren sie dazu nicht in der Lage, ob nun mit Absicht oder aus Mangel an Kompetenz ist unklar.

5.6.2016 – Sputnik News (* A P)

Un Yemen 'olvidado' demostró las flaquezas de la propaganda occidental

Los medios occidentales tratan de evitar los temas relacionados con la situación en Yemen porque no saben cómo justificar y maquillar las atrocidades perpetradas por Arabia Saudí con el apoyo de EEUU en el conflicto que sufre el país árabe, opina el columnista alemán Dietrich Klose.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

10.6.2016 – UNOCHA (* A H)

Yemen: The benefits of cash assistance

Localized violence, armed clashes and air strikes have created shocking levels of destruction and suffering in Aslam District in Hajjah Governorate, northern Yemen. Like many other governorates in Yemen, Hajjah has experienced escalated conflict since March 2015. This has pushed the country into having the highest number of new IDPs worldwide: more than 367,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Hajjah. Displacement within the governorate has significantly increased requirements for food, water, shelter, health care, education and essential household items.

Humanitarian partners estimate that the livelihoods of half of all conflict-affected people in Yemen have been destroyed by the escalating crisis. Traditional safety nets—including remittances or assistance from friends and relatives—are increasingly unavailable. This, combined with decreased purchasing power, means that Yeminis have less income and their money buys less. and in full:

9.6.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

The heatwave is killing like a bomb in the Coastal area of ‪#‎Hodeida and ‪#‎Tihama (Western Yemen).
Yemeni journalist Fuad Rajeh twitted:
''103 people, mostly kids, have died at hospitals in Yemen Hodeida city because of heatwave. Here is how: no electricity to save patients''

The situation is at its extreme: temperatures rise up to 40 degrees with humidity at 80% giving a sensation of being 50 degrees, there is little water and no electricity.
Outbreaks of dengue fever have striken the population and lack of a proper diet are decimating the chances of survival.

8.6.2016 – Yemen Post (B H)

85% of Yemeni children HUNGRY as humanitarian crisis reaches highest level ever due to 14 months of #Yemen war.

8.6.2016 – The Guardian (* B H)

Yemen: 'Some people are living on one piece of bread a day'

As fighting continues, rising food prices and scarce resources are leaving many struggling to find enough food to survive.

I recently had access to some cut off areas near Taiz, one of the cities worst affect by fighting in Yemen. I was in Al Hawban, a suburb about 2km from Taiz city. Most people from the city have moved there due to the conflict.

What I saw there was more devastating and desperate than I could ever have expected; people living with no water or electricity, struggling to find enough food to survive. The air strikes are frequent in the area. The explosions are louder than you can imagine.

Now, an invisible food crisis seems to be pushing almost a quarter of the population to starvation.

Almost everyone I met told me they can only just manage to eat once a day. Sometimes they eat nothing.

The situation in Yemen has gone beyond the scope of aid. Yemen is facing the catastrophic reality of famine unless people can return to the fields, imports resume and markets are able to trade at normal prices – by Lydia Tinka

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

9.6.2016 – The Media Line (B P)

Yemen’s Houthis Rule with Iron Fist and Economic Distress

Along with the death and destruction wrought from a civil war that killed thousands of Yemeni citizens and displaced scores of thousands more, it remains a great political irony that despite the economic shambles in which the country finds itself and the heavy authoritarian hand of Houthis’ rule, many Yemeni continue to welcome the Houthi presence and in particular their control in the northern part of the country, including the capital, Sana’a. But with limitations - by Mohammed Al-Khayat and Yasser Reyes

Comment: A very one-sided article. There is a plenty of matters you can object to the Houthis. To make them guilty of the economic distress is odd. There not only is the Saudi blockade, but of course also the Saudi aerial war which destroys the whole economy and leaves more and more jobless people without any economic income. It’s quite nonsense to take as an example for Houthi’s disregard of people’s needs the fact that the Houthis print and display a lot of posters of the former Houthi leader and fallen soldiers instead of spending the money to feed the hungry – well, there certainly is a lot of Houthi dismanagement, but because of the Saudi blockade there certainly just is not enough food to buy to feed the hungry. It’s also curious to make them responsible for sectarian distress, after decades of severe “Wahabisation” of the country, payed by the Saudis. The sectarian effects of “Wahabisation” you best can see in Pakistan, see cp1. Yemen is not different at all.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

