Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 601 - Yemen War Mosaic 601

Yemen Press Reader 601: 25. Nov. 2019: Die Zersplitterung des Jemen – Psychische Gesundheit im Jemen – Gewalt gegen Frauen im Jemen – Flutopfer in Jeddah eine Schande für die Saudis – und mehr

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Nov. 25, 2019: The fragmentation of Yemen – Mental health in Yemen – Violence against women in Yemen – Jeddah flood death shame Saudi royals – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(? B K P)

Saudi-Arabiens Vietnam

Geschichte und Hintergrund des Krieges im Jemen

[nur im Abo]

(* B H)

Yemen Humanitarian Crisis

In 2017, Yemen was declared the world’s largest humanitarian disaster by the United Nations (UN). According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), “An estimated 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – require some form of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 14.3 million who are in acute need. Severity of needs is deepening, with the number of people in acute need a staggering 27 per cent higher than last year. Two-thirds of all districts in the country are already pre-famine, and one-third face a convergence of multiple acute vulnerabilities.”

For four and a half years, Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East and North African region, has been the midst of a civil war. Yemen is ranked 178 out of 189 countries on the 2018 UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Überschwemmung in Jeddah: cp8 / Jeddah flood: cp8

(** B P)

Peace and State Fragmentation in Yemen

Since the outbreak of the war in 2014, various local groups established and consolidated control over territories and state institutions. The al-Islah party has become a dominant force in Taiz. Local tribes have taken control in Marib, Shabwa, and coastal areas of Hadhramout. The STC won territory in southwest, and the Houthis have come to command the northwest. As they solidify their local influence, these actors are involved in bottom-up state building processes that are worsening state fragmentation. In central and southwest Yemen, for instance, the violent expansion of the Houthis and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2015 created a security vacuum, giving rise to local armed resistance forces. Saleh-loyalists granted the Houthis access in security institutions; with some officials rejecting the takeover, institutions such as the police, ultimately collapsed. Given the collapse of state institutions and the rise of local militias, Hadi relied on these resistance forces to defend his government. As a result, informal resistance troops were integrated into state structures that eventually comprised the national army.

Despite their formal integration, these resistance forces comprise disparate groups with conflicting historical trajectories and social and political agendas. These forces embrace local identities. The resistance that emerged in Taiz in the wake of the Houthi incursion stems from the armed opposition affiliated with al-Islah, the same group that defended the popular protests against the Saleh forces during the 2011 protests. Unsurprisingly, al-Islah eventually ruled the armed resistance and subsequent state-building processes in Taiz. Al-Islah directed the rebuilding of military structures through the integration of militias and the re-establishment of governing institutions. In Marib, local tribes that traditionally governed the area entered an alliance with al-Islah and shaped state-building. In Aden and al-Dhale, the resistance developed out of the southern movement, a broad civic movement that surfaced in 2007 and has, in parts, advocated for an independent state since 2009. The southern resistance defended the south from what it perceived as northern forces trying to regain control of the south to repress independence efforts.

Vast security structures in the south are today independent from northern elites. Military officers from the former southern army—who Saleh forcibly retired upon unification in 1990—have risen in the ranks of military, police, and governing institutions in the south. As a result, the southern movement became more unified, more organized, and empowered than ever before.

The very integrity of the Yemeni state is at stake. According to the YPC survey, half of Yemenis do not consider a single actor in Yemen to be a legitimate authority. – by Mareike Transfeld

My comment: The Houthis started as a local movement but changed into movement which required to represent the whole state, forming an alternate government which actually rules 70 % of the whole population.

(** B H)

Mental Health in Conflict: The Case of Yemen

Mental health has been neglected for decades in my country, despite a few ambitious reforms to establish and roll out a national strategy to address mental health and wellbeing.

The impact of war goes beyond casualties and damaging infrastructure, leaving a permanent psychological trauma among the new generation that is supposed to build up again the country in the not-too-far-away (I hope) recovery phase.

Last year, a study on the impact of war on Yemeni children’s mental health in Sana’a schools found that over two thirds of the ones surveyed experienced critical manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study also concluded that the degree of PTSD among these children was higher than their counterparts’ in other fragile states with conflict situations.

Technically, all people in Yemen can be expected to suffer from various degrees of psychological trauma. Many studies in the past aimed to measure what seems rather obvious from common knowledge: airstrikes, bombings, street clashes, killings, absence of law and order, volatile food prices, lack of transportation and poor or absent health care are all chronic stressors that do not “contribute to good health”, as you can imagine.

A few NGOs initiated attempts to introduce vertical interventions to tackle mental health in the past. Nevertheless, according to a recent study, many aid agencies report that mental health remained neglected and not prioritised in the Health Cluster’ (i.e. a WHO-led coordination mechanism for the health response in Yemen) interventions between 2015-2018. Furthermore, some agencies report that it is forbidden to mention mental health problems in their plans, considering this as a “no-go” area (in the eyes of the local government) in specific parts of Yemen. Obviously, this also hinders the expansion of mental health at service delivery level.

There has been a long debate on how mental health should be seen and addressed in conflict settings, ranging from a purely biomedical view to a more social perspective. But in Yemen, we need to move forward with some “tangible” solutions. Sooner rather than later.

What can be a way forward?

Perhaps we could start by ‘deconstructing’ the ‘mental health’ concept as it is commonly used now, and respond to the recent pleas to ‘rethink mental health care’, ‘call(s) for action’ , … by zooming in on the Yemeni social and cultural perspective. This would be a good start to redefine issues and work on a more practical ‘division of labour’ between sectors. This is vital to solve the chronic psychiatric staff shortage gap – the gap has been there for decades, and only seems to be getting worse.

A useful next step would be to update the old national strategy using new insights especially, taking health system parameters into account.

Finally, let us not forget that lack of action in this respect comes at a huge cost. Donor countries and the Government of Yemen need to invest sufficient resources and time in dealing with the enormous mental health challenges in my country, to prevent a potentially devastating development and economic impact on current and future generations of Yemen (and the broader region), and instead try to kick off a virtuous circle – by Sameh Al-Awlaqi

(** B H)

Unspoken: As Gender-Based Violence Plagues Yemen, All Sides Are Guilty

In 2017 Yemen was ranked as the worst place in the world to be a woman. As the war continues to ravage the nation, Yemen women continue to suffer atrocities in silence.

Nawal was thrown back in the street where she was kidnapped, her young body marked by months of abuse, her mind forever shattered by the cruelty of armed groups which continues to play the verses of the Quran to justify the intolerable.

Nawal is one among thousands … yet another statistic to Yemen’s new social norm. If Yemen often takes pride in its patriarchal set-up and traditional approach of gender roles, it keeps mum to the violence women are made to endure by the hands of their self-appointed “protectors”.

Although rampant, rape is not the only abomination women in Yemen face. Slavery has become too a form of violence targeting the most vulnerable of women and children. Among the 4.3 million people displaced since late March 2015, about half of the displaced are women – 27 percent of whom are below age 18. For those poor souls, misery has become their daily bread; with little to no effort on officials’ part to somewhat remedy the situation.

In November 2017, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that incidents of gender-based violence (GBV) including rape and sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and early and forced marriage of girls, had increased by over 63 percent since before the conflict.

More preoccupied with matters of pure politics, Yemen’s ruling elite has quite literally turned its back on its women, condemning half of its total population to violence and abuses, all that blanketed by the convenience of deniability.

When the world’s eyes are focused on drone strikes and other various military maneuvers, the fate of civilians, nevermind women, is easily lost in translation.

While sexual and gender-based violence is widespread in emergency settings, Yemen turned a dangerous corner in the frequency and nature of such crimes – putting the war-torn nation almost on par with the horrors we have grown accustomed to hear out of Afghanistan, when the Taliban ran unchallenged.

As a report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reads, “With limited shelter options, displaced women and girls tend to suffer most from lack of privacy, threats to safety and limited access to basic services, making them ever more vulnerable to violence and abuse. Displaced girls are more likely to lose access to schooling as families with limited resources de-prioritize their right to education.”

little will change for Yemen if those in power fail to grasp the urgency of the situation, preferring instead to battle for the reins of power. However, although bleak, the situation is not completely hopeless.

The UNFPA is currently in the process of scaling up services for survivors of gender-based violence, including through the Family Counselling and Development Foundation. As a report confirms

Although the war has led to a significant escalation of violence against Yemen women, it is crucial to remember that Yemen was already one of the harshest, if not the harshest, countries to live in for a woman in light of the often suffocating patriarchal mentality that has kept women in perpetual shackles. Guilt today lies with those who choose to look away for they continue to hold that women are but commodities destined to serve men – by Catherine Shakdam

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Death toll of dengue fever reaches 60 in the port city of #Hodeidah.

(* B H)

More dengue fever deaths in Taiz

Epidemiological surveillance: 10 deaths and approximately 8,000 more infected with seasonal and dengue fever in Taiz

Health authorities have revealed that 10 citizens have died, approximately 8000 others have been infected with seasonal fever and Dengue fever in Taiz governorate.

(* B H)

Outbreak update – Cholera in Yemen, 10 November 2019

The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 11 362 suspected cases and three associated deaths during epidemiological week 45 (04 – 10 November) of 2019 with 11% of the cases reported as severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 03 November 2019 is 1 145 292, with 1507 associated deaths (CFR 0.13%). Children under five represent 26% of the total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of the 23 governorates and 311 of the 333 districts of Yemen.

Suspected cholera cases at the country level started to be increasingly reported from week eight of 2019 and the trend continued until week 14 when the number of cases reached more than 29 500, the highest number of cases reported so far. The number of suspected cases fluctuated over the following period with the trend now considered as stable during the past three weeks based on the average number of cases calculated between weeks 43 and 45.

The governorates reporting the highest number of suspected cases of cholera during 2019 are Al Hudaydah (120 391), Amanat Al Asimah (102 056), Sana’a (96 936), Hajjah (71 305), Ibb (70 069), Dhamar (62 798) and Amran (47 869).

Of a total of 101 967 samples tested at the central public health laboratories since January 2019, 5169 have been confirmed as cholera-positive by culture.

(* B H)

In WWII-Era Fashion, the Saudi-led Coalition is Weaponizing Disease in Yemen

Beyond the devastation it has caused on the back of tens of thousands of airstrikes, a crippling blockade and the intentional targeting of civilian infrastructure, the Saudi-led coalition supported by the United States has sparked an outbreak of disease and epidemics in Yemen in a manner not seen since World War II.

Yemeni activist Aseel Sweid told MintPress News how a young boy, Abdulkarim al-Ma’amari, “died of dengue fever after it spread with alarming speed in Taiz, threatening many innocents.” Sweid added that three of his own brothers had been infected with dengue. “There are a huge amount of people with the fever in the same hospital [as my brothers].”

Dr. Adam al-Jaidi, a doctor at the Jomhouri Governmental Hospital in Taiz, where Sweid’s brothers are being treated, said that the viral fever is sweeping the province and hundreds of cases are being seen in local hospitals, dozens of them with serious complications. Medical staff at Jomhouri confirmed that most of the patients they have received are infected with dengue fever.

A new wave of epidemic diseases, including dengue fever and malaria, have spiraled out of control in Yemen, particularly in the coastal areas that are traditional Houthi strongholds. In Taiz, 270 km south of the capital Sana’a, in Hodeida, as well as in rural mountainous areas, H1N1, known commonly as the swine flu, is also making a resurgence.

In addition to dengue and H1N1, Yemen has the fastest-growing cholera outbreak ever recorded; and rabies, diphtheria, and measles have now emerged in the country, killing countless people all while Yemen is in the midst of the world’s worst famine.

Moreover, years of Saudi attacks on water treatment facilities and other civilian infrastructure have left Yemenis to eek out an existence in an environment rife with deadly diseases that have emerged in a nation caught between a crippling Saudi blockade and aid organizations that are unwilling, or unable, to meet the growing needs of the war-torn country.

Yemen’s Sana’a-based Minister of Health said that one million patients have confirmed or suspected cases of malaria and that there are currently 36,000 confirmed cases of dengue fever with at least dozens of those cases proving fatal. However, those figures represent only the regions controlled by the Houthi-led government in Sana’a, figures for the whole country could be much higher.

What’s happening in Yemen may not be literal biological warfare, but it is certainly biological warfare by other means. The Coalition has destroyed vital infrastructure across the whole of Yemen, including water pumps, electric generators, and solar energy systems, leaving residents – including internally displaced families – without access to clean drinking water.

While epidemics are normally treated easily and inexpensively, the ongoing blockade and bombing of civilian infrastructure, particularly hospitals, have crippled the country’s health system, leaving the government unable to respond to the epidemic.

Drugs imports have decreased by 60 percent and dozens of drugs are now almost nonexistent since the closure of Sana’a airport, most of them life-saving drugs including hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants, blood coagulant, serotonin, blood clotting agents, CPR and anesthesia drugs and some laboratory and diagnostic solutions.

The spread and severity of the outbreaks have also been affected by a compromised immune system response among Yemen’s population caused by widespread famine.

(* B H)

75 people have died of dengue fever in Al-Jarahi district of Yemen's #Hodeidah. The disease is rampant in this province. Medical centres, mostly unequipped, are overcrowded, and blockade is deepening suffering as authorities are complaining of shortages of life-saving medicines.

and photos of children suffering from dengue fever:

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

Film: Continuing violations of the tools of aggression by targeting citizens in Al-Jah and the regions of the West Coast

(A K pH)


(A K pS)

Houthi-fired shells hit civilian houses in Yemen's Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeugen fliegen 13 Luftangriffe auf Kamaran Island und Al-Salif in Hodeidah an

US-saudische Kampfflugzeuge haben 13 Luftangriffe auf die Insel Kamaran und den Distrikt Al-Salif in der Provinz Hodeidah.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition carries out air strikes along Yemen's Red Sea coast

A Saudi-led military coalition carried out air strikes near Yemen’s Red Sea port of Ras Isa on Monday, residents said, in a rare operation since a U.N.-brokered ceasefire took effect nearly a year ago in Yemen’s Hodeidah region.

Residents reported three air strikes near the oil terminal, one of three western ports that the Iran-aligned Houthi group had unilaterally pulled out from in May under a peace deal reached last December, which has yet to be fully implemented.

“These targets are legitimate military targets that reflect the imminent threat of the terrorist Iran-backed Houthi militia,” coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki told Reuters when asked about the air strikes.


(A K pH)

Aerial Aggression Launches 19 Raids on Hodeidah Violating Stockholm Agreement

Saudi aggression forces and mercenaries on Monday escalated their violations of Stockholm agreement in Hodeidah, launching 19 air raids on various areas.

According to the correspondent of Almasirah Net in the province, “The Saudi-American aggression launched this morning five raids north of the city, and a raid on the area of Faza district Tahita.

Civilian casualties were reported as a result of air raids by US-Saudi coalition on Hodiedah after midnight on Monday.

A military source said that the aerial aggression launched at 1 am, 10 raids on the island of Kamran and three raids on Ras Isa, killing and injuring a number of civilians.

The military source said that the raids on Kamaran and Ras Issa Islands blatantly violated the ceasefire in Hodeidah under Stockholm agreement.

and also


(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition airstrikes kill 8 Houthis in Hodeidah

Arab Coalition airstrikes killed eight members of the Yemeni Houthi militia near the port of Hodeidah on Monday, triggering fierce battles around the flashpoint city, local officials said.

(A K pH)

Militärquelle bestätigt anhaltende Verstöße der Angriffskräfte in Hodeidah

Eine Militärquelle bestätigte, dass die Verstöße gegen das Waffenstillstandsabkommen im Gouvernement Hodeidah in den letzten 24 Stunden fortgesetzt wurden.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led aggression continues to violate ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah: official

(A K pS P)

Houthis plunder fuel imports taxes

The government accused the Houthis officials of looting taxes revenues collected from fuel imports that arrived Hodeida port during the past two weeks.

