Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 521 - Yemen War Mosaic 521

Yemen Press Reader 521: 21. März 2019: Friedensresolution von Kindern aus dem Jemen – Jemen geht das Wasser aus – Untersuchung saudischer Luftangriffe – Saudis: Aktionen gegen Dissidenten ...

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... Amerikas endlose Kriege – Hodeidah: Kämpfe, gegenseitige Beschuldigungen und Drohungen, politischer Prozess stagniert – und mehr

March 21, 2019: Peace resolution from Yemeni children – Yemen is running out of water – Saudi air strikes examined – The Emirates’ mercenaries – Brutal Saudi crush on dissent – America’s endless wars – Hodeidah: Fighting, mutual accusations and threats, political process is stalling – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(The teacher Adel al-Shaabi, taught in this (structure) a number of sons of the "Silat Al-Zubayb" in the province of Marib.

People go about 30 kilometers to get to this place to teach these children. And necessarily he is doing this without salary)

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(*B H K P)

Amnesty International: YEMEN WAR: NO END IN SIGHT

The Yemen conflict shows no real signs of abating as it enters its fourth year, and all sides continue to commit violations.

Until recently, much of the world ignored this raging conflict and heard little about its devastating impact on those trapped in its midst. This past year however, the conflict gained more visibility and pressure has been mounting on all parties to the conflict.

Civilians' Struggle for Survival

Civilians bear the brunt of the violence in Yemen. As well as causing the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, the parties to the conflict have exacerbated an already severe humanitarian crisis resulting from years of poverty and poor governance causing immense human suffering.

Human rights violations and abuses by all sides

On 28 August the United Nations Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) on Yemen published its first report, which concluded that all parties to the conflict may be guilty of war crimes.

Notwithstanding the military operations, all parties to the conflict have also actively contributed to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen


Since the outbreak of the conflict, a consortium of states has supplied members of the Saudi Arabia and UAE-led Coalition with more than $15 billion worth of military equipment. While the main recipient has been Saudi Arabia, Western states have also supplied the UAE with more than $3.5 billion (with photos)

My comment: The figures of victims given here are much too low.

(* B H K P)

Why Hunger Rivals Bombs as the Biggest Danger in Yemen

Why is there so much hunger? Yemen relies heavily on imports for its food supplies. The country grows only about 5 percent of the wheat it consumes. […] The Saudi-led coalition has disrupted food and other supplies coming into Yemen by imposing a naval blockade on ports in the Houthi-controlled north, notably Hodeidah and Salif, which normally handle about 80 percent of imports. Coalition ships have held up vessels bound for the ports for significant periods or diverted them to other countries. At times they’ve stopped all traffic. The battle for control of Hodeidah further disrupted the food supply.

So food is in short supply? To some extent. Commercial food imports at the end of 2018 were 25 percent below the level a year earlier. But elevated prices are as much of a challenge.

Is the blockade legal? The UNHCR’s investigation concluded that there are “reasonable grounds” to conclude that it violates the proportionality rule of international humanitarian law. Under that convention, a blockade is illegitimate if its impact on civilians is disproportionate to its military benefits. The investigators reported that searches of ships by the blockading forces had turned up no weapons – By Glen Carey and Sarah Algethami | Bloomberg

My comment: Quite ok, but there is Western bias and odd wording. – There are no more “Houthi rebels”. – The Houthis took Sanaa in 2014, not in 2015. – The Houthis are not “Shiite”. The Houthis are no “tribe”.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

Peace Resolution from the Children of Yemen to the World


For the first time in Yemen’s four-year-long war a group of teenagers have written their own calls for peace, saying adults have failed to protect them. “Hear our voices. We are children just like any other children, just like your children. We don’t want to live in a warzone anymore, we are sick of it.’

Under the supervision of trained child protection officers, the children were asked to write how they feel about the conflict in Yemen. Their honest responses give a unique insight into a child’s experience of war.

Children’s Peace Resolution excerpts (read the full version here): “When we walk, we are scared, when we sleep, we are scared. When we play, we are scared. We don’t want to live in a warzone anymore, we are sick of it…We are innocent. We are children just like any other children, just like your children.

“We want to be cared for like any other child. We want an education. We want the chance to go to school. We want to draw, eat, laugh and play. We have the right to learn and be looked after, to grow up and pursue our dreams.”

Amani* is 13 years old: “My father’s salary hasn’t been paid for four years…Before, my father used to bring us fruits and desserts when he came home, now he comes back home empty handed. He is not able to afford them anymore…We have been deprived of many things because of this war…The war has worn us down, bombing and destruction have worn us down.”

Maha* is 13 years old. She describes the moment her father was injured: “Where my dad worked was hit by three of four rockets and he was injured, deep gashes were opened in his cheek and from his forehead to his eye by thick glass shards…When the rockets hit, he was thrown with the broken glass and his office was turned upside down by the force of the explosion…I was deeply affected by my father’s injury and (his) wounds. When we went to the hospital, I used to see wounded people, like a guy with a gash in his abdomen and his guts spilling out.”

Sukaina Sharafuddin, aid worker for Save the Children, said: “Children in Yemen don't often get the opportunity to speak about their feelings – they're too busy just trying to survive. These children have grown up very quickly from seeing so much suffering all around them. Nearly all the children expressed their disappointment at being forgotten by the world. They couldn’t understand why children elsewhere get to be properly fed and clothed and sleep safely at night. I’m a parent and this is not the life I would wish on my child and I think parents everywhere would agree.” =

and, with film:

(* B H K P)

Yemeni children appeal for peace on fourth anniversary of conflict

(** B H K)

Yemen Is Running Out Of Water

In 2013, two years before the Yemeni Civil War began in earnest, some experts predictedthat the Yemeni capital of Sana’a would lose its water supply within 10 years. Since then, a deadly combination of climate change and political violence has aggravated water scarcity in the country.

“Yemen is considered the most water-poor country in the world,” claims Abdoul Razaz Saleh, a former Yemeni water and environment minister.

Besieged by the Houthis since 2016, the Yemeni city of Taiz has struggled with water scarcity for decades

Elsewhere in Yemen, droughts have undercut agriculture, which employed just under half of Yemenis in 2018. The cultivation of water-intensive crops such as khat, a narcotic popular throughout the country, has only made matters worse. The aid agency Mercy Corps has predicted that Yemen could find itself “on the brink of famine” in no time.

In 2015, 13 million Yemenis lacked reliable access to drinking water. The dearth of potable water and destruction of sewerage during the Yemeni Civil War has contributedto recurring outbreaks of cholera in Yemen

Only an end to the Yemeni Civil War can deliver the divided country the peace and unity that it will need to devise a long-term solution to water scarcity. A

“All water supply networks in Yemen are still operating—but at the lowest capacities possible,” al-Sharjabi tells LobeLog. “Prices have risen far beyond what the population can pay, especially in the context of the current economic conditions that affect almost every Yemeni citizen.” – by Austin Bodetti

(** B K P)

Action on Armed Violence: An examination of Saudi Arabia’s airstrike rules of engagement and its protection of civilians

The War in Yemen: context

Saudi airframes, munitions and technology

Such air-strike harm is not unexpected. With a 16% increase in military manpower over the 15 years from 2000, contrasted against a 350% increase in general military expenditure over the same period, Saudi Arabia has invested extensively in new military hardware – fast jets, air-to-surface missiles, targeting systems and laser-guided bombs.

Official strike policy

Adherence to International Humanitarian Law


JIAT’s public conclusions raise questions regarding the thoroughness of its investigations and actual adherence to international humanitarian law. A large majority of attacks investigated by JIAT found the coalition acted lawfully, did not carry out the reported attack, or made an unintentional mistake. However, as of July 2018, Human Rights Watch found that JIAT recommended the Coalition scrutinise airstrike impacts in only two out of 75 reported incidents.[32]

At the heart of the continuing tragedy in Yemen is that the Saudi Coalition’s overall strategy involves denying Houthi rebel forces access to key infrastructure – in essence, it is seeking to degrade, peripheralize and ultimately force its opponent to fragment to the point that it can no longer operate as a cohesive force. The trouble is, after three years of conflict, this strategy is failing. Houthi rebels hold the most populated and industrialised areas. They continue to hold much of the west of the country, including Yemen’s largest city and capital, Sana’a.[33]

A further challenge is ascertaining accurate numbers regarding civilian casualties and measuring the scale of physical destruction – little information about casualties in Yemen reaches the outside world because Saudi and the UAE make access difficult for foreign journalists and other observers[34]. International agencies are left at the mercy of ‘official’ Saudi figures, figures provided by other parties to conflict within Yemen, and those figures extrapolated by civil society and research organisations. With Western powers continuing to export weaponry to the Kingdom, and with a failure on the part of the international community to back-up condemnation with purpose, civilians will continue to be killed and injured in what has become a scar on the conscience of the world. =

(** B K)

Outsourcing war: How foreigners and mercenaries power UAE's military

UAE’s futuristic cities and booming economy were built on foreign know-how and labour funded by petro dollars, and its military is no different

At war in Yemen - and with aspirations of becoming a dominant land, air and sea power in the Middle East - the UAE is leaning heavily on foreign expertise to transform and guide its military.

From commanders like Toumajan to mercenaries and trainers, foreigners have been central to the rise of the UAE’s military.

"It seems to me that it is the way that the UAE is using, integrating and learning from foreigners that have been probably - if we had to choose one - it has been the central enabling factor for Emirati military capability," said David Roberts, an assistant professor at King's College London and an expert on Gulf affairs.

"All Gulf military forces employ many foreigners, but in the UAE there is a different, more effective military outcome."

An Emirati company called Knowledge Point employs a large number of former American officers tasked with training and advising Emirati forces.

While some of their work is as mundane as writing military textbooks, one employee lists himself as a “senior advisor to the Commander of Land Forces”. In online resumes, other employees write that they are specifically readying Emirati troops for combat in Yemen.

Sean McFate, a former mercenary who now studies and writes about private military contractors, said these kinds of gigs are attractive for retired US officers.

While Emirati troops have deployed to Yemen and played a key role, they have outsourced much of the fighting to their local anti-Houthi allies, limiting their own casualties.

McFate, the former mercenary, said the policy lowers the barriers of entry to war.

“Being able to outsource war seems to promise more war in the future; that’s what’s so dangerous about it,” he said.

The UAE is at war in Yemen. The country reportedly considered using military action against Qatar. In East Africa, it has built a base in Eritrea and is planning to establish a base in Somaliland, a semi-autonomous region in Somalia.

From bombing civilian targets to torturing prisoners in detention centres, the UAE stands accused of a number of war crimes as its war in Yemen enters its fourth year.

So what happens if troops serving under a foreign commander commit a war crime? – by Josh Wood

(** B P)

It Wasn’t Just Khashoggi: Saudi Crown Prince’s Brutal Drive to Crush Dissent

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia authorized a secret campaign to silence dissenters — which included the surveillance, kidnapping, detention and torture of Saudi citizens — over a year before the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, according to American officials who have read classified intelligence reports about the campaign.

At least some of the clandestine missions were carried out by members of the same team that killed and dismembered Mr. Khashoggi in Istanbul in October, suggesting that his killing was a particularly egregious part of a wider campaign to silence Saudi dissidents, according to the officials and associates of some of the Saudi victims.

Members of the team that killed Mr. Khashoggi, which American officials called the Saudi Rapid Intervention Group, were involved in at least a dozen operations starting in 2017, the officials said.

Some of the operations involved forcibly repatriating Saudis from other Arab countries and detaining and abusing prisoners in palaces belonging to the crown prince and his father, King Salman, the officials and associates said.

Details about the operations come from American officials who have read classified intelligence assessments about the Saudi campaign, as well as from Saudis with direct knowledge of some of the operations – By Mark Mazzetti and Ben Hubbard

(** B K P)

The Death of Peace: How the US Empire Starts Wars, But Refuses to End Them

America's senior generals find no exits from endless war

Wars are risky, destructive, unpredictable endeavors, so it would hardly be surprising if America’s military and civilian leaders failed occasionally in their endless martial endeavors, despite the overwhelming superiority in firepower of “the world’s greatest military.” Here’s the question, though: Why have all the American wars of this century gone down in flames and what in the world have those leaders learned from such repetitive failures?

The evidence before our eyes suggests that, when it comes to our senior military leaders at least, the answer would be: nothing at all.

Let’s begin with General David Petraeus, he of “the surge” fame in the Iraq War.

