Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 562 - Yemen War Mosaic 562

Yemen Press Reader 562: 4. Aug. 2019: Jemen: Waffenhändler als Kriegsprofiteure – Protestierer blockieren Saudische Waffenschiffe – Raketenangriffe der Huthis – Rückzug der Emirate: Wendepunkt?

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Aug. 4, 2019: Yemen: Western arms dealers as War Profiteers – protesters disrupt Saudi weapons ships – Houthi missile attacks – Emirati withdrawal: Turning point? – Danger of oil spill in the Red Sea – Al Qaeda and Northeners in South Yemen – US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf, War of words – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Huthi-Angriff in Aden / Houthi attack at Aden

cp1d Al Kaida-und IS-Angriffe in Aden / Al Qaeda and IS attacks at Aden

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Film: Yemen: War Profiteers

Saudi coalition airstrikes in Yemen have caused thousands of civilian deaths. Are European arms suppliers complicit?

Saudi Arabia buys its weapons from the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as from a number of European arms manufacturers, led by French and German companies.

Officially, the use of these European weapons is compliant with international law. But the reality is far more complex.

"By continuing to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia - or other members of the coalition - that are likely to be used in unlawful coalition attacks in Yemen, the UK and France ... are risking complicity in future unlawful coalition attacks," says Kristine Beckerle, a Yemen researcher with Human Rights Watch.

The European parliament has called for a suspension of arms sales to Saudi. Although five EU member states have stopped selling war weapons to the kingdom, its five biggest suppliers, led by the UK, have not.

While a British appeals court ruling in June found British arms sales to Saudi Arabia that were used in Yemen’s war were unlawful, it has not technically stopped the UK from selling the arms, but merely forces the UK to review its procedure for granting arms licences.

In this film, we reveal details of the shadowy world of the so-called legal arms trade, the double-discourse of our democracies, and the shortcomings of European governments. And we pose a fundamental question: by pursuing trade with Saudi Arabia, are European countries complicit in war crimes?

(** B K P)

Protesters disrupt Saudi weapons ships

Since late 2018, activists have demonstrated at key ports in Europe and North America against the loading of weapons onto cargo ships — they're raising alarm over the plight of Yemeni civilians.

Saudi Arabia’s state-owned shipping company, Bahri, runs a fleet of container ships that carry bullets, bombs, guided missiles and tanks that are used in the war in Yemen.

It deploys these cargo ships about every 25 days, says Brian Castner, a former journalist now working for Amnesty International in the US, who is tracking the ships' movements.

Their connection with the Yemeni humanitarian crisis is something that more people are now realizing, and taking to heart, says Castner, who is based in Buffalo, New York.

Activists in France and Italy have been the most organized, with labor and peace groups combining forces at the docks.

Every month, a Bahri vessel arrives in North American ports, such as in Wilmington, North Carolina, and Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, and picks up military cargo. From there, the ship sails across the Atlantic, making stops in Belgium, the UK, France, Spain and Italy. Finally, the Bahri ship unloads at ports in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

On Friday, marine trackers showed the Bahri Abha cargo ship working its way around the US East Coast.

European protests began this spring following reports by the French investigative group, Disclose, that a government-owned weapons manufacturer, Nexter, shipped Caesar guns, truck-mounted artillery used by the Saudi army firing into Yemen. Throughout the two-day vigil at the Le Havre port, the Bahri Yanbu circled 15 miles offshore without docking. Protesters declared victory. But the big, French guns were rumored to have been transported by land to Italy. Italian peace groups, along with longshoremen, prepared to meet the Bahri Yanbu at Genoa, Italy.

In Genoa, Italian protesters were ready.

Even when the protests don't go as planned, though, activists say they are hopeful about getting their message out – by Stephen Snyder

(** B K)

Analysis: Houthi missiles against the Saudi-led coalition

For the last four years, Yemen’s Houthi insurgent movement has conducted a myriad of attacks against Saudi Arabia and its coalition against the insurgents. Ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drone strikes, and even naval attacks have been directed towards Saudi Arabian and Emirati territory.

FDD’s Long War Journal has mapped out these attacks, strikes, and launches over a three-part series in an effort provide more context and information about Houthi capabilities. This will also provide insight into the spillover of the conflict into the Gulf countries.

The first entry will detail the Houthi ballistic and cruise missile campaign against Saudi Arabia and its allies. The second will look at Houthi drone strikes and the implications therein, while the third will detail the Houthi naval attacks in the Red Sea.

While the Saudi-led coalition is certainly not blameless for its role in the violence in Yemen, the data shows that the Houthis have also deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure in this conflict.

The spillover into neighboring countries stands to exacerbate the conflict and perpetuate the cycle of violence that will leave many more people dead.

This is an important nuance to help better the understanding of the conflict in Yemen.


Data for this project was manually collected from both English and Arabic-language resources ranging from state-run news services in the Gulf to the archives of several regional news outlets. Social media posts, such as on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, were also analyzed.

Wire news services, such as Reuters, were used in the data collection for additional sourcing. Smaller regional outlets, mainly Yemeni news sites, were also consulted.

Houthi-ran media and allied sources, such as Lebanese Hezbollah’s Al Manar or Iran’s Fars News, were sometimes used, often with the noted caveat that the Saudi-led coalition did not confirm those instances.

FDD’s Long War Journal has been able to find information on 255 ballistic missile launches inside Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Two cruise missiles were also recorded as being fired into Saudi territory, while another was purportedly directed at the United Arab Emirates.

In the vast majority of these cases, either Saudi Arabia or the UAE claimed to have intercepted and destroyed these missiles via missile defense systems.

It should be noted that military experts have cast doubt on these interception claims. While it is certainly possible that some missiles have indeed been successfully intercepted, it is highly unlikely that either Saudi Arabia or the UAE actually has that high of a success rate as reported.

The lack of independent reporting in southern Saudi Arabia makes it difficult to corroborate this information. That said, in some instances, civilians were reported killed or wounded in Houthi ballistic missile or cruise missile launches.

While most missiles have been directed into southern Saudi Arabia, cities further away, such as Yanbu, Mecca, or Riyadh, have also been targeted.

Additionally, 59 ballistic missiles have been launched on Coalition troops and bases inside Yemen. The majority of these were located in Marib, in central Yemen, or near Mocha, on Yemen’s Red Sea coast.

Dozens of troops from Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan have been killed in these strikes.

The exact launch location for the Houthi’s missiles was not found in the majority of cases, but in the instances where that information was available, the two most common provinces for missile launches have been Saada and Amran in Yemen’s north.

On several occasions, as most recently as July 20, the Saudi coalition also reported to have bombed missile launch locations inside Sana’a. These locations make the most sense given the territory controlled by the Houthi forces and the overall ranges of their ballistic missile arsenal – by Caleb Weiss

My comment: Mostly relying on Western and Saudi sources („Houthi-ran media and allied sources […] were sometimes used“) and then concluding that „the Houthis have also deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure“ is showing bias.

(** B K P)

UAE Withdrawal from Yemen. Turning Point. Did the Ansar Allah Just Win the Yemeni War?

The announcement that the UAE is in the process of a large-scale military drawdown in Yemen has been met with rapturous applause by the Ansar Allah’s supporters who believe that this unofficially acknowledges their victory in the conflict, but these celebrations are premature because the vast majority of the country’s territory still remains outside of the armed group’s grasp even if most of its people reside in their region, and the most politically realistic solution to the war entails the institutionalization of the state’s deep divisions via the implementation of a “federal” model that de-facto restores the Old Cold War-era independence of North and South Yemen.

A Turning Point

Decision makers the world over are talking about the implications of the large-scale military drawdown that the UAE recently announced is presently underway in Yemen, with the prevailing notion being that this unofficially acknowledges the Ansar Allah’s (“Houthis'”) victory in the conflict. It’s true that this development is very significant for the armed group because it all but precludes the commencement of any more offensives against the territory under its control, which could potentially lead to the stabilization of the front lines and the beginning of a global aid campaign to relieve the suffering that millions of people are experiencing in what has previously been recognized as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. In fact, the UAE probably wouldn’t have done this had they and their Saudi allies succeeded in taking the strategic Ansar Allah-held port of Hodeidah, the failure of which set into motion the subsequent events that led to its decision to withdraw most of its forces from Yemen.

The Ansar Allah And The STC

The Ansar Allah might have begun as a rural peripheral rebellion among the religious minorities of Yemen’s northern mountainous region but it’s since evolved into a much more inclusive movement that convincingly has the trappings of a national liberation one, especially after allying with the Yemeni Army in seeking the expulsion of all foreign forces from the country. By comparison, the “internationally recognized” government of President Hadi enjoys close to no domestic support whatsoever and has basically functioned as little more than an excuse to justify the Saudi-led coalition’s military intervention against the Ansar Allah. The supposed bastion of its support, the southern port of Aden, is more under the control of the Southern Resistance Forces (SRF, the armed wing of the Southern Transitional Council [STC]) that want to restore the Old Cold War-era independence of South Yemen than it is Hadi’s, which in and of itself hints at the most politically realistic outcome of this conflict in the wake of the UAE’s withdrawal.


With the Ansar Allah in control of the most demographically and economically significant portions of the former nation of North Yemen (officially the “Yemen Arab Republic” from 1962-1990) and the STC wielding UAE-backed sovereignty over South Yemen (officially the “People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen” from 1967-1990), the quickest way to end the war would be to institutionalize Yemen’s already existing military and political divisions via the implementation of a “federal” model that de-facto recognizes this state of affairs since neither side has the wherewithal to surmount the stalemate that’s set in. That scenario, however, is far from the “victory” that the Ansar Allah originally hoped to achieve even though it satisfies most of what the STC and its Emirati patron want, all of which would nevertheless further complicate Saudi Arabia’s security situation along its southern border if it turns out that the Kingdom doesn’t have anything to show for its costly campaign other than the Ansar Allah’s “autonomy” over North Yemen and its “little brother’s” (UAE) new proxy state in the south.

Concluding Thoughts

Bearing in mind all that was touched upon in this analysis, one can say that while every other participant in the war achieved some (Ansar Allah, UAE) or practically all (STC) of its objectives, the Saudis didn’t succeed with anything other than preventing the Ansar Allah’s full takeover of Yemen. The Kingdom’s security situation is worse than when the conflict began and it no longer has any direct influence in its neighbor, instead having to rely on its “little brother” to maintain its presence in parts of South Yemen. Without the UAE doing the “heavy lifting”, it’s all but inevitable that Saudi Arabia will scramble for a “face-saving” exit from the war as well since it’s proven itself unable to alter the dynamics in is favor on its own, especially when most of what it’s been doing is bombing Yemen and never really fighting on the ground and holding territory like its allies have. Even though the Ansar Allah can’t be said to have won the civil-international Yemeni War since it doesn’t control the entire country, it didn’t lose it either, with that ignoble distinction being the Saudis’ alone -by Andrew Korybko

My remark: More on this topic, cp2.

(** B E K P)

Prohibiting Maintenance of Tanker Off Yemeni Coast, Saudis Risk Explosion and Environmental Disaster

“We are talking about a huge floating tanker that entered service in Yemen 30 years ago, which contains more than one million tons of oil. If an explosion takes place, many countries, including Saudi Arabia, will be hit with an environmental disaster.”

Officials in Yemen’s western port city of Hodeida have expressed concern to MintPress that the deserted Safer FSOvessel, filled with an estimated 1.1 million barrels of crude oil, is vulnerable to an explosion or a leak due to increasing temperature, high humidity, and maintenance failures. They say that ship’s boilers and coolers have been stopped owing to a lack of diesel fuel and the body of the tanker is beginning to suffer from corrosion following multiple failed efforts to unload its cargo of crude oil.

According to Yemeni officials, if an urgent rescue operation is not launched, the vessel could create an environmental disaster four times greater than the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, one of the worst man-made environmental disasters in history.

In 2015, when the Saudi-led Coalition military campaign began in Yemen, Saudi Arabia prevented the oil-laden vessel from leaving Hodeida port and forced crew members to abandon it, leaving important maintenance work undone and creating what is essentially a floating time bomb. Since the vessel was abandoned, the Coalition has repeatedly prevented other ships from refueling the tanker with diesel to operate its generators used for cooling and to discharge gas emitted by the crude oil.

An oil spill in the Red Sea port would potentially destroy marine ecosystems and pose a threat to coastal tourism. Worst of all, officials say, it could leave millions of people in Hodeida district without clean drinking water. Experts at IR Consilium, a consultancy firm focusing on maritime law and security, warned that a spill in the area would force multiple desalination plants surrounding the Red Sea to close, depriving millions of access to drinking water.

Moreover, an oil spill could also shutter Yemen’s Hodeida port, the gateway for 90 percent of the country’s food, medical and aid supplies, by strangling traffic on one of the world’s main waterways, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Such a spill would have a tangible impact on the world economy, according to a recent report published by the Atlantic Council. The Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis blame each other for failing to reach an agreement over the fate of the tanker. The Houthis want guarantees that the revenue from the oil aboard the tanker — estimated at more than $70 million, as noted above — will go to pay the salaries of Yemen’s public-sector employees and be used to restore power to the province of Hodeida.

The Coalition wants the revenue to be kept by Coalition countries, much as the oil revenues from Yemen’s southern regions where Saudi Arabia and the UAE are extracting oil from Shabwa, Balahaf and Hadramout and transferring the revenues to the National Bank in Saudi Arabia.

Mark Lowcock, the UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, pointed out that this was additionally frustrating because Houthi authorities had actually contacted the UN in early 2018 requesting assistance with the tanker and promising to facilitate their [UN] work.

Saudi Coalition countries and their local allies have recently revived the controversy surrounding the Safer FSO, claiming that rescue of the ship justifies a military campaign to seize control of the area and blaming the Houthis for ship’s condition. But according to Houthi officials, appeals to rescue the ship made by both the Houthi-led government in Sana`a and the Safer Company to the Coalition and to the international community have been ignored.

For their part, officials in Sana`a have repeatedly warned of potential disaster in the Red Sea – by Ahmed AbdulKareem =


(* B P)

Film: UN Humanitarian Chief: WORST EVER Environmental Disaster Looming in Yemen!

we speak to UN Undersecretary General Sir Mark Lowcock on the Yemen crisis, he discusses the worsening humanitarian situation, the degradation of civilian infrastructure and the looming possibility of the world’s worst environmental crisis ever if the SAFER oil tanker facility explodes or collapses.

and = (Audio)

(** B P T)

AQAP attacks in south Yemen draw passive response amid coalition war with Houthis

Northerners are prevented from entering Aden following Al-Qaeda and Houthi attacks in southern region

A source in Abyan’s Al-Mahfad district whose name was withheld for security reasons, confirmed to Middle East Eye that AQAP had taken advantage of chaos in Aden, where more than 36 people were also killed by a rocket attack on a military parade claimed by Houthi rebels.

“Al-Qaeda militants are not stupid, and usually they move in organized steps, not randomly. They sent a suicide bomber to attack a police station in Aden and then they stormed a military base in Abyan, as they knew that forces were focused on Aden.”