The total reported drained money is about YR9 billion (over $16million), according to the government.

This amount was supposed to be channeled into a temporary bank account under supervision of the United Nations (UN) to pay monthly wages of the public servants in the Houthis-held areas.

However, the money was not collected to the proposed account.

The government said that it allowed fuel vessels to enter Hodeida port in October provided that tax money and customs fees be collected to the proposed bank account that will be managed by the UN.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, November 24th, 2019

(A K pS)

Houthi militia continues to target housing areas in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: In the shadow of a futile UN truce, Houthi militias bomb our homes in Tahita

(A K pS)

Film: A citizen recounts details of the injury of his wife in his hou

(A K pS)

Head of Legitimate Govt. Delegation Survives Houthi Attack in Hodeidah

Head of the legitimate Yemeni government’s delegation to the team tasked with implementing the Hodeidah agreement survived early on Sunday a series of attacks by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
Mohammed Aydha revealed that the headquarters where he and his team were staying survived a Houthi onslaught of five drones and three ballistic missiles.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

(A K pH)


(A K pH)


(A K pS)

Houthis continue shelling of al-Duraihimi, south Hodeidah

The pro-Iran Houthi putschist militia continue to target sites and positions controlled by the joint forces in al-Duraihimi district in the south of Hodeidah.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, November 22nd, 2019

(A K pH)


(A K pS)

Video: Innocent civilians subjected to Houthi artillery fire in Hodeidah

Many people's homes in al-Masana area of Hawk district in the eastern parts of Hodeidah city, were subjected to a barrage of heavy artillery fire on Friday, unleashed indiscriminately by the Iran-backed Houthi putschist militia.


(A K pS)

Random shelling of Houthi militias on houses in Al-Musna area east of Hodeidah city

(A K pS)

Film: Violations of Houthi and Jreija militias continued in Hays

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Thursday, November 21st, 2019

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(* B P)

Rasd Coalition reported the abduction, forced disappearance, and torture of 303 Yemeni #women, during the duration between September 2014 to May 2019 in many #Yemeni governates.

(* B H K)

Fareed Shawky, the 6-year-old Yemeni boy who a became symbol of the war, dies

His plea to live was shared online thousands of times but a few days later, his family buried him

Lying tensed on his hospital bed, a six-year old pleaded with his doctors. "Don't bury me," he implored, "don't bury me".

Caught on camera, Fareed Shawky's terrified whimper was shared online more than 50,000 times. In the video, doctors laughed gently with one rubbing the child’s knee, as if to reassure him he would be OK.

But a few days later, Fareed’s family would bury him, counting the boy as one of the more than 500 child casualties of Yemen's war. He suffered deadly injuries in a missile attack launched by Houthi rebels on October 13 as they fought for control of his besieged hometown of Taiz.

His dying plea gave voice to the fear felt by millions of Yemeni children caught up in their country’s war. More than 5,000 people have been killed since a Saudi-led air campaign against the Houthis began in late March. According to the United Nations, more than 500 of the dead are children.

Ahmed Basha, the Yemeni photographer who filmed Fareed on his hospital bed, said the missile landed in a civilian area. “It had fallen on a house,” he told the BBC. “I saw at least five children who were playing inside the house being taken to hospital on motorcycles.”

(* B P)

Yemen Polling Center: The one thing that Yemenis agree on despite state fragmentation is that police and state forces should hold authority over security provision. Check out what other actors were mentioned in the respective areas, what do you see? (infographic)

(A P)

Leaked footage of the Saudi military analyst Hassan al-Shehri saying: The complete dissolution of the Yemeni government at home and abroad... bye bye Hadi ( peseudo president that KSA UAE and UN calls 'legitimate') . translation made by @HussamSanabani under this tweet

Referring to

What he is talking about @H_Dh_Alshehri Here he provoked reactions is what he said in many seminars and analyzes and this is Saudi approach What Saudi Arabia can not say officially send to the team of the Bureau of Information and Intelligence to talk about it, but when it understands the reform and the increase and the shafts and motivations that we are all in Yemen targeted

Alsheri: Retired Brigadier General, Strategic and Military Expert, (head raised and Saudi flag)

(* B P)

Hisham Al-Omeisy, Film: Violence only begets violence, and temptation of an eye for an eye is too great. However, that's a vicious cycle that we must break through reconciliation, or else become the very monsters we set out to defeat. There's a better path in #Yemen.

There's no shame in being poor, however, no excuse for being ignorant in our age of information. We must always seek the knowledge to make change through dialogue, not fighting. A pen, not a gun. #Yemen has bright minds and deserves better. Part of my speech at #GraduaciónUOC

(B K P)

Safa Al-Ahmad speaks on her work as a Journalist in Yemen.

According to a press release by the University of Michigan, the award goes to “those who demonstrate the capacity of the human spirit to stand up for the helpless, to defend the integrity of the powerless, and to speak out on behalf of the voiceless.”

“Safa’s works is one the very few sources available to the English-speaking world about what is actually happening on the ground in Yemen,” said Professor Howell. “The Wallenberg medal amplifies her voice to reach well beyond the small slice of observers who already know and care about Yemen.”

According to Wallenberg Committee Chair John Godfrey, Safa’s work has come at an enormous cost. “She has a ferocious determination to align herself with the truth,” Godfrey said.

Safa Al-Ahmad spoke with the Yemeni American News about her work, her love for the country, and what the award means for her future:

It seems like your reporting tried to point to the broader complexity of the conflict. Do you think that complexity is the biggest challenge for peace in the region? Or is there more to it than just it’s complexity?

I think what’s stopping the war from ending is more the warring parties themselves. It’s not the complexity. This is what I was trying to allude to before, that Yemenis are quite capable of living these contradictions and disagreeing with each other and still meeting. Yemenis as a society are susceptible to this. This is very possible. Peace is very easy in Yemen. It’s just the Saudi Coalition who has to decide what they’re going to stop. That’s all it needs.

(* B K P)

Mending Gulf Fences Could Weaken Support For US Sanctions Against Iran – Analysis

Saudi efforts to negotiate an end to the Yemen war in a bid to open a dialogue with Iran could call into question continued Gulf support for US President Donald J. Trump’s maximum pressure campaign against the Islamic republic.

Saudi officials hope that talks mediated by Oman and Britain between the kingdom and Houthi rebels will lead to a revival of stalled talks between the Yemeni insurgents and the Saudi-backed, internationally recognized government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

The revamp involves a return to a more cautious foreign and defense policy that embraces multilateralism after several years in which the kingdom adopted an assertive and robust go-it alone approach that produced several fiascos, including the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen 4.5 years ago.

The kingdom’s return to a more cautious approach is also intended to allow Saudi Arabia to project itself in 2020 as president of the Group of 20 (G20) and repair its image tarnished by the Yemen War

Mr. Trump’s response to the September drone and missile attacks for which the Houthis claimed responsibility was the latest, and in some ways clearest indication, that Gulf states may not be able to count on the United States in times of crisis even though the Trump administration insisted that Iran rather than the rebels was to blame for the incident.

A US official involved in Gulf policy said more recently that “the attacks made the Saudis and other Gulf states realize that escalation of US-Iranian tensions would make them targets in an environment in which the United States may not wholeheartedly come to their rescue.”

Another US official suggested that the Saudis’ “prime objective now is to lessen their involvement in Yemen, to get the Houthis to stop being some version of a proxy, so they (the Saudis) can deal directly with Iran.”

Saudi efforts to end the war as well as gestures towards Iran in recent months by the United Arab Emirates did not stop senior Saudi and UAE officials from adopting a hard line at this week’s Manama Dialogue.

Mr. Al-Jubeir and Mr. Gargash’s tough remarks notwithstanding, winds in the Gulf appear to be blowing in the direction of reduced tension on all fronts, including the 2.5-year old Saudi-UAE-led boycott of Qatar.

Inevitably, reducing tension will only prove sustainable if US-Iranian friction is dialled back.

Sustainability moreover will depend on some sort of regional understanding on non-aggression that would involve Iran and create the basis for a more multilateral security architecture that would embed rather than replace the regional US defence umbrella.

A series of Saudi and UAE gestures in recent months, beyond the Saudi-Houthi talks, signal moves towards reducing tensions not only on the Yemeni but also the Iranian and Qatari fronts.

Saudi and UAE support for the US’ maximum pressure campaign is certain to weaken if Gulf efforts to reduce tensions progress, particularly with regards to Iran. A peace process in Yemen and a Gulf dialogue with Iran would be significant steps in that direction – by James M. Dorsey =

(* B H K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Health Minister to United Nations: Stop Shedding Tears When Seeing Our Children Killed While No Credibility in Your Reports

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha El-Moutawakil, called on the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to clarify the fate of the aid funds, telling the United Nations that stop shedding tears when you see our children are killed while we do not see credibility in your international reports.

In an event held by Al Sabeen Maternal Hospital under the slogan "Children's rights are violated with an international cover" to expose the crimes of aggression against the children of Yemen, Al-Mutawakel said “on World Children's Day, we do not demand games and entertainment, but we demand nurseries and incubators for children to take their right to life.

He called on the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to clarify the fate of aid funds, and whether they are being wasted on providing cars and services that means nothing for helping the Yemenis.


(* B H K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Health Reveals Shocking Figures for Tragedy of Yemeni Children due to US-Saudi Aggression, Siege

Ministry of Health unveiled on Saturday shocking figures for the tragedy of Yemeni children during five years of US-Saudi aggression and siege.

In an official event ,The director of Al Sabeen Maternal Hospital Dr. / Magda Khatib said that 492 children died in the incubators and 3254 children died in the hospital departments as a result of lack of medicines and solutions and the weak capabilities in medical devices due to the siege and aggression.

Dr. Majida Al-Khatib pointed out that the hospital was raided several times, damaging buildings and equipment and causing significant material losses.

Al-Khatib said that the hospital lacks a ventilator for children under a month, and we are unable to provide it because of the aggression and siege imposed on the country.

(* B K)

Yemen's health ministry [Sanaa gov.] said on Thursday that 100,000 children in Yemen die every year from war, siege, disease and epidemics. (thread]

(* B K pH)

#Infographic - Der Stand nach 1700 Tagen - Verbrechen von Saudi-Arabien und seiner Allianz im Jemen

(* B K pH)

#Infographic - Statistic of 1700 Days - The Saudi Coalition Crimes in #Yemen

(* B K P)

Isolierung Irans angestrebt

Rückkehr der jemenitischen Exilregierung nach Aden. Saudi-Arabien will mit »Huthis« ins Gespräch kommen

Am Montag ist der Ministerpräsident des Jemen, Muin Abdul Malik, mit sieben Ministern aus Saudi-Arabien nach Aden zurückgekehrt.

Die Rückkehr nach Aden wurde durch das Riad-Abkommen mit dem STC ermöglicht, das nach wochenlangen schwierigen Verhandlungen am 5. November in der saudiarabischen Hauptstadt unterzeichnet wurde.

Bisher ist, abgesehen von dem Abzug der STC-Kämpfer aus Aden und der Rückkehr Abdul Maliks in die Hafenstadt, noch kein Punkt des Riad-Abkommens in die Praxis umgesetzt worden. Problematisch könnte vor allem der militärische Teil der Vereinbarungen werden. Er sieht unter anderem vor, dass die Separatisten ihre mittleren und schweren Waffe abgeben sollen und dass diese unter Aufsicht der saudisch geführten Kriegskoalition eingelagert werden. Das hätte, wenn der Zeitplan eingehalten worden wäre, schon bis zum Mittwoch geschehen sein sollen.

Pressemeldungen zufolge finden unter Vermittlung des Sultanats Oman, das sowohl an den Jemen als auch an Saudi-Arabien grenzt, schon seit einiger Zeit Verhandlungen zwischen den Saudis und Ansarollah statt.

Laut AP geht es bei den gegenwärtigen Verhandlungen unter anderem um die Wiederinbetriebnahme des internationalen Flughafens von Sanaa

Ein weiteres Thema soll die Schaffung einer Pufferzone entlang der saudisch-jemenitischen Grenze sein, über die hinweg die Milizen der Ansarollah immer wieder militärische Vorstöße unternehmen. Und nicht zuletzt sollen sich diese nach dem Willen der Saudis vom Iran distanzieren.

Mein Kommentar: Es stimmt nicht, dass der Flughafen von Sanaa unbenutzbar sei. Er wird für UN-Flüge genutzt, aber die Saudis blockieren ihn für alle anderen Flüge – auch für die Fälle, wo Patienten zur Behandlung ins Ausland ausgeflogen werden müssten.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H K P)

71000 kranke Menschen im Jemen gestorben

Im Jemen sind nach Angaben des Gesundheitsministeriums im Sanaa mindestens 71000 Kranke Menschen wegen der durch die saudisch-geführte Kriegsallianz verhängten Blockade gestorben.

In einer am Mittwoch verbreiteten Erklärung des jemenitischen Gesundheitsministeriums hieß es dazu, seit dem Beginn der Aggression der saudisch-geführten Kriegsallianz im März 2015 seien rund 43000 kranke Menschen gestorben, weil sie keine Möglichkeit hätten, für die medizinische Behandlung ins Ausland zu gehen.

Der Erklärung zufolge seien auch 28000 krebskranke wegen der Blockade ihres Landes sowie Medikamentenknappheit und fehlender medusischer Ausrüstung gestorben.

(B K P)

Sprecher der Zivilluftfahrtbehörde bestreitet die Eröffnung des Sanaa Flughafens

Der Sprecher der Generalautorität für Zivilluftfahrt und Meteorologie, Generaldirektor für Luftverkehr, Dr. Mazen Ghanem, bestritt die Gültigkeit der Nachrichten, die auf einigen Websites und in sozialen Netzwerken über die Eröffnung des internationalen Flughafens Sanaa für Zivilluftflüge verbreitet wurden.

Dr. Ghanem sagte in einer Erklärung gegenüber der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (SABA), dass der internationale Flughafen Sanaa aufgrund des beschämenden internationalen Schweigens immer noch von der Aggressionskoalition für zivile Flüge gesperrt ist.

(B K P)

GCAA denies lifting Saudi aggression blockade on Sanaa airport: Official

The Spokesman of General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) in Sanaa Mazen Ghanem denied on Saturday the news circulated on lifting the siege imposed by Saudi-led coalition on Sana'a International Airport.

The spokesman said in a statement that Sanaa Airport is still closed towards the civil flights by the Saudi-led coalition in light of the shameful international silence.

(* B H K)

[Sanaa gov.] Health Ministry Spokesman: Sana’a Airport Closure Caused more than 43 Thousand Patients’ Death

The spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Yousef Al-Hadhri, confirmed that more than 43 thousand patients died due to their inability to travel for treatment abroad. The siege imposed by the US-Saudi aggression forces and the closure of Sana'a International Airport since 2016 are responsible for these deaths. Al-Hadhiri said in a call to Almasirah channel that "more than 320,000 cases of patients were unable to travel for treatment due to the siege and the closure of Sana'a airport."

He added that thousands of disabled people could have been treated if they had been able to travel outside Yemen for treatment. The siege and the closure of Sana'a Airport caused the death of more than 28 thousand cancer patients due to lack of required medical supplies.

(* B H K)

[Sanaa] Supreme Medical Committee Renews its Call to launch the Medical Air Bridge to Save Thousands of Patients

The Supreme Medical Committee advocating for the Medical Air Bridge has renewed its call on the international community and international organizations to fulfill their obligations regarding the launch of the Air Medical Bridge. Head of the Medical Committee, Dr. Mutahar Al-Darwish, said in a statement on Friday that "the committee is still receiving repeated promises from the World Health Organization (WHO) after the previous agreements were overturned and to date, no definitive solution has been presented to save critical situations."

