Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 754 - Yemen War Mosaic 754

Yemen Press Reader 754: 8. Aug. 2021: Können Saudis/USA die Wasserkrise nutzen, um Jemen in die Knie zu zwingen? – Die Hazm-Brigaden – Was ist das wahre Ziel der VAE in der Region? ...

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... Wie Washingtons dystopische außenpolitische Kabale denkt – Film: Jemen, ein wunderbares Land – und mehr

Aug. 8, 2021: Can Saudis/US use water crisis to bring Yemenis to their knees? – The Hazm brigades – What is the UAE's real goal in the region? – How Washington's dystopian foreign policy cabal thinks – Film: Yemen, a wonderful country (in German) – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Söldner / Mercenaries

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(* B H K P)

Yemen: The Cycle of Conflict Explained

Seven years and $265 billion dollars – yet it looks like Saudi Arabia is on the brink of losing the war in Yemen. From day one, it was a tall order for the Saudis to restore order in Yemen, and ever since the commencement of operation Decisive Storm, the Saudis have faced constant setbacks.

For almost seven years now since 2014, there has been a civil war raging in Yemen which has led to the death of 230,000 Yemenis and the largest humanitarian crisis in the world – with 20 million in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of Saudi-led blockades on Yemen.

The situation in Yemen is hugely complicated, with conflict and tension spanning way before the civil war. However, with the emergence of Oman’s direct talks between the Houthi rebels and Saudi Arabia as well as President Biden’s inauguration, it may finally look like the cycle of conflict in Yemen can be ended.

A New Reality

If peace is finally agreed in Yemen, there could be a new look Yemen that will see secession once again between the Zaidi Shi’ite in the North led by the Houthis and the Sunnis in the South led by the UAE backed STC.

It’s highly unlikely that the unification of Yemen can be achieved with the sectionist aims of each group, as well as Saudi Arabia’s want to always be in control of the Middle East – but what could the return of North and South Yemen look like?

Whatever peace agreement is made we hope that inshallah the people of Yemen finally find peace after an entire generation has been scarred by a raging civil war.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

Can Saudis/US Use Water Crisis to Bring Yemenis to Their Knees?

In Yemen’s complex humanitarian crisis, water scarcity, climate change impacts, and Saudi bombing of water facilities are interlinked.

This year, dozens of water wells in Sana`a Basin have already dried up, leaving thousands of people to drink and wash from polluted water sources like ponds and dams or struggle to buy water at exorbitant prices. Many families have no choice but to send their children to far away places with plastic containers, under the rays of the scorching sun, to fetch clean water that will barely cover their needs for just a day.

The Sana`a Basin is the primary water source for more than 4 million people living in the capital and surrounding areas. It is located in the central Yemen highlands and covers around 3,200 square kilometers. It contains populated districts including Bani Hushaish, Hamdan, Sanhan, Bani Bahlool, Arhab, Nimh, Bani al-Harith, and some parts of Khawlan al-Tial and Bani Matar, as well as Sana`a itself.

Since the 1980s, fewer than 8,000 of the 13,425 wells drilled in the basin have been productive, according to a report to the Yemeni Ministry of Water and Environment. Well-drilling activity is ongoing and in many places wells are being re-excavated many times to a depth of 100 meters. The annual consumption of the basin’s water reaches 400 million cubic meters, compared to the small amount renewed annually in the basin, which amounts to only 20 to 45 million cubic meters — meaning that the drying up of the Sana`a Basin is only a matter of time.

In general, Yemen’s total renewable water resource amounts to 2.5 billion cubic meters per year, while the total demand is estimated to be 4 billion cubic meters per year, with 1.5 billion cubic meters per year being supplied from deep aquifers. Groundwater aquifers decline seven to eight meters each year, with very rare recharge.

Time running out

War-torn Yemen is located in a dry and semi-arid region with the highest rate of exhaustion of water sources in the Middle East. It was already facing a severe water crisis in which both nature and the Saudi-led Coalition are squeezing people. More than 90% of the population struggles daily to find or buy enough clean water to drink or to grow food. In Sana`a, where more than 4 million live and host hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people, it is even worse. The city is the only capital city in the world that may run out of water within a decade at a maximum, according to both the Yemeni Ministry of Water and the United States.

Dr. Fahmy Ali Saeed, a Yemeni hydrogeologist who taught at the University of Sana`a, fears that the Sana`a Basin will exhaust its groundwater in the foreseeable future. “Five years from now, the water in the Sana`a Basin will dry up if the war, siege and current practices in the basin continue,” Dr. Saeed said. Environmental scientist Rashad Al-Habari agrees that time is running out: “The available groundwater reserves in all basins are approximately [20] billion cubic meters. According to the current rate of consumption, Yemen will drain about 12.02 billion cubic meters [annually] until the year 2025, meaning that the stock will be sufficient for only a few years.”

Though there were heavy rains in Sana`a Basin two years ago, there is insufficient drainage and reservoir capacity to cope with such downpours. International projects aimed at alleviating some of the country’s water problems, like the Dutch project to run the Sana`a Basin, have been abandoned and building desalination plants is out of the question because of the high cost and the bankruptcy of the country as a result of the war.

No water means no food

Only a tiny number of families who live in major cities like Sana`a are connected to the supply of state-run water. Even in these cities, only 30%-40% of the houses are connected and they’re lucky if water comes out of their taps just once in 10 days and for only two hours. Moreover, the pipe network is old and an estimated 40% of the water they carry is lost through leaks. Even worse, more than 70% of Yemenis live in rural areas and depend on stagnant or commercial water, and most of the time their only source for drinking and cooking is uncovered dams.

In fact, the nation’s network of water pipes reaches only 30% of the population and is damaged from Saudi bombing and fighting on the ground between Saudi mercenaries and resistance forces, which has left it in need of upgrading and maintenance in many places. With Saudi Arabia preventing access to storage tanks, pipes, valves, and hydrants, more than 15 million people resort to expensive and time-consuming ways to find enough water every day.

Geography, climate, geopolitics and war come together

In Yemen’s complex humanitarian crisis, water scarcity, climate change impacts, and Saudi bombing of water facilities are interlinked. Saudi forces, under the eyes of successive U.S. administrations, use water as a weapon to bring civilians to their knees. The oil-rich kingdom not only prevents the arrival of aid that carries clean water supplies but also targets dams, wells, reservoirs, water structures and infrastructure including networks, diversion dams, and irrigation systems. That has led to acute water shortages for both drinking and irrigation.

There are no rivers in Yemen, as in some other countries, so the major form of water reserves has historically been from rainwater and building weirs and bunds. But many dams have been damaged or need to be repaired. Saudi attacks have destroyed 1488 water installations (dams, barriers, reservoirs) completely and 488 water installations partially, according to a report on Yemeni water bodies. Sana`a’s central water tanks, which cost $4 million to build and were located in Nahdian district in southern Sana`a, were destroyed by U.S bombs dropped by Saudi warplanes. Saudi bombing also destroyed the seawater desalination plant on Kamaran Island in Hodeidah.

According to a regional representative of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the war has left around 20 million Yemenis without access to drinking water. “With the current conflict, the number of people who don’t have access to clean water is believed to be more than 80% of the population,” said Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, who represents the FAO’s Near East and North Africa region. Yemen has the highest water scarcity in the world, he said, with more than half the population lacking a regular supply of drinking water even before the fighting began.

Lack of access to clean water is notorious for being the biggest cause of malnutrition, morbidity and mortality in Yemen. Many deadly diseases associated with water shortage, such as cholera, have emerged in many areas throughout the country, including Sana`a. Today, according to observers, there are some diseases that are widespread among the residents of the Sana`a Basin — such as cancer, typhoid, and dysentery — due to forbidden weapons that had been used by the Saudis, in addition to diseases of the liver, kidney and urinary tract caused by a high concentration of salts in the basin water – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

(** B K P)


After Houthi-Saleh forces advanced on the south of Yemen in early 2015, a number of local groups took up arms to fend off the incursion. Members of these groups constitute the bulk of what would become the Hazm Brigades. The Hazm Brigades appear to be a special force of the Southern Resistance, an umbrella armed group established originally in 2014 as the armed wing of the separatist Southern Movement (Aden Live, 18 January 2014). Today, a number of the Southern Resistance’s components are fighting for the interest of the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) (for more on the STC, see this previous ACLED series on Yemen’s Fractured South). The Hazm Brigades, however, were originally established by the Hadi government and served under its command and control structure. Since 2019, four Hazm Brigades have been active in the border between Taizz and Lahij governorates in southwest Yemen (Aden Time, 2 May 2019). The presence and increased reported activity of these groups along the traditional borders of South Yemen in recent years make them of special importance. They assume a strategic role in securing western access points into southern territory from Houthi forces and other threats.

Background and Structure

The origins of the Hazm Brigades are not entirely clear. According to local media, the official establishment of the Hazm Brigades that are currently active can be dated back to May 2016 (Al Mawqea, 21 May 2016). Pro-Hadi Deputy Minister of Defense for Human Resources Abdul Qader Al Amudi was given the task of forming three brigades named Hazm 1, Hazm 2, and Hazm 3 (Al Mawqea, 21 May 2016).1 The plan was to station them, respectively, in Bab El Mandeb (Taizz), Al Anad base (Lahij), and Abyan governorate. In May 2019, the fourth Hazm Brigade was formed under the leadership of Fahman As Subayhi to support other southern forces on the Hayfan-Tur Al Bahah and Ayrim frontlines in the upper Taizz-Lahij border (Aden Time, 2 May 2019).

It is possible that the Hazm Brigades had their roots in military groups such as the ‘39th Brigade – Hazm 2’ led by Mohammed Ali Bin Salama (Shabwa Press, 16 July 2015), as well as the ‘3rd Brigade – Hazm’ led by Ahmad Abdullah At Turki As Subayhi.2 Brigadier General Ahmad led his brigade, which fought alongside the Southern Resistance in 2015, on the southern coast between Bab El Mandeb (Taizz) and Shurayjah (Lahij), an area that coincides approximately with the Subayha region where the Hazm Brigades currently operate.

The lack of a de facto common leadership between the four Hazm Brigades, and the fact that some of the commanders of these groups have changed in the past few years, make it difficult to view them as different units of the same group. The Hazm Brigades seem to act more like independent yet similar units unified only by their broad allegiance to Southern Yemen.


Since 2016, the brigades have not only expanded with the establishment of the fourth brigade, but their areas of activity have also changed. Initially, the 1st Hazm Brigade, also known as ‘Hazm Zayed’ or ‘Awal Zayed’ (Aden Al Ghad, 22 January 2019), was tasked with securing Bab El Mandeb and the lower borders between Taizz and Lahij governorates from the advances of Houthi-Saleh forces. In 2017 and 2018, the brigade engaged Houthi forces on the western coast in Al Waziiyah and Dhubab districts in southern Taizz, with activity centering around Jabal Kahbub and intensifying in summer 2018 (Saadah Press, 6 March 2017; Al Wattan, 9 May 2018; Al Wattan, 18 July 2018).6 Meanwhile, the 2nd and 3rd Hazm Brigades were engaged in fighting Houthi forces in the upper portion of the Lahij-Taizz borders around the Hayfan-Tur Al Bahah front (Aden Time, 11 September 2018) (see Figure 1 below).

In summer 2019, the establishment of the Joint Operations room on the western coast to coordinate the different components of the anti-Houthi National Resistance Forces (NRF) led to a change in the activity of the Hazm Brigades in southern Taizz (for more on the NRF, see this previous ACLED piece on UAE-backed Forces on the Western Front). The brigades seem to have shifted from districts in southern Taizz and the southern parts of the Taizz-Lahij borders northward, consolidating their presence in the Hayfan-Tur Al Bahah and Ayrim fronts, shown in Figure 2 below, where nearly all of the Hazm Brigades activity is now being recorded.

