Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 551 - Yemen War Mosaic 551

Yemen Press Reader 551: 2. Juli 2019: UN-Bericht über Kinder im Jemen – Die Herrschaft der Emirate in Mokka – US-Antiterrorkampf in der Provinz Al Baydha – USA, Saudis und Terrorismus im Jemen..

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... Russland und Jemen – Film: Der neue Golfkrieg – US-Iran-Krise, wachsende Spannungen am Golf – und mehr

July 2, 2019:UN report on Children in Yemen – The UAE rule at Mocha – US counterterrorism in Al Baydha province – The US, Saudi coalition and terrorism in Yemen – Russia and Yemen – Film: The new Gulf War (in German) – US-Iran crisis, mounting tensions at the Gulf – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a US-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(B H K)

Bildergalerie: Jemen: Krieg und Hunger zerstören eine ganze Generation

Bildergalerie: Jemen: Kindheit im Jemen

Bildergalerie: Jemen: Jemen: Wie lebt ein Kind im Krieg?

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

UN: "Kinder zahlen den höchsten Preis"

Der Konflikt gilt als die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt. Kinder sind besonders betroffen. Bisher sollen mindestens 7.500 getötet oder verletzt worden sein.

Mehr als 7.500 Kinder im Jemen sind in den vergangenen fünfeinhalb Jahren nach Angaben der UN durch Luftangriffe, Bombardements, Kämpfe, Selbstmordanschläge, Minen und andere Sprengsätze getötet oder verletzt worden. Die Dunkelziffer sei vermutlich noch höher, da die Lagebeobachtung in dem kriegszerrütteten Land zunehmend schwierig werde, hieß es in einem von UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres veröffentlichten Bericht.

Demnach gab es zwischen dem 1. April 2013 und dem 31. Dezember insgesamt 11.779 gravierende Verstöße gegen Kinder, darunter deren Rekrutierung durch Kämpfer sowie deren Inhaftierung wegen Verbindungen zu den jeweiligen Konfliktparteien im Jemenkrieg.

(** B H K)

UN Security Council: Children and armed conflict in Yemen - Report of the Secretary-General (S/2019/453)

Children did not start the war in Yemen, but they are paying the highest price. Throughout the reporting period, children in Yemen suffered the consequences of being exposed to a horrific war. All parties to the conflict have obligations under international humanitarian and international human rights law to protect children. Yet, children were exposed to brutal violence in their homes, in schools, in hospitals, at community events and in playgrounds – all of which are places where they should be afforded protection.

The United Nations verified 11,779 grave violations against children in Yemen during the reporting period. Killing and maiming was the most prevalent violation, primarily as a result of air strikes (47 per cent of the total number of incidents) and ground fighting (40 per cent). The recruitment and use of children remained considerably underreported, despite the high numbers of verified instances of their recruitment and use, primarily owing to security threats and the fear of retribution against monitors and communities. Schools and hospitals continued to be indiscriminately attacked and used for military purposes. Sexual violence also remained underreported owing to the stigmatization associated with that violation. Attacks against humanitarian facilities and personnel, as well as a lack of medical supplies, have been a constant characteristic of the conflict in Yemen.

The monitoring and reporting of grave violations against children remained severely constrained as a result of security threats and access restrictions, posing significant and progressively increasing challenges to the effective verification and reporting of grave violations against children in Yemen.

The country task force on monitoring and reporting in Yemen, which was established in 2013, has faced significant challenges in monitoring, verifying and reporting grave child rights violations in areas of active fighting. Gathering information related to the recruitment and use of children by all parties to the conflict in areas under the respective control of those parties was particularly difficult, as monitors feared and faced reprisals such as arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, having been subject to such threats and intimidations should incidents of the recruitment and use of children be publicly reported. In some instances, monitors have been deprived of their liberty on the basis of allegations of providin g intelligence to the opposing parties. = c

and abridged media report:


(** B H K)

Ultimately, Only Peace Can Deter Violations Against Children in Yemen – SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict

The report presents horrendous figures with a total of 11,779 grave violations against children committed by all parties to conflict in Yemen as verified by the United Nations, but the reality is likely harsher, as monitoring in Yemen has been an increasingly difficult task. Furthermore, in the last five years, parties to the conflict have shown a blatant disregard for their obligations under international laws and/or disregarded the need to timely put in place the measures to protect children which they had agreed to.

“Despite some positive measures adopted by parties to conflict to protect boys and girls from grave violations, the suffering of children in Yemen has worsened during the reporting period, becoming simply appalling,” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Virginia Gamba. “It is critical that all parties to the conflict and those who can influence them prioritize peace and actively engage in the ongoing peace negotiations, making sure to put the protection of children at the core of the discussions. Since children are the most affected by conflict, peace is their best safeguard against grave violations. Ultimately, only peace can deter violations against children in Yemen.”

Throughout the reporting period, the conflict intensified exponentially; for example, between 2014 and 2015, there was a 650% increase in the number of children killed and maimed and a 500% increase in children recruited and used.

Overall, the killing and maiming of children remained the most prevalent violation with 7,508 children verified killed or maimed because of airstrikes, shelling, ground fighting, mines and unexploded ordnance or suicide attacks.

The recruitment and use of children in the reporting period remained high, with 3,034 children verified as recruited, the clear majority attributed to the Houthis (1,940). The Yemen government was also responsible for 274 cases of recruitment, mostly through a lack of livelihood opportunities and the lack of age verification mechanisms in place. An Action Plan between the UN and the Yemen Government exists since 2014 and a revitalized implementation road map has been put in place at the end of 2018.

Attacks on schools and hospitals remained high and most of the attacks (345 out of 381) led to the partial or complete destruction of the buildings. Of great concern is the verified military use of schools (258) which is higher than the number of schools attacked (244), preventing thousands of boys and girls to safe access to education over the reporting period.

Rape and other forms of sexual violence against boys and girls remained under-reported

The denial of humanitarian access to children has sharply increased during the reporting period, with catastrophic consequences for civilians deprived of life-saving assistance. =


(** B H)

UNICEF reiterates call for ending Yemen war

Basic services in Yemen are on the brink of complete collapse, the UNICEF reiterated Sunday, calling all parties to conflict and the international community to end the 4-year-old war.

The situation in Yemen is deteriorating day by day, necessitating comprehensive, long-term and multi-sectorial support for mothers and children in the country, the UN children fund warned in a report obtained by Debriefer.

Delayed payment of more than 1.25 million civil servants (including doctors, social workers and others working in the public sector) has led to closure of or lower working hours at some vital facilities like health centers, schools, water and sanitation facilities and other basic community utilities, the report read.

In addition to risks to life because of the persistent conflict, urgent challenges in the form of poverty, scarcity of food and shortage of safe drinking water continue to pose particular threat facing the most vulnerable segment in the Yemeni community; the pregnant women, newbornsand their mothers, according to the UNICEF.

24.1 million people – almost all the Yemeni population – are in need for humanitarian assistance, 1.3 million people have been displaced, 10 million Yemenis are suffering starvation, 238,000 people are living in pockets of catastrophic famine – risking their existence –and 360,000 children under 5-year-old are suffering severe malnutrition.

Only 51 percent of the all health facilities are fully functioning, although they are suffering cute shortage of medicines, equipment and staff.

The war has forced community health and obstetric care to frontline, with civilian deaths directly associated to lack of resources increasing.

Maternal death rate has severely increased during the war, from 5 deaths per day in 2013 to 13 in 2018. These mere figures have other consequences, as when a mother dies this highly increases the death risk to her children.

and also

(** B H P)

'The UAE is an invader': Yemeni fishermen bewail Emirati 'liberation'

Fishermen in Mocha tell MEE they can no longer work, with UAE naval boats firing at them and vessels from the emirate stealing their fish

After a few months, pro-government forces backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) "liberated" the coastal district in Taiz from the Houthis and displaced people from Mocha began to return to their houses, expecting to resume their regular life.

“When we arrived to our area, I found everything was changed, there were foreign and southern fighters spread everywhere, they had already stormed our houses and looted them."

The UAE, which is part of the coalition, has regularly enlisted foreign, as well as southern Yemeni fighters who back independence for the south, in its battles against the Houthis.

Abdulsalam said that the southern fighters questioned him when he arrived in Mocha and told him that he should not go towards the sea for any reason as the sea was now a red line for residents.

“That was the first bad news I heard when I returned to my house as I cannot fish anymore and I do not have any other work to do,” said Abdulsalam.

"I tried to go towards the sea, but the UAE boats shot at me and they do this with anyone who tries to sail.”

Abdulsalam said that his family is living through the worst situation of their life as they do not have any other sources of income and depend on organisations to help them with food.

“Not only me but all fishermen are struggling nowadays as the UAE deprives us from our wealth, and we are dependent only on generous people to help," he said.

“I am not a Houthi but the truth is that our life under the control of the Houthis was better than nowadays as they did not prevent us from fishing.”

While there are now no more battles in Mocha, many displaced people from the port have not returned to their houses as they do not believe they can live there amid the presence of the UAE forces.

“I am a fisherman and when I returned to Mocha I found it to be a military zone under the control of the southern and Emirati forces and we cannot fish anymore,” Sorour told MEE.

“ I do not want to live amid the fighters when there is no chance for work. The UAE exiled us from our houses to loot our wealth.”

Mocha lies on the Red Sea and is a district of Taiz, but after the southern forces participated in its liberation from the Houthis, they started to claim that the port belongs to the south and began to marginalise its original residents.

Sorour said: “The southern fighters insult us in our land and claim that Mocha belongs to the south.

“Some of the southern forces work as hands of the UAE and they help them to loot wealth anywhere, either in the south or in the north, so we hope that the south achieves independence from the north and we can return to our houses.”

“All I need is that the UAE leaves our area and allows us to practice our regular life," he said

"The UAE is an invader, not a liberator. It did not come to liberate Mocha, but to steal our wealth.”

(** B P T)

Al-Bayda’s Tribal Dynamics Continue to Elude US Counterterrorism Policy

Al-Bayda is a vast, well-armed province southeast of Sana’a with a Sunni identity, a place that is proud of its warriors and fond of poetry, where tribal solidarity is paramount. But here, when people join Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the reasons aren’t always ideological; tribal politics come into play. Over the years, Islamic militants from both the largely homegrown AQAP as well as the more often foreign fighters of Islamic State (IS) have found al-Bayda’s rough terrain provides a degree of protection. Their presence, however, has made the province a focal point for US counterterrorism efforts, including controversial “signature strikes” launched from drones to destroy any activity deemed suspicious without intelligence information confirming the target’s identity.

Precise figures for US drone strikes and their casualties are not available, but The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which has been tracking reports, confirms more than 300 strikes on Yemen, most of them believed to be from US drones, since 2002..[1]

After traveling through remote areas of Yemen researching the effectiveness of counterterrorism policies, it is clear that practices including the drone strikes, as well as the 2017 US Special Forces ground raid, are failing to undermine AQAP’s presence. They may take out individuals here and there, but the immense sense of indignation and anger in these resilient mountain communities ultimately strengthens the organization as a whole – by Farea al-Muslimi

(** B T)

An Unholy Alliance: Did the US-Backed UAE Fly ISIS Leaders into Yemen’s Killing Fields?

The de facto alliance between the U.S. with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, AQAP, and now allegedly ISIS in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history,

Ali Abdullah al-Bujairi — a Yemeni politician who served as a senior member on the failed UN-brokered transitional government and as Yemen’s ambassador to Iraq under former president Ali Abdullah Saleh — is accusing the United Arab Emirates of facilitating a transfer of ISIS officials into Yemen.

“The UAE has recently transferred an ISIL commander namely Abu Bakr al-Zokhri (with Sudanese nationality) — nom de guerre, Khaibar al-Sumali — from Iraq to Aden in Yemen to recruit and strengthen the ISIL in Yemen,” al-Bujairi told Qatari media.

Despite its loss of territory in Iraq and Syria, “ISIL is still active in ten countries in 2017,” according to the 2018 Global Terrorism Index report from the Institute for Economics & Peace.

While the Saudi-led coalition’s dealings with the Yemen affiliate of ISIS remain largely unexplored, the main partners have their own ties to al-Qaeda in the country. This unholy alliance meant to depose the Houthis, has seen the coalition, of which the supposedly democratic government of the U.S. became a member without prior authorization from Congress, work hand-in-glove with al-Qaeda.

Little is known about the presence of ISIS in Yemen, with the numbers of fighters believed to be in the low- to mid-hundreds, according to the UN Security Council. The U.S. conducted a grand total of 36 airstrikes against terrorist groups in the country in 2018, but the overwhelming majority targeted the much larger Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and the U.S. has not struck ISIS in Yemen since January 2018.

While ISIS has attacked Houthi and Shia Muslim targets in Yemen, it has no territory. AQAP, on the other hand, controls large swaths of the southeast.

While AQAP is the ostensible enemy of the United States, they appear to be a friend of a friend in the very least. In February, it was revealed that Saudi Arabia and the UAE gave U.S.-made weapons to al-Qaeda fighters in the country.

Speculation that the Saudi-led coalition was working with terrorists was finally legitimized in the mainstream media over the summer, when the Associated Press revealed that “the coalition cut secret deals with al-Qaeda fighters.

The U.S. had been fighting on two fronts in Yemen: one against Al-Qaeda, in closer partnership with the UAE; and another alongside the Saudi-led coalition, which includes the UAE, against the Houthi government. The latter was, of course, the priority.

In fact, the U.S. was “aware of an al-Qaeda presence among the anti-Houthi ranks,” AP said, citing a “senior American official.”

While the UAE is now being accused of helping to spread ISIS into new theaters of conflict, the U.S. was accused of doing the same in Afghanistan last year – by Alexander Rubinstein

(** B P)

Yemen’s Role in Moscow’s Mideast Comeback

Executive Summary

Russia, unlike many Western countries, is in direct contact with all parties to the Yemen war. It accepts the internationally recognized Yemeni government, yet does not condemn the armed Houthi movement. Russian diplomats affirm support for a unified Yemen but are willing to meet with southern separatists. Moscow rejects Saudi accusations that Iran is arming Houthi forces. At the same time, it is increasingly courting Gulf Arab monarchies, deepening its economic and defense partnerships with the Saudis and their key ally in the Yemen war, the United Arab Emirates.

