Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 830 - Yemen War Mosaic 830

Yemen Press Reader 830: 10. Nov. 2022: Übergriffe und Misshandlungen gegen Zivilisten während des Waffenstillstands im Jemen – Was viele westliche Experten beim Jemen immer wieder falsch verstehen – Regenwasserreservoirs helfen bei Wasserknappheit im Jemen – u.a.m

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November 10, 2022: Violations and Abuses against Civilians during Yemen’s Truce – What Many Western Experts Keep Getting Wrong About Yemen – Rainwater reservoirs tackle Yemen water shortage – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp9b Beziehungen der USA zu Saudi-Arabien und den VAE / US-Saudi and UAE relations

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(* B K P)

Wikipedia: Foreign involvement in the Yemeni Civil War

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H P)

Violations and Abuses against Civilians during Yemen’s Truce

Mwatana for Human Rights said today that the parties to the armed conflict in Yemen did not fully commit to implementing the United Nations-backed truce agreement that took initially effect in early April and was not extended in October 2022. Mwatana documented various violations and abuses that resulted in civilian casualties during the truce period, which should have witnessed a complete cessation of military operations and hostilities.

The truce in Yemen offered respite to civilians across the country and was considered a first step towards a broader settlement. However, the truce did not stop the harm caused to civilians by the warring parties, nor did it alleviate the burdens they still endure.

Mwatana calls on the parties to the conflict to remove obstacles and intensify efforts to reach an agreement that extends the truce, which ended in early October, and is aimed at the complete cessation of military and hostile operations, the payment of salaries to public servants, and the opening of roads to alleviate the suffering experienced by civilians in Taiz and other governorates. Efforts must also be made to end violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Radhya Al-Mutawakel, Chairperson of Mwatana for Human Rights, said, “Although the truce has been an important step for people’s lives, it was not a comprehensive peace agreement guaranteeing the full protection of civilians, because the armed conflict in Yemen is more than just bombs and missiles. Human rights violations are still continuing, and the need for an international criminal accountability mechanism for Yemen remains urgent.”

In early April, the United Nations, through its Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, brokered a truce agreement between the parties to the conflict in Yemen. The agreement included, for the duration of the extendable truce, the cessation of all offensive land, air and sea military operations inside and outside Yemen, the freezing of current military positions on the ground, the entry of fuel ships to the ports of Hodeidah, and the partial opening of Sana’a International Airport by allowing two commercial flights per week to and from Jordan and Egypt. The truce also included a call for an agreement to open roads in Taiz and other governorates to facilitate the movement of civilian men, women, and children.

When the truce entered into force, the Special Envoy for Yemen invited the warring parties to a meeting in Jordan to reach an agreement on opening the roads in Taiz and other governorates to facilitate the movement of civilians, but these efforts of the United Nations failed. This statement emphasizes the importance of the truce, the gains it achieved for a large segment of the Yemeni civilian population, and the importance of the United Nations Envoy’s continuous efforts to extend the duration of the truce and its benefits for civilians, but also sheds light on the violations by the parties to the conflict that affected civilians during the truce period from early April to the beginning of October 2022. Peace efforts and the international community should consider the documented violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law to ensure that the parties commit not to repeat them as an essential obligation in future negotiations or agreements.

Despite international interest in ending the armed conflict in Yemen, violations and abuses and the number of civilian casualties continue. The parties to the conflict have committed various types of attacks and violations, including ground shelling, drone attacks, live ammunition, landmines, child recruitment and mobilization, and attacks on civilian objects, such as hospitals and schools.

(** B P)

What Many Western Experts Keep Getting Wrong About Yemen

Despite a lack of knowledge of Yemen's history, culture and religion, many "experts" applied sweeping analysis, largely culled from international relations theory, to one of the oldest civilizations in the world.

The conflict in Yemen is highly nuanced and increasingly complex, with a constant stream of shifting alliances, all rooted in various intricate histories. Broad, sweeping statements about one side of the war or the other as only ever being rivals or enemies, and conjectural comparisons to other Middle Eastern countries and contexts to explain the current situation in Yemen are often misleading, at best. In certain corners of Western analysis, the war in Yemen is cast as a strictly sectarian conflict, pitting Shia Houthis against Sunnis, and a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia—a dangerously narrow lens that ignores other aspects of the conflict and urgent realities in Yemen, like why the U.N.-brokered truce collapsed earlier this month and when the crippling, Saudi-led blockade of Yemen will end.

Yemen in general is an arduous place to study. It has a complicated history and tribal tradition that is difficult for Yemenis to understand, let alone outsiders.

We are often asked as Middle Eastern analysts about our biases, as if our white, Western counterparts are not biased themselves.

We cannot bemoan a lack of diversity in the field while punishing Middle Eastern analysts for their diverse perspectives and for not seeming sufficiently "detached," like their Western colleagues.

These Western biases and blind spots reveal themselves in English-language coverage of Yemen that consistently emphasizes sectarianism and geopolitics, while overlooking local dynamics and the historical roots of the conflict. Sectarianism in particular reveals little about the origins of Yemen's civil war. Pre-war, sectarianism was barely an issue in Yemen.

The Saudi-led blockade of Yemen—an active war crime that has created the largest humanitarian crisis in the world since it was imposed in 2015, by air, land and sea—is overshadowed in media coverage today by apportioning blame for violations of the truce, almost exclusively on the Houthis for their siege of Taiz. This is in spite of the fact that Saudi Arabia never fulfilled the commitments it made in the truce agreement, regarding the number of civilian flights permitted out of Sanaa's long-blockaded airport and the number of fuel ships allowed into the blockaded port of Hodeidah.

Such prevailing views from Western experts have the effect of normalizing the blockade itself, overlooking the cruelty and absurdity that Yemen, a sovereign state, must seek permission from a foreign country, Saudi Arabia, just so its population can have access to the bare essentials of food, fuel and medicine. They also divert attention from the fact that the blockade is a war crime and should be lifted immediately.

Adding to the absurdity is that calling for restraint and peace often leads to accusations of being a Houthi. Whenever I speak out against the war and the blockade, I must preface my remarks with a disclaimer that I am not a Houthi, out of fear for my career as a Middle East analyst. Calling for diplomacy and restraint does not make me a Houthi, and any suggestion otherwise is both egregious and plays on Islamophobic tropes. Unfortunately, such baseless accusations are too common in Yemen discourse. Advocating for peace and dialogue should not seem radical, but rather be the norm.

So much Western analysis and "expertise" on Yemen seems to forget the crux of the issue at hand: Yemen itself. Not a proxy war between Riyadh and Tehran, or fearmongering about the Houthis being an extension of Hezbollah, but the reality of what is happening on the ground in Yemen and why. As the war goes on, the Houthis become more and more insular, and the most conservative elements within the party gain power. Ending the war in Yemen will help counter the Houthis' growing radicalism—not continued enforcement of a Saudi-led blockade that is punishing average Yemenis and violates international law.

Unfortunately, the fragile truce has already fallen apart, and Washington-based experts are pointing fingers again. But the delicate nature of the truce demonstrates the fundamental reality that a lasting cease-fire cannot be achieved without lifting the blockade.

Too many Western analysts continue to overlook the humanitarian and security consequences of the blockade at the cost of Yemeni lives.

Over the past three decades of disastrous American foreign policy in the Middle East, we have witnessed—personally for those of us with family ties to the region—the dire humanitarian and security consequences of isolating states through sanctions and blacklists. Yet the war hawks keep circling. Sustained diplomacy and a concerted effort toward peace are the only solutions that will temper radicalization among the country's warring factions and pave the way for the emergence of an equitable state for all Yemenis – by Arwa Mokdad

(** B H)

Rainwater reservoirs tackle Yemen water shortage

Residents of some rural areas must fetch water on foot, carrying it for long distances. Rainwater reservoirs have helped to address this challenge.

In an October 19 report, the World Bank warned of a lack of potable water in Yemen that could see about 18 million suffering from lack of access to safe drinking water.

The ongoing conflict -- set off by the Iran-backed Houthis' coup of 2014 -- has had a severe impact on the country's water infrastructure.

Additionally, annual rainfall has been uneven, with droughts recorded in some areas that previously had seen abundant rain.

The overall situation has been worsened by climate change, the World Bank said.

The World Bank and its partners have begun to implement rainwater storage solutions in three villages: al-Aden (Baadan district in Ibb), al-Anin (Wasab al-Ali district in Dhamar), and Hawf (al-Mahra), the report said.

The project provides both clean water and job opportunities, paying local workers for participating in the construction of water collection reservoirs.

It is part of the emergency crisis response project, which has so far supported the building of 1,279 public rainwater collection reservoirs and 30,686 domestic ones throughout Yemen, according to the report.

Together, these provide nearly 900,000 cubic metres of clean water.

The World Bank has contributed to the rehabilitation of 113 wells that have allowed access to water and sewage solutions for more than 1.1 million people, the report said.

"Water reservoirs are successful projects that facilitate development and provide potable water in the dry months, thus making water available throughout the year," said Abdullah Mohammed, an expert on sustainable development projects.

Rainwater volume per capita in Yemen is the lowest in the region, he told Al-Mashareq.

Yemen also has experienced floods and torrential rains, which threaten agricultural resources and see potentially useful rainwater flowing into the sea, he added.

International organisations working to meet public water needs are having difficulties, because many people live in high and rugged mountainous areas, Mohammed said.

The difficult terrain makes it hard for water trucks to access some villages, he said, noting that the stone reservoirs that have been built in some areas have proven to be an excellent solution.

Rainwater is collected from the roofs of houses through a pipe that funnels water into the reservoirs, he said, with the water "going through several stages of filtration during its passage through the pipe".

The project to build reservoirs in rural areas "has yielded two benefits for the local community, the first is providing potable water, and the second is creating job opportunities", economist Abdulaziz Thabit told Al-Mashareq.

"Many rural families depend on women and children for fetching water," he said.

"This impacts school enrollment and has negative effects on women, who have to endure the hardship of walking long distances to provide clean drinking water for only one day, having to repeat this task daily," he added.

"The war has affected the water infrastructure, not to mention the population's weakened purchasing power, especially those who live in the countryside," he said, which has made it more difficult for them to access water – By Nabil Abdullah al-Tamimi

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(B H)

Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus in Jemen

Seit Beginn der Pandemie bis zum 9. November 2022 wurden in Jemen 11.945 Infizierte und 2.159 Todesfälle gemeldet.

Die insgesamt 11.945 infizierten Menschen entsprechen aktuell einem Anteil von 0,040% der Gesamtbevölkerung. Die Anzahl der Neuinfektionen lag im Verlauf der letzten sieben Tage vor dem 9. November 2022 bei 6 und somit bei einer 7-Tage-Inzidenz von 0,0 Fällen pro 100.000 Einwohnern. In der selben Woche sind 1 Menschen an (oder mit) Covid-19 gestorben. Seit Ausbruch der Pandemie ergibt sich hieraus in Jemen eine Sterblichkeitsrate von etwa 18,1 Prozent.

