Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 591 - Yemen War Mosaic 591

Yemen Press Reader 591: 28. Okt. 2019: Bilder aus einem Krieg, den die Welt nicht sehen will – Al Kaidas Herrschaft im Jemen – Das geheime britische Programm zur Unterstützung der Saudis ...

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... Südjemen: Vertrag zwischen Hadi-Regierung und Separatisten ist fertig, Details werden veröffentlicht, die Saudis besetzen Aden – und mehr

Oct. 28, 2019: Images from a war the world does not want to see – Al Qaeda’s governance in Yemen – Britain’s secret Saudi military support programme – Southern Yemen: Agreement between Hadi government and separatists is finished details are published, the Saudis occupy Aden – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(** B H K)

Die Verlorenen im Jemen: Bilder aus einem Krieg, von dem die Welt kaum Notiz nimmt

Die Welt blickt auf die Saudis, die Huthi und ihre Waffen. Der Fotograf Lorenzo Tugnoli dokumentiert eine Seite des Jemenkriegs, die nur wenige zu sehen bekommen: den Alltag zwischen den Fronten.

"Ich stellte mir vor", sagt Tugnoli, "wie Menschen in Deutschland reagieren würden, wenn in einem Krankenhaus ein Kind an einer Lungenentzündung stirbt." Aber der Jemen, sagt er noch, liege eben sehr weit weg. Seine Fotos sind ein Versuch, das Land ein bisschen näher zu holen. Es ist ein nicht endender Konflikt, der es im Westen nur noch in die Schlagzeilen schafft, wenn er überregionale Auswirkungen haben könnte. So wie jüngst, als es hieß, die Huthi hätten Saudi-Arabiens zentrale Ölraffinerie angegriffen. Und damit den Ölpreis. Doch auch wenn niemand in den Nachrichten über den Jemen spricht, geht dort alles weiter wie in den Jahren zuvor. Das Sterben. Der Hunger. Die Hilflosigkeit.

Von Beginn an gehörte es zur Strategie der Saudis, keine Journalisten in den Jemen zu lassen. Niemand sollte dokumentieren, was dieser Krieg anrichtet. Der italienische Fotograf Lorenzo Tugnoli ist einer der wenigen, denen es trotzdem gelungen ist, durch das Land zu reisen – zweimal, zum ersten Mal im Mai 2018.

Es gibt ein paar Formulierungen, die immer zu hören oder zu lesen sind, wenn es um den Jemen geht: "der vergessene Krieg" zum Beispiel oder auch: "die größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt". Hilflose Floskeln, die schon lange niemanden mehr aufrütteln.

Denn "die größte Katastrophe" findet in einem Land statt, in dem kaum ein Europäer je gewesen ist. Millionen Menschen sind auf der Flucht – aber raus aus dem Jemen schafft es fast keiner. Und nach Europa schon gar nicht.

Was die Männer, Frauen und Kinder aus ihrer Heimat vertreibt, ist kein typischer Krieg. Die meisten Opfer werden nicht in Gefechten getötet. Die schlimmste Waffe ist der Hunger. Bis Ende 2019, schätzt die UN, werden 102.000 Menschen in Kampfhandlungen umgekommen sein. Und weitere 131.000 durch Hunger oder die Folgen des Mangels – wie Seuchen und Infektionen. Es sind geschätzte Zahlen, weil die meisten Menschen in Gegenden umkommen, in denen niemand die Toten zählt.

Lorenzo Tugnoli kennt beide Seiten der Front im Land, er ist zu den Kämpfern der Huthi gefahren und zu denen ihrer Gegner. Er besuchte Flüchtlingslager, Märkte, Schulen. Er wollte zeigen, wie es im Jemen aussieht. Wie die Menschen leben. Die Momente einfangen, in denen aus dem Krieg ein einzelnes Schicksal wird: wenn ein Junge über den Schutt balanciert, der einmal ein Haus war. Wenn Menschen an einem Gemüsestand vorbeigehen und wissen, dass sie sich nicht mal eine Tomate leisten können.

Wenn eine junge Frau, Dschamila, in einem verlassenen Haus in Aden auf die Geburt ihres Kindes wartet.

In Aslam, im Nordwesten des Landes, hat Lorenzo Tugnoli eine Klinik für solche Kinder besucht. Er verbrachte zehn Tage dort. Jeden Morgen kamen sie an: Familien mit kleinen Jungen und Mädchen, deren Rippen sich unter der Haut abzeichneten. Tugnoli fotografierte eine Mutter, Fatima, die ihre Tochter Nada in eine Plastikschüssel hob, welche mit einem Seil an einer Waage befestigt war. "Alle Eltern wollten mir ihre Kinder zeigen", sagt er. "Sie wollten sie der Welt zeigen."

Der Jemen ist ein Land, in dem relativ wenig Geld viel erreichen könnte. Viel Leid könnte verhindert werden, wenn es nur genug internationalen Druck gäbe, einen Deal, eine gemeinsame Anstrengung – von Raphael Geiger (Fotos von Lorenzo Tugnoli)

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Siehe oben / Look above.

Südjemen / Southern Yemen. cp6

(** B T)

“Their Fate is Tied to Ours”: Assessing AQAP Governance and Implications for Security in Yemen

Executive Summary.

Global attention has for many years now been fixated on Islamic State and their governance project in Syria and Iraq – the most successful case globally which lasted from 2014 until early 2019. Yet, this was not the first instance of terrorist governance, nor is it likely to be the last. In fact, a growing number of jihadist groups appear to be engaging in various levels and
aspects of governance in order to gain and maintain local support, particularly in areas with limited or troubled government presence. Governance has also proven to be a useful source of revenue and material gain for many of these groups, including for al‑Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen.

Starting in Yemen in 2011, AQAP conducted the first successful instances of prolonged al‑Qaeda governance in the cities of Jaar and Zinjibar – cities they held for over a year. Returning in 2015, the re‑seized these two cites. Most significantly, they held and administered the port city of Mukalla for over a year. Beyond this, numerous cases of small scale governance were recorded in Yemen up to 2017.

This report describes the evolution of AQAP governance, outlining how an initially severely repressive approach which engaged hudud punishments was reigned in, in favour of a more ‘hearts and
minds’‑based approach. It also highlights unique aspects of this governance that were identified as lending to its success in cases such as Mukalla, such as the use of local actors to implement government administration, as well as effective and timely provision of social welfare and public works. Finally, it examines how and why these governance campaigns came to an end. This report holistically collates and analyses the most successful cases of AQAP governance in Yemen. It also highlights the many additional and often overlooked instances of small-scale governance that were less spectacular in nature.

This report is comprised of three sections. The first describes what jihadist governance is through a review of both jihadist governance and rebel governance in the literature. The second looks in depth at three key case studies between 2011 and 2016 to see what this governance looked like in practice: Jaar and Zinjibar; Rada; and Mukalla. Finally, it considers the implications of terrorist governance for actors seeking to counter and suppress the influence of these groups. It ultimately determines that the provision of key
human security and social goods such as effective justice institutions; security; employment; and above all effective and accountable governance, are crucial to subverting local appeal for these groups.

Finally, it will highlight lessons drawn from the case of Yemen and consider other jihadist actors who have engaged in governance in other locations and suggests we have to examine this growing trend through a nuanced, full‑spectrum and long‑term approach.

From the Introduction.

Yemen proves to be an important and often overlooked case of such jihadist governance. To different extents and for differing lengths of time, al‑Qaeda’s local branch, al‑Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), has implemented some form of governance in some parts of the country. The group has also notably adapted its actions and approach over the years. This was seen, for example, when it attempted to minimize the enforcement of Islamic punishment (which had brought much criticism), instead working to ‘correct’ what it viewed as un‑Islamic behaviour through more structured judicial means. It also began to provide extensive public services ranging from judicial to security in areas facing gaps in these public goods. As former AQAP leader Nasser al‑Wuhaishi noted, “providing these necessities will have a great effect on people, and will make them sympathize with us and feel that their fate is tied to ours.”

Full report:

Main findings:

(** B K P)

Britain’s secret Saudi military support programme

The UK’s Ministry of Defence has mistakenly admitted for the first time the cost of a secret multibillion-pound programme it manages for the Saudi Arabian royal family’s de facto protection force, which is also active in the devastating war in Yemen.

It can also be revealed that this programme, which is embedded in the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) but paid for by the Saudi regime, employs ten times more people than the British government publicly admits, raising questions about ministers misleading the parliament in Westminster.

The Saudi Arabia National Guard Communications Project (known as Sangcom) has operated since 1978, when the British government signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the authorities in Riyadh. The project provides military communications equipment to the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) but the MOU, which is itself secret, stipulates complete secrecy on the budget.

In July this year, however, the MOD advertised for the position of a Sangcom project manager based in Riyadh. The job was open only to male applicants and the advert stated: “The UK MOD SANGCOM Project Team is responsible for the delivery of a £2bn programme to modernise the Saudi Arabian National Guard’s communications network.”

This is the MOD’s first public acknowledgement of the size of Sangcom’s budget in its 40-year history and such a casual mistake is likely to infuriate its Saudi counterparts. As recently as March 2019, Labour MP Catherine West asked a parliamentary question about the programme’s budget and was told that it is “confidential to the two governments”.

It is understood that this £2-billion budget runs for 10 years and was agreed in February 2010. This new phase of the Sangcom project is 15 times larger than the previous agreement, worth £124-million and signed in 2004.

The MOD spends £1.4-billion per year on its own IT and telecommunications systems.

An MOD spokesperson told us: “Information in this job advert was uploaded in error and it was subsequently taken down,” adding, “the budget is confidential to the two governments.”

But, in a further sign of unusually lax information management, the job advert, while being taken down on some sites after the MOD was alerted, is still available on the internet. In addition, Sangcom’s financial controller states on the social network LinkedIn that he is “responsible for a budget of circa £1.6B”.

The White Army

Also known as the White Army, the Saudi Arabian National Guard comprises about 130,000 troops and acts as an internal security force separate from the regular Saudi army. Drawn from tribes loyal to the ruling Saud clan, the SANG’s essential task is to protect the royal family from a coup.

The Sangcom project, alongside Britain’s long-standing military training of the SANG, clearly implicates the UK in the defence of the House of Saud, along with the US, which is also training and arming it.

The SANG has also been involved in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has created the world’s largesthumanitarian disaster, with 24 million people — nearly 80% of the population — needing assistance and protection.

In April 2015, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman ordered the SANG to join the Yemen campaign, which until then had been the preserve of the Saudi air force and the regular army. In 2018, a classified French intelligence report noted that two SANG brigades — about 25,000 men — were deployed along the border with Yemen. Major General Frank Muth of the US military also revealed that a SANG brigade, returning from fighting at the border with Yemen, had 19 of its light armoured vehicles “shot up pretty badly”.

Earlier this year, another US military official, Colonel Kevin Lambert, manager of the US’s own SANG modernisation programme, confirmed that the SANG was “executing combat operations in the Yemen conflict”.

The UK’s support for the SANG is another aspect of its involvement in the Yemen war, which continues even after the government lost a court case concluding that weapons sales to Saudi Arabia were unlawful – By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

WHO: 257 deaths from diphtheria since August 2017

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday reported 257 deaths from diphtheria in Yemen since August 2017.

On its Twitter account, the UN said it vaccinated 3.4 million children in Yemen against diphtheria in 186 directorates.

Despite the immunization campaign, "more needs to be done," WHO said.

"The total number of suspected diphtheria cases was 4,541, while 257 related deaths were recorded between August 12, 2017 and October 12, 2019," the organization said.

(A H)

UNICEF plane carrying vaccines arrives at Sanaa airport

The shipment includes 363,000 doses of pentavalent vaccine, 577,500 doses of rotavirus vaccine, and 166,050 doses of intramuscular polio vaccine, al-Aqari elaborated.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)


A child was injured on Sunday by the forces of aggression in Hays district in Hodeidah province.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, October 26th, 2019

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] National Team Asks Head of UN Team to Clarify Party Blocking Agreements

Member of the national team in the Coordination Committee in Hodeidah Brigadier General Mohammad Al-Qadri said that the national team met with the head of the UN team in the UN ship and told him about violations of Stockholm agreement by the aggression forces.

In a statement on Sunday, Brigadier Qadri said that "the national delegation demanded the national team to manage a comprehensive cease-fire in Hodeidah and to commit the other party to implement the redeployment steps in the first and second stage."

Qadri pointed out that the national team called on the United Nations to transfer its work and inspection tasks to the port of Hodeidah and prevent maritime piracy on oil and commercial ships.

He stressed that the United Nations is required to clarify the party obstructing the understandings and agreements and to put an end to the continued crimes and killings of fishermen.

and also

(B K pS)

Joint forces said in a statement on Sunday that #Houthis have committed 125 violations since the establishment of joint ceasefire observation posts to monitor the #UN-brokered truce in the port city of #Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia’s cease-fire breaches in Hodeida continue

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted several areas of At-tohayta district with 12 artillery shells, burning a house southern Attohayta. A child was injured with US-Saudi gunshots eastern Hais.

(A K pH)

Aggression Forces Continue to Escalate Their Violations, Targeting Civilians in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Enemy’s Foolish Acts Continues, Targeting Fishermen Boats is Flagrant Violation of Stockholm Agreement

[Sanaa gov.] Hodeidah Governor, Mohammad Qahim, condemned the targeting of a fishing boat in Ras-Issa coast north of Hodeidah in a flagrant violation of the ceasefire agreement and an attempt to thwart UN efforts to stabilize the ceasefire. Qahim said in a statement to Almasirah, that the foolishness of the enemy continues and targeting fishermen boats is flagrant violation of Stockholm Agreement.

(* B K P)


(* A K pS)

Two children, two soldiers and a farmer killed by Houthi mines west of Taiz and south of Hodeidah

Mines and improvised explosive devices planted by Houthi militias have claimed the lives of two children and two soldiers and a farmer in the past three days on Yemen's west coast.

Local sources told Al-Masdar Online that a farmer was killed Friday evening when a Houthi mine exploded while ploughing his farm in al-Hayma area in Tahita district south of Hodeidah.

