Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 554 - Yemen War Mosaic 554

Yemen Press Reader 554: 11. Juli 2019: Elternschaft im Kriegsgebiet – Der Jemenkonflikt hat mehr als zwei Seiten – Jemen, ein konfessioneller Konflikt? – Der angebliche Rückzug der Emirate ...

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... aus Jemen – VAE-unterstützte Separatisten gegen die Hadi-Regierung – Frauen in Huthi-Gefängnissen – Huthi-Gericht verurteilt 30 zum Tod – Cholera breitet sich schneller aus – USA-Iran-Krise, wachsende Spannungen am Golf – und mehr

July 11, 2019: Parenting in a war zone – Challenging binary narrative for Yemen – Yemen, a sectarian conflict? – The UAE’s fake withdrawal from Yemen – Emirati-backed separatist forces against Hadi government – Women in Houthi prisons – Huthi court sentences 30 to death – Cholera is spreading faster – US-Iran crisis, mounting tensions at the Gulf – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H)


Für viele Eltern im Jemen ist die Sorge besonders groß.Denn im Jemen herrschen Krieg und eine Wirtschaftskrise. Kinder im Jemen sind dadurch in großer Gefahr – schon bei der Geburt. Auch für viele Mütter im Jemen ist die Geburt ihres Kindes, die ein freudiges Ereignis sein sollte, lebensgefährlich.

Noch mehr Familien sind in die Armut abgerutscht, inzwischen leben rund 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Armut. Eine Folge davon: Nur drei von zehn Geburten finden in einem Krankenhaus oder einer Gesundheitsstation statt. Die Müttersterblichkeit ist stark gestiegen: 2013 starben durchschnittlich fünf Frauen täglich in Folge von Komplikationen bei Schwangerschaft oder Geburt, 2018 waren es zwölf Frauen jeden Tag. Eines von 37 Babys überlebt seinen ersten Lebensmonat nicht.

Zusammengefasst: Alle zwei Stunden sterben durchschnittlich eine Mutter und sechs Babys im Jemen!

Manchmal ist es nur ein kurz anhaltender Sieg im täglichen Überlebenskampf im Jemen, wenn Mutter und Kind die Geburt überstehen. So wie bei Saud Humadi und ihrem Sohn Saeed. Saud lebt in einem Flüchtlingscamp für Binnenvertriebene in der Provinz Lahi im Süden Jemens. Vor drei Jahren musste sie mit ihrem Mann und den Kindern wegen intensiver Kämpfe aus Taiz fliehen.

Als ihr jüngster Sohn Saeed geboren wurde, lieh sich Sauds Mann Mansur Geld, um seine Frau in das nächstgelegene – mehrere Stunden entfernte – Krankenhaus zu bringen. Ein Glück für Saud, denn es gab Komplikationen bei der Geburt und das Baby musste per Kaiserschnitt geholt werden. Aber dadurch stiegen die Kosten, und Mansur war gezwungen, sämtliche Ersparnisse der Familie – umgerechnet rund 80 Euro – für die Gesundheit seines Sohnes und seiner Frau auszugeben.

Mutter und Baby haben die Geburt gut überstanden, aber die Krankenhaus-Kosten haben die Familie in noch tiefere Armut gestürzt. Mansur, der nur Gelegenheitsjobs findet, hat Schwierigkeiten, genug Geld zu verdienen, um seine Familie zu ernähren. Baby Saeed ist stark mangelernährt und damit weiterhin in Lebensgefahr. UNICEF hilft Müttern und Neugeborenen im Jemen, damit sie rund um die Geburt gut versorgt und geschützt sind. Zum Beispiel haben wir 2018 zusammen mit unseren Partnern Gemeinde-Hebammen unterstützt, die über 634.000 schwangere Frauen und stillende Mütter betreut haben. Über 228.000 Frauen hatten dank UNICEF bei der Geburt eine für Geburtshilfe qualifizierte Person an ihrer Seite.

Um das Überleben von Neugeborenen zu sichern, unterstützt UNICEF aktuell 13 Krankenhäuser einschließlich Neugeborenen-Intensivstationen in fünf Regierungsbezirken.

Ja, ich möchte helfen

(** B H)

Yemen: Parenting in a War Zone series

More than four years of armed conflict in Yemen have served to worsen the situation of women and children at birth within a country that was already the poorest in the Middle East and one of the world’s most impoverished even before the war escalated early in 2015. For many, the conflict’s devastating toll on human life means that, as the world approaches the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), few have much to celebrate.

Today, Yemen’s brutal conflict continues to rob children of their right to life and, for the survivors, to the best healthcare possible. This includes prenatal and postnatal care for their mothers (CRC Article 24). One consequence of the war in Yemen is manifested as an evident attack on parenting.

Mothers and babies are amongst the most highly vulnerable in Yemen. Every two hours, one mother and six newborns die because of complications during pregnancy or birth.

1/4: Crossroads at childbirth

Situation, key figures and reference to Parenting Month and Convention on the Rights of the Child theme, focused on mothers who lose their lives while delivering their babies.

2/4: Children dying in their first days

Story of Yasmin who lost two newborns and a glimpse into the situation, including key figures.

3/4: Yemen's war - how poverty undermines a generation

On top of the risk to life from the ongoing conflict, the urgent challenges of poverty, scarcity of food and lack of safe drinking water present their own threat to the most vulnerable sector of Yemeni society – pregnant women, newborn babies, and their mothers.

4/4: Yemen's war and its crippling effect on healthcare

Community health and obstetrics on the frontline in Yemen

(** B P)

Challenging Binary War Narrative Key to Ending Hostilities in Yemen

Current hostilities aside, Yemen has long been a country with unstable social, political, and economic environments. Though briefly hailed as a success story during the Arab Spring, the country quickly slipped into chaos as the new leadership failed to consolidate its power and implement necessary changes—the recurring nature of which has haunted Yemen for over six decades.

Today, there are at least four interconnected but separate zones of ongoing conflict in Yemen

The troubling persistence of the binary narrative of the conflict perpetuates ineffective approaches. Strategic positioning fixated on Iran as the only “bad actor” in the conflict only serves to undermine the complex dynamics of the crisis, but also shifts the responsibility of the conflict away from the Yemeni leadership. Though it seems like an easy way out, this is ultimately exacerbating tensions and violence in the country, opening up space for countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the United States to pursue their own interests in the region, at Yemen’s expense.

An additional risk is that of conflating Houthi and Iranian interests, which is problematic given the limited influence of Iran on Houthi tactics. Though Iran has provided overt military and technical support to the group, it was not the puppet master behind the rise of the Houthi movement.

The road to peace for Yemen will be long and arduous, but the only way to ensure its sustainability is to first recognize the crisis for what it truly is: a web of deeply fragmented religious, political, and socio-economic dynamics that are further complicated by a multitude of local, regional, and international actors. There is no single problem to confront, and therefore, no single straightforward solution.

Fixating on Iran as the only ill-intentioned actor will prove counterproductive, as it could provoke further tensions in the region and exacerbate what is already an overwhelming humanitarian crisis. It could also encourage continued foreign intervention in Yemen

Local, regional, and international leaders must understand these dynamics to be able to carve a sustainable road to peace. The situation in Yemen is a mosaic of various causes and effects that has proven largely impervious to conventional, template-driven solutions – by Janhavi Apte =

(** B P)

The Sectarianization of Political Conflicts in Yemen

For too long, the war in Yemen has been portrayed in the media as a continuation of regional sectarian wars.

Unfortunately, the trivialization of Middle Eastern conflicts by claiming they are a “result of a centuries-old hatred between Sunni and Shi’a” has been a trend across western media. The portrayal of Yemenis as sectarian knaves looking to kill one another for mere religious differences for the past millennia works to propagate an orientalist image of them as a backward people. The representation of the Yemen War as a continuation of historical grievances is misleading and inaccurate for two reasons: historic friendly relations between the two sects and the recency of sectarianization of Islamic politics.

It is a well-known fact for scholars and academics who have studied Yemen that sectarian conflicts were incredibly rare in Yemen for over a thousand years. In fact, Yemen never developed the notion of a Sunni or Shi’a mosque.

It is also inaccurate to suggest that the war in Yemen is a proxy war between Saudi and Iran for sectarian reasons. Zaydi theology and legal theory are both closer in totality to Shafi’i Ba’Alawis (Sunnis) than they are to Twelver Shi’a in Iran and Iraq.

(** B K P)

The UAE's 'withdrawal' from Yemen is merely an illusion

Any alterations to UAE's strategy will not hinder its long-term ambitions to control Yemen's ports and resources

Reports of the United Arab Emirates scaling back its forces in Yemen are promoting the fantasy that it is willfully withdrawing, and moving towards a peace plan instead.

In reality, its involvement is far from over. If a military reconfiguration does occur, it will instead simply allow the UAE to resume its goal to control Yemen, only in a more covert manner.

Western and Emirati sources have claimed that the UAE decided recently to end the presence of its forces in various parts of Yemen, reportedly to focus on domestic security amid growing US-Iran tensions.

Media sources quickly picked up on this, hinting that the UAE's four-year-long involvement in the Saudi-led war on Yemen could be winding down.

The UAE's supposed withdrawal is not only exaggerated, as it still arms and finances various proxies who are engaged in warfare, but any alterations will not hinder its long-term ambitions to control Yemen's ports and resources.

Instead, Emirati attempts to reduce its overt warfare are connected to soaring international awareness about the Saudi-led coalition's role in abuses in Yemen, and pressure from within Yemen.

With this, and determined US congressional and senatorial attempts to halt American support to the coalition, the UAE is seeking to prevent any blowback and punishment from its western allies.

While Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is more blatantly destructive, the UAE operates in a craftier manner, operating behind the smokescreen of Riyadh's overt actions whilst attempting to forge a more respectable international image.

Riyadh will likely continue its bombing campaign, while the UAE is seeking to adapt its own strategy, creating an illusion that it is less involved in the conflict.

Currently, the UAE supports around 70,000 militia fighters, who are not from the UAE, nor do they have any accountability to the Yemeni government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi or Saudi Arabia.

It has established militias in various governorates under the umbrella of the 'Security Belt'. There is no sign of these factions halting their actions; and so they can fulfil the UAE's geopolitical ambitions on Abu Dhabi's behalf.

Pressure on the UAE from within Yemen itself is also playing a role in curtailing its foreign policy ambitions.

Widespread protests in various governorates, particularly Shabwa and Mahra, have put pressure on the UAE to end its occupying policies in Yemen. Notabtly Socotra has seen increased anti-UAE activity; such a local struggle is forcing the UAE to rethink its policies.
Yemeni ministers, from local governors to even President Hadi himself, who notably called the UAE an "occupying power", have sounded the alarm about the UAE's policies.

The Emiratis might now take a more hands-off approach. In June, the UAE it increased its humanitarian efforts, which giving it more influence and soft power over some parts of Yemen.

While Abu Dhabi may present these development projects as a means to help impoverished Yemenis - which the UAE itself is responsible for damaging, they are in fact a form of creeping colonisation of the country.

As Yemen's state has effectively collapsed from the Saudi- UAE war on the country, such destabilisation increases the prospect of a separate southern Yemeni state. This would grant UAE easier access to the Yemeni ports that it lost after the Hadi government's accession, and that it has sought to fully control throughout the civil war.

In the long term, only increased international pressure on UAE will help scale back its military ambitions and prevent it from hijacking Yemen's peace efforts – by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey

(** B K P)

Die Emirate führen in Jemen dort Krieg, wo es sich lohnt – den Rest überlassen sie vermehrt Riad

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate überlassen den aussichtslosen Kampf gegen die Huthi-Miliz verstärkt Saudiarabien. Trotzdem bleiben sie in Jemen vor allem dort präsent, wo es geostrategisch und wirtschaftlich etwas zu gewinnen gibt.

Die profunde Jemen-Kennerin Elisabeth Kendall von der Universität Oxford bleibt jedoch skeptisch. Einige Kontingente seien ganz offensichtlich abgezogen worden, sagt Kendall im Gespräch mit der NZZ. «Aber die Emirate erhöhen ihre Präsenz an anderen Orten in Jemen.» Dazu gehöre etwa die strategisch wichtige Insel Sokotra, 400 Kilometer vom Festland entfernt, an den Schifffahrtswegen rund um das Horn von Afrika und der Zufahrtsstrasse zum Roten Meer. Auch in der Region Shabwah und der Hafenstadt Mukalla ziehe Abu Dhabi seine Truppen nicht ab. Durch Shabwah verlaufen wichtige Erdöl- und Erdgaspipelines, und in der Küstenstadt Balhaf befindet sich eine Raffinerie zur Herstellung von Flüssiggas.

«Wo es Erdöl, Erdgas oder eine mögliche Terrorgefahr gibt, sind die Emirate präsent. Wo die Huthi-Miliz ist, sind sie es weniger», fasst Kendall zusammen.

Die Emirate werden allerdings auch dort präsent bleiben, wo keine eigenen Truppen stationiert sind. «Wir fürchten uns nicht vor einem Vakuum in Jemen, denn wir haben insgesamt 90 000 jemenitische Sicherheitskräfte ausgebildet», sagt der Vertreter der Emirate im Gespräch mit der AFP. Seine Söldner dürfte Abu Dhabi auch weiterhin bezahlen. Für die Jemen-Expertin Kendall ist es deshalb wahrscheinlich, dass es sich insgesamt um einen «kosmetischen Abzug» handelt, der vor allem den Kampf gegen die Huthi betrifft. Die VAE hätten eingesehen, dass dieser finanziell ruinöse und für das internationale Ansehen verheerende Krieg zu nichts führe. Gleichzeitig sei es aber auch vermehrt zu gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den von Abu Dhabi und den von Saudiarabien unterstützten Gruppierungen gekommen. Wenn sich die Emirate tatsächlich zurückzögen, könnten sie bei weiteren Zusammenstössen die Verantwortung dafür abstreiten, und die Koalition mit Riad würde nach aussen ihren Schein der Einheit bewahren – von Christian Weisflog

(** B P)

Yemen's UAE-backed forces take on life of their own amid Emirati drawdown

Tensions have escalated between UAE-backed militias and forces loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi

As the United Arab Emirates draws down its troops in Yemen, UAE-backed southern secessionists are massing in the oil-rich province of Shabwah, escalating tensions with fighters loyal to the country's Saudi-backed President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, local activists and security officials say.

Formed by the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), a group challenging Hadi's government throughout the country's southern provinces, a new force that dubs itself "the southern resistance" has recruited thousands of fighters in recent months.

"They started recruitment in April and the build-up is ongoing," Nasser al-Khalifi, a human rights official who documents abuses by the Saudi- and UAE-led coalition and security forces in Shabwah, said in an interview with an MEE contributor in Yemen.

The push sets the stage for a power struggle in the province with troops loyal to Hadi's vice president, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, a key ally to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and backer of the Sunni Islamist Islah party, which includes members of Yemen's Muslim Brotherhood.

As a pillar of the Saleh regime prior to the 2011 popular uprising, al-Ahmar is seen by Yemenis in the southern provinces as a symbol of the northern military occupation that followed the 1994 civil war.

Working alongside another UAE-backed militia loyal to the STC known as the Shabwani Elite, the "southern resistance" fighters seek to wrest control of the province from troops loyal to al-Ahmar.

"The Shabwani Elite and the southern resistance are under the instruction of the leadership of the STC," Shaher al-Sulimani, Lieutanant Commander with the Shabwani Elite in central Shabwah, told MEE in an interview, confirming the build-up of the forces.

The goal, Sulimani said, is "to impose control over our land … [and] to remove it from the grip of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Ali Mohsen [al-Ahmar]".

The Shabwani Elite recently expanded its forces in eastern Shabwah to protect oil infrastructure, Sulimani added.

To date, the Emiratis have trained 90,000 Yemeni forces in the war, a senior Emirati official told Reuters.

Last month, the Shabwani Elite forces clashed with Saudi-backed Islahi troops in Shabwah's provincial capital of Ataq.

The uptick in fighting in Shabwah appears to be a prelude to a potential battle between UAE-backed secessionist militias and Islah-affiliated government forces, according to a Yemeni conflict analyst who conducts research on tribal networks in the region.

