Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 561 - Yemen War Mosaic 561

Yemen Press Reader 561: 1. August 2019: UNO-Bericht: Kinder und bewaffnete Konflikte – Wie die Saudis die Heimatfront beruhigen – Ein Besuch in Marib – Noch einmal der Rückzug der Emirate ...

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... Unterstützung der Emirate für Teilung des Jemen – USA-Iran-Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf, gegenseitige Schlacht der Worte, westliche Doppelmoral – Huthi-Angriff auf Parade in Aden tötet mindestens 32 und mehr

August 1, 2019: UN report: Children and armed conflict – Saudis quieting the home front – A visit at Marib – The Emirati withdrawal once again; Emirates support the division of Yemen – US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the, mutual battle of words, western double standards – Houthi attack at parade in Aden kills at least 32 – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

UN: Mehr Kinder bei gewaltsamen Konflikten getötet oder verletzt

Bei gewaltsamen Konflikten sind im vergangenen Jahr mehr Kinder getötet oder verletzt worden als jemals zuvor. Das geht aus einem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen hervor. Demnach wurden 2018 weltweit 12.000 Kinder bei Konflikten getötet oder verstümmelt. Erfasst wurden unter anderem Entführungen und Angriffe auf Schulen und Krankenhäuser.

Kämpfe zwischen Konfliktparteien hatten im vergangenen Jahr verheerende Auswirkungen auf Kinder, heißt es in dem UN-Bericht. In 20 Ländern wurden insgesamt mehr als 24 000 "gravierende Verstöße" gegen Kinder verzeichnet. =

(** B H K P)

Record Number of Children Killed and Maimed in 2018, Urgent to Put in Place Measures to Prevent Violations

The year 2018 was marked by the highest levels of children killed or maimed in armed conflict since the United Nations started monitoring and reporting this grave violation, shows the latest Annual Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict released today.

Overall, more than 24,000 violations were verified in 2018 in the 20 conflict situations on the Children and Armed Conflict agenda.

and full report:

Children and armed conflict

The present report, which covers the period from January to December 2018, is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2427 (2018). The preparation of the report involved broad consultations within the United Nations, in the field and at Headquarters, and with relevant Member States. It highlights global trends regarding the impact of armed conflict on children and provides information on violations committed from January to December 2018, as well as related protection concerns.

Yemen (§§ 187–200)

The United Nations verified the recruitment and use of 370 children, attributed to Houthis (170), Yemeni Government forces (111), Security Belt Forces (44), Shabwani Elite Forces (23), Popular Resistance (17), Hadrami Elite Forces (4) and forces loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (1). The decrease compared with 2017 (842) is mainly a result of access and security restrictions, the fear experienced by communities, should they report, owing to the risk of repercussions, and cases of the deprivation of liberty of monitors. Of the total number, 37 per cent of the children (138) were used in active combat, at least 50 per cent of whom (70) were below the age of 15. Large-scale child recruitment reportedly took place in schools, orphanages and communities.

For the first time, the United Nations verified the recruitment of 16 girls between the ages of 15 and 17 by the Houthis in Sa‘dah. The girls were used to encourage male members of their families to join the Houthis and to mobilize other women and girls to do the same. Some were also trained in the use of weapons. Boys were recruited and used as combatants and in various support roles, including as porters, guards, for patrolling and to assist in intelligence gathering.

The United Nations verified the deprivation of liberty of 96 boys by parties to conflict for alleged association with opposing parties, marking a substantial increase compared with 2017 (23). The majority of the children were held by the Houthis for their alleged association with the Yemeni Government Forces and were subsequently released (53). The Coalition captured 42 boys and Yemeni Government Forces held them in Ma’rib Governorate for their alleged association with the Houthis, 27 of those boys were released in February and reportedly reunified with their families. At the time of writing, the remaining 15 children were still held in Ma ’rib. Lastly, one boy was held by the Popular Resistance for his alleged association with the Houthis.

The United Nations verified 1,689 child casualties, including the killing of 576 children (430 boys, 143 girls, 3 unknown sex) and maiming of 1,113 childre n (815 boys, 298 girls). The majority of child casualties resulted from ground fighting (755), followed by air strikes (685) and unexploded ordnance (223). A total of 43 per cent of child casualties were attributed to the Coalition (729) of which 684 were due to air strikes and 45 to ground fighting, followed by the Houthis (398), the Yemeni Government Forces (58) and the Popular Resistance (48), among other parties. Child casualties attributed to the Coalition remained high throughout the year, with a decrease during the last quarter of 2018. Of the total child casualties, 30 per cent occurred during offensives in Hudaydah (507), 267 of which were due to ground fighting and 181 to air strikes. The second highest number of child casualties was verified in Sa‘dah Governorate (354), followed by Ta‘izz Governorate (341).

The United Nations verified the perpetration of sexual violence against nine children (7 boys, 2 girls) between the ages of 9 and 17, attributed to the Yemeni armed forces (6), the Popular Resistance (2) and the Houthis (1).

The United Nations verified 44 attacks against schools (28) and hospitals (16), an increase compared with 2017, 84 per cent of which caused the partial or complete destruction of the facilities. Attacks on schools were attributed to the Coalition (12), the Houthis (12) and unidentified parties (4). Attacks on hospitals were attributed to the Popular Resistance (5), the Coalition (3), the Houthis (3), Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (2) and unidentified armed elements (3). One third of the attacks occurred in Ta‘izz (14), followed by Sa‘dah (10) and Hudaydah (7).

occurred in Ta‘izz (14), followed by Sa‘dah (10) and Hudaydah (7).

The United Nations verified 32 military uses of schools, a fourfold increase compared with 2017, attributed to the Houthis (28), Yemeni Government Forces (3) and Security Belt Forces (1). At least 20 schools were used by the Houthis to mobilize and train children and 4 were used for recruiting and mobilizing girls. Three military use of hospitals were attributed to the Houthis (2) and the Popular Resistance (1). The majority of cases took place in Sa‘dah, Mahwit and Hudaydah.

The United Nations verified 275 incidents of denial of humanitarian access, including restrictions of movement (177), interference in the implementation of humanitarian assistance (49), violence against humanitarian personnel, assets a nd facilities (44) and attacks on humanitarian water facilities (5). The incidents were mainly attributed to the Houthis (206), the Coalition (41) and the Yemeni Government Forces (7), among other parties, and were concentrated in Hudaydah, Sana ’a and Sa‘dah. Access to areas along the frontlines was particularly difficult, with limited presence of humanitarian actors in the most affected districts and with the Houthis often requesting humanitarian organizations to share beneficiary lists and project details as a precondition to implementing humanitarian activities in areas under their control.

(** B K P)

Quieting the Home Front

Saudi Arabia has used a variety of means to neutralize domestic opposition to the war in Yemen.

International pressure on Saudi Arabia is mounting to end the war in Yemen. However, four years after the launch of Operation Decisive Storm, such pressure is largely absent at home.

Many reasons explain this discrepancy. One is the patriotic narrative that highlights the sacrifices of Saudi soldiers defending the kingdom. This is helping to overcome any criticism of the war

In November 2016, a new law unified and codified disparate decisions and preexisting regulations on compensation to all military personnel and civilians. The law mandated compensation to a maximum of $267,000 for each family of whom a member was killed or handicapped, and the equivalent of $80,000 for families of those who were partially incapacitated.

More broadly, the families of those killed or handicapped receive lifelong salaries, pensions, jobs, medical treatment, housing benefits, debt payments, and other financial and social inducements.

The laws to honor Saudis defending the kingdom, particularly media coverage of this, have highlighted the rewards provided by the palace more than the sacrifices themselves.

Religious rhetoric has also been used to boost patriotism and promote sacrifice, in stark contrast to the way such rhetoric has been downplayed elsewhere in the kingdom to allow for social liberalization.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs organized a training course for imams near the border on how to counter Houthi “doctrine,” promote the “doctrine of monotheism,” and advance the “features of Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab’s proselytism.”

Protection of the kingdom is regularly equated with “jihad” in defense of the “doctrine,” “Muslims,” and the “the land of the two holy mosques.” Zaydi Houthis are identified as “majus,” the term for Zoroastrians, therefore non-Muslims. They are also called “moushrikin,” or polytheists, with historical and religious ties to the “safawis,” in reference to the Persian Safavids, and “rafidah” meaning rejectionists, a reference to the Twelver Shi‘a.

Such designations strip the Houthis of any ethnic or religious connection to the Saudi soldiers, and make it a religious duty to fight them. They also distinguish the military confrontation with the Houthis from a war against Yemen, with which many southern Saudis have family and confessional ties. This radical sectarian discourse has been building up in the south since the Yemen war of 2009. It raises the pressure on southern tribes, as well Isma‘ilis and those who have had distinct relations with the Houthis. Those tribes are under political and social pressure to constantly prove their patriotism to compensate for the questioning of their religious doctrine – by Yasmine Farouk

My comment: What’s missing when speaking of “quieting the home front”: Brutal oppression of any dissent.

Comments by Madawi Al-Rasheed: So the US and Britain arm the Saudi regime to launch a jihad in Yemen!

While MBS promises moderate Islam, the war on Yemen is launched as a Jihad against the So-called Rafidah, the Zyadi Houthis- Wahhabi preachers are active in South to mobilise against those outside true Islam. Does this remind you of ISIS.

(** B P)

Marib, Yemen: Rising Above the Conflict

A Yemeni scholar visited the city of Marib and found that, against all odds, people are using their resilience and ingenuity to survive the devastation of war.

In April 2019, I went back to Yemen, my homeland, to witness firsthand how the ongoing war is affecting local communities. Upon reaching my first destination, the city of Marib, I was taken aback by the scale of change. The marginalized tribal area I once knew has become an epicenter in North Yemen.

Unlike its neighbors in the north, Marib has been able to fend off constant Houthi rebel attacks, making it a refuge for thousands of internally displaced Yemenis. In just four years, its population has increased fiftyfold, transforming Marib into a large, bustling city run by a Saudi-backed government, tribal leaders, political elites, and the military. It hangs on as a stable exception in Yemen. But from what I saw and heard, the relative peace is fragile.


Meanwhile, people who oppose the Houthis or have been harmed by Houthi policies continue to flock to the area. They speak of arbitrary arrests against supporters of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi or the Islah Party and extra taxes on merchants. For them, Marib offers a stable environment, thanks to its relatively unified local governance.


As a result, the city’s population has grown from around 40,000 to more than 1.5 million, according to local authorities. While traveling around Marib, I was struck by how diverse its population has become. People from all parts of Yemen have settled in Marib in search of a better life—drawn by its reputation as the safest governorate among non-Houthi-controlled areas and by comparatively more economic opportunities.


Nevertheless, Marib is still facing serious challenges. Missiles periodically hit the surrounding area, and military confrontations continue not far from the city center (for example, in the districts of Sirwah and Qaniah). What’s more, it is clear that Marib does not have the infrastructure and public services to support such a large influx of people.

The daily construction of new buildings has led to massive urban expansion. Entire neighborhoods have popped up in different parts of the city to accommodate new arrivals. Still, the demand for housing far outweighs the supply. The average rental cost has risen by more than 500 percent over the last four years. Some people I interviewed mentioned that lagging economic conditions have forced them to share simple houses and apartments with as many as five other families.

Adding to the pressure, Marib has become a transit hub for African migrants who cross the Gulf of Aden from Somalia.


Thousands of small and medium-sized businesses have opened in Marib since 2015, but most are operating in shoddy buildings. Businessmen do not want to waste time on construction work or spend a lot of money on fixed assets. They still feel unsafe, citing the possibility of inbound missiles.

Most businesses provide basic goods and services (like grocery stores, restaurants, khat markets, fuel stations, car mechanics, or roadhouses).


The shortages in infrastructure and public services are even more apparent outside of the city. At the foot of the mountains, dozens of sprawling, makeshift camps host thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs). Due to the lack of humanitarian supplies, many families have pitched their own tents. However, this only solves one problem. Most IDPs also have very limited access to food, clean water, and healthcare.


While many children in Marib are out of school for economic or other reasons, new schools have been built and existing schools have been expanded to absorb larger numbers of students.


Given the living conditions and diversity of the population, it is surprising that Marib has remained relatively stable internally—especially when one considers the hybrid governance model that has emerged. Multiple actors, including tribal leaders, political elites, military officers, and Saudi-UAE commanders, are managing to work together so far in Marib. In other areas of the country, there are deep cleavages among these groups.

Of course, there are points of friction and governing challenges that could easily change the dynamics. Some tribal leaders are dissatisfied with the performance of local authorities, and their opposition sometimes results in confrontations with security forces.


There are also disagreements among Marib’s tribes. For example, outside the city, there are dozens of neglected historical sites, including the throne of the Queen of Sheba, the Awam temple, and the old Marib Dam, which are the most famous monuments to ancient Yemeni civilizations. Abandoned because of weak governance and tribal disputes over ownership, the sites are in bad condition.



In the face of these and other immense challenges, how is Marib managing to move forward? Perhaps it is the common resilience of the people that sets the city apart. Even so, no one can anticipate whether Marib will remain a stable exception or turn into another example of failed governance. It is certainly a place to watch, with potential lessons for other parts of Yemen – by Ahmed Nagi =

My comment: To be read with some care. The provincial government of marib is quite successful in inviting foreign journalists to give a positive image of the province.

(** B K P)

The UAE’s Withdrawal From Yemen is Strategic in Every Way

The UAE’s involvement in the war has been iterated by Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, as fundamental to security in the Middle East. While Iran does support the Houthis, economic relations between the Persian country and the UAE does not seem to have been affected, as the two countries’ annual trade, worth $20 billion, appears unhindered.

In the meantime, the UAE has established a number of strategically located bases in and outside Yemen (in Perim Island in Yemen, Assab in Eritrea, Berbera in Somaliland and Bosaso in Puntland) that has boosted its security role in the region.

There is no definitive answer to the reason for the country’s withdrawal, but a few events can be pointed at.
Substantial opposition to the coalition’s activities in Yemen has been seen through civilian protest and political criticism, for instance, by Congressmen in the U.S, which has hurt the UAE’s international reputation.

As well as training groups on the western coast, it has been working closely with groups in the south, where it has also maintained a reduced military presence, such as the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC).

According to the American geopolitical intelligence platform Stratfor, by working closely with southern groups, where it maintains military presence, the UAE has created its “Security Belt”: a security infrastructure to stabilize the south, using local forces to detain citizens with links to Islamist groups.

In this regard, it would be an error to think that drawdown is a case of UAE absence in the conflict, or that it is a victory for the Houthis and Iran, as some officials say might be feared by the US or Saudi. The UAE’s presence is still felt in the area, even if they don’t have as many boots on the ground, according to locals.

The continued Emirati presence in the south as well as on the island of Socotra also indicates that the country has greater political ambitions in the region, according to some analysts, along the lines of access to development projects and trade. Peter Salisbury from the International Crisis Group has suggested that the move lays bare fissures among pro-government and anti-Houthi groups, as the UAE’s goals have been different to its coalition partners from the beginning of the war in Yemen. Progress seen in Hodeidah has enabled them to seek these out.

It is nonetheless important to note that southern Yemeni interests have been diverging from the overall war effort, so strengthening groups in this part of the country could spur new separatist movements as well. The Hadi government, therefore, sees the U.A.E’s strengthening of militias in this part of Yemen as a challenge to his government and leadership.

“The Emirati withdrawal from Yemen won’t lead to peace and stability in this country,” said Adel Dashela, a Yemeni researcher and freelance writer, previously of BAMU in India, speaking to Fanack Chronicle. “The UAE has succeeded in dismantling Yemen into rival cantons on tribal and sectarian bases. In addition, this withdrawal means that there is an Iranian-Emirati understanding,” Dashela added: “The U.A.E will accept the militias of al-Houthi to govern some of the northern regions, and the transitional council (Southern Separatist militias) controls some southern regions of Yemen.”

Dashela also said that the UAE wants to improve its image after accusations of crimes in its secret prisons in southern Yemen, and that it “does not want to escalate against Iran.” Declaring its withdrawal from Yemen was also a way to convey a message to Tehran, Dashela, said. In doing so, the UAE told Iran: “We are not against you.”

(** B K P)

UAE Openly Supports Yemen’s Separation

The UAE regime’s current goal is to support the secession of Yemen as a strategic goal that it has started to implement by all means available after its move to reduce its forces in the.

On the contrary, it has recently supported the establishment of new forces under its separatist political arm in the south of Yemen, showing a contradiction between the statements made by UAE officials about a plan to support peace and the reality that does not spare any effort to impose the partition plan.

Over the past 48 hours, a tweet of the former Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Abdulkhaliq Abdullah, provoked a wave of disaffected Yemeni reactions, which included a provocation to Yemenis by saying that “there will be no single unified Yemen after today.”

This reflects precisely what Abu Dhabi has been doing since the first months of its military intervention alongside Saudi Arabia in Yemen and is led by the alliance’s influence in the southern provinces of the country.

While the UAE, through statements made by its officials in recent weeks, has tried to convey messages that it has begun a new trend that supports peace and stability, it continues to support the separatists through the so-called Southern Transitional Council and its military and security formations.

In addition to all the military formations outside the authority of the Yemeni government, Aden recently witnessed the announcement of a new force called “First Brigade Thunderbolt,” along with the limited UAE withdrawals.

This is an additional indication that Abu Dhabi’s “peace first” plan is no more than a limited retreat of its direct presence. That allows it to continue its strategy of supporting the partition of Yemen after some precautions have been taken to reduce the consequences of this policy in the face of growing Yemeni resentment against the role of the UAE.

Since the early months of the alliance’s frontline in Aden, the UAE has created “security belt forces” from a mix of separatists and Salafis.

Abu Dhabi similarly established the forces of the so-called “Hadramout Elite” and the “Shabwani Elite” in the East. All of which were based on regional bases that did not recognize the unity of Yemen. They also represented a threat even in the presence of “south” and “north.”

In addition to the military arms, which do not consider raising the banner of Yemen as one of the taboos in their camps, Abu Dhabi founded the political wing of secession in Yemen in May 2017. The Southern Transition Council, which initially presented itself as the alternative power of the “south state” retreated under the pressure of the scandal in which the UAE supported a coup against legitimacy in exchange for considering that the declared goal of the alliance is to support the legitimacy against the coup of Houthis.

However, the UAE has been supporting the Council in strengthening its influence and strengthening its military wings.

(** A K)

Houthi Attack on Military Parade in Yemen Kills Dozens

At least 32 people were killed in an attack on a military parade in the Yemeni port city of Aden Thursday, security and medical sources said.

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement said it launched missile and drone attacks Thursday on a military parade in Aden, the seat of the Saudi-backed government, killing several people including a commander.

A Reuters witness saw nine bodies on the ground after an explosion hit a military camp belonging to Yemeni forces backed by the United Arab Emirates, which is a member of the Saudi-led military coalition battling the Houthis.

A pro-government military source said a commander was among those killed.

“The blast occurred behind the stand where the ceremony was taking place at Al Jalaa military camp in Buraiqa district in Aden,” the witness said. “A group of soldiers were crying over a body believed to be of the commander.”

The Houthi’s official channel Al Masirah TV said the group had launched a medium-range ballistic missile and an armed drone at the parade, which it described as being staged in preparation for a military move against provinces held by the movement.