Aktueller Impfstatus

Nach offiziellen Angaben der WHO sind zum Stichtag am 30. Oktober 2022 insgesamt 1,15 Millionen Impfdosen verabreicht worden. Neuere Angaben liegen der WHO noch nicht vor. 914.722 Menschen haben mindestens eine Impfung erhalten (3,1%). Die Booster-Impfung erhielten 54.985 Personen (0,2%).

676.019 davon gelten in Jemen als vollständig geimpft (= 2,3%).

Medizinische Versorgung

Die medizinische Versorgung durch Ärzte und Krankenhäuser in Jemen ist im Vergleich zur Weltbevölkerung unterdurchschnittlich. Pro 1000 Einwohner stehen im Land 0,7 Krankenhausbetten zur Verfügung. Der weltweite Mittelwert liegt hier bei 2,9 Betten. Innerhalb der EU stehen 4,6 Betten für jeweils 1000 Einwohner zur Verfügung.

Mit rund 9.460 ausgebildeten Ärzten in Jemen stehen pro 1000 Einwohner rund 0,31 Ärzte zur Verfügung. Auch hier wieder der Vergleich: Weltweit liegt dieser Standard bei 1,50 Ärzten pro 1000 Einwohnern und in der EU sogar bei 3,57.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(B K P)

Atrocity Alert No. 325: Ethiopia, Myanmar (Burma) and Yemen


Last month, on 2 October, parties to the conflict in Yemen failed to renew a UN-brokered truce, leaving civilians at imminent risk of mass atrocity crimes. The truce – mediated by the UN Special Envoy for Yemen – had entered into effect on 2 April and included a cessation of all attacks, the entry of fuel ships in Hodeidah ports and the operation of commercial flights in and out of Sana’a airport. This was the first negotiated country-wide ceasefire since 2016.

In the five weeks since the truce expired, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has already received reports of civilians being in “grave danger,” as human rights violations and abuses, as well as attacks, have increased in frequency. During October OHCHR verified civilian casualties resulting from sniper attacks and shelling, as well as a drone attack on a port facility that “exposed civilians to unwarranted, serious risk.”

(B P)

Yemen as a theatre for the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia

The growing complexity of the conflict in Yemen has increased the Saudi reputational and material cost related to withdrawal. This phenomenon is referred to as 'the sunk cost effect'.

The sunk cost effect refers to a tendency to continue an endeavour once an initial investment in money, effort or time has been made. In other words, the barrier to withdrawal or compromise increases with the resources allocated to the intervention in the first place.

This book chapter uses the notion of sunk cost to explore why Saudi Arabia has struggled to extricate itself from the military intervention in Yemen. It argues that the linkage of the Houthis to Iran framed the conflict as part of the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia which increased the Saudi reputational and material cost related to withdrawal.

The Saudi effort to identify the Houthis as Shia, and as a threat to not only Yemen, but the entire region was part of the broader trend in the aftermath of the 2011 uprisings to use sectarian narratives couched in anti-Iranian terms.

However, the regionalization of the conflict has exacerbated internal cleavages in Yemen and provided incentives for parties to the conflict to escalate fighting rather than seek domestically anchored settlements. In this process, the Houthis has emerged as the more coherent military force on the ground with stronger ties to Iran than ever before.

The chapter thus speaks to general debates on how the involvement of external actors in general, and the regionalisation of conflict in the Middle East in particular, can prolong the duration and severity of violent conflict.

and full report, paywalled:

(A P)

Abductees Mothers Association Meets Accept International Delegations to Review the Conditions of Abductees and Detainees.

(* B H P)

‘My mission is to die every day’: the dangerous dedication of Yemen’s body collector

Hadi Jumaan has been recognised for his work reuniting the war dead and their families in a country stricken by years of conflict

The first time Hadi Jumaan collected bodies from a battlefield in Yemen it was at the request of a friend who asked him to bring home the remains of two men who had been killed in combat.

It was August 2015, a year into the conflict that has killed 150,000 people, displaced millions and left the county with one of the highest child malnutrition rates in the world.

Jumaan, a youth social worker, was an unlikely candidate for such a mission, but he hails from the northern governorate of Al-Jawf – the same province as a rebel commander who was stationed in the south of the country, where the men died.

Since that dramatic first mission, Jumaan estimates that he has retrieved 1,700 bodies, risking his life each time he ventures into conflict areas. He describes his work as “like a suicide action”. He has been shot at three times and detained on eight occasions. “My mission is to die every day, this is what I expect,” he told the Guardian at the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative award ceremony in Venice last month.

As an Aurora finalist he won $25,000 (£21,700) – money that will help support the work, which was previously funded by the sale of family land, jewellery and small grants. He dedicated the award to his wife and his mother.

While his first job was in the south of Yemen, the majority of subsequent missions have been in Al-Jawf, where he lives with his wife and three children. Sandwiched between Saudi Arabia and Houthi-controlled Sana’a, the rural region is a key battlefront.

Nicknamed the “body collector” by Yemeni media, requests for Jumaan’s help grew with his reputation. His skills have also been called on to negotiate prisoner swaps between Houthi rebels and government forces; and to persuade Houthi fighters to allow aid into shattered, starving communities. Sometimes that means stripping the branding off aid packages and persuading commanders. “I never take sides. I’m there as a neutral meditator,” he says.

(* B H P)

Yemen: Access Snapshot - July to September 2022 (As of 30 September 2022)

Humanitarian access in Yemen remains challenging; most access incidents are driven by bureaucratic impediments, mainly movement delays. The third quarter of 2022 witnessed a significant increase in incidents that impacted the safety and security of aid workers compared with the second quarter. Over the same period, humanitarian partners reported 673 access incidents in 103 districts in 19 governorates across Yemen, affecting 5.8 million people. Almost three-quarters (73.6 per cent) of the reported incidents pertained to bureaucratic constraints imposed by the authorities, including restrictions on the movement of humanitarian workers and commodities within Yemen. These include interferences in humanitarian operations, travel permit denials or delays, and cancellations of missions and field travel activities.

Movement restrictions within Yemen were the predominant type of reported access incidents in the third quarter of 2022, with 307 incidents, about 94 per cent of these incidents were recorded in Ansarullah (AA)-controlled areas, while 6 per cent were in the GoY-controlled area. This represents an increase of 5.9 per cent compared with the second quarter of 2022. The increase is attributed to Ansarullah (AA) imposed restrictions on national staff travel inside and outside the country and delay or denial of movement requests. AA authorities continued to require mahram (a close male relative) to accompany female Yemeni aid workers when traveling on field missions within and between governorates, as well as outside Yemen through Sana’a International Airport, which affected many programme activities and led to the cancellation of field visits and aid deliveries.

During the reporting period, interference in implementing humanitarian activities by the authorities in Yemen was frequently reported. Some 66 interference incidents were reported in the third quarter, compared with 58 in the second.

(* B H P)

Tödliche Pillen: Gefälschte und geschmuggelte Medikamente im Jemen

Der Jemen ist von Krieg und Armut gezeichnet - und leidet deshalb auch an einem Mangel an Medikamenten. So hat sich ein großer Schwarzmarkt entwickelt. Die Folgen sind mitunter tödlich. Safia Mahdi berichtet aus Sanaa.

50 Prozent Schmuggelware

Anfang Oktober griffen lokale Medien die Todesfälle erstmals auf. Unklar ist, ob ausschließlich Kinder, die wegen Blutkrebs behandelt wurden, betroffen sind. Die Gesundheitsbehörden in Sanaa teilten mit, die Todesfälle seien auf ein nichtlizenziertes, ins Land geschmuggeltes Medikament zurückzuführen. Insgesamt seien 29 Kinder mit diesem Medikament behandelt worden. Zwei vergleichbare Fälle seien auch in einem Krankenhaus in der Region Hadramut im Osten des Landes aufgetreten. In allen Fällen seien die Medikamente mit Bakterien verseucht gewesen und hätten bei den Betroffenen eine schwere Hirnhautentzündung verursacht. Derzeit ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft.

Zwar gibt es im Jemen keine verlässlichen Statistiken über den Umfang geschmuggelter Medikamente. Schätzungen des jemenitischen Gesundheitsministeriums aus dem Jahr 2015 gehen jedoch davon aus, dass über 50 Prozent der auf dem jemenitischen Markt erhältlichen Arzneimittel Schmuggelware sind. Bei den meisten handele es sich um Fälschungen. "Der Medikamenten-Schmuggel ist zu einem Geschäft mit ganz eigenen Wegen und Methoden geworden", sagt Mansour. Viele sind auf schnellen Gewinn aus, auch auf Kosten der Gesundheit und des Lebens von Menschen."

Der Schmuggel ist nicht das einzige Problem auf dem jemenitischen Medikamentenmarkt. Hinzu komme, dass einige Menschen das Verfallsdatum von Medikamenten änderten - teils vielleicht aus Naivität, aber bei einigen definitiv auch aus krimineller Energie, so Mansour.

Dies führe dazu, dass immer mehr Menschen in eine Notlage gerieten. Einerseits seien sie dringend auf Medikamente angewiesen. Andererseits hätten sie Angst, dass diese gefälscht oder unsachgemäß gelagert seien, sagt Apothekenverbands-Chef Al-Nazili. Darum gelte es, im Jemen Laborkontrollen zu verschärfen und diese auszubauen. Auch müssten fehlende Medikamente dringend wieder auf regulärem Weg ins Land gebracht werden. Doch angesichts der politischen und sozialen Umstände dürfte sich dies eher schwierig gestalten - und eine schnelle Besserung der Lage scheint unwahrscheinlich. =

(A P)

Top Yemeni official blames US for failed truce talks

President of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat on Monday blamed the US for the recent failure in efforts to extend a ceasefire in his country ravaged by the Saudi-led war.

Al-Mashat said that the ceasefire talks had reached a good level of understanding, but the efforts failed as soon as US envoy Tim Lenderking arrived in the region, Al Mayadeen reported.

He was referring to Lenderking’s trip to the region that began on October 11 for UN-led negotiations with Yemeni parties to reach agreement on a truce expansion.

The Yemeni official said that the US envoy is trying to show that he’s working on peace, but his actions actually send the message of war and bloodshed.

The role the United States plays in the ceasefire process is dangerous and destructive, and Washington does not want Yemen’s truce to be extended, Al-Mashat stressed.

He spoke of a no-peace, no-war state, saying that the situation is partly the result of the fact that some of the parties to the Saudi-led coalition are convinced that they are defeated.

and also


(A P)

Deputy FM: Statements of US Ambassador a Blatant Provocation to Millions of Besieged Yemenis

Yemen’s Foreign Ministry condemned the statements of the US ambassador about ways to end the war and achieve peace in Yemen.

"The statements of the US ambassador from inside our occupied lands are a blatant provocation to the feelings of millions of besieged Yemenis," Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Al-Ezzi said in a tweet on Wednesday.

He stressed that the US does not take into account the requirements of work for peace.

