Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 342 -- Yemen War Mosaic 342

Yemen Press Reader 342: Alles aus Woche 36 (3. - 10. Sept. 2017) / All from week 36 (Sept. 3 - 10)

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Cholera

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(*** B P)

Die Propaganda-Matrix

Ob Russland, Syrien oder Donald Trump: Um die geopolitische Bericht­erstattung westlicher Medien zu verstehen, muss man die Schlüsselrolle des amerikanischen Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) kennen.

Im folgenden Beitrag wird erstmals dargestellt, wie das Netzwerk des Councils einen in sich weitgehend geschlossenen, trans­atlantischen Informationskreislauf schuf, in dem nahezu alle relevanten Quellen und Bezugs­punkte von Mitgliedern des CFR und seiner Partnerorganisationen kontrolliert werden.

Auf diese Weise entstand eine historisch einzigartige Informationsmatrix, die klassischer Regierungspropaganda autoritärer Staaten deutlich überlegen ist, indes durch den Erfolg unabhängiger Medien zunehmend an Wirksamkeit verliert.

Jahrzehntelang hatte das Netzwerk des Council on Foreign Relations eine nahezu uneingeschränkte Kontrolle über den geostrategischen Informationsfluss in den NATO-Ländern. Die meisten Menschen hatten keine Möglichkeit zu realisieren, dass sie sich trotz scheinbarer Medienvielfalt tatsächlich in einer dicht gewobenen Informationsmatrix befanden.

Tatsächlich mussten die USA seit dem Krieg gegen Spanien von 1898 für nahezu alle ihre Interventionen einen Vorwand kreieren, um die stetige Expansion der eigenen Einflusssphäre – nach der letztlich alle Imperien streben – moralisch zu legitimieren und die eigene Bevölkerung dafür zu gewinnen – zumal kaum je ein Land so leichtfertig war, die Vereinigten Staaten ohne Not von sich aus anzugreifen.

Hierzu erschufen die USA – wie Karl Rove es ausdrückte – eine eigene, »imperiale« Realität, die von verdeckten Operationen über die mediale Bericht­erstattung bis hin zur Geschichts­schreibung reicht und von den Mitgliedern des Councils und seiner Partnerorganisationen inszeniert und propagiert wird.

Durch das Internet entwickelte sich zudem die Möglichkeit, Informationen dezentral und kostengünstig zu verbreiten und so die Gatekeeper des Councils zu umgehen.

Aus Sicht des Councils stellen solche Publikationen indes eine zunehmende Bedrohung der eigenen Informations- und Deutungshoheit dar.

(** B K P)

Film: YEMEN: The Neglected War

Thousands of civilians have died and millions more have been displaced in the ongoing hostilities in Yemen. What began as a civil war now extends far beyond Yemen’s borders. Brigida Santos hosts RT America’s special coverage of the neglected conflict.

(** B H K)

Yemen: a tragic tale of humanitarian hypocrisy

Humanitarian crises around the world will fail to be resolved if the providers of aid are also the perpetrators.

Where help is needed most, it is becoming increasingly less available. Instead, humanitarian aid is being used as a weapon by the warring parties, as opposed to its intended function of peace.

Behind the biggest aid donors are the very facilitators of the conflict; a western-backed Saudi bombing campaign is accountable for the majority of damage being done.

When the Saudis are responsible for 65% more deaths of children than Houthis and the starvation induced by their blockade as collective punishment, the US and UK’s arms sales to them makes both these countries complicit in this devastating crisis.

To curtail the conflict in Yemen, arms sales to Saudi Arabia must be stopped immediately, access to ports, land, sea and air must be accessible for civilian and aid assistance mobility, and most importantly, the direct perpetrators and facilitators of this devastating human catastrophe should be held accountable.

(** A P)

Deal between Hadi and UAE to sell Yemeni islands!

The Yemenpress news agency gives details about a deal between the Hadi (al-far), and the UAE includes the lease of the island of Socotra and the island of Myon, and the port of Aden to the UAE for 25 years renewable, in violation of the Constitution and the Yemeni law.

The Yemeni news agency said that the agreement came under Saudi pressure on Hadi to close the page of his differences with the UAE, which reflected negatively on the alliance.

According to the site, the contract between the two parties stipulate exclusively the leasing of the islands of Socotra, Moun and Port of Aden for a period of 25 years, and the UAE (UAE) shall not allow any Yemeni citizen to come from outside the said islands except under a special license.

According to the site, the agreement stipulates the right of the UAE to prospect for oil and gas and any mineral wealth on land and sea in consultation with the lessor and the rent is equal

On the other hand, the UAE is committed to stopping support for any entity or group against the legitimacy. =

(** B K P)

Yemen: Hiding Behind Coalition’s Unlawful Attacks

Lack of Transparency Underscores Need for International Inquiry

Members of the Saudi-led coalition have sought to avoid international legal liability by refusing to provide information on their role in alleged unlawful airstrikes in Yemen, Human Rights Watch said today.

“No coalition member can claim clean hands in Yemen until all its members explain their role in scores of documented unlawful attacks,”

The failure of the coalition or any coalition member to credibly investigate violations by their own forces for more than two years of armed conflict underscores the need for an independent international investigation into alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict, Human Rights Watch said. = and also:

(** B E H P)

Yemen Economic Bulletin: How currency arbitrage has reduced the funds available to address the humanitarian crisis

The disparity between the official exchange rate and the market exchange rate of the Yemeni rial that developed during the current conflict led to large-scale profiteering through currency arbitrage. In particular, Yemeni banks exchanging foreign funds for international humanitarian organizations reaped significant profits at the expense of the intended aid recipients in Yemen.

(** B K P)

Is Sudan about to withdraw troops from Yemen?

In June, Sudan sent additional troops to support the Saudi-led military intervention into Yemen. Exact numbers are not available but estimates and official briefings put the figure at close to 8,000 combat soldiers on the ground. In recent weeks reports of Sudanese casualties have increased.

Undated images of seemingly dead abandoned bodies of Sudanese soldiers are now all over social media

It remains to be seen how resilient Sudanese public opinion will be if the Houthi portrayal of the Sudanese as “cannon fodder” takes hold and the talk of annihilation becomes a reality.

The intense Houthi campaigns, both on the battlefield and in the media, to target Sudan may continue to be a losing struggle as Sudanese troops appear to be staying in Yemen for some time to come.

(** A H K)

WFP: Saudi-Arabien soll humanitäre Bedürfnisse im Jemen finanzieren

Der Direktor des Welternährungsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen David Beasley, hat Saudi-Arabien aufgefordert, wegen seiner Angriffe auf den Jemen die Deckung aller humanitärer Bedürfnisse in diesem Land zu finanzieren.

Saudi-Arabien müsse auch die erforderlichen Schritte zur Behandlung von Krankheiten und Beseitigung des Hungers im Jemen unternehmen, so Beasley. Er forderte zudem die Einstellung der Militärangriffe der arabischen Koalition auf den Jemen.

(** B K P)

Saudiarabien blockiert unabhängige Untersuchungen

Vertreter der Uno verlieren zusehends die Geduld angesichts der humanitären Katastrophe in Jemen. Der Menschenrechtsrat drückt sich seit zwei Jahren davor, die Kriegsparteien in die Verantwortung zu nehmen.

Diese Woche hat der Uno-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte Zeid Raad al-Hussein den dritten Anlauf unternommen, um eine unabhängige internationale Kommission zur Untersuchung von Kriegsverbrechen in Jemen einzurichten. Zwei frühere Initiativen waren gescheitert. Westliche Staaten krebsten vor zwei Jahren unter saudischem Druck zurück und strichen entsprechende Formulierungen aus einer Resolution des Rates.

(** A H K)

Saudi Arabia should fund all humanitarian aid to Yemen: WFP

A top United Nations official said Saudi Arabia alone should fund steps to tackle widespread disease and hunger besetting Yemen, where the kingdom has been leading a military campaign for two and a half years.

Comments by David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, were unusually forthright for such a U.N. official in criticizing one party in a conflict. Calling for an end to the coalition’s campaign, he accused the Saudi-led coalition of hampering provision of aid. and with photos, films: and also: and

(** B K P)

Film: Without US and British Support to the Saudis, the Genocide in #Yemen Could Not Continue

Independent Journalist Ben Norton talks about how the genocide in Yemen could not continue without the ongoing support of the US and Britain to the Saudi regime.

and full:

Film: Journalist Ben Norton on Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran & Issues Relating to US Imperialism

Conversation with Journalist Ben Norton on Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran and Issues Relating to US Imperialism. Ben covers so much in this 2hr and 30 minute conversation. Very knowledgeable on so many issues.

