Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 670b- Yemen War Mosaic 670b

Yemen Press Reader 670b: 31. Juli 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 670, cp6 - cp19 / July 31, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 670, cp6 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 670, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 670, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten. Nun wurde ein neuer Versuch unternommen, das Riader Abkommen von 2019 umzusetzen. Es ist allein Druck der Saudis, der dieses Abkommen überhaupt erzwungen hat und auch nun wieder diesen erneuten Versuch.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control. Now a new attempt has been made to install the 2019 Riyadh agreement. It’s only Saudi pressure which had forced both sides to sign this agreement and, now again, to promise to install it.

(** A P)

Separatisten im Jemen ziehen Autonomie-Erklärung zurück

Im Süden des Bürgerkriegslandes Jemen hatten Separatisten die Autonomie ausgerufen und eine eigene Regierung errichtet. Nun wollen sie stattdessen ein Friedensabkommen umsetzen.

Die Separatisten im Jemen haben ihre Ausrufung der Autonomie im Süden des Bürgerkriegslandes zurückgezogen. Stattdessen streben sie nun die Umsetzung eines Friedensabkommens vom vergangenen November an, wie ein Sprecher des separatistischen Übergangsrats im Südjemen (STC) auf Twitter mitteilte. Die Separatisten hatten im April in der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt Aden die Autonomie ausgerufen und eine eigene Regierung eingerichtet.

In dem Abkommen von Riad vom November 2019, zu dem sich die Separatisten nun bekannten, hatten sie jedoch eine Machtteilung mit der Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi vereinbart. Vertreter der Unabhängigkeitsbewegung sollen demnach ins Hadi-Kabinett einziehen. Im Gegenzug sollen die Separatisten die Kontrolle über Aden abgeben.

Die Lage der Hadi-Regierung war durch die Autonomie-Erklärung des Südens erheblich erschwert worden. = = =

und ähnlich


(* A P)

Separatisten im Jemen ziehen Autonomieerklärung zurück

Im April hatten die Separatisten im Südjemen die Autonomie erklärt - dies haben sie nun revidiert. Der Rückzug scheint auf Druck von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten zu beruhen.

Wie ein Sprecher des separatistischen Südlichen Übergangsrats (STC) bei Twitter mitteilte, streben sie nun die Umsetzung eines Friedensabkommens vom vergangenen November an. Die Separatisten hatten im April in der strategisch wichtigen Hafenstadt Aden, Interims-Sitz der international anerkannten Regierung, die Autonomie ausgerufen und eine eigene Regierung eingerichtet.

"Wir haben unsere Ziele erreicht", sagte Sprecher Nizar Haitham nun. Ihm zufolge kam die Ankündigung des STC unter immensem Druck seitens Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zustande. Saudi-Arabien unterstützt die Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi, die Emirate die Separatisten im Süden.

Wie die offizielle saudische Presseagentur mitteilte, schlug Saudi-Arabien nun ein beschleunigtes Verfahren vor, um das Abkommen umzusetzen. So soll binnen eines Monats eine neue Regierung stehen. Ein jemenitischer Regierungssprecher äußerte Hoffnung, dass die Separatisten ihr Versprechen einlösen würden, die Vereinbarung umzusetzen.ärung-zurück/a-54360501?maca=de-rss-de-top-1016-rdf


(** A P)

Durchbruch im Jemen-Konflikt: Zentralregierung und Separatisten geben Einigung bekannt

Der Vorschlag sieht die Bildung einer neuen jemenitischen Regierung binnen 30 Tagen unter Teilnahme von Separatisten und den Abzug der Separatisten-Kräfte aus der Stadt Aden vor.

„Der von Saudi-Arabien vorgeschlagene Mechanismus zur baldigsten Umsetzung des am 5. November 2019 in Riad geschlossenen Abkommens zwischen der Regierung des Jemens und dem Übergangsrat des Südjemens beinhaltet die Fortsetzung des Waffenstillstands, der am 22. Juni begann, den Verzicht des Übergangsrats auf die von ihm verkündete Autonomie im Süden des Jemens, die Benennung des Gouverneurs und des Sicherheitschefs von Aden und die Ausstattung des jemenitischen Premiers mit Vollmachten zur Bildung einer neuen Regierung binnen 30 Tagen“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.

Die saudische Initiative sieht außerdem den Truppenabzug aus Aden über die Provinzgrenzen hinaus, die Abgrenzung der Kräfte der beiden Seiten in der Provinz Abyan und ihren Rückzug an die früheren Standorte vor.

Das saudische Außenamt betonte, die Seiten hätten sich auf die Verwirklichung dieser Initiative geeinigt und seien übereingekommen, die Arbeit zur Umsetzung des Abkommens von Riad aufzunehmen.

Die Separatisten aus dem Übergangsrat des Südjemens haben am Mittwoch in Beantwortung der Initiative Saudi-Arabiens erklärt, sie verzichteten auf die von ihnen eingeführte Selbstverwaltung in sieben südlichen Provinzen des Jemens. Das teilte der amtliche Sprecher des Rates, Nizar Haitham, in seinem Twitter-Microblog mit.

„Der Übergangsrat gibt seinen Verzicht auf die früher verkündete Selbstverwaltung in den südlichen Provinzen bekannt, damit die von Saudi-Arabien geführte arabische Koalition die Umsetzung des Abkommens von Riad durchsetzen kann. Diese Entscheidung wurde im Rahmen der Bemühungen getroffen, die die Führung der Koalition zur Erfüllung der Vereinbarungen unternimmt, um die politische, militärische und humanitäre Situation wieder gut zu machen und um die Einmischung der Führungen Saudi-Arabiens und der VAE zu beantworten“, so der Sprecher.

Haitham äußerte den Wunsch, sich mit der Zentralregierung zu vereinen, um den im Norden agierenden Rebellen aus der Bewegung „Ansar Allah“ (Huthis) wiederstehen zu können.


(** B P)

Jemens Separatisten zwingen Riad zu Kompromissen

Der Südliche Übergangsrat verzichtet auf die im April erklärte Autonomie. Dafür zwingen die Separatisten die von Saudiarabien unterstützte Regierung jedoch zu grossen Zugeständnissen und gehen gestärkt aus den Kämpfen der vergangenen Monate hervor.

Wie die Erfahrung jedoch zeigt, hat die Freude in Jemen eine kurze Halbwertszeit. Und auch der Wert dieses Verhandlungserfolgs wird sich erst in seiner Umsetzung zeigen. Wie komplex diese Aufgabe ist, zeigt die Entstehung des «Riad-Abkommens».

Die von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstützten Separatisten des STC vertrieben die Truppen der von Saudiarabien finanzierten Regierung aus der Küstenstadt Aden. Anstatt gemeinsam gegen die mit Iran verbündeten Huthi-Rebellen im Norden zu kämpfen, bekriegten sich die von Riad und Abu Dhabi ausgerüsteten Kräfte untereinander.

Während die Emirate ihre Präsenz in Jemen seither stark reduzierten, versuchte Saudiarabien zu retten, was zu retten war. Für Riad stand der ganze Sinn der jahrelangen Militärintervention auf dem Spie

Also bat Saudiarabien die Separatisten und Präsident Hadi an den Verhandlungstisch. Im vergangenen November unterzeichneten die beiden Konfliktparteien unter den Augen des saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman das «Riad-Abkommen».

Aufgrund des grossen gegenseitigen Misstrauens wurde seither jedoch kaum ein Punkt des Abkommens umgesetzt

Im April erklärte der STC die Autonomie der Gebiete unter seiner Kontrolle. In der Folge kam es zu heftigen Kämpfen zwischen den Separatisten und regierungstreuen Truppen in den Provinzen Abyan und Shabwa östlich von Aden. Mithilfe der Emirate eroberte der STC im Juni die strategisch wichtige Insel Sokotra am Horn von Afrika.

Mit diesem Erfolg im Rücken konnten sich die Separatisten bei den laufenden Verhandlungen in Riad in wichtigen Punkten durchsetzen. «Sie haben sich gut geschlagen», sagt der Jemen-Experte Abdulghani al-Iryani vom Sanaa Center im Gespräch. Neu erhielten sie den Posten des Gouverneurs von Aden, des Polizeichefs und zwei zusätzliche Ministerien. Im Gegenzug muss der STC auf die im April erklärte Autonomie verzichten.