One important thing to note with regards to the activity of the Hazm Brigades is that it is likely underrepresented due to sourcing limitations. Some sources, for instance, are likely to include them under the banner of the Southern Resistance, or group them under generic labels such as ‘southern armed forces.’ Pro-Houthi reporting also refers to any opponent forces as ‘aggression forces’ or ‘mercenary forces.’ In addition to that, it seems that it took the media some time to take note of the brigades after their creation and to start treating them as independent entities.


Although the Hazm Brigades seem to be affiliated with other pro-STC forces in Southern Yemen, they have steered clear of clashes between the STC and pro-Hadi forces in Abyan (for more on Abyan clashes, see this recent ACLED piece on The Aden Security). The first three Hazm brigades have conspicuously maintained distance from both camps. The sole focus of the Hazm Brigades has been fighting Houthi forces in Taizz and on the Taizz-Lahij border. However, renewed clashes between pro-Hadi forces and Houthi forces in northern Taizz could lead to less interaction between the Hazm Brigades and Houthi forces in eastern Taizz, due to increased Houthi investment of resources there. The Hazm Brigades could then simply focus on securing the strategic locations that they hold, or also expand their activity elsewhere in Subayha territory, bearing the risk of colliding with other local forces in a competition for influence.

In any case, the activity of the Hazm Brigades should continue to be monitored closely due to their role as gatekeepers of the western access points into Lahij, and by extension into the interim capital, Aden.

(** B P)

Tension with Riyadh and tea in Tel Aviv – what is MbZ's real goal in the region?

Who is MbZ, why is he punching above his weight, and what are his global aspirations? We take a deep dive into the calculations of this enigmatic Gulf emir.

Earlier this month, the global media made much ado about the OPEC clash between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But this standoff is not just about oil policies. It is also about geopolitics. Put simply, with Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ) at the helm of Emirati foreign policy, the UAE sees itself as a rising power that will not exist in any Saudi shadow.
Compared to his Saudi counterpart, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), MbZ is the topic of fewer discussions in the United States and other western countries. But who is he and what is his background? And what were the pivotal events that shaped his outsized vision for Abu Dhabi today?

Since becoming the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi in 2004, MbZ has emerged as the UAE’s de facto ruler. He has shifted Abu Dhabi’s foreign policy in a militaristic and interventionist direction. Today, with an estimated personal net worth of roughly USD 30 billion (and family wealth around USD 150 billion), MbZ carries much clout across West Asia.

The UAE’s muscular foreign policy

In 2011, US hegemony was declining and the Arab world’s historic power brokers – Egypt, Syria, and Iraq – were bogged down in internal crises. While waves of revolts across Arab countries took the world by surprise, the UAE, like Qatar, seized this opportunity to establish itself as a regional heavyweight capable of shaping the region.

St. Antony’s College Fellow Dr. Toby Matthiesen calls that period the start of the ‘Gulf moment’ in which some Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members became increasingly proactive in the wider region, keen to fill voids created by the decline o

Given Emirati officialdom’s animosity toward political Islam, it is easy to understand why Abu Dhabi actively opposed the 2010/2011 Arab Uprisings.

To thwart the demise of allied Arab dictatorships, Abu Dhabi launched an aggressive foreign policy aimed at rolling back the Arab Uprisings to its advantage. “Driven by grand strategic ambitions of building a neo-mercantilist empire at the crossroads between East and West, Abu Dhabi’s leadership has (since 2011) come to believe that the void left in the region by a retreating West could be filled by a new authoritarian, counter-revolutionary order led by a middle power, such as the UAE,” said Dr. Andreas Krieg, a lecturer at the School of Security Studies at King’s College London, Royal College of Defence Studies.


In Yemen, the UAE has also acted as an outside power, using mercenaries to help achieve on-the-ground objectives while risking as few Emirati nationals as possible. Emirati and Saudi direct military intervention in Yemen began in March 2015, both initially united in their quest to defeat the Houthi rebels. But as the war dragged on and public criticism and outrage over Yemen’s worsening humanitarian crisis grew, the UAE tried to disassociate itself from the conflict. In 2019, Abu Dhabi announced the withdrawal of UAE forces from Yemen, essentially transferring the burden of fighting the Houthis to Saudi Arabia, a further cause of friction between the two allies.

Despite the official Emirati withdrawal, Abu Dhabi remains highly involved in Yemen. The nature of the UAE’s interference in Yemeni affairs is primarily through the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which some experts describe as Abu Dhabi’s ‘proxy’. Emirati interests in southern Yemen relate to the southwestern Arabian Peninsula as well as the Horn of Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea. With an ambitious foreign policy in these regions and bodies of water, establishing a UAE-friendly order in Aden remains a major priority for Abu Dhabi.

Experts have also challenged the UAE’s control of the Socotra islands

A change in MbZ’s foreign policy?

With MbZ at the helm, the UAE has managed to conduct its foreign policy in flexible ways, making it possible for Abu Dhabi to recalibrate its approach to regional issues in ways which probably would not have happened had Trump won a second term. Indeed, in 2021, the UAE has offered to serve as a diplomatic bridge between India and Pakistan, Israel and the Palestinians, and between Sudan and Ethiopia.

Changes in the MbZ–MbS relationship

Even prior to this month’s UAE–Saudi Arabia OPEC clash, experts had seen how the impact of the Biden presidency on the MbZ–MbS relationship had served to create greater distance between the two crown princes.

“MbZ found in MbS an opportunity to have the Saudi Kingdom get out of the traditional thinking in terms of foreign policy, especially with neighbors like Qatar,” according to Nabeel Nowairah, an independent Gulf and Yemen analyst. “This personal relationship was somewhat mutually beneficial. Today, the two countries are approaching sensitive regional issues with different perspectives, priorities, and strategies, as illustrated by the OPEC rift and other issues, such as Yemen, Qatar, Syria, and Israel/Palestine – by Giorgio Cafiero

(** B P)

Threaten Iran with Israeli bombs: How Washington's dystopian foreign policy cabal thinks

A recent article by policy insider Dennis Ross chillingly proposes giving Israel bunker-buster bombs as a means of dealing with the Iran nuclear issue

Having worked as policy planner for former US President George H W Bush, and as a Middle East negotiator and adviser for former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Dennis Ross can safely be called an insider of Washington’s foreign policy establishment, mockingly labelled “The Blob”.

A recent article by Ross, entitled “To Deter Iran, Give Israel a Big Bomb”, provides unique insight into how this elite community thinks, operates and affects world politics. The Blob has been accused of being “a cabal bent on serving its own interests … one that protects its turf by shutting out alternative ideas and excluding dissenting voices”. It is blamed for three decades of failure in the Middle East, and for having squandered victory in the Cold War.

Blobbers’ shortcomings are numerous: dystopian views, double standards, a die-hard anthropological and moral sense of superiority (ie exceptionalism), narrowed or distorted use of history, falling prey to a groupthink that has made them immune to any challenge to their “conventional wisdom”, and being relentless in the search for enemies to destroy.

In his article, Ross offers a vivid example of such dystopian views, saying it is possible that “the desire for sanctions relief will prompt the Iranians to rejoin the [nuclear deal] … once they conclude the U.S. will make no further concessions”.

Anyone new to the issue might conclude it was Tehran who abandoned the nuclear deal and was now asking to rejoin it, on condition that the US provide some concessions. This is an Alice-in-Wonderland view of the deal’s complex history.

American exceptionalism

As for the infamous “malign activities”, nothing demonstrates better Blobbers’ double standards, considering the widespread evidence of “malign activities” and destabilisation carried out by US allies in the region, which Washington casually ignores. Tunisia may be the latest victim.

Blobbers are also imbued with the exceptionalism that has always shaped US foreign policy. Their perpetual search to contain Iran shows that they have a psychological problem, not a political one. Whatever the Iranian leadership says or does is irrelevant; only regime change will soothe them.

Ross, again, provides useful quotes along these lines, noting that “even successful talks might not stop Iran’s leaders from pursuing nuclear weapons”, that “inducements rarely, if ever, alter Iran’s behaviour”, and that if the US “cannot persuade Iran to temper such ambitions using carrots … it must find more effective sticks”.

Different reality

Blobbers suffer from groupthink, which frequently turns into a sort of herd immunity to any challenge to their “conventional wisdom” - which, they argue, is connected to society, rather than cut off from it. Opinion polls highlight a different reality: contrary to the Blob’s viewpoint, most Americans believe that the biggest threats they are facing stem from inside the country, not outside.

Blobbers tend to identify enemies too easily, especially if they do not conform fully to the US-established “rules-based international order”. They show a deep-seated impulse to frame the “other” not simply as the bearer of different interests or values, but as the incarnation of an evil that must be erased. They sometimes convey the feeling that they need permanent enemies to justify their role - and, if necessary, they create them.

To deal effectively with Iran, Ross, unsurprisingly, proposes something quite chilling: to provide Israel with bunker-buster bombs, which would theoretically allow - according to their narrow self-served view of the rules-based international order - the destruction of Tehran’s enrichment facilities.

How such a suggestion might be conducive to the nuclear deal’s revival, or to improved regional stability, remains to be seen. Blobbers proudly claim that “global problems usually improve when the United States engages responsibly and worsen when the United States retreats”, hubristically considering themselves a professional crowd of people who have reached wisdom “through painful trial and error over more than a century”.

The first assertion flies in the face of two decades of dismal failures in the Middle East, while the second evokes a hubristic, worrisome and self-referential attitude that involves testing social engineering policies on other unlucky nations and their peoples - alongside the many low-income Americans who enrolled, fought and died in their country’s never-ending wars – by Marco Carnelos

(** B C)

Film: Golden Globe - Jemen Doku Deutsch

Der Mythos des Reiches der Königin von Saba reicht bis in die alttestamentarische Zeit zurück. 1.000 Jahre überdauerte dann "Arabia felix". Von 500 v. Chr. an entstanden bedeutende Königreiche an der südlichen Küste der arabischen Halbinsel, Drehscheibe für die Handelsrouten zwischen Asien und dem Abendland. Seit dem 7. Jahrhundert tönt der Ruf des Muhezzin über die Wadis, Berge und Städte des Jemen. 1.000 und eine Nacht wird in den engen Verkaufsgassen des Suk der Hauptstadt Sana’a lebendig. Die prächtigen Lehmziegelhäuser sind Weltkulturerbe. Im Norden die Hochebenen und Gipfel des bis zu 2.800 m hohen Berg Jemen. Die Orte "Thula", "Hababah", "Kaukaban" und "Amran". Die Brücke von „Shaharah“ überspannt eine steile Schlucht in 2.200-Meter-Höhe. Weiter nach "Marib", dem einstigen Reich der Königin von Saba durch die Wüste "Rub al Khali" in das "Wadi Hadramaut". Hochaufragend die Lehmhäuser von "Shibam", dann die Dattelpalmen-Haine des "Wadi Doan". An der Küste reihen sich die weißen Häuser von "Mukalla", der Hafenstadt am Indischen Ozean. Inmitten der endlosen Weiten des Meeres liegt die Insel "Sokotra" - eine Arche Noah, deren Pflanzen und Tiere bei einer einwöchigen Trekking-Tour entdeckt werden. Darunter seltene Weihrauch-, Drachenblut- und Flaschenhalsbäume.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(* A H)

26 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,157 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 17 coronavirus patients in Aden. No death has been recorded.

(* A H)

27 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,131 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 34 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of one patient.
2,840 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.


(* A H)

Yemen's COVID-19 cases on rise amid worsening humanitarian crisis

Yemen's internationally-recognized government reported on Friday a new rise of the daily COVID-19 cases following a relative decline during the past weeks.

In the government-controlled Yemeni provinces, the health authorities officially recorded 27 new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the southern port city of Aden and neighboring towns.

The health ministry said that 15 new cases were officially detected in Aden, five in Hadramout province, three in Shabwa province, two in Taiz province, and two in Lahj province, bringing the total confirmed cases to 7,131.

It said that the medical teams recorded one death in the country's southeastern province of Hadramout, raising the death toll from the virus to 1,384.