The killing of a farmer in southern Hodeidah was preceded by the killing of 12-year-old Shorouk Hussein Qayza’a, who was killed when a landmine exploded near their home on Thursday evening in the village of Mowazze’a western Taiz.

The incident came a day after two soldiers were killed, and three other soldiers from the Giants Brigades were injured, and damaging their vehicle , east of al-Mocha district in western Taiz province.

Meanwhile, a child was killed and two others were injured when a bomb exploded on Thursday in the al-Al-Jabalyah - Tahita south of Hodeidah.

and, telling the farmer had been injured:

(A K pS)

A landmine explodes with an agricultural plowing belonging to Ayyash Ali Delab, causing the injury of his son (Mohammed) and the plowing damage in Al-Hima area, south of Al-Tahita district, south of Hodeidah governorate (photo)

(A K pS)

Houthis target observation posts in Hodeidah

The Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia targeted on Saturday, the observation posts established in the Red Sea port of Hodeidah under the supervision of the chief of the UN ceasefire monitoring mission, retired Gen. Abhijit Guha.

(A K pH)


(A K pH)

New footage shows Saudi war crimes in Hodeidah

Saudi bombings on civilians continue (film)

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B K P)

Human rights advocate discusses Yemen’s humanitarian crisis

At a talk about Yemen’s human rights crisis at the Yale Law School on Friday, Radhya Almutawakel — chairperson and co-founder of the Mwatana Organization for Human Rights— said the country has been overlooked by Americans.

“The main issue in Yemen isn’t lack of food but the lack of accountability,” Almutawakel said. “If you want to do advocacy, you have to hold the information to go further in your work, protect civilians and to provide accountability… [The whole world] needs people like you to change the mechanism.”

Almutawakel emphasized that Yale students must not distance themselves from the humanitarian crisis just because they do not see the direct effects of the war on a daily basis.

“[Yemen] used to have a stable state, political parties, and Yemen’s worked hard to have a democracy, the rule of law and human rights,” Almutawakel said. “This isn’t a Western thing; this is a human thing. They wouldn’t have life without going into rule of law.”

“The United States can stop the war in Yemen, more than any other war in the world,” Almutawakel said. “When we say the way to stop the war is to stop selling to Saudi Arabia, we’re not saying [Saudi Arabia] doesn’t have weapons … We want [the United States] to stop fueling the war and engage with Yemen positively.”

Almutawakel added that peace in Yemen cannot be achieved by a cease-fire, because the war is “much more than air strikes.”

(* B K P)

Film: The War in Yemen: Jon Fenton-Harvey, Middle East analyst

Middle East analyst and Researcher Jon Fenton-Harvey discusses, The War in Yemen, the coming together of uneasy allies or could it pave way for wider peace talks and agreement.

(B P)

Cable news hierarchy for reporting on Yemen crisis: 1. Think tank white male tells us his thoughts 2. Back-up white male when Think tank is unavailable. Typically a DC based journalist who calls up his diplomat friend for updates. 3. Govt mouthpiece

(B P)

Sama'a Al-Hamdani discusses the ongoing crisis in Yemen

CGTN's Roee Ruttenberg spoke with Sama'a Al-Hamdani about the ongoing crisis in Yemen and where we go from here.

Sama'a Al-Hamdani

(* B K P)

Agreement in southern Yemen and calm in the north .. Is the division of Yemen a reality?

Saudi Huthi understandings
In parallel with the agreement on the south, Saudi Arabia is seeking an agreement to stop the war between the two sides on the border, according to sources in the Houthi administration, Saudi Arabia has offered to stop the war on the border.

This comes days after the source of the island's talk about a contact between Khalid bin Salman, Deputy Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia, the head of the Supreme Political Council of the Houthis Mahdi Mashat.

The Houthi source, who preferred to remain anonymous, said the group wants to reach full understandings with the Saudi side, including a comprehensive ceasefire agreement, based on parity, lifting the siege and restoring what was destroyed by the war.

He pointed out that the negotiations between the two sides did not start until the moment, as the group offered a list of guarantees for the success of the negotiations, including the immediate cessation of air strikes and the opening of airports and ports, but the Saudis did not respond.

He explained that one of those guarantees is that Saudi Arabia will not intervene in the problems of the Yemenis, "but what happened is the opposite, as the aggression aircraft launched intensive raids up to fifty raids on the border areas."

The source declined to elaborate further on these understandings, saying only that "we are dealing with facts on the ground.

Although military developments pose a threat to the truce between the Houthis and the Saudis, sources told Al-Jazeera earlier that a party in the Houthi group does not want to achieve a truce and a ceasefire agreement between the two sides.

Agreement to divide Yemen
But political observers say Saudi Arabia's signing of an agreement with the Houthis is an affirmation of the division of Yemen, and a failure of Riyadh's war in Yemen since March 2015, whose main goal was to restore the government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Maan Damaj, a professor of philosophy at Sanaa University, told Al-Jazeera Net that contacts between the Saudis and the Houthis have been going on for the first year since the war.Huthi spokesman and head of delegation to the peace consultations Mohammed Abdul Salam Dhahran visited southern Saudi Arabia for more than a month.

The Yemeni political analyst pointed out that a settlement between the two parties may not be possible, and the closest vision would be to bring about a calm on the border and turn the entire war into an internal war in Yemen, which increases the risk of dividing the country.

He said that the division of the country will be imposed as a fait accompli without formal division, as there are no national forces may stand in front of what is happening.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Foreign Minister refutes Hadi ambassador’s allegations on Sana’a Airport

Foreign Minister in the Natiojal Salvation Government, Hisham Sharaf, has on Sunday refuted the lies contained in a statement issued by Hadi’s ambassador in Washington, Ahmed Awad Ahmed bin Mubarak, who regarding the developments in Sana’a International Airport had said that the revolutionary government will seek to use the airport for its own gain.

Sharaf said that bin Mubarak “is trying to mislead the growing world public opinion against the war on Yemen and the closure of the airport by the Saudi-led coalition.”

He stressed that the “re-opening of the airport is purely humanitarian issue, and not related to any political or military victory.”

(A K P)


Yemen’s Petroleum company announced on Saturday the arrival of a ship loaded with 22,000 tons of gasoline and diesel.

The company pointed out in a statement that (Banyan Bridge) ship arrived to Hodieda port, loaded with (12,910) tons of gasoline, and (10,406) tons of diesel material, after being detained for 12 days at sea, despite receiving a UN permit to enter the port of Hodeidah.

(A K P)

YPC: Aggression Continues Detaining 5 Oil Tankers

The US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continue to detain a number of UN-licensed oil ships and prevent them from entering the country and reaching the port of Hodeidah.

Yemen Petroleum Company confirmed that the aggression coalition continues to hold 5 oil ships carrying more than 130 thousand tons of gasoline and diesel and prevents them from reaching the Hodeidah port to cover the citizens needs.

(A P)

Mass social media campaign demands reopening of Sana’a Airport

Saudi-imposed airspace blockade condemned all around the world

(* B K P)


[Sanaa gov.] The Yemeni minister of public health and population has criticized the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) for their failure to open a humanitarian medical air bridge for Yemeni civilians, who are suffering from conditions that cannot be treated inside the war-battered Arab country.

Speaking at a press conference in the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a on Saturday, Taha al-Mutawakel said the international bodies have not managed to ensure a mechanism for the medical transfer of critically ill patients, by chartered air flight, to medical facilities abroad that are equipped to handle such cases, slamming the international community’s silence on the gradual death of 30,000 patients, who are in dire need of treatment outside Yemen.

(* B H P)


More than 300,000 patients need to travel for treatment outside Yemen, General Director of Airports Amin Juma’an said on Saturday, pointing out that this should be done by the United Nations.

Juma’an added that the media campaigns and vigils aimed to informing the world of the humanitarian disaster in Yemen resulting from the closure of airports.

(A K P)

YPC: Alliance of Aggression Continues to Detain Oil Tankers for Over 72 Days

Yemen Petroleum Company confirmed on Saturday that the US-Saudi coalition continues to detain oil tankers for more than 72 days.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

33 photos show what it’s like to go to school in a war zone

An estimated 420 million children are living in war zones. In 2017, 262 million children were thought to be out of school.

The worst areas affected are Africa and the Middle East, in countries like Syria, Yemen, and Iraq.

Schooling continues, in whatever way it can, but it’s not a long-term solution.

(B H)

Film: LIVE AUS JEMEN - Besser als die Instagram Storys!!!

Meine Bemerkung: Von Ansaar International, die als islamistisch gilt: Nun ja, mit „islamistische Gruppen im syrischen Bürgerkrieg zu unterstützen“ wäre Ansaar ja in bester Gesellschaft mit dem ganzen „Westen“.

(* B H)

“Yemenis are exhausted from four years of war”

Humanity & Inclusion has been providing rehabilitation care and psychosocial support in eight health facilities in Sana'a, Yemen since 2015 and in one of Aden's main hospitals since last July. Maud Bellon, Humanity & Inclusion’s head of mission, explains the unacceptable situation civilians are facing on a daily basis.

"Since Humanity & Inclusion launched a response in 2015, we have provided rehabilitation sessions to nearly 22,000 people," Maud explains. “We’ve distributed 23,600 mobility aids—including wheelchairs and crutches—along with special equipment. We have also fitted more than 200 people with prosthetics and orthotics.”

Since half of the country’s health facilities are no longer operational, all patients are transferred to medical facilities that have space for them. “There’s a constant flow of patients, from people injured in the conflict or car accidents, to older people and people with disabilities who need rehabilitation care. Many people need help because the country is in total chaos.”

Families cover long distances to be treated in Sana'a (North) or Aden (South), despite the risks facing travelers in Yemen, which include fighting, violence, crime and poor transport conditions due to blocked roads.

Yemenis are exhausted by four years of war that has destroyed the country’s social and economic structure. Psychosocial support remains a challenge in a country where the idea of psychological distress is given little credence.

"Humanity & Inclusion’s team provided psychological support to more than 16,000 people, including direct beneficiaries of rehabilitation sessions and their caregivers. We are trying to go even further by training more than 400 health workers to treat people who have severe physical and psychological trauma.”

(* B H)

Justice for children in Yemen

UNICEF and its partners pursue their child protection interventions to support the most vulnerable children with a large range of services

Yemen has been facing a protracted conflict for more than four years, leaving 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, with children being the primary victims of the crisis.

In order to protect and promote children’s rights, UNICEF and its partners pursue their child protection interventions to support the most vulnerable children with a large range of services such as victim assistance, family tracing/reunification, documentation of grave child rights violations and referrals to services, mine risk awareness and psychosocial support.

Another important part of UNICEF child protection’s work in Yemen is the support to the national justice system and in particular, the response to the protection and rehabilitation needs in places of detention, with particular attention to children victims of violence or crime.

In cooperation with local partners, such as the judicial authorities and civil society organisations, UNICEF promotes the diversion and alternatives to detention, supports the provision of legal aid to children in conflict with the law or victims, psychosocial support, supports the rehabilitation and re-integration of children through education and vocational training and training of justice personnel across the country on child rights and justice system adapted to children.

This is how Ali, Hussein and Yasmin* could go back to a normal life and find some hope for a better future, after benefiting from the support of UNICEF and the Yemeni Women's Union, one of UNICEF’s partners within the project in coordination with the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.

Ali comes from a very poor family. When the 12-year-old boy got arrested and detained wrongfully for an act he didn’t commit, his family felt powerless, not having enough savings to pay for a lawyer. When the Yemen Women’s Union heard about Ali’ situation, they decided to nominate a legal advisor to follow his case, through UNICEF legal support, and after intense negotiations with the involved parties, Ali was recognized innocent and set free. When Ali’s father met the lawyer who helped his son, he approached the man and kissed him on the forehead as a sign of respect and gratitude, and he smiled while thanking him to return his child safe to him.

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, Nutrition Cluster: Yemen: Nutrition Cluster Dashboard, January to September 2019


(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #09 September 2019

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world. An estimated 24 million people – over 80 per cent of the population – are in need of some kind of assistance, including 14.4 million who are in acute need –nearly two million people more than in 2018.

The crisis continues to disrupt markets and institutions, destroying social and economic infrastructure, while inequalities rise sharply. Gross domestic product per capita has plummeted from US$3,577 to US$1,950, a level not seen in Yemen since before 1960. Yemen is now ranked as the world’s second most unequal country in the world in terms of income, surging past 100 other countries in inequality levels in the last five years. If fighting continues through 2022, Yemen will rank as the poorest country in the world, with 79 percent of the population living under the poverty line and 65 percent classified as extremely poor.

During September, fighting sporadically escalated in different parts ofthe c

Despite funding shortages and access challenges on the ground, UNFPA continues to provide reproductive health and protection services across all of Yemen's 22 governorates

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World Food Programme: WFP Yemen Country Brief, September 2019

In Numbers

12.2 million people assisted in September 2019

116,784.8 mt of general food assistance dispatched

US$24.1 million cash-based and commodity transfers made

US$550 million six months net funding requirements (October 2019 - March 2020)

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Film: Women take on manual labour jobs in war-torn Yemen

Women have faced a backlash from their communities despite it being their only source of income.

Five years of war in Yemen have seen many men killed in the fighting.

So, women are increasingly becoming the sole bread-winner and forced into traditionally male-dominated jobs. =

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3,600 schools have been destroyed and about 2 million children have been excluded from school as a result of the war, according to the Ministry of #Education of the legitimate government.

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Today, it was fantastic moments for me to attend the closing training of 37 trainees from dark rural areas in Lahij to know-how installing #solar_systems #LED. Huge thanks to @SFDYemen


cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Protection Cluster: Protection Cluster: Yemen Response and Gap Analysis - Activities of Protection Cluster Including Child Protection and Women Protection Sub-Clusters, January - September 2019

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Yemen: Houthi Militia Displaces Hajjah Residents in Desperate Attempt to Regain Al-Tinah

In a dark hour of night, the Yemeni residents of Al-Tinah village in Hajjah province had to flee the area amid heavy shelling by Iranian-backed Houthi militia against civilians that led to the displacement of dozens of families to barren lands nearby devoid of any human living conditions or basic services.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

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Houthi militia carries out gun-shooting on its elements fleeing fighting in Hajjah

The Iran-backed rebel Houthi militia has carried out gun-shooting on a number of its elements fleeing the fighting fronts in the north of Hajjah province, local sources said.

