Mike Huckabee präsentiert republikanische Propaganda für Kids

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Mike Huckabee, Theokrat, Fox Moderator und möglicher, republikanischer Präsidentschaftskandidat promotet Cartoon Videos für Kids, die Zeitreisen in die glorreiche Vergangenheit der USA unternehmen können. Mit Geld Zurück Garantie:

" Welcome to Learn Our History, where kids discover history through entertaining animated videos! I co-founded this company to give children a fun, fresh way to learn about America’s rich past and most influential people. Many of our schools and teachers today haven't found ways to make history for kids fun. Instead, they’re teaching with political bias that distorts facts for the sake of political correctness. As a result, our national pride and patriotism are in jeopardy. That's what makes Learn Our History different. Your kids will love to learn American history as they watch our nation's stories come to life right before their eyes! All the while, they’ll build a strong sense of national pride and appreciation for America."

New, From Mike Huckabee! Give Your Kids An Exciting Way To Learn The Facts About American History

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