Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 16

Jemen Heftige Luftangriffe der Saudis und der VAR als "Rache". Weitere Truppenverstärkungen der "Koalition", es wird eine Offensive auf Sanaa erwartet. Hungerblockade dauert an

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9.9.2015 – Süddeutsche Zeitung

Der Tod kommt aus dem Exil

Seit vier Wochen gibt es in Jemens Hauptstadt kein Benzin und keinen Diesel mehr, zumindest nicht an den Tankstellen. Nur auf dem Schwarzmarkt ist noch Treibstoff zu bekommen.

Für Sanaa und den Norden Jemens bedeutet der Sprit-Mangel aber noch mehr. Er stranguliert das Leben. Ohne Benzin oder Diesel gibt es keinen Strom - und ohne Strom kein Wasser. Eine teuflische Verkettung. Die Versorgung über die Stromleitungen liegt schon seit dem Frühjahr lahm. Immer weniger Menschen können es sich leisten, die Generatoren zu betreiben, mit denen sie hofften, den Engpass zu bestehen. Ohne Strom gehen die Wasserpumpen nicht. Vielerorts müssen die Menschen mit Kanistern an Tankwagen anstehen.

Die vom mächtigen Nachbarn Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärkoalition hat eine Luft-, See und Landblockade über das ohnehin ärmste Land der arabischen Welt verhängt. Offiziell verfolgt sie das Ziel, den international anerkannten Präsidenten Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi wieder zum Herrscher über Jemen zu machen. Er war im Frühjahr vor Huthi-Rebellen aus dem Norden erst nach Sanaa und später ins Exil nach Riad geflohen. Doch die allermeisten Menschen in Jemens Hauptstadt wollen von ihm nichts mehr wissen.

Jemen muss 90 Prozent aller Lebensmittel einführen. Seit Wochen lebt das Land von Vorräten; die Preise steigen immer weiter. In den Straßen Sanaas begegnet man Hunderten ausgemergelten Menschen, die um Essen betteln. Wenn sich nicht bald etwas tut, befürchten die Helfer eine Katastrophe.

Die medizinische Notfallversorgung steht vor dem Kollaps. Es gebe kaum noch Betäubungsmittel und Antibiotika, sagt Ahmed al-Haifi, Chirurg und technischer Direktor des Republican Teaching Hospital in Sanaa – von Paul-Anton krüger

8.9.2015 – Vice News

Leaked UN Email on Yemen Shows Difficulty of Negotiations — and Fears Over Al Qaeda's Growing Presence

A leaked email written by the UN's envoy for Yemen has cast new light on negotiations to end the country's brutal war, and raises questions about the growing presence of al Qaeda, as well as the dedication to UN-brokered talks by Saudi Arabia, whose multinational coalition has bombed Houthi rebels and their allies since late March.

The email was sent by special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to Jeffrey Feltman, the UN's undersecretary for political affairs and a former US State Department official. In it, the envoy confirms that Houthi rebels and the party of former president and Houthi ally Ali Abdullah Saleh have expressed willingness to accept — with some reservations — a UN Security Council resolution, approved in April. This demanded the rebels "withdraw their forces from all areas they have seized, including the capital, Sanaa." VICE News first reported communications of this nature between Houthi representatives and the UN last month.

Accompanying the email was a document outlining steps to solve the crisis in the country, including a permanent ceasefire, a monitoring mechanism, and the forming of a government of national unity.

"AA/GPC agreed to a new wording on UNSC resolution 2216 that states unequivocally that they are committed to the implementation of 2216 (see document attached) with the exception of article which infringe on Yemeni sovereignty and those related to sanctions," wrote Ould Cheikh Ahmed, referring to Ansar Allah (AA) — another name for the Houthis — and Saleh's General People's Congress party (GPC).

"In addition, the new text includes acceptance of the return of the current government for a period of 60 days during which a government of national unity shall be formed," wrote the envoy in the email, which was obtained by VICE News. According to Ould Cheikh Ahmed, during talks, the Houthis gave ground on certain language, including "mandatory support by the international community for reconstruction that was in the earlier version." – by Samuel Oakford dazu

7.9.2015 – The American Conservative

The War on Yemen Keeps Getting Worse

The Saudi-led ground invasion will further exacerbate the suffering of the civilian population and drive up the death toll on both sides of the conflict. It still seems unrealistic to think that the Saudis will be able to reinstall Hadi, who is now widely loathed in much of country and has no significant base of support, which just underscores how unnecessary and indefensible the campaign has been from the start. Even if the Saudis eventually succeed in driving the Houthis out of the capital, it will have come at the cost of devastating Yemen and destabilizing the country for many years to come, and it will also come at a high cost in coalition military losses. The best thing for Yemen would be if the coalition governments stopped now before laying waste to more of the country, but that doesn’t seem to be what they intend to do.

The U.S. ought to be leaning on the Saudis and their Gulf allies to halt their attack before they suffer more losses, but there is no sign that the administration wants to do this or that it would be able to change their behavior at this late stage. If the U.S. isn’t able to rein in its clients, it will continue to be partly responsible for all the harm this campaign has caused.