10.6.2016 – ISIS Liveuamap (A T)

Today in Aden city, Yemen : Car blew up

10.6.2016 – UN Development Programme (A H)

UNDP and the Government of Japan support removal of debris and rubble in Aden

In partnership with the Government of Japan, UNDP will work with local authorities to remove 55,000 tons of debris and 22,000 tons of waste that will result in creation of emergency employment thorough cash of work approach for 780 women and youth in the city of Aden. In this connotation, women workers will contribute to school rehabilitation, making school uniforms for children and cooking for project workers. Vocational training in areas related to the reconstruction needs of the city will also be delivered for women, enabling them to move on to more sustainable income-generating opportunities beyond this intervention.

8.6.2016 – Aljazeera (A P T)

Q&A: The man who defeated al-Qaeda in Yemen's Mukalla

Commander of Yemen government forces that defeated al-Qaeda in the southern city of Mukalla speaks to Al Jazeera.

In April, Major-General Faraj Salmeen Al-Bahsini led thousands of army troops and local fighters in a major offensive to clear the city of Mukalla, the capital of Yemen's south-eastern province of Hadramout, from al-Qaeda fighters.

With air support from the Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen, Al-Bahsini recaptured the city and neighbouring regions in less than 24 hours.

Al-Bahsini spoke to Al Jazeera from his office in what is known locally as Mukalla's "Green Zone" – by Saeed Al-Batati

Comment: Not even the Pravda, in its most glorious days, hid the truth as much or glorified the void so vehemently. Al Jazeera is the new frontline of news-mercenaries

8.6.2016 – Haberler (A P)

New Yemen Government Holds First Meeting İn Aden

Yemen's new government convened for the first time in the southern city of Aden on Tuesday under recently-appointed Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr.

Comment: This already had happened several times, by a terrorist attack government always was exiled again after a short time.

8.6.2016 – Tag 911 (A H)

ERC set to deliver last phase of housing project for Yemen flood victims

A UAE-funded housing project is nearing completion in the flood-ravaged areas of Yemen’s Hadhramaut region.

The last phase of Sheikh Khalifa City includes 607 residential units worth AED 110 million.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe cp1b Am wichtigsten / See cp1b Most important

10.6.2016 – Pars Today (A P)

Jemen-Friedensgespräche werden in Kuwait fortgesetzt

Scheich Ahmed zufolge könnten dabei Fortschritte erzielt werden, wenn die beiden Seiten zu Zugeständnissen bereit seien.

10.6.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A P)

UN Envoy to Yemen @OSESGY 6m6 minutes ago. Just held detailed & frank face-2-face talks with heads of delegations. A lot in common on substance. Key issues are timing & implementation. (message as usual)

9.6.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

International Roadmap for Comprehensive Solution in Yemen in Coming Days

A comprehensive peace agreement to the current crisis in Yemen will see the light in the next coming days and will be presented to Yemen’s warring parties currently in Kuwait to attend the peace consultations, Yemeni political sources revealed Wednesday.

The sources told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that all parties attending the talks are currently holding extensive meetings to come up with a solution that “would not oppose the international decisions.”

According to the sources, any agreement in Yemen “could be subject to further discussions because all parties supervising the peace talks have agreed on both conflicting and positive points.” – by Arafat Madabish

Comment: Wait and see.

9.6.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K P)

Conflict Parties Approve 4-Item Saudi Ceasefire Proposal on Yemen

The proposal, which Asharq Al-Awsat was able to procure details on, encompasses four items which are: finding an administrative body to organize the works of ceasefire committees, forming field parties across battlefronts of each governorate, linking the committees to the field parties on different levels and establishing safe and secure areas across battlefields.

Ambassador Al-Jaber confirmed that the conflict parties have conceded to the Saudi roadmap. Implementation and supervision will be the responsibility of the U.N. and main ceasefire committee comprising ten members distributed equally among both conflict parties.