"Washington must amend its hostile policies against the people and re-present itself on the basis of full respect for the rights of our people and the sovereignty and wealth of our attacked country," Al-Ezzi added.

The US envoy, Tim Lenderking, had stated that "serious discussions are underway to discuss ways to end the war and achieve peace in Yemen."

The US is trying to present itself as a dove of peace, while it continues to piracy on fuel ships, the last of which is the ship Daytona.

and also and =

(* B H K P)

How Long the US-Saudi Siege, Killing Innocent Civilians in Yemen Will Last?

In the past eight years, the US-Saudi aggression has exercised all forms of pressure on the Yemeni people with crimes of murder, destruction and unjust siege. The humanitarian situation in Yemen is in constant decline.

The specter of hunger continues to threaten the lives of tens of thousands of families in the besieged country for more than six years. What makes the humanitarian crisis worse is that the UN has reduced its aid to more than 30% this year, under the pretext of lack of funding, and the sharp rise in food and fuel prices as a result of the Ukrainian crisis and its repercussions on food security and global energy markets.

Recently, the International Committee of the Red Cross stressed Yemen's need for an "urgent political solution to end the suffering” caused by the US-Saudi aggression and siege.

"Two out of three Yemenis are considered food insecure, that’s about 19 million people," said Martin Schweib, Director of Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross, on Twitter, during his visit to Yemen.

“Even more of them lack access to basic health care, despite all of this, Yemen is too often out of the spotlight”. He stressed the need to ensure that the support received from donors and partners continues to be able to continue their work, as he claimed.

This does not absolve the UN organizations of humanitarian responsibility, and it will not hide the involvement of many of them in corruption and the theft of aid from the mouths of the hungry. In most cases, spoiled food is imported and the operational budgets of some projects are approved more than those allocated to the beneficiaries, in addition to the continuous disregard for the causes of the war, which created the worst humanitarian disaster in the world.

Health Sector Destroyed by US-Saudi Siege

For eight years, the medical sector has borne the consequences of the intense bombing, siege and war crimes committed by the coalition of aggression. However, the blockade appears to be the most important factor affecting health in Yemen.

US-Saudi Economic War Doubles Poverty Rate

The economic war waged by the US-Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people has caused a rise in the prices of basic foodstuffs and social services, which has led to an increase in poverty and the risk of starvation for millions of people. The war has had dire consequences on the country's economy, causing a drop in its gross domestic product from $35.7 billion in 2014 to $20.1 billion in 2019.

Reports evaluating the impact of the war on Yemen issued by the United Nations Development Program expected the country’s gross domestic product to reach $100.3 billion in 2030. During the first five years of the war on Yemen 2015-2019, the losses amounted to 15.6 billion dollars, bringing the GDP in that year to 20.1 billion dollars.

Reports confirm that the per capita GDP growth rate has begun to improve since 2014, the year during which Yemen witnessed the outbreak of the September 21 revolution. The economic effects of the war and the blockade imposed on Yemen also included the so-called economic output losses, which amounted to $88.8 billion during 2019.

As a result of the war and siege, the Yemeni economy lost nearly $90 billion during the period from 2014 to 2020, as it lost a large part of the capital for the public and private sectors, which represents the summary of work and economic achievements over the past decades.


(A K P)

US, UK preparing for fresh escalation in Yemen: Ansarullah

Yemen's popular resistance Ansarullah movement warns about the United States and the UK's fresh malicious intentions in the war-ravaged country.

Ali al-Qahoum, a member of Ansarullah's Political Bureau, raised the alarm during an exclusive interview with Lebanon's al-Mayadeen television network on Sunday.

There is "a direct US military presence in Yemen, and an influx of US forces, specifically in Hadhramaut," he said, referring to Yemen's biggest province, which spans from the country's center towards its eastern areas.

"There is also an influx of British forces into al-Mahrah," he added, referring to Yemen's second-largest province that neighbors Hadharamaut to the east.

The US and the UK were preparing for a fresh round of escalation in Yemen, he further warned without elaborating.

(A P)

Iran responsible for stalled peace in Yemen: PM

Iran is responsible for stalled peace process in Yemen, the Yemeni prime minister said Sunday, citing Tehran's insistence on its aggressive practice via the Houthi group.
"Peace cannot be obtained in Yemen as long as Iran insists on its hostile practice and blackmails the World using its devastating tools, i.e. the Houthis," PM Maeen Abdulmalek said at cabinet meeting in Aden.

(* B H K P)

We Need to Break the Wall of Indifference Around the War in Yemen

Western states and arms companies have facilitated a destructive war in Yemen that’s already claimed 400,000 lives. A six-month truce recently ended without agreement on a peace deal — ending this horrific conflict must now be an international priority.

Review of Helen Lackner, Yemen: Poverty and Conflict (London: Routledge, 2022)

Interest in the war that has been ongoing in Yemen since 2015 has been persistently limited, whether among diplomats, the media, or the general public. This is surprising when one thinks of the war’s wider ramifications across the Middle East.

Those consequences have included Iranian encroachment in Yemen through Tehran’s support for a rebel group, the Houthis, and daily air bombardments by a foreign power, Saudi Arabia, with the assistance of other states — first and foremost the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — and armed by Western military companies.

This indifference is even more puzzling when one takes into consideration the multiple violations of international law that have occurred in Yemen and the immense humanitarian tragedy that the conflict has produced. According to UN figures, the war has claimed four hundred thousand victims, directly or indirectly, yet it remains largely under the radar in the West as well as in Arab countries.

It took some time for academics to provide an intelligible picture of the Yemeni conflict through books in English that are accessible to a wide audience. Such works have gradually hit the market, but few match the quality and coherence of Helen Lackner’s recent publication Yemen: Poverty and Conflict.

Lackner has consistently put Yemeni society at the core of her approach, rather than issues of geopolitical interests or elite bargaining. This gives her publications a special quality characterized by concern for ordinary people and their livelihoods. In particular, she has delved into issues of rural and urban microeconomics, standards of living, water scarcity, and development.

In her new book, by presenting poverty and inequality as central factors that help explain the lasting crisis and instability in Yemen, Lackner develops an approach that is both balanced and politically engaged. Her analysis can inform the public of the complexities and intricacies of the war in that country.

The author displays a remarkable capacity to contextualize these matters in an accessible way as she sets out the main aspects of Yemen’s complex history. Her book is an essential contribution to breaking the silence that surrounds the Yemeni conflict.

Yemen: Poverty and Conflict shows how the country’s recent history has been plagued by poor allocation of resources, mismanagement of state institutions, neoliberal economic policies, and high-level corruption. Yemen’s former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, had amassed a multibillion-dollar fortune over the course of his thirty-three-year long reign by the time a popular uprising deposed him in 2012.

Neither international sanctions nor Saleh’s political demise and eventual assassination in 2017 have led to the return of these vast sums to the Yemeni population. The ousted ruler’s sons and nephews now manage his fortune. The land and property his family members control in Western capitals as well as in the UAE are just the tip of an iceberg. This symbolizes one of the many problems with which Yemenis are confronted when it comes to the distribution of wealth, the national budget, and the Yemeni economy.

In this context, it is difficult to remain optimistic about Yemen’s prospects. Nevertheless, the book’s conclusion offers a few paths for constructive action, stressing the importance of local initiatives and the need for a new generation of Yemeni leaders (as well as regional and international partners) to engage constructively with them. For those who want to get a clear picture of where the country may be going, Yemen: Poverty and Conflict is essential reading.


Early this morning, a truck flipped over a passengers bus in #Taiz. This is not a new story, this is a daily suffering in many areas in #Yemen. Blocked roads force civilians to take risky and long alternative roads.

Two women were critically wounded in an accident in a road that links #Aden, the interim capital of Yemen, to #Taiz city. For 8 years now, Taiz has been besieged by the #Houthis who keep refusing to reopen roads to the city. (photos)

(A P)

Ansarullah member warns of danger of US-Zionist control over Bab Al-Mandab

Member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah, Ali Al-Qahoum, on Thursday said that the US-British-French military presence in Bab Al-Mandab strait and the Yemeni coasts is not justified.

Al-Qahoum warned, in a series of tweets on Twitter, against the West’s persistence in controlling Bab al-Mandab, which poses a danger not to Yemen, but to the entire region.

“The US-Zionist-Western control over Bab al-Mandab will constitute a disturbance to international security and blackmail to countries that have a position on unipolar and Western hegemony, such as China, Russia, Iran and the BRICS countries,” he said.

He added that the control of the West would pose a danger and threat to international and regional security, international navigation, and the Silk route security.

and also

(A P)

After weeks in mercenaries' detention, 14 fishermen arrive in Hodeida

The [Sanaa gov.] Red Sea General Fisheries Authority received on Thursday in al-Luhaiya district of Hodeida province 14 fishermen have been held by the aggression's mercenaries.

The fishermen reported that mercenaries had abducted three of them from the island of Ardhain - one of the islands of Medi district of Hajjah province. They were detained for 22 days on the island of Fursan and forced to contact their families to pay ransom to be freed and warned not to notify the authorities.

Fishermen said that they were released with their boat but without engine or fishing gear.

and also

(* B P)

Yemen's narrowing path towards peace

Analysis: One month after it expired, efforts to revive Yemen's UN-sponsored truce are deadlocked, as recent escalations between the government and the Houthi movement usher in renewed fighting.

Regional and international efforts to revive the UN-sponsored truce in Yemen have not paid off. Since the ceasefire broke down on the 2nd of October, the attitudes of the warring sides have been discouraging, and their actions are leading the country towards a harder deadlock.

Two recent developments confirmed that the Yemeni rivals are nowhere near a negotiated political settlement. The first was the Houthi attack on a government-controlled port in Hadramout province in southern Yemen.

The second was the government's decision to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organisation. These two matters raised a new and formidable challenge for the peace process and again put the country on a path to war.

Since the Houthis' rise to power in 2014, many have argued that their use of excessive force and their intolerance towards opposition qualify them for the terror designation. But listing them as terror operatives is unlikely to weaken their influence or soften their attitude. Instead, it will intensify the humanitarian ordeal in territories under their control.

The group’s support base is large, and the area they dominate is vast. Therefore, eradicating or defeating them is a challenging task, which will beget an unspeakable catastrophe if carried out.

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen since 2015 no longer threatens the Houthis with military force. It instead criticises them, urges the international community to pressure the group, and calls for a peaceful solution to the conflict. The coalition appears to have abandoned the military option to defeat the Iran-allied group.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the coalition's leading members, denounced the latest Houthi port attack in Hadramout, hailing it as terrorist activity by the Houthi militants. Their statements reflect their war fatigue and reluctance to resume any military operations in Yemen.

They prefer the continuation of Houthi rule in northern Yemen over the resumption of war. Such a stance has frustrated the Yemeni government, which has received Saudi military and financial support over the last seven years of war.