The source said that AQAP had suffered no major losses in Al-Mahfad because they had planned well and withdrew at the proper time, just as forces were arriving from Aden.

AQAP militants are now spread throughout the south of Yemen. Abyan is one of their main strongholds

The source added: “The military forces are the only defenders in the region, but they have not launched any effective attacks on AQAP in Al-Mahfad for the last four years.

“AQAP had stopped targeting military bases for about a year, but now they have revived their operations, not because they were attacked, but because they may have their own plans.”

AQAP usually takes advantage of the Yemen’s lack of security to implement their plans and achieve their goals with the least loss.

“All of us in Abyan know that AQAP live in the mountains of Al-Mahfad and in other mountains in surrounding districts.

“We meet them in the markets of the district. They meet soldiers in the market and move around in their own vehicles ,but the Hadi government and the coalition have not dared to attack them.”

The source said that most of AQAP militants are originally from Abyan and surrounding areas and live in forts in the mountains.

“I can confirm that both the Hadi government and the Saudi-led coalition have failed to liberate Abyan and other southern provinces from AQAP, and the spread of Al-Qaeda now threatens Aden more than Abyan because AQAP aims to target leaders in high positions rather than civilians in Abyan.”

The Yemeni government launched several attacks against AQAP in Abyan and other southern provinces before 2015, but since then their forces have been busy fighting the Houthis, while AQAP militants have established themselves in the south.

Still, pro-coalition forces say their priority must be the battle against the Houthis.

Still, the reaction of the SBFs has not been to counter-attack the Houthis with missiles, but to ramp up security and try to prevent northern people from entering Aden. They’ve even burnt the goods of some northern street vendors in Aden, accusing them of being spies for the Houthis.

“When I arrived at the entrance to Aden, I found dozens of buses and cars were stopped by the SBFs, asking them to return Taiz and not allowing them to enter Aden.”

He sat for three hours under the sun in the desert, then returned to Taiz. “All people who have ID cards from the north were prevented from entering Aden,” he said.

“The UAE has been destroying Yemen, and it incites southern fighters against civilians of the north. The Emirati flag was waving over the checkpoint that prevented us from entering Aden.

“There will no solution in Yemen until UAE leaves and we can meet in national reconciliation,” he said.

Salah Samer, a resident of Aden who is originally from Taiz, told MEE that hundreds of northerners had been arrested and others exiled from Aden in the last two days, while others, like him, are stuck in their houses waiting for the campaign to end.

He said that the SBFs were losing their popular support in Aden and throughout the whole country.

Abu Meshal, a field leader with the SBFs in Aden, confirmed that the situation is unstable and “allows the security forces to do whatever they believe will secure Aden”.

He told MEE: “Many of the northerners in Aden work as spies for the Houthis. During the war in 2015, we found out that many vendors and laborers were spies for the Houthis and others fought with the Houthis – by Nasser AlSakkaf


Comment: It is claimed that these video clips are from old news items of the forced expulsion of northerners from Aden and are being recycled to discredit the South, but I have heard this is happening from a number of sources. I have also heard that northerners who owned property in the south have had this confiscated with even the police being involved in the illegal take over of privately owned property. Has anyone any up to date information of this?

My remark: BBF = Security Belt Forces, UAE-backed separatist militia. More on actions against northeners, look at cp6.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(A H)

Cholera vaccination campaign launched in 5 districts of three governorates

The [Aden] Ministry of Public Health and Population launched today the second campaign of anti-cholera immunization, supported by the World Health Organization, the UNICEF and the World Bank, in five districts from three governorates.

The campaign, set to last until 8 August, is targeting 520,000 people in Dar Saad of Aden, Cairo of Taiz, and Dali’a city and Qataba in Dhali’a governorate.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(B K pS)

Escalation in Hodeidah. Missile sounds expose Griffith's allegations and reveal Houthi movements

The Houthis continue to push events in Hodeidah province, in the opposite direction of the lull that came into effect (only theoretically) on December 18, 2018, and the daily events in the coastal city, are moving further away from the atmosphere of peace and the implementation of the Stockholm agreement

According to observers, the Houthis have taken advantage of UN efforts and the UN envoy's optimism that the agreement can be resolved and implemented, in strengthening their positions on the ground, fortifying them and planting mines.

My comment: This report contents more propaganda claims.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, August 3rd, 2019

(A K pS)

Film: Houthi's targeting of homes in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis continue to shell Hodeidah, mobilize military reinforcements

(A K pS)

National army shoots down Houthi drone in Hodiedah

(A K pS)

Houthi militia continues violating ceasefire in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, August 2nd, 2019

(A K pS)

Houthis shells Al-Tahita, and Hees, and buried a leader killed in Hodeidah

And also

Houthis shell joint forces positions in al-Tuhita, Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi Militias Commit Yet Another Crime in a Week

On Friday the Houthi militias committed a new crime, the second of its kind against the Thabet Group Industrial and Commercial Complex in Hodeidah in less than a week.
According to sources working in the Thabet Group mentioned that Houthi militias, this morning shelled the paper warehouse with heavy weapons completely demolishing it.


And also

(A K pH)

Aug. 1: In Hodeidah, A child was killed with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in At-tohayta district. US-Saudi mercenaries also targeted Al-Faza area with heavy and medium machineguns. They also targeted Kilo-16 area with over 15 artillery shells.

cp1c Huthi-Angriff in Aden / Houthi attack at Aden

(** A K)

Dutzende Tote bei Anschlägen in Aden

Zwei Attacken, zahlreiche Tote: Anschläge haben die jemenitische Hafenstadt Aden getroffen. Die Huthi-Rebellen haben einen der Angriffe für sich beansprucht.

Bei Anschlägen auf ein Militärlager und eine Polizeistation im Jemen sind mindestens 60 Menschen getötet und Dutzende weitere verletzt worden. Das teilte Jemens Minister für Menschenrechte, Mohammed Askar, auf Twitter mit.

Die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen beanspruchten den Angriff auf das Camp in der Hafenstadt Aden für sich, der sich während einer Militärparade ereignete. Dort wurden Sicherheitskreisen zufolge mindestens 35 Menschen getötet. Zu dem Anschlag auf die Polizeistation bekannte sich zunächst niemand.

Unter den Opfern sei auch Brigadier Munir al-Jafi, Kommandeur des sogenannten Security Belt, hieß es aus Sicherheitskreisen. Diese paramilitärische Truppe wird von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) ausgebildet, die zu den wichtigsten Verbündeten Saudi-Arabiens im Kampf gegen die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen zählen.

Ein Sprecher der Huthis teilte mit, die Rebellen hätten die Parade mit einer Drohne und einer ballistischen Rakete angegriffen. Bei dem parallelen Anschlag explodierte nahe einer Polizeistation in Aden eine Autobombe. Askar machte die Terrorgruppe Al-Qaida dafür verantwortlich, deren Ableger AQAP im Jemen besonders stark ist.

Der von den Huthis kontrollierten Fernsehsender Al-Masira berichtete, dass die Rebellen zudem eine Rakete auf ein "militärisches Ziel" in Dammam im Osten Saudi-Arabiens abgefeuert hätten. Die Provinzhauptstadt am Golf ist wichtiger Wirtschaftsstandort des Königreichs. =

und auch

Filme: = =

(A K P)

Abu AlYamamah Family Intends To Submit An Application For International Investigation In His Murder Case

A source close to the family of Munir al-Yafei said that the family intends to submit an application for an international investigation in the killing of her son in the Houthi terrorist attack on the Al-Jalaa camp in Aden.

“The family confirmed that he was assassinated by the UAE militias and their leaders in Aden to get rid of him,” the source told Aden News.
The source said the family had prepared a petition to the United Nations, Saudi Arabia and other countries to investigate the killing of Abu al-Yamamah.
The source also confirmed that the family of Abu al-Yamamah postponed his burial until further notice after the indications emerged confirming his assassination from the UAE and Hani Ben Brik and the transitional leadership.


(A P)

Southern Activist Reveals The Plot Of Liquidating Abu Alyamamah

The southern activist Yasser al-Muflihi revealed important information indicating the involvement of the leader of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, Hani Ben Brik, in the liquidation of Abu al-Yamamah.

This was stated in an article published by the journalist Muflihi on his Facebook page.

“a few minutes before the explosion, Salafi Sheikh Abdulrahman ِAlSheikh, who is close to Ben Brik, was sitting next to Abu al-Yamamah.
He added: A telephone call came from Ben Brik to Sheikh Abdul Rahman, the latter asked Abu Al Yamamah to answer the phone.
According to al-Maflhi, Sheikh Abdul Rahman asked Abu al-Yamamah to step down from the podium to speak with Bin Brik because he wants him in an important matter.
“So the crime took place with the planning of Ben Brik himself”.

My comment: This sounds like a typical conspiracy theory. Hardly a separatist leader would have conspired with the Houthis to achieve the killing of one concurrent leader by killing 45 other of his fighters.

(* A K P pH)

[Sanaa government] Minister of State: Attack on Aden military parade was legitimate act of self-defence

Attacks on Aden and Dammam are response to Saudi war crimes

Minister of State in the National Salvation Government, Fares Mana’a has confirmed that the process of targeting the military parade of the UAE-backed militias in the Jalaa camp in Aden was the legitimate right of Yemen in the framework of self-defense.

He deemed the camp as a “gathering point for the militias who fight against the Yemeni people.”

In a special statement to the Yemen Press Agency on this operation, which came in conjunction with the launching of a missile strike on an important military target in the city of Dammam with a long-range ballistic missile, Mana’a said that it “is a sign of the development of the Yemeni weapons arsenal in terms of its ability to carry out strikes in more than one direction with high precision.”

Fares Mana’a explained that the two operations proved that the military institution represented by Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi continues to implement its military options and impose the military balance required so that the aggression on Yemen will stop.

He pointed out that the targeting of Dammam is a legitimate response to the ongoing massacres of the coalition of aggression against the Yemeni people, the latest of which was the massacre of Al-Thabet market in Qutapber district of in Saada governorate.

(* A K P T)

US Dep. Of State: Attacks in Southern Yemen

AUGUST 3, 2019

The United States strongly condemns the attacks carried out August 1 and 2 in southern Yemen. We extend our deepest condolences to families of those killed and wish a speedy recovery to those injured. Attacks such as these by the Iranian-backed Houthis, ISIS, or al-Qa’ida are unacceptable.

Comment: A good way for the US to help bring peace, prosperity, and security to #Yemen would be for the US stop being directly involved in the bombing and starvation of Yemeni civilians along with Saudi Arabia and UAE.

(* A K P)

Casualties of South Yemen Bombing Reach 60

The death toll from recent attacks in the southern Yemeni city of Aden is already around 60, local authorities reported here today.

The simultaneous attacks took place yesterday and the targets were a police station, for which the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) claimed responsiblity, that left a preliminary death toll of 11; and a military parade, in which 49 soldiers died.

(*A K P)

The Latest: Yemen rebels claim to have collaborators in Aden

3:45 p.m.

Yemen’s rebels claim they had intelligence and collaboration from inside the southern port city of Aden that enabled them to attack a military parade there the previous day.

The Houthi rebels, who control northern Yemen, had said they fired a medium-range ballistic missile, killing at least 40 militiamen trained by the United Arab Emirates in Aden.

Houthi spokesman Yehia Sarea said in a speech on rebel-run Al-Masirah TV Friday the rebels had gathered “precise intelligence and secured the collaboration of some elements” inside Aden, adding that the attack was part of a pre-emptive strategy aimed at “thwarting plans for escalation by the coalition of aggressors.”

(** A K)

Houthi attack kills more than 30 in Yemen's Aden, Saudi blames Iran

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement launched missile and drone attacks on Thursday on a military parade in Aden, the seat of government and a stronghold of the Saudi-led military coalition, killing 36 people according to the interior ministry.

An explosion hit a military camp belonging to the Yemeni Security Belt forces backed by the United Arab Emirates, which is a member of the Western-backed coalition battling the Houthis, a Reuters witness said.

Soldiers screamed and ran to lift the wounded and place them on trucks. Red berets lay on the ground in pools of blood as several soldiers cried near the body of a commander who was a leading figure among southern separatists.

Yemen’s Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed and Saudi Arabia’s envoy to Yemen accused Iran of being behind the parade attack and a separate blast at a police station, also in the southern port city on Thursday, involving an explosives-laden car.

No one has claimed responsibility for the other attack which the interior ministry statement said killed 13 policemen. Past car attacks in Yemen have been carried out by Islamist militant group al Qaed

The Saudi envoy, Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, said the Aden attacks indicate that Iran “shares common goals with fellow terrorists such as Daesh (Islamic State) and al Qaeda”.

Iran denies having any involvement in Yemen.

The Houthis’ official channel Al Masirah TV said the group had launched a medium-range ballistic missile and an armed drone at the parade, which it described as being staged in preparation for a military move against provinces held by the movement.

The commander killed at the parade was Brigadier General Muneer al-Yafee, the interior ministry said.

Yafee had stepped off the stage to greet a guest when the explosion took place.



(* A K T)

Yemen: Dozens killed in Houthi attack on Aden military parade

Al Jazeera's Mohammed Alattab, reporting from Sanaa, said the Houthis sought to send a message to the UAE and Saudi Arabia that the rebels "would hit them hard" in case they continue with their military operations in the country.

"They will continue more attacks in Saudi Arabia and also inside Yemen until the campaign led by the UAE and Saudi Arabia stops," he said. "This attack reveals that the UAE- and Saudi Arabia-led coalition is not in control of the city."

International medical charity Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF), wrote on Twitter that tens of wounded were hospitalised in Aden after an explosion, but later said it was a separate blast at a police station in the southern port city.

and by Emirati news site, with footage:

Films: (Almasirah)


(* A K T)

The Latest: Missile, suicide attack kill dozens in Yemen

The Latest on the situation in Yemen (all times local):

1 p.m.

A Yemeni health official says the death toll in attacks in the southern port city of Aden has climbed to 51.

The official says 40 people were killed in a missile attack on a military parade in the al-Galaa camp in the city's neighborhood of Breiqa on Thursday. He says 11 people were killed in coordinated suicide bombings at a police station earlier in the day.

The al-Galaa camp houses forces loyal to the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the country's Iran-backed Houthis since 2015. The website of the country's Houthi rebels quoted spokesman Brig. Gen. Yehia Sarea as saying the rebels had fired a ballistic missile on the camp.

The official says a total of 56 people were wounded in Thursday's attacks.

He didn't give a breakdown or say how many troops, policemen or civilians were among the casualties. =

(A P)

Saudi envoy to Yemen blames Iran for attacks in Aden

Saudi Arabia’s envoy to Yemen accused Iran of being behind an attack on a military parade in Aden on Thursday that the Iran-aligned Houthi movement has claimed responsibility for.

Envoy Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, in a Twitter post, also blamed Iran for a separate attack on a police station in the southern port city, which no one has claimed yet. Yemen’s Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, in separate tweets, said the attacks were coordinated under “Iran’s administration”.

