Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 159

Yemen Press Reader 159: USA-Nahostpolitik - Insel Sokotra – Kämpfe im „Waffenstillstand“ – Überblick Gesundheit – Überblick Migration – Nur “unsere” Toten zählen – Saudis finanzieren Clinton

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US Middle Eastern policy - Socotra – Fighting in “ceasefire” – Health overview – Migration overview – Only „our“ dead are counting – Saudis financing Hillary Clinton – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

16.6.2016 – Middle East Eye (** B K P)

US free to blunder in Middle East until it faces worthy adversary, policy expert says

International relations expert John Mearsheimer says US foreign policy will be 'more irresponsible than ever' unless it is checked by rising China

The United States has made a "giant mess" of the Middle East and will continue its abysmal foreign policy blunders unless it faces a peer competitor such as China in the near future, according to a prominent US international relations expert.

John Mearsheimer, a political science professor at the University of Chigaco, said that since 2001, the US had sought regime change in five countries in the greater Middle East, failed miserably in all, and yet continues to follow the same flawed policies.

The reason its does so, he told an audience at the Chatham House think-tank on Thursday evening, was because of its unopposed global position, its enviable geographic security and the "groupthink" of a Washington bent on global dominance.

He said only the rise of another great power, acting as a counterbalance, could change the status quo.

"The first thing you have to understand is American grand strategy. We are bent on dominating the world militarily and we are deeply committed to spreading liberal democracyall over the planet.

"Underlying this strategy is the assumption, in the words of Madeline Albright, that the United States is the 'indispensable nation'; the idea that we are superior to everybody else. So we have the right, the responsibility and the wisdom to dominate a region, like the Middle East, and do social engineering at the end of a rifle barrel.

"That's what's driving foreign policy. And the centrepiece of the United States's grand strategy has been regime change in five places - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt. Yet all have been disasters.

"Just look at the record. It's one abysmal failure after another; the terrorism problem is worse, the refugee problem rocking Europe - that's mainly the compliments of the United States.

"Yet we continue to pursue these policies." – by Graeme Baker

15.6.2016 – The Duran (** A P)

The Game for Yemen: Saudi Arabia and Washington Both Pitch for Socotra Island

Socotra allows for the monitoring of the world oil route, offering a bird eye view over both Bab al Mandan and the Strait of Hormuz. Though the US staked its claim on Yemen long ago, it is Saudi Arabia today which could soon succeed where others have failed.

The missing link in America’s arsenal, Washington was not exactly about to let go of Yemen’s island – territorial sovereignty or not, Socotra would have to be brought into the fold of America’s imperialism … only to be swept off by Saudi Arabia’s very own.

Yemen’s president Ali Abdullah Saleh was reported to have “surrendered Socotra to the Americans who would set up a military base, pointing out that U.S. officials and the Yemeni government agreed to set up a military base in Socotra to counter pirates and al-Qaeda.”

The establishment of an air force base on the island of Socotra was described by the US media as part of the “Global war on Terrorism”.

In 1999, Socotra was chosen “as a site upon which the United States planned to build a signal intelligence system….” Yemeni opposition news media reported that “Yemen’s administration had agreed to allow the U.S. military access to both a port and an airport on Socotra.” According to the opposition daily Al-Haq, “a new civilian airport built on Socotra to promote tourism had conveniently been constructed in accordance with U.S. military specifications.” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), October 18, 2000).

Have you ever wondered why the US would stand side by side with Saudi Arabia against Yemen, while Washington exerted so much efforts brokering peace in the impoverished nation in the first place? I would argue the US does not want to see the fruits of its labour in Socotra and Southern Yemen lost.

I would argue that it was Washington’s overt dependence on Saudi Arabia to “look after” its interests in southern Arabia which has created this political mess. A new exceptional power is rising to the table where empires come to rest. The Saudi Kingdom propelled itself ahead of the flock, a grand master over its former master.

Forget America’s military footprint … Riyadh is now on the prowl – a very oil wealthy, and lobby strong Riyadh!

Through the UAE, Saudi Arabia clearly entered the fray. Why use the UAE? Because Abu Dhabi needs Yemen on a tight leash if Dubai is to remain the sheikhdom’s golden calf.

By all accounts Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen is playing into very important political lay lines – which if we are not careful could soon re-arrange a map of the region we won’t be too happy to look at – by Catherine Shakdam

15.6.2016 – The Independent (** A K)

Yemen conflict: Girl shot while collecting water among hundreds of civilians killed and injured during 'ceasefire'

Sunood, 12, survived but the UN says almost 10,000 civilians have been killed and wounded

A 12-year-old girl shot in the stomach as she collected water with her family is among the hundreds of civilians injured and killed during a supposed ceasefire in Yemen.

Humanitarian organisations say intense fighting and bombardment has continued in parts of the country since April’s agreement, as the internationally recognised government, rebels,Isis and al-Qaeda battle for territory.

At least 9,700 civilians casualties have been recorded in the conflict so far and men, women and children continue to be caught in the brutal crossfire.

Medics said shelling and air strikes continued to rage down on the city [of Taiz], where fighters loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, Houthi rebels, Isis and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) have been fighting for control.

Civilians trapped in the besieged area are at the mercy of bomb blasts, landmine explosions and daily sniper fire as battles rage in densely populated areas – by Lizzie Dearden

15.6.2016 – UNOCHA (** B H)

Yemen Health Overview, June 2016

Less than 30% of needed medicines are now entering #Yemen, people are dying of preventable diseases

16.6.2016 – Danish Refugee Council, Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (** A H)

Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa & Yemen Region, May 2016

Regional mixed migration summary for May 2016 covering mixed migration events, trends and data for Djibouti, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Puntland, Somalia, Somaliland and Yemen.

Internal displacement: The 9th report of the Task Force of Population Movement confirmed that at the end of May 2016, there were 2,818,072 individuals internally displaced within Yemen. Over 2 million IDPs continue to be displaced across 21 governorates, and nearly 800,000 IDPs have been tracked as having returned to or within 19 governorates.

Continued arrivals from the Horn of Africa: A total of at least 9,835 migrants and asylum seekers (86% Ethiopians and 14% Somalis) (85% male, 15% female) arrived from the Horn of Africa to Yemen

Migrant vulnerability: Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees arriving in Yemen on the Red Sea coasts in May continued to report witnessing or being victim to numerous violations along their journeys.

Departures from Yemen: As of 31st May 2016, the number of people fleeing Yemen to the Horn of Africa (Djibouti Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan) had totalled 87,121 persons (35,562 in Djibouti, 32,405 in Somalia, 12,780 in Ethiopia, and 6,374 in Sudan). and in full and map:

16.6.2016 – Nachdenkseiten (** A P)

Je suis heuchlerisch … warum zählen für uns nur „unsere“ Toten?