(A H)

Eight new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,104 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 20 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of three patients.
2,2796 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added

(A H)

Five new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,086 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 20 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of 2 patients.
2,986 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

Eleven new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,081 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of fourteen coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of one patient.
3,498 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

Three new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,061 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of fourteen coronavirus patients. No death has been recorded today.
2,483 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Yemen War Daily Map Updates

(* B K)

Yemen records largest civilian casualty toll since Stockholm deal

Yemen has recorded the highest toll of civilian casualties since the Stockholm Agreement was signed in December 2018, according to UN recent statistics.
Fighting escalated in several fronts across Yemen during last June and July, leaving devastating consequences to civilians, said a report issued by the UN for Humanitarian Affairs Coordination.
Civilian losses reached levels not seen by Yemen since 13 December 2018 when the Yemeni official government and Houthis inked Stockholm deal, the report added.
Over nearly two years, June 2021 was the bloodiest month as fighting escalated, leaving 249 civilians killed or injured, the report said.

(* B K P)

Can Yemen Maintain Its Territorial Integrity? – Analysis

However, there are growing signs that the recognized Yemeni government is increasingly unable to assert Yemen’s territorial integrity, even against its own international allies.

There are several indications of this: In March 2021, satellite images from the US company Intel Lab circulated through media such as Drive and TRT, showing repair and expansion work on a 1.8-kilometre runway on Perim Island. Initially, there was complete ambiguity as to who was carrying out the construction contract. Suspicion immediately fell on the United Arab Emirates, which had wanted to build a three-kilometre runway for fighter jets on the island as early as 2016, but stopped the work the following year. However, at the end of May, according to Daily Sabah, the Saudi-led coalition admitted in a statement carried by the official Saudi news agency SPA that they were behind on the construction of the runway. This is in clear contrast to Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak’s statement, quoted by Anadolu Agency, that “there is absolutely no agreement with anyone on the establishment of a military base on Yemeni soil.”

Guesswork in Socotra

The incident is reminiscent of a similar episode in late August 2020. At the time, online media spoke of Israeli-Emirati activities on the island of Socotra,

Reasons for the construction of bases

With their construction projects, the Saudi alliance and the United Emirates are not only securing the islands for their own strategic goals, but are also forestalling similar moves from states such as Russia, which also want to strengthen their power projection capabilities in the Indian Ocean.

The situation poses a great danger for Yemen. If the Yemeni authorities are unable to uphold territorial sovereignty vis-à-vis the outside world and enter into utilization agreements with allies, there will be added incentive for the involved states to play for time, encourage a powerless Yemeni government, and allow the status quo to continue. =

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Mid-year update: 10 conflicts to worry about in 2021

Yemen: High risk of humanitarian fallout amid the offensive on Marib

At the time of writing, Houthi forces have not yet taken control of Marib. Due to a sustained air campaign by the Saudi-led coalition and resistance on the ground by pro-Hadi tribes and military forces, the Houthis have achieved no significant gains since April 2021. Houthi forces seem determined to overtake the city nevertheless, as this would represent a turning point in the conflict, possibly one of no return. From Marib city, Houthi forces would be able to move eastwards and take control of the Safer oil and gas facilities, which would represent a major blow to the coffers of the Hadi government.4 This new territory would also open new possible routes towards southern Yemen through the Shabwah governorate. Finally, the fall of Marib to Houthi forces would have devastating humanitarian consequences. Over the course of the conflict, the city’s population has grown from around 30,000 people to almost two million due to the influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from other governorates (Crisis Group, 17 April 2020). According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an assault on the city could displace 385,000 people (IOM, 15 February 2021).

Full document:

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Audio: Yemen And The Houthis: A Conversation With Bernard Haykel

In September 2014, the Houthis, a revolutionary Islamist movement, seized control of the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, precipitating a civil war in the country that continues to this day. Who are the main actors in the Yemen conflict? What is the role of the United States? What do the Houthis really want? Professor Bernard Haykel of Princeton University, a noted expert on Yemen, addresses these questions and more, including potential avenues for resolving the unending conflict.


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Bernard Haykel Says More…

Bernard Haykel:There are structural reasons why Saudi Arabia and Iran will remain rivals, regardless of who is in power in Tehran and Riyadh. Both are large countries with leadership claims based on their respective geopolitical heft and on Islam. As oil-producing countries, both have significant resources at their disposal. And they have very different visions for the region’s security architecture.

Whereas Saudi Arabia is keen on maintaining regional stability through the perpetuation of a US military presence, Iran seeks to expel the United States, in the name of anti-imperialism. Iran cannot drive the US out with military action, but it can raise the costs of staying. In fact, US President Joe Biden’s commitment to reducing America’s military footprint in the Middle East partly reflects Iran’s success in bleeding America.

The election of Raisi does nothing to change these structural factors. But it could raise tensions further. Because of Raisi’s hardline reputation, Iran’s proxies – from the Houthis in Yemen to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas movement in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and various Shia militias in both Syria and Iraq – are likely to ratchet up their anti-US and anti-Saudi activities. The key challenge will be to prevent this from escalating into yet more war, which could drag the US back into the fray and bring additional misery to the region’s long-suffering peoples.

Periods of transition from one security framework to another are fraught with danger. If the US genuinely abandons the Persian Gulf region, clashes – possibly even wars – will become inevitable. After all, this region has more than half of the world’s proven oil reserves and an extraordinary amount of natural gas. If these valuable assets are not adequately protected, states are bound to compete over them. Recall, for example, when Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait in 1990.

The only way to mitigate this danger is for the US – perhaps together with other powers, such as China, Japan, India, and the European Union – to make clear that any disruption to the region’s energy supply will be regarded as a direct challenge to global security and will not be tolerated. This is in America’s own interest. Many in the US believe that, because of shale oil and gas, they are insulated from what happens in the Gulf, but this is pure fantasy.

I am convinced that the Biden administration’s approach to Saudi Arabia is much better than that of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Whereas Trump was highly transactional and personalistic, Biden emphasizes institutional ties and structural interests. And the US and Saudi Arabia are clearly bound by profound shared interests, three of which I alluded to above: regional stability, energy security, and US supremacy.

Ending the war in Yemen is another goal both countries share. There is no obvious way to achieve this without engaging the Houthi movement that now controls nearly all of northern Yemen. To convince the Houthis to cooperate, the US and Saudi Arabia would have to provide guarantees that they will remain a prominent force in ruling the country.

Even more important, the Kingdom and the US must try to convince all Yemenis of the merits of peace, and pursue an agenda to ameliorate their plight. This includes a unilateral cease-fire, an end to the economic blockade, significant annual humanitarian and development aid for a prolonged period – say, over a decade – and Yemen’s entry into the Gulf Cooperation Council. Most Yemenis could rally around such a deal, because they’ll all have a stake in its success. While this might not end the war, it would be a good start.

My comment: It’s for a great part US-centered blabla.

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Analysis: How Yemen war destructive for regional ecosystem?

In addition to their strategic, economic, and social significance for the region, the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden have recognized sea and coastal values. The Red Sea offers potential climate for coral reefs due to the relatively higher flexibility of its corals compared to the rest of the world. In addition to pervasive coral reefs, the area also offers grounds for vast seagrass. The Gulf of Aden has the highest levels of biological productivity in the world. The flow of nutrient-rich water from the Gulf of Aden to the Red Sea is largely due to greater productivity in the southern part of the Red Sea.

Fishing, as a traditional business, remains a key source of income and food for locals. However, in recent years, residents' fishing incomes have declined, mainly due to the destruction of basic coastal habitats and overfishing. Excessive exploitation of marine resources, dangers of maritime navigation and threats of hydrocarbon leakage from ships and industrial centers, illegal discharge of pollutants by passing ships and the effects of climate change are the main factors impacting the ecosystem and environment of the region.

The CEO of SEPCO that owns the floating oil supertanker Safer said that since Saudi Arabia waged the war on Yemen in 2015, the vessel has not undergone repair operations. He went on that the ship's forecastle gates were rusty and thus could not be closed tightly. The fire extinguishing systems is no longer working.

Environment experts warn that with the 1.14 million oil barrels stored in the tanker, the consequences of the oil spill to the sea are "indescribable" and can lead to a catastrophe for Yemen.

ACAPS, a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Geneva providing international, independent humanitarian analysis, warns that if Safer leaks, it will impact life of 31,500 fishers and 235,000 workers in the industry. This is in addition to impacts on the related industries and possibly three-month closure of vital Hudaydah port, as the only lifeline to the impoverished and war-stricken Yemeni people, said the organization. According to its predictions, the costs of cleaning the pollution in case of oil spill will be around $20 billion, almost equal to Yemen's GDP in 2019.

Fire can make things worse. Up to 5.9 million people in Yemen and another 1 million in Saudi Arabia can be exposed to air pollution. Meanwhile, the infrastructure of the Yemeni health care system has been almost completely destroyed as a result of the Saudi war and airstrikes. About 500 square kilometers of Yemeni agricultural land will be blanketed with soot, which will lead to the loss of livestock and the destruction of agricultural products feeding approximately 10 million Yemenis and 1.5 million people in neighboring Saudi Arabia.

This is while civilians in Yemen, who are already suffering from hunger and fresh water shortage, pay the highest price of the Saudi-Emirati war imposed on their country.

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The Yemen Policy Center (YPC) is pleased to invite you to a virtual discussion

At a time of unparallel flow of imagery and information, how has the conflict in Yemen been depicted, especially in Western media? Between the oversimplification of narratives and the scourge of one-dimensional descriptions, the conflict in Yemen has been reduced to a humanitarian crisis. This continual cycle of misdiagnosis fails to engage with broader issues in the country, which are seldomly described in political terms. On another level, this humanitarian narrative has animated an imagery of victimization where Yemenis are often portrayed as helpless victims confronted by problems to which only the aid organization can respond.

This framing is important because it shapes how people around the globe perceive the conflict in Yemen and understand what is important and why. This is especially critical for policymakers whose decision-making might be influenced by all the humanitarian imagery, films, articles and the ever-expanding medium of panel discussions on Yemen. Some important questions to ask here are: Whose narratives get to be highlighted in the media and how have these narratives been depicted so far? How does this framing shape others’ perception of Yemeni issues, as well as Yemenis’ perception of their own problems? What are the implications of this framing for policymaking on Yemen, specifically on how government policy and possible interventions are being made? Finally, how does this portrayal impact Yemeni lives and their future?

Yemen Policy Center is hosting a virtual panel discussion to provide a platform for discussion on the “Reclaiming the Narrative: Framing of the Conflict in Yemen in the Media.”

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

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Explained: The Saudi-Led Economical War On Yemen

The Saudi-led aggressive coalition is practicing a comprehensive economic war in Yemen, targeting primarily the Yemeni civilians in their most basic rights.

Director of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Fouad Howeidi, stated that the comprehensive blockade on Yemen had led to very large increases in import costs.

Howeidi added that the blockade imposed on Yemen has caused a rise in shipping and insurance costs for Yemen, as well as the costs of delaying shipping vessels and exposing them to piracy.

He considered all of the aforementioned costs to be extra costs that are added to the cost of goods, and thus their prices rise in an unprecedented manner, under the direct sponsorship of the forces of the Saudi aggressors that are besieging Yemen.

He pointed out that insurance costs increased by 400% and shipping costs by 200% due to the blockade and the classification of Yemen as a dangerous country, indicating that these costs are additional burdens on citizens, which have resulted in reducing their purchasing power to its minimum limits.

He pointed out that inflating the customs exchange rate in Aden is a new crime that will put many citizens below the poverty line and those already classified under this line will trap them in the cycle of extreme poverty.

Howeidi stressed that the entry of this new conspiracy and the commercial sector’s acquiescence to it means customs will increase nearly 150% and it will be part of the cost of the goods, which means that citizens will pay more.