When it comes to Washington’s Afghan War, now in its 18th year and looking ever more like a demoralizing defeat, Petraeus admits that U.S. forces “never had an exit strategy.” What they did have, he claims, “was a strategy to allow us to continue to achieve our objectives... with the reduced expenditure in blood and treasure.”

Think of this formulation as an upside-down version of the notorious “body count” of the Vietnam War. Instead of attempting to maximize enemy dead, as General William Westmoreland sought to do from 1965 to 1968, Petraeus is suggesting that the U.S. seek to keep the American body count to a minimum (translating into minimal attention back home), while minimizing the “treasure” spent. By keeping American bucks and body bags down (Afghans be damned), the war, he insists, can be sustained not just for a few more years but generationally.

As Andrew Bacevich put it in his book Breach of Trust, “For the Pentagon [in 1991], peace posed a concrete and imminent threat” -- which meant that new threats, “rogue states” of every sort, had to be found. And found they were.

It comes as no surprise, then, that America’s generals have learned so little of real value from their twenty-first-century losses. They continue to see a state of “infinite war” as necessary and are blind to the ways in which endless war and the ever-developing war state in Washington are the enemies of democracy.

The question isn’t why they think the way they do. The question is why so many Americans share their vision. The future is now. Isn’t it time that the U.S. sought to invade and occupy a different "land" entirely: an undiscovered country -- a future -- defined by peace? – by William Astore

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

10 people died, 4 thousands infected with cholera epidemic in Taiz

Ten people have died of the cholera epidemic, and the number of acute watery diarrhea cases has reached 3,000 and 781 since the beginning of the year, according to health authorities in the southeastern province Taiz on Tuesday.

(* B H)

WHO: 166 people died of cholera in Yemen, 97 000 infected since the beginning of 2019

The organization pointed to the high mortality rates among women with 86 deaths out of 50395 cases, which represented 51.9 % of the total cases suspected of the disease.

Older persons and children were the age groups most likely to die according to the disease.

(* B H)

Spokesman of the Ministry of Public Health and Population Dr. Yousef al-Hadri last week said that 125 people had died because of water diarrhea epidemic “cholera” since the beginning of 2019.

“The cases infected with cholera exceeded 82,000 infected and suspicious cases since the beginning of the current year until Wednesday, 125 of which died, with an increase of 25 per cent from the last year 2018,” added Dr. al-Hadri .

Remark: Sanaa government spokesman. In how far any Yemeni government does have a serious figure for the whole of the country?

(* A H)

Film (Arabic): There are about 500,000 cases of cholera epidemics in Houthi control areas

(* A H)

Three people die of dengue fever epidemic in Aden

(A H P)

The Government has no information about the victims of "dengue "... Health launches anti-epidemic spraying campaign in Aden

None of the official sources provided us with any statistics and a medical source likely that the ministry does not have accurate information On the spread of the epidemic.

(A H P)

UAE launches campaign to address dengue fever outbreak in Aden

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* B K P)

Life in Yemen’s Hodeida Now Worse than Before “Ceasefire,” as Saudis Still Intent on City’s Capture

Saudi and UAE fighters have built new fortifications around Hodeida and are conducting fresh military drills amid a steady flow of Coalition military reinforcements rolling into the city, all indications that the Coalition still intends to capture Hodeida.

The Saudi-led Coalition is reportedly trying to launch a new military campaign against the strategic port city of Hodeida, the entry point for most of Yemen’s commercial goods and vital aid. The resumption of military activity by the Coalition is seen as a blow to diplomatic efforts led by the United Nations to end the country’s four-year war.

After meeting with Danish General Michael Lollesgaard, the head of the United Nations mission to monitor Yemen’s truce agreement, on Monday, Mohammed Ali al Houthi said that the United States and Britain want to repeat failed attempts to take Hodeida.

Local Hodeida residents have doubted the feasibility of the UN-brokered agreement since it was first reached. Many see the truce as nothing more than a media spectacle that has done little to bring quiet to their country. Instead of airstrikes, they say, snipers, artillery shells and missiles have now become the norm in Hodeida’s districts.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

(A P)

Students of Hodeidah Schools Organize Protest Condemning US-Saudi Aggression Crimes

(* B K P)

Yemen’s last chance?

The British are saying that now is the last chance for peace in Yemen, but others see London as pushing for a new round of war

Accusing Hunt of no longer being an honest broker, Al-Houthi charged that his statements “expose the policies of Britain and the US which originally gave the signal to Yemeni government forces to start the battle against Hodeida and now want to repeat it.”

The barrage of criticism against Hunt from both sides could be a sign of the immanent collapse of mediating efforts.

Is the forthcoming scenario a return to war, as Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi predicts on the basis of his belief that this is the design of Britain and its allies?

“In fact, it’s not the forthcoming scenario at all. It’s the scenario that is actually in progress,” said a Yemeni government source. “The fighters have had no break. Ultimately, the war will continue as long as there is no breakthrough that can be agreed on and that is backed by the ability to carry out its provisions and accept its outcomes.”

Remark: From Egypt.

(A K pS)

Film: A citizen and his child were seriously wounded when a Houthi mine exploded inside their house in Durahmi in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: After the Huthis destroyed their homes, the inhabitants of the al-Hakimah demand that the United Nations make decisive decisions against the invasion

(* B H K)

Infested Yemen food aid needs fumigation to feed millions: WFP

Thousands of tonnes of food aid near Yemen's flashpoint port city of Hodeida is infested with insects and must be fumigated to feed millions of people, the UN said Wednesday.

Last month, a team from the UN's World Food Programme visited the Red Sea Mills warehouse for the first time since September, when they became inaccessible due to the conflict between pro-government forces and the Huthi rebels.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s Fragile Peace Talks

Although these agreements signified substantial progress, they also heightened the risk. Some analysts, humanitarian workers, and consultants involved in previous negotiations initially were apprehensive about the Stockholm talks, pointing to the possibility that the agreements could unravel because of the precarious nature of the stakeholders and their relationships with other interested parties or extra-regional powers.

The Stockholm agreement has other problematic ambiguities. The Hodeidah agreement specifies that “local security forces” will maintain order in Hodeidah after both parties redeploy. However, because the identity of these security forces remains unknown, the Houthis are questioning the prudence of giving up the port city.

Anti-Houthi forces finally achieved their strategic goal of capturing the Red Sea Mills at the end of February 2019 but only after a fire destroyed two silos at the facility. The Houthis, meanwhile, continue to interfere in necessary humanitarian aid. Now there are increasing signs that the Houthis will not give up Hodeidah, which will likely lead to a new spasm of violence.

Given the sheer number of battle fronts in the war in Yemen, as well as the involvement of al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State, peace seems ever more elusive in the country– by Theodore Karasik and Emily Torjusen

(A K P)

Houthi comments to not give up Hodeidah an ‘insult’ to UN, says government official

Administrators dismiss 'unsurprising' rebel statement as UN hails progress in peace deal

Houthi refusal to withdraw from the port city of Hodeidah despite international efforts to resolve the conflict is an insult to the United Nations, the Yemeni government told The National on Wednesday.

Yemen's Deputy Human Rights Minister on Wednesday reacted to comments made on Tuesday by Mohammed Ali Al Houthi, a senior rebel, in which he told the Associated Press news agency that the group would not pull forces out of Hodeidah, despite a UN-backed ceasefire agreement made in Sweden last December.

My comment: The problem is that the Stockholm agreement is very vague. Anyway, a military retreat would not mean to give up civilian rule and administration by thew Sanaa (Houthi) government. The Hadi government’s claim that its rule should be installed at Hodeidah because of the claim of “legitimacy” is odd.

(A H K)


Action Against Hunger has learned, with deep sadness, of the death of one of our Yemeni staff members in Hodeidah last night. Action Against Hunger condemns the killing of our colleague and the violence that impacts innocent civilians in Yemen every day.

On March 18 at 5 pm (CET), clashes and artillery shelling were reported in the city of Hodeidah. A’amnah, an Action Against Hunger aid worker, was outside with her sister when shrapnel hit them. A’amnah was killed and her sister injured.

(A K pS)

Houthis bombard location of redeployment committee in Hodeida


(A K pH)

Army denies targeting headquarters of coalition's representatives in Joint Commission

The allegation of the coalition, their mercenaries and their media is incorrect and comes within the framework of covering their continuous violations and their great reinforcements as well as comes within the framework of a clear and explicit settlement in an attempt to evade their obligations concern implementation of the Sweden agreement.

(A K pS)

Houthis Transfer Ballistic Missiles to Hodeidah in Trucks

The Yemeni Army has revealed that Houthi militias managed this week to smuggle ballistic missiles and heavy artillery to Hodeidah from the northern side of the Red Sea city.
“The missiles and artillery, which have been sent by Iran, have entered through the ports of Saleef and Ras Issa,” the Army said.

My comment: As claimed by the Hadi government. How “Iran” could have brought any missiles to Yemeni harbours, as there is a total Saudi blockade, stays the mystery of pro-Hadi propaganda.

(A K pS)

Houthis intensify attacks, bring more reinforcements in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

Film: Crimes and violations of the ongoing aggression in the city of Hodeidah 19-03-2019

(* A K P)

AP Interview: Yemen's rebels say they won't give up port

A senior Houthi rebel leader in Yemen said Tuesday that his group will not give up the key port city of Hodeida, the focus of months of U.N.-brokered talks with the government.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the head of the rebels' Supreme Revolutionary Committees, accused his rivals from the internationally-recognized government of misinterpreting the deal. He says the Houthis have agreed to withdraw their forces but will remain in control.

He said the Saudi-backed government "couldn't get (the port) by force and they won't seize it by tricks." =

(A K P)

A source in the Yemeni government denies progress in the implementation of the redeployment in Hodeidah

the source, a member of the government- Redeployment committee, told the "Al-Masdar online " that negotiations with the Houthi side have been stalled for weeks.

(* A K P)

UN-Sondergesandter Griffiths: Neuer Abzugsplan für den Jemen

Die Vereinten Nationen wollen in Kürze einen neuen Plan für den Abzug von Truppen der Konfliktparteien im Jemen aus dem strategisch wichtigen Hafen Hodeida vorlegen. Das kündigte Martin Griffiths an, der UN-Sondergesandte für das Land.
Einen genauen Zeitplan für den Abzug aus dem Hafenort, über den die meisten Hilfslieferungen für die Bevölkerung ins Land kommen, nannte er nicht.

(* A K P)


Following constructive discussions with both parties, there is significant progress towards an agreement to implement phase one of the redeployments of the Hudayda agreement. Operational details will be presented to the parties in the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) for endorsement shortly.


(A K pS)

Film: Al-Houthi militias bomb a mosque and target homes in Durahmi with missiles

(* A K pS)

Yemeni minister accuses Houthis of violating ceasefire and thousands of 'criminal acts'

Mohammed Askar spoke at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

Yemen’s Human Rights Minister on Tuesday said Houthi violations of the Hodeidah ceasefire amount to nearly 2,000 “criminal acts” against civilians.

On the sidelines of the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mohammed Askar said the Yemeni government was concerned with the progress of the implementation of the agreement.

“Houthi actions against civilians in Yemen amount to war crimes," said Mr Askar. "We have recorded a total of 1,943 violations of the ceasefire which resulted in the killing of 123 people and 627 injuries.”

(A P)

Government official: Houthis prevented Lolisgaard from visiting Ras Isa oil port

The Houthis prevented the head of the UN Monitoring Team, General Michael Lolisgaard, from visiting Ras Isa oil port in the western province Hodeidah, said a member of the government delegation negotiating in Sweden's consultations, Askar Zu’eel.

and also

(A K pS)

A child and a woman were killed and four others injured by the fell of shells and shrapnel in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pS)

Houthis intensify their attacks on the joint forces in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Violations of Houthi militias affecting homes and farms of citizens in Tahita

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, March 18th, 2019

(A K pH)

#Hodeidah: An old woman was killed and another woman injured in Saudi-led coalition’s shelling at Rabsa area of Hawk district.

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression commits 1019 breaches in Hodeidah cease-fire: Army Spokesman

over the past four days

and also

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Commits New Violations, Burning House in Hodeidah

(A K)

Photo: Piles of land mines removed from #Hodiedah province massed before being get rid of.


(A P)

The internet is back to Hodeidah after about 5 months of total interruption

(A K P)

Governor of Hodeidah considers the talk about the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement is a "joke "

Remark: Hadi government’s governor.