Peter Salisbury, the International Crisis Group's senior Yemen analyst, said: "The perception for many in the south is that Islah is almost the greater immediate threat to the independence project, partly because of their position within the internationally recognised government."

"There's a sense among some southern factions that the Houthis can be convinced to stay in their area [in the north]," Salisbury said. "There's not the same sense with Islah."

STC spokesman Nizar Haitham questioned Hadi and Islah's willingness to fight the Houthis, accusing them of being more focused on "their economic and political interests".

"Not only does the political conflict in Shabwah distract from the war against the Houthis, but it also proves to the Arab coalition that Hadi's government is not a reliable partner regarding the primary aim of the war: a total victory over [the] Houthis," Haitham told MEE in an interview.

Shifting priorities

But the UAE's goals in Yemen may also be shifting away from that fight against the Houthis.

Discussing the UAE drawdown in Yemen, unidentified Western officials told the Wall Street Journal last week that Abu Dhabi is now "aiming to focus its efforts in Yemen on battling al Qaeda, Islamic State and other extremist groups".

Sulimani, the Shabwani Elite commander, sees capturing Shabwah and Hadhramaut from northern troops as part of that counter-terrorism mission.

The STC has designated Islah as a terrorist organisation, while Saudi Arabia and the UAE, wary of Islamist groups like Islah, both designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group in 2014.

Nonetheless, despite its opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood, Riyadh is backing Islah in Yemen as part of its anti-Houthi coalition – by Casey Coombs, Fernando Carvajal

(** B P)

SAM Releases “What’s left for us?”. The first human rights report highlights the ordeal of women detained in the Houthis prisons

The report documents violations of arbitrary detention and psychological and physical torture of women in the war.

The report provided testimonies of victims and relatives of victims and witnesses who spoke to SAM about serious violations against women detained in Houthis militia prisons, including police station detentions and military checkpoints

“Although women in Yemen have a special status, yet with the control of the Houthis group in Sana’a they have lost their status and are being subjected to gross violations contrary to human norms and values and in contravention of the Convention on the Rights of Women,” said Tawfiq al-Hamidi, president of the SAM Organization. Where a wide range of arbitrary treatment by the Houthi militia for women in Yemen, were reported.”

SAM said in the report that the Houthis had formed a security apparatus for women whose job was to break into houses, arrest and gather intelligence on women, and gather field information about opponents.

SAM added that it had documented sites to detain and disappear women, including abandoned places used for interrogation and psychological torture, homes of citizens forced to leave them, and police departments controlled by Houthis militia.

SAM said in its report that women detainees were subjected to severe torture and cruel treatment, prompting them to try to commit suicide.

SAM called on the Houthis militia to release all women prisoners on political grounds, stop putting more women in prison and improve the conditions of women prisoners while completing their release procedures.

SAM said the Houthi militia should allow human rights organizations, women and human rights activists to meet with women in prisons and see their situation, stop slander of detained women and delete abusive videos.

It also called on the legitimate authorities to amend some laws that are unfair to women, especially the articles on so-called honor crimes, in order to guarantee the dignity of women and their right to life.

At the end of the report, SAM expressed its willingness to cooperate with anyone who needs additional information or assistance in reaching witnesses. Also called on investigation committees working in Yemeni at all levels and names to investigate the violations of Yemeni women.

and full report:

(* A P)

Huthi-Gericht im Jemen verhängt Todesurteil gegen 30 Männer wegen Spionagevorwurf

Ein von Huthi-Rebellen geführtes Gericht im Jemen hat nach eigenen Angaben 30 Akademiker, Gewerkschaftsmitglieder und Geistliche wegen angeblicher Spionage zum Tode verurteilt. Den Männern werde vorgeworfen, als Spione der von Saudi-Arabien geführten internationalen Militärkoalition tätig gewesen zu sein =

(** A P)

Yemen: Huthi-run court sentences 30 political opposition figures to death following sham trial

Thirty academics and political figures facing trumped-up charges, including espionage for the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition, were sentenced to death by the Sana’a-based Huthi-run Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) following a fundamentally flawed legal process, said Amnesty International.

Out of 36 individuals who were on trial, 30 were handed down death sentences. Amongst those is Youssef al-Bawab, a 45-year-old father of five and linguistics professor and political figure, who was arbitrarily arrested in late 2016. He was charged in April 2017, alongside 35 others, with several offences carrying the death penalty. Throughout his detention, proceedings against him and others in the same case were seriously flawed, and included enforced disappearance, excessive pre-trial detention, undue delays in his trial, incommunicado detention, allegations of torture and other ill-treatment and lack of access to legal counsel and medical care.

“This trial was a mockery of justice and only confirms how the judiciary, and the SCC in particular, is turning into a tool of repression, evidently incapable of dispensing impartial justice. Since the Huthi de facto authorities assumed control of the justice system in 2015, they have progressively utilized the Sana’a-based SCC to target persons they deem to be opponents or even just critics,” said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Director of Research.

“Today thirty individuals, and all of their loved ones, are bracing for what is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, and handed down following such flagrantly unfair trials. We call on the Huthi de facto authorities to quash these unjust convictions and brutal sentences and release the 30 men immediately.”

According to witnesses present at the court session and to the surprise of the legal defense team, the judge speedily read out the charges on which they were convicted, most of which carry a mandatory death sentence under Yemeni Criminal Law, in the presence of the detainees, their families and lawyer, before formally sentencing 30 to death and acquitting and releasing six others.

“As Yemen’s armed conflict rages on, the grossly unfair trial of all these defendants is part of a wider pattern of the judiciary being used to settle political scores,” said Lynn Maalouf.


(* A P)

Yemen’s rebels sentence 30 to death on espionage charges

A Yemeni lawyer says a rebel-controlled court has sentenced 30 people to death on charges they committed espionage for the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels.

Abdel-Majeed Sabra says the criminal court in the capital Sanaa on Tuesday acquitted six others in the case, which dates back to 2016.

The verdicts against the 30, mainly academics, professionals and students from the Muslim Brotherhood group in Yemen, the Islah party, can be appealed.

The 30 were also accused of providing intelligence to the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels, known as Houthis, since 2015.

Amnesty International has condemned the trial as a "mockery of justice."

Photos of those who had been sentenced:


(* A P)

Abductees’ Mothers Urgent Statement Condemning Convictions of Their Sons Held at Houthis Prisons

Abductees’ Mothers Association condemns and disapproves the groundless convictions of thirty abductees who were sentenced to death after the trials of thirty-six abductees. (text in image9

We, abductees’ mothers, hold the international community, especially the United Nations and their Special Envoy, responsible for the outcomes of our abducted sons’ case.

We, as well, hold Houthis armed group responsible for the lives and safety of all the abductees and forcibly hidden individuals.


(A P)

SAM Condemns Death Sentence Issued by Houthis-controlled Court against 30 Detainees in Sana’a

In a statement issued Tuesday, July 9, 2019, SAM asserted that it had documented serious violations during the alleged trial sessions, including violation to basic judicial rules guaranteeing the integrity of the trial, the right of the defendants to defend themselves, threat and detention of their lawyers during the court sessions and the refusal to register their applications. And the torture of the accused during the trial period, and at the halls adjacent to the courtroom and during the hearings, and the absence of Dr. Yousuf al-Bawab from attending the last hearing in which the case was reserved for the ruling. In the same session, the court obliged the defense to respond to the “Criminal Lab”, which was presented in five pages, within one hour and rejected the lawyers’ request to give them an opportunity to review and respond to it. The court also heard the prosecution response at the same hearing and the case was closed to hear the verdict, without considering the requests of the defendants and the defense team, which is a clear breach to the criminal justice law and fair trial rules, and raises serious concerns about the intention to issue harsh sentences against civilian detainees. “

My comment: „SAM emphasizes that the sentences issued by the courts of the Houthis militia are worthless“ shows that this organisation is biased anti-Houthi and supporting „president“ Hadi's sole „legitimacy“.


(A P)

Yemen calls on UN to prevent Houthis from executing 30 activists

The Yemeni government yesterday called on the United Nations to intervene “by all means” and prevent the Houthis from executing 30 political activists in Sanaa.

In a letter sent by Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Hadrami to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet and UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, the official discussed “the need to intervene by all possible means to stop the Houthi militias from executing a group of civilian, activists and journalists”.

My remark: The Hadi government.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** B H)

Cholera im Jemen: Hunderttausende betroffen

Nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen muss im Jemen in diesem Jahr bislang von 460.000 Cholera-Verdachtsfällen ausgegangen werden. 2018 waren es rund 120.000 weniger.

Bis zu 705 Cholera-Tote könnte es seit Jahresbeginn in dem kriegsgeplagten Land gegeben haben, sagte Farhan Haq, Sprecher von UNO-Generalsekretär António Guterres.

Überschwemmungen haben zuletzt die Ausbreitung der Darmerkrankung begünstigt. Cholera tritt insbesondere bei mangelnder Hygiene auf.

„Die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Partner betreiben fast 1200 Cholera-Behandlungsstation im Land. Die Finanzierung bleibt eine dringende Angelegenheit. Es sind 4,2 Milliarden US-Dollar notwendig, um in diesem Jahr mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen zu helfen. Bis jetzt sind davon nur 32 Prozent davon vorhanden“, sagte Haq.


(** B H)

UN says suspected cholera cases in Yemen surge to 460,000

War-battered Yemen has been hit with more than 460,000 suspected cholera cases so far this year — a sharp rise from the 380,000 cases for all of 2018, the United Nations said Monday.

U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said the increased number of cases has led to 705 apparent cholera deaths since January, dramatically higher than the 75 deaths in the same period last year.

Haq said the spread of cholera across the country has been accelerated by recent flash flooding, poor maintenance of waste management systems and a lack of access to clean water for drinking or irrigation.

The United Nations and its partners are operating nearly 1,200 cholera treatment facilities across Yemen, but Haq said that “funding remains an urgent issue.” The U.N. humanitarian appeal for $4.2 billion to help more than 20 million Yemenis this year is only 32 percent funded. =

(* B H)

Cholera fordert 193 Todesopfer unter Kindern

Cholerafälle im Jemen erreichen einen neuen traurigen Höhepunkt: Bereits in den ersten sechs Monaten gab es mehr Verdachtsfälle als im gesamten Jahr 2018. Mindestens 193 Kinder starben 2019 an cholerabedingten Krankheiten, 203.000 Kinder unter 15 Jahren könnten sich schon infiziert haben.

„Die Zahl der Verdachtsfälle ist seit einigen Wochen auf ähnlichem Niveau, aber die Krankheit ist endemisch und wir befürchten einen starken Anstieg aufgrund der Regenfälle und Überschwemmungen. Solange der Konflikt anhält, es kein sauberes Wasser gibt und die Finanzierung der Hilfe im Jemen zu gering ist, können wir nur versuchen, so viele Kinder wie möglich am Leben zu erhalten", warnt Tamer Kirolos, Länderdirektor von Save the Children im Jemen.

(* B H)

Three days in a Yemeni cholera camp

Since the beginning of the cholera outbreak, Yemen has seen close to 1.5 million cases - one of them was my mother.

It was painful to watch all these women struggle against this vile disease. It was eating away not only at their bodies but also at their spirit. On the third day, my mother's condition deteriorated after she refused to eat and take the medicine.

The people who made that miracle happen were the medical staff, who despite all the difficulties and dangers of their work, did their jobs with great devotion. The ward was staffed 24 hours a day, with nurses doing 12-hour shifts for as little as $250 a month - a meagre remuneration for their heroic effort and the high risk of contracting a deadly disease they were exposed to on a daily basis. During the few days I spent at the ward, their work did not seem to slow down; they were admitting at least five people suspected of having cholera every day.

I was extremely happy when the next day the doctors finally told us that my mother has recovered enough to be able to go home. It was a great relief to finally be able to leave this scene of horror at the cholera ward.

War has devastated us and left us many paths to death, but only a narrow one to life. We do not wish onto anyone the pain that we have felt, but we do hope that those who have started this war will meet the fate they deserve for causing so much suffering and death to innocent men, women and children.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K P)

UAE moves to dismantle Saudi-backed “Giants Brigades” in Hodeidah front

Informed military sources have revealed that the United Arab Emirates are dismantling of the so-called Giants Brigades, which consist of people from the southern provinces that are deployed in the West Coast front.

The sources explained that after exiled Saudi-backed ruler Hadi appointed Abu Zarra’a al-Maharrmy as the leader of Hodeidah military axis, the UAE forces under the supervision of its armed commander in the west coast, Ali al-Tanaiji Abu Omar, started the first steps to dismantle the brigades.

The sources confirmed that disputes broke out between al-Maharramy and Abu Omar, which led the later to accuse al-Maharramy’s Giants Brigades of corruption.

Abu Omar reported to the UAE leadership about the alleged corruption in the brigades, as a pretext to change its leader.

The sources explained that Abu Omar worked to weaken the brigades militarily by withdrawing heavy weapons such as American armour, weapons and Patriot missiles, and isolating those close to Abu Zarraa’a, as well as withdrawing a number of leaders, most notably Abdul Rahman and the so-called “Zaher” deputy of Ali Salem al-Hasani.

My comment: This is part of the greater conflict between the UAE and UAE-backed separatists and separatist militia on the one side and the Hadi government and its allies (like Islah Party and Islah Party militia: Saudi-backed Salafist militia; militia under the command of ex-president Saleh’s son Tariq Saleh) on the other side. Look at cp1 and cp6.


(A K pS)

Tariq Saleh has been appointed head of a unified operations command (National Resistance, Tihama, and Giants Brigades) for #Yemen's Red Sea coast after #UAE drew down its presence in the region. Southerns fighting on the coast won't be happy about this.

Spokesman for the Giants Forces denied media reports that Tariq Saleh is leading the unified command, claiming that the National Resistance, Tihama, and Giants are all members of the military council led by the #UAE.

My remark: He is a son of ex-president Saleh – who would be a real worst guy for all southern separatists. And the UAE already seems to act, look at report above.

(A K pS)

Houthis send massive reinforcements to Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Al-Houthi militia burning the house of a citizen west of Hiss

(A K pS)

National army thwarts Houthis attack in Hodiedah

(A K pH)

Wounded in Saudi-mercenaries’ Bombing Targeting Residential Areas in Hodeidah

Five civilians, including a woman and three children, on early Wednesday, were injured by a bombardment of the Saudi-mercenaries targeted different areas of the province of Hodeidah.

Almasirah Net correspondent stated that a woman along with her two children were injured after an artillery bombardment targeted 7-Yolio neighborhood in the city of Hodeidah.

A child was seriously injured as a result of the bombing of the forces of aggression on Al-Rabasa neighborhood in Al-Hawak district with various weapons, our correspondent added.

A citizen was also wounded by the forces of aggression’s gun fire in Attohayta district.

and also

(A K pH)

July 9: In Hodeidah, a women and her two children were injured by targeting their neighborhood in Al-Hawk district with artillery shells and machine-guns. A civilian was injured with mercenaries gunshots in At-tohayta district. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted Al-Jah area in At-tohayta district with 57 artillery shells.

(A K pS)

Houthis intensify shelling of joint forces positions in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis set a house on fire west Hays, Hodeidah

(* A K pS)

Sources: UAE to hands over operations center in Al-Mocha for Saudi forces after withdrawing from al-Khokha

The Saudi military command received the headquarters of the Arab coalition Operations Command in the western coast from the UAE forces two days ago.

Informed sources told Al-Masdar online that "The Saudi military command has received from the UAE forces the headquarters of the coalition operations in the city of al-Mocha, west of Taiz, which is a major center for field operations in the West coast,".

According to the sources, the Saudi Arabian forces are limited, consisting of dozens of officers and soldiers, with vehicles and armored vehicles, along with the Sudanese forces, as well as their own air defense system (Patriot) to protect their operations headquarters from rocket attacks and al-Houthi drones.

The United Arab Emirates has retained a number of its relief workers under the banner of the UAE Red Crescent in the cities of al-Mocha and Khokha, the sources said, and transfered the rest to the headquarters of the UAE forces in the interim capital of Aden.

(* A K pS)

Yemen: UAE confirms withdrawal from port city of Hodeidah

Move is a significant moment in Yemen’s civil war, but officials say UAE remains in Saudi-led coalition against Houthis

The United Arab Emirates has announced a “strategic redeployment” from the port city of Hodeidah in Yemen, as well as a more limited tactical retreat elsewhere in the country – marking a significant moment in Yemen’s four-year civil war.