Innerhalb von 30 Tagen soll eine Einheitsregierung gebildet werden. Die Truppen des STC müssten sich innerhalb dieser Frist unter anderem aus Aden zurückziehen. Iryani glaubt jedoch nicht, dass die Separatisten den Abzug wirklich durchführen werden. Sie würden höchstens symbolisch ein paar Kräfte abziehen und genügend Kämpfer in Aden belassen, um Hadis Männer in Schach halten zu können. «In 30 Tagen werden die Verhandlungen von neuem beginnen», meint Iryani.

Das Grundproblem sieht Iryani im derzeitigen Format der Verhandlungen, in dem viele Akteure des Südens gar nicht vertreten sind – von Christian Weisflog


(** B P)

Eine Front weniger

Die Separatisten im Süden des Jemens ziehen ihre Autonomie-Erklärung zurück. Damit könnten sie ihre Machtposition weiter ausbauen.

Die Separatisten im Südjemen haben ihre Autonomie-Erklärung von April widerrufen. Stattdessen halten sie nun wieder an einem Machtteilungsabkommen mit der jemenitischen Regierung fest, mit der sie offiziell verbündet sind.

Für die Separatisten heißt das: Sie müssen ihre Kontrolle über die wichtige Hafenstadt Aden abgeben, die sie im vergangenen August nach Gefechten mit Regierungstruppen erlangt hatten. Im Gegenzug sollen sie an einer nun zu bildenden gemeinsamen Regierung beteiligt werden.

Der jüngsten STC-Erklärung vorausgegangen war ein Vorschlag Saudi-Arabiens, über den die saudische Nachrichtenagentur SPA berichtete und der offenbar im Sinne der Separatisten war: Demnach soll innerhalb von dreißig Tagen eine Regierung gebildet werden, die zu gleichen Teilen aus Vertretern des Nordens und Südens besteht, darunter STC-Mitglieder.

Für Aden soll ein Gouverneur ernannt werden – ein Posten, für den mit Ahmed Hamid Lamlas bereits ein STC-Politiker bestimmt wurde, wie die jemenitische Agentur Saba berichtete. Mittelfristig soll die jemenitische Führung unter Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi und Regierungschef Ma’in Abd al-Malek ihre Arbeit wieder in Aden aufnehmen, dem temporären Regierungssitz, seit die Huthi-Rebellen 2014 die Hauptstadt Sanaa unter ihre Kontrolle brachten.

Den Schritten liegt ein Machtteilungsabkommen zugrunde, das im November in der saudischen Hauptstadt Riad unterzeichnet worden war. Es drohte mit der Autonomie-Erklärung der Separatisten jedoch zu scheitern.

Mit der vollständigen Umsetzung der Riad-Vereinbarung würden die Separatisten ihre Macht ausbauen. Zwar müssten sie ihre schlagkräftigen Milizen der Regierung unterstellen, dafür hätten sie aber mehr politische Mitsprache. Auch sieht die Riad-Vereinbarung vor, dass die Separatisten bei UN-Friedensverhandlungen künftig mit am Tisch sitzen. Von den Gesprächen zwischen Regierung und Huthi-Rebellen waren die Separatisten bislang ausgeschlossen.

Die Machtdemonstration des STC – die Einnahme Adens und die Autonomie-Erklärung – hätte sich damit ausgezahlt.!5704789/


(* B P)

Jemenitische Regierung und Separatisten wollen sich arrangieren

[…] Zuversicht steht allerdings in klarem Gegensatz zu den Erfahrungswerten internationaler Vermittlungsbemühungen im Jemen. Der letzte große Erfolg der saudischen Diplomatie ist dafür ein gutes Beispiel: Jenes Riader Abkommen, das jetzt beschleunigt verwirklicht werden soll.

Westliche Diplomaten zeigten sich genervt und äußerten nicht zuletzt Kritik am korrupten und weitgehend machtlosen jemenitischen Präsidenten. Ende April eskalierte der Konflikt dann wieder, als der „Südliche Übergangsrat“ (STC) der Sezessionisten verkündete, fortan im Süden die Regierungsgeschäfte zu führen. Das Riader Abkommen war am Ende, die saudische Führung bloßgestellt. Jetzt stehen alle Beteiligten im Grunde wieder da, wo sie im November standen.

„Wir werden uns konstruktiv verhalten und dem Riader Abkommen noch eine Chance“ geben, erklärte Amr al Beidh, ein Mitglied der STC-Führung am Mittwoch der F.A.Z. Nach seiner Darstellung haben Garantien Khalid Bin Salmans entscheidend zum Sinneswandel der Sezessionisten beigetragen. Der saudische Prinz habe garantiert, dass innerhalb von dreißig Tagen ein gemeinsames Kabinett gebildet werde. Der Posten des Gouverneurs und des Sicherheitsdirektors von Aden sind schon mit STC-Gewährsleuten besetzt worden. Riad stehe auch dafür gerade, dass die staatlichen Institutionen den Jemeniten Sicherheit und Dienstleistungen bieten, sagte Amr al Beidh.

Im April hatte er noch erklärt, man habe angesichts der Korruption, der Untätigkeit und der Finten der Hadi-Regierung keine andere Wahl gehabt, als die Selbstverwaltung auszurufen.

Dass dieser [der Widerstand der Separatisten] noch lange nicht ausgeräumt ist, zeigen andere skeptische Äußerungen aus den Reihen der Sezessionisten, in denen die Frage, ob es Anlass zu Optimismus gebe, hinter vorgehaltener Hand verneint wird. „Es ist mehr als nichts, aber noch ist es weniger als etwas“, sagt ein westlicher Sicherheitsberater zu der neuen Übereinkunft unter saudischer Regie.

Die Erklärung des STC, die Ausrufung der Autonomieverwaltung zurückzunehmen, bedeutet auch längst nicht, dass die Separatisten ihre seit Jahrzehnten gehegten Ziele aufgegeben haben – von Christoph Ehrhardt

(A P)

Yemeni President Affirms that the Kingdom's Efforts Confirm its Concern for Unity, Security and Stability of Yemen

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi has affirmed that expediting the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement with the Southern Transitional Council will contribute to uniting the national ranks and efforts to restore the effectiveness of state institutions to provide the tasks entrusted to them.
During his meeting in Riyadh last night with Acting Prime Minister Moeen Abdulmalik, President Hadi expressed high appreciation of the leadership of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the efforts they exerted, confirming their concern for the unity, security and stability of Yemen, and their continuous support for the Yemeni people in various ways.

My comment: LOL. Look:

(* A P)

Arabic press review: Saudi crown prince lashes out at Yemeni president

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has expressed concern and anger over Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi’s reservations over the new government in Yemen, which is heavily influenced by the UAE, according to an exclusive report published in Yemen Net.

Private sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Hadi asked to meet King Salman to put an end to Emirati influence in his country, according to the Yemeni website.

In a strongly worded letter, the crown prince told Hadi not to forget the support provided by Saudi Arabia for his legitimacy, and advised him not to cross it again, according to the sources.

“Do not exceed your status as a resident," an infuriated Mohammed bin Salman wrote to Hadi.

“King Salman is dealing with more important issues than Hadi's complaints. Hadi and his government should deal with the UAE as a main partner in this war, and not to openly accuse it of its legitimate interventions in Yemen,” read the letter.

The letter also “asked the Yemeni president to direct his government and advisers not to state to the media their resentment of the Emirati role inside southern Yemen, and that they should accept the transitional council a de facto authority, and deal with it on this basis”, according to the report.

The crown prince also expressed anger at Yemeni officials criticising Riyadh's role in Yemen and at accusations of its collusion with the Emirates in the island of Socotra, which was seized by forces allied to the UAE in June.

The letter was sent earlier this month through the Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Yemen Muhammad al-Jaber, the sources claimed.

(** A P)

Yemen: demilitarisation of south will guarantee Riyadh deal's success, officials say

A successful implementation of the Riyadh deal will depend on the security and military arrangements between Yemen’s government and southern separatists, government officials told The National on Wednesday.

The Riyadh agreement is based on a power sharing deal between Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council and the internationally recognised government.

The agreement will give the STC representation in a new Yemeni government to be formed within 30 days.

“The problem is not with the government formation or political concessions but it will be about the military and security situation on the ground,” Hamza Al Kamali, Yemen’s Deputy Minister for Youth told The National.

Talks between the two sides are ongoing and the Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi was given confirmation that they will reach a security arrangement, Mr Al Kamali said.

“The President has currently put the government formation process on hold until the security and military situation are established,” he said.

These include securing an end to the fighting in the southern city of Aden, the interim seat of the internationally recognised government and the governorate of Abyan.

The deal, signed in Riyadh last autumn, set the stage for an end to a long-running rivalry between Yemen’s internationally recognised government and the STC.