(** B H K)

Film: Aug 2017 The Agonies of Yemen

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Cholera / Most important: Cholera

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Why Cholera Outbreaks Are So Catastrophic

All that is needed to stop the infectious cycle is clean drinking water and the ability to rehydrate someone who is infected. Unfortunately, Yemen has neither of these and they are not getting the aid they need.

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Mother Of 9 Goes Door-To-Door As Part Of Yemen's Anti-Cholera Brigade

How do you stop the world's worst cholera epidemic?

One way is to send volunteers door-to-door to tell people how they can avoid the disease and what to do if they suspect an infection.

Comment: This is the backbone of #Yemen.
Not the power struggle, the arms, the rumours, the rush for a seat.
These are the heroes of Yemen. And we expect the world to stand up in front of Faytha Ahmed Farj, a 45-year-old mother of 9 who is going door to door to inform on cholera.

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-09-07)

629,493 cases, 2,061 deaths

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-09-06)

624,379 cases, 2,055 deaths

(* A H)

Yemen: Electronic Disease Early Warning System (eDEWS) Cholera Response Daily Epidemiological Update (2017-09-05)

618,209 cases, 2,054 deaths

(* A H)

Unicef: 150.000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren im Jemen leiden an Choleraünf_jahren_im_jemen_leiden_an_cholera

(* A H)

Film: Yemen'de kolera salgını

Yemen'de 27 Nisan'dan bu yana 5 yaş altı 150 bin çocukta şüpheli kolera vakası tespit edildi.

(* A H)
Yemen's 'Man-Made' Cholera Epidemic So Much Worse Than Ever Predicted

(A H)

Airbridge Djibouti – Sana’a for the cholera response

(* A H)

Mehr als 600.000 Infizierte bei Cholera-Epidemie im Jemen

Im Jemen sind laut WHO mittlerweile rund 613.000 Menschen mit Cholera infiziert. Seit dem Beginn der Epidemie im April starben 2.048 Menschen an der Krankheit. I

(* A H)

Yemen: Cholera Response Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin: W35 2017 (Aug 28-Sep 03)

The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 3 September 2017 is 612,009 suspected cases and 2,047 associated deaths (CFR 0.33). 25,883 suspected cases and 11 associated deaths were reported in W35. also

(* A H)

Map: Yemen: Cholera Attack Rate (%) Population (From 27 April - 05 September 2017)

(* A H)

Map: Yemen: Cholera Suspected Cases (From 27 April - 05 September 2017)

(* B H)

What is fuelling Yemen's cholera epidemic?

Thousands of people have died from cholera as war-torn Yemen navigates peak season for the spread of the disease.

Al Jazeera spoke with Tarik Jasarevic, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization, about the impacts of the current cholera epidemic on Yemen's vulnerable population.

(* B H P)

Yemen’s Horrifying Cholera Epidemic Keeps Spreading

Yemen’s cholera epidemic is the worst in the world and the worst on record.

The epidemic has spread so quickly in part because of the devastated infrastructure and health care system that have been wrecked by the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign enabled by the U.S. and other Western governments.

The U.S. and other enablers of the coalition’s war and blockade bear significant responsibility for both the famine and cholera crises in Yemen.

(* B H)

Common Diseases in Yemen – Cholera Outbreak

(* A H)

Zahl der Cholera-Opfer im Jemen steigt auf 2.043

Die Zahl der Cholera-Opfer im Jemen ist nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) auf 2.043 gestiegen.

Seit dem 27.April 2017 sind 602.526 Cholerafälle in 22 Provinzen des Landes registriert worden, teilte das WHO-Büro im Jemen am Sonntag mit.

(* A H)

Yemen's cholera epidemic hits 600,000, confounding expectations

Yemen’s cholera outbreak has infected 612,703 people and killed 2,048 since it began in April, and some districts are still reporting sharp rises in new cases, data from the World Health Organization and Yemen’s health ministry showed on Tuesday. and by WHO

(* A H)

W HO has finished unloading trucks containing 70 tons of supplies for #cholera treatment which arrived in Sana'a Airport last week.
To date, 602,526 suspected #cholera cases and 2,043 deaths have been reported in 22 governorates and 300 districts in Yemen.

cp2 Allgemein / General

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt


(* B H K)

Film: I pray for Yemen

(* B H K)

Yemen’s misery calls out for global intervention

A Saudi misadventure has created a terrible humanitarian crisis

The Saudis have used their oil wealth to divide a shifting constellation of actors and tribes, wracked by sectarian and secessionist tensions. Despite the presence of many common tribal links, the Saudis have done little to help the Yemenis build a nation, preferring to finance Wahhabi mosques than modern infrastructure — this, in a country running out of water but awash with guns.

What Yemenis need now, above all, is an end to their misery. They should be forgotten no longer.

(B H K)

War in Yemen

[Short overview]

(unrated B K P)

Audio: Yemen update

The international community continues to ignore the conflict tearing Yemen apart.

The humanitarian situation is growing steadily worse and the parties involved commit serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law with impunity.

On the political front, the alliance between the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels and supporters of former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh looks to be falling apart.

Guest. Dr Elisabeth Kendall and

(* B K P)

Iranian Unconventional Warfare in Yemen

Taking into account the factors affecting the feasibility, acceptability, and suitability of an Iranian unconventional warfare campaign in Yemen, and the strategic interests of Iran in the Arabian Peninsula, the balance of factors suggests that Iranian sponsorship of the Houthi rebels is a viable option with a strong chance of success at an acceptable level risk.

My comment: Rather not. There is no Iranian warfare in Yemen. For the author: . – Simply more real: Iran Seems to Have Brilliantly Collapsed the Saudi Economy… By Doing Nothing:

(* B P K)

Troubling Ambiguities in the UAE’s Role in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates has been among Saudi Arabia’s erstwhile allies in Yemen since the beginning of Operation Decisive Storm in March 2015. But throughout the campaign, the UAE has, for various reasons, followed a parallel political and military strategy that has supported an alternate leadership to Hadi’s government in southern Yemen.

What adds to the delicate nature of the Emirati involvement alongside Saudi Arabia––the putative leader of the Arab coalition––are ambitions the UAE wishes to realize in southern Yemen. These ambitions may very well be at the expense of both Yemen’s unity and traditional Saudi Arabian relationships in Yemeni society.

(* B H K P)

Betrayal of Gulf: How UAE failed Yemen , the Terror-Game

Yemen: The Largest Humanitarian Crisis

How is the Persian Gulf Helping?

The Inside Story—Timeline of UAEs ‘Aid’ to Yemen

Bin Zayed’s Little Sparta: UAE

(* B K P)

The Glaring Omissions in Western Coverage of the War on Yemen

The gap between the enormity of the crisis and the attention given to it in most media coverage is huge, so every news story about the war has some value. But incomplete reports that don’t tell the entire story leave readers without some of the information they ought to have when trying to make sense of the horror unfolding in Yemen – by Daniel Larison

(unrated B K P)

Film: Saudi airstrikes in Yemen clear war crimes: Activist

Massoud Shadjareh, head of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, told Press TV in an interview on Friday.

(unrated B K P)

Film: Yemen’s Catastrophe: What Can Be Done to Stop the War?

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hosted a discussion of options for ending Yemen’s war with Carnegie’s Farea Al-Muslimi, Yemeni analyst Nadwa al-Dawsari, and former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Gerald Feierstein. Carnegie’s Frederic Wehrey moderated.

My comment: Really hard to understand why Feierstein had been invited:

(* B K P)

5100 civilians killed.
When? In which war?
Denying evidence is a war crime. We have long surpassed the 14.000 casualties.
Plus all the rest: a child dead every 10 minutes, 270.000 dead because of the siege, 2.000+ because of cholera.

(* B K P)

Saudi Strategic Suicide In Yemen And Muslim Scholars

Today, Muslims lack ulama who adapt to this rapidly changing world- socially, politically, economically and spiritually.

The most serious problem facing the Islamic ummah—in its nations, communities, and individuals—even more serious than good leadership, is the chronic deficiency of independent-minded religious scholars willing to scrutinize leadership and speak truth to power when and where necessary.

Back to Yemen, the likely emerging scenario in the foreseeable future is two Yemens along the old borders of Northern and Southern Yemen borders. Then the Somalia model of ‘fragmenting the fragments along clan lines’ would likely ensue.

(* B K P)

In a world of crises, Yemen still stands out

The conflict in Yemen, the Arab world's most impoverished nation, is a calamity by any measure.

