Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 646 - Yemen War Mosaic 646

Yemen Press Reader 646: 28. April 2020: Spaltung des Jemen? – “Waffenstillstand”: Übersicht – Verluste von Jemens Wirtschaft im Krieg – WHO muss im Jemen meiste Gesundheitsdienste einstellen

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... Ein Besuch in Jawf – Coronavirus im Jemen – Separatisten erklären Selbstverwaltung – und mehr

April 28, 2020: Will Yemen be divided? – „Ceasefire“ overview – Losses of Yemeni economy in the war – WHO must end most health services in Yemen – A visit at Jawf – Coronavirus at Yemen – Separatists proclaim self-administration – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c1 Separatisten in Südjemen erklären Selbstverwaltung: Deutsch / Southern Yemen separatists proclaim self-administration: German

cp1c2 Separatisten in Südjemen erklären Selbstverwaltung: Englisch / Southern Yemen separatists proclaim self-administration: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B K P)

Why Yemen is at war

[Overview article]

(* B H K P)

Yemen in Crisis

Yemen’s mounting internal divisions and a Saudi-led military intervention have spawned an escalating political, military, and humanitarian crisis.

Yemen faces its biggest crisis in decades with the overthrow of its government by the Houthis, a Zaydi Shiite movement, and the resulting offensive led by Saudi Arabia. The fighting, and a Saudi-imposed blockade ostensibly meant to enforce an arms embargo, has had devastating humanitarian consequences, causing more than one million people to become internally displaced and leading to cholera outbreaks, medicine shortages, and threats of famine. The United Nations calls the humanitarian crisis in Yemen “the worst in the world.”

Even if the coalition can set aside its divisions in the face of the coronavirus, the underlying causes of Yemen’s conflict will continue to prove difficult to resolve: Political factions are unlikely to compromise on the distribution of power, and militias will be reluctant to give up their arms. A lasting solution will require appeasing the three major factions: the Houthis, Hadi’s government, and the STC, each of which has unique interests and internal divisions. Any new government, meanwhile, will need significant foreign assistance to fight terrorist groups, rebuild the country’s devastated infrastructure, and address immense humanitarian needs.

[a long overview article; by US Council on Foreign Relations; seems to be quite good]

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Dividing Yemen a key Saudi-UAE objective, analyst says

Both Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates would benefit from two weak states kept in perpetual conflict, expert says.

The announcement by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) does not establish new realities on the ground because it has unilaterally governed the southern provinces and Yemen's key port city of Aden since 2015, after it expelled the internationally recognised but powerless government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

The STC's move shows how divergent the objectives of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are in Yemen. Both are the main members behind the military alliance that has waged war in Yemen to drive the Houthis from power since early 2015.

A Saudi statement on Monday rejected the separatist group's declaration of self-rule in Yemen's south, demanding "an end to escalatory actions" and a return to a peace deal signed in November last year.

It urged all parties to honour the power-sharing Riyadh agreement - signed between Hadi's government and the STC in the Saudi capital - in an effort by Saudi Arabia to halt fighting between the two nominal allies.

Conspicuously absent from the statement, however, was any reference to Yemen's territorial unity - indicating Riyadh's lack of opposition to the ultimate division of Yemen.

Different visions

On the surface, Saudi Arabia and the UAE share the strategic objective of preventing their archenemy Iran from securing a foothold in their back yard on the Arabian Peninsula through their Houthi allies.

Both, however, have different visions of Yemen's future.

The UAE shares Saudi Arabia's fear of a long-term Iranian presence on their borders through Tehran's Houthi allies.

The UAE's sub-strategy, however, appears to be to eventually recreate a south Yemen state by pumping money and weapons, along with providing military training and political support, to its southern separatist allies.

Gamal Gasim, a Yemen analyst and professor of political science at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, said the UAE has two main strategic objectives in Yemen.

"The first is to divide Yemen and the second is to destroy the al-Islah party," he said of the largest Islamist political faction in Yemen with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is currently the main group fighting the Houthis in the north.

"None of the Gulf nations was really supportive of Yemen's unity in 1990, especially Saudi Arabia," Gasim told Al Jazeera.

"Unlike the UAE, Saudi Arabia cannot extract itself from Yemen so easily because it considers it part of its sphere of influence in the region. Saudi Arabia's main objective in Yemen is to maintain it as a weak state beholden to its objectives."

The best Saudi Arabia can hope for now is to keep Yemen in a "low-grade" conflict that will maintain its weakness and prevent it from threatening Riyadh's regional hegemony, Gasim said.

Gasim said the current fighting presents a golden opportunity for the UAE to realise its goal and divide Yemen.

"The UAE wants to create a vassal state in the south and prevent the port of Aden from becoming a hub for international shipping lanes jeopardising the viability of its own ports in the contentious Gulf," he said – by Ali Younes


(** B K P)

Film by Aljazeera: Will Yemen be divided into two countries again? | Inside Story

Secessionists in the south now say they're going to govern alone. The Southern Transitional Council - backed by the United Arab Emirates - declared self rule, accusing President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi of mismanagement. Hadi's government condemned the declaration as catastrophic and dangerous. How will this complicate efforts to end the war?

Presenter: Bernard Smith; Guests: AlKhadher Sulaiman - Director of Office of Foreign Affairs, the Southern Transitional Council in New York; Elisabeth Kendall - Senior Research Fellow, Pembroke College, University of Oxford; Abdullah Baabood - Visiting Professor, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore. =

and clip E. Kendall: Why did #Yemen's Southern Transitional Council pick now to declare its takeover? And was this done with #UAE approval?

Comment by Fatima Alasrar: The timing has everything to do w/ #Aden floods. There was fear that #Yemen government will ineffectively manage the flood crisis or #KSA distributing aid via pro-Govt organizations rather than local actors. IMO STC reacted to events rather than calculated a strategy.

My comment: I think the direct reason was the announcement that the Hadi government would return to Aden. This would have meant that the separatists would have been obliged to fulfill the Riyadh agreement, i.e. they would have been forced to share power. And they did not want to do so.

(** B K P)


Bombings Escalate In Second Week of Declared Ceasefire

Saudi-led coalition air raids increase by over 30% in second week of a two-week ceasefire

In the second week of the ceasefire (midday 16 April to midday 23 April), Yemen Data Project recorded at least 34 air raids* with up to 164 individual airstrikes. This was a rise in bombings of (31%) almost a third from the reduced number (26) seen in the first week, taking air raids in the second week closer to the 44 weekly average of bombings seen in 2020 prior to the ceasefire and after an undeclared de-escalation ended in mid-January. No civilian casualties were recorded in airstrikes during the two-week unilateral ceasefire.

Air raids reached a near three-year high in Marib during the second week of the unilateral ceasefire. Bombings have not been higher in a single week in Marib since May 2017. Air raids more than doubled in Al-Jawf on the first week of the ceasefire as well as increasing in Sa'ada.
During the two weeks, coaltion air raids targeted the governorates of: Marib (24), Al-Jawf (16), Sa'ada (8), Sana'a (7) - outside the capital, Hajja (2), Amran (1), Al-Bayda (1) and Al-Hudaydah (1).
In air raids where the target could be identified, 5 bombings hit civilian targets in the two weeks.
Majzar in Marib and Khab Wa Al-Sha'af in Al-Jawf were the most heavily bombed districts during the two weeks. 42% of all air raids during the unilateral ceasefire hit these two districts.

The two-week ceasefire ended on Thursday, 23 April with no air raids recorded on 22 April, or during the morning of 23 April. On Friday, 24 April the Saudi-led coalition reportedly extended the unilateral ceasefire for one month coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan. The initial two-week unilateral ceasefire was not negotiated with pro-Houthi forces and there was no indication of a reduction in fighting on the ground on the main frontlines of the conflict in the period. The Houthis rejected the Saudi-led declaration in early April and on 23 April appeared to reiterate that sentiment, reportedly rejecting "any fragmented solutions or agreement". Efforts remain by the UN Special Envoy, Matin Griffiths to achieve "a comprehensive, nationwide, mutually agreed ceasefire".

(** B E K)

Almasirah Highlights Losses Of Yemen’s Industrial Sector After Five Years Of Aggression

The director of the Industrial Development Department at the [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Industry and Trade, Bushra Al Shaibani, said in an interview with Almasirah that the aggression deliberately targeted Yemen’s industrial sector in a systematic way.

Al-Shaibani added that the number of factories in the industrial sector that were targeted by direct and indirect bombing amounted to 75%.

She pointed out that between 200 to 229 factories, industrial facilities, small, medium and large in size, are the total destroyed and damaged by the aggression. She pointed out that the destroyed and damaged installations are distributed between 126 factories, power stations, gas stations, 164 poultry farms and 15 service establishments.

Al-Shaibani explained that 45 thousand establishments of medium and small production and industrial plant factories have stopped working due to the increasing targeting of secondary commercial markets. She emphasized that more than 300 workers were martyred during their work in industrial facilities, in addition to hundreds of wounded and disabled. She also indicated that the industrial movement was paralyzed by the major effects on the industrial sector due to the blockade and the suspension of export traffic.

In the same context, the director of the Industrial Management of the Chamber of Commerce, Tamim Al-Saqqaf, told Almasirah that the ministry monitored the damages and losses of 450 establishments, including medium projects at 27% and small projects at 73% in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

Al-Saqqaf added that the average losses for industrial establishments with small projects amounted to 37 thousand dollars per project, while the average losses for medium-sized projects amounted to 99 thousand dollars per project. As for the total cost of losses of major industrial establishments, it amounted to approximately 1.5 billion dollars.

He pointed out that 89 of the major industrial establishments were exposed to losses and damages, 82 of which belong to businessmen, 7 for businesswomen and one affiliated with civil society organizations.

He explained that the establishments classified as companies topped in terms of losses by 63%, then comes service companies by 16%, the import facilities by 10.8%, followed by the industrial sector at 8.9%, while the establishments of wholesale and retail trade, export and professional reached a 2% of losses.

(** B H P)

Intel: After US funding cuts, WHO likely to end most Yemen health services

As Yemen stares down the prospect of a devastating COVID-19 crisis, the World Health Organization is likely going to suspend about 80% of the health care services in the war-torn country by the end of the week, UN humanitarian coordinator for Yemen Lise Grande said today.