Am 12. Juni kam es zum Massaker von Orlando. Zwei Tage später, also vorgestern, wurden in Niger am Tschad-See 42 Fischer kaltblütig von Terroristen abgeschlachtet. Keine Meldung dazu in den Medien, keine Solidaritätsadresse mit den Opfern von der Kanzlerin. Kein Facebook-Nutzer kam auf die Idee, sich einen Fisch in sein Profilbild montieren zu lassen. Warum auch? Sind ja nur Afrikaner, die sind es ja gewohnt, abgeschlachtet zu werden.

Selbst schuld – wer in Somalia oder im Jemen lebt, der muss halt damit rechnen, von uns nicht als Mensch, sondern als potentieller Kollateralschaden gesehen zu werden. Uns interessieren nur „unsere“ Opfer. Und wenn – Gott bewahre – demnächst sogar Deutsche Opfer von Terrorattacken werden … ja dann wird es wochenlang Brennpunkte in der ARD geben und wir werden ganz bestimmt unsere Facebook-Profile auf Ewigkeiten aus bloßer Solidarität heraus schwarz, rot, gold erstrahlen lassen. Denn wenn es um echte Solidarität geht, macht uns niemand etwas vor! – von Jens Berger

cp2 Allgemein / General

17.6.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (* B K P)

Saudi Arabia and Yemenite tragedy

[Overview on Saudi Arabia’s war crimes, international criticism and the UNO]

However, if we take a loot at the backstage of this bloody conflict, we begin to think that Western countries needed it at some stage. Is it no mere chance that during the conflict, the USA, France, Britain, Germany and Canada actively supplied weapons to Saudi Arabians and its allies, including the same cluster bombs? It cannot be ruled out that through purposeful provision of intelligence information, they arouse concerns of Riyadh about Iran influence in Yemen (it actually took place, but was its scale so great to start a war?). Meanwhile, the KSA and and its allies were pushed in this carnage at the moment (early 2015), when the entire Western countries came to an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program and began to normalize relations with it.

However, the conflict, which was aimed at causing a clash between Saudi Arabia and Iran, drifted out of control by late 2016, and started to threaten the Saudi regime – the major ally of the USA in the Middle East. But Washington had no plans regarding this. The USA, like other Anglo-Saxons, used this regional war to implement a classic scheme – divide and rule – and to sell new multibillion weapons consignment to its satellites, rather than undermine positions of the allied ruling Saudi family. Such a threat occurred. They had to attract all the powers of human rights advocacy organization and the UNO to return the Saudis to a more positive approach in Yemen affairs – by Pogos Anastasov

16.6.2016 – Yemen Post (B K)

Taiz MECCA of WAR: 1505 civilians killed in #Yemen city Taiz by Houthi rockets/clashes &Saudi missiles in 14 months.

Comment: This figure just for Taiz makes clear that all the figures reported for the whole country are much too low.

16.6.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (* A K P)

Saudi Arabia is Knee-Deep in Yemeni Blood

The White House’s campaign to establish unconditional control over both national and international media sources manifests itself in a number of ways. These sources only publish article on topics that suit Washington’s agenda, while outright ignoring all others.
As for the steps that Washington’s puppets take, they are rarely mentioned and certainly never criticized, in a bid to avoid Washington’s discontent and the subsequent withdrawal of “additional funding” these sources get.

Any country that commits such atrocities must be held responsible for its actions in international court. But while Saudi Arabia enjoys the protection of Washington, while trying to bribe and deflect any investigation into its criminal actions with its vast reserve of petrodollars, it remains confident that it can safely carry on with its barbaric actions in Yemen. It’s curious that nobody has mentioned the fact that since the United States sold cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, it has the right to make the decision on whether those should be used against civilian targets in Yemen. Therefore, Washington feels entitled to decide the fate of this sovereign state and its citizens, as if the international community and its laws never existed. While the killing of thousands of civilians in Yemen goes unpunished, it’s high time to demand the international community and a number of international institutions to wake up and put an end to this barbarism – by Martin Berger

15.6.2016 – The American Conservative (* A K P)

The World Continues to Fail the People of Yemen

[Relating to and quoting Offenheiser in TIME, listed here in cp7]

The Obama administration and Cameron’s government have not only provided the Saudi-led coalition with the means to pummel and starve Yemen, but they have gone out of their way to make sure that the coalition’s wrongdoing (and their complicity in it) is covered up as much as possible. The Saudis have worked hard to whitewash the coalition’s record, and in this Washington and London (among others) have given them significant help.

All of this [the humanitarian catastrophe and the devastations of the war] has been covered in intermittent news reports on the war on Yemen, but somehow the enormous scale of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Yemen continues to be overlooked by most of the rest of the world.

Much of the population is on the verge of famine. This is a famine that has been brought about largely because of the coalition’s intervention and blockade, and one that could still be prevented from claiming more victims – by Daniel Larison

15.6.2016 – Critical Threats (* A K P)

Gulf of Aden Security Review

[ Yemen events day by day, from June 15 backwards]

17.6.2016 – AP (A P)

Minister disowns comment that UAE’s role in Yemen is over

A top diplomat in the United Arab Emirates [Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash] stepped back early Friday from his previous comments that the country’s part in the Saudi-led war in Yemen was “over.”

“We are at war. I am appalled that my statement was taken out of context and misinterpreted for (an) external agenda that seek to undermine the region and the (Gulf Cooperation Council) in particular,” Gargash said. and by Middle East Eye:

17.6.2016 – WAM (* A K P)

My statement was taken out of context, UAE is continuing war in support of legitimacy in Yemen, says Gargash

The Arab Coalition countries are still hoping that the ongoing Yemeni talks in Yemen will lead to political solution, based on the GCC Initiative and the Security Council resolution 2216, however, military action and presence in the field will continue to counter rebels and to return Yemen to Arab fold, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs has said.

He also said that the statement which he made on Tuesday during a lecture attended by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, was taken out of context.

"We are at war. I am appalled that my statement was taken out of context and misinterpreted for external agenda that seek to undermine the region and the GCC in particular," he added

16.6.2016 – DPA (A K P)

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Emirate beenden Kriegseinsatz

Die Vereinten Arabischen Emirate haben ihren Militäreinsatz im Jemen für beendet erklärt. «Unser Standpunkt heute ist klar: Der Krieg ist für unsere Truppen vorbei», zitierte der Kronprinz von Abu Dhabi, Scheich Mohammed bin Said al-Nahjan, am Mittwoch auf Twitter den emiratischen Vize-Aussenminister Anwar Gargasch. Nun gehe es laut Gargasch um politische Übereinkünfte und die Unterstützung der Jemeniten in den «befreiten Gebieten».