The deal was thrown into disarray this year as disagreements between the two sides led to STC fighters seizing control of Aden and igniting clashes across southern Yemen.

Mr Hadi’s administration is set to secure the main four cabinets, which are the interior, defence, foreign affairs and finance ministries.

Four cabinets out of the 24 ministries will be given to the STC and other southern factions will be given a role to play in the ministries.

The STC must now start to move its forces outside of Aden as consultations continue between the two sides, Yemen's deputy permanent representative to the UN, Marwan Ali Noman, told The National.

"The main challenge I think would be the real and sincere intentions of STC to rightly and swiftly implement the agreement. People in Aden deserve no less than security, stability and services," Mr Noman said.

"Its time now to turn the page and unite forces to address the Houthi challenge," he said.

An adviser to the president, Abdullah Al Alimi, said it would take great courage from both sides to turn what is on paper into reality.

“We need to be thinking about the public concerns, the people need a functioning state and government, system, law and partnership, and these alone are the ones that will provide security, justice and freedom,” Mr Al Alimi said.

The equation looks fair on paper for all sides but the important part is moving forward and getting back to work from the ground, Baraa Shiban, a Yemeni political consultant told The National.

“The main challenge would be the de-militarisation process if any progress is made this will effectively mean that we would have an inclusive government to redefine itself both locally and internationally,” Mr Shiban said.

(A P)

Yemeni Nobel winner accuses Saudis of backing separatists

Tawakkol Karman says Yemeni president appointed premier to form new government 'against his will'

Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman accused Saudi Arabia of supporting the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen amid a recent agreement between the Yemeni government and STC to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh agreement.

"Everything was expected. The Secretary of the Saudi Ambassador, [Yemeni Prime Minister] Maeen Abdulmalik was assigned to form the government of [President] Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and his advisers, against his will," Karman said Wednesday on Twitter.

On Wednesday, Hadi ordered the country's premier, Maeen Abdulmalik, to form a new cabinet in accordance with the Riyadh agreement signed with the UAE-backed Southern Transition Council (STC), acceding to a Saudi proposal to its expedite.

Warning that if the military and security terms of the Riyadh agreement remained unimplemented, this would lead to more violence, Karman said: "We have always said that Riyadh [Saudi Arabia] is the problem, not the solution."

She accused Saudi Arabia of being the "maker and engineer of all this great ruin in Yemen,"

(A P)

UAE successfully altered Aden coup to legitimate authority: Jabwani

The United Arab Emirates has successfully transformed Aden coup into a legitimate authority, the resigned transport minister said Wednesday, hours after Saudi Arabia declared a new mechanism to accelerate the application of the Riyadh Agreement between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

If "the self-governance is illegitimate decision by a rebellious group that seized Aden, why is its cancellation celebrated?" Saleh al-Jabwani added on Twitter.

The Yemeni presidency officially handed Aden to the STC under a republican decree, he said. "The Emirati tactic succeeded in turning Aden coup into a legitimate authority and keeping their fellow in office as prime minister. Where is the success so that you may celebrate?"

and also

(A P)

Yemeni gov't says determined to apply Riyadh Agreement

The Yemeni internationally-recognized government is determined to apply the Riyadh Agreement in full, according to the mechanism declared by Saudi Arabia, spokesman for government said Wednesday.

The government welcomes the Saudi mechanism proposed to accelerate the application of Riyadh Agreement aimed at maintaining Yemen's security, stability and unity and push development forward, Rajih Badi added in remarks carried by the Riyadh-based Saba.

(A P)

Yemeni accord allows gov't to perform from Aden: Saudi FM

Agreement of the Yemeni internationally-recognized government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to the mechanism recently proposed to accelerate the Riyadh Agreement (RAAM) is a positive step towards enhanced mutual confidence, the Saudi foreign minister said Wednesday.

This will allow the government to perform its duties from Aden, activate the State's institutions to serve the Yemeni people, unify ranks and enhance efforts for a political comprehensive solution for Yemen's crisis, Ibrahim al-Assaf added in a tweet.

The Yemeni internationally-recognized government welcomed the Saudi mechanism proposed to accelerate the application of Riyadh Agreement aimed at maintaining Yemen's security, stability and unity and push development forward, spokesman for government said.

The government also hailed the Southern Transitional Council's (STC's) declaration to fully renounce self-governance and its commitment to the Riyadh pact implementation, Rajih Badi added in remarks carried by the Riyadh-based Saba.

(* B P)

South Yemen: A long history of separatism

Long-held aspirations for autonomy in south Yemen erupted into deadly conflict between separatists and unionist supporters of the government in 2017-18 and again last August, complicating Yemen's wider war.

The separatists, who unilaterally declared self-rule in April, on Wednesday moved to mend the rift, withdrawing the proclamation and pledging to implement a Saudi-brokered peace agreement with the government which had stalled last year.

Here is a recap of tensions in the south:

(* B P)

Yemen's Riyadh Agreement: An overview

The stalled peace deal was signed between the Yemeni gov't and southern separatists in the Saudi capital last year.

On Wednesday, the UAE-backed STC said they rescinded their demands for self-rule and pledged to implement a power-sharing deal that was brokered by Saudi Arabia in November last year but was never implemented.

It came hours after Saudi Arabia said it had proposed a plan to "accelerate" the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, seen as an attempt by the kingdom to restore order in the coalition and redirect focus towards the initial aim of defeating the Houthis.

Below, Al Jazeera takes a look at some of the key features of the agreement.

(A P)

UN welcomes consensus reached by Yemeni gov't, STC

Government's deal with Southern Transition Council critical step towards peace, says UN envoy to Yemen

(A P)

UAE welcomes developments in resumption of Riyadh Agreement implementation to achieve peace and security in Yemen

The UAE has welcomed the latest developments with regards to the resumption of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement signed by the Government of Yemen and the Southern Transitional Council. The UAE noted the agreement’s aims to achieve security, stability, peace, and development in Yemen and expressed its hope to accelerate its implementation to end the Yemeni crisis according to the UN-sponsored peace track.

In a statement today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation commended the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for enabling progress in the agreement’s implementation and its support for efforts to serve the interests of the brotherly Yemeni people and contribute towards the country’s stability and security.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s efforts to bring stability to Yemen lauded

(A P)

Pompeo: US thanks Saudi Arabia’s leadership for mediation efforts in Yemen: Pompeo

We commend the Republic of Yemen Government and Southern Transitional Council for agreeing to move the Riyadh Agreement forward and urge its swift implementation to build lasting peace.

My comment: Lol. Hypocrisy from the US which is “building lasting war” all over the world.

(A P)

UK Welcomes Saudi Proposal on Riyadh Agreement

(A P)

Egypt praises Saudi Arabia's efforts to resolve conflict in Yemen

(A P)

Yemen: President assigns premier to form new gov't

The president of Yemen on Wednesday ordered the country's prime minister to form a new cabinet in accordance with the Riyadh agreement signed with the UAE-backed Southern Transition Council (STC), according to official media.

The current cabinet will now act as a caretaker government until Maeen Abdulmalik forms a new one, the official SABA news agency reported.

and also

(A P)

Republican Decrees: Lamlas governor, al-Hamidi security director of Aden

The Republican Decree number (5) for 2020 issued on Wednesday appointing Ahmed Hamed Lamlas as governor of Aden governorate and the Republican Decree number (6) appointing Brigadier Mohamed Ahmed al-Hamidi as director of Aden's Security Department.
The second article of both decrees stated that they shall take their effects from the date of issuance and to be published in the State Gazette.


(A P)

#Yemen's President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi issued two decrees appointing Ahmed Hamed Lamals, Secretary-General of the Southern Transitional Council, as governor of Aden, Yemen's interim capital, and Brigadier General Mohamed Ahmed al-Hamidi, head of Aden Security.

and also

My comment: it’s really remarkable that Hadi appoints a separatist leader to this important post.

Comment. See @YemeniFatima for President Hadi's decrees, which fulfill the STC's long-held demands for dissolving the cabinet (which the STC called for before it took over Aden).

(* A P)

Separatisten im Jemen ziehen Autonomie-Erklärung zurück

Die Separatisten im Jemen haben ihre Ausrufung der Autonomie im Süden des Landes zurückgezogen. Sie streben nun die Umsetzung eines Friedensabkommens an, wie ein Sprecher mitteilte. Die Separatisten hatten im April die Autonomie ausgerufen.