The massive drawdown comes after the United States slashed the lion’s share of its humanitarian assistance to Yemen last month in the face of the Houthi rebels' onerous aid restrictions. Shortly thereafter, President Donald Trump suspended American funding for the WHO.

“We are facing a funding crisis of gargantuan proportions,” Grande said at a virtual panel hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She noted that “donors have lost confidence” on account of the Houthi aid restrictions in northern Yemen.

“Authorities, particularly in northern Yemen, have recognized there’s a problem,” she said. “They recognize it and have started to take steps to change it,” while stressing that more still has to be done to ensure that aid workers can do their jobs unhindered.

Why it matters:Grande noted that the WHO is going to have to “reduce” or “more likely” shutter operations in 189 Yemeni hospitals and 200 primary health centers. Additionally, the United Nations Children’s Fund will have to scale back or stop services in 18 major hospitals and 2,500 primary health centers, affecting some 250,000 malnourished children. The UN funding cuts will also force service reductions and eliminations at 142 camps for displaced Yemenis, mine removal operations, protection programs, reproductive health initiatives and the emergency distribution of hygiene products to help suppress the COVID-19 pandemic – by Bryant Harris

(** B K P)

As Saudi Forces Flee Northern Yemen, Evidence of an Unholy Alliance with Al-Qaeda is Left Behind

MintPress’ Ahmed Abdulkareem traveled through Yemen’s recently liberated al-Jawf Province to see firsthand the devastation left behind by Saudi-backed AQAP militants.

Life is gradually returning to the area’s villages and shops and restaurants have opened their doors again.

In January 2020, Yemen’s Houthi-allied army, supported by local tribes, launched a retaliatory military operation to recapture Nihm from Saudi Coalition forces.

In their haste to escape the coming onslaught, Saudi forces left behind a slew of both medium and heavy weapons as well as the ammunition required to make them come to life. Whole stores of weapons, unexploded ordnance, and mines were abandoned, often amidst the tattered flags of Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda and in huge tunnels reminiscent of those left behind in the wake of the wars in Syria and Iraq. It wasn’t just weapons that were left behind, the scent of corpses still lingers in the region’s reefs, valleys and rugged mountains.

The residents of Nihm’s sleepy desert towns are beginning to return to their villages. A wary feeling of safety and relative stability accompanies the slow trickle of life as it returns, interrupted by everpresent reminders that the war is far from over.

A kidnapping in al-Hazm

After a six-hour drive beneath the watchful eye of the Coalition warplanes that seemed to be constantly buzzing overhead, we were met with horrific scenes in al-Hazm. A simple desert city notorious for its connections to Al-Qaeda, al-Hazm is one of the largest cities in al-Jawf and was home to some of the fiercest fighting in the battle to route Coalition ground fighters. The effects of airstrikes in the city appeared everywhere; digging into the asphalt roads, destroying homes, schools and government complexes. Smoke was still lingering from an airstrike that hit less than a kilometer away from us as we arrived.

It was in al-Hazm that a broken-hearted mother told us of how she allowed herself a renewed sense of hope that the defeat of the Coalition would lead to information about her loved ones.

“Two years have passed since they kidnapped my daughter,” she told MintPress, a black niqab covering her face and tears flowing as she recounted one of the worst crimes carried out by the Saudi coalition in al-Jawf

Residents told us that Samirah was just one of the hundreds of Yemenis who were snatched from their homes or cars at checkpoints in al-Jawf and Marib. During their reign in al-Jawf, Saudi-backed militants, including al-Qaeda, committed horrendous abuses against those it saw as an obstacle to their occupation.

An unholy union

Since 2015, when Saudi Arabia announced from Washington D.C. that it had launched a military campaign against the poorest country in the Middle East, it has been an open secret that both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had formed an unholy union with al-Qaeda’s branch in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, known colloquially as AQAP, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

In al-Jawf, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and AQAP was well underway by 2016 when the Kingdom launched a military campaign to take the province. Saudi and AQAP forces fought side by side, sharing the same weapons, trenches, operations command centers, resting places, and extremist ideals. The only thing they didn’t share was a desire to destroy the United States, a trait exclusive to al-Qaeda according to documents left behind by fallen fighters and the confessions of Saudi soldiers captured in the battle for al-Jawf.

AQAP has hobbled by in Yemen for years, feeding off the relentless cycle of poverty and hunger and only occasionally emerging from the shadows to claim credit for an attack or seek new recruits.

The secret prison’s of Khazaf and al-Marwan

It was here that humble houses made from dried mud bricks were turned into factories, secret prisons, and centers for the dissemination of extremist Wahhabi propaganda.

Villagers here described bottle dungeons dug into the dirt floors of local houses. Accessible only via small overhead hatches, they were used by militants to keep prisoners, including captured female slaves, as well as dead bodies. Deep below two houses, we were shown complex tunnels systems ostensibly used to hold and torture prisoners. The stench of human death lingered in the dark tunnels mingling with the smell of dust and concrete. The tunnels were also used as corridors to move weapons and supplies from house to house undetected.

Inside one home that turned it into a makeshift AQAP prison, we saw four three-square-meter windowless cells with heavy steel doors. As we made our way from cell to cell, I was struck by the sight of a pile of woman’s clothing, a prayer outfit, and a baby’s diapers, all piled into a morbid testament of the crimes committed here. I also found a note, a scrap of paper with the following scribbled onto it: ” I am Um Assamah, Why did you imprison me and my three daughters?” Samira is rumored to have been held in these same cells.

Residents who participated in the fight against the Saudi-backed militants told us that the place was a women’s prison that “from outside it looked like simple houses but when we entered, we found cells, tunnels, and implements of torture,

An attempt to coverup war crimes

There is little doubt that untold war crimes occurred in the forgotten desert villages and in a brazen effort to conceal their involvement, Saudi warplanes hit them hard last week. Khazaf and al-Marwan were pounded by barrages of Coalition airstrikes, it appears, however, that their hail mary may have come too late. Video filmed by local fighters and shared MintPress as well as with Houthi media document many of the crimes that took place as well as the forces behind them – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(** B H)

Yemen’s Catalogue of Woes

In an interview, Ahmed Nagi discusses the dangers of the coronavirus in a country already facing a terrible conflict.

Ahmed Nagi: Despite the fact that they announced that they would take precautions, the warring parties have displayed indifference toward civilians even with regard to their health measures. For instance, in areas controlled by the internationally recognized government, Aden airport and Seiyoun airport in Hadhramawt remained open until March 17, though most of the travelers there either came from or passed through Egypt, which was one of the areas most affected during the early days of the pandemic. The government then announced the closure of ports, following measures taken by Saudi Arabia.

In the northern areas, the Houthis began establishing centers to quarantine people arriving from government-controlled areas. However, these centers are anything but quarantine centers. They contain hundreds of people placed together in small buildings with almost no social distancing rules in place.

It is remarkable how measures to contain the coronavirus reveal conflicting plans for fighting the pandemic. We have seen measures independently implemented by the local authorities in governorates controlled by the government.

The fact that only one case so far has been made public does not mean that Hadhramawt is the only area affected by the pandemic. What it means is that the authorities in the governorate are, in relative terms, the most transparent.

In terms of the conflict, while Yemenis were expecting the warring parties to halt their hostilities in order to face the coronavirus, the fighting has continued, even escalating in some areas despite announced ceasefires.

Today, after more than five years of conflict, the public health system is nearly ruined.

In the last two months the World Health Organization (WHO) has equipped a few centers in Aden, San‘a, and Hadhramawt to receive coronavirus cases if they are confirmed. But confirmation requires testing, which is not available in many areas of the country.

Consequently, Yemenis are facing the pandemic with a devastated health system, little international assistance, and a lack of awareness in society. All this will mean the pandemic could have serious implications for the war-torn country.

The Yemeni government has reported only one case so far, but this might not be accurate given the large number of newcomers from affected areas who have entered the country without testing. Furthermore, the number is expected to rise dramatically given the inability of people to follow social distancing measures because of the very difficult economic conditions in the country.

Another source of the disease that has been hard to control is the flow of migrants into Yemen’s coastal areas.

The coronavirus has pushed the warring parties to tighten their control over internal borders, leaving each region closed off and isolated. The Houthis, for instance, have threatened to punish anyone who smuggles people into areas under their authority. Participants in the conflict have used the pandemic as an excuse for tighter security control.

Most of the warring parties have asked for more aid from international nongovernmental organizations. Yet this aid has been used politically in certain parts of the country.

(* B H)

Wikipedia: COVID-19-Pandemie im Jemen

(* B H)

Wikipedia: 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Yemen

(* A H)

Yemen's #Aden: several deaths form a strange disease have been reported in recent days, with some locals including journalists claiming symptoms of the disease are not different from Covid-19. Locals are appealing to WHO and authorities for investigation and taking action.

(* A H)

MSF warns of danger of malaria outbreak in Yemen

MSF warned Sunday of an increased risk of malaria outbreak in Yemen, coinciding with the rainy season.

"The rainy season has started and increases the risk of malaria.", The MSF said in tweets of its office in Yemen on" Twitter " on the occasion of the World Malaria Day.

"While Yemen is currently preparing for a possible spread of Covid_19 the rest of the health system needs to be kept running,or else we can expect a rise in deaths from other diseases such as malaria.", MSF added.

And considered that "Treating people with #malaria puts considerable strains on an already overwhelmed health system and threatening the lives of many Yemenis, particularly children and pregnant women."

The organization indicated that it had since November 2019, MSF teams have treated 1,576 people with #malaria in Hodeidah governorate most of them in Ad Dahi Rural Hospital supported by MSF. In 2019, MSF has treated 13,093 malaria cases in some Yemeni governorate: Hodeidah, Hajj, Ibb,Taiz, Amran.

and also

(A H)

Director of Kharaz refugee camp in #Lahj denies presence of #Corona virus in the camp

(A H)

Al-Walidi denies case of #Corona virus in Aden the capital

(B H)

Audio: Mit der Welt verbunden: Mohammed al-Katheri, Jemen

Wie erleben Menschen rund um den Globus die Corona-Krise? Wie wirkt sich das Virus auf das tägliche Leben in unterschiedlichen Realitäten aus? Heute Samstag Fragen an Mohammed al-Katheri, Jemen.