Kommentar: Diese überall verbreitete Meldung hat sich schnell als falsch erwiesen. Gargasch hat seine Aussage schon wieder relativiert (s. oben auf Englisch).

17.6.2016 – NZZ (A K P)

Ende Feuer für Abu Dhabi in Jemen

Gargash zog eine Art Bilanz, sie fiel ebenso apologetisch aus. Die Intervention der arabischen Koalition habe drei Ziele gehabt, sagte der Junior-Aussenminister. Man habe die Krise in Jemen zurück auf die «politische Schiene» holen, die legitime Regierung wieder einsetzen und der iranischen Einmischung in der Region die Stirn bieten wollen. All dies habe eine militärische Intervention unabdingbar gemacht.

Dies klingt ausserordentlich beschönigend. Zu sagen, die Kriegsziele in Jemen seien erreicht, ist kühn. Hadi kontrolliert nach wie vor nur Teile des Landes. In den «befreiten» Gebieten herrscht nacktes Chaos. Auch die Behauptung, die Krise sei auf die politische Schiene zurückgeholt worden, klingt wie blanker Hohn – von Ulrich Schmid

Kommentar: Auch hier weitgehende Spekulationen, die auf die Meldung aufbauen, die Emirate würden sich aus dem Krieg zurückziehen. Schmids Bilanz von Gargaschs Propagandavortrag ist freilich unabhängig davon zutreffend.

16.6.2016 – Think Progress (B K P)

Saudi’s War On Yemen Is Falling Apart

The Saudi-led bombing campaign of Yemen appears to be crumbling following the publishing of a U.N. report holding the oil-rich kingdom culpable for the killing of civilians — the latest development being a possible withdrawal of Emirati troops from Saudi Arabia’s coalition – by Justin Salhani

Comment: See above: This was a misinterpretation.

15.6.2016 – AP (A K P)

UAE declares war in Yemen is over for Emirati troops

The United Arab Emirates has announced the end of the war in Yemen for Emirati troops, though it may continue to keep its forces there for counter-terrorism operations.

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan carried the announcement on his official Twitter account late Wednesday. He was quoting the UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, who'd given a speech earlier saying the "war is over for our troops."

Gargash is quoted as saying the UAE was "monitoring political arrangements" and "empowering Yemenis in liberated areas." and by Reuters

Comment: This was a misunderstanding, the UAE will continue the war. The Crown Prince just refers to a propaganda lecture by Foreign Minister Gargash, also listed at cp15 Propaganda (WAM), and nothing more. See also here with Gargash’s main propaganda in his tweets

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: UAE says their troops no longer fighting in #Yemen who's flying the coalition jets in Sana'a sky now?

15.6.2016 – Defense News (* A K P)

UAE Announces End of Yemen Military Operations

[as above; Gargash’s propaganda lecture, and:]

According to Mahmoud Sharief Mahmoud, director of research at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, the military operations have ended.

"The role of the UAE noncombatant forces will begin with civilian forces in Yemen to start the process of nation building," Mahmoud said. He added that the UAE forces will remain in a security posture until the transition is complete.

"We should be expecting the return of UAE forces within the coming months as their will not be any immediate withdrawal until security is stabilized," Mahmoud added.

15.6.2016 – Journal 21 (* B K P)

Machtkampf Iran contra Saudi-Arabien

Im heutigen Krieg zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten spielt die Machtrivalität zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien die entscheidende Rolle. In Teil 2 seines Überblicks beleuchtet Arnold Hottinger militärische und wirtschaftliche Brennpunkte dieses Kampfes.


Die Zaiditischen Huthis in Jemen

Nasser und der Bürgerkrieg in Jemen

Die Rolle Irans und der Saudis in Jemen

Der saudische Luftkrieg in Jemen

Verheerende Folgen des andauernden Krieges in Jemen

Verhandlungen ohne Durchbruch


Der Erdölpreis wird ein Kampfinstrument

Saudische Erdöl-Rechnungen

Umbau der saudischen Wirtschaft – von Arnold Hottinger

Kommentar: Guter Überblick über den Jemenkrieg und seine Vorgeschichte, weiter den Syrienkrieg und die saudische Wirtschaft. Es ist freilich etwas unglücklich, den Jemenkrieg hier auch unter dem saudisch-iranischen Machtkampf einzufügen, da der Iran im Jemenkrieg nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt.

16.6.2016 – Red Alert Politics (* B K P)

The Obama foreign policy failure no one knows about
The American public has ignored the worst example of Obama’s foreign policy adventurism and its failures — Yemen.

To further Western goals of stability, the Obama administration has turned a blind eye to human rights abuses. And the president hasn’t shown any indication that policy will change.

The United States has remained silent.

“The U.S. has enabled the Saudi-led war from the start, and has aided the coalition in pummeling and starving Yemen as the horrifying consequences of the intervention have steadily increased,” Daniel Larison noted in The American Conservative – by Anthony Hennen

Comment: A short overview.

06.2016 – Le Monde Diplomatique (B K)

Les déchirures du Yémen

Comprendre le conflit yéménite contemporain impose d’aller au-delà de la récente séquence qui a suivi le « printemps arabe ». En effet, cette guerre est non seulement le résultat de la faillite de la transition, mais aussi un héritage de plusieurs conflits armés qui l’ont précédée et qui souffrent tous d’avoir été mal réglés – par Laurent Bonnefoy

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe cp1 Am wichtigsten / See cp1 Most important

16.6.2016 – UN News centre (A H)

Some 13 million Yemenis need immediate help amid bleak conditions – senior UN relief official

The top United Nations relief official for Yemen has reported that more than 13 million Yemenis are in need of immediate life-saving assistance as a result of a bleak humanitarian situation in the country that continues to worsen.

“The humanitarian situation in Yemen is among the world’s worst crises. The scale and intensity of the humanitarian situation here is bleak – and by many measures it’s continuing to get worse,” Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, said in a press briefing in Sana’a.

“The war has taken a very heavy toll on the country and its people. It is no exaggeration to say the economy is on the verge of total collapse,” he added.

16.6.2016 – World Food Programme (* A H)

Yemen Market Watch Report, Issue No. 1, May 2016

Limited availability of foreign currency pushed the parallel exchange rate up to 300 YER for 1 USD.

Food commodity prices are constantly rising, leading to an increase in the monthly cost of the basic food basket.

Fuel commodities are all more expensive in May 2016 than in April.

Food commodities availability in May 2016 is worse than in April while the fuel commodities are scarcely available across the whole country.

Taiz shows the highest prices of fuel and food commodities.