(** A P)

Yemen’s separatists to give up self-rule, push peace deal

Yemen’s leading separatist group will abandon its aspirations for self-rule to implement a stalled peace deal brokered by Saudi Arabia, it announced early Wednesday in a major step toward closing a dangerous rift between nominal allies in the chaotic proxy war.

Nizar Haitham, a spokesman for the separatists’ Southern Transitional Council, an umbrella group of militias backed by the United Arab Emirates, said the separatists would give up their dreams of autonomy over southern Yemen to pursue the Riyadh agreement.

“We have achieved our goals,” said Haitham, noting that the announcement came under intense pressure from Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. “We affirm the continuing and deepening of our strategic partnership with the Arab coalition.”

The power-sharing deal, signed in the Saudi capital of Riyadh last fall, sets the stage to end a long-running rivalry between Yemen’s Saudi-backed government and the Emirati-backed southern separatists.

Saudi Arabia declared early Wednesday that it had proposed a plan to “accelerate” the deal’s implementation, which calls for the creation of a new government within 30 days and the appointment of a new governor and security director for Aden, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

The new Saudi proposal lays out commitments that have been obstacles for months, such as the formation of a government composed of 24 ministers with equal representation for northerners and southerners, including the separatists. It also asks for the withdrawal of rival forces from Aden and the flashpoint southern province of Abyan.

The parties’ commitment to a final deal remains unclear. But the Southern Transitional Council’s breakthrough concession, which prompted outrage on social media from its hard-line supporters, suggests separatists had agreed in principle to the Saudi proposal.

The blueprint gives Yemen’s current prime minister, Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, the mandate to form a government over the next month. Yemen’s state-run SABA news agency named the newly appointed security director and governor of Aden on Wednesday.

Yemen’s government spokesman Rajih Badi welcomed the Saudi initiative and expressed hope that the separatists would make good on their promise to implement the agreement “out of necessary and urgent national interest.”

Khalid bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s vice minister of defense, said that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s “efforts have succeeded” to implement the Riyadh deal “and achieve lasting peace, security, and prosperity for Yemen.”

The rapprochement comes as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the war’s main sponsors, have sought to inch away from their costly war with the Houthi rebels =


(** A P)

Government, STC in Yemen Agree to Form Joint Cabinet in 30 Days, Saudi Foreign Ministry Says

The resolution proposed by Saudi Arabia on late Tuesday suggested a “rejection by the Transitional Council of its declared autonomy in the south of Yemen”, reorganizing the military and security forces and uniting efforts under the Saudi-led coalition’s leadership to restore Yemen’s security.

“The mechanism proposed by Saudi Arabia for the early implementation of the Riyadh agreement between the government of Yemen and the Southern Transitional Council [...] includes the continuation of the ceasefire, which began on June 22, the rejection by the Transitional Council of its declared autonomy in the south of Yemen, the appointment of a governor and head of security in Aden, vesting the prime minister of Yemen with the powers to form a new government within 30 days,” the statement said.

On early Wednesday, the STC announced that it would abandon self-administration. The council said that the decision was made for the sake of achieving security and stability in the country.

“The Transitional Council announces the abandonment of the previously declared self-administration in the southern provinces, so that the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia can achieve the implementation of the Riyadh agreement,” stated a spokesperson for the TSC Nizar Haitham in a press release.

The Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, said in a statement later in the day that the proposed mechanism to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement "represents a qualitative shift to a stage that contributes to unifying the line and activating state institutions to serve the Yemeni citizen".

The Deputy Saudi Minister of Defence, Prince Khalid bin Salman, said in a Wednesday statement that reaching consensus on the Saudi-proposed mechanism by the Yemeni parties “shows the possibility of resolving Yemeni differences through dialogue without the use military force”.

Later in the day, Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi tasked Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed to form a new joint government, noting that the current government would continue until the formation of a new one, according to Yemen Now.


(* A P)

'Saudi Arabia planning to reshape Yemeni government'

UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council to have 3 ministries in new Cabinet

Saudi Arabia is planning to reshape the Yemeni government to include the UAE-backed forces of the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) as a part of it.

The government will be reformed in a way to be welcomed by the STC and main political parties in the country, according to a senior Yemeni official speaking to Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.

Riyadh will make the ministerial distribution in the new government on the basis of the northern and southern regions, according to the official.

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who currently resides in Saudi Arabia, will also hold important ministries, the official said.

Hadi is expected to hold the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Interior, and Finance in the new Cabinet.

Saudi authorities forwarded the new Cabinet draft to Hadi for a review, the official said, adding that a total of 24 ministries will be included in the new government.

According to the draft, three ministries will be given to the STC.

The STC will abandon the so-called “self-governance” before beginning any political arrangement with the Yemeni government in accordance with the Riyadh agreement, a Yemeni political source told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.

It made a very clear commitment to comply with the Riyadh agreement at a time when Saudi Arabia is conducting consultations in the capital Riyadh to resolve the Yemeni crisis, the source said.

The council also pledged to "work in line with the future government program, adopt the Yemeni flag and comply with the current constitution," according to the source.

All STC forces will be immediately pulled out of the Aden province under the supervision of Saudi Arabia, the source noted.


(* A P)

In Yemen, separatists restore fragile understanding with Riyadh

The Southern Transitional Council, which relinquished its autonomy yesterday, has goals that still differ from those of the Yemeni government and the coalition over the long term

By stepping up pressure on the CTS to put to rest the tensions of recent months with the Yemeni authorities, Saudi Arabia's goal is to refocus military efforts on combating the Houthis - also putting aside its dissension with the Yemeni authorities. the UAE on the ground. The power-sharing provided for in the Riyadh agreement, however, presents only a temporary solution and does not take into account the long-term objectives of the actors concerned, like the separatist tendencies of the CTS. The secession plan remains unacceptable to the Saudis, who fear that the Houthi rebels and Iranian influence will settle permanently on its borders. "This shows that even if a government with a sharing of power materializes within thirty days - and the previous deadlines have systematically been missed - the battle for territory, resources and independence is not over," emphasizes Elisabeth Kendall. “The CTS statement has no conciliatory words for the Hadi government, it does not even mention it. The decision is intended solely as a political response to the UAE and Saudi Arabia. This does not bode well for the future of the power-sharing agreement, ”she said.

(* A P)

Yemen separatists abandon self-rule but peace deal doubts remain

Mahjoob Zweiri, director of the Gulf Studies Center in Doha, Qatar, said Wednesday's developments indicate that "all parties are tired and exhausted by this conflict".

He cast doubts, however, on the Riyadh agreement's implementation.

"Riyadh and Abu Dhabi do not agree 100 percent on how things should be moved," he told Al Jazeera. [And] it's not only those two countries that can decide the situation in Yemen. They also need the international community on board, including the United Nations, Iran. But none of these players have confidence in [Saudi and the UAE]."

He added: "There is no long-term vision. There are different parties with different agendas and no agreement on where things should go."

Human Rights Watch in November also criticised the Riyadh agreement, saying it failed to address serious human rights violations, including the arbitrary detention and forcible disappearance of dozens of people.

More media reports: =

and Saudi statement:

(** A P)

Official Source: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Proposes to Yemeni Government, Southern Transitional Council Mechanism to Accelerate Implementation of Riyadh Agreement

An official source stated that based on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s keen interest in implementing the Riyadh Agreement which was signed by the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council on November 5, 2019, and in continuation of the Kingdom's efforts to achieve security and stability in Yemen and to implement the Riyadh Agreement, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has proposed to both parties of the agreement a mechanism to accelerate the implementation of it, which includes;
maintaining the ceasefire and de-escalation between the legitimate government and the Southern Transitional Council, which came into effect in 22/6/2020. The Southern Transitional Council announcing that it is abandoning self-administration and that it is resuming the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement. And appointing a governor and security director for Aden Governorate, and assigning the Yemeni Prime Minister to form a government of political competencies within 30 days. In addition, the military forces should exit Aden Governorate and the forces of the two parties in Abyan should be separated and return to their previous positions. Finally, the government of political competencies shall be formed with equal representation from the North and the South of Yemen, provided that among them are ministers representing the Southern Transitional Council. Once this is implemented, the government should commence its work in Aden, and oversee the completion of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in accordance with all its clauses and tracks.
The source added that an effort was made to bring together the two parties of the agreement in Riyadh, with an effective participation and support of the United Arab Emirates. The two parties have responded and have expressed their acceptance of the proposed mechanism. They have also agreed to implement it, in order to overcome the existing obstacles; to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement; to give the interests of the Yemeni people the highest priority; to set the environment necessary for the government to commence all its activities from Aden; to set in motion the development process in the liberated areas, in addition to advancing all the tracks to end the Yemeni crisis, especially the peace effort sponsored by the United Nations and its envoy to Yemen.
The source also added that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia values the positive response from the Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, the delegations of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council, which led to these positive results, while stressing the importance of adhering to what was agreed upon.
The official source affirmed the continued support of the coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the legitimate Yemeni government and the continued efforts of the United Nations to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis in accordance with the three references, together with what the Yemeni people agree upon.

and reports by Saudi media:

and press release by separatist STC:

(* A P)

The spokesperson for the Southern Transitional Council issues an important press release

Within the framework of the efforts exerted by the Arab coalition leadership to implement the Riyadh agreement, and to find solutions that would address the political, military, humanitarian and development conditions. In response to the interference of the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, and in the concern of the Southern Transitional Council to the success of the efforts of the leaderships of the two brotherly countries to implement the Riyadh Agreement, to achieve security and stability, and to unite joint efforts to confront the Houthi militias and terrorist groups, as well as the development of the southern provinces, and that we have achieved the goals that The declaration of self-management over it to implement the Riyadh agreement formed a new government 50/50 between the north and south, and appointed a governor and security director for the capital Aden, and moved the military forces to the combat fronts to be replaced by the security forces.