UAE officials said the move, under discussion for as long as a year, was designed to support a United Nations-led peace process that began in Stockholm last December.

My comment: This detail of the UAE announcement is emphasized here. For more, look at cp1 and Yemen War Mosaic 553, cp2. – This would ba anotrher „unilateral“ withdrawal from Hodeidah, as the Houthis did before. But, wat and see. The UAE-paid Yemeni militia will stay.

(A K pH)

July 8: In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted Hodeidah International Airport with different machineguns.

(A K pH)

Film: martyr and wounded as a result of the bombing of mercenaries of residential neighborhoods in Hodeidah 07-07-2019

(A K pS)

Yemeni Army Forces Shoot Down a Houthi Militia Drone, South of Hodeidah

The Yemeni National Army forces today shot down a reconnaissance drone belonging to the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia in Duraihmi district, south of the province of Hodeidah in western Yemen.

(A K pS)

Two children wounded in attack targeted displaced people camp in Al-Khawkhah

Two children sustained serious injuries on Sunday due to a missile-attack launched by the Houthis militants at Al-Alili Displaced People Camp in Al-Khawkhah District, south Hodeida governorate, local sources said.

(A K pS)

Film: Children in the village of Bani al-Jani in al-Tahta district south of Hodeidah province were victims of the brutal crimes of the terrorist militias. One house was hit by indiscriminate artillery shelling by al-Houthi militia last Thursday.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(A K P)

Heavy fighting is taking place in Yemen's city of #Taiz right now. In this lawless city, pro-government and Houthi forces fight, pro-government militias fight each other, and outlaws backed by pro-government commanders and militias attack security forces.

(* B K)

Since 2015 remote explosives, IEDs and landmines have killed 5,500 people in #Yemen. More than 80% of deaths occurred since 2017. Responsibility for the rise lies primarily with Houthi forces. Almost all other violent incidents by remote explosives were by AQAP (infographic)

(A K P)

Jemen: Rebellen fordern kompletten Rückzug der Militärkoalition

Die Rebellen im Jemen haben den vollständigen Rückzug der internationalen Militärkoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens gefordert. "Wir rufen alle Angreifer dazu auf, sich aus dem Jemen zurückzuziehen", schrieb Mohammed Ali al-Huthi, Chef des Höheren Revolutionskomitees, am Dienstag im Kurzbotschaftendienst Twitter. Die =

(A K P)

Yemen's Houthi rebels urge full withdrawal of Saudi-led coalition

The call comes after reports that the UAE will reduce its military presence in war-ravaged Yemen.

Yemen's Houthi rebels have called for the full withdrawal of a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates after the latter said it had begun reducing its deployment in the war-torn country.

"We call on the aggressors to withdraw from Yemen, as the Republic of Yemen rejects aggression, siege and air embargo," Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the head of the Houthi rebels' Supreme Revolutionary Committee, tweeted on Monday.

"Withdrawing from Yemen is the ideal decision that must be taken at this time," he added.


(* A K P)

Yemeni official says UAE to end troop presence this year

The United Arab Emirates told the Yemeni government last month that it plans to unwind its military role in the war-ravaged country by the end of this year, a senior Yemeni official said, as the Gulf Arab state moves to avert a slide toward a broader conflict.

The plan was discussed during a visit by Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik to Abu Dhabi in June, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The official said Abdulmalik voiced concerns over how the pullout would affect the conflict in Yemen

(* A B K P)

Film: UAE to reduce troop presence in Yemen: Reports

The UAE appears to be withdrawing some of its forces from Yemen. That is according to media reports quoting senior Emirati officials. They are describing the partial withdrawal as a “redeployment” and insist they remain committed to the Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting Houthi rebels since 2015. The rebels are calling for a full withdrawal.

(* A B K P)

Film by France 24: "The UAE don't want to be associated with the Yemen humanitarian crisis"

(* A B K P)

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Rückzug aus dem Jemen?

Die VAE haben sich teilweise aus dem Jemen zurückgezogen. Die Internationale Koalition hat sich mit ihrem Kriegseinsatz offenbar übernommen. Auch die Spannungen zwischen dem Iran und den USA spielen eine Rolle.

Nun scheint es, als schwände zumindest unter einem Teil der Koalitionäre der Wille, weiterhin im bisherigen Maßstab in dem Land an der Südspitze der Halbinsel zu kämpfen. Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate haben sich aus mehreren der ihnen im Rahmen der Kriegskoalition überantworteten Gebiete zurückgezogen.

In der Provinz Hudaida seien sie nur noch mit einem Fünftel ihrer ursprünglichen Stärke vertreten. Die Kontrolle der Region hätten sie zuvor ausgebildeten jemenitischen Kräften überlassen. Auch aus der Hafenstadt Aden hätten sich die VAE in Teilen zurückgezogen.

Die VAE begründen Presseberichten zufolge ihren Rückzug damit, dass die Kriegsziele im Süden des Jemen weitestgehend erreicht worden seien. Auch vermittelten nun UN-Mitarbeiter in dem Konflikt, was es ebenfalls angeraten erscheinen lasse, die Kräfte im Jemen zu reduzieren.

Allerdings dürften auch andere Motive eine Rolle spielen. Die Emirate hätten in dem Krieg zwei Ziele verfolgt, sagt Elizabeth Dickinson, Chef-Analystin der International Crisis Group für die Arabische Halbinsel. Zum einen wollten sie die aufständischen Huthis bekämpfen. Zum anderen hätten sie auch eine Vielzahl islamistischer Gruppen verfolgen wollen. "Darunter versteht man in den VAE nahezu alle Gruppierungen zwischen den Muslimbrüdern und Al-Kaida. Unter ihnen finden sich auch Akteure, die aus Sicht anderer Länder keineswegs terroristische, sondern islamistische Mainstream-Organisationen sind", führt Dickinson weiter aus. Nun hätten die VAE erkannt, dass sie sich mit diesem Ziel übernommen hätten. "Außerdem haben sie sich von Saudi-Arabien zu Teilen auch in den Krieg hineinziehen lassen. Sie selbst waren mit ihrer Rolle dort niemals wirklich zufrieden."

Auch angesichts der enormen Kosten des Krieges suchten die VAE nun nach Alternativen, so Dickinson. Zunehmend setzten sie nun auf eine politische Lösung des Krieges – von Kersten Knipp

und auch

and English version:

(* A B K P)

UAE scaling back military role in Yemen conflict

According to media reports, the UAE has justified its withdrawal by arguing its military objectives have largely been accomplished in southern Yemen, and that UN involvement in the conflict necessitated a reduced presence.

However, the UAE's motives for pulling out of Yemen may be of a different nature. Elizabeth Dickinson, senior analyst for the Arabian Peninsula with the International Crisis Group, says that the country pursued two goals: to fight the Houthi rebels, and to go after Yemen's numerous Islamist groups. In the mind of the UAE, these range "from the Muslim Brotherhood all the way to al Qaeda," Dickinson says. But this stance, she explains, has "been quite controversial in many places because a lot of the Islamists they view as extreme or terrorist organizations are, in the view of many, sort of mainstream organizations." Dickinson says the UAE has realized that it set too great a challenge for itself, noting the country "was sort of brought into" the war by its ally, Saudi Arabia, and as a result it has "never really been completely comfortable" with its role there.

This, along with the tremendous cost of the war, means the UAE is now looking to support a political solution to end the Yemen conflict, Dickinson says. "What the UAE decided is that [it] will do a unilateral drawdown in order to change the morning momentum of the conflict again — hopefully towards talks — but certainly in a way that protects [its] interests, which is to really limit [its] commitment in Yemen and reduce the burden that is placing on the region against such a small state." – by Kersten Knipp

Comment by Elisabeth Kendall: Much attention is on #UAE military drawdown in #Yemen. Remember, UAE 1. is not pulling out 2. is distancing itself from an unpopular, devastating, unwinnable war with Houthis in North & West 3. is increasing its presence in some areas 4. has proxy forces in place across the South


(* A B K P)

UAE Redeploys Forces and Equipment Across Parts of Yemen

But despite the reports that the UAE is repositioning to move from "a strategy of war to a strategy of peace," Emirati government TV said the country will remain part of the Saudi-led coalition.

Saudi-led coalition spokesman Turki al Maliki also said Monday at a press conference the UAE would "remain part of the coalition" led by Riyadh.

A Yemen-based TV station reported several days ago that the UAE was withdrawing the bulk of its forces from areas adjacent to the large Red Sea port of Hodeida, amid friction over efforts to demilitarize the area. The TV station said the UAE was closing a large base in the region of Mukha, south of Hodeida.

Arab media showed video of UAE tanks and armored personnel carriers withdrawing from areas near Hodeida in recent days. A Kuwaiti analyst told Arab media the UAE's re-deployment "involves mostly equipment." He said the UAE "works with local Yemeni militia forces" and "has few forces of its own in the area."

Deifallah Shami, who is minister of information for the Houthi-led administration in Sanaa, told Arab TV he did not think the UAE is withdrawing, but rather is "leveraging its position with the Saudis"

Hilal Khashan, who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut, said the UAE "has for the most part achieved its objectives in Yemen."

"Therefore," he told VOA, "there is no further need to maintain heavy equipment and a sizeable military presence. In addition, the presence of a large UAE contingent might tempt the Saudis to apply pressure on them to engage in more fighting, and the Saudi agenda differs from the UAE agenda in Yemen."

Khashan added that the "Emiratis are in firm control of Aden and Socotra [island]," and that "these are the areas of vital interest to them [because] the UAE is trying to become a maritime power and to establish themselves in the Horn of Africa and Yemen." "Their interests are very specific," he said, "unlike [those of] the Saudis."


(* A B K P)

Audio: Nasser Arrabyee on the UAE’s Withdrawal From Yemen

Nasser Arrabyee discusses the news that UAE troops will soon be pulling out of Yemen. Arrabyee speculates that the Emirati government might realize the international stance on the war is finally turning against the Saudi coalition, and they want to get out in time to save some face. He also believes that Saudi Arabia won’t be able to prosecute the war without the UAE, even with American support. Part of the shifting tide may have to do with the fact that the United Nations finally released an estimate of over 200,000 civilian deaths there, after years of claiming that only around 10,000 had died.

(* A B K P)

How UAE's Yemen Exit Is Preparation To Confront Iran Closer To Home

A United Arab Emirates decision to withdraw the bulk of its forces from Yemen shines a spotlight on hard realities underlying Middle Eastern geopolitics.

The pullback suggests that the UAE is preparing for the possibility of a US military confrontation with Iran in which the UAE and Saudi Arabia could emerge as prime battlegrounds.

It also reflects long-standing subtle differences in the approaches of Saudi Arabia and the UAE towards Yemen. It further highlights the UAE’s long-standing concern for its international standing amid mounting criticism of the civilian toll of the war as well as a recognition that the Trump administration’s unquestioning support may not be enough to shield its allies from significant reputational damage.

The withdrawal constitutes a fine-tuning rather than a reversal of the UAE’s determination to contain Iran and thwart political Islam witness the Emirates’ involvement in the Libyan civil war and support for renegade field marshal Khalifa Belqasim Haftar as well as its support for the embattled Sudanese military and autocrats like Egyptian general-turned-president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

While the UAE may have withdrawn the bulk of its troops from key regions of Yemen, it leaves behind Emirati-trained local forces that will continue to do its bidding. The withdrawal, moreover, is not 100 percent with the UAE maintaining its Al-Mukalla base for counterterrorism operations.

The UAE’s commitment to assertive policies designed to ensure that the small state can continue to punch above its weight are also evident in its maintenance of a string of military and commercial port facilities in Yemen, on the African shore of the Red Sea, and in the Horn of Africa as well its hard-line towards Qatar and rivalry with Turkey.

and how Emirati media tell it: and and

and how the Houthi side tells it:

(A K P)


As the UAE mobilizes more southerners to training camps and more camps in Lahj, Dhalia and Abyan, and pushes forces and arms to Shabwa, Hadramout and the West Coast, its broken fleet and its open leaks are repeated for the second time in less than a month, demanding withdrawal from Yemen to reach a message to the international community that it no longer is responsible for any crimes or bloody confrontations that will occur in Yemen, where a senior Emirati official claimed on Monday that the UAE is withdrawing its forces in Yemen within what he called “a redeployment plan for strategic and tactical reasons,” as quoted by Agence France.


(B K P)

UAE’s Yemen Troop Withdrawal Follows New Houthi Weapons and Threats of Attack on Dubai

The Houthi strategy of striking the Saudi-led Coalition on its own territory appears to be working, as Saudi Arabia’s main partner in its war on Yemen, the UAE, recently announced it would begin a drawdown of troops from the country.

The announcement from the UAE came after Houthi leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi threatened to target vital objectives in Dubai if the UAE continued its involvement in the war against Yemen, according to a statement by a high-ranking source allied with the Saudi-led Coalition, who asked to remain anonymous.

In reality, the UAE’s involvement in Yemen is far from over. If a full military withdrawal does not occur, the UAE will resume its goal to control strategic ports, islands and other locations across Yemen, but instead of relying on its military it will likely employ paid mercenaries to secure its interests.

My comment: This interpretation certainly is odd. The troop withdrawal certainly has nothing to do with the Houthi government’s arms show. The troops which had been withdrawn from Yemen would be of no use against any missile attacks in the UAE.

The interpretation I had rejected here now also from Jordan:

(B P)

UAE’s new stance on Yemeni war

The UAE, however, has given the initial signal as to the implication of its new stance on the war in Yemen by ordering the redeployment of its troops in the country and starting the reduction of their number. No complete withdrawal of Emirati soldiers, however, has been issued.

This change of position on the war in Yemen came, in part, in the wake of the fact that the military conflict in Yemen has become an open-ended war

There are growing fears that the long military arm of the Houthis in Yemen may also strike at civilian targets in the UAE as well, and this may explain the signs of restraint by the UAE in the warring situation in Yemen. The UAE cannot afford any disruption of its normal life, as its entire economy is based on peace and stability.

(* B P)

Yemen will probably never join the defunct GCC

“Geopolitically and demographically, Yemen is of strategic importance to the security of the Gulf states,” said Abdulsalam Mohammad, chairman of the Abaad Studies and Research Center. “However, they have not attended to economic development in Yemen, nor have they attempted to integrate Yemen into the GCC. Only with the 2015 international crisis did Yemenis feel the embrace of the Gulf, yet the UAE has pursued its own interests at the expense of Yemen’s stability. Some Yemenis still believe that Saudi Arabia could support Yemeni efforts to join the GCC at the end of the war.”

Though Saudi Arabia remains the highest-profile supporter of Yemen’s internationally recognized government, policymakers in Riyadh have had to compete with other GCC member states, such as Qatar and the UAE. Qatari officials are building their relationship with the Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Islah), and Emirati generals have managed to pull much of Yemen into their sphere of influence by backing a constellation of militias.

In addition to the Gulf states’ contradictory objectives in Yemen, the clearest obstacle to Yemen’s accession to the GCC has come from Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s hostility toward Qatar.

“If there is a further split in the GCC in the future, Yemen will likely choose any alliance with Saudi Arabia—especially if the war in Yemen has concluded,” predicted Mohammad.


Reports from #Sanaa say a detainee has died from torture inside a Houthi prison. In #Aden, gunmen kidnapped a man and executed him at a school. On Al-Abr highway between #Marib and #Hadramout, travellers get killed on a daily basis either by this unrehabilitated road or bandits.

(B K P)

Nobelpreisträgerin Tawakkol Karman: Wer weniger Flüchtlinge will, muss die Diktatoren stoppen

Die jemenitische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Tawakkol Karman war bei der Nobelpreisträger-Tagung in Lindau. Im Interview sagt sie, was sie von deutschen Waffenexporten hält. (nur im Abo),-nobelpreistr%C3%A4gerin-tawakkol-karman-wer-weniger-fl%C3%BCchtlinge-will-muss-die-diktatoren-stoppen-_arid,11079593.html

(B P)

$300 for a new #Yemen-i passport, and waiting times of 4 months!