According to Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) methodology, the national red beans market is on crisis, while vegetable oil is on stress and sugar. and in full:

16.6.2016 – World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, Food Security Cluster (A H)

Yemen - Emergency Food Assistance: Total number of Beneficiaries Targeted/Reached by the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Partners - May 2016

Yemen - Livelihood Restoration (Agriculture Livelihood) Assistance: Total number of Beneficiaries Targeted/Reached by the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Partners - May 2016

16.6.2016 – World Food Programme

UNHRD Operations Update - Response to the Crisis in Yemen, as of 15 June 2016

Since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015, UNHRD has supported 6 Partners responding to the crisis by sending 413 MT of critical relief items, equipment and medical supplies to Djibouti and Yemen. Most recently, UNHRD dispatched 35 metric tons of medicine to Hoedida on behalf of WHO.

15.6.2016 – Yemen Post (B H)

4000+ Civilians DIED in #Yemen hospitals from lack treatment & @WHO says 1200 foreign doctors left Yemen due to war.

15.6.2016 – UNOCHA (* A H)

Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2016 (HRP)

Infographs in funding. Up to now, 19,4 % funded.

15.6.2016 – Food and Agriculture Organization, Government of Yemen

Yemen: Current Acute Food Insecurity Situation overview June 2016

The conflict damaged the public and private infrastructure; destabilized the market system and prices; negatively affected employment opportunities and income and devastated livelihoods, exposing millions of the rural and urban population to destitution and food insecurity.

About 51% of the population is suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition, in line with Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4). The population under Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and Crisis (IPC Phase 3) has increased by 9.4% compared to the results of the June 2015 IPC analysis. Moreover, the conflict displaced more than 2.75 million since March 2015. Of concern is the Around Taiz governorate where 1,028,610 people (33% of the population) are under Emergency (IPC Phase 4) and 832,667 people (27% of the population) are under Crisis (IPC Phase 3). The food security and nutrition situation is under constant deterioration in many parts of Taiz due to the ongoing active conflict, restrictions, disruption of markets, scarcity and high price of food and absence of basic health, water and sanitation services. and in full:

15.6.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (* B H)

Yemen: Treating gunshot, grenade and mine injuries in Aden

“This was the first time I was confronted with injuries caused by gunshots, grenades and mines – and they were often horrific injures,” reflects Helmut Shoengen, an anaesthetist/doctor who recently returned from working in Aden, Yemen with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

“We treated many severely injured patients, men, women and children as well, with gunshot wounds to their heads, chests, abdomens, arms and legs. Grenade injuries were bad, because they often included burn injuries to the face,” Helmut said.

“But the worst ones were the mine injuries where limbs would just be ripped apart.”

In Aden, MSF has been running an independent emergency surgical centre. Between March 2015 and March 2016, MSF alone received more than 8,000 injured – by Helmut Schöngen =

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

1.6.2010 – Fast Company (* B K)

Yemen Architectural Treasures We Shouldn't Bomb Into Oblivion

The U.S. reopened its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen yesterday but warns it's still a major threat due to terrorists being harbored within its borders. Wait a second, where have we heard this before? Oh, yeah...and six years later, important archaeological sites are still getting pilfered in Iraq. Yemen might be a potential hotbed of terrorism, but it turns out it's also an extremely important country for architecture and urban development, including several protected World Heritage Sites. Let's take a tour, shall we?

Comment: This is from 2010. How prophetic!! And who really cared??

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

15.6.2016 – Sahar Ahmed (A P)

Burning photos of Yemen vice president and known terrorist facilitator Ali Muhsin Alahmar in Aden (image)

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Well this can't bode well for #Yemen gov't just recently returned to Aden. Being legit one thing, popular another.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

17.6.2016 – Gulf news (A P)

Yemen government delegation says no progress in peace talks

Government official says warring parties are not even able to have face-to-face discussions at this point

The Yemeni government delegation taking part in peace talks in Kuwait has flatly denied media reports about getting closer to reaching a peace deal.

“It is a chicken and egg situation. For two months, we have been pointlessly repeating the same thing; what should come first; Al Houthi withdrawal from cities or forming unity government,” the official said.

Comment: The official is certainly right. But his own government is mostly to blame for that stalemate.

16.6.2016 – The Peninsula Qatar (A P)

UN envoy hails Qatar's efforts for relief in Yemen

UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmad has underlined Qatar's efforts in supporting peace, stability and development and resolving regional and international conflicts through dialogue and peaceful means.

In an interview with (Arrayah) newspaper published Wednesday, the UN envoy said that the State of Qatar leads the world in supporting the Yemeni people through humanitarian aids and emergency relief as well as diplomatic efforts to stop the bloodshed.

He also underlines Qatar's efforts in launching initiatives that seek to unify the Yemeni ranks in the face of external challenges targeting its security and stability.

Comment: This is just embarrassing. He’s making himself the monkey of a state deeply involved in Yemen war and bombing.

16.6.2016 – AFP (*A P)

Mistrust clouds Yemen peace talks, eight weeks on

Yemen's warring parties are struggling to seal a peace deal as mutual mistrust has overshadowed eight weeks of UN-brokered talks in Kuwait that have failed to achieve any major breakthrough.

Yemen's foreign minister and the head of the government delegation, Abdulmalek al-Mikhlafi, told Sky News Arabia that nothing has been achieved since the talks began on April 21 and "we have been revolving in a vacuum".

He went further, threatening to pull out of the talks in a week's time if the Shiite "Huthis continue to reject peace".

A Western diplomat closely following the meetings told AFP of "persistent mutual distrust" between the warring sides.

The UN mediator in early June drafted a three-point peace plan he submitted to the delegates, according to government and diplomatic sources.

The plan calls for scrapping the rebels' "constitutional declaration" announced in February last year under which the Huthis dissolved the government and parliament and formed their own Supreme Revolutionary Committee to rule Yemen.

A military commission would be formed to oversee the rebels' surrender of heavy and medium weapons they have seized and withdrawal from parts of the country they overran, including Sanaa.

Also under the plan, the government -- which has moved to the main southern city Aden -- would return its headquarters to Sanaa "within two months", while President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi would declare a general amnesty.

Hadi's government would be replaced by a "national partnership government", paving the way for the resumption of the political process for a two-year transitional period, under the plan – by Omar Hasan with Taieb Mahjoub = and similar ba Al Araby

Comment: By a member of the Hadi government, "Huthis continue to reject peace" means they reject to fulfil all claims of the Hadi government, that is, they reject to fully capitulate. So simple propaganda can be.

16.6.2016 – Al Arabiya (A P)

Saudi ‘does not care’ about UN’s Yemen report source

Saudi’s envoy to the United Nations said on Thursday that the Arab-led coalition “does not care” to know the sources of information cited their report, which claimed children had been targeted in war-torn Yemen last year.

Abdullah al-Mouallimi insisted in an interview with Al Arabiya News Channel that instead, the coalition cares about accuracy of the information contained in the report.

The envoy added that he is confident that the dispute with the UN “is just a summer cloud that will quickly pass and it will end in reaching a solution that ends with a convincing solution for all.”