The parade “was being used to prepare for an advance on Taiz and Dalea,” Masirah cited a Houthi military spokesman as saying.


(** A K)

Twin attacks kill 20 police in Yemen's Aden: sources

The second attack was carried out by the Huthi rebels, who used a drone and a ballistic missile to target a parade in a police camp west of Aden and killed 17 officers and wounded scores more, medical sources and the rebels said.

The suicide bombing targeted policemen who were gathering early in the morning at the entrance of a police station in Aden's Sheikh Othman area.

"Tens of wounded were hospitalised at Aden surgical hospital after an explosion in the surrounding area," Doctors Without Borders said on Twitter.

The Huthi rebels said the attack on Al-Jala Camp, about 20 kilometres (13 miles) west of Aden, was carried out with a drone and a ballistic missile.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (Jan-Jun 2019)

Cholera: Since 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019, there have been 439,812 suspected cases and 695 associated deaths recorded (case fatality ratio, CFR 0.16 per cent). Children under five represent a quarter of the total suspected cases. The number of new weekly cases is now declining since Week 14, as UNICEF and partners scale-up prevention and response interventions. UNICEF with the support of GAVI (global vaccine alliance) and WHO, vaccinated nearly 11.8 million children with measles and rubella vaccination in the first half of 2019, aiming to mitigate the frequency of the outbreak and reduce the high morbidity rate and death associated with them.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

(A K pS)

Government forces shoot down a Houthi drone in Al-Drihmi, south of Hodeidah

Government forces shot down a reconnaissance drone belonging to the Houthi militias on Wednesday morning, in southern Hodeidah province in western Yemen

and also =

(A K pS)

An 11-year-old child was injured in his eye and other parts of his body in Houthi group shelling at the border of Hayes, south of Hodeida city (photo)

(A K pS)

Video: Fierce Clashes Erupt between Houthis and Joint Forces in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis send new reinforcement to Hodeida

The sources said that hundreds of newly trained Houthis militants arrived Hodeida on Monday coming from Sana’a. The new fighters received intensive training courses supervised by Ali Al-Kuhlani, a prominent Houthis-affiliated leader.

(A K pH)

Film: Relentlessly the mercenaries of the aggression continue to commit their crimes against innocent people in the Directorate of the port Hodeidah 27-07-2019

(A K pS)

Film: Al-Houthi militias continue their violations and renewed shelling of the Ikhwan Thabit industrial and commercial complex in the city of Hodeidah

According to sources working in the factory that the militias renewed targeting of the compound of Ikhwan Thabit industrial and commercial in the city of Hudaydah with artillery shelling a number of shells that fell on the plant and caused considerable damage.

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, the US-Saudi mercenaries targeted residential areas in the city with over 30 shells and missiles.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia shells residential neighborhoods in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Yemen army repels Houthi attack in Hodeidah

(A K)

Clashes erupt in Yemen's Hudaydah despite ceasefire

Clashes erupted Tuesday between government forces and Houthi rebels in Yemen’s coastal city of Al-Hudaydah despite a UN-brokered ceasefire, according to a military source and local residents.

The Yemeni army's media center said Houthi rebels attacked government forces in the southern neighborhoods of Al-Hudaydah.

Government forces retaliated with heavy and medium weapons, it said.

No information was yet available about casualties. =

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(* B K P)

A Geopolitical Analysis Of Foreign Intervention In Yemen

Of the dozens of countries involved directly or indirectly in the conflict in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States have been key players. Taking a closer look into the motives of each of these countries helps us better understand the seemingly senseless and unending conflict in Yemen, and how a peace process can possibly be approached.

Saudi Arabia was one of the first foreign countries to interfere in the Yemeni conflict.

Saudi Arabia’s intentional role as the leading force of the coalition is about more than just reinstating Hadi’s government. Most scholars agree that through the Yemeni conflict, Saudi Arabia is attempting to assert its role as a leading force in the Middle East. Deeper yet, Saudi Arabia is able to use the conflict in Yemen to participate in a proxy war with its enemy Iran, whom it has accused of supporting the Houthi movement in the north. Geographically, the Houthi rebel stronghold is in the northern regions of Yemen, which directly borders Saudi territory, posing a potential domestic threat should the instability of the region spill over the border, thus inciting further Saudi involvement.

The UAE’s involvement is equally geopolitical in nature. Though part of the Arab-African coalition, the UAE has increasingly been supporting the southern separatist’s movement, contradicting Hadi’s goal of uniting the country. This has not been a major problem in terms of its role in the coalition as the coalition is currently focused on the common goal of defeating the Houthi insurgency. But what is to happen after that goal is accomplished is where the differing ideologies would really come out.

The UAE will maintain its role by providing intelligence and supplies to the forces, securing its potential for influence at key Yemeni ports at the end of the war. Some UAE forces will also remain with the intent of combatting radical Islamic forces in the country. For the UAE, establishing an Emirati-friendly government in the south has been and remains its ambition through involvement in Yemen.

For the US, involvement has manifested through support for the Saudi-led coalition as well as US-performed drone strikes. US drone strikes are guised at attempts to fight AQAP, but the extent of civilian casualties that have resulted from US strikes ­­­suggest inaccuracies.

Reduction of arm sales are a significant step in this process. Furthermore, transparency of western states’ role in the conflict is important in order to provide accurate reports of the scope of their influence.

(* B H K)

UN's children in conflict report reveals depravity of modern warfare

The annual report on Children and Armed Conflict that the United Nations Secretary-General submitted to the Security Council this week comprises the usual grim inventory of large-scale crimes and atrocities covering over 24,000 verified grave violations against children in 20 countries.

Yet it remains difficult to generate any credible diplomacy when the big powers - and some regional powers such as Turkey, Iran, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia - are active fighters in the wars.

The Secretary-General's latest report on Children and Armed Conflicts is a reminder not only that millions of children and adult civilians continue to suffer or die due to no fault of their own; but also that many global and regional powers are directly complicit in this new legacy that has to a large extent emanated from the Middle East, and now haunts other parts of the world.

Our children, it seems, have emerged as the early warning signs of our own destructive depravities.

(A P)

‘Yemen will never be united,’ says ex-aide to UAE sheikh

Abdul-Khaleq Abdullah, a UAE academic and former aide of Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Zayed, has said Yemen “will never” be united.

“There will never be one united Yemen after today,” Abdullah wrote on Twitter on Sunday, prompting hundreds of comments criticising him and his country’s interference in Yemen.

Advisor to the Yemeni Minister of Information Mukhtar Al-Rahbi replied to the tweet to say: “It is not your right or the right of anyone else to determine the fate of the Yemeni people.”

Al-Rajabi called for Abdullah to “leave the Yemenis to decide their fate and decide what they want far from your unstable mode.”

My comment: The UAE actually is supporting the southern separatists and is interested in separating Yemen – to keep new Southern Yemen as a vassal state.

(* B H P)

Insan Org. Warning of Saudi Made Catastrophe, Preventing Maintenance of Yemeni Oil Tanker in Red Sea

Insan Org., a human rights organization based in Germany, is calling upon the world to act urgently to help prevent a disaster; the Saudi-led coalition with their ignorant hostility are about to cause one of the worst environmental catastrophes in the world. FSO Safer, the Yemeni Decaying tanker which contains 1,1 million barrels of crude oil has become a floating bomb that could explode at any time.

The Saudi-led coalition which is imposing a blockade on Yemen since 2015 refuses to allow the Tanker ARMA 1 from delivering 3000 tons of diesel which is urgently needed for running the engines of the Decaying Tanker SAFER. The engines haven’t been running and that would stop the processes of injecting the inter gases into the oil tank’s steam which would lead to building up a huge amount of explosive gases of estimated 1,1 million barrels of oil. SAFER is a bomb that could explode at any time. The Tanker can spill a huge amount of oil covering the whole Red Sea and could reach areas outside the Red Sea. International reports warn that "if the Oil reservoir would leak, it’ll cover an area of 939 trillion square meters.”


(* B H P)

Millions will go without drinking water if decaying oil tanker explodes

‘No one knows the full potential of the spill, if it happens it would set a precedent in the region. This goes well beyond Yemen’

Tens of millions of people could lose access to clean drinking water if a decaying oil tanker moored off the coast of Yemen is left to collapse or explode, experts have said.

The Yemeni state-owned vessel Safer, which holds over one million barrels of crude oil, is stationed permanently around five nautical miles off the rebel-held port of Ras Isa.

He compared the devastation to a recent diesel spill off the coast of Patagonia which made international headlines despite only involving 250 barrels of fuel.

“If the Safer were to leak all its oil, the spill would be over four and a half thousand times larger – and that’s the Safer alone, not the submarine pipeline that connects with it,” he said.

Dr Ian Ralby who also worked on the report said that despite the alarming potential consequences of the spill, the crisis “has not inspired sufficient action”.

He warned of the violence that would likely ensue from lack of access to drinking water, as well as the effect of the spill “global marine biodiversity, the loss of livelihoods and food sources from the degraded marine environment, and the threat to coastal tourism”.

(* B K P)

Yemeni Civilians Could Only Stand So Much Suffering

Now is the time to survey the wreck of the world with an air of concern. The United Arab Emirates is withdrawing its troops from war-torn Yemen in coordination with key ally Saudi Arabia.

War is easy. The hard part is cleaning up the mess afterward. The World Bank estimates that Yemen’s reconstruction needs are around 30 billion US dollars. The World Bank has been conducting this work in cooperation with other multilateral organizations including major donor nations like the US, UK and China.

To this end, Saudi Arabia claims to be willing to help reconstruction. Well if there is any honesty in this offer, they need to end the conflict first. If they fund reconstruction, they shouldn’t politicize aid, or disrupt and centralize the supply of humanitarian assistance, and/or indulge in debt-trap diplomacy and post-war order.

The only way out of the current stalemate is also a renewed call for political negotiations, redemption, and recover. For that call to be effective, the US must back the ongoing ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid into the country, give up on hosting one-sided political talks, and help the UN in its reconstruction and development efforts in Yemen.

In this man-made crisis, a political process to end the fighting and the humanitarian catastrophe that the world does witness today is a must.

(* B E H K)

UNO: Krieg wirft Jemen um 20 Jahre zurück

Der Krieg im Jemen hat dieses Land um 20 Jahre in Bezug auf Entwicklung und Bildung zurückgeworfen.

Der Leiter des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms UNDP, Achim Steiner, beschrieb am Dienstag die humanitäre Lage im Jemen als schlimm und hob hervor, die jemenitische Wirtschaft sei wegen der Invasion der saudisch geführten Koalition zusammengebrochen.

Jeder dritte Jemenit sei aufgrund von Unterernährung vom Tod bedroht, sagte Steiner der Associated Press.

Der Leiter des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms UNDP wies außerdem auf die Zerstörung von Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen im Land hinück

Mein Kommentar: Das kann man wohl kaum so sagen. Vor 20 Jahren ging es dem Jemen erheblich besser.

(* B E H K)

UN official says war in Yemen knocked country back 20 years

A top U.N. official warned Monday that Yemen's devastating five-year civil war has knocked the country back 20 years in terms of development and access to education.

"Much of the Yemeni economy has collapsed. People literally do not have any money to buy food," Achim Steiner, U.N. Development Program administrator, told The Associated Press.

"Thousands of schools are closed, millions of children aren't able to attend school, missing a generation of education," he said. "Yemen has lost... 20 years of development."

Steiner said the UNDP in Yemen faces financial difficulties, as the pledges for humanitarian support in Yemen were close to $3 billion this year, but less than $1.1 billion has been delivered.

"We will have to stop programs, we will have to cut rations, and probably in the next two to three months, 21 support programs in the country have to be stopped," he warned.

My comment: This will be difficult to measure – 20 years back Yemen was much better off than today.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Landslides, floods displace over 100 families in central Yemen: report

At least 127 families have fled their homes in central Yemen over the past week due to landslides and floods, local media reported on Wednesday.

Daily torrential rains throughout the past week have caused floods and triggered landslides on two villages in Ibb province.

(B H)

Assessment Capacities Project: Yemen: Outlook for July-December 2019 Risk Overview - 31 July 2019

The Yemen Risk Overview is a risk identification report published every six months outlining the main emerging risks in Yemen that might affect the current humanitarian situation 6 month forecast) It aims to inform the humanitarian community of possible changes in context and humanitarian needs in Yemen, in order to facilitate contingency planning, risk management, and response ACAPS regularly tracks these and other risks for Yemen and will publish alerts and updates as things change

(B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (Jan-Jun 2019)

In 2019, the UN Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting has documented 755 incidents of grave violations against children, in which 88 per cent (654) of the incidents were verified; this includes 562 children killed and maimed and 527 boys and 41 girls recruited and used by various parties to the conflict.

UNICEF has increased the minimum target for management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) from 70 per cent in 2018 to 90 per cent in 2019

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering June 12 -July 25 2019| Issue 10

Lack of funding threatens! the Yemen humanitarian response P01

Conflict in Al Dhaleie increases civilian casualities and obstructs the humanitarian response P02

Cholera stalks Yemen two years after 2017 outbreak P03

7,508 Children killed or maimed since 2013 PO4

Delays in approving humanitarian projects leave 2.6 Million people at risk P05

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster, REACH Initiative Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (June 2019)

The Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was launched by REACH in collaboration with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster and the Cash and Market Working Group (CMWG) to support humanitarian actors with the harmonization of price monitoring among all cash actors in Yemen.
The JMMI incorporates information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed comprises eight non-food items (NFIs), including fuel, water and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB), since September 2018.

(A H)

Last week @monarelief 's team in Hodeidah in western #Yemen was able to reach out 50 widows in al-Derehimi area with cash assistance. Our project was funded by our partners in #Kuwait along with @monareliefye 's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo. Thanks for your support guys (photos)

(* B H)

Yemen: IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis - July - September 2019 (Issued in July 2019)

Hotspot Analysis: Severe Acute Food Insecurity Persists in 29 Districts in Yemen


In December 2018, food insecurity in Yemen was at its worst. For the first time, nearly a quarter of a million people were estimated to be experiencing catastrophic food consumption gaps (IPC Phase 5) without Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA). The severity was reported in 45 districts spread in 12 governorates out of the 22 governorates of Yemen. In the aftermath, all humanitarian partners – UN, INGOs, Governments and Donors – put together concerted efforts to scale up humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations in the worst affected districts. The humanitarian assistance also included other sectors such as WASH, Protection, Nutrition, Health, shelter, etc.

Although the TWG planned for continuous monitoring of these 45 districts, with the possibility of updating the food security situation in March 2019, several logistical impediments hampered the possibility of collecting food security data for all the districts. In April, the TWG was only able to access 29 districts for assessments. Access to the remaining 16 districts was impossible and they were excluded from this IPC analysis.

(B H)

Yemen| A victim of the Houthi mines describes his suffering

Hadi Mohammad, 35 years old, is one of the victims of a landmine explosion that caused him to lose his right foot during his displacement from the village of Bani Hassan to Hairan village in the province of Hajjah in north-west Yemen

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)


(* A H)

Mindestens 15 Tote bei Bootsüberfahrt in den Jemen

Nach Angaben der IOM sind mindestens 15 Äthiopier*innen bei dem Versuch, den Jemen über den Seeweg zu erreichen, gestorben. Das Boot der über 90 Passagiere war zwischen Djibouti und dem Jemen in Seenot geraten. Die Menschen harrten eine Woche ohne Wasser und Nahrung auf See aus, bevor sie am Montag, 29.07. das Festland erreichten.

(* A H)

Ethiopian migrants die of hunger and thirst in stranded boat: U.N. agency

At least 15 Ethiopians died after the boat trying to smuggle them into Yemen broke down and left them stranded in the sea without food or water for a week, a U.N. migration agency said.

Survivors said some died from hunger and thirst and others drowned themselves, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said. A number reached Yemen but died before they could get medical help, it added.

“The migrants were traveling from Djibouti to Yemen when the smugglers’ boat broke down,” IOM said on Twitter late on Tuesday.

“Those on board reported that lives were lost due to hunger, thirst & intentional drowning, while some people died in Yemen, as they could not reach health facilities in time,” it added.

The boat, which was originally carrying 90 Ethiopians, arrived in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on Monday, the agency said, without giving details on how it got there.

The whereabouts of most of the survivors was unknown, it added.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthi court sentences two employees of political security (intelligence) to death for leaking information

A court under the Houthis' group in Sana'a today sentenced two employees of the Political Security Service to death for leaking information to the "states of aggression."

The lawyer and human rights activist Abdul Rahman Berman said that a Houthi court has sentenced two employees of the Secretariat of the Political Security Service in Sana'a to death.

Berman said in a tweet that the trial was held in a secret session held at the political security building in Sana'a, without the presence of the defendants' lawyers.

(A K P)

Defense Minister Threatening US-Saudi Aggression with Higher Impact Airstrikes

The Minister of Defense, Major General Mohammad Al-Atafi, said Wednesday that the blood of innocents, killed and injured in the Saudi bombing of Al-Thabet Market in Al-Qatber district, in Saada province, and other crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression against innocent civilians, will not be wasted and the aggression will regret its terrible crimes."

Al-atafi vowed aggression with more qualitative airstrikes and in-depth as long as they continued their aggression and unjust siege of our people,"

(A P)

Supreme Political Council Member: Abu Dhabi - Tehran Cooperation Exposes False Claims of Proxy War in Yemen

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi, commented on the UAE's resumption of coordination meetings between their coast guards for the first time in six years and the visit of an Emirati delegation to Iran on Wednesday, by saying:

"Trump's aggression and the title of fighting Iran in Yemen has proven to be a burned card and can not be exploited by the aggression and its allies," Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi said in a tweet. "Public coordination between the UAE and Iran exposed the falsity of the objectives of the aggression and justifications for killing Yemenis."

My remark: For these meetings, cp9a.

(* A P)

Power struggle is deepening between top leaders in the Houthi militia, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, chairperson of the supreme revolutionary committee, and Mahdi Al-Mashat, president of the supreme political council. Reports say they are mobilising armed fans & threatening each other.

and this by a Saudi news site:

(* A P)

Differences Among Houthis Leave 10 Collaborators Dead

The Yemeni army revealed that Houthi militias have liquidated 10 of their prominent collaborators, including military officials, in a number of provinces falling under their control.
Their crimes were committed in light of Houthi differences on the division of power and the distribution of looted funds seized through tax collection and robbery of shops and businesses.
Growing disputes among field commanders have grown, reaching the point of threats under the force of arms against collaborators with the militias in the northern provinces. =

(A P)

Yemen’s Parliament Calls on International Community to Condemn US-Saudi Aggression Crimes

Yemen’s Parliament expressed its regret for the Arab and international silence towards the continuation of the Saudi-led aggression, under the US sponsorship, of committing the terrible massacres against civilians in markets, houses and roads.

(A P)

Yemen rebels welcome UAE visit to Iran

UAE military delegation visited Iran for talks on border cooperation between two countries

(A K P)

Balance of Power Changing in Favor of Yemen: Official

Mohammad al-Bakhiti, a member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, highlighted the Arabian Peninsula country’s military advances against the Saudi-led coalition and said the balance of power is changing in favor of Yemen.

