Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 181

Yemen Press Reader 181: Rolle der Medien im Jemenkrieg – US-Thinktanks und Konzerne – Ausweg aus dem Jemenkrieg – Schwanger in der Belagerung – Frauen als Hauptverdiener – Saudische Luftangriffe

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The media’s role in the Yemen war – US think tanks and corporations – The way out of Yemen war – Pregnancy under siege – Women as bread winner – Saudi air raids – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

9.8.2016 – Scisco Media (*** A K P)

The media’s role in Yemen’s 500 days of war

Yemen is still underreported in the international media.

The truth is, there are many reasons why Yemen is not prominently featured or making enough headlines. Those range from the level of interest of individual media outlets in the subject matter, to availability of credible information and enough comprehension of the ongoing conflict to report on it.

More importantly, since most of media have individually distinct slants, are subject-focused, region-centric, and profit-driven, reporting is to a degree influenced by value and return from investing in a story. To international media, the Yemen topic admittedly doesn’t register much on any scale.

Moreover, in a fast-paced society, the media understands that most people have a short attention span and hence each outlet will generally attune content to its own customer’s interests. In doing so, they will not highlight or delve into too much detail on a topic that is of little interest to their audience.

There’s also a risk of stepping on the toes of parties who are involved in conflict or their global partners who may include local governments or businesses in the media’s headquarters. The Saudi-led coalition not only don’t like the slightest hint of negative reporting of its role in the conflict, but view it as a grave trespass on their own ‘private’ affairs. They will take personal offence and pursue to discredit, slander, and punish any who may have crossed a line by publicly criticising their actions in Yemen.

The worst part isn’t the scant reporting though; it’s the distorted reality projected by the media when they do bother to relay the news. If and when the media covers Yemen, the tendency to offer summaries to explain the war and using one-liners to describe the warring parties in their reports end up overly simplifying a complex conflict.

The media’s extensive coverage of the tragedies and woes of Syria’s war has not only eclipsed Yemen, it has also led many whom have been desensitised by it to inadvertently belittle and dismiss that of Yemen’s war.

There are many reasons why the Syrian conflict is dominating headlines and extensively covered by the media.

The propaganda

There’s a staggering amount of misinformation, propaganda, and parachute journalism that makes it hard for the general public to decipher basic truths let alone form an overall opinion of the protracted and increasingly confusing conflict. The following are a few examples of false or skewed statements, propagated by the main parties of the conflict, in an attempt to influence and shape the public opinion.

[in detail]

The noise – ‘If you can’t convince them, you might as well confuse them’

A generally sensible story will often only get so far when most mediums carrying it have their own interests in certain parts of a story and not the entirety of it, and where covering or highlighting Yemen is irregular at best. Moreover, a story surviving the distortion of being editorially watered down or politically corrected, can easily be lost in the midst of the tens of other stories telling a different version of same; versions that are likely sensational, louder, and have been aggressively pushed out by resourceful parties with vested interests ensuring widest public reach. With the amount of media outlets, though reach will mostly contribute to spread and not create a general consensus, the many versions will still confuse the public – by Hisham Al-Omeisy

Comment: A great article, in one large section also deciphering Saudi propaganda which so often is willingly accepted and adopted by Western media.

7.8.2016 – New York Times (*** A P)

How Think Tanks Amplify Corporate America’s Influence

Think tanks are seen as independent, but their scholars often push donors’ agendas, amplifying a culture of corporate influence in Washington.

Think tanks, which position themselves as “universities without students,” have power in government policy debates because they are seen as researchers independent of moneyed interests. But in the chase for funds, think tanks are pushing agendas important to corporate donors, at times blurring the line between researchers and lobbyists. And they are doing so while reaping the benefits of their tax-exempt status, sometimes without disclosing their connections to corporate interests.

Similar arrangements exist at many think tanks. On issues as varied as military sales to foreign countries, international trade, highway management systems and real estate development, think tanks have frequently become vehicles for corporate influence and branding campaigns.

“This is about giant corporations who figured out that by spending, hey, a few tens of millions of dollars, if they can influence outcomes here in Washington, they can make billions of dollars,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts.

Despite these benefits, corporations can write off the donations as charitable contributions. Some tax experts say these arrangements may amount to improper subsidies by taxpayers if think tanks are providing specific services.

General Atomics, the California-based manufacturer of Predator drones, had a clear problem. Prospects for sales were falling as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq wound down. The company wanted the Obama administration to change its policy to allow for sales to other countries, a lucrative proposition.

The industry turned to the Center for Strategic and International Studies for help, providing money that the think tank used to conduct a study on drone policy, including exports.

As a think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies did not file a lobbying report, but the goals of the effort were clear. But the effort did not stop there – by ERIC LIPTON and BROOKE WILLIAMS

Comment: A very good article on the role of US think tanks. Anyway, it’s not just the corporations using think tanks in this way. It’s the US, government, the State Department, the Pentagon using think tanks in the same way. There are quite many think tanks initiated, founded, run, payed, sponsored by US government institutions – and influencing public opinion in the same way as shown in this article. Subjects then are foreign policy, American exceptionalism, the vindication of warfare, military intervention, alliances with dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, fueling civil wars, belittlement of the own sponsored terrorists, interference in other countries. Thus, the subject of this article is of fundamental importance for the US – and thus the whole Western – media coverage of the Yemen war. This point could have been amplified in this article, it really gets a raw deal here.

9.8.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (** A K P)

The Yemen Tragedy: What Is The Way Out?