Russia’s approach reflects a pragmatic shift away from the ideology-based strategies of the Soviet era that once defined its relationship with Yemen. What was once guided by communist aspirations is now based on political realities and opportunism in the hands of President Vladimir Putin. Russia’s reemergence also is an acknowledgement that stepping back from the region in the post-Soviet era left Russia poorly positioned to protect its inherited strategic and economic interests when revolutionary protests of the 2011 Arab Spring shook the geopolitical balance across the Middle East and North Africa. By engaging with all of Yemen’s internal and regional players, Moscow attempts to cast itself as a strong international mediator.

(** B P)

Film: Der neue Golfkrieg | Doku | ARTE

Zwischen 2013 und 2015 fand in den Königshäusern der drei wichtigsten Golfmonarchien ein Generationswechsel statt. Er brachte drei Männer auf den Thron, die zu den reichsten und mächtigsten der Welt gehören. Sie unterdrücken brutal jede Form von Opposition und liefern einander einen geradezu lächerlichen Ego-Krieg, der in der sensiblen Golfregion zu einer neuen Krise führte.

Kommentar: Saudis, Iran, VAE, Katar, Trump: Bestechende Analyse – unbedingt anschauen!

Wie kam es überhaupt zur derzeitigen politischen und militärischen Eskalation in der Golfregion? Krieg im Jemen, Totalblockade gegen Katar, Drohungen von und gegen den Iran. Viele Staaten in der Region rüsten massiv auf. Kann es relativ einfache Erklärungen für diese gesamte Gemengelage geben? Die folgende aktuelle Reportage beleuchtet die Thronfolge in Saudi-Arabien, Katar und den VAE, die erst in den letzten Jahren stattfand. Sie soll entscheidend sein für die aktuelle Lage am Golf. Die Analyse ist bestechend, so möchten wir es ausdrücken. Die Reportage ist absolut sehenswert. Man könnte fast lachen… es scheint hauptsächlich um einen persönlichen Wettbewerb zu geben, wer am meisten darstellt, wer international am meisten Beachtung bekommt usw. Und da wäre noch Donald Trump, der den Saudis offenbar stillschweigend einen Angriff auf Katar zubilligte, bis sein Außenminister ihn noch mal schnell darauf hinwies, dass die USA in Katar eine riesige Luftwaffenbasis unterhalten. Aber was reden wir… schauen Sie selbst!

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A P)

In accordance with Stockholm Agreement and to address salary crisis: Houthi political council has suggested Houthi Govt open an account in branch of Central Bank in Hodeidah and put revenues of #Hodeidah_seaports in it to give salaries of employees unpaid for 3 years, Saba said.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia pushing new reinforcements to Al-Tahita south of Hodeidah

(A P)

Initial agreement to resume meetings between Gov’t and Houthis’ teams

After a long suspension, there is an initial agreement to resume the meetings of the teams of Hodeida redeployment.

“Though there is an initial agreement to resume meetings, the time and place of potential meetings have not been specified”, the source added.

(* A K P)

Yemeni government presents its vision for redeployment in Hodeidah

The Yemeni government has presented its vision for the implementation of the first phase of the redeployment process in Stockholm, according to a government source.

According to the source, the government's vision of redeployment, from the ports, to overcome the differences between the United Nations and the Government about the unilateral redeployment play carried out by the Houthis in mid-May.

The government's vision, according to the al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper, quoted the government source as "the exit of al-Houthi militia from the ports and the city of Hodeidah according to a specific time agreed upon, with security to be handed over to the security forces and the Coast Guard assigned in the 2014 under Yemeni law, and dealing according to a specific mechanism in case of expiry and failure to perform. "

The government's vision also stressed "the establishment of a time frame for the exit of the militia from the ports of Hodeidah and the removal of military appearances within a specified time period, and dealing with a certain mechanism after the expiry of the planned period, not like in the past."

My comment: The Hadi government simply wants to take over control of Hodeodah port and city by bringing in charge ist personel. But, according to the agreement, Hodeidah should be demilitarized, not de-Houthized.

(A K pH)

Aggression Mercenaries Commit New Violation in Hodeidah

Aggression mercenaries committed a major violation in Hodeidah following an attack that was foiled in Tahita, a military source told Almasirah Net on Sunday.

The source pointed out that a creep of the aggression mercenaries was encountered south of Tahita, killing and injuring a number of them.

(A K pH)

7 Civilians Wounded, Including Child, Two Women, by US-Saudi Artillery Shells in Hodeidah

Seven civilians were wounded, including a child and two women, and a house was destroyed by US-Saudi artillery shelling that targeted residential areas in Hodeidah.

Almasirah Net correspondent reported that the aggression mercenaries targeted by artillery shells residential neighborhoods in 7 yolio area and 50th Street, on Sunday night, injuring seven citizens, including a child and two women.

(A K pH)

Al-Houthi confirms invasion of Hodeidah confirms coup against Stockholm Convention

The Member of the Supreme Council of the Supreme Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi on Sunday confirms that the continuation of military actions and creeping on Jablyah area in Tuhaita district emphasize that there is an intention for the coup against the Stockholm agreement, where as continued military operations in Hodeidah by the US-Saudi aggression and their mercenaries.

while the pro-Saudi/UAE side claims the opposite:

(A K pS)

Houthis launch 'large-scale' attack on Yemen's Hodeidah

Pro-governent forces said at least one soldier had been killed and one injured

Houthi rebels launched a "large-scale" attack on Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah on Sunday night, a spokesperson for the pro-government forces said.

Col Wathah Al Dubaish of the Arab coalition-supported joint forces in Hodeidah said the attack targeted their forces and at least one soldier affiliated to them was killed and another injured.

A military source in the operations room in Hodeidah told The National that it was the biggest attack since the ceasefire was announced in December 2018.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, June 30th, 2019

(A K pH)

Saudi-backed aggressors attack four children and target the United Nations headquarters in Hodeidah

The forces of aggression and their mercenaries continued to violate the cease-fire agreement in Hodeidah province, injuring four children.

A security source said that three children were wounded by an artillery shell launched by the invaders and mercenaries on the northern Al-Bayda district. A fourth child was seriously injured by an artillery shell hit by the invaders and mercenaries near the Sanabel factory.

The source confirmed that the forces of aggression targeted the United Nations headquarters in the neighborhood of Rabsa Directorate Hawk with a number of mortar shells

Photos: =


(A K pS)

Houthis mobilize forces towards al-Jabaliya, resume shelling of al-Amalika

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, 3 children were injured in Al-Hali district with artillery shell of the US-Saudi mercenaries targeted their neighborhood. A child was also injured in Al-Mena district with artillery shell. The US-Saudi mercenaries targeted commercial hangars in Al-Hali district with artillery shells. The mercenaries targeted UN building in Al-Hawk district with a number of artillery shells.

(A K pS)

Houthis renew intensive shelling of civilian homes south of Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Al-Houthi bomb Hees and Tahita and destroy the 22 May hospital in Hodeidah

Houthis militias on Friday renewed their shelling of villages, neighbourhoods and military positions in the directorates of Hees and Al-Tahita, south of the coastal city of Hodeidah, west of Yemen.

(A K pS)

Houthis shell al-Amalika positions in Hays and al-Tuhita

(A K pH)

June 28: In Hodeidah, 3 women were injured in Al-Hali district with a shell targeted their house. A child and a civilian were injured with the US-Saudi mercenaries' shells in the city. Several areas of Hodeidah city were targeted with US-Saudi mercenaries' missiles and artillery shells.

(A P)

Film: Yemenis stage protest in Hudaydah to condemn Saudi war on Yemen

(A P)

Yemeni VP: Hadi Said to Deal Positively with Lollesgaard

Yemeni Vice President confirmed Thursday that Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi’s directives stipulate joint efforts among the government field team in Hodeidah to ensure the success of head of the Redeployment Coordination Committee’s (RCC) tasks.
Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar explained that these efforts shall ensure fixing any imbalances and implementing the Hodeidah Accord as stipulated in the Stockholm Agreement and in accordance with Yemeni law and relevant UN resolutions.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(B K)

Fuad Rajeh: Houthis have continued to attack Saudi airports injuring civilians and Saudi-led coalition has continued to attack homes killing civilians. Please no one say Houthis deliberately attack civilian objects and coalition will investigate mistaken airstrikes. Both are war criminals.

(B K P)

Iran calls on Intl. Criminal Court to open probe into war crimes in Yemen

Iranian Center for International Criminal Law (ICICL) has requested the International Criminal Court Prosecutor to open preliminary investigations on war crimes committed by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen since 2015.

(B H K P)

Yemen’s war and my friend Adel

“Both sides,” was Adel’s reply. “And it is the common people who are suffering. The head of government fled the country and the Houthis grabbed all Yemen’s money and resources. They are running the country. They live lives of luxury, but that does not appear in the media. Even the assistance from the UN goes to them more than to those who are suffering.”

Yemen has a key strategic position. It is located in a strait that connects the Red Sea with the Aden gulf area. Most oil tankers of the world use this route. And that is why the western world is so desperate to keep Yemen in Saudi-US axis of control.
But the more that the unrest unfolds in the country, the more Al Qaeda and IS will raise its head in the region. And of course there is the conflict between the Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia and the Shiite Iran.

(B K)

In pics: aftermaths of ongoing war in Sanaa, Yemen

(B K)

Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict: Children and Armed Conflict Monthly Update – July 2019

This month’s update highlights children and armed conflict concerns and provides recommendations to the Security Council for the protection of children in the situations of the Central African Republic (CAR) and Libya. It also provides an update on the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and provides recommendations for its conclusion negotiations on Yemen. =

(B E H P)

World Bank Re-affirms Support for the Yemeni People and Critical Institutions

A World Bank delegation visited Aden, Yemen, today and reaffirmed its support for the Yemeni people in their development aspirations in the face of ongoing conflict.

The Bank further announced last month $400 million in new grants from IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the world’s poorest countries, to ensure that millions of vulnerable Yemenis have access to critical health and nutrition services, social welfare benefits and income opportunities.

Since 2016, IDA has provided grants to Yemen totaling US$1.76 billion to fund emergency interventions, investing in people and the institutions on which they rely for critical basic services and income support.

(* B K pH)

Road transport sector in Yemen suffered 132 million dollar loss due to aggression

Material loss and damage of road transport sector as a result of Saudi-led coalition systematic targeting over a four-year period, amount to more than 132 million dollars, according to a report issued by the Land Transport Regulatory Authority.
According to a report obtained by the Yemeni news Agency Saba, “the damage and losses occurred by the Head Office and the headquarters of its branches and land ports from the bombing of the aggression amounted to 6 million dollars, despite being civilian facilities, criminalized by international law to be targeted.”

(A K P)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifi War Life

Yemen & Regional Update & Breaking News by Hassan Al-Haifi 29 June 2019

(A K P)

West must be held accountable for massacre in Yemen

Iranian Minister of Defense (MoD) Brigadier General Amir Hatami said on Friday that the Western countries, with their false claims on defending human rights, must be held accountable for their arms assistance in the killing of innocent people in Yemen.

(* B H K P)

Das sind die Gründe für den Schrecken im Jemen

Der andauernde Krieg im Jemen zwingt Millionen Menschen zur Flucht, die Versorgungslage ist katastrophal. Nun stoppt die UN Teile ihrer Lebensmittellieferungen – weil viele nie ihr Ziel erreichen. Das liegt nicht nur an den Rebellen.

Die Entscheidung des WFP erfolgte, nachdem Huthi-Rebellen Abmachungen zur Sicherung und Kontrolle von Lieferungen, auch nach Appellen der Organisation, nicht eingehalten hatten.

Die Huthis bestritten das bislang. Das Welternährungsprogramm solle aufhören, „verdorbene Lebensmittel“ zu liefern, und stattdessen Geld schicken, sagte ein Rebellenführer zu einer regionalen Nachrichtenagentur. Sowohl die Huthis als auch die Regierung blockierten bereits öfter Lieferungen in Gebiete, die sie als feindlich betrachten.

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen hänge auch von der Entwicklung des Konflikts zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien ab, sagt Saudi-Arabien-Experte Sebastian Sons.

Durch Spannungen zwischen Riad und Teheran spitze sich auch die Lage im Jemen zu, weshalb erneute Friedensverhandlungen in nächster Zeit unwahrscheinlich seien.

Mein Kommentar: Die Rolle des Westens wird hier extrem heruntergespielt.

(* B E H)

Illegal drug trade in war-torn #Yemen is underreported. This business is thriving. The authorities have seized large quantities in the past few years, but there is not much information about cartels and where drugs come from and how. Yemen has been under blockade for five years.

(* A K P)

U.S. says Saudi pipeline attacks originated in Iraq: Wall Street Journal

Drone attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil industry in May originated in Iraq, not Yemen, U.S. officials have concluded, drawing questions from Iraqi officials who have asked Washington for more information supporting the claim, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence on the May drone attacks say they originated in southern Iraq, the Journal reported, saying that most likely pointed a finger at Iran-backed militias in that region.

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis, who have been battling a Saudi-led military coalition for four years, said they carried out the drone strikes against the East-West pipeline.

The State Department declined to comment on the report.

At a weekly news conference on Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi denied the attacks could have come from Iraqi territory.

referring to (paywalled)

My comment: This is a strange conspiracy theory, when reconsidering Houthis‘ frequent drone attacks. – By claims like this one, the US is heading towards war against Iran.

Comment by Maher Farukh: This raises some interesting questions on the level, and method, of coordination that exists between the #Houthi movement and #Iran-backed groups in Iraq, if confirmed. Houthi officials have met with Iranian-backed groups in Baghdad in the past but nothing like this before.

(* B K P)

‘This Is Popular Resistance’: US War With Iran Spells Victory for Houthis in Yemen

If the US goes to war with Iran, the biggest losers will be the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, an Iranian scholar told Sputnik Wednesday. With the Houthis on the offensive already, an Iranian attack on Saudi infrastructure in the early hours of the war would open the door to Houthi invasion.

Mohammad Marandi, an expert on American studies and postcolonial literature who teaches at the University of Tehran, told Radio Sputnik’s Loud and ClearWednesday that as the US and Saudi Arabia have had Yemen under an effective state of siege for years, there has been “really no way for Iran to give them substantial support.”

“My assumption is that Iran does give them support, but that support is almost nothing compared to what the Saudis have and what the Emiratis have. It would be almost nothing in comparison.”

“There would be chaos in these countries,” Marandi noted. “Therefore, it’s not simply Iran. If the United States thinks they can wage a war against Iran and that it will be something manageable, they are deeply mistaken.”

(B K P)

Iran: West Involved in War-Crimes against Yemen

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said on Friday that the Western countries involved in selling arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE will be held responsible in the history for war crimes in Yemen.