(* B H)

'It is still a mystery': War-hit Yemen struggles to trace COVID-19 infection

When doctors first confirmed Yemeni port official Saleh had contracted COVID-19, authorities raced to trace his movements to try and protect one of the world’s most vulnerable countries.

But almost three weeks on, they still do not know whether Yemen’s first laboratory-confirmed case is really the individual at the root of what could be an unusually devastating outbreak.

The information gap reflects Yemen’s inability to detect, let alone repel, an infection humbling far wealthier nations.

Split into rival power centres, its medical infrastructure shattered by war and seen by the United Nations as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, Yemen is handicapped by its own destitution in its fight against the new coronavirus.

Altaf Musani, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Yemen mission, said transmission of the disease in Yemen could be in what he called a phase of “individual cases”, a possible prelude to clusters of infection.

But it is proving impossible to identify so-called “patient zero”, an important step in tracking and tracing all those potentially exposed to infection and containing an outbreak.

Saleh, a heavy smoker with heart problems whose condition has been described as stable, was tested on April 7 at a medical facility in the southern Ash Shihr port after showing symptoms. On April 10 he was tested again: Positive on both occasions.

Health officials then scrambled to identify more than 150 people in the southern Hadhramout region who had met and dealt with the 60-year-old in the two weeks before he was diagnosed, the head of the national coronavirus committee said.

“All the close contacts were monitored and some showed some symptoms but were negative when they were tested,” Ali al-Walidi told Reuters. Instead, their coughs and fever were normal flu.

Some 20 people including Saleh’s family who were in close contact with him were ordered to self-isolate for two weeks.

Authorities concluded they could not say if Saleh, whose full name is withheld due to privacy reasons, was Yemen’s first spreader of the infection due to inadequate testing capacity.

contradicts to:

(A H)

Two weeks after Yemen’s first COVID-19 case, WHO says no linked individuals infected

Yemen’s only confirmed COVID-19 patient remains stable and all known individuals he has been in contact with have been tracked, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday evening. The confirmed case was announced two weeks prior, on April 10, by health authorities in Al-Shehr town of Hadhramout governorate.

“The case with COVID-19 in Hadhramout is stable, and we are monitoring health outcomes and the response of the health system to them, and to see if exposure patterns have emerged from this first indicator,” Altaf Musani, WHO representative in Yemen, said during a public briefing delivered via Facebook.

(A H)

Officially.. Yemen devoid of corona after recovering only case

The Supreme National Committee for Emergency and Response to the new epidemic of Corona Virus in Yemen announced the recovery of the only case of infection recorded in the city of Al-Sheher, Hadhramout Governorate, eastern Yemen.

The official spokesman for the committee, Undersecretary of the Yemeni Ministry of Health, Dr. Ali Al-Waleedi, confirmed this Monday, in a tweet on his account on "Twitter" that the medical and clinical examinations carried out on the patient and his contacts were negative.

(A H)

Shabwa’s Ataq hospital gets renovation, including new quarantine facility

A team of sanitation workers have sprayed disinfectant in three IDP camps housing 7,000 displaced families in Marib city

(B H)

Humanitarians are racing against time to help Yemen address COVID-19; the odds are stacked against them


Humanitarian agencies are rushing to help authorities suppress the spread COVID-19 in Yemen and to prepare and equip facilities in case people become ill.
“It’s a race against time,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “The threat of COVID-19 is so terrifying we have to do everything we can to stop the spread of the virus and help the people who may become infected.”
“We have to be frank, the odds are stacked against us. Already we are supporting the largest humanitarian operation in the world, reaching more than 13 million people each month,” said Ms. Grande.
“Operating conditions are restrictive, in some places paralyzing so, and we don’t have enough resources. Until donors see that we are allowed by authorities to do our jobs the right way, in accordance with the same principles respected everywhere in the world, funding is going to remain limited.”
Using existing resources, even as they try to mobilize additional funds, humanitarian agencies are taking decisive steps.

(B H)

@MSF is supporting the local authorities in two COVID-19 isolation & treatment centers in #Sana’a (Al Kuwait Hospital)& #Aden (Al Amal Hospital) that have 70 beds (photos)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pS)

Houthis continue their attacks on civilians in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

108 Verstöße gegen die Aggressionstruppen in der Hodeidah-Provinz

(A K pH)

Aggression mercenaries carry out 108 breaches in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

Verstöße gehen weiter, Militärische Eskalation der Aggression in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggressionstruppen verstoßen weiterhin gegen Hodeidah-Abkommen

(A K pH)

Aggression continue their violations in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

67 Verstöße der Aggressionskräfte in den letzten 24 Stunden

Aggression coalition carry out 67 violations in Hodeidah

(* A K P)

UNMHA continues to support implementation of Hodeidah Agreement, spokesperson says

The United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) denied reports that the mission has terminated its duties in supervising the implementation of the Hodeidah Agreement and monitoring the ceasefire reached as part of the Stockholm Agreement, signed between the Yemeni government and the Houthis more than a year ago.

Hanan Al-Badawi, communications director in the UN mission, said that UNMHA is continuing its work under the command of General Abhijit Goha, who is currently in Hodeidah.

“The reports that the UN has terminated its mission in Hodeidah are incorrect... the mission is continuing to work,” Al-Badawi told Almasdar Online Saturday evening.

Earlier on Saturday, Turkish state-run news organization Anadolu quoted a Yemeni government source as saying that the UN decided that same day to end the mandate of its mission in Hodeidah as a precautionary measure to fight the dangers of the emerging epidemic of Covid-19.

However, Al-Badawi said the UN is only reducing the number of employees present in Yemen as a temporary precautionary measure, and that the head of the mission has decided to keep a small team in Hodeidah. The rest of the team will continue their work from Jordan until it is deemed safe to return to full capacity.

“The mission is obligated to implement safety and precautionary measures related to the corona pandemic in a way that preserves the safety of the local population and also the safety of UNMHA personnel, including international staff and observers,” she told Almasdar Online.

referring to

(* A K P)

UN ends mandate Mission overseeing Yemen Ceasefire in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte setzen Verstöße in Hodeidah fort

(A K pH)

Aggression continue their violations in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi desperate attack repulsed in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis continue to target people's homes in Hays

(A K pS)

Films: the crime of burning a passenger bus carrying civilians with an explosive device planted by the Houthi militias south of Hodeidah

An explosion of an explosive charge from the Houthi militia at the dawn of Friday killed two citizens and injured 8 others south of Al Hudaydah, and the explosion burned the bus. Local and medical sources said that a Houthi explosive device exploded with a bus carrying passengers in Saffariya, in the Al-Jah area, Beit Al-Faqih district, Al-Hodeidah governorate

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68 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah in den letzten 24 Stunden

(A K pH)

At Least 68 Saudi Violations On Hodeidah’s Battlefronts During Past 24 Hours

and also

cp1c1 Separatisten in Südjemen erklären Selbstverwaltung: Deutsch / Southern Yemen separatists proclaim self-administration: German

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Separatisten in Jemen erklären Autonomie und schockieren Saudiarabien

Die von den Emiraten unterstützten Separatisten im Süden Jemens haben ihre Autonomie erklärt. Ein im Dezember von Saudiarabien vermitteltes Friedensabkommen ist damit gescheitert. Es droht erneut ein Krieg im Krieg.

Im Klartext bedeutet dies: Die Regierung von Präsident Abedrabbu Mansur Hadi hat auch die Kontrolle über Jemens provisorische Kapitale im Süden verloren.

Im Süden droht nun wie bereits im vergangenen August ein Krieg im Krieg zwischen Verbündeten der Saudi und der Emirate.

Überraschend seien die gegenwärtigen Ereignisse deshalb nicht, meint die Jemen-Expertin Maysaa Shuja al-Din von der Denkfabrik Sanaa Centre: «Das Abkommen [das sog. Abkommen von Riyadh, das die Hadi-Regierung und die Separatisten auf Druck der Saudis 2019 schließen mussten] ging nicht auf die wirklichen Probleme ein. Weder auf die Forderung nach einer Unabhängigkeit des Südens, noch stellte es eine mögliche Autonomie in Aussicht.»

Elisabeth Kendall von der Universität Oxford stimmt dieser Analyse zu: «Wir wussten immer, dass der STC am Ende eine Selbstverwaltung und dann vielleicht auch einen unabhängigen Staat anstrebte. Es war nur eine Frage des Timings.» Der jetzige Zeitpunkt schien den Separatisten offensichtlich günstig. «Für Hadi ist es ein Moment der Schwäche», meint Kendall. In den vergangenen Wochen erzielte die von Iran unterstützte Huthi-Miliz substanzielle Geländegewinne und könnte in der erdölreichen Provinz Marib weiter vorrücken.

Dennoch liegt das Endziel des STC, die Rückkehr zu einem unabhängigen Südjemen wie vor 1990, noch in weiter Ferne. Trotz der Unterstützung und Finanzierung durch die Emirate kontrolliert der Südliche Übergangsrat nur Aden und umliegende Gebiete im Südwesten des Landes. Der Rest wird von Stämmen regiert, die längst nicht alle von einem unabhängige Südjemen träumen oder die ihre eigene separatistische Agenda verfolgen. «Wenn der STC versucht, diesen Gruppen seinen Willen aufzuzwingen, könnten sich als Reaktion neue militärische Fronten im Süden auftun», meint Kendall.

Zumindest ein Graben in Jemen besteht offensichtlich auch zwischen Saudiarabien und den VAE, den beiden vermeintlichen Alliierten

«Die Emirate und der STC sind verärgert über die Mobilisierung islamistischer Milizen, die ihnen das Leben schwer machen. Sie beschuldigen die Hadi-Regierung, dafür verantwortlich zu sein», erklärt Kendall. Deshalb hätten die Emirate nun ein Warnsignal gesendet: «Sie wollen nicht, dass die von Saudiarabien unterstütze Regierung ihre Ambitionen in Jemen beschneidet.»