For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance for Planning Sector Ahmed Hajar said that the economic war focuses on igniting inflation rates in the country while making sure there is no economic growth or an increase in incomes.

Hajar said that the individual’s standard of living has fallen to lower levels than it was in 2014 as a result of the lack of income for citizens, the absence of salaries and the high costs of various commodities.

In addition, he pointed out that the economic war mainly targets civilians, especially the poor, in a way to pressurize the decision-makers in Sana’a, whether in war or peace.

(A K P)

Four fuel vessels still held by Saudi-led invaders near Yemen

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC)’s spokesman Essam Al-Mutawakel said on Wednesday that the Saudi-led coalition is holding a new gas vessel, bringing the number of detained ships to four ships.

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[Sanaa gov.] Yemen Foreign Minister calls on UN Security Council to act against Saudi blockade

Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hisham Sharaf, has on Monday sent letters to the Foreign Ministers of the five permanent members of the Security Council, as well as the Group of 19 sponsoring the process of a peaceful political settlement in Yemen.

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UNVIM Situation Analysis – July 2021

Food and Fuel Discharged in July 2021

In July 2021, there was a decrease of 5% in food discharged compared to the 2020 average and a 1% increase compared to the UNVIM monthly average since May 2016, or 292,702 metric tonnes (t) compared to 308,746 t and 289,151 t, respectively.

During the reporting period, there was a 77% (33,466 t) decrease in fuel discharged compared to the 2020 average (142,221 t) and a 76% decrease compared to the monthly average (141,562 t) since May 2016.

Food and Fuel Vessel Delays in July 2021

In July 2021, food vessels spent an average of 2.4 days in the Coalition holding area (CHA); 2.9 days at anchorage; and 6.8 days at berth, compared to an average of 3.5 days in the CHA; 19 days at anchorage; and 9.3 days at berth in July 2020. Vessels spent 31% less time in the CHA, 85% and 27% less time at anchorage and berth respectively, compared to July 2020.

In July 2021, 15 food vessels proceeded from the CHA to anchorage; 14 berthed; and 12 discharged their cargo and sailed.

In July 2021, the average time spent by fuel vessels in the CHA was 60.5 days compared to an average of 17.4 days in 2019, or a 248% increase. In 2020, fuel vessels spent an average of 82.6 days and 83 days in July 2020 in the CHA, or a 26% and a 27% decrease, respectively.

Three (03) fuel vessels were permitted from the CHA to the anchorage area, two (02) vessels berthed and sailed in July 2021, and one (01) vessel partially discharged its cargo.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

65 households at al-Azaraqeen IDP hosting site in Sana'a receive food supplies

August 7, 2021

Mona Relief delivered today monthly food aid supplies to 65 households at al-Azaraqeen IDP hosting site in Hamdan district of Sana'a governorate.

Today's distribution was the sixth round of food supplies that delivered to IDPs in the hosting site.

The project, which was funded by Mona Relief's fundraising campaign in Patreon started for first time in March 2021 and lasted for 6 months (photos)

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Yemen: Health Cluster Achievements (Jan - June 2021)

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Yemen: Health Cluster Achievements (June 2021)

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Lack of Funding Threatens UN Aid in Yemen

The United Nations announced that it could reduce its humanitarian programs in Yemen due to a lack of funding, warning that “most of the money will run out in September.”

The Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General Stephane Dujarric said in a daily press briefing that heavy rains and flooding had affected at least 28,000 people, according to initial estimates.

“Our humanitarian partners [OCHA] on the ground are conducting assessments and providing assistance, including shelter, food, and health care,” he said.

Dujarric cautioned that the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan is currently 47 percent funded, with $1.82 billion has been received out of the $3.85 billion required. However, most of the money will run out in September.

The official stressed that “additional and predictable funding is urgently needed so that we can continue to send life-saving assistance to the people who need it.”

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Film: Yemen's Mentally Ill Are Chained, Tranquilized & Abandoned

Yemen has been at war for more than six years. The healthcare system has been decimated, famine looms, and millions are struggling to cope. But few observers have paid attention to the country's escalating mental health crisis that is accompanying this humanitarian catastrophe. VICE News gains exclusive access inside the few psychiatric hospitals still operating in Yemen today, finding patients both physically and chemically restrained.

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Yemenis cornered by soaring commodity prices amid war, economic collapse

At a once-popular market in Yemen's northern province of Hajjah, few now visit the stalls piled high with local commodities, as their soaring prices have discouraged most of the customers from buying.

"Since early morning, only four customers have come. The situation is worsening by the day because of the civil war and the economic deterioration," Ibrahim Dahbol, a seller of meat in the market in Hayran district, told Xinhua.

"The prices are rising every day and what I earn is not enough to buy basic commodities for my children," the father of five said.

Children, who should have been at school, work in the market too. They sit on the dirt from sunrise to sunset, some selling ropes and straw hats, and some selling vegetables and canned food.

"I have been working here for three years since I left school because of the war and displacement of my family. My family's financial situation has worsened after my father's death," said Hisham Hakami, one of the children working in the market.

"What I earn a day is barely enough to buy one meal for my mother and my sisters as food prices are skyrocketing," the 13-year-old boy told Xinhua.

Yusef Ahmed, a 12-year-old who was repairing shoes for a customer in a corner of the market, also told Xinhua that his family suffer from hunger.

Majid Al-Daeri, a Yemeni economic analyst based in the southern port city of Aden, the interim seat of the Saudi-backed government, attributed the rising prices to the devastating civil war and financial collapse.

"One of the most important reasons that led to the economic crisis and the rapid devaluation of the local currency in Yemen is the lack of hard currency in the central bank in Aden after the halt in the export of oil and liquefied gas during the war," Al-Daeri told Xinhua.

Ahmed Qasem of the Council of Arab Economic Unity in Cairo believes that reaching a peace solution between the Yemeni parties could end the suffering of the Yemeni people.

"Yemen's dependence on imports, the increase in the demand for foreign currencies and the halt of exporting oil and gas all led to the currency inflation and the decrease of riyal's value," Qassem told Xinhua. =

(A H)

#Education feeds #HOPE during conflict. This top priority is almost absent in remote communities. Yet, #SFDYemen managed, prior to the start of the academic year, to complete constructing and furnishing the Wadi AlSabab School in #Sharab_AlRawna #Taiz (photos)

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Access to health care and medical facilities

The health system in Yemen has been extremely weakened after six years of protracted conflict. About half of the health facilities in country is out of service while many of the functioning centers have very limited capacities. Most of the population lack access to health care due to destruction of the health facilities in their areas or due to lack of financial resources. The availability of health workers in the health facilities is largely dependent on incentives offered by the humanitarian actors to sustain the health services for the population. Any new health crisis adds further strain to the already over stretched and under capacitated health facilities.

Yemen has faced a series of disease outbreaks over recent years, including cholera, diphtheria, and currently, the Covid-19 pandemic, putting the country's health care system, already strained by years of underinvestment and lack of supplies and equipment for life support, in disarray. Health workers have also faced irregular payments, staffing shortages, and prolonged stress. In addition, many facilities have been damaged, destroyed, or are no longer functional.

More waves of Covid-19 will further exacerbate the humanitarian situation and will add further strain on the already exhausted health staff members and under-equipped health facilities to deal with an increase of Covid-19 patients who would require specialized Covid-19 health care.

51% of health facilities are functioning and less than 50% of births are attended by skilled health personnel.

An estimated 20.1 million people lack access to basic healthcare.

In 2020, more than 1 million Yemenis benefited from the ICRC activities in the field of health.

The ICRC continues to provide medical material, equipment, and medicines to 53 hospitals, 8 dialysis centers, and 30 primary healthcare clinics across the country, including in Sana'a, Sa'ada, Aden, and Bajil.

The ICRC supports the treatment of tens of thousands of war-wounded patients every year and provides services to almost 50,000 people with disabilities.

The ICRC also supports an education program for a diploma in Prosthetics and Orthotic in partnership with the High Institute for Health Sciences for 10 students (3 years), and provides a scholarship to study a bachelor's degree in the same field abroad. =


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Scaling up Yemen's fight against animal disease outbreaks

FAO completes large-scale livestock vaccination and treatment campaign to shield the livelihoods of over 36 000 livestock-dependent households.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has completed a month-long livestock vaccination and treatment campaign in Yemen as part of its continued efforts to control transboundary animal diseases and build resilience of communities through regular vaccination and treatment activities.

Over 600 000 sheep and goats in 16 districts throughout the country were vaccinated against Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) and Sheep and Goat Pox (SGP), and treated against various internal and external parasites and diseases.

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Five reasons why Yemen’s Sana’a airport must reopen

The airport is vital to Yemen’s wellbeing – both now and in the future. Here are five reasons why it must reopen urgently.

1. It will save thousands of lives and prevent premature deaths

The airport closure is like a hostage situation that has lasted for five years.

And for thousands of sick Yemenis in need of urgent medical treatment abroad, these five years have amounted to a death sentence. Many with long-term health conditions such as cancer have died while waiting for treatment unavailable in Yemen.

In February last year, 28 patients were flown out of Sana’a airport on medical mercy flights for urgent treatment. Close to 32,000 others on the waiting list were not so lucky. The gates to Sana’a airport have swung shut since this one-off opportunity.

Mahmoud Yahya Ali recently lost one of his sons, Shawqi, to cancer. Two of his sons were on a waiting list to get cancer treatment abroad, but missed out on the limited seats available on the mercy flights. Shawqi died in July 2020, while Mahmoud was trying to take him by car to Aden airport. The day-long car journey was too much for him to take.

2. Yemenis will have more freedom to move around

As Yemen’s main airport, Sana’a used to be the gateway connecting millions of Yemenis to the outside world. It hosted as many as 6,000 passengers a day, and more than 2 million passengers every year.

But the airport is now a ghost terminal. For the last five years, Yemenis have been stripped of their right to travel abroad to seek medical care, conduct business, study or visit family. Hundreds of students have missed out on opportunities to study abroad or take up scholarships.

Thousands of Yemenis living abroad are stranded outside the country or face difficulties visiting home. The alternative routes from the south of the country are more expensive, and involve long and sometimes dangerous land journeys that cross many checkpoints and conflict frontlines.

3. It will be quicker, easier and cheaper to bring goods and aid into the country

The closure of Sana’a airport has led to an almost complete halt to commercial cargo such as medicines, medical supplies and other equipment coming into the country. This, coupled with the restrictions at Hodeidah port, has caused prices of some medicines to double, making them unaffordable for most of the population. This is further contributing to the decline of a health system already decimated by conflict.

Before the restrictions, equipment and tools needed by the private sector were frequently imported via the airport. Once the air freight stopped, prices rose dramatically due to the increased operational costs of shipping goods through ports and transporting them long distances by road.

4. It will be good for the economy

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Thousands of critically ill patients stranded with Sana’a airport closure

Sana’a’s airport closure for the fifth consecutive year has left stranded at least 32,000 critically ill Yemeni patients in need of life-saving treatment abroad since the first and last medical flights in February last year.

Five years of restrictions imposed on Yemen’s airspace by the Saudi-led coalition is preventing thousands of sick Yemeni civilians from seeking urgent medical treatment outside the country, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and CARE said today. The airport closure is also causing economic losses estimated to be in the billions over the last five years, worsening further an already dire humanitarian situation.

“It’s like a hostage situation that has lasted for five years,” said NRC Yemen Acting Country Director, Isaac Ooko. “Patients are trapped in Yemen, even when there is a route to save them. For thousands of sick Yemenis who need urgent medical treatment abroad, these last five years have amounted to a death sentence. For five years Yemenis have been stripped of their right to travel abroad to seek medical care, conduct business, work, study or visit family. Thousands of Yemenis living abroad are stranded outside the country or face difficulties visiting home.” =

(B H P)

Over third of donors' money goes in administrative expenses on int'l organizations, says minister

Yemen's [Hadi gov.] Minister of Planning and Int'l Cooperation has said that a third of the international donors' funds to Yemen goes in administrative expenses for the international aid organizations themselves.