(B P)

Dear #WarPowerResolution folks at the Capitol Hill, Yemen’s conflict today isn’t the same conflict of 2015. Plz update your analysis because 2015 analysis is irrelevant today. We appreciate ur kind intentions but please have a listening mind to what Yemeni experts try to tell you

(A P)

Calling For Lasting Peace and Demanding the Localization of Humanitarian Action

As Yemen's local civil society organizations, we call on everyone to engage in a comprehensive and lasting peace process and to work hard to stop a war that has torn Yemen apart.

On the other hand, we call for a reassessment and repositioning of the humanitarian response. We also call on funders, donors and United Nations agencies to implement their commitments signed by them in order to implement the following demands

(* B P)

Women Must Lead the Way Out Yemen’s Climate and Conflict Crises

Yemeni women, especially pregnant women and mothers of young children, are the most vulnerable frontline victims of climate-related hardships—as well as warfare-related chemical pollution, mismanagement of natural resources, corruption, displacement, gender-based violence, and the destruction of natural habitats.

To empower women’s leadership in the face of climate change and these other overlapping crises, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, or DCAF, undertook a year-long assessment that resulted in a groundbreaking report: Gender, Climate And Security In Yemen — The Linkages And Ways Forward.

A new report surveys the work that women-led organizations on the ground are doing to promote peace through climate awareness.

The ultimate outcome of the workshops was the Yemen Climate Change–Women, Peace and Security Nexus Network—a coalition of the groups that participated in the assessment. The first such network founded in Yemen, it is pushing for more effective and inclusive approaches to addressing climate change at all levels of government.

The Network drafted eleven recommendations for national, regional, and international stakeholders. These include topics from “climate considerations and their gendered dynamics in any future political agreements,” to “gender-responsive, impartial coordination,” to managing natural resources and addressing climate change, to “gender-inclusive and gender-responsive crisis response planning to coordinate” actions of security providers. The Network also called for women’s inclusion in “decision-making circles and policymaking,” the promotion of “positive coping mechanisms and sustainable livelihoods for marginalized women,” and education for women and girls to better cope “with climate shocks.” By increasing resilience in the “agriculture sector to improve food security chains” and to deploy economic empowerment measures, the recommendations request support and funding from the international community to address gender, security, and climate in peacebuilding.

Finally, the recommendations underscore how peacebuilding and gender issues must be “addressed in support for climate adaptation and resilience.”

“We are fighting to have this awareness to be fully integrated into the peace agreements that we hope will finally materialize,” says Luqman referring to a UN-brokered cease-fire that recently expired with fighting now resumed.

Report in full:

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K pH)

UNVIM Situation Report - October 2022

UNVIM Operational Analysis - October 2022

Food and Fuel Discharged in October 2022

There was a 13% increase in food discharged in October 2022 (350,008 t) compared to the 2021 monthly average (310,856 t) and a 19% increase compared to the monthly average since May 2016 (295,320 t).

There was a 500% increase in fuel discharged in October 2022 (267,359 t) compared to the 2021 monthly average (44,589 t) and a 94% increase compared to the monthly average since May 2016 (137,754 t).

Food and Fuel Vessel Delays in September 2022

In October 2022, food vessels spent an average of 2.4 days in the Coalition holding area (CHA), 1.7 days in anchorage, and 6.2 days at berth. This compares to an average of 2.8 days in the CHA, 1.4 days in anchorage, and 8.9 days at berth in October 2021. Food vessels therefore spent 14% less time in the CHA, 21% more time in anchorage, and 30% less time at berth, compared to October 2021.

In October 2022, 16 food vessels proceeded from the CHA to anchorage, 17 berthed, and 11 discharged their cargo and sailed.

(A P)

Yemen Airways: Reasons for High Prices, US-Saudi Aggression Obstacles

The Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yemen Airways, Khalil Jahaf, revealed that the reasons for the rise in ticket prices are due to the high price of jet fuel, the lack of fuel at Sana’a Airport, and the high insurance on aircraft in Yemen, which causes high operating costs.

(A P)

YPC: Aggression coalition seizes diesel ship "Daytona"

The Yemeni petroleum company (YPC)reported that the US-Saudi aggression had seized the diesel ship "Daytona", despite it being inspected in Djibouti.

and also

(A P)

YPC: Aggression coalition seizes diesel ship

YPC Official spokesman Issam al-Mutawakil said that the US-Saudi aggression coalition detained the diesel ship "Soprano Serene" and prevented it from reaching Hodeida port despite being subject to inspection in Djibouti.

and also

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Transport Minister Calls on UN to Launch Investigation of Ship Sinking off Saudi Port during Detention

The Minister of Transport, Abdulwahab Al-Durra, called on the United Nations to intervene and start an investigation to reach the causes of the burning and sinking of the ship off the port of Jizan and the inhumane behavior of the Saudi authorities.

In a call with Almasirah channel, the minister said that the fire was burning for nine days until it sank, without any response from the Saudi authority in Jizan port.

He pointed out that the shipping company said that the accident started with a fire in the engines, then moved to the cockpit, and the Saudi maritime authorities were called, but they did not respond.

He pointed out that the crew on the ship confirmed during their appeal to the Saudi Navy that they would bear the costs of extinguishing the fire, but they did not get a response.

The Minister of Transport said, "Compensation will be made through the shipping company and insurance companies, and we hope that the outstanding problems will be resolved."

and also =

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Film: Students and teachers build huts, set up tents to continue education

Teachers and their students are busy building huts for new classrooms in a village in Hajjah Governorate in northwestern Yemen. They are struggling to keep their tents from falling apart due to wind and rain, amid harsh weather conditions and lack of support from the government and humanitarian organizations involved in education. More than 150 students along with their teacher were able recently to build 10 classrooms; which are four huts, five tents, and a room made with wooden panels.

(B H)

Maha's Suffering is One of Thousands

In Marib Governorate- Al-wadi district, Maha's family is one of those who are not able to have even the cost of the cooking gas to cook food to their children, so they were forced to use wood in cooking. Once Maha's mother was cooking. Her 7-years daughter, Maha, fell on the burning wood, before she has been transported to Mohammed Al-Durah Health Center, the medical facility which is being supported by BFD and funded by German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH). In Mohammed Al-Durah medical facility, the health workers provided Maha with the necessary healthcare for such case.

(B H)

Golfer, Racer, Boss: Young Women Aiming High In The Middle East

Kafaa Mari dreams of becoming Yemen's first female education minister and rebuilding her country, shattered by eight years of war.

Ms Mari, 28, heads a body promoting "women's development" in the Hadramaut province of her deeply conservative homeland.

(B H)

Film: Dialysis centers appeal to authorities to provide necessary medications amid acute shortage of dialysis fluid

The lack of necessary medicines in the dialysis center at Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Yemen’s Aden threatens the lives of dialysis patients. Doctors appealed to the government and the competent medical authorities to quickly provide the center with the necessary medications before it runs out of dialysates and closes. Although there are dozens of international organizations in Yemen, most of them working in the health sector, treatment and support centers for incurable diseases are struggling with an acute shortage of dialysis solutions and medicines for patients. Last month, 10 children with cancer died in the capital, Sana'a, after taking an expired drug, which sparked controversy among Yemenis and the medical sector.

(B H)

Film: Handicrafts industry, source of livelihood for Yemenis to fight poverty

Traditional crafts and handicrafts are vital in Yemeni society, as they are the most prominent economic factors effective in combating and eliminating unemployment, thus alleviating poverty, especially in rural villages.

(A H)

Real time pictures @monarelief's team distributing now food aid supplies in the capital Sana'a based on a fund by our partners in #Poland @SzkolydlaPokoju along with others. Thanks a lot guys for your ultimate support for our humanitarian work in #Yemen

(* B H)

Yemen: Investing in Human Capital to Protect the Future


Yemen's public health system has been devastated by conflict for more than seven years. As a result, only 51 percent of health facilities are still functioning. Yemen Humanitarian Overview 2022 estimates that as of today 21.9 million people, more than half of them children, need support to access critical health services. Additionally, more than eight million Yemenis need lifesaving nutrition assistance.

Providing life-saving assistance to Yemenis

The Emergency Human Capital Project (EHCP) is supported by the World Bank’s International Development Association and implemented by UNICEF, WHO, and UNOPS. The project provides essential health, nutrition, water, and sanitation services to Yemen's population in response to deteriorating health and nutrition conditions.

As part of a multisectoral response, the project offers Yemeni people essential maternal, newborn, and child health services in health facilities. It also uses outreach services, such as mobile teams, as well as community-based service providers, to help detect and treat acute malnutrition in children under five. Furthermore, it supports local water and sanitation authorities to respond to emergency situations as well as strengthen their systems.

The EHCP is the successor to the Yemen Emergency Health and Nutrition Project (EHNP), and it aims to protect Yemen's human capital. Through the provision of essential services, it intends to support public health and population-based interventions, restore water supply and sanitation services, including responding to emergencies and disease outbreaks, as well as build national and local capacities/institutions for health and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) service delivery and management. With grants of $300 million from the International Development Association (IDA), UNICEF, WHO, and UNOPS, the new project continues to support primary health care facilities and hospitals.

Preventing health system collapse and strengthening workforce capacity

Initially, the World Bank intervention aimed to prevent the collapse of the health, nutrition, water, and sanitation systems due to conflict and economic crises. During the course of the project, however, the objectives evolved into a system-strengthening approach. This has meant expanding beyond the provision of inputs, to support aimed at preserving health services, as well as investing in health systems, such as human resources and health information systems. Similarly, WASH emergency interventions in the first two years of the project have focused on improving access to safe water and sanitation services to prevent the transmission of Cholera/ Acute Watery Diarrhea in households, communities, schools, and health facilities. While it is important to ensure that hygiene and sanitation conditions are in place in the immediate term, the focus has shifted to strengthening the water supply and sanitation systems and strengthening resilience.

In all 23 governorates of Yemen, EHCP targets over 2000 health facilities with payments of operational costs, per diems for health workers engaged in outreach and rapid response for communicable diseases, medical supplies including personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure continuity of essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic, and training for health workers.

(B H)

Save the Children: Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition Projects in Humanitarian Settings: A case study from Yemen

The case study series on Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition in humanitarian settings

This case study is one of a series of three. They were produced by Save the Children UK within the cross‑country learning initiative on 'Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) in humanitarian settings', implemented in 2021 and 2022 in Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen.

The three case studies were among the deliverables intended to document learning from the RF4BN projects.

Primary intended users of the case studies include Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) specialists at the country, regional and the global level, as well as relevant Project Managers/Directors. In the country offices, the case studies will offer food for thought to Directors of Programme Development and Quality (PDQs) and Programme Operations when organising, steering, and overseeing the work of their teams.

(A H)

Foundation stone laid for project to establish kidney transplant center in Hodeida

(*B H)

[Aden] Yemeni gov't expects dire food crisis next year

The Yemeni government warns of a looming dire food crisis in the war-torn country at the beginning of next year, deputy minister of planning and international cooperation warned on Saturday, blaming the cut in humanitarian aid.
The insecurity gap is widening as humanitarian aids are slashed and people's need for food upsurges, Nizar BaSohaib said at virtual meeting with director of the UN nutrition network, Astnky Onima.