He added that the first flight of the first batch of patients was scheduled for last October 20th, but the US-Saudi aggression had broken their promise and canceled the trip.

Al-Darwish confirmed that "the aggression countries do not want to implement the agreements, and that more than 50 patients are still in Sana'a with their companions after hardship and long travel to Sana'a several provinces." He explained that the patients are in bad condition and that their health conditions deteriorated as a result of the relapsed they suffered because of delaying their traveling date.

He pointed out that a number of patients died due to flight delays and that there was a clear deliberate negligence of their cases by the aggression and the United Nations. He also pointed out that the patients suffer from all aspects of health and financial as they left their homes in several provinces and went to the capital Sana'a a month ago in order to travel for treatment.

(A K P)

YPC: Zwei Schiffe mit 61.495 Tonnen Diesel und Benzin sind eingetroffen

Die jemenitische Ölgesellschaft (YPC) gab heute die Ankunft von zwei Schiffen mit 61.495 Tonnen Diesel und Benzin im Hafen von Hodeidah bekannt.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Helft endlich Jemens verhungernden Kindern!

Babykörper aus Haut und Knochen, Gliedmaßen dünn wie Bleistifte – wie sind solche Bilder im 21. Jahrhundert nur möglich?

Viereinhalb Jahre Krieg im Jemen haben – weitgehend unbeachtet von der Welt – die größte Hungerkatastrophe unserer Zeit verursacht. Den Preis für den Konflikt, bei dem von Iran unterstützte Huthi-Rebellen gegen die von Saudi-Arabien unterstützte international anerkannte Regierung des Jemens kämpfen, bezahlen laut WHO vor allem die Kleinsten: Zwei Millionen Kindern sind unterernährt, 360 000 davon sind unter fünf Jahre alt.

Mindestens 250 000 Menschen sind den Angaben zufolge sogar vom Hungertod bedroht.

„Die Weltgemeinschaft hat versagt, wenn Kinder tagtäglich verschleppt, versklavt, getötet werden“, kritisiert das Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR (Fotos)

Mein Kommentar: Bild hat versagt. Und das gleich doppelt. Bild ist eines der Medien, die den Jemenkrieg bewusst ausgeblendet haben. Bild hat sich eine pro-amerikanische Haltung in die DNS geschrieben – und Jemen ist nur einer der Fälle der US-amerikanischen Kriegs- und Hungerpolitik.

(B H)

Film: Malnutrition take Yemeni children lives away

Yemeni health figures revealed that there are about three million children under the age of five who are suffering from malnutrition, due to the ongoing battles and armed conflicts throughout the country.Taiz and Al-Hudaydah are among the highest recorded cases of malnutrition, which varies according to the Yemeni-Swedish hospital in Taiz between moderate and severe cases.The hospital's staff indicated that its capacity was insufficient to take care of all cases not only from Taiz but also from outside the city, and they needed beds and urgent medical supplies.

(B H)

SFD Yemen: The successful delivery of projects in hard-to-access areas is attributed mainly to the fact that the SFD follows a bottom-up participatory design and relies on local capacities in service delivery across the country. The improvement of Dhira - Wald Jashan Road in Haidan #Saada. (photos)

(* A B H)

Film: Yemen sounds alarm over children's plight in war-torn country

With humanitarian situation reaching alarming levels due to Saudi Arabia’s brutal war on Yemen, the country’s [Sanaa gov.] ministry of health has revealed shocking figures about the number of children who die due to the kingdom’s airstrikes and its crippling blockade.

(B H)

Film: SFD cash-based improvement of sanitation in Crater #Aden #Yemen funded & supported by

@WorldBankMENA & @UNDPYemen

(B H)

Film (Arabic)

The continuation of the unjust siege by the forces of aggression is evident in the deteriorating health situation in Al-Dhali

(B H)

Film (Arabic): Humanitarian organizations in Yemen and government demands to open an official investigation into the huge financial funds and how these funds are disbursed

(* B H)

Disturbing images of malnourished baby boy in Yemeni hospital reveal devastating cost of conflict which has driven millions to the brink of famine

Shocking images of a malnourished baby boy at hospital in Yemen reveal the devastating cost of the five-year conflict

The pictures show the infant in an incubator at Al-Sabeen hospital in the Yemeni capital Sanaa today.

The Yemeni conflict has killed tens of thousands of people, most of them civilians, and driven millions more to the brink of famine.

The conflict has been described by the United Nations as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The U.N. envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths yesterday said the momentum to end the country's devastating five-year war is building (photos)

(B H)

Village Cooperative Council in Al Mahra governorate #Yemen takes the initiative in building this school. A key factor of success in @SFDYemen's local development approach is that it generates incremental value not only in cash but perhaps more importantly in human capital too!

referring to (photos)

(B H)

In 2010, I published this story on a homeless, hungry family in #Hudaydah. At that time, such stories used to shock people who were quick to react and help. Nine years later, millions of people, including those who used to help, are going through such harsh conditions (image9

(* B H P)

Member of Supreme Political Council: International Organizations Manipulate Donor Funds

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammad Ali al-Houthi said on Saturday that international organizations are manipulating donor funds and not allocating them to serve citizens.

He added on Twitter that, "As an example, a biscuit feeding project for children has been determined to be paid for delivering it internally by $ 12 million, in addition to another project to purchase a crutch with a grant of 12 million euros, however it is worth only $ 100,000, while the rest of the money the international organization took it as expenses.

He stressed that "the list is full of projects of attrition of money, and there are evidences to clarify this, calling on the United Nations to form a committee for access.

He pointed out that, other submitted projects, which were objected as the previous ones are projects to send two phone messages to one province, with 600 thousand dollar. The first message says (wash your hands after eating), and the second message says (wash your children when changing diapers).

(B H)

Rawas Centre... Possibility of Conquering Impossibility

The emergency health and nutrition project supports around 2,000 health facilities like Rawas Health Centre across Yemen

Rawas Health Centre has a staff of 15 health workers, four of whom are financially supported by the emergency health and nutrition project, while the remaining are volunteers without contracts.

The centre works within its available capacity to care for patients, with the help of some unpaid volunteers who provide life-saving services for these patients. The centre also provides medicine for patients suffering from hypertension, heart problems, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Hamid Yahya, another beneficiary who approaches the centre continuously says: "We receive our treatment in the centre, which does everything within its power to provide medical care for patients." As for the staff working at this Health centre, "they do what they can to treat patients humanely. Their angelic touch makes patients feel better," explains Yahya.

Rawas Medical centre is approached by people who hope for more and more treatment services. They also hope that the centre would be expanded to meet the increasing demand in this densely populated district. Such expansion is required to widen the scope of the centre's life-saving services.

(* B H)

A humanitarian worker in Yemen provides a lesson on perspective

Nestor Owomuhangi is a country representative in Yemen with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), one of the organizations providing emergency care to the million women and girls who have been left without any health care access or support of any kind.

While in most situations the UNFPA only finances reproductive health programs at existing health care centers, in Yemen half of those facilities are not functioning, and only a third provide any reproductive or maternity care at all.

As a result, the UNFPA is now solely responsible for running nearly 270 Yemeni hospitals, which means paying for everything from electricity to medicine to supplies, including contraceptives, gynecological services, and support for the many cases of intimate partner violence.

Funding those services has been made near impossible by the United States, however. The world’s richest country stopped giving money to the UNFPA altogether in 2017. What’s worse, that loss in funding coincided with a dramatically increased need for more funding. UNFPA needed $110 million to help the Yemeni population in 2019. It was only able to raise $38 million.

With the smile of someone who realizes the situation he works in appears merciless to most, he turned around the data to show there is another way to look at it. Knowing that 80% of the population is facing a humanitarian crisis is crushing, but knowing how many of them are helped every day isn’t.

Yes, he said, the support to victims of violence that UNFPA can support only reaches a very small fraction of the women who need it. But it has still helped some 10,000 women so far. True, many health facilities have been shut down and more might soon follow, but the ones that managed to stay open delivered in 2019 more than 5,000 live babies from mothers who didn’t die of pregnancy related causes. Less than 6% of the women in the country who need reproductive care have been reached by UNFPA services. But that is, in this year alone, 700,000 women – by Annalisa Merelli =

(B H)

Thousands of #Yemen-is, including patients, have been waiting for months to get passports to travel, however, the lack of passports deepens the humanitarian crisis they live in.

(B H)

Film (Arabic). On the anniversary of the International Children's Day, the child Mohammed Al-Surouri is a model for the suffering of the children of Yemen

(A H)

We distributed 30 food baskets to poor families and orphans in hodiedah city last days. Thanks so much to all supporters. I will never forget your humanity for help my people (photos)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Protection Cluster: Protection Cluster: Yemen Response and Gap Analysis - Activities of Protection Cluster Including Child Protection and Women Protection Sub-Clusters, January - October 2019

(A H)

Ethiopia To Repatriate Migrants From Yemen, Tanzania

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said preparations are underway to repatriate Ethiopians from Yemen and Tanzania.

MFA Spokesperson Nebiat Getachew said the Government, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will repatriate 103 Ethiopian nationals from Yemen and 1,300 from Tanzania soon.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Ibb woman injures two Houthis

A woman has shot at Houthi gunmen who tried to loot her father's farm, injuring two of the group

(A P)

Houthis Abducted Civilian, His Wife in Sana’a

Iran-aligned Houthi militia raided the house of a civilian on late Sunday and abducted him and his wife the rebel-held capital Sana’a, Khabar Agency, a local news site, reported.

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi: Invaders have failed in their plans

Al-Houthi launches vigorous tirade against invading powers

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has highlighted the crimes of the Saudi-led war coalition and the UAE, with direct US and UK support.

Mohammed al-Houthi said in a tweet on Sunday night: “The Saudi-led aggression coalition and its mercenaries have brought a trinity of evil to the Yemeni people. They caused a mass starvation by the blockade, epidemics due to using of banned weapons, airstrikes and shelling of water projects.”

“The aggression coalition brought poverty by cutting the salaries of the people, speculating on the currency, selling its oil, exploiting its wealth and eliminating local revenues that do not exceed 8% by controlling all ports except Hodeidah.

He added that the coalition media has fallen professionally and morally as well, saying: “Search the daily history to find that the rumors are scheduled and that the profanity is unparalleled. However, in front of the consciousness of the people, they have fallen.”

(A K P)


A large financial convoy from a women’s committee in Sanaa under the slogan “Nasr Mn Allah” was held in support of the army and popular committees in response to the call of Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi to be ready to hit Zionist targets if any follies were committed against the Yemeni people.

(* A P)

Yemen’s rebels say they have detained UN workers

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels said Monday they have detained a number of U.N. humanitarian workers on suspicion of spying, including two Jordanians released over the weekend.

In a press conference held to dispute U.N. reports of corruption, Houthi leader Abdel Mohsen Tawoos railed against foreign aid agencies. He accused U.N. relief organizations of funding and conspiring with intelligence services to “secretly target” Yemenis, along with importing expired drugs and withholding fuel shipments. He did not provide evidence to back his claims.


(A P)

Yemen's Houthis arrest 2 UN workers on charges of "espionage"

Yemen's Houthi militia on Monday said they have arrested two UN workers on charges of espionage.

"Two Jordanian citizens working with the United Nations had been smuggled from the south of Yemen to the north. They were captured while carrying out acts of espionage," the group's al-Masirah TV reported, quoted a statement by Houthi humanitarian coordinator Abdulmohsin Tawos.


(A P)

Two Jordanians held by Yemen's Houthis released


(* A P)

Houthis: INGO's manipulate donor funding

A day after the United Nations renewed its accusation of militias for obstructing relief work the Houthis claims that International aid organisations

The Houthis have accused international humanitarian aid and relief organizations in Yemen of manipulating donor funds, a day after UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Ursula Mueller, accuses the group of restricting the relief operation in its areas of control and trying to control local beneficiaries and partners.

Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, tweeted that international organizations are manipulating donor funds and not willing to allocate them to Yemeni citizens.

In a series of recent tweets, Al-Houthi pointed out key examples. "As an example, a children's feed biscuit project has been set for $12 million,"

The Children's Nutrition Project is funded by the World Food Programme (WFP) which resumed the project in September 2017 through its partner in the Houthi government, this being the school nutrition and humanitarian relief project of the Ministry of Education.

Al-Houthi spoke of his group's objection to certain projects such as public health awareness ones, citing the example of a recent project worth $600,000 which sent SMS texts to several beneficiaries in an unnamed governorate saying “wash your hands after eating” and “wash your children when switching diapers.”

The Houthi leader called on the United Nations to set up a committee to investigate, claiming that his group has "evidence" that "the list is full of money-draining projects."

(* A P)


Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Abdulmohsen Al-al-Tawoos, said that “The Council has documents that reveal the false accusations made by the United Nations to the Salvation Government in Sanaa and we may have to reveal them.”

Al-Tawoos added UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Ursula Muller, accused during the Security Council session of obstructing the “humanitarian action” in the country, confirmed the falsehood of these allegations, pointing out that most of the projects are looted and go into the pockets of those organizations, calling on donors in The United Nations should investigate where funds are disposed of in Yemen.

He expressed surprise about what the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations sais to the Security Council, wondering: “Where is the humanitarian and international law in front of the siege of Duraimi and the major crimes in Yemen ?!”

He considered Mueller’s accusations of escape from the facts, wondering: If there were violations, why did not submit to the government of Sanaa and will do the necessary and achieve ?!

He added that there is a very large absurdity in the aid given to Yemenis, there is money wasted in mock projects, and is raised in the name of completed projects.

(* B P)

Yemen Polling Center: We estimate that ~15% of those in Ansarallah (AA) areas support AA strongly. About 2/3 seem indifferent, scared. We know however that 44% think the AA supervisors should have no authority. 1/3 say they should have ateast some. Supervisors were installed as a mechanism of control (infographic)

(A K P)

Yemeni [Hadi] Government: Houthi Terrorist Militia Recruited More Than 30,000 Children

The Yemeni government has accused the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia of recruiting more than 30,000 children and putting them on the battlefield.
Yemen's permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdullah Al-Saadi, said that the Houthi militia has turned schools into barracks for military purposes, and exploiting the difficult conditions in Yemeni families to recruit their children and put them on the front lines.

(A H P)

Vernichtung des faulen Essens des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz

Ein Ausschuss, der sich aus dem Obersten Rat für die Verwaltung und Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten und der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und der Allgemeinen Organisation für Normung und Metrologie zusammensetzt, hat heute große Mengen an korrupten Hilfsgütern vom Internationalen Roten Kreuz vernichtet.

Die beschädigte Menge enthielt 1.989 langkörnige Wildreisbeutel, 27 Beutel Linsen und 70 Kartons synthetisches Pulver mit künstlichen Süßstoffen für Kinder.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(B K P)

Film by Aljazeera, in Arabic: Investigative investigation reveals abuses of new militias in southern Yemen

Comment by Elisabeth Kendall: Documentary yesterday on #UAE-backed forces in south #Yemen provides insights that focus on negatives. But note there are also some positives that were not included. Also, it was filmed in July (so before #STC assertion & #RiyadhAgreement).

(* A K P)

Implementation of Riyadh agreement under way in Aden

The first steps in the Yemeni governments political and military re-establishment in Aden are being taken.

A military source told Almasdar Online that on Friday morning a committee of officers from the Ministry of Defense arrived in Aden from Riyadh to begin overseeing the implementation of the military annex of the Riyadh agreement.

The source said that the committee will also begin to oversee the demilitarization of the Southern Transitional Council (STC). The committee will ensure the removal of heavy weaponry from urban positions taken up by STC forces in recent months, relocating them to a single base supervised by the Saudi-led coalition. The committee will also oversee the removal of STC forces from their positions surrounding the city, and in turn the incorporation of STC fighters into the state security and military apparatus.