Perversely, the fact that the U.S. role in the war is largely unknown and unseen here at home gives the administration little incentive to “be seen to be trying” to pressure Riyadh to change its behavior. The more attention that the U.S. calls to the war by trying to stop it would make the public more aware of the disastrous war that the administration has been facilitating for more than five months. It appears that Obama is content to continue enabling the wrecking of Yemen while his officials issue meaningless expressions of “concern” over the harm done to Yemen’s civilians – by Daniel Larison

Humanitäre Lage

8.9.2015 – NPR

U.N. Steps In After Saudi Arabia Fails To Deliver Aid To Yemen

Saudi Arabia recently promised aid to Yemen — the country it's been bombing and blockading with U.S. help. But it didn't come through, and the United Nations is now trying to broker a deal to make it happen.

AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: We're going to check in next on Yemen and what the conflict there means for civilians. Saudi airstrikes began in March to push back Shiite rebels who had taken over the capital. Now the Saudi-led coalition is reinforcing its ground troops. The Saudis have also promised the U.N. a huge aid package, but that hasn't come through yet. Aid agencies say they need those donations now, as NPR's Michele Kelemen reports

Kommentar: Die Formulierung ist ein schlechter Witz: “didn’t come through”: Weswegen? Schneesturm? Flutwelle? Vulkanausbruch? Hier wird gezielt verschleiert. Es sind die Saudis selbst, die keine Hilfe durchkommen lassen.

9.8.2015 – Quartz

Yemen’s forgotten refugees are so desperate they’re fleeing to Somalia

As of Aug. 2015, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) estimates there are over 1,439,000 internally displaced people in Yemen.

Yemen has long been a “transitory country,” as they are known, for refugees fleeing political unrest and economic hardship in the Horn of Africa—a region of East Africa consisting of Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti.

As fighting has intensified on the streets of major migrant hubs like Sanaa and Aden, that trend has reversed itself. Ethnic Somalis who fled their war torn country in the 1990s are returning in droves, resettling primarily in the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Yemenis are following in their wake. “I didn’t even know where Hargeisa or Somaliland was,” a 25-year-old Yemeni refugee named Nadia, who arrived in Berbera in early May 2015, told Al Jazeera.

“It will be impossible for us to cope if people continue coming. We are at full capacity,” Somaliland’s immigration commissioner, Colonel Mohamed Ali Yusuf, told Al Jazeera in June 2015. “This is an international issue and, as such, the world needs to do more. We can’t deal with this on our own.” – by Jake Flanagin

8.9.2015 – National Yemen

Displacement In Yemen Is An Area Rich With Heartbreaking Stories

The displaced fled the “quick death” by missiles and air raids to find themselves in a countryside that promises them with a “slow death”. They look for the basic lifesaving materials in the absence of the role once provided by concerned officials, as well as neglect and absence of the international and local humanitarian community organizations.

Violence has destroyed many peoples’ lives. The plight of civilians continues to worsen with the diminished hope of an agreement on a ceasefire in the country.

The suffering of hundreds of displaced Yemeni families, who were displaced from their homes in town of Al Baydha, as the conflict in the country escalates further, was increased at areas of shelters due to the many challenges. With the absence of international and local humanitarian groups as a result of the threat of the security crisis, many forcibly displaced families suffer securing water, bread and other food.

Many families are demanding the concerned of authorities to rescue them from hunger. The demands came due to the cruel living situation that they live in such as the high prices, the lack access of financial income for most of those families who were forced to leave their houses.

Displaced families at Sana’a have had to evacuate their homes. Some of their homes got bombed while they were inside their home and they survived by some miracle, while others lost their houses after evacuating them.

Painful memories, unknown psychological sufferings, and inhuman traumatic hardships along with hunger and sickness are some challenges that face most displaced families.

All these sufferings are brought about by the unending and fast spreading battles in the country.

Forcibly displaced families want to talk about the pain they are enduring more than their needs for food. They need to tell their pains for all to hear. Shelters are a rich place of heartbreaking stories. The greatest needs among the forcibly displaced are for clean drinkable water.

Displaced people conditions are increasingly deteriorating. Since the beginning of the war, displaced people find themselves at a loss. And they wait eagerly for the final whistle, which is likely would put an end to their unprecedented sufferings.

While the focus of the world’s eyes are on the political crisis in Yemen, the picture on the ground is extremely bleak. Many concerned authorities stress that unless rapidly resolved, the crisis could lead to mass displacement in the wake of heavy and ongoing fighting and airstrikes.

This report was first published by Sincere.Global in conjunction with National Yemen newspaper based in Yemen will produce series of articles and reports with more focused on women and children suffer on Yemen’s recent war-torn led by Saudi Arabia and Arab coalition – by Rabab Ayash


9.9.2015 – Annabelle

Bomben auf Sanaa: Das zerstörte Kulturgut im Jemen

annabelle-Redaktorin Helene Aecherli trauert um die Häuser in der jeminitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa, in die saudische Bomben tiefe Wunden rissen.

Es sieht aus wie ein Körper, dem man mit voller Wucht die Eingeweide herausgerissen hat: Aus klaffenden Löchern quellen Kabel und Drähte. Wo kurz zuvor noch Mauern gestanden sind, türmen sich Trümmer, an einem abgebrochenen Rohr hängt ein Fensterrahmen in grotesker Schieflage.