The transitional council announces the abandonment of the declaration of self-management, so that the Arab alliance is available Implementation of the Riyadh Agreement. We affirm the continuation and deepening of our strategic partnership with the Arab alliance at all political, military, economic and security levels, through our common goals in combating Iranian interventions in the region, fighting terrorist groups, combating extremist activities, as well as securing maritime shipping lines, the Gulf of Aden and the Bab al-Mandab Strait

and in short

and report by Saudi Press Agency:

(A P)

Gargash hails Riyadh Agreement progress as promising

The progress achieved in applying the Riyadh Agreement between the Yemeni official government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is promising, the Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Affairs said Tuesday.
"We hope that the government and the STC will prioritize the strategic vision of the deal over [their] narrow tactical gains," Anwar Gargash added in a tweet.

and the situation on the ground looks quite different:

In new provocative intransigence; Al-Maisiri directs to close branches of Al-Qutaibi exchange to prevent payment of salaries to employees

The Minister of Interior of the Yemeni legitimate government directed the police administration to close the branches of Al-Qutaibi exchange and its agents in all governorates to prevent the salaries payment for the members of the special forces.

Al-Maisari justified his arbitrary directives as due to the reason of the central bank’s administration refusal to pay the forces salaries to ministry of interior agents and clerks.

My comment: The separatists still claim the Hadi government must pay the militia which fight against the government.

(A P)

Massive demonstration in Lawdar in support of Transitional Council after failed one for Muslim Brotherhood

Hundreds of the citizens of Lawdar went out in a mass demonstration, in which another march failed to be held a march for Muslim Brotherhood legitimacy in the city.

Thousands of people from the city and adjacent areas have actively declared their support for the Southern Transitional Council, and their rejection of the Brotherhood march.

My comment: And still the separatists claim the majority is supporting them and rejects Islah Party. There had been a great and successful rally against the separatists at this very place just a few days ago. – And in Mahrah province, separatists rally while the majority rejects STC separatism in the province. How separatist propaganda tells it:

(A P)

Citizens of Al-Mahra implement demonstration event in support of self-administration in Al-Ghaydah despite Brotherhood’s refusal

The Citizens of Al-Mahra held on Saturday a peaceful demonstration event in support for the self-administration of the south in Al-Ghaydah city, despite the Brotherhood’s refusal

The demonstration event of million that supports the Transitional Council and self-administration of the south was launched under the protection of Al-Mahra tribes

The practices of the Brotherhood’s militia affiliated with legitimacy have failed to prevent the demonstration event or break the will of the demonstrators who are defending the rights of Al-Mahra.

My comment: It’s not “citizens”, it’s the minority of separatist supporters. And in Mahrah, it’s not “Muslim brotherhood” resisting to them, but a majority of tribes. Well, propaganda also tries to play the card of “tribes”:

(A P)

Tribes of #Al-Mahra call on Brotherhood militia to quickly release processions held at all security points

While the other side are “gangsters”.

(A P)

Laqwar: Those who obstruct Transitional Council activity in #Al-Mahra are gangs known for far and near

And now separatists suddenly claim “free word” to justify their rally in Mahrah, while they themselves block their foes to express their “free word”:

(A P)

Al-Meshaikhees about the demonstration of #Al-Mahra: Free word is stronger than bullets and violence

and more propaganda on Mahrah. The separatists actually press to raise their influence in this province:
(A P)

Bin Brik .. #Al-Mahra event succeeded before it started

(A P)

Laqwar on Demonstrations in Support of Self-Administration in #Al-Mahra: Successful before starting

My comment: Anyone else? It’s so simple: “Pope on Demonstrations in Support of Self-Administration in #Al-Mahra: Successful before starting”. “Putin on Demonstrations in Support of Self-Administration in #Al-Mahra: Successful before starting”.

(A P)

After people of Abyan refused accepting Southern Coalition’s call – Brotherhood militia sends hundreds of soldiers to participate in #Lawdar demonstration

My comment: „People” did not reject – it’s just separatist supporters. And those rallying for the other side are not “soldiers”, but supporters.

(A P)

Al-Jaadi: The southern issue is the focus of the people’s struggle since the barbaric invasion

My comment: Separatist propaganda still shoots its mouth of.

(* A P)

Separatists warn that Saudi forces in Aden would be defeated “within hours” if not for UAE-backed mercenaries

STC lashes out against Saudi decision to withhold payment of salaries

The commander of Saudi forces in the southern port city of Aden has suspended the last-minute payment of salaries from the Bank of Aden, a senior official of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council said Sunday.

Wadah Bin Attiyah, the leader of the STC, has accused Saudi commander Mujahid al-Otaibi of suspending the payment of STC militias’ salaries.

He also threatened to the commander of the Saudi forces, saying that Ansarullah forces would advance upon to the Saudi-led coalition headquarters in Aden in mere hours, if the STC militias were to withdraw from Aden.

The move came after the commander of the Saudi forces in Aden had suspended payment of STC salaries in a sudden last-minute decision.

(A P)

Hojaria events mercenaries conflict: Houthi official

The battles seen by the Yemeni southwestern area of Hojaria is existential conflict between mercenaries, member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council said Tuesday.
The Islah Party fights battles with other parties (represented by Tariq Affash and fellows seeking to seize Bab al-Mandeb) in the hunt for the control over Hojaria, Sultan al-Sameie added in remarks to 26September paper.

(* A P)

Human rights sources revealed that a number of enforceably disappeared people have been released. They were abducted five years ago and transferred to secret prisons outside #Yemen.

Huda Al-Sirari, a lawyer and #HumanRights activist, said that the ex-prisoners were held in secret prisons in the cities of Aden and Al-Mukalla and then transferred to the #Emirates in prisons

(A T)

Official Survives Assassination Attempt in Aden (Video)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Security Council welcomes Kingdom's efforts to revitalize Riyadh Agreement

The UN Security Council welcomed the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to revitalize the Riyadh Agreement, stressing the importance of its rapid and effective implementation.
The Council affirmed its support for the political process in Yemen as contained in the relevant United Nations resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015), as well as the initiative of the Gulf Cooperation Council and its implementation mechanism and the results of the National Dialogue Conference.
This came in a press briefing by the Council after its virtual meeting yesterday evening on the situation in the Middle East and Yemen.

My comment: The so-called “three references” quoted here are the best blockade to any peaceful solution, as the UNSC res. 2216 insists the Houthis must capitulate.

(* A P)

Jemen-Vermittler: Chance für Friedensgespräche könnte schwinden

Das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen droht, seine Chance auf erfolgreiche Friedensgespräche zu verpassen. «Es besteht die reale Gefahr, dass die Chance für Verhandlungen schwindet und der Jemen in eine neue Phase der anhaltenden Eskalation, der unkontrollierten Ausbreitung von Covid-19 und des schweren und bedrohlichen wirtschaftlichen Niedergangs eintritt», sagte UN-Vermittler Martin Griffith am Dienstag vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York.