While the draft agreement [the last UN proposal for peace] states that the insurgents have to surrender their weapons, the document does not guarantee them any political rights. A number of experts have come to the reasonable conclusion that the wording of the draft agreement was heavily influenced by the Saudi Arabian King. Rumor has it that a hefty price was paid for the approval of the current version of the document. Everybody understands who is implicated. Since the Houthis are the poorest stratum of the Yemeni population struggling to occupy a decent place in the society, then it must have been a person of Saudi origin.

The fact that the delegation of the Houthis disapproved of the draft agreement did not come as a surprise. The Houthi representatives made the formation of a government of national unity a condition for the negotiations to continue.

According to the report released by the TV channel Al-Arabia, Saudi Arabia explicitly demonstrated its selfish aspirations in Yemen when General Ahmed Asiri, a spokesman for the Saudi-led Coalition, stated that Saudi Arabia would press on with the operation in Yemen until the “legitimate government” of the fugitive former president is reinstated. The General pinned the responsibility for the outcome of the Yemen peace talk on the world community. He also called the attacks launched by the Houthi insurgents in the areas adjacent to the border with Saudi Arabia “an act of military violence” and noted that he had informed the UN Special Envoy to Yemen of violations on the part of the insurgents.

One cannot help but notice that the demagoguery of the Saudi ruling circles has gone off the scale. It was actually Riyadh that brazenly intervened in the Yemeni internal dispute, which ended in a civil war and heavy civilian casualties.

The demagogical nature of statements the Saudi leaders make is fully demonstrated when they hypocritically say that they are striving to resolve the Yemen crisis in a peaceful way by engaging the UN—the organisation they are basically sponsoring.

As far as is known, nobody is threatening Saudi Arabia’s sovereignty. It is entirely on the contrary, Saudi Arabia and its rulers should be blamed for the outbreaks of conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen – by Victor Mikhin

10.8.2016 – IRIN (** A H)

Pregnancy under siege. A journalist in Yemen becomes a father and tells his story

I’m a journalist, and for the past 16 months I’ve been writing about the war in my country, Yemen, and the siege on my city, Taiz.

I’m also a newlywed, and I’ve always dreamt of having a child. When our doctor told me my wife was pregnant, I was so happy that I called my relatives and close friends to tell them the good news – so rare in the midst of the fighting.

For the first five months of pregnancy, it was nothing but joy. Then my wife fainted.

I was worried. Some 80 percent of the hospitals in Taiz have closed and there’s only one – al-Modhafar – that looks after pregnant women.

The doctors there told us that my wife had extremely low blood pressure and needed oxygen. We were lucky there was some available – Houthi fighters surround the city (they are battling fighters who are very loosely allied with Saudi Arabia) and the main way oxygen canisters make it in is via smugglers.

I myself had reported on the camels and donkeys that help bring these supplies in.

Despite our luck that time, the doctors said they couldn’t guarantee my wife the care she needed in Taiz, and that dozens of premature babies had already died in the hospital because of a shortage of oxygen and electricity cuts – by Nasser Al-Sakkaf

9.8.2016 – Middle East Eye (** B H)

Yemeni women break taboos to become family breadwinners

Deaths of fathers and husbands in the war has forced women to break out of traditional gender roles to become entrepreneurs

Many of those killed are men who provided for their families at one level or another.

Now, through necessity, entrepreneurial women have taken on that mantle, starting small businesses in a country where many disapprove of men and women mixing in the workplace.

Yemen is generally a conservative society in which a woman often needs a good reason to leave her home. For many Yemenis, women working with men – known as “ free mixing” - is a sensitive issue.

Some disapprove of women setting up their own businesses. Bader Ad-Din al-Slewi, a Salafi sheikh, told Middle East Eye: “A woman must not leave her house to work and mix with men in order to sell and buy.

But Abdullah Muharram, a moderate Zaidi sheikh, disagreed – by Mohammed Alkhayat and Yasser Rayes

cp2 Allgemein / General

10.8.2016 – Sputnik News (* B K)

Saudi Arabia Spends $180Bln on War in Yemen - Yemeni Clerics Association

Saudi Arabia has spent $180 billion on the war in Yemen, the head of the Yemeni clerics association Ulama, Mohamed Shamsudin, said Wednesday.

They [the Saudis] have already spent $180 billion on the war in Yemen. For decades they have hoarded weapons. If they have only spent $1 billion for peaceful purposes, this would have led to totally different outcomes," Shamsudin said during a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency.

Comment: The figure always reported is 200 million Dollars a day is the cost of the Saudi aerial war. Now we reached the 503. day of the aerial war, that are 100,6 billion Dollars. Adding all the other costs: Saudi troops on the ground, payment for all the Yemenis fighting for president Hadi and against the Houthis, the fleet and upholding the blockade of northern Yemen, costs of political propaganda and international bribery, we get quite a lot more. Whether it really is 180 billion, I don’t know – a cleric (from the enemie’s side] will not know the exact figures. I think a cost of 50 % for all other measures apart from the aerial war seems to be more realistic, that means a total of 150 billion $.

Comment by Judith Brown: Now if Saudi had paid this amount in economic aid to Yemen they would have very devout followers of KSA south of their border and far more security than they have now.

Comment: Certainly. In total, they have spent $ 500 million for humanitarian aid in Yemen – that is just 1/360 or 1/300 of the sum estimated for warfare. The UAE claims more:

10.8.2016 – WAM (A H K)

UAE aid to Yemen reaches Dh4.3bn

The UAE offered Dh4.34 billion ($1.2 billion) in foreign aid to Yemen from April 2015 to July 2016 as part of its humanitarian and development aid to support the Yemeni people and its ongoing efforts to lay down the foundations for development, security, stability and peace in the Arab Republic of Yemen.