The sources told September Net, that a point check belonging to the Houthi militia, next to the hotel Shwati Midi, north of Abs district, prevent militia elements fleeing from the fighting fronts with the [Hadi gov.] Yemeni national army.

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Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, stressed on Sunday the need to strengthen coordination between government agencies and merchants to facilitate the arrival of goods to various regions of the Republic, for the benefit of citizens.

This came during a meeting that included Finance Minister Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Kuhlani, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry Mohammad Al-Hashemi and many traders.

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Yemen [Sanaa gov.] asks Egypt to prosecute Hadi diplomats in Cairo

Diplomats tainted the name of the Republic through violent behaviour

Member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, Mohammed al-Houthi, has filed a notice to the Attorney General of the Arab Republic of Egypt, accusing the “ambassador” of the Hadi regime in Cairo, Mohammed Marm as well as his advisor and his representative in the Arab League Mohammed Maudhah.

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Parliament completes review of Oil, Development Committee's report

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Houthi militia’s strategy in recruiting children

In Yemen, the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia overmatched the issue of recruiting children in its wars since 2004 so far. The Houthis adopted the strategy of recruiting children in special camps, where they are subjected to intensive religious Shiite sessions which make them extremists and very obedient to their leadership and ready to fight for them happily.

Beside religious lessons, those children are subjected to combating training, to learn the art of war and the use of weapons and other matters required by the rebellions in the field.

Reports indicate that the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia is more than other militia in using children in wars, where children represent one third of the Houthi militia fighters.

Children are distributed on the fighting fronts and sites, militia’s headquarters and security points.

My remark: As claimed by a pro-Hadi army news site.

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MPs stress importance of activating oversight on Gov't performance

Members of the Parliament (MPs) on Saturday stressed the importance of activating the supervisory role on the performance of the National Salvation Government and following up what has been implemented from its program submitted to the Parliament.

During the Parliament's meeting chaired by Speaker Yahya Ali al-Ra'i, the MPs urged the government to intensify efforts so that citizens can notice that the improvement in their in providing goods and services.

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Parliament listens to Public Freedoms Committee's report on OP-CEDAW

The Parliament listened on Wednesday to the Public Freedoms and Human Rights Committee's report on its study and revision of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (OP-CEDAW).

My comment: ??? The Houthis had increased restrictions on women.

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Celebrations of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday to be “largest in history of the region”

Information minister promises massive ceremony and extensive media coverage

Information Minister in the National Salvation government, Daifallah al-Shami, has confirmed that the celebrations marking the anniversary of Prophet Mohammed’s birth (Peace Be Upon Him) will be “the largest in the history of Yemen and the region.”

He explained in a statement to Saba News that all arrangements have been completed for the extensive media coverage of these celebrations at the central level and the provinces.

He pointed out that the media plan for the audiovisual and written media was approved for the events to celebrate the anniversary of the Prophet’s birth.

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Mohammed al-Houthi condemns Saudi hesitation to negotiate peace

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, said that the Saudis show “confusion and hesitation” in responding to the peace initiative.

He described the coalition’s blockade of Yemen as “terrorist behaviour”.

“The continuation of blockade on the Yemeni people is a terrorist behavior by the countries of the US-British-Saudi-Emirati aggression and their allies. Its primary goal is to further the suffering of the Yemeni citizen.”

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Trial of 308 prominent traitors, mercenaries, including the Hadi government

The Specialized Criminal Court of the capital Sana'a continues to hold hearings on cases of prejudice to state security and participation in the aggression against Yemen, in which 308 senior traitors and mercenaries of aggression are accused.

In its hearings, the court approved the prosecution's mandate to announce the defendants through the competent authorities to come to the court to hear the case against them from the Public Prosecution, and to make provisional seizure of the defendants' funds.

The eight files pending before the court included 308 accused high-ranking traitors and mercenaries of aggression, including the Hadi government.

The Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance published a judicial announcement today, 23 October 2019, in Al-Thawra newspaper to announce the 308 defendants whose names were published to the court to hear the criminal lawsuit filed against them by the Specialized Criminal Prosecution within one month of its date, unless they will be tried according to the text of the article. 285) and beyond the Code of Criminal Procedure as fugitives.

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Saba launches a window in German after developing, securing its website

Information Minister Daifallah Al-Shami and Chairman of the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) Mohammed Al-Mansour on Wednesday inaugurated working on the Agency's website at after developing it according to the latest technology and completing its security from any penetration and launching a window in German.

He stressed that "Saba" is the heart of the media work in the Ministry of Information and the main artery to provide the media news and reliable external media as a channel and a major source of news.

The enemy was unable to compete with the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) and sought to penetrate its website more than once. Al Shami pointed out that the continuation of work in the agency and launching the site in its new form represents an official, political and media victory in addition to military victories.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

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Riyadh agreement bonus: Saudi promises $2 billion in new cash deposit to Yemen

A Yemeni government official told Al-Masdar online of Saudi pledges to provide a new $2 billion cash deposit to Yemen to ensure continued financing of imports of commodities and to maintain the stability of the local currency.

The Yemeni official said Saudi pledges were part of incentives aimed at encouraging the Yemeni presidency to sign the Riyadh accord with the southern transitional council, which calls for secession, in which Saudi Arabia has played the role of mediator and is a diplomatic success for its foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia has linked the successful provision of financial support to talks between the legitimate government and separatist rebels, who have forcibly taken control of the country's interim capital, Aden, where the government is based, the presidential palace and the central bank building.

The Saudi government has promised to hold an international conference of donors from the Friends of Yemen group to receive $2 billion in financial support to cover Yemen's budget deficit, the government official said.

Speaking at an IMF meeting in Washington on Monday, Finance Minister Salem Ben Brik called for supporting Yemen's 2019 budget deficit of $2 billion to maintain the stability of the riyal exchange rate, given the scarcity of state resources and the sharp decline in gross domestic product GDP.

Experts in the economy say Yemen needs a new cash deposit to raise cash reserves abroad and maintain the stability of the local currency

My comment: Who actually will pay for this? The so-called “Friends of Yemen” here:

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Will the Saudi-brokered deal stop UAE’s meddling in Yemen’s south?

This is a tipping point for Yemen’s south after two years of sporadic clashes, breakdown of public services and power struggle between the southern separatists and the internationally recognised government.
The agreement, if implemented, will return the situation in the south to normalcy and stop further armed confrontations between the two sides. However, the south is still in shambles and it remains to be seen how this agreement will yield fruit.

Stopping the Emirati meddling in the south

The excessive interference of the UAE in Yemen has tarnished its image.
Lately the Emirates withdrew its forces from Aden, in a step that has allowed the conflicting parties to reach an agreement in tht south.

However, Aden has been under the reign of the UAE-backed separatists since August, and with the rigorous implementation of this agreement, the Emirates will find itself less able to impede the operations of the coming government.

Last week, reports said Saudi and Sudanese forces arrived in the port city, taking control of the city airport and Al-Anad airbase in Lahj province. This came on the heels of the withdrawal of the Emirati force from Aden.

Initial reaction of STC

A STC official was quoted as saying “We signed the final draft of the agreement and are waiting for the joint signature within days.” The source also said both Hadi and al-Zubaidi are expected to attend a ceremony in Riyadh.

Salem Al-Awlaqi, a member of the STC, said he had a phone conversation with Aidrous Al-Zubaidi regarding the agreement.

"He [Zubaidi] asked me: Are the southern people happy with the agreement?," Awlaqi said.

Awlaqi replied: "As long as you are heading the STC and entrusted with the aspirations of the southern people’s aspirations, we are undoubtedly happy.”

The southern separatists see this agreement as a political win and they have the chance to share power with the government, but they will not decide the future of the south unilaterally.

One step towards peace is not the end of war

This agreement bears rays of hope for ending the stand-off in the south but it does not mean an end to the war in Yemen.

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Yemen, UAE Praise Saudi Efforts In Achieving 'Riyadh Agreement'

The Yemeni government, UAE and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) praised on Saturday the Saudi efforts in achieving the “Riyadh Agreement,” expected to be signed in the coming hours.

“The tireless and good efforts conducted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is historic,” Dr. Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said in a tweet on Saturday.
He added that, “It is important to focus on confronting the Houthi coup and its aggression. Through this agreement, Yemen is coming to a new stage.”
For his part, Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar Iryani tweeted on Saturday that the agreement had been “initialed” and would be officially signed within two days.
"It's expected to address the event positively away from political rivalries as a pivotal and important step to unite ranks and direct all efforts in the battle of salvation from the Iranian-backed Houthi militia," Iryani wrote on his Twitter account.
The Yemeni minister praised the role of Saudi Arabia for sponsoring the indirect talks and for encouraging both the Yemeni government and the STC to reach this deal.

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Saudi takes command of coalition troops in Yemen's Aden

Saudi Arabia took command of anti-rebel troops in Yemen's Aden, Saudi state media said Sunday, after the government and southern separatist forces struck a power-sharing deal following August clashes in the city.

"Coalition forces have been repositioned in Aden to become under the kingdom's command and redeployed to conform with requirements of current operations," the Saudi-led pro-government coalition said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

The move comes after the United Arab Emirates, which is part of the Saudi-led coalition against northern-based Huthi rebels but has also trained southern separatists, handed key positions to Saudi forces earlier this month, according to a security official.

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Saudi-brokered deal to include Yemen's southern separatists in government - sources

Under the deal, a new cabinet comprising 12 ministers each from the north and south should be formed within 30 days, according to the preliminary agreement and a Saudi official who briefed reporters late on Friday.

A source familiar with the agreement and a foreign diplomat said the STC would have some seats for the first time, but no specific portfolios have been reserved, indicating that key details remain to be worked out.

According to the arrangement, all troops that entered Aden, Abyan and Shabwa after Aug. 1 should leave within 15 days to locations determined by the coalition. Medium and heavy weapons are to be placed in a coalition-controlled military camp.

Security forces from all sides will come under the interior ministry and military troops under the defense ministry. Police and general security will take control of Aden.

The Saudi-led coalition will head a joint committee to monitor implementation.

“It’s not easy to implement but we are serious about implementing it on the ground,” said the Saudi official, speaking on condition of anonymity ahead of the formal announcement.

Yemen’s information minister tweeted on Saturday that the agreement had been “initialed” and would be officially signed within two days.

The Saudi official said the deal would “send a strong message to the Houthis and the Yemenis that Saudi Arabia is in Yemen not to control territory or to take its gas and oil, but to support the state, its institutions, its unity and to target Al Qaeda and Daesh (Islamic State) and eliminate Iranian intervention in Yemen.”


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Draft Saudi-brokered deal aims to end south Yemen power struggle

Preliminary deal between Yemen government and southern separatists would bring separatists into a new cabinet.

Key points both parties must adhere to upon signing the draft agreement:

Activation of the role of Yemeni state institutions in accordance with the political and economic arrangements set out in the agreement.

Restructuring of the country's military forces under the command of the ministry of defence in accordance with the military arrangements set out in the agreement.

Restructuring of the country's security forces under the leadership of the ministry of interior in accordance with the security arrangements set out in the agreement.

Upholding the Yemeni people's rights by rejecting and shedding regional and sectarian divisions among all segments of society.

Termination of the media war in all its forms between the two sides.

Uniting efforts under the leadership of the Saudi-led coalition to end the hostilities committed by the Houthis and confront al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, or ISIS).

Forming a committee under the supervision of the coalition to follow up and implement the provisions of the agreement and its addendums.

Involving the STC in government negotiations over a final political solution to end the Houthi takeover.

Political and economic arrangements stipulated in the draft agreement:

The formation of a government comprising a maximum of 24 ministers, to be appointed by the president in consultation with the prime minister. Southerners are to be given 50 percent of ministerial roles within a period of 45 days from the signing of the agreement, provided they did not engage in any acts of killing or other hostilities during battles in Aden, Abin, and Shabwah.

Members of the government shall take their oath before the president the day after the cabinet is formed in Aden.

The president shall appoint a governor and a security director for Aden governorate within 15 days of the signing of the agreement.

The prime minister of the current government shall complete all the duties set out in the draft agreement within seven days of it being signed. He shall activate all state institutions in various liberated governorates and work to pay salaries and financial dues to employees of the military, security and civil sectors.

The president shall appoint governors and security directors in the rest of the southern governorates within 60 days of the agreement being signed.

State resources are to be managed to ensure that all state revenues - including oil, tax and customs revenues - are collected and deposited in the Central Bank of Aden.

Military arrangements included in the draft agreement:

All forces that have moved from their main positions and camps towards Aden, Abyan and Shabwa since August shall return to along with their weapons within 15 days of the agreement being signed.

During the same period (15 days), all medium and heavy weapons from all forces and camps in Aden will be transferred to camps designated and supervised by the coalition command.

The transitional council and government forces are to be united, merged with the ministry of defence under the direct supervision of the coalition, within 60 days of the agreement's enactment.

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Anadolu publishes new details of the terms of the Yemeni government's agreement and the "Southern transitional"

The Riyadh agreement between the Yemeni government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council confirmed the commitment of both parties to activate all state institutions, reorganize the armed forces under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, and their security counterpart under the leadership of the Ministry of Interior.

A government source revealed to Anadolu the most important provisions of the draft agreement, which is to be signed within the next 48 hours, which includes the commitment to the full citizenship rights of all Yemeni people, and the rejection of sectarian and regional discrimination and division.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the agreement "provided for an end to all abusive media campaigns between the parties, and a unified effort under the leadership of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy, to end the Iranian-backed Houthi coup, and to confront al-Qaeda and ISIS."