Noch immer gebe es keine Einigung zwischen den Huthi-Rebellen und der international anerkannten Regierung des Landes für einen landesweiten Waffenstillstand sowie zu wirtschaftlichen und humanitären Maßnahmen. Der UN-Nothilfekoordinator Mark Lowcock sagte, dass «die humanitäre Krise im Jemen nie schlimmer» gewesen sei. Die Lebensmittelpreise seien stark angestiegen und die Währung verliere an Wert

(* A P)

Yemen: Crisis reaches new low, top UN officials tell Security Council

[short survey; more below]

(* A P)

Briefing to the United Nations Security Council UN Special Envoy for Yemen – Mr. Martin Griffiths, 28 July 2020

As a mediator, not as a negotiator, as a mediator, I continue to attempt to bridge the divides between the Parties’ positions. And I hope that they will make the compromises necessary to reach their agreement, not mine, their agreement between them that meets the aspirations of the Yemeni people.

Unfortunately, Mr. President, even as the negotiations continue, and I am sure, as will hear from all the briefers today, much more cogently than from me, for Yemenis across the country life has become even more unforgiving, and I am sure Mark will tell us that Yemen is experiencing the worst of times.

The military situation has not improved over the past month. The continued military campaign against Ma’rib has wreaked profound humanitarian and economic consequences. And it could easily undermine the prospects of reaching agreement on a ceasefire for the whole country, and the end of the shooting war. The strategic importance of Ma’rib should not be underestimated, and this is why we have frequently made reference to it. I call for immediate and urgent steps for de-escalation, more so than ever now, on this eve of Eid. And, of course, my Office stands ready to support in this respect.

I am concerned, and I am sure Mark will be more so, by the missile attacks that have threatened and injured civilians in Ma’rib.

In Hudaydah, the level of violence has not relented, and there has been an increase in the number of ceasefire violations.

In a further sign of how life is becoming even more difficult for Yemenis, I am sorry Mr. President, this is a gloomy presentation in many ways, the indicators on the economy are all pointing in the wrong direction.

My Office has consistently endeavoured to support the Parties in reaching an agreement on paying civil servant salaries to all Yemenis according to the 2014 payroll database. And I am repeated here, Mr. President, because there are some who publicly deny this. These civil servants have the right to receive their salaries in full and on time, and we will continue to engage the Parties on proposals to achieve this vitally important goal, a deserved entitlement of these people, but also of extraordinary importance in terms of the humanitarian requirements of Yemen.

And the United Nations, in all its forms, is committed of course to doing all that it can to support the Parties to reach an agreement that puts Yemen on the path towards a peaceful and prosperous future.

and in film:

and shorter:

and a short survey:

(* A H P)

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock: Briefing to the Security Council on Yemen, New York, 28 July 2020

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has never been worse. I want to be clear on that point.

Famine is again on the horizon. Conflict is again escalating. The economy is again in tatters.

Humanitarian agencies are again nearly broke.

And then the new problems. COVID-19 is spreading out of control.

And we have the sorry saga of the Safer tanker.

I promised when I briefed you the week before last that I would update you on the Safer today.

There has been no progress.

As I told you last time, the thing that worries me most about the Safer is that if it explodes or leaks, the oil spilled could, the technical experts have told us, put the ports of Hudaydah and Saleef out of action for weeks – or even months.

Some of you will remember that in late 2017, and again in late 2018, I warned that the coalition blockade and then their mooted attack on Hudaydah was likely to plunge Yemen into famine.
Those warnings were heeded. The worst was avoided.

It would then be the unhappiest of ironies if the failure of Ansar Allah to allow us to deal with the tanker were to be the cause of the loss of the ports. The consequences would be just as I warned in 2017 and 2018. I hope wiser counsels will prevail.

The rhetoric on Yemen is often reassuring, and the actions relentlessly ruinous.

I will brief you today on five issues: protection of civilians, humanitarian access, funding, the economy and progress towards peace.

and in film:

and a short survey:

and media report:

(A P)

Zivilgesellschaft im Fokus: Jemen im UN Sicherheitsrat

Im Rahmen der monatlichen Befassung des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen mit der Situation in Jemen hat Deutschland im Rahmen seines Vorsitzes zwei jemenitische Frauen eingeladen, von der Situation vor Ort zu berichten. Im Vordergrund steht dabei, Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, die katastrophale humanitäre Situation zu lindern – etwa durch einen besseren Zugang von Helfern.

Raja Abdullah Ahmed Almasabi setzt sich für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen und Frauen in Jemen ein. Sie gründete 1988 die jemenitische Handicap-Organisation und arbeitet mit internationalen Organisationen zusammen, um auf die Situation von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Jemen aufmerksam zu machen. Dabei geht es ihr auch um Jemenitinnen und Jeminiten, die durch den Konflikt Behinderungen erlitten haben.

Die Pharmazeutin Wafa AlSaidy leitet das Jemen-Büro der Nichtregierungsorganisation Ärzte der Welt. Die Organisation ermöglicht für viele Jemenitinnen und Jemeniten grundlegende Gesundheitsversorgung durch 16 medizinische Zentren und über hundert jemenitische Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im ganzen Land. Dem Sicherheitsrat wird sie über die Gesundheitsversorgung in Jemen berichten: die war schon vor der Corona-Pandemie kaum ausreichend, immer wieder kommt es zu Ausbrüchen von Cholera.

(* A H P)

Within the framework of the UN Security Council’s monthly briefing on the situation in Yemen, Germany has invited two Yemeni women to report on the situation on the ground as part of its Presidency. The main focus is on identifying ways to ease the catastrophic humanitarian situation – by improving access for aid workers, for example.

Raja Abdullah Ahmed Almasabi campaigns for the rights of people with disabilities and women in Yemen.

Pharmacist Wafa’a Al Saidy heads the Yemen office of the NGO Doctors of the World. The organisation provides basic healthcare for many Yemeni people at 16 medical centres and with over 100 Yemeni staff throughout the country. It will brief the Security Council on healthcare in Yemen. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare was barely adequate, and there have been repeated outbreaks of cholera.

(* A H P)

Security Council: Yemen

RAJA ABDULLAH AHMED ALMASABI, Chairwoman, Arab Human Rights Foundation, speaking via video teleconference from Sana’a, said that her organization is the only one in Yemen that advocates for the human rights of persons with disabilities. “As a woman with a disability myself, I speak from experience — I fight for our rights.” Before the war began in 2015, the number of persons with disabilities in Yemen stood at 2 million, but, now, it is estimated to be somewhere between 3.5 million and 4.5 million, if not more, an increase that is largely due to injuries arising from air strikes, landmines and explosive remnants of the war. Many children have meanwhile acquired a disability due to malnutrition. She noted that when fighting breaks out, it is difficult for people with disabilities to flee.

“Imagine having to run for your life without a wheelchair, crutches or any assistive device you need to be able to move. Imagine having to completely depend on your loved ones or whoever is willing to help you move,” she said. Some people with disabilities end up being left behind by their families, while others choose not to flee so as not to put their families at risk by slowing them down. Life in camps for internally displaced persons is particularly difficult, as they are not designed for persons with disabilities, with poor access to health care, water and sanitation facilities. People with disabilities are also at higher risk of infection from COVID-19, but there are no specific or targeted actions to reach them.

“The longer the war continues, the situation will continue to keep getting worse for all civilians, including people with disabilities,”

[and all delegates statements; Western hypocrisy and Hadi gov. propaganda]

and US delegate, in full:

and UK delegate, in full:

and German delegate:

and in film:

and Chinese delegate:

(A P)

Dr. Wafa Alsaidy & Raja Almassabi brief UNSC from Sana’a Yemen. They shed lights on the catastrophic health conditions where Yemenis are enduring war, economic collapse and Covid19. They urge UNSC to work to stop the war and to include people of disabilities in peace building.


(A P)

In her remark today to the UNSC, Chairwoman of the Arab Human Rights Foundation in #Yemen drew attention to barriers people with disabilities face, urged council to do more. “We are not an afterthought.. We must have a seat at the table”


(A P)

UK at the UN: "The risk of famine makes it ever more important that the Yemeni parties make the necessary compromises to urgently agree a nationwide ceasefire and a comprehensive political process to end the war for good."

My comment: A bad case of hypocrisy.

(A P)

Yemen peace may 'slip away' if agreement falters, UN envoy says

Martin Griffiths urged all sides to reach a political settlement

Yemen’s peace negotiations could “slip away” and the country will enter a new phase of escalation and economic decline if warring sides do not reach an agreement quickly, the UN's Yemen envoy said on Tuesday.

“There is a real risk that these negotiations will slip away, and that Yemen will enter a new phase of prolonged escalation, uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 and economic decline,” Martin Griffiths said during an online briefing to the UN Security Council.

Mr Griffiths cited a "delicate" and "challenging" negotiation ahead towards finalising a political settlement that must reach success before the "current window of opportunity" closes.