My comment: This is bullshit, sucking honey for the conflict in the Persian Gulf from events in Yemen.

(* B K P)

Film: Why did Houthis target military camp in Yemen?

Mahjoob Zweiri, the director of Qatar University's Gulf Studies Center in Doha, discuss these latest developments. =

(B K P)

All You Need To Know About The Killed Separatist Leader “Abu Al-Yamamah”

The southern separatist leader, General Munir al-Yafe’y, was killed on Thursday in a rocket attack by the Houthis that targeted the “al-Jala’a” military camp in western Aden, killing dozens of soldiers.

These are 10 information about the UAE-backed separatist leader:

1- Munir Al-Yafa’i was associated with the raids, arrests and assassinations. He was known for confronting the legitimate government forces. He was also known as one of the most prominent military leaders supported by the UAE in southern Yemen.

(* B K P)

Houthis Kill Top UAE-Backed Separatist Yemeni Commander

Coming just weeks after Abu Dhabi's drawdown from the anti-Houthi fight, the provocative attack could be a pivotal moment for Yemen’s future.

Abu Yamamah, forty-five at the time of his death, started his career as a southern military officer, fought in the civil war against the north in 1994, and then helped form the nucleus of the southern resistance movement that spearheaded protests in 2007

As head of the Security Belt Forces, Abu Yamamah technically reported to the Hadi-led central government. But he also attended meetings as a representative of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which seeks to separate from the Hadi government.


In response to Abu Yamamah’s death, the Yemeni government released a statement praising his sacrifice and saying that the solution to the national conflict was liberating Yemeni soil from the Houthis. Specific Yemeni officials also expressed condolences, including Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, who called the attack “heinous.”

So far, the STC has been careful in its public statements, releasing a video calling the attack “treacherous” and eulogizing Abu Yamamah and others as “sacrificing their lives for the... independence of the south.” Beyond this, they have asked southerners to “be patient” as they plan an appropriate response. The reaction from certain locals has been swifter. The community near Abu Yamamah’s hometown, for example, appears to have at least temporarily closed a road to the north, a response that is likely to be mitigated by tribal negotiation. Moreover, as is common in Yemen, the family of Abu Yamamah may volunteer to avenge his death, although it is unclear what form that would take.

Abu Yamamah’s death may have a ripple effect on the greater Yemeni conflict, perhaps even heightening hostilities.

In addition to potential protests, STC-aligned forces are likely to ramp up their fight against the Houthis along the north-south front in provinces such as Dhale.


Indeed, this attack comes just weeks after the UAE announced its drawdown from the military fight against the Houthis and its granting of full support instead for United Nations–led diplomatic efforts to contain the group. Although Houthis regularly target military gatherings in the south, suggesting the UAE military departure was not the catalyst, the killing of one of the UAE’s favored military commanders by the Iran-equipped Houthis will not go unnoticed in Abu Dhabi. In fact, the attack suggests Iran is providing the Houthis with exactly the kinds of capabilities the UAE has long feared – by Elana DeLozier

(A K P)

Interior Ministry condemns twin terror attacks in the capital Aden

(A P)

PM directs Aden authorities to take urgent measures on twin terror blasts

(A P)

Government vows to end of Houthis’ coup following Aden twin attacks

Prime Minister, Maeen Abdulmalik, vowed elimination of the Iran-backed Houthis coup following twin terror attacks on Thursday early morning targeted police and military headquarters in the Aden temporary capital.

(A K P)

President Hadi: Rogue militias cannot seek peace and the entire territory of the homeland must be liberated

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi sent a message of condolences in the martyrdom of the commander of the 1st Brigade supported and logistics Brigadier General Munir al-Yafei and a number of his innocent comrades

"Rogue militias cannot seek peace, so our people must confront their rogue practices and actions to liberate the entire soil of the country from its evils," the president noted.

(A P)

Al-Alimi: All National Forces responsible on failing Houthi, terrorists’ agendas

and statements by separatists:

(* A K P)

The STC's Statement on Today's Events

This day the First of August 2019, the capital Aden, was subjected to two treacherous bomb attacks; the first was on the Police station in Sheikh Othman district and the second was at a graduation ceremony at the training camps of the Armed Forces. Our soldiers were preparing to celebrate their graduation at the Support Forces Campus.
Those graduates who were at the graduation ceremony were ready to fight side by side with the Arab Coalition against the Iranian backed Houthi militias.
In this traitorous attack, a number of the noblest, most honoured and bravest men, led by Brigadier General Munir Mahmoud Ahmed (Abu Al-Yamamah) from our security and armed forces, lost their lives.
Many of those brave men were martyred while defending the dignity and independence of their people and homeland.
Dear brave fighters everywhere, your leadership in the Southern Transitional Council in Aden assures you that it stands by you and will do everything it can to maintain the security and integrity of the country.


(A K P)

Shatara: Thursday's attacks is a clear message that no one is excluded

The crimes in Aden and the martyrdom of Abu al-Yamamah and his companions is a clear message to all the political and military leaders who support the southern project (the independence of the South).
Shatara said that "the modality and timing of implementation discloses a machinated plot that no one is excluded."
He added "whether to strike with an iron fist or to go back to square one."

(A P)

Turkey condemns deadly attacks in Yemen

cp1d Al Kaida-und IS-Angriffe in Aden / Al Qaeda and IS attacks at Aden

Look at cp1c.

(* A T)

19 Tote bei Angriff auf Militärbasis im Jemen

19 Soldaten sind bei einem Al-Kaida-Angriff auf eine Militärbasis im Jemen getötet worden. Nach Angaben aus Sicherheitskreisen stürmten Angreifer der Extremistengruppe am Freitag die Al-Mahfad-Militärbasis in der Region Abyan im Süden des Landes und konnten sich dort mehrere Stunden aufhalten, bevor militärische Verstärkung anrückte. Bei den Gefechten gab es auch mehrere Verletzte.

(* A T)

IS claims responsibility for suicide bombing against police station in Yemen's Aden

The Islamic State (IS) extremist group on Friday claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing that struck a police station in Yemen's southern port city of Aden.

The IS group said in a brief statement that "a jihadist member named as Aqeel AlMuhjir carried out an operation and detonated his explosives-laden vehicle in Sheikh Othman police station."

The IS revealed the suicide bomber's personal picture, claiming that he succeeded in blowing himself in the police center killing and injuring dozens of Yemeni security soldiers at the scene.

Earlier in the day, the Yemeni authorities tightened security in several neighborhoods of Aden province after deadly missile and car bomb attacks struck the newly-recruited military force, leaving 49 killed in the southern city.

Heavy security forces backed by armored vehicles were deployed around key government facilities and military bases located in different neighborhoods of Aden.


My remark: The Hadi government, separatists and Saudi had blamed the Houthis (and Iran!) for this attack.

(* A T)

Film: Dozens of civilians' houses damaged by car bombing of Sheikh Osman police station in Aden

Car bomb targets the Sheikh Osman police station and destroy dozens of houses in the street of Omar al-Mukhtar in the district of Sheikh Osman, Aden governorate in southern Yemen. Residents of the area expressed their fears and concerns of the attack that killed and injured dozens of civilians and military personnel.

(* A T)

#AlQaeda has now claimed today's attack on #UAE-backed forces in al-Mahfad, #Yemen. Oddly, #AQAP's account is less dramatic than media reports & doesn't tally casualties (image)

#AlQaeda has now issued a 3rd claim re. its major offensive on #UAE-backed Security Belt forces in al-Mahfad #Yemen yday: Soldiers killed/injured & their vehicle destroyed by IED So #AQAP's game plan was 1/ Storm base, max damage 2/ Fall back & wait 3/ Ambush reinforcements

(* A T)

Yemeni officials: Forces pursue al-Qaida militants, 8 dead

Yemeni officials and tribal leaders said security forces were pursuing al-Qaida militants Saturday in the southern Abyan province, leaving at least seven extremists and one soldier dead.

The fighting came a day after al-Qaida attacked and overran a military camp in the same province, killing at least 20 soldiers.

The troops chasing the militants through the mountainous areas of al-Mahfad district are part of a force trained by the United Arab Emirates

(* A T)

Yemeni forces retake military camp seized by Al Qaeda

Yemeni forces have secured a southern military base that was overrun by Al Qaeda militants in an attack on Friday that killed 19 soldiers.

The militants held the Security Belt forces camp in Al Mahfed district of Abyan province for hours before it was retaken with the help of the Elite Forces from the neighbouring Shabwa province, officers told The National.

“Our forces along with the Security Belt forces in Abyan fully recaptured the military base in Al Khaiyala area in Al Mahfed after fierce confrontations with the terrorists," said Colonel Mohamed Salem Al Bouhar, a commander of the Elite Forces.

The Al Qaeda militants occupied the camp for four hours until the Elite Forces and jets from the Saudi-led military coalition intervened at 10am on Friday, Col Al Bouhar said.

“One of Al Qaeda militants was killed and another was captured in the fighting," Captain Salem Sal’an, a Security Belt commander, told The National

(** A T)

At least 19 soldiers killed in al Qaeda attack in southern Yemen, sources

Islamist militant group al Qaeda attacked a military camp in southern Yemen on Friday, killing at least 19 soldiers, security sources said.

The attack is the second in as many days on a camp for the Yemeni Security Belt forces backed by the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Western-backed Arab coalition battling Houthi rebels who control swathes of the country.

The al Qaeda militants briefly took control of the camp in the village of Al Mahfad in southern Abyan governorate before it was retaken hours later by Yemeni forces, the sources said.

On Thursday a car bomb exploded in a military camp for the Security Belt forces in the southern port city of Aden, killing 13 policemen.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement reported by the group’s news agency Amaaq on Friday.

IS said the attack killed and wounded tens of policemen, among them the head of the police station. The Interior ministry statement said only 13 had died.

(** A T)

Qaeda attack kills 19 soldiers in Yemen

Al-Qaeda gunmen killed 19 soldiers in an attack on an army base in southern Yemen Friday, security officials said, a day after deadly assaults by rebels and a jihadist bomber.

The gunmen stormed Al-Mahfad base in Abyan province and remained inside for several hours before military reinforcements came, three security officials told AFP, adding that the soldiers were killed in clashes with the jihadists.

"The Qaeda gunmen took advantage of what happened (Thursday) in Aden and launched an assault on Al-Mahfad base and clashed with soldiers," a government security official said.

"Military reinforcements were sent... and the gunmen were killed while others were driven out with air support from the (Saudi-led) coalition, in an operation that lasted hours," the official said.

"At least 19 soldiers were killed and others wounded."

The other two officials confirmed both the details and the death toll.

Security analyst Aleksandar Mitreski said the attacks "seem opportunistic".

"Al-Qaeda has neither the capability nor the strategic appetite to open a new front in south Yemen," Matreski who is also a researcher at the University of Sydney told AFP.


(**A T)

Yemen officials: Al-Qaida kills at least 20 at military camp

Al-Qaida militants targeted a military camp in Yemen's southern Abyan province, killing at least 20 troops and setting off hours-long clashes that lasted into early morning Friday, Yemeni officials and tribal leaders said.

The attack began around midnight, with militants firing rocket propelled grenades at the camp belonging to members of a Yemeni force trained by the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen since 2015.

The militants then overran the camp, seizing and confiscating equipment and weapons, before setting it on fire, according to the tribal leaders. There was no immediate claim of responsibility by al-Qaida but the officials said the attack bore all the hallmarks of the Sunni militant group. =

and by Saudi AAwsat:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(* A K)

Map: Latest Updates on Yemen, 2 August 2019

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia Impedes UN Probes in Yemen

According to the UN's top human rights body and experts, Saudi Arabia is responsible for war crimes including rape, torture, disappearances and "deprivation of the right to life" during five years of war against Yemen. In their many reports for the Human Rights Council, UN experts have chronicled the damages from US-backed coalition air strikes, the single most lethal force in the fighting, over the last year alone.

They urge the international community to "refrain from providing arms that could be used in the conflict" – in a clear reference to countries like the United States and Britain that help arm the Saudi-led coalition.

Although many people have died and the country is in ruins, it’s never too late for the UN body to do the next best thing: Introduce a resolution that calls for an end to the war and bans and forces Western countries to stop arming Saudi Arabia and its coalition members.

The world body should force Britain and the US to stop backing the conflict and giving weapons to Saudi Arabia for its campaign in Yemen amid new evidence that Western bombs are being used in deliberate war crimes.

Even Amnesty International, UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders agree that most of the civilian casualties are caused by deliberate airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led military coalition.

These are by no means biased or politicized reports by the UN about war crimes in Yemen. They are based on facts and figures on the ground and the warmongers cannot dismiss responsibility.

(* B K pH)

Over 2,000 Yemenis defected from Saudi ranks and rejoined Yemeni resistance in recent weeks

In recent times, the defection of Yemeni fighters from the Saudi-led aggression coalition has continued to increase, with many of them making their way back to the Yemeni Armed Forces or Popular Committees.

“In response to the amnesty decision, the number returned from the enemy forces to the national ranks has increased, and in recent weeks the number of forces that withdrew from the aggression ranks from various provinces has exceeded 2,000,” The Yemeni military spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e said on Friday.

“The army and Popular Committees continue to secure the return of all those who wish to make use of the amnesty decree issued by the President of the Supreme Political Council,” Brigadier Yahya Sare’e said at a press conference in Sana’a.

My remark: As claimed by the Houthi side.

(* B K P)

The meaning of the most recent Yemeni drone and missile strikes

The advanced Burkan-3 missile that hit Dammam carried more than one message to more than one party and in different directions, in the distance it traveled exceeding 1,200 km over Saudi airspace to reach the most distant Saudi point after Qatar, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi.

It was a message sent by the military spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e to companies and investors in the countries of aggression: to stay away from military targets in Saudi Arabia.

The missile landed in the capital of the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia, after pictures of the commander of the Central American mercenary forces were seen touring near it a few days ago in search of a way to protect Saudi Arabia from the barrage of missiles and Yemeni drone vehicles.

In deterrence, today’s military equation has been changed completely, and what was safe for the states of aggression has become a target. Military geography and war maps have expanded with the expansion of Yemeni missiles and drone vehicles, along with the change of positions, coalition of many countries, which reflected a deep crisis within the regime of aggression that launched the war in 2015.

Thursday’s missile operations carry three messages: The first message relates to the missile and air attack on the al-Jala camp. This message states that there is no survival possible for any invading armies that are present in the territory of the Republic of Yemen and they will be beaten at any moment.

The second message concerns the Burkan-3 missile strike on Dammam military target. This messaged confirms that all military camps deep inside Saudi Arabia are also targets for Yemeni strikes, and will be targeted as long as the aggression and siege continue and as long as the aggression continues to commit crimes.

My remark: As claimed by the Houthi side.

(* B K P)

Saudi-allied Yemeni soldiers accuse coalition of bombing its own forces

Failure to advance on major cities since 2016 has led some in Yemen to question whether Riyadh-led coalition is committed to ending war against Houthis

Yemeni troops allied to the Saudi-led coalition are raising questions regarding the coalition's intention to end the war in the Arabian Peninsula nation as multiple decisive advances have been ordered to stop without providing a clear reason.