9.6.2016 – Saba News (A P PH)

National delegation, UN envoy discuss consensual authority proposals

The national delegation held late on Wednesday a consultation session with the UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in Bayan Palace in Kuwait.
The session discussed proposals on the consensual authority for all the executive institutions of the state and the presidency institution.
The formation of a consensual government and a military and security committee to oversee the security and military institutions in all provinces of the country was also discussed in the meeting, as well as the formation of a committee of guarantees to follow up what will be agreed upon.

Comment: National delegation = Houthi and Saleh party delegation. That sounds somewhat different from the other side:

8.6.2016 – Al Arabiya (A P PS)

Yemen breakthrough in Kuwait talks

Significant progress has been made in the Kuwait talks surrounding Yemen’s military and security arrangements, including arrangements on how to secure the war-torn country’s capital, a government source has said following meetings with the UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

The source said the discussions between the government delegation and the UN envoy addressed the abolition of the constitutional declaration announced by the militias, and its administrative repercussions, as well as the restoration of state institutions. They also addressed the removal of all obstacles detracting from the work of the government, following the withdrawal from the cities in accordance to plans put forward by the UN envoy.

The first designated regions to be included in the withdrawal plans are the capital Sana'a and the governorates of Amran, Hodeidah. But there are further discussions taking place over adding two other regions for the withdrawal of militias.

Comment: I doubt whether this is a “breakthrough”. That was just a negotiation between the Hadi government delegation and the UN envoy, with results fully according to the Hadi government’s demands. The Houthis and allies certainly will reject this as they did all the time.

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

3.6.2016 – BBC (* A P)

Iran-Saudi tensions erupt in 'cyberwar'

When Iran's top civil defence official said his country was preparing for major cyber-attacks from Saudi Arabia, perhaps even he did not think it would take such a short time for his warnings to become reality.

Within days of Gen Jalali's remarks, Iranian and Saudi hackers were attacking websites in each other's countries in what Iranian media called "all-out cyberwar".

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

8.6.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A E P)

Saudi considers imposing income tax on foreigners

A document issued on Tuesday revealed that Saudi Arabia is to discuss imposing income tax on foreigners as the Kingdom is seeking to raise non-oil revenues, Anadolu reported.

Saudi statistics said that the number of foreigners in 2015 was 10.07 million out of 30.6 million residents in the country. This means that the foreigners are one third of the Saudi residents.

7.6.2016 – Foreign Policy (* A E P)

Saudi Arabia’s First Step Is Admitting It Has an Oil Problem

The heir to the Saudi throne just pushed through a bold package of reforms designed to free the kingdom from oil addiction by 2030. Here’s why it could backfire, badly.

The Saudi royal family has gambled its prestige on a bold economic reform plan, meant to revive an economy battered by sharply lower oil revenues. But the prescriptions of “Saudi Vision 2030” are fraught with risk, not least because it threatens to dissolve the social contract that binds the House of Saud to the Saudi people.

Nor did the prince offer a convincing answer when asked if the Saudi people would continue to accept taxation without representation. “This is not a decision from the government against the people,” he insisted. “This is the decision of Saudi Arabia. With the government that represents the people.” – by Andrew Scott Cooper

7.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K P)

Soldiers in Saudi war don’t have to fast: Saudi mufti

For a second year in a row, Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti has exempted troops participating in the war on Yemen from observing the religious obligation of fasting during Ramadan.

“You are caught between the two good deeds of jihad and fasting. Therefore, anyone who can afford it should fast and anyone who cannot is exempted and can break their fast, doing penance on other days,” read the decree.

3.6.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Exclusive: Saudi's deputy crown prince to visit U.S. for talks - sources

Saudi Arabia's powerful deputy crown prince is expected to visit Washington in mid-June for talks with top U.S. officials, possibly including President Barack Obama, amid growing friction between the longtime allies, three sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.

cp9 USA

10.6.2016 – The American Conservative (* B K P)

U.S. Complicity in the War on Yemen

Sens. Murphy and Paul are continuing their effort to restrict arms sales to the Saudis.