The negotiations aim to reach a joint declaration on a nationwide ceasefire, economic and humanitarian measures, and the resumption of the political process aimed at comprehensively ending the conflict.

The UN official lamented the "worst of times" for Yemen.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi King Salman leaves hospital after gallbladder surgery

(B P)

EU lawmakers concerned bin Salman may kill ex-rival in Saudi jail

The largest bloc at the European Parliament says it has concerns that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman may attempt to kill his predecessor and onetime rival, Mohammed bin Nayef, in custody.

In a statement, the European People’s Party (EPP) called for the immediate disclosure of the fate of bin Nayef and his protection from murder by the heir to the Saudi throne, the Doha-based Al Jazeera broadcaster reported on Tuesday.

The group said it has obtained evidence suggesting that bin Nayef’s health condition has deteriorated in Saudi jail.

The EPP described bin Nayef’s continued detention as a source of concern for Europe, urging bin Salman to refrain from eliminating his critics and political rivals.

(A P)

Yemeni blogger jailed by Saudi court for supporting equal gay rights: group

A Saudi court has sentenced a Yemeni blogger to 10 months in prison, a fine of 10,000 riyals ($2,600) and deportation for a social media post supporting equal rights for people in same sex relationships, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

(* B P)

The Vital Reasons for Harmony between Red Sea, Aden Gulf Countries

Djibouti recently completed the necessary measures to ratify the founding charter of the Council of Arab and African Coastal States of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden that was signed in Riyadh on January 6, 2020. The signatories included the foreign ministers of Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Jordan and Eritrea.

Saudi Arabia came up with the idea of forming such a council.

For its part, Djibouti played an important role in protecting international security in the Red Sea, given its position overlooking the strategic Bab al-Mandeb Strait. This location has made it a central country in efforts exerted in preserving international security and stability through coordination and cooperation with major powers in protecting marine navigation.

As for the idea of the council, Saudi Arabia, with its far-sighted approach, took the initiative to establish an entity that would bring together the Arab and African countries that border the Red Sea. Such a council would be aimed at bolstering the security and stability in the region.

The above demonstrates that establishing an entity that would be bring together the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden countries was a priority for the concerned countries, especially Djibouti and Saudi Arabia. They realize the strategic political, economic, security and environmental significance of this marine region.

My comment: Another Saudi vassal states system.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(A P)

U.S. expands charges against ex-Twitter employees accused of spying for Saudi Arabia

Fresh off dismissing spying charges against two former Twitter employees and another individual on Tuesday, the U.S. government has unfurled a new superseding indictment that accuses the three individuals of even more offenses.

This time around, the individuals have been charged with seven offenses instead of two. The charges include acting as an agent for a foreign government without notice to the attorney general; conspiracy to commit wire fraud; wire fraud; money laundering; destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations; aiding and abetting; and criminal forfeiture. =

(A P)

TPS for Yemen Extended Through September 3, 2021

The Trump administration has recently announced that it will extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemen for another 18 months, taking this designation through September 3, 2021.

This will affect an estimated nearly 1,500 Yemeni TPS holders who are already here in the United States and who arrived before January of 2017. For now, they need not return to Yemen unless they want to.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(A K P)

Sen. Chris Murphy: Every month, over 30 children are killed in Yemen by bombs dropped by Saudi Arabia and their allies. Now Trump wants to sell Reaper drones to the Saudis, so that they can drop more bombs. And kill more children. Congress must stop this sale.

Trump announced Friday he plans to sell Reaper armed drones into the Middle East. It ranks among the dumbest, most dangerous ideas he has come up with. Next week I will introduce legislation to stop these sales. 1/ A THREAD on why Congress must stop the export of armed drones.

(A P)

Iran wird dem britischen Unterhaus eine entscheidende Antwort geben

Der Ausschuss für nationale Sicherheit und Außenpolitik des iranischen Parlaments hat bekräftigt, wenn das britische Unterhaus die iranischen Persönlichkeiten sanktioniere, werde es eine entscheidende Antwort vom iranischen Parlament erhalten.

(B K P)

Iran’s air attack tools have limited utility against adversaries

Iran’s military doctrine, including its deterrence philosophy, is heavily based on air attack tools, including ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as tactical artillery rockets and “kamikaze” drones that are armed with small explosive warheads.

They serve as partial compensation for Iran’s conventional weakness in advanced systems, such as combat aircraft, which would have difficulty operating in air space dominated and protected by Tehran’s adversaries in any case. Iran would be foolish to send its outdated fighter jets into enemy airspace in the event of war because they could easily be intercepted. Thus, Iran’s main option at present would be to use air attack means.

Iran’s other strategy—and a major advantage over its adversaries—is that these means can be used indirectly by a proxy group from the territory of another country, allowing Tehran to shield itself from responsibility. This is a fundamental element of Iran’s military philosophy, which allows it to carry out hostilities below the threshold of all-out war.

My comment: A typical US view.

(A P)

Sayyed Khamenei: US Presence Root Cause of Insecurity in West Asia

(A K P)

Iran’s Military Satellite Takes High-Resolution Images of US Base in Qatar

(A K P)

IRGC commander: Iran won’t initiate aggression, but is fully offensive in tactics

(A K P)

Iran launches underground ballistic missiles during exercise

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard launched underground ballistic missiles Wednesday as part of an exercise involving a mock-up American aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz, highlighting its network of subterranean missile sites.

and also

(* B P)

What Biden’s presidency means for Iran

Alternatively, if former Vice President (VP) Joseph Biden wins, Tehran-Washington relations could become less hostile, with both the US and Iran taking advantage of offramps to avoid a continued escalation that could spiral out of control.

With a likely embrace of more pragmatic policies toward Tehran, a Biden presidency could ease US-Iran tensions by moving bilateral relations in a more stable direction with a reduction, albeit not a total elimination, in Washington’s pressure on the Islamic Republic. Although impossible to predict how Biden would conduct foreign policy if elected, his record as Barack Obama’s VP and as a US Senator since the 1970s can help inform observers of what style of leadership Biden might bring to the international stage.

Like Obama, Biden has favoured a “liberal internationalist” agenda on the world stage. Although no dove, he has on many occasions favoured diplomacy and strong US support for international engagement and multilateral institutions—a contrast to Trump’s foreign policy defined by bold unilateral moves such as withdrawing the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the World Health Organisation, and the Paris Climate Agreement.

(A K P)

Iran fires missile at mock aircraft carrier amid US tensions

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard fired a missile from a helicopter targeting a replica aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, state television reported on Tuesday, an exercise aimed at threatening the U.S. amid tensions between Tehran and Washington.

(A K P)

Katyusha Rockets Target American Wing in Military Taji Camp, North Baghdad

The American wing of Iraqi Military Camp, Al-Taj, north of Baghdad, was attacked today, Monday, by Katyusha Rockets.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Foreign Minister Dominic Raab: The Riyadh Agreement is a key step towards a sustainable, peaceful resolution to the Yemen conflict. This announcement represents important progress and I encourage all the Yemeni parties to continue this spirit of negotiation and compromise.

Comment: Once again, the UK govt can pretend it is not a "party" to the Yemen war because of the utter failure of the UK corporate media to tell readers the truth that this is a (part) British war. British 'journalists' are complicit in the horror of Yemen, the worst crisis of our time.

(A P)

Stop the massacre in Yemen

Around one hundred people gathered outside the BBC in London on Sunday 26th July to raise awareness about the war in Yemen and demand an end to arms sales to Saudi Arabia. This was the third demonstration organised this month and was still well attended by almost entirely young people, many of whom were Yemeni

(* B P)

Revealed: MI5 and MI6 are training senior spies from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt

Senior officials from Britain’s domestic security service, MI5, and its external spy agency, MI6, have provided training to intelligence officials from a host of repressive regimes over the last two years, documents obtained by Declassified UK show.

Senior spies representing regimes such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Cameroon and Algeria attended an 11-day International Intelligence Directors Course in 2019.

Top intelligence officers from notoriously brutal security agencies in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Nigeria were also in attendance.

Officials from many of these countries went on the same course in 2018, with the addition of Vietnam, which the BBC describes as a “one-party Communist state”.

Declassified has also seen evidence that training by MI5 and MI6 was recently offered to “military officers” representing Myanmar’s junta. It is not known if the offer was accepted.

The course is run by the UK military’s Joint Intelligence Training Group (JITG) at Chicksands, a British army intelligence base in Bedfordshire, north of London.