Für Saudiarabien ist das Scheitern des Riad-Abkommens ein weiterer herber Rückschlag in Jemen. Ein Sieg gegen die Huthi ist kaum mehr denkbar.

Von einer legitimen Regierung in Jemen, die es zu verteidigen gilt, kann kaum mehr die Rede sein. Der Coup der Separatisten in Aden sei für Riad deshalb symbolisch schmerzhaft, meint Maysaa Shuja al-Din – von Christian Weisflog

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Vom Frieden entfernt

Jemen: Separatisten im Süden rufen Autonomie aus.

Am vergangenen Wochenende nun riefen von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) unterstützte Separatisten des 2017 gegründeten »Südübergangsrats« (STC) eine Selbstverwaltung im Südjemen aus, verhängten den Notstand und machten so die Risse in der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Kriegskoalition ein weiteres Mal sichtbar. In Aden wurden flächendeckend Kontrollpunkte errichtet, Regierungseinrichtungen übernommen und Militärfahrzeuge stationiert. Dass es zu einer neuerlichen Explosion kommen würde, hatte sich in den letzten Wochen bereits angedeutet: In den Provinzen Abjan und Schabwa hatte es mehrfach bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen zwischen dem STC unterstellten Milizen und Muslimbrüdern der Islah-Partei gegeben, die mit der von der Mehrheit der »internationalen Gemeinschaft« anerkannten Regierung von Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi verbündet sind.

So begründen nun auch die Separatisten ihr Agieren damit, die »Regierung« habe gegen das »Riad-Abkommen« verstoßen und keine Schritte unternommen, die Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung im Südjemen zu verbessern. Gehälter des militärischen und Sicherheitspersonals seien nicht bezahlt, die Versorgung mit Waffen nicht fortgeführt worden. Zudem würden terroristische Gruppen unterstützt und der »nationale Zusammenhalt« zerstört. Mohammed Al-Hadrami, »Außenminister« der seit über sechs Jahren nicht mehr demokratisch legitimierten »Regierung« Hadi, forderte derweil Saudi-Arabien auf, »entschiedene Maßnahmen gegen die fortgesetzte Rebellion des so genannten Übergangsrats« zu unternehmen. Mit Schabwa, Abjan, der Insel Sokotra, Mahra und Hadramaut lehnten auch mehrere südliche Gouvernements die Autonomieerklärung des STC explizit ab.

Allerdings verfolgen Riad und Abu Dhabi einander entgegenstehende Ziele

Mit dem neuerlichen Versuch, den Süden des Landes abzuspalten, hat sich der Jemen einen weiteren Schritt vom Frieden entfernt.

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"Bürgerkrieg im Bürgerkrieg": Die Regierung des Jemen verliert ihre Stadt

Die Lage der international anerkannten Regierung im Jemen ist kompliziert: Der Kampf gegen die Houthi-Rebellen stockt und nun übernahmen eigentlich verbündete Separatisten die Hafenstadt Aden, die Sitz der Regierung war.


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Film: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate sprechen sich gegen Einseitige Aktionen im Jemen aus 27.04.2020

[Allgemeiner Überblick]

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Die südjemenitischen Provinzen haben den Beschluss des von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstützten Südlichen Übergangsrats (STC), im Süden des Landes die Autonomie auszurufen, abgelehnt.

Laut der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur Saba haben sich die Provinzen Abyan, Schabwa, Hadramaut, Mahra und Sokotra gegen diesen Beschulss aufgelehnt.

Das Sicherheitskomitee von Schabwa gab bekannt: "Wir halten die Pläne des Übergangsrates nicht für gültig. Die Milizen dürfen keine eigene Regierung ausrufen."

Die zurückgetretene Regierung von Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi verurteilte den Schritt als Wiederaufnahme des bewaffneten Aufstands und als vollständige Abkehr von dem im November in Riad geschlossenen Friedensabkommen.üdliche_provinzen_lehnen_autonomieerklärung_des_übergangsrates_ab

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Separatisten rufen Autonomie im südlichen Jemen aus

Der Südliche Übergangsrat verkündete um Mitternacht die Selbstverwaltung des Südens. Damit ist der Machtkampf zwischen Regierung und Separatisten im Jemen wieder offen aufgeflammt - und der Friedensplan gescheitert.

Die Separatisten vom Südlichen Übergangsrat (STC) hatten der jemenitischen Regierung vorgeworfen, ihren Verpflichtungen nicht nachzukommen und sich gegen die Interessen des Südens zu "verschwören". Kurz darauf verkündete der STC, dass der Süden des Landes unter Selbstverwaltung stehe. Reuters-Augenzeugen beobachteten, wie sich in der südlichen Hafenstadt Aden schwer bewaffnete Kräfte der Separatisten in Stellung brachten.

Die mit Saudi-Arabien verbündete Regierung des Jemen verurteilte den Schritt als "Wiederaufnahme des bewaffneten Aufstands" und als vollständige Abkehr von dem im November geschlossenen Friedensabkommen. "Der sogenannte Übergangsrat wird allein die gefährlichen und katastrophalen Folgen einer solchen Ankündigung tragen", erklärte Außenminister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami.

und auch


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Krise im Jemen spitzt sich zu

Die Regierung von Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi, die dort ihren Sitz hat, warnte vor "katastrophalen Folgen".

Beide Seiten warfen sich nun vor, Details des in Riad geschlossenen Abkommens nicht oder nicht zügig genug umgesetzt zu haben. Der STC werde verantwortlich sein für die "gefährlichen und katastrophalen Folgen" der nun angekündigten Selbstverwaltung von Aden, schrieb der jemenitische Außenminister Mohammed al-Hadrami bei Twitter.

Mehrere Provinzen sprachen sich gegen den aus ihrer Sicht "unverantwortlichen" Schritt des STC aus. Es handle sich um einen Rechtsbruch und einen Verstoß gegen das Abkommen von Riad, teilten etwa die Verwaltungen der Provinz Hadramut mit, die von der Regierung kontrolliert wird. Gleichzeitig versammelten sich mit dem STC verbündete Einheiten in Aden, wie Augenzeugen berichteten.

Der Konflikt zeigt auch Brüche im Bündnis aus Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, die 2015 gemeinsam Angriffe gegen die Houthis begannen.

In Aden kam es am Samstag laut Augenzeugen zu Protesten wegen schlechter öffentlicher Dienste. Berichten zufolge zogen Hunderte auf die Straße, nachdem die Stromversorgung mehrere Tage unterbrochen worden war. Hintergrund sind schwere Überschwemmungen nach starkem Regen, bei denen in Aden mindestens zehn Menschen ums Leben kamen. =


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Separatisten im Süden bringen Aden unter ihre Kontrolle

Der Südliche Übergangsrat (STC) teilte nun mit, die Hafenstadt Aden unter seine Kontrolle gebracht zu haben. =


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Eskalation in Zeiten von Flut und Seuchen

Dabei markiert die Übernahme, deren freundliche Bilder von den Sezessionisten verbreitet wurden, eine Eskalation des seit fünf Jahren andauernden Kriegs im Jemen zu einem gefährlichen Zeitpunkt.

eröffnen im Süden die Separatisten eine neue Front.

So ist der Vorstoß der Separatisten vom Wochenende ein schwerer Rückschlag für die saudische Führung unter Kronprinz Muhammad bin Salman. Sie sucht eigentlich einen gesichtswahrenden Ausweg aus der Intervention im Jemen, die sie vor fünf Jahren begonnen hat. Das wird nun noch komplizierter. Die Houthi, die derzeit angesichts der militärischen Lage ohnehin keine Notwendigkeit für Zugeständnisse sehen, dürften sich freuen. „Die Saudis sitzen in der Falle“, sagt ein erfahrener Beobachter.

Amr al Beidh aus der STC-Führung, der so etwas wie der Außenbeauftragte der Separatisten ist, erkennt durchaus, dass der Vorstoß riskant ist. „Aber wir standen unter enormem Druck, diesen Schritt zu tun“, sagt er im Gespräch mit dieser Zeitung. Hadi habe seine Zusagen nicht eingehalten, seine Leute hätten in den Vorbereitungen für den Kampf gegen das Coronavirus versagt, ebenso nach den Springfluten der vergangenen Woche. „Aden ist zerstört, es gibt keinen Strom, und niemand rührt einen Finger“, sagt er wütend.

„Unsere eigenen Leute haben uns vorgeworfen, wir seien nur noch Soldaten, die Diebe bewachten“, sagt Beidh. „Jetzt sind wir auch wieder in den Regierungsgebäuden.“ Solche Vorwürfe sind keine Überraschung. Hadis Ruf ist entsprechend, auch unter seinen ausländischen Unterstützern herrscht Frust. Wenn Hadi endlich liefere, könne man wieder reden, sagt Beidh. Er macht aber auch deutlich, dass der STC Aden und den Süden mit im Zweifel Waffengewalt verteidigen werde – notfalls mit Truppen von den Fronten des Krieges gegen die Houthi. Erst vorige Woche war ein Waffengang im Süden im letzten Moment abgewendet worden.

Während die Hadi-Regierung den Separatisten die „Wiederaufnahme des bewaffneten Aufstands“ und den Rückzug vom Riad-Abkommen vorwarf, hielt sich die saudische Führung zunächst mit öffentlicher Kritik zurück. Ach bei Beidh ging bis zum Nachmittag keine Beschwerde aus Riad ein. Doch er kann sich denken, dass in Riad großer Unmut herrscht. Selbst in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, deren Führung die Separatisten maßgeblich fördert, stößt der STC-Vorstoß auf wenig Gegenliebe – von Christoph Ehrhardt


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Friedenschance schwindet

Separatisten verkünden Selbstverwaltung für den Süden des Landes. Auch auf internationaler Ebene ist die Machtkonstellation zuletzt kompliziert geworden.

Mit der neuerlichen Sezession des Südens - Jemen war bereits von 1967 bis 1990 in zwei Staaten geteilt - droht zum einen eine weitere Front zu entstehen.