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A E P)

The economic committee accuses the Houthis of causing an oil derivatives crisis and imprisoning merchants and warns against speculation in currency

The Government's Higher Economic Committee (the recognized) said that the al-Houthi group, through what it called "the Houthi oil company," had provoked fuel crises in the areas under the control of the group, spread rumors, and threatened the merchants after banning them from entering the authorized vessels of the port of Hodeidah to unload their cargoes.

My comment: The Hadi goverment blames the Houthis for the effects of the Saudi blockade.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Médecins Sans Frontières: International Activity Report 2018

The war in Yemen, which has left the country and its healthcare system in ruins, entered its fourth year. The Saudi- and Emirati-led coalition continued to target civilian areas with airstrikes and bombings, including our new cholera treatment centre in Abs. The war is taking a heavy toll on people, who often must negotiate constantly changing frontlines to find care for their war- wounds or their general medical needs. Yemen was the country where our teams treated the highest number of war-wounded in 2018, over 16,000 people. After a major offensive was launched in Hodeidah in June, doctors in our Aden hospital treated Hodeidah residents who had been driven for six hours, the majority of them in a critical condition. Conflict intensified on several frontlines at the end of the year, leading to an influx of people with war-related injuries. We also treated more than 150 people wounded by mines planted by Houthi-led Ansar Allah troops around Mocha. Constant attacks on our staff and patients at facilities in Ad Dhale forced us to withdraw from the town in November. =

(A H)

I have just arrived in Sana'a after food aid distribution today morning to the most vulnerable families in Manakha area. Our project targeted 102 families based on a fund by our partners Darul Atfal & @monarelief's online fundraising campaign (photos)

Our last mission in delivering food baskets was not easy. I spent more than 10 days trying to get a permission to distribute only 102 food baskets, so how much time shall I need if I decided to distribute 1000 packs or more. Procedures are tough and we need to be patient (photos)

My comment: Why Sanaa government officials block delivering aid??????

As I said before and I'm repeating it again. We are selling promises to our donors and supporters but we are doing our best to reach out poor people in my country #Yemen. Footage taken today morning in Manakha area of Sana's during food aid distribution by @monarelief

Sometimes and during our humanitarian work we need to wait beneficiaries for 12 hours until they came to receive their assistance. Working in humanitarian field in #Yemen like an adventure and you need good skills in order to succeed or you will fail. #monarelief

Since the beginning of my work at @monarelief I bear the responsibility of delivering assisstance to the most needy people and IDPs myself. We have carried out more than 260 projects & activities across #Yemen since 2015 reaching out 48000 families. #monarelief

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Humanitarian Response Plan 2019 - Funding Status (As of 02 July 2019)

(* B H)

Red Cross Red Crescent magazine: Climate of war

Will a warming planet lead to a more violent world? Or will it inflict more suffering on those living through conflict?

Well before Yemen descended into conflict and into what many have called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, the country’s capital, Sana’a, was already on track to run out of water.

National water authorities and a host of international development actors were warning that unless urgent steps were taken, water resources in the Sana’a basin could disappear. One report said the city’s 4.2 million residents could become “water refugees by 2025”.

Long-term declines in rainfall. A growing population. Increasing cultivation of water-intensive crops. Mismanagement of water resources and inefficient water systems. All these factors have been causing water tables beneath the city to shrink by roughly three to four metres per year.

Before the war, numerous international agencies were working with the Yemeni government on ambitious, multimillion-dollar plans to reduce agricultural water use, improve water collection and cut down waste in urban water systems.

Today, there are only urgent calls for humanitarian action

“The economy is in freefall so to remain economically active, people are turning to water-thirsty crops that deplete the water table even further,” says Johannes Bruwer, head of delegation for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen. “It’s a perfect storm for creating long-term water problems.”

Along with shortages of fuel, which make water production and transport of goods expensive, the shortage of water is hurting a critical part of the Yemeni economy. “People cannot work in agriculture the way they used to,” says Dr. Moosa Elayah, a Yemeni researcher with the Center for International Development Issues in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. “Food prices are completely beyond what anyone can afford.”

Even highly developed countries in times of peace are hard pressed to tackle these challenges. But Yemen’s ongoing war has pushed sustainable solutions off the table.

“We are facing starvation level in many parts of the country and I think it will get even worse with climate change,” says Elayah.

Yemen is not alone. Across the Middle East and other regions strongly impacted by conflict and climate change, similar stories are unfolding.

(A H P)

"OCHA " in the process of decentralizing relief work and opening offices in Taiz, Marib and Mukalla

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said Tuesday it will open offices in Taiz (southwest), Marib (eastern) and al-Mukalla, the capital of Hadramawt province (eastern Yemen).

This came during the meeting of the Director of the OCHA office in Yemen, "Sebastian Trev ", Tuesday, with the Minister of Local administration, Abdul Raqeeb Fatah, in the interim capital Aden, in the presence of relief Coordinator Jamal Belfaqih, according to the official Saba agency.

"Trev " said the organization is in the process of decentralizing relief work and opening offices in Taiz, Marib and Mukalla to facilitate the work of organizations in all governorates.

(B H)

UN Children's Fund: Yemen: Emergency Cash Transfer Project Newsletter 9 July 2019

The Yemen Emergency Cash Transfer (ECT) Project has served over 1.38 million beneficiaries to date, going the extra mile to serve the hardest-to-reach.

About 73,000 beneficiaries were served last week. The pace of beneficiaries covered has reduced compared to the 1 million served in the first 9 days of the payment cycle. =

(B H)

Film: Yemen conflict: Six-year-old Yusra’s new eye =

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Fund - Bi-annual Dashboard (Jan-Jun 2019)

As of 1 July 2019, 17 donors have contributed a total of $110 million to the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF). Between January and June, the YHF allocated $114m through three allocations to 43 humanitarian organizations implementing 75 life-saving projects across all sectors of need in 19 of Yemen’s 22 Governorates.

(* B E H)

World Food Programme: Yemen Market Watch Report, Issue No. 36 (May 2019)

Food markets have been generally stablethroughoutMay 2019 compared to the previous month. However, the underlying risks of supply side shocks warn of further depreciation of the Yemeni riyal in 2019 and a pickup in consumer prices.

The average cost of the minimum food basket remains relatively stable (YER 4,692 per person per month) since its steep decrease in November 2018.

The Yemeni riyal (YER) partly reversed the short term gains and depreciated by 4.5 percent against the US dollar to USD/YER 533, compared to an appreciation of 12.9 percent in the previous month.

All northern governorates and a few of the southern governorates (Abyan, Addaleh and Aden) in Yemen continued to face fuel availability constraints during May. =

(B H)

Film: Yémen : dans le centre de néonatalogie de Khamer

Yémen : tous les jours, se sont 2 à 3 bébés qui sont admis dans l’unité de néonatalogie de l’hôpital Al Salam de Khamer, soutenu par MSF.

(A H)

Kidney Dialysis Center in Zabid District of Hodeidah Sends Distress Call

The dialysis center in Zabid district of Hodeidah province appealed to relief workers, charitable organizations and organizations working in the province to save the center from reaching a complete stop.

The center is facing a shortage of diesel, which the operation of the center depends on. It is in urgent need of additional quantity to ensure its continuation.

The Center pointed out that the current quantities of diesel do not cover the actual need for its full operation. The center runs two shift and sometimes three shifts per day as a result of increasing numbers of patients coming from the Directorate and neighboring districts.

The Center called on philanthropists and organizations to contribute to securing the required amount of diesel to enable them to continue to provide services to patients

(* B H P)

Das sind die Gründe für den Schrecken im Jemen

Durch den andauernden Krieg ist die Versorgungslage katastrophal. Nun stoppt die UN auch noch Teile ihrer Lebensmittellieferungen – weil viele nie ihr Ziel erreichen

Die Entscheidung des WFP erfolgte, nachdem Huthi-Rebellen Abmachungen zur Sicherung und Kontrolle von Lieferungen nicht eingehalten hatten.

Zu Beginn des Jahres sah es laut WFP-Chef Beasley auch zunächst nach einem „Durchbruch“ aus. Notleidende Menschen sollten biometrisch registriert werden, um eine bessere Verteilung von Lebensmitteln zu garantieren. „Doch jedes Mal, wenn wir kurz vor der Durchführung dieser Vereinbarungen standen, tauchte plötzlich ein neues Hindernis auf“, beklagte Beasley

Mein Kommentar: Die Überschrift passt wohl nicht zum Artikel. – Mehr Hintergründe hier:

(* B H P)

Film: Hungersnot im Jemen: Das UN-Welternährungsprogramm wird zum politischen Instrument (Video)

Im Juni hat das Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen entschieden, keine jemenitischen Gebiete mehr zu versorgen, die unter der Kontrolle der Huthi-Rebellen stehen. Offiziell soll damit der Veruntreuung der Hilfsgüter vorgebeugt werden. Interessant ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass die Mitglieder der Koalition auch zu den größten Geldgebern des Welternährungsprogramms gehören.

(B H)

Film by SMEPS: We believe in collaboration in life We train women in coastal areas because we trust their abilities to generate income&help improving family’s #livelihoods Training inculdes knitting fishing nets, palm fronds&dryong fish

(B H)

Donors' support to #SFDYemen since 2016 generated employments and durable services while 24 m ppl lack them. SFD provided jobs to 200k households, 4 m meter3 of water storage, water thru 660km of waterpipes to over 350k ppl, cash & lifesaving awareness to 80k mothers or pregnant (photos)

(A H)

Film: True about #Yemen This footage shows a #Yemeni woman as she is eating from the garbage. Remember that #Yemen is described as the world's worst crisis & millions of #Yemenis are just one step away from famine. This is only a direct impact of 5 years of Saudi war on #Yemen

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

International Organization for Migration Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking, 1 January -16 June 2019

The ongoing conflict in Yemen, since March 2015, has led to the displacement of more than 3.6 million people (according to DTM’s 2018 Area Assessment) and datasets can be found here.
DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking tool collects and reports on numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of num- bers, geography and needs. In the first five months of 2019, conflict activities have resulted in new patterns of displacement, particularly in within Al Dhale'e and Al Hudaydah governorates. =

(* B H)

UN Children's Fund, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre: Equitable access to quality education for internally displaced children

Too many internally displaced children grow up deprived of an education and the long-term opportunities it affords. Access to quality inclusive education brings significant economic, social and health benefits to displaced and host communities alike.

Ensuring access to national education systems for internally displaced children is vital, provided it is safe to do so. Far greater priority needs to be given, and efforts and investment devoted to minimising the disruption to education that internal displacement causes, while maximising the potential protection and other vital support that schools provide for their displaced pupils. =

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Sharaf Stresses Need to Pay Employees Salaries

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf on Wednesday stressed the need to pay the salaries of employees and to lift the siege of Sanaa International Airport, this was during his meeting with the director of the Office of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General in Sana'a.

(* B K P)

Yemen's houthis recruit 30,000 child soldiers: minister

Yemen’s Houthi rebel group has recruited more than 30,000 child soldiers since war broke out in the country, Anadolu Agency reported, quoting a government official Wednesday.
The Houthis sent them to conflict zones and military reservations without any training, Human Rights Minister Mohamed Askar told Anadolu Agency.
Askar described the situation in which child soldiers were sent to conflict areas and prevented from going to school as a "time bomb”.

My comment: As claimed by the Hadi government.

(A K)

Features and Capabilities of Samad-1, Samad-3 Drones

The Military Industries Division of the Armed Forces of Yemen revealed the capabilities and characteristics of two drones, Samad 3, and Samad 1. Scenes of Qasef K2 drones flying in the skies for the first time since being used in the front line, in addition to the flight of a surveillance drone, were presented to during the press conference

and also, with films:

(A P)

Al Houthi movement leader Abdul Malik al Houthi announced that he would rescind an amnesty for Yemeni parliamentarians aligned with President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi on July 9. Anti-al Houthi sources claimed that the al Houthi movement intends to confiscate the property of the parliamentarians in question, most of whom do not currently reside in al Houthi-controlled territory.[3]

(B E P)

Houthis milk major telecom company for their own use

Sources in Sana’a revealed parts of management and financial corruption the Houthis officials exercise against the state-partially -owned cellular-phone company, Yemen Mobile.

The London-based Daily Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper quoted sources in Sana’a that the Houthis armed group has now full control over the cell-phone company after they designated their affiliated leaders in high-ranking positions of the company’s administration.

(A P)

A young man dies under severe torture in Houthi run-prison in Sana’a

(A P)

Hearing for Yemeni Bahai postponed as rebels block court appearance

Hamed bin Haydara, 55, was sentenced to death for espionage and apostasy

The head of Yemen’s Bahai minority was prevented from appearing in a rebel-held Sanaa court for an appeals hearing on Tuesday, forcing his case to be postponed again until the end of the month.

Hamed bin Haydara, 55, was sentenced to death for espionage and apostasy by a Houthi court in the Sanaa in January last year based on charges filed against him in 2015. He is appealing his conviction with his defence teams insisting there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

The case was described as “an egregious violation of justice based on the Houthis’ intolerance of Bahais and other religious minorities in Yemen,”

(A P)

Sanaa court backs charges against Asma al-Omaisi, relieves death sentence to 15 years in prison

The al-Houthi-controlled specialized criminal Court of appeal in Sanaa on Tuesday upheld the charges against the " the 23-year-old Asma Al-Omaisi " concealed in al-Houthi jails for four years.

According to rights sources, the Court of Appeal, which is under the control of the Houthis, upheld the trial verdict against Asma Al-Omaisi and commuted it to 15 years in prison.

Amnesty International called on the Houthis to stop the trial of Asma Al-Omaisi with false charges, stressing the need for her release.

(A P)

Amnesty International calls on Al-Houthi to stop the trial and release Asmaa al-Omeissy

Amnesty International has called on the Houthis to abolish the death penalty for Asmaa al-Omeissy and to release her immediately.

" Asmaa al-Omeissy is facing unfounded charges on the" State security "and the help aggression state, the organization said in a tweet on its Twitter account – monitored Al-Masdar online.

The State Security Court, which is under the control of the Houthis, is scheduled to issue an appeal on Tuesday in the case of Asmaa al-Omeissy, and lawyer Abdelmajid Sabra, who defends her, expected the death penalty to be abolished in the trial sentence that the prosecution did not provide any evidence to substantiate its claims.

"It is not too late," the organization stressed, stressing the need to release her and abolish the death penalty.

(A P)


Mohamed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council mocked launched a verbal attack against the exiled Hadi and his government in Riyadh.

He mocked at them saying that their duties are to follow the rules of tyranny ” school of al- Emir of dependency and servitude”.

Translating the true concepts of patriotism into the living reality is a free project, in which mercenaries and graduates of the Emir’s school of dependency and servitude are viding away ,”

(A H P)

Yemen under National Salvation Government - so-called "houthi rule" - continues to reward female inventors contributing to the betterment of Yemeni society.

This is Reham Al-Mukhtari, being given a reward & appreciation by the Yemeni minister of health Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, for her extraordinary invention of an internal dialysis examination vest (photos)

(A P)

Thekra Said, an activist, was released from a Houthi group prison in Hodeidah city, after she was held for 50 days on the charge of contacting the opposition party

(A P)

Fighting corruption is one of pillars of state building: President al-Mashat

My comment: Well, then do it. Corruption within Houthi ranks is great.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp15

(A P)

Women stage sit-in in front of Interior Minister’s residence in Aden

A number of detainees’ mothers staged a sit-in on Wednesday morning 10 July 2019 in front of the Interior Minister’s house in the temporary capital Aden. The women demanded immediate release of their relatives who were taken from home or from their jobs by local gunmen to unknown private detention centers in Aden. (photo)

(A P)

The teaching staff at Taiz University demanded in a protest to halt the attacks and threats against their colleagues, which are considered a dangerous indicator that leads to an end to the educational process. (photo)

(* A P)

Hundreds of recruits join Saudi-backed military forces in Abyan

A local source told Al-Masdar Online that thousands of newly recruited local recruits have joined military forces established in the “LAwdar” district in northeastern Abyan province, supported by Saudi Arabia, which has been leading a military coalition against the Houthis since 2015.

The source said that thousands of young people between the ages of the second and third decades came from the directorates of Abyan to the area of "Al-Minyasa" east Lawdar Directorate to join a military brigade led by a Salafist commander supported by Saudi Arabia.