It also provided for the formation of a committee under the auspices of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, which will follow up and implement the provisions and annexes of the agreement.

It also guaranteed the right of the Southern Transitional Council to the government delegation for consultations on a final political solution, and that President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, once the agreement was signed, issued directives to all state agencies to implement the agreement.

In the annex to political and economic arrangements, the first clause included the formation of a competent government of no more than 24 ministers whose members president Hadi appoints with the prime minister and political components, with southerners being given 50% of their portfolios within 45 days of the signing of the agreement.

The same item emphasized the selection of those who were impartial and competent who did not engage in hostilities or incitement during the recent events in Aden, Abyan and Shabwa, who were sworn in by Hadi the day after the formation of the government.

He also confirmed the appointment of the president as governor of Aden and director of security of efficiency and integrity within 15 days of the signing of the agreement, as well as governors of Abyan and Al-Dalla within 30 days of signing, as well as the appointment of governors and security directors in the rest of the southern provinces within 60 days of signing.

One of the provisions of the annex stipulated that the government should start its work from the interim capital, Aden, within seven days of the signing of the agreement, to activate state institutions in the liberated provinces and work on the payment of salaries to all military and civilian units.

The agreement stressed the activation of the state resources and deposit them in the Central Bank after, and the disbursement under the approved budget, in accordance with Yemeni law, and the activation of the central body for supervision and accounting, and inculcating it with honest personalities, activating the anti-corruption body, and reshaping and activating the Economic Council and linking it to the president Ministers to support fiscal and monetary policies and fight corruption.

The military annex confirmed in its first terms that all the forces that moved from their main positions and camps towards Aden, Abyan and Shabwa since the beginning of August returned to their former positions with all their personnel and weapons, to be replaced by the security forces of the local authority within 15 days of signing Agreement.

It stressed the collection and transfer of medium and heavy weapons from all military and security forces in Aden within 15 days to camps inside Aden identified and supervised by the Arab Coalition Leadership, and allowed to exit only with approved plans and direct supervision by the coalition leadership.

The same annex provided for the transfer of all military forces of the government and the Transitional Council in Aden to camps outside, determined by the coalition leadership within 30 days of signing, excluding the First Brigade presidential protection entrusted with protecting the presidential palaces and their surroundings and securing the movement of the President, and another force to protect the leadership of the Transitional Council in Aden under the auspices of the coalition.

One of the items emphasized the unification of the military force, its numbering and its inclusion of the Ministry of Defence and the issuance of the necessary decisions, and distributed according to plans under the direct supervision of the coalition leadership, within 60 days of the signing of the agreement.

The last two clauses of the annex provided for the unification of military forces in the provinces of Abyan, Al-Dhale’a, Lahj and Shabwa, under the command of the Ministry of Defence, with the same procedures in Aden, and the reorganization of military forces in the rest of the southern provinces under the command of the Ministry of Defence.

The last annex included security arrangements, primarily the responsibility of the Rescue And Police Command in Aden to secure the province and reorganize the government forces, otherwise we would resign in accordance with the need and the insurance plan, select their elements according to competence and professionalism, and link them to the director of security in the province.

The annex also provided for the reorganization of special forces and counter-terrorism in Aden by selecting its members, including the Legitimacy and Transitional forces, and appointing a commander.

One of the provisions of the same annex confirmed the organization of the forces of protection of facilities within 30 days by selecting their members of the competent forces in the current forces or from the forces of legitimacy and transition, and taking into account the diversity of the various provinces, so that they are assigned to protect the city facilities, the headquarters of the government, the central bank and the ports of Aden and its airport. the refinery and ministries, linked to the Ministry of Interior.

Within 90 days of signing the agreement, the facility protection forces will protect the remaining facilities in the liberated provinces, the ports of Mukalla, Al-Dhbba, Al-Mocha and the Balhaf facility, it said.

The security annex also stipulated the unification and redeployment of the security forces and their inclusion of the Ministry of Interior and the issuance of the necessary decisions within 60 days, and the reorganization of the security forces in the provinces of Al-Dhalea, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa in the same procedures within 60 days, with the security forces to be reorganized in the rest of the country. The southern provinces, which are not on the lists of the Interior Ministry, are under the ministry's leadership with the same measures to be implemented in Aden.

(A P)

Just like Stockholm agreement, signatories of Jeddah agreement (Hadi’s govt & STC) have their own very different interpretation of the agreement. Govt thinks it reinforces its authority & unity of #Yemen. STC thinks it recognizes it as the as the only representative f South Yemen

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Minister of Information: Officially sign riyadh agreement within the next two days

Yemeni Information Minister Moamer al-Iryani said Saturday that the signing of the Riyadh agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) will take place within the next two days.

"After the initials of the Riyadh agreement are initialed, the agreement will be formally signed within two days," al-Iriani said in a series of tweets on his Twitter account.

"Everyone is expected to address the event positively, away from political disputes, as a pivotal and important step to unite the ranks and guide all efforts in the battle to get rid of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia," the minister said.

He hailed what he described as the president's role in reaching an agreement that preserves the unity, sovereignty, security, stability and territorial integrity of Yemen and strengthens the state's ability to confront the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

My comment: And again: This agreement should not be a first step towards a peaceful solution for the whole Yemen conflict, but it just should enable the anti-Houthi forces to reinforce the fight against the Houthis.

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Yemeni government welcomes Saudi-brokered deal with STC

President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi met board of advisers in Riyadh on Sunday

The Yemeni government welcomed a Saudi-brokered peace deal with the Southern Transitional Council after "tireless efforts" by Riyadh to heal the rift between the allies against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi met his board of advisers in Riyadh on Sunday, Saba news agency reported.

Mr Hadi said the agreement was part of Saudi efforts to bring all Yemeni political constituencies and forces together in a united front to thwart the Houthi coup and weaken Tehran’s influence in the region.

The Yemeni Minister of Information, Muammar Al Eryani, described the deal as an important step to direct all efforts towards the battle against the Iran-backed rebels.

Other officials in the Yemeni government called the agreement “a victory for all”.

“All Yemenis are winners with the Riyadh agreement except the Houthis," Col Yehya Abu Hatim, an adviser to Yemeni Defence Minister Maj Gen Mahmoud Al Subaihi, told The National.


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Meeting of the President with his advisers confirms: The draft Riyadh agreement confirmation of references and an end to the rebellion and the return of the state

President of Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi convened a session Sunday with his board of advisors, with presence of Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh, Speaker of Parliament Sultan Al-Barakani, Prime Minister Ma'eenAbdulmalik, Deputy Premier Salim al-Khanbashi.
The meeting aimed to discuss the latest developments in the Yemeni national arena.
The President said" Our objectives are clear, our path is well identified through national consensus and references of peace that are based on the GCC's Initiative, its operational plan, outcomes of National Dialogue and International Security Council 2216 to eliminate the coup and advocate our Yemeni people's options".
President Hadi talked about the developments the country has been witnessing in different fields. He cited the good offices and efforts have been made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to achieve security, stability and establish peace in Yemen, besides its support for development and economy.
He said the proposal of Riyadh agreement is an addition to the Saudi noble efforts to bring all Yemeni political constituencies and forces together, join efforts and resources in a united front to achieve the main objective: put down the Houthi coup and defeat Iran's scheme and tools in the region including the Houthi militia.

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Yemeni presidency: Saudi Arabia has sided with Yemen's unity through the Riyadh Agreement and our absolute confidence in its efforts to implement

The Yemeni presidency said Sunday evening that Saudi Arabia has sided with "the Riyadh Agreement on one Yemen and its institutions, legitimacy and security."

This came in a tweet to the director of the Office of the President of the Republic, "Abdullah al-Alimi", in which he confirmed that Saudi Arabia has sided with the unity of Yemen and its legitimacy and stability, and rejected the division among his sons and unite their efforts to fight for the restoration of the state.

"A national formula has been reached to resolve the crisis of the rebellion that took place in Aden," he said.

"We defeated the supreme interests of Yemen and Yemenis, and we won the southern cause with its just values and mourned the demands of the battle to restore the state and end the coup of the Iranian Houthi militia," he added.

"We renew our absolute confidence in (Saudi) efforts in the serious implementation of the agreement in its stages, and we affirm our full commitment to the agreement," al-Alimi said.

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Yemeni President praises kingdom's efforts to achieve security and stability for his country

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi praised efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to achieve security, stability and establish peace in Yemen, besides its support for development and economy.
The Yemeni president said the proposal of Riyadh agreement is an addition to the Saudi noble efforts to bring all Yemeni political constituencies and forces together, join efforts and resources in a united front to achieve the main objective: put down the Houthi coup and defeat Iran's scheme and tools in the region including the Houthi militia.

My comment: And, clearly said once again: The new agreement should not be the Bse for a greater peace in Yemen, but for a greater war.

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Yemen’s Deputy PM to Asharq Al-Awsat: 2 Days Separate us from Riyadh Agreement

Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Salem Al Khanbashi told Asharq Al-Awsat on Friday that the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) would officially sign the “Riyadh Agreement” in the coming days.
The deputy PM praised the role played by Riyadh in sponsoring the indirect talks between the government and the STC with an aim to unite the Yemeni fronts against Houthi militias.
“Thanks to its wisdom and skills, Saudi Arabia was able to help the legitimate government and the STC reach an agreement and overcome this second crisis. Now, the two sides should liberate Yemen and fight their common enemy,” the deputy PM said.
Khanbashi did not reveal details on the “Riyadh Agreement,” saying most leaked reports about the paper were not accurate.
“The agreement was signed in principle, but an official signing is expected Saturday or Sunday during a ceremony attended by high-ranking officials,” he said.

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Spokesman "Transitional": Riyadh agreement a strategic step on the path to the goals of liberation and independence

Nizar Haitham, spokesman for the so-called Southern Transitional Council, called the Riyadh agreement expected to be signed between the Yemeni government and the Council in the Saudi capital as a "strategic step" to achieve the goals of "liberation and independence."

"The Riyadh agreement represents a strategic step towards achieving the Southern Transitional Council project and its goals of liberation and independence," Haitham said in remarks posted on the website of the UAE-backed council.

An agreement, sponsored by Saudi Arabia, is expected to be signed months ago to resolve the insurgency that has been undertaken by the UAE army and aviation to Aden, Yemen’s interim capital, and parts of Abyan province.

The text of the statement

Since the historic Declaration of Aden, the Southern Transitional Council has been able to transfer the issue of the people of the South to regional and international forums and dialogue tables at a steady pace as part of a strategic plan based on adherence to the national objectives contained in the Council's documents and political project.

By signing the Saudi Arabia-sponsored Riyadh Agreement, the Southern Transitional Council has succeeded in establishing a new and advanced phase in which the South will have official representation at regional and international levels, including formal partnership at all political and military levels. Economic, security and development with the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, in order to serve our national cause and to enhance our local, regional and international presence.

The current realities confirm today's reality that the South and the sacrifices made by its people, and the gains and victories it has achieved, will be present and strong in the next phase through the historic Riyadh Agreement, in which we will move from the stage of stagnation and denial to our national cause to the stage of clear and official partnership.

(A P)

Al Jaadi: The STC Came Out of the Riyad Agreement 'Victorious'

The Secretary-General of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) Fadhl Aljaadi, on his Facebook account, said that the STC came out victorious.

(A P)

Sheikh Hani Hails Riyadh Agreement

Vice-President of the Southern Transitional Council, Sheikh Hani Ben Brik hailed the Riyadh agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Council to end tensions between both sides, saying it heralds a “new stage” for the war-racked country.
“I appeal to everyone to put aside wrangling and initiate a new stage with this agreement, which amounts to a lifeline at this stage,” STC deputy head Hani Bin Brek said in a tweet.
“We need to give precedence to our main goal, which is to achieve victory for what is right by unifying all efforts to confront the greater evil: Iran and its allies,” he added.
Sheikh Hani concluded his tweet by saying "Our confidence in the Saudi-led coalition started from the very first time."

(A P)

Shatara: STC gains Saudi Arabia along with UAE

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara said that the Southern Council managed to gain the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alongside the United Arab Emirates as real and strong partner.
Shatara explained on his official Twitter account that " During wars, no crucial decisions are made, it is the consequences of wars that shape the future, expectations level should neither be lowered nor raised in the Saudi-mediated Jeddah Agreement as long as the Southern Transitional Council is a political figure on the ground."
Shatara concluded his tweet by saying "The achievement made by the Southern Transitional Council in Jeddah was gaining the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alongside the United Arab Emirates as a strong, true and honest partner for the Coalition."

(* A P)

UAE welcomes deal between Yemen government and southern leaders

Allies in the fight against Houthi rebels have been resolving their differences in Saudi-mediated talks

The UAE has welcomed an agreement to resolve differences between Yemen's government and Southern Transitional Council (STC) as a new stage for the conflict-racked country.

“It is important to focus on confronting the Houthi coup and its aggression.Through this agreement, Yemen is coming to a new stage,” Dr Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said in a tweet on Saturday.

An STC official said the deal with the government would allow both sides to resume the fight against the Houthis.

“The STC had positively and co-operatively engaged in the talks which were sponsored by our brothers in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. This reflects the real desire the STC have to achieve peace, because we were aware of the sensitivity of the situation, and because we believe that our enemy is one – the Houthi rebels,” Adel Al Shabahi, an official in the STC’s foreign affairs department, told The National.

He said both sides had approved the final draft of the agreement and a formal signing ceremony would be held within a few days.

“Both President Hadi and the STC head Maj Gen Aidarous Al Zoubaidi will do the joint signature and the ceremony will be attended by ambassadors of the states supporting the peace process in Yemen, as well as the UN special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths and other officials from the Coalition states,” he said.

(* A P)

Al-Maysari: The battle of Shabwa was not taken into account and the UAE project fell

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ahmed Al- Maysari said Saturday that the battle of Shabwa was not in anyone's mind, and that the UAE project had fallen.

This came during a meeting of "Al- Maysari ", this morning in the city of Ataq, with sheikhs and elders of Shabwa province, to listen to the issues of the province and keep them updated on the latest developments in the country.