First large-scale military moves

Meanwhile, a military convoy arrived in the coastal town of Shaqra east of the city of Zinjibar on Saturday on its way to Aden.

A source work for Defense Ministry said to Almasdar Online that the convoy is made up of more than 30 cargo trucks carrying armored vehicles, soldiers and other equipment. The convoy passed through the Mudia district in South-Eastern Abyan governorate, and then continued towards Aden.

According to the source, the force is part of the 1st Presidential Protection Brigade which will be rearranged in Aden governorate according to the military annex of Riyadh agreement.

What about the Houthis?

While militarily, and with regards to public administration the task at hand seems straight forward, politically the outlook is decidedly more murky.

(* A K P)


If some estimates are true, a team from the government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi is supposed to return today to Aden, after a delay of many days and prerequisites of the Transitional Council that represent one of many indicators of the fragility of Riyadh Agreement and the great difficulties in its implementation.

Increasingly, there are growing signs that the implementation of the Riyadh agreement between the government of Hadi and the pro-Abu Dhabi Southern Transitional Council will not be easy. The parties to the agreement quickly returned to the square of conflict after a media lull that lasted only a few days. This conflict return triggered by Saudi forces’ request to Hadi government, in the middle of this week, to drop the flag of the former state of the south from Aden airport, and replace the current Yemeni flag, which provoked the rage of Transitional Council and prompted him to threaten to freeze the agreement.

Representatives of the Council in Riyadh also rejected the return of the entire Hadi government, on condition that the return will be limited to Prime Minister, Moin Abdulmalik, the Minister of Fiance, and the Governor of the Central Bank whose return is for disbursing the salaries of the Transitional Council’s militias.

The council also stipulated that the Hadi government in Aden should operate under the Southern flag. All developments led to postponing of the arrival of Hadi government from Tuesday as scheduled until Friday, claiming that security arrangements were not completed at al-Ma’asheq presidential palace, which was handed over to Saudi forces by the UAE last month. But until yesterday the expected return has not been made, while Saudi media quoted a Yemeni official that it may take place Saturday at the least.

However, it seems that many obstacles will hinder the implementation of the agreement, especially after Hadi’s directives collided with his government in the middle of this week, to normalize the situation in the various southern and eastern provinces, with the Transitional Council refusal to hand over government institutions, including the building of the official 14th of October newspaper issued by Aden, which the Council refrained evacuating of the responsibility of the officials and staff of the Ministry of Information , which made Saudi Arabia refuses to boost its military presence in the South by sending more arms shipments via military cargo planes to Aden airport, accompanied by Saudi commanders, a week after a military plane loaded with weapons, military communications equipment and radars arrives in Aden and Al-Anad Air Base in Lahj Governorate.

Saudi forces also redeployed around the al-Ma’asheq Palace. However, its attempt, backed by Sudanese forces, to control the situation in Aden has failed so far, with the escalation of insecurity in the city that alarmed the population. I

My remark: By a pro-Houthi news site.

(A K P)

Joint military committee formed under Riyadh agreement

A tripartite committee was formed in Aden on Sunday to implement a reorganization of military and security forces under a power-sharing agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council, a high-ranking STC official told The National.
The Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen's government against Houthi rebels will be the third party on the committee.
“The joint committee will be led by the Coalition and it equally includes military representatives from both the government and the STC,” the official said
“Our representative team includes seven military and security commanders."

(A K P)

Al-Jaadi Sends an Urgent Message to the UN Envoy

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and assistant secretary general, Fadl al-Jaadi sent a very important message under the title "Urgently and Very Briefly to the UN Envoy".
Al-Jaadi wrote on his Twitter account that "the signing of the Riyadh Agreement, the ink on which is still fresh, instead of implementing its first terms, we see mobilizing of military forces with modern equipment, sent from Marib to Shabwa."
He made it clear that "it's an indication that preparations are being made to overturn the agreement."

(A E P)

Electricity company cuts power to Ma’rib province

Islah-held province in the dark as dues fail to be paid in time

The Aggreko company, a supplier of electrical power, has on Sunday stopped supplying electricity to the province of Ma’rib, which is under the control of the Islah Party militia.

A source in Marib’s Electricity Corporation said that the Aggreko company has stopped the main station in Dagoush area and Damashiqa power station, in order to demand financial dues to the local authority.

The stopping of the two stations had caused power cuts in the entire district of Al-Wadi, the source explained.

The statement also said that contacts are underway with the company’s officials to re-supply the district with electricity, in exchange for payment of part of its dues.

(A P)

Al-Zubaidi Meets Swedish, European Ambassadors

President of the Southern Transitional Council and Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, Aidroos Qassem al-Zubaidi met in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, with the Swedish Ambassador to Yemen, Peter Semneby, Chief of the EU mission to Yemen, Hans Grundberg and hid deputy, Ricardo Villa and Swedish Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Henrik Landholm.

(A P)

Great to see no.3 of women's newspaper from #Mahra #Yemen thanks to local #NGO @MahraYouth! Includes -Mahri #women role models series (interview with midwife) -Pros & cons of kids using electronic devices -Risks of overusing #antibiotics -Women's education

referring to

(A P)

Security Belt foils drug smuggling attempt to Aden

My comment: Separatist militia still are in control of Aden.

(A P)

Members of the Special Military and Security Committee are Announced

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) Salem Thabet Alawlaqi revealed that there is a special joint military and security committee which will be chaired by the Arab coalition forces.
Alawlaqi on his Facebook account, said the task of the special committee is to implement the military and security tasks within the Riyadh Agreement which was signed earlier this month.

My comment: I guess this force will be rather under separatists’ control.

(A P)

Military veterans in Aden protest against salary delays

(A P)


Southern activists accused Saudi Arabia of following Abu Dhabi’s way in violating the national sovereignty after Saudi forces raised the Saudi flag over the Sira Castle.

Saudi forces raised the flag of their country over Sira Castle in Aden amid the condemnation and resentment of southerners who considered raising the Saudi flag at the summit of Sira Castle as a violation of national sovereignty, and evidence of Riyadh’s following to the way of Abu Dhabi in the southern provinces.

(* A K P)


Armed clashes erupted on Saturday between a security force of the Facilities Protection Brigade and a force belonging to Aden Security Director, Shalal Shayea, in the port of Hajif

A security force belongs to Aden security refused to hand over the port of Hajif to protection facilities brigade, which led to armed clashes between the two parties.

Military sources said that the brigade protection facilities withdrew after the failure of the agreement and banding over of the port.

(A P)

Yemen: no progress yet on Stockholm agreement

Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Abdullah Al-Sa’adi said on Friday that the Stockholm Agreement is nearly one year old with no progress yet on implementation of the agreement.

Al-Sa’adi voiced this during his address to the UN Security Council (UNSC) session on Yemen which took place on Friday

My comment: For this UN SC session, look at cp7. – This is a twisted lie. There had been progress, and it’s the Saudi and allies side to blame for still more or less upholding the blockade, and also for permanent breaches of the Hodeidah ceasefire (look at cp1b).

(A P)

Shatara: Opportunities in politics could not be repeated

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara confirmed that the international community is unanimous about the need to resolve the southern issue according to the will of the people of the South.
Shatara wrote on his Twitter account that "after all that has happened and is happening in the post 2015 war period is details to pave the way for this next solution, but the question is how the Southerners can understand the message of the post-Riyadh Agreement.. Do some Southerners understand that opportunities in politics could not be repeated?."

(A P)

Hadhramaut: family appeals authorities for the release of their son

The family of Raed Ali Mohammed Bin Saad appealed Saudi-led coalition authorities in Mukalla for the release their son on Thursday. Bin Saad has been detained for 10 days in a coalition-run prison.

According to the source, Raed, from the Hadhramaut Valley, was arrested on Tuesday November 12th at a checkpoint at the entrance to Mukalla City with a group of passengers in a taxi.

(* A K P)

UAE-backed Yemen separatists refuse to withdraw from Aden

The UAE-trained Southern Resistance militia, aligned with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), has refused to vacate and hand over the Presidential Palace of Maashiq in Yemen’s port city of Aden to Saudi forces who are in support of exiled President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Adel Al-Hassani of the Southern Resistance is quoted by local sources as saying “the Southern Transitional Council’s militias still control all of Hadi’s forces camps and state institutions, which indicates their rejection of the Riyadh Agreement”. Signed at the start of the month, the peace deal allowed for Hadi’s government to return to Aden as part of a power sharing agreement with the UAE-backed STC.

The commander of the so-called First Presidential Protection Brigade in Hadi’s forces, Brigadier General Sanad Abdullah Al-Rahwa, had been dispatched to Aden on Monday with the task of reconstituting the brigade and establishing control over the city, which is to serve as the interim capital.

(A K P)

Shabwa security forces stop Emirati convoy carrying snipers, thermal missiles

Government security forces in Shabwa governorate intercepted on Thursday evening an Emirati convoy transporting weapons, including sniper rifles and thermal rockets. The weapons were destined for a camp belonging to the UAE-supported Elite Forces, raising concerns over the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement signed earlier this month between the Yemeni government and UAE-aligned southern separatists.

(A P)

Shatara: People's will wins out in the end

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Lutfi Shatara confirmed that the people's will might be late in realizing, but it can never die and inevitably it wins out in the end.

(A P)

Shatara: STC is a key partner in Yemen peace process

(A P)

Vice President praises UK support to Yemen’s government

Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh has praised United Kingdom’s efforts for supporting legality and security of Yemen.

My comment: LOL. Mostly by arming Saudi Arabia.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

National Committee for Prisoners Affairs: US-Saudi Mercenaries Obstructed Exchange Deal of 135 Prisoners

The head of the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs, Abdulqader al-Murtadha, said on Sunday that the US-Saudi mercenaries in Taiz are still impeding the implementation of an initial exchange deal involving 135 prisoners and detainees from both sides.

Al-Murtadha explained that this deal was agreed upon more than a month ago and the names of both parties have been determined. He affirmed the full readiness to implement the agreement as it is unconditionally and without exception.

and also

(* A P)


A leader in Ansarullah movement revealed that Riyadh has contact between the Saudi Deputy Minister of Defense, Khalid bin Salman, and the head of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, to discuss the calm and stop the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen.

According to the Anatolia news agency, the leader, who asked not to be identified, said that Riyadh’s contact with Yemen’s leadership began after targeting the facilities of Aramco oil company in the Saudi Kingdom.

The agency said, and from the logic of power, Yemen’s leadership represented by Ansarullah movement, announced an initiative to stop their attacks against Saudi facilities, which was quickly seized by Riyadh and described as positive, where bin Salman considered that it pushes towards dialogue and peace process in Yemen.

The source added that the contacts between the two sides have been going on for more than a month, and there are two military and political committees, the first discussing the comprehensive ceasefire between the two sides and lifting the siege and reopening of Sanaa airport, while the other arranges for a new political situation, stressing that among the political files excluding Hadi from power, and arranging for a comprehensive political settlement.

(* B K P)

Signs of peace in the unwinnable war

The rising political cost for foreign powers in Yemen’s brutal conflict could usher in an end to the fighting that has destroyed a nation

A Saudi tugboat towing a South Korean drilling rig and a sand dredger were hijacked this month by armed Houthi rebels in the Red Sea and taken to a nearby Yemeni port. The Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting the Houthis since 2015, denounced the seizure as “a terrorist operation”. The Houthis, in control of most of north and central Yemen, said that they were checking the vessels in case they belonged to a hostile state.

Given that Saudi bombing has killed at least 8,000 Yemenis in the past four years and the Houthis’ claim they’ve carried out devastating drone and – by Patrick Cockburn (subscribers only)

(A P)

UN envoy arrives in Yemen's capital amid signals of concessions for ending war

The UN envoy to Yemen arrived in the capital Sanaa on Sunday amid signals of readiness from parties concerned to make concessions for ending the civil war.

Martin Griffiths was scheduled to discuss with leaders of the Houthi rebels, according to the Houthi officials.

(A P)

UN Special Envoy arrives in Sanaa

UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths arrived in Sanaa International Airport on Sunday, accompanied by Deputy Special Envoy Moin Shreim and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande.


(* A P)

Correspondent of France 24 in Sanaa said on Facebook Houthis have told UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths he is unwanted as the envoy arrived in Sanaa in a new effort to push for resuming peace talks. Earlier on Sunday, an official in Hadi's Gov't attacked Griffiths as a liar.

My comment: If true, this rejection would be extremely stupid.

(A K P)

Grande: Der Krieg im Jemen muss sofort enden

Lize Grande, die Resident Coordinatorin der Vereinten Nationen für humanitäre Angelegenheiten im Jemen, sagte, der Krieg müsse sofort beendet werden, da das, was im Jemen passiert, unlogisch sei.

(A P)

Kuwait says ready to host Yemen peace talks

Kuwait’s permanent representative to the United Nations said his country is ready to host negotiations between the Yemeni warring sides in order to reach a comprehensive agreement on resolution of the conflict in Yemen.
Mansour Ayyad Sh. Al-Otaib said Kuwait is willing to play host to such talks, expressing hope that it would bring about a final resolution to the crisis, Anadolu Agency reported.

(* A P)

Film: Are curbed air raids a sign of an ending Yemen conflict?

The United Nations envoy for Yemen has told the UN Security Council that the number of air attacks by the Saudi-led coalition has dropped dramatically in the past two weeks.

Martin Griffiths says the reduction in violence could possibly pave the way for an end to the conflict.

Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from the UN headquarters in New York. =

(* A P)

UN Security Council: Special Envoy Stresses Need to Maintain Crucial Momentum in Yemen, as He Reports Positive Steps during Briefing to Security Council

Permanent Representative Hails Saudi Arabia’s Mediation on Riyadh Agreement, while Lamenting Stockholm Accord’s Lack of Progress

Parties to the conflict in Yemen – still home to one of the world’s most brutal conflicts and its worst humanitarian crisis – have reached several key compromise agreements, which has led to a dramatic drop in the tempo of war, the senior United Nations official in the country reported today, as he urged the Security Council to do everything possible to sustain that crucial momentum.

Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, briefed the 15-member Council by video-teleconference from Amman, Jordan, on recent developments, saying they include an 80 per cent drop in the number of air strikes in some areas. The parties, with mediation by Saudi Arabia and support from international partners, arrived at compromise agreements on the situation in Yemen’s southern governorates, de-escalation of hostilities and economic challenges, he added.

“These are none of them small issues, and reaching compromise has been no small achievement,” he continued, emphasizing that what is needed now is leadership, concessions and inclusion. He stressed the importance of prioritizing forbearance over entitlement. Outlining positive strides, he cited the Riyadh Agreement signed on 5 November by the Government of Yemen and the Southern Transitional Council, saying it averted the very real and frightening risk of State break-up.

He went on to note that, for the first time since the conflict began, Yemenis saw several 48-hour periods without any air strikes. The cessation of missile and drone strikes against Saudi Arabia, announced by the Houthi side on 20 September, held for a second month. He said there was a new agreement on oil tax revenues – which is finally allowing fuel ships to enter the port city of Hodeidah. He also called upon Yemen’s leaders to address outstanding challenges and rebuild the country’s economic and social fabric.

Ursula Mueller, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, also provided updates, reporting that Yemen remains the world’s largest humanitarian operation. Attacks continue to devastate civilians, with recent strikes damaging a market, a hospital, fishing boats and homes. Mines and other explosives maim and injure civilians, while migrants and asylum seekers arriving in the country face appalling levels of abuse, she said.

Expressing concern that humanitarian movement and many civil society projects in areas under Houthi control remain blocked or delayed, she also cited cases of violence against aid workers and of looting relief supplies. She pointed out, however, that the overall number of casualties declined in October, expressing hope that the trend will continue and that the parties will abide by their obligations under international law.