Dass die Separatisten es wagten, sich von der Regierung loszusagen, zeigt zudem, wie kompliziert die Machtkonstellation im Jemenkonflikt auch auf internationaler Ebene geworden ist: Bis heute wird Präsident Mansur Hadi von Saudi-Arabien unterstützt

Fünf Jahre später dauert der Krieg in Jemen immer noch an. Er hat Milliarden Dollar verschlungen, Millionen Menschen von internationaler Hilfe abhängig gemacht - und Saudi-Arabien von seinem engsten Verbündeten entzweit: Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate unterstützen mittlerweile die Separatisten des STC, der eskalierende Schritte wie die Deklaration der Selbstverwaltung nie ohne Zustimmung aus Abu Dhabi wagen würde. Laut STC-Kommandeuren hielt sich der Führer der Separatisten das gesamte Wochenende in den Emiraten auf – von Moritz Baumstieger

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Der ewige Krach

Philip Malzahn über die Autonomieerklärung des südlichen Jemens und einen Krieg, der noch lange nicht vorbei sein wird

Schon des Öfteren hat der Übergangsrat des jemenitischen Südens versucht, sich vollständig von der Koalition mit der Zentralregierung unter Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi zu lösen. Und schon öfter endeten diese Versuche in blutigen Kämpfen, bei denen sich niemand als Sieger behaupten kann. Denn tatsächlich haben die Regierungstruppen im Gebiet des Rates rund um die Hafenstadt Aden schon lange nichts zu melden. Den gemeinsamen Feind, die Huthi-Rebellen, bekämpft man trotzdem. Hadis Truppen mit Saudi-Arabien als Schutzpatron und Bombendienstleister, der Übergangsrat mit Milliarden aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Im November hatte man diesen Status quo mit einem Abkommen besiegelt, das nun aus dem Fenster geworfen wurde.

Dass Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate ihre Allianz aufgrund unterschiedlicher Interessen jemenitischer Kriegsfraktionen aufs Spiel setzen, ist unwahrscheinlich. Die plötzliche Auflösung des Friedensabkommens zeigt viel mehr, wie wenig Einfluss die beiden Monarchien tatsächlich im Jemen haben. Die Parteien dort bekämpfen sich nämlich seit Jahrzehnten - mal mehr, mal weniger. Durch die Waffen und Milliarden der reichen Golfstaaten ist der Krieg immer brutaler geworden, aber keineswegs einfacher.

cp1c2 Separatisten in Südjemen erklären Selbstverwaltung: Englisch / Southern Yemen separatists proclaim self-administration: English

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Saudi-led alliance in Yemen urges end to escalation in south

[Overview of the situation and events]

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Yemen’s separatist council urged to ditch self-rule declaration

Diplomats and Islamic leaders on Monday urged Yemen’s separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) to ditch its controversial self-rule declaration and avoid plunging the war-torn country into a further spiral of violence.
The move drew regional and international condemnation with analysts warning that the council would be unable to govern provinces alone.

“The council’s move is aimed at seizing revenues from public institutions,” said a local government official, who wished to remain anonymous, adding that the move had shattered government relief plans to help thousands of people affected by recent floods. “They are moving to appoint their monitors inside government bodies in Aden. The situation here is so miserable and just got worse with the declaration.”

Aden news reports suggested that STC leaders would be unable to live up to their claims that they could govern the southern provinces alone and fix basic services using revenues from local government bodies.

Fatehi Ben Lazraq, editor of Aden Al-Ghad news site, said Aden’s seaport was the biggest money earner yet those revenues would hardly be able to cover fuel bills for power stations.

“They cannot run Aden on their own. The electricity consumes all revenues from Aden,” he told Arab News.

“People are demanding the restoration of the state that can pay salaries and fix services and the council is part of that state under the Riyadh Agreement,” he added.

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New report allegedly details Hadi forces plan to capture Aden

Islah Party leads conflict against separatists in southern Yemen

They added that the aim is to support Hamdi Shukri’s forces, which are currently in control of Ra’s al Arah and the coastal strip of Al-Sabiha, with a Saudi support to besiege the STC militias, from the north and west.

Islah, which is allied with Saudi Arabia and the puppet government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, is trying to take the Al-Anad triangle from the STC control, in order to take over Aden through military means.

Local sources in Lahj reported that the Islah party has purchased tribal loyalties in Radfan and Tur al-Bahah for their upcoming offensive.

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STC forces secure Zinjibar despite Abyan’s rejection of self-administration announcement

Residents saw STC forces transporting weapons, as well as new checkpoints in central Zinjibar and along the borders between its neighborhoods

Forces of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) set up new checkpoints and deployed heavily at the entrances and exits of Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan governorate, less than 48 hours after the STC announced their self-administration of southern governorates.

Residents told Almasdar Online that the Security Belt Forces and units of the UAE-backed Sa'eqa (Thunder) Brigade sent reinforcements to all entrances to Zinjibar, as well as the main roads inside the town.

At the entrances to the town, residents said they saw STC forces transporting weapons, as well as new checkpoints in central Zinjibar and along the borders between its neighborhoods.

(* A P)

UAE rejects STC self-rule in south Yemen

The United Arab Emirates on Monday said it rejects the Southern Transitional Council's (STC's) announcement of self-rule in Yemeni areas under its control, calling for full application of the Riyadh Agreement.

The United Arab Emirates on Monday said it rejects the Southern Transitional Council's (STC's) announcement of self-rule in Yemeni areas under its control, calling for full application of the Riyadh Agreement.

The Arab coalition's statement, rejecting the STC announcement, is based on obvious care for Yemen and Riyadh pact whose full application represents a base for future political work, the Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Affairs tweeted.

Discontent at delayed application of the deal should not be a cause for a given party to change the situation, Anwar Gargash added, expressing absolute trust of Saudi willingness to implement the pact.

"Application of the Riyadh Agreement's text and commitment to its essence are .. cornerstone, in the regional and international view, for political solution in Yemen.

"The coalition statement underlines the need for all parties' commitment to implementing the deal," the UAE minister said, appreciating the Saudi responsible efforts in leading the coalition politically and militarily for the interest of Yemen.

and also

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Yemeni leader urged to thwart STC’s bid for self-rule

Yemen’s parliament urged President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi on Sunday to take "urgent measures" to stop the UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) from establishing self-rule in regions under its control.

In a statement, the parliament said that with this decision, the STC had "crossed the line" as well as encouraged Houthi rebels to oppose all peace attempts.

It also accused the STC of ignoring citizens' security, spreading fear and preventing government agencies from serving citizens.

The statement also called on Saudi Arabia to pressure the parties to fully implement the Riyadh Agreement on power-sharing between the government of Yemen and STC.

My comment: The pro-Hadi “parliament” did not meet for months. How could it issue a statement?

(A P)

[The Saudi news agency reports all international statements rejecting the separatists’ coup]

GCC Secretary General Calls on Yemenis to Implement Riyadh Agreement, Unify Ranks

OIC Stresses the Need for Restoring Conditions in Aden

Egypt Stresses Importance of Adhering to Riyadh Agreement

European Union declares its rejection of position of Southern Transitional Council in Yemen

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Sheikhs from Abyan central region arrive to Shokra to reject Brotherhood’s military build-up towards Aden

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Southern resistance in #Shabwa attacks Brotherhood’s militia stationed at Al-Majazah Point in Rawda

The southern resistance forces in Shabwa governorate launched a violent attack on Monday on the location of the Islah Brotherhood militia stationed in the Rawda district.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen’s Foreign Minister says govt met all its obligations under separatists sabotaged agreement

Yemen’s Foreign Minister said the government had met all its obligations under the power sharing Agreement of Riyadh which the southern separatist militias sabotaged a couple of days ago.

(A P)

Al-Jaadi: What has been achieved so far is irreversible

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and assistant secretary general, Fadl al-Jaadi stressed that there's never backing out of what has been achieved by the Council regarding the goals of the people.

(A P)

Video: Hadramout Demonstrates Solidarity with STC Declaration

Hundreds of people staged a demonstration in al-Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout on Monday, to express their solidarity with the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council and their support for the STC declaration of self- administration of the South.


My comment: It’s not “Hadramaut”, but only separatists’ supporters, who certainly are a minority there.

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Elisabeth Kendall on BBC "Newshour" (26 Apr 2020)

Elisabeth Kendall is interviewed by BBC's Lyse Doucet about the Declaration by Yemen's Southern Transitional Council that it is taking control of south Yemen

Clip: Will the Southern Transitional Council's declared takeover in south #Yemen hamper attempts to broker broader #peace? My 1-minute answer for BBC Newshour

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The Restoration of Self-Rule in South Yemen Is the Next Step Towards Independence

The separatist group stopped short of outright declaring independence, but few are under any illusions that this step isn’t a means towards that eventual end. That scenario could have been avoided, however, had the Saudi-backed Hadi government not repeatedly violated last year’s Riyadh Agreement that was aimed at de-escalating tensions between the nominally allied sides following the STC’s liberation of Aden over the summer, which the author analyzed at the time in his piece about how “South Yemen Is Already Functionally Independent Even If It’s Not Recognized As Such“. The accord was supposed to have been a de-facto power-sharing agreement that would have seen the separatists incorporated into the state’s official framework in order to satisfy most of their political demands for fairer representation of their home region that’s been subjugated by the North since the South’s defeat during the brief 1994 civil war.

Rubbishing The Riyadh Agreement

Hadi — and by extrapolation, his Saudi backers — had other plans, however, which were likely motivated by the desire to eliminate his only credible rivals under the cover of the Riyadh Agreement, naively hoping that they’d let their guard down during this time so that the government could take maximum advantage of the fragile peace.

Perfect Timing

The very fact that it was attempted in spite of the obviousness of its inevitable failure speaks to just how desperate Hadi and his patrons have become. They received their comeuppance over the weekend after the STC declared self-rule and immediately began reasserting its authority over Aden, which couldn’t have come at a more strategically opportune moment.