An jenem Morgen im Juni waren bei erneuten Luftangriffen Saudiarabiens auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt Sanaa fünf prachtvolle Turmhäuser getroffen worden. Die Raketen forderten mindestens sechs Menschenleben und Dutzende von Verletzten und verwandelten innert Sekunden Gebäude in Schutt und Asche, die 2500 Jahre lang Zeugen der jemenitischen Geschichte gewesen waren, Juwelen der islamisch-arabischen Städtearchitektur. Als ich das Bild der Zerstörung sehe, bin ich den Tränen nahe.

Nicht umsonst sind die Altstadt Sanaas und ihre Turmhäuser 1988 zum Unesco-Weltkulturerbe erklärt worden. Ihre Schönheit schien unantastbar. Und auch wenn ich jedes Mal wehmütig erkannte, wie sehr manche Häuser vom Zerfall bedroht sind, so war ich stets der naiven Überzeugung, dass sich äussere Gewalt vor ihrer Pracht verneigen würde. Dass es nicht so sein sollte, macht mich fassungslos.

Jetzt könnte man natürlich sagen, meine Trauer um die zerstörten Gebäude sei bloss das Lamento einer romantisierten Westlerin. Doch ein Blick in die Social-Media-Kanäle, allen voran Facebook und Twitter, zeigt mir, dass ein Grossteil der Bewohner Sanaas, aber auch Jemeniten in der Diaspora genauso fühlen: Kaum ist die Zerstörung publik geworden, verbreiten sich Bilder, die die Häuser vor und nach dem Bombenangriff zeigen. Die Posts zeugen von Entsetzen und tiefer Trauer.

Ein humanitäres Desaster, angesichts dessen es in der Tat geradezu absurd erscheint, um Steine zu weinen. Denn Steine kann man wieder aufschichten, Gebäude rekonstruieren. Ausgelöschte Leben aber sind für immer verloren.

Doch geht es hier nicht darum, den Tod von Menschen und die Zerstörung antiker Schätze gegeneinander auszuspielen. Sondern darum, vom Menschen kunstvoll Erschaffenes als Teil seiner selbst zu verstehen.

Werden solche Kulturgüter, solche Monumente zerstört, gehen nicht nur bauliche Kunstwerke verloren, sondern auch kollektive Erinnerungen, Symbole, über die die Vergangenheit eines Volkes für nachfolgende Generationen greifbar wird. Die Vernichtung historischer Kulturgüter zielt explizit darauf ab, Stolz, Würde und Gedächtnis eines Volkes zu erodieren. Und sie zeugt von einer abgrundtiefen Geringschätzung der kulturellen Vielfalt, für die diese Werke stehen.
Man darf also nicht nur, man soll sogar um Steine weinen – von Helene Aecherli


9.9.2015 – Fars News

Yemen's Ansarullah Captures 117 Saudi-Led Militants

"60 armed militants loyal to fugitive Yemeni president Mansour Hadi who were held captive by Ansarullah are now being kept in the central prison of Sana'a," the sources were quoted as saying by al-Omana Net on Wednesday.

"The Ansarullah movement has captured them during clashes in the Southern provinces," they added.

According to the sources, at present 117 Saudi-affiliated militants are held captive by Ansarullah whose names have also been released.

Kommentar: Iranische Quelle. Diese Erfolgsmeldung im Sinn der Huthis (Eigenbezeichnung: Ansarullah) fehlt natürlich in westlichen Medien. Man beachte die Diktion, dass das Wort „militants“ hier für die proHadi-pro-Saudi-Kämpfer verwendet wird, während es pro-saudische und westliche Quellen ausschließlich für Huthi-Kämpfer verwenden. Für beide Seiten gilt: Propaganda durch Sprache.

9.9.2015 – NDTV

13 of 20 Indians Reported Killed in Air Strikes in Yemen Alive, 7 Missing

At least seven out of 20 Indian crew members are missing after their boats came under aerial bombardment while plying between Somalia and Yemen, External Affairs Ministry said today.

Disputing reports that 20 Indian nationals were killed in air strikes by Saudi-led coalition forces at Yemen's Hodeidah port, the MEA said 13 Indians crew members "are alive and 7 are reported missing".

"We have seen media reports about the death of Indian nationals in Yemen. Indian Embassy officials in Djbouti are in touch with local contacts and we have ascertained that there were two boats one of which was plying between Berbera (Somalia) and Mokha (Yemen)," the External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson said.

The boats came under aerial bombardment in the afternoon of 8 September. The boats were carrying a total of 20 Indian crew members of which 13 are alive and 7 are reported missing, he said, adding, no other information is currently available regarding the identities of the Indian nationals.