The lack of a political solution has exacted a hideous cost.

And then there's the foreign dimension of the conflict. The Saudi campaign is fueled by weapons it purchased from governments in the West, including those of Britain and the United States. =

Remark: Overview article.

(* B K P)

Nine Things The MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About The War In Yemen

Corporate media barely covers Yemen at all. Not only do they leave many key pieces of information out, they blatantly lie to reinforce their imperialist narrative. Here, Geopolitics Alert will attempt to debunk many of the most common myths and explain the truth. =

(B K P)

The missing outrage on Yemen

(B K P)

Yemen: A (forgotten) man-made tragedy

And where are the Saudis' western friends in all of this? Selling them weapons, of course

Of course, a barrel of oil is worth how many children's lives? Ask Theresa May and Donald J. Trump.

Remark: Overview.

(B K P)

Der Fall Jemen

Roland Etzel zur Ankündigung einer Untersuchung von Kriegsverbrechen

(* B H K)

Hunderte Kinder-Soldaten im Jemen

Die Bürgerkriegsparteien im Jemen haben nach UNO-Erkenntnissen Hunderte Kinder als Soldaten rekrutiert. Insgesamt seien mehr als 1700 solcher Fälle gezählt worden, heisst es in einem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Bericht des UNO-Menschenrechtsrates in Genf.

Dem Bericht zufolge handelt es sich bei dem Bürgerkrieg um eine «vollständig von Menschen gemachte Katastrophe», unter der die Zivilisten zu leiden hätten. Verstösse gegen die Menschenrechte gingen unvermindert weiter.;art46446,1096690

(* B H K)

UNO: Im Jemen fast 14.000 Zivilisten tot oder verletzt

könne die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer aber noch deutlich höher sein.

Die meisten Opfer kamen demnach bei Luftangriffen der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition ums Leben.

Mein Kommentar: Die genannten Zahlen der Toten und Verletzten sind lächerlich niedrig angesetzt – sogar niedriger als das, was die UN selbst vor einem Jahr schon nannte.


(B H K)

Audio: Menschengemachte Katastrophe ? Uno-Menschenrechtsrat zur Lage im Jemen

(* B H K)

Yemen: An “entirely man-made catastrophe” – UN human rights report urges international investigation

Human rights violations and abuses continue unabated in Yemen, along with unrelenting violations of international humanitarian law, with civilians suffering deeply the consequences of an “entirely man-made catastrophe”, according to a UN human rights report published on Tuesday.

The report, mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, records violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law over three years, since September 2014.

Pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 33/16, this report provides an overview of the situation of human rights in Yemen between September 2014 and 30 June 2017. The report also includes new allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law that reportedly occurred between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017.

Between March 2015, when the UN Human Rights Office began reporting on civilian casualties, and 30 August, at least 5,144 civilians have been documented as killed and more than 8,749 injured. Children accounted for 1,184 of those who were killed and 1,592 of those injured. Coalition airstrikes continued to be the leading cause of child casualties as well as overall civilian casualties. Some 3, 233 of the civilians killed were reportedly killed by Coalition forces. and and

and full report: and

and quick facts:

and statement in film:

and other reporting and

My comment: All this is absolutely nothing new, thus just ranked *! And the figures of those killed and injured are a bad joke, the conclusion is right.


(* B H K)

Spike in Yemen fighting causes massive civilian suffering

(* B H K)

Film: UN: Yemen faces world's 'largest humanitarian crisis'

The United Nations has revealed the true cost of the war in Yemen. In a report, it calls the three-year conflict the "single largest humanitarian crisis" in the world.

(* B P)

The news from Yemen is terrible — let’s focus on what can be achieved

It’s clear that a broad peace settlement is not on the horizon.

But even if the conflict shows no signs of exhausting itself, the United States and the international community cannot ignore the fact that the humanitarian and security risks are growing.

The international community has not exhausted all its options. Realistically, the best that can likely be achieved for now is a series of internationally brokered local cease-fires (perhaps mediated by a credible regional interlocutor such as Oman) and an easing of restrictions on humanitarian aid flowing into the country

Comment: The Washington Post still sells well with the usual Iranian support to the Houthis, number of victims below 10.000 etc, but this is what the author has to say on the possible solution:

(* A H K)

YEMEN. I bambini e le bombe saudite

In Italian: the story of Buthina, our peace ambassador and all the other children of Yemen under the bombs

Buthina ha sei anni e ha perso otto membri della sua famiglia la scorsa settimana quando un “errore tecnico” di Riyadh ha devastato la sua casa seppellendola viva per ore sotto le macerie.L’ennesimo massacro di civili a cui la Comunità Internazionale ha risposto con il consueto silenzio

(* B K P)

Who are "Houthis"? What's Happening in Yemen? - Quick Explanation

An excerpt from a talk given by Caleb Maupin in June of 2015, after traveling throughout the middle east.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

War, disease & famine: Yemen crisis at breaking point, RT interviews WHO, DEC (VIDEOS)

DEC CEO speaks to RT about the Yemen humanitarian crisis

As part of RT's Global Famine series, Saleh Saeed talks about coordinating relief efforts and what the future holds for the besieged country.

Jonathan Kennedy Interview

Dr. Jonathan Kennedy discusses the political determinants of the cholera outbreak in Yemen and the role played by the Saudi-led coalition in exacerbating the epidemic.

(B H P)

Film: Yemen - Development institutions aimed at involving women in the labor market.

(* B H K)

Break Yemen Humanitarian Blockade

Beyond all manners of politics, legal justifications and calls for a general crackdown on all things ‘independent’ in Yemen, we should not stray from one heartbreaking reality: civilians have been earmarked for slaughter so that Saudi Arabia could achieve military victory.

Let me quantify for you the hardship which befell Yemen since war clouded its skies – by Catherine Shakdam

(B H)

How to Help People in Yemen

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Film: WATCH this powerful video - The story of children in #Yemen for whom each day is a battle for survival = =

(B H P)

Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #15, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017

Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 09/08/17)

(* B H)

WFP Yemen Situation Report #35, 1 - 15 August 2017 and in full

(* B H)

Yemen: How UK public support is saving lives

In total, in Sawir district, CARE rehabilitated three water schemes, each of them comprising: a well; a pump activated by solar panels; a water tank; a tapstand (photos)

(* B H K)

Aviation Authority: Yemenis’ suffering increases with the closure of Sanaa Airport

The spokesman of the General Authority for Civil Aviation and Meteorology, Dr. Mazen Ghanem, said that the demand of the countries of the aggression coalition led by Saudi Arabia from the United Nations Sanaa International Airport management is continuing to close the airport to create more suffering and kill patients who are in dire need of travel.

(* B H)

Yemenis fight for survival in country on the brink of famine

Millions of lives at risk as civil war leads to cholera epidemic and food shortages

and important comment:

(* B P)

The Glaring Omissions in Western Coverage of the War on Yemen

(* B H)

Seham’s struggles: One child’s story of the search for treatment for kidney disease

Seham was just 6 years old when she was first diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Together with her parents, she travelled hundreds of kilometres in search of diagnosis and treatment, from her home in Razeh District in Sa’ada governorate in Yemen’s north, to Hajjah and Sana’a in the country’s west. =

(A H)

Yemen War Haunts WHO Boss

(* B H)

Film: The War in Yemen: War crushes food production as hunger grows

As the situation in Yemen worsens there are now more than 20 million people struggling to eat. The ongoing civil war has severely impacted food production, leaving millions dependent on aid that often struggles to get through. TRT World's Yasin Eken reports.

(* A H)

Yemen: ‘Saudis to blame’ for death of Red Crescent founder

THE son of Yemen’s Red Crescent founder has blamed Saudi Arabia for his father’s death.

Zubair al-Khamesi, whose father Abdullah died in the Ibn Sinaa hospital in Sanaa on Friday, told the Guardian “he died because of lack of access to lifesaving medicine.”

(* B H)

Stepping up our response in Yemen is a moral imperative — Stephen O’Brien, Margot Wallström and Didier Burkhalter

The people of Yemen have suffered enough — we must be unrelenting in our efforts to meet the life-saving and protection needs of 21 million people who make up over three-quarters of the entire Yemeni population.

It is our collective moral imperative to do all we can to bring their suffering to an end.

(* A H)

Statement of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement on the death of Dr Abdulah Alkhamesi, founder of the Yemen Red Crescent Society

The death of Dr Alkhamesi was hastened by a lack of essential medical supplies, yet another indication of the collapsing health system in Yemen—a direct consequence of the conflict .

My comment: The Saudi blockade is not mentioned at all.