MBZ & MBS, Mentor & Mentee

Another factor for observers to keep in mind is that MBS is mentored by Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed (MBZ), his coalition ally in Yemen whose country also sponsors the STC. This adds an interesting angle to the context in which the STC’s self-rule declaration was made. It can’t be known for certain, but it’s highly likely that the group coordinated this move with the UAE

Concluding Thoughts

It’ll of course remain to be seen exactly how Saudi Arabia reacts to the latest developments in South Yemen, but there are convincing reasons to predict that it’ll eschew a costly proxy war with the UAE in favor of working to promote a so-called “political solution” instead, which would have to result in the federal bifurcation of the country along North-South lines instead of just rehashing the Riyadh Agreement if it’s to stand any chance of being accepted by the STC. The separatists crossed the Rubicon over the weekend but wouldn’t have done so had their Emirati patrons opposed their dramatic move to declare self-rule over the regions of the country that they claim as their own, so it should be assumed that MBZ is in support of their declaration despite it obviously being disadvantageous to his Saudi mentee’s geostrategic interests – by Andrew Korybko

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Yemeni separatists declare self-rule in the south, abandoning months-old agreement

The fresh animosities are a reminder of the multiple wars suffocating Yemen.

The UAE supports the separatist Southern Transitional Council, while Saudi Arabia backs the internationally recognized Yemeni government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. All are against the Iran-aligned Houthis, but rifts inside the coalition have been simmering for more than two years.

The STC, which favors splitting Yemen's south from its north, have long tangled with the Yemeni government, ruled for decades by northerners. The group and the UAE disapprove of Hadi's alliance with Islah, an influential Islamist party. The Saudis view Islah as part of Yemen's political fabric. But the UAE and the STC oppose any role for Islah because of its links to the Muslim Brotherhood, a regional political Islamist movement that the Emiratis and other Arab rulers have labeled terrorists.

Meanwhile, international attention was focused on a Saudi cease-fire with the Houthis and the emergence of the coronavirus. Regional powers were distracted by the start of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan on Friday.

"This was an opportune moment for the STC to take a stand," said Elisabeth Kendall,

Over the weekend, it became clear that the mistrust had deepened once again.

The STC vice president, Hani Ali Brik, sent a tweet Sunday morning accusing the Hadi government of setting up obstacles to the deal and of corruption and mismanagement. Hours earlier, the separatists had announced emergency rule in Aden and other southern provinces. They also declared their intent to take control of the port, the airport, the central bank and other government areas.

The self-rule move comes as the Hadi government has been weakened by significant Houthi military gains and signs that the Saudis are looking for a way to exit the war. "This is just one more blow to its credibility," Kendall said of the government.

It could also hurt peace prospects. The declaration "makes a cease-fire and political settlement harder," said Peter Salisbury, the International Crisis Group's senior analyst for Yemen. The Riyadh deal opened a path for a more representative Yemeni government, giving it more credibility to negotiate with the Houthis.

"If the deal collapses, that is taken off the table," Salisbury said. "Secondly, the STC are one of the groups fighting the Houthis on the ground. If they aren't part of a cease-fire deal, then the Houthis can argue there is no cease-fire."

"The short-term winners are of course the Houthis, since any resurgence of rifts in the coalition distracts energy and resources away from the war against them," Kendall said – by Sudarsan Raghavan (originally at Washington Post)

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Threat of war in the Middle East as Yemen splits up

The announcement of self-rule – in effect a unilateral declaration of independence – came from the Southern Translation Council (STC) who are in control of the region’s key port city Aden, temporarily the capital of Yemen and once the centre of a former British colony.

The move could cause a split between Saudi Arabia and its allies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In the complex situation within the war-torn country, the STC had been backing the internationally recognised government supported by the Saudi Arabian-led military coalition, but on Saturday the STC said it would now go it alone and control the south of the country with backing from the UAE.

The new split is against the spirit and letter of the Riyadh Agreement signed last November between Hadi and the STC. The agreement was supposed to kickstart the peace process for the whole country but now appears to have fallen at practically the first hurdle.

While the STC and the Hadi government are in dispute, the main war in Yemen could flare up again.

(B K P)

The Yemen Conundrum

The move of the separatists — who were once on the side of Yemen’s President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi — will make it easy for Houthis to consolidate their grip on the areas under their control. This will indirectly create room for other states to grow their influence in the country, as opposition to Houthis is bitterly divided because of infighting.

the decision of the secessionists will also sour relations between the Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

No matter which way we look at it, the self-rule announcement will resume hostilities. And the declaration will affect ordinary people the most, as it will further rupture the already torn-apart social fabric and infrastructure of the country.

(** A P)

The Coalition: We stress the need to restore conditions to their previous state in the interim capital Aden. Following the surprising announcement of a state of emergency by the Southern Transitional Council, we re-emphasize the need to promptly implement the Riyadh Agreement

The Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, forefront of which is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, stresses the need to restore conditions to their previous state following the announcement of a state of emergency by the Southern Transitional Council and the consequential development of affairs in the interim capital (Aden) and some Southern governorates in the Republic of Yemen. The Coalition urges for an immediate end to any steps contrary to the Riyadh Agreement, and work rapidly toward its implementation, citing the wide support for the agreement by the international community and the United Nations.
The Coalition has and will continue to undertake practical and systematic steps to implement the Riyadh Agreement between the parties to unite Yemeni ranks, restore state institutions and combat the scourge of terrorism. The responsibility rests with the signatories to the Agreement to undertake national steps toward implementing its provisions, which were signed and agreed upon with a time matrix for implementation.
The Coalition demands an end to any escalatory actions and calls for return to the Agreement by the participating parties, stressing the immediate need for implementation without delay, and the need to prioritize the Yemeni peoples’ interests above all else, as well as working to achieve the stated goals of restoring the state, ending the coup and combatting terrorist organizations.
The Coalition reaffirms its ongoing support to the legitimate Yemeni government, and its support for implementing the Riyadh Agreement, which entails forming a competent government that operate from the interim capital Aden to tackle economic and developmental challenges, in light of natural disasters such as floods, fears of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, and work to provide services to the brotherly people of Yemen.

Comment by E. Kendall: Cautious disapproval rather than strong condemnation shows precarious balance between #Saudi & #UAE interests (+UAE version of statement leaves impression that it's Saudi-generated)


(* A P)

Saudi Arabia calls on all parties in south Yemen to abide by Riyadh agreement

Saudi Arabia has called on all parties in Yemen to abide by the Riyadh Agreement in the best interest of the Yemeni people after the Southern Transitional Council in the south decided to establish self-rule in the regions under its control.

“We urge all parties in Aden, South of Yemen, to put the Yemeni people first and abide by commitments made in the Riyadh agreement last November. KSA and UAE reaffirm that the agreement represents the only way forward, and we hope parties will observe their commitments," Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid Bin Salman said in a tweet early Monday.

“During these challenging global times, leaders in Aden must realize their historic responsibility to keep the Yemeni people safe, and more violence will not achieve that. The Riyadh agreement, which is backed by the international community, must be implemented," Prince Khalid added.

Commenting on the development in a tweet, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan said: “The Riyadh agreement guarantees political cooperation for the interests of the Yemeni people and is backed by the UN and the international community. We call for restoring the conditions in Aden as they were before the STC statement, and to implement the Riyadh Agreement."

inister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel Al-Jubeir also tweeted, saying: “We in KSA and the UAE strongly believe that the internationally backed Riyadh Agreement has guaranteed an opportunity for the brotherly Yemeni people to live in peace. We reject any hostilities that will jeopardize the safety and stability of Yemen."

eanwhile, the Arab Coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen being led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates underlined the need to restore conditions to their previous state in the interim capital Aden and some southern governorates in Yemen

The Coalition called for an immediate end to any steps contrary to the Riyadh Agreement, and work rapidly toward its implementation, pointing out the overwhelming support for the agreement by the international community and the United Nations.

The Coalition said that it would continue to undertake practical and systematic steps to implement the Riyadh Agreement, restore state institutions and combat the scourge of terrorism.

The Coalition called for an end to any escalatory actions and return to the Agreement by the participating parties, stressing the immediate need for implementation without delay, and the need to prioritize the Yemeni peoples’ interests above all else, as well as working to achieve the stated goals of restoring the state, ending the coup and combating terrorist organizations.

The Coalition reaffirmed its support to the legitimate Yemeni government, and its support for implementing the Riyadh Agreement, which entails forming a competent government that operates from the interim capital Aden to tackle economic and developmental challenges, in light of natural disasters such as floods, fears of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, and work to provide services to the brotherly people of Yemen.

and statements in full:

and also

(** A P)

STC declaration of self-administration rejected by majority of southern governorates

Local authorities in the governorates of Hadhramout, Shabwa, Al-Mahrah, Abyan, and Socotra have announced their rejection of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) declaration made early Sunday morning for “self-administration” in southern Yemen, calling it a coup d'état against the government and the Riyadh Agreement.

By noon on Sunday, local authorities in five southern governorates had published statements rejecting the STC’s move.

“What was said in the statement of the Transitional Council is meaningless… militias cannot be a substitute for legitimacy,” the Shabwa Supreme Security Committee said in a statement seen by Almasdar Online. “We reject the STC statement, in full and in detail, and the state of emergency can not be authorized by anyone other than the legitimate president of the Republic.”

In Hadhramout, Governor Faraj Al-Bahsani issued a statement saying “Hadhramout governorate and its local authority stand together behind the political leadership and its president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.” He continued, “the local authority considers the STC declaration to be an irresponsible act and a violation of legitimacy and the Riyadh agreement.”

“All members of the society and political parties in Socotra stand together behind the political leadership and the legitimate Yemeni government,” the local authority and the security committee of Socotra said in a statement, calling the move by the STC “a coup d'état against Yemeni legitimacy and the Riyadh Agreement.”

For its part, the leadership of the local authority in Abyan confirmed its “absolute rejection” of the statement by the STC, calling it “a coup d'état on the Riyadh Agreement and constitutional legitimacy.”

“The people of Abyan, with all their associations and orientations, stand with the legitimate government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi,” the local authority announced, according to the state-run Saba news agency.

The local authority and security committee in Al-Mahrah governorate, headed by the governor and chairman of the security committee Mohamed Ali Yasser, similarly announced its rejection of the STC’s statement of self-administration.

“The so-called Transitional (Council) statement is a clear and explicit coup against the legitimate government and the Riyadh agreement,” it said, stressing that the local authority “adheres to the political leadership and the Yemeni government.”

and also

Documents here (Arabic):


(* A P)

Yemen southern provinces reject separatists' claim to self-rule

Yemen's internationally recognised government denounces southern separatists' move as a 'clear and definite coup'.