Some media reports, quoting residents and fishermen, yesterday claimed that at least 20 Indian nationals were killed in air strikes by Saudi-led coalition forces on fuel smugglers at Yemen's Hodeidah port. = siehe auch

Frühere Meldungen vom Tod von 20 bis 22 Indern: und und und

Kommentar: Es fällt auf, dass die Inder in Pro-Huthi-Medien als „Fischer“, in pro-Saudi-Medien als „Treibstoffschmuggler“ laufen. Der eine Begriff weckt eher Sympathie als der andere. Man könnte so den Indern unterschieben, sie hätten die Huthis unterstützt und könnte so die Bombardierung rechtfertigen. Freilich: Fischen schließt nicht aus, auch mal lohnende Schmuggelware zu transportieren. Und: Glaubt man auf Seiten der Saudis / VAR mit dieser Klassifizierung irgendetwas an Sympathie zu gewinnen. Schmuggler werden also bombardiert, wollen sie uns das als „normal“ verkaufen?

8.9.2015 – Press TV Iran

Yemeni forces fire rockets at Saudi military sites, kill soldiers

Yemen’s army and allied popular committees have launched a series of new retaliatory attacks on Saudi military sites in the southwest of the kingdom.

The Yemeni al-Masirah news channel reported on Tuesday that Yemeni forces unleashed a heavy barrage of rackets at a Saudi border guard headquarters in Dhahran al Janub.

No reports of possible casualties and the extent of damage inflicted were immediately available.

Kommentar: Iranische Quelle, d. h. hier sind „Yemeni forces“ jetzt die jemenitischen Armeeeinheiten, die auf Seiten der Huthis kämpfen, „allied popular committees“ sind die Huthis.

9.9.2015 – News 24

Intense coalition raids pound Yemen rebels

Saudi-led air raids on rebels in Yemen killed at least 31 people on Tuesday, officials said, as the coalition intensified its attacks in the wake of a deadly missile strike.

At least 10 people were killed in Sana'a, where coalition aircraft targeted the police academy and the headquarters of the security services, both in the heart of the rebel-controlled capital, witnesses said.

And at least another 21 were killed in a wave of air strikes in the evening in Bayhan, a town south of Marea where 60 coalition soldiers died in the missile attack by the Shi'ite Huthi rebels on Friday.

Overnight strikes also targeted the Sana'a residences of Huthi leaders, witnesses said.

On Tuesday, plumes of smoke rose from the security headquarters in Sana'a while flying glass caused by blasts wounded many people near the police academy, others said.

Women and children terrified by the intensity of the explosions were seen fleeing into the streets.

Emirati aircraft took part in the raids on Sana'a, "hitting their targets with precision", said the UAE's official WAM news agency.

Kommentar: “pound rebels”: Alle Einwohner dieser Städte = “rebels”? Propaganda durch Sprache.

8.9.2015 – Infowars

Coalition airstrikes in Yemen kill at least 31

Coalition warplanes targeted the police academy and the headquarters of the security services

At least 10 people were killed in Sanaa, where coalition warplanes targeted the police academy and the headquarters of the security services, both in the heart of the rebel-controlled capital, witnesses said.

And at least another 21 were killed in a wave of airstrikes in the evening in Bayhan, a town south of Marea where 60 coalition soldiers died in the missile attack by the Houthi rebels Friday.

Kommentar: Bomben, 21 Tote in Bayhan: “Rache” an Zivilisten einer nahegelegenen Stadt für den Tod von Soldaten im Krieg. Ganz offen reden die Vertreter der VAR von „Rache“, da nehmen sie kein Blatt vor den Mund. So sieht also die behauptete „Befreiung“ à la Saudi / VAR aus.

8.9.2015 – Zeit Online

Zehn Tote bei Luftangriffen der arabischen Koalition auf Sanaa

Bei neuen Luftangriffen der arabischen Militärkoalition auf die von schiitischen Aufständischen kontrollierte jemenitische Hauptstadt Sanaa sind am Dienstag mindestens zehn Menschen getötet worden. Sieben der Opfer waren nach Krankenhausangaben Zivilisten, bei den drei weiteren handelte es sich um Leibwächter eines Rebellenoffiziers. Dessen Haus war eines der Ziele der Angriffe, bombardiert wurden zudem eine Polizeischule und die Zentrale der Sicherheitskräfte, wie AFP-Korrespondenten berichteten. Die Explosionen lösten bei vielen Anwohnern Panik aus. Mehrere Menschen wurden durch Splitter verletzt.

8.9.2015 – Al Araby

10 dead as intense coalition raids hit Yemen capital

Saudi-led warplanes pounded rebel positions in the Yemeni capital on Tuesday leaving at least 10 people dead, as powerful explosions shook Sanaa.Witnesses said targets included the police academy and the headquarters of the security services, both in the heart of the city which Houthi rebels have controlled since September last year.Overnight strikes also targeted the Sanaa residences of Houthi leaders, witnesses said.Medical sources said that at least seven "civilians" and three guards of a leading Houthi member were killed in the strikes.The rebel-controlled website reported that 15 people were killed and 77 wounded in Tuesday's raids.

8.9.2015 – NTV u.a.