(* A H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, July 2017

Food distribution: In July 2017, 5,170,786 people are confirmed to have received WFP in-kind food assistance in Abyan, Aden, Al Bayda, Al Dhale’e, Al Hudaydah, Al Jawf, Al Mahwit, Amanat Al Asima, Amran, Dhamar, Hajjah, Ibb, Lahj, Marib, Raymah, Sa’ada, Sana’a, Shawbah, and Taizz (84 percent achieved against the target of 6.13 million this month).

Just 43 percent of the resources required by WFP for this emergency operation have been funded. and in full

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H)

UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2017 Funding Update (as of 22 August 2017)

79.8 M required for 2017

43.0 M contributions received, representing 54% of requirements

36.8 M funding gap for the Yemen Situation

(* A H)

Yemen UNHCR Weekly Update, 18 - 24 August 2017

UNHCR is deeply saddened by reports of incidents resulting in loss of life, including that of internally displaced persons (IDPs), in the north of Sana’a. and in full

(A H)

Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti – Aden - Djibouti, August 2017

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A P)

Al Houthi-Saleh Supreme Political Council president Saleh al Samad, a member of Ansar Allah, dismissed a number of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists from leadership positions in government institutions and appointed al Houthi movement loyalists [1]

(* A P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels oust military commanders loyal to toppled president Saleh

Yemen's Houthi rebels have appointed new military commanders and ousted commanders loyal to toppled former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, MENA news agency reported on Sunday.

In statements to MENA on Sunday, military sources said Houthis took the decision to fully control the forces.


(* A P)

#Saleh party rejects #Houthis appointments at civil service & military positions and say they are against partnership agreements.

My comment: Huthi suicide policy again [and, as it seems, again and again and again]

(A P)

Activists call on UN to hold S Arabia responsible for Yemen war

(A P)

Houthi deputy interior minister calls for Sanaa state of emergency

Abdul Hakim al-Khaiwani, a senior figure with the Houthi militias has called for the declaration of a state of emergency in the Yemeni capital Sanaa and areas that are still under the control of his militia.

My comment: By Saudi media.

(A P)

The Ministry of Interior reveals for the first time new details about the crime of the Grand Hall

Maj. Gen. Al-Khaiwani called for the reform of the imbalances in the judiciary so as to enable the implementation of the firm legal procedures against all traitors and agents to be the remaining lesson.

(A P)

Latest Houthi poster in Sanaa: the rule of Imam Ali [& his descendants] protects Muslims from being taken over by Jews & Christians (photo)

(A P)

Film: Ahlul Bait lovers in Yemen revive Eid al-Ghadeer


(A P)

Freed From Wahabism, Several Yemeni Provinces Celebrate Eid Al-Ghadeer

A number of Yemeni provinces celebrated on Friday the anniversary of “Eid al-Ghadeer” with a number of popular events that reflect the importance of the succession of Imam Ali peace be upon him in the hearts of Yemenis.

Remark: A Shiite festival. Shias celebrate the occasion of Muhammad appointing Ali as his successor. and - In Shia Islam the Ahl al-Bayt are central to Islam and interpreters of the Quran and Sunnah. Shias believe they are successors of Muhammad :

(A P)

Taiz - Houthis force residents displace


(A P)

Pictures of displacement of remaining villagers from Khor village in the outskirt of Al-Rabee, by Houthis-Saleh militia

(A P)

Houthis loot homes of Hadi government ministers in Yemen

(A P)

Saleh militants reportedly break into homes of Hadi government officials in Sana’a city[2]

(* A P)

Saudi -Led Coalition’s 60 Members Aside with the Yemeni Joint Forces

In the province of Hodeidah today, 60 people were released in support of the Saudi-led coalition

the released prisoners stressed their readiness to aside with the Yemeni joint forces.

(B K P)

The Aggression Warplanes Kill 10 Thousand, Saudi Blockade Caused the Death of 247 Thousand Citizens in Yemen

Human rights [ministry] confirmed that 10 thousand and 373 citizens were killed by direct bombing of aggression alliance, while the number of those who died as a result of aggression siege is a 247 thousand citizens due to lack of medicines and spread of epidemics ,malnutrition and kidney failure.

Remark: Not “Human Rights Watch” (HRW). – The figure of those killed by Saudi air raids certainly is higher.

(B P)

[Houthi child soldiers]

It is clear that the trends of the aggression on the pretext of aggression that these children are accepted in your camps to assure everyone that you are a fool and can be more dangerous to society (photo)

(A P)

Saudi Doesn’t Move to Rescue Sunni Muslims in Burma, but Stirs Seditions: Sayyed Houthi

(* B P)

Yemen's Saleh keeps friend and foe guessing after skirmish with Houthi allies

Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh appears to have patched up a violent rift with his allies in the armed Houthi movement, but the drama has left friends and foe alike wondering anew at the wily political survivor’s next move.

To salvage their alliance, the Houthis will need to convince Saleh that despite their violent history, they make for stronger allies than some GPC members.

(* B P)

Houthi-Saleh rupture

Yemen’s political scene continues to rest on a knife’s edge, with a significant change but a spark away

The intense rise in tensions in the Houthi-Saleh alliance deescalated in the space of a few days. Credit for this is due to the efforts of the Supreme Political Council headed by Saleh Ali Al-Sammad, who rapidly contained the Misbahi incident, and to the regular meetings that are held between Houthi and GPC leaders.

However, the main reason behind the restoration of calm is Saleh, by means of his speech at Sabaeen in which he pacified his followers, and by means of his pledge to reinforce the fronts with tens of thousands of fighters if the Houthis arm them and pay their salaries.

Remark: From Egypt, member of the Saudi coalition.

(B P)

Yemen crisis: Five of Saleh's dramatic appearances since Arab Spring

From appearing on television as he recovered from burn injuries to peacefully handing over power to his vice president, Abdurabu Mansur Hadi, former president Ali Abdullah Saleh has always tried to make his presence known

Remark: by an Emirati media.

(A P)

Pictured: Houthis deploy Iranian slogans ahead Shiites feast in Yemen

Houthi militias have deployed thousands of sectarian slogans ahead Eid al-Ghadeer, a Shiite Muslims feast which falls on 18 of Dhu al-Hijjah month, in Yemeni capital Sanaa, Al Arabiya news reported Friday.

The Houthis promoted the event and focused on propagating the concept of the “wilaya” and their alleged right to govern.

remark: By an anti-Iranian media.

(A P)

Houthis spending 100s of millions Yemeni Rials on Wilayah celebration signs while ppl are dying from hunger & salaries unpaid for a year

(B P)

It's Iran now which kills Yemeni people, USA have been doing that since long time back with Ali Abdullah Saleh your partner in crime. Now we get this in our streets:
The subject is a uni-pole ad in Sana'a streets it's calling for "alwilayah" (state ruled by a sectarian shia jurist) by a blindly loyal followers. it's more dangerous to Yemen than any kind of terrorism.
It needs an international commission of inquiry, because it is a call for genocide for an entire people that rejects the idea of shia thought of sectarianism and believes in democracy (photo: Houthi billboard)

(A P)

Observe how they claim to the rule of Abdul Malik al-Houthi: "The nation will not rise unless it raises a hand on me" raised by the Prophet; Houthi descendants of Ali as they claim and inherit his hand (photo)

(A P)

Houthi spokesman calls on Yemen’s Saleh to implement 12 requests

The major clause within these points is the activation of the emergency law to confront the so-called “fifth column” and the opening of recruitment in the army.

(* A P)


Yemen's former president Ali Abdullah Saleh appeared on TV Monday to deny there are any divisions between him and the Shiite Houthi rebels.

"There is no crisis or differences whatsoever, but only in the imagination of those who want these decisions," Saleh said in an interview with his Yemen Today TV network


(* A P)

Yemen's Saleh denies reports of divisions with Houthi rebels

He said there was no truth to what “international media, linked to enemy countries, have reported or what is being said on social media in [Yemen]”. and through Saudi propaganda lens:

(* A P)

In Arabic, full text of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh's speech

and this is the speech in film:

Comment: #Saleh appeared in his TV interview weak, contradictory and submissive to #Houthis

Comment by Adam Baron: Salehs interview clearly aimed at avoiding escalation with the Houthis. Will it reduce tensions though?

Saleh sits with Nabil al-Sufi, pushing back on allegations of major issues w Houthis, denies GPC has relations w outside powers.

Concise message of the night: the Houthi-Saleh alliance--one of Yemen's many Danses Macabres--holds on for yet another day.