The continuation of the killing of innocent people of region, specially the oppressed people of Yemen, with Western weapons is another evidence of criminal acts committed by these governments which will go down in the history, he underlined.

(B K P)

Hussain al-Bukhaiti: Yemeni Schools Targeted in Saudi-Led War, Saudis Removed from Children Killers List by UN Twice!

Hussain al-Bukhaiti, Yemeni journalist and commentator, says Saudi Arabia “bought” the votes of the UNSC’s permanent members to legitimize the war on Yemen, and avoid the consequences of the war crime it committed in the impoverished Arab country.

In an exclusive interview with FNA, the Yemeni journalist shed light on how the West benefits from selling, maintaining and refueling the weapons Saudi-led coalition uses, saying, “The coalition is like a rich man that provides the money to buy weapons and its operators… Trump is still supporting the war because the USA is making billions of dollars as profits from the war.”

A: There is no doubt the coalition weapons are accurate: because it is not the Saudi or UAE servicepersons who choose the targets or provide logistics or intelligence information about those targets; but like maintenance and refueling, the intelligence is provided by the US, the UK and France, as it is included in the purchase contracts of the weapons. Therefore, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are buying the intelligence from Washington, London and Paris; it is difficult to believe they could not have distinguished between a school building and a military target.

Q: Why is the world silent?

A: One may wonder why the coalition deliberately targets civilians! It is because they have no fear of killing Yemenis as long as they control the mainstream media. So, the world does not learn about the coalition’s atrocities as the media has not reported such an act of ethnic cleansing. =

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A H P)

Amira died after her health worsened & inability of her parents to treat her abroad due to Saudi/UAE siege & closure of Sanaa airport (photo)

and more details

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

#SFDisDifferent in building efficient work mechanisms and learning from lesson. The Roads and Bridges Corporation created this road in ​​AlShuriq #Razih #Yemen and in other 35 sites in #Saada building on the SFD developed #community_based_contracting mechanism (photos)

(* B H)

Film: Human Rights Counsil - The health situation in Yemen

This film is part of a presentation at the 41th session of the UN Human Rights Council on The Situation of Health in Yemen, 25.06.2019 in Geneva.

Dieser Film ist Teil einer Präsentation bei der 41 Sitzung des UN-Menschenrechtsrates zum Thema Die Situation der Gesundheit im Jemen am 25.06.2019 in Genf.

(* B H P)

As Yemen Starves, International Aid Agencies Play Politics With Food

Yemeni authorities are accusing some international aid agencies of playing politics with food aid, correctly pointing our that financiers of the organizations are the very same countries participating in the war on Yemen.

Last week, the World Food Program (WFP) announced it had partially suspended operations in northern Yemen, where 14 million people have been pushed to the brink of starvation, accusing Houthi forces of diverting the aid, a charge the Houthis adamantly deny.

NAMCHA has accused the WFP program of corruption and said the aid group is exploiting aid for political purposes. The agency has raised concerns that a biometric system that uses iris scanning, fingerprints and facial recognition could easily be exploited by the Saudi-led Coalition.

The Houthis claim that there is a precedent in which the Coalition used the WFP as cover to occupy some areas. The Coalition reportedly seized the strategic Red Sea Port of Mukha, situated 346 kilometers south of Sana’a, in December 2017, claiming the move was necessary to protect WFP shipping containers filled with humanitarian aid in the port city.

Abdul Mohsen Dawoos, the head of NAMCHA, said that World Food Program asked for detailed biometric data for more than 13 million people, including civilians and military and security personnel. The request included biometric data from important military personnel who are involved in Yemen’s domestic ballistic missile programs, raising fears from Sana’a authorities that the data would be transferred to Saudi Coalition forces.

NAMCHA has called on the UN, the WFP, and all international aid organizations to shoulder their responsibilities towards the sufferings of the Yemeni people and to continue to provide assistance without being subject to extortion by donor nations. The agency pointed out that amongst the largest donors and financiers of the WFP are the very same countries participating in the war on Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE and supported by the United States.

To many Yemenis, the suspension of aid is no accident. The scant food aid provided by the United Nations, which millions of Yemenis rely on for their daily sustenance, often doesn’t reach people until it is already expired — by that time often crawling with worms and cockroaches.

Regardless of who is to blame, the suspension of aid is sure to make the humanitarian situation in Yemen worse.

(A H)

Reports from #Hodeidah say 10 newborns have died as a heatwave is hitting this coastal city in west Yemen. Healthcare system is collapsing and there is no electric power. Perhaps you know Yemen has been without power since Saudi-led coalition launched a bombing campaign in 2015.

(B H)


ADRA ist im Jemen eine der größten Hilfsorganisationen. Wir sind in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Nahrung, Wasserversorgung und Hygiene aktiv und versorgen Menschen im ganzen Land. Die Hilfsgüter beziehen wir Teilweise aus dem Jemen selbst und importieren medizinische Hilfsgüter über den Seeweg. Die Versorgung mit Hilfsgütern ist in einer schwierigen Situation zurzeit noch gewährleistet.

Die Mehrheit der Menschen im Jemen kämpft jeden Tag ums Überleben. Mit Ihrer Spende geben Sie Hoffnung, gerade den Kindern.

(A H)

Father Kills His Own Daughters out of Destitution

Ali Abdullah Al Nuaimi, father of three young females, has drowned his daughters to death in a water tank in rebel-held capital Sana’a due to not being able to provide a decent life for his family.

Eyewitnesses said the father justified his crime saying that he could not bear to see his own daughters go homeless and decided to put an end to the misery they had been facing.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 28 June 2019

On 23 June, UNHCR Field Office Ibb held a meeting with local authorities concerning 29 out of the 248 schools in Ibb and Taizz governorates that are currently being occupied by Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). UNHCR conducted an assessment last month in which most of the IDPs expressed a wish to relocate elsewhere.

UNHCR Field Office Sana’a and Hudaydah conducted a three-day mission to the northern governorate of Hajjah, Abs district

The household/core-relief item (CRI) distribution for 2,000 IDP families in eastern Kitaf wa Al Boqe’e district of Sa’ada governorate,

(A H)

Four displaced children, all brothers, were killed by snake bites in Yemen's Hodeidah province Thursday. Activists circulated photos of their tent shelter which was made of clothes or something like that. Their family fled war but no one came to help, at least with a real tent.

(* B H)

The Road from Yemen: Part 2 - Retracing the Steps of the Displaced

Kos, Greece: ‘There are no bombs here, but we are dying every minute’

Unlike many of the people we interviewed in Berlin, those we spoke to on Kos had all left Yemen very recently, panicked by the chaotic fog of war. And in contrast to the 252,000 new internal displacements in Yemen that IDMC recorded in 2018, these asylum seekers had been forced to, or had to the resources to, escape abroad. Many had fled direct threats to their lives, others for fear of forced recruitment. Some were less clear about their precise reasons for leaving, but said: “Yemenis have lost their lives, their property, their dignity and their souls.” =

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: Cross Border Movements - Somalia (May 2019)

5,715 to Yemen

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthi militia kills truck driver refuses to pay money as illegal taxes

Local sources told September Net that, the Houthi checkpoint intercepted a truck, derived by Abdullah Muthanna Al-Sulti, in Al-Sheria district, and demanded payment of money.

The citizen refused the request of the militia, and militia shot and killed him immediately

(A P)

USCIRF Calls on Houthi Court in Yemen to Overturn Death Sentence for Religious Prisoner of Conscience Hamid bin Haydara

Andy Khawaja, Commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), today called on the Houthi appellate court to overturn the death sentence, to drop all charges, and to release religious prisoner of conscience Hamid bin Haydara at tomorrow’s hearing. A member of Yemen’s Baha’i community, Mr. Haydara was sentenced to death in January 2018 on charges that include apostasy.

(A P)

Houthis intensify abduction of civilians in Saadah

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels have intensified their arrest campaigns against civilians in the area of Razeh of Saadah governorate.

Local sources affirmed that the Houthis restored what is called “the hostage system” which was practiced during the Imamate rule before the 1962 revolution.

Under to the hostage system, one persons is taken from powerful families and be held inside houses of rulers with the aim of guaranteeing that these families do not rebel or oppose ruling regime.

(A P)


Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi on Sunday called on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to condemn crimes and violations committed against prisoners in prisons of Saudi-led coalition mercenaries.

During his meeting in Sanaa with Director of Operations at ICRC headquarter in Geneva Dominik Stillhart, who is currently visiting Yemen, al-Houthi demanded that the Committee should have a great role in protecting the prisoners from torture, slaughter and murder and addressing their issue.

My comment: Why does he not care for prisoners in Houthi prisons? They are not treated batter at all. This statement is hypocrisy. Look:

(A P)

Al-Houthi opens new secret prison under Dhamar General Hospital containing 80 prisoners

The Houthi group in Dhamar province opened a new secret prison under the general Hospital "Downtown".

Informed sources said that the group had turned several places in the hospital, including the "basement " into secret prisons.

They confirmed that some 80 abductees from several Yemeni governorates were being held by the militias in the detention facility, which is under tight security guards.

(A P)

Yemen [Sanaa government] denounces Saudi mercenaries obstructions at occupied governorates airports

Yemen's Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced the continued refusal of Saudi Aggression mercenaries to deal with the documents issued from the capital Sana'a at airports and land ports in the occupied governorates and obstructing the movements of Yemeni citizens.

(A P)

Hodeidah Exposes Saudi-led Aggression to Fail Stockholm’s Agreement

The member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Al-Houthi, accused the aggression of "settling the intentions of the coup against the Swedish agreement", citing the attack by the US-Saudi aggression and mercenaries, on Sunday, on Al-Jabaleah area in At-tohayta district in Hodeidah. He, also,described Trump as "a man who milks the Gulf states and not a man of war."

(A H P)

Prime Minister praises UN efforts

Prime Minister Abdul Aziz Saleh bin Habtour on Saturday hailed the great efforts made by the UN humanitarian coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande, to alleviate the suffering of Yemeni people.

(A K P)

Four children abducted & sent to warfronts by Houthi militia in Amran

(A P)

Mohammed Abdul alsalam “Head of the national negotiating delegation”: “we cherish to defend the case of the Ummah case in the time of submission to Zionist-American project” 23-06-2019

(A P)


Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on Thursday, said that the slogan of al-Sarkha (Scream) was launched at the peak of American attack on the region.

“The Qur’anic project and Al-Sarkha in the face of the arrogant powers came as a result of the existence of a threat and a real danger to our Islamic nation,” said Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi in a televised speech aired by Al-Masirah Channel on the occasion of the annual anniversary of the launch of al-Sarkha (Ansaraullah’s slogan).

Al-Houthi pointed out that Americans had invested September 11 attacks to the maximum extent they could to act with destructive plans towards the Islamic nation.

The enemy had worked by all means to penetrate the entity of the nation and to influence in its internal status, he added.

(A P)

Sources reveal the fate of the Houthi leader Babiker and Abdul Hafiz al-Saqqaf..

An informed source said that Abdul Hafiz al-Saqqaf, appointed by al-Houthi militia as director of Ibb Province Security, is being investigated in Sanaa by Houthi leaders.

According to the source, al-Houthi leader Babiker Shaker Babiker handed himself over to the Houthis designated Governor of Ibb Abdul Wahid Salah, who in turn handed him over to the Houthi leadership and transferred him to Sana'a and is currently detained by the Houthi authorities in Sanaa and is being investigated.

On the same subject, the sources confirmed the group's detention of 46 loyalists of the Houthi leader Abdul Hafiz al-Saqqaf, most of them military personnel and officers, while the Houthis preventive security forces led by the military supervisor of militias Abu Ali al-Ayyani, took control of the security apparatus in Ibb Province, which was under Management of Al-Saqqaf.

(A P)

Houthi Mufti: UN staff members are “agents and spies.”

(A P)

Yemen Condemns Bahrain Conference To Target Palestine Cause

Yemen’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday strongly condemned a conference held by the United States in Bahrain in an attempts to target the Palestinian cause and normalize with the Zionist entity.

The ministry in a statement said Bahrain conference comes to recognize the deal century, which targets the Palestinian people and its cause and exchange of Palestinian rights with money.


(A P)


The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has described the recent US-led conference in Bahrain in support of President Donald Trump’s controversial proposal for “peace” between the Israeli regime and Palestinians as a treacherous event.

and more:


(A P)

Yemenis outcrying in Sanaa against Kushner’s Manama meeting! (photos)

(A P)

Yemenis Commemorate The Annual Anniversary of their Slogan

Yemenis have taken to the streets of the northern city of Sa’ada to commemorate the annual anniversary of their slogan ,to protest against the Saudi-led war on their country and to condemn the United States’ support for the aggression.

and also

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)

Shabwah ..Army officer killed in mysterious circumstances

(A P)

Al-Gbwani requests the President to transfer the headquarters of "Yemenia " from Sanaa to Aden

Transport Minister Saleh Al-Gabwani called on President Hadi to issue a decision to relocate the headquarters of Yemenia airlines from Sanaa to Aden and to attach it administratively and legally to the Ministry of Transport.

Al-Gbwani pointed out that the company's financial and administrative center is still in Sana'a "and repeatedly asked us to transfer it to Aden, but the company's management rejects our demands

(A P)

Yemeni government prints 1 million passports

(B P)

Governor of Abyan: Before March 2017 Al Qaeda controlled Abyan

He gave a brief overview of what it had suffered since its war with terrorist groups in 2011 and the exodus of more than 30,000 civilians. People had to leave because their homes were destructed as well as the power stations, water tanks and most of the government institutions and public services including the destruction of 76 schools and most of the health facilities.
General Abubakar Hussain, said the Houthi invasion in 2015 and the subsequent activity of the terrorist groups in 2016, made it impossible to reside or work in the governorate.
The victory in March 2017 over terrorism marked the beginning of stability in the governorate

(A P)

Yemeni Former FM Reveals Reason Behind His Resignation

He said in an interview with Al-Arabiya that his decision was due to comments he had made on the Foreign Ministry’s performance.
“Without Saudi Arabia’s support, the Yemeni government would not have been able to do its job,” he was quoted as saying.
He accused the Iran-backed Houthi militias of not wanting to reach an agreement because of Iran.

He also pointed out that the UN has made serious mistakes in the Yemeni issue, in reference to treating the legitimate Yemeni government and Houthi militias on equal basis.

My comment: Resignation based on propaganda? Iran has nothing to do with all this. – If an intermediary does not treat both sides equal, he will fail. Actually, the UN is biased in favor of the Hadi government, accepting only this government as „legitimate“.