Kampf um jeminitische Hauptstadt: Saudis starten Bodenoffensive

Im Jemen verdichten sich die Hinweise auf eine Bodenoffensive der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition gegen die aufständischen Huthi-Rebellen. Augenzeugen berichten, dass Soldaten des Bündnisses in Richtung umkämpfter Gebiete im Süden der Provinz Marib vorrückten. Offenbar werden sie durch bewaffnete Fahrzeuge, Panzer und Raketenwerfer sowie Teilen der jemenitischen Armee und örtlichen Milizen unterstützt. =

8.9.2015 – Channel News Asia from AFP

Coalition readies for battle in Yemen's north

The Yemen war is entering a new and potentially decisive phase as Gulf nations build up ground forces to battle rebels in the country's north and rebel-held capital, analysts say.

After five months of air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition and ground combat between Iran-backed rebels and coalition-supported fighters, Yemen "is bracing for a new and more deadly phase of violence in the north", said April Longley Alley of the International Crisis Group. "Both sides are gearing up for a major conflict in the north and especially in Sanaa."

The Tochka attack was "a turning point", said Andreas Krieg, a consultant to the Qatari armed forces and a lecturer at King's College in London.

He said the coalition "will prepare a greater deployment of ground troops" to support local forces trained and equipped over the past six months. "There will be a push from the north and the south towards Sanaa."

So far, the coalition offensive on the ground has succeeded because local forces are operating on friendly territory, Krieg said. "Sanaa and the northern provinces will be highly hostile to these forces. So it is difficult to predict what turn the operation takes from here," he said.

Alley sees grim days ahead. "A battle in north Yemen promises to be a prolonged, bloody affair that will worsen the already desperate humanitarian situation," she said. dazu auch

8.9.2015 – Reuters

Number of Saudi-led coalition troops in Yemen rises to 10,000: Al Jazeera

A Saudi-led alliance has deployed 10,000 troops to Yemen, Qatari news channel Al Jazeera said on Tuesday, in an apparent sign of determination to rout Iran-allied Houthi forces after they killed at least 60 Gulf Arab soldiers on Friday.

Yemen's neighbors ramped up air strikes on the capital Sanaa on Tuesday and hope to launch a decisive assault soon on the city which the militia seized last year.

"The number of coalition soldiers who have already entered Yemen has risen to 10,000," Jazeera correspondent Abdul Mahsi al-Sheikh reported from southern Saudi Arabia.

"A second contingent of Qatari soldiers will arrive today to Yemen after entering the al-Wadee border crossing (with Saudi Arabia) ... as coalition forces have added to their military equipment with 30 Apache helicopters, armored vehicles and rocket launchers," he added.

Saudi-owned newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat quoted coalition sources saying that some Egyptian and 6,000 Sudanese troops would soon join the fight inside Yemen. Their governments did not immediately comment.

But a source close to the Qatari military confirmed that the Gulf emirate was sending "mechanized infantry and armored vehicles" and that Sudan had committed to send 6,000 troops.

"The operation in Sanaa ... will use extensive bombing, air power, to support the ground offensive," the source added. siehe auch

8.9.2014 – Vineyardsaker

Kriegskarte Jemen, 7.September 2015: Der Krieg eskaliert

Die US-unterstützte Koalition hat den Krieg in Jemen durch weitere Luftangriffe und den Einsatz zusätzlicher tausend Soldaten aus Katar ausgeweitet und bereitet sich darauf vor, auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt zu marschieren. Den pro-Saudi-Truppen steht die bisher tödlichste Schlacht bevor. Die jemenitischen Truppen erklärten die Städte des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien (KSA) zum militärischen Ziel.

Die US-unterstützte Koalition hat bei ihrem Bodeneinsatz im Jemen hohe Verluste erlitten. Nach unterschiedlichen Berichten haben sie am letzten Freitag zwischen 50 und 130 Mann verloren. Diese Zahl wird anscheinend steigen, weil die meisten Verletzten, mit 200 angegeben, in kritischem Zustand sind. Mehr noch, die Koalition hat drei Apache-Hubschrauber und über 40 Stück militärischen Geräts verloren. Das wichtige ist, dass fünf Kämpfer der Koalition aus Bahrein im Grenzgebiet des KSA getötet wurden. Das belegt die Wirksamkeit der Gegenschläge der jemenitischen Armee. Auf jeden Fall versetzten die augenblicklichen Verluste dem Hauptquartier der Koalition einen Schock.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt der Vorfälle am Freitag ist, dass die al Huthi-Truppen beim Angriff eine Totschka-U-Rakete einsetzten. Tatsächlich haben die al Huthis kaum genug ausgebildete Soldaten, um die Rakete wirkungsvoll einzusetzen. Ein Beispiel dafür konnten wir in der Ukraine sehen, wo die Verfügbarkeit der Raketen den pro-Kiewer Truppen nicht half, Ziele im Donbass systematisch zu treffen. Dieser Fall könnte also ein solides Argument dafür sein, dass sich unter den al Huthi-Truppen iranische Militärberater befinden.
Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Offensive der saudi-geführten Koalition vor Taiz scheiterte und angesichts des Gezänks zwischen den Koalitionstruppen (die Kämpfer des südlichen Widerstands, Saudi Arabien und die Vereinten Emirate verfolgen je eigene Ziele mit diesem Einmarsch) können wir leicht vorhersagen, dass das bevorstehende Vordringen auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt durch Ma’rib für die Koalition mit schweren Verlusten verbunden sein dürfte und der Erfolg nicht garantiert ist.

the same in English:

7.9.2015 – South Front / The Saker

Yemen Map of War Sep. 7, 2015: The War Escalates

The US-backed coalition have been expanding Yemen war by exercising more airstrikes and deploying 1000 additional Qatar troops, preparing to advance the Yemeni capital. Pro-Saudi military faced the deadliest battle incident ever. Yemeni forces declared the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) cities a military target.