(B H)

Badhib: 60% of Yemen's population facing food insecurity

[Aden gov.] Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Wa'id Badhib said" There are some 60% of the Yemeni peoples are lacking food security due to the ongoing 8-year conflict, natural disasters of tropical hurricanes, droughts, Coronavirus pandemic and international crisis of food chains supplies as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war".

(B H)

Yemen Conflict - ETC Situation Report #73 (Reporting period: 01/10/2022 to 31/10/2022)

(* B H)

Increasing Women’s Access to Mental Health Resources in Yemen

The Mental Health Crisis

Among the various concerns in the country, access to services related to mental health in Yemen remains significant. The United Nations Population Fund estimated that 30% of the population required protection in 2017. The Family Counseling and Development Foundation (FCDF) found that 20% of Yemenis experience a mental disorder in 2017; however, now, the founder of the FCDF and an advocate for mental health in Yemen, Dr. Bilqis Jubari, believes that the number of people experiencing mental disorders is one out of every three people. This number stands in contrast to the vastly under-resourced mental health services, where there is only one psychiatrist for every 600,000 citizens. Another important fact is that 82% of people in Yemen live in poverty, restricting their ability to meet basic needs, regardless of access to mental health services.

Dr. Bilqis Jubari’s Work

Dr. Bilqis Jubari is a psychotherapist in Yemen, who began the first mental health services center in Yemen in the large city of Sana’a in 2011. She receives funding from the Dutch Government and from an organization called Cordaid.

Other Mental Health Efforts in Yemen

Over the years, a number of other organizations developed mental health resources in Yemen. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) developed a call center in 2018 in Sana’a to deliver treatment to individuals over the telephone. Telephone services assist the people within the population who are in rural areas, face economic challenges or are unable to receive treatment due to the mental health stigma within the country. There are currently six call centers in Yemen, and the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid supports one-third of the call centers. These call centers provided 18,000 people with mental health resources in Yemen since 2018.

(* B E H)

Yemen Socio-Economic Update, Issue 73 - June 2022

From Introduction

Financing for development remains one of the major issues all countries are grappling with, particularly the developing and least developed ones, given the huge challenge it poses to development plans and programs especially amid lacking resources needed to implement these plans and programs designed to achieve various economic and social goals, and improve the standard of living of States. The widening funding gap in these countries make them vulnerable and in need of resources and savings of others.
The ever-expanding international relations among the different countries, integration in resource mobilization and meeting funding requirements to achieve higher levels of economic safety and security for different peoples; amid shared sense by the international system represented by the various international institutions and global funding institutions towards social responsibility, as well as international partnership to achieve sustainable development goals; the United Nations system has adopted in its development and guidance agendas for developing and less developed countries, a set of strategies, technologies, tools, operations and means that are developed to support the establishment of national financing structures, in cooperation with Sustainable Development Bodies within the United Nations Group, with a view to overcoming barriers to development, and mobilizing resources, savings, local and international investments to finance sustainable development plans and programs.

(A H P)

8 Million Euros from the Relief Fund for Disasters Abroad Go to East Africa and Yemen

Climate change, the effects of natural disasters, armed conflicts, and the COVID-19 pandemic are all threatening food security in large parts of the world. This condition has been seriously exacerbated by the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, since Putin is cynically also leveraging food as a weapon.

This has particularly affected Yemen and the East African nations of Ethiopia, Uganda, and Mozambique. The Austrian government is providing 8 million euros from the Foreign Ministry’s Relief Fund for Disasters Abroad (AKF) to ease the suffering in these four countries.

(B H)

Charitable store opens in Sanaa, Yemen (photos)

(A H)

Yemeni social activist Sarah Alwan shot herself today in Taiz city after she allegedly being harassed and blackmailed by a teenager who stole her photos, threatening to share them.

(B H)

The 3rd International Scientific Conference of Cardiologists kicks off in Aden

The 3rd International Scientific Conference of Cardiologists kicked off in capital Aden, with the participation of 500 doctors from various medical fields and the attendance of several pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions in Yemen.

(B H)

Yemen - WASH Cluster Emergency Preparedness Snapshot - July, 2022

(B H)

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Monthly Report, October 2022

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Cumulative Report, Jan - Oct 2022

(B E H)

Agrometeorological Early Warning Bulletin (1 - 10 November 2022)

The rainy season is now over across Yemen and the end of October/beginning of November has ushered in generally dry conditions coupled with normal to below-normal temperatures.

(B H)

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Monthly Report, October 2022

Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Cumulative Report, Jan - Oct 2022

(B H)

Film: Water trucking in Yemen - IDRF

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

DTM flow Monitoring Registry Dashboard: Non-Yemeni migrant arrivals and Yemeni returnees In October 2022

In October 2022, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 6,381 migrants entering Yemen, an six per cent increase compared to September 2022 (6,041). In Lahj DTM has registered an increase in arrivals (+ 60%) compared to the last month in contrast to Shabwah, which registered a decrease this month (- 31%). The overall increase could be linked to weather conditions, sea tides and decreased coast guard patrolling in Djibouti. While travel had been primarily due to economic reasons in the first half of the year, DTM has been recording conflict induced movements since August, being the reason for 35 per cent of all incoming movements in October. All conflict motivated travel was recorded in Shabwah coming from Bari, Somalia (28% children, 21% women and 51% men).

Due to the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the challenges in moving towards KSA, many migrants opted to return to the Horn of Africa. DTM teams in Djibouti recorded that during October 2022, a total of 648 migrants took the risky return by boat from Yemen to travel home. Moreover, DTM recorded 5,454 Yemeni returns from KSA during the month of October 2022, compared to 4,532 in September 2022.
Between 1 January and 31 October 2022, DTM recorded 53,401 migrants and 55,269 Yemeni migrant returnees to Yemen. =

(B H)

IOM Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking - Yemen IDP Dashboard Reporting Period: 30 October to 5 November 2022

Between 30 October and 5 November 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 40 households (240 individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.
Safety and security concerns as a result of the conflict were the main reason for displacement, accounting for 67 per cent (27 HHs) of the total and followed by economic reasons related to conflict, accounting for 33 per cent (13 HHs).
From 1 January to 5 November 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 9,276 households (HH) (55,656 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.

(* A H)

UN: 3 dead, 28 missing after migrant raft sinks off of Yemen

A raft carrying African migrants seeking a better life in the Gulf Arab states sank in waters off of Yemen late last month, leaving three dead and 28 others declared missing, the U.N. said Monday.

The U.N.’s migration agency said in a statement the overcrowded vessel carrying around 30 East African migrants departed eastern Djibouti for Yemen’s west coast on Oct. 30. Witnesses who spoke with the International Organization for Migration said the small raft was soon overpowered by “high tides and rocky waters” and quickly sank. Three bodies were recovered, it said.

So far this year around 54,000 migrants have departed the Horn of Africa for the Gulf Arab states, according to United Nations statistics. Most cross Bab-Al Mandab, the 31-mile (50-kilometer) strait separating Djibouti and Yemen, in small boats controlled by a network of people smugglers.

and also

(A H)

Attempts to cross Polish border increased

In the past 24 hours, border agents detained 117 migrants from Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Cameroon, Morocco and Sri Lanka, with 65 others detained the previous day

(* B H)

Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment Report In Al Wasat Sub-District of Abs District, Hajjah Governorate (September 2022)

This MSNA reached a total of 255 IDPs’ households and 7 key informants who were interviewed to provide a comprehensive understanding of multi-sectoral needs in Al Wasat sub-district. A random sampling of households was asked questions through a household survey mainly covering five sectors – food security, livelihoods, WASH, shelter, and education. On top of that the survey included multisectoral questions about household demographics and movement intentions.

The findings of the MSNA are disaggregated across the different humanitarian sectors

Food Security: The findings revealed that 48% of the IDPs at Al Wasat sub-district rely on the humanitarian assistance provided by NGOs / INGOs as main source of food compared to preflooding (before June 2022). The majority of the respondents (76%) are falling into the poor Food Consumption Score (FCS) category, 18% are in the borderline, and only 6% have acceptable FCS as they are adopting high coping mechanisms while the others are with low coping mechanism.

Livelihoods: 39% of the interviewed IDPs HHs have no income at all and they are forced to adopt harsh coping mechanisms such as sending their children (under 15 years old) to work as casual labors to contribute to household’s income. For the HHs who have a sort of income resources, 62% of them reported experiencing damages to their income resources due to the floods and landslides and 11% of them have their income resources fully damaged or lost.

WASH: The WASH situation at the household level is very severe and tragic. Access to safe water by the households is limited where 43% of the HHs are fetching water from unprotected wells, while the remaining 57% used to fetch water from protected sources such as water trucks and protected wells, 55% of them reported that, the used protected water resources were affected by the floods that polluted water resources by foreign materials due to the mudslides that resulted in poor quality of the drinking water.

Shelter and NFI: Heavy rains and floods had a devastating impact on the IDPs shelters, the strong wind destroyed or overthrew IDPs shelters, especially for those located in high places, on the other hand, for IDPs who live close to torrent streams their shelters were overflown by floods.

Education: More than half of HHs (51%), stated that they do not have children enrolled in school, while 49% of HHs stated that they do, with 33% of those who have enrolled in school, flooding hindered their ability to attend school. In terms of reasons behind children dropping out of school 90% of HHs expressed they cannot afford the schools’ fees, while 79% of them cannot provide their children with the necessary stationery and other stuff for studying such as backpacks, uniforms, pens, notebooks and books, while 48% of them stated that they withdrew their children from schools as they need them to work to support the family.

(B H)

#winter has started in #Yemen & for 134K+ families displaced by #Conflict and #ClimateCrisis, the cold weather can be life-threatening. Shelter Cluster partners need urgent funding to ensure everyone can get adequate housing, winter clothing, blankets & heating.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists Abductees’ Mothers Association demands that the perpetrators of violations against journalists and those who ordered their practice are held accountable

In continuation of the advocacy campaign launched by Abductees’ Mothers Association entitled (Justice for Abductees), Abductees’ Mothers Association held a vigil this morning, Tuesday, in front of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana'a.

The mothers demanded in their vigil, which coincided with the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, that those who detained, disappeared, and tortured the journalists should be held accountable. They also called for putting an end to the impunity of the violators and those who ordered these practices.

(A P)

Health Ministry announces closure of private hospital in Sanaa

(A P)

Marib province celebrates wedding of 164 grooms, brides

and also

(A P)

Mass wedding of 262 grooms, brides held in Mahweet

and also

(A P)

Mass Yemeni wedding held aboard captured Emirati vessel

Some 672 brides and bridegrooms are being wed on Tuesday, in Yemen’s western port city of Hodeidah.

The collective weeding was held on board a UAE ship seized early this year in the Red Sea. The collective wedding sponsored and financed by Zakat authority.