Comment: That is ridiculous because he himself had asked for the sources. I think he now pulls back just because blackmailing UN again now would be a great PR disaster for Saudi Arabia just again.

15.6.2016 – Reuters (A P)

U.N. won't disclose sources for report critical of Saudi coalition

The United Nations will not disclose to a Saudi Arabia-led coalition sensitive sources of information that led the world body to briefly blacklist it for maiming and killing children in Yemen, a U.N. spokesman said on Wednesday.

Saudi U.N. Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, in a June 8 letter on behalf of the coalition to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, asked the United Nations to reveal details on the sources of information for its report on violations of child rights during armed conflicts.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the world body has yet to respond to the letter, though he made clear the U.N. will not disclose details of its sources for the report.

"Protecting the sources of information that are used in this report, or any other report, is paramount, especially in a conflict area," he told reporters. "But we obviously welcome any information that the Saudi-led coalition may want to share with us." – by Louis Charbonneau

Comment: As the facts are evident, there would be nothing to share than – propaganda!

15.6.2016 – Voice of America (* A K P)

Yemeni Children in Line of Fire

Some Yemeni citizens are livid because the United Nations removed the Saudi-led coalition from a list of countries accused of violating children’s rights in Yemen. They say bombs continue to fall on civilian homes, hospitals and schools.

The cease-fire declared two months has not slowed the violence, according to Yemeni political analyst and journalist Nasser Arrabyee.

“There was no cease-fire. The warplanes are hovering over us all the time, around the clock,” Arrabyee said Wednesday from his home in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. “And sometimes bombing here or there.”

By removing the coalition from its list, adds Arrabyee, the U.N. is “officially supporting war crimes.” – by Heather Murdock

15.6.2016 – Time (* A K P)

The U.N. Failed Yemen’s Children

The U.N. must prioritize the survival of Yemenis over its bilateral relations

By capitulating, the U.N. relinquished some of its much-needed credibility as a mediator in Yemen and backtracked on the first of the founding promises of its charter, “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”

It is tempting to view the U.N.’s betrayal of Yemeni children exclusively as a failure of the U.N.’s leadership, but this incident is not an anomaly. For over a year, powerful U.N. member states have helped insulate the Saudi-led coalition from culpability and, in so doing, fueled its righteous outrage at attempts to hold it to account. Since its intervention in Yemen began over 15 months ago, the coalition has found the U.N. a highly convenient venue in which to be absolved of human rights abuses—thanks largely to the enabling of Saudi Arabia’s powerful allies, the U.S. and the U.K.

The U.N. has failed Yemen most through the silence of its most powerful body, the Security Council.

With much of Yemen’s population on the verge of famine and without access to basic health services, the U.N. and its most powerful member states must prioritize the survival of Yemenis over their bilateral relations – by Ray Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America

15.6.2016 – Washington Post (* A P)

Why kids in war-torn Yemen are raising money for the U.N.

Children in Yemen are fundraising for the United Nations. Yes, you heard right. A group of children in a war-torn country is raising money for the large peace-keeping organization.

The campaign, allegedly spearheaded by the mayor of Sanaa, protests the U.N.'s announcement last week that it plans to remove Saudi Arabia from its list of those harming children.

The United Nations states that its mission is to maintain international peace and foster cooperation to solve various social, humanitarian and economic problems. Human-rights groups who have people on the ground in Yemen have corroborated the U.N.'s findings. So, even temporarily removing Saudi Arabia from the list gives the impression that the country is off the hook and sets a bad precedent, experts say. The U.N.'s credibility is on the line – by Melissa Etehad

15.6.2016 – Inner City Press (* A P)

Inner City Press: I wanted to ask you about Burundi. I wanted to ask you this on Friday, but I'll ask it to you now. There's fairly well-documented reports of what seems to be human trafficking, i.e., women and girls being flown from Bujumbura to Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Spokesman: The UN may be aware of it. I'm not personally aware of it. I haven't seen the reports.

Comment: Will the UN fail again, the next victims of it’s failure now being African women and girls?

15.6.2016 – AFP (A P)

Yemen peace talks broach military, security concerns: UN

Yemen's warring parties have discussed forming military and security committees to oversee a transition period aimed at ending 14 months of fighting, the U.N. special envoy said Wednesday.

"Discussions continued on security and military issues, including the details of military and security committees," Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said in a statement early Wednesday.

The main sticking point in talks remains the form of the government that would oversee a transition back to normality once a peace deal is reached.

15.6.2016 – Fars News (A P)

Ansarullah Unilaterally Releases 57 PoWs in Yemen's Amran Province

Spokesman of Ansarullah Movement Mohammed Abdulsalam announced that the movement has freed over 50 prisoners of war (PoWs) in the province of Amran since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

The Ansarullah movement's spokesman, meantime, announced that the opposite side has not taken any measure to set free Ansarullah's PoWs so far despite a request by the United Nations.

Abdulsalam said that the delegation representing the resigned Yemeni government is affiliated to Saudi Arabia, taking orders from Riyadh on how to hold the negotiations.

14.6.2016 – Alwaght (A P)

Ansarullah Rejects Any Pact Not Meeting Yemenis Demands

The Ansarullah movement says it opposes any proposed solution to the crisis in Yemen if it does not meet the people's demands and expectations.

Abdul Salam who heads the Sanaa delegation, said, "We heard from the United Nations that it is preparing to propose a solution; however, if it does not meet the Yemenis demands (identifying the presidency situation, forming a national unity government and a military as well as a security committee, halting the Saudi-led aggression permanently, and lifting the blockade) then we will reject it."

"We demand the UN to pressurize the other party in order to reach a comprehensive, not partial solution," he added.

He said the Ansarullah movement believes the UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed should be given a chance to attain better results. He however said the UN envoy is in a hard position due to pressure exerted on him.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

17.6.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Yemeni visitors receive 6-month extension

The General Directorate of Passport has announced the extension of visit visas for Yemeni citizens residing in the Kingdom for another six months.
The current visit visas will expire on 20th of Ramadan (June 25). Authorities have finalized all preparations to extend the visas as of 13th Ramadan as a gesture of Kingdom’s continued support to Yemeni people, the announcement said.

Comment by Judith Brown: It seems that the Yemeni citizens who were allowed to enter Saudi Arabia due to the war will be allowed to stay longer. However, the numbers of Yemenis allowed into Saudi Arabia is very small, and most of those with visas were illegal,Yemeni workers who arrived before the war and were allowed to formalise their stay; most of the border with Yemen has been blocked throughout the war.

14.6.2016 – The Washington Times (A P)

Revolution in the desert: Saudi Arabia takes its first baby steps toward overhaul of an autocracy

Younger members of the royal family, many educated abroad (some of them in the United States) recognize that the shale revolution has changed the nature of the world energy market. Despite resistance from environmentalists and the absence of modern technology in some countries, the exploitation of shale oil and gas deposits, which are widely distributed around the world, is contributing to surpluses of fossil fuel.