Some of those spoken to by Middle East Eye accused Saudi-led forces of sometimes deliberately conducting air strikes against Yemeni forces on their own side to halt their progress.

The perceived reluctance of the coalition to capture key cities from the Houthis prompted one senior army officer, Brigadier Muhsen Khusroof, to express his dismay on live television last month, when he directly blamed the coalition for failing to support the Yemeni troops to achieve decisive wins on the ground.

"The Saudi-led coalition has prevented the pro-Hadi forces from advancing in Nihm, Taiz, Hodeidah and other areas," he told the Yemen TV channel.

"When our forces arrived to those areas within a few days, the coalition instructed them to stop," he added.

Khusroof, who was suspended by Hadi after his interview, said the Yemeni forces would have defeated the Houthis in Hodeidah but for the "orders" of the coalition and its US and EU allies.

He added that the coalition did not provide the Yemeni army with the weapons necessary to win the war, unlike the Houthis, who he said had better equipment because of Iranian backing.

Khusroof said that the desire not to end the war, in his opinion, was the coalition's fear that a victory by the Yemeni army would also be a victory for the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, also called al-Islah, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.

"That is a big lie," he said. "We are not allowed to fight until victory."

Yemeni soldiers who spoke to Middle East Eye on condition of anonymity echoed Khusroof's sentiments, adding that a number of Saudi air strikes had targeted their forces in attacks that were described as "mistakes" by the coalition but which the soldiers believed were deliberate.

(* A K P)

UAE Ensures Iran of Revising Policies in Southern Yemen

Senior Emirati officials have reassured Tehran that they will start a major shift in policy in Yemen's Southern provinces and launch intelligence cooperation with Ansarullah Movement, a senior member of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) of Yemen claimed on Saturday.

The UAE has recently reached an agreement with Iran and within the framework of the agreement has promised Tehran that it will shift the state of political affairs in the Southern provinces of Yemen, said a senior member of the STC, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, to Arabi21 news outlet.

He added that the military and political heads of the STC, which is backed by Abu Dhabi, are among those who will be targeted by the new revisionist polices of the UAE in accordance with the agreement with Tehran.

According to the same source, now disagreements and rivalries have intensified among different fractions within the council, specially between the party of ‎Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, who chairs the council, and the party of Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, the secretary general of the STC.

"One of the articles of the comprehensive agreement reached between Tehran and Abu Dhabi entails the UAE's intelligence cooperation and coordination with Ansarullah Movement," the source claimed.

The UAE seems to have started a U-turn in its regional polices after Iran's tough warnings to Abu Dhabi about the dire consequences of the UAE’s destructive polices in the region.

and also

My comment: By an Iranian source. This would be a complete U-turn. I doubt at it.

(* B K P)

Failure in Yemen to be ‘death sentence’ of Saudi monarchy: Prof. Cavell

Professor of political science Colin S. Cavell believes that failure of Saudi Arabia “to reassert its hegemonic control over Yemen will be a death sentence on the continuation of the Saudi monarchy.”

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Colin S. Cavell, full professor of political science at Bluefield State College in Bluefield, West Virginia, pointed to different aspects of Saudi-waged war against the Yemeni people and Western’s countries’ continued support for the aggression despite human rights concerns.

He noted that “Saudi Arabia is bogged down in a quagmire which it will be difficult to extricate itself from but instead will eventually call into question the continued existence of the Kingdom itself.”

“Failure on the part of Saudi Arabia to reassert its hegemonic control over Yemen will be a death sentence on the continuation of the Saudi monarchy. A Yemeni victory in their war of independence from Saudi Arabia will provide hope and inspiration for the captive population of Saudi Arabia to rise up an install a legitimate peoples’ government.”

(* B K P)

Film: Is the war in Yemen changing?

There are two things going on right now which may have the potential to change that war.

One is the increased ability of the Houthis to hit back. On Thursday, they claimed two major attacks against Saudi-Emirati backed forces.

More significantly in the long term, is the UAE's decision to reduce its military presence in Yemen.

The move started a few weeks ago and, for the first time in six years, Emirati officials met an Iranian delegation in Tehran.

What now lies ahead for the coalition? And is there any room for diplomacy?

Guests: Simon Mabon - senior lecturer in international relations at Lancaster University; Hussain al Bukhaiti - a pro-Houthi journalist and Yemen affairs specialist; Rami Khouri - senior public policy fellow at the American University of Beirut =

(* B H K)


The official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Youssef Al-Hadhari, revealed Over the past 52 months , Wednesday, the horrendous outcome of the siege imposed by the countries of the coalition on Yemen, dealt with by international organizations only by issuing statements warning of the disastrous health conditions experienced by Yemen.

He pointed to the destruction of the large health facilities, reaching five hundred facilities completely destroyed and 50% of the health facilities that are out of work and that more than 128 high-priced drugs are not in drug market and 28 type that do not reach patients.

He explained that 48 thousand employees of the health work cadres as doctors, nurses, managers and pharmacists have not received their salaries for 36 months because of the transfer of the Central Bank to Aden, adding that”epidemics have also emerged, such as cholera, diphtheria and measles, where the number of cholera suspicion cases reached a million and 600 thousand with 3 thousand and 7 hundred deaths since 2017 to date.”

The Health Ministry spokesman said more than 2 million and 200 children under the age of five were affected by malnutrition, of whom 400,000 were malnourished and needed urgent treatment, as well as one million and 200,000 malnourished pregnant women.

Al-Hadhari stressed the high number of deaths of patients who have not been able to travel since the closure of Sana’a Airport, more than 30 thousand people, in addition to 200 thousand need to travel urgently, including diseases of kidney failure.

(* B P)

Mobilizing Muslim Resistance to the Saudi War in Yemen

Yemeni Americans organizing against the war hope more Muslim organizations will use their platforms to end to the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

Yet as a Muslim American watching the Saudis cause the world’s worst humanitarian tragedy, I wonder: How Islamic is Saudi Arabia? Are they the righteous representatives of Islam they so desperately portray themselves to be?

For many Muslims in the west, including myself, it’s been increasingly frustrating to witness our faith being exploited and weaponized in service of a regime that so wantonly violates human rights. Whether it’s the domestic repression, the brutal murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, or the blatant human rights violations committed in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is acting against what it means to pursue justice against oppression in the name of Islam.

Don’t take my word for it — ask the Yemeni Alliance Committee (YAC), a community advocacy organization founded in the Bay Area. They work to resist anti-Yemeni policies and promote stability and security for Yemenis and Yemeni Americans.

The Muslim community must be united to oppose a system that has weaponized hate to legitimize wars. We must stand firm and reclaim the true spirit of Islam that has been abused by the Saudi government and their pro-war proponents. If you are ever in doubt of what Muslim activism looks like in action, remember the Yemeni Alliance Committee.

(* A K)

Film: Hassan Al-Haifi war live.

Yemen Update and Breaking News by Hassan Al-Haif 1 August 2019
Latest military developments as Yemeni Forces and Public Committees launch 2 cross border raids:
1. By Qasef 2K drone air raid & Medium Range ballistic missile on Al-Jalal Military Base during a military ceremony attended by UAE commanders & mercenary militia commanders, with reported death of Munir Al-Yafei (Abu Yamamah), UAE trusted commander of Yemeni mercenaries and other mercenary officers.
2. By long range ballistic missile attack on a military installation in Al-Dammam City, in the far North East of Saudi Najd, which is the Capital of the oil rich Eastern Province of KSA. This is the farthest that Yemeni ballistic missiles have targeted.

(* B K P)

Paul Pillar: UAE Recognized Failure of Military Intervention in Yemen

Paul R. Pillar, a retired CIA officer, says the UAE has come to recognize that its military cooperation with the Saudis in war on Yemen has failed to make any achievement.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Pillar, who is now a nonresident senior fellow at Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies, said, “There was no sign that the Houthis were being militarily defeated.”

Below is the full text of the interview:

Q: Why has the UAE decided to retreat from Yemen? Does this withdrawal mean the Emirates defeat and failure?

A: Quite simply, the UAE recognized that the military intervention in Yemen was not accomplishing anything. There was no sign that the Houthis were being militarily defeated. The wars costs were adding up without comparable results. The Emiratis also no doubt took notice of how the Saudi-led war in Yemen was coming under increasing criticism in the United States. Insofar as Iran, as a backer of the Houthis, is as another factor in the war, the UAE move probably also reflects a judgment that constantly increasing tension with Iran is in no one's interests.

Q: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have started developing differences over Yemen. What do you think is their most important difference?

A: There are several differences in how the two allies were conducting the war and relating to factions inside Yemen. The Saudis were operating mostly in the air, while the Emiratis had more of a presence on the ground. The UAE has been more closely allied with Southern secessionist elements than the Saudis ever were. But probably the most important difference is that the war is closely identified with Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman as his personal project, in a way that it never was identified with leaders of the UAE.

(* B K P)

Why the United Arab Emirates Is Abandoning Saudi Arabia in Yemen

With the war in Yemen stalemated, the UAE has started pulling back—leaving its powerful ally holding the bag.

Saudi Arabia has not been particularly vocal about the withdrawal, but officials in Riyadh are reported by the New York Times as having “intervened with the Emirati leaders to try to dissuade them from the drawdown.”

There’s also the problem that the UAE is leaving behind competition and potential conflict between the militias it nurtured in the areas it held.

Riyadh may have a hard time accommodating the council’s wishes and managing other UAE-supported militias, such as the Security Belt Forces and the Shabwani and Hadrami Elite Forces, all nominally part of the Yemeni army, and the Salafi Amalqa and Abu al-Abbas Brigades. Saudi Arabia’s ostensible reason for intervening in Yemen was restore Hadi to power and to help maintain Yemen’s unity. So recognizing and cooperating with his rivals in the south would undermine Saudi Arabia’s original rationale for the war and harm its credibility.

These uncomfortable truths beg the question of why the UAE decided to leave in the first place. There are a few possibilities.

But whatever the exact reasoning behind the UAE’s decision to leave Yemen, one thing is clear: Saudi Arabia is in a bind. It cannot pursue an endless engagement in Yemen without partners with military means like the UAE, and it cannot simply pack up and leave, because that would amount to a strategic defeat that ensconces the Iranian-allied Houthis in northern Yemen.

It is thus not hard to imagine Saudi Arabia rethinking its relationship with its smaller neighbor, which would be detrimental to UAE’s interests. As a small state, the UAE needs the support of the kingdom on at least two fronts: facing up to challengers inside the Gulf Cooperation Council such as Qatar and Oman and opposing Iran’s activities in the Persian Gulf - by Imad K. Harb

My remark: More on this topic in cp1, and here below:

(* B K P)


This summer’s partial withdrawal of Emirati forces from Yemen, while the war still drags on, prompts the inevitable question – has anything been achieved by anyone in this conflict? Even the UAE – Saudi Arabia’s closest ally – pronounced on 22 July: “There was no easy victory and there will be no easy peace.”

Let’s start with the downside. What has been lost and the scale of the disaster here is quite staggering.

The Yemen war, now in its fifth year, has rightly been branded the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Estimates of those killed range from 10,000 to more than 70,000, the vast majority being Yemenis and an estimated two-thirds of those from Saudi-led air strikes.

Yet for Yemen’s legitimate, UN-recognised government and its Saudi and Emirati backers, this war has always been about preventing an unacceptable takeover of the country by a tiny minority with links to Iran – the Houthis. And in that, they have succeeded, albeit at a terrible price paid by the people of Yemen.

(* B K P)

UAE withdrawing from Yemen because Abu Dhabi believes Saudi-led war is unwinnable: NYT

A report sheds light on the motive behind a surprise decision by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — a key member of a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia — to pull its troops out of Yemen, saying Abu Dhabi has come to the conclusion that the war being waged on Yemen is “unwinnable.”

“In background briefings last month for Western analysts, the Emiratis said they were pulling back because the war appeared unwinnable,” the New York Times revealed on Thursday.

Abu Dhabi has publicly been saying for more than a month that they have begun a phased withdrawal of forces participating in the Saudi-led campaign against Yemen.

According to earlier reports, Abu Dhabi had previously attributed the troop withdrawal to a handful of different reasons, including domestic security concerns and support for UN-led peace efforts.

Following heightened tensions in the Persian Gulf between Iran and the United States earlier this year, Emirati officials had claimed the troop pullout had been because Abu Dhabi wanted to have forces and equipment "on hand" if needed.

Emirati officials have also at times been quoted as saying that the withdrawal of troops has been for “tactical reasons” or as being a shift towards a “peace-first” strategy.

However, last month, about the same time the NYT’s Thursday article claimed that Emirati officials had briefed Western analysts about the Saudi-led conflict appearing “unwinnable,” the newspaper had originally published a report claiming saying that the withdrawal was a “belated recognition” that the war was “no longer winnable.”

NYT didn’t attribute the observation to Abu Dhabi officials, however.

The piece, nonetheless, cited an unnamed Emirati official saying that the withdrawal was done to “support a shaky United Nations-brokered cease-fire in Hudaydah.”

The same article also said that several people briefed by the Emiratis on the matter had claimed that UAE officials had avoided announcing the withdrawal decision publicly “in part to minimize the unhappiness of the Saudis.”

However, the Emirati move has reportedly greatly upset Riyadh.

(A K P)

Member of Political Bureau Confirms ’No Immunity to Depth of UAE’ and its Forces

A senior leader in Ansarullah confirmed that Ansarullah supports changes in the UAE's political and military orientation in Yemen and the region.

"The Yemeni army froze its targeting at the depth of the UAE," the member of the political bureau of Ansarullah Mohammad al-Bekhiti said, stressing that this freeze does not mean "immunity for its forces and mercenaries in Yemen."

"There is a significant change in the policy of the UAE, both politically and militarily, so no one should expect us to face those positive steps negatively," he said in his Twitter account.

(A K P)

UAE Says Coordinated Redeployment From Yemen With Saudi Arabia

The United Arab Emirates has coordinated its moves in Yemen, including the redeployment of troops from the war-torn country, with Saudi Arabia, which is heading an international coalition supporting the Yemeni government, Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, the UAE minister of state for foreign affairs, said.

"The redeployment in Al Hudaydah is a result of a wide dialogue within the coalition. We discussed the strategy for the next stage [of a campaign] in Yemen with Saudi Arabia", Gargash wrote on Twitter late on Friday.

Gargash also said on Friday that Abu Dhabi and Riyadh shared position on the situation in the Persian Gulf area.

"As for Iran, our common position outlines the need to avoid standoff and to prioritize political efforts", Gargash explained.

My comment: Hmmm.

(* B K P)

America Role in Saudi Crimes in Yemen

Washington is agonizingly slow at learning from its mistakes too. Over the last five years or so in that critical but chaotic part of the world, the United States has repeatedly witnessed the limitations of using the blunt instrument of American military force to win that complicated political, social, economic and religious conflict. There is, of course, no better example of this failure to understand the limits of American military power than its disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq as well. And yet it is now back to making the same mistake, this time in Yemen.