(A K pH)

Revolutionary Committee Warns Yemenis to Be Aware of New Escalation in Hodeidah

The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, has warned Yemenis against the US-British-Saudi-Emirati approach to escalate in Hodeidah and their plan to occupy Yemen

(A K pS)

Film: Hodeidah: 4 families were displaced from their homes to the open in Hays because of the bombing of Houthi militias

(A K pS)

Houthis shell civilian and military areas in Hodeidah


(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas in al-Tuhita, Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas south Hodeidah


(A K pH)

Film: The crime of targeting women in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Houthis launch new strikes on a number of locations in Hudaydah

(A K pS)

Local sources said the Houthi group tossed mortar shells into civilian neighborhoods and destroyed the houses of people in the south of Hodeida city.

(A K pS)

Film: Footage shows the detonation of landmines by the joint forces in the port city of Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, March 16th, 2019

(A P)

Int'l Community fails to Pressure Houthis to Implement Stockholm Accords -Yemeni Information Minister

Remark: As claims the Hadi government.

(A K pS)

Houthi attacks escalate against al-Amalika forces in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Al-Houthi militias target an exhibition of ready-made clothing by mortars.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)






(* A K)

Latest Updates on Yemen 16 March 2019; Engagement in Marib

(* B K)

UN-Kommissarin: Jeden Tag werden acht Kinder im Jemen getötet oder verletzt

Trotz eines Waffenstillstands in der wichtigen Hafenstadt Hodeida werden im Jemen nach Angaben der UN-Menschenrechtskommissarin Michelle Bachelet im Schnitt jeden Tag acht Kinder getötet oder verletzt.

(* B K P)

Film: ENTREVISTA a Ahmad Algohbary - La guerra del Iemen

[Interview with Ahmad Alghobary – The War in Yemen; in English9

(* B K)

Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset: Yemen War Deaths on Overall Decline as UN Works to Salvage Truce

With the UN announcing a new plan to shore up the December 2018 Stockholm Agreement between Yemen’s warring parties, the latest Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) data show that overall conflict-related fatalities have declined by more than 20% since the deal’s implementation, predominantly as a result of the ceasefire in Hodeidah. Despite repeated violations of the truce, ACLED has recorded over 1,000 fewer fatalities in January and February 2019 compared to the previous two-month period, and civilian fatalities reported as a result of direct targeting in Hodeidah province specifically have diminished to their lowest numbers in more than a year.

Yet heavy fighting continues in other areas of the country, and in some provinces the situation has actually deteriorated. Even as reported fatalities have plummeted in Hodeidah, they have risen in Ta’izz, Hajjah, and Al Jawf. =

(* B H K)

Eight children killed or hurt every day, despite Yemen truce: UN

The UN human rights chief warned Wednesday that children in Yemen continued to be killed and maimed at an alarming rate, despite a three-month-old truce in a vital port.

(* B H P)

Women under #Houthi control have been denied any transportation if they don’t have mahram [male guardian]. In liberated areas such as Aden, women coming from outside governorates cannot stay in a hotel if they don’t have mahram or a letter from organisation to allow them #Yemen

(* B H K)

Audio: The Monocle Daily

Hear @Dr_E_Kendall speak to @Monocle24 about 4 years of war in Yemen, where millions need urgent humanitarian aid. (Opening segment.)

On the fourth anniversary of Yemen’s civil war we assess whether a ceasefire has changed anything for its citizens.

(* B P)

Henning Venske: „Auch etwas zu verschweigen, ist ein probates Mittel der Propaganda“

Wer wissen will, was in Syrien, im Irak oder im Jemen wirklich los ist, wer die Weißhelme bezahlt, warum deutsche Soldaten in Mali stationiert sind oder warum sie sich immer noch in Afghanistan aufhalten, ist aufgeschmissen: Die Meinungsführer in den Medien betreiben Indoktrination, und was nicht ins Propagandabild passt, wird weggelassen. Wenn USA und Nato Raketen einsetzen, dann sind das chirurgische Präzisionsschläge, die der Freiheit dienen. Die Russen hingegen bombardieren zum Zweck der Unterdrückung vor allem Alte, Frauen und Kinder. In der Moskauer Propaganda ist es umgekehrt. Einig ist sich die Propaganda beider Seiten in der Behauptung: Man muss auf jeden Fall Bomben werfen, um Frieden zu schaffen.

(* B K)

Oxfam: Jemen: Täglich drei tote Zivilisten trotz Stockholmer Abkommen

Mein Kommentar: Diese Zahl reicht ganz und gar nicht.

(* B K)

Oxfam: Three civilians killed every day in Yemen despite Stockholm agreements

Three civilians are being killed every day in Yemen – that’s one person every eight hours – despite agreements reached between the internationally recognised government and the Houthis at talks in Sweden just over three months ago.

My comment: It’s more. Much more.

(* B K)

Norwegian Refugee Council: Civilian casualties double in parts of Yemen since ceasefire

Yemeni civilians across the country are facing the threat of intensive attacks with some areas claiming more than double the amount of victims compared to the pre-ceasefire average.

Norwegian Refugee Council's (NRC) analysis of attacks on civilians over the last three months reveals that civilian casualties in Hajjah and Taiz alone have more than doubled since the Hodeidah ceasefire and Stockholm Agreement came into effect, with 164 and 184 people killed respectively.

"The reduction in violence seen in Hodeidah through recent months, has been counteracted by escalations in other parts of the country," said Mohamed Abdi, country director for NRC in Yemen.

(* B K)

"Mientras la guerra siga en Yemen, a pesar del apoyo económico no vamos a poder hacer realmente nada"

[Interview with Dalia Qasem, #Yemen-i activist who runs a foundation providing humanitarian assistance in #Hodeida
"One day, during a puppet theater filled with children and families, they began to fly over planes and people began to panic, there was no bombing: only with the noise they began to want to escape and step on each other"]

(* B H K)

Audio: Outwith Series 2 - Episode 3: Yemen: Blood on Our Hands? with Billy Briggs

(* A B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: The Debate - Saudi war on Yemen

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates will be targeted by missiles if they break the ceasefire in Hudaydah in Yemen. This is according to Yemen’s Ansarullah movement that says it has information that Saudi Arabia and its allies are ready for an escalation in Hudaydah. The Ansarullah movement says it's ready to give the Saudis and others a major response.

(* B H K P)

Film: Jemen: Krieg ohne Ende

Vier Jahre Krieg, zehntausende Tote, die Kämpfe im Jemen gehen weiter. Die Lage der Menschen verschlechtert sich zusehends statt sich zu verbessern. Einblicke in einen katastrophalen Konflikt =

(* B P)

Die Royals haben mehr Medienpräsenz als der Krieg in Jemen

Das Problem grosser Nachrichtenmedien sind weniger Fake-News als das Vernachlässigen wichtiger Themen. Ein Vergleich in den USA.

Die US-Fernsehsender ABC, NBC und CBS widmeten der Hochzeit der britischen Royals in ihren Abendnachrichten im vergangenen Jahr mehr als dreimal soviel Sendezeit wie dem Krieg in Jemen. Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle durften sich 2018 einer News-Coverage von 71 Minuten erfreuen, der Krieg in Jemen kam auf 20 Minuten.

and earlier report in English:

(A P)

Saudi-Moroccan rejection of a proposal for Yemen in final statement of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Morocco rejected a proposal made by the Turkish delegation during the 14th session of the Conference of the Union of member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which was hosted by the capital, Rabat, to include a paragraph on the "humanitarian situation in Yemen" in the final communique.

(B K P)

ISG: No solution can be reached in Yemen without the Southerners

The Independent Southern Group (ISG) held its second symposium on Yemen crisis, organized by Maat for Peace, Development,and Human Rights in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The group presented four papers; Stockholm Agreement, Human Rights in Sana'a, Health Situation in Yemen and Houthi Violations in Hodeidah.

(B K)

Audio: A Different Yemen

Yemen's war shows in its landscape.

The BBC's Paul Adams returns to the country he roamed 35 years ago - and it's much changed. =

(* B K P)

Yemenis condemns int'l silence towards Saudi aggression war crimes in Yemen: Report

It is clear that the international community won’t do much to stop the Saudis from pounding Yemen.
Saudi Arabia has taken this tactic thanks to its long-term alliance with the United States, America’s long-term diplomatic tensions with Iran, and the friendship of the Trump administration in particular

Remark: From the Houthi side.

(* A K)


(* B K P)

Legendary Steadfastness Yemeni Confronting US-Saudi Aggression: Report

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement, which runs state affairs in Sana’a in the absence of an effective government, has been defending the nation against the US-Saudi aggression, preventing them from achieving any of their goals.

The US-Saudi aggression failed to achieve any important field result, or to achieve any of its objectives set at the beginning of the war, that did not exceed in its accounts of a few months maximum, to reach today more than four years to no avail.

Remark: from the Houthi side.

(* B K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman Reveals New Statistic for US-Saudi Aggression against Yemen in 4 Years

Brigadier Sare'e said during a press conference in Sana'a that the aggression launched more than a quarter of a million air strikes and dropped more than five hundred thousand missiles, bombs and artillery shell, including 6000 thousand cluster bombs on Yemen. At least 2951 light bombs, 3721 sound bombs and dozens of fragmentation bombs were launched. He said that the naval shelling of the battleships and warships exceeded six thousand rockets.

and also

(* B K P)

Justifying military intervention: Yemen as a failed state

The case of the Saudi-led intervention into Yemen

In this new article in Third World Quarterly, Maria-Louise Clausen argues that the Saudi-led military intervention into Yemen has been facilitated by the Saudi effort to portray Yemen as a failed state.

Thus, the main argument of the article is that an already established image of Yemen as a chaotic state that threatens regional and international security - and is therefore legitimately dealt with through external military intervention - has been utilized by Saudi Arabia to justify the military intervention into Yemen to Western audiences (paywalled)

(* B K P)

Jemen - Nachtisch für die Saudis

Vier Jahre nun dauert die Militärintervention Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) im Jemen an. Was der Welt mit einem Blitzsieg über die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen die kriegerische Potenz Riads und Abu Dhabis demonstrieren sollte, hat sich für die Saudis und Emirater zur absoluten Blamage entwickelt. Ohne die Rüstungshilfe der USA und Großbritanniens, die Unterstützung von Al Kaida sowie des Einsatzes Tausender von Söldnern aus aller Herren Ländern hätten die Initiatoren des Jemenkriegs ihre Segel längst streichen müssen. Doch um das Gesicht zu wahren, setzen sie ihren Kriegskurs ohne die geringste Rücksicht auf die Zivilbevölkerung des Jemen fort.

Die seit 2015 laufende Verwandlung des bitterarmen Jemen in ein Schlachthaus geht mit dem Aufstieg Saudi-Arabiens zum größten Waffenimporteur der Welt einher.

(* B H K P)

Films: Global Conference on Yemen = (total: 6:33) and (parts 1 and 2) (One: What is Truly Happening in Today's Yemen?) (Keynote Speaker President Moncef Marzouki) (session addressed the humanitarian crisis & its impact on the ground) (Three: Considerations on the Future) (Four: Messages from the Nobel Peace Laureates)


(* A K P)

March 6: Women Nobel Peace Laureates Call for an End to the War in Yemen

Civilians in Yemen are still dying. The war must end. Interference from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran should stop, the Stockholm Agreement must be implemented, and humanitarian aid to Yemen must urgently be increased, four Women Noble Peace Laureates, Tawakkol Karman, Shirin Ebadi, Leymah Gbowee and Jody Williams said.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Film: The Children of Yemen Speak Out | Save the Children

and see also

(B H)

Film: Disabled Children Victims of Houthis’ Indiscriminate Shelling in Taiz.

Hadeel Mahmoud, a girl child, lost her hands when an indiscriminate shell was fired by Houthis on her village in Taiz.

(* B H)

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Oral update on the situation of human rights in Yemen - Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet 40th session of the Human Rights Council

While the situation in Hodeidah is important, the equally dire human rights situation in the rest of the country also merits attention. Despite the efforts of our humanitarian colleagues, Yemeni civilians, including children, are now more vulnerable and hungrier than at any time since March 2015.

More than 24 million people need aid; 14.3 million people are in acute need of aid. Over 2 million children are suffering from acute malnutrition in Yemen, including 360,000 from severe acute malnutrition.

(* B H)

Norwegian Refugee Council: Yemen: Working to assist those fleeing the same war she escaped four years ago

Yemeni citizens are killed or injured every day – while cooking the family dinner at home in their kitchen, while driving their daughters and sons to school, while taking the bus to work, while doing their daily shopping at the market, while working on their farm.