The massive foreign aid came as part of the UAE's humanitarian and developmental response to the current crisis in Yemen and help it to overcome this situation, support its stability, and preserve its territorial integrity and unity.

Comment by Judith Brown: Compare this to the amounts spent in war. It is minuscule. But I guess the West's arms manufacturers wouldn't make too much money saving Yemeni lives and they make a great deal of money selling weapons that kill them and destroy their futures. So guns win over bread every time.

Comment: Anyway, that is a better percentage as for the Saudis, nevertheless it’s minuscule, of course.

11.8.2016 – SJL News (A K P)

[from Arabic by Google translator]

Kuwaiti political governor of Al-Mutairi: «The Arab Coalition» leads the functional war in «Yemen» That's why ..

Yemen for two years hundreds of billions without political change are functional goals of the war run Western arms manufacturers!

Dr. Mohamed Mukhtar Shanqeeti believes that the continuation of the Arab states, especially the Gulf countries, held in arms deals with Washington, and harness the billions of dollars arming it serves the American strategy.
Shanqeeti said in his tweet on the site "Twitter": US strategy flooding the region with weapons even go bankrupt coffers, transform their differences eternal wars no victor nor vanquished. "

Comment: As main US goals in the Yemen war are stated: Keeping high profizs for US arms industry; flooding the region with arms and keeping the Yemen war run eternally without a winner.

10.8.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A H K)

#UNICEF confirmed death of a total of 2271 children in Yemen during 18 months of US-backed Saudi war crimes. Toll is much higher.

10.8.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K)

Yemen airports close amid intensified Saudi raids

Airports have been closed and flights suspended across Yemen amid intensified Saudi Arabian military strikes against the impoverished country.

The airport closures took place on Wednesday as Saudi fighter jets continued to hit the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, and other cities across the country.

Saleh al-Samad, the head of the Ansarullah movement’s Political Council, called the continued Saudi strikes and the resultant halt to air travel a flagrant violation of human rights and international law.

He said the aerial transfer of medical and food supplies to millions of people across Yemen had been halted as a result of the suspension of the flights.

Samad held the United Nations (UN) responsible for failing to act on the situation in Yemen and the continued Saudi war on the country.

9.8.2016 – Fars News (A K P)

Good News for Its Oppressed People: Yemen Is Turning Into Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam

Surely they are. It was obvious from day one, and it’s still now after almost 17 months since the start of the conflict, that the inhumane war on Yemen isn’t so much about blunting Iranian power as it is about gaining access to energy resources and preservation of Global West domination in the Middle East. The close relation between the war and energy resources is of long standing too, and this is where International Law and International Humanitarian Law are not compatible with the House of Saud’s bloodline.

On the contrary. The Saudi-led and US-backed campaign of bombing hospitals and deliberate targeting and destruction of private homes, education facilities and basic infrastructure is being driven by regional designs and UN complicity. Yemen bleeds because it has oil and strategic importance for the War Party and vassals.

Let it be known that the Saudis are trapped in a protracted and devastating conflict and they are in the know too. Yemen is their Vietnam and it wouldn't be their first time.

Military metaphors aside, Riyadh is losing the battle, unable to find a face-saving way to end the costly conflict. The criminal campaign has actually worsened Saudi security, draining them militarily, financially, politically, and strategically. It is unclear how Riyadh can end its military involvement without coming off as the loser. What a disgrace!

Comment: Iranian point of view, nevertheless worth a read.

8.2016 – Wikipedia (A P)

President of Yemen

Comment: President Hadi’s term ended February 27, 2014 and was prolonged for another year. Thus it definitely ended February 27, 2015. Never ever the UN or any foreign state can neglect the fact that “legitimacy” just must originate from within any state and its own constitution and political bodies. Thus, nobody can tell president Hadi still to be the legitimate president of Yemen.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / See cp1

10.8.2016 – UNICEF (* B H)

A day in the life of a community midwife in Yemen

At 8:20 am, I arrived at the Bani Hushaysh District, due east of the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. The journey had started in the city at 7:00 am, and I was joined by UNICEF colleagues and staff from the Sana’a Governorate Health Office.

Our first stop was at the Bani Hushaysh District Health Centre, where we were met by Kawkab Abdu, a community midwife in the area. She told us that after a long, shaky period of ceasefire, they had heard sounds of bombs earlier that morning, which had frightened residents. “Don’t worry, we will protect you,” Ms. Abdu said as if to reassure me. I simply smiled and we moved into the health facility.

Ms. Abdu, 36, has been a community midwife in Bani Hushaysh since 2007, when she completed training on community-based maternal and newborn care. The training is given to community midwives to equip them with essential lifesaving skills.

Today she is the only health worker who has reported to work. The rest were scared by the sound of bombs and likely wanted to assess the situation before coming to work. Since the conflict in Yemen escalated, health centres have been severely affected. Some have been attacked, others have run out of medicines, fuel and electricity. In many cases, the health workers have fled.