Murphy and Paul deserve credit for persisting in their effort to challenge U.S. support for the war on Yemen, and I appreciate Murphy’s willingness to talk about U.S. responsibility for the war’s destructive effects. Regrettably, his view that there isn’t much support in Congress for ending U.S. involvement in the campaign is correct. That pressure is lacking for any number of reasons, but the two biggest reasons are that so few people are even aware of U.S. involvement of the war and even fewer regard it as something that needs to be stopped.

The U.S. has enabled the Saudi-led war from the start, and has aided the coalition in pummeling and starving Yemen a s the horrifying consequences of the intervention have steadily increased – by Daniel Larison

10.6.2016 – UPI (A P)

Senators look to block U.S. sale of bombs to Saudis for bombing of Yemen

Two U.S. senators have introduced an amendment to the 2017 defense bill that would limit sales of U.S. bombs to Saudi Arabia until the country takes steps to mitigate the civilian suffering in the war against Yemen's Houthi rebels.

The amendment, introduced by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and co-sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., would also halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia until the country can show it's made a concerted effort to combat terrorist organizations like al-Qaida and ISIS. The amendment calls on the Saudis to take "all feasible precautions" to reduce the killing of civilians and civilian facilities in Yemen in accordance with international law – by Geoff Ziezulewicz and also

8.6.2016 – Senator Chris Murphy (A P)

Senator Murphy Delivers Remarks on Amendment to Place Conditions on Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia

Senator Murphy delivered remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate regarding his amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016 that would place new conditions on future air-to-ground munitions sales to Saudi Arabia. The amendment, introduced with U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), would require the President of the United States to formally certify that the Government of Saudi Arabia is demonstrating an ongoing effort to target terrorist groups, minimize harm to civilians, and facilitate humanitarian assistance before Congress can consider the sale or transfer of air-to-ground munitions to Saudi Arabia.

8.6.2016 – Lobelog (** B K P)

U.S. Military Assistance and Yemen

As the humanitarian situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate, the international community is increasingly questioning the involvement of external government actors there. Particularly under the microscope is the U.S. government, whose support to Yemen over the past decade has largely been in the form of military and police aid to fight al-Qaeda. Despite this scrutiny, however, the lack of transparency in U.S. security cooperation hasn’t received the attention it deserves.

Since 9/11, U.S. security assistance has surged to $17 billion per year. Much of this is supplied to unrepresentative, sectarian governments that use it to consolidate their grip on power and clamp down on dissent. Yemen is one such example—a country in which hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been squandered in failed attempts to work with an undemocratic regime to stamp out terrorism.

While there are many reasons for these failures, the lack of adequate transparency and oversight around U.S. security assistance is an important one – by Colby Goodman, acting director for the Security Assistance Monitor

16.5.2016 – The Guardian (** B K P)

Obama is bullish on war, no matter how you spin it

Barack Obama has now been at war longer than any president in United States history, as the New York Times pointed out on Sunday. Barring some sort of peace miracle in the next six months, he will be the only president who ever served two full terms in office while constantly being at war. And given how he has transformed how the US fights overseas, his wars will likely continue long after he leaves office.

Anytime the media writes about Obama and war, it’s apparently a rule that the author must mention that Obama supposedly fights his wars more reluctantly than his predecessors. But in many contexts, this is misleading. Obama hasn’t attempted to avoid war; he has merely redefined it. In some ways, he has fought them in a far more aggressively than any president before him, just with different tools.

Rather than being remembered as the reluctant warrior, pushed into war by circumstance, there is far more likelihood Obama will be remembered as the opposite: the president who cemented the forever war mentality and architecture that has continually expanded, and that tragically shows no signs of slowing. – by Trevor Timm

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

10.6.2016 – Huffington Post (A P)

We Need to Talk About Yemen

In Parliament this week there was a debate on human rights and arms sales to Saudi Arabia, MPs across party lines raised concerns about the Saudi-led Coalition’s conduct in Yemen, and the UK’s involvement through its military support and arms sales.

It is time for the Government to concede to the overwhelming amount of evidence of violations of international humanitarian law.