Landmines, airstrikes, lack of food and medical help, the list of threats in Yemen putting thousands of lives at risk is long. And delivering aid is no easy mission.

"Every day, I heard stories of how people had been killed. I was particularly afraid during those early morning hours when the airstrikes began." NRC’s education assistant Malka, 26, tells about delivering aid among landmines and airstrikes in her home country of Yemen.

As an education assistant in southern Yemen, her job is to make sure children living amid conflict can still access school. Through our education work, we rehabilitate and rebuild schools destroyed by shelling and other attacks, we distribute school materials, teach teachers and organise school meals (photos9

(B H)

Film: Renewed fighting in Yemen exacerbates civilian suffering

Although fighting died down for weeks, the war is back on, causing even more hardship for civilians. Medical treatments cannot be properly administered and people lack food.

Remark: Film stays black on my PC.

(B H)

The sensitive cash transfer program in Hodeidah, during March 2019, conducted -371 education sessions on improving nutrition practices of family members. -371 education sessions to encourage families to enroll their children in schools. For 8299 beneficiaries in targeted areas (photos)

(* B H)

Treating Patients Beyond Hospital Walls in Yemen

Many health facilities are running at reduced capacity because of the conflict in Yemen. Groups like Yemen Aid are working to provide healthcare where patients are.

To equip healthcare workers outside of hospital walls, Direct Relief recently shipped Emergency Medical Backpacks to outfit first responders in Abyan Governate. Each ruggedized pack contains supplies and equipment to address common disaster-related health needs, including infection control, diagnostics, trauma care, and personal protection gear.

(* B H)

Yemen’s health system fragmentation during the conflict: The impact on the health and nutrition status of a vulnerable population

The health sector situation, in particular, was severely affected. In the limited areas where they operate, international and local NGOs are almost the de facto providers of health services. These providers are struggling with coordination with two ministries of health.

One of my observations amid this miserable situation is the growth of the private health sector, which is a natural consequence of the weakness of government-run health facilities.

I will conclude with the following recommendations:

Number 1: Peace is the umbrella under which the functions of our health system can be fully restored. We need peace now.

(* B H)

Minister of Health: More than 100 Thousand Children Die Per Year Due to US-Saudi Aggression and Siege

Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha al-Mutawakkil said on Tuesday that more than 100,000 Yemeni children die in one year because of the US-Saudi aggression and the siege imposed on the Yemeni people.

The Health Minister remarks came in a press conference held in the capital Sanaa, confirming that 50% of the health sector was destroyed and that 97% of the equipment of Yemeni hospitals exceeded the lifespan due to aggression and siege.

My comment: Sanaa government. This figure sounds realistic.

(A H)

Turkish charity sends water to thousands in Yemen

Humanitarian Relief Foundation helps families in war-torn country with four million liters of water

(A H P)

Kuwait Inks 5 Deals to Support Development in Yemen

(* B H)

Supporting Yemeni Communities to Overcome Adversity

Seed grants for 12 community initiatives and 400 micro-businesses have been provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Yemen, in partnership with For All Foundation (FAF) and Oxfam. The projects helped nearly 407,000 people gain improved access to services such as schools, health centers and solar projects. They took place in two geographic areas in Yemen: Aden (Crater and Attawahi districts) and Lahj (Tuban and Tor Albaha districts) and were made possible through funding from the Government of Japan under the Yemen Livelihoods and Human Security Project.

(B H)

SMEPS: #SMEPS through the Emergency #Private #Health Sector project supported 336 health facilities/#midwives & 12 medical lead firms sustain their services to millions of patients!

(* B H)

Yemeni Women Take on Traditional ‘Male’ Roles Amid Crisis

As many Yemeni men have been killed or injured, forcibly disappeared, forced to fight or have lost their jobs, women have become main providers in many families, while still remaining primary caregivers – they continue to raise children, cook, clean, tend the land and graze sheep and cattle.

In the 2018 Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum that measures the disparity in opportunities available for men and women in over 100 countries, Yemen ranks the last. But more women now enter the labor market, leading to more openness to women engaging in different professions

(* B H)

Yemen: A look behind the battle lines

The Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) field hospital in the port city of Mocha, Yemen, is the only health facility performing emergency surgery for the local community in this region caught between the front lines of conflict.

MSF opened the surgical field hospital here in August 2018, following the start of a major military offensive launched by the Saudi and Emirati-led Coalition on the city of Hodeidah. The hospital provides emergency medical care to war-wounded people from the front lines in Hodeidah, to the north, and Taiz, to the east. (photos)

(* B H)

A lot of #children who live in #slums in #Sana’a do not go to school due to poverty. 72% of children dropped out of school to help their families. 98% of 6-year-olds couldn't go to school; 66% of the children aged 6-14 are illiterate & 60% of adolescents never went to school.

(B H)

World Health Organization, Health Cluster: Partner Achievements 2018

(* B H)

FAO’s response in Yemen - Mar 2019

In 2018, FAO significantly scaled up its assistance to Yemen, reaching millions of vulnerable Yemenis through a mixture of crop and vegetable seeds, fishing gear, poultry production kits, cash support, animal health campaigns, restocking and animal feed, as well as value chain development.

(B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #02 February 2019

UNFPA estimates that among the 24 million in need of humanitarian assistance, six million ofthem will be women and girls of reproductive age and 960,000 will be pregnant women. Among the women who will deliver during the year, some 144,000 are likely develop pregnancy and childbirth complications that will need urgent emergency medical intervention to prevent death of mother and/or baby.

The Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan was released on 19 February, setting out needs, targets and requirements in 2019. =

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster

Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Monthly Situation Report - February 2019

The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster reached 160,200 people in need through 25 active partners.

Yemen: Shelter/NFI/CCCM Monthly Dashboard for February 2019

Yemen: IDPs Hosting Sites (as of March 2019)

(* B H)

IOM : Evacuation of 117 Ethiopians from Yemen through Sana'a airport

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Tuesday evacuated 117 Ethiopian immigrants from Yemen to their country, on a voluntary basis.

"Ethiopian emigrants were evacuated through Sanaa airport as part of the humanitarian voluntary return program,"

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 15 March 2019

In Yemen’s central west governorates, IDP families continue to flee the frontline that encircles the region. During the week, 1,059 IDP families in the governorates of Amanat Al Asimah, Amran, Dhamar and Al Bayda received CRIs.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

"Silk Road Youth" project declared in Sanaa

(A P)

PM: Media front is no less important than the military front in face of aggression

(A P)

6 killed and wounded from Houthis due to internal conflicts north of Taiz

Three militants were killed and three others injured in clashes between two armed groups belonging to the Houthis north of Taiz due to a conflict over land.

(A P)

Head of P.D. Attacks, Detains an Attorney for Doing His Job in Sanaa

Head of Bait Bous police department Abo Jaber Alrazehi, a member in the Houthi militia, detained an attorney for doing his job in the rebel -held-capital, Sanaa.

(* B P)

Yemen’s Houthis Used Multiple Identities to Advance

The Houthis have continually exploited different identities to gain power. Will a political compromise hand them their next identity—as an official authority in Yemen?

Over the past two decades, the Houthis have advanced from being a local religious movement in Yemen’s northern governorate of Saada to being a de facto authority controlling the country’s capital, Sanaa, and most of its northern governorates. Several factors enabled this gain in power, including the breakdown of state institutions and the opportunities created by domestic and regional rivalries. But it was chiefly the Houthis’ ability to play on a range of religious, political, and social identities that helped them recruit fighters, defeat opponents, and build alliances. It was a pragmatic approach, whereby, depending on the circumstances, the Houthis favored certain identities over others. This flexibility made them a more potent adversary than anyone had expected.

Much will be determined by the conflict’s progression, but one thing is clear—the Houthis remain potent in the North, and, therefore, their acquiescence will be needed for any final resolution in the country – by Ahmed Nagi

My comment: What does the author want to tell us by the claim of “different identities?” Which political entity does not have “different identities”, especially in a surrounding which had changed as much as Yemen did?

(A P)

Houthis execute truck driver in Radaa after refusing to pay “ royalty " to a checkpoint

and also

(B P)

The Mothers of Abductees’ Association confirmed that dozens of families of the abductees in Houthi prisons are forced to pay money. In a statement, the association said that 189 families were forced to flee after they were exiled by the Houthis.

(A P)


The Head of Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has issued a warning message to Yemenis against a US-British Saudi Arabian trend to resume the battle of Hodeidah.

“These countries are planning to occupy Yemen,” he said, adding “attacking Yemen’s tribes in al-Mahrah and Jawf confirms their intention “.

(B K)

Photos: He died with his 5 sons for their country Yemen.Facing enemy Better to die than to be a slave in hands of Saudi despots.

(A P)

two civilians were killed and a woman injured in a confrontation between tribal gunmen in Sana’a

(B P)

Report: Over 6000 violations committed in al-Shaqab

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels committed over 6234 violations against civilians in Saber al-Mawadem, in the south of Taiz, during the period between September and March 2019.

Remark: As claimed by an Islah-Party news site.

(A P)

Houthi Gunman Kills Preacher

(A P)

Salvation Gov't discusses emergency needs of Hajour area


(* A P)

Al-Houthi campaign in Hajur continues.. Kidnapping, storming houses, looting cars

A local source in Hajur district of Hajjah Governorate (northwest) said the Houthis ' campaign was still ongoing and abducted tribal leaders and other civilians from their homes, including wounded people, and frightened children and women.

Remark: For this conflict, look at Yemen War Mosaic 520, cp1d.


(* A P)

Houthis carry out raid and arrest campaigns in Hajjah

Locals said that the arbitrary arrests and detentions carried out by Houthis in the areas adjacent to Kushar district which recently fell into their hands after weeks of fierce clashes with Hajour tribes.


(* A P)

Houthis escalate repression against people of Hajour

The Iran-backed Houthis have escalated their repression against people of Hajour after they managed to take over the area last week.

Local sources said that the Houthis carry out campaigns of storming and confiscations of properties.


(A P)

Hajja .. Al-Houthi launched a citizens kidnap campaign in neighboring directorates

Local sources told Al-Masdar online that during the past two days, the Houthis carried out a massive campaign of arrests in several directorates in Hajjah the northwestern province.

(A P)

Receive to applications continues for parliamentary elections for vacant seats 2019

(A P)

Yemen: murals in Sana'a incomplete for Houthi inhibition

Youth artists started on Thursday to paint murals reflecting their fear and dreams in the capital of Yemen

Houthi armed men forced artists to come back home, said Wameedh Shakir, a Yemeni activist, on Facebook, despite a prior permission obtained from the rebel-run authorities in Sana'a.

Houthis asked the participants to direct their murals against the legitimate government and backing coalition, or to go home, she added.

(A P)

Houthis Clamp Down on Art Event in Sanaa

The activists said Houthis prevented Yemeni artists from drawing in public as part of an open art day, forcing them to disperse.

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis say ready to strike Riyadh, Abu Dhabi if coalition moves on Hodeidah

Yemen’s Houthi group said they were building their ballistic capabilities and their forces stand ready to strike Riyadh and Abu Dhabi if implementation of a U.N. peace deal in the port city of Hodeidah is breached.

(* A K P)

Yemen rebels warn they could target Riyadh, Abu Dhabi

Yemen's Huthi rebels warned on Saturday they could launch attacks against the capitals of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who lead a military coalition against them.

Comment: You would never understand what #Yemen has been through following this reporting.
There are no 'Houthi rebels' and no, it is not Yemen jeopardising any peace plan.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* B P)

Yemen: Regional dynamics surrounding the Southern Transition Council’s agenda

Consequently, since its establishment in April 2017 (25 months after the Saudi-led coalition entered Yemen), the Southern Transition Council (STC) has gained greater influence, both in terms of hard- and soft-power. It appears that the STC has enough power to significantly influence the outcome of Yemen’s Civil War to the degree whereby ignoring the group’s demands would make peace in the war-torn country even more elusive.