My comment: These Salafist militia will oppose the separatists and separatist militia. – A civil war in Southern Yemen seems to come closer.

(A P)

In Solidarity with UAE, Southern Citizens Demonstrate in Aden

Massive crowds demonstrated in Aden on July 9th, 2019 demanding that UAE personnel remain in Aden and the south. Demonstrators raised the southern flags side by side with UAE flags as a sign of appreciation for what UAE did to our country in all military and humanitarian fields.
Demonstrators demanded that all voices calling for UAE to leave the Arab Coalition should shut up. They indicated that if UAE is out this means every thing will return to chaos.

(A P)

Southern flag raising campaign continues in Aden

The STC leadership in al-Mansourah district raised the southern national flags on number of government buildings,

My comment: More and more, separatists seize the state.

(A K P)

Minister: by restructuring the forces in the west Coast away from the Ministry of defense they invent a parallel army

A minister in the legitimate government warned against the restructuring of troops participating in the West Coast outside the Ministry of Defense and the headquarters of the legitimate government.

Abdul Rabb Al-Salami, in a post on his Facebook page on Wednesday, "The restructuring of the West Coast Brigades under one institutional and professional leadership is a good step, much better, but the conduct of that structure outside the Ministry of Defense And the legitimate head of the staff is another big problem.

Al-Salami warned of the seriousness of the move, which he said "may, if not dealt with quickly and responsibly by the Arab alliance leadership with Yemen's legitimate leadership, lead to legitimize the phenomenon of parallel armies," which he said is no less dangerous than the phenomenon of militias which they want to be dismantled.

(* B H P)


2019 Aurora Humanitarian Huda Al-Sarari investigates a clandestine network of secret prisons in Yemen, documenting and exposing the abuse that takes place there. We talked to the activist about her personal role models and the price of her selfless work.

I have always felt that being a human rights activist in Yemen is a challenge, and being a woman adds an extra layer of difficulty. Although life has been tough sometimes due to losing my son, I have never regretted my choice.

My close connection to the victims and their families has always given me courage. I might take a break in the middle of the road, but I have decided to continue on this path. There is nothing more that I can lose after losing the most precious thing in my life.

Being named an Aurora Humanitarian did not just give me excitement but also a feeling of responsibility to take our fight for justice all the way to the end.

Nothing will be more difficult than the pain of losing my son and the feeling of exposing my family to fear and threats that ended with my son being murdered by some cowardly assassins. They wanted to break a mother’s heart in such a cruel way.

My son was only 18 years old when they shot him, and I felt helpless seeing him dying in my own hands. He couldn’t receive treatment abroad because he required a visa to travel. I had to stay with him in the hospital, waiting for God to be merciful. I only pray he did not feel any pain and is in a happy place right now.


Citizen executed in horrible way in Aden

Gunmen on Tuesday executed a citizen after kidnapping him in the city of Aden, southern Yemen.

(A K P)

Houthis deploy thousands of children into warfronts, says Dep Premier

Houthis have deployed thousands of children to warfronts, Yemen’s deputy Prime Minister Salem Al-Khanbashi said.

(A P)

Marib Security: Preliminary investigations reveal the association of subversive elements with the Houthis

The committee said in a statement on Monday that preliminary investigations of the wanted subversive elements who had been arrested during the recent security campaign had revealed a close association with the Houthi rebel militia.

(A P)

Taiz's security chief survives assassination attempt by armed bandits following Ghazwan Al-Mikhlafi

(A P)

Violence broke out in #Taiz city after outlaws attacked security forces this morning. Civilians were injured and vehicles of forces and outlaws were destroyed during clashes.

(* B P)


Confirming the local and international reports that say that the UAE forces have being tortured and executed of the people of al-Mahrah in secret prisons in the southern provinces, sources familiar with the discovery of killed bodies of people inside the presidential palace in the city of Mukalla, which was executed by the UAE forces after the control of the province.

The sources pointed out that the Emirati officers tortured dozens of detainees to death, and then hid them in mass graves in the courtyard of the Republican Palace.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

UN envoy to US: 'We need to keep Yemen out of a potential regional conflict'

"The fact that this is still happening six months or more after the signatures of that agreement in Sweden is remarkable," Griffiths says. "In fact, the parties are still prepared to go after it, despite the frustrations that we all feel."

After briefing US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday, Griffiths spoke with The World's Marco Werman.

Martin Griffiths: My main message was and, indeed, is that we need to keep Yemen out of a potential regional conflict. Yemen has its own problems, its own war, as you've said, and it's my first priority at the moment — I think it's true for all of us — to at least keep it out from being sucked into any potential regional conflict. And that was my main discussion with Secretary Pompeo. We also discussed other aspects of the things we need to do in Yemen.

Isn't it too late for that? I mean, it's right in the center of basically a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

MG: I don't think it is too late. First of all ... there isn't a shooting war yet in the region, thank God for that. But also I think that there are many voices in Yemen, including in the Houthi movement, who see their future in Yemen and not in any war between Iran and others. I think we need to focus quickly, seriously, urgently on de-escalation in Yemen and, in particular, of course, the attacks across the southern border into Saudi Arabia.

When you said it it hasn't turned into a shooting war yet — a shooting war between Iran or Saudi Arabia directly?

MG: That's right. I think what was behind your question is that if that comes, that Yemen may be drawn into it and that's not good for Yemen. That's actually not good for the region either. It's my priority to try to keep Yemen away from that and to focus Yemen on its own problems, rather than those in the region. That was the discussion I was having with Secretary Pompeo.

My comment: For Pompeo, keep in mind: For the US elite, the value of any life depends on whether the person is living in an US-allied or an enemy country; on the colour of skin; on whether US citizen or not etc.

(A P)

Mike Pompeo concerned about rising Houthi attacks in Saudi territory

“ The Secretary thanked the special envoy for his continued efforts to move the political process forward,” Ms Ortagus said.

She said the pair had discussed the UN-led peace process and agreed that parties must continue working towards a political settlement and an end to the conflict.

(A P)

Griffith goes to Washington to seek U.S. support for Yemen's stalled peace process

UN special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, announced his trip to the United States for a two-day visit to seek U.S. support for Yemen's stalled peace process.

"Griffith relies on the support of the United States of America to push forward the peace process and put an end to the conflict in Yemen," the UN mission office in Yemen said.

and also

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Saudi-Arabien: Boykottaufrufe überschatten Hadsch

Die aggressive Politik und die wiederholte Missachtung der Menschenrechte des saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman veranlassen religiöse Gelehrte und fromme Pilger und Pilgerinnen zu einem Boykott des Hadsch.

Ende April 2019 rief Libyens prominentester sunnitischer Geistlicher, Großmufti Sadik al-Ghariani, alle Muslime und Musliminnen zum Boykott des Hadsch auf. Jeder, der sich auf eine zweite Pilgerfahrt machen wolle, begehe damit „eher eine Sünde als eine gute Tat“, so der Großmufti.

Saudi-Arabiens Wirtschaft durch die Pilgerreise zu unterstützen, würde zu weiteren Waffenkäufen und Attacken auf den Jemen und indirekt auch auf Syrien, Libyen, Tunesien und Algerien führen. Ghariani sagte weiter, eine Investition in den Hadsch würde „saudischen Führern dabei helfen, Verbrechen gegen andere Muslime zu begehen“.

Auch auf Twitter existiert unter dem Hashtag „#boycotthajj“ ein Aufruf zum Boykott.

(A P)

Saudi warns Muslims to avoid politics during Hajj

Saudi Minister of Media, Turki Al-Shabanah, urged Muslim pilgrims to focus on the Hajj rituals only and refrain from “raising any political or doctrinal slogans” during the pilgrimage.

In an official statement issued yesterday following a Saudi Cabinet meeting that was chaired by King Salman, Al-Shabanah warned that “such actions will not be accepted in any way, all necessary measures will be taken to prevent them, and regulations will be applied against anyone who perpetrates this,” the state-run Saudi News Agency reported.

The cabinet urged pilgrims to “keep away from everything that disrupts Hajj and its tranquillity.”

(A P)

Media watchdog visited Saudi Arabia seeking journalists' release, amid Khashoggi uproar

Global media watchdog Reporters Without Borders said on Wednesday it had visited Saudi Arabia to seek freedom for 30 jailed journalists amid sustained Western criticism of Riyadh following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The group, known by its French acronym RSF, had not publicized its April visit, which it called unprecedented, in hopes that the authorities would pardon the detainees during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, which ended weeks ago, it said at the start of a media freedom conference in London.

Secretary-General Christophe Deloire led the delegation, which met Saudi officials including the ministers of justice and media, the minister of state for foreign affairs, the public prosecutor and the head of the state-backed human rights commission.

(A P)

French prosecutors seek suspended prison sentence for Saudi princess

(A P)

Rapper Nicki Minaj pulls out of controversial Saudi Arabia concert

U.S. rapper Nicki Minaj said on Tuesday that she was pulling out of a planned concert in Saudi Arabia next week, citing her support for the rights of women and the LGBTQ community.

Comment: Extremely concerned that @NICKIMINAJ declined to mention #Saudi racism against blacks, especially black women in her withdrawal statement. Our black citizens suffer from massive Saudi racists policies that bans blacks from being diplomats, mayors, ministers, judges & many other


(A P)

After Nicki pulled out from performing in #SaudiArabia to show "support for the rights of women, #LGBTQ community & freedom of expression," #Saudi newspaper Okaz said that directives were given to cancel the concert bc it "violated Saudi customs & values"

(* B P)

Bloody rise in Saudi Arabia: 122 executions in the first half of 2019

The Government of Saudi Arabia executed 122 people in the first half of 2019, well over doubling the number of executions carried out in the same period in 2018.

The documentation of the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights has led to the following conclusions:

The execution of six minors accounts for 5% of all executions, those being the executions of Abdul Karim Mohammed Al Hawaj, Salman Amin Al Quraish, Mujtaba Nader Al Suweikt, Abdullah Salman Al Sarih, Mohammed Saeed AlSkafi, and Abdul Aziz Hussain Sahwi.

The Saudi Government executed 58 persons who were not Saudi nationals. Their nationalities were as follows: Pakistan (21), Yemen (15), Syria (5), Chad (3), Egypt (4), (Jordan 2), Niger (2), Unidentified (2), Somalis (1).

Three of the executed individuals were women of other nationalities: Saudi, Nigerian and Yemeni.


(* B P)


Regardless, world leaders have largely remained at his back. President Donald Trump in particular has lauded his "friend" MBS, who he said last month is doing a "fantastic job." Saudi Arabia's deep pockets, huge oil reserves and strategic value against an aggressive Iran prompt many Western leaders to overlook the human rights transgressions of the House of Saud.

Indeed, the next G20 summit—in November 2020—is scheduled to be held in Riyadh. It seems that whatever MBS and his royal relatives do, the key players in the international community are unwilling to ostracize them.

For domestic human rights groups, this support sends a clear message. "One of the main difficulties they face is the support for MBS from the international community, especially from the U.S. and the U.K.," Adubisi explained. "They are clearly supporting MBS despite all these crises in human rights."

For Adubisi, MBS is the key driver of Saudi Arabia's expansion of capital punishment. Only by increasing pressure on the crown prince can the international community curtail executions.

(A P)

Film: Saudi sisters on run from authorities – and father they say abused them

Two sisters, who say they suffered years of abuse at the hands of their own father, have become the latest Saudi women to flee the Kingdom.

Dua and Dalal say they fear being “disappeared” if their father tracks them down.

Lindsey Hilsum went to Istanbul to speak to the sisters for this exclusive report.

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy releases this elderly Sunni religious leader. Mohamed AlSaqaabi, 11 years after his imprisonment. These prisoners rarely get attention of int human rights organizations over their religious beliefs.


(A P)

#Qatif is once again under attack by #Saudi State Security Forces & General Intelligence agents. Armored vehicles can be heard in this audio recording opening indiscriminate fire at a residential area in AlJish.

Several people were wounded and others martyred during the Saudi General Intelligence & State Security Forces' latest raid in AlJish. Armored vehicles opened heavy, continuous fire at a beseiged residence, terrorizing the locals for hours (film, photo)

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(A P)

UN rights expert slams US 'inaction' over Khashoggi killing

The United Nations human rights expert who conducted an independent probe into the murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi on Tuesday urged the US to act on her damning findings.

Agnes Callamard, a UN special rapporteur who concluded that Khashoggi's death at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October was "an extrajudicial execution" by the Gulf kingdom, criticised the United States over its inaction.

"(It) has the jurisdiction or at least the interest to take action," she told a London conference hosted by human rights groups on the killing of the Saudi-born US resident.

(A P)

Julie Posetti opens the #DefendMediaFreedom conference mentioning “murdered journalists in the embassies of allies” as she looks at the Arab delegates seated in the front row. #JamalKhashoggi lives amongst us every day (photo)

cp9 USA

(A K P)

US troubled by rise in Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo voices concerns to UN over attacks 'that exacerbate the conflict,' State Department says

The U.S. voiced concern Wednesday to the UN's Yemen envoy over a recent uptick in Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thanked Martin Griffiths for his efforts to end the Yemen conflict but "expressed concern over the recent increase in Iranian-supported Houthi attacks into Saudi territory that exacerbate the conflict and deepen mistrust," the State Department said.

and also

My comment: LOL. While the US actively supported Saudi air raids on Yemen.

(? B K P)

Audio: Yemen Civil War: Why Is the US Involved?

why is the U.S. continuing to back the effort led by Saudi Arabia to combat the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen? You might be surprised to find out Donald Trump and Barack Obama have very similar views on this.

(A P)

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations chairman offers human rights bill on Saudi Arabia

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Republican chairman, Senator Jim Risch, introduced legislation seeking to push back on Saudi Arabia over human rights and criticizing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but not by stopping weapons sales.

However, the Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Review Act would not block weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, focusing instead on barring travel by some members of the Saudi royal family. Risch had said he wanted to introduce legislation that President Donald Trump would sign.

My comment: What a deflection from what really should be done. This concurrent act will weaken other, more severe bills.

(A P)

Yemeni American file a lawsuit against Trump in U.S. federal court

A family fleeing the civil war in Yemen is suing the Trump administration, alleging federal officials illegally revoked their visa by retroactively citing the so-called “Muslim travel ban.”

The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed the lawsuit in federal court Monday on behalf of Saleh Almuganahi, a U.S. citizen of Yemeni descent whose wife and two children are living in the war-torn country. The suit names President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan as defendants.

(A P)

40+ Group Letter Urging House Leadership NDAA Amendment 339 to Defund US Participation in Yemen War

Thanks to the 40+ advocacy groups that signed this letter urging House Leadership support Amendment 339 during consideration of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, to end to US participation in the Saudi-UAE coalition’s war in Yemen. This letter was sent to House offices on Tuesday, July 9th at 10am.

By ending US participation in the Saudi-UAE led coalition’s war in Yemen, Congress can prevent a humanitarian catastrophe from spiraling further out of control as it reasserts its Constitutional authority on matters of war and peace.

(* B K P)

House Rules Committee to Consider Amendment to Defund Yemen War

Amendment needs Rules Committee's okay for floor vote

The House Rules Committee is planning a Tuesday afternoon session to consider Amendment 339. The amendment is intended to be part of the annual military spending bill, the NDAA, and would forbid all funding for US involvement in the Saudi War in Yemen.
The House already voted to end US involvement in the Yemen War under the War Powers Act, but this was vetoed by President Trump. The Senate has a similar version of the defunding amendment in their version, and the military spending bill would be hard for Trump to veto.


(* B K P)

Blame Mitch McConnell If Saudi Arabia Escapes Accountability For Khashoggi And Yemen

House Democrats are beginning a process to mandate the first formal pressure on Saudi Arabia through a must-pass bill. Sen. McConnell will decide if it survives.

Congress is about to put historic pressure on Saudi Arabia for the gruesome murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, its devastating military campaign in its desperately poor neighboring country of Yemen and other excesses, such as the alleged torture and sexual assault of detained female activists ― unless Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his lieutenants intervene.

It’s a critical test of whether the U.S. can hold foreign partners accountable for repugnant and destabilizing behavior enabled by American security guarantees and a potentially telling moment for a Republican Party that presents its hawkish approach to global affairs as fundamentally moral.