“If the Saudis do not reconsider their calculations, they will suffer extensive damage that would be beyond their endurance,” he stated.

“If they (the Saudis) insist on continuing the war, the result will be the collapse of the Al Saud regime,”

(* B H P)

WFP blames Houthis for food-aids expiration

A local official of the UN World Food Program (WFP) in Yemen said on Tuesday that the Houthis are responsible for expiry of food aids in Raima, northwest Yemen that the rebels destroyed recently.

Annabel Symington, communication officer of the WFP in Yemen who was quoted by the local news website Al-Masadronline said that foods expired after the Houthis banned distribution of the aids to the needy people in Raima.

Symington explained that the Houthis-affiliated militants stormed the WFP stores in Raima, confiscated the food aids and destroyed them later when expired.

Nearly 295 of 50-Kg of wheat were destroyed when gone rotten and became inedible due to restrictions imposed by the Houthis that eventually led to distribution suspension, according to Symington.

The government Supreme Relief Committee said that the Houthis’ intervention in food-aids distribution in Raima caused expiration of 14.9 tons of wheat.

(A P)

Houthi-controlled prosecutor summons 16 journalists working for Al-Thawra Press Foundation in Sana'a

The Houthis Attorney General's Office in Sana'a, summoned a number of journalists and staff at al-Thawra Press Foundation to appear on Tuesday to hear their statements in a complaint against them.

According to the summons, 16 journalists and employees of the Al-Thawra Press Foundation are forced to come to the prosecution tomorrow to investigate a complaint filed against them.

The order did not indicate the type of complaint and the party that filed it, but Houthi leaders have previously promised to prosecute their opponents in the institution, accusing a number of its employees and journalists of conspiring to kill and communicate with the outside, and criticizing their authorities in Sana'a.

Leaders of the Houthi group accuse a number of journalists and employees of the foundation of criminal and financial crimes, among other defendants a number of names in the order.

Al-Houthi refuses to pay salaries to employees of the Revolutionary Foundation, but forces them to work free of charge.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A T)

In a separate attack in another district of Aden Thursday, an explosives-laden car blew up at a police station killing three soldiers, a security source said.

(A P)

Hadramout Demands STC Intervention to Rise out of Misery

My comment: As the text reveals, it’s not “Hadramout” demanding, but just a delegation of local separatists.

(A P)

"Basurra", suspends his membership in the presidency of the House of Representatives due to the government's failure to comply with the recommendations of the Council

(A P)

4 soldiers injured during clashes with tribal gunmen northeast of Marib

A military source told Al-Masdar online, that a military campaign clashed with gunmen who set up a blockade between the areas of "Wadheeh" and "Al-Makhtam" in northeastern Marib province.


(A P)

Members of the al Mash’al tribe clashed with forces aligned with the Islamist al Islah party in Safir district in Ma’rib governorate in central Yemen on July 30. Al Islah claimed that the confrontation began when members of the tribe blocked an oil transport route in the governorate. Members of the al Mash’al tribe claimed that the clashes began when al Islahi forces confiscated the vehicle of a tribal leader.[2]

My comment: it’s interesting how often pro-Hadi government sources actually label dubious militia as “army”, “national army” or “soldiers”.

(A P)

Lamlas survived . Leaders of the "Southern Transition" die in a traffic accident in Shabwa

Two leaders of the "Southern Transitional Council" died in a traffic accident at noon Wednesday in the district of Radhum- Shabwa in southeastern Yemen, while Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, secretary general of the council, survived.

(A P)

The civilians in Abyan governorate accused the authorities of failing to provide necessary goods and services such as electricity and petrol.

(A P)

President summons central bank governor and vice president, urges them to achieve financial stability

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Wednesday welcomed the governor of Yemen’s central bank and his deputy in an effort to contain the dispute between them.

The president stressed the importance of unifying efforts and possibilities to increase the pace of performance and achieve financial and economic stability associated with the performance and activity of the Central Bank of Yemen, and praised the efforts of the leadership of the Bank, which is working hard to overcome many difficulties and create financial and banking stability.

Private sources told Al-Masdar Online that President Hadi summoned Central Bank Governor Hafiz Ma'ayad and his deputy Shakib Hobaishi to Riyadh after their differences escalated and appeared in the form of mutual campaigns in the media


(A P)

Corruption charges and a race of influence. The conflict scenes between the governor of the central bank and his deputy!

The dispute between The Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen Hafiz Ma'ayed and his deputy Shakib Hobaishi threatens to have negative repercussions on the exchange market and the banking sector as a whole, and banking experts expect the local currency (riyal) to see a rapid decline in its value as a result of the dispute that shakes confidence in the central bank's institution.

Internal disputes at the central bank came to light after leaks and information about each other's corruption were published, raising questions about the truth of what was happening and how it affected the banking sector and the local currency.

The disputes erupted on July 18th, after the bank's supervisory advisor and commitment Rachid Ansi posted information and documents on his Facebook page accusing the Bank's Deputy Governor Shakib Hobaishi of corruption

According to those close to Deputy Governor Shakib Hobaishi, the eruption of disagreements was caused by the governor's appointment of his supervisor and compliance adviser Rachid Ansi to head a committee to take over the bank's coffers, and Hobaishi leaked a report on July 19th that he had prevented a group of the governor's office from entering the headquarters after midnight.

(A P)

Members of the Islamist al Islah party clashed with each other in Taiz governorate in southwestern Yemen on July 29, according to anti-al Islah media. The clashes followed a dispute between rival al Islahi commanders over the distribution of electricity. The clashes injured three civilians.[3]

(A P)

Mothers of abductees call on president to release their sons held in secret prisons in Aden

The mothers of the abductees in Aden province on Tuesday appealed to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to bring joy to their hearts with the advent of Eid al-Adha, by releasing their sons and relatives who are hidden and forcibly detained in Adan prisons.

This was the first time that the association of mothers of abductees was held in front of the judicial compound in the provisional capital of Aden.

At the vigil, the Association called on the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General and the Head of the Judicial Inspectorate to reveal the fate of dozens of forcibly disappeared people in the province's secret prisons.

(A E P)

Government calls on oil companies to move their offices to Aden in preparation for resumption of work in Yemen

The Yemeni government has called on oil companies in the productive and exploration sectors to open or move their main offices to the interim capital, Aden.

A circular issued by the Minister of Oil and Minerals of the legitimate government, Aws Al-oud, stressed the speed of the resumption of all oil production and exploration operations in accordance with the agreements involved in production


Military campaign clashing with tribal gunmen near Safar oil fields in Marib

Violent clashes broke out Tuesday between a military campaign and tribal gunmen who cut off the international line near Safer oil fields northeast of Marib province.

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that tribal gunmen from the "Hudhaylan Obeida" had cut off the international line between the areas of "Wadheeh" and "Al-Makhtam" near Safar oil fields.

The gunmen are demanding the recovery of a car seized by the army at one point several months ago and loaded with various weapons, the source added.

(A T)

Gunmen attack police station in Aden over intervention to prevent the take over of a land

Local residents and eyewitnesses told Al-Masdar online that gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire at al-Mu’alla police station in the southern city of Aden, before police officers responded and opened fire on the gunmen without injuries, in the second attack of its kind on the directorate's police station.

Witnesses said local gunmen quickly fired a gun attack at al- Mu’alla police station as they passed by, but police soldiers opened fire before the two sides clashed for a quarter of an hour until the gunmen fled.

(A P T)

Terrorists Released by Orders of the Legitimacy Resume Assassinations in Aden

After being released according to orders of ministry of interior affairs and chief judge of the supreme court “Hamoud Al-Hattar”, terrorist elements resumed assassinations in Aden.

Three persons were assassinated on Friday July 26th, 2019, two of them were soldiers of the security belt. Mofeed Hamoud Mohsen Al-Mahbashi, a soldier in the security belt troops was assassinated while heading to prayer in Al-Sila – Sheikh Othman. Samir Nawaz Mohamed Ibrahim, a soldier of the security belt and guard in Al-Gumhoria Hospital was also assassinated. The third victim was Muneer Murad Mohamed Saleh (28 years) a civilian who resides in Kriter.

My remark: By a southern separatists’ news site.

(A P)

Security Belt of Aden Arrests Drug Dealing Band

Security belt forces in Aden arrested a drug dealing band with amounts of Hashish and illegal drugs in their possession.

my comment: Southern separatist militia are propagated as men bringing law and order. Well, drugs is a problem of All Yemen.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Griffiths Sends his Deputy to Muscat, Legitimacy Attached to 1st Implementing Stockholm Deal

UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths sent on Tuesday his deputy Maeen Sharim to the Omani capital, Muscat, to hold meetings with a Houthi delegation and propose new ideas on the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement, including the redeployment of forces in Hodeidah and its ports, Yemeni political sources said.
The UN move came as the legitimate Yemeni government renewed its rejection to resume any negotiations with the Iran-backed Houthi militias before the implementation of the Stockholm deal that was struck between the two sides near the Swedish capital last December.

My comment: This is some kind of blackmailing by the Hadi government – as they insist that their interpretation of the Stockholm agreement must be fulfilled.


(A P)

Government: No moving forward prior to mutual withdrawal

The government of Yemen renewed on Tuesday its demand for mutual forces withdrawal from Hodeida sea ports and city before moving into any next step.

“The key for comprehensive and sustainable solution is to implement what has been agreed on in Sweden. The first phase of the agreement that was reached with the Redeployment Coordination Committee must be implemented to move forward,” said Deputy Foreign Minister, Mohammed Al-Hadrami.

(A P)

Abdulsalam, Deputy of UN Envoy Discuss Hodiedah Agreement, Prisoners Exchange, Opening of Sana’a Int. Airport

Head of the National Delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, and deputy of UN envoy to Yemen, Moin Shraim, met, in the Omani capital Muscat on Tuesday, where they discussed proposals to overcome the stumbling block in the implementation of the remaining Hodeidah Agreement, the prisoners exchange, the opening of Sana'a International Airport and transitional arrangements.

(* A P)

Human Rights Watch: UN: New ‘List of Shame’ Shortchanges Children

Ignores Evidence on Saudi Coalition, Israel, Afghanistan

The United Nations secretary-general omitted countries responsible for grave violations against children in armed conflict in his new “list of shame,” Human Rights Watch said today. The list also gave certain countries an undeserved more favorable designation despite their failed promises to improve their record.

Although he listed the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen, he once again included the coalition in a category of parties taking steps to improve, despite overwhelming evidence that coalition forces killed and harmed children on a large scale in 2018.

despite spikes in violations by both parties in 2018. According to the secretary-general’s report, the Saudi-led coalition was responsible for 729 child casualties – killed and injured – in Yemen in 2018, compared with 670 in 2017.

“It’s baffling that the secretary-general’s ‘not-so-bad’ list gives credit to parties that are increasing, not reducing, their violations against children,” Becker said. “Guterres should return to a single list based solely on evidence of violations on the ground.”


(* A P)

Presseerklärung von Save the Children

Krieg im Jemen: Militärkoalition im Jemen-Konflikt müsste auf „Liste der Schande“ der UNO stehen: „Staaten mit mächtigen Verbündeten kommen bei Kinderrechtsverletzungen straflos davon“

Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung des neuen UN-Berichts zu Kindern und bewaffneten Konflikten bedauert Save the Children die Zurückhaltung gegenüber der von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten geführten Militärkoalition. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden laut dem am Dienstag vom UN-Generalsekretär veröffentlichten Bericht „Children and Armed Conflict“ (CAAC) mindestens 1689 Kinder im Jemen getötet oder verstümmelt, davon 729 durch Angriffe der Militärkoalition. Hinzu kamen 15 Angriffe auf Schulen und Krankenhäuser. Dennoch wird die Koalition in dem Bericht nicht für beide schweren Verbrechen auf die jährliche sogenannte „Liste der Schande“ gesetzt.

„Der UN-Generalsekretär verzichtet damit darauf, die Koalition für Angriffe auf Kinder in Wohnhäusern und Schulen verantwortlich zu machen“, sagt Susanna Krüger, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Save the Children Deutschland.


(* A P)


With at least 1689 Yemeni children killed or maimed in 2018, children are still bearing the brunt of the conflict in Yemen, Save the Children warned today. Some 729 of the child casualties were a result of attacks by the Saudi and Emirati-led coalition, in addition to 15 attacks on schools and hospitals, according to the annual UN-report on Children and Armed Conflict.

Save the Children said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has failed to fully hold the coalition to account by not including it on the annual ‘list of shame’ of the report for both these grave violations against children in Yemen.

“Other perpetrators in the Yemen conflict are named on the list, as they should be. The decision not to name and shame the Saudi and Emirati-led coalition is not only a slap in the face for the Yemeni victims, it is also a huge blow to the UN’s credibility as a force for accountability. This should trigger loud public outrage calling for the Secretary-General to revisit his decision.“states-powerful-friends-can-get-away

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

World's football bodies urge Saudi Arabia to stop pirate TV service

Fifa, Uefa and Premier League ask Saudi government to clamp down on beoutQ

The world’s biggest football authorities, including those who run the Premier League, World Cup and Champions League, have called on Saudi Arabia to take action to stop a sophisticated, homegrown pirate TV and streaming service that is illegally broadcasting matches internationally.

(A P)

Reports that the #Saudi Monarchy released jailed Dr. Waleed @Walidfitaihi, who is a dual #American national. Another dual national Dr. Bader Al-Ibrahim, my 2nd cousin, is still in prison (* B P)

(A P)

Helfen Sie Dua und Dalal, dem Tod in Saudi-Arabien zu entgehen und Asyl zu erhalten

Wir sind zwei Schwestern, Dua und Dalal. Im Moment befinden wir uns in der Türkei, nachdem wir aus Saudi-Arabien geflohen sind, wo wir von Familienmitgliedern sexuell missbraucht wurden.

Die türkische Polizei bietet uns einen gewissen Schutz. Aber wir haben Angst, dass wir getötet werden, wenn wir gefunden werden – es sei denn, wir bekommen bald Asyl in einem sicheren Land

Helfen Sie uns, indem Sie diese Petition unterschreiben?

(A P)

Help sisters Dua + Dalal escape death in Saudi Arabia, and reach asylum in a safe country

We are two sisters, Dua and Dalal. Right now, we are in Turkey after fleeing Saudi Arabia where we have faced sexual abuse by members of our family.
The Turkish police are providing us with some protection. But we are afraid we will be killed if we are found - unless we are granted asylum in a country of safety soon.

Will you help us by signing this petition?

(* B P)

#BoycottHajj: Muslims call for action against Saudi Arabia amid human rights violations

The annual Hajj pilgrimage begins soon but there is a growing boycott movement by Muslims who don’t want to give their

One of the main Islamic religious figures calling for a boycott is Libya’s controversial Grand Mufti, Sadiq Al-Ghariani.

Muslims are required by their faith to perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime, if they are able to. They can also perform the pilgrimage again if they wish.

However, Ghariani declared last April that anyone performing the Hajj for a second time would be "committing a sin" because the money they paid to Saudi Arabia to do so would "help Saudi Arabian rulers to carry out crimes against our fellow Muslims."

Ghariani is an outspoken opponent of rogue Libyan General Khalifa Haftar, whose forces are fighting the internationally recognised government of Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj for control of the Libyan capital Tripoli. Saudi Arabia is among Haftar’s key backers.

Ghariani has also accused Saudi Arabia of "massacring" Muslims in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes have killed civilians, and Sudan, where Saudi Arabia has backed ruling military officers whose forces have killed protesters calling for civilian rule.

Meanwhile, a senior official of the Tunisian Union of Imams, Fadhel Ashour, has also called for a boycott, saying that the money used for the Hajj is used to "kill and displace people as is the case currently in Yemen". He advised Tunisians to spend their money instead on helping poor people in Tunisia.

On Twitter, the hashtag #BoycottHajj has been trending in some Muslim countrie

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia launches media prize in bid to 'boost reputation'

Media forum set to take place in November even as the number of journalists in Saudi jails has tripled since Mohammed bin Salman became crown prince

Saudi Arabia's national journalists association has announced plans to launch a media forum and award in what its head said was an attempt to "boost the kingdom’s reputation", following international outrage over the murder last year of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Saudi Journalists Association said on Monday that it would sponsor a media awards ceremony and a forum titled "Media Industry: Opportunities and Challenges", both to be held by the end of November, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

According to Khalid al-Malik, the director of the association, the forum would seek to “cement Riyadh’s name as the Arab media capital” and to “boost the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s reputation as a leading country in the global political and economic arena," SPA reported.

Comment: The predictable effects of Western support for political tyranny on display. The tyrant will take professed Western values, flush them down the toilet & flaunt his behavior for all to see

(A P)

Top Saudi Court Hands Down Death Sentence to Shia Activist from Qatif

Saudi Arabia's Specialized Criminal Court has sentenced an anti-regime activist from the kingdom’s oil-rich and Shia-populated Eastern Province to death, as a crackdown led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman against pro-democracy campaigners, Muslim preachers and intellectuals continues in the country.

On Monday, the Riyadh-based tribunal found Ali Al Rabie guilty in a “sham hearing” that fell short of international fair trial standards, London-based and Arabic-language Nabaa television news network reported.

The report came as Saudi authorities executed two of Ali’s brothers, Ahmad and Hossein, on April 23 over their political activism.

(* B P)


Eine der prominentesten Frauenrechtlerinnen Saudi-Arabiens, feiert am 31. Juli Geburtstag – im Gefängnis: Loujain al-Hathloul darf ihre Familie nicht sehen, sie erhält keine anwaltliche Unterstützung und ob sie gefoltert wurde, bleibt unaufgeklärt. Es ist ein Beispiel, wie grausam die Behandlung von Menschenrechtsverteidiger_innen in Saudi-Arabien trotz jüngster Reformen bleibt. Die folgenden zehn Fakten belegen, wie katastrophal die Menschenrechtslage im Land ist.

  1. Der verheerende Krieg im Jemen:
  2. Unnachgiebige Verfolgung friedlicher Menschenrechtsverteidiger_innen, Journalist_innen und Akademiker_innen:
  3. Inhaftierung von Frauenrechtlerinnen:
  4. Hinrichtungen: Saudi-Arabien gehört seit langem zu den Ländern mit den meisten Hinrichtungen weltweit:

(* C)

How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The covert alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity of Israel should be no surprise to any student of British imperialism.

However, as this author has previously written, one must return to the 1920’s to fully appreciate the origins of this informal and indirect alliance between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity. An illuminating study by Dr. Askar H. al-Enazy, titled, The Creation of Saudi Arabia: Ibn Saud and British Imperial Policy, 1914-1927, has further and uniquely provided any student of British Imperialism primary sourced evidence on the origins of this alliance. This study by Dr. Enazy influences the following piece. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire by British imperialism in World War One, left three distinct authorities in the Arabian peninsula: Sharif of Hijaz: Hussain bin Ali of Hijaz (in the west), Ibn Rashid of Ha’il (in the north) and Emir Ibn Saud of Najd (in the east) and his religiously fanatical followers, the Wahhabis.

Therefore, it is very clear that the British Empire’s drive to impose Zionism in Palestine is embedded in the geographical DNA of contemporary Saudi Arabia. There is further irony in the fact that the two holiest sites in Islam are today governed by the Saudi clan and Wahhabi teachings because the Empire was laying the foundations for Zionism in Palestine in the 1920s. Contemporaneously, it is no surprise that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are keen in militarily intervening on the side of “moderate rebels” i.e. jihadis, in the current war on Syria, a country which covertly and overtly rejects the Zionist colonisation of Palestine.