In Bani Hushaysh, Ms. Abdu is a lifeline for the residents. She is described by the residents as an ‘integrated package’ – she administers vaccines, manages childhood diseases such as respiratory tract infections, diarrhoea and measles, and she also manages malnutrition by screening children, providing treatment and referring severe cases for further treatment – by Najwa Al-dheeb

10.8.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

UNHRD Operations Update - Response to the Crisis in Yemen, as of 09 August 2016

Since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015, UNHRD has supported 6 Partners responding to the crisis by sending 413 MT of critical relief items, equipment and medical supplies to Djibouti and Yemen. Most recently, UNHRD dispatched 35 metric tons of medicine to Hoedida on behalf of WHO. =

10.8.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of August 2016): Overview of the Humanitarian Situation in the Hubs

National and international partners continue responding to the humanitarian needs of men, women, and children across Yemen. Guided by the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence, the effort is organized out of five major humanitarian hubs, covering all 22 governorates. From Sana'a, Aden, Ibb, Al Hudaydah, and Sa'ada, humanitarians are addressing the needs of displaced persons seeking safety security and livelihoods, of host families aiding the displaced, and of other people affected by the continued conflict. The hubs of Ibb, Aden, and Sana'a have seen the greatest number of deaths and injuries since the conflict escalated in March 2015.(1) All the governorates across the country have been reached with some form of humanitarian or protection assistance. and in full:

10.8.2016 – Famine Early Warning System Network (* A H)

Yemen Food Security Outlook August 2016 to January 2017

High food prices weaken household purchasing power and limit food access for poor households

A major food security emergency is ongoing in Yemen, caused by conflict-related disruptions to household livelihoods. FEWS NET estimates that across the western half of the country, households continue to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3 or 3!) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) food security outcomes. Food consumption gaps, elevated levels of acute malnutrition, and/or excess mortality are likely in these areas.

Although food security data is limited, FEWS NET estimates that approximately seven to ten million people currently face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse food security outcomes. Amongst this population, about 25 percent are in Emergency (IPC Phase 4).

Large-scale humanitarian assistance is currently playing an important role in preventing higher levels of food insecurity in many areas. and in full: =

9.8.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A H)

Kid took bullet to face & Tweeps connected with doctors, supposed to travel tomorrow. But Saudi shut airport

19.3.2016 – Shafaqna (* B H)

Yemeni Doctor opens up to the reality of a life under siege – Exclusive Interview with Shafaqna

A trauma surgeon with over 20 years’ experience Dr Abdullah al-Wazir has seen his fair share of blood, injuries and human tragedy. Yet he admits that the brutal military force which befell Yemen since late March 2015 has left him lost for words – “dumbfounded really,” he said in exclusive comments.

A volunteer surgeon Dr al-Wazir returned to Yemen in early 2015 to help towards what he believed at the time would be his country transition into a striving democracy. Keen to offer his expertise and knowledge where they were most needed, Dr al-Wazir left a comfortable life in Canada for a life in Sana’a, the Yemeni capital.

I have seen many pains and witnessed many deaths as a trauma surgeon … Yemen showed me what true horror looks like … what hopelessness and absolute despair feels like. I have seen too many fathers and mothers weep until they could no longer stand, to not have shared in the loss of an entire people.

An airstrike last month destroyed several houses in northern Yemen … I was there when the missile struck. One of the nurse’s family home had been struck. We rushed to the sight to see if we could offer first aid to the survivors. A young boy was stuck in between the debris of the house … His name was Amr. His mother sat talking to him, her head pressed against the rubbles as we worked to move the debris … The boy died before we could reach him. His mother refused to move until she was shown her child’s body. She stayed there for two days, waiting for a miracle …. Refusing to believe that her boy, had been claimed, and she wasn’t. I will never forget her face … – Abdullah al-Wazir interviewed by Catherine Shakdam

31.12.2015 – UN Children's Fund (* A H)

Annual Report 2015 =

Comment: Yemen is quite often dealt with.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

10.8.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A P)

Yemeni President Saleh Assamad chairing 2day meeting with parliament speakers b4 resuming sessions Saturday.

10.8.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A H P)

Houthis blocked @Skype in #Yemen as part of their media restrictions. I had to use VPN to connect for my intl interviews all day today.

Comment: How stupid to block the own population from the outside world.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / See cp14

10.8.2016 – WAM (A P)

UAE offers four-wheel-drive vehicles to security agencies in Aden

The UAE has donated seven four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles to the Governorate of Aden as part of its sustained support for the public institutions and liberated cities in Yemen.

''This assistance will leverage capabilities of security agencies to achieve security and safety, save lives and protect people and their properties,'' he [Chief of Security in Aden] affirmed.

He paid profound thanks to the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, particularly the UAE, which he said had provided continuous support for security and services sectors.

Comment: This gift is for UAEs own benefit.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

10.8.2016 – Reuters (A K)

A senior Houthi official did say that he held the United Nations responsible for the stepped-up combat, which followed the collapse over the weekend of U.N.-backed peace talks.

"The silence of the U.N. towards this dangerous escalation and mass extermination against the Yemeni people ... makes it a partner in the aggression," Saleh al-Samad, the chief of a new Houthi-backed political council, told state news agency Saba.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

10.8.2016 – Investing (* B E)

Oil: Saudi’s Long, Hot Summer

It has been a hot, challenging summer for Saudi Arabia. Not only are they fighting battles in Yemen, Libya and Iraq, they are also fighting a struggling domestic economy at home. A rise in Saudi Arabian oil production and an increase in crude supply, according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) report, is giving oil a little weakness to start the day and the Saudi production story is raising questions about whether or not OPEC can cut a deal with Russia to “freeze” oil output at current levels – by Phil Flynn

8.12.2013– Redress Online (** B H)

The abuse of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia

With few opportunities at home, millions of poor, desperate men and women from southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa migrate annually to Saudi Arabia, where many are enslaved and badly abused, or even killed.

Slavery is woven into the psyche of the kingdom. According to Saudi scholar Ali al-Ahmed, a “culture of slavery pervades the country”, and although banned in 1964, when it is thought there were 30,000 slaves in the country, the barbaric practice of owning a fellow human being still exists in the form of the internationally condemned kafala sponsorship system. By tying the residency status of migrant workers to their employers, the system grants the latter total control, amounting to ownership.