The US-backed coalition suffered high loses during the ground operation in Yemen. According to different reports, it lost from 50 to 130 troops last Friday. This number will apparently rise because of crucial stance of most injured fighters, their number is 200. Furthermore, the coalition lost 3 Apache helicopters and over 40 units of military equipment. The important thing is that 5 Bahrain fighters of the coalition were killed in the border territories of KSA. It covers the effectiveness of the Yemeni army’s realatory attacks. In any case, contemporary loses conducted a real shock in the coalition’s headquarters.

Another important feature of the Friday’s incident is the fact the al Houthi fighters used a Tochka-U missile for the attack. In fact, al Houthis hardly have enough trained fighters to use the missile effectively. An example of this fact we could see in Ukraine where even availability of the missles didn’t help pro-Kiev forces to hit the targets in Donbass, sistematically. So, this case could be a solid argument to argue that there are Iranian military advisors among al Hotuhi forces.

Considering the fact that the Saudi-led coalition failed the offensive on Taiz and jitters among coalition forces (Southern Resistance militants, Saudi Arabia, UAE have own goals in this intervention), we can easily predict that the future advance on the Yemeni capital through Ma’rib will be related for the coalition with heavy loses and won’t guaranty success. =

7.9. 2015 – Defense News

Reports: Gulf States Send More Troops To Yemen

Gulf Arab monarchies sent thousands of heavily armed troops to reinforce loyalists in Yemen in the battle against Iran-backed rebels, media reported Monday.

The reinforcements come after a missile attack by the Shiite Huthi insurgents on Friday killed 60 Gulf soldiers — 45 Emiratis, 10 Saudis and five Bahrainis.

The Sunni-ruled Gulf states have remained tight-lipped about the new troops sent mainly by Qatar and Saudi Arabia to Marib province east of Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa.

But Qatar's Al-Jazeera news channel reported late on Sunday that 1,000 Qatari soldiers with 200 armored vehicles have arrived in Marib after crossing the border from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia also sent elite units to Marib on Sunday, according to the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat and Emirati state news agency WAM.

Yemeni military sources in Marib have spoken of the arrival of some 1,000 Saudi soldiers armed with tanks and other armored vehicles, as well the Qatari reinforcements.

Military sources have also mentioned preparations in Marib for an offensive against the rebels and their allies, renegade troops loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. =

7.9.2015 – Sputnik News

'Betrayal' Behind Deadly Houthi Attack on Military Base in Yemen

The attack by the rebels on an ammunition store at a base in the Yemeni province of Marib on Friday killed 46 UAE, 32 Yemeni, 10 Saudi and five Bahraini soldiers.

The Kuwaiti Shahed publication cited Yemeni Defense Ministry spokesman Ali Bakali as saying that the attack took place because the forces that had secured the province and declared allegiance to the government had retained their loyalty to the Houthis and former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The spokesman specified that the air-to-air rocket had been launched from the neighboring province of Shabwah, a territory previously thought to be freed from Houthis

Politik der USA

8.9.2015 – Gulf Institute

Obama’s wrong War in Yemen

History has shown that the Saudi monarchy has a record of not allowing regional competition, while customarily preventing the rise of any supported government in the region that seeks the idea of self-determination. For example, the Saudi government voices support for the military coup that overthrew the democratically elected government in Egypt. This regional competition issued by the Saudi government, secretly concealed as “restoring the legitimate government,” is what led to the misguided decision to become involved in the conflict in Yemen. On account of this information, the United States, and Obama administration, should stop involvement and pull its support for the Saudi campaign.
Many are questioning the motive behind the United States involvement and degree of collaboration with the Saudi government regarding the conflict in Yemen. Saudi Arabia began airstrikes in March, relying mainly on United States intelligence and surveillance images. The Saudi government is using the information to select and hit the Yemeni targets. In addition, the United States is providing weapons, aircraft and logistical support, which includes search-and-rescue missions for lost Saudi pilots. United States officials emphasize that the aiding of Saudi Arabia’s intervention into Yemen is simply “providing enabling support” to our ally, as stated by Gen. Michael Fantini, Middle East principal director of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.
Further investigation has shown the United States is expanding its assistance to the Saudi Arabian campaign more than originally stated. The expansion includes vetting military targets and searching vessels for Yemen-bound Iranian arms, according to U.S. and Arab officials. The United States is clearly doing more than providing logistics and intelligence assistance, and moving above and beyond “providing enabling support” for the Saudi government.