(* B P)

Film by Press TV Iran: The UAE about to accomplish its plan to take over Socotra in Yemen


(A P)

Massive protest denies informal military forms in Socotra

Massive protest on Sunday took into streets of the southern governorate of Socotra in support of Yemen’s legitimate government.

The protest raised slogans which called for banning the creation of any military forms inside Socotra, stressing that the creation of illegal military forms will stir up strife and seditions.

The protesters called tribal leaders and dignitaries to unify, shoulder their responsibilities and maintain the social fabric.

Governor of Socotra Ramzi Mahrous spoke to the protesters, asserting that the local authorities of Socotra refuse any military forms outside the Yemeni army and security services.

Mahrous said that the military forms which have been recently created in Socotra pose threats to people of Socotra.


(A P)

Today, a mass demonstration was staged in Yemen's #Socotra island in support of government, national unity and sovereignty, and to reject division and foreign projects destabilising the island. Protestors carried photos of president Hadi, and chanted "Socotra is a Yemeni land"!


(A P)

STC opens its office in Canada

he Southern Transition Council continues its expansion around the globe, within the framework of its efforts to convey the Southern cause to all the international forums.
The vice president of the STC General Department of Foreign Affairs, Mohammed al-Ghaithi tweeted that "at this moment, the opening ceremony of the STC office for foreign affairs is taking place in Canada."

(A P)

Yemeni ambassador to Russia assaults protesting officers in the embassy and calls police to dismiss them

Yemen's ambassador to Russia Ahmed Salem AL-Wahashi on Thursday assaulted Yemeni officers who were protesting inside the embassy and summoned police to dismiss them from the building.

(* A B P)

Emirates Leaks Documents A New UAE Strategy In Yemen War

Reliable sources have revealed that the de facto ruler of the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed, has adopted a new strategy for the country in its war on Yemen, which is based on showing a tactical retreat with greater reliance on armed militias.

Sources told Emirates Leaks that close associates of bin Zayed deliberately leaked news to the Reuters Global News Agency that Abu Dhabi reduced its military presence in Yemen by reducing the number of troops in the country.

The sources pointed out that bin Zayed move aims to reduce public anger and official aggression of the UAE in Yemen and push the strengthening of the militias of Abu Dhabi scattered in different parts of Yemen.

Reuters quoted a senior UAE official as saying that the move did not represent a redeployment of UAE troops in Yemen.

In a search for the reasons behind withdrawing the UAE part of its forces in Yemen, a Yemeni government official said this could be a tactic by which Abu Dhabi is trying to improve its image apparently after the calls by Yemeni officials and popular pressure to end the role of the UAE in the Saudi-UAE alliance.

The UAE official said that the UAE is also seeking to leave the door open to its other tools that it supports in Yemen such as the Transitional Council, the security belt and the elite forces in order to continue the escalation of the biggest update of what has happened in the last weeks in Shabwa and Socotra of acts of sabotage and demonstrations against the legitimate government.

On the other hand, Yemeni political analyst Yassin al-Tamimi believes that the reduction of the UAE forces in Aden and the west coast of the country is linked to fears of possible escalation with Iran.

Hashem stresses that Abu Dhabi is under tremendous internal pressure to stop its foreign policy, led by the rulers and sheiks of the rest of the UAE.

“The ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, has repeated more than once in recent times about the impact of bad decisions on the economy at the same time that the rest of the UAE is angry because most of the people killed in the war in Yemen are from their sons, not from Abu Dhabi, which makes them real pressure for their return.”

Al-Dahab added that there is a high expectation of a violent battle inside Aden, which is why the Emiratis are considering withdrawing their forces from the city for fear of being involved in any confrontation and liable to retaliate against anyone.

The military expert ruled out that the pullout would have to do with the recent tension in the region between America and Iran, because the limited UAE forces in Yemen, mostly newly recruited and without sufficient expertise, will not affect their presence very much.


(* A P)

UAE reported not to be reducing forces in Yemen after all

A military official in the Yemeni army [part of Sanaa govrenment] revealed on Saturday that the UAE forces, which are participating in the Saudi-led coalition aggression, are preparing to carry out a massive military operation in southern Yemen, denying the news that the UAE has reduced its military presence in Yemen.

The official said in statement that the commander of the invasion and occupation forces, Brigadier General Rashid al-Ghafli, visited the mercenaries’ camps in several southern provinces in the framework of preparing for military escalation on various fronts.

The UAE leadership in the Saudi-led aggression coalition has announced a reduction in its military presence in Yemen, but an unnamed UAE official later told the London-Al-Arab newspaper that the UAE forces were still in Yemen.


(A P)

UAE remains fully committed to the military coalition

The United Arab Emirates denied reports on scaling down its military presence in Yemen that meant to fight as part of the Arab Coalition against the pro-Iran Houthi putschist group and extremist organizations.
“It is true that there have been some troop movements ... but it is not a redeployment from Yemen,”


(* A P)

Reuters: Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate reduzieren Militärpräsenz im Jemen

Demnach sollen drei Diplomaten gesagt haben, dass Abu Dhabi vorziehe, seine Streitkräfte und Ausrüstung zur Hand zu haben, falls die Spannungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und dem Iran nach den Angriffen auf die Öltanker im Golf von Oman und dem Abschuss einer US-Drohne durch Teheran weiter zunehmen sollten.

„Es stimmt, dass es einige Truppenbewegungen gegeben hat, … aber es handelt sich nicht um einen Abzug aus dem Jemen“, sagte ein hochrangiger Vertreter der Emirate gegenüber Reuters. Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate seien weiterhin der Militärkoalition verpflichtet und „werden im Jemen kein Vakuum hinterlassen“.

und auch

(* A P)

Exclusive: UAE scales down military presence in Yemen as Gulf tensions flare

The United Arab Emirates, a key member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen, is scaling back its military presence there as worsening U.S.-Iran tensions threaten security closer to home, four western diplomatic sources said.

The UAE has pulled some troops from the southern port of Aden and Yemen’s western coast, two of the diplomats said, areas where the Gulf state has built up and armed local forces who are leading the battle against the Iran-aligned Houthi group along the Red Sea coast.

My comments: The reports are contradictory. Others tell UAE roops are occupying new sites at Aden.

Comment by Katherine Zimmerman: #UAE reposturing also related to a transition in its role in the anti-Houthi fight. Moving toward advise/assist #Yemen forces along Red Sea as Yemenis assume command

#UAE officials made clear that counterterrorism line of effort in #Yemen would endure.

Comment: If needed the UAE can always send troops back to #Yemen, where #AbuDhabi has built strong local allies with tens of thousands of fighters among southern separatists and coastal plains fighters, diplomats said

Comment by Fatima Alasrar: This is big but remains ambiguous. Pro UAE analysts say it's not significant, pro-Islah folks are reporting it as huge, #Houthis a victory. Exactly how many #UAE troops are there in #Yemen? Where? How many withdrew? All info I received was conflicted.


(* A P)

UAE reduces military forces in Yemen amid Gulf tensions: Report

It was unclear exactly how many troops had been drawn down.

A western diplomat said the UAE withdrew "a lot" of forces from Yemen over the last three weeks.

"It is true that there have been some troop movements ... but it is not a redeployment from Yemen," a senior Emirati official was quoted as saying. He added the UAE remains fully committed to the military coalition and "will not leave a vacuum" in Yemen.

Asked whether tensions with Iran were behind the move, the Emirati official said the troop movement was related to a ceasefire in Yemen's main port city of Hodeidah, now held by the Houthis, under a UN-led peace pact reached last December.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Yemeni government confirms its intention to correct peace process track

Deputy Foreign Minister of Yemen Ambassador Mohammad Alhadhrami stressed that the legitimate government's approach in his country will focus on correcting the peace process track in line with what was agreed upon. He added that this will be achieved by re-engaging positively with the efforts of the UN envoy.
In a meeting in Riyadh with the British Ambassador to Yemen Fiona Walker, Ambassador Hadhrami reiterated the government's rejection of Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia-announced withdrawal from the port of Hodeidah, according to official Yemeni news agency.

My comment: Rushing „Return to Go“.


(A P)

Yemen's government to resume talks with the UN

Talks stopped after President AbduRabbuh Mansour Hadi accused special envoy Martin Griffiths of siding with Houthi rebels

The United Nations Redeployment and Co-ordination Committee, which is monitoring the withdrawal of forces from Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah, is to resume talks with the government this week.

Communication had been frozen for weeks after President AbduRabbuh Mansour Hadi accused special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths of siding with the Houthi rebels. He said the rebels had handed control of the port to forces loyal to them under the UN-brokered deal, to which Mr Griffiths had turned a blind eye.

Yemen’s Vice President Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar and Mr Griffiths met last Wednesday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – where the president is in exile – after which the Yemeni government said the RCC could resume its work.

(A P)

Lavrov meets Griffiths to discuss crisis in Yemen

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths in Moscow on Monday, to hold consultations on the Yemeni crisis.

During the meeting, Lavrov expressed support for the UN mission in Yemen

(A P)

Griffiths resumes his tasks in Russia, UAE, Oman next week

The Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths starts a new round of negotiations on peace in Yemen.
Griffiths will visit Russia, UAE and Oman next week to move forward the peace process in Yemen.

and also

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

20% der Frauen in Saudi-Arabien sind genitalverstümmelt

Neueste Untersuchungen des British Medical Journal haben ergeben, dass fast jede fünfte Frau und jedes fünfte Mädchen in Saudi-Arabien eine weibliche Genitalverstümmelung (FGM) durchleiden musste. ‚Das ist eine hohe Quote,‘ sagt die MENA-Beraterin der in London ansässigen Frauenrechtsorganisation Equality Now, Suad Abu-Dayyeh. ‚Wir wussten, dass FGM in Saudi-Arabien praktiziert wird, aber nicht, in welchem Ausmaß.‘ Diese Praxis steht in Verbindung mit der praktizierten Früh- und Zwangsheirat, da die Mädchen normalerweise zwischen 10 und 13 Jahren beschnitten werden, um sich auf ihren Ehemann vorzubereiten’, sagte Abu-Dayyeh gegenüber MEMO. ‚Es wird angenommen, dass dies die Attraktivität eines Mädchens steigert, es daran hindert, sich sexuell zu betätigen oder außerhalb der Ehe schwanger zu werden.‘

(* A B P)

Film: Khashoggi may not have been high on the agenda during talks between Trump and Bin Salman. The US President said he had discussed other issues with the Crown Prince, including reforms in Saudi Arabia.
Now this raises the question about the reforms. Has there been any, and to what extent have the Saudis benefited?

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia appears to be losing support in the West

The cozy relationship between Saudi Arabia and the West is under intense pressure.

"What you see is that both in the United States and Britain, public opinion, with some political weight, is really starting to question the support of both countries for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen,"

Black, one of four guests on the program, said the murder of Khashoggi has also played a role in the backlash.

Mohsen Milani, the executive director of the University of South Florida’s Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies, said the vote against the arms sales in the U.S. Senate is indicative of a weakening of the historical bipartisan American support for Saudi Arabia.

My comment: Really? Look at

(A E P)

Japan's Abe offers Saudi crown prince help in reducing oil dependency

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts to reduce its dependence on oil and promised Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that Japan will help the kingdom with a sweeping reform plan.

My comment: It’s all about money.

(A P)

Saudi diplomat 'paid domestic Filipino worker 63p an hour, put buzzer around her neck and fed her leftovers'

Filipino woman claims she had to work from 7am to 11.30pm with no rest breaks or time of

(A P)

Saudi authorities assign Tuesday 2/7/2019 for a trial session of Dr. Hassan Farhan al-Malki, who has been under arbitrary detention since September 2017 with no legal reasons.

(A E P)

Russia agrees with Saudi to extend OPEC deal by 6-9 months: Putin

and also

(* A P)

G20 leaders welcome Saudi prince despite Yemen and Khashoggi murder criticism

For many he’s an international pariah, but you wouldn’t know it by the lavish reception Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has received at the G-20 summit this week.

He beamed as he stood front and center, sandwiched between U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for a group photo Friday. He exchanged an impish grin as he sat down next to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He posed with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and a group of flag-waving kids ahead of an earlier signing ceremony for $8 billion in deals.


My comment: Shameful.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia's hometown ambitions could clip wealth fund's wings

and also

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(A P)

G20: May asks Saudi prince for transparency in Khashoggi case

Prime minister urges open legal process over murder and raises Yemen concerns

The prime minister held a bilateral meeting with Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday at what will be May’s final global summit before she steps down in July.

A senior government official said May had called for an open and transparent legal process in the case of the Saudi journalist who was murdered in Istanbul – and underlined the importance of the relationship between the UK and Saudi Arabia.

My comment: LOL. – May is one of MBS’s strongest backers.

(A P)

Turkey's Erdogan says Saudi crown prince must uncover Khashoggi murderers

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman must uncover the killers of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday, adding that some aspects of the murder were still being hidden.

(* B P)

Why Saudis got away with murder

The idea of getting away with pretending that Khashoggi walked out of the consulate in one piece, followed by expressions of confected concern by Riyadh over his subsequent ‘disappearance’, is mind boggling.

The Turkish authorities — who initially milked the murder for all it was worth, then stepped back after Recep Tayyip Erdogan got what he wanted out of Saudi Arabia — shared only brief excerpts from the audio recorded inside the consulate with the special rapporteur, who was not allowed to make copies of it or take notes.

Nothing much will come of the UN’s Kha-shoggi investigation, given that the US and the UK, in their hostility towards Iran, have closely allied themselves with even more disruptive and potentially destructive elements in the shifting sands of the Middle East.

(* B P T)

What’s behind Severely-Censored Jeddah Blasts?

After two weeks of silence, Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry finally confirmed that two blasts took place in the resort city of Jeddah west of the Arab kingdom on June 7. Mansour al-Turki, the spokesman to the Saudi interior ministry, in an interview with the Associated Press said that the security forces were investigating the incident.

Now after two weeks after the US security warning, Saudi Arabian officials make a disclosure about the happening. What is the nature of the attacks and why did Riyadh choose to be silent and cover it up?

If we seek to track the security status inside Saudi Arabia since 2011, we cannot find major terrorist attacks as effective as those conducted by extremist forces in other regional states. That is mainly because the oil-rich monarchy itself is the bastion of extremist Salafi and exporter of terrorism discourse, not its target

After Saudi Arabia announced the news about the car blasts, the interior ministry’s spokesman admitted that clandestine personal differences may have motivated the attacks. To get an understanding about why Saudi Arabia exercised silence and censored the news around the incident, we should take into account a set of points.