The United States is failing in Yemen (and the entire Middle East, for that matter) ethically and strategically. America is complicit in the collapse of an impoverished, failed state that has spread the anti-American spirit all over the Middle-East. The US role in Yemen counts not only because millions may die, but because it matters how Americans are viewed in the world. The Yemen war has brought Riyadh and Washington mere defeat and failure and filled the world with hate for the Saudis and their American backers. Even if one is loath to discuss morals or human rights, consider it this way: Withdrawing support from Saudi aggression could save millions of civilian lives.

(A P)

Activists protest international silence towards Houthis’ crimes

Yemeni social media activists and civil society organizations began on Friday 2 August a protest campaign on social media sites against international silence towards crimes carried out by the Houthis militants against civilians.

The campaign which is named “week of silence” is intended to expose indifference and silence by international powers and organizations towards atrocious crimes carried out by the Houthis-affiliated militants.


(A P)

Statement of Condemnation of the crimes of Al-Houthi militias attacking civilians, mostly #children civil society organizations, condemn the horrific crimes, atrocities, & acts of violence committed against civilians in #Yemen by #Houthi militia.

(* B P)

A Feminist Peace Process: Yemen’s Future Is in Women’s Hands

It is not new that while armed conflicts impact women disproportionately, they remain massively under-represented in the attempts to bring the conflict to a close. Yemen is no exception. In the 2018 Peace talks that took place in Stockholm, the percentage of women negotiators was 4% . This is far below what is deemed fair, equitable and influential in terms of bringing women’s priorities and concerns to the process and guaranteeing its success and sustainability.

WILPF has, from the beginning, been closely monitoring and working to influence these peace talks in an effort to address the issue of women’s under-representation and to address the disproportionate impact of the conflict on women and girls.

In July 2019, we brought together a group of diverse Yemeni women leaders in Amman, Jordan, for a 5-day convening that aimed to support an inclusive Feminist Peace Process in Yemen.

While many means of digital communication have become available, it is still so important to bring women leaders and activists together in person. O

This meeting was the first stage of a two-year project led by WILPF and our Yemeni partner, the Peace Track Initiative, with the generous support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project is part of WILPF’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) approach through which we seek to preserve and grow the movement for feminist peace in the MENA region to achieve a peaceful and stable region where women’s rights and gender justice are upheld.

WILPF has been working in Yemen since 2012.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(B H)

Your Abilities: Summary of the main activities of the Organization for Jan , Feb and March 2019.

Human conditions are hard to forget in Yemen Many people are living without food or shelter As people from the countryside suffer of malnutrition and the leaves of trees has become their food. People live in great humanitarian crisis. With your cooperation and support we can reach them, We can't see people waiting without giving them . Without your support, we can't reach more of them.
Summary of the work of Jan , Feb and March 2019 :

(A H)

Children with special needs, they lost medical care due of the war led by coalition. We provided medicines for 10 children from 15 cases of we care them and provide their medicine monthly for more than two years. Thanks our brothers & all donor (photos)

Thanks to God & humanity of our donors, We provided medicines to over 28 patients & medical tests to 10cases in Sana'a & villages. Thks so much to our brothers, all donors 4 save lives of children in #Yemen (photos)

Arrived this morning from some villages north capital, we distributed medicines for many patients there . Thank you so much to all donors. Your donation save more lives in my country #yemen Please donate via link (photos)

(B H)

UN Children's Fund: Yemen: Nutrition Cluster Dashboard (January to June 2019)

(B H)

Yemen: Where Erada’s journey begins

Seven-year-old Erada was playing with her family outside their home in Yemen when they heard a horrifying sound: the whistle of falling bombs. Terrified, Erada and her four-year-old cousin Hada tried to flee, but it was too late. A shell exploded, injuring both girls.

One minute, there were sounds of children playing without a care in the world, and the next, two girls were being rushed to a hospital where they each had a leg amputated.

Humanity & Inclusion’s rehabilitation team in Yemen provided care to Erada immediately following her operation.

When a child loses a limb, their physical needs are obvious, but the psychological effects are often overlooked. Humanity & Inclusion’s team provided her with psychological and social support and led group therapy sessions where she met other children with disabilities.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H K)

Saudi forces free 81 Africans from Houthi grip

Saudi forces have set 81 Africans free from the grip of Iran-backed Yemeni Houthi militias at the liberated Al-Thabit Market in Qataber in Yemen's Saada Province, according to a Saudi-led coalition source.
The freed Africans, including 20 women and two children, were used by Houthi militias in human trafficking operations in Saada, the unnamed source was quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) as saying.
Houthi militias had kept them in an Al-Thabet Market hole and forced them to fight, dig trenches and transfer weapons, the source added.
The liberated Africans were taken to a shelter where they received immediate medical treatment as they had suffered so much due to famine and inhumane detention conditions.

and also


(A H K)

the Saudi Press Agency quoted a source in the coalition forces, "Saudi forces carried out a qualitative operation that succeeded in rescuing 81 Africans in the liberated market of Al-Thabet, in Qataber district of Sa'dah governorate, which was used by Iranian-backed Houthi militias for human trafficking operations in Yemen's Sa'dah. ".

The agency published pictures of the freed Africans as they received an emergency relief operation launched by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Action

However, the agency later removed the news of the liberation of Saudi forces to Africans from its official website, and deleted the tweets related to it from social media sites without commenting on the subject (photos)

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 2 August 2019

Key figures: 24.1 M people in need; 3.65 M displaced since March 2015

Funding: USD 198.6 M required for 2019 operations; USD 94.1 M received as of 30 July 2019

IDP Response

Since July, UNHCR, has been conducting verifications of families identified for assistance in eight IDP sites in Abs, Hajjah governorate through partner Jeel Albena. Upon completion, 5,000 out of the initial list of 12,000 families have been verified and confirmed to be in need of basic household kits (NFIs). UNHCR conducts a verification exercise prior to distribution for both NFIs and cash-assistance, in order to minimize possible fraud and ensure these interventions reach the most vulnerable.

UNHCR’s Shelter/NFIs Cluster continues to work on developing the most suitable shelter prototype that is adapted for the local climate and remains culturally appropriate.

(* B H)

World Day Against Human Trafficking: Must-Watch Documentaries

Speaking to both the victims and perpetrators of a multibillion-dollar industry that capitalises on human lives.

Human trafficking has become a multibillion-dollar industry, affecting nearly every country in the world.

To mark the United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we revisit some of our best documentaries to shed light on the issue

Trapped in Yemen

In this 2015 Al Jazeera World film, we hear the stories of refugees at Kharaz refugee camp and others in Sanaa trying to start a new life in the city. We speak to the agencies and officials and confront the smugglers exploiting human lives for profit. (films)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

The Yemeni journalists syndicate said on Friday masked gunmen, believed to be security members in civilian uniform, kidnapped journalist Abdulhafiz Al-Samadi from his home in capital Sanaa on Saturday.

(A E P)

Houthi authorities complete takeover of Yemen's oldest and largest mobile phone company and appoint new management

The Houthi coup authorities have completed their takeover of Sabafon , Yemen's oldest and largest mobile phone service company.

Sabafon company said in a statement issued on Thursday that an armed group affiliated with the Houthi group on Wednesday stormed the company's headquarters by force and took control of its administrations and imposed managers on the company affiliated with the group and forged its papers and stamps.


(A E P)

After the Houthis took control of the company in Sana'a. Sabafon moves its headquarters and operations to Aden

Yemen's mobile phone company Sabafon announced Saturday the transfer of its headquarters and operations to the City of Aden, the interim capital of Yemen.

The company invited its employees working at its former headquarters in Sana'a city to implement the council's decision and move on to their duties at the company's new headquarters in Aden.

(A P)

Child disappears following visitation to his detained father

A child was forcibly disappeared by the Houthis militants following a visitation to his detained father in Houthis-run prison in Ibb, central Yemen.

(A P)

Houthis organize 4,000 children school camps

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels said that they have organized 4,000 children school camps throughout areas under their control.

Yet, this is not for merely educational purpose. The rebels seize these school activities for promoting their Shiite ideology among children and military recruitment of the teenagers.

Reports released by the Houthis said that they registered 250,000 children during the first month of this year school camps. The Houthis-affiliated officials shut down all school camps that do not allow promotion of Houthis’ ideology and arrested organizers.

Sources said that elder children were taken from school camps to military training camps in preparation to be sent to warfronts.

My comment: Whatever the Houtis teach there, labeling this as „Shiite ideology“ is propaganda for Western eyes. The Houthis are no Shiites.

(A P)

Houthis kidnap Yemen international bank manager in Sana'a

Al-Houthi militia kidnapped the executive director of the International Bank of Yemen (private bank) and took him to an unknown location.

A source close to his family told Al-Masdar Online that Houthi gunmen kidnapped Ahmed Thabet al-Absi, general manager of the International Bank of Yemen, and took him to an unknown location.

The source explained that the kidnapping and concealment, against the backdrop of the Houthis' demand for the bank, to pay large sums of money in favor of the war effort.

and also

(* B K P)

Yemeni parents despair over Houthi recruitment of their children

“Umm Suleiman” recounted her deep sorrow over the disappearance of his son, Suleiman, 20, in mysterious circumstances in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, which is controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

She told Asharq Al-Awsat that he left the house around a week ago to attend a friend’s wedding in a nearby neighborhood in Sanaa and has not returned since.

“We do not know where he went. We have searched everywhere for him,” she said.

Her case is now a familiar story in Yemen. Hundreds of mothers have been left in despair over the fate of their children, who are often kidnapped by the Houthi militia.

Official figures revealed by Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Dr. Mohammed Asskar showed that since their coup against the legitimate authority, the Houthis have kidnapped over 30,000 children to recruit for their war effort. =

My remark: By a Saudi news site.

Remark by Fuad Rajeh: The Yemeni government told the United Nations Security Council the Houthi militia has recruited more than 30.000 children to fight against its forces. This figure of child recruits makes sense to me.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1c, cp1d

(A E P)

Marib. Gas facility increases cylinder price by 47%

The gas facility in Marib province in the east of the country on Friday announced an adjustment in the price of a domestic gas cylinder, an increase of about 47%.

A source in the Local Authority in Marib said the amendment was made by the Prime Minister.

He added to Al-Masdar online, that this increase came after the collapse of the price of the Yemeni riyal, as the price of the cylinder no longer covers the operating expenses.

(A P)

Al-Awlaki holds northern party accountable for animosity

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki held the northern party accountable for the animosity between the North and South.

(A K P)

Saudi Helicopters Target Populated Areas in Al-Maharah

Apache helicopter belonging to Saudi forces in Al-Maharah governorate targeted populated areas with shells. A number of houses were damaged and a state of fear spread among children and women in those areas. The civilians of the targeted area considered the targeting as an attempt to intimidate them.

On June Saudi aircraft bombed a gathering of the tribes of Shahan district, who reject the presence of Saudi military forces in the Directorate.

Saudi Forces moved into the province of Al-Mahrah despite being far away from conflict but its people have been protesting for more than a year; demanding the removal of these occupying forces from the province.

(A P)

Hadhrami Youth in Oil Rich areas Pressurize the Government

The Al Jaber Tribes' Youth Council in Hadramaut governorate escalates its actions to put pressure on the government.
In a statement which was issued yesterday The youth’s council said: " The government did not understand the peaceful language of the Hadhrami people when they demanded their legitimate rights !”

My comment: Separatists‘ propaganda and pressure against the Hadi government.

(A P)

Investigations into al-Galaa terrorist attack still underway: Sheikh Hani

"The South is the home of revolutionaries that can never bow down to Muslim Brotherhood within the legitimacy." Sheikh Hani said, adding that "the revolutionaries who snatched independence from Britain, their grandchildren will do the same with the (dogs) of Muslim Brotherhood and they will never have a foothold for their terror in the South."

(A P)

Socotra… Saudi Arabia supports legitimacy brigade with 29 military vehicles

The 1st Marine Brigade, a pro-legitimacy marine in the Province of the Socotra Archipelago, received military support from Saudi Arabia today.

The Marine Brigade is the military force that is present on the island and is loyal to Yemeni legitimacy, which in the past engaged the armed men of the security belt and the Socotra elite loyal to the Emirates in the port of Socotra.

The official Saba news agency reported that the support includes 29 military vehicles equipped with all military and security equipment, as part of the support provided to the legitimate military forces in Socotra to play their full role

My remark: They confront pro-Emirati separatist militia.

(A P)

After families of the dead soldier pressure. Attorney General assigns 3 judges to complete investigation into "events of al-Menin" in Marib

A human rights source said that the attorney general tasked three judges quickly to complete the investigation into the "Events of Al-Menin" file that took place early last month in Marib province.

The source added to Al-Masdar online, that the families of the soldiers who died by gunmen in the area of Al-Menin", on the outskirts of Marib city last month, went on Thursday to the building of the specialized criminal prosecution in charge of investigating the file, in order to pressure them to complete the investigation of the case.


(A P)

Protesters In Aden Demand To Try The UAE-Backed Leader Bin Brik

The relatives of the victim, “Samhan Abdulaziz Al-Rawi,” organized a protest in front of the judicial complex in the district of Khor Maksar this morning, to demand the acceleration of the trial hearings of those accused of his assassination.

(A P)

CSOs condemn international silence towards Houthi crimes against civilians

(A T)

Security Belt Commander Survives Assasination Attempt in Abyan

Brigadier General Ali Al-Mahouri survived an assassination attempt after an explosive device planted by terrorists on the side of the road between the areas of Lahmar and Al-Hasna targeting his convoy.
Al-Mahouri was not harmed as five of his companions sustained various injuries

and also (with photo)

(* A P)

Southern National Coalition Denounces Campaigns Against Sons Of Northern Provinces

The Southern National Coalition strongly denounced the campaigns carried out by the so-called security forces backed by the United Arab Emirates, against the sons of the northern provinces in the interim capital of Aden.

The coalition said in a statement on Saturday evening that it “is following with great concern the escalation of hostilities by some elements in the city of Aden against the ordinary workers and peddlers and displaced from the northern provinces and their families.”

“The Southern Coalition renews its condemnation of the attacks on the Aljala’a camp and the Sheikh Osman police station,” it said. “it also strongly condemns these unjust and irresponsible acts against our brothers from the northern provinces.

The Coalation explained that these actions are contrary to the teachings of our Islamic religion and customs and traditions and the Constitution and the law of Yemen, and contrary to international laws that criminalize the forcible return of refugees and displaced from the hell of war instead of securing citizens within their country.