Similar to the Justice Secretary’s act of cancelling a contract with the Saudi Arabian prison system, we need the Foreign Secretary to use his influence and take robust action to ensure Yemeni children and their families are better protected. This is why I’m calling on the Government to urgently set up a full and proper independent investigation into alleged violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen; and to immediately suspend all arms sales to Saudi Arabia until evidence can be provided that UK arms are not being used in any such violations – by Diana Johnson MP

9.6.2016 – Human Rights watch (A H P)

Dispatches: UK’s Failed Efforts to Curb Saudi Torture

An absence of candor and transparency in British policy towards Saudi is not confined to Yemen. New revelations, which only came to light following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, show that Britain is training Saudi policemen and prison guards. This despite the fact that Human Rights Watch and others have documented many cases of serious abuses by the Saudi Ministry of the Interior that oversees their work. This includes allegations of torture and ill-treatment in prisons and detention centers, such as beatings, electrocution, and pouring chemicals into the mouths of detainees. As the UK Foreign Office should know well, Saudi Arabia also tends to treat political dissidents, government critics, and human rights activists the same way that it does alleged terrorists: convicting them in laughably unfair trials in its Specialised Criminal Court (Saudi’s terrorism tribunal). All because they dared to suggest peaceful political reform in the Kingdom – by David Mepham, HRW IK director

9.6.2016 – Belkis Wille (A P)

Excellent letter on UK position regarding Saudi-led coalition violations in Yemen … -Response

Comment: Nothing new at all from UK.

9.6.2016 – The Independent (* A K P)

The Government has finally admitted we're at war in Yemen – thanks to our relationship with Saudi Arabia

After repeated claims that Britain’s reloading of the Saudi Arabian Royal Air Force’s bomb bays does not mean Britain is at war with Yemen – where its ordnance are dropped – the government finally conceded that it is.

In a tense exchange with parliamentarians in a debate on the British sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, Alan Duncan, the government’s Special Envoy to Yemen, said: “We are in conflict for a reason”. Duncan’s admission officially confirms of what every sensible person has known since March 2015.

The truth is that the arms trade of a handful of private arms companies with Saudi Arabia is simply off limits to our country’s democratic apparatus as well as its civil society.

No matter what the government says, Saudi Arabia is not a reliable partner for the promotion of peace but an albatross around our necks making us complicit in the chaos and destruction is reaps across the Middle East – by Diane Abbott MP

8.6.2016 – Parliament (A P)

Human Rights and Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia — [Mrs Cheryl Gillan in the Chair]

[the debate in full]

Comment by save the Children: he turnout for the debate was much better than we expected, and included a number of MPs who hadn’t previously been involved in debates on the issue. MPs from across different political parties spoke out and raised our specific calls and concerns. The government’s response? They didn’t budge. It was hugely frustrating, but unsurprising.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

10.6.2016 - Propagandaschau (A P)

Erpressung der UN? – Zuschauer von ARD und ZDF wissen nichts über angeblich getötete Kinder im Jemen

Kommentar: Mangelhafte Fernsehberichterstattung in Deutschland über die Erpressung der UN durch die Saudis - wen wundert's noch? Im Netz hat die ARD (Tagesschau) aber durchaus berichtet, s. cp1b. Auf die Aktivierung des Links wurde hier bewusst verzichtet.

8.6.2016 – Die Grünen (A P)

Saudi-Arabien: Drastischer Verstoß gegen Prinzipien der Weltgemeinschaft

Zu den Berichten, Saudi-Arabien habe einen UN-Bericht über Kinder als Opfer des Kriegs im Jemen manipuliert, erklärt Omid Nouripour, Sprecher für Außenpolitik:

Mit den Manipulationen des UN-Berichts über Kinder als Opfer des Krieges im Jemen hat Saudi-Arabien massiv gegen die Prinzipien der internationalen Gemeinschaft verstoßen. Die Weltgemeinschaft muss den Generalsekretär gegen eine solche politisch motivierte Einflussnahme schützen.