(A P)

Hajjah celebrates mass wedding festival of 800 grooms, brides


(A P)

Film: Dhamar celebrates the third mass wedding of 720 grooms and brides 12-04-1444

(* B P)

Supporting Women’s Freedom of Movement is a Peace Call, too

The recent decision by the Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthi armed group, to require women to provide the consent of a mahram, or male guardian (usually from male relatives), when seeking to travel inside or outside the country is a major blow to peace efforts in Yemen, including ongoing efforts to renew the truce.

At the end of last year, Iran-backed Houthi authorities began to increasingly demand that women show written consent from their male guardians when traveling. Recently, Houthi authorities have begun to demand that women to be accompanied by a male guardian if they want to travel inside or outside Yemen.

The Houthi armed group first restricted women’s movement by requiring women to provide a written consent from a male guardian to travel and have lately further restricted women’s movement by demanding they be accompanied by their male relatives (male guardians). Authorities in some areas in Aden, south of Yemen, have also forced women to provide a mahram in hotels, or to have a written paper from their employer if they are traveling for work mission. Women peacebuilders have also reported being routinely harassed at checkpoints controlled by various armed actors.

Freedom of movement is a fundamental human right, and the mahram policy is a discrimination that imposes a new reality and affects women's advancement in society, keeping them from many opportunities that they rarely receive.

Before the current war in Yemen, women were making significant gains and their full and equal participation in society is key to lasting peace. In recent years, women across the Middle East, from Saudi Arabia to Iran, have called for an end to discriminatory restrictions that prevent them from participating as equals in society.We, at the She4Society Initiative, urge the UN Special Envoy, the UN Security Council and others with influence to:

(* B E P)

Houthis Target Private Sector Companies in 3 Governorates

Once again, Houthi militias in Yemen are targeting the private trade sector in three different governorates as the Iran-backed group continues with its efforts to impose control over businesses operating in areas under its rule.

Around 3,000 Houthi militiamen have been deployed over the years to take over businesses and trades in Yemen, according to informed sources in the Houthi-run capital, Sanaa.

Officials in the Sanaa Chamber of Commerce told Asharq Al-Awsat that Houthis have registered about 600 investors of its members with the Chamber since the beginning of 2022. These investors had established new companies working in different fields.

In the past two years, a total of around 2,200 Houthi loyalists have been registered by the Chamber as businessmen.

Houthi escalation against the private sector in recent days saw the storming, closure and looting of private commercial establishments located in the governorates of Hodeida, Taiz and Sanaa.

Moreover, Houthis imposed levies on private sector companies in areas under militia control.

Hayel Saeed Anam Group, the biggest manufacturing and trade company in Yemen, announced the suspension of work in its sugar refinery factory in Hodeida.

This came after the Iran-backed Houthi militia held distribution trucks and detained the general manager of the factory.

In a letter sent to the interior minister of the so-called Houthi government, the Hayel Saeed Anam Group complained that the Houthi Security Assistance Director in Hodeida province suspended the company’s activity and obstructed its work by seizing shuttles used for transporting employees of the company.

Abu Mishaal, who was appointed by the group as assistant director of security for Hodeida Governorate, suspended the company’s activity and confiscated transport vehicles used by the company at the Salif Junction point.

(A P)

Sanaa announces new options for securing Red Sea, international waters

Sanaa announced on Thursday new options regarding securing the Red Sea, trade routes and navigation in international waters.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Security and Defense Affairs in the Sanaa Government, Lieutenant-General Jalal Al-Rowishan, revealed that is making preparations for a national conference on maritime security, through which it confirms to the world that it is the best in securing the Red Sea.

Lieutenant-General Al-Rowishan pointed out that Sanaa is present for the international partnership in securing trade and navigation routes in international waters, while at the same time exercising full sovereignty over its water, air and land territory. =

(A P)

Clashes ongoing between Hamdan tribe of al-Jawf governorate and the Houthis as the latter trying to grab large swathes of the tribe's land by force. Tribal fighters destroyed a Houthi pickup and seized another, according to tribal sources (Photos, film; thread)

(A P)

Al-Houthi confirms Sanaa’s readiness to help people in southern provinces in their weddings

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, confirmed Sanaa’s readiness to help the poor people of the southern provinces in their weddings through the General Authority of Zakat in accordance with its procedures as the Yemeni people are one.

In a tweet, Al-Houthi also affirmed Sanaa’s readiness to help employees from these provinces on the condition of paying of the salaries in all Yemeni provinces in order to alleviate the suffering of citizens due to the siege and cutting salaries.

My comment: This is propaganda. The Sanaa government simply is “out of money”.

(A P)

36 tons of expired foodstuffs in capital destroyed

The Public Health and Population Office in the Capital Sana'a, represented by the Environmental Health Department, destroyed on Tuesday 36 tons of damaged and expired tea, coffee and food.

and also

cp6 Südjemen und Aden-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Aden government

(A P)

Protesters demonstrate against gas crisis, block roads in Aden

(A P)

Al-Aukimi reveals 2 camps for carrying out liquidations in Marib

Abdullah Al-Aukimi, the most prominent leader of Islah Party factions in Jawf province and who is close to its ousted governor, revealed on Wednesday two camps loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, from which the elements charged with the liquidations in Marib province start.

Al-Aukimi indicated that what he described as cells from a camp subject to the coalition led by a commander of the Saudi forces in Marib, and another camp from the eastern border of Yemen, where forces led by the Islah-affiliated military leader, Hashim al-Ahmar, are stationed.

(A P)

STC militias intensify deployment in Aden streets =

(A P)

Separatist militias prepare for all-out war as they once again reject Saudi-led puppet government

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias raised the state of readiness in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, after they rejected the return of the head of the Riyadh-Formed Presidential Council Rashad Al-Alimi, Southern Medias sources reported on Monday.

The sources said that the transitional militia summoned all its members, stopped vacations and deployed dozens of militants and created checkpoints in the streets of the city, especially in the vicinity of the airport, refineries, port and headquarters of the STC.

The sources added, that the presidential storm brigades’ forces stationed at the gates of the Al-Ma’ashiq Palace had set up checkpoints on the roads leading to it.

The STC militia has erected two new checkpoints near the Saudi-led coalition camp in the city of al-Shaab in Al Buraiqeh District west of Aden, where Saudi forces are stationed, the sources said.

(A P)

UAE sending troops to reinforce militias in southern and western Yemen

The UAE began intensive moves started on Sunday in an attempt to narrow the differences between its loyal militias in southern and western Yemen, which reflects real fears of losing its base there.

Media explained that the UAE pushed militia leaders in the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the forces led by Tariq Affash, member of the Riyadh-formed “Presidential Council”, to the top of the scene to defend reports on conflicts between the two parties.

These moves come at a time when the two arch-rivals are approaching a military confrontation in light of the escalating tensions

(A P)

Saudi Arabia deploys elite unit to Aden in apparent preparation for all-out war with separatist forces

Saudi Arabia on Monday summoned its most powerful southern militia to the city of Aden, which is an indication that Saudi Arabia is heading to resolve the battle of Aden militarily, in conjunction with the escalation of tension with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The commander of the Saudi forces in Aden directed the commander of the so-called the brigade of “Shield of the Homeland” to raise the state of alert and readiness to enter Aden, Southern media reported, citing sources.

The directives stipulated that 5 brigades of this faction should be equipped to be deployed in the city, according to the sources.

(A P)

Islah Party accuses Saudi-led Chief of Staff of involvement with assassinations of its members

The Islah Party accused on Tuesday Chief of Staff of forces in the coalition-backed government, Saghir bin Aziz, of being involved in the assassination of its most prominent military leaders.

(A P)

UAE-backed militia gives Tariq Affash’s forces 24 hours to withdraw

Tension has increased between the UAE-affiliated militia and forces loyal to Tariq Affash over the latter’s advancement towards positions near Bab al-Mandeb in Taiz province.

Tariq Affash’s militants had suddenly and without operational notification advanced towards the positions of Al-Amaliqa” in Bab al-Mandab, provoking their resentment and anger, Southern media reported, citing their sources.

According to the sources, Al-Amaliqa forces gave Tariq’s forces 24 hours to withdraw, promising to target them if they did not retreat.

(A T)

Yemeni general killed in ambush in NE oil-rich province

Unidentified gunmen shot dead a general of Yemen's internationally recognized government in the country's northeastern oil-rich province of Marib on Tuesday, a security official said.

"Masked gunmen opened fire from their automatic rifles and assassinated General Mohamed Al-Jaradi and his bodyguard in the government-controlled province of Marib," the official said on condition of anonymity.

and also

(A P)

STC warns against stalled application of Riyadh deal

The Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Saturday warned against obstructed application of the Saudi-brokered Riyadh Agreement signed with the Yemeni official government in 2019.
The STC calls for full application of the deal's provisions aimed to contain the infighting seen then by the two southern governorates of Aden and Abyan, spokesman for the STC tweeted.
There is still a need for applying a number of the deal's terms, including the relocation of armed forces from Hadhramout Valley and Mahara governorate to frontlines against the Houthi group, Ali al-Kathiri added.
The appointment of governors and provincial security directors and the reformation of the Central Organization of Control and Audit (COCA), the counter-corruption authority and the supreme economic council need to be completed, he said.
The STC spokesman highlighted the need for full application of all the recommendations of the Yemeni expanded talks hosted by the GCC last April

(A P)

Military panel to investigate Marib army-tribal fighting

President of the Yemeni Leadership Council (LC) on Saturday gave urgent orders to probe the recent fighting between a battalion from Presidential Guard Brigades and Addamashiqa Tribe in the northeastern governorate of Marib.
According to a leaked cable, President Rashad al-Alimi ordered the formation of a committee to investigate the clashes that left 6 deaths and many other casualties from both sides.

(A P)

Confrontations between tribes, pro-coalition factions renew in Marib

The city of Marib on Sunday witnessed new confrontations between the tribe of Governor loyal to Saudi-led coalition, Sultan Al-Arada and factions supported by the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Southern media, quoting tribal sources, reported that clashes, described as the most violent, erupted between the armed men of “Al Fujij” tribe, to which Al-Arada belongs, and armed groups affiliated with his most prominent opponent, Mufreh Buhaibah, commander of the so-called “Baihan axis”.

The confrontations erupted after groups loyal to Buhaibah and have just come from Al-Anad base in Lahj province tried to create sites near “the Temple of the Sun”, which are the areas of Al-Fujij and are located near the oil fields. =

(A P)

UAE-backed separatists reinforce troops in Aden

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia of pushed on Saturday military reinforcements to the city of Aden, south of Yemen.

Local sources confirmed that the militia of the so-called First Brigade of Support, led by Abu al-Yamamah al-Yafi’i”, deployed at the northern gate of the city in an attempt to confront Tariq Afash forces which sent under Saudi directives from Al-Anad base in Lahj.

(A P)

STC militias deploy in one of Abyan districts

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional militia were widely deployed on Sunday in one of the districts of Abyan governorate.