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) repeatedly refused to answer Declassified’s questions about the course.

and also

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Die Grünen: Jemen: Bundesregierung muss Verhandlungen vorantreiben und Umweltkatastrophe verhindern

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

Emirates: Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

Der Thronfolger der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Der wichtigste Strippenzieher im nahen Osten

Das neue Power-Duo im Nahen Osten

Die Thronfolger Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate bilden ein machtvolles Duo, das sich anschickt, die Region grundlegend zu verändern.

Obwohl MBZ auf den ersten Blick nur der Herrscher eines Mini-Staates mit nicht einmal zehn Millionen Einwohnern ist, zählt er zu den einflussreichsten Männern in der arabischen Welt. Zusammen mit dem saudischen Kronprinzen, der meist MBS genannt wird, bildet Mohammed bin Zayed eine Art Power-Duo, das sich anschickt, die Region grundlegend zu verändern.

Der 59-jährige MBZ gilt als Mentor des mehr als 20 Jahre jüngeren MBS. Der mächtigste Mann der Emirate lieferte auch das Vorbild für die Vision des saudischen Kronprinzen für sein Land: Als Golfstaat, der sich von der Abhängigkeit vom Öl befreien und Investoren aus der ganzen Welt anlocken will, sind die Emirate wesentlich weiter als das benachbarte Königreich.

Auch politisch haben sich die Emirate unter MBZ zu einem überregional bedeutenden Akteur entwickelt. Die „New York Times“ nannte den Kronprinzen „den mächtigsten arabischen Herrscher“.

Mohammed bin Zayed, ein in Großbritannien ausgebildeter Hubschrauber-Pilot, hat die Streitkräfte seines Landes mit teuren amerikanischen Waffen ausgerüstet. Er ist ein entschiedener Gegner der Muslim-Bruderschaft, der ältesten Bewegung des politischen Islam. MBZ hält wie Saudi-Arabien und Ägypten die Muslimbrüder für eine elementare Gefahr für die jeweiligen Herrschaftssysteme.

Sein zweiter Hauptfeind ist der Iran. Enge Beziehungen zu Trump sind für Mohammed bin Zayed eines der Mittel, um seine Ziele zu erreichen. Der Kronprinz mischt nicht nur in Libyen mit. Auch im Jemen, Syrien, Somalia und im Golf-Disput mit dem Emirat Katar sind die Emirate aktiv. Seine Politik macht MBZ zu einem Gegner der Türkei, die neben Katar die wichtigste Verbündete der Muslimbrüder ist.

Im Nahen Osten selbst bleibt der saudische Kronprinz bin Salman der wichtigste Partner von MBZ. Politische Beobachter schreiben dem älteren Thronfolger einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die rasante Karriere des jungen saudischen Kronprinzen zu. =,-der-thronfolger-der-vereinigten-arabischen-emirate-der-wichtigste-strippenzieher-im-nahen-osten-_arid,11251738.html

(A P)

Ethiopia expressed concern over Egyptian military base plan in Somaliland

Egyptian base in breakaway Somali territory could endanger East African stability, Addis Ababa claims

Ethiopia has expressed concerns about Egypt’s intention to establish a military base in the Somali province of Somaliland, saying the move poses a security threat to East Africa.

According to the Daily Nation, which is specialised in African affairs, these concerns were voiced after an Egyptian delegation met with Somaliland President Moussa Behi Abdi in Hargeisa, where the two sides discussed Cairo’s proposal to establish a military facility in the self-proclaimed state that is officially recognised as part of Somalia.

(A P)

Jordanian Court: Yemeni Student Tujan Albukhaiti Not Guilty

Following 8 months of trial, Jordanian juvenile court acquitted on Tuesday Yemeni student Tujan Albukhaiti of all counts.

The court issued a judgment of first instance, subject to appeal, after a case was brought against her by the Attorney General of Amman Juvenile, based on a memorandum from the Anti-Cyber Crime Unit, accusing Tujan of blasphemy and insulting religious.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#ISIS #ISIL #Daesh in #Yemen claims to have shelled a #Houthi base in Rada', al-Bayda with a 122mm grad rocket

For anyone that's interested, ISIS may have been targeting this camp. It's situated near Qayfa & a village w/ a similar name. If correct, ISIS mislabeled the district b/c the camp is in Wald Rabi'/Qurayshiyah districts.

(B T)

Film, Elisabeth Kendall: It's not every day one gets the chance to speak on #Kurdish TV about #ISIS in #Yemen... Here's a 2-minute clip (my answers are in English).

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

KT Edit: Yemen gives peace another chance

The streak of independence shown by the STC has subsided with this agreement which comes as relief to the people in the country who yearn for some peace, or a semblance of calm. This agreement is an Eid gift for suffering Yemenis who can enjoy the spirit of the festival in harmony and goodwill as the guns go silent. A generation has been lost to war and atrocities.

Unity in the south is vital to confront the threat posed by Iran and its proxy group who have been unpredictable and stubborn during discussions. Fissures in the alliance emerged despite the best efforts of Saudi Arabia to resolve them. Now that the two sides have decided to form a unity government of technocrats that will include STC officials, the south of country with its headquarters in Aden can hope to forge ahead on the path to development.

(A P)

Brian Hook: Tehran wants to see ‘endless war’ in Yemen

US special envoy to Iran Brian Hook is leading efforts to renew a UN arms embargo on Tehran

The Iranian regime wants there to be “endless war” in Yemen, the top US official on Iran claimed on Wednesday as he lobbied leaders in London to back an extension to the UN Security Council’s arms embargo on Tehran.

Brian Hook said an EU embargo, which expires in 2023, was insufficient. The Security Council restrictions are set to end in October but the US has proposed extending it indefinitely. The continued embargo is unlikely to pass because council veto-powers Russia and China have already signalled their opposition to the move.

“Nobody believes that Iran should be able to buy or sell conventional weapons like fighter jets, battle tanks, large calibre artillery systems, warships and various kinds of missiles,” Mr Hook said.

“Iran would like to see endless war on Saudi Arabia’s southern flank in Yemen,” Mr Hook told a briefing in London, according to The Guardian newspaper. Iran continues to back Houthi rebels in Yemen.

My comment: This really is propaganda BS. The only state that keeps endless wars going worldwide is the US.

(A P)

Yemeni official FM says Houthis practise political blackmail

The Houthi group tries to shuffle cards and practise political blackmail using some files run by the group in areas under its control, the Yemeni official Foreign Minister said Tuesday.
The Houthis appropriated 40 billion Yemeni rials form the Hodeida city-based Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) and kept abusing oil derivatives issue and creating fuel crises, Mohamed al-Hadhrami added at a meeting with UN Humanitarian Coordinator.
The Yemeni UN-recognized government is determined to maintain all the humanitarian activities functional across the country, Hadi FM told

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Launches Over Dozen Air Strikes on Ad-Durayhmi, In a Major Violation of Stockholm Agreement

US-Saudi aggression launched Thursday over a dozen air strikes on the besieged city of Ad-Durayhmi, which is considered a major escalation and violation of Stockholm agreement in Al-Hodeidah.

(* A K pH)

Six children killed, injured in aggression's cluster bomb blast in Marib

Four children were killed and two others injured when a cluster bomb of remnants of the aggression exploded in Harib al-Qaramish district of Marib province.

A bomb was left over by the aggression exploded while children were playing in the village of al-Hazm in Harib al-Qaramish district, a security official said to Saba.

and also


cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pS)

Two citizen killed, one injured by Houthi-laid mines in Al-Bayda

The victims were abroad a private vehicle when it passed over a mine left by the Houthi militia on a sub-road in Mukairas district, the sources added.

(A K pS)

10-year-old girl killed by Houthi sniper in al-Dhale

(A K pH)

Saudi Border Guards Gunshots Injures Child in Saadah

(A K pH)

Saudi shelling kills child in Saada

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Siehe / Look at cp16

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A H)

Well done to #women in east #Yemen's #Mahra for issue 6 of their newspaper! There's news of local initiatives, #COVID19 advice, interview with a local woman role model + the odd beauty tip. Thanks @MahraYouth for facilitating! Download here: (image)

(A K pH)

Daily violations

July 29:

July 27:

cp19 Sonstiges / Other


Photo: Yemenis... The three at the front are probably discussing politics. The guy alone is daydreaming about qat. The students returning to the village from school. The driver? He doesn’t need to see the road, he knows it by heart.


Film: Bara' dance is represents tribalism in parts of #Yemen's highlands. As a mental health Counselor I use it as a great form of #psychotherapy.


Beautiful pictures from # Wadi_ Banna in Al Saddah Governorate, Ibb Governorate, Central # Yemen.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-669 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-669: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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