As the United States, the ‘successor’ to the British Empire in defending western interests in the Middle East, is perceived to be growing more hesitant in engaging militarily in the Middle East, there is an inevitability that the two nations rooted in the Empire’s Balfour Declaration, Israel and Saudi Arabia, would develop a more overt alliance to defend their common interests.

Comment by Judith Brown: A very interesting account of the historical negotiations between the British and Sharif Hussein the Sheriff of Mecca at the end of the First World War - Hussein refused to sign to implement the Balfour declarations and hence the British supported the take over of the Arabian peninsula by the Sauds and their supporters the Wahhabists. I knew the British had been instrumental in the Sauds taking over the peninsula but I didn't know why. And we are still supporting the Sauds today, and Wahhabi style jihadists that fight anywhere in Western interests are still described as 'moderates' as they were then. Well worth a read.

cp9 USA

(* B K P)

Why the American people have no say in our foreign policy

Of course, the veto is a legitimate and constitutional tool. President Trump wants to continue to give the Saudis weapons, just as he wants to give them nuclear technology. If Congress wants to stop this, they have to override the veto and they don’t have the votes or the will to accomplish this.

But, what if they did?

What if they overrode Trump’s veto and banned these weapons sales, and then Trump went ahead and found a way to get around the ban as Reagan did with the Contras? Would Congress actually do anything about it?

It’s one thing for Congress to oppose an ongoing American role in the war and yet not be able to muster the numbers to impose their will on the executive branch. It’s another matter for them to actually impose their will, as was done in the 1980’s with respect to Nicaragua, and then have that will circumvented and ignored.

The bottom line is that Congress seems helpless to stop our involvement in wars it opposes despite its power of the purse. And that means the American people, through our representatives, are also powerless.

(* B K P)

‘They Don’t Matter’: US Judges Yemeni Lives as Cheap, Saudi Arms Deals as Valuable

Ali al-Ahmed, director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs, told Radio Sputnik’s Loud and Clear Tuesday that the Western mainstream media is indifferent to their governments’ support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen because the victims are not judged to be very valuable, whereas the weapons sales to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are.

“The American regime or system does not want this war to end, and it’s very clear even with the respectable efforts by some in the House and the Senate, the majority of the system still viewed this as an American interest, to continue this war, because at the end of the day, as many American politicians and British politicians, they all talk about jobs. And even media would say this is about jobs, because the more we sell weapons, the more we keep American or British jobs.”

“This current arrangement was engineered by [US President Barack] Obama. People think, ‘Oh, Obama did nothing about the war in Yemen.’ This is hogwash. They knew before it started, just like the invasion of Bahrain. So this was designed and set so America will take less criticism, because it’s not directly involved, it’s only covertly involved. But the United States and the UK, these two countries were involved before the war was launched. They provided data, and they continue to do so.”

“When it comes to the Other, the Arab, the brown, the Muslim, it does not lead the news in this country,” he said, explaining why a story about an airstrike on a northern Yemeni market that killed 14 people on Monday didn’t garner headlines in the US. “If this was in another country, maybe it would have mattered. But, it’s the cultural perception of those people that kind of makes the news here. Does it makes the news? Does it make the cut? It depends on how we feel toward these people. Are they important to us? Do they matter, these children? No, they don’t, because they are not American. They are not the same religion, the same language, the same race, so they don’t matter.”

“Yemen is where the largest number of children have been killed by the Saudis and the Emiratis,” Ahmed told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou. “That has not been discussed, this specific issue. This is the largest killer of children in the world today, in modern history, and there is not a single story about that issue in mainstream media. And that tells you - this really reflects how you feel. Imagine if this was in Russia or in Poland or in Israel, for example: you would not stop hearing about it every day.”

“The United States has never really stood up for human rights, and if they did, they will do it to gain advantage politically or economically. But on matters of principle and morality, they have not. But, they are very good at pretending to be, and a lot of people believe them. In fact … the issue of human rights has been used to commit further human rights violations around the world, because the people who carry the banner, they get to hide under it and commit atrocities while screaming ‘human rights today, human rights every day,” he said.

(* A K P)

US-Senat kann Waffenverkäufe an Golfstaaten nicht stoppen

Kein Stopp der US-Waffengeschäfte mit Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten - im Senat fehlt die benötigte Zweidrittelmehrheit. Es wäre eine Entscheidung gegen den Willen des US-Präsidenten gewesen. =

English reporting had been earlier:

and also

(* B P)

The Democratic Candidates on Saudi Arabia

CFR invited the Democratic candidates to articulate their positions on twelve critical foreign policy issues before the second set of presidential debates. The questionnaire was sent to all candidates on July 8. Candidates’ answers are posted exactly as they were received. View all questions here.

Bernie Sanders: The reality is that the U.S.-Saudi relationship needs to change. It is based on cheap oil, millions of dollars of arms sales, a complete disregard for Saudi Arabia's human rights violations, and willful blindness when it comes to Saudi's spread of religious radicalism. We must immediately end our support for Saudi Arabia's carnage in Yemen and clearly signal Riyadh that we categorically reject their not-too-unsubtle efforts to drag the US into a conflict with Iran. But we must also recognize that for the sake of stability in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia needs to be part of the solution. It’s a hard reality that the United States sometimes has to work with undemocratic governments to protect our own security, but we should also recognize that relying on corrupt authoritarian regimes to deliver us security is a losing bet. Democratic governments that are accountable to their own people, which share our values and have open societies make far better partners in the long term.

Tim Ryan: The war in Yemen is a humanitarian catastrophe that is hindering our international fight against terrorism and undercutting our need for diplomatic pragmatism. We need to stop logistical and fiscal support to Saudi Arabia immediately. We cannot continue to be complicit in the killing of innocents and we cannot be tied to crimes of the Saudi government. They’re our allies and I will support their interests, but I cannot support their war in Yemen.

(* A P)

Pro-Saudi think tank in Washington shuts down

Arabia Foundation will fold because of 'ongoing differences' between its donors, its founder says

The Arabia Foundation, a pro-Saudi think tank in Washington, is shutting down amid growing criticism of Saudi Arabia's influence on US policies after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The think tank's founder, Ali Shihabi, confirmed the closure on Tuesday, citing "ongoing differences" between donors.

"This is due to ongoing differences among our donors that made continued operations difficult," Shihabi tweeted.

He did not provide additional information about the identity of the organisation's funders or the nature of the disputes.

Shihabi, who was widely criticised for leaping to Riyadh's defence after Khashoggi was murdered in Istanbul last October, reaffirmed his support for the kingdom's rulers in a series of tweets announcing the foundation's shutdown.

He said the closure does not change his backing of the "change and reform" programme underway in Saudi Arabia, which has been spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

"Critics have made incomplete and imbalanced judgements about his tenure focusing on the Khashoggi tragedy and arrests of dissidents but have chosen to ignore the seismic changes that he has pushed through in social, religious, cultural and economic affairs," Shihabi wrote.

Shihabi had gained a reputation for defending "the indefensible" when he dismissed the killing of Khashoggi as a "stupid, botched operation".

He also lauded Donald Trump's response to the crisis, as the US president sought to protect his Saudi allies from the outcry in Washington.

My comment: For this propaganda think tank, read: =


(* A P)

Ali Shihabi: In response to queries from the press it is with regret that I confirm that the Board of Directors of the Arabia Foundation decided today to close down the Foundation. This is due to ongoing differences among our donors that made continued operations difficult

This in no way changes any of my opinions particularly my support for the program of change and reform that Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is spearheading

Critics have made incomplete and imbalanced judgements about his tenure focusing on the Khashoggi tragedy and arrests of dissidents but have chosen to ignore the seismic changes that he has pushed through in social, religious, cultural and economic affairs.

No loss here - one #Saudi government mouthpiece down, a few more to go

#Saudi #MBS front led by charlatan @alishihabi is shutting. It should have been investigated by @USTreasury for violations

The press should ask Shihsbi, a bankrupted businessman who wasted hi father’s money in failed #Dubai investments.He should also be asked about his connection to #Saud AlQahtani who was calling him with orders incl publicly shaming his own actress daughter for steamy scene#Saudi front @ArabiaFdn closed because it ls Saudi funding was about to be exposed & ita direct line from #MBS . No donors or board decision was behind it.

With money from #MBS media office @alishihabi was able to bring on board @Princeton Bernard Haykel & fake realist Gregory Gause of @TAMU to push fake analysis. Money can buy a lot.

@FareedZakaria interviewed @alishihabi numerous tomes although he couldn’t name 10 cities in my country & is a practical outsider. He should have disclosed him as a Saudi paid spokesman. Big fail for basic journalism.

So @alishihabi was part of #MBS' enforcer "Lord of The Flies" Saud Al Qahtani .@saudq1978 media cell. It wouldn't be surprising if .@ArabiaFdn was funded by Saud, mastermind behind #Khashoggi killing. .@AliAlAhmed_en on point as always!

BREAKING: Washington DC-based think tank The Arabia Foundation has shut down. Founded by @aliShihabi in 2017, the think tank existed to promote Crown Prince MbS as a ‘reformer,’ and to whitewash Saudi’s war crimes in #Yemen and its crackdown inside the kingdom. THIS IS A BIG WIN!

(A B P)


With his political peace plan still under wraps, the son-in-law senior adviser is looking for “soft commitment” and “goodwill,” including from a meeting with MBS.

The White House is hoping to promote a $50 billion investment fund for Gaza and the West Bank, which Kushner proposed at a summit in Bahrain earlier this summer.

Kushner’s Mideast trip comes days after President Donald Trump vetoed a series of bipartisan measures that would have blocked the sales of billions of dollars of arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as part of a crackdown on human rights violations in Yemen and Khashoggi’s murderBut, as has happened in the past, Kushner’s meeting with MBS has the potential to take attention away from the trip’s ostensible purpose. Kushner, who grew close to bin Salman, known as MBS, soon after his father-in-law took office, has faced criticism for continuing to engage with the crown prince even after U.S. intelligence concluded that he had, in fact, been responsible for Khashoggi’s death.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Zarif dares Pompeo to answer Iranian journos’ ‘rigorous’ questions

Iran’s foreign minister has dismissed his American counterpart’s “empty and disingenuous” offers to visit Iran and have an interview with the country’s state TV, daring him to accept any of the many interview requests from Iranian reporters.

“Instead of making empty and disingenuous offers, Secretary [Mike] Pompeo can accept any of the many requests from Iranian reporters to interview US officials,” Zarif tweeted Wednesday.

“He has refused till now, as he knows he has to be accountable to rigorous questioning—the very same way I am by the US media,” he added.

Zarif suggested the US secretary of state does not dare to have an interview with Iranian reporters because they will ask him “to explain why he—& his boss: Call Iran a terrorist nation; Distort historical name of PERSIAN GULF to grovel to client regimes; Distort even the BIBLE to kowtow to a #B_Team member; Employ Economic Terrorism against entire Iranian people; and....”

(** B P)

„Iran und EU sind John Bolton in die Falle gegangen“ – Experte zur Situation im Persischen Golf

Dass die Festsetzungen des iranischen Öltankers durch Großbritannien und des unter britischer Flagge fahrenden Schiffes durch den Iran illegal waren, steht für Experten außer Frage. Doch was steckt hinter diesen Aktionen und wessen Interesse würde eine Eskalation des Konfliktes dienen?

Im Verhältnis zwischen dem Iran und dem Westen scheint eine Entspannung in immer weitere Ferne zu rücken. Seit gut einem Monat hält Großbritannien den iranischen Öltanker „Grace 1“ fest, am 19. Juli haben die iranischen Revolutionsgarden ihrerseits die unter britischer Flagge fahrende „Stena Impero“ nahe der Straße von Hormuz festgesetzt. Beide Aktionen seien illegal gewesen, kommentiert der ehemalige britische Botschafter und Seerechtsexperte Craig Murray in einem aktuellen Eintrag auf seinem Blog, und warnt: Die Implikationen eines Kollapses des grundlegenden internationalen Rechtes über die Durchfahrt durch Meerengen wären für die Weltwirtschaft verheerend. Die Straße von Hormuz sei enorm wichtig und Großbritannien habe absolut kein Recht, sie für den Iran oder Syrien zu sperren.

„Selbst wenn die EU Sanktionen hat, die ein iranisches Schiff davon abhalten sollen, venezolanisches Öl nach Syrien zu liefern, haben die EU und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten absolut kein Recht, in Umsetzung dieser Sanktionen ein iranisches Schiff an der Passage durch die Straße von Gibraltar zu hindern. Genauso wenig, wie Iran Sanktionen dagegen aussprechen kann, dass saudisches Öl nach Europa geliefert wird, und deswegen die Straße von Hormuz dichtmachen.“

Auch Mohssen Massarrat, emeritierter Professor für Politik und Wirtschaft an der Universität Osnabrück, bezeichnet die Beschlagnahme des iranischen Schiffes als völkerrechtswidrig.

„Die britische Aktion war illegal. Ich bin aber der Meinung, dass der Iran hier einen Fehler gemacht hat, ebenso eine völkerrechtlich nicht gedeckte Aktion zu starten. Damit ist der Iran in eine Falle gegangen, die John Bolton für den Iran, aber auch für die EU aufgestellt hatte.“

Seerechtsexperte Craig Murray erklärt in seinem Blogeintrag, was die einzigen Voraussetzungen wären, unter denen Großbritannien ein iranisches Schiff in der Straße von Gibraltar legal abfangen könnte:

„Eine davon wäre die Umsetzung einer Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates nach Kapitel VII der UN-Charta. Es ist aber keine solche Resolution in Kraft. Die zweite Möglichkeit wäre ein Krieg zwischen Großbritannien und dem Iran oder Syrien. Solch ein Kriegszustand existiert nicht.“

Mohssen Massarrat gibt zu bedenken, dass auf Drängen Boltons hin die Gesetze von Gibraltar 48 Stunden vor der Festsetzung des iranischen Tankers geändert worden sind. Zweck sei gewesen, der Aktion einen „halbwegs rechtlichen Anstrich“ zu verleihen. „Es ist eine politische Aktion und zielt darauf ab, dass letztlich Großbritannien und die EU mit der eigenen Marine im Persischen Golf aufwarten“, schlussfolgert der aus dem Iran stammende Politikwissenschaftler.

Bolton, der bis heute daran festhalte, dass der US-Krieg gegen den Irak richtig gewesen sei, brauche für den angestrebten Konsens auch die Sicherheit, dass die USA in einem möglichen Krieg gegen den Iran nicht alleine dastehen würden, so Massarrat.

„Am liebsten wäre es Bolton, wenn die EU-Staaten, gewollt oder ungewollt, in diesen Krieg hineingezogen werden würden. Ich interpretiere die Aktion von John Bolton im Zusammenhang mit der Straße von Gibraltar, die durchaus schlau ausgedacht war, als eine Aktion dafür, dass auf diese Weise die EU-Staaten anfangen, sich militärisch gegen den Iran aufzustellen.“

Dieser Schritt sei kein Schritt zur Deeskalation, wie die Grünen, wie vor allem Norbert Röttgen (CDU) und nicht zuletzt Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) meinen würden. Eine militärische Präsenz der EU in der Straße von Gibraltar würde vom Iran unweigerlich als Aggression aufgefasst werden und die Eskalation im Persischen Golf vorantreiben.

„Ich denke, die EU hat die Frage intern gar nicht geklärt, ob die Aktion von Großbritannien rechtens war. Eigentlich hätte der Iran vor das Gericht in Den Haag ziehen müssen, hat es aber nicht getan. Aber die EU-Führung müsste zuallererst daran interessiert sein, diese Angelegenheit intern völkerrechtlich klären zu lassen, um eine EU-Position einzunehmen. Das tut sie bisher nicht und schließt sich indirekt der Interpretation von Großbritannien an. Aus meiner Sicht ist das ein schwerwiegender Fehler, der den EU-Regierungen keine andere Wahl lässt, als zu sagen: Als Lösung kommt nur die Beteiligung an einer militärischen Aktion im Persischen Golf infrage. Und man lässt die plausible Lösung des Austausches Schiff gegen Schiff als deeskalierende und machbare Alternative völlig außer Acht.“

(* B P)

USA wollen Hilfe an Straße von Hormus: Deutschland gibt sich bedingt abwehrbereit

Die Bundesregierung ist gegen eine Beteiligung an einer US-Mission in der Hormus-Straße. Eine EU-Mission wäre denkbar. Es geht auch um Glaubwürdigkeit.

"Eine funktionierende Handelsschifffahrt ist für die Exportnation und das Industrieland Deutschland von herausragender Bedeutung", betont BDI-Präsident Dieter Kempf. Die Straße von Hormus sei zudem die mit Abstand wichtigste Route für den Transport von Öl und Gas weltweit. Der BDI fordert einen "defensiven Einsatz", um die Stärke des internationalen Rechts zu sichern. Kaum ein anderer Staat ist für den Wohlstand der Gesellschaft und die Finanzierung der Sozialsysteme stärker von freien Handelswegen abhängig als Deutschland.

Diese Einsicht vertreten Spitzenpolitiker heute einhelliger als noch vor einiger Zeit. 2010 trat der damalige Bundespräsident Horst Köhler zurück. Er hatte gesagt, im Notfall sei auch "militärischer Einsatz notwendig, um unsere Interessen zu wahren, zum Beispiel freie Handelswege", und war dafür hart kritisiert worden, was ihn nachhaltig verärgerte. Wenige Monate nach seinem Abgang stellte Verteidigungsminister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) neue Richtlinien für Auslandseinsätze vor. Und nannte als möglichen Zweck die militärische Sicherung freier Handelswege. Diesmal blieb die Empörung aus.

Was steht neben der Sicherheit von Schiffen auf dem Spiel?

Es geht um die Glaubwürdigkeit der deutschen Außenpolitik. Ist man bereit, Worten, Taten folgen zu lassen, Verantwortung zu übernehmen? Wenn Deutschland auf sichere Seeverbindungslinien für seine Handelsschifffahrt angewiesen ist, muss im Ernstfall die Marine diese schützen. Führende Vertreter der Union, der SPD, der FDP und der Grünen betonen, freie Handelswege gehörten zu den "Kerninteressen" und "strategischen Zielen" der Bundesrepublik. Sie unterstützen den Vorschlag, Handelsschiffe im Persischen Golf mit militärischem Geleitschutz zu sichern, nachdem der Iran ein britisches Schiff festgesetzt hat.

Sie wollen das aber eben nicht in einem gemeinsamen Einsatz mit den USA tun, da die EU und die USA unterschiedliche Strategien im Konflikt mit dem Iran verfolgen - die USA setzen auf knallharte Sanktionen, die Europäer halten am Atomabkommen fest.

Mein Kommentar: Das ist typische Mainstreampropaganda. – Mehr Aufrüstung ist selbstverständlich. Der Auftrag der Bundeswehr wird auf die Durchsetzung eigener wirtschaftlicher Interessen weltweit überdehnt (was verfassungswidrig ist). Gefasel von „Verantwortung übernehmen“, was in der Propaganda mit mehr Militäreinsatz gleichgesetzt wird. (Wieso eigentlich: „Verantwortung übernehmen“ würde tatsächlich bedeuten, sich in einer sich hochschaukelnden Krise für Entspannung zu engagieren).