Over the next two weeks, the Democrat-controlled House will finalize its version of this year’s defense authorization act, a piece of legislation that’s often called “must-pass” because it greenlights continued funding for the military.

Lawmakers skeptical of the Saudis are focused on three amendments to the bill: a yearlong ban on selling U.S. bombs to Riyadh and its chief partner in the bloody Yemen intervention, the United Arab Emirates; no more money for the two main aspects of U.S. support for that effort, intelligence-sharing and logistical help; and a requirement for the Trump administration to name all people it knows to be involved in the assassination of Khashoggi and place sanctions on them ― a move that would likely target people beyond the 17 Saudi officials already blacklisted for the murder and possibly affect even the de facto Saudi ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

(* B K P)

Dogs of War Howl for Blood in Iran While Americans Cheer US Bombers on July 4th

Last week's display was a chilling reminder of the horrific deaths caused by successive administrations' propensity for war

While most Americans have probably forgotten we are still at war in Afghanistan, the Trump administration “eased” the rules of engagement, allowing the military to drop more bombs in 2018 than in any other year since the war began in 2001

The Boeing-made combat attack Apache helicopters, a crowd pleaser on July 4, have been used by the U.S. Army to blow up homes and cars filled with civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Billions of dollars worth of U.S. planes and bombs sold to Saudi Arabia raked in record profits for weapons manufacturers such as Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

John Bolton, who has the ear of the president every day, wrote in an op-ed in 2015 saying that in order to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, the U.S. should bomb Iran. Now that he has goaded Iran into stepping up its enrichment of uranium as a result of the U.S. reneging on the nuclear deal and European signatories bailing out on their responsibilities in the agreement, Bolton is itching to start the bombing.

With the U.S. political and media dogs of war howling again for blood in Iran, Trump’s decision to showcase America’s aerial firepower must have been cheered by the war hawks in the administration and Congress, and their friends in the weapons industry. But to those of us who want peaceful resolutions to international disputes, the Fourth of July display was a chilling reminder of the horrific deaths caused by successive Administrations’ propensity for war and the terror that might soon be raining down on the people of Iran if John Bolton gets his way – by Medea Benjamin, Ann Wright

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

Iraner sollen britischen Tanker bedrängt haben

In der Straße von Hormus sollen iranische Militärschiffe laut US-Berichten versucht haben, einen britischen Öltanker zum Stoppen zu bringen. Erst als eine ebenfalls britische Fregatte mit Beschuss drohte, hätten sie abgelassen.

Nun sollen iranische Militärschiffe übereinstimmenden Medienberichten zufolge versucht haben, an der Meerenge einen britischen Öltanker zu stoppen.

Die Iraner hätten die "British Heritage" am Mittwoch aufgefordert, ihren Kurs zu ändern und in iranischen Hoheitsgewässern zu stoppen, berichtete der US-Nachrichtensender CNN unter Berufung auf zwei US-Regierungsvertreter. Auch die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters meldete den Zwischenfall und berief sich dabei auf namentlich nicht genannte US-Militärquellen.

Die britische Fregatte HMS "Montrose", die den Tanker eskortierte, habe daraufhin ihre Kanonen auf die iranischen Schiffe gerichtet und sie aufgefordert, sich zu entfernen. Dem seien die potenziellen Angreifer dann auch nachgekommen. Laut CNN wurde der Vorfall aus der Luft gefilmt, nach Angaben von Fox News durch ein US-Aufklärungsflugzeug.

(* A P)

Iranian boats attempted to seize British tanker

Five armed Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats unsuccessfully tried to seize a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf Wednesday, according to two US officials with direct knowledge of the incident.

The British Heritage tanker was sailing out of the Persian Gulf and was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area when it was approached by the Iranian boats. The Iranians ordered the tanker to change course and stop in nearby Iranian territorial waters, according to the officials. A US aircraft was overhead and recorded video of the incident, though CNN has not seen the footage.

The UK's Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose had been escorting the tanker from the rear. It trained its deck guns on the Iranians and gave them a verbal warning to back away, which they did. Montrose is equipped on the deck with 30 mm guns specifically designed to drive off small boats. UK officials had previously confirmed that the Montrose was in the region performing a "maritime security role."

My comment: The West rules according to the claim: “Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi”: What we are aloud to do, others are not.

(* A P)

Eine Militärkoalition gegen den Iran – Das Echo von 2003

General Joseph Dunford, Vorsitzender des Joint Chiefs of Staff, kündigte am Dienstag an, eine internationale Militärallianz zu gründen, die im Kontext ungeklärter Angriffe auf Öltanker im Persischen Golf vermeintlich die kommerziellen Schifffahrtsrouten in der Region absichern soll. Angesichts der sich dramatisch zuspitzenden US-Iran-Spannungen ist die weitere Provokation Teherans das eigentliche Ziel dieser Allianz.

Am Dienstag kündigte das Pentagon Pläne an, eine internationale Militärkoalition gegen den Iran auf die Beine zu stellen, die in den strategischen Gewässern um die Arabische Halbinsel patrouillieren und dort vermeintlich kommerzielle Schifffahrtsrouten absichern soll.

„Aktuell arbeiten wir mit einer Reihe von Ländern zusammen, um zu sehen, ob wir eine Koalition bilden können, die die Freiheit der Schifffahrt sowohl in der Straße von Hormus als auch im Bab al-Mandab gewährleisten würde“, erklärt Marine General Joseph Dunford vor wenigen Stunden in einem Statement.

Dunford ist Vorsitzender des Joint Chiefs of Staff, ein Pentagon-Gremium, das die höchsten Regierungsvertreter in Militärfragen berät, eine Art Pentagon-interner Thinktank mit größtem Einfluss auf die Regierung.

Der jüngste Plan der Bildung einer Militärallianz muss im Kontext sich zuspitzender US-Iran-Spannungen gesehen werden.

Ein kleinster Fehler könnte genügen, um einen Krieg loszutreten.

„Wir erwarten, dass das eigentliche Patrouillieren und Eskortieren von anderen Parteien durchgeführt wird“, so Dunfords Statement überraschend weiter. Und ein Reporter von Al-Jazeera in Washington zitiert Donald Trump, der gesagt habe, „die USA sollten nicht dafür bezahlen“.

Eines muss man ihr lassen, die Trump-Administration hat Chuzpe: Sie fordert eine Anti-Iran-Koalition, die andere betreiben und bezahlen sollen.

Dunfords Statement weiter: „Ich denke, dass wir wahrscheinlich in den nächsten Wochen herausfinden werden, welche Nationen den politischen Willen haben, diese Initiative zu unterstützen. Dann werden wir direkt mit den Militärs zusammenarbeiten, um die spezifischen Fähigkeiten zu identifizieren, diese Initiative zu unterstützen.“

Ein kurzer Blick auf die Rhetorik des Generals: „Koalition“, „Wille“ – in meinen durchaus vorbelasteten, kriegspropagandasensibilisierten Ohren klingt das fast wie George W. Bushs berühmtberüchtigte „Koalition der Willigen“, jene Allianz aus 43 Verbrecherstaaten, die 2003 illegal den Irak überfallen hat und so das Chaos im Nahen Osten, inklusive die Schlächter des Islamischen Staats, im großen Maße mitzuverantworten hat.

Dunfords Statement weiter: „Ich denke, dass wir wahrscheinlich in den nächsten Wochen herausfinden werden, welche Nationen den politischen Willen haben, diese Initiative zu unterstützen. Dann werden wir direkt mit den Militärs zusammenarbeiten, um die spezifischen Fähigkeiten zu identifizieren, diese Initiative zu unterstützen.“

Ein kurzer Blick auf die Rhetorik des Generals: „Koalition“, „Wille“ – in meinen durchaus vorbelasteten, kriegspropagandasensibilisierten Ohren klingt das fast wie George W. Bushs berühmtberüchtigte „Koalition der Willigen“, jene Allianz aus 43 Verbrecherstaaten, die 2003 illegal den Irak überfallen hat und so das Chaos im Nahen Osten, inklusive die Schlächter des Islamischen Staats, im großen Maße mitzuverantworten hat.

Trump selbst mag keinen Krieg gegen den Iran wollen – die rechtsradikalen Kriegsfalken, die er um sich geschart hat, dafür umso mehr.

Trump versteht nichts von den Dynamiken im Nahen Osten, von Kriegsstrategien, Geopolitik, Welterdölversorgung, Kriegspropaganda oder auch nur rudimentärer Geographie – die rechtsradikalen Kriegsfalken, die er um sich geschart hat, dafür umso mehr.

Die Welt stolpert vor unser aller Augen Schritt für Schritt in den nächsten Krieg. Ein Krieg, gegen den Irak 2003 wie ein Picknick im Freien bei lauer Sommerbrise erscheinen würde. Wir alle müssen höchst wachsam sein und uns von der Kriegspropaganda aus Washington nicht unsere Sinne und unser Urteilsvermögen vernebeln lassen – von Jakob Reimann

(* A K P)

U.S. wants military coalition to safeguard waters off Iran, Yemen

The United States hopes to enlist allies over the next two weeks or so in a military coalition to safeguard strategic waters off Iran and Yemen, where Washington blames Iran and Iran-aligned fighters for attacks, the top U.S. general said on Tuesday.

Under the plan, which has only been finalized in recent days, the United States would provide command ships and lead surveillance efforts for the military coalition. Allies would patrol waters near those U.S. command ships and escort commercial vessels with their nation’s flags.

Marine General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, articulated those details to reporters following meetings on Tuesday about it with acting U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“We’re engaging now with a number of countries to see if we can put together a coalition that would ensure freedom of navigation both in the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandab,” Dunford said.

“And so I think probably over the next couple of weeks we’ll identify which nations have the political will to support that initiative and then we’ll work directly with the militaries to identify the specific capabilities that’ll support that.”

and also

My comment: What the hell this is up to the US? What about a Russian-Chinese-Iranian coalition to “secure” the Panama Channel?


(A P)

Japan cautious as U.S. eyes military coalition to safeguard waters off Iran and Yemen

At a news conference in Tokyo on Wednesday, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kotaro Nogami declined to comment directly when asked about Dunford’s comments.

Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya has so far expressed a negative view about dispatching the Self-Defense Forces to the Strait of Hormuz, saying there have been no more attacks on Japanese tankers.


(* A P)

‘Don’t See the Urgency’: US Facing Tough Sell on Arab Anti-Iran Coalition

While Washington has grand designs for a multinational force to patrol strategic waters near Iran and Yemen, no country has yet agreed to take part, and promised US sanctions against Tehran are doomed to fail as well, Massoud Shadjareh, founder of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, told Sputnik Wednesday.

“It’s extremely puzzling. There is no one politically willing to make a commitment,” Shadjareh told Loud & Clear hosts John Kiriakou and Brian Becker. Shadjareh said they “don’t see the urgency that the Trump administration is articulating, and even when you look at what [US President Donald] Trump is suggesting, it’s not something immediate. It’s something to be done in weeks. So, [that itself] says very clearly that there is no emergency here. There’s no one willing to be part of it.”

“And it seems [the] US itself is not willing to be sort of committing itself. All they are saying is they will be coordinating it [and that] other nations should be part of this and they should escort their own sort of flagships,” Shadjareh said, noting that the plan seems to propose that Gulf Arab nations, rather than European nations, join the coalition.

“It seems absolutely very odd that this is not a call to European nations to come forward. It seems to be a call to the Gulf Arab leaders to come forward and be coordinated by the US …

“Here, the US is saying it’s [going to] use its might, and it's going to invite others to join it to economically damage Iran in the name of actually opening the economical avenues for everybody else,” he explained.

and full interview, audio:

(A P)

Iran warns UK about ‘consequences’ of oil tanker seizure

President Hassan Rouhani warns the UK about the “consequences” of its recent seizure of an Iranian supertanker.

“I remind [this] to the Britons,” Rouhani cautioned on Wednesday, “You are the ones initiating insecurity, and will come to realize its consequences in the future.”

Rouhani, who was addressing a government meeting in Tehran, called the action “very juvenile, heinous, and wrongful” and “to their [Britain’s] detriment,” noting that all international efforts should instead be focused on ensuring maritime security.

My comment: Well, actually Britain is a greater threat to freedeom of navigation than most other actors…

(* A P)

Großbritannien wiederbelebt Francis Drake, kapert Handelsschiff

Großbritannien überfällt einen Superöltanker und will ihn offensichtlich „konfiszieren“. Als rechtliche Basis dient dem Land der Befehl aus den USA und EU-Sanktionen, die jedoch völkerrechtlich auf dem gleichen Niveau stehen, wie Kaperbriefe des Mittelalters.

Nun verbreiten die deutschen Qualitätsmedien natürlich, ohne es explizit zu sagen, den Eindruck, dass alles rechtlich einwandfrei wäre. So etwas nennt man dann halt Propaganda. Aber schauen wir uns die Fakten an.

Nun fragen Sie, wieso denn die Sanktionen keine Rechtsgrundlage für das Kapern des Schiffes waren. Nun das ist einfach. Die Sanktionen, auf die sich Großbritannien beruft, wurden nicht durch eine UNO-Resolution legitimiert. Insofern es handelt sich lediglich um die Androhung von aggressiven Maßnahmen zwischen Staaten. Und dies ist schlicht durch die UNO-Charta verboten. Das heißt, nicht nur das Kapern des Schiffes, sondern schon die Sanktionen selbst verstoßen gegen UNO-Regeln.

In Artikel 2 Absatz 4 wird ganz klar deutlich gemacht, dass jede Einmischung von außen in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines Staates verboten sind. Ebenso die Androhung von Gewalt. Darunter fallen natürlich auch Sanktionen, die grundsätzlich verboten und damit völkerrechtswidrig sind.

Mit anderen Worten: Auch die Androhung von Machtausübung zur Erzwingung eines bestimmten Verhaltens eines anderen Staates, ist völkerrechtswidrig. Nur Sanktionen, welche nach den Regeln der Gemeinschaft, also der UNO, verhängt werden, sind legal – von Jochen Mitschka (mit podcast)

(* B P)

Film: Iran-Konflikt: “Eine Kriegsdohung hängt in der Luft”

Der Nahostexperte Michael Lüders geht im Interview mit NDR Info davon aus, dass “Hardliner” in den USA auf eine Konfrontation mit dem Iran setzen.,audio533116.html

(* B P)

Film: Iran und USA: “Die Lage ist sehr angespannt”

Dass der Iran die Grenze der Uran-Herstellung überschreitet, sei ein Appell an Europa, stärker zu vermitteln, um US-Wirtschaftssanktionen abzuschwächen, sagt Nahost-Experte Michael Lüders. Es könne durchaus zu einem bewaffneten Konflikt kommen.

(* B P)

Audio: „IS als Vorwand für eine Anti-Iran-Kriegskoalition“ – Interview mit Prof. Mohssen Massarrat

Die Bundesregierung hat der US-Nachfrage nach deutschen Bodentruppen in Syrien eine Absage erteilt. Trotzdem warnt der deutsch-iranische Konfliktforscher Professor Mohssen Massarrat vor einer weiteren Beteiligung an der „Anti-IS-Koalition“. Könnte Deutschland dadurch in einen neuen Krieg hineingezogen werden?

(A P)

Film: BPK: Nach dem Framing zum Iran gerät Auswärtiges Amt in Erklärungsnot

Ein interessantes Schauspiel ereignete sich bei der Bundespressekonferenz am Montag. Nachdem die Politik selbst wochenlang behauptet hat, der Iran verletze das Atomabkommen und die Medien diesen Standpunkt kritiklos übernommen haben, wurden die Sprecher mit eben diesen Behauptungen konfrontiert.

(A P)

Audio: Iran’s Decides to Breach the Limits of Enriched Uranium Production

Mohammad Marandi, an expert on American studies and postcolonial literature who teaches at the University of Tehran, joins the show.