(* A P)

Houthis Decide to Arrest Former Yemeni President Saleh, End Alliance

Yemeni Houthi militants reportedly decided to terminate their alliance with the General People's Congress party and to arrest its leader former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

local media reported citing a Yemeni source. The Al Arabiya broadcaster reported that the militia has decided to end its alliance with the General People's Congress party headed by Saleh.

My comment: This is fake news by Saudi propaganda. The intention simply is to rise unrest, strife and fighting between the Houthis and Saleh followers.

Comment: This is one of the most ridiculous articles you can read. Based on AlArabya morbid fantasy, ''Houthis decided to arrest Saleh and bring him to Saada.''
Whatever the differences in the alliance, it will not be AlArabya input to make either part take Saudi Arabia's side.


(* A P)

#Houthi leader Mohammed al-Bukhaiti said that they had no plan to arrest former president #Saleh.

(* A P)

Senior member of Yemen rebel alliance defects as rift widens

Yemeni tribal sources say a minister allied with Ali Abdullah Saleh has fled the capital, in the latest indication of a growing rift between the former president and Shiite Houthi rebels.

They said Monday that Hussein Hazib, a prominent member of Saleh's party who served as education minister in the so-called National Salvation government set up with the rebels, has fled to Marib, an area east of the capital controlled by government forces.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Photo: Yemeni Government and singer are partying in Cairo while the people are dying from hunger & cholera. How dare they! A handful of losers

Comment: This is appalling. Have they no shame?

(A T)

Hadi government forces raid AQAP safe house in Hadramawt governorate [1]

(A T)

AQAP militants detonate IED targeting Emirati-backed forces in Abyan governorate, southern Yemen [2]

(A P)

Hadi government-aligned militias clash in Taiz city [3]


(A P)

Heavy confrontations between 35 armored brigade soldiers in Taiz

(* A P)

The news has been circulating on and off for some time: Deal Between Hadi (moved by Saudi Arabia) and the United Arab Emirates

(A T)

Gunmen assassinate Emirati officer in Hadramout- source


(A T)

AQAP militants kill Emirati officer in Daw’an, Hadramawt governorate [1]

(A T)

The assassination of the Director of Security Directorate of Doan in Hadramout

(* A P)

Half a million Saudi riyals received by every mercenary parliament met with bin Salman

Each member of the Yemeni parliament, who met Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was bribed 500,000 Saudi riyals per member, the Aden al-Ghad website said.

My comment: How Hadi tried to get the parliament. It’s 133,000 US $.

(A P)

Hadi-government security committee holds emergency meeting in Taiz to discuss the increase of violence in the city. [3]

(A P)

Hadi-government employees begin hunger strike in Taiz over lack of salary payments. The Hadi government paid one month of salaries to some troops and security forces on August 31. [4]

(* B P)

What is left of the legitimacy of Hadi other than the UAE insults?

It seems that Hadi did not have anything to offer to the alliance but to stay in Riyadh for the continuation of the “legitimacy” in granting Saudi Arabia and the UAE what they want in Yemen.

(A P)

The reasons for the dismissal of “Maqdashi” from the Chief of Staff

(A P)

Hadi sacks his army commander General Magdashi

was played to get rid of Al-Islah party. Hadi is between remaining out of his country or returning to Salah's arm.

(A P)

VIDEO: #Yemen's PM meets with the Cmdr of the #Saudi Forces stationed in the temporary capital city of #Aden

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

The UN list of child-killing nations

Should not the 2016 UN report on the child-killing nations and the humanitarian crises in Yemen name not only the Saudi government as the child-killing nation but the enablers and arms suppliers in the UK and US, too? Do they not arm and supply the weapons that are killing the children?

(** B P)

U.N. Enablers of ‘Aggressive War’

U.N. investigative reports, like a new one condemning Syria for alleged sarin use, are received as impartial and credible, but are often just more war propaganda from compromised bureaucrats.

The United Nations has, in effect, caved in to the political and financial pressure brought to bear by the United States and its allies. A similar disregard for international law also pervades the U.S. mainstream media and much of the European and Israeli press as well – By Robert Parry

(* B K P)

Saudi-Arabien tötet Kinder im Jemen. Die Uno verschweigt das – aus Gründen

Was die Uno jedoch nicht tut: Kriegsführer Saudi-Arabien deutlich zu kritisieren.

Dabei gab es vor zwei Wochen noch einen Entwurf, der das Land deutlich anklagen wollte: als Kindermörder.

(* B K P)

UNO: Über 5000 Zivilisten im Jemen-Konflikt seit 2015 durch Saudi-Arabien getötet – davon 1200 Kinder

Mein Kommentar: Die von der UN verbreiteten Zahlen sind lächerlich zu niedrig und bleiben selbst unter UN-Angaben vom letzten Jahr. Mit solchen zahlen betreibt die UNO geradezu Beihilfe bei der Verschleierung von Kriegsverbrechen:

(* B K P)

Civilian death toll in #Yemen according to the @UN: Jan 2016: 10,000 Sep 2017: 5,000 May 2019: 0

I expect Saudi to lie about its civilian casualties in #Yemen, but how does @UN explain this? Did 5000 ppl miraculously come back to life?

By end of 2015, UN said 10000 killed in Yemen, early 2016, number reduced and so on. Saudi bombs miraculously bring dead people back, shame

Off course, if 10000 killed by end 2015 which is an under estimate. Saudi said conducted 90k sorties on Yemen. If each killed one person

(* B H K)

Moral Authority? 'The UN Has No Real Power to Stop the Yemen War'

Journalist Sahir Areibi of the UN headquarters in Geneva told Sputnik that "the UN's call is fair because it is Saudi Arabia which is responsible for the current humanitarian situation in Yemen."

When asked whether Saudi Arabia will adhere to Beasley's call, Aleibi said that "the main problem in this issue is the UN's involvement in the Yemeni war."

"The UN has no real power or the will to stop the war or force the aggressors to do so."

(* B P)

Over 14,000 Killed in Yemen Conflict – What Next?

The UN report, however, is way off the line to say that this is a ‘’civil war.” This is a US-backed, Saudi-led war on the region's poorest country, which began in March 2015 to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

Before it gets too late, therefore, the world community, the UN in particular, should lay pressure on Riyadh and its main ally the United States to end the unnecessary conflict and take immediate measures to ensure humanitarian relief for civilians. Despite backing the Saudi-led war from the beginning, the US now claims to want to restrain the bombing campaign:

(* B P)

Are Saudis Looking For Way Out Of Yemen? – Analysis

The core of the conflict in Yemen is that this is a Yemeni civil conflict where more attention has been drawn towards regional powers and religious divisions rather than the Yemenis themselves. This is the main problem that has not been addressed by many international agencies like the United Nations and many think tanks around Washington.

(* A P)

UN Rights Council neglects duty to probe atrocities in Yemen: Report

The UN Human Rights Office has lashed out at the global body’s Human Rights Council for neglecting its responsibility with regard to launching an investigation into the massive rights violations in Yemen.

(* A P)

Film: "Le conflit au #Yémen: enlisement et portée régionale." Entretien avec Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, envoyé spécial de l'#ONU au Yémen.

Comment: Yemeni UN envoy from Hadi (KSA) change his tone totally .180°u turn: new government should include all parties (saleh and houthis as well) and see comments below

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Iran says willing to help resolution of Yemen war

Iranian vice president said that Iran is willing to help Saudi Arabia to resolve Yemen war. =

(A P)


cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B E P)

Saudi economy in doldrums as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's influence wavers

A stalled economy and austerity drive has seen Saudi Arabia's property market take a massive hit, as millions of expats prepare to head home.

(* B P)

'Saudis shoot themselves in the foot bringing Qatar, Yemen, Syria & Iraq closer to Iran'

The Saudi regime has become so erratic that it turned against Qatar, one of the few regimes that have an identical ideology, and therefore brought Qatar closer to Iran, says professor of politics at Tehran University Seyed Mohammad Marandi.

(** B P)

Interview: Saudi activist Mohammed al-Nimr on oppression of Shia, attack on Awamiya, Wahhabism

Saudi activist Mohammed al-Nimr, the son of the pro-democracy leader and Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who was executed by the Saudi regime in January 2016, speaks with Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton about the political situation in Saudi Arabia, and US support for it.

Mohammed discusses the monarchy's violent oppression of the Shia minority; the brutal attack on and destruction of the Shia-majority town of Awamiya, in the eastern Qatif province; and Saudi Arabia's state-sponsored extremist ideology of Wahhabism.