Under the scheme employers confiscate the passports, money and mobile phones of new arrivals; workers who want to change jobs or leave the country must seek their employer’s, consent who typically refuse to give it. A “sub-contracting” scheme is also in operation, with employers selling workers on – by Graham Peebles

cp9 USA

Siehe / See cp1

9.8.2016 – The American Conservative (** A K P)

Over 500 Days of the Indefensible, U.S.-Backed War on Yemen

The coalition bombing of civilian targets has unfortunately been commonplace since the intervention began in March 2015.

The U.S. has not been a bystander in all of this, but has been an active participant by providing weapons, refueling, and intelligence to the Saudi-led coalition from the beginning. U.S. support for the war has not diminished at all in response to evidence of war crimes committed by the Saudis and their allies, but on the contrary has increased in 2016. U.S. support for the war has also extended to aiding the Saudis in their efforts to cover up the coalition’s crimes at the U.N.

Samuel Oakford has written an important article on Saudi efforts to stymie international scrutiny of their war with the help of U.S. and other Western governments, and remarks on the U.S. role here:

The Obama administration’s backing for this atrocious war has been unstinting, and it has never made any serious public criticism of the coalition’s conduct in Yemen, but I doubt most Americans are even aware of the U.S. role in the conflict.

Very few would know much about this, and that isn’t all that surprising when we consider how little attention the conflict has received in media coverage.

The Democratic ticket is all in favor of U.S. support for the Saudis and their allies, and there is no reason to think that the Republican ticket disagrees.

All of that neglect and indifference have suited the administration just fine. The only way that administration officials can defend U.S. involvement is to recycle Saudi propaganda or blatantly lie about how the war started, and so they mostly avoid saying anything about it. The Saudi-led war on Yemen is indefensible, and even its enablers in Washington must know that by now – by Daniel Larison

2.8.2016 – RT (* A P)

Hillary Clinton has a ‘terrible position on Saudi Arabia’ – Code Pink co-founder

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia may be a US ally, but the country has a terrible record when it comes to human rights. Medea Benjamin, author and co-founder of Code Pink, joins RT America’s Lindsay France and says the country is “causing a huge humanitarian disaster” in Yemen, abusing migrant workers from India, and that Hillary Clinton has a “terrible position” on the Middle Eastern country.

9.8.2016 – Offguardian (B T)

Five Revelations From the 9/11 Joint Inquiry’s 28 pages

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

10.8.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A K P)

British MP @Tobias_Ellwood urged Saudis to speed up their #Yemen war crime whitewash. This report is 3 months old.

To clarify: the British are helping Saudis choose the right weapon for the right target in and

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

8.8.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Bahraini regime arrests 29 people in one week

A rights group says Bahraini authorities have arrested 29 people including a woman over the past week.
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights says despite the increasing pressure by the Al Khalifah regime, 47 anti-government rallies were held in different parts of the Persian Gulf kingdom last week. According to the rights group, Bahraini courts have handed long jail sentences to dissidents during the last seven days

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

10.8.2016 – Francais Express (* A K P)

Großauftrag - Kuwait schließt Milliardendeal für Milititärhubschrauber ab

Das Golfemirat Kuwait kauft für über eine Milliarde Euro 30 Militärhubschrauber vom europäischen Hersteller Airbus Helicopters. Frankreichs Verteidigungsminister unterzeichnete in Kuwait den Vertrag.

Jean-Yves Le Drian, Außenminister von Frankreich, hat den Vertrag für den Verkauf von Helikoptern an Kuwait unterzeichnet. Er erklärte, der Großauftrag für die Hubschrauber vom Typ H225M Caracal stärke die strategische Partnerschaft, "die beide Länder seit Jahrzehnten verbindet". Der Ressortchef erwähnte dabei auch den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) in Syrien und Irak.

Kommentar: Wie doch die offizielle Rechtfertigung für diesen Waffendeal doch derjenigen der USA für ihren neuen Waffendeal mit den Saudis gleicht. Und auch Kuwait ist ja an der suadischen "Koalition" im Jemenkrieg beteiligt. Da können dann die Hubschrauber ja auch gleich zum Einsatz kommen.

10.8.2016 – T-Online (* A K P)

USA wollen Panzer und Waffen an Saudis liefern

Die US-Regierung hat grünes Licht gegeben für den Export von Panzern und Waffen an Saudi-Arabien. Die Bestellung aus dem Königreich hat einen Gesamtwert von 1,15 Milliarden Dollar (eine Milliarde Euro).

Kommentar: Und dann ab zum Einsatz nach dem Jemen mit den ganzen Sachen.

9.8.2016 – RT (* A K P)

Rearming Riyadh: US approves $1.15bn tank sale to Saudi Arabia

Washington has approved the sale of 133 tanks and 20 recovery vehicles to Saudi Arabia, citing the kingdom’s role as a “leading contributor of political stability and economic progress” in the Middle East, even as Saudi aircraft resumed bombing Yemen.

The US State Department gave its green light for the sale, estimated at $1.15 billion, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in its notice to Congress on Tuesday. General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), of Sterling Heights, Michigan, was named as the primary contractor.

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic regional partner which has been and continues to be a leading contributor of political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.”

Saudi Arabia had requested 133 M1A1/A2 “tank structures” for upgrading M1A2S Abrams tanks currently in Saudi service, as well as 20 “battle damage replacements for their existing fleet,” the DSCA notice said. and also by Common Dreams, connecting this deal to the last incidents in Yemen:

Comment: See already YPR 180. And then quickly, go up to Yemen with all this stuff.