In an interview with the London-based Alsharq Al-Awsat newspaper and website, Waed Badheib said the int'l organizations "refuse to present bank statements" on their transactions and that the government is discussing with donors ways of finding substitutes. Badheib referred to the existence of national organizations with transparency and independence"

He also said, "We are still working to ensure and hoping to see the donors place their confidence in the government to deal with it directly instead of through third parties."

and also

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UNOCHA: Yemen Humanitarian Update - Issue 7 / July 2021

Food prices increase as currency depreciation hits record low

Without additional resources, more people risk falling into acute need category

Aid agencies gear up in response to flooding

Prolonged fuel crisis worsens the humanitarian situation

Strategic field visits by humanitarian leadership in Yemen

Civilian casualties spike again

US$50 million targets marginalized and most vulnerable groups



Film: Yemen Heavy Rain threaten | Floods Hit Sanaa, Yemen / After Hours of Heavy Rain Yemen is Underwater


(B H)

Heavy rains and flooding push Yemenis to the brink

Heavy rains and flooding in Yemen have affected at least 28,000 people, according to initial estimates released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Wednesday.
In its daily noon briefing, OCHA said that humanitarian partners on the ground are conducting assessments and providing assistance, which included food, shelter and healthcare.


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Aden-Mukalla road cut off by heavy rains

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Map: Yemen: Preliminary satellite-derived flood assessment in Sana'a City, Sana’a, Al Jawf, Al Hodeidah, Ta’iz, Al Bayda, and Hadramawt Governorates (5 August 2021)


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Map: Estimated Precipitation Accumulation over Yemen from 20th July to 1st August 2021

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Yemen: Humanitarian Response Snapshot (May 2021)

Yemen continues to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with over 20.7 million people in need of some form of humanitarian assistance or protection. In 2021, the situation, which is primarily driven by conflict and an economic blockade, has been exacerbated by COVID-19, heavy rains and flooding, escalating hostilities and currency collapse. In parallel, the 2021 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) remains largely underfunded – as of May 2021 only US$1.65 billion of the $3.85 billion needed had been received. In addition, fuel crisis has increased needs and restricted response activities, and ongoing access issues hindered the aid operation. An alarming increase in levels of food insecurity and acute malnutrition is forecasted by the year’s end. In the first five months of 2021, 167 humanitarian organizations continued to deliver aid to an average of 9.7 million people per month.

While the number of people reached with assistance decreased across many cluster areas, partners continued to provide support to millions of people – an average of 9.3 million were reached each month with food assistance, over 3.2 million were reached with WASH services, 527,931 were supported by Health Cluster partners and 449,774 received nutrition treatment.

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Yemen Key Message Update: Rising prices continue to make food increasingly unaffordable for many households, July 2021

In Yemen, rising food prices—particularly in IRG-controlled areas due to depreciation of the Aden-based Rial—are driving declining purchasing power in an environment of significantly below-average access to income. Given this and ongoing conflict—including escalated fighting in Marib since the beginning of the year and recently intensified fighting in Al Bayda and Shabwah in July—high assistance needs and widespread Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are likely to continue at the governorate level, with worst-affected households likely to face Emergency (IPC Phase 4) or Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) outcomes. Although not the most likely scenario, Famine (IPC Phase 5) would be possible if food supply is cut off for a prolonged period of time.

The Yemeni economy continues to be impacted by shortages of foreign currency due to protracted conflict, political instability, and tensions in the south between the internationally recognized government (IRG) and the Southern Transitional Council (STC). The local currency has continued to depreciate in IRG-controlled areas despite regulations issued by the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) in Aden (mostly unenforced directives to exchange businesses to cease currency speculation), with the parallel market exchange rate reaching a new record when it surpassed 1000 YER/USD on July 11, 2021. Following a brief period of appreciation around the Eid holidays, the exchange rate again surpassed 1000 YER/USD in late July. This depreciation is largely attributable to the reported arrival of currency printed over the last couple of months alongside ongoing currency speculation. Currency depreciation continues to drive price increases of most food and non-food commodities in IRG-controlled areas, rendering food increasingly unaffordable for many households despite availability in markets.

According to data from FAO, the average cost of the minimum food basket at the national level has increased by more than 20 percent since the beginning of the year, to reach levels 29 percent higher than last year and 85 percent above average as of the last week of June. IRG areas have been worst affected, though food prices have also been increasing in SBA-controlled areas due largely to rising fuel prices. After more than six years of conflict and economic crisis, many poor Yemeni households have exhausted less-severe available livelihood coping options such as selling household assets and buying food on credit. Additionally, available information suggests that an increasing number of middle-income households are also engaging in strategies including borrowing, buying food on credit, or buying cheaper foods, while other middle-income households have already exhausted these strategies alongside poor households. Key informant information suggests an increasing number of worst-affected households are engaging in more severe strategies such as early marriage of daughters or skipping meals.

(* B H)

World Bank: 70% of Yemenis are at risk of starvation

About 70 per cent of Yemenis are at risk of starvation, the World Bank said yesterday, at a time when the country's gross domestic product (GDP) has halved since 2015.

"The six-year conflict in Yemen has left at least 24.1 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including 12.3 million children and 3.7 million internally displaced," the Bank said in a report published on its website.

The report added that "about 70 percent of the population is at risk of hunger in a country that is already among the most food-insecure countries in the world."

"The conflict has destroyed the national economy, as the GDP has halved since 2015, pushing more than 80 percent of the total population below the poverty line," it added.

According to the report, food prices have also risen due to the fighting in the vicinity of seaports, the suspension of commercial imports and the resulting shortage of supplies, and the depreciation of the Yemeni riyal, which currently barely exceeds a third of its 2015 value.

(A H)

Islamic Relief UK launches emergency appeal as famine looms over Afghanistan, Yemen and parts of Africa

Today, Islamic Relief UK launches an emergency appeal as the list of countries on the brink of famine rises. The charity warns that countries in North Africa, Asia and the Middle East will succumb to starvation, disease, malnutrition and death if immediate action is not taken to combat global hunger.

(B H)

UN pledges to provide projects worth $5 M dollars for Jawf

United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator William Gressly has pledged to provide projects with an initial value of $ 5 million dollars for Jawf province.

Gressly's statement came upon his visit the province

(B H)

Through its #food security program and under the cash transfer project, Oxfam provided more than 28K people in #Hajjah governorate sufficient cash to help them cover their basic food needs for 10 consecutive months. The project was funded by @careintuk and @DFID_UK (photos)

Comment: Hey @OxfamYemen, the practice of filming beneficiaries receiving your “help” is extremely humiliating. Yemenis are proud people & they only accepted to have their photos taken like this because they have no alternative for help. Stop it. Find other ways to raise funds or market yourself

Oxfam adheres to strict ethical content guidelines to ensure the dignity of people. In this case we made a mistake. We've removed the images as they aren't in line with our policies. Thanks for bringing them to our attention. We will take steps to ensure we do better from now on.

(B H)

World’s worst humanitarian crisis

After six years of war, “Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe,” according to the International Rescue Committee.

Confirming that terribly sad fact, Catholic Relief Services reports, “Conflict and a lack of aid has triggered a humanitarian disaster, leaving 80 percent of the population in need of assistance, including two million children suffering from acute malnutrition. Hunger is on the rise, and basic services like education, water, health and sanitation have deteriorated. These conditions triggered an unprecedented cholera outbreak in Yemen – the worst in history.”

Despite years of immense suffering endured by Yemenis, war-torn, desperately poor Yemen remains a mere blip on the radar screens of rich nations like Australia.

And to be honest, Yemen was a blip on my radar screen, that is, until I met Barbara Deller.

For 12 years, Deller worked as a hospital nurse-midwife in Yemen, and later served as a faculty member of the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, advising ministries of health in numerous countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Former nurse in Yemen, Barbara Deller, is asking readers to view the realistic, powerful, gut-wrenching film “Hunger Ward” (see:; and then to please make a donation to the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation – a grass-roots on the ground humanitarian organization that uses volunteers to distribute food, medicine, clothing, blankets to desperate Yemenis. She told me, “The foundation is run by a dear Yemeni friend of mine who is 100 per cent genuine” (see:

(B H)

The #YemenCrisis has devastated the economy leaving millions unable to afford food. Sameeh is a fisherman from #Aden, #Yemen but he struggles to earn enough to feed his family. Fuel for his fishing boat is too expensive & food prices in Aden are +33% this year

(B H)

Film: This overcrowded hospital in Yemen is struggling to cope with treating severely malnourished children

(B H)

Vereinte Nationen warnen vor Hungersnöten in 23 Regionen

In den nächsten drei Monaten könnte die Hungersnot unter anderem in Teilen Äthiopiens und des Jemens katastrophale Zustände annehmen. Nötig sei laut UN sofortige Hilfe.

Die Vereinten Nationen (UN) haben vor zunehmendem Hunger an weltweit 23 Brennpunkten in den kommenden drei Monaten gewarnt. Besonders katastrophal sei die Lage in der umkämpften Region Tigray in Äthiopien, im Süden Madagaskars, in Jemen, Südsudan und in Nordnigeria.

(B H)

UN agencies warn millions are at risk of famine without massive aid influx

Hunger is expected to rise in 23 global hotspots in the next three months with the highest alerts for “catastrophic" situations in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region, southern Madagascar, Yemen, South Sudan, and northern Nigeria, two U.N. agencies warned Friday.

The Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Program said in a new report on “Hunger Hotspots” between August and November that “acute food insecurity is likely to further deteriorate.”

They put Ethiopia at the top of the list, saying the number of people facing starvation and death is expected to rise to 401,000 - the highest number since the 2011 famine in Somalia - if humanitarian aid isn’t provided quickly.

(B H)

Yemen WASH Cluster - Humanitarian Dashboard (January - May 2021)

(* B H)

The Cow Produces Milk and Generates Gas!

The Story of How Abdul-Hafeeth al-Aroumi Overcame the Gas Crisis in His Village

Before the war, particularly in 2014, a gas cylinder cost 1,200 Yemeni riyals (approx. US$4.50). Today, the average cost of a gas cylinder has reached 5,000 riyals (approx. $8.00), depending on the location. Obtaining cooking gas in Yemeni cities is an extremely difficult and exhausting process. Women, men and children wait for days in long lines without any guarantee that they will get what they came for given the limited number of cylinders allocated for each neighborhood. It has become very common to see empty cylinders rolling on the ground, in front of their owners, making sounds like a tragic melody, echoing on the way to houses without food.

Central bakeries in Yemen are not common in villages, which makes the need for cooking gas higher than in cities. In the village, gas cylinders are distributed by the mayor of the village as well as local authorities. Most of the time, the friends and relatives of those in power have priority during distribution of the limited number of cylinders.

One evening, al-Aroumi found the beginning of the answer to his complicated question while watching a television program featuring the process of generating biogas from manure. Intrigued by the idea, al-Aroumi went to the city’s libraries, bookstores, and internet cafes to find out more about this method so he could start a similar project in his village. He consulted with academics and specialists at the University of Ibb to create a plan for his project, and despite the discouraging responses, he was determined to move forward with his plan. The idea had never been explored in his village, governorate or perhaps even in Yemen: “I was fully aware of the difficulties, but we can never achieve anything without trying even if we do not succeed at first.”

On the day al-Aroumi announced he was to reveal the results of his latest attempt, they came to witness what they thought would be inevitable failure. As soon as the gas flowed all the way up to the stove in the kitchen, mouths dropped. Shortly after, news spread with the same speed as the gas flow. “People were racing to my house and some of them would even touch the flames on the stove and almost burn themselves before eventually believing that my project succeeded. I have never been this happy to see a fire until I saw the one my project started”, said al-Aroumi. His promise to his mother was fulfilled, and indeed her cow produced milk and generated gas – and he began to use the remnants of the waste used in methane generation as agricultural biofertilizer.