Some of the provinces issued their own statements condemning it.

The authority to declare an emergency lies with the president only, and militias cannot replace state institutions, Shabwa security forces said in a written statement.

The administration of Hadramout, the biggest province in the south, said the STC's announcement is "a violation of legitimacy and the Riyadh Agreement", referring to a 2019 power-sharing deal between the separatists and the Yemeni government.

Abyan and Socotra administrations called for loyalty to the president, while the local authorities of al-Mahra province said the STC's step aimed to deepen the crisis already existing in the country.

The STC did not immediately comment on the statements from the five provinces.

Peter Salisbury, a Yemen expert at the Brussels-based International Crisis Group think tank, said tensions between Hadi's government and the separatists have been rising for months.

He said both sides have exchanged accusations of noncompliance with the peace deal, and were building up forces with intent to resume infighting.

He said Saudi Arabia, which brokered the power-sharing deal and had been overseeing its implementation, was expected to intervene.

"Each side wants the Saudis to support its narrative and Riyadh is really caught in the middle right now," Salisbury said.

Catherine Shakdam, head of the Yemen department at the London-based Next Century Foundation, a peacebuilding think tank, told Al Jazeera that the main issue for Saudi Arabia has to do with the fact that it has backed the Hadi government.

"Hadi has lost whatever legitimacy he may have had at some point. We need to remember that the only legitimacy that he had was, in fact, given by the international community," Shakdam said.

"There was an understanding that if he wasn't supported by the international community, then de facto sovereignty would fall onto the Houthi movement," she added

(* A P)

(* A K P)

Let's not forget also that STC does not actually control all governorates in South to begin with, and though outgun gov't in places like Aden, administering is a whole diff ball game. This declaration, at least with current status quo, more chest drumming than actionable.

It is also worth noting that even if the STC succeeds in removing the IRG from the picture, the STC will still struggle with other local groups, whether it's tribes, Islah, etc in achieving the recognition that they desire and the ability to reign over them.

The governors of Shabwa, Socotra, Mahrah, and Hadramout, have all rejected the STC declaration and are siding with the #Yemen gov't. Again, when STC says it speaks on behalf of South, one must remember they do NOT control nor represent all of the South.

Fair to say STC doesn't have universal support in the south, but using governors appointed by the Hadi gov (who are routinely replaced when they don't fall in line) is an inaccurate way to measure the level of STC support. Recall STC leadership is comprised of former governors...

(A P)

Houthis say Yemeni gov't hindered Riyadh pact application

The Houthi group on Sunday implicitly accused the Yemeni official government of hindering the Riyadh Agreement signed with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), hours after the latter announced self-rule in the south.

"Who obstructed the Riyadh deal?" member of Houthi Supreme Political Council rhetorically asked. "Don't head for the weaker and label them as rebels or declare a new storm [campaign] against them, before disclosure, if you like the south as you claim."

"Now, implement the Riyadh pact so that it's not found to be inflationary deal, as we dubbed," Mohamed Ali al-Houthi added on Twitter.

(A P)

Southern Yemeni separatists accused of planning coup

Adel al-Hasani accuses STC of conspiring against Hadi administration

A leader in the so-called Southern Resistance has said that the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s declaration of self-governance in the country’s southern provinces constitutes a coup

(* A K P)

Yemen Govt calls on UN, Arab League to condemn STC coup

In a statement, the Yemeni government called on the UN, the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Gulf Cooperation Council to condemn the move and enforce the UN Security Council’s resolution that support the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen.

The government held the STC headquartered in the UAE’s Abu Dhabi city responsible and called on the Arab Coalition to shoulder its historical responsibility toward the territorial integrity of Yemen.

The Yemeni government had met all its obligations under the Riyadh Agreement, whereas the separatist militia kept sidestepping it until it finally declared the “self-rule” and emergency state.

Welcoming the wide public demonstrations and condemnation statements by the southern governorates’ local governments and general public against the coup, the government said: “We hail the local governments, political parties and all the people in the different governorates for demonstrating a national consensual rejection of this reckless move” by the STC militia.

“These militia represent only themselves, not the people of the south who exemplified the national unity by their courageous stances.”


(* A K P)

Yemeni gov't ..Statement called Aidrous Al-Zubaidi clear rebellion against legitimacy

The Yemeni internationally recognized legitimate government called the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) statement, which included "self-management for the south" and the declaration of a state of emergency in southern cities, with a complete reversal of legitimacy and the outcomes of the Riyadh agreement.

According to a government statement published by the Aden-based Yemeni News Agency "Saba" on. Sunday, the government considered the announcement of what it called "Aidrous Al-Zubaidi", the head of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a clear rebellion against the legitimate government and a frank coup against the Riyadh agreement and the completion of the armed rebellion against the state in August 2019 .

The government statement, he pointed out that what the leaders of the transitional council made was an attempt to escape the repercussions of failure to provide anything to the citizens of Aden who are suffering from fire crises, and the lack of services after the complete disruption and seizure of state institutions and preventing the government from exercising its functions.

The statement included the government's request to the Coalition for Support of Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to bear historical responsibility towards the territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen, calling on the international community, the United Nations, the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Gulf Cooperation Council to condemn this coup against the state and its institutions.

The government statement praised what he called the state of national consensus from all governorates, in particular the local authorities in the southern governorates, and from all political parties and components, and all the Yemeni people in the various governorates, who confirmed their rejection of these reckless steps.


(*A K P)

Yemeni [Hadi] gov't calls STC statement as "resumption of its armed insurgency"

The Foreign Minister of the Yemeni legitimate government, Mohammed al-Hadhrami, called on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the leader of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, today, Sunday, to take a clear position and strict measures towards the continued rebellion of the so-called Southern transitional council and its disavowal from the Riyadh agreement.

“The announcement by the so-called transitional council of its intention to establish a southern administration is a resumption of its armed insurgency... and an announcement of its rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement,” Yemen’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami said in a statement posted by the ministry on Twitter.

“The so-called transitional council will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement,” the statement added.

(** A K P)

UAE-backed forces take control of largest airport in southern Yemen

The forces of the Southern Transitional Council announced at dawn on Sunday, their control over the sovereign installations in the temporary capital, Aden, in southern Yemen.

The UAE-backed forces in Aden announced on their official Facebook page, “The Storm Brigade took control of government facilities in Aden, including banks, ports and the airport.”

They said that “this step comes as part of the implementation of the directions of the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council.”

The Southern Transitional Council stated that “decisions to control all government headquarters and departments in all governorates of the south in light of the failure and corruption practiced by the so-called legitimate government, which practiced the policy of subjugation and starvation of the people.”

The page on quoted the commander of the storm brigade, Brigadier General Osan Al-Anshly, calling on all citizens to “cooperate with the security services in maintaining security and stability in the capital of Aden and not spreading rumors.”

In the context, “The forces of the First Brigade tightened support and backup, controlling the refineries, the oil and electricity port, and the rest of the state institutions in the Brega District (West Aden), and securing them in implementation of the decision of the Presidency Council for the Southern Transitional Council, which included controlling and managing the land.”


and film:


(* A K P)

STC forces seize government offices in Aden

Forces of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Sunday started taking control of government institutions in the southern port city of Aden, hours after the Emirati-backed STC announced self-rule in south of Yemen, local sources said.

Separatist forces "intensively deployed in Aden and seized government offices including the Central Bank, main port and Yemeni Petroleum Company," sources added.

The STC Security Belt forces said on Facebook "the Storm Brigade took control of government facilities in Aden.

"This move comes in execution of STC instructions .. amid failure and corruption practiced by the so-called legitimacy that adopted the policy of suppressing and hungering the people," they added in a statement (photos)

Comment: Aden Refinery, Aden Port, Central Bank, Ministry of Transportation, Immigration & Passports. All the institutions that the STC captured in August 2019 and handed to the Arab Coalition in good faith that the govt will provide services, have now been retaken by the STC

(A K P)

STC Vice Prez is now demanding implementation of Riyadh Agreement and appealing to Saudi to resolve issues with #Yemen gov't despite declaring state of emergency and self-admin in South. Doubt would appease Hadi's gov't, but what really counts is Saudi's reaction now.

referring to

(A K P)

Hani BinBrek: STC calls for the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and stresses that, and STC did all that was according to the arrangement of the agreement, and legitimacy [Hadi government] continued in breach of it one by one, and a representative and the Commissioner of the Southern People could not see the people being tormented and standing idly by, and the transitional still held hope in Saudi Arabia and its wise leadership

and he also told:

(A K)

Sheikh Hani: STC's statement achieves people's will, preserves Coalition's reputation

The Vice president of the STC, Hani Ben Brik said that "the statement is a step to achieve the will of the oppressed people and to preserve the reputation of the Arab Coalition."
Sheikh Hani wrote on his official Twitter account that "The people's will makes governments and it is not governments that makes people."
"The whole world sees the enormity of oppression, injustice, corruption and looting practiced by the Yemeni government that prolongings the war and crises." he added.

(* A P)

Separatists announce self-rule in southern Yemen

Mohammed al-Hadhrami, Yemen's foreign minister, said the STC's latest move amounted to a withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement.

"The announcement by the so-called transitional council of its intention to establish a southern administration is a resumption of its armed insurgency ... and an announcement of its rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement," al-Hadhrami said in a statement.

"The so-called transitional council will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement," it added.

The separatists' move raises concerns that Yemen could slide further into chaos amid the worldwide coronavirus pandemic.

(** A P)

Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, Yemen's STC head announces State of Emergency and Self-Governance

Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the Head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen announced on Sunday a state of emergency in Aden and all of the southern governorates.

Al-Zubaidi, who is located in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi, also announced the start of "self-management for the south" starting from Saturday, and assigning "committees of the transitional council to direct the work of bodies, institutions and public utilities to implement self-management."

Al-Zubaidi called in a statement, "Governors of the southern governorates and officials of public institutions and utilities from the people of the south to continue their work."

The STC demanded "the Arab coalition and the international community to support self-management measures in a way that achieves security and stability for the people of the south, combating terrorism and maintaining international peace and security."