Das gilt nicht nur für die Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats, sondern auch für die Bundesregierung, die in Gestalt des Außenministers Steinmeier lieber die „legitimen Sicherheitsinteressen“ Saudi-Arabiens betont. 0

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

10.6.2016 – The Star (A K P)

Justin Trudeau defends Saudi deal — ‘We’re not a banana republic’: Paul Wells

Prime minister doesn’t like contract to sell light armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia, but scrapping it would jeopardize Canada’s business relationships with countries around world, he says.

Canada would be seen as a “banana republic” if it scrapped a $15-billion deal to sell armed vehicles to Saudi Arabia, Justin Trudeausays.

“People have to know that when you sign a deal with Canada, a change in governments won’t immediately scrap the jobs and benefits coming from it,” the prime minister said in an interview in his office in Parliament’s Centre Block. “Because we’re not a banana republic.”

The prime minister’s remarks constituted his most forceful defence yet of an arms deal that promises substantial economic benefits, but has turned into a public-relations nightmare for a government that prizes itself as a human-rights champion – by Paul Wells

Comment: Just ashaming.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

9.6.2016 – Washington Post (* A K P)

The world lost more than $13 trillion last year because of war

Violence and worsening conflict cost the world more than $13.6 trillion last year, according to an annual study of the toll of violence worldwide. That figure amounts to some 13 percent of global GDP.

The analysis can be found within the Global Peace Index 2016 report, which is put out each year by the Institute of Economics and Peace, an Australia-based think-tank

Comment: And US arms industry made $ 100 billion.

9.6.2016 – Middle East Eye (A K P)

Qatar purchases $677m worth of Apache helicopters from US

Move comes as Qatar slashes domestic budget, with cuts hitting museums and Al-Jazeera

Apache helicopters are equipped with laser-guided missiles and high-powered machine guns.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

10.6.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Djibouti: Inter-agency update for the response to the Yemeni situation #42 (9 May - 31 May 2016)

According to the latest available statistics from IOM and the Djibouti government, 35,562 persons of mixed nationalities have arrived in Djibouti as of 23 April 2016 (since 26 March 2015). Of those, 19,636 persons (56 per cent) are Yemeni nationals. and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe cp1a Am wichtigsten / See cp1a Most important

1.4.2016 – Terror Trends Bulletin (* B T)

France Slowly Emerges from Denial and Starts Shutting Down Mosques

Another case in which the son of an Imam became a Jihadist terrorist is that of Adnan Gulshair el-Shukrijumah, the son of Gulshair Muhammad el-Shukrijumah, the Imam at the notorious Masjid Nur al-Islam mosque in Brooklyn, who made a career on the payroll of the Saudi government preaching Islamic supremacism and Jihad. The elder el-Shukrijumah also preached sermons at Masjid al-Farooq mosque in the same area of Brooklyn, which served as the religious base of operations for Ramzi Youssef and the other 1993 World Trade Center bombers – by Christopher W. Holton

cp15 Propaganda

9.6.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Right to protect our borders

why would a respected organization like the UN think a country like Saudi Arabia intends to destroy Yemen and hurt the Yemenis?
When hostilities broke out about a year ago in Yemen, it wasn’t something that Saudi Arabia had planned for or wanted. Saudi Arabia shares more than 1,800 kilometers of rugged borders and it is in our interest to see a happy, prosperous and stable Yemen. And the Saudi-led coalition was intended to stabilize Yemen and restore the legitimate government that was toppled by the Iran-backed Houthis.
Even at the start of the conflict Saudi Arabia had announced that the action was taken because of the direct threat to the Kingdom. The Saudi-led action wasn’t aimed at a particular sect. It was aimed at stabilizing Yemen and protection of our borders. The Saudi-led coalition made every effort to avoid civilian causalities. This is the reason behind using very precise and very expensive munitions for minimal damage.

The report that the United Nations has released lacks accuracy and the report goes as far as addressing Houthis as a legitimate entity at a time all people in Yemen know about the heinous crimes committed by these militants – by Abdulateef Al-Mulhim

Comment: And again and again… now filled up with the US, Israel, Russia… and the UN report.