Comment: Deputy crown prince Salman is describes as a somehow “reformer” here. No, he is not at all. And any overhauling of autocracy in Saudi Arabia is not in sight. Quite on the contrary: by his “reforms” in the field of economics, Salman wants to stabilize the Saudi autocracy which he sees to be menaced by the Saudi dependence on oil. He is the one who pushes autocracy forward by a much more aggressive foreign policy (for instance Yemen; Syria; bullying UN).

A quite similar article is this one:

15.6.2016 – Al Araby (A P)

Fast change driven by Riyadh's young prince

Mohammed bin Salman is a young man in a rush - to shake up Saudi society as he amasses unprecedented influence in the kingdom.

Vision 2030, unleashed in April, is nothing short of a blueprint for revolution - an economic revolution it should quickly be noted, and most definitely not a political one, or to put it another way, perestroikawithout the glasnost.

For now, the 30-year-old has the wind in his sails.

The deputy crown prince would score highly precisely because of one simple fact: Saudi youth identifies with him. Like him, they want change and they are impatient for it. Like him, they have little time for the niceties and conventions of a social order that sounds and feels archaic and out of step with the modern world. Like him, they want an economic revolution and they want it now – by Bill Law

31.5.2016 – Christian Today (* B P)

Islam is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, where the legal system is based on Sharia law. Courts regularly impose severe physical punishments, including the death penalty, for apostasy, and non-Muslim places of worship are prohibited.

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Saudi Arabia "remains uniquely repressive in the extent to which it restricts the public expression of any religion other than Islam".

The government prosecutes, imprisons and flogs individuals for dissent, apostasy, blasphemy and sorcery, and imposes "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom".

It's not only religious people who are targeted. A law enacted in 2014 equates atheism with terrorism. The legislation bans "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of Islamic religion." – by Carey Lodge

cp9 USA

Siehe cp 1 Am wichtigsten / See cp1 Most important

16.6.2016 – The Intercept (* A K P)

Worried About “Stigmatizing” Cluster Bombs, House Approves More Sales to Saudi Arabia

THE HOUSE ON THURSDAY narrowly defeated a measure that would have banned the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, but the closeness of the vote was an indication of growing congressional opposition to the conduct of the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led bombing coalition in Yemen.

The vote was mostly along party lines, with 200 Republicans – and only 16 Democrats – heeding the Obama administration’s urging to vote against the measure. The vote was 204-216.

“The Department of Defense strongly opposes this amendment,” said Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-N.J., chairman of the House Committee on Defense Appropriations, during floor debate. “They advise us that it would stigmatize cluster munitions, which are legitimate weapons with clear military utility.” – by Alex Emmons and see also

Comment: Anyway, the amendment failed. Thus, more cluster bombs can be transferred to Saudi Arabia, and can be bombed on Yemen. – And, this is crazy: The Obama administration likes cluster bombs.

Comment by Dr. Karim: US house failure 2ban CB sales 2 #KSA is another blow 2 humanity & IHL

16.6.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Obama to meet Saudi deputy crown prince on Friday: White House

U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with Saudi Arabia's powerful deputy crown prince on Friday and the two are expected to discuss conflicts in the Middle East including the campaign against Islamic State, a White House spokesman said on Thursday.

Friday's meeting will take place at the White House.

White House spokesman Eric Schultz said the meeting would provide an opportunity to discuss issues including the conflicts in Syria and Yemen and "our cooperation with the Saudis in the campaign against ISIL," as Islamic State is also known.

16.6.2016 – Bloomberg (* A P)

Saudi prince's under-the-radar US visit belies ambitious plans

Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is making his solo Washington debut this week, pitching an economic plan to investors and trying to counter negative views among U.S. lawmakers that his country isn't stopping terrorist financing. Just don't expect to see much of him.

Most of the agenda will focus on "restoring stability to the regional conflicts that we've seen, our cooperation with the Saudis against" Islamic State and the kingdom's new economic plan, he said.

Details of what's been discussed so far behind closed doors are sparse, but participants said the kingdom's economic overhaul, regional rival Iran, the wars in Yemen and Syria and the fight against Islamic State were all on the agenda – by Nafeesa Syeed and Brian Wingfield =

Comment: The greatest incendiary pretending to fight fire.

14.6.2016 – The Sydney Morning Herald (* A P)

Hillary Clinton links Saudi Arabia to terrorism and the world suddenly changes

Hillary Clinton has grasped what has long been the prickliest nettle in US diplomacy and directly linked Saudi Arabia to the funding of terrorism.

Only a few weeks ago, the topic appeared taboo.

But after the Orlando massacre at a gay nightclub, the worst mass shooting in modern US history, the Saudi role in promulgating Islamist hate around the world is suddenly on the table.

It's not that we didn't know. The WikiLeaks disclosures showed right back in Clinton's days as secretary of state that she was secretly savage about Saudi reluctance to stem the flow of private cash to extremist groups.

"It is long past time for the Saudis, Qataris and Kuwaitis and others to stop their citizens from funding extremist organisations," she declared in the aftermath of the Orlando attack.

"And they should stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path towards extremism." – by Daniel Flitton

Comment: That is just election campaign. And what a hypocrisy: Clinton herself is heavily founded by the Saudis (20 % of her election campaign, see YPR 158). And as Secretary of State, that was Clinton who promoted vast arms sales to Saudi Arabia, see and

Comment by Andrew Stiles: Clinton Foundation donations Saudi: $10-25 million Qatar: $1-5 million Kuwait: $5-10 million.

On this subject, see:

6.4.2015 – Mc Clatchy DC (** A P)

Arab nations’ donations to Clinton Foundation: Curing world’s ills or currying favor?

Four oil-rich Arab nations, all with histories of philanthropy to United Nations and Middle Eastern causes, have donated vastly more money to the Clinton Foundation than they have to most other large private charities involved in the kinds of global work championed by the Clinton family.

Since 2001, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates gave as much as $40 million to the Clinton Foundation.

“The fundamental issue here is that you’ve got foreign businesses and foreign governments giving money to the Clinton Foundation partly because of the foundation’s work, but also because of the access to the upper echelons of power in America,” said Lawrence Jacobs, a professor at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs – by Greg Gordon

On this subject, also:

13.6.2016 – Washington Examiner (* B P)

Less than half of Clinton Global Initiative projects were ever completed

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

15.6.2016 – Paul Barasi (A K P)

UK's Special Envoy to #Yemen @AlanDuncanMP has told MPs #Saudi bombing is supported because Hadi Government is ... legitimate

Comment by Bela Oksmyx: If so, why do the UN & the West say the Assad government is 'illegitimate' for doing the same thing?.