"The battle of Shabwa was not in anyone's mind, but it was decisive, and it brought the republic back to the Yemenis," he said.

"We have an army, start at Shaqra and end in Sieyun," he said.

"The UAE project has fallen and we will not accept any agreement that has been made (humiliatingly), and we will not return to Aden except with our forces," he said.

"Al-Jubeir says that the UAE has withdrawn from Yemen and the question is who the bombed the national army in Al-‘Alam point on the outskirts of Aden," he said.

He called on President Hadi to "stick to national principles and not reward the putschists and rebels," referring to the Riyadh agreement expected to be signed between the legitimate and transitional government.

"We in Yemen have been stuck in between the divine mandate of the Houthis and the southern mandate of the transition, both of which are fallen projects," he said.

On Friday morning, The Minister arrived in the Center of Shabwa province as part of a visit to the liberated provinces to learn about the security and service conditions.

(* A P)

Islah leader: We are with any peace plan that gives the state the right to exercise its full functions and powers

A leader of the Yemeni Rally for Reform “Islah” party said that his party, along with any peace plan that gives the state the right to exercise its functions and powers, is not diminished, commenting on the news circulating about the signing of an agreement between the legitimate government and the southern transitional government.

Adnan al-Odaini, deputy head of the media department in Al-Islah added, "We are with any step that will promote peace and exclude violence as an expression of political or social demands,”.

"With any peace plan and agreement that gives the state the right to exercise its full functions and powers," he said in a post on his Facebook page.

"Civil political parties are an essential part of their functions to support and promote community peace, and parties are a peaceful and civil expression that promotes the presence of the state, a culture of peace and the rule of law," he said.

"We are with our brothers in Saudi Arabia in their constant efforts to preserve Yemen's unity, security and stability, restore legitimacy and exercise its functions with all its powers without obstacles on all national soil," he said.

and let’s add also the Houthi viewpoint:

(* A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi: Saudi-Emirati deal marks end of UAE participation in invasion

Al-Houthi predicts massive changes as Abu Dhabi pulls out

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has said that the coalition’s statement on Saudi Arabia’s takeover of the forces in Aden marks of the end of UAE participation in the coalition’s alliance of invaders.

He stressed that “the dispute is most intense between the allies” and not between their local factions.

“The arrival of Saudi forces proves that the battle was between the allies, not the mercenaries, and that the mercenary militias’ rush to fight and shell each other came as a result of the dispute of the funders,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said in thread of tweets after midnight on Sunday.

“The establishment of the so-called Saudi-UAE Coordination Council shows an attempt to end the dispute over leadership by Saudi Arabia instead of the UAE. It shows that the talk of Saudi Arabia leading the aggression was [mostly] in media field, not on the ground,” he added

He stressed that the political and military events in Aden were already known, and said: “The failure of the Coordination Council was inevitable, since it did not take place in regular meetings, considering the necessity of the battle, and the need for continuous coordination.”

“The statement of the Coalition of US-Saudi-UAE aggression, that Saudi Arabia is taking command of the forces loyal to the coalition in Aden instead of the UAE, confirms that the dispute between them remains stronger,” he said.

Al-Houthi added that if Abu Dhabi had not been the strongest of the invaders, “the UAE forces would also be under Saudi command”.

Al-Houthi believed that the battle for influence had been resolved. He said:

“This battle was successfully won by MBS against MBZ. Also, each of the mercenaries has achieved the victory or defeat of its ally.”

“The UAE should only take the lesson for the future,” he said.

(A P)

Film (Arabic): Optimism after Jeddah agreement signing

Citizens and activists expressed their optimism, after signing an agreement yesterday in Jeddah to split the authority between Hadi government and the southern transitional council, considering that it will open the door to a breakthrough in the Yemeni crisis and inject blood and push to liberate all areas that are under the control of the Houthis.

My comment: And again: The agreement will not be a first step to more peace in Yemen, but to more war.

(A P)

Info Minister praises China’s support to Yemen

Information Minister Muammar Al-Eryani praised China’s support for Yemen’s, security, stability, unity and territorial integrity, and for the country’s developmental and humanitarian assistance.

In a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to Yemen, Kang Yong, Al-Eryani reviewed the rebellion in the interim capital Aden last August, as an additional challenge to the Yemeni people who had already been struggling against the coup of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

(A P)

Hadi forces on Socotra deny entry to Emirati plane

Forces loyal to the exiled Saudi-backed Hadi government on Socotra Island have on Sunday prevented an Emirati plane from landing at the airport of the island.

According to sources, the local authority did not allow the UAE plane to land at the airport on Saturday, because aboard it were eight Indian nationals working as assistants to the UAE delegate Khalfan al-Mazrouei in the island.

Hadi forces indicated that the Indians had not gotten official visas from the exiled government.

“The UAE, a key partner in Saudi-led aggression coalition on Yemen, is dealing with the province of Socotra archipelago as an eighth Emirate belonging to it,” the sources added.

(A P)

Separatist rally against Hadi governor on Socotra

Conflict between Saudi-backed Islah Party and separatists flares up in Socotra

Hundreds of Yemeni women rallied on Sunday in Socotra Island to protest against the Saudi-backed exiled Hadi’s government.

At the rally, the protesters demanded that governor Ramzi Mahrous, who was appointed by Hadi, resign, accusing him of obstructing the humanitarian and relief work reaching the province.

The participantsbaccused Mahrous of mobilizing militias to the Island.

Mahrous, who belongs to the Saudi-backed Islah party, has taken actions to deny entry to the island to foreigners under pretext of a new visa system, and specifically prevented the entry of the UAE arms dealers to the island’s ports.

(* A P T)

Two Yemeni ministers survive bomb attack in Shabwah

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attempt

Two Yemeni ministers survived an assassination attempt in the southern Shabwah province on Monday, according to a local official.

Security forces arrested two men for attempting to plant an explosive device near the residence of Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maisari and Transport Minister Saleh al-Jabwani in the provincial capital, Ateq, the source said, requesting anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attempt.

The two ministers have arrived in the province last week for meetings with local officials.

On Saturday, al-Maisari criticized the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels - during a meeting with local officials in Ateq. =

and also

(* B K P)

Koalitionsstreitkräfte werden in Aden neu stationiert und von Saudi-Arabien angeführt

Das Koalitionsstreitkräfte-Kommando hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Streitkräfte in Aden neu aufgestellt wurden und vom Königreich Saudi-Arabien geführt werden.

Der Schritt ist Teil der laufenden Bemühungen des Koalitionskommandos, die Militär- und Sicherheitsoperationspläne im Jemen zu koordinieren und die humanitären und Hilfsmaßnahmen zu verstärken. Ziel ist es auch, die Seewege vor den Küsten Jemens zu sichern und den Terrorismus im ganzen Land zu bekämpfen.

Das Koalitionskommando würdigte die Bemühungen aller Streitkräfte, insbesondere der Streitkräfte der VAE, die zum Erfolg der Pläne beigetragen haben, die operativen Aufgaben effizient auszuführen.

Abschließend bekräftigte das Koalitionsstreitkräfte-Kommando seine fortgesetzten Bemühungen, die Sicherheit und Stabilität Jemens aufrechtzuerhalten und alle Jemeniten und ihre rechtmäßige Regierung zu unterstützen.

(* B K P)

Arab coalition repositioned in Yemen

As part of its ongoing efforts to coordinate military and security operation plans in Yemen, the Arab coalition announced on Sunday that its forces had been repositioned in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden to fall under Saudi command. The repositioning aims to enhance humanitarian missions and strengthen efforts to secure waterways adjacent to the Yemeni coast. Moreover, it aims to combat terrorism in the country.
The coalition commended the efforts exerted by all forces, especially from the UAE.
The coalition concluded its statement stressing that the forces would continue their efforts to bring security and stability to Yemen. The command also assured that its efforts to support all segments of the Yemeni people and its legitimate government.

My remark: By a Saudi news site – everything is fine, of course.

(A K P)

Film: Saudi forces reach Aden to lead military and security operations for the coalition

The Saudi forces reached Aden governorate south of Yemen today's morning, and that’s to implement the declaration of coalition forces to repositioning and deploying forces in Aden under Saudi command to coordinate military and security operations plans to combat terrorism, in addition to secure the waterways paths for the Yemeni coasts and promote the humanitarian and rescue efforts

(A K P)

UAE forces officially hands over west coast supervision tasks to Saudi forces command

UAE forces on Sunday handed over the tasks of overseeing the West Coast Front in Taiz and Hodeidah provinces to Saudi forces as part of the preliminary steps to sign the Riyadh agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council( STC).

The Media Center of the Giants Forces deployed on the West Coast Front said that leaders of the Giants Brigades met on Sunday with the commander of the Arab Coalition forces in Aden, Brigadier General Rashid al-Ghafili.

According to the Giants Media Center, the meeting discussed "matters related to the military situation and developments on the front lines of the fighting."

(* A K P)

Saudi military reinforcements arrive in Yemen's Aden

Heavy military reinforcements of the Saudi-led Arab coalition arrived in Yemen's southern port city of Aden on Sunday, a local government official told Xinhua.

The Aden-based official said on condition of anonymity that "additional Saudi troops arrived as a new military reinforcement to secure the state institutions and the country's presidential palace in Aden."

He said that the Saudi forces backed by tanks and modern military vehicles arrived at the oil port in Buraigah district in Aden's western part.

"Around 45 military vehicles with many soldiers were deployed around the international airport of Aden and around other key state institutions including the presidential palace," he added.

The elite Saudi troops will participate in securing the strategic port city of Aden after signing the power-sharing deal between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC)

(* A K P)

Arab Coalition redeploys troops to Yemen's Aden

Forces will be under Saudi Arabia's command, says coalition

The Arab Coalition fighting Yemen’s Houthi rebels has repositioned its troops in the southern city of Aden, it said on Sunday.

The plan is part of the coalition’s efforts to coordinate military and security operations in Yemen to enhance humanitarian efforts, Saudi Press Agency said in a statement attributed to the coalition.

It will also secure maritime routes off Yemen’s coasts and combat terrorism throughout the country.

“Coalition forces have been repositioned in Aden, this will be led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for redeployment and in accordance to the requirements of the current operations,” the news agency said.

The Arab coalition intervened in Yemen, with the assistance of the UAE, on the government’s behalf in 2015 to support and train local forces in liberated areas and launch projects to restore essential services.

The statement also commended the UAE’s efforts in the fight against the Houthis.

“They have contributed to the success of the plans devised to carry out operations efficiently,” the statement said.

The UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr Anwar Gargash, said the move was a "positive development that will bring stability, unify priorities and mobilise efforts",

"We are proud of the victories made by our forces that are part of the Coalition and the UAE's continuous efforts to work with the Kingdom for a better future for Yemen and its people," Dr Gargash said on Twitter.

and also

My comment: How an UAE news site describes it, actually, it’s a defeat of UAE ambitions at Southern Yemen.

(* B K P)

A special report tries to answer this question. How and why did the UAE withdraw from southern Yemen?

Although the UAE's move to withdraw from southern Yemen is seen as part of a plan to redeploy Saudi and Emirati forces in cities in southern Yemen, the UAE's motives for withdrawing from the city were already present before the outbreak of fighting between the Southern Transitional Council forces and the forces of the Southern Transitional Council on the one hand. Government on the other hand.

In August, Saudi Arabia was hit by a major attack on Aramco oil refinery. The quality, timing and means of the attack clearly indicated Iranian fingerprints, but the Houthis were quick to embrace the process.

However, the UAE feels that their continued presence within the coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen may make them a future target similar to the attacks on Saudi Arabia, especially since the targeting of the two plants located far from the Yemeni-Saudi border confirms that the conflict has begun to expand into regionally, Iran can strike sensitive areas within the UAE in the name of the Houthis, who could claim responsibility, as happened with the Saudi attacks.

Iran has military bases and presence on the islands of Greater and Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa, the UAE islands occupied by Tehran, which are located close to UAE territory.

These concerns prompted Abu Dhabi to take remarkable steps toward rapprochement with Iran; A recent visit to Tehran by Mohammed bin Zayed's brother, Tahnoun.

Improving reputation in the West

With the UAE's presence in the Yemeni file, I also attended the periodic reports issued by local and international human rights organizations on the humanitarian situation within the liberated provinces, which proved the involvement of Emirati and local forces trained and funded by the UAE in torture of prisoners and the execution of physical and verbal attacks on opponents in Aden and other southern provinces, as well as assassinations.

Although the UAE has funded local activists and human rights organizations in Aden to deny the charges, the torture file has become a fait accompli, and prisoners and detainees released have confirmed physical and psychological torture and said others have been sexually assaulted, while prisoners and activists have leaked videos, photographs show some of the situation inside the UAE prisons.

Local activists, government officials and previously released detainees accuse hardline leaders of the Southern Transitional Council, most notably Hani Ben Brik, of being behind the assassinations of dozens of activists, politicians and clerics in the city as a result of their opposition to the UAE's policy. Her man, Ben Brik, feared that the rejectionist voices would influence the UAE's strategy in Aden.

For all this, the UAE hopes that its withdrawal will help alleviate the pressures and campaigns it is facing internationally because of this file, as it seeks to get rid of the political and humanitarian pressures left by this presence and participate in the war, which was punctuated by raids that have claimed the lives of many civilians in different areas of Yemen.

Although much of the accusations about the raids that have claimed civilian lives are focused on Saudi Arabia, the UAE's active role in the coalition has become more of a concern than a great benefit to it.

A new strategy

The UAE has come to realize that its direct presence in Yemen in general, and in the cities of southern Yemen in particular, will increase the pressure on it in the military, political and humanitarian aspects, and this seems to be a significant factor in its use of the option of empowering its allies rather than on the ground.

Abu Dhabi has sent a clear message to its allies in the "transitional" since it began announcing the reduction of its military presence to stabilize its presence in the southern provinces just before the actual implementation of its withdrawal from the southern provinces and now the withdrawal process seems to coincide with the process of joining the Transitional Council into the government It is to be announced after the signing of the forthcoming Jeddah Agreement, which could be the UAE's new strategy of presence by local allies.