The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the past two years introduced to the nation a set of sham economic and social reforms in a bid to win the support of the allied Western powers and strengthen his position at home among the public.’s-behind-Severely-Censored-Jeddah-Blasts

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(A P)

Thank you so much for Protesting outside the #Saudi consulate in #LosAngeles #USA this weekend against their bloody war on our country #Yemen. You are our heroes and we love you all (photo)

(A P)

Cyclist Starts Ride from Pennsylvania to California to Raise Awareness about Crisis in Yemen

(* B P)

Backing the Bad Guys: America Is Helping To Sabotage the ‘New’ Arab Spring

What’s unfolding in Sudan, and America’s tacit role in these events, is far worse than it seems, and nearly ignored in US mainstream media. Want to get actual news on North Africa? Better tune into the BBC or Al Jazeera.

The RSF, which, incidentally, grew out of the infamous Janjaweed militia responsible for the genocide in Darfur a decade ago, has gone on a murderous rampage in the capital, Khartoum. Protesters have been thrown off bridges, shops looted, men and women raped. Just when it seemed matters could hardly get worse, well, that’s when America’s best buddies in the region stepped in. That’s right, our chums the Egyptians, Emiratis, and Saudis – all dictatorships themselves – actively back the Sudanese junta.

So what, you might ask, does the US, does President Trump, have to say about all this? Crickets, that’s what. Washington has released paltry platitudes at best and done absolutely nothing to restrain – pay attention now – its brutally dictatorial "friends" from empowering a genocidal maniac and military junta whose foot soldiers toss peaceful activists screaming from bridges to their deaths. Trump has nothing but praise for the Egyptians and Saudis – by Danny Sjursen


(A P)

Activists Storm Saudi Consulate in Texas to Protest Saudi Human Rights Violations in Yemen

(* B P)

Rand Paul: We must continue the fight against selling arms to Saudi Arabia

murders dissidents, puts millions on the edge of starvation and supports and strengthens our enemies.

One would think it would be an easy choice to not sell our weapons to such a country, but like every push for positive change in Washington, getting Congress to take a stand on this issue has been a hard-fought battle.

Last Thursday, we gained a major victory, when more than 50 senators voted to pass 22 joint resolutions of disapproval to block over $8 billion in American weapons and support primarily going to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

We simply cannot profess to want Middle East peace on one hand and fuel a deadly arms race in the region on the other.

It’s time to say “no more,” and our momentum to do just that took a major leap forward last Thursday.

(B P)

Opinion: Pro-War Democrats Are Still In Charge. Let's Clean House.

He voted for the Iraq War and against the Iranian nuclear deal. Why is Eliot Engel leading Democratic foreign policy in Congress?

(A P)

Inhofe, Senators Lead Effort for Congress to Condemn the Houthi Movement in Yemen

introduced a concurrent resolution condemning the Houthi movement in Yemen for human rights violations, violence against civilians and its ties to Iran.

My comment: A propagandistic deflection from the main problems.

(A P)

Film: Thank you @SenSanders for mentioning the #US-#Saudi led war on our country #Yemen in #DemocraticDebate2020 evening.

(A P)

Trump says he appreciates Saudi purchase of U.S. military equipment

President Donald Trump said on Saturday he appreciated Saudi Arabia’s purchase of U.S. military equipment, calling Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a “friend of mine” who had worked to open up the country with economic and social reforms

“It’s an honor to be with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, a friend of mine - a man who has really done things in the last five years in terms of opening up Saudi Arabia,”

My comment: LOL.


Comment: As soon as a reporter asked about Jamal Khashoggi, this press availability came to an abrupt and immediate end. Affection and lavish praise again from a US president for authoritarians.

(* A B P)

In Congress, a long battle over Trump’s Iran and Saudi policies looms

Progressives and libertarians tend to share a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy. El-Tayyab said his conservative counterparts are “natural allies,”

The activists, academics, and lawmakers who make up this unwritten partnership have already made a significant impact on policy in recent months.

Now, with what could be a months-long fight over the amendments in NDAA and the appropriations bill beginning, the degree to which this alliance can influence Congress to assert its foreign policy powers is set to be tested once more.

Among the most high-profile amendments being offered to the NDAA are several measures which seek to block the Trump administration from leading the U.S. into a war with Iranwithout Congressional authorization.

some lawmakers are hoping to leave no room for debate by specifically demanding Congressional authorization in language in the NDAA. On Friday, June 28, the Senate is expected to vote on a bipartisan amendment which would cut off funding for any military operations against Iran not approved by Congress after the bill’s passage.

The NDAA and the appropriations bill are considered to be “must-pass” bills because the Department of Defense cannot operate without them after the end of December.

If the Khanna amendment does make its way into the final version of the House NDAA, the Senate could be forced to vote on it as part of the reconciliation process.

(*B H P)


The separation from my mother has been too much to bear. For a long time, I had to cry myself to sleep. I have had to live without seeing my mother for 4 years. She has missed her oldest son's college graduation, her children's birthdays, and her loving husband. Like many others, she has been barred from entering this country simply because of her Yemeni nationality.

I am just one of many Yemeni-Americans robbed of seeing their family because of the Supreme Court's decision, one year ago today, to uphold Trump's Muslim ban.

cp9a US-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp9

(** B K P)

Here’s What It Would Look Like If Trump Starts a War With Iran

The simmering conflict between the United States and Iran could become a war in much the same way Ernest Hemingway once described going bankrupt: “gradually and then suddenly.” Weeks of escalating tension have left the two longtime adversaries at the brink with hard liners on both sides paving the way toward a military clash.

“Any spark in the region could set off this fire,” says Joe Cirincione, a nuclear weapons policy expert and former adviser to the State Department.

Trump clearly has no desire to mire the US in another foreign war, but surrounded by aides who are cheerleading for a confrontation with Iran, Trump’s blustering style could lead, intentionally or not, to a war more destructive and sprawling than the ones he condemned as a presidential candidate.

The simmering conflict between the United States and Iran could become a war in much the same way Ernest Hemingway once described going bankrupt: “gradually and then suddenly.” Weeks of escalating tension have left the two longtime adversaries at the brink with hard liners on both sides paving the way toward a military clash.

“Any spark in the region could set off this fire,” says Joe Cirincione, a nuclear weapons policy expert and former adviser to the State Department.

On the campaign trail, Trump frequently criticized America’s interventions in Iraq and Libya as a pointless waste of time, money, and lives—his earlier support of the Iraq invasion notwithstanding—and even described Syria in January as nothing more than “sand and death.” Trump clearly has no desire to mire the US in another foreign war, but surrounded by aides who are cheerleading for a confrontation with Iran, Trump’s blustering style could lead, intentionally or not, to a war more destructive and sprawling than the ones he condemned as a presidential candidate.

Here’s how such a conflict could start and what it might look like:

It might not take much for Iran to cross Trump’s red line—whatever that is.

These contradictions, Trump’s habit of embellishing and outright lying, and the different pressures exerted by his more hawkish advisers make it difficult to determine where he will draw a firm line regarding Iran.

It is not clear whether Trump’s red line refers to American assets or people, or whether it extends to Iran’s conventional army, its specialized Revolutionary Guards, or the proxies Tehran trains and funds across the Middle East, including the Houthi rebels in Yemen and several Shia militias in Iraq.

A conventional war isn’t likely, but if it happens, Iran has some strategic advantages.

Iran’s undisputed military strength is in its diverse and rapidly-improving array of ballistic missiles, which it has supplied frequently to its allies across the region.

A conflict could escalate to the entire region.

War with Iran by necessity would almost have to involve its regional neighbors and adversaries, including Israel, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Russia. Iranian proxies could support Tehran by targeting US troops in Iraq or continuing to use their perch in Yemen to bomb Saudi Arabia

Then there’s the economic element. Oil prices would soar if the Strait of Hormuz were closed to commercial traffic. The impact at home might not be immediately felt, but the administration would likely want to avoid a hike in gas prices right before an election year.

Trump has no exit strategy.

Trump and Pompeo have made 12 demands for Iran to meet—including ending its support for all regional proxies and halting its development of nuclear-capable missiles—which in their totality amount to what Wendy Sherman, the lead negotiator for Obama’s deal, told reporters the Iranians view as “not just regime change, but regime overthrow.” Then there is the open question of the war’s objectives: To stop a nuclear program, to attempt to force Tehran’s acceptance of all these demands, or to destroy the current regime and somehow remake the country? – by Dan Spinelli

(* B P)

Geräuschlose Auslöschung

Obwohl die USA noch keine Bomben auf den Iran abwerfen sind die Schäden infolge des Wirtschaftskriegs enorm.

Der Krieg der USA gegen den Iran findet mit kurzen Phasen der Zurückhaltung seit 1953 statt, als die CIA mit Korruption, Erpressung und Schlägertrupps eine demokratisch gewählte Regierung stürzten. Und der derzeit gegen das Land geführte Wirtschaftskrieg, in dem die USA die ganze Welt erpressen und bedrohen, schadet den Menschen im Iran in beispielloser Weise.

Und die Führung des Irans hat gesehen, wie im Vorfeld des Krieges gegen den Irak über 500.000 Kinder an den Folgen der Sanktionen starben.

Sie werden das nicht zulassen und lieber einen offenen Krieg riskieren, denn sie haben gezeigt, dass sie in der Lage sind, dem Imperium mit seiner über hundertfachen militärischen Überlegenheit (ohne die militärischen Fähigkeiten der Verbündeten Länder Israel und Saudi-Arabien zu berücksichtigen) große Schmerzen zu bereiten. Ein typischer Fall von David gegen Goliath. Nur dass David dem Goliath intellektuell und moralisch hoch überlegen ist.

Aber diese militärischen Fähigkeiten der Verteidigung nützen nichts gegen den Wirtschaftskrieg, mit dem die USA den Staat und seine Menschen quält. Und dieser Wirtschaftskrieg gleicht durchaus einem heißen Krieg. Insofern ist die Wahrnehmung in Deutschland falsch. Hier glaubt man, so lange noch keine Bomben fallen, ist alles noch im gelben Bereich. Das Gleiche gilt für den sogenannten CyberWar.

Für den Iran ist also der Krieg schon voll ausgebrochen. Aber eine Antwort mit militärischen Mitteln würde den Falken der USA einen Vorwand liefern, trotz der Gefahr eigener Verluste, eine verheerende Bombardierung des Iran zu beginnen. Andererseits kann der Iran nicht die Hände in den Schoß legen und abwarten. Aber ganz offensichtlich ist man in Teheran auch zu der Auffassung gekommen, dass Verhandlungen mit den USA sinnlos sind. Das hat schließlich der Bruch des JCPOA bewiesen, ebenso wie die zahlreichen einseitigen Kündigungen anderer Rüstungsbegrenzungs- und internationaler Verträge.

Tatsächlich könnte nur Trump den Krieg verhindern, entweder mit einem Überraschungscoup, indem er den JCPOA wieder akzeptiert, oder indem er nicht wiedergewählt wird.

(A P)

Zarif to US: Threats won’t work with Iran, try respect

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran will never give in to external pressure, advising US officials to stop threatening the Iranian nation and learn how to respect it instead.

Speaking in Tehran on Monday, Zarif said Washington’s attempt to pressure Tehran into negotiations is a direct result of the many defeats that it has conceded to Iran both in the region and on the international scene.

“We will never succumb to international pressure, and together with the people of the world, we will force them to only treat Iran with respect and never threaten an Iranian,”

(A E P)

OPEC set to extend oil supply cut as Iran endorses pact

OPEC and its allies look set to extend oil supply cuts this week at least until the end of 2019 as Iran joined top producers Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia in endorsing a policy aimed at propping up the price of crude amid a weakening global economy.

(* A P)

Senate rejects attempt to curb Trump's Iran war powers

Senators blocked an effort on Friday to restrict President Trump’s ability to go to war with Iran, handing a victory to Republicans and the White House.

Senators voted 50-40 on the proposal from Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine(Va.) and Tom Udall (N.M.) to block the president from using funding to carry out military action without congressional authorization.

Sixty yes votes would have been required to get the amendment added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). In a round of unusual procedural maneuvering, senators passed the mammoth defense bill on Thursday, but agreed to add the Kaine-Udall proposal retroactively if they could secure the votes.

Republicans, however, had appeared confident that they would be able to block it from getting added to the bill.

and also

My comment: Self-castration of parliamentarism…

(* B P)

Trump's Manufactured Crisis in Iran

Trump administration officials say they don’t want war, but they are doing everything they can create circumstances that would lead to further escalation.

If you push someone, then you can naturally expect them to push back. Nation-states are no different. They will take measures they deem appropriate to ensure their survival. Right now, Iran poses no threat to the United States. But if the Trump administration insists on continuing its maximum pressure campaign, they very well could become one—the administration has successfully created a crisis where one previously did not exist.

To justify its actions, the administration is speaking out of both sides of its mouth. Trump officials say they don’t want war, but they are doing everything they can to force the regime to its knees, inevitably prompting it to lash out, leading to further escalation.

President Trump may genuinely not want war. But he can’t have it both ways. The United States cannot continually antagonize Iran and then act surprised when the Iranian regime doesn’t heel. If the Trump administration truly doesn’t want a war with Iran, then it should drop its war-like posture – by Jarrod A.Laber

(* B P)

Am Golf gibt es genügend Pulverfässer, um die ganze Region in die Luft zu sprengen. Warum es trotzdem zu keinem Krieg kommen wird

Die USA und Iran bedrohen sich mit Worten und Waffen. Dennoch ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass deswegen ein Krieg am Persischen Golf ausbricht. Trump neigt nicht zu militärischen Abenteuern, und die Machthaber in Teheran sind keine Hasardeure. Die Risiken lauern woanders.

Die Spannungen entstanden wegen der Entscheidung Trumps, das Atomabkommen mit Iran aufzukündigen und Sanktionen zu verhängen.

Der Präsident begründete den Schritt mit der destruktiven Politik Teherans in der Region.

Doch weder Raketenprogramm noch aggressive Regionalpolitik sind Gegenstand des Abkommens, das sich darauf konzentriert, die Entwicklung von iranischen Atomwaffen zu verhindern. Und genau dabei war man durchaus erfolgreich.