(A P)

Sheikh Hani: When it comes to the security of the South all the people will act as a Security BeltThe vice president of the Southern Transitional Council Sheikh Hani Ben Berek has put an end to the hot debate and disruption in the capital.
Last night Aden has witnessed disruption and tensions concerning the unruly numbers of the displaced persons from the north.
In a tweet on his account, Ben Berek said, “ We hope that the people from the north do not resort to the South, especially Aden. Sleeper terrorist cells trigger terrorist attacks and facilitated for the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda terrorist operations. They collude with the Houthis by transferring the movements to target the southern leaders and the Arab coalition.
He called on those who are currently in the capital to carry IDs and proof of their place of residence.
Ben Berek revealed that some northerners celebrated in Aden and distributed drinks in some restaurants celebrating the tragic events which happened in Aden.
Sheikh Hani pointed out that as a result of the actions of those northerners, the disappointed public moved to close the restaurants and deport those who do not carry any proof of identity. The public has also seized weapons in some of those locations.
"When it comes to the security of the South, all the people of the South will act as a security belt and all its men will act as a security force”.

My comment: This sounds quite contradictory tot he preceding – it sounds like threatening people from the north and a call for southern mobs to act against northerners. – While another separatist leader is warning:
(A P)

Shatara warns of catastrophic outcomes in difficult times

Shatara wrote on his Facebook timeline "Leave it to the investigations to determine the individuals or organizations involved in the crime perpetrated against al-Galaa camp and Sheikh Othman Police Station in Aden, so don't cross the bridge before you come to it.
He added "pre-empting the course of events by determining who's involved will lead us to disorder with severe consequences

and this had happened:

(* A P)

Soldiers in the security belt forces burn goods of peddlers from the northern provinces

A local source and residents told Al-Masdar Online that soldiers belonging to Aden’s security belt forces burned vegetable stalls belonging to citizens from the northern provinces.

Cities in southern Yemen are experiencing tension a day after attacks in Aden in which dozens of police officers and security forces were killed and injured, and roads and city outlets were closed to people from northern provinces.

These practices are reminiscent of similar restrictions, deportations and arrests led by UAE-backed local forces against workers and vendors from the northern provinces two years ago.

A local source said that soldiers from the security belt forces burned goods of two vendors from northern provinces near al-Naqib Hospital in Mansoura.

Activists from the southern provinces warned of a wave of retaliation that could be led by elements in the belt against workers and simple people belonging to the northern provinces in light of the growing separatist rhetoric saturated with incitement against everything related to the north and holding it responsible for the security imbalances taking place in the city.


Comment: It is claimed that these video clips are from old news items of the forced expulsion of northerners from Aden and are being recycled to discredit the South, but I have heard this is happening from a number of sources. I have also heard that northerners who owned property in the south have had this confiscated with even the police being involved in the illegal take over of privately owned property. Has anyone any up to date information of this?

My remark: More on this topic in cp1.


(A P)

Mohammed Al-Houthi: Abuses Against Yemenis in Aden Confirms Terrorism of US-British Aggression and its Allies

The militias of the UAE have arrested since Thursday dozens of people from various Yemeni provinces in Aden, some workers and others traveling through Aden airport and owners of shops, in addition to storming the homes of citizens from the people of those provinces.

Media sources said that the militias of the so-called security belt belonging to the UAE seized the trucks and cars in the ports linking the southern and northern provinces.

and also


(A P)

President Hadi Calls for Restraint following Aden's Attacks Yesterday

The Yemeni President Abdulrabo M. Hadi called on the people to refrain from breaking the law and stop any violent acts which may cause chaos in Aden or the neighbouring governorates.

The President stressed the importance of achieving security and stability and rejected individual actions towards the people from any governorate. He said that any unlawful acts will bear consequences and repercussions which will only benefit the Houthi militias.
President Hadi directed the local authorities and security agencies in Aden, Lahj and Al Dalea governorates to stop any illegal practices against citizens and private property.
He rejected the wrong practices carried out by some outlaws following the terrorist attacks in Aden yesterday.

(A P)

Info Minister stresses imperative of media message to counter sectarian ideology

Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani affirmed the importance of designing a targeted media message to counter the sectarian ideology and calls for dividing the country’s social fabric as practiced by the Houthi militia.

In a journalistic training workshop in Riyadh, he cited what the press institutions, the public and private ones, endured over the past five years at the hands of the Iran-backed militia that had mounted a coup and triggered a devastating war.

My comment: More propaganda, please.

(* B P)

Formalizing the Informal

State and Non-State Security Providers in Government-Controlled Taiz City

Main Findings

At the onset of the 2015 conflict in Yemen between the internationally recognized government and Ansarallah (Houthis), state institutions and frameworks collapsed in southwestern Taiz city. While much of the former police leadership remained in place, the rank and file had to be rebuilt after the relative reestablishment of stability.

Informal actors, in particular sheikhs and aqils, expanded their roles as security providers. After the state framework collapsed, the degree of arbitrariness in security provision increased. Today, security structures overlap in their functioning, without clear hierarchies.

Informal actors have become security actors as well as security threats. While these actors mediate in conflicts and manage public security, some are at the same time involved in armed clashes and criminal activity.

Over the course of 2017, formal institutions gradually began to function again in southwestern Taiz city through the internationally recognized government. When asked in 2017 which actor is usually the first to respond to security incidents, a plurality of 37 percent of respondents in resistance-controlled areas said the police/security authorities.

Although overall confidence in the police increased between 2017 and 2019, Taiz residents are disappointed with the performance of the police, with a 2019 survey recording a 40 percent increase in the number of respondents who said that the police are not active in their area.

Cooperation between formal and informal actors is characterized on the one hand by the state’s efforts to gain control over all security services and reestablish an order of command, but on the other hand, many actors base their preferences for coordination on political loyalties.

Police in Taiz lack training, uniforms and basic equipment, including vehicles, computers, phones, weapons and armor.

Non-state actors, the sheikhs and aqils, lack knowledge of basic administrative processes, resulting in a situation that hampers coordination with state institutions and encourages cooperation with actors based on political or personal loyalty.

(A P)

Yemeni PM: We Have No Contacts with STC, We Appreciate Sacrifices

Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Moeen Abdul Malik said there were no contacts between his government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), but stressed that he was seeking to improve the political environment through democratic practices.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Abdul Malik said he appreciated the role assumed by a number of STC leaders and the forces of the southern and national resistance in defeating Houthi militias.“We are open to all forces and realize the importance of aligning them in the face of the Iranian project in Yemen, in order to reach understandings to maintain the country’s integrity and respect for the laws,” he noted.

(* B T)

A crime in a mosque. Organization reveals details of execution of 5 civilians by UAE-backed forces in southern Yemen

The (SAM) Organization for Rights and Freedoms on Saturday accused the UAE-backed security belt forces of killing five civilians last month at a mosque in al-Azarq directorate in the southern province of Al-Dhalea.

According to a report by the Geneva-run international organization, which investigated the killing of civilians on the 7th of last month in the village of "Hijrat Math’ad" of Al-Azariq Directorate in Al- Dhalea governorate, southern Yemen.

The report, entitled "Crime in the Mosque", said that recruits belonging to "Security Belt" forces operating and funded by UAE carried out an extrajudicial murder against 5 Yemeni civilians in al-Tawhid Mosque, during and after Friday prayers in the village of " Hijrat Math’ad ", in Al-Azariq Directorate.

The victims belonged to Hashmi families, who had long lived in the village and followed the Shafi'i sect, the report said.

According to the report issued by The Sam organization on Saturday, it listened to 11 eyewitnesses and more than 20 official documents and correspondence, including forensic evidence and forensic reports.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B K P)

Film. Saudi Arabia Unreported

What do you think of the relation between Abu Dhabi and Riyadh ?

(A P)

Sunni Salafi cleric Saleh AlDhimairy died #Saudi prison yesterday due to torture & deprivation of medical care. I noticed his case was ignored by int human rights orgs due to his religious choices. Torture is the default in Saudi prisons.

(* B P)

The Restructuring of Saudi Arts and Entertainment

Since the initial announcement of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s economic and social reform plan, Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has undergone a transformation in cultural public display, drastically changing the landscape of art and entertainment.

As the country’s entertainment sphere changes at such a rapid pace, the kingdom has tried to establish supporting infrastructure.

The focus on increasing the kingdom’s cultural expansion has been a top-down approach, like much of Mohammed bin Salman’s vision. New authorities, the General Entertainment Authority and General Cultural Authority, were established through royal decree on May 7, 2016. These were joined by the Ministry of Culture created in 2018, which itself will launch 11 specialized agencies encompassing music, museums, and performance arts. Saudi Arabia has also integrated previously independent organizations and individuals into the government structure and utilized a quasi-government model (operating between the private and government sectors) to further the entertainment agenda. The budding Saudi arts and cultural sector has been brought under formal control and institutionalized to support the broader socioeconomic transformation outlined in Vision 2030.

(A P)

Israel, Saudi Arabia Discussed Gas Deals, Netanyahu Ally Says

Saudi Arabia has looked into buying Israeli natural gas, according to a former member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, the latest sign of warming ties between two formally hostile nations.

The countries have discussed building a pipeline that would connect Saudi Arabia to Eilat, Ayoob Kara, citing conversations with “senior officials” in the region, said in an interview in Jerusalem. Eilat, the Israeli city that banks the Gulf of Aqaba and is about 40 kilometers (24.9 miles) from the border, was chosen for its proximity to Saudi Arabia.

and also

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia executes its own citizens with impunity. It is abhorrent that the UK will not label it a pariah state

It isn’t news that Saudi Arabia is one of the most heavy-handed proponents of the death penalty. What is shocking however, is the alarming increase in its use and, as with the cases of Al-Awdah and Al-Sweikat, the completely arbitrary way in which it is used.

In 2010 there were 27 confirmed executions. In 2015 there were 158 confirmed executions, most of whom were people who had participated in Arab Spring protests in 2013.

Saudi Arabia’s recent excessive use of the death penalty has not happened in a vacuum. It comes in the midst of a concerted campaign against human rights defenders and political activists. Since Mohammed bin Salman came to power in 2017, there has been a significant increase in the pressure exerted on critics of the regime.

It has become clear that international outrage is not enough to stop this illegal and wanton use of the death penalty in the Saudi kingdom. Despite the world’s lens being fully focused on human rights abuses there, very little progress has been made in stopping their arbitrary nature. It is for this reason that I am calling for more concrete action – by Helena Kennedy

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia lifts travel restrictions on women, grants them greater control

Saudi Arabia has allowed adult women to travel without permission and granted them more control over family matters, further eroding a heavily criticized male guardianship system at a time of heightened scrutiny over its human rights record.

A series of royal decrees published by the official gazette on Friday stipulated that a Saudi passport should be issued to any citizen who applies for it and that any person above the age of 21 does not need permission to travel.

The amendments to regulations also grant women for the first time the right to register child birth, marriage or divorce and to be issued official family documents and be eligible as a guardian to children who are minors.


(* B P)

Saudi Arabia runs a huge, sinister online database of women that men use to track them and stop them from running away

Saudi law says every woman must have a male guardian, who has enormous power over her life and travel.

The Saudi government has digitized parts of the guardian system, letting Saudi men manage women's lives online.

INSIDER spoke with Shahad al-Mohaimeed, a refugee who navigated this system to flee her family in 2017.

Guardians can specify when and from which airports women can travel, effectively trapping them in Saudi Arabia.

The system includes a text-messaging system that alerts men when women use their passports. They are often able to catch them as a result.

The system has existed for years, but it has come under renewed scrutiny after the high-profile asylum claim of the Saudi teen Rahaf Mohammed.

INSIDER also spoke with activists and women's-rights experts to highlight the full extent of the system.

Comment: This is the question. Will this database be made illegal when women can obtain their own passports and travel without permission.

(A P)

Amnesty International: Saudi Arabia: wider women's rights reforms should follow guardianship announcement

Saudi Arabia must follow up on crucial women’s rights reforms after today’s announcement that some major restrictions imposed on women as part of the country’s repressive male guardianship system are to be eased, said Amnesty International.

Amnesty is calling on the Saudi Arabian authorities to ending its ongoing persecution of women’s rights defenders in the country, immediately and unconditionally releasing those who are currently detained for their peaceful activism and dropping charges against others.

(A P)

Facebook says it dismantles covert influence campaign tied to Saudi government

Facebook said it had suspended more than 350 accounts and pages with about 1.4 million followers, the latest takedown in an ongoing effort to combat “coordinated inauthentic behavior” on its platform, and the first such activity it has linked to the Saudi government.

“The government of Saudi Arabia has no knowledge of the mentioned accounts and does not know on what basis they were linked to it,” the Center for International Communication, the government’s media office, said in a statement sent to Reuters.

and more


(* A P)

Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior in UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia

This week, we removed multiple Pages, Groups and accounts that were involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior on Facebook and Instagram. We found two separate operations: one of which originated in United Arab Emirates and Egypt, and another in Saudi Arabia. The two campaigns we removed were unconnected, but both created networks of accounts to mislead others about who they were and what they were doing. We have shared information about our findings with law enforcement, industry partners and policymakers.

We’re constantly working to detect and stop this type of activity because we don’t want our services to be used to manipulate people.

The individuals behind this activity posed as locals in countries targeted by this campaign — often using fake accounts — and created fictitious personas to run Pages and Groups, disseminate their content, increase engagement and drive people to an off-platform domain. They managed Pages that masqueraded as local news organizations.

(* B P)

Israel-Saudi Arabia Relations in Focus

Beneath the surface, relations are developing between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a powerhouse of the Arab world. Despite leaders’ efforts to keep their relationship low profile, Israel-Saudi relations over the last two decades have caught the attention of the Middle East and the wider world.

Israel’s burgeoning relations with Saudi Arabia, as well as ties with other Gulf states, mark an unprecedented shift as the focus of Arab countries switches from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to dealing with the Iranian threat. Although Israel and Saudi Arabia have not established any official diplomatic relations, both sides perceive Iran to be their greatest enemy. This common fear is pushing the two nations together, opening channels of diplomatic, intelligence, and business cooperation.

cp9 USA

(A E P)

National Energy Services Reunited Corp. awarded multiple contracts in Saudi Arabia

National Energy Services Reunited Corp. has reported awards valued up to US$660 million for coiled tubing and N2, stimulation services and cementing services for a period of 5 years with possible extensions of up to 2 years with the National Petroleum Technology Company, a subsidiary of NESR.

Dr. Mohammed Y. Al-Qahtani, Senior Vice President for Upstream, Saudi Aramco commented: “NESR is a key partner for Saudi Aramc

(A P)

First US Commercial Flight In 22 Years Lands In Saudi Arabia

THE first flight of a United States airline to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 1997 arrived at the King Abdul Aziz International Airport (KAIA) on Wednesday, carrying 168 passengers who have come to perform hajj.

(A P T)

Tulsi Gabbard defends debate claim that Trump supports Al Qaeda

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, defended her Democratic debate claim Wednesday night that President Trump is supporting Al Qaeda.

Gabbard cited Trump's "support and alliance with Saudi Arabia that is both providing direct and indirect support directly to Al Qaeda,” when she spoke to Shannon Bream of "Fox News @ Night" after the debate.

“How can you say Saudi Arabia is a great partner in fighting terrorism when they are fueling and funding terrorist groups in Yemen?” she added.