This is the full interview with Mohammed al-Nimr, accompanying Moderate Rebels episode 5: "Orb of Evil: Trump’s embrace of Saudi Arabia". and Audio:

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia set to raze empty villages on Yemen border

Riyadh said to commence demolition of 96 communities in effort to create buffer zone against Houthi insurgents

My comment: This is mainly directed against the population of this region – which is considered as not 100 % loyal to Saudis.

(A P)

Film: Disgusting: #Saudis, thought to be security personnel kidnap & beat #Qatari pilgrim Hamad Almurri & insult emir

(* B E P)

Iran Seems to Have Brilliantly Collapsed the Saudi Economy… By Doing Nothing

Since leading a war, especially one with little prospect of ending, comes with huge costs, Saudi Arabia recorded the highest budget deficit since the post-Gulf War period at nearly $100 billion (15% of GDP) in 2015, and projected its highest budgeted-for deficit yet for 2016 (13.5% of GDP).

(* B P T)

The Grand Delusion: Saudi Arabia professes to be 'rampart against Terror'

Saudi Arabia will never be anything else, but the fountainhead of terrorism, as Yousaf Butt wrote, unless its regime is reformed.

(* A E P)

Saudi Arabia scales back Vision 2030 plan to diversify economy

Saudi Arabia is redrafting a series of reforms aimed at boosting the country's non-oil revenue, amid concerns some of the initiatives could negatively impact the economy.

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia Stuck, May Need to Hold a Fire Sale

With low oil prices, the impact on the Saudi economy has been brutal. Oil market woes are depleting government reserves

cp9 USA

(* A T)

Saudi government accused of funding dry run for 9/11 jihad attacks

Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers and plotters. = and and also

(* B K P)

Has the American Government Been Aiding Saudi Arabia’s War Crimes in Yemen?

Even though the US has criticized several attacks, it continues to be complicit in the carnage that is being created by the Saudis; and with the recent arms deal in May (2017), it further proves the claim.

(* B P)

The Insane Gifts Saudi Arabia Gave President Trump

The gifts range from the regal (“Artwork featuring picture of President Trump”) to the martial (multiple swords, daggers, leather ammo holders), to the baroque (cheetah fur robes).

Amusing as the gifts may be, they are emblematic of a more serious issue: Trump’s embrace of the Saudi regime, a stark reversal from his campaign rhetoric.

As Whitson put it, “The Trump administration has gone well beyond any prior U.S. administration in its embrace of Saudi Arabia.

(* B P)

REVEALED: The Saudis buttered up Trump by giving him cheetah fur robes and a painting of himself

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B P)

Yemen Debate

Today, we held another debate in the House of Commons on the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen. I used the opportunity to challenge the government, asking why they are relying on the Saudi authorities, and a notorious Bahraini judge, to investigate themselves over allegations of war crimes, rather than backing an independent, UN-led inquiry – by Emily Thonberry, MP

Comment: An interesting post about the proposed UN resolution on Yemen. Remember UK holds the pen on Yemen. But it was not presenting the resolution to the house on the basis that the war has to stop before it can be presented????!!!!!!!!!!!! Why???????!!!!

(* B K P)

REVEALED: Both sides of Gulf crisis listed as 'priority markets' for UK arms export push

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have both been identified as key targets for exports on the eve of the world's largest arms fair in London next week

The UK government is being accused of fanning the flames of the Gulf crisis after it included both sides of the dispute in a newly published list of countries identified by officials as “priority markets” for the UK’s £12bn defence industry, Middle East Eye can reveal.

(A P)

The "internationally recognized gov't"of Hadi tried 2 sell Yemen embassy HQ in UK but Houthi/Saleh gov't stopped it! and article in Arabic, with documents in English:

and the Saudis claim the other way round:

(A P)

Documents prove Houthi-Saleh conspiracy to sell Yemen’s state properties abroad

(* A P)


The majority of the British public think the UK should suspend the approval of arms sales to countries fighting in Yemen, a new poll by Yougov for Save the Children reveals today.

Nearly three in five (59%) of the 1,658 British adults surveyed by YouGov described the approval of arms sales as “unacceptable” if they risk being used in Yemen – compared to 15% who said they are “acceptable”. and and

(A H)

Charvil teenager 'hooping to help' children in Yemen

A kind-hearted 14-year-old girl has been fundraising for children in Yemen after learning of the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country on the news.

Teya Greatrex began ‘hooping to help’ at the start of the summer, hula-hooping for donations at events and doing bake sales.

(* A P)

Government accused of inviting ‘who’s who of human rights abusers’ to arms fair

The Government has been accused of inviting a “who’s who of human rights abusers” to the world’s largest defence and security fair opening in London next week. The list of countries formally invited to send high-level delegations to the Defence and Security International Exhibition (DSEI), which has been shown to the i, includes five regimes on the Government’s own “human rights priority” register drawn up because of concern over abusive treatment of their citizens.

(A P)

Dozens arrested in London as one of the world’s largest arms fairs is locked down

(A P)

David Pratt: London arms ‘fair’ is a supermarket for the hypocritical and grotesque

(A P)

Protesters begin effort to disrupt Britain's biggest arms fair in east London

Thousands expected take part in week of action in run-up to Defence and Security Equipment International event in Docklands

(* A P)

Theresa May discusses ‘humanitarian law’ with Saudi Arabia and ending Yemen war

Britain has been criticised for its role in selling arms to the Arab kingdom and also


(* A K P)

London's DSEI arms fair welcomes the world's war criminals

The DSEI arms fair sells weapons to hundreds of the world's most despotic regimes

The DSEI arms fair in London will bring those responsible for the bombing of Yemen together with those who have profited from it.

Comment: The human rights abusers and dictatorships in attendance won't just be buying weapons, they will also be buying legitimacy and political support. Arms exports can never be politically neutral, and as long as regimes are buying UK arms they are also buying the approval that goes with it.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Im Krieg mit deutschen Waffen? Eine Bilanz der Rüstungsexportpolitik der Großen Koalition

Deutsche Kriegswaffen sollten nicht nach Saudi-Arabien gelangen, solange das Land einen Krieg im Jemen führt, unter dem in erster Linie die Zivilbevölkerung leidet. Allerdings sind dort bereits deutsche Waffen im Einsatz. Die Angriffe aus der Luft fliegt Saudi-Arabien unter anderem mit Kampfflugzeugen des Typs Tornado und Eurofighter Typhoon, die aus EU-Gemeinschaftsproduktionen mit deutscher Beteiligung stammen und von Großbritannien dorthin geliefert worden sind. Wie steht es um die Bilanz der Großen Koalition in der Rüstungsexportpolitik?

(A P)

Mann mit Krummdolch im Zug löst Polizeieinsatz aus

Der 25-jährige Mann aus dem Jemen gab an, auf dem Weg zu einem islamischen Opferfest nach Kiel zu sein.

Mein Kommentar: Für Jemeniten in der Tat nur ein Schmuckteil!

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

España adiestró a pilotos saudíes que están masacrando a la población del Yemen

En Morón de la Frontera, donde se formó a los saudíes, tenían su base 28 cazas españoles, idénticos a los 72 aparatos adquiridos por Arabia Saudí a la empresa británica Bae Systems, gracias a un acuerdo firmado en 2007 por Londres y Riad

[Spain trained Saudi pilots currently massacring Yemenis]

(A P)

Photos of the @SaudiHawks88 team soaring over the sky of Belgium #Sanicole, by: @Ahmedhader

My comment: Belgium giving killers a stage.

(* A P)

A Position Paper on Canada’s Involvement in the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen

Canada must immediately halt the sale of its armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia and stop giving the Kingdom an excuse to continue their brutal campaign

(* A P)

The UAE is venturing on its ports in exchange for the removal of the Arab Gulf blockade

The United Arab Emirates has taken advantage of the failure of Saudi Arabia’s leadership in Yemen and is seeking to expand its projects through influence in the southern provinces of Yemen, the Red Sea coast and the Indian Ocean.

The UAE seeks to keep the war for a long time to achieve its objectives and economic and political ambitions in Yemen =

(A P)

Bahraini Forces Arrest Protesters Condemning Saudi War on Yemen

(A P)


(A P)

Iran President Asks Yemeni Groups to Keep Unity

(A P)

3x #RSAF A330 MRTTs & 8x EF-2000s stop at Morón AFB on the way back to #SaudiArabia — by: jesúsmoreno (photos)

My comment: Spain giving support to Saudi killers.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Trump’s plan to end Qatar-Saudi Arabia deadlock fails

President Trump's plan to de-escalate the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Qatar ended in failure this week after the two countries released conflicting statements hours after a phone call organized by Trump.