People of al-Ja’ashi have changed their idea of al-Aroumi and begun to see him as a creative and innovative man.

(? B H K P)

Yemen’s tragic plight continues

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H K)

Yemeni refugees recall nightmare trek through mountains with injured baby

“Helplessly watching my child bleeding was the hardest moment in my life. I wished I had died rather than see her in such a heartbreaking condition,” said Ali Ahmed Al Homaikani, who recently fled his home in Al Zaher district in the province of Al Bayda in central Yemen.

Houthi rebel militias tightened their grip over the area following fierce clashes with pro-government forces in July, he told The National.

Mr Al Homaikani fled his home with his wife and their only child — 18-month-old Hind Ahmed, who had been shot in her hand.

The couple and their wounded little girl faced an unbearable journey during which they sought shelter in Yafea, southern Yemen, before heading to Aden, where they are staying at a relative's house.

“We decided to leave the village as the Houthi troops controlled the outskirts and when we were gearing up to leave the house, my kid was shot and a bullet penetrated her hand,” Mr Al Homaikani told The National.

“We crossed valleys and mountains, walking on foot with our wounded little kid for more than three hours without any water or food,” he said.

The family were among at least 800 others that had to flee their homes following the Houthi takeover in Al Bayda in July.

Many travelled on foot to southern provinces including Lahj, Aden and Shabwa, which are under firmer government control.

Authorities say more than 200 families residing in Al Souma'a, Natea and Naman fled to Bayhan district in Shabwa province, where they are being hosted by locals.

(A H P)

Yemen gov’t to assist villagers in Marib to return home after Houthi militants were driven out

The local government in Yemen’s eastern Marib province is set to assist villagers displaced by the Houthis in the voluntary return to their villages after the Houthi militants were driven out by the army in recent weeks.

(B H)

Yemen - Flow Monitoring Points | Non-Yemeni Migrant Arrivals and Yemeni Returnees in June 2021

From 01 to 30 June 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 3,545 migrants arrived in Yemen. The migrant caseload was 89 per cent Ethiopian and 11 per cent Somali, with 100% of those tracked heading for Saudi Arabia. The migrants are predominantly male (80%), with 11 per cent women, seven per cent boys and two per cent girls also among the travelers.

Through June reporting period, 993 migrants arrived from Somalia and were recorded at flow monitoring points of Ber Ali 763 migrants and Eyn Bamabad 230 migrants in Shabwah governorate. Al Aarah flow monitoring point in Lahj governorate saw the highest number of migrant arrivals, with 2,232 migrants arriving from Djibouti.

(A H)

79 Ethiopian migrants return home from Yemen

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) airlifted on Tuesday, 79 Ethiopian migrants, including 19 women and 14 children from Yemen's rebel-held capital Sana'a to Ethiopia in the first Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) flight from Sana’a since 2019.

and also

(B H K pS)

Houthi crackdown forces 1500 central Yemen families to flee southwards, says official

The [Hadi gov.] Director of the Executive Unit for Management of IDPs Camps said on Monday that 1500 families had been forced to flee the central Yemen province of Beidha southwards due to the Houthi militia's crackdown.

Najib Al-Saadi told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper and website the families said there has been "a huge influx of people from Al-Zaher and Alsawmaa " of Beidh province to the southern province of Lahj since the Houthi militia captured the two districts.

He said the families ran for their lives amidst "too hard circumstances."

and also

(B H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 25 July To 31 July 2021

From 01 January 2021 to 31 July 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 8,205 households (HH) (49,230 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

Between 25 July 2021 and 31 July 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 457 households (2,742 individuals) displaced at least once. The highest number of displacements were seen in:

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational update, covering the period 13 to 29 July 2021

On 12 - 13 July, 26 families (some 156 individuals) were displaced to Marib governorate due to intense fighting in neighbouring Al-Baydha. Rapid Response Mechanism kits—which include emergency food rations, basic hygiene kits and women’s dignity items—were distributed by UNHCR’s partner Al Bina’a Foundation for Development. In addition, UNHCR partner Society for Humanitarian Solidarity (SHS) distributed Non-Food Items (NFIs) to 76 households (378 individuals) and 110 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) to newly displaced families in Marib.

During the reporting period, UNHCR partner Human Access assessed 946 households for their overall protection environment, causes of displacement and identified protection needs and risks in Marib for further interventions.
Since 15 February 2021, Human Access has carried out 10,622 assessments in Marib. During the reporting period, UNHCR dispatched an assistance convoy containing 880 ESKs and 854 NFIs to cover the emergency needs of displaced families in Marib city. Human Access also deployed mobile teams to conduct rapid needs assessments and provide psychosocial support.

Between 17 - 22 July, 221 individuals (131 refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as 90 Yemenis) received medical consultations and referrals at public health centres supported by UNHCR in Sana’a governate.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Mass rallies in Sana'a condemn US-Saudi blockade, aggression

(A P)

Houthi militants attack academic at Ibb University

Iran-backed Houthi militants have attacked an academic at Ibb University as part of a series of escalating Houthi attacks against academics in Yemen, according to December 2 news agency.

The news agency added that armed Houthi militiamen attacked the professor of environment and natural resources at Ibb University, Dr. Abdullah al-Thibani, with his son in a neighborhood in Jabal Ruby area in the city of Ibb.

The sources indicated that a minor dispute arose between the doctor and one of the Houthi militiamen in the neighborhood, prompting the Houthis to form a gang led by Mohammed al-Noaman to pursue and attack the doctor.

and also

(A P)

US has no right to blame Yemen suffering on locals, Houthi leader says

The United States of America which has been blockading the Yemeni people and insists, along with the Saudi-led coalition, on starving them does not have the right to blame the suffering in Yemen on those rejecting its occupation, a senior Houthi leader has said.

The US Department of State on Wednesday held the Iran-allied Houthi group responsible for much of the suffering in war-torn Yemen which has the world's largest humanitarian crisis.

(A K P)

Houthis are amassing fighters, cannons and armored vehicles in their stronghold of Saada as a war with [defecting] Bani Hodeihfah tribe is on the brink of eruption / Almashehad Alyemeni website

(A P)

Houthis assassinate one of the most prominent Shiekhs (tribal chieftains) of Aljawf province, Mohammed bin Mubarak Naje'a Almarrani, after luring him to Sana'a in a sting operation seemingly to patch up differences/Ababeel Net.

(A P)

The Houthis kidnapped al-Sawadi from his home and tortured him to death

The terrorist Houthi militia killed the citizen Abdulaziz Abdullah Ahmed Al-Sawadi, after he was kidnapped from his home in Al-Sawadiyah District, Al-Bayda Governorate, central Yemen.

According to local sources, the Houthi militia kidnapped the citizen Al-Sawadi in the afternoon and took him to a place located between the areas of Tahiriya and Al-Sawadiyah, and tortured, liquidated him and threw him there.

and also

(B P)

At least half a million children are being radicalized by Houthis now, says org

A Yemeni organization concerned with protection of vulnerable children has warned that half a million Yemeni children have been recruited by the terrorist Shiit Houthi militia to radicalization Summer Camps in the militia-controlled northwest of Yemen in preparation to deploy them to the warfronts against the government.

SEYAJ organization said in a new statement that "half a million children have been recruited" to brainwashing camps, expressing its concern that such large numbers of children will become involved in the fighting."

(A P)

University professor assassinated in Sana'a, hours after he demanded salary payment and rise

A university professor was assassinated in Yemen's Sana'a late on Wednesday, hours after he demanded the self-proclaimed "government" of the Houthi terrorist milita to pay overdue salaries and raise wages of public employees.

Local sources said the professor of architecture Mohammed Naeem in the College of Engineering at Sana'a University was "shot dead by gunmen as he was trying to get into his car"


(A P)

Murderer of Sana’a University professor arrested

Yemeni security services in Sana’a have on Thursday arrested a man accused of the assassination of university professor Mohammed Ali Ali Naim according to a capital security official.

The official said the criminal investigation was able to find out the identity of the perpetrator, who confessed to committing the crime as a result of personal differences with the professor.

(* B P)

Yemen's Houthis blow up homes after losing control in Al-Bayda, Marib

Houthi rebels used to brag of blowing up homes of top government officials between 2010-2014, and once the group took control of Sanaa in 2014, they continued sporadically attacking opponents' homes. But the latest attacks have captured media attention as they coincide with military defeats.

The Houthis’ main motives for using this tactic are not clear yet. The first time they reportedly blew up a home was that of parliament member Sagheer bin Aziz in July 2010 in the Harf Sufyan district of Amran governorate. Aziz had been fighting along with government forces before the government and Houthis reached a cease-fire agreement to end the war in February 2010.

Essam al-Sabri, a political observer, accused all warring sides of blowing up homes of their opponents either with land mines or by airstrikes. “Both parties used blowing up homes as a war tactic against its opponent, both the government (meaning Ahmer) and the Houthis. But the Houthis have excessively used this tactic of bombing homes of opponents," he told Al-Monitor.

“Blowing up homes after gaining victory over your opponent is the tactic of militant groups, be it in Yemen, Iraq or the Levant. It’s a tactic that reveals the defeat of the executor, not his victory," Sabri noted.

Basheer Omar, spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen, said in an interview with Al-Monitor via WhatsApp his organization doesn't have an exact number of houses blown up by the Houthis. "We don't have figures on this, at least for the time being," Omar said.

"If there are [international humanitarian law] violations of any kind, we usually address these violations with parties to the conflict to ensure that civilians and their properties are being spared and respected," Omar said. "We address that during bilateral meetings with parties to the conflict."

Omar said the ICRC is "concerned by the humanitarian consequences of the intensifying violence in Al-Bayda governorate over the last couple of weeks," sending an argument to "all parties engaged in the hostilities to take every possible measure to protect civilians and their properties, including homes, businesses and livelihoods."


(* B P)

Houthis blow up 16 houses of civilian oppositionists in central Yemen city in half a year, says NGO

The Shiit sectarian Houthi militants have blown up 16 houses belonging to civilian oppositionists in central Yemen's city of Taiz in half a year, a human rights organization said on Wednesday.

The Human Rights Information and Training Center detailed in a new report that the militants blew up 16 houses by planted bombs, and damaged 18 other houses totally and 43 houses partially by heavy shelling as part of their abuses in the besieged city of Taiz during the first half of this year.

(A P)

Iranian President receives Yemen's delegation

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ibrahim Raisi received on Wednesday the delegation of the Republic of Yemen, headed by Mohammed Abdulsalam, representative of President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat.

An official reception ceremony was held for the delegation of Yemen at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Islamic Republic in Tehran

and also


(A P)

Houthi militants physically eliminate a man from Aljawf, by the name Mohammed Mubarak Almarrani, in Sana'a on Monday./Multiple websites.

(A P)

Heavy clashes have erupted as of late Monday in Dhamar, a Houthi stronghold, as the Houthi militia is seeking to arrest oppositionist villagers in Wadi Al-Har area. The Houthi militia are reportedly now shelling the area with heavy weapons/Multiple websites

(A P)

Son of Hadi government consul to Bahrain expelled for fraud

The son of the Hadi “government of Yemen” consul in Bahrain has been expelled, after being caught in cases that are seen as harming the security and stability of the state, media sources reported on Tuesday.

(A P)

UAE stepping up its efforts to colonise and conquer Yemeni archipelago of Socotra

Yemeni sources have revealed new moves by the UAE in the Socotra Archipelago, as part of Abu Dhabi’s plot to control the strategically located Yemeni island group.

The sources said that the UAE established a marina for Emirati ships in the port of Olaf on the island of Socotra.

Abu Dhabi has furthermore formed a soy cell of 112 people, consisting of local informants and distributors in all the residential communities on the island, according to the sources.

The Emirati authorities use humanitarian aid as a cover to perpetuate the occupation of the strategically located island of Socotra in Yemen.

In parallel, the sources monitored the arrival of dozens of female recruits to the airport of Hadibo, the capital of Socotra, coming from Abu Dhabi.