Im Streit um das Atomabkommen geht es nicht um Recht oder Unrecht, sondern allein um Politik und Vertrauen. Was gewichtet Washington höher: die Vorteile der Vereinbarung oder das Risiko, von einem skrupellosen Gegner übertölpelt zu werden? Trump hat eine klare Antwort gegeben, die Europäer sehen es anders und wollen das Dokument nicht aufgeben. Beide Positionen stützen sich auf plausible Argumente.

Dennoch sprechen vier Gründe dafür, dass es am Golf nicht zu einem Waffengang kommt. Trump hat erstens gezeigt, dass er kein Kriegstreiber ist.

Aber auch die Israeli agieren umsichtig.

Mit einer Eskalationsstrategie will Iran seine Ketten – die Isolation und die ökonomische Krise – sprengen, aber zugleich ist das Land zu schwach für einen Krieg gegen die USA.

Die Auseinandersetzung ist eben nicht nur ein Showdown zwischen Hardlinern in Washington und Teheran, sondern ein Ringkampf mit vier Hauptakteuren: Amerika, Iran, Israel und Russland, dazu das reiche, ambitionierte, aber militärisch eher schwache Saudiarabien. Hauptschauplatz ist der Persische Golf, die Erdöl-Schlagader der Welt und das Jagdgebiet der Fünften US-Flotte.

Als Nebenschauplätze kommen Syrien, Libanon, der Irak und Jemen hinzu. Genügend Pulverfässer also, um die ganze Region in die Luft zu sprengen. Allerdings auch gute Gründe, ein Mindestmass an Umsicht walten zu lassen, weil sich hitzköpfige Aktionen für alle Beteiligten als katastrophal erweisen können.

Die Lehren von 1914 gelten auch heute noch – von Eric Gujer

Mein Kommentar: Es gibt sicher viel weniger eine iranische als eine US-Eskalationsstrategie. – Und der Krieg kann trotzdem kommen, auch wenn keiner der Beteiligten ihn eigentlich wollen würde: ausgelöst durch einen unerwarteten Zwischenfall, der umso wahrscheinlicher wird, desto weiter die Eskalationsspirale vorangetrieben wird.

(* B P)

Gegen Teheran kämpfen

Seit zweieinhalb Jahren sucht die Regierung von US-Präsident Donald Trump gezielt die Konfrontation mit dem Iran. Massiver und härter als beispielsweise gegenüber Russland, China oder Nordkorea.

Die Kalkulation der US-Politik ist insofern aufgegangen, als dass die meisten Länder es nicht wagen, ihre Handels- und Finanzbeziehungen zu den USA wegen des Irans aufs Spiel zu setzen. Das gilt auch für Länder, die mit der Politik von Trump nicht einverstanden sind.

Der Druck ist also deutlich spürbar. Doch welchem Zweck er dient, bleibt unklar. In der Regierung Trump gibt es offenbar viele, die einen Regimewechsel wollen. Das dürfte allerdings Wunschdenken bleiben.

Irgendwo zwischen einem kostspieligen Krieg und einem unwahrscheinlichen Regimewechsel liegt eine dritte Möglichkeit. Die würde von Trump allerdings diplomatisches Geschick erfordern. So wie er seinen Kurs mit Nordkorea änderte, könnte er auch mit dem Iran verfahren - Von Richard N. Haass

Mein Kommentar: Die Grundbehauptung des Autors, der Nuklearvertrag mit Iran wäre mangelhaft gewesen, teile ich nicht, wie auch alle darauf aufbauenden Annahmen. Hier wird verwischt, dass die USA internationales Recht gebrochen haben und brechen.

(* A P)

Iran holds 'last chance' talks with EU to save nuclear deal

Iran says it will take the second step in reducing its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal more “firmly” if a European payment system designed to bypass sanctions proves to be "superficial".

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Friday's meeting in Vienna between the remaining signatories of the nuclear deal is the "last chance" to save the accord after the US exit last year.

Iran demands "practical" steps be taken on operationalizing the planned European trade mechanism, or Instex, when senior officials meet in the Austrian capital with the aim of saving the nuclear accord.

"I believe this meeting could be the last opportunity for the remaining signatories of the JCPOA to convene and seek how they can implement their commitments toward Iran," said Mousavi.


(* A P)

Iran says progress made in nuclear talks is still not enough

Iran said some progress had been made at a meeting with world powers on its nuclear accord – but probably “still not enough” to keep the landmark 2015 deal alive.

(* A P)

U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy

The United States will sanction any country that imports Iranian oil and there are no exemptions in place, the U.S. special envoy for Iran said on Friday.

“We will sanction any imports of Iranian crude oil,” Brian Hook said when asked about the sale of Iranian crude to Asia, adding that the United States would take a look at reports of Iranian crude going to China.

“There are right now no oil waivers in place,” Hook told reporters in London. “We will sanction any illicit purchases of Iranian crude oil.”

Tehran has been selling increased volumes of petrochemical products at below market rates in countries including Brazil, China and India since the United States reimposed sanctions on Iranian oil exports in November, Reuters reported this month.

“Iran does have a history of using front companies to evade sanctions and enrich the regime and fund its foreign adventurism,” Hook said, adding that Iran routinely violates maritime law to hide its oil exports.

My comment: The US behaving like Master of the Universe, really believing it’s up tot he US to allow or forbid other countries with whom they might have economic trade or not, thus bullying the whole world.

(* A P)

Russia Ready to Deliver S-400 to Iran But No Request in Place Yet - Cooperation Agency

Russia is ready to deliver S-400 air defence systems to Iran, but it has not received a relevant request from Iran yet, the press service of the Russian Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation told Sputnik on Friday.

"We are open for discussions on delivering S-400 Triumph air defence systems, including to Iran. Especially given that this equipment is not subject to restrictions outlined in UN Security Council's resolution, issued on June 20, 2015. We have not received an official request from our partners on this matter yet," a representative of the press service said during the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2019, which is currently being held outside Moscow.

(* B P)

The gulf of deniability

subsequent downing of a US surveillance drone, the mutual recrimination has intensified and the risk of all-out war has grown.

Political logic says threatening the supply of the world’s economic lifeblood will lead to military intervention by the United States and other outside powers – thereby adding another regional conflict to those in Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

But none of that is inevitable. Although two acts of sabotage in a month can certainly be a casus belli, the saboteurs have not been clearly identified. So far, the US has produced a grainy, black-and-white video and a few colour photographs

Conclusive proof is unlikely to emerge

If credibility is the issue, why not ask that lawyerly question “cui bono” – who benefits? Iran might seem the likeliest candidate. Its economy has been squeezed ever more tightly by US sanctions following Trump’s decision a year ago to withdraw the US from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal

Yet Iran has a counter-narrative. The Trump administration, along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Israel, fears the Islamic Republic’s regional influence and is intent on engineering regime change. Perhaps, the argument goes, the US and its allies confected an incident that could be blamed on Iran and further stain its international reputation.

The comforting thought, therefore – reinforced by Trump’s decision not to retaliate for the drone downing – is that the current crisis will not provoke a more dangerous conflict

(A P)

America rallies joint action against Iranian threat to international shipping

Brain Hook also warns against Tehran crossing one-year nuclear breakout threshold

America is working to prevent Iran establishing a chokehold on two vital international maritime transit points, the straits of Hormuz and Bab Al Mandeb off Yemen, the US envoy Brian Hook has revealed.

Outlining America’s determination to deal with Iranian threats to international security now rather than in a decade when the country is unshackled from the 2015 nuclear deal, Mr Hook said the US wanted freedom of trade and shipping in the region to be a global concern.

Predicting future moments of tension, Mr Hook said Iran was responding “disproportionately” with military activity to US diplomatic pressure.

My comment: Odd propaganda. Iran is not active in any way in the Bab al-Mandeb. – Iran puts no threat to shipping in the persian Gulf, because Iran itself is interested in shpping ist oil. The main threat is US bullying, sanctions and blocking Iran from selling oil. „US diplomatic pressure“? Sending US warships close to Iranian territory and sending drones is „diplomatic“? Ist gunboat diplomacy at its worst.

(* A B P)

Film: As Trump Imposes New Sanctions, Iran Says U.S. Has “Permanently Closed Path to Diplomacy”
President Trump announced Monday his administration is imposing a new round of sanctions on Iran, targeting several prominent Iranians including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iran’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Iran said the move “permanently closed the path to diplomacy” between Iran and the United States. The latest tension comes after the downing of a U.S. drone by Iran on Thursday.

(A P)

Film: Tucker Carlson Stops War With Iran. Dems Upset.

Bemerkung: Das ist das Video von Fox News, das Jimmy Dore besprochen hat: “Tucker: US came within minutes of war with Iran“.

Anmerkung CG: Tucker Carlson ist ein Konservativer, vermutlich sogar Trump-Fan, und man muss sich nicht mit seinen Ansichten gemein machen, doch er ist in der Vergangenheit schon desöfteren mit unüblichen Antikriegs-Äußerungen gegen Kriegstreiberei im US-Mainstream aufgefallen.

(* B P)

Film: Why U.S. war with Iran would lead to “global economic catastrophe”
The United States going to war with Iran would “lead to global economic catastrophe unlike anything we’ve seen in contemporary history,” says Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran who helped negotiate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. “All of the oil and gas facilities, as well as tankers, in the Persian Gulf region will be destroyed. This will not just be the issue of closing the Strait of Hormuz. This will be something very long term.”

(A P)

Film: Senator Bernie Sanders A War With Iran Would Be An Absolute Disaster

Vermont Senator and 2020 contender Bernie Sanders joins Stephanie Ruhle and Ali Velshi to share his thoughts on the recent escalations with Iran, how Russia is reacting, and former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent comments.

(* B P)

Film: Michael Lüders: „Eskalationen, die von amerikanischer Seite massiv vorangetrieben werden“
Offiziell wollen weder der Iran noch die USA einen Krieg. Nahostexperte Michael Lüders deutet die jüngsten Ereignisse dennoch als Kriegsvorbereitung. „Möglicherweise muss es erst zu einer Beinahe-Eskalation kommen, ehe die Vernunft waltet“, sagt Lüders.
Nahost-Experte Michael Lüders schätzt die explosive Lage in der Golf-Region im WELT-Interview mit Thomas Klug ein.

(* B P)

Film: Markus Lanz vom 18. Juni 2019
[…] Michael Lüders, Publizist – Nach Angriffen auf zwei Tanker im Golf von Oman dreht sich die Eskalationsspirale im Iran-Konflikt immer weiter. Der Nahost-Experte analysiert die aktuelle Lage.

Kommentar: Anmerkung CG: Geschichtsunterricht vom Feinsten. Der Teil mit Michael Lüders geht von Minute 3:40 bis 22:30. Hier bekommt er mehr Redezeit eingeräumt und wird von Markus Lanz vorbildlich NICHT unterbrochen. Lanz präsentiert sich gut informiert, stellt die richtigen Fragen und ermöglicht Lüders sogar, dem Millionenpublikum die Hintergründe des USA-Iran-Konflikts kurz zu umreißen.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Export licence system lets ‘illegal’ arms sales to Saudi Arabia continue

Bombs and missiles will still be exported to Saudi Arabia under a secretive licensing system that means business as usual for defence firms despite a landmark ruling that UK arms sales are illegal.

Existing export licences will not be suspended, however, and new data published by the Department for International Trade reveals there are 295 extant export licences where the end user is Saudi Arabia, meaning the UK’s arms trade will continue.

The number of existing licences has also prompted fears that smart bombs made in Scotland by a US arms multinational will still be sent to the Saudis.

An open licence allows an unlimited number of bombs to be transferred over a five-year period and CAAT fears several licences may still be valid.

CAAT’s Andrew Smith said: “The verdict was a historic one. It must be the start of a serious reconsideration of UK foreign policy and UK relations with the Saudi Arabian regime. It cannot simply go back to business as usual.

The Department for International Trade (DIT) has refused to say which firms have the extant licences, citing “commercial sensitivity” although its new data reveals the scale of continuing UK arms deals with Saudi Arabia.

We first reported links between Scotland and alleged war crimes in Yemen in September 2015 when we disclosed that Paveway IV smart bombs made by Raytheon were being used by the Saudis – by Billy Briggs

(A P)

Yemen: Military Intervention

[Parliament:] Foreign and Commonwealth Office written question – answered on 1st July 2019.

Q: published by The Guardian on 18 June 2019 in which a senior UK diplomatic source stated that the UK was a party to the conflict in Yemen, for what reason the Answer stated that the UK is not part of the coalition operating in Yemen but did not state whether the UK is a party to the conflict.

A: As stated in my answer of 24 June (PQ 266880), the UK is not part of the Saudi-led Coalition operating in Yemen. The UK does supports Saudi Arabia’s efforts to protect its national security against critical threats, such as the ballistic missiles and drones fired by the Houthis into civilian areas in Saudi Arabia.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Yemeni speaker decries ‘false statements’ which led to disinviting from event

Ahmed Alshami insists he is 'not a Houthi and disagrees with some of their views', after outrage from the community over his invite to a parliamentary event


(A P)

Film: EP.777: Yemen Negotiator at UN Talks: West ISOLATING Yemenis by Labelling all Yemenis as HOUTHIS!

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Yemen Mediator at UN-backed talks Ahmed Alshami on the rescinding of his invitation by Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP to the uK Parliament, how he has been confused as a Houthi negotiator when he is a UN Mediator, how the West is isolating all anti-war Yemenis by only concentrating on Houthis, allegations of Antisemitism and more!

(A P)

Jeremy Corbyn condemns Theresa May over complicity in Yemen after G20 meeting with ‘war ally’ Mohammed bin Salman

‘Where the UN sees ‘humanity’s biggest preventable disaster’, this Conservative government sees an arms sales opportunity’

Jeremy Corbyn has taken Theresa May to task over Britain’s close ties with her “war ally” Mohammed bin Salman, after she met the Saudi crown prince at the G20 summit in Japan.

(A P)

Theresa May urges Saudi crown prince to work for peaceful solution in Yemen

Prime Minister Theresa May has pressed the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to work with the United Nations to find a solution to the long-running conflict in Yemen.

In a 20-minute meeting with Mohammed bin Salman at the G20 summit in Japan, described by officials as “serious”, Ms May also called for a”open and transparent” legal process in relation to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

My comment: What a scam, for getting a better image in the public.