Comment: It's like selling matches to a pyromaniac

9.8.2016 – Defense One (* A K P)

Saudi Losses in Yemen War Exposed by US Tank Deal

The U.S. State Department and Pentagon Tuesday OKed a $1.2 billion sale of 153 Abrams tanks to Saudi Arabia Tuesday. But that’s not the real news.

Turns out: 20 of those tanks, made in America by General Dynamics Land Systems, are “battle damage replacements” for Saudi tanks lost in combat.

Even though the formal announcement of the sales does not say where the tanks were fighting, the Saudi military is believed to have lost some of its 400-plus Abrams tanks in Yemen, where it is fighting Iranian-backed Houthi separatists.

Videos posted on YouTube purport to show rebels blowing up Abrams tanks with Iranian-made rockets – by Marcus Weisgerber

8.8.2016 – Janes (* A K P)

Saudi F-15SA basing and unit plans revealed

The US government has revealed basing and unit plans for the Royal Saudi Air Force's (RSAF's) Boeing F-15SA (Saudi Advanced) Eagle fleet ahead of the commencement of deliveries.

The details were disclosed in early August in a Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) request for information (RfI) for F-15SA support that will run from March 2017 until March 2021.

According to the solicitation, the F-15SA will be operated by 55 Formal Training Unit (FTU) and 6 Squadron (currently an F-15S unit) at King Khalid Air Base (KKAB) in the south-west of Saudi Arabia; 29 Squadron (not currently stood-up) at King Faisal Air Base (KFAB) in the north-west of the country; and 92 Squadron (currently an F-15S unit) and the Fighter Weapons School at King Abdulaziz Air Base (KAAB) on the Gulf coast near Bahrain.

The RSAF is to receive 152 F-15SAs, of which 84 will be new build and 68 will be remanufactured F-15S platforms. Procured under a USD29.4 billion Foreign Military Sale (the largest in US history), the F-15SA is the most advanced variant of the Eagle ordered to date.

Comment: For “better” bombing Yemen. The US are killers’ accomplices.

Comment by Sarah lea Whitson: #yemen - what a business bonanza!

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

10.8.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Somalia Situation Supplementary Appeal: July - December 2016

In Uganda and Yemen, UNHCR's response to the needs of Somali refugees is also included in the 2016 country programmes, as presented in UNHCR's Global Appeal 2016-2017 and its supplementary appeal for the Yemen situation (February 2016). Yemen is a traditional migration and transit hub for migrants and refugees from the Horn of Africa and to date, Somalis have been granted prima facie recognition. Some 253,950 Somali refugees benefit from the range of services that are provided, including legal assistance, cash assistance, health care and education services. While most of the refugees live in urban/peri-urban settings, UNHCR manages a camp in Kharaz, in the south of the country. Owing to the continuing emergency in Yemen, no organized return is foreseen in 2016. and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

10.8.2016 – Middle East Monitor (A T)

Al-Qaeda withdraws from parts of Yemen

Al-Qaeda has pulled out from the town of Azzan, its last stronghold in the southeastern province of Shabwah, according to a local source.

The source, who requested anonymity for security reasons, told the Anadolu Agency that a large number of Al-Qaeda fighters withdrew from Azzan yesterday, as Saudi-led coalition forces launched a military campaign in some of the southern provinces against the militant organisation.

The source added that cars belonging to Al-Qaeda were seen carrying some of its members and escaping to an unknown destination following heavy bombing by the jet fighters of the Arab military coalition on some Al-Qaeda sites in the city during the past three days.

Last Saturday, an airstrike targeting an Al-Qaeda gathering in Azzan resulted in four deaths and three injuries that were described as “serious”.

Al-Qaeda gained control of the province in February.

Comment by Judith Brown: Not sure how much I believe this report. But says that so Qaeda has been bombed and maybe it has perhaps by other members of the Arab coalition than Saudi Arabia - or maybe it hasn't. The last time it was reported that battles had been won against AQ in Yemen - in Mukalla - it later transpired that they had been allowed to move to another ovation with their weapons intact. Here the reports clearly says that these militants left Azzan with their weapons to an unknown destination. There is so much evidence that KSA has encouraged the proliferation of AQ in Yemen in this war openly fighting on the same side so I read any reports of battles against AQ In Yemen with scepticism.

cp15 Propaganda

10.8.2016 – Breitbart (A P)

Twitter Allows Saudi Group To Promote Tweet Defending Yemen Intervention

Twitter has allowed a verified Saudi Arabia-supporting Twitter account to use its “promoted Tweets” system to defend its military operations in Yemen, where it has been accused of war crimes.

Earlier this week, Infographics_ksa, a verified Twitter account tweeting Arab- and English-language graphics in support of Saudi Arabia, was allowed to promote a tweet defending the country’s military intervention.

Twitter has previously blocked promoted tweets from sources it considers unacceptable – by Allum Bokhari

10.8.2016 – Aljazeera (A P)

Arab coalition rejects claims of raid on Yemeni capital

The Arab coalition has denied launching air strikes on the Yemeni capital, pointing out that Tuesday's air raids of the alliance warplanes were in support of the Yemeni forces north of Sanaa.

Brigadier General Ahmed Asiri, the military spokesman of the coalition, told Al Jazeera from Riyadh on Wednesday that it was important to "correct information" reported on Tuesday that claimed the alliance hit a factory in Sanaa city, killing 14 people.

"We are not striking Sanaa, we are providing air support for the loyal army to the government in Nehm [district of Sanaa province] and we strike the positions of the forces belonging to the [former President] Ali Abdullah Saleh and to the militia's outer ring of the capital Sanaa," Asiri said.