As a failed state marred by four-and-a-half years of civil war between the Saudi- and Western-backed Hadi government and Tehran-sponsored Houthi rebels, the future of Yemen’s territorial integrity is in question. The question of southern independence which threatens to reverse the unification of 1990 cannot be ignored by those seeking to resolve this conflict. The simmering issues that have driven many in southern Yemenis, mainly backed by Abu Dhabi, to assert their influence and play their cards to advance the agenda or restoring South Yemen remain unresolved, suggesting that southern separatism will continue to serve as one of the civil war’s major undercurrents – by Giorgio Cafieri


Yemeni government announces seizure of arms shipment in the possession of an Omani citizen at Shehn border port

(A E P)

Hafedh Meyad @Hafedh_meyad named as governor of Central Bank , replacing Mohammed Zammam. He is the third governor of the bank since relocated to #Aden two years and half ago

(A P)

#Yemeni Visa for #Yemen-i citizen!! This’s the latest obstacle created by the Saudi/UAE occupation authorities to prevent passengers from reaching Aden airport from areas that aren’t subject to Saudi/UAE Enemies (image)

(A P)

A member of the Yemeni House of Representatives in Aden stated on March 19 that President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government planned to return to the temporary capital of Aden.

stated that President Hadi will call upon all diplomatic missions to return to Yemen and that Hadi will replace government officials who do not return.[1]

(A T)

Security forces in Al-Mahfad attacked a suspected al-Qaeda position east of Abyan

(A H P)

Government promises to pay the salaries of doctors and health workers in all governorates of the country

Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik on Monday promised to pay the salaries of doctors and health workers for January and February in all provinces of the country, according to the state-owned news agency Saba.

My comment: Hadi government. Wait and see. There already had been many promises like this one.

(A P)

Yemeni Government asks Kuwait to exempt it from old debt

dating back to the 1970s

(A P)

President al-Zubaidi to pay official visit to Russia

The president of the southern transitional council, Aidroos Qassem al-Zubaidi leaves on Tuesday for Moscow, in reply to an official invitation from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

President Al-Zubaidi Arrives in Moscow

My comment: He always is labelled as “president”.

(A P)

Enforcedly displaced persons murdered under torture in Aden

Protestors took into street of Aden on Monday after murdering an enforcedly disappeared persons under torture.


(A P)

Angry Protests in Aden over Torturing a Citizen to Death

(* A K P)

UAE recruits 100 women of Yemen’s Socotra in Abu Dhabi

The UAE had transferred 100 women of Yemen’s Socotra Island to Abu Dhabi for recruitment and military training, sources in the island told Yemen Press Agency on Monday.

This came as a preliminary step toward the formation of women’s force loyal to the UAE in the island, the sourced added

(A T)

Taiz police arrest second accused of shooting at a wedding hall

(A P)

A member of the Abu Abbas-affiliated 35th Armored Brigade assassinated an officer in the 22nd Armored Brigade in central Taiz city on March 19. Soldiers and militiamen affiliated with the two individuals clashed in central Taiz city following the assassination. The Abu Abbas Head of Operations confirmed the arrest of two suspects that will be handed over to security officials under an official memorandum.[4]


(A P)

Clashes in Taiz following the killing of an officer of the government forces by gunmen close to Abu Al-Abbas


(A P)

Three people, incl. civilian, reportedly killed and 4 others wounded in clashes between gunmen affiliated to rivaling groups in the city of #Taiz. This comes a day after the newly appointed governor Nabil Shamsan arrived in the city to commence his job.

(A P)

Sheikh Hani sends fiery warning to terrorist Islah party

Vice president of the Southern Transitional Council, Sheikh Hani Ben Brik sent a fiery warning to Yemen's al-Islah party, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sheikh Hani tweeted " the terrorist Islah party exceeded the limit in Aden by mobilizing mercenaries to incite a riot, public disorder and vandalism."

(A P)

Yemeni Government Renews Call for UN Offices Move to Aden

My comment: And gain. The only purpose: By this, the Hadi government would get another international acknowledgment of its claimed “legitimacy”. For the UN’s work on behalf of the great majority of Yemenis living in Houthi-held areas, this would be disastrous.

(* A P)

UAE to offer 64 million Saudi riyals in compensation to Yemen tribes after attack

Tribal mediators on Saturday ruled that the United Arab Emirates shall pay 64 million Saudi riyals in compensation to tribes in the district of Markhah in east of Yemen's Shabwa province for damage they suffered after UAE-backed Shabwani elite forces attacked them.

15 tribesmen including children were killed in an assault by the Shabwani elite forces on the tribes of Al-Mihdhar and Al-Sadah with air cover by UAE warplanes in the district in January.

At the time, a government official said the UAE-backed forces had attacked the area in search for an Al-Qaida operative and the government formed a fact-finding committee on the clashes.

Tribal sources said the UAE preferred to solve the problem with the tribes through tribal mediation which called for the UAE to offer financial compensation to those affected and the tribes to return weapons they seized during the confrontations.

(A P)

Al-Naqueeb: International Moves of the Council Prove that We Are on the Right Path to Restore our State

(* A P)

With Tripped Sessions, Member of the Expired Legitimacy Parliament Forced Out Off Al-Makla Amid a Storm of Conflicts

members of the Yemeni parliament who arrived at Al-Makla a week ago, left the city in groups as sessions of the expired parliament tripped.
The newspaper indicated that the session was scheduled to be held on Saturday March 16th, 2019 with attendance of president Abd Rabu Mansour Hady who couldn’t arrive at Al-Makla.

The southern transitional council refused holding any session of the Yemeni parliament in any of the liberated cities of the south as the council considers such acts as provocative for the feelings of the southern people as it demolishes all achieved political gains

My comment: There has been a plenty of strife on the Yemeni parliament bewtween the Houthis, the Hadi government and southern separatists. Formally, parliament is the last political body which still helds a certain degree of legitimacy. The Houthis and their GPC allies benefitted from this legitimacy until the Dec. 2017 events. “president” Hadi tries to suck legitimacy from achieving a session of those parliamentarians who meanwhile had left the Houthi side. But southern separatists strictly reject any such attempts, as any such parliament would be a legitimate body of a united Yemen.

(A P)

STC prepares to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Decisive Storm

My comment: STC = separatists’ highest executive body. “Decisive storm” – Saudi aerial war in Yemen. – This is bizarre.

(A P)

Soldiers in “security belt " Close the "Aden-Abyan" road to protest the delay of their salaries

soldiers in the security belt forces in Abyan, east of the interim capital of Aden (southern Yemen), closed a major road linking the provincial capital Aden to protest the delay in the disbursement of their salaries.

(A P)

Presidential Committee to calm the situation in Al-Mahrah meets Sheikh “Ben Aafrar " and the Picket Committee welcomes its efforts


(* B P)

Saudi Arabia uses UAE-hired US and Israeli death squads for assassinations in Yemen

Informed sources have revealed a Saudi scheme of using the expertise of the UAE occupation forces in order to liquidate its opponents in Mahrah province, and to ensure safe presence of its forces there, after Riyadh failed to impose its planned oil pipeline through the province’s territory to the Arabian Sea.

“The Saudi plan aims to eliminate the national figures and leaders of Yemen that lead protest movements against the presence of Saudi forces and their incursion into the province,” sources told Yemen Press Agency on condition of anonymity.


(A P)

Presidential Commission arrives in Al-Mahrah after escalating tension between security forces and anti-Saudi presence tribes


(A P)

As tensions persist in #Mahra, east #Yemen, here's some cheerful news: 28 schools are now providing grass-roots NGO @MahraYouth's peacebuilding program. Here's a 1 minute video of 12 year old boys and teenage girls enthusiastically taking part on Thursday!

(* A P)

Clashes Erupt in Eastern Yemen as Local Tribes Block Saudi Influx of Military Equipment

The latest incident came amidst a precipitous rise in tensions in eastern Yemen, where local residents have been grappling with an increasingly brazen military buildup by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Fierce clashes have erupted between local tribes and Saudi forces supported by local mercenary groups in the Haat district of Yemen’s eastern Mahrah province. The clashes were sparked when local tribal members prevented Saudi shipping containers containing military equipment and household appliances from entering the country via al-Shihan border crossings with Oman, where Saudi Arabia plans to build a new military base.

Witnesses told MintPress News that the tribal groups stopped the trucks and checked them, then forced them to return. In the wake of this incident, fierce clashes erupted leaving Saudi mercenaries injured. Saudi warplanes could also be seen circling the skies above the area.

(* A P)

Eyewitness: three civilians were killed as a result of a confrontation between armed men in the interim capital of Aden


(A P)

Civilians wounded in clashes between security forces inside Qat market in northern Aden


(A P)

Amid Security Chaos, Clashes in Aden Continue to Erupt between US-Saudi Mercenaries

(A E P)

Newspaper accuses telecommunications minister in Hadi’s gov’t of theft, corruption

in connection with the illegal company “Aden net”, which was established in mid-2018.

(A T)

One Soldier Killed, Three Injured in Al Shehr, Hadramout

The soldiers, who served in the Al Nokhba Al Hadramia, were attacked on Friday when a suitcase bomb exploded during a raid on a suspected location in Al Shehr

(A T)

Bomb yday on #UAE-backed Hadrami Elite Force foot patrol in al-Shihr. 1 killed, 3 badly injured. Most media blame #alQaeda but may be political/criminal (image)

(B P)

Shatara to Huna Aden FM:The True Voice of the Southerners will be Heard Externally

Member of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara, responded to important questions asked on the reason of the visit of the president of the Southern Transitional Council, Major Aidros Al Zubaidi to Britain.
In a phone interview with the Southern local Radio ‘Huna Aden FM’, this is what Shatara said: "Many media outlets talked about the visit of the leader of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to Britain. I think we need to explain why president Al Zubaidi visited Britain as his first visit to a European country.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A P)

UN, Film: Argentina, Yemen & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (19 March 2019)

(A P)

Tehran, Brussels Reiterate Support for UN-Brokered Yemen Peace Talks

(* B K P)

Deputy FM: Washington and London lead disinformation campaigns on the party obstructing Sweden agreement

“Our interest is in peace, but the other side is the one who continues its aggression,”

“we have made many concessions in the negotiating rounds, and the country still under bombardment and dialogue with imaginary parties.

He confirmed that the aggression forces had committed more than 11,000 breaches of the ceasefire since the entry into force of the Sweden Agreement

Remark: Sanaa government.

(B K P)

HR Minister: Houthis circumvent Stockholm Agreement

Remark: Hadi government.

(B P)

National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs: Aggression Forces Prevent Exchange through Any Local Mediation

"While the forces of aggression continue to delay the implementation of the prisoner exchange agreement, they have prevented the implementation of any exchange through local mediation in accordance with directives issued by Saudi Arabia."

(* B P)

Wanted: Patient Diplomacy in Yemen

Sanaa has become the centerpiece of a struggle among regional power centers, and the battle for control over it will not end soon.

Ending U.S. military support for the Saudi-led coalition will not stop the war or address the humanitarian crisis. Successfully and comprehensively addressing the grave situation in Yemen will require patient diplomacy, which inevitably will see ups and downs given the nature of the conflict and the combatants inside and outside Yemen.

But it is worth intensifying America’s diplomatic efforts supporting the UN Envoy’s fragile peacemaking efforts and coordinating with key partners in the region like Oman to reduce tensions and build confidence. Doing so promotes U.S. values and security interests – by Gordon Gray, es US ambassador to Tunisia

Comment: the article exemplifies the total ignorance of America when it comes to #Yemen. And the audacity of the lies

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabian military activism in Yemen

The foreign policy of Saudi Arabia is shaped by both internal and external factors

The Saudi-led intervention into Yemen in 2015 marked a departure in a direction of a more activist Saudi foreign policy. In this paper, Maria-Louise Clausen argues that this new direction is a result of both internal and external factors that have shaped the foreign policy behavior of Saudi Arabia.

The paper points to some of the key elements and developments in the interactions between national interest and changes in the broader global and regional environment. Among the internal factors we find the ascent of Mohamed bin Salman who has voiced a desire for the Kingdom to increase its influence in Middle East. The intervention into Yemen has become a symbol of this, hence the Crown Prince is dependent on success to strengthen his position internally.

It is argued that the key aspects in relation to understanding the regional context of Saudi Arabia is the animosity towards Iran.

The paper shows how the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia is shaped by a mix of dynamics internal to the state and the global and regional environments in which they operate - exemplified in the case of the sustained Saudi-led intervention into Yemen – by Maria-Louise Clausen

and full paper on pages 76–81.

(* B P)

China and Saudi Arabia: The Global Ambitions of Mohammad bin Salman

China is Saudi Arabia’s largest oil client. The U.S. is becoming a self-sufficient exporter of oil. Saudi Arabia needs to secure other customers. China has become a crucial partner to Saudi Arabia. In this context, uncertainty over the reliability of United States as an ally, which predates [current President] Trump, going back to President Obama, looms large in Saudi Arabia’s strategic calculus.