According to local sources, the militias have established a number of armed positions and points at the entrances to the city of Lawder from various southern, western and northern sides.

(A P)

Emirati moves to avoid confrontation between “Tariq Affash”, STC

The UAE began intensive moves started on Sunday in an attempt to narrow the differences between its loyal militias in southern and western Yemen, which reflects real fears of losing its base there.

Media explained that the UAE pushed militia leaders in the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the forces led by Tariq Affash, member of the Riyadh-formed “Presidential Council”, to the top of the scene to defend reports on conflicts between the two parties.

These moves come at a time when the two arch-rivals are approaching a military confrontation in light of the escalating tensions

(A P)

World now more aware of Houthi acts: Yemeni LC

The world is now more aware of the risks posed by Houthi acts to the region and the whole world, and that the Iranian-backed group is unwilling to end the Yemeni people's suffering, member of the Yemeni Leadership Council (LC) said Thursday at meeting in Riyadh with the US ambassador to Yemen.

(B H P)

Report from Taiz shows Saudi displacement of Yemeni citizens from occupied island of Mayoun

An official source in the local authority in Taiz province, on Saturday condemned what the Saudi-led coalition is doing on the Yemeni island of Mayoun in terms of displacement of citizens, developments and criminal acts.

The source explained in a press statement that the coalition is displacing the island’s residents, replacing them with new settlers, and building military bases and housing units to bring about a demographic change on the island, in an attempt to separate it from the identity and cultural and historical values that link it to Taiz province.

The source stressed that what the occupier is doing represents a blatant interference and a grave violation of Yemeni sovereignty, a crime witnessed by the international community, and a clear violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Yemeni constitution.


(B P)

Political researcher: What is happening on Mayoun Island is plan to control Bab al-Mandab

The researcher in the political and military history of Yemen, Abdullah bin Amer, has revealed what is happening on the Yemeni island of Mayoun, located in the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

“What is happening in Mayoun is part of the implementation of understandings to distribute supervision and management tasks on the most important Yemeni islands, specifically the islands of Hunish, Zuqar, Mayoun and Socotra,” bin Amer said.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia trains 15,000 fighters to replace Islah militants in Marib

Saudi Arabia is training about 15,000 fighters to replace the Islah Party militants in Marib province, well-informed political sources said on Saturday.

The former leader of the so-called “Southern Resistance” residing in Turkey, Adel al-Hassani, said: “Some Islah leaders believe that Saudi Arabia and the UAE will leave the oil-rich Marib to them.”

Al-Hasani addressed the Islah leaders in a tweet on Twitter, saying “Whoever fights your idea and chases you in the deserts of Libya, the jungles of Africa, Gaza, Egypt and others, cannot give you oil fields.”

He indicated that Saudi Arabia is training the alternative force in Tabuk and Dammam, north of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi-led coalition seeks to hand over the city of Marib to the forces of the so-called “Saba Axis” loyal to the UAE, in exchange for ending the role of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the city of Aden.

This comes at a time the Islah-affiliated governor of Marib and member of the Riyadh-formed “Presidential Council”, Sultan al-Arada, is still being held in Saudi Arabia, along with the STC’s president, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi and a number of the Presidential Council members since early last October, following the appointment of Khalid bin Salman, who is responsible for the Yemeni file, as Minister of Defense in the Kingdom. =

(* A P)

STC militia threatens to overthrow Riyadh-formed presidential council

A leader in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia hinted to topple the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council based in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden.

“The last days of the leadership council,” the commander of the so-called “Southern Resistance” Abdul Nasser al-Ba’wa “Abu Hammam” said in a post on hos Twitter account

He added: “The leadership council will soon disintegrate and the legitimacy will be only for the transitional council.”

The threats of the leader of the transitional militia come in conjunction with the deployment of “Southern Resistance” militants several districts of Aden, in civilian clothes in preparation for the assault on Saudi forces.

The escalation of the pro-STC against Saudi forces in Aden, comes in response to Riyadh’s prevention of the return of the transitional president Aidarous al-Zubaidi. =

(A P)

Coalition detains Sultan al-Arada

The Islah party, (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood), said on Saturday the Saudi-led coalition is detaining Sultan al-Arada, the governor of Marib in the puppet government

Media outlets published the demands of Abdullah Bin Aboud al-Sharif, the son of the head of Islah branch in Marib, to speed up the return of al-Arada, who is detained in Saudi Arabia, considering his return to the city more important than the authority of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council. =

(A P)

Saudi forces impose military cordon on Aden airport

The Saudi forces imposed on Sunday a military cordon on Aden port, the most important vital installations in the city, in southern Yemen.

Media sources reported the Saudi forces deployed in the vicinity of the port, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia.

The sources confirmed that the commander of the Saudi forces stationed in the Maashiq Palace informed the acting head of the STC – the head of the so-called “National Assembly”, Ahmed bin Brik, of the necessity of the STC’s militia withdrawal from the port.

The Saudi forces are heading to impose their control over the various vital facilities in Aden

(A P)

Saudi Arabia gives STC militia time to hand over its positions at Aden airport

Saudi Arabia has given time the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) to hand over its positions at Aden International Airport to a force loyal to the Saudis.

According to Southern media sources, Saudi forces had asked the STC militia stationed at the airport to evacuate their positions and hand them over to a security force they had trained on their territory over the past two years.

Saudi armored vehicles arrived at the airport to implement the decision, but the STC militia refused and brought reinforcements, the sources said .

The same sources pointed to the deployment of armed men belonging to the leader of the so-called “Southern Resistance” Abdul Nasser al-Ba’wa “Abu Hammam” in civilian clothes in the vicinity of the airport and the main streets in the district of Khormaksar, in conjunction with a similar deployment in the vicinity of the presidential palace of al- Ma’ashiq as well as in Mualla and Tawahi districts amid great tension. =

(A P)

[STC separatist militia claim to fight “terrorists”] and

(B P)

GEOINT: UAE continues to build military infrastructures on Yemen’s Socotra

The geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) observation said that The United Arab Emirates (UAE) continued to build military infrastructures on Yemen’s Socotra archipelago, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

According to the GEOINT, the UAE is probably building an airfield at Abd Al Kuri Island (Kilmia), which is a part of Socotra Archipelago.

“Two runway-shaped strips and a probable apron area have been outlined and graded since the beginning of 2022,” the GEOINT observation added. =

and also

referring to

(A T)

4 killed, 2 injured in bomb attack targeting STC militia in Abyan

At least four members of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional (STC)’s militia were killed on Friday, including commanders, and two others wounded, in a new bomb attack in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

According to sources, an improvised explosive deceived (IED) exploded and targeted a vehicle belonging to the “First Support Brigade” =

and also

(A P)

Al-Mahra Sit-in Committee Disclose New Scheme for Saudi-Emirati Occupation

A spokesman for the Sit-in Committee in Al-Mahra, Ali bin Mahamed, revealed a new scheme for the Saudi-Emirati occupation in Al-Mahra Governorate, after the failure of its previous attempts.

Bin Mahamed stated, on Facebook, "Attempts are continuing to bring Mahra into chaos by the Saudi-Emirati occupation and its tools."

He added, "The sit-in committee has thwarted all previous conspiracies and schemes targeting Al-Mahra's society and the continuous incitement against the national leaders who reject the foreign forces in the governorate."

He explained that after the failure of all these attempts, we discover a new scheme by the Saudi-Emirati occupation.

He pointed out that there is an arrangement for a visit, by the Minister of Transport, to Al-Mahra to conclude suspicious deals.

and also =

(A P)

Yemen Gov't Adopts Measures to Deal with Houthis’ Terrorist Designation

The Yemeni cabinet has adopted several executive procedures and programs for rebuilding ministerial plans to deal with new changes considering the decision to classify the Houthi coup militia as a terrorist group.

According to the official Saba news agency, the new executive procedures and programs include rebuilding ministerial plans to meet the needs of the phase and its political, military, security, economic and humanitarian entitlements.

Moreover, the approved host of measures will take into consideration recent developments, the implementation of the reform track, and improving the level of services provided to citizens.

The cabinet also approved the preparation of a strategy according to well-studied mechanisms to ensure that the decision to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist group does not affect commercial activity, the national private sector, and the smooth flow of foodstuffs and commodities.

This will be done in a manner that preserves the lives of citizens in Houthi-run areas.

Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik directed the immediate start of implementing the ministerial plans.

(A P)

5 killed in violent clashes in Marib

5 people were killed in violent clashes broke out on Friday evening in Marib province, a local source in the province said Friday.

The clashes, still ongoing until the time of writing the news, erupted in Obaida valley between Obaida tribes and the militia of the Islah party, which is loyal to the US-Saudi aggression's coalition.

Over 12 people were injured, including civilians, in the fighting that has started when a mercenary leader, called Saeed Ben M'aili, has created a training camp in al-Damasheqa tribe, one of the Obaida tribes, a matter that has been rejected by all the tribes, the source said.

and also


(A P)

Maribi tribal sheikh Mohammed bin Jalal was killed last night in Marib during clashes between Damashiqah sub-tribe of Abidah and a military unit from the Presidential Protection Brigades.

(* B P)

Saudi-Emirati conflict moves to Socotra

The UAE has directed its militia commander on the occupied island of Socotra, southern Yemen, to harass and expel the so-called “Saudi 808 Duty Forces” from the island, which is under the occupation.

Informed political sources confirmed that the UAE summoned the governor of Socotra, who is loyal to it, “Raafat Al-Thaqali”, to Abu Dhabi during the past days, and a number of officials directed him not to deal with the Saudi forces exist on the island, and to work to tighten the noose on them by various means that were identified for him.

The sources indicated that the UAE summoned the Socotra province’s undersecretary for Islands Affairs of the coalition, Raed Al-Juraibi, and signed with him a “sale” contract to lease Abdul-Kuri Island for several decades to come, after establishing Israeli naval control centers in it during the past two years.

The UAE asked Al-Thaqali to prepare 50 girls to work in a factory to plunder the Yemeni fish wealth on the island, on the condition that they should not be more than 20 years old.

Al-Thaqali returned last Tuesday to Hadibo city, the capital of the Socotra archipelago, from Abu Dhabi after spending 7 days there, and stated that “Socotra is coming to a developmental transformation with Emirati support that will include several different sectors.”

On the other hand, a number of people from Hadibo complained that the Emirati “Khalifa Foundation” had caused the death of hundreds of palm trees due to spraying by Emirati helicopters.

The UAE is carrying out suspicious military activities in partnership with the Zionist entity on the island of Socotra =

(A P)

Confrontations between pro-coalition factions, tribes cut int’l road in Marib

The fierce confrontations resumed on Thursday between the factions loyal to Saudi-led coalition and Abida tribes in Marib province, which cut the international road to Al-Wadea border crossing with Saudi Arabia.