Taking the floor, many Council members applauded the signing of the Riyadh Agreement and the restoration of State unity in southern Yemen, with several calling for speedy efforts to build on that momentum and push forward a broader political agreement. Some delegates hailed the resumed flow of much-needed fuel to Hodeidah, while urging the parties to implement other elements of the 2018 Stockholm Agreement.


My comment: And including the statements of all delegates, a lot of hot air and also the usual propaganda by the Hadi government delegate.

and Griffiths‘ briefing in full:

(* A P)


We are now beginning to see the need in Yemen for the kind of leadership that creates peace. A leader for peace is one who practices the art of concession, of inclusion, and who encourages forbearance over entitlement. And now we are seeing some evidence of this kind of leadership, and I’d like in this briefing, Madam President, to give some examples

In what is perhaps an even more important sign that something is changing in Yemen, I would draw your attention to a simple indicator of the war itself. In the last two weeks, the rate of that war has dramatically reduced: there were reportedly almost 80% fewer airstrikes nation-wide than in the two weeks prior. And I realise these are short periods, but nonetheless, it is striking. And in recent weeks, there have been entire 48-hour periods without airstrikes at all for the first time since the conflict began.

We call this de-escalation, a reduction in the tempo of the war, and perhaps we hope a move towards an overall ceasefire in Yemen

and shorter:

My comment: praising the Riyadh agreement is not realistic.

And Mueller ‘as statement in full:

(A P)

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Ursulla Mueller - Briefing to the Security Council on the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen, 22 November 2019

Every month in Yemen, some 250 humanitarian partners work with the United Nations to assist more than 13 million people in the country. We are delivering the world’s largest humanitarian operation in an extremely challenging environment, one in which things relentlessly seem to be getting worse.

This is why humanitarians have consistently advocated action on five priorities: 1) respect for international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians; 2) unhindered humanitarian access; 3) funding for the Humanitarian Response Plan; 4) support for the economy; and 5) progress towards a political solution.

If fully implemented, these steps would immediately and significantly reduce people’s suffering and help set the stage for lasting peace. I would like to review where these five priorities stand today.

(A P)

Implementing International Humanitarian Law in Yemen

Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Security Council briefing on Yemen

(A P)

China's UN envoy urges Yemeni parties to 'seize opportunity'

(A P)

Russian diplomat calls on Yemeni forces to pool efforts against terrorists

(* B P)

Now is the time to seize progress in Yemen and end the war

Amid signs of progress, Yemen needs a nationwide ceasefire and an end to bureaucratic obstacles to humanitarian aid.

As warring parties in Yemen show signs of tentative commitment to ending the fighting, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) calls on all parties to agree to an immediate nationwide ceasefire to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people. Recent developments, including talks between Saudi Arabia and Ansar Allah (Houthis) and the agreements between the Internationally Recognized Government and the Southern Transitional Council to stabilize the south of Yemen offer signs of hope. Robust international diplomacy is now needed to ensure these steps form the basis of Yemen's future peace. As the UN Security Council meets this week, it is critical for members to send a strong message that a ceasefire is necessary and barriers to the delivery of humanitarian aid will not be tolerated.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Fresh arrests in Saudi Arabia net intellectuals, entrepreneurs: sources

Saudi Arabia has detained at least eight people, mostly intellectuals and writers, two sources including London-based Saudi rights group ALQST said, amid a two-year crackdown on free expression in the kingdom.

They were taken from their homes in the capital Riyadh and the Red Sea port city of Jeddah last week by plainclothes police but the reason was unclear, said one of the sources.

Those detained are not frontline activists, the sources said. Some are intellectuals who have published articles or appeared on television while others are entrepreneurs.

(A E P)

Saudi Aramco won't breach maximum weight for firms in Saudi index: Argaam

Saudi Aramco’s weighting in Saudi Arabia’s main stock index once the oil giant has listed shares is not expected to breach the maximum limit set by the Gulf kingdom’s Tadawul exchange, a senior executive said on Sunday.

“There is a ceiling for the maximum weight any listed company on the Saudi index can reach, it will be around 15%. It is unlikely that Aramco’s weight will reach the maximum level,” Argaam financial website quoted Tadawul chief executive, Khalid al-Hussan, as saying.

(A E P)

Saudi central bank says Aramco IPO not causing liquidity issues for banks

Saudi Arabia’s central bank is monitoring banking indicators on a daily basis and is not seeing any impact on liquidity from oil giant Aramco’s initial public offering (IPO), its governor said on Sunday.

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority governor Ahmed al-Kholifey told Reuters on the sidelines of a conference that he had no concerns about liquidity due to the size of Aramco’s IPO.

(* B P)

What Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman could learn from Prince Andrew – and vice versa

On the very same day that Prince Andrew was giving his disastrous interview explaining his relationship with the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the crown prince – often referred to as MbS – was hearing from international bankers about the failure of his bid to sell part of Aramco, the state oil company, for a high price on the international markets. The sale had been heralded as the moment when Saudi Arabia would use its oil wealth to exalt its status as a world power.

The two princes have many characteristics in common: both have a reputation for arrogance, ignoring expert advice and showing startlingly poor judgement in taking decisions. The result has been a dismally unsuccessful record for both men.

At home, MbS had claimed that he would reform Saudi Arabia’s medieval and oppressive social norms, producing a more tolerant and freer society. But such modernisation as there has been, such as allowing women to drive, has turned out to be cosmetic, while repression has been all too real.

A planned expansion in the rights of women was well publicised abroad, but a Human Rights Watch report issued earlier this month, entitled The High Cost of Change: Repression Under Saudi Crown Prince Tarnishes Reforms, tells a different and much grimmer story

Other reforms have followed the same pattern.

The tainting of Saudi Arabia’s reputation by the Khashoggi affair, and the torrent of criticism that followed, played a role in deterring foreign investors from buying into Aramco at the price the Saudis wanted.

But what really undermined Saudi Arabia’s reputation for stability was the surprise Iranian/Houthi drone and missile attack on the Abqaiq and Khurais oil facilities in September. As significant as the attack itself was Mr Trump’s refusal to retaliate against Iran. What had for so long seemed like a gold-plated US guarantee of Saudi security turned out to be nothing of the sort – by Patrick Cockburn

(A P)

Photo: Graffiti on the streets of #Qatif read, "The walls inside the courts denounce and lament: the terrorists became the judges, and the human rights defenders are accused of terrorism"!

(* A B P)

With young prince and PR push, Saudi Arabia ready to take over G20 reins

Saudi Arabia is set to take over the G20 presidency for a year as it seeks to bounce back from an uproar over its human rights record and last year’s killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The kingdom’s new foreign minister, a prince with diplomatic experience in the West, landed in Japan’s Nagoya city on Friday to meet with his counterparts from the Group of 20 nations.

Diplomats say the G20 might help put Riyadh’s problems behind it and could prompt it to close more disputed files such as the Yemen war and the boycott of Gulf neighbor Qatar, though they have yet to see much progress.

King Salman has hailed the kingdom’s G20 presidency as proof of its key role in the global economy.

Prince Faisal will pick up the baton at a ceremony on Saturday in Nagoya, where G20 foreign ministers have gathered for talks.

Japan - which headed the G20 this year - was the kingdom’s second-largest export market last year, at $33 billion, according to IMF trade data.

(** A B P)

Jeddah flood deaths shame Saudi royals

Last week the Saudi city of Jeddah was afflicted by heavy rains that lasted only a few hours but caused massive flooding and the deaths of more than 500 people. To lessen the embarrassment, official reports shrank the number of flood-related deaths to just over 100.

Many Saudis are asking how such a catastrophe could occur in one of the world's richest countries and in its second-largest and most cosmopolitan city.

This was the most severe nature-related calamity that the world's largest oil exporter has seen in the past 50 years but the real reason for the death and destruction that occurred last Wednesday is endemic corruption in the Saudi government.

Jeddah is a great example of corruption. This city of more than 4 million people still lacks a sewage system and treatment facility. The rain that fell last week had nowhere to go but to flood the streets and neighbourhoods, creating havoc and death in its path.

Hundreds of bodies were swept in the current and up to 11,000 people may be missing in the sea, according to a report two days ago by the Saudi newspaper al-Yaum. This figure may be inflated but the number of the missing and dead surely ranks in the hundreds, and could turn out to exceed a thousand. For comparison, hurricane Katrina in the US killed about 1,800 people.

The Saudi government reaction to the disaster in Jeddah followed the usual formula of denial followed by blame of the victims for failing to follow government orders. Instead of taking responsibility, a Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the governor of Mecca region, in which Jeddah lies, blamed "arbitrarily built" neighbourhoods, and not the absence of a sewage system. Saudi media, which is mostly owned and fully controlled by the ruling family, followed suit and pointed a finger at citizens who bought land and built houses in unplanned areas.

This has brought to light yet another fact of life in Saudi Arabia: most citizens are unable to buy a home. The percentage of adult Saudis who do not own homes is around 80% – in sharp contrast to other Gulf countries such as Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE, where home ownership rates exceed 80%, thanks to government programmes.

The cause of the low home ownership is the high price of land. This may seem surprising in such a huge country with a relatively small population, but it results from land grabs by members of the ruling family. Many Saudi citizens woke up one day to find that the land they had either inherited or paid good money for has been taken over by a member of the Al Saud. The land deed that the citizen holds becomes worthless and no court will take up the issue. If you complain too much, you will end up in prison.

We Saudis have witnessed massive land seizures across that bare country where fences are erected by princes to enclose hundreds of square kilometres. Jeddah is infamous for land grabs by members of the ruling family – land that is then sold to citizens looking to build a home, without the required planning and infrastructure such as sewage, electricity, water and phone. – by Ali AlAhmed


(A E P)

Saudi Aramco order book reaches 73 billion riyals so far: Samba

Saudi Aramco’s initial public offering (IPO) has attracted approximately 73 billion riyals ($19.47 billion) in institutional and retail orders so far, Saudi Arabia’s Samba Financial Group said on Thursday.

Some 1.8 million retail subscribers have injected more than 14 billion riyals into the IPO so far, Samba, one of the banks managing the deal, said in a statement sent to Reuters.

Institutional subscriptions amounted to 58.4 billion riyals and 1.82 billion subscribed shares, it added.

cp9 USA

(B P)


Neumann told colleagues that he was saving the women of Saudi Arabia by working with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to offer women coding classes, according to a source. In another meeting, Neumann said three people were going to save the world: bin Salman, Jared Kushner, and Neumann. Shortly after the news broke in October 2018 that Saudi agents tortured dissident and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi and carved his body with a bone saw, likely on order from the crown prince himself, Neumann told George W. Bush’s former national security adviser Stephen Hadley that everything could be worked out if bin Salman had the right mentor. Confused, Hadley asked who that person might be, according to a source familiar with the meeting. Neumann paused for a moment and said: “Me.”

(A P)

Breaking: #US ambassador John Abyzaid to #Riyadh visits the #Saudi diplomatic institute, a symbol of sectreanism &!racism. No Shia Arab or blacks are allowed there. Shameful.

referring to

Enjoyed meeting young #Saudi diplomats at the Prince Saud al-Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies. Future successes of the U.S. – Saudi relationship will be achieved by these talented and committed #Saudi diplomats, working hand in hand with their American colleagues (photos)

(* B P)

Democrats pledge sharp turn in US ties with Saudi Arabia

The U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia is set to take a sharp turn if a Democrat wins the White House in 2020.

At the most recent Democratic primary debate, several candidates advocated rethinking the U.S.-Saudi relationship, including former Vice President Joe Biden, who pledged to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” state.

Such a break with a U.S. partner would come after President Trump has resisted congressional pressure to punish Riyadh over issues that have angered lawmakers, choosing instead to cozy up to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

“I do think that the relationship is in store for change. The real question is how fundamental that change will be,” said Andrew Miller, deputy director for policy at the Project on Middle East Democracy.

“I think it is important to understand that the mere fact that this debate is occurring about Saudi Arabia during the Democratic primary and that you have candidates who previously would be much more circumspect in what they said about Saudi Arabia criticizing them so directly is a real sign of the underlying problem for the kingdom and for Mohammed bin Salman,” he added.

“The ground has shifted under their feet, and if there is a new administration, if there’s any administration other than the Trump administration, which seems determined to protect Mohammed bin Salman, I think it’s going to be very difficult for the Saudis to manage that relationship.”

(* B K P)

27 Million Muslims Killed due to US War on Terror

27 million Muslims killed due to US war on terror: American scholar

Some twenty seven million Muslims have been killed due to US wars following the September 11, 2001 false flag attacks in the United States, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003.

Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday following the release of a study conducted by Watson Institute of International Public Affairs at the United States' Brown University.

My comment: This figure seems to be to high. 6 million as reported otherwise is horrible enough and makes the US the main rogue state of our age.

(A P)


FOREIGN POLICY took center stage in Wednesday night’s Democratic debate, with former Vice President Joe Biden saying he would not sell weapons to Saudi Arabia — marking a sharp contrast with the Obama administration — and stressing he would make the Saudis “pay the price” for their killing of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi.

“I would make it very clear we were not going to in fact sell more weapons to them,” Biden said. “We were going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.” Biden also said there is “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia,” and, in reference to Yemen, said he would end “end the sale of material to the Saudis where they’re going in and murdering children.”

Biden’s admission is a significant departure from the Democratic Party position before Donald Trump.

and also

My comment: Who should believe this? It’s election campaign.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)


France has designated Abu Dhabi as the headquarters for a so-called European-led naval coalition in the Persian Gulf, shortly after announcing that it is bolstering Saudi air defenses with new equipment.

“This morning we formalized that the command post will be based on Emirati territory,” French Defense Minister Florence Parly told reporters at a French naval base in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates on Sunday.

According to the French defense minster, the European-led mission may start next year with about 10 European and non-European countries expected to participate in the mission.

The newly-designated headquarters will host about a dozen officials representing the involved countries, she said.

The announcement comes as France has been the main proponent for the European naval mission which seeks to allegedly patrol the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz

My comment: 75 years after WW II, the Europeans found the way back to gunboat diplomacy.

(A P)

Iran Rejects ‘Bogus’ Allegations Raised at IISS Manama Dialogue

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi has slammed the “baseless” allegations raised against the Islamic Republic at a session of the IISS Manama Dialogue 2019 in Bahrain.

In a statement on Sunday, Mousavi denounced the baseless and worthless remarks and the bogus allegations made against Iran by certain participants in the IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) Manama Dialogue in Bahrain, and dismissed the accusations against Tehran.

“The countries who themselves spawn and promote terrorism and extremism, who have interfered in the internal affairs of others by trampling on the principles of good neighbourliness, and who have undermined regional security by attracting the alien forces, could not attribute the self-created problems to the Islamic Republic of Iran by putting the blame on others,” he added.

(* B P)

Special report: ‘Time to take out our swords' - Inside Iran’s plot to attack Saudi Arabia

Four months before a swarm of drones and missiles crippled the world’s biggest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia, Iranian security officials gathered at a heavily fortified compound in Tehran.

The group included the top echelons of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, an elite branch of the Iranian military whose portfolio includes missile development and covert operations.

The main topic that day in May: How to punish the United States for pulling out of a landmark nuclear treaty and re-imposing economic sanctions on Iran, moves that have hit the Islamic Republic hard.

With Major General Hossein Salami, leader of the Revolutionary Guards, looking on, a senior commander took the floor.

“It is time to take out our swords and teach them a lesson,” the commander said, according to four people familiar with the meeting.

Hard-liners in the meeting talked of attacking high-value targets, including American military bases.

Yet, what ultimately emerged was a plan that stopped short of direct confrontation that could trigger a devastating U.S. response. Iran opted instead to target oil installations of America’s ally, Saudi Arabia, a proposal discussed by top Iranian military officials in that May meeting and at least four that followed.