(A P)

Saudi think tank closes D.C. offices

Pro-Saudi Arabia Foundation hurt by donor loss, sexual assault lawsuit and Jamal Khashoggi killing: reports

The Arabia Foundation was a pro-Saudi think tank in Washington, known for communicating on issues important to the Kingdom to the American audience and their representatives. It abruptly closed this week, leading to speculation as to why.

Ali Shihabi, who opened the entity two years ago, said in a tweet the immediate closure was “due to ongoing differences among our donors that made continued operations difficult.”

Newsmax reported the foundation’s closure comes amid increased criticism of Saudi Arabia’s influence on U.S. policies after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

However, concurrent to Arabia ceasing operations is a lawsuit filed by Ola Salem by her attorneys, Gerstman Schwartz LLP, alleging sexual harassment and other types of abuse while she was employed by Mr. Shihabi.

The lawsuit alleges slander and defamation, invasion of privacy, intentional emotional distress, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, retaliation and more. Salem even alleges she was prevented from gaining employment after leaving Arabia.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Marine-Mission vor Irans Küste? Habeck für deutsche Beteiligung

Kaum eine Partei hat so ein schwieriges Verhältnis zum Militär wie die Grünen. Nun spricht sich Co-Chef Robert Habeck für einen deutschen Einsatz im Iran-Konflikt aus – unter Bedingungen.

Grünen-Chef Robert Habeck sieht Deutschland in der Verantwortung, sich am Schutz der Handelswege im Persischen Golf zu beteiligen. Erste Priorität habe zwar immer die Diplomatie, aber seien "alle diplomatischen Mittel ausgeschöpft, können wir uns eine Beteiligung Deutschlands an einer europäischen Mission vorstellen, wenn das hilft zu deeskalieren und es eine klare Rechtsgrundlage gibt", sagte Habeck der "Passauer Neuen Presse".

Mein Kommentar: Grün heißt heutzutage Olivgrün.

(* B P)

Film: Hormus-Mission: Was soll Deutschland tun?
Studiogast: Dr. Michael Lüders, Nahost-Experte

(B P)

Film: Militärischer Einsatz am Golf – „Nicht in eine Eskalationsspirale rutschen“
SPD-Außenpolitiker Nils Schmid spricht sich gegen eine Teilnahme Deutschlands an einer militärischen Aktion am Golf aus. Deutschland müsse alles dafür tun, um nicht an der Seite der USA in einen militärischen Konflikt mit dem Iran zu geraten

Anmerkung CG: Hier hört man, wie sich manche Journalisten der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien zu Fürsprechern für militärische Einsätze machen und vernünftigere Stimmen, wie Nils Schmid (SPD), welcher klar auf Diplomatie setzt, versuchen verbal unter Druck zu setzen. Da wird Diplomatie als gescheitert bezeichnet, der SPD wird “Zögern” vorgeworfen und letztlich sogar eine kriegerische Auseinandersetzung herbeigeredet. John Bolton dürfte es freuen. Was leider auch hier verkürzt erzählt wird, ist die Tatsache, dass zuvor Großbritannien ein iranisches Handelsschiff bei Gibraltar gekapert hatte und nun, ohne das zurechtfertigen, leider mit Gegenmaßnahmen des Iran zu rechnen war. Es wird auch nicht erwähnt, dass der Iran nicht Teil der EU ist und folglich auch nicht den völkerrechtswidrigen EU-Sanktionen gegen Syrien verpflichtet ist.

(* B P)

Film: Lüders: “Die Kriegsgefahr wächst mit jedem Tag”
NDR Info – Aktuell – 22.07.2019
Der Politikwissenschaftler Michael Lüders warnt nach den neuen Zwischenfällen in der Straße von Hormus vor einer Eskalation zwischen Iran, Großbritannien und den USA.,audio538234.html

(A P)

FM Zarif: U.S. Should Stop Isolating Itself

Iranian Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif on Friday reacted to the U.S. government’s move to leave the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty with Russia and said the international commerce and power are shifting and exiting from the treaty cannot reverse that.
"Int'l commerce & power are shifting: neither #EconomicTerrorism against China & Iran nor exiting #INFTreaty with Russia will reverse that,” Zarif said on his Twitter account.

(* A P)

Japan won't contribute ships to U.S. Middle East maritime force: Mainichi

Japan will not send warships to join a U.S.-led maritime force to guard oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz fearing a military response from Iran, but it may send patrol aircraft, said the Mainichi newspaper, citing unidentified government sources.

But Japan may send warships independently to protect Japanese ships in the world’s most important oil artery, the newspaper said on Friday.

(* A P)

US European, non-European allies reject US-led Persian Gulf naval mission

The US request to build a "coalition" against Iran in the Persian Gulf has been met with either silence or rejection, including a blunt “no” from Germany, the New York Times reports.

The United States and Britain have been shopping for support from Asian and European allies to corner Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, a vital passage way for global oil supplies.

The Trump administration has pledged to bring Iran's vital oil exports down to zero, but the shipments have continued to reach major customers, especially in Asia.

The UK waded into the standoff by seizing an Iranian oil supertanker off Gibraltar at the US request, according to local officials. Iran responded by detaining a UK-flagged oil tanker in the Persian Gulf.

Many other European leaders, however, have worked to keep their distance from President Donald Trump and his policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran to avoid being seen as aiding that policy, the New York Times reported.

The US is trying to project its campaign as a bid to secure the Persian Gulf, but "the Europeans argue that Washington created the problem in the first place by trying to kill off Iran’s oil exports", the paper said.

On Wednesday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that his country would not be joining the Americans. Spanish El Confidencial newspaper, citing an informed diplomatic source, also said Madrid had "no intention of participating in a mission led by the US in Hormuz".

Neither have France, Italy nor Sweden responded favorably to Britain’s suggestion of a European escort force, separate from the Americans, even after Iran seized the British-flagged tanker.

(A P)

Iran president: US sanctions on foreign minister ‘childish

Iran’s president lambasted new U.S. sanctions by the Trump administration targeting the country’s foreign minister, describing the move Thursday as “childish” and a barrier to diplomacy.

(A P)

US ‘ridiculous’ sanctioning of Zarif aimed at mounting pressure on Iran: IRGC

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has condemned imposition of sanctions on the country’s top diplomat, Mohammad Javad Zarif, as a “ridiculous” and “illegal” measure, which is in line with the United States’ policy of mounting maximum pressure on the Islamic Republic.

(*A P)

Iran, UAE sign document to boost maritime security cooperation

Iran and the United Arab Emirates have signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance maritime border security cooperation.

The document was signed by the commander of Iran's border police, Brigadier General Qassem Rezaie, and Emirati Coastguard Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Mosleh al-Ahbabi during a meeting in Tehran on Thursday.

The event took place after officials from Iran and the UAE met for the first time in six years in the Iranian capital to discuss ways of boosting maritime security.

Following the session, Rezaie said the document was inked in line with efforts to boost border cooperation and interaction between the two countries.


(* B P)

Tehran. Will the surprises end with the announcement of an alliance between them?!

Until just a month ago, the publication of a position or statement was beyond plausible, but this month the UAE and Iran surprised observers with positions, statements and information about their relationship, and about related files, such as the situation in Yemen, which make observers believe that this accelerated transformation will culminate in an announcement swore between them in the region.

These shifts in relationship began after the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the acting UAE ambassador on June 22, 2019, following the shooting down of a U.S. drone said to have originated from a U.S. military base in the UAE.

The following are the most important steps, positions and statements monitored by Al-Masdar online, which can measure the rapid improvement of Abu Dhabi's relationship with Tehran:


(A P)

Director of the Iranian President's Office: UAE changes its approach in Yemen and has different positions from Saudi Arabia

The director of the Iranian president's office, Mahmoud Wa’ezi, said the UAE is working to change its approach to Yemen, and is now adopting new positions different from those of Saudi Arabia.

"The UAE's reduction in the number of its troops in Yemen is evidence of this change in approach," Wa’ezi was quoted by Iran's Mehr news agency as saying.

"The Gulf should remain safe, and this should be ensured through the countries of the region," he said, adding that he hoped the Gulf would be free of any foreign forces, but that it would seem difficult to implement it.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(B K P)

Ronaldsway helped train pilots from two other States involved in war crimes against Yemen

Celtic League have received a reply from the MOD (RAF) to our query about the extent of training for foreign pilots at RAF Valley. The issue is focus and led to a question in the Manx Parliament Tynwald about the use of the Manx Civil Airport at Ronaldsway under an agreement with RAF Valley for training of aircrew.

The new information confirms that two of the Saudi coalition involved in the war crimes in Yemen (Kuwait and Qatar) also have had personnel trained at Valley.

(A E P)

Saudis Lead $550 Million Investment in U.K. Startup Babylon

Babylon Healthcare Services Ltd., the fast-growing mobile medical consultation service, said it raised $550 million to expand into the U.S. and Asia.

The investment includes capital from new investors such as Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, and valued the company at more than $2 billion, Babylon said in a statement Friday.

(* B P)

Revealed: Johnson ally’s firm secretly ran Facebook propaganda network

Sir Lynton Crosby’s firm CTF has built unbranded disinformation pages for Saudi Arabia and major polluters

The lobbying firm run by Boris Johnson’s close ally Sir Lynton Crosby has secretly built a network of unbranded “news” pages on Facebook for dozens of clients ranging from the Saudi government to major polluters, a Guardian investigation has found.

In the most complete account yet of CTF Partners’ outlook and strategy, current and former employees of the campaign consultancy have painted a picture of a business that appears to have professionalised online disinformation, taken on a series of controversial clients and faced incidents of misogynistic bullying in its headquarters.

Based on discussions with the current and former employees and examination of a large number of internal documents, the Guardian can reveal the extent of the astroturfing campaign:

How the company took millions of pounds from the Saudi Arabian government in 2018 to burnish the reputation of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has subsequently been implicated in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Greenpeace, Film: Keine Bomben für den Jemen-Krieg

Bomben aus Deutschland töten im Jemenkrieg. Wir fordern von der Bundesregierung: Schluss mit den Waffenexporten an die kriegführenden Parteien! Unterzeichnet unsere Petition

(A P)

Film: Stop the WAR in Yemen - Statement #8

Vom 25. bis 28. Juli 2019 fand in Friesack nahe Berlin zum 3. Mal das Friedensfestival Pax Terra Musica statt. Eine Nachbetrachtung und Impressionen vom Festival

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Risk of Iran Conflict Forces U.S. Gulf Ally to Rethink Policy

The [UAE from Yemen] drawdown points to a clash deep inside the axis that President Donald Trump built to curb Iranian influence after he abandoned the 2015 nuclear deal: some smaller Gulf states may support Trump’s “maximum pressure” policy in theory, but their economies -- and their security -- are vulnerable to a prolonged standoff.

“Iranian tensions are making the Emiratis concerned that any clash could result in the triggering of a general conflict,” said Ryan Bohl, a Middle East analyst at Stratfor.

“An expatriate exodus could happen with few Iranian rockets,” he said. “The Europeans and Americans working there would be the first to flee and that would cripple financial services and real estate.” The U.A.E.’s economic model is based on foreign workers, who comprise more than 80% of the population.

“It’s in our interest to do whatever we can to support stability,” a senior U.A.E. official said in a recent briefing with reporters. “We’ve also taken a position that the nuts and bolts, whether they are in Yemen or Sudan or Libya are local issues” that need to be agreed by political factions, the official said.

The U.A.E. has been delivering the same message in private since tensions spiked after Trump tightened sanctions on Iranian oil exports in May, according to a Western official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“It’s no doubt a very difficult decision for the U.A.E. to disengage from Yemen short of their objectives but also in a setting where it has the appearance of leaving the Saudis on their own,” said Barbara Leaf, U.S. ambassador to the U.A.E. until March 2018.

(* B P)

US alliance with Gulf Decays as UAE Strengthens Ties with China and Russia

While the Trump administration is indulged in a conflict with China and Russia, these powerful global nations have been finding ways to establish strong relations with the Gulf. Several media reports have stated that it is crucial for the Pentagon to develop weapons, since both its rivals are developing hypersonic capabilities that can potentially defeat conventional anti-missile defense systems.

However, weaponry is not the sole area that is slipping from the hands of the US. Trade, energy, investments, diplomatic as well as cooperative relations, have also enhanced between the Gulf monarchy and the US foes – Russia and China.

The UAE has been defying America by establishing stronger relations with both China and Russia. While the expanding distance with the allies is often blamed on the American policies, it could also be associated to the UAE’s nature of perceiving ties, which apparently strengthens strategic partnerships with countries facilitating its interests without a hitch.

(* B P)

Dubai's Princess Haya Wants Protection From City's Ruler. She's Not First

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktoum, a 70-year-old billionaire racehorse owner, has faced successive claims of mistreatment by women in his family.

An ongoing international custody battle between Dubai's ruler and one of his wives has undermined the deliberately cultivated image of the city as a playground for Western tourists that embraces modern sensibilities in an overwhelmingly conservative part of the world.

But Maktoum, a 70-year-old billionaire racehorse owner, has faced successive claims of mistreatment by women in his family. The cases have highlighted what activists have said are the emirate's regressive attitudes toward women's rights and free speech that are too often masked by the perception of Dubai as the Las Vegas of the Middle East.

This week, one of Maktoum's six wives, Princess Haya Bint Hussein, 45, appealed to Britain's High Court for a forced marriage protection order for one of their children, which can protect someone who has been or is being forced into marriage. Haya has been staying in London with her and the sheikh's two children and has indicated she does not intend to return to Dubai.


(A P)

17 Month anniversary of kidnapping of Sheikha Latifa, Tiina Jauhiainen and crew.

Today marks the 17 month anniversary of the kidnapping and disappearance of Sheikha latifa Al Maktoum. Please help us by sharing her brave story on social media and telling all your friends, colleagues and family.

(* A K P)


RWM, a subsidiary of the German firm Rheinmetall, has two Italian headquarters: one in Damusnovas, Sardegna and the other in Ghedi, Brescia. The company has received notice from the Italian parliament that some of its Middle East arms exports have been blocked by a motion approved by the Italian government. ‘We want to keep as many workers as possible employed,’ says RWM’s general manager.

For the next 18 months, RWM’s export licences for aerial bombs and components sold to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are being suspended. The company received notice of the suspension from the Italian parliament. On June 25, the Chamber of Deputies passed a motion, proposed by the parliamentary majority, that requested the Italian government block exports of some weapon types, including aerial bombs and missiles, to the two aforementioned countries until there is a real breakthrough in the Yemen peace process.

and also

cp12b Sudan

Siehe / Look at cp13b

(A P)

President of Sudanese Transitional Military Council Grants Medal of The Two Niles to Saudi Military Attaché in Sudan

My comment LOL.

(* B P)

Cash and contradictions: On the limits of Middle Eastern influence in Sudan

Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt have been heavily involved in Sudan following al-Bashir’s downfall. But not everything is going their way.

In Sudan, the revolutionaries who overthrew President Omar al-Bashir and who continue to organise are well aware of the threat posed by neighbouring Arab countries. Protesters’ murals show the people rejecting the interfering hands of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). One of the most popular chants is “Victory or Egypt”, voicing activists’ determination not to succumb to a military counter-revolution as happened in their northern neighbour.