(A P)

USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen Irans Außenminister

Die USA setzen den als moderat geltenden iranischen Außenminister auf ihre Strafliste. Sarif nennt das wirkungslos und äußert sich bei Twitter sarkastisch.

Die Regierung von US-Präsident Donald Trump setzt den iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif auf die Sanktionsliste. Das teilte die US-Regierung am Mittwoch mit. Zur Begründung hieß es: „Sarif ist das internationale Gesicht dieses Regimes, der die Propaganda und die Desinformationskampagnen zur Unterstützung von Teherans Nuklearprogramm, ballistischen Raketen und Terrornetzwerken anführt.“

Sarifs Bankkonten und Vermögenswerte in den USA seien eingefroren worden, hieß es weiter. US-Bürgern würden jegliche Geschäfte mit ihm untersagt. Zudem solle Sarif an Auslandsreisen gehindert werden. Ins Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen könne Sarif weiterhin reisen. Die Vereinigten Staaten würden sich weiter an ihre Verpflichtungen unter den entsprechenden UN-Vereinbarungen halten.
Die neuen Sanktionen gegen den als moderat geltenden Außenminister dürfte die Spannungen zwischen den beiden Ländern weiter verschärfen

(* A P)

USA nennen vier Einsatzorte für mögliche Schutzmission am Golf

Nach einem Treffen von Militärvertretern in Bahrain haben die USA vier Einsatzorte für die mögliche Seeschutzmission in der Golfregion genannt. Die "internationale Initiative zur maritimen Sicherheit" solle den Persischen Golf, die Straße von Hormus, den Golf von Oman sowie die Meerenge Bab al-Mandab schützen. Das sagte ein Sprecher der 5. Flotte der US-Marine am Mittwoch. Ziel sei, diese Seegebiete aufmerksamer zu beobachten und dort die sichere Durchfahrt und Schifffahrtsfreiheit zu gewährleisten.

Weitere Ergebnisse des Treffens oder konkrete Zusagen wurden nicht bekannt. Von der 5. Flotte hieß es lediglich, militärische Vertreter von Verbündeten der USA sowie deren Partnerländern hätten sich zu Gesprächen auf einem US-Stützpunkt in Bahrain getroffen, um über maritime Sicherheit zu beraten.

(* B P)

Abu Dhabi zwischen Militär und Diplomatie

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) haben Gespräche mit dem Iran geführt. Beide Seiten bestreiten zwar, dass es um brisante Themen wie die Spannung am Golf gegangen sei. Doch die Zeichen stehen auf Verständigung.

Sechs Jahre haben sie nicht mit einander gesprochen. Am Dienstag dieser Woche trafen sich erstmals Vertreter Irans und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE), um die heikle Lage am Persischen Golf zu erörtern.

In den letzten Jahren hatten sich die Beziehungen beider Staaten abgekühlt.

Zuletzt aber entspannte sich die Lage. Die VAE zogen tausende Soldaten aus dem Jemen ab. In Abu Dhabi zweifle man an der Effizienz dieses Krieges, sagt Elizabeth Dickinson, Chef-Analystin der International Crisis Group für die Arabische Halbinsel.

Es könnte leicht zu einer Eskalation kommen, warnte vor kurzem der deutsche Außenminister Heiko Maas. "Die Spannungen sind mittlerweile so groß, dass wir befürchten müssen, dass unvorhergesehene Ereignisse, die nicht zuortbar sind, sehr schnell zu Reaktionen führen können, die eine Eskalationsspirale der Gewalt auslösen können. Das ist das Problem der Stunde."

In den VAE teilt man diese Einschätzung offenbar. Bereits im Mai hatte der Außenminister der VAE, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, die Notwendigkeit eines Abkommens betont. "Damit es erfolgreich ist, müssten allerdings zuerst die Länder der Region zu Vertragspartnern werden."

Ein Abkommen mit dem Iran sei notwendig, sagt auch der an der Universität von Abu Dhabi forschende Politologe Abdul Khaliq Abdullah, ein ehemaliger Berater des Kronprinzen von Abu Dhabi. Es müsse sich aber von dem vorhergehenden unterscheiden, müsse verbindlich, streng und umfassend sein. "Um ein solches Abkommen zu erreichen, sollten alle Länder der Region, insbesondere die Nachbarstaaten des Iran - etwa die VAE und Saudi-Arabien - Partner sein." Ein solches Abkommen sei allerdings schwer zu erreichen, so Abdullah im Gespräch mit der DW. Die VAE hätten bereits dafür plädiert, doch bislang verweigere sich Iran.

Zudem gibt es nach Darstellung golfarabischer Medien für Khalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan, den Präsident der VAE, noch ein weiteres Motiv, einen versöhnlicheren Kurs einzuschlagen: der Rückzug der VAE-Streitkräfte aus dem Jemen.

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Straße von Hormus: Iran kündigt Kooperationen mit Emiraten und Russland an

Trotzdem hat sich Mohammad Ali Mesbah al-Ahbabi, ein Brigadegeneral der Küstenwache der Emirate, gestern in Teheran mit Qassem Rezaei getroffen, einem Brigadegeneral der iranischen Grenzpolizei.

Bei dem Treffen, dem englischsprachige iranische Medien viel Berichtsraum einräumen, sollen die Vertreter der beiden Staaten übereingekommen sein, ihre "maritime Sicherheitskooperation" im Golf von Persien und im Golf von Oman auszubauen. Rezaei betonte danach, dass der Golf von Persien und der Golf von Oman den Völkern in der Region gehörten und dass man "anderen Ländern" mit eigenen Interessen nicht erlauben solle, die Sicherheit in der Region zu gefährden.

Am Montag war eine iranische Übereinkunft über gemeinsame Marineübungen mit Russland an der Straße von Hormus bekannt geworden. Dem iranischen Marinekommandanten Hossein Khanzadi nach sollen solche gemeinsamen Manöver "bald" stattfinden.

Kurz davor hatten die britischen Kriegsschiffe HMS Duncan und HMS Montros den Golf von Persien erreicht. Sie sollen dort britische Handelsschiffe schützen, nachdem der Iran dort einen britischen Öltanker beschlagnahmte.

Heute sprechen britische und amerikanische Militärvertreter auf der Golfinsel Bahrain über einen möglichen Ausbau der Präsenz ihrer Truppen in der Region. Was dabei herauskommt, soll - wenn überhaupt - erst morgen bekannt gegeben werden.

Inoffizielle Gespräche zwischen Rand Paul und Dschawad Sarif?

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat währenddessen den republikanischen Senator Rand Paul, einen erklärten Anti-Interventionisten, erlaubt, sich in die Verhandlungen mit dem Iran einzuschalten. Dass Paul offizieller US-Unterhändler ist, wie manche Medien berichteten, dementierte der US-Präsident zwar, meinte jedoch, er habe ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zum Sohn von Ron Paul und würde sich "seine Ideen anhören".

Al-Monitor zufolge hat Rand Paul bereits mit dem iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif gesprochen, als dieser bei der in New York ansässigen UN war.

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US poised to renew anti-Iran nuclear sanctions waivers in blow to hawks: Report

The US is reportedly expected to extend waivers from sanctions that allow the remaining signatories to a 2015 nuclear deal to continue their nuclear cooperation with Tehran, in what would be a blow to ardent Iran hawks in the White House.

Citing six unnamed officials, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that US President Donald Trump had in an Oval Office meeting last week sided with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin who backed renewing the waivers that the hawks want eliminated.

The US State Department last extended the sanctions waivers in May and the expected renewal will give five Iranian nuclear projects another 90 days of immunity.

The sources further said Mnuchin had prevailed over the objections of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton — two staunch sponsors of economic pressure and tough action against Iran.

My comment: The US behaving as master of the world.

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President Trump’s faulty claim that Iran has changed its regional behavior

“It’s going to work out very nicely. Iran is in big trouble right now. Their economy is crashing. It’s coming to a crash. They’re trying to bring soldiers back home because they can’t pay them. A lot of bad things are happening to them.” “When I became president — hard to believe

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Maas erteilt Trump Absage: Deutschland nimmt nicht an US-Marinemission teil

Deutschland beteiligt sich nicht an einer Militärmission im Golf. Dies bekräftigt Außenminister Heiko Maas und erteilt damit den USA im Konflikt mit dem Iran eine Absage.

Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas hat einer deutschen Beteiligung an einer von den USA geführten Militärmission in der Straße von Hormus eine klare Absage erteilt. "An der von den USA vorgestellten und geplanten Seemission wird sich die Bundesregierung nicht beteiligen", sagte Maas am Mittwoch in Warschau. "Wir befinden uns da in enger Abstimmung mit unseren französischen Partnern."

Maas begründete die deutsche Absage damit, dass die Bundesregierung die US-Strategie des "maximalen Drucks" auf den Iran für falsch halte. Deutschland wolle keine militärische Eskalation und setze weiterhin auf Diplomatie.

und auch

und das war knallharte Kriegspropaganda im Vorfeld dieser Entscheidung:

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Heiko Maas und der Iran: Was Moral ist, bestimmt Deutschland

Deutschland nimmt seine Führungsrolle nicht an - auch in der Straße von Hormus nicht

Auch sicherheitspolitisch sind Deutschland und Europa brüllende Mäuse. Je lauter sie brüllen, desto weniger nimmt man sie ernst. Dieser Tage hat der Iran die einstige maritime Weltmacht Großbritannien regelrecht vorgeführt. „Britannia rules the seas“, das war einmal. Noch länger verblasst ist der Schein-Ruhm der deutschen Flotte von Wilhelm Zwei und Admiral Tirpitz.

Jetzt haben die USA Deutschland förmlich darum gebeten, eine Mission zur Sicherung des Handelsverkehrs in der Straße von Hormus zu unterstützen.

Wie diese Anfrage hier ausgeht, ist eigentlich schon absehbar. Die SPD, Heiko Maas‘ Partei, lehnte prompt ab. In Sachen Iran überbot sich Deutschland bislang in der üblichen Appeasement-Poesie. Kleinlaut wird morgen die großmäulig angepeilte „Allianz der Multilateralisten“ den Unilateralisten Trump um Hilfe anbetteln.

Deutschland kann seiner europäischen Führungsrolle nicht entkommen. Das ist die eine Seite. Die andere: Führung erfordert Umsicht und Handlungsstärke.

Mein Kommentar: Und wieder das Geschwafel von „Führungsrolle“, „Umsicht“, „Handlungsstärke“, was im Mainstream immer kommt, wenn es um mehr Militäreinsatz geht. – Subtil und hinterhältig wird die Schelte an Maas hier noch mit einem Fauxpas von Maas in Italien kombiniert. Und die deutsche Ablehnung von Militäreinsätzen wird auch noch damit vermischt: Das angebliche deutsche Bestehen auf moralischem Handeln wird hier als deutscher Alleingang hingestellt – und der größte deutsche Alleingang aller Zeiten, das war die Nazizeit. Also wird hier eine subtile Parallele zwischen der Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes mit der Eroberungspolitik des 2. Weltkriegs hergestellt. Perverser geht es kaum noch. – Es gibt aber auch etwas Besseres im Tagesspiegel:

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Deutsche Soldaten in die Straße von Hormus: Die Kriegstrommeln werden lauter

Donald Trump will eine „Koalition der Willigen“ gegen den Iran schmieden. Sie soll bereitstehen auch für den Fall, dass richtig ernst wird. Ein Kommentar

So fangen Kriege an. Im Weißen Haus sitzt ein Präsident, der außen- und sicherheitspolitisch versagt.

Folglich kündigte Trump das Atomabkommen, erließ eine Sanktion nach der anderen, entsandte einen Flugzeugträgerverband, eine Bombenstaffel und mehrere Truppeneinheiten. Aber seltsamerweise knicken die Mullahs nicht ein. Das kommt noch, sagen die Trumpisten und setzen unbeirrt aufs Prinzip Hoffnung. Dabei sieht jeder: Bloßes Wunschdenken hat die Realpolitik verdrängt. Und jeder weiß, dass in Trumps Kabinett Personen sitzen, die schon seit langer Zeit dafür plädieren, Raketen in Richtung Iran zu schicken.

Damit ist klar: Amerika bastelt an einer „Koalition der Willigen“, die militärisch einerseits den für die Weltwirtschaft wichtigen Schiffsverkehr sichern, andererseits aber bereitstehen soll, wenn’s wirklich ernst wird. In der Praxis lassen sich beide Bereiche kaum trennen, die Übergänge sind fließend. Diese „Koalition der Willigen“ verfügt bislang weder über ein sie legitimierendes völkerrechtliches Mandat des UN-Sicherheitsrates, noch agiert sie im Namen und Auftrag der Nato.

Das muss das deutsche Parlament bedenken, ohne dessen Zustimmung ein solcher Einsatz nicht möglich wäre. Die Notwendigkeit einer Zustimmung durch Mandatstricks umgehen zu wollen, wäre jedenfalls töricht. Die zentrale Frage lautet: Ist der Schiffsverkehr durch die Straße von Hormus so akut und anhaltend bedroht, dass die Entsendung von deutschen Soldaten trotz des Eskalationsrisikos bis hin zum Krieg gerechtfertigt ist?

Niemand sollte dieses Eskalationsrisiko kleinreden. Der Iran ist in der Lage, ob über die Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen, die Hisbollah im Libanon oder die schiitischen Geistesbrüder in Bagdad, dem Westen weit mehr als Nadelstiche zu versetzen. Katar ist auf den iranischen Luftraum angewiesen, die saudischen Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen sind extrem verwundbar. Ist der Anlass für eine mögliche Marinemission der Bundeswehr – das Tit-for-tat-Gerangel um einen iranischen und britischen Öltanker – tatsächlich ausreichend, um solche Risiken in Kauf nehmen zu

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Militäreinsatz in der Straße von Hormus: Schröder warnt vor „nachträglicher Legitimation des Irak-Kriegs“

Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder lehnt die deutsche Beteiligung an einem US-geführten Militäreinsatz ab - allerdings keine europäische Schutzmission.

Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder hat eine deutsche Beteiligung an einem US-geführten Militäreinsatz in der Straße von Hormus abgelehnt. Deutschland dürfe sich nicht in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineinziehen lassen, sagte Schröder der „Rheinischen Post“ (Mittwoch). „Das wäre eine nachträgliche Legitimation des Irak-Kriegs.“

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SPD-Fraktion lehnt die Beteiligung an einer US-Militärmission im Persischen Golf strikt ab

Die gegenwärtigen Spannungen im Golf von Oman sind vor allem auf die Entscheidung des US-Präsidenten zurückzuführen, das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu kündigen. (…) Jede von den USA angeführte Militärmission wird vor diesem Kontext gesehen werden.
Natürlich trägt auch das iranische Regime mit seinen unverantwortlichen Aktionen seinen Anteil an der zugespitzten Lage in der Region. (…) Um die Spirale von militärischer Aktion und Gegenaktion zu durchbrechen, bedarf es dringend gemeinsamer diplomatischer Anstrengungen, um einen Flächenbrand im Persischen Golf zu verhindern. Der beste Ort dafür sind die Vereinten Nationen, wo Deutschland als derzeitigem Mitglied im Sicherheitsrat besondere Verantwortung zukommt. Die Beteiligung an einer robusten, durch keinen Beschluss des Sicherheitsrates gedeckten Militärmission wäre unverantwortlich und würde politische Spielräume endgültig verschütten.

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Deutschland: Regierungssprecher zu russischem Vermittlungsvorschlag für Persischen Golf: "Ist uns nicht bekannt"

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Exklusive Umfrage: So denken die Deutschen über einen Militäreinsatz am Golf

Der Iran bleibt hart, der Westen auch: Die Lage im Persischen Golf ist explosiv. Sollte auch Deutschland Soldaten schicken? Einer US-Mission schließt sich Berlin nicht an. Das meinen die Deutschen.

Ein Einsatz unter US-Kommando ist also vom Tisch. Aber schließt das auch eine europäische Mission aus?

Fachpolitiker der großen Koalition hatten sich in den vergangenen Tagen in diese Richtung geäußert.

Die Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt eine deutsche Beteiligung allerdings grundlegend ab. Knapp 56 Prozent der Bevölkerung sind dagegen, dass sich Deutschland an einem internationalen Militäreinsatz zur Sicherung der Straße von Hormus beteiligt. Knapp 33 Prozent sind für eine Beteiligung Deutschlands, rund 11 Prozent sind unentschieden. Das ergibt eine repräsentative Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Civey für

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Germany Turns Down US Proposal for Persian Gulf Maritime Coalition

Germany says it has rejected a proposal by the United States to set up a military coalition in the Persian Gulf to counter what it calls the “Iran threat” as tensions mount between Washington and Tehran.

“The US recently presented its concept of a naval observation mission in the Persian Gulf to a number of its allies, including Germany, and asked them to participate.

“The government took note of the proposal, but made no promises. Foreign Minister [Heiko] Maas has repeatedly stressed that, in our opinion, priority must be given to reducing tensions, and to diplomatic efforts. We are in close consultation with France and the UK. Participation in the US strategy of 'maximum pressure' is ruled out for us,” the German Foreign Ministry said in a statement

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Iran - Sind grundsätzlich zu Dialog mit Saudi-Arabien bereit

Angesichts der wachsenden Spannungen in der Golf-Region hat sich der Iran grundsätzlich zu Gesprächen mit seinem Erzrivalen Saudi-Arabien bereiterklärt.

"Wenn Saudi-Arabien dialogbereit ist, wir sind immer dialogbereit mit unseren Nachbarn", sagte Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif am Mittwoch laut der Nachrichtenagentur Irib. Der Iran habe die Tür nicht zugeschlagen und werde die Tür für Gespräche mit dem Nachbarn nie schließen. =

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Iran says it's prepared for dialogue if Saudi Arabia also ready

Iran is prepared for dialogue if Saudi Arabia is also ready, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday, according to the IRIB news agency.

“If Saudi Arabia is ready for dialogue, we are always ready for dialogue with our neighbors,” Zarif said. “We have never closed the door to dialogue with our neighbors and we will never close the door to dialogue with our neighbors.”

Zarif also said Iran could hold similar talks with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a close ally of the Saudis, adding, “If they change their policies it is a very good opportunity for dialogue”.

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Durchsichtiges Manöver

Der Westen zetert über das Vorgehen des Iran gegen einen britischen Tanker — und nimmt sich selbst weit Schlimmeres heraus.

Das Anlegen von zweierlei Maßstäben ist schon so normal geworden, dass wir diese Strategie einfach hinnehmen, sagt Peter König in seinem Beitrag zu dem Konflikt, der sich im Nahen Osten gerade zuspitzt. Wie sonst könnte der Westen den Akt reiner Piraterie beim unrechtmäßigen Entern eines iranischen Tankers einfach hinnehmen, während er beim rechtmäßigen Aufbringen eines britischen Tankers durch die Iranischen Revolutionsgarden Zeter und Mordio schreit?