The STC said in his statement that he is following "with great care, the increasing number of conspiracies and intrigues targeting our revolution, our cause, and our social fabric, seeking to increase the suffering and pain of our people, on various fronts and levels."

The most prominent points that the transitional said he had suffered from were “not to pay the salaries and wages of employees of the military and security establishment, retirees and civilians for several months, to stop supporting the arms-consuming fronts, ammunition, food and living requirements, to stop caring for the families of martyrs and treat the wounded, in addition to fueling national rivalries and seeking to destabilize and disrupt the national cohesion and supporting terrorism and the forces of extremism. "

He continued, "And the deterioration of public services, especially the infrastructure of electricity, water and roads, which was clearly demonstrated by the recent torrential catastrophe, which caused great suffering for our people in the southern capital of Aden, especially with the coming of the holy month of Ramadan, and using that as a weapon to bring the southerners to kneel.

"The STC, based on the popular mandate granted to it in the historic Declaration of Aden on May 4, 2017, finds it necessary to take the necessary measures to save our people and preserve the achievements of our two revolutions and the victorious victories of our resistance," he said.

The STC government accused the (legitimate) Yemeni Government of harnessing the resources and property of the people in financing corruption activities and transferring them to the accounts of corrupt people abroad.

He expressed his surprise at the silence "incomprehensible and unjustified by the brothers in the Arab coalition regarding the tampering behavior of the government, which aims to abort our revolution and our just cause,".

and on STC website, in Arabic:

Comment by Hisham Al Omeisy: The Southern Transitional Council (STC) now announced emergency state in southern governorates and declared self-administration. Rift didn't just got wider between STC and #Yemen gov't, former pretty much marginalized latter by bold move. This is bad, end of Riyadh Agrmnt bad.

Comment by Iona Craig: This STC statement could not have come without UAE backing and effectively pits (once again) UAE-backed forces against Saudi-backed ones (i.e. GoY army). All talk tonight in Aden is of war. Hope of that not happening is now disappearing fast.

Comment by Nadwa Dawsari: And there goes the “Riyadh agreement.” Not to the surprise of many of us Yemenis. The agreement was designed to fail in the first place!

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: UAE and Saudi Arabia keep playing roles, sharing and dividing among them the areas of influence in occupied South Yemen.


(** A P)

Yemen: Southern Transitional Council announces self-determination plan

The statement issued by the presidency of the STC followed an urgent meeting for the council’s presidency along with military and security commanders in Aden.

The new development comes months after a power-sharing deal was signed by the Yemen government and the STC after a two months-long dialogue sponsored by Saudi Arabia. The agreement was signed by the two parties to end a dispute between them and unified the efforts to resume the battle against the Houthis.

That deal has now been broken. There are now fears that this move could hamper the month-long ceasefire ordered by the Arab Coalition, and potentially allow terrorist organisations like ISIS and Al Qaeda to exploit the situation.

The move was quickly denounced by the Yemeni government.

The statement was preceded by public protests, as flocks of protesters in Aden and Hadramawt took to the streets on Saturday night, protesting power and water shortages and sharp hikes in the prices of the food stuffs as well as the absence of the other basic needs.

“We won’t allow the government in exile to be back again to Aden. We have no power and no water in Aden since the severe flooding struck the city,” Nafea bin Kuleib, a protester in Aden, told The National.

“Thousands of families lost their houses in the recent floods, they have been homeless, they need shelters and food,” Mr bin Kuleib said.

On the ground in Aden, troops from the army and the security forces were stationed all over the province. Troops from the Security Belt forces and other troops from the Al Asefa Brigade (The Storm Brigade) loyal with the STC were seen deploying hundreds of its personnel in the streets of Aden and near some state institutions in the city. The announcement risks renewed clashes between the two sides.

The governors of the provinces of Shabwa and Socotra condemned the STC’s declaration.

"The statement of the STC is a coup against the legitimate government and a sabotage of the Riyadh Agreement of November 2019," said the local authority of Socotra archipelago, the state owned Saba news agency reported on Sunday.

However, high ranking military commanders in the Yemeni army loyal to president Hadi said they supported the STC move and considered it an “expected" step.

“This was expected for a long time, I think the statement which was declared by the STC in the early morning is very crucial to rescue the starving people in Aden and the other liberated provinces in South Yemen,” a high ranking commander in the Yemeni army in Aden told The National.

(* A P)

STC declares public emergency, self-administration in the South

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council declared a state of public emergency in Aden and all the southern governorates and it announced self-administration of the South, beginning from Saturday 25 April 2020.
In its statement, the STC Presidency called on all the Southerners to support the STC leadership to implement the procedures for the self-administration of the South.
The STC Presidency gave its orders to create oversight committees to monitor the functioning of public institutions and facilities and to fight corruption in central and local bodies in coordination with the President of the National Assembly and the heads of the local STC leaderships in all the southern governorates.
The statement affirmed that the economic, legal, military and security committees of the STC shall lead the implementation of the self-administration in all the public institutions and facilities in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, without any conflict with the people's interest.
All the southern governors and officials shall remain in their posts to achieve their tasks in compatibility with the interests of the people, the statement read.
The STC Presidency also called on the Arab Coalition and the international community to support the procedures for the self-administration of the South so as to ensure stability, security and order, in addition to combat terrorism and maintain international peace and security.


(* A P)

Yemen separatists announce self-rule in south, complicating peace efforts

Yemen’s main southern separatist group announced early on Sunday it would establish self-rule in areas under its control, which the Saudi-backed government warned would have “catastrophic consequences”.

The move threatens to renew conflict between the UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the Saudi-backed government, nominal allies in Yemen’s war, even as the United Nations is trying to secure a nationwide truce to confront the novel coronavirus.

The STC deployed its forces on Sunday in Aden, the southern port which is the interim seat of the government ousted from the capital, Sanaa, by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement. Reuters journalists saw STC fighters in a column of pickup trucks and military vehicles riding down a main street in Aden.

In a statement, the STC announced emergency rule in Aden and all southern governorates, saying it would take control of Aden’s port and airport and other state institutions such as the central bank.

The Saudi-backed government and southern regions of Shabwa, Hadhramout and Socotra, among the few areas under coalition control, issued separate statements rejecting the declaration.

Yemen’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami said the STC announcement constituted “a resumption of its armed insurgency” and a “rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement”, a deal which ended a previous stand-off between the separatists and the government last year.

The STC “will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement”, he said in a statement.

STC Vice-President Hani Ali Brik accused the government of hampering the agreement. In a Twitter post, he reiterated accusations against Hadi’s government of mismanagement and corruption, charges it denies.

and also


(* B P)

Yemen: Who are the Southern Transitional Council?

All you need to know about the UAE-backed separatist forces who have claimed control of Aden and other provinces.

The separatists accused Yemen's government, which is supported by Saudi Arabia, of corruption and mismanagement.

Alkhader Sulaiman, a spokesman for the STC based in the United States, told Al Jazeera the separatist group was forced to take matters into its hands because of the government's failure to provide basic services.

"This is not an event that just sprung out of nowhere. This is a pile-up of mismanagement, misgovernance, especially in south Yemen, which has been Houthi-less for four years now. Unfortunately, things have deteriorated humanitarian wise. The situation, in terms of basic services, is minimal," he said.

Abdullah Baabood, a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore's Middle East Institute, said the collapse of the Riyadh Agreement was inevitable.

"It really is a death knell to the Riyadh agreement, which was actually born dead anyway from day one, as each party walked away with a different interpretation and they had different objectives out of it. It was clear that it wasn't going to work," he told Al Jazeera

Roots and UAE backing

Since 2016, the UAE has provided military and financial backing to the Security Belt, a now STC-dominated paramilitary group comprised of some 90,000 Yemeni fighters.

In 2015, the southern coalition relied on the Security Belt to secure territories in the south and reinstate the government in Aden, with Hadi's forces regaining full control of the city in July.

While secessionist sentiment in the south has been fuelled by recent political developments, it is rooted in its past.

and also


(B P)

Timeline: History of separatism in southern Yemen

What led separatists in southern Yemen to announce self-rule? Here is brief history of separatism in the region.

and what happened before:

(* A K P)

Separatist militias threaten to attack Hadi officials in Aden

Hadi puppet government officials sent to survey flood damage surprised by STC armed militias

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council militias (STC) threatened in Thursday to target the Hadi government delegation that was due to arrive in the southern port of Aden, local sources said.

According to the sources, armed militias led by Abu Hammam have on Thursday besieged Aden airport with various heavy and medium weapons, threatening to attack the Hadi government delegation to target if it were to arrive in the airport.

Representatives of the Hadi puppet government, were scheduled to visit Aden in order to inspect damages caused by floods. Officially, the Hadi administration has its capital in Aden, southern Yemeni separatists have exercised effective control over the city for years.

(* A P)

Yemeni Government Accuses STC of Impeding Its Return to Aden

The Yemeni internationally recognized government held the Southern Transitional Council (STC) responsible for the delay in its return to the interim capital, Aden.

Pro-STC forces were deployed to impede the return of government officials to Aden, the government said in a statement, adding that the move indicates a lack of responsibility towards implementing the Riyadh Agreement.

The statement stressed that this behavior overlooks the difficult conditions lived by Yemenis who are suffering a lack of services since the events of August, noting that the suffering of Yemenis in Aden has been exacerbated by recent flash floods that drowned the city.

Published by the state-owned Saba news agency, the statement said that impeding the government’s return goes beyond thwarting efforts to implement the Riyadh Agreement and disrupting the work of state institutions.

According to the statement, it also worsens the catastrophe that struck Aden at a time the city needs all efforts to be joined in alleviating the suffering of citizens and working to repair public and private property destroyed by the floods.

"As the government issues this clarification to local and international public opinion, it holds the STC responsible for this reckless behavior and its consequences that effect Aden and the Yemeni people in general,” the statement said.

The government called on all Yemeni components to support the legitimate government headed by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.

My remark: Earlier reporting: Yemen War Mosaic 645, cp6. Survey here:

cp2 Allgemein / General

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp2 – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-645 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-645: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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