China’s recognition of MBS matters not so much because of MBS the man, but MBS as the de facto king of Saudi Arabia. MBS is increasingly turning Saudi Arabia into one-man rule. Doing business with Saudi Arabia means doing business with MBS. Chinese support for MBS is more important to MBS than for China.

(A P)

Saudi king calls Morocco king to review 'brotherly relations'

(A P)

Senators to King Salman: Release Saudi political prisoners

Saudi Arabia’s repression of political dissidents undermines “the future of the U.S.-Saudi relationship,” a bloc of Democratic senators warned the oil-rich monarchy.

“We will continue to closely watch Saudi action — or inaction — on human rights as Congress considers measures related to the Middle East,”

(* A K P)

Saudi to show its strengths at Dubai Airshow

Saudi Arabia continues to demonstrate its growing strength in the aerospace industry with participation of its biggest players in the Dubai Airshow in November this year.

Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) is the latest to announce participation joining the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who will also be attending the event for the first time

SAMI is a military industry company, launched in May 2017 to act as a sustainable platform to provide world-class military products and services to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its allies and forms a key part of the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision

(* A P)

Saudi Crown Prince, stripped of part of his authority

The heir to the Saudi throne has not attended a series of high-profile ministerial and diplomatic meetings in Saudi Arabia over the last fortnight and is allegedto have been stripped of some of his financial and economic authority, the Guardian has been told.

The move to restrict, if only temporarily, the responsibilities of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is understood to have been revealed to a group of senior ministers earlier last week by his father, King Salman.

The king is said to have asked Bin Salman to be at this cabinet meeting, but he failed to attend.

The relationship between the king and his son has been under scrutiny since the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

Saudi Kingdom Tries To Prevent More Women From Fleeing

Alqunun's success was a "huge shake," Damanhoori says, because she comes from a prominent family, the daughter of a powerful governor.

"The more powerful the family, the harder for a woman to escape, because of family connections. But she made it."

Alqunun's family status may explain why the Saudi government has ramped up a campaign to stem the flow. In recent weeks, the General Department for Counter Extremism released an online video as a warning. The animated message compares women who flee the country to young men who join terrorist groups — and blames a vast international conspiracy that it says is aiming to damage the kingdom's image through itsyouth.

(* B H P)

Unwanted newborns in Riyadh

The Embassy of Nepal in Saudi Arabia is facing difficulties sending back Nepali migrant housemaids who have given birth due to sexual exploitation by employers.

While the Saudi government does not want to keep such women and children in the country, the Nepal government will only recognise Nepali citizens, not the children.

Although the Nepal government has banned women’s employment in Gulf countries, women land there through various illegal routes.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Interpol issues red notices for 20 suspects in Khashoggi killing, including top MBS adviser

who are now subject to arrest worldwide

Interpol has issued a red notice for the arrest of 20 suspects believed to be involved in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, including a top adviser to Saudi Arabia's powerful crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman.

The notice, issued on Thursday at the request of the Turkish government, names Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide to bin Salman, as well as the country's ex-deputy army chief, Ahmed al-Assiri.

(* A P)

Saudi moves to block international investigation into Khashoggi murder

Audio: Arabia’s so-called human rights commission has rejected calls for an international investigation into the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, claiming his killers have already been punished.

Government spokesman Bandar bin Mohammed al-Aiban refused to name or give details on the culprits, calling Mr Khashoggi’s killing “an unfortunate accident.”

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)


Author and investigative journalist Vicky Ward said that Saudi Arabia “made a mockery” of the United States following Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to the kingdom, also arguing that the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner “kind of got played” by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

“Let’s start with the fact that instead of solving Middle East peace, Jared nearly put us into a war in the region,” Ward alleged

“[Kushner’s] complete control of the relationship with MBS in Saudi Arabia meant he kind of got played by MBS,” she continued

(* B P)

New Congress Sounds Alarms for U.S.-Gulf Arab Partnership

Yemen, Khashoggi, detainees, and nuclear technology are driving a deep-seated congressional backlash against Riyadh.

As anticipated, the new U.S. Congress is proving to be an inhospitable environment for Saudi Arabia and some of its Gulf Arab allies, including the United Arab Emirates.

Predictably, the close association between the Saudi government and the administration of President Donald J. Trump – and his family – is leaving Riyadh an exposed and relatively defenseless political target for administration critics on a range of issues. These issues reflect a growing divide between Saudi Arabia and Congress, and have great relevance for several other Gulf Arab countries as well.

Alarm Bells are Ringing

All of this is bad news for Riyadh and its Gulf Arab allies, notably the UAE. It’s a clear barometer of how damaged the long-standing but often fraught U.S.-Saudi alliance has become outside of the bubble at the center of the Trump administration.

(* A B P)

The War on Yemen and the Trump Administration’s Contempt for the Law

The Trump administration has ignored yet another mandated deadline for reporting to Congress on Yemen:

An administration that has illegally involved the U.S. in the war on Yemen for more than two years obviously won’t have any respect for legal requirements set by Congress when they can’t even be bothered to respect the Constitution.

The administration’s contempt for the law and their disrespect for Congress are additional reasons why the House should vote on and pass the antiwar Yemen resolution that the Senate passed earlier this month.

referring to

(* A P)

Pentagon fails to deliver US strategy on Yemen

The Donald Trump administration has missed another congressional deadline to lay out the US strategy in Yemen, Al-Monitor has learned.

The US strategy in the four-year conflict has never been publicly articulated even as the Barack Obama and Trump administrations provided refueling and intelligence support.

The failure to respond on time is likely to frustrate lawmakers in the wake of another legislative rebuke to US involvement.

In recent months, the Trump administration has disregarded several certification requirements from Congress.

(A P)

Mike Pompeo calls Saudi Crown Prince to thank him for advancing Yemen political process

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thanked Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in a phone call on Tuesday, the US State Department said on Wednesday.

According to a press release Mr Pompeo called the Saudi Crown Prince to thank him for his "support for UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths’ efforts to advance the political process in Yemen.”

My comment: This is ridiculous. After four years of Saudi war in Yemen??????????ß

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia fund hires PR firm in the wake of Khashoggi murder

PIF is chaired by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who reportedly ordered the killing

Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund has hired a New York communications firm to enhance its image and create a “clear distinction” with the kingdom’s political leadership as Riyadh struggles to repair the diplomatic damage caused by the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. The Public Investment Fund, which has more than $300bn in assets under management and is chaired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, signed a $120,000-a-month contract with Karv Communications in February, according to filings with the US justice department.

(* B P)

Ending U.S. Involvement Is Necessary for Peace in Yemen

The Washington Post published a good editorial yesterday on the effort to end U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen, and in it they refute some Pompeo’s obnoxious Yemen lies.

Supporters of the war on Yemen have staked out two contradictory positions when they have been trying to defeat antiwar resolutions in Congress. They claim that U.S. support is so limited and unimportant that cutting it off will make no difference, but in the next breath they insist that Congress absolutely must not cut off that support because of the harm that it will do to the Saudi coalition’s war effort. Hawks treat U.S. support as both trivial and essential at the same time, and they move back and forth between the two positions when it suits them – by Daniel Larison

(* B P)

Congress can deliver another rebuke to Trump, this time on his fealty to MBS

CONGRESS IS on the verge of delivering another rebuke to President Trump, this time concerning the war in Yemen.

If the House, which already voted for a similar measure, approves the Senate version, it would be the first successful use of the 1973 War Powers Act, which was intended to prevent presidents from waging wars without congressional approval.

The problem is that the congressional action, like the rejection of Mr. Trump’s declaration of an emergency along the border, is likely to have little practical effect. The resolution is subject to a presidential veto that is unlikely to be overridden. The administration shows no sign of retreating from its fervent embrace of the Saudi regime, despite its reckless and destructive adventurism.

Congress at least is registering a dissent while standing up for its constitutional authority

(* B P)

Suddenly, Trump Finds Congress Revolting

But lately, some in the flock have been baring their teeth. Being humiliated, ignored and taken for granted by an overbearing narcissist who has little regard for conservative principles has lost its charm for a group of Republican lawmakers. They have begun to act on the novel idea that they have every right to oppose a president of their own party when he’s wrong.

(* A K P)

Listen to Yemenis on the War on Yemen

The Yemeni human rights organization Mwatana has responded to Pompeo’s obnoxious statement on the antiwar Yemen resolution from last week.

The debate over U.S. involvement in the war includes Yemeni and Yemeni-American voices far too rarely when they are the ones most affected and harmed by our policy of uncritical support for the Saudi coalition.

When credible Yemeni human rights activists say that continued U.S. involvement in the war is detrimental to the cause of peace in Yemen, Americans and our representatives should be listening to them. We should also be rejecting the profoundly dishonest claims made by the Trump administration and its allies.

referring to

(* B K P)

(* A K P)

Film: Trotz wachsender Kritik aus eigenen Reihen: US-Außenminister Pompeo verteidigt Saudi-Krieg im Jemen

Laut US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo ist den Menschen im Jemen am besten gedient, wenn Saudi Arabien den Konflikt mit den dortigen Huthi-Rebellen schnell gewinnt. Der Jemen würde dadurch nicht zu einem Marionettenstaat der "korrupten" iranischen Republik werden,

Mein Kommentar: Irrer Zynismus. S. oberhalb auf Englisch.

(* B K P)

Upping the Stakes in Yemen. Endless US-led War

US forever war in Yemen rages, the Saudis, UAE, NATO, and Israel part of its so-called coalition – against peace in the country and elsewhere.

Over 17 years of war began by the Bush/Cheney regime. There’s virtually no prospect for ending it any time soon, the enormous human toll of no consequence to the US war party – regardless of its congressional posturing.

Joint House/Senate Resolution 7 “to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress” was too little, too late, a meaningless action.

Yemen’s strategic location makes it important to the US – near the Horn of Africa on Saudi Arabia’s southern border, the Red Sea, its Bab el-Mandeb strait (a key chokepoint separating Yemen from Eritrea through which millions barrels of oil pass daily), and the Gulf of Aden connection to the Indian Ocean.

It’s why war to gain and maintain control of the country rages endlessly.

US orchestrated aggression destroyed the country – genocide a strategy of war, an entire population at risk.

The world’s severest humanitarian crisis worsens daily with scant Western media attention. The rape of Yemen continues with no end of conflict in prospect – by Stephen Lendman

(* B K P)

Arms Sales to U.S. Allies in Yemen are Endangering American Lives

Washington's policy in Yemen is both hypocritical and dangerous.

The Saudis and Emiratis are proving to be the most disruptive, destabilizing forces in the Persian Gulf.

Their brutality has been ostentatious, bombing urban and civilian targets, including hospitals, markets, funerals, apartments, and more, and killing tens of thousands of non-combatants

Moreover, the “coalition” led by the UAE and Saudi Arabia, has been aiding America’s adversaries. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is the most effective affiliate of the organization which downed the twin towers

Worse, the Emiratis/Saudis, and the nominally legitimate government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi which they are supporting, have been aiding, arming, and recruiting radical jihadist groups, including AQAP

The United States has no cause to be involved in Yemen, making enemies of people who previously did Americans no harm. Washington’s policy is both hypocritical and dangerous – by Doug Bandow

(* B P)

The Trump administration is swimming against the tide on the Yemen war

The US Senate vote in favour of ending support for the war in Yemen is an important indicator that attitudes in Washington are changing and the Trump administration is becoming isolated.

Put simply, the administration is keener to see the dominant Houthi militia as more of an Iranian-allied terrorist organisation than an armed wing of a legitimate political movement, and thus Trump’s inner circle believes that a continuation of US support for the Saudis and Emiratis in Yemen advances America’s national security interests.

the resolution indicates how American politicians’ views on Yemen in the post-Jamal Khashoggi era are increasingly unfavourable to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi’s interests – by Giorgio Cafiero

(A P)

Trump ally reiterates US support for Arab coalition in Yemen

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has reiterated the administration’s support for the Saudi-led Arab coalition fighting in Yemen.

Pompeo made the remarks during a meeting with the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, in Washington on Friday

(* B K P)

The WSJ‘s Despicable Defense of the War on Yemen

The Wall Street Journal echoes Pompeo’s obnoxious Yemen lies in their editorial on the antiwar resolution that the Senate passed last week

There is no foreign war so despicable and unjust that The Wall Street Journal won’t defend it to the end.

The editorial omits all of this because including it would show how breathtakingly cynical and horrible the pro-war argument is. War supporters never acknowledge the consequences of the destructive policies they defend because they know it would discredit them, and so they try to change the subject to anything else. In this case, war supporters have been desperate to make the Yemen debate about Iran.