This account, described to Reuters by three officials familiar with the meetings and a fourth close to Iran’s decision making, is the first to describe the role of Iran’s leaders in plotting the Sept. 14 attack on Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s state-controlled oil company.

These people said Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei approved the operation, but with strict conditions: Iranian forces must avoid hitting any civilians or Americans.

Reuters was unable to confirm their version of events with Iran’s leadership. A Revolutionary Guards spokesman declined to comment. Tehran has steadfastly denied involvement.

My comment: This rather looks like a conspiracy theory story like being cooked in a CIA kitchen.

(* A P)

Iran Foils Enemy’s Plot to Launch Major Attack on Its Oil Pipelines

Iran says it has managed to foil the enemies’ plot to blow up the country’s oil pipelines in Asalouyeh, apparently hatched in retaliation for Yemeni forces’ September attack on Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facilities.

Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), said Sunday the enemies had masterminded the plot to launch an attack on the Asalouyeh energy facilities in southern Iran amid the recent violent riots.

The enemy, he said, was apparently seeking to retaliate an attack that Yemen’s Ansarullah forces had launched against the Saudi Aramco oil installation in September.

Shamkhani said the plot has been foiled.

The Iranian Administration’s Spokesman Ali Rabiee had already disclosed reports of hostile plots to stage organized attacks on the Asalouyeh oil pipelines, sensitive telecommunication centres in Shiraz, and a number of military bases.

My comment: Which „enemy“? This is not told. – Of course, this story could be a fake. Who actually knows?

(A P)

Iran’s Guard threatens US, allies over protests

The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard threatened the U.S. and its allies Monday as he addressed a pro-government demonstration attended by tens of thousands of people denouncing last week’s violent protests over a fuel price hike.

Gen. Hossein Salami, echoing other Iranian officials, accused the U.S., Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia of stoking the unrest. He said the rise in gasoline prices was a “mere pretext” for an attack on the nation.

“If you cross our red line, we will destroy you,” he said. “We will not leave any move unanswered.” He said if Iran decides to respond, “the enemy will not have security anywhere,” adding that “our patience has a limit.”


(A P)

IRGC commander warns Iran neighbors against 'acts of mischief'

Certain neighbors of Iran were involved in acts of mischief during recent riots that followed the government's decision to increase gasoline price, says a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), warning those countries against their "mischievous" behavior toward the Islamic Republic.

Speaking to a group of female Basij members in Tehran on Sunday, the IRGC’s second-in-command, Brigadier General Ali Fadavi, said, “During recent riots, some of our neighbors acted against [good] neighborly relations and the stipulations of Islam and committed acts of mischief,” adding, “We advise [those] neighbors to repent.”

(* A P)

Top U.S. General: It’s ‘Very Possible’ Iran Will Attack Again

The threat from Tehran continues to increase despite U.S. military buildup, U.S. Central Command’s Gen. Kenneth McKenzie says.

Since May, the Pentagon has dispatched 14,000 additional U.S. troops, an aircraft carrier, and tens of thousands of pounds of military equipment to the Middle East to respond to what it says are alarming new threats from Iran. But despite the stepped-up U.S. military posture, the top U.S. general in the region believes the Iranian threat continues to rise—and Tehran is likely to continue lashing out.

“I think the strike on Saudi Aramco in September is pretty indicative of a nation that is behaving irresponsibly,” said Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command, in a Friday interview, referring to the Sept. 14 Iran-sponsored attack on Saudi facilities that took half of Riyadh’s oil production offline.

My comment: by statements like this one, the US tries to keep the conflict boiling

(A P)

Abdullah bin Zayed schließt den Besuch in den USA ab und hebt die gemeinsamen Aussichten für regionalen Frieden, starke wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Bindungen hervor

Scheich Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und internationale Zusammenarbeit [der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate], beendete seinen Besuch in Washington, DC am Freitag nach einem Treffen mit hochrangigen US-Regierungsbeamten.

Scheich Abdullah traf sich mit US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo. Sie diskutierten über die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und den USA, um gegenseitigen Wohlstand zu schaffen und die Sicherheit im Nahen Osten und auf der ganzen Welt zu gewährleisten.

"Die VAE und die USA sind enge Freunde und starke Verbündete", sagte Scheich Abdullah. "Unsere dauerhafte bilaterale Partnerschaft mit den USA basiert auf gemeinsamen Werten und einer gemeinsamen Perspektive für eine inklusivere und friedlichere Zukunft in der Region."

Die Beamten erörterten Fragen von gemeinsamem Interesse, einschließlich Möglichkeiten zur Fortsetzung der Zusammenarbeit bei der Bekämpfung des Extremismus, um das breite Spektrum der vom Iran ausgehenden Bedrohungen zu bekämpfen und integrativere und friedlichere Gesellschaften in der Region des Nahen Ostens zu fördern.

(A P)

Abdullah bin Zayed concludes visit to US, highlights shared outlook for regional peace, strong economic, cultural ties

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, [UAE] Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Friday concluded his visit to Washington, DC after meeting with senior US government officials.

Sheikh Abdullah met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They discussed UAE-US cooperation to create mutual prosperity and ensure security in the Middle East and around the world.

"The UAE and the US are close friends and strong allies," said Sheikh Abdullah. "Our enduring bilateral partnership with the US is based on shared values and a common outlook for a more inclusive and peaceful future in the region."

The officials discussed issues of common interest, including ways to continue working together to counter extremism challenge the broad range of threats posed by Iran, and promote more inclusive and peaceful societies in the Middle East region.

(A P)

VIDEO: #Saudi Eagles escorting a #USAF B-52 on the way to pass over PSAB [Prince Sultan Air Base]

(* B P)

U.S. and France vie to bolster Gulf security after Saudi oil attack

The United States and France are boosting Saudi Arabia’s radar systems following crippling drone and cruise missile attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure in September, which Washington blames on Iran.

The chief of the U.S. Central Command and France’s defense minister, whose countries have taken divergent approaches to Iran, also touted rival versions of maritime missions to protect Gulf waters at a Bahrain security forum on Saturday.

More than two months after the biggest assault on Saudi oil facilities, Riyadh and Washington have yet to provide concrete proof linking Iran to the attack while Saudi Arabia has provided few details about how it is addressing gaps in its air defenses.

“We continue to refine information on the attack against (Saudi state oil firm) Aramco and that will be released principally through the Saudis,” said General Kenneth McKenzie, who oversees operations in the Middle East and South Asia.

“We are working with the Saudis to increase the networking of their systems. That will make them better able to defend against this type of threats,” he told reporters.

McKenzie said boosting the U.S. military presence at Prince Sultan Air Base south of Riyadh, in addition to large bases in Qatar and Bahrain, would “complicate an adversary’s ability to target you”.

French Defense Minister Florence Parly said Paris was separately sending Riyadh “a robust package of advanced warning”, including radars, to confront low-altitude attacks.

“It will be in Saudi Arabia in the coming days so it will be operational very, very rapidly. But there is an analysis to be done in order to better identify how to fill the gap,” she later told reporters.

(A P)

F-35 unit from Utah base begins deployment to Middle East

Another Hill Air Force Base squadron equipped with F-35 fighters has left on a combat deployment for the Middle East.

The Standard-Examiner reports that the 34th Fighter Squadron with personnel drawn from active-duty and reserve units at Hill left recently for Al Dhafra Air Base, in the United Arab Emirates.

(A P)

French minister criticizes US over ‘unanswered’ Iran attacks

France’s defense minister criticized the U.S. on Saturday over what she described as “unanswered” attacks in recent months threatening the Persian Gulf, warning that the decades-long American deterrence in the oil-rich region appeared to be losing its power.

Florence Parly separately said France “deplored” both U.S. President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal of America from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers that led to the re-imposition of crushing sanctions, as well as Tehran recently breaking the deal’s enrichment, stockpile and centrifuge limits.

While saying France would continue to talk to Iran, her speech before the annual Manama Dialogue in Bahrain struck a muscular tone for Paris, which maintains a naval base in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. She said France would push for a European-organized maritime security force in the region that would cooperate with but be separate from an American-organized force.

My comment: Does she try to push the US towards more aggressivity in the Gulf or what?

(A P)

US judge awards $180M to Post reporter held by Iran, family

A Washington Post journalist held by Iran for over a year and tortured amid his conviction on internationally criticized espionage charges and his family have been awarded nearly $180 million by a U.S. federal judge.

U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon in Washington entered the judgment late Friday in Rezaian’s case, describing how authorities in Iran denied the journalist sleep, medical care and abused him during his 544 days in captivity.

“Iran seized Jason, threatened to kill Jason, and did so with the goal of compelling the United States to free Iranian prisoners as a condition of Jason’s release,” Leon said in his ruling.

The judge later added: “Holding a man hostage and torturing him to gain leverage in negotiations with the United States is outrageous, deserving of punishment and surely in need of deterrence.”

My comment: This judgment seems to fit into the US scheme of absurd fines ( But, this judgment here – as Iran is the target – is a political, biased judgment. If not, this judgment could be taken as an example for similar cases: Julian Assange could sue the British government for $180 million (and get them); all those victims of US detention and torture, from Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo to all those who had been brought to exterior torture prisons worldwide by the CIA, could sue the US for US$ 180 million for 544 days imprisonment and torture = 333,800 US$ a day. This judgment taken serious, the US national bankruptcy should finally come now. Otherwise, this judgment is political bias and nothing more.

(A P)

Iran internet slowly revives; US sanctions telecom minister

The internet slowly trickled back on in Iran on Friday after a dayslong shutdown by authorities amid protests and unrest that followed government-set gasoline prices sharply rising, as the U.S. sanctioned the country’s prominent telecommunications minister over the outage.

Jahromi, the first government minister to be born after Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, is widely believed to be considering a presidential run in 2021. In sanctioning him, the U.S. Treasury noted he once worked for the country’s Intelligence Ministry and “has advanced the Iranian regime’s policy of repressive internet censorship.”

“Iran’s leaders know that a free and open internet exposes their illegitimacy, so they seek to censor internet access to quell anti-regime protests,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement.

Jahromi, known for his social media persona, did not immediately respond to the sanctions but has increasingly criticized President Donald Trump on Twitter, a service long blocked in Iran. Being sanctioned may raise his profile among hard-liners.

My comment: What’s this up to the US??

(* A P)

Iran still faithful to all its JCPOA obligations, envoy tells IAEA

Iran has told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it is still faithful to the terms of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, and has not breached any of its commitments under the multilateral accord.

“Iran has shown its good will by implementing all of its commitments under the deal wholeheartedly, and as the world witnessed, the Agency has continuously reported the full compliance of Iran with the JCPOA,” said Kazem Gharibabadi, the Iranian envoy to the IAEA.

“Iran tries to protect its national interest in accordance with international rules, regulations and negotiated agreements, and even the recent steps taken by Iran to cease the implementation of some of its commitments under the JCPOA not only are the continuation of its full compliance with the provisions of the deal consistent with its paragraph 36, but also do not break any of its international obligations, and Iran still is acting within the nuclear deal,” he added.

“However, if it [Iran] is to be the only, and I stress, the only participant who bears the burden and implements the deal unilaterally, such a lopsided implementation, naturally, would not last long, and gradual cessation of implementation of commitments would be the first step for Iran to take to bring back the lost balance in the deal,” he warned

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Condemns Iran's Continued Violations of International Conventions Related to Its Nuclear Program

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirmed that the Iranian regime's expansionist ideology and interventions in the region came at the expense of its people. The regime used the revenue from the nuclear agreement to implement its expansionist ideology and interventions in the region.
This came in a speech delivered by Prince Abdullah bin Khalid bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Ambassador to Austria and the Governor of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) during the discussion of the item

(A P)

Iran holds massive air defense drill simulating war in Persian Gulf

The Iranian Air Force is holding a massive maneuver to test the country’s latest military equipment and to enhance its preparedness in the face of potential threats in simulated conditions of real war.

According to Press TV, codenamed ‘Guardians of Velayat Sky-98,’ the military drill is being held over an area of 416,000 square kilometers in the central province of Semnan, simulating the Persian Gulf general area and the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

Various types of state-of-the- art missile and radar systems — designed and built at home — will counter different aerial threats during the exercise.

(* A P)

Iranische Revolutionsgarden erklären Unruhen für beendet

Die Iranischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) haben die Unruhen und Proteste im Iran gegen höhere Benzinpreise für beendet erklärt. "Die Anführer der Unruhen sind in den Großstädten bereits identifiziert und verhaftet worden und das war mit ein Grund für das Ende der Unruhen", sagte der IRGC-Sprecher Ramesan Sharif am Donnerstag. Er unterstellte den USA und Israel, hinter den Unruhen gesteckt zu haben.

Finanziert worden seien die Anführer der Unruhen von den Monarchisten, "die sich für den Sturz des Schah-Regimes rächen wollen", sagte der IRGC-Sprecher.

(A P)

US calls for Iran crackdown videos, internet slowly returns

As the internet slowly is being revived across Iran after a dayslong, government-imposed shutdown amid demonstrations, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is calling on Iranians to send the U.S. videos “documenting the regime’s crackdown on protestors.”

Pompeo’s tweet early Friday comes as pockets of Iran saw internet over landlines restored.

He wrote: “The U.S. will expose and sanction the abuses.”

(A P)

Trump lashes out at Iran for shutting down internet

President Donald Trump says Iran is so “unstable” that the Iranian government has shut down the internet so Iranians cannot disclose what he says is the “tremendous violence” occurring in the country.

My comment: What’s this up to the US???

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Film: So deckt der BND Waffenlieferungen in kriegführende Länder
Die Akte BND: Waffengeschäfte deutscher Reeder. Auf 3sat nur noch bis am 29. November zu sehen. Und nur in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.

So lautete der ARD-Programmhinweis (…)
«Nach sieben Jahren Recherche zur Verschiffung von Waffen durch deutsche Reeder wird dem Fernsehteam um Autor Rainer Kahrs ein Konvolut geheimer Dokumente zugespielt.
Diese beweisen: Der deutsche Geheimdienst BND ist in Waffentransporte in die Krisen- und Kriegsgebiete dieser Welt stark involviert. Die Operationen sind streng geheim, verlaufen im Stillen – vorbei an den zuständigen Bundesbehörden.
Verschifft wird nicht in Deutschland, sondern über einen geheimen Hafen in der Ukraine, der auf keiner Karte verzeichnet ist. Die Recherche führt nach Kiew. Der ehemalige Präsident der Ukraine bestätigt die Existenz des Hafens und des “delikaten” Waffengeschäfts. Sein Auslands-Geheimdienstchef räumt erstmals eine Beteiligung deutscher Reedereien an der Kriegswaffenverschiffung über die Ukraine ein und vermittelt dem Team die ersten und einzigen Fernsehbilder des geheimen Hafens. Recherchen in den USA ergeben weitere und alarmierende Hinweise.

Film: =

(A K P)

SPD will Rüstungsexporte in einige Länder generell ausschließen

Die SPD will Rüstungsexporten in den arabischen Raum einen Riegel vorschieben. Außerdem will sie die Waffenlobby finanziell in die Pflicht nehmen und die Öffentlichkeit besser informieren.

Waffenexporte sind für die SPD seit vielen Jahren ein äußerst delikates Thema. Zuletzt gab es parteiintern immer wieder Diskussionen über Exporte in am Jemen-Konflikt beteiligte Staaten, etwa nach Saudi-Arabien. Insbesondere Außenminister Heiko Maas und Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich lagen bei der Frage über Kreuz, ob Ausfuhren in den Ölstaat zulässig sind.