The female soldiers arrived in Socotra, accompanied by a Brigadier General in the UAE intelligence service named Saeed al-Kaabi, who is leading the implementation of the Abu Dhabi’s plans in Yemen.

Al-Kaabi held a meeting with leaders of the UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias upon his arrival in Socotra, with the participation of female soldiers in the meeting, which was devoted to review Abu Dhabi’s directives to establish a headquarters for the command of female soldiers, which he called “the headquarters of the Saqr Al-Arab forces.”

For months, the UAE has sent groups of foreign tourists to the Socotra Archipelago, in a flagrant violation of Yemeni sovereignty.

This falls in the midst of unremitting efforts of bribing people with UAE dirham currency and even offering Emirati citizenship, meant to tempt the residents of the Socotra Archipelago to submit to the occupation and Emirati hegemony.

Calls are mounting in Yemen to counter the UAE’s plot to change the personal identity of the residents of Socotra.

and also

(A P)

President: Yemen is in direct confrontation with USA, Israel

President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat affirmed on Tuesday that Yemen is in a direct confrontation with the Americans and the Israelis in this aggression, and that the rest are nothing but tools to cover their crimes.

During his meeting with a number of journalists and media employees, the president said that the Qur'an drew two lines in media work by adhering to the truth and not to twist the words.

Al-Mashat stressed not to be affected by the enemy's propaganda and not to beleive its misleading news.

(A P)

The Houthi militia have enrolled large numbers of loyalists in the 'illegitimate' Supreme Judicial Institute in Sana'a to ensure a future total control over the judiciary system in the militia's areas of control, informed sources have said.

The move comes after the replacement of thousands of [Saleh-era] security and military officials with Houthi militants./Alsahwa Net

Yemeni media pundits and other activists call the government's failure to restore the country's telecommunication system from Houthis a shame and a great treason./Almashehad Alyemeni

(A P)

Houthi militia storm a house of a tribal chieftain in Dhamar/Nabdh Alshare'a

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni minister slams Houthi militias’ recruitment of child soldiers

(A P)

A Houthi militant detonates his bomb in a bus between Sana'a and Ibb governorates, which led to the killing of two passengers, injury of others./Almanarah Net.

(A P)

Yemen's Houthi extremists blow up house of army officer outside Marib

(A P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] condemns house bombings by Houthi terrorist militia

(A P)

Photos: This house was partially destroyed as a result of blowing up the nearby house of Hussein Al-Baramni in al-Zahir district, al-Baydha governorate, days ago, according to local residents.

(A P)

An Abductee Dies in a Houthi-run Prison

An abductee named Mohsen Mohammed Alqadi is reported to have been killed inside a Houthi-run prison in Dhamar province, central Yemen.

According to local sources, the 28-year victim was arbitrarily detained for a year and a half without his family knowing about his whereabouts.

and also

(B P)

Houthis accused of torturing prisoners to death in Yemen

The Houthis have been accused of torturing hundreds of prisoners to death since taking power in late 2014.

Yemen’s Human Rights Ministry said that 350 prisoners, including 33 women, had died from extreme torture and deliberate medical negligence during the last seven years. It added that the militia was still using the same harsh methods on prisoners in areas under their control.

Activists warned inmates were being subjected to human rights abuses in Houthi-controlled prisons and that they could die if the international community did not intervene.

In a statement seen by Arab News, the ministry said it had documented 1,635 cases of mental and physical torture, deprivation of life-saving medical treatment and execution of prisoners in jails controlled by the Houthis in Sanaa, Hajjah, Thamar and other provinces.

The Mothers of Abductees Association, an umbrella organization for female relatives of war prisoners, said that its figures of the number of deaths inside Houthi prisons were close to the government’s figures.

Amat Al-Salam Al-Hajj, the organization’s chairwoman, told Arab News that 319 had died from torture inside Houthi prisons.

The ministry and rights groups said the latest confirmed victim of Houthi abuse was a prisoner called Mohsen Mohammed Al-Qadhi, who was reportedly executed inside a Thamar prison last week.

The ministry said he was abducted from his home in Dhamar city a year ago. Large bruises on his body indicated the physical torture he had been subjected to.

(A K P)

Iranian military official forms new battalions in Sana'a: Reports

News Line website reported that Hassan Eyrlo Iran's self-styled "ambassador" to the Shiit terrorist group had formed the battalions under the name"the Academy of Security and Intelligence" to at independent of the Houthi mainstream militia and answer directly to the IRGC.

(B P)

My book "Prison Time in Sana'a" launches this month. This book will make you smile and frown, but above all, understand #Yemen. While the book revolves around my 300 days in #Houthi prison, I focus on human's resilience in the face of adversity.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A T)


(B P)

Frenchman freed after a year and a half of secret detention in Yemen

This globetrotter, released in July, was imprisoned by pro-Saudi loyalists

Back since Tuesday at his home in Brittany, Nicolas (a pseudonym) has not yet fully understood the reasons for his ordeal: eighteen months of detention by jailers supposed to be allies of France in the war which rabies in Yemen. A strange odyssey that has remained secret from a 32-year-old globetrotter, a little reckless (paywalled)

(A P)

Taiz hosts rally calling for local officials ouster, corrupts accountability

Hundreds of Taiz people took to street on Thursday to protest bad conditions and to call for corrupt local officers be held accountable.
Movement will continue and protests will be stepped up until demands are met and corrupts, who aggravate people sufferings, are ousted, the rally organizers said in a statement.

(A P)

Yemen condemns Iran’s threats to navigation in the Arabian Gulf

and also

(A P)

Joint Security Operations Centre starts its work in Aden

Aden's Security inaugurated on Thursday, the Joint Security Operations Centre to help ensuring the highest possible security and stability in the capital.
According to a statement issued today by Aden Security Department, the newly opened centre is one of the result of the efforts made over the past period by Aden leadership represented by the governor, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas and the Security chief of Aden, Major General Mutaher Ali Naji al-Shu'aibi to promote security sector.

My comment: The separatists fixing their rule.

(A P)

Yemeni Prime Minister: Legitimate Yemeni Leadership and Saudi Arabia Are Keen to Complete Implementation of Riyadh Agreement

and also

(A P)

Militiamen arrest a young man Alaa Alshajari and torture him to death in Aden, said the chairwoman of Defense Organisation for Rights and Freedoms Huda Al-Sarari./Voice of Yemen website

(A P)

Protest held in Aden against 100% customs duty hike

(A P)

Eight citizens abducted by Saudi-backed forces in Taiz

At least eight citizens were kidnapped on Wednesday by the Saudi-backed Islah militants in Salh area of Taiz city, local source said.

The sources confirmed that the gunmen on a military vehicle from 22 Meca Brigade, led by the leader, Ezzedine Al-Mikhlafi, stormed on Tuesday evening several houses in the area, arresting 8 people and taking them to one of the brigade’s detention centers.

On the other hand, a powerful explosion hit a house of one of senior leaders loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the same city.

The sources affirmed that two explosive devices were planted by unknown persons

(* B P)

UAE under fire for spying officials, activists in Yemen

UAE reportedly used Israeli spyware to spy on most members of the internationally recognized government in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reportedly used an Israeli spyware known as Pegasus to spy on most members of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

An investigation published last month by 17 media organizations said the Pegasus spyware, made and licensed by Israeli company NSO, was used by the UAE to monitor and spy on the ministers of the internationally recognized government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

The wiretapping activities reportedly targeted the Yemeni president and his family members, former Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr, former Foreign Minister Abdul Malik al-Mikhlaf, and current Minister of Youth and Sports, Naif al-Bakri.

The list of targets for surveillance also included Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani, former Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maisari, former Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani, Director of the Office of the Yemeni Presidency Abdullah al-Alimi and former Transport Minister Saleh al-Jabwani.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, al-Jabwani said he was “not surprised” by the revelation as he was “expecting such actions from the UAE”.

“The UAE is a rogue police state which engages in all kinds of illegal work such as espionage, organized assassinations, building secret prisons, destroying the social fabric and dividing countries, which all was practiced in Yemen by the UAE,” said al-Jabwani, who served as a transport minister between December 2017 and December 2020.

According to leaks, the Pegasus spyware had been used in attempted and successful hacks of smartphones belonging to journalists, government officials and human rights activists on a global scale.

and also

(A K P)

Several wounded in infighting between Saudi-backed mercenaries

Clashes broke out between two factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the occupied city of Mukalla, Hadhramaut province.

According to the source, clashes between the armed escorts of Yahya Abu Awaja, Staff Officer of the First Military Region, and the bodyguards of Hadi’s Interior Minister Ibrahim Haydan broke out on Monday, leaving several wounded.

and also

(A P)

UAE-backed forces storm house of Hadi government official in Aden

UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias have stormed the house of a senior official in the Hadi puppet government, as part of a campaign to crack down against Hadi loyalists in Aden.

Mushtaq Mubarak Shamlan, an advisor to Hadi’s Minister of Education, said that a military force raided his home in Dar Saad directorate and arrested his younger brother Mohammed Shamlan, holding him hostage in negotiations for the arrest of his other brother Amr, who is wanted.

(A P)

Houthis say Yemen government bullying Marib tribes

Vice foreign minister in the Houthi government Hussein Al-Ezzi on Monday said that Yemen's internationally recognised government is bullying the tribes in Marib province.

The militias of the Muslim Brotherhood are using weapons provided by the Saudi-led coalition to attack citizens and tribes, he said in a statement on Twitter, after deadly clashes between the government forces and tribal outlaws.

(A K P)

Armed tribesmen kill senior pro-gov't security official in Yemen's Marib

A senior commander of the pro-government Yemeni security forces was killed by armed tribesmen in the country's oil-rich province of Marib on Monday, a military official told Xinhua.

"Confrontations erupted between the security forces and armed tribesmen who set up checkpoints and barriers near an oil field in Marib's eastern part," the local military source said on condition of anonymity.

He confirmed that the armed confrontations resulted in the killing of General Abdul-Wahed Dokar, commander of the 2nd Security Brigade in Marib.

and also

(A E P)

Shabwa government calls for resuming gas and oil projects operation soon

The local government of Shabwa has called for the gas and oil projects in the eastern Yemen province to be resumed soon to boost Yemen's ravaged economy.


Truck loaded with millions of rials hijacked in al-Mukalla

(* B P)

Al-Zubaidi to Le Figaro: Southern independence is our strategic goal

The independence of the South remains our strategic objective, the President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Commander-in-Chief of Southern Armed Forces, Aidroos Qassem al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the French daily Le Figaro.
LE FIGARO: The Riyadh Agreement provides for the creation of power-sharing government made up of the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), why it has not been implemented?
AL-ZUBAIDI: The agreement is in its implementation stage. Gains have been made with the formation of the power-sharing government, appointment of ministers and some governors. Certainly, several ministers, who left Aden were unable to return because they do not have the financial support of the government that does not pay civil service salary. For example, the Ministry of Defense does not pay military personnel salaries. We're experiencing many difficulties. The international community has to exercise its pressure and also to help the power-sharing government.
LE FIGARO: Did the Arab Coalition create obstacles in your path with a view to preventing the Southerners from making progress towards their independence?
AL-ZUBAIDI: We expected to find such problems. We announced self-administration of the South last year to address issues relating to the breakdown of essential public services and personnel's unpaid salaries in the absence of government. By announcing self-administration rule in the south we have been criticized by everyone, especially the French ambassador to Yemen. The Arab coalition did not create obstacles in our path, it is rather the hacked legitimacy, which is unable to carry out its duties, it is in a state of catastrophic failure.
LE FIGARO: Is this the reason why we haven't seen any pictures of President Hadi in Aden or even the national flag of Yemen in your office?
AL-ZUBAIDI: We respect President Hadi, but the legitimacy is hacked. Pictures of President Hadi are hung in the capital Aden, but we are against hanging the Yemeni flag. The Yemeni flag belongs to the North and its capital is Sanaa.
LE FIGARO: You rescinded a declaration of self-rule last year, does the same thing go with the independence of the South?
AL-ZUBAIDI: We are moving forward on the path of full administrative independence. We are not seeking the secession from Yemen. In fact, the truth of the matter which the international community must know that South Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of Yemen) was recognized as independent state until 1990 and it remains a strategic goal that we can not back out of it. Our ultimate goal is to return to the pre-1990 situation.
LE FIGARO: Is this possible with only three provinces under your control?
AL-ZUBAIDI: The South with all its governorates will return. If there were a referendum on independence, more than 90% of the Southerners would support independence.
LE FIGARO: The situation is deteriorating between you and the legitimate government forces in some southern governorates, are we heading towards another war between the local allies of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition?
AL-ZUBAIDI: We are ready to wage a war against terrorists, Al-Qaeda (AQAP) and Daesh (ISIS) but we do not want a fratricidal fighting. We are in a dialogue and negotiations under the auspices of Saudi Arabia.