According to informed sources, the confrontations erupted between the pro- coalition factions and ‘Al-Damashiqa’ tribes after the commander of the battalion that withdrew from Shaqra city in Abyan province, affiliated with Islah Party, Saeed bin Ma’eli, set up a camp in the areas and property of the Al-Damashiqa tribes, who refused creating any military sites in their areas.

The confrontations resulted in dead and wounded, the sources added without mentioning statistics.

(A P)

The statement of the Arab League summit in Algeria is a failure of Alimi: Islah Party

The Islah party, (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) criticized the statement of the Arab summit hosted by Algeria, considering it a failure of the head of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi.

“Why did not they support the Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in the Arab summit held in Algeria?!, the editor-in-chief of the Islah party’s “Akhbar Al-Youm” newspaper, asked

“Ignoring Al-Alimi’s demands represents a failure of Yemeni diplomacy. Who will hold this government accountable,” he added.

(A K P)

Citizen Killed by US-Saudi Shell in Saudi-UAE Occupied Lahj

A citizen was killed, Thursday, as a shell fired by the US-Saudi mercenaries targeted his house in Lahj governorate, Almasirah correspondent reported.

and also

(A B P)

[Sanaa gov.] Fisheries condemns UAE occupying power's creation of rules on Myon island

The Ministry of Fisheries deplored the expansionist settlement work being carried out by the UAE occupying power and its mercenaries, and the creation of military bases on the strategic island of Myon.
In a statement, SABA obtained a copy of it, the Ministry condemned on Thursday Abu Dhabi's endeavours to establish military buildings and bases for UAE occupying forces, separating Myon Island, that mediates the Bab al-Mandeb Strait of the province of Taiz and combined with in the southern provinces under UAE occupation.

and also


(A P)

Film (in Arabic): President of #Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council urges, at the 31st session of the #Arab_League_Summit being held in #Algeria, Arab States to designate the #Houthis as a terrorist organization.

(A P)

Six Fishermen Killed in Saudi-UAE Occupied Coast of Mocha

Six Yemeni fishermen were killed, Thursday, off the coast of the city of Mocha, which is under the control of the US-Saudi mercenaries.

Local sources said that the fishermen drowned when their boat capsized near Mocha. While the reasons for the sinking of the boat are not yet known, sources suggested that the boat was targeted by the battleships of the aggression stationed in the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

(A P)

Saudi forces attack Yemeni fishermen in Mahrah

Saudi-led Coalition forces on Wednesday launched a new attack against Yemeni fishermen in Mahrah province, eastern Yemen.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal on Wednesday, based on testimonies of local sources.

According to the sources, Saudi units confiscated five boats of fishermen from the province, after preventing them from fishing on the coast of the city of al- Ghaydah.

The sources pointed out that Saudi elements threatened the fishermen with direct arrest if they returned to fishing on the coast of their province.

The expulsion of the fishermen comes less than 48 hours after murdering of a Yemeni fisherman and the injury of two others by US forces near the coast of Mahrah.

Foreign forces stationed in Mahrah have previously turned 11 of the province’s 12 fish landing centres into weapon depots and military barracks. =

(A P)

UAE occupation detains protest leader in Hadhramaut

The UAE occupation forces detained on Wednesday the leader of the so-called Hadhrami Uprising, Saleh bin Hariz, and prevented him from leaving the city of Mukalla, the provincial capital of Hadhramaut.

Local sources in the province said that one of the Emirati officers issued threats against Saudi-funded Sheikh bin Hariz, to leave.

The sources reported that bin Hariz managed to get out of Mukalla, in order to preserve security and social peace in the province, stressing that Hadhramaut is exposed to the largest conspiracy to sow division among its sons, after the arrival of an American military team to Mukalla to control the oil facilities.

(A P)

Journalist accuses pro-coalition Shabwa governor of creating new detention centers

A journalist and media figure in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council(STC) accused the governor of Shabwa, in the puppet government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, of creating new detention centers in the city of Ataq that belong to tribal influencers.

The leader of the Transitional Council, Adib Al-Abed, confirmed that the so-called Abd Rabbo Mohsen Shatran has been languishing in a prison in the city of Ataq since mid-October, based on the directives of a sheikh.

He indicated that Shatran was imprisoned by the Director of Shabwa Security =

(A P)

STC’s militia bomb inhabited villages in Lahj

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias continued on Wednesday to bomb the inhabited villages in the border areas between Taiz and Lahj provinces, in southern Yemen.

Local sources said that the STC’s militia bombed, from its positions in the “Al-Dawari” mountains, the homes of citizens in the village of “Hamalah” in the Karish district, north of Lahj province.

(A P)

Yemeni PM vows to protect global navigation from Houthi adventures

The Yemeni government is determined to spare no effort in order to protect the Yemenis' interests and global navigation routes from "any Houthi terrorist adventures", Yemen's prime minister said Sunday, calling for enhanced intelligence to uncover terrorist cells and militants.
The Houthi behavior not only reflects the group's negligence of the Yemeni people's interests, but also poses a challenge to regional stability requirements, PM Maeen Abdulmalek told Shabwa governor, Oudh al-Oulaqi, on phone.

(A T)

Two SB soldiers injured in blast south Yemen

Two Security Belt (SB) soldiers affiliated to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) were injured on Monday in a blast of an explosive device thought to be planted al-Qaeda militants in the Yemeni southern governorate of Abyan, Yemeni sources said.
The bomb targeted a military vehicle used by the Emirati-backed SB forces in Hamra'a Valley in Mahfad district, east Abyan, the sources added.

(A P)

US military delegation visits Yemen oil-rich Hadhramaut prov.

According to informed local sources, in the past few hours, an American military delegation entered Yemen's oil-rich province of Hadhramaut.

These sources reported that the consecutive trips of Americans to Hadhramaut, which had a growing trend, were aimed at looting more Yemeni oil and gas.

The governor of Hadhramaut, who was appointed by the Saudi coalition, met with this American delegation.

Yemeni sources say that during this meeting, the governor complained to the American military about Yemen's decision to ban the export of its oil by the coalition.

(* A P)

Report: New Batch of US Troops Enter Hadhramaut Amid Washington’s Bids to Loot Yemeni Oil

Amid Washington’s aggressive attempts to wrest control over energy reserves and plunder natural resources in conflict-plagued Yemen, a new batch of US military forces entered the country’s oil-rich Eastern province of Hadhramaut.

Yemen Press Agency, citing informed local sources who asked not to be named, reported that Hadhramaut Provincial Governor, Mabkhout bin Madi, had a face-to-face meeting with the US delegation in his office.

During the meeting, bin Madi complained to the American military officials about the Sana’a-based National Salvation Government’s decision to ban the Saudi-led coalition from exporting the Yemeni crude oil, asserting that the decision would have adverse effects on the global energy market.

The development comes as visits by Western officials to Eastern Yemen has lately witnessed an accelerating trend, the most recent of which was the visit of French Ambassador to Aden, Jean-Marie Safa, in late September. The visits are viewed as West's efforts to secure its energy needs against the backdrop of the Russian military campaign in Ukraine.

Back on July 28, a batch of US military forces landed at Al-Ghaydah Airport in Yemen’s Southeastern province of Al-Mahrah onboard a flight from Riyan International Airport in Mukalla, which lies on the shores of the Arabian Sea and about 480 kilometers (300 miles) East of Aden.

Yemen Press Agency reported at the time that the arrival of the US forces was followed by a major disruption to internet connectivity in the Sayhut district, blaming the internet blackout on the installation of sophisticated surveillance devices by American troops.

Earlier, a top-ranking Yemeni official said US and British military trainers had arrived at a port in Mahrah on vessels loaded with munitions as well as military and logistical equipment.

and also

(A P)

Houthi terrorist cell arrested in Shabwa

Shabwa Defense Forces arrested in Ataq city, the capital of the province, a terrorist cell affiliated to the Iran-backed Houthi group.
In a statement issued Tuesday, the Shabwa Defense Forces affirmed that the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist cell was involved in conspiracies to assassinate high-ranking officials in the governorate, including the governor of Shabwa, Awadh bin al-Wazir al-Awlaki.
The terrorist cell has been found to be involved in terrorist operations

and also


(A P)

[Pro-STC separatist] people-of-hadhramaut-brotherhoods-methods-will-not-achieve-their-despicable-goals

(A T)

Salafi military commander killed in assassination operation in Marib

A Salafi military commander close to Saghir bin Aziz, the chief of the general staff, in the government, loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, was killed on Tuesday in an assassination operation in the city of Marib, stronghold of the Islah party (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood). =

(A P)

UAE buys Socotra airport lands

The UAE occupation continued to make large land purchases on the Yemeni occupied Socotra archipelago.

(A P)

STC’s militia imposes curfew in al-Mahfad district, Abyan

and also

(A T)

6 people injured in Yemen’s Aden

At least six civilians, including restaurant workers were injured in an explosion that rocked Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

According to the sources, the explosion took place at a popular restaurant in Khormaksar district, east of Aden, followed by a massive fire. =

(A P)

Union National Bank in Saudi-occupied Aden Denounces Violence Against Union

The employees of the National Bank of Yemen in Aden city, currently under the control of the Saudi-led aggression, carried out an open strike until getting a response to their legitimate demands.

The Banks' employees confirmed in a statement issued, Sunday, that the strike came as a result of the interventions of the chairman of the bank’s board of directors in the work of the unions and giving directions to storm the office of the head of the union.

and also =

(A P)

Protestors Threatening to Resort to Military Action, Oust Foreign Forces from Southern Province

Al-Mahara Sit-in Committee threatened to resort to military action if foreign forces did not respond with peaceful action.

This came during the committee's meeting, Tuesday, headed by Sheikh Ali Al-Huraizi, head of the committee, to discuss developments and current events in the governorate. The committee, which includes major tribal, political and social figures of al-Mahra, whom are against foreign presence, affirmed adherence to the exit of foreign forces and rejection of efforts to drag the province into chaos.

The meeting stressed working as a team behind the head of the peaceful sit-in committee, and achieving the desired goals, namely the exit of all foreign forces from the province.

The meeting pointed out that "the departure of foreign forces from Al-Mahra Governorate is the goal of the peaceful sit-in committee," warning that, "If these forces do not respond with peaceful action, the sit-in committee is ready for military action to achieve the committee's goals."

(A P)

New Emirati Detention Centers in Yemen, Shabwa

A journalist and media figure in the Southern Transitional Council accused the governor of the Emirates in Shabwa of creating new detention centers in the city of Ataq that belong to tribal influencers.

The leader of the Transitional Council, Adib Al-Abed, confirmed that the so-called Abd Rabbo Mohsen Shatran has been languishing in a prison in the city of Ataq since mid-October, based on the directives of a sheikh.

He indicated that Shatran was imprisoned by the Director of Shabwa Security, Fouad Al-Nassi, to force him to sign the implementation of a modified martial law other than the one agreed upon.

Al-Abed pointed out that Shatran refused to sign the amended ruling to be placed alongside others in one of Awad Al-Wazir’s prisons in Ataq, pointing out that the sheikhs now have private detention centers and prisons.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-829 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-829: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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