Nun hat eine Arbeitsgruppe ein Kompromisspapier vorgelegt, das den schwelenden internen Streit beenden und am Montag von der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion beschlossen werden soll. Danach will die SPD Waffenexporte deutlich einschränken, aber zumindest ein paar Hintertüren offen halten. Das Papier liegt dem Handelsblatt vor.

„Wir wollen den Export deutscher Rüstungsgüter in Drittstaaten außerhalb von EU-, NATO- und gleichgestellten Ländern weiter einschränken“, heißt es in dem Papier. Für Staaten, die weder Mitglied der EU noch der NATO sind, „ist eine Ratifizierung des Internationalen Waffenhandelsabkommens ATT und dessen konsequente Umsetzung zwingende Voraussetzung für jede Form der Rüstungskooperation“.

Damit wären Rüstungsexporte in den arabischen Raum wie nach Saudi-Arabien, in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate oder nach Ägypten künftig grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen.

(A P)

Managing Conflict and Stabilisation in the Middle East. Speech by [German] Minister of State Niels Annen at the Manama Dialogue

When talking about managing conflict and stabilisation in the Middle East I believe one nexus should be the focus point of our discussion: the link between the political process on the one hand and supporting stabilisation work on the other.

As a region, the Middle East has been war-torn for centuries. It has never experienced lasting peace and stability. Neither can be provided externally let alone imposed:

Peace has to come from within.

So when we talk about managing conflicts in the Middle East, I firmly believe the ‘managers’ must be largely regional in order to ensure that a country’s future is shaped by – and in the interest of – the population in question.


In Yemen, we’ve been witnessing the worst humanitarian crisis in decades. The only way to resolve this terrible conflict is by political means. This is why Germany actively and wholeheartedly supports the efforts of Special Envoy Martin Griffiths to restart the peace process – a process that must be inclusive, involving all relevant political groups.

To advance this process, we’re following a comprehensive approach:

First, we’re supporting mediation efforts by bringing together key Yemeni actors in track II dialogue consultations.

Second, we’re supporting the Peace Support Facility for Yemen (PSF) in close coordination with the UN. This mechanism catalyses a much needed political solution by flexibly supporting different initiatives that have immediate effect on the ground.

My comment: Add: Third, we try to increase arms exports to Saudi Arabia as soon as possible again.

(A P)

Maas traf in Nagoya den neuen saudischen Außenminister Prinz Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah Al-Saud, der zuvor Botschafter in Deutschland war. Er habe in dem Gespräch deutlich gemacht, dass er während der saudischen G20-Präsidentschaft konkrete Ergebnisse bei den Bemühungen um eine Konfliktlösung im Jemen erwarte. Auf die Frage, ob er an einem nächsten G20-Außenministertreffen in Saudi-Arabien teilnehmen werde, sagte Maas: "Das kann ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht sagen."

(B K P)

Sevim Dagdelen, DIE LINKE: Bundesregierung belügt Öffentlichkeit beim Thema Rüstungsexporte
Die Rüstungsexportpolitik der Bundesregierung lässt bei den deutschen Waffenschmieden die Champagnerkorken knallen. Wenn Anträge von Rüstungskonzernen zu 99,5% genehmigt werden, kann von einer zurückhaltenden Genehmigungspraxis keine Rede sein. Diese unerträgliche Durchwinkepraxis ist von einem verantwortungsvollen Handeln etwa so weit wie die Erde vom Mond.
Gemeinsam mit den Grünen hat die Fraktion DIE LINKE in einem Antrag die Bundesregierung aufgefordert, Lücken bei der Rüstungsexportkontrolle zu schließen. Sevim Dagdelen ging mit der Bundesregierung hart ins Gericht: “Die Wahrheit ist, ihre Behauptung eine zurückhaltende Rüstungsexportpolitik zu verfolgen, ist glatt gelogen. Denn fast jeder Antrag der Rüstungsschmieden ist ein Treffer.”

Film: =


cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B K P)

‘Spanish company produces engines of Saudi fighters bombing Yemen’

According to an exclusive report by Spanish news site, Saudi fighter jets which have been bombing Yemen since 2015 are powered by engines which were part-produced by Spain’s ITP Aero, chaired by a former minister and spokesperson of the Aznar I government, Josep Piqué.

The company is also said to carry out maintenance of the engines for the Royal Saudi Air Force.

However, such government-approved trade deals could potentially violate European and Spanish legislation on exporting arms to states involved in wars or which violate human rights.

Having been contacted by, ITP Aero refused to answer specific questions and instead issued a reply stating that it “acts with integrity and strictly follows the export control regulation in all its businesses.”

According to a joint investigation by and Lighthouse Reports, ITP Aero’s commercial relations with Riyadh were extended until at least 2017. There are indications, though, that the relationship could be maintained until the end of this year.

(* B P)

French Book Highlighting UAE Crimes And Its Expansionist Conspiracies

“The hidden face of the UAE” book was published in France by Michel Top, founder of Opinion Internationl.

The book is an investigation conducted in the Arab world and the Anglo-Saxon countries on the system governing the UAE, and its impact in France, Europe and Africa, especially in the Maghreb.

The author reveals in his book the strategies implemented by the mysterious system in the UAE and based on him based on coverage and lies and attempts to penetrate.

Michel Top, in an interview with the French political and parliamentary magazine, says that the EU’s recent decision to list the UAE in the gray and black tax havens list, which it later deleted, encouraged him to conduct this investigation.

In France and Europe, there is a focus on Saudi Arabia, its strictly repressive regime and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, “butcher of Jamal Khashoggi,” said Top.

In fact, bin Salman has his counterpart in Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, the strongman in the UAE who leads the same politics in the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

The UAE is one of the most notorious countries in the world, which is tainted by the condemnation of the reports of the United Nations and human rights organizations for violations committed internally and externally.

International reports periodically confirm the widespread international condemnation and condemnation of UAE crimes, confirming the country’s black record of human rights.

In Yemen, the United Nations accused the UAE of committing horrific war crimes against civilians after an impartial team of experts set up by the UN Human Rights Council.

US and European surveillance has also been uncovered in multiple intelligence and media reports to support the UAE militarily organizations such as al Qaeda and separatists.

In support for terrorism: The annual report of the US State Department confirmed that the UAE is a station for terrorist organizations.

Members of the US Congress also confirmed thatthe UAE is a center for money laundering and support for terrorism, confirming international investigations that have shown that Dubai was the world’s washing machine for dirty money.

In addition, the UAE is committing internal violations: the UN condemned the UAE spying on and violating the privacy of individuals.

According to the World Democracy Index, the UAE is an authoritarian country, ranked 147 out of 167 countries and does not allow any public participation in decision-making.

(* B P)

Against Saudi Arabia for the wrong reasons

The sale of arms to Saudi Arabia is defended from our government because they are "intelligent", according to statements by the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell. “This is precision weaponry (for military purposes) of high resistance. With these types of weapons there cannot be those bombings produced with less sophisticated weapons, a little launched at random, and that provoke that kind of tragedy that we all condemn. The reality is stubborn and months later, a Saudi attack "by mistake", to a school, left dozens injured and several dead. Quiet, they were only Yemeni children and some adult.

The Spanish government yielded arms sales to Saudi Arabia after pressure from the Wahabita monarchy, which threatened to cancel the billionaire construction contract for five corvettes at the San Fernando shipyards (Cádiz). The argument of the consistory of Cádiz, as fallacious as unsupportive, to defend these contracts cannot and should not leave anyone indifferent. The mayor came to say that if there was a choice between the Cadizians starving or the dead being others, the decision was clear. Who cares about the Yemeni dead? To nobody.

Talking about human rights in Saudi Arabia is like thinking of white unicorns and not only because of the conditions that women suffer, but also because of a type of slavery and gloomy society in which life is worth little more than you can pay for it. A good example of the latter was the murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who despite all the evidence pointing to the Saudi royal house as an author, international diplomacy has looked cautiously to the other side.

When the Spanish Football Federation puts as a condition - the celebration of matches on Saudi soil - the fact that women can freely access the fields, is placing the dead in Yemen, the slaves, those killed by the Saudi secret services, at an almost anecdotal level, and not because the measure is not important, but because if we focus on it or the fact that women are forced to go covered or not, we are leaving behind the other reasons that They won't disappear because we don't name them. That the woman of a wealthy Saudi prince, her sister or her mother can watch a football match live will not change society, work conditions, or international relations in which Saudi Arabia can continue to buy wills-based of petrodollars - for a football match.

(B P)

By recognising a Houthi as Yemeni ambassador- Has Iran outmanoeuvred Saudi?

By establishing formal diplomatic relations with the Houthis, Iran complicates Riyadh’s attempts to reach a deal with the Yemeni rebel group.

While violent protests consume sanctions-hit Iran, Tehran is not showing any sign of loosening its influence over the Middle East. The country’s most recent gambit saw it transfer responsibility for Yemen’s embassy in Tehran to Houthi rebels.

With the embassy move, Tehran appears to be disrupting progress in the Saudi-Houthi talks, bringing the Iran-backed militia on to its side.

The Arab League has condemned Iran’s move on Thursday, describing Tehran’s Yemen involvement as a “hostile policy aimed at destabilizing Yemen, which will in turn threaten the security of its neighbors.”

My comment: I think this is overestimating the importance of this Iranian decision. This hardly will affect any Houthi-Saudi talks.

(* A P)

Netanyahu: We will stop Iran's attempts to use Yemen, Iraq against Israel

Netanyahu, who was accompanied by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, said that Israel's responsibility and willingness to fight against Iranain aggression is “absolute.”

Israel will take action to thwart Iranian efforts to turn Iraq and Yemen into bases for rocket and missile attacks against Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday during a tour to the Golan Heights.

“Iran's aggression in the region and against us continues,” Netanyahu said at Mount Avital. “We are taking all the actions necessary to prevent Iran from entrenching itself in the region. This includes action necessary to thwart the transfer of lethal weapons from Iran to Syria, via the air or sea.”

Netanyahu, who was accompanied by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, said that Israel's responsibility and willingness to fight against Iranain aggression is “absolute,” and that Jerusalem is using all means to keep Iran for achieving its aims.

“I cannot provide any more details, but this is a process taking place all the time,” he said.

My comment: This is a classical deflection from his great internal problems: Warmongering.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp11, cp12

(* B K P)


Südafrika stellt seine Waffenverkäufe nach Saudi-Arabien und in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) ein, die beschuldigt werden, einen Teil der gekauften Waffen an die bewaffnete Miliz im Jemen übergeben zu haben

Die britische Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtete am Freitag unter Berufung auf vier nicht namentlich genannte Beamte und einige erhaltene Briefe, dass ausländische Kunden gemäß der Klausel in den Exportdokumenten auch südafrikanischen Beamten gestatten müssen, ihre Einrichtungen zu inspizieren, um die Einhaltung zu überprüfen.

Sie fügte hinzu, dass sowohl Saudi-Arabien als auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, auf die mindestens ein Drittel der Waffenexporte Südafrikas entfällt, solche Inspektionen abgelehnt haben, da sie eine Verletzung ihrer Souveränität darstellen.

Ezra Jele, die südafrikanische Direktorin für konventionelle Rüstungskontrolle im Verteidigungsministerium, sagte, die Behörden des Landes berücksichtigten Kriterien wie Menschenrechte, regionale Konflikte, Risiko der Umleitung, Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats und nationales Interesse bei der Prüfung von Anträgen auf Ausfuhrgenehmigungen.* B K P)

(* B K P)

South Africa blocking arms sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE: Report

South Africa is halting its arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which are accused of handing over some of the purchased weapons to armed militia in Yemen, violating a provision of the deal prohibiting the transfer of imported arms to third parties.

Citing four unnamed officials and some obtained letters, Reuters reported Friday that according to the clause in export documents, foreign customers are also required to allow South African officials to inspect their facilities to verify compliance.

It added that both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which account for at least a third of South Africa’s arms exports, have rejected such inspections, considering them a violation of their sovereignty.

Ezra Jele, South Africa’s director for conventional arms control in the defense ministry, said the country’s authorities considered criteria including human rights, regional conflict, risk of diversion, UN Security Council resolutions, and national interest when evaluating applications for export permits.

(* B K P)

Federal government memo on military exports to Saudi Arabia paves way to end moratorium: arms control advocate

The Global Affairs Department says it has found no credible evidence linking Canadian exports of military equipment or other controlled goods to Saudi Arabian human rights violations.

It is also warning the Trudeau government that a moratorium on approving exports of this sort is further damaging already depressed trade relations with the kingdom.

A Sept. 17 memo published on the department’s website says that while Saudi Arabia’s human rights record “remains problematic,” with unlawful killings, forced disappearances and torture, Ottawa has no information or evidence linking Canadian military exports to unlawful conduct.

The department is also advising Ottawa that 48 export permits are ready to be signed if the government lifts the moratorium. “Those permits have been deemed ready for approval by officials and await your further consideration.”

An arms control advocate says this effort by civil servants within Global Affairs appears to pave the way for Ottawa to scale back its year-old moratorium on sales of new military goods to Saudi Arabia.

“It looks like they are laying the groundwork for a return-to-business as usual when it comes to selling military goods and other controlled goods to a pariah regime,” said Cesar Jaramillo, executive director of Project Ploughshares, an arms control advocacy group.


(* B K P)

Experts dispute Canada’s claim of no link between Saudi arms sales and human rights abuses

Canada claims it has found no evidence linking its military exports to human rights violations committed by Saudi Arabia, even after video and photos of Canadian military goods have appeared amid the Yemen conflict between the Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels.

“There is no substantial risk that current Canadian exports of military equipment or other controlled items to KSA would result in any of the negative consequences,” reads a memo from Global Affairs addressed to former foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland.

Footage of Canadian-made light armoured vehicles (LAVs) has been captured over the last few years, as Saudi forces and Houthi rebels battle along the Saudi-Yemen border.

Arms control advocate Cesar Jaramillo said there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to show Canadian military exports are appearing in areas of the Kingdom and in Yemen, where human rights violations are occurring.

“It’s an exercise in willfull blindness,” said Jaramillo, executive director of Project Ploughshares.

“It’s like unless you see a weapon with a maple leaf killing civilians, there is complete unwillingness to recognize risk.”

Global Affairs said any reports of Canadian LAVs along the Saudi-Yemen border are irrelevant because those vehicles are from earlier export deals, not the current $15-billion agreement.

In 2015, Armament Research Services, an international intelligence consultancy that traces arms, reported images of what appeared to be a Canadian-made sniper rifle in the hands of Houthi fighters

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A K P)

UNESCO opens project office in Yemen to improve youth livelihoods and cultural heritage protection

On 15 October 2019, UNESCO opened a Project’ Office in Sana’a as part of its ongoing efforts to preserve and safeguard conflict-affected heritage sites in Yemen. The office is part of a European Union funded project ‘Cash-for-Work: Promoting Livelihood Opportunities for Urban Youth in Yemen’ which combines UNESCO’s expertise in culture and development to generate income opportunities for youth in four historic cities of Shibam, Zabid, Sana’a, and Aden. The office, which is hosted by UNOPS, allows UNESCO to closely follow the implementation of the project activities in the four historic cities, consisting of physical rehabilitation interventions, capacity building of cultural heritage stakeholders, technical assistance for the design of urban rehabilitation plans as well as small grants to artists and CSOs in order to support cultural programming and services.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E K P)

[Sanaa] Finance Ministry: Aggression Forces Use Economic War to Achieve Victory after Failure in Military Aggression

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Ahmed Hajar, said that the forces of aggression has used economic war in its aggression and siege to achieve victory over the Yemeni people after the failure of the military aggression. He stressed that the suspension of salaries of employees is part of the process of external pressure by the aggression on local authorities, pointing out that oil revenues are added to other revenues looted by the aggression countries including customs duties and external donations to the Central Bank.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Member of [Sanaa gov.] Supreme Council: Al-Ja’ar Area in Shabwa Base of Al-Qaeda and ISIS Individuals

A member of the Supreme Political Council, Ahmad Al-Rahwi, said on Sunday that Al-Ja'ar area and some areas in Shabwa are focal point of al-Qaeda and ISIS individuals. He told Almasirah TV that the mobilization of foreign Takfiris is not new to southern Yemen, adding that the coalition of aggression has always employed these groups in its wars in Yemen.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA Seeks to Achieve Region Security and Stability

Al-Yaum newspaper said in its editorial that the fifteenth Regional Security Summit, which began yesterday in Manama, focused on the importance of taking care of global security and stability and the importance of enhancing the concept of international experts such as politicians, military, security, and intellectuals in order to unite joint efforts towards achieving peace and stability.