"It is important to know that we are not attacking Sanaa as the capital."

Comment: It is really amazing to see that Saudis still can top themselves when telling fairy tales about the war. According to major story teller Asiri there had not been any air raids at Sanaa in these days. Just look at what happened there at cp16 and YPR 180 cp16, don’t spare the graphic images and films of the victims.

Comment by Judith Brown: Crazy and I can't believe this denial. So many reports from my friends in Sanaa and so many terrible pictures. They can't blame this on the Houthi-Saleh alliance - the Saudis control the skies.

10.8.2016 – Strategy Page (A P)

Yemen: No Peace Anytime Soon

Comment: This is a full pro-Saudi propaganda article, the author of which is not stated. The propaganda here is somewhat more intelligent than the propaganda normally told us by Saudis, Emirates and Hadi government. It is not any more reasonable, anyway. Of course, the Iranian connection is stressed, and there are really ridiculous contorted movements to justify why the Saudis bombed the potato chips factory at Sanaa. The horrible air raid at a market in the Nehm region, which killed 18 to 30 people, is not mentioned at all.

9.8.2016 – World Health Organization (A H P)

With support from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre WHO continues to provide lifesaving health, nutrition and environmental services for millions of people in Yemen.

To date, the Centre has donated more than US$ 22 million to support WHO’s response activities in Yemen. Funds received have allowed WHO to provide 120 metric tonnes of essential medicines and medical supplies to hospitals =

Comment: That’s why the Saudis have been removed from the UN list of children rights violators: Saudi money. The sum equals the total cost of 2 ½ hours of Saudi air raids against Yemen – which now have reached their 503. day. Now having payed this peanut sum, even the Saudis no longer must make the propaganda for themselves: the UN and their WHO even do this on their behalf.

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre supports WHO’s health response in Yemen

9.8.2016 – Janes (A P)

Investigation largely clears Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen

The Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) set up by the Saudi-led coalition to investigate claims that its air campaign in Yemen have hit civilian targets has largely exonerated the coalition in eight alleged such incidents, including one where it previously admitted accidentally bombing a hospital.

The JIAT consists of 14 individuals from the coalition countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as Yemen. Its legal advisor, Bahrain's Lieutenant General Mansour Ahmed Al-Mansour, briefed journalists about the investigation at Saudi Arabia's King Salman Air Base on 4 August.

The JIAT found that the coalition was clearly at fault in just one of the eight incidents, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) coverage of the briefing.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well are you surprised or are you not? A committee of Saudi and their friends clear themselves of almost all blame in the attacks on Yemen. This is almost laughable. Reported here by the defence magazine Janes

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

10.8.2016 – Various tweets from the night at Sanaa (A K)

#Breaking Sanaa SHAKES: Saudi airstrike rocks #Yemen capital close to airport at 2am waking up millions in fear.

#Breaking 10 Saudi airstrikes in 10 minutes attack heart of #Yemen capital Sanaa with fire & smoke rising from all parts of capital.

#Sanaa is under massive explosions now #Saudi jets still roaring till now it is going to be a crazy night

3 #Saudi air strikes targeted #Sanaa airport

Saudi assholes. 2nd massive explosion north Sanaa after loud missile wizzle. Glad am alone in this house. Praying for others.

In this neighbourhood houses are fragile and realy really shaken by those airstrikes. 3airstrikes near family house. May Allah protect all.

Three huge explosions rock the northern areas of the capital Sanaa following intense airstrikes by KSA jets.

We are still alive after an ugly night by Saudi agrression war against my lovely country,4huge explosions rock Sanas in just5minutes.

Oh my gods Hear the 7th explosion now in Sana'a #Yemen by Saudi jets.

WTF! I hear a whore screaming , aha ! That's another F16 hovering . Not counting the booms anymore , so many , & my neighbor finally asleep

Near 3am local : Over 2 hours so far of Saudi jet sorties over #Yemen capital Sanaa, with at least 5 explosions heard.

not clear where the airstrikes are hitting n #Yemen's capital but it's certain few hit al-Nahdeen, 2 hit al-Nahda, 2 hit Dabwa military camp

Alnahdh neighborhood was reportedly attached in this midnight airstrikes. It's where a factory was hit yesterday.

My frightened babies: Solomon 18 months does not want to sleep and 10 days Jacob never stopped crying since the start of Saudi night strikes

The entire capital is waking up now,t Internet line is very slow. Ppl from Southern Sana'a r calling there families&friends in t north..What a night

thank God my children didn't wake up. 2nd blast woke me up and I ran to unlock the windows. Blast pressure waves slammed them open.

#Saudi jets targeted and destroyed sanaa airport runway, flights already stopped by them , what the points of targeting the runway

More than 15 #Saudi airstrik targeted civilian areas n Sana'a this pic of Jumaan family house was one of the targets

And so on and so on….

10.8.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

RAINING BOMBS: 140 Saudi airstrikes attack #Yemen today killing 14 civilians. Average 1 missile every 10 minutes....

10.8.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

Breaking : 2 #Saudi air strikes targeted a civilian house in Maran district #Sadaa

Again 4 hours ago, #Saudi-led coalition bombed important road linking #Sanaa with Central & Southern

15 #Saudi air strikes targeted Harad district Haja city

#Sadaa now is under #Saudi air strikes ,massive explosions and jets still roaring till now

2 #Saudi air strikes targeted a civilian home in Haidan district #Sadaa city

10.8.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Seriously! Airstrikes just targeted presidential palace in Nahdayen. Rewinding 2015 are we? Bracing for bombastic night in Sana'a.