(A H)

Nine-year-old raises more than £5000 for Yemen crisis

A nine-year-old schoolboy has raised £5,315 for a Yemen crisis appeal after designing, creating and selling Eid cards.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Militärkooperation mit Saudi-Arabien

Auswärtiges/Antrag - 01.07.2019 (hib 741/2019)

Berlin: (hib/AHE) Die Fraktion Die Linke fordert die Bundesregierung auf, die militärische Zusammenarbeit mit Saudi-Arabien umgehend zu beenden. Das Land sei nicht nur eine der führenden Parteien im Jemen-Krieg, die Menschenrechtslage im Königreich stelle sich weiter als überaus prekär dar, schreiben die Abgeordneten in einem Antrag (19/11236). "Die Ausbildung saudischer Offiziere, bei denen man davon ausgehen muss, dass sie ihr Wissen ebenfalls für die Unterdrückung der Menschenrechte und für den Krieg im Jemen einsetzen werden, muss sofort eingestellt werden." Die Bundesregierung wird aufgefordert, das 2017 geschlossene Abkommen mit dem Königreich Saudi-Arabien zur Ausbildung saudischer Offiziere in Deutschland umgehend und mit sofortiger Wirkung aufzukündigen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Film: Head of Irani's Judiciary: We Define Yemen, Countries all the Way to Africa as "Strategic Extension"

Ebrahim Raisi, the Head of Iran's Judiciary Branch, said in a June 27, 2019 event at Tehran University commemorating 150 anonymous soldiers who were killed in the Iran-Iraq war that Iran's "strategic extensions" are Yemen, Middle Eastern countries, and every place in the world where people demand their rights, talk about justice, and stand up to arrogance.

(* B P)

Bahrain: The Next Middle East Powder Keg?

Our hypocritical policies allow the autocratic monarchy (and the Saudis) to crack down on the Shia there. Don't be surprised if Iran steps in.

The toxic U.S.-Iranian relationship is just one component of a matrix of intense geo-strategic rivalries in the region. An especially dangerous aspect is the Sunni-Shia religious and political feud, which pits Iran, the leading Shia power, against Saudi Arabia, a key Sunni power. That rivalry for regional preeminence is already playing out in several arenas. It is a major element in the Syrian civil war, the bloodbath in Yemen, and the jockeying for political influence in Iraq.

Bahrain may be the next country in which Tehran and Riyadh engage in a brass knuckle fight for dominance. The hostile, deteriorating relationship between the United States and Iran significantly increases the likelihood of an Iranian initiative. Indeed, Bahrain is an ideal location for Tehran to give both Washington and Riyadh bloody noses.

(* B P)

Film: Who is UAE's Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan?

Film: Bin Zayed acquired more weaponry in the four years before 2010 than the other five Persian Gulf monarchies combined.

(A P)

Sorge um die vermisste Prinzessin von Dubai

Die Zweitfrau des Emirs von Dubai soll mit ihren Kindern nach Europa geflüchtet sein. Sie wäre damit nicht die erste Frau, die versucht hätte, dem Umfeld von Muhammad Bin Raschid Al Maktoum zu entkommen.

Eine der Ehefrauen des Emirs von Dubai, Muhammad Bin Raschid Al Maktoum, soll mit ihren zwei Kindern aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten geflohen sein – und Asyl in Deutschland beantragt haben. Das berichten britische Medien und beziehen sich dabei unter anderem auf Informationen von Menschenrechtsorganisationen. Wo genau sich die vermisste Prinzessin aufhält, ist unklar.

(A P)

Dubai's ruler battles wife in UK court after she fled emirate

British government alleged to have been lobbied for return of Princess Haya

A legal battle between two of the most prominent Middle Eastern royals has been launched in the London courts amid claims that the UK government has been lobbied over the case.

Princess Haya bint al-Hussein, daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, and her husband, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, are understood to have parted. They are now engaged in a formal dispute in the high court. The case began after she fled Dubai and is due to resume later this month.


(A P)

Dubai's Princess Haya 'flees with £31million after ditching billionaire ruler'

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has accused his wife of "betrayal" amid reports she is seeking asylum in Germany

The wife of Dubai's billionaire ruler has fled to London with £31million following the break-up of their marriage, according to reports.

Princess Haya Al Hussein, 45, is claimed to have been helped by a German diplomat after fleeing Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

It has sparked a potential diplomatic crisis between the two countries - and the Sheik has voiced his fury in an Instagram post, accusing her of "betrayal".


(A P)

Wife of 'abusive Dubai ruler' escapes to Germany with children: reports

Several reports suggest Dubai's Princess Haya has fled to Germany, escaping the abuse of her husband Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, whose daughter Latifa attempted to flee last year.

Multiple reports are being investigated that Princess Haya, the wife of Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has fled the Emirates and sought asylum in Germany, legal advocacy group Detained in Dubai said on Friday.

and also


(A P)

Now YOU'RE free, help your daughter! Campaigners call for runaway wife of Dubai's billionaire ruler to help secure release of her step-daughter jailed in UAE after failed escape bid

Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein reported to have left husband and fled to London

Thought to have claimed political asylum in Germany before going into hiding

One of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktoum daughters Princess Latifa, 33, is currently imprisoned in Dubai

She had attempted to flee the country but was captured and has not been seen

Campaigners now want Princess Haya to speak up about Latifa's treatment


(A P)

The Ruler of Dubai Condemns His Runaway Wife, Princess Haya, on Instagram—in a Poem

The wife of the ruler of Dubai has fled the country, with more success than his daughter did last year. The sheikh has denounced her, in a furious verse posted to Instagram.

(A K )

Open Letter to CLC President Hassan Yussuff on labour opposition to Canada-Saudi arms deal

We are calling on the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), in the most urgent terms possible, to express public opposition to the Government of Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

Canada is complicit in the war in Yemen. The export of Canadian-made light armoured vehicles (LAVs) to Saudi Arabia, an approximately $15-billion contract originally signed by the Conservative government of Stephen Harper, is now proceeding under export permits approved by the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau.

Brother Yussuff, we call on the CLC to demand Prime Minister Trudeau immediately cancel the Government of Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia, and further, we call on the CLC to declare military goods destined for Saudi Arabia as “hot cargo” and use its considerable resources to coordinate labour movement opposition to this arms deal. Yemen can’t wait.

(* A P)

Frankreich: Pressefreiheit in Gefahr?

Mehreren Journalisten wird vorgeworfen, Staatsgeheimnisse veröffentlicht zu haben. Sie wurden vom Geheimdienst befragt. Französische Medien fürchten nun, die Pressefreiheit sei unter Präsident Emmanuel Macron in Gefahr.

Der Bericht schockierte nicht nur das Publikum im Café. Er löste eine scharfe Reaktion der französischen Regierung aus, die wegen "Verrats von Staatsgeheimnissen" gegen die Journalisten vorgeht. Die Berichterstattung von Disclose basiert auf Akten, die als "geheim" eingestuft waren.

Destal und zwei weitere Journalisten des Mediums wurden vom Geheimdienst befragt.

(* B P)

Film: Machiavellism in Yemen, French style

Elysee’s Money Harvest From Yemeni’s Blood In the new episode of #UnderReported, we will focus on the French government’s complicity in crimes in Yemen. Macron’s government has frequently claimed that French-made arms sold to Saudi Arabia are used solely for defensive purposes on the border.

(* A K P)

Armi ai sauditi, ok alla mozione Lega-M5s per lo stop all’export di bombe e missili. Pd e Leu astenuti: “Perché altre armi no?”

La mozione chiede al governo di “adottare gli atti necessari a sospendere le esportazioni di bombe d’aereo e missili che possono essere utilizzati per colpire la popolazione civile e loro componentistica verso l’Arabia Saudita e gli Emirati Arabi Uniti“. Il documento è stato approvato alla Camera con 262 voti favorevoli, nessuno contrario e 214 astensioni. Tra queste quelle di Forza Italia e Fratelli d’Italia, ma anche del Partito democratico e Liberi e Uguali, che giudicano il testo insufficiente: “Proposta sbagliata perché propone di vietare solo le bombe da aereo e i missili, non le altre armi“.


(A K P)

Svolta sulle armi italiane per la guerra in Yemen?

alla Camera, dell’intollerabile coinvolgimento dell’Italia nella fornitura di armi alla coalizione saudita. Discussione a Montecitorio dalle ore 11 di mercoledì 26 giugno. Nodo riconversione economica al pettine.

My remark: Earlier reporting Yemen War Mosaic 549.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Brutale Handlanger Brüssels

Jörg Kronauer erklärt, wie die Europäische Union die Flüchtlingsabwehr in Sudan organisiert

Die RSF sind außerhalb Sudans freilich nicht nur wegen der Massaker bekannt, die sie einst in Darfur begingen. Wer den furchtbaren Krieg in Jemen beobachtet, weiß: Dort kämpfen sie bereits seit Jahren - als Söldner im Auftrag Saudi-Arabiens. Und: Sie spielen de facto eine wichtige Rolle im sogenannten Khartum-Prozess. Das ist ein Format, zu dem sich die EU-Staaten mit elf Ländern Nord- und Ostafrikas zusammengetan haben. Ziel ist es, die Flucht von Menschen aus Afrika nach Europa zu stoppen. Weil wichtige Fluchtrouten durch Sudan führen, nimmt das Land dabei eine zentrale Rolle ein.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10

(* B K P)

American Missiles Found in Libyan Rebel Compound

Libyan government fighters discovered a cache of powerful American missiles, usually sold only to close American allies, at a captured rebel base in the mountains south of Tripoli this week.

Markings on the missile crates identify their joint manufacturer, the arms giants Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, and a contract number that corresponds with a $115 million order for Javelin missiles that was placed by the United Arab Emirates and Oman in 2008.

Oman is not a player in Libya’s wars. But the United Arab Emirates, under its de facto leader Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, is one of General Hifter’s most committed foreign backers.

“The U.A.E. has been supplying advanced weapons to the Libyan theater for years,” said Oded Berkowitz, an Israeli security analyst who specializes in the Libyan conflict. “But now they seem to be throwing everything at it. And some of these weapons, like the Javelins, are real game changers.”

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia asks Senegal to send soldiers to protect it

Senegal has announced that it will “send 2100 fighters to join the Saudi-led coalition aggression forces against Yemen,” days after Senegalese President Maki Sal’s visit to Riyadh and his meeting with Salman.

“The coalition seeks to defend the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” Senegalese Foreign Minister Maneker Ndiaye told Senegal’s parliament on Sunday.


(* A K P)

#Senegal has announced that it will “send 2100 fighters to join the Saudi-led coalition aggression forces against #Yemen,” days after Senegalese President Maki Sal’s visit to #Riyadh and his meeting with Salman.

“The coalition seeks to defend the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” Senegalese Foreign Minister Maneker Ndiaye told Senegal’s parliament on Sunday.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

Protection of cultural properties discussed in Aden

Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj chaired a meeting on Saturday in the temporary capital Aden included senior officials in the General Organization for Antiquities and Museums.

The session aimed to discuss underway arrangements to convene a high-profile consultative meeting to explore strategic national plan to help preserving and protecting cultural properties.

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Hundreds of new tourist facilities given work permits in Marib

As the demand on services and convenience amenities increases in Marib, hundreds of new hotels and other tourist and recreation facilities were given the official permit to start operating the government-held city of Marib in Yemen’s east.

The Deputy Director of the local Tourism Ministry office Yaser al-Aghbari said that 497 hotels were permitted to operate recently compared to only 64 permits given in the year 2010, Yemen News Agency Saba reported.

Wedding celebration halls, travel agencies, tourist restaurants and child amusement parks came next in the number of projects that sought and attained operation permits.

My comment: ????

(A E P)

Yemen Petroleum Company [at Sanaa] Condemns Economic Decisions of Aden

Yemen Petroleum Company workers organized a protest in front of the United Nations Office on Sunday to reject the economic decisions of Aden on restricting the import of oil derivatives to Aden refineries.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B T)

Al-Qaidais stronger today than it was on 9/11

Manipulation of a sectarian divide

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, headquartered in Yemen, is a case study in how the group now wields its power more locally.

The group has played up religious divisions in the civil war. Using its Arabic magazine, martyrdom videos, poetry and popular songs, al-Qaida has endeared itself to the local Sunni people and Yemen’s powerful Sunni tribal leaders. It has also ingratiated itself to Yemen’s Saudi Arabia-backed government and fought alongside Sunni tribal militias to battle the Houthi incursion.

The strategy has been remarkably effective for al-Qaida.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula had hundreds of fighters at its founding in 2009. It now has about 7,000 fighters in Yemen, most of them Sunnis recruited from territory the Houthis have attempted to take over.

It has planted landmines and bombs across Yemen that have killed hundreds, held journalists hostage and, in 2015, orchestrated the massacre at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris.

(B T)

ISIS in Yemen Adds Layer of Complexity to World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

Indeed the presence of the group in Yemen adds a layer of complexity to the war, the worst humanitarian crisis facing the world today. All of the stakeholders in the country, whether they by Saudi coalition partners or the U.S., need to be aware that their efforts do not come at the cost of carving out more space for ISIS in Yemen to operate.

(A T)

#AQAP claims bomb on Security Belt vehicle yday (its 2nd attack on #UAE-backed forces in a week & 1st formal op in Abyan since March) #ISIS-Y claims an ambush on AQAP vehicle in Qayfa Tuesday, killing 1, injuring 5. It follows 3 sniper ops against AQAP previous week

(A P T)


“The allegation by the coalition of aggression that a leader of Al-Qaeda has been arrested is a camouflage for the fact that al-Qaeda is present and is in the ranks of the military and security forces of the aggression,” Mohammed Abdul Salam said in his Twitter account.

My remark: This is a Houthi reply tot he Saudi claim of having caught Yemen’s AQAP leader (look at Yemen War Mosaic 550).

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Shatara: Who demands UAE to leave wants to hand over the South to Houthis

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara said that "those who demand the UAE to leave the South are the same who brought the South and the North to the current situation."
Shatara wrote on his official Twitter account that "Saleh's partners in terrorism and war want to hand over the South to the Houthis once again. This is their project that all the Southerners stand against."
"The south would not be ruled from the North and it will not be handed over to terrorism and Iran's proxies."

My comment: Southern separatists claim UAE occupation must continue. The Houthis hardly are a reason to continue it – but UAE support is the only possibility for the separatists to achieve their goals.

(A P)

Yemeni people need international community to step in

Previously, the situation had been heading toward a long-awaited resolution as the noose had tightened around the Houthis in the port city of Hodeidah. Yemeni forces, backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, were very close to cutting off the main lifeline sustaining the Houthis by taking control of the port, its resources and everything entering the country by that channel.