Supporters of the war on Yemen have no rational argument for continued U.S. involvement, and so they are reduced to changing the subject from the war criminal states that the U.S. aids and abets to the Iranian government that has almost nothing to do with the conflict. – by Daniel Larison

referring to

(B K P)

The Senate’s War Powers

Ending U.S. support for the Saudis in Yemen would be a gift to Iran.

The Saudis aren’t in danger of an Iranian invasion, but don’t underestimate the signal that abandoning our ally would send across the Middle East. It will be seen by Iran and Russia as an invitation to more trouble-making, and another signal to allies that the U.S. can’t be trusted. More war is the likeliest result.

(A K P)

#RSAF Cmdr Lt Gen Turki Bin Bandar visits the F-15SA exercise group taking part in #RedFlag 19-2 at Nellis AFB

My comment: US-Saudi air force exercises in the US. Shame.

(A P)

US Senators Request Probe of Trump Office's Nuclear Talks With Saudi Arabia

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) should investigate the Trump administration's negotiations with Saudi Arabia over a civil nuclear agreement that may possibly violate federal law, US Senators Bob Menendez and Marco Rubio said in a letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro.

(* B P)

'US Congress Yemen war resolution revives powers'

The US Congress' resolution urging President Donald Trump Administration to end its support in the Saudi-led war on Yemen is very significant, an American journalist said.

“It’s basically an expressed limitation on the presidential power to get the US involved in a war,” Inside Arabia Editor-in-Chief Elisabeth Myers told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
The journalist said such a limit on the presidential powers hasn’t existed in the US since the War Powers Act of 1973 that was passed by the Congress in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(B K P)

Yemen: 4 Years of British Enabled Tragedy

The lack of coverage in the mainstream media of a war in which Britain is so deeply involved is nothing less than disturbing

The evidence of just how destructive the UK-backed Saudi war on Yemen has been continues to flood in.

With this in mind, we must step up our efforts to end our government's support for the bombardment of innocent people, starting with a protest next Tuesday to mark four years of the war. Join us to call for an end to Tory support for the war in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Britain's arms export watchdog in danger of becoming toothless

As ministers and weapons manufacturers alike shun the body that oversees UK arms exports, its authority is at risk of being eroded

Committee members want to raise questions over UK involvement in Yemenand the supply of weapons to the Saudi-led coalition. But the refusal of Raytheon UK to appear potentially limits the committee’s ability to establish what steps are being taken by manufacturers to avoid misuse and diversion of supplied arms, once export applications have been authorised by the government.

(A K P)

'Typhoon plane' taken to Parliament in protest at UK's arming of Saudi Arabia


(A K P)

Film: UK protests over arms sales to Saudi Arabia for Yemen war

They are highlighting the proposed sale of more Eurofighter Typhoon jets to the Saudis - which they say is illegal under international law. =

(* B K P)

Britische Luftwaffe unterstützt saudische Kampfjets im Jemen-Krieg

Der britische Staatsminister für die Streitkräfte hat zugegeben, dass 282 Personen des unter ihm geleiteten Ministeriums mit der Luftwaffe Saudi-Arabiens kooperieren.

Wie Mark Lancaster am Samstag mitteilte, bilden das Personal der britischen Luftwaffe die saudischen Soldaten aus und geben ihnen Einsatzanweisungen zu den an Saudi-Arabien verkauften Kampfflugzeugen.ützt_saudische_kampfjets_im_jemen_krieg

(* B K P)

RAF keeping Saudi warplanes which are bombing children in the Yemen in the air

RAF personnel are servicing Saudi warplanes which are bombing children in the Yemen.

The astonishing revelation was buried in Commons written answers by Defence Minister Mark Lancaster.

He admitted 282 MoD and civilian staff work with Saudi armed forces.

They provide back-up to BAE Systems, which sells arms that the Saudi regime has used to kill an ­estimated 60,000 people.

Mr Lancaster said staff were “on secondment” giving “routine engineering support” and “generic training support” for UK-supplied aircraft ­operated by the Royal Saudi Air Force, including jets operating in Yemen.

Remark: This already had been recorded before.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Film: Bundesregierung für Desinteressierte: BPK vom 20. März 2019

Jemenkrieg (ab 5:55)

Ramstein-Urteil (ab 11:55)

(A P)

CDU besteht auf Rüstungsexporte

Die Regierungskoalition steuert auf einen neuen Großkonflikt zu: Die SPD will das Rüstungsexportverbot nach Saudi-Arabien, das in der nächsten Woche ausläuft, um ein halbes Jahr verlängern. Die Union ist strikt dagegen und will die Ausfuhr von Waffen und Kriegsgerät in die Krisenregion ab April wieder freigeben.

(A P)

SPD-Chefin will bis Oktober keine Waffen für Saudi-Arabien

Die SPD-Vorsitzende Andrea Nahles strebt eine Verlängerung des Rüstungsexport-Stopps für Saudi-Arabien um weitere sechs Monate an.

Der CDU-Politiker Brinkhaus verwies auf die negativen Folgen sowohl für die deutsche Industrie als auch Sicherheit, wenn man sich aus militärischen Gemeinschaftsentwicklungen verabschieden müsse.

und auch

(A P)

German SPD chief wants to extend arms export halt to Saudi

The leader of Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD), junior partners in conservative Angela Merkel’s coalition, wants to extend a freeze on arms exports to Saudi Arabia imposed after the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, she said on Tuesday.

(* B K P)

Film von Linksfraktion: Rüstungsexporte: Der Koalitionsvertrag 2018 vs. die Realität 2019

Keine deutschen Waffen für den Krieg im Jemen, strengere Kontrollen von Rüstungsexporten, neue Richtlinien. Das versprach die GroKo in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag 2018. Sevim Dagdelen erklärt, was die Bundesregierung ein Jahr später umgesetzt hat.

(B K P)

Die Linke: US-Stützpunkt Ramstein schließen
Deutschland darf nicht länger am globalen US-Drohnenmordprogramm und Washingtons Völkerrechtsbruch beteiligt werden. Die Bundesregierung muss die US-Militärbasis Ramstein schließen.

(A K P)

Grüne: Katja Keul zum heutigen Urteil des OVG Münster zu US-Drohneneinsätzen im Jemen

(* A P)

US-Drohneneinsätze im Jemen: Kläger erzielen Teilerfolg

Das OVG Münster hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland dazu verurteilt, sich durch geeignete Maßnahmen zu vergewissern, ob eine Nutzung der Air Base Ramstein durch die USA für Einsätze von bewaffneten Drohnen an der Wohnanschrift der Kläger im Jemen im Einklang mit dem Völkerrecht stattfindet.

Erforderlichenfalls müsse die Bundesrepublik auf dessen Einhaltung gegenüber den USA hinwirken, so das Oberverwaltungsgericht. Soweit die Kläger verlangt haben, die Nutzung der Air Base Ramstein für bewaffnete Drohneneinsätze zu unterbinden, sei die Klage abzuweisen.

Dazu auch: (von 2014: Klage) (Stellungnahme ECCHR)


(*A P)

Drohnenmorde vor Gericht

Die Bundesregierung muss US-Drohnenangriffe im Jemen auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem Völkerrecht überprüfen und Washington gegebenenfalls zur Ordnung rufen. Das schreibt ein gestern verkündetes Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Münster vor, das einer Klage dreier Angehöriger jemenitischer Drohnenopfer teilweise stattgegeben hat. Demnach hat die Bundesregierung womöglich ihre “Schutzpflicht” gegenüber den zivilen Opfern – drei Al Qaida-Gegnern – verletzt, weil die US-Drohnenangriffe über die US-Luftwaffenbasis Ramstein abgewickelt wurden.


(* A P)

Klage von Jemeniten: Deutschland muss US-Drohneneinsätze prüfen

Inwiefern nutzt die amerikanische Regierung den Militärstützpunkt Ramstein bei Drohnenangriffen im Jemen? Künftig muss die Bundesregierung aktiv nachforschen, ob Einsätze gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen.

Das Urteil - zu dem weder die Kläger oder deren Anwälte noch Vertreter des beklagten Ministeriums erschienen waren - gibt der Bundesregierung einen gewissen Spielraum. Sie habe durch eine "geeignete Maßnahme auf die Einhaltung des Völkerrechts hinzuwirken", sollte sie Rechtsverstöße der USA feststellen.

(* A P)

UK ‘on notice’ as court rules Germany failed to protect innocent civilians from US drones

In its decision, the Court acknowledged that Faisal and his family “are justified in fearing risks to life and limb from US drone strikes that use Ramstein Air base in violation of International Law”. Ramstein Air base provides the satellite relay infrastructure without which drone strikes would not be possible.

Jennifer Gibson, Reprieve lawyer for Faisal bin ali Jaber, said: "This is a ground breaking result. The court has made one thing very clear to Germany – they can no longer hide in the shadows and absolve themselves of responsibility for the innocent lives being destroyed by Trump’s illegal drone programme.


(* A P)

German court hands partial victory to critics of U.S. drone deaths in Yemen

The German government must ensure any support provided by a U.S. military base in Germany for U.S. drone strikes in Yemen complies with international law, a German court ruled on Tuesday, handing a partial victory to critics of such strikes.

(* A P)

Film: Solving German-US geopolitical ambiguity: Court rules government responsible for Yemen drone strikes

A court in Germany ruled on Tuesday that the government has partial responsibility to ensure US drone strikes, controlled with the help of an American base on German territory, are in line with international law. However, judges stopped short of ordering the ban that human rights activists had called for. The Muenster administrative court said available evidence suggests the US’ Ramstein Air Base in southern Germany plays “a central role” for the relay of flight control data used for armed drone strikes in Yemen.


(* A B P)

Klage gegen das Verteidigungsministerium wegen Tod per Mausklick durch Drohnen

Zwei Jemeniten und ein Somalier haben das deutsche Verteidigungsministerium wegen des Todes naher Familienangehöriger im Jemen und in Somalia verklagt. Die Getöteten sollen Opfer von US-Drohnenangriffen, gesteuert über die US-Airbase im rheinland-pfälzischen Ramstein, sein. Was sagt das Völkerrecht?

Die Gerichtssprecherin des OVG Münster erklärte, das Gericht wird im Ergebnis zu untersuchen haben, ob Deutschland für den Tod der Familienmitglieder der Kläger in irgendeiner Form Verantwortung trägt.


(* A B P)

Richter und Henker: US Air Base Ramstein und die deutsche Verantwortung
Die Klage einer jemenitischen Familie gegen die Bundesrepublik geht in die nächste Instanz. Der tödliche Angriff erfolgte über die US-Militärbasis Ramstein. Trotz unzähliger getöteter Zivilisten im “Krieg gegen den Terror” weist die Bundesregierung jede Verantwortung von sich.

und auch =


cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Russia to open consulate in Aden

(* B K P)

Action needed to stop Australian defence exports being used in the war in Yemen

Although Defence officials have repeatedly told Senate estimates that human rights obligations are a consideration in decisions to authorise exports, Australia has been providing defence goods to Saudi Arabia that are likely to be used in the war in Yemen. This is surely evidence of flaws in the multiagency system for defence exports.

(* B P)

La penetrazione arabo-turca e le rivaltà nel Corno d’Africa

Le dinamiche attuali nel Corno d’Africa riflettono lo spill over della consolidata rivalità tra il fronte saudita-emiratino e turco-qatariota, esacerbando divisioni locali ed internazionali pre-esistenti e sollevando la questione di quanto gli stati coinvolti rappresentino una forza stabilizzatrice in questo pezzo d’Africa.

I paesi del Golfo considerano almeno dagli anni ’90 i territori africani del Mar Rosso come una retrovia strategico da consolidare ed i governi dei rispettivi Stati come potenziali alleati, legati da un’eredità storica e culturale almeno in parte condivisa ma motivati anche dall’opportunismo strategico.

(A P)

Italy's La Scala returns Saudi cash over human rights concerns


(A P)

Italy's Salvini urges La Scala to snub Saudi cash

(A P)

Iran Sends Naval Group to Bab el-Mandeb Strait to Ensure Security of Shipping Routes

Iran’s Navy has dispatched its 61st naval group, comprising a destroyer and a logistical vessel, on a mission to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait to ensure the security of the shipping routes used by Iranian vessels.

(B P)

Ahmed Mansoor: The Only Way to Counter Repression Is to Reveal It

AE human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor knew that one night the men in black balaclavas would arrive and seize him.