9.6.2016 – RT (* A K P)

Prince of war: ‘Salesman’ Charles used to push Saudi fighter jet deal for arms giant BAE

Heir to the throne Prince Charles faces renewed criticism over his role in the sale of British fighter jets to Saudi Arabia, which are now widely believed to have been used against civilians in the Gulf kingdom’s bloody Yemen intervention.

Scottish National Party (SNP) MP Margaret Ferrier said the prince was sent to Saudi Arabia as a salesman in 2014 after Prime Minister David Cameron failed to convince Riyadh to enter into a multibillion-pound defence deal with BAE Systems.

The day after Charles was photographed awkwardly taking part in a traditional Saudi sword dance, Riyadh and BAE announced the deal had been finalised.

9.6.2016 – Jo Cox (* A P)

Britain must help put Saudi back on ‘list of shame’ for child killing

In an unprecedented and deeply shocking move, on Monday night the Secretary General temporarily removed the Saudi-led Coalition from their blacklist of child violaters after heavy lobbying from the Saudis and their allies.
This sets an extremely damaging and dangerous precedent and substantially undermines one of the only concrete international mechanisms for monitoring abuse against children in war. It also ignores the now overwhelming evidence of international humanitarian law violations in Yemen - some of which may even constitute as war crimes.

Comment: Jo Cox, Labour MP since 2015, was murdered on June, 16.

8.6.2016 – Article 36 (* B K P)

Banned cluster munitions, UN blacklisting and £1bn of explosive weapon sales

Recent developments and revelations regarding the actions of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen leave the UK government with a number of serious questions to answer about its policies and practice – including regarding its response to evidence of clear harm to civilians living through the conflict in Yemen.

Based on its documentation, Amnesty called on the British Prime Minister to urgently launch an investigation into how UK-manufactured cluster munitions ended up being used in Yemen.

Two weeks on, an adequate response from the government has not been forthcoming, with ministers instead choosing to seek ways to call Amnesty’s evidence in to doubt.

The government has flip-flopped between stating that an investigation would take place and stating that no investigation was possible as the UK was not part of the coalition.

The UK government has failed to condemn use of cluster munitions by the coalition in Yemen previously, similarly calling for further confirmation of “allegations”. This has been despite clear evidence.

Comment: A long and good overview on the problem, on which already many reports had been documented here.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

15.6.2016 – Dubai Eye (A K P)

Funeral prayers held for UAE martyrs

Ahmed Mohammed Al Zeyoudi and Abdullah Mohammed Al Yamahi have been laid to rest in their ancestral villages in Fujairah.

30.1.2016 – J S Muxtamel (B P)

#YemenGenocidioSilenciado: La discreta masacre en Yemen y el silencio en España.

Por si la vergüenza que podemos sentir al saber lo que hace Arabia Saudi en Yemen y al saber que somos un país aliado, es ya insoportable, añadamos el dato de que, en plena guerra de Yemen, España (y Occidente, EEUU, Reino Unido, Israel...) dispara su venta de armas al régimen sanguinario de los Saud. Mucho más vergonzoso es saber que el principal cliente de armas de España es Arabia Saudi. Aun sabiendo, y teniendo información, no solo de las terribles masacres y violaciones de DDHH en Yemen por parte del régimen de los Saud, sino como incluso el Ejército Iraquí ha encontrado armas suministradas por Arabia Saudi al Estado Islámico. O que el Ejército yemení difundió una captura de armas a Arabia Saudi donde aparecían armas españolas que se fabrican en INSTALAZA, empresa ligada al Ministro de Defensa.

Y con todo esto, contado hasta aquí, seguramente se esté preguntando: ¿Cómo es posible que nada haya sabido de esto?¿Cómo puede ser? Es posible porque tanto Arabia Saudi como Qatar tienen ingentes cantidades de dinero para que usted no se entere. Y dentro de la prensa española hay periodismo que se vende como comprometido, pero que el compromiso termina donde empiezan las órdenes y la nómina – by Julian

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe cp1 Am wichtigsten / See cp1 Most important

15.6.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Snapshot - Overview of Population Movement (as of May 2016)

In search of safety and livelihoods, over 2.8 million people continue to be on the move in Yemen. With their safety nets depleted, as savings dwindle and remittances from abroad dry up, more people are moving to makeshift and spontaneous settlements and are turning to negative coping strategies for survival. This includes increased child labour and early marriage. The added stresses on host communities are also increasing as the economy collapses. The movement of people is also increasing out of Yemen with over 175,000 fleeing across borders in the region. Lured by stories of times past and by traffickers, over 30,000 people have also crossed into Yemen fleeing persecution and looking for work opportunities. and in full:

15.6.2016 – Fuad Rajeh (A H)

Photo of a tent at Yemen refugee camp shared by director of Mona Relief. Conditions at refuges are shocking

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

14.6.2016 – New York Times (* B T)

How Many People Have Been Killed
in ISIS Attacks Around the World

More than 1,200 people outside of Iraq and Syria have been killed in attacks inspired or coordinated by the Islamic State, according to a New York Times analysis.

Nearly half of the victims were killed in attacks that targeted Westerners. The others have been civilians in Arab and other non-Western countries, killed in mosques, government offices and other targets.

cp15 Propaganda

17.6.2016 – Government of Saudi Arabia (A P)

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSREIEF) distributed 11,853 food baskets in Taiz governorate of Yemen. The food baskets are part of KSREIEF project to distribute 100,000 food baskets in Yemen.

Comment: Stop war and bombing.

17.6.2016 – WAM (* A K P)

My statement was taken out of context, UAE is continuing war in support of legitimacy in Yemen, says Gargash

He also said that the Saudi-led Arab Coalition countries had announced 'Operation: Al Hazm Storm' only after all peaceful channels were exhausted and after the coup forces of Al Housthi militia and their allies, the forces of deposed Ali Abdullah Saleh, insisted on violence.

"Only then, the historic decision of the Custodian of the Tow Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, came, after it was established that the coup had connections with Iran."

Dr. Gargash praised the heroic role of the UAE armed forces, who are continuing their efforts, along side the Saudi armed forces.

"The Riyadh-Abu Dhabi alliance will emerge stronger from this crisis as dictated by strategic necessities. The responsibility, however, remains at the hands of Yemenis, to build bridges of communication and to reach a consensus on their country and its institutions," he said.

16.6.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Kingdom’s global aid surpasses UN target

Saudi Arabia is a key partner in international development and among the world's top donors as the provision of external assistance and donations are major aspects of its foreign policy.
In a speech delivered at the Human Rights Council by Faisal bin Trad, Saudi ambassador to the UN, in Geneva, said that the Kingdom is keen to proceed with its policy of providing assistance to many Islamic and non-Islamic countries.
He said the total aid Saudi Arabia provided for developing countries from 1973 to 2009 amounted to $99.75 billion, surpassing the UN targeted rate of development aid worth 0.7 percent out of the gross domestic product of donor countries.