Die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt in der Straße von Hormus ist äußerst wichtig — 20 bis 30 Prozent des weltweit auf dem Seeweg transportierten Öls wird durch diese Engstelle in internationale Gewässer geschifft, bevor es den Golf von Oman erreicht. Die Meerenge wird vom Iran genau überwacht, da sie für ihn sicherheitstechnisch von äußerst großer Bedeutung ist. Eine Sperrung dieser Passage infolge eines Konfliktes könnte die Weltwirtschaft zum Erliegen bringen.

Sind sich jene, die diese Provokationen verüben — hier Großbritannien als Marionette Washingtons — bewusst, was auf dem Spiel steht? Wollen sie den Nahen Osten an den Rand eines Krieges bringen? Eines regionalen Krieges, der leicht zu einem Weltkrieg werden könnte? Langfristig mag dies durchaus Absicht sein. Kurzfristig dagegen sieht es so aus, als wolle man einerseits die Eskalation derartig aufheizen, dass der US-Satellit Europa nicht mehr darauf bestehe, seinen Teil des Atomabkommens (JCPOA) einzuhalten, und andererseits den Iran so unter Druck setzen, dass er sich schließlich auf bilaterale Verhandlungen mit den USA über sein Atomprogramm einließe.

Das erste Ziel wäre erreichbar, das zweite in keinster Weise. Der Iran fällt auf eine derartige Täuschung nicht herein

Es ist der Wahnsinn zu glauben, dass sich der Iran unter diesen Umständen mit seinem Henker an einen Verhandlungstisch setzen würde. Dies wird nicht passieren.

Die Spannungen werden jedoch weiter verschärft, was genau den Wünschen des Kriegsverbrechers John Bolton entspricht, die dieser seit der Invasion des Irak im Jahr 2003 hegt, an deren Planung er maßgeblich beteiligt war. Das ist wie der Lebensinhalt dieses Kranken: Massenmord durch Krieg und Konflikt liegen ihm in den Genen. Die Welt kann nur hoffen, dass Trump oder diejenigen, die hinter ihm die Fäden ziehen, Bolton endlich entlassen.

Der Iran hat bereits angekündigt, dass er eine umfassende Untersuchung gegen den britischen Tanker "Stena Impero" bezüglich der Kursabweichung und des Rammens eines Fischerbootes einleitet — und Großbritannien dazu eingeladen, sich an den Ermittlungen zu beteiligen.

Kommen wir zum 4. Juli zurück, als die Britische Marineinfanterie den iranischen Tanker „Grace I“ in spanischen Gewässern vor Gibraltar aufbrachte — unter dem Vorwand, der Supertanker transportiere Erdöl für Syrien, was den EU-Sanktionen widerspreche. Irans Außenminister Dschwad Sarif leugnete, dass das Erdöl für Syrien bestimmt gewesen sei, äußerte sich jedoch nicht weiter dazu.

Der spanische Außenminister Josep Borrell gab bekannt, dass Washington Spanien über die bevorstehende Festsetzung des iranischen Tankers durch Großbritannien in spanischen Gewässern informierte. Spanien hätte Nein sagen können, tat das aber nicht. Warum nicht? Aus Angst vor Sanktionen?

Das Vereinigte Königreich machte sich gegen seine eigenen Interessen zum Handlanger der USA, war es doch — mit Deutschland und Frankreich — eines der drei Länder, die sich wenigstens den Anschein gaben, dass sie ihren Teil des Atomabkommens mit dem Iran einhalten wollen. Natürlich nicht aus Liebe zum Iran, sondern aus reinem Geschäftsinteresse – von Peter Koenig

and this is the English version:

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Iran – Seizure of a British Tanker – more than Tit for Tat

Shipping safety in the Strait of Hormuz is crucial. Between 20% and 30% of the world’s hydrocarbons are shipped through this narrow passage of international water way before entering the Gulf of Oman. The strait is closely watched by Iran, as it is of utmost security concern for Iran. If this passage were to be closed due to conflict, it could bring down the world economy.

Do those that play these provocations, the UK as a handler dancing to the strings pulled by of Washington, realize what’s at stake? – Do they want to bring the Middle East to the brink of war? A regional war that could easily convert into a world war? – That may well be the longer-term intention. In the short-run, though it looks like pushing the escalation to a point where US ‘Client Europe’ may be discouraged from insisting on maintaining their part of the Iran Nuclear deal, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and to blackmail Iran into a bilateral negotiation with the US on Iran’s nuclear program.

The first objective may be achieved; the second – no way. Iran is not falling for such fraud

It is sheer insanity to believe that Iran would under these circumstances go to the negotiating table with her hangman. That will not happen. But war tensions are being further raised which is fully in the direction of the war criminal-in-chief, John Bolton’s dream, ever since the invasion in 2003 of Iraq which he also helped to engineer. It is like this sick man’s raison d’être. Mass killing by war and conflict is in his genes. The world can only hope that Trump, or those who pull the strings behind Trump, will eventually dismiss Bolton.

Iran has already said that they will launch a full investigation into the British tanker’s, Steno Impero’s, sailing off course and ramming a fishing boat – and that the UK is invited to participate in the investigation.

Backtracking to 4 July, when the British Royal Marines seized the Iranian tanker Grace 1 in Spanish waters, off the coast of Gibraltar, under the pretext that the super tanker was carrying oil destined for Syria which was under the EU’s sanction program. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, denied that the oil was destined for Syria; did however not elaborate further.

The UK did the bidding of Washington against her own interests, because the UK was one of three EU countries – Germany, France and UK – who at least made appear as if they wanted to preserve their part of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Mind you, this is not for love of Iran, but pure business interest.

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Iran: Eine ganz große Koalition verfällt dem Kriegstaumel

Alle wollen die gefährliche Bundeswehr-Mission gegen den Iran: die CDU, die Grünen, die Industrie, die Verteidigungsministerin und diverse Lobbyisten. Die Medien versagen einmal mehr angesichts dieser ganz offenen Eskalation. Die SPD hat wie so oft keine glaubwürdige Position. Widerstand kommt einzig von der LINKEN.

Schockierende Leichtfertigkeit gegenüber Iran-Kampagne

Es ist eine weit verbreitete und schockierende Leichtfertigkeit angesichts der Eskalation des Iran-Konflikts festzustellen. In die beschriebene Koalition der Missions-Befürworter sind nun auch die Grünen eingetreten, wie Medienberichten. Jens Berger hat diesen Vorstoß des Grünen-Politikers Omid Nouripour bereits treffend eingeordnet

Heute ist die Abstumpfung anscheinend weiter fortgeschritten. An dieser Abstumpfung nicht unschuldig sind auch Teile der deutschen Medienlandschaft. Aktuell fiel in dieser Richtung etwa die „FAZ“ auf, die einen unverblümten westlichen Herrschaftsanspruch für die Golfregion formulierte:

Durch besonders eifriges Trommeln für den Einsatz ist – neben vielen anderen Medien – auch etwa der „Tagesspiegel“ aufgefallen

Erleben wir den „Golf von Tonkin des Jahres 2019“?

Eigentlich müsste nun die Stunde der engagierten Journalisten schlagen, die sich warnend der Eskalation entgegenstellen – zumal die bisher gegen den Iran vorgelegten „Beweise“ nicht ernstzunehmen sind, sondern eine Beleidigung der Intelligenz der Mediennutzer darstellen. Doch diese Stunde schlägt nicht, im Gegenteil, wie die „Leipziger Volkszeitung“ in diesem Artikel kritisch feststellt.

Zum aktuellen Medienversagen kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass die Mechanismen der Kriegsvorbereitung mittlerweile wohlbekannt sind – etwa von diesen historischen Beispielen: der “Überfall” auf den Sender Gleiwitz 1939, die “Angriffe” im Golf von Tonkin 1964, die “Brutkastenlüge” 1990 oder die Kampagne zu den “Massenvernichtungswaffen” 2003. Auch Jens Berger hat zur aktuellen Iran-Kampagne bereits die richtige Frage gestellt:

„Ist der Golf von Oman der Golf von Tonkin des Jahres 2019?“

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Bundeswehreinsatz im Persischen Golf

Während die USA und Großbritannien eine Koalition der Willigen aufbauen, schwankt Deutschland zwischen militärischem Mitaufmarschieren und Diplomatie

(…) Deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen = Bundeswehreinsatz
Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer will eine deutsche Beteiligung an einem Bundeswehreinsatz im Persischen Golf nicht grundsätzlich ausschließen, ein Auslandseinsatz zum Amtsantritt gilt jedoch als sehr unwahrscheinlich. Sie will sich zuerst dem Image der Bundeswehr widmen. Ebenfalls abwartend zeigt sich Außenminister Heiko Maas, der mehrfach betonte, sich der amerikanischen Strategie des maximalen Drucks auf den Iran nicht anschließen zu wollen.
Der Leiter der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, spricht sich hingegen für einen Einsatz der Bundeswehr aus. Kaum ein Land hänge von der Freiheit der internationalen Schifffahrt so stark ab wie der Exportweltmeister Deutschland, sagte Ischinger in der „Welt am Sonntag“. Deshalb dürfe Berlin nicht von der Reservebank aus zuschauen, wenn eine maritime europäische Schutzmission am Golf diskutiert werde.

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Bundesregierung stellt sich gegen USA

Im Konflikt mit Iran wird sich Deutschland nicht einer von den USA geführten Mission zum Schutz des Handelsverkehrs durch die Straße von Hormus anschließen. „Eine Beteiligung an der amerikanischen Strategie des maximalen Drucks kommt für uns nicht infrage“, hieß es am Dienstag aus dem Auswärtigen Amt. Die USA hätten „vor Kurzem“ einer Reihe von Verbündeten, darunter Deutschland, ihr Konzept für eine Seeraumüberwachungsmission am Persischen Golf vorgestellt und um Beiträge gebeten.
Die Bundesregierung habe dies zur Kenntnis genommen, aber keinen Beitrag in Aussicht gestellt, hieß es.

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Europa wird im Golf vorgeführt

Eine europäische Sicherheitsmission an der Straße von Hormus hatte London gefordert und zaghafte Zustimmung aus Berlin und Paris erhalten. Nun wollen die Briten unter US-Führung segeln. Vor allem die Bundesregierung gerät so in ein Dilemma.
(…) Denn in den vergangenen Tagen veränderte sich der Grundgedanke des Projekts zusehends, was viel mit einem anderen europäischen Problem zu tun haben dürfte, das Gemeinsamkeiten eher erschwert – dem Brexit.
Als Großbritannien am 22. Juli eine Initiative zur maritimen Sicherheit in der Straße von Hormus ergriff, da geschah dies ausdrücklich unter europäischen Vorzeichen und in Abgrenzung zu den USA.

Statt Hunt ist nun Dominic Raab Außenminister, wie sein Chef entschiedener Brexit-Fan und auch in Sachen europäischer Marinemission anderer Ansicht….

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Russland stellt Sicherheitskonzept für Persischen Golf vor: Keine Auslandseinsätze als Grundsatz
Russland hat sein Konzept der kollektiven Sicherheit für den Persischen Golf vorgestellt. Wichtige Punkte sind Rüstungskontrolle, gemeinsame Anti-Terror-Bemühungen und das Aufgeben jeglicher ausländischer Militärpräsenz als Eckpfeiler für die Stabilität in der Region.
In dem Konzept wird die Sicherheit im Persischen Golf als „eines der wichtigsten regionalen Probleme von heute“ bezeichnet. In dem Dokument, das der stellvertretende Außenminister Michail Bogdanow am Dienstag im Außenministerium in Moskau mit Diplomaten aus dem Iran, den arabischen Golfstaaten, den USA, dem Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien, China, der EU und weiteren Ländern vorstellte, wird festgestellt, dass die eskalierenden Spannungen in der strategisch wichtigen Region das politische und wirtschaftliche Wohlergehen weltweit gefährden.
In Moskau ist man der Ansicht, dass die Schaffung eines Mechanismus der kollektiven Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Persischen Golf unter gleichberechtigter Beteiligung aller regionalen Akteure eine angemessene Antwort auf die derzeitigen Herausforderungen wäre. Ein solches internationales Gremium könnte auch Russland, China, die USA, die EU und Indien als Beobachter oder assoziierte Mitglieder umfassen.

Original TASS report:

(A P)

MoFAIC-Beamter: Ergebnisse des 6. gemeinsamen Seeverkehrstreffens zwischen den VAE und dem Iran sind zufriedenstellend

Ein Beamter des VAE-Ministeriums für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und internationale Zusammenarbeit, MoFAIC, zeigte sich nach dem 6. gemeinsamen Treffen zwischen den VAE und dem Iran über maritime Angelegenheiten zufrieden. Das Treffen fand am Dienstag zwischen den VAE und iranischen Beamten in Teheran statt.

Salem Mohammed Al Zaabi, Direktor der Abteilung für internationale Sicherheitskooperation der MoFAIC, erklärte, das Treffen sei eine Fortsetzung der früheren regelmäßigen Sitzungen des gemeinsamen Ausschusses, der gebildet wurde, um routinemäßige Seeverkehrsfragen zu erörtern, darunter Seeverbindungen, illegale Einreisen und Schleusung, Fischerei an gemeinsamen Grenzen.

(A P)

After the joint meetings stopped six years ago. UAE Coast Guard delegation visits Tehran

A delegation from the UAE Coast Guard arrived in Tehran on Tuesday to discuss border cooperation between the two countries.

Russia today quoted its correspondent in Tehran as saying that the visit of the UAE delegation comes as part of participation in the sixth joint meeting of the Iranian and UAE Coast Guard.



(A P)

IRNA reveals results of meeting of coast guard commanders of Iran and UAE

The commander of iran's border guards, Brig. Gen. Qassim Rezai, and the commander of the UAE Coast Guard, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Musleh al-Ahbabi, stressed the need to strengthen diplomatic relations between their countries and secure the Gulf.

Iran's official IRNA news agency reported that Rezai and Al-Hababi held a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday to "discuss ways to expand diplomatic relations and enhance border security between the two countries."

The Iranian border guard commander welcomed the visiting UAE delegation, saying that "the neighborhood in Islam means cooperation and compassion," while adding that the Islamic Republic has already established long-standing historical relations in various levels and fields with the United Arab Emirates. Relations are continuing today between investors, fishermen and businessmen.

According to IRNA, Rezai explained the current conditions in Iran's 8,000,755 km border areas, where he said that Iran is facing terrorist groups and drug transit operations in the eastern border areas.


(A P)

6th UAE-Iran joint maritime meeting results satisfying: MoFAIC official

A UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MoFAIC, official expressed his satisfaction following the 6th joint meeting between the UAE and Iran on maritime affairs. The meeting was held on Tuesday between UAE and Iranian officials in Tehran.

Salem Mohammed Al Zaabi, MoFAIC's Director of the International Security Cooperation Department, said that the meeting is a continuation of the previous periodic meetings of the joint committee which was formed to discuss routine maritime issues, including maritime connections, illegal entries and smuggling, fishermen and shared borders.

Al Zaabi expressed his satisfaction with the results of the meeting, adding that the objective behind the meeting is to ensure the safety of UAE citizens, including the country's fishermen. He highlighted the importance of these meetings to address routine maritime agenda issues between the two countries.

(A P)

Grünen-Politiker offen für Bundeswehreinsatz am Persischen Golf
Eine Schutzmission der EU mit Bundeswehrbeteiligung könne zur „Deeskalation beitragen“, sagt der außenpolitische Sprecher der Grünen. Wichtig seien jedoch eine „besonnene Reaktion“ und die richtigen Rahmenbedingungen.

Der außenpolitische Sprecher der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, Omid Nouripour, hält unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen eine Bundeswehrbeteiligung an einer Schutzmission für Schiffe im Persischen Golf für angebracht. Angesichts der Spannungen in der Region könne ein Einsatz der Bundeswehr zur „Deeskalation beitragen“, sagte Nouripour der „Passauer Neuen Presse“. Notwendig sei „eine besonnene Reaktion auf die iranische Provokation“, um eine iranisch-amerikanische Überreaktion zu verhindern.

Anmerkung JK: Ganz ehrlich, kann man darüber noch überrascht sein? Hier fällt einem der Leiter der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, ein. Er fordert die Beteiligung deutscher Soldaten an einer Marinemission im Persischen Golf und zwar mit dieser Begründung: “Kaum ein Land hängt von der Freiheit der internationalen Schifffahrt so stark ab wie der Exportweltmeister Deutschland.”

Ergänzende Anmerkung Jens Berger: Omid Nouripour ist übrigens im Vorstand der Atlantikbrücke und Beisitzer im Vorstand der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft. Dass ein offener Einflussagent der transatlantischen Netzwerke außenpolitischen Sprecher der Grünen werden kann, sagt sehr viel über die außen- und sicherheitspolitische Orientierung dieser Partei aus.


(A P)

Grüne Logik: Deeskalation durch mehr Waffen, so absurd sind die Äußerungen der Politiker zur Iran-Krise

Die politischen und medialen Äußerungen zur Iran-Krise zeigen sehr beispielhaft auf, wie schöne Worte verwendet werden, die in Wahrheit das Gegenteil bedeuten. Man will die Bevölkerung mit Floskeln einlullen, wie dieses aktuelle Beispiel zeigt.

Absurd wird es wie üblich, wenn ein Grüner sich äußert. Die Grünen sind ja bekannt dafür, dass sie mehr als jede andere Partei ihre Prinzipien verratenund auch das Gegenteil von dem tun, was sie sagen. Im Fall Iran klingt das im Spiegel so:

„Der außenpolitische Sprecher der Grünen, Omid Nouripour, hatte sich ebenfalls positiv zu einem möglichen Einsatz geäußert. Die Bundeswehr könne unter dem Dach einer EU-Mission zur Deeskalation beitragen.“

Das klingt für die Wähler der Grünen, die anscheinend überhaupt nicht darüber nachdenken, was die Floskeln ihrer Idole eigentlich bedeuten, wahrscheinlich positiv. Die wohlklingenden Worte „unter dem Dach der EU“ und vor allem „Deeskalation“ kommen in einem Satz vor. Da ist jeder Grünen-Wähler reflexartig glücklich.

Aber was ist eigentlich aus den Grünen geworden, die sich früher mal für „Frieden ohne Waffen“ eingesetzt haben?

(A P)

Keine EU-Militärmission im Persischen Golf
„Die mögliche Entsendung einer EU-Militärmission in die Straße von Hormus wäre kein Beitrag zur Deeskalation in der Region, sondern im Gegenteil ein riskantes militärisches Abenteuer ohne völkerrechtliche Grundlage. Die Bundesregierung muss jeglichen Überlegungen, sich daran zu beteiligen, eine Absage erteilen“, erklärt Heike Hänsel, stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Fraktion DIE LINKE.

(* B E P)

US-Sanktionen: Tödlich, illegal und erfolglos

Wirtschaftssanktionen bringen unvorstellbares Leid über die Bevölkerung des betroffenen Landes

Eine Klärung des Rätsels, wer für die Sabotage der beiden Tanker im Golf von Oman verantwortlich ist, steht noch aus — klar ist jedoch, dass die Regierung von [US-Präsident Donald] Trump iranische Erdöltransporte seit dem 2. Mai sabotiert. An diesem Tag kündigte sie ihre Absicht an, "die iranischen Erdölexporte auf null zu reduzieren und damit das Regime um seine Haupteinnahmequelle zu bringen". Diese Maßnahme soll China, Indien, Japan, Südkorea und die Türkei treffen; sie alle kaufen iranisches Erdöl und sehen sich nun — sollten sie dies weiterhin tun — mit US-Drohungen konfrontiert. Das US-Militär mag keine iranischen Rohöltanker in die Luft gesprengt haben — seine Maßnahmen haben jedoch die gleiche Wirkung und sollten als Wirtschaftsterrorismus betrachtet werden.