I asked him once why he persisted in going down a road that would lead again to his incarceration. He said: “The only way to counter repression is by revealing it.

cp13a Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B K) pH)

Film: Yemen: Mercenaries and War Crimes

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

Yemen’s Aden refinery seeking 90,000 tons of oil products

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Neues Ermittlungsverfahren gegen französischen Dschihadisten Peter Cherif

(A T)

French jihadist charged over 2011 kidnapping in Yemen

(A T)

#IslamicState #Yemen claims it fired rocket yday at #AQAP position in Lower Dhi Kalib, al-Bayda'. Over 2/3 of ISY ops this year have targeted AQAP Meanwhile, new group aiming to unite Yemen's #jihad rivals still has under 100 online members & changed its name to avoid deletion

(* A T)

Video: Major Al-Qaeda leader in Taiz made serious confessions

Video footage released on Sunday by the Security Center of Yemen’s Ministry of the Interior show Majed Mohammed Farhan Ahmed Mohamed Ali, one of al-Qaeda’s leaders in Taiz province, after he was arrested by Yemeni forces days ago.

He has made serious confessions about the organization’s relationship with the Saudi-led coalition and the armed militias in the city of Taiz.

The Al-Qaeda leader said that he was involved in several of al-Qaeda terrorist operations, including executions, floggings, assassinations and armed robberies against banks and shops.

Film: (Arabic9

Comment by Judith Brown: There is a bit of propaganda in this - for example stating that the Houthis control most of Taiz now - they don't, it is still at stalemate and horrible for civilians trapped there. The captured man is describing in Arabic his association with Saudi Arabia. It is well known that the militias in Taiz fighting the Houthis includes al Qaeda members.

Comment by Elisabeth Kendall: This is extremely interesting. Note that my July 2018 paper on the evolution of #Yemen's #jihad (pp.15-17) presents evidence that "the highly active self-identified #AQAP group there [Taiz] was “rogue” and/or powered and assisted by external forces": =

(A T)

NEW GROUP "Ansar al-Shari'a + #IslamicState" emerged 3 days ago "to unite mujahidin" in #Yemen In 2019, 55% of #AQAP ops targeted ISY. 67% ISY ops targeted AQAP. Online fight also intense Latest: ISY claims it killed 1 AQAP & injured 1 as they crept up in Za'j, al-Bayda' yday

(A T)

#AlQaeda & #IslamicState in #Yemen aren't just killing each other. They're also in a dirty media slanging match. Here are just 2 examples

(A T)

Film: Yemen – The public continues to condemn worshipers massacre in New Zealand

(* A T)

Including 3 Yemenis. These are the victims of the terrorist attack in New Zealand and their nationalities

cp15 Propaganda

(B P)

Houthi Atrocities Wreak Havoc on Schools, Archeological Sites, Homes in Jawf

At a time human rights advocates are calling for an investigation into crimes committed by the Iran-backed Houthi militias, a Yemeni government report accused the group of destroying nearly 1,722 units among which were public institutions, cities and national heritage sites in Al Jawf governorate.

(B P)

Yemen: Faction Fatigue

Iran, facing growing domestic unrest because of expensive foreign wars, and lack of tangible results, desperately needs a clear cut win and Yemen is one area where that is still possible, despite numerous setbacks

(B P)

Senate Gets It Wrong on Yemen

Withdrawing support for Saudi actions against Houthi rebels would be a big mistake.

(A P)

Al-Maliki: Arab Coalition Protects Region’s Security

Coalition spokesman Col. Turki Al-Maliki was asked at a press briefing about Houthi militias threatening to target the capitals of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
“This is their way to disturb peace,” Al-Maliki replied

My comment: LOL. Saudi air raids are 1000 times more heavy than Houthi missiles – and according to Maliki they seem to be “protecting region’s security:” LOL.

(A P)

U.S. says Iran missile program detribalizing Middle East

A senior U.S. arms control official said on Tuesday that Iran’s missile program is detribalizing the Middle East and raising the risk of a “regional arms race” through the provision of such weapons to armed groups in Lebanon and Yemen.

My comment: This is absolutely ridiculous when comparing the bulk of arms the US and its western allies are pumping into the Middle East every year.

(A P)

Military commander: Iranian experts make mines

My comment: A classic propaganda story, 33. (or 47.; 59.) campaign.


(A P)

Iranian experts train Houthis to attack international navigation

The Spokesman of the National Armed forces Brig. Abdu Mujali has revealed on Monday that “Iranian experts are training the Houthi militias in the port city of Hodeidah in order to target ships and booby-trap the international shipping lines.

and also and

My comment: And again “Iranian experts” nobody had ever seen. – And if Houthis would “target and booby-trap” ships, the claim they would target “international shipping lines” (instead of hostile war ships) is the second odd propaganda claim.

(B P)

OF COURSE: Tlaib, Omar Serve As Shills For Iran’s Bloody War In Yemen

One side effect of bin Salman's reign has been to harden the feelings of many on the post-Barack Obama political Left and prod them to double down on their regional preference for Iran over Saudi Arabia.

Enter freshman congresswomen and anti-Semites Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN). As is befitting the two, who share some close ties with radical Islamists, they have come out squarely in favor of framing the current civil war in Yemen as being Saudi Arabia's fault.

(B P)

Why hasn’t Iran instructed the Houthis to implement the Stockholm Agreement?

Iran’s mere acknowledgement that it is directing the Houthi militias confirms the destabilizing role that Iran and Hezbollah militias have in the region. The Houthis’ intransigence confirms their loyalty to Iran’s negotiating tactics – By Khaled al-Yemany, Foreign minister of Hadi government

(B P)

Yemen: Slogans that Offer No Hope

Of course, political slogans do not help the Yemenis or give them any security. They do not protect them from a coupist group that controls their livelihood. They only deepen their crisis. There is such a huge difference between those who seek the interests of the Yemeni people, not just in words, but in action, and those who lecture on human rights from thousands of miles away.

(A P)

Yemeni President Stresses Need to End Houthi Insurgency

Houthis threats to fire ballistic missiles against neighboring Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates present damming proof on an underlying Iranian agenda for destabilizing the region.

Houthi militias in Yemen are largely armed and funded by Iran.

My comment: After four years of war, with (at least) two rival Yemeni governments, There is no “insurgency” any more.

And a special chapter: Saudi / UAE propaganda showing the most evil perpetrators as humanitarian benefactors:

(A P)

ERC startet Fischmarktprojekt in Al Khawkhah, Jemen

(A P)

ERC launches fish market project in Al Khawkhah (Video)

(A P)

KSRelief concludes management course for women in Lahj

(A P)

ERC receives VPS medical equipment to reinforce health services in Yemen

(A P)

Emirates Red Crescent distributes emergency food aid in Yemen

(A P)

KSrelief hosts GCC aid donors to Yemen

(A P)

KSRelief Distributes 300 food Baskets in Al-Jawf governorate, Yemen

(A K P)

Yemeni Army Takes Control of Last Stronghold of Houthi Militia in Baqam, Saada

My comment: They already had claimed this ca. half a year ago.

(A P)

Britain: The Houthis were less able to spread chaos until they were trained by elements of the Lebanese Hizbullah

The United Kingdom Ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aaron spoke in an interview published by al-Riyadh newspaper about the role of Hezbollah and Iran in strengthening the al-Houthi armed group, Britain's vision of Yemeni unity and Iran's destabilizing role in the region.

(A P)

UAE Red Crescent inaugrate an assembling and refrigerating Fish projects in Khokha

(A P)

UAE-funded Hospital continues to provide medical services in Taiz

(A P)

KSRelief Distributes Shelter Aid in Al-Mahra

(A P)

A dangerous miscalculation at the heart of Yemen’s peace consultations

The UN-brokered deal for Yemen is being reshaped to the benefit of the Houthi rebels

Whether intentionally or not, the UN-brokered deal for Yemen is being actively reconfigured in the Houthis’ favour. This is mainly because the UN special envoy Martin Griffiths, who is under immense pressure to achieve concrete deliverables for peace, has no choice but to accept Houthi demands, lest the deal collapse on his watch.

So far, the UN’s flexibility has not helped Yemenis but rather encouraged the Houthis to extract concessions without giving anything substantial in return

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

March 19:

March 18:

March 17:

March 16:

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression warplanes launch 57 strikes on Yemen: Army Spokesman

over 57 strikes over the past four days on several Yemeni provinces.

(A K pH)

Film: The crime of targeting the family of Al - Omran at the Directorate of Kushar in the province of Hajja 17-03-2019

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

March 20: Saada p.

March 19: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

March 20: In Saada, a citizen was killed by Saudi border guards gunfire in Munabih border district

(A K pH)

March 19: The force of rockety and artillery of the saudi enemy bombarded intensively houses and farms of citizens in Bakim district, Saada p.

(A K pH)

Army controls some Saudi' sites in Najran, dozen killed, injured

Army kills dozens of saudi-led mercenaries in Jizan

(A K pH)

Two ballistic missiles attack Saudi-paid mercenaries in Jizan

Remark: Fighting on Saudi territory (Najran, Jizan)

(A K pS)

Colonel Al-Malki: Coalition's operations continue to neutralize ballistic capabilities of Iran-backed terrorist Houthi militia

The official Spokesman for the Joint Forces Command, Colonel Turki bin Saleh Al-Malki stressed that on Friday, 8 March 2019, the Royal Saudi Air Defence Forces intercepted successfully and destroyed an Iran-backed terrorist Houthi militia Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), in a flagrant violation towards (Abha) city, pointing out that its debris resulted in injuring (5) civilians

(A K pH)

Saudi Rocketry Bombardment Kills Civilians in Yemen’s Borders

At least two civilians lost their lives on Sunday when the border areas were targeted by Saudi rocketry bombardment in Yemen’s Saada .

(A K)

Girl killed in landmine blast in southern Yemen

(A K pH)

S-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, March 17th, 2019

(A K pH)

Film: Shelling of houses in a looting in Al - Jouf Governorate

(A K pH)

Army's Spokesman : Army kills, injures 11 saudi soldiers, 26 sudaneses, mercenaries in Najran, Jizan

(A K pH)

Army fires three Zizal-1 missiles on Saudi-led mercenaries in Najran

Remark: Attacks against Saudi territory.

(A K pH)

Two Citizens Injured by Saudi Shelling on Sa’adah

(A K pH)

Photos Monitoring Vital Targets in Jizan Displays for First Time

The Yemeni Military Media Documentation Unit revealed photos displayed for the first time of a qualitative monitoring operation carried out by the Air Force showing a water station in Jizan.

and also

and film:

(B K pS)

Aden was amongst the cities threatened by Iranian Drones

A senior military source disclosed to Aden Press that there is an Iranian- Houthi plan to target important sites in the liberated governorates including the capital Aden by using drones.

(* B K pH)

Yemenis downed 19 Saudi Apache copters during war: Army spokesman

Yemen's army says the country's air defense has managed to shoot down 19 Saudi Apache helicopters since the outbreak of the war in 2015.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film, Sanaa: This Yemeni artist is using street art to shed light on the human cost of war in Yemen.

(* C)

Ancient Inscription Points to Lost Temple of Unknown God in Yemen

A 2,000-year-old bronze tablet from Yemen, has engraved writing that mentions a lost temple dedicated to a god named "Athtar Ḥarmān," a deity whom scholars have never heard of before.

Written in the Sabaic language, in a text known as Sabaean, the bronze inscription reads:

(A K P)

An art campaign was launched in Taiz city that aims to paint on the walls of the most affected areas to depict the situation of the besieged city of Taiz and convey a message of peace to the whole world (photo)

(* B C)

Arabs: A 3,000-Year History by Tim Mackintosh-Smith – review

A richly detailed chronicle of Arab language and culture offers thought-provoking parallels between past and present

Mackintosh-Smith is an unusual Englishman abroad: a writer who lives, as he puts it, in a land not a library, experiencing history in situ. He combines deep learning with penetrating insights delivered with dazzling turns of phrase and illuminating comparisons.

(* C)

Nov. 2013: Yemen’s New Ways of Protesting Drone Strikes: Graffiti and Poetry

Street artists and poets in Yemen campaign against American drone strikes

(B H)

Artist: Umhani Alwarith
Photos: Paintings interpret the pain and misery of the Yemeni women during the current aggression on Yemen. Artistic paintings explain true stories that are happening to all Yemeni women on daily basis

(B D)

The purpose of this video is to help promoting the : Traditional Yemeni Lute


Photo: A hilltop village in #Yemen

Vorige / Previous

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-520 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-520: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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