(* A K P)

After years of being under the domination of the UAE. "Aden" custody officially transfers to Saudi forces

Saudi Arabia on Sunday announced that it had taken over the command of the Arab coalition forces in the interim capital of Aden in southern Yemen, repositioning and deploying them.

The Arab Coalition Forces Command said in a statement that the coalition forces have been repositioned in Aden to be led by the kingdom and redeployed to the requirements of current operations.

The coalition command said in a statement that the new arrangements were "part of their ongoing efforts to coordinate plans for military and security operations in Yemen and to strengthen humanitarian and relief efforts."

It also aims to "strengthen efforts to secure waterways adjacent to the Yemeni coast in general, and to combat terrorism throughout Yemeni territory."

This comes as an official announcement of the transfer of the city of Aden from the custody of the UAE forces to the custody of Saudi forces

(* A K P)

UAE troops include vehicles and soldiers leaving Ziet port west of Aden

UAE forces on Sunday morning left the port of Al- Ziet in al-Buraiqa district, west of the southern city of Aden, hours after the coalition forces announced in a statement that their forces had been repositioned in the coastal city.

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that a batch of UAE forces, including soldiers, machinery, cannons and technical equipment they were using, left the port of Al-Zeit this morning on board an Emirati ship in conjunction with the start of the position of Saudi forces at Aden International Airport, the coalition headquarters and al-Anad military base in Lahj province.

The source reported that the UAE forces have almost completely evacuated their positions in Aden and Lahj provinces, but said that high-ranking officers of the UAE forces, including the commander of the coalition in Aden, Brig. Gen. Rashid al-Ghafili, are still present at the coalition headquarters.

(* A K P)

UAE replaces separatist militias with Sudanese mercenaries

STC mercenaries being ditched by Emiratis in favour of Janjaweed fighters

Local sources revealed that the UAE expelled private Yemeni guards from the bases of Balhaf and Alam, in Shabwah province, and replaced them with Janjaweed mercenaries from Sudan.

According to the sources, the UAE occupation forces replaced the Southern Transitional Council ( STC) militias from the so-called Shabwah elite forces, and prevented them from approaching the fortified sites where the offices and residence of Emirati officers are located.

Sudanese Janjaweed mercenaries were seen in protective controls, gates and at the entrances to the UAE site after the southern Yemeni militias were laid off.

(* A K P)

Southern Yemeni separatists vow to take revenge on Islah militants

Twitter campaign promises retaliation against those rejecting Riyadh deal between Saudis and STC

Social media activists from the southern provinces on Saturday launched a Twitter’s hashtag under the title “ The people of the South will hold you accountable”, referring to Islah Party’s officials in Hadi’s government.

This comes in response to remarks of the so-called Interior Minister in Hadi’s government, Ahmed al-Maisri, in which he announced his rejection of the Riyadh agreement between the so-called Southern Transitional Council and the Hadi regime, and threatened to return to Aden by force.

The activists said that the people in the south would “not accept the corrupt officials opposing the Riyadh agreement and all the chaos advocates of Islah forces in Shabwah.”

They confirmed that the southern people “had said their decisive word and are determined to confront Islah forces involved in Hadi’s government.”

(A P)

ERC organises 19th mass wedding in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, organised its 19th mass wedding in Yemen, and the fifth to be held in Mukalla in the past two years in Hadramaut Governorate, which joined together 200 young men and women (photos).

and also

My comment: It’s Yemen. Look at the UAE portraits and flags. And: Not a single woman is seen here.

(A T)

Gunmen blow up oil pipeline in southeastern Yemen

Unidentified gunmen early on Sunday blew up a pipeline for transporting crude oil to an exporting port in Yemen's southeastern province of Shabwa, a government official told Xinhua.

The explosion, which occurred for the second time in less than a month, targeted the crude oil pipeline in Rawdah district in the east of Shabwa, the local government official said on condition of anonymity.

(A K P)

UAE militia rapes 8-year-old girl in Aden

An eight-year-old girl in the southern city of Aden has been brutally raped by a member of the UAE militia in the Block 5 area of Mansoura. According to a medical report, the child R, M, S, was raped by a member of the militia of the so-called security management after he was drugged by giving her narcotic water.

(A P)

Al-Masari arrives in Shabwah to inspect situations, services

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior Eng. Ahmed Al-Maysari along with Minister of Transport Saleh Al-Jabwani arrived on Friday in Shabwah governorate on an inspection visit.

The two ministers’ trip aimed to inspect the basic services, security, military and administrative situations in the governorate.

(A P)

Taiz: Outraged Protesters Demand Corrupt Officials to Step down

A crowd of angry protesters in the four-year besieged city of Taiz took to the streets on Saturday, protesting against corruption and demanding basic services which the Yemeni city has long been deprived of, including electricity, water, sanitation, security, education, and salaries.
Many activists have lately launched a campaign on networking sites with a hashtag written in Arabic translated “Enough_Silence.”

The campaign called on citizens to take part in a protest aimed to confront officials and local authorities in the city with the unprecedented corruption the besieged city has been suffering from.

They said that the city lacks the simplest services and the situation keeps deteriorating while those officials, who are in charge of the city, get richer.

and also, linking these officials to Islah Party (Houthi and pro-separatist news sites:

(A P)

Mass demonstrations against Islah Party in Taiz

Protesters decry abuses by local Saudi-backed rulers

Taiz city, in southwester Yemen, has on Saturday witnessed mass demonstrations demanding the removal of corrupt officials in the Islah Party-controlled local authority.

The protesters demanded the improvement of services and the speed of providing medical treatment for the wounded, condemning the deliberate negligence against the wounded by the aggression coalition.

The participants in the demonstrations defaced pictures of Hadi’s officials and the governor of Taiz, accusing them of corruption.

They called for redressing imbalances, paying salaries and protecting public money from looting by officials in areas controlled by Islah militias.

(* A K P)

New batch of UAE troops in Aden prepares to leave Al-Zeit port

A new batch of UAE military forces in Aden has begun arrangements to leave through the port of Al-Zeit, west of the city, which has seen shipments of vehicles, tanks and military vehicles belonging to the UAE, which has begun to evacuate its positions in the southern provinces of Lahj and Aden, a military source said Friday.

The source told "Al-Masdar Online" that large trucks began to transport a force consisting of military vehicles and technical equipment of the UAE forces stationed at the headquarters of the Arab Coalition forces in Buraiqa to the port of Al-Zeit located in the same city, in preparation for the departure of the city later in the evening Friday or Saturday morning.

(B K P)

Before the #STC pushed the #Hadi government out of Aden in August 2019, it already controlled most of the city. Despite such informal power, the STC did not have official access to state; members of the STC held formal positions, they were not recognized as STC (GIF)

(* A K P)


Socotra island is experiencing security tension after Hadi’s troops prevented an Emirati military ship to land off the island’s port.

Military sources said that Hadi’s government troops in the port of Al-Jazeera prevented the arrival of a UAE military ship loaded with weapons to Socotra Security Belt affiliated to it, where the Emirati ship came from the port of Aden, noting that it had to move away from the port 500 miles, according to the sources.

The sources pointed out that the government of Hadi reinforced military troops sent by Saudi Arabia to the island, during the past two days to face any escalation of troops loyal to the UAE.

The sources expected the outbreak of armed clashes between Hadi’s troops and troops of the security belt loyal to the UAE after the latter’s mobilization and arrival to the perimeter of the port.


(A K P)


In coinciding with the deployment of Socotra Security Belt troops affiliated to the United Arab Emirates around the port of Socotra after the Hadi’s troops prevented UAE military ship loaded with weapons to land, Socotra’s new security director, Faiz Tahes Al-Shatahi, on Thursday, vowed to confront any rebellion of any troops outside the framework of the local authority, referring to Pro-Emirates security belt.

Al-Shatahi said on his Twitter account that government forces are preparing to train the island’s youth to face any rebellion outside the framework of legitimacy.

Al-Shathi vowed to take down and tear up any southern flag belonging to the Transitional Council

(* A P)

UAE forces move power turbine away from Aden

Emirati-built power plant broken down and brought along by retreating UAE forces

The UAE occupation on Thursday completed the shipment of equipment for the turbine station, which was provided to the province of Aden in central Yemen, after the process took two days, local official reported.

According to the official, that the UAE ship was loaded with equipment, parts for a power station that the UAE provided to the Electricity Corporation in Aden last year.

“The ship will leave the oil port in Al Buraiqeh District , within the next few hours,” the official said

The UAE occupation began shipping the equipment and parts of its turbine station days after the UAE Red Crescent representative in Aden sent a letter to Al-Haswa station demanding that it facilitate the transfer of the station’s equipment.

(A P)

'Children and fools': Yemeni officials spark outrage after hotel brawl

Yemen’s ambassador to Egypt faces backlash after slapping his aide at a plush Cairo hotel

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Direct negotiations going on between Yemen [Sanaa gov.] and Saudi Arabia on ending the war

Yemeni diplomat confirms that video link negotiations are taking place between Sana'a and Riyadh

Member of the National Negotiation Delegation Jamal Amer has on Saturday evening revealed military negotiations being held between Sana’a and Riyadh via a video link.

“Military officials from Riyadh have been negotiating with their counterparts in Sana’a through a video link since the beginning of October,” Amer wrote on his Facebook page.

The priorities of Saudis’ demands were insisting that Yemen would not publish the recent victories achieved by the Yemeni forces in Operation Victory From God.

Jamal Amer affirmed that the Yemeni side did not respond to the request, “despite that request was reiterated by a phone call from the second highest military figure in the Saudi Ministry of Defence.”

Amer, editor-in-chief of the weekly Al-Wasat in Yemen, said that “based on the above – from the Saudi request and the Yemeni rejection – we can realize the variable that cannot be obscured,” referring to the position of the strength from which Yemen is starting to deal with the coalition countries

(A P)

UN Special Envoy arrives in Sanaa


(A K P)

Military option won’t bring peace to Yemen, region: Houthi

The leader of Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement has warned Saudi Arabia about the consequences of its ongoing campaign of blockade and aggression against the country.

According to a statement by the spokesman for Ansarullah, Mohammed Abdul-Salam, during a meeting with the visiting United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths in the capital Sana’a on Monday, Abdul Malik Badruddin al-Houthi highlighted the fact that the Saudi military option had miserably failed to advance peace and security in the region.

The Ansarullah leader also urged an end to the conflict and the lifting of the blockade, while calling for a solution to more than four years of the bloody war the regime in Riyadh imposed on Yemen.

He blamed Saudi Arabia for obstructing prisoner swap under an agreement reached after UN-sponsored peace negotiations in Sweden last year. Houthi pointed to initiatives developed by Ansarullah for the release of hundreds of prisoners in line with the deal.

Griffiths is in Sana’a to work for the implementation of the Stockholm agreement.

(* B K P)

7,000 prisoners released of two parties by 300 local mediation exchanges process

Chairman of the National Committee for Prisoners' Affairs, Abdul Qader Al-Mortada, has confirmed that the Yemeni army do not have any forcibly hidden prisoners.

Al-Mortada Confirmed that 7,000 prisoners of the two parties have been freed through 300 local mediation exchanges process .

He said in an Interview with Saba News Agency on Saturday, "No prisoners have been freed through the UN, despite the agreement signed by the parties to care for them and their supervision in Sweden".

He added that the prisoners' issue witnesses a suspension because of the aggression rejection of the exchange of all for all.

and also

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* B P)

[from 2017] Saudi Arabia – Iran's Foreign Policy Crisis: A Case Study of Execution of Saudi Shia Cleric Shaikh Nimr al-Nimr

Saudi Arabia and Iran have been in conflict since the Iran revolution in 1979. Three factors shape their relationship: 1) Sunni-Shia disagreement, 2) the rivalry to be the regional power in the Middle East, and 3) the politics in the OPEC. The execution of Saudi's Shia cleric, Shaikh Nimr al-Nimr, is a continuing phenomenon of the protracted conflict between the two countries. The study found that the root cause of their foreign policy crisis is their rivalries for hegemonic ambition in the Middle East and a quest for leadership in the Muslim world. The sectarian divide between Sunni and Shia plays the most important role to ignite the hatred throughout the region. The impact of the execution was tense, whereby Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States cut diplomatic ties with Iran as a response to the burning of Saudi's diplomatic places by a group of Iranians. However, the tendency toward a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is unlikely because the highest-level of policymakers of the two countries are rational. They fully realize that if they waged war against each other, the result would be a catastrophe, not only in the region but to the entire world.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia and Iran: The Tale of Two Media

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia pardons convicted soldiers to keep them in Yemen fronts: Report

Saudi authorities have reportedly pardoned army soldiers convicted of various crimes in the ultra-conservative kingdom in order to encourage them to stay in battle fronts and fight against Yemeni army forces and their allies from Popular Committees.

Arabic-language Mirat al-Jazeera news website, citing a report published by the Arabic-language Saudi Arabian daily newspaper Okaz, reported on Monday that the Public Prosecutor's Office has found soldiers from the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF), the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) as well as command centers in Yemen eligible for receiving the clemency by relevant judicial officials.

The report added that the offer does not apply to troops found guilty by courts of crimes against national security and grave offenses.

Observers and juridical experts argue that the directive aims to pardon Saudi soldiers involved in the war against Yemen, who have criminal records and are convicted of criminal acts in different regions of the conflict-plagued country.

(A P T)

An official source at Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Kingdom appreciates the efforts of the US administration in eliminating the leader of Daesh terrorist organization


The Space Discovery event set to inspire young Saudis

The exhibition comes in line with Vision 2030, aiming to empower youngsters to gain knowledge of advanced technologies

RIYADH: The Space Discovery event was inaugurated in Riyadh on Thursday as part of the most significant entertainment season in the Kingdom. Visitors will have a unique space experience, and discover many high-resolution space models of astronauts, spacesuits, and spacecraft, as well as more than 300 historical pieces from NASA.