8.6.2016 – The National UAE (A P)

The value of Aden in the fight for Yemen

Aden is a pivotal city in the conflict.

The presence of the Yemeni government in Aden at the start of the holy month of Ramadan sends a much bigger message. The path out of the war has been established and with the help of the Saudi-led coalition, Yemen will soon be free from the Houthi’s nefarious influence.

Comment: Are there peace negotiations or not?

8.6.2016 – The National UAE (A H)

UAE sends aid to Yemen’s Socotra Islands

The UAE is sending 12 planeloads carrying 400 tonnes of Ramadan food supplies to Yemen’s Socotra Island to help Yemenis.

Comment: Like colonialists, the Emiratis have occupied Socotra island. Now transformed to an Emirati military center, they later want to exploit the island for luxury tourism.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

9.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

Flying KILLERS: Saudi warplanes roam skies of #Yemen capital attacking Mareb & Nihm regions on day 3 of Ramadhan.

9.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Aggression continues to breach ceasefire

[follow details]

9.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi fighter jet wages raid on Harib-Nehm

9.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch two raids on Serwah

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Aggression, mercenaries continue to breach ceasefire

[follow details]

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Hostile war jets launch two raids on Mareb

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage two raids on Jawf

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi war jets launch raids on al-Amaliqa camp

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

10.6.2016 – UN News centre (A K P)

Rocket and mortar attacks in Yemen’s Taiz condemned by UN rights office

The United Nations human rights office today strongly condemned a series of rocket and mortar attacks against several residential areas and markets in Taiz, Yemen, since last Friday, which killed 18 civilians including seven children, and injured 68 others.

“Several markets were hit while full of people who were shopping ahead of Ramadan,” said Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, at apress briefing in Geneva.

According to several victims injured during an attack near the Delux Market on 3 June, the shelling originated from the Tabat Al-Sofitel hill, in the eastern part of the city of Taiz, which is currently under the control of the Popular Committees affiliated with the Houthis and forces loyal to former President Saleh.

The shelling on civilian areas reportedly continued until the evening of 4 June and restarted on the 6th, when several houses in the Al Ta’iziyah and Al-Qahirah districts were hit, killing three civilians and injuring twelve others, including nine children.

Another very serious incident took place in the early hours of 8 June when a school near the Al-Thawrah hospital was hit, killing five people, including three children.

“All victims belonged to a marginalized community, the Al-Muhamasheen, and had taken refuge in the school after having been forced to flee their homes due the ongoing violence. According to eyewitnesses, the shelling also came from the Tabat Al-Sofitel Hill,” Ms. Shamdasani said.

9.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Aggression continues to breach ceasefire

[follow details]

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Aggression, mercenaries continue to breach ceasefire

[follow details]

8.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

The aggression’s hirelings continued firing and artillery bombing on the citizens’ houses in Al-Hamad village and al-Mehzam area in the dal-Maton district of Jawf province.

8.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

U.S./Houthi SHOWDOWN? Houthis gain ground in clashes & inch closer to #Yemen Anad airbase were 100s US troops based.

8.6.2016 – Al Zawaya (A K PH)

Baitha’a: The Death and Injury of Several Al-Qaeda Elements and Mercenaries

Baitha’a Several mercenaries of the Saudi American aggression and Al-Qaeda elements have been killed or injured on yesterday Tuesday as a result of a failed attempt to advance, repelled by the Yemeni army and popular committees.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

10.6.2016 – Washington Post (D)

In about two weeks, the lions and leopards at this zoo in Yemen may be out of food

TAIZ, Yemen — Add lions and endangered Arabian leopards to the casualties of Yemen’s civil war. To see the impact, enter through the rusting gates of the zoo in this southwestern city, go past the handful of donkeys in a fenced compound and walk toward the cages.

6.6.2016 - Blue Bottle (C)

Retracing the Historic Route of Coffee

2013 – Academia (** C)

The “shabab”, institutionalized politics and the Islamists in the Yemeni revolution

Comment: A very long read on the 'Arab Spring', Yemen, the international mingling in the Yemeni scenario. Some points are accurate, others start from a Western point of view.
Still, interesting read.

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