Und Iran ist auch nicht das einzige Land, das unter dem Wirtschaftsterrorismus der USA leidet.

Die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran sind ganz besonders brutal. Es ist ihnen zwar in keiner Weise gelungen, die Regime-Change-Ziele der USA durchzusetzen — dafür haben sie jedoch weltweit wachsende Spannungen mit den Handelspartnern der USA verursacht und den einfachen Menschen im Iran furchtbares Leid zugefügt. Nahrungsmittel und Medikamente sind theoretisch von den Sanktionen ausgenommen.

Dennoch machen es die US-Sanktionen den iranische Banken wie die Parsian Bank, die größte nichtstaatliche Bank des Iran, so gut wie unmöglich, Zahlungen für Importgüter zu leisten — und zu diesen gehören nun mal Nahrungsmittel und Medikamente.

Die daraus resultierende Medikamentenknappheit wird Tausende von vermeidbaren Todesfällen im Iran verursachen und die Opfer werden gewöhnliche, arbeitende Menschen sein — keine Ayatollahs oder Regierungsmitglieder.

Die US-Konzernmedien haben sich an der Heuchelei beteiligt, US-Sanktionen seien ein gewaltloses Instrument, mit dem Druck auf anvisierte Regierungen ausgeübt wird, um eine Art demokratischen Regime Change zu erzwingen. Selten nur werden in US-Berichten die tödlichen Folgen für gewöhnliche Menschen erwähnt — und die entstandene Wirtschaftskrise wird stattdessen einzig und alleine den betreffenden Regierungen angelastet.

Eines der ungeheuerlichsten Elemente der US-Sanktionen ist deren extraterritoriale Reichweite. Die USA brummt Unternehmen von Drittstaaten Strafen für "Verstöße" gegen US-Sanktionen auf. Als die USA einseitig das Nuklearabkommen aufkündigten und Sanktionen auferlegten, brüstete das US-Finanzministerium sich damit, an nur einem Tag, dem 5. November 2018, mehr als 700 Individuen, juristische Personen, Flugzeuge und Schiffe wegen ihrer Geschäfte mit dem Iran sanktioniert zu haben.

Während die Welt die jüngsten Angriffe auf die Öltanker im Golf von Oman verurteilt und versucht, den Schuldigen ausfindig zu machen, sollte sich die globale Verurteilung auch auf das Land richten, das für den tödlichen, illegalen und wirkungslosen Wirtschaftskrieg, der dieser Krise zugrunde liegt, verantwortlich ist — die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika – von Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies

and English version, from June 18:

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp9a

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* B K P)

Albtraum aus 1001 Nacht

Deutsche Rüstungskonzerne wollen wieder Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien liefern – und setzen die Bundesregierung unter Druck.

Ende September endet der vorläufige Exportstopp, das Kabinett könnte ihn allerdings verlängern. Genau das wollen hiesige Waffenbauer unter allen Umständen verhindern.

Die Werftengruppe Lürssen etwa will Patrouillenboote nach Saudi-Arabien liefern und hat die Bundesregierung im Mai wegen der ausgesetzten Genehmigungen vor dem Berliner Verwaltungsgericht verklagt.

Deutschlands größtes Rüstungsunternehmen Rheinmetall soll der Bundesregierung ebenfalls mit rechtlichen Schritten gedroht haben

Auch der europäische Konzern Airbus ärgert sich über den Exportstopp. Saudi-Arabien nutzt Eurofighter, braucht dafür Ersatzteile und will neue Jets für seine Luftwaffe. Ohne Teile aus Deutschland wird nichts daraus.

Die öffentliche Zurückhaltung vieler betroffener Unternehmen dürfte auch damit zu tun haben, dass sie auf die Bundesregierung angewiesen sind. Hinter den Kulissen kämpfen ihre Vertreter jedoch für ein Ende des Ausfuhrstopps. Kurzarbeit oder Entlassungen nennen sie als Folge, warnen vor sinkenden Umsätzen und verweisen darauf, dass das Königshaus in Riad – bislang ein treuer und verlässlicher Kunde – irgendwann die Geduld verlieren könnte. "Die deutsche Rüstungsexportpolitik wird in Saudi-Arabien als eher lästig angesehen", sagt Stephan Roll, Leiter der Forschungsgruppe Naher und Mittlerer Osten bei der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. "Der Exportstopp könnte durchaus dazu führen, dass die Saudis künftig woanders kaufen."

Nach der Sommerpause will die große Koalition in Berlin beraten, ob der Ausfuhrstopp verlängert werden soll. Bei den Wählern jedenfalls kommen Rüstungsexporte an den Golf nicht gut an. Darauf deutet eine repräsentative Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar hin, die Greenpeace im Mai in Auftrag gegeben hatte. 81 Prozent der Befragten lehnen demnach deutsche Waffenexporte an Länder ab, die sich am Jemen-Krieg beteiligen – so wie Saudi-Arabien.

Eigentlich sollten die Ausfuhren so lange ausgesetzt werden, bis die Regierung in Riad den Mord aufgeklärt hat. Das ist bislang nicht geschehen

(A K P)

Herber Rückschlag für den Frieden im Jemen

Zum Veto von US-Präsident Trump gegen Beschränkungen von US-Rüstungsexporten an Saudi-Arabien erklärt Omid Nouripour, Sprecher für Außenpolitik: Trumps Veto ist ein herber Rückschlag für alle Friedensbemühungen im Jemen. Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate sind mit ihren Luftangriffen und der Seeblockade entscheidend mitverantwortlich für die zivilen Opfer des Kriegs, die humanitäre Notlage und die Zerstörung elementarer Infrastruktur. Sie können diese Angriffe nur mit Waffen aus den USA und Europa durchführen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A K P)

Jemen: Italienische Bombenfabrik stellt Lieferungen ein

Der italienische Waffenhersteller RWM Italia hat die Einstellung von Waffenexporten nach Saudi-Arabien und in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate angekündigt. Der Lieferstopp von Bomben, die im Jemenkrieg eingesetzt werden, wurde von italienischen NGOs mit großer Zufriedenheit aufgenommen..

Der italienische Waffenhersteller hat seine Arbeitnehmer am Abend des 30. Juli darüber informiert, dass man die Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien und in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate 18 Monate lang aussetzen werde. Zu dieser Nachricht äußerte sich eine italienische Nichtregierungsorganisation, die seit 2015 ein Ende der Lieferungen von Bomben für den Jemenkrieg fordert, wie folgt:

„Wir bringen unsere Zufriedenheit über eine Entscheidung zum Ausdruck, die getroffen werden musste und die wir seit langem gefordert haben.

(A K P)

Nach Kritik an Pilatus-Verbot: Bund widerspricht Pilatus-Präsident

Der Entscheid des Bundes, Pilatus aus Saudi-Arabien zurückzupfeifen, hat viel Kritik ausgelöst. Nun äussert sich der Generalsekretär des Aussendepartements erstmals - und widerspricht Pilatus.

(A P)

UN censures Bahraini regime over execution of two dissidents

The United Nations has strongly condemned the execution of two young activists in Bahrain, as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed crackdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy activists in the Persian Gulf kingdom.

(B P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Is the United Arab Emirates truley united?

(A P)

Sie floh vor dem Emir von Dubai: Verschwundene Prinzessin zeigt sich erstmals öffentlich

Die mutmaßlich aus Dubai geflohene Prinzessin Haja Bint al-Hussein ist nach wochenlangem Verschwinden erstmals in England gesehen worden. Britische Medien veröffentlichten am Dienstag Bilder der Prinzessin bei ihrer Ankunft vor einem Familiengericht in London. Vor der Kammer soll sie um Schutz vor ihrem Ehemann gebeten haben.


(A P)

Princess Haya, Dubai ruler's wife, seeks court order to prevent child's forced marriage

The sixth wife of the billionaire ruler of Dubai has applied to a London court for an order to prevent one of her children from being forced into marriage, news agencies reported.

The UK's Press Association (PA) and Reuters reported Tuesday that Princess Haya bint al-Hussein had made an application for a forced marriage protection order at the Family Division of the High Court in London.

Princess Haya, who is married to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, appeared in person for the proceedings, following weeks of media speculation about her whereabouts.

(* B P)

Film: Dubai: Expectation vs reality

Dubai – perhaps the best known city of the United Arab Emirates, with a reputation for attracting the glamorous and the wealthy.

But what's going on beneath the surface? The BBC's Frank Gardner explains how not everything is as it seems.

cp12b Sudan

(A K P)

Sudanese military leader denies troop withdrawal from Yemen

The Sudanese troops are remaining in Yemen, head of the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) said Tuesday, denying reports that his forces filled in vacuum left by Emiratis.

The Sudanese forces have been stationed in Yemen under an agreement with the Saudi-led coalition, Abdulfatah al-Borhan added at a TV interview.

The United Arab Emirates has not withdrawn from Yemen, he claimed. There is redeployment and reposition.

Last Wednesday, Yemeni government military spokesman said Sudanese forces had withdrawn from some Yemeni western costal sites, as part of redeployment plan adopted by the Arab coalition joint forces.

Sudanese troops have left three sites, Wadhah al-Dobaish added, without naming the sites, but said Yemeni army forces replaced them.

and also

My remark: As I remember, this already had been reported some time ago.

(A P)

Sudan Protest Leaders Cancel Tuesday Talks with Generals

Negotiators for Sudan’s protest movement said Tuesday they would not be holding planned talks with the country’s ruling generals as they were visiting a town where five teenaged protesters were killed. =

(* B P)

How US arms supplies to Saudi Arabia threatens Sudan's hard-won peace

Saudi Arabia threatens the Sudanese people’s dream

Saudi Arabia strongly supports the RSF. RSF leader Mohamed Daglo is a trusted friend and an ally of Saudi Arabia. In May 2019, Daglo met with the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and assured him of continued cooperation with Saudi Arabia in their ongoing war in Yemen.

The Saudis supply RSF with money and arms, so when the US supports arms deals with Saudi Arabia they’re essentially supporting RSF as well. Saudi Arabia, a strategic ally of the US in the region, has tried to secure gains at the cost of the Sudanese people’s dream.

On June 3, 2019, the RSF used brutal force to disperse peaceful protesters holding a sit-in and calling for democratic and civilian-led government in Sudan.

The RSF is made up of members from the notorious “Janjaweed,” well known for their role in atrocities committed in Darfur.

American arms are now in the hands of Saudi crown prince Mohamed bin Salman, who not only orders the killing and torture of journalists such as Jamal Khashoggi, and also fully supports a Daglo and his militia who kill protesters, rape women and recruits children as soldiers.

As a Sudanese citizen, I find it really embarrassing that a great nation like the US—that has been built on the principles of freedom and justice for all—keeps sending arms to Saudi Arabia.

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp11, cp12

(* B K P)

Unterstützung heißt Komplizenschaft

Jemenkrieg: Deutschland und alle Vetomächte im UN-Sicherheitsrat – denen die Wahrung des Weltfriedens anvertraut wurde – machen sich zu Komplizen der Saudi-Emirate-Koalition.

Die unmittelbarste und sichtbarste Form der Unterstützung sind Waffenlieferungen an die Kriegskoalition. Die inländische Rüstungsindustrie in Saudi-Arabien und den VAE ist im Grunde vernachlässigbar. Beide Länder wollen im Rahmen ihrer jeweiligen Vision 2030 – ambitionierte Programme zur Diversifizierung der vom Erdöl abhängigen Volkswirtschaften – auch ihre Rüstung zu mindestens 50 Prozent auf eigene Füße stellen. Mithilfe von unzähligen bereits etablierten oder geplanten Joint Ventures und Partnerschaften mit den Rüstungsschmieden dieser Welt sollen die eigenen Rüstungsindustrien beider Länder in den nächsten Jahr(zehnt)en auf Weltniveau gebracht werden – ein Prozess massiver Militarisierung der Arabischen Halbinsel, der sich noch in den Kinderschuhen befindet. Auch die anderen Koalitionspartner Jordanien, Marokko, Kuwait, Bahrain und Sudan verfügen über eine kaum vorhandene inländische Produktion. Einzig Ägypten hat zwar historisch entwickelt eine relativ fortgeschrittene Rüstungsindustrie, doch sind alle acht Staaten der Kriegskoalition mehr oder weniger hochgradig von Waffenimporten abhängig, wie das EU Institute for Security Studies in einer umfassenden Übersicht zu arabischen Rüstungsindustrien darlegt.

Der Stockholmer Friedens-Thinktank SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) gilt als weltweit führende wissenschaftliche Einrichtung zur Erforschung von Militärausgaben und Waffenverkäufen und brachte jüngst seine für 2018 geupdateten Datenbanken heraus. Wie ich durch Auswertung aller Länderdatenbanken ermitteln konnte, waren es insgesamt 32 Länder, die in den Jahren des Jemen-Kriegs – von 2015 bis 2018 – die acht Länder der Kriegskoalition mit Waffenlieferungen in Höhe von mehr als 31 Milliarden US-Dollar versorgten.

Die Top-10-Waffenlieferanten an die Saudi-Emirate-Koalition 2015-2018 sind demnach (in Millionen US-Dollar, in Klammern jeweils Anteil des Landes an allen Lieferungen an die acht Länder in Prozent):

USA 17.745 (56,8)

Frankreich 3.975 (12,7)

Russland 2.434 (7,8)

UK 2.136 (6,8)

Deutschland 1.194 (3,8)

Niederlande 577 (1,9)

Türkei 502 (1,6)

Spanien 437 (1,4)

Italien 434 (1,4)

China 420 (1,3)

Weit abgeschlagen an der Spitze stehen mit 56 Prozent die USA. Werden lediglich die Waffenlieferungen an die beiden treibenden Kräfte der Koalition – Saudi-Arabien und die VAE – berücksichtigt, erhöht sich dieser Anteil gar auf 70 Prozent. Nichtsdestotrotz finden sich viele weitere Länder in dieser Liste der Schande wieder, die durch ihre Exporte den Krieg im Jemen am Laufen halten. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der 32 Länder liegt in Westeuropa beziehungsweise gehört der NATO an – von Jakob Reimann =

(* B K P)

UK reclaims place as world's second largest arms exporter

Figures reveal record £14bn sales last year with nearly 80% going to Middle East

British defence exports rose to a record £14bn in 2018, with sales to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and other countries in the Middle East accounting for nearly 80% of that figure, official figures reveal.

Campaigners said the statistics, released on Tuesday, showed that Britain was “arming and supporting repressive regimes”, while the Department for International Trade (DIT) said they demonstrated that the UK had returned to its position as the world’s second largest arms exporter after the US.

Defence orders rose by £5bn to £14bn, making it the biggest year since records began in 1983. That increase was helped by a £5bn order for Typhoon fighters made by BAE Systems, plus Paveway missiles from Raytheon that are partly made in the UK.

Campaign Against Arms Trade said the figures “exposed the rank hypocrisy at the heart of UK foreign policy. The government claims to stand for human rights and democracy, but it is arming and supporting repressive regimes and dictatorships around the world.”

Britain’s sales to Saudi Arabia – believed to be the largest arms buyer – are the subject of an ongoing legal battle.

(* A K P)

Six new #RSAF F-15SA fighters arrived at RAF Lakenheath on delivery to #SaudiAraibia — 19 more jets to go!

(A K P)

Australia told to halt arms sales as Yemen catastrophe unfolds

UN and human rights group say Australia cannot abrogate its responsibility for ‘the worse humanitarian crisis in the world’

Human rights groups investigating atrocities in the Yemen war have urged Australia to immediately suspend arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, saying distance does not justify Australia abrogating its responsibility towards the region.

Unlike other western nations, Australia has decided against halting sales to UAE and Saudi Arabia, two nations waging the bloody war in Yemen.

(* A K P)

Australian weapons maker EOS insists none of its products used in Yemen

Charities warn Australia’s approach undermines global efforts to prevent foreign weapons being used in the war

The Australian manufacturer of weapons systems being sold to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has maintained none of its products have ever been used in Yemen.

The chief executive of EOS Defence Systems, Ben Greene, defended the company against suggestions its equipment had been, would be, or could be used in any human rights violations.

Greene also said the equipment sent to the UAE was only a demonstration unit ahead of future sales.

Last week it was revealed the Australian government had approved the export of Australian weapons systems to the two Gulf nations, despite global concern about the supply of weapons to countries in the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, which has been accused of human rights violations and atrocities.

and also

My comment: LOL.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(B T)

Africa gets some overdue attention in the latest UN report on al Qaeda and ISIS, noting a "sharp rise" in West Africa by both.

Section on #Yemen does not have anything new: #AQAP continues to prioritize strengthening relationships w/"local tribes to enable the group to embed itself in the fabric of the civilian population to avoid detection" & remains active in Hadramawt, Shabwah, Ma’rib, Bayda, & Abyan. (text in images)

(A T)

New #alQaeda video marks 1 year of war between #AQAP & #ISIS in #Yemen. 4 #ISIS captives bewail ISIS deviance & its abandonment of them The same 4 recruits praised AQAP on video 1 year ago. They haven't aged well (see inset). Screaming kids in background probably don't help...(photo)

(A T)

Chefplaner von 9/11 unter Umständen zur Aussage über Saudi-Arabiens Rolle bereit

Chalid Scheich Mohammed, der „Chefplaner“ der Anschläge vom 11.9.2001 auf die Zwillingstürme in New York, hat Bereitschaft signalisiert, über Saudi-Arabiens Rolle bei den Anschlägen auszusagen.

Gestern hat das Wall Street Journal gemeldet, dass er bereit sei, gegen Saudi-Arabien auszusagen. In Manhattan läuft eine Sammelklage von Hinterbliebenen der Opfer von 9/11 gegen Saudi-Arabien wegen dessen Rolle bei den Terroranschlägen. An das Gericht hat der Anwalt von Chalid Scheich Mohammed einen Brief geschrieben, in dem er mitgeteilt hat, dass sein Mandant bereit ist, über die Rolle und die Verwicklung Saudi-Arabiens in den Terroranschlag auszusagen, wenn er dafür die Garantie bekommt, für seine Taten nicht mit der Todesstrafe bestraft zu werden.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

UAE thanked for agricultural efforts in Socotra

The Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation has received a thank you letter from the Director-General of the Agriculture and Irrigation Office in Yemen, Fahmi Al-Ghathanim, in which he expressed his appreciation to the Foundation for its conservation efforts in the Socotra archipelago.

In the letter, the Yemeni official detailed the UAE's efforts in the conservation of biodiversity, saying they have contributed significantly to the management of agricultural diseases and pests which helped meet UNESCO's conservation criteria as a protected area.