(A P)

Saudi ‘suspends’ planned talks with Qatar minutes after rulers’ contact

Saudi Arabia has suspended plans to hold talks with Qatar on how to resolve the ongoing crisis between Doha and four Arab states minutes after the Saudi crown prince and the Qatari ruler discussed the planned negotiations during a phone call.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia suspends breakthrough talks with Qatar in about-face following leaders' conversation

Saudi Arabia has suspended talks with Qatar after accusing it of "distorting facts" of a phone call between the leaders of the two countries.

(A P)

Qatari emir speaks to Saudi crown prince over Gulf row

Qatari and Saudi leaders express willingness to start talks in phone call, but apparent protocol dispute causes hiccup. and by saudi: and

(A P)

Organizers of Qatar, Global Security & Stability Conference praise efforts to resolve crisis

(* A P)

US Steps up Qatar Crisis Diplomacy, Lauds Kuwait’s Mediation

The Trump administration on Friday ramped up diplomatic efforts to help resolve Qatar’s crisis with its Arab neighbors, which risks implications for America’s military presence in the Middle East and the fight against the Islamic State group. The U.S. is also concerned that the spat among Arab governments could hamper a shared interest in blunting Iranian assertiveness in the region. =

(A P)

Trump hails Kuwait mediation on Qatar; Arab states react

(A P)

Film: #Saudi #UAE monarchies' infantile & aggressive policies: They deported #Qatari camels too

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10

(* A K P)

British arms sales to repressive regimes soar to £5bn since election

Campaigners claim that government is putting ‘exports to despots ahead of human rights’

(* A K P)

Germany's 'deadliest company' pledges to stop selling guns to crisis regions

Heckler & Koch, whose weapons have killed 2 million people, vows to end sales to warzones and countries falling short of corruption and democracy standards

(* A K P)

US State Department approves $3.8b in arms sales to Bahrain: Pentagon

The U.S. State Department has approved arms sales packages worth more than $3.8 billion to Bahrain including F-16 jets, upgrades, missiles and patrol boats, the Pentagon said

My comment: For internal oppression and for bombing and blockading Yemen.

(A K P)

Amb. Prince Khalid bin Salman, ex #RSAF F-15S pilot, visits the #Saudi Air Force F-15SA Advanced Eagle assembly line at #Boeing St. Louis (photos)

(* B K P)

EU Rules On Control Of Arms Exports [Plenary Podcast]

My comment: A farce.

(* A K P)

Heckler & Koch to stop selling arms to non-NATO countries

German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch will no longer supply countries outside NATO, reports the DPA news agency. The company is reportedly facing difficulties in obtaining government approval for such contracts.

My comment: Finally.

(B K)

Matanza en Yemen con armas españolas

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B K P)

Sudanese army were deceived; Saudi Arabia blackmailed my country

Sudanese Vice President of the Sudanese Umma Party, Siddiq Mohamed Ismail, said that the Sudanese army had been tricked into a futile war under the banner of “defending holy sites”.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A T)

Yemen Says 7 al-Qaeda Militants Killed in U.S. Drone Strikes

A series of U.S. drone strikes killed seven al-Qaeda militants Saturday in the central province of al-Baidha.

The first attack targeted two militants on a motorbike, killing one and wounding the other. A second strike killed three and wounded others rushing to rescue victim of the first attack. A third killed three militants near the houses at the village of Quraidah in the al-Sumah district.



(A T)

Five suspected al Qaeda militants killed in Yemen drone strikes

“The strikes targeted two villages where al Qaeda is known to be active,” a local official said, adding that a total of five were killed in the strikes in central Yemen.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims IED vs Security Belt vehicle at 11am in Khabar al-Maraqisha, Abyan. Abyan is #AQAP's 2nd most-targeted area this year

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen claims 2nd op today: Houthis killed/injured when #AQAP stormed al-Sha'b al-Aswad position in al-Zahra area, al-Bayda' 5:45pm

(A T)

#IslamicState #Yemen: new 6 min film by Wilayat al-Bayda' reinforces recent stylised images of idyllic life in Eid. Max 26 men in any frame

(A T)

ISIS Wilayat al Bayda releases Eid al Adha propaganda [1]

(A T)

#AQAP claims 2 rockets fired at #Yemen government buildings in Rada' city 19.27 last night (58% of #alQaeda ops this year are in al-Bayda')

(* A T)

UN report: Al-Qaida 'operational' in embattled Taiz, Yemen

(A T)

#alQaeda #Yemen claims 2 new ops in al-Bayda: IED vs 2 Houthis 8pm Sat in Dhi Na'im. 6 Houthis killed & guns seized in al-Sawma'a 6.30am Sun

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Role of International Humanitarian Organizations in Yemen Put to Question

Humanitarian questions arose on Hodeidah not receiving any aid, despite it being closest to a main seaport. On the contrary, images capturing the situation there continued to spread showing dire cases of famine.

Sheiban, like many other analysts, doubts the effectiveness of the role played by the UN organizations in Yemen. There are two billion dollars, according to a press release issued by Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Iryani, spent on humanitarian aid, but with no evident results.

My comment: This is odd propaganda “below the belt”.

(A P)

Former US Diplomat Says Yemen’s Ousted President Lost His Legitimacy before International Community

A former US diplomat in Yemen confirmed that the Gulf initiative presented at the beginning of the outbreak of the crisis in Yemen stands as the only way out of the current three-year crisis. He stressed that the international community should push this solution and join forces to save the Yemeni people. former US ambassador to Yemen Gerald M. Feierstein said at a symposium by the Carnegie Center for Research and Research in Washington.

Comment: Well note this is printed in a Saudi newspaper as you can see by its bias. To my mind, Saleh was a problem, but so was Hadi. Hadi's term had already expired and Saleh as eyeing his chances to return. Most of the people of Yemen didn't want either of them - they wanted democracy. The UN and the outside world had to back one of these men as Yemen's new dictator. They chose Hadi. The rest is history. Millions dying. And for what exactly?

My comment: Feierstein is well paid:

(A P)

Documentary exposing Iranian regime involvement in September 11

Al Arabiya News Channel will be airing a special news documentary unravelling Iran’s involvement in the September 11 attacks. and (film)

My comment: LOL. Look at cp9. 11 of the 15 attackers were Saudi citizens. Iranian: 0.

(A P)

Can the plan for a neutral Hodeidah save Yemen?

A plan to place Hodeidah under the supervision of a neutral body has some promise, and could eventually be applied as a model to other areas across the country.

As military experts noted at the time, the port itself is a vulnerable target for an amphibious operation.

My comment: The Saudi side still wants to wrest Hodeidah from the Houthi / Saleh side – by political means, blackmailing and threatening with the threat of a disastrous military attack.

(A P)

Arab nations will stand with Yemen

With 85 per cent of the country now in the government’s hands, peace and stability can return despite Iran’s meddling

For the past 30 months, an international coalition of Arab nations, led by Saudi Arabia and acting on a series of United Nations Security Council resolutions — and in which the UAE is proud to play its part — has been working to restore the legitimate government in Yemen of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Hadi Urges Britain to Activate ‘Friends of Yemen’

Yemeni President Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi called for activating the United Kingdom-led Association of Friends of Yemen to support Yemeni people and meet their urgent needs, during a meeting on Thursday with UK’s ambassador Simon Shercliff in Riyadh.

(A P)

Hadi government human rights commission spokesperson criticizes UN appeal for human rights investigation [3]

My comment: This hadi gov. commission is little more than a propaganda instrument for blaming the Houthis, while the Saudi air raids are even praised by this government.

(A P)

Saudi Arabian naval commander announces increased maritime threat from al Houthi-Saleh forces[3]

(A P)

Arab Coalition Commander: Battle with Coupists Continues Until Goals Are Achieved

Commander of the Royal Saudi Ground Forces Lieutenant-General Prince Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz affirmed that the Saudi and Arab support for Yemen would continue economically, militarily and security wise to serve the interests of the Yemeni people.

“The battle is going to go on until the achievement of its goals,” Prince Fahd said.

(A P)

Saudi foreign minister reacts to UN: ‘We don't want to see Yemenis suffer’

Saudi Arabia denies facilitating what the UN calls an “entirely man-made catastrophe” in Yemen

Saudi Arabia has angrily rejected a UN report condemning its involvement in Yemen’s devastating civil war.

In an exclusive interview with Sky News, the country's foreign minister Adel al Jubeir has accused the UN Human Rights Office of bias in compiling the report.

and full video:

Saudi Foreign Minister on Qatar and Yemen

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

[Saudi foreign minister] #Jubeir: We did not choose the war in #Yemen, it was imposed on us

Comments. Some nonsense can be useful for humanity. Psychologists can quote this Saudi press release as an ideal case to explain paranoia.