(* B P)

Iran-Krise: Es gibt nur noch einen Millimeter Hoffnung

Iran will die Anreicherung von Uran schrittweise erhöhen. Die nächste Eskalations-Stufe im Konflikt mit den USA ist programmiert.
Dass die iranische Führung irgendetwas als Antwort auf die willkürlich verfügte wirtschaftliche Strangulierung durch die USA und die finanzpolitische Impotenz Europas erfinden musste, ist nachvollziehbar. Aber musste es unbedingt der Beschluss sein, die Uran-Anreicherung zu erhöhen – muss der Iran nun nicht damit rechnen, dass auch die Europäer formell aus dem sogenannten Atomabkommen aussteigen und ihrerseits Sanktionen verhängen?

USA am längsten Hebel

Doch, das muss er, denn es bleibt den westeuropäischen Partnerländern (Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland) praktisch keine Wahl. Spätestens dann, wenn Iran noch einen weiteren Schritt weg vom Abkommen beschließt, müssen sie handeln, um glaubwürdig zu bleiben.
Alle sind unter Zugzwang – nur einer ist es nicht: Donald Trump. Er kann die militärische Macht der USA ebenso ausspielen wie die finanzpolitische Dominanz. Die dazu führt, dass weltweit kein Unternehmen, egal ob privat oder staatlich, mit Iran geschäften kann. Es sei denn, das betreffende Unternehmen, der betreffende Staat nehme den Verlust des USA-Geschäfts in Kauf. Wer will das schon?

Und nun stellt sich, versuchsweise in Distanz von diesen «Personalien», die Frage: Wo gibt es denn noch Spielraum für das, was man traditionell vermittelnde Diplomatie nannte?

Sehr wenig, muss nüchtern erkannt werden.

(* B P)

“Der Iran wird nicht kapitulieren”

Michael Lüders: Ein Angriff auf den Iran ist erst einmal vom Tisch. Die USA versuchen, den Iran wirtschaftlich in die Knie zu zwingen und gewissermaßen in die Kapitulation zu treiben. Das wird aber nicht geschehen. Die Iraner leiden zwar immens unter den US-Wirtschaftssanktionen. So ist etwa der Export des Erdöls von rund 2,5 Millionen Barrel am Tag vor einem Jahr noch auf rund ein Zehntel geschrumpft. Das ist wirklich gravierend für die iranische Volkswirtschaft. Aber das Land wird nicht kapitulieren. Insoweit gibt es eigentlich keinen Ausweg aus der Krise, es sei denn, die Amerikaner sind bereit, wieder zum Atomabkommen zurückzukehren.

Das Problem mit der Europäischen Union ist, dass Staaten wie Großbritannien, Frankreich oder Deutschland zwar auf der Ebene von Lippenbekenntnissen am Atomabkommen festhalten, aber de facto seit der Aufkündigung des Atomabkommens durch die USA im Mai vorigen Jahres nichts unternommen haben, um die wirtschaftlichen Folgen für den Iran abzuschwächen. Das hängt vor allem damit zusammen, dass die Europäer eine große Abneigung dagegen haben, sich mit den USA in wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Fragen zu überwerfen.

(A P)

Bolton, Netanyahu luring Trump into killing Iran deal: Zarif

[Iranian] Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the US national security advisor and Israel’s prime minister are using the “delusion” of forcing Iran’s uranium enrichment level to “zero” to encourage the US president to destroy a 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and other countries.

John Bolton and Benjamin Netanyahu acted on the same delusion in 2005 to devastate a nuclear agreement that had been reached between Iran and Britain, France, and Germany in Vienna a year earlier, Zarif tweeted on Tuesday.

(A P)

British capture of Iranian tanker won't go 'unanswered': officer

Britain’s seizure of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar last week will not be “unanswered”, Iran’s armed forces chief of staff, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, said on Tuesday, according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

“Capture of the Iranian oil tanker based on fabricated excuses ... will not be unanswered and when necessary Tehran will give appropriate answer,” Bagheri said.

(A P)


An oil tanker operated by British energy giant BP is "sheltering" in the Persian Gulf amid the company's concern that Iran could confiscate it in a possible direct response to the detention of a vessel carrying Iranian crude for the last time. Week, reports Bloomberg.

The news agency quoted anonymous sources as saying the British Heritage oil tanker was heading to Iraq's Basrah terminal when it made an "abrupt" U turn on July 6.

The tanker, which was to transport crude oil from Basra to northwest Europe, did not collect the cargo and the reserve was canceled, according to sources.

(A P)

US, not Iran, threatens world's energy security: Minister

Iran's oil minister says the world's energy supply is threatened by the United States, not Iran which is a major guarantor of energy stability and peace in the region.

Bijan Namdar Zanganeh made the remarks in reaction to an earlier claim by Saudi Oil Minister Khalid Al-Falih, who told CNN Iran is posing "threats to global energy security."

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A P)

Film: Arms sales to Saudi Arabia: Britain’s role in the Yemen war

UK government has challenged a Court of Appeal decision to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia, after it was ruled that the military exports were unlawful.

(* A P)

Government bids to resurrect arms sales to Saudi Arabia ruled unlawful over ‘world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe’ in Yemen

UK's processes for granting export licences have been ruled 'irrational and therefore unlawful'

The government has applied to continue arms sales to Saudi Arabia as it fights a decision by the Court of Appeal to rule them unlawful.

Ministers are attempting to stay last month’s judgment as they launch the latest legal challenge in a long-running battle over weapons used in the Yemen war.

If granted, the stay will allow the government to continue licensing arms sales to Saudi and its partners until the outcome of its appeal.

The government said 57 applications for export licences were under consideration at the time of the Court of Appeal ruling, and 295 already in place to Saudi Arabia.

The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) argued that arms sales to Riyadh are unlawful and have caused UK fighter jets and bombs to be used to kill civilians.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp13a

(* A K P)


Hunger wird als Waffe eingesetzt

Deutsche Rüstungstechnologie spielt im Jemenkrieg eine Schlüsselrolle: So fliegt der Eurofighter - mit deutschen Teilen gefertigt - Luftschläge gegen zivile Ziele. Angriffe der Konfliktparteien auf Bauernhöfe, lokale Märkte und Vorratslager, sowie die Blockade von Transportwegen zu Land, See und in der Luft hungern die Menschen im Jemen systematisch aus und behindern humanitäre Hilfe. Hunger wird gezielt als Waffe eingesetzt. Es ist die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Gegenwart.

Wir fordern von der Bundesregierung:

Rüstungsexporte an alle Kriegsparteien im Jemen stoppen

Exportstopp für Waffensysteme an Saudi-Arabien verlängern und Schlupflöcher für Lieferungen schließen

Rüstungsstopp an Kriegsparteien auf europäischer Ebene durchsetzen, um Menschenrechte und humanitäres Völkerrecht gemeinschaftlich sicherzustellen

Erhebe deine Stimme gegen Waffenexporte und kämpfe mit uns gegen Hunger und Leid im Jemen! Unterschreibe jetzt!

(* A K P)

Rüstungsexport steigt stark

Die größten Abnehmer von deutschen Rüstungsgütern sind EU- oder Nato-Staaten. Ein großer Teil ging aber auch an Ägypten, das am Krieg in Jemen beteiligt ist.

Unter den zehn wichtigsten Empfängerländern ist neben Ägypten ein weiterer Staat, der am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt ist: Wie die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage des Linken-Abgeordneten Omid Nouripour zeigt, stehen die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate auf Platz 6 mit 206,1 Milliarden Euro.

Union und SPD hatten sich in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag im März 2018 eigentlich vorgenommen, die Exporte an die "unmittelbar" am Jemen-Krieg beteiligten Staaten stark einzuschränken. Die VAE führen zusammen mit Saudi-Arabien eine Kriegsallianz an, die die vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen bekämpft.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B K P)

How the United Arab Emirates contributes to mess after mess in the Middle East

Last week, Sen. Robert Menendez (N.J.), the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning that the United States “may be obligated by law to terminate all arms sales to the [United Arab Emirates].” Menendez’s move showed that the time has come for Washington to launch a radical overhaul of its relationship with Abu Dhabi.

Menendez’s query follows fresh revelations that high-tech U.S. antitank missiles sold to the UAE have ended up in the hands of Libyan rebel forces fighting to overthrow the U.S.-supported government in Tripoli. That same government has just accused the UAE of using a U.S.-made jet to bomb a migrant center in Libya, killing at least 53 people. In 2014, the Pentagon said the UAE had secretly bombed Libya, much to the surprise and annoyance of U.S. officials.

The UAE currently stands accused of supplying al-Qaeda-linked militias in Yemen with U.S.-made weapons, and of supporting the military junta that has been violently repressing pro-democratic forces in Sudan. All this shows that Abu Dhabi is a profoundly unreliable ally. Yet, the UAE has largely escaped the scrutiny finally imposed on Saudi Arabia for similar misdeeds. That needs to change.

As is the case in Saudi Arabia, prisons in the United Arab Emirates hold dozens of peaceful activists convicted in sham trials and subjected to torture.

what was left of civil society has been silenced, jailed or driven into exile.

Arming the UAE as it supports horrific abuses in Libya, Yemen, Sudan and at home should also be embarrassing. In fact, it should be unacceptable. The effort to end unconditional U.S. support for Saudi Arabia is long overdue. But Congress shouldn’t overlook the kingdom’s partner in crime. =

(A P)

Statement from Cptn Herve Jaubert on the custody battle between Sheikh Mohammed and his escaped wife Princess Haya

“Even if partial or shared custody were granted, I am certain that the first time the children went to the UAE they would become captives and never allowed to see Princess Haya again” - Hervé Jaubert

Hervé Jaubert statement on the cases of Princess Haya and Princess Latifa:

“Because Latifa Al Maktoum is tragically unable to testify before a UK court, as her official representative I have the responsibility of sharing the history that Latifa has revealed to me over our 8 year association and friendship.

(A P)

U.S. sanctions three Hezbollah leaders, including two Lebanon Parliament members

The U.S. Treasury added three top Hezbollah figures to its list of sanctioned individuals on Tuesday, including two members of the Lebanese Parliament and a security official responsible for coordinating between Hezbollah and Lebanon’s security agencies.

It was the first time the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had designated a member of Lebanon’s Parliament under a sanctions list targeting those accused of providing support to terrorist organizations. Washington has designated Hezbollah as a terrorist group.


(A P)

Parliament chief: US bans on Hezbollah MPs ‘assault on all of Lebanon’

Lebanon’s Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has denounced American sanctions on lawmakers from the Hezbollah resistance movement as an “assault” against not only the parliament but the entire Lebanese nation.

My comment: A side effect: Inflating political strife in Lebanon. But what does the US care for any other countries?

(A P)

NGOs demand France halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE over Yemen war

Nineteen NGOs on Tuesday sent an open letter to French MPs demanding France stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in accordance with the country's international obligations over the war in Yemen.

(* A K P)

Political ambiguity on weapons for Yemen

The motion approved in the House risks remaining useless, while the conflict continues to make its victims. Initiative in front of Montecitorio

Yes yes, no no. The language of politics should be the same as for normal people. And, instead, after the recent vote of the motion in the Chamber in favor of the stop to send bombs and missiles to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates from Italy, it seemed that the Conte government decided to move accordingly. And instead, everything is silent. On the contrary, the councilor for the work of the right wing that governs the Region of Sardinia has summoned the social partners involved in the war production of Rwm Italia of Domusnovas, to ensure the interest in not reducing the volume of the activity at all.

On the other hand, the parliamentary motion that bears the names of two members of the government majority (Cabras for the M5S and Formentini for the League) does not provide any directive, for the executive, to commit the resources necessary for the industrial conversion of that afflicted territory from a serious employment crisis.

(* A K P)

Together to say "Stop Italian weapons in Yemen!"

"Surgical bombing? I remember only the operations that I had to do to the civilians hit by the bombs while they were walking on the street with their children, while they were driving a field or doing shopping at the market "

"Bombs that, we know well, were also produced in Italy. And I, an Italian doctor, was paradoxically trying to save the lives of two, three, ten people a day, while a bomb maybe produced in my country could have killed fifty in a minute "is the dramatic testimony of Leonardo Frisari, a doctor MSF surgeon with experience of three missions in Yemen, who spoke today at the press conference "Stop Italian arms in Yemen", organized by a coordination of civil society organizations.

(A P)

Keine italienischen Waffen nach Jemen

Friedensaktivisten mehrerer Organisationen haben am Dienstag in Rom vor der Abgeordnetenkammer gegen italienische Waffenlieferungen nach Jemen protestiert, die gegen das Gesetz zum Waffenexport verstoßen würden. =

(A P)

Blocco armi conflitto Yemen: a Montecitorio una simbolica “pioggia di bombe” promossa da organizzazioni della società civile. “Giungere ad un embargo Ue”

Una simbolica “pioggia di bombe” davanti al Parlamento italiano per tenere alta l’attenzione sullo Yemen, funestato da quella che oggi rappresenta la più grave crisi umanitaria al mondo. Questo il senso del flash mob svoltosi in mattinata a piazza Montecitorio per chiedere lo stop alle esportazioni di armi italiane utilizzate nel conflitto armato in Yemen.

und auch

(B P)

Detained opposition leader Sheikh Mohamed AlMoqdad is reportedly "writhing in pain daily", often "hunched over, unable to move" as a result of severe abdominal pain, for which #Bahrain's infamous #JawPrison refuses to allow him the necessary medical care!

(A P)

Like i said weeks ago. #Bahrain PM Khalifah AlKhalifa is being forced out & has been blocked from chairing council of ministers meeting. Some of his associates have bern arrested by the “Royal Guard” led by torturer Naser bin Hamad. Khakifa’s stolen billions, will be taken too

cp12a Sudan

(* B P)

Sudan: Is it being exploited by foreign powers?

Who's buying Sudan's resources?

The United Arab Emirates is Sudan's biggest destination for exports. It buys most of the country's lucrative money-earner, gold.

Second is China, which imports significant amounts of crude oil.

Sudan's oil industry was once a much larger proportion of its economy - but when South Sudan broke away in 2011, most of its oil fields went with it

With the drop in oil exports, Sudan has sought to bolster its agriculture sector - and this has involved granting land leases to foreign powers.

Sudan has agreed to lease millions of acres to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Turkey and China, and is in the process of making similar deals for other countries, including Jordan, Egypt and the UAE.

Regional rivals are vying for contracts

Sudan's coastline, on the Red Sea, is an important shipping route, close to the continuing war in Yemen, and various countries are vying for influence.

Sudanese soldiers active in Yemen

(* B P)

How to Save Sudan's Democratic Revolution

Washington must sweep in and resolve the crisis before it creates chaos in the region.

Saudi and UAE have invested heavily in Sudan and are likely to have influence on future Sudanese government. However, they like to manage the transformation of the country to prevent civilian rule in Sudan. Their desire is also shared by regional ally Egypt. The Saudi-UAE intervention in Sudan is also related to their plans for regional design from Yemen to Libya. They would like to eliminate the ability of Turkey and Qatar, their regional rivals, to play a role in Sudan.

Despite discussions about a democratic transition, there has been no visible U.S. diplomatic activity in the country to date. The diplomatic role seems to be deferred to Ethiopia. The appointment of former Ambassador Donald Booth as Special Envoy for Sudan is a welcome development. His involvement in the crisis will raise trust to the United States among the civilians. The U.S. role is vital for a political solution to the current crisis before the situation creates chaos in the region.

My comment: The US as wise ruler, arbitrator und peace dove of the world – this is an odd idea.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10, cp11, cp12

(* B K P)

Arabische Waffenbrüder

Im Libyen-Krieg kommt trotz des UN-Waffenembargos deutsches Kriegsgerät zum Einsatz. Dabei handelt es sich Berichten zufolge um Militärtrucks, die gemeinsam von der Düsseldorfer Waffenschmiede Rheinmetall und der VW-Tochterfirma MAN produziert werden und als Träger für ein russisches Luftabwehrsystem dienen. Mutmaßlich haben die Vereinigten Emirate die Militärtrucks nach Libyen verlegt, um sie dort zur Unterstützung des Warlords Khalifa Haftar zu nutzen. Die Emirate setzen darüber hinaus deutsche Waffen im Krieg im Jemen ein. Dies ist kein Zufall: Der Golfstaat, der zu den größten Kunden deutscher Rüstungsfirmen gehört, treibt in zunehmendem Maß eine offensive Außenpolitik, die in einigen Fällen - in Libyen und im Jemen - auch eine militärische Komponente enthält. Abu Dhabi unterstützt unter anderem die deutschen Bemühungen, den Sahel unter Kontrolle zu bekommen, und hat mit dem Aufbau von Militärstützpunkten am Horn von Afrika begonnen. Deutschland unterhält mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten eine "strategische Partnerschaft".