(* B E P)

Saudi Aramco-Owned Petrochemicals Giant Reveals Production Losses Caused by Houthi Drone Strikes

In addition to oil, the 14 September attack on Saudi Aramco oil facilities impacted up to half a million tonnes of petrochemical products, Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) CEO Yousef al-Benyan estimates.

“There won’t be any significant financial impact and if there is it will be in the fourth quarter. In terms of production, we evaluate there will be an impact of around 400,000-500,000 tonnes in terms of products,” al-Benyan was quoted by Reuters as saying.

The official did not specify which products were affected, although it is known that SABIC and its subsidiaries produce petrochemicals including ethylene, benzene, acetone, methanol, polypropylene and over a dozen others, as well as fertilisers, steel, and other products, with much of this output sold to Asia.

Earlier this month, Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said that the company planned to restore full production capacity by November in the wake of last month’s Houthi drone attacks, with October crude output expected to reach about 9.9 million barrels per day (about 16 percent less than the company’s average pre-attack capacity of 12 million barrels per day). Nasser also insisted that the drone attacks had no impact on the company’s plan for its initial public offering (IPO) listing on the stock market, although the IPO was delayed last week.

(* B P)

„Sind wir in der Truman-Show?“

Das streng islamische Saudi-Arabien hat sich dem westlichen Tourismus geöffnet. Besucherinnen brauchen noch nicht einmal mehr eine Abaya. Vorausgereist in ein schwieriges, spannendes Land

Das erzkonservative, steng islamische Land hat sich quasi von heute auf morgen dem westlichen Tourismus geöffnet. Er wird als bisher „ungenutzte Möglichkeit“ gesehen, den Ölstaat wirtschaftlich umzukrempeln. Der Anteil des Tourismus am Bruttoinlandsprodukt soll bis 2030 von jetzt drei auf zehn Prozent erhöht werden. Seit Ende September können Urlauber aus 49 Ländern, darunter Deutschland, individuell nach Saudi-Arabien reisen. Zuvor durften nur gläubige Pilger, Geschäftsleute und einige Reisegruppen das verschlossene Land besuchen. Selbst Saudis reiben sich verwundert die Augen: „Wir sind vom Tempo überrascht, was sich hier über Nacht alles verändert“, sagt Tourguide Sami Khiary, der in Kanada studiert hat und sagt, er habe seit 2005 auf diesen Moment gewartet.

Anlocken will Saudi-Arabien vor allem gutbetuchte Kulturinteressierte. Denn das Land, jahrzehntelang terra incognita, gilt archäologisch als Schatzkammer.

Das ganze Land ist eine riesige Baustelle. Überall werden Highways durch die Wüste betoniert, neue Flughäfen, Tunnel, Hotels und ganze Retortenstädte geplant und gebaut.

Wie eine Sinnestäuschung, eine Fata Morgana, wirkt der zunehmend westlichere Lifestyle.

Die Religionspolizei, die über die Sitten in der Öffentlichkeit wacht, ist seit ein paar Jahren entmachtet – man sieht sie nicht. Immer wieder muss Sell Gästen erklären, dass sie sich tatsächlich frei bewegen können. Saudische Städte, vor allem die schon immer etwas fortschrittlichere Hafenstadt Dschiddah, bekommen eine westliche Benutzeroberfläche. Jeden Tag gibt es überraschende Neuerungen, die sich über Social Media in Windeseile verbreiten.

Mein Kommentar: Embedded Journalism: Saudi Arabien propagiert Tourismus. Wie ein Kommentar hierzu könnte auch gelten: mit Verweis auf (Foto).

(B P)

One of the (many) joys of rootling around the 40-year archive of the Gulf States Newsletter is coming across nuggets like this from April 2011 on the early rise of a 25 year old Mohammed bin Salman.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

Has the world forgotten about Jamal Khashoggi?

A year on from Khashoggi's gruesome murder, his friends and family still want answers, but the world powers have already moved on, writes Andrew Smith.

Needless to say, there was a huge gulf between the rhetoric and the reality that came from Downing Street. The Foreign Secretary may have been expressing his concerns, but Freedom of Information requests from Campaign Against Arms Trade show that within weeks of the killing, UK civil servants were in Riyadh trying to push for even stronger military ties between Britain and the Saudi rulers.

Over the months that followed Khashoggi’s brutal murder, the UK Government licensed £650 million worth of arms to Saudi forces.

If there is one thing that has changed since Khashoggi’s murder, it is that people are now much more aware of the nature of the Saudi monarchy.

The problem isn’t just MBS, it is everything he represents, including those who have armed, supported and enabled his authoritarian rule.

cp9 USA

(*A P)

Riyadh's 'Davos in the Desert': Rights advocates decry attendance of Kushner and Mnuchin

Congressman Jim McGovern says US treasury secretary should not 'rub elbows with murderous regime'

Advocates seeking justice for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi say that Saudi Arabia has still not faced accountability for the crime.

Riyadh has yet to deal with any serious repercussions over the killing, the kingdom has not carried out a transparent investigation into the murder and the slain journalist's body has not been found.

Still, US officials who skipped Saudi Arabia's so-called "Davos in the Desert" last year over the murder - including White House adviser Jared Kushner and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin - plan to attend the luxurious investment conference next week.

US legislators and rights groups have slammed the administration of President Donald Trump for sending representatives to the Saudi conference, which is set to take place at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh.

"Putting personal interests over the common interest of our country is a shameful tradition of Trump’s administration," Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar told Middle East Eye in an email.

"Continuing to cozy up to and prop up brutal dictators that murder their own citizens and US residents is just another example of it," she added.

Congressman Jim McGovern, a Democrat who co-chairs the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, also condemned the attendance of US officials at the lavish Saudi conference.

(A P)

US-Energieminister lobt die strategische Vision vom Dubai Herrscher

Rick Perry, US-amerikanischer Energieminister, lobte die strategische Vision Seiner Hoheit Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vizepräsident, Premierminister und Herrscher von Dubai.

(A P)

US Secretary of Energy praises Dubai Ruler's strategic vision

Rick Perry, United States, US, Secretary of Energy praised the strategic vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

(* A P)

U.S. says talks progressing with Saudi on possible nuclear program

U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry said on Saturday that conversations with Saudi Arabia on a nuclear program are going forward.

The world’s top oil exporter had said it wanted to use nuclear power to diversify its energy mix. It wants to go ahead with a full-cycle nuclear program, including the production and enrichment of uranium for atomic fuel.

In order for U.S. companies to compete for Saudi Arabia’s project, Riyadh would normally need to sign an accord on the peaceful use of nuclear technology with Washington.

Reuters has reported that progress on the discussions has been difficult because Saudi Arabia does not want to sign a deal that would rule out the possibility of enriching uranium or reprocessing spent fuel - both potential paths to a bomb.

“The kingdom and the leadership in the kingdom .. will find a way to sign a 1,2,3 agreement with the United States, I think,” Perry said.

My comment: This is perverse.

(A K P)

Tulsi Gabbard: The US Must Stop Supporting War Crimes in Yemen

Despite these facts, and Saudi Arabia's long history of directly and indirectly supporting terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, the Trump Administration reached a $460 billion arms deal in May with the Saudis, even though they continue to spread a Wahhabi Salafist ideology that fuels al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups in the Middle East and beyond.

Tulsi Gabbard said, "The best solution is for Congress to immediately pass the Stop Arming Terrorists Act (H.R. 608), which would put an end to our government funding the violence against civilians in Yemen, and to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for their war crimes.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Netanjahu: Iranische Präzisionsraketen in Jemen

Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hat den Erzfeind Iran beschuldigt, im Jemen ein Präzisionsraketenarsenal aufzubauen. Teheran wolle auch von dort aus Israel erreichen können, sagte Netanjahu heute bei einem Treffen mit US-Finanzminister Steven Mnuchin in Jerusalem.

„Der Iran bemüht sich nun, Präzisionswaffen zu entwickeln, Raketen, die jeden Ort im Nahen Osten mit einer Zielgenauigkeit von fünf bis zehn Metern treffen können“, so Netanjahu. Teheran wolle diese Waffen im Irak und in Syrien stationieren und das Arsenal des Libanons von 130.000 Raketen in Präzisionswaffen umwandeln. Teheran habe bereits damit begonnen, diese im Jemen zu stationieren.

und auch

Mein Kommentar: Nonsense-Propaganda, die den Konflikt weiter anheizen soll. Israel selbst ist wohl eines der ganz wenigen Länder im Nahen Osten, die tatsächlich „jeden Ort im Nahen Osten mit einer Zielgenauigkeit von fünf bis zehn Metern treffen können“, und das als einzige auch noch mit Atomwaffen.

(A P)

Iran Has Deployed Missiles in Yemen That Could Hit Israel, Netanyahu Says

U.S. to ramp up economic pressure on Iran, Mnuchin tells Netanyahu in Jerusalem

Iran has begun deploying missiles in Yemen in order to strike Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.

According to Netanyahu, "Iran is already aspiring to obtain precision weapons to hit every target in the Middle East… they manufacture them in Iran and want to deploy them in Iraq and in Syria, and turn the 130,000-rocket arsenal in Lebanon into precision munitions. They aspire to do that, and they have already begun deploying them in Yemen in order to strike Israel from there as well."

During the meeting Mnuchin pledged to increase economic sanctions against Iran. He says the administration's "maximum pressure campaign" is halting Iranian aggression.

Netanyahu called on Washington to impose additional sanctions to stop what he called Iran's "plunge for everything" in the Mideast.

and also

My comment: Nonsense propaganda to further fire the conflict. „Iran has begun deploying missiles in Yemen“: No, how should they? „in order to strike Israel“: More nonsense. Why from Yemen?? – It seems Israel is one of the few countries in the Middle East which in the moment would be able „to hit every target in the Middle East“ – and even by nuclear weapons, which no other country in the region is able to.

(B P)

Film by @USAFCENT: LONG DISTANCE DELIVERY | B-1B Lancers land @ Prince Sultan AB Saudia Arabia after flying directly from Ellsworth AFB SD. The B-1B is a long-range strategic bomber able to strike any adversary at any location on the globe. This demonstrates PSAB’s ability to conduct combat ops.

(* B P)

Facilitating Saudi-Iran ties

Pakistan is completely focused on facilitating Saudi-Iran rapprochement. With back to back trips to Tehran and Riyadh, Prime Minister Imran Khan has left no stone unturned to bring the two rival Muslim countries closer.

After decades of hostilities, it’s a rare moment in history that Iran and Saudi Arabia are equally optimistic of making peace. Rouhani is holding out an olive branch. And, MBS says that ‘If I'm a pessimist, I should leave my post and work somewhere else’. Such rare moments don’t come often. It’ time to make real peace as history won’t forgive the one who loses this exceptional opportunity.

(* B P)

Playing with Fire: Trump, the Saudi- Iranian Rivalry, and the Geopolitics of Sectarianization in the Middle East This paper was commissioned by the Barcelona-based European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and appears in its Mediterranean Yearbook 2018. In it, my co-author Nader Hashemi and I examine the deterioration of sectarian relations in the Middle East, with a focus on the escalation of the Saudi-Iranian regional rivalry. We show how the Trump administration in particular has exacerbated these already volatile dynamics and suggest a shift in the policies of Western governments toward the region aimed at defusing the sectarianization process.

“Instead of providing logistical and military assistance to coalition forces that have committed serious violations, these influential members of the international community should seek to hold perpetrators of such violations to account,” said James Lynch, Amnesty’s Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director.

“There is no reasonable explanation by states such as the US and the UK that would justify their continued support and irresponsible arms flows to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, when there is extensive evidence that these have resulted in enormous harm to Yemen for the past three years,” says Amnesty International’s Middle East research director, Lynn Maalouf.

The work of de-sectarianization will be an uphill battle and could require decades. To be sure, there are pockets of cross-sectarian activism and inter-sectarian dialogue underway across the region. But those vital efforts will remain consigned to the margins until the bombs stop falling

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B K P)

Arms trade committee "paralysed" by partisanship

The conflict in Yemen has brought the UK arms trade under scrutiny. But Parliament’s main mechanism for overseeing the industry, the Committees on Arms Export Controls, is “paralysed” by problems of its own

The Committees on Arms Export Controls – comprised of the Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Defence and International Development committees – appears to be the obvious body to scrutinise Government activity on contentious arms exports. But despite receiving a letter from Truss admitting the errors in September, the Committees – known as CAEC (pronounced ‘cake’) – have not met. In fact, CAEC has not held a session since May, and there are currently no scheduled meetings.

So what’s behind CAEC’s difficulties? And how can Parliament ensure the arms export industry is properly scrutinised?

CAEC’s chair, Labour MP Graham Jones, attributes the group’s difficulties to the “partisan” approach of some who are more interested in “scoring points over the other side” than in a serious inquiry into the role of British arms exports in the conflict. “I think the problem in the past was that the debate starts out from a very partisan basis. Of course, then there isn’t the basis to go forward,” he says. “It has had the catastrophic effect of paralysing the committee and the committee stopped functioning.”

Russell-Moyle agrees that political divisions means they inevitably reach a verdict of the “lowest common denominator”.

This was demonstrated in 2015 when, in a highly unusual move, CAEC’s inquiry into the use of manufactured arms in Yemen produced two separate reports – one from the Foreign Affairs committee, and another from the International Development committee and what was then the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee. The Defence committee was absent from both.

The chair believes CAEC’s problems can be overcome with a more rigorous approach to evidence and expert testimony. “I don’t want the committee to be focused simply on ‘Saudis buy bombs from Britain and drop them in Yemen,’” he says. “I have no intention of having an inquiry that starts with a partisan view, quite the opposite. I want to understand why there’s a civil war. What’s driving the conflict?”

One thing that’s certain is that as the UK looks towards its place in a rapidly changing world order, arms exports will remain an area of fierce contention. Whatever happens, Parliament will have to ensure this industry is scrutinised in an effective and meaningful way. – by Guinevere Poncia

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Influencerin postet Dubai-Bilder – Kritik von Amnesty

Schwedin Kenza Zouiten Subosic ließ ihre 1,9 Millionen Follower auf Instagram an ihrem Familienurlaub teilhaben. Doch für die Fotos aus Dubai hagelt es herbe Kritik. Auch von Amnesty Norwegen.