(A T)

SBF officer survives assassination in south Yemen

(A K P)

Infighting between mercenary forces leaves one wounded in Aden

(A P)

Security forces deployed to Mahrah amid visit of Parliament Speaker

Large security forces were deployed to the city centre of Yemen's eastern province of Mahrah on Sunday amid calls by the Southern Transitional Council for protests against the visit of Parliament's Speaker to the province.

The UAE-backed pro-separation council is threatening to prevent Parliament from convening in south Yemen.

The leadership of its bureau in the province decided to mobilise people today to protest the visit of Speaker Sultan Al-Barakani.

A local official said the authorities will not tolerate any illegal actions and reject protests aimed at destabilising the province. All people should respect the state and its symbols, the official said.

(A P)

Members of Saudi-led Hadi parliament flee Hadhramaut following mass protests

Several Hadi puppet government MPs have on Saturday to escaped to the city of al-Ghaydah city in Saudi-held Mahrah province, after protests against them broke out in Hadhramaut.

Local sources affirmed that the angry protest, called for by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the cities of Seiyun and Mukalla, forced the parliament members to cancel their meetings in all cities of Hadhramaut.

Meanwhile, southern Yemeni activists have called on the people of Mahrah to also stage demonstrations rejecting the presence of these same MPs in their home province.

The activists considered that the Saudi forces in the province “would not be able to provide protection to the MPs in al-Ghaydah, in the face of the movements of the free sons of Mahrah.”

A number of activists loyal to the STC has furthermore vowed to thwart all plans and sessionsheld by the “group of parliamentarians loyal to the Hadi’s conspiratorial government against the people of the southern provinces.”

Earlier in the day, massive protests took place in the streets of al-Mukalla city on Saturday, aimed against the Saudi-backed Hadi puppet government in exile.

(A P)

Local official warns against violence in Yemeni Hadhramout

Hadhramout deputy governor on Sunday warned against provocative calls aimed to inflame chaos in the Yemeni eastern governorate.
"There is a suspicious plot to harm the governorate's security and stability through fueling provincial feuds and calling for turmoil," Sheikh Amr Bin Habroush, also chairman of Hadhramout Inclusive Conference (HIC), said.
The warnings come as the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council calls on its supporters to stage rallies and civil disobedience in protest of the ongoing arrangements for Yemeni Parliament meetings in Seyoun city.

(A P)

Security forces deployed to Mahrah amid visit of Parliament Speaker

Large security forces were deployed to the city centre of Yemen's eastern province of Mahrah on Sunday amid calls by the Southern Transitional Council for protests against the visit of Parliament's Speaker to the province.

The UAE-backed pro-separation council is threatening to prevent Parliament from convening in south Yemen.

The leadership of its bureau in the province decided to mobilise people today to protest the visit of Speaker Sultan Al-Barakani.

(A P)

STC threatens to use force to expel Yemen Parliament from south

The Southern Transitional Council on Saturday threatened to use military force to expel Parliament from Yemen's eastern province of Hadhramaut.

The speaker and members of Parliament arrived in Seiyun city on Tuesday within the plan of Internationally Recognised Government to convene Parliament.

But the pro-separation council has said it is opposing that and threatened to prevent it from happening in the south.

In a statement on Twitter, the chairman the UAE-backed council's General Assembly Ahmed bin Breik branded the government and Parliament and their allies as mercenaries.

We will not hesitate to use force against them and then the government would have no option but to flee to their masters, he said. The word of masters refers to Saudi Arabia which has been hosting the government since it was ousted by the Iran-allied Houthi group.


(A P)

Ahmed Saeed bin Bureik, President of the UAE-backed STC's National Assembly, threatens to use force against the Yemeni govt and MPs in #Yemen's Hadramout, describing its governor Ahmed Faraj al-Buhsani as a mercenary.

referring to

O government and legal representatives, and with you the conservative mercenaries and their paramilitaries are sitting with us to flog the peaceful Hadrami people and by force they love me by force.

(A P)

Yemenis in Abyan protest against rising food prices and corruption

(A T)

Senior security official ambushed in southern Yemen, 2 bodyguards killed: gov't source

Unknown gunmen ambushed the motorcade of a senior security official in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Sunday, a government official told Xinhua.

"The soldiers of the convoy clashed with assailants during the ambush on the outskirts of Zinjibar, capital of Abyan Province, and managed to rescue the security leader," the local government source said on condition of anonymity.

Two bodyguards were killed and a number of soldiers were injured during the confrontation with the assailants who fled the area following the attack, he added.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(B P)

Yemen Crisis Stalls between Peace Consultations, Continuation of Fighting

With the appointment of a new envoy, observers have started to wonder whether peace initiatives would succeed in bringing an end to the conflict. The latest such initiative was proposed by Saudi Arabia and backed by the UN earlier this year.

All peace proposals have so far been met with the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ intransigence. The terrorist militias have opted to forge ahead with military operations in the hopes of making gains on the ground, however, all of their efforts have failed.

Head of the Gulf Research Center, Dr. Abdulaziz Sager said the options for tackling the conflict are either the continuation of the fighting or the issuing of new UN Security Council resolutions that would pressure the Houthis or for the militias to agree to join the legitimate government at the negotiations table.

The fourth option, Sager told Asharq Al-Awsat, lies in the Saudi-led Arab coalition withdrawing from Yemen and leaving it to the Yemenis to determine the fate of their country.

He acknowledged that such a choice would mean the intervention of several countries in Yemen and the consequent deterioration of the humanitarian situation and increased threats to maritime navigation.

China can play a positive role in Yemen due to its good ties with Iran and its recognition of the legitimate government, he remarked.

(A P)

Schwedischer Diplomat Hans Grundberg neuer Jemen-Vermittler für UN

Die Vereinten Nationen haben einen neuen Vermittler für den Jemen ernannt: Hans Grundberg. Zuvor war der schwedische Diplomat Botschafter im Jemen.

Der schwedische Diplomat Hans Grundberg wird Nachfolger des Briten Martin Griffiths als UN-Vermittler für das Bürgerkriegsland Jemen. Das teilte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres in New York mit. Grundberg gilt als Nahost-Experte und war zuvor EU-Botschafter im Jemen.

(A P)

Mr. Hans Grundberg of Sweden - Special Envoy for Yemen

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Hans Grundberg of Sweden as his Special Envoy for Yemen. Mr. Grundberg succeeds Martin Griffiths (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) who has been appointed as Under‑Secretary‑General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his commitment and dedicated service.
Serving since 2019 as Ambassador of the European Union to Yemen, Mr. Grundberg brings over 20 years of experience in international affairs, including over 15 years working in conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation, with focus on the Middle East. He previously headed the Gulf Division at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm during the time that Sweden hosted the United Nations-facilitated negotiations that culminated in the Stockholm Agreement in 2018.

and also


(A P)

US State Dep.: The United States Welcomes the Appointment of Hans Grundberg as the New UN Special Envoy for Yemen

The United States welcomes the appointment of Hans Grundberg as the new UN Special Envoy for Yemen. Grundberg brings considerable expertise on Yemen and the region, and we look forward to working closely with him to advance a durable resolution to the conflict in Yemen.

Now is the time for peace.

(A P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] welcomes appointment of new Yemen special representative to UN


(A P)

STC Welcomes Grundberg as New UN Envoy for Yemen


(A P)

Saudi Arabia welcomes appointment of new Yemen envoy


(A P)

UAE welcomes appointment of Grundberg as UN Envoy for Yemen


(A P)

GCC chief says ready to work with new UN envoy to Yemen


(A P)

[Oman’s] Sayyid Badr welcomes appointment of new UN Special Envoy for Yemen


(A P)

‘Knowledgeable’ UN envoy gains international support to end Yemen war


(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] FM welcomes UN Secretary-General's decision to appoint new envoy to Yemen

(A P)

Houthis offer Saudis new plan to end Yemen's war

In order for Yemen's war to end and for the sake of Saudi and Yemeni interests, Riyadh is called to enter in direct talks with Sana'a, the Iranian-backed Houthi group said Thursday in a new initiative offered to Saudi Arabia, asking for Yemen's legitimate authority to be excluded from the whole scene.
The group is committed to good neighbor policy with the Kingdom once a new chapter of serious work begins to lift blockade and end war, the Houthi deputy foreign minister tweeted in his new initiative.
It is not acceptable for the mercenaries to keep posing a stumbling block to peace path, Hassan al-Ezzi added, hinting at the Yemeni UN-recognized government.
The Houthi plan seems to be in response to remarks recently released by the Saudi foreign minister on Houthi rejection of Riyadh initiative.

(A P)

National Salvation Government of Yemen clarifies demands in latest round of peace negotiations

Top member in the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, has underlined the position and principles of the National Salvation Government, which were provided through mediators to the Saudi-led coalition.

“What was said to the US-Saudi-UAE aggression and its allies through mediators, is a gateway to a serious peace and to end the suffering of the Yemeni people by lifting the blockade and providing the humanitarian atmosphere for the Yemeni people, without blackmail or bargaining,” Mohammed al-Houthi wrote on twitter.

“The crimes of starvation committed by the Saudi-led aggression are used as a weapon against the Yemeni people as a whole,” he added.

The National Salvation Government said the humanitarian issue is “a pillar of peace,” and that lifting the embargo on traffic at Sana’a Airport and restrictions on ships reaching the port of Hodeidah is necessary for a lasting ceasefire.

and also

(A P)

Yemen government says may suspend participation in prisoner swap talks

The internationally recognised government of Yemen on Wednesday said it might suspend its participation in UN-sponsored prisoner talks with the Iran-allied Houthi group in the aftermath of killing an abductee in a prison run by the group.

The head of its delegation to the talks Hadi Haig said the killing of Mohsen Al-Qadhi was a flagrant violation of International law and the convention against torture.

The UN silence over such crimes has encouraged the Houthis to commit more violations against prisoners and abductees, he said.

(A P)

U.N. chief to name Swedish diplomat as new Yemen envoy: diplomats

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to shortly name Swedish diplomat Hans Grundberg as his new Yemen envoy, diplomats said, after China informally gave the greenlight for the appointment following a delay of several weeks.

The 15-member Security Council has to approve Grundberg - by consensus - as a replacement for Martin Griffiths, who became the U.N. aid chief last month after trying to mediate an end to the conflict in Yemen for the past three years.

The war has killed tens of thousands of people and caused a dire humanitarian crisis, pushing Yemen to the brink of famine.

Grundberg has been the European Union ambassador to Yemen since September 2019. U.N. officials informally floated his name to council members to solicit views by mid-July and 14 members said they would agree to the appointment, diplomats said.

But China said it needed more time. An official with China's U.N. mission in New York said on Monday that China had now signed off on Grundberg's appointment, but declined to comment on why Beijing's approval had been delayed.

Guterres will now formally notify the council of Grundberg's appointment and the council will respond in a letter giving the greenlight. A spokesman for Guterres declined to comment. =

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp8 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-753 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-753: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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