Die Aufrüstung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate geschieht nicht ohne Ziel. Abu Dhabi treibt bereits seit geraumer Zeit eine immer offensivere Außenpolitik. So positioniert es sich nicht nur in den mittelöstlichen Machtkämpfen gegen Iran; es ist zudem bemüht, seine Position am Horn von Afrika auszubauen.

Die umfangreichen deutschen Rüstungslieferungen an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate erklären sich nicht zuletzt dadurch, dass Berlin mit Abu Dhabi eine "strategische Partnerschaft" unterhält.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(B E)

In Yemen's eastern province of #Hadramout, there are shops selling antiquities. Years ago, there was a local market to sell antiquities in #Jawf province. In #Ibb province, people were excavating historic sites, and trading in and taking home ancient objects.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Central Bank of Yemen [Aden]: A new one-hundred bill is to be used soon.

My comment: It‘s worth less than 20 US cents.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed to ambush al Houthi fighters in Shukan village in al Bayda governorate in central Yemen on July 7. AQAP claimed to kill one al Houthi militant in the attack.[3]

(A T)

Leader of ISIS Affiliate in Yemen Fought for Group in Syria

The Saudi-led Arab coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen revealed on Monday that the leader of the ISIS affiliate in Yemen had previously fought in the terrorist group’s ranks in Syria.

Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki added that the ISIS “emir”, who was captured by Saudi Special Forces last month, hailed from Yemen and operated under several aliases, such as Abu Osama Al-Muhajir, Abu Musab, Abu Suleiman al-Adeni and Nashwan al-Adeni.

cp15 Propaganda

And southern separatists propaganda now is rattling on a great scale:

(A P)

Shatara: Price for blood, sincerity could not be less than the return of the SOUTH

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara said that after so much shedding of southern blood and after all that sincerity showed by Southerners to the Arab Coalition, no one should ever expect that the price could be less than the return of the South.


(A P)

Al-Ga’adi: Sabotage Powers Are Now Castaway in the North and South


(A P)

Laquar Bitterly Criticizes Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen


(A P)

Ben Attaf Appreciates the Role of UAE and Demonstrates Major Victories over the Iranian Agenda


(A P)

In Solidarity with UAE, Southern Citizens Demonstrate in Aden

My comment: So far for the separatists. Look at cp1 and cp6. – The final takeover by the separatists only will be a question of time.

(A P)

Saudi-led coalition spokesman Turki al Maliki released photos on July 9 of the attempted July 8 attack on a commercial vessel in the Red Sea, which the coalition blames on the al Houthi movement. Maliki claimed that the IRGC gave the al Houthi movement the remote-controlled explosive boat technology used in the attack. Maliki also claimed that the Saudi-led coalition had intercepted 40 al Houthi remote-controlled explosive boats in waters off Yemen in recent weeks.[2] (with photos)

(A P)

Stealing from the mouths of babes in Yemen

The Houthi militia in Yemen is stealing massive amounts of food aid, much of it financed by American taxpayers.

Stealing food from the poorest, most vulnerable is reprehensible. Yet, these Houthi actions have larger-scale, second-order consequences. The Houthis are trading bread for guns, power and control

Collectively, these Houthi actions continue to perpetuate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis — with hardly any comment from Capitol Hill.

There are a few ways forward to help the most vulnerable, restore integrity in the assistance programs, and create better opportunities for a political solution to end this tragic conflict.

First, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his team in Riyadh at the Yemen Affairs Unit should encourage negotiators to put the use of WFP biometrics in perspective.

Second, regional diplomats and the international community need to push back against Houthi action and call out their ill intent to divert food aid.

Third, American diplomats on the ground should support the WFP suspension and keep others in the international community from acceding to Houthi demands to provide aid outside of any biometric reporting system – by R. David Harden, managing director of the Georgetown Strategy Group and former Assistant Administrator at USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, where he oversaw U.S. assistance to all global crises.

My comment: Even as the Houthis divert aid – if you wonder why the general tone of this piece sounds so propaganda-like, look at the author: It’s indeed part of a propaganda campaign.

(A P)

The Implications from Capturing ISIS’s Leader in Yemen

The Arab Coalition will continue its mission to restore internal stability to Yemen, and prevent the use of that country’s territory by terrorist organizations who threaten regional stability, by partnering with the legitimate Yemen government, regional allies, and the Americans. The successful operation against ISIS’s leader in Yemen will not be the last.

(A P)

“Miss Me Yet?” What the UAE Drawdown Means For the United States and UN in Yemen

With the UAE only just having signaled its intention to drawdown in Yemen, it may be a little too soon for them to ask stakeholders in Yemen’s stability “miss me yet?” Even so, I am betting that one day the international community will miss the UAE’s military mission in Yemen, which I have had multiple chances to observe up close over the last year.

What the UAE’s drawdown does not mean is that the tough fight against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is over. The UAE special operations task force will continue working alongside Yemeni and international allies in south-central and eastern Yemen as long as is required.

However, though the UAE might be leaving with the intention to return if needed and is planning on providing support from afar, there is no substitute for “being there,” every day and in strength. Hardly anyone understands just how much daily crisis management and stabilization work the UAE forces have done in Yemen. And while a drawdown was inevitable—no country the size of the UAE can permanently maintain the country’s current three large battlegroups and many smaller detachments in Yemen—withdrawing so much support at such an early point in the stabilization of the country risks losing what stabilization the UAE and local forces have so far been able to achieve.

The UAE’s drawdown thus has a number of possible consequences for the counter-terrorism fight, the humanitarian situation, the UN peace process, and the military balance inside Yemen. In short, the situation in Yemen may well be worsened by this withdrawal, and ultimately leaves the United States and the UN with more to do to stabilize Yemen. These outcomes might prompt reflection in the U.S. Congress and elsewhere about the net value of driving this U.S. partner out of the Yemen war with a shaming campaign that focused only on the negatives of UAE involvement. – by Michael Knights

(A P)

Divorce south and north, salvation for Yemenis

YEMEN has been living in a circle of chaos between the South and the North for about 150 years. The people never agreed on a specific position especially in terms of building a single nation.

Today, the South is calling for disengagement from the North after enduring for a long time. The voices refusing the North’s domination on the South are increasing

The national curse on the people of Yemen in the South intensified in the hands of the Northerners

My comment: A typical southrrn separatist propaganda piece.

(A P)

Albukaiti: Summer Centers Brainwash Teens into Houthis’ Myths

Yemeni politician and freelance writer Ali Albukaiti has warned parents of sending their children to summer centers organized by Houthi rebels, saying such centers “pose a great danger” to the current generation as well as future generations.

“Teens will return from these summer centers after being brainwashed into believing in the myth of Houthis’ god-given right to rule and other reactionary concepts,” Mr. Albukaiti said on his account on Facebook.

(A P)

Our children will learn our identity and history: STC Spokesman

Spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council, Nazar Haitham said that the Southerners have already made up their mind to reinforce resistance and build up security, military and political institutions at all levels and in conformity with international norms and conventions.

Haitham wrote on his official Twitter account "we are waiting for the end of the war to begin rebuilding what has been destroyed by the Yemeni gangs." adding that " our children will learn our cultural identity and history, we will instill in them a spirit of resistance and a sense of loyalty to the South."

My comment: This is southern separatists’ propaganda.

(A P)

Troop redeployment shows commitment to peace in Yemen

The UAE is dedicated to the Stockholm agreement and a lasting political solution

The decision to redeploy troops in Yemen is consistent with UAE foreign policy, which is underpinned by dialogue and seeking de-escalation.

(A P)

Yemen Denounces Iranian Arms’ Flow to Houthis

The Yemeni government has denounced the continuous flow of smuggled Iranian arms to the Houthi militia, calling on the international community to stand firmly against the Iranian regime that targets Yemenis and contributes to impeding political solution efforts.

The condemnation was voiced by Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani as Houthi leaders announced acquiring in Sanaa new missiles and drones, most likely to be Iranian-made -- they were delivered to the group as parts then refurbished by experts from Iran and the Lebanese “Hezbollah”.

(A P)

UAE is committed to ensure stability, integrity of Yemen

The UAE is committed to the legitimacy-supporting coalition for ensuring the stability of this brotherly country, maintaining the integrity of its institutions and supporting the peace stream under the auspices of the UN, a UAE official source said, underscoring the UAE commitment to fighting terrorism and ensuring the security of Saudi Arabia against Houthi aggressions.

The source told Al Khaleej, whose sister publication is Gulf Today, that the redeployment plan of the UAE forces in Hodeidah operating under the Arab coalition does not mean there will be a military vacancy if we take into consideration the efficiency of the Yemeni legitimate forces.

(A P)

Why is Iran Provoking Trump?

Tehran’s mullahs need a face-saving process to return to the negotiating table with the “Great Satan”

The slate of malign activities by Iran has been growing significantly recently. Tehran is now in clear violation of the 2015 nuclear deal – known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

Yet going against common mentality, Iran is not looking to start a war with the U.S. The end result is obvious for everyone, especially those making the decisions in Tehran. In fact, the mullahs are seeking to establish high ground to thus claim they are entering talks from an advantage point.

While the U.S. President has continuously expressed his readiness for talks, this is Iran that continues down the path of malign measures. Illogical as it may seem, they have no other choice.

My comment: What an odd propaganda, as the US permanently provokes Iran. Or did you ever hear of Iranian war ships patroling in sight of New York or Miami, of Iranian drones at Florida, of Iran Sanctioning and blocking all countries and companies dealing with the US, and so on?

(A P)

Iran’s Strategic Depth Expands from Yemen and Africa to the Mediterranean Coast

Recent statements on “strategic depth” and military operations (attacks on tankers, missiles fired at Saudi Arabia, targeted attacks in Iraq, continued support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad) are evidence of Iran’s perception of national security – as a regional power acting to protect its borders

(A P)

Arab Coalition: We Aim to Protect Yemeni People from Iran and its Militias

The Saudi-led Arab coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen stressed on Monday that its operations are based on purely humanitarian factors and it aims to protect the Yemeni people from Iran’s expansion and its Houthi militias.
Commander of the joint forces in the alliance, Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz declared that had it not been for the coalition, Yemen would now be at the mercy of Iran.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Iranian Weapons, Support for Al-Houthi Terrorist Militias Threaten Regional, International Security, Al-Maliki Says

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the Official Spokesman for the Coalition Forces "Coalition for Support of Legitimacy in Yemen" confirmed that there is a strong relationship between al-Qaeda, in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Iranian-backed Al-Houthi terrorist militias, especially, following the coup against the legitimacy, in Yemen.

He explained that Iranian weapons and support for Al-Houthi terrorist militia threaten regional and international security

Comment by Fuad Rajeh: Saudi-led coalition has said Houthis have links to AQAP & IS in #Yemen. Wait, what? I've information Saudi & UAE are training & paying ISIL in #Bayda. Coalition's fight against terror is a stupid lie. We knew this coalition has been backing & using AQAP in fight against Houthis.

(A P)

"Rasd" coalition condemns violations of Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia against women and children

Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations in Yemen "Rasd" condemned the abuses committed by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia against women and children.

(A H P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pS)

Coalition destroys 3 militia’s wireless contact networks in kataf, Sa’ada

The Arab coalition air force by several airstrikes on Tuesday, destroyed three wireless contact networks owned by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Ketaf district eastern Sa’ada province.

(A K pH)


waged on Customs port in Maytam district

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

July 9: Hajjah p., Saada p.

July 8: Al Dhalae p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Army dismantles 430 Houthi-laid mines in Sa’ada

(A K pS)

Engineering military teams pull out 250 mines planted by Houthi militia in Hajjah

(A K pH)

Yemeni missile strike kills dozens of Saudi mercenaries in kingdom’s Najran

Dozens of Saudi-sponsored militiamen loyal to Yemen's former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, have been killed and scores of others sustained injuries when Yemeni army forces and their allies fired a domestically-manufactured ballistic missile at their camp in Saudi Arabia’s southern province of Najran. =

My remark: As claimed by the Houthi side.

(A K pS)

[Aden government] Army advances in Baqam, Sa’ada & kills 23 Houthis

The national army forces on Tuesday, made new progress in Baqam district north of Saada province, in the north of the country.

Troops of the 3rd Brigade, Border Guards, managed to liberate a number of roads surrounding the center of Baqem district from the south-eastern directions, following heavy clashes with the Houthi militia.

The fierce clashes resulted in the killing of 23 Houthi elements and the wounding of other

(A K pS)

20 Houthis killed, including ground leader north of Al-Dhale


(* A K pH)

Yemeni Air Force Targets Saudi Abha Airport and Tahama Power Plant

Air Forces of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees launched several offensives with Qasef 2K drones on Abha International Airport and Tahama power plant.

The spokesman of the Armed Forces stated that the drones accurately targeted Jet fighters hangers and important military sites, resulting in halting all air traffic.

and by foreign agencies:


(*A K)

Saudi-led coalition intercepted a Yemeni Houthi drone launched at kingdom: SPA

The Saudi-led military coalition spokesman said late on Monday that the coalition had intercepted and destroyed a drone launched by Yemen’s Houthi group at civil targets in the kingdom, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

“The drone has not achieved its targets,” a coalition statement said.

(A K pH)

July 8: In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted different areas of Razeh and Munabbih districts.

(A K pH)


The bombardments hit several residential villages in Razih and Shada border districts, leaving material damages to civilians’ properties.

(A K pH)


The Spokesman of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, on Monday, denied what the aggression claimed about targeting a ship in the Red Sea, pointing out that it is nothing but slander, unfounded and a desperate attempt to divert international attention.

Brigadier Sare’e said that what the spokesman of the aggression, Turki Al-Maliki, about targeting a commercial ship in the Red Sea is a baseless fabrication, and that it reflects the aggression’s military and political failure.


(A K pS)

Coalition Forces to present evidence of Houthis' attack on ship in Red Sea

The Arab Coalition to restore the legitimate government in Yemen said on Tuesday it would counter the terrorist attempts of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, which target the maritime shipping and international trade, Saudi Press Agency, SPA, reported on Tuesday.

Col. Turki Al-Malki, the official spokesman of the Coalition Forces said the Coalition would present the international community the irrefutable evidence of Houthis' foiled attempt to attack a commercial vessel through a booby-trapped boat in the southern Red Sea on Monday

My comment: Wait and see. This story would fit to the US claims of forming a new coalition to secure Middle East waters.

(* A K pS)

[July 1, reported earlier, more photos here]: Al-Houthi militias committed a new massacre against civilians in Taiz, most of them children, as a result of the indiscriminate shelling of residential neighborhoods in the neighborhood of Abu Al-Dabbah, Al-Ashraaf Basin, and the Directorate of Salalah.

Killing 4 people, including a child and wounding six others, were targeted during their gathering to receive relief aid.


cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: Yemen: Inside a Crisis | The making of Devoured

Devoured (2019) is an artwork by Yemeni street artist Murad Subay, commissioned by IWM for Yemen: Inside a Crisis at IWM North.

(* B)

Yemen’s “Windows of the Moon”

The Qamariya windows come out at night, of course. They are virtually always used as transom windows – a small decorative window above a main window. Their rainbow colors of stained glass are built in what seems an infinite variety of shapes and patterns. I have seen hundreds, but by no means all of them, and I have never seen two identical.

At night, when they shine out of on the tall buildings and narrow stone alleyways of the old city, the Qamariya windows transform this old mountain fortress and its Afro-Arab people into a lively market town with an artistic and esthetic overlay. It is a calming experience just to walk the streets and take in the multicolor glows (photos)

(B P)

Rogue Protocol: Arab journalists confront a post-Khashoggi world

Later that month, I attended a hostile-environment training programme for journalists reporting from conflict-ridden West Asia and North Africa. My fellow participants were Arabs, from Kuwait, Tunisia, Iraq and Yemen. We were taught how to report on the constant bloodshed in the region, with an emphasis on life-saving skills.

“What do you do,” our instructor asked, “if you or your colleague has been severely injured in the limbs?” (subscribers only)

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-553 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-553: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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