These concerns over meddling are well-placed. After senior military figures in Sudan removed al-Bashir in April, Gulf monarchies promptly stepped in to shore up the new Transitional Military Council (TMC).

In this struggle between the “Pax Africana” and Arab authoritarians, there’s no doubt that the democrats have the weaker hand. But not everything is going the Arab troika’s way.

To begin with, some African states are resisting, albeit weakly.

Two other dynamics further suggest that Middle Eastern leverage in Sudan is constrained.

The first is divisions within the Arab troika.

So far, the troika has not grappled with the contradiction in their Sudanese policy. That as Sudan’s economic crisis deepens, they will have to turn to the IMF and western creditors for assistance. The limits of their influence will again be demonstrated.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp12

(A K P)

@AECSaudiArabia has been awarded a $57.8 million contract modification for the Royal #Saudi Air Force F-15SA Cyber Protection System and Related Facilities program. Work will be performed at #RSAF HQ, Riyadh, and is expected to be completed by July 31, 2022.

My comment: The Saudis had builtup their own arms industry.

(* B K P)

Uncertainty persists over BAE's £5bn Typhoon sale to Saudi Arabia

AE Systems refused to say how a ban on exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia in the wake of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi could affect a blockbuster deal to sell Typhoon jet fighters to Gulf nation.

The defence giant last year agreed a provisional sale with Saudi Arabia for 48 of the aircraft - which BAE builds as a member of a pan-European consortium with Airbus and Leonardo - as part of a £5bn-plus package.

However, in the wake of the murder of Mr Khashoggi, Germany imposed a ban on exporting weapons to Saudi, which accounts for 12pc of BAE revenues (paywalled)

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K pH)

Sudanese mercenary casualties continue to rise

Thousands of mercenaries reported dead since start of Sudanese participation in Saudi-led coalition

Yemeni sources have confirmed that the losses of the Sudanese Janjaweed has exceeded thousands of dead and wounded between the beginning of their participation in the Saudi-led coalition and the end of 2018.

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B C)

Historic Town of Zabid

Zabid's domestic and military architecture and its urban plan make it an outstanding archaeological and historical site. Besides being the capital of Yemen from the 13th to the 15th century, the city played an important role in the Arab and Muslim world for many centuries because of its Islamic university. (photos)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1c, cp6.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemen: Houthis ruined lives of four million children

Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Abdullah Al-Saadi told the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday that the Iran-backed Houthis militia ruined lives of four million children.

This came during an open debate on children and armed conflict at the UNSC where Al-Saadi explained that the Houthi militia use the bad economic standards of Yemen’s households to recruit children to fight for their side against the legitimate government.

He reaffirmed that this armed in conflict in Yemen will not be solved, but by ending the Houthis’ coup and restoring the government’s institutions from the rebels’ hands.

The GCC power transfer plan, the outcomes of the National dialogue Conference and UNSC resolutions on Yemen including the UNSC Resolution No. 2216 must be implemented to end the conflict,

My comment: The „back to 2013“ claim would petrify the Hdi govrenment’s rule and supremacy. „Air raids? Never heard. What’s this? Can you eat this? Blockade? Sounds nice. This is some kind of chocolate, is it?“

(A P)

Simultaneous attacks in Aden reveal coordination between Iran-backed Houthis and jihadist groups

Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed said the attacks by the Houthis and jihadist groups confirm “coordination and complementary under clear Iranian management.”

Observers said there was strong coordination between the Iran-backed Houthis and the jihadist groups of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in carrying out simultaneous attacks in Aden in which at least 49 people were killed.

The attacks August 1 also highlighted Iran’s role in enabling the massacre by providing the Houthis with advanced weapons, observers said.

The internationally recognised Yemeni government said the “source and purpose (of the attacks) were the same.”

“The two attacks prove the Houthi militia rebels and other terrorist groups are sharing roles and complementing each other in a war against the Yemeni people,” the government said in a statement.

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed al-Jaber posted on Twitter that “the simultaneous targeting” by Houthi militias… “is a strong indicator” of working with “sister terrorist organisations” the Islamic State and al-Qaeda.

and also

(A K P)

KSA Affirms Its Determination to Take All Measures to Protect Children in Armed Conflict in Yemen 1 New York

"The UN officials have failed to provide the Coalition Command with full information about the casualties, their place, date, time and evidence. In the absence of such accurate information, the charges remain mere speculations" he said.
In which the Coalition Forces were given sufficient details. These cases were of great concern and independent investigations were conducted and detailed reports were issued clarifying the circumstances of each case and taking measures to hold those responsible accountable.
The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom affirmed the commitment of the Coalition Forces Command to cooperate fully with the UN and the Yemeni authorities in order to take all necessary measures to restore the Yemeni children recruited by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias to their country and to assist the Yemeni authorities in rehabilitating them and preparing them for a return to normal life.

My comment: „Air raid? Never heard. Can you eat this?“


(A K P)

Saudi Arabia Says Determined to Take All Measures to Protect Yemeni Children

Saudi Arabia has stressed its determination to take all necessary measures to protect children in Yemen’s armed conflict, referring to the child protection unit established within the Joint Forces Command of the Arab Coalition in line with an agreement with the United Nations.

Its stance was announced on Friday by Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Abdullah Al-Maalami, during a day-long open debate on children and armed conflict at the Security Council.

My comment: LOL.

(A K P)

UAE underlines its commitment to protecting children in armed conflict

At the UN Security Council’s annual Open Debate on children and armed conflict, the UAE reaffirmed the commitment of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen - of which the UAE is a member - to complying with obligations under international humanitarian law, and underscored the seriousness with which the Coalition takes its responsibility to protecting all civilians in armed conflict – particularly children.

In a statement delivered by Amiera AlHefeiti, Deputy Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN, the UAE added that the Coalition continues to work closely with UN and other international partners to further enhance the protection of children in Yemen.

(A K P)

The UN Envoy is a lame-duck at this stage. He is useless. The bloodbath in the South of #Yemen, Hajour, Dhala is a byproduct of his #Stockholm project. There is more violence in areas that were once stable than peace, thanks to his short-sighted efforts.

Grave concern, not strong condemnation, was the only thing the UN Envoy offered #Yemen in one of its bloodiest days. A carefully calibrated message so not to offend #Houthis or hold them accountable. Over 30 young men killed in #Aden and the UN is afraid of offending the killer.

A meek, muffled, gutless statement by the UN Envoy to #Yemen @OSE_Yemen and a failure to condemn a terrorist attack by the #Iran-backed #Houthi militia in #Aden, #Yemen, which HOUTHIS took responsibility for! Houthis massacred over 30 men. This UN attitude enables violence.

and also

My comment: It’s war -and how horrible ever this attack is, it was a military target.

(A P)

What Yemenis think of international tolerance with Houthis?

Years of international war have almost totally wiped Sunni teror groups from the world and the region, to the point that the extreme opposite of Sunni terrorist groups, Shia terrorist groups, took over in some places of the region where al-Qaeda was driven out.

In Yemen, al-Qaeda has been beaten long ago and dismantled as an organization so much so that only small terror cells or "lone wolves" remained, with no ability to control any significant territory or pose any serious threat. ISIL is widely said to be active and has a signifcant presence, an exaggeration that only arouses skepticism about the intent behind it.

The Houthis, a Shia terrorist group, however controls most of north Yemen with balllistic missiles and drones in their arsenal. They have been clearly gaining influence since 2004 unchalleneged. At the beginning (2004-2008) they fought bouts of armed rebellion on the name of winning more rights and freedoms for their sect which ringed true to many local and international onlookers who sympathized with them.

Later (in 2014) they seized power and it became clear that they had been fighting those on and off wars only to reach the final goal – the theocratic dynastical rule they have imposed now.

As an extremist religious organization with arms in

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA's Great and Noble Positions Towards Peoples in Arab World

Al-Yaum newspaper pointed in its editorial to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's stressing in Gulf, Arab and Islamic summits held in Makkah at the end of last May that the Palestinian cause is its first issue until the Palestinian people restore their rights and establish an independent state, along with the directives of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to host 2000 pilgrims from the families of the martyrs of the Yemeni National Army and the Popular Resistance participating in the Determination Storm and Renewal of Hope Operations within the Program of the Guests of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to perform Hajj rituals this year. The paper noted that these great and noble positions have come as an extension of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's support for peoples in the Arab World at all levels and for all regional issues since its foundation by the late King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman until the glorious era of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Iranian Terrorists Demand $80 Million to Stop Mass Ecological Disaster

Houthis blocking access to stranded oil tanker seen as large 'floating bomb'

(A P)

Why the Middle East Policies Favored by Sanders and Warren Would Be Counterproductive

Saudi Arabia is perhaps the worst possible place to test a progressive foreign policy

As Democrats prepare for their second round of presidential-primary debates this week, many of the contenders for the nomination are rolling out their foreign-policy platforms to try to pass the commander-in-chief test. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who are competing to emerge as the standard-bearer of the party’s progressives, are at the head of that pack and have already given major speeches about global affairs. Unfortunately, their Middle East policies would be disastrous for the United States and would empower the very autocracies they claim to oppose.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda and

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Aug. 2:

Aug. 1:

July 31:

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Aug. 3: Saada p., Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1c

(A K pH)

14 Sudanese soldiers killed in Yemen: Houthi spokesman

Al-Houthi group in Yemen said on Friday evening that it carried out a missile attack on a camp in which Sudanese soldiers were present in Hajjah province, killing 14 soldiers and wounding nine.

“Fourteen Sudanese soldiers were killed and nine others were wounded after targeting a camp in al-Tinah area west of Hiran town in the province of Hajjah, adjacent to the Jizan region of Saudi Arabia,

(A K pH)

Yemeni Air Defenses Down Spy Drone in Jizan

(* A K pH)

Badr-F Ballistic Missile Strikes Camp of Saudi Army and Mercenaries off Najran

Badr-F ballistic missile struck, on Saturday, a recently constructed camp for the Saudi army and its mercenaries across from Najran, killing and injuring dozens.

“The Rocketry Force launched -thanks to God- a ballistic missile, Badr-F, on a recently constructed camp for the Saudi army and mercenaries south of Saqam off Najran,” the spokesman of the Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e said.

Brigadier Sare’e confirmed that the ballistic missile hit its target accurately, pointing out that this strike came after a precise intelligence operation of their gatherings.

He pointed out that the strike caused dozens of deaths and injuries among the Saudi soldiers and mercenaries (photos)

My comment: As claimed by the Houthi side. Look at the photos, this might be serious.

(A K pS)

National army downs Houthi drone in Hajjah

(* B K pH)

Brigadier Saree: The Air Force Drone’s Unit Has Carried out 60 Offensive Operations during Past Three Months

Armed forces spokesman Brigadier, Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree, said that "during the past three months, the Air Force Drone's unit carried out 60 operations, with an average of two operations every 72 hours."

Brigadier General Saree said at a press conference, on Friday, that the most prominent operations targeted the headquarters, bases and facilities of the enemy, including 16 operations on the Abha Airport, 14 operations on the Jizan Airport, 11 operations on Najran Airport and 9 operations on Khamis Mushait Air Base.

and also

(A K pH)

Rocketry Force Unveiling 3rd Gen. of Long-range Ballistic Missile, Borkan, System

The Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees unveiled the 3rd Gen. of the long-range ballistic missile, Borkan, capable of striking military and vital targets the depth of the countries of aggression. Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier-General Yehia Sari, said, at a news conference on Friday, that the Rocketry Force succeeded in hitting a military target in Dammam in the depth of the Saudi Arabia with a long-range ballistic missile, Borkan-3.

Brigadier Saree said that the ballistic missile, Borkan-3, is the 3rd Gen. of a long-range Borkan system capable of covering the geography of all the countries of aggression. He said that Borkan-3 has undergone successful experimental operations and technology development to bypass the enemy's radar systems.

(A K pH)

Aug. 2: In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Shida district.

(A K pH)

Yemen’s Houthis claim captured 15 military bases in Saudi Arabia

Houthi militias claimed yesterday that they had captured 15 military bases in the Saudi Arabian cities of Jazan and Najran in 72 hours, Al Khaleej Online reported.


(A K pS)

Coalition to Support of Legitimacy, in Yemen, Dismisses Houthi Militia's Claims of Capturing Military Positions, in Najran, Jizan, over the past few days

and also

(A KpS)

Four children & woman injured by Houthi shelling in Al-Dhale

one of the shells hit the house of Abdullah Naji al-Faqih, while celebrating the engagement of one of his sons.

(* A K pH)

For First Time, Long-range Ballistic Missile Hits Military Target in Dammam, Far Eastern Saudi Arabia

The Rocketry Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees struck, Thursday, for the first time a military target in the far eastern region of Saudi Arabia with a long-range ballistic missile.

"With the help of God, the Rocketry Force, this morning, launched a long-range ballistic missile aimed at an important military target in the Saudi depth in Dammam in a new and practical test of Yemeni missile power," Brigadier Yahya Sare'e said in a statement.


(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis say launch missile at military site in Saudi's Dammam: TV

Yemen’s Houthi group said on Thursday it had targeted a military site in Dammam in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province with a long-range missile, its TV station Al Masirah reported.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Desert Locust Bulletin 490 (2 August 2019)

SITUATION. Control operations (1 300 ha) declined in Saudi Arabia. Hopper bands and swarms formed in Yemen and 4 600 ha were treated. A few swarms moved to northeast Somalia and Oman. Breeding occurred in Ethiopia and bands formed in northwest Somalia. Adult groups were treated (1 180 ha) in Sudan.
FORECAST. More swarms will form in Yemen and another generation of breeding will cause a further increase in locust numbers that could affect southwest Saudi Arabia. Hopper bands could form in Ethiopia while smaller-scale breeding will occur in Sudan and western Eritrea.

(A P)

Yemeni pilgrims’ final batch leaves for Hajj

The last batch of Yemeni Hajj pilgrims left for Saudi Arabia on Thursday onboard an Emirati aircraft, under a grant by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.
This is the fourth year His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed’s pilgrimage grant is offered to families of the Yemeni martyrs.
The pilgrims expressed happiness on being able to undertake the Hajj pilgrimage and thanked and appreciated the support of the UAE’s leadership, government and people.

(B D)

This man escaped war-torn Yemen and became the world's foremost coffee evangelist

"Coffee will outlast bombs," says Mokhtar Alkhanshali, founder of the Port of Mokha. Having survived through hardships, he is now helping farmers back in his country, teaching at Yale and UC Berkeley, and is the subject of an award-winning book by David Eggers

The founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of coffee company Port of Mokha is known worldwide for escaping war-torn Yemen with but coffee samples in hand. The former doorman of a high-rise in San Francisco, California began a journey to bring Yemeni coffee to the world—discovering many truths about life in the process.

(A D)

Film: Yemen | Despite the war and the blockade.Taiz University graduates a new batch of arts students

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-561 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-561: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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