The United States’ priority in the Yemeni region is simple. They do not have intent to establish a capitalist democracy but instead what to prevent the Yemen country from being a safe haven for Al-Qaeda forces. The “enabling support” provided by the United States to the Saudi government is currently undermining that original goal – by Travis Wolfe

8.9.2015 – The American Conservative

Phony U.S. “Concern” for the Effects of the War on Yemen

The striking thing about the U.S. role in this war is that no one in the administration appears to harbor any illusions that it is justified or necessary or succeeding on its own terms, but the U.S. continues to support it anyway. The administration seems to be fully aware of the horrific effects that the war is having on Yemen’s civilian population, but this hasn’t had any effect on U.S. support for the campaign. When backing a reckless client’s unnecessary war, it is usually our government’s practice to pretend that the client is acting in “self-defense” and has done nothing wrong, but the administration doesn’t bother going through these motions at this point. That really makes the enabling of the Saudis’ war worse, since there is no pretense that it is doing anything except inflicting needless death and suffering on an entire country. There is no hint in the column that this “cautioning” suggests a change in U.S. policy, and it seems that it was offered mostly to demonstrate how supposedly alarmed the administration is by the consequences of a war it has supported from the start. This is a way to try to assuage domestic critics of U.S. involvement without doing anything that might displease our despotic friends in Riyadh, and it is obviously phony. Yemen’s civilians are being sacrificed on the altar of U.S.-Saudi “partnership,” and administration officials feign concern over the results – by Daniel Larison

7.9.2015 – Press TV Iran

US, main player in Saudi war against Yemen

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jalal Fairooz, a Middle East expert in London, to discuss Saudi Arabia’s ongoing military aggression against Yemen.

Fairooz: Well actually it is beyond any doubt that the main player in the Saudi war against the Yemeni people is the United States of America. It is very known that whatever information and all the satellite views and information and all the data including the dimensions which requires for all the shelling of the civilian targets and other targets in Yemen are being supplied by the American intelligence and the American military. More than that, you know that all these bombs and shelling and all the airplanes, all the heavy weaponry which is being used to kill these women and children in Yemen are American made.

They are supplied by the United States. They are being backed by the United States. The United States agreed on this aggression in the United Nations. Actually they have tried with the Russians and the Chinese not to have a veto against this aggression when there was a resolution in the United Nations. The Americans have actually agreed with the Saudis. The Saudis have told the Americans five months and so ago that they are going to start this war against the Yemeni people and that was the case, the Americans have agreed.

So it is not a surprise that the American president should send condolences to Riyadh because they are part of it. More of that, some of the airplanes which are bombing Yemen are being captained, they are being run by the Americans themselves. These ships of the United States in the Arabian Sea are guiding the airplanes where to bomb in Yemen.

Politik der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate

8.9.2014 – The National UE

Sheikh Abdullah on Yemen and the death of the 45 UAE soldiers

In a live interview aired on Abu Dhabi TV on Monday night, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, UAE’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, spoke about how the death of the soldiers has strengthened the country’s resolve to bring peace and stability to Yemen.

Kommentar: Dumme Propaganda

Politik von Ägypten

9.8.2015 – Reuters

Egypt sends up to 800 ground troops to Yemen's war - Egyptian security sources

As many as 800 Egyptian soldiers arrived in Yemen late on Tuesday, Egyptian security sources said, swelling the ranks of a Gulf Arab military contingent which aims to rout the Iran-allied Houthi group after a five-month civil war.

It was the first reported deployment of ground troops there by Egypt, which has one of the Arab world's strongest armies.

"We have sent these forces as part of Egypt's prominent role in this alliance ... the alliance fights for the sake of our brotherly Arab states, and the death of any Egyptian soldier would be an honour and considered martyrdom for the sake of innocent people," a senior Egyptian military source said.

Kommentar: Der schlimmste Militärdiktator, den Ägypten je hatte, willkommen als Vorkämpfer für einen nach westlicher Diktion “demokratisch gewählten” “Präsidenten”. Willkommen im Club. Aber es geht fast noch besser:

Politik des Sudan

8.9.2015 – Sudan Tribune

Sudan refuses to confirm reports of plans to deploy troops to Yemen

The Sudanese government expressed readiness to send troops to Yemen but refused to confirm reports about an imminent deployment to participate in ground operations to retake the capital city of Sanaa.

Sudan made the largely symbolic move last March of joining the Saudi-led military coalition against Houthi rebels who are accused by Riyadh of being a proxy to Iran in the region.

At the time it was reported that four Sudanese fighter jets were dispatched to Saudi Arabia during the airstrikes launched by the alliance in Yemen which is made up mainly of Arab Gulf states. However it is not clear if Sudanese planes actually took part in the aerial bombardment.

A statement issued by the Sudanese defense ministry last March stated that an infantry unit is on its way to the “operations zone” in the earliest indication of how far Khartoum is prepared to go in supporting Saudi Arabia.

Politik von Marokko

7.9.2015 – Morocco World News

Morocco to Take Part in Ground Operations in Yemen

Morocco is poised to participate in a ground operation to restore legitimacy in Yemen and fight the Iran-backed Houti rebels.

Troops from nine Arab countries, including Morocco, are expected to take part in a ground operation of Yemen, according to news website Alyaoum24, citing Yemeni media sources.