(A P)

UAE’s relief efforts in Yemen noteworthy

It’s the historic and fraternal relationship between the two countries that prompted the UAE to pursue its efforts to restore security and stability in Yemen.
To this day, the UAE has spared no effort in helping the Yemeni people in their time of need.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and others well deserve the praise showered on them by a top UN official regarding funding for the Humanitarian Response Plan in Yemen.
“New funding since September from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, United States and others has enabled agencies to re-open suspended programmes,” stated Ursula Mueller, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator in the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in her briefing to the Security Council on the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen in New York on Friday.

Every month in Yemen, some 250 humanitarian partners work with the United Nations to assist more than 13 million people in the country. They are delivering the world’s largest humanitarian operation in an extremely challenging environment.

(A P)

22 Out of 60 Human Rights Decisions Were About Women’s Rights

Women’s rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have seen an unprecedented transformation, thanks to the historical decisions made under the leadership of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, said Dr. Awwad Alawwad, President of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) in his opening speech at a symposium on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women organized by HRC.
His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense has accorded high priority to women’s rights, affirmed Dr. Alawwad. Among over 60 decisions made to improve the situation of human rights in the Kingdom, 22 were related to women.

(A P)

Film (Arabic): Similarity between Houthi and Iranian attacks on ships Observers pointed that the Houthi attack on the two Korean ships off the coast of Bab al-Mandeb province in southwest Yemen is similar to the Iranian method of detaining ships, showing that this crime threats the security of navigation and the international trade freedom.

(A P)

Do Yemenis have enough willpower to free themselves from Iran's chains? (cartoon)

(A P)

IRGC and Hezbollah members seen in Hodeidah

Hezbollah members were seen near a UN observation post in a neighborhood near the city of Saleh in the western city of Hodeidah, according to Al Arabiya. Hezbollah, the political arm of Iran, is classified on the international terrorism list.
The emergence of foreign elements has been noticed for the second time, most recently in conjunction with excavations and active developments in the region, movements and reinforcements spotted in a number of neighborhoods and streets in the centre of the province, and the escalation of large-scale work in the directorates of South Hodeidah.
Dozens of members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah are present in Hodeidah as experts in the manufacture of explosives, booby-trapped boats and drones, assembling them and supervising weapons workshops and factories in Hodeidah, according to Yemeni intelligence sources.
They oversee the arrival and transfer of weapons entering the port of Hodeidah and small ports north of the port of Salif, which are used in the manufacture of ballistic missiles.

My comment: They are wearing t-shirts inscribed “Hezbollah” and “IRGC”?

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda (Deutsch)

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Nov. 24:

Nov. 23:

Nov. 22:

Nov. 21:

Nov. 20:

(A K pH)

Aggressionskampfflugzeugen fliegen 13 Luftangriffe auf Kamaran Island und Al-Salif in Hodeidah an

US-saudische Kampfflugzeuge haben 13 Luftangriffe auf die Insel Kamaran und den Distrikt Al-Salif in der Provinz Hodeidah.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition carries out air strikes along Yemen's Red Sea coast

A Saudi-led military coalition carried out air strikes near Yemen’s Red Sea port of Ras Isa on Monday, residents said, in a rare operation since a U.N.-brokered ceasefire took effect nearly a year ago in Yemen’s Hodeidah region.

Residents reported three air strikes near the oil terminal, one of three western ports that the Iran-aligned Houthi group had unilaterally pulled out from in May under a peace deal reached last December, which has yet to be fully implemented.

“These targets are legitimate military targets that reflect the imminent threat of the terrorist Iran-backed Houthi militia,” coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki told Reuters when asked about the air strikes.


(A K pH)

Aerial Aggression Launches 19 Raids on Hodeidah Violating Stockholm Agreement

Saudi aggression forces and mercenaries on Monday escalated their violations of Stockholm agreement in Hodeidah, launching 19 air raids on various areas.

According to the correspondent of Almasirah Net in the province, “The Saudi-American aggression launched this morning five raids north of the city, and a raid on the area of Faza district Tahita.

Civilian casualties were reported as a result of air raids by US-Saudi coalition on Hodiedah after midnight on Monday.

A military source said that the aerial aggression launched at 1 am, 10 raids on the island of Kamran and three raids on Ras Isa, killing and injuring a number of civilians.

The military source said that the raids on Kamaran and Ras Issa Islands blatantly violated the ceasefire in Hodeidah under Stockholm agreement.

and also


(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition airstrikes kill 8 Houthis in Hodeidah

Arab Coalition airstrikes killed eight members of the Yemeni Houthi militia near the port of Hodeidah on Monday, triggering fierce battles around the flashpoint city, local officials said.

(* B K)

UN-Gesandte: Zahl der Luftangriffe im Jemen ist um 80 Prozent gesunken

Die Zahl der Luftangriffe des von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärbündnisses im Jemen ist nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen in den vergangenen zwei Wochen um fast 80 Prozent gesunken. Die „Reduktion des Tempos des Krieges“ sei ein Zeichen, dass sich im Jemen etwas verändere und deute möglicherweise sogar darauf hin, dass sich eine Waffenruhe abzeichne, sagte der UN-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths am Freitag (Ortszeit) dem UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York.

(* B K)

Saudi-led coalition air strikes in Yemen down 80%: U.N. envoy

United Nations Yemen envoy Martin Griffiths told the U.N. Security Council on Friday that the number of air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen has dropped nearly 80% in the last two weeks.

“In what is perhaps an even more important sign that something is changing in Yemen..., in the last two weeks the rate has dramatically reduced: there were almost 80% fewer air strikes nationwide than in the two weeks prior,” Griffiths told the Security Council by videoconference from his Amman office.


(* B K pH)

Yemeni forces reject UN claim about decrease in Saudi strikes

The spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces has rejected a statement made by the UN’s Yemen envoy that Saudi airstrikes in the impoverished country are now down 80 percent.

“The remarks come as the Saudis have carried out more than 12 airstrikes in the last two days,” Brigadier General Yahya Saree said on Friday.

His remarks came after United Nations Yemen e

(A K pS)

Coalition airstrikes target Houthi reinforcement in Sa'ada

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Nov. 22: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A E P)

Deposits in the [Aden branch] National Bank of Yemen grow by 66% in 3 year

According to the National Bank of Yemen, its total deposits have grown by 66% since 2016 and its assets have increased by 67%, despite the war. The bank said in a statement that total deposits increased from 171.6 billion Yemeni Riyals at the end of 2016 to 285.4 billion Yemeni Riyals at the end of September 2019, an increase of 66%.

According to the statement, the bank's assets increased from 194.6 billion riyals at the end of 2016 to 325.1 billion Yemeni Riyals at the end of September 2019, an increase of 67%.

The bank said that the growth in deposits and assets moved the National Bank of Yemen to fourth place by September 2019 from the sixth place in 2016, out of 17 banks operating in Yemen.

(* A K pH)

350 killed & injured in a large scale operation against Saudi-Emirati-Sudanese forces in West Yemen, said Houthi army spokesman today. The Operation, If You Return, We Return, used 9 ballistic missiles, 20 drones. 5 weapon depots were destroyed.


(A K pH)


The [Sanaa gov.] Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier-General Yahya Sarea, said on Monday that a large military operation will be revealed in the coming hours.

Sarea said that the disclosure of the military operation comes in response to the crimes of US-Saudi aggression’s troops and the ongoing siege of the Yemeni people

(A K pS)

Photo: The Yemeni citizen Mansour lost his leg and the other was injured as a result of the explosion of a mine planted by the Houthi militia in the village of Shahr.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni army regains control of areas in Marib

The attack resulted to multiple casualties amongst the militia including deaths, wounds and destroyed vehicles

(A K pS)

Houthis intensify attacks against gov't-controlled areas in southern Yemen

Yemen's Houthi rebels intensified their armed attacks against the areas controlled by the government forces in the country's southern province of Dhalea on Saturday, a military official told Xinhua.

Scores of the Houthi rebel group fighters launched intense armed attacks against the government forces sites in the northeastern parts of Dhalea province, following weeks of de-escalation

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition thwarts Houthi missile and drone attack in Yemen

Attack aimed at government team overseeing ceasefire in Hodeidah

The Arab Coalition in Yemen intercepted and destroyed three missiles and five drones launched by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels on Sunday, a Joint Forces source said.

The attack was aimed at Al Makha city headquarters of a Yemeni government team overseeing the Houthi withdrawal from the port city of Hodeidah.

Aseel Al Sakladi, spokesman for Al Amalikah Brigades in Al Makha, on the country's west coats, said the Houthi attack took place early on Sunday morning.

Mr Sakladi said the attack “was targeting the offices of the government representatives in the Redeployment and Co-ordination Committee”.

“All the Houthi projectiles were intercepted and destroyed by Coalition air defences before reaching the target,” he said. No one was hurt.

The Yemeni government strongly condemned the attack and called on the UN not to ignore it.

Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Saeed on Sunday told the state-owned Saba news agency that the continuous breaches of the Hodeidah agreement by the Houthis posed a serious threat.


(A K P)

Yemen Govt. Slams Houthi Attack against its Delegation in Hodeidah

The Yemen government condemned on Sunday the missile and drone attack against the headquarters of its team deployed to the southern province of Hodeidah to oversee the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.

and more by the Hadi army news site:

and earlier reporting:

(A K pS)

Coalition defenses intercept missiles, drones over Mocha

Arab coalition air defenses detected and destroyed five ballistic missiles and two drones over the Red Sea city of Mocha, launched by the pro-Iran Houthi militia after midnight on Sunday morning, Al-Amalika Media Centre reported.

My comment: Makha is situated in Taiz province, not within the reach of any agreement related to Hodeidah province. At Makha is a military base of the anti-Houthi forces, which the Houthis already had targeted before. Obviously this had been the target oft he latest attack as well. The tall story of the “missile and drone attack against the headquarters of its team deployed to the southern province of Hodeidah” seems to have been invented later. Earliest reporting by an anti-Houthi source just mentions the attack without further notice.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, a civilian was injured with Saudi border guard's gunshots in Munabbih border district

(A K pH)

Zwei Kinder in Saada durch saudische Raketen- und Artilleriebeschuss verletz

(A K pH)

Two children injured in Saudi artillery attack on Saada

(* A K)

UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Scores of civilians killed and wounded in Sa'ada Governorate

Preliminary field reports indicate that ten civilians have reportedly been killed and a further 18 injured, including a child, in a shelling attack on Al-Raqw market in Monabbih District in Sa'ada on 20 November.

Humanitarian partners in Monabbih District are supporting the Al Jumhori and Al Talh hospitals to assist the injured. Help is also being provided to the local communities affected by the attack.

My remark: Earlier reporting: Yemen War Mosaic 600, cp17.

(A K pH)

Dozens of Mercenaries Killed, Including Saudi Soldiers in Failure Attempts to Creep

(A K pS)

19 Houthis killed, wounded in an army trap east of Taiz

(B K P)

Missile Proliferation in the Middle East: Yemen

Since 2014, the Houthi rebels in Yemen have relied on a large stockpile of ballistic missiles to strike targets across Saudi Arabia. Launch footage of the strikes and recovered debris point to the missiles being of Iranian-origin, a conclusion supported by the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen. Iran’s willingness to supply such sophisticated missiles in large quantities to non-state actors raises questions about the international community’s ability to further restrict the spread of missiles in the Middle East.

and longer version

My comment: Obviously, with propaganda bias.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B P)

Meinung: Saudisches Geld im amerikanischen Pferderennen ist ein moralischer Stau

Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten wird Pferderennen stark von den arabischen Dynastien des Persischen Golfs beeinflusst, insbesondere von Dubai, einem Stadtstaat in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Durch ihre reichen Rennen im März, einschließlich der 10-Millionen-Dollar-Weltmeisterschaft in Dubai, und ihre enormen Investitionen in den Kauf von Pferden in den Vereinigten Staaten und in Europa sind die Emiratis im Sport lebhaft präsent. Dieses außergewöhnliche Eintauchen wird von Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, dem Herrscher von Dubai, geleitet.

Jetzt betreten die Saudis mit dem 20-Millionen-Dollar-Saudi-Cup im Februar diese glanzvolle Arena. Spitzentrainer wie Hall of Famer Bob Baffert sollen nach Riad fahren. Nachrichten zufolge wird das Königreich nicht nur eine Rekordbörse aufstellen, sondern auch die Rechnung für den Transport der Pferde zur König-Abdulaziz-Rennstrecke in Riad bezahlen. Die Größe ist schwer zu widerstehen.

Es sollte jedoch widerstanden werden. Sowohl die Emirate als auch Saudi-Arabien sind repressive Staaten, die unter anderem im Jemen weitreichende Gewalt gegen Zivilisten geschürt und unterstützt haben.

(B P)

Opinion: Saudi money in U.S. horse racing is the sport’s next moral jam

For more than two decades, horse racing has been influenced heavily by the Arab dynasties of the Persian Gulf, notably Dubai, a city-state in the United Arab Emirates. Through their rich races in March, including the $10-million Dubai World Cup, and their enormous investment in purchasing horses in the United States and Europe, the Emiratis have a vivid presence in the sport. This extraordinary immersion is led by Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai.

Now the Saudis are entering this glittering arena with the $20-million Saudi Cup in February. Top trainers such as Hall of Famer Bob Baffert are reportedly heading to Riyadh. According to news reports, the kingdom is not only putting up a record purse, but it will also foot the bill for getting the horses to King Abdulaziz Racetrack in Riyadh. The largesse is hard to resist.

It should be resisted, however. Both the Emirates and Saudi Arabia are repressive states that have fomented and supported large-scale violence against civilians in Yemen

(C P)

First official report on 1977 assassination of President Ibrahim al-Hamdi to be released

42 years after suspicious murder of popular anti-imperialist leader, official report will officially reveal the culprit

The first official report on the assassination of Yemeni President Ibrahim al-Hamdi will be published on Tuesday, Yemeni army spokesman, Yahya Sare’e revealed on Monday.

The report “contains important details that the people have the right to see,” noting that “the reason for the delay in the publication of the report is due to the obtaining of new and important information,” he stated.

Sare’e pointed out that the publication of the report is “in response to the popular demands to disclose the circumstances of the case and those involved in it.”

On October 12, Yahya Sare’e announced that “an official report will be issued, the first in 42 years, to disclose new information on the assassination case.”

(B P)

Irreligion in Yemen

Irreligion in Yemen is uncommon among Yemenis, as Islam is the predominant faith.


Mukalla’s Al-Rayyan Airport open to commercial flights after 5-year closure

In a circular/memo obtained by Almasdar Online, the Authority informed commercial airlines, other companies and international humanitarian organizations that al-Rayyan Airport has completed its preparations and is now ready to receive and operate flights.


Two A320 Airbuses will join the Yemen Airways fleet in 2020


Film: And when a Yemeni singer gets married, all of his invitees are either talented people who come with their musical instruments or people who enjoy music and create amazing energy around. Enjoy the video of love that happened yesterday! #Sanaa

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-600 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-600: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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