10.8.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

#Sadaa now is under #Saudi air strikes ,massive explosions and jets still roaring till now #Yemen

2 #Saudi air strikes targeted a civilian home in Haidan district #Sadaa city and

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raid kills three in Nehm

Three people were killed on Wednesday in a Saudi raid targeted al-Rawzah area in Nehm district of Mareb province, a local official said.
The Saudi warplanes targeted a car in the main road in al-Rawzah area, killing a man and two children, the official said.
A hostile warplanes launched 50 air raids on different areas in the early morning hours

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes hit Dhamar, injure two

Two people were injured on Wednesday in Saudi raids targeted Yemen Economic Corporation's (YECO) branch in Ma'abar city of Dhamar province.
A local official said the Saudi warplanes waged three raids on the YECO branch causing huge damage to the corporation's warehouses.

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression launches raids on Jizan, Najran

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raids kill man, injure two in Sa'ada

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage 15 raids on Jizan

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch raids on Sa'ada, Jizan

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

War jets launch 50 raids on Nehm

10.8.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K)

US-backed Saudi war criminals bombed &destroyed warehouse of rice in Mabar south SanaaYemen today (photo)

9.8.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

4 #Saudi air strikes targeted #Hodiedah city port

#Saudi air strike targeted an army checkpoint in #Hodeidah #Yemen Jets still roaring till now and

9.8.2016 – Shia Waves (A K PH)

Film: Saudi Regime demolishes mosque in northeastern Yemen .201/08/09

According to Al-Alam news network, a mosque was targeted on Monday by Saudi fighter jets. It is located in Dwar district in the town of Mostaba, Yemen’s northeastern Hajjah province.

9.8.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K)

Not to jinx, but Saudi jets gone for more than 2 hours. Don't bring out champagne yet. Drones buzzing in night sky means back soon

9.8.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A K)

As a result of 70+ sorties by KSA jets on #Yemen just today Hodeida4 K & 21W Ibb3 K & 15 W Sanaa14 K &10 W Saada 6 K &2 W Hajjeh3 K Taiz7 K

9.8. Al Masirah

those are victims of Saudi Co airstrikes on Ibb. 3 killed, 10 wounded. Many, acc to medic, are still under rubbles (Film) =

9.8.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K)

16 hours ago,: #Saudi-led coalition bombed important road linking #Sanaa with Central & Southern (photo) and also

9.8.2016 – Al Masirah /Fatma.Uqba (A K)

#Saudi-led civilian massacre on Qataber #Sadaa. 7 killed (3children, 2 women); 3 wounded.

Victims of Qataber air raid (7 killed; see YPR 180), graphic footage: and film: = and

9.8.2016 – The Guardian (A K) – see YPR 180, older reports

Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen food factory kill at least 14 people

Coalition jets bombed a potato factory in the capital’s Nahda district on Tuesday, killing at least 14 people working there, mostly women.

The factory targeted was situated inside an army maintenance camp. Firefighters scrambled to control the resulting blaze but were unable to rescue people inside the building. More than half of those killed are believed to be women. Abdullah al-Aqel, the factory director, said the death toll stood at 16, with more than 10 people injured. and also at AFP: and more images (see also YPR 180):

Comment by Judith Brown: This potato chip (potato crisps) factory was struck today. With lots of oil, people inside perished in an inferno and photos I have seen of the bodies are shocking - I won't post them here as they are too horrific. This factory was producing ready cooked food so Important when there is so little cooking fuel in people's own homes. So not just the dead who have died here in such a terrible way, but also the starving people who will have even less ability to find food. So many food factories destroyed - this is the second potato processing factory to be struck by aerial bombardment to my knowledge.

Comment by Jamila Hanan: This @guardian report is wrong, there's been plenty of tragic airstrikes on #Yemen since ceasefire in April

9.8.2016 – Euronews (A K)

Film: Mehrere Zivilisten bei Luftangriffen im Jemen getötet

Bei Luftangriffen der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition sind nach jemenitischen Angaben in der Hauptstadt Sanaa mindestens 14 Zivilisten getötet worden. Neun weitere seien verletzt worden, als die Kampfflugzeuge eine Lebensmittelfabrik in Sanaa angegriffen hätten, hieß es aus Kreisen des jemenitischen Gesundheitsministeriums.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

10.8.2016 – Arab News (A K)

Missile from Yemen kills civilian in Saudi Arabia

One person has died and another seven civilians have been injured after a missile was launched into Saudi territory from Yemen, local media reported on Wednesday.
The missile hit a building in Samtah in Najran province.
Civil Defense Spokesperson Major Yahya Al-Qahtani said teams received a call about the incident around 2pm.
Earlier in the day, The Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces intercepted two missiles heading toward the cities of Abha and Khamis Mushait and there were no casualties reported in that incident.

10.8.2016 – Waterford Whispers (A K)

Chandler Bing Killed In Yemen

AN American citizen has been killed during a bombardment of Yemen by Saudi Arabian forces, according to sources on the ground in the besieged area.

The New York native had been staying at 15 Yemen Road, Yemen, when the area was hit with artillery following the collapse of the UN-led peace negotiations at the weekend.

10.8.2016 – Reuters (A K)

Saudi Arabia intercepts two missiles fired from Yemen, Al Arabiya says

Saudi Arabia intercepted two ballistic missiles fired at the kingdom by Yemen's armed Houthi movement on Wednesday, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV reported.

The attack follows renewed air strikes by a Saudi-led military coalition on the Houthi-controlled Yemeni capital, Sanaa. Thirteen civilians were killed when bombs a snack food factory.

The Houthis did not immediately claim responsibility for the missile attack.

10.8.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army launches missile on Khamis Mushait airbase

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