"We bomb and impose humanitarian blockades by accident."

(A P)


(A P)

Houthis Prepare to End Partnership with Yemen’s Saleh

My comment: Permanent Saudi propaganda fire to enlarge the Houthi / Saleh rift.

(A P)

Arab Coalition heading toward big victory — Yemeni PM

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Daghr said on Tuesday that the Arab Coalition is successful in restoring 85 percent of the territories and is heading toward a big victory.


(A P)

Yemen's Legitimate Government Slams Statements of Coupists Negotiating Member

An official source in the legitimate government of Yemen expressed his surprise at the allegations and misgivings promoted by the member of the delegation negotiating for the coupists' team, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi in his remarks to the BBC on the UN Security Council resolutions on Yemen

(A P)

Yemeni Government: Resolution 2216 is Clear, Ould Cheikh Ahmed Presented its Mechanism in Kuwait

An official source in Yemen’s legitimate government strongly criticized allegations and misgivings promoted by the member of the delegation negotiating for the rebels’ team, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qirbi in his remarks to the BBC on the UN Security Council resolutions on Yemen.

(A P)

Sudanese pilgrim who lost son in Yemen ready to offer more martyrs

Jabriel Fadl Al-Mula, a Sudanese pilgrim whose son Ayman died in Yemen about three months ago while participating in the Decisive Storm and the Restoration of Hope operation, said he was ready to offer his two other sons to defend the Kingdom against the Houthis.

(A P)

Yemenis backed by Arab Coalition stand united to stymie Iran's subversive scheme: Yemeni Prime Minister and

(A P)

UAE played significant role in Yemen military victories — Bin Dagher

Prime minister says Yemenis stand united against Iranian plans to divide the country

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

The Violations and Crimes that are committed by #Saudi_Arabia and its alliance in #Yemen 3–9 Sep 2017 (full lists):

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* A K)

Saudi coalition air raids in Yemen - August 2017

The Yemen Data Project recorded a total of 331 Saudi coalition air raids in Yemen in August 2017, 60 less than in the previous month of July and 30 percent below the monthly average since the Saudi-led air campaign began in March 2015. Air raids targeted 10 of Yemen's 22 governorates in August.

In August, 37% of air raids targeted military sites, 14% targeted non-military sites. This marked a 4% fall in air raids targeting non-military sites compared to July. In 49% of air raids the targets were categorised as unknown.

(* A K PH)

YemenBreaking: 25Yemeni civilians all killed now when US-backed Saudi war criminals bombed their 3cars in highway of Hareeb Karamish Mareb


(* A K PH)

Film: The martyrdom of 15 and wounded 8 bombing of the flight of the Saudi aggression tribal mediation in the haphazard Qaramish Marib 10 - 09 – 2017 =

(A K PH)

More Than 35 Saudi Airstrikes Hit Yemen on a Single Day: Monitor

(* A K PH)
Saudi warplanes attack civilian target in Yemen, kill five civilians

Local sources said five people lost their lives and as many sustained injuries on Wednesday, when Saudi fighter jets bombarded a residential building in al-Sadat village of Hayran district in the northwestern province of Hajjah.

and with photos:

A new massacre carried out by Saudi warplanes targeted the home of a citizen in the Directorate of #Hiran in the northern province of #Hajjah#Yemen has left 10 martyrs, mostly #children and women ..

film by Al Masirah TV: =

(A K PS)

Coalition aircrafts kill Houthi commander in Marib

(A K PH)

24 US-Saudi air strikes against Hajja


(A K PS)

Yemen: Arab Coalition Aircraft Targets Militia Communication Center in Hajjah

Saudi-led Arab Coalition air forces, backing the official government in Yemen, pounded a military target in Hajjah governorate, said well-informed sources within the coalition.

More importantly, the target destroyed was a telecommunications base used by Houthi militiamen, and was taken out two days after coalition forces destroyed a ballistic missile launchpad, delivering a severe blow to militia ranks.

(A K PH)

More Saudi air raids

Sept. 10

Sept. 8

Sept. 5

(* B K)

Film: Familienschicksal in Sanaa: “Nur meine 6 Jahre alte Nichte hat überlebt”

(* B K)

Öffnet #Buthaina (5) der Welt die Augen auf das Leid im Jemen?

Das Foto des kleinen Mädchens hat eine Welle der Solidarität in sozialen Medien ausgelöst. und Film:

(* B K)

Film: Krieg im Jemen: Kind wird zum Symbol der Grausamkeiten

Nun ist die 5-jährige Bauthania zum Bild der Grausamkeiten geworden. Sie verlor bei einem Luftangriff ihre ganze Familie.

(* B K)

Film: A five-year-old Yemeni girl was the sole survivor of her immediate family after an airstrike destroyed an apartment building in Yemen's capital.

Yemen girl becomes symbol of war

and another film:

(* B K)

Film: Wonderful Yara. What an amazing child. She has been the voice of Yemen from for a year despite her being only nine years old then. Now at ten she is proving herself to be a wonderful journalist telling everyone who wants to listen exactly what is happening. And the story she is telling now is of another courageous child, Bouthaina, whose whole family was destroyed in an indiscriminate bombing raid. /

(* B K)

The 5-year-old girl who opened the world's eyes to Yemen's plight


(B K)

Sole strike survivor, 5, helps open world’s eyes to Yemen crisis

(A K)

Do u remember Al-Anood who lost entire family under BOMBS, in solidarity with Buthina, she visited her (photos)

(** B K)

Yemen - Sana'a City - Old City District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

This map illustrates damage sites in the Old City district, Sana'a, Yemen, based on remote damage analysis conducted by UNITAR-UNOSAT using satellite imagery acquired 29 December 2016. and in full

Yemen - Sana'a City - Ath'thaorah District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - At Tahrir District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Bani Matar District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Sanhan District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Bani Hushaysh District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Al Harith District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Al Wahdah District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Ma'ain Hushaysh District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Hamdan District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - As Sabain District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Shu'aub District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Az'zal District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

Yemen - Sana'a City - Bani Al Harith District - Scale of Building Damage - As of December 2016

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(A K PH)

Martyrs’ toll rises to 3 from the attack on civilian neighborhood by mercenaries in Taiz

The result of attacks by the mercenaries of the Saudi aggression onto the neighborhood of the automated bakery in the city of Taiz to three martyrs and a number of wounded.

(A K PS)

Taiz - three civilians killed in landmine explosion

(* A K PS)

More than 100 Al Houthis killed in one week in Yemen

Yemen’s Ministry of Defence has said that as many as 145 Al Houthi militants have been killed in fierce fighting with government forces or by air strikes since the beginning of this month

(* A K PH)

117 Sudanese, 18 Saudi Soldiers ,324 Mercenaries and Officers killed in Midi

(A K)

A women killed & two children injured by a missile fired by the Houthis on a displaced shelter, in Marib, East of Sanaa (photo)


(A K PS)

Yemen Coupists Bomb Village in Taiz, Displace Civilians

Remark: Marib, not Taiz.

(B H K)

Ahmed 6 years has lost his eyes & put fake eyes after the explosion of a mine planted by Houthis&Saleh militias in Al Budda city (photo)

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition destroys Houthi boat for planting naval mines

(* B K)

Statistics reveal the losses of the forces of aggression and mercenaries during the month of August

In August: The statistics indicated that the army and the Popular Committees were able to destroy and lame 113 ground vehicles varied between 7 different tanks, including Abrams tank, 10 different armored vehicles, and 69 other mechanisms.

(B K)

Film: "Aziz, a victim child of the #US made cluster submunition in #Yemen " - Reported by @HRW

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B K)

Sketching war: the writer who depicts Middle East conflict - in watercolour

Guardian journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad’s drawings have helped him cope with reporting from the frontline. Now they will illustrate a book of his experiences

“When you look at the ruins of these beautiful buildings in Yemen – 500-year-old houses sheared in half, the insides spilling into the rubble – beauty becomes a very difficult word,” he says. “But I guess it’s beautiful in its own way: it definitely touches you, it definitely talks to you.” (images)


Film: The War in Yemen: Mountain top villagers design hauling device


[Beautiful Yemen photos on Pinterest]


Film: YEMEN. Various aspects of life of Old Sanaa City,Yemen

(B K)

Film: This is how a fake war photographer conned the world.

(B E K)

Film: The War in Yemen: Yemen's honey industry sees 70% drop in sales


The Lost World of Socotra: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-341 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-341: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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