In light of this reality, a number of voices emerged within the UN, and they began to call for political dialogue under the UN’s supervision. They also requested the end of all military activities, in particular the progress of the Yemeni government forces toward the central parts of Hodeidah, as they had taken control of the airport and some districts in the city.

As to the position of the UN, it remains unclear. It has neither forced the Houthis to implement the outcomes of the Stockholm agreement nor announced the failure of this political effort, declaring its collapse and the end of all the related policies, while shifting the blame on to the Houthis and their backers. The only outcome currently ensured is that the suffering of the Yemeni people will be prolonged and the Houthis will continue to obstruct the delivery of food and medicine to the needy

Regionally, the Iranian regime’s support for the Houthis will continue through its smuggling of weapons, missiles, drones and money to the group, as well as by sending them military experts.

In the end, the international community should act to put an end to the suffering of the Yemeni people, and it needs to offer support and aid to the Yemeni government and the Arab coalition – by Dr. Mohammed Al-Sulami, Head of the International Institute for Iranian Studies (Rasanah)

My comment: Saudi propaganda now voting for either pressure on the “international community” or retake the assault against Hodeidah.

(A P)

Yemeni Official: US Sanctions on Iran Hit Houthis Hard

A Yemeni military official said Sunday that Houthi militias have been struck with heavy military and economic losses since the US administration imposed new sanctions on their Iranian backers last month.
Such challenges have limited their capabilities to mobilize and carry out military operations, the official said.
“Recent developments, mainly sanctions imposed on the Iranian regime, put a heavy strain on the Houthi militias,”

My comment: This only would make sense if the propaganda claim of a great Iranian support for the Houthis would be true; but it isn’t. Thus, US sanctions on Iran will be of little effect on Yemen’s Houthis.

(A P)

UAE solved many environment issues in Yemen: Yemeni Minister of Environment

UAE is a leading global model of limiting the negative effects of climate change and global warming, as well as of strengthening the international role of youth in working for the environment.

(A P)

Yemeni vice president accuses Houthi terrorist militia of misleading and inciting against Yemenis and countries of the coalition to support legitimacy

Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh accused the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia of misleading and exploiting the humanitarian file to carry out its agenda in mobilizing and inciting against Yemenis and the countries of the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen.

(A H P)

UAE humanitarian help for Socotra continues, Khalifa Foundation says

With inhabitants of the remote Yemeni island of Socotra continuing to face difficulties because of a lack of infrastructure, humanitarian aid from the UAE is continuing to flow to the island, officials at the Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation told WAM.

The Foundation and the Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, have been providing humanitarian aid and assistance for development of the island’s infrastructure since the outbreak of conflict in mainland Yemen in 2011.

(A P)

The al Houthi movement sustained an attack campaign against Saudi infrastructure in tandem with Iran’s escalation in the Middle East (infographic)

(A P)

Houthi Leader Champions Khomeini, Dodges Peace Efforts

The leader of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, Abdul Malik Badreddine al-Houthi, on Friday, gave a hate-spurring speech at a rally to mark their adoption of the “Khomeini Cry”.
Making no mention of UN-sponsored efforts to reinstate peace and security in Yemen, al-Houthi’s speech focused on heightened sectarianism and promoting the culture of death and used Khomeini-inspired slogans.

(A H P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* AK pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

June 30:

June 29:

June 28:

June 27:

June 26:

(A K pS)

Coalition launches airstrikes on militia reinforcements north of Hajjah

The Arab coalition aircraft targeted by several air strikes movements of Houtha militia west of Abes district north of the province.

(A K pS)

Intense airstrikes hit Houthi militia in Sa’ada

The coalition airstrikes targeted Houthi militia’s positions in al-Fahlaween area near the center of Ketaf district, killing several Houthi militants and destroying their artillery weapon.

(A K pS)

Coalition fighters destroy stores and vehicles of Houthi terrorist militia in Sa'ada

Yemeni military sources said that the fighters of the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen bombed various sites of the Houthi terrorist militia of Iran in the Directorate of Kataf, east of Sa'ada

My comment: Now, by Saudi propaganda the Houthis are labeled „terrorist“ and even „of Iran“, LOL.

(* A K pH)

Amran: Photos of the crime of targeting the aviation aggression home of Ali Hussein Mohammed Directorate Houth 28-6-2019

See the objectives of the alliance # aggression - US - Saudi Arabia modest home to a simple citizen named Ali Hussein Mohammed Directorate Huth province # Amran 28-6-2019


My comment: I did not find any other record of this raid. According to the footage, it’s different from the raid at Taiz province, recorded here:

(* A K pH)

8 Citizens Killed in New Crime of Saudi-Led Aggression in Taiz

Eight citizens, including women and children, were killed Friday [June 28] in a new crime of the Saudi-led aggression, targeting a house in Taiz.

The correspondent of "Almasirah Net" reported that the aerial aggression targeted two houses in Wazan area of Khadair district, killing 8 of the family, including women and children as an initial result.

Our correspondent pointed out that the final toll of the crime is likely to rise as rescue teams are still retrieving the bodies of victims.

Photos, names, ages of victims / (8 people, one not identified)

And also


Films: = (Almasirah, 1:05min.)

Films: (Almasirah, 2:42min.)


(* A K)

Sam: Condemned killing of seven civilians in coalition raid in Taiz..The alliance is practicing some sort of intentional killing of civilians

Sam for Rights and Freedoms organization condemned the death of seven civilians in the Arab coalition raids last Friday on Warzan area of Taiz province.

Munir al-Arifi, the brother of the victim's wife, was quoted by the organization that the ride targeted the house, "and there is no other House near to it, the house is surrounded by a fence adjacent to a nearby farm fence owned by Hayel Saeed commercial family, apparently seized by al-Houthi, and the air raid targeted house which is at least two kilometres away from this farm, in which the Houthis are supposed to be located, , and this farm was not subject to any previous or subsequent targeting. "

SAM said in a statement-obtained by AL-Masdar online- "The coalition launched more than 200 random aerial raids in contravention of the principles of proportionality and discrimination during the past year

(* A P)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

June 30: Saada p.

June 29: Saada p.

June 28: Taiz p., Saada p., Lahj p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(* A K)

Militärkoalition: Neun Verletzte bei Huthi-Angriff auf Flughafen in Saudi-Arabien

Bei einem Angriff jemenitischer Rebellen auf einen Flughafen im benachbarten Saudi-Arabien sind nach Militärangaben neun Menschen verletzt worden. Der Flughafen von Abha sei am Dienstag Ziel eines "terroristischen Angriffs" geworden, erklärte die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition

(* A K)

Houthi drone attack on Saudi Arabia's Abha Airport leaves nine injured

A drone attack by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement on Abha Airport in Saudi Arabia early on Tuesday left nine people injured, a Saudi-led coalition statement said.

The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen said in the statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency that the nine civilian injured attack included one Indian and eight Saudis. All were in stable condition.

A spokesman for the Houthis said the group had carried out a “large operation” targeting the airport, according to the group’s Al-Masirah TV.

Saudi owned Al-Arabiya TV also said Abha Airport had resumed flights.

and also


(* A K pS)

Command of the joint forces of Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen: Attack on the International Airport of Abha by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia and targeting civilians brutal terrorist act, resulted in injury of 9 civilians, one of them Indian national

Supplementing a statement issued by the Joint Forces Command of the coalition on dawn of Tuesday (July 02, 2019), on a terrorist attack at Abha International Airport carried out by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia, the spokesman of the coalition forces, "Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen," Colonel Turki al-Maliki said that the terrorist attack led to the injury of 9 civilians, 8 of them Saudis and one an Indian national, all injuries are initially stable and were all transferred to specialized hospitals.
Al-Maliki added that the Houthi terrorist militia continues its immoral practices by targeting civilians and civilian objects protected under international humanitarian law and its customary rules, by declaring through their media their full responsibility for this terrorist act using a drone.

My comment: It’s always odd the Saudi blames following such attacks.

(* A K pS)

Yemeni Drones Launch Fresh Attacks on Saudi Airports

Command of Joint Forces of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Coalition Forces Intercept, down a drone launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards the Kingdom

The spokesman of the coalition forces, "Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen," Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that, at 09:07 a.m today, the Coalition Forces managed to intercept and down a drone launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and destroyed it in the Yemeni airspace.

(A K)

A pharmacist was killed and his brother injured by bullets fired by anonymous armed men in Taiziya district, east of #Taiz city. (photo)

(* A K pS)

Houthi shelling kills 5 civilians, injures 6 others in Taiz

Five civilians, including a child, were killed on Sunday evening as mortar shells fired by Houthi militia landed on a residential area downtown Taiz province.

“The Houthi rebels positioned in Taiz outskirts fired a number of mortar shells indiscriminately, one of the shells landed on Houd-Alashraf neighborhood, killing five civilians, including a child, and injuring six others,” medical sources said to September Net. (with photos) (with photos)


(* A K)

"Médecins Sans Frontières": shelling of a residential neighbourhood in Taiz killed and injured 11 civilians

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said that Al-Thawra General hospital in Taiz, supported by it, received Sunday (June 30th) Eleven civilian casualties, four of them dead, including a child, following a ground bombardment of a residential area

(A K pH)

June 30: In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted civilians' houses and farmsin Baqem district.

(A K pS)

58-year-old man killed by Houthi militia landmine in Al-Bayda

(* A K pS)

3 civilians killed by Houthi-laid explosive device in Al-Jawf

Three civilians including a child were killed on Saturday by the explosion of an explosive device left behind by Houthi militia in Al-Jawf province.

Local sources told September Net that an improvised explosive device had been laid by Houthi rebel militia exploded under a motorcycle owned by a citizen in Al-Maslob district, west of the province.

(* A K)

Saudi-Arabien fing zwei Drohnen aus dem Jemen ab

Saudi-Arabien hat eigenen Angaben zufolge zwei Drohnen aus dem Jemen abgefangen und zerstört. Schiitische Huthi-Rebellen hätten diese in Richtung saudischer Ziele fliegen lassen, teilte der Sprecher des Militärbündnisses mit, das im Jemen gegen die Rebellen kämpft. Eine der Drohnen habe eine Wohngegend in der Provinz Asir im Süden des Landes ins Visier genommen, die andere die Küstenstadt Dschisan. Verletzte oder Schäden habe es nicht gegeben

und auch

Mein Kommentar: Die deutschsprachige Berichterstattung beieht sich offenbar ausschließlich auf die saudischen Erklärungen. Tatsächlich waren Flughäfen die Ziele.

(* A K pH)


The Yemeni forces of the army and popular committees said that it attacked on Saturday evening military targets in the airports of Abha and Jizan south of Saudi Arabia, which led to get the air navigation out of work , while the Saudi-UAE alliance said it had shot down two Yemeni attack drones.

The Yemeni armed forces spokesman, Brigadier Yahya Sari, said that the guided air force carried out a large operation on the two airports, using Qasif 2k drones targeting the airfields of the warplanes and others military targets.

He added that the operation quickly hit its targets and led to get the air navigation of the two airports out of work.

He stressed the continued targeting of all military positions and installations belonging to the enemy, including airports used for military purposes.


(* A K pH)

Yemen Air Force launches drone strikes on Jizan Airport

The Yemeni armed forces have launched attacks on Jizan airport in southern Saudi Arabia, carried out drone attacks on military positions and aircraft hangars at the airport. leaving multiple casualties.

and by international agencies:

and also


(* A K pS)

Command of the Joint Forces of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Coalition Forces intercept, down drone launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards Jazan

The spokesman of the coalition forces, "Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen," Colonel Turki al-Maliki said that, at 10:45 pm today, the Coalition Forces managed to intercept and down a drone launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards Jazan.

My comment: As always, the Saudis claim the attack had targeted „civilians and civilian installations“ and this would give the Saudis the right for all miltary options. LOL.

(* A K)

Yemen Air Force launches drone strikes on Abha Airport

The Yemeni armed forces have launched attacks on Abha airport in southern Saudi Arabia, leaving multiple casualties.

and by Reuters:


(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition says it intercepted Houthi drone launched at Asir: TV

Saudi-led coalition forces intercepted a drone launched by Yemen’s Houthis at a residential area in Saudi Arabia’s southern Asir region

My comment. Saudi propaganda changing the missiles‘ targets, again.

(A K pH

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted civilians' farms and properties in Baqem district.

(A K pS)

Houthi sniper shoots shepherds of Qaba'ai valley, north al-Dhale

(A K pS)

Army removes quantities of mines & explosive devices planted by Houthis in Al-Dhale

(A K pS)

MASAM removes 604 landmines during the 4th week of past June

(A K pS)

MASAM Clears 1,800 Houthi Landmines

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief)'s project for clearing landmines (MASAM) removed around 1,800 landmines in Yemen last month

(A K pS)

Government forces destroy 5, 000 mines north of Hajjah Province

The engineering teams of the legitimate government forces in the fifth military region on Friday morning destroyed more than 5,000 landmines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and remote detonating explosives that were extracted in the past days from liberated areas north of Hajjah Province. =


My remark: “President” Hadi army and miltia.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

Film: residents of Aden resort to camel milk to treat incurable diseases




This is how a #Yemenia Airways flight landed in Cairo this week, prompting calls for action in #Yemen (Photo)

(A D)

“Sira” market known as the most important fish market in Aden

Aden is known for its largest fish markets and is characterized by a wide range of different types of fish, such as jahesh, solvesh, zinobs, thamd and many others. The “Sira” fish market in crater city is the largest and most known market in Yemen and abroad. Fish is a major meal for the people of Aden since ancient times.

(A D)

Film, Yemen | The World Championship of Arab Boxing Professionals reached to its end

The World Championship of Arab Boxing Professionals (Kickboxing) which took place in the city of Sayoun in Hadramout province in southern Yemen, reached to its end on 28 and 29 of this month.

(B H P)

Film: Millionen für Notre Dame, kaum Geld für Jemen

Wieso sind wir beim Brand von Notre Dame weltweit betroffen? Und warum gibt es die vergessenen Krisen und Kriege, wo uns das Leid der Menschen nicht trifft?

(A P)

Blau-Rot: Onlineprotest jetzt für Sudan und Jemen


Film: #Yemen is my soul. In my way to Manakha area in the West Sana'a to distribute food baskets to the most vulnerable families I saw this terrace farming and I took this footage which shows you the beauty of #Yemen which is being destroying by Saudi regime since 2015.

(* B K pH)

Film: Recognizing the level of significance in targeting Saudi Arabia’s power plant in #Jizan

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-550 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-550: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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