(A P)

Situation in south Yemen showing 'positive signals' - France's Le Drian

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Monday that the situation in south Yemen had shown “positive signals” for the first time in months.

(A P)

Terminally-Ill Bahraini Inmate Removed from Hospital, Denied Medical Care

(A P)

Der Schweizer Freund bei den Saudis: Ueli Maurer, das Geschenk Allahs

Letztes Jahr blieb die Welt dem Investorengipfel in Riad fern. Tempi passati: Bundespräsident Maurer pilgert am Dienstag zum «Davos in der Wüste».

Kommenden Dienstag findet der Pompanlass zum dritten Mal statt. Und die Wut des Westens ist verflogen. Trotz des ungesühnten Mordes und des blutigen Jemen-Kriegs kehren die demokratischen Staaten in die Golf-Monarchie zurück.

Als Speerspitze fungiert Ueli Maurer (68). Der Schweizer Bundespräsident weilt mit einer Finanzdelegation von Samstag bis Dienstag auf der Arabischen Halbinsel. Stolz verweist das Finanzdepartement auf die besonderen Beziehungen der Schweiz zum Wüstenstaat. Bei Maurers Teilnahme des Forums am Dienstag sollen «aktuelle wirtschaftspolitische Fragen und Investitionen zur Sprache kommen».

Ueli, der gute Freund aus Suisra, ist für die wahhabitischen Herrscher ein Geschenk Allahs. Die führen nämlich gerade eine weltweit gesteuerte PR-Offensive.


(A P)

Maurer in der Golfregion: Es geht um Milliarden

Bundespräsident Ueli Maurers Reise in die Golfregion mit Vertretern der Finanzbranche findet statt – trotz internationaler Kritik.

Geht er, oder geht er nicht? Nach langem Hin und Her ist klar: Bundespräsident Ueli Maurer reist doch noch nach Saudiarabien. Dies gab sein Finanzdepartement am Freitag bekannt. Schon am Samstag fliegt Maurer zunächst in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, wo er den Premierminister trifft. Danach geht es weiter nach Riad. Dort wird Maurer am Montag vom saudischen König empfangen. Ausserdem finden Gespräche mit den Ministern für Wirtschaft, Finanzen und Handel statt.

Ueli Maurer geht es auf seiner Reise an den Golf offensichtlich um die Interessen des Wirtschafts- und Finanzplatzes Schweiz.

(A P)

Zarif: Es gibt nur eine politische Lösung für Jemen

Der iranische Außenminister hat bekräftigt, dass es nur eine politische Lösung für den Jemen gibt, aber unter Beteiligung aller Akteure.

Bei seinem Treffen mit dem Ansarollah-Sprecher äußerte der iranische Außenminister außerdem sein Bedauern über die schlimmen Folgen des auferlegten Jemen-Krieges sowie die fünfjährige Blockade gegen dieses Land und forderte den Stopp der Tötung von Zivilisten und die Aufhebung der Jemen-Blockadeösung_für_jemen

(A P)

Zarif calls for ending killing of civilians in Yemen

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed regret over the hard situation resulted from imposed war and about five years blockade in Yemen and called for ending the killing of civilians and lifting the siege.

Speaking in a meeting with Spokesman for Yemeni Ansarallah Mohammed Abdul Salam, Zarif underlined the fact that political solution is the key to settle the Yemeni crisis.

He also stressed Iran's support for establishing a truce in Yemen and holding intra-Yemeni talks.

and also

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Lok at cp1, cp10

(A K P)

Military Industries Corporation Participates in Bahrain International Defence Exhibition & Conference

The Saudi Military Industries Corporation has participated in Bahrain International Defence Exhibition and Conference 2019, currently being held at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Center.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


A Yemeni antiquity dating back to 200-100 BC was stolen and it's in the UAE now.

referring to (photo)

(* B K)

Mohammed al-Houthi: Invaders are destroying and looting Yemen’s historical heritage

At least 237 historical landmarks destroyed by Saudi-led invaders

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has opened the file on Yemen’s antiquities, historical monuments and museums.

Al-Houthi accused the Saudi-led coalition, the UAE and its militants of carrying out “systematic destruction” of Yemen’s history, sites and monuments”, and of systematic looting of Yemen’s antiquities.

He further revealed the looting of antiquities of the Ma’rib Museum and other southern provinces of Yemen.

Mohammed Ali al- Houthi said that “Mercenaries are antiquity thieves. Where did the antiquities of Ma’rib Museum go? It is a crime added to the crime of looting the Taiz Museum and burning what was was left of it.”

According to the Ministry of Culture and the General Authority for Antiquities and Museums, the war has severely affected Yemen’s antiquities and manuscripts sector.

“Over 237 archaeological sites, a historical landmark and a museum have been directly bombed by coalition warplanes and artillery up until October 26, 2019.”

“Where are the monuments from the rest of the museums in the occupied governorates?” al-Houthi asked a broader question.

Most archaeological museums in coalition-controlled areas have been looted and smuggled away.

“Mercenaries are committing historical, social, political, military security, cultural and economical crimes,” Mohammed al-Houthi said.

The Saudi-led coalition has not excluded Yemeni archaeological and historical monuments protected by international law. The coalition has launched successive direct air strikes on the historic cities of Sana’a and Zubeid, destroying a number of their archaeological houses, as well as bombing the historical marvel of the Ma’rib Archaeological Dam.

The attack on the physical and intangible cultural heritage of peoples during wars is classified as a war crime in international criminal law. UNESCO has previously called on the coalition to spare Yemen’s humanitarian legacy from conflict and targeting.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Film: Houthis use religious occasions to steal in the name of God and His Messanger

(A P)

Blowing up homes.. Houthis’ old criminal heritage of the Zaidi Imamate in Yemen

The Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia in Yemen was distinctive from the rest of the extremist organizations, in their savage, inhumanity and dirty habit i.e., blowing up the homes of political opponents.

Studies indicate that the Houthi miltia derived this ugly tradition from the old criminal heritage of the Zaidi Imamate in Yemen which was full of the crimes of destroying the homes of opponents, to the extent that it is difficult for the researcher to count the homes and towns and villages destroyed completely or partially by Imams.

The sources said that Imam Al-Mahdi Ali Bin Mohammed, invaded Haraz district and destroyed its villages, and ruined Sana’a and Sultaniyah House.

It is said that Imam Al-Motawakkel Ismail Ibn Al-Qasem, invaded Sofyan land; killed the people and ruined their homes.

(A P)

Have We Forgotten the Women of Yemen?

Women’s rights take a backseat during conflict, along with freedoms and civil rights. And if women are discussed at all in situations such as that of Yemen, they are often seen only as victims and not also as stakeholders in the political process.

Unfortunately, when men with guns came storming through the doors, the women’s agenda was thrown out the window

For female activists the story is even worse, because they suffer from double the discrimination by the conservative Houthis as both women and activists. At the end of 2014, when I was still Minister of Information, I worried about the journalists and employees of state media, but especially about the women working in media. I was right to worry. The minute the Houthis seized Yemeni TV, they berated the women working there and told them to go home, be good wives, and submit to their duties as women to their husbands. Media, they said, is not a place for women – by Nadia Al-Sakkaf, the former Minister of Information for Yemen and editor-in-chief of the Yemen Times

My comment: This mainly does not look like a pro-women, but a blame-the-Houthis article.For Washinton Institute.

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA Supports Yemen to Achieve its Security and Stability

Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional and international arenas.
Okaz newspaper said in its editorial that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s role in Yemen is for supporting the brotherly people to achieve their country’s security and stability, and supporting political solutions in Yemen at all levels.

(A P)

Expelling employees from Sana'a, insulting and detaining others. United Nations in the crosshairs of Houthi insults

Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has not been insulted in a country, as happened in Yemen by the Houthi group.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Foreign Minister: Houthi militia continued to obstruct the peace process and did not abide by any agreement

Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami said the Houthi militia continued to obstruct the peace process and did not abide by any agreement.

This was made in our country's speech at the 18th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in the Azerbaijani capital Baku, with the participation of 120 countries, 17 observer countries and 10 international organizations.

"The Houthi militias have not committed to any agreements and have continued their war and obstructed the peace process, ignoring the efforts of the United Nations and the Security Council and its relevant resolutions, particularly Resolution 2216," he said.

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA is Always Keen on Making Peace

(A P)

Aid is provided without any bias, asserts KSrelief chief

The Kingdom is keen to support all initiatives aimed at arriving at a peaceful solution in Yemen, the Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) and adviser to the Royal Court Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah has said.
At a recent closed-door meeting with members of Italy's Chamber of Deputies and the Senate entitled: "Supporting the Yemeni People" here, Al-Rabeeah said the Kingdom never discriminates between the Yemeni factions, sects and regions and provides its aid to all without any partiality, a Saudi Press Agency (SPA) report said.
Al-Rabeeah further said that the Kingdom is very keen to support the security and stability of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda und (Deutsch)

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day
Oct. 27:

Oct. 26:

Oct. 25:

Oct. 24:

Oct. 23:

Oct. 22:

(A K pH)


In a serious escalation, the aggression warplanes, on Saturday, launched an airstrike on a fisherman boat on the coast of Ras Issa days after the signing of the final agreement to a ceasefire in Hodeidah and install the fifth point to monitor violations under the auspices of the United Nations.

(A K pH)

Aggression warplanes wage 40 raids on several provinces on Sunday: Army spokesman

Most of the air raids targeted Saada and Hajjah provinces

(A K pH)

Six Saudi-ed aggression air strikes hit Saada

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Saada p.: Saudi missiles ad artillery shells targeted populated villages in Munabbih district.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] National army foils Houthi militia’s attempt to lay landmines in Serwah Front

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih district, damaging a school and killing a number of livestock.

(* A K pS)

Revealed that 94 gunmen were killed in one night. A Houthi prisoner: the militias incurred heavy losses in north of Hajjah battles

A Houthi prisoner who has fallen into the hands of government forces in recent days has revealed significant losses the group has received in recent battles on the fronts of northern Hajjah province, southwestern Yemen.

For the second week, the forces of the legitimate government's 5th Military Zone are repelling violent attacks by Houthi militants on various areas of fighting in the northern province bordering Saudi Arabia.

In a video released by the 5th District Media Center, al-Houthi said that 94 Houthis were killed in one night while carrying out an attack on government forces positions in the village of Al-Awaja, southwest of Hayran district.

He added that the bodies of the Houthi dead were still lying on the lines of contact and could not be recovered.

The captive, s from Al-Jumaimah district in Hajjah governorate, said government forces trap militia attackers during their attack in the village of Al-Awaja and all the attackers were killed and captured.


(A K pS)

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi in Koshar to mobilize fighters to reinforce northern Hajjah fronts

According to local sources in Hajjah province, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, governor of Hajjah province appointed by the Houthis and a number of the group's leaders are carrying out field visits to Koshar district to mobilize new fighters to the frontlines of the fighting in northern Hajjah province.

These moves come after militia attacks on the Abbs and Hayran fronts have been broken on a daily basis over the past two weeks.

(* B K pS)

Film: Landmines Planted by Houthis Everywhere in Tha’bat Put Citizens and Children At Risk

The Houthis didn’t spare schools, mosques and houses from landmines, causing injuries among citizens returning from displacement to Tha’bat.

and snippet:

(A K pS)

KSrelief Project "Masam" Dismantles 3,351 Mines in 4th Week of October

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's project for clearing mines (Masam) in Yemen demined 3,351 mines during the fourth week of October 2019, including eight antipersonnel mines, 758 anti-tank, 2,541 unexploded ordnance and two explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, 100,000 landmines have been dismantled after they had been planted by Houthi militias

(B K pH)

How did the experience of the army with committees change the balance of the global war on Yemen? What is the secret of its success?

The combat achievement issued by the [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Army with the Popular Committees (the Mujahideen) during the confrontation of the global war led by the United States, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against Yemen is still a watershed in the science of war and its complex military and strategic concepts.

The tactics, systems and martial techniques shown by the Yemeni fighter during the confrontation are ideal and unprecedented, governed by the element of innovation, accuracy and combative science combining several known fighting styles – classical and guerrilla warfare in the framework of a new combination of interlocking combat science.

Their experience issued during the past five years is one of the most complex and controversial military experiments in traditional and modern military science; despite the great difference between the two sides in this war in the size of armament and advanced military technology and air superiority and huge human quantity, but this experience has achieved an unprecedented success (thankfully) in confronting and breaking the campaigns of aggression’s mercenaries in more than 50 of fighting fronts in southern Yemen and the frontiers with Saudi Arabia.

(B K pS)

Drone and missile attacks against Saudi Arabia underscore need for more robust air defenses

But experts question whether the additional 3,000 American troops, Air Force F-15s and Patriot missile batteries will be enough to counter the growing capability of Iranian and Yemen-based Houthi drones and missiles in the region.

Iran and Houthi rebels both field an impressive collection of drones and cruise missiles capable of reaching U.S. allies in the Gulf.

It’s unknown how many drones and missiles have been shot down by coalition and U.S. Patriot systems in Saudi Arabia. U.S. Central Command did not respond to a request for the Patriot’s success rate in engaging airborne targets.

But the overreliance on the air defense Patriot system has come under criticism by analysts who argue that the low flying cruise missiles and drones possessed by Iran and its Houthi allies are difficult to counter.

My comment: Putin offered Russian SS400; it’s better, it’s cheaper.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


'10 Days Before the Wedding' Wins Best Screenplay Award in Morocco

The Adeni movie 10 Days Before the Wedding of Amr Gamal and Mazen Refa'at received the best screenplay award at Arab Film Festival, held from 18 to 25 October in Casablanca, Morocco with the participation of 198 films produced in 2018-2019, represented 19 arab countries.
The Special Mention distinction is awarded by the jury of the festival to the actress Sally Hamada for her role in the 10 Days Before the Wedding.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-590 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-590: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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