Comment: Nice propaganda after the UN-Saudi blackmailing debacle. This article of course should show what nice guys the Saudis are, and, of course, how urgently UN human aid depends on Saudi payment and goodwill, which should not be damaged by blacklisting. The sum in question is the equivalent of just half a day of Saudi aerial war – the aerial war now having reached it’s 439. day. From this, you clearly can the Saudis’ priorities.
15.6.2016 – WAM (A P)

Political Solution is the Only Track for Yemen Crisis: Gargash Says

lecture delivered by Dr. Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.

In the lecture, titled "The UAE, the Coalition and the Yemen Crisis: The Necessary Decision", Dr. Gargash said the Arab decision to intervene to restore the legitimate government in Yemen was to "draw a line in the sand" and make it clear that the Arab states were united in their decision to stop the expansion of the Iranian role in the region.

"The Decisive Storm operation had three goals," Dr. Gargash said. "The first was to bring back the Yemen crisis to the political track, the second to restore the legitimate government of Yemen and the third goal was to counter the Iranian interference in the region."

"The dimensions of the Yemen coup should be viewed in the context of Iranian expansion in the region," he said. "This is not something that I say, it's what Iranian officials have stated repeatedly following the coup."

He said Iran clearly had plans to create another Hezbollah in Yemen by supporting the Houthis, adding that Iran worked patiently on building Houthi military capability near Saudi Arabia's border.

Dr. Gargash stressed the strategic importance of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the UAE, adding that the security of both countries was interdependent. and also at

Comment: A long propaganda article, playing the well-known cards of “legitimacy”, Iranian influence, security of the region.

16.6.2016 – WAM (A P)

UAE Armed Forces have put on brave, professional performance in Yemen war: Gargash tweets

The UAE Armed Forces have performed their combat role in Saudi-led Arab Coalition in Yemen with a high sense of courage and professionalism, Dr. Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said in a series of tweets on his Twitter account, and added that the role will continue with Saudi Arabia until the end of the war.

''The Riyadh-Abu Dhabi alliance will emerge from this crisis much stronger and more influential. Strategic imperatives in the region required that and gains will have a positive impact on our stability,'' Dr. Gargash tweeted.

Comment: repeating his main propaganda issues.

15.6.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

How media creates illusion of aid: Column on left is media twist, on right is explanation. +Pic/desc of dates #Yemen (image)

15.6.2016 – Inner City Press (A P)

Now #SaudiArabia denounces NGO speaker for criticizing #Saudi, $ays “we reject use of words like 'aggression.'”

It’s important to be “master of the words”, thus they try.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

16.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Hostile airstrike targets Hailan Mount in Mareb

15.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

The hostile warplanes flew on the skies of Jawf, Mareb, Taiz and Hajjah provinces and at low altitude on Hodeida province.

15.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Two hostile raids waged on Jawf province

15.6.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A K)

Intense Saudi warplanes flying now over the sky of Saada in northern #Yemen

15.6.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A K)

Saudi airstrikes flying now over the sky of the capital Sanaa now. But who cares. The whole world is stil absent

15.6.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Multiple fighter jets criss crossing Sana'a sky at low altitude now. Yeah, putting on brave face but truth is, darn nerve-racking!

15.6.2016 – Khabar News (A K PH)

#Saudi airstrikes hit areas in #Jawf as #Yemen-i forces make advance

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe cp1 Am wichtigsten / See cp1 Most important

17.6.2016 – Ahram Online (A K)

Yemen shells 'wound 2' in Saudi border zone

Shelling from Yemen has wounded two people in southern Saudi Arabia, the kingdom's civil defence agency said late Thursday, in a rare breach of calm along the border.

The civil defence's Twitter account said the shelling occurred in the Tawal area of Saudi's Jazan region.

15.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Many hirelings killed in Mareb

The hirelings were killed when the army and popular committees targeted an armored vehicle they were in with a guided missile, he said.

15.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Hirelings open fires on houses in Taiz

The Riyadh's hirelings in Taiz province besieged on Tuesday al-Sarari village in Sabr al-Mawadem district.
A military official said the hirelings opened fires on houses in the village, adding no further information about casualties.
The hirelings also targeted Bani Haidan, Maswara, Bani Bareq areas in Nehm district of Sana'a province with medium weapons.

15.6.2016 – AP (A K)

Fighting in Yemen kills at least 48 over past 24 hours

Yemeni security officials say fighting on several fronts in the impoverished nation has killed at least 48 people over the past day.

They say Wednesday that some 65 people were wounded in combat between rebels and government forces around the besieged city of Taiz as well as in Shabwa, Jawf and Marib provinces – by Ahmed Al-Haj

15.6.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Yemen: Terrorists Sustain Heavy Losses in Clashes with Ansarullah Fighters in Sana'a, Bab al-Mandeb

A senior Ansarullah commander announced that popular forces have made significant advances in Sana'a, and inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists near the strategic Bab al-Mandeb Strait over the past 24 hours.

"The Yemeni army and popular forces took control of Wadi al-Ghail region near Mefraq al-Jawf paving the way for reopening Ma'rib road to Farza Na'am and Sana'a," Hossein al-Houthi told FNA on Wednesday.

Meantime, at least a dozen terrorists were killed and many more were wounded in clashes with Ansarullah fighters in the popular forces' attack on their military positions in Sana'a.

"The Yemeni popular forces will take full control of Bab al-Mandeb Strait soon," al-Houthi added.

Comment: Terrorists? What does it really mean here? Dubious pro-Hadi tribal fighters? AL Qaida fighting alongside the Hadi government forces against the Houthis?

15.6.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

UAE's Apache Chopper Downed in Southern Yemen, Third Crash in 2 Days

A military chopper of the UAE Army has been downed in an incident that seems to be a blues-on-blues fire in Southern Yemen, informed military sources announced on Wednesday.

The UAE's Apache helicopter which was downed on Tuesday night was the third of its kind that has been destroyed in the last 48 hours.

The Emirati helicopter was hit by a rocket fired from a warship of the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Ras Omran region located between Lahij and Aden in the Southern part of Yemen.

15.6.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K)

“Sumood, was collecting water with her friends & siblings when she thought she was hit by a stone.
She didn’t realize it was a bullet until she put her hand on her stomach and found blood” ‪#‎Taiz ‪#‎Yemen'' via ‪#‎MSF

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

16.6.2016 – PRI (B E H)

How this Yemeni American keeps up the family business thousands of miles from home

[An interesting article that describes the importance of bees and honey to Yemen. It is the most delicious honey although it's very expensive]

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