According to the same source, troops from Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Kuwait will be heading to the province of Marib in the coming hours. These troops will be fighting alongside forces loyal to the government, aided by airstrikes led by Saudi Arabia – by Tarik El Barakah

Kommentar: Jahrzehntelang war das sudanesische Regime für den Westen der Teufel schlechthin. Erst kürzlich hat man sich im Westen aufgeregt, dass Südafrika den sudanesischen Präsidenten al-Bachir bei einem Staatsbesuch nicht verhaftet hat, sondern wieder ausreisen ließ. Nun ist er in der saudi-amerikanischen „Koalition der Willigen“ mit seinen Soldaten willkommen. Nun, hier „wächst denn endlich zusammen, was zusammengehört“.

Politik des Iran

7.9.2015 – Asharq al Awsat

Iranian embassy in Sana’a functioning as a “Houthi operations room”: Yemen FM

The Iranian embassy in Yemen’s capital Sana’a is offering financial, strategic, and military advisory support to the Houthi rebels in country, Yemen’s Foreign Minister Riyadh Yassin said on Sunday.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Yassin said Iran’s embassy in Sana’a had become a “Houthi operations room” and that Iranian intelligence and military experts at the embassy were helping the Houthis plan attacks against government loyalists and forces from the Saudi-led coalition targeting the group.

He added that the embassy is “equipped with resources not even the Yemeni government is in possession of” and that it was also being used to distribute financial support to the Houthi militias currently stationed in different parts of the country – by Asma Al-Ghabiri

Kommentar: Dass der Iran auf Seiten der Huthis steht, ist lange bekannt. Jemenitischer Außenminister: der Hadi-Exilregierung. Die Aufregung seitens dieses „Ministers“ wäre berechtigt, wenn sich sonst keine anderen Staaten im Jemen einmischen würden. Nur, angesichts der tödlichen Einmischung der Saudis und ihrer „Koalition“ samt USA ist diese Kritik am Iran lächerlich.

Politik der Huthis

9.9.2015 – NTV / Die Zeit

Bundestagsvize Roth: Neues Flüchtlingsdrama droht durch Jemen-Krieg

Angesichts der Eskalation des Bürgerkriegs im Jemen hat Bundestags-Vizepräsidentin Claudia Roth vor einem neuen Flüchtlingsdrama gewarnt. Neues Flüchtlingselend und humanitäre Katastrophen im Jemen, am Horn von Afrika und auch am Mittelmeer seien akut zu befürchten, sagte die Grünen-Politikerin der dpa. Dass Menschen vor dem Krieg im Jemen über das Rote Meer ins bettelarme und bürgerkriegsgeplagte Horn von Afrika fliehen, zeige, wie aussichtslos die Situation für die Jemeniten sei. Roth forderte Deutschland und die EU auf, sich vor allem mit massivem Druck auf Saudi-Arabien für ein Ende der Kämpfe einzusetzen. =

Kommentar: wacht Deutschland irgendwann einmal auf? Selbst wenn, dann wohl nur mit Amnäsie. Die Katastrophe im Jemen hat mit den eigenen Verbündeten (Saudis) oder „Freunden“ (USA) sicher nichts zu tun.

7.9.2015 –

Iran-Backed Houthis Take ‘Several’ Americans Hostage In Yemen

Yemeni Houthi jihadists have reportedly taken a number of Americans hostage in Yemen as they fight to take control of the country, the U.S. State Department confirmed Monday. One of the American captives has been identified.

Scott Darden, 45, is one of the captives, a source with knowledge of the ongoing hostage situation told CNN. He was captured by the Iran-backed Houthi militants in March, and they have yet to ask for a ransom, the source said.

The Houthi militants are notoriously anti-American, proven by their slogan: “God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam.”

Darden, an Atlanta, Georgia native, was captured while working on humanitarian aid projects in the country – by Jordan Schachtel

Kommentar: Zum “Iran-Backed” wurde schon viel gesagt. Die Huthis als Jihadisten zu bezeichnen, ist Schwachsinn oder dümmliche Propaganda, je nach Einschätzung.


7.9.2015 – Unzensuriert

Bürgerkrieg im Jemen: Zehntausende Muslime wollen nach Europa flüchten

Für Europa bedeutet die neuerliche Destabilisierung eines muslimischen Landes im Nahen Osten zehntausende weitere Flüchtlinge. Eine Hungersnot in dem Land, von der 13 Millionen Menschen betroffen sein sollen, verschärft die Lage zusehends.

Kommentar: Bisher ist das nur eine Vermutung, die ich aber teile. Es gibt schon sehr viele Binnenflüchtlinge im Jemen (dazu s. oben unter „Humanitäre Lage“.). Für Millionen Menschen wird die Perspektive nur Trostlosigkeit und Hunger oder noch Schlimmeres sein. Insoweit meine Annahme: Zehntausende ist viel zu wenig. Eine Null bitte dranhängen, zumindest auf die nächsten Jahre gesehen.

Frühere Linksammlungen siehe unter: oder

Einige Fotos von einem der vielen "Rache"-Luftangriffe, hier aus der Stadt Yarim. In Sanaa war es viel schlimmer. Die Bilder sind nichts für Sensible!!:


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Dietrich Klose

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