(A P)

Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen condemns the heinous crime committed by the terrorist Houthi militia in Al Thabit market

The Official Spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki Al-Malki has issued the following statement:
The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: We condemn the heinous crime committed by the terrorist Houthi militia through targeting innocent civilians in Al Thabit market. We are providing humanitarian assistance to the injured in the Kingdom.
The Iran-backed Houthis conducted an attack on a civilian marketplace yesterday morning. They continue to show a pattern of disregard for international law and human rights. In an attempt to hide their crime, the houthis have blamed the coalition, replicating the same tactic used in the 2018 hospital attack.

(A P)

Yemen government says UN silence led to Houthi attack on Saada

Officials condemn attack that killed dozens at a busy market

Yemen’s internationally recognised government said on Tuesday that the UN’s lack of condemnation of Houthi crimes allowed the group to carry out a rocket attack on a market in the northern province of Saada that killed 10 and injured dozens of civilians.

"The UN or the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths unfortunately is not condemning this crime, they are ignoring the terrorist acts carried out by the Houthis," Hamza Al Kamaly, Yemen’s deputy youth minister, told The National.

Since the uprising began in 2014, the rebels have killed thousands of innocent Yemenis, the official said.

“The UN is allowing the Houthis to kill civilians without commenting on their heinous acts,” Mr Al Kamaly said.

This is not the first time the international community ignored the "heinous Houthi acts" Majed Fadhil, Yemen’s deputy human rights minister, told The National.

"The disregard by the UN and the international community for the continuous massacres committed by the rebels against children, women and men were also seen in the provinces of Hajour and Hajjah," Mr Fadhil said.

“The time has come for the international community to take a clear stance against the rebels,” he said, who are an imminent threat to civilians

and also

My remark: For this attack (a Saudi coalition air raid) look at Yemen War Mosaic 560, cp1c

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA's Vision 2030

Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional and international arenas.
Al-Riyadh newspaper said in its editorial that since the announcement of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's vision 2030 more than three years ago, it has been proving every day its interest in promoting the national economy.
The paper added that the key goals of KSA's Vision 2030 are to build a strong economy with diverse sources of income, and promote non-oil economic and investment activities.
In another context, Al-Yaum newspaper pointed in its editorial to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's stressing in Gulf, Arab and Islamic summits held in Makkah at the end of last May that the Palestinian issue is its first issue until the Palestinian people restore their usurped rights and establish an independent state,

(A P)

Killing of children in Yemen unconscionable

Every shell fired by Al Houthis in Taiz and Saada carries the hallmark of Tehran

It is clear by now that Al Houthis have nothing but the utmost disregard and deepest contempt for the safety and security of the children of Yemen as witnessed by the killing of a 19-month-old baby boy and the serious injuries inflicted on two others during the terrorist shelling of the city of Taiz in southwest Yemen.

The terrorist shells fell on the district of Al Ruda, an area of homes, resulting in injuries and casualties. Elsewhere in Taiz, shells injured five more children, all members of the one family.

There are well-meaning critics who see but one side of the conflict in Yemen, blinded by ignorance, maimed by an apathy to seek truth and view the situation with full clarity. Al Houthi rebels can only continue their campaign of terrorism on the strength of arms and an arsenal supplied by Iran. And when Tehran says it has but peace in its heart, the shells and bullets that kill the children of Taiz tell a far different truth.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda =

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

July 30:

July 29:

July 28:

July 27:

(* A B K pS)

Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) of Yemen reviews a number of incidents and refutes allegations

The official spokesman of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen Legal Counselor Mansour Al-Mansour reviewed the results of assessing the incidents which included four allegations filed by international organizations and different media addressing errors allegedly committed by the Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen during military operations inside Yemen, confirming the correctness of the measures followed by the Coalition forces which observed the bases of engagement and the norms of the humanitarian international law.
This came in a press conference Al-Mansour held at the Officers Club in Riyadh today whereas he cast light on the following cases:

With regard to what JIAT observed in media reports that the Coalition Forces carried out an air operation in the area of Sa'wan in Sana'a on 07/04/2019) in the immediate vicinity of Al-Ra'i Girls School in Sana'a, causing at least 13 children death, and more than 100 injuries, JIAT vetted the incident and reviewed all related documents, including procedures and rules of engagement, Air Tasking Order, daily mission schedule, after mission report, mission video recordings, satellite images, and assessment of evidences, JIAT found that the Coalition Forces did not execute any air missions near the incident area on (07/04/2019) the date of the claim.
The closest air mission carried out by the Coalition Forces on that day was on a military target about (50) km away from the site of the claim, using one guided bomb that hit its target.

My comment: Reports, footage: cp16 and reports a few days later cp16. It seems the Houthis had stored explosives in the city in a building close to the school and these explosives detonated, destroying the building and the adjacent area, including the school. Eyewitnesses described a Saudi air raid, and it seems probable that this raid targeted the explosives warehouse. The question stays why they even targeted it in daytime when the school was full of pupils. Report by Mwatana on the explosives warehouse:

With regard to what JIAT observed in media reports that on 26/10/2016 at approximately (8:30) pm, a Coalition air force bombed a house in Bani Sa'ad district in Al-Mahweet Governorate and a number of neighboring houses, killing one person and wounding ten people, JIAT vetted the incident and reviewed all documents

IAT reviewed the air missions carried out by the Coalition Forces on Wednesday 26/10/2016, and found that Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in the province of Al-Mahweet governorate on that day.
IAT also examined the air missions carried out by Coalition Forces on Tuesday 25/10/2016, one day prior to the date of the claim, and found that the Coalition Forces did not carry out any missions in Al-Mahweet governorate, and the nearest air mission was about 138km from the claim's location. JIAT also examined the air missions carried out by Coalition Forces on Thursday 27/10/216, one day after date of the claim, and found that the Coalition Forces did not perform any missions in Al-Mahweet governorate, the nearest air mission was about 55km from the claim's location.

My comment: Disgusting: Western platforms (Youtube and Facebook) delete evidence of war crimes. This is complicity. The film was here: = I saved it. You see killed cattle, a crater, and a man showing a bomb fragment.

With regard to what JIAT observed in media reports that the Coalition Forces bombed a house in Al-Dhala’a in Habban district in Shabwa governorate on 04/05/2015, killing one person and injuring three others, JIAT vetted the incident and reviewed all related documents

JIAT found that the claimed house is located west of the Directorate of Habban in Shabwa governorate in a mountain area west of the road between Al-Naqba and Ataq, JIAT found through the study of the aerial missions carried out by Coalition Forces on Monday 04/05/2015 that the Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in Shabwa governorate.
JIAT also reviewed the aerial missions carried out by Coalition Forces on Sunday 03/05/2015 one day prior to the claimed day, and on Tuesday 05/05/2015 one day after the claimed day, and found that the Coalition Forces did not carry out any aerial missions in Shabwa governorate.

My comment: I did not find evidence for this air raid.

With regard to Human Rights Watch's report, that on 10/01/2017 at approximately 8:00 am, a Coalition air strike hit a civilian gas station in the village of Bani Ma’asar in Nhamh Directorate, killing three civilians and injuring five others, the strike took place near a primary school, killing two students and a school administrative, injuring three children.
The attack destroyed a number of the school windows, and damaged the electricity cables and loudspeakers.
Al Falah Primary School is 150 to 200 meters away from the gas station, the gas station was previously used to provide fuel to military vehicles passing through the town, but there were no military vehicles in the gas station at the time of the attack, the Coalition had attacked the area surrounding the village before, it is located 8km from the fighting site between Yemeni forces supported by Coalition Forces and Houthi forces and former president forces.
JIAT also looked at the statement by Yemeni Saba news agency, which is controlled by the Houthi armed militia, that the death toll is eight people, and that Al-Falah primary school was completely demolished. The agency quoted some residents and aid workers saying that eight children were killed, and 15 other children were seriously injured, and that some of the victims may still be buried under the rubble.
JIAT vetted the incident and reviewed all related documents, including procedures and Rules of Engagement, Air Tasking Order, daily mission schedule, after mission report, mission video recordings, satellite images, and assessment of evidences. JIAT found that at 7:30 am of Tuesday 10/01/2017, a request of Close Air Support (CAS) from the Yemeni National Army Forces to target armed vehicle and a gatherings of Houthi armed militia elements during clashes in the Nahm front, north of the capital Sana'a. Coordination for the missions was carried out with the Forward Air Controller (FAC) in the area.
The Coalition Forces carried out an aerial mission in the claimed area, using three guided bombs on following targets:
1. Armed vehicle and gatherings of Houthi armed militia.
2. Armed vehicle of Houthi armed militia.
3. Elements of Houthi armed militia taking shelter in a small building the size of a room.
After reviewing and analyzing the facts related to the claim, JIAT found:
1. Al-Falah primary school and the gas station in the claim are located in Nham Directorate northeast of the capital Sana'a.
2. Coalition Forces targeted three legitimate military targets in different locations, the nearest was the third target (Elements of Houthi armed militia taking shelter in the-size-of-a-room building), approximately 150 meters away from the school, and approximately 35 meters northeast of the claimed gas station at the other side of a paved road.


In light of that, JIAT found that the Coalition Forces did not target Al Falah Primary School, nor a nearby gas station in Nahm district, northeast of the capital Sana'a and that the procedures taken by Coalition Forces in dealing with the legitimate military target in Nahm Directorate, were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules.

My comment: All reports and footage linked here: , cp16b. Try to find the military targets, please.

The Saudis try to hide behind a “request” by Hadi government forces, and this actually is bullshit: Some Houthi vehicles at a fuel station. How long time it will take to a) Bring this information from the place to the Hadi government forces; b) to bring this information to the Saudis, c) to start and direct the fighter jets; c) to finally drop the bombs to the place?

Final comment by Judith Brown: Are we surprised? Do turkeys vote for Christmas?

My final comment: The only function of this sham “investigation” team is whitewashing Saudi air raids and war crimes. By no means, it is „independent“ as it is claimed.

(A K pH)

In Saadah, the US-Saudi aggression launched 3 raids targeting buildings of the government compound in the city center. In Al-Dla'e, the US-Saudi aggression launched a raid on Al-Job area in Qaatabah. In Amran, the US-Saudi aggression launched 2 raids on Al-Asood mountain.In Hajjah, US-Saudi aggression launched a raid on Haradh district.


(A K pS)

Houthis killed, including senior field leader in Coalition air raids

A number of pro-Iran militants were killed, including a senior Houthi field commander in a series of air raids launched by the Arab Coalition on several military sites in Yemen's Houthi-held provinces.Sky News Arabia reported on Wednesday, that the airstrikes targeted Houthi positions and gatherings in the governorates of al-Dhale, Saada and Amran.

(A K pS)

Houthi leader killed in coalition raid in Sa’ada

A higher ranking leader of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, was killed Tuesday, in an air strike carried out by the Arab coalition supporting Yemeni government in Kataf district, east of Sa’ada province, in the north of the country.

(A K pH)

Amran: Aggression destroys the home of a citizen in the Directorate of Houth

The US-Saudi Air Force launched an air strike on Monday afternoon on the remains of the house of Ali Hussein Mohammed Sari of the people of Madhir Houth, which led to the destruction of the house completely 30-7-2019 (photos)

(A K P)

Mohammed al-Houthi calls on UN to condemn Saudi attack on market

At least 14 civilians dead and 26 wounded in Saudi war crime


(A K P)

Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, 30 July 2019: Children are among scores of civilians, killed and injured by an attack on a market in Sa’ada

“This is a horrific attack. Scores of innocent civilians have been killed and injured,” said Ms. Lise Grande, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen. “We offer our most profound and sincere condolences to the families of people who have been killed and hurt.”


(* A K pH)

Health Minister Holds US responsible for targeting civilians

Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil confirmed many cases of serious injuries among the wounded of the Saudi bombing on Al Thabet market in Qitabir district.

"The American regime is responsible for the crime as the first instigator of the Saudi regime against the inviolability of civilians," he said, stressing "International organizations - so far - have not responded to the appeals we have made in the level required."

Dr. Al-Mutawakil said in a statement on Monday, "there are a number of unidentified remains and the toll can be increased." He pointed out that many of the wounded, who were transferred from the scene of the crime to the Republican Hospital, are in serious situations, because most of the health centers in the area were completely destroyed during the US-Saudi aggression

My remark: For this attack (a Saudi coalition air raid) look at Yemen War Mosaic 560, cp1c

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition launches airstrikes on Houthi-held camp in Yemen's capital

Warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition launched a series of airstrikes on a military camp held by Houthi rebels in the Yemeni capital Sanaa late on Monday, residents and Houthi-run media said.

The attack targeted al-Sawad military camp in the southeast of Sanaa.

and by Saba:

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

June 30: Sanaa p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b

(* B K pS)

Houthis Continue to Slaughter Yemeni Children

six children killed and scores wounded this week (photos)

(A K pS)

A child was killed and others injured by Houthi group shelling at al-Rawdha neighborhood in Taiz city

(* B K pH)

Frappée à plusieurs reprises, la base Malek Khaled est le principal QG USA/Arabie

Les missiles yéménites visent et détruisent mais pas de n'importe quelle manière : leur charge, leur portée et leur précision sont telles que les hangars des avions ou des drones ou encore des batteries de missiles antimissiles sont visés. Le 4 juillet, un hélicoptère de combat saoudien stationné à l'aéroport de Najran a été pris pour cible de ces missiles. Idem pour les drones de la Résistance qui ne ratent que très rarement leurs cibles. L'une des cibles militaires situées au sud saoudien qui s'est fait le plus parler d'elle ces derniers jours, reste la base "Malek Khaled" à Khamis Mushait située dans la province d'Asir.

C'est la base principale aérienne de l’Arabie saoudite dans la stratégique province saoudienne. C'est à partir de cette base que des dizaines de chasseurs et de bombardiers de la coalition d'agression décollent chaque semaine pour frapper les zones civiles yéménites. Or contrairement aux aéroports d’Abha et de Jizan, cette base est dotée de batteries de missile "Patriot", lesquelles ne semblent pas être de grand recours face à la puissance balistique d'Ansarallah.

(A K pH)

Video footage shows captured Saudi mercenaries after Yemeni victory

Mercenaries filmed upon being taken prisoner by Yemeni forces

The military media of the Yemeni army has on Tuesday released footage showing of a number of Saudi army mercenaries who were captured by the Yemeni army forces during their infiltration attempts towards Al-Dayer area in Asir region.

The footage included interviews with some of the prisoners, during which they revealed how they were recruited and thrown into the frontlines. The captured mercenaries also revealed about how they were insulted by their Saudi employers, as the video shows.


(A K pS)

A child injured by Houthi-laid mine explosion in Al-Bayda =

My comment: The photo seems to have been recycled several times. It’s the same photo as here:

(A K pS)

Houthi sniper kills a child in Lahj

Local sources told September Net that the 15-year-old child was shot dead by a Houthi sniper stationed in al-Ahkoom front of al-Makaterah district.

The child was herding cattle in a mountainous area before being shot by militia sniper.

Earlier, another child named Hesham al-Darbi was also killed by sniper of Houthi rebel militia in the same areas.

(* B K)

How Do Yemen’s Houthis & AQAP “Counter” Drones? A Look At Open Sources

The Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Houthi armed group are dealing with drone strikes in Yemen in starkly different ways.

Open source investigation reveals that AQAP are on the defensive over the threat of U.S. reconnaissance and armed drones, leading them to desperately convey to their members to avoid being intercepted for locational intelligence.

In juxtaposition, the Houthis have projected a far more aggressive propaganda narrative on defeating the threat of drones and aerospace threats by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

AQAP and Houthi sources, however, cannot not be used exclusively as evidence when assessing strategy, tactics, and overall internal discussion on how these groups are countering drones — the chance for falling for propaganda is otherwise too high.

Basic Findings

AQAP are highly defensive over the threat of U.S. drone strikes and are warning their members to avert locational intelligence capture by placing a ban on the use of telecoms, and prohibiting the sharing of operational activity with “martial partners” or fellow soldiers who may “talk too much”. Many high-profile commanders and ideologues with the group have been successfully targeted and killed by drone, for example Naseer Al-Wuhayshi.

AQAP claimed in a 38-minute video titled “Secrets, its [sic] Dangersand the Departure of the Best of Us” that alleged spies of Arab descent have infiltrated their ranks and are directly supporting locational intelligence for drone strikes, verifying on the ground targets, and sending that information back for targeted killings.

By contrast, the Houthi group’s official propaganda have been on the offensive against air strikes. The Houthis have utilised propaganda videos, speeches, and infographics to boost morale against the threat of drones.

The Houthi Propaganda “Offensive”

Based on open source Houthi media monitoring, it is clear that the group has attempted to make movement members and sympathisers confident that Houthis have the capability to defend threats posed by drone strikes.

Between October 2017 and January 2018, the Houthis published video footage on their social media network of what they alleged to be a U.S. surveillance drone that, they said, was shot down from the sky.

Muhammad Al-Bukhaithi, the official Houthi military spokesperson, told me in an interview that the “U.S. have not targeted us with air strikes or drones, but they are supporting Saudi Arabia with our [locational] positions.” He also added that the U.S. is “providing weapons to the Saudi-led coalition.”

The following are screen-grabs of a video clip shared on Houthi Telegram and associated websites of a drone taken down in Sana’a, which is currently under the effective control of the Houthi group.


Based on relevant open sources available on this topic, it appears that the AQAP group is feeling the fatigue of U.S. drone strikes and air strikes as part of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. The Houthis, on the other hand, are trying to signal to their followers — and, by extension, the observers of the conflict – that aerial threats are being dealt with militarily.

AQAP also sent all their fighters an open letter dated December 2018, prohibiting the use of social media and mobile phone communication — which could explain the reduced activity of AQAP’s official Telegram and other affiliated accounts.

(A K pS)

Marine mine found off Midi coast

A military source in the 5th military zone said to Al-Masdar Online that they found a new marine mine on the coast of Midi yesterday from the remains of mines planted by the Houthi militia on the coast of the Red Sea.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* A H)

Locust plague to intensify famine in Yemen without government intervention

Yemen has once again been overtaken by a massive locust plague due to the lack of government oversight and the civil war raging inside of the country, reports Reuters.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) warned the local government that the locusts are expected to pose the greatest threat to agricultural production in Yemen and nearby countries over the next three months.

“Now that the locusts are in the last phase of their growing season. They will complete ecdysis and become adult locusts in two days. These adult locusts will massively gather together and migrate when they can fly,” said Amin Zarqa, deputy director of the desert locust monitoring center in Yemen.

The Indian Ocean cyclone last year provided favorable meteorological conditions for the locusts to breed in western Oman, eastern Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the rainy season and high temperatures have also further boosted the hatching of the locusts.

“Now the damage is severe. We want to get out of here and make a living somewhere else, but what can we do? Even the forage grass for the sheep has been eaten up and they have nothing to eat. This is the first time I’ve seen such a severe locust plague in my whole life,” said a farmer.



(B D)

Film: Yemen| “Al Jumhurya” known as one of the oldest markets for selling traditional costumes in Taiz

The Jumhurya market in the province of Taiz is one of the oldest markets in the province, which is known for selling heritage costumes such as "Al- Janbiya ", a type of Arab daggers connected with a belt around the waist. Despite the prevalence of modern fashion in recent years and keeping pace with modern times, the traditional costumes are very popular and attract the people of Taiz. The demand by the people of Taiz is usually higher in special events